Chicken :)
for me, it's aqua
>>OPyay images
Please watch and support this bitch!
I love Amelia and I'm in love with Amelia.
Gura cute!>>29619641based
>>OPH-how much does it cost?
I f-wording love this dork like you wouldn't believe.
I love Ame!
This is a ritualpost.
How would you treat your own Gura slave?
It's been 4 hours and 25 minutes since Mima's thread got deletedI'm glad that Mimaposter made another thread and happy to see her againLittle by little things are getting better for herMIMA LOVE
WARNING: don't open is streaming with the destroyer of janitors in ARK.
>>29619641back to /hlg/ onion
>>29619659This is a reply to this ritual post.
>*stomak rumbles*>Oi, Ame... Can I have a... milky snack?>*removes her shirt and bra without permission*>ₕᵤhaʰᵃha
>>29619665I'd set her free. I'm against slavery.
>luna just did a 3d supacha thanking with classical music bgm>coco doing karaoke unusually wholesome and seiso today>snek duolingo repswe comfy hours boys
>>29619667MIMABRO LOVE!
>>29619641>Played Apex since Season 3>Watch Aqua play Apex>Slowly pick up on the meanings of Japanese phrases that she says due to me knowing the general flow of the gameWhat the fuck guys
Is 4chan slower than usual today? My net is fine but the thread doesn't load fast enough.
>>29619665Me and my wife Amelia would constantly tease her.
>>29619671fuck off bird, ruined the moment
>>29619659this is also a ritualpost
>>29619675How hard is it for artists to paint her nails blue?
>>OPShark sweat? I reckon we'll get enough of that to fill a few barrels soon when she plays Ring Fit Adventure.Gura gets hot and sweaty easily. She'll definitely strip completely naked except for the sweatband on her head. You'll hear her moan, pant, gasp and struggle as she keeps on playing. Won't take long for sweat to run down her body. Beads of sweat dripping down her slim body running right down her merely hinted-at cleavage, belly button and then her cunny.You'll even her hear squeky feet make noises on the floor cause they will be sweaty too.
>>29619667MIMA LOVE
>>29619665brutal, brutal, mindbreaking rape daily
>>29619665Set her free
>>29619679Permission is inferred.
>>29619673i fucking love BBSB
>>29619720nail polish does come off, you know.
>>29619706my internet has been shitting itself since yesterday, so who knows, anon
>>29619646I just had her stream on but muted, but then I realized I'm watching nothing else and I like her singing, so now listening too.
would Mori collab with Mel for the memes?
>>29619720Sometimes the light blue nail color clashes with the rest of the art, so artists forgo it.
>>29619702It's like immersion lite. Enjoy being very slightly less EOP
>>29619706No, but it is cuter than usual today.
>>29619706works on my machine, anon
So...when we'll be getting another EnMa stream again?
>>29619667Every single Mima thread will reach bump limit now
>>OPHow much?
Has anyone got links to the past fanfics anon wrote?It's been pretty boring with nothing to do.
>>29619667I can't wait to play Mima in Touhou 18!
It's been -2 days since Mori Calliope "graduated"I'm glad that she's alive and happy to hear her voice again.Little by little things are getting better for herMORI LOVE
>>29619641Why are pink/purple girls with fat tits always so good?
>>29619723Honestly on top of all that, I'd love to hear silly far-away-from-mic Gura again.
>>29619806What fanfics? Like proper full stories or gosling greentext stories?
Watson, your members-only masturbation stream...
>>OPWhere can I get this?
>>29619654I can believe it! Because I do too.
I demand more wholesome Takamori teetee
>open thread>Ame still hasn't posted her schedule>keep thread open anyways
>>29619706A while ago everything started lagging like crazy in chrome for me. I switched to Edgeand it's way faster than it was before. Between this and YouTube's usual fuckery, Google need to get their shit together. I don't know what the fuck is going on with them.
>>29619813mori and aqua would look better with black hair
>>29619811the withdrawal is killing me, Polka is the only one that's soothing the pain
>>29619834Proper stories, I remember there being a fanfic anon (maybe more) that wrote some.
>Gura now has Mori's Overworking habit and says to every red SC "thanks for the akasupa">Mori now has Ame's Gamer gremlin behavior and toxicity>Ame now has Ina's comfiness and also silent anger issues>Ina now has Kiara's numberfagging and insecurity about herself>Kiara now has Gura's tendency to not give a shit, perfect comedy timing and fucks off every SundayHow different would things be in HoloEN?
>>29619808bless walf a bangeralso KFP is not a cult
>>29619847Gura literally is the only EN that never numberfagged
>>29619766genius choice from Polka, no idea where she got that idea but its truly great
The virgin 500k subs 6k viewer Takanashi KiaravsThe CHAD 500k subs 15k viewer Murasaki Shion
>>29619848If it helps she already said today will be a break so nothing until TuesdayWe might get a Gura stream tonight if we're lucky. Announced 10 mins before it happens, so you'll never know..
>>29619851just noticed the pink nailsnice
GTO! ah the memories!
>>29619875I don't think anyone denies KFP is a cult at this point. They've even got their own theme song
>>29619885im going to fuck this mesugaki so hard bros i cant fucking even
>>29619847I can't believe Kiara used her lower sub numbers to guilt trip Mori into animating a music video for her for free
Why do most overseas fans always ask cringy question to HoloJP in english language? I always get second hand embarrassment reading it
>>29619641They keep getting bigger!
>>29619869Gura and Mori drop significantly, Ina and Kiara drop a little, Ame inclines a ton
>>29619874literally the iconic amelia artist
Bad news, teamates. I looked into the future and saw that Ame will only have 12 streams for this week.
>>29619885Purple Zion has been around
>>29619876>doesn't numberfag>doesn't bait SC>doesn't post on reddit>doesn't acknowledge popular twitchfags leeching requestsBased shark.
>>29619903Do it now
Coloring this turned out better than I expected,. I also fixed up some of the details and added more though its not a coupon but close enough to one.
>>29619720Cute nails!
>>29619906Because you can only read the cringy English questions, not the cringy Japanese ones too.
We could have been so good togetherWe could have lived this dance forever...
Anyone got YAB timestamps for Ame's LA Noire VOD?
>ctrl + f handgun>24 resultshandgun
>>29619885Good entry for people who want to know about this mesugaki: Since we're in dead hours anyway
Love me deadbeats.Love me teamates.Love me takobros.Love me chumbuds.Love me KFPals.'ate antis.'ate doxxfags.Simple as.
>>29619885Can't beat a kusogaki
>>29619947the whole stream is a yab
>>29619934uoh etc etc
>>29619905>nousagi can't understand that Mori just does a lot for her BFF without guilt tripping needed
>>29619874he understands animation EXTREMELY well, the only people i've seen at his level are like, old newgrounds guys.
>>29619885>less than a thousand dollars moreWhy are her fans so poor?
>>29619924And what if she cancels one?!? AAAAAAAAAAAA
>>2961992410 Minecraft, 1 weekly collab + SupaSunday.
>>29619905>nousagi can't understand Mori did it for the Pheonix Cock
>>29619934why does a garlic need an ass that big?
>>29619936I will now save your image. zatsud- I mean FE stream...
Where are the schedules?
>>29619949I miss avocado...
>>29619964She sure doesn't seem to be doing a lot for her viewers in the meantime
>>29619893Holy shit, how did I not see that before?
>>29619905nah, Kiara just told Mori to do the work or she's going to kill herself
>>29619949Hell yeah
>avocado was me all along
>>29619667>There will NEVER be a vtuber that will play the first 5 touhou games
>>OPWatched chicken's milestone Karaoke VOD. The first 20 first minutes felt a like a repeat of the horrible unarchibed karaoke. Somewhere around that point she seemed to get comfortable with herself and things improved a lot, she is still not there but this was her best karaoke stream to date. Wish she could practice this songs a bit more because sometimes it feels thats she is offbeat rushing through the lyrics.
>>29619935Extremely based rice
Is Mori actually dead?
>>29620037>that nameevery time
>>29619930>doesn't respond to JP senpais asking for collabs and just ignores them>doesn't stream whenever she says "she might", so it basically means "it won't happen">doesn't continue her halloween movie watchalongs>doesn't want to live near Haachama so she moves her house away which will make Haachama really sad once she sees this week
>>29619885>Announced 10 mins before it happensI'll warn you when I'm going to sleep, don't worry.Gura Klaius'ed me and installed a sensor in my pillow, when I place my head on it and fall asleep a nuclear alarm siren plays in Gura house and automatically sets up the stream for her. She gets up from the bed, naked, and slowly walks towards the computer.Once she's done streaming, she wakes up by calling me at the phone, and:
>>29619875Best fanmusic for each holo EN?>Kiara: >Gura:>Ame:>Mori: the mikoboat remix of excuse me rip (or the jsr remix or imo>Ina: idk if she has any yet, uhh her Unravel is unironically good
>>29620011how long has it been? It feels like an eternity
>>29620047Rice autism claims another victim
>>29620032I'm sure Marine has
>>29620047Damn that's mad early.
>>29619935Excellent work anon, one more for the Unity team.
>>29620055>doesn't respond to JP senpais asking for collabs and just ignores themProof?
>>29620048Aren't we all
>>29620011We Deadbeats understand and admire our Reaper's devotion to her BFF and can forgive her
>>29619808Look at her go!
>>29619935Fantastic job
>>29619886>Announced 10 mins before it happensI'll warn you when I'm going to sleep, don't worry.Gura Klaius'ed me and installed a sensor in my pillow, when I place my head on it and fall asleep a nuclear alarm siren plays in Gura house and automatically sets up the stream for her. She gets up from the bed, naked, and slowly walks towards the computer.Once she's done streaming, she wakes me up by calling me at the phone, and:
I had a crazy fucking dream that I woke up from five minutes ago, anons, and I rushed over to type this out before I forget it.>I went to the local mall that doesn't actually exist, heard there was a press conference with the President>Showed up, got a near front row seat>The President showed up in blackface>the Holomyth girls were at the desk he was sitting at>The president wanted to show off the nation's newest technology, seemed to think Hololive was an American company>Tried to refer to them all by name>Forgot to mention Gura>called Kiara "Nakadashi Kiara">Forgot they existed within a minute of naming them all>They disapeared after, probably snuck out while he announced that he was copyrighting VRWhat does this mean, anons?
>>29620025he turned himself into an avocado funniest thing i've ever seen
>>29620075She knows we'll all rice to the occasion
>>29620080Haachama's Q&A from ~2 weeks ago, she was asked about collab stuff and said she had hit up Gura on discord and asked her for a collaboration
narrative timeGura has an exhibitionism fetish and has streamed completely naked irl at least once.
>>29620048shes the concept of death in a mortal body, but watsons concoction is basically a Deus Ex Machina so it can probably kill concepts too
>>29620089t. KFP
I seem to be having multiple dreams of Kiara making YABsKiara and Pekora were playing a version of Super Mario Odyssey with two Mario's and Kiara started the stream without realizing and they were both talking in their normal voices while chat and here were shitposting
>>29620098Please sleep ASAP
>>29620113I unironically believe this one
>>29620047>3amIna... I want to watch your stream, but...
Schedules, onegai...
>>29620113That's Subaru
>>29620100It means you're spending too much time on the internet, anon.
>>29620047what's this game supposed to be, watched trailer and it seems like beatemup, skipped around Kiara stream and it was cutscenes + some farming
>>29620100It means you spend too much time here.
>>29620109Ina please upload your schedule too
>>29620100you've broken the matrix
>>29620098She hasn't dropped a "does this frustrate you" recently has she. I actually miss it. This brat has me trained.
>>29620113If you live alone is it even exhibitionism? I'm usually naked at home too unless I'm too cold or something, since I live by myself. It's just more comfortable.
>>29620072>Rice autismYou can say that the game has in-grained into everyone's brains
>>29620055>doesn't respond to JP senpais asking for collabs and just ignores themWe don't know that. We only know that Haachama asked her, we have no information on whether she replied, or what she replied with if she did.>doesn't stream whenever she says "she might", so it basically means "it won't happen"That's why she says "might". It's not a promise.>doesn't continue her halloween movie watchalongsHalloween is over.>doesn't want to live near Haachama so she moves her house away which will make Haachama really sad once she sees this weekThat's just a narrative that you worked out from desired conclusion, anonchama.
>>29620064holy shit Pop on Rocks inclined super fucking hard, what happened?
>>29620117I'm a Deadbeat but if Mori follows the Tenchou, I follow the Tenchou
>>29619935>Semper Frykek
Narrative hereGura lives in an island in the atlantic ocean
>>29619952I can't believe Shion is less erotic than Gura. I guess japs really like smug shitty brats and it doesn't need to get lewd for them to get off to it
>>29620055narrativecucks need to kill themselves
>>29620162Check the comments
I like this clown. That is all. Haachama cover in.... about 2 days
>>29620156>If you live alone is it even exhibitionism?When you're streaming live to tens of thousands of people, even if they can't actually see you, there's kind of a thrill to it.
>>29620055>doesn't continue her halloween movie watchalongs long after halloween has endedogey
>>29620047>EU prime time againJ'adore ce tako.
>>29620162Ame mentioned it yesterday.
>>29620111That's not proof of Gura not responding to and ignoring collab requests.
>>29620129is this what you see on you deathbed?
>>29620047I've watched Polka playing this for 10 hours straight, I'm sorry Ina but I think I had enough of rice autism
>>29620146it's a beatemup but in between there is autistically detailed and historically accurate rice farming. something about it must be insanely satisfying because Polka has played like 10 hours in a row twice now
>>29620177Haachama is WORTH IT
>>29620162Mori posted in the comments.
What did she mean by this? Narratives?
>>29620162Supa Sunday and mori boost. Get your ame reps up bitch boi
>>29620177Can't wait for her to announce it at EVERY STREAM
Don't take it
>>29620162Mori found it. Showed Ame. She talked about it. We played it on bubb4bot.
>>29620159You can infer things, anon. Be a detective!For example, we know that over 2 weeks ago she was asked for a collab but it's still not happening, so we can assert that she either ignored or or declined it, both of which are negative. As for Halloween, she said she wanted to watch more spooky movies still and not stop just because Halloween is over.
>>29620208i'll find a way to sniff her cunt
>>29620208She's talking about Kiara's growth.
>>29620202Oh, even better:Inagrained
>>29620233Kiara?Polka? Suisei?
>>29620100How do I get crazy dreams like this one? Mine are always incredibly boring...
when will haachama stream again?
New socksTwo socksWhose socks?Watsocks
>>29620162It holds the record as the ONLY song ame has tolerated containing her voice she hasn't banned on sight, and ALSO the ONLY meme she has been harassed about on stream multiple times that she hasn't just shot down out of frustrationShe even said in the stream, she hates needing to hear her voice and she would turn the volume low on it, but she will play it for the fans because she acknowledges they love that songShe also kinda joked that its her own original song now and that she might perform it in the future
Chances that Gura eventually goes the way of Polka and just gives up on schedules? I'd be fine with it since I watch anything she streams no matter the content.
Mori with Pekora's voiceAme with Coco's voiceGura with Okayuu's voiceKiara with Luna's voiceIna with Ame's voice
>>29619778She can't keep getting away with it!
>>29620198She's addicted
>>29620237WEENEE WEENEE!
>>29620178>>29620113>>29620132Wasn't there one point when one of our autists exclaimed they heard skin on a chair after she stripped off a layer in a minecraft stream last week. Then some audio engineer confirmed it?I must have listened to it a dozen times at max volume but can't really hear it.
>>29620208She wants me to marry Kiara.
Any neat Ame lore in the supa reading?
>>29620231Kiara did say she has a collab with Gura coming up though, in her latest stream. Gura isn't ignoring her, Kiara just said they're both busy. With Kiara's collab schedule and their timezone mismatch, I believe it
>>29620237after you abayo and post the full image
Deadhours so dead I almost want Mori to tweet something at Trump
>>29620047>EU prime timeI'm so glad to have Ina as my oshi.
>>29620047For once I'm proud being an Asian. Watching holo playing Sakuna while eating rice is peak comfy.
>>29620047I don't understand why everyone is playing this. It looks kind of boring.
>>29620177Wow, they allowed her to sing "Talk Dirty to me" from Jason Derulo?
>>29620075Just perfect for EU
>>29620261> is unironically good. Or am I just retarded?
How do we fix Polka's ARK addiction?
>>29620208>didn't find a way to post her scheduleDeadbeats?
>>29619671Oh god OH FICK
its out
>>29620208Could be anything. Now fuck off.
>>29620264>Mori with Pekora's voice>Ame with Coco's voice
>>29620335It's really good, yes.
>>29620047I wonder what prompted Ina to schedule her streams earlier these days. She used to schedule the stream just outside of EU hours, but now it feels like most of her streams are EU friendly
>>29620261Mori rapping Green Eggs and Ham to a hiphop beat when?? She has to reclaim her throne now, balls in her court!
>>29620315Send her an aka and she might
>>29620344Damn she's really doing a lot of cock rating streams this month
>>29620344IT's real!
>>29620263Seems like EN management wants the schedule format.
>>29620335is this a zoomer song? it's really weird
>>29620208So happy for Kiara she used both accounts now fuck off
>>29620344I'm glad Ina is doing one, I missed the unarchived KFP penis inspection stream last week
>>29620342she didn't want it hard enoughcant say the same about my dick tho
Did Haachama do a cock rating stream before?
>>29620344How did you get that URL to go to the other one???
>>29620344>it's not fakegod bless
>>29620344This is 3rd times I see this anon
>>29620344>cancelling the cock rating stream after I already sent her my cockwhat the heck bitch
>>29620294Yep. She also mentioned wearing "just a hoodie" at some point but it was ambiguous whether she meant LITERALLY just that and no panties or anything.
>>29620397No but Polka did
>>29620047FUUUUUUUUCK!Another stream during work hours!
>>29620335Didn't this played today? Did Ame liked it?
>>29620344>All of these non EU friendly timesI'm thinkin' fake
>>29620344>two collabsfake
>>29620344Wait is it penis inspection day again?
>>29620377It's a dr seuss book, dumbasschama
>>29619641I see you.
>>29620341I don't think you can. This bitch can play 10 hour sessions of rice autism simulator. She's just an addictive personality
>>29620305Sure but that's Kiara, I was talking about holoJPs (or IDs I guess).Would bet money she once again has no holoJP collab for this week once again.
>>29620417She hates hearing her own voice but was glad that everyone liked it.
>>29620366>Green Eggs and Ham to a hiphop beat enough
>>29620231I can infer that you're a drama mongering narrativefag by how you keep insisting on very specific conclusions based on very little information. Just because Haachama asked for a collab 2 weeks ago, it doesn't mean it has to happen any time soon, even if Gura agreed. There is no point in rushing anything. Haachama asked every EN member for collab as well. Watch that stream again.As for Halloween, she never said she will just continue watchalongs every week, just that she won't stop them altogether. In the meantime she wanted to change things up and sing some karaoke, since those were highly requested streams for her.
>>29620261>ywn be Watsocks, protecting her legs wherever she goes
>>29619952After watching this, I so want a Gura and Shion collab.
>>29620411based clown
>>29620368shes not streaming, I would if I could
>>29620417Don't know but Mori did saw it.
>>29620344>ina absolutely HATES giving other artists free exposure so she uses her L2D for scheduleswhy is she like this?
>>29620047Jesus EVERYONE is playing this now.I don't wanna pay 40 bucks for it. Opinions guys?
Do you think Kiara is excited about her original song premiering this week?
Newfag here, how bad is Hololive as a company?
>>29620479the art industry is a cut throat world
>>29620344This is not fake. Rice pre-stream already out.
what about this ricing game, is it like Hades where even if it's super fun to play it yourself it's not that good to watch or can you pretty much just watch someone instead of playing yourself for nearly the same experience
Moririn... I'm sorry... I can't stay feel anything anymore... I don't think I can hold on long enough to see your schedule...
Anyone got this weeks statistics of hours streamed for the holoEN girls??
>>29620503Not great, not terrible.
>>29620503Go back and find out by lurking moar
>>29620479She doesn't like looking through fanart since some of them are lewd and she winds up rolling around in her bed blushing for hours if she sees one of those before she's able to do anything productive again.
imagine not vacuuming your bathroom
>>29620511it satisfies autism
>>29620508Kiara could probably say the same about cosplaying...
>>29620500has she talked about it?
>>29620503>jap companyi dont know bro, YOU tell me
>>29620503Bad enough that one of their JP talents nearly got coerced into sex by her own manager and Cover wouldn't even do anything about it
>>29620515Stop masturbating to numbers.
>>29620530this is cute but also really stupid
I'm running out of excuses to post Polka art and I'm too tired to think of more
>>29620451>SKRT SKRT>BRRRRRRRone thing I like about pop on rocks is the guy made sure to focus entirely on creating good flow, not shoehorning in stupid modern rap bullshit tropes like thisthe part where ame starts the verse with ".......FIRST I make a quick trick brick stack" is SUCH good flow, I keep having to replay the way Ame intros that verse cause its so good
>>29620540I love this bitch!
>>29620503Not great but way better than the other agencies (well, VOMS seems cool but you could probably count the staff on your hand)
>>29620512Day 1 Thread #1I miss you Moririn...
>>29620494I want to buy this game because this game remind me with muramasa rebirth
Why would Kiara do this....
>>29620534Imagine vacuuming your earrings by accident
>>29620544>>29620520I would agree with them. Ame is making more money and able to stream to more people then she ever thought possible. And that's all thanks to cover.
>>29620550So standard for any talent agency?
>>29620344>rice is actually scheduleduh... bros??? should i have ina rate my cock?
>>29620503Barring big yabs like the Coco/Haachama thing a little while back it seems like they generally keep their hands off and let the girls do as they please... Though the other side of this is that they take a bunch of their money and don't do jack shit in return but desu I doubt I'd have got into hololive if everything was vetted and preplanned by Cover super hard so maybe it's for the best in some ways.
>>29620494Buy recettear, you smash monsters and run an overpriced item shop rather than smash monsters and farm rice.Or just watch some holos playthrough while enjoying their company.Ina will start today and Kiara has made some progress.Bunch of JP holos like Polka and Marine have also played IIRC.
>>29620494I don't think I need to buy after watching like 5 different girls play it
>>29620503Scouting: A+Marketing: BEverything else: F
>>29620503Black company but still better than n*ji
>no schedules yetWell at least we know we have a comfy Sakuna stream coming up for Ina today
>>29620363My guess is some kind of gacha or MMO event during her old streaming hours.
China just made a new order today RIP any streamer in or working with china.>all donations to livers within China needs to have the donor's name listed and recorded from now on>If the liver engages in illegal activities, the donations should be given back to the donor>You aren't allowed to live with another avatar if you are banned too much>Streamers are now all categorized, and the platform has to give permission for you to go beyond your category when streamer>Superchatting now has a similar restriction like the underage gaming addiction thing, so there’s a limit to how much you can simp per day/month>Streamers selling merch will be heavily regulated>same rule applies to non-CN that use CN platformGood job Yagoo
>thought sounds stopped working>i had just muted my tabi may be dumb
>>29620503with talent agencies you grade them on a curve and they're on the upper end for that
>>29619935Anon, tha'ts fantastic. Thank you.
>>29620577Woah man relax
>>29620550Ehhh that's not really that bad imo. That's kind of standard outside of the first world country.
Gura here, I will play Luigi's Mansion 3 later this week Stay chummy friends
>>29620540>>29620565This is my favorite of the Coco karaokes that I've ever tuned into.Is she just singing unusually well today? Or picking songs that fit her voice range better? Or maybe, it just feels like she's going kinda serious mode today and trying to sound good instead of sounding like she's making a dumb joke out of everything.I dunno, previous streams I've had to turn off Coco's karaoke cause it was too ear-scratching, but she's being the most pleasant and cute I've ever seen her today
>>29620599It's fine as long as you're not Korean male.
Holo EN in the End when?
>>29620628Welp good thing they left
>>29620542ayy nice
Isn't it embarrassing for chicken and mori to meet irl because of all the online flirting? I mean they're just doing their job but won't it be cringe when they meet irl?
>>29620562OK Mori
>>29620577Hey, everybody. It's the Mikocchi baby!
>>29620609and Flare too! please remember Flare
>>29620540I love this fucking bitch!
>>29620577Huke based as usual
i havent seen a shark stream since the first minecraft collab.Is Gura even streaming anymore?
>>29620628It's funny because despite all the bullshit, people still actually want to do business with China.
>>29620577>Huke's BOTTOM LEFT punchesGoddamn it I caved.
>>29620644Not for a long while probably.
>>29620609Based Recettear player. Jew simulator probably the most fun game I ever had.
>>29620653It's a work.Workers know when it's a work and when it's a shoot.
>>29620635But the only leverage this manager had was her roommates identity. I don't know anything about jap laws, but isn't spreading private info illegal in most countries?
I wanna see Haachama be a kind mentor toward Gura and help drag her out of her shell.
>>29620637She's been doing a lot of karaoke streams lately, she's probably just improving from the practice alone.
>>29620628dodged a bullet
>>29620628Yeah no shit, and Artia's discordniggers were trying to pretend she'd be not compromised and freer as an indie. She's going to be a CCP mouthpiece whether they like it or not.
>>29620628>If the liver engages in illegal activities, the donations should be given back to the donorSasuga CCP, now streamers literally can't spend a single dollar they get from streaming until they quit and are no longer at risk of having to refund all of it. That's amazing, presumably as a reaction to being unable to control livestreaming they are straight up killing it entirely for their country.On the downside, now bugs won't have anything to distract them from shitting up Holo chats
>>29620577But wait I thought we needed the chinks to make stuff like this?
>>29620698your eyesight reps
>>29620628So, Coco not only tanked HoloCN, but majorly fucked chinese nijis? How based can this dragon get?
>>29620726I need more good EnMa art
>>29620628What's the point with these tight regulations?
>>29620726damn I fucked up
>>29620628>Superchatting now has a similar restriction like the underage gaming addiction thing, so there’s a limit to how much you can simp per day/monthAll the other stuff is stupid shit but this is an actual good thing
>>29620263If Gura doesn't have schedules she'll replace Ayame in the 'please stream' joke.
>>29620628>Cover knew
>>29620628Holy shit, ENMA's foresight is 100+
>>29620628CCP and their never-ending lust of controlling peoples lives...Cover did a good job by burning down the whole CN branch.
>>29620628Cover ditched chinks at the right time.Thank you based chairman.
>>29620701More accurately, people want the Chinese marketBig companies meanwhile like using Chinese labour since it's a lot cheaper
>>29620715>but isn't spreading private info illegalOh absolutely, but again this only applies to first world countries.
>>29620628>Superchatting now has a similar restriction like the underage gaming addiction thing, so there’s a limit to how much you can simp per day/monthThis sounds ok
>>29620758It is, and Youtube already does it, although if you want to circumvent it you can just make a new account in 5 minutes.
>>29620628Thanks Coco Kaichou
>>29620631Whatever you do, don't press e
>>29620772going to fuck this brat
>>29620731Well, I mean, they did.Was posted yesterday, but apparently it's from reddit.
>>29620628Stop, she's already dead!
>>29620785Youtube already has a 500 bucks limit per month anyway, right? Or was that per week?
>>29620758>>29620785I think youtube already has a daily limit, makes sense for the chinese to do that as well
>>29620628Damn that's crazy, but also sounds exactly like something China would do. Making it apply to non-CN who want to use the platform all but guarantees they're cutting themselves off from the rest of the world basically.
>>29620755"Chinese are only made to be productive workers for the country. Any form of entertainment is a form of decadence" -t. China probably
>>29620159<span class="sjis"> B A S E D[/spoiler]
I just saw Graphite on the roof of Hololive.
>>29620628here comes chang
>>29619935Unitychad... I kneel...
>>29620755Control, that's it.CCP wants complete control over how the Chinese live and function. This is just another step in that direction.
>>29620788I want Matsuri to just disappear
>>29620628>Amelia used her time travel powers to warn Cover of the downfall of CN streamersSasuga, detective.
>>29620802What if she fucks you with her trident first?
>>29620628Dodged a fucking cannonball with that shit. I'm glad Enma and the EN branch decided to fuck off on their own initiative immediately. >>29620758>>29620785Youtube already does that for you, but it's on a per account basis. China still fucking dumb as shit.
>>29620755Any potential earnings that are outside the direct control of the CCP gives earners more freedom to delegitimize the party of leave the country. Xi has been on a massive spree of power consolidation after he was heavily pressured by the other mafia-style families that control the upper levels of power in China earlier this year. This is likely going to continue until there's direct or indirect conflict with the West, he's actually ousted for another family or there are domestic uprisings.
>>29620653Why would best friends be embarrassed to meet irl?
>>29620047I hope she won't mog Kiara's viewership.
>>29620628Cover definitely knew this was coming and this is probably the main reason they cut ties.
>>29620781and chink are starting to relegate that work to africans who hate dealing with westerners because its waaay cheaper.
>>29619641Sexy shortstack.
>>29620755>>29620824More seriously, there's an entire generation of simps that came as a result of the one child policy they had going on. The policy lead to a massive male demographic that's in the workforce but with no available partners.Expendable income + horny men = high simp count
>>29620755China doing dumb chink shit>>29620761Gura still streams 5-6 times a weak unlike Ayame
>>29620628So this is why the bots have been redoubled on Coco's stream.I can't wait until peak chinkspam hours in these threads in a few hours time, I'm not sticking around for that shit.
>>29620734HEllo! My name is Gwar - uhh- Gawr Gura - EHE he. SHAAAAAAAAK. Did you know that, uh, SHARKS - BUHEHE - Sharks have, UHHHHH.... What was I talking about?ANYWAYS - HOOCHA!Dumb shark cant even finish a sentence.
>>29620628Has Artia commented on this yet?
>>29620866it's fine, she has the weponary to deal with this.
>>29620730>as a reaction to being unable to control livestreaming they are straight up killing it entirely for their country.This is exactly what's happening. Winnie is afraid of foreign cultural influence shifting China away from communism which is exactly what's been happening steadily for the past 30 or so years.
>>29620911She should talk to her dependable senpai Haachama who will take her under her wing and teach her to be the best hololive she can be
>>29620804Rocket Karma
>>29620911Pathetic for a bait.
>>29620897Shortstacks are hot
>>29620915Anon, Artia is dead...
>>29620781>people want the Chinese marketWhich is hilarious because China aggressively pursues policies to lock out foreign companies from their markets after their own companies are mature enough to supply said market (usually utilising "stolen" IP/processes from the aforementioned foreign companies).
>>29620730How long each will it be until we start seeing the effects of this regulation? narrative, the lack of schedules is due to Haachama getting sick so that three person collab that Mori mentioned has to be rescheduled.
>>29620911I feel sorry for you anon.....
>>29620840The curse of the 25th....
>>29620785It's one thing for a site to put in place spending limits, it's a whole other thing to have it as a national policy.
Collab when?
Just woke up from a dream where I watched a Mori membership stream, lads. I was so happy... I wish I could just go back to sleep.
>>29620978She was sneezing a lot in her karaoke the other day too
>>29620757>>29620871She's cute and sexy, I really want to fuck the menhera right out of her
>>29620628Yagoo has good intuition. Good thing they cut that place loose.
>>29620755CCP want to control your surplus. They want their money to circulate in their country instead giving it to foreigner.That first super chat rank probably trigger their government, ¥36M to just one JP chuba plus coco accident.
>>29620954You still gave him an ogey.
>>29620866Its Ina, she might even reach 30k for it being fresh on her channel
>>29620956Shortstacks are the best.
>>29620911Chumbuds are idiots for thinking this is cute.
>>29620992I await it eagerly
>>29620628Any insight on how the anti coco hq aka NGA is reactiong?
Polka is cute yet also hot and I think she's funny
>>29620992the cunny fans might OD
Aqua/Ame APEX fucking when
>>29621004I want to fuck extra menhere into her
>>29620911>image from HER redditGo back nigger.
>>29620992iirc they said the language barrier was too great when they tried to talk on discord
>>29620944>Be Xi>Report arrives to your table about subversion of Chinese culture and way of living>"What the fuck are "Reddit meme dragon" and "KALM PANIK KALM memes""
>>29621010I'm generous like that.
>>29621004Still waiting for this image to get sound
>>29620628Holy shit, now that's what I call dodging a bullet, good job Cover.
>>29620146Picked up the game after I saw Kiara play it first, and put in about 40 hours in the span of a week.If you ever played "Harvest Moon: It's A(nother) Wonderful Life" on the GameCube, and like sidescrolling action platformers with good music, endearing characters and a pretty cute story based off of Japanese folklore, then I would heavily recommend it.
>>29621008I'd be incredibly surprised if a huge portion of that money wasn't either entirely faked or set up in a way that it's just a money cycle/launder to send a message.
Are you looking forward to the KoronexMori collab this week fellow hololive fans?
>>29620628Thank you Enma, EN gen1 and EN gen0
>>29621029I think they both wanted to do more language reps before doing it.
>>29621004But is Matsuri without the menhera really her?
>>29620992Fucking hopefully soon just for the doujin
>>29620978She's going back to japan anon, she's preparing for HoloFES, HoloFES is next month and by regulation she needs at least 2 weeks to self isolate
>>29620911>>29621015go back
>>29620992They attempted to communicate in discord but realised that the language barrier was too great to really collab with each other.Kiara did mentioned the possibility of doing a foreign-language-teaching collab stream with Gura so possibily this'll could help her reach out to her senpais.
>>29621025Cute soundpost
>>29621055I should be excited, but generally speaking I'm mostly just nervous. I'd say I don't know why I feel that way, but I know exactly why.
>>29620992Soon hopefully, and with Aqua! I think their trio would work even with the language barrier
>>29620992Huh I thought Gura had given up on Shion since she didn't comment on her new costume at all. Good to know she still watches her.
>>29621055Yes i do Mori, now post your schedule onegai
Has Coco's singing improved or have I just got used to it?
>>29620999Once I had a dream where I was on a date with Mori and we were hitting it off. When I woke up, I seriously wanted to fucking end myself right there and then.
>>29621047unironically, cover didn't dodge this bullet, their departure sparked the shooting. the taiwan thing was just bug nationalists being bug nationalists, but cover's response being to unanimously dump the chinese market and graduate their chinese talent led to the chinese government paying attention, and this is the decision they made
Now heres the game Ame should play.
>>29621110You've gotten used to it.
>>29620904As long as she keeps a schedule, yes. Without that to push her forward she'd poof for a week at a time, it happened before.
>>29621037This is just a narrative. Someone here said it but never gave any evidence like clip or a timestamp of a VOD.
>>29621123Even more based fuck the chinks
>>29621055What game will they play? I hope it's not some kusoge or minecraft
>>29620628OkSo who's the esper in hololive.Coco? Yagoo? Haachama?
>>29621123or knew about this changes month before hand and bounced
>Chink vtubing is killed right after Cover pulled out of West TaiwanYagoo really got the luck of the devil.
>>29621037Didn't stop Roboco and Ame.
>>29621154Coco Yagoo Haachama, the esper trinity.
>>29620785Imagine this:You work slave hours in a country with no workers protections, in unsafe conditions because your govt doesn't care about your safety.You have no hope of marriage because your population is 70% male You have limited options for entertainment because your country doesn't innovate and its markets are incredibly slow to adopt global innovationsYou finish another 11 hour day building hospitals that crumble in the rain, get home and now you learn you aren't even free to spend the money you earned in the things you choose, all because a very small man in a big office is still seething over a reddit dragon.
>>29621151Keep talking and nobody explodesThey also said they'll be alternating between english and japanese.
>>29621130>Bumfights: The GameShe should feel right at home
>>29621055>Mori>this week
>tfw I had a dream where mori ground pounded me and i lost NNNfuck you mori, i hate you
I WILL get Capcom permissions and I don't care how long it takes
>>29620743Chinese chuuba scene is getting dragged to the ground and this bitch is just singing karaoke right now.I LOVE THIS BITCH
>Haachama dies of covid in Australia>never got to get home to Japan in the end;_;
>>29621139Yes. Don't make fun of sharks.
>>29621113I’m not the only one whew
>>29621174Bumfights is Condemned 2 anon.
>>29620100Which president
>>29621151It's the bomb defusal game, that's usually fun with a bit of a language barrier, and they're both at least decent at the others language.
>>29621143Gura only mentioned using TL while talking to her, nothing else so it is a narrative
>>29621173The battle of the language reps
>>29621110She's definitely gotten a lot better with singing, but knowing where she came from definitely helps with the perspective. Additionally, she's done a better job of scouting some more Alto-friendly songs for her self-imposed character voice range.
>>29621110A lot of holos are doing a lot of karaoke streams to get their singing-reps in for the concert near the end of the year. There are some songs that lend themselves better to Coco's voice than others though so it could depend on what song you're listening to.
>>29621188>haato builds tower of babel>God punishes herpottery
To those who missed the post because of the timezones, I wanted to thank you guys again for joining in on Sven with /hlgg/ on Saturday. Had a lot of fun, you guys are some cool cats.
What are the chances the “+1” of the Haachama Mori collab is Coco? Refusing to name her before schedules are posted in order to prevent a week long of chink hate.
>>29621055mori streams?
will Ina manage to stop herself from saying welcome to the rice fields?
>>29621110She has improved for sure
>>29621184Each day I thank Jesas for being born in the same era as thi bitch
>>29621172>You have no hope of marriage because your population is 70% maleIf that was my only obstacle it would be an improvement
>>29621215It's too late.
>>29621006>>29620628 Also the cool thing is that Japanese government is paying some companies to leave CN, maybe that influenced the decision as well. In general this makes me happy
>>29621215I hope not
>>29621113>mfw i got that dream twice this weekFUCK
>>29621188>>29621207As fucked as that is I wouldn't be able to stop laughing at the irony of her starting to make the tower of babel and then fucking dying.
>>29621188Don't Australia and New Zealand have really good responses to covid and barely any infections?
>>29621123It seems like even if Coco hadn't done anything, them viewing her position as 'world's no.1 superchatted girl' and the money she makes could've given China some concern and made them place restrictions on simping anyway.
>>29621172>You have limited options for entertainment because your country doesn't innovate and its markets are incredibly slow to adopt global innovationsexplain tiktok and genshin impact? what about 5g?
>>29621188Truly, Haachama ended up bein the who Faded
>>29621037Gura still talks to her senpais though, or at least tires to. She said she talked to Marine and Shion and hinted at talking to others.
>Calli Korone collab>Kiara Pekora collabHow will the Trinity retaliate?
>>29621100This makes me wonder. What mics do the holos use? thinly veiled microphone reccomendation question.
>>29621213A very beleevable narrative.
>>29621113It could be worse.
pack it up boys, the meemay is ruined
>>29621213There is no Haachama collab. It was supposed to be today.
>>29620628am i being baited? the bugmen cant be this retarded right?
You know who kiara reminds me of?
Watching LA Noire now, honestly is she just a retard or is it something else?She literally doesn't seem to be paying any attention at all to anything and doesn't remember stuff she found or was told to her immediately moments ago either, she's just running around waiting to move to the next scene. Half the stuff she finds is from backseat spamming too
>>29621123Governments don't operate with such efficiency, decisions like these must go through months of red tape and paperwork. They most likely started drafting these laws when Hololive first exploded in popularity earlier this year.
>>29621255>GurAme>InAme>GuraIna>GurInAmeeach 2 times in one week.
>>29621255By actually streaming?
>>29621259I don't get the punchline, never played MMOs
>Chicken gets 500k>Ina playing comfy Sakuna later>Bugmen getting destroyed What a beautiful morning to wake up to
>>29621110Every once in a while Coco drops the mickey mouse shit and actually tries, and although I'd hesitate to call her 'good', you can definitely see that she'd be pretty decent with some polish.
>>29620628Just as planned
>>29621289That's just the issue with games that require thought + streaming.Your attention is already split for the best of streamers, and then there's Ame.There's still things you can find enjoyable about it, though.
>>29621262you new or what?
>>29621310He's talking about a wedding ring
>>29621255there is no trinity only unity
>>29621289Streamers will never ever pay attention to the story of a game they stream, there's too much else on their mind
>>29621310Punchline is that his wife died.
>>29621289>is she just a retardWhat do you think
>>29621289It's called acting anon, she played it before
>>29621310He was going to marry her
>>29621245>good responses>mandatory shutdown of businesses and forced isolation in the home and fines for even stepping outside to walk the dog>for a virus with 99.7% survivability That's a good one.
>>29621259That hit like a ton of bricks, what the fuck
>>29621289Pausing to think isn't Amelia's thing.That's more like Ina's.
>>29620644maybe Ina since she's the only competent end game player if you look at her resume. clearing ultimate raids in ffxiv
>>29621289She's not much of a singer but she's hell of an actor
>>29621289Ame has massive adhd. Even when shes ignoring the shit out of the chat she cant pay attention to whats in front of her.She's the exact opposite of a detective
So does hlgg now see Yagoo as best girl like reddit does?
>>29621278>chinks cant be this [x] right?every single time
>>29621123That's even more based.
>>29621289>watching for gameplayJust enjoy her dumb antics and comments. It was a really fun stream.
>>29621249>tiktokAre you 13?>Genshin ImpactNice BotW knock off feat. Gacha
>>29621249Tiktok is just vines rebranded, a fad that's old enough to run its course and go out of business half a decade before tiktok came around, Zhou.Thanks for taking the bait, though.
NNN DAY 23 a great day for NUT
>>29620503They are a black company
>>29621262Dude you serious? Did you seriously think that hlgg invented gosling?
>>29619665I would ensure she has a top tier education and comfy bedroom, but take all her earned streamer money except Mcdonalds allowance
>>29621289Anon, she chased pigeons around in the middle of investigating a house. I’m pretty sure the answer to your question is clear.
>>29621257For EN, I only know Kiara has a Shure SM7B, and Mori has some big dick $5000 Manley mic, but I don't know which model. both probably have some configuration problems though.
>>29621360>Ina>the girl that shat on HL2 and made half the thread turn on her for a while because she paid zero attention
>>29621259Oh man...
I slept 2 hours, i'm somewhat ready for fire emblem stream.
>>29620628Wow, Cover actually did something smart for once. Can you imagine if they actually went down the other road?>Axe one of their biggest SC earners to preserve their access to the Chinese market>The CN branch gets fucked into irrelevance by these regulations a few months laterIt would've been a disaster all around. I bet the chink antis are seething beyond belief right now, hahahaha
>>29621262How new?
>>29621289>watching LA noire for the gameplaystop being a vagina and have fun for once
>All these people posting about their cool holo-related dreams>Had to follow Jeremy Clarkson who was on a kick scooter around in a yellow VW beetleIt's not fair.
>>29621282The best part of /hlgg/ is because everyone is from everywhere you see old memes like this. Cant believe this was 2017.
I now see why hlgg kept adopting HoloJPs as honorary EN, the HoloENs are too fucking boring compared to them
>>29621326Once again, I kneel.
>>29621348Anon, lockdowns are a tradeoff.Very well known economic damage (from businesses being closed) versus sorting out damage from cases popping up every now and then.In Australia's case, low population density + harsh lockdown straight away + populace that's relatively less retarded than the US = good response and cases die down fast
>>29621411>$5000 mic>still peaks like crazy when you sing and sounds like buttI guess just throwing money at stuff isn't always the solution
>>29621348That's fucking dumb
maybe Ina won't post schedule and put up the YT stream so early to make up for that...
>>29621255Gura and Fubuki Collab
>>29621437I only dream about /hlgg/ most of the time and maybe the occasional Gura dream
>>29621437Fucking kek
>>29621437That sounds quite funny though anon
>Ame's LA NoireNPCS in that game are like
Another week of watching skanks retending to be cute anime girls playing games poorly. What the fuck am I doing with my life?
>>29621259>One day you will die and your loved ones will only be left with hollow possessions of yours that no longer have a use>They will either end up selling some of your possessions to pay for funeral expenses or they will collect dust in your room that has been left intact since your death
>>29621326Yagoo... I kneel...
>>29621476I can't wait.
Chicken will stream again in 30 min. And fembots wake up in about 2h. Prepare for another round of fiery threads filled with cranky trannies.
>>29620927I click this without changing my sound levels every time
>>29621411>>29621456What's the solution for microphones peaking anyway? lower gain? going farther from the mic and turning volume up on the software side?
>>29621289She's playing it like a standard modern walking simulator, she's a zoomer who's not really used to more involved games.
>>29621360>"I don't understand half life lore">Someone talks>"You know, this makes me remember wallace & gromit"
>>29621379Fuck off reddit.
>>29620628Reminder according to the Chinese CN was cancelled because of Coco. Please take a small time out of your day to KNEEL to Coco, as without her and Haachama we wouldn't have dodged this bullet!Coco, I KNEEL!
>>29621531>hikki women>waking up before noon
>>29621391Can confirm. I literally work for tiktok. I can't rat out shit because literal bugmen are in these threads.
>>29621531I haven't seen any stream reservation for her FE stream though
>>29621413>t. Valve shill
>>29621427Chink antis will never shit on Xi and CCP. They will warp their minds to make it out to be a good thing.
>>29621413tbf she should have played hl1 instead of hl2
>>29621536I'll never not find ear rape funny For some real fun press e
> does gura like shion so much?
>Ame confirms Watson Industries Holiday Party where someone gets too drunkWho will it be?
>>29621437Anon, that sounds fucking based though.
>>29621545Wallace and Gromit >>>>> HL lore
>>29621572Don't forget Mori. Without her Akas lapping HoloCN they probably wouldn't be able to leave.
>>29621262God, I swear the amount of newfags has tripled lately. Shit like this, along with people going "Is this real?" to pastas like Nenechi's.I bet a lot of people just coming here for Hololive don't even know what 2hu is, ever played a 7th expansion game, or don't even know what an onahole is. They probably don't even fucking know it was made as a containment board.
>>29621616Gura of course
>>29621545Streamers need to talk to entertain chat. It just so happens that streaming is a poor way for a streamer to experience a game's story
Do you think it's within the realm of possibility that Artia could come back and do a collab with Coco?
>>29621627I love HL, but this.
>>29621592>Valve>giving a fuck about Half Life in 2020Alyx only exists because they wanted to shill their VR set lol
>>29621608Kusogaki's gotta stick together
>>29620628To the people who are amazed by Cover's decision, this was always speculated to happen. I'm even surprised that they only did this now considering how detatched the whole idea with the party's beliefs. Chinks hate anonymity and neutrality. Cover was really dumb for wasting time and resources and attempting to enter one of the most heavily regulated markets in the world. Meanwhile, Kizuna Ai is definitely fucked with this lol
>>29621616Ina, and she bursts out of her shell and starts rappingShe doesn't remember anything afterwards
>>29621608because everyone likes Shion!
>>29621608someone post the clip of Gura saying cunny
>>29621262Surely not...
>>29621437I wouldn't call my holo dream cool.>Walking to the kitchen in 'my' house to get a frozen pizza prepared for Ame>Just so she can watch Gura, not even for a GFE dream, I was just heating a pizza for her then dream ends
>>29621337Only shitty streamers let streaming get in the way of enjoying the story. Most of the time its simply because they dont actually pay attention to game naratives in general and just care to apeal to their audience only
>>29621616Ina gets too drunk and her anger issues come out.
I tried drawing Moona
>>29621646Not without writing off her family and friends in the PRC and obtaining a non-chink citizenship. Especially considering the most recent developments.
>>29621656Still waiting for Ricochet 2
>>29621646Artia's only on a student visa and not a permanent US resident, so no.
>>29621645That's a pretty poor defense. You can just talk when the story bits aren't happening, which is like 95% of the game.
I don't understand how anyone can play ARK for so long
>>29621608My narrative is she always manage to catch Shion's streams because of her stream schedule. Shion mostly streams at 8am PST.
>>29621055I hope Korone doesn't hold back
These two were made for each otherGura:
>>29621337This is only true for female streamers, male streamers usually don't have this problem
>>29621703Looks great man! Need the hair shinies though
>>29621729A match made in heaven
>>29621572I kneel.
>>29620628hahahahahahahaget fucked artiafags
>>29621726On what?
>>29621110i think that she has gotten better, but i think that she has trouble with songs with a lower pitched vocals. however, on higher pitches she is doing great. she absolutely killed "my heart will go on" in my opinion
>>29621055ame x aqua/robocomori x koronechicken x pekoraina x ?gura x ?
>>29621640 >2huAre you implying one of the holos did a Too Human playthrough or something?
>>29620915She can't. She's fucked.
>>29621729Do you think Ame actually considers herself smarter than Gura?
>>29621326I-I kneel
>>29621255Ame HaachamaIna MarineGura shion coco
>>29619876Honestly she probably would have a little of she didn't have such a ridiculous growth rate. Celebrating milestones/success is something that pretty much the entire fanbase enjoys, but in Gura's case she's blown through everything so fast that most of the milestones that would have had some minor celebration don't feel like major achievements, and she's probably self conscious about how it would look to talk about it considering how quick she blew by her predecessors.
>>29621802Ame is smarter than Gura but that is a low bar.Haachama is by far the smartest EN anyway.
kinda getting sick of Minecraft streams ngl
>>29621055>KoronexMori collab>this weekAnonchama...
>>29620628Yeah, Cover probably saw something like this coming. Ended up making the right call.
>>29621535lower gain, if this makes your normal talking too low then you need an audio compressor or else don't scream
>>29621660Wait.. Why Kizuna affected by this?Any other company got affected too? I guess it would be niji CN..
>>29621823She'll get another chance to celebrate them on her way back down soon
>>29621791With Holofes2 coming up Coco might be able to participate in a good way this time
>>29621834>Immediately calls the Asian the smartestFuck off you racist
Avocado handgun.
>>29620915>can a literal whore to the CCP comment on a CCP policy publiclyAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
>>29621337This is why I love my chicken. She loves stories and knows when to switch to paying attention to the game, even self inserting into the game a bit to really experience the game while also providing entertainment.
>>29621791This bitch is kinda cute
>>29621793Ina x Marine (after they free up some time on their schedules)Gura x Fubuki (Phasmophobia collab, cute noises)
>>29621836>Minecraftit's just a zatsudan stream with autist box game on the background, pretty comfy even though I haven't played the game at all.
>>29621866What did he mean by this?
>>29621744Hololive Gamers can both stream while playing the game with story just fine, especially Korone, she's just insanely good at it
>>29621802She's more intellegent but has a low attention span which means she frequently doesn't pay attention or just rushes things without thinking through them clearly.
>>29621719Tell that to Coco
>>29621793ina x fubuki/marine soon hopefully
>>29619990Honestly it doesn't shock me that she's an Edeltard. Her fans remind me heavily of Edelgard's fans.
>>29621879would be nice if she'd stop being watame 2.0
>>29621879She also has the worst numbers in all of HoloEN lol
>>29620915I think in China it would be highly inadvisable to do so. Considering any opinion other than "CCP banxai!" would earn her a slap on the wrist, a kick to the teeth and a black bag.
>>29621879I hope she does more fairy tales, I thought the fisrt one was quite good.
>>29621896She's even worse. It's a genuine addiction.
>>29621836I've cut down to only watching MC from Gura and Ame's perspective, that way I can still be surprised by new stuff that I see the others build when those 2 discover them.
>>29621888I think Ina and Kiara are coming round to that idea, where the previous goals of their recent streams have been less concrete and more 'let's just go adventuring with chat and see what happens'.
>>29621906It's been a while, but I feel like she was getting cold feet about Edelgard in one of her streams, might end up going church.
>>29621906Somehow Kiara can actually think more than Edelgard
>>29621891He's doomposting, nevermind him.
>>29621906As a Kiara fan I personally wanted her to go Golden Deer, but, eh, lesbians/bi women. never make good judgment in other women
>>29621791this is pretty good but I still hate her
>>29621535Switch back to a dynamic microphone that can actually handle loud sounds. If Mori is using a condenser microphone a compressor won't really help if she's clipping the limits of the mic already, it can't compress information it doesn't receive. She can only turn the volume down.
>>29621922This, but I hope she uses her Takanashi DLC voice.
>>29621748Thanks, I'll add them later
>>29621872Fuck off, newfag chink
>>29621913what do you mean? crying?
>>29621866from which paralell universe are you?
Having added her roommate to YT chat filter Kiara has done a good job not fucking up and slipping so she probably learned her lesson
>>29621872He's not wrong.
>>29621955God dammit am I the only one here who wants Kiara to stick with the "Kiara Takanashi" voice. It's like she's chirping at you and I think it's cute.
>>29621927but can you blame her for that?
>>29620628Expect to see the same thing happen to HoloEN day 1 that Biden is in office.
>>29621922Risu has also done one as well. I don't know if it'll be a regular thing but it's nice to see her branch out a bit.
>>29621866Friendly reminder that gura still gets over 10k subs a day
>>29622002>>>/pol/ go back faggot
>>29621989>am I the only oneI'd usually tell you to fuck off but yeah, her in-character voice is pretty cute.
Ina ina inaaaaa!
>>29621983I thought they did that by default. In Ame's SC stream there're people typed her and gura's roommates and the message get instantly deleted.
>>29620628Also>When socially famous people and overseas people intend to set up a streaming channel, the platform should report to the authority beforehand>Streamers, especially top-earning (i.e. very famous, lots of subs) streamers, should be educated on relevant laws and regulations. >Streamers who repeatedly have problems should be taken off of recommendations, limit stream times, lowered in rankings and urged to fix the problem within a set time. >Those who do keep breaching rules will have their channels shut down, blacklisted and reported to authority, and are no longer allowed to stream under a new identity (i.e. new avatar, new username etc) or platform. >Users not verified (link ID with account) cannot SC, minors cannot SC. The platform should set up a limit for daily and monthly donations. >When half of that limit is reached, the user should be notified and confirm, in order to further donate. If the upper limit is reached, the donation function should be suspended>Platforms should set up a delay for donations If the streamer breaks the law, the platform should return the donations back to the users.
>>29621970Watame was also a big numberfag. Took Coco to talk her the fuck out of it.
>>29620915Anon, she and her family can literally be killed if she comments on this.
ame and gura were in the discord making babies and i saw the baby and rhe baby looked at me
>>29621437It sounds better than dreaming about War of the Worlds tripods erasing my house kek
What the fuck? My sister listens to Takayan too. We called each other degenerates then we went back to work/study.
>>29621989It's fine, but I'd like her to mix it up between the two voices like Risu does, not as a permanent thing.
>>29621866Bit poor form to celebrate lapping your senpais anonchama... she'll probably just do a 2m celebration stream before Christmas.
Kiara's next potential guest for Holotalk is Coco Kiryu but plans may change
>>29621437>Fall asleep to Amelia Mario stream last week>Have my first nightmare in monthsInteresting.
>>29622002That would literally be a threat to the so call freedom and USA will be again on a state of chaotic protests.Besides, only Ame and Gura are in burgerland. Ina is in Canada and Takamori in Japan.
>>29622036Jesas. Imagine being a chink in 2020.
>>29622033Probably meant banning her roommate account from commenting so she doesn't fuck up again like she did the other day
I have a confession to make I shared one of Kiara's roommate song because I love it and wanted to people to know her full potential but now, after seeing it being part of compilation post I feel like shit. I had the doxxbeats as reference and still didn't foresee something like this, I'm retard, I'm so sorry
>>29619654>>29619846Bitch, I believe this.
>>29622046Isn't Coco a numberfag too?
>>29622036God damn imagine being the programming team who have to set up all of the routines necessary for this to work
>>29620628Is it wrong I don't really disagree with most of these? Refunding donations for "illegal activities" seems like it makes sense (if the illegal activities are stuff like killing a kitten on stream or whatever, not like sedition)
>>29618474Ok, whoever is doing these is shit at numberfagging. I knew intuitively things were wrong when I saw Shions high average. It's true she had a few highly viewed streams since she came back, but those were pretty short, so the true average would be determined by the longer, less viewed streams.So after inspecting I found where they store their scraped data, which is ***[ID]*** &metrics=youtube_stream_viewer where, for example, EBf517WnihQ is the ID for her new outfit reveal. That gives us the view count every 15 seconds, so putting all of those in a spreadsheet, we see pic related. Her true average is a full 10k lower than what was shown in that other spreadsheet. I'd expect similar deviations for all other Holos, since the methodology used was clearly retarded.
>>29622071I'd personally prefer someone who the EOPs haven't really gotten to know yet, probably someone like Mel, Flare or Roboco, although having Coco in the show with her current situation would be pretty nice.
>>29622063Or she could have a 'Dark Phoenix' mode like Kurokami Fubuki.On second thoughts, that could get scary pretty quickly.
>>29622036Yeah this doesn't surprise me at all. They've been assigning cops to tail and harass foreign residents over there whereabouts randomly for years at this point.
>>29622098She is but she is a successful numberfag so it doesn't affect her
>>29622046You got any clips on that? Or is it off stream?
>>29622092I mean people already know who she was... If you could find it those people could too
>>29622098All of them are
>>29622036Are there just a bunch of chinks sitting in a government office who's whole job it is to set up retarded regulation? I seriosuly cannot think of how anyone else could have come up with these rules.
>>29622098almost all of the JPs numberfag in some way, some worse than kiara
>>29622100eh being cucked by regulation is par for the course. GDPR compliance is worse than any of the stuff required by this
> gura and shion collab when?
>>29622036>>29620628So, basically, streaming in China is now an insane convoluted mess of rules where anything can be used as an excuse to boot you off the platform or worse.
>>29622103Its also illegal in china to mention taiwan or have the freedom to think for yourself
>>29622126I'm in favour of Dark Phoenix Kiara. That sounds like a nice idea, the "No limiter" form if you will.
>>29622136>If you could find it those people could tooThis is retarded, not everyone wants to see her and know what the fuck she did before Hololive.
Do you think Kiara knows about all the horrible things the antis say about her behind her back?
Blessed Coco!
>>29620316>EU prime timeEU prime time is 7PM, Ina is streaming at 9PM CET.
>>29622033no im talking about the youtube extension everyone uses to filter chat so you can do stuff like see only moderator messages, it has an option for filtering so you can see only specific users and having added her account to it she hasn't slipped
>>29622092Confession accepted
>>29622071Kiara said that her next guest is someone that was recommended by Marine, all we know is that she's an older generation and has a lot of stories to tell overseas fans
>>29622172yes and she needs to stop listening to them
>>29622157Anon that's the third time this video has been posted in this thread...
>>29622172Behind her back?
>>29622098Yes. She even showed the projected dates for certain Hololive members to reach 1 million subs on Asacoco.
>>29622103Nah, things like this and the underage timelock on games are good in theory. The problem is giving such power to a tyrannical government, no matter how incompetent they are in wielding it.
>>29622107Based numberchad, destroying narratives once again.
>>29620628wtf I love Coco now?!
>>29622157At this point they don't even have to talk, I would still watch
>>29622172She's talked about going to the "bad place" before, which is either here or 5ch, so yes.
>>29622172I mean she was the one that told Polka not to listen to the retarded antis so hopefully she can follow her own advice
>get back from work>still no 森 schedule>still no MO scheduleAAAAAAAAAA ONEGAI
>>29622149If China is anything like Russia then yes, absolutely.t. Russian
>>29622182>EU Prime Time lasts only one hour
>>29622103Illegal activities are up to the authority though, and that can always have a loose definition.
>>29622172>behind her back
>>29622185this needs a soundpost with Kirei's theme.
>>29622157Not soon enough.
>>29622100Laws and regulations are easy to program for, lawyer are almost as autistic as programmers and specify things pretty clearly. Clients who give you briefs like "make it better, make it different" are unironically much more of pain
>>29622157Anon at least read the thread before posting. I know you got too excited by their interaction..
>>29622214Did the video render actually kill her PC?
>>29622157i need the fucking doujin please do a collab
>>29619982>garlicHolo kek
>>29622214I'll never forget how pleased with herself Mori was when she beat us in pong, so fucking cute.
>>29622092just dont fuck up in the future, cause non doxclucks hate that shit
>>29622103>chinese "legal frameworks"BIG fucken kusa.
>>29622188It's gonna be Miko or Sora, my money is on Miko
>>29622203Who doesn't?
>>29622228>>29622185With a Gura edit, right?
>>29619935Blessed be paintbro
>>29621531I like Kiara too but can we not enter a "everyone who criticizes anything is x" thing? It never results in anything good.
>>29622036And there's "people" in western countries that actually look up to China
>>29622172She has been dealing with antis for almost 10 years. I'm pretty sure she knows.
>>29622207It's not 5ch. Japs liked kiara more than the other girls for the first few weeks before /cgl/s schizonarratives reached to them. It's definitely this shithole
>>29622214You don't need a schedule when you aren't planning to stream.
>>29622188I would've thought Rushia would've been a good follow-up considering how well they got on, but in terms of older gens with stories to tell overseas fans I'm thinking FBK, though I'd place an outside bet on Aki consdering she's Gen 1 with a significant overseas following.
>>29622282Gura wishes she had a voice as sexy as Kirei's
>>29621572thank you coco for DESTROYING the chinksthank you mori as well for financially compensating for themhonorable mention for kiara for being one of the first to ignore their existence
>>29622158Must be Miko, I can't think anything else. we finally get to see Gura collab with a JP?
>>29622103I assure you that the government can stretch 'illegal activity' to mean whatever they want it to mean.
>>29622297It was likely the /cgl/ colony.
>>29622333You're doing this on purpose now, stop.
I'm falling in love with pixels
>>29622290>I like Kiara tooAh yes the typical "I like [x] BUT...." of every anti posters
Kiara easily has the best schedule this week
So Kiara and Ame has the most hours streams per week right?
>>29620577The scream at 0:32 really got me, nicely done
My theory is that Mori is actually the one making most of the anti-chicken posts here.
>says she'll take 2 days off for health reasons>will put out a cover in less than 24 hoursit must be the numbers; this girl really doesn't want to idle a single day
>Coco switches to SC stream>Chink botters are too retarded to realise she hasn't endedHow embarrassing.
>>29622103>Streamer mentions that they may have pirated films before>CCP catches word>Pay up citizenIt's that easy
>>29622204>>29622248fuck, this is what happens when you browse /jp/ while in online class
>Coco singing RIP again
>>29622379fuck my college class, im just gonna listen to kiara
>>29622162>That sounds like a nice idea, the "No limiter" form if you will.Actually, it sounds kinda terrifying.
>>29622360Don't fucking tell people, you fucking nigger. I'll go fucking poggers on you, my nig
>>29622405Don't do that, anon...
>>29622360wrong :}
>>29622103Regulation needs to be clear and objective. Vague terms like "repeatedly have problems" or "illegal activity" are clearly designed to give a lot of authority to the agencies that have to execute the policy, which in the case of the CCP will attempt to enforce party policy above all else. Regulation like this isn't meant to help the consumer, it's meant to control the medium for the benefit of those in power.
>>29622402Didn't she already do it in this utawaku?
M'lady Mori... It's almost 7 AM... I need to sleep.. I won't be able to catch your schedule it seems..... Goodnight, my Cringebeats...
>>29622405Stay in school! The archive will always not always be there for you!
>>29622383>Live footage of /hlgg/ during Gura's first and second karaoke
Mori/Coco collab when?
>>29621660Kizuna Ai is an indie now, Upd8 disbands at the end of the year, she already left and bought out her avatar (it's the original VA btw)
Why is Amelia so perfect? I mean it, genuinely. She's fascinating to me. The moment I saw her, I knew. I wish she was real, and mine.
Kiara better rant about THAT tweet reply
>>29622407all shall love Kiara and despair
>>29622162>The darkest manifestation of a high school mean girl>Princess Kiara voice
>>29622405if you have to be present for college classes in order to pass, you weren't going to make it in the first place
>>29622449Anonchama, there will be no schedule. Just do your reps for a week.
>>29622404>did someone actually sewed this poor fucking rats into an actual human centipede.Nice someone sew doxxfags next.
>>29620757drink the menhera juiceNOW
>>29620628>>29622036>That one anon who insisted not mentioning Taiwan is just how you do business in China, please understand that's it's a reasonable request>A week later, completely unexpected for anyone who streams in china, a whole pdf of new, arbitrary restrictions that apply ex post factoYeah no, I understand why many companies are pulling out of china when this is just demonstrative of how they've always treated their business "partners"
Jesus christ the thread is dead as fuck right now.
>>29622188>>29622475she HAS met sora before so its very possible
>>29622445Yeah, about an hour in, dunno if this is getting archived, but you can rewind the live stream.
>>29622297How much does 5ch reflect on the average jp viewership? I don't get why they don't particularly care for her but then I see a lot of positive feedback from jp fans on twitter and chat.
>>29622405Do your schoolreps so you get the money to buy drop fat superchats later on anon
man, chicken is really excited about that song
>open chicken stream>she's opening the stream>she advertises the single before the stream has even technically started>close stream
>Coco doing an actual Mickey Mouse voiceOkay, that's pretty funny.
>Open Chicken stream>BUY MY SONGS>Close Mori stream
I hope holoEN will sing some Bon Jovi song
>>29622503>Not Holy>Not Roman>Not an EmpireHRE FAGS BTFO
Hello, can you hear me, pilot with the three arrows?
>>29622172Considering someone tweeted her a whole bunch of negative comments made here to her, she's well aware. She even mentioned that a particular negative (thought apparently not ill-meaning) post on reddit sent her into a funk that lasted a day.
>>29622505Wouldn't you be as well? She's actually pursuing her dreams, I'd be shilling the shit out of everything I did in her position.
>>29622231That's kind of heartwarming. Who's going to sit down and have this chat with Kiara once a week?
>>29622490Damn nice shot
>>29622469I'd pay for this shit.
>>29622493chicken hours + FE3H expect the thread to shit the bed in 1-2 hours
Fire Emblem: Three Arrows
>>29622460She's nothing special, she is no super talented artist, singer, player... She's just a regular girl with a very pretty voice.And that's why she's fascinating, she looks and sounds much closer to us than other Holos. Like, it feels like I could've actually become her friend in some other occasion, while other Holos do not give me this feeling (Ina and Mori look like the ones who would be harder to become friends with unless you get deep into their hobbies).Not my oshi, but I think that's her appeal.Oh, also I want to rape her avatar.
>>29622541How much is it? I might have some spare cash to support chicken.
>>29622529Hey << Buddy >>
>>29622405Good choice anonRemember that Kiara is the most important thing
>>29622103Think of it this way.You're big chinese streamerYou make tonnes of moneyChinese oligarch wants your money Calls up his pal Winnie the PoohNew law passed in days, it is now illegal to be you Pay up goyThat's the long and short of it. These laws give the party freedom to seize assets on a whim. This happened because HoloCN managed to pull out before the CCO could gut them for mahjong money and they don't want to let that happen again. Artia streaming on twitch is, for example, illegal in China.
>>29622526Kiara is my kaiserine i'll support her restoring the HRE
It's a great day for consuming nuts, /hlgg/
>>29622493this is NULL hours. kiara probably picked the worse possible time slot to stream in.
Do you think Kiara's going to continue advertising her single after it's released too? For how much time?
Kiara should just follow internet historian and have the words go all over the screen and the game.
Is Matsuri the next Honorary HoloEN member or something?She's getting posted here a lot
>>29622520You're in luck buddy
Will chikin ever fix her OBS scene so that the overlay is above the chat and game?The answer is no.
>>29622598We already have one menhera, we don't have room for another.
>Over 600 dollars in 5~ minutes
>>29622589She'll just mention its sales during superchat readings
Is the Mesugaki in her chat? Or is she sending a message?
>>29622610Someone should tell her
>Shion talking to Kiara
>>29622103It's China, it will be exclusively for shit like sedition. Some are relatively fine but in Chinese context it's just a big CCP powergrab
>>29622460She is real...
>>29622490That's a lotta juice
>>29622641Lurk more, faggot
>>29622641numbers are heavier than subscirbers
>>29622491That was either a highly fluent chink (unlikely) or just a raider from Artia's discord. Fuck what they say.
>Kiara opens literally every game>Has forgotten where she is at and how the game worksShe needs to play baldurs gate in 2 week intervals
>>29622517You got me with this one i chuckled.
What would cuddles with Kiara be like?
>>29622633Oh fucc it looks like those stupid /v/ wojaks. God fucking dammit she needs some smaller glasses with square frames that are further apart, preferably dark blue or brown in colour
>>29622625why are takodachis called tentacult again?
>>29622625TENCHOU LOVE!
>>29622625>superchat not talking about suicide or self-harmFAKE
>>29622665the thighs would be thick and her hair soft
>>29622630But then we don't get to see the corner chicken in distress as its neck is constantly sliced through by the chat.
shalom,just reported amelia for streaming hatespeachgraduation inbound
>>29622665Warm and fluffy.
Did Mori publish her schedule for the members yet?
>>29622490>You... w-wanna see how hard I can piss?>Anon, that's disgusting! You're d-disgusting!>I... I didn't say no, Anon...>Here...
>>29622665probably rather warm given she has phoenix fire in her
>>29622625If Deadbeats aren't a cult then KFP aren't one either.
>>29622598She lusts after Gura, that's the only connection I can think of.
for anyone that missed it 10 hours
>>29622670canadian moose conspiricy
It's just me or this thread is going slow?
>>29622669the ones yuna gave her for the german lessons were pretty cute
>>29622670Forcing the name 'tentacult' was a successful psyop by Mori's Canadian friend and her fanbase.
>>29622658No the CCP are purposefully putting up these restrictions to falseflag against Artia pls anadastand
I had a dream last night where I was first gen Holostars but we were all very unpopular, so Cover made me go on Holotalk to drum up popularity but the stream got less than 200 viewers and Kiara and I both got fired for it
>>29622682You're going to the gas chambers, Edgar.
>>29622695Imagine nibbling her feather-growths
what's the narratives with matsuri
>>29622681>Noticing picThat's some next tier autism, anon.
Can you fags at least post marine every now and then instead of just three meme arrows? I like that image
>>29622526How to ruin something good by putting niggerspeak in it, disgusting.
>>29622491>many companiesLike what?
>>29622641Tell me anon which 3 lines are so commonly repeated when kiara is streaming?
>>29622274>MikoI hope not. Kiara/Miko is the collab I want to see the most, but I want it to be a game collab.
>>29622087It's ok when my party does it.
>>29622665Warm but also gross because she uses shit like gravy on her hair
>>29622710Nothing is truly outside of their reach.
>>29622726Emotionally unstable, has a sexy roommate.
>>29622713americans are mostly dead, atleast until around an hour later
>>29622733You can have this.
>>29622707Kek. Do you think Mori knows how to soundpost?
>>29621491>Value SelectYeah, I'm thinknig "based" as f-word.
>Kiara killing jojofags in chatbest girl
>>29622682Pretty bold of you to say that here during Kiara hours.
>>29622665Fiery!, which one of you fags etc etc.
>>29622615We have 2 why not make it 3?
>>29622716Based Canadian moose cult throwing the feds off their trail
/k/fp here, do you owns guns?
>>29622707aah shit, fucked up the link
Ironically Haachama is actually one of the most stable and well grounded holos though she went through some hard times in the past, but she came through it a much stronger woman for it
>>29622682Only one solution for posters like you
She's almost a bit too excited over the song given that it sounded like a pretty generic idol jpop song. Not to be rude, but it didn't exactly stand out.
>>29622762Thanks for the recognition, g.
>>29622716What the fuck is this shit?
>>29622778Probably the same dude who did all the other based ads
>>29622720Anon...that isn't a dream
>>29622733take this
>>296227784872 here! This is some good shit. Thanks to the anon who made this
>>29622721You don't know how fucking creepy it is when someone uses your name when lurking
>>29622707Better than Mori
>>29622665She take care of herself so it will smell good, warm and extremely comfy.
>>29622796I mean. Have you heard what she seems to enjoy singing?
>>29622682Hallo!Get in.
>>29622598These threads are filled with EOPs, and EOPs love Matuli because they're only familiar with her funny meme lolicon bandaid clip side and not her "i'll cling to whoever looks fun and drop them after they reciprocate my attention" side
>>29622784Well yes, my grandpa still have a Chinalake with 5 bullets.
>>29622707>Big PoppaFucking based.
>>29622753Why is she like this?
I don't get why people throw so much money at Mori and Kiara when their content is bad.
>>29621703Not my style, but A for effort
>>29622814not a fan of how small her head is in this
>>29622720At least did you point out the numbers?
>>29622821Shut the fuck up, James Smith, and go back to work.
>>29622827this but unironically, anon is a fucking lyricist
>>29622821Thank god my name is unique enough where that never happens
>>29620743Not just nijis, but the entire chinese livestream industry.She's just that based.
>>29622154It's always funny to me how Kiara acts and conducts herself just like a HoloJP, but she gets endless amounts of hate for it.People were mad that she was doing a 500k karaoke stream, despite the fact that there have been several "karaoke until ???k subs" streams from HoloJP girls in the past week alone.
>>29622784Tentacultists do.
>>29622778Kek. I fucking love /hlgg/
>>29622846Jokes on you, I like Mori's content.
>>29622733I hear wombposting
what is even the deal with marine
>>29622853You think I was being unironic?
>>29622727It's bothered me since day 1 since I've fucked around with OBS a fair bit myself.The chat window isn't behind the overlay, and it's too large for it to the point that it not only goes out of the white box but outside of the canvas itself on the right. As for the game window, it's also above the overlay and the box itself in the overlay is weirdly too tall for it to be good for 16:9.
>>29622716Wait, what? This girl was streaming herself watching the debuts and was the one who came up with tentacult?
>gushing over virtual girlsshe's just like us
>>29622733You can have Tenchou instead
>>29622834But that is my favorite part of her. Watching her destroy herself is amazing.
>>29622834>"i'll cling to whoever looks fun and drop them after they reciprocate my attention"Why is she like this again?
>>29622834Don't use my cat to shitpost you faggot
>>29622494and it might help Sora with getting rid of her goddess status with en fans
>>29622778That's pretty good.
>>296227841 handgun.
>>29622846Why are you obsessed with content consumption?
>>29622778Here's the obligatory soundpost
Does she want to FUCK Lystinkya?
>Kiara has been playing 3H for like two months now>Hasn't even hit the timeskip yetThis is why you're dead last in the numbers game, chicken.
>>29622834There are a lot of clips about that though? I got really invested in Festivaluna just from the hours of clips about it.
>>29622854I get fucking scared during Kiara SC readings because many of the donators share my first name"MY NAME blah blah danke schon!""Wha-oh it's just that guy.."
I actually think Ina's Korean is very cute and want to hear her say more, but I'm scared that it might cause some hate on her by JPs/spoiler]
>>29622888What part of what he said is wrong? The Matsuri cycle is well documented at this point, and it's not as if she denies it.
>>29622846Haachama has the best content of any hololive, throw your money and subscriptions at her please
>>29622865Thanks to you fuckers my entire JP art folder is softcore porn
>>29622778Ina singing Oceanman when?
>>29622846maybe its because their content is good
>>29622784guns are illegal here :( my grandmother has a bolt action rifle though
>>29622868you mean ironic
>>29622849What about this?
>>29622796neither does Marine's
>>29622899She's competitive in the only numbers that matter, anon.
If they were do to Holostars EN, would it be better to do a full gen or a 3-person one?
>>29622921much better
>>29622036>streamers should be educated on relevant laws and regulations>Those who do keep breaching rules will have their channels shut down, blacklisted and reported to authoritySounds wonderful... I bet they get bonus credits for towing the party line too.
>>29622726>actual lolicon, like "wants child actors to be allowed to do porn so she can have live-action loli rape and snuff porn">trouble with boundaries, groped several Holo girls when meeting in person>menhera / mental illness, has gone on long emotional rants on her members posts and roommate twitter account>had a takamori-style thing going with luna for a bit, apparently believed it was more like our narratives of gurame discord sex and made luna afraid of her (luna called matsuri recently, which would have btfod this narrative, except matsuri said "you're talking to me like you're my girlfriend, luna~!" to her in the call)>is so mentally ill that when was late for her stream, her fans, her coworkers, and even her mother were legit worried she had killed herselfthere's plenty more and i probably got some of this wrong but it gives you a good idea
>>29622918Yeah I noticed that right after I hit submit
>>29622857lol, Kanata is literally going to do one today and she is at 492k
>>29622885fear of making a connection and then losing it so she purposely shoves them away so she doesn't have to worry about losing them sicne they are already gone
>>29622858Tentacultists being tacticoolfags seems oddly fitting.
>>29622905The Japs literally don't give a shit about her being Korean, the only way they'd care about that aspect is if she started soapboxing about the Dokdo islands or something.
>>296229264 is best for multiplayer games options.
>>29622641OH. I just got it thanks to your post. I knew what the posts were about but for some reason I never connected them to those specific open/close greentexts until now. Or maybe I just forgot. I need to sleep.
>>29622916Which third world shithole are you trapped in, maybe we can break you out.
>>29622885Mental illness. The kind a lot of people have where they're attracted exclusively to people they know will keep them at arm's length. She gets really uncomfortable when people actually flirt back with her.
Just woke up. Made this for the other SCPfag anon earlier today
>>29622938happens to the best of us
>>29622926Just one chad that fucks all the girls
>>29622563Something that amazes me about Ame is....Why wasn't S*chi as popular? The main thing everyone loves about Ame right now is her personality right? Her uniquely down-to-earth and realistic personality, her openness to variety content, her cute gremlin status and being an imperfect but charismatic jack-of-all-trades who somehow gets along with everybody. I also think she's by far the closest in terms of content to her previous life; she's basically herself but with a new avatar and not on twitch.With all this being the case, I'm absolutely baffled as to why the previous account wasn't popular. What changed?
>>29622944You missed when that was posted and two of them were arguing over a keltec lol
Why are there only 3 ID girls?
>>29622753>Emotionally unstablethat's an understatement
I honestly don't understand how Kiara is only getting 4k viewers...? This time slot isn't awful and a lot of people should be awake right now. I don't get how Watsons boring and shitty watchalong of a shitty movie at a worse time slot had around the same viewership.
>>29622738>firms partially or completely pulling out of the People's Republic.NikeSamsung ElectronicsLG ElectronicsAdidasPumaZoomSharpHasbroKia/Hyundai MotorStanley Black & DeckerDellHPGoogle/AlphabetMicrosoftGoProSonyNintendoUnder ArmouSteve MaddenOld Navy/GapSuperdrySpace NKTopshop/ArcadiaNaver
>>29622905that stupid narrative is long dead
>>29622834Hypnotized by Cock Okayu is second only to Mindbroken by Cock Okayu
>>29622925>Implying she doesn't genuinely care about her sub/view countsDon't kid yourself, anon. Those numbers matter to her.
>>29622905>I actually think Ina's Korean is very cuteI don't recall her ever saying anything in Korean during her streams or are you talking about roommate stuff?
Kiara's menhara level blows ALL the JP menharas out of the water and it isn't even close. She's on a whole other level.
>>29622977the hololive brand
>>29622977>why the previous account wasn't popular.because she was the same as thousands of other twitch girls
>>29622974Didn't Gura say she was going to ask about SCP?
>>29622934I thought actual lolicons are only those who jerk it to loli drawings, not lusting after actual children. I thought they're different from straight up pedos.
>>29622986I dunno about that, I've met some genuinely insane girls and I wouldn't throw Matsuri in with them. Well, not yet, anyways.
>>29622876Lesbian girls like girls like most guys do
>>29622961Not that anon but you have to go through loops and hurdles to get a gun in my country, and my grandad THREW AWAY his WW2 service rifle. I am mad about that to this day. He just thought: War's over, won't be needing this! *Chuck*. I will have to go to America one day to learn how to shoot.
>>29622656>>29622739>>29622963Oh wtf I thought it was something about that edited image of marine
>>29622984They treated it as some sort of a testing ground for foreign audience
>>29622999Debut stream and a couple of sentence in one of her earlier drawing streams
>>29622988JRPG games filter normalfags really hard.
>>29622905Japs typically don't give a shit anymore or are positive about South Korea, they really only dislike North Korea now
>>29622997>implying I implied
>>29623015They were never different anon. That distinction is purely a western thing
>>29623014No idea but it'd be fearkino
>>29622821>Deadbeat>Think my fancy Spanish name is unique>Sometimes someone with that exact name will SC her and I'll hear her say my name. It's a rush, I tell you. A RUSH.
>>29622988people don't drop into the middle of a series which is kinda dumb becaise who cares about the story to FE
At least sho got Lysethia. I never got in time to get her
>>29622905don't fall for /pol/ memes
>>29622905Her korean is very comforting. Ina is a comfort woman. Sorry my english is bad.
>>29622988Game's boring. What more needs to be said?
>>29623005Towa is still above Kiara, and i don't think Towa is even close to Festival
>>29622846Those people clearly disagree
>>29622977Westubers are clique focused and S*chi did not play ball with them for exposure.Why do you think both Gura and Ame hate fucking twitch and westuber culture?If only Mori listens to them. God I hope Mori listens to them.
>>29622977Exposure. I'm sure a lot of teamates here would have been fans of her previous stuff, if they had known about it at the time, but they didn't know her, so they didn't watch.
>>29622939Really?Fucking hype. Kanata is one of my favorite singers in hololive. She even does Enka sometimes.
>>29622977Your post will get probably deleted, but the answer is that the indie sphere, both eastern and western, is just too diluted. There are some really good talents out there on twitch, just like Ame, that are lucky to pull in 100 concurrent viewers on a good day. It's really hard to make it as a western indie unless you shill the everliving fuck out of yourself, or you join one of the big circlejerks.
>>29623005Anon, your Matsuri reps
>>29622988FE is a hard debuff game plus a lot of burgers are still waking up, along side kiara having a smaller fanbase
>>29623005t. EOP
>>29622988Debuff game, also this is the eighth FE3H stream she's done.
>>29623048You get to recruit her for free in Black Eagles route post-timeskip, anyways.
>>29622934Insanely based
>>29623043then its not a unique name, Pedro
>>29623005Imagine actually believing this. What part of Kiara do you think is actually worse than Matuli?
>>29623043>someone superchats her>get thanked and namedropped for freebased
>>29621577Do it anyways. What are the bugs gonna do, track you down from an IP list of 200+ users?>>29622871>Mori got a small indie chuuba to establish one of the most devoted fanbase's nameYou cannot make this shit up.
>>29622977Anon, if all you had to do in life was "get a personality xd" everyone in this board would've get laid.Her precedent avatar was literal dogshit, didn't have any popularity and didn't have any niche either (as another anon said, she was a regular female Twitch streamer). She got one of the most attractive avatars in the brand and got exposed much more thanks to Hololive.Regarding her personality/attitude, she changed it a little, but none of the Holos is a full Twitch gremlin like her, so she stands out way more than before.
>>29623032I think you also get a lot of people who are interested in playing the game sooner or later and have it backlogged so don't watch the stream since they don't wanna get spoiled...
am i just unlucky at when i tune into chicken or is this game 95% squatting in the hub zone saucing up underage schoolgirls
>>29623084Isn't it already too late post timeskip? Or does she just show up?
>>29623051>Ina is a comfort womanNice, I better red supachat her about this and see her reaction.
>>29622962Matsuri being unable to handle it when someone actually plays along and goes for it is pretty cute
>>29622934>>actual lolicon, like "wants child actors to be allowed to do porn so she can have live-action loli rape and snuff porn"Now that's a little too far for me. Cunny is where I draw the line.
>>29620002What happened to avocado?
>>29622988As someone who's played through FE3H 3 times over, the Monastery is boring to PLAY, watching it is a nightmare.
>>29623005Why the fuck do they have mental issues when they are cute? They basically live life on easymodo. You never hear about handsome men going mental.
>>29623063Mori isn't very good at Opsecs, we know she isn't interested
>>29623084wat really, I'm still in chapter 13
>>29623043Happened to me for the first time a while ago. I think it was Kiara? Started saying this guy's name over and over again, and it was the same as mine. I was only half paying attention and it made me panic.
>>29623005twappers is far worse and tower isn't even approaching matuli. spin your narratives elsewhere dogfucker.
>>29623112You get the opportunity to spare and recruit her during the final battle against Claude, provided you defeat her with Byleth or Edelgard (if I remember correctly, you might be allowed to beat her with anyone though).
>>29623005this post is so EOP its honestly baitkiara is NOTHING like some of the JPs. towa is above kiara, and matsuri is on her own tier list. when it comes to numberfagging and emotional breakdowns, kiara isn't even close to being at the top
>>29623123Avocado poster went to sleep I guess.salman
>>29623123Banned ritual post depending on time of day
>>29623005No, not at all, not even close. Pic related is already more of a menhera.
Oh shit I'm late>>29622707>>29622785Fucking based
>>29622977>I'm absolutely baffled as to why the previous account wasn't popularexposure and vtubing on twitch isnt nearly as popular as e-thots showing and baiting their tits and ass>What changed?hololive brand = more exposure = more simps = profit??
>>29623043well, my name is Harold. Get fucked
>>29623130Time to hope she gets hacked by Ina again then.
>>29620100>nakadashi kiaraMy sides
Thinking about chicken karaoke, why she(and Mori) kept singing the same songs? Holos have permissions for some top-tier bangers like naimononedari or shin takarajima. Mori, Kiara, Enma? You see this? Sing something like that, it's gonna be great!
>>29622977Because without the initial exposure you're just one of the 492875492 fish in the sea. For every streamer that makes it big and actually gets a sizable audience that can grow, there's hundreds that stay at sub 10 viewers and never make it out of there. Just like in life, it's not all about "those who deserve it rise to the top". Luck and fortunate circumstances as well as an initial boost can do a LOT.
>>29623091I said fancy not Mexican.
>>29621989Seeing her roommates streaming clips yeah, i do prefer the over cheery Kiara
>>29623073Its one of those things she can play for herself and her hardcore fanbase. Its not a bad thing really it builds connections with the ones that will always be there and shes involved in enough higher profile stuff that she wont hurt for viewers
>>29623133Lack of self confidence probably plays a part... I'm sure you see the same issues with women who legitimately are not attractive and know damn well they're not but... nobody cares since they legitimately are not attractive. Only becomes noticeable when there's a gap in their own self image and how society sees them.
>Requesting Scarborough Fair from CocoThat hit hard...
>>29621282I unironically enjoy his stories n shit when he isnt gaming. Always a good laugh.
>>29623067yeah, Marine also dia a karaoke until 800 k today, just as an example
>>29623133>You never hear about handsome men going mentalJeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, Richard Ramirez...
>>29623133Anon, attractiveness and mental illness aren't related
>>29622988>JRPG>Long ass game>Turn-based>8th stream in a long series
>>29623133Johnny Depp...
>>29621249CCP money buys a lot of promotion. I regularly see tiktok shit trending with far less attention than any of the other trending items.
Coco, I kneel.Chinks, I spit.
>>29622707This is some old school shit bro, you deadbeats can be pretty based
>>29623166they haven't practiced them?
>>29623133>You never hear about handsome men going mental.not sure if literally lives under a rock or bait
>>29623133>You never hear about handsome men going mental.Anon, your Hollywood reps...
Actual Menhera RankingsMatuli >>>> Noel >> Polka > Towa >>> Kiara > Watame
>>29623114>Your breasts tempted me to do it wat
>>29622977The hard way of not being a twitch thot that fuck her dog.
>>29623204I...I want a dogx
>>29623209Then what the fuck have they been doing those past 2 months? Step it up.
>>29623166probably saving them for a bigger celebration
>>29623212Let me fix that for youFestival>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>power gap>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>basically anyone else
>>29623015Jerking off to child porn doesn't make you a pedophile, just like jerking off to blacked porn doesn't make you a nigger
>>29623202simple as
How many more streams is it going to take to finish this game?
>>29623133This reminds me of the old 'they're rich off superchats, how can they be depressed?' argument on /hlg/.
>>29623204is is it that dox to say "she isn't unique there are tons of girls just like her on twitch right now" like she's nothing THAT special but I'm still glad she got in and is a holoEN
>>29622977I'll be real, she had a boring model and she only played shooters at a low level, I mean would you be interested from her from watching her for 5 seconds
>>29622977>the closest in terms of content to her previous lifeShe recycles them (or upgrade them a little bit) rn. LMAO. (Don't worry I still love u Ame)
>>29623224please learn english before trying to bait with it
>>29623241What did anon mean by this?
>>29622854Meanwhile mine is so generic I just always assume people aren't talking to me unless I have good reason to think otherwise.
>>29622899Luna started playing 3H yesterday, 4 hours in and she's still at the point where she just picked the house3H is a really long game to stream, streamers are usually doing everything and talking with every single character and npc, they also don't skipped the conversationsat this rate it'll probably take another 2 months to finish the game if Kiara is playing this game weekly, I remember DSP needs around 6 months to finally finish the game.
>>29623268Has Polka weighed in on this subject before?
>>29623256technically, even screenshots of roommate tweets isn't doxing, its a meme born from /hlgg/ being retarded about it
>>29623241Oh dear oh dear
>>29623265ASS 2 ASS
Why does anyone like Watson? Unfunny, boring design, twitch whore, rushes through superchats, complains non-stop, boring "entertainer" and by far the worst fanbase. Cover fucked up with grabbing a literally who when the rest of EN is a power house of talent. I guess every Gen needs a joke "talent".
>>29623241this is bait
>>29623236Yeah, it will only change when other holo tries to stab her own mother
>>29623212i don't know why people call kiara the menhera when she is nothing compared to the others. If anything kiara is just generic white woman tier menhera.Noel might kill someoneMatsuri is legit going to get arrestedPolka may or may not hang herself by next year
>>29623241Wtf anon
>>29622988FE3H is god awful to watch. I don't dislike Kiara but usually when she's streaming this game there's a JP I'd rather watch instead.
>>29623110Maybe closer to 80%, but there's a lot of that, especially early on, depends how many optional battles you do for grinding though.
>>29623241I know this is deliberately fishing for (You)s but it's worth an ogey regardless.
>>29623289she can become a loli but that's about it
>>29623206its the guy that did Cunny Roads and the Ina spongebob song. An absolute unity chad
>>29623241jerking off to women does not make you a woman, i watch gay porn because i'm not a tranny
>>29623212I think Watame > Kiara, but by a little
>2 days to render a fucking music video
>>29623015do your reps and read about lolita complex
>>29623309Step it up Senpai.Ame is numero uno.
>>29622905The JPs don't care but Ina herself seems to be shy about it, probably in the same way Kiara was about German.
>>29623241>Jerking off to child porn doesn't make you a pedophileA-anon? You're talking about lolis right?
>>29621787On bantz
Had to sleep right before Kiara performed blue bird. Anything interesting happen in the rest of the stream?
>>29623241do Americans really?
>>29623320I want to cum inside her past.
>>29623327Anon she's using a shitty laptop
>>29623252Still haven't found anyone destroying the "money makes you happy" argument.More money = more choices = more chances to change your life and get happier.No money = no choices = chances to change your life and get happier.Without counting that the reason people is depressed is because they're forced to slave away 8 hours every day doing the most monotonous and boring shit ever, which is a third of your entire life. Money can give you back that third of life.Rich people killing themselves are way worse failures than me and the average user on 4chan, they're people who have infinite opportunities and just decided to throw them all away.
>>29623309She's carried by her design and voice.
>>29623250At her pace? 7+ more?She's trying to play the game like a strategy game when it's more of a JRPG which is hindering her pace. I don't mind it, it's her playthrough after all. Just play XCOM, chimkin.
>>29623288I'm being colloquial about the word dox you fuck you and I both know that isn't the report reason that would be use it's just the word dox is very a short and convenient word to use as shorthand for past life bullshit>>29623309She streams a lot and can keep it up the whole time
>>29623326Usually I'd agree, but Watame's been improving lately. If I we were talking about the Watame from 2-3 months ago, then I'd have put her above Kiara.
>>29623241Is this the final redpill?
>she's using the perma stat boostersKIARA YAMATE! You're not supposed to use those ever
>>2962311010% cutscenes, 20% chess15% timeskips to more of the same5% romance, 50% menusand 100% reason to fucking drop this game
>>29623262>Baiting. a flip nigger.
>>29623015It's the same case as the use of the word anime.In Japan anime=cartoon and lolicon=pedophileIt is just the western weebs that give the japanese word a different meaning
>>29622784Teamate. I own 12. Most recent addition was an AR9 I built.
>>29623327I cant believe Mori beat Jesus' record
>>29623241here's your (you)thanks for the laugh
>>29623327I'm glad she got some fucking sleep. Now she'll be ready and powered for the next week.
>>29622784Hey ATF man, murder anyone's children or dogs recently?
>>29623309Weak bait
>>29623361Why not? Do they get wiped after the timeskip?
>>29623350Her laptop died last month. SCHEDULEONEGAI
>>29623241My sides are in orbit
>>29621951Why was Kiara saying that the song is not about red balloons, but about all kind of color balloons? The lyrics mention only red ones.
>5.8k peolpe watching
>>29623309She'll never be as respected as FBK, Korone, Sora
>>29623351Money doesn't cure clinical depression anon
>>29623361She's playing at normal, stats literally didn't matter much
>>29622988Not even her 6k diehard fans this 4k are her 2hard2die fans want to sit through it, watch it incline during SC reading
>>29623352Amelia is carried by her entertainment value, her creative ideas, her voice, her content, her attitude towards streaming, her witty nature, clippabity, relatablity and much more.
>>29623051>Ina is a comfort womanUnderrated
>>29623212>>29623312Tell me about Noel, whats her Menhara story?
Can anyone post the fanart of gura with gills?I forgot to save it last time...
>>29623309I becomes cuter than usual everyday.Seriously her moe point is "Just like me" vibe which resonates with people here.
>>29622821Now imagine all the changs, zhangs, etc. secretly lurking the threads
>>29622778why is this thread so obsessed with giving money to Hiroshima instead of their oshi?
>>29623350Not anymore
>>29623391sugoi images no more
>>29623309Why does anyone like something when the other thing is better?Amelia is honestly the only EN that can keep my attention the other four don't know how to make a stream entertaining and two of them play the intimate thot girl friend experience hard (Mori and Kiara) hence the SC pandering. Watching Kiara and Mori fills me with disgust.
>>29623390I'm not american
>>29622784Only airshit
>>29623435rage gamer. ame is nothing to her.may have killed someone during her dark souls playthrough
>>29622092Compilation post?
>>29623309That literally who is overall the most well-rounded HoloEN. She's everyone second favorite, making her functionally the best holoEN.t. deadbeat.
>>29623396They don't. It's more of JRPG hoarding thing lol. You also tend to use them to fix characters who are lagging behind which becomes more apparent late game.
>>29623415>The lyrics mention only red ones.not in the original german
>>29623429She's not really being carried then retard that's just talent.
>>29623435I remember a story of how she committed manslaughter and got away with it, but it's probably a rrat
>>29623468based teabeat? Deadmate?
>>29623320>That もどして spam at the endNihonniki...
>>29623051I believe this piece of information, anon.
>>29623479anon, your sarcasm reps
>>29623405>Jesus jokeCan this girl stop being so catholic?
>>29622988FE sucks ass as a stream game. I'm only watching because chicken's my oshi but I'm sure a lot of other people just skip these streams for something more interesting.
>>29623429I missed this quote thanks anon
>>29623468as a KFP, this is true.
>>29623479That's the joke.
>>29623311This. Matsuri is the only true Menhera while the others just have mental issues.
Gura posts her schedule late because she is too lazy and Mori posts hers late because she is too busy. Is this true?
>>29622977Hololive itself really does a lot more than you would imagine just by existing and giving structure to talent. I remember years back I heard Lilypichus voice and thought she was pretty cute. She was still just a cute voice that would put clips up on Youtube and her playing League with a bunch of regular assholes only speaking enough to fill a 5 minute clip video wasent amazing content and I stopped caring pretty quick. I also never heard of any of the EN girls base forms either but suddenly put them in the Hololive context with the ability to play off each other a cute anime form and being easy to keep track of and it changes a lot
>>29623212Daily reminder that Matsuri>Pointed a knife at her mother because she wanted to kill her>Has fantasies of reverse ryona>She actually likes the idea of choking/ stabbing a guy that had a happy life>Calls you at 3AM to talk you about her problems>Can't read social cuesThere's a reason why she's still single after all these years
>>296234246.2K now
>>29623481>ywn be "accidentally" smothered to death by her gargantuan milkers
I'll take any RPG scraps desu. FE isn't the best stream game but it'll have to do.
>>29622988Luna wasn't getting large numbers with her FE3H stream either. But yeah, RPG games tend to filter a lot of people because of the view investment needed over a long period of time. Kiara probably does better that most would due to her interest in the story and willingness to get chat involved in the gameplay but it's still a hard-sell.
>>29623309nice b8 m8> I guess every Gen needs a joke "talent".sorry anon chikin already took that spot
>>29623435Nothing too crazy, she just has tantrums sometimes. Not linked is when her roommate smashed her keyboard when she accidentally called herself danchou.
>>29623468She's third best for me, I don't like the whiny GFE
>>29623497can you really blame people here for being autistic?
>>29622402Kek, I think she got slightly better? Big ups to her for trying.
>>29623522I'd date her than die a month later
>>29623528Nah mate it was a football related accident.
>>29623435She and her roommate killed billions
>>29623505FE ironman would be kino, but it would be a short run for any Holo..
>>29622926>tfw no Holostar Vergil bf
>>29622707Keep up the good work anon
I need to mate with Pekora....
>>29623518Gura is too busy tending to her farm.
>>29623514>Matsuri is the only true Menhera while the others just have mental issuesAnon what the hell do you think menhera means
Set the post limit back to 2000Remove all images
>>29623529Xenoblade could be fun with Kiara. Just to see her repeatedly die in various ways.
>>29623309No holos would dare to stream "gassing kikes" live on youtube.
>your oshi>your thoughts on her debut stream
>kiara's karaoke got almsots 9k in SCwhat the hell did i miss? I tuned out after like 10 minutes into of the superchat reading
>>29623344Standard zatsudan stuff. Made about 8k $ in 3 hours, not too bad.
>>29623352In the past week I've seen deadbeats become numberfags, chumbuds become doxxbuds, and now people are saying Ame is carried. All of the discussion is the same but the girls keep getting switched around...
>>29623513the superchat reading was great, there was a part where she was thanking cover and her sempais saying how without them she'd never make it this big as an indie
>>29623555Dude, we don't talk about that anymore.
>>29623586The others aren't self destructive like her or atleast aren't nearly as self destructive
>>29622784I am pretty sure I have my grandfathers M/28 hidden in somewhere with rest of the estate
>>29623598GuraShe did alright, she didn't look that special tho until she sang
>>29623590Set the post limit to 2000Give us 500 imagesAn image every 4 posts, it makes perfect sense to me
>>29623598AmeI try not to think about it
>>29623565of sperms of everyone that jerked off to her tits.
>>29623590>image board>literally can't post imagesnot sugoi
>>29623598kiarai liked her, despite how scuffed it was. I knew it would only improve from there.
>>29623568Why live?
>>29623513Kiara talked a bit more about how she gave up her dreams and how hololive made them return
>>29623598InaShe blew me away with her patrician taste.
>ina ina>ina ina inaW-Wah...
>>29623598>Mori>This girl is a mess, she's gonna be my oshi!
>>29623598MoriI cringed, then I knelt.
>>29623598GuraBarely gave a shit, but then Ride On Time came up and it was all over for me.
>>29622977Literal needle in a haystack. Especially because of her normal game choice - twitch sorts by games and I sure as hell wasn't looking for one in another thousand FPS streamers. And would you explicitly be looking for English vtubers back then? No, everyone thought even vetted Cover applicants would be a letdown. I can't imagine any realistic path to finding her back then for most people.
>>29623598AmeHated her voice, liked the watson concoction thing.
>>29623344She got a bit menhera about how grim things were for her pre-Hololive during the superchats, how she gave up on her last dream and she owes everything to the senpais/Hololive for another dream.
>>29623599dont know what she did other than reach 500k, but she almost got 20k live viewers at 1 AM burger time sosasuga chicken
>>29623598Kiara, really scuffed but i liked her anyway
I want mori to sing a full song in her cutesy voice.
>>29623590Never forget the day we turned into 5ch
>>29623463>>29623540Holy shit that's some anger problem tier rage
*picture of Gura's tummy*
>>29623598>Guraa was pretty funny the first time, SHAAAK is cute, Ride on Time was unexpected. 10/10
>>29622707Nicely fucking done
>>29623598AmeliaBad, laughed at it, glad I gave her another chance
>>29623309I think she was just hired to fill in the "actual gamer" kinda role seeing as it draws in a large audience. Other than that I can't really see anything too special about her other than the hololive name.
>>29623110Its by the far the worse of the FEs with the amount of upkeep you do in between missions but people like the dating sim aspect.
>Akai Haato
>>29623598InaI'm weak with soft voice wamen
>>29622784Teamate; no because it's too many hoops to jump through and pretty fucking expensive over here. I do have a hand crossbow though
>>29623540This just makes me hard
>>29623598GuraLoved it all the way through
>>29623598KiaraIt was fucking bland, i changed my mind so much on her i feel like an asshole
>>29623598>Kiara>Nothing unexpected, though not really that good in retrospect. Gura's Maneater stream had more to do with me sticking around.
>>29623598InaA second Okayu to relax and spend my time listening to
>the Asian is the one playing the rice loli gameSasuga
>>29623663Gura.Though the delayed start was her playing into the a meme, wasn't even mad.
>>29623598Ameshit, I enjoyed the concoction tho
>>29622977Brand power, nigga.
>>29623468I thought Ina was the most common second favorite?
>>29623666no yeah, I know. I was there for the first half of the stream but I'm wondering when did she start getting so many SCs, I don't remember seeing that many during the karaoke.
>>29623540Meh, Amelia has equally as bad rage already. Just look at her Mario streams
Do you think Kiara realize that the crit rate is presented at the bottom left of the screen?
>>29623598GuraFell in love with her when she started to sing
>>29623598KiaraI didn't even watch it, I expected EN to be an absolute unenjoyable trainwreck. Instead I got an enjoyable trainwreck.
>>29623598GuraSinging voice/10
>>29623522>>29622934Oh my god how is she so perfect while also having such an amazing design and the hottest roommate in hololiveI need to get rid of Lyger before he gets to her first
>Open Noel's stream>Immediately hear "Ara Ara">Dick becomes diamonds, go back to Kiara's stream to finish to her
>>29623151Thanks for the answerAlso based
>>29623714She's not my oshi but I still don't get what people didn't like about her debut I thought it was one of the best
>>29623435bullied in school for her cow sacks
>>29623522I believe a good consistent dicking would be enough to calm her down
>>29623481Here's a video of her crushing a poor man to death.
>>29620628>>29622036I love to watch these bugmen eat their own legs.
>>29623737if you told me 3 months ago that i would spend my days watching a cute birb play Jrpg badly i would have laughed at you
>>29623212>watamewait wat she always seemed chill as fuck tho
Will Holo En have a MV? I think that would be nice if it was Watson chasing them around and then being chased. Imagine Watson going deep into the ocean, then meeting Ina and Gura, and all of sudden all of them running from Mori, and then Kiara "deafiting" Death in the end. Something like this:
>>29623741>and the hottest roommate in hololiveSupposedly Rushia holds that spot.
>>29623159AAAAAAAAAA Max Image Limit I cannot post my edit
>>29623694I thought she was killed
>>29623598HaachamaWhat on earth was Hololive like back then??
>>29623370Well played
>>29623415Apparently "red balloon" in german just refers to any color of balloon, kind of like how some people use "coke" to refer to any type of soft drink.
>>29623540Her whiny voice is unbelievably sexy holy fuck, no wonder everyone wants to fuck her
>>29623779Okay I can believe that but Festival still must be in the top 3 at least
>>29623327>Not saying 'I just woke up'No, she doesn't browse here.
>>29623465I'm ESL did I say something weird? I meant to say a post with a lot of songs
>>29623666>implying there’s a single burger time
>>29623389But she tweeted 3 hours ago? and she tweeted that at midnight...
>>29623772Watame is lonely as fuck and extremely dependent on her chat. She'd be a cat lady without her streaming gig.She's not the 'likely to stab you' sort of menhera Festival is, though.
>>29622977>>29623258Restrictions and content-templates help her. Had she adapted the same kind of schedule she might have been more successful.
>>29623779Wrong, it's Towa.
>>29619949>it still shoots avocados
>>29623723Everyone but my boy is my second favorite desu
sugoi boardcant post sugoi'simage
>>29623015If you think normal Japanese people are OK with seeing otakus reading lolicon hentai, you're dead wrong.Lolicon is just pedo, man.
>>29623772she has the kiara dependence on chat, but tenfold.
>>29623598Kiaravolume at 100% but cute
>>29623779Haachama is hottest roommate fite me
>>29623311You guys always leave on the hottest part, that when the mom commented on that story she said "that's my girl!" and apparently also pulled a knife on HER mother (Festival's grandmother) when she was a girl too
>>29623816The whole period we thought she died she was passed out
>>29623809Nah, just not sure which posts you're talking about.
>>29623857Haachama is dumb
>>29623598>GuraI literally made fun of her for having a boring stream until she dropped that Ride on Time and knees went through the floor
>>29623857how are you so sure
>>29623697this should be right before the superchat mentions her not giving up on her dreams then her correcting them
>>29623624Set the post limit to 9999;Set the image limit to 9999;Set the post character limit to 9999;Remove the post cooldown;Thread automatically flags and saves doxx pictures and instantly permabans who post them;/jp/ checks if the user recently posted on /pol/ or /v/ and gets permabanned if they try to post here too;Each thread automatically contains the following ritual posts at their creation: salman, avocado, unity praying Ina, Watchama w/Teamup schedule, I love this chicken, a random selected Moripog edit;Posting a Mima picture makes your thread undeletable, even by Hiro, and permabumped to page 1;om3tcw playing permanently on the background;Random Walfie gifs with every refresh (like Halloween day does with skeleton gifs).There, fixed /jp/.
>>29623777At some point, I'm sure.Then again, I bet Cover is being extra careful, bc they know they don't fully grok the overseas audience yet.
>>29623540Forgot these:
>>29623844Mori is my oshi I but I fap exclusively to haachama
>>29623663>Hated her voiceWhat changed?
Would you date Matsuri or follow her into a hotel room even though she has admitted to her dream fetish being beating up a young man (20-30), torturing him and cutting body parts off of him?
>>29623885or just kanji captcha.
>>29623779how about Noel or Mel?
Why is Chicken so depressing?
>>29622103The superchat limitations are a decent idea, but everything else is too constrictive, especially in China where they can easily be abused for political reasons.
>>29623912>It gets progressively harder as time goes on
>>29623595>put that bad boy in there.ogg>>29623598MoriA great taste of what was to come.
>>29623909She's the kind of person who just says out there shit for attention so yes. She's obviously not sexually dominant at all.
>>29623598MoriEh, pretty awkward, but she's got good taste. Not too bad as far as the first of EN could be- Oh God, she's gonna rap? This is gonna suck...Huh, this beat is pretty go-I will fucking die for this woman holy shit I'm sold on HoloEN, and I'm going to improve myself while focusing on my job and fostering creative talents. Thank you Mori-san!
kill the thread>your oshi>not so nice thing about your oshi
>>29623797the german title is "99 air balloons" but air balloons sounds dumb in english so it was changed to red balloons
>>29623889Damn I feel that and ive had moments of unmitigated rage at a game like that before
chimkins anguished narration is so sexual
>>29623941GuraCrippling ADHD
>>29623913>Two days after Hitomi Chris was fired
>>29623941gurashit streaming hours
>>29623941>Amelia>Needs to stop letting retarded shit piss her off so easily
>>29623598>Pekoraliterally "who the fuck is this weakass impersonator?"
>>29623941Kiaraher streaming hours
>>29623351Sometimes the only reason they're rich is because they're atypical in the first place. Inclined to take unreasonable risks, work unreasonable hours, or act in extraordinary ways that please society. 99.999% of them get weeded out and just work boring jobs or fail while having to hide their imbalance to fit in. 0.001% get lucky and their uniqueness provides the push to success. Then it also results in their downfall.
>>29623941>Gura>too cute
>>29623540Goddamn, as a non-gamer who enjoyed Ame's so-called toxic-gamer-ness, I'm glad she's not as cringe as Noel.This is horrible.
God, I love the chimkin grunts.
>>29623522Fuck that's all really hot
>>29623941>Gura>Too cute for me to lust after
>>29623923She had a hard life
>>29623882She's so incredibly sweet.
>>29623870Since the unarchive karaoke stream there has been a lot of those, not gonna go through the archives just to search for the thing I'm complaining about.
>>29623941kiarafuck your streaming hours
>>29621656Half Life only exists because they wanted to shill their physics engineTf2 existed to shill facial animation techPortal existed to shill it's techIt's just the valve way.
>>29623941InaNot enough Ina streamsStream please ina
>>29623941>Gura>her scatter-brain-ness
>>29623998And they're all great games
>>29623941MoriNot being able to leave this hell hole, also the self deprecationYou deserve better.
>>29623598>Mori>What the fuck. Someone this retarded is definitely here at some point.
>>29623941>Gura>Fuck her streaming hours
>>29623978Her hours are perfect for the sleep schedule I've had for like 2 years.Said sleep schedule is fucking awful for me and I was going to go hard on fixing it right when EN came out.
>>29623941MoriSchedule onegai...Streams onegai...
>>29623993All of HoloMyth are, in their own individual way. I find it impossible to dislike any of them.
>>29623941MoriTakes on too much needles work, work smarter not harder, dumb reaper
>>29623941InaThe two dimensional nature of her existence, which dooms us to forever be apart
>>29621413What happened in Ina's HL2 stream?
>>29623598RisuShe was clearly nervous but showed her cute side perfectly. Overall it was very good. Also wanko/10
>>29623941>Kiara>Her missing/low resilience
>>29623941>AmeShe has no idea how to effectively run a community without starting shitshows in one way or another. They always feel avoidable too.She also gets too angry sometimes and needs to treat herself better. I think her streaming patterns are pretty pointless in the long run when it sounds like you're about to collapse by how she describes everything.
>>29623998>their physics engineIt wasn't theirs, they just license Havok. Facial animation was all them though, and it is still pretty impressive. Back then it was fucking insane.
>>29623941MoriShe's an awkward mess, which adds to her charm for me personally, but I can see how the scuff can bother people.
>>29622456I bet she's laughing all the way to the bank with that. Hope the eyes of the internet turn her way again to make the buyout worth it. Do you think any holos would collab with her?
>>29623941>Mori>Uh oh stinky!!
what do you think haachama's feet smell like
>>29623941Mori...Your not-promising-shit-you-can't-do reps...
>>29623941>Mori>Shitposts on 4chan
>>29624037Mori makes really dumb decisions
>>29623993Yeah it's rather strong how instead of just letting the message go through she actually corrects him on it that she actually did give up on herself
>>29623909Oh my god I don't know what it is about Matsuri but her voice and the way she talks, you can actually hear the crazy and tell it's not an act.I'm in love.
>>29624063her dad
>>29623941>Kiara>Her streaming hours are too early for GMT primetime, they need to start about 4-5 hours later than they are currently.
>>29623665sort of happy in a way, we say that shes always depressed, but shes probably the happiest shes been in a while
>>29623941InaHer streaming hours. Fuck EU prime time.
>>29622456Is she using the original channel still or a new one?
>>29623941>Mori>Talks instead of showing her boobas
>>29623923she 100% grew up with feelings of inferiority outside of her family, you can see it in how she enjoys being backseated or sandbagged to victory
>>29624055Gura collab as the God is being slain
>>29623909damn that is hot
>>29623998And Hololive only existed to showcase Cover's Live2D software. It doesn't matter how things begin as long as the end result is worth it.
>>29624087The original
>>29624037I agree.
>>29623909Yes because I doubt she's that tall or powerful so the challenge makes it hotter
>>29623540>>29623889I love how you can immediately tell which is her hamming it up and which is actual frustration and rage, when's she's seriously pissed she moves out of her L2D pickup range making her avatar freeze up and doesn't put on her angry face because she's too upset to actually do it.>>29623984That's because Ame is hamming it up from years of experience in a Twitch environment, Noel isn't really much of a gamer and it shows that she doesn't have as much control of her emotions when it comes to games.
>>29623913Holy shit it's all niji/upd8 or Kaguya Luna. Really was a different time back thenLook at how the tables turned....
>>29624050>She has no idea how to effectively run a community without starting shitshows in one way or another.maybe that's just how she likes it I mean given how manipulative she can be with polls she knows she has power over them
>>29623844>Gura fans like her exclusively for cunnywas there ever any doubt
>>29624043Said she didn't like the game because she wanted it to give her more direction and have more of an actual story.
>>29624084EU primetime is nowhere near as bad as JP primetime.You're lucky that you're not a Kiara fag complaining about numbers while competing with Pekora and friends.
>>29624116>implyingThe cunny is only a bonus for me
>>29623923achieving then loosing your dreams is worse than never achieving them in the first place
>>29623923She's got the same energy as meeting a good-natured Stacy you knew from high school happily greeting you after not seeing you for a long time, but knowing she's been struggling since you last saw her.
chicken belly and thighs.poke and prod.
> * 3
I love Ina and I'm glad she's streaming today.But please out up a schedule, lady.
>>29623909Yeah and then I'd overpower her and put some tape on her mouth and tie her up so yeah we would have a lot of fun alone in a hotel room
Why doesn't Kiara number her F3H streams
>the Calli I can't get is fighting the Calli I also can't getChicken...
>>29624116anon, your eyesight reps
>>29624116>exclusivelyNo way fag, there's endless things to love about Gura, cunny is just one of them. Anyone who doesn't fap to that at least sometimes has to be gay.For me, it's her singing voice though. What a fucking legend.
>>29623941Kiara.Her low self esteem.
Has Coco commented on what she thinsk of Kiara
>>29624159it already has a number in the title
>>29623665Makes happy to know that she is dreaming again and is enjoying her time as vtuber
>>29623779Have you never seen Towa's roommate? She gets posted all the time.
>>29624159>holos ever numbering their streamstough luck kid heh....
>>29624149She did
Guys, I love Amelia's dorky smile
>>29623522>She actually likes the idea of choking/ stabbing a guy that had a happy life>Calls you at 3AM to talk you about her problems>Can't read social cuesHahaha what a weirdo who'd ever do any of that?
>>29624114Theres a pic at the beginning about Fubuki and how she could have been big. Thats crazy
I love you HER!
>>29623130Monastery was such a fucking mistake. It's the Persona hub areas without any of the dynamic elements or interesting activities that make it fun. I'd rather see the base from Fates return than another Monastery with no QoL changes.
>>29623916Noel is disgustingly fat, what.
I hope every holo leaves with good memories in the future
>>29624161Chicken joins Mori's streams to get the BFE(GFE)
>>29623598>Watson>My sides were in orbit because of her retardation browsing pre-debut /hlgg/ and everyone expecting her to be a British Detective probably placed pressure on her which is probably why she asked /hlg/ instead of /hlgg/ for advice, but this is just my naive rrat.and the threads. Overall, I enjoyed it. Would watch again.
>>29624116You posted too early. In general, most people don't fap to their oshi despite all the thirsty posts.
>>29620344titanfall single player or multiplayer?
I love you, Gura!
Love you, Gura
>>29624149Shes gonna stream Rice Loli? Thats fucking amazing
I want to sniff Pekora's bunny cunny!
I love you, preHER!
kiara sex thigh and belly