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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 121 KB, 841x776, sdsdsdsdsd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30122302 No.30122302 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.30122310

Reminder to invest in CockCoin

>> No.30122313

Toga bababooey

>> No.30122312
File: 27 KB, 471x276, ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30122315
File: 111 KB, 1800x1183, EoUZCQ9U4AE8Liw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will give the permissions.

>> No.30122319

Why are they so perfect bros?

>> No.30122322
Quoted by: >>30122521

I want to see Kiara fail at Baba is You.

>> No.30122323 [DELETED] 
File: 519 KB, 2625x2448, 1605751825827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder to regularly close the tab and do something else for a while to prevent this place from infecting your brain with rrats.
If you never read /hlgg/ you never would've known about Amegeddon. If you never read /hlgg/ you never would've had to see Kiara's roommate's face. If you never read /hlgg/ you'd probably like Mori more, and liking things is good.
Take a step back and check yourself for rrat infestation.

>> No.30122328
Quoted by: >>30122376

Tell me more of the legendary Ear of Pizza.

>> No.30122332

Very nice job anon

>> No.30122336
Quoted by: >>30122366

the 2hus..

>> No.30122337


>> No.30122341
File: 152 KB, 1237x306, shork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122405

>> No.30122344
File: 518 KB, 2500x2156, 1606934865407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122730

It's too late for me. I unironically see these threads in my dreams. Go without me friend.

>> No.30122348
Quoted by: >>30122447

>Speaking of broken promises, I am still waiting for that coupon review, Ame.
>How do we send Ame all the coupons?

I was thinking about this the other day.
It's Ame. We're gonna have to do all the work for her.
We have to recompile all the coupons into a mega before she will do the review.

>> No.30122354

Free 2hu genocide.

>> No.30122352

I give up on Kiara. Selling all my chickencoin. I wanted to like her but it's getting too depressing watching her try and try and just get nowhere. The world is unfair and it's unfair she isn't more popular, but I can no longer even enjoy her for what she is. From now on I am just going to stick to Gura and Amelia streams.

>> No.30122356
File: 2.86 MB, 256x256, ULTRA DRAGON DREAM FEET [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F8nxa16.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30122358

AHH tha pepeloni...

>> No.30122363
Quoted by: >>30122468

I can only imagine what Ina goslings would be like, and it makes me scared

>> No.30122362
Quoted by: >>30122456

>This kind of fanart already

>> No.30122364
File: 328 KB, 513x732, 1602274142160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, gura has done nothing on twitter in over a day. I'm getting worried.

>> No.30122365

I'm too lazy to edit. Look at the lines alignments.

>> No.30122366
File: 201 KB, 991x229, 2020-12-03_10-58-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122788

not the 2hus...

>> No.30122367
File: 266 KB, 1015x246, 123456789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute massacre

>> No.30122368
Quoted by: >>30122450

I'm investing in koopkoin.

>> No.30122370



>> No.30122372

Imagine being weak to rrats

>> No.30122376
Quoted by: >>30122509

It has cheese on it, the ear of pizza
But then they put pepeloni on the other part. Because I order pepeloni pizza. But I AWAY!
Cause I don't eat it!

>> No.30122379
File: 615 KB, 2602x4093, EoRuS84UwAASBvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being perfectly honest with you, I already like Mori too much as it stands. If I liked her any more than I do right now I would have some serious problems.

>> No.30122380
File: 64 KB, 959x351, 1605508949980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hlg is kill

>> No.30122381

If I never read /hlgg/ chicken's numberfagging would still annoy me. If I never read /hlgg/ I wouldn't know that Ame is cuter than usual every stream. There is some good here too.

>> No.30122385
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 1593797170136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you say you love Haachama if you won't eat her cooking?

>> No.30122388
Quoted by: >>30122485

>If you never read /hlgg/ you'd probably like Mori more
I'm ashamed of knowing this is true.

>> No.30122391
File: 322 KB, 1024x683, ggg1606710941476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Ame!

>do you miss Ame?

>> No.30122392

>shrine maiden

Hololive is 2hu.

>> No.30122393

This is true

>> No.30122394
File: 209 KB, 1882x2048, 47CF9B11-6A68-4999-9A60-2E5524E692CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122512

I can’t even falseflag anti my mori because I love this autist too much. Dammit

>> No.30122397

But she retweeted stuff yesterday

>> No.30122398


>> No.30122402

>What could have been...
Reminder that about 30% of posters in the chat of each the five also post in Haachama's chat. There is also quite the overlap in the reverse direction. She's basically been adopted as a honorary EN.

>> No.30122405
File: 192 KB, 700x534, 1590951116138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124270

>green on white
I'm not even going to bother, fucking hell

>> No.30122410

>you never would've had to see Kiara's roommate's face
Sick fucking burn.

>> No.30122412
File: 96 KB, 1600x699, 1605890830588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do Chess reps and drawing reps what reps do other anon do?

>> No.30122419
File: 59 KB, 660x660, 1604432720806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori isn't even real. No one here has ever actually watched a Mori stream before, you can tell because anons will talk about the same "stream," but say wildly different things happened in it at the same time. All of the voice clips are Vocaroo posters working their conspiracy along. The character "Mori Calliope" is simply part of Nakadashi Kiara's background story, but anons have been fooling everyone into thinking she's real because no one has checked the streams to really confirm one way or the other.

>> No.30122420

Ah, the cheese pan, you were at my side all along.

>> No.30122422
Quoted by: >>30122508

I'm dumping all my savings into zomcoin, don't let me down Ollie!

>> No.30122421
Quoted by: >>30122845

>Fluent in English
Yep. She's going to be everyone's favorite. I bet she knows how NOT to filter her new would-be fans with her voice.

>> No.30122426
File: 105 KB, 512x512, 1581713173617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is garbage

>> No.30122428

OC reps and Japanese reps

>> No.30122437

Thats true but I don't care and im still going to read everything here

>> No.30122440
File: 1.23 MB, 1440x810, wakame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's locked up in Astel's sex dungeon, forced to watch as her beloved Amelia get ravaged by his glourious seaweed cock.

>> No.30122441
File: 236 KB, 646x675, goslingame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just want Ame to come back...


>> No.30122447
File: 146 KB, 228x317, watson mustache2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122606

Remember a couple of days ago when someone came in here looking for a coupon collection? And they were too dumb to find the really out of date one on the archives until someone spoonfed it to them?

>> No.30122450
Quoted by: >>30122486

Koopcoin is literally less than worthless. I'm investing too.

>> No.30122452
File: 67 KB, 400x400, 1606582424338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you never read /hlgg/ you'd probably like Mori more

>> No.30122453

Why does Haachama have 2 names? (Haachama and Haato)

>> No.30122456
File: 1.05 MB, 2000x2000, EoUlRGmXYAAfvkJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122582

>Hand it over. That thing, your Persona 3 permissions.

>> No.30122459
File: 776 KB, 4096x3325, 20201203_180109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30122458

Ame please... I miss you so much

>> No.30122460


>> No.30122462
File: 499 KB, 500x500, domp eet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He knows?
>Kill the site

>> No.30122466
File: 347 KB, 1920x1080, 1604345610151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122558

As a chummates, I miss them so much

>> No.30122468
File: 284 KB, 717x724, 1606076806474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are pretty cute, fuck off.

>> No.30122483

This thread is distracting me from the fact that I miss Ame. Everytime someone brings it up I'm painfully reminded

>> No.30122485

You ever just remember that she's actually the #2 subbed EN and the highest earner? Sometimes /hlgg/ tricks me into thinking she's dead last and universally hated

>> No.30122486
Quoted by: >>30122555

It can only go up!

>> No.30122488
File: 587 KB, 850x480, 1603390673763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P3 is easily the worst modern persona game gameplay wise and the story is objectively worse than P4 with team rocket bullshit and terrible pacing. Why is Calli's taste so bad?

>> No.30122491

What that thing that you people here use to only show messages from only the users you want in youtube live stream chat

>> No.30122492
Quoted by: >>30122527

Teamates how are you holding up? I am having withdrawals already.

>> No.30122494
File: 71 KB, 664x960, 1605727710695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Haachama Cooking is actually just her cooking habits learned as she desperately tried to feed herself with no prior cooking experience after her host family stopped feeding her

>> No.30122496

I already eat her shit

>> No.30122497

What she's saying would make sense if Domino's sold stuffed crust pizza, but they don't...

>> No.30122501

its too late, i am rrat, rrat is me

>> No.30122502

>Nakadashi Kiara

>> No.30122506
File: 178 KB, 406x430, shark phone hoo hoo hah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shes begging for Persona 3?
>delay the rerelease

>> No.30122508
File: 222 KB, 700x608, c&f500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122679

Don't do it.
Invest in c&f500

>> No.30122509

Truly sager words have never been written, thank you for imparting your wisdom.

>> No.30122512
File: 518 KB, 2048x2048, 1606279931513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shitpost was meant for someone else but that thread is dead now.

>stream ends and Deadbeats go back to work or start their shifts since they are all workaholics like their Oshi
>jobless Antis show up
>people who don't care about Mori see all this shitposting
>checkout Mori's stream to see what the big deal is
>Kneel, Stand, Kneel
>Antis explain yourselves
>no Antis to be found
>give SC because fuck these antis
>>stream ends and Deadbeats go back to work...

Antis are literally making Cover and Mori fucking rich.

>> No.30122515
Quoted by: >>30122564

Fuck, I really want to ritual post for the ID girls but the rules of this place prevents me. Hold my autism back, bros.

>> No.30122521
Quoted by: >>30122778

It would be pretty funny if she did worse than Botan.

>> No.30122527

I'm already dead, get back to work

>> No.30122525
File: 155 KB, 800x1131, 1597962448797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30122533
Quoted by: >>30122613

Why did I find that atlus begging stream so hot?

>> No.30122534

No, is she graduating?

>> No.30122536
File: 5 KB, 440x32, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30122544
File: 1.15 MB, 956x870, 1595346248683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122583

P2 > P3 > P5 > P4

>> No.30122545
File: 113 KB, 232x658, 1606827303382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora Moona collab almost 1M views.

>> No.30122550
Quoted by: >>30123010


>> No.30122552


>> No.30122554

>implying Astel isn't locked in Ame's dungeon getting ravaged by Shien's cock

>> No.30122555
File: 160 KB, 539x628, 1607006139354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phoneposting shills go back to >>>/trash/

>> No.30122556

Yeah this place sucks

>> No.30122558
File: 526 KB, 1000x800, 1606887095291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this song
Same here friend. I love all of HoloEN but without Gura and Ame it feels wrong.

>> No.30122559

Atlus/Capcom/Sony literally PAY xqc and others western streamers to play their games but can't give hololive permissions.

Now how do you explain that? Is Cover incompetent or japanese company don't like them?

>> No.30122562

Damn this narrative is too strong for me.

>> No.30122564

do it

>> No.30122567
File: 148 KB, 313x289, 1606735419899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30122570
File: 2.30 MB, 850x1263, 1606369601850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From now on I am just going to stick to Gura and Amelia streams.
Imagine being this basic. Where's the SPICE? Where's the BOTTOM LEFT?

>> No.30122571

This is true.

>> No.30122581
Quoted by: >>30122761

>Seasonal Oshi
These anons aint loyal

>> No.30122582
Quoted by: >>30122645

But that's a Persona 4 cosplay

>> No.30122583

What about 1?

>> No.30122585

nene is the true shitpost queen

>> No.30122587


>> No.30122588
File: 336 KB, 370x432, 1584457007652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122633

God dammit how i hate australians.

>> No.30122589

the dominos pepeloni

>> No.30122592 [DELETED] 

Alright let's stop bullshitting around
>Your oishi
>Can they beat vergil in a fight

>> No.30122595


>> No.30122597

I close the stream whenever Kiara starts her dyke talk

>> No.30122599

>it's stuff she picked up from the basement floor...

>> No.30122600

I told you guys last thread it was gonna be cute and I was right.

>> No.30122602
Quoted by: >>30122805

Persona 4 is Scooby-Doo dogshit and the game never stops jerking Yu off the entire way. Worse than that, Atlus never stopped (and will never stop) jerking P4 off either. As far as I'm concerned, the world would be a better place if every P4fag stopped existing.

>> No.30122603
File: 105 KB, 862x565, 1589137637630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you believe?
Will it happen again on RFA?

>> No.30122606
Quoted by: >>30122719

holy shit, coupon review coming soon
based Ame, but also she's gotta get 4chanX we can't keep dealing with her shit

>> No.30122608
File: 884 KB, 1080x1920, 1606996144078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DONT FORGET https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfnJ3zFgUuU

>> No.30122613

jeez anon i dunno

>I want it. Please, give it to me. I've been waiting so long. I need it.

>> No.30122615

I'd eat her left over pepelonis

>> No.30122617

So uh how long until Ollie debuts

>> No.30122618

I don't love Haachama; I despise that leeching cunt and all her fans too.

>> No.30122620

>Is Cover incompetent
you know the answer to this

>> No.30122631
File: 39 KB, 720x720, 1606884311244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122698

Why is Risu's rig so weird?

>> No.30122633
Quoted by: >>30123056

>hating Kiara

>> No.30122634

>Yes she's very cute and funny

>> No.30122640

I would cook for her

>> No.30122642

Atlus doesn't pay anyone to stream their story driven games.
Infact they are constantly on the war path and have asinine streaming restrictions that straight up hurt their games more than anything.

They seem to operate under the assumption nobody would ever buy a Persona game after seeing the story online, so they treat streamers as if they are the devil itself.

>> No.30122645
File: 249 KB, 1900x1600, EoUeFHhXUAkAOH3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122912

Yeah, it didn't really make sense to me either, but it's cute so I saved it.

>> No.30122648
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, reckfulbtw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30122649

Also Gura and her avocados

>> No.30122651
File: 374 KB, 600x941, 1578252252724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But /hlgg/ made me like Mori more

>> No.30122653
Quoted by: >>30122803

>If you never read /hlgg/ you never would've known about Amegeddon.
The spam was annoying but the contents itself of the Amegeddon didnt really bother me.

> If you never read /hlgg/ you never would've had to see Kiara's roommate's face.
Her face was plastered on /hlg/ days before her debut and Youtube doxxes her everyday, at least for me.

>If you never read /hlgg/ you'd probably like Mori more

>> No.30122655
File: 102 KB, 748x421, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpk5uey.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122777

>dogeza fanart of Mori-chama soon

>> No.30122656


>> No.30122657
File: 94 KB, 1242x1099, 1606682749240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being here may mean dealing with a lot of shit, but it's also the only place I know where I can talk about and like the girls as people, not just reposting an endless number of meme templates about them, or boiling them down to 1D cardboard cutouts in clips.
It may have the downsides of rrats and crazies, but it's not like there aren't rrats everywhere else, too. Hell, some of the rrats on normalfag places like Youtube comments are worse than ours, like that faggot last night who thinks that HoloEN is made up of American girls Cover forced to move to Japan, and that Kiara is running to Germany to escape them and be with her secret boyfriend.
There may be some stupid fuckers here, but I'll never forget that the core of this thread that was open to see on Election night was a good one.

>> No.30122659
Quoted by: >>30122722

>Blue screen
Why not green?

>> No.30122660

20 hours

>> No.30122664

Damn this strong is fucking great.

>> No.30122668

>surveyfagging already
Fuck off, if you don't have anything relevant to the thread then just don't post.

>> No.30122671
Quoted by: >>30122741

>$8400 to play one match of LoL
God I wish that were me

>> No.30122675

I miss her even when she leaves to grab her food.

>> No.30122679

it'll never see the potential growth of zombcoin. Sure it might be safer, but I'd rather get rich NOW not when I'm SIXTY, anon

>> No.30122681

2 and a half hours...

>> No.30122682

I'm suprised anyone who watched that stream wouldn't believe it.

>> No.30122680
File: 99 KB, 627x748, 1579163053079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy menhera

>> No.30122684
File: 7 KB, 200x200, 1593563761173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he got shot by a nigger kek

>> No.30122685

>5am my time

>> No.30122689
File: 237 KB, 1296x1630, 20201119_123722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122731

I've already conquered the rrats in my head. I know all the doxx info and Im unphased by it all. I've both seperated and fused both holo and roomate in my mind. My oshi is my oshi and nothing will stop me from loving her or supporting her genmates.

>> No.30122690


>> No.30122692

fuck off, simply dad

>> No.30122693

Tomorrow same time the Mori stream started

>> No.30122696
File: 59 KB, 720x618, YUH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the Lord and Savior
I have you back to the wall
Strike without grace
Drink of the wine of the wrath of God

(One more God rejected!)
I'm the Lord and Savior
(One more God rejected!)
I have you back to the wall
(One more God rejected!)
Strike without grace
Drink of the wine of the wrath of God

Fear God and give glory to him
For the hour of his
Judgement has come to you!

When the thousand years have expired
Satan will be released
Judgement has come to you!

I'm the Lord and Savior
I have you back to the wall
Strike without grace
Drink of the wine of the wrath of God

(One more God rejected!)
I'm the Lord and Savior
(One more God rejected!)
I have you back to the wall
(One more God rejected!)
Strike without grace
Drink of the wine of the wrath of God

Fear God and give glory to him
For the hour of his
Judgement has come to you!


>> No.30122697

Nene is so damn cute
Please Ina collab with her already

>> No.30122698 [SPOILER] 
File: 126 KB, 1098x1080, 1607011670013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30122699


>> No.30122703


>> No.30122704

the funny thing is without those giant bomb persona 4 streams the series probably never would have taken off the way it has lol
they single handedly transformed some super niche game that would sell a few thousand copies into the giant its now

>> No.30122705

just woke up
did anything come outta Mori's begging stream ? Besides her bringing shame to the company of course

>> No.30122707
File: 401 KB, 1001x1055, 1606239750594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30122710

Dump zombie and hop on the cock.

>> No.30122714

they're dead subs from her music songs, you numberchickenfag

>> No.30122718
File: 16 KB, 290x241, 1603422102129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be rich
>be depressed

>> No.30122719
Quoted by: >>30122806

That one hadn't been updated since like mid October. We need to make an updated collection for her. I can start working on it this weekend if nobody else does.

>> No.30122722

Given Nene's color scheme, blue has more contrast

>> No.30122724
File: 126 KB, 800x1079, 1606075144380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tennison or cute outfit with dog ears for Ame's 2nd costume? If its something with dog ears, she'd be adorable collabing with Aqua with the cat ears outfit.

>> No.30122725

time to update the nene list

>> No.30122726

Are Koopa antis called Marios?

>> No.30122728

You wouldn't last two seconds in the ring with my oshi, she has fingernails

>> No.30122730
Quoted by: >>30122802

This actually happens to me too, and pretty often. I dream about some YAB that I see browsing here and I have to come check when I wake up just in case.

>> No.30122731

why did mori stop playing this game? she actually seemed to enjoy it, unlike 90% of the game streams on her channel

>> No.30122734
Quoted by: >>30122780

They paid Cohh to play 13 Sentinels he even said that on his stream

>> No.30122735

kek, I'm in this screencap.

>> No.30122738

Every single part of this shit has a great potential to make a Mori edit, sadly, I have no experience on video edition kek

>> No.30122741

>God I wish that were me
You'd be dead than

>> No.30122743

Cover is a shameless black company.

>> No.30122745
Quoted by: >>30123017

Who's the artist behind this picture?

>> No.30122751
File: 2.99 MB, 355x201, 1452488156443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nakadashi Kiara

>> No.30122756

do you even know what menhera means anon?

>> No.30122757

>963 videos
>837 videos

>> No.30122761

I came in here around when the big CN scandal was trending a lot. Read a lot about the two girls who got suspended. Haachama seemed annoying so I didn't give a shit about her but Coco seemed based and I felt sad that she was treated that way. Eventually wound up watching some of Gura and Ame's videos and got really into those ones.

Forward some time and now Haachama is my oshi after watching more of her past work as well as current streams and feeling my heart slowly melt away completely at the huge amount of SOUL she pours into everything. Meanwhile Coco I've come to find kind of annoying and don't really give much of a shit about. I still like Gura and Ame, and Kiara has even come to grow on me as well, I like how earnestly she interacts with her chat and really seems to enjoy spending time with them. I also like Polka but my Japanese isn't really good enough to enjoy her streams properly, though I've felt motivated to learn more lately.

>> No.30122762

Oh and K's san is doing comfy Piano

>> No.30122763
File: 111 KB, 800x1138, EoPY-pdUYAEGo37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dog ears

>> No.30122764
Quoted by: >>30123187

They do in Australia. Costs $3.45 extra the ripoff merchants.

>> No.30122766

>persona 3 is trending
>it's because of worst holo

>> No.30122767 [DELETED] 
File: 274 KB, 1440x1440, En1q3RoUYAY2mcF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you never read /hlgg/ you never would've had to see Kiara's roommate's face.

>> No.30122769
Quoted by: >>30122827


>> No.30122770
File: 285 KB, 1165x1329, 1592446141697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be clown
>be depressed

>> No.30122771
File: 386 KB, 809x900, 1606866747401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the Gura milestones copypasta when you need it?

>> No.30122776
File: 124 KB, 1000x1000, 1576458587025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122964

>I wanted to like her but it's getting too depressing watching her try and try and just get nowhere. The world is unfair and it's unfair she isn't more popular, but I can no longer even enjoy her for what she is. From now on I am just going to stick to Gura and Amelia streams.
Wait wait, are you seriously telling me you are going to stop watching Kiara just because her numbers are lower than her genmates?
Unironically why are numberfags like this?

>> No.30122777
File: 164 KB, 805x1201, 20201202_065047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122816

>Naked dogeza art with stripped clothes and roomate id

>> No.30122778

>worse than Botan
Botan did amazingly though, that's not hard

>> No.30122780

That was just the beginning of it though, right?
Not the full game.
Same shit how they wanted people to only stream like the first month of Persona 5 and so on.

>> No.30122781

Based Mori

>> No.30122783
Quoted by: >>30123005

I can't believe our CEO is so cute!

>> No.30122784
Quoted by: >>30122836

no. japanese businessmen are currently asleep

>> No.30122787

$8412 for like 3 games of League. Holy shit. Would this be a more profitable alternative to Youtube for Hololive seeing as Hololive is supposed to a service that provides variety of entertainment through streaming? Let's forget about Choco-sensei and Matsuri's situation for this question.

>> No.30122788

That's a nice Aqua. Just imagine her papa's secret stash.

>> No.30122789

Festival Ollie collab when?

>> No.30122790

Cope teafagg

>> No.30122791
File: 1.03 MB, 1274x714, killu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122895

why are chumbuds like this?
no respect for the seniors.
not even HER would be a thing without AI so shut up

>> No.30122793
File: 161 KB, 413x382, 1598508706705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123190

Anon think of the timeline Ame worked so hard to protect

>> No.30122794
File: 273 KB, 900x1440, 1606952280481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only realize how much you truly are in love with someone when they aren't around and you just feel empty inside...

>> No.30122796
File: 2.09 MB, 2560x1440, 1605291066092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her

>> No.30122798

Was that begging a stream a sample of how mori forced herself into....?

>> No.30122799

Streamer restrictions, you can only play up to a certain part of the game and Mori hit it already.
>unlike 90% of the game streams on her channel
The only game I think she didn't enjoy playing herself was They Bleed Pixels.

>> No.30122802
Quoted by: >>30122933

So I'm not the only one? Jesas

>> No.30122803
Quoted by: >>30122984

>Her face was plastered on /hlg/ days before her debut
No it wasn't. She was the only one of the 5 we didn't have a positive identity for beforehand.
5ch found her before we did, due to finding a Japanese page which had the same interests as displayed in her debut.

>> No.30122805

>30 in game days of filler
>1 hour of story
>back to 30 days of waiting
>for 80 hours
>terrible turn based combat
>one copy pasted randomly generated dungeon
P3 is straight up a terrible videogame. I don't know how people can unironically say it's better than 4 or 5. I can't even imagine how fucking boring P3 streams will be

>> No.30122806

anon, stop spoonfeeding her just because she's your oshi

>> No.30122807

Well I got up at 6am today for a much dumber stream, so I might as well.

>> No.30122810

What did 5ch think of the Atlus begging stream?

>> No.30122815

You're not depressed if money can cure you.

>> No.30122817

I wish the US had presidential elections at least once every month.

>> No.30122816

>Mori after having sex with me

>> No.30122818

This zombie is based

>> No.30122820

but i don't want to forget her...

>> No.30122823

Other Anon here: Do you have an example sentence for that kind of semicolon-usage?

>> No.30122827

it's all so tiresome......

>> No.30122834

even Matsuri is afraid

>> No.30122836

i though japanese businessmen worked 18hrs/day until they kill themselves

>> No.30122841
File: 941 KB, 2110x1490, 1606775609577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one god left to go

>> No.30122843
File: 1 KB, 193x101, SEA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30122844
Quoted by: >>30122906

I still don't understand why Mori stopped playing Doom... She wasn't even that bad at it.

>> No.30122845
Quoted by: >>30122925

>perfect English
>tranny voice
We flew too close to the sun bros!

>> No.30122847
File: 224 KB, 1500x1190, 20201119_123724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nis permissions. She was only allowed to show up to where the publicly available demo ends, which was literally where she stopped streaming.
Sucks considering shes close with people on the soundtrack. At least it let me rrat god post

>> No.30122848

Literally everything you complained about is also a problem with P4, with the only difference being that P4 gives you multiple randomly generated dungeons instead of just one big one.

>> No.30122849
File: 241 KB, 1080x681, Screenshot_20201203-111127_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123322


>> No.30122850

Because you can go to the top of tartarus (until they block you) in one fucking day and then you do social links the remainder

>> No.30122851

did mori actually do an entire stream begging to play persona 3
this is a joke right

>> No.30122853
File: 265 KB, 685x501, D3D94FC9-BB24-4D24-AFBB-FA3E49784D56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth truth truth truth

>> No.30122854

what does haachama have to do with persona 3? Isn't she too young to have played it?

>> No.30122855
File: 168 KB, 327x365, 1605744364422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123213

This isn't a Menhera. This is a fucking Gaia Online Girl.
All in on Olliecoin

>> No.30122861
File: 50 KB, 429x431, ganbattako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I met all Takodachis and Takoanon here...

>> No.30122864

no anon she's just kureiji

>> No.30122865

Mori love!

>> No.30122866

How is every JP building a giant mech in minecraft? Do they have some autist designing them behind the scenes or they all just that fucking jouzu?

>> No.30122869

she is too powerful.

>> No.30122871

Where is my favorite shark...

>> No.30122874
File: 163 KB, 463x453, 1607007575019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30122875
File: 1.26 MB, 1000x1168, 1601173960201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did and it was glorious

>> No.30122877
Quoted by: >>30122966


>> No.30122881

Fuck Atlus with a 7 foot barge pole

Fuck Atlus na may isang 7 paa ng barge poste

>> No.30122880

she got 20k live viewers on a FBK-tier meme stream.
That's barely regular Ina viewers.

>> No.30122882

I'll buy this narrat

>> No.30122883
File: 176 KB, 1280x1166, ollie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30122884
File: 19 KB, 320x368, bonehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deadbraps are seanigs
that explains everything

>> No.30122888

Do you dream about Ame. Interlinked

>> No.30122889

>unable to enjoy the chuuba if the number is too small
This is literally the smallest an anon's brain can be.

>> No.30122890

I would kill to see Ame get the ponytail + tennisson outfit

>> No.30122893

it all makes sans now

>> No.30122895

If Aifags didn't shit up the /vyt/ threads for years maybe people wouldn't be so willing to numberfag her

>> No.30122896

better than being poor and depressed

>> No.30122897


>> No.30122899

If zombie's debut doesn't live up to the crazy she is showing in twitter I will be massively dissapointed.

>> No.30122900

Yes she did and yes it was a joke.

>> No.30122902

Getting lots of rest so she can give RFA her all!

>> No.30122904
File: 5 KB, 302x105, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't relate, move out of your third-world hovel and maybe twitter will stop showing you trends from there.

>> No.30122905
Quoted by: >>30123206

A complete sentence must exist on both sides of the semicolon; it behaves similarly to a comma in a sentence linking two related topics, but can only be used where a period otherwise would.

>> No.30122906

Because she wanted to play on PC.

>> No.30122907

>Calli faggotry
Yeah, that makes sense

>> No.30122910

I don't even watch her, because her times kill me, but you are fucking weak.

>> No.30122912
Quoted by: >>30122982

like them or not, Mori and deadbeats are the source of greatest OC

>> No.30122911

>No one would buy a Persona game if they saw it in a stream
Tbf that's a pretty valid fear with something like 5, that game has massive stretches of downtime where it's just dialogue, and I can see people either being turned off or deciding they'd gotten enough of the experience from watching it. There's a reason people meme about Persona fans not actually playing the games

>> No.30122914
File: 368 KB, 506x512, 1606167914678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122992

>More than 7600 live viewers were from Philippines alone

>> No.30122917
File: 160 KB, 1528x1948, Gura - Big Iron [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ferlugp.mp3] (2)(at least I didn't save the same image thrice).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30122989

Same desu

>> No.30122920

Hololive is SEAnigcore.

>> No.30122921 [DELETED] 
File: 1.36 MB, 1514x2278, gills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30122923

their fans design them and send them in and they pick the best one

>> No.30122925

It's time to fly closer.

>> No.30122929

Why are Chickenshits like this?

>> No.30122930

>Mori has the most powerful race on her side
It's over for Atlus

>> No.30122931

Dod ears

>> No.30122933

NTAYRT but I also see some YABs and shit happenings that haven't actually happened in my dreams

>> No.30122939
Quoted by: >>30122968

i wish i could have become a streamer i try streaming like in 2016 but never passed 200 views for like 4 weeks so i gave up

>> No.30122943
File: 39 KB, 227x222, 1604644618946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can people who make like 20k a month be depressed?
While playing games you yourself choose, not even doing real work?

>> No.30122944
Quoted by: >>30123020

twitter tells you what the hashtag is about? how the fuck does it even do that

>> No.30122947


>> No.30122950

The narratives are getting too meta...

>> No.30122952
File: 11 KB, 554x554, _a_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30122955

I’m going all in on IDcoin. They’re gonna blow up. We’re gonna see huge numbers that approach Kiara in viewership.

>> No.30122956

Hololive Global is mostly Americans and Europeans tho.

>> No.30122957
File: 230 KB, 900x1200, EkomAYpVgAEtQiV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama and I would eat her Haachama cooking if I could.

>> No.30122958

Senchou just said she isn’t confident enough to ask Ina for a collab because of the language barrier in her members only. Chat suggested she could do it because the Pekora Moona collab was a success, but she said that only worked because it was Minecraft and in a drawing stream they have to keep up a conversation or it would be boring.

>> No.30122959
File: 57 KB, 680x543, 1605557440277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depression is terminal

>> No.30122960

>shitposting nonstop for 15 minutes
oh god, does she survive the rest of the stream??

>> No.30122964

Numberfags aren't on board because they enjoy the Holos. They just like to bandwagon with other retards on what's popular. And since Kiara is not popular enough (for them) their entire personality becomes 'less' as a result.

>> No.30122966
Quoted by: >>30123021

Mori playing Trails of Cold Steel when?

>> No.30122968

200 views is a LOT for a streamer

>> No.30122970
File: 2.28 MB, 370x424, 1605928515137.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is a nonzero chance that she won't stream again after the Twitter complaints

>> No.30122971
Quoted by: >>30123187

They do sell stuffed crust dominos

>> No.30122974
Quoted by: >>30123102

is P3/CallioP3 trending in all third-world countries right now?

>> No.30122976

This looks like it should be a bannable offense.

>> No.30122978

Pekodam and Mikodam were fan designs. Don't know about Haachama's, Subangelleon, and the Botanx. Chama is definitely good enough to design it herself.

>> No.30122979
File: 283 KB, 2000x2000, Kotatsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want you guys to know that no matter what I like spending time with you, whether it be trudging through the wasteland of dead hours, shitposting in real time to neat moments in streams, sharing OC, spinning fake narratives to make fun of rrats, or unityposting.

I genuinely feel like I don't deserve to be among you guys, and I'm very thankful for it.

>> No.30122982
Quoted by: >>30123184

You want me to spam these threads with Gura fanart, faggot?

>> No.30122984
Quoted by: >>30123041

Yes, it was. Soon after their debut Ame got posted, then Mori, Ina and the elf.

>> No.30122989
File: 455 KB, 2640x2946, 1602382175868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30122990
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, po.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEA deadbeats narrative is real?!

>> No.30122991
Quoted by: >>30123025

>Fluent written english
>Below ESL level english speaking abilities.
Sorry guys I've seen this pattern before.

>> No.30122992

>every viewer made exactly one tweet under the hashtag
are you for real

>> No.30122994

Why are Teamates so obnoxious? Yes, I know that means like 70% of you.

>> No.30122995

It's almost as if actual mental illness is not based on how much you have in life. Nothing fills the void. Either you alter your brain chemistry with medicine or you're on the clock.

>> No.30122998

I hate you.

>> No.30123002
File: 404 KB, 1280x529, 1597916284484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123044

I can't do this shit anymore bros i need her back

>> No.30123005


>> No.30123006


>> No.30123007

I actually used to think like this until the depression hit me hard out of nowhere

>> No.30123008
Quoted by: >>30123097

I'm sleeping with korone, good night, virgins.

nvm I exploded

>> No.30123009

does she know ina speaks japanese...?

>> No.30123010

This one right?https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ytcfilter/mnldnbhgfocmkehnlkeanlhfmopepnko

>> No.30123011

have sex you fucking nerd

>> No.30123014
File: 676 KB, 1280x720, WIP_Cut_1_43...let_s_see_how_long_this_takes._gawrt_callillust_ameliaRT_inART_ArtsofAshes-1333176391328804865.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123255

Same but I also hate this place but I also love it

>> No.30123017
File: 1.79 MB, 1879x2848, 1606965821675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123093

This is the full comic posted a coupld of threads ago

>> No.30123020

Anything that trends hard enough in a big location will get an alert for a twitter person to look at it and write up a summary.

>> No.30123021

Mori would start with Sky 'cause she's a boomer.

>> No.30123024
Quoted by: >>30123059


>> No.30123025
File: 369 KB, 983x1400, 1579384462166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123177

Yeah, Marine for example.

>> No.30123033

Remember when we thought Polka knew English before her debut but it turns out she used google translate?

>> No.30123036
File: 304 KB, 2700x1500, EoUOI8uU4AEaEV5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if Atlus itself doesn't give permissions, and it probably won't, any of the ENs having the power to make a hashtag trending through sheer force will probably grab the attention of a few publishers.

>> No.30123040
File: 90 KB, 602x516, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Google translate was better....

>> No.30123041
Quoted by: >>30123104

Mori was "discovered" first, I think, by way of a rrat that turned out to be true.

>> No.30123042
Quoted by: >>30123080

>Deadbraps being obnoxious again
Vtuber board when, these fuckers need their containment thread already

>> No.30123044
File: 1.31 MB, 991x1080, cookie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take this friend https://files.catbox.moe/rnp8bn.webm

>> No.30123045
File: 447 KB, 2016x2948, 1606936649356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its because we miss her. We're not used to a 2 day break like the rest of EN, its painful.

>> No.30123054

Aight, time for a quick poll

>> No.30123055
Quoted by: >>30123121

>Twitter complains
What? The fuck did the schizo fags over there do this time?

>> No.30123056
File: 24 KB, 228x260, 1605381376404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>austria = australia
this shit drives me up the wall everytime
at this point I'm not even sure it's bait

>> No.30123059


>> No.30123060

There was like one and then a bunch of bongposters told her not to worry because it's not a problem.

>> No.30123061

I agree, but saying you don't deserve it is dumb.

>> No.30123064

Drawing, ukulele, video production and literal (workout) reps

Chuubas are great for workout background noise.

>> No.30123070
File: 43 KB, 490x230, 1603359829386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gura has 1M dead subs from HER channel.
If you start counting from the correct number of gura fans and not HER fans she has the least amount of subs.

>> No.30123076
File: 83 KB, 640x900, 1575803817246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks brother

>> No.30123077

Why are cometfags so retarded?

>> No.30123080
Quoted by: >>30123166

cope. nobody brought up deadbeats

>> No.30123082

Are you kidding? That's perfect, I love it

>> No.30123086

>Nene's not particularly meaningful series
Everyone is surprised at the quality of the shit !!!!!!!!
Look (whisper)

DeepL is having a stroke with this one as well

>> No.30123089

Why are nousagis like this?

>> No.30123090

They are zoomer kids and normalfaggs just like their oshi, what did you expect?

>> No.30123093
Quoted by: >>30123693

I like this narrative.

>> No.30123095
File: 1.40 MB, 3260x4096, 1582193701077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're going to stream today. We're gonna make it bros.

>> No.30123097
File: 457 KB, 750x1042, A7A9C660-3952-4848-A9E8-70377F1665EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123143



>> No.30123098
File: 269 KB, 500x479, chumguts burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30123102
File: 79 KB, 1080x645, 20201203_111839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's trending in America too, right under some political coof shit

>> No.30123103
File: 1.35 MB, 1497x1200, 1587867377532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame is taking a break
>Mori drops 3 of her most entertaining streams
Feels good being a deadmate

>> No.30123104
Quoted by: >>30123186

"DD" was but not her face. Kiara is only one who got her face reveal pre debut.

>> No.30123105

>asia but less cancer
where the fuck could that even be?

>> No.30123108

Australians like myself perpetuate it because we wish to claim Kiara for ourselves.

>> No.30123110 [DELETED] 

what do y'all think of brittany venti and her mindless pussy-hungry simps targetting gura

>> No.30123116

Have you seen Notch?

>> No.30123115

stop being gay
<3 you too anon

>> No.30123117

NVIDIA and Microsoft took Amelia away from us

>> No.30123119
File: 131 KB, 463x453, 1603832634299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spanish cover of Hinotori sounds better than OG

>> No.30123121

Apparently the hand sign Ame is doing means flipping the bird in the UK.

>> No.30123125

This is nousagi levels of numberfagging cope

>> No.30123124
File: 6 KB, 550x255, 1600889541300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30123126

Halo stream when.....

>> No.30123128
Quoted by: >>30123172

It's also trending in the US and EU

>> No.30123127
File: 150 KB, 666x911, 1606946439763.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30123138

> not even doing real work
sounds like a good way to get depressed if you ask me

>> No.30123139

Being too happy and safe is a problem

>> No.30123142

She's literally "Crazy Ollie" I'm pretty sure that's her character. Hopefully she can keep it up on stream too.

>> No.30123143
File: 318 KB, 655x673, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123204

and she didnt even wake up

>> No.30123148
File: 68 KB, 434x377, black_front_5thgen_202011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buy it?

>> No.30123153
Quoted by: >>30123198

>Nene humming the Terminator theme

>> No.30123154

She’s an irrelevant faggot lol, don’t listen to e girls begging for attention

>> No.30123155

Sorry we will now all stop to appease you

>> No.30123157
Quoted by: >>30123571

If they subbed to the new channel then in what sense are they dead subs?

>> No.30123158
File: 130 KB, 528x531, 1602325446265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30123162
Quoted by: >>30123245

What good is a god that is deaf in one ear?

>> No.30123163
File: 1.80 MB, 1080x1281, 1603745720186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always a great time shooting the shit with you guys.

>> No.30123164

thats actually pretty accurate

>> No.30123165
File: 542 KB, 2481x3508, EoUXaSyU0AAdOCh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Master Chief
Halo stream soon!

>> No.30123166
Quoted by: >>30123205

Way to give yourself out, dradbrap

>> No.30123168
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1821, 1601421070604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Amelia know there are this many men under her spell around the globe and that they are dependent on her?

That's what you get for wrapping them all around your fingers, Ame... now you gotta take responsibility..

>> No.30123169

gura's bf here. she's too busy sucking my peepee right now, sorry.

>> No.30123172

And Australia.

>> No.30123173

Its trending in the US and other countries as well

>> No.30123175


>> No.30123176

>all 1 million of HER's subs found out about gura and resubbed to her
yeah, makes sense

>> No.30123177


>> No.30123179


>> No.30123183
File: 204 KB, 1323x1871, 8766787866846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123254

Aaaah I just want to squeeze and suck on her puppies!

>> No.30123182

Basically Asia minus SEA
Stuff like India, the Middle East, Japan, etc

>> No.30123184

no, I'm not a pedophile

>> No.30123185

Ame stop posting on /hlgg/

>> No.30123186

There are her pictures on D6 accounts. Kiara was the only one not to get doxxed before debut, it happened a few minutes after she started talking.

>> No.30123187
Quoted by: >>30123896

I cant believe how stupid you guys are. On the Dominos Cheese Pan Pizza the cheese and toppings go all the way to the crust which is what shes referring to.

>> No.30123190

Man I wish they'd make a VN like Steins;Gate but instead it's Ame timetraveling to try and fix the hololive timeline and save all her senpai

>> No.30123191

No option for south Asia so I went with sea.

>> No.30123196
Quoted by: >>30123815

Gura is like the only good singer in EN, how is this even surprising?

>> No.30123198

might want to take your meds before reading:
she really liked the matanene polka video, which also featured the terminator theme

>> No.30123200

Lets be honest. If she didn't use chikim voice it would be much better. At the moment the chikim voice isn't hard to beat. Can't wait for Gura to do a cover of this song.

>> No.30123202
File: 703 KB, 2897x4096, 1605898086516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one will ever understand the real me
>I'm just a cog in the entertainment machine
>I'm replacable.
>People will forget me one day
>When I graduate it'll all be gone
>What am I doing with my life
>I have to keep acting
>No one can know how I really feel

>> No.30123204

Sleep sex is pretty hot.


>> No.30123205

t. doxxbrap

>> No.30123206

I was interested in the syntactical guidepost for complex sentences idea.

>> No.30123207
Quoted by: >>30123383

Teamates... You need an outlet. Deadbeats and the takodachi isn't go insane when their oshi went silent for days.

>> No.30123208

As a reference 6pm GMT/GMT+1 are 3am/2am in Japan.
That's not feasible as a starting time for a stream

>> No.30123212
File: 318 KB, 1755x2048, 1593136653082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia, take responsibility!

>> No.30123213
Quoted by: >>30123270

>Gaia Online
The fuck is that old man

>> No.30123217
File: 3.55 MB, 350x350, 1605723231372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30123219

Seems like it would be better for them to collab in japanese anyway, since Marine is going to be better at carrying the conversation. The only problem would be Ina keeping up.

>> No.30123220
File: 1.11 MB, 1940x996, 1583952986319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you unitypost you deserve it.

>> No.30123221
File: 242 KB, 1500x1032, EoOTnJjVcAAuOvM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30123218


>> No.30123222

This threads are actually pretty funny love ya guys

>> No.30123223

Now THIS is a rrat

>> No.30123225

I was expecting this during the stream but I'm impressed that its still trending desu

>> No.30123226

i don't even watch her but i know this is not the first time. she did similar cases with several youtubers over the past years (e.g. nfkrz). the only thing everyone need to do is just ignore it.

>> No.30123228

Their first time with a long break. I'm jealous.

>> No.30123230

I'm sorry Kiara, but this unironically sounds better
I feel really bad for saying this

>> No.30123231


>> No.30123233


>> No.30123234

Ina hides her power level, I don't think most people know she does or believed it when chicken mentioned that she's actually decent

>> No.30123235 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 2048x1281, gufiyhcub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to watch your creation /hlgg/.

>> No.30123236
Quoted by: >>30123469

I expect one to hit chicken levels of growth and the others to be comparible to Moona's recent growth.
Unfortunately stream times and ESL accents will massively nerf them.

>> No.30123241
Quoted by: >>30123335

Did she actually say that?

>> No.30123242
Quoted by: >>30123559

another unarchived karaoke apparently coming too

>> No.30123245

only listens to half the bullshit

>> No.30123246


>> No.30123247

Kiara a shit

>> No.30123249
File: 153 KB, 960x945, 1606969654915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It has been two days since Amelia has last streamed
>in the newfound quiet I realize the grotesqueness of my situation
>The pizza boxes line the hallways
>Nothing is in order
>The toilet has been clogged for a week
>And then there is the smell, the smell and the buzzing, from the room down the hallway
>How did I not notice it before?
>What kind of trance was I under, watching Amelia?
>These thoughts creep through my mind as I stand in the open doorway watching the now bloated corpse
>When did I kill him? Why did I kill him?
>I can find no answers to these questions
>My phone vibrates
>An Amelia guerilla stream begins in thirty minutes
>I order another pizza and wait by the door until it arrives
>When the delivery arrives I hastily hand the driver a wad of cash and grab the pizza box, quickly shutting the door before the smell can creep out
>Upon sitting at the desk and opening the stream I notice something
>Amelia seems cuter than usual today.

>> No.30123250

Ame please come back. We miss you

>> No.30123253

Ame thought she would get cat ears. You're a doggy my dear.

>> No.30123254

Don't do that to Bubba you creep.

>> No.30123255

I still don't agree with Kiara's expression.

>> No.30123256
File: 183 KB, 897x444, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like they just slapped a logo on a free template they found online

>> No.30123261

>Lets be honest. If she didn't use chikim voice it would be much better
This. Imagine if Twappi sung with her usual nasal voice, it'd destroy ears instantly. Kiara has to nerf herself quite badly unlike Gura and Mori.

>> No.30123263

>3.5 hour video

>> No.30123265

"551k is not as big of a number as 572k. I give up guys, Kiara just isn't popular."

>> No.30123266
Quoted by: >>30123431

I refuse to take responsibility for the creation of this thing

>> No.30123267
File: 256 KB, 1500x1120, twoopaas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troopa ready.

>> No.30123270
File: 76 KB, 308x235, 1606528221292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123296

Even a newfag has to have done their history reps enough to know about Gaia Online, right? You're fucking with me, right?

>> No.30123273

seeing stuff like this makes me realize all the hate from the main thread is totally justified. fuck you

>> No.30123274
File: 2.18 MB, 2260x1500, 1606368957112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried expanding your tastes to include the other girls too? "Unitychads cannot stop winning" is literally true, because no matter who streams, we're happy.

>> No.30123278
File: 3.80 MB, 1440x2824, illust_85288879_20201028_105837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori had 20k people watching her beg for a game permission
>got her hashtag trending worldwide
>got fuckton of akas for a fucking shitpost
She is too powerful

>> No.30123281

fuck off homo

>> No.30123286
Quoted by: >>30123366

She's inspiring me to maybe try and pursue vtubing myself. Godspeed, Koopa, I'll be there.

>> No.30123287
File: 9 KB, 939x487, 1605189440498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30123292
File: 33 KB, 478x576, +_c430173d4e916bbcf0f958561440357a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30123293
File: 146 KB, 738x1085, 1594833031599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's probably here so she knows

>> No.30123295


The only tubers who should be streaming at this time are those on either of the American continents. So Gura or Ame could stream at this time. Ame has done, Gura...I think did so once? She hasn't recently, but this would be the perfect time.

>> No.30123296

I'd say any weeb on the internet should know Gaia Online. It's not exclusive to 4Chan

>> No.30123299

>551k is not as big of a number as 572k. I give up guys
Whoa, I didn't know Kiara posted here!

>> No.30123300

How can I get Haachama to acknowledge my existence?

>> No.30123305

I can't tell you what to do with your money, but this is fucking dogshit.

>> No.30123306
Quoted by: >>30123351

She starting up again? After losing subs and followers?

>> No.30123307

can anyone speak to the quality of the merch cover puts out? i want to buy this to support ceo, but not if its cheaply made

>> No.30123309
File: 230 KB, 463x453, 1602904212500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gold. Can't believe I never saw this before.

>> No.30123312
File: 584 KB, 1894x2048, 1596632899700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori love!
Mori domination!

>> No.30123317


>> No.30123318

Main thread? You mean /hlg/? Isn't /hlgg/ the one that made her?

>> No.30123320

It's dated for sure and as a result has the worst game mechanics of franchise after they rebooted it, but it's the friend simulator/time management system and how seamlessly it was integrated into the greater story/gameplay that set it apart at the time. In regards to comparing it to 4 and 5 mechanics wise both are better, storywise everyone has one that appeals to them more than the others so that's qere you get that discrepancy.

>> No.30123322


>> No.30123324
File: 371 KB, 2000x2601, 1600820322701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123363

I love Mori, and I'm tired of pretending I don't.

>> No.30123325

Anyone know how to make it so ytcfilter only show owner

>> No.30123326


our boy got her favorite meme number again

>> No.30123327
File: 581 KB, 996x498, 1603578893501.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this 2 autist work well together?

>> No.30123331


>> No.30123332
File: 206 KB, 570x359, 46880f68b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Unitychads cannot stop winning" is literally true
Don't lie to yourself

>> No.30123334

Sharks and minnows.

>> No.30123335
File: 582 KB, 996x1150, 1605880186917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Im just projecting my performance depression
Money doesnt mean shit when your brains already fucked up enough and have to constantly put on an acting mask.

>> No.30123338
File: 245 KB, 1024x1280, EoURry9U0AQbDZU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123572

That's the kind of advertising potential you normally have to pay for and Hololive will do that shit for FREE if you just gave them all the fucking permissions.

>> No.30123339
File: 46 KB, 562x623, 1593825536839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gura is the most powerful. but she is a good person unlike mori the jew

>> No.30123341

Not Hololive related.

>> No.30123342
File: 581 KB, 556x807, 5bb62a65f5b996fd675cb869701baeaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123380

I can't handle it anymore I'LL GO FIND AMELIA

>> No.30123345
File: 71 KB, 512x397, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your two favourite ENs
>their tag team name in Mario Party

>> No.30123347
File: 179 KB, 397x303, Nutsackis....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is what a nutsacki looks like... Anyway, Youtube should stop recommending me this garbage.

>> No.30123351

e-girls being e-girls, basking on the glorious thing known as attention

>> No.30123353

How does it keep happening?

>> No.30123352
File: 52 KB, 858x86, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck?
This was at ~300€ when i checked after she finished

>> No.30123354

it's concerning how accurate this is

>> No.30123355


>> No.30123358

godspeed koopa.

>> No.30123360

wrong website

>> No.30123362

>OC is now frowned upon

>> No.30123363

>Self-doxxing even in fanarts

>> No.30123366

Wait at least until some other shizo has a weird dream and use that as a concept.
Most vtubers get in average 5 viewers.

>> No.30123368

Stop posting e-celebs faggot

>> No.30123367

But /hlgg/ related.

>> No.30123369
Quoted by: >>30123598

I believe Gura has done 2 eu friendly streams, one was one of her worst horror kusoge yet, the other was Fall guys.

>> No.30123370

Chess Club

>> No.30123374

Post a blue board we could go to then

>> No.30123375

who the fuck greenlighted this? gookmoot himself?

>> No.30123376

Member and Aka spam her

>> No.30123379

More like too desperate

>> No.30123380
File: 187 KB, 454x474, 1588884583703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going with him

>> No.30123381

O7 Troopas reporting for duty

>> No.30123382
File: 1.19 MB, 3305x1933, gen1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are the others debuting?

>> No.30123383

That's because the former are busy d*xing and the latter are doing their art reps
But teamates always have Ame on their mind and just want to be with her...

>> No.30123384

What even is this and why is everyone replying to it?

>> No.30123385

who the fuck is this

>> No.30123389

cunny cunny cunny cunny

>> No.30123392

Get a job at domino

>> No.30123394

>As a reference 6pm GMT/GMT+1 are 3am/2am in Japan.
>That's not feasible as a starting time for a stream
5AM JST (9PM CET) or 6AM JST (10PM CET) might be feasible.

>> No.30123397

>open twitter
>something something numbers
>close twitter

>> No.30123398

For me? It's bottom left.

>> No.30123399
File: 55 KB, 398x434, 78489463883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a joke anon...

>> No.30123403


>> No.30123405


>> No.30123406
File: 155 KB, 552x518, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised some Aussies are still lurking here, isn't it like 2 AM or so over there?

Also for the newfags out there, have a thing
The DK player haunts the streams of various Vtubers, including the Nijis

>> No.30123410

Black weebs are ok in my book

>> No.30123412

Sorry, I'm a deadbeat dad.

>> No.30123413

Hirohito was a mistake.

>> No.30123414
File: 1.73 MB, 1725x1769, 1606794504590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the threads are gonna explode in her debut when she can't keep that twitter kayfabe and the filtering voice. kek.

>> No.30123416

Mori would be nothing without the Hololive brand

>> No.30123422

>open Twitter
>Mori numberfagging
>tweet #CallioP3

>> No.30123423

I'm assuming thats a picture of a cover meeting?

>> No.30123427

Good thing these never went all the way through, they look like shit

>> No.30123428

hi /hlg/

>> No.30123430


>> No.30123431
File: 1.07 MB, 2048x2048, 1555001781899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just say its an update to this design

>> No.30123432
File: 374 KB, 1122x1600, 1590420069919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123459

i want the disappearance of amelia watson arc to stop...

>> No.30123436
File: 1.76 MB, 1079x1079, 1591180905357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123472

I love all of them and watch most of their streams, it's just that Mori and Ame are my favorites

>> No.30123440
File: 256 KB, 1803x2000, 1605055465099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do i love this chikin so much

>> No.30123443

>main thread

>> No.30123445

top 5 hololive original songs of 2020.

>> No.30123448
Quoted by: >>30123602

I dont know, same girl without trying to copy chicken's voice

>> No.30123449
Quoted by: >>30123498

Is SA south asia or south america?
Where's Central America?

>> No.30123447

>Hololive Fortune
>Rat Holo (Actually mouse loli)
>Racecar driver (Drive starting Ryan Gosling)

Who/what else would people want?

>> No.30123450

top let without the stocks and bottom middle without the weird red eye clip horn thingie would be so nice

>> No.30123451
File: 17 KB, 596x177, yunda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123873


>> No.30123452

Death Cult

>> No.30123453

I swear sometimes you fags should read your own posts before pressing the button

>> No.30123457
Quoted by: >>30123804

I kinda think they all look like Vshitjo tier garbage.

>> No.30123461

>12 Sea
>looks at how shit the thread is
Makes sense

>> No.30123459

Endless 8......

>> No.30123462

>thursday night
gee i wonder why

>> No.30123464

nigger man

>> No.30123465

extremely well, their autism would synergise

>> No.30123466
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, 1604026846701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cute!

>> No.30123468

Amelia would be homeless (again) without the Hololive brand. Gura would still be drinking herself to death to appease her retarded "fans" without the Hololive brand. Kiara would've probably offed herself already without the Hololive brand.

>> No.30123469

Yeah, they are getting a nice starter boost, but they are unlikely to have the growth of EN or even 5th gen.

>> No.30123472

Same but Gura and Ame are my favorites. I try to catch as many streams as I can.

>> No.30123477
File: 140 KB, 1600x1200, 1508967812096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4/5 Hololive
When will the other company ever catch a break?

>> No.30123478
Quoted by: >>30124326

Ina doesn't speak japanese on a level she could keep up with Senchou, I doubt Marine wants to talk to her like she'd talk to a retard

>> No.30123483

Probably for Mori and Kiara, Gura have balanced fanbase around the world despite streaming for NA, Ame mainly from NA, and Ina probably half EU half NA.

>> No.30123485

I refuse to take responsibility for the creation of that thing as well

>> No.30123486
File: 17 KB, 100x100, 1606796438627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123545

First day here?

>> No.30123487
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1080, EnE5QEyXUAIwHbDakuma_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off anon
You're pretty okay.

>> No.30123488

> Kiara has to nerf herself quite badly unlike Gura and Mori.

I know she nerfs herself, but does she have to? Towa, Rushia, Subaru and Risu all sing in their normal voice instead of their character voice, for instance.

Chicken needs to stop shooting herself in the foot. Nobody cares if you use your normal voice for songs as long as its good.

>> No.30123489

This is actually pretty good WTF?

>> No.30123491

So in 2 hours?

>> No.30123498

I legit forgot about Central America

>> No.30123500

>All 1M HER subs are still active
Yeah, sure

>> No.30123499

Wasn't ame the only literally who pre-hololive? I don't mean to be rude

>> No.30123502 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>30123531

I think this is off topic, anon
[spoiler ]but yeah I will definitely be there[/spoiler]
Yeah, my boy is STRONK!

>> No.30123501

top right before the re-design was best because it was lewdest

>> No.30123506

Why is this a problem?
If you're a vtuber time doesn't matter. Kiara could easily change her sleeping habits so that she wakes up at like 4am and does a morning stream, then one later in her day.

>> No.30123511

>Kiara would've probably offed herself already without the Hololive brand.
This is the most believable one

>> No.30123512

>12 EU
>Looks how shit the thread is
It all makes sense

>> No.30123513
File: 195 KB, 454x408, 1606946125944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124861

Unironically went from 6/10 to at least a 7/10 just by changing the singer.

>> No.30123516

Tony Tony chopper...

>> No.30123519

I love Ame and she loves me, she said so. You would understand if your oshi streamed as much as she did.

>> No.30123520


>> No.30123526
File: 3.53 MB, 600x480, 1604737062242.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123642

>Ina and Gura
>Mariana Terrors
>Ina and Ame
>AO-chan Connection
>Ina and Haachama
>Entropic Pair

>> No.30123525

She was there for me when no one else was

>> No.30123527

>like that faggot last night who thinks that HoloEN is made up of American girls Cover forced to move to Japan, and that Kiara is running to Germany to escape them and be with her secret boyfriend.
Now that is a powerful rrat, nothing like the weak ones here.
It's true, I am the boyfriend

>> No.30123528

>the subs that she got without being tied to a huge company somehow count for less
I know this is a shitpost, but it's the worst possible cope.

>> No.30123531

Delete and fix the spoiler retard.

>> No.30123533
File: 36 KB, 582x291, 1606403693422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh oshi liked my tweet
>Only person to press the like button
My boy...

>> No.30123536
Quoted by: >>30123886

I think she's still worried about the seagulls. She already knows that people want her to use her real voice.

>> No.30123537

>main thread
keep telling yourself that

>> No.30123539

I definitely think it's possible, it all rides on how good their English is and how willing they are to essentially act like EN 1.5 the market is definitely there and there are plenty of EN dead hours in a day to fill if they market themselves right.

>> No.30123541 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 1080x1080, 1607013134017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123592

Is Becca going to give us hot pics of her 3D model like she did with her past models?

>> No.30123542

Someone should draw Gura drumming in the back wtf

>> No.30123543

By what metric?

>> No.30123544
File: 628 KB, 2048x1262, 1605756527722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the little ones already. Kiara and Mori have been trying their best but it just isn't the same.

>> No.30123545

No. But I don't follow anyone that isn't part of hololive or holostars, and I don't remember any new talent announcements recently?

>> No.30123546

Black weebs are unironically less cringe than expected

>> No.30123551

but mori wasn't "nothing" before hololive, she was probably more accomplished than you

>> No.30123552
File: 205 KB, 600x600, 1583542535924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine turning that into a model when someone churned out a picrew that's a hundred times a better design

>> No.30123554

some vtuber music rewards

>> No.30123559

That might get cancelled since she has to do another superchat reading this weekend along with privately watching the ID Gen 2 debuts with the rest of EN.

>> No.30123560

Would have liked to hear their awkward Alex match. If they both do reps, maybe in a year.

>> No.30123566


>> No.30123568

No one knows why she uses her character voice. It might be true that she wouldn't sound way better while singing live, but her older studio songs sound good.

>> No.30123569

This is my biggest fear, she's playing her character too well on twitter. I hope she's good at it and not taking 15 minutes to write every tweet.

>> No.30123571

They're dead because I don't like them

>> No.30123572

Even better: people will literally PAY to see it.

>> No.30123573

Vtuber originals. #2 is Mito's song.

>> No.30123576

Fuck you, I WISH my oshi would like my tweets. I should've been born an artist.

>> No.30123577
Quoted by: >>30123627

>hear espada in the song
>instantly have to think of YO SOYT EL HUESO DE MI ESPADA and get over 10 year old fate giggle flashbacks
I hate myself

>> No.30123580

I already sold all my zombcoin and reinvested in yaoihandsbird instead so im good

>> No.30123581
File: 252 KB, 1464x2048, koro-sit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 yubi yubi 六四天安門事件 Google search history 天安門大屠殺 SEA CHICKEN 反右派鬥爭 Nekomata Okayu grooming allegations 大躍進政策 THREE BROTHERS 文化大革命 kansai dialect 人權 DOOG ETERNAL 民運 sleep deprivation psychosis 自由 father was an actual dog 獨立 rock-paper-scissors cheating allegations 多黨制 HAVE CONFIDENCE 台灣 臺灣 2020 earthquake sneeze allegations 中華民國 INDEPENDENCE DAY 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 達賴喇嘛 Shinzo Abe 法輪功 Motoaki Tanigo 新疆維吾爾自治區 "I'm actually a boy" 諾貝爾和平獎 Mori Calliope 劉暁波 fans send actual fingers 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Cookie Monster 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.30123579

I wish Ame learned how to use her avatar facial expressions like Mori does

>> No.30123584
File: 515 KB, 2106x2172, 1605496491444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EN Holos still don't have cool intros like every single other Holo
Why though? I mean, are their fans just shit? They are almost always done by fans, so I can only come to the conclusion that all of their fanbases just can't produce content like JP or even ID, its fucking embarrassing.
Calli and Kiara have some very basic ones that Calli did at the last second, but compared to the level of production and love even low sub Holos get from their fans, its just pathetic.

>> No.30123592 [DELETED] 

becky please lemme smash

>> No.30123594


>> No.30123596

Kiara suddenly feels rather tame in comparison.

>> No.30123598
Quoted by: >>30123663

she did TABS in that time slot too

>> No.30123599
File: 3.37 MB, 640x500, 36214727.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30123600

Vtuber*, that's Mito on second place

>> No.30123601
Quoted by: >>30123788

If you're gonna shill at least post a link how the fuck I'm supposed to find this abomination

>> No.30123602

Fuck, thats not her but her voice it is on the recordings tab. Fucking hate music sites.

>> No.30123608

As expected of Koopa

>> No.30123611

How would Ina be?

>> No.30123614
Quoted by: >>30123682

I don't know what you're talking about, neither who neither what she said.

>> No.30123617

That's just one of those waifu designer things, isn't it?
People were discussing last night how even a half decent 2D model is $2k+, and probably another grand to rig it.

>> No.30123619

I'm a day 1 teamate and I've been on this threads since the first week, and participating in the "cuter as usual" posting and shit, but you fags are starting to scare. Some of you retards actually believe this kind of shit unironically.

>> No.30123620 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>30123710

I think this is off topic, anon
but yeah I will definitely be there
>>30123278 (You) #
Yeah, my boy is STRONK!

>> No.30123621

Fucking poopa man

>> No.30123622

>caring more about her inclining than her has a streamer

>> No.30123625
Quoted by: >>30123685

>Nousagi arithmetic again

>> No.30123626
Quoted by: >>30123917

No one has ever been born an artist.

>> No.30123627
Quoted by: >>30123665


>> No.30123630
File: 562 KB, 617x540, 1606066971634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ban all Amelia antis
Ban all Kiara antis
Ban all Mori antis
Ban all Gura antis
Ban all Ina antis

Fuck nijiniggers
Fuck ESLniggers
Fuck trannies
Fuck doxxfags
Fuck falseflaggers

simple as

>> No.30123631

So how strong is the Holo ID gen 2 lore wise? If Crazy Zombie and weaponized loli team up together would they be able to take out the big dogs that are Holo Myth? Crazy Zombie being psuedo immortal and weapon loli being an ancient weapon and Pavioli using some sort of magic as support?

>> No.30123633

Probably a friendless artist rotting away in her room.

>> No.30123635

Still drawing, probably a lot more miserable.

>> No.30123636
Quoted by: >>30123761

It's only been 3 months. And the western consumer is just that: a consumer.

>> No.30123637
File: 9 KB, 128x102, 703430200087674921.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123846

This dude made the Haachama one

Maybe he will make one for Amelia too?
It's so fucking good sometimes I listen to her intro and outro just because.

>> No.30123638


>> No.30123639

>horror shit
hard pass

>> No.30123641

I believe in cover's competence in scouting talents.

>> No.30123642

I like these

>> No.30123646
Quoted by: >>30123700

i hope kiara doesn't see this but this is fucking fire than the original

>> No.30123648
Quoted by: >>30123722


>> No.30123650

Depressed but sucessful

>> No.30123654


>> No.30123656
Quoted by: >>30123719

I thought that 3rd world deadbeats narrative was just a joke....

>> No.30123659

This has too few details to be a hololive design.
I don't use Twitter or Twitch.
Is this something from /v/ or what?

>> No.30123663

You might be right, I was just going from memory and what I could see on teamup, but that wasn't retroactive. I'd be curious to see her play a buff game in eu hours though.

>> No.30123665


>> No.30123666

I churned out that picrew and I love her design, fucker.

>> No.30123670

slitting her wrists

>> No.30123671
Quoted by: >>30123761

The ENs have only been on the scene for three months now, and all of their intros/loading screens are serviceable for now.
If anything Mori and Ina will probably do their own extended intros later, and Kiara can rally up a KFP to do one too.

>> No.30123672
Quoted by: >>30123725

Magic sword vs the soul weapon of a reaper, yeah, I think I know which one will win.

Magic sword because metal isn't truly alive, and therefore Mori cannot kill her

>> No.30123674
Quoted by: >>30123722

Why do you retards support this normal faggot

>> No.30123681

The 'anime girl rapping' meme got her a lot of dead subs. They don't show up for live streams or watch the VODs.

>> No.30123682

don't mind it, the person he is referring to is an attention whore

>> No.30123685

Why can't Nutsakis count?

>> No.30123687
File: 138 KB, 1120x1500, 1583466574864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123769

My boy...

>> No.30123690 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>30124169

/hlgg/ meme and she's on YouTube this afternoon.

>> No.30123693
File: 81 KB, 905x348, amekillrrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123823

If you're creative enough, there's a lot you can edit with it

>> No.30123695

Can you guys stop posting so much about missing Ame. I'm on these threads to distract myself from missing Ame.

>> No.30123700
Quoted by: >>30124143

Someone brought it up on her stream and she said she wanted to see it, actually. She's actually seen it. The only reason I know about it was because she commented about it on Twitter.

>> No.30123704
File: 360 KB, 2000x1800, 1602877612966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Gura is covering it on her next Karaoke stream, right?

>> No.30123707
File: 616 KB, 3425x2433, 1604642992748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123887

>he was only ironic about his love for Amelia

>> No.30123708

>and she still won't get Atlus permissions

>> No.30123710


>> No.30123714

I'll be there kwappi but you better stop shilling after this

>> No.30123719

It was trending all over the place, still is in the UK for me.

>> No.30123722 [DELETED] 

Welcome to HoloBronies, number #4863 reporting in, may i take your orders?

>> No.30123725
Quoted by: >>30123774

Isn't reaper super effective against zombie though? Or is zombies immune to soul reaping? Isn't zombie just dead body + soul? Though I guess magic sword is also good against reapers too.

>> No.30123730

Just unsubbed and canceled my membership. I can't believe this guy is having sex with Mori.

>> No.30123733

I'm sorry kiara can't defend you this time...

>> No.30123734

Mori and Kiara have low viewership because they stream at terrible hours for NA (Mori) or have poor stream time consistency (Kiara). This should be obvious by now.

>> No.30123735

Yeah, the Spanish version.

>> No.30123737

'dead subs' and 'slippery slope' are probably the two most wildly abused terms in /hlgg/ and yet they're the easiest way to know when someone is shitposting

>> No.30123739

An anon here had a dream that Koopa existed as the 6th member of Hololive English. Now she is real, or as real as one could get for a virtual youtuber

>> No.30123740
Quoted by: >>30123811

Mori will
she already practiced in T3

>> No.30123742

It isn't hard making that model anon. We literay have free software for that shit. The higher quality ones need money though.

>> No.30123746
Quoted by: >>30123817


all 3 obliterated by Ina alone

>> No.30123748

>I know she nerfs herself, but does she have to?
Maybe she fears being Doxxed? She used to do covers and all that, she may not want to attract the same crowd that ruined her past career out of spite.

>> No.30123755

what's the code?

>> No.30123762
File: 1.17 MB, 1935x1800, 1538427828385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123801

I'll wait for her to debut...

>> No.30123761
Quoted by: >>30123871

>Its only been...
This excuse worked when the girls were new, they are now about to be senpais, not fucking reason why something hasn't been done already considering how massive their fanbases are.

>> No.30123763
File: 1.16 MB, 1016x1038, 1585591753038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori love!
Mori lust!

>> No.30123765

I'm pretty sure all of Coper's attention has either been via meme, or ironic/unironic third party shilling. I still can't believe someone bought her an ad here.

>> No.30123769
File: 1.96 MB, 1500x2000, c144db026c3992df5c32eb6b5df5ab38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife Moririn Kawaiiope.

>> No.30123771

Personally i really enjoy the Kiara intro, especially the christmas remix she's using currentöy

>> No.30123774

Peacock dies, Zombie is already dead and would get sent back to hell where it came from, magic sword would have to not get shattered into pieces.

>> No.30123782

>Some retard had a dream
People have random dreams everyday faggot

>> No.30123783

Nah man the only holos with dead subscribers are Mori and Rushia . You cannot convince me otherwise.

>> No.30123784

Stop forgetting to draw her taaaaaaiiiillll

>> No.30123786
Quoted by: >>30123810

anon, literally every point besides the last one applies to p4 too...

>> No.30123788
Quoted by: >>30123836


>> No.30123790

Just wait until after December when Mori has more time and makes fancy ones for all of EN so that she can continue to work herself to death.

>> No.30123794
Quoted by: >>30123877

EN is lore wise the strongest gen

>> No.30123797
Quoted by: >>30124378

Press on the thingy next to the video and "dont recomment this channel"

Also do it for that furfag tranny cat/wolf with purple hair that ruins his videos with his vtuber shtick. Disgusting.

>> No.30123798


This cover is actually so good I'd be interested in some kind of competition where people cover the song in different languages. Fits with chickens multi-language theme and builds similar hype to what Mori did.

>> No.30123800

I mean maybe Gura and Kiara, but a Lovecraftian Priestess and the embodiment of death? Not even close.

>> No.30123801

that's just blonde Nose

>> No.30123804
File: 3.05 MB, 2048x2048, 1538384629030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one certainly does

>> No.30123810

And 5, save for the dungeon thing.

>> No.30123811
File: 169 KB, 512x512, 1462630040737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone is going to mog Kiara with her own song's covers

>> No.30123814

I'm fucking amazed someone with 1.5 million subs can't have something done, she should do a fan contest or something.

>> No.30123815

Has Gura ever mentioned how much she practices singing before?

>> No.30123817

Foreigners are basically cheating, you'd have to leave Ina out of any power level discussions.

>> No.30123820
Quoted by: >>30123943

>Main thread
Made me kek

>> No.30123821
File: 219 KB, 699x498, 1602548674826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123887

I dont know why you're scared now when this is the calmest it's been in ages. Now the superliminal stream, that's when I was one hell of a gosling.

>> No.30123823
Quoted by: >>30123864


>> No.30123825

I'm pretty sure she talked about singing to herself a lot

>> No.30123834
Quoted by: >>30124215

There'll be professionally animated anime openings for them soon enough.

>> No.30123836

Thanks I now know the entire lore of the Mario series.
Found her on youtube anyway

>> No.30123839
File: 84 KB, 1064x715, 1606596101025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to not let numbers dictate what kind of content you enjoy. Popularity is not the best indicator for quality.

>> No.30123846
Quoted by: >>30123904

She has by far the best fan content, weird that no other Holo seems to have this level of engagement with fan produced shit.

>> No.30123850

What's stopping them from rigging for 2D?

>> No.30123851

t. kfp

>> No.30123852

Amelia definitely knows. That's why she's such a big tease. Of all the ENs she's the most self-aware.

>> No.30123853

The scariest thing about RE4 is that the rural Spanish villagers have Mexican accents

>> No.30123854

That's actually a pretty cool idea.

>> No.30123855

holoES fucking when? it's actually impressive they let ID in before ES which has way more audience potential

>> No.30123857
Quoted by: >>30123893

She isn't shilling herself anon. I'm shilling for her for free so I can finally get my 4chan vtuber. Hiro doesn't want to pay shit so I want her debut to be a success. That success would ateast propel her mainstream and will have stupid simps actually supporting her.

>> No.30123859

Kiara and Mori literally can't die and just win by default

>> No.30123860
Quoted by: >>30123887

why are you not going to participate in "take responsibility" posting?

>> No.30123864
File: 45 KB, 317x348, amenerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame bless

>> No.30123867

Consider the following:
Pavolia's yaoi hands dual-wielding the sword from the zombie's head and the loli-turned weapon

>> No.30123866

>she got 20k live viewers on a FBK-tier meme stream.
she got 20k people watching her say the same line for 1.5h*

>> No.30123868

>after December when Mori has more time

>> No.30123871

>They are now about to be senpais

Fuck off

>> No.30123872

which HoloEN is the smartest?

>> No.30123873

Pretty sure Doggo mentioned her on stream like a few days ago, saying they're finalizing plans for their collab.

>> No.30123875
File: 62 KB, 603x680, Eh_DdiCWsAE7PqG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I don't

>> No.30123877
Quoted by: >>30123948

I meant a 3v1 scenario since holoMyth is fucking OP. Maybe Moona has some chance since shes supposed to be a goddess.

>> No.30123878
File: 168 KB, 308x294, download (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30123905

What the fuck is this absolute monstrosity of a model

>> No.30123879

nice bait

>> No.30123881
File: 424 KB, 500x490, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have learned to ignore such naysayers during dead hours.

>> No.30123886
Quoted by: >>30124134


Yea I think that's what makes it hurt; considering her studio songs I feel like Hinotori would be a banger if she just used her natural voice but as it stands it just falls flat. Like the Spanish cover is so superior because the singer just actually hits the notes rather than holding back.


She's worried but seagulls but also a numberfag. I think she's gotta choose which one she fears more eventually because her singing voice could be that pull that she's currently lacking.

>> No.30123887

I already had my unironic gachikoi phase on the first 2 months, but talked myself out of it.
I love her, she's my oshi, and she's the only one that I care to watch archives if I miss a stream, but I'm not literally dying because she hasn't streamed for 2 days.
Don't know, all the posts talking about how much they miss her weird me out, but maybe it's only because I'm behind on archives and still have 4 hours of Ame to watch.

>> No.30123890

>Kiara will then mog herself by using her real voice

>> No.30123893
Quoted by: >>30123955

Imagine if hiro tried to support her after what he tried to pull, fucking imagine

>> No.30123894

You lucky motherfucker

>> No.30123896
Quoted by: >>30124087

What the fuck are you on about? dominos in Australia the deep pan pizza has the thickest crust and there's no toppings to the edge. The stuffed crust is roughly the same except it has cheese which makes it taller. Classic crust has a small crust but the toppings still don't go to the edge. The closest you get to that is a thin & crispy but that's not what she said in the video. They used to do an "Edge" pizza which goes to the crust but discontinued it.

>> No.30123903

Spanish is a garbage language, het voice is good

>> No.30123904

No surprise, I unironically believe Haachama has the smartest fanbase.

>> No.30123905
Quoted by: >>30123916


>> No.30123910

Maybe it's because their money is fucking worthless

>> No.30123912
Quoted by: >>30123986

How was the Among Us collab this morning? I only barely caught the end of it.

>> No.30123916


>> No.30123917
File: 63 KB, 720x540, 1588631095171.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124131

This >>30123626
I just made pic related in like 30 minutes during the stream, only just started my animation reps
Try even if you're shit, git gud with reps

>> No.30123919
Quoted by: >>30124005

What the fuck are you talking about? Their intros are cool and there are plenty of fan made ones that they could use but they don't want to becuase all of the intros were done by each individual member (from what I remember)
And their fans all love their intros so why change them?

>> No.30123924
File: 70 KB, 828x953, 1577890263817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia, take responsibility!

>> No.30123925

Kiara is the most menhara girl ever to be on hololive by FAR

>> No.30123926

Stop being delusional, bro

>> No.30123932

she's never specified a number of hours per week or anything like that, but has always mentioned, at some point, practicing specifically for every karaoke stream she does, and has also mentioned occasionally practicing songs she likes.

>> No.30123935

>Gura and Ame
> not Gurame but Saltwater Shark team

>> No.30123936

after today, do you really think Mori is capable of not delivering on even the dumbest, most asinine idea that she liked?
it's gonna come with a delay but holy hell, it'll come

>> No.30123937

Than what is zombies role in the battle? I prefer zombie dual wielding and Pavioli being support.

>> No.30123939

>which midget is the tallest?
Does it really matter?

>> No.30123941
File: 138 KB, 720x1224, hlgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30123943
Quoted by: >>30124051

I mean it technically is considering its called hololive

>> No.30123948

She's a goddess but I don't think she really has any powers. Even the normal human, Ame, still has the upperhand. She has super speed, a clone of herself, and time travel. Gura has the trident of a god, Mori is death, Kiara is a phoenix warrior, and Ina has an eldritch tome.

>> No.30123950
File: 168 KB, 302x338, 1596477324048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124332

She could send a false DMCA claim at Mori, and create a delay in youtube payment.
A Moritorium, if you will.

>> No.30123952

She's leaving her day job, this is established, what she chooses to fill that time with is still in the air, but she will have it. she could also potentially stream at better hours for her audience.

>> No.30123953

2 days with no Ame...

>> No.30123955

The only support that man can give is putting her on the front page. Still, I'm not sure if she wants that kind of support.

>> No.30123957

Play it some more bros
You know why

>> No.30123959

How about those subs are people who only care about music videos and not any of her other content?

>> No.30123960


>> No.30123961 [DELETED] 


>> No.30123964

this is true, not even a KFP, but even 5k are top streamer numbers, even among Hololive. T
he massive success of EN has warped people's perceptions, some people unironically think that Ina makes too little in SCs, like she's going to fucking starve because she only makes 10k a month.

>> No.30123968

Guramebros, what is the first collab you would want Ame and Gura to do together after this drought? Personally I would want a Christmas or New Years collab, or for Gura to do something around Ame's birthday.

>> No.30123971
File: 321 KB, 734x484, 2020-12-03_11-45-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take it off the front page next time retard

>> No.30123972
Quoted by: >>30124009

Fuck you niggers I want to be in Ina's loading screen forever.

>> No.30123975
File: 56 KB, 605x264, 1606973791323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you mad about today?

>> No.30123976

Do deadbeats really?

>> No.30123979
Quoted by: >>30124058

Anon, spain is too small to justify it and the SA countries all hate eachother, do you thin an Ars will watch a Chilean? Or a mexican?

>> No.30123980

What a newfag post. Do your Aqua reps.

>> No.30123986

Not as good as the begging stream

>> No.30123987

t. clip watcher

>> No.30123990 [SPOILER] 
File: 121 KB, 374x352, 1607014010923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottom right was the patrician's choice

>> No.30123994
File: 30 KB, 321x320, 248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124031

>Kiara is the most menhara girl ever to be on hololive by FAR
>When Matsuri exists

>> No.30123997

Do you guys ever go on a real life date and wish you were at home watching reruns of your oshi instead?

>> No.30123998

Honestly I think the most realistic assumption is at some point she screwed up her voice and what you hear in those recordings is long gone. Maybe switching will help but I'm not sure the effect would be that dramatic.

>> No.30124001
File: 116 KB, 591x735, Numbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based chickin bro

>> No.30123999

The girls get enough meme currency

>> No.30124002

You need to stand out from the crowd for people to choose you as a public personality over others.
If you stand out, you probably have something that makes you mentally different or unbalanced. The chances of that being fully beneficial for you are extremely low.
99.99% of such people never find success and recede into obscurity. The 0.01% who do find that the dark side of that mental anomaly rears its head sooner or later.

>> No.30124005

You must not watch many of other Holos if you think a loading screen with basic music and "animation" considered cool.
Also, allowing their fans to make their intros for them much more rewarding and showing gratitude.

>> No.30124007

Seanigger hours...

>> No.30124008
File: 220 KB, 667x1000, 1604895198030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never get to hug and sleep with Polka

>> No.30124009

search "10 hour rain" on youtube, thousands of videos like that
I like them for sleeping

>> No.30124012
File: 216 KB, 1200x1200, b1cda581cd8cd74fba5e735d1e33e1a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124251

Praying for a Brown girl with a large gluteus maximus to be in HoloEN Gen 2.

>> No.30124015
File: 67 KB, 774x752, gura1483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is art the best way to give something back to your oshi? Outside of the christmas covers and those 2 games for kiara, do they acknowledge any other type of fan works?

>> No.30124017

I made the mistake of reading youtube comments

>> No.30124022
Quoted by: >>30124102

It's easy to set up a sponsored stream with very specific parameters to promote a game your company is currently marketing. It's much harder to hammer out a generic policy of permission for all IPs under one umbrella. And absolutely no one on either side wants the administrative and legal overhead of doing one-off permissions for dead titles that haven't been sold in a decade or more.

All that is before you consider other factors, like Atlus being more protective than most companies, and Sony putting their eggs in the Nijisanji basket. Copyright is a lot more complex than just signing a paper and saying "okay."

>> No.30124025
File: 2.02 MB, 1362x1920, 0BF978CE-314B-4CD6-9878-4BBFD53ADD06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does all the Mori P3 fanart draw her in FeMC’s costume? We know shes an emo loser so she’d fit much better in the Male protag’s outfit

>> No.30124026

My most powerful semicolons are used to create explicit juxtaposition within a single sentence. This ends up being more concise than two full sentences, one of which has to sustain a loss of momentum due to e.g. starting with "However, ...", or an implicit undercutting of one statement in order to make room for the contrast.

>> No.30124027

Wtf bros is this the timeloop? Thread just keeps going to shit regardless if the girls have done nothing wrong

>> No.30124031
Quoted by: >>30124122

They're the same person

>> No.30124033
Quoted by: >>30124197

Still mad at Moona for cucking my girl Kiara

>> No.30124036

I don't even know what "menhara" fully means.

>> No.30124038

How fucking new?

>> No.30124039
Quoted by: >>30124342

No, she already knows people know who she is. Either she's scared of not sounding good enough with her real voice or I don't know, she's just dumb. Fucking chicken sing with your real voice already!

>> No.30124044


>> No.30124049

>Do you guys ever go on a real life date

>> No.30124051
Quoted by: >>30124094

Sure buddy. Both are main threads, retard.

>> No.30124052
Quoted by: >>30124202

Zombie is just a self-propelled sheath. I like it.

>> No.30124053

I hate Mori because she's like me but with talent and ambition and it makes me feel resentful

>> No.30124055

Calli no https://files.catbox.moe/om3tcw.webm

>> No.30124054
Quoted by: >>30124424

Even Moona has a much better one than anything EN has to offer.

>> No.30124058
Quoted by: >>30124153

Is not quite like that, I think most of the shit would come from the actual dramaqueens

>> No.30124063

A girl invited me over for Saturday evening and I was gonna say yes (been after her for a while and she's relly cute) but I remembered Gura's RFA is at that time so I said sorry I got to help a family member out with something that day and cancelled it

>> No.30124068

an illiterate could see this as a chink spam lmao

>> No.30124070

Recently, chicken is for bullying

>> No.30124072

Christmas karaoke collab

>> No.30124074

I hope in Hololive Generation 2 we get a girl who is intelligant. I was hoping Amelia Watson would be that but unfortunately it did not work out as hoped. Frankly I do not comprehend the appeal of girls who are stupider than oneself, I do not enjoy sneering at the bumblings of a feeble mind. If I am to romanticize a virtual interaction then I require at least some mental parity.

>> No.30124075

What the fuck Mori... you'll never get Atlus permissions like this.

>> No.30124076

WTF. Unsubscribed. This is the final straw

>> No.30124079
File: 46 KB, 656x616, 1607012614252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that rrat is cute.

>> No.30124083
Quoted by: >>30124115

Now it is seanigger hours
Next will be doxxniggers
Then numberfaggers
And then repeat the loop

>> No.30124085
File: 3.37 MB, 6000x3500, Gura - Tell me All About the Ocean [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbuq1d1.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEAniggers are at peak schizophrenia

>> No.30124084
Quoted by: >>30124117


>> No.30124087

I wouldn't be surprised if Haachama ordered a pizza and somehow recieved a discontinued menu item.

>> No.30124090

Surprised that Kiara just hasn't asked her fans to make one for her.

>> No.30124091


>> No.30124092

Daily reminder to listen to the best hololive rapper


>> No.30124094
File: 21 KB, 494x215, download (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124220

How stupid?

>> No.30124099

We have entered an endless rrecursion of rrats.

>> No.30124100


>> No.30124101

I hope not for your sake.

>> No.30124102

Unironically this, everyone saying companies are dumb for paying streamers to play their games instead of getting advertising for free by letting streamers play their games is missing the control angle.

>> No.30124106

Sounds pretty based to me

>> No.30124107
Quoted by: >>30124138

How's the other Asia different?

>> No.30124110

is this the worst yab en ahs done

>> No.30124111

Gura caught the Commie Coof. She won't be back by Saturday.

>> No.30124115

Seanigger hours. burger hours, comfy hours, euro hours, dead hours, stream hours, seanigger hours...it never ends!

>> No.30124116

>Deadbeats will defend this

>> No.30124117


>> No.30124119
File: 29 KB, 750x350, one free wakeup[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F9gonme.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124149

I love Gura because she's like me but with talent and ambition and it makes me feel like working harder

>> No.30124122
File: 61 KB, 214x275, 1416372807075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're the same person

>> No.30124124
File: 380 KB, 448x452, 1591825257455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a girl who is intelligant.
Me too anon

>> No.30124125
File: 623 KB, 1605x2000, 1604788867948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm convinced Mori's design can look good in almost anything with a good enough artist.

>> No.30124127

kill yourself normal faggot

>> No.30124131
File: 159 KB, 1277x715, EoUQWAaXMAMXkz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I thought this was the post you did

>> No.30124134

Her antis knew who she was from day one, so it shouldn't even matter at this point. She is limiting herself in the dumbest way possible. Normal fans don't even think of her as a singer, just think about that. Kiara, the only actual idol in EN, with real experience on stage, is in 4th place when it comes to singing.

>> No.30124135

We all know that Kiara was harassed by men can we let this go now at her office.

>> No.30124138

By not being SEA

>> No.30124139

ID designs are going to be wasted on seanigs.
Except for Pochi's one.
They can keep that man hand monstrosity.

>> No.30124140

My fiancee is being a spoiled brat

>> No.30124141

No (because I don't go on dates), but I've been hanging out with friends and left early to watch streams before.

>> No.30124143

Which just goes to show that all these (yous) have no clue about how much she appreciates fan content.

>> No.30124149

>I love Gura because she's like me but with luck

>> No.30124150

Haachama is the most marinara girl ever to be on hololive by FAR

>> No.30124152
Quoted by: >>30124195

Watson is bottom RIGHT

>> No.30124153
Quoted by: >>30124255

Monopoly money anon, even the Id girls will try to pander to the dolla crowd

>> No.30124155
Quoted by: >>30124232

Hasn't she already been doxxed if not the first HoloEN to be? Like there are 7 billion people on this planet and I guarantee you there is only one who speaks English/Japanese/German and has idol experience.

You're probably right though that the voice might activate a bunch of antis who haven't caught on yet.

>> No.30124156

Ame to invite her to that movie watchalong, but if there's something else before then I'd lke a series collab, something that will take them time to finish (like 5-8 streams) but just for those two.

>> No.30124161

>Working hard to improve your singing is luck

>> No.30124162

Has already happened 3 times, yes.
Though it's always been unarchived streams, so it sucks.

>> No.30124165
File: 46 KB, 478x726, 1587010630665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely powerful

>> No.30124168


Unless you want a 40 odd something retired mother, you really aren't going to get it. Intelligent people don't stream they do things with their lives that are proven to be productive.

>> No.30124169

Thanks for the actual, informative answers.

>> No.30124170 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 360x344, ゴズリング9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw a clip of Ame watching Cr1tikal. Is this my punishment?

>> No.30124171

All the Holos are there with luck

>> No.30124175

funny guy, Mori has actually absolutely 0 talent
it was all reps, all the time

>> No.30124178

Thanks, I haven't listened to it in days.

>> No.30124181
File: 166 KB, 500x334, no I&#039;m not okay [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F9j3t5k.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124932

>at work
>not gonna make it
I don't think I'm going to make it, anons...

>> No.30124183
Quoted by: >>30124260

please let her voice be at least half decent

>> No.30124184

this isn't even the worst she's done. i dont know why Cover puts up with her: https://files.catbox.moe/xcg7sg.webm

>> No.30124187

Heres your (you)

>> No.30124185

>No one knows why she uses her character voice.
Cover pressures them to. Risu mentioned that in a zatsudan once.

>> No.30124190 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 960x728, 1607014362155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for context

>> No.30124192


>> No.30124193

>Getting engaged to a baby

>> No.30124195
File: 108 KB, 1019x1018, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sure is

>> No.30124197

I don't believe Moona when she says she wasn't aware that they were streaming. Why else would Kiara be on the Jp server, and how did it not even cross her mind that they might be streaming. Moona ended up overshadowing the rest of their collab

>> No.30124199

Guys you told me to invest in SEAnigger coins
Now they're fucking worthless and the thread's gone to shit, how are you going to compensate me for this? I've lost everything

>> No.30124201

she streamed at at time when most burgers are asleep because you know most of her viewerbase isn't waking up before 10 am at best

i only ended up catching it because i had to be up for work anyway

>> No.30124202
Quoted by: >>30124266

Actually the Peacock doesn't even take the sword out of Crazy's head, she just takes off the Zombie's head and uses her like a talking, laughing sword, with the rest of her body just doing its own thing.

>> No.30124210
Quoted by: >>30124226


>> No.30124214

Goslingposterchama, stop digging where you shouldn't.

>> No.30124215
File: 706 KB, 600x450, 1605128593081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124345

I see all sort of animated stuff for Gura, no idea why someone hasn't made even a basic intro for her to use, she would benefit and the person would get a massive boost in their audience.

>> No.30124220
Quoted by: >>30124290

They were separated, not an extension retard.

>> No.30124221

Honestly, I want them to finally do that damn watch along they talked about way back in Minecraft.
That said, they haven't done a 1 on 1 in a while so I'd take anything.

>> No.30124222

Every single one of them has their own ticks anon, it's hard for any of them to be any more "crazy" than the other, save for Matsuri holding a knife to her mom. But even then it's because she wants a deep friendship or true love

>> No.30124226
Quoted by: >>30124268

what does this mean?

>> No.30124230

We should ban bottom left memes.
Please don't bully the bird.

>> No.30124231

Where do I get a spoiled brat fiancé?

>> No.30124232
Quoted by: >>30124294

For regular talking I'm pretty sure all of them use a character voice if only because it makes it easier to switch into "work" mode.
Really not sure about the singing.

>> No.30124233

Newfags please stop replying to obvious bait holy shit

>> No.30124235
Quoted by: >>30124384

If it was really unironic you would have seen some serious five paragraph meltdowns by now instead of just OC
Most people are just having fun

>> No.30124236

You're already dumber than all of the girls in Hololive

>> No.30124239


>> No.30124241
Quoted by: >>30124320

She's ok, but she's no Haachama.


>> No.30124242

why the fuck are people into finding the souls of chuubas

>> No.30124244

If you know what's good for you, just stop digging

>> No.30124247
File: 197 KB, 1689x945, dork2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30124251
File: 89 KB, 426x600, __galko_suzuki_ken_ya__.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124355

Only if Galko's creator is designing

>> No.30124255

You think spanish people won't pander to dolar too?

>> No.30124257
File: 79 KB, 315x279, a7c36ec175c05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why trannies gotta be like this?
Maybe you wouldn't be so mad if you stopped taping down your balls and gave them some air.

>> No.30124260
File: 1.15 MB, 2898x4096, 1597414468282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124324

Someone made a summary post earlier saying that she's the one who's most likely to not have an Indo accent, so I'm hopeful.

>> No.30124258
Quoted by: >>30124344

>Is art the best way to give something back to your oshi?
No. The best would giving her a fun game to play on stream.

>> No.30124266

Now this I like. Talking zombie head can also double as a shield or sorts.

>> No.30124268

It is a term of dismissal, used against someone when they do something one considers absolutely abhorrent or unacceptable

>> No.30124269


>> No.30124270
File: 183 KB, 800x1000, beep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, eternal truths are painful. I understand your fear and trembling.

>> No.30124272

Matsuri is the most menhera girl ever to be on hololive by FAR

>> No.30124274

>doxxfaggot goslingnigger is retarded

>> No.30124276
File: 506 KB, 1114x1216, 1606824991155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124336

*clap clap*
I miss this bitch like you wouldnt believe

>> No.30124277
Quoted by: >>30124353

Out of curiosity who is the 3rd for you?

>> No.30124281

Typo aside
pic one

>> No.30124285

They're jealous that some depressed girl who pretended to be drunk on the internet for kids is more popular than they'll ever be

>> No.30124286

This design would be ok if the proportions were reworked a little bit, this is Coco levels of absurdity, it's especially noticeable with the smallish head. It would also be better not to plaster every part of the design with references.

>> No.30124290
File: 20 KB, 540x235, download (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124365

How stupid?

>> No.30124294

Mori definitely doesn't, her voice varies but it's all stuff she's done before out of character, even the 'cowboy voice'.

>> No.30124297


>> No.30124300
File: 150 KB, 850x1261, sample-a45e9fac82a736fdaa6b592696ab8dfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124337

You're pretty much describing Botan though.

>> No.30124304


>> No.30124310

Consider the following:
>Noel self doxxes all the damn time, at one point posting an announcement for her stream on her roommate's twitter
>Matsuri straight up streams with her face out there for people to see sometimes
>Luna and Coco both stream as their roommate regularly
>Marine's voice is so distinctive she's identifiable from just talking normally
>Subaru and Towa both drop the character voices for songs when going serious

That said, given the laundry list of stuff she's been through, I can understand why the concern. But using your real singing voice is far from the worst thing that's happened in Hololive.

>> No.30124313
File: 511 KB, 709x630, Ema6QyIXEAAts-K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30125008

Does anyone have the Thumbnail to Ame's Shrek watchalong? While I was sorting my archives by date, I noticed that I couldn't open mine. I checked some others as well and it appears to be an issue with youtube-dl. It seems like it always tries to grab the maxresdefault one. Problem is that that doesn't always exist. Does anyone know how to fix this?

>> No.30124317

SC, if they have voice packs or any other kind of merch do that instead.

>> No.30124320

i never noticed the audio watermark

>> No.30124324

How did anon come to that conclusion?

>> No.30124325

That's not even Ame, she didn't exist until a few months ago, fuck off with off-topic shit.

>> No.30124326
Quoted by: >>30124416

i kinda doubted her level too, its probably not on the same level as mori's (conversationally) but kiara did say that shes much better at japanese than people think ...

>> No.30124328

How is it Seanig hours? Isn't it midnight there? Don't these fags sleep?

>> No.30124332
Quoted by: >>30124549

How big of a shit storm would it cause of one Holo actually used a DMCA on another? It seems like it could legitimately derail the whole company regardless of who was to blame

>> No.30124333

Kiara serving Haato the truth https://youtu.be/fzHbBACDfUo?t=623

>> No.30124334

is Gura expected to hit 3 mill realistically in around 6 months total from her debut?

>> No.30124336
Quoted by: >>30124386

you can watch her Yakuza 7 videos which was recently restored

>> No.30124337

I know, anon HAS his favourite holo girl, but can't even do his reps for her. Shame since she's one of my favourites and he essentially just dismissed her.

>> No.30124342

She failed as an idol because she couldn't handle the self-loathing that came with being merely a lipsync artist. When she sings as Chimkin, you are hearing her actual voice.

>> No.30124344

On it, give me 6 years. Ill make the best tic-tac-toe game you'll ever see!

>> No.30124345

i wouldn't be surprised if she were still hesitant after getting burned by that tracefag with the emotes a while ago.

>> No.30124350
Quoted by: >>30124669

Stiff Indo hinting at machine translation, talks more in JP, uses semicolons

>> No.30124351

Are you guys ready to see this again?

>> No.30124353
Quoted by: >>30124469


>> No.30124355
Quoted by: >>30124704

Galko-style delicious caramel skin holo?
I would be okay with this.
Alternatively, have them design the American cowgirl holo, or even the cow girl holo.

>> No.30124359
File: 160 KB, 1100x1000, 3awcyuoxpwu41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Cover is who I'm supposed to blame for Towa no longer talking in her deep voice.

>> No.30124361
Quoted by: >>30124814

It's only been three months, maybe she'll drop the voice when she's singing eventually.

>> No.30124364

Do you know who Matsuri is?

>> No.30124367

>Maybe you wouldn't be so mad if you stopped taping down your balls and gave them some air.
It's funny because this is unironically true.
There's a motorcycle racer I know that is in his 40s and yet he has the voice of a teenager, I bet it's because he squished his balls on the fucking motorcycle's seat for his entire fucking life.

>> No.30124365

Ok you're clearly baiting, go back and have your last (you)

>> No.30124369

Yes last one was great

>> No.30124374

>going through Mori Archives to catch up after watching the P3 begging stream live
>watching the Superchat kazoo concert
>just got to Cowboys Mori
How the fuck has there not been more artwork of this?

>> No.30124378

I don't like the dude either, but isn't he just a dude using a female avatar because it gets clicks and not an unironic tranny?

>> No.30124381

Less than that

>> No.30124384

I think it's just that I've been busy with IRL shit so this is the first time in months that I've gone more than 12 hours without coming here, so it seems so sudden, if it's just been this for the past day then I'm less worried.

>> No.30124386
File: 632 KB, 1000x1000, 1595837085081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tip, friend!

>> No.30124388

>tfw Mori absorbed all the evil twitch energy from Amelia for the sake of Teamates

>> No.30124389
File: 78 KB, 425x591, 1582294524270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124407

>talent and ambition = luck
keep telling yourself that and you will forever be a worthless sack of shit
do your reps, fatso

>> No.30124390

Wich one of those was harassed by antis out of her dream job?

>> No.30124392

today i learned from /hlgg/ that the way i talk to my clients on zoom, enunciating clearly for ESLs and using a lower tone to project an air of authority to build their confidence, is actually a "character voice" and i am "fake" because of it.

>> No.30124395
File: 1.04 MB, 864x1200, 83680009_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124451

>Unless you want a 40 odd something retired mother
we have just the Lion for you

>> No.30124403

Either way he should take after them and join the 41%

>> No.30124407

Gura seems the least ambitious from the bunch though.

>> No.30124408
File: 1.84 MB, 2945x4096, 63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30124416

Kiara nihongo jouzu'd 3/4th of her genmates by now

>> No.30124419
Quoted by: >>30124479

Too cringe

>> No.30124423

My Ame is so talented.

>> No.30124424

moona's intro (bgm+animation) is one of the high effort one, if anything the ones that kiara has is the norm like pecker's bunxcha

>> No.30124428

She ded?

>> No.30124435

>today i learned from /hlgg/
This is your mistake.
Read a post and forget about it 5 seconds after or you'll end up badly here.

>> No.30124436
File: 253 KB, 1448x2048, My_wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is your favorite vtuber and why is it the protagonist of Hololive, Gura.

>> No.30124438
File: 94 KB, 445x705, 1606966491824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep coping

>> No.30124444

I'm about to kumquat Ina minute

>> No.30124445
File: 260 KB, 480x324, 1606981488946.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are as fake as Gura

>> No.30124447

Graduate soon bitch

>> No.30124451
Quoted by: >>30124496

Isn't Aki and Roboco also around that age?

>> No.30124452

I fucking love that CGI phoenix bit

>> No.30124453

>Her arm isnt covered in cuts
Next time get it right

>> No.30124454

Still got a hearty kek from me.

>> No.30124457

Mori gives too much material, the artists and shitposters can't keep up

>> No.30124463

Is this fag literally making money just ripping of content one of the girls worked for hours on? It's not even a stream clip or an unarchived song, this is just stealing.
Isn't this the same dude that tried to sell gura's karaoke on Google music?

>> No.30124466
Quoted by: >>30124589

The protagonist is Ame but my favorite is Gura

>> No.30124469

Ok takobro, take your you

>> No.30124476

>Kamen Rider tier CGI with the phoenix
Yes I am ready

>> No.30124477

She is using hololive to further her carear in VA, that in itself is ambitious

>> No.30124478
File: 1.67 MB, 228x498, risu eyebrows.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124618

>Risu made Ayunda part of her character so she can sing in her normal voice
Smart Squirrel

>> No.30124479

Ame did an entire "accent" stream, yet 2 minutes of cowboy filters you?

>> No.30124481
File: 108 KB, 1019x1018, chart update.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30124482

well shit.

>> No.30124485
File: 392 KB, 898x1300, 1606776890800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124535

Because cunny

>> No.30124484
Quoted by: >>30124529

Gura is the breakout star.

The protagonist is Ame

>> No.30124486

Did you get some akas?

>> No.30124487
Quoted by: >>30124508

Has someone already made a Lioness Tech Tips logo for Botan?

>> No.30124494
Quoted by: >>30124520

my variable comp works differently but yeah i maxed it out this quarter

>> No.30124496


>> No.30124500

>ywn have a fist fight with your oshi

>> No.30124506
File: 899 KB, 800x1246, DevilCube went to jaypee[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fowgrza.mp3].png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30124507
Quoted by: >>30125109

Mori should be all the way right on this one

>> No.30124508

have you considered suicide?

>> No.30124510
File: 1000 KB, 1024x576, Notorious MORI [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F8jofxo.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30124513

I'm not that anon, but her English is formal or rather have that "academic" feel to it. She's still going to be Indonesian in the end, but you can rest easy in knowing she's going to be EOP-friendly in speaking and typing manner at least.

>> No.30124519 [DELETED] 

Why nobody told me that MB is also into HoloEN

>> No.30124520

Big ups my dude

>> No.30124529

The protagonist is Haachama.

>> No.30124530
File: 740 KB, 1946x1772, 1606831601036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EN will never have fans with the level of dedication to produce something like this
This is just sad now

>> No.30124531

I was just being mean on purpose, he probably is not but he comes off as a closeted furry because of that, like those VRchat people who think ironically using female avatars is funny and cool.

Either way made me want to punch him. His commentary for clips is absolutely unnecessary and is disruptive.

>> No.30124535


>> No.30124536

Ame is the protagonist
Mori is the beloved villain/anti-hero
Gura is the prodigy

>> No.30124538
File: 1.97 MB, 1913x2835, The Final Journey [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvm28p5.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124568

Anon, I think a majority here is in agreement that Ame is Holo EN's protagonist

>> No.30124540
Quoted by: >>30124813

Stop posting e-celebs you cock sucking faggot

>> No.30124546

Chances of a native Indonesian being 5'6" and writing with better English than most actual English speakers are pretty low

>> No.30124549

It would just go to internal arbitration. Very unlikely one would graduate. They would just ignore each other. Maybe scheduling at the same time the other is doing a big event stream. can't see what else would happen.

>> No.30124550
Quoted by: >>30124648

>tfw got a big £200 Aka at work last week
>Had to split it with my genmates

God, imagine the rage if it came out that EN had to pool all their supas together and divide them equally.

>> No.30124555

If you care more about her numbers than her content you're not her fan, just a bandwagoner. You watch your girl, you enjoy her content, thats it, everything else is second or third place, and whatever haters say is unexistant, its that simple. And this aplies to all the girls no jut Kiara

>> No.30124559

>ywn get to beat Gura so hard she shits herself

>> No.30124563

T u T

>> No.30124564
File: 76 KB, 1772x1181, 1603342306981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the fuck is EN getting merch?

>> No.30124568

My dick is the protagonist, all the girls are just supporting characters

>> No.30124569

>the rest of that post
This is a carefully crafted shitpost, very inspiring. Kek.

>> No.30124575

i like how he changes the video title for more clicks.

And he is a leach of the highest order will shill/hop on any bandwagon that will get Clicks

>> No.30124576

EN is Cheers.

Haachama is Frasier.

>> No.30124581
File: 276 KB, 1920x1080, 8939E632-C7B5-4DD2-BD36-2EBC062C4CF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124973

Just a reminder..
You guys forget that mori sang “bad guy” by Billie. Even repeating the lines “I’ll be your animal” after the song. Looking directly at the chat.
She WANTS to be controlled and put in her place. But deadbraps are little pussies that let her get away with everything and still give her fat akasupas.
Pathetic really. Till that changes mori has no reason to change anything herself

>> No.30124583
File: 73 KB, 853x552, 1606366089975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke up from a dream where I was cuddling with an embarrassed Gura in bed and she kept giggling because of how happy she was. It hurt so bad when I woke up bros

>> No.30124584
Quoted by: >>30124650

EN's OCs are top-tier tho.

>> No.30124586

Ame - Goku
Mori - Vegeta
Gura - Broly
Kiara - Krillin

>> No.30124588
File: 259 KB, 1700x2000, 20201203_095232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have passionate sex with this bird

>> No.30124589

Ame is the protagonist at first. Halfway she will die and we will soon realize the true protagonist of hololive is Mori after the feminization

>> No.30124591
File: 132 KB, 640x900, 1575545975197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anime youtubers

>> No.30124596

At this point my guess is on their birthdays, unless they do smth before the end of the year.

>> No.30124600
File: 190 KB, 560x270, 1607015136832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally begs for an hour
JOPs will stop thinking she's cold and aloof after this, right?

>> No.30124601

>fist fight with ame
>she willingly lets you beat the shit out of her without fighting back

>> No.30124604
File: 540 KB, 2507x2100, 1604499762774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay since nothing is going on right now, give us your ideas for what kind of stream you would like to see from your favorite holoENs

I'd like to see an endurance stream that goes on until x happens. For example Getting Over It until she beats it.
soft singing ASMR like what Okayu has done https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asLjL99eLxA
I'm sure people would love to hear that
>Amelia + Gura
Double movie watchalong. Good pick could be the Back to the Future trilogy (with us, of course). Fun movies that everyone can enjoy and plenty for them to talk about and discuss/make fun of.

>> No.30124608

>Ame doing ASMR stream tomorrow
>It's at 4 AM my local time

What can I do bros???

>> No.30124616
Quoted by: >>30124813

get out

>> No.30124617

Watch the VOD

>> No.30124618


>> No.30124620

Would Gura mousepads sell?

>> No.30124623

Give it time.

>> No.30124622

Haatons are so annoying. Why does everything always have to be about Haachama?

>> No.30124626
File: 54 KB, 618x900, 1587840906806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124635

>> No.30124630
File: 217 KB, 500x370, 1604292038047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't really be a fight if i don't try to defend myself

>> No.30124632

Ame said she was hoping to get something in place when her birthday came.

>> No.30124633

Have you done your Hinotori reps today?


>> No.30124635

T o T

>> No.30124637
File: 161 KB, 568x1323, Goku_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I have a great idea. HoloES. But the character designer is Toriyama. It's going to be so popular.

>> No.30124642

>AmeSame BTTF watchalong
I would fucking die. I hope they take suggestions if they do that.

>> No.30124643

Yes and I can't stop

>> No.30124645
Quoted by: >>30124742

>Me and Ame have a fist fight
>She's loving it
>"Haha well at least your brother can't come and beat me up for bullying you anymore, right haha?"
>She's been crying for an hour now

Did I fuck up guys?

>> No.30124646

>I'd like to see an endurance stream that goes on until x happens.
Until every concernfag is banned from chat

>> No.30124647

Usually they announce merch on special occasions.
So it'd likely be announced on New Year's, Valentine's, Easter, or on Birthdays or the 1 year anniversary.

>> No.30124648

That would also include memberships probably.
If that was the case I am pretty sure they'd at least put "some" pressure on Ina to do superchat readings

>> No.30124649

would be the only one that would make sense as a deskmat so maybe

>> No.30124650

Yes, which is why it's weird that no one has made content that are specifically relevant to holo's intros like remixes except mori's thing and intro animations

>> No.30124651

are you saying dropping implicit threats at ATLUS by saying that she's just 'showing off her scythe, no pressure' won't be taken as the biggest dicked move since Coco shitting on China in her return Asacoco?

>> No.30124653

>Ass mousepad
Of course it would

>> No.30124654

Gura phasmaphobia vr
Amelia league of legends
Ina art stream
Calli graduation
Kiara Mario Galaxy

>> No.30124656

always am

>> No.30124655

i will buy literally any merch she puts out.

>> No.30124658

attention whores like their oshi

>> No.30124659

Whom is she quoting?

>> No.30124660
Quoted by: >>30124740

Would Kiara be the joke character that is surprisingly competent when serious? With Ina as the clam but goofy enigmatic source of wisdom?

>> No.30124663

Eat dinner early, sleep early, wake up for that or any of the numerous streams before that depending on what interests you. or just watch the vod.

>> No.30124664
File: 76 KB, 301x330, 1606183603331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124784

>Pop on Rocks
>Ame Come Back song

I'm quite sure that there's a lot more out there, but end story is that you're bait and dumb

>> No.30124669

So probably someone from an Indonesia background but didn't really live there (or if they did not for long)?

>> No.30124671

>I do not comprehend the appeal of girls who are stupider than oneself
indubitably my good fellow I wholeheartedly concur

>> No.30124673

Ame liked and commented on my mediocre drawing once. I was very happy

>> No.30124677
Quoted by: >>30124717

Protagonist of hololive and holo with the most SOUL

>> No.30124679

Actual millionaire idea, fucking kek. Forward this to Yagoo.

>> No.30124681
File: 561 KB, 1140x960, 1606927710315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's not gonna sing??? wtf. dropped.

>> No.30124682


>> No.30124684
File: 192 KB, 1931x1080, 20201203_110648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does Cover advise their talents to just ignore clout chasers and Bandwagoners?

>> No.30124685


>> No.30124688

Whats stopping her from asking her fans to create something nice for her to use in her intro anyway?

>> No.30124689

Set an alarm, wake up, fall back asleep to Ame.

>> No.30124690

Just listened to it because I wanted to compare it with the spanish version

>> No.30124692

If they haven't learned now, ESPECIALLY after the Korone collab they never will.
If anything, they might latch onto the "See my scythe? Let me play your game!" And think it's Yandere, and miss the entire context of "I showed you my Scythe, pls respond".

>> No.30124696
Quoted by: >>30124730

so will this get bugmen mad at friend


>> No.30124698

Ina already beats me up, cya later losers.

>> No.30124699

Toriyama and Kurumada

>> No.30124700

Ame is vegeta and Mori is Goku, Vegeta whole thing is trying to catch on to Goku, just how Ame will never be as popular as Mori

>> No.30124704
File: 110 KB, 964x884, cowgirl .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minotaur girl holo onegai

>> No.30124705

I want to say you're wrong, but its such a dumb idea it could work.

t. spic

>> No.30124706

No, they do it on their own. They didn't ignore Discord that one time.

>> No.30124707

>does cover anything?

>> No.30124717

Haatons don't even watch the other EN girls it seems

>> No.30124722
File: 177 KB, 1151x662, 1603903791898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124774

We heard this joke like 10 times already, i liked it at first but you should stop now

>> No.30124727

I subscribed to him and even I think that he (and you) should fuck off.

>> No.30124729
Quoted by: >>30125134

How about go fuck yourself, this coming from a Mexican.

>> No.30124730

Who cares, the bugmen are gone now

>> No.30124733

Yes we know that already

>> No.30124738

I watch them when Haachamachama is not on...

>> No.30124740

Kiara is the chick
Ina is the mentor who dies at the start

>> No.30124742

Yes. You fucked up your lore reps, retard.

>> No.30124743

Kiara really is her own worst enemy.
> almost exclusively plays debuff games
> streams in worst timeslots
> literally the only holo who nerfs her singing voice as an idol

I think she can be really entertaining (who else can make a fucking fire emblem stream interesting?) but she really needs to get out of her own way.

>> No.30124744
Quoted by: >>30124787

Yes. I bought Disgaea 1 just to get the Etna noppai mousepad.

>> No.30124745
Quoted by: >>30124791

The only thing you need to convince DBchads are
>Design by Toriyama

>> No.30124747

>Generation is comprised of FemaleGoku FemaleVegeta, NotVidel, NotChichi, and NotAndroid18

It could honestly work if they differentiated them enough

>> No.30124748

You want to make cover a millionaire company don't you smartass?

>> No.30124751

If Rushia's was anything to go by, yes

>> No.30124754
File: 176 KB, 1448x2048, gura1421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is my oshi and I love her, but lets get real here, Amelia is definitely the protagonist. Just about everyone in Hololive talks about her and favorably too.

>> No.30124761
File: 474 KB, 1280x2276, 1607015529115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame is Asuka, shitty starts but ended up being the star of the show
>Kiara is Misaki, quitters
>Mori is Satouin, cringy
>Gura is Mashiro, incompetent at everything
>Ina is Rika, she's kinda just there

>> No.30124765

Don't think so, I think Mori noticed that arg dad account when he showd up during mad father, I think.

>> No.30124767
Quoted by: >>30124910

Look at the bright side, it can only get better

>> No.30124771
File: 913 KB, 1000x1000, Not having fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got to Peach's castle. How was the Sunshine stream?

>> No.30124772

I guess it was some fever dream but I believe there was an astel cosplay on this video

>> No.30124774

Joke? About Toriyama drawing a holo? This isn't a fucking joke. Toriyama is very much available to draw.

>> No.30124776

>Mori is a social retard who is obsessed with her music
>Ame is an accommodating, prideful shitter
checks out

>> No.30124779

I just want to watch one of them play Morrowind...

>> No.30124780

>So does Cover advise their talents to just ignore clout chasers and Bandwagoners?
No, but hopefully their the girls are able to identify them.

>> No.30124784

>EN fans can create something worthwhile
And yet, none of the girls have a respectable intro? Yeah, I don't think so.
Until that happens their fanbases are inferior to even IDs

>> No.30124787
File: 850 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Etna noppai mousepad
This and when will get someone like her in HoloEN

>> No.30124788
Quoted by: >>30124847

People normally refer to Mori when it comes to the topic of dead subs but Kiara is the one who struggles to pull double digit on her live viewership. She is doing the same numbers as JPs with half her subs.

>> No.30124789

How did she end up with such a terrible art tag? Using "arts" doesn't even make sense, it SHOULD be ArtOfAshes.

>> No.30124791
Quoted by: >>30124832

Mexicans don't even know Dragon Quest is a thing.

>> No.30124792
File: 127 KB, 1010x1000, 1606886311777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that they'd make more use of Mori and Kiara living close together and do some real world colabs, though scheduling is always going to be a bitch. Having a double karaoke would be amazing, but after the spa trip recount I would be happy to just hear the two talk about their day. Plus they only have three months left until Kiara goes home, so if they're going to do anything it'll have to be sooner rather than later.

>> No.30124797
File: 965 KB, 800x1144, 1585097413848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesas what a pathetic cuck
checkmarks shouldn't exist

>> No.30124800


>> No.30124801

I don't see Gura the main protag but rather the side character waifu that carries the whole anime.

>> No.30124805

Pretty crinch

>> No.30124806 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 597x487, Whatevs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine jumping through all kinds of hoops just to not tell who your roommate is
>unfortunate circumstances tell it anyways

>> No.30124812

I imagine Haachama's audience is kinda split since she does like 50/50 english and jp content recently, I'm sure a good chunk of the audience for each won't watch the other half.

>> No.30124813

Ok I will post your favorite YouTubers

>> No.30124814
Quoted by: >>30125371

I for one have made my peace with the chicken voice, it's sad and wasted potential but there's nothing to do about it.

On the other hand, it's nice that she has her secret singing voice hidden away as trump card and most won't know about it. At least that is my internal narrative.
I just hope she does the voice training reps once she's back home. Or get some kind of professional trainer on down low.

>> No.30124815


>> No.30124817
Quoted by: >>30124974

Cmon bros we've all seen enough anime
Amelia is the protagonist/main hero of the group
Gura is the beloved cute loli that can actually be extremely powerful if her friends are under attack
Ina is the quiet thinker in the back with the books and knowledge
Kiara is the loud and clumsy jester who always charges in head first
Mori is the one who dies after the first season because fans didn't really like the character

>> No.30124828
Quoted by: >>30124904


let me explain my reasoning with a serious reply to your obvious bait
Mori is naturally high spec from the start - she has multitude of talents and abilities she entered her Holocareer with, a true elite and the most powerful character at her introduction

meanwhile Ame was a nobody, but through making connections and learning a multitude of original techniques while intelligently applying them, she was able to match and even surpass the elite in some regards

meanwhile Gura was just born into being the top

>> No.30124829

At this point I just want them to collab.. Oh and for Gura to cash in that coupon for a movie date. She's killing me with her hesitation.

>> No.30124832

And it's still one of the most popular JRPG to have ever existed.

>> No.30124833

>so many SEAnigs and other Asians in the thread and you barely see their currency in SCs besides Japanese yen and HKD.
Why don't you donate to your oshis?

>> No.30124834

She got stuck on a secret level for an hour

>> No.30124836

Fucking doxxbeats.

>> No.30124838
Quoted by: >>30124895

That guy is a real fucking retard

>> No.30124839
File: 438 KB, 1280x720, Shining Nenechi[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fx7unnf.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124919

No one cares faggot

>> No.30124844

Is this about #CallioP3 ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdS9pgZGtQ8

>> No.30124847
Quoted by: >>30124886

Timezones and debuff games nerf her, but yeah thats the problem with collabs

>> No.30124849
Quoted by: >>30124870

Ame should headbut Mori again just like she did after she did this podcast

>> No.30124850

sleep, set an alarm for 4am, wake up so you can listen to ame's "let's fall asleep goodnight asmr"

yes just make the arm rest her puffy mons

>> No.30124856
Quoted by: >>30124916

>literally intro fagging
Why are you like this?

>> No.30124857
File: 669 KB, 594x719, 1606266905842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since EN Gen 1's theme was HoloMyth (4 mythical creatures and 1 time travelling human detective), what would /hlgg/ want Gen 2's theme be?

Personally, I'd like female versions of historical generals and/or monarchs. Think Caesar, Hannibal Barca, etc

>> No.30124861
File: 34 KB, 554x554, 1606438317186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until Mori and Gura absolutely Mog Kiara with their covers of Hinotori.

>> No.30124867
File: 131 KB, 986x903, Art tags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30124899

having a unique art tag is cute and all but she really did create a problem that didn't need to exist. She could have easily gone with the simple #KiaraRT like the rest of EN did with their art tags but she had to make it #artsofashes.

>> No.30124870
Quoted by: >>30124902

What did he mean by this?

>> No.30124872


>> No.30124875

peak kino.
she gased all of marios family again while everyone had to watch.
also got stuck on one level for an hour.

>> No.30124879

This is true!

>> No.30124882
Quoted by: >>30125083

It's a pun, anon. Arts, as in secret techniques, since she's still a toku character even if she doesn't really act that part of her backstory out.

>> No.30124886

This, she keeps flip flopping timezones. She needs to pick one and stick with it to build up her core audience. Even Mori gets 10k+ with debuff timezones.

>> No.30124889
Quoted by: >>30125052

Chicken is straighter than Ina

>> No.30124888

Hey SEAnig, it's way past your bedtime

>> No.30124895
Quoted by: >>30124955

Who you mean?

>> No.30124899

Her art tag is the best one

>> No.30124901
Quoted by: >>30124964

no, better idea, they sing in a trio
Kiara sings with her natural voice
Mori sings in her lower octave
Gura sings in her highest

>> No.30124902

Secret members only lore

>> No.30124904
Quoted by: >>30124963

Thats cringe as fuck teafagg

>> No.30124905


>> No.30124907
Quoted by: >>30124959

I physically cringed. Don't quit your day job.

>> No.30124909

Obviously not, since Mori can't help but acknowledge them.

>> No.30124910
File: 250 KB, 700x600, dcc888914acccdc3906654d558f1b409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think moving back to Australia could be that turnaround point for her.

>> No.30124914

Historical figures seem too close to the "muh Roman Empire" /pol/ larping shit, so hopefully they are smart enough not to do it. Shitposting would be insane.

>> No.30124915

>who else can make a fire emblem stream entertaining

>> No.30124916

Because their intros are beyond pathetic to everyone else, even some indis

>> No.30124919


>> No.30124924

So if Mori's e-begging actually works, are we due a "Cover please let me collab with cr1tikal" stream?

>> No.30124921

I'm a poor wagie and can barely afford my rent and other living expenses.

>> No.30124922
Quoted by: >>30125065

Unironically because SEAnig countries disabled SC feature on YT. That's why ID had to do streamlabs instead

t. a SEAnig

>> No.30124928
Quoted by: >>30125028

ENfags just haven't figured out what they are supposed to do for their oshi yet. I barely see timestamp autists.

>> No.30124932

Please leave up her stream to support our girl

>> No.30124933

Why are SEAnigs like this?

>> No.30124935
Quoted by: >>30125166


>> No.30124936

I'd like Ina to do a two hour stream
It starts with me fucking her for two hours straight and then her ending that she'd like to do the same tomorrow for the next stream

>> No.30124938

I wouldn't mind if they kept up the mythology theme for at least one more EN generation

>> No.30124947
File: 171 KB, 1109x1478, draw yunocchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I get massive Hidamari Sketch vibes when looking at Walfie's doodles?

>> No.30124955
Quoted by: >>30124990

Read who liked that tweet.

>> No.30124956

Carson is literally bigger than Gura, how is he clout chasing?

>> No.30124958
Quoted by: >>30124997

The next gen each girl will be sponsored by a company and will be a waifu version of the product they want to sell.

>> No.30124959

What would you want then? I just want to watch a Holo EN play grand strategy games

>> No.30124960
Quoted by: >>30124989

Kiara, Gura and Ame are all admittedly not extremely intellectual, but Ina and Mori give me the impression of pretty smart gals.
All five are certainly smarter than your intelligant ass, so there's at least that.

>> No.30124962
Quoted by: >>30125004

I mean why don't Cover actually do this? I'm sure there lots of manga artist that would be estatic to draw a character design.

>> No.30124965

Kwappi soon?

>> No.30124963
Quoted by: >>30125000

but I'm a deadbeat, you should've been able to tell by the cringe

>> No.30124964
File: 109 KB, 262x176, 1606500941715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously I want this but first I want to see the fulfillment of the Kiara Mindbreak Arc.

>> No.30124968

When's the last time Toriyama made anything good though?

>> No.30124970
Quoted by: >>30125030

ETL, pls andastando

>> No.30124971
File: 114 KB, 1104x1230, 1601514687169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have though. I just dont know who else I want to support next, from Gen 5 to others like Ina or Ame.

>> No.30124972

Her minecraft streams alwost always get 15k + viewers independent of time so the audience is there

>> No.30124973


>> No.30124974
Quoted by: >>30125017

>Mori is the one who dies after the first season because fans didn't really like the character
Only to be brought back in the third season because fans decided to like her again.

>> No.30124975
File: 52 KB, 720x480, hidamari wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30124980
File: 58 KB, 300x300, MVSfX7X1IpGS-gOM84bYAQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop gender bending historical figures! Give me the Tsukihime remake already.

>> No.30124981

Enma wont allow it

>> No.30124986

They do donate though, I see a lot of PHP SCs, just people in these threads make fun of them because it's "not enough, don't even bother" or something.

>> No.30124989

>pretty smart girl

>> No.30124990
Quoted by: >>30125045

To be fair, it's only relevant if you know who she is, otherwise it's just a dude liking a tweet.

>> No.30124993

I don't think he's getting 300k monthly subs

>> No.30124995
Quoted by: >>30125112

>female versions of historical generals and/or monarchs. Think Caesar, Hannibal Barca, etc

The fate shitposting would be awesome

>> No.30124997
Quoted by: >>30125061

>Holo EN Gen 2: HoloCorp!
>Each girl represents a big industry
>Cigs, guns, pharma, fast-food, oil

Ya know, I can dig it

>> No.30124999

She killed Mario's family one by one...

>> No.30125000

Fair enough

>> No.30125001

because he doesnt actually watch Gura and only wants to talk to her for her audieence. Notice how he goes into the biggest vtuber's chat.

>> No.30125003
Quoted by: >>30125130

when will ume sensei mother a vtuber

>> No.30125004

Because names like Toriyama and even Araizumi and Hirai are fucking expensive, way more than the people they've already got. We're lucky they've gotten Huke and Pochi as it is

>> No.30125006
Quoted by: >>30125055

You faggots need to stop chatting in the chat room.

>> No.30125008

write-all-thumbnails instead

>> No.30125009

pepeloni posting makes me laugh uncontrollably every single fucking time
i'm crying right now

haachama chamaa..

>> No.30125016
Quoted by: >>30125144

Will Ame’s birthday merch come from an American vendor? If not, how much does it cost to ship from Japan?

>> No.30125017
Quoted by: >>30125088

As Calli

>> No.30125019
File: 937 KB, 1041x694, Ame_Wide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30125077

We must go wider

>> No.30125020
Quoted by: >>30125046

>important enough to warrant knowing how to use them.

>> No.30125021

I wish she'd at least keep it consistent for individual games, especially the rpgs if she doesn't want to bleed viewers who haven't caught up but care about the story, here are all the times she's streamed fire emblem that are on teamup (Times in GMT)
8 AM Saturday
10 AM Wednesday
3 PM Wednesday
2:30 AM Thursday
7 AM Wednesday
2 PM Monday
2 PM Tuesday

>> No.30125025

Literally fucking who? Hes a nobody, being known in some shithole circle of underagedbans doesnt mean youre famous or have clout.

>> No.30125028

The timestamp autists are out there, the problem is they are all in the discord servers.

>> No.30125029
Quoted by: >>30125232

Anon, no one would know you're supposed to hum instead of blowing into a kazoo if they're not told or they look it up.

>> No.30125030

Anon, your pun reps

>> No.30125035

I've said it before and I'll say it again

>> No.30125036

His Dragon Quest designs are still pretty on point. Then again DQ is the most stale franchise in existence so there's really no way to fuck it up.

>> No.30125040
Quoted by: >>30125082

>Plague Doctor (with mask)
>General with that kind of colonel clothing the Japanese like

This would be my Holo history

>> No.30125041

The fact that the Japanese are autistic about permissions. I love all the girls, but having 90% of content being Minecraft is boring as fuck

>> No.30125043

>holoES fucking when? it's actually impressive they let ID in before ES which has way more audience potential

The gossiping, constant infighting, and cliques will increase hundredfold. They would be disbanded as soon as they start.

>> No.30125044

Mori is cute, cute, you're feeling like sending her a million dollars and permissions.

>> No.30125045

A dude with a following, some fans will see, watch it and match the voice with "that TTP guest"

>> No.30125046
Quoted by: >>30125140

it's still funny as fuck

>> No.30125052

One has a girlfriend, the other has a wife. It's not that big of a difference.

>> No.30125054
Quoted by: >>30125092

>jump through hoops
She hasn't really hid it, just hasn't mentioned it at all.
Hell, her opening song has a dice roll at the end of it. Everyone who cares knew within 20 minutes after her debut.

>> No.30125055

Hi Koopa

>> No.30125057
Quoted by: >>30125157

>playing grand strategy games
this genre is too autistic sadly thast why Victoria 3 will never get made

>> No.30125061

Imagine hololive branded Glocks...

>> No.30125065
File: 34 KB, 276x277, 1607016087874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unsa the fuck?

>> No.30125069 [SPOILER] 
File: 253 KB, 1800x1800, 1607016192641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone hire this chikin a taste tester

>> No.30125070

Buu girl from Fighterz is pretty good.

>> No.30125072
Quoted by: >>30125135

Whatever gives me a slime loli and a dragon loli.
No coco doesnt count

>> No.30125073
Quoted by: >>30125151

Hololive Psych Ward, featuring:
Bi-chan and Polar-chan

>> No.30125077
File: 1.01 MB, 990x720, 1606873836827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30125081

I'm getting some 2012 Redditor energy here. Almost nostalgic. Very well done pasta

>> No.30125082

>Cover just moves Watame from JP to EN

>> No.30125083

I don't think "ashes" should be plural in that case. It's just very awkward grammatically, that's why people keep fucking it up.

>> No.30125088

>A character that looks exactly the same as the one who died.
>Doesn't have any pass memories of the previous life and does a 180 degree in personality
>Fans debate whether it is the same character

>> No.30125089
File: 441 KB, 572x1072, __murasaki_shion_hololive_drawn_by_ixy__6b8ef5fcead41e6a74b0fa6bc2ae5e7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30125090
Quoted by: >>30125136

Still a hilarious clip

>> No.30125092

Don't reply to dead doxx you absolute fucking retard

>> No.30125096
Quoted by: >>30125121

Let's just do the full Round Table.

>> No.30125098
Quoted by: >>30125143

What about "Harry Potter Girl"?

>> No.30125100

Is that Moona on cosplay?

>> No.30125106
File: 8 KB, 296x170, 3466581234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Suisei's voice is perfect for the song and thus mogging Kiara as well.

Actually, which Holo's wouldn't mog Kiara singing Hinotori?

>> No.30125108

I will never understand why people want to see Holos play games they know they'll hate

>> No.30125109
Quoted by: >>30125158

Certainly Bottom Right

>> No.30125112

I wonder what a female version of nobunaga would be like as a vtuber. lol

>> No.30125115 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>30125145


>> No.30125121
File: 12 KB, 708x148, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30125212

All of them? You sure?

>> No.30125125

>Kiara attempting to become more like Moona

>> No.30125127
Quoted by: >>30125262

I unironically want to hear Noel's attempt at it.

>> No.30125130
Quoted by: >>30125176

Would Ume simp for her daughter even more than Huke?

>> No.30125134

Quit it with the self-hatred, anon. It's pathetic!

>> No.30125135
File: 342 KB, 1588x1824, 20201125_203957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30125191

But she can

>> No.30125136
Quoted by: >>30125171

you are now reminded this girl owns 3 (THREE) kazoos

>> No.30125140


>> No.30125141

Just the fact that he's there in public being a pathetic loser disproves the point you're trying to make. He wants attention and to derail chat in hopes that her audience will force her to acknowledge him. He's a leech. If he weren't he would know better.

>> No.30125143

I mean a stage magician, not someone who actually has magic

>> No.30125144

for basic questions about shipping otaku merch from japan, please read the buyfag guide

>> No.30125145

What the hell this vtuber sounds like Kiara

>> No.30125151

But that's every Gen??

>> No.30125152

Targetting her own employers with that kind of thing isn't really the same thing, so no.

>> No.30125154
File: 8 KB, 304x304, 1604882835452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30125178

You telling me she isn't a witch?

>> No.30125155

Ended up buying a tablet because of Ina.
Time to actually take my reps seriously because I fucking hate wasting money.

>> No.30125157
Quoted by: >>30125214

Ahhhh Vicky 2, good times. But honestly though, CK3 is pretty friendly to GSG newbies and you're technically controlling only one person, instead of a whole country like EUIV or HoI3

>> No.30125158

she can sing herself into mental stability so she's better than Kiara and Ame in that regard

>> No.30125160
File: 119 KB, 720x482, IMG_20201203_225500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, we can't afford red/pink SCs in most cases.

>> No.30125161

So Botan and Nina?

>> No.30125164
File: 3.93 MB, 10000x10000, big zhong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah i think it sounds more like mori with a voice modulator

>> No.30125166
Quoted by: >>30125205

I would be down for that
>cute and pure Shaker that occasionally says absolutely insane shit out of left field
>talented Arts and Crafts themed artist, very soft spoken mori kei vibes
>Art Deco flapper idol, great singer, does the same waifubait oldies as Gura
>Bauhaus big titty goth gf, plays a lot of puzzle games
>the "ethnic" one in a kimono for superior Nippon ichi traditional Japanese furniture

>> No.30125171

That's dorky-cute

>> No.30125176

>Yuno having a baby sister
I would love this

>> No.30125178

Just a LARPer I'm afraid

>> No.30125179
File: 45 KB, 900x625, 20201106_062738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha yeah I wonder lol

>> No.30125182

Ame, Coco and ina for sure
I dont know enought about the rest

>> No.30125189
Quoted by: >>30125263

What in the world are you talking about?
That's clearly Ina

>> No.30125191

I dont want my dragon loli having a buttplug and talking about reddit. She can treat coco as a big sister if she wants tho.

>> No.30125192
File: 397 KB, 364x507, 21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30125220

>When's the last time Toriyama made anything good though?

>> No.30125193

Which one did you buy? Was it the Imtous one or something? I'm planning to buy one over Christmas so I can join in with Ina drawing reps

>> No.30125196

i love that i can recognize ixy's style from a thumbnail

>> No.30125197
Quoted by: >>30125292

Why are all anitubers the worst human beings?

>> No.30125198
Quoted by: >>30125230

I think she'd suck dick

>> No.30125204
Quoted by: >>30125271

Don't be a clown anon

>> No.30125205
Quoted by: >>30125246

pretty based concept we're putting you in charge

>> No.30125212

Just the ones that aren't already incredibly defined. That way 300 years down the line when they are re-cataloging Aurthurian myths, they get written down as cute girls

>> No.30125213

What surprises me the most is how often I see Rubels. That shit is comparable to Yen but the average salary and earning is way lower than in japan which means that some gopniks trade away their monthly salary for their Oshi.

>> No.30125214
Quoted by: >>30125284

None of those games are in the least bit complex, women just don't like them because they lack the autism gene Paradox has made its fortune off.

>> No.30125220

I like human form but the walk animation for the gameplay one gives me an unholy boner

>> No.30125223

I hope you like carnival phantasm

>> No.30125224
Quoted by: >>30125316

Chumbuds unironically think Gura is the biggest youtuber on the platform, holy kek

>> No.30125228

Themes are dumb. They only hold them back creatively speaking and serve no purpose cause all that "lore" is forgotten after the debut streams anyway

>> No.30125230

My dick.

>> No.30125231
File: 756 KB, 1080x1080, 1606729476502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN vSingers:

>> No.30125232

>Why doesn't this work?!?!
>Huh, guess I'll google to see if I'm doing it right!
>Oh, so this is how it works!
Is what a normal human being would have done.
Not decide "It'S EmPTy????" and order a new one.

>> No.30125240
File: 723 KB, 1000x1120, 1598372104180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30125243

Eyyo, did anyone do the EN schedul for this week?

>> No.30125246

I take payment in bitcoin and discord sex.

>> No.30125249
Quoted by: >>30125307

Girls from different alternate universes

>> No.30125250
File: 145 KB, 700x700, EoUSsjnVEAEDGll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori can make any outfit work. Really puts it into perspective, those fucking retards pre-debut who were pretending her design is/was bad.

>> No.30125251

>If you start counting from the correct number of gura fans and not HER fans she has the least amount of subs.
Not for long. She's going to lap Kiara soon.

>> No.30125256

Kiara is an INCREDIBLY lewd girl.

>> No.30125260
Quoted by: >>30125365

Realistically? No, sustained growth is unusual
Statistically? Maybe, assuming she actually does grow at her current pace
Hopefully? Yes, because that would generate the largest amounts of salt possible.

>> No.30125262

Noel was actually the first Holo I thought of, but I also unironically think her voice would (somehow) fit the song pretty well.

>> No.30125263

Laotians don't hic retard

>> No.30125264
Quoted by: >>30125364

Yeah I also picked up an Intuos while it was on sale because of Ina. I have no clue what I'm doing and I've never drawn anything before, but I'm gonna give it a try

>> No.30125271
File: 242 KB, 1914x1920, 1605105233439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30125303


>> No.30125274
File: 1.91 MB, 1488x1137, 1589444094801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give up Takobro

>> No.30125276

at least rubels get an aka for like 30 bucks
poles get an aka for 120 dollars while their salary is only like twice of a typical russki, so if you see a pole dropping an aka or a rainbow you know that shit is real

>> No.30125278

>youtube autoplaying
>listen to Ina's opening for 3 and a half minutes before realizing an Ina video is playing

>> No.30125279

Why do we refer to HER as HER anyway, I missed the boat.

>> No.30125284

>grand strategy games
>not in the least bit complex
Anon literally what the fuck ate you talking about?

>> No.30125286

I swear there's 2 holos debuting today. Maybe I'm imagining things.

>> No.30125287

Well, EN Sing auditions are open so you might have a chance there

>> No.30125288
File: 1.01 MB, 1984x2807, gelbooru.com 5636984 1girl d absurdres ahoge animal_ears armpits blonde_hair blush bow braid breasts full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Porka to sit on my face!

>> No.30125290

>Go to bed during Kiara suffering.
>Wake up and check vod.
>She beat it like 10 minutes later and then did SC for 3 hours.

>> No.30125292
Quoted by: >>30125724

because clout chasing forces them to pretend to like anime they actually hate

>> No.30125295
Quoted by: >>30125372

>inb4 Winston Curchhill holoEN gen 2

>> No.30125301

Do your archive reps anon.

>> No.30125303
Quoted by: >>30125336

I'm afraid that i can't resist polmao's cuteness

>> No.30125304

Hidden Ethnicity/Race obviously

>> No.30125305

>No matter who you are, Death awaits you.

>> No.30125307

The same girl from alternative universes.
The secret is that they're all the same girl behind the chuuba.
That girl is also actually Polka.

>> No.30125311

tf is Luna playing

>> No.30125314
File: 430 KB, 860x779, yagoobey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3rd gen and HoloEN are the most popular
>only themed gens

>> No.30125316


>> No.30125317
Quoted by: >>30125351

correction, 135$

>> No.30125319
Quoted by: >>30125338

Give me female versions of famous characters from literature, like Don Quixote and Hamlet and Huck Finn.

>> No.30125326

Ina's loading music is the best and I don't even like her

>> No.30125328
Quoted by: >>30125337

Because it's HER

>> No.30125332

>The Diva Idol
>The Idol Idol

>> No.30125333
Quoted by: >>30125383

Don't bully the chubby clown

>> No.30125336
File: 949 KB, 1098x2048, 1605575318441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's natural

>> No.30125337


Ahhh now this is nostalgic

>> No.30125338

Well, you already have Dr. Watson

>> No.30125349

I want HoloPre(historic)
Cave Woman

>> No.30125351

Really? I thought Reds were just stuck at the 100$ point, no matter the currency.

>> No.30125357
File: 1.58 MB, 3840x2160, EnyEFpHVoAAE-W2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enma is in here

>> No.30125359

So someone saved my shit edit

>> No.30125363

More holo Myth
Maybe Urban Legend
>Roswell Alien
>Lochness Monster

>> No.30125364

Check out the Drawabox website for some regimented lessons for drawing. Some other anons helped me out last time and said to check out Loomis' guide/books as well. Godspeed anon, I just started recently too

>> No.30125365
Quoted by: >>30125574

I saw some anon numberfaggin subs growth who proved her growth is already slowing down, still high as fuck so take that as you will

>> No.30125369

Enma tell Ame to watch Blade Runner

>> No.30125371
Quoted by: >>30125415

>secret singing voice
Her roommate's covers are all dubbed by an actual vocalist.

>> No.30125372

>Still American

>> No.30125374
File: 780 KB, 898x789, Ef-wP2fXsAAJwqT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! the HoloFIVE are a themed gen as well.

>> No.30125376

The ENs and 3rd gen lore are still extremely prevelant wtf do you mean? Having a theme/added character to play to actually let's them be more creative. People are more creative once you give them limits or give them something they can work with.

>> No.30125380

cute she need a twitter

>> No.30125381
File: 1.48 MB, 1454x2339, 1606976117836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30125426


>> No.30125382

Well it's not HIM, it isn't SHE. She's definitely not THEM so she most be HER, but maybe she isn't.

>> No.30125383
File: 662 KB, 960x541, 1591995030552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you forget that she enjoys being bullied.

>> No.30125386

Listen buddy, I know you're not the brightest bulb in the batch but if I wanted to watch someone make a fool of themselves I'd have watched Mori's begging stream.

>> No.30125390

They arent

>> No.30125391
Quoted by: >>30125536

stream a different game each day of the week
crank up only one till completion

>> No.30125392

What is the worst fanbase here and why is it deadbraps?

>> No.30125396
File: 164 KB, 672x936, golem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30125482

Idol - Golem
Siren - mermaid
Songbird - bird or harpy

What are Diva and Muse?

>> No.30125398

Three people can keep a secret if two are dead.

>> No.30125400

would Hololive really gun for a guy sounding like a girl? is this why that femboy from Homostars graduated?

>> No.30125401

>Cavewoman holo
>walks barefoot
>only has bare minimum of clothing
>bushy pits
>bushy croch

>> No.30125405
Quoted by: >>30125433

Her design is all she has going for, her personality, voice, and content is grating.

>> No.30125407


>> No.30125409 [SPOILER] 
File: 751 KB, 1920x5400, 1607016915117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a fair point, but check this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N94hIntc6JQ

>> No.30125412

nah, ARS reds are a meme for a reason, they're worth like 12 bucks, rubels are second cheapest, polskis are the most expensive, edging quids by couple cents

>> No.30125415

Sourcd for this?

>> No.30125417


>> No.30125421
File: 2.95 MB, 1920x1920, HoloThrowback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30125473

I posted this a while back, but I'd love it if it was a Holo Throwback with designs in the style of classic anime series, although I guess that'd be more successful as a JP gen.
I guess the alternative would be HoloSpace (with a better name) where each girl is a different kind of alien (a notTwilek, notAsari, notOrion, personified Xenomorph, and a Transformer)

>> No.30125423


>> No.30125424
Quoted by: >>30125446

Whos the cunny in this?

>> No.30125425

no that dad guy who was hard leeching was noticed by ina and mori

>> No.30125426
File: 202 KB, 1215x1037, 1606195076121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30125427
Quoted by: >>30125469

>Anomalocaris girl
>Sings "Bring me to life" by Evanescence in her debut

>> No.30125431
File: 422 KB, 1080x1366, 1606996365840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame wiping Gura's sweaty sick body and copping some sneaky feels while Gura is out of it... ooooh.

>> No.30125432


>> No.30125433

Is this the new cope? Reminds me of /hlg/ complaining that the only thing Gura has going for her is the design. Some things never change.

>> No.30125439

Their oishi isn’t shit though

>> No.30125442
Quoted by: >>30125459

>generic pink haired anime girl
truly revolutionary!!

>> No.30125443

I had an Intuos and I hated it because trying to match up my drawing while looking at the screen but it's not where I'm drawing is absolute ass.

>> No.30125446
Quoted by: >>30125463

The mammoth, obviously

>> No.30125447

Wish she would have her own l2d and VA too. Would be fun

>> No.30125450

Fantasy, Myth...
I think we come close to Yagoo's secret solution...

>> No.30125452

HoloBand each Chuuba can play an instrument and can do live band sessions.

>> No.30125457 [SPOILER] 
File: 158 KB, 828x1792, 1607017037026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish she was bros
i really do
but shes not ________

>> No.30125459


>> No.30125461
File: 190 KB, 1061x1500, 5665654354364536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30125493

>> No.30125462

pest control professionals
>rat killer
>border patrol
>insect killer

>> No.30125463


>> No.30125466

Even the EU is subtly larping as Roman Empire.

>> No.30125468

every time I see this idea I agree with it more

>> No.30125469
File: 527 KB, 720x430, opabinia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opabinia girl please they're my favorite funny little creature

>> No.30125473
Quoted by: >>30125795

Holo Magical Girl would be pretty based

>> No.30125475

Calli's hypnotization stream worked on me because I'm playing the version of P3P I bought on Vita years ago now.
I already played it on PSP, but I didn't really do much with it on Vita.

>> No.30125476
Quoted by: >>30125493

Both are true statements.
Keep coping, deadbrap

>> No.30125482
File: 66 KB, 893x502, regret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diva is an opera singer.
This is Musse.

>> No.30125487
File: 151 KB, 1569x374, 1587322603155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is about to beat the Boss' first phase, but the battle has only just begun.

>> No.30125491


>> No.30125493
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 1606710615007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30125519

Go back dogfucker

>> No.30125492

>Hololive but it's just k-on

>> No.30125494
File: 276 KB, 1448x1800, 54635654465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30125495

A virgin?

>> No.30125496

cool idea but i doubt that would ever actually work logistically

>> No.30125500
File: 3 KB, 417x155, 20201203_183801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else genuinely likes mori now ?

>> No.30125506
File: 366 KB, 854x480, 1606486913390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why isn't Gura your oshi? Genuine question since I don't really find the appeal of the other girls

>> No.30125508

>Make cute loli
>Give her big boobs
Why even bother?

>> No.30125512
Quoted by: >>30125549

KFP Jannies

>> No.30125513

fucking kek

>> No.30125516
Quoted by: >>30125646

She should have her own L2D with no VA just so I can imagine what she sounds like

>> No.30125519
File: 18 KB, 534x248, 1593744631778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30125521
Quoted by: >>30125575

I mean what could she play that isn't a debuff game besides Minecraft, shes the pickiest of the ENs when it comes to games.

>> No.30125522

>there's only 4

>> No.30125523
Quoted by: >>30125615

>publishers will pay for sponsored streams when Hololive will do their advertising for them, for free already
It makes NO fucking sense. We live in a backwards world.

>> No.30125524

She streams at the worst times for me. That's all

>> No.30125528

I wonder if Polka regrets it

>> No.30125532


>> No.30125536

Ideally, one main game a couple times a week and then a couple others, either shorter games or stuff like minecraft that has no narrative or competitive games to fill in gaps while keeping a minimum level of variety, streaming the same shit every day for long enough and you risk pigeonholing yourself

>> No.30125538
File: 2.85 MB, 854x480, Shark Dance[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fty0mhs.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is though

>> No.30125543

GSG ain't THAT complex. The basics just takes about an hour or so to really get down, and anything after that is just autism that I love

>> No.30125544

She didn't deserve what happened to her.

>> No.30125545

apparently like 4 thousand more people than before she started the stream

>> No.30125546

But the anti's actually get under her skin.

>> No.30125549

are you trying to summon Captain Shitpost

>> No.30125550
Quoted by: >>30125598

Really sad to see EN getting so far ahead of their seniors based on talent alone. Where’s the respect for seniority?

>> No.30125552

Do you think a group karaoke would be good?
Or would it be totally fucked because of internet issues?

>> No.30125553
Quoted by: >>30125603

Gura is my #2.
My heart, however, belongs to Tenchou.

>> No.30125560

I love Mori and believe in a one oshi policy. There are no bad ENs.

>> No.30125561
Quoted by: >>30125604

I dont like lolis

>> No.30125563

I already liked her just wish she streamed at better times

>> No.30125566

All non-virgins deserve the rope!

>> No.30125570


When she puts this much effort into bonding with her own genmates and JP senpais and fucks off with ecelebs, THEN I will like her way more. She has potential, she's just genuinely fucking retarded.

>> No.30125573


>> No.30125574

I takes literally just a look at the graph at the top here https://playboard.co/en/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g/subscribers to see that she's slowing down. It's still stupidly fast but people claiming it isn't slowing down are retarded
Fuck the imagelimit

>> No.30125575

Mori is the pickiest, she just has some pretty based taste

>> No.30125578

Internet issues and discord's shit quality.

>> No.30125579

I miss Ame!

>Do you miss Ame?

>> No.30125582
Quoted by: >>30125670

Nah they are missing Kiara's KFP jannies are general accepted and they themselves don't mind being called that.

>> No.30125585

By my powers combined...

>> No.30125592

She had it coming lets be real

>> No.30125593

Because I'm sexually attracted to Amelia Watson, the thinking man's oshi

>> No.30125594

Meme shark filtered me from the start. I'm glad that she's revealed/developed herself from that now, but I feel it's too late for me to catch up.
The only streams I watch of her are her collabs, and the karaoke. She's such a nice girl but she's not just for me.
t. deadbeat

>> No.30125596

VSingers is probably going to have 3 slots, not 5.

>> No.30125597
Quoted by: >>30125618

Really sad to see ogey rrat so pardun based on parrdon alone. Where's the do you know Pekora?

>> No.30125598

They don't try hard enough to be cuter everyday like Ame

>> No.30125601

rotating solos is fine, anyone who can get into the same room can do duets or trios. the technical requirements for geographically-separated synchronized harmony are nearly insurmountable.

>> No.30125602

I miss Ame...


>> No.30125603

Fair. Kiara is my third favorite. Very nice choice in oshi.
>When she puts this much effort into bonding with her own genmates and JP senpais
Watch the streams retard https://streamable.com/0e7unq

>> No.30125604

She's not a loli

>> No.30125605

Cover apparently has tech to handle online karaoke but only Kiara has talked about it and she seemed skeptical enough about it to want to stick to off collab karaoke even for just the JPs/theoretical music collab with Mori, much less a connection to NA.

>> No.30125609

Because I'm not you and have different opinions, pretty crazy I know

>> No.30125610

kiara is cuter to me and her streams are just hilarious in every way

>> No.30125615

The backwards logic is that in paying for a sponsored stream you have direct say in how the stream goes. Simply giving permissions means your letting your IP be handled freely by another company without your full say on the mater.
Its all about control.

>> No.30125617

Yagoo is a very odd man

>> No.30125618

I know the pepeloni, the no one

>> No.30125622
Quoted by: >>30125695

i like ame but want her to fuck gura does that count?

>> No.30125623

Fill in the blanks for your next EN gen

>> No.30125625

no, ame is overrated

>> No.30125627

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

>> No.30125629

my oshi are in a way opposites of her
she is daughter experience combined with a clearly fairly experienced streamer/content creator

now my two oshi are Akirose - the ultimate wife/motherly/wine aunty experience and Mori - a blunderpile that's new to pretty much everything and doing her best by sheer tenacity

>> No.30125632

Damn you guys really simp for THIS?


>> No.30125634



>> No.30125636

She looks like a loli

>> No.30125638

I feel more of an affinity with Ina, her voice is like a chorus of angels, she's a fun person but she's also very committed and hard working, and she gives off strong "I want to cuddle with this person and relax" vibes.

>> No.30125640

Gura has nothing going for her besides cunny design.

>> No.30125645


>> No.30125646

L2D but no VA because the stuff she do speak louder

>> No.30125648

>1. One
>2. Two
>3. Three
>4. Four
>5. Five
Rate my choices.

>> No.30125650

Ame is my oshi because her GFE is too stronk. She tugs on my heartstrings and my dick

>> No.30125651

Yes, she cute

>> No.30125652 [DELETED] 


>> No.30125657

Why does this thread keep on going back to discussing Gura?

>> No.30125658
Quoted by: >>30125686

>/hlgg/ asked who my oshi was

>> No.30125664

Damn she's hot

>> No.30125665
Quoted by: >>30125736

>Antis still shitting on Gura when she keep proving them wrong.
I swear these faggots are more pathetic than the ones who let Calli live inside their heads rentfree.

>> No.30125668


>> No.30125670

I don't think any fanbase really gets offended by the funny names we use here

>> No.30125671

Deadhours, pls undahstand

>> No.30125672


>> No.30125673

Not time

>> No.30125674

No she doesn't

>> No.30125675

Alright, as the thread is dying, food for thought:
>Calli collabs with one Vtuber from VShojo
>It's Froot
Would you be pissed?

>> No.30125676

>1. K
>2. O
>3. O
>4. P
>5. A

>> No.30125678

Pls don't start this argument again, ppl with no knowledge in art will say it's a loli and not accept any argument like this uncultured anon >>30125636

>> No.30125679


>> No.30125681


>> No.30125682

Interesting, of course, collabs and an original song will boost her but i think she is approaching her subs plateau on the next months, i wonder if a Gen 2 could capitalize on her sucess and surpass her

>> No.30125684

>border patrol
absolute kek

>> No.30125686

so, aloe then?
sorry aloe..

>> No.30125688
Quoted by: >>30125757


>> No.30125690

might have to switch oshi now...

>> No.30125692

Gura cute!

>> No.30125693

are you doing proper JP reps with a teacher to better understand holoJPs?
if not you're putting way less effort than she does

>> No.30125694


>> No.30125695


ill be mad if they DON'T bone

>> No.30125697

Kuala Lumpur....

>> No.30125698

Always did

>> No.30125699



>> No.30125701

>Drakengard 3 girls

>> No.30125703

It's my birthday and my oshi isn't streaming. I'm dying inside more than ever.
Ame come baaack.

>> No.30125704

>Fill in the blanks for your next EN gen
1. foot
2. ass
3. thighs
4. tits
5. lips

>> No.30125714

Who dis?

>> No.30125715

Got derailed by doing a orchestral christmas bgm, but I'm back to working on one. Just with the additional restriction that I'm refraining from using spoken words since she doesn't like that. Already gathered more than enough sounds.

>> No.30125716
Quoted by: >>30125734

If HoloEN gen 1 consists of obscure streamers, then that actually makes some sense. You want more experienced people getting the brand off the ground so then they can shepard in the later gens, to have somebody to look up to and help them out. This next gen can be more experimental and have more greener people, perhaps even talent that have never even streamed before. Remember how Pekora and Korone started out? Could you imagine someone that shy trying to shoulder founding an entire branch? Yeah no.
So it's totally worth having your founding members be less than ideal (space cadets adhdlords, drunken spazzes, charisma vacuums, trailer trash, and someone actually decent) if they can be the foundation for more appealing holos. Although honestly I can see HoloEN having personality problems throughout it's life because that's how westerners roll. HoloEN devolving into a Jerry Springer episode is more of a matter of when, not if.

>> No.30125719

No, I've abandoned Mori completely.

>> No.30125721

>no Six Seven Eight
It's shit

>> No.30125723

That's not her, doxxtard

>> No.30125724

They don't even like VTuber's do they?

>> No.30125725
Quoted by: >>30125802

She is either a loli or a child, you can like her but her design filters me

>> No.30125726

Because Gura is cute and she is my oshi.

>> No.30125727

I like all the girls, but I enjoy Amelia's game preferences the most.

>> No.30125729
Quoted by: >>30125792

She streams at 4AM
Ina is the friendliest for Eurobros.

>> No.30125728
Quoted by: >>30125742

/hlgg/ original vtuber.

>> No.30125732

I'll give her a shot.

>> No.30125734
Quoted by: >>30125772


>> No.30125735

kys numberfag

>> No.30125736

Anon, please learn what an anti is.
I personally don't watch her because her timeslots are garbage for europe. But she is by a significant margin the fastest growing Holo, that does not stop her growth from slowing down. You can straight up see that 20k days were closer together and that there were no 0 days before recently

>> No.30125737

Unironically who?

>> No.30125738


>> No.30125739
Quoted by: >>30125781

>ogey board
>can't post rrats

>> No.30125742

Don't believe you.

>> No.30125743

If the rumours surrounding her are true, I would be beyond pissed, and I usually don't give a shit about the "bad collabs".

>> No.30125745

Loli is a body type

>> No.30125746

future NijiEN

>> No.30125748

yeah, should be bigger

>> No.30125753

Nah, it's often just 100 of the currency, bongs are worth almost 2 Canadians for example

>> No.30125756
Quoted by: >>30125805

If not for the image limit I would've posted Ame saying you need to do reps

>> No.30125757

The only legitimate talent "lost" to Hololive out of the entire new group formed.

>> No.30125758

it's a state of being

>> No.30125759

I'd rather she just collab with Coppa.

>> No.30125761

You're lucky the thread's about to die, I was about to go in the archives and pull the post about why you're a fucking retard even worse than she is.

>> No.30125760

Loli is a state of mind

>> No.30125762

>just a few brush strokes, and there's a menacing figure
Artchads, I kneel every time

>> No.30125763


>> No.30125764

She's cute and funny!

>> No.30125765

>1. Koopa
>2. Charlie
>3. Melody
>4. HER
>5. AOC

>> No.30125768

1. Tomboy african warlord loli
2. Nazi general loli
3. Spanish conquerer loli
4. Chinese communist loli
5. A dinosaur loli

>> No.30125767

Do your archive reps.

>> No.30125771
Quoted by: >>30125803

I do not trust anyone to properly sync online karoke on a reasonable budget

>> No.30125772
Quoted by: >>30125794

Put up with the initial gen because it gets better

>> No.30125774

I love you, Koopa!

>> No.30125779

Anon Korone did worse

>> No.30125781


>> No.30125786


>> No.30125787

>Deadbraps get tired that people keep calling out their retarded oshi
>Falseflag and redirect the hatred to Gura
Do this for every other fanbase.
She is easily the biggest one, so its easy to try to shift the hate to her.
I mean, we still have faggots here trying to convince everyone she is reclining even when the last week or so she has been doing 20k a day despite not even streaming.

>> No.30125789


>> No.30125792

Future Gens may change that

>> No.30125793


>> No.30125795

I'm honestly surprised they haven't had one yet, and I'm more surprised we got a toku hero before that

>> No.30125794

don't listen to antis sorry

>> No.30125799

i love you, gura! i hope you feel better soon!

>> No.30125800

I love you Gura!

>> No.30125802

No, she's not.

>> No.30125803

>It has been NEVER since Holo EN had no technical difficulties, solo or collab

>> No.30125804

IU love koopa

>> No.30125805

Do it in the next thread :^)

>> No.30125806

Never heard about the rumors.
Are they that bad?

>> No.30125807

shit mane these singers were better before they sold out and became anime girls

>> No.30125808


>> No.30125809

I only like underdogs, so Gura can never be my favorite.
