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File: 636 KB, 1533x2048, EkTiRK4U0AAjoS7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29104733 No.29104733 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive Global

>> No.29104751
File: 918 KB, 1250x1080, 1dbbb6863449e5b7b744f1dc40f21a07.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Mori was introduced to Hololive and VTubing last year with a translated Matsuri clip. By default, this means she knows more about Hololive than the majority of posters in /hlgg/, who literally don't know shit about Hololive beyond EN.

>> No.29104757

eh, 45%
she'll accomplish most of it it'll just take ages and the threads will forget it ever happened

>> No.29104761
File: 89 KB, 220x220, kiara actually has two guns, one is out of frame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was too slow and someone in the earlier thread beat me to it
gonna post here anyways

To the thread of /hlgg/ rode a Gosling one fine day
Hardly posted in the thread he didn't have too much to say
No one dared to call him faggot, no one dared call him a jerk
The Gosling there among them, was only there to lurk
Only there to lurk

'Twas the middle of dead hours when he scrolled into the thread
There were no holo girls streaming, so the general appeared dead
"What did you just have for breakfast?" came the survey posting twerps
But the Gosling didn't reply, he was only there to lurk
Only there to lurk

In this thread there lived a schizo by the name of Ration Rat
Many mods had tried to ban him but he only called them fat
He's a schizo and shitposter, though a NEET at twenty-four
And the threads that he had ruined numbered one and nineteen more
One and nineteen more

Now the Gosling hadn't caught up on his reps or so it seemed
He had only just woken up, didn't catch the recent streams
He was here for cute reactions or a YouTube-worthy clip
Or if maybe there was more fuel for his favorite yuri ship
Favorite yuri ship

Wasn't long before this story was relayed to Ration Rat
"Here's a brand-new Gosling poster and a naive one at that."
He went scrolling through his archives, a narrative he did find
A perfect schizo post that would poison Gosling's mind
Poison Gosling's mind

Now the thread was archived quickly, it was time for a new one
The OP posted a picture of Kiara with a gun
Folks were watching from the replies as they waited on the thread
The knew this schizo poster's not about to take his meds
About to take his meds

The new thread had just been started when the two would make their boasts
The quality of the thread depends all on the first few posts
The rrat barely cleared the captcha 'fore the Gosling won the day
And the narrative was shut down with an indiff'rent 'ogey'
Indiff'rent 'ogey'

It was only a few moments 'fore the new posts hit the threads
And that crazy schizo shitpost flopped as though the post were dead
Soon the janny would read reports; the narrative he would see
He deleted the rrat's shitpost, he deleted it for free
Deleted it for free

Ogey, Ogey
He deleted the rrat's shitpost, he deleted it for free
The mod on /jp/

>> No.29104767

What exactly would you suggest he do, anon? Asking for a friend.

>> No.29104768
File: 368 KB, 1571x1786, gura21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shark Kisses...

>> No.29104770
File: 274 KB, 463x453, ttaee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a geniune question can some other anon who knows Marvelous Designer do the clothing for pregnant gura please. I can shoot over a quick Zremeshed model for you to work with.

>> No.29104774
Quoted by: >>29106222

High quality archive of Gura karaoke

>> No.29104775
File: 61 KB, 594x719, 746A9285-23B3-4277-9A78-7653FEF5CD1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori shit and farted while streaming and the audio of the shitting and farting was captured by her microphone and heard by all attendees of her stream.

>> No.29104777
Quoted by: >>29104792

That's what they want you to think. Then in reality we get a 10 hour endurance stream followed immediately by Mori's sleepy reapy ASMR

>> No.29104778
Quoted by: >>29105249

>Post your predictions on subscriber gain in 1 week due to podcast

>> No.29104779
File: 549 KB, 1000x1200, you are a rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29104807

reminder that all 5 of the English girls are having BASED weeks and BASED events coming up for each of them.
if you are not a unitychad at this point, you have been making very poor decisions

>> No.29104780
File: 816 KB, 1024x1448, pikasing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pikamee live execution waiting room.

>> No.29104782
File: 327 KB, 1000x822, pekora imouto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /hlgg/, can Mori come out and play, peko?

>> No.29104784

Gura... FBK collab onegai......

>> No.29104785
File: 310 KB, 1243x1144, 1600862977206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we all come to a gentleman's agreement, an agreement that we will NOT shit on the Deadbraps when the podcast drops? That way, we'll only have to worry about false flaggers and actual tourists. There's no reason to in-fight. Teamates have your back, Deadbros.

>> No.29104786

Leave them alone. I feel bad for them.
I know the fear of something you love being ruined by newcomers, and they deserve to love their oshis in peace, much like we do.

Only /jp/ 2huposters and Nijishitters deserve that hell.

>> No.29104787
File: 1.50 MB, 266x293, 1601291140962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29104846

>10 minutes

>> No.29104788
File: 81 KB, 850x623, Menhera is God[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4b7wuh.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29104826

Start soundposting now.

>> No.29104791
File: 363 KB, 611x600, 1605259909335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she do this to send a message? Why does Mori hate the Tree Rrat so much?

>> No.29104792
Quoted by: >>29104840

If Mori goes through with her plan for a Crash Bandicoot endurance stream I will nut.

>> No.29104797
File: 34 KB, 227x222, Pekora 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29104845

It... it just a shitpost... right?

>> No.29104800
File: 49 KB, 761x684, No ogey for rrats[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fyubiqt.mp4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29105785

When is the podcast airing? I want this to be over with already. I've been doomposting the entire two weeks and and I cannot wait any longer.

Calliope Mori SET US FREE.

>> No.29104801

Just realized that means Mori watched a *yger video.

>> No.29104805

>5% is its an actual apology for something and not a joke
Like the time it taken for new outfits or VOMS Gen 2 or even VOMS EN?

>> No.29104806
File: 337 KB, 1000x1000, 1603455363497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna suck the farts right out of her ass.

>> No.29104807


>> No.29104808


>> No.29104809
Quoted by: >>29104847

Where can I watch it? The only upcoming stream on youtube is the valorant one in 2 hours.

>> No.29104810

>someone is actually bothering to proxy the Trash Taste poll

>> No.29104812

nah if deadbraps cant take bantz that's on them

>> No.29104813
File: 1.35 MB, 900x1111, 1577203024262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does mori hate ame

>> No.29104815

trade you her and the chicken for nene and polka deal?

>> No.29104818
Quoted by: >>29104873

What would a Mori & Peko collab look like?

>> No.29104822

Gura straight up said in one of the members only streams that she drops her spaghetti all over the place every time she tries to actually talk to her JP senpais. I imagine she's the one who declines collabs out of fear of it being awkward.

>> No.29104826
File: 201 KB, 850x1200, A life that cannot contact you[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fwm69fr.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29104828
File: 128 KB, 400x400, 1577520586718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29104895

>Korone isn't going to collab with the EN girls you dumb fuck, do your fucking reps, she hates doing collabs
Well, look who was wrong

>> No.29104829

Gigguk will take Mori's virginity

>> No.29104831

Absolutely not.

>> No.29104833


>> No.29104835

Don't fuck with her homies.

>> No.29104837
File: 196 KB, 425x372, 1604298970187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29105477

I don't have no deadbrap back.
They reveled when my oshi was doxed, I don't forget.

>> No.29104840

Crash Team Racing collab until one of them passes out/first to 100 wins

>> No.29104842
File: 31 KB, 506x499, yabei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29107515

Is she wrong

>> No.29104843
Quoted by: >>29104911


>> No.29104844

Is a jack of all trades master of none really actually better than a master of one or is that just cope

>> No.29104845

We have no idea.

>> No.29104846
Quoted by: >>29105458

Is their mascot a prinny?

>> No.29104847


>> No.29104849
File: 1.62 MB, 3508x2339, InaMori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29104870

Can't wait for their League collab

>> No.29104848

>Mori's virginity

>> No.29104851

Gura takes over Hololive...but no friends to share it with

>> No.29104850


>> No.29104854
File: 216 KB, 1462x822, 9E5270D1-4C88-4682-BB8D-738D790BFE16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for that Sora and EN collab...

>> No.29104855


>> No.29104858

Not true at all. We only talk about EN here because it's the rage, and people get mad when we talk about them in the other threads

>> No.29104859

I love Gurriope Gawri

>> No.29104860

So how long until Sora does a collab with EN or English only stream?
Her chat having a whole bunch of English in it is marking it for before end of the year

>> No.29104862

Deadbeat here, I definitely expect shitposting, it's alright bro, nothing we haven't seen already, thanks btw.

>> No.29104866


>> No.29104867



I wanted to jerk off to that ina cosplayer tonight but now it's pekololi rape

>> No.29104869

Every time I see the Orlando ad I giggle wildly. So good.

>> No.29104870


>> No.29104871
File: 2.95 MB, 802x950, 1604599335105.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29104943

>Mori got into Hololive because of "that" Matsuri bandaids story

Slowly but surely redeeming herself.

>> No.29104873

Autism Incarnate

>> No.29104875
Quoted by: >>29104955

Do you prefer passive GFE, where you can imagine it while watching a stream, but she doesnt do much or anything to be your partner. Or active GFE, where the chuuba is actively encouraging it and roleplaying as your partner. Even if it's a joke.

Which HoloEN members fit these categories the best?

>> No.29104877

Ame is right there bro

>> No.29104878


>> No.29104880


>> No.29104881

It's literally one .sh to start, worth trying to discourage poalfags

>> No.29104882

Actually amazing, scans well on every line and tells a story just like Big Iron. We have our first candidate for hlgg sings, if we ever do something like that

>> No.29104884


>> No.29104886
Quoted by: >>29105082

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

>> No.29104887

Mori will collab concert with Sora

>> No.29104889

Does he seem like the type of guy who can stay hard when the girl refers to his erection as a "BIG UP"

>> No.29104891

He’s not a skinny pale jap though

>> No.29104892

So why the fuck is mori the only one to have her first solo JP collab so fucking far from when the ban got lifted?

>> No.29104895

>Korone and Risu collab gets talked about with little details
>/hlgg/ laughs it off because >implying Korone ever actually does her collabs
>a week later, Mori and Korone bond over their shared taste in games and ANNOUNCE a collab

>> No.29104896

You do realize she's probably fucked the most out of any holo, right?

>> No.29104898

Nope, I got into it since early Korone and Pekora translate clips.

>> No.29104900
File: 386 KB, 1447x2047, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone collabing with someone without Okayu being there


>> No.29104901

Enjoyed this a lot.

>> No.29104902
Quoted by: >>29105083

They don't, someone send this to her

>> No.29104905

This has to count as some kind of NTR

>> No.29104906

No you dumb bunny! She doesn't like lolis like you... she likes Shotas, now go to bed

>> No.29104907

Go back to /hlg/

>> No.29104908

So I've been watching latest GurAme collab and have to ask, is Gura actually dumb? Like 80iq dumb? I love her but it feels like she has some actual mental development problems. Maybe all that alcohol fried her brains

>> No.29104910

chickenbro here, i WANT to see the shitshow so i can laugh at all the schizos alongside the other deadbeats

>> No.29104911
Quoted by: >>29104942

she doesn't get close to the screen

>> No.29104912

Reminder that I watched over 7,500 hours of Hololive across all branches before HoloEN debuted as well as Pikamee, Eilene, and several Nijis, and thus I am qualified to say HoloEN is the peak of the genre.

>> No.29104914

This has actually been debunked (I know it’s a pol meme to say that things are debunked but we’ve been over this and it’s not real)

>> No.29104917
File: 262 KB, 995x969, 1605197300376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this chicken!

>> No.29104916

Deadbeats shit all over Amelia when she was doxxed.

>> No.29104919
Quoted by: >>29105014

I feel a little bad for Risu, I hope it's just a scheduling issue

>> No.29104920

I just realized I haven't seen Ina do anything funny/interesting with OBS. Amelia obviously does the most, but Gura, Kiara, and Mori all do some sort of close-ups or fucking around.

>> No.29104922
Quoted by: >>29104960

Mori went up and asked her for a collab, something that aparently everyone else was to autistic to do

>> No.29104924
Quoted by: >>29105031

That is the full line, yes. People only ever quote half of it, just like the "Blood is thicker than water" one.

>> No.29104926

She knows she must face death alone.

>> No.29104927
File: 288 KB, 834x1200, 1535702846301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29104966

I will take my meds and stop falseflagging for a week. Let's see how it goes.

>> No.29104925


>> No.29104929

I love Roboco's laughter.

>> No.29104930


>> No.29104932
File: 3.62 MB, 1920x1200, 1598861741160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't reply to Chileanon posters
>Don't acknowledge Chileanon posters
>Hide all Chileanon posts

>> No.29104933
File: 281 KB, 627x697, 1604542777664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29104938

Lotta work please understand.

>> No.29104940

*clap clap*

>> No.29104942

I know that's why we need her to do so sometime in the future.

>> No.29104943
Quoted by: >>29104995

So the only Matsuri clips I ever watched were about her peeing. What's this about bandaids?

>> No.29104944

Yours is way better. This is good shit.

>> No.29104946
File: 2.57 MB, 1736x2456, EmezFOeVoAAELzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wine stream summary purely in terms of stuff that's coming up:

Next week:
Boondock Saints movie watchalong
Karaoke stream (undecided if it's going to be archived or not)
Bitchin' Kitchen Finale
Crash Bandicoot 4
Late Night sleepy ASMR
Wine zatsudan
Member stream

Future plans:
Song with Kiara
Something else (that wasn't spoiled) for/with Kiara
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes with Korone in 2 weeks
Collab planned with Haachama

>> No.29104945


>> No.29104950

work overload + probably not knowing who to approach

>> No.29104949
Quoted by: >>29107496

it's a cope but it's a cute cope
actually being a jack of all trades was preferred for most of human history until the current age of hyperspecialization kicked off because anyone that isn't a specialist can be replaced

>> No.29104953

Black men, too, probably.

>> No.29104955

All EN are Passive
Rushia is Active

>> No.29104959

>he bought the virgin gachi bait

>> No.29104960
Quoted by: >>29104987


>> No.29104961

Fuckin hell lmao

>> No.29104962

>ask to
Why is this such a common ESLism? I see it fucking everywhere.

>> No.29104964
Quoted by: >>29105052


>> No.29104966
File: 138 KB, 330x364, 1604994166989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deadbeats outing themselves as falseflaggers

>> No.29104967

All the girls are low IQ in the EN branch.

>> No.29104968

Im an agent of chaos. I cant give tou such a promise. If you cant take the heat, feel free to go to discord or reddit.

>> No.29104973
File: 1.43 MB, 1419x790, 1596760091993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29104997

Gura will play with her wife's retarded little sister.

>> No.29104976
File: 270 KB, 1000x1207, El8_7iHXgAEn3WX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi is chicken but I will always defend deadbraps, and not because of Takamori. Mori is a very cute hardworking girl who deserves all the love and respect.

>> No.29104977

Cute girl. Who is she?

>> No.29104978

Fake news

>> No.29104980
File: 1.44 MB, 1500x859, 1605144229990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sole EN member to not have a senpai collab
Whats the narrative?

>> No.29104982

That would be based

>> No.29104984

Honestly depends on the context. But in real life, nowadays there is often expectations to manage a billion different things so probably more often than not yes.

>> No.29104987

And that's how the Mori/Korone collab was created.

>> No.29104992

We are in the golden time for vtubers. We'll see how gen 2 fairs when it arrives.

>> No.29104993
Quoted by: >>29105045

Imagine not being able to take a couple threads of shitposting
t. deadbeat

>> No.29104994

>Mori got into Hololive because of lyger's clips
Really makes you think

>> No.29104996
Quoted by: >>29105038

how the hell will the haachama collab work?

>> No.29104995

One time she didn't feel like wearing a bra so she put bandaids over her nipples instead and went to school like that

>> No.29104997

I don't remember this haachame collab...

>> No.29105000

she is the Sora of EN.
no collabs besides ame and sometimes ina ever

>> No.29105001
File: 564 KB, 781x600, City Trio [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjafz1p.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No friends
The Trinity stands together.

>> No.29105006
Quoted by: >>29105122

>constantly collabs with Ame and Ina and has great dynamic with them
>hurrrr le En Sora durrrhurrr
Fuck off

>> No.29105011

Why of course. It's part of the purge.

>> No.29105012

also talked about making Crash an endurance stream

>> No.29105014

She is lazy... i hope she can release the potencial of her voice and EN collabs >>29104482

>> No.29105016

Didn't Korone just had a collab with Pekor?

>> No.29105017

>Risu debut: I love Korone-senpai. I want to collab with her.
>Still haven’t collabed
>Kiara debut: I love Pekora-senpai. I want to collab with her.
>Still haven’t collabed
Lesson: don’t freak out your oshi when you debut

>> No.29105018
Quoted by: >>29105046

>Minecraft collab with Ame and Sora
>Ame is a slave driver and bullies her to get to work
>Ame spends the entire time shrieking like a goblin and telling her to git gud, while describing the illicit things she's done to Sora's mother
>Sora spends the entire stream laughing harder than she can even remember because it's the first time someone's treated her like a human. Which is exactly why Ame was doing it in the first place.
Cute in theory but how long would it be before someone flew in from Japan to find and stab Amelia?

>> No.29105019

Ina, your gachikoi reps...

>> No.29105021

How can you tell?

>> No.29105022

She can't speak Japanese and isn't as brave enough as Ame to take the embarrassment

Also, Ina only solo-collabed with Iofi, who knows English anyway

>> No.29105023
Quoted by: >>29105210

Too much autism/can't speak Japanese for shit/numbers too big/JP girls hate her/She hates Japan/Lazy/Just wants to fuck Ame.
Pick one.

>> No.29105024
Quoted by: >>29106591

The clip that got me into Hololive was the gif of Watame and the bouncing police sheep being posted everywhere.

>> No.29105025

dont need them when your at the top

>> No.29105026

don't forget the watame avatarfag

>> No.29105028

cope, master of one always wins. even Heinlein got this one wrong through, so it's a really common cope

>> No.29105029

knowing less than 0 japanese makes it a bit hard to converse but she's at least talked with shion.

>> No.29105031

>just like the "Blood is thicker than water" one.
actually the original quote is accurate and the "full quote" you are thinking isn't really the original

>> No.29105032

Has Gura even played a game with Ina recently?

>> No.29105034

Im a unity chad. I defend all the EN girls like you all should. Fucking cowards.

>> No.29105035

She fucks me exclusively, sry bro

>> No.29105037

She gets 120k views by herself, does she really need help from a senpai at this point?

>> No.29105038

Im expecting english teacher mode

>> No.29105039

Oh wow this fan art is amazing!

>> No.29105040
Quoted by: >>29105081

She IS the senpai and the new face of Hololive. She mogged Sora, Korone, Fubuki, Pekora and Marine out of that spot and thats why it is hard for JPs to collab with her. Every member is beneath her unironically and objectively and she only expressed care for her fellow HoloEN members.

>> No.29105041
File: 381 KB, 397x498, 1591733760164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you guys haven't noticed, Korone is coming out of her shell lately. Look at what's happened lately:

>First ever Pekora collab
>First ever Towa collab
>Actually participating in a big Among Us collab
>Now a collab with Mori

>> No.29105045
File: 211 KB, 1130x2048, 1605063110671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29106247

Actually, every Deadbeat so far has said that they're fine with taking the heat, so I guess they don't need our help.

>> No.29105046

Her collab with Roboco shows that Ame wouldn't act like that anyways

>> No.29105047
File: 77 KB, 218x209, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29105090

Gee, I fucking wonder.

>> No.29105049

You know, this kinda makes me think less of Korone, Risu wanted to collab with her so much but she prefers to collab with someone more popular. Poor Risu.

>> No.29105048

EN Daisenpai

>> No.29105050

That post was also a falseflag.

>> No.29105052

Scheduling's a bastard
I mean we know she put the footwork in its just no speako nipponese

>> No.29105053

I want them to play DbD again...

>> No.29105062

Depends on your priorities.
Think of it like this: would you rather get a PhD in your field and work in Academia on the cutting edge of knowledge and research, or a get Bachelor's degree and get real world experience?

>> No.29105063

I won't shitpost. The falseflaggers will make this thread shit though

>> No.29105064

The tea kettle will be electrified in 3 minutes

>> No.29105066

Kiara is not a GIGASTACY anymore as she couldn't collab with Korone as an EN first.

>> No.29105071
File: 127 KB, 600x369, 1605047152072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Gura like holidays so much?
She was the most into Halloween of the girls, and she already sang a Christmas song because the Christmas season started November 1st for her

>> No.29105072
File: 149 KB, 800x400, kiara rub my belly coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 months ago, i saw a random unrelated meme with watame headbanging and now here i am fantasizing about kiara's fat thighs and smooth belly

>> No.29105076

>Who interacts with no one out of her comfort zone
>Nabbed by cantaloupee mondo


>> No.29105077

Go back, dogfucker.

>> No.29105078
File: 44 KB, 597x295, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're too powerful.

>> No.29105081

Do you not know what senpai means retard?

>> No.29105082

I then realized the kicking man wasn't shit because we were boxing.

>> No.29105083
Quoted by: >>29105196

See here: >>29102904

I'll stick around for the superchat read after InaMori Lethal League and if she doesn't read it then I'll resend it.

>> No.29105084
Quoted by: >>29105239

She revoked her gigastacy status last night.

>> No.29105086

You niggers are doomposting about the podcast but i doubt it'll be any worse than the Pandora's box Arc.
Shitposting about my oshi is fine, i'll probably even join the fun.

>> No.29105087

I will shit on the anitubers as much as possible and mori the least. Deadbraps are fine, not like they had anything to do with it.

>> No.29105090

Did Ina even talk at all in that stream? I don't remember her saying anything at all, I don't remember her being in it.

>> No.29105096
File: 2 KB, 125x125, peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vocaroo anon here
guess who's home alone and bored as fuck

>> No.29105097

She'll get hers before Mori even has one

>> No.29105109

I wish it was better, because it's my life. It sadly isn't.

>> No.29105110

Her own fucking genmate would rather collab with JP senpais than with her. Such is the curse of being at the top

>> No.29105111

shes going to have the rushia collab,
imagine the MONEY

>> No.29105113

Unironically depends on what year and what country you're asking this in.

>> No.29105115
File: 9 KB, 225x225, Roberu 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will eventually will collab with all
Including SON

>> No.29105116
Quoted by: >>29105282

Do it

>> No.29105117
File: 4 KB, 408x75, gurasax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck, 5chan finally figured it out guys

>> No.29105120
File: 193 KB, 536x571, chumflakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chumflakes have enough antis to make up for all other 4 holoEN's not doing anything

>> No.29105122

This. It will get even better if Gura sticks around for Gen 2 EN

Sora's issues are related to her work schedule, which clashes with everyone else. Of course, nobody inviting her as opposed to Suisei, who is just as busy, does look awkward in retrospect, but still...

>> No.29105125
Quoted by: >>29105268

seasonal stalls at her sundays after-church farmers market she can look forward to

>> No.29105126
Quoted by: >>29105282

do it

and then do me, all night

>> No.29105129

She had it open and listened through all of it. You dont have to autistically spam in chat to be part of an event, anon.

>> No.29105131

meanwhile coco will fuck haachama once shes back to japan since she played the long game

>> No.29105132
Quoted by: >>29105324

She should have collabed with Risu first.

>> No.29105133

She's actually just shy, and the JP's are scared to ask for collabs since they don't want to appear as leeches

The one thing Cover realy should do is act as an intermediary between the girls

>> No.29105135

wow that sure is a packed next week, but I know mori will do them all

>> No.29105137

What is Mori just asks Sora for a collab and she says yes?
She knows enough Japanese to have several hour long conversations and unlike Kiara she isn't obsessed with numbers or muh senpai honor

>> No.29105138

I'm gonna shit on deadbraps and the podcast to my hearts content
t. Deadbeat

>> No.29105141
Quoted by: >>29105282

Do it anon.

>> No.29105142
File: 268 KB, 512x512, 1603501260776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29105232

All these posts really read like falseflagging. People get shit on when their oshi does something dumb. That's par for the course in these threads. I have no hatred for Mori but I'm not going to act like her collab with anitubers isn't stupid. I'll keep on making jokes. Maybe you guys should stop taking them so seriously.

>> No.29105143

It won't even be close, those were dark times.
This podcast will warrant a few days of shitposts though.

>> No.29105146
Quoted by: >>29105281

It's a self fulfilling prophecy. People have been hyping up the shitposting so much that they'll force it to be a 'happening' if they have to, otherwise they'll seem silly. Personally I think it's just going to be boring as fuck, thread might be somewhat funny though.

>> No.29105148

its time for pikamee's execution yall can we doom post after?

>> No.29105149

Korone announced on twitter that a Risu collab was in the works a few weeks ago. No idea what happened to that though

>> No.29105153

She was in it before Watson even joined in halfway. I think you didn't actually watch it.

>> No.29105154
File: 46 KB, 507x87, Screenshot_20201113-104816_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29105157

Sounds like usual Ina to me

>> No.29105161

I'm unironically sure she's actually cripplingly smart in the way where she's a complete scatterbrained autist who cannot form coherent thoughts in real time but when she sits down to do things on her own she's like fucking rainman.

Shark brain gets easily confused when overloaded by stimuli but is also apex predator brain.

>> No.29105165
Quoted by: >>29105174

Reminder that anitubers are cringe without the kino

>> No.29105166
Quoted by: >>29105176

Jesas, do people really

>> No.29105168

I think the best part about the upcoming podcast people here are going to blow it out of proportion.

>> No.29105169

Nothing else to look forward to in the Philippines

>> No.29105170

/jp/ would collapse into a black hole.
I'm all for it.

>> No.29105172

Nothing deadbeats haven't seen before, not gonna change my opinion. I hope for some good pasta and not just retards sperging

>> No.29105174

So is Mori so it should be fine

>> No.29105176


>> No.29105178
Quoted by: >>29105452

I fell after seeing Miko and Rushia said the n-word.
before that, I thought kizuna ai was literally a computer program

>> No.29105182

Amelia herself made this post

>> No.29105181
Quoted by: >>29105282


>> No.29105185
Quoted by: >>29105220

>imba announcement is Yagoo buying VOMS and now the 3 Pokémon's are a special GEN

>> No.29105186

im a KFP jannie and im going to laugh at all the fags melting down with my deadbeat bros. this is going to be so good.

>> No.29105188

That faction of deadbeats takes pride in scaring the normal people away, leaving the stubborn mentally ill that they were originally trying to get rid of. They sprayed all their poison, but the roaches adapted to it. They aren't very smart to tell ya the truth.

>> No.29105189

More than one is already a lot.

>> No.29105196

Have a (you) for your service

>> No.29105202

Please andstand. Collabing once for an hour is more socializing than she has done in a whole year prior.

>> No.29105204

She's waiting for Shion to come back

>> No.29105207



>> No.29105210

I will pick three and you cannot stop me.

>> No.29105211
File: 37 KB, 640x400, ina_final_1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope Ina likes this dumb thing I drew

>> No.29105212

She should wait until she beats Kizuna AI, becomes the true god of all animegirls streamers, and then do random 50 min collab with someone like Mel or Aki without any planning or hype behind it.
I want my expectations subverted Ryan Johnson style.

>> No.29105213

This. Miko worked hard on her own and at best visited the vTuber concert, and eventually got to work with Sora on a regular basis, even though the fact Miko's too into streaming while Sora is too into music means that their meetings are few and far between


>> No.29105217
Quoted by: >>29105236

I watched Kizuna AI. Till the chinkening.

>> No.29105218

She should be more proactive in this regard i bet she is waiting to get invited and the thing is that maybe her sempais do not find her really approachable.

>> No.29105219

Hololive EN gen 2 announcement now

>> No.29105220
Quoted by: >>29105342

Would be pretty great
Cover's hostile world takeover!
Military company next year!

>> No.29105225

High WIS low INT

>> No.29105226

Is the Ame/Haachama collab going to be on the EN server or JP server?

>> No.29105227

If she's small as she sounds, it maybe mild or treated hypothyroidism which can still cause minor attention and memory impairment.

>> No.29105228
File: 2.63 MB, 662x778, 1600140033711.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29105251

>VOMS would like to issue an apology
>we're sorry alright... that it took us this long to announce VOMS Gen 2!!

>> No.29105231

Gura had a wonderful and love-filled childhood and holidays bring back happy memories.

>> No.29105232
File: 295 KB, 501x443, 1601929512342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a falseflag. Teamates went through the absolute biggest shitstorm we've seen yet, so extending a little sympathy to Deadbeats before their doomsday isn't that crazy an idea. Not that this podcast will reach Amegeddon levels.

>> No.29105233

Go straight to electric chair, do not pass jail

>> No.29105234
File: 12 KB, 526x114, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If Gura-chan gets sex appeal, I'll be ruined.


>> No.29105235
Quoted by: >>29105385

Feels like the donation is something an angry doxxbeat from these threads would do for the lulz and "cringekino"

>> No.29105236

Me too. I also liked Mirai Akari.

>> No.29105237
Quoted by: >>29105288

Holy shit they're livestreaming a police chase with pikamee in the fleeing car

>> No.29105239
Quoted by: >>29105261

What happened last night?

>> No.29105245
File: 153 KB, 593x618, 1577143243754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29105400

>> No.29105246
Quoted by: >>29105313

Man everyone in Holo has at least a decent laugh but when I listen to my own it sounds gay as fuck. Sad.

>> No.29105247

Looks nice.

>> No.29105249
Quoted by: >>29105341

You mean the boost they'll be getting? They have less subs than Ame and they already talked a lot about Hololive.

>> No.29105252
Quoted by: >>29105280

which video?

>> No.29105251

hell yeah

>> No.29105258

The threads today has been really comfy. What changed?

>> No.29105259

Ame likes games where the communication barrier isn't that big a problem like Apex.
I'm not sure what Gura could play.

>> No.29105261

Admitted she's uneasy approaching Gura for a collab, is waiting on Gura to ask her instead.

>> No.29105264
File: 1.26 MB, 1466x1200, EmWDvViVcAA_sYl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daisenpai.. Your time will come soon..

>> No.29105265

i doubt they are executing pikamee. gyari wouldn't kill off his major girl

>> No.29105266
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason the art style makes me think of Blasphemous.

>> No.29105268

I love this wholesome narrative so much.

I want to be Gura's avocado tree so fucking bad bros.

>> No.29105269

Trying too hard now

>> No.29105270

Where the FUCK do you think you are?

>> No.29105275

Your brain is automatically blurring out shitposts

>> No.29105276
Quoted by: >>29105334

Dead by daylight.

>> No.29105281

>It's a self fulfilling prophecy. People have been hyping up the shitposting so much that they'll force it to be a 'happening' if they have to,
this hits the nail on the head, imo. you see the same shit in /pol/ all the time, where ppl schizopost themselves to a point where something *needs* to happen (even if it means creating a mountain out of thin air).
the tt podcast is going to be fine, but this thread will not. kek.

>> No.29105282

fuck me I was 6 verses in and
>They knew this schizo poster's not about to take his meds
I died laughing

>> No.29105280


>> No.29105283

Gorilla collab last week. phasmo, i think?

>> No.29105285

This nip is lucky he can't understand the dozens of innuendos she's made already.

>> No.29105286
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1604867336451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. deadbeat

This has to be the most annoying fucking shit that ever plagued these threads. "Good for Ame.", "Wow I hope Gura collabs with her senpais", "We stand with KFP", "Ina is enjoying herself" and then followed by "t. deadbeat" is the dumbest most blame deflecting bullshit. You hide behind the curtain of "UNITY" while not actually supporting the other girls and just use them to fool everyone that we're in all this together. Well, you don't fool me assholes. You don't even care about Hololive or Cover and you don't even care about video games, just like oshi all you care about is some stupid wigger weeb wrap that no self-respecting musician would ever do. I hope that bitch graduates so you'll follow your dork "reaper" back to her unsuccessful indie scene and never infest my pure idols ever again.

I fucking hate you all. Get the fuck off /hlg/ and get the fuck out of /jp/. You don't even belong in this world.

>> No.29105288

she jumped a fence into a school and is taking children as hostages!!

>> No.29105291

>Aqua is talking about Watson liking FPS and APEX
Is this the continuation of the Roboco collab?

>> No.29105293

hovered over this reply right as she got to this part of the song lol

>> No.29105294
Quoted by: >>29105326

VOMS' got some nice tunes

>> No.29105295

pretty sure most hlgg likes holojp, its only a few spergs that lose their mind when people talk about jps

>> No.29105296

Considering the EN audience, there wont be any cunny pandering. So rest assured.

>> No.29105298

You can call me a fag, but this karaoke didn't hit me that hard as previous one. Maybe because i already got used to her.

>> No.29105305
Quoted by: >>29105345

WWE or Fight Night

>> No.29105309

Looks extremely nice. Amazing job.

>> No.29105312
Quoted by: >>29105376

>sharkmeido instant deleting any anti post and even 404ing threads in rage until people forgot about it
Oh poor poor Teamates, you had it so bad

>> No.29105313

Cute laugh is unironically something they check in audition for
Hell they hired Ayame even though she doesn't want to stream, just because of her laugh

>> No.29105315

this is my favorite ritualpost

>> No.29105317

Everyone is still under the effect of the Gura karaoke

>> No.29105320

t. deadbeat

>> No.29105321

I might shit on deadbraps, but not on Mori herself. Fair compromise?

>> No.29105323
File: 499 KB, 700x873, 1584269627916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to your cave mountain dweller

>> No.29105324
File: 549 KB, 1200x1200, 1603381664192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that traitorous motherfucking treerat

>> No.29105325

Sora is always up, given she worked with so many people over the years


You just have to arrange weeks in advance (see Iofi)

>> No.29105326
Quoted by: >>29105350

GYARI is a musician with a very goddamn long list of works, he knows how to make catchy tunes.

>> No.29105329

Damn I love a good GYARI slow jam

>> No.29105333

t. deadbeat

>> No.29105334

Gura boosts Choco with DbD collabs...

>> No.29105337

I like the way you think

>> No.29105339
File: 215 KB, 1200x783, kz4hadgdtjn51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, any FGC bros here up for giving their opinions on this?

>Gura is Smash Ultimate - amazing casual appeal, fanbase turnout is extremely large due to strong past material being references, with major shares taken fittingly by equal part children and pedophiles

>Mori is Guitly Gear - fanbase digs chuuni cringe, is incredibly autistic and like 70% is there only for the music cause they can't do the reps

>Ame is FighterZ - fanbase is fairly casual, good team players, love the references but they keep harassing her about things she gotta improve; also appeals strongly to South America

>Ina is Tekken - relatively large cultish following, easy to enjoy casually but noone outside of the cult has a strong opinion about her, usually feels like the odd one out

>Kiara is Skullgirls - can bridge the EN/JP fanbases easily but outside of a relatively small, devoted fanbase and coomers no one really cares

>> No.29105340

Yeah, I'll try to watch it for a potential personality shift alone.

>> No.29105341
Quoted by: >>29105489

>They have less subs than Ame
AnimeMan: 2.52Mil
Gigguk: 2.64Mil
CDawgVA: 1.67Mil
TTP: 614K

>> No.29105342
File: 24 KB, 463x453, Pekora 60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me of something...
HoloLive and Niji slaughtering each other on the streets with armed militias

>> No.29105343


>> No.29105345

>WWE and Hololive

>> No.29105346

Opposite for me. I thought her previous karaoke streams were good but not amazing like everyone else. With this one, after hearing Plastic Love and Sorairo Days, I was convinced. Gura is actually incredibly talented.

>> No.29105348

I'm onto your bullshit DeathCult anon

>> No.29105350

How much money does he take from the girls?

>> No.29105352

Her singing was subpar for half of the songs, that's why

>> No.29105355
File: 256 KB, 1803x2000, 1605055465099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to post kiara since shes my oshi.
that is all

>> No.29105356
Quoted by: >>29108419

Ayup, can't beat the classics

>> No.29105357

t.Anything is a retarded meme, but why are we pretending only deadbeats do it when its done by everyone? Hell Teamates started it during the Amegeddon.

>> No.29105358
File: 856 KB, 4096x2731, 20201113_114736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29105359

T. Deadbeat

>> No.29105366

Because they're fun?

>> No.29105367


>> No.29105371

Surprisingly accurate

>> No.29105372


>> No.29105374

Gura should collab with Iofi and do a drawing stream.

>> No.29105375


>> No.29105376

The reason why shartmeido did it is because of the increase of doxxposting and what was happening with Cober at the time. It was a narrative, but there was a chance shit like that could attract legal actions against the website. Guess who would be held responsible for not cleaning up the place if that happened.

>> No.29105380

I do support other girls, I don't care about cover or games tho

>> No.29105383

Deadbrap hands typed this post as a falseflag

>> No.29105385

Never not deflecting. The cope is constant.

>> No.29105386

Why are you doxxposting my wife?

>> No.29105387

I doubt he takes anything from them, VOMS is not that big.

>> No.29105388
File: 644 KB, 4096x2305, teachou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good idea

>> No.29105390
Quoted by: >>29105411

supposedly nothing

>> No.29105394

not bad. pretty spot on in each

>> No.29105395

>the VOMS apology stream is actually a promotional for Gyari's new album
Fucking gets me everytime

>> No.29105396
Quoted by: >>29105472

So you're saying Kiara is getting canceled after a yab

>> No.29105398

Good streams. Also people naturally get tired of being negative after awhile and have to start chilling out for a bit before some big yab happens to make them schizopost again.

>> No.29105399
File: 349 KB, 476x640, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29105400

Its coming, bros

>> No.29105404

That's pretty accurate

>> No.29105405
File: 193 KB, 960x1280, 836f65b49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29105494

Leave Same-chan to me.

>> No.29105408

honeymoon period is wearing off

>> No.29105409


>> No.29105410
Quoted by: >>29105446

That's cool and all but why did you list 4 fighting games and 1 party game instead of 5 fighting games?

>> No.29105411

Only sexual favors

>> No.29105413

>Gura is Smash
Accurate in more ways than one considering the drama that happened with the community not too long ago.

>> No.29105415

>implying it's not just your native english speaker bias talking

>> No.29105423

Kind of scary how well these fit.

>> No.29105428

>Sora/Mori collab
>Mori treats Sora like a friend instead of DAISENPAI
>Sora makes Mori her honorary sister for just like she did for Iofi
>Sora and Mori collabs become a frequent occurrence
do u rike it?

>> No.29105429

He doesnt.

>> No.29105431

So god damn pricey

>> No.29105433

Good stuff, but she should've made that torso thingie out of latex instead, it should be much tighter.

>> No.29105440
Quoted by: >>29105467

Someone explain the acrylic stand meme to me please

>> No.29105441

>is Gura actually dumb?
Didn't even have to read the rest of your post. Yes.

>> No.29105442

that sora and rushia are really cute
pecore is nice too

>> No.29105443
Quoted by: >>29105525

100% guy, he tried to hide his balls

>> No.29105445


>> No.29105446

Well, Gura doesn't really belong in Hololive, does she? jk

>> No.29105447

>Japanese companies giving a fuck about the western audience
Even if the West get's them 10 times the money they will still only focs on the JP market
Source? follow any JP game dev

>> No.29105448
File: 27 KB, 201x147, 1604474581894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for providing hi-fi groovy beats to sculpt to GYARI

>> No.29105449

I disagree with Ina for Tekken pretty massively, as Tekken is becoming a bigger and bigger game as time goes by - for the FGC as a whole not counting Smash it is consistently the most hyped game for tournaments (big rip to 2020), and is just, I dunno. Given a fuckton of praise. I feel like Ina is more like... I dunno, maybe Blazblue.

>> No.29105450


>> No.29105452

Same boat

>> No.29105458


>> No.29105460

Sora is fucking boring though

>> No.29105461
File: 210 KB, 362x378, 1594712344732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29105644

I really wish our oshis wouldn't be used for shitposts like these. I feel sorry for lunaitos, since Luna herself is a very sweet and caring girl who really enjoys playing with her chat and just doing girly hikki stuff.

I can't imagine the 0-stamina baby with a single hateful bone in her body.

>> No.29105463

I didn't use it before, but then I noticed it makes some people mad

>> No.29105464
File: 282 KB, 2560x1440, Pekora Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want one! So she can scare the rrats on my park!

>> No.29105467

It's cheap, and it looks nice.

>> No.29105471

They aren't doing overseas shipping anyway

>> No.29105472
Quoted by: >>29105504

Well she did say that a gen should be 4 members so....

>> No.29105477

That's what the falseflaggers want you to believe.

>> No.29105481

Here's the rest:

>> No.29105484
Quoted by: >>29105595

How long til we get Ame to read TF2 Fanfiction on stream?

>> No.29105485
File: 373 KB, 2104x2208, 7w0pycn2ib451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think Pikamee is fat? I love the heavy ladies.

>> No.29105486
File: 438 KB, 879x393, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29105487
File: 76 KB, 919x827, zion yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29105489

Fuck i only looked at the podcast channel.
t. retard

>> No.29105492

I actually believe this narrative because it always seemed odd that shartfaggot actually cares about Ame, since that would require the little faggot to care about anything but Gura

>> No.29105494

I hope

>> No.29105497

fucking hell gyari
yeah this is a shitpost

>> No.29105501

Looks pretty petite to me, you blind?

>> No.29105503


>> No.29105504

That is objectively correct tho. It should be 3 or 4 members in the future.

>> No.29105506

Ina is getting bigger too

>> No.29105507

Gintama apology

>> No.29105512
File: 145 KB, 528x705, 20201113_100059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29105677

Because she already has enough love from her wife that she doesn't need any senpais.

>> No.29105516
File: 822 KB, 1100x660, Screen Shot 2020-11-13 at 21.01.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pikamee's life has been spared. Domo arigatou Gyari-san

>> No.29105518

She got kicked out of 3 buffets, what do you think anon?

>> No.29105525

Nah, you can tell by the face, shoulders, small feet, and kinda see where the flat tits are being squished in in the other pics.

If it were a guy I still would, though.

>> No.29105533

Season of the Leroy put a big damper on the T7 growth I feel. I love that character but boy was it getting stale seeing him everywhere

>> No.29105539

>We apologise to the families of all the victims, Pikame will receive proper punishment
Holy shit

>> No.29105537

GYARI's live2d has better facial expressions than nene lmao

>> No.29105541
Quoted by: >>29105566

It's a shame these threads have forgotten that anon.

>> No.29105549

>Official fumos
Finally, we can coexist with 2hu threads!

>> No.29105555

She just liked lolis....

>> No.29105558
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, 1605261688915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29105560
File: 194 KB, 500x500, 1605060738803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think we're going to be raided by /hlg/ on the day of the podcast? Would they stoop that low?

>> No.29105562

The question is who would win in an eating competition. Moona or Pikamee?

>> No.29105566

his coupon still gets posted every so often

>> No.29105565

Where is the one free bankrupt buffet coupon when you need it

>> No.29105567

Do it!! I'm bored

>> No.29105569

Of course

>> No.29105571

/hlg/ would have a core reactor meltdown so yes

>> No.29105573


>> No.29105579

yes and im going to just laugh at the seething /hlg/fags

>> No.29105580
File: 120 KB, 820x820, 1573129837258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29105609

>>Kiara is Skullgirls - can bridge the EN/JP fanbases easily but outside of a relatively small, devoted fanbase and coomers no one really cares
What the fuck are you on about. How does skullgirls bridge the gap between EN/JP? I wouldn't even say SG has a devoted fanbase. Almost no one plays that shit. A better comparison would be Under Night.

>> No.29105582

Oh my god GYARI just sold VOMS to Hasbro!

>> No.29105585
File: 134 KB, 550x500, 112198_dannyp_space-station-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the Korone x Mori stream be an offline collab?

Or does Korone's autism prevent meeting with people in real life?

>> No.29105595

Hopefully soon.

>> No.29105596
Quoted by: >>29105634

please watch Super Nenechi instead of your stupid VMOS bullcrap

>> No.29105597

Nigger they raid us almost every day regardless.

>> No.29105600

What? The gremlin rabbit princess has hips like THAT?!

>> No.29105607

>And there were so many victims... thousands...

>> No.29105609

rollback netcode, anonchama

>> No.29105614
Quoted by: >>29108739

/hlg/ and /hlgg/ share the same posters and schizos who go between threads and stir both places up. I guarantee there are people who pretend to be enraged and reply to threadwar posts. Then they go to the other thread and pretend to be on the other aide to farm even more (You) s. This has been proven to be a fact.

>> No.29105619
File: 11 KB, 230x230, Am3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29105622

why do you think her dress flares like that?

>> No.29105623

Any weebs who can translate what's actually happening in GYARI stream?

>> No.29105625
Quoted by: >>29105666

Wait, if Gura doesn't know japanese, does she know the language just by learning romaji and pure listening?

>> No.29105626

Mori gave no indication that it'd be an off-collab so probably not.

>> No.29105631

Quality Post

>> No.29105634

You're in the wrong thread, this is the /voms/ general

>> No.29105635


>> No.29105643
Quoted by: >>29105675

go ask in your thread, I'm busy masturbating to Ina

>> No.29105644

it's funny since recently some Lunaitos gave props for Mori giving up her pink color in Among Us for Luna-senpai

>> No.29105646
File: 19 KB, 382x147, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the Deadbeats who didn't stick around.

>> No.29105651

>/hlgg/: we're being raided by /hlg/!
>/hlg/: we're being raided by /hlgg/!

>> No.29105653

Just how many lolis did lolis did renowned pedophile Pedomee lay her hands on?

>> No.29105656
Quoted by: >>29105689


>> No.29105661

>upcoming mori anti seethe
>close thread
>go to normie facebook
>close normie facebook
>kill myself

>> No.29105664
File: 2.82 MB, 1920x1080, 1604287529276.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29105717

How quickly anons forgot the funny bunny cunny...

>> No.29105666

Yes. You now understand what a fucking debuff singing japanese is for her and she still pulls it off with songs like Sorairo Days.

>> No.29105672

>GYARI will be joining HoloEN but not the VOMS girls.

>> No.29105674

>Pikamee is gonna get Kohais
This sounds dangerous bros...

>> No.29105675
Quoted by: >>29105688

does ina have a lot?

>> No.29105677
Quoted by: >>29105882

This only makes me worry Even more about Gira and Ame, the attachment that they have from one another Will condition the future stability of their hololive careers.

>> No.29105678

inb4one of her song collabs is with Sora
the /hlg/ cope levels would break all the charts

>> No.29105679
Quoted by: >>29105707

that's not even possible, is it?

>> No.29105688

English please?

>> No.29105689

Roberu have 3 VOMS girlfriends anon... nothing new

>> No.29105692

Where's my big ups you big fucking poseur?

>> No.29105694

I love Banned Hololive En memes too haha! What's your facebook anon? :)

>> No.29105696

Cute. I like it when the girls talk in their chat, both pre and post stream.

>> No.29105697

There's already someone translating in the chat, anon. This is a hololive thread.

>> No.29105698
File: 135 KB, 474x416, shit post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>podcast comes out
>open thread
>laugh at schizos
>high-five deadbeats
>close thread
>coom to kiara lewd

>> No.29105699

fresh narrative: korone has already met mori at a parent-teacher meeting

>> No.29105706

Holy shit, nice

>> No.29105707
Quoted by: >>29105790

I think she means total

>> No.29105709

Shartmeido, if he actually cares to browse this shithole outside of Gura streams, will probably go on a deletion rampage about Gigguk shit because he's a huge muh sekrit club /jp/ culture faggot and was only forced to accept holoEN due to Gura activating his pedoboner

>> No.29105710
Quoted by: >>29105808

Stop fucking talking about VOMS
t. deadbeat

>> No.29105712
File: 337 KB, 1000x1000, 1528621062955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori's first JP collab took so long because it was Korone

>> No.29105717

Do you honestly think even 20% of the posters itt have been here before the HoloEN debut?
I can guarantee most never saw a live 3d stream.

>> No.29105715


>> No.29105718
Quoted by: >>29105743

based deadbeat gonna join Mori in hell

>> No.29105723

I didn't see her say that

>> No.29105728
Quoted by: >>29105748

>>coom to kiara lewd
so you are using your imagination

>> No.29105734
Quoted by: >>29105799


>> No.29105735
File: 196 KB, 480x473, 1603248473560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerously based

>> No.29105737

>Korone as your mom
>Mori as your sensei
Man, that kid is living a blessed life.

>> No.29105738
Quoted by: >>29105763

so after all is said and done, its HER right?

>> No.29105741


>> No.29105743

Are there Demons in hell?

>> No.29105747
Quoted by: >>29105799

>numberfagging SC amount
Come on Mori have some class

>> No.29105748
Quoted by: >>29105777

as long as there is kiara fanart with focus on her thighs or belly, i can coom to it

>> No.29105753

Not a deadbeat but this is based.

>> No.29105754

GYARI is having a stroke telling and pulling an IHOB

>> No.29105763
Quoted by: >>29105810

No, it's a me, MARIO!

>> No.29105766
File: 1.15 MB, 1030x1456, 18013952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29105827

>Mori is on the podcast
>Nothing changes
>/hlgg/ acts like its the end of the world

Can't wait.

>> No.29105771

someone has to pretend to be the swarm fo newfags

>> No.29105773
File: 110 KB, 940x940, 1605235935536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought deadbraps said that Mori wasnt a numberfag

>> No.29105775

I like this narrative. Also Korone's kid is well-behaved and Mori's favorite.

>> No.29105777

I know she gets the least porn so man I gotta give you big ups for managing that

>> No.29105779
File: 351 KB, 1618x1235, 1604844066503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking BASED KFP janny

>> No.29105781
Quoted by: >>29105831

So where is the patreon anon with clips of the upcoming podcast

>> No.29105785

Seems to be 3pm EST for the full version based on past episodes

>> No.29105789


>> No.29105790
File: 57 KB, 380x127, fI6y8fL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably true.

>> No.29105795
File: 267 KB, 1128x540, Screen Shot 2020-11-13 at 21.10.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf i thought Pikamee was going to be executed, it's just a name change

>> No.29105799
Quoted by: >>29105851

4 is her favourite number

>> No.29105805

It's not as obnoxious if she types it in chat after the stream is over desu

>> No.29105808

What the hello ate voms,
Fuck these indie tourist, come back to your containment thread

>> No.29105810
Quoted by: >>29105835


>> No.29105813

Holy fuck, imagine the bragging rights

>> No.29105818
Quoted by: >>29105915

>Admiting Mori has any flaw
never going to happen anonchama, try to say anything negative about her, you will instantly get 3-4 (you)'s excusing her behavior or deflecting to another one of the girls

>> No.29105819

Is this alot?

>> No.29105820

he literally changed one kanji
that was the announcement

>> No.29105821

The funny part is that the podcast happened a month ago so anything that changes would have had zero effect on the quality of Mori's streams
She just really likes the number 4 okay

>> No.29105824
Quoted by: >>29105848

Yes, just remind them that the holo "that actually deserved her 1mil" is gonna collab with Mori. Not only will she invite her to the podcast, but she'll also have her friend make Korone a pog emote too.

>> No.29105826


>> No.29105827

eazy breezy

>> No.29105828

at least announce a new outfit or something...

>> No.29105829

THen what are they going to apologize for?

>> No.29105831
Quoted by: >>29105865

Mori is probably just the first 30 minutes, they could skip that part in preview clips

>> No.29105833
File: 758 KB, 641x556, 1605252128834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29105868

I love polka so much guys, I ran out of Polka Images so here's Michael Jackson.

>> No.29105835


>> No.29105839
Quoted by: >>29105869

wasting our time?

>> No.29105840

It's just a joke on the death theme. But you knew that.

>> No.29105841
Quoted by: >>29105874

Well that's boring. What's the point of an announcement stream if it's not some world ending news?

>> No.29105843

It's a fair amount for a random zatsudan, yeah. Also, this VOMS stream, kek.

>> No.29105848
Quoted by: >>29108659

If we meme this enough can we make it happen?

>> No.29105851
File: 439 KB, 659x673, 1530574263019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori GETS posting in her own chat with SC money

>> No.29105855

>"sorry for playing you poor fuckers so hard"

>> No.29105862

disappointing you

>> No.29105863
Quoted by: >>29105901

>Mori earned my years salary in one stream
t. SEAnigger

>> No.29105865

Oh I see, that would be actually smart

>> No.29105867
File: 339 KB, 287x1198, Lb708yq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29105954

It's a meme amount, that's why she commented on it. Still pretty decent though

>> No.29105868

>I ran out of Polka Images
Is that even possible?

>> No.29105869
File: 25 KB, 1162x480, 6bd24969-b849-4407-8d0f-07d1814dea0f_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29105870


You okay? Wanna talk about it?

>> No.29105871
File: 30 KB, 929x290, 1581246676532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Amelia inclining?
Amelia - 6th
Mori - 49th
Ina - 85th
Gura - 113th
Kiara - 278th

>> No.29105872
File: 199 KB, 500x500, enmasip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29105908

>they will still only focus on the JP market
No they wont. YAGOO kneels to Enma and she's smart enough to avoid a stupid stunt like that and knows better than anyone to not anger the western audience with the cunnybaits.

>> No.29105874

GYARI does shit like this all the time.
he is a master shitposter

>> No.29105876


>> No.29105879

>open stream
>no stream
>close stream
>go to sleep

>> No.29105882

Gura is on a rocket ship so she's fine. Ame, while getting a boost, is still brave enough to jump into random collabs with senpais.

I bet the first Minecraft collab with Moona was meant to be just Gura and her, but Gura was way too nervous and asked someone to tag along, and Ame was the only one fully up for it.

I think that's how it'll go in the future. Anytime Gura collabs with JP, Ame will be there with her for support. Unfortunately people will misconstrue this as Ame leeching.

>> No.29105887

>your english teacher shows up at your house one day
>she accompanies your mom to her room
>shit, you probably shouldve studied harder for that test
>instead of chewing you out they start screaming about bombs

>> No.29105891
Quoted by: >>29105989

Is this the deadbeat only defense?

>> No.29105897
File: 18 KB, 458x451, checkthese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29105901

Around 4k USD.


>> No.29105902

We'd do the same in her place if we see repeating digits

>> No.29105903
File: 1.81 MB, 1350x1909, 85630466_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Towa is doing karaoke

>> No.29105907
File: 203 KB, 850x1202, Whats the meaning of living [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0peb9j.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. Imma do clean my room. Gotta move my rig in there. Leaving you guys some sick beats.

>> No.29105908

You underestimate Japanese business brain

>> No.29105915

thats how it works retard

>> No.29105920
File: 419 KB, 1018x1133, Mfnfery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Constantly numberfag
>Constantly superchat
>Now bragging about superchats earned in chat
>Never numberfag
>Don't superchat bait or bring up superchats during a stream
>Don't bring up milestones during a stream

>> No.29105921

He is apologizing because he wanted originally
to people to pronounce it as "bons" instead of ... well "voms", and now is changing the pronunciation to "voms" (in jap "bomuzu")

>> No.29105922

51 Collab with Gura

>> No.29105927

>GYARI public apology is because his JOP ass fucked up the kana for VOMS and is correcting it so it doesn't reat as VONS in kana anymore

>> No.29105928

She streams a lot ang get JP¨collabs

>> No.29105930

It's a made up meme ranking

>> No.29105931
Quoted by: >>29105965


>> No.29105933
Quoted by: >>29106000

Pretty based ngl
Need her to point with her avatar to the corner of the screen next get tho, mere text posting is pretty lame

>> No.29105935
Quoted by: >>29105961

>erased from existence, apparently

>> No.29105938

Asobi Taizen collab with Gura was hosted on her channel. The ranking is daily.

>> No.29105939

>Anti Mori poster
>is an obsessive scitzo


>> No.29105940

Mori twice?

>> No.29105950

Its a joke stream you fucking retard

>> No.29105951

It's a joke ranking

>> No.29105953

I thought karaoke streams were supposed to be special? She's not even beating Nene

>> No.29105954


>> No.29105955

The dust has settled, and it's become clear that she is Guras wife in Holo EN, which JP will eat up. The Okayu to Guras Korone.

>> No.29105957

>put mori twice
did you mean to put gura there lmao. nice fail loser
also dont falseflag as my Tenshi. she wouldn't approve of your faggotry

>> No.29105960

Anonchama rushed his shitpost and now he looks like a fucking idiot...

>> No.29105961
File: 765 KB, 2195x2195, 1600392966031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29105962

>EN: Announcements after the apology

>> No.29105963

Jap companies actually understand the concept of 'having enough money'
meanwhile west tries to chase the dream of endless growth which only fucks over indie stuff harder and harder

>> No.29105965

Some really manly girl
Her songs are pretty manly

>> No.29105966

The rankings are a joke, don't take them remotely seriously.

>> No.29105969
Quoted by: >>29106123

>Unfortunately people will misconstrue this as Ame leeching
Literally no one does, not even shizo's are that dumb
GuraAme is only matched by OkaKoro in terms of friendship

>> No.29105978
File: 12 KB, 515x169, 1604479800909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29105981

Clearly Mori/Ina/Ame don't care about Hololive culture.

>> No.29105982
File: 210 KB, 2472x1643, EmsV3pqUUAYMfmZ-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29105987

Sorry, can you say that again? I didn't quite hear you.

>> No.29105989
Quoted by: >>29106026

There is no point in arguing here, some deadbeats used to do it with long fucking posts and it never worked, just telling them to fuck off and ignoring is way better

>> No.29105992

>Mori twice
Antis can't even shitpost properly

>> No.29105996

Anonchama... don't google kaizen

>> No.29105998

Twappi is the Kiara of Gen4

>> No.29105999

what's wrong with nene

>> No.29106001
File: 3.65 MB, 2364x2750, EmsgUJ6UYAIef6I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29106000
Quoted by: >>29108766

Next thing we know, she'll start up her next stream and her arm is pointing at the top right corner and she'll claim to be having a bit of trouble with her live2d rig

>> No.29106005

>Jap companies actually understand the concept of 'having enough money'
kek, sure they do

>> No.29106007
File: 2.86 MB, 4096x3319, 1603294964397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night chumbuckets.

>> No.29106006
Quoted by: >>29106017

I got into hololive when fubuki got sponsored to play Ace Combat 5 and Ace Combat 7.

>> No.29106010
File: 371 KB, 1000x2000, Emr75w2XcAEhM_W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29106086

>> No.29106014

They WILL have sex.

>> No.29106017
Quoted by: >>29106132

Was that actually sponsored?

>> No.29106019

Damn, really digging this art style.

>> No.29106026
File: 3.03 MB, 1648x8219, 1604573722763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You talking about this? Do you feel called out, perhaps?

>> No.29106028

>Mori - 49th
>4 means death
>9 means agony and suffering
deepest lore!

>> No.29106031
File: 899 KB, 750x1000, bouncy bird.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to bed.
i leave a kiara as my mark

>> No.29106033

That's exactly how I picture Gura when she screams.

>> No.29106039

top kek he actually believes this

>> No.29106041

>Mori: Kiara go to the naked onsen with me
>Mori: Kiara play A Way Out with me

Why is chicken like this

>> No.29106042

I wish I could draw like this
I hate polished art and this loose style is my favorite

>> No.29106044
File: 3.87 MB, 2600x3650, EmsQEQWUUAA4Pla-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29106046
File: 1.73 MB, 720x960, calli.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29106048

Nngh the headpat

>> No.29106051
File: 73 KB, 315x402, 1596426096979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29106108

I'll clean up the instrumentals don't worry

>> No.29106057

unironically by leeching of Gura hard

>> No.29106059

If someone says they didn't get into /hlg/ from matsuri or a vtuber saying nyggggaaahh they're probably lying.

>> No.29106062

Even these have a bunch of different file names. Theres AT LEAST 4-5 ayame posters.

>> No.29106070

Why do they have exactly the same face

>> No.29106072
File: 81 KB, 757x496, rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astel is streaming, please save him!
Fuck, I feel sorry for holostars

>> No.29106073

Huh, no I am a deadbeat, I'm just saying that we shouldn't argue with every retard here

>> No.29106075
File: 477 KB, 1244x1400, EmsQSXjUwAAHSBn-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29106077
Quoted by: >>29106125

nobody believes this
especially considering how dear Amelia is to Gura

>> No.29106079
File: 2.86 MB, 2148x3654, 20201113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29106081

so rent free she pops up in post twice

>> No.29106084
Quoted by: >>29106121

Twaps is practicing for the upcoming HoloFES, she's been doing these streaams with these songs like four times a week

>> No.29106085

True, but JP game publishers are more than willing to outsource licenses to western developers if they believe they can profit from it.

>> No.29106086
File: 7 KB, 243x393, FB_IMG_1604785628520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori looks like she's taking a shit

>> No.29106100

It's pretty obvious Gura doesn't give a shit about hololive.
The real one who has no excuse is Ina, because she has rudimentary JP skills and already made friendships with JP senpais (collabing with IDs doesn't fucking count).

>> No.29106102

What kind of "video content" is Kiara going to be posting?

>> No.29106107

Who are you guys watching right now ? I have tower in the background and waiting for the legendary return stream of one unfortunate singer

>> No.29106108

damn coco is bad

>> No.29106109

Towa is dying.

>> No.29106110

Holy shit why does she makes my dick diamonds?

>> No.29106113

Mori really doesn't understand Hololive culture at all. Who the fuck does she think she is, actually TALKING to her coworkers and organizing a collab?

She should take advice from Risu, who wrings her hands constantly talking about a Korone collab without ever doing anything for five months! Or Kiara, who's too awkward to even ask her genmate Gura for a collab and whines about it on stream. They're the ones who really understand and respect Hololive culture.

>> No.29106114

sakuna is kinda meh to watch though

>> No.29106115

does gura have the most lewds out of en?

>> No.29106116

Why though? Their streaming numbers are just fine

>> No.29106119

>Started streaming 8 hours ago

>> No.29106121

Same with Coco. A lot of the JP girls are doing their singing reps.

>> No.29106123
Quoted by: >>29106273

So Ame is grooming Gura now? dont compare GuraAme to OkaKoro which is literally a young girl grroming and abusing a touch starved older women for money

>> No.29106125
Quoted by: >>29106155

I mean, choosing which facts to believe is a /pol/ thing so you might need to go back

>> No.29106127

>Shiranai hito to... yarimashita ka?
Fucking kek, Mori

>> No.29106132


>> No.29106133
Quoted by: >>29106194

She's doing a JAV, with me.

>> No.29106134

Do tentacultists really...?

>> No.29106135
Quoted by: >>29106174

why did this look like Symphogear fanart for a minute

>> No.29106137

I'm watching him because I liked the look of the game Kiara was playing, and I want to see someone play it well

>> No.29106138

are kiara and amelia the only hope for the homostars? literally no one else seems to be aware of their existance. not even fubuki could save them

>> No.29106144

Sorry, watching Nene

>> No.29106146
Quoted by: >>29106259

German fairy tail reading is the only one i can think off

>> No.29106147

Korobro here, is Mori's japanese rep good enough for Korone to understand? Also how do you feel about this collab? I thought Risu will get a collab first.

>> No.29106153

>Started streaming 8 hours ago
fucking absolute madlad

>> No.29106155
File: 227 KB, 719x729, 1577682552042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29106158
Quoted by: >>29106214

the interviews probably

>> No.29106160

>Started collabing with JPs
>Collabs with the 1.3 million meme shark
>streams more in general
I wonder how this could be?

>> No.29106165
Quoted by: >>29106272

Kiara won't touch A Way Out because "Noooo that's Gura and Ames thing we'll be leeching noooo".

>> No.29106170


>> No.29106171

I like them but Mori/Kiara Way Out would be awful and you know it. You need at least one part of the pair to have some clue what they're doing, they'll get filtered by the air duct crawl.

>> No.29106173
Quoted by: >>29106251

Kiara's reluctance to ask Gura is indeed a mistake but using Kiara in your shitpost is moot point when she's got 5 more collabs lined up.

>> No.29106174
File: 154 KB, 576x726, 1571218247924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame looks similar to Hibiki there

>> No.29106176
File: 161 KB, 293x302, T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29106177

She said they talked for a decently long time and found a lot of things in common

>> No.29106179

honestly, she'll probably get hers before the 27th, Mori dragged her feet hard as fuck

>> No.29106182

Kiara WAS the one acting about Takamori and is afraid of catching real feelings, not Mori

>> No.29106184
Quoted by: >>29106317

Its okay, she is gura's waifu

>> No.29106187

Mori's Japanese is better than Korone's English, for whatever that's worth. And apparently they spoke for hours in presumably Japanese.

>> No.29106188
Quoted by: >>29106239

So sweaty...

>> No.29106192

mori isn't that good. she needed kiara to live translate for her. amelia and roboco managed to make it work so maybe they will find a way?

>> No.29106194

And me. And the poster below me.

>> No.29106202

mori said they've already spoken at length so i'd assume they can communicate at least, how well i have no idea but it'll be fun nonetheless.

>> No.29106205

If EOPs find Mori cringe, who do JOPs find cringe?

>> No.29106207
Quoted by: >>29106456

Aloe is back under her previous identity.

>> No.29106208

>is Mori's japanese rep good enough for Korone to understand?
It's serviceable so long as she doesn't have to translate for several other people who are all talking over each other.
>Also how do you feel about this collab?
Excited. I like Korone and I like Mori so it should be fun.

>> No.29106213

>All the flirting and jokes during the first Among Us video

I really thought that was going to be the breakthrough for Ina...

>> No.29106214
Quoted by: >>29106259

Interviews will be live so prob fairy tale.

>> No.29106222

Thank goodness, it was on at 2 bong in the morning and I fell asleep.

>> No.29106225
File: 140 KB, 312x312, polkapray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a little scuffed but my voice is dying and this is already the 10th take or something
enjoy this, /hlgg/

>> No.29106231

My bet is on Luna.

>> No.29106234

>this shit quality
Wtf is wrong with you

>> No.29106235

Walking up to your experienced coworker and asking for help
So a standard thing in western workplaces

>> No.29106236

remember when gura used to stream

>> No.29106239

I wanna drink it.

>> No.29106241

Kiara and Polka because they are too 'loud'
They are morons, our shizo's are beacons of sanity compared to theirs
Take everything on 5ch with a grain of salt

>> No.29106242

pirme 19 year old breeding material

>> No.29106243

Mori's nihongo is stilted and awkward. She has the grammar to communicate but she's slow to articulate herself and will struggle to keep up with native-level conversation. She'll probably communicate largely in broken Japanese while Korone meets her halfway with broken English.

>> No.29106245

Reminder that Korone is the reason Mori is playing Blasphemous next week.

>> No.29106247
File: 494 KB, 644x997, 1604939572655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who do you think we are

>> No.29106248


>> No.29106250

Talking to Daisenpai.

>> No.29106251

I don't even blame Kiara, Gura is intimidating as fuck because she literally doesn't interact with anyone outside of her Trinity clique while radiating the BIGGEST HOLOLIVE aura

>> No.29106252

The only video content I remembered specifically being worked on was the german fairy tale because of her wanting to get the subs right for them.
Could be a sneak preview of the Talk Show art and set. Could be some more 'spa date' lore. I honestly can't tell with the bird, but I'm interested in finding out.

>> No.29106259
File: 359 KB, 1000x1000, 1605158545345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone with no knowledge of german fairy tales, what's so special about them and why is everyone so excited for this?

>> No.29106261
File: 305 KB, 377x845, 1598352770340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost time!

>> No.29106265

Where the fuck is the podcast?

>> No.29106272

Mori said they are just waiting on Kiara's new pc to come

>> No.29106273

>Korone is grooming Okayu
>Actually no, Okayu is grooming Korone!
>Ame is grooming Gura
>Actually no, Gura is grooming Ame!

yep they're the same

>> No.29106274

>Tune into Rushia's stream just to see what she's like
>akasupas that make mori look lightweight
Who the fuck is this girl

>> No.29106275

Ina had a collab with Marine lined up but Kiara cucked her out of it.

>> No.29106277

Based dog.

>> No.29106281

Does anyone still have that "schizo poster, I need your strongest narratives" video

>> No.29106280
Quoted by: >>29106466

Why is it that Hachaama is the only holo that knowing her personality actually makes the art MORE of a turn-on than less?

>> No.29106284

So what was the VOMS thing about?

>> No.29106290

german fairy tales are pretty great

>> No.29106294

who? is she a new holoen

>> No.29106295

Like 95% of the most known and loved fairy tales are German in origin. Are you familiar with the brothers Grimm?

>> No.29106297
File: 11 KB, 80x80, 20201105_031425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you

>> No.29106300

Like week 1 Mori mentioned that Korone had asked her about learning to rap

>> No.29106301
Quoted by: >>29106342

Literally every "fairy tale" comes from the work of the Grimm Faggots in Germany

>> No.29106304
Quoted by: >>29106397

Mori did say she speaks much better Japanese when she's speaking to someone she likes, and Korone is apparently one of those people since she spoke for hours

>> No.29106306

Most fairy tales come from germany, anon.

>> No.29106310

Correcting a pronunciation mistake.

>> No.29106312

She's german
Their fairy tales are pretty dark (depending on what version she goes for)
She's spending a bunch of effort on it, including full on animations and stuff

>> No.29106314
Quoted by: >>29106352


>> No.29106315
Quoted by: >>29106578

>Suisei cheering onTowa practicing

>> No.29106317

ye, that's outside the question, but the fact of leeching is the same
it's a Coco/Kanata situation, but Ame doesn't care as hard as Kanata did

>> No.29106318

Get out before its too late, this is how it started for me

Just checking the stream out of curiosity because of everyone talking about how good she milks simps

And then....

>> No.29106319

Most of the tales you know are probably German in origin or went through a German adaptation at some point before they became popular.

>> No.29106321
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you /toomber/ enough to own a Batman Forever McDonalds Glass Mug and relate Kiss From a Rose to Batman Forever?

>> No.29106322

Fuck off Kiara

>> No.29106323
Quoted by: >>29106360

official pronunciation in JP was apparently "vons", Gyari apologized and said that they'd change it to "voms" to match what everyone's already doing

>> No.29106327

So whats the new identity?

>> No.29106329

just search "schizo poster" on YT

>> No.29106330

It's voms not bonz

>> No.29106331
Quoted by: >>29106424

They are brutal as fuck. My mom refused to read some of them to me and I specifically remember when we read one of them in elementary school the teacher "changed" the ending to a happier one.

>> No.29106333

>VOMS naming joke
>minecraft server announcement
Thats it really

>> No.29106335


>> No.29106336
Quoted by: >>29106373

Name change from VOMS to VOMS.
Their own Minecraft server.
Merch restock (they have more merch than Hololive, kek), and GYARI designed a cool meme hoodie.

>> No.29106341

Just your typical Rushia supa reading session, all paypigs come out at that time.

>> No.29106342


They just compiled pre-existing fairy tales. Also lol. Cultures around the world have fairy tales. Or did you think, say, fucking Aladdin is from Grimm's? Or the Greek parables?

>> No.29106350

Mori had no idea Korone played Blasphemous when she first brought it up

>> No.29106352

Based, thanks anon

>> No.29106359

To be fair, it must have been easier for Mori to get the collab than it would be even for most JP holos, let alone an indog. Korone is serious about studying eigo so she must have been excited about having an ALT native she can speak to at any time on the Hololive roster. According to Mori they started chatting shortly after EN debuts, which is already something considering how Korone is. And as Mori said they have some shared interests to sperg out about.

>> No.29106360

Also change of branding from Vox Monsters to VOMS Project

>> No.29106362

Imagine if Mori actually milked her paypigs like the schizos here accuse her of. That's Rushia. She unapologetically wrings her audience dry and they love it.

>> No.29106361

wrong thread retard

>> No.29106366

Noel's singing

>> No.29106368

I'm from Grimms

>> No.29106370
Quoted by: >>29106396

hey I'm going to sleep can someone call me to wake me up when the Mori tweet gets posted
thank you

>> No.29106373

>The dirty hololive rag merch

>> No.29106374


>> No.29106375 [SPOILER] 
File: 924 KB, 3287x4096, 1605263494821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one person thats suitable for that Gura collab.

>> No.29106377

Pretty nice, I think this is the first fanart of this moment that I've seen from this side angle.

>> No.29106378

Why is Ina always so damn tall?

>> No.29106380
File: 172 KB, 410x410, 1604473071911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara too nervous to ask Gura for a collab because of antis thinking she's leeching
>Gura too nervous to ask Kiara for a collab because she's shy
It's all so tiresome

>> No.29106381

Has Astel been playing Sakuna non-stop this whole time?

>> No.29106383

Poor guy pulling the Africat numbers

>> No.29106385
Quoted by: >>29106463

I was talking about the language not the country desu

>> No.29106388


>> No.29106387
Quoted by: >>29106467

Stream in 30.

>> No.29106390

To be fair only like 0.01% of the world population knows that Aladdin is actually middle eastern fanfiction of china.

>> No.29106391

Most of the people posting itt were born in 2005 or later...

>> No.29106394

>cunny pandering
What do you even mean by that? Revealing outfits? Since that's not a thing anymore regardless of character design due to the Youtube algorithm. Other than that, holos seem free to conduct themselves however they want outside of straight up liking/retweeting hentai.

>> No.29106396

sure thing anon. sleep tight.

>> No.29106397
Quoted by: >>29106527

>Mori and Korone talking for hours
Would kill to be a fly on the wall during those convos.

>> No.29106400

No-shit real daemonic magicks which enslave the hearts of men.

>> No.29106407
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>> No.29106409
File: 1.72 MB, 1280x669, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29106477

She likes big shoes

>> No.29106410
Quoted by: >>29106548

>Trinity clique
she hardly even interacts with Ina, she has better chemistry with fucking Mori

>> No.29106412
File: 104 KB, 573x573, 1603541325064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29106413

Old identity

>> No.29106414

I unironically shit all over Mori for milking paypigs and then watch Rushia and jerk off with my credit card beside me, getting closer and closer to paying her every time before I cum

I'm scared

>> No.29106417

best gura song in recent karaoke?

>> No.29106421
Quoted by: >>29106489

Faggot is asking 'but GER fairy tales, 1001 Nights are NOT fairy shit, Greeks are debatable

>> No.29106424

I see. Super dark fairy tail reading with Kiara does sound like it would be pretty interesting.

>> No.29106425

The queen of milking her fanbase's wallets dry. I'm scared of what she will teach Kiara during their collab.

>> No.29106429

Nobody thinks Kiara would be leeching Gura, it's all in her head

>> No.29106430
Quoted by: >>29106480

Because she is, relatively? Ame and Gura are midgets.

>> No.29106442

One day my retarded daughter will collab with EN, but it's not happening this side of December.

>> No.29106443


>> No.29106444
File: 2.38 MB, 1542x1945, 1577987202186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29106447

My heart is beating so fucking fast, cant wait

>> No.29106448

kiara should get over her distaste of alcohol and get drunk, problem solved

>> No.29106450

>nobody thinks
Clearly you haven't been on /hlgg/ for very long

>> No.29106449

Extremely based, this deserves more (you)s!

>> No.29106452
File: 356 KB, 1920x1080, 115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The numbers... They haunt my dreams. Scary!
What did she mean by this?

>> No.29106454


>> No.29106456

i'm dum. spoonfeed me

>> No.29106461
File: 481 KB, 800x1000, 1604327853954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka could hook me up to a machine and milk me fucking dry. If she came out with new story readings or ASMR every other week? Fuck me, does she have a Tier 19 for $5600/mo?

>> No.29106463

She SPEAKS German
She's NOT German

>> No.29106464

What the fuck, you make it sound hot.

>> No.29106466

Because she is a bimbo, and bimbos are made for fucking.

>> No.29106467

Better link it

>> No.29106470

That's very ironic actually, whether you meant it to be or not

>> No.29106471

But he's right, nobody in /hlgg/ thinks.

>> No.29106477
Quoted by: >>29106554

Mori head is so small in this. They dont seem to be correctly sized.

>> No.29106478

do keep in mind Rushia had a year to pull in her gachis, give Mori some time and couple more date streams

>> No.29106479

More like Gura is too nervous to ask Kiara because she's so extroverted/loud in collabs that it intimidates her.

Ina is nice and calm for her, while Ame knows exactly how to nudge her a bit out of her shell.

>> No.29106480

Ina is even shorter than Ame without the shoes, canonically.

>> No.29106483
File: 244 KB, 325x325, 1600881965903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29106485

Fuck, nothing really stood out to me on that one eh, I can only think of Sorairo Days and Big Iron

>> No.29106487

>outside of straight up liking/retweeting hentai
Anonchama, your Festival reps...

>> No.29106489
Quoted by: >>29106611

If you think fucking Djinn aren't basically fairies, you're fucking dumb.

>> No.29106491
Quoted by: >>29106519

so when's your debut

>> No.29106493

you should seek help if it's lasting more than 4 hours

>> No.29106495

She sure as shit isn't making it public because of the harassment she got and I respect that, sorry anon, maybe someone else will get it for you.

>> No.29106496

If you numberfag too hard you become a schizo insomniac.

>> No.29106498
Quoted by: >>29106553

Who the fuck cares what /hlgg/ thinks

>> No.29106501
Quoted by: >>29106589

>it's all in her head
So Kiara was the schizoposter all along

>> No.29106504

that's just German with extra incest

>> No.29106508
Quoted by: >>29106524

Kinda sad most got into hololive because of Matsuri but not many actually watch her now

>> No.29106515

I really liked plastic love with the JP-EN lyrics switch up.

>> No.29106516
Quoted by: >>29107055

no she's German, otherwise she wouldn't be speaking German you retard

>> No.29106519

god I fucking wish I had the guts (and the capital) to debut as a chuuba

>> No.29106520

...she didn't really mean that, right? She just misheard or misspoke, right?

>> No.29106522
File: 11 KB, 400x400, 1604494639560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29106737

Fookin nice
>male ahem in the background

>> No.29106524

Can you blame people after seeing what Matsuri is actually like?

>> No.29106527

Unironically? Korone seems like the type to cringe extremely hard in social situations, she probably recognises that Mori experiences the same hard cringe but has found ways past it, and admires her for that.

>> No.29106528

As a chumbud I really wish Kiara would fucking get over this, I want to see what a collab between those two would be like and I've been waiting for what feels like months

>> No.29106532

I like the Christmas Song

>> No.29106537

She's German you stupid fuck. German is an ethnicity as well as nationality. It's like going "THE ENGLISH ONLY LIVE IN ENGLAND, THERE ARE NO ENGLISH IN SCOTLAND".

>> No.29106542

Not here but 5ch fucking hates her for reasons.

>> No.29106546 [SPOILER] 
File: 424 KB, 995x497, 1605263804221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29106548

I like the way Gura says Calli
The Xmas song

>> No.29106549


>> No.29106553

I for one care about what a bunch of SEA fishermen and boku juice swillers think deeply

>> No.29106554

Small head
Small brain
Only thoughts about money

>> No.29106558

thank you for your service vocaroo anon

>> No.29106566

she's tired of carrying the expectation of nearly 650k people

>> No.29106571

Based. Love ya

>> No.29106578
Quoted by: >>29106628

What is she practicing for some much lately anyway? It seems like everyday she has some singing practice.
Is she covering another song?

>> No.29106576

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas

>> No.29106580
Quoted by: >>29106705

don't tell Austrians that they'll flip their shit

>> No.29106584


>> No.29106589

Kiara legit thought a schizo holo would be cool before her chat brought up Haachama

>> No.29106591


>> No.29106592

Of course, pretty sure she's mentioned towa before. Moona was just mumbling when it happened

>> No.29106593

Anything for a fellow Teamate.

>> No.29106599

Anon, Scotland has Scots...

>> No.29106603

looking at the thumbnail i thout her right leg was a massive cock

>> No.29106604
File: 651 KB, 640x895, E495QQEraRJERXvPRdk7kVIywvmozV5BVsOgOe4Cxdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expect to see guras idol talents
>Only sings city pop, meme songs ,and old songs

Why doesnt yagoo shill out a couple million yen to have a writer like Yasushi Akimoto to produce a song for the girls of Hololive.

>> No.29106611

Faggot fell on the celtic myth depiction of "fairy" and mixed them up LMAO

>> No.29106616
Quoted by: >>29106706

Reminds me of space shanties songs like Carmen Miranda's Ghost
I hope you will do more

>> No.29106619

Gonna catch up on Gura's karaoke. Should I relive it through the threads or should I just fish in minecraft?

>> No.29106618

there damn well shouldn't be

>> No.29106621
Quoted by: >>29109159

Someone post the Cover pasta, onegai

>> No.29106622

Yes, they don't allow any other ethnicity in the country, true.

>> No.29106628
File: 293 KB, 656x369, ElAvsJqX0AAHVPz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29106662


>> No.29106629

>doesn't bother addressing JP holos with honorifics
>barely tweets out to them, only belated after noticing every other holoEN already did so
>literally says "Who?" when Towa is named
>no effort to do collabs, doesn't form connections with them during mass collabs
>refuses to thank people for 1m subs, doesn't hold a celebration at all
>selfishly has only herself on the twitter banner instead of the group of 5 like EVERY OTHER holoEN

>> No.29106630

Anon it's still fucking November.

>> No.29106632

based and iru-bru pilled

>> No.29106635
File: 646 KB, 1200x709, 1600501648467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29106663




>> No.29106636
Quoted by: >>29106680

is the kiara JOI video members only?

>> No.29106638

>Why doesn't Cover...
I never get tired of it desu

>> No.29106642
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 20201111_051140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed that Aloe would have been the Music Producer that I always wanted in Hololive (Calli doesn't count)

>> No.29106650

Why is twapi so angry

>> No.29106655

why not jerk it

>> No.29106656

fish, the threads were nonstop just quoting the song name, HERposting, and "UOOOOH"

>> No.29106659
Quoted by: >>29106723

This is a deadbraps mind on numbers.
Numbers, not even once.

>> No.29106662

>2020.12.21 (mon)

>> No.29106663

square toes, dissapointed

>> No.29106665

You should set it to permanent night and fish with campfire near you

>> No.29106667

kino requires full attention anon. nothing less

>> No.29106669

Thank you

>> No.29106673

it's not misconstruing when it literally works like that

>> No.29106677

Take your meds schizo. It doesn't mean nearly as much as you think it does.

>> No.29106681
File: 1.35 MB, 959x960, 84283297_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never forget what we could've had

>> No.29106680

Of course not, Kiara does it for free

>> No.29106684
Quoted by: >>29106745


>> No.29106686

What was the announcement?

>> No.29106688
Quoted by: >>29106719

Yes, anon. As in Monday. Anything else I can help you with?

>> No.29106689
Quoted by: >>29106719

monday, you retard

>> No.29106690

I don't even know why people want them to collab so badly, their personalities clash badly and they probably have zero synergy.

>> No.29106705

Keep 'em away from Wikipedia then.


> Austrians (German: Österreicher) are a Germanic nation and ethnic group,[16] native to modern Austria and South Tyrol who share a common Austrian culture, Austrian descent, and Austrian history.
> Germanic nation and ethnic group

>> No.29106706
File: 355 KB, 640x480, 1601034105205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29106747

I spend a lot of time in these threads
if the stars align and there are funny lyrics for a song in my vocal range when nobody's home I'd probably be game

>> No.29106707
File: 36 KB, 540x511, 1599767017877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29107392

It will always be as big a loss as losing Yogiri, who gave up on her dream.

>> No.29106715
File: 102 KB, 220x220, Big JP[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F47lmk9.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You two are now immortal. Bless you, anons.

>> No.29106719
File: 713 KB, 765x803, 1600966454932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shoot me now I got it confused with this month

>> No.29106723
Quoted by: >>29106756

a coping cumshart, what a common sight around those parts

>> No.29106725
File: 698 KB, 2867x4096, 1602671630422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29106728
File: 363 KB, 611x600, 1494824091376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29106761


>> No.29106733

At this point I just want them to collab so people will stop talking about it. I dont think it'd be all that amazing either.

>> No.29106735 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29106768

Because I'm pretty sure this is a bullshit narrative that will be destroyed by them collabing and Kiara has the largest probability of being able to unleash HER, just going off the slight interactions they had that one time in Overcooked.

>> No.29106737

Where can I unsub

>> No.29106738

>VOMS becomesVOMS, sorry for messing it up
>Vox monsters is gone, becomes VOMS project
>Merch back in store, new meme hoodie
>VOMS Minecraft server

>> No.29106740

When you've become the most powerful vTuber in the company after only six weeks and essentially saved Cover after Taiwangate you can do whatever you damn well please.

>> No.29106744

Why doesn't Ame love Nikki as much as Bubba?

>> No.29106745



>> No.29106747

Which Holo would spend a year doing weekly LotGH watchalong sessions

>> No.29106750
Quoted by: >>29106774

Just like West Taiwan

>> No.29106752
File: 2.38 MB, 2480x2721, EmscYw4VQAIs8jG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori & Korone collab announced, Mori & Haachama collab in the works, Blasphemous announced for next week and she already put it on her schedule, wants to play Crash Bandicoot 4 and turn it into an endurance stream, still pushing for Bloodborne permissions and wants to play Demon's Souls Remastered but doesn't want to buy a PS5 because it has no other games, karaoke stream next week.

>> No.29106753

Plastic Love, Sunday Morning, Christmas song

Christmas song was probably the best technically, it had some amazing vibrato like god damn

>> No.29106756
File: 234 KB, 399x363, 1566935473364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29106881

>didn't deny that you're a deadbeat
The fanbase of antis and doxxers.

>> No.29106761


>> No.29106768 [DELETED] 

>it's another HERfag
You "people" are a plague.

>> No.29106769
File: 306 KB, 1920x1080, 116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chat jebaited so hard
>I fucking hate birds
Ms Takanashi get down!

>> No.29106771

She did a shit ton of exercising on a stream and talked about how ramen makes you fat. So probably not

>> No.29106772

Needs a Irish Vtuber too

>> No.29106774

west taiwan isn't german retard, do your geography reps

>> No.29106776

Dangerously based.

>> No.29106777
Quoted by: >>29107815

Thats not even the worst part If you read her fanbox. Yagoo was so close to saving another broken soul ...

>> No.29106779
File: 801 KB, 640x750, +_7733274ed12b9ee6921b0b49179ff07b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29106782

I don't want lazy niggers copying this format.

>> No.29106788

West west Taiwan.

>> No.29106794

less post makey, more meds takey

>> No.29106795

Got my new (you) alert

>> No.29106796
File: 190 KB, 2048x2048, 3d2f3e_6589676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29106927

>yfw Gura sang Big Iron

>> No.29106801
Quoted by: >>29106832

Kill yourself purityfag.

>> No.29106805

Based and truthpilled

>> No.29106816

Your reference reps anon ...

>> No.29106821

Chumbuds I can't refute this HEEEEEELP

>> No.29106829 [DELETED] 

>there are still people that think it isnt her
sasuga /hlgg/

>> No.29106832

What the fuck does purity have to do with this? Stupid bitch.

>> No.29106834

Please guys...
Please just take your meds...

>> No.29106838

Okay guys, you got into hololive!
How do you help your previous fanbase find you without doxxing yourself?
A subtle hint?
Cosplaying as yourself?
Staying silent and hoping it spreads?

>> No.29106848
File: 143 KB, 1200x675, Ek5L8wFUcAEj1pR[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least we all know there's no Northern Irish in Britain.

>> No.29106852

I think he meant HERfags as people who still want Gura to be back to HER ways

>> No.29106853

Thank you for this

>> No.29106855

This board is so active is because these people don't have a prescription, really.

>> No.29106858

Just keep streaming. They'll find out eventually

>> No.29106861
Quoted by: >>29106926

But I don't have a previous fanbase.

>> No.29106864
File: 108 KB, 576x1024, 1605215117283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight anons

>> No.29106866

Nene gets so happy whenever she is told "Good work!" by the game. I bet she is one of those girls who gets wet when you say "good girl" to her.

>> No.29106868

Imagine if the Irish were in Britain, phew.

>> No.29106870

Is Amelia trying to single handedly reignite The Troubles?

>> No.29106871
File: 2.05 MB, 3000x1629, 邪魔 (EN cover)[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbaxz0t.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29106875

I stopped being active for 5 years, my previous fanbase doesn't remember me anyway

>> No.29106880

My voice is pretty distinctive.

>> No.29106881

>cumsharts identified as antis and reddit-tier HERfags on the daily
>m-muh doxxbeats tho!
the seethe is immense

>> No.29106886

making a contrived sentence in which the words i enunciate is the name of my previous channel, after which i zoom in my character model to take up the entire screen and stare at the viewer, repeating it

>> No.29106888

One typhoon wasn't enough.

>> No.29106890
File: 101 KB, 636x900, 1604385001740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cunny keeps me sane.

>> No.29106893
File: 288 KB, 463x453, NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I got in I don't fucking want them I abandon them the pregnant loli business is not booming dude

>> No.29106898

>Implying I have talent and a previous fanbase
Follow myself on Twitter

>> No.29106899

>previous fanbase

>> No.29106908

>How do you help your previous fanbase find you without doxxing yourself?
stay silent and work on changing my voice so it's near-impossible to tell
it'll make the inevitable doxx meltdown even more hilarious

>> No.29106922

Tiocfaidh ar lá!

>> No.29106926

Next thing you're going to tell me you didn't get into hololive

>> No.29106927
Quoted by: >>29106975

What's with Murica and Big Iron?

>> No.29106928
Quoted by: >>29107083


>> No.29106929

Have a four leaf clover in my character's hair that way this place know i'm here

>> No.29106931

Play a game or two that I previously streamed in a very similar way

>> No.29106934
Quoted by: >>29107005

This is why no one likes you guys

>> No.29106936

Abandon them, peace fuckers.

>> No.29106942

>changing your shitpost to mimic Reinesfag just for (You)s

>> No.29106945

My previous fanbase were unironic Nazis and alt-right, I don't think bringing them into Hololive would be good for either group

>> No.29106946

What are you even on about? Take your meds.

>> No.29106947
Quoted by: >>29106982

The fuck is that weird headboard.

>> No.29106949 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29106983

Whether it is or isn't is irrelevant. Why can't you just enjoy Gura? Why does everything have to circle back to being about HER? Are you a defective human being? Are you a fucking idiot? Does this look like a HER thread? Talk about GURA, not HER, or shut the FUCK up.

>> No.29106954

considering most posters are either NA or SEAniggers, they literally can't afford meds

>> No.29106955

>tfw I'd need to abandon my podcast to start my Holostar career

It's not fair bros.

>> No.29106967


>> No.29106968
File: 512 KB, 570x578, 1603688316287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My art style is insanely noticeable so it would be too late for me. I would be doxxed instantly.

>> No.29106972

What previous fanbase? I'm a literal who.

>> No.29106973
Quoted by: >>29107004

I'm sure your fan would understand.

>> No.29106974
Quoted by: >>29107011

>Previous fanbase

But assuming I did, I'll just make youtube playlists with a burner account tying my old and new videos.
This is exactly what Mori did

>> No.29106975

Don't you mean Big Eye-Ron?

>> No.29106979

>without doxxing yourself
Fuck that, I'm dropping my EPs right here, with a handful of pictures on top.

>> No.29106982

It's a girls, I don't know if it was posted before or after but I saw it on a cosplayer's twitter shortly after I saw it for the first time in one of the threads.

>> No.29106983
Quoted by: >>29107020

what the fuck are you talking about you absolute schizo, my first post about her was a reply to someone else mentioning herfags
take your meds

>> No.29106986

I legit wanna be a Holostar to sing as much as I want and not being criticized by anyone lol

>> No.29106987
Quoted by: >>29107022


>> No.29106988

Extremely based, thanks for this vocaroo anon

>> No.29106993
Quoted by: >>29107022

Super CEO.....

>> No.29106995

Just attempt to copy Suisei, you are westerner so you should be able to intimidate them in direct dialogue
Would require you to be vtuber for a while beforehand though

>> No.29106999


>> No.29107004

But my mom doesn't use YouTube how will she ever find me again :(

>> No.29107005
Quoted by: >>29107056

>thinks he's actually liked due to sharkmeido culling criticisms and constant hugboxing in the biggest group

>> No.29107011

Surely those were auto-generated

>> No.29107014

some lore that should give some context to the cat stuff in last minecraft stream

>> No.29107020
Quoted by: >>29107042

Then why the fuck did you reply to me shitting on HERfags?

>> No.29107022

Yeah, pretty much what happened to Nene. I would draw one thing and everyone would know who I was. No thanks.

>> No.29107024

Okay, this is based

>> No.29107040

my heart
i need to go hug my cat

>> No.29107042
Quoted by: >>29107060

seriously take your meds you are mentally unstable if you cant even understand that

>> No.29107046

Holy schizo

>> No.29107047

eternal cat rejection...

>> No.29107049
Quoted by: >>29107315

That's a big room

>> No.29107051

Nenechi would help me find a way.

>> No.29107055

Are you English if you speak English as your mother tongue?

>> No.29107056
File: 304 KB, 500x500, 1567254386863.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more doxxbeat. Everytime people are asked who the problem child is, it always goes to Mori and/or the doxxbrap community.

>> No.29107057
File: 804 KB, 800x1131, pls come back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go

>> No.29107060

I accept your concession.

>> No.29107061

My cat everytime i try to pet her.

>> No.29107071

Joke response aside, I'm pretty sure that it would be really hard for a previous fanbase to find me because my voice is unholy amounts of generic. I've been told I sound like probably 20 different white guy streamers or youtubers.

>> No.29107074

Making Remixes of my own music and "Collab with myself" but doing "Collabs with fans" to hide the real me

>> No.29107083


>> No.29107084
File: 1.14 MB, 707x1000, 1597662422631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29107086
File: 30 KB, 940x167, poi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29107152

>> No.29107088

This whole shithole containment thread is a problem

>> No.29107089

How long until we get to the next stream?

>> No.29107095

>previous fanbase

Play a game I'd have previously streamed, presuming I came from a streaming background where I played the exact same games I did previously, and said games' publishers gave permission.

>> No.29107109

Most of my previous followers were from tumblr, knowing this place, I wouldn't want them to find me and associate

>> No.29107115
Quoted by: >>29107585

>Ame played Apex with Aqua offstream
>Aqua is building a huge railway around the JP server
railway autism infects all, if we get Ame to play Factorio you will see Aqua and Suisei and half a dozen other JPs play it forever too

>> No.29107124
File: 61 KB, 240x240, aiharamai-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should Haachama cook next?

>> No.29107127

lol if you open the German article for that it a says something completely different.

>> No.29107128
Quoted by: >>29107177


>> No.29107133
Quoted by: >>29107170

>pay to watch
I would but no thanks.

>> No.29107139


>> No.29107141
Quoted by: >>29107170

I'm not paying to hear some dubious vocodex singing sorry

>> No.29107144


>> No.29107146

can you fuck off with the aloe posting? i hate to be reminded that im poor. thanks.

>> No.29107151

Bull's cock.

It's actually a food in Spain

>> No.29107152

now this is high-spec hornyposting

>> No.29107154

something edible

>> No.29107155

Is it fanbox only?

>> No.29107157
File: 223 KB, 1500x1000, vtubers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you help your previous fanbase find you without doxxing yourself?
YouTube-kun is going to recommend videos from my past self to those that watch my current one, and vice versa.

>> No.29107160
File: 302 KB, 427x381, 1605136646246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually fuck it, I'll just say nothing and keep drawing pregnant lolis on occasion. My audiences wouldn't overlap at all anyways.

>> No.29107163
File: 1020 KB, 1000x1475, 80795058_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder Moona is the best singer of Hololive

>> No.29107165
Quoted by: >>29107197

I sound exactly like that SovietWomble guy, which has been pointed out to me... multiple times.

So it would become an in joke almost instantly with those that know me, kind of like "I can't believe she got eaten by a shark..." jokes that fill the comment section on the videos of the retired drunk shitposter.

>> No.29107170

My post is obviously not meant for people who don't care bros, you're free to continue as you wish.

>> No.29107175

Who is that? she looks cute

>> No.29107177

super ceo extremely reatardead sorry

>> No.29107179

shaak soup

>> No.29107181

If i had fans and they know how i work, they would tell it's me by my dry humor
>do an action that my model can't replicate
>describe what i'm doing as if i'm reading a highly detailed greentext with my monotone ass voice
>Start off the stream with an "Ohayo Mina", but instead of ohayo i say some American state that isn't ohio
>make sure not to say the same state twice and to skip California before ending it with Ohio on the 49th stream

>> No.29107197

Zeb? Is that you?!

>> No.29107202

Inside jokes and references that only faggots from a certain obscure circle will know.
Although not happening since that obscure circle isn't really into Hololive/Vtubers. I think.

>> No.29107209


>> No.29107212
Quoted by: >>29107243

a shrimp on the barbie

>> No.29107214
File: 126 KB, 413x431, 202011131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just noticed the takamori wallpaper on mori's new room

>> No.29107220

i'm sure all three of the people who watch my coding demos and simracing hotlaps will have no trouble finding my new chuuba persona

>> No.29107229
File: 259 KB, 1200x1694, EmstolGUwAAAYRB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29107357


>> No.29107233
File: 905 KB, 966x1401, 203815338.50500003_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29107234


>> No.29107243

>Haachama might actually use a Barbie doll

>> No.29107261

I love you anon, take my (You)

>> No.29107262
Quoted by: >>29107534

the only one seething is you for being called out, cumshart

>> No.29107264
File: 434 KB, 1200x1200, Aloe Unravel - pixiv: 84833541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29107279

Dead hours... I guess I should just sleep. Anything interesting happening between now and Ame Minecraft?

>> No.29107280
Quoted by: >>29107305


>> No.29107288

Underrated af

>> No.29107289
Quoted by: >>29108036

Meringue, it would be marvelous to see her struggle to crack open a bunch of eggs and separate the yolk

>> No.29107290

That's actually a really cute detail and enhances the tsundere dynamic

>> No.29107291
File: 1.48 MB, 1936x1500, Ekhy3iwVcAAOOgQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29107437

The fuck are you talking about, dude? It's a solo pic of Mori.

>> No.29107299

Wtf? She's fucking good
Last time I saw her doing karaoke chumflakes were saying her singing was shit and I didn't bother checking it out myself

>> No.29107305

CEO of SEX is back, I am so happy

>> No.29107309

She sounds so happy bros... My heart...

>> No.29107315

4 u

>> No.29107319
File: 821 KB, 1216x552, 1604163925392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i get it accurately or nah

>> No.29107321
File: 29 KB, 739x415, images-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any game thay might if any Holo plays it on streaming but may be impossible because of copyright?.

I want Amelia to play Bioshock or S. T. A. L. K. E. R so bad

>> No.29107322


>> No.29107324

Why did she chose THAT song as first??? I am already broken not like this...

>> No.29107326

I think Mori mentioned that they want to make a show of it since they're playing that Bomb Diffusal simulator where they'd have rounds where they can only speak in English and rounds where they can only speak in 日本語.

>> No.29107329


>> No.29107335

Well I wouldn't really be changing up my content, so I would assume it'd happen fairly naturally over time. I'd most likely have a wider reach by default just by being associated with Hololive.
>without doxxing yourself?
I think you have to come to terms with the fact that this is most likely going to happen at some point.

>> No.29107336
Quoted by: >>29107375

chumbuds were shitting on Suisei when her outfit reveal uta shown more skill and soul than every single Gura karaoke, it's just their thing

>> No.29107338


>> No.29107343

Polka is not human, she's 1/4th fennec fox, so I guess her granddad fucked a woodland creature?

>> No.29107356

Like half of this is wrong.

>> No.29107357

she's an honorary EN now, right? I can post all my Suisei x Mori fanfics now, right?

>> No.29107359

Polka is a Fennec, so an animal.

>> No.29107361

It looks like she lives in a mansion, Jesus fuck.

>> No.29107362
Quoted by: >>29107422


>> No.29107369

you fucked up

>> No.29107375

To be fair Suisei has such obsessive antis they put the Mori antis to shame, it might not be all chumflakes

>> No.29107382

Do it, let it rip

>> No.29107384



>vampires, angels, robots, demons, anthropomorphic personifications

>> No.29107386

This $5 better be worth it you Δ fucks.

>> No.29107392
File: 367 KB, 1366x768, end_of_the_line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29107398
File: 16 KB, 125x84, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29107401
File: 238 KB, 1440x1189, 125324724_375290110192431_8100644276115652619_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29107399

All those dead Chiaman on there aren't human, they're bugs.

>> No.29107402


>> No.29107400
File: 89 KB, 680x960, 69c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy synthesizer , my heart

>> No.29107414

Dare I say, this is based.

>> No.29107418

Towa please have mercy...

>> No.29107422

I can't believe we don't have dedicated raiders on this site

>> No.29107425
Quoted by: >>29107450

>Mio getting 14k viewers in her Sakuna stream.
Can it really be considered a debuff game if you can get more viewers than a suisei tetris stream?

>> No.29107423

Ina said she's planning a Bioshock stream.

>> No.29107427
Quoted by: >>29107607

No. She doesn't understand English. Didn't you see Among Us collab?

>> No.29107430
Quoted by: >>29107474

nice thumbnail fag

>> No.29107431
Quoted by: >>29107474

ants etc.

>> No.29107435
File: 19 KB, 859x348, 1605205175585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29107474


>> No.29107436

Which uploader has the best audio quality for karaoke songs on yt? Hololive sings had some real bad quality uploads in the past.

>> No.29107437

Takamori niggas be delusional

>> No.29107439


>> No.29107444
Quoted by: >>29107474

Stop breaking containment, ant.

>> No.29107450
Quoted by: >>29107484

I'm starting to think Kiara is the debuff herself...

>> No.29107451


>> No.29107457
File: 378 KB, 811x439, oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awesome, I'm listening the music on the background and it fits great

>> No.29107474
File: 499 KB, 1080x727, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29107483
File: 271 KB, 1448x2048, EmqnV-xVkAEXArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29107484

No, surely it's the games she plays that's the issue. There's no way she's the least subscribed and watched EN because of her personality, voice, and/or design.

>> No.29107486

oh man, any of the girls playing stalker would be great.

>> No.29107496

>actually being a jack of all trades was preferred for most of human history until the current age of hyperspecialization kicked off because anyone that isn't a specialist can be replaced
This is factually wrong. Specialization is a consequence of neolithic revolution. People always have some baseline knowledge that is useful in everyone's live, but society is driven by specialists. Come to think of it, we are at this weird point of history that great number of non-specialist jobs due to service focused economy (retail, customer service etc.)

>> No.29107501

>Iofi is an alien.
>Lamy is an elf.
>RBC and Aki are cyborgs.
>Towa is a demon.
So and so forth.
The Not Human section is accurate for what's inside of it, at least.

>> No.29107505

Wheres the stream? Apparently it's password protected?

>> No.29107507

/ck/ nightmare related

>> No.29107510

>sharing/hlgg/ posts on twitter
I hope you don't do this

>> No.29107511
Quoted by: >>29107547

The controls in Sakuna look kind of fucked. You can only do ground combos if your stick is neutral, otherwise if you hold forward to move close to the enemy you can only do this single hit lunge. The fuck?

>> No.29107515

i really like this image

>> No.29107517
Quoted by: >>29107614

>Watchama = Haachama
>Kiara = Shuba
>Mori = Korone
>Ina = ?
>Gura = ?

I'm worried that no JP would collab with a KR

>> No.29107520

Did atria really?

>> No.29107522
Quoted by: >>29107563

Ina is human and has said so many times.

>> No.29107534

can you 2 fucking retards just shut up? Just stop or get your meds

>> No.29107536

Your "human" tier has:
>2 elves
>1 vampire
>1 angel
>1 unicorn
>1 elemental
>1 alien
>1 whatever the fuck doris is
>1 robot
>1 reaper
>1 demon
>probably more (i don't know what AZKi, moona, and the unmentioned chinks are)
How do you fuck this up?

>> No.29107540


>> No.29107541
Quoted by: >>29107679

Moona is a planetoid.

>> No.29107544
File: 1.12 MB, 2597x2597, EmqndBNVkAEi7He.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29107587

>gonna go to sleep in a few hours and wake up to another artificial meltdown in /hlgg/
Feels whatever at this point.

>> No.29107547
Quoted by: >>29107605

neutral combos sounds fine to me, at least it's better than "spam a to combo"

>> No.29107551

Suisei is a beast at tetris huh.

>> No.29107552
Quoted by: >>29107569

If I may have your attention please. FUCK T-spins

>> No.29107559

Lamy is a yuki onna though, right?

>> No.29107563
File: 434 KB, 2032x2120, tentamilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is lying. She just doesn't want you to try and drink that sweet, sweet tentamilk.

>> No.29107566
File: 125 KB, 1680x924, IMG_20201113_121629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning

>> No.29107569


>> No.29107575

I understand not everyone likes her. But it is kinda unfortunate that the one who cares about numbers is the one with least numbers. You could argue though that due to her obession she is last.

>> No.29107578

Lamy is a quarter-elf

>> No.29107581
File: 431 KB, 691x691, 1600706396961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't bother simply clicking on a fucking video because people said so
You deserve all the good things you miss in life you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.29107585

Factorio is extremely addicting, if you don't get filtered in the first 30 minutes you're guaranteed to play for +500 hours desu

The dopamine you get from setting up new production lines is insane

>> No.29107587
Quoted by: >>29107643

Is line art a meme? Can I just not learn it and draw over my sketch?

>> No.29107591

>>probably more (i don't know what AZKi, moona, and the unmentioned chinks are)

All chinks are bugs. Maybe bug unicorn and other retarded shit but yeah.

>> No.29107592

Azki is human with advanced technology, Moona is a human who was turned into a moon goddess by the moon

>> No.29107602

So, how was Guraoke?

>> No.29107603

my fingers are already itching to shitpost about the podcast

>> No.29107605

It's clunky. You need to come to a full stop if you want to hit the enemy after approaching them without doing a slow lunge with 6 years of recovery.

>> No.29107607

If I tell all my family members that I speak Japanese at reunions then she speaks English

>> No.29107614

Ina - Nene would be fun and Nene's english would be more than capable of carrying even a 66 minute collab.

>> No.29107620

Shit she saw me looking at Nene's stream.


>> No.29107624

In other words, a very dangerous game for Amelia to play.

>> No.29107631

it was like this:

>> No.29107632

It's also insanely boring to watch, even if it can be fun to play.

>> No.29107633

She is an angel actually

>> No.29107634

Pretty good.

>> No.29107638

I have 1700 hours, only Hololive has been able to break me away from it and that's literally only because I don't have a second monitor to play and watch streams at the same time

>> No.29107642


>> No.29107643
File: 466 KB, 1448x2048, Eml22yIVMAAKSvU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, I don't have an artistic bone in my body so I can't even begin to answer your question. All I look for in art is that it's nice to look at. Everything else just flies over my head.

>> No.29107649

>2 angels
>0 demon

>> No.29107652

You misspelled whore.

>> No.29107655

He is in here Polka! The Anon cheating on you is hiding here!

>> No.29107656


>> No.29107660

>posting this shit with topsis following you and will like most vtuber related tweet you post
get out and stay out

>> No.29107661


>> No.29107668
Quoted by: >>29108138

Are you stupid? Specialization has always existed but thought out human history it generally flourishes in cities because there are a large amount of non specialists who can support them. There has always been less specialists.

>> No.29107669

are you even trying?

>> No.29107672
File: 1.06 MB, 1041x1080, friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Talking about an indie here
>Her stream is private on top of this
I like her but fuck off please

>> No.29107679


Probably. I'm not really aware of their lore and went mostly off of their character designs.

>> No.29107690

How do we make Kiara popular boys? What does she have to do to get the numbers she so desperately desires?

>> No.29107693


>> No.29107694
File: 982 KB, 1000x1415, smc08h0dehq51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna go cunnypost in my dreams. Don't explode deadbeats, antis go die.

>> No.29107696
Quoted by: >>29107733

I wish we had Suisei-level game autism in EN.

>> No.29107705

What always surprises me is the fact that although Mori gets a good amount of art every day she gets barely any porn, seriously considering she gets new pics every day you'd expect a lewd or two here and there considering her looks, but no

>> No.29107706
Quoted by: >>29107821

So far I have watched Kiara, Astel, and Mio plant seeds

Only Astel did it in a way that satisfied my autism

I wish I was gay, it's so frustrating liking women

>> No.29107711

Maybe if you had defended her properly she wouldn't be an indie right now, Friend.

>> No.29107723

She will be fine. She just needs to stop being a numberfag.

>> No.29107727

Masturbation ASMR

>> No.29107732
Quoted by: >>29107854

I just woke up and knew about the collab. Did /hlg/ go on meltdown already or nothingburger

>> No.29107733

We do, but only rhythm games that gura can't play

>> No.29107738

How does one even find this private stream? Fanbox membership?

>> No.29107740

At what time does the podcast clips release on patreon? To know at what point i can leave the thread for the next day or so

>> No.29107744

Checking Gura karaoke unarchived archive now and I have to admit it's a bit underwhelming, I guess the audio being too loud ruined it a bit

>> No.29107747

Tbdesu I think it would be better if she got rid of her obsession with numbers and appreciate the loyal fanbase she has. Gura's chat for one is unusable.

>> No.29107750
Quoted by: >>29107779

Speaking of Friend, what the fuck is happening with her stream right now, who is that supposed to be playing?

>> No.29107751
File: 47 KB, 487x487, 1448240098081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame is my most favorite EN
>Mori is my 2nd most favorite EN
>both fanbases keep throwing shit at each other.
what do I do..........

>> No.29107758

Stream Minecraft at like 4am JST.

>> No.29107762

Its really hard to lewd a high anxiety dork.

>> No.29107765

Could've been worse; Mori could've made an official lewd art tag only to have it ruined by redditors with their stupid jokes. I will NEVER forgive those retards for destroying Ame's lewd art tag.

>> No.29107767
File: 148 KB, 398x379, gurasling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

embrace cumshartery

>> No.29107769

How is a reaper a mere human?

>> No.29107771


>> No.29107776

I appreciate it when people at least put enough effort into these to make it actually fit the rhyme scheme, nice job anon.

>> No.29107777

Pick a side, coward.

>> No.29107779

Friend is having a "no cam" day I guess? Idk

>> No.29107780

Don't get involved. Just sit back and watch.

>> No.29107782

yes and none of these faggots are restreaming it

>> No.29107783

Ignore the schizos. Is it really that hard?

>> No.29107785

People with high-paying jobs aren't cumbrains. Simple as.

>> No.29107787
File: 516 KB, 1899x1007, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright bros I've never sculpted feet before but something is telling me that I'm going in the wrong direction

>> No.29107790

Ame and especially Gura hog all the EN lewds.

>> No.29107793

choose your oshi, spineless brat

>> No.29107794

Ignore fandom. Fandoms are retarded and filled with little children that want to fight for no reason and also women

>> No.29107800

don't engage. Is it really that hard?

>> No.29107803
File: 143 KB, 397x450, 1604147567649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the deadmate pill

>> No.29107805
Quoted by: >>29107921

Either ignore or sides on the falseflag deadbeats side, since ame has like 10x more fans here

>> No.29107806

Here's the thing. She IS popular. She's complaining that 10k viewers is meh. She's complaining about only getting 400k subs in two months.She's one of the biggest SC earners in Hololive. For comparison's sake, Choco has been in Hololive for more than 2 years. She just hit 400k today. Her streams barely hit 2k viewers. She earns 10 times less SCs. Kiara can fuck off, she's doing really good.

>> No.29107809

Realize that it's an artificial conflict enflamed by retards with no stake in either fanbase and stop caring.

>> No.29107811

It's treerat fault for being passive aggressive about muh senpai and not utilize her English even if it's an ESL while Mori make it because she get straight to the point.

>> No.29107812

Left foot looks like it has gout.

>> No.29107813

Don't let shitposting and falseflagging ruin it for you bro, we don't really hate each other, teammates are cool

>> No.29107814

She wants numbers but doesn't realise how good of a chat and group she has

>> No.29107815

Nijiniggers have no mercy. They'll shit on her and all of her friends just to assert their "dominance"

>> No.29107818
Quoted by: >>29107881

Because your "boy" is not sexy.

>> No.29107820

your oshi announces next week she will start playing a game on stream that you also wanted to play, eventually...
how do you decide whether you'll play it yourself first or just have your first (and only?) experience of it be the stream?

>> No.29107821

Not a guy thing.

>> No.29107834

these look fine other than being ugly as fuck, but most feet are ugly as fuck so well done there buddy

>> No.29107841
File: 32 KB, 368x315, 20201113_062926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29107866

>> No.29107845

I think that Lamy is the perfect girl.

>> No.29107847

Stop fucking comparing holoEN's to JP's. There's like 125m people living in Japan vs 50000000 quadrillion Amerifats.

>> No.29107851

She talks to chat like a pre-school teacher. Only fan art you're gonna get is really fucking weird shit, which is more rare.

>> No.29107853
File: 195 KB, 1436x1440, watson smug4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quickly marathon the game so I can backseat her.

>> No.29107854

Since when does /hlg/ care about Korone?

>> No.29107858
Quoted by: >>29107922

All toes except your big toe actually have three knuckles, just like your fingers.

>> No.29107862
Quoted by: >>29108003

Well yeah duh anon we fucking know that. I'm asking how does she get what she thinks she wants? The terrible chat and bloated numbers.

>> No.29107866
File: 50 KB, 479x577, 20201113_062910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29108001


>> No.29107870
Quoted by: >>29107893

Is that fucking Yuki?

>> No.29107874

Dude not even fucking close.

>> No.29107878

Okay let's compare them to other English-speaking vtubers...

>> No.29107881

so since most of the fan art is cool, are you saying our boy is cool?

>> No.29107888
Quoted by: >>29107958

They care about her enough during 1M numberfagging

>> No.29107891

oh shit nigger what the fuck are you doing

>> No.29107893

Yes Top Sis liked it

>> No.29107895

>falling for falseflaggers

>> No.29107897

Chumbuddies were also saying that Gura unironically puts Broadway to shame with her godly talent. You should not take everything they say seriously.

>> No.29107903
File: 848 KB, 1473x1260, 1603921258437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29107996

So wait a minute, are we gonna get another karaoke today in the membership stream? Or was that vote for the karaoke stream earlier today? If so, then what's the membership stream gonna be?
pls answer chumbudchadbros

>> No.29107908

numberfag for both

>> No.29107911
File: 89 KB, 1223x1093, 1601534799415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29108030

You guys ARE going to watch Shion's return with Gura soon right?

>> No.29107917

She's still more popular than pretty much every EN vtuber out there outside of her own genmates

>> No.29107918

/our jew/

>> No.29107921
Quoted by: >>29107962

what sentence even is this? What are you trying to say

>> No.29107922
Quoted by: >>29107992

wtf it's true??

>> No.29107923
Quoted by: >>29107985

Kiss From a Rose always immediately reminds me of Batman Forever. I listened to that soundtrack too much.

>> No.29107927

Toes look too small.

>> No.29107928

feet are not pyramids

>> No.29107929

Holy shit

>> No.29107935

this dude is just retarded though so

>> No.29107940

Why bother when you can just fap to the streams if you're into her sexually.

>> No.29107944

they think Korone is the first 'legitimate' 1M and that she'd never work with HoloEN due to nip autism

Mori is blowing their asses out harder than she does to /hlgg/ on weekly basis

>> No.29107946
Quoted by: >>29108048

What? There's literally no one else to compare her to because she would destroy them. At least holoJP has competitive numbers.

>> No.29107957

>you'll play it yourself first
Anon I'm from /v/, I don't play video games, I shit on them on image forums and then watch anime girls play

>> No.29107958

Will they still care after her next collabs?
I saw some of them seething after the announcement.

>> No.29107962
Quoted by: >>29108032

He prob meant
>Either ignore (the conflict) or side with deadbeats (most "deadbeats" involving in it are obvious falseflags), since ame has 10x more fans in this thread.

>> No.29107965

Mori is about to spread the asscheeks of both threads in a few hours.

>> No.29107975

The line formed by the toetips is usually more of a curve than a straight one, other than that these seem fine

>> No.29107981

I'd probably never actually get around to playing it, so I'd watch

>> No.29107985


>> No.29107988

Mori's five foot scythe...

>> No.29107990

Do we have a specific time? I need to go do my reps but I don't want to miss the shitshow.

>> No.29107991
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, 1565528365101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori JP collab on the 27th
>Lulu comes back on the 28th
Two more weeks. I can wait.

>> No.29107992

secrets of a footfag. big toe = thumb mechanically, it's just not opposed to the other digits like it is on a hand.

>> No.29107996

No confirmation or hint of anything. Poll was definitely for membership. Assumption is probably karaoke since it won the poll.

>> No.29107997

Where did Gawr's bread go?

>> No.29108001


>> No.29108003
Quoted by: >>29108021

Fuck if I know. It's all in her head. Maybe she needs to talk to someone about it, like Coco did for Watame.

>> No.29108007

other than honorific it's just schizoing

>> No.29108010

Top sis?

>> No.29108011
File: 555 KB, 600x379, 1602129393957.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it, /hlgg/ has peaked.

>> No.29108021
Quoted by: >>29108049

Watame had the same issue? Mind explaining?

>> No.29108024
Quoted by: >>29108138

nah, for most of human history everyone that wasn't the top 20% of the society was a farmer and as a farmer they needed to know a shitload of different tidbits, from crop handling, animal husbandry, treating injuries, food prep, carpentry etc. etc.

strict specialists become more and more relevant as cities and global trade increase in importance, which is honestly relatively recent

>> No.29108025

I think it's the timeslot. She was up against a stacked JP stream and did really well considering some of the more established names she was streaming against. Compare that to Ina's Hades stream where she was streaming in a slot uncontested with other holos.

>> No.29108028
Quoted by: >>29108086

does she even understand the screencap? Or who's she liking?

>> No.29108030
File: 605 KB, 3097x3917, 1588459195401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29108032
Quoted by: >>29108046

Ah I honestly couldn't tell if he was an anti having an ESL moment

>> No.29108036

she's allergic to eggs i think

>> No.29108046
File: 25 KB, 400x285, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29108048

holoEN can only be compared to holoEN
Everyone elses circumstances are totally different and outside their control
This isn't hard to understand.
When the circumstances are the same, only then can you make numberfag comparisons about someone being bigger or smaller because of what THEY do and how THEY present themselves, not fucking "hurrr i happened to be born in a gigantic country and speak the world language and got picked up by the big vtubing company"

Nobody gives a shit if some shitty ass indie pinoy only has 10 viewers. The situations aren't comparable at all. This is like getting paid less than a co-worker at your job and getting the response "durrr think about the poor africans who only earn a penny a day"

>> No.29108049

Watame was "complaining" that she did more work than Kanata and yet got lower numbers than her.

>> No.29108056
File: 99 KB, 1000x1000, 1603498296097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up.

What've I missed?

>> No.29108061

man, if I didn't believe all of the g*gguk watcherbase was already here, I'd laugh if this soared Mori to the 4th 1M holo
kinda hoping it happens if only for the number 4 autism

>> No.29108064

I missed the mori stream
Did she confirm the podcast or what?

>> No.29108071
File: 190 KB, 1280x720, 1596671068108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need another controversy to make hololive popular again

>> No.29108072
File: 385 KB, 1748x2070, 20201113_064000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29108123

Ponytail Ame.

>> No.29108078 [DELETED] 
File: 954 KB, 2561x1438, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Love to see that Se..... Gura decide to sing Country Roads in Japanese instead. Take a look at the comments in the background.

>> No.29108079
Quoted by: >>29108159

no, she tore /hlg/ a new one instead

>> No.29108086

She did liked Mori's dead RRats post and many reply to Gura's post singing stream post

>> No.29108094
File: 74 KB, 373x380, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course they don't, aside from dog fucking and numberfaggotry.
Korone belongs to us SAchads.

>> No.29108095
Quoted by: >>29108239

Didn't even mention it, instead made /hlg/ seethe by announcing the Korone collab.

>> No.29108098

This is the problem, HoloEN are a whole order of magnitude more successful that HoloJP so the only idols they can compare themselves with that makes any sense are the 5 in that group. Gura's success has skewed the numbers on an already outperforming clique even more so the only thing the other four can aim for is that single individual. On their own HoloMyth are in the stratosphere, it's just that Gura is halfway to the moon.

>> No.29108103

How long were you asleep? Gura's karaoke was great and Mori has a great week coming up, also announced a collab with Korone.

>> No.29108111

Mori had a good stream bro, go check it out

>> No.29108112
Quoted by: >>29108159

she confirmed that AND a Korone collab on 27th

>> No.29108117

She hinted at it.

>> No.29108119

Man it's been a while I've not been that happy, things has been great lately

>> No.29108123

>Ponytail Ame.

>> No.29108125

Wait until the 25th.

>> No.29108128

the reclining is real

>> No.29108131
File: 198 KB, 891x808, ss+(2020-11-12+at+08.01.04).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anything new get announced in the last 48 hours? Getting real tired of the "I got something HUGE planned but I won't tell you faggots haha" spiel these girls have been doing non-stop for the last couple weeks.

>> No.29108134

She alluded to it, but it has basically been confirmed last week with that screencap.

>> No.29108138

being a farmer is also specialization
being a burger flipper, cashier or call center worker isn't

>> No.29108143
Quoted by: >>29108166

wait like 8 hours

>> No.29108145
Quoted by: >>29108221

How did you miss the Korone/Mori collab?

>> No.29108154
Quoted by: >>29108256

Did Kiara seem legit mad about Ame playing chess with Gura? She sounded like she really wanted it to be their thing and she took that away by playing Gura.

>> No.29108156


>> No.29108157

dude.. i saw her acapella and this one, fuck shes good hey.

>> No.29108159
File: 20 KB, 399x399, 1595719420938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29108160

It was more nuanced than that. She mostly just wanted to give up on doing her earlier morning streams

No we don't

>> No.29108166

only in the local schizos' mind

>> No.29108168
File: 2.54 MB, 1950x3200, 1602831744449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Polka thinks she's super cute
>Nene thinks she's super cute and was practically her toady in the last Among Us collab
>Pekora started counting off her blocks in English after watching her railway construction
>Rushia DM'd her on Twitter because she's super cute
>she was the first EN Haachama reached out to for a collab and they're collabing again two weeks later, even says she's like an older sister
>RBC reached out to her for a collab and it was unexpectedly good despite the language barrier
>Aqua played Apex with her offstream and they promised each other they'd do their reps so they can collab in the future
How does she do it?

>> No.29108171
File: 247 KB, 312x380, 1516453490904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting a thread screencap onto twitter
do twitterspergs really?

>> No.29108173
File: 126 KB, 750x1000, 20201113_043125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day, another time to tell how much I love Polka, I need to sleep, I once had a dream that I got a gf like Korone for some reason.

>> No.29108175

>Did anything new get announced in the last 48 hours?
yes, but i won't tell you, faggot.

>> No.29108177

She doesn't need numbers. She needs to hear that she fills a desired niche and earned her place in Hololive. Numberfagging is just her being insecure about her place in Hololive.

>> No.29108186
File: 1.17 MB, 2894x4093, 1604964982496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give half a fuck about deadbeats and their oshi.
All that matters to me is that Ame's happiness is intact, and by extension the happiness of the others in service to her happiness. I won't be shitposting about this fucking catastrophe, but she's brought anything she gets upon herself. She should know better. If you're reading this Mori, practice some self restraint please, at least for the other girls. Be more subtle about your ambitions.
That said, shitposters and schitzos should kill themselves.

>> No.29108197

By being super cute?

>> No.29108199

Numberfags are always falseflagger and nobody who actually watches Korone would believe that she wouldn't collab with EN given the chance. She is too autistic for collabs but she is also the 2nd biggest westaboo in Hololive.

>> No.29108201

Oh youtube put this as the next video for Ame's Q&A stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziIbuBaPRf4

>> No.29108202
Quoted by: >>29108354

>burger flipper that does burger flipping all day and gets good at burger flipping solely isn't a specialist
>small farmer that gets decently good but not great at variety of stuff necessary to keep himself alive is a specialist

>> No.29108208
Quoted by: >>29108230

She's being carried by her design because JOPs fucking love the idea of blue eyed blondes.

>> No.29108210
Quoted by: >>29108339

>Pekora started counting off her blocks in English after watching her railway construction
Do you have a clip of that? Sounds pretty cute

>> No.29108216

What the fuck is that size disgusting.

>> No.29108218

She announced a korone collab then said "there might be another collab coming closer than you think, keep an eye on Twitter" which is basically the podcast

>> No.29108221

>no Suisei collab
>it's just dog

>> No.29108222

Ame is happy about the podcast because she would love to chat with Gigguk herself

>> No.29108225
File: 494 KB, 2974x2700, All American Badass [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fa4fktk.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes the protagonist. What do you expect?

>> No.29108228
Quoted by: >>29108261

She started streaming because she wanted to connect with people and have fun.
Then the Twitch trenches turned her into a gremlin. Now she's returning to her roots.

>> No.29108230


>> No.29108232

I like Ame's jacket, I want one like it...

>> No.29108237
Quoted by: >>29108354

Being a farmer in the Neolithic era up to the middle ages isn't a specialization. Its someone easily replaceable. Its hard physical work but its not at all complex

>> No.29108239

Wrong, she said that there will be another "special" collab.

>> No.29108240


>> No.29108247
File: 929 KB, 264x320, 1505483163053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate Mori for doing it. I hate the fucking spergs running the podcast and their legion of retarded redditors. Just fucking spam the word nigger to keep them out

>> No.29108248
Quoted by: >>29108320

Random question, how would Kiara react if Mori gets a Pekora collab before she does

>> No.29108251
File: 375 KB, 1944x1296, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29108284

toes are kinda small and not long enough. all the toes except the big one should look like "stairs" and face down. the foot shape is fine imo

>> No.29108253
File: 37 KB, 400x400, a79d4af34e2cbae392aea9b7cabd7a3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When do you think will Gura reveal her spongebob powerlevel?

>> No.29108255
Quoted by: >>29108296

Damn, Suisei is pretty good at Tetris.
Now that makes me question. Will we get a decent gamer for EN Gen 2?

>> No.29108256

No!! And take your meds.
I have seen you ask the same question with the same text yesterday.

>> No.29108259

Ame was especially cute on those days (all of them)

>> No.29108261

Gremlin Amelia isn't the true Amelia.

>> No.29108264

she did note her song collabs are with three different JPs tho, so the chance is still there. she doesn't expect them to come out this year though.

>> No.29108266

Chumbuds are the only fanbase that would merit antis, they (some of them, a minority) are consitently terrible to every other girl and shit up the thread whenever anything ""bad"" happens to their oshi.
Gura doesnt deserve you faggots.

>> No.29108267

Those are Nutrias, they hang around rivers

>> No.29108269


>> No.29108270

Maybe, but she's not dumb enough to do it, at least before someone else takes the first hit.

>> No.29108273

Someone should make the chicken watch this.

>> No.29108285
File: 1.34 MB, 1215x1500, 1598278003211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we'll never get a Suisei&Mori collab where they talk about their lust for shotas
why must god be so cruel

>> No.29108284
Quoted by: >>29108371

Do you have this as a sculpting reference or as foot fetish material?

>> No.29108286

This is true.

>> No.29108288
File: 5 KB, 233x58, 1602617269624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29108291

>she doesn't expect them to come out this year though.
Jesus fucking christ Mori

>> No.29108296

Suisei gets good at game she likes...
wait a second...

>> No.29108306

Amelia has already played off someone asking her about MoonMoon. She wants to distance herself from those kind of people.

>> No.29108309
Quoted by: >>29108328

Is Kiara going to offline collab with marine still?

>> No.29108311
File: 254 KB, 490x490, 1602513184884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell man.
I just finished my whack-a-mole session, don't do this to me.

>> No.29108313
Quoted by: >>29108361

That's not even what she said but I guess shitposts on 4chan are more believable than actually watching the vod

>> No.29108315

I'm going to post cunny.

>> No.29108317

dude, there's barely two months left in this year, look how long it usually takes for other girls to drop a single cover

>> No.29108320

I don't think anyone in HoloEN is quite that tone deaf as to do that, unless they're doing some kind of bit.

>> No.29108321

Never say never, anon

>> No.29108324
Quoted by: >>29108437

are you retarded? Doxing was always against the rules and for a good reason. The most probable reason to why meido didn't act out immediately for 30 minutes because no one has fucking reported it

>> No.29108328
Quoted by: >>29108378

HoloJP right avoid off collab with Kiara because Subaru accident

>> No.29108338

>Do you know or are you a fan of moonmoon
>Do you mean Moona?

>> No.29108339


>> No.29108340

Can someone explain why in the last several years all Japanese artists have started drawing stink clouds in their lewds?

>> No.29108342

>pretending amelia is smart
and I thought I was delusional about my oshi

>> No.29108343

10 minutes till my shift starts, why did you have to post this picture anon...

>> No.29108345

Shotacon ja nai

>> No.29108354
Quoted by: >>29108407

learn history and don't waste posts

>> No.29108359

following them on Twitter is hardly distancing
the thing saving you guys is the fact that she's literally the furthest she could possibly be from them

>> No.29108361

Mori makes people in this thread retarded

>> No.29108364
File: 1.11 MB, 990x720, 1604228707800.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29108413

>a few stupid cunts from a pool of more than a million people
>somehow represents the entire fanbase, especially the anons here
There's no way you're not a falseflagger, no one can be this retarded.

>> No.29108366
File: 341 KB, 1029x658, 1604991502211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Boondock Saints is not on Netflix

>> No.29108371

that's from my drawing ref. my actual feet fetish file has over 700 pics

>> No.29108373

Thanks, can confirm it is indeed cute

>> No.29108378

They won't, she litterally met up with Marine in public right after. Its a shitty 5ch narrative with no proof.

>> No.29108383

lmfao the noises at 6:35

>> No.29108384
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1528741697148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori Calliope is a character owned by Cover and Trash Taste is a podcast owned by Kadokawa. Do you actually believe that shilling Hololive is something they decided to do after exchanging words on twitter and not something that was arranged by management well in advance? I swear, some people here are more than just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.29108386
Quoted by: >>29108412

>stink clouds
It's steam, makes the image look hot (literally)

>> No.29108388
Quoted by: >>29108438

>Aloe is streaming
>Have 0 fucking idea where her roommate's account is

Time to die.

>> No.29108396

they try to appeal to as many degenerates as possible

>> No.29108398

just arr it bro

>> No.29108406

>Gura did Big Iron
What the fuck.

>> No.29108407

You're a fool if you think the peasants/serfs of the middle ages were specialized and farmers before them certainly weren't either

>> No.29108412

Human beings do not emit steam clouds, they're not Titans

>> No.29108413
File: 26 KB, 846x127, 1604940455179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29108492

>i-it's just a few!
These very threads prove you wrong on a near-daily basis but okay.

>> No.29108419
Quoted by: >>29108464

Are you English by any chance?

>> No.29108427
File: 205 KB, 1280x1380, 1600170850666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm four minutes into Mori's date stream and the cringekino levels are already reaching critical mass. How does our boy do it?

>> No.29108432
File: 48 KB, 627x205, 1_free_sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice

>> No.29108433
File: 490 KB, 220x172, ayame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29108437

>The most probable reason to why meido didn't act out immediately for 30 minutes because no one has fucking reported it
not surprising after the warning spree

>> No.29108438

its literally in her twitter bio. dont tell me you dont follow her you fake fan

>> No.29108442

You've seen nothing yet. NOTHING.

>> No.29108443
File: 101 KB, 1416x1416, 1604741112554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29108481

im still thinking about how hard i shivered when i heard country roads last night
it was like my whole body had anticipated it since the members karaoke

>> No.29108454

Yarr har fiddle dee dee

>> No.29108455
File: 105 KB, 1304x217, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought holos had to stream for an hour minimum.

>> No.29108457

She calls her Wato-chan. How cute.

>> No.29108458

Yes, they they do not, and that's what makes it seem so degenerate
Just fucking imagine what has to go on for a human being to steam up like that

>> No.29108460

It's art, exaggeration is the point of it.
I don't know, I never saw those as "stink clouds" and still can't even after reading that sentence.

>> No.29108461
File: 54 KB, 680x475, 1598536041881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to lewdpost.

>> No.29108462

keep watching. it gets better after the arcade.

>> No.29108464
File: 123 KB, 567x343, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29108467

wait what

>> No.29108469

Panty Roti

>> No.29108475

>he missed the 6 minute mori date stream

>> No.29108477

Gura+Ame are 'forgiven' for not treating sora like a heavenly goddess because they're baka gaijin that dont know better. They have no impact.
Kiara and Mori speak japanese so they're supposed to use honorifics, and Kiara does because she's a massive idolfag.
My greatest hope is that Mori's seething hate for anything keigo results in Sora being seen as a friend by the rest of hololive, when Mori and Sora become friends and Mori insists on bringing her along to every JP collab and calls her Sora-chan and the rest of JP have to follow suit.

>> No.29108478

Since we are in dead hours there's a karaoke by a literal who

>> No.29108479

Suisei does whatever she want

>> No.29108481

Same but for Jazz circulation
Lowkey wondered what kind of shitstorm would happen if she did Everybody's Circulation

Anon read the title

>> No.29108485

>only four minutes in
Oh boy, make sure you strap yourself in.

>> No.29108487

>If I finish lower than 15th, the stream ends

>> No.29108492

>a literal fucking redditor
You need to go back.

>> No.29108515
File: 358 KB, 1574x842, 1583372903795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29108526
Quoted by: >>29108830

Her english seems super easy for JOPs to understand for some reason even though she doesn't speak super slowly like Mori.

>> No.29108527

I've been kicked out of two all-you-can-eat (although one of them was a domino's) and I look like a twig.

>> No.29108530

Is she Aqua's sister?

>> No.29108536

>inb4 "clap clap"
the vod is privated

>> No.29108538

you thought wrong

>> No.29108539
File: 118 KB, 461x424, 1587348962909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29108540

Its on amazon prime

>> No.29108542

Trash taste is supported by Kadokawa, it's weird but that's the reality

>> No.29108550

The Trash Taste bois (all three of em) are actively sponsored and flown into Japan by Kadokawa. They've been to business meetings interacting with the higher ups at Kadokawa and various events that Kadokawa is a part of, including lots of big-name companies and authors.
They may not look like it, but they're very legit.

Here's a highlight for anyone interested

>> No.29108552

I wish I wasn't poor so I could support her...

>> No.29108553
File: 161 KB, 850x1288, 1592773099266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already am

>> No.29108564

>Thinking it's something Mori decided herself
The state of some teacucks here man

>> No.29108569
File: 3.81 MB, 2893x4092, 1599049663249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29109178

Is anyone making lewd Enma art like they do with Achan?

>> No.29108568
File: 2.48 MB, 1252x2952, 1605261530441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ayamefags cries as he strikes you

>> No.29108574
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, 1603904256757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open thread
>Thread looks relatively civil and decent
>Close thread because I have things to do

>> No.29108576
File: 50 KB, 398x398, smug gremlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29108589

And they had a porn star on

>> No.29108594
File: 66 KB, 232x227, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ogey feet done for today, I'm tired goodnight.

>> No.29108595

>Is not okay to talk about Alow because she is non-Jolo
>Is not okay to talk about Artiya because she is non-Jolo
>Is okay to talk about Moori's room mate even if she is non-Jolo

Why is global so shit?

>> No.29108605

>it's just dog
The rap collab we all wanted.

>> No.29108608
Quoted by: >>29108664

why's there a random opgg

>> No.29108617

I fucking LOVE this mesugaki!

>> No.29108619

>deadbraps are already seething

>> No.29108626
Quoted by: >>29108759

They may be sponsored by Jesus Christ himself, doesn't change the fact that they're cancerous faggots.

>> No.29108633

I honestly think Kiara made a huge mistake by saying her thoughts on the matter publicly. If she kept it to herself and worked on the insecurity behind the scenes, it wouldn't be an issue.
But now that it's out in the open I think Gura will just be permanently turned off from solo collabing with her. If they don't do it before holoEN gen 2 arrives, it's never happening.

>> No.29108635
File: 2.46 MB, 1250x2000, 85158214_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they didn't tell Ghost Rider to fuck off properly
Buncha faggots
>I took our boy's first date
Later (non-)virgins

>> No.29108636
File: 3.70 MB, 320x347, 234524524343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's just talking

>> No.29108639
File: 1.67 MB, 4093x2894, 1603315107543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what are some good narratives behind the creation of HololiveEN, and how much truth is behind them?
Ones I can think of are

>Coco was behind it all
Other than the fact that she mentioned that it was a good idea before it was announced, was she actually involved in the scouting?

>Calli and/or Kiara were supposed to be the stars and/or leads of this Gen
Well, they both have the best models and rigs by far with popular artists designing them, so obviously they spend the most money and planning on them, even creating the whole Takamori well in advance for them to develop their characters more. The Fact that Calli was pushed so hard, debuting before all the others and having the infamous Trash Taste podcast guest spot, also seem to indicate she was their best bet.

>Gura was behind the creation and hiring of Ame
Other than that particular drawing and the fact that they were aware of each other before getting hired, is there any more to this?

>> No.29108647
Quoted by: >>29108669

>dead hours
You're missing the Roberu/Debi AmongUscollab?

>> No.29108650
Quoted by: >>29108676

Where the fuck is the podcast?

>> No.29108657

Fuck the chink. She made her own mess

>> No.29108659
Quoted by: >>29108765

Korone would absolutely get a kick out of:
a) The word "pog" because it sounds funny
b) The pogchamp face because its funny
c) The fact that is sounds like "dog"
d) That both her chat and her new gaikokujin friend like the word "pog".
dogchamp emote soon.

>> No.29108663

Doxxbraps are the bane of this thread.
Can we move Mori to /hlg/ please?

>> No.29108664
Quoted by: >>29108887

supposedly her roommates
while she was gone for like a month she was grinding LoL ranked

>> No.29108667
File: 837 KB, 1440x2173, Screenshot_20201113-040259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurkmore, faggot EOP

>> No.29108669


>> No.29108674

>paying for movies
The fuck?

>> No.29108676

In our hearts

>> No.29108697
File: 758 KB, 900x1200, 1604413554455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29108904

watch, and learn

>> No.29108698

Are you having a stroke?

>> No.29108701
Quoted by: >>29108944

Is that Aloe? It's kinda sad seeing that not even the MASSfags stuck around for her roommate

>> No.29108705


>> No.29108710
File: 388 KB, 850x1389, _mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_misu_miisuuu_sample973efd69f2631bcf483186590de04e01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29108756

No, I took our boy's first date.

>> No.29108724

Ah, so I'm not the last one to catch up. Keep watching

>> No.29108738

If the stream isn't 66 minutes, then it doesn't count for the quota stated in the contract, but they still can do it, it just doesn't add

>> No.29108739

Is it bad that I assume pretty much every Watame poster is doing this?

>> No.29108744
File: 155 KB, 380x380, 1542903967550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29108746
File: 23 KB, 501x443, 1605035845512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woke up. Just watched Mori's stream. It's funny how most of the guesses for her JP collab were wrong.
It's actually dog...

>> No.29108748

I'll lurk when you stop trying to larp as a JSL, dogfucker

>> No.29108750
File: 321 KB, 452x371, literally me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the narrative
they realized they had a lot of western fans so they decided to branch out. dont worry i took my meds

>> No.29108756
File: 279 KB, 469x352, Ghostling 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I took her first date

>> No.29108759
Quoted by: >>29108819

Former pornstar, to be more accurate. She does cosplay and other stuff now.

Anon even if you don't like it, it's still a connection Cover can use to talk to Kadokawa. Imagine manga collab with the holos or full blown hololive anime

>> No.29108761

Why won't Ayame just quit? Clearly she hates being a Holo.

>> No.29108765

dogchamp, doggers, woggers all soon to come

>> No.29108766

Based nazi mori

>> No.29108768

I megasuki this kusogaki

>> No.29108789

>inb4 Mori gets a LN about her character and then an anime adaptation

Reminder that Connor´s Yaoi audiobook still selling like hotcakes on Bookwalker global.

tbf, she has been in almost every weeb related media since quitting being an JAV actress, also Joe interviewed her before so is really not that surprising because now she is kind of famous on the weeb sphere (both ironic and unironic) and the cosplay circle.

>> No.29108793

Just listened to Gura's karaoke and it was fucking shit t.b.h.

Her voice is fucjing trash compared to Based Calli

She doesn't deserve all those views, fucking leeching cunt, I hope Cover will graduate her soon

t. Deadbeat

>> No.29108792
Quoted by: >>29108852

To be honest, the dog was the most out of left field pick possible. Some people joked it was her but no one actually believed it.

>> No.29108804

It'll last just a day, Shion's one of the biggest EOP filter there is

>> No.29108806

>any more to this?
I doubt Gura could throw her weight around like that. Ame has discussed her auditions, and seemed pretty normal. They just got lucky that they were already friends.

>> No.29108809

the number 4 means death in japanese...

>> No.29108812
Quoted by: >>29108842


>> No.29108819
Quoted by: >>29108931

or they manage to get no more heroes permissions

>> No.29108825

She specifically said it'd be a game stream though. She wasn't going to announce her 3 song collab projects. Would you seriously rather watch Mori get bodied by Suisei in Tetris rather than have them sing together?

>> No.29108826

>t. Deadbeat
More like t. Reddit you gigantic retard

>> No.29108830

It's because it's grugspeak using only key words

>> No.29108835

How did you manage to misspell every single proper noun in this post?

>> No.29108836
Quoted by: >>29108870

Holy fuck this is based

>> No.29108840
Quoted by: >>29108861

>How do you do fellow deadbeats

>> No.29108842


>> No.29108851
File: 1.22 MB, 2303x4096, 1604832095333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29109080

yo Shion nice laugh

>> No.29108852

Speak for yourself. Mori talked about Korone on streams before. I triangulated to Coco and Korone after she said that not many people were guessing who it was.

>> No.29108857
Quoted by: >>29108888

Why are Tentacultists like this?

>> No.29108861
File: 677 KB, 2000x1600, 1602437100802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29108884


>> No.29108870
File: 707 KB, 640x532, 1602428059085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29108877

Its ok to talk about Aloe and Artia because they're former holos.
Its not ok to talk about roomates unless its directly, explicitly related to something a holo is doing (like Kiara's visa status affecting her offcollabs and schedules), so its almost never ok to talk about DD, or zawa, or kiara's ass.
But people will anyways.

>> No.29108879
Quoted by: >>29108923

This is shit bait but the guy always complaining about doxxbraps will fall for it

>> No.29108880

Oh look a totally legit deadbeat post that probably isn't a falseflag, wtf why are deadbeats like this

>> No.29108881

>Would you seriously rather watch Mori get bodied by Suisei in Tetris
Just imagine all the autistic screeching.

>> No.29108884

Do you think Mori's gonna teach Korosan some dope, suprelit and based English?

>> No.29108887

27 games is not grinding, thats just a normal day for me

>> No.29108886

I hate x

>> No.29108888

This post was typed by a Tentacultist takodachi.

>> No.29108904

poggers dood

>> No.29108909


A million times this

t. fellow Deadbeat

>> No.29108911

>can't imagine the smell

>> No.29108923

Who do you think posted it?

>> No.29108930
File: 7 KB, 225x225, u7712377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Low Plat
>Only plays mages

>> No.29108931

Wasn't that under Marvelous?
Incidentally, the Sakuna game everyone's playing is under Xseed which is also under Marvelous

>> No.29108933

Hell yeah I'd watch Suisei fuck her up in tetris, the choco and haato streams were hilarious

>> No.29108938
Quoted by: >>29108996

Fuck Hololive, I hate this fake business

t. Soratomo

>> No.29108939

Why are deadbraps like this?

>> No.29108944

You massively overestimate the average person's ability to find her online presence

>> No.29108947

wtf I hate towafags now.

>> No.29108987
Quoted by: >>29109044

I want one of the holos to learn english, but corrupted with Texan speak by Mori
>ywn get Texan Botan to say "ya'll," "howdy," and "thank ya kindly"

>> No.29108989

/hlgg/ dead...

>> No.29108996

A Soratomo who isn't falseflagging? What the hell is going on?

>> No.29109003
File: 368 KB, 1278x696, 1581120935451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admit that I got into hololive because of taiwan incident thanks to spergs spamming the topic on /v/ and twitter
1 month later and I'm starting to get really bored of it

>> No.29109015
Quoted by: >>29109063

They're preparing for the storm that is approaching.

>> No.29109018


>> No.29109020

>Your oshi
>are YOU a virgin?

>> No.29109036
Quoted by: >>29109093

I like how deadbeats are now shitting on Gura after Gura's collab with otv was proven fake while Mori's podcast was confirmed.
Fucking ironic wigger weebs. Literally the worst fanbase.

>> No.29109039


>> No.29109040


>> No.29109042

Why is Calli having song collabs with the JP holos but not with her own Gen anyway?
I know she is supposed to be doing one with Kiara most likely to keep that Takamori shit going a bit more, and at least she can actually sing.
However, what about Gura, I guess she doesn't think much of her singing, uh? Is that like an indirect way of saying "your singing sucks"?

>> No.29109044

Gura definitely has a southern twang to her voice, I wonder if it'll rub off on anyone

>> No.29109046

We're all in /hlg/ for Shion's return

>> No.29109050

>InAme pic

yeah it shows you're not from here

>> No.29109055


>> No.29109057

This is true, i and the groups i am with hate Gura and hope she is fired

t. Fan of Kiryu Coco and Akai Haato

>> No.29109060
Quoted by: >>29109106

>Ina keep retweeting kuroboshi tweet
It's really sad, Ina keep looking for kuroboshi attention and kuroboshi give zero fuck...

>> No.29109061

You're my oshi...

>> No.29109063
Quoted by: >>29109121

Do you think theyre also provoking the black clouds in isolation?

>> No.29109065

You know I'm not ;)

>> No.29109070


>> No.29109072

Everyone laughed when I suggested that deadbeats use trips to avoid these kinds of attacks, but it would completely solve this issue. Should I make an infographic for deadbeats showing how to do it?

>> No.29109078

no lol

>> No.29109080

How old is this chick anyway, she legit sounds like teenager.

>> No.29109082


>> No.29109085
Quoted by: >>29109143

Ironic weeb podcast soon. This shit will be ten times worse than taiwan incident. Mark my words.

>> No.29109087
File: 651 KB, 1067x800, vkftgj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29109090


>> No.29109091

>Leave for two hours
>Thread's not dead yet
Damn, dead hours have really set in, haven't they?

>> No.29109092


>> No.29109093
File: 400 KB, 1489x1898, 1587330027165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29109147

Who cares. Post cunny. Use up those image slots.

>> No.29109095

make it so i can laugh more

>> No.29109097
File: 210 KB, 959x687, 1604738844019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok anons
mgsr with controller or keyboard

>> No.29109102
Quoted by: >>29109190

Because Gura doesn't want to do singing collabs, she just wants to sing by herself.

>> No.29109104


>> No.29109106

he's giving her that sweet rejection she craves so much
kuroboshi gonna date ina

>> No.29109110
Quoted by: >>29109140

Gura is on her way to become the EN Daisenpai together with the curese.
Ina and Ame can't sing well enough so they probably decline when invited.
This only leaves Kiara.

>> No.29109119
Quoted by: >>29109167

Gura's sorairo days outdoes Calli's by a bit, but that may be due to a better audio setup. With Calli's I thought it was good, with Gura I thought it was on par with the original.
Duet stream when?

>> No.29109121
Quoted by: >>29109166

Yeah, but they'll reclaim their name.

>> No.29109125

No. Just no.

>> No.29109130

Controller feels better but both are fine, surprisingly.

>> No.29109135
Quoted by: >>29109160

All cuhrayzee games need to be played with a controller.

>> No.29109137

Her and Haachama are the youngest Holos, they are both still teens I think

>> No.29109139

I propose spreading propaganda on another board, we have the people and their will to make their oshi more popular, all we need is a target and action plan
Of course I am talking about something more active than using holos as reaction images or OPs, I except people to be already doing that

>> No.29109140
Quoted by: >>29109173

Gura can't get Sora'd, that's too sad

>> No.29109143

They've already done one on hololive before and it wasn't even that bad, literally nothing is gonna come out of this except for some sub boosts for the girls and the chats getting slightly more retarded

>> No.29109147
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>> No.29109148

Maybe hololive is not the right hobby for you

>> No.29109150

genuine loli, unlike gura?

>> No.29109154

now THAT's cancer

>> No.29109155


>> No.29109157


>> No.29109158

I played with Keyboard.

>> No.29109159
Quoted by: >>29109194

I found one but I don't know how dated this one is.

>Help them organize schedules
>Talk to other managers to help organize collabs. Say one stream Holo A says she'd like to collab with Holo B someday but she's too shy to ask. Holo A's manager should at the very least float the idea to Holo B's manager.
>Get permissions for games they want to stream
>Keep track of their physical and mental health. If it looks like they are getting burnt out, give them a break.
>Make sure their connections and equipment are functioning well. Buy or reimburse them on things they need to stream. Lobby to fix problems with models or rigging if there is any.
>Watch their streams when possible and monitor any technical problems or interruptions
>Teach them basic coporate OPSEC, research and scrub their past lives to avoid doxxing
>As much as possible, keep track of Antis. That's not to say every anonymous comment can be followed up on, but if some guy says he knows where a Holo lives and is gonna visit her, maybe take action.
>Teach the newer ones how Hololive works, what will be expected of them, both from the fans and the company. This includes memberships, concerts, collabs, merchandise, pricing, etc.
>Support and protect them from outrage nothingburgers by Antis (this includes easily offended insectoid bugmen)
>Hire competent staff with background in talent management for managers, translators, mods, etc.
>Filter questions for harassment, self-help, and not interesting questions
>Use their prestige and connections to hook their talent up with songwriters, movie makers, artists, who want to make things for them
>Screen all fanmade content that the Holos want to feature
>Help foreign ones with visa so they can stay in Japan
>Give their workers work visas

>Why the fuck would a manager help with scheduling?
>Some managers barely even talk to their Holos let alone other managers
>Just play Overcooked, Dark Deception, and that one fucking "game" with the plug people
>Harass and stalk them
>Source your own equipment, not like it's critical to your job or anything
>Fix your own streaming issues, we're not a tech company or anything
>Hire SEAniggers who will harass and stalk them
>Oh hey one of our talents reported that her manager is harassing and stalking her? Better not do anything about it
>Figure it out yourself lol. Maybe we'll make a keychain for you after two years
>Teach their Holos to apologize for mistakes the company made in an attempt to shift blame
>Kneel and bootlick angry Antis and suspend their talents hoping it will appease them (It won't RIP ALOE)
>Hire incompetent people with no background in talent management as staff, rather they are just SEAnigger fans (*oserbait) and end up being at best fucking "SAY THE THING" creeps, (like the HoloEN manager Marine met) and at worst people who will one day rape and kill the Holo (*yger, Mel's manger)
>Pick the worst and most Gosling questions
>Suisei has literally released one original song since she joined Hololive. She released two while she was indie
>Let tracers through and make your Holo look like a fool for having to hastily retract emotes after announcing them
>Hang them out to dry, not my problem lmao
>Don't give their workers work visas

>> No.29109160

Blade Mode feels kind of fucky on a stick sometimes, but not on a mouse. Otherwise, yeah.

>> No.29109165

Because Calli hates HoloEn. Why do you think she's doing that fucking podcast while barely collabing with her genmates? Egocentric bitch.

>> No.29109166

Hopefully they'll also get the chance to be born in flames and be blessed.

>> No.29109167

Why would Gura have a better audio set up than Calli, the wannabe musician?

>> No.29109173

she won't be, this is just the best narrative that shark antis can come up with at the moment

>> No.29109178

I can try to do it

>> No.29109184

fuck you all for making me get hades, I played until 6 am and have to go to work in an hour

>> No.29109190

Gura and Mori actually mentioned in an early collab that they wanted to do a song together, I guess things changed since then.

>> No.29109194

they did help Kiara get her new PC set up

>> No.29109198

I fear the /hlg/ raid that will follow so yes

>> No.29109204

daremo daisuki
Does smashing polymer pussy to POV eroge count as having sex?

>> No.29109207

By deadbraps metrics (popularity = quality), Calli is a worse singer than Ame so no shit.

>> No.29109211

Coming up tomorrow: more anime girls playing games you will then go and buy.

>> No.29109212
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>> No.29109213

I did both, mouse takes some getting used to for the aimed slashes but is pretty serviceable. easier to mash parries in varying directions but harder to point precisely

>> No.29109217


>> No.29109222

That's not normal?
A hour of sleep is easily enough to get you through 12 hours long shift anon

>> No.29109223

you did this to yourself

>> No.29109228

Hey notice how CN was dropped right as EN was infinitely more profitable?

>> No.29109231
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I love you Ina!

>> No.29109233
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>> No.29109242

Hell yeah

>> No.29109246
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>> No.29109247

It's the bandaid clip so no
