>> | No.44463778 File: 353 KB, 752x423, com.katawa_shoujo.KatawaShoujo-6d9608b47c22c7f5cb00239abdd85fb5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>44462774 >You ok bakabaka? There's a long history of anons saying they're going to make a game and giving up. Can you blame me for being skeptical. I'm not exaggerating when I say you're probably the 11th person I've seen do this on /jp/ and that's not counting the other boards. You've already made a mistake of publicly announcing a game without anything to show. I've seen guys with playable demos who gave up. With that said you'll learn from this, so it's not a complete waste of time. Just spare me with your false promises. It's not going to happen anon; especially with Godot, GDscript , and C++.
And to the other anons don't encourage this guy. You're setting him up for failure. Tell him the reality of the situation so that maybe he'll be the first anon to break the curse. Katawa Shoujo was the first project that broke the curse but 4chan can't really take credit for that project seeing how it was taken over by other communities. Those engine baby (meme) games on /vg/ don't count either.