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File: 301 KB, 1482x1671, Fz31BwdagAMjqv-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43886646 No.43886646 [Reply] [Original]

Last: >>43870521

Prayer Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as “Era games thread”
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model.
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.

>> No.43886697
File: 97 KB, 640x786, 1579339648421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about smoking
What benefits and negative effects would you expect in TW? Like a relaxing effect that boosts your mental energy but at a cost to your stamina? Smoking too much in a week causes reversible health problems?
There's normal smokes, expensive cigars with more ene and less sta cost, e-cigarettes(upgradeable) with much smaller benefit but no downsides, etc? What about opium or maybe weed? TSP recovery?
Of course you should be able to share them, like sake. Some 2hus would like to smoke, some wouldn't. And of course no smoking for pregnant hus.

>> No.43886713
Quoted by: >>43886796

non-smoker 2hus would ask you to take a bath if you try to kiss them after smoking or would get angrier the more you smoke around them

>> No.43886720
File: 76 KB, 880x434, Neutral SMT1 Hero win.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43898624

My entire existence is pain, but I managed to kill another superboss who outright denied all my 'nuclear option' attacks. So who's next on my list? I've gotten Arena Satan down, and now SMT1 Hero. maybe Tax Evasion Demiurge?

>> No.43886725
Quoted by: >>43886800

e-cigs give you homo xp

>> No.43886746

I just want to be able to donate to shrines and temples
Poor reimu...

>> No.43886758

How about growing your own tabacco or weed and selling them for big bucks

>> No.43886770

hard pass

>> No.43886796
File: 282 KB, 1300x1000, 1582644334812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get angrier the more you smoke around them
Sure, that's a given. But maybe just some flat increase to anger every time she sees you doing it, and some kind of vocal complaint that she doesn't like it so that there's no situation where you'll get hate 3 the first time you smoke near her and then if she's your lover she doesn't mind it even if you use an entire pack right in her face. It's a thing for sake, isn't it? Some 2hus are just nondrinkers and always refuse alcohol.
Also different cigs should give you different anger ratings, I guess. I don't know, do e-cigs smell?

>> No.43886800

ERPing with /egg/ anons gives homo exp.

>> No.43886825
Quoted by: >>43886838

as a smoker, cheap cigs smell either like trash or burnt grass
mid-expensive cigs have a discreet smell or smell like mint/fruit if you buy flavored cigs
homemade cigs smell like chocolate when not lit up, and smell like mid-tier cigs when lit up (may smell like mint since mint filters are a thing)
e-cigs smell like their flavor, but still smell awful for non-smokers
cigars have the strongest smell of them all, strong enough to make a frequent smoker choke or question what the fuck is the smell around them

>> No.43886838
Quoted by: >>43886873

You've been buying shit cigars, lemme tell you.

>> No.43886843

This but with methamphetamine and cocaine.

>> No.43886856

>turning Gensokyo into a hopeless hellscape

>> No.43886873
Quoted by: >>43886875

i'm a third worlder, of course i buy shit cigars

>> No.43886875
File: 60 KB, 1208x1138, 2tZfASk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up Vietnam

>> No.43886876

>drugs everywhere
so tohoK if everyone had the opioid addict trait

>> No.43886885

i'm not the viet anon, jackass, i'm from south america

>> No.43886888

But isn't Vietnam in South America though? I mean I'm at least somewhat right.

>> No.43886891


>> No.43886946
File: 11 KB, 1099x270, Boost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Set up a pseudo luster candy custom skill
>add delay dia to heal myself thus making the skill cost 0 HP
that anon last thread wasn't kidding about custom skills breaking eramegaten

>> No.43886958
File: 9 KB, 252x200, what the absolute fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very clearly asian country
>in south america
NA education...

>> No.43886993

You want one of my secrets? Holy Grail, Maha Analyze, or Shield of Defense tacked onto a buff and heal.

Or better yet. Tack on all your flavors of charge (Power Charge, Cut off, that other one), max out only the buff you need, then unleash hell like Holy Dance or Hassou Tobi.

My latest one is just abusing the innate Pierce effect of Awakened Gungnir and slapping the ever loving shit out of every enemy I could. You saw the setup. 2000 base power, 100% crits, slip to guarantee extra physical damage after the first hit, and several hits in a row to guarantee someone and their party is minced meat. Helps that Slash is one of the cheaper elements. I did this all on under 500 HP costs. Under 500 HP. for a skill that hits so hard it killed several superbosses in one round and guaranteed I died 100× over if I got hit with the reflect. Something that can deal over a million damage at neutral resistance/null.

Shit's busted if you know what you're doing.

>> No.43887095

Top american education

>> No.43887146
Quoted by: >>43889342

I just found out that Black Thunders are a real type of candy bar, the second thing I've learned today.
How has your day been, friends?

>> No.43887166
File: 334 KB, 423x393, NEVER BACK DOWN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haven't played Eramegaten because of backlog
>Bunch of filler episodes to put on and watch while I dive back into the game
>Just as fun as I remembered it, even with the nutty encounter rate
I will get Byakuren, mark my words

>> No.43887197

Custom skills are broken enough that I refuse to use them anymore. Out of all the broken shit in the game they are too much for me.

>> No.43887220
Quoted by: >>43887227

So anyways I was going to post some inquiry before I got derailed by Custom Skills.

Besides learning the system and some C++ in my spare time, is there anything I should know about making my own mods? Mostly in terms of balance and pacing. But also in possibly making my own class/subclass.

A lot of my ideas are just odd weapons, items, armors, and junk that never quite fits into its own entire identity. Shields can work with BotW, but at the same time who here wants a functional ballistic shield and access to both a gun and a baton, or bundles of dynamite or a BFG9000? Or better yet, who wants to become a Mechanical Maiden? Additionally, I could throw together a few odd monsters for shits and giggles like a Nu, or a Metal Slime. Maybe a separate map for them to show up on alongside the more generic monsters. Dunno yet, still fresh on the 'Gun Runner's Arsenal' of modding.

Side note, who here wants a Deathclaw?

>> No.43887227

The japanese wiki has a whole bunch of resources that might interest you. Just run it through google translate if you don't know moon. For example this is the page on guidelines for character implementation.

>> No.43887286

I wish TW had pubic hair

>> No.43887328

Be the change?

>> No.43887355

I kinda wish it didn't, I think it's got hm, a lot of potential to be disgusting. But a system in place makes sense. As long as you can turn it all off.
That way there's no risk of ever seeing mentions of it or actual dialogue text describing it.

>> No.43887643

As someone who likes them, I don't think it really matters in a text game like this. It's not like there is any real visual representation of whats happening and it hardly bares mention itself in dialog.

>> No.43887791
File: 59 KB, 906x1200, 1684887400021601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43887840

I think I fucked up something in my megaten game, I made a custom event that's supposed to disappear after it gives you a character but it kept appearing every day making it possible to recruit the character over and over.
What do?

>> No.43887840
Quoted by: >>43888525

Post the code for the appearance of the event

>> No.43888525
File: 33 KB, 1188x626, 1676621317700434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43888577


>> No.43888577

Add this to the level check:" & イベントフラグ:109:0 == 0 "
Since your code currently only checks for the level of the master, it remains available.

>> No.43889233
File: 67 KB, 213x191, Reimu (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was sleeping, what just happened?

>> No.43889254
File: 12 KB, 1072x156, XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43889275
File: 73 KB, 1175x426, Cute Tewi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Tewi? I think she cute

>> No.43889342
File: 65 KB, 1261x937, Kaguya's Confession and acceptation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaguya confessed to me yesterday, i am very Happy, now i only have to conquer Tewi

>> No.43889427
File: 564 KB, 515x769, South America.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where exactly?

>> No.43889753

I mean you've got to admit that the shape of Africa and South America is kind of similar.
Mistake could've been made by anyone...

>> No.43889771

It's basically the same country. Mexico is mexico no matter where it is.

>> No.43889808
File: 1.05 MB, 1442x588, PATCHOULIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, i don't have nothing towards Patchouli-Afrika anon, it's just kek

>> No.43889901

I hate you people.

>> No.43889947

I love you people

>> No.43890105
Quoted by: >>43890819

i hate certain groups of people

>> No.43890344

I hate all groups of people.

>> No.43890728
Quoted by: >>43892521


>> No.43890819
File: 725 KB, 626x680, YouBotherMe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this picture every time you think of posting

>> No.43890911
Quoted by: >>43891148

i'm kind of too lazy to capitalize stuff when casually writing

>> No.43890946
Quoted by: >>43891314

Shoo away XDanon

>> No.43891148

Just move your pinkie to the left anon

>> No.43891314

Stop Stalking me American cunt

>> No.43891327

Ok, I will always capitalize the "I", thank you for telling me

>> No.43891336
Quoted by: >>43891368

Will you guys forgive Viet-anon(me) for his bad english and tell get him how to be improve?

>> No.43891338

viets consider defeating the americans the feather in their cap and are very proud of the victory
this combined with their utter hatred of the chinese means that the bad blood went away far faster than anyone expected

>> No.43891368

And tell him how to improve herself?*

>> No.43891393
File: 846 KB, 823x832, Remilia (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43891429
Quoted by: >>43891443

You compared me to THAT!?
I didn't capitalize shit, he fucked up badly
Fucking NA dogs

>> No.43891443
Quoted by: >>43891449

Thank you so muuuuuuuch
t. vietanon

>> No.43891449


>> No.43891461
File: 2 KB, 760x71, Wha the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on the Suzu?

>> No.43891470
File: 384 KB, 1497x387, Hags Reunion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Cult Of The Hags

>> No.43891477
Quoted by: >>43891657

Made for yuri
Made for threesomes with Akyuu

>> No.43891488
Quoted by: >>43891517

Where are Yuuka, Seiga, and Junko?

>> No.43891492
Quoted by: >>43891535

Suwako is older than Kanako.

>> No.43891517

I think they we're in the Reunion, but you know that the maximum of characters in screen is 10

>> No.43891535

She goes into the lolibaba squad alongside satori, not the old maids alliance

>> No.43891657

Yuri is for cucks.

>> No.43891760

How do I even use hypnosis properly in TW? Fucking thing never passes the roll and every time it fails I lose a good chunk of relation with people.

>> No.43891798
File: 2.72 MB, 1967x2731, 88dff5aba6263ffa17fb4dcd2ebcae4a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you guys do if an /egg/ anon got turned into a 2hu (especially one you really like)? Would you date them and cuddle with them?

>> No.43891818
Quoted by: >>43891823

Stop being an autogynophile.

>> No.43891823
Quoted by: >>43891886

You're the same guy who had a panic attack on the yandere thread.

>> No.43891838

Impregnate them

>> No.43891849

Head Pat [309]

>> No.43891886

Stop being delusional.

>> No.43891963

Aya is over 1000 years old
she is a HAG

>> No.43892145
Quoted by: >>43892154

No, all of you have no morals and are bad people

>> No.43892154

I do not rape or drug my 2hus without their verbal consent.

>> No.43892337

A few quick questions on TW.
How do you permanently raise your partner stats? I'm finding myself tiring them out before I completely dump my vigor and I want to avoid having to bang two side by side to do that.
How do you get cooking chocolate? I unlocked a pretty strong recipe but it requires chocolate which I've only ever gotten on valentines day as a gift.
Lastly what's the prevention rate on the various contraceptives? Somehow I got Yumemi pregnant even though she always pops a pill if she leads or asks for a condom if the player leads (at least for my current affection level).

>> No.43892349
Quoted by: >>43892388

>I got Yumemi Pregnant
Is she angry at you, also, good taste

>> No.43892361

How do I get favorability up? Patch really likes me and we have sex but I want her to love me

>> No.43892385
Quoted by: >>43892400

How do you have that problem? I never had problems raising favorability, in, nobody, can you explain more please?

>> No.43892388

>Is she angry at you
Surprisingly, no. I was expecting bad things to happen if I managed to get her pregnant before she reached loving but she's too horny constantly to care about that now it seems.

>> No.43892400
Quoted by: >>43892450

Nothing much to explain except that its going so slow even when we bang. Do I have to give her gifts or something?

>> No.43892450
Quoted by: >>43892489

Yeah, i recommend you to cook for to her, touch music in front of her and search the best place to give Patchy gifts, which is actually Scarlet devil Mansion or Forest of Magic, there they sell things that she likes a lot, do you want to see how many favorability and intimacy i have with her?

>> No.43892470
Quoted by: >>43892489

More dates, more hugs, more kisses. Do it outside so she'll get a chance to accumulate some gems without pushing you down.
Take a look at her stats, she might have given you full consent without you even noticing. Especially if she was leading. Afaik any contraception is fully effective. She might have been in heat and unable to think straight, but if you reach love - should be easy now - everything will be daijobu.

>> No.43892480
File: 84 KB, 1127x370, I fixed AQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43892544

>How do you permanently raise your partner stats?
Training together and sex, lots of sex. You can also use drug on them to increase their sta/ene for the day.
>How do you get cooking chocolate?
Not sure exactly but you probably need to be a decent cook.

>> No.43892481
File: 150 KB, 1136x907, Second day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43893970

Hey Seiga-Anon, Here Vietnam-anon
I want to say to you that i am still working in the Seiga translation, today i will translate the second ERB file, her dialogue will be translated for this month

>> No.43892489

Favorability is 6744 and Reliability is 909, which is weird since it was barely moving for days also thanks for the advice anons

>> No.43892508
Quoted by: >>43892532

>if she's your lover she doesn't mind it even if you use an entire pack right in her face
it should be the opposite, if anyone would get mad at you for smoking, it would be your lover. but maybe not mad but sad instead

>> No.43892510
File: 229 KB, 600x838, FE223C41-20BF-46A3-BC2A-0D4EE05E362C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43899848

She and her BFF (Best Fucking Friend) are very cute together!

>> No.43892511
File: 97 KB, 1110x772, Pathouli Knowledge Progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43892534

Here is my progress with Patchouli
It's not so much because i leaved her basically immediately as she confessed, but i visit her periodically to make threesomes with Koakuma

>> No.43892521
Quoted by: >>43892644

we are so close...

>> No.43892524
Quoted by: >>43892534

And intimacy? Its in her abilities page. When it hits 10 she should fall in love. Actually look around tge abilities menu, you should find whatever info you need in one of the tabs.

>> No.43892532
Quoted by: >>43892545

Just imagine a character like Eirin, she knows the effects of smoking and she is sad at you because she knows you can get lung cancer

>> No.43892534

Got dang, where in the mansion can I buy her gifts

Its at 9 apparently, which is weird since she won't let me kiss her in public

>> No.43892543
Quoted by: >>43892559

Romance in public is tied to exposure. Your Patch is at G Exposure, meaning it's lights off under the covers only for all romance.

>> No.43892544
Quoted by: >>43892669

>You can also use drug on them to increase their sta/ene for the day.
>80K STA, 132K Ene
With drugs that give boosts like that I doubt I'd even run out during a 24 hour long fuck-a-thon. Just out of curiosity what drug is that? Some level 6 mixing prerequisite drug or just spamming a bunch of lower tiered ones?

>> No.43892545
Quoted by: >>43892580

That would only encourage her to help Kaguya force-feed you the Hourai Elixir.

>> No.43892559

>Romance in public is tied to exposure. Your Patch is at G Exposure, meaning it's lights off under the covers only for all romance.
Which also makes no sense since she pushed me down in the library and kept bouncing on my bone when others wandered in

>> No.43892566
Quoted by: >>43892600

I recommend you to move from the mansion, wake up at the same time as her, and then, date her in the same place, when i help a character with their works they ask me for a date, but i think if you lead her around the mansion you will find the Souvenir shop anyways in a location near to the one when you don't live in it

>> No.43892574

You can't buy if you live there. Just go to the forest and buy whatever sounds magical enough.
Public actions are related to the other 2hus ruining the mood. I think. Just get everyone to love you and it won't be a problem. For real, just go on dates and don't stop interacting with her.

>> No.43892580

How to you make that event happen? I have Kaguya in Lover and also Eirin and that event never appeared to me, i have hear, that this event happens only if you cheat on Kaguya enough times

>> No.43892583
Quoted by: >>43892616

20 dates in front of Kaguya with girls who have better pussies than her.

>> No.43892593

>You can't buy if you live there.
Sorry if i remember bad, but i remember that when i was going to date someone, the option of "Souvenir shop" appeared and i was living there, it's true or i have bad memory?

>> No.43892600
Quoted by: >>43892652

I do live at the Mansion though,

Will do anon, I will make all of gensokyo fall in love with me if it means I can knock up Patch

>> No.43892604

Kaguya needs to be at Lovers then see you on dates with girls also at Love and with higher V Sens than her 20 times
I think it can't be Eirin as well

>> No.43892616

I want to conquer the whole Eientei, i have conquered everyone except tewi, but i only have to raise 2 more intimacy to make her fell in love and somewhat 5-10 dates to make her confess,
But, i also want to conquer Yuugi, thank you so muuuuuch

>> No.43892621
Quoted by: >>43892628

Congratulations! Confessions are nice! I somewhat wish I had waited for Kanako to confess to me...

>> No.43892628

Don't worry, the good thing is that Kanako-friend and Kanako are lovers anyways

>> No.43892633

>visibly darkest skin

>> No.43892644
Quoted by: >>43892679

Do you live in Reisen?

>> No.43892652
Quoted by: >>43892672

I think just getting whoever lives nearby to friends/yearning ~1000 favor should be enough to keep the mood where ot should be. Good idea to be friendly with her friends, right?

>> No.43892669
File: 103 KB, 674x646, 1639670176812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gin gin X, peerless patriot elixir, elixir of power and probably something else that I forgot since its an ancient screencap.

>> No.43892672


>> No.43892679

I want to

>> No.43892709

Patch just gave me a rainbow cape, what does it do?

>> No.43892745

Generic gift, pay it no mind.

>> No.43892808

Impregnation ime stop rape

>> No.43892847
Quoted by: >>43892957

I never should have listened to /egg/ dawg, I went to the forest and some how ended up in hell

>> No.43892860
File: 1.32 MB, 1233x1500, 3Dchima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She stole it from Chimata and is now at your front door

>> No.43892920
Quoted by: >>43892992

Patchy just wanted to know if you'd like to fuck Chimata; by accepting the gift you have her consent to pursue polyamory.

>> No.43892957
File: 195 KB, 540x1216, a4CVG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43892992


>> No.43892992
Quoted by: >>43893002

Okay so where do I meet her?

Heh, so true. But really though I didn't find any gifts and just met Enti who kept saying that she wanted to see me for over a in game year now

>> No.43893002

I do not believe she owns a home, so good luck. She frequently visits the Village.
*Not applicable on Neodev.

>> No.43893228
Quoted by: >>43893478

>Was touching patch and she got 4 anger marks
>Decides to rape correct me
You can't do that

>> No.43893469 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 800x1000, 1687881246397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43893478
Quoted by: >>43893507

Fuck, when are they going to add Amazon Press as a command?

>> No.43893500
Quoted by: >>43893507

Casual sex while talking when? I want to cowgirl Eiki on my dick while she judges the dead.

>> No.43893507
File: 247 KB, 317x317, 1640540455415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GIT gud

>> No.43893511
File: 130 KB, 1078x1065, 356931861_610712244372827_7428344809754381652_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43893634

>> No.43893515
Quoted by: >>43893703

God I want Marisa to sit on my face.

>> No.43893536
File: 34 KB, 658x344, 132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43893596

after chopping wood i finally got the new table

>> No.43893596

useless upgrade desu

>> No.43893634

is she ok

>> No.43893703
Quoted by: >>43893712

no you dont she bathes once a week. she wears the same clothes even

>> No.43893712

Even better.

>> No.43893862

Marisa's ass smells like portobello

>> No.43893970

Okay, serious question, why do you insist on involving yourself with this project?
Your English is bad, you don't know Japanese, you don't have any worthwhile coding skills, and more importantly, you really don't understand the culture here and you frequently fail to understand what people are saying in this thread.

Your "translations" require so much editing that anyone trying to fix them would be better off throwing it all away and starting from scratch. You're also clearly not capable of figuring anything out yourself and need your hand held throughout every step, and even then you clearly fail to remember any of the things people tell you since you're still doing obviously shit wrong like fucking up the names.
You simply do not have the skills necessary to contribute anything. You'd need to spend at least a decade fully immersing yourself in the English language before you do any actual writing or translating. All you're doing is wasting your time on something that is of no use to anyone.
Just play the game normally like the vast majority of people here, do, dude. There's no obligation for you to contribute anything, and nobody expects you do to anything. But this weird obsession of yours to become a contributor when you really don't have the necessary skills for it just makes you look like a laughing stock.

>> No.43894134

You're the Seiga-anon or not?

>> No.43894179

You're LITERALLY the unique person here that treats me badly, the rest seems to be very fine with me, and don't blame me for my bad English, first explain that, and, if i am "so" bad doing translations, why don't you try to make the translations by yourself in place of critic someone who is at least trying his best?

>> No.43894383

I don't really disagree, there's not much point in what you're doing. If you're just sending the script through google translate and expecting other people to fix it, you're not doing anything they couldn't do alone.
While we're here: The "why are you criticizing if you can't do better" argument is a meme and nobody will take you seriously. I'm justified in saying I want my car to run smoothly even if I can't build a car. You're producing for a consumer, it's a give and take relationship.

>> No.43894394
Quoted by: >>43894576

>the unique person

>> No.43894433

seiga anon from argentina here
please, please, please, please, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
take some english classes
i know you're trying to do something good, man, but the more i read the more i want to kill myself, at first i thought it was a rough draft made quickly, not the way you actually write
i don't know if you'll hate reading this, but please, at the very least fix up your grammar

>> No.43894576
Quoted by: >>43894619

Would you guys agree if i pass my texts thought DeepL, and then sending it here? Or using any other translator

>> No.43894619
File: 78 KB, 172x185, It's in the air you know you see it They're spinning there that's how they fucking get around.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DeepL still isn't all that great bud. It can pass for someone's gameplay (and even then with some issues) but for a true translation effort you'll a need a firm grasp of both languages.
You don't need to try so hard, we're all fine with just interacting with you and reading your updates in whatever you're doing in your own game (sans a couple of Anon's who seem to have it out for you).

>> No.43894636

I mean, translating what I write here, in 4chan, using DeepL, do you guys think is enough for make my posts understandable?

>> No.43894671

Don't worry about that. For the sake of your posts we can understand you just fine (for the most part). If you're not already using a translator for your posts then I don't see how it would suddenly improve the quality of them (or even how you would implement one at all). With hope your English will improve naturally over time the longer you spend posting and interacting with people who speak the language, but truthfully I have nothing to prove that as I have never tried to learn another language.

>> No.43894676

Ok, guys, this is my first post in 4chan using DeepL, to translate my messages to you, do you think this will be enough for you, my friends, to understand what I say without making a big effort due to my grammatical mistakes, this message looks well written? If so, from now on I will write using this translator.

>> No.43894692


I am translating Seiga using DeepL, do you think this is enough? Or there is a better translator?

>> No.43894750
Quoted by: >>43894770

Afraid not.
Without a HUMAN translator who understands both languages fluently (English and Japanese) there cannot be a truly good translation for a character. The machine translators (MTL), including DeepL, cannot make a 100% accurate translation, there will always be flaws as the machine cannot comprehend certain concepts which leads to flaws (such as characters being misgendered) or sentences that just flat out make zero sense.

>> No.43894753
Quoted by: >>43894806

Well, I think the solution to the problem is to use a translator before publishing my messages, do you think this is enough, or is there anything else I can do? Is this translator enough for you?

>> No.43894770
Quoted by: >>43894806

Well, but do you think i can publish here in /jp/ using a translator?

>> No.43894799

DeepL sucks with anything that isn't a Romantic or Germanic language, but you aren't getting anything better.
I do not think this is an improvement for your messages, though. It reads pretty bad.

>> No.43894806

For your personal posts on 4Chan, when you're interacting with other Anon's, telling them how much you love Eirin etc., don't worry about it we can understand you just fine (you'll always stick out though).

>> No.43895274
Quoted by: >>43895897

imagine being a citizen in Republic of Alice

>> No.43895602
File: 563 KB, 1304x1739, __mizuhashi_parsee_touhou_drawn_by_turtle_kun__2af0655fa5b459f22aed5852bdb88715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already obtained love with parsee
>talk with her, help her out with work, and take her out on dates every single fucking day
>still get the "you fail to confess" message

>> No.43895891

How do you know that i am the Eirinfag?

>> No.43895897
Quoted by: >>43895929

Imagine being a citizen of the republic of Sanae

>> No.43895917
Quoted by: >>43895921

I wish you luck anon, anyway, Parsee has one of the best dialogues in all EratohoTW, did you know about her event when she sees you having a date with Seija?

>> No.43895921
Quoted by: >>43895937

now i need to see it
do i need to be in a relationship with parsee to trigger it?

>> No.43895927
Quoted by: >>43895939

Guess if this text was translated at DeepL or if I wrote it from my own knowledge

>> No.43895929
Quoted by: >>43895942

>imagine being a monkey

>> No.43895937
Quoted by: >>43896442

I think so, an anon posted a screenshot a few threads back, did you get to see it?

>> No.43895939
Quoted by: >>43895949

own knowledge

>> No.43895942
Quoted by: >>43895953

Imagine being a citizen from Patchouli Knowledge

>> No.43895949
File: 87 KB, 303x302, Eirin Yagokoro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43895953
File: 90 KB, 828x801, 1628984925339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need to imagine...

>> No.43895975
File: 10 KB, 1333x170, Like in the Memes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43903561

Haha, a Vietnamese and a Venezuelan in the same thread, surely the love for Touhou is a cosmic interdimensional force.

>> No.43895981

what's up bro, how's the unofficial dollarization treating you?
i'm suffering the hell that is the argie hyperinflation
i'm on my way to reach your lowest, give me just 2 more years and argentina will become venezuela 2.0.

>> No.43896009
Quoted by: >>43896030

>what's up bro, how's the unofficial dollarization treating you?
At this point, every store puts their prices in dollars. Having a normal job wouldn't do, you gotta get money on the side or you'll starve
>argentina will become venezuela 2.0
I rather argue you guys will be even worse, at least I don't have to worry about feminism here, only about not getting killed in the street
Anyways, I'm gonna see what happens if Parsee sees me dating Yuugi, wish me luck

>> No.43896020
File: 2 KB, 767x57, Kosuzu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Argentina was distancing itself from Venezuela even though it was in a similar situation.
(I am Vietanon)

>> No.43896030
Quoted by: >>43896042

> I'm gonna see what happens if Parsee sees me dating Yuugi, wish me luck
Wait, you're >>43895602 ?

>> No.43896042
File: 58 KB, 1087x457, Opera Snapshot_2023-07-01_214954_boards.4channel.org.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43896059

nope, venezuelan anon and me are different people
i'm argie anon

>> No.43896059
Quoted by: >>43896069

A Vietnamese, a Venezuelan and an Argentinian enter the bar /egg/ in /jp/.

>> No.43896069
Quoted by: >>43896077

the first one is confused while hugging his eirin bodypillow and the other two drink themselves to death with the little money they have while fighting for the parsee bodypillow

>> No.43896077


>> No.43896183
File: 31 KB, 400x400, JP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43896264

/egg/ user so far:
Also remember a guy who voted in a poll once supposedly from egypt, a japanese who visited a few time.
What next? Mongol?

>> No.43896204

Gassing garden + Incense + High mood + Low composure = easy confession.
Or you can just get a good common sense modifier and automatically pass basically every check.

>> No.43896264

There's at least one chinese guy. Anyway, this is a little offtopic, don't you think?
Let's talk about potential new sex positions/actions for TW.

>> No.43896276

Sex Positions:
Let us discuss them.

>> No.43896314
File: 353 KB, 900x1200, __imaizumi_kagerou_touhou_drawn_by_tada_no_nasu__b656dab90326fb3a0b4073c488321166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43896541

like one anon said, amazon mating press
also animal youkais in heat should automatically get the baby fever trait and instantly go for the amazon mating press or cowgirl raw
i want to be wrung dry

>> No.43896370

Marriage ceremonies, Lovers only.

>> No.43896442

watched it
i expected something more extreme
but they just glare at each other and agree that they hate having to share (you)
still nice

>> No.43896491

This is a little delicate

>> No.43896514

I always thought there should be an option to "lick" your partner's legs in a sensual way.

>> No.43896521
File: 2.03 MB, 1400x1400, 1666549904473672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to Okuu's wings to hug me while she milks my dick

>> No.43896528

What if we add some things from EraK?

>> No.43896529

Armpitjob. Reimu's role.

>> No.43896536

Sounds like a good idea, how many characters would have that function?

>> No.43896537

wing hugs should always be an option
i'm disappointed that not even K has it

>> No.43896541
File: 1.04 MB, 1315x932, 1652602920021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43896573

I want more unique stuff. Wingjobs, tailjobs, caressing tail(maybe not necessarily just a sex thing), kissing their ears, wing hugs, multihead actions with Banki, that sort of thing.
Sounds good. As a harem fan I've been thinking about some more uh, "support" moves. Like an ability for two extra 2hus to grind on your legs while you're balls deep inside of a third one, or things like licking all over your body, specifically licking your balls, handholding while you fuck, whispering dirty things into your ear or even pushing you to cum inside of someone.
Imagine railing Youmu and Yuyuko hugs you from behind, whispers that you need to hurry up and cum, Youmu deserves to be a mother, and then she grabs her by the waist to increase your pace and prevent any accidental slipping out. Or a missionary where you fuck Koishi right on top of Satori, with either or both of them leglocking you. Tower of butts with the Prismriver sisters. Seija jerking you off with Shinmyoumaru.

>> No.43896573
Quoted by: >>43896589

They sound like great ideas anon, have you suggested them before?

>> No.43896587

More roleplay options. Tewi's events are nice and all, but it would be nice if more characters had stuff like that, even if generic.
Additionally, maybe expand the request where characters ask to have sex with you?
Maybe add an option for characters to ask you to have sex with another person?

>> No.43896589

Only wingjobs and tailjobs.

>> No.43896620
Quoted by: >>43896637

also a reaction to cheating sex other than "let me join in"

>> No.43896622

Imagine Tsukasa bringing you women to fuck, telling you their weakpoints, and more kino.

>> No.43896635
Quoted by: >>43896643

so that one doujin?

>> No.43896637

How about no

>> No.43896643
Quoted by: >>43896650

Pretty much.
It would be nice to have more options, provided they aren't of the "she looked at you like walking garbage" variety.

>> No.43896650
Quoted by: >>43896670

i was thinking more of this
>She looked frustrated, it seems that tomorrow she will give you a "special visit"

>> No.43896667
File: 26 KB, 800x543, 1686914600812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43896670

Oh, okay then. Maybe something that lets her watch and masturbate from the hallway, kinda like childish characters can just watch you despite you sending them away.

>> No.43896700

i really hope that code-savy anons are watching the thread rn

>> No.43896733
Quoted by: >>43896743

Yeah and they won't do shit

>> No.43896734

Chastity belts for the 2hus. I want to put Akyuu in one and breed fairies while she watches. Or just put Sumireko in one during tsp before she even meets me for the first time.

>> No.43896743

Armpitjobs and marriage ceremonies are being worked on as we speak...

>> No.43896748
Quoted by: >>43896765

I don't. Look at how all the other codefags that post here act.

>> No.43896756
File: 175 KB, 254x455, 95798696_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Kagerou fixed yet...?

>> No.43896765

The b-list P-kuns are not representative of the codefag conglomerate.

>> No.43896816
File: 329 KB, 1500x1125, 1642422789195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, remember that reverse NTR is still just NTR. Don't go cheating on your beloved touhou now.

>> No.43896838

i'm not
i'm happily dating marisa while going out to have drinks with yuugi on the weekends

>> No.43896844

Fuck off, dipshit.

>> No.43896851

It's not cheating if she's the one holding me down and forcing me to impregnate her friends.
It's rape, but that's a completely different kind of discussion.

>> No.43896854

I tripped and fell and my dick just happened to fall into multiple women at the same time.

>> No.43897013
File: 111 KB, 499x500, 1683754119315887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone drops the harem bait
>immediately gets 4 (you)s
anons we can do better than this

>> No.43897039
Quoted by: >>43897097

So what's up with the Gem Match 10? I can't get access to it at all. I've got a million yen, plenty of macca, and yet none of it lets me in to fight. What gives?

>> No.43897097
File: 47 KB, 507x764, there's no such thing as match 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

. . .
There's no data here for Match 10. I've been lied to.

>> No.43897265

What is a simple way to grind Combat?

>> No.43897271
Quoted by: >>43897315

Go fight everyone.

>> No.43897282

train with yuugi, you can only do it once per day, but you get a minigame which gives you 40 combat XP if you win it

>> No.43897315
Quoted by: >>43897370

But I gotta get stronger first anon

Okay I found her, but how do I train with her anon?

>> No.43897321
Quoted by: >>43897359

the shooter cast will make you somewhat shittier at danmaku but gives you bonus exp

>> No.43897359
Quoted by: >>43897401

>the shooter cast will make you somewhat shittier at danmaku but gives you bonus exp
Where do i get that anon?

>> No.43897370

bring her to the outside like for example, the shore in the underworld and then ask for danmaku training

>> No.43897401
Quoted by: >>43900457

Romancing Momiji gets you a free, better one. Or you can buy it in the sleep menu at any time, I think.

>> No.43897425

is there a way to make a NG+ in TW?

>> No.43897452

doesn't it already have ng+?

>> No.43897459

Wait for the New Years Eve, after that you should get an option called "Baitsa Dasuto". Lovers are free to edit, and you can sacrifice some stuff to get increased tsp. But all your relationships and kids dissapear.

>> No.43897483
File: 501 KB, 768x1024, 04cce6e3d737871423c99d4126782c87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WILL cheat on my 2hu but they will NOT cheat on me. If they do cheat on me, I'll beat them with a whip.

Such is the way of life as a muslim on my 2hu dating harem.

>> No.43897543

Okay I'm back for something far more important. How the hell do I get some of these Item Synthesis weapons? Some of these require me to get ahold of all kinds of odd stuff, like Ten-o-ken, or Hinduism gods, or a way to turn them into their unique items. How do I even do that? I can make a nameless katana out of them, but... I don't know if I can make a gun or anything similar out of any of them, or get a severed head off one demon in particular. How do I get these weird-ass items? Pr-egg-nancy? Max out their contract? turn them into a sword? I don't know! someone please say there's an actual itemization process I'm missing.

>> No.43897581

>stage 3 boss has higher combat ability than some extra bosses
>training gives more repeatable exp than you get for your first time winning against anyone but yorihime and hecatia
whose waifu is this?

>> No.43897594
Quoted by: >>43897658

the thing is that yuugi is definetly EX-level, she just MASSIVELY holds back

>> No.43897658
Quoted by: >>43897766


>> No.43897663
Quoted by: >>43897766

>yuyuko is a stage 1 boss so she weak dude
You're an idiot if you still think that stage a 2hu appears in = definitive description of her power level. Hell even Letty is just a stage 1 boss but she's confirmed to be able to cause an incident all on her own, but she knew better than to stop the protagonist from solving that spring incident.
That aside, any Oni is a powerhouse that has interest in all combat related things. That's like a third of their basic characterization.

>> No.43897766
Quoted by: >>43897773

>(Look at her, while she was fighting us and drinking, she didn't spill a drop of her sake.)
>(And she hates fried beans....... you were just testing us, weren't you?)

I'm shitposting. Nonetheless, I don't think she should give that much exp for simply training with her, she's not a super genius who can teach you ten times better than anyone else.
I find scene out of place to begin with, you never use time stop in combat without an item normally, but this is a random exception. Feels like it breaks an unspoken lore rule.

>> No.43897773
Quoted by: >>43897859

I don't think you HAVE to only use an item to time stop in battle, you just don't, for 'balance' reasons.

>> No.43897859
Quoted by: >>43897871

You need king crimson and a shit ton of TSP to even use your abilities for ten seconds in combat. I feel like there has to be some reason, either you can't stop time normally in those situations or you willingly choose not to.

>> No.43897871
Quoted by: >>43897945

I vote for the later. Gameplay conceits.

>> No.43897879
Quoted by: >>43898043

Just coomed to character profiles again
what the hell is wrong with me

>> No.43897945

You are legally required to tell everyone about your powers before you fight with them, which (you) generally don't want to do.
I'm trying to think of a lore reason why TW would get caught for breaking spell card rules while KC wouldn't, but I can't come up with anything.

>> No.43897954

if sakuya doesn't break spellcard rules we don't

>> No.43897983
Quoted by: >>43897986

Maybe KC is a spellcard.
Sakuya has to use her time stop via her spell cards in danmaku. The difference between you and her is that you want to keep your powers secret for the purposes of panty theft.

>> No.43897986
Quoted by: >>43897992

KC is classified as a spellcard-type item, so yeah

>> No.43897991
Quoted by: >>43898002

I don't know much about Jojo's, but isn't KC pretty much a different ability? It's "erasing" time - letting you dodge an attack no matter what. It's got meme status with how so many people can't grasp the concept, and despite being apparently pretty powerful it's a little limited and nowhere near time stop levels of utility. Unless I'm not understanding something myself.
But not everyone knows we can stop time, and it's in the player's best interest to keep it that way. Otherwise everyone would connect the dots and punish you in case you rape someone.

>> No.43897992

Well there it is. Maybe you simply don't want to make TW spellcards because with KC you can have the excuses of 'oh I can only do this during battle I made this with mixing' and not have to admit you have time powers outside of spellcards.

>> No.43897999

Hey, I don't know how good or bad this idea is, but how about adding lore to TW? Something like

>Lord Tsukuyomi sent me to Gensokyo to conquer everyone.

But I remember that an anon said that it was a cringe idea, can someone explain me why if K has lore but TW can't?

>> No.43898002

Yeah your protagonist's powers include multiple stands. You have The World, King Crimson, Bites the Dust (a sub-power of Killer Queen), and scraps from a few others I can't remember off the top of my head without opening the game. Basically if it's time related, you have it. Which means you are utter bullshit.

>> No.43898006
Quoted by: >>43898022

Nobody wants to be some gay Lunarian faggot's bitch boy.

>> No.43898022

It's just an example, could you please explain to me why we can't at least explain the protagonist's powers or give him a reasonable purpose? Also, if someone doesn't want to know anything about it we can simply put a switch to disable all mention to the game's lore and explanations of the main character's powers, I really want to help in the development of these games, but nobody wants me to translate characters anymore because they said my translations are bad (I use DeepL).

>> No.43898040

Who has the authority to write it and get all four-five major branches to accept it?

>> No.43898043


>> No.43898048

John Era(Creator of Era Games)

>> No.43898057
Quoted by: >>43898070

I could write it, maybe with the help of a writefag from here at /jp/ and then add it to AnonTW at least. Who is the developer behind AnonTW??

>> No.43898064
Quoted by: >>43898083

Because it would force you to live your life as someone else's errand boy instead of doing whatever you want? It would lock a bunch of routes or items behind this cancer, like it typically happens.
There's a reason everyone shits on Sumireko's dialogue.

>> No.43898070
Quoted by: >>43898092

Anon, you'd have to get the JP branch, CN branch, main eng dev (which is dead), Pops, and AnonTW to all accept you writing lore.

>> No.43898083
Quoted by: >>43898097

I completely understand your point, but as I said here >>43898022 We could simply add an option to remove all the related lore from the game, something like [Enable Lore Mode] and [ Disable Lore Mode] for those who want the classic experience.

>> No.43898092
Quoted by: >>43898113

>JP branch
>CN branch
Explain please
>Main eng dev
Is dead

>> No.43898097

Because you make your own goddamn reason for why you're in Gensokyo, you don't need to have an inflexible lore barrier set that just states it was Yukari or someone else deciding for you. Stop pushing this shit, holy fuck. You're ruining everything. Gods like Oppantsu-sama's specifics and the exact way you ended up in Gensokyo are for the end user to decide.

>> No.43898113
Quoted by: >>43898123

He already made this. He posted screenshots of a function where you're deciding what's your own origin, if you're some village native or a nameless youkai or if you were gapped in by Yukari or summoned by someone else. Forcing this kind of "lore" is literally pops tier idea that fits in with his gurofaggotry and literal religion wars.

>> No.43898116
Quoted by: >>43898134

Why so aggressive? As I said, if we can deactivate it, there's nothing to complain about.

>> No.43898123
Quoted by: >>43898216

Ok, I get it, I'll stop trying to help /egg/, you beat me, I give up, I'm going to do things on my own now, no more trying to translate, no more programming, no more adding content, are you happy?

>> No.43898131
File: 12 KB, 813x221, GIGAKEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the most interesting image you have about TW? Or dialogue you have seen?

>> No.43898134
File: 439 KB, 800x650, 1456847116784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just some fetish to activate or deactivate for your own specific taste, setting up lore is dictating things for everyone. EVEN IF YOU CAN TURN IT OFF.
It's NOT okay to do this, fuck you. Stop pushing unwanted things into my game. If you want to help do literally anything else, go back to your goddamn translations or learn coding and make more sex positions. FUCK.

>> No.43898144
Quoted by: >>43901684

>go back to your goddamn translations
They called my translations "garbage" without even having seen them, how do you explain that?
>or learn coding
Nobody helps me on that, I asked the other day about how I could learn the code of the game and nobody came, I try to help by programming things in the game but you guys are not even giving ideas, I understand your point why you don't want lore in the game, but could you at least have explained better?


>> No.43898146

>why if K has lore
I don't remember the main character (assuming you aren't playing as any of the hus) having any real lore to them, the only lore that K has that I know of is the descriptions of the different scenarios. (WW1, WW2, Man In The High Castle etc)

>> No.43898148
Quoted by: >>43898162

I'm not forcing any of this into the game, I was just proposing the idea, and asking why you couldn't, you're fighting ghosts.

>> No.43898160
File: 111 KB, 373x312, Flandre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, then

Give me ideas of things that should be added to TW that you and everyone else would agree with, everyone give me ideas and I promise to add them to my own version of TW. Or, we all go together and suggest them and discuss them.

>> No.43898162

And I explained why it's a bad idea. Make your own fork where it's a thing if you want or just write it and keep it to yourself, I doubt anyone would want to subject themselves to any, even slightly restrictive lore that goes against their own ideas.

>> No.43898172
File: 292 KB, 1200x1000, __kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_amazon_taitaitaira__f201ef415029d5882edb24f6a02ab323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43898182

ass size traits and Marisa has the huge ass trait by default

>> No.43898174
Quoted by: >>43898212

Well, I got it, I'm not even going to add it to my own version of TW because I already understood why it's a bad idea, I understand that you have to give freedom to the player, now, as you said, it all comes down to translating characters, can I continue translating Seiga?

>> No.43898182
Quoted by: >>43898205

Ok, let's discuss this, for example like this:

[Slender ass]
[Tiny ass]
[Average ass]
[Big ass]
[Huge ass]

>> No.43898187

NTA but I personally think it could be a potentially cool idea if it leads to some unique dialogue with characters depending on which "origin story" you pick, and could certainly improve immersion and make the world feel more alive, but that is just my two cents.

>> No.43898205

Huge ass 2hus:
Junko (Since she gave birth to a son she's being gaining some baby weight down there too)
Okina (she sits on her ass all day that ass is packing)
Marisa (High fat mushroom diet)
Raiko Horikawa (She just seems like she woukd have a large ass)
Yuugi Hoshiguma (Buff 2hu has buff ass)
Kaguya (NEET 2hu accumulates LARGE BUTTS)
Anyways, what do you guys think?

>> No.43898210
Quoted by: >>43898215

What about Patchouli?

>> No.43898212
Quoted by: >>43898217

Everyone seems to agree that we need more sex positions. Add one, like the amazon position, then we'll see.
Or do that, if nothing else, even if the translation gets initially rejected, maybe you'll at least get some better understanding regarding English. Practice makes perfect afterall, and Rome wasn't built in a day. Maybe you eventually won't even need anyone else to review your translations.
Go for it.

>> No.43898215
Quoted by: >>43898243

Yeah her too I forgot about it. She sits on her ass allllll day and fills her stomach with all sorts of fatty foods like pizza.

>> No.43898216
Quoted by: >>43898220

>are you happy?
I am, that's for sure.

>> No.43898217
Quoted by: >>43898231

>we need more sex positions.
Ok, i agree, can you guys search positions for me? I will search too

>even if the translation gets initially rejected
Ok, i will translate Seiga

>> No.43898220

What anon are you?

>> No.43898221
Quoted by: >>43902505

Marisa and Raiko sure, the rest aren't even implied to have butts. Yuugi has no reason to have a big ass, Kaguya is a permanent perfect beauty, not some fat slab, Junko's anger burns everything off, and Patchouli is an anemic magician, not a pig.

>> No.43898222
Quoted by: >>43898227

These are the slender asshus:
Shion Yorigami(Extremely malnourished and likely has anorexia. There is no ass found here)
Shinmyoumaru (Small 2hu small ass)
Flandre (She only eats bare minimum of food Sakuya brings her while she's in the basement)
Anyone else?

>> No.43898227

Lily White

>> No.43898231
Quoted by: >>43898241

Just do one position for now, there will be time for the others later. Don't bite off more than you can handle.

>> No.43898241

What if we add standing positions, like standing doggy, standing Missionary and Side fuck?

>> No.43898243
File: 615 KB, 705x741, go away.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away, fatnigger. You're the reason why nobody likes ass fags.

>> No.43898254

I'm not a "fatnigger", I'm an American. It's just that fat 2hus tend to have fat asses, and fat asses and fat bodies more often than not go hand and hand.

>> No.43898256

> I'm an American
That's explains everything....

>> No.43898267
Quoted by: >>43898346

What happened to the Asshous threads here on /jp/?

>> No.43898269
Quoted by: >>43898281

Same shit.
There are no fat 2hus. Again, go away. Make your own fork with roly poly bodies that nobody will play.

>> No.43898281

>Make your own fork
There will end being a fork for every poster lol

>> No.43898291

It's this one guy's seethe at everything he doesn't like.

>> No.43898293

Honestly I was close to telling him to go beg pops to put it in his game but not even pops deserves fatfaggots.

>> No.43898306

I would take them on dates, care for them, and most importantly love them.

>> No.43898321
Quoted by: >>43898332

He is the same guy that keeps insulting me just for trying to help in the translations of the game and propose new ideas, fuck that guy, he should create his own fucking fork and stop fucking the rest of human beings that if he tries to collaborate, literally the guy does nothing, at least I try to translate characters to petition of /egg/, literal a threadshitter

>> No.43898324
Quoted by: >>43898334

Just imagine every anon here having their own fork with their own fetishes and odd stuff

>> No.43898332

I never insulted you. At worst I told you to learn better english, and I just told you to keep trying. Not everyone here is out to get you.

>> No.43898334
File: 3.30 MB, 498x284, 1687652109389458.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43902856

All those private forks that focus exclusively on content for an anon's waifu...

>> No.43898336

I am not talking about you, i am talking about other anon, i confused you with other anon i think so

>> No.43898340

I am not talking about you, i am talking about a Psycho that was stalking me threads ago, i am very glad you told me to keep trying to learn english

>> No.43898346

They met a foul end.

>> No.43898357

I remember it well...

>> No.43898375
Quoted by: >>43898409

Pun intended?

>> No.43898409

I'd hardly describe any hu's end as foul

>> No.43898417
File: 114 KB, 388x313, Flandre (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43898425

The drama ended?

>> No.43898425

You want more?

>> No.43898433


>> No.43898443

1 more post and.....

>> No.43898448

No kidding, the drama caused by the Vietnamese's proposal to add lore to the game was unnecessary, they could have simply explained in a single text why it was wrong and all this would not have happened.

>> No.43898624
File: 147 KB, 600x630, 14456 - cosplay demon jack_frost touhou_project.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43903078

Really late reply but, there's a double Demi-Fiend superboss in the arena but you have to have completed the Labyrinth of Amala and get the SMT3 ending. It's one of those endings that you have to go for first specifically, you can't access the 5th Kalpa or the boss there if you've gotten an ending before reaching that point.
There's also another fight with the SMT1 Hero if you've gotten a record in all of the Damage Contest categories.
>Tax Evasion Demiurge
There's a Demiurge superboss?

>> No.43899524

What Tewi events are you referring to and how do you trigger them?

>> No.43899848
File: 56 KB, 390x385, akyuu dance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akyuu's a huge pervert, though.

>> No.43900277

Not like Kosuzu is any different

>> No.43900341
Quoted by: >>43900480

Every woman is a repressed pervert, Akyuu and Kosuzu just behave like pure maidens, is all.

>> No.43900356
Quoted by: >>43900480

It's not like she has time for regrets

>> No.43900370
Quoted by: >>43900458

I think "origins" would be a way better idea, a vague background from where you come from like
>gapped into gensokyo as youkai or vampire food
>stumbled into it by accident
>born and raised here

>> No.43900377

>I'm an American

>> No.43900457

nitori also sells one

>> No.43900458

Good luck rewriting the present dialogues to fit each origin lmao

>> No.43900480
File: 362 KB, 783x828, Akyuu Danmaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akyuu is the only pervert. Poor sweet innocent Kosuzu just gets dragged into her filthy-minded schemes.
More like she is completely unable to ever forget any of the embarrassing things she does.

>> No.43901548
Quoted by: >>43901565

Make a new thread

>> No.43901565

On page 10 anon, please wait

>> No.43901684


>> No.43901737
File: 172 KB, 1391x1403, 5a6f4b38c8524cf574eabbd532f62fad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, dialogue should be different depending on how drunk the 2hu is

>> No.43901844

Get to writing then, fag.

>> No.43901896

Armpitjobs on TW?

Yes or no?

>> No.43901909

Reimu needs them.

>> No.43901916
Quoted by: >>43901929

I'm not gonna use the command, but sure why not.
What about it happening during the girl leading? I don't want that.

>> No.43901929

You WILL put your dick in your 2hu wife's sweaty armpit and you WILL like it.

>> No.43902505

Seek help.

>> No.43902745
File: 1013 KB, 1228x1676, 1666075415837939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43902858

Futo's got a rump. Feel it, praise it, love it.

>> No.43902856
File: 453 KB, 564x794, 1684499142691107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fork just for me, with all the lovey dovey divine goodness I can handle...
What a fantasy! Good think Gensokyo is the (eastern) land of fantasy!

>> No.43902858

I want her to sit on my face.

>> No.43903078
Quoted by: >>43903622

Yeah. He shows up at Tandi-san's store over in Red Light District Roppongi. Depending on how good you are at code breaker, I've gotten him to show up at level 357 with how quickly I broke the code. No idea what flag sets him up though.

>> No.43903320

The fuck?
>The file "Emuera1824+v16+EMv17+EEv27test" gives you a pop-up that says "KILL YOURSELF CUM GUZZLING <removed>" and irreversibly deletes all desktop files that aren't in folders. It also messes with your Windows context menu - there's no more "Send to Desktop (Create Shortcut)" option available for me anymore. This happened even when it wasn't running with elevated/admin privileges.

>> No.43903340


>> No.43903384

Wasn't that already implemented? If I remember correctly there was a character that if you talked to him while drunk he would say nonsense, although, what if the level of drunkenness helps your partner to confess?

>> No.43903432

I mean... Yumemi's dialogue makes it very clear she has it.

>> No.43903462

>but she's too horny constantly to care about that now it seems.

That's Yumemi alright. Once she enters horny mode there is no escape.

>> No.43903561
Quoted by: >>43905155

... That's monstrous; unethical. Unforigvable

>> No.43903581

You know when you fight Yuugi in SA she's literally just fooling around. NOT EVEN DROP.

And even then; her danmaku ability is far less than her actual fighting ability.

>> No.43903622

Interesting. Despite the near 500 and half hours I've pumped into MegaTen, I've never once bothered playing code breaker. Though this gives me a reason to get good at it whenever it is next I boot it up.

>> No.43903897
Quoted by: >>43904340

Is 4000 the natural limit of TSP?
I've been emptying it out for a while now and it hasn't grown

>> No.43904340
Quoted by: >>43904552

It is, but you can get it higher by sacrificing skills when you bite the dust.

>> No.43904345

Patchouli in Africa 2

>> No.43904552
Quoted by: >>43904953

Can you elaborate further? I don't understand.

>> No.43904661
Quoted by: >>43905398

Alright I ditched the Idol Run idea. It really wasnt going to pan out. 13 endings should still be plenty of points for other antics, though. If necessary, I can just port over a portion of my 400k Macca.

So instead I've got an Avatar Tuner run in the works. Any tips besides abuse Hunt to hell and back, and grind your MAG/AT as hard as you can? I havent had much luck before this, considering my very poor luck and 'dying horribly to basic enemies' issue. I blame Mara.

>> No.43904953

After an in-game year you can choose to go back to day 1 while keeping achievements, skills, and items. However, if you have skills that you've mastered (either S or EX rank) you can sacrifice them and go back to 0 skill for a small boost to max TSP.

>> No.43905155

Monsters are cool
Ethics does not exist
I don' get it

>> No.43905181 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 1147x902, Yuugi&#039;s Confession.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuugi Finaly Confessed to Me

I am so happy.... how are us, anons of /egg/

>> No.43905254

What's new with that AkumaMaid

>> No.43905291

I think Falcon might be retarded.

>> No.43905311
File: 6 KB, 484x28, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43905326

Oh great, more of this shit.

>> No.43905326
Quoted by: >>43905464

Make your own damn branch if you hate his ambrosia that much.

>> No.43905353

>If you have the setting "Enable visitors" set at "Only fallen characters" or "Can never visit", praying for a girl doesn't seem to make them come pay a visit, while it should work no matter what.
Lay off the drugs; works on my machine. You sure you didn't bork your save?

>> No.43905398

Which demon you pick as your transformation matters a fuck ton. You are gonna feel the lack of skill slots on the class too.

>> No.43905412

Did the Chink abandon AnonTW? It looks like it. Speaking of, will there be a new release soon, will the bugs be fixed, et cetera?

>> No.43905464

Someone mangling my work is not "ambrosia".

>> No.43905467

"Your" work? Lol, lmao. Fuck off, bitch. It's an open-source project. Deal. With. It.

>> No.43905483

You know what? It doesn't even affect you at all. It's not like (You) play AnonTW. What, are you gonna piss yourself at the existence of deriviative forks?

>> No.43905600

New Thread


>> No.43907361
Quoted by: >>43907658

We're on v35, if you're going to make shit up at least keep it up to date lol.

>> No.43907382

Impostor falseflagging schizo is at it again

>> No.43907658
File: 41 KB, 309x266, 1677908104905256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43907864

Oh never mind, this is actually much more sillier than I thought. Someone on the wiki replaced the archive link to something else. It's all cleaned up now, of course. Whatcha doin', rabbi?

>> No.43907864
Quoted by: >>43907906

The hell is this about? Someone tried to falseflag or put actual malware on the wiki? Which version?

>> No.43907906
File: 23 KB, 1337x147, GzmayBN3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone put a malware version of the game on the pedyTW page
