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File: 142 KB, 1286x724, ev_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11407647 No.11407647 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>11391585

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.11407658
Quoted by: >>11407667

How was Gun Knight Girl? I never did get around to trying it when it came out.

>> No.11407662


I was looking forward to buying that in my next trip over. Bloody hell, importing is going to cost me an arm and a leg.

>> No.11407665
Quoted by: >>11407666

Is EGS down?

>> No.11407666


>> No.11407667

it's pretty good, it's sort of slow in that info gets slowly revealed through all routes
a lot of people had problems with the protagonist but I didn't mind him, he's supposed to be a regular guy amidst military stuff bigger than him

>> No.11408481
File: 89 KB, 798x589, konnyaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they based on japanese politicians or something? The guy on the left reminds me of someone.

>> No.11409154
Quoted by: >>11410253

Monobeno delayed for a month. Dammit.

>> No.11409334

Thanks to those who suggested video capturing tools in the last thread.

>> No.11409925
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x720, disgame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11410895

My sides.

>> No.11409964

Sakurai left Liar-soft.

But the Steampunk series will continue so nobody cares.

>> No.11410024


>> No.11410042
Quoted by: >>11410083

Source on this claim?

>> No.11410083
Quoted by: >>11410249


>> No.11410249

>but still make games for liarsoft

>> No.11410253

god damn.

>> No.11410277

Sounds like she wanted to do more stuff but liar only kept giving her steam punk stuff, so she decided to go independant.
I guess in the best case, we get more Sakurai works while the steam punk series continues? Not sure how I feel about it having to be Fate stuff, though.

>> No.11410457

She is going to work in some Type-Moon stuff?
Why is she degrading herself?

>> No.11410458

Hoshizora Meteor did the same thing too, though.

>> No.11410479

She's writing a story about Fate/Prototype, which means about Ayaka and King Arthur. It's a perfect match for the kind of stories she usually writes (female main, plenty of historical/mythical references, fantastical elements) so I'm pretty excited to see what she does with the setting actually.

>> No.11410480
File: 197 KB, 1166x875, 137342894696513209084_b-13-7-10-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fate Prototype novel thing started serialization months ago, she didn't leave Liar-Soft specifically to be able to work on Type-Moon stuff.

>> No.11410613

>Nitroplus has gone to shit
>EGS died
>Sakurai left Liar-soft
The end is nigh.

>> No.11410626

I didn't want to disrupt the VN thread, yet I've been wanting to post this for a while for a decent lead or answer. I'm from /cgl/, though I've been watching this thread for some time.

I've loved eroges for years, and I'm constantly playing through them and they've been part of my life in a positive way. Art and storytelling are part of my life too, and I'm in college studying game design in hopes that I can make my own proper VNs. I've made a few small ones for my own personal circle and am working on a slightly bigger project, but I wanted to get a better opinion on whether there are chances of ever being hired as a scenario writer or character designer for a Japanese company, being an American female.

I suppose I came here just to see if it'll always be a pipe dream, or if there's some chance of this realistically happening. I always get tempted to write to companies when I see their recruitment pages, although I don't know how that will fare. I'm really looking for anywhere I could start, should I write to them, or what would be helpful.

If this is in the wrong place, I apologize.

>> No.11410629
Quoted by: >>11410640

There's an English VN general on /vg/, I heard.

Try your luck there.

>> No.11410630
Quoted by: >>11410640


You have no chance at a Japanese company.

I think your best bet might be to go indie and do OEL stuff. Your only real competition is KS and Christine Love's stuff (which somehow actually makes money?).

>> No.11410638

Bahi JD became an animator and he is Austrian.
If you are as good with your character design as he is with aniamtion, you probably can land a job. I don't know about an eroge company though, he works for anime companies of course.
>I've loved eroges for years, and I'm constantly playing through them and they've been part of my life in a positive way.
I'm interpreting this as you knowing Japanese, otherwise forget about anything I said.

>> No.11410640

Thank you.

Thank you, I think I will be considering that route. It sounds the most plausible.

>> No.11410647
Quoted by: >>11410661

Yes, I do. And thanks, that is true. I think it helps me think of not throwing out all the possiblities there, so definitely considering that it might be possible along the road.

>> No.11410661
Quoted by: >>11410665


Well, you have to remember that Bahi got where he was by being very enthusiastic and getting a lot of general attention for his work in animation communities. And he spent a lot of time chatting up animators on Twitter/etc.

If you really want to go that route, you've gotta have an impressive body of work and grab some attention + get your name out there with companies. Your chances of success are extremely low regardless, but if you go the OEL route (assuming that you do know Japanese) you could make it a dual language release so you could potentially get attention from Japan too.

>> No.11410665

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind, I was considering to make my current project dual language since I feel that I'm at a better level now than previously to do it.

And yeah, that's pretty much what I considered at the mentioning of Bahi. He's really pushed his name out there, though it's done plenty for him.

>> No.11410895

Mind to tell s source?

>> No.11410902

>google image search

>> No.11410903
Quoted by: >>11411047


>> No.11410940
Quoted by: >>11410959

I want to read Sakurai stuff that isn't just the steampunk series, even though the setting has been quite developed over the years.
Even something more otome-ish by her would be exciting, since her romances still haven't disappointed me save for one at least.

>> No.11410959

Why don't you start with the random nukige she worked on or her earlier stuff with liar-soft like http://vndb.org/v598

>> No.11410979
File: 30 KB, 619x332, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11410981
Quoted by: >>11411008

I really should get around to reading ruitomo at some point.

>> No.11411008
Quoted by: >>11411016

don't be discouraged by the introduction letter

>> No.11411016
Quoted by: >>11411057

why would I be?

>> No.11411047
Quoted by: >>11411347

Huh, I thought I saw that style recently, thanks. And how game itself?

>> No.11411057
Quoted by: >>11411071

Moogy (the poster) goes on and on about how complex and hard it is.

>> No.11411071
Quoted by: >>11412415

Is it complex in that it was written in a really weird way or is it more along the lines of just using lots of weird vocabulary while being overly verbose?

>> No.11411076

I just 100% yu-no over the past few days, can't believe i didn't play it earlier prob #1 on my list.

>> No.11411146

Is there any site to consult results from official character popularity polls? After a while, some official sites are a fucking mess and I'm unable to find them.
It's mostly out of curiosity.

>> No.11411301
Quoted by: >>11411324

How was the cocorofunction trial?

>> No.11411324

Average, nothing really special about it.
It was kinda enjoyable though.

>> No.11411347
Quoted by: >>11411719

It's fun.
Far and away the most entertaining of the three non-nukige I've read from August. Heroine customization is always nice, and the fairly wide selection of hair styles doubly so. Game suffers a bit from the dual artist thing it has going on in my opinion, as Iseri's and Fuuka's CGs look quite a bit better than Sena's and Erina's in my opinion.
Iseri is adorable.
Haven't delved into any routes but hers so far but will definitely do Fuuka's afterwards unless the game goes full retard in what I've got remaining of Iseri's route, because dat Rita voice.

>> No.11411362
Quoted by: >>11411400

A quick question, what's with those underwear/transparency patches that some games seem to have?
I don't mind fapping to the porn, but looking at half-naked sprites the entire game seems a little ridiculous to me.

>> No.11411400

I assume it's an attempt at guaranteeing that you have an erection and are ready to masturbate at all times. Showing skin but not everything also has it's merits, especially in the breasts department, since you are constantly anticipating the moment that you finally see the naked bodies of your favorite heroines in all their naked glory.

Or people just find it hot, I guess.

>> No.11411719
Quoted by: >>11411735

It's good when it's fun. Thanks, now donloading trial.

>> No.11411735
File: 136 KB, 232x324, 2cute4me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11411801

why the trial

>> No.11411801

Well, trial will be downloaded much faster, and I can read prologue while full game is downloading.

>> No.11411820
File: 84 KB, 650x358, saimin_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11411912

Saimin Jutsu 3 trial is out.

>> No.11411894 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 580x348, 1374419622146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11411909

HAHA are enjoy your drawings girls????

>> No.11411909 [DELETED] 

11/10 rekt

nerd holocaust achieved

>> No.11411912

Can't wait, wish every single MC wasn't as scrawny and pale as Murakoshi was, it's like his betaness disregards the mother's genes completely.

>> No.11412415

If I remember correctly, it was some kind of legal contract thingie with lots of legalese or something. It was like reading a terms of agreement or a work contract.

>> No.11412444
File: 845 KB, 1044x757, top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11413154

I just finished the Hime Goto Union trial. The 2 heroines featured are cute (great seiyuu too) and the art is pretty decent, they kinda teased me into wanting to learn more about the other heroines as well. Unfortunately the reverse trap has not been touched upon in more than two scenes, and the last heroine is a mystery other than her actual mystery but I suspect she is one of those "long lost childhood friend" or "childhood promise" heroines. The heroines are the main selling point it feels like.
As for the writing the author goes into tons of detail of everything so it is a bit of a pain to read unless you like that sort of thing. The story itself is decent as it has little slice of life and is more of a hodgepodge of many things but it doesn't take itself that seriously, so far. The MC is neither a bitch nigga, too cool for school, and actually can defend himself/do shit. Too many games have a useless MC that has a cast of heroines who can actually do shit which is really grating.

I never played Taiyou no Promia so I do know this company's track record. It seems they have 4coma up thier site, time to read those.

>> No.11412459

Asking again just in case.

Did anyone else have issues with Totono crashing all the time? It keeps crashing during the 10 questions part. It doesn't always crash but it does most of the time, I always get to the second one or so before it crashes.

>> No.11412467
Quoted by: >>11412472

From what I've heard, yes. I never actually got far enough for it to start crashing myself though.

>> No.11412468
Quoted by: >>11412472

It's probably a feature.

>> No.11412472

If it's a feature then that's complete bull. I know for a fact I'm getting them all right, even. Thanks for the help, back to trying it is then, I guess.

>> No.11412490

Whats the difference between a vn and a light novel?
I only played vn's so i dont know anything about light novels. Whats a noteable one?

>> No.11412496

It crashed occasionally for me when I use the skip function. I had it crashed once during the questions part too. Try to go slowly one click at a time.


>> No.11412498
File: 68 KB, 826x1200, +-E-920-015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LNs aren't as hot

>> No.11412524

Is Fuwanovel down for anyone else? I have a feeling I might of been banned...

>> No.11412539


>> No.11412541
Quoted by: >>11412821

Isn't that site just some lesbian slut's blog about promoting piracy or machine translations or something? Why do you care?

>> No.11412819

Light Novels are novels that are light in wording. Visual Novels are novels with visuals and choices in the story. If you have a good imagination, Light Novels can be pretty fun to read.

>> No.11412821

Listing site for translated. There are other websites with over 1000 untranslated + translated ones.

>> No.11412874

So, how long does it take for a typical age game to get uploaded?

I imagine there isn't much cracking required for a game like Chronicles 4 since it's the same engine across the franchise, right?

>> No.11412942

Months because no one gives a fuck about age in 2013.

>> No.11412980

Just buy it.

>> No.11413154

>(great seiyuu too)
No thank you

>> No.11413220

I will cut you.

>> No.11413288

I will cut you.

>> No.11413363

Man, I've realized that I haven't been able to finish any vn ever since I finished Kyonyuu Fantasy 2. Anyone bored looking for something different to read, I whole heartedly recommend you to try it out. It's nothing deep or new but everything; music, art, plot, setting, characters, especially the male characters, are very well done.

>> No.11413375
Quoted by: >>11413487

Is it pretty easy to read? Also seems like a sequel to that is coming out in a month.

>> No.11413487


It's pretty simple. It's no Griasis or Oretsuba that's for sure.

Unfortunately the FD you're talking about is for the first Kyonyuu Fantasy.

>> No.11413575

Go to Japan and steal it off the shelf.

>> No.11413605

Have any of you ever played a game in which you just can't bring yourself to play after finishing the route of one heroine you really like? Like it actually bothers you that you will not chose her and still have to interact with her?

What's her name?

>> No.11413612

your mom

>> No.11413616

No, and stop misusing the spoiler function.

>> No.11413747

You've got good taste, my good man.

I'm patiently waiting for the final Kyonyuu Fantasy.

>> No.11413750

hinyuu fantasy when

>> No.11413762

Do you guys know how to rip medias from a vn? I'm having trouble with the soft wares that I use. Specifically fate/stay

>> No.11413770
File: 365 KB, 1062x752, 1374969102037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are they supposed to be Americans? They look like Americans.

>> No.11413779
Quoted by: >>11414219


>> No.11413825
Quoted by: >>11414219

I'm pretty sure Fate/ shit uses NScripter, so the usual tools should work just fine.

>> No.11414219
Quoted by: >>11414230

I've got tlg files. What do I do now?

>> No.11414230

Scratch that. It seems xp3 and tlg plugins for susie can't work at the same time.

>> No.11414356
File: 1.17 MB, 1296x752, magical charming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11414567

Anyone play Magical Charming?

What's the Steady Mode thing for? It says I've been lovers with my sister for 3 days now. Is there events or something like Love Plus that I'm supposed to be doing? So far all I can tell is she greets me when I start up the game, says goodbye when I leave, and otherwise provides the voice for the system.

Anything else? Sorry the image is kinda crap, I'm on my laptop.

>> No.11414567
Quoted by: >>11414578

On specific days of the year there are events that happen, these days differ for each character and you can manipulate them with your PC date settings. They can be easily found in several walkthroughs out there.

Also obviously there's the route for each girl once you date them, but I doubt that's what you're asking for.

>> No.11414578
Quoted by: >>11414585

Ahhhhh, thanks. Yeah I did her route after we confessed and kissed at the 'end' of the game. I just don't want to break up with her to start another route unless I know what happens first.

>> No.11414585

There's no penalties for changing the girl you're going steady with except for a sad voice when you do so, so there's no need to worry about that. You can switch back and forth to your heart's desire.

>> No.11414650
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1200, wall02_1920_1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11414714

Would you clean her filthy pussy?

>> No.11414714
Quoted by: >>11414722

With my tongue.

>> No.11414722

But then your tongue will be filthy.

>> No.11414734
Quoted by: >>11414791

A small price to pay

>> No.11414730
Quoted by: >>11414791

Still worth it.

>> No.11414786
Quoted by: >>11414888

I'm interested in reading コミュ, but I can't find jack shit about it since EGS is down.
Is it any good?

>> No.11414791

Are you masochists?
You need to grab her. Hold her tight. Shove the little paper deep inside. Deep enough that she would need to hold herself in order to not make any noise.. but she can't, because you put it in so deep she can't hold it. She moans, louder and more frequently. You can tell she likes. You can tell how intense she feels. You can feel how her body temperature goes up.. you can feel how, in moments, a waterfall will come out from her tiny little cunt. It will be such a great sensation that it will immobilize her until after the seventh period.

>> No.11414801
File: 100 KB, 515x524, 1376701289512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11414856

>Are you masochists?
well, yes

>> No.11414888

It's alright, a story about how a group of people would deal with being able to summon digimon irl and being forced to do it together, but the writer waxes heavily on morals, justice, power corruption and similar, so if you can't stand that stuff it'll be kinda shit
two routes out of 5 are also pretty much unimportant

>> No.11414917

Can something like that be possible?

>> No.11415031

What's wrong with her leg?

>> No.11415045
Quoted by: >>11415060


>> No.11415060

The Bradyon Veda OP is up too.

>> No.11415071

3 months tops I guess. Also skin tight suits that let you see nipples are still stupid.

>> No.11415099

Oh wow, this is actually coming out

>> No.11415167

I really hope VNDB will add writers and artists in the future.

Being without EGS is suffering.

>> No.11415173

Holyseal still has some of those.

>> No.11415233

getchu too

>> No.11415246
Quoted by: >>11415269

Is EGS dead for real?

>> No.11415262
Quoted by: >>11415301

Is there a reason why that hasn't been added yet? Anyone ask in the irc channel?

>> No.11415267 [DELETED] 


Thanks, the video raised my anticipation meter a bit.

>> No.11415269
Quoted by: >>11415389

Most likely, yeah.

>> No.11415270


Thanks,the video raised my anticipation meter a bit.

>> No.11415301

yorhel said time and again it's too much work and doesn't feel like doing it

>> No.11415388

What a lazy bastard

But he had the energy to add a bunch of useless tags

>> No.11415389
Quoted by: >>11415395


What happened? Is there some kind of story behind it? I do love a good story.

>> No.11415395

Some say the creator got drunk and hung himself.

>> No.11415404

Looks like something I will read to take a break of the never ending attack of moege.

>> No.11415441
Quoted by: >>11415448

Maybe he should let someone who's not a lazy piece of shit take over?

>> No.11415448
Quoted by: >>11415450

would you pay for hosting too??/

>> No.11415450
Quoted by: >>11415454

Why would a developer who's working for free pay hosting?

>> No.11415454
Quoted by: >>11415457

Oh I assumed you meant running the site.

>> No.11415457

"Take over development." Is the owner planning to leave the site like it is forever? Adding seiyuu and creators seems like the next logical step.

>> No.11415461
File: 46 KB, 427x125, 4523453547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11415491

After my third play through in Kamidori there are still some missing cgs. If this game wasn't so time consuming I would try to get them without asking here.

My Yuela is level 61 after resetting her level once and I've got all her armors.

>> No.11415463

Exactly. Better add a preferred underwear section or a vocal songs lyrics section instead.

>> No.11415472
Quoted by: >>11415495

Anyone who cares about seiyuu use beautyplanets, what they need is a writer database.

>> No.11415491

>resetting levels

>> No.11415495
Quoted by: >>11415533

If looking at other sites is fine then you can just look at getchu for writers. So I guess that means adding useless shit is the right idea afterall.

>> No.11415504
Quoted by: >>11415540

Why hasn't phantom been uploaded yet? I don't want to play the shitty version.

>> No.11415533

Getchu is not all encompassing or reliable. It doesn't take into account aliases for one.

>> No.11415540
Quoted by: >>11415548

You need to realize that the current situation is pretty shitty, the Japanese don't upload as much stuff as they used to, thanks to the new laws (and it's gonna get worse from now on). There's not enough uploaders to cover everything coming out and it looks like the active ones are more interested in nukige than anything; it's not like you can count on them to upload things they don't want to buy. Re-releases are kinda low priority anyway.

>> No.11415548

>and it's gonna get worse from now on
What do you mean? Are they going to crack down on even more uploaders? It's bad enough we have to wait 6 months for some games now.

>> No.11415554

Japan is a backwards shithole in some regards. Copyright is one them.

>> No.11415556

Okay, I might be a little too hasty to say that, but you can't expect new uploaders to suddenly pop out of nowhere (unless they are from some other Asian country).

>> No.11415566
Quoted by: >>11415568

We need to get some Scene uploaders interested in eroge.

>> No.11415568
Quoted by: >>11415581

They're fags. How about we just learn to wait?

>> No.11415581

I'd wait more patiently if I were sure that the games I want are going to be uploaded someday. Then again, announcing your future purchases might make it easier to track you down, so I can't blame the uploaders. At least 2djgame deliver everything on their list.

>> No.11415879
File: 61 KB, 795x598, umi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My heart is so warm right now it could melt.
Really, really liked this route as a whole, Umi was perfect and her development with Wataru really well done, always pulled a twist to what I expected and integrated the sex scenes particularly well.
Kinda regret doing her first since the route goes lengths on how they both loved each other for years but can't be together because issues.
So incredibly sweet, hope the other routes manage to be like this, left me feeling healed.

>> No.11415965
File: 353 KB, 800x600, 0019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11415969

Out of curiosity, around how long is the common route in itsusora?

>> No.11415969

It's really standard in size, so about 4 hours I guess, the ending itself is pretty... evident.

>> No.11415996 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11416033

If you've read Umi's route, then you should read Rina's route last. The other routes are sub par compared to these two routes.

>> No.11416030

I'm probably going to get shit for this but I hope maruto writes something like konyaku again before he retires.

>> No.11416033
Quoted by: >>11416175

Did Maruto only start getting somewhat consistent by damekoi or something? It's a shame, because I really liked the cast.
At least none of the routes look as potentially bad as chocolat's.

>> No.11416054
Quoted by: >>11416175

I would like it too, or at least a game really low on drama and more romcom focused, I can actually go through those more than once if I feel like it.

>> No.11416175
Quoted by: >>11416286


Maruto is too busy cashing in on LNs. He left WA2 as his magnum opus. He'll never write another game again. Just look at Taiyou no Ko.

>> No.11416286

Lies! ;_;

>> No.11416348
File: 469 KB, 1086x767, 2011-02-02-370217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11416451

I want to protect his smile.

>> No.11416451
File: 743 KB, 1024x600, QQ截图20130706064421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11416482


>> No.11416482

But Schreiber is the miracle of the universe. How could a man be a pervert if all he wishes if pure love?

>> No.11416836 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11417284

Nice to see another fellow female VN gamer on this website. I don't know why we are hated so much by guys... maybe jealously? My boyfriend finds VNs and me apparently weird too ;_; Good luck with your project, though ;D

>> No.11417284

Good job janitors, may I ask what your favourite VN is?

>> No.11417409
Quoted by: >>11417632


No reason to panic around EGS anymore! It should be back in a while.

>> No.11417632
Quoted by: >>11417641

>"went for soup"

>> No.11417641


>> No.11417870
Quoted by: >>11417894

It's up.

>> No.11417894
Quoted by: >>11417902

Does it work without proxy now!?

>> No.11417902


>> No.11418259
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently WA2 is pretty good, but what about its predecessor?

>> No.11418351
Quoted by: >>11418367

Finished Gunjou no Sora wo Koete. I found it to be extremely satisfactory. Though I had a general idea of what to expect of the novel beforehand, I didn't expect such drama, and it had one of the most well-written drama I've read in eroge. It had its flaws, but it had such a complicated and thought-out setting/scenario, and I liked how the characters changed as routes progressed. Also, the OP was godly.
I'll probably continue reading through my backlog, or try some other games by 早狩武志.

>> No.11418354

From what's been said here it's mediocre at best.

>> No.11418367
Quoted by: >>11418407

I loved the game myself, how did you feel about the ending?

>> No.11418407
Quoted by: >>11418441

The entire ending sequence was spectacular in my opinion; it posed a question that challenged all of the character route endings and gave me something to think about. I think it was the best way to end it, but one part of me still wants an epilogue.

>> No.11418441
Quoted by: >>11418505

Yeah after thinking about it I felt the same. I kind of had to ask because it seemed like such a love or hate thing

>> No.11418504
Quoted by: >>11418819

Speaking of that. I can't seem to find the old Windows version anywhere. If only for curiosity, it's still frustrating to be unable to find something.

>> No.11418505

I do sort of understand that the game may seem to lack some sort of theme or feel incomplete due to the the lack of a conclusion, but as an open ending it was nicely executed in my opinion.

>> No.11418819
Quoted by: >>11418838

I have a Korean patched version, but trying to get the sound working on the Japanese version is quite complicated(there is a Japanese exe that works but without bgm.) I could upload it tomorrow if you want, but I'd keep looking for it.

>> No.11418838
Quoted by: >>11418960

Korean would be useless to me sadly. Is it one of those games that's a pain to run on modern Windows? Would it work better through a Win98 VM or DOSbox/Win95?

>> No.11418953 [DELETED] 

Any recommendations for VNs with good teacher heroines?

>> No.11418960
Quoted by: >>11418985

The one I have works on XP and 7, not sure how it would do in older versions of Windows. And I meant that there is a file in my game folder that probably was the original exe file that had to be patched from Japanese. When I run it, the Japanese version runs without bgm. The program that acts as a medium to play music is in Korean, which is probably the reason why everything starts to crash if you want to play the game in Japanese using the audio patch since both prgorams need the unicode language thing set to their respective languages to work. I'm sure there is an alternative program or something, but imo you're better off finding the original version... I'll try to make it work anyhow, I've wanted to play this for some time too.

>> No.11418981

Any recommendations for VNs with teacher heroines? I tried searching teacher heroine tag on vndb, but couldn't find anything that looked interesting.

>> No.11418985
Quoted by: >>11421055

Oh, those types of things are always interesting.
I'll keep on looking and post back though, yeah.
It's on Japanese Amazon. But I've never bought from there. Don't know their policies on foreign shipping, and I'd rather not pay for a 10-15 year old game from anything other than the original author/s.

>> No.11418989

Yeah, no they're all shit. Japan doesn't like girls over 18.

>> No.11419009
Quoted by: >>11419026

Damekoi has a teacher heroine, but the main character is not a student though.

>> No.11419026

Looks decent enough. Thanks.

>> No.11419145

What happened to 奈良原一鉄? Did he retire leaving Muramasa as his magnus opus? Did he die in a honorable duel?

>> No.11419191

red man/blue man aren't moe enough for the current market

>> No.11419196
Quoted by: >>11419214

I really liked the teacher in Tenshinranman.

>> No.11419214
File: 666 KB, 1041x585, weirdestboner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This face gave me the weirdest boner, man.

>> No.11419396

Probably...maybe is doing some LN with his real name.

>> No.11419414
File: 261 KB, 1267x721, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone in USA fluent in Japanese?

>> No.11419424
File: 83 KB, 1035x633, Negai no Kakera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11419427

Same reason they can't speak proper English.

>> No.11419425

To fit into the story. It's like all those old rome television shows where everyone speaks English because that's the only language the audience understands.

>> No.11419427

Translator a shit.

>> No.11419429

So they can play Japanese porn games

>> No.11419517

Why do they think the average American makes any differentiation between Japanese people, Koreans, and Chinese?

>> No.11419593

The character in question is bit of a weaboo.

>> No.11419599

the black one calls him chinese

>> No.11419622

2 I can think of are Lovely Cation and Suimin Yuugi.

>> No.11419644

Is there an good NTR game in which the MC has a childhood friend that is not his girlfriend but they have mutual feelings for each other? I am having a tough time finding one.

>> No.11419647

Also it would be a plus if she is aggressive about it but he is being a chicken shit.

>> No.11419663


Pick one.
Seriously, there are 3 NTR games I've played that aren't shit, one of which is still magical penis (Kanojo wa Gatenkei) and the other two aren't even really NTR games (Choukou Sennin Haruka and Oyako Rankan).

>> No.11419720

mabu-rabu alternative

>> No.11420021

Committed sudoku because he realized that he would never write anything better than Muramasa.

>> No.11420067
Quoted by: >>11420094

He can't write something better than a story for a mediocre game?

>> No.11420094

no need to post a lengthy wall of text about why it is mediocre, no one will fall for it, instead just a one or two word shitpost will do

>> No.11420203
Quoted by: >>11420488

Committed what?

>> No.11420210

anyone played seven bridge here? I'm considering picking it up this month

>> No.11420258

So uh, I don't know moonspeak and I've only played about 3 VNs. Are there any recommended ones?

>> No.11420262


>> No.11420267
Quoted by: >>11421018


>> No.11420273
File: 622 KB, 1293x1905, recommendation list - 1249515591260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11420302

This is an amazing recommendation chart.

>> No.11420339

R.I.P. Sekilala ;_;

>> No.11420417


>> No.11420488


>> No.11421018

Heh, the only ones I've played on that chart are Yume Miru Kurusi and Sengoku Rance.

I just don't like the popular stuff

>> No.11421019 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11421021

Hey, 監獄戦艦 is pretty good!

>> No.11421020
Quoted by: >>11421021

Hey, 監獄戦艦 and 林間倶楽部 are pretty good!

>> No.11421021
Quoted by: >>11421024

Nukige are not good. I also don't like to share my women with other men like a fag.

>> No.11421024
Quoted by: >>11421025

why do you read VNs if you don't like nukige?

>> No.11421025

For the plot of course. Don't ask silly questions please.

>> No.11421032
Quoted by: >>11421050

lol we got an eroge veteran right here

he's played ten eroge we should look up to him

>> No.11421047

I do like popular stuff. But very few on that list could hold my attention much. Started 8-10 of them and only finished 1.

>> No.11421050

VNDB says I've played 157

Not an expert at all, like davidlu9837 but it's not terrible. I just prefer cute moege and not deep psychological shit is all.

>> No.11421055
Quoted by: >>11421063

Believe I've found it.
HELL yeah. Requires an account, but there's loads of shit on the tracker anyways.

>> No.11421057
File: 313 KB, 800x600, 0031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play itsusora. It's a pretty good moege.

>> No.11421063
File: 3 KB, 432x39, 無題3107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great. Nevermind.

>> No.11421071
Quoted by: >>11421137

But moege ARE popular and are commonly at the top of sales rankings.

If you want true hipster cred, you need to go for the weirder and crazier doujin games that sold a grand total of 3 copies.

>> No.11421073
File: 307 KB, 1280x720, 46223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, ok. My favorite VNs are stuff like Tsun na Kanojo Dere na Kanojo, Angel Ring, and Loverable.

Currently playing Magical Charming and oh god I've been having moegasms.

>> No.11421082

It's the same company as Magical Charming, so be ready for more of the same.

>> No.11421137
File: 494 KB, 1227x1645, 7066f586520bf97ad6e6b0662eb227e18325c2d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11421143

I'm actually the opposite of hipster, I'm a weenie faggot who loves overly cute shit. Hell I think my favorite VN of all time is Galaxy Angel.

>> No.11421143

I agree that moege are great and all, but you don't need to blog here. That's what /vg/ is for.

>> No.11422193
Quoted by: >>11422200

I've been meaning to play Magical Charming since しげた worked on it. Is there any plot involved or is it strictly a moege?

>> No.11422200
Quoted by: >>11422207

Moege routes, plot-worthy true route.

>> No.11422207

Sounds good to me.

>> No.11422315

I'm also wanting to play Magical Charming and Hoshi no Ne Sanctuary.

I love imouto. How are the imouto in these?

>> No.11422459
Quoted by: >>11422507

Imouto is pretty good in the latter, but her route is absolute garbage.

>> No.11422507
Quoted by: >>11422592

Damn, I see. Thanks.
Are the rest of the routes worth it at least?

>> No.11422592

I thought Hisui's and Yomi's routes were decent enough.

>> No.11422802


How much fighting is there in Itsu Sora?

>> No.11422810


>> No.11422818
Quoted by: >>11422824

Don't read it if that's all you're after.

>> No.11422824


If I want to read it, what should I be after then?

>> No.11422898
File: 325 KB, 800x600, capture_001_23102012_220241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11423797

Shumon's writing; lots and lots of wordplays, fantasy drama and mysteries plus some pretty good humor and two of the heroines are really awesome. I didn't find the game as great as Asairo but it's still a worthwhile read.

>> No.11422912
File: 188 KB, 1286x768, colony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Korone's first loop and while I really like her I just don't like any of the other heroines. I don't want to go through more Nodoka or god forbid Inori.

Is there much payoff? I am liking the MC is just chill about the whole situation and not going full emo.

>> No.11423189

Hoshi no ne sanctuary is probably the worst moege I`ve read in a while, I did Octavius and Imouto route and both were pretty meh, Octavius was your typical I`m rich your poor route the other doesn`t even worth being mentioned.

Dunno about the other. The best moege, that I played, from last month is ガールズbeアンビシャス!

>> No.11423301
Quoted by: >>11423797

Great heroines, very good writing, and a very intricate story.

>> No.11423356

Hey /jp/ I just finished my 4th moege in a row, PriministAr, now I'm looking for something more serious to read, what are the tittle that you anons recommend based in their scenario/plot released recently ? I was thinking in なつくもゆるる, but I don't know, I'm not much into lolis, but if the scenario is really good I'll give a try..

>> No.11423366 [DELETED] 


>> No.11423447

Read harumade kururu

>> No.11423473
File: 1.16 MB, 1286x768, QQ截图20130916221738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the most hilarious faces I've seen in a while

>> No.11423797
Quoted by: >>11423877

But Ixrec hated it so it must be shit.

>> No.11423877

Nobody cares about Ixrec. What does moogy our lord and savior think about it?

>> No.11423925

>9.1 Itsuka, Todoku, Ano Sora ni.
In otherwords it's moogy approved

>> No.11423938

Moogy is a fan of Shuumon. And so am I and so should be everybody else too.

>> No.11424013 [DELETED] 
File: 641 KB, 3500x4194, fuck my life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be Japanese
>You will never live in glorious Nippon
>You will never learn their language no matter how many times you spend trying
>You will never be able to enjoy Japan's goods such as anime, manga, VN, LN, video games, food, music, etc.
>You will forever be a baka gaijin who will never be able to experience the true culture of otaku and will always have to depend on subs instead
>You will never live the life you desire
>You will never live the dream
>You will forever be
>a baka

Why is life so unfair?

>> No.11424019

lol nice feel bro i know that tfw lol good post

>> No.11424028


>> No.11424040
File: 2.06 MB, 1296x1001, guards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11424997

Well. this is entertaining enough. I like that they went out of their way to voice all the male characters.

>> No.11424058
Quoted by: >>11424071

Ourai no Gahkthun: Shining Night when?

>> No.11424071

when you buy it and upload it

>> No.11424623

Is Muramasa Japanese hard?
All I can read is moege

>> No.11424697

understanding the story, no.
understanding every single word, yes.

>> No.11424771
File: 270 KB, 1280x720, XLCtj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11424793

3 days till the trial of Senshinkan

>> No.11424793

Masada confirmed it being gakuenmono rabucome, shit sucks dropped, I was so looking foward to having crazy fighting. Masadas such a troll for trolling us like this.

>> No.11424813
Quoted by: >>11424855

>All I can read is moege
You'll probably give up at the first sword fight 5 minutes into the game, if not at the title screen.
Try a more gradual approach, there's a lot of good eroge that are more approachable for someone coming from moege (Grisaia series, Steampunk series, IM series, ML series, BaldrSky come to mind) and that will introduce you to certain terminology a little bit more gradually than Muramasa (it won't be sufficient, but still better than nothing).
Remember that it took 50 hours for 80 people and from more than 50 to more than 100 hours for over 90 people on EGS. I think I've spent at least 80 hours on it too.
As the other anon has said, the plot isn't really difficult to follow, but I've seen people here who missed blatant parts of it so...

>> No.11424841

there was a vn called something like this my mother turned to a 16 year old teenager. a link to the data would be nice

>> No.11424855
File: 464 KB, 1030x793, 0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of those, I would think that the steampunk series would probably be the best to start with. While it may use some weird terminology, Sakurai usually uses pretty simple sentences, so it probably wouldn't be that hard to get through, and you'll probably start getting used to less common words.

>> No.11424881

Right, and she also uses repetition a lot as part of her storytelling to the point where some sentences remain stuck in your head, which is really helpful. 数式領域展開, etc.

>> No.11424997
Quoted by: >>11425274


Kyonyuu Fantasy 2 owns bones y'all, OWNS!! 2/3 of the cast are male and they're all voiced with most of them being interesting. The text aren't hard at all so get it if you're not in the middle of reading something else.

>> No.11425274 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 890x552, top_mainimg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clochette announced they're making a new game. Who's ready for more oversized tits?

>> No.11425329

>that last line
Jesus Christ.
I know all the kanji, but seeing it in a long ass string like that is overwhelming.

>> No.11425341

kanjispam is cool
>地球帝国宇宙軍太陽系直援部隊直属, 第6世代型恒星間航行決戦兵器

>> No.11425345

Obligatory 神咒神威神楽 violent kanji inferno:

>> No.11425350
Quoted by: >>11425355

It's like I'm really reading chink!

>> No.11425355
Quoted by: >>11425370

well considering a lot of kkk is taken from buddhist mantras and old moonspeak that was basically ported marsspeak, you aren't far from the truth

>> No.11425370
Quoted by: >>11425421

I hope shinkansen goes back to more normal japanese, but makes me miss german.

>> No.11425421
Quoted by: >>11425646

I hope not. Kanjispam is great.

>> No.11425646
Quoted by: >>11425879

>Kanjispam is great.
Said no one ever.

>> No.11425853

can you guys suggest me some games which have a great friendship? i dont really understand why but recently no one makes a game which have a great side male character.or more like most of them dont even make a side male character now.i want something like tsuyokiss, where mc have a couple (or at least one) male friend with full trust.

>> No.11425879

I just said it. I love kanji.

>> No.11425886

Try last month's Girls Be Ambitious. The protagonist and his merry band of poor people are constantly scheming to annoy the rich people, which is quite entertaining.

>> No.11425888

Akatsuki no Goei.

>> No.11425889

maybe clannad?

>> No.11425890
Quoted by: >>11425961

It was actually half decent? How is the osananajimi

>> No.11425954
File: 684 KB, 1280x720, capture_002_16092013_142336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of hivemind is this? I'm reading that right now AND was also thinking asking about similar type of games. The osananajimi is the only girl in their group of five.

And it seems I've been suggesting Asairo to a lot of people lately but that game's all about friendship. Although the protagonist is the only male in the central group the male sides also receive some spotlight later in the second chapter and are pretty damn awesome in their own right.

Saihate no IMA also focuses a lot on the entire group and both male friends have big, plot essential roles along with the heroines.

>> No.11425958
Quoted by: >>11425964

I see two girls.

>> No.11425961
File: 1.11 MB, 1410x1005, ImageBoard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's fairly good, actually. The focus is on the war between the "Celebs" (the rich people) and the common people, which constantly brings up petty hostilities between the two. The interactions within the protagonist's group of friends give their relationships an authentic feel (they are the kind of highschool buddies who enjoy stirring up trouble and then getting the hell out if they might get caught; I'm not sure how to explain it better, but the way they act is a bit "realistic", for better or for worse) and the game rarely drops the comedy, which is mostly good. If anything makes it worth playing, it's their friendship, which is present throughout the entire game.

The osananajimi, being part of the group, also joins the fun, poking fun at the rest of the crew and also doing her part in annoying the hell out of the Celebs. She's a bit different from the typical childhood friend in that she's more of a regular friend, but you can tell that she and the protagonist have known each other for a long time.

>> No.11425964
File: 731 KB, 1280x720, capture_014_17092013_050950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11425966

>plot essential roles along with the heroines.
How I wish they didn't all get replaced for ima 5 and one of them killed offscreen. I guess it's the point, but damn
Minami was cool, I guess.

>> No.11425974

Wearing boy cloths doesn't make you a boy, neither does wearing girl cloths make you a girl. Until I see a penis it is a girl to me.

>> No.11426010

What if it's a girl with a penis?

>> No.11426036

I guess you'll always be a girl to me, Anon-chan.

>> No.11426052
Quoted by: >>11426409

You must be disappointed that so many girls don't get routes.

>> No.11426180

What are you, some kind of homosexual?

>> No.11426206
File: 291 KB, 1271x709, it's a trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just done with the trial. I love the MC being cynical and short-tempered.

>> No.11426221

Have you gotten any recruitment letters from Hadena yet?

>> No.11426224

Thanks for the translation, bro. None of us here know Japanese, after all, so it's quite helpful.

>> No.11426240
Quoted by: >>11426261

Didn't even translate the name.

>> No.11426261
File: 289 KB, 1271x709, 1379468024062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11426267


>> No.11426267

Kill yourself.

>> No.11426346
File: 654 KB, 1280x720, Detective Erina is on the case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11426352

I wish my underwear had famous phrases on it too.

>> No.11426372


Why is she trying to take a photo? Doesn't she realize the skirt flip is on the other side?

>> No.11426385


>> No.11426390
File: 469 KB, 1280x720, Rui-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11426413

Mirrors. The context is he and mc sneaked in the rich school wearing their uniform, but they only had one pair, so someone had to wear a female dress, everybody agreed that he would look better than Sena (the orange haired girl >>11425961), so he was kinda forced, anyway, she recognized him and took the photo for blackmail / the sake of it

>> No.11426394
Quoted by: >>11426398


Is this a machine translation?

>> No.11426398
Quoted by: >>11426404

all vn translations are

>> No.11426404

I would suck her dick.

Yes, no one here actually knows japanese.

>> No.11426409

I don't play routes other than osananajimi routes in most so every other girl might as well be a non-heroine in said games.

>> No.11426413
Quoted by: >>11426427


I was hoping that it was a tomboy who wore boy's boxers. Because at looked more like a girl's pubis than a buldge..

I feel sad now.

>> No.11426427


now im just sad and or gay

>> No.11426441
File: 258 KB, 960x800, boys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no way of surviving next month. The only available option is to embrace it!

>> No.11426456
Quoted by: >>11426463

How do I become a professional eroge player?
I'm too slow, I spend almost a whole month with any short eroge.
Should I start pressing enter instead of clicking?

>> No.11426463
Quoted by: >>11427050

Don't think, feel

>> No.11426478

That's absolutely normal if you read any amount of scifi. What scares me more is a bunch of obscure kanji being used out of the blue with no furigana at all.

>> No.11426483

So is 神咒神威神楽 going to be the new "fuck you" VN to mention when eop show up after Muramasa gets translated?

>> No.11426504
Quoted by: >>11426538

Is still worth reading hatsuyuki sakura even if I was spoiled, by vndb, that both Mc and Sakura are ghosts, she's was his bride before dying and he's the physical manifestation of all the ghosts who died in the hotel / ghost child ?

>> No.11426538
Quoted by: >>11426546

depends on what you want out of it. some of the characters are fun and hatsuyuki is a pretty cool protagonist. I didn't really think the scenario was that great to begin with, though.

>> No.11426545

I'd rather stick with Asairo and Itsusora as far as that goes, but that would work too.

>> No.11426546
Quoted by: >>11426572

Hmm, actually I'm already in the ending (?) of the common route (Christmas, Nemu, I mean, Sakuya just showed up by the first time). So far, I don't know what to think about this novel yet, it has a great bgm but I find the rest average... is the scenario weak ?

>> No.11426556

>Muramasa being translated
Wasn't the project dead since 2011 ?

Also, Albatross

>> No.11426572
Quoted by: >>11426581

The focus is the characters, not the plot. Also, common route? Bitch please, you're still in the prologue.

>> No.11426581
Quoted by: >>11426601

Fair enough. So I still have a long way to do the routes ? Is all of them worth reading ? The anon who recommended it to me said I should read only Aya and Sakura.

>> No.11426596

You forgot no homo.

>> No.11426601

Don't treat it as a moege. True end or go home.

>> No.11426645
Quoted by: >>11426647

Okay, game started. When can I change the heroines hairstyles?

>> No.11426647

halfway through normal route they start giving the options

>> No.11427050
Quoted by: >>11427062

It's harder than you'd think to not think, dude.

>> No.11427062
Quoted by: >>11427087

I try not to t h i n k a b o u t i t .

>> No.11427087

Heh, you said "tit".

>> No.11427946

New thread:


>> No.11435428
Quoted by: >>11435548

Does she have a dick?

>> No.11435548

Looks kind of small, but yeah.
