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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 506 KB, 849x1200, 1601915702523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27513477 No.27513477 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>27514172

>> No.27513489
File: 919 KB, 4096x2896, Ej-eQLKUcAIsnY0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27513531

>> No.27513490

When is the collab

>> No.27513493
File: 226 KB, 1134x1770, 1601203734375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be honest here.

Gura is just being carried by her cute design, her voice, her natural charisma, her sense of humor, her singing, her sweet personality, her gaming skills, and her youtube experience.

>> No.27513495

Do not lewd the shark

>> No.27513496
Quoted by: >>27513540

5 minutes

>> No.27513503
Quoted by: >>27513540

Next year

>> No.27513505


>> No.27513506
File: 94 KB, 521x522, 1593524062465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27513507

>Teamates share Ame's member contents

>Takodachi share Ina's member contents

>Eggs share Kiara's member contents

>Deadbeats share Mori's member contents

>Chumchad insider shares Gura's member contents


Chumbuddies are the worst.

>> No.27513512
File: 804 KB, 1001x1055, 1602310120511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of you just now watching Gura's member-only stream, make sure to go to these timestamps:

>> No.27513514
Quoted by: >>27513540

when gura wakes up to set it up

>> No.27513513

>/u/fags ruined Watamote
Anon it was like it to start with because i was there at the start

>> No.27513518
File: 36 KB, 327x147, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a picture of the famous R.RAT. Have a nice day, everyone.

>> No.27513519
Quoted by: >>27513540

Whenever Gura stops being drunk and schedules it, so it's not.

>> No.27513520
Quoted by: >>27513540


>> No.27513523


>> No.27513526
File: 1.06 MB, 1055x1639, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.27513531
Quoted by: >>27517405

I think its really fucking funny how when she says she sits on the floor, people ACTUALLY think she just has her entire rig on the carpet.

>> No.27513529

Sexy cunny....

>> No.27513533

Learning the yubi chart with Mori!

>> No.27513535

I'm humping my Ikea shark bro what do you want

>> No.27513536


>> No.27513538

that's pretty cute ₕᵤhaʰᵃ

>> No.27513540


>> No.27513542
File: 565 KB, 2950x4096, 20201006_053232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27513639

I love Kiara!

>> No.27513544

Fingering techniques

>> No.27513545
File: 653 KB, 876x1211, chad chumguts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27513548 [DELETED] 

God I love hearing amelia cry

>> No.27513549


>> No.27513550 [DELETED] 

Who fucking did this https://twitter.com/moccaliebeskind/status/1315068461828247554

>> No.27513552
Quoted by: >>27513592

In Minecraft

>> No.27513553
Quoted by: >>27513592

my pants

>> No.27513559

Almost-certainly after Mori's DOOM unless Gura is going to last-minute this shit. Given how slow she is with her scheduling as well it's not a surprise at all her collab is up in the air still.

Who wants to bet she never studied for tests in school until last-minute, and was late to class all the time?

>> No.27513563

I only report stuff they can affect. like that mega link which they can DMCA, hololive sings which they can strike 3 time and remove from youtube, also reported a bunch of people posting porn in official art tags in twitter, which they can DMCA for violating the art terms.
though i dont think anyone is reading the EN email

>> No.27513561

Tell me what happened please

>> No.27513565

What? Everyone gets annoyed when people share member content that is archivable. Its like the retards that share Ina's art. Fuck off.

>> No.27513567

You have to post her weird ass ara ara

>> No.27513569
File: 527 KB, 752x523, Matsuri Natsuiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27513606

As is often said, Matsuri puts all her points in attack and none in defense. She gets lonely easily, but when she is with someone else, she can become overbearing to the point where she ultimately pushes people away and then is left alone again. After this she reverts to normal, until she becomes attached to another person and the whole cycle starts over again.

>> No.27513570

I smell like cum

>> No.27513573
File: 664 KB, 619x619, 1602302413563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27513574
File: 14 KB, 245x210, 1479096640898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27513660

What time are they doing their big gay Minecraft collab? Nothing's ever scheduled so I don't know.

>> No.27513575
Quoted by: >>27514063

Wait Kiara's member stream was shared? I need to check the archives then since I missed it.

>> No.27513576
File: 201 KB, 804x562, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27513577
File: 533 KB, 1200x848, 1597343435186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27514172

Rent free.

>> No.27513583
Quoted by: >>27513630

holy fucking shit. that's lethal

>> No.27513582

Its after the doom stream. Probably about 3 hours from now

>> No.27513592
Quoted by: >>27515010

When will 'then' be 'now'?

>> No.27513596
Quoted by: >>27513679

The more I watch Mori the less I can believe she doesn't have a dick between her legs.

>> No.27513597
File: 111 KB, 560x872, bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27513688

>46 posts so far
>half aren't even about hololive global

>> No.27513601

Uhh buddy did you miss when almost all of those groups laughed at poor fags and said they wouldn’t share content honestly the content sharing is the exception

>> No.27513602 [DELETED] 

SEAniggers actually ruined the word "based" for me. No amount of "based on what" dad-joke-tier comebacks could do it, but seaniggers replying "Based." to dox and member leaks and schizo posts and coupons alike finally did it for me

>> No.27513604
Quoted by: >>27513672

what do hiphopheads on /hlgg/ think of mori's taste?

>> No.27513605

they're newfags from reddit. Please understand. If the girls don't want it, they'll address it on their next stream anyway and people would stop doing it

>> No.27513606
File: 223 KB, 375x523, yger the Stalker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one needs no explanation.

>> No.27513607

t. SEAmonkey falseflagger

>> No.27513608


>> No.27513610

Considering that the progress she makes on the ps4 Doom she will need to redo off stream on pc, it may only be a 1hr doom stream

>> No.27513611

Based based based fuckin based based based based

>> No.27513613

Why does the doom stream say "live in 7 days" suddenly?

>> No.27513614
File: 461 KB, 489x540, 433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27513668

I want to apologize to the thread for doubting Kiara almost a week ago and saying she does too many talk streams.

>> No.27513615


Cali's sick. No doom shootan.

>> No.27513618

Fucking kill yourself. Sharing anything other than shit that'll go completely unarchived is faggot shit.

>> No.27513621
File: 380 KB, 2000x2000, Ej_faBBUwAA6UEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27513624
File: 240 KB, 345x406, 1601926516113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27513625

Sorry for chumming on you bud

>> No.27513627

Anon, the true lazy combo is to never study but always be on time so you don't get detention. Or at very least just call in sick so you don't have to go at all.

>> No.27513629

Good post. Fuck platotian forms, traps are not girls.

>> No.27513630

>full oneesan stream

>> No.27513631
File: 193 KB, 500x500, 1601388843402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27513634
File: 96 KB, 700x786, 1581164188918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone blaming Gura for not scheduling the collab
>it's because Mori is sick

>> No.27513633
File: 377 KB, 604x433, 1586408495792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27514373


>> No.27513636

No one here faggot go to some fucking general that cares about indie vtubers

>> No.27513638

>Suddenly gets sick for Gura collab

>> No.27513639

This is probably the most natural Kiara fanart ive seen so far

>> No.27513641

nice falseflag bud

>> No.27513642
Quoted by: >>27514286

>all the ens take turns getting sick

>> No.27513645

Anyone else have a strong urge to take a shit upon hearing Gura's voice? It won't even matter if I've already taken one or if I've eaten anything, Everytime I hear "hey chumbuddiesssssss" my bowels want to run to the Azerbaijani border. Other chumbuds know this feel?

>> No.27513643
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 1601949960602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27513644
File: 501 KB, 633x634, wnulwh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27513648
File: 417 KB, 521x522, 1591351959411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there was a wikihow for blowies I would've added it too

>> No.27513649



>> No.27513651
File: 116 KB, 612x760, Screenshot 2020-10-10 190524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27513653


Mori is literally dying. get it?

>> No.27513657
Quoted by: >>27513715

Does it replenish some stamina upon viewing?

>> No.27513659 [DELETED] 

Vtubers ruined /jp/
There I said it

>> No.27513660


Considering Mori's playing DOOM in less than an hour and a half, it's like 99% odds it's after that. Probably 9pm PST or something.

>> No.27513663
File: 3.47 MB, 1939x2738, NatsuiroMatsuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27515531

Will you trust this fine lady with your daughter?

>> No.27513661
Quoted by: >>27513753

What's the schizo narrative

>> No.27513665
File: 2.88 MB, 1200x1523, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27513667


>> No.27513668
File: 544 KB, 600x585, 1601747316424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you've finally seen the light, anon.

>> No.27513669
Quoted by: >>27513686

You are a massive faggot anon I can’t believe you do this I hope you get run over by a train you flag fag

>> No.27513670

>Who wants to bet she never studied for tests in school until last-minute, and was late to class all the time?
No wonder she rubs me the wrong way, she's a talentchad just like me.

>> No.27513671

i... i'm sorry

>> No.27513672

>"Hoooly shit dashiegames, there's a new cringe rapping gamer in town!"

>> No.27513673

RRRaatto shimurato

>> No.27513674

>tfw you found out japs hated Ina's karaoke because she's korean
Racist bastards

>> No.27513675

/jp/ was shit form the start

>> No.27513678

The curse of pink hair continues.

>> No.27513679

She'll have a dick between her legs, alright.

>> No.27513681
File: 2.92 MB, 828x382, 1602168460466.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27513826

>> No.27513684

For free
So that japoids could make more ricedollars.

>> No.27513683

gomen same-chan

>> No.27513685

1 free 2hu genocide.

>> No.27513688
File: 126 KB, 1000x1000, 1583789441625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27513686

t. hololive sings
you will get them demonetized if you continue your actions buddy, getting you banned is the right thing to do

>> No.27513687
File: 161 KB, 896x592, 1602310096655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27513689 [DELETED] 

I can watch guitar loli's stream guiltfree, then.

>> No.27513691
File: 55 KB, 507x294, 1602167849940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, our boy is under the weather...

>> No.27513693

>first Kiara gets sick then Mori

>> No.27513694

>/hlgg/ ruins another life
sasuga anti thread

>> No.27513695
File: 271 KB, 640x640, 1601598776457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27515707

>check out one of Risu's archives to see if the IDs were worth watching
>"*ahahaha* sank you, my *teehee* biewers for the supaas. *teehee* Do you guys wanna see *ahahaha*, wanna see my Minecraft house? It's really funny teeheeheehee!
Holy shit, this is the exact same stuff Ame did in her debut that she immediately stopped because she couldn't handle her own cringe. Do SEAmonkeys just lack any sense of self-awareness or something?

>> No.27513698

>Lamy sick
>Mio sick
>PPT sick
>Calli sick
Do seasons changing really fuck people up this much in Japan? What is their immune system?

>> No.27513697
Quoted by: >>27513748

GODDAMN IT, SHE ALREADY STREAMS SO LITTLE AND AT TERRIBLE TIMES. I need my Calli fix for this week. I planned my night around it. Was gonna order pizza and everything.

>> No.27513699

Does anyone have the Gura Muse Dash Members stream? Been scrolling through the Archives & can't find a Download

>> No.27513700

>mori's doom stream was timed to be in an hour and a half
>has now been moved for 3 days from now
the fuck?

>> No.27513701

I'm sorry for doubting my daughter...

>> No.27513705

so both kiara and mori called in sick this week. whats the narrative?

>> No.27513706
File: 188 KB, 845x1200, 77d87b7e8854d8059d7e272f288d68bf9e430d71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is pain-peko.

>> No.27513707

>Gura didn't schedule collab becuase she knew Mori was sick and wanted to do it that was the best time for her

>> No.27513708
File: 629 KB, 570x539, smugpeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he does it for free

>> No.27513715


Not today, no

>> No.27513717


Nice narrative faggot, but JP and Korea are BFF now.

>> No.27513719

>final group collab won't have Mori

>> No.27513720
File: 232 KB, 500x500, Ej3QIohU0AAp1SI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay the 5 dollars you cheapo

>> No.27513721
File: 180 KB, 742x717, 1482264425590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27513955

Agreed. I miss having 7 Nazrin threads up at once instead of 3.

>> No.27513724

That's like saying this thread hates her because she's described as boring from time to time (and probably always by the same people).

>> No.27513725


>> No.27513728


>> No.27513729

collab without chicken and mori. this is good

>> No.27513730


>> No.27513732
File: 166 KB, 977x1499, 1600472397109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you go AGAIN

>> No.27513734
Quoted by: >>27513794

Kiara got Calli sick.

>> No.27513735

Literally last thread you dumb nigger

>> No.27513736

More like when general threads became a thing, happened to all the boards.

>> No.27513738
Quoted by: >>27513794

The chicken gave her sickness to the reaper.
I will not forgive this.

>> No.27513739
Quoted by: >>27513774

What does c(h)um smell like?

>> No.27513740

based, ill continue to keep sharing guras content for the chumbuds

>> No.27513744
Quoted by: >>27514133

>Been scrolling through the Archives

You lying little shit.

>> No.27513745

To the based chumbud who shared Gura's membership stream, you are absolutely based. Please do this for all her membership streams in the future for the sake of poorfag chumbuds like me. Thanks anon, love from the Philippines.

>> No.27513746

I believe this is divine punishment for what we did to /a/ back in the day

>> No.27513747
File: 342 KB, 1748x1240, 20201009_021201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting the muse dash stream link


>Do not lewd the shark
>Ravioli Ravioli no lewd le shark loli xDDD
Shut the fuck up redditor

>> No.27513748
Quoted by: >>27513778

i think you mean "i hope she gets well soon."

>> No.27513749
Quoted by: >>27513794

>chicken was sick a day ago
>now Mori is sick

>> No.27513751
Quoted by: >>27513815

who is that and why should we care? It's not a holo then it wasn't us, and even if were a holo it would be most of us but the antis on here.

>> No.27513753

>Kiara hates Gura and guiltytripped Mori into ruining the stream for her
there you go, have fun

>> No.27513754

Damn. Oh well, hope she's feeling better soon.

Back to Nioh, I guess.

>> No.27513757

ok poorfag seanigger

>> No.27513760

Arent colds bad enough for them as is?

>> No.27513761
Quoted by: >>27513804

Anon you don’t understand how any of this works and are a skitzo take yer meds

>> No.27513763

Red soup time?

>> No.27513765

it'll be posted later for non members as it was archived.
If you want to view it now pay up.

>> No.27513769
Quoted by: >>27514243

must be the chickenpox

>> No.27513771


>> No.27513773
Quoted by: >>27514025

boo hoo you cant make touhou thread #821 about reimus armpit

>> No.27513774

salty milk and coins

>> No.27513776


>> No.27513777

nice dolphin porn

>> No.27513778

I mean yeah that too.

>> No.27513779

Diogenes the guy who give no shit about what people

>> No.27513781
Quoted by: >>27513904

Go back retard

>> No.27513783

Hey man if it's the Japanese cold they're lucky they haven't died

>> No.27513786
File: 465 KB, 1500x1500, 1589488685368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27513788

>Been scrolling through the Archives
No you fucking aren't.

>> No.27513789

To unconvincing. You're english is to good.

>> No.27513790
Quoted by: >>27513912

Based, but I hope you choke on a dick for not putting a password over it.

>> No.27513791
Quoted by: >>27513837

Haato will be back just in time to collab with Watson. Are you excited?

>> No.27513794

Don't have sex with your gf when she has a cold.

>> No.27513796


>> No.27513798
Quoted by: >>27513864

I dopnt think anybody here can convince you of it because you seem like a turbo-autist but you are actually an enormous faggot born with a sign stuck all the way up your ass that says "no fun allowed".

>> No.27513800

Overmoderation ruined /jp/ years ago. You newfags wouldn't remember the golden age of /jp/ before the mod crackdown.

>> No.27513799

Did some based anon ever record Ina's movie stream with the Matrix playing at the same time like what someone did with the Color Out of Space stream?

>> No.27513801


>> No.27513802

>Virtual / No gender (Any pronoun)
no....she had such cute feet! all ruined

>> No.27513803
File: 175 KB, 704x396, I know I can kill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27513804
Quoted by: >>27513910

you are just too new to know that l*ger did the exact thing to festival, her channel got flagged because of him and after that he stopped. but you dont want to stop
also you are going to tell me that putting guras cover songs on google play and charging money for them is benign? you could get her in trouble. you need to get banned retard

>> No.27513810
Quoted by: >>27513901

This is about the weed joke she made earlier isn't it? It doesn't make sense that she wouldn't be able to stream doom but maybe able to participate in the collab.

>> No.27513811
File: 814 KB, 792x1088, 4501130c56661a73525ea419caf0dd94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our boy is feeling sick so she'll be sitting out for Doom. Unsure about collab participation

>> No.27513812

forgive me....

>> No.27513815
Quoted by: >>27513916

someone posted this one in the last two threads and people were trashing her voice. looks like someone sent her the link

>> No.27513819

Sick = alone time with bf

>> No.27513821 [DELETED] 

>No gender (Any pronoun)
and dropped

>> No.27513824

>No bird
I didn't know she wouldn't be here either. Sad.
Is she referencing something when she says that or is that just her thing?

>> No.27513826

Mori's hyperactive eyes are cute.

>> No.27513828
Quoted by: >>27514015

so when will Kiara go to Calliope's house and make her some soup

>> No.27513829
File: 712 KB, 1740x2217, 1602310789193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I'm having trouble coping with the fact that a voice as cute as Gura's can even exist.
I don't know whether to thank God that we have her, or curse Him because nobody else can compare

>> No.27513830
File: 888 KB, 2000x2000, 1601436215922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27516399

Are the archives down?

>> No.27513831
File: 22 KB, 615x343, 1602343641639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rrato shimiureetaa rrrato

>> No.27513832
File: 35 KB, 600x600, klnjuy8465nvu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know she'd get sick of holoEN that quickly.

>> No.27513833
File: 57 KB, 627x205, 1602166097541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27513835
Quoted by: >>27514051

>I got sick
>Mori is sick
Bros? what does this mean?

>> No.27513837
Quoted by: >>27513875

I'm still worried she or Coco will pull an Aloe and graduate just when we thought the worst was behind us.

>> No.27513844

See, this is what you need to be going for >>27513745

>> No.27513845
File: 35 KB, 743x232, 67865987869760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27513847
Quoted by: >>27513884

Why would Kiara not be there?

>> No.27513848

>posting porn in official art tags in twitter, which they can DMCA for violating the art terms

>> No.27513851

Damn you found me out. Don't worry, she'll be back once we're done.

>> No.27513854


>> No.27513857


>> No.27513858


>> No.27513859
Quoted by: >>27513897

English is our second language here. Some of us are of course better at it than most.

>> No.27513862

When the girls start doing less and less members only content because of this shit I hope you'll be happy you fags.

I bet Ina stops uploading art on it entirely because of you faggots.

>> No.27513861 [DELETED] 

>Gender pronouns in the bio
I hate western civilization why does it have to ruin everything its like the reddit of civilizations jesus christ

>> No.27513864

taking guras (illegal)cover songs and charging money for them in a music store is "fun"
getting her in legal trouble is "fun"

so this is the anti thread right? no more pretending now?

>> No.27513869
File: 126 KB, 1200x900, file-20180925-149976-1wevklf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind but her schedule is kinda packed at the moment.

It's gotten a lot better after she joined HoloEN, but if her subs were 4chan faggots when she broke down during those streams and the chat started calling her "FAKE ATTENTION WHORE 5TH GEN REJECT", etc. It may have been the end of her.

Now she has the support of her hololive coworkers so maybe she won't be affected as much if any incident happens, but that may sever the connection that she has with her old fans.

She's shitposting on stream form.

It's a fellow OG chickenfag.

>Yeah, it'd be disappointing if she feels she has to artificially play up the angry/lewd character for the sake of the fans, but at the same time I think she could easily switch into Tenchou mode and regain control of the chat if they're pushing her into something she's uncomfortable with. Remind them that she's in charge and they're her employees and they'll quickly revert to that narrative.

She has done that before, but she will eventually need to deliver if her new fans are subscribed to see the next lewd viral hololive moment.

>> No.27513870 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27513886

Do that even matter?

>> No.27513872
Quoted by: >>27513928

/vyt/... what have you done...

>> No.27513873
Quoted by: >>27513900


>> No.27513875

Nah they're both loved too much for that. The following shit show wouldn't be worth it.

>> No.27513878

The fuck? the worsrt that was said against sharing Gura's Muse dash is "it will be public in 2 hours, why bother?"

>> No.27513879
File: 221 KB, 400x442, 1601873142657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that what you're doing is admirable anon, but...
Are you really doing all this... for free?

>> No.27513880
File: 514 KB, 723x892, chumguts why arent you kneeling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kneel.

>> No.27513881
Quoted by: >>27513914

I can't believe Mori has corona

>> No.27513884

gotta take care of calli

>> No.27513886 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27514004


>> No.27513889
Quoted by: >>27513903

You know that there is an official art tag for "lewd stuff" right? They probably just have all your emails going to spam because you wont stop reporting stuff that isnt against the rules and that they dont care about.

>> No.27513891

the license terms for fan art are very easy to find on the web site. i don't see anything about adult or explicit art in them, though.

>> No.27513897
Quoted by: >>27513945

you're not fooling anyone, faggot

>> No.27513899

>Kiara will celebrate her 300k without Mori
Now THIS is cursed

>> No.27513900

go where

>> No.27513901

Anon, if Cover was gonna punish her for a stupid joke then they wouldn't let her be in any videos at all. Think for five seconds, goddamn.

>> No.27513903
Quoted by: >>27513931

>You know that there is an official art tag for "lewd stuff" right?
What is Gura's lewd tag?

>> No.27513904
Quoted by: >>27513926

Shut up nerds

Thanks for the link

>> No.27513905
Quoted by: >>27513987

Based, fuck all poorfags

>> No.27513909

When's the collab supposed to be?

>> No.27513910

Nigger if they put them on google play let that dumb ass take the fall for being a Jew and a moron who posted a fair use cover of a song he didn’t own or make instead its not that hard to distance yourself from massive retards like that

>> No.27513912
Quoted by: >>27514041

>Based, but I hope you choke on a dick for not putting a password over it.
I don't see the point

>> No.27513911

good way of showing holofags know nothing about any other vtubers, nijisanji is full of gender-neutral and traps

>> No.27513913
Quoted by: >>27513966

Go to /vyt/ fag, no one here cares about non holos. Also
>pronouns in bio

>> No.27513914

Apparently they're all getting it

>> No.27513915
File: 96 KB, 1019x483, IMG_20201006_190029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only I had mori version of this

>> No.27513916

>her voice
their voice*

>> No.27513922

>Don't know whether to thank God or curse Him
Isn't that 95% of Anime/JRPGs

>> No.27513924

I genuinely can't stand you actual autists.

>> No.27513926
File: 317 KB, 1240x1753, 1595500734866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27514172

Fuck off and post cunny

>> No.27513925

i used to think people posting unrelated indietubers here are just astrotrufing but maybe it was a subtle personal army request all along

>> No.27513928
Quoted by: >>27514044

3.45K subs? She had to be knocked down a peg so she can become co-dependent on her viewers.

>> No.27513931
Quoted by: >>27513944

#gawrt dude. she doesn't have a containment hashtag

>> No.27513933

Fuck I want to kill myself now. This was the only thing that motivated me throughout the day. Hope our boi feels better.

>> No.27513934
Quoted by: >>27514018

You seem overly upset with such a minor thing

>> No.27513935
File: 104 KB, 766x974, 1602034267539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck everything

>> No.27513940 [DELETED] 

No, forcing touhoufags onto /jp/ instead of letting them chill in a comfy /vg/ thread ruined /jp/

>> No.27513942

fuck you carlos

>> No.27513943

>doesn't acknowledge it and celebrates it next stream with her
Still potentially a good timeline but unlikely.

>> No.27513945

Hirap naman palinawagan, sinabi na nga eh...

>> No.27513944

that's what I thought.

>> No.27513951

>collab without chicken


>> No.27513952

anon your roommate reps...

>> No.27513955

Rrat Shimurator

>> No.27513953 [DELETED] 

and people say /hlgg/ hasn't been infiltrated by /pol/ tourists since the CCP bullshit

>> No.27513956


>> No.27513959
File: 811 KB, 791x837, 1601517132969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mori sick
So... no collab today?

>> No.27513962
File: 186 KB, 480x480, 1601623104042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27513966

How can there be when there isn't any pronouns in bio

>> No.27513967

Nobody cares about Nijisanji.

>> No.27513969

This whole thread smells of low quality bait.

>> No.27513970
File: 7 KB, 230x230, 1602284658130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27513975
File: 118 KB, 294x388, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27514108

I can't believe Mori is dying of the rona.

>> No.27513977

>everyone calls in sick
>gura solo mc stream
>gets more viewers than during a collab
they're just helping her get to 1mil faster

>> No.27513979

Was really looking forward to it but it can't be helped. Hope she gets well soon.

>> No.27513978
Quoted by: >>27514038

Maybe because Mori skips DOOM she can rest enough for the collab

>> No.27513980
Quoted by: >>27514001

It'll be without her probably

>> No.27513981

rrrrrrrratto simurrrrratorrrr

>> No.27513984
Quoted by: >>27514018

>on a board about Japan
christ this is sad

>> No.27513985

Ok peko

>> No.27513987
File: 42 KB, 480x360, CLEAN THIS SHIT UP JANNIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27514054

>will support doing it /forfree/ to own teh poorfegs

>> No.27513988

By the end of Calli's last stream she sounded exhausted, both physically and mentally. I really hope she can quit her scythe swinging job soon because I think she is overworking herself to the point of exhaustion.

>> No.27513989

You have to go back, peko

>> No.27513990
Quoted by: >>27514026


>> No.27513991

I could have done my reps today but instead I just played doom

>> No.27513992
Quoted by: >>27514022

Can they just call off the collab? It won't be the same with Mori and her missing the last group collab would hurt too much.

>> No.27513993 [DELETED] 

So you're saying she might have a dick? Picked up

>> No.27513994

You can still ahve a collab with only 4 people

>> No.27513997

Report Nijiposts. Do not tolerate them.

>> No.27513998
Quoted by: >>27514072

Trinity collab, the only good one.

>> No.27513999
Quoted by: >>27514055

Buddy what's left to discuss? Everyone agrees that Reimu's armpits smell like dick

>> No.27514001

Or there isn't one

>> No.27514004 [DELETED] 

Shut up tranny

>> No.27514005

I miss my Saten screencap threads!

>> No.27514008

I hope they postpone the collab, it would really suck if someone's missing from their last big collab before the end of collab ban.

>> No.27514012

Sorry I was a little too rough with "your boy"

>> No.27514014


>> No.27514015

>chicken soup

>> No.27514016
File: 62 KB, 850x661, 1601858351683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514018

Why is this place full of trannies?

>> No.27514017
File: 314 KB, 387x398, 1600894076738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Mori Doom and probably won't be in the collab
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day

>> No.27514020

This is what happens when you tongue kiss a sick girl, Mori..

>> No.27514021

Man, I really can't get it up to nigger porn. Every time, it just looks like the bitch gets literal shit shoved in her pussy in and fucking out. Shit's disgusting. How do Americans do it?

>> No.27514022

Thats hardly fair to the rest of them.

>> No.27514023


>> No.27514024


>> No.27514025
Quoted by: >>27514067

Honestly, at this point they should be grateful that we're keeping our shit contained instead of creating a thread specifically about Kiara's armpit.

>> No.27514026
File: 356 KB, 750x957, 8557C292-7141-4156-A2D7-77FEA9B28D61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514028

The guy from the "why are you so fucking ugly" clip has a girlier voice than this

>> No.27514029

>DOOM rescheduled
I'm saddened, but will try to tough it out to see guitar-jew later

>> No.27514031
Quoted by: >>27514088

Kiara make your girl some chicken soup

>> No.27514033
Quoted by: >>27514266

Stfu you goddamn retard

>> No.27514038

More likely that they'll just postpone the collab a few days and one or two of the members will do a solo stream. I could see Kiara doing some Minecraft stuff on her own to gather materials for their next collab or something.

>> No.27514040

Who do you think the narrativeposting schizos are?

>> No.27514041

To filter out people who don't know mikoboat? That password filtered out quite a lot of people for the Ina watch-a-long on cytube.

>> No.27514044

She's loved in /vyt/ for her /v/-tier taste and comfy. She also exclusively uses Twitch, so the YT channel is a poor reflection of her actual audience.

>> No.27514047

it's well known that Plato was a faggot

>> No.27514051
File: 454 KB, 691x691, Goofy looking nn-skellibro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shit is getting cold

>> No.27514052

>without Mori
The reason Mori can't stream is that she'll be kneeling between Kiara's legs the moment she gets the 300k.

>> No.27514053

same with /a/ but welp, it can't be helped

>> No.27514054

Yes. Get a job.

>> No.27514055
Quoted by: >>27514098

but what about cirnos feet?

>> No.27514058

>Mori is kill
See ya next week, dweebs


>> No.27514061 [DELETED] 

Touhou doesn't belong on /vg/, since touhoufags never actually play the games.

>> No.27514062

Blame literal tranny discord’s and reddit colonists

>> No.27514063

Go be underage somewhere else

It's just a stream talking about her real life, interacting with her fans, and reading some super chats. No lewds or le stacy moments.

>> No.27514065


>> No.27514064


Would also get a lot more superchats. Collabs suck at moneymaking.

>> No.27514067
File: 65 KB, 595x419, chickenwing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514066

uhh I used "big ups" in real life and people didn't know what it mean

>> No.27514069


>> No.27514072
File: 661 KB, 1441x1077, 1602302847915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys saying chicken isn't going to be there?
Or is this trinity posting again?
I thought the mods said trinity posting was against the rules.

>> No.27514074

Holy shit! It happened again! peko why are you here? XD ogey

>> No.27514076

They need to fuck off from here and go watch Mashiro.

>> No.27514078

We are the strong, virile migrants to save a degenerating board

>> No.27514079

schizophrenia and gender dysphoria go hand-in-hand

>> No.27514080

I'll laugh if that tranny makes it through Holo EN gen 2

>> No.27514082

I hope you explained Mori to them.

>> No.27514085
File: 325 KB, 1538x2048, 1602142616271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27516374

My TakaMori...

At least the gigastacy will remain.

>> No.27514086
Quoted by: >>27514358

>but that may sever the connection that she has with her old fans.
I guess it really depends on whether her old fans are that emotionally attached like they were to Ame's roommate. If not, no shame in moving onto greener pastures, there's plenty of youtubers/streamers in general that move on for a bit, maybe have one moment in the sun, and never really catch on.

>> No.27514088
Quoted by: >>27514109

Wait, I don't think there's any answer to this that won't creep me out.

>> No.27514089
File: 121 KB, 828x996, 1601404175751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst part is knowing that Mori is probably beating herself up for missing the DOOM stream and possibly the collab stream. Fuck I feel really sad deadbeatbros...

>> No.27514091

Ina did nothing wrong

>> No.27514093


>> No.27514094

Fucking based, fuck these poorfag shitters.

>> No.27514095



>> No.27514098
File: 228 KB, 317x314, 1601868745679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we might need a new board

>> No.27514100
File: 20 KB, 662x112, Screenshot_2020-10-10 YouTube Channel HoloStats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, the chicken ate the fox (clown) this morning.

>> No.27514101

not surprising really, Mori's the kind of person who would wear themselves down trying to do right by everyone. Wouldn't want to be sick for her concert.

>> No.27514104

No idea. They certainly aren't welcome.

>> No.27514105
File: 126 KB, 254x276, 1580834292445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is this? is this a lie? hello?

>> No.27514108

She's fat, too, so she'll definitely die.

>> No.27514109

she goes to the store and buys some then cooks it while Mori rests

>> No.27514111

Well as you can see here is a person who wants even more moderation to the point we all must suck corporate dick and let copyright law control our actions

>> No.27514114

Damn so this is what I missed?
I will now buy your membershrimp

>> No.27514115

I've been using ogey a lot as a response to things irl too

>> No.27514116

>collab stream
What make you think it wouldn't be put on hold until she get better?

>> No.27514117

Just find yourself a weeb womanlet.

>> No.27514118

If it's like last week or the week before it'll be in about 2-4 hours.

>> No.27514119


>> No.27514122

>hololive sings videos still up
>the porn still up
>the mega links still work
>this holds to even the oldes iteration of each
"thanksless" is a weir way of spelling "fruiless"

>> No.27514123

Mori probably fucking hates herself for missing these streams, can we all organize a raid to send her love and support?

>> No.27514124


>> No.27514128

It'll be postponed since Mori is sick, we had no official news about it

>> No.27514129
Quoted by: >>27514168

has anyone replied rrat yet?

>> No.27514133

Have though. I've been using the browser search on ewery "http" link & nothin'

>> No.27514135

might be postponed since Mori is sick

>> No.27514136

they have been here since day 1 courtesy of stickies

>> No.27514138
File: 11 KB, 590x656, 1602312584265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27514141

Mori flaked out.

>> No.27514147

Yes gura said it’s mine kraft

>> No.27514148
File: 486 KB, 790x654, 1580348518884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514153

>her pupils have tiny rabbits
How have I never noticed this before

>> No.27514152
File: 201 KB, 1489x838, 1597460254284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27514281

Fuck everything... At least I can still enjoy her SOULful singing

>> No.27514154
File: 118 KB, 254x276, hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514155
File: 252 KB, 518x485, rappermelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia Watsup

>> No.27514158

Not cool, Gura.

>> No.27514159

Please keep doing so for free.

>> No.27514160

Try posting on reddit

>> No.27514163

That's not very nice, Gura.

>> No.27514165
File: 179 KB, 1891x1270, 1602183816465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know Kiara is gonna do in the collab without Mori there featherfriends... Feels like they were gonna continue doing their own thing at least until Ame and Ina found them

>> No.27514168

unfortunately no

>> No.27514170

Masarap sa feeling kapag pinapakain ako ng member stream dito. Salamat mga anon.

>> No.27514171

Nice insider info Gura.

>> No.27514172
File: 129 KB, 441x758, Pikamee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514177
File: 1.80 MB, 1447x2047, 20201006_164300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will keep posting gura's member only streams for as long as I'm a member and the only thing you can do about it is flap your fat cheeto stained fingers in the keyboard with a red face and pretend that anyone's gonna give you a pat in the back or any sort of acknowledgement.

So you just sit there and shut your mouth.

>> No.27514175

Why do you guys always post these depressing narratives?

>> No.27514176

Don't worry the Canadians are already writing their red super chats to throw at mori when she next streams telling her to go back to bed.

>> No.27514179

>Stream hasn't even started and it's already a shitshow
damn, truly 10/10

>> No.27514180

I get that you're upset but you don't need to say it like that, Gura

>> No.27514182

I fucking hate that bitch

>> No.27514183
Quoted by: >>27514231

When someone finally replies with "rrat" are you legally obligated to become friends?

>> No.27514186

Hololive insider here

The collab won't be until tomorrow

>> No.27514188
Quoted by: >>27514271

>twf I keep doing the Japanese "mmmm!" in response to things without even realizing
I just noticed today that I do this a lot, I want to fucking die

>> No.27514190

The Collab is like Schroder's Cat. Until you open the stream and observe it, it is either alive or dead.

>> No.27514194
File: 117 KB, 480x281, 1602170957758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514196
Quoted by: >>27514445

>organizing a positive raid in /jp/
Please anonchama. It'd be much better to organize that in her fan discord than here.

>> No.27514198


It's "platonic" you dumb bitch, same as every relationship you'll ever have

>> No.27514200
Quoted by: >>27514259

Gura is that you?

>> No.27514202

Anon Cover don't want drama

>> No.27514203
File: 123 KB, 254x313, 1585269016613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27514244

I can't believe this virulent WHORE got my boy sick

>> No.27514208

Also Gura is doing a solo stream as a replacement.

>> No.27514209
Quoted by: >>27514263

Kiara might only be tolerable when Mori isn't around, so this is good.

>> No.27514211

You spelled aroused wrong.

>> No.27514212

Because we hate ourselves and like making ourselves feel like shit.

>> No.27514213

Collab pushed back to a later date because "its not the same without all 5 of us here," when in reality it's because they didn't know what to do or when. Callie isn't sick, it's just an excuse for them all to use.

>> No.27514214

>Mori is sick and collab will probably be postponed.
Guess I can safely go to sleep then.

>> No.27514215
Quoted by: >>27514358

>I don't mind but her schedule is kinda packed at the moment.
Hardly. I don't think she's working another job right now given that she stays up until 5am regularly. If anything is limiting her it's that fucking ISP forcing her to be at manager-san's place, but even then I doubt it's limiting her much for the above reason.

36 minutes.

>> No.27514217


>> No.27514219

Please don't post things that make me feel worse.

>> No.27514220
File: 96 KB, 1080x881, 1602358098130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Death's apprentice

>> No.27514222
Quoted by: >>27514280

porque essa thread tá retardeando tão brabo

>> No.27514225
Quoted by: >>27514259

Walang anuman pre

>> No.27514229
Quoted by: >>27514355

Mori’s unclean asshole.

>> No.27514231

I hope not I wouldn't want to meet anyone else from these threads

>> No.27514232

Kiara is probably still asleep so she might not even know mori is out of the collab

>> No.27514233
File: 29 KB, 454x415, 1600823299261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27514372

Based as fuck, thanks for saving me from giving money to jewtube and C(hink)over

>> No.27514234

Mori constantly beats herself up for her mistakes and is very self-deprecating. It's not hard to imagine that she's beating herself up over this.

>> No.27514236
File: 656 KB, 175x169, 1575882328874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Schroder's Cat

>> No.27514241

Gura no....

>> No.27514243

I laughed have a (You)

>> No.27514244

Just HAD to push the beds together, didn't you?

>> No.27514246

>Callie isn't sick
Are you okay Anon?

>> No.27514249
File: 187 KB, 586x1932, ogey 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514250
File: 29 KB, 236x200, 1572726790704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514252
File: 10 KB, 337x325, 1477868112675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you actually sharkmeido? That's like additional work for you, right? I hope you aren't actually doing all of these for Cover free of charge. That would be embarrassing

>> No.27514253

>no mori to keep kiara ocupied
>she's gonna boss ruin the whole fucking thing claiming she's the most experienced now
I wouldn't be mad if the collab got cancelled

>> No.27514254
Quoted by: >>27514303

>Finally catch your big break after years of hard work and suffering and wageslaving
>Get corona and die

>> No.27514255

Anon I’ll just buy a sever with all my saved money in some country that doesn’t respect US or Japanese copyright and then host the content there to piss you off

>> No.27514257

Mori caught the dreaded Japanese cold. She's done for, lads

>> No.27514258

Don't worry guys, there's going to be a stream!

>> No.27514259

No, poorfag seanigger lang.
Kaya ako nag lulurk dito eh.

>> No.27514264
Quoted by: >>27514883

What are they playing in the collab?

>> No.27514263
Quoted by: >>27514390

the Minecraft collab with Mori was peak Kiara content though

>> No.27514267

So long as its not the 'rona, I'm not concerned.

Japan's got it pretty under control, so all should be well.

>> No.27514266

He isn't wrong.
For some reason the collabs w/Gura never draw as many viewers as Gura doing sololive. Even if you add all the channels together, it's less than what Gura can pull alone.
I'm assuming this is because there's a huge pool of viewers that only watch for Gura but she's overshadowed by others talking.

>> No.27514268

HoloEN is forever 5.

>> No.27514271
File: 86 KB, 400x400, 1602295325230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27514374


>> No.27514272

>fucks chicken pussy
>gets bird flu
What the fuck was Mori expecting

>> No.27514277

She doesn't want to cry because people will think it is fake! Instead she powers on with a smile on her face for all the people who placed such trust in her. They gave her so much money, more than she's ever had in her life! She doesn't deserve this! But she can't say that! It would cheapen the happiness they feel for her! She is worth it! Or she will be! The only way is to work harder! Harder than she ever has before! Sleepless nights, erratic meals, sometimes she vomits into the toilet before crawling over to the bed and collapsing. But she has to grind, even harder, she has to be worthy! She WILL be worthy of all the love and support people have shown her! She thinks of all her friends in the indie scene, all the people who were just as good as her or better, but weren't given this chance to be in Hololive, to reach this wide appeal. "Why am I the one who succeeded?" she thinks, as guilt wracks her body along with the tremors brought on by the drinking. But she has to drink, it's what people expect from her now, what with wine streams, and Japanese punishment game streams. Late one night, she sees a news story. Maybe it's about firefighters or Doctors who travel to lands to give aid. She stares at her Superchat earnings for the month and disgust wells up inside of her. What has she done to deserve all this? Why does she make more money that people who save lives? She immediately beats herself up for these thoughts because it betrays the people who believe in her! The people who donate SO MUCH MONEY to her. She puts out more songs, more streams. She reads every single name, every comment. Is it okay to be so loved? She wonders and decides the answer is no. She cries, knowing she is not who everyone thinks she is. But she will be. As long as she just works a little harder...

The police find her, days later, collapsed in a heap on the floor. They quickly take her to a hospital, where she is hooked up to an IV providing fluids and nutrients that she denied herself in her frenzy of content creation. But it's too late. Her body is too weak to go one. Tears well in her eyes as she thinks of all the people she is letting down, her viewers, her fans, her Deadbeats. She failed them. Her last words are a desperate plea before she fades away.

"Forgive me."

>> No.27514278

Based. Imagine complaining about piracy on 4chan of all places.

>> No.27514280
Quoted by: >>27514300

Sopa de Mori :(

>> No.27514281
File: 445 KB, 1200x1697, 1601037106820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is the global thread but I hope she cracks 300k soon

>> No.27514283
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, 1601496014909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would drawing pikamee and gura together be cute

>> No.27514284
File: 3.10 MB, 2400x1350, 1583894916629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514286

They have 1 Free Call in Sick card every month.

>> No.27514290

>when in reality it's because they didn't know what to do or when.
Despite Kiara saying exactly when she expected the collab to take place.

>> No.27514292
Quoted by: >>27514982

>forcing touhoufags onto /jp/ instead of letting them chill in a comfy /vg/ thread ruined /jp/
fucking what?

>> No.27514293

Based Doc

>> No.27514294


>> No.27514297

It's a weird evolution on concernfagging.

>> No.27514298

you know what, fine, just domn't do it in twitter/FB/Reddit/IG, keep it here

>> No.27514299


>> No.27514300

sopa de galinha bem gostosinha

>> No.27514301
Quoted by: >>27514332


Go go go. Feel free to add any other schizo narratives in your head

>> No.27514303

She wouldn't from the 'rona right? that only happens to old and very very unhealthy people

>> No.27514304

anon, I... Your flipspeak reps

>> No.27514305
File: 7 KB, 750x300, 1602283558385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514315
Quoted by: >>27514338

>mori says she feels a little under the weather
>everyone on /jp/: SHE HAS 5 DAYS LEFT TO LIVE

>> No.27514316
Quoted by: >>27514350

Maraming salamat :)

>> No.27514318
File: 11 KB, 230x230, 1602283475752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27514320



>> No.27514322

Hopefully shes okay and shes just taking personal time. She said she had a comission to do and also was posting at like 4am on twitter. Also any progress on doom would have to be redone offline on pc version.

>> No.27514323

Pikamee will fill in for Mori
You heard it here first

>> No.27514327


>> No.27514329
Quoted by: >>27514770

It surprises me how much some of these fags care about piracy on this Mongolian basketweaving forum of all places.

>> No.27514332


>> No.27514330

latest WHO figures has corona with a 99% survival rare so she will be fine

>> No.27514333

Hopefully she'll remember this the next time she decides to stay up all night to thank superchats despite the fact her entire live chat is begging her to go the fuck to sleep.

>> No.27514335

why are there so many pekofags here

>> No.27514336
File: 406 KB, 1912x2048, 1599639262161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOON, himefag, SOON

>> No.27514337
Quoted by: >>27514377


>> No.27514338

Death-sensei must've wanted his apprentice back.

>> No.27514342


Survival rate is overall excellent.

>> No.27514345
Quoted by: >>27514377


>> No.27514348


>> No.27514350
Quoted by: >>27514535

>can't tell if tagalog or indo
Fucking hell.

>> No.27514349
Quoted by: >>27514389

I don't think Pikamee is allowed near Gura anymore.

>> No.27514353

>he doesn't like pekora

>> No.27514354


>> No.27514355

Oh shit I left it dirty...

>> No.27514356

Gen5 really got fucked over didn't they?

>> No.27514358

Talking about mundane everyday shit was cool, that's all.

I mean even if you were a full-time vtuber, you still need some time for yourself. Even as a hikki I wouldn't want to vtube 24/7

>> No.27514361


Oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Thank you Mr. Insider!

>> No.27514362

Si si *slams pots and pans together*
For all you EOPs out there I just inquired this gentleman about his day.

>> No.27514365

polka's design is so fucking good

>> No.27514366

>HoloEN has the collab anyways without Calli
Would you guys be upset?

>> No.27514367

do your best mori-chan

>> No.27514370
Quoted by: >>27514418

>EN collab 6 is going to be Kiara, Gura, Ina, and Amelia holding a funeral for Mori
What the fuck... Not like this...

>> No.27514371
Quoted by: >>27514401

wow I can't believe Mori is copying Kiara she was sick first

>> No.27514372
Quoted by: >>27514405

you know you can see it in her channels in like 2 hours, right?

>> No.27514373
File: 7 KB, 384x94, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like she changed the date again

>> No.27514374
Quoted by: >>27514404

I am seriously considering a membership, send help


>> No.27514375
Quoted by: >>27515865

finally got around to watching color out of space with ina last night. did anyone make a similar combined vid of her matrix stream with the film as they did for the first one

>> No.27514376

god bless

>> No.27514377

Based on what?

>> No.27514379


>> No.27514381
File: 1.12 MB, 800x714, 1590973687792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27514441

we are legion

>> No.27514385

>Polka is at 15 songs
How can HoloEN compete?

>> No.27514389
File: 338 KB, 1622x2113, 1601682309211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could be cute though
and funny

>> No.27514390

Whenever she wasn't thirsting over Mori, sure

>> No.27514392

Based on my hairy anus

>> No.27514393

Their brains broke after Gura ate her

>> No.27514396

Based on Mori's giant cock, faggot

>> No.27514399
Quoted by: >>27514427

Yes, this is their final full group collab I would prefer they would wait for Calli to feel better

>> No.27514401

Have a (You), I laughed for some reason

>> No.27514404

She's worth the cost of a few pennies a day!

>> No.27514405
Quoted by: >>27514540

Oh shit really? Did she ever say anything about public archives? I must have missed it

>> No.27514410

I'd be too busy reveling in the shitposting

>> No.27514411

Thanks for the laugh
and here I thought I was unproductive

>> No.27514413
File: 280 KB, 2000x1504, 1602232812856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Funny, too.

>> No.27514414

based on fuck off and go back to twitter you insolent troglodyte

>> No.27514415
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1602265196834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori don't die onegai

>> No.27514416

Aloe fucked them all like one of her grimy dildos.

>> No.27514418


>> No.27514419
File: 398 KB, 1019x483, unknown-117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27514420

Guess i'll just have to skip morning uni classes.

>> No.27514422

Buh m-muh stacy

>> No.27514426

They don't need to.

>> No.27514427
Quoted by: >>27514472

>final full group collab
says who

>> No.27514428

My ears are bleeding but I still keep listening. I don't know why.

>> No.27514431
File: 316 KB, 474x729, uooooooohhhhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514433

By singing good like gura LMAO

>> No.27514435

>that little crease at the bottom

>> No.27514440

/hlg/ did warn us that after Gura ate Peko they'd migrate here to shit up the thread for "revenge"

>> No.27514441
File: 211 KB, 480x320, 1600544950020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're reaching levels of ogey I didn't think was possible.

>> No.27514442


>> No.27514443
Quoted by: >>27514497

>the kiara hair

>> No.27514444

gura, i love you, but that's a rude way to talk about mori.

>> No.27514445
Quoted by: >>27514524

It worked out last night when we took that cute indie vtuber who usually streams to 30 people up to almost 400 viewers. She's super happy, is doing her English reps as a result, and is streaming again in half an hour. See the Virtual Youtuber thread in the catalogue for details.

>> No.27514446

can someone give me a quick rundown on the pikamee loli shit? thanks

>> No.27514448


>> No.27514450

Nah, it was funny

>> No.27514452

The Collab is like Zen's Paradox. It keeps getting closer and closer, but it never actually happens.

>> No.27514454
File: 138 KB, 480x480, 1589299760994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514455


>> No.27514456
File: 1.34 MB, 498x280, 62d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514457

>concernfags win again

>> No.27514458

>ghost rider

>> No.27514459
File: 32 KB, 576x576, jkjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27514571

>gura finally hosts a collab
>it all falls apart hours before
Don't make my daughter cry..

>> No.27514460
Quoted by: >>27514497

>kiara's hair

>> No.27514461

With more songs.

>> No.27514463


>> No.27514464
File: 201 KB, 355x339, 1600326442195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm your mori I hope you remember me
>dies shortly after
bros we're never gonna hear her say that again...

>> No.27514465


>> No.27514466
Quoted by: >>27514497

what happened to Kiara's tits

>> No.27514469

I mean the whole point is that it's all of them right?

>> No.27514471
File: 2.45 MB, 2362x3937, EiDAHJ4U0AIvEe5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514472

He means the last weekly group collab. After this one, they're gonna be way more sporadic.

>> No.27514475
File: 138 KB, 600x797, 1602311892078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new narrative: she planned this to start another superchat war on her next livestream

>> No.27514477
Quoted by: >>27514518

No guarantees she stays healthy if she cuts it off. Neck yourself.

>> No.27514479


>> No.27514481

here's your (you)

>> No.27514482

Gura surpassing her activated the sleeper cells. Ogeys will overrun the world by December.

>> No.27514490



>> No.27514493
File: 284 KB, 474x729, 1588974758185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pikamee is very cultured

>> No.27514494

because is better than thinking "she hooked up with someone and is enjoying the dick too much to stream and made up sickness to avoid streaming and getting pittychats when she's back"

>> No.27514495
File: 345 KB, 720x720, Oozora_Subaru_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is Subaru the only confirmed HoloEn HoloJP Collab for next week?

>> No.27514496

Thanks, something new for my filter.

>> No.27514497
File: 1.52 MB, 1081x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats Ghost rider

>> No.27514498

Japan is part of the globe as far as I'm concerned. Polka is a good girl and deserves success.

>> No.27514500
File: 1.88 MB, 480x480, 1601656963029.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514501

take the (you)

>> No.27514503
Quoted by: >>27514555

>hour on a single fucking star
>going to genocide the mushroom kingdom
>going to kill herself

Jesus I wish I had seen this live

>> No.27514504

Fucking hot.
Do one for Ame, please. She's my NTR queen.

>> No.27514506
File: 168 KB, 1254x1200, EiwZkc1U0AE4C4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wishing my boy a speedy recovery. Guess I'll get a couple of hours sleep tonight at least..

>> No.27514507
Quoted by: >>27514536

She's not dying retards

>> No.27514509


>> No.27514514

you mean the 3 times times she did that? sure

>> No.27514518

Not getting enough sleep is detrimental to one's immune system. Don't play dumb.

>> No.27514519

Pekora and Gura fans overlap

>> No.27514522

pekochads run this shit

>> No.27514524

They'll ditch her in three weeks. Same cycle every time.

>> No.27514527

God Bless Polka

>> No.27514528

anon plz

>> No.27514530 [DELETED] 
File: 575 KB, 1000x1000, 1583842854625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can someone explain why the thread went full nuclear retarded?

>> No.27514531

Yes, though Kiara didn't disclose the specifics.

>> No.27514532

She's in Japan. She'll definitely be fine.

>> No.27514533

damn kiara looks like THAT?

>> No.27514535

SalAmat(PH) = Thank you
SalEmat(ID) = good

>> No.27514536

Are we not all dying as our cells all die one by one until it can't regrow

>> No.27514537


>> No.27514538
File: 132 KB, 600x990, GR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514540
Quoted by: >>27514569

Yea she said 24 hours to make them public unless it's copirighted content

>> No.27514545


>> No.27514546
Quoted by: >>27514595

>Scheduled for 10/14/20, 2:15 AM
M-my sleep reps...

>> No.27514547

im okay with this.

>> No.27514548


>> No.27514549

they're still doing much better than any of the previous holos did in their first few months

>> No.27514555

It was hillarious. Every time she was about to make progress she died in the dumbest fucking ways.

>> No.27514554

Honorary chumbuddies

>> No.27514557

>using your toilet to take a shit

>> No.27514562


4/10. Need to redo the ghostrider head. Retards aren't getting it.

>> No.27514560

Mori caught a cold and everyone used it as fuel for their shitposting

>> No.27514569

Good to know, thanks anon

>> No.27514571

>Gura was hoping she would get another good sleep after collabing with Mori again
Poor Gura

>> No.27514574
Quoted by: >>27514660

>collab finally on gura’s channel
>every one flakes on her
>mori dies of Rona
>ame sleeps through it to do another apex stream later
>kiaras computer literally explodes killing her
>Ina forgers because she is too busy working on deadlines for fgo

>> No.27514575

I guess you weren't here for the Amegeddon

>> No.27514576

people keep complaining about piracy on 4chan of all places

>> No.27514577

Mori sick

>> No.27514578
File: 248 KB, 535x532, 1579770117449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks this is nuclear

>> No.27514581

cute boy

>> No.27514586
Quoted by: >>27514794

we have nothing to watch and we're really fucking bored

>> No.27514587

All I'm seeing is that another Antifart shot another MAGtArd

>> No.27514593

i cant believe chicken news network reported this

>> No.27514592

This is quite tame

>> No.27514594

Would they cancel the collab just cause Mori is sick?

>> No.27514595

>8:15 am EU time
My sleep reps!

>> No.27514600

>Still hasn't changed the last line to "I hope you'll remember me."
One job with this pasta.

>> No.27514602

Dead hours just got extended. I don't think they'll push through with collab without Mori.

>> No.27514604

>not being baptized in the fires of doxpocalypse
This is nothing, newfag

>> No.27514607

I'm sure Mori is probably trying to convince them not to

>> No.27514608

Pikamee is the pinch hitter!

>> No.27514612

Never forget the 7 million goslings

>> No.27514613

>In the morning while I'm at work again
FUCK. Her weekend streams are the only ones I can catch. So much for Holo EN.

>> No.27514618

At least it wasn't her karaoke she got sick for

>> No.27514620

nigger should have been around for the watson shit, or the brap shit.

>> No.27514623

I'm glad she cancelled so I can watch other cute vtubers who I will not name.

>> No.27514625

I heard one of the holoEN posted here, is that true?

>> No.27514626
File: 119 KB, 225x474, 1601497243197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just rewatched Gura's debut stream and jesus shes really gained some self-confidence since then.
Though it seems more like she has ADHD now rather than being shy like in her earlier streams.

>> No.27514629

Of course not. I'd hate to think Mori is forcing herself even more just by showing up.

>> No.27514630

I mean...the point is for all of them to be in the collab. If they don't reschedule it, that'd be pretty shitty.

>> No.27514631 [DELETED] 

Mori is sick and we ruined an indie's streamer's day in a way that only we can do.
Also, the Touhou natives are restless because we invaded their sacred lands or some shit.

>> No.27514632
File: 180 KB, 1358x758, 1601253590593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514635
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>> No.27514636

>Mori won't make it to the collab
>Makes me less excited for it
Oh man, I truly am a Dead Beat/Brap

>> No.27514639
Quoted by: >>27514669

>Mori on her deathbed
>Her final words are I'm your Mori I hope you'll remember me

>> No.27514642
File: 119 KB, 604x833, pedomee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27514643

Do you think we'll ever see a male HoloEN?

>> No.27514646

its like 3 different things and 2 of them are really fucking lame and not really even worth discussing

>> No.27514649

is that chicken?

>> No.27514651

Are any of the other EN girls going to comment on this?

>> No.27514653

Kfp jannies where you at clean this shit up

>> No.27514654

>Chicken already surpassed two fifth generation in less than a month while the rest already surpassed the fifth generation.

HoloFive momentum really was short lived. I wonder if the Aloe shit didn't happened things would had been different.

>> No.27514655
Quoted by: >>27514718

>Literally only liked our daughters Twitter tweet
>She followed me back.
How can she be so perfect lads?

>> No.27514656

I'm thinking they'll do a 4 person collab, but have the REAL collab be on another day.

>> No.27514658
File: 933 KB, 1608x733, 1600634774786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori has japanese flu
It's over bros...

>> No.27514659

Yeah, Risu.

>> No.27514660
Quoted by: >>27516558

Speaking of Ina, is she gonna continue her pro illustrator day job or is she gonna go into vtubing full time?

>> No.27514661

So will the collab be put on hold

>> No.27514663

How big is the Western fujo market?

>> No.27514664

>Mori shilling all the other HoloEN members
>Say how HoloEN has something for everyone
>Describes all the positive points about the other HoloEN members
>No negativity whatsoever
>Fucking Canadians start a simp war
>USA responds
>Akasupa start reigning down
>Multiple $400 akasupa
>Mori doesn't know how to respond
>She ends up crying and hides it by just playing a recorder for 25mins
>Feel obligated to go through every SC
>By the end of the stream she is mentally and physically dead inside
I'm sorry guys, but Canadians ruin everything.

This is the part where she starts to lose it


>> No.27514665
File: 193 KB, 437x225, 1583619919805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27514696

Just woke up. What did I miss?

>> No.27514666

I won't

>> No.27514667

<span class="sjis"> kek[/spoiler]

>> No.27514668
File: 372 KB, 1019x483, 11111111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27514732

shouldn't it be something closer to this?

>> No.27514669
Quoted by: >>27514721


>> No.27514670

comment on what exactly?

>> No.27514671

Based anon, I am happy you upload streams :)

>> No.27514672
Quoted by: >>27514709

What is the narrative here?

>> No.27514676

What are holostars

>> No.27514678

why are deadbraps like this?

>> No.27514679
Quoted by: >>27514705

Quick, tell me why (you) should replace Mori for tonights collab.

>> No.27514680
File: 50 KB, 408x439, 1597775942731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking yikes.

>> No.27514685

Needs to be repurposed to be chicken, most people don't get it.

>> No.27514686
File: 2.22 MB, 512x384, doom&#039;s animated wall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK, I had been looking forward to this one such much. I hope she get better soon, guess she has been pushing herself a little too far

>> No.27514687
Quoted by: >>27514809

I don't see how we'd have done it to that indie when there's three other vtuber threads and most people don't know who she even if

>> No.27514689

Please ask the same question every thread. I love it!!! Now list a bunch of popular western streamers too, you fucking faggot.

>> No.27514690
Quoted by: >>27514740

Its always the fucking Canadians.

>> No.27514691

eventually, yes. Male streamers are very big in the west
We'll probably get HoloEN 2 first though

>> No.27514693

Makes sense since it appears she's become a caffeine addict in her newer streams.

>> No.27514695

Thanks anon. I needed this.

>> No.27514696
Quoted by: >>27514716

mori is literally going to fucking die and it's your fault for not telling her to go to sleep last night after reading akasupas for 2 hours

>> No.27514697 [DELETED] 

>we ruined an indie's streamer's day in a way that only we can do.
Wait what, the fuck did you guys do?

>> No.27514702
Quoted by: >>27514744

Just make /ajp/ - Alternative Otaku Culture

>> No.27514704
Quoted by: >>27514722

Kiara is probably still sleeping.

>> No.27514705

I can be in the stream even while sick and extremely drunk. I can contain my insults a little too.

>> No.27514706

>dog pic
Go back

>> No.27514707

Nice, you got my good side

>> No.27514709
Quoted by: >>27514759

Some anon claimed he could hear mori taking a shit during a livestream. And the flush of the toilet.
Her computer is a laptop so she probably carries it around

>> No.27514710

this is the problem with japanese and google translate. it adds pronouns when she was talking from a general perspective

>> No.27514712

>ruined indie's day
Who and how? It better not have been yuki-chan

>> No.27514711

yes, she has been drinking lots of caffeine water.

>> No.27514713
Quoted by: >>27514757

God imagine looking at Mori's toilet right now while she's sick. Do you think she has diarrhea?

>> No.27514716
Quoted by: >>27514723

What do I do? What do I do?

>> No.27514717

yeah, she's a certain 141 cm tall cuncun

>> No.27514718

>Hiding her real social network among the rest.

>> No.27514721


>> No.27514722

>Kiara is probably still sleeping.
oh man I wonder what her immediate reaction will be when she gets the news

>> No.27514723

more supas

>> No.27514726
File: 408 KB, 595x673, 1601078751731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27514748

Yes I atract pedos how did you know?

>> No.27514730

>ruined an indies day

>> No.27514732

closer....but not there yet

>> No.27514735
File: 794 KB, 560x560, 1601692470321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not her

Circa 2020

>> No.27514737
File: 408 KB, 1019x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghost rider.

>> No.27514739

Doubt it, don't let the /v/ermin try to convince you otherwise and if it does it won't happen for a very long time.

>> No.27514741

>favorite HoloEN
>favorite disease

>> No.27514740

It's really not though, America has donated more to Calli than Canadians.

>> No.27514744

Finna never gonna draw a dime

>> No.27514746
Quoted by: >>27514797

They should just make a 2hu board that's not labeled as something else.

>> No.27514748
File: 196 KB, 1124x1636, 1586583839693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514749

>he doesn't remember when schizo janny went full nuclear on /hlg/ during the HoloEN debuts

>> No.27514750
File: 857 KB, 498x481, 1577851619108.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Ame stop liking fan tweets? Seems like it. I wonder if she's starting to hate her job or that she's having an internal struggle going on with all of the shit she's been through two weeks ago. Though, I hope this is just my headcannon and not actually the truth

>> No.27514752 [DELETED] 

Someone posted her debut stream in hlgg thread. Bunch of anons criticized her voice. Some schizo made a collage of all the criticism and sent it to her.

>> No.27514755

Remember to take responsibility.

>> No.27514756

Do you really believe it?

>> No.27514757

Kiara please stop visiting these threads.

>> No.27514759

I know that, I already fapped to the video, but what is the narrative in "taking a shit in the toilet"? Where else?

>> No.27514760

at least it wasn't AHOGE

>> No.27514761
File: 25 KB, 112x112, 1602267555334.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514763

She's just sick dude

>> No.27514764
File: 107 KB, 206x252, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514765
Quoted by: >>27514803


>> No.27514767

I need narratives on Mori's sickness. Corona or diarrhea?

>> No.27514768

May as well throw on the leather jacket and make the hands bones at this point

>> No.27514770
Quoted by: >>27514816

They're from reddit

>> No.27514774

Expand it. Kiara on the other side. 1 free collab reschedule.

>> No.27514776

Second Year Middle School

>> No.27514778
Quoted by: >>27514958



>> No.27514779

>Some schizo made a collage of all the criticism and sent it to her.
Again? What the fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.27514780
File: 908 KB, 1143x981, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full nuclear retarded
how new?

>> No.27514782
File: 48 KB, 227x222, 1601334425418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a war crime.

>> No.27514781

Bubonic Plague

>> No.27514786

Holy fucking based

>> No.27514788

Was it the same tranny skitzo who fucking sent our threads to chicken

>> No.27514789
Quoted by: >>27514822

I'm just waiting for Gura to say whether or not she's going through with the collab

>> No.27514791

Caught a cold from Kiara

>> No.27514792
Quoted by: >>27514839

Idk about all that but she definitely doesn't know what direction to take her member streams from now on.

>> No.27514794

Our daughter is going live in 20 minutes!

>> No.27514795
Quoted by: >>27514864

irritable bowel syndrome confirmed

>> No.27514797

I'm surprised they didn't just made /vd/ Vidya/Danmaku at the rate they were shitting out new boards.

>> No.27514798

I really fucking hate you guys sometimes.

>> No.27514799

always has been

>> No.27514801


>> No.27514803
File: 711 KB, 790x767, 1602338720745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514804
Quoted by: >>27514825

Could just be normal sick from staying up so long reading all of those superchats.

>> No.27514806
File: 26 KB, 128x128, ameliawhatson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is up with /hlgg/ and sending collages of our shitposting antis to english/german vtubers holy shit

>> No.27514809
Quoted by: >>27514958

I'd say read archives but they're down
Someone linked an indie earlier today and most anons said she had an ugly voice, apparently someone showed her those posts and that's about it

>> No.27514810
File: 203 KB, 351x342, 1571583363748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27514854

(you) addicts will do it again and everyone will act all shocked again but we all know its gonna happen

>> No.27514816

Well that was obvious, but the sheer amount of them is concerning.

>> No.27514818

We did it /hlgg/eddit!

>> No.27514820

no meme review
no EN collab

I stayed up for nothing

>> No.27514822

I would put it on hold until she get better

>> No.27514825

My narrative is she caught it from Kiara, and I will bitch about the chicken until she fucking APOLOGIZES

>> No.27514826

>I agree with everyone that says my voice is bad I hate it too it's also worse when I'm nervous or excited and I was both as this was my most viewed stream. Please in the future don't show me messages like this.

>> No.27514828
File: 1.51 MB, 1080x1534, 1602257310614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she knows what she's doing.

>> No.27514827

Spontaneous human combustion

>> No.27514832

Wouldn't surprise me at all but we don't know for sure.

>> No.27514833

Trump is fat and unhealthy and he was fine after 3 days. Even if it is rona she will be fine.

>> No.27514834

>sent it to her
People with mental illness should be executed.

>> No.27514836
File: 2.23 MB, 600x360, 1602217864134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514839
File: 11 KB, 194x259, suicide beam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame hasn't been on twitter today? OMG SHE HATES US

>> No.27514840
Quoted by: >>27514875

yes it was the same boogeyman that lives rent free in your head

>> No.27514842
Quoted by: >>27515403

Plague of Justinian

>> No.27514843
Quoted by: >>27515403


>> No.27514844

>gender is a social construct debut
I'm sure it was about the voice anon

>> No.27514845
Quoted by: >>27514997

She started drinking a gallon of caffeine per stream. Caffeine can actually increase anxiety though.

>> No.27514849

She pulled $13k during that stream, so she clearly can't be that upset.

>> No.27514850
Quoted by: >>27514886

It’s not even us it’s fucking tranny discord lurkers who think they should send our random fucking hate mail to the doorstep of people when we let it lay here

>> No.27514852


>> No.27514854

Still waiting for that jacket merch

>> No.27514858

How the fuck did he even recover so fast anyway?

>> No.27514859


>> No.27514861

>Virtual / No gender (Any pronoun)
It deserves worse.

>> No.27514863

>America has donated more to Calli than Canadians.
Shhh they might hear you.

<span class="sjis">They Are Always Listening[/spoiler]

>> No.27514864
Quoted by: >>27514915


What's stopping Mori from streaming on the toilet? Doesn't she already do this?

>> No.27514867

She says she doesnt like mexicans in 56:17

>> No.27514868


>> No.27514869

why are you guys like this

>> No.27514870

on one hand, I really want Mori to rest as much as she needs because she has a habit of pushing herself to justify the superchats she gets. On the other hand, the loss of that Doom stream is going to send this thread into a downward spiral of schizo narratives. I'll check in tomorrow, three hours at least of dead hours is going to kill my interest.

>> No.27514871
File: 471 KB, 913x872, 7986485868456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why people upload the full vod on youtube? Won't this demonetized the girls for reused contents?

>> No.27514872

Polka sounds absolutely gassed.

>> No.27514874

Fucking christ I feel like shit now. Why do schizos ruin everything? She's an indie vtuber who's just starting out ffs.

>> No.27514875

I don’t think about Twitter faggots until they think of us

>> No.27514876
File: 599 KB, 700x873, 1586803407414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who superchat with messages like "This is my last hundred bucks guess I'm living on the street this month!" are absolute fucking retards. It's like they imagine the vtuber is going to go "Wow, really you gave ME your last hundred bucks? You must really like me, let me give you some reward sex!" but in reality it just makes the person feel like absolute shit and guilty that these retards are putting themselves in financial distress for a few seconds of attention.

It really needs to stop.

>> No.27514877


>> No.27514878

Mods really need to rangeban all 3rd world shitholes.

>> No.27514879
Quoted by: >>27514959

He also had access to the best medical resources in the Western Hemisphere. Regardless, the coof is a meme disease and nothing to worry about unless you're fat, old, or have other health conditions.

>> No.27514880

It's a meme virus.

>> No.27514883

mein kampf

>> No.27514884

nevertheless, she is off-topic for this thread. please take this discussion elsewhere.

>> No.27514886
Quoted by: >>27514938

there's no "us", faggot. You're on your own

>> No.27514887
File: 79 KB, 480x473, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514888
Quoted by: >>27515597

Maybe getting treatments that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars from the best hospital in the country had something to do with it.

>> No.27514889

Damn she's pretty based!

>> No.27514890
Quoted by: >>27514956

Remember that the ban is over soon and she'll have some collabs to adjust to. She's probably using some of her downtime to relax, read manga, spend more time with her pets, etc.

>> No.27514891
File: 1.20 MB, 947x777, 1601869731778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's disappointing, but it's best she gets some rest. I'll miss her dearly but hopefully she's back in top shape in time for the concert.

>> No.27514892


Seriously, some people...

>> No.27514893

It was. People just watched the embedded youtube link and commented on it.

>> No.27514896

Now go look up how many people live in Canada

>> No.27514897
File: 548 KB, 640x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514899
File: 1009 KB, 1280x720, 1577761212416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27514924


>> No.27514901
Quoted by: >>27514955

Why do it matter people will just say "Her" anyway Anon

>> No.27514902
File: 4 KB, 280x36, 657564768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27514903

You are thinking too much into it anon, i just see it as a shitpost

>> No.27514905

English next time please

>> No.27514904

The girls don’t have the content on their channels anymore so it shouldn’t

>> No.27514906

Unironically based

>> No.27514907

Mori schedule just went up member bros

>> No.27514908


>> No.27514909

Thanks for letting me know about these videos anon, I'll start sending the links to the HoloEN email to take them down.

>> No.27514911

collab delayed

>> No.27514912


Vtubers hook a lot of insane ppl.

>> No.27514913


>> No.27514915
Quoted by: >>27514937

She has loud farts and she gets embarrassed.

>> No.27514916

>chicken not in the overcooked collab

>> No.27514917

Dangerously and recklessly BASED

>> No.27514918

unironically die r*ddit scum

>> No.27514919
Quoted by: >>27514986

Don't worry, yagoo will take care of it. Plus I don't care they already make a lot of money.

>> No.27514922
Quoted by: >>27515158

Got Steiner-like genes.

>> No.27514924

I miss the old timeloopposting

>> No.27514926
Quoted by: >>27514953

Now that we know theres people sending our shit to the vtubers, do you think Ame saw that collage of hate we made on her debut?

>> No.27514927
Quoted by: >>27515126

reaching sora levels

>> No.27514928
Quoted by: >>27514976

What's with the flute?

>> No.27514936

>No Mori streams until the 14th
>No TakaMori Minecraft

>> No.27514938

Ok tranny discord lurker thanks for admitting to sending hate posts to indie vtubers because you’re mad you’re not a real woman

>> No.27514937
Quoted by: >>27515021

Now this is the kind of narrative I like

>> No.27514942

why would you do this to mocca, she's nice

>> No.27514944

>Kiara at the remix show just so she can translate for Mori

>> No.27514946
File: 884 KB, 2133x4092, 1601327817253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27514971

Ina Karaoke

>> No.27514947
Quoted by: >>27517419

>nothing till wednesday
disappointing but not unexpected
hope she gets better and maybe learns to not put so much on her plate

>> No.27514948
Quoted by: >>27515145

>no Minecraft with Kiara
Oh nooo their dream
>Kiara confirmed for the Remix Party
Hell yeah

>> No.27514950
File: 3.33 MB, 3100x3100, 1600951526132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More autistic track making/10
Gonna be a good week, if she doesn't fucking die

>> No.27514952

the President of the World gains immortality at some point

>> No.27514953
Quoted by: >>27514991

Yeah, tl;dr Kiara, Morio and Amelia probably hate this place and rightfully so

>> No.27514955

keep your shit to yourself like the holoen girls
do you see ame or kiara using this shit?

>> No.27514956

understandable. She sounds like the type who really loves her pets

>> No.27514957

>doom eternal @ 1:15AM in the middle of the week
Nah m8

>> No.27514958

I guess bullying germans is Kiara's fault

>> No.27514959

I know a guy in his late 30s who's had it since April. It hits some people hard even if they're in good shape otherwise.

>> No.27514961

what's with so many vtubers being into this stuff?

>> No.27514964

>"I didn't see anyone upload this so I'm doing it. thanks to u/Niels27 for providing it)"
We did it Reddit!!!

>> No.27514965
Quoted by: >>27515072

This has convinced me that Ame had something she needed to do that day and was temporarily replaced by Kiara with the entire "oversleeping" story being a narrative they made to cover it up.

>> No.27514966

Oh fuck off flag fag

>> No.27514968

Stop living on social media. Fucking hell, the absolute state of zoomers.

>> No.27514969
Quoted by: >>27515159

Takamori minecraft is on Kiaras channel next wait for her schedule

>> No.27514971

Thanks squidbro, but I need her matrix stream (preferably synced with the movie itself)

>> No.27514972 [DELETED] 

You faggots have only yourselves to blame. Stop talking about non Holos in the fucking Holo containment threads. Pikamee is not a Holo either. Meidos ban for the exact same fucking thing in /hlg/. You wanna be a hipster and discover small vtubers there are threads expressly for that purpose.

>> No.27514974 [DELETED] 
File: 416 KB, 640x483, more_schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mori's schedule

>> No.27514976

Lurk more anon, and actually watch the streams god damn.

>> No.27514978

Her regular collab with Mori is Minecraft, and Mori just decided it without consulting Kiara.

The tsun is starting to show some cracks and the dere is beginning to leak through.

>> No.27514979
Quoted by: >>27515243

>Oh no poor mori, she's having a mental breakdown because people are donating her money
I don't understand your fucking thought process, that donation baiting is fucking shameless, but whatever, 1 less viewer must mean fuck all to her

>> No.27514982 [DELETED] 

Touhou are video games, the threads should belong to video game boards. For some reason, they dont

>> No.27514983

I’m now a Plato anti

>> No.27514984
Quoted by: >>27515159

Minecraft will be hosted on bird's channel, and bird can't commit to a schedule right now because of her situation, so the minecraft stream will be guerrilla.

>> No.27514986

let me watch it first snitchbros I had to take my dog to the vet yesterday

>> No.27514989

Discord Trannies who post our stuff on normie twitter are the biggest threat in this thread.

>> No.27514991

That’s on the people who PERPETUATE OUR POSTS and not us we don’t fucking shit were we sleep

>> No.27514993
Quoted by: >>27517476

aloe was the most important member in gen5, en would be in a similar situation if the same happened to gura.

>> No.27514997

It's also a diuretic

>> No.27515000

She probably wouldn't have gotten sick if she wasn't constantly stressed from being overworked

>> No.27515002

jp has always been shit, we need a vtuber board. we're the new MLP now

>> No.27515003

UScucks trying to scapegoat the SEAnigger again

>> No.27515004 [DELETED] 

/vyt/ hates EN indies and only tolerates Pikamee though

>> No.27515005

Umm you should respect her pronouns BIGOT

>> No.27515006
File: 88 KB, 211x209, 1591544890038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27515019

>Read Amelia as Amnesia Watson

>> No.27515008

Hey now, I'm not the discord faggot you're talking about. Just stop using "us" like this place is something of a collective of like-minded people.

>> No.27515010


>> No.27515012

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)

>> No.27515014

They said they were gonna swap people in and out for the overcooked collab. Probably it'll be Ina's turn.

>> No.27515016

Why? There is literally nothing wrong this.

>> No.27515017

No more big collabs, nice. They take way too much stream time. But no smaller collabs outside of hololive yet, unfortunately

>> No.27515019

yeah, i'm fucking stupid

>> No.27515020


>> No.27515021

Remember when she complained about loud trucks outside her house? It was not trucks.

>> No.27515027

because they are all nine year olds who only know the computer

>> No.27515028 [DELETED] 


>> No.27515032
Quoted by: >>27515192

>Some schizo made a collage of all the criticism and sent it to her.
Again? Was it the same dude or do we really have that many mentally ill people here? Fucking sucks cause this is the one place you can shitpost and let off some steam and it's being ruined because fags are breaking containment

>> No.27515033
File: 470 KB, 200x200, Pain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27515038

where can i find the amelia asmr stream?

>> No.27515039


>> No.27515040
Quoted by: >>27515061

The new narrative is that Gura knew that Mori was going to be sick which is why she didn't schedule the collab.

>> No.27515041
File: 920 KB, 788x771, 1601431299607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No 5 person HoloEN collab
Its over....

>> No.27515042 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27515123

Tough shit, it doesn't belong here though.

>> No.27515044

the 4chan hivemind doesnt like when people arent straight white males

>> No.27515047

mr K just want to eat Moris big titties

>> No.27515051
File: 508 KB, 2566x2436, 1601254878701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27515261

>no Mori streams till Wednesday at 2am

>> No.27515049
Quoted by: >>27515214

So is Kiara at the remix party just so she can translate for Kokorobeats? I know mori mentioned something about having Kiara translate

>> No.27515054


>> No.27515056

So now what should we wait to see if the collab is still on

>> No.27515057
Quoted by: >>27515485

Have a (You) for that bait

>> No.27515058

Hey, train anon here
i am happy to report that i went for a gura art search in twitter, but this time no one died in japan in a train accident

>> No.27515061


>> No.27515062

>ghostrider was actually her bf this whole time

>> No.27515065
Quoted by: >>27515176

Anon the worse problem is the faggots who take our posts and content and spread it to normie sites and nomie places knowing full well it will only cause grief they are the true cancer

>> No.27515068

fuck the collab, gura solo playing minecraft is enough

>> No.27515072

There wouldn't be any reason for them to lie about that though. Are you okay?

>> No.27515075 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27515123

vyt hates Pika. Even the vyt threads on wsg shit on Pika.

>> No.27515080
Quoted by: >>27515597

Experimental designer antibody and anti-viral treatments, plus catching it relatively early. He still had to go to a proper medical center despite the WH having its own medical facilities so it's not he shrugged it off.

>> No.27515082
Quoted by: >>27515353

Exactly, all of these 'people' need to not inject their shit where it doesn't belong.

>> No.27515083

Doesn't /vyt/ hate Pikamee ever since she went past 100k though?

>> No.27515087

Based Truth

>> No.27515088

Wait, where did you find this?

>> No.27515089

No JP collabs? Huh?

>> No.27515091
Quoted by: >>27515118


>> No.27515093

Did she edit her rules? She had "Don't be a chud" in there which probably explains a bit of the reaction.

>> No.27515095
Quoted by: >>27515117

>Ban lifts on the 12th
>12th and 13th empty
So, who is she collabing with?

>> No.27515096

am I retarded? I don't see Mori's new schedule on her twitter

>> No.27515107

Dude....holy fuck.

>> No.27515109


>> No.27515112

Because she posted it here herself.

>> No.27515113

It goes to members early

>> No.27515114


>> No.27515117


>> No.27515118

this aint /ptg/ buddy. you can /mark/ me!

>> No.27515119

>not going to be there tonight
>not going to be there next week
Mori has been BANISHED from holoEN

>> No.27515120
Quoted by: >>27515163

Just fucking confirm when the collab will be so I can stop coming here to check every 10 minutes

>> No.27515121


>> No.27515122 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 1154x719, 1602181887877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara isn't in the Overcooked collab
>no TakeMori Minecraft
What the fuck happened featherheads... Even after Mori proposed the idea of the weekly Minecraft collab too...

>> No.27515123 [DELETED] 

I didn't want to admit it but maybe there does need to be a board

>> No.27515126
Quoted by: >>27517329

Sora actually does stuff outside out youtube/nnd streams.

>> No.27515128

/hlgg/ pls stop being retarded for a second

>> No.27515129
Quoted by: >>27515485

>unironically agreeing with bait
Found the tranny. Just 41% yourself already.

>> No.27515132

>4 whole days without Mori
didn't realize I have an addiction until now

>> No.27515131

caffeinated cheese and chocolate milk

>> No.27515137

Genderfaggotry is absolute cancer, trust me you don't want it spreading into vtuber culture.

>> No.27515139

I like Mori but I feel like both her and Kiara should've been people who lived in the actual fucking west instead of this retarded JP shit with their retarded schedules.

>> No.27515144

>EN collab without Mori
So instead of cringekino, it'll just be kino for once?

>> No.27515143

>nothing till wednesday
please stream more you sperg

>> No.27515145

It's on Kiara's channel so it shouldn't be listed there. Schedules usually only show planned streams on their own channels

>> No.27515146

no u

>> No.27515147
Quoted by: >>27515210

Its on the birds channel

>> No.27515150

if shes a cali fag shes on adderall. she reminds me of all the tweakers in college

>> No.27515152
Quoted by: >>27515597

he probably got that russian vaccine everyone's talking about and became one of the labrats

>> No.27515155

Not on her twitter, so it should be a community post. Unless.

>> No.27515156
File: 2.49 MB, 500x324, 1573231908213.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>end of muse dash stream
>gura gets really close to the screen
>"Have we ever been this close before"
>"It's like we're sitting next to each other"
This vod was worth way more than 5 dollars, Jesus Christ.

>> No.27515158

He's a genetic freak and he's not normal?!

>> No.27515159

Ah you're right, Mori usually doesn't put the collabs on her schedule if it's not on her channel. Hope it still happens then.

>> No.27515157
File: 1.23 MB, 1605x1000, 1590232510762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27516125


>> No.27515163

Not happening today, Mori's sick

>> No.27515162

You're right, but it's still off-topic so try and ignore it next time.

>> No.27515165
File: 93 KB, 1200x900, 2353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are doing your piano reps so you can pursue a music career and Ina will appreciate you but be unable to go beyond that because you're both separated by your professional dreams, right La La Lads?

>> No.27515167
Quoted by: >>27515228

the next one's supposed to be on the bird's channel so it might be in her schedule instead

>> No.27515168

"us" would refer to the general contents of the thread. It's no one else's business until some retard decides to make a collage of it and spread it elsewhere.

>> No.27515169
File: 17 KB, 1114x514, 1601875805949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27515172

So you’re not a tranny but you take posts from here and spread them to twitter? Anon either you saw “us” and had a tism fit or you are a tranny and do spread our( the general’s) toxic posts to people who would have never known or cared about this fucking swamp back water

>> No.27515174
File: 65 KB, 202x194, 1599959751817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27515209

How are you people surprised that someone who works 2 jobs and is now sick needs non stream time to set up a live concert+remix contest

>> No.27515175

>>no TakeMori Minecraft
Kiara doesn't have a schedule so minecraft will be at a random time that's why it's not there

>> No.27515176

No different that people who come here to post out of context shit from twitter, discord and other sites.
Its an obnoxious habit of zoomers, gotta spread everything virally like corona.

>> No.27515177

it's just /vpol/cels as usual

>> No.27515183

deadbeat community post

>> No.27515184
File: 39 KB, 342x343, 84902627_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura hasn't tweeted anything yet...is she awake?

>> No.27515185


>> No.27515187
File: 872 KB, 913x697, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27515188

But I love calling people like you nigger and faggot, though.

>> No.27515192


>> No.27515193 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27516297

Sort of, a lot of touhoufags originated from the fighting game spinoffs while the rest came from the bad apple and math class craze, only danmaku purists play touhou unfortunately

>> No.27515196


>> No.27515198

wth im a pikamee fan now

>> No.27515199

Okay, here's the narrative:
Gura told Mori to fuck off and don't show up in the collab so now she pretends to be sick.

>> No.27515200

God I hope she quits her wagie job soon

>> No.27515202
Quoted by: >>27515274

holy fuck just cuddle next to your gf if you're that lonely

>> No.27515204

4chan is a counterculture site, you just gotta shrug these things off and realize that most people here are probably retards who are struggling with cultural change

>> No.27515205

HER liked some meme on twitter very recently

>> No.27515207
Quoted by: >>27516465

>struggle as starving artist for years with only mild success
>larp as an anime girl for horny teenagers and make bank
probably not selling significantly more music either.
I bet she thinks she sold out.

>> No.27515208

Membership is just around 100PHP. How poor are you?

>> No.27515209

We are just fucking around anon, most of us anyway

>> No.27515210

yeah I forgot about that woops

>> No.27515214

Eh I kinda doubt that. Hasn't she been working with him for a long time? They probably know each other well enough to communicate without a translator

>> No.27515215

v in /vyt/ stands for VOMS

>> No.27515216

Picked up piano to do my reps right before EN debut.

>> No.27515217
Quoted by: >>27515240

Alright guys yell really loud If the collab is announced, I'm gonna make tea or something.

>> No.27515218
Quoted by: >>27515323

Someone did the same thing to Kiara you fucking retard, she's part of Hololive isn't she?

>> No.27515220 [DELETED] 

VOMS is indie. Gyari just auditioned them and gave them models. Everything after that is all them.

Yes, we really do. It would stop all the leaking into /v/ and /a/. I'm absolutely fucking baffled that they made 10 new /v/ boards and not a single one was for e-celebs or vtubers.

>> No.27515224

He is the motherfucking President of the Motherfucking United States OF AMERICA, not some weakass bitch. He could take a fucking missile to the face and just laugh it off, completely unscathed. That's what being the president means, that's what being an american means.

>> No.27515225

Mori should post an apology for being sick. People are waiting for the collab

>> No.27515228


>> No.27515230

I'd rather it get delayed, but Mori's my favorite, so I'm biased.

>> No.27515233

Isnt her wage job the only thing keeping her in Japan? Shes working on a visa.

>> No.27515234

My worst fear is that Mori is too exhausted or sick to make it to her own remix party...

>> No.27515240
Quoted by: >>27515311

depends what tea it is

>> No.27515241

Why the fuck does Gura keep telling me to drink water

>> No.27515243

she'd do the same amount of work and be as happy to do it even if she got 10% of that because that's what she has been doing for years you fucking moron

>> No.27515245

Jesus Christ, lmao.

>> No.27515246

the relevance was because she was talking about how she got to the interview stage for HoloEN

>> No.27515247

That was the moment that I realized I lost to the shark. She knows exactly what she's doing she's just not letting us have everything we want all at once.

>> No.27515248
Quoted by: >>27515313

Thank God. It's annoying when you want to watch the Trinity but they have to fuck up their schedules to collab with the jp duo.

>> No.27515250

fuck that uggo mori, already ate all my cheetos

>> No.27515251
Quoted by: >>27515397

We also like straight Japanese men and women.

>> No.27515253

she retweeted fan art a few hours ago.

>> No.27515255
File: 1.08 MB, 600x544, 1601559001548.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

props for the filename anon

>> No.27515256

>Wake up
>Muse Dash songs stuck in my head
What the fuck man, I'm not even a chumbud.

>> No.27515258
Quoted by: >>27515361

post your top 3 /hololive "global"/ memes and why do you repost them so much

>> No.27515259

No, you just gotta fuck off to reddit and circle jerk with room temperature iq fucks who will agree with you trend of the day.

>> No.27515261

bro theres a Mori DOOM stream today.

>> No.27515263
Quoted by: >>27515349

She has like 3 jobs.

>> No.27515264

mori just got dicked by nigerian club workers in japan, and all you can think about is the collab. shame.

>> No.27515266

For me, it's Someone in the Crowd. That instrumental interlude always elevates me holy shit

>> No.27515269

Being a chickenfag is suffering.

>> No.27515272

why does she do this to us, deadbeats? I can't go more than a few days without her streams this is killing me

>> No.27515274

I'm working on it faggot.

>> No.27515277


>> No.27515278

Not a single stream until wednsday, overcooked collab has no guest, another fucking shitty JP stream. The only real thing to look forward to is doom (shit time for US), and the live show.

>> No.27515279
Quoted by: >>27515319

why does she love memes so much

>> No.27515280
Quoted by: >>27515315

to be fair she's in a shitty situation so she has to prepare for the worst

>> No.27515282
Quoted by: >>27515476

she cares about you and wants you to be healthy.

>> No.27515283

Please be bait

>> No.27515284
Quoted by: >>27515433

Theyre japanese nerds

>> No.27515286

sadly it only takes 1 schizo to ruin everything.

>> No.27515290


>> No.27515295

I'm sure that Cover can get her a work visa

>> No.27515303
File: 168 KB, 970x1424, 1602257247241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27515308 [DELETED] 

On the other hand, we raided some small indie last night and she's been gushing about it on twitter since. Should go live any second

>> No.27515311
Quoted by: >>27515373

Earl grey because I don't have anything else.

>> No.27515312

There are not enough jannies, maids, and exterminators to moderate an entire board for the literal whos on the internet. The universe has room for only one such place and kiwifarms already exists.

Besides, we're all anons, what makes you think they'll stay there?

>> No.27515313
Quoted by: >>27515345

>trinityfaggotry still a thing
I thought we killed all you fags off?

>> No.27515315

No it has nothing to do with that she just doesn't want to. She said it in one of her recent streams.

>> No.27515317

Kill yourself

>> No.27515319

She's a memer at heart

>> No.27515321


>> No.27515323

Indies usually have thinner skin than more mainstream vtubers, having antis is a given when you’re starting with such a huge fan base. Hope whoever compiled and sent it gets lynched.

>> No.27515327

It's not over until it's over. People were declared covid free before and croaked on their way home from the hospital several times already.

>> No.27515328

Just 2 weeks until the ISP stops being retarded for no reason

>> No.27515329

nice joke

>> No.27515330
File: 77 KB, 801x801, 1600695526738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27515381

>Cover doing anything to help the chuubas

>> No.27515331
File: 235 KB, 827x1385, 1588372821268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27515400

Niggers are a plague

>> No.27515333


>> No.27515335

We've been over this. She works as a teacher, even if it's something that she just could up and quit, Mori is a dedicated worker and I doubt she would just tell her students to fuck off. I'm sure she's waiting for the school season to end.

I don't really buy that narrative because Cover is a legitimate Japanese company that has her as an employee. Her work Visa would be covered under this.

>> No.27515336

>It would stop all the leaking into /v/ and /a/.
Worked wonders for /pol/ and /r9k/ leaking everywhere, am I right? When are people gonna learn that "containment boards" aren't real because, unless you have mods artistically dedicated to enforcing it, you can't stop people from posting elsewhere.

>> No.27515340

Don't make someone post that copypasta again.

>> No.27515341
File: 56 KB, 596x484, Lolimee2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27515411

Don't forget her love of LO

>> No.27515343 [DELETED] 

whom? i'd like to follow some indies

>> No.27515344
Quoted by: >>27515476

So you don't fucking die.

>> No.27515345
Quoted by: >>27515413

Anon sea niggers won’t die until we range ban them

>> No.27515346


>> No.27515347
File: 639 KB, 850x865, tako9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27515415

:3 Remember to hydrate like Ina to survive! We can't be tentacultists together if you're dead! :3 :3

>> No.27515348

Wait, I just realized Mori postponed tonight's doom stream to next week.
What the fuck is going on?

>> No.27515349


Unless she can get a visa through Cover, she needs thr teacher job.

>> No.27515350
File: 116 KB, 1503x681, 84508264_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27515506

wait, Mori's sick? Aww man, I was so excited for the DOOM stream too. I was busy colorizing this pic by drawing inabro

>> No.27515351
File: 108 KB, 400x400, 1600649840748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just saw the updated title for kiara's minecraft stream. alright chimkin, thats pretty funny.

>> No.27515352
File: 335 KB, 589x574, 1601685773882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doing any actual work for their talents
oh you sweet summer child

>> No.27515353

There isn't any

>> No.27515356
Quoted by: >>27515387

Ok wtf happened to the streams scheduled for tonight? Is the collab still a thing?

>> No.27515358 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 1019x483, supported indie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you follow her on twitter she follows for a follow she's such a good girl

>> No.27515359

The collab is in danger...

>> No.27515360 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27515511

What a good idea anon! Let's have a thread for every individual vtuber where narratives can spiral out of control unchallenged.

>> No.27515361
File: 15 KB, 550x255, 1601501209182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked coupons because they got people to make a lot of oc but they seemed to have slowed down a lot recently, haven't even seen coupon anon post his stash the last few days

>> No.27515362

the majority of people who hate trannies are brown skins, retarded nigger

>> No.27515363

Still no word on the collab?

>> No.27515366 [DELETED] 
File: 492 KB, 2513x3572, IMG_20201003_102411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo did Amelia's roommate delete her twitter acc? I can't find her in my following list anymore.

>> No.27515368

>HoloEN karaoke = 9 songs
>HoloJP karaoke = 20+ songs

Why is EN so weak?

>> No.27515370

>I'm sure that Cover
No, you aren't. neither are they

>> No.27515371
Quoted by: >>27515446

Yeah but she's working two jobs, so hopefully that other one is something she can quit soon.

>> No.27515373

you can go fuck yourself then

>> No.27515374

The death flu

>> No.27515375

really cute

>> No.27515376

Read the thread you retard

>> No.27515377

Mori is sick

>> No.27515380

Which holo was it that posted a schedule and it had shit written on it like "dunno what I'll do" or "stream if I feel like it"? I want to watch them

>> No.27515381
File: 49 KB, 720x377, peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're an important holo you get privilages. When the myths get more important they too can get covers assistance.

>> No.27515382


>> No.27515383

Is there even a time for the collab???

>> No.27515386

Yo tagalog scum
How much PHP do I need to dump for a red akasupa?

>> No.27515387

the jew rapper got corona

>> No.27515388


>> No.27515389
File: 285 KB, 795x318, FFB4B3BE-D366-45A5-ADDB-E839A3F07E3A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Watson Detective Agency.”

>”Yeah, can you investigate Senow Cawdgage?”

“Sir, I investigate Myths, not strangers.”


“...I’m catching the next flight out.”

>> No.27515390
Quoted by: >>27516494

I don't think making someone's day really makes up for ruining someone else's. /hlgg/ needs to get the fuck out of indie affairs if this is how it's going to be.

>> No.27515391

The copypasta is not a shitpost, all those things really happen, or when it comes to Cover helping, didn't happen.

>> No.27515396
Quoted by: >>27515568

You're still missing the point. People breaking containment is the issue, how are we supposed to shitpost in peace when fags make compilations and send them to the Holos? It has absolutely nothing to do with WHO they're sending the posts to it's the fact they're doing it at all. I post here with the understanding that if they come into this shithole and read it that it's on them, if they avoid it that's probably a good idea.

>> No.27515397

Koreans too, mostly anyone who isn't a nig or a 41%er or chinese is fine. BRs on notice, as usual.

>> No.27515398
File: 543 KB, 256x192, 1319155599522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27515438


>> No.27515399 [DELETED] 

She didn't follow me. I didn't think my twitter was that bad

>> No.27515400

I thought you hated the wops, Kiara?

>> No.27515401


>> No.27515403

fucking underrated

>> No.27515406

That didn't work with chicken.

>> No.27515407

bros i think i love kiara

>> No.27515409
File: 55 KB, 1077x395, 1590033050109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27515410
File: 6 KB, 230x230, 1602284392948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27515411

Comic Lo is loli manga right because i never hear that before

>> No.27515412

Time to take responsability

>> No.27515413

Why won't the meidos just do it already?

>> No.27515414


>> No.27515415
File: 17 KB, 393x198, hydration check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27515559

This is a threat.

>> No.27515416


>> No.27515421
File: 175 KB, 326x282, 1600749497182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hehe yeah

>> No.27515422 [DELETED] 

Jewish daughter is live

>> No.27515424
File: 1008 KB, 582x1064, 1586006901700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 whole days


>> No.27515426

Posting it again would only invite faggotry again.

>> No.27515427
File: 33 KB, 585x585, Ejuxi95VcAA4xgH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess staying up till 2am wasn't such a good idea

>> No.27515428

does it allow me to pay through Gcash? I'm actually really interested in buying a membership for Kiara and Ame

>> No.27515429
Quoted by: >>27515473

No the issue is not just mean SEAdogs making noise, its trying to pit smaller youtubers against bigger ones. Its like dog fighting, its needlessly cruel entertainment. This is much worse than your oshi getting mean tweets.

>> No.27515432

Cultural differences. Most of the ENs had performance anxiety and only did songs they were confident with. JPs just see karaoke as a fun past time and will go through tons of songs even if they're not giving their best performance.

>> No.27515433

so grown women being lolicons is the norm in japland i see

>> No.27515435
File: 73 KB, 128x128, 1599615845331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Help them organize schedules
>Talk to other managers to help organize collabs. Say one stream Holo A says she'd like to collab with Holo B someday but she's too shy to ask. Holo A's manager should at the very least float the idea to Holo B's manager.
>Get permissions for games they want to stream
>Keep track of their physical and mental health. If it looks like they are getting burnt out, give them a break.
>Make sure their connections and equipment are functioning well. Buy or reimburse them on things they need to stream. Lobby to fix problems with models or rigging if there is any.
>Watch their streams when possible and monitor any technical problems or interruptions
>Teach them basic coporate OPSEC, research and scrub their past lives to avoid doxxing
>As much as possible, keep track of Antis. That's not to say every anonymous comment can be followed up on, but if some guy says he knows where a Holo lives and is gonna visit her, maybe take action.
>Teach the newer ones how Hololive works, what will be expected of them, both from the fans and the company. This includes memberships, concerts, collabs, merchandise, pricing, etc.
>Support and protect them from outrage nothingburgers by Antis (this includes easily offended insectoid bugmen)
>Hire competent staff with background in talent management for managers, translators, mods, etc.
>Filter questions for harassment, self-help, and not interesting questions
>Use their prestige and connections to hook their talent up with songwriters, movie makers, artists, who want to make things for them
>Get them a work visa

>Harass them
>Stalk them
>Hire SEAniggers who will harass and stalk them
>Teach their Holos to apologize for mistakes the company made in an attempt to shift blame
>Kneel and bootlick angry Antis and suspend their talents hoping it will appease them (It won't RIP ALOE)
>Hire incompetent people with no background in talent management as staff, rather they are just SEAnigger fans (*oserbait) and end up being at best fucking "SAY THE THING" creeps, (like the HoloEN manager Marine met) and at worst people who will one day rape and kill the Holo (*yger, Mel's manger)
>Pick the worst and most Gosling questions
>Suisei has literally released one original song since she joined Hololive. She released two while she was indie

>> No.27515436 [DELETED] 

She took a few hours to follow me back, she was inundated

>> No.27515437


>> No.27515438
File: 272 KB, 1920x1080, 1574542947102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just think of it as a chance to catch up on other holo streams

>> No.27515439

Cute coupon!

>> No.27515440 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27515472


>> No.27515444

if you read comicLO you wouldn't have to come this close to acting on your desires

really anon... breaking into a loli's house and stealing their bread...

>> No.27515445

I'm probably way late on this but was her mispronunciation of da vinci referencing this? HER liked this some time before the second TABS stream

>> No.27515446

Her other job is part of her passion along with music making so I doubt she would quit it. Maybe when she does vtubing full time she will cut back on it.

>> No.27515449 [DELETED] 

I'm already there

>> No.27515450

In a month she'll be crying and wondering why everyone left her. She'll stay awake at night wondering what she did wrong.

>> No.27515452

Wow. Didn't this happen when all SEA niggers are asleep? Fucking retard.

>> No.27515454 [DELETED] 


>> No.27515453

Mori is fucking useless

>> No.27515457
File: 546 KB, 1549x875, #1FrombehindCoupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got this one a from a few thread ago

>> No.27515456
Quoted by: >>27515499

Mori sounded very healthy in the 400k celebration stream but now she's suddenly "sick".


>> No.27515458
File: 232 KB, 824x1593, 1572696878539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27515543

>4 days
I can....I can make it....

>> No.27515463 [DELETED] 

since moris stream got rescheduled I hope you're all going to watch /our/girl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pla_mqgGtEU

>> No.27515464
File: 953 KB, 1000x1000, 1600671874512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3am here, at least I got some studying done..

>> No.27515466 [DELETED] 

I'm watching.

>> No.27515469 [DELETED] 

Stop talking about indies here unless you want the same shit to happen.

>> No.27515472

___________no do your archive reps

>> No.27515474

Who are you to talk, bread thief?

>> No.27515475

>Mori works as a teacher
Source? People keep saying this but I haven't seen any actual evidence.

>I don't really buy that narrative because Cover is a legitimate Japanese company that has her as an employee. Her work Visa would be covered under this.

Are they actual employees of Cover or just independent contractors?

>> No.27515473

>its like dog fighting
figures that seaniggers would be into it

>> No.27515476


Gura was the concernfag all along.

>> No.27515477 [SPOILER] 
File: 47 KB, 508x606, 1602378304688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27515478

It's a loli compilation manga. Think of it like Shounen Jump but for lolicons.

>> No.27515480
Quoted by: >>27516009

>HoloEN karaoke = 30k-69k live views
>HoloJP karaoke = 9k - 18k live views
Why is JP so weak?

>> No.27515481

I only make coupons for Amelia and there wasn't anything in her streams yesterday that inspired me.

>> No.27515483
Quoted by: >>27515619

some yea, same with the west.

>> No.27515485
Quoted by: >>27515527

It wasn't bait though, please tell me what wrong with it. How is it different from putting something else, like a nickname you want to be called by or something?

>> No.27515484 [DELETED] 

yeah I feel bad for her following me back cause I like and retweet alot of porn stuff from my artist friends...I'm hoping she unfollows me I don't want to spam her mentions with NSFW stuff :(

>> No.27515491 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 1019x483, 20201010_210448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27515594

She's live.

>> No.27515492


>> No.27515493

It might be smarter for her to move back to the US anyway.

>> No.27515495 [DELETED] 

shion is not live though?

>> No.27515496

Did Mori catch the coof or is it her IBS acting up?

>> No.27515498
Quoted by: >>27515530


>> No.27515497
Quoted by: >>27515570

Eh? she updates the title of the mario stream, not the minecraft stream

>> No.27515499

shut the fuck up!

>> No.27515503
File: 685 KB, 1014x1198, 1601879141341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27515502
Quoted by: >>27515547

some of them are insane shotcons as well

>> No.27515505
Quoted by: >>27515597

that's just a cope, he's not gonna die from this
literally the best and most expensive treatment available also only like 5% of people in his age group died of this so it's not like he had bad odds to begin with

>> No.27515506

Based of you to do your reps! Keep at it!

>> No.27515507
Quoted by: >>27515600

Looks like it.

>> No.27515508
Quoted by: >>27515563

Please fuck off. Meidos do your job.

>> No.27515510
Quoted by: >>27515600

>its real
aaaaah shit

>> No.27515511 [DELETED] 

Well the alternative if you wanna discuss EN indies is yet another thread on here, which isn't exactly ideal either.

>> No.27515513

Theyre actual contract bound employees/talents of cover

>> No.27515514
File: 125 KB, 940x500, 1600474171251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say coupons?

>> No.27515516
Quoted by: >>27515558

This fucking sucks man goddamn it I just want her to get out of her wagie job

>> No.27515518 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27515910

It took her almost a day for her to follow me back

>Plays guitar and welcomes everyone

She's so cute, I don't remember he doing that last night.

>> No.27515520
File: 356 KB, 695x628, 1584933704029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27515521 [DELETED] 

>She didn't follow you
bro...she even followed me and I'm a huge loser by twitter standards...

>> No.27515523

based chumchad

>> No.27515524

uhh, meidos?

>> No.27515526
Quoted by: >>27515578

5000 PHP

>> No.27515527

Go to /pol/ if you want to talk argue about that shit, retard.

>> No.27515529
Quoted by: >>27515604

Yes. She's not being subtle about it.

>> No.27515530

What about it

>> No.27515531

I would give her a daughter desu

>> No.27515532

I swear if you don't behave

>> No.27515535
File: 20 KB, 915x455, 1602280347114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fine if you're sick Mori, I'll still drink after you

>> No.27515539

Welcome back, how was your vacation?

>> No.27515540

Don't try to pretend you haven't read it.
Bet that's where you got the idea to steal her bread.
You're a sick motherfucker.
Yeah, that's what Comic LO is. Has a lot of different artist drawing one-shots (or sequels).

>> No.27515543

If 4 days is this hard for you imagine being a 35p

>> No.27515547
Quoted by: >>27515586

That's hot. Wasn't FBK a shotacon? I can't remember who else in JP is.

>> No.27515549
Quoted by: >>27515595

You faggots are getting too uppity. Stop posting off-topic shit.

>> No.27515551 [DELETED] 

don't say anymore and don't link her channel I don't want the schizos to hurt her

>> No.27515553
Quoted by: >>27515712

She said my name, later retards I ascended.

>> No.27515555

>no Mori for 3 days
Just fucking end me

>> No.27515556
Quoted by: >>27515606

I would post but the ban ain't worth it

>> No.27515557

It slowed down because they tuned into Amelia antis.

>> No.27515558

she needs to make those English midterm tests though. Please understand

>> No.27515559
File: 14 KB, 680x446, 1602291729003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27516289

i'm cute when hydrating!

>> No.27515561

Meidos do your fucking job. I already told you about /vyt/ migrating here from /hlg/. /vyt/ has been shitting up /hlg/ for a long time, fucking get them out.

>> No.27515564
File: 98 KB, 1080x881, 1602331149951w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27515563
Quoted by: >>27515611

yeah lets keep posting ntr coupons during dead fucking hours

>> No.27515567 [DELETED] 

She is so happy

>> No.27515568
File: 28 KB, 710x380, 5aa7e58437289-resize-710x380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this bears repeating: what stops them other than a bunch of rules of the internet that no zoomer has ever been taught to follow?
They've been literally taught that the only purpose of the internet is to press this button, over and over again for the rush of dopamine from social interaction.

>> No.27515569
Quoted by: >>27515621

I am, i am having a terrible time.

>> No.27515570

yeah my bad, I was playing minecraft while I was watching her so I just had a brain fart while posting that

>> No.27515571
File: 286 KB, 767x857, amelia ntr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27515633


>> No.27515572

Just imagine all the super chats Mori is gonna get Wednesday

>> No.27515574 [DELETED] 

>she literally greeting everyone in chat
How can she be so pure....

>> No.27515575


>> No.27515576
File: 522 KB, 1400x868, comf_slep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: sleep deprivation ruins your immune system. Just thought that was kind of neat.

>> No.27515578

Christ. Thanks anyway.

>> No.27515581 [DELETED] 


>> No.27515585

How new?

>> No.27515586

FBK and Suisei for sure.

>> No.27515587

Unironically neck yourself retard

>> No.27515590

yes and we forced her to do it lole

>> No.27515594 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27515637

unironically who? I wasn't here for like a day

>> No.27515595

What's on-topic during deadhours?

>> No.27515596

>english please
you fucking retard holy shit kill yourself you fucktard

>> No.27515597
File: 195 KB, 463x453, ogey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27515598

Stay on topic you retards, you're gunna ruin it

>> No.27515600


>> No.27515604

She knows people know, she literally referenced it herself in a few different ways. She's just not going to straight up say it/do anything to directly acknowledge it for obvious reasons.

>> No.27515606

alright then, I was wondering if she had dropped any hints onstream

>> No.27515607

Tangina, 130 kukuriputin mo pa?

>> No.27515608

Gura singing along to Lights of Muse and flexing on the difficulty was fun to watch

>> No.27515609

I don't want to post coupons or create OC for a thread that bitches and complains about my oshi nonstop.

>> No.27515612
File: 52 KB, 800x700, 1601518509843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that fun though

>> No.27515611
Quoted by: >>27515665

Did you not see what went down earlier in this thread? I’m sure it’ll feel good when you ruin a random indies day by flooding them with /hlgg/ retards.

>> No.27515615

Welcome to the chumzone brother.

>> No.27515619

definitely not prevalent in the west, loli manga would cause an outrage here, in japan it's sold like it's nothing

>> No.27515621

Just a little more anon. You'll meet your oshi again soon and it will feel great.

>> No.27515624


>> No.27515625
Quoted by: >>27515654

why is she /ourgirl/?

>> No.27515628
Quoted by: >>27515703


>> No.27515630


>> No.27515631
Quoted by: >>27515676

It just rained on me that YAGOO wants the idol girls but he doesn't wants to play the Idols' staff/manager part. What a fucking faggot.

>> No.27515632

holy fuck this video is slaying me

>> No.27515633
File: 158 KB, 918x987, 1588489783229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27515636

It is, women and men are just not public about it like they are in japan.

>> No.27515637 [DELETED] 

I think it's this girl

>> No.27515641 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27515693

She's live now. >>27515467

>> No.27515644


>> No.27515649
File: 65 KB, 161x90, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they think Mori will be away for 3 days only
>what are complications

>> No.27515654
Quoted by: >>27515715

she's our jop autist jew daughter who plays music for us

>> No.27515655

What if Kiara actually heads to Mori's place to take care of her while they both attend the collab

>> No.27515657

Stop talking about indies in here.

>> No.27515659
File: 429 KB, 600x480, 1601781500314.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats... I was so ready to listen to her say funny things again... oh well, if she isn't feeling good better not push her, our boy did great on this week


>> No.27515660
Quoted by: >>27515720

>tfw got drunk in the middle of the day preparation for Mori doom

>> No.27515661
Quoted by: >>27515717

I just started doing my streaming reps and have become aware of just how awful I sound. It's not the mic or the mixer, it's me. What can I do to better my voice?

I just want to join HoloEN so I can get close to Ame and shag her

>> No.27515662 [DELETED] 

>That hairpin
Is she what I think she is?

>> No.27515663


>> No.27515665


>> No.27515666

I mean, I think the only time she's had a collab on her schedule that wasn't on her channel was the 2nd overcooked stream, which presumably changed in the last 24 hours. if the collab is delayed it wouldn't be listed here.

>> No.27515669

Here, have a surveypost in these dead fucking hours
>you're (you are) favorite holoEN
>how long have you been following vtubers

>> No.27515672

fuck off retard

>> No.27515675

She ded, anon. Let her go. She's in a better place, and we should all follow her.

>> No.27515676
Quoted by: >>27515754

Why would anyone want to be an idol manager? He hires peasants to do that shit while he collects the money.

>> No.27515677


>> No.27515682

fucking faggots you better not hurt her

>> No.27515683 [DELETED] 

Yes a star what else would it be

>> No.27515687
File: 72 KB, 560x559, 1576645780813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27515688


>> No.27515689

I'd like that despite the 0% chance it would be cute

>> No.27515691


>> No.27515692
Quoted by: >>27515756

Gura... onegai...

>> No.27515693
Quoted by: >>27515803

My cute khazar wife is live

>> No.27515694

1250PHP is the minimum so ~25USD.

>> No.27515695

Can't get sick if I rarely leave the house

>> No.27515697

I'm not going to listen to some bitch with a lazy eye who sings like Japanese Watson.

>> No.27515699

Vtubers 2-3 years, hololive 1

>> No.27515701

catbox still dead for me so have some luna

>> No.27515702
Quoted by: >>27515864

For those who don't know, there was a pretty significant cold snap in Honshu recently so it's likely that people will be feeling under the weather. Don't be surprised if Kiara gets affected too.

>> No.27515703
Quoted by: >>27515755

only Paymaya? Damn I fucking hate smart and whatever bank they're affiliated to but I guess I have to create an account

>> No.27515706

I think so. Transactions via GCash is treated as a debit/credit card transaction. You probably just have to know how to link up your acct to yt.

>> No.27515705
Quoted by: >>27515898

Everyone but trannies hates trannies

>> No.27515707

Check out her 'make me laugh' stream.
She fails before she even finishes reading the rules.

>> No.27515708

is there no streams tonight?

>> No.27515709

When kizuna Ai was below a million

>> No.27515710 [DELETED] 

das juden

>> No.27515712


>> No.27515715
Quoted by: >>27515749

She's real cute but I've been watching Polka go ham on karaoke, is it worth switching over?

>> No.27515717

Vocal lessons.

>> No.27515718

Why would she do that when Mori's not really sick?

>> No.27515719

a satania for ants

>> No.27515720

why would you count your chickens before they hatch bro. Especially when getting drunk

>> No.27515722

on one hand I agree posting indies here is offtopic and should get purged, but on the other its dead fucking hours right now. no stream in sight since mori rescheduled hers

>> No.27515724

Around august 2019

>> No.27515728

collab machine broke

>> No.27515729

I've been sad ever since Mikoti left us

>> No.27515735


>> No.27515736
Quoted by: >>27515767

just woke up how was the collab?

>> No.27515738

which steam is the mama luna one from?

>> No.27515740

jewish chuuba is streaming rn, dont care if this is offtopic

>> No.27515739


>> No.27515741
Quoted by: >>27515887


>> No.27515743 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27515806

Indies need a 'indie' thread. If you bring up some double digit streamer here they're gonna get flooded as seen above. If that thread can't support itself then it's time hasn't come yet.

>> No.27515746

>gura, amelia, ina (would like to follow reaper and chicken more but i'm never awake when they stream)
>since kizuna ai debuted

>> No.27515747

Anon try closing your browser and reopening it

>> No.27515748

I watched kizuna before she got corporate'd but only really fell into vtuber hell through haachama about a year ago

>> No.27515749
Quoted by: >>27515818

do both, then mute one

>> No.27515752
Quoted by: >>27516040

This level of cope is incredible.

>> No.27515751

>since Watame debuted

>> No.27515753
Quoted by: >>27515783

A hololive insider told us tomorrow

>> No.27515756

She's waiting until everyone is up so they can decide what to do about the collab

>> No.27515754
Quoted by: >>27515903

Except the people he hires don't do jack shit, he has the idols but not the required team behind them that supports them. It's like hiring a bunch of doctors but absolutely no nurses nor cleaning personal.

>> No.27515755

Only paymaya has virtual card w/ i connect to paypal and google pay.

>> No.27515757 [DELETED] 

you will support her right anon?

>> No.27515759
Quoted by: >>27515926

No, you should post indies at all, there's already a schizo in the indie's chat being a faggot.

>> No.27515760

since last week

>> No.27515761
Quoted by: >>27515810

So, how long does it take for the schedule to be posted on twitter?

>> No.27515762
Quoted by: >>27515881

I don't have a favorite
1 week

>> No.27515765
File: 627 KB, 792x1224, 1602194851902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get home, knowing for a fact that Mori was going to stream tonight
>Get on and check
>"Huh, did she postpone it by 5 hours?"
>She postponed it by 3 days

I actually want to die.

>> No.27515767

The collab is on hold

>> No.27515768

Just go to /trash/ with the fatfags and kpop stans.

>> No.27515773

I had nothing else do to

>> No.27515779

February 2020

>> No.27515780

Whenever Kaguya Luna debuted.

>> No.27515781

Fuck off

>> No.27515783

“Hololive” “insider”

>> No.27515785
Quoted by: >>27515868

stop posting her in here so schizos can ruin her

>> No.27515788

gura your collab reps..

>> No.27515786
File: 229 KB, 377x402, 1595121894105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27515787

I'm assuming she's interpreting it as a snowflake, and I refuse to entertain any other interpretation.

>> No.27515789

Who's gonna break it to him?

>> No.27515791

>watched Kizuna occasionally but only really got into it after Miko’s GTAV playthrough.

>> No.27515792

There, happy now?

>> No.27515800
File: 809 KB, 960x2560, 1600461924567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some kizuna ai, kaguya luna and hinata at first, then a longass break, i dont remember what holo clip i saw first but i subscribed to all of fourth gen

>> No.27515801

Mori is sick
She cancelled her Doom stream
She may not go to collab
Becuase Mori is sick there may not be a Collab stream today.
That's all we know for now

>> No.27515803
Quoted by: >>27515833

is the star of david just for showl

>> No.27515805
File: 112 KB, 638x781, korocake2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What video game should I play while I wait for Gura to schedule the fucking stream?

>> No.27515806 [DELETED] 

We've had a virtual youtubers thread here for ages. Do you people not check the catalogue or what? >>27491043

>> No.27515808
File: 55 KB, 180x155, 1601094125913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will regret this once the cycle repeats itself

>> No.27515807

Her singing right now was just so cute.

>> No.27515810

Should be up tomorrow

>> No.27515811

>kiara finds out what mori actually looks like
>never does the yuri act again

>> No.27515812
File: 20 KB, 741x246, chrome_5l9pZ12TQm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27515892

Feels good bros

>> No.27515815

Only fifteen more minutes until kikoemasuka

>> No.27515818

I liked and subbed polka, I missed her K-ON! songs so I've gotta rewatch anyway. Comfy guitar and I can't translate subversion when it's in jp so it's fine.

>> No.27515819

Yes Anon

>> No.27515821

Whos night is literally ruined now that there is no Mori and no collab stream?

Fuck man

>> No.27515823

Mori ruined everything

>> No.27515824

streams cancelled bros

>> No.27515825

Just make one anon

>> No.27515826

>red akasupa
jesus christ
the absolute state of EOPs

>> No.27515830

Around the time of Kizuna Ai's beginnings.
Followed Luna for a long time and then dropped them and have really only came back for HololiveEN.

>> No.27515831


>> No.27515833

we can only hope so

>> No.27515834

I'd say don't post them cause there are a few schizos who are actively trying to hurt them here.

>> No.27515837


How much does a Live2D cost for literal nobodies to be buying them?

Cute voice

>> No.27515841

Muh heart. Too bad I'm watching Haruka collabing with Nyanners instead.

>> No.27515842
Quoted by: >>27516085

I know bro, is this how 35p feel?

>> No.27515846

what is that funny looking symbol on her head

>> No.27515847


>> No.27515848


i watched a bunch of kizuna ai stuff then sort of lost interest for a while, ignored all the jp streamers, didnt come back until around a week after holoEN debut

>> No.27515850


>> No.27515852

Sometime in the middle of this summer. Don't quite remember when. I clicked on a Pekora clip in my recommendations and now I'm here.

>> No.27515853
Quoted by: >>27515922

We don't really need Mori in the collab.

>> No.27515855

Since Kizuna Ai got popular, but I kinda lost interest after Eilene threw everything away for Akari. Got into Holo with gen 3.

>> No.27515857

Naaaaaaaaaaaaa, or as some say NORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

But seriously, get this godslayer out of here. Just because she triggered yet another Maturi mental breakdown it doesn't means she belongs in this thread.

>> No.27515862

I am favorite chicken
I was into them back in the Kizuna Ai days, but I stopped paying attention to vtubers in general until early this year. I can't remember exactly when but it was before the Haachama arc began.

>> No.27515863

but a good one is around 1k$

>> No.27515864

she already got affected a few day ago

>> No.27515865

There is apparently in the archive

>> No.27515867

Do your mahjong soul reps so you can dunk on Ina next time she plays.

>> No.27515868


>> No.27515869
File: 62 KB, 433x466, 1589332924580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27515961

At least I have the clown

>> No.27515871

>She just hit 1000 subs
We did it Reddit!

>> No.27515873

the good singer star

>> No.27515874

Be careful about posting this you might attract the wrong time of attention a la Mario

>> No.27515876

July. I saw some clips and then started watching mainly pekora

>> No.27515877
Quoted by: >>27515953

Retardbro, they already met and kiara thought mori is hot/cutecan't remember the exact word she used.

>> No.27515878

it's a triforce, but deformed and misbeggotten please understand

>> No.27515881


>> No.27515883

You know what fuck it give me a good indie pic and I’ll make the fucking indie general thread to help clean up this one and give indie bro’s a place for their chubas

>> No.27515886
File: 2.93 MB, 3464x2362, 1601357031347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are they gonna start announcing/ talking about JP collabs in this collab? Or is a secret until the ban lifts

>> No.27515887
Quoted by: >>27515916

theres too many words im scared

>> No.27515890 [DELETED] 

Touhou isn't just video games, even if you only include official material.

>> No.27515891

where can i see the stream?

>> No.27515892
File: 25 KB, 782x289, Screenshot (147).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure does

>> No.27515894

I remember subbing to kizuna when she was starting to get popular. The first hololive clip I remember was haachama getting a lap dance.

>> No.27515897 [DELETED] 

Be patient with them anon. Nu-/hlgg/ can't lurk for shit

>> No.27515898

I'm pretty sure they hate themselves too, anon. Otherwise their suicide rates wouldn't be so fucking high.

>> No.27515901

>red akasupa?
Anonchama your Nihongo reps...

>> No.27515903
Quoted by: >>27516183

I bet you'd be so much better.

>> No.27515904
File: 353 KB, 817x675, painguh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27515906 [DELETED] 

No one uses /vyt/ anymore. They instead go to /hlg/ or /hlgg/ to shit up the threads. Notice the upsurge in Pikamee posting here when /hlgg/ started gaining more traffic than /hlg/? or that indie nobody shilling happening right now? I fucking loathe nu-/vyt/, it infuriates me that a general that had a pastebin with the first sentence you see "Please take it easy and avoid needless drama. They don't fight with each other, and neither should we." could stoop this fucking low.

>> No.27515907

since about two months before EN debuted

>> No.27515910

>She's so cute, I don't remember he doing that last night.
To be fair, we showed up right at the end of her stream last night. I went back and watched the whole thing today and she started by greeting all of her regulars.

>> No.27515915

It's not worth the exposure if retards go in and start harassing them.

>> No.27515916
File: 2.24 MB, 1396x939, 1581967845681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you?

>> No.27515918

That's not how the DMCA works buddy

>> No.27515921
File: 48 KB, 939x487, 1596431510630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27515991

I don't really want to do anything for the snack stream because I know the SEAzos will immediately latch onto it.

>> No.27515922

Fuck you

>> No.27515926
Quoted by: >>27516031

there are other 250 good anons for that 1 schizo. I'd say thats worth it

>> No.27515927
Quoted by: >>27515975

>red akasupa
there needs to be a basic japanese test in order to post here, I swear to god

>> No.27515928 [DELETED] 

I was arguing against the creation of a vtuber or general eceleb board. People don't care about that thread because they know they won't get the (You)s they do here

>> No.27515930
File: 38 KB, 417x196, 1601247564533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to exchange this, please

>> No.27515932

Since Kizuna Ai, got more into it with nijisanji's first gen

>> No.27515936

Her live2D model is based off the generic one that basically anyone can, there was one guy in my college zoom class who used one. You can tell because the eyes move independently from each other

>> No.27515938

what is wrong with jewish eyes?

>> No.27515943

Mori just had the best week of her career vtuber wise, all streams were entertaining as fuck and KiaraMori had shown it can be one of the GOAT pairings (coming from someone who thought they were kinda forced and not fun).
Let her take a break. Kiara too if she needs it. (As a Kiara non-appreciator I take it all back she's fun as fuck now)

BASICALLY, overworking isn't all it's cranked up to be, if my girls and my boy need rest, I can wait. It's fine, it's fine.

>> No.27515944
Quoted by: >>27515967

So Polka is just fucking exhausted right? I guess I'll watch the indie then in this endless downtime.

>> No.27515945 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27516297

Yes and English vtubers aren't exactly Japanese Culture. Board descriptions are loose.

>> No.27515947

dumb melposter

>> No.27515949 [DELETED] 
File: 1.66 MB, 756x9800, 1601738481050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the thread is soon at post limit:
A reminder to what happens when what happens in Vegas, doesn't stay in Vegas.

>> No.27515953

She used all the words, Kiara is an enthusiastic lover.

>> No.27515954
File: 277 KB, 756x739, 1600478105988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a cute image of my girlfriend, ina

>> No.27515961

>already at 21 songs
strong clown

>> No.27515963

>people still posting catbox links when it's down

>> No.27515964

>The lord of darknes known as myself
>Supporting some shitty indie hlgg found out there in the streets
Yeah, no. Have fun with her getting harassed by some psycho after exposing her here though.

>> No.27515968

>Starting an indie chuuba gen
>Doesn't even have a good indie pic

>> No.27515967

she's still going, keeping Cover afloat

>> No.27515971
File: 564 KB, 781x1100, 1600884385657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27515972

Secret. We know they've been talking, even Ame, but not who are they gonna collab with.
Well, other than chicken and duck.

>> No.27515974

Kiara x Subaru next week, Kiara said so during the Mario64 stream. She said she would announce officially couple of days before.

>> No.27515975

add it to the captcha

>> No.27515978

niggers in twitter are stealing them pretending they made them

>> No.27515985
File: 181 KB, 1024x867, 07B87378-DC05-46D8-84DA-A6644D78F1BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27515988

Mori has the Japanese cold. It's fucking over. HoloEN is never gonna recover from this.

>> No.27515991

Holy shit my sides

>> No.27515995


>> No.27515996

I'm breaking free of this curse, even if I start bleeding all over... I have to be productive...

>> No.27516000
Quoted by: >>27516175

>>Teamates share Ame's member contents
except no one ever did that

>> No.27516004
File: 197 KB, 381x370, reap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's gonna tell em

>> No.27516005
Quoted by: >>27516133

is she taking 4 days off or what

>> No.27516007

I'm not reading that shit bitch nigga

>> No.27516009

I kneel...

>> No.27516012
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1580022063616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice collab, EN

>> No.27516014
File: 80 KB, 288x288, 1601593625019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27516015

railway empire or port royale 4

>> No.27516017
File: 497 KB, 800x450, 1601521575879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27516018

summer 2017

>> No.27516021

That was some high speed autism

>> No.27516022

Fallout New Vegas so you can be extra hyped for when Amelia streams it.

>> No.27516023

I fucking hate the people who think it's a good idea to spread what happens here. It could have been that the channel gets a nice bump in subs and is none the wiser, but the fucking retards just had to share it.

>> No.27516026
Quoted by: >>27516364

Just subbed to Mori's T3 too show support

>> No.27516027
File: 81 KB, 828x828, 1601822603563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was bound to happen eventually...

>> No.27516029

Remember to press the like button on your favorite vtuber streams

>> No.27516031

>I'd say thats worth it
After everything that a single schizo has caused, DU YU RLLY BELEB?

>> No.27516036
File: 168 KB, 1000x1419, EjfwcR9U0AAmM-V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pain. I hope she's okay bros.

>> No.27516038 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27516054

Poor girl can't even stream above 360p

>> No.27516040
Quoted by: >>27516229

have you grown up around mexicans or blacks? indians? asians? You are delusional if you think they are more accepting of trannies than whites.

>> No.27516044
File: 154 KB, 423x289, eilene-crimes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a huge Eilenefag before she got backstabbed by Square Enix. Literally stopped caring about vtubers because of it till a a couple of weeks ago when EN debuted and blew everyone's expectations away

>> No.27516050

I recently learned about vtubers and started watching some the past couple of days. I guess it's because I'm a 28 year old incel but watching these cute girls doing cute things just depresses me because it reminds me of what I'll never have. It's even worse the more I like the streamer or if I can relate to them, like when I watched the Calli making music stream, it just fills me with depair and makes it even harder to cope.

>> No.27516053

So whats going on tonight? En schedule shows nothing now.

>> No.27516054

It costs more, please understand.

>> No.27516058

shes speaks english....
my heart

>> No.27516061 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27516169

C'mon nigga, niggas at /vyt/ actually fucking hates indies, you can't post them there without literally getting attack. Rather than /vyt/ it should be fucking called Niggasanji 2.0, because that would be more accurate to what it fucking is.

>> No.27516062

>you're (you are) favorite holoEN
>how long have you been following vtubers
started with kizuna ai back when she was going viral in weeb circles, eventually started watching nekomiya because i liked pubg.
stopped watching them and didn't get back into them until september/october last year where people like haato were starting to get translated and go viral

>> No.27516067

well duh that's the majority of the world's population

>> No.27516069

Jew is 144 years old, boys

>> No.27516068
Quoted by: >>27516367


>> No.27516072


>> No.27516074


>> No.27516075
File: 265 KB, 376x438, 1591829484876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking sucks

>> No.27516081

Same. but I've kinda got used to this in the last weeks. now I'm just sad and slightly drunk for no reason.

>> No.27516083

I kinda followed Kizuna Ai when she was a thing, but I only really got into vtubers about a year ago by watching Hololive

>> No.27516085


>> No.27516088
Quoted by: >>27516367


>> No.27516089

>been here sinze Kizuna Ai, first Holo was Roboco but the non stop Fortnite streams turned me away from Hololive in general, went back during Aloe debut

>> No.27516091

please reach the landmark already
at least some light in this terrible night

>> No.27516095

It's never a good idea to post people here

>> No.27516096


>> No.27516098
File: 76 KB, 631x680, EhuBCFTUcAAe5RP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my boy done goofed

>> No.27516100

April this year

>> No.27516102
Quoted by: >>27516367

Kill yourself

>> No.27516103

I will destroy you, you understand?

>> No.27516104

is she trying to say that she is 30 meters tall...

>> No.27516107

Support indie vtubers!

>> No.27516108

You should've known that one by now.
Fucking go back, newfag.

>> No.27516112
Quoted by: >>27516367

have sex

>> No.27516115
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, 1580558632515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27516367

Oh buddy, have I got a girlfriend simulator to sell you

>> No.27516116

You're a hundred years too early to bait here, shit shitposter.

>> No.27516117
Quoted by: >>27516367

unironically kill yourself fag before you hurt someone with your mental instability

>> No.27516120

I've known Korone, Okayu and some other girls since the beggining of the year thanks to a friend who's really into hololive and sent me subbed clips, but I've been only really following vtubers since the HoloEN debuts

>> No.27516121

The symbol of evil.

>> No.27516124

If it helps anon, alot of them are either desperate hollywood starlets living in hellish conditions or being enabled by their parents. She's speaking for EN/twitch side of things though, don't know how the indie scene is for JPs/asians.

>> No.27516125
Quoted by: >>27516182

I love fucking Mori!

>> No.27516126
File: 50 KB, 1018x325, narative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder incase you didnt hear. Ya boy said that she has a lot of commisions stuff to work on. This is just a temporary lack of Mori for now, even her member post makes it seem like she needs time for her side job. Im sure she didnt expect for vtubing to be a full time job, so she will most likely transition to doing more content likely after she moves at the end of the month.
Do your lore reps and belive in ya boy

>> No.27516132

Total War: Warhammer 2

>> No.27516133

She's sick atm anonchama.

>> No.27516134

it's saturday they got caught up in partying and getting railed by their boyfriends, maybe tomorrow

>> No.27516139
Quoted by: >>27516302

Is that chumbuddy elvis song group singing thing still happening?

>> No.27516142

>I followed a bit of Kizuna Ai, but settled here more around the time of Korone's Doom 64 streams

>> No.27516144

Shark post the fucking stream you lazy fish slut

>> No.27516145

>Scizo in the making already.
Go back anon, we already have enough of your type here.

>> No.27516148

We're watching /ourclown/

>> No.27516154

its not fair, why do all the mentally ill fags crowd to Watson?

>> No.27516155
Quoted by: >>27516165

B-but think of the 2hu threads, anon!!

>> No.27516156

Hilarious how people are so deep in it that they forget that this is a complete shithole.

>> No.27516157

Never gonna make it

>> No.27516162

Mortal Empires or bust

>> No.27516165

they need to die

>> No.27516167
Quoted by: >>27516367

do your reps, dumbo

>> No.27516168

Yeah, monster jew OL

>> No.27516169 [DELETED] 

What is it about Nijisanji where it seems like their fanbase fucking hates anything else beyond their group? The indies are harmless and it seems like their talent isn't even against the idea of collaborations with people outside the company.

>> No.27516174

Go get yourself an escort ogey?

>> No.27516175


>t. retard

do your archive reps

>> No.27516176


>> No.27516179
File: 661 KB, 560x1023, 1584190957373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beleev

>> No.27516180
File: 261 KB, 375x523, 1599436633486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not much, I'm just going to photoshop magic cards to make them look like they're singing

>> No.27516181

artificial academy 2

>> No.27516182

that's gay as hell man

>> No.27516183
Quoted by: >>27516244

As a matter of fact, not only I would, but I have. You are entirely free to believe it or not.

>> No.27516187

is moona the holo for me if I have a feeding fetish?

>> No.27516190

never 4get

>> No.27516192

>watching these cute girls doing cute things just depresses me
same, I haven't had sex for a week because of it

>> No.27516195

This is fascinating. The vast majority of replies cite Kizuna as their gateway, and then mentioned how they left afterwards for a time before Hololive. Kizuna evidently didn't capitalize on her popularity properly, because she'd have been much more relevant if she did.

>> No.27516198

I'm feeling sick too

>> No.27516199
File: 4 KB, 279x223, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27516250


>> No.27516200

Why is everyone being so hard on this guy? I've seen way more pathetic posts than this before.

>> No.27516201


Nutters exist everywhere. I can like both holos and nijis and independents at the same time.

>> No.27516205
Quoted by: >>27516266

She is a golem.

>> No.27516211
Quoted by: >>27516367

Kill yourself and spare us from your blogposts.

>> No.27516212
Quoted by: >>27516375

>Anticipate this week's streams
Mori... It's Sunday.

>> No.27516216

Mori and Kiara will always be the deadweight of HoloEN

>> No.27516215

I've warned and people about

>> No.27516218

I'm playing amnesia for the first time, it's pretty good so far

>> No.27516225


>> No.27516229

Just because most trannies are white doesn't mean most whites don't hate them.

>> No.27516233
Quoted by: >>27516292

inb4 Covid-19

>> No.27516238
Quoted by: >>27516258

So is the collab canceled or what?

>> No.27516242

Love it.

>> No.27516243

>Followed Kizuna when she hit big years ago but mostly been a casualfag until HoloEN recently

>> No.27516244

I was being serious. Cover has dogshit managers. You'd probably do a better job. Now you claim you've done so before, I'm not sure if I believe that, but if you have that's cool.

>> No.27516248
Quoted by: >>27516425


Believe in the unity of holomyth.

>> No.27516246

>2nd highest sub count and 1st in scs by a mile

>> No.27516247
Quoted by: >>27516367

you cant relate to Mori at all my guy. Shes in her early twenties and has a passion that she has achieved success in. You are a loser on the internet that's probably going to shoot up a school someday

>> No.27516249
File: 3.53 MB, 600x480, 1600582971117.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27516250


>> No.27516252

When I first came to JP it was in the middle of the holo caust so that was fun

>> No.27516253

dont you know what happened to kizuna AI?

>> No.27516255 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27516342

I've been warning people about htis and quoted this precise example for MONTHS on both hlg and hlgg but those fucking uncultured faggots didn't even know about it.

>> No.27516256
Quoted by: >>27516378

>No holos will ever play it. Despite the fact that the permissions would definitely be there.

>> No.27516257


>> No.27516258

/ourboy/ is sick

>> No.27516259

Remember to take off the protective gear when exiting the infected zone to prevent outbreaks of cancer

>> No.27516260 [DELETED] 

He's lying, anon. /vyt/ actually discusses indies. You go in there and the first few posts are stream links, they wouldn't post streams if they hate indies, would they?
Both /vyt/ and Nijisanji absolutely hate Hololive though. At this point, Nijisanji thread should be deleted and be remerged to /vyt/ since their thread is so fucking dead anyway.

>> No.27516261
Quoted by: >>27516448

>haven't slept waiting for collab aanouncement
>work in 3 hours

>> No.27516263

>flustered , gasping gura
>onee-san gura
>goslingbait gura
>gura gets taunted by a viewer and HER almost comes out

>> No.27516264
File: 774 KB, 868x1228, 1602356854212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27516428


>> No.27516266
File: 545 KB, 375x599, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was a golem

>> No.27516270

I mean I did the same, because the stream was set for 2:30 am my time, and opening a drink for the first time then seemed wasteful.

>> No.27516272


>> No.27516274

why do you think she is up in the sky? she's a giant playing a giant guitar

>> No.27516278
Quoted by: >>27516407

Somehow I don't think the relentless superchat-related recorder abuse helped her health any.

>> No.27516282

>Finally have a completely free day off
>Oshi is sick
Life's hard for us Deadbeats..

>> No.27516285

Fucking dork. She's great, get well soon, Mori-sama.

>> No.27516287

no, what happened?

>> No.27516289

God I'm cute

>> No.27516291
File: 158 KB, 387x500, 1590995515258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you

>> No.27516292

I hope not... fat people can't handle covid very well

>> No.27516294

Do you know pekora?

>> No.27516297 [DELETED] 

/jp/ was created for Touhoufags after the Touhou hijack incidents on ever board, without Touhou this very board wouldn’t of existed.

>> No.27516302
Quoted by: >>27516381

the guy promoting it was here in the last thread. the only real update is that the poll settled on "can't help falling in love" and he is discouraging people who will sing very badly or will try to make a joke of it.

>> No.27516303
File: 73 KB, 901x832, 1601312740489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indie shills begone. Mods have been far, far too fucking lenient on you fucks only under the assumption you are new as fuck and don't know /vyt/ exists. Use it.

>> No.27516308
Quoted by: >>27516520

>Kizuna evidently didn't capitalize on her popularity properly

>> No.27516310


>> No.27516312
Quoted by: >>27516347

Mori is literally the most successful EN financially.

>> No.27516314

How fucking new? jesus christ

>> No.27516315

Corporate unironically fucked her ascension badly. Plus an underrated negative was jewtube took out community subtitles as a feature, she was really making use of people coming in and doing free community subtitles on her videos, I stopped after it was pure Japanese once more.

>> No.27516317

This is the kind of shit you should be sharing with the related vchuuba, instead of screencaps of people shitting on them for their voices.

>> No.27516322

Kizuna didn't have the long stream format. She released short videos everyday.

>> No.27516325

How fucking new?

>> No.27516329
Quoted by: >>27516387

So if Mori is sick and there's no collab that means no Gura until monday. I'm a sad chumbud...

>> No.27516335

she attracts them with her attitude desu

>> No.27516340


>> No.27516342 [DELETED] 

both threads are filled with tourists

>> No.27516343

I dont remember exactly what culminated in her sinking down, but some bad business choices were made and they ended up selling her to the chinese, she went soulless, and disappeared soon after

>> No.27516345

I was thinking about this when I read about what hlgg did earlier with that indie debut

>> No.27516347
File: 115 KB, 827x1161, 1583657857336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27516433

I'm gonna simp for Mori so hard on Wednesday

>> No.27516348 [DELETED] 

>/jp/ was created for Touhoufags after the Touhou hijack incidents on ever board
Newfagbro... your oldfag reps... /jp/ was created due to all of the idol and seiyuu threads on /a/

>> No.27516349
Quoted by: >>27516467

Who is the most "natural entertainer" among the ENs?

>> No.27516351

well, she did say that she expected this v-tuber thing to not be as popular as it is. The first two months is always hectic for any holo. I guess I'll just watch Gura for 4 days

>> No.27516350

>Kizuna evidently didn't capitalize on her popularity properly
Ai-chan has been in commercials, on television shows, released songs, and done voice acting. How else would you define capitalizing on her popularity?

>> No.27516356


>> No.27516357 [DELETED] 

>touhoufags get their own containment board
>years later a new fad starts infecting their containment board
How ironic.

>> No.27516359

Ironic since they both are usually the top superchat earners of their group, with Calli almost always being at the top.

>> No.27516361 [DELETED] 

And we hate you and moot for doing that.
63 boards and you still find off topic garbage everywhere.

>> No.27516364
Quoted by: >>27516468

>giving money to jewtube
There's a way to give her money directly

>> No.27516367

Considering it
I wish I could
I haven't watched her yet and I do like detective stuff
I just meant I can relate to enjoying making music.

>> No.27516374

Kiara is on a journey of self-discovery. In about a month she will stop the obnoxious yuribaiting and just be a sexpot who does nothing but talk about how horny she is.

>> No.27516375

The week starts on Sunday.

>> No.27516378

>You will never watch Mori gangrape Ulthuan as the Dark Elves

>> No.27516379
File: 303 KB, 1120x2400, Ej7VF7PX0AcjR8n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27516380

haha clever one anon

>> No.27516381
Quoted by: >>27516423

I'll take my part seriously, I hope the chumbros that want to take part will do so too, it's a nice project to show Gura our love, she would probably cry tears of joy too.

>> No.27516383

I can't believe people fell for the bait again.

>> No.27516384
Quoted by: >>27516436

At this point they're colonists since they're not leaving.

>> No.27516387

Gura seems so fucking lazy she'd just be like "I don't have to host it? sweet, I'm just gonna get drunk and play MC by myself then."

>> No.27516388 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27516470

>someone typing "I'M GOSLING" on the 13-meter tall indie vtuber's chat
There's absolutely no hope for this place, huh.

>> No.27516391

ame is mentally ill so it's pottery

>> No.27516392 [DELETED] 


>> No.27516399


>> No.27516400

>Won't be able to see her live until thursday
fuck my life/10

>> No.27516401
Quoted by: >>27516443

This is so good, source?

>> No.27516404


>> No.27516407

in that stream she mentioned laying in bed awake for 3hrs due to " reaping related issues", she could be under pressure to finish stuff

>> No.27516410

End it all, anon. It's the only way to make the pain go away.
It'll be okay I'll follow soon

>> No.27516412

>/hlgg/ has potentially ruined one budding chuuba and also now ruined /vyt/

>> No.27516414

so if Ina is La La Land, what Gosling movie are the other four girls?

>> No.27516417

>still not schedule for the collab

>> No.27516420

Yeah, she went schizo and developed a bunch of alternate personalities right?

>> No.27516423
Quoted by: >>27516515

oh, he also posted the specific karaoke track he wants to use, but i didn't save the link, i only downloaded a local copy.

>> No.27516425
File: 370 KB, 803x414, harry grin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, Harry agree.

>> No.27516426

Anti-Unity cucks are the bane of this thread.

>> No.27516428

DMCV aka the game where the son of a deadbeat dad beat the fuck out of him because he went mad with power

>> No.27516429

That’s a pun isn’t it

>> No.27516431

kill yourself

>> No.27516432

upd8 is a crap company. If you though Cover was incompetent Upd8 is a whole new level. At one point they tried to replace her voice actor with someone else hoping no one would notice

>> No.27516433
Quoted by: >>27516503

>gets sick
>aka rain when she comes back
>reads everything again
>gets sick again
>repeat process

>> No.27516436

Is this what America is like?

>> No.27516438
File: 60 KB, 661x371, 1602329149095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27516568

I miss Mori already...

>> No.27516439

based, push pikamee out of /hlgg/ as well.

>> No.27516443

>twitter file name
>@kusojack signature
c'mon bro, are you an investigator or not? Ame would be disappointed in you.

>> No.27516445 [DELETED] 

Is this in honor to the recent shitshow regarding that Yuki girl

Remember neo4chan is stil 4chan after all.

>> No.27516448

same bro, today is shit

>> No.27516450

They'll never have a true, meaningful relationship with another person, so the GFE is like bees to honey.

>> No.27516456

Gura is Mickey Mouse Club Gosling

>> No.27516460
File: 72 KB, 500x600, Takanashi.Kiara.600.3075672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to Nakadashi Kiara

>> No.27516463
File: 300 KB, 386x431, ameface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27516601

What does this face convey?

>> No.27516465
Quoted by: >>27517236

>probably not selling significantly more music either.
Nigga I bought DD's whole discography because of Mori. I guarantee her sales went through the fucking roof because of the exposure.

>> No.27516467

Gura easily.

SHE has experience with this after all.

>> No.27516468
Quoted by: >>27516493

Not really, Cover still fucks her

>> No.27516470

Just realized that goslings are a bunch of dumbfuck newfags?

>> No.27516471

jesus christ just look at what you did >>27491043

>> No.27516472

Anon, if you don't finish your projects, you have only yourself to blame.

>it reminds me of what I'll never have

Why give up now, anon?

>> No.27516478
Quoted by: >>27516548

Don’t you mean that guy who breached containment and posted 4chan screen caps on twitter

>> No.27516477

She's adorable.

>> No.27516482
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1080, 1586748953267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wat do
>see this
>wake up

>> No.27516483

EN has no deadweight, they each focus on a certain public, some publics are bigger than others, but that doesnt make this or that streamer better or worse.

>> No.27516484


>> No.27516486

She sold out to the chinks

>> No.27516493

I think they were referring to her old streamlabs.

>> No.27516494

>board or general is one person
When will retards stop doing this shit?

>> No.27516495

Cum in it

>> No.27516497

t. redskin casino jew

>> No.27516500
File: 194 KB, 600x479, 1592845463093.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27516503

Mori sure knows how to work the fans

>> No.27516504

Fuck dead hours

>> No.27516507
Quoted by: >>27516560

oh fuck off, what did we do this time?

>> No.27516511
File: 974 KB, 600x765, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

match the holoENs with their corresponding rat pack member
this is your final test

>> No.27516516
Quoted by: >>27516551

wrong order retard

>> No.27516515

I got it here, I've been practicing a bit cause I rarely talk, need to train my vocals.

>> No.27516517
Quoted by: >>27516939

All of them
Started back when that one anon used the Facerig Live2D model upon it's release to masturbate and posted the webm on /a/. After that I followed Kizuna Ai since her debut for a few months.

>> No.27516518

throw salman to distract her then give her a headpat

>> No.27516519

Original Kizuna Ai actress got replaced so a lot of people stopped watching her.

>> No.27516520
Quoted by: >>27516623

>never collab
>make an agency, never collab
>host a new years' disaster
>do it a second time
>almost get replaced
>hire two different unironic shills for /vyt/ instead of doing anything interesting
>fade into irrelevance
Perhaps the worst part is that most of the early vtubers even did stream-like content, and then just never bothered to actually stream.

>> No.27516521

If there was a button that would kill every single Goslingfag, I'd press it twice just to make sure.

>> No.27516523

They deserve it for shilling here.

>> No.27516529
File: 120 KB, 568x707, 1601870066239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori's streams for next week are pitiful, the live concert better be 12/10

>> No.27516531

in that order?

>> No.27516541

>Even the Goslings are spilling over
Poor fuckers. Lets hope they can contain them before they reach critical mass.

>> No.27516544
File: 2.34 MB, 1727x2570, 1601090458629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27516618

>> No.27516546
Quoted by: >>27516619

They're actually called dead hours because you want to kill yourself.

>> No.27516547

>Both /vyt/ and Nijisanji absolutely hate Hololive though.
Why? I love my holo chuubas, but I have no hate for other vtuber groups at all. I watch Ange from Niji too and even sc occasionally. Why the fuck are there so many tribalistic schizos on /jp/?

>> No.27516548
Quoted by: >>27516646

>thread she was shown on had ~430 IPs
>she goes from 30 viewers to 350
I know youre brand fucking new so Ill teach you a secret, you can see how many people have posted on a thread

>> No.27516551

Pretty sure he got it right
it was always a dream

>> No.27516552
File: 22 KB, 398x46, 8015r01jf-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mori doom stream

I thought this was today or tomorrow or something
or did i grossly misread the schedule

>> No.27516556


>> No.27516558

she said she'll try to balance between those two

>> No.27516560
Quoted by: >>27516634

The other day someone post the link of some unknown Vtuber here and she got raided by it

>> No.27516568
File: 98 KB, 1080x881, 16023311499511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its gonna be a long four days mang

>> No.27516569

lars and the real girl

>> No.27516571
File: 35 KB, 128x128, MikoElite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think most of us were introduces to Kizuna as our first real vtuber. This was also around the time VRChat was popular. I guess for most people the fad just died but now that we're getting so many vtubers from all over the place, and especially because a lot of people are quarantined, it feels like the future is going to be full of them.

>> No.27516572

Mori is faking illness

>> No.27516576

nothing happening, I'm going to sleep

>> No.27516577

Wasn't there a Mori Doom Eternal stream scheduled for 5 minutes ago that has disappeared or am I off my meds?

>> No.27516578

She's sick so she rescheduled

>> No.27516579

Read the thread, Mori got hit by a truck.

>> No.27516582
Quoted by: >>27516620

watch the cute jew

>> No.27516583
File: 286 KB, 703x691, 1601053896956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never felt the intense need to blow raspberries on someone's belly before, but this is apparently what it took to bring that out in me.

>> No.27516585

>Why the fuck are there so many tribalistic schizos on /jp/
First time encountering idolfag?

>> No.27516586
Quoted by: >>27516688

She delayed it because she's sick. Check her twitter.

>> No.27516588

Please be some abstract bait, you wouldn't waste an image before checking her twitter, right?

>> No.27516590
Quoted by: >>27517026

Can I just blame the newfags instead?
Although considering /hlgg/ is made out of hundreds of newfags..
I'll never understand how they can be so fucking retarded. Guess that post in /hlg/ about newfags coming to "vent out" was true, after all.

>> No.27516589
File: 101 KB, 1003x1148, 1575201928499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura biting off your cock!

>> No.27516592


Someone give this man a timeloop coupon.

>> No.27516596

how many fingers am I holding up

>> No.27516598
File: 101 KB, 1000x1000, 1602293667003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I guess it can't be helped. Hololive threads are Holo territory. This doesn't mean people can't enjoy other vtubers, they can (in fact I love Pikamee), it's just people need to respect the thread subject.

>> No.27516599


>> No.27516601


>> No.27516604

Amelia must be so happy she doesnt have to play mc

>> No.27516605

Sorry, Mori needs all those meds now

>> No.27516606

Yea. I'm going to sleep. Radio silence already on twitter. Collab likely ain't happening

>> No.27516613
Quoted by: >>27516778


>> No.27516615

All of Mori’s weekday schedules really makes me wish I still lived in Japan, but then I’d just be missing Gura’s streams. Life is a pain of choices.

>> No.27516617 [DELETED] 

Posters here need to realize the moment you wallow in the filth that is 4chan, you have no right interacting with comparatively mentally healthy individuals, your existence is like a pustule to them. Stay the fuck away from them and just enjoy from afar.

>> No.27516618
Quoted by: >>27516647

this is a good chart. Its a shame fags ruined it be adding shitty one off memes and biases

>> No.27516619


>> No.27516620

go back

>> No.27516622

>He doesn't know
Well, at least she got a Cytus II collabo recently, I guess.

>> No.27516623
Quoted by: >>27516719

It's weird because ostensibly they invested so much into the work and I can only imagine they lost money on it. Himehina's videos are very high production value and they even bought ads for it. Idk, maybe their CD sold ok...

>> No.27516629

Sub to Mori's T3 to see it

>> No.27516630
File: 219 KB, 502x502, 1601958537802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is so cute i can barely handle it

>> No.27516632

They deserve it.

>> No.27516633
Quoted by: >>27516683


>> No.27516634
Quoted by: >>27516668

shes currently talking about her family on stream now, I'm kinda worried

>> No.27516635

>EN is crumbling in real time
hold me bros...

>> No.27516640

When Kizuna started to get popular. Watched her and Luna a lot and then sort of stopped watching for a long time then saw a Fubuki meme song in my rec earlier this year and fell into Hololive hole

>> No.27516641

Fuck... they all graduated...

>> No.27516644
File: 203 KB, 1355x1269, yuma (coffee-milk-moumou) ohayou!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any DrawCHAD willing to draw Gura like pic related? ever since Gura teased about (you) waking up and seeing her up close, I've been obsessed.

>> No.27516645
File: 222 KB, 500x500, Ej8tptxU4AE9skq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27516674


>> No.27516646

Dude the person who collected the fucking posts and sent them to her is to blame tard no everyone else assuming some skitzo wouldn’t repost shit posts

>> No.27516647

I was fine until one guy started adding stuff related to doxxshit.

>> No.27516648


>> No.27516655


>> No.27516657

concernbros cant stop winning

>> No.27516660

You're one out of many, anon. I don't give a shit about (You).

>> No.27516664

Is Gura still fucking sleeping? How has she not tweeted anything about the collab today

>> No.27516665

>top EN superchat earners

>> No.27516667

This is why you should also watch jp and (mostly) ignore the threads when doing so.
I'm amazed at Poru's energy.

>> No.27516666


>> No.27516668

Not her real one because how can someone have a cat as a sister

>> No.27516669

It's way too easy to get (you)s in that thread.

>> No.27516672 [DELETED] 

>357 watching now

You guys didn't forget. I'm proud of you fuckers.

>> No.27516674
Quoted by: >>27516711

UNO collab when?

>> No.27516677

They went to buy the snacks for the snack collab together.

>> No.27516678
Quoted by: >>27517056

God I love mesugaki

>> No.27516679

honestly if that's all it takes to get her down then it's a good thing she didn't get accepted to Hololive cause it gets a lot harsher than that

>> No.27516683

I don't need to I have them on notifications for my phone. Here's your (you) ya fucking retard.

>> No.27516684

Mori got paid off by Fubuki to stop the collab from happening so Shark slows down in subs

>> No.27516685
File: 27 KB, 322x322, 1602015865494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tanline gura
i need it more

>> No.27516686

Lazy fishnigger

>> No.27516688

i searched thread for 'delayed' and 'delay' and it came up with 0 results so I posted, but now its finding delayed and delay when i search it, sorry my fucking browser is being shit

>> No.27516690
Quoted by: >>27516926

You fuckers made the moose cry.

>> No.27516689

Sending Mori $500 next stream

>> No.27516691

Cute stuff.

>> No.27516693 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27516733

>At this point, Nijisanji thread should be deleted and be remerged to /vyt/
See? Not that different from what I say, nigga. No such thing as me lying.

>> No.27516694 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27516722

try again in 3 weeks

>> No.27516702

Kiara pegged mori

>> No.27516708 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27516772

My uncle works at yagoo and he said that now that Mori is out, Yuki will replace her as a new member.

>> No.27516711

Gura is too good at UNO, she'd have to hold back.

>> No.27516713

Based conspiracychad

>> No.27516715

she was liking and retweeting fan art earlier (US afternoon time). mori is sick.

>> No.27516719

If you believe the sources, Activ8 lost 675M yen in a quarter. I assume most of it was embezzled but it's still embarrassingly funny because the Aishill still posts /vyt/

>> No.27516722 [DELETED] 

I'll watch every fucking day, anon.

>> No.27516727

Please don't

>> No.27516730

idolfaggotry autism. Same case with the adversarial attitudes between Im@s and Love Live fanbases in Nipland.

>> No.27516732
File: 636 KB, 1664x1080, 1533337580297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kizunai Ai had a short video format, along with subtitles that eventually stopped showing up on her channels. Because of this, it made it really easy for people to fall out of interest for her stuff. Streams are different in the sense that there's a different energy with them that makes sticking around more fun. To say she didn't do much with her popularity isn't exactly correct though.

That said, I got into Hololive because some dumb faggot I was watching on Twitch put up the video of Fubuki making noises when jumping in Minecraft during one of his breaks. I watched one video and then YouTube started flinging all the Hololive related recommendations at me.

>> No.27516733 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27517093

Nah, bro. The thing you said about /vyt/ hating indies is a complete lie.

>> No.27516734
Quoted by: >>27516808

She is working on a big music video right now for a musician she likes I believe. She's been at it already for at least a couple months, so hopefully she will have it finished soon.

>> No.27516735

Real Shit Narrative
Mori didnt get the kazoo she ordered in on time, she was looking forward to playing it on the doom stream

>> No.27516736 [DELETED] 

You faggots are going to drop her faster than that green haired chick. At least that shit whole Leddit still holds on to Aki...

>> No.27516739

Deciding on pushing back the collab due to one member is a tough choice anon especially with this being the last of the 5 members taking turns. I wouldn’t be surprised if they do it tomorrow considering the all have free slots.

>> No.27516742
File: 210 KB, 500x495, 1602317211103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27516752

Super and akapilled.

>> No.27516753

Watched kizuna ai before english fags started pouring in

>> No.27516758

Cute AND funny

>> No.27516761

I remember how fun Kizuna Ai was, then Kaguya Luna was the spunky upstart at 15fps (at best) and then there was some corporate nonsense including spreading the character model across several actors and it soured me on the whole thing literally until I followed someone on here's recommendation to tune in for Gura's debut.
I'm glad it was hers too, because some of the debut vids were rough as hell.

>> No.27516762
Quoted by: >>27516832

Think of the size of Mori's braps right now

>> No.27516770
File: 151 KB, 1200x1200, 1588226965973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closest existing pic I can find in my folder.

>> No.27516772

>My uncle works at yagoo

>> No.27516775
File: 769 KB, 1079x652, DedLuna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27516811

>No streams tonight
Deader than dead.

>> No.27516778

Kiara is probably still asleep. They can't decide without everybody.

>> No.27516781

shes awake, do your stalking reps

>> No.27516782

Watched some Ai vids a couple years ago but only got really hooked up by the nigga~

>> No.27516784

but yeah, hope Mori's ready for the canadians and the other simps showering her with cash and "get well soon" messages

>> No.27516788 [DELETED] 

Still /v/ related. Moot was a faggot who couldn't do anything other than fuck shit up. He basically doxxed himself in his search for fame and it forced him to delete the loli and guro boards to save face and then step down as an admin much later down the road. If he had keep his identity a secret, instead of fishing for fame, he would still be here instead of the even more incompetent fuck that is Hiromoot.

>> No.27516799

Mori doing her part time job as a prostitute today so she can't stream and ruined today collab

>> No.27516802
Quoted by: >>27516843

it was going to happen after mori's doom stream, wich w would take arround 2 hours, so is probably going ot be in 2 hours from now

>> No.27516806

She postponed it because she's sick read the thread bro

>> No.27516808
Quoted by: >>27517047

wait, isn't it October right now? shes probably preparing English tests too

>> No.27516810
File: 313 KB, 600x338, goodFood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is the narrative I'd like to see.

>> No.27516811

>he's not watching polka sing 30 songs on stream

>> No.27516812
Quoted by: >>27516880

I didn't know she was a good animator

>> No.27516817
Quoted by: >>27517151


>> No.27516818

I wanna learn how to be a narrativefag.
My first one is HoloEN was behind the post yesterday and they're all watching instead of doing the collab.

>> No.27516821

Fell down the rabbit hole when I got recommended that Kizuna AI video where she played this mobile trap game that was similar to I wanna be the guy.

>> No.27516826

Someone post the Amelia/Roberu NTR edit tia

>> No.27516827

Mori has the best Akasupas

>> No.27516828

>more incompetent fuck that is Hiromoot
Better to have an incompetent idiot running the site than some corporate asshole trying to turn this site in reddit 2.0

>> No.27516829

She's working on some new lofi for her spotify account

>> No.27516831

shortly after Kizuna AI debut

>> No.27516832

>Clint Eastwood sitting in a rocket chair.png

>> No.27516835


>> No.27516836

Cute as FUCK

>> No.27516840
Quoted by: >>27516906

>from 3 membership streams all running at the same time yesterday
>literally no streams today

Wheres the fucking middleground bros

>> No.27516841 [DELETED] 
File: 751 KB, 842x1028, 1602163641798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post about small indie chuuba on this thread yesterday
>holo stream delayed
>she starts streaming
We got too cocky holobros. We gave her too much power.

>> No.27516843

Even without Mori since she's sick? Was hoping someone would TWEET something other than Mori.

>> No.27516846


>> No.27516847

that's it I'm rowing to japan right fucking now

>> No.27516851 [DELETED] 
File: 552 KB, 800x450, 4611634304cb6f3f8159c2f0356cdc41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This complete lack of streams on weekend means they are out having fun.

>> No.27516857
File: 145 KB, 1280x1280, 1596812498368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27516874

>holy fuck it's nearly been a year what am I doing

>> No.27516859

Since kizuna Ai but mostly liked kaguya luna over her

>> No.27516866

Ina is also sick...

>> No.27516875

Someone address the collab question on twitter onegai.....

>> No.27516874

>Since Ai and Mirai Akari

>> No.27516879

How about you anon? Are you having fun?

>> No.27516880

you're not supposed to know that yet

>> No.27516887 [DELETED] 
File: 578 KB, 3000x3644, 1592849431190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holos are probably having fun on their days off. Why are you still here wasting your life, anon?

>> No.27516889

the only stream that's been rescheduled is mori's doom stream. we are assuming that means she won't suddenly stop being sick in time to do a collab stream in a few hours. we have no other information.

>> No.27516896

gura's probably panicking and not knowing what to do :(

>> No.27516900
Quoted by: >>27517123

Just wait until artemis debuts and loserbait and his goony looking friends start shilling her here unironically.

>> No.27516905
File: 54 KB, 1200x630, gosling in space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... I'm not happy being a larsposter anymore. I've been thinking about it and I've decided I can't be content just being an everyman trying to better himself. I'm gonna shoot for the moon and become a Neilposter. One small step for an autist. One giant leap for gosling-kind.

>> No.27516906

We'll probably have to endure this level of oscillation until another EN gen or two come along to spread things out a bit.

>> No.27516913
Quoted by: >>27516974

predict the next yab on stream

>> No.27516916

Except for Ina whaling on some gacha.

>> No.27516921

It's neck and neck between Kiara, Ina, and Ame
beginning of 2020

>> No.27516923

I would asume that they already scheduled at that time, and did plans arround that schedule.

>> No.27516926

What happened?

>> No.27516928
File: 132 KB, 357x597, 1510447090274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you still here wasting your life, anon?
Why do you think? mental illness.

>> No.27516934

Blame her managers. She's a chink shill now. I'm more of a Kaguya Luna fag anyway

>> No.27516939
Quoted by: >>27517267

wait fuck I actually remember that

when was that?

>> No.27516942

Hey, To each his own I guess.

>> No.27516943

Youtube recommended me Korone's Doom playthrough, and it was all downhill from there.

>> No.27516946
Quoted by: >>27516998

Based, kinda wished there was a canvas for /hlgg/ for our own drawfags, too

>> No.27516948
Quoted by: >>27517034


>> No.27516952


>> No.27516954


>> No.27516953
Quoted by: >>27517011

Was Watson's ASMR already posted here?

>> No.27516955

Just do a guerilla minecraft stream solo or something. She could do some work setting things up for when all the girls can come.

>> No.27516957


>> No.27516959

Sounds great, anon. Even if you miss the moon, you'll land among the stars

>> No.27516960

Since summer 2018

>> No.27516963
Quoted by: >>27517009

Ina is arguing with the ancient ones over the $800 she's spent on genshin

>> No.27516964

Hey look, it's sharkmeido.

>> No.27516967


>> No.27516971

Being a luna fan is suffering

>> No.27516973

I miss her so much

>> No.27516974

gura accidentally lets out an extremely loud stomak growl on stream and nervously giggles and apologizes for it

>> No.27516975

They're just watching anime, playing games, and reading manga
Exactly the same as me and (you)

>> No.27516979

What the fuck is Guts doing?
Somebody deserves a spanking

>> No.27516981

I work weekends

>> No.27516983
File: 890 KB, 594x642, imaybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27517012

>Try downloading it but reach the transfer cap
>Now can't watch it on there either

>> No.27516990

this horny chicken

>> No.27516991

Meido, are you mad at us for posting nonholos?

>> No.27516994
Quoted by: >>27517049

I have no friends

>> No.27516998

None of them can be bothered to host one, it seems

>> No.27517004

Mori the Reaper, wait for it, killed the collab

>> No.27517007

you guys are my only friends (that talk about holoEN)

>> No.27517008

>tfw no movie where Gosling fucking kills himself to for you to emulate
A pity.

>> No.27517009
File: 381 KB, 1019x614, 1567374154194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ina would probably have been able to maintain an apartment on her own etc and live comfortably if it wasn't for her crippling gacha addiction, which keeps her living at home with mommy as a hikki in her late 20s.

Don't do gacha, kids.

>> No.27517010

2 years or so, started with Azulim and Tamaki

>> No.27517011
Quoted by: >>27517055

Yes, also you should post Ina's matrix video too. Let's shoot for the same thing as HoloJP and get one membership stream per month.

>> No.27517012
Quoted by: >>27517054

It resets in hours anon

>> No.27517014

Don't worry, I'm sure the canadians will fix her up with their healthcare.

>> No.27517015

If I was a functional human being I wouldn't be here

>> No.27517016
Quoted by: >>27517294

does it happen to anyone else, that you perceive the gura from the fanart and the "real" gura as two different entities?

>> No.27517017

Just as planned.

>> No.27517018


You have no proof and no source for that statement.

>> No.27517020

It wasn’t my day off anon I did a lot today

>> No.27517021

>What am I (squeak) supposed to DO (squeal)

>> No.27517023
File: 176 KB, 1730x1000, 1598509834513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know

>> No.27517026

It unfortunately is. Did you think that all that "summer" posting was just memes? The influx of tourists and newfags is at an alarming all time high.

>> No.27517028
Quoted by: >>27517076

Why didn't chicken substitute for Mori...

>> No.27517029
Quoted by: >>27517096


>> No.27517030
File: 297 KB, 640x672, 1600650157839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. Bend over.

>> No.27517032

O shit
with the bass

>> No.27517034
Quoted by: >>27517097

Not sick just a migraine that may have passed.

>> No.27517042
Quoted by: >>27517149

Only if you give me the source for this.

>> No.27517044

she probably doesn't even want to leave

>> No.27517046 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 601x84, unknown-170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27517047

Likely yeah. I don't know Japans education system, the whole world runs on different schedules but she should be getting a break soon afterwards with school break.
That combined with a finished project should free her up for being Mori a good bit for a while

>> No.27517048
Quoted by: >>27517092

Do we have any idea when this collab is gonna take place or are we just waiting for gura to tell us?

>> No.27517049
Quoted by: >>27517114

This thread has 335 IPs bro, you have 335 friends!

>> No.27517054

Yeah, like in 5. Let's hope that sissy doesn't report it by then though.

>> No.27517055
Quoted by: >>27517086

I don't know if the anon who originally shared Watson's ASMR will share Ina's streams too. I don't want to ask him either, it might dissuade him from sharing shit

>> No.27517056

anon I just want to thank you.
I've been wondering forever what the official name for that was.

>> No.27517057

I'm so fucking bored. Save me bros

>> No.27517060

yeah I could be hugging my gf if I had one

>> No.27517062
Quoted by: >>27517107

>Ame, Mori and Kiara are the only ones with a full group image as their twitter background


>> No.27517066
File: 251 KB, 236x272, 1600886599009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also 28 and have never seen a pussy, and I'm not saying I can't relate, but you gotta get your shit together bro.

>> No.27517065
Quoted by: >>27517200

I hate this image so fucking much.

>> No.27517068

Is there a 30's version?

>> No.27517069

why tho? she passed Matsuri long ago

>> No.27517074

$1300 on a mahjong game she doesnt even understand how to play

>> No.27517075

She lives with her parents because she's korean, that's just what they do.

>> No.27517076

shes also sick

>> No.27517077
Quoted by: >>27517555

>implying anyone could keep on being anonymous as the admin of 4chan
Lol. He would've been doxed the second someone opened a public case against 4chan The Website, or just for fun and fame by whoever knew moot irl or his isp or whoever the fuck. If you're big enough you cannot be anonymous.
Ironically what saved 4chan from being pulled from whatever isp its using was that moot was a nerdy normal looking dude and most people were very upfront and open about doing aids-in-pool and gnaa-tier internet jokes for fun so no one took anything too seriously until 2014-15 or so. Even chanology with all its massive repercussions in online culture was more of a "lol 4chan or course" thing.

>> No.27517078 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 364x351, 1212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27517080 [DELETED] 


>> No.27517082

Go to sleep papa valiente

>> No.27517085 [DELETED] 

>It's real

>> No.27517086

He only has Watson's membership he said. Someone with Ina's membership should share it as well.

>> No.27517088 [DELETED] 

made me check nigger
fuck off

>> No.27517089

Mori is a god of baiting superchats

>> No.27517090 [DELETED] 

Based Gura

>> No.27517091

Is it good or bad that when I first saw this name in this thread I thought it was what people were alluding to when they talked about moonmoon?

>> No.27517092 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27517137


>> No.27517093

Whatevs you says, nigga. But that's what I experience going in there. If you experience something else, that fine too.

>> No.27517096
File: 361 KB, 548x666, 1509907163900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27517097

>she gets migraines
Jesus. I pity her. Those are fucking horrible.

>> No.27517098 [DELETED] 

gee, why didn't you link it?

>> No.27517100
File: 29 KB, 750x350, 1593185075520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27517126

Hey, there you are sunshine! Good morning!

>> No.27517103 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 296x296, 1602216546113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27517136

Well i guess i can sleep early today

>> No.27517104 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 565x110, 1575746536448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27517106

>Gura overslept and didnt plan anything
>Mori went out of her way to make the collab stream on her own channel good
>Mori is also behind on commisions
>Mori takes the L for the team because they dont want to have to tell everyone that Gura couldnt even schedule a time for the collab
Mori is a saint

>> No.27517107

something something gura and ina hate them all something something

>> No.27517111 [DELETED] 

thank god, it wouldn't be a collab without all of them

>> No.27517112 [DELETED] 

"oh correction, Kiara is the one not feeling well. Collab will continue as scheduled"

>> No.27517114
File: 126 KB, 1366x768, 1417435483682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27517115

Kind of like me...but I can cook and I have a job.

>> No.27517116 [DELETED] 

made me look damn it

>> No.27517118


>> No.27517119 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 829x155, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to stop these faggots ?

>> No.27517122

New narrative: Mori reads these threads and rescheduled her stream so she could support anonymously Yuki too.

>> No.27517123
Quoted by: >>27517223

I'm unironically more hype about her than most of Gura's upcoming content.

>> No.27517126
Quoted by: >>27517297


>> No.27517130 [DELETED] 


>> No.27517131

Imagine if there is no stream tomorrow too...

>> No.27517134 [DELETED] 

Awwwww but the show must go on. Do something else at least, even if solo streams. If you're all sick or something legit is going on, then take the break.

Just remember:


>> No.27517135

>it's real

>> No.27517136

You do know that's fake, right?

>> No.27517137
Quoted by: >>27517180

its not real

>> No.27517140 [DELETED] 

Mori every time

>> No.27517141
File: 621 KB, 882x496, 1602359368160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27517142 [DELETED] 

People fall for anything on 4chan, huh

>> No.27517143 [DELETED] 


So it's confirmed they don't plan a 5-man collab after that.

>> No.27517145

I can accept this narrative

>> No.27517147 [DELETED] 

I hope you get choke on this you niggerfaggot

>> No.27517149
File: 88 KB, 640x432, not this one you idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27517150 [DELETED] 

>our last collab

>> No.27517151

Some faggot who liked to dress up as a girl and hated australians

>> No.27517152

En taro adun, Gawr Gura

>> No.27517156
File: 917 KB, 990x1400, 84933413_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when's the collab again? I'd like to go back to sleep now.

>> No.27517165

go take a walk or something, anon

>> No.27517167
Quoted by: >>27517231

>/hlg/ shits on this thread for doing stuff like this but they've done the exact same

>> No.27517169

Hey guys, want a new and crazy narrative?

Fubuki didn't get lazy, she got tired. She carried Cover hard, doing meme videos to build subscribers and then doing sponsor streams to get Chinese money to keep Cover afloat. Now that she's seen Gura take off like a rocket in the Western market, Fubuki happily torched her Chinese base of support by mentioning Coco in a tweet, thereby also cutting off Cover from more Chinese investment money. Cover would never willingly say no to more Chinese investment, but Fubuki knows they have to cut off from China and made that decision for Cover. Gura will be the face of Hololive in the West and bring in more Western money that has far fewer strings attached, Cover will be even more successful, and Fubuki can stop worrying about keeping the company afloat and go back to having fun being a cute alien fox. So in the end, Fubuki doesn't see Gura as a competitor, but rather, as a saviour.

>> No.27517171 [DELETED] 

>last collab

>> No.27517172 [DELETED] 

Kinda wish this were real but it's too coherent to be Gura.

>> No.27517177

no anon, that faggot is probably in this thread at this very moment as well.

>> No.27517179

I hope it on hold

>> No.27517180

Ah, a 'narrative'. I'll need to take better care in the future.

>> No.27517182
File: 563 KB, 494x498, 1601305425051.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I just open /hlgg/ or the blogging thread? Jesus, get it together guys

>> No.27517181

I don't know how to use twitter

>> No.27517183
Quoted by: >>27517290

Never, just go back to sleep. But probably tomorrow

>> No.27517186
File: 5 KB, 365x239, firefox_2020-10-10_18-54-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27517190

GURA PLEASE, the narratives here are driving me more insane than niggerman.

>> No.27517191

2 hours from now, if it goes trough

>> No.27517192

She barely holds a candle to Rushia

>> No.27517195

Report them.
Expose their personal lives if they're dumb enough to use the same username everywhere.

>> No.27517196

How does this get so many upvotes?

>> No.27517197
Quoted by: >>27517303

There are none, anyone who thinks it's real is retarded. Gura is too plastered to tweet, everyone should know this by now.

>> No.27517199

Why wouldn't I want to live surrounded by misery and shit when it's all I know? Actually enjoying things and having fun makes me uncomfortable by this point.

>> No.27517200

but not enough to change...

>> No.27517203

>Screaming Tsundere Noises

>> No.27517205
File: 2.81 MB, 4096x4073, 1578488751445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to love yourself

>> No.27517204

Try to find a no no post in their history then flag it and get them banned

>> No.27517210


>> No.27517211 [DELETED] 
File: 256 KB, 480x473, bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last collab

>> No.27517218

In theory? like 2 hours. In reality? good chance it's delayed until Calli's back in shape.

>> No.27517219 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27517271

>tfw Gura is so generic and soulless that a random anon can impersonate her and trick dozens of retards

>> No.27517220

Redditors please do le TL;DR on this

>> No.27517222

At least Ina's awake, I guess.

>> No.27517223
File: 534 KB, 800x971, 1600058917286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27517360

>falling for marketing campaigns

>> No.27517227 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 350x276, 1602381358816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, but with this.

>> No.27517231
Quoted by: >>27517265

/hlg/ used to be far worse than this place, I don't know about now, it might be better due to recline

>> No.27517229


>> No.27517234
File: 89 KB, 850x508, 114422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27517491

We need all of the holoENs to apologize for wasting our times.

>> No.27517235
File: 81 KB, 476x664, 1597069397128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been dead hours for a long while. People ran out of things to talk about.

>> No.27517236
Quoted by: >>27517309

the vast majority of people don't connect vtubers to their past lives.
the DD channel didn't see a significant boost in views or subs either.

>> No.27517237
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>> No.27517249
File: 358 KB, 639x360, firefox_2020-09-28_14-47-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah she loves her colleagues and a free fox that just wants to do whatever fun. That's a miracle on this Earth.

>> No.27517251

>Fubuki knows they have to cut off from China and made that decision for Cover
Based if true

>> No.27517255 [DELETED] 


>> No.27517256
Quoted by: >>27517296


>> No.27517258

>it's real

>> No.27517262

I keep forgetting it's 10 PM for eastcoastfags
Don't worry I'll let you know if there's a collab in the next 5 hours

>> No.27517263
File: 578 KB, 3000x3644, 1602380753852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a narrative - it's fake. Nothing's been announced yet.

Maybe they're trying to see if Mori at least has the strength to sit at her comp, press W and click a mouse button for an hour or two. Expecting her to focus a bunch on DOOM was probably not in the cards, but yeah this is the last chance before the embargo lifts. It'd really, really really suck if she couldn't make it.

>> No.27517265

>I don't know about now
They are busy fucking dogs know anon, wish i was joking

>> No.27517268

I can actually see Coco having done the Taiwan thing on purpose so they could cut the Chinese off.

>> No.27517267

Way too long ago for newfags.
But it was just like yesterday for me.

>> No.27517269

Dangerously based

>> No.27517271


>> No.27517273 [DELETED] 

Well shit my night is ruined

>> No.27517275

Fubuki bring Chinese money, Gura bring Western money, Chinese money bad, Western money good, Fubuki happy Gura goo goo gaga

>> No.27517279


>> No.27517281

Gura got Perfect Blue'd

>> No.27517284


>> No.27517289

Oh yeah I apparently memory holed that, nevermind

>> No.27517290

Oge, I'm out

>> No.27517291

We are in the deadest hours anon, please understand

>> No.27517294

There are more variants of HER than there are atoms in the universe, yes.

>> No.27517296


>> No.27517297

I expect this to be a full morning time routine roleplay by the end the month alternate 18+ version using all those sucking noises she's been doing.

>> No.27517298

dear god i hope not

>> No.27517303
Quoted by: >>27517371

The collab ban is lifting soon, so she probably referring to the last one before being able to collab with the other hololive branches.

>> No.27517308
File: 2.50 MB, 2419x2400, Ej0czT4U0AAA35B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Kizuna but she didn't latch for me for the reasons that one anon said but Polka revived my interests again

>> No.27517309
Quoted by: >>27517623

The people who seriously care, the dedicated fans, the ones who would buy in the first place, are aware of the connection. Trust me, she's seen a bump.

>> No.27517311

This is actually believable seeing how little Gura cares about her fans

>> No.27517316
File: 256 KB, 480x473, 1601625972901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27517317

when they see 4chan they think its the cool kids club and they upvote just to give them a sense of being a part of it.

>> No.27517320

Its like that living tombstone song about the quarter master he didn't want to beat the dude's ass he just wanted to stop being the fucking quarter master and do something else.

>> No.27517322
Quoted by: >>27517407

Coco isn't that smart, Fubuki is

>> No.27517325
Quoted by: >>27517349

Oh shit

>> No.27517329

So does Mori.

>> No.27517331


>> No.27517332

got a lil bit into matuli and other meme clip shit late spring, forgot about it, and then came here 5 days ago.

>> No.27517338

Yeah hlg somehow is everything this place is but also full of elitist dog rapists who are 5 times as crazy as us

>> No.27517339

The event is set as 1 hour long in the schedule, so it would end on the 14th

>> No.27517342

I want to shoot this faggot, worst part is that he's probably in this thread too

>> No.27517344
Quoted by: >>27517463

>Gura overslept and didnt plan anything
What the fuck is there to plan when they already said they were doing minecraft for like a week now

>> No.27517345

I'll believe it. Based Fubuking

>> No.27517349


>> No.27517350
File: 151 KB, 1280x1280, 1589841605712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Narrative - Ogey ____ ___ _ ___ _____ _____ _ __ _____ _______ __ ______ __ _____ _ _ ______ _ _ _________________________ _ ___________________ __ That's why __ ____ _rrat___ ____ ____ _____ __________ ______________ __ _ ____ ______ ______ _ ____ ___ _____ ______ _______ ________ ____ _ ____ _ ________ _ _____________

>> No.27517352

is that cerberus?

>> No.27517360

She's cute and highly interactive so it's fine.

>> No.27517362
Quoted by: >>27517426

narrative Kiara got Mori sick

>> No.27517363

Now this is a narrative I can get behind.

>> No.27517364
File: 260 KB, 620x640, 1476277438678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the collab canceled?

>> No.27517367


>> No.27517369


>> No.27517371

Wait it was a fake tweet?! Should of just checked her tweeter myself, like a smart person would.

>> No.27517373
File: 221 KB, 1280x740, Ej0FRbJUYAcob4p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing till Wednesday
Damn contemplating suicide rn
maybe we're just getting spoiled

>> No.27517376 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27517816

jewish daughter cant be this cute

>> No.27517389


>> No.27517393
Quoted by: >>27517496

>Mori sick
>Haato and Coco still in jail


>> No.27517395
File: 231 KB, 463x453, 1602301907260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27517464

no one fucking knows

>> No.27517394

No i don't think so, but it got somewhat close there is a reason you can't find that much from her

>> No.27517396
Quoted by: >>27517464

Not yet/not confirmed cancelled or confirmed for a time

>> No.27517397

Now this is a narrative I can get behind.

>> No.27517400
File: 161 KB, 463x453, 1601900929844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27517401

>your favorite EN
>can you trill your r's to rrat?

>> No.27517402

>Gura overslept and didnt plan anything
You don't really watch streams other than Mori do you?

>> No.27517403

I mean there's proof of this narrative so it's not really a narrative.


>> No.27517405

We've seen her setup its really not that far off just having everything on the carpet.

>> No.27517406

Actually Mori mentioned last stream she had this big freelance project she was behind on, she might really have pushed the sick button because of this.

>> No.27517407

Coco isn't that dumb, if anything she heard Haato was gonna get suspended so she did it too so she doesn't feel so alone and alienated.

>> No.27517408

Okay, I can actually start a topic of relevant discussion. Didn't the collab ban lift for this upcoming week? So the fact that there's no HoloJP collab on Mori's schedule mean that the planned collabs did in fact involve Coco? Since Haachama and Coco's bans are being lifted in two weeks

>> No.27517410

Mori wouldn't want you to die before your time, anon.

>> No.27517411

Wakarimashita, nnezumi.

>> No.27517414

rrat shimurratoru

>> No.27517415

I'm a fucking neet what am I supposed to do already did my jap reps for the day I'm too drunk to do anything else right now

>> No.27517417
File: 47 KB, 1200x1066, 1602282616801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I supposed to do if I can't watch my EN idol wives play Minecraft

>> No.27517419

>hope she gets better and maybe learns to not put so much on her plate

She's apparently been a workaholic her whole life. Overdoing it seems to be in her nature, unfortunately.

>> No.27517420

There are American women that look like the middle transformation

>> No.27517425

What if it was an inside job?

>> No.27517426

theyre all hungover because they were up all last night sipping while on discord together
sick always means hungover

>> No.27517427

>im asian so no

>> No.27517431


>> No.27517433 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 511x87, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no

>> No.27517434


>> No.27517436

but do you rele belev et?

>> No.27517443
Quoted by: >>27517602

only non-burgers can

>> No.27517444

Of course. Being a spic helps.

>> No.27517445

>highly interactive
they all were during their first week anon, I'm going to give her 3 streams febore deciding.

>> No.27517451

Anon there's like 5 people running that account with a dozen of "TL experts" shilling her constantly

>> No.27517452

where do you think we are?

>> No.27517453


>> No.27517454

Why are they like this?

>> No.27517455
Quoted by: >>27517541

I don't get how people can't do this, it's a physical phenomenon

>> No.27517458
File: 62 KB, 181x190, 1602171201776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiara's making her way to the collab now!

>> No.27517459

Mori is going to be collabing with people outside of hololive, she has like ten collabs planned.

>> No.27517461
Quoted by: >>27517525

Wouldn't surprise me if she has some kind of lonely pedo nutcase hardcore stalk her in the future

>> No.27517463

Exactly, I cant belive Gura cant even do that right

>> No.27517464

With how things looking it might be until Mori get better

>> No.27517465


>> No.27517466

>hours so dead that a fucking surveypost got 50 (you)s
What the hell, this place really can't function without narratives or streams, huh?

>> No.27517467

my friend is so smart holy shit

>> No.27517468

yes, i can even do the single trill that pekora does

>> No.27517471

Reminder that you don't get to bitch if you have more subs than Polka.

>> No.27517476

Wouldn't she be closer to the Mori? Having pink hair and being the music master and all.

>> No.27517475

Just woke up, how was the collab?

>> No.27517478

Cover already took Chinese investors money and have Chinese suits on the board of directors. Whoever wants to do an equity buyout would have to be paying extortionist prices to the chinks.

>> No.27517481
Quoted by: >>27517588

>reeeee my e girlfriend recorded this livestream for me alone and I'll be able to date her and make her my waifu because ima nice guy and throw money at her no one else can see it because ive showed her my love

You sound like such a complete faggot she doesn't love you

>> No.27517482


>> No.27517483

>tfw supposed to do that in my native tongue but just can't

>> No.27517486

>music production application out for Hololive
Damn I wish I'd kept doing my music reps years ago. I'm too rusty right now and will barely be able to finish my remix for Mori in time.

>> No.27517488
Quoted by: >>27517527

any way to watch ame's asmr stream?

>> No.27517491

man I always find naked dogeza really hot

>> No.27517493

>i've been practicing for months and I still can't do it. can only make motorboat sounds.

>> No.27517492

All truths begin as narratives.

>> No.27517494

nowadays? he's not wrong, especially for the mainstream boards like pol or v. hlgg isn't far behind.

>> No.27517496

anonchama... one more week... we can make it... collab with JP and ID soon... please be patient... onegai...

>> No.27517495

I fucking want to strangle this retarded nigger

>> No.27517497
Quoted by: >>27517681

>gets on the minecraft server
>"hello? where is everyone?"
>starts typing in game chat
>thinks everyone is pranking her

>> No.27517498

>I think so

>> No.27517499

i want to kill myself

>> No.27517501

Fuck this bird, if she wasn't so busy sticking things up her ass and getting sick my boy would be streaming DOOM right now

>> No.27517502

>make fun of 35P
>my boy falls ill
So this... is karma...

>> No.27517503

Jesus fuck off niggers

>> No.27517505


>> No.27517506

I mean just go on /v/ or any of the other larger boards, might as well be reddit

>> No.27517507

I can't do it as well as she can

>> No.27517508
Quoted by: >>27517610

it was so spicy they deleted the vod

>> No.27517513

No wrong

>> No.27517516
Quoted by: >>27517531

Alright, rodent.

>> No.27517517

Based on previous patterns, she only puts things on her schedule that will be airing on her channel(only exception is the second overcooked stream, which seemingly added Kiara at the last minute), so if she was appearing on say... Suiseis channel, it wouldn't be listed on her channel.

>> No.27517520

>can't really decide between Ina and Gura
>of courrrrrse

>> No.27517525

with her CIAi tier opsec it seems like she had one in the past

>> No.27517526
File: 618 KB, 780x1060, 1584365944322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27517607


>> No.27517527

click join button on her channel

>> No.27517531


>> No.27517532

guess you'll miss Mori's awesome Wednesday stream then

>> No.27517535

>thread about streams
>can't function without streams

>> No.27517536

Why do people in Japan get so sick during season changes?

>> No.27517539

such a neckbeard queer

>> No.27517538


>> No.27517541

It isn't. It's one of the last sounds children acquire.

>> No.27517544

If that’s the case, she made her own bed.

>> No.27517547

And people wonder why these threads are so shit.

>> No.27517549

are you fucking kidding me? Meidos, please ban anyone with reddit cookies right now

>> No.27517548

I learned to do the fake russian "DR" method for the same effect.

>> No.27517553


>> No.27517555

Nah, anyone can stay anonymous as long as they're not a famous greedy fuck, but you can't realistically expect any human being in the year of our dark lord 2000+20 to be that selfless as to want to actually remain anonymous. It's the same reason vchuubas join companies like Holo or Niji, for the exposure, to get people to know them. The human race itself is fucked to the core.

>> No.27517556

spic so yeah

>> No.27517557

he's not wrong

>> No.27517560
Quoted by: >>27517617

>French so it sounds like I'm about to spit

>> No.27517561

el birdo....

>> No.27517566
File: 2.27 MB, 828x575, 1578597398071.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Favorite holo
>Favorite major war

>> No.27517568

Ask Kiara.

>> No.27517576

They aren't getting their vitamin Ds and Cs

>> No.27517579
Quoted by: >>27517610

They recited on chorus the entire anti chinese copypasta so they had to delete it

>> No.27517581

Yes of course

>> No.27517584

i always keep clicking on this even after reading the url

>> No.27517586

No, half-spic, but never been able to do it well.

>> No.27517588

>the performer wanted this seen by a restricted audience
>if i don't go against her will and share it widely, i must think she's my girlfriend
sasuga sea nigger

>> No.27517593
File: 1.13 MB, 2500x3500, 1602311385764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27517601

Why does Pekora even know how to trill her r? Don't they have that hybrid L/R sound?

>> No.27517602

I'm a burger and I can roll my r's.

>> No.27517605
File: 126 KB, 800x600, EhiHTxaXgAACj8e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27517606
Quoted by: >>27517649

Fucking gura post the stream or a update tweet you lazy slut I swear to allah

>> No.27517607

He's not far away from the truth. Less moderation (and anonymity) means that the actually toxic culture of their site (or twitch) can't sprout here

>> No.27517610

How can Coco even compete?

>> No.27517612

elevens burn their trash, have subpar home ventilation systems and have one of the highest percentages of smokers
they are bound to have constant respiratory ailments

>> No.27517613

that was gross. lesbians are disgusting...

>> No.27517617

French people always sound like they're about to spit though

>> No.27517618

Stop posting your super sikrit plans here, FBKing.

>> No.27517619

I speak Spanish, so yes.

>> No.27517620

Why do some people not read what they type before they post it?

>> No.27517623

yeah, they're not significant in terms of album sales. the DD channel views are pretty much flat through her debut.
she's making more money from people simping her waifu persona than her music. which is the idea behind selling out.

>> No.27517625

4chan is still romanticized as a hub for memes and trendsetters by certain normies

>> No.27517627

2nd sino-japanese war

>> No.27517629


>> No.27517631

Funny joke! Huhaha

>> No.27517635
File: 1.02 MB, 915x827, 1601249070173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get ear infection
>check engine light comes on
>work still hasn't paid me
>mori cancels her stream, no sign of the collab

>> No.27517637
Quoted by: >>27517785

Jap work schedules are obscenely long, so they end up being overworked and underrested, crippling their immune systems. Mori is similarly hardworking, so she's subject to the same issue.

>> No.27517641

every time

>> No.27517649
File: 66 KB, 640x851, 1571182817882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch your tongue, brother

>> No.27517653
Quoted by: >>27517692

If anyone wants to know where that comment about /jp/ is from just search up "Iofi thought Roberu was an oji san"

>> No.27517663
Quoted by: >>27517788


>> No.27517672


>> No.27517681

>Makes a giant statue of Mori, spending 15 minutes on the general framework and 1 hour to get the chest right.

>> No.27517692

I don't remember asking

>> No.27517696
File: 1.11 MB, 2076x2730, 1591727486387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27517727

>get ear infection
Me too what the fuck

>> No.27517701
File: 411 KB, 1013x483, unknown-135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27517747

Is this all Ghost Riders fault?

>> No.27517703

phil is that you

>> No.27517706

>cover still hasn't paid me

>> No.27517705
Quoted by: >>27517746

>Thirty Years War

>> No.27517709

>check engine light comes on
check if the sensor is fucked

>> No.27517710


>> No.27517712
File: 45 KB, 300x300, 1602200228664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27517723
Quoted by: >>27517780

With who?

>> No.27517725

As both a 35p and a Deadbeat, I'm disappointed in you.

>> No.27517726

very punny anon

>> No.27517727

God I hope her second outfit has her hair tied up.

>> No.27517734

Everyone gets sick during season changes. Nip colds are mostly notable for triggering a high fever. They aren't particularly dangerous to healthy adults (though a high fever always carries some small risk) but fevers are much more crippling to productivity than other cold symptoms you can treat with a pill or soldier through.

>> No.27517746

hell yeah

>> No.27517747

Kiara actually killed herself and they're trying to find ways to cover it up

>> No.27517753

Japanese often trill it for emphasis.

>> No.27517758

Austro-Prussian war

>> No.27517759

>Fake Type releasing content 4 days ago
>Mori's roomate getting caught up with serious irl networking
>running late (1hr) to the stream
>everyone else (except ina) actually has other shit to do and would benefit from a free saturday
>"yeah lets just reschedule to tomorrow"
>Mori takes the L
Gura oversleeping would never be a problem because she's Gura and could do a sleepyvoice for the whole stream and people would eat it up. They could start the stream with only 4 people for 20 minutes like they did with Ame and nothing would happen.
If they dont do the stream one of them just 100% couldnt make it. If Mori is sick she's been sick all day and the rest of holoEN and their managers knew the stream wasnt coming.
They're doing something else unrelated to hololive.

>> No.27517761


>> No.27517773


>> No.27517775

Anyways, what games would you want the each of the EN talents to play?

>> No.27517777

Brazilian Hapa so only when I don't really try or get drunk

>> No.27517780


>> No.27517782

At least you didn’t have to take a fucking state test for your trade on your fucking birthday and have to wait 4 fucking hours And if I fail I have to pay 137$ for a retake out of pocket like I did today

>> No.27517785

Both Kiara and Mori also have the stress of being virtual idols so add that to their workaholic tendencies and their bodies are bound to get weaker as the temperatures start dropping.

>> No.27517788
File: 455 KB, 2640x2946, 1600371958235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27517796 [DELETED] 

Welp, guess I'm a Yukimin now.

>> No.27517800 [DELETED] 

Isn't Ina sick as well. Her roommate had a migraine.

>> No.27517804

You were supposed to help us with that...

>> No.27517805
Quoted by: >>27517848


So did she have a legit reason to bow out, or did she simply chicken?

>> No.27517811

Get OBDII adapter and reset the fault codes. ez

>> No.27517813

Shark Meido-san....

>> No.27517815


>> No.27517816

She is actually cute

>> No.27517817

I mean, he's not wrong.

>> No.27517819

>HoloEN collab canceled

>> No.27517821

Trilling r's isn't really exclusive to nips, it's pretty common in a lot of countries.

>> No.27517822

God I want to fuck the clown so bad

>> No.27517823 [DELETED] 


>> No.27517826

>in Japan
happens everywhere really when people fail to adjust their clothes properly to sudden temperature drop

>> No.27517830

>>get ear infection
how many times did you listen to ame's karaoke stream

>> No.27517829

fingering gura's warm, wet cunny

>> No.27517832

Women love children. Some might say a little too much, but really now, as long as she's not being violent or coercive, what's the harm if she breathes heavy when a kid's in her lap?

>> No.27517836

Are Aloefags still even a thing?

>> No.27517848

Honestly? She didn't speak English which would be the only people who would support a slut.

>> No.27517849

that is such an ina thing to have happen

>> No.27517850

Stahp, chumeido... You're breaking the thread...

>> No.27517855

I miss her..

>> No.27517857

quack quack

>> No.27517861

You don't need to be sick for that, I have them all the time regardless of my health.
Kill me

>> No.27517863


>> No.27517866

