Getting ready for my date with Moririn!
Something something Ayame Ina
So I was under the impression Flare was supposed to be one of the bad singers at Hololive? Has she always s been this good?
So many streams today, especially counting all those overlapping with the relay.
bros the holos and/or 2hus...
Is Flare a boomer?
Steamy hot sex with Mori
>>31234477Don't be like that, deadbeat. Learn to enjoy things for what they are. And if a mere comment changes your whole perception of the song and how "deep" it is, then, wew buddy, get some medication.
You did remember to get a present for Ame, right Teamates? Mori.. Please don't tell me you actually sleep the majority of Christmas. You didn't even work. Most people only sleep that long when they're horribly depressed. I-I'll try to make it up to you during the date stream.
>>31234569I miss the old antis, straight from the TT antisSplice up the brap antis, enhance the sound antisI hate the new antis, the 'hate Mori xd' antisThe always ironic antis, making up the rrats antis
2 more hours deadbeats
I LOVE FLARE>>31234661she's definitely been doing her reps and semi-recently got a new audio set up.
Good morning!
>>31234661She's not great. But she ain't bad either. She has some voice cracking issues right now.
Flare needs more technical training, but she's really good for a lot of the songs she has chosen this stream.
>>31234661She's not bad. She's just not good. She's been improving though.
>>31234667>Am I a zoomer?Ftfy
JWU, anything crazy happen after Gura's stream?
>>31234664Here are your dead threads for today.
What a Shitty day
>>31234680I've slept entire days before, but I can't recommend it. You literally wake up feeling like straight garbage. Horrible time.
I just noticed Flare's mascot thing doesn't loop properly.
>>31234683based kanye
Please, I only wish for ina to be half as discussed as Mori in these threads
>>31234477Would have to agree on the song thing. It's annoying when it happens but I'm glad her true fans at least get the message they're trying to convey.
>>31234667She's half-elf so she's probably much older than she looks?>>31234686Hello fellow anon of culture
>>31234701Someone get her some vocal lessons
Who was going to do a Tokyo Godfathers watchalong and did I already missed it?
Flare already sing 617 different songs...
>>31234721Everybody was kneeling on the cooking stream anon
>>31234713nah, if it's after like a week of sleeping 4-5 hours, it's unironically heavenly
>>31234721She was being talked about a lot during her baking stream.
>>31234674You're misinterpreting his post. It's not changing his perception or enjoyment of the song itself, it annoys him to see people purposefully misinterpret or misrepresent what the song means to push something that isn't part of it.
>>312347092hu Blooming Chaos sounds fun.
>>31234661Room for improvement, it's what I like from (real) soul singers
Flare would probably be my JP oshi if she wasn't so goddamn gay.
>Ollie privated the Cooking Simulator streamShe's editing out that code, huh?
>>31234721What do you wanna talk about regarding ina
>>31233690Gonna be straight with you son: you are right. All we have right now is pure, unadulterated garbage. People who make it big in the Youtube scene in LatAm is trash because the people who watch Youtube in LatAm are trash. But that could change. Somewhere in the border near Brazil there is a Japanese-Paraguayan girl who draws all day long and is spending her life just waiting for the day Runescape raids reset.Somewhere in the deep jungles of Bolivia there is a Kurominha animating videos for her 6 subscriber channel. Somewhere in the Falklands there is a 4'11 foot tall British-Argentinan girl practicing the opera parts of Liberame from Hell.These girls would had never considered vtubing until Covid. Now they know about Hololive, and Yagoo will find them. It's not a naive hope, is simply statistics. 100 million girls in the continent alone, it is not possible for all them to suck. Believe in Sora. Believe in Yagoo. Believe.
latest chicken lore>papers please coming soon>monopoly game collab with senpais>kiara worked part time as a shrine maiden>uses peko boob mouse pad>"I wish I could work with some touhou circles and release some touhou music"
>>31234674There is a ultra dedicated anon who spergs about Mori`s song every time Takamori is brought up...
What's the SC that broke Kiara down? Is it that bad?
>>31234731Gura did it, and yes you did. She got really into it.
>>31234751she's one of the straightest and GFEiest for members
Guys, is it just me or does it feel difficult to only have one foot in Hololive. When I'm doing something, reps/games, but there is a stream on(especially pic related) I just have the biggest fomo. I try to schedule my time around streams and when it doesn't work I get way too upset. Not keeping up with hlgg 24/7 got easier, but also fucking difficult.
Time to set sail
Her voice comes from a mouth, that is part of a body, which has a cunny. Think about that. She's basically streaming from her cunt.
>>31234680I slept for 14 hours today. It's normal when you have nothing to do other than catch up on those hours of sleep you missed by sleeping 3-5 hours a day.
>>31234721You get used to it...
>>31234769I'm sure KFPs will find it in time and reap the guy a new asshole
>>31234758Is it gonna be another ID situation where they realize their native country is dirt poor and the only way to make money is by appealing to either JOPs or EOPs?
>>31234774fomo my nutsack faggot
>check latest ollie vid>"this video is private"*yawn* aight what was it this time?
>>31234709>Dead Fubuki threadI thought we were friends...
>>31234680>>31234713This is Calliope "five hours till dawn, I don't even yawn" Mori we're talking about.
>>31234769the SC was shitting on her and mori's friendship. the fag sent multiple infact and was doubling down in the wasn't bad honestly, but it seemed like kiara had been on edge the whole day and this small shitty moment pushed her over the edge.
>>31234751You get used to it.The threesome potential helps
I love Gura. I hope she find happiness in Hololive
>>31234765>monopoly game collab with senpaismonopoly like game it's some weird jap game>>"I wish I could work with some touhou circles and release some touhou music"she did that for 2 songs ages ago like 2nd visit to japan ago
Flareanon redpill me on flare, she's a lady of culture I need more...
>>31234683papa franku please come back
>>31234812Maybe the time has come for Fubuki to become a wife
>>31234806Leaked Hololive HQ location, ip and network keys.
>>31234806QR code leak and that all
>>31234721What do you want to discuss?
>>3123472170% of the of time people are discussing her it's just schizo yelling into the void about how much they hate her or rrats trying to push narrativesIt is not a fun time Tako
>>31234829The trial period has ended.
>>31234806Killed a man on stream
>>31234774Just accept the fact that you're going to eventually miss a stream, and you might not even have time to catch the vods.Thanks to the archives, any major events or yabs almost always get captured and clipped here first. If you ever miss anything, you can just dig through the archives.
>>31234773Wait, it's all rrrrats?
>>31234721that's hell you're walking intot. deadbeat
>>31234769Faggot shat on her and her friendship with Mori. Mind you her state of mind living in her shit house and knowing that her friendship with her is one of the only things keeping her sane besides her chat.
>>31234806live2d tech leak just showing how the phone and pc conenct no real info leaked
>>31234680I remember sleeping for a day and a half straight, and that was when I fell real ill. This sounds really weird.
>>31234773Is a knife ear going to be the reason I do my reps?
>>31234674I took my meds after saying that. I just wanted to vent unhindered for a moment. I'm slowly warming up to TakaMori streams. The comments didn't affect how I saw the song so don't worry.
>>31234769idk bro $50 for an anti message seems really funny to me
>>31234815>shitting on someone at christmasWhat a fag.
>>31234815That warrants a ban
>>31234521It means that COVER themselves won't tell the talents about their expansion plans but will consider it when they hire new Holo's.
>>31234769It was shitty but the guy was going full schizo on the chat and sc. Kiara also had a pretty bad day and was trying to wrap the stream already so...
>>31234709I like we've come to the point were we're killing other holo threads
Is Ollie the most YAB holo?
>>31234721Ina is cute!!!
I love my Hololive couple
>GuraAme antis usually laugh or post meds whenever the ship is being btfo'd on stream>TakaMori antis go into full asshole mode in a superchat and write paragraphs on to why they hate that a chikin is taking away "my boi" from themAh so the falseflag that Goslings hate GuraAme is true in the case of Ghostlings and TakaMori, gg now I know how creepy you guys are gonna be when Mori does more GFE
I am going to doxx both deadbeats and kfp so this fucking war ends faster RIGHT NOW.
>>31234721Anon please, be thankful Ina isn't here during schizo hours.
>>31234680You can't sleep that much, 20 hours is ridiculous. She was obviously doing something else with her time, its none of your business, however.
>>31234721You.... don't want that.
>>31234806She said, "My favorite number is One-Four-Eight-Eight." then laughed and went on with playing the game. It was honestly sudden because she was just cooking regularly and I don't know what made her say that.
>>31234867still it's odd she doesnt use the language, I guess she wants to be fully EN
>>31234454>Anya>DDLCSo? "No" was never an option on that poll for a reason.
>>31234744Doesn't change anything. Let people see and enjoy it however they want, it's their problem. I don't argue that my interpretation is the only correct one. Death of the author and yada-yada.
* * *watching guras minecraft voddid the HERfags go crazy when she said that she had an unplanned nap?
>>31234774Just take some meds already dude this doesnt sound very healthy
>>31234871she has the frequency of early Coco but her hits aren't as heavy as hanging Kanata or getting demonetized multiple times
>>31234802Works out for the cholos in /hlgg/.
>>31234911rent free
>>31234859Its ok anon, just dont break containment and keep an open mind.
>>31234569 I worry about anons sometimes
>>31234758>examplesAre these real or a hypotheticals?
>>31234815>>31234855reminder that kiara has no family or friends to spend time with besides mori, and when mori isn't there, shes alone in a shitty rat infested house.
>>31234905hey at least her PC can run it
>>31234896Boys love...
>>31234894I have to force myself awake every day or I'll never stop sleeping. This is usually at the 10 hour mark.
>>31234695>>31234701I don't know, on that last song she sounded pretty damn solid to me. Better than I was expecting at least.
>>31234880No deadbeats aren't like that you don't understand they're better than goslings because it's BFE.
>>31234879I don't which is more not fucking fairThat Flare fucks Noel or Noel fucks Flare
>>31234758No ES-girls?
>>31234307You can immediately tell its not her because there isn't three different emotes at the end.
>>31234894>You can't sleep that much, 20 hours is ridiculouswhat the fuck are you doing on this site when you never lived the life
>>31234751If Gen2 EN has a brown girl... Lord have mercy on my penis.
>>31234573 (Start at 23:00 if the timestamp fails)She knows how to read, write and speak extremely basic English and likely learned a lot from all the lol she does. Please, I beg of you people to at least give these girls you don't watch a chance. Don't let shitposting retards taint your views, it only hurts the girls and you in the long run.>>OPI'm glad you liked the pic, OP.
>>31234932don't you mean rrat infested house
Marine the fuck
>>31234014She probably stayed longer on her last day of work. On the way home she stopped by the konbini and bought few bottles. Came home started drinking and then half drunk cried in the bed reminiscing of happy memories she had with her students.
>>31234743Maybe. My experience is being super lazy and just saying fuck it. Ended up sleeping like 20 hours or so, and woke up with a splitting headache and as stiff as a board. It physically hurt.
>>31234806Leaked her plans to find a fairy to turn her into a wooden doll whose nose grows if she lies.
>>31234948>>31226944here's ENGen2 leak:AsriaNimuLunaria AyarenNoriOta-Kun (Star)
>>31234880Deadbeats don't get GFE from Mori. It was Mori who gets BFE from Deadbeats.
>>31234721Mori is rentfree in the minds of many a schizos. That's not usually a good thing but its Mori so of course its going to be weird
>>31234955I've called the exterminator
>>31234769We're gonna have to wait for live chat replay to be back because she didn't say the name out loud and that always takes a while on these long streams.
>>31234806Live2D leak; showed a QR code that would link to localhost, which is harmless, but knowing management, it'll go.
>>31234953kek, true but you never know
>Gura will be sleep-deprived in the collabJesus christ. Stop doing this shit.
>>31234891DELETE THISWhere the fuck is meidoshark
>>31234904Maybe she isn't confident in the reception.Or knows about the audience she would attract.
>>31235016>the curse of the 25th has a lot more to offerI can imagine a super scuffed collab now
>>31234986Where's the proof? I need to verify if I'm killing myself or not.
>>31234932she has some past life friends but clearly they are always busy with life she mentioned taking a 3 day vacation with a friend next month
>>31234963Anon...that was really cute. I let whoreposters get to me too much i guess. Thanks for opening my eyes.
>happy Ina and Mori>depressed Kiara, Gura, and AmeGoing to be an interesting collab.
>>31234824>She's cute>Her singing has SOUL>Her taste in music is great.>She can be a huge dork.>Comes with free tiddy cow.Come to think of it she tends to be a pussy magnet in general so you'll probably catch other girls in her orbit while you're at it.
>>31234910"Death of the author" is pure cope from idiots who want to see things that aren't there. Next time someone twists events to spark a hot new narrative to shit up the thread with I hope you don't have any complaints about it if that's your stance.
>>31234769I didn't watch the superchat stream. So I'm going on the YouTube comments.To simply put, the asshole is a loser.
>>31235032I mean, do it anyway just incase
>>31235016Sleepy Gura is cute, the other members can have the spotlight. Gura had a lot of fun with the previous collab.
>>31234946>>31234989I like how the sarcastic post was followed up with the unironic one
>>31234836>>31234854>>31234897not that anon but whats wrong with Mori being the most popular EN of these threads? Hate is publicity for rappers after all
>>31235016W-where's Gura?
>Wanted to get shit done all day>Kept post-poning it in case Mori's stream went up because I wanted to get in earlyIt literally doesn't matter. Why am I like this?
Someone asked to post this during Mori hours, or something.
>>'re right.Most indie chuubas suck not because they're indie, but because the ones who CAN get into vtubing have the financial capital and free time fo do it in the first place. Money cannot purchase soul. This gets excessively more obvious in countries with insane income disparity because most of these diamonds cannot afford the investment of the privilaged. you changed my mind about HoloPH/SEAI do believe in Yagoo and Sora.
>>31234477I kinda agree, but I don't know if I blame Mori for being cold or Kiara for not reading the mood. They're both just so autistic.
>>31235038>happy (...) Mori>song release schedule got fucked again>left a job she liked on mixed terms>got told off by her boss for being a friendless gaijinehhh... the date might help but I wouldn't say she'll be jumping around
>>31235016>>31235031>>31235038Kiara's going to be weird around Mori, Ame's going to have a panic attack live on stream and Gura's going to be sick from eating nothing but mold and sugar and not sleeping before the collab.
>>31234871How long until Ollie recognises the State of Palestine and Taiwan?
>>31234880>everything must somehow wrap back around to being about Gura, Ame, or Gura and AmeMeds.
>>31234989I don't get this BFE cope shit that has been put up around Mori. It's fine if you're getting a certain experience from your oshi, stop being weird about it.
>>31234947>Flare and Noel are fucking>Festival is cry masturbating over the blond bitch >Korone and Okayu spent Christmas togetherAm I missing any others?
>>31235032>Where's the proof? I need to verify if I'm killing myself or not.If you encounter such a leak you obviously try to grab everything you can get your hands on before they get a chance to delete it.
>>31235054when it comes to mori, you have to flip a coin if its ironic shtposting or unironic shitposting. Same goes for Mori antiposting
>>31235040She's definitely based.Yorushika and slayers were KINO.I've found my JP oishi
>>31234477Look at this silly nigger. I hope you deadbeats aren't all like this
>>31235055I was joking for the sake of the Fateshit joke, but it's kinda funny that Mori is always sorta present in the threads, even if she takes a week long break from themour boy, for better or worse (for some folks) became a staple element of Hololive culture by now
>>31235097This is good advice, imagine the shitposting potential if it's true and you're the anon with the archives.
>>31235080its a meme you dip
Holy hell Marine can sing like that? Where the fuck have I been
>>31235093Cocock and Tenshit?
>>31234963>open clip>it's the speedrunning clip>huge smile breaks out on my faceAyame is the perfect example of "you let anonymous shitposters on a Nepalese yak shaving forum influence how you think about the girls?". She is incredibly cute and sweet and funny, she isn't a bitch or a whore or anything like that. Here have some giggles
>>31235061It's not going to change.Mori is BY FAR the most disliked here, for a multitude of reasons.
>11:33 PM SeanEonAeon $50.00 Kiara I must confess I don’t like Takamori. Wasn’t a fan from the start. Constant overexposure has only made it worse. Heresy for a KFP worker to admit, yes, but it was really messing with my head not telling you at some point. PLZ DON’T FIRE ME!S EAEVERYTIME
>>31235061> 4 least favorite are Mori. Jesas
>>31235066Mori's done for sure now guys. I'm sure COVER never considered the possibility of a primarily-musical talent releasing her unused B-sides under a different pseudonym. I'm absolutely certain that she was hired by someone who had no knowledge of the foreign indie music scene and thus found the act of an artist releasing a track too edgy for their public persona under another name wholly incomprehensible. The Japanese are naive, innocent lambs and there's no way they could have foreseen a moody midwestern art thot doing something like this. Someone at COVER definitely did not approve this and now the emperor himself is going to have Mori Calliope put to death publicly to satiate the bloodlust of gachikois.
>>31235072Her release schedule got fucked but she won't have to trash all the effort that went into it, which is still much better than if Cover told her she couldn't use it and she couldn't release it anywhere at all.>left a job she liked on mixed termsIf Death-sensei was as much of a cunt as he seems the only thing she'll miss is the students.
>>31235047"Death of the author" means that we won't buy the shit if the story changes direction too much.
>>31235108Welcome aboard!
>>31235134>Live together>Argue like a married couple>Constantly talking about each other>Literally bought matching rings for one anotherYou just know.
>>31235119you mean /hlgg/ culture but yeah. A thread without 100 posts mentioning Mori is impossible
>>31235132she has about 5 to 10 years worth of experience on your average holo
>>31235114Everyone’s allowed their opinions breadbeat
>>31235061Oh lord
>>31235061Wtf? I didn't expect hlgg to be this based
I couldnt find the sc but I remember seeing it live, maybe Kiara refunded it? Anyway fuck the fag, I am not digging for it
>>31235055Mori having insane antis? Working as intended.I'm sure she is a strong girl, but Ina having more antis is not something a tako wants to wish for.
Marine has a goofy ass voice but manages to sing this good. How does that even work?
>>31235142The emperor is a deadbeat
>>31235132That's nothing, here's a clip of some of her best:
>>31234808The site is down for maintenance, read, plugging that security hole, so even if it was you can't do it any more.
>>31235141yeah cause it's a joke
Why does Kiara have such thin skin? One retard ruined her whole night in a sea of dozens of pay pigs throwing money and positivity. All you have to do is say there are other Holo channels without such content that people can go to. For a while there I thought she had grown...
>>31235061Deadbeats, hold me...
>>31235162Tenshi is actually just her mom
>>31235209Haha... nice joke...
>>31235191No one in these threads watch mori in her shit time zone. Only watch her in collabs, which she’s bad at
>>31235140oh wow it was him
>>31235149...No it isn't, what the fuck.>Death of the Author is a concept from mid-20th Century literary criticism; it holds that an author's intentions and biographical facts (the author's politics, religion, etc) should hold no special weight in determining an interpretation of their writing.
>>31235140what a cunt
>>31235191>kfp hates mori tooi like them more now
>>31235223I didn't know Coco is a momcon.
>>31234818ogey muni
>>31235216Here, for you
>>31235206and thus, Mori will never ruin a collab
What do gura's armpits smell like?
>>31235132She can still sing better than that
>>31235216I'd imagine living in a country where everyone secretly hates you for being foreign and being harassed by crazed idol antis has left her in pretty rough shape anon.
>>31235061The less people like Mori here, the better.
>>31235192I assumed when she said something like "Anyway I tried to.." she was talking about refunding it. However I am but a humble schizo tending his rrats.
>>31235140Sounds like unbridled autism to me.
>>31235207Kek, this always cracks me up
>>31235242The rowdy ones always are
>>31235061Oh so there are some people like this? Interesting.
if you all don't stop talking about Mori I'm going to kill myself
>>31235181Is there a Haachama version of this
>>31235168no, I think hololive culture as whole by nowshe's about to be more subbed than the official channelher songs keep getting quoted by JPsID2 all referred to her stronglyher TT appearance connected Hololive even harder to western anime fandomher first JP collab was the biggest one on their sideGura has the numbers and outreach, but Mori feels more... present, I guess?
>>31235262I hope she refunded it. It's not worth keeping.
>>31235240They sure love shitting her chat up though
>>31235216I don't know, why did Amelia have a panic attack over a bunch of people being eager to see her, celebrate with her and pay pig her? The mind is a strange thing.
>>31235280Ollie and Reine are drawing something together in like 12 minutes:
>>31235216its called "supacha baiting". she's been known for doing this for a long time
>>31235230I like this discussion.Tyler Durden did nothing wrong. Chuck has no power over my interpretation.
>>31235140Man, actually reading through it, this was a dick move, giving her $50 dollars aside.All it amounts to is "I don't like Takamori, never have, probably never will.", a statement that's too broad for anything positive to come out of it being read.
>>31234943That's because you're sleep deprived or have a fucked up sleep rhythm.
>>31235134>>31235162Must be weird living in the holohouse and having to hear constant fucking
>>31234569>I disliked something trivial about her during her intro and I've rationalized it into an obsessionWhat's it like being so bitter that you purposely misquote posts to deny (You)s? Do you enjoy being miserable?
>>31235181Added for further evidence
>>31235280Too bad, buddy.Get the rope already.
>>31235298Anonchama... we're full... No more please
>>31235310They have good soundproofing setups for their streaming.
>>31235061Fucking jesas, that wall of "Mori is my least favourite"
>>31235280Guess this is a Mori thread now
>>31235142Please stop bringing this pasta until something actually happens. All this does is waste image slots and slightly annoy people with your TL;DR blogpost.
>>31235293Mori seems to let her chat shit itself up enough without kfpniggers adding fuel to the fire.
>>31235140>his twitterSo this is what happens when you don't take your meds...
Did Ame roommate disabled her twitter again ? Hope she didnt get in trouble with management
>>31235310Surely they're used to it at this point
>>31235061>Mori/AmeI was suprised and unsurprised by this.
Predictions for the Ollie/Reine collab yab? Only 12mins left to place your bets!
>>31235061Why did KFP hates Gura so much?
>wake up>hear this playing on the radio> think a gura cover of this song would be spectacular
>HoloEN Christmas collab at 3pm>Mori Date stream at 1:30pm>Ina Minecraft stream at 9pmBased GMT Christmas Day
>>31235061Didn't know there was such a direct rivalry between Ame and Mori
>>31235061So the least favourite list goesMori > Kiara > Ame > Gura > Ina
>>31235280do a flip
>>31235360I assume its the Unicorns that went to Mori after Amegeddon which is kind of hilarious to think about.
>>31235061>Mori/Ame>Ame/MoriWe truly are brothers.
>>31235353Deleted again, now it's free for falseflagging
>>31235181Nene trash
>>31235367the yab happens when ollie starts reading spacha, as in after reine leaves
>>31235280Is that a promise?
>>31235140His twitter makes for some grim reading.
>>31235191That's because most people that answered the poal weren't stating their favorite EN and the one they hated. It was just the one they watched the least.
>>31235369I dont hate Gura but realistically, who am I going to choose?Mori is my second favoriteAme helps Kiara a lotIna is our second in commandThat leaves Gura for last
>>31235280do a flip, this is /mori/
>>31235353Most likely, if you watched Ame's member stream earlier she meantioned she wouldn't be able to post pictures of Bubba, chances are it's because Enma found out about the "fuck you" banner on her old twitter to Seagulls and knew that if she posted a picture of Bubba people would be able to know the banner on Ame's old twitter is actually her. It's a schizo rrat but she wouldn't be able to keep that up for long honestly
>>31235360I started as a Deadmate but all the other girls had more to offer than Ame in terms of personality so she kinda faded into the background for meshe also gave me some ex-gf vibes and that kind of personality becomes very tiresome when you spend any longer amount of time with them
>>31235280Mori love!
>>31235374I actually think Subaru's voice is hot.
>>31235251Sugar cookies
>>31235359>hurr durr SEAniggerswhy chickenfags like this?
>>31235398There is basically no reason to hate ina unless you're a hyper schizo.
>>31235369KFP is filled with dykes, /u/schizos and trannies so they precive the actually cute girl as a threat.
>>31235398sounds like business as usual, nothing we didn't already know, I mean how many people are going to dislike someone as innocuous as Ina
>>31235280>come into /mori/ general>cant stand Morijust end it already
The main problems with the TakaMori bit, Mori too tsun and not enough dere for the ship and Kiara is too over the top and heavily carrying the ship. They need to switch something up or drop it for a little while.
>>31234661Really? I was under the impression that she was at least one of the best singers in third gen
I want to fuck all the holo birds
>>31235466Octopi are creepy though. With their slimy tentacles and their brain sex.
>>31235367Ollie calls Reine by her real name
>>31235455Don't give people ideasEspecially not during SEA hours
Damn the last song Botan sang... she was really having fun, really happy for her
>>31235280I don't watch Mori but MORI LOVE
I like how everyone turns into a professional song critic whenever there's karaoke. Shut the fuck up and enjoy girls singing.
>>31235458I am none of those things the fuck? It's a lot more simpler than that retard. I can't watch everyone. You faggots have to realize, the poll says least favorite. That doesn't mean hate.
>>31235475>Mori>too tsunand in the 'didn't watch, still wants to speak up' bag he goes
>>31235369Most subscribed and successful EN, a position Kiara feels she fucking deserves. Her jannies are just mad.
>>31235404Yin & Yang
>>31235454No idea SEAniggerchama, they really are the worst posters in these threads.
>>31235419Gura and Kiara interaction > whole Takamori bullshit
>>31235414damn he really isn't even an anti he's just a faggot who thinks he's the main character
>>31235398I appreciate Mori for being the way she is so we don't have to decide whos the least favorite EN. I don't hate her, I just like her the least out of the 5. Just goes to show how amazing gen 1 EN is
>>31235374i love this tomboy ducky like you wont fucking believe
>>31235475I think the real issue is that Kiara probably has some degree of actual feelings for Mori, and Mori is straight as a plank of wood, and also can't act. So you end up with one side being semi-sincere, and the other not even trying.
>>31235485She is worse than Marine and Rushia and being better than Noel and Pekora isn't that high of a bar.
So this is the dusty womb power... Not bad... hehe...
>>31235280Mori's streaming very soon and none of the other EN's are streaming until afterwards, I don't know what you're expecting.
>>31235216anon, money has never stopped my favorite streamers from hurting themselves and doubt that will ever change. It's frightfully easy to feel down at the littlest thing when you have almost no safety net around you, and one of her remaining safety nets(her friendship with more) is being attacked.
>>31234927hypothetical, but it will take me a few clicks to find you some spics that fit the description.To begin with, Ironmouse is Puerto Rican, and she can do this: is a reason why all Vshojos are hated in this thread except for her. She is the only one in that group that is actually Hololive material: broken le dying girl with actual talent. How many Ironmouses aren't there around, just waiting for the call? How many of them are even better than her. Talented people are everywhere, the problem is that certain societies, particularly the very mediocre ones, do everything in their power to stop them from reaching the top. This is why foreigners are able to pick diamonds from the trash can, and why no one is a prophet on their own land.
>>31235505Zoom zoom still salty
>>31235512For you too>>31235507
>>31234661>>31235485she likes going ham in karaoke very much but can get it together in serious momentslike Mori
>>31234721the anons that matter will tako bout herand that's the best outcome honestly
>>31235251The kind of potpourri that grandmas buy.
>>31235466>innocuous as Ina>Not ina-ocuous as Ina.Shame anon, shame
Has anyone redone the Kekkai Sensen ED with Hololive characters?
>>31235526Huh, speaking of Pekora I realise she's another one not in the relay.
>>31235512What do you hope to catch with this pitiful morsel?
>>31235216It the only thing she have, remember how bad she cried about being a translator is the only skill she had.
>>31235369>Least favorite>HateYour reading comprehension reps anon
>>31235369She's the least entertaining out of 5 girls and can barely even form a sentence. Fucking Ina is more fun than Gura. But that doesn't mean I hate her, I just don't give a fuck.
>>31235526I'd have put her above rushia, but the only rushia singing I've heard is from holofes, and I'm pretty sure she only did like one song.
>>31235525please anon... don't
Kiaras such a baby lol. Most people on this board spent Christmas alone. It's like she can't look past her own suffering. You're getting SCS and viewers because people are in your situation. Nobody with family and friends is watching fucking Hololive on Christmas. The pitybaiting is getting tiresome. I'm KFP but she needs to grow up.
>>31235369I don't hate her, she's just my least favourite>Kiara>Everyone else here
>>31235555no but Suisei sang the OP in her unarchived yesterday
>>OPAs a Hololive noob, can someone tell me how Mano Aloe redebuted? I can't find any info.
>>31235490If she does in Indog nobody will notice inbetween the wablogingolak speak.
>>31235518Actual autism sadly, I kind of feel sorry for him making such a tool of himself if he's actually that spergy.
>>31235576>He missed the karaoke earlier.
>>31235414Dude's already in the gray zone where you start slowly becoming a schizo
Which Holos have sung the Nichijou EDs? I need this in my life like I never realized...
>>31235587So, how it's going to be?
>>31235200>>31235374Anon chama... singing in character is actually something you do to flex on others. Powerlimiters are a sign of strength, it means you can win with disadvantage.
>>31235516Sametori was pretty kino, but like I said i disagree and Mori is my second favorite. Also while I like Gura I have a hard time watching her due to time zones so,,,
>>31235587lol poor Ghostlings, only have a 1 hour date with their boi
>>31235280/hlgg/ likes to pretend it's /ameg/ but in reality its /callig/ since they managed to talk about her non-stop even when she was gone for an entire week
>>31235360Ame is what /hlgg/ thinks they are, a relatively normal person dedicated to weeby hobbies and gaming with some shitty stories about their pastMori is what /hlgg/ actually are, a hyper cringy individual obsessed about their hobby to the point of fucking up their life entirely on their own volitionone is an idealizationone is a mirrorthe reasons for hate are obvious
>>31235588Its not unarchived. It was nuked for copyright.And afaict no one has an archive of it atm.
>>31235475They don't have to do anything. Their dynamic is great even when Kiara isn't tryharding the ship
>>31235575o g e yg e ye yy
>>31235537At least if you wanna convince the 1st worlder show her real skill singing Christian songs. Don't Cherrypick>>31234927
>>31235595what a fucking pathetic existence
>>31235610We'll make the most out of it.
>>31235590Past life harassment from Nijiniggers because she badmouthed their black company practices and clique behavior
>>31235585Anonchama, Kiara spent Christmas alone in a country that hates her, and has severely low esteem from being attacked by insane ass idolfag anits. I think its a bit more than just being alone.
>>31235575post this pol on Gura's hours and see what happens
>>31235614There is absolutely nothing normal about Ame. We do are more like Mori than we like, thou. There is a reason why she is HERE.
>>31235607Agreed. But only if you actually win.
>>31235627Please don't it hurt enough the first time...
What is his endgame?
>>31235617there is an archive in /t/
>>31235610You shoulda seen the schedule before
>>31235587Wow, it's not members only?
>>31235433>>31235353She said maybe she can post Wellington and Wellington was in that banner too, I don't buy it
>>31235585>Most people on this board spent Christmas aloneI didnt >I'm KFP but she needs to grow upSure you are buddy
>>31235627>even has a chicken in his nameWhy is KFP like this?
>>31235660You sure? I'll take a look later.
>>31234824Someone shared this yesterday.>>31196181
>threads crying about Mori overuse in the thread>ctrl+f to check for bullshitKiara- 18 matchesGura- 25 matchesAme- 13 matchesIna- 13 resultsMori- 79 resultswew
>>31235665God how I wish it were.
>>31235140>It's some shit tier KFP artistKek'd
>>31235458You just described KFP antis...Get your shit together little brown doggie.
>>31235624>My dad sings this song>Woooow>Christian stream!
>>31235061>gura/kiara and kiara/gura tiedi will fucking kill chickenfags on sight and i'll get the deadbeats to help
>>31235677Ina ina ina...
>>31235475>They need to switch something up or drop it for a little while.A lot of problems with the ship would be gone right away if Kiara would stop excessively playing up the homolust. For westerners, it only comes off as "token" behavior that people are tired of already.It's one of the reasons why people that like Amesame somehow don't like TakaMori.
>>31235614>Both are HERE
>>31235627how retarded are people?
Maybe it's just me, but the melody for this song has always given me strong Raildex OPs vibes.
>>31235672Cults don't attract the most mentally stable people.
>>31235683I’d reason mori and Kiara definitely have the most lgbt audience
>>31235660Right, think I found it.The 6.4GB one? Damn thats fat.
>>31235537wtf i love spics now
Zion yo...
>>31235140This is just sad.
time for a bird and undying to draw
>>31235627It must be a lotta fun being this mentally ill
>>31235716She sang for a long time! Strong Comet.
>>31235611Despite only having 13% of the fanbase, the Nigger of Nippon direct 40% of the discussion.
When does the relay stop? Is it gonna go through every girl?
I can't wait for the Mori/Ollie collab to see the reaction when Ollie thanks a superchat during the collab.
>Ame not able to doxx Bubba>Youtube does it for me anyways with a clip posted from 1 month ago with 19k viewsalright so time to report this to cover I guess (if anyone else wants to do it it's her old roomate name plus bubba in the title)
>>31235676Anon... I kneel
>>31235627Jesas, that twitter, the guy is off the deep end
Merry Christmas /ameg/!
>there are people on 4chan who think vtubers are fake, when this website is the embodiment of people being more honest and unfiltered when anonymous as opposed to having their identity on stake linked to their opinions and actions in public or pseudonymous setting
>>3123575112JST, Aqua will be the last
>>31235061pie chart based on this poal
>>31235624My point is that the really great ones are not known right now, and the pool of talents is growing bigger every month. Hololive is THE THING right now, and everyone debuting in the west today do so with that goal in mind. 10.000 applicants isn't a possibility, it's a certainty. If anything, Mousy is still mediocre compared to what we might have yet too see.
>>31235677>Mori mentioned more than all the girls combinedfucking hell
>>31235575I think there's something wrong with your screenshot, anon.
>>31235708They have their own tiers of retardation
>>31235665No but they probably should get shifted to T1 at some point.
>>31235746I know, but still.Please, my HDD space.Huh, just realised its longer than 1 day of Holofes.
>>31235627>KFPWhat the fuck?
>spinning a wheel to draw good idea zoombie
>>31235529I LOVE MY CEO OF DOX!!!
>>31234758>runescape raids resetwhat did he mean by this? There is no raids reset, or daily/weekly raids limit or lockout.
>>312356510 eyelids
>>31235398I only put Mori as my least favorite because I don't click with her zatsudans and she plays games the least, but I always prioritize her if she does anything music-related. Doesn't mean I remotely dislike her, I just prioritze others above her.
>>31235575there's a reason why your boss is bottom of the barrel janny
>>31235783 Last minute dragon hijack
>>31235529I LOVE YOU CEO
Ollie better draw with pentab instead of a mouse ffs
>>31235627Fuck my life, he is gonna start coming here isn't he?
>>31235627Jesus if it was an anti /u/ schzio I could kind of understand but hes just retarded
>>31235677Mori is not even my oshi, but she got the most unjustified hate here for some reasonMORI LOVE
>>31235643she's just a girl with a rough past that loves vidyashe loves girly moviesshe loves girly smutshe likes popular multiplayer gamesshe's pretty normal for a late millennial/early zoomer
>>31235140The guy just spoke the truth in a humble way. Chimken's aggressive gushing towards Mori or Pekora is retarded and annoying as fuck.
>>31235777Ame-rry Christmas to you too, fag
>>31235061>>31235782yeah theres no way the poal is legit. I don't doubt that Mori is the least favorite but you gotta be shitting me with those difference in numbers
>>31235781They may be fake now. But if you keep streaming and communicating in character for most of the day. What's fake then?
>>31235781this is unironically and actually why we love vtubers so much. it is women + weeb + pseudonymity
>>31235627KFP, you got your target
>>31235360I voted this, it's nothing personal, I just don't really like ame's voice and her streams are pretty hit and miss to me, she's a great girl and I'm glad she's in hololive, but I don't really watch her solo streams and I don't finish every collab she's in.
>An activity>Genderbend>Swapped clothing>Anya>Y.I.S.C. (You in senpai's clothing)>YAGOO>S.I.Y.C. (Senpai in your clothing)>School uniform>First date>An interestSchool uniform goes first!
>>31235715Lgbt is weird but they dont equate to lolcow trannes. Those are a different breed of schizo, much stronger than any here.
>>31235627, this guy is a faggot
>>31235862I don't even understand the whole "vtubers are totally fake" argument. A lot of them start out playing characters, but like a few months in and they all just revert to their weird ass degen selves and give up.
>>31235677For better or for worse, that's my boy!
>>31235627The schizo cries out in pain as he strikes you
>>31235861>There's no wayAnon....
I can't believe Ina said this
>>31235857I'm going to stay faraway from any body of water.Octopi can't survive on land.
>>31234773Tell me about her member content anon
>not gonna be around for the mori date or EN collabHope everyone enjoys them, Merry Christmas anons!
>>31235857When's the ballbusting ASMR stream
>>31235862And at what point the character become one with the actor
>>31235676I am clearly the kouhai to another Flareanon in this thread. I kneel
>>31235627Finally KFP are going to move on from that one SEAniggers guy on twitter
>>31235845its getting mor and more embarrassing to be a Mori antis and I'm enjoying everybit of it. Its not as bad as you think anonbro
>>31235140Oh gods his twitterWhere the fuck are his meds
>>31235672Most holo fan's twitter names have their respective oshi's chosen emoji in their names. In fact, that's what the custom emoji is for to a certain extent: to make it easier as a fan to pledge your allegiance.
>Mori date is gonna overlap with Polka ASMRI'm sorry Calli...
>>31235627Am I the only stable minded KFP here?
>>31235785Well I think a huge eligibility factor Cover scouts are also looking for are people who will keep going even if the going gets tough. Like if holoEN turns out to be a fad and drops to 1K viewer numbers, who is most likely to stay? People like Ame, Mori and Kiara have shown they have handled that in the past, so they got in.
>>31235837He’s already here
>>31235845One anon saying that it's because she streams almost exclusively in SEA-RU-EU hours has a point. You fuckers don't even watch her, of course you don't like her.
>>31235782lmao, i can believe mori is least favourite, but no way ina is first, and that far above ame.this is delusional
>>31235897He reads as the abusive type>SNUGGLED>IN>BED
>>31235898you're telling me over 300 people voted on a poal?
Do you think the discord furry trannies will finally take a break from this autistic crusade since its Christmas or will they spend all day shitposting still?
>>31235902>he doesn't know
>>31235823He aint a janny. Probably some idiot. A good amount of kfp love Gura its just they probably need more of her with Kiara to raise her up. It makes sense since Kiara and Gura have had the least amount of interaction together until recent times.
you're not allowed to have a negative opinion on Mori, if you do, you're a pathetic seanigger schizo anti
>>31235895Or they become one with the character
>>31235900Ina's soft bed...
>>31235781but vtubers do have an identity
>>31235926Anonchama... i meant why a member of kfp is making their oshi cry.
>>31235846You seem pretty out of touch with what normal girls are like
>>31235627Guy is an idiot but i feel sorry for him because all chickenfags will eat him alive
>>31235952This poal has been going for days.
>>31235957this is true
>>31235895I mean tbf HoloEN is still young yet. We'll see what they are like on the 1st anniversary, they'll either start living the character or revert more to what they were before. Either would be true at that point.
>>31235889I didn't even look at the rest of his reply tweets the first time, he really responds to every Kiara tweet with a shitty neg
>>31234824 fucking songs
>>31235907thanks Amebro, have a good day/night
>>31235781Based. I'm glad someone brought it up. Hell this is our entire fixation in this den of misery. It is rather unfortunate /a/ themselves do not understand this.
>>31235954anon, I...
>>31235900Imagine the flowery smell
>>31235964Her name is Robert Paulson.
>>31235857>Ina's tiny and frail body...
>>31235957you meant Kiara?
I see the SEA are petty today as well
>>31235941poal was made during tako hours. you can repost again during gurame hours
>>31235932I liked to think i was too but i dont know anymore.
I hope Kiara's ok, I love my boss.
>>31235932Just give yourself some time.
>>31235965>>31235956Oh fuck.
>>31235627>it wasn’t a deadbeatOur innocence is proven yet again!
>>31235957Mori attracts the manlet audience though
>>31235957and if you shit up the thread with said schizo anti rrats you deserve to be shot, yes
>>31235947>Mori in a Noel-type casual outfit>those fucking sweater puppiesawooga
>>31235775Time to put some bets on this loser.
>>31235952You're telling me you don't believe on the curse of the 25th? Cotton drifting for you anon....
>>31235934Kiara seems like she'd be in hololive until either cover dies or forces her to stop
>>31235969nah, it's pretty common topic at my workplace, we often talk about games and shit
>>31235932Nah I'm always here too but I guess that also doesn't bode well. It was bound to happen that we'd get retards in the mix.
Everyone shut up and listen to Gura's favorite JP singing right now
>>31235985How old (from debut) should we define a holo as "no longer young" ?
>>31235251My cum
Holostar new customes.
>>31236040Do you know oyashiro-sama?
>>31235627>>31235595>>31235518>>31235140>>31235682If you check his twitter and see the likes on his art Kiara seems to have liked a lot of them, I found at least 7 seperate pieces of art Kiara liked.This means she probably recognised his name after reading the donation and knew he is a long time fan who has drawn a lot of art of her and isn't some offshoot random anti....
UUOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH Shioooooon~Ojisan Love
>>31235957repeat that a thousand times and youre good to go
>>31235968I really hope he takes a good look in the mirror over this, but given how far gone he seems to be already I wouldn't put it past him to try and "fix" this by being more "tactful" about it.
>>31236018she's gonna do fine after the rain of akas coming her way from literal retards trying to "cheer her up" after her episode
>>31236006>>31235941Also there is no way Gura got least 1st, even Ina hour or not.
>>31235986Jesus Christ i just looked to the other replies... My God that one really need meds
>>31234769no, it wasn't that bad. he said it in a very polite way
Hey uhh, can we talk about something else? Please?
>>31235957I love the dork but not her content.
>>31235987Good Lord. I'm going to make some coffee, get up and have a fucking field dayThank you!
>>31236036SOUL Reaper is a karaoke collab I need to hear.
>>31235676>Reckless Fire!pure kino
>>31236056I hope Roberu has a fuckton of configurations again
>>31236058Kiara is heavily invested in egosearch and tends to give likes to any sort of fanart she can find
>>31235475I thought they already improved it a bit. A Way Out collab was kino.
>>31235670Thats not Wellington, thats Roswell, she had him till the end of 2019. Nobody knows if he's still alive (maybe with family taking care of him?) or not.
>>31235954>>31236014They are still going. They genuinely want to try and get hololive banned from 4cham entirely. They really will spend their Christmas doing this.
>>31236072You keep posting this and I don't think you understand how self esteem works.
>>31235957gonna cry? maybe piss and cum?
>>31235627This guys a member of KFP and, knowing Kiara, he still sent that SC? 100% a sperg.Actually blaming the character limit for his lack of tact. Fuck off.It sucks because we were genuinely making progress with Kiara. The endless concernfag superchats were disappearing.Constantly sending shit like "Ignore the haters and just be yourself and never forget we love you and you're perfect and never think otherwise!" would only serve to drag up old emotions and just constantly remind her of her shitty beginnings and antis, never being able to move past it because her fans won't let her.Now it's going to kick into full gear again.
>>31235987>"Why are half of these privated, why is this so-">rememberO-oh...
>>31236058jesus fuck, no wonder it upset her. she made the effort to know him and recognise his name. and he did that to her.
>>31235932And here I thought we were always just memeing
>>31236037I was almost replying to him saying >take your meds schizobut i dont think twitter will like thisThe guy shits on Kiara in every reply to her tweets
Ames whispering really felt different, I'm not sure why
>Ollie already drawing Reine's oppai
>>31236058God this just gets sadder and sadder.
>>31236056Homostars getting more attention is always welcomed.
>>31236105Thanks Capcom.
>>31236073Jesas, just ignore those pointless arguments of a poll from 4chan. They serve no purpose thus far but to fuel these tribalism fucks
>>31236077Hey Ame, you uhh dyed your hair
>>31236077haha it-
>>31235932I'm here. Though I like Mori just as much (maybe more after today's date, god give me strength).I just keep posting Kiara/Mori love and occasionally call someone a retard kek.
>>31236099Ah ok then I believe it fully
>>31236056When do we get to see them? All for the new years over the next few days?
>>31235627>Him replying to basically every Kiara tweet with a blog postSometimes I think I'm a little weird then feel a lot better when I see these schizos
>>31236054I like 6 months to a year.
>>31235957only deadbeats deserve to have a negative opinion on our boy
>>31235627>>31236058Jesus fucking christ, her liking his art must've inflated his ego beyond all reason.
>>31236091Yeah, and if she's invested in it she definitely recognises a name she's seen a lot, especially attached to art.
Reine again with the bleeding edge bullying technology
>>31236077Lulu is a whore!
>>31236056Guys I kinda wanna kiss Roberu on the mouth
>>31235525It because she a huge tsundere is part of the skit but you need the in head anime dialogue to help, her being too blunt with her words and with the bad acting doesn't help people not in on the joke. It makes one of them look bitchily.
>>31236146New year relay stream.
I'm dying from lack of sleep from the previous 2 days. I hope the collab goes well and the girls have a good time. Merry Christmas anons.
>31236145>take a single glance at /qa/Maybe we aren't that retarded
>>31235823Why are you so angry? And what is that reason?
>>31235957Stop talking about Mori during other girls' hours if you want to be taken seriously, retard
>>31236058Anon look to his replies, all of them are trying to shit on KiaraLook at this shit>Of course the first piece of fanart I draw after SCing @takanashikiara complaining to her that she keeps missing half the fanart I make of her ends up completely slipping her radar... Starting to wonder why the hell I even bother making this stuff...
>>31235061I dont care what subhumans here think I'll keep posting and supporting her, only my opinion is relevant to me
>>31236058>he's a gosling who went too far
>>31235597I'm a euro, I've gotta sleep some time.
>>31235672>>31236058It makes complete sense as to why she got upset now. This wasn't just some rando talking shit. It was a fan that she actually recognized.
>>31236058This is getting into depressionkino
>>31236040Looking forward to the next episode.
>>31235861It's true. When you look at the real numbers that matter and not just sub counts Mori has way less hours viewed by people on youtube by quite a lot. Ina and Kiara both have almost double the viewed hours. Mori despite having a high sub count trails in viewed hours even when compared to holos like Botan and Polka in 5th gen who have half the sub counts that Mori has. The real truth is that Mori only clings on by sub counts but most of those subs don't actually spend any time watching her content because they only subbed for the music vods and not because of her vtuber stuff.
>>31235140I expected the message to be significantly worse than this limp-wristed attempt. People last thread were going on and on about how he said Kiara was shit and her friendship with Mori is shit but all I see is a cult member turning on his own.
>>31236056>>31236146>>31236169>New year relay stream>Ame is planning a very long new years streamI kinda hope she tunes in to comment on each Homostar outfit but I know she'll feel like she can't for idol reasons
>>31236077Like Shion? that generally the top link in the description leads to the next part of the relay.
>Ollie jeMbuTnYa TebAL
>>31235622When is she not tryharding the ship?
>>31235957It's fine, people are entitled to their opinion even if it's wrong. More our boy for us.
>>31236104It doesn't help that she actually was talking about her bumpy start right before that SC came up. Fucking hell.
>>31236163She's only doing it to put herself through art school
>>31235986Yeah, I can understand having complaints but I don't get fucking sending every single one to Kiara, jesus.
>>31236154heh, if that aint the truth
>>31235537>>31235624I'm a spic and already was familiar with Mousey.The biggest problem facing ES chuubas is... ES viewers. Luckily for Ironmouse, she speaks English (unlike a large portion of Puerto Ricans for cultural reasons)...The real question is... could Cover actually get a group of ES speakers without someone on the inside that could speak the language to a high enough level that they could grasp their entertainment abilities? The biggest hurdle is the lack of English literacy among spics that aren't US citizens, and US spics don't necessarily speak good Spanish.
Holy shit their art is good...What's the point of Iofi anymore.
>>31236117Probably because she was being genuine and not just doing it as a half-joke. Wish she wasn't so uncomfortable with being cute, but it seems to be getting better.
>>31236187That's early Klaiustier shit
>>31236099What if they’re roommates?
>>31236215What the fuck?
>>31236091>Kiara is heavily invested in egosearchactually she said during the JP stream she can't ego search since it just keeps bringing up her twitter and if she tries different terms it just brings up irrelevant things
>>31236187It's a huge unironic autism red flag when someone posts shit like that. You ever been in a chat room and some autist comes in amongst the conversation and starts complaining about his life out of nowhere? Same vibes imo.
Wtf they actually a good drawer, Lofi don't watch
>>31235587>i actually cannot believe that i am doing this.Mori's descriptions are always perfect.
>>31236077wait, that is not Ame
>>31236058How the fuck can someone live like this? What turns a man into an anti?
>finished 2 functioning Minecraft farms all while doing zatsudans with chat and getting into plenty of comedic situationsShe progressed so much as a streamer and entertainer compared to her first couple of months, so proud of my oshi. Same for all of EN, they have improved so much. I would never have been able to do what they do.
>Reine: Can I draw you in a miniskirt?>Ollie: Yes you may!
>>31236036Not quite Noel-tier but still one of my favorite pieces of Mori art.
>>31236207show me the numbers, Mason
>>31236056>tfw no robel friend to get me shit face>tfw no shien friend to fuck around and do dumb shit with>tfw no astel friend to bond over out autism and spaghetti issues withi do not need the gfe i just want the FE anons
>>31235932No, it is actually me. I do think that in this forsaken thread are more stable kfps, than on twitter.
>>31235781Fictional character playing real person, but at the same time there is also feedback loop between character and roommate, as they both slowly merge into unified personality.
>>31235957Hmm this post smells familiar..
you will NEVER understand your JP Oshi without EN subs if you keep relying on EN subsPut in some hard work-peko!AH HA HA HA HA HA HA
>>31236167She just needs to evolve like Akai Haato.
>>31234661I've said before, she's not tone-deaf. She has improper technique problem, straining her vocal chord and making it crack (which will really fuck up your career in long term). She should let her jaw and neck muscles to do the heavy lifting. Her voice is actually good, she is in ALICE unit (Sora, Suisei, Kanatan, Marine, Flare) before. Noel on the other hand, have tempo problem and confidence problem on pushing her high notes, and undecisive in choosing her stage voice.
>>31236235Iofi is better at everything except eyes, anon
>>31236209He spammed chat and sent other sc`s anon, that was the first one that she brushed off
>Gyaru Reine
>>31236251Don’t worry you’ll find a way to scuff it up
Shion is so cute in this outfit uoohhhhh
>>31236277Just develop a split personality, easy
>>31236250Is Ollie drawing a deliquent Reine?
>>31236283Maybe the reason why I love them is because I don't understand them, you ever think of that fucker?
finally found it
UOOOOHHHHH Shion's mesugaki voice sounds great today
>>31236196Fair. Fortunately its all archived.Assuming it didn't get sniped.I won't rank her but it was pretty good.
>>31236283i just passively learned japanese by watching anime.
>SEA is Kiara's KlaiusFucking kek, you can't make this shit up
>>31236058Didn't we just recently affirm that Kiara gets the nuttiest fans?
>>31236283I'm on /jp/ of course I can understand JP.
>>31236306Shion is super cute in every outfit
If you shit on Mori expect people to shit on you, simple as, if you have a problem with that leave
You gotta admit, for all its worth, /qa/ can be pretty funny. I brought this gem with me.
>>31236321Then that isn't love. It's idolatry
I gave up on Gura, Kiara is my new oshi
>>31236322Actual mental problems, holy fuck.
Ollie drew Reine with big oppai and child bearing hips...
>Can see Reine crack a smile after seeing what Ollie wroteHer rigging is so fucking good holy shit.
>>31236268>Deadbeats on life supportAnd the gift of Christmas keeps giving...
>>31235140SEANiggers every damn time.
>>31236004No, KFPs coping mechanism are trannies and lolcows.
>>31236305Iofi... Now Ina has 2 more IDs she can collab with
>>31236297bully him out, problem solved
>no I'm drawing with a rrat
>>31236232What I find really funny is that she doesn't realise when she swears in English but recognises a Spanish swear instantly...imagine trying to find "family friendly" talents from the English speaking ES community.
>>31236091You don't say?
>I'm drawing with a rratGUYS!SHE'S HERE
>>31236207You niggers keep trying push this "her subs are only there for music" yet get disproven by her vod viewship and the fact that last time she released a song she barely received a boost from it Do you ever get tired of getting BTFO'd or it just a fetish?
>>31236283Guess what? I cut the middleman and watch EN only now
>>31236347You talking about the truck guy? Yeah that was also really bad.
>>31235957Like anyone cares? You don't belong in this thread anyway. You and your pathetic traitor of an oshi will fuck off from Hololive at FIRST chance she gets after she gathers enough fans for her roommate's music.
>Kiara got invited to a Momotetsu collabI'm so happy for my tenchou. I think it's the first time she was invited to a JP group collab and based on her reaction it's highly likely Peokora will participate too. I can't wait for the seethe.
>>31236375how do you feel about the fact that these threads would still talk about Mori constantly even without a single deadbeat present?
>>31236207I am surprised that Mori has more viewcounts than Ame.
>>31236322>both autistic and emotionally manipulativeGreat mix
>>31235627>Let kayfabe affecting you this much
>>31236371And Reine returned the favour by putting Ollie in a miniskirt and making her hold her pee
>>31236077Fuck off, don't post nijiniggers here
>>31236354what if I say something nice about Mori?
>>31236347My oshi`s fanbase is full of schizos
So being a decent to great singer has to be something Cover looks for in all their applicants right? I feel like a ton of the Hololive girls are weirdly good at singing. There's really only a few that are exceptionally bad that I can think of.
>>31236347Yes And Risu's fans are the ones with the least nuts.
>>31236355What is this and did he take his meds
>>31236283I fell in love with Haato and decided to start doing my reps to understand her, only for the bitch to decide she likes english more and start streaming regularly as an EN member
>>31236357who are you to decide what is and isnt something I love fuck off retard
Please appreciate this very cute Nenechi I got for you.
>>31236355...this is a bit weird anon. Top kek for the BGM and sound bites
>>31236355> average chumbud
>>31236371>her mama would be proud
>>31236413Her songs are popular.
>>31236399>truck guyPlease grant me eyes
>>31235537>>31235624Ironmouse is a cute spic girl? Based.
>>31235957this but with amelia and unironic
>>31236384This but unironically
>>31236413Doesn't she have like 15 million views on her songs alone?
>>31235781I get that people might think that most of them are playing a role because they're using an avatar, but the idea that most v-tubers are dudes using voice changers?
>>31236268I dont really take polls seriously as I've personally proxy bombed both poalme and strawpoll before
>>31236413jops really like her for some reason and she mostly streams around Japan prime time.
>>31236413songs, summed up they have like 18 mil viewsbut there's also not that much to watch stream wise
>>31236405>MomotetsuA what?
Anyone know the previous song Shion sang? I didn't recognize it but it sounded like a nice song.
>>31236403t. deadbeat
>>31235061Nobody is saying they HATE Mori, they're just saying she's their least favorite. Personally, I still really like her, it's just that I like everyone else MORE. Mori streams the absolute least, her streams are the shortest - especially gameplay streams, and most of her content is the same.
>>31236413She has a video with 10 million views, and another one with 4m+, that helps.
>>31236421Then we need to fight each other, No shirts No shoes, Final destination
>>31236250Pic related was Reine's Passpartout speedrun. Ollie's drawing skills were evident immediately, as drew the chibis for herself and genmates.>>31236316Both skirts' length are against usual school regulations, and the longest is the more traditionally associated with sukeban, so Ollie's drawing is more obviously delinquent-ish to my eyes.
>>31236455actually based
>>31236441Stop projecting
>>31236355Cute Matsuri.That final enka today was great.
>>31236441it's actually the average anti
>>31236465Americans are coolRappers are badassAmerican rappers are really cool and badassMoririn love
>>31236383Anya...hasn't Anya been on Ina's streams the most?
>>31236421you'll still get shit onit's how it works, welcome to the endless battlet. deadbeat
>>31236399Truck guy?
>>31236419Something something fanbase reflects the streamer
>>31236426to be fair English IS the superior language
>>31236467think it's that train board game
Can anyone confirm this?Just got info from discord apparently sharkmeido got back up from /a/ and /vg/ mods
>>31236422I mean, being an idol is part of the job description. I have a feeling girls who get that far in the interview process understand that to some extent.
>>31235627I guess the saying "A streamer's audience is often a reflection of the streamer" is true after all
>>31235140That doesn't sound so bad. At least not enough for her to get that upset about it. I wonder if there was something more to it that bothered her?
>>31236473Should be inferno by green apple
>>31236322What a fucking bitch, then he has the nerve to try and play victims
>>31236422They prefer their talents to be talented, yes.Not necessarily at singing but that is one of the easiest ways to make a first impression
Do women really care about breast size or is that just a joke?
Mori general
>>31235932There're plenty of them, they just won't stand out to you compared to the doxfags and schizos that get talked about here.
>>31236322wtf I love KFPs now
>>31236375despite having the least amount of fans on /hlgg/, Mori drives 75% of all discussion on /hlgg/
Just got here. Where we at on the relay?
>>31236413Are you forgetting her songs or something?
Sex with Ollie
>>31236422It's definitely something that goes in your favor, but based on what Ame told us about her audition they're accepting of you having less than stellar singing skills if you're willing to work on your reps later.
>>31236513No idea man, I think most of us have been keeping our head down and keeping the threads comfy.
>>31236422Cover is an idol agency. Surprising, I know.
>>31236467monopoly but with japanese autism added to it
>>31236529mori mori mori mori mori mori mori mori mori mori mori mori mori mori mori mori mori mori mori mori
>>31236527My sister hates her big boobs
>>31236529Mori hours.
>>31236355This but unironically.
>>31235932The thing about being stable minded is to not speak your mind because most stuff doesn't bother you
>>31236419Well your fanbase share a slice of interests with nousagis so yeah
>>31236271I don't want to be a numfag but here you go. These are the numbers from last month. You can choose to believe it or not but this is the real truth of how popular everyone is in terms of YT's real metrics.
>>31236322That guy doesnt need meds, he need a shot in the back of his head
>>31236527No, it doesn't matter if you have big boobs or a nice ass to a woman. You're either hot or not, only men obsess over body parts.
>>31236422>There's really only a few that are exceptionally bad that I can think of.Ame is the bottom line standard for singing
>>31236221This post reminds me off that guy who tried to intimidate a guy who was hitting on his gf by sending an edgy FNAF picture
>>31236537It's like you haven't read the last 10 threads. The less we have talked about is MoriMeds, now
>>31236424Please Risu, you need to feed your Prisuners more. You can't keep hoarding the nuts for yourself.
>>31236239>Wish she wasn't so uncomfortable with being cute, but it seems to be getting better.I like the narrative is that chat calling her cute all the time is going to her head. She was used to being called toxic and lewd, but she doesn’t know how to deal with cute.
>>31236529Ame streams - thread is about AmeGura streams - thread is about GuraMori streams - thread is about MoriKiara streams - thread is about MoriIna streams - thread is about Mori no one streams - thread is about Mori
>>31236435I love you neneposter
>>31236207Oh wow, almost as if she has less hours streamed than other girls, right
>>31236413songs, dumbassthey have millions of views
>>31236529I blame Mori for this
>>31236527It's a joke anon, just like penis size
>>31236096It did but some people probably got pissed off by the Sim stuff that made it look one sided again
>>31236207I really don't think saying that watch hours is the only worthwhile metric when we're talking about the girl in holoen with the lowest total stream time by a good margin is fair, especially since she had a whole week off and also a weeks worth of streams have been taken down.
>>31236283Closest one to my JP oshi status is Korone, and she speaks english all the time.
>>31236072Money doesn't fix self esteem anon.
>>31236582This voice sounds 40 years old not gonna lie
Just came back from a family thing, the fuck happened in this thread
>>31236297Which is shitty but nothing to have a breakdown over. I wish people would give me money just on the off-chance that I'd give their bitching a glance. Must be nice to make money off of people who show up just to complain.
Senpai in your clothes is next!
>>31236572why is it an ESL post every god damn time? Are Deadbeats behind this?
>>31236354We got tired of being pushed around.... Now we're bringing the gun to school....
>>31236544friend (with benefits (for pay))!
>>31236322>>31236565Time to take him out back of the KFP and purge him from the staff. The gallows or the gun?
>>31236268I can't stop laughing at the fact the we have such deep numberfagging here that we keep making fucking graphs and pie charts of the collected data. I've seen business meetings less serious about their numbers.
>>31236565You need a shitton of meds, broski.
>>31236322this guy unironically needs to take his meds.
>>31236322Clearly the abusive type
>>31236566Please change Calliope for Mori, I just spent an entire minute looking for her name there kek
>>31236544Sex with Ollie and Reine!
>>31236527I dont know anon. Do guys really care about the size of their dick?
>>31236513You discordniggers can sort that out on your own. I will just bunker down in global and see what happens. We have no control over this anyway.
>>31236621It's nice when skills in a drawing collab are comparable.
>>31236621i hope she keeps drawing zombie in a holding pee pose
>>31236245That's because if you search kiara in japanese you'll find the majority of it is about FGO character instead and in english it was a common name
>>31236566anon I don't think you know how this chart works. Look at the Y-axis
>>31236529>Literally Mori hours>Wonders why Mori is being talked about???
This Shion duet sounds pretty good
>>31236652LOOK AT HER GO
>>31236637t. deadbeat
>>31236527women hate their breasts. if they're flat, they hate not having breasts.if they're small, they hate not having big breasts.if they're uneven, they hate not having even breasts.if they're big, they hate having big breasts.if they say they like their breasts, they're faking it until they make it.
>>31236566Damn, Pekora is a fucking beast.
>>31236621>Rushia in Ollie's outfit>Korone in Reine's outfitRushia's going to need a bigger bow to cover all that boing.
>>31236322>hiding names
>>31236582Mori likeMori streams - dead hoursDead hours - talking about Mori
>>31236529Somehow mori's fault honestly
>>31236652Nice sound post
>>31236624I miss the times when Mori antiposting used to be fun and creative. Now is all just ironic haters spewing old memes like reddit and facebook. I miss when Mori was legit true to god hated in these threads by the majority of anons here. The brap posting, the pog posting, I miss all of it. The trash taste collab following two weeks of shitposting were the peak. Now its all just cheap (You) baits and newfags trying to blend in with "haha le epic hater Mori lmaoo" bullshit. Its so fucking tiresome
>>31236537>the least amount of fans on /hlgg/Delusional.
>>31236566Whoever made this, that legend is fucking retarded.There are so many colors that they mean nothing. Subdivide legend by gens or order it by the watch time because that at least gives some useful information.
>>31236618She is a woman with a history of low self esteem. Money doesn't fix that. Fucking hell, money doesn't fix the poorfag standards these girls continue to have.
>>31236239>>31236581Ame knows that she's cute, this whole thing is just another episode in the "Ame doesn't like hearing her own voice" saga.
>>31236513It barely matters. These threads have been fine fuck the rest of the board.
>>31236513I have heard this was his plan from someone who I know lurks the IRC, but I don’t have first hand knowledge.
>>31236667The y axis in this case does not show how high they are on the axis this was a chart showing how each gen stacks together. The color range for each holo is representative of each gen members contribution.
>>31236527yes. usually its the flat chested ones that is just full of envy. They cope with the whole "shape matters more than size". "personality", self-groom or whatever. You better don't bring up fertility topic with them otherwise they'll explode. Big breasts is really an inconvenience and painful.and this >>31236677
>>31236552Now I want a Mori version of
>>31236688>>Korone in Reine's outfit
>>31236621>kureji please screechWhy are Indog like this...
>>31236692thought 4chan did not do witch hunts like Twitter
>>31236621Reine's blushing face does things to me
>>31236693>Mori likeDid you just make a pun?
>>31236395>fact that last time she released a song she barely received a boostDo you brain reps, anon.
>>31236693you think I'm going to look at these gay ass threads when Mori is streaming?
>>31236245>it just brings up irrelevant thingsBottom Left cult leader isn't ENTIRELY irrelevant though....
>>31236637I'm at the point where half of my enjoyment of Hololive comes from theorising about potential colabs, view buffs and the girl's relationships with each other.
>>31236581Probably not used to so much positive attention and you can only be ironic about it for so long before it hits you
>>31236708Says the anon who does not know how to read charts.
>>31236618Anon she's a super emotional person. Talking to them is basically like walking through a minefield.
>>31236552>That one Persona 3 song but with Mori instead of BABY
>>31236665>you'll find the majority of it is about FGO characteryup she directly mentioned that though i'd believe she ego searches the other username but yeah she's probably getting better at self confidence despite that little moment from today
Now I want this duet even more
>Speaking of -- nevermind.Ollie's getting better at holding in her yab
One more hour and I can go to sleep with Polka. I need strength.
Based CHADBEATS run these threads
They are lovers.
>>31236322>dude just expressed his opinion politely>KILL HIM HERESY HERESY SCHIZO TAKE MEDSwhy is kfpfags like this?
>>31236624Deadbeats are responsible for every post in this thread, so yeah
>>31236771I NEED mori persona rap
>>31236716She can rarely say anything cute without taking a step back with some sort of joke, so even if she knows she's cute I'm not sure she can genuinely accept that other people think she is.
>Ollie worried about rushia sending her back to the underworld
>>31236752or rent free went too far again
>>31236674She's pretty good.
>>31236780but why? that's her charm point
>>31236257Because he doesn't see himself as an anti, just a fan who believes his oshi can magically love and appreciate all her fans, and if he's not feeling that way because of something like takamori, it must be an 'oversight' and it's his duty to tell her.
>>31236752Completely unintentionally This thread is driving me insane, I think I need a break from vtubers
>>31236785anon the holoEN collab.....
>>31236807That's not how it works-we don't even know what kind of zombie Ollie is!
>>31236793Esl-chama, please...
>>31236676I know this a joke but I really just don't watch Mori, only stream I've completely watched from the beginning to the end was the manga readalong.
>>31236793Because it's not in his business to impose his views on a vtuber.
>>31236731>Big breasts is really an inconvenience and painful.are you sure about that?>>31236780That just means she will have an even larger yab soon
>>31236451>>31236506People were talking about the kfp truck guy going full stalker and being creepy on Kiara's roommates twitter.
>>31236826jesus, literally RENT FREEI kekked anon, go rest
>>31236781I fucking love Shion's smug brrat look and Gura's blush
ollie baby....
>>31236791Baby otters cucked Ame tho!
>Ollie was so pretty as a baby that she was constantly offered roles in baby commercialsWeird lore
>>31236834The Zombie Idol kind
>>31236785>Missing the collabWeak.
Will you take care baby Ollie?
>>31236791I wish all /u/schizos were as harmless as you, anon
So if I want to do japanese reps which general do I use? /jp/ or /int/?
Ollie said she's pretty
>>31236833I'll have to do VOD reps. I'm all for unity for but I need to sleep...
Think Kiara hurt that people like the Ina/ame/gura ship better?
>'s fat cat karaoke
>>31236422I disagree. They are mostly average singers. People just have low standards. Even the Holos that people hold up as the best singers wouldn’t be able to sniff a career in music. Azki is probably the only exception.
>>31236793>dude just expressed his opinion politelyRead between the lines. He's basically saying "do what I want or else"
>>31236834I mean necromancer>zombie for power levels >>31236866
>>31236843That’s literally the whole point of superchats
>>31236823The guy complains about everything anon.He does not like christmas karaokes, he hates her timeslots, takamori gives him ass chancer, he never liked Jrpg. Like Jesus Christ, there is a point a man needs to unironically seek help
>>31236793Take your meds.It's rude as fuck for this retard to expect Kiara to change because he personally has a problem with it.
>>31236866Voodoo-arcana then? Fuck...who the hell reanimated her
Okayu really does have the best voice of any of the jp Hololive members. It's pure comfy.
>>31235900she's becoming too smug...
>>31236527>Do men really care about cock size or is that just a joke?Imagine if dicks could be as small as some women are flat. Yes dumbass
>>31236566What a shit chart to read.Gen stacking is dumb.
>>31236807The idea that the underworld consists of Rushia's yelling, Ollie's laughter and Mori's PEACE warms my heart but hurts my ears.
>>31236861Reine is about to self-doxx with this story of being in a healthy teeth campaign
Ollie baby lore holy shit
>>31236793As someone who also doesn't like the ship, he's a bit of a cunt to send not one but two SCs about it. That said, it's also a huge overreaction to such softly worded shitposts. Yeah, Kiara is an emotional person, ok, I get that. She was emotional 4 months ago too when she was reading this type of shit frequently, and I promise that it was way worse in September than it is now. Get some therapy or learn to just disregard what you've decided are worthless and stupid comments.
>>31236871Mating press
>Reine is a teeth model
>>31236793>Politely>>31236917>he doesn't know about that one webmIt can happen was a sad site
>>31236916FurtherWe must go further
>>31236640How do you spot that kind of behavior; I'm too socially retarded to see cues
>>31236527Do men really care abut height or is that just a joke?C'mon anon what kind of question is this
>>31236879Said said she was a pretty baby.
>>31236883What's with the fat Okayu rrat?
>>31236895No, it isn't. Superchats are not strings on a puppet.
>>31236745If you looked into it you realize he really was a schizo
>Not even an ESL>Never re-read my posts so I just end up looking illiterate
>Both girls did advertisementshuh maybe the indog girls do come from rich families
>>31236768nigger charts are there to make it easier to show data not to overload the brain with more info
>>31236768What do you mean? This is my first post on this thread, so I don't even know how you got the idea that I don't know how to read it.It's just really annoying to use, because you look at like 2nd gent stack and wonder who that bright yellow is, then you have to go scan the legend looking for yellows, because there are multiple very similar yellows, and then mentally filter every yellow that isn't 2nd gen. Even then some of the colors are so similar that it's annoying as fuck.
>>31236908>Specifying JPWho do you think has the best voice in EN if you aren't ranking Okayu's voice above theirs?
>>31236957She is fat
>>31236793Go through his twitter anon. He has some fucked up mental issues and this isn't the worst thing he has sent to Kiara.
Hey anonThere's fat cat singing right now and you're basically fucking stupid
ollie's nose...
>>31235900>Remembering that part in the Phasmophobia collab where she giggled while going over the sheets with the blacklight.I believe it.
>>31236793Not even KFP - guy is an autistic cunt that should be wrangled.
>>31236939Anon, that's not awwwright
I can't believe it took 1 (One) (Uno) SC to drive /hlgg/ into a frenzy.
>>31236807>worriedFucking english. I just thought about this. In this sentence, "worried" can mean both "at an earlier time" and "right now", but it's written and spelled the same so out of context you won't ever know for sure!
>Ollie was pushed off a big slide as a kid and broke her nose, it goes click clack now
>>31236513For whatever reason the shitposters are avoiding the actual hololive thread and are just spamming the catalog probably because the mods insta ban them. Just enjoy hololive>>31236878/jp/ is for shitposting and e celeb shit for anons that are coping over never being able to make it/int/ is for people actually learning japanese
>>31236959The only thing he did wrong was not sending 500 usd. To really get his message across
>>31236957She's actually chubby, that's it.
>>31235900Ina. Yes. I am in fact jelly. Now let me join you...
>>31236963happens to the best of us
>>31236965Given how good their english is, I believe.
>>31236937To be honest she was exausted and had a terrible day, also the faggot was being an asholle and trying to derail the chat
>>31236861Hmmm, let me check indonesian baby ad
>my stories are bad but not as bad as amelia's sempais
>>31236977in units of moona how fat
>>31236957She's jolly.
Ollie is a clipfags
>>31236957Fat girl voice. That is all.
>>31236978That is not relevant, tard. The point is that he just expressed a different opinion in his SC.
>>31236960half of this board forgets to take their meds, what's new??
>>31236963This hits way too close to home
>>31236963I purposefully use idioms and common phrases incorrectly and then call people ESL when they correct me.
Is the /hlgg/ Minecraft server still alive? My little sister has been trying to get me into it and bought me a copy for Christmas.
>>31236995/hlgg/ is fucked in the head, just like Kiara. 1 SC is all it takes for her to go into menhera mode.
>>31236326I'll give it a listen after todays streams and christmas dinner.
>>31237010Two 500 usd
>>31237041You'll know if you watched her debut.
now i can't wait for the inevitable reine pochi art collab
>>31236793Nobody asked for his opinion
>>31236995anon it takes a single Mori tweet to fill up 4 threads we're not that hard to entertain
>>31237041All of them?
>>31236957Korone is a Brosnan
>>31237036Japanese fat, so just a lil chubby
>>31237036According to bbw-chan she's 200lbs.
>>31237020>>31236965>Cover hires rich indo princesses and exposes them to the Big US D
man it's so difficult to draw the jewel in front of Reine's skirt without making it more phallic than Pochi-mama's own design
>>31237023True, and fair. I'm just saying, if you make it obvious to people what your weak spots are then they're obviously going to shots at them. I wouldn't be surprised if this episode leads to more people doing shit like this. She has to learn to filter out the bullshit at some point because expecting people to just stop being assholes is naive.
Please don't call Okayu fat.
>>31237083damn it
>>31237085P-pardun? And she's how tall?
>>31237041Isn't everyone in HoloEN
can we talk about the stream instead onegai you fucking faggots
>>31237082Why else do you think she works in a bakery. Gotta keep plying her with carbs.
the next 3 hours are pure blissgod bless whoever schedule this
>>31237106We'll get em next time
>>31236963>post something>someone misinterprets an uncommon phrase and replies with ESL chama imageFuck!
>>31236937>>31237023Probably also hitting harder knowing she'll be leaving her in a couple of months. It basically sounds like he's telling her not to talk about her close friend that she's probably not gonna see for a while.
Are SEA upset that people are celebrating Christmas or something? How did one faggot SC trigger a wave of tribalism unseen since late December?either way, merry fucking Christmas to fellow non-schizo anons, have nice holidays and keep supporting your oshis
>>31236897Maybe he's just too desperate for her roommate
>>31237108shes a landwhale by Japanese standards
I feel bad that Ollie called her childhood stories "discount amelia" first the dumb takamori and now this she really shouldn't compare herself to EN
>>31237093holy fuck it really looks like Reine drew a fucking dick on Korone, kek
>Curse of the 25th happened to Kiara and a KFPanything else happened today?
>>31236977How is she compare to Polka doxx I saw yesterday in /hlg/?
>>31236232Guys, there isn't going to be a HoloEs. Calm down please
How is Korone cute
>>31237076He's putting his fantasy a bit too far
>Mori date at half one.>Having lunch with my familyREEEEEEE PLEASE DON'T YAB AND PRIVATE IT MORI SAMA!
>>31237108Yeah, she's not fatBut she should be
Okayu is 100% the kind of girl I'd fall for. I love cheeky nekos.
>>31237085Apparently Okayu has lost a lot of weight based off the doxx faggots who care about roommate shit.
>>31236793Why are you like this? He's just short of saying "I don't like what you're doing and if you continue to do this I'm gonna kill myself!"
>>31237086if they were already rich why would the USD impress them ?
>>31237104She will need to have something all girls should - a fucking mod to filter this shit. Kiara already had sc from nazi larpers.
>>31237138merry merry
>>31237138deadbraps and KFP being thin skinned as usual
>>31237043It is relevant when you realize he is an artist that Kiara knows. Guy has drawn things for her and she's liked it. If it was some random faggot she wouldn't have reacted has seriously as she did.
>>31235061So it's true that deadbeats and teamates are natural enemies...
>>31237115Ina likes making puns but I don't think she goes out of her way to be clippable.
>>31236965Is Anya the token poor?
>>31237093>>31237149it's unironically a nightmare to draw
>>31237151>anything else happened today?Choco had technical issues and couldnt finish her last song :(((
>>31237138Merry Christmas Teamate
>>31237151The return of the one who started the curse
>>31237108She's FUCKING fat and I LOVE HER>Would let her the whole day.>Buy her tons of treats>Get her a tree even though she'll never use it because she's FATILOVETHISFUCKINGFAT CAT
>>31236946You see how he makes an aggressive statement, immediately plays victim, get upset that she didn't read it and then shifts blame to her for getting offended at something he saidThat's abusive behavior 101, the same type shit you see when a guy who beats their wife blames the wife for making him beat her
>>31237036i thought it was revealed that moon wasnt actually a fatty>>31236957if the picture i saw in a youtube video is to be believed, she is legitimately a bbw
>>31237059Im a frequent visitor but I’m on holiday at the moment. Too busy trying to prep christmas stuff so do your archive reps: “/hlgg/ minecraft“
>>31237076This guy's art style reminds me of a certain electric hedgehog pokemon. Nigga probably drinks from comedically oversized straws.
>>31236874I'm just posting fanarts of my 2 favorite girls.
>Early Kiara threadsNo one likes her>Mid Kiara threadsPositive response and constructive criticism>Recent Kiara threadsRetarded yesmen want to lynch a guy for expressing a different opinion.Is this just a natural flow of things?
>>31237169just listen to it during the lunch duh
>>31237199given her PC and Internet yeah
>>31237186Brosnan sama....
Reine is a bit better than Ollie but it might be a matter of confidence. Ollie sketches lots of lines pretty wildly, it can end up looking like a mess.
>>31237199Yes and that makes her extra moe next to the genmates.
>>31237153Polka isn't fat by most metrics. She's just kind of thick for Japanese standards.
>>31237085I can't fucking believe BBW-Chan is posting doxshit lmao
>>31237195Like Deadbeats and Chumbuddies! Or Deadbeats and Takos! Or the Deadbeats and Employees! Or the Deadbeats and Mori!
>>31237144When you're literally composed of other people it can be easy to have an identity crisis.
>>31237195the common man and the elite are always at odds
>>31237127Did they leave the best ones for the prime time?
>>31237195yes I literally hate both of them
>>31237250It's just the 4 of us this year and I don't want to be rude
>>31236793”Politely” - the polite thing to do would be to not say it at all. Or at least, send her an @ on Twitter about it.What not to do: spend $50 on a negative superchat to a lonely girl on fucking Christmas Day, and ruin the festive mood for her and 2,000 other people.
>>31236963At least you aren't me where I'll sometimes change my mind and edit the middle of my sentences and sometimes forget to erase or add a word so then I end up sounding like a weirdo.
>>31237093Next is "an interest."
>>31236768>>31236967And just to clarify, I know the main point is to compare gens, but if that's all the chart does then just fucking compare gens.The chart also does a breakdown of the gens by member, and all I'm saying is that having the members just listed alphabetically in the legend makes it very difficult to discern what member is which column.So I suggested to divide the member legend by gens.
>>31237216Huh. Excuse me as I re-evaluate my family interactions because that's pretty much how discussions go around here.
>>31235781Well, since we brought this topic off, I might get out this chest. When I was in college there was a girl I hanged with. One day one of the professors started hitting on her, and gave her his number. She was ambivalent about writing back, and she asked my opinion. I said: "do what you want". They began dating and the guy turned out to be a sleazy piece of garbage but that doesn't matter. Almost a decade passed since, yet I think of that moment everyone in a while. Why did she ask my opinion? Because she wanted me to stop her. And perhaps I knew that she wanted me to, but I didn't.Why? Because you are supposed to be stoical. Because caring is a weakness. Because god forgive we believe in things like love or romance, or anything not buried in sixteen layers of irony. This is how we do things in the west. I read about Lyger pushing Matsuri into the arms of an apex pro player, and congratulating her on her wedding in her roommate account. This is probably a rrat, but I can believe it. You have to pretend to be detached. People will mock you for falling in love with a vtuber. Everything you do must be ironically. You have to pretend you don't care, and that you will be happy as long as your girl is happy. Fuck that. Japs have many defects but at least they are sincere on this thing alone: they don't cuck out pretending they are fine with anything. Today, I stand as a part of a collective entity called "chat", and the circumstances repeat. This time I won't say " do what you want'. You will do that anyway. This time I will say: "No. Don't write him back. I want you for us, the chat, and for us alone. Lets go full parasocial. Lets make Watame codepency with her chat look like a joke. I don't want you collabing with men. You must love only us. This is selfish, but we are selfish. Fuck Lyger, fuck my older self, and fuck all the anti idolfags. Lets go together down the path to hell." And of course, the females and the trannies will screech at this, and call me a schizo. Let them.They will think I will try to become a stalker, but they don't get it. I don't want to have a gf, I don't want to be an individual. I want to be a fan. I want the true idol experience, the one that the japs have. I am done with this ironic shit. I am done pretending I don't want to care. A life of playing it safe has left me unbruised and unscarred. This time I want it to hurt. Non idolfags have fifteen western vtuber groups to get their "real women" experience from. Let us have this one for us, at least, and for you as well, because one day you too will get tired of keeping face. Normies get out. Ironic weeb get out. Twichkiddos get out. /qa/ jannies get out. Fuck you all. Long live idol culture.
>>31237138Sorry meant September
>>31236581>She was used to being called toxic and lewd, but she doesn’t know how to deal with cuteThis just makes her even cuter
>>31237265Fucking Deadbeats. I hate all of them.t. Deadbeat
>>31237159The power of yubi.
>>31237248>Retarded yesmen want to lynch a guy for expressing a different opinion.there's a difference between expressing one's opinion and spoiling your oshi's Christmas outright because you can't control yourself.
>>31237265Damn Deadbeats they're ruining Deadbeats.
>>31237265are deadbeats the strongest fanbase?
>>31236672Who was it with? And were they both there or what? I sadly had to leave for awhile during that.
>>31237041Me too
>>31237248 salman?
>>31237151yet to happen cause this collab will include a depressed Kiara, tired Gura, and a less but still shaken up from panic attack Ame
>>31237153About the same since she's lost some.
>>31237284Dog is cute!
>>31237248I had no issue with the SC but then people started posting his twitter and that guy is some kind of mental nutcase.
>>31237267Uh oh guys! Who's who according to this anon???
>>31237195Now i’m confused which side should i take
>>31236793i hope you don't call every woman in real life whores. I don't have the best social skills, but even I know there are things you just don't say out loud.
>>31237305I don't have the energy to read all this shit but I'm gonna say it's probably based considering the last two sentences.
>>31237127Oh shit. These hours are going to be great.
>>31237248Cults grow in power over time.
>>31237302>ID2s are now unironically millionaires
>>31237210Chris Benoit?
>>31237282I'll type something comprehensive out then realise it's such a mild opinion that I just delete it all because I know it's not worth posting.
>>31237332You might want to include a sleep deprived mori
>>31237104I doubt she ever thinks that far during stream. Even if she psychs herself up beforehand all of that prep is going out of the window once she goes live. She can't even stop herself from going off on SC tangents even when she's starving. Won't be surprised to see Ao-chan in her next stream.
>>31237341the one with the fatter wallets
>>31237343Purge them all
>>31237188Working in mcdonald in US is enough to live like a king in jakarta
>>31237367In Indonesian money...not really worth bragging about really
>>31237143Below average weight by American standards though.
>>31237305I’m sorry that happened to you, or that’s cool and whatever
>>31237138seamonkeys are mostly pig fuckers
>>31237371Kiara double murder suicide soon
>>31237194We're talking about the thread reaction, not Kiara's reaction.
>Blue Ame at 200k subs alreadyWHAT THE FUCK
>>31237305tldr but based from 2 last lines
>>31237293yeah anon that's not normal human interaction>>31237266good point but yeah I hope the ID2 when the collab ban is up don't need to use the EN girls as an accidental crutch since im sure both sides want to collab a ton
>>31237305t. deadbeat?
>>31237248> this faggot. Fuck him and his dipshit autism. Why the fuck must everything I like get ruined by schizos? I seriously hope he ends up contributing to his country's suicide rate after today. I'm tired of taking my fucking meds
>>31237415It's for the best.
>Ame has started opening up to her fan base>She now actually cares about teamates>Panics because she doesn't want to disappoint usPoor Ame...
>>31236566I checked this numberfag's chart and it's actually mostly correct. He forgot some additional data though.
>>31237248I still don't like her but I don't want to see her upset at retards during Christmas though.
>>31236426You learn fucking nothing by watching her English streams. Everything important she does is in Japanese.
So who is it
>>31237282glad I'm not the only idiot who does this
>>31237091>Le rabbit holeJust like in my Youtube comment section.
Damn Okayu is good at singing. Very nice.
>>31237414Hell they wont even touch pig anon
>>31237319And it was only yesterday that Kiara was talking about the importance of “reading the room”, sigh
>>31237325I don't know JP voices well enough but I think it's Okayu since her stream was after Shion's
>>31237420She has her own thread in /jp/. Why are you posting about her in here? She's not Hololive.
>>31237284>Korosan in Reine's dressI'd feed her a bone...
>>31237377>sleep deprivedanon she just slept for 20 hours
>>31237398It is about the NUMBERS!
>>31237195I just like her the least, I don’t hater her or shitpost about her constantly. The only that irritated me was the trash taste thing, and that’s old news.
>>31237434Good, they will make a great BGM.
>One KFP member autistically goes too far and upsets Kiara>Other KFP members start going too far as well to make him feel at home
>>31236781thumbnail looks like shion is sniffing gura
>ollie draws faster than lofi and at a very similar if not slightly higher level
>>31236716I hate that too>>31236581Her attitude towards chat has changed a lot lately. I can't remember the last time she called us bozos and our only scolding came because she was already pissed off in a scuffed late night Minecraft Stream.She admitted to being more comfortable with her chat, and felt bad because every time she tried to be nice to us everyone said she was being sarcastic. She said she just naturally has a voice that sounds sarcastic and people misunderstand her because of it all the time.
>>31237420Calling her "Blue Ame" doesn't make her suddenly on topic for a Hololive thread.
>>31237305>L*ger congratulating her on her wedding in her roommate accountJesas someone was that crazy?
>>31237305You are on your way to the light but still cringe. Try again in a few months.
>>31237463yeah i love her singing voice
>>31237435Based schizo
>>31237463She's got a pleasant singing voice. It's strong which I like. Makes sense considering Okaya has a pretty deep voice as is.
>>31237476Since Pochi drew FRIEND how soon before we seen her draw doggo?
>>31237234>architakoplease delete this garbage and then delete yourself
>>31237469yeah it's Okayu
>>31237501loaf of bread....
>>31236419we willing joined a cult, what were you expecting?
>>31237477She's still going to be tired in the stream, I bet
>>31237327>tolerate ridiculous hours of Mori streams>stay loyal across multiple yabs, breaks and content droughts>actually stand up to her when she starts running too hard into the management wall>despite low viewership at the time her streams still consistently rake in good income>despite wildly varying views on the type of content Mori should focus on, they still support all aspectsyes, unironically
>>31237305>My mind says schizo>My heart says basedHuh
>>31237248>expressing a different opinion.There's a big difference between expressing an opinion and making Kiara cry on Christmas because you feel the need to pay $50 to tell her that you hate her friend and their dynamic.
>>31237138Merry Christmas to you too, teamate.
WELL DONE, OLLIE, HOWEVER...Reine is a fucking genius, I adore her
>>31236058fucking basedfuck kiarafuck takamoriand fuck kiara's fake tears for superchat baiting
>>31237444That title in the karaoke was the cutest shit ever.[TERRIBLE KARAOKE]Description: Don't say I didn't warn you..
FAT CAT LOVES PSO2who would knew......
>>31237495Let's be real, if it was anybody else's oshi you guys would jump on this guy too. I'm pretty sure it's happened before too.
>>31237468This. Fuckturd knows that Kiara is about to leave Japan and probably is already thinking of missing Calli, as a friend, only an asshole who cares about himself would do what this cunt did.
towa baby
>>31237193Lel. Try expressing a negative opinion about Amelia or Gura and watch the Yous stacking up.
>These are nori>Australian noriGod damn it bird, stop making me like you.
>>31237526Wait what the fuck is that!? Hahaha
>>31237556Very based t. Deadbeat
>>31237539>support all aspectsNo, Fuck Callifags.
>>31237477you can be tired of sleep
>>31237526>Killjoys Dangerously based. That said shove rusty nails into your cock.
>>31237572fuck you
>>31237332I don't watch Ame, why did she have a panic attack?
>>31237567>Kiara is about to leave JapanAnon...
>>31237526.... J-Jontron?
>>31237496Sigh i only have that one pic where kiara is sniffing gura...
>>31237526doxxbeat, no
>>31237572fuck gura
>>31237568no. i want towa mama.
>>31237305Today is not the best day to be off your meds anon.
>>31237444Last night really got to me, ngl. She was having a panic attack and had to reschedule both the RP Stream and the Karaoke replacement stream.And the worst part is she still won't tell us what's really bothering her today. She'll brush it off like it's nothing because she's the kind of person who doesn't like to bother or concern people with her own problems. That's why she keeps so many of her sadder stories from us.
>>31237556Die falsefagger
>>31237556Nothing about her tears are fake. She's that emotional. Also don't you have teammates to go fight with?
>>31237205She also had technical issues and acapellaed her first song.It was pretty good.
>>31237563I zoned out what really?
>>31237551she should have done the eyepatch version
>"""biggest""" EN holo>still can't even begin to compare to JPThe absolute state of ENcuсks
>>31237572Fuck GuraAme, I just want them to fuck already so /u/schizo rrats finally die from a heart attack
>>31237581cute haachama!
>>31237526now color the hair pink and we're done.
>>31237551Reine is great.
What did you get for Christmas, anons?I just got a $300 gift card and a bunch of Steam games.
Is it me or there's lately more people in this thread talking about the JP holos? Not that I'm complaining, all the holos deserve love
>>31235061Congrats deadbeats, lots of hard work was needed from you to get these results.
>>31237576Haato come back.
>>31237606Okay that makes it extra hillarious.
>>31237526Wow it's me
>>31237564You mean like teamates went into a frenzy because of concernfaggs?
>>31237435Holy shit...
>>31237526Look at this absolute DORK!
>>31237041It's a better aproach. Kiara being nutsucki means that she doesn't have much knowledge on most holos.
>>31237435Does KFP have the biggest amount of schizos? Maybe because with how its structured?
The guy is a schizo, Kiara is a menhera, what he said was a pittance, Kiara overreacted. He’s fucking weird, she’s insecure. All there is to it.
>>31237610ther was a Kiarafag/Gurafag war arc for a few days iirc. Was pretty funny
>>31236581Ame unironically can't believe how supportive everyone is and how different this December is compared to the last one.
>>31237632We just merged back with /hlg/
>>31237551>>31237581>>31237630And finished. Next is "an activity"
>>31237305You are unironically what the seiyuu threads around here need more of.
Y'all should already know this by now
>>31237594Anon no
>>31237572Fuck you faggot, What are you talking about? >kek
>>31237519Probably not sadly, You know how Korone is. FBK like Iofi went to A LOT of Pochi's streams so she got to know her that way. Pochi pretty much never talks about other HL members other than FBK and Iofi the ID girls (both gens)
>Okayu and Korone spent christmas night togetherEven if they are not fucking I'm fucking jealous of them, their friendship is amazing
>>312376291 grand, some wool socks and a bath robe.
>>31236878From what I hear, the thread heres a mess, but the op is useful.
>>31237632There were already a lot of people talking about 5th Gen (particularly NENEMAX and POLMAO) after the first Among Us collab but it seems more widespread now.
>>31237305Interesting. I can understand you sincerity. But however think it like this, would your idol be happy if they hurt by you doing? What would you do when your idol change stance and start rejecting your as their fan?
>>31237638That was when she younger and fat
>>31237305Absolutely based
>>31237647Exactly my point. Also the time with Ina's prechat where people were trying to guess her timezone or the constant HER SC that Gura gets.
>>31237469>>31237523I'm curious if they were both there or its done online.
>>31237415what will be enclosed in the pool area? stray cats?
>>31237623Anon, maybe a Pomeranian might sate your thirst for tight dog cunts.
>>31237690I hate that this outfit, despite covering more skin, looks better on her
>>31237592made a long post about it, basically this is the first Christmas where she was actually able to support everyone she loves with the thing she loves to do and also how this Christmas to her is amazing compared to the one last year cause of the things she lost. She was basically overwhelmed with how many things changed adding onto how she was delaying streams and her not wanting to disappoint teamates
>>31237138The rest of SEA can fuck off, I thanked Jesus for being born in the same era as Amelia, Gura, Ina, Kiara and Mori during Christmas Eve t. flip
>>31237632/hlg/ has been utter shit for a while and people started filtering in here, bringing their oshis with them. It's for the better, they can have the thread in the EN dead hours.
>>31237700it's for the best, even pochi's giant hands can only hold so much
>>31237659What in the fuck. I thought Ina was suppose to make people insane
>I might have to cut this streamOLLIE NOOOO
>>31237594no no no no no no no
>Holding handLEWD!!!!!
>>31237659Wow, he's an actual schizo in the wild. Fascinating.
>They are trying to not say "you" so hard cute
>>31237629I bought myself a coffee roaster and some enzymes and powders and a knife and a nice steak and some nail clippers and a bag of modified starch.
>>31237556Don't falseflag with my oshi you faggot.
I love the gura shark. It might be too late for me but as long as she lives a life that is full of the light and happiness she deserves then I am ok
>>31237726too bad Duterte is going to sell us out to the Chinks.
>Reine: Now let's draw an activity, something you like to do. Ollie what will you draw?>Ollie: I have something in mind but I don't think I should draw it.>Reine: I'm curious, can you tell us in a toned-down version?>Ollie: Uh, there is no way to tone it down. I might have to to cut this... *draws handholding*SASUGA YAB ZOMBIE, PERFECTLY PLAYED
>>31237659Jesus Christ I'm glad my parents forced me to interact with people as a kid.
>>31237265as a tako, i like deadbeats because i never see them unless Mori is streaming and i'm almost never here when she streams
>>31237659Every girl has people like this. Today was KFP's turn.
>>31237629I don't really talk to my family about my little plastic men obsession but they ended up getting me Space Marines out of the left field. Currently tossing up between Blood Angels or making a Deathwatch Squad.
Just woke upMerry Christmas
Speaking of Matsuri, who's the triple r mod in her streams anyway? Is that the stalker from the pasta?
>>31237647I mean there was the guy with the dog SC, but everyone called him a faggot and moved on
>>31237738Takos' insanity is a different kind anon.
>Ollie wants to do handholdingYabai....
>>31237305You will just end up hurting yourself anyway, you are only building yourself a cage you can't escape. What you think you want is not what you need, it's like getting addicted to a drug that doesn't make you feel good anymore.
Fat Cat has a nice voice
>>31237305i really don't know whether to call you based or schizo, prob both of them
>>31237659inb4 Kiara herself went out of her way to unfuck this guy's shit
>>31237659Between Rico and this cunt KFP easily have the biggest schizos we've seen
>>31237340>>31237435So you complain about chuuba"dox", but then you find that guy's Twitter and act like it's relevant to the situation.
>>31237632How I see it, holofes made both the EN girls and their general fanbases realize the larger hololive circle that they're a part of. Not a bad thing, really. I enjoy having holoEN unity being what ties /hlgg/ together, but it's great being able to enjoy the JP girls during dead hours.
>>31237629I got some chocolate, a check for £30 and a copy of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, no I am not a Teamate a family member just thought I might like the book.
>>31237765You mean sold
>>31237305Okay, I took the time to read this and I can say it's definitely based and correct.
>>31237623Your tail is showing, nousagi
>>31237766CEO of sex, you have some serious competition...
>>31237432I love all the girls, and I don't want to give up a single one of them to the redditors, the twichcrowd, the shippers and the antipurity fags. Being a DD is the paramount of selfishness but I don't give a fuck anymore. I really love all the girls to death.
>>31237699>Okay and Korone spending Christmas together>Coco and Tenshi are fucking married>Now Subaru is bathing with Luna and sleeping together Homolive can't be stopped.
>>31237787merry christmas
>>31237526Saved and unreported.
>>31237787Merry Christmas!
>>31237726Stop replying to this thread and clean my toilet now laht. singaporean
>>31237817>we've seen so farFixed that for you.
>>31237819The guy replied to the next Kiara`s video. Thats how i found him
Merry Christmas, /hlgg/! I got you that Gore Grapefruit that you've been talking about so much!
>Wake up at 9>have breakfast together with parents and brother>turn on the PC>Okayu singingWhat a comfy day.
>31237526Can you niggers fucking not?She's probably underaged in that picture
>>31237568Towa's baby
>>31237659There's Tenchou at the top, her rank and file employees at the bottom and everything in the middle is basically a power-grab for anyone trying to distinguish themselves from the pack by giving themselves a unique role to stand out.
>>31237683>>31237551Pretty based.
>>31237723how will KFP ever recover?
>>31237842>Now Subaru is bathing with Luna and sleeping together Wait, what the fuck? What about Festival?
>>31237813Nice, it would help her to burn her fat
>>31237832How could you tell?
The image cap you bozos
>>31237866*spits chewing gum on your sidewalk*
>>31237841People may call you a schizo but I understand what you're saying and sympathize with it.
>>31237700Isn't she a mod in Ina's channel though?
>>31237829>create a mega popular series about detective using logic and reasoning to solve crimes>also 100% believe in fairiesIt will never not crack me up.
>>31237819See no reason to give a shit now if off-topic is being as loosely enforced as it is now. He's inserted himself into Hololive and is just as on topic as any of the regulars. If this is what meidos want it's what they get.
>>31237904>Not posting the real one...
>>31236527Breast envy is just an anime trope, it's not reflected in reality from my experience.
>>31237305Both based and in need of meds
>>31237526I love this southern girl
>>31237878Hi Gora! Wanna be friedns?
>>31235226This is the one and only reason Mori will never be my favorite
>>31237800Watching her cookie stream I felt unnaturally comfortable.
PPT is on shut the fuck up
>>31237924>>31237926Wouldn't it be funny if she turned deaf in the stream
>>31237420Wrong thread.
>>31237909Thats it, enough. Death penalty now terrorist
>>31237904Ame love
>>31237903>this copelul
>>31237659This is genuine mental illness.
>>31237607Its pretty obvious, I don't think it needs to be said. It finally dawned on her how much people like and look up to her, being an 800K vtuber in a famous company is a lot of pressure. She has really talented genmates that put a lot of effort on their content, and she processes things differently, she is a hard worker but comes up with great ideas at the last minute. But when these ideas don't come and she thinks she's gonna disappoint her fanbase, I imagine it hit her pretty hard, especially on christmas, since its an important date that people were looking forward to her content. Anyway hopefully that will make her plan things better from now on, you can't always rely on your talent to come up with great ideas, especially if you're tired/stressed.
>>31237943Images taken right before murder
>>31237305meds in my mindbased in my soul
>>31237963Not right now anon you're suppose to be celebrating Christmas
>>31237932The number of girls who've reacted to me comparing their breasts to their friends' breasts says otherwise
ollie, no!...
i like kanata but she fells a bit tone deaf
>>31236963>Write post>Realize something sounds weird and I missed some info>Go back and delete a section then add the new stuff>Post>Get esl (You)s>Read my post again>I ended up with double words at the beginning and end of the edited section because of tunnel vision>Sounds weird within the text I originally wrote as I did not re-read the whole post before or after editedHappens all the fucking time
>>31236948Do other men actually care about height?t. 5'7'' and It's literally never impacted my life despite the average being 5'9" among my race
>>31237725I love Ame so much. Seeing Ame happy is enough to make me happy as well.
>>31237962Ayame is a
>yuribaiting THIS hardi love this menhera zombie
>>31237999It's still the 25th though.
>>31237659This guy's an absolute cunt, and it's clear that he's already over the edge. But it's still kind of sad to see him in this sorry state. He didn't get bullied out of his autistic/schizo ways early enough. If it took strangers on Discord to help make him feel a bit better, it looks like he never had a good safety net of supportive IRL friends and family either. Unironically only suicide or euthanasia can save him now. He's at the stage where not even an outreach from his family or local community can salvage him. Fuck.
>>31237526reminds me too much of the pogface, like she looked in the mirror. pulled her face back and tilted her neck to make that chin. Then did the pog. Then she used that as the model for the emote. It eerily looks too similar
>>31238024member of Hololive
>>31237305You speak like a schizo, but everting you said is true and correct.
>>31237917Right I forgot she likes Ina too and they want to collab...I wonder if we'll see that before years end...
>>31237813Who burnt the rice porridge?>>31237893The same Festival who asked Noel to break up with Flare and marry her and also engaged in a bout of megasimping after the Kiara collab?
>>31238040god damn jontron is sexy
>>31237659jesus christ is she enabling this shit
>>31238024nice girl, like all other holosits christmas where i am anon lets all be nice
I never knew schizoposting was so much fun
>>31237962no she isn't
>Wake up early for SENPAITACHI>It's pushed back a whole hourOyasumi.
>>31237893Festival is old news anonchama. Luna has moved on to the tomboy duck.
>>31238040oh no doxxbeat, I am turning into a ghostling
>delayed by 75 minutesLooks like they couldn't get Ayame to stop playing LoL/filming a JAV so they now have to wait for her to finish
So thr curse of 25th is that the fanbases ruined the girls' Christmas? Ame, Gura, Kiara were affected so far.
>>31238040Fuck doxxbeats but goddamn she's got some curves for a white girl
>>31237629Couple vidya, art books, lots of candy, clothes, sheets and an air fryer, me and my father also got an Aston Martin 007 Lego thingy to build their togheter.
>>31237893Luna dedicated a song to Matsuri earlier in the relay after Matsuri sang Hajimete no Chuu in her relay.A song about a husband cheating on his wife.
>>31238139Is it a member's stream? I can't see it on her channel
lesbo zombie
>>31238079>Pochi drawn InaOh god.Oh man.
Doxbeats doxing now
>>31238121 WINS AGAIN, BABY!
Alright its getting late. Deadbeats have fun with your date. Merry Christmas as well to all of you.
I feel bad asking but does anyone know why she's going deaf or has she kept it vague?
>>31238096I agree that it is, but keep your rrats wholesome mkay?
Tell me /hlgg/. What is best in hololife?
>>31238141>GuraHow was hers ruined? Trident farm done and she went to bed happy.
>>31238141How did teamates ruin Ame's Christmas? To my understanding, she had a panic attack on her own, without them doing anything besides showing up for the stream.
>>31238040fuck you for offtopic but I'll fap all the same
>>31237886I like Kiara, I'd probably even consider her as my oshi but I'll never consider myself part of KFP, among their larping sessions there's quite a few faggots who just want more attention by trying to police the community and act as if they're more important than anyone elseAnd the one thing I hate about Kiara is how she enables these people to just continue with their faggotry
From Russia with love
>>31237526God why have I never found this.
>>31238083>Still this fucking in love with HoshikawaJesus this poor girl. You just know she cry masturbates every night thinking about her.
>>31238040God Mori's seiyuu is such a butterface
>>31237629I got a dragon made of swords and the Necronomicon
>>31238173The emotional harmony you feel when your oshi is having a good time and you're having a good time
>>31238182You and me both
>>31237903How about this number instead
>>31237989That makes sense, and also makes Ame really relatable.....
>>31238173>What is best in hololife?As one of the vtubers or as a fan?
>>31238048every woman makes that facewith your cock in her throat
>>31236101Exactly, I see people wonder why rich celebs have depression and whatnot. There’s not a lot that can fix past trauma, definitely not money in and of itself
>>31237664He was a boy, she was a girl...
>>31238166I think I remember hearing something about an incurable illness that won’t stop until she’s completely deafCreepy stuff
>>31238166She has a degenerative disease. I dont remember the name
Next is "First date"
>>31238178SC from HERfag that she was about to read but stopped and got visibly annoyed, ended stream a few minutes after
>>31238161Now THIS is numberfagging
just woke up, how scuffed was Christmas Kiaraoke? how many Hello Project songs did she sing?
>>31238208I can numberfag on the go with the app!??
>>31237963Not as funny as you being unable to respond to this because your computer exploded showering you in shrapnel.
>>31237989Thanks, Ame
>>31237832What's wrong with being a nousagi? They have cute merch
>>31238024secret fan of Ninomae Ina'nis
>Ollie and Reine talking about first dates>First dates with Yagoo
>>31237629I got 10 bucks from my Aunt. That's it.
>>31238040I want to bbrapp
Did I miss any rrat today, anon?
>>31237963<span class="sjis"> W H A T ?[/spoiler]
>>31237920Fairies are interdimensional beings like aliens and Bigfoot.
>>31237623The top ten is always events and then gura/pekora sexy..
>>31238009Literally me
>>31238223>>31238225Oh Jesas, poor girl. And she's got such a nice voice too.
>>31237659Fanbase is the reflection of their Oshi.
>>31237629PS5 Vidya, lots of good clothes and nice food. I get spoiled by my family but I also do it in turn.
>>31238040fuck the dox but HELLO BASED DEPARTMENT
>>31238249>all that makeup>all that photoshop>still ugly being chicken is suffering
Stoooop. Don't post off-topic, not during SEA hours especially...
>Guys, if you went on a date with a zombie girl, what clothes would you like her to wear?Well, anon?
>>31238238Yeah, and you can show and brag it to another people, isnt it amazing?
>>31238289>>31237594> sexy..please don't let this become a thing
>>31238260>one of the curses of the 25th is that it comes out that YAGOO has sexual relations with all the holosoh no no no...
>>31238173the friends we made along the way
>swimming pool date
>>31238040Jesus christ she really is stacked huh? She has to have some of the largest breasts in Hololive
>any place could be a sex spotRIENE
>>31237305Dare I say it... Based?
>>31238236Pretty scuffed, put her on the brink (which she fell from by the end of her SC reading because of a SEA schizo)
>>31237963>One day Kanata won't be able to hear Coco's voice saying "I love you."Well now that just makes me sad...
>>31238201That is good!
>>31238311I bet you're the pinnacle of beauty yourself anon.
>>31238311>still ugly????????
>>31237607I don't see it as the worst part. Depending on how you view it, I see it as admirable that Amelia has a certain idea on how she wants to carry herself during her streams. She knows when she can do better (i.e. when she got pissed during Valorant, then coming back the next stream saying it wasn't her best form). Even the way she talks about her old hardships gives the impression of someone who knows she's a better person for it.I just hope she either has an outlet or someone she can confide in when she's genuinely stressed out by these things. It's only human to feel the pressure of expectations.
>>31238297I guess all chumbuds are herfaggs now
>>312376293 bottles of whiskey, some cash, eShop voucher (going towards Hades), chocolates
>>31238249She looks creepy with all that make up
Ame's ASMR was super sweet and felt really genuine. I don't watch her streams that much but she's so precious.
>>31238040god fucking DAMN that is some greek goddess ass proportions
>>31238328oh God, poor bird. well at least I'm sure she cleaned up in concernfag SCs
>>31238311Never a woman I say
>>31238249Yo what happened to this bitch's eyes?
Sharkmeido plsDoxxfags are out of control.
>>31238331Would those bone headphones work for her?
Reine going to my house on our first date...
>>31238317Too late
>>31237920deductive reasoning is terrible for solving criminal casesgoing from general statements to specific ones involves too much guesswork and luck
>>31235031>curse of the 25thDid something happen in the previous years?
>>31238289Wow mori is actually something, unlike photoshopped chikin
>>31237594Shit, she actually looks like Jontron... Fuck you
>>31238317Okay jontron...
>>>/qa/your shit board is functioning again please fuck off doxxposter we've been through the "i want moris boobas" mutiple times already
>>31238323who has the biggest breasts in hololive?
>>31238321nice poolI bet only nice wholesome things happen there
>>31238311I bet even with all of that you would still end up looking worse tranny, like you always will be cause you'll never be a real woman like her
>>31238315Plate armor
>>31238173Watching a Junior watchalong with Ame so she can indulge in her mpreg fetish.
>>31238173Crush your enemies, see them driven, and to hear the lamentation of their women!
>>31238353She really is
>>31238365Makeup to make you Japanese on a white person normally makes their eyes massive, because japs think it's cute, like fucked up teeth, or being incredibly thin.
Why are we doxxposting again
>>31238369You been asleep anonchama? Hololive seiyuu are on topic.
>>31238365Its one of the filters that tries to make you more anime that jp women like using.
Can you fuckers please stop posting images of her? She deserves to have her privacy
The absolute state of this thread
>>31237920You don't?I bet Amelia does.
>>31238268Genderswap is a fun tag.
>>31238401in relation to the rest of the body - Noeloverall size? possibly Mori because she's simply bigger than Noel
>>31238401(you)hit the gym fatass
>>31238249Ofc nousagi will do this...
>>31238441uooooh little boy erotic
I love you Kanata for singing Utada Hikaru
>>31237594IM going to call her Jontron in my next SC
>>31238420Canonically Coco, but actually Noel
>>31238182Same. Kiara's been my oshi since the first week of her original debut and I wish the fanbase would revert back to how it was pre-monetization.
>mod deletes cringe cosplay pic>leaves other one upHmmm
>>31236529RENT FREE
>>31238422If you keep acting retarded you'll actually become retarded.
>>31238401Ollie is officially Z-cup, which beats Noel's K-cup.Or maybe not. Nene re-wrote the alphabet so who knows where letters go now.
>>31237949>>31235226But that's literally going to change after today.
>>31238392Esl chama
>>31237526doxxbeats, jerk it now!
>>31237594At last, I truly see...
>>31238369sharkmeido is dead....
>>31237623Ignore this one, he is the one going back and forth between /hlg/ and /hlgg/ all the time doing this. He is afraid of something
laitan vikat rahat kasinolle, parempi tulla voittoja muuten ei syödä
>>31238369Its always like this during Mori hours. They want to fuck Jontron butterface and they also think she's a virgin or something because they can't understand kayfabe, its really the culmination of autism.
Reine dresses casual for a first dateOllie dresses like a lolita
that Ollie looks cute
>>31238441>gura as a tomboyYEEEEEEEEEEEEES
>>31238441why is matsuri in a cosplay?
>>31238441Only if MtF
>>31238474the other has the face covered so it might not fall under retarded mod standardsjust report as off-topic
interesting thread we got here
>>31238223>>31238272>>31238278>>31238294It doesn’t usually cause total deafness, usually partial and almost always one-sided. The bouts of severe vertigo are probably worse.
>>31238508>>gura as a tomboytomgirl
>>31238040Why did you censor her cute face?
>>31238182Count me in
that's a boy
>>31238291Cake is codeword for sweaty sex, right?
>>31238311>still uglyIf a woman have a mouth, then a woman is not ugly
>>31238508anon... I...
>>31237623i can see your mane poking out, botanfag
Disturbing german fairytale in whatever minutes!
>>31238482I don't make or enforce the rules, and neither do the meidos it seems, I'm just passing along the word.
>>31238498selvä homma. jatkakaa
>>31238512>genderswapped OgaPlease tell me this exists.
>>31238353Even better when you consider she doesn't have an ASMR mic. So she recorded it and then had to 'fake' it in post so she could give people the 'real' ASMR like they were clamouring for.
>>31238525EVEN BETTER
>>31238486nah, there's still shit timezone streams for rest of the weekand she'll still need to adjust her sleeping times, so expect a week or two at least of relatively normal mori hours/normal output
>>31238415That is good kayfabe!
>>31238505as expected of yabidol...
Whose bright idea is it schedule a HoloEN collab when most of the EN fanbase is asleep.
>>31238542I wonder if it will be more disturbing than her singing
>>31238443Mori is a womanlet by wetsern standards. She doesn't stand out that much in Japan. I doubt that gyuudon monster is a lot shorter than she is.
>>31238401Character or roommate?Coco or NoelNoel or Mori
>>31236957She's a big girl
>>31238519Yeah but her singing voice has degraded severely ever since the symptoms have piled on. Can't do much dancing too because of the vertigo either...
>>31238566I'll give you 3 guesses but I bet you'll only need 1
>>31237920I think I remember reading that happened after his son was killed in WW1 and caused an existential crisis. It lead to a huge falling out with Houdini who was friends with at the time.
>>31238557i want to stick my dick in both so i agree
>>31237659There was at one point that Ame was the one who had to deal with these types of people. What happened?
>>31238554-tachi is a suffix meaning "you guys", "and friends", etc. senpaitachi is akin to "our senpai (plural)"
>>31238575for (You)
>>31238602the fuck is with you retards and lewding I jsut wanna headpat them both
>>31238607They got filtered
>>31238566Kiara desperately needed a collab because she was so lonely
>>31238554>He can't googleWhat an embarrasement
>>31238535I was away for a bit and now people are posting Jontron.Okay
>>31238567Eh? Was it bad?
>>31238566I think it's more for Kiara's mental health than it is for EN
Turkey love!
>>31238608I was asking about this