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File: 546 KB, 1516x2115, 20201117_174137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29335281 No.29335281 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive Global

>> No.29335305

Ina please don't die of a brain aneurysm one day

>> No.29335309
File: 175 KB, 1055x1317, EnDpjpuW8AM08dE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina Minecraft https://youtu.be/7PrcEUr6PY4
>>Teamup schedule!!!

>> No.29335326

>Ina was awake for 25 hours when she had her hololive interview and doesn't remember even what she talked about
>Ame just asked nonstop questions
How did they make it.

>> No.29335334

I love you

>> No.29335339
File: 1.85 MB, 1200x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stalker might be a bit too much for the girls, but at least this should be doable. I don't think Deep Silver will be stingy with permissions either.

>> No.29335344
File: 352 KB, 1920x1080, EnDrCRNW4AACpOk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29335348

it does feel like Ina is a whole nother person, sleep deprived. Its like giving coffee to a young kid, she is so much more bubble.

>> No.29335350 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 850x1418, 1605653065686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me gusta este tiburon

>> No.29335351
File: 508 KB, 2894x4093, 1605648684843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335417


>> No.29335352
File: 1.45 MB, 1243x1144, 1600850460409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335946




>> No.29335356

Wait does that mean that she auditioned herself, or is the scouting narrative still alive?

>> No.29335359
File: 256 KB, 1803x2000, 1605055465099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335360
Quoted by: >>29335444

>Ina's no-sleep record is only 25 hours
Kinda weak ngl.

>> No.29335361
Quoted by: >>29335527

>Ame just asked nonstop questions
>"but why"

>> No.29335365
File: 1.10 MB, 826x897, 1605652055596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to tease gura's anatomically incorrect gills...

>> No.29335366

>Ame couldn't sing
>Mori winged it
>Ina was awake for over 24 hours
How fucking shit was the rest of the competition?

>> No.29335367
File: 2.06 MB, 1856x2496, 1605416148408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335402

>> No.29335371

Not 41%

>> No.29335372

So, should HoloEN be fired when /hlgg/ posts false narratives against Holos?

>> No.29335373
File: 96 KB, 400x400, 1604267769898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335431

>Sleep deprived while doing the audition
>Sill gets in

>> No.29335374
File: 192 KB, 386x354, file_4wyjzxbgjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of the girls are sleep deprived messes

>> No.29335375
File: 415 KB, 850x1205, m3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335435

Should I get high?

>> No.29335376
File: 269 KB, 1077x1523, 1585715825390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29335378
Quoted by: >>29335527

Just goes to show how absolutely terrible the other people were

>> No.29335380

After 24 hours you get your second wind but it lasts only a couple hours, after that it all goes downhill.

>> No.29335381

Someone realized they were both perfect.

>> No.29335382

you forgot Kiara telling them that they have to hire her

>> No.29335388 [SPOILER] 
File: 215 KB, 2048x1121, 1605653115026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you be mad if one of the Holos collabs with Hikaru?

>> No.29335389
File: 34 KB, 999x210, 1603232993630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29335391
File: 698 KB, 832x473, Screenshot_40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335575

I would eat a cake made of out pure mud just to do a meet and greet with Ina's character

>> No.29335393
File: 203 KB, 850x1189, 1581386705357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura members karaoke is a late night jazz lounge theme
This shark cannot be stopped

>> No.29335395

Enjoy your vacation

>> No.29335396
Quoted by: >>29335527

>this is the best of EN

>> No.29335397

How many traders did she kill for those leashes...

>> No.29335398
Quoted by: >>29335569

Ame showed interest, Ina probably seemed interesting

>> No.29335399
File: 1.32 MB, 498x434, 1602141317415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today is what?

>> No.29335402

gura's vacuum....

>> No.29335405
Quoted by: >>29336461

I've no idea what you just said, is she 2 hours away from finishing the game?

>> No.29335406

Watching grass grow with Ina!

>> No.29335408
File: 123 KB, 410x371, smiling chumguts 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335470

Pried free from the claws of Klaius. Just as planned.

>> No.29335409
Quoted by: >>29335826

I'd watch it, but I don't know if Ame would pick up on the morality stuff at all. That would disappoint me a little

>> No.29335411
File: 95 KB, 1480x1475, pencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335410

I love gills.

>> No.29335413

Remember to get good sleep when you can anons, it decreases the chances of you getting Alzheimer's and other horrible shit

>> No.29335414
File: 286 KB, 683x667, guracomfyhappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i too enjoy the hyundai tiburon

>> No.29335417

I love this clip

>> No.29335418
File: 1.13 MB, 1006x1312, 1605411750397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question here: if she didn't give a fuck about Hololive and "idol" shit disgusted her and she fucking hated it but wanted to try it to get her music out there, why the fuck did she not just become an indie vtuber instead of applying for a company with an established fanbase and "culture"? Why the fuck did she not stay as the demoncube but got an avatar and be done with it? She would have gotten more freedom to play whatever she wanted and to collab with whatever shitty normie e-celebs she likes after gaining traction. She could have gotten her start WITH collabs with other indies that she knows anyway.

It makes no sense to me, business-wise, why she instead just applied randomly to Hololive all half-assed expecting nothing instead of doing literally 10 minutes of research and realizing that what she ACTUALLY would benefit from was to be an indie vtuber and focus on herself and nothing else. Directly tying herself to a company is an instant restriction to what she REALLY wants to do for her endgame.

Whenever I analyze it, it just seems pointless. She doesn't care about games, doesn't play them, doesn't wanna learn them, doesn't wanna be an idol to disgusting people she hates unless they give her money, doesn't do well in collabs with other holos, doesn't care about ANYTHING other than her music and doesn't care about what anyone else has to say about anything, ever. Then what the fuck was the point of joining if she's already basically a company-sponsored indie? Mori feels like a side-project music holo more than a part of a group. If that's what she wanted, then mission accomplished I guess? It's so bizarre.

>> No.29335422

No, he's a genuinely good guy and wouldn't really harm any form of viewership.

>> No.29335424
File: 85 KB, 678x800, FeelsGoodComrade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian chubba when?
Someone have to take care of Stalker and Tarkov

>> No.29335426
Quoted by: >>29335478

I can sleep for 2 hours, but i don't want to miss Ina lore, should i sleep or nah

>> No.29335427
Quoted by: >>29335480

Where does Δ stream these days?

>> No.29335428

>asked nonstop questions
When stream was this lore?

>> No.29335429

Today i shall remind them

>> No.29335430
File: 172 KB, 304x369, 1549251142958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have faith, bros. One day the schizos and antis and tourists will get bored and move on to some other thing, and we will be /comfy/ forever.

>> No.29335431

She's already a famous artist hololive was probably shitting themselves.

>> No.29335434
Quoted by: >>29335733

Where's this pic from? I tried google and yandex but no dice

>> No.29335435

Do you need to go class?

>> No.29335439

that's cool now give head

>> No.29335440

Solid resume

>> No.29335442
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, AT-cm 760397776_snapshot_00.00.08_[2020.11.17_16.37.19].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura, where the fuck is my thank you?

>> No.29335444

What's your record, anon? Mine is 35h and I never want to stay up for so long ever again. These days even 24h is too much for me.

>> No.29335448
File: 974 KB, 1892x868, 1604906661324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fill week up with shit.
>Say no to a collab with Gura because you filled your week with shit.
And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind

>> No.29335450
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1604167772800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335452

To be fair, all of them (except Ame) have exceptional resumes for this kind of thing. I can only assume Ame got in through sheer charm and charisma.

>> No.29335451

Fuck this cursed knowledge.

>> No.29335454
Quoted by: >>29335543

They probably made it for those weird reasons rather than it being a detriment

>> No.29335455
File: 92 KB, 1036x1000, The Christmas Song [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzhgujb.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29335457

Is this a case of google translate being based?

>> No.29335460

If I was a holoEN I would just get enough sleep, simple as

>> No.29335459

Forgot to add in
>Kiara told them that they WILL let her in

>> No.29335462

Look at the average EN vtuber. You barely need to even try to beat that

>> No.29335464

Spoiler: It won't happen anon

>> No.29335465

Does anyone have that leaked audition to enlighten this faggot about the competition? I've lose the link.

>> No.29335470
File: 96 KB, 750x749, 1581257735645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335549

Klaius Myers is eternal

>> No.29335472
Quoted by: >>29335515

Is Ina actually going to sleep after this stream or is she going to go farm NM95

>> No.29335474
File: 2.13 MB, 1098x1400, 1602899963521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to ina Ina's inas

>> No.29335475
File: 552 KB, 2177x3031, 20201116_125219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335476
File: 427 KB, 800x1132, 1602927587357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335585

There is an alternate universe in which Ina slept instead of taking the interview while sleep deprived and failed. Let us pray the people in that universe were blessed with someone equally talented instead.

>> No.29335478

Just let the tako arouse you to sleep, archive are there for when you are actually aware

>> No.29335480
File: 185 KB, 1370x808, 1605623619224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitcast, at least until she gets a better PC for YouTube.

>> No.29335482


>> No.29335484


>> No.29335486

One of us.

>> No.29335489

>Kiara telling them that they have to hire her
Wait did she really fucking do that?

>> No.29335491


>> No.29335493

I know, anon. I love Mori too.

>> No.29335494

Actually it's almost always Mori first, but I would assume they'd talk to each other since they're the most likely to overlap anyway.

It was like 1:10, but I don't want to miss out on songs because of the standard 10 minute delay we get on half her fucking streams or waiting for Kiara to finish.

I think she's still doing some of her own songs, though I kind of wish she wouldn't if she can fill a whole setlist with interesting stuff we haven't heard, current plan is to be archived, so I hope she's at least getting permissions from her jrap friends or something.

>> No.29335496

Well, I know that Artemis got rejected, and probably a bunch of other "new" Vtubers also got rejected

>> No.29335499
File: 3.20 MB, 3658x2499, 1605550677758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335670

i really really like this artist

>> No.29335498

Her and Gura were definitely the two that HoloPro was probably shitting themselves about.

>> No.29335497

Where's the straw hat?

>> No.29335500


>> No.29335502


>> No.29335503

If Cover decided to host a Hololive chess tournament and used him as a commentator no. Might be okay with him coaching some Holos.

>> No.29335505

I wish to unsee this

>> No.29335506
Quoted by: >>29335520

Besides Ina, which EN could be talked into a Prisma Illya watchalong without yabaing at the first episode

>> No.29335507

Kiara canonically has 2 guns, making her the most dangerous of them all.

>> No.29335508

Is Ina still in holoprison for collabs? Has there been any new info on what happened?

>> No.29335509

>Gura liked this tweet

Who /frustrated/?

>> No.29335510

What a stacy

>> No.29335511
File: 7 KB, 227x222, 1605219267204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335514
File: 999 KB, 643x820, 1605485300781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335513

Kiara's the most susceptible to go on a murderous rampage.

>> No.29335515

My guess is sleep she said she asn't slept in like a day.

>> No.29335517


>> No.29335519

b o w w o w

>> No.29335520

Kiara, easy.

>> No.29335521


>> No.29335522
File: 129 KB, 791x1024, 1604266543440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335583

is it a sin to want to fuck an angel

>> No.29335525

hes male, no

>> No.29335527


>a girl who kept saying 'but why?' and all she had to show for her time streaming was like 100 concurrent viewers
>sleep deprived smelly hikki with 2 story portfolio
>some tomboy autist that applied as a joke and started doing an improv skit
>the one that couldn't stop talking about how much she wants to fuck Pekora
>a recovering alcoholic


>> No.29335530
Quoted by: >>29335588

>She doesn't care about games, doesn't play them, doesn't wanna learn them
Why are /v/ermin physically incapable of not outing themselves and invalidating their entire post?

>> No.29335532

Please don't ruin my narrative anon

>> No.29335533

Kiara is unstable.

>> No.29335535

>Ame just asked nonstop questions
Unironically a good way to get a job

>> No.29335537

>Gura streaming Minecraft at 10 pm est
>Ame streaming Minecraft at 11 pm est
What are the chances it turns into a collab?

>> No.29335538

>chicken using her 10 years experience with herbivore nips to verbally abuse them into hiring her
I laugh every time.

>> No.29335540
File: 7 KB, 243x393, lowres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing ina as an engineer building dispenser

>> No.29335541

I have never been able to watch more than 10 seconds of this.

>> No.29335543

You have a point

>> No.29335546
Quoted by: >>29335603

Ame had plenty of experience streaming to show plus technical know how.

>> No.29335547

Fucking nothing.

>> No.29335548

I don't even need to open the link to be reminded. I can never unsee this shit.

>> No.29335549
File: 193 KB, 1338x549, chumguts shadow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335629

Me and >>29331715 saved Gura from you, Klaius. We'll do it again.

>> No.29335551


>> No.29335554
Quoted by: >>29335613

She probably wasn't the only semi-famous artist to apply though.

>> No.29335555

How sensitive are gills?

>> No.29335558

Damn Klaius looks like that!?

>> No.29335561
Quoted by: >>29335649

Bros, what's this about Ina being in trouble? Is it just a narrative or is there something to it?

>> No.29335566
File: 86 KB, 1060x700, EbvVH9xU4AIyin9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335567

Around 34ish, iirc. Its been a while. Doubt I could stay up anywhere near that long these days, gettin old.

>> No.29335569

>Ame showed interest
The scouters/interviewers at Hololive seem to really like that. Amelia asked a bunch of questions, Lamy asked the interviewer if she could try again if she failed, Watame and Nene both applied repeatedly until they got in. Dedication is the key to getting into Hololive.

>> No.29335572

Has Mori said anything about dming a game for the girls?

>> No.29335574

their voices

>> No.29335575
File: 1.05 MB, 1500x1500, 1605503320697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335577
File: 42 KB, 424x428, rish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335578

Yes she basically told them how they had to hire her or they would be missing out

>> No.29335581
File: 102 KB, 441x357, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335632

Rate my drawing

>> No.29335583
File: 34 KB, 227x222, 1603687991334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't lewd Kanata because everytime I think of her situation and the shit she's going through it makes me sad

>> No.29335584

Probably got in also because she's an experienced streamer, she does regularly help the girls with tech support

>> No.29335585
Quoted by: >>29335648

>Ame kept her awake in this timeline

>> No.29335588

why are you incapable of not responding to pasta, outing yourself as a newfag?

>> No.29335590

There's a reason why the only part of Cover people have any faith in is the scouting/casting department.

>> No.29335592
File: 3.27 MB, 2612x3445, 1577097292458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man i fucking love Mori

>> No.29335591
Quoted by: >>29335688

The actual audition tape starts at 4:45

>> No.29335594

Ask how HoloJP's got the job.

>> No.29335595

my record is around 54 hours, was legitimate pain when i passed out, and slept for around 19 hours after the fact.

>> No.29335598
File: 1.76 MB, 1079x1079, 1601691968088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did they do it?

>> No.29335599


>> No.29335600
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, peko oh dear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the one that couldn't stop talking about how much she wants to fuck Pekora
Thats exactly how she got in, Nousagis truly are the most powerful fanbase, anger one are your own risk,

>> No.29335602

What is this? I'm not listening to 10 entire minutes of this

>> No.29335603
Quoted by: >>29335734

Is her technical knowledge really that good? most of the stuff I've heard her say on the topic falls under basic troubleshooting.

>> No.29335606

I fucking LOVE Mori's pet snake!

>> No.29335608

Didn't Mori say that she just winged it or something?

>> No.29335610

Will turn into the Ame rail Gura door stream where Gura does nothing and can only think about Ame while Ame plays like normal.

>> No.29335611
Quoted by: >>29335659

I hate how this artist draws Ame, fucker makes her look like a boy on purpose

>> No.29335613

Western artists can't draw for shit. CalArts tumblrites need to stay the fuck away from Hololive.

>> No.29335619
Quoted by: >>29335672

He didn't have time, he only turned the camera on to dab

>> No.29335620


>> No.29335621

Actually thankful it's not HL2 stream. I'm very sleepy

>> No.29335622

Only that she wants to and Ina is down for it.

>> No.29335628
File: 258 KB, 450x449, 1603319718064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335724

She wont cum from it but she will get hot and bothered

>> No.29335629
File: 6 KB, 170x237, 1589305855823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll dance this dance forever, then

>> No.29335630

because she wants money

>> No.29335631

>have done nothing but shitpost on /hlgg/ and play Sengoku Rance all day
I need help.

>> No.29335632

You're hired. Now go to sleep.

>> No.29335634

Yes but it was a while ago and we have no idea when it will actually happen.

>> No.29335633

>t. deadbeat

>> No.29335635

>Ame's Anime voice is just Risu without the Rrrrs

>> No.29335637

Nepotism, mostly. Next question?

>> No.29335640

same, i was in the exact /hlg/ thread where it was first posted too

>> No.29335645

Doxfags can't control themselves.

>> No.29335648

I really like this narrative.

>> No.29335649

Confronted Yagoo about the Rape of Nanjing and had all her JP collabs pulled as a result.

>> No.29335651
File: 50 KB, 536x550, 1602486191856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335774

I've been watching so many fucking streams recently that whenever I grab snacks while watching a vod or a normal video I don't pause it.

>> No.29335652

i've seen this posted more than 20 times and have never watched more than 6 seconds of it.

>> No.29335653
Quoted by: >>29335754

Yeah, check the last Minecraft stream, she cranked out her application in about an hour after she had an Eureka moment that it was a good fit for her and then confidencemaxxed her way in when it came time for the interview.

>> No.29335654

She would still have to be interviewed even if they approached her, they don't just give you the job.

>> No.29335655

This poor girl needs to sleep.

>> No.29335656

>Click link
>remember what the link leads to and close it before a picture even loads
no sir... not going near that shit again

>> No.29335657

Someone leaked their audition for HoloEN back when they were still recruiting and it became the boogeyman of /hlg/

>> No.29335659
File: 50 KB, 479x577, 20201113_062910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I fucking love how this artist draws Ame. I think it fits her super well.

>> No.29335665

Mori had technical issues during her audition and had to improvise, yes.

>> No.29335666
Quoted by: >>29336493

>ame asked asked nonstop questions
Looks like Ame knows job interview basics

>> No.29335670
Quoted by: >>29335733

help, i cannot find anything. Google, yandex, saucenao, freaking Bing images
who is this?

>> No.29335672

he doesn't even seem that bad

>> No.29335673
File: 771 KB, 970x545, 1602709150991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335715

>Ame just asked nonstop questions
I don't know how she got in, but we got so lucky bros to have her in HoloEN...

I fucking love that voice holy shit, it does things to me

>> No.29335674
Quoted by: >>29335710

I think specifically she had something prepared, but had some sort of technical issue, so then she improvised

>> No.29335675

>Ame just asked nonstop questions
but why?

>> No.29335678

>Gura looks at Ame's schedule again and asks them to just collab since they're so close together
Watch it happen

>> No.29335679

we are blessed

>> No.29335682


>> No.29335683
Quoted by: >>29335697

Have you tried inserting a penis into your lungs?

>> No.29335685
File: 271 KB, 498x505, dope ina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ninomae Ina'nis is one of the dumbest girls in hololive that I’ve had the “pleasure” to watch. A sullen, dull and quiet girl, she added nothing to holoEN except, “Gee, let's bomb KFP.” Also, illegally released many classified Chickens. A real dope!

>> No.29335688
File: 199 KB, 500x500, 1604764312512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her singing starts at 6:22
>Enma had to go through the audition tapes

>> No.29335689

she said in member stream she applied herself

>> No.29335692
File: 453 KB, 1849x1602, 1588824049991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 gurame likes and a retweet.

>> No.29335693
File: 95 KB, 700x362, fetchimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335696
File: 1.53 MB, 335x974, 1601521818557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335867

I kneel Yagoo, this shit could've been so terrible

>> No.29335697

I don't need a new fetish.

>> No.29335701

And somehow they're all great

>> No.29335702

That's why instead of fucking the tenshi, you make love to her.

>> No.29335705


>> No.29335710
Quoted by: >>29335900

I wonder if the most advantageous thing you could do for your application is have a technical issue, and demonstrate you can deal with it well.

>> No.29335712

Some washed up literal whotuber troon's girlfriend had their audition tape leaked.

>> No.29335713
File: 550 KB, 971x626, HoloEN screenshot snacks collab fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335776

yet I unironically can't think of another roster. Everything has just fallen into place even with all the ups and downs I love them all.

>> No.29335714

Remember when people also began thinking Kiara was going to be her?

>> No.29335715
File: 183 KB, 327x258, 1605392118000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335724

can she breathe if you cover them?

>> No.29335725

Ina seething

>> No.29335733
File: 309 KB, 2150x2284, 20201117_175326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335760


>> No.29335734

She had a pretty decent 3D setup and model in her roommate's past

>> No.29335735
Quoted by: >>29335833

>Ina's interview was her sleep deprived
How much pun jokes did she pull off

>> No.29335737

gacha artists are closer in standing to porn artists, it's not that big of a deal even if it makes good money

>> No.29335738

what is she building?

>> No.29335742
File: 24 KB, 364x364, 1604614249320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335745
Quoted by: >>29336374


>> No.29335749
Quoted by: >>29335790

I think the initial stages are just weeding out people who aren't fit to represent a professional idol/vtuber company. The actual interview process is to determine who has a unique enough personality to draw in viewers and make money. They probably also consider which 5 would get along the best based on personality.

>> No.29335750
File: 2 KB, 124x122, 1603507579599s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any other leaked audition clips? Surely they can't all be this bad...

>> No.29335751

>/HLGG/ and /HLG/ constantly post about nails
>Mori browses /jp/ and talks about getting her nails done to appease the nailfags

>> No.29335754
Quoted by: >>29335777

I loved how she admitted she actually was nervous but said "even if you're not confident, always act confident."

>> No.29335756

I miss the doomposts about EN. It made the actual debut such a pleasant surprise.

>> No.29335760

thanks senpai

>> No.29335766

>instead of applying for a company with an established fanbase
>It makes no sense to me, business-wise,

>> No.29335768

It's actually impressive to me how she can maintain the Amelia voice for so many hours, when her real voice seems to be much deeper.

>> No.29335770


>> No.29335771

Timecheck, it's almost been 2 hours

>> No.29335774

I have probably watched minecraft streams more than my total sleep

>> No.29335776

>Everything has just fallen into place even with all the big ups and big downs

>> No.29335777

I think Ame said the same thing too

>> No.29335778

>Talks about how much drama is surrounding her, including one that is about to drop and how she hopes it doesn't before the auditions
>Talks about making NSFW content
>Entire video is in 3D
>Shit talking her fanbase
It's like if someone wanted to torpedo any and all chances of getting into Hololive in one single video.

>> No.29335781

Is Kiara's resume really better than Ame's? One has idol experience and one has vtubing experience, they feel mostly equivalent. Also Ame had HER blessing.

>> No.29335785

Hololive and and famous anime style artist is pretty close.

>> No.29335787 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29335838

Mori posts in here all the time about how hot her really boyfriend is

>> No.29335788

>Hey, are you in this circle of NND whores? You're hired

>> No.29335790
Quoted by: >>29335909

>Tell us about yourself
>Well I like to stream, eat sand and I have a hole in my head.
>You're hired

>> No.29335798
Quoted by: >>29335905

she did, but think about it logically:
>they all need to be available
>Gura needs to grasp the rules
>Gura had trouble with fucking chess
>they need to be free for at least 3-4 hours (possibly more for first session)
>if they're not going with an existing scenario, that's also probably months of prep for the DM, and if Mori is to be the DM she won't have that kind of time before next year

>> No.29335799
Quoted by: >>29336163

>bed fakeout

it's gonna happen, korone's gonna overlap her sister

>> No.29335800


>> No.29335803
File: 250 KB, 1274x349, chumguts grin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335804
File: 3 KB, 308x49, 1583904324600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing happened on the 17th of November in the premises of KFP.

>> No.29335805

I thought Ina was scouted and just casually walked through the front door? She had to audition too?

>> No.29335806

Also does LN art covers

>> No.29335809

This already happened and both did their own thing. Chat will probably pressure them way more though, now that everyone ships them.

>> No.29335810

I hope we can doompost about gen 2 even though the precedent is huge success. We can at least confidently claim that they will NEVER outdo gen 1.

>> No.29335811
File: 1.96 MB, 900x1600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Time for me to stop."
>streams another 30 minutes

>> No.29335812
File: 196 KB, 462x768, Mori hololive lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335836

big ups for hiring me, thanks for the akasupas!

>> No.29335814
Quoted by: >>29335973

Amelia should do a voice acting stream

>> No.29335815
File: 46 KB, 1098x522, firefox_UkI4ZRHKyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruteforcing her portfolio
She has trained for at least 3 year with this voice as *******.

>> No.29335816

Ame probably had the biggest, most well-rounded resume to make up for her lack of "standouts"

>> No.29335817

yes, talked about it in member only alien watchalong after movie

>> No.29335819
Quoted by: >>29336390

Amelia's been streaming the longest and also has 3D rig already set up in her home.
She's also funny in her previous incarnation.

Too bad fps shooters aren't catching on with the Hololive audience, that's her bread and butter.

>> No.29335823
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, 1604186348882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this goddamn semen demon

>> No.29335821
Quoted by: >>29336655

Kiara knows N1 japanese and lives in Japan, which is not really a "talent" but still opens up a lot of possibilities.

>> No.29335822

>ina noises
grass block achieved

>> No.29335825
File: 112 KB, 359x393, 1605607169781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Chinks try their hardest to frame Artia as some kind of ultranationalist Communist (paradoxical I know)?

>> No.29335826

The canon ending to 2033 is the bad one so it wouldn't really matter if she noticed or not. Maybe more so with Last Light and Exodus but I kind of doubt Ame would stick with a whole series of moderately long single-player shooters.

>> No.29335830

>Join popular company
>Become popular
>Money comes in
>Go back to roommate
>Make more money

>> No.29335831

I wonder how Gura got the job.

>> No.29335833
Quoted by: >>29335860

no pun intended

>> No.29335835

>big ups

>> No.29335836
Quoted by: >>29336343

Do you think Mori gives YAGOO a big ups whenever she receives her paycheck?

>> No.29335838
File: 474 KB, 1580x1206, EmqrmfcXIAsIG2A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her boyfriend
Chat's lookin' kinda thin lately...

>> No.29335839

>streaming experience
>tried to hack it for years in a hostile industry

>> No.29335843

You know, it's great that they have such varying backgrounds, they really compliment each other well. Whoever put this gen together deserves a raise.

>> No.29335845

A fine addition to this collection of misfits.

>> No.29335846

how are her english reps coming along ?

>> No.29335848

She talked about it in her impromptu membership zatsudan after watching Aliens

>> No.29335852

It's not half bad. She's not using her 2D persona so it sounds very cringe. Also she lacks production. One month of training and you all would be falling over for her, I guarantee.

>> No.29335853

"I have a channel with 960k subscribers, and experience in vtubing, and singing."

>> No.29335851

Well, she's been praised on state TV, so she is.

>> No.29335854
Quoted by: >>29335976

She sang a song and Yagoo personally signed the contract on the spot.

>> No.29335855

Almost all of the hololive papas/mamas are gacha artists

>> No.29335859

I feel like Ame needs a better mic or something, she sounds weird compared to the others.

>> No.29335860
File: 58 KB, 300x300, MVSfX7X1IpGS-gOM84bYAQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335862

I think your kink might be coloring your perspective

>> No.29335863


>> No.29335864

Gura day, were we all take a moment on our own time to appreciate Gura and optionally to thank Jesus that we live in the same era as Amelia

>> No.29335866
Quoted by: >>29336708

Cute voices, that’s a huge factor. All the EN girls have cute voices that also appeal to a Japanese audience even Mori who’s voice sometime sounds cringe makes really cute moans.

>> No.29335867
File: 416 KB, 445x544, 1600109664810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really could have been. Lets be honest who thought EN would be as good as this?

>> No.29335871
Quoted by: >>29336208

She broke in trough a window and drunkenly sang Country Roads, she didn't even know there was an interview going on

>> No.29335869

She was halfway through singing ride on time and Yagoo said it's fucking done.

>> No.29335870 [SPOILER] 
File: 489 KB, 681x380, 1605653943357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335874

Is there actually a point to having a wool farm for every color or is it just minecraft autism?

>> No.29335878

I wouldn't say it very much of a performance voice. We heard during the call with Kiara when Amelia showed up for tech support it was almost exactly the same. It's more to do with her mic and being older. Owo sounded just about the same as she does now.

>> No.29335880
Quoted by: >>29335981

I think that's just her lisp

>> No.29335881
Quoted by: >>29335934

I wish gura pranked ina

>> No.29335884
Quoted by: >>29336098

She was like the easiest person to choose for the job.

>> No.29335885
Quoted by: >>29336749

Her and Gura use some kind of software for sure.

>> No.29335886
File: 26 KB, 810x84, 6787684468648684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335989

Why did Ame death-flag herself?

>> No.29335888

Please Mori. I can't afford food. I gave all my money already.

>> No.29335889

Ina literally malding.

>> No.29335891
File: 350 KB, 597x588, 1600051944086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Amelia will watch anime with the viewers?

>> No.29335892

because it's less effort than getting dye

>> No.29335894
Quoted by: >>29335969

Do you have the other picture in this set?

>> No.29335895

I know how much she streamed before, but are all those as a vtuber? I thought the facecam clips came from that period too.

>> No.29335896

She linked them to her channel

>> No.29335897


>> No.29335900

I mean, maybe you have a point. to be honest as a fan of her, I'd say her improv abilities aren't that good, she seems to struggle in cases where she needs a backup plan. Still a little salty we didn't get a guerilla stream from her earlier.

>> No.29335901
File: 261 KB, 486x513, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try and take her again, and I'll have to stop holding back.

>> No.29335902

>Gura 3D debut soon
>Cover coercing her into doing her exercise and diet reps
>Abortion already scheduled
>Haachama slowly becoming main HoloEN
>It was always Cover's plan to have her as Gura's bench

>> No.29335905

If they ever do it, it should be DM + 2 regular players + occasionally 1 guest player.
Having four players and a DM will slow the game too much.

>> No.29335906

Space Dandy...

>> No.29335907
File: 193 KB, 1280x1150, Mahou_Shoujo_Tokushusen_Asuka_07_BD_1280x720_x264_AAC_000419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336266

Stayed up for 38 hours in uni because of a project deadline. I never want to do that again. It was during my birthday too, so I kinda feel for Civia.

>> No.29335909

>have to sit through 20 interviews of ironic weebs talking about how much they loooove anime
>ame walks in and shares her childhood abuse stories

>> No.29335910


>> No.29335912
File: 1.53 MB, 498x331, 1603509944661.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335911
Quoted by: >>29335936

what in the hell would she even watch?

>> No.29335914
Quoted by: >>29336030

I was only slightly optimistic that 1 of them wouldn't be bad before the debut, all of them blew my expectations out of the park.

>> No.29335916

its more efficient to shear a coloured sheep than to redye white wool every time

>> No.29335918

/hlg/ still think it's shit.

>> No.29335920

Kiara has streaming experience before this

>> No.29335924

Yes, otherwise you'd have to get a shitload of dye to dye the wool the color you want after shearing

>> No.29335929

Goddamn my sides

>> No.29335933
Quoted by: >>29336038

God I wish I was that lime green sheep rn.

>> No.29335934

She might after Ina planted a melon on the frame of her hat house

>> No.29335936

Space Dandy

>> No.29335937

48ish, though it's not like I wanted to. Thanks, migraines.

>> No.29335938
File: 3.77 MB, 483x556, 986324234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335991

Why do Artia discordfags try to raid this place so often? don't they have chats to spam with their shitty scripts?

>> No.29335939


>> No.29335940

This is the first post in weeks I've seen talking about nails besides 1 (one) talking about Gura's painted nails

>> No.29335941
Quoted by: >>29336011

This would be much more easier if Ina had someone else to help her

>> No.29335942
File: 284 KB, 534x800, 1605063088755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29335966

She knows a guy

>> No.29335943

No, it's purely aesthetics.

>> No.29335944
Quoted by: >>29335952

hey minecraft autists, what happens if you put a _jeb sheep into one of these automatic sheering machines?

>> No.29335945

She's working on 'em like every stream.

>> No.29335946

When did Ame move to Australia?
Haachama off-collab when?

>> No.29335947
File: 316 KB, 1920x1080, 20201116_120842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335950 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 800x800, yellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335952

Whatever type of sheep they were beforehand.

>> No.29335953

Don't forget she also supports a united Eire by directly funding the IRA and reinstating direct Westminster rule over the Aussies

>> No.29335955
File: 15 KB, 459x110, 222357dec8a66483e576aa10ca8764a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I interrupt this highly comfy thread to numberfag shortly:

Mori Calliope is hours away from being the second HoloEN in the Hololive Top 10

Thank you for attention

>> No.29335958
File: 206 KB, 493x459, 1604607813019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ina streams
>nobody cares
every time

>> No.29335959

>Waachama Dragon
Sleep deprived Ina is rather amusing

>> No.29335961

modern day Orpheus
was able to charm Yagoo with her singing

>> No.29335962
Quoted by: >>29336064

She bit off her tongue, she’s got a permanent lisp because of it, that’s probably why

>> No.29335964
File: 152 KB, 1114x1192, jpchama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to find the one of the archived threads without warosu
>see this
Holy mother of god, fuck my life then, not doing that.

>> No.29335966

Still my favorite narrative

>> No.29335967
File: 835 KB, 900x506, 1604272455956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

32 hours, and it was just because I was watching anime a whole night

>> No.29335969
File: 192 KB, 1380x1007, EmqrmfxXUAAhzT6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336116


>> No.29335971
Quoted by: >>29336831

No one's framing her. There's too much circumstantial evidence.
She's a hardcore nationalist, like most chinese youth, trying to keep it under wraps so she can get gweilo bucks.

>> No.29335973

She did that accent stream, that kind of counts.

>> No.29335974

who dat

>> No.29335976
File: 698 KB, 904x1262, 1601907710266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336026

Why yes I did do that. Do you rike it?

>> No.29335975
Quoted by: >>29336044

Aye, but at what cost?

>> No.29335977

>gura has no collabs on her schedule outside of overcooked and full collab
>ina has no collabs on her schedule outside of the full collab
>ina is literally going to play 51 by herself

>> No.29335979

Yeah as a vtuber. face reveal shits are occasional in this period.

>> No.29335980

I don't know what kind of dye farms exists but moona looked into one and it involved creating an earthquake with pistons. That is very loud and might make the server lag

>> No.29335981

Idk it sounds more like an over zealous sound gate but I'm not an expert.

>> No.29335982

We're here. But its minecraft and not much is happening.

>> No.29335985

jaypee collab where.......

>> No.29335987
File: 155 KB, 426x275, 1588781264876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336045

You get used to it

>> No.29335989
Quoted by: >>29336024

where did she say this?

>> No.29335990

Man. It always blows me away with how fucking packed Ame's schedule is. How does she do it?

>> No.29335991
Quoted by: >>29336134

Keep telling that to yourself. People will soon believe you

>> No.29335992
Quoted by: >>29336032

Are there any Holos with normal nails? They all seem to have colored nails.

>> No.29335996

This is the face of Kiara antis.

>> No.29335997
File: 2.63 MB, 500x324, 1603930547719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29335998

I have her open on miniplayer while posting, anon, your oshi is cute but not very attention intense

>> No.29335999

It's ok when Gen2 is announced I WILL doompost about it until I am forced to dogeza

>> No.29336000

Yeah sure

>> No.29336002

Mori probably panicked and slammed the desk while yelling FINE, TURN ME DOWN COWARDS, DO IT and the Japanese salarymanlets instantly frontflipped into simultaneous dogeza.

>> No.29336004


>> No.29336007
File: 2.25 MB, 3679x3001, 1605159776891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do humans strive to leave this lie filled world
by deluding themselves into being anime girls. Why do lines chat words give them more joy than human faces?
is hololive just a big coping mechanism for the time of information and isolation?

>> No.29336010
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 1601497373743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it involved creating an earthquake with pistons. That is very loud and might make the server lag

>> No.29336011

Everyone helps her by using the wool

>> No.29336015

I remember that, do you know which stream it was? I know it was one of her first ones. I want to listen to it again.

>> No.29336018

install python
use the API

>> No.29336019

>he doesn't know

>> No.29336020
File: 127 KB, 1243x1280, 1582856414614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's free rear estate.

>> No.29336022

Kiara is easily the best technically prepared for the job, specially because she can speak Japanese. The reason why she's having a hard time appeasing your tards is inexplicable.

>> No.29336024

In her community schedule post.

>> No.29336026

I kneel.

>> No.29336029

>klaius stopped drawing gura around the time klaiusposting started and has been drawing other people's oc's and holo's.

I feel bad but he's free.

>> No.29336030

before debut i was scared as fuck and tried to cope with the announcement in that if at least ONE of the girls was decent then that would already be a success for me

>> No.29336032
Quoted by: >>29336065

Do you mean the avatars or the roommates?

>> No.29336031

if she blows something up again you'll get a dozen posts about it, right now people are just chilling with the vibe. She'll wrap up soon.

>> No.29336033
File: 470 KB, 761x1200, 1605388109853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can the holos stream games they don't have permissions to as long as they make the stream unmonetized and unarchived? I wanna see Mori do dark souls pvp with fans or a MGR endurance stream.

>> No.29336034
Quoted by: >>29336528

>Do you think Amelia Watson had girl power? Do you think she effectively utilized girl power by funneling superchat money to the Provisional IRA in Northern Ireland?

>> No.29336035
File: 607 KB, 1170x2048, 20201115_011746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336190

Mori will never be better than Okayu. Not only does she sing better, she's better at games and entertainment.

>> No.29336036

I love this sheep!

>> No.29336038

>Ina will never lead you into a small prison where you'll be her slave and shave you for eternity

>> No.29336043
File: 270 KB, 1000x1207, 1604792864719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336100

Hey numberfag, how long until Kiara is #1?

>> No.29336044

becoming the cutest HoloEN

>> No.29336045
Quoted by: >>29336066

Why does she always look disgusted?

>> No.29336046
Quoted by: >>29336117

that's why she has the most subs

>> No.29336047

Fuck off Chang.

>> No.29336049
File: 117 KB, 526x339, 1604191873804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, this has to be some sort of high effort shitpost.

>> No.29336052
Quoted by: >>29336153

Anitubers were one hell of a buff. She went from 4K a day to 10-12K a day

>> No.29336058
Quoted by: >>29336109

You unironically watch Moona?

>> No.29336059
Quoted by: >>29336096

JP is too busy rehearsing for the concert in December.

>> No.29336060

YAGOO loves lolis

>> No.29336062

>is hololive just a big coping mechanism for the time of information and isolation?
Perhaps the same could be said of all streamers

>> No.29336064

Oh I'm sorry Ame...

>> No.29336065
Quoted by: >>29336166

The Holo(gram)s.

>> No.29336066

Because everyone's not doing their reps

>> No.29336069

Who cares?

>> No.29336070

>Mori: Put-upon DM.
>Ame: Reliable player. Still lewd on the down low and keeps attracting Mori's ire.
>Gura: Dumpster fire at the rules. Only survives based on being cute and Ame helping her. Forgets what she was doing mid-combat and will start doing other things.
>Ina: Reliable player. Well-behaved and rules-oriented. Mercilessly backstabs the party with no regrets.
>Kiara: Cheerfully disruptive. Propositioning female NPCs, flirting with Mori, doing goofy-ass shit for the laffs. Has a pretty good build but always rolls low and cheeses it.

>> No.29336073
File: 1.07 MB, 2400x3000, Gremlin Amelia Watson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does she do it?
Twitch Gremlin Amelia soul!

>> No.29336075

>having only one monitor

>> No.29336074

So what do you think will be Gura's first 1 on 1 collab with a senpai?

>> No.29336077
File: 15 KB, 267x189, 1587279159132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336305

So this is what she mean by the big aka

>> No.29336078 [SPOILER] 
File: 24 KB, 618x250, 1605654326186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ame was picked because of streamer experience
mori was picked because of musical experience
kiara was picked because of idol experience
ina was picked because of artistic experience
gura was honestly picked because of memes, look at how her character was described in the original EN description

>> No.29336079
Quoted by: >>29336421

Isn't that what Miko's doing with GTA? Though japanese studios seem autistic enough to flag the vods anyway.

>> No.29336081
File: 565 KB, 1000x1000, 1603163231068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be mr green sheep
pain tako

>> No.29336080
Quoted by: >>29336545

We usually don't care for anything that isn't Ame or Gura.

>> No.29336084
File: 244 KB, 700x396, voDPlA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336108

oh fuck I miss Nanaca Crash

>> No.29336086
File: 466 KB, 1210x1720, EnAVxyiXMAAt3IN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-holmes has a nice butt..

>> No.29336089
File: 115 KB, 943x1200, EmxaV2BWEAANtvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori's debut single-handedly reversed my opinion that EN would be a disaster and convinced me to watch them all. I haven't regretted this decision even once.

>> No.29336091

I'm absolutely going to doompost the fuck out of Gen 2 until inevitably proven wrong.

>> No.29336093
Quoted by: >>29336585

no the companies will still get their ass the moment that stream is live

>> No.29336094

About 40 for a bootcamp thing. I never thought it was possible to sleep standing up

>> No.29336095

>admits to only wanting to do Ayame amounts of streams
It's like she wanted to speedrun having Enma trash her

>> No.29336096
Quoted by: >>29336835

nah, Ina's collabs got canned but Kiara and Mori still has them

>> No.29336097

How many wrinkles in Ina asshole?

>> No.29336098

This, anons were suggesting her even before EN was officially confirmed.

>> No.29336099

super bunny man with coco

>> No.29336100

She's number one in her jannies' hearts, and that's what counts.

>> No.29336103

He looks like my friend...

>> No.29336104
File: 2.51 MB, 1417x2000, __mori_calliope_and_death_sensei_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_shaketarako__60415e0b1f9b48e5a8c826ebc836ac85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she keeps resorting to loud DO IT COWARD yelling whenever she feels cornered, it's a hilarious defensive reflex.

>> No.29336105

Yes but like everything she promises it's probably not going to happen

>> No.29336106

Around 36h because i had a fucked sleep schedule and i usually fix it by pulling an all nighter and trying to survive the next day

>> No.29336107

I think it was an early switch stream. Maybe fire Emblem?

>> No.29336108

rooomba rooomba roooomba roooomba

>> No.29336109

>he doesn't watch Moona
What a faggot

>> No.29336111

I want to stick my tongue down the throat of Mori's pet snake

>> No.29336113

implying mori would stream if she wasnt making money from it

>> No.29336114
Quoted by: >>29336421

Yes, that's what Ame did with that dumb arcade game

>> No.29336115

Let's keep it that way. She's a good girl, really doesn't deserve any shitposting.

>> No.29336116
File: 121 KB, 328x313, ghostling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbros... I'm watching the vod right now and I'm sorry to say this but, I'm going ghost

>> No.29336117

Are you telling me her sub numbers are bad for a newcomer?

>> No.29336119

>How does she do it?
last week there was a total of 3.5 days worth of EN/ Kiara and Ame both contributed 1 whole day each. Having the free time to stream and wanting to stream means you can do it alot

>> No.29336120
Quoted by: >>29336198

Yagoo heard her cunny voice and immediately smelled an opportunity

>> No.29336121

we cant do anything about those issues unfortunately but I can still lewd her avatar because its cute and wish her a well future hopefully.

>> No.29336127

She showed them her youtube channel which had more subs the any other holo at that time and Yagoo knelt to the ground

>> No.29336128

Definitely, but I think we're at a point in society where you either choose to put yourself deep into the shit of reality or accept escapism as a necessity.

>> No.29336129

Ina, your guild war reps...
wasting awake hours not grinding...

>> No.29336132
File: 255 KB, 503x559, 1604859360740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone is STILL streaming asscreed

>> No.29336134


Many already do Chang, even the reddit hugbox, NGA and the Chinese were so incompetent that they couldn't even fool reddit

>> No.29336135

Make sure to prepare your bribe money for Ghost Rider by the time the ending comes, anon.

>> No.29336136
Quoted by: >>29336219


Because as a child you're fed dreams, the promise of a bright future, everyone is nice, hard work triumphs all, you can do anything, you'll change the world.

Then you grow up and realize the world is a cruel dark place and you where fed lies, so you retreat into things like this because they bring you joy, its why nostalgia is such a massive market, people pine for better times.

>> No.29336137

Ina is definitely the player that originally came to the DM asking if she could be a traitor, and plays along the whole time, being MVP several times, before finally cutting them deep at the worst possible moment.

Not out of malice, but just because it makes a good story.

>> No.29336138

Do you think her going first was a good or bad choice overall?

>> No.29336141

she's not much of a memester now
thank god

>> No.29336143

>gura cried while singing the moon song
cringe, also this confirms she had a bf. SAD

>> No.29336142
File: 8 KB, 264x284, 1605191460905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast, faggot

>> No.29336144

moona or risu

>> No.29336145
Quoted by: >>29336470

Ina only talks about the game and describes what she is doing. She really isnt a good streamer.

>> No.29336148

Mori's debut made me think that all of EN would be a disaster. I couldn't make it 3 minutes before closing the stream after hearing that stupid dub-tier voice.

>> No.29336150

Ame would be a murder hobo and then switch to a reasonable player if the situation calls for it

>> No.29336151

God I hope so

>> No.29336153

her date stream marked the biggest upswing, starting from getting 3k people in the 90-something minutes it went for
it's obviously both things in unison but my narrative is cuter

>> No.29336155
Quoted by: >>29336699

>it gets done
>cute sleepy reapy mewling about how mean it was for you to do it

>> No.29336158

>Kiara had around 8k viewers today for Mario Kart
>Ina has around 28k viewers for Minecraft now
How is the gap this big when they're pretty close in subscribers?

>> No.29336159
Quoted by: >>29336186

If you really think about it, spitting into Gura's gills would be like farting into somebody's mouth.

>> No.29336161
Quoted by: >>29336229

>The reason why she's having a hard time appeasing your tards is inexplicable.
She's just not that interesting or fun to watch, imo. Nothing against her or her fans, though.

>> No.29336162

first dog stream?

>> No.29336163


>> No.29336165
Quoted by: >>29336211

Friendly reminder she beat Syndicate in a single sitting.

>> No.29336166

most of them have normal ones except for a few.

>> No.29336167

She was thinking of Ame

>> No.29336168

Check your clock

>> No.29336171
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, 1604183430542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336283

What does she think of nu-assassins creed?

>> No.29336172

How good of a PC do you need anyway to run MC with these shaders?

>> No.29336173
Quoted by: >>29336410

they all had streaming experience

>> No.29336178
File: 270 KB, 1015x508, tako fire outside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336663

Watched a few minutes of the audition bit, am I in the minority thinking it's not THAT bad? I mean, not a winning audition or anything, a rejection for sure, but like, to me it just seems like one of probably many bad-to-meh auditions, not AUGH CRINGE THIS IS AWFUL or anything.

>> No.29336180
Quoted by: >>29336194

Imagine if one of the EN auditions ever gets leaked

>> No.29336181

Bad choice in that she was the most nervous since she had near zero streaming experience, good in that her talent was the easy to objectively show off in the form of her songs.

>> No.29336183
File: 707 KB, 780x1060, 1579346509112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336216

I need a gf right now or I'm going to kill myself

>> No.29336187
File: 364 KB, 1259x1600, Pygmalion-and-Galatea-oil-canvas-Jean-Leon-Gerome-1890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a connection between the myth of Pygmalion and Hololive?

>> No.29336186
File: 164 KB, 500x500, 1593127148704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about chumming deep into her gillpussies? What's that like?

>> No.29336188
Quoted by: >>29336248

one did it for 5 in the morning burger hours while the other is prime time burger hours.

>> No.29336190

it's ok, Mori is cuter
tho i love how chill the cat is, even if I only watch her in collabs

>> No.29336194

I need to see how bad Mori fucked up and how much she said YO YO YO

>> No.29336196
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, pulp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling cringe
>caring that she had a BF

>> No.29336197

I can't get back to Koro-san after EN happened.

>> No.29336198

Yagoo smelled her cunny and immediately saw money

>> No.29336200

is holoEN the most introverted hololive generation?
>ina barely collabs with anyone, openly an introvert and hikki
>mori isnt an introvert but is an awkward, cringey, and socially disabled. only one that isn't pussy enough to ask other people (regardless of who they are) for a collab
>kiara is the only one that appears to be an extrovert, and can carry conversations. but has said that she prefers alone time over talking with others. (so shes also an introvert). gigastacy at asking jp senpais to collabs (literally asking them in twitter replies or live on stream), but for some reason cant ask one of her own genmates.
>ame has claimed many times that she's an introvert. has basically had no real female friends in her past life. like kiara, forces herself to converse and can do it well. also too afraid to ask people for collabs (didnt want to ask gura for movie collab)
>gura is a massive introvert that finds it difficult to ask anyone for a collab. literally 1h separating her mc and amelias mc stream and couldnt ask for one. (not to mention ame is the one shes the most comfortable with). plans nothing but solo streams, and only is a part of collabs with either: ame, pre-planned by management (overcooked), or full collabs.

how the fuck do introverts even come about? do these faggots just not have any friends and social interaction during early development, so they have underdeveloped social skills and can't function as a member of society?

>> No.29336199

Not the guy you're replying to, but I think it was a good choice. Not so much for most of her debut, which was kind of whatever, but when she dropped Please RIP and then immediately dropped it as a song on her channel as well it fucking raised hype levels to unreal levels for the rest of the girls.

>> No.29336201
Quoted by: >>29336248

Kiara streams during JP hours

>> No.29336205

the album release made all the japs reverse their bias towards EN

>> No.29336206

it's not a shader, it's raytracing.

>> No.29336208


This is how it worked in my head expect she was always an Atlantean LoliShark

>> No.29336209

check your cock

>> No.29336211

That's not saying much. Syndicate is like 8 hours long if you aren't completely clueless.

>> No.29336215
Quoted by: >>29336285

She tried fucking her older brother and got disowned, watch the recent stream for updated lore about her questioning if her family thinks about her.

>> No.29336216

It was nice knowing you, friend

>> No.29336219
Quoted by: >>29337070

The world isn't all bad, it's just how the internet and social media puts a magnifying glass on the shitty stuff.

>> No.29336220

Somewhere between 35-40. I'm pretty sure there was at least one time that I just didn't sleep at all one night but went to bed at my normal time the next.

>> No.29336221

Mori singing POP/STARS when?

>> No.29336228
Quoted by: >>29336772

she's not a memester
she's the meme
date or ASMR? because if you didn't see the latter yet

>> No.29336229
Quoted by: >>29336300

The same could be said about Ina and I'm watching her right now.

>> No.29336231

they get permission anyway to cover their ass legally. With Miko's GTA streams they got permission but were told not to monetize as per Rockstar's streaming policy. It's probably going to be the same for Ame's LANoir run.

>> No.29336232

Huke papa drew his daughter and that drawing became a real girl

>> No.29336233

>literally said before the song that she was singing it because she heard ame sing it during karaoke
narrative btfod

>> No.29336234
File: 51 KB, 568x481, sdgbxfcv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice censorship, dude.

>> No.29336235

A good choice. She dispelled most of the fears that Cover just scraped the bottom of the barrel for anyone they could find. If you go back and read the threads during her debut you'll see almost everyone do a full 180 in the general atmosphere. She was the most nervous of the 5 but I think it was ultimately a good thing because she played into it instead of pretending otherwise.

>> No.29336239
Quoted by: >>29336772

Have you seen the 'asmr' stream? This woman will be the death of me and I won't even mind.

>> No.29336238

Ina streams during EU prime time and NA day time. Kiara streams during EU day time and NA night time. Also helps that Ina is more entertaining.

>> No.29336240

Ina not finishing the PRANK WAR on Ame.

>> No.29336242
File: 270 KB, 366x316, 1603556181999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's our dog

>> No.29336245

it'd be Gen2 if it wasn't for subaru's mega extrovert power

>> No.29336246

Is the reason Kiara not drawing as much viewers as Ina or even fucking Ame when she does karaoke is because she sings too idol-like? Like everyone knows idol singing is soulless so they don't even bother checking.

>> No.29336247

Ina has a 3950X and a 2080

>> No.29336248

Even Amelia never gets these numbers anymore, even with minecraft. Takodachi strong

>> No.29336251

Some people are just wired differently anon.

>> No.29336253


>> No.29336255

Looking back, the only real bad thing about the debut was the technical problem caused by the smoke. Sure, I thought it was a bit cringey at the time, but I've learned to love that cringe now. Dropping RIP and was the perfect KNEEL moment that HoloEN needed right out of the gate.

>> No.29336257

shes HER
anyone would love her
aliens love her
No one can hate her besides the mentally ill

>> No.29336258

>she prefers alone time over talking with others
anyone would when you're in japan

>> No.29336260
Quoted by: >>29336920

Numberfags, how many non-numberfags would it take to murder all of you?

>> No.29336264

Go back, newfag

>> No.29336266
Quoted by: >>29336299


>> No.29336268

fake takodachi fuck off

>> No.29336269

That's very normal. Dog can go for more than 24 hours

>> No.29336272

She had a really rough start and she missed the initial wave. She's improved so much in two months.

>> No.29336271

you're asking on 4chan?

>> No.29336273

Eh idk. I mean I think we just prefer if we don't socialize as much.

>> No.29336276
File: 481 KB, 1408x1720, 1605196661804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336772

There's no shame in it. The date and the ASMR that followed are too much to resist. She's just too good.

>> No.29336277
Quoted by: >>29336348

I imagine Kiara has trouble collabing with her genmates because anti's always yell at her that shes leeching views because shes the shittier channel

>> No.29336278
Quoted by: >>29336314

>Minecraft has more views than an unarchived Karaoke

>> No.29336279

None of us are us good as Pygmalion and are doomed to fall in love with other people's statues

>> No.29336283


>> No.29336285
File: 305 KB, 914x442, 1577559770844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336327


>> No.29336289
File: 145 KB, 1280x1280, 1595931231874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336444


>> No.29336291

ina is hindered by her knowing no japanese and also because shes an intovert
mori is hindered by her being cringy and not streaming much
kiara is hindered by her insecurities and PTSD from her past life
ame is also an introvert, but will talk with others when given the chance?
gura probably has lots of stress and fears since she is now the biggest holo

>> No.29336298

>not symmetrical and it bothers me
>meanwhile her outfit

>> No.29336299
Quoted by: >>29336383

Her graduation stream is in 50 minutes

>> No.29336300

Right, but Im awake and not at work when Ina's streaming.

>> No.29336301

Ina and Ame are the only 2 ENs that can get shit done on the server. It's fun watching people actually get shit done.

>> No.29336304

How powerful would a technologically competent Kiara be?

>> No.29336305
File: 501 KB, 2000x2000, 1603667396160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336420


>> No.29336307

>mori isnt an introvert
actually the way she can interact with people but never actively pursues much contact fits the profile much better than people who crave said contact but are just shy as hell (like Ina)

>> No.29336309

I have not cringed this hard in so long

>> No.29336310

would you eat her kimchi fried rice?

>> No.29336312
File: 114 KB, 281x328, 1600053285479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336407

>No holo en will surpass her in this

>> No.29336314

I still think she fucked up the time

>> No.29336315

I wouldnt be able to handle it, specially when those games look so samey

>> No.29336317

>knowing no japanese

>> No.29336319

She's just acquired taste of we're talking stream wise. She's a little too much for me.

>> No.29336321
File: 870 KB, 1984x2807, 1605435239638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hachaama is kinda retarded with this EN week thing she's doing. All her streams start at 2AM ET during weekdays. Only NEETs can watch that shit.

>> No.29336326

How nu?

>> No.29336327
File: 475 KB, 512x513, 1605470168182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Todd disowned Gura, but is considering letting her have supervised visits if she sells 10 million copies of skyrim, cope retard.

>> No.29336328
File: 353 KB, 431x436, 1604739292707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ina is hindered by her knowing no japanese

>> No.29336330
Quoted by: >>29336406

Introvert here who has had plenty of friends throughout life. It's complicated and partially affected by brain chemistry.
There's also two major types of introvert, high-energy and low-energy.
I'm a high-energy introvert like Mori, so I too tend to be loud and not know when to stop talking in large gatherings, to compensate for lack of actual social skills.
Low-energy introverts like Gura tend to just stay quiet and in the background a lot, for comparison.

>> No.29336334
Quoted by: >>29336404

ina knows more japanese than ame and gura, but still not much and far below mori and kiara

>> No.29336337

Man, what a tragedy, we missed on having this instead of K's:

>> No.29336340

What power gives her the endurance to keep going for so long regularly?

>> No.29336343


>> No.29336348

it doesn't help that she reads 5ch instead of us

>> No.29336349
File: 260 KB, 2000x2000, 1603600755196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already over. Good thing her "Buh bye!"s heal my soul.

>> No.29336354
File: 107 KB, 1019x485, 1601696514613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can finally sleep. Hope I wake up just for the rematch

>> No.29336355
File: 150 KB, 972x344, 1605530879997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29336359
File: 362 KB, 531x581, 1600722018176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336435

She doesn't know how to speak it like Kiara, that's a fact.

>> No.29336360

It's great for Aussies though

>> No.29336361

Probably her voice and prior clout. I don't actually think it was an easy choice for Cover though, HER streaming career was flaky as hell and HER viral videos weren't really suitable for the hololive brand, they probably had a few reservations about it before her auditions.

>> No.29336364

>Even Amelia never gets these numbers anymore
Why you lie, Minecraft Ame is an assure 20-25k.

>> No.29336368

That's who she likes

>> No.29336374


>> No.29336375
Quoted by: >>29336412

How did 2 hours melt with Ina....I want more...

>> No.29336377
File: 137 KB, 594x730, 1605496326987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ina going to sleep at 6pm
>meaning she'll wake up early tomorrow
>guerilla stream is a possibility

>> No.29336380

gura is the pewdiepie of hololive
>defaults to horror games, kusoge, or minecraft
>highest subcount and viewercount

>> No.29336382

>Hachaama is kinda retarded

>> No.29336383

What's that have to do with staying up for 36 hours?

>> No.29336386

The three following sentences are true. Whether or not they are connected in any way is up to you.
Amelia was friends with Gura before auditioning.
Gura has 1M subs on her dead account and a crush on Ame.
Amelia has a contract with hololive but cant sing.

>> No.29336387

holy shit, I hadn't see yet the new ending for Korone's streams
It's fantastic

>> No.29336390

I really hope she plays more FPS, she's competent enough and I always enjoy watching her play them.

>> No.29336395
File: 120 KB, 1318x826, gooda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's not much of a memester now thank god
When people say shit like this all they're doing is insulting her. If there was a visualization for meme references from each EN Gura would be on top by a mile. It's not even close and you know what? There's nothing wrong with it either because she's funny. Hopefully she stops feeling bad about her own personality because she's great how she is.

>> No.29336396

Feels good being an Auschad tbqh.

>> No.29336399

how long until a bridge incident?

>> No.29336401

Big wisdom

>> No.29336403

>Ina ends her stream
>Korone ends her stream
wtf what do I watch now

>> No.29336404

Let me rephrase what he said. Ina herself doesn't think she knows enough Japanese cause she has a bit of a perfectionist tilt

>> No.29336405

>Ina never finished Gura's Tennis Ball

Prank War cancelled, everybody go home

>> No.29336407

Don't startle Kiara's on her 24hr Christmas stream idea.

>> No.29336409

Are you going to be there anon?

>> No.29336406

Friendly reminder that 'introvert' doesn't refer to someone's social skills or lack thereof. Plenty of extroverts are social retards and plenty of introverts are socially capable. It's not an excuse for being awkward in public.

>> No.29336410

Yeah but for the other girls it was kind of a side thing (to their YT channel/music/art/cosplay/etc.), Ame was more dedicated to it

>> No.29336411

alright yeah i completely forgot about her jap skills, but her introvert-ness is still her major issue

>> No.29336412
Quoted by: >>29336451

We got 4 hours of Ina MC today, what a blessed day

>> No.29336413
File: 119 KB, 1076x1151, 1605177783904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the stream!

>> No.29336414

ina streamed two minecrafts??

>> No.29336415
File: 210 KB, 1288x868, file_146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so perfect bros?

>> No.29336416

she has to wait for school to be done before she can adjust

>> No.29336418

>Your 5 picks to be parents of HoloEN Gen 2

>> No.29336420
File: 2.50 MB, 2419x2400, 1603739420126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I haven't seen this in years

>> No.29336421

Miko did have permissions, otherwise the vod would be gone. They just can't get supas on rockstar games
same thing for Ame

>> No.29336422

To be honest, Hachaama is only good for porn.

>> No.29336426

>defaults to horror games, kusoge, or minecraft
but that is like 95% of hololive

>> No.29336428

You literally cannot refute this.

>> No.29336432

It's 7am in EU but as a NEET I wake up at noon so still miss it

>> No.29336433

oh no Kiara ...

>> No.29336434

6:14pm here and I'm going to bed too.

>> No.29336435

She actually does. She is confident enough to say "I can speak Japanese but since I'm from HoloEN, I should speak in English"

>> No.29336438

Holy shit that instant smile drop at 4:47

>> No.29336441

I love her/10
cute stream

>> No.29336443

>EN week
Hasn't it been almost a full month by now?

>> No.29336444
Quoted by: >>29336481

Let her sleep, geez

Also someone show Gura this stream for the


>> No.29336446

Isn't it like 4pm there?

>> No.29336447

Felix barely plays any video games.

>> No.29336450

He is probably sentimental about civias graduation because he's sleep deprived. Her graduation stream is probably why he brought it up

>> No.29336451

but it felt like nothing i need more

>> No.29336452

Someone send the nether portal

>> No.29336453
Quoted by: >>29336557


>> No.29336454

Humu / Humu

>> No.29336459

Every week is EN week.

>> No.29336461

I'm retarded and didn't read the part where you said you hadn't played it, she's at Chapter 7 out of 18 or so in total

>> No.29336462
Quoted by: >>29336520

It was her attempting to stream fire emblem, the vods either unlisted or gone now (It was members only for a while but seems to be gone now), but It's been archived, I think this is it https://www.bitchute.com/video/SfSissZAkWnx/

>> No.29336463
File: 11 KB, 173x62, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minecraft autists explain the thing that happened with this, why couldn't this be used in crafting

>> No.29336464

i feel like interview calli would probably be stuck in 'please sirs' mode

>> No.29336465

>open stream
>just ended
Man, I am good at this

>> No.29336467

>Ina keeps repeating she's had no sleep
>Still found the time to bomb Artia's graduation with a gorilla stream
I think it's clear Clover woke her up in the middle of the night to have her drive away attention from Artia.

>> No.29336469

Every week is EN week now

>> No.29336470

That's what makes her the best streamer. I watch vtubers for the cute girls, not for a bunch of backseating autistic faggots.

>> No.29336472

I want Gura to sing I'm Yours from json mraz go tell her

>> No.29336473
Quoted by: >>29336507

it's actually 7:45 for her.

>> No.29336475

But Gura's content doesn't make me wanna do a spectacular flip to my death like Pewdiepie's original content did.

>> No.29336476
File: 445 KB, 2480x2974, 1594541040946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336536

I can't chose between catching up to Ina's guerilla stream or falling asleep to a previous drawing stream.

>> No.29336477
Quoted by: >>29336527

Ina knows enough Japanese to blurt out memorized common phrases when solo streaming. She does not know enough to reliably hold a conversation.

>> No.29336479

Rating the minecraft performance
Mori -- absent/10
Kiara -- never watched/10
Ina -- comfy/10
Ame -- stress/10
Gura -- misadventure/10

>> No.29336481

do you not want 2x1 trees?

>> No.29336482
File: 250 KB, 446x717, MC_Ride_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This audition lore is nice. Have they said if Nips interviewed them or nah?

>> No.29336483

If I remember right it would work but she had to place it manually

>> No.29336485
File: 89 KB, 268x317, ゴズリング117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate Koreans...but I can't find myself hating her...how do I learn to hate bros?

>> No.29336486


>> No.29336493

I agree satan has most of this thread never been in an interview before?

>> No.29336494
File: 199 KB, 427x381, 1603502183503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute...
Is this why I like all of them so much?

>> No.29336495
File: 185 KB, 858x1200, 1599976983058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cumsharts STILL haven't apologized for runining Mori's stream schedule
We're waiting.

>> No.29336496
Quoted by: >>29336877

Ame had a lot of stream time. She's kinda like Korone. I mean Korone also can't sing well.

>> No.29336498

She's obviously streaming for the Hawaiians

>> No.29336499
Quoted by: >>29336612

She makes the memes, she doesn't spout them like a memester would, anon.

>> No.29336501

Pretty based of her to agree to it ngl.

>> No.29336502

I still don't know if Haachama should be a considered honorary HololiveEN member or not.

>> No.29336503

it might have been a bowg

>> No.29336505
Quoted by: >>29336534

I wonder if Mori will actually make her Crash stream into an endurance one like she was hinting she might

>> No.29336506

positively-channeled autism

>> No.29336507

Oh yeah, it's a good time to go to sleep.

>> No.29336508
Quoted by: >>29336531

she gets more viewers than kiara unarchived karaoke so her timing can't be all that bad

>> No.29336509 [SPOILER] 
File: 44 KB, 1000x800, 1605655059272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! Will watch Africat while waiting

>> No.29336515

No, Ina is hindered by her JP collab ban.

>> No.29336516
File: 56 KB, 1041x585, Eih1GTSUcAAjJyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29336517

noel and coco can't sing

>> No.29336519

And she still gets a ton of views

>> No.29336520

That explains why I couldn't find it, thanks anon. I was sure it was fire emblem too, but it was in none of the archives.

>> No.29336524
File: 373 KB, 429x637, 1605604874326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we can all agree Mori ruined the stream.

>> No.29336528
Quoted by: >>29336572

I dont understand. Is this a new pasta that's somehow connected to bugmen?

>> No.29336527

She already had a couple of conversations in private with some JP senpais

>> No.29336529

pewds is awful loud asshole chunk of shit
gura is a sweet gremlin loli woman

>> No.29336530
File: 220 KB, 550x532, 1605157221358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Counterpoint: Gura is the Gura of Hololive.

>> No.29336531
Quoted by: >>29336653

Really? Thats fucked.. Poor chicken.

>> No.29336534

I read that as "Cash" stream lol

>> No.29336536

ina'd want you to take care of yourself and get some sleep. the archives will still be there when you get up.

>> No.29336537
File: 1003 KB, 404x347, 1605641282564.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336565

I don't know... All I know is that we've been blessed to have gotten a chance to get to know and enjoy her and even fall for her...

>> No.29336539

neither can Coco, Choco and Noel

>> No.29336541
File: 438 KB, 1075x1192, 1602165949084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deadweights STILL haven't apologised for coining the term "condommate" and being responsible for most of the Armageddon
We're waiting.

>> No.29336543

Most Holos don't sing well.

>> No.29336546
File: 139 KB, 217x332, 1605224228400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the priestess wash away your hate, anon. The Tentacult is a religion of love.

>> No.29336545

I don't know, for better or worse the thread is usually active while Mori is live. usually good but sometimes the schizos come out, depends if people are taking the bait.

>> No.29336547

Didn't catch it, but it was probably 10/10

>> No.29336549

Ina knows jap she just isnt confident in it

>> No.29336548

What would you rather do?

Eat a Haachama burger


Jump off a cliff

>> No.29336551

Only if Polka is allowed in too

>> No.29336553
Quoted by: >>29336603

We know that Kiara sang Kimino Shiranai Monogatari for her audition, i don't think we've gotten more than that on her

>> No.29336555

I'm still amused how that worked in the Among Us stream.

>> No.29336557

Incredibly based

>> No.29336556

I'm actually curious if the interview was with japanese staff, western staff, or a mix.
Remember that Japs unironically think Mori is the coolest.

>> No.29336558


>> No.29336560

>Gura has no collabs (outside of the pre-planned full collab and overcooked collab) this week.
Is it finally over, bros? Has Gura's last lifeline (Amelia) abandoned her? Will she now regress to being the daisenpai hermit of holoEN, only doing solo streams and occasional full collabs?

>> No.29336562


>> No.29336564


>> No.29336563


>> No.29336565

I'm really thankful for existing in the same timeline with Amelia Watson

>> No.29336567 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 624x614, 1605655168917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29336568
File: 542 KB, 633x650, 4tb4tbtwert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip unicorn

>> No.29336569

It's kind of nice that EN gets a 6th member but it's a shame that I dont think Ina and Haachama would work very well

>> No.29336570
File: 179 KB, 1464x1181, 1605423396823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true

>> No.29336572
Quoted by: >>29336673

The bugmen were trying to force a narrative that Amelia supports the IRA because she used a Union Jack without the Ulster Banner during her accents stream.

>> No.29336574

from others i have heard it was a native speaker and another one who didnt talk at all during the interview
the questions where normal work interview questions mostly

>> No.29336575
File: 9 KB, 200x200, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three hours until the Chess Rematch. Are you fucking ready friends?

>> No.29336581

We're in true dead hours now bois

>> No.29336580

Weren't half of Gura's collabs with Ame unannounced?

>> No.29336582
File: 4 KB, 318x382, ChickenNew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press [F] to lay respect.

>> No.29336583
Quoted by: >>29336671

Why is Ame stress? Her minecraft streams are really comfy, almost hypnotic with the counting thing.

>> No.29336584
Quoted by: >>29336713

>Checked out Noel's ASMR as per recommendation from the thread
Holy shit my dick

>> No.29336585

nah I think you can get away with non-monetisation unarchived. the filing process usually start after the stream ended.

>> No.29336586

coco can do english though
and choco and noel do asmr

>> No.29336587
File: 594 KB, 707x1000, EmtW1Z0VQAUV1aW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm donating my life savings to the comet. See ya, virgins!

>> No.29336588

Ina -- Adventure/10
Gura -- Tries/10
Ame -- I don't think I've ever seen her outside of MC collabs/10
Kiara -- Will never ever finish KFP/10
Mori -- NULL

>> No.29336589
File: 1.61 MB, 1736x2360, 1604451424982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this brat

>> No.29336591

Desu Wa?

>> No.29336593


>> No.29336594

holy false flag

>> No.29336595

1. a2

Come at me bro

>> No.29336598

>it's not even close
i feel like ina does more meme references than gura at this point

>> No.29336601
File: 126 KB, 1390x724, deadbraps[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ffjxaej.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori's farts contain small amounts of argent energy thus containing her as a braphog we could harvest her farts and power the Earth to a new age of progress!

>> No.29336602

Oi, humanityfag is 100% responsible for that. You don't blame a fire for burning, you blame the asshole who started it in the first place.

>> No.29336603
Quoted by: >>29336627

I thought it was platinum disco she sang for it

>> No.29336606

Ame still gets 30k in MC
generally 25-20k is typical for Ame/Ina, Mori/Kiara are closer to 15k (Mori in upper end, Kiara in lower) and Gura is her own beast

>> No.29336608

Mori has the special skill that makes lowtest men seethe.

>> No.29336611

Hopefully she can buy a better outfit with it

>> No.29336612
Quoted by: >>29336661

>she doesn't spout them like a memester would, anon.
She spouts memes all the time, are you serious? The description of that video and thumbnail of that video are two different memes. She creates memes too, of course, but you're just lying or not actually watching her streams if you don't think she's a meme spouting shark.

>> No.29336620

Somewhere around the 40 hour mark, though now I struggle with 24.

>> No.29336623
Quoted by: >>29336669

I know she has to sleep but goddamnm do I wish she'd stream longer. Her actually accomplishing shit in her minecraft streams fills me with joy.

>> No.29336624

>6th member
What? Have we officially taken possession of Polka?

>> No.29336625

Accidentally hired a woman deeply familiar with rap culture.

>> No.29336626
File: 160 KB, 1528x1948, 768687534345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336659

Fresh new narrative:
Gura is Felix's oshi

>> No.29336627

Ah fuck right, i mixed it up with the other idol lore she dropped in Sakuna

>> No.29336628

>Artia and Civia's graduation
>Coco celebrating 800k on the same day
Damn I love this based dragon. Fuck the chinks.

>> No.29336631

Why are the funny names for deadbeats so fucking funny compared to the other girls?

>> No.29336632

Bets on who's going to win the chess rematch? I'm going with Kiara since she probably practiced after her loss for revenge, and at least used to be an honorary chess club member.

>> No.29336635

Hikkineet that made it.

>> No.29336637

I'm ready to sleep through it

>> No.29336638

you underestimate Ina's comfy aura

>> No.29336640
Quoted by: >>29336726

incorrect, the cooking stream yesterday was hilarious

I mean, you're basically watching a retarded japanese exchange student not understand how cooking works but that's entertainment in of itself

>> No.29336641

The longer Mori stays in Canada the richer will she become

>> No.29336642
Quoted by: >>29336677

Mori's farting is responsible for at least 43% of greenhouse gasses so you would solve the global warming problem too

>> No.29336643

Honestly, the thread is pretty pro-Mori when she's streaming/around her usual streaming hours, unless she fucks up.

>> No.29336644

is the 5600x enough for watching multiple holo streams? I feel like my 4690k is not holding up anymore

>> No.29336647
File: 597 KB, 732x767, 1590721813559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336879


>> No.29336648

She is absolutely the most-discussed HoloEN member, for better or for worse.

>> No.29336649

Deadbraps is pretty funny, but I think Condomates takes the cake.

>> No.29336650
File: 283 KB, 2000x2000, y4cmemv44hz51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EN Holohouse never

>> No.29336654
File: 536 KB, 1280x1432, 152713688213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what watching iCarly does to a woman

>> No.29336653

it's actually kind of an unfair comparison because the chammers is pretty popular and chicken basically never streamed at the time she set her karaoke for

>> No.29336655

>Kiara knows N1 japanese
Isn't she beyond N1?

>> No.29336658

I don't think I ever watched a full stream of Suisei. Kiara is actually more entertaining than her, and that's saying a lot.

>> No.29336659
File: 130 KB, 320x320, 1603738940020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29336661
Quoted by: >>29336948

There is a difference between making constant references and actually spouting memes, anon. Gura herself doesn't want to be a memespouter, as shown by how depressed she got for a moment at the start of her collab with Mori when she introduced herself.

>> No.29336663

I still think it's terrible for a variety of reasons, but it might help you to envision actually getting a girl like this in order to see how pre-debut doomposters felt.
That being said, the nicest thing I can say about this audition is that maybe the auditions of present-day EN may not have inspired much confidence either had they leaked early. I'm curious how they went overall, I think it's pretty hard to audition for something like this without it coming off as awkward.

>> No.29336662
File: 156 KB, 732x1024, 1605462143556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think one of the reasons Haachama is pushing the EN gen 0 thing is because she knows bugmen are afraid to bully westerns, so by affiliating with the EN branch her chat is chink-free, unlike Coco's.

>> No.29336664

It was good enough for her, you won't die but you might get salmonella poisoning.

>> No.29336668

>Dead hours
well, see ya for the collab, I'm gonna play hades for the first time

>> No.29336669

Ina's about quality, not quantity

>> No.29336671

Because she is always getting stuck doing something tedious that she doesn't want to do, or trying and failing to do something she doesn't understand how to do

>> No.29336672
File: 513 KB, 719x636, 1592634714759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336747


>> No.29336673

>Amelia used her Stream money and time travelling powers to support the independence of Ireland

>> No.29336674

it should with some good amount of ram

>> No.29336675

from prior thread, looks like it's 50/50 odds

>> No.29336677

meant for >>29336601

>> No.29336678


>> No.29336679
File: 2.95 MB, 1200x1800, A Gawrf of Bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337188

I provide here, a counterpoint to your counterpoint.

>> No.29336681
Quoted by: >>29336716

Haachama has officially moved in.

>> No.29336682

Not a deadbeat but I do hope people here are just shitposting on their mori hate posts.

>> No.29336683
Quoted by: >>29336722

Have fun, anon. First Supergiant game?

>> No.29336685
Quoted by: >>29336723

Kiara gets mistaken for a hafu her jap is that good

>> No.29336688

Can't be N0 as a JSL.

>> No.29336691

That one feels like it's trying way too hard. It's like how people are trying to push chumsharts, it's unfunny and doesn't flow at all.

>> No.29336694
Quoted by: >>29336756

I don't hear it.
I was waiting for a jump scare the entire time.

>> No.29336699
File: 519 KB, 420x172, gr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't do it to me man

>> No.29336700

goddamn i love nene

>> No.29336704

She's actually in pretty good physical shape, I'm told.

>> No.29336705

She's ruining my sleep schedule, I feel like shit while at work. But its still worth it.

>> No.29336707
File: 51 KB, 847x672, 1599918872504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how the fuck do introverts even come about?
Loneliness. Eventually you become so comfortable being on your own that the concept of socialization is actually difficult to do
t. introvert NEET

>> No.29336708
Quoted by: >>29337502

>even Mori who’s voice sometime sounds cringe makes really cute moans.
I'm halfway through her recent ASMR.
Ya boy is a danger. If she ever realises how cute she is and weaponizes it, no one is safe.

>> No.29336709

Wrong, everyone stopped caring about condomates
the names for deadbeats on the other hand are all still funny

>> No.29336712

Coco worked for Cover before joinging Hololive
Noel probably got in to fill the ASMR niche

>> No.29336713
Quoted by: >>29336804

Wait till you watch C*nan (Noel's roommate) ASMR, she literally mounts your face with her Ku-100 in one of them.

>> No.29336714

what is this

>> No.29336715
Quoted by: >>29337401

Isn't it literally the highest official classification?

>> No.29336716
Quoted by: >>29336745

I know that, who's the 6th member?

>> No.29336718
Quoted by: >>29336760

Yeah, I don't hate her, she's simply the easiest EN to farm (You)s with. Deadbeats get really defensive.

>> No.29336720
File: 794 KB, 1280x720, 1605655440586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29336722
Quoted by: >>29336734

I've heard bastion is good but I've never tried it, so yeah

>> No.29336723

She kinda has chinky (nippy?) eyes too to be fair

>> No.29336724


>> No.29336725
File: 205 KB, 1200x934, 64868468486'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has by far the most fun playing games with Ame.
>That requires asking her to collab with her every week though.
>Ame streams so much that it feels like you're intruding every time you ask and you also risk being rejected.
>People will also think you're spending too much time with her and ignoring your senpai and other genmates.
This is why you never make friends or rely on others. Haha...

>> No.29336726
File: 33 KB, 630x487, images - 2020-11-11T041020.330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337437

Genuinely baffled as to how she hasn't gotten Salmonella from how little she cooks chicken. She's also some kind of savant when it comes to building shit in minecraft. She truly is a mystery.

>> No.29336729

As an Ina fan I'm very sad no one calls sharkfags samefags.

>> No.29336731
File: 297 KB, 600x627, inaBonk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based tako.

>> No.29336732

it's because 'cumshart' flows better, the extra H destroys the rhythm

>> No.29336733

she's a westaboo
her persona is quarter british and based off of Alice in Wonderland

>> No.29336734

I'll give it to you straight, you're pretty much starting with the best one, but if you like it you should go back and play them all.

>> No.29336736

You can't just brap a hole into the surface of Japan.

>> No.29336738

Will Gura ever finish a Minecraft project?

>> No.29336739
File: 149 KB, 548x1200, __gawr_gura_bloop_and_longcat_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_nikoo__f35b53cf7845b4423f66b91bf2ad6b13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29336743
File: 257 KB, 800x800, 1604629091600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just a shitpost right?

>> No.29336744

I think so, it’s kind of like the disabled kids always “winning” in school you just smile and nod

>> No.29336745

Your oshi, but we're not letting her in.

>> No.29336746

Hachaama has invaded the EN server, and like any good invader is going to claim sovereignty by building her own castle.

>> No.29336747

Coco doesn't hate Artia. And Artia doesn't hate Coco. Don't paint Coco as the type to throw someone under the bus. It's very disrespectful and ooc for her.

>> No.29336748

And Ame gets to fill in the FPS niche in EN

>> No.29336749

they use the same mixer and from what i can hear their effects processing chains are very similar. both of them use a noise gate, a fairly strong dynamic compressor, and a simple multiband equalizer with a bass reduction and a small midrange boost at around 2.5 kHz. for singing streams they add a stereo digital reverb. on rare occasions they'll use automatic pitch correction, but the version they use is not very good and it's obvious when it's turned on.

neither of them uses any kind off pitch shift or advanced vocal processing.

>> No.29336750

Gura paused and deliberately chose a name, there's no fucking way she actually picked Ame's real name.

>> No.29336751

Chinks never did anything to her even when she mentioned Taiwan. Hachaama is just too easy to ignore.

>> No.29336752

t. copedomate

>> No.29336756

it is 100% in there anon. its for the best you just dont look for it

>> No.29336761
File: 224 KB, 2329x1582, EhwJz8OVgAEPoAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She willingly fucked over her base chasing bigger numbers and got exactly what she deserved. She streamed in EN primetime, which is what she fucking wanted, and no one watched because no one cared, because she's just not popular.

>> No.29336760

t. deadbeat

>> No.29336766

Someone linked another vtuber who spilled some beans about her audition.
For her (or atleast that's how identifies, for this board is a tranny), who managed to get to the second round, there was a fluent english speaker interviewer along with a japanese one who wasn't. Also the interview was done through Discord.
Funny thing, they asked her to speak about her school life lol.
Said Vtuber didn't made it to the finals and doesn't plan to apply again.

>> No.29336770

Not joking around, How hard do you think Ame scolded her for this?

>> No.29336771

No, that's make-up

>> No.29336772
File: 2.84 MB, 864x720, 1602907264165.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw the latter then this. I was dead from the start.

>> No.29336774
Quoted by: >>29336794

gura and ame are on a first name basis offstream, so it slipped

>> No.29336776
File: 321 KB, 515x519, 1603786109507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Civia's last stream on bilibili had this baggy eyes edit as she leaked her DLC voice pack and the new costume she was originally going to get on her birthday, from a competition against Nijis. This was shortly after negotiations: Cover decided to axe holoCN and a "supposed" 3rd-party forbid holoCN to keep their avatars.

Also, Civia's graduating on her birthday, a month earlier than the rest of HoloCN who are graduating mid-December.

>> No.29336778

>More than 75% of posts on /jp/ in a single thread.

>> No.29336779 [DELETED] 

>Dead hours
Nyanners is literally streaming right now.

>> No.29336780

Can you stop it with this narrative? It makes no fucking sense. Artia is a Chinese nationalist, she admitted so herself, and she's fucking dead now. Forget about it.

>> No.29336781

But Transistor is the best one.

>> No.29336782
Quoted by: >>29336813

Has anyone ever asked Kiara what language she thinks in?

>> No.29336783

recovering alcoholic WITH CUNNY VOICE
that makes a big difference

>> No.29336784
File: 391 KB, 619x653, 1604181755061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who you calling goofy

>> No.29336785

What is Kiara's real twitter?

>> No.29336786
File: 293 KB, 557x634, 1599937002478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina is the only EN who doesn't drink alcohol

>> No.29336789

I wouldn't call it a performance voice, but I do think she makes her voice more "cutesy" for some moments. Streamers usually exaggerate parts of themselves for their streams without necessarily putting on an act.

>> No.29336790

I'll keep that in mind, thanks mate

>> No.29336792
Quoted by: >>29336828

This was actually earlier than usual, 10 am UTC, 2 am PST. also it was a guerilla stream.

>> No.29336793

>Only NEETs can watch that shit.
And even then it's still early. I usually crash and burn by 1:30
2am is graveyard shift anons

>> No.29336794

>Stopped for a few seconds before saying the name
That's not a slip you fucking faggot, and Ame didn't even respond to it. You Rrat schitzos need to take your fucking meds.

>> No.29336795

I love these girls

>> No.29336799
File: 74 KB, 639x720, EfzW0AXX0AU8inc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp likes all the normie girls
like clockwork

>> No.29336801


>> No.29336804
Quoted by: >>29336917

Shit I gotta find this.

>> No.29336805
File: 275 KB, 511x463, FACT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336855

>A deadbeat and a teamate fighting against each other over something stupid
>They are most likely neither and are both falseflagging chumbuddies
I hate you guys.

>> No.29336807

Most are, its the easiest way for a (you). But I'm convinced theres 1-3 actual schizos going on about her.

>> No.29336809
Quoted by: >>29336837

Not sure if you're bullshiting or an actual audio engineer
Im just assuming you're right since i have no idea about this stuff, also it makes sense that Gura has a good audio se-up since she is one of the few people that has perfect pitch

>> No.29336811
Quoted by: >>29337069

>Also, Civia's graduating on her birthday, a month earlier than the rest of HoloCN who are graduating mid-December.
Artia literally graduated today.

>> No.29336810

>I don't know what kind of dye farms exists but moona looked into one and it involved creating an earthquake with pistons. That is very loud and might make the server lag
That's a flower-farm, shifting a row of blocks.

>> No.29336813

Someone should

>> No.29336814


>> No.29336815


>> No.29336816

Noel has many other splendid attributes.

>> No.29336819

I feel bad for Civia. I started browsing /hlg/ and /hlgg/ around the time she began uploading on Youtube and everyone was so excited about it. That it had to end like this is just depressing.

>> No.29336820
Quoted by: >>29336875

Gura was trying to make a rebecca black joke you know the friday song girl

>> No.29336822

haachama is the most adventurous streamer in hololive

>> No.29336824


>> No.29336825

desu. I just want Mori to do something unscheduled once
I feel like she's mega paranoid people will miss shit if done of schedule/unarchived and that's why she avoids it, but I wish she could cure her autisms about that

>> No.29336828
Quoted by: >>29337652

Ina's first stream was also guerilla and got pretty much the same numbers as the planned one, around 25k

>> No.29336829

I want to fuck this dumb little retard so god damn bad.

>> No.29336831
Quoted by: >>29337100

There's also tons of circumstancial evidence to point that bugmen want to frame her as an adversarial to Coco. I still don't believe about the whole "Artia is a mastermind who hates Coco" narrative because that reeks off schizophrenia and lunacy that only a bugman can come up to.

>> No.29336830

At first I thought Mori getting the most obviously feminine avatar of the five was a bizarre choice, but it's starting to make more and more sense.

>> No.29336834


>> No.29336835

>Kiara and Mori still has them
No shit moron, they're in the same time zone as the JP holos.

>> No.29336836

It'd get confused with samefagging I guess.

>> No.29336837

i have about 25 years of experience working with digital audio, mainly in live sound production and recording of live concerts.

>> No.29336839


>> No.29336840
File: 950 KB, 760x762, recovery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you proud of Gura?

>> No.29336841

she said she likes beer

>> No.29336843 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 1345x295, 1597582692991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perfect desing
>perfect body
>perfect voice
>perfect personality
>make prejudiced incels seethe
More than perfect!

>> No.29336845

Now I'm absolutely certain Cover hires the fucked up ones. I mean, Ame's school life is... kinda depressing. Kiara didn't finish high school. Ina, Mori, and Gura were probably really introverted as hell.

>> No.29336848

fucking lmao, there's gotta be a bridge edit of this already

>> No.29336851
File: 185 KB, 1000x1000, 1602121157659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Ame they're throwing tridents at us
>Who are you talking ab-? oh
> Ame gets one shot by a Trident
>>Those fucking SEANIGGERS

>> No.29336852

>>klaius stopped drawing gura around the time klaiusposting started and has been drawing other people's oc's and holo's.
>I feel bad but he's free.
We'll remember.

>> No.29336853
File: 48 KB, 500x839, 1603228997748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to edit this for Mori but you get the idea

>> No.29336854
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, 1604719169465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek you will never know

>> No.29336855
File: 16 KB, 534x248, 1600346901971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336964

Wrong, I'm a tentacultist. We all are.

>> No.29336858
Quoted by: >>29336906

>INa is the only one in the group with actual talent

>> No.29336862


>> No.29336863
File: 114 KB, 837x1053, 4888664868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cat is fine too.

>> No.29336865
File: 367 KB, 469x538, 1605383704012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29336867

They're just going all-in on the gap. This should be obvious. It would be boring if she looked like Towa.

>> No.29336868
File: 540 KB, 709x407, 1599350647360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336896

I remember Civia's debut was the first time I actually saw some sparks of hope in /hlg/ that HoloEN might not be a total disaster after they really enjoyed it. A shame things ended up as they did.

>> No.29336875

Ina has mentioned drinking alcohol before. I'd believe that she doesn't drink regularly, but she's had a drink before for sure.

I feel bad for Rebecca Black. Your mom shoves you into a shitty music video and that shit follows you for the rest of you life. It's like how the kid who played young Anakin was bullied constantly for being in the prequel movies and had a fucked up childhood for it.

>> No.29336876

At least 3 hours of SM Discord sex.

>> No.29336877

Noel has fat tits and a nice voice and Coco speaks english. If Coco didnt speak a lick of english she wouldnt be in hololive. Choco has said she wouldnt get in if she were to audition again today.
Im relatively sure hololive had auditionees with equivalent stream time that could sing, even if it was mediocre singing. This argument only works with Botan because she was hired almost exclusively because she was good at shooters.

For me Ame's connection with Gura is more relevant than her singing ability or lack thereof. She's the only one that doesnt have a solid resume or a fixed role within their *extremely* risky holoEN gambit. Mori is EN azki, Kiara speaks fluent JP, Ina is an extremely talented artist with a massive EN artist rolodex and Gura already had 1m subs as a vtuber so they just had to recolor her model and let her do it again.
Im not saying Ame is a bad streamer or a bad gamer or a bad whatever you want to infer im saying. Im saying if I was the guy in charge of the audition i'd have a hard-ish time choosing her over any of the cutesy anime voice pandagirls with regular singing and gaming skill that im sure auditioned.

>> No.29336879

Amelia needs to watch out...

>> No.29336882

Ease of alliteration with the name already being composed of two separate words. You can easily replace one and have it obvious who you're talking about.

>> No.29336884
Quoted by: >>29337450

Said girl is also FUBAR. Her life is just a depressing if not more than Ame's.

>> No.29336886

This can't be true my Narratives.

>> No.29336887

>Noel probably got in to fill the ASMR niche
Choco and Mel were already a thing
Choco's whole shtick was that before Youtube decided to crack down on it

>> No.29336889 [DELETED] 

ALL mainland chinks are ultranationalists, you retard. They're literally brainwashed since birth to be this way. That you think Artia somehow broke her conditioning despite the fact that we know she got sent to a reeducation camp in the past is infinitely more baffling. She's not "one of the good ones" no matter how much you pretend otherwise.

>> No.29336890

I watch multiple streams on a 5 year old laptop, what issues are you having?

>> No.29336891

>Doesn't drink alcohol
You can only choose one.

>> No.29336893

it's scary how much Cover knows their shit

>> No.29336894

She's the only one that should because she actively does english streams. I'd include Coco but she's on bug island right now and never seemed to care about english until recently.

>> No.29336896

Reminder that Civia unfollowed Coco.

>> No.29336897

Towa's pretty cute, besides the piercings

>> No.29336899
File: 561 KB, 854x480, 1601519449553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura don't forget your first JP friend...

>> No.29336902

This is an absolute banger, I'm actually impressed.

>> No.29336903


>> No.29336904

eat gura's peanut butter burger

>> No.29336905

I like Kiara but i cant stomach her signing and remembering that not only is she the idol from the group but a real one too, makes me cringe. Now am not just throwing the meme word cringe around, i legit feel embarrassed and sad for her, more so as she keeps unveiling her emotions and getting crushed by the evident pressure of being left behind by her genmates (only Mori-Ame-Ina, Gura is her own beast).

>> No.29336906
Quoted by: >>29336973

bird draws as well as ina squid only fag

>> No.29336907
Quoted by: >>29336960

She's in 2nd place when it comes to mentioning alcohol during streams, she mentioned Vodka during one of her streams but I don't remember if she was drinking it at the moment or if she was just talking about it

>> No.29336910 [DELETED] 
File: 1.92 MB, 3840x2160, 5f8f38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

August 2018 she was still using Manlet, September she started experimenting with vtubers and became okaasan under a bunch of avatars. Mostly the middle one with color/outfit changes. And then right before Christmas is when the s*chi change happened.

>> No.29336908

I hope Civia will sing something

>> No.29336911

anonchama... your lurking reps...

>> No.29336912
File: 1.16 MB, 1023x1445, 1604621982287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura is going to still be number 1 in Hololive and making consistent content in 10 years
I'm okay with this

>> No.29336913

But I'm only membered and subbed to the introverted gook and shark loli.

>> No.29336915

>>Amelia was friends with Gura before auditioning.
not this narrative again. Traveled the same internet social circles, at most.

>> No.29336917

/t/ is a good start. "c"

>> No.29336918

Ina mentioned drinking booze on the Ame zatsudan. Assuming Gura is still HER, Kiara drinks the least alcohol because she hates all drinks

>> No.29336920

I'd tell you but I would become a numberfag

>> No.29336921

Just curious, how is it trying too hard?

Deadbraps kinda pushes the fart thing too after all.

>> No.29336922

sorry, gura only does solo streams now.

>> No.29336923

Civia will be back as a Pegasus indie on Twitch

>> No.29336926

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending Civia at all, it's just sad things had to end up this way.

>> No.29336927
File: 482 KB, 1079x1127, ATTENTIONFUCKer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29336947

Friendly reminder that
Gura met ame over a thousand years ago when Ame was in the middle of time traveling, they hit it off and ended up becoming friends, and Ame gave gura a frame of reference for her time jumping plans so gura would be there when Ame jumped into that time period. Gura used this information as reference and they would eventually ran into eachother decades or centuries down the road. They would spend days or weeks together before Amelia ended up traveling through time again.

>> No.29336934

Mami a shit, a fat fucking shit.

>> No.29336935

You're going a little far with the narratives there, buddy. Take some meds.

>> No.29336938
File: 178 KB, 720x720, EjQcDjEUwAEdLsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337028

30 minutes, Civia Knights...

>> No.29336940

Civia's graduation in 30 min. Don't forget to come watch.

>> No.29336941
File: 50 KB, 652x611, 1603787204098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That it had to end like this is just depressing.
The cherry on top is that she's graduating on her birthday too. This must be the worst birthday present she's ever got.

>> No.29336942

scold her for getting back at her for the plural of moose thing?

>> No.29336943

>1 billion people
>They all hold the same exact opinion

>> No.29336944
Quoted by: >>29336969

That's the thing though, when she shifts into the girly mode from the recent date/ASMR streams the gap suddenly vanishes and the combo hits you for critical damage. It's dangerous.

>> No.29336946

>i'd have a hardish time choosing her
And that's why you aren't in a position to choose talent

>> No.29336947

draw that comic

>> No.29336948
Quoted by: >>29337262

>Gura herself doesn't want to be a memespouter, as shown by how depressed she got for a moment at the start of her collab with Mori when she introduced herself.
That's the running narrative, yes.
Perhaps calling her a "meme spouter" comes off as inflammatory but she's definitely making constant meme references. I'm not really trying to argue with you here. I just get defensive because I hate how she beats herself up about stuff like this when the reality is only a vocal minority of her "fans" talk shit about her for it. Most people seem to find her vast knowledge of memes and pop culture to be oddly interesting and funny but I imagine she focuses on the retards who make fun of her for repeating memes or on the other side, those who beg her to "say the line." That type of stuff makes it even harder for a person who is hard enough on themselves already.

I understand though. I think a lot of us have a hard time ignoring negativity and I can only imagine how horrible it must be when you have as many viewers/subs as she does. Her Twitter mentions must be atrocious.

>> No.29336949

She blew her honeymoon period with a frankly awful showing for her first week. Many people who would have liked her never gave her a second chance, and now it's a permanent curse that will haunt her forevermore.

>> No.29336951
Quoted by: >>29337008

It's true, otherwise they would be dead by now

>> No.29336953
File: 722 KB, 1587x2629, 1605487745774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Sup /hlgg/, I just got back from FUCKING my CUTE BOYFRIEND and I need some song suggestions for my utawaku.
Try and pick stuff that an EXPERIENCED SEX EXPERT like myself would enjoy.

>> No.29336952

he was acting like an entitled creep. he's still the only artist other than natsuki amashiro who gets a personal subdirectory in my gura fanart archive, but he behaved very badly in that clip and should feel bad about himself for it.

>> No.29336954
Quoted by: >>29337008

>They all hold the same exact opinion

>> No.29336955

This makes me REEEEE so much. She's such a nice girl, why did this happen?

>> No.29336957
File: 47 KB, 620x623, vsril.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she isn't more popular than kiara

>> No.29336959

In reality you can see how much Cover was betting on specific ENs. Both Cali and Kiara got very detailed and very well rigged designs, while Gura got poorly rigged meme shark and Ame got rule 63 public domain character.

>> No.29336958

The Chinese national anthem

>> No.29336960
Quoted by: >>29337011

Who's in 1st?

>> No.29336961
Quoted by: >>29336989

Civia ain't gonna activate her chat for her graduation, is she?

>> No.29336962

ogey, cumshart.

>> No.29336964

I feel ashamed to be associated with you then, though most of the tentacultists are alright.

>> No.29336966
Quoted by: >>29337022

Amelia eating corn from a tupperware container in front of her computer!

>> No.29336967
File: 189 KB, 1110x808, 7f97d4acb98ee72e6001a20422990b4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's based, makes /hlgg/ seethe

>> No.29336969

It's like stretching a rubber band and then snapping it, but its a cute girl.

>> No.29336972

She mentioned liking beer in her very first gameplay stream and was drinking vodka and cowpiss during the Matrix.

>> No.29336973

I consider burb a pure honorary japanese hl member at this point

>> No.29336974

>Commie Regime

>> No.29336978

Mori... Mass Destruction, just don't archive it. Do it, coward, I bet you won't.

>> No.29336979

>ywn watch the sunrise with Ina

>> No.29336980

Go back

>> No.29336982

Range Murata

>> No.29336981

Hmmm pretty weird how Civia unfollowed Coco. Surely just a coincidence right?

>> No.29336985

Is Crash Bandicoot 4 hard? I want to see Mori squirm.

>> No.29336986

>a crush on Ame
I'm pretty sure Ame likes men

>> No.29336987
Quoted by: >>29337158

>why did this happen?
Because chinese nationals got their wish granted. Why are you upset? They literally asked for Cover to leave China and got everything they wanted.

>> No.29336988
File: 765 KB, 2507x3541, 655424533425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29336989

that would probably be for the best if she didn't

>> No.29336991
Quoted by: >>29337202

>Ina streams during EU prime time
Lies. Ina streams at 10PM or later usually.
Today was an accidental exception of starting at 7PM.

>> No.29336992
Quoted by: >>29337417

all the JP girls are scared to collab with the NA EN trio after Gura's fanbase blew up during the Among Us collab

>> No.29336995

What do you think the point of state-mandated brainwashing is? The government will literally put you and your entire family in a labor camp if you don't hold the exact same opinion, so yes, I do think they all hold the exact same opinion because they know the consequences if they refuse to.

>> No.29336997
File: 501 KB, 642x618, 1601844870453.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0-3 Do something productive
4-6 Play games
7-9 Watch vods
0 Make OC for /hlgg/

>> No.29336999

Did she do her graduation stream on bilibili too?

>> No.29337000

>reddit screenshots
uhh sharkmeido?

>> No.29337001

Uhuh, sure thing Calli

>> No.29337002
File: 257 KB, 493x487, 1605578911115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337052


>> No.29337004

Losing the best Hololive singer (you can make a case for Azki) really fucking sucks

>> No.29337005
Quoted by: >>29337083

Mori should totally sing that "Just had sex" meme song. That would convince people she was cool, hip with the kids, and has tons of sex.

>> No.29337008

>ALL mainland chinks are ultranationalists
Then explain why Hong Kong is fighting for their lives.

>> No.29337009

If she made the next date member-only I feel like her membership numbers would double on the spot
the funny thing is that the member streams already are sorta like that

>> No.29337011

The one that uses alcoholic drinks as her Member tiers, of course I'm only talking about EN since I can't understand Japanese

>> No.29337012

What clip?

>> No.29337017

Artia graduated today and Yogiri already said goodbye.

>> No.29337018
File: 1.17 MB, 4096x3222, 160578922712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337071

I wouldn't be surprised if that folder never gets another image at this point.

>> No.29337020
File: 352 KB, 1200x675, 1605451542367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337087

I love all HoloEN girls

>> No.29337021

lang salman

>> No.29337022
Quoted by: >>29337201

I 100% believe she's doing this

>> No.29337024


>> No.29337025
Quoted by: >>29337232

Yeah... but I think nabi mama did her best. And Ame's design is simple yet loveable.

>> No.29337026
Quoted by: >>29337144

>data from 2 years of streaming, back when hololive was a relative nothingburger vs. data from someone that debuted at a much more popular time
current average viewership isnt close.

>> No.29337027


>> No.29337028

>steal luna's oshi mark
>steal luna's fanbase name

im glad she's gone

>> No.29337031

Official EN Alcohol consumption
Gura is unknown but place her either in front of or behind Ame

>> No.29337030

I truly liked Civia from what I've seen on youtube. Now, whether she was a backstabber or not I don't know and frankly don't want to look for it either. I will watch her graduation stream with positivity and move on from this.

>> No.29337032

Because Hong Kong isn't part of mainland China you retard.

>> No.29337034

I want to sleep

>> No.29337033
Quoted by: >>29337061

HK isn't considered mainland China, retard

>> No.29337036

I'm pretty sure ame's resume is much more than you think it is

>> No.29337038

Is it true Yogiri won't be vtubing anymore?

>> No.29337040
File: 28 KB, 652x470, images - 2020-11-11T041016.155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna play vidya

>> No.29337042

Madonna, Like a virgin

>> No.29337043
Quoted by: >>29337246

She brought it on herself. Siding with the antis immediately was a mistake.

Her singing voice is only good in Chinese. When she's gone could you fuck off from our threads please?

>> No.29337045
Quoted by: >>29337296

I don't know if "awful" is the right word to use. The problem is that she was playing things way too safe, which ultimately led to her not showing off any of her appeal points or unique traits. She basically just tried to sell herself by being gay for Mori and obsessed with Pekora, and otherwise just being really generic.
She's cut loose since then and I still REELEH BELEEV the Marine discord call narrative, but you're correct that it came a bit too late. The fans she has right now are extremely loyal, but her growth was stunted.
Her base numbers are still very good by JP standards though, so this is far from an unfixable problem, she just needs some good solo clippable moments.

>> No.29337046
Quoted by: >>29337182

What's wrong with being an ultranationalist? So many of the social problems in the US would go away if ultranationalism was promoted and subversive quasi-Marxist ideas like defunding the police, advocating for socialism, or trying to turn yourself into a woman when you were born as a man resulted in your being thrown in prison or killed.

>> No.29337049

Chama has been around for two years, anon. Numbers always drop over time.

>> No.29337052
File: 24 KB, 128x128, 1601788761129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orcas are fucking based and swim laps around pea-brained sharks.

>> No.29337056

She specifically said she wouldn't reincarnate, yes. Then again, Polka said the exact same thing, so who knows.

>> No.29337057 [DELETED] 

Why not watch Korone, Pekora or Shion
Why not watch Aqua, Lamy or Rushia
Why not watch Suisei or Towa
Why not watch Coco or Nene
Why not watch Marine or Okayu

>> No.29337058

>is holoEN the most introverted hololive generation?
It's the other way around. VTubing allows women to solely rely on her character.

>> No.29337059
Quoted by: >>29337180


>> No.29337060
Quoted by: >>29337246

Gura's not graduating though

>> No.29337061
Quoted by: >>29337355

China seems to disagree.

>> No.29337065
Quoted by: >>29337177

Gura is literally the only thing he has drawn since debut

>> No.29337066

I almost want to say that their ability to tell stories or be personable might be a factor (things that are hard to quantify), but Gura... is not the best at that.
I guess it's not as if they had to ace every part of the audition.

>> No.29337067
Quoted by: >>29337291


>> No.29337068
Quoted by: >>29337312

Far from guaranteed, but the PRC does everything it possibly can to make it that way and has done so since it began.
We're talking several generations straight of cleansing anyone the commies didn't like and their friends and family.

>> No.29337070


This is true.

>> No.29337069

Ah shit, I missed the stream and the VOD is subscriber only. Anything juicy I missed?

>> No.29337072
File: 657 KB, 549x648, 1604636038684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337172

Does anyone else get older sister vibes from Coco?

>> No.29337071
Quoted by: >>29337291

i can live with that.


>> No.29337075
File: 100 KB, 639x800, 1602804348763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29337077

Enough Haatons are either above or below the norms of regular working hours that getting the perfect time slot isn't a big deal for her.

>> No.29337079

It's perfect form-fitting for Ame imo.

>> No.29337081
File: 13 KB, 190x62, 1604020910953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im already watching a vod but

>> No.29337080
Quoted by: >>29337113



>> No.29337082

is haachama the cutest schizo in hololive??

>> No.29337083
File: 293 KB, 911x440, HTGFeiy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29337084

Gura has stopped drinking because she genuinely hates zawa

>> No.29337085
Quoted by: >>29337402

Let's just say she's going to struggle and get frustrated for sure.

>> No.29337086

Lucky I'm supposed to be working anyway

>> No.29337087

This doesn't look right... where's Coco?

>> No.29337088

First of all, Hong Kong isn't part of mainland China. Second of all, it used to be a British colony. China has as much of a legitimate claim to Hong Kong as it does Taiwan, aka none at all.

>> No.29337092


>> No.29337094
Quoted by: >>29337106

>gura only has 1 stream tomorrow, and its the overcooked collab. no streams today
why the fuck are we just allowing this lazy behaviour?

>> No.29337097

Anon, why are you so cruel?

>> No.29337099


>> No.29337100
Quoted by: >>29337244

Ok so why doesn't Artia tell her fanbase to stop harassing Coco?
Maybe make a sticky - if you're a fan of me don't do this. The reason is because she's fully for it and was one of the early proponents. It's not any different for when she campaigned against Taiwan during the kpop incident in 2016.

>> No.29337101

>not even half a day and already almost half a million views.
I wonder if they'll actually pick up more western subscribers with this?

>> No.29337103

Yes and no. It's an unforgiving game but it's not that hard when you figure out the basic logic of the game and get used to depth perception for certain jumps.
Suspiciously, Mori sounded surprised when people said the game was hard, and said she had been playing it offstream without much of a problem.

>> No.29337106

Singing reps.

>> No.29337107

Her first few weeks were overall a disaster. With a a very weak start, it takes a lot of effort to regain enough momentum to catch up.
>she sings too idol-like
The opposite actually. She sings too much in character. This is her idol voice for reference.

Now imagine if she didn't had a scuffed mic for the first few weeks and actually used her idol voice for a karaoke stream each week. She would easily be in the middle in terms of numbers at least.

>> No.29337110
Quoted by: >>29337178

not to discredit the Cover scouters but honestly if anons from here had to pick out from the applicants we would end up with mostly the same people, the video applicants have to send is such a massive filter, all the ironic weebs who LOVE ANIME XD or just people who have no idea how to sell themselves, there's not many real candidates left after the initial filtering

>> No.29337109

we can't be sure about off camera drinking at the very least she hasn't mentioned it

>> No.29337111

Why not go back to /hlg/

>> No.29337112

I watch all of them except for Nene and Okayu. Eat shit.

>> No.29337113

>Socialblade ranking
Anonchama, that's a joke

>> No.29337114
Quoted by: >>29337234

I'm not sure Gura's old accounts got to where they are from streaming. I'm not saying she's bad at it but her twitch streams were relatively small, she got to her position off some big viral hit songs, which is a lot harder to repeat even if you've done it before.

>> No.29337116

Longbloop is loooooong

>> No.29337117 [DELETED] 

Not too hard, it's not like it was anything interested parties didn't already know. I still think it was probably just awful luck on Gura's part because I doubt she would have known. They've only ever talked online after all.

>> No.29337119

>popularity ranking
>haachama 113rd
>kiara 153rd
Seems like she's more popular to me...

>> No.29337121

>FLCL Alternative avatar

Jesas she really is technically new on vtubing... I wonder if she liked the sequels.

>> No.29337122

killer whales are fucking metalll, love them

>> No.29337124
File: 440 KB, 500x700, 1605539554200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29337125

They can hide their true opinions whatever they want. If the Chinese state sees you even having neutral views towards the government, you'll get a visit by the Politburo

>> No.29337128

I'm laughing my ass of at the idea of him discovering klaiusposting

>> No.29337130

I hope so, they deserve more recognition.

>> No.29337131

Out of your whole list, only Pekora and Aqua are better than EN members. Senchou is better for her zatsudans, but that's it. The rest I don't even watch anymore.

>> No.29337134

I think that (aside for technical difficulties, thank you Cover) Kiara is just too "JP" for wester audiences. If you look at which JP holos are popular in the west is mostly those that are closer to traditional streamers.

>> No.29337138

I'm watching a certain stoner. Keep it down, will ya?

>> No.29337139

It's 07:00AM CET. So it kinda works.

>> No.29337141

I don't speak Japanese.

>> No.29337143

It's simple. I don't speak the language of the nippons.

>> No.29337144

Anon, that site uses the last 90 days as an average

>> No.29337145


>> No.29337147
File: 3.20 MB, 1920x1080, Witch_Cult_Members.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, lots of love!

>> No.29337149

>From that same stream and Polka offhandedly says they'll make 5 keychains and then gets real quiet.

It still fucking hurts

>> No.29337150

i don't.

>> No.29337151
Quoted by: >>29337196

Ame also doesn't like to drink alcohol... but yeah, still ain't gonna compare to the teetotalstacy

>> No.29337152
Quoted by: >>29337276

>traitor getting what she deserves
I'll tune in to see if she cries.

>> No.29337153

stop spamming the same post production song link. I'm a KFP employee but even I know that's gotten old

>> No.29337155

Just fucked Calliope Mori of Hololive EN first generation.

>> No.29337156

I'm kind of pissed that we will never get confirmation of what was this moment unless it's in like 5-10 years when they are both graduated and are doing something attached to their real names.

>> No.29337158
Quoted by: >>29337194

can Ame go back in time and assasinate Mao and the rest of the chinkcommies so we end up in the good end timeline?

>> No.29337157

Too add to that, yes it has post processing, but the difference in voice is still noticeable.

>> No.29337159

>Why not watch Marine or Okayu
not iyashikey

>> No.29337160

>why not watch people I can't understand

>> No.29337161

Mori definitely carried lots of their expectations, since they made her test the waters
probably cause her audition shown she doesn't crack to technical issues that were sure to occur during a debut

>> No.29337162
File: 29 KB, 239x158, tentacult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29337164

Did they say whos channel the chess rematch would be on yet?

>> No.29337166
Quoted by: >>29337416

you don't know what she does or how she feels

>> No.29337168

It was for the best before he went in too deep.

>> No.29337172

yeah but like very lightly retarded, much older sister that went away to college when you were in grade school type

>> No.29337175
Quoted by: >>29337223

I think Mori said she was going to sing originals in her karaoke, though I hope that just means Cursed Night and not the entirety of her EP again

>> No.29337176
File: 234 KB, 309x303, 1604476948260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337630


>> No.29337177

that's not true, 3 days ago he stopped for some reason, check his twitch if you want to.

>> No.29337178

Be honest, would you have picked Mori?

>> No.29337179

nnononono not again

>> No.29337180
File: 707 KB, 1096x613, nJpFoqa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29337181

Not too hard, it's not like it was anything interested parties didn't already know. I still think it was probably just awful luck on Gura's part because I doubt she would have known. They've only ever talked online after all.

>> No.29337182

Because there's a difference between the government telling you to be ultranationalistic and the population choosing to be ultranationalistic of their own free will. One of these two comes with heavy-handed threats if you refuse to fall in line and support a regime that doesn't give a shit about you in the slightest.

>> No.29337183

exhibit b

>> No.29337186
File: 409 KB, 900x894, 1604624632189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch all of them already, fuck off

>> No.29337188


>> No.29337189

East is Red

>> No.29337190

It's okay, Kiara will announce Aloe's return!

>> No.29337193

Mori, stop trying so hard. Masturbation doesn't count.

>> No.29337194
Quoted by: >>29337227

She confirmed that this is one of the better timeline, anon.

>> No.29337195
Quoted by: >>29337767

Ame doesn't even do GFE wtf.

>> No.29337196

>Ame also doesn't like to drink alcohol...
remember mori's drink mixing stream, Ame made those for herself

>> No.29337201
File: 1.12 MB, 900x613, roof takos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about the 2 you're getting oc

>> No.29337202
Quoted by: >>29337674

Ina streams at 8-9PM GMT, that's primetime

>> No.29337204
File: 145 KB, 850x1137, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_klaius__sample-c934b889fefb7b150b24f2a0d1b43d18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29337208
Quoted by: >>29337314

I personally like the term Chumguzzlers, though I don't think it'll ever catch on.

>> No.29337211

If bitches like this get in over me, I will make the meme of females being antis true.

I never anti any of the girls, but I would this cunt.

>> No.29337214

Civia is a top-level singer, and Artia is one of the best overwatch players in the world. The CN's were so talented, it's such a shame

>> No.29337216

Why not watch translated clips of HoloJP

>> No.29337219

How do people know Ina hates phallic foods besides cucumbers?

>> No.29337221

If you’re a girl who seriously auditioned to be a vtuber then something has already gone terribly wrong with your path in life.
Normal girls who are socially well adjusted would have found normal jobs and would have normal successful lives.

>> No.29337222

she said herself that they almost dropped her but she saved herself with improv

>> No.29337223

I want her to do Live Again. I miss it. The new outro sucks.

>> No.29337225

I'd watch Okayu more if she didn't stream at 5 in the morning

>> No.29337226
File: 232 KB, 1600x1200, EloADhfW0AAde8H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloCN didn't end in a bang, but a whimper.

>> No.29337227

I guess its either Mao or nuclear cold war then

>> No.29337231
Quoted by: >>29337943

I'm pretty sure most are shitposters, I did one or two shitposts in the very begging one month ago and completely flipped sides to defending her when the thread went to shit.

>> No.29337232

I love how nabi draws Amelia. I said it before, but I will drop everything for Ame merch if nabi is involved.

>> No.29337234

From an audition perspective saying "I already have fubuki subs on youtube" probably counts more than "I can sing".
Cover is a for-profit company and having more subs and views means getting more money. Would you pass on snzw if she auditioned for holoEN?

>> No.29337237


>> No.29337238
Quoted by: >>29337766

I understand why some people that are new to Hololive may make this argument, but it doesn't really hold water. For example, Coco was the big ticket talent for Gen 4 with the most well known roommate, and she got a fucking terrible rig and model.

>> No.29337239

Because I like EN better than all of them /hlg/ dogfucker

>> No.29337244
Quoted by: >>29337339

We need to have an anon who can dumpster dive in her discord.

>> No.29337245 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 1800x1800, 85732251_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deadbraps, explain

>> No.29337246

Gura hasn't done much outside a couple of Karaoke streams, would love to see her in a studio
Right now i would rank her 4th below Moona (she's top 3 with Civia graduating, arguably better than Moona but below Azki for sure)

>> No.29337250
Quoted by: >>29337291

okay, Klaius

>> No.29337253

half of these aren't even legitimate comparisons
also, there's many more english speakers than jp speakers

>> No.29337255

>Giving views to Judas.
I hope the chink shills leave after this.

>> No.29337257
Quoted by: >>29337319


>> No.29337258

how fucking else do you think we'd know that? use your brain

>> No.29337259

I'm actually hoping for a draw this time, just for the absolute comedic value that would be.

>> No.29337262

I don't think she hates being known for her reference game, since that's just part of who she is and she seems to embrace it by how often she'll set them up or make one in the stream descriptions where she has a chance to stop and delete it.

Memespouting has a negative connotation, though. Those are the people who ran around forcing 'cake is a lie' into everything they could because it was le epig meme. She doesn't want to get pigeonholed back into 'say the line' levels of being a meme-bot. I think she's happy to keep making content and if we mine it for memes, that's fine.

>> No.29337266

>all the retards taking this bait
Absolute state

>> No.29337267

I would've picked the milkers, yes, probably.

>> No.29337272
File: 663 KB, 685x624, 1602665682324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337315

>No more Ame x Artia shooter Collab

>> No.29337271

God Matusri's entire model is so fucking bad now.

>> No.29337276

Know about Artia but what did Civia do?

>> No.29337277

None of us speak japanese you fucking retard

>> No.29337278

I kinda wanna play some Minecraft

>> No.29337282

Like bananas and eggplants?

>> No.29337287

I'll never get this meme, it's obviously
"get these goofy lokinnnnnnn skelebros"

>> No.29337288


>> No.29337290

Hope hyper super nenechi and the clussy gains some subs from this

>> No.29337291
File: 890 KB, 1194x997, STOPSTOPSTOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29337295

For me, it feels really engaging watching live than watching clips.

I dont understand Japanese so it should be obvious.

>> No.29337296


The real problem about Kiara's first few weeks is that she couldn't properly utilize her special talent of linguistics because of the month collab ban. The only thing that she could feasibly do was try and translate things into Japanese for the JOP crowd but no one was really into that. This fed into her complex about having the lowest numbers, so she was in a position were every one of her genmates was not only doing better stats-wise but also had a special talent they could employee. It's little wonder why she developed a complex about numbers that persists in some small degree to this day, but it's great that she was able to snap out of it and rebound with a lot of confidence, even before the collab ban was lifted. If Marine really did give a pep talk that triggered that she deserves a lot of praise.

>> No.29337297
File: 32 KB, 271x403, 1605610122240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those subs

>> No.29337298
File: 585 KB, 1116x630, DREWCREW.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337422

Amelia should play some Nancy Drew games.

>> No.29337301

i hope she graduates asap

>> No.29337305

Civia was one of the antis, actually. She retweeted Aqua's song they used to rile each other up.

>> No.29337304
File: 23 KB, 501x443, 1605035845512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29337306

rrato shimulator

>> No.29337307

I miss the original one
There was something about it that had way more charm than the updated one or the newest one

>> No.29337308
File: 362 KB, 1584x1536, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kirbym__800138d10714a8023b782ccf400bc70c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder that Country Roads is a metaphor for Gura's life.

>> No.29337311

>Have we officially taken possession of Polka?
Not yet.

>> No.29337312

>The first reply that isn't retarded or underage
Sasuga /hlgg/

>> No.29337313

You know that by admitting having sex you must now leave this board and never return, right?

>> No.29337314

you guys are cumbutts

>> No.29337315
File: 62 KB, 120x120, 1600392061521.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337404

>You now remember that Ame wanted to play APEX with Artia senpai

>> No.29337319
File: 904 KB, 1437x1080, chumguts what the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29337322

though I also want to add that this façade is slowly breaking down actually. I'll give you a white pill, the reason why they're actively killing Uyghur culture right now is because there's something brewing inside China. I'll give the current CCP regime probably 20 more years max before collapsing if they arent careful

>> No.29337325
File: 484 KB, 460x638, hololiveMember2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337413

No, she hasn't graduated yet, a lot of faggots confused this with a graduation video

>> No.29337326

some KFP linked Kiara this video and she liked the twet
>that fucking voice in the video

>> No.29337327


>> No.29337333

It's pretty easy to be the best at a game no one plays

>> No.29337335

It was during the amegeddon. Then it fell off after the climax of that arc.

>> No.29337339
Quoted by: >>29337497

We already have a taiwanese anon who got invited into the secret NGA Anti Coco discord and made videos recording the fact the chinks are lazy and use the same names for the anti discord and for Arti's spark kingdom.

It's never going to be enough. People don't want to see what they don't want to see. Either blind white knights or chink apologists.

>> No.29337340 [DELETED] 


>> No.29337342
File: 190 KB, 586x372, 99jPd8x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's Ame gonna marry?

>> No.29337344


>> No.29337347
Quoted by: >>29337425

I think Artia did the bad things. However after the breakdown it seems like she's been thinking about how she has been a piece of shit.
At least that's more than Civia, Rosalyn or Doris have done, so I'm willing to see what she does after she comes back. Maybe her autism can break the conditioning. No hope for the others though.

>> No.29337348

kiara pls go

>> No.29337351

>You win a tournament with your friends
>You all get new costumes as prizes
>Less than two months later your entire generation is wiped out

>> No.29337353


>> No.29337355
File: 299 KB, 1035x369, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337415

China also thinks showing a picture of the sun is an appropriate solution to mass air pollution so, y'know.

>> No.29337359

What game is that?

>> No.29337360
File: 412 KB, 900x613, Rooftop takos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337380


>> No.29337361

That's just a Japanese make-up-style.

>> No.29337363
Quoted by: >>29337636

Ame is supposed to be a big sister type right? I know a guy who is absolutely insistent on her supposedly being the little sister of the group

>> No.29337364


>> No.29337366

butterfly girl is is most like Gura so probably her

>> No.29337371

Will Mori's Karoke be unarchived?

>> No.29337374
File: 319 KB, 1246x2000, 1605495926184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29337373

>check guras schedule
>no gurame collab
>check ames schedule
>no gurame collab
looks like im not watching any holoEN this week

>> No.29337376


>> No.29337380


>> No.29337381

Kiara, she's going for the unexpected route.

>> No.29337383

Gura, duh

>> No.29337385
File: 3.54 MB, 600x410, 1605610083038.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really proud of the progress this little tako has done!

>> No.29337384

why does the robot voice sound like a pajeet

>> No.29337386
Quoted by: >>29337432

>The only reason that all those deadbeat nicknames stuck was because everyone else actively refused to let them die, and a good chunk of deadbeats let it happen because they thought it was funny, like the pog emote. Condommates didn't stick because Amefags kept coping, and jannies kept banning and nuking threads during the Amepocalypse. Cumsharts didn't stick because cunnyfags have a numbers advantage and were to thin skinned to let it happen like Morifags did.

>> No.29337389

Just let her be.

>> No.29337394

which /hlgg/ happenings will actually be remembered for years to come
so far just brappening (that had like 300 (You)s) and Amegeddon?

>> No.29337396

I wish I didn't know she reincarnated, because now I can only feel angry at her for not going back to hololive and forever spoiling the fifth generation.

>> No.29337397
Quoted by: >>29337530

She hasn't said whether or not it will be yet. I think she wants to archive it, though, going off what she said.

>> No.29337399
File: 596 KB, 1075x1518, tumblr_d7ba16ab9531589a0fa9700a66faa89b_ca80c043_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say something nice about Comet.

>> No.29337400

Rune Factory 4

>> No.29337401

>Isn't it literally the highest official classification?
There is the Kanji Kentei too.

>> No.29337402
Quoted by: >>29337462

she's probably thinking about the old times when she played the classic CB games and she'll get smacked

>> No.29337404

She was probably the best non-EN collab partner for Ame, although I wonder if Ame would've kept her twitch limiters on.

>> No.29337405

Bitchin Kitchen....

>> No.29337409

>Has been doing EN streams and videos since he debuted
>Even made an entire original song in English
>Jokes about how she's EN Gen 0
>Is on track to collab with all of EN
>Is now doing an extra stream a day entirely in English

Honestly, anybody trying to say she shouldn't be is just shit posting at this point.

>> No.29337411

Rune Factory 4, it's a pretty fun Harvest Moon clone with dungeon crawling, and just got a switch rerelease.

>> No.29337412


>> No.29337413

Chinese is such an ugly sounding language.

>> No.29337415
Quoted by: >>29337513

this is pretty depressing but also cool

>> No.29337416

t. HER-faggot

>> No.29337417
File: 62 KB, 640x884, Depressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337704

By next year Gura will be completely unable to play with anyone outside of Amelia due to how rabbid her fanbase gets whenever something doesn't go her way. Chumguzzlers are like that, they ruin almost everything they touch, the only thing that would truly terrible is if they somehow ruin GurAme as well, leaving Gura completely isolated... just like Sora.

>> No.29337419
File: 27 KB, 348x364, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 hours of ina today
my cocks pretty hard rn not gonna lie

>> No.29337420

she isnt the best but her singing has soul

>> No.29337422


>> No.29337425
File: 14 KB, 247x233, 1604215708805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least now have friends in the Sodapoppin circle
I wonder what avatar she will use... my brain cant imaging the Gremlin in a Cute / sexy avatar

>> No.29337426

Xi has been consolidating power, the CCP is very fucking good at subverting their population (their handling of chinese 'rap' music is a great example)
I think aslong as he's in power China will probably stay in a similiar state, once he's gone we will probably see some big change (hopefully for the better instead of Mao 2.0)

>> No.29337428

I would happily casting couch her

>> No.29337432

t. cumshart

>> No.29337434 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 696x978, 1583946146950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29337435
Quoted by: >>29337489

bro... look at their minecraft time again.

>> No.29337437

Eating raw meat hurts the body slowly (if there's something in it). There is no tolerance building for salmonella.

>> No.29337438

Why are takodachis like this?

>> No.29337439

her... debut?

>> No.29337443

Gura resignation soon.

>> No.29337444
File: 892 KB, 989x693, uhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people ITT right NOW who don't watch every single EN stream

>> No.29337445

That video would honestly have been better without the thumbnail. Spoils the whole joke before you even turn it on.

>> No.29337446

hey you're alright at some video games, I think

>> No.29337450

Yeah, I remember she told to asked the interviewers to skip her school life during the interview because it was painful for her to remember and only focused on telling them about her experience as a streamer.
Is kind of funny tho, Cover on their webpage explicitly say the applicant must had proved experience as a content creator but don't say the ability to tell about your past is also needed.

>> No.29337449


>> No.29337451

I wasn't asking for you to post this, I guess this isn't even doxx, but still. It only makes me more pissed that I can't go back and watch this shit thanks to the humanity gosling.

>> No.29337452

she's not honorary

>> No.29337455 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1080, 1605656759844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29337457
File: 26 KB, 408x408, -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice pants

>> No.29337461
File: 699 KB, 1020x686, 1383021739645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dylas, Leon, or Vishnal

>> No.29337462
Quoted by: >>29337537

She said she played a bit of stream, which I believe since she took our advice to learn controls for DOOM offstream. If she's played games as long as she claims, she should be fine with a platformer since she's not the same type of dumb stubborn about learning the game that Ame is.

>> No.29337465

What does Gura have in common with Shion?

>> No.29337467

her wondering if her family misses her is a sign of resignation? take your meds

>> No.29337468
Quoted by: >>29337524

Honestly it's hard to say anything negative about her, than to pick one of the many wonderful things about her. Why wasn't she let into the idol industry? The story about "not standing out enough" is BS I don't buy.

>> No.29337471

(False) CEO of Sex...

>> No.29337472

not until you explain the Gura and Ame by the same artist

>> No.29337474
Quoted by: >>29337580

Taiwan's going to get invaded soon. CCP isn't going down without a fight, Xi already killed all the generals who said not to invade.

>> No.29337478
File: 2.49 MB, 2360x1640, 1605084097503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully unarchived so she can rap some Eminem. Tenchou said in a SC read that it's her favorite thing to sing when they do karaoke together.

>> No.29337479

I don't watch streams, period. :]

>> No.29337481
File: 3.12 MB, 2593x3804, 1604194042202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's pretty hot

>> No.29337482

>zako w

>> No.29337483

>At least now have friends in the Sodapoppin circle
He must not know about what she did or thinks it's lies because encouraging doxxing and harassment of streamers isn't something I see him being cool with.

>> No.29337486
Quoted by: >>29337515

Did you analyze the part in the MC-stream where people talked about bare-skin-on-chair while she was stretching?

>> No.29337489
Quoted by: >>29337606

its going to be the same as that one stream where they're both on the server but are doing their own thing. then gura will end the stream and people will spam GURA RAID again

>> No.29337490

Shubaru is gonna FREAK

>> No.29337492

I don't have time to even watch my favourite ones.

>> No.29337494


>> No.29337497

videos where

>> No.29337498

Don't, the 5th gen girls are all great friends
They are going on a trip to Hokkaido with SEX soon btw

>> No.29337500

Why not? She does as many English streams as most HoloEN members.

>> No.29337501

as bad as it was, her model was hilarious. It was funny to listen to her rambling about random shit with that gremlin deadpan face, it was unique

>> No.29337502

We will all become skeletons.

>> No.29337504

Holy shit these are peak dead hours. I'm bored out of my mind.

>> No.29337505

Honestly, I still think that Ame was fucking with everyone, she knows how to play chess. She was just too smug throughout the match.

>> No.29337508

>once he's gone we will probably see some big change
Highly doubt it, Xi will 100% hand pick his successor.

>> No.29337513
Quoted by: >>29337564

>but also cool
yeah nah

>> No.29337514
Quoted by: >>29337592

What's going on in that image?

>> No.29337515
Quoted by: >>29337548

yes, i replied to the other anon immediately agreeing with his reading of that noise. i'm certain she was at least topless.

>> No.29337517

Imagine Soda being the pimp of Artia, Mel, Iron and Nyanners.

>> No.29337522
Quoted by: >>29337650

they're both smug braps that I want to have constant unprotected sex with

>> No.29337524
Quoted by: >>29337589

have you seen her roomate? she crowd filling at best

>> No.29337529

holy schiesse.
Chicken, take the towa pill ,let your voice drop when you sing

>> No.29337530

I think Mori really doesn't like people missing out on her content so she's irky about doing unarchived stuff

>> No.29337532
File: 362 KB, 453x500, 1595727735079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337658

We rag on about Gura's rigging but by god did Artia have the absolute worst rigging in the company. It was hilarious

>> No.29337535

Why are you angry at her? She was getting harassed irl.

>> No.29337536

Amelia is not a cutesy, over-the-top-commercialized paypig experience like Rushia. She also isn't a whispery absence of personality ghost like Lamy.
Mori is the exact opposite personality of Suisei.
Kiara only shares bilingualism and profanity with Coco. Her content is more akin to Aqua's or Pekora's.
Ina is kind of like Okayu, but they have different skillsets and streaming habits. Ina is unlikely to ever build (and then cuck) a harem. Marine only shares drawing skill with Ina.
All of Gura's counterparts are great too and you should watch all of them.

>> No.29337537

dude ame said she thinks crash would be fun to stream. i'd love for her to try it.

>> No.29337540

Cause watching in English is more relaxing since I don't have to think as hard to figure out what they're saying and also because I like them more

>> No.29337542

>Doing something that wouldn't earn her money

>> No.29337545
Quoted by: >>29337638

Kiara has stated that she doesn't drink. i think she had a bad experience with it or something.

>> No.29337546

I enjoy egyptian felines documentaries

>> No.29337548
Quoted by: >>29337579

do you have a timestamp for that?

>> No.29337551
Quoted by: >>29337677

>Verbally abusing Nenechi!
>Clicking my tongue at Nenechi!
>Trying to get physically aggressive with Nenechi!
>Breaking my bones against the supernaturally sturdy physical form of Nenechi!

>> No.29337552

Design wise: S tier
Streams, character and personality: F tier
She's even wrose than Hachaama.

>> No.29337553

Kind of wish she'd take a hint from Ame and just do the "I'M SURE THAT SOMEONE OUT THERE WILL ARCHIVE A COPY WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE" thing she did.

>> No.29337555

Do you have the 99 Luftballons clip?

>> No.29337554
Quoted by: >>29337595

I wonder if this is how OkaKoro-fags feels.

>> No.29337560

there's a loose connection, Artia knows Arcadum and Veibae, and those collab with Mel/Nyan/Iron

>> No.29337561

Her English is better than she gives herself credit to

>> No.29337564

no yes

>> No.29337569

I know roommate official twitter but I'm not going to tell you.

>> No.29337573
File: 6 KB, 219x152, EkLiguMVkAAWSfi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337690

You mean like her demonetized superchat readings?

>> No.29337577

I unfollowed Coco too.

>> No.29337578

she's actually fluent but hides her powerlevel.

>> No.29337579

i don't, but i was just about to start rewatching it because i was too tired to fully enjoy it last night.

>> No.29337580
Quoted by: >>29337682

>Invading Taiwan
>Which is backed by the nips (USA)
>not Hong Kong which they already heavily pushing for
Try again next time shizo

>> No.29337581

Yes, I'm actually trying to do reps.

>> No.29337583

>Mori really doesn't like people missing out on her content so she's irky about doing unarchived stuff
is that why 666 keeps making stream promises then never doing them

>> No.29337585

Do you think Ame and Kiara did their chess reps?

>> No.29337587
File: 48 KB, 218x174, wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck bros I love Moona so fucking much

>> No.29337589

Have you? No, you haven't, because there are literally no pictures of her.

>> No.29337592
Quoted by: >>29337969

JOPs laughing at the Comet and her low numbers.

>> No.29337595

probably even more since they actually hang out IRL and do offcollabs

>> No.29337594

you don't enjoy either of them individually?

>> No.29337596
Quoted by: >>29337817

>I'm going with Kiara since she probably practiced after her loss for revenge, and at least used to be an honorary chess club member.
You can't just practice chess, you have to study it. Learning the openings and defense takes time, and without that, you might as well just move pieces with sheer intuition.

>> No.29337597


>> No.29337600

I like that Ame makes it explicit beforehand if something will be unarchived. Helps people plan around it or for people to set up recording.

>> No.29337601

I'll miss this even though its been a day since this came out https://vocaroo.com/1aXjviXT3uwG

>> No.29337602

The background...those colors..

>> No.29337606 [SPOILER] 
File: 189 KB, 367x327, 1605657069602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with a Gura raid?

>> No.29337607

Tsundere Horse.

>> No.29337609


>> No.29337611
Quoted by: >>29337669

I don't watch Kiara and Mori unless

>> No.29337613

that content doesn't and never will have as wide outreach as a yt VODs because you have to account for the % of fags that don't dig around
consider how hard people fail to do archive reps even in those threads

>> No.29337614

Her pronunciation is better at times than other girls, but that's just by virtue of hearing her mother speak it around the house. She's shit as fuck.

>> No.29337616 [DELETED] 

Yeah, i don't watch kikes, sorry

>> No.29337617

She's talking about her roommate's channel, isn't she?

>> No.29337618
File: 412 KB, 579x741, 603918581831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's klaius's next victim

>> No.29337619

This one is from Artia's normal discord

>> No.29337626

He wanted her to watch that clip, feel bad about it, and comment more on his pictures of her.

>> No.29337629

As he sits here and shitposts in /hlgg/

>> No.29337630

whats in there I'm scared to click it

>> No.29337631
Quoted by: >>29337701


>> No.29337632
Quoted by: >>29337715

I'd hope Ame did, cuz if she ain't gonna gg ez Kiara, I'm gonna be real disappointed.

>> No.29337635


>> No.29337636
Quoted by: >>29337852

Doesn't Hachaama treat her as an older sister?

>> No.29337638

>i think she had a bad experience with it or something.
she drank mead at a Renaissance Faire and that turned her off from it entirely but according to her she's never been fully drunk so im not sure why the mead turned her against it

>> No.29337641

Kiara is smarter than Amelia. Don't >> me.

>> No.29337643
Quoted by: >>29337699

>Western audience is retarded for not caring about Japanese or failed-idol pedigree
Sorry anon, we already had 35 holos for that niche.

>> No.29337646

Hardworking girls are the cutest!

>> No.29337650


>> No.29337652

Yeah, but most people don't stay up until 2 am without a reason. I'm not one of those people, I woke up too late for it as a bong

>> No.29337653

she's going to tryhard so much that she blunders herself again

>> No.29337655

>Wait, no listen

>> No.29337658
File: 80 KB, 300x300, Artia 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337709

Well he loves weeb shit after all

>> No.29337660
Quoted by: >>29337755

Only if you are aiming for 100% competition and if Mori is smart she will learn to avoid bonus levels after the first one either ways, with how "good" she is at video games, i cant see her having lax time with regular levels either


>> No.29337663

No, you self-absorbed HERfag. kys

>> No.29337664

Kiara's own unarchived stream had "CLIPPING IS ALLOWED" in the description

>> No.29337665

Has she ever specifically mentioned her parents? With the whole "my sibling" thing I kinda get the feeling she was in foster care and ran away from that.

>> No.29337666


>> No.29337669

Do them and watch

>> No.29337670

I don't have the energy to sit through nonstop Minecraft streams or through Kiara's and Mori's godawful NA timeslots.

>> No.29337674

I'm talking about CET.
She usually starts at 10PM (9PM GMT) or later.

>> No.29337675

HoloEN generation 2: Africat is streaming right now, we also have Civia's graduation steam in 5 minutes

>> No.29337676
Quoted by: >>29337703

God, I don't try to get turned on by the girls, but fuck do I love me some spats. Thanks Persona 4.

>> No.29337677


>> No.29337678
File: 876 KB, 2350x3541, EnCTLfDVgAANEqI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me Mori.

>> No.29337680 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 189x189, guntako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rather watch nyanners than kiara desu

>> No.29337681

>honorary chess club member

>> No.29337682

I hope not. But China is shaky so they'll push for it.

>> No.29337690
Quoted by: >>29337713

Unmonetized, not demonetized. Demonetized implies monetization that was removed by YouTube, unmonetized means it was never monetized from the start.

>> No.29337691

Not really, she talked about realizing her mistakes that shes made and growing from them and that shes obviously going to be back as an indie

>> No.29337699
Quoted by: >>29337750

but they don't speak English

>> No.29337700

like locking her SC during SC reads?
or locking her SC in random streams where they interfere with rest of chat?
or releasing her member content for free?
like leaking her scrubbed albums in here?
...like doing janny work for THHK?

>> No.29337701
Quoted by: >>29337758

This only serves to prove that discordfags are schizos. Artia has nothing to do with any of this.

>> No.29337703
File: 227 KB, 1444x1900, 1605649286945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't try to get turned on by the girls
Why? Are you gay?

>> No.29337705

My oshi M*ri doesn't, so why should I

>> No.29337704
Quoted by: >>29337989

People were already being rude as shit on Ame after the AU collab and it was literally nothing.
The day something actually relevant happens you know they're gonna chimp out so bad they're gonna have to remove chat again. JP's bane is senpai dynamics, EN's doom is retarded fanbases.

>> No.29337707
Quoted by: >>29337740

might as well try

>> No.29337708

I really try but I have to miss pretty much everything Mori puts out because of timezones, and I'd rather watch Kiara archives than Mori's.

>> No.29337709
File: 9 KB, 283x242, 1605404810717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't believe that the last thing Artia left us with is that those teeth aren't fangs but her molars

>> No.29337711

Has Korone played any of the Ezio asscreed games?

>> No.29337713

This is true.

>> No.29337715
Quoted by: >>29337873

Bet's on the game ending with sholars mate?

>> No.29337716
File: 393 KB, 725x894, ArtiaDeath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodbye gremlin, I'll miss you

>> No.29337717

Which HoloEN would be the most likely one to host a watchalong of The Queen's Gambit

>> No.29337719
Quoted by: >>29337818

I can't tell if she's sandbagging anymore. She told Gura that she doesn't think her actions through, but people knew her old chesscom rating and it's supposedly decent? I just need a chess game where she shows some effort lol. Possibly against Ina.

>> No.29337721
Quoted by: >>29337757

Why are takodachi like this

>> No.29337722

Suisei doesn't deserve her crown, she earned it.

>> No.29337723

I think Kiara's going to attempt some fancy strats, fuck up a crucial turn and then it's anyone's game from there

>> No.29337724

I like Moona too. Comfy streams and I really like her sleepy eyes.

>> No.29337726
File: 472 KB, 800x1156, 1600600168199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artia getting BTFO'd clicked something with me. Not sure what it was but her speech that people should be what they wanna be, especially with technologies and what people can do avatars was kind of both scary and enlightening. I already knew about this, but I wonder how close we are to "Ready Player One" or "Surrogates" situation or if the tranny and furry situations will just worse.

>> No.29337727

Sounds more like moving out from home to me.

>> No.29337732

I don't watch mori or kiara, but i also don't shitpost about them

>> No.29337736

no because that doesn't support my narrative

>> No.29337740
Quoted by: >>29337887

No whammies.

>> No.29337744

she's a shameless tryhard and i fuckin love that

>> No.29337745

What would happen to Kirby if he inhaled a tako?

>> No.29337747

I have no idea and little interest what the alt does, she's my Mori

>> No.29337748
Quoted by: >>29337980

Can anybody post any clips where she's nice? All I've seen of her is her playing up her psycho gaming schtick, her so called dancing skills and a video about her hard life and how she's a hard worker. That all made me kinda indifferent to her.
Though her tetris skill is very impressive indeed.

>> No.29337750

And 99% of the world doesn't speak Japanese. Kiara is nice, but Japanese skill isn't really why.

>> No.29337752

I want that ridiculous eminem song she says she can do just to show her skills.

>> No.29337753


>> No.29337755

Crash has an odd voice in this game. Looks pretty authentic to the originals though, hope it comes to PC soon.

>> No.29337757

why are kfp trannies so sensitive?

>> No.29337758

Her fanbase is the same group harassing Coco.
>b-but Artia is innocent it's just her fanbase
You're stupid. Artia has never said one thing to prevent the harassment of Coco and many circumstantial things in support of it.

>> No.29337762

I'm going to wake up in the middle of the night to watch a movie with my oshi.

>> No.29337764
File: 155 KB, 1080x1350, 1603679563556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodbye wife...

>> No.29337766

I wouldn't make this argument if evidence wasn't so strong. From the perspective of Holos=idols both Kiara and Mori are several orders of magnitude about the rest. Gura was in previous life a meme persona so she got meme shark. Twitch gremlin got the most safe desing of all of them, without context of name most people probably wouldn't know that it is a Sherlock Holmes reference.

>> No.29337765


>> No.29337767
Quoted by: >>29337893

forced meme that stuck, I don't get it either, closest thing was the arcade date that was obviously a fucking joke and people say she acts like a real girlfriend watching movies with you during watchalongs, but that's just because she's a woman.

>> No.29337770
Quoted by: >>29337872

Civia is up. Warning, she's a super cryer.


>> No.29337785
File: 166 KB, 982x1200, jPwa5Hf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no. not my kusogaki

>> No.29337786

I appreciate how hard she tries to be a singer despite having no talent.

>> No.29337787
File: 269 KB, 1920x1080, stdin_snapshot_00.08_[2020.11.18_00.56.46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29337788

Anon, I do not believe for a second that Ame was jsut fucking around, especially at the end where they were repeating moves while Ame had easy checkmates. Because at that point they get absolutely nothing from stalling

>> No.29337790

I'd be surprised if there were many gay guys who watched hololive. Straights and lesbians I get, but

>> No.29337791
File: 44 KB, 169x136, 1590443488210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337809


>> No.29337792

this is a bop

>> No.29337793

cute Civia intro

>> No.29337795

>she turned the chat on
prepared for the yab to happen

>> No.29337797
File: 9 KB, 253x199, PBJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

In what way can Haachama fuck this one up?

>> No.29337801
File: 395 KB, 1920x1080, Graduation Ceremony: Wanna be your sunshine 00:00:00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pevia pevia pevia

>> No.29337804


>> No.29337805
Quoted by: >>29337827

Bye bye wolf-warrior. Go hold the line; at the unemployment office.

>> No.29337806

The main problem is the unpredictability. Never knowing when the state needs someone to blame for their ineptitude.

>> No.29337807
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1604183430505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got around to catching one of her streams, she seems like a cute food addict

>> No.29337809


>> No.29337810

Nah, it's just that I see them as the person behind the avatar and feel guilty getting off to porn of them since for a good chunk of them, they don't really like being sexualized. I'll jerk it to Marine and Coco and what not because they don't really give a shit, but someone like Suisei, or Mori I just can't. Though I will jerk it to that one weird Pekora Futanari Hentai because it's so fucking bizarre that I can separate the characters from the actors behind them.

>> No.29337811

Someone got the clip?

>> No.29337817

At their level it's pretty much just learning how to identify unprotected pieces, you don't have to worry about openings too much as long as you understand that you have to control the center, which Kiara actually knows judging from her first game.

>> No.29337818
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, 1600890722635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337901

If Amelia loses she's sandbagging or trolling, if she wins she's a genius. Trust me, I'm a day 1 teamate.

>> No.29337821
File: 118 KB, 750x1122, 1605633770097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29337822

You underestimate the full power of Haachama's cooking ability

>> No.29337823


>> No.29337825
File: 825 KB, 866x488, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29337880

um her background is kinda lewd I feel weird

>> No.29337826
Quoted by: >>29337964

If she did, she'll get politburo'd. But what do I know. They get what they deserve

>> No.29337827


>> No.29337830

replace 0 with sleep

>> No.29337832

>literally just Gura with a wig

>> No.29337834

>Couldn't sleep
Guess I'll watch the meltdown over Civia's stream instead

>> No.29337837

She fries the peanut butter and jelly in the pan before smearing it on the burnt, torn apart toast

>> No.29337841

She burns it without heat even being around it

>> No.29337844

adds fish and gyoza
she adds fish and gyoza to FUCKING EVERYTHING

>> No.29337847
Quoted by: >>29337882

Are you just parroting the posts about the aka-thanking during Gura's collab without realizing what actually made it bad in that stream?

>> No.29337849
Quoted by: >>29337913

Did anyone end up clipping Gura taking off her hoodie in the minecraft stream?

>> No.29337852

Haachama is one of, if not the, youngest Holo though right?

>> No.29337856
Quoted by: >>29338017

Yes, yes. It was a coordinated attack by Artia that got her fired because she had ???? to gain from this other than just a big boot in her ass. Sure, makes a lot of sense. Now go take your meds.

>> No.29337857
File: 361 KB, 1503x989, 1604930703919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't she speaku englishu, bro.....


>> No.29337867

Peanuts and Jell-O

>> No.29337869

haha funny

>> No.29337872
Quoted by: >>29337924

Crocodile tears don't count.

>> No.29337873

Well, it's not uncommon among beginners, but I'm not sure our two contestants even count as beginners.

>> No.29337874

when will holoEN got those intro musics like Civia Haachama and Coco

>> No.29337876
Quoted by: >>29337905

She uses whole peanuts and Gura's bread

>> No.29337880
Quoted by: >>29337951

Anon, it's a swimsuit

>> No.29337882

they weren't even bad in that stream, it's like 10 seconds of gratitude for hitting a massive milestone in a cute and chill 2 hour stream

>> No.29337887
File: 4 KB, 231x214, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hereby present my OC.


>> No.29337888

Maybe Mori just has one hell of a streamer debuff effect going on because of how self-conscious she is, so a mixture of chat being a distraction and performane anxiety makes her play worse than she would normally. obviously that should affect them all to varying degrees, but some more than others (Ame probably the least, don't know how much the other girls played games on their old streams)

>> No.29337891

Maybe if you stanned Moona HoloCN wouldn't have had to graduate

>> No.29337892

divorce from unicorn wife stream

>> No.29337893
Quoted by: >>29337999

Women act like that during movies yes, particularly ones that are comfortable around you. If you don’t see the GFE flavor in there you’re a kiss less virgin.

>> No.29337897
Quoted by: >>29338042

Source: CCN - Telesur

>> No.29337898
Quoted by: >>29337966

Ame sounds exactly like she does now in the "Moms a hoe" video. Idk why people are saying she's using a fake voice.

>> No.29337899

Petroleum Jelly

>> No.29337900


>> No.29337901

This is true.

>> No.29337902

By trying to make homemade peanut butter, she'll put a stick of butter and a bunch of peanuts in a mixer

>> No.29337903
Quoted by: >>29337938

I will NEVER forgive nijisanji.
I will NEVER forgive chink antis.
If Cover wasnt a pimp black company this wouldnt be necessary.

>> No.29337905

>Gura's bread teleported to Australia
A fate worse than the expiry date

>> No.29337909

>civia has more viewers than Artia did and she hasn't even started yet
I thought Artia more popular?

>> No.29337911
File: 155 KB, 792x581, 1596679614549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't use our resident tako to falseflag, anon. At least have the decency to spread some new art.

>> No.29337910
File: 726 KB, 1199x768, unknown-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One last Gosling

>> No.29337913


>> No.29337916

Civia... I will never forget how you debuted on Youtube, did one Mario Odyssey stream and then graduated.

>> No.29337924

No doubt, she is pretty chinky.

>> No.29337925

I can't even keep up with my 3 favourites. You literally have to be a neet with no other hobbies to watch all streams.

>> No.29337926


>> No.29337928

Wow Mori really has a hot body IRL huh?

>> No.29337931

The Kat is so cute bros

>> No.29337934
Quoted by: >>29337973

I truly will miss her after she streamed once and then left for over a month before her next stream

>> No.29337935
Quoted by: >>29337961

How long until Civia cries?

>> No.29337936

Civia... Your English reps...

>> No.29337937


>> No.29337938
Quoted by: >>29337976

I don't think they're bad people per se... they just grew too fast for their own good.

>> No.29337942

Come watch.

>> No.29337943

Dont spacegoat my dislike for her stupid decision as schizoposting.

>> No.29337946

Dont be sad frens

>> No.29337950

Chink raid

>> No.29337951

but the image very prominently emphasizes her feet like her toes are forced right in my face

>> No.29337955

why is she so cute

>> No.29337957
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, 1600007845940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she was the first holo I subbed to

>> No.29337958

I just remember a bunch of kisses...

>> No.29337960

Remember when she said she'd stream once a week? Good times.

>> No.29337961

She better not. She's the real Judas

>> No.29337962


>> No.29337964

Most of the Chinese youth are doing it on their own accord. They believe that they're defending the motherland this way. Artia and Civia included.

The propaganda campaign China started after Tiananmen was too successful, now most of the time the CCP is reigning in the Chinese little pinks because they're too aggressive.

>> No.29337966
Quoted by: >>29338111

She did sound slightly different in a botched Kiara stream where she tried giving tech support in a Discord call.

>> No.29337967
File: 1.90 MB, 320x200, caocaolmao2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29338026

Post yfw you have never seen a holo's face

>> No.29337969


>> No.29337973

Almost as something happened that would prevent her from streaming....

>> No.29337974
Quoted by: >>29338007

this CCP chink is actually kind of cute.

>> No.29337975

reminder that all mainland chinks are manipulative, deceptive, and shameless. they will do whatever it takes to try and accomplish their goal. never believe a word or promise that comes from their mouth.

>> No.29337976

>I don't think they're bad people

>> No.29337977
Quoted by: >>29338036

wait has the ice shit already graduated?

>> No.29337980

It's not quite the same thing, but when she's doing this duet (https://youtu.be/JNmmnB4bP0M?t=3018)) with Azki, she's overcome with real emotion. I don't think it's an act considering you actually see her Suisei reach up and quickly wipe her eyes mid-song.

>> No.29337990

She's doing her reps. According to some of her members streams, she wants to become EN Gen 1.5

>> No.29337985

Artia lost like 70% of her active following after that hhhhhh post got popular on reddit

>> No.29337987
Quoted by: >>29338069

Disgusting chink milking money one last time

>> No.29337989

Honestly I wonder if Gura's fanbase is what'll cause her to graduate eventually. Like, personally they come off as just the most aggressive fanbase outside of the cunnyposters (I like those guys, they're harmless). I think the ones outside of 4chan are even worse because they genuinely believe in their BS, and that they're doing the right thing. I'm just afraid of the effect it's gonna have on the girl's relationships, shit it's part of why I feel like Kiara won't collab with Gura outside of self-esteem issues.

>> No.29337993

Guess I'll be watching morning Lamy

>> No.29337994

Mori just might be the type who plays worse when eyes are on her. I started DS3 for the first time off-stream and killed Gundyr without getting hit. Decided to restart and stream my entire playthrough and he killed me 3 times because I was super conscious of people watching me.

>> No.29337999

I have female friends and a sister, so I know that's just how women are when watching movies

>> No.29338000

>apply to hololive
>be friends with hololive girls
>be relatively popular and make money with playing videogames
>demand your branch to be removed and your parent company to fire you
And this narrative makes sense to you?

>> No.29338001

Anybody got that one footfag art of Mori? The one that looks like the Skullgirls artstyle?

>> No.29338007

that's how they get you anon
then they stab you in the back

>> No.29338009


>> No.29338010
File: 2.61 MB, 1920x1080, 1599355661838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That debut was great fun

>> No.29338012

She likes Shiina Ringo, so she has the best taste in Hololive.

>> No.29338013

>Your Oshi
>Your favorite Asian soft drink

>> No.29338017

She realized that her actions were actually fucking herself over but by then it was too late.
The chinks thought they would win and push Coco out at first.

>> No.29338019
Quoted by: >>29338034

Coco should have just apologised.

>> No.29338021
File: 130 KB, 850x1202, aloelove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every closed door leads to a brand new story.

>> No.29338022

Xi had been fucked over by 3 deadly epidemics this year and caused a fucking pandemic. Every single country on earth will soon ask for economic compensation against them. If the CCP gets too stubborn, we might find ourselves in a new cold war again

>> No.29338025


>> No.29338026
File: 2.86 MB, 1200x1495, 1601517321658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy my holos non3DPD thank you very much

>> No.29338027

Civia is already crying inside...

>> No.29338030

I'm honestly not surprised by Civia pretending that she didn't want to have superchat turned on.

>> No.29338031

Will Civia also stream in BLBL?

>> No.29338033

>hhhhhh post
What the fuck

>> No.29338034

she did

>> No.29338036

Yeah, her graduation stream was around the same time as Ina's guerilla Minecraft stream today.

>> No.29338037
Quoted by: >>29338096

>Graduating on her birthday


>> No.29338039


>> No.29338041
File: 45 KB, 300x300, 1604452996187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PINK GUY - セックス大好き

>> No.29338038


>Nintendo properties used in this video and livestream are used with permission and under license by Nintendo Co., Ltd.

>Super Mario Odyssey

Nice, just lazily copypaste the description from the Mario stream for your graduation stream, very sincere.

>> No.29338043

>Lychee ramune

>> No.29338042
Quoted by: >>29338075

The youtube video is two replies away Lee.

>> No.29338044
Quoted by: >>29338088

reddit actually getting baited by chink-anti narratives. what a bunch of retards.

>> No.29338047

Gura just has to tell them to knock the shit off but I don't believe she's attempted to reign her audience in yet. Almost as if you fucking retards are blowing things out of proportion.

>> No.29338048
File: 156 KB, 371x172, ame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that meant it was now

>> No.29338050

terminated right before her bday

>> No.29338051

>narratves have to make sense for shizo's

>> No.29338052
File: 67 KB, 350x350, cokick.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a fucking mess but doesn't sound sincere, maybe they rumors were true

>> No.29338053
Quoted by: >>29338100

Civia doesn't get to keep her character, right?

>> No.29338056

Civia doesn't live in China, right? I think she just said something about that but I didn't catch it.

>> No.29338057

Every fanbase has those problems you mentioned, Gura's is just amplified by the volume. Even the fucking japs were ready to go to war on her behalf because of that collab.

>> No.29338059


>> No.29338060

We don't even know if her PS5 arrived

>> No.29338062



>> No.29338063

>Graduating on your birthday

>> No.29338064

based civia extracting money from dumb gweilos

>> No.29338066

That door is still open, Aloe. Fifth gen will always be five.

>> No.29338067

That's if the nations grew a spine. A lot of high ranking officials who has a stash of Yuan's should get shot in the head.

>> No.29338068

>This is what /pol/lacks actually believe

>> No.29338069

In private she spits on all the gullible western mmrs who give her money.

>> No.29338073

>New Live2D in last stream

>> No.29338074

>Coconut wine

>> No.29338075

Whatever makes you sleep at night Chang
Remember to stay healthy to fight the Pajeets!

>> No.29338076
File: 95 KB, 1000x410, 1599365543709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Civia's Gosling inducing debut is a great memory at the least

>> No.29338082

>new live2d
oh no

>> No.29338087

The only opportunity she's getting is doing voiceover for porn animations on Fantia.

>> No.29338088

+0.5 social credit score have been debited to your account.
NEW TIER UNLOCKED: allowed to own toilet paper.
Your country thanks you for your service, enjoy your new living perks, citizen.

>> No.29338089

Her counting is actually really good compared to most ESL nips.

>> No.29338091

>new live2d
>her birthday

>> No.29338096

That hurts. Having certain shit go down on certain days really strings.

>> No.29338100

none do but their bilibili alts are just chinese knockoffs of their current live 2d

>> No.29338101

>Got a new L2D for her birthday
>She's graduating
My god

>> No.29338102

Pretty sure she lives in California.

Lord knows we have enough of the fuckers here. So many of them in our fucking UC system and they just don't fucking do shit and coast by on their parents money and act like they own the fucking planet.

>> No.29338103

new live 2d....Yagoo...

>> No.29338109
Quoted by: >>29338132

>more than double the viewers than Artia got
im laffin

>> No.29338111

Yeah but that probably had more to do with discord. In her newer old clips she sounds practically the same. All had to do with mic and her sound mixer. The clips where she sounds different probably had more to do with her being younger and having worse set ups.

>> No.29338119
File: 13 KB, 512x512, 1605311760023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Civia's voice bros...

>> No.29338123

The narrative is that the chinese youth are brainwashed and going crazy over a mention of Taiwan. They'll slit your throat for saying Taiwan.

This is what happened with Artia and Civia.
I'm not spending anymore time arguing with white knights or CCP raiders. Kindly go fuck yourself.

>> No.29338128

Oh shit, her English is great. Why haven't I been watching her?

>> No.29338127

She and artia live on the west coast of NA.

>> No.29338131

That fucking stepping LMAO

>> No.29338132

Civia was smart enough not to leave a paper trail for her harassment.

>> No.29338133

The silver lining is that we robbed the Nijis of god knows how much money now that they don't keep the new outfits

>> No.29338135


>> No.29338138

i love you, gura.

>> No.29338139

You believe the /pol/lacks

>> No.29338140

Ah yes, the rich history of Civia's youtube channel.

>> No.29338142

>Why haven't I been watching her?
because she never streams

>> No.29338144

Farewell dumb unicorn, love you

>> No.29338145

But she already revealed her new costume before
