>>29146767I'm gonna watch Mori's vod later. Why do they feel bad for Ina?
13k shrimps
ATTENTIONMori shit and farted while streaming and the audio of the shitting and farting was captured by her microphone and heard by all attendees of her stream.
Are they playing with bots? or fans?
want massive boobage
>>29146838Will her chair get soaked again?
why does mori talk like she's never had a conversation before
How could I lose!?
>>29146822I love you, and Gura!
>gura streams
Cute and funny>>29146839Because retarded antis don't watch the streams and won't shut up
>>29146852How come this ritualpost never gets deleted?
>>29146839Ina's sitting out while Mori plays with viewers
Okay I think Gura might have actually pissed herself there...
Candyman styling on deadbeats like its DMC
>>29146839It's a collab that Ina doesn't get to actually play with the other holo.
>Ina won a game
>>29146775have you considered that maybe she is in the wrong
>>29146821If Gura plays the second game, there are plenty of areas where you can see the transmission towers of the facility on hills/mountains or on the horizon
>>OPaw jeezalso Ina is owning this game?!
>I cummed so hard
>>29146767I'm watching P*kamee and Gura, I like Lethal League but I just know Mori is trash at it
Imagine being such a dedicated translator you open 3 accounts to every stream your oshi go
>Ina wonNice
>Ina won
>>29144503>>29146787Don't know about flight attendant but she worked hotel reception desk
>>29146868It's the meido
>Ina: Mori I won!That was really cute
>>29146839because she's leeching off of Mori
>>29146839Game's coding won't allow for Mori + Ina vs. randos without fucking around in lobbies.
Haha just kidding haha
>>29146839There's no way to play with a friend and randoms, so they can't both play with viewers.
roflamo, they sandbagged Ina again. Good show deadbraps.
Are ya scared, Goorah?
Okay I actually dislike Mori now>Collab with ina>Ina try to join at the same time, you might get lucky and get to play :)What an autistic dumb bitch.
>>29146875Candyman's broke as shit in OG lethal.
>that I won the game!Cute Ina!
Guess I'll see you guys in the next thread.
>People going REEEEEEEEEEEEEE MORI CALLED INA JUST TO BENCH HER>Ina is playing and just won the matchWhy are you guys so retarded
>>29146867She's "streaming" alright.
This would feel better if Ina was streaming on her own channel.
>>29146877>>29146860I didn't see Ina last game.
Describe their relationship
>if we queue up at the same time maybe we'll get in a game togethermy forest cannot be this stupid
im starting to see the appeal of mori but i don't really get it.shes cringe as fuck but instead of being filtered by her, i find it cute and endearing.what is this called?
>Mori can't play with Ina with randoms>but Mori can play with Ina if she ends up being one of the randomsI don't understand.
>>29146892Based and dedicatedpilled
Hey guys.Ordinary Days or Ordinary Days V2?
Why the fuck isn't Ina streaming? Her game sounds more interesting than Mori's
aren't these two separated by an oceanhow they gonna get matched together
>Calli drops Ina into lobby with 500 randoms>Ina gets in>Ina wins
>TF2 heavy yell
>>29146839because schizos are still seething over not getting any yabs off of the podcast today
>>29146868Maybe because it's true?
>>29146839Ina just came to chill with Calli but spergs are already writing books
>gura screaming for hours and hoursHer little shark screm is so fucking cute.
>"Calli, I won, I won the game!"I love this Tako so much
>>29146910His angles suck, he's very predictable
>>29146892if he were dedicated wouldn't he buy a membership to bypass slow mode?
>>29146907I still can't believe that the anon actually fucking did it
Is it just me or is the outlast dlc WAY fucking better than the main game? Like WAAAAAAY better?
>region: defaultyeah they aren't going to matchmake that way unless people let off.
>>29146892Based, I wish I could gift him a membership.
>>29146910Is less broke in the better game
>>29146935Just like coco's spambots
This wouldn't be so bad if Ina was streaming her POV
>mori is a nigkek
>>29146934It probably wont let you search for randoms with a party
>>29146922sucks to be me rn
>>29146937V2 is my preference
>>29146950she's the cutest!
>>29146949are ya scared?
>>29146934The game has no party system?
Wow remove Mori from this collab and you LITERALLY would have a 100% better stream
>>29146892Ina does things to people
This is the worst collab so far
>>29146938Mori is stupid as fuck.I love her.
>>29146934Welcome to needlessly obtuse and confusing game coding. This is probably one of the reasons people said to play the sequel instead.
>Two lucky dedabeats are gonna get to smash their sticks with Ina and Mori at the same time
>they can't play together unless it's a random match and they randomly get in the same game togetherWhy is management this retarded?Why won't they let them play with randoms while with others normally?
Is there not a way to make a lobby in LL and open it to public?
>>29146928some kinda fuckery with the game that they have to do quickmatch search and hope they get in together with two more players for a full room
Yeeeee toes!
>>29146922>Antis>Actually watching the streams and not just making shit up to be mad about
>YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA TOESwhat did she mean by this?
Be honest /hlgg/ do you actually get scared by this shit? It's so fucking obvious. I love Gura and I will still watch it for her reactions, but I don't understand how she keeps getting jumpscared by nothing.
>toesher and ame go together so well
Gura confirmed a footfag
i hope they will play skull girls next
>>29146922>missing the entire point of a collab
>>29146932The kids call it "cringekino"
>>29146990Can it even be called a collab?
why is mori making ina play this "game"
>>29146929Extremely close friends who have very different personalities
And then, she asked >Wie geht es dir? But her chat answered>Es geht soWhich caused her to seethe.
Gura was literally made to be scared and give men boners by screaming.
>>>/trash/34064347reposting here because previous thread died right after I posted it.
>people actually watching that shit over Gura
>>29146953I mean that would mean buying memberships for every single potential ina collab partner... about 50 channels
>>29146957the first game takes more time to set up, with the dlc they pretty much start the gameplay loop immediately. It's refined and well done, but obviously a bunch shorter than the main game
>>29146852like clockwork
>>29146949the audio-anon who analyzes Gura's squeals is probably gonna have a field day
>inviting someone to a collab>so they can play a different match offscreenwhy didn't they think this through
Why is gura swearing now it doesnt feel good
>>29146922A match we can't fucking SEE dumbass.
>>29146984>>29146990Why do you faggots never shut up about Mori if you hate her?
>>29146934The game doesn't allow randoms into private lobbies, so in order to have Ina and randoms in the same lobby, she'd have to add the randos as friends and invite them.Enma-san kaiboshed that idea for the potential drama it could cause.
>>29146957It is more disturbing since it shows you how fucked up murkoff people were, as well as more of the extreme variants.
So, if I'm curious about lethal league, is blaze just a straight upgrade if I'm not planning to try and join this stream?
isn't the sequel just a better version of the first gamewhy are they playing the original
>>29146934probably a case of no party match and no lobby codes like among us does so playing with randoms AND ina is impossiblei don't know if they fixed this in blaze
>>29146977Wow, congrats anon
>>29146910>implying he isn't by far the easiest to predictthe only thing he has going for him is how easy it is to bunt
>my deadbeats>the deadbeats!>let's have fun deadbeats>deadbeats deadbeats deadbeatsnow I remember why I hate when youtubers give their audience a fan-name
it's fucking insane that these rando matches and those first few ina v mori matches are from the same video game
It's over 9,000!!
gura extra cute today
>>29147042She's playing Outlast.
>>29146868Sharkmeido is a Mori anti
Gura's being a footfag again bros.
>>29146977Did you sandbag?
>Mori: "sorry I couldnt hear you" (continues to spew her akasupa baiting autismo noises)>Ina meekly repliesJesus this is like every introverts worst nightmare
>>29146971you're not wrong. in fact, you are absolutely correct.t.deadbeat
Kiararella is very cute and I cant wait for more story times from her
>>29146957Nah, it's really great. Heard mixed things about the sequel though.
>>29146911that's just such a shit move like what if I invited someone to my house to play xbox but then after 15 minutes of gaming I told them to go home and jump on Xbox live hey maybe you'll get lucky and happen to join the game I'm in like what the hell Mori
>>29147042BeCuAsE iT bAsEd!
I aint even a deadbrap but I'm enjoying this colab a lot, the game is really fun to watch
>>29146993It was a sequel to an offline local co-op flash game, it also has better netcode than blaze anyway.
>>29146997There's no way this game is even remotely supported when LL Blaze exists.
>>29147051I think Blaze is better but I've never played the original
Can you IMAGINE the smell deadbraps????
>imagine the smell
>>29147005Getting scared by Outlast?
consider the aroma
ina is becoming more powerful off screen
>Imagine the smell
>>29147005She's a grill. Why you forget that?
>>29146940Deadbraps sandbagging, because they're not actually psychopaths,
>>29146885That's actually pretty cool. I like subtle links in series instead of blatant links, especially since Outlast 2 can work as a standalone and you don't really need to have played the firstIsn't there multiple DLC's or is it just Whistleblower and I'm remembering wrong
>>29147053Mori wanted to play the original first for some reason
A day ago original LL has 5 players online, a couple hours ago it went up to 28, now it's 128.>>29147053Mori said she wanted to do the OG since she's played it before and it has less mechanics
>>29147062how new?
>>29147051Yeah more or less, same gameplay but has more content
>>29146886have you considered that you are mentally ill and need to take meds?
>"Imagine the Smell">Hi-Fives the severed hand
>>29147014Because Ina wanted to now neck yourself
What does it smell like
>>29147047Mori is literally at their house with a gun to their heads forcing them to consume every bit of Mori related content possible. She is one evil bitch.
>>29147056then why the FUCK did they pick this gameI swear every holo should be forced to do a dry run before playing a new game
>>29147051yeah, blaze is just better in every way.
Fuck I missed it
>>29147032>Watching a greedy gremlin that cares more about her members. Nah, I'll watch CringeKino with Mori and Ina.
>>29147016>Gura literally said amelia is like the sun to herYou uh, ever refer to one of your "friend"s as the fucking sun before?
>>29147121>Antis>Every doing anything than being annoying faggots
>>29146832I agree peko
>>29147005I'm a pussy when it comes to horror games so yeah this would get me...if I went in blind.
>>29147121NTAYRT but fuck you and mori you coping faggot
>yeaaah toes!gura really is a footfag isn't she
>>29147005I'm a wuss that gets spooked just from a eerie atmosphere, like in pathologicSo I can't look down on her
I'm apathetic on the trash taste podcast but I don't know... I think I'm quite worried about the possible moistcritikal collab. Well I'm not a deadbeat so my opinion shouldn't matter. I should stay away from plebbit, twitter, and this shithole for a while.
What did he mean by this?
>>29147141I'd antipost if it made Mori materialize in my house with a gun.
>>29147080i kinda wish there was a small animation to go along with it, specifically a sort of hololive parody animation where the characters are replaced with chuubas, but being able to hear her speak german made it worth it.
>>29147047Because then they'll be forced to see more of her in collabs?
>>29146892I really really want to gift him membership to Ina but youtube has neglected their livestream reps for so long
>>29147005We are creatures of the internet. We watch/see terrifying and horrible porn, have seen every shock image imaginable. Gura is just a loli shark
Gura always closes the door behind her. She's so polite.
>>29147040But they did a sound check at the start! everything was working!
Mori Love!
>>29147067This is actually true.
>>29147161are you frustrated?
>>29147144Because they didn't? Mori was going to play this solo, then a few days ago Ina offered to join in. It isn't a planned collab.
Considering that it sounds like Ina is more competent than Mori I'd much rather be seeing her matches.
>>29147169Based Canadian player
Gura has a surprisingly high member ratio in chat.
Can we agree to just move any discussion about Mori and doxxbraps to /trash/? She's not even a real holo and doxxbraps contribute nothing positive to these threads.
>>29147141Haha you crazy...I love my "Mori"
>>29147111Unless I'm forgetting something it's just whistleblower. Honestly I didn't like the second game as much because the chases are way too frequent and some parts are pretty bullshit. The "film something with the camera to get a collectible with narration" mechanic was a super smart use of the cam though. In the first game the cam is really only night vision
>last time we played outlast last
mori is fucking garbage
>>29147141Mori broke into my house and big upped my mom I fucking hate that bitch
>>29147070It's more like Ina was hiding her powerlevel. When no one was watching or no one she cared was in, she just took it off to play watch her friend.
>>29146932>>29146933"Based" is what I call it
Mori's niche is cringe kino.She is simply unable to not be cringe.I LOVE HER
I think I know why Mori collabs are cringe. Mori is rough at collabs because she doesn't interact with her partner(s) and instead in a desperate attempt to keeps things 'interesting' and 'high energy' starts shouting at the game, making effort noises and excusing her own lack of skill, all of which drowns out conversation opportunities with her partner. It's something she needs to work on because now that she's not going over the top with akasupa reacts, her next biggest weakness is game collabs.
>>29147152With the exception of chinks, SEA, 5ch, and nijifags?
>>29147018does that mean>How are you doing?>Im doing ok
>>29147153Yes, sunshine.
>>29147153No, but I'm not a woman so I wouldn't say sappy shit like that to begin with.
>>29147005I jump at the slightest jumpscare while playing a horror game. I would rather watch someone else play through, it has less connection and I can actually enjoy the game design instead of panicking.
Why the fuck would you make a game where you can't party with your friends and look for other people?
>>29147195All me
>>29147028I thank you for giving me a thread where I can discuss my massive hatred of Joey. Bless you based Mioposter.
I don't want to imagine..
>>29147144remember that time they planned a collab and when they started the stream they discovered it only had local co-op so they had to scramble to pick a different game
>>29147153We get it. You've literally never experienced or observed female friendship before. Not that surprising.
>>29147047For a place that hates reddit people here really want the hugbox experience
I liked Gura's first outlast stream because she didn't get scared at all, which made her scream at the end very cuteShe's screaming every chance she gets in this oneI may be the only one bothered but I dislike this new approach to horror games
redpill me on this place
>>29147195she has the most members in hololive
>>29146848More, doubt she has 100% member engagement.
>>29147218the game is almost 7 years old and there's an updated sequel
So why can't Calli and Ina play randos together?
Ina please at least turn on your stream.
>>29147192But muh narratives
Doesn't she have a controller to play with?
Candyman is so broken, I forgot how ridiculous he was.
>>29147144Honestly given that both of them seem to know the controls by now they should just revert back to 1v1s.
>>29147241poor lobby system
>>29147005She's a small girl, not a jaded 4chan loser.
all narratives aside this seems pretty poorly thought out
>>29147210That podcast is cringe ^4
>>29147233go back
>>29146929little sister that overly admires her big sis.
>>29147192Alright, thanks for the info, but at some point they should have realized this game isn't good for collabs and plan a proper one for later
>>29147153it's ok you can say you don't know any women
Gura reads Chainsaw Man?
>>29147206>Ina sanbagged so she wouldn't blow her friend out Cute
Why hasn't ina done asmr yet
I like how Mori is only mentioning Deadbeats when there are probably plenty of cultists watching too
>>29147232she knows it's to help us get off, especially with how much people liked it in the protein stream
>>29147005>jumpscI get startled, but instead of screaming like Gura/women do I stay silent
>>29147153She meant to say Ame is yellow, wait... YELLOW=CHINESE and AND AMELIA= YELLO, SO AMELIA=CHINK WTF WTF WTF!!!!!
>>29147236There were lobbies in 2013.
Calli saying the N word while I pull her hair from behind!
>>29147153females do shit like this all the time anon
Can you faggots stop spamming /v/ with this stuff? Thanks.
I like gura more than ina and mori individually but... I would rather watch the collab... goddamn it it's ina's fault
>>29147241>randosRandy's you racist !
>>29147232I think she's still in warmup mode
>>29147222smells like low tide
Are you all forgetting about the fact that it was Ina who wanted to join and that this wasn't originally a collab? Or would that kill your narratives?
>>29147233the F.E.A.R. lab, but you are Alma
>>29146929they'd fuck if the opportunity arises, but aren't open about it
>>29147232She wasn't scared at first because she had watched some gameplay from the early game. Everything after that was blind.
>Ina asks about a mechanic>Mori doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about even though it's so simple
>some people just hold it for a really long tome and then let it out
>>29147212>How are you doing?>mehThey were indirectly saying her class was meh, which angered Kiara.
>>29147167>worried about the possible moistcritikal collabBecause?
>I can smell youWhat does Gura smell like?
Why can't she just invite Ina?
This DLC is going to be unpleasant on the ears.
They will probably wont find each other since the distance is set to default
>>29147304No don't mention that, my narratives...
>if not I can just invite you to watch the game>hmPaintako
>>29147319Marine breeze
>>29147153Yeah, actually. Great guy, got me into Kamen Rider.
>>29147317She like his videos
>>29147005Playing horror is completely different from watching it, the games tend to be less and less scary the more you play it. Especially if they don't switch up the monster and have calm safe bits.
>>29147297Do mods not delete hololive threads on /v/?
>>29147176man that would be amazing if not all that effort
>>29146978Ordinary Days got me into Klaus Veen, I let his soundcloud playlist run while I'm playing fighting games and stuff. He's got a nice style and a ton of music on his soundcloud.What even is this genre called anyway? House? It's like chill funky house, which is a pretty cool combination of genres imo.
I unironically think Gura has fantasies about being chases down and raped. how else can you explain her choice in games?
>>29147321Shitty lobby system won't let you.
>We're always in the asylum, Why?
>>29147038there are two of us and i think i know who the other one is
>>29147241Because Mori doesn't care about Ina enough to pick a game that allows her to join
>>29147322>Gura's screams>unpleasant
>>29147319Rusty coins and sandpaper
>>29147321Poorly designed lobbies
Now that they both know a little more about the game they should play 1v1 again
>>29147319Cod and Chum
>>29147297Get actual mods
>>29147164I got spooked by Pathologic as well, kept having dreams about it when I was playing it. At least the 2nd one. It's the best atmosphere I've ever seen in a game and I've played a lot, lot, lot of games.
>>29147092no EN Manangement told them they can't group together and invite random people.The only way EN management would allow Ina and Mori to play with randoms is if they randomly all get in the same game together
>>29147348wtf ame
>>29147348Okay Ame. I think you've had enough concoction tonight...
>>29147348You could just ask her on Discord, Ame
Ina is far better than Mori at this game. Was she just sandbagging against Mori?
>>29147322had to lower my volume all the way down. i don't know why she's overreacting to the DLC so much. base game wasn't like this
>>29147348Thanks for sharing your Discord ERP scenarios with us, Ame.
>>29147319Sea and salt
>>29147262>poorly thought out>MoriI mean I'm T3 and I'm not surprisedwish they'd play a bit more singles
>>29147348it's a way more common fantasy than they admit.
>>29147348We get it Amelia, you fuck Gura's cunny every day
>>29147241In this game, it's either play with only your friends or you play with only randys. There is no in between.
I just realised that Mori has made me unironically kind of like wine, even if I only drink it during her streams
If anything, what they should've done was create a lobby and get both of them in it through quick match before then asking randoms to join. Still a shitty workaround but you gotta work with what you have.
>>29147348ame please keep it consensual
>>29147348based Ame
I'm a deadbeat, but gotta admit Mori not trying to actually focus on playing with Ina and just having her play off stream with randos is pretty dumbPlease play with the Tako Mori
>>29147333Jesus are deadbraps really defending this behavior?????
>>29147297Can you faggots stop spamming /hlgg/? Thanks.
>>29147329>reddit dragon singing in brazil>shark no longer has novelty>mori still cringe>ina just there to punch the clockEn's not gonna make it.
>>29147304I think it's more than fair to complain that this is just a Calli stream with random Ina noises
>>29147319little kids shampoo, not because she's a little kid but because her autism never let her change what she used
>>29146977anon actually got bonked by ina...
>>29147348Only one way to find out
>>29147371how does that even make sense?
>>29147210sometimes I really wonder how can someone actually enjoy it. I want to be a unitychad but the cringe just crawls up to my skin until I can't take it anymore
>>29147232It is kind of lame compared to the other yeah
>>29147005Scary games spook the shit out of me. Especially ones with ghosts. I hate those motherfuckers. I still like to play one every year around Halloween. Also sea games. I literally can't play Subnautica. I get like, pins and needles over my whole body and start sweating profusely. I'm an old man.
>>29147348>>29147346Damn these two get INTENSE on discord
>>29147281The EN girls are all either introverts that are too "embarrassed" to do ASMR (Gura, Ina) or just have no interest in it (Mori, Kiara). The only hope for EN ASMR is Ame.
>>29147199At least they made the cam useful. It really is just nightvision in the firstI kind of didn't get the apeal to Outlast II. I don't know, spooky death cults are kind of overdone
>>29147153No, but females do>>>/u/
>>29147348>the discord sex involves amelia pretending to be a grotesque murderer hunting down gura, pinning her down, raping and butchering her body into multiple different bagsinteresting lore
>>29147086Exactly the feel I'm getting from this, it's like someone invited you to play games and they just play singleplayer games.
>>29147348Wtf wamechama...
>>29147348you could try that in your next discord "session", Ame
I bought lethal league to play with Mori and Ina but no luck yetgame is pretty fun, i was gonna refund if i didnt get in but i'll probably keep it
>>29147371When the hell did management get involved? I didn't hear them say anything about that.
>>29147379mori just sucks at video games
>>29147413Then don't watch it
>>29147111The only problem with Outlast 2 is that those "subtle links" are absolutely necessary to make sense of the story, otherwise it would just be confusing cult magic.
>>29147304Did Ina know beforehand that she wouldn't be able to play?I mean, even Mori is barely playing, she's often first dead and then she has to wait out a whole set when all her lives are gone.Also is Ina playing her own games? Like, not even watching Mori's gameplay to be able to commentate it?I like Ina and I like her presence and voice but I'm really not sure the purpose of her being here.
>>29147381>>29147322Who invited these two fags?
This collab is like being invited to your friend's house only to see him play wow for the rest of the day and you want to go home but your parents just not arrive thinking you are having fun.
>>29147304yeah that would mean Ina's a leech and she's leeching off of fucking Mori? why? That doesn't make any sense. Ame or Gura would be better leech targets. Yeah Gura might be standoffish but Ina could have asked Ame to make it a trinity leech collab
>HoloNI thought it was pronounced Holo E N
>>29147319Piss, mostly
>>29146956>I still can't believe that the anon actually fucking did itDid he? I never saw the completed version.
>>29147438refund it and buy blaze instead
>tfw Gura looks at you in disgust and tells you "don't touch me"
>>29147449Granted the bulk of the game is "Confusing cult magic"
>>29147062Your new is showing
>>29147267I don't know if I'm just used to Mori at this point but I was cringing harder at the anitubers, despite already being a little familiar with them.
>>29147453>Wanting to watch Gura fake her screams.You are a fag. Real Screams > Fake Screams
>>29147454Mori literally just made this joke lmao
>>29147429Gura already said she was going to do one.
Ina please just ask her to play 1v1 with you...
This is the first time that Mori has made me physically cringe, I'm impressed. All it took was subtle tako bullying.
>>29147438nice! you should refund and get blaze
>>29147438no one plays og lethal league anymore; you want lethal league blaze.
>>29147434Ina was the one that asked to join dumb falseflagger>>29147456Fuck off
So spamming the real Hololive thread with your pathetic shark fags plea for attention, we don't give a shit about her. You faggot kids have shit taste.
i heard the shark pillow! i heard it!
>>29147348I'mma draw this.
>>29147478IS SHE HERE?!
I wish Gura and Ame was playing with them
>>29147478SHE'S HERE
>gura read the parents review for this game saying it isn't suitable for children>decided to play it anyway What did she mean by this?
>you will never be Gura's shark pillow
>>29147360Not Gura, but the game. Some parts are foul.
>ina likes to watchUUUOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH
cariboutitsmcgee made it into a second game with mori
So, why isn't Ina playing? No rrats
>>29147434>>29147454This is a really sad mental image and oddly specific, did you guys actually experience something that bad?
>>29146977lucky fucker
>>29147498Isn't that what we're doing?
>>29147494please do
Seething.t. tentacultist
>>29147511how many times do we have to explain this
>Can't get Ina in>Xross got in 3 times
>>29147511scroll up
Oh no Gura is burning the six millionYou cant do that on stream Gura
>>29147492Stop falseflagging with my oshi.
>>29147209As a deadbeat, you have a point. I don't care if she's shitty at games as long as she's entertaining, but she keeps mentioning how bad she is as if people actually care and it just makes it less interesting
>>29147492what is this falseflagi tried to read in my head several times and i dont get it
>>29147511This wasn't a scheduled collab at first and the lobby system is a fuck, but Ina enjoys watching and is playing off-stream while commentating.
>>29147477Why do you say it's fake? What is everyone's issue in this thread with thinking they're inside Gura's mind? Feels like she gets it the worst out of anyone.
>>29147345if you like klaus i'd reccomend frits wentink, i wouldn't know how to categorize it but it is a flavor of house.
>>29147348That would explain her twitter banner.
>>29147498This entire thread is about watching people play games
>Ina likes to watchIna watching Ame and Gura's discord sessions
>>29147486What am I falseflagging now schizo.
FUCK That got me good
>>29147527>>29147524mental illness fantasies don't count
>>29147498>IT IS NOT FUN TO WATCH PEOPLE PLAY GAMES.looks like calli isn't the only one with zero self awareness
>>29147492>Post kiara.>Talk about other having shit taste.(You)
>TF2 airblast noice
>ame is good at commentaryThere you go the required Ame mention every straem
>>29147531oy vey, gura, this cannot stand
>>29147501She's a very naughty shark
Takobros.This is getting painful...
>>29147454would Ina play WOW?
>>29147528Same few people get in because it picks the people closest to you geographically. Probably.
>complaining about Ina watching Calli play >in a stream full of faggots who spend their every waking hour watching Hololives play video games
>>29147511When you're so desperate to incline that you collab with your gen's menhara but then decide it's just not even worth it but you're stuck in the collab now and you have to keep up appearances so you can't quit and leave no matter how much you want to until it's finally over and you're free to go back to playing minecraft.
>>29147528its set to regional matchmaking and they live on different continentsthey are NEVER going to get matched.
>>29147511This wasn't originally planned as a collab and turns out you can't mix invites and randos.
>>29147548ogey? ogey
>>29147538Bigger audience = more antis.
>>29147516Several times, i ended up having to ask my dad for n64 and years later had to buy wow.
>>29147209We've known this since day 1, there's even a copypasta about it.
>>29147358This was planned as a solo stream with an open invitation to the rest of holoEN.
>>29147528mori has her search settings to prioritising local lobbies so ina probably isn't joining ever
>>29147498My sides
Jesus the outlast dlc is like twenty times better than the main game
>>29147528Xross is probably in Japan.
>>29147501every movie we watched with her was rated r what do you think
>>29147501It's known parents let their children watch Gura. This was her way to make a disclaimer to them.
>>29147498>IT IS NOT FUN TO WATCH PEOPLE PLAY GAMES.Then what the fuck are we doing?
>>29147477Ok fg
>>29147348i hope you aren't just figuring this out now
>>29147381>>29147322>>29147381>>29147477Take your meds
I hope this collab doesn't cause a rift to form between the tentacultists and deadbeats.
>>29147564don't worry takofriend, less than 20 minutes left.
>>29147548>the fact that you CAN'T make a lobby with a friend and then look for randoms is now a mental illness fantasyok retard
>>29147312This. She knew where the jumpscares were.
>>29147580thank you.
Calli wanted to play this game because it is literally the only one she was ever any good at. Ina is there to bear witness. It's cute in a pathetic way, like most things about forest.
>One, Amelia needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine. Two, whenever Amelia's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Amelia"?
>>29147492I know the education in the Philippines isn't great but at least make an attempt to learn English before shitposting here.
>>29147498What am I doing here
>>29147566she said no on stream
Hololive en has gone 0 days without talking about ame
>>29147541huh? what does her twitter banner have to do with rape?
>>29147498>Got to play a solo game with InaWho's complaining?
It's been 42 minutes
>>29147566Not weeb enough
Mori come on just play private matches with her you did two 1v1 games and that's it
>>29147605why would it?
>>29147454"You can watch me play"
>>29147516Yup, I remember one especially bad time when my mother demanded me to go to an annoying neighbours kid birthday party. Then we just had to sit next to him for hours while he played some shitty TMNT game he got as a present.
>>29147575They'd be playing with mori if they could. Ina can but doesn't. It's understandable why they're seething.
>>291474980 self awareness
>>29147600oh fuck touchè
>>29147498Ironic that you talk about self awareness>>29147548Why won't you fuckers read?
>>29147575>He have 1 screen.Third worlder out!!
>>29147566not cute and funny/weeb enough for her
>>29147603sure, give me the meds that make me enjoy obnoxious fake screaming
>>29147447But then I wouldn't be able to hate it
>>29147605I had to stop watching before I became a Mori anti
>>29147498Either masterful bait or true retardation, hilarious
>>29147453I'm sure I've subconsciously seen and ignored this artstyle before but your image is the first time I'm realizing how strange it is to have one single large, upwards curving eyelash on each eye, especially on the inner corners.If that's eyeliner shouldn't it be wingtipping outwards? And wouldn't mascara point outward outward on the whole eyelash rather than in one place?
>>29147605Only the schizos in each.
>I know you wanted to play with Calli>Sorry you got me...Tako...
>>29147575Don't you got some superchats to send, deadweight?
>>29147498I'm watching Gura. Holy did she actually say this?
>>29147516Every time I visit my cousin
>>29147646>He have>calling other third worlderslole
Why does 5ch keep calling Gura, Sharkgemon? Some kind of Pokemon reference?All I found was this I googled it
When is the Ame Haachama Collab? Haachama's page says it's in 3 hours but Ame said it would be now.
nice fucking collab mori>hey let me invite my friend from halfway across the world and try to compete with deadbeats joining in through matchmaking>ends up doing a weird half-collab where Ina is just playing with randos and muttering in the background
>>29147630I just checked it. She changed it, but the last one was a pomf scene.
>>29147605Anyone that actually cares knows this was an impromptu collab and that it's the lobby's fault more than either of the girls. Who the fuck creates a lobby system where you can't play with your friends against randoms?
>>29147628>Hololive en has gone 0 streams without talking about ame
>>29147605I know they're both better than this. It's the retarded schizos that don't watch either.
I kinda wanna watch Gura watch the Goofy Movie.
Fuck this. The thread always goes to shit when deadbeats are active. I'll just tune in later.
>>2914749866 minutes
>>29147209her 1 on 1 collabs are fine
>>29147532It's lunchtime at the call center in Manila
>>29147566Too western for her.
>>29147648Matchmaking doesn't work like that, it's a random pool.
>gentlemen>good nice clean timebros???
>>29147660Pain Tako
>>29147648not how it works
>>291476703 hours, Ame always fucks up the time.
Why did she choose this collab of all of them to ignore chat when they're telling her what she needs to do
>>29147605It won't do anything. Schizos are just trying to start shit as usual
>>29147498my sideswhat a great bait
>>29147660pain tako
>>29147498This is probably bait but it's a good one
>>29147670All of Haachama's collabs/EN streams have been at 2am EST. It's morning for her then.
>>29147660What's happening with MorIna collab?
>bare feet
Okay I'm actually starting to feel bad for Ina this sucks
>>29147498good post
>>29147684Voting for that if once we pass the Christmas movie watchalongs
I can't take Mori's cringe.
How much average views does Gura's roommate gets compared to hers?
>>29147669it's probably a doraemon reference
>>29147684that would be fucking kino
>>29147492Terrible falseflag, kill yourself.
>>29147672Don't use my wife for your shitty falseflag postthx you
god I wish I was the glass panel on Gura's computer
>>29147672Mori didn't invite Ina though
I need ame to explain to Mori what ping is
>WHY DOESN'T EVERYONE HAVE GOOD CONNECTION-Person currently living in Japan
>>29147196feel free to use the trash taste thread I made.
>>29147498high iq post
>>29147676no it's a "i'm sitting in a basket full of ikea sharks" you retard
>>29147498We've gotten to the point Mori doesn't need to do anything, her antis will BTFO themselves.
>>29147669That boss was so fucking easy compared to the boss before him, the stupid fucking eagle (I still remind her fucking name, EMPYREA), who deleted your characters with 150 damage basic attacks when they had 160-180 hp at best while acting 2 times per turn. Not counting how fucking shit the random encounters wereFUCK HER FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK HER FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK HER FUCK FUCK FUCK
>>29147734ame barely even knows what ping is
>>29147498The irony in this post
>>29147605I don't think there's that much overlap to begin with although I have seen some people who are specifically membered to both for some reason.I feel like if you enjoy the chill laid back atmosphere of Ina's streams, you probably don't like the constant cringe of Mori's.
>>29147605It won't.Mori and Ina may be opposites in their motivations and endgame plans. But Ina is a good person and cares for her friends.A pristine role model in that regard.
>>29147710>>29147700Ogey thanks
>Friday night USA primetime COLLAB stream with only one pov>16k viewers
>>29147456why does everything have to be about leeching...
can somebody join her game as "readchat"
So about that podcast with Calli, just answer this for me - did she protect the "image" of a Hololive Vtuber? Just for some context, you know how if you visit a Disney Park and ask about one of the characters, like where they are or when they're coming back? Cast Members will say something that stays in-character, like, "Mickey is just checking up on Pluto, he'll be back in a few minutes." Keeping up that image that you are talking about "the" Mickey Mouse is really important. Did this podcast keep up that image or did they just ignore that completely?I was a Cast Member for a few years, preserving the Magic is more important than you might think.
>>29147721google her roommate + twitch stats (not that much)
Everyone getting mad over a collab while I'm just enjoying watching the shark playing a game she likes.
So wait, does this game really not have a party system or is Mori pulling a Mori?
i had to turn off the mori "collab"I wanted to watch ina but I cant really stomach this. hows gura?
>>29147717ina ;_;
>>29147717cursed imageI love it
>>29147672This is true.
>>29147714This lobby system fucking sucks, that's what happened.
I can no longer tell what is and is not falseflagging, I need to be put down.
>open stream>gura is squealing in Large Men Chase You Simulator #41>keep stream open
>Xross again Gura poll
How does this Xross guy keep getting it
>>29147755>USA primetime>at 11 pm est
>>29147755I'd expect 8k with that garbage game
Gura's meat.... honest, how many of you started going full lewd on the reaper in this stream?
>>29147652She's seriously making me consider canceling her membership. I don't know if it makes sense to stay membered like she doesn't do any member streams for Tier 1 and it's not like she actually needs my money, she's already getting tons of akasupas every stream.
>>29147429Ame was kind of weirded out by ASMR after doing it so it's hard to say if she'll revisit it anytime soon, that said Ame's opinion can change on the fly if she has a "good" idea.
>>29147221your welcome
>What's neurology?Gura...
>>29147773that's a pretty small man if you ask me
mori doesn't have her matchmaking settings to search far enough so she'll never match with ina randomlyi'm assuming the same is true with ina
>>29147735I want to feel them all over my dick
>>29147685bias can be a hell of a drug
>>29147617>Note: Ame died on the way back to her home planet
>>29147778Probably hacking.
>>29147498Like what you're doing right NOW!
>>29147738Took Crapcom and every other Jap dev decades to realize that the rest of the world doesn't live on a tiny ass island where everyone lives in tightly packed cities.
>people complain about Mori focusing on SCs during collabs>ends up ignoring chat entirely >when they're trying to save the collabMorichama
>3 disconnects in a rowPeer to peer was a mistake.
>>29147755Shark cunny stole all the viewsDoes this frustrate you?
>>29147047Because she is still there, remove her please.
>>29147755theyre watching gura instead
>>29147649Then don't watch and stop being a schizo faggot
>>29147755>Competing with the shark
>>29147717Ina has Nene
>>29147776>He lacks processed data
.>>29147414>gura still gets soap in her eyes when she shampoos and cries every time>after showers gura has to use kids' anti-tangle spray and also cries while she combs out the knots
Mori stop ignoring the chat, they're trying to tell you how to play with Ina
>>29147763The game has a shit lobby system.
>>29147773>>gura is squealing in Large Men Chase You Simulator #41When you put it that way...
>>29147763It has an invite only room or quickmatch system, you can't bring one friend and fill the other spots with randies as I recall
of course ina has better connections everyone watching this stream is probably a fuckin burger dumb reaper aaaaaaa
>>29147761same, she's so cute
>>29147791I'm sure Gura is also disappointed by his size
>>29147714Lethal League doesn't allow parties to matchmake, so Mori is publicly matching with Deadbeats while Ina plays matched offscreen.
>>29147755There's tons of shit going on right now but fuck Cali.
>>29147759Yeah, breaking kayfabe is not a criticism you can make about that podcast, she stayed in character for the whole time.
>>29147763You can't mix randoms into a private game, and Mori wanted to play with deadbeats so they have to do global match making.The problem is that Callie hasn't changed her match making distance, so it's literally inpossible to match with Ina
>>29147717Make it stoooooooooop!
>>29147759not really, wasn't any major yabsjust kinda came out and said she had a distaste for virtual youtubers until she found it it prints money and boosts her music career
>>29147802also good average internet quality, but yes.
>>29147645You'll just bite any bait, won't you? Today got you wound up or something?
mori is a NIGGER
I was a week out of the threads and when I came back /hlg and /hlgg became indistinguishable.
Ina should invite other Holos for a mahjong collab
>>29147312Guess we're not gonna see something like that ever again huhmakes me sad
Ina can't even play games with her friends in FUCKING COLLABS. Someone... please just treat her right... onegai...
>>29147759Only for the first 15 minutes. It got dropped fast since it absolutely doesn't work in that kind of environment.
>>29147679It's mori's fault for not knowing anything about the game she invited the other holos to play. Your game choice, your responsibility.
>>29147759she tries to but they kept trying to ask questions that she has a hard time answering without breaking character.
did Gura just fart?
>>29147757ok maybe you're right Ina might legitimately just enjoy this cringfest and that's why she joined
>>29147766intense and fun, she's a bit loud because she doesn't seem to know the dlc yet as compared to the first parts of the original
>>29147776Mori already did
>It's antis try to construct a narrative about Mori episode but it failsGetting tired of repeats.
>>29147755Gura wants to kill the false Holo.
>>29147738Isn't that a myth itself? I'm sure its just for a few cities.
>>29147639I found it, it was the 2003 TMNT game.We even suggested going outside to play multiple times and his response was just "nah I'm good" while we sat there twiddling our thumbs.
>>29147755Pretty good since Gura is streaming.
>>29147717She'll get the lonely girl in gen 2.
God I wish Gura was sitting in my lap while she plays scary games
>>29147841Yes. I'm not a fucking deadbeat I shouldn't be subjected to retarded mori antis.
Reminder that this exists
>>29147717She could've had Iofi if only Gura hadn't been a bitch.
>>29147498I'm keeping this one, lad.
>>29147664That bastard called me a dead weight!
>>29147778matchmaking priotizing people close to youAlso, Mori is stupid for playing the original LL and complaining about people lagging when Blaze have rollback
>>29147848That would be super fun
>>29147590ina's really lonely...
>>29147850she should just call up nene and erp while mori plays alone
>>29147717Good. This just sets up for the perfect Peko/Moona relationship with EN Gen 2.
>>29147831So it's not like Among Us matchmaking?
>>29147861>it failsAnti-Mori narratives never get forgotten
>>29147813>>29147816>hasn't even talked about Ina in a weekdead ship my dudes
>>29147759Ame talked about Mori's appearance on the podcast and spoke specifically about this. I'm paraphrasing but, she said Mori did way better of a job at maintaining a professional image than she ever could, and that if it were her she would be too afraid of dropping yabs left and right.I only watched the first 15 minutes of the podcast but I'd have to agree with Ame, she was fine.
sniff in the stinky
>>29147717Ina only wanted to make friends...
>>29147679You don't fucking test last minute.Shit like this has happened so many fucking times and they never learn .
>>29147888Give us the frequencies, audioautist
>>29147759The fact that Mori agreed to do a collab with anitubers for her first real collab means she never had any interest in protecting the image in the first place OR she fundamentally misunderstands what image Hololive is aiming for with it's V-tubers compared to Nijisanji/etc.
Gura is currently playing a Chase Gura Simulator, in which she is stranded inside a building with some of her most hardcore fans.
>>29147861>but it fails?>calling them "repeats"Yeah go back
>>29147755>11pm est>with gura streamingthis is good numbers
>>29147861They're desperately trying to make more narratives after they were all btfo
>>29147853>That she invited other holos to playYou're just being willfully ignorant at this point
Predicting it now: Gura is not reading superchats at the end of this stream.
>>29147750They're the only two HoloENs I'm membered to and they fulfill precisely opposite desires, Ina has chill streams that are like a warm bath for your soul and Mori has the cringekino that can send you spinning.
>>29147850Just do another Mario kart collab with the chicken Ina pls. That was the best.
Hhhnnnnnggg Gura's screams are so cute!
>STINKYI can't believe Gura just gassed that guy to death. What a way to go.
>>29147759That's pretty cute/heartwarming anon.I didn't watch it but I just wanted to let you know what I thought.
Ouch my ears and i feel bad for her. That one got her good.
>ywn massage Gura's tense thighs and calves
>>29147779It is friday night, I'd say that's prime time still.
>>29147605Only the ones that are already schizos, Ina and Kiara seem to be the most common second favorites among deadbeats, not sure if the reverse applies to the tentacult though,.
>>29147881>there's people ITT that use backlink icons
Why don't they just have Enma join too?
>>29147717at least she can always choose to be friends with a cucumber...
Tentacult on the march tonight.
>>29147915Yeah you got filtered. Go back.
>open door>see spooky dude>close door
>>29147876Fair enough I guess.
Does Blaze have a party system?
>>29147649Here is your (you)
>>29147759She never breached it but it was clear her interviewers weren't making it easy for her
Did she say "Fuck" or am i hearing things?
>>29147944Fuck this is actually a good idea. Maybe 2 fucking ENMAS
Will this even make 66 minutes
I just want to lock Gura in a gym at night and have me and my oiled up and naked bros chasing her around with our glowing nipples. Is that so much to ask?
>>29147639This unearthed a very specific feeling, then all the memories came flooding back.
>>29147759You mean, if she stayed in character? Yeah, maybe a bit too much even. HoloEN manager (male) was there too, so it's not like she could relax and let a yab or a bit of the roommate slip through.
Did Ame convince Gura to let HER out?
>>29147944imagine if ina just watched enma and mori play
>>29147944Can confirm she's bad at fightin games
Gura wants a jump scare counter! Have you been keeping count?
I can't believe Gura just deloused that man with Xyklon B.
>>29147914POV: Klaius has declared he is meeting you
>>29147755I'm sure there's at least a few euro deadbeats that are filtered by this timeslot.
>>29147913Hololive approved the podcast
>>29147755That's so much more than the kike deserves.
>>29147965YOU LOSE
>>29147759She broke the magic
>>29147750Mori and Ina are my favorite ENs. I love both how relaxed Ina is and how cringe Mori is. They both appeal to me greatly.
>>29147926God I wish that were me
>>29147944Why didn't they have Gura join?
God dammit Mori
Why is Ina playing games with Calli when she needs to wake up in 6 hours and farm meat for 24 hours.
>>29147773gura only plays games when shes chased down by large men unless she is playing with ame.... narratives?
NAROOHODOGUH>repeat ad nauseum
>>29147965the glowy nipples will never not make me laugh
wow, it's nothing!
>>29147853mori had this scheduled already as solo stream then ina later said she wanted to play this game with mori.
>Upload and download speed>Not Packet loss
So 66 minutes for this "collab" right?
>>29147881That setup is disgusting Anon
>>29147498The ABSOLUTE state of Mori antis
>>29147944Enma only plays ffxiv and fujoshit games. Enma is a landwhale irl
>>29147967We really are alike.
>>29147846It's like both thread watch and talk about the same shit.
>>29147967what a lad this guy
>>29147605They're my 2 favourite by far.
>>29147429Mori said she may give it a try with her new mic, though I bet she would sperg out and not want to do anything too crazy
>>29147913She's basically space ghost coast to coast now. Technically a cartoon character, but really just a variety show host at heart.
>>29147913Cool narrative. Did your headmate give it to you?
>>29147965Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door the leather club is two blocks down
>>29147759Are you the Goofy guy that posted stuff years ago?
>>29147999Fuck Guild Wars.
>>29147877>I've never done anything like this beforelying bitch
>518 mbps down>60 mbps up
>>29147970I think she is probably just getting less nervous.
Gura's cunny is too stinky, that's how the cannibal guy keeps finding her.
>>29147850I could treat her right...
>>29147877I love my Polka's casting couch video!
Ina's so small compared to Mori...
>>29147882The nerve!
>>29148014I hope so, i can't bear this anynmore, poor Ina
So this is how the tentachads v. Deadweights war begins?
>forgot how to play>can't invite Ina>audio too loud>disconnectingwhat else can go wrong
>>29147759bruh pls take it to the /trash/ post about the podcast>>>/trash/34064347
isn't the game p2p if you use lobby?
>>29147759do you work in finance?
this reaper is fucking retarded kek
>>29147877God I love Polka
>>29147851>>29147835>>29147838>>29147854>>29147902Thank you for the answers. >>29147913That's what I was worried about, that they'd pick her out of all the others. Then again, I guess Calli would be the best one to think on her feet.
>>29147913her manager was there
so is the haachama server invasion 1am or 2am?
>>29147759She stayed in-character but I wouldn't say she "protected" the image
>>29148049Mori made herself bigger. She has to hog all the attention to herself.
im socially inept and i feel really bad if ina isn't having any fun
>>29148045No, I'm sure it smells like cooked salman...
less than 66 minutes
>AA meeting jokeGura...
hiding under the bed with Gura!
Good job breaking the server anons
>>29148000she has an extreme size diff rape fetish, obviously
>>29147817my dick just jumped, thanks
>>29147759the hosts even asked her a dox question about her past life were like "how do you feel when people dig up your past" so yeah Mori had to break character, you know how usually Mori says stuff like "underworld" or "goblins" where she only breaks the surface of the character? She didn't even substitute the codewords
>Deadbeat denial of serviceThat's strong
>>29148087Depending on your time zone it might be neither
>>29148012Mori should've told her it was fucking impossible and found a better multi-player game or stuck to invite only and terrified two other holos into joining.
>tfw mori's upload and download is 5 times better than yoursBurgerland sucks
>>29148058Hope not
>im really sorry your collab didn't go well mori.... maybe we could play some time
She's only playing with the JP BROS now.
>>29148028if mori is space ghost, who are zorak and moltar?
>>29147967Through dick unity
screaming, sweaty gura, how did deadbraps cope when this was posted?
>>29147965Do your guyborg reps.
I don't know any other streamer that gets 3x the viewership on their singing streams vs their vidya streams
gura sure does sweat a lot...
>gura's sweaty cunnyUUOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH
Sweaty shark
>>29147617This text but with Gura making the demands in the picture
>gura started to sweat
sweaty gura uoh
>gura sweatcode for "piss"
sweaty shark
We've got a sweaty shark, lads.
>you'll never smell gura's sweat
>>29148118Try living in G*rmany
>>29148087Fool.Everything belongs to Haachama. Even your oshi.
>>29147835No she didn't
>EVERY SINGLE TIME I tab out to the thread there's a jumpscareHoly shit I forgot how different the DLC was to the base game.
Gura got too sweaty and had to leave
>>29147872Oh shit...I fucking played this game...Jorges????
imagine the sex
>forest embarrassed because of the poorly planned collabOkay, she's not bad.
I want to lick sweaty shark
>>29147913Brapfaggots are now arguing that Holos should essentially be twitch thots, and that gatekeeping is not a good thing so in their mind they're right.
oh fuck she did pee
>sweaty cunnyUOOOOOHHH
>>29147913>she fundamentally misunderstands what image Hololive is aiming forWhat exactly is the image you think they're aiming for? Or are you just a newfag/tourist?
>>29148111First plugdj now LL. Hololive is too powerful.
How much would you pay to have a bottle of Gura's sweat?
>>29148120oh god the UNDERBOOB every fucking time
>>29148031Fuck you
>>29148000ame is a large man that likes to chase down gura
>>29148132Didn't cope really, thread was more fun than I expected. antis weren't very inspired I guess.
Amelia is a whore.
>this game was not the best to sing after karaoke streams
Sweaty gura...
>Ina's just vibing and being positiveI hope next collab goes better for her, this one's kind of a bummer
the game conveniently froze after she pissed herself
>>29148049They're like a half foot apart canonically.
>>29148177that's a nice festival you got there
I just realized there's a newer leathal league game. is there a reason why mori picked the older one?
I want to lick my little shark clean.
just tuned in to Mori's streamwhat is going on? why isn't she playing with Ina?
>>29147967Truly a man of culture.
>>29148109That's pretty sad
>>29147913Poor anon. Your brain is still fried from mori dabbing on your narratives today?
>>29148119Based fellow New Zealander
Oh no
thought the player numbers would be higher honestly
>>29148132as a deadbeat I'm actually suffering more rnshe should've went with Blaze, this fucking dumbass idiot
>>29148173What is it with you people and pee?
>>29148028Honestly if she just became this, I would like her
include me in the screenshot
>>29148212She really is built to suffer
>>29148222Small brain
I'm so sad I decided to watch the ina collab instead of Shark ;_;. You chumbuds look like your having so much more fun
>>29147913Nijis also protect their images u know?
>>29148203She's straining her throat
>>29147456Are you genuinely emotionally stunted? Or retarded? Most likely Mori was gonna play alone but asked if anyone else wanted to, and Ina said sure, because they get along well, or Ina wanted to support her
>>29148222She only owned this one and is too poor to buy the new one, please understand
Mori... no
Gura's sweat...
>>29148240Mori doesn't have that kind of pull
>>29147759She didn't break character even once. Not more than any other character in HololiveEN has so far.
>What did that superchat sayMori for the love of fucking God.
>>29148240Wow a total 100
Wait why aren't they playing blaze instead? It has better netcode.
I can't take this shit anymore
>What did that superchat say?
>what did that superchat sayIt's gonna happen, guys
>ina/mori collab isn't doing so good>gura's game freezespretty bad luck tonight
>>29148225Bad matchmaking.
>>29148217at least both the scheduled streams line up now. I'm going to have to skip because they are at 6am my time.
>>29148248She's literally dying live.
holy shit lethal league fucking sucks. They could have been playing an actual fighting game or something.
>people are instantly quitting if they don't get matched with Mori or Inalmao
>>29148240so now that holo EN has been a monstrous success, how many sponsored streams will we see by Feburary?
>>29148132There was no meltdowns of any type for some reason
>>29148212I hope another Mario Kart collab with chicken happens
>>29148240Me too. That's kind of nothing.
>Maybe... maybe I was never good, Ina. Maybe just myself and all my friends were all equally bad.Ow
At the very least, Ina seems to have developed cordial relations with Nene and Iofi. If she joined Hololive for the sole objective of making friends, she technically succeeded. That's still win... right?
>>29148225She doesn't get the fact that watching other people play video games isn't fun.
>>29148076Yeah she broke the illusion multiple times due to the questions from the hosts, not even a /u/fag but she straight up said takamori was business and mentioned how she still has an active roommate
>>29147912>Outlast 2 is about the apocalypseDo you reele beeleb
>tfw completely forgot to watch gura's karaoke today because i was watching amelia fuck about in minecraft
>>29148269>>29148271>>29148264Just unmuted the tab to see how it was going and this was the first thing I heard LMAO.
>>29148225She's that childhood friend who invites you to his house and lets you watch as he plays the game your parents won't let you buy.
>>29148160Like an hour in she mentions reaper school.
>>29148248It's fucking hilarious. her screams are so cute
>>29148240on sale on steam wonder how many people bought it just to attempt to play with mori
>>29147668>Doesn't know english.Like i said out.
>>29148240People would only be buying it for this one occasion since Blaze is newer and there's no reason to play original LL
>>29148240I mean, not many people have the game I guess.
>>29148246galaxy brained move she's saving the "new" content for later.
>>29148240I'm not going to buy this kusoge.
>>29148212I wish they just did a zatsu at this point
>>29148292This is the real fighting game/Smash Bros experience when going to your first tourney.
>>29148315This is totally a sign of mental stability
>>29148028Space Ghost is the original vtuber
>>29148241pissing yourself is shameful and horribly embarassing, and therefore those of us who love embaressment and shame want to see her feel those emotionsnot hard to understand....
>Maybe I was never good, maybe just myself and all my friends were equally bad.Welcome to fighting games
>>29148250yeah I'm not good at emotional things. The narrative about Ina just wanting to join for no reason might make more sense
>>29148296Don't remind me, this just makes it worse,
>gura wet her chair again>"what did that superchat say?">"I'm gonna get ground pounded so hard"It's like the spirit of /hlgg/ controlled both streams for a split second.
>>29148168Deadweights are the same kind of soulless simps who sub to pokimane. They'll excuse her shit content and any accuse anyone who criticizes her as being an anti, all while she sucks their bank account dry
>>29148302>shark girl saltwater
>>29148120>Calli, expose your midriff and you too can join syuga riri!
>>29148302that only gets her like $30, get your shit together anon
>>29148296It's just one awkward collab, try to have a little perspective.
>>29147498this is such a hilariously bad post i genuinely don't know if it is bait or not.
>>29148307Apparently it said people should stop leaving games if Calli or Ina aren't in them.
>We're back at the AA MeetingI've had dreams of this. God I hate corporate
Good joke from that one dude thinking any significant amount of hate for their podcast is "idol purity" shit. People just don't like anime youtubers, and there's no one to blame but anime youtubers for that.
>>29148345UOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH.These threads have led me down the path of degeneracy so hard
>>29148225There is no lobby for 2 players vs randoms and they kept disconnecting in a hosted game.
>>29147913Imagine being this much of a faggot.
>>29148314Yeah I just started watching now and I'll catch up on the vod when it's done, I already know the story
>your oshi>Your upload and download speed
Mori wasn't joking about a spike in players
>>29148296She's probably chatted with a bunch of vtubers by now
>>29148352this is true
>>29148122>zorak and moltarIna and Kiara, respectively.
>>29147153I love my friend.
>>29148359>>29148120I saw a clip of them once and they were pretty funny, but those designs are so fucking shit.
>>29148309superchat that as a sharkfact
>>29148345>GURA BROKE THE GAME BY PISSING ON ITGura's piss is so incredible it breaks the fifth dimension and LITERALLY gets on non-physically existent objects...
Hydration check! What's /hlgg/ drinking?
Was this collab a ploy to make me feel so bad for Ina that I give her a superchat next stream
>>29148340>tfw better than your friends but too shit for locals and ranked
>>29148345>amelia licking up the piss
>>29148359>Flat>Underboob>TummyI like this.
>>29148359>Mori's exposed midriff and underboobI am erect.
Does Suisei play Tetris with chat?
>>29148316You can return it if its under 2 hr playtime.
>gura about to shit on consoles again
>>29148391HERposter remove yourself
>>29148345I dont like piss but god dammit this shark...
Deadbeat Denial of Service (DDOS)
>>29148364If it's bait I'm honestly impressed, it'd be god tier
>>29147755You have to take into account that tentacultist don't have a choice and are stuck on mori channel.
>>29148406Beer and wine. Same as every night.
Imagine watching the disaster collab over this extra cute shark scarekino.
>>29148263Yes she did when she was btfoing the narratives >>29148311Never said she spent the whole time breaking character but there were plenty of moments where she did it was sporadic of her swapping from entirely character, soft in-character, to dropped entirely
>>29148406Water and coffee.
I've been keeping tally of how many times Mori complains about not being good at the game. Right now, I'm at 14 times.
>>29148406Flavored water
>>29148431its me, pick up the phone bro
lol, Mori admitted to playing this just to show people she was good at least one game. That's so fucking sad and cute.
>>29148406jack and coke
>>29148406Some Yakult and cold water.
>Za warudo!
>>29148406cheap malt liquor, it gets me drunk faster
>>29148406Friday Night Beer
>>29148406Cranberry juice
>>29148406My tears
>>29148406Gura's sweatWater
>>29148432it's pretty fun anon
>>29148338>>29148241we also like it because it's a feminine and childish reaction to jump scares
was i wrong. is mori the pat of the en zaibatsu>im good at x gamefucks it up>i haven't played it in so long
>>29148406Plain water.
>>29148431Who was phone?
are schizos trying extra hard tonight because of the podcast?do they hate anitubers so much theyd become actual antis?
>>29147153I might, if I had friends
>>29148406iced-tea and vodka, like I do every night that I have money
>>29147316ah ok, thank you germanon
>>29148407Absolutely not, Ina doesn't give a fuck about supas.
>>29148406Hot chocolate milk.
>>29148406Iced-tea with honey.
Does Calli have any prowess with Mario Kart?
>>29148406Hard apple cider
>>29148432I'm watching both
>>29148437Make that 15.
So what are the odds that enma made ina join mori on this stream? I was supposed to be a solo stream right? If the collab was initiated by enma then she should've researched the game first and found out that you cant do party based matchmaking
>>29148432>UHOOOOO PISS PISS PISSIs there anything actually interesting happening?
>>29148406Rooibos tea with honey.
So is calli using wifi and not wired theres no reason her stream should be this way.
>>29148406Iced tea
>>29148473They are. Mori destroyed their narratives today in the podcast and they are still reeling, about to break.
Gur is almost certainly a footfag exhibitionist with a heavy fetish for rape/kidnapping/fear play. And now she gets to talk about her bare feet and be terrified and chased down by scary men in front of 35,000 people. This mesugaki's little cunny must be absolutely dripping wet.>where are ya beefcakeyup.
Thank you so much for the aka
>thanks for the aka
>>29148448it's like gura's first musedash stream but it's backfired horribly
>>29148473No, Mori just created a fresh set of antis
>>29148496Yeah she's squealing and making cute jokes
>>29148473They hate what anitubers will make of Hololive. It's a slow descend into shit and normalfaggotry for Hololive.
I like Mori, but she's pissing me off with how many times she puts herself down.
>>29148492Ina just wanted to hang out schizo
>>29148119>>29148347Based Commonwealth bros
>Thank you so much for the AkaI can't.
>>29148241Pee makes the world go round
>Thanks for the aka.That's the 2nd one this stream.
>>29148269>>29148271>>29148264It was advice about the game, retards.
Why isn't Mori playing with Ina 1vs1?
>>29148496if you like gura's horror streams you'll like it. scream, loop, pee, random comments, ₕᵤhaʰᵃ, you know the drill.
>>29148437>Open Mori stream during Gura's intermission>Complaining about not being good at the game>Leave the stream
>>29148202Going back to your roots Ayameposter?
>eigo elitistscontext is when gura crashed
>>29148406Wa'ah, pyur wa'ah
>>29148432Call me when Shark play Dark Souls or Minecraft faggot
>>29148426frozen? I use those as ice cubes for fruit juice.
>>29148473>do they hate anitubers so much theyd become actual antis?If you don't hate """"anitubers"""" then what the fuck are you doing on /jp/? Go back to r*ddit unironically. We're trying to cull your kind from this thread.
>>29148028Space ghost is based, please do not compare Mori to him.
>>29148433>swapping from entirely character, soft in-character, to dropped entirelyTo be fair sometime it feel there isn't any character
Oh nevermind, she still lets akasupas interrupt her conversation with her collab partner. I was incorrect earlier.
>thank you so much for the akaThere you go, antis
>Trying to play with Ina>Distance: Close
>>29148515I want to read your fanfiction
>>29148409>friends stop playing with you because you're too good against them.>get bodied whenever attempting to go online
>>29148492>So what are the odds that enma made ina join mori on this stream?That doesn't make any sense so, 0? Maybe Ina just wanted to hang out because she doesn't have anything better to do.
>>29148529they must be pretty new then
>>29148411Based. Thanks, Vergil.
This is 66 minutes material
>>29148492My private narrative is that Ina was feeling lonely after watching Takamori and Gurame and just wanted to spend some time with her genmates
>>29148405ACID FOR PISS
>>29148406Condensed steam collected from a dumpling steamer
>>29148515>And now she gets to talk about her bare feet and be terrified and chased down by scary men in front of 35,000 people. This mesugaki's little cunny must be absolutely dripping wet.UOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
>open calli stream>"thank you so much for the aka"can't make this shit up
>>29148533I kneel canuckchad
>I should get gudThats the spirit Mori
>>29148473I don't hate Mori. I fucking hate ironic weabs, /v/ e-celebs, and anitubers.
Can someone summarize the Trash Taste podcast with Mori?
>>29148515this shouldn't be controversial
>>29148549Fucking Kek they have the JOP Plebs but reverse over there. Literally the same as /JP/
>>29148340truly a blackpilling mood
>>29148533based as fuck
>Ina also DCingYeah, they're fucking up the server.
>>29148473schizos try hard with any opening they can get. Something else will happen in a couple days and that'll be the thread theme.
>>29148406Caffeine water
>>29148563Good luck.
>>29148164Jorges? If you are wondering about the name of the kid it was Lauri.
>>29148533Based K' memberDoes he even do anything for members?
>>29148563You have to understand, Mori can't read>Defeat>WOOOOOOO WE WIN
>>29148496Yes my penis is constantly twitching from Gura squealing and shrieking at all the jump scares,
>>29148515This is all stuff everyone who's been watching her from the beginning should already know, but it's DEFINITELY confirmed now.
>pee soup
>>29148496ignore the pissposters, the dlc is pretty fastpaced and it's Guras usual horror game commentary with occasional bits of chat interaction when she is not being chased.It's fun
The state of Lethal League players right now
>is a manipulative HoloJP reject>sucked her way into the idol industry as a teenager>camwhoring cosplay slut>entitled and thinks she deserves to have more subs / superchats than any other girl despite contributing less than any of them>has faux breakdowns on steam in an attempt to guilt trip viewers into giving her superchats>threatens to stop streaming due to low viewership / superchats>insults Ina and tells her she shouldn't even be there because she's quiet>needlessly puts pressure on Gura by saying it's up to Gura if they collab or not>forces the Takamori shipping so hard that it hurts Calli's individual identity and makes it hard for her to establish herself in any way with fans that doesn't also involve Kiara>ruins every collab because she can't shut the fuck up with the yuribaiting while everyone else is just having fun with the game>no personality beyond highly-manufactured tumblr-tier shipping and vulgarity>tries to force every JP member to collab with her in an attempt to boost her channel>made Haachama delay her collab so that she wouldn't have to compete with Gura & Ame's collab>begs viewers to spread as much fanart around as possible, which is why you see an amount of Kiara fanart that is hugely disproportionate to her actual viewerbase, and pretty much all of it is Takamori garbage>her carelessness led to Subaru getting IRL stalked>pretty much just a titty streaming Twitch whore with an anime avatar>even her design is just a ripoff of Asuka from The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls (pic related)1/2
have you ever had pee soup before?
>>29148549>2k nips left
>>29148531>>29148588>likes Mori>hates self-deprecationwtf? that's the entire calliope mori experience.
>gas roomdeadbraps...
>>29148555i never said i like anitubers, i just don't watch themdo you spend energy every day shitposting about shit you hate?
Mori doesnt know about the magic of rollback? I knew she didnt actually play guilty gear
>>29148505Mori destroying narratives is a narrative within itself. I won't fall for it nigger
>>29148563She tried far and couldn't get into a game cause net code.
>>29148418Yes. She had a stream where literally every person was against her. While she did lose, she lasted quite a long time.
>>29148611you don't need to make another post schizo
Shitting on mori isn't even funny anymore, it's just sad. She's just getting worse and worse.
>>29148612Does black pea soup count?
>>29148469C'mon, Mori isn't that cra--Actually never mind.
>>29148433>complaining a 2D waifu isn't fitting to your autisitic bullshit narrativesSeek help.
>>29148177Hololive more than any other company wants their V-tubers to be like idols, obviously there are those who don't fit this mold like Matsuri or Coco but in general you don't have people like Gundou Mirei who can openly talk on stream about the dozens of women she's slept with. That being said, I think in the case of HoloEN:-Either Cover did not understand exactly what sort of people hosted Trash Taste (Anitubers who constantly make vulgar jokes and ask if V-tubers poop as their first question). This is pretty plausible considering they probably just asked the EN management staff what sort of people they were and got some short response like "Oh, they're a couple guys who make jokes and talk about Anime". -Or Cover is treating the EN viewerbase differently and believes that they are much more accepting of this kind of stuff (which given the reddit reaction, seems to be on the money).
>>29148473I'm not turning into an anti, I just don't want to see my oshi collabing with a bunch of autistic snobby fuckwads who are only using them for internet points. So basically, I don't want them to collab with anyone that's like us, and the Trash Taste fuckers fit that bill.
>>29148168Anon... You do you know right? You know that HoloEN is just twitch with anime girls right... This is just a shitpost right?
If you sat in a puddle of your own piss long enough, would your leg disintegrate?
>>29148515Reminder that she's talked about how when she gets hot and sweaty while streaming she strips her clothes off.
>>29148406smirnoffI love gura but I honestly hope SHE will come back one day and I can have a fun drinking party with her...
>Reaper?sleeoy>Moridisorganized>akasupasthanked>collabruinedt. Deadbeat
>>291486112/2>won't stop sputtering and screaming every sentence like a spaz>speaking of yuribaiting, always says weird shit about the other girls, like when she was going to collab with Marine and she wouldn't stop saying shit like "It's a sleepover, so who knows what's going to happen hmmm?" alluding to the time Shion got shitfaced and groped Marine, and wouldn't stop talking about sitting on Marine's face on THE SAME STREAM (Marine conveniently got too sick to collab the very next day)>tries to leech off Pekora so much that she even fakes her laugh (poorly) to sound like Pekora (which makes it funnier that Pekora also cancelled on her)>for you /pol/sters who still aren't convinced, her Facebook is littered with pro-BLM, pro-refugee & anti-Trump posts>still the least popular HoloEN FACT: Kiara is a worthless rat faced cunt with no redeeming qualitiesFACT: Chickenfag neckbeards deserve the human urinal treatmentFACT: There is not a single Kiara fanboy that doen't also simp for Takamori; they don't actually like /her/ they're just yuri obsessed virgins and they exist to be subservient to the effervescent ebb and flow of my frothy hot piss streaming gently into their mouthsWhen Kiara goes back home I hope her plane crashes, the bitch deserves to die
>>29148590Just the one
>>29148623She went to actual tourneys for GG and got bodied after getting out of pools.
>>29148533Based and K-pilled
>>29148611>1/2please no
>>29148259GURA LOVE!!!!
>>29148473Yes. Mori called them out and they can sit there and pretend like she just "confirmed" all the narratives (as if everyone didn't already know she started to promote her music) but they are fucking seething about it. As Mori does more streams expect the schizos to only get more volatile.
>>29148622If it means you anituber worshipping normalfags leave the thread, then yes.
Gura doesn't know what shortwave radio is...I used to listen to that when I was a kid. It was fun listening to radio from the other side of the world. This was before the internet so I guess it doesn't have the appeal now.
>>29148611>>29148652Nobody cares Deadbrapper, fuck off with your shit oshi
>>29148559True but when that happens it's more "natural" instead of having her swap from "form" to "form" based purely on the question
>>29148622Where do you think we are?
>Mori invited Ina to a steam stream instead of the lobbyYou fucking boomer
>>29148398based sun bro
>>29148533>Unity>Kokorobeats>PolkaYou're too based for this thread
>>29148633It was sad a month ago, people have been repeating the same narratives on loop. It fucking bothers me it fills the threads so much and I don't even watch Mori.
>>29148212Call it a narrative, but as much as people are complaining that they aren't playing together, I'd bet a thousand bucks they're more worried about disappointing the audience than their own experience - on their own end they don't really care much, are having fun chilling together anyway, and Ina doesn't feel left out or anything.
>>29148681Explain yourself.
>try to connect to Ina>keep on disconnecting
>>29148541What was it? I just closed the stream.
Lethal league has GGPO>Crapcom cant do netcode and soiled the earth for rollback on the east>Arcsys barely learned about rollback this year>Even though you can get rollback netcode literally for free because the creator just give it out for free with no compromises it needs to be made in japan because of pride or something.Pain peko
I wonder if Gura has the same thing as I have where she gets a bit excited during stressful and high pressure moments.
>>29148597Not sure about member's only streams, but he does make some of his vods members only
>>29148034That guy that posted himself as Max, complete with makeup? That guy is disturbing, no I rarely post but it's usually only about Disney related things when I do.
Do people here really never watch streams other than vtubers? This situation is more common than you thought. I swear people here are more disconnected from reality than I thought. I wouldnt be surprised if it turns out that half of you are posting from a mental asylum
>>29148666Yeah, good times.
First time watching Mori today. Why does she sound like an anime dub voice actor?
>>29148418she also played 6 ball puzzle and smash with chat
>>29148681this is true
>>29148680I don't think you can invite to a lobby
>>29148633This - doesn't even feel fun anymore.
>>29148533I kneel
>>29148533HOLY BASED
>>29148643No, piss would have to constantly be switched since the pool would lose acidity quickly.
fuck hololive
Can't steam broadcasting be the thing fucking up Mori's connection?
Totally forgot Gura had another singing stream today, thank you blessed anons for archiving it.
>>29148663>doesn't watch anitubers>worships themwhat?do you need meds or cunny?
>>29148515I dunno about all that, but what IS true is that she mentions feet quite a lot. Not that I'm complaining.
>>29148505>destroyed narratives>immediately after podcast t-chan takes a stand against sexism and "slavery" in vtuber culture>deadbraps unironically agreeing with one of the podcast faggots ranting about how problematic the separation between holo and roommate is> deadbraps unironically agreeing that it is problematic to have expectations that they don't assimilate with the most cancerous elements of twitch thotteryanon...
Guys, since lockdown I haven't been able to turn in enough plastic bottles to splurge on these memberships. Think Mori and Kiara would forgive me if I dropped them just for next month?
>>29148656Ive heard that before. Whats her character? I-no?
>>29148703I think adrenaline is something the majority of people have
>deadbrappers trying to anti LITERALLY every single other HoloEN just to copeabsolutely disgusting>>29148709I do but I don't want them to collab with them you fucking faggot, is it that hard to understand that they have nothing in common?
>>29148681hah oh man my boy is a pro
>>29148702japanese devs don't acknowledge that the rest of the world exists so ping is never a problem.
>>29148703she does seem to really like horror games, but other kinds of stress (like large audiences, scheduling expectations, and loud social situations) seem to make her withdrawn.
Why is Mori being so boisterous? Ina's so low energy it's honestly pretty jarring.
>66 minutes>'we'll gotta call it'like pottery
>>29148639Just answering his question man he asked how Mori handled the character vs IRL
Mori makes Kiara look good, even with Kiara's numberfagging.
>>29148668Not deadbrapI like every holo girl except Kiara
There is nothing wrong with thanking an akasupa briefly during a 1 pov collab. The problem with doing it in the Gura collab was that Gura was also streaming, this Gura viewers had to hear some other stream's donation.
>>29148702that's hillarious
>Mori tries to pray the HoloEN technical difficulties away
>>29148688This. I don't even fucking watch her why should I have to constantly hear peoples retarded month old narratives?
>>29148642>Hololive more than any other company wants their V-tubers to be like idolsThat's just a meme. Tourist status confirmed. You obviously haven't watched many Hololive streams
>>29148709i only watch hololive chuubas and jerma985t. schizophrenia patient
Did they really univocally break the severs?
>>29148622You obviously do not belong here
>You were mine!Obsessed HERposter got into Outlast DLC...
P-please Ina. End this shit collab stream.
>>29148744>>29148749I mean, to be fair, they literally did break the server
holy FUCK where did that jumpscare even come from
>>29148731>deadbrapsPost disregarded. Sorry you lost anon. Maybe come up with a new narrative tomorrow yeah?
>>29148733Just keep the trinity.
>>29148611If you need 2 posts to contain your skitzo the meds on this earth can’t help you seek god
>>29148744>server difficulties at 66 minutesGod himself wanted to end the collab
>>29148734She's a Johnny main.
>>29148772seriously what was that?
>>29148611>>29148652>deadbrap trying to deflect from his godawful mori collab by shitting on another girlYeah, definitely confirmed worst fandom.
>>29148240This number hasn't updated since like the first 10 minutes of the stream. is the narrative between Calliope and Gigguk, deadweights?
>ywn chase Gura around the house with an angle grinder making her scream in fear>ywn catch her and plow her absolutely sopping wet pussy
This collab was a disaster, I hope Ina re-considers ever collabing with Mori ever again. She did her best but Mori is too fucking terrible and so is this game.
>Gura having one of her best horror game streams ever>everyone can't stop talking about a collab they hateDo you guys just enjoy suffering?
what the FUCK was that jumpscare?
>>29148340"She probably played MK for the flashy X-Ray attacks or something else just as a party game" was the first thing that came to my mind back when she first mentioned fighting games. She should had just played VS with Ina showcasing the characters, learning mechanics and stuff.
>>29148772Beats me.
>>29148749>>29148744How are they supposed to play when the servers are dying?
>>29148753Nobody fucking cares. Hope her planes lands and crashes into your mudhut you filthy SEAnigger.
>>29148611>>29148652You already posted this multiple times fucking retard. Neck yourself nigger.
Deadbeats how does it feel knowing that Mori learned from this week and won't ever make such a shitty schedule ever again.
>>29148533/hlgg the member.
>>29148772>>29148781Either a beartrap or someone grabbed him. No idea, can't see shit
>>29148733>50 ARSRemind me how much this is, again? Like 30 cents or something?
>>29148666I bought one in 2009 or so. Found it somewhat novel, and definitely get where you're coming from.
>>29148738Post disregarded. Sorry you lost.
>>29148702>>Even though you can get rollback netcode literally for free because the creator just give it out for free with no compromisesReally because i thought you need to pay them money so all you need to is add the creator's name to the ending and stuff like that?
>>29148791Hate is a powerful catalyst
>>29148533the gigachad of /hlgg/
>>29148774>Sorry you lost anon.But the majority here hates Mori. Cope, tranny.
The curse of HoloEN is getting too strong, it's starting to affect other people
>>29148785you're late slowpoke
>>29148774I can't go back in time and stop her from farting dude. What's done is done.
>>29148733Yeah that's fine. I hope you are not using a vpn you bastard. I'm stuck with this monopoly currency and you people want to abuse it
>>29148785too busy watching the stream for the narrative right now
>>29148733>pay in ARS>cant afford to keep itNot even literal IRL hikkineets are this pathetic, fucking hang yourself faggot
Gura has a weird accent...
>>29148731Holy fuck did the mean deadbraps fuck your mother too? did they also kill your dog? did they top it all with burning your shantyshack of a house down? because they seem to be every were
>>29148702Bruh, codes arenf lego blocks where you can just swap in and out easily. Even the best designed software has a lot of internal dependencies. Refactoring takes a lot of effort sometimes as much as building from scratch
>>29148393>64 to 128yeah, huge boost
>>29148772I thought she slipped on a blood puddle
>>29148787speak for yourself, we're doing it right after the stream
>>29148762Not exactly a server technician, but the team probably moved most of their resources towards Blaze, and left a smaller server space to deal with the old game
>Gura just said she's okay at basketball>absurdly short
>>29148726kill yourself nijinigger
>>29148473I didn't turn into an anti, I just unsubbed from Mori because of her autism.
>>29148791I'm watching it instead of even bothering with /hlgg/. Everything Mori does for some reason makes people seethe.
>>29148787>Giving her what she wants.No you need to tie her up and tease her first.
>Its because I just suck at the game, not lagIs she the anti-ame?
>>29148709It seems like a lot of people here don't. It's pretty weird considering there's a lot of parallels between them but I guess non anime = bad.
>Am I just... old?
>>29148668>>29148782Aw yeah brother, hit 'em with the double falseflag.
>>29148656>and got bodied after getting out of pools.Still better than Woolie, then.
>>29148844she was the ball
>>29148799You mean server
>send itGura confirmed a /k/ommando
>>29148822All 4 of you samefags yeah. The polls proved it earlier.
>I'm having a crisis, Ina
>>29148785blah blah blah they fuck blah blah blahcan we just get over this already and move on already? the threads shit enough as it is
>>29148844>everyone she's played with goes easy on her because she's so short so she thinks she's good.
>>29148733>using VPN >when living in a first world country Pobres de mierda
>>29148780>>29148793Thats surprising
Did anyone clip the moment she pissed herself? I was away from the stream for a few minutes and missed it.
Mori kinda talks too much, doesn't she? I hope she learns to relax with time.
>>29148852too cringed
>>29148393>15 percent boostkek how patheticGura or Amelia woulda boosted it by 115% at the absolute least
It's really good that Ina is so nice. I'd honestly be pissed.
>>29148760Only tourists and clipfags think the "idol" side of things is a meme
>>29148833Nice asspain faggot.
>>29148864Tell me mori!
>>29148791I'm watching for ina being levelheaded/adorable and mori fucking seething at how shit she is at this kusoge
Stay home!
>>29148709>Implying half the people here even watch Hololive
>>29148713Go back
>>29148774Now that's what I call based.
>>29148642the Trash Taste Podcast is unironically a great way to grow the views and subscribers, but do we want more people watching Hololive? Maybe we all want our oshi to have lower view counts and less subscribers.
>>29148708Nah, this was pry 6-8 years ago on /r9k/, guy talked alot about the backstage stuff and how he was Goofy and Sully most the time.
>>29148762The game went from having at most 2 full lobbies with like 10 people total to a couple hundred people constantly joining and leaving lobbies
>>29148879i'm recording. i'm always recording.
>>29147494>Everyone keeps saying they'll draw lewds or doujinshi if the en girls>Still fucking nothingI'M WAAAAIIIITTTIIIING
>>29148709Not a seething schizo, but nah. Watching other people play games when I can do it myself, let alone donating to them, has always seemed to be the most retarded of pastimes until chuubas happened.
>>29147153Have you seen Symphogear?
>>29148734Johnny, but at the time of the tourney, it was Slayer
>>29148590its 2p2
Is whistleblower considered a separate game?
>>29148869Which poals?I saw a poll with "fuck marry kill" and had "Kill Mori" almost over fuck and marry other girls lol. Thanks for proving me right, you lost.
>Timing the matchmaking so you can play togetherMan, this takes me back.
>>29148869Ah a typical deadbeat move, denial of reality.
>I just suck at the gameThis is weird coming from Ame who always has an excuse for playing bad
>>29148791There's a pretty reasonable amount of split between gura comments and ina/mori comments.
>>29148879she didn't
>More self-deprecating humor>More superchat thanking>Loud as fuck>No preparationJesus Christ I literally didn't even care about the podcast but this collab is just a highlight reel of all of Mori's negative points
>>29148753Based. The chicken is shit, and drags the others down with her.
>>29148832What about ARSbros hikkineets?
>>29148753Absolutely rent free. Kill yourself.
>>29148791Don't you know? /hlgg/ is Mori anti-general
>>29148837just updated to 202
I refuse to believe Mori has beaten Bloodborne.
>>29148879there will probably be 200 clips soon
Why the fuck did Mori choose Lethal League over Blaze?
>>29148750She handled it well. She wanted people to know what all animetards for all eternity have come to except: that sometimes retarded fanships are just that: retarded fanships. They don't have any baring on the actual characters. Especially when they're performed by actual human fucking beings.>t. I'm Mori deal with it.
>>29148881It's been two whole months, anon. All the others have settled in.
They really need to learn to check games ahead of time for collabs.
>>29148803sorry, I'm too busy actually seething at this collab
>>29148860He looked surprisingly competent in his ac+r stream last week. As much as id like to imagine i could body him, i probably couldnt
>>29148774reddit snark, reddit spacing, reddit opinions. i'm thinking go back.
>>29148866Sorry I meant the tin can connected to a potato
>>29148832Suck a dick retard, your mom has fucked poorer people
ATTENTIONMori confirmed she's shit at video games while streaming and the audio of her yelling was captured by her microphone and heard by all attendees of her stream.
>>29147913>OR she fundamentally misunderstands what image Hololive is aiming for with it's V-tubers compared to Nijisanji/etc.i feel like this isn't too out there, schizo posters think she's intentionally trying to murder hololive to get out of it
>>29148930they live on the streets and cant even afford a laptop or neighbor's wifit. american
Well, this stream has confirmed to me that I absolutely made the correct choice when I canceled my sub.
>>29148941she never played blaze
>>29148724assume an arbitrarily large puddle.
>>29148950>reddit shark
>>29148916prequel, you play the dude who sent the email that started the original
>>29148943Eh I dunno about that. She seemed by faaaaar the most normie of the group, anon.
>>29148906Actual artists don't commit to anything unless you pay them.
>>29148905Waiting eagerly for catbox droppings.
Mori how the fuck did you miss the ball when it wasn't moving
If the narrative Calli made of never being good in the first place is true but she thought she was good then I wonder how good she actually is at Bloodborne
>invites you to play>doesn't play with youdoxxbraps...
I can't believe Mori sucks at games!
>>29148822Maybe tomorrow will be a better day for you, anon
>>29148959If only people gave her actual feedback instead of defending every one of her decisions....
>there's a narrativeNARRATIVECHADS???
>a narrative
>are we still barefoot? yes.
>there's a narrative
>>29148962No one cares
>>29148941Thought Lethal League would be easier because it has fewer mechanics.
She's talking about narratives now.
>I wonder if in some universe there's a narrative
>There's a narrativeOh, so she's here.
calli just asked for a narrative
>>29148642>obviously there are those who don't fit this mold like MatsuriStopped reading there. The entire "candid girl" experience is 100% what yagoo wanted his company to be. Idols used to be music stars, like music stars they had a certain distance from fans. AKB-48 were designed to be more personal, Idols you can meet at the theater in akibara. Hololive is the logical progression- the idol who livestreams. Matsuri for all the menhera gross shit she likes to do on stream is just that, an idol that's in your screen being personal with you and all the sweaty fucks int he chat. She's the least kayfabe of the holos.Idk what the real issue is with mori, its likely a combination of MANY things that piss off nerds like me and the other fucks in these threads.
>>29148922Hate to be that guy butWhen Ame whines that ITS NOT HER FAULT It's entertaining and funny.Mori keeps self-deprecating while being loud about's not the same.
>>29148941please understand, she has brain worms
>>29148958Oh shit, he's right....that's so hot...
>Mori dabs on narrativefags >They've been seething all day since then.This is funny.
>she is here
>I hope there's a narrative where I'm bad at video games on purposeI-is she here??
where does Mori talk about playing Guilty Gear?
This poor shark is gonna die from this game.
>literally fucking talking about narrativesshe's fucking here god damn it
scary skellebro scaring shark
>Still barefoot>Pachi pachi!UOOOOH!!
Mori's making up her own narratives now
>>29148709>Do people here really never watch streams other than vtubers?Yes. Fuck off with your non-holo ecelebs.
>>29148906Bruh it takes time. I'll do it eventually. Especially the rape, that's hot.
>Calli talking narratives>'living up to my narrative'SHE's FUCKING HERE
>Narrative>LoreWhat the hell Mori
>Mori talking about narrativesShe is here isn't she.
>Walking on metal grates barefootHow to get a staff infection 1010
>I'm just living up to my narrative
>I'm just living up to my narrative, reallyUH???
>>29148940I want them now though
>>29148985SHE'S HERE
Mori if you come here why the hell do you not actually listen to the feedback
>I wonder if in some universe, there's a narrative where I'm bad at video games on purposeUHHH, NARRATIVEBROS???
>LIVING UP TO MY NARRATIVEGuys do people use NaRRATive outside of this hell hole?
gura is starting to get legitimately tilted by the jump scares.
>I'm just living up to the narrative, really
>I wonder if there's a naive rratWhy is she HERE so much
Will you take care of Gura's basic life functions after she has her stroke?
guysI'm bad at video games
>I am living up to the narratives>NarrativesSHES HERE
>"Living up to my narrative"Mori stop, you're hurting me.
>>29146953pyoklii2 has membership, I saw him on the MC stream today translating
>>29148611>>29148652Tranny /cgl/ hands typed this.
is mori's stream bad for anyone else or just my internet? keeps stuttering/dropping
>living to her narrativesSHE'S HERE and she's getting laught out of your schizo posting
>I'm just living up to my narrativeBros... is she playing with us?
>>29148953Through your whole family tree you shoeless mudfooted faggot
>those 6 same guys are backreminder:
>>29148977probably played an hour of it and liked the vibe, or watched a let's play
>>29148992D-Do chumbuds really?
I just tuned in to InaxMori stream. Is Mori okay? She was just ranting about narratives.
>>29149027>staff infection
>>29148959Compared to someone like kiara, perhaps. Ame and Gura certainly dont care, Ina doesnt even know she was on the podcast until the collab.
>I'm just living up to my narrativeTHIS IS NOT A DRILL SHE IS FUCKING HERE !
>>29148967>artia_hololive>not even a hololivew-wow!also anon your eyesight reps...
>>29148950Reddit reaper.
>>29148967anon... your english alphabet reps
>>29149027Anon... It's Staphylococcal
New narrative: Mori sucks at video games on purpose.
>>29148709Please just go back to r/4chan faggot
>>29149007Halloween / Cursed Nights release party zatsudan stream.
>>29149059Sure it's not just the game? The servers are buckling.
>>29148816>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copyof this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to dealin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rightsto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sellcopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software isfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included inall copies or substantial portions of the Software.You can just get it right nowLike that anon said the game has to be built around it and implementing it to an already existing game can be very hard (it has been done before though) but a lot of the groundwork is done and good online is pretty much vital for games that already have niche appeal.
/hlgg/ loves Mori, sorry antis that just proved it
>LIVING UP TO MY NARRATIVEImmediately changes it to say I'm living up to my lore. its like she fucking goes here but is afraid to admit it.
>>29149005Always has been mori is a old fag from a and posts her music on mu
>>29148949I was mostly making a callback joke to him getting matched with Daigo straight out the gate and destroyed back in the day. Yeah, Woolie's pretty good, he's probably also better than used to be.
>>29149053in that case i recognize his dedication without any reservations.
>If you're still watching this stream, you're only here to suffer.
The narratives Ina what do they mean
Mori literally owns the narratives in these threads
Use the goddamn camera
>>29148976You mean Ina asked to play? At least try to come up with a better narrative.
>>29148926Self-deprecating humor used to be tolerable and relatable until it gets fucking annoying. Everyone does that shit as if they're abusing it.
>>29148970>Mori>Anywhere near ""Normie""You nigger truly don't watch streams
>Invited Ina two only play two shitty matches at the start and that's itThis is even worse than the first Among Us collab
>Mori probably read all the shit you faggot have been writing about the podcast
>>29148983i agree honestlyshe seems to learn after a fuck-up tho, hopefully we don't get more weird collabs at least for a whilebut demanding she graduate isn't criticism, its pure schizo
>>29148976She did, for a few games to warm up. But you cant do splitscreen with randoms nor can you invite people to rooms.
>>29148709I'd rather play games then watch most other guys stream and most regular female streamers are boring. 2D contributes to my enjoyment, but most of the hololive girls put decent effort into entertainment and are genuinely talented.
>Mori reads the narratives in these threadsJesus Christ she actually is here
>fags in chat typing 'narrativebros?'nice job outing yourselves as /hlgg/ shitters. so stupid
>>29148631 >>29148652 >>29148659 >>29148668 >>29148742 >>29148745 >>29148778 >>29148782 >>29148802 >>29148933 >>29148936 >>29149057Bait takers, what do you hope to accomplish giving it attention?
>>29149111>>29149108Nice try, but failed
>OH NO SHE SAID A WORD IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGES>SHE'S HEREgod you guys are fucking insufferable
>"collab">hosted by Mori only>plays by herself and has ina playing alone...
>>29149115>half the narratives about Mori here are posted by herself
>>29149115>Mori writes her own narratives about herself and than samefags and calls herself a schizo.
>Gura responding to random comments like "what did I miss"Why though. Let chat answer that one moron, focus on the other 38k people watching and the game.
>>29148967anon, your reading reps....
Mori being so desperate to win a match is actually pretty funny. Scuffed stream but I'm having fun.
>>29149117>Openly invites all of holoen>Ina accepts>this is how she's treated
>>29148998Yeah maybe I should stop having a problem with Mori. She's a lot like me in some ways, relatable
>>29149125>the most normie>HURRR SHE IS NO NORMIEReading comprehension is very important, anon.
>>29149100No one admits going into 4chan
>>29149100Nobody on their right mind would admit coming here on their jobs
>>29149038Not that I know of, it's barely ever used anywhere outside of "That''s the narrative" when people are talking about rumours, but still rare
Is there any game Mori is good at? like legit. Can she manage fucking tic tac toe at least? Fucking go fish? What does she expect to achieve when she starts playing GG?
>>29149129She's been reading it for weeks knowing it was coming since the first time they tweeted the same shit
>There's a narrativeOh no nonononoonn she's destorying us AGAIN.
>>29149117>Ina asks to play>Mori agrees>Doesn't get to play???
How the fuck has NOBODY, not another EN, not management, told Mori that you don't acknowledge superchats during collabs. For fucks sake just put up a notice that SCs aren't going to be read somewhere like the JPs.
>>29149141>putting all the (you)s on a single linethe hell is wrong with you
>>29148970>Mori being a normie>When she has the 4chan mentality of hating people for disagreeing with you
>>29149096Ah, I hope argentinian anon is doing okay in his hellscape.
>>29149095nah, even mori's L2D stops for a moment and I see the grey youtube circle loading then the stream catches up to live
>>29148611>>29148652>Mori collab is absolute shit>Has to dump an anti-Kiara wall of text to deflectthe absolute state of doxbraps
>>29149164playing my cock
Mori Calliope is anon looking into a mirror and not liking it.
Now i know why I can't get into Morishe sounds a lot like MarzGurl (formerly Channel Awesome)
>>29148733>cant afford>arsholy shit how poor are you?drop ina, you dont get much besides some art that someone will probably post on here anyway
>>29149141Nothing.Kiara antis deserve a bullet.
>>29149171he just outed himself as a newfag
>>29149144Stop being a moron, nobody uses the word narrative in that sentence context except us.
>>29149100Who would admit it?
>>29149145This would have been LEAGUEs better if Ina also streamed it.
>>29149097So all you need to is add the fact you used it and you can all to do wherever with it?
People here hate Mori the most because they hate themselves
>>29149149she always responds to very random stuff in that. I applaud her for even trying to interact with the speed her chat goes at
>>29148942>She handled it well.agreed, but her handling of it well did break character. This isn't a case of mutual exclusivity this like a venn diagram
>>29149100Why the fuck would you actually admit to coming here? That's career suicide
>>29149126I feel it's been pretty comfy, Ina is nice to have around just to chill
>>29148844Imagine the sweaty armpits when raising her arms
>>29149103Capslock cope, cool
>>29148555You don't own jp. Your kind is dying out. Where's your official hololive thread? Does marine post memes and announcements here? You do know jp is probably only 0.001% of the entire holo fanbase right? If you want to gatekeep atleast do it on something important. Learn to code, draw or make music for your oshi instead of shitposting.
>>29149164The game. You just lost.
>>29148869It's always about numbers with you faggots.
>>29149197this is true
>>29149100only faggots don't follow rules one and two.
>>29149188>he doesn't like her watchalongsfuck off
>>29149144I'm impressed by your intelligence, anon.
>>29148473Unsubbed/unliked all of mori stuff and mostly did the same thing with kiara. Just waiting for her to rant about the collab and announcing her collab with them to drop her for good.
>>29149196Pretty much
>>29149061She sounds more like she's asshurt about us. Not that I blame her considering all the schizo SEAnigs posting dumb anti shit 24/7.
>>29149184She's truly, YA BOI
i love piss
I can't believe I share a board with this cringekino reaper
>>29149188Different anon but I'm slowly thinking of dropping my Ina membership only because I know she'd be fine with it and she doesn't do much member stuff but I also feel bad about it.
>>29149193Have you tried going outside and talking to other human beings?
>>29148978Song name?
>>29149141Shitting on the skitzo was worth it
>they just want to watch Gura's stream