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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 555 KB, 3200x3840, Ejios51U4AAFT5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27289152 No.27289152 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.27289171
File: 204 KB, 1338x1211, AMELIA'S SCHEDULE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elementary, my dear


>> No.27289178
File: 3.96 MB, 2187x3093, 1600829830906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289228

>> No.27289179

>stream fucking died

>> No.27289181

>game crashed
holy shit LOL

>> No.27289182

oh nono no no nono hahahahahaha

>> No.27289183

>game crashed

>> No.27289185


>> No.27289187
File: 175 KB, 326x282, 1601838340828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289216

>the game crashed

>> No.27289189
File: 3.68 MB, 232x227, pekozoom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289439

I kneel.

>> No.27289190
Quoted by: >>27289486

Kiara has mentioned before that she thinks it would be rude to live translate her collab partner during conversations and probably won't

>> No.27289191

Simplified overview in downtime, she's capable of this since she live translated pekora's stream in her member's only stream.

>> No.27289193
Quoted by: >>27289289

>chicken's game crashed right as the thread hit the post limit


>> No.27289196


>> No.27289198
File: 588 KB, 1000x577, 1600755272959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god

>> No.27289199

>game crashes
Ok, time to go to bed.

>> No.27289200
File: 65 KB, 822x822, 1571900512959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bingo sheet for the anons who want to participate

>> No.27289201

no save if it crashes


>> No.27289202

6 hours bros LETS GOOO

>> No.27289203

>collab with holoJP
>will be mostly in Japanese

Kusotori, that defeats the whole purpose...

>> No.27289204
File: 579 KB, 1524x1440, 1601436235333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reality itself continues to bully the chicken

>> No.27289205


>> No.27289206
File: 178 KB, 406x430, 1601872309253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crash it

>> No.27289207

>game crashed

>> No.27289208

looks like I can go to bed early tonight

>> No.27289209
File: 62 KB, 743x394, 1 free rage quit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27289210


>> No.27289211

> game crashed


>> No.27289212


>> No.27289213
File: 203 KB, 351x342, 1585240860987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did it get saved?

>> No.27289214


>> No.27289215
File: 751 KB, 1920x800, 1599074134027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289216


>> No.27289218 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27289232

77I~~:,,,~+~::::::??O888OO888OD:..............,~::,,~=~:.. ...7O77Z7I:,=Z??,,II+
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>> No.27289219

we're in for another night of sufferkino lads

>> No.27289220


>> No.27289221
File: 60 KB, 1242x202, FATANON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freedom post rush image cap

>> No.27289222

Is this Suffer Kino or just Suffer??

>> No.27289223
File: 25 KB, 194x194, 1600670173330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289224
File: 76 KB, 822x822, 1599064210305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27289225

PC is crashing too.

>> No.27289227
File: 828 KB, 2000x2000, 1573136620200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289228
Quoted by: >>27289282

jesus that was quick

>> No.27289230

Time for the 2+ minute crying AND coping moment

>> No.27289231
File: 281 KB, 588x321, E43AC8EA-53C4-495D-AC15-3EFC06AC62DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, here come the tears

>> No.27289232

No more

>> No.27289233
File: 245 KB, 850x1521, SHUBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289234 [DELETED] 

77I~~:,,,~+~::::::??O888OO888OD:..............,~::,,~=~:.. ...7O77Z7I:,=Z??,,II+
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>> No.27289235
Quoted by: >>27289309

Here comes the pity party.

>> No.27289236

Holy shit that's hot

>> No.27289237

>She is gonna Cry now
game crashed didnt save KEK

>> No.27289238

How long ago did the timer stop?

>> No.27289239

>game crashed, not saving any progress


>> No.27289240

subaru collab announcement was too much of a high point, she had to be brought back down

>> No.27289241

Chicken whispering "oh my god oh my god oh my god" when I whip out my dick

>> No.27289242

Her managers PC went to the nether without her. that potato got BAKED.

>> No.27289243

The world itself is out to punish this chicken.

>> No.27289244
File: 3 KB, 345x55, 1601871989827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289246
File: 17 KB, 1114x514, meat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289245


>> No.27289247

is it just me or has the NA simps moved on from Calli? To be fair, her massive superchats early on were more top-heavy (small amount of people but huge amounts of donations) whereas Coco has a larger simp pool but smaller amounts of donations.

To be fair, I used to be a Callifag then abandoned her for Ina because she's acting too fake sometimes.

>> No.27289248

Ah fuck the game crashed just as the last thread reached its end. We may be too powerful

>> No.27289249

It's not her fault no Jap on the entire planet knows one bit of English in 2020

>> No.27289250
File: 287 KB, 1124x572, 1588757072256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289508

If you look outside to the east you'll see a new star being born in a couple of seconds.

>> No.27289251

Kore ha... kusa

>> No.27289252
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x796, Goslings and Marine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289253
File: 68 KB, 727x396, 1 free dogeza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289439


>> No.27289254
File: 88 KB, 1800x1012, 1601622033493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A... date?

>> No.27289256

Imagine being filtered by voices.


>> No.27289257

PC-kun... Onegai...

>> No.27289259


>> No.27289261
File: 767 KB, 2920x4096, 1591663772180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289286

I love this shark!

>> No.27289260


>> No.27289262 [DELETED] 

[sjis]Manager-san what will they play later?

>> No.27289263
File: 240 KB, 345x406, allofthem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken please...

>> No.27289264

suffering kino

>> No.27289265

So now that KIARA confirmed the Subaru collab, who's next? Who from EN do you wanna see collabing from JP?

>> No.27289267

>she's crying

>> No.27289269


>> No.27289271


>> No.27289272

Her manager had to have set her up for all this failure intentionally, I swear.

>> No.27289273

nice cock

>> No.27289274
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1601790483132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289277

life is suffering for my poor chicken

>> No.27289278

just end it, kiara. it's not worth the pain

>> No.27289279

no criticism allowed here buddy

>> No.27289280
File: 399 KB, 658x537, 1601871726866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289282

it's been around for a while because they are both birds.

>> No.27289283
File: 2.44 MB, 1920x1080, KFP-Staff-welcomes-YOU!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sufferkino is back on the menu, ONLY at KFP.

Friends, KFP welcomes you. Following our leading Phoenix's work ethic, here the customer is king, and your satisfaction is our top priority. I enthusiastically ask that you look forward to:
>Kiara constantly on the verge of a mental breakdown.
>Kiara squealing and screaming in fear and/or frustration.
>Kiara crying.
>Bullying Kiara, sometimes sexually.
>Papa Huke bullying Kiara.
>Kiara degrading herself.
>Kiara being hilariously ill-equipped to operate technology or play videogames at a proficient level.
>Kiara being unable to acquire properly functioning technology in the first place.
>Kiara being a birdbrain in general.
>Kiara being obsessed with providing a high-class, satisfactorily tailored experience for the viewer and failing, leading to the first four points.
>Kiara trying her hardest to be a proper idol, and often failing.
>Kiara's lovely voice.
>A brand new, high-quality microphone to support said voice.
>Kiara's beautiful smile.
>Kiara's genuine enthusiasm for being a part of Hololive.
>Kiara reading every positive and negative superchat and twitter reply in order to see what the fans want, even if it hurts her to do so.
>A single membership tier for a meager 4.99 US Dollars that gives you access to all the wonderful paid perks of Kiara's channel.

I understand that some of you still harbor disdain and disgust for our dear chicken, and to you, I invite you to take out your hate and aggression on me. I will not raise a hand against you, nor hold your opinions or statements against you, in the same way that Kiara would do. We will always be waiting to welcome you, if and when you wish to take up the offer.

To those who are ready to accept the invitation and step inside the world of our fighting Phoenix, I simply implore of you one thing:
Please, enjoy!

>> No.27289285


>> No.27289286


>> No.27289287
Quoted by: >>27289579

Jesus christ, FUCK this manager and her garbage PC
Stop making chicken suffer

>> No.27289288

I'm sure people were expecting for the ENs to do live translation for the JPs on their collabs.

>> No.27289289

It was all part of gookmoots plan

>> No.27289291

guys I feel so bad for her

>> No.27289292

Shion and Gura inc

>> No.27289295

this poor fucking chicken holy shit

>> No.27289297

Stop using a phrase in one sentence and then another.

>> No.27289298

No, and you can fuck off :)

>> No.27289300

Thsi is too depressing...

>> No.27289299

I feel bad for the chicken

>> No.27289304

Kiara, the tech reps....

>> No.27289307
File: 266 KB, 1446x1704, Eiia25EXYAAnXl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27289309

I closed the window down, she just crashed and kept going "eh?" like some kind of anime girl. That's when you know she's going to start wailing.

>> No.27289313

This is painful bros.... I feel horrible for her.

>> No.27289311

Chimkin, please no tears...

>> No.27289314

The chickenfag goona make another movement on reddit to support this retard

>> No.27289316

Whelp its time for her streamly crying segment, isnt it

>> No.27289317
File: 202 KB, 2000x1162, BOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289348

>she didn't save?

>> No.27289318

Who cares

>> No.27289315
File: 39 KB, 159x163, 1601689746731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Chicken, she doesn't deserve this

>> No.27289320

Suffer based SOUL kino pog cringe

>> No.27289321

bottom right

>> No.27289325

Oh no, she's going to get supacha.

>> No.27289326

Not this shit again

>> No.27289330

pain peko

>> No.27289327

So this... is the power... of sufferkino... woah...

>> No.27289328
File: 1.59 MB, 600x600, salman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27290150


>> No.27289332
Quoted by: >>27289349

Kiara will be the first holo whose mocap software glitches out, isn't she?

>> No.27289334
File: 81 KB, 163x223, sadkirai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289736

Why didn't you protect her smile, anon?

>> No.27289335
Quoted by: >>27289381

how does she manage to go to troubleshooting hours with every stream

>> No.27289343

oh nice it saved

>> No.27289344 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27289391

>simping for a girl whose best friend is FAMOUS for mocking you
>All while she snorts ketamine and pretends she's wholesome

>> No.27289345

She already sounds done

>> No.27289346
Quoted by: >>27291715

What the ever living fuck is up with HoloEN and technical shit. Like get your shit together YAGOO and give them something to work with. FFS

>> No.27289347

bottom row filled kek

>> No.27289348

<span class="sjis"> CRASH EET[/spoiler]

>> No.27289349

Nah, Gura's model/capture makes her eyes flicker like crazy

>> No.27289351

Amelia and Astel

>> No.27289350

I cannot get any harder from this. Kiara onegai...

>> No.27289353 [DELETED] 


>> No.27289352
Quoted by: >>27289410

>game doesn't save progress if you crash
What the actual fuck is wrong with this shitty game?

>> No.27289356
File: 506 KB, 1024x1023, 1601101109920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289357
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, 1590816642597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289563

Kiara... faito...

>> No.27289361
Quoted by: >>27290268

Every time I tune in for chicken streams she pulls out the fake crying and gets rewarded for it

>> No.27289363

This wasn’t the sufferkino I asked for...

>> No.27289365
File: 6 KB, 255x112, 11cc3452b3b1055da3aeb1b1621bcafddc8f2481bbd5fb2c0f7db8c7c397e16f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cover fails to help
>Kiara didn't even bother checking if anything was working
>Manager steps up to the challenge
>Computer can't handle it

>Starts digging her stairs again
Absolute kino

>> No.27289367
File: 400 KB, 590x591, 1601589797636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289369
File: 2.79 MB, 2943x3533, EjfH6qjVgAAhWIi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289443

You chumbuds get your preorders in yet?

>> No.27289368

Thank you Majima poster

>> No.27289370


>> No.27289371

same here, though I watch Gura.
I still don't understand why their English is so fucking bad compared to most other east asian countries.

>> No.27289373

Potato PC is better than Managers good PC

>> No.27289376

Chicken...why are you digging up your staircase...

>> No.27289378

God this is so good it's a pure tragedy please Kiara never give up

>> No.27289380
Quoted by: >>27289438


>> No.27289381
File: 647 KB, 636x803, 1598584686542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To live is to struggle...

>> No.27289383
Quoted by: >>27289477

>manager said her PC was great
>it's shit
>Kiara now saying she'll bring her own PC
good god add it to the list of Cover/manager incompetence

>> No.27289385

suffer chicken, im close to chumming

>> No.27289386

>potato PC

>> No.27289384

Shes gonna cry now

>> No.27289387

Kiara's suffering brings me so much pleasure that I would almost call myself a fan of hers

>> No.27289389

when will chicken suffering end...

>> No.27289391


>> No.27289394

>the manager said their pc was good
>it's undeniably worse than kiara's OLD pc

This is peak Cover Corp

>> No.27289396

She genuinely feels like shit

>> No.27289395


>> No.27289398
Quoted by: >>27289424


>> No.27289399
File: 202 KB, 1066x1165, 1592668866403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289422

Manager gimped the PC for suffering material

>> No.27289400

God her suffering is so hot

>> No.27289401

>Digs through her stairs AGAIN
Chicken please

>> No.27289402
Quoted by: >>27289457


>> No.27289403

>stressed out from moving and cant play games due to lack of computer and wifi
dont worry kiara it will get better soon

>> No.27289404

She is having a mental breakdown..

>> No.27289407
Quoted by: >>27289462

someone post the pain_bird.jpg

>> No.27289410

It autosaves regularly but doesn't do it when you crash so that you don't get stuck in a crash loop every time you open the world.

>> No.27289411
File: 49 KB, 410x389, 1553127907170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27289413

alright bros call me when she stops crying

>> No.27289414

That 0 LCK is really shining tonight. She just wants to not screw up but it always happens.

>> No.27289415
File: 784 KB, 600x559, 1600490378821.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her SAN is dropping by the second...

>> No.27289417
File: 48 KB, 451x463, 1600468142360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289547

How does chicken have the absolute worst luck?

>> No.27289418

>Mori gives Kiara her mic
>it sucks
>Mane-san gives Kiara her PC
>it sucks
Kiara is gonna have trust issues...

>> No.27289420


>> No.27289422

based if true

>> No.27289424


>> No.27289427
File: 21 KB, 1280x720, shuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucks ready for an absolutely blessed collab?

>> No.27289428


>> No.27289429
File: 480 KB, 900x900, 1601341629231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289445

Ame and Haachama

>> No.27289430


>> No.27289432
Quoted by: >>27289460

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>> No.27289434

Mori and watame

>> No.27289439


You are absolute retards. That guy has posted that exact same thing multiple times and now you fall for it.

Chicken has said that she does NOT want to have her first collab be with Pekora.
She seemed really optimistic about a collab with Subaru.

That faggot kept posting that because it was obvious Subaru was most likely.

>> No.27289438


>> No.27289441
File: 92 KB, 640x632, 1601566947336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're happy

>> No.27289444

Ame, if you're reading this, i hope you're having a good sleep and play L.A. Noire onegai

>> No.27289443
Quoted by: >>27289472

Why doesn’t cover make actually good merch?

>> No.27289445

holy kek that image is fucking golden

>> No.27289447

I actually feel the Pain, its getting hard to watch now.

>> No.27289446

Japanese are too proud

>> No.27289448
File: 87 KB, 602x660, 1601589793772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289490


>> No.27289449

being chicken truly is suffering

>> No.27289451

I don't know if I can take much more sufferkino honestly... chicken.....

>> No.27289452

Can we get a "One free 'Good' PC" coupon if we haven't already?

>> No.27289455

When god wanted her to be like the Pekora of HoloEN did he have to make chicken so bullyable?

>> No.27289456

i love this, i genuinely love this lmao

>> No.27289457


>> No.27289458

bet her manager lives inside a shack in the woods its so bad they probably dont even pay enough for him/her to live so they probably work 3 jobs

>> No.27289460

a-anonchama... you can give up now...

>> No.27289462
File: 30 KB, 424x389, 20200918_042504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289463
File: 29 KB, 916x788, 1600007191186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are we still here...
Just to suffer...

>> No.27289465

[mental breakdown]

>> No.27289466

Can't someone from cover walk over and give her a decent laptop

>> No.27289467

I am. the lower she falls the more i want to see her struggle

>> No.27289468
File: 235 KB, 501x711, Pikamee Crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isnt sufferkino anymore... just suffer

>> No.27289471

Did the shark die?

>> No.27289472

Because Cover doesn't make actually good decisions outside of the talent scouting.

>> No.27289473

hardly any progress

>> No.27289474
Quoted by: >>27289543

She wouldn't be in this much pain if you fucks didn't bully her so much in the beginning

>> No.27289475
File: 113 KB, 387x305, Screenshot_2020-09-12 (25) 【COLLAB】The Interrogation Begins #hololiveEnglish #holoMyth - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27289476

I just hope Subaru can hard carry the whole thing.

>> No.27289478
Quoted by: >>27289518

Draw it yourself faggot

>> No.27289477

>own manager doesn’t understand computers
Good job cover

>> No.27289479

look how fucking flat she is, goddamn that's hot.

>> No.27289481

Don't say sorry, this is what we come for.

>> No.27289483
File: 257 KB, 289x480, 1571154867686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289484

looking forward to watching translated clips again

>> No.27289486

It's for the best she sticks to one language since usually there are translators in the chat that help out

>> No.27289487

she's mining her stairs

>> No.27289488

Imagine being a simp/cuck and thinking literally anyone cares about you.

>> No.27289490

i mean manager also leaked her future collab

>> No.27289491

Her smile and optimism: gone.

>> No.27289492


This shit is hilarious

>> No.27289494

this is 10x worse knowing what happened before

>> No.27289493
File: 1.03 MB, 1267x708, 1601875278980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289496

jesus christ
look at all that money pour in

>> No.27289497
File: 27 KB, 540x545, sadkot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ this is too much suffering to be funny

Imagine preparing for a stream and getting cucked live on air because your manager is a fucking retarded Karen

>> No.27289499
File: 408 KB, 595x673, 1601388920346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't ready for the painkino arc...

>> No.27289503
Quoted by: >>27289541

Pray for no tech issues and crying during her first collab with a Holo Elite.....

>> No.27289505

This is too much for me...

>> No.27289506

that pc's specs actually aren't that bad for unmodded minecraft, it's an rx 580 and a ryzen 5 1400

>> No.27289507
File: 73 KB, 800x600, EjSrD_dVgAA5En8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289575

For the love of god stop pronouncing "Iron" like that

>> No.27289508


>> No.27289513

This is just getting sad now

>> No.27289508,1 [INTERNAL] 

Holy fuck please stop destroying the stairs

>> No.27289514

I bet a Norton Anti-Virus scan just kicked in

>> No.27289515

>chicken so mindbroken she destroys her own staircase

>> No.27289517

>let's go back up
>starts mining her entire staircase up
jesus christ

>> No.27289519

The specs speak for themself.

>> No.27289518
Quoted by: >>27289556

I don't want it to be shit anonchama

>> No.27289520

This is hard to watch

>> No.27289524

>minecraft brings the whole PC to its knees
s-sugoi, cover-corp...

>> No.27289525

why are groans of suffering so sexy?
chicken what have you done to me

>> No.27289527
File: 88 KB, 211x209, 1600191374341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last Minecraft stream was suffering but it was funny
>This is just straight suffering

>> No.27289528

honestly the first few times was pretty funny but now its kinda sad...

>> No.27289529

is it normal for spoiled white girls to be this hot?

>> No.27289530
Quoted by: >>27289578

Does Cover just hire people off the street?

>> No.27289531

Kiara will have technical difficulties and spill her spaghetti in front of Subaru.

It's gonna be a cringefest.

>> No.27289533

>digs out the staircase
>where am i?
>need to make stairs

>> No.27289535

>retarded Karen

>> No.27289538 [DELETED] 

All she need to do is cry more so she can get more SC

>> No.27289539
Quoted by: >>27289577

This is not the kind of suffering I wanted.
I need rage, not tears

>> No.27289541

>12 minutes into colab
>kiara says a word in Japanese wrong and Subaru doesnt understand it
>breaks down crying
>mic breaks
its gonna be a disaster one way or another and it will be beautiful

>> No.27289542

It's been over an hour already? I thought only Ina could make time fly like this

>> No.27289543


>> No.27289544

Chicken defeated

>> No.27289545

>I just...
>Need to make the stairs
I'm feeling it, the sufferkino

>> No.27289546
File: 53 KB, 547x322, 1601282019372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being Kiara's manager and stopping by after her stream to go HEY GIRL, HOW'D THE STREAM GO?

>> No.27289547

Focused all her luck on gacha and getting into homolive.

>> No.27289548

She's austrian, it's even hotter

>> No.27289549

You mean cum for

>> No.27289556

It's supposed to, that's the charm.

>> No.27289559
Quoted by: >>27289635

Please don't use my wife's name as an insult. Thank you.

>> No.27289561
File: 289 KB, 557x557, 1599964133179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PC can't even handle fucking MINECRAFT

>> No.27289563
Quoted by: >>27289658

i knew she reminded me of someone kek cosplayer

>> No.27289565

Chicken just wants to make a kino minecraft stream...
Frustrated she cant when minecraft keeps stuttering and crashing.
Being chicken is suffering.

>> No.27289566

She didn't really prepare though

>> No.27289567
File: 137 KB, 256x256, 1600369606644.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being chikin is suffering

>> No.27289574
File: 157 KB, 332x326, 1592048867535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh this suffering is beautiful

>> No.27289575
File: 81 KB, 190x191, 1601690885597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's her shtick, hehe

>> No.27289576
File: 75 KB, 577x677, kiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her suffering worked on me

>> No.27289577

Watch ame for gamer rage.

>> No.27289578 [DELETED] 

They're afraid of the Chinese, so probably.

>> No.27289579

I just cant fathom how much of a brainlet manager have to be to confidently say to her its a "good pc" while rocking 2gb of ram

>> No.27289581
Quoted by: >>27289647

Obviously the PC has a bunch of crapware on it.

>> No.27289583

>doesn't know what canned air is


>> No.27289586
File: 48 KB, 638x776, hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't even sufferingkino anymore, just pure suffering.

>> No.27289588
File: 23 KB, 501x443, 1573376945346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Optifine... I'll check it out
>It already has it
>Still lags like hell
Fire Kiara's manager right now.

>> No.27289592

Once all the girls get new rigs, what will be holding them back instead?

>> No.27289591

>you cannot rest while enemies are nearby

>> No.27289594


>> No.27289595
Quoted by: >>27289652

There is a line between cringekino and depressing and she's threading it

>> No.27289597
Quoted by: >>27289662

Can't wait to watch Japanese clips of Hololive English translated in English

>> No.27289599
File: 2.99 MB, 540x350, 1601519129842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken's endless suffering. even when she's smart enough to stop messing up and ask for help she still suffers

>> No.27289601

>you stupid FUCK

>> No.27289600

>sad kiara is the most dangerous kiara of a—YOU STUPID FUCK!

>> No.27289602


>> No.27289603

This is pathetic at this point man.


>> No.27289604

>You stupid fuck!

>> No.27289606


>> No.27289605


>> No.27289608

> you stupid foq
oh yes, here it comes

>> No.27289610
Quoted by: >>27289646

She's ESL please understand.

>> No.27289612
Quoted by: >>27289859

jesus kiara

>> No.27289615


>> No.27289614

>I'm not in the fucking mood
>Don't try me

>> No.27289617
File: 874 KB, 600x490, 1600350364539.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You stupid FUCK

>> No.27289619
Quoted by: >>27289677

Just tuned in, what happened? It's single player so nothing too bad can happen right?

>> No.27289620 [DELETED] 

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>> No.27289621

>All filters are off
Please lord my dick can only get so hard

>> No.27289622

Still busy at work so I only managed to watch until one hundred four (104) sticks, I hope this stream doesn't get privated

>> No.27289623

shes going NUCLEAR

>> No.27289624

>chat is telling her to get canned air to clean dust out of the computer
this is a new level of chat tech support

>> No.27289625
Quoted by: >>27290224

hey amelia thought wd40 was canned air

>> No.27289628
Quoted by: >>27289698

Hello, MindlessNerd.

>> No.27289629
File: 84 KB, 473x900, donthateme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289679

Kiara is the MC in those bully net comics.

>> No.27289631

Okay it got funny again

>> No.27289633
Quoted by: >>27289718

>kiara angrily beats a child to death with the grip of her sword live on stream
Damn Kiara calm down

>> No.27289634

How do you manage to make a decent PC run this poorly? Did the manager installed Windows on a 5400RPM HDD, has single channel 8GB 2133MHz RAM, or some retarded shit like that?

>> No.27289635

Abayo doxxfags. Don't encourage the newfags.

>> No.27289637

Wtf why are there always problems. It should be covers responsibility to atleast give them a good pc. I mean wtf they have no money??? With all the leeching they do they should atleast do that

>> No.27289640

shes playing the victim but theres no excuse. all of this was preventable. all of this was preventable. what possible excuse is there to go and move house, not even a month into your debut.
what possible excuse is there to not have a streaming setup sorted already in advance. this is the most important phase of her hololive career. why does she not have an adequate fucking PC setup prepared and ready to go? why is she half assing with no preparation? was she fucking poor? or just lazy? anyone could have told her these machines are not adequate to stream gaming. ANYONE could have told her! and if nobody told her, she could have run a test beforehand, and there would be no surprises! there is no excuse! there is no excuse to go live in front of an impressionable audience with such shitty streams. shes not unlucky. not one element of whats happening was out of her control. not one element could not have been prepared better. there is nobody to blame but herself. she does NO FUCKING WORK to put on a proper stream. there's no other explanation.

>> No.27289639

>everything is bullying me

>> No.27289641

Not if you're streaming with a L2D model at the same time.

>> No.27289642

Punished chicken

>> No.27289644


>> No.27289645

>you stupid fucking NIGGER
what did she mean by this

>> No.27289647

How long until BonziBuddy pops up in the stream?

>> No.27289648
File: 166 KB, 1024x680, 1599016146802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is bullying me

>> No.27289646

she's ETL

>> No.27289650

What the fuck is wrong with Hallstatt to need canned air? I only know of the place from the archaeological culture found near there.

>> No.27289651 [DELETED] 
File: 219 KB, 591x735, 1591520551491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara intentionally use shitty pc and wait for the game to crash so she can cry and get a lot of SC

>> No.27289652
File: 520 KB, 549x551, 1601774467665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289809

that's your boy's department, nor Kiara

>> No.27289653

Oh yeah she was supposed to make a nether gate wasn't she. I got lost in this sufferkino.

>> No.27289656

Just move all your shit inside the cave kiara and you'll be safe

>> No.27289657

>sad Kiara is the most dangerous Kiara of them all you stupid FUCK
Punished Kiara kino incoming frens

>> No.27289658

I know right? Finally someone who understands.

>> No.27289661
Quoted by: >>27289741

Welcome to KFP!

>> No.27289660

Only Kiara can get me this fucking hard.

>> No.27289662
File: 1.32 MB, 1277x715, yabai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289797

>Sushi translates hololive english into english
>Just types Yabai for every other word Subaru says

>> No.27289664

I just wanted to say, I'm the anon who tried this the first time last thread, the dozen that followed weren't me.

>> No.27289665

bros... becoming an egg is really tempting right now...

>> No.27289666
Quoted by: >>27289727

2GB of RAM allocated.

>> No.27289667


>> No.27289668

Kiara is the only one who can actually talk to JP, and is naturally a talkative person

Subaru can carry any conversation

>> No.27289669


>> No.27289671

<span class="sjis"> that doesn't even have shape anon...[/spoiler]

>> No.27289672
Quoted by: >>27289859

dear god, she's lost it

>> No.27289673

Hearing family friendly English vtubers say "fuck" is my fetish

>> No.27289675
File: 108 KB, 400x400, 1590926660212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289677

she's stressed the fuck out about being so behind the other HoloENs
she's moved TWICE in 3 days
she's been having tonnes of tech issues
she's at her manager's house right now using their PC since she can't stream otherwise
game crashed on her

>> No.27289679

fucking damnit anon

>> No.27289682

Narraschizoid... your fentanyl injections...

>> No.27289684


>> No.27289685

>Kiara only used a fraction of her power
B-bakana... she's too powerful...

>> No.27289686
File: 37 KB, 533x248, Free Ogey Coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289689

god can you imagine what sex with her would be like after one of these streams

>> No.27289688
Quoted by: >>27289859

>that's what you get for being a FILTHY JEW
Woah, cool it with the antisemitic rhetoric please Kiara...

>> No.27289693


>> No.27289694
Quoted by: >>27289776

>Don't fuck with me
>I WILL cry

>> No.27289696

Alright, reading the stream through you messages is way funnier bros. Never change.

>> No.27289698

that's not me I waited to post that pic

>> No.27289699


>> No.27289700

The inner Austrian is coming out, she's going to murder everything

>> No.27289701
File: 73 KB, 573x500, 1601838041761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289885

>shark drops in
>how's it going, kiara?

>> No.27289703 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 480x360, dr richard trager outlast 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your MEDS!

>> No.27289704

blame fucking covercorp

>> No.27289705


>> No.27289706

>literally has anxiety issues and regular mental breakdowns

>> No.27289707

She is bullying herself...

>> No.27289708
File: 86 KB, 182x269, 1601353489166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone ITT saying she's superchat baiting
Is anyone actually watching? Seems like she's getting her usual amount

>> No.27289709

>I'll cry and cry and cry and cry and you'll get so sick of it
Little bit late for that Kiara

>> No.27289710

why the fuck would she move twice wtf

>> No.27289711

God I want to take her out to a fancy dinner

>> No.27289713

>i should have a new title, whining crying kiara
>crybaby kiara, that's it

jesus chicken go a little easy on yourself

>> No.27289714


>> No.27289717


>> No.27289718

They don’t call her Takanashi “Mein Führer” Kiara for nothing

>> No.27289719

>I'm sending you straight to the camp you stupid FUCK
Kiara what the hell?

>> No.27289720
File: 9 KB, 292x135, 1601272127786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiara... let's make some shticks and cheer up...

>> No.27289722

She is going to freeze and fall off her stairs

>> No.27289725

relax retard

>> No.27289727

that's the default for minecraft, it's usually fine

>> No.27289730

We didn't understand what sufferkino meant until now... this stuff is for true masochists, I literally felt chest pain

>> No.27289731

oh gay

>> No.27289732

>Kiara is intentionally retarded instead of retarded retarded

>> No.27289736

I can't keep her from harming herself.

>> No.27289737
Quoted by: >>27289772

i love this menhera phoenix

>> No.27289738


>> No.27289741

I was day one a Chickenfan but I didn't know if her membership was worth it now I know

>> No.27289742

first place she moved to had dogshit internet

>> No.27289744 [DELETED] 

I did rather watch Towa instead of this Kushitori

>> No.27289746
Quoted by: >>27291645

>I still don't understand why their English is so fucking bad compared to most other east asian countries.
To be fair, Japanese kids probably don't care to learn English about as much as I didn't give a single fuck to learn Italian back in Elementary school (the school required kids to learn Italian since it was mostly an Italian neighbourhood) when I was living in an English speaking country. The difference ofcourse being that English is the lingua franca outside of Japan while Italian is literally only spoken by Italians.

>> No.27289747


>> No.27289745

OH NO, She's gonna fucking lose it

>> No.27289748

rip stream

>> No.27289749

well thats a fucking rip

>> No.27289752
File: 376 KB, 1500x771, Bundestag_2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened last time when an Austrian got angry?

>> No.27289753


>> No.27289755


>> No.27289758

The entire stream just died holy shit

>> No.27289759

do you even watch her streams?
she had to move because her neighbours made noise complaints
she's using her manager's pc because her ISP fucked her over and rescheduled her internet installation two weeks later than she asked for intially
the pc is a potato because her manager said it was good to begin with

>> No.27289762

How much japanese do each of the girls know? For some reason I can only remember hearing Kirar speak it a decnt amount.

>> No.27289760

I know and I love it

>> No.27289761

Now THIS is suffering kino

>> No.27289764
Quoted by: >>27289816

is her PC literally melting?

>> No.27289765
File: 11 KB, 183x182, 1581334404720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289766
File: 1.29 MB, 1444x1440, 0298398457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much worse can this possibly get

>> No.27289767

Do they not like test the games before they stream?

>> No.27289768
File: 23 KB, 640x604, 1550718831216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289769

<< O F F L I N E >>

>> No.27289770

this cant be real

>> No.27289773


>> No.27289771
Quoted by: >>27289844

Bitcoin miner virus for example.

>> No.27289772
Quoted by: >>27289858

>menhera phoenix
She's not menhera, she's just a tard.

>> No.27289774
Quoted by: >>27289819

she needs to just put a cardboard cutout instead of her model, that might cut down on the issues some

>> No.27289775
File: 146 KB, 238x216, 1600371593950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27289776
File: 1.13 MB, 2560x1384, 1600505302445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that'd be an amazing stream title for her

>> No.27289779

I hate this fake ass bitch KIARA

another stacey blaming everything on her unpreparedndess

>> No.27289781

Mori's also moving around this time

>> No.27289783
File: 1.03 MB, 1062x897, 1601594427872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289784

people aren't even watching her playing, they're just enjoying the shitshow now

>> No.27289785
File: 334 KB, 512x512, 1601757937147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289935

>Negative luck
>Bullied by others and by herself
>Absolutely no self esteem
>Imposter Syndrome

>> No.27289786

I can't believe Manager-san fingered the RAM sticks after walking around with wool socks in dry weather!

>> No.27289788

w-wait, whats she doing next to that synagogue with a trench coat on?

>> No.27289787

I can't believe Kiara killed 6 million villagers

>> No.27289791


>> No.27289794

Imagine sabotaging your idol like this

>> No.27289793

it's rough out there these days

>> No.27289795
File: 120 KB, 1378x1378, 7fp69dh7jjp51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, what is her luck stat?

>> No.27289797

Feeling of translation is yabai...

>> No.27289798
File: 182 KB, 513x331, 1574023987972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289830


>> No.27289799
Quoted by: >>27289866


>> No.27289800

It's streams like this that make me want to hug my PC for being so nice.
Ryzen 3700X and 5700XT for those that care

>> No.27289801

>newfags think this is bad and have never watched a noel freakout

>> No.27289803

Punished Chikken.....

>> No.27289804

God, onegai.... stop being a chicken anti

>> No.27289805


>> No.27289806
Quoted by: >>27290001

How the fuck does this manager use this PC?

>> No.27289807


>> No.27289808

I-I feel it, I feel the kino.

>> No.27289809

I know, when shit went south she went serious and pulled through, this bird however keeps just falling down.

>> No.27289811

>rta failed
we'll get em next time

>> No.27289812
File: 35 KB, 363x353, 1589484569441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289962

>day of the fated peko collab
>Tech difficulties out the the door
>They finally get the game started 45 minutes later
>"Alright peko its been 66 minutes we should be ending this"

>> No.27289817
File: 1.92 MB, 10000x10000, 1601605723352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289856

Okay I know you guys said it'd be "sufferingkino" but maybe this is a bit too much suffering now?

>> No.27289813

Just when things got back normal the stream shits the bed.
Sasuga Kiara...

>> No.27289816
File: 90 KB, 1124x572, BB7CD0D0-A3AC-445D-BC01-D703EE6EE9FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289818


>> No.27289819
Quoted by: >>27289887

the whole reason she's at manager-san's house is so that she doesn't have to be a cardboard cutout

>> No.27289820


>> No.27289821
File: 27 KB, 187x222, 1601872538320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289823


>> No.27289824
Quoted by: >>27291645

>I still don't understand why their English is so fucking bad compared to most other east asian countries.
Part of it is that a huge amount of their schooling time is taken up by learning their own retarded language so it leaves little time for literally anything else. Jap education is literally a joke.

>> No.27289825


>> No.27289826


>> No.27289827

gotta be negative

>> No.27289829
File: 163 KB, 1000x1386, aklg260xkbm51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do Teamates feel about Ame fully embracing the virtual GF thing? She's got everything now, weekly Q&As, karaoke with romantic songs, members-only dates, ASMR and she's probably playing more games like Superliminal soon.

>> No.27289830

I want to pull it.

>> No.27289833 [SPOILER] 
File: 702 KB, 1200x768, 1601876632491.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289877

Chicken has lost it, she knows she can kill

>> No.27289835


>> No.27289836
Quoted by: >>27289872

god is a chicken anti/10

>> No.27289837


>> No.27289838
Quoted by: >>27289954

Kiara is literally mentally unstable holy shit

>> No.27289840
File: 146 KB, 396x335, 1517997129285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this sucks
This isn't sufferkino, this is just suffering

>> No.27289842

she's crying...

>> No.27289843
Quoted by: >>27289868

"not quite as menhera as noel" isn't a great spot to be in

>> No.27289844
Quoted by: >>27290019

Who needs buttcoin miners when you have YouTube chat.

>> No.27289845 [DELETED] 

Fake tear, fakest holo/10

>> No.27289847

She's giving up :(

>> No.27289849

Mori please for the love of god call or text Kiara right fucking now

>> No.27289850


>> No.27289853
File: 18 KB, 755x357, coupon_loancomputer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289855


>> No.27289856

yea this is just getting genuinely sad

>> No.27289858

>she's not menhera
come on anon...

>> No.27289859

I thought I was mishearing this shit but I guess not lmao

>> No.27289860

ooohhhhh she wants to cry

>> No.27289862 [DELETED] 

Usually they kind of suck because they have really lame hobbies/aspirations but Kiara's idol aspirations is funny and weird by spoiled rich white girl standards (though I dunno, maybe it's cool to be a weeb in Austria).

>> No.27289865

>chunk loading kills the internet connection
classic local SP minecraft with its local server bullshit

>> No.27289866
Quoted by: >>27289975


>> No.27289867

Thanks manager-san, very helpful

>> No.27289868

well at least its not "more menhera than noel"

>> No.27289869

Kiara is the Rushia of EN.

>> No.27289870

It hurts...

>> No.27289871

So... first holo to kill herself on stream?

>> No.27289873

holy kek

>> No.27289872

>God is a chicken anti
genuine lol

>> No.27289876


>> No.27289877

>11 years ago
Kill me peko

>> No.27289878

Do you think she's tired of the hearts in her streams?

>> No.27289879

someone tell her to turn the graphics way down

>> No.27289880

Oh shit she's actually giving up.

>> No.27289881
Quoted by: >>27289957

Imagine sleeping with your manager just so you can use his shit pc and internet connection.

>> No.27289882
File: 51 KB, 847x672, 1599918872504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking universe is against Kiara at this point, jesus fuck

>> No.27289883

Why is she here...just to suffer.

>> No.27289884

The suffering is a bit too heavy at the moment, it hurts. The technical issues aren't really funny, only her fucking about in the game and getting into bad situations.

>> No.27289885 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27289906

>Gives Kiara herpes and alcoholism

What did she mean by this?

>> No.27289886

Nah, still kino.

>> No.27289887


Yeah but emergency measures here

>> No.27289890

>Inb4 Subaru cancels the collab after seeing this

>> No.27289893

She's better this way tugging on the heartstrings of her viewers. Her main games suck.

>> No.27289892

Just buy a PC? Even if she hasn't been paid yet she knows its coming.

>> No.27289896


>> No.27289897

someone save this chicken. i can't even watch the stream. if it's like this for an entire week she might actually explode

>> No.27289898
File: 752 KB, 841x1000, 1580235965547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor chicken, it was such a fun stream too

>> No.27289900 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 640x195, 2020-10-05_1-44-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your specs /hlgg/

>> No.27289902

Okay, I like chicken now.

>> No.27289903


>> No.27289904

Why didn't they cancel this stream?

>> No.27289905

i blame cover way more than i blame the girls themselves. this is exactly what they should be helping them set up

>> No.27289906

are you satisfied with this way of life?

>> No.27289909
File: 60 KB, 1284x583, 1600488729462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27289913

>God doesn't want me to entertain you

>> No.27289912

this <span class="sjis"> is bait[/spoiler]

>> No.27289915
Quoted by: >>27289989

I somehow still have my PC I assembled 8 years ago with all the same components (except the PSU who got deleted by a lightning) and I can play most games on medium/high at 60 fps. But to be fair I only play shitty kusoges, AAA games are boring

>> No.27289916

>God hates me
This is too much

>> No.27289917

Dude what part of nothing goes right you didn't get

>> No.27289918

Man her collab with Subaru is will crash won't it?

>> No.27289920
Quoted by: >>27290065

I was gone and just got back, what happened to Kiara, why is she all sad?

>> No.27289923

>god doesnt want me to entertain you
>everything is bullying me
>not menhera

>> No.27289931

the manager truly fucked her over, if he hadn't said his pc was good enough she could've brought her own and that would have worked

>> No.27289930

Damn, she's quitting

>> No.27289932 [DELETED] 


>> No.27289933


>> No.27289934

pain peko

>> No.27289935

She's on too many layers of menhera, it's collapsing into a singularity.

>> No.27289937

she has a pc just no internet so she is at managers

>> No.27289938


>> No.27289939
File: 165 KB, 442x604, amelia x goslings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27290093

>arcade date

>> No.27289940



>> No.27289941

she's not fully moved in yet and won't be until another week, she'll probably buy another one later

>> No.27289944
File: 2.95 MB, 720x720, 1601863708735.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is a devout Christian therefore I have to love her.

>> No.27289946

even the live2d is dropping frames

>> No.27289948
File: 285 KB, 795x318, watson-runner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289981

"Watson Detective Agency."

>"Hey Defendew, what do you call a wedneck, with no teeth, that watches stock caw wacing all day?"

"I dunno, what do y-"

>"Ba ha ha, Man! they do not weaw shiwts!"


>"What does a wedneck man call a dead possum lyin' in the middle of the woad?"

"I don't have time for this, I need to walk Bubba and-"

>"Ba-ha ha ha! Pwobably sushi!"


>> No.27289950

>God doesn't want me to entertain you

>> No.27289951

I'm really enjoying her stream right now

>> No.27289953
File: 48 KB, 170x148, the last thing you see before you die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27289971

it was getting good, why did she stop

>> No.27289954

Ticking timebomb. She can't handle this, she's had a fucking breakdown on every single stream so far.

>> No.27289955

>God doesn't want me to entertain you

>> No.27289957

She forced kiara to clean her carpet

>> No.27289958

i actually feel bad for the chicken, that's some bad luck

>> No.27289959

Pain/10 hope she gets happier soon desu

>> No.27289962

Kiara would kill herself

>> No.27289963
File: 3 KB, 227x36, Screenshot_2020-10-04 【Minecraft】NETHER RTA HERE WE GO #kfp #キアライブ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27290107

what the fuck

>> No.27289964 [DELETED] 

Go back, /v/ermin

>> No.27289965

Little dependence on English media for entertainment. A lot of ESLs learn English from stuff like TV, movies and games but Japan made their own stuff and ended up as a kind of isolated culture bubble.

>> No.27289966


>> No.27289968

Any competent company would have already fired this fucker. Wtf Cover.

>> No.27289969 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27290378

Not gonna post them, just want to say I still have a 500 GB HDD but have ultimate generation GPU and CPU, don't know what's wrong with me exactly

>> No.27289970

kiara descending into depression with polka humming muse dash songs in the background is a pretty wild mood

>> No.27289971

Kamisama said no

>> No.27289972


>> No.27289973
Quoted by: >>27290089

the guy is clearly a shitposter just ignore him.

>> No.27289974
File: 33 KB, 1016x485, 1588971936058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura Colab
nice, my coupon worked.

>> No.27289975

You can leave and fucken off yourself

>> No.27289976

Couldn't Kiara just go to the Hololive studio to stream?

>> No.27289977
File: 25 KB, 474x473, 1517803251151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Endless pain/10

>> No.27289981


>> No.27289979


>> No.27289980

I don't think she's "leading gatikois on" I think she genuinely wants to feel like a loved gf

>> No.27289983

nigger chicken pity fsuper chat isher

>> No.27289984

This is too much suffering

>> No.27289985 [DELETED] 

Fuck off

>> No.27289986

>tuned into chikin stream for sufferkino
>wants to watch her gamer moments, whining and crying
>only got suffering without the kino

>> No.27289989
Quoted by: >>27290238

streaming and running the live2d also adds an extra strain

>> No.27289993

OOOOOOOF THIS IS PEAK CHICKEN COMPLAINING YUM YUM let that hate flow trough you chicken i for one look forward to the history books that say female hitler was a failed vtuber

>> No.27289994 [DELETED] 

Not on my pc right now but
>Gtx 1050

>> No.27289995
Quoted by: >>27290028

Wait what happened? Ill need a timestamp later

>> No.27289996 [DELETED] 


>> No.27289997

> Tensai kiara crying and whining about her "garbage" pc.
Get ready for a flood of aka supas

>> No.27289998 [DELETED] 

t540p chad here

>> No.27290000


>> No.27290001

Now you understand why they don't do Jack shit to help them. Manager probably uses the PC for excel spreadsheets at most

>> No.27290003
Quoted by: >>27290190

>blaming God of all things for her unpreparedness
She just lost a bunch of christian viewers lol

>> No.27290005
File: 348 KB, 431x1063, 1571021507061-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27290046

>She didn't die

>> No.27290006


>> No.27290008


>> No.27290009

Any competent company would rig it's employees with decent equipment too

>> No.27290010
File: 406 KB, 1280x768, 1574477889205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290011

Kinda glad she's ending it because I would've stayed all 6 hours and hated myself in the morning.

>> No.27290015

>already down 2k viewers

>> No.27290016

this is painful

>> No.27290018
File: 76 KB, 300x300, 1546166460073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't Hololive/CoverCorp help out their talents more with these kind of problems? Coordinate their times? MORAL SUPPORT?

>> No.27290019

Yeah but if someone opened task manager on that PC they would say, oh, there's your problem.

>> No.27290020


>> No.27290021
File: 82 KB, 326x257, 1599939609783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-so...was this actually sufferingkino?

I think that was just actual genuine suffering...

>> No.27290022

I can't believe Chicken will actually graduate first

>> No.27290024


>> No.27290025

Yeah just fire this chikin already. She's making the viewers feel bad and guilt tripping everyone

>> No.27290027

I wished to see her suffering with the game, but not like this, this is sad.

>> No.27290028

her "good PC" had a meltdown, is basically next to crashing, her game crashed and didnt save, shes now crying

>> No.27290029
File: 492 KB, 570x474, 1601592298647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290033

I don't think I've seen a stream where Subaru had a bad collab. She's both massively extroverted and has great social skills.

>> No.27290034

God why is sad Kiara making me so fucking hard.

>> No.27290036

shes legitimately unstable.
i feel bad.

>> No.27290037
File: 53 KB, 275x409, 1600477063915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let thy hatred flow

>> No.27290039
File: 275 KB, 638x602, 1601519407956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290040

Watching her viewer numbers drop is actually killing her.

>> No.27290042


>> No.27290041 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27290144


>> No.27290043

It's just a new cycle anon, she'll be back being a gremlin and then pulling us back with gf thing. Infinite torture.

>> No.27290044


>> No.27290046

Yeah, instead her PC died.

>> No.27290047

It hurts...

>> No.27290048

i feel so bad for her

>> No.27290049 [DELETED] 

3900x, 1080ti, 64gb Ram.

>> No.27290050 [DELETED] 

3090 FE
i9 10900k
64gb ram

>> No.27290051

It's funny since chicken deserves it.

>> No.27290052
File: 121 KB, 828x996, Sad Peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad Peko/10

>> No.27290054

I still love you chicken

>> No.27290055

Crying again on stream is this how she got to be the second highest superchat streamer?

>> No.27290056

I'm glad this is the stream I got a membership for. Worth every penny

>> No.27290057

I can't watch this, it hurts, time to run away

>> No.27290058

Is she going to complain to manager for that 1 hr?

>> No.27290060


>> No.27290061

Kiara wants to go cry into her pillow for an hour...

>> No.27290062
File: 480 KB, 725x1024, amelia misaki new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27290154


>> No.27290063

Oh god she's genuinely crying. I wanted kinosuffering but this is just suffering.

>> No.27290065
Quoted by: >>27290125

A lot of things went wrong.

She moved because of noise complaints
Had to borrow a bad computer from her manager
Her new internet is weeks away due to more issues

>> No.27290066

Guys, now I feel bad.
Shit, man , she doesn't deserve this

>> No.27290067

Feels bad man....

>> No.27290068


>> No.27290070

Aaaaah I can't take thia

>> No.27290072

Why doesn't she just get a better computer what the fuck?

>> No.27290071


>> No.27290073
File: 66 KB, 720x777, 1580580569849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290074

>she needs a crying break

>> No.27290075

I didn't want or need these feels before going to bed.

>> No.27290077


>> No.27290078


>> No.27290079

Her stream was legitimately entertaining as hell and concernfags had to encourage her to "take a break, princess". Fuck off.

>> No.27290080
File: 77 KB, 211x215, 1593791871717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290081

seeing the members-only dates made me laugh

>> No.27290082


>> No.27290083

She said that she was going to do ASMR before, so that's not really new.
I didn't think the songs were supposed to be romantically directed to the viewers.
The date is weird, though.

>> No.27290084

5/10 Lacks professionalism during technical problems. I feel for her though.

>> No.27290086
File: 167 KB, 500x500, 1598448937281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290085
File: 368 KB, 840x700, 1483040058532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to get concerned for real

>> No.27290087


>> No.27290090

at this rate she will livestream her suicide next week
and for the entire thing youtube will drop frames out the ass

>> No.27290089 [DELETED] 

You can go to Wal-mart and get an acceptable PC running in less than 6 hours.

Kiara is just shit

>> No.27290091
File: 795 KB, 400x326, 1576489555519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1-2h break
She's going to fucking cry
This was not how I wanted to end my day

>> No.27290093

How late do you guys think it's too late? I'm basically saitou, but at 28

>> No.27290096

I am starting to think the tears are real

>> No.27290098
File: 579 KB, 1920x1600, 1600961247023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... Kiara doesn't deserve this...

>> No.27290099

I love my menhera bird!

>> No.27290100

>get doxxed all the way to hell and back on the "bad site"
>still wants to do virtual gf theme despite very obviously being the gremlin streamer of EN
What is her end game?

>> No.27290101
File: 150 KB, 497x475, 1600575715068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of kiara's highest viewer streams was this

I... actually feel bad now.

>> No.27290102 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 627x205, 1601834109448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is one way to flush out the simps

>> No.27290103

She's an absolute master of pitybaiting.

>> No.27290104 [DELETED] 

i5-9600k @ 5.1GHz
RTX 2070
32gb RAM @ 3000MHz

>> No.27290106

Any competent company wouldn't have told it's employee "I have the perfect computer for you to do your work on" and then that computer fails spectacularly in front of nearly 20k viewers.

>> No.27290107
File: 230 KB, 463x453, 1601562409968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290108

>just buy a new pc bro

>> No.27290109
File: 196 KB, 480x473, bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was supposed to be kino...

>> No.27290110

I'm not going to say fuck you bird, but I'm also not going to feel bad about leaving for the Superchat section.

>> No.27290112

Taiwan bad please understand

>> No.27290113 [DELETED] 

my gpu and cpu were $150 each

in 2014

>> No.27290114

Do you want them to not get akasupas this is prime akasupa bait

>> No.27290116


>> No.27290117
Quoted by: >>27290373

Kiara deserves it for saying Subaru was her second choice.

>> No.27290119
File: 328 KB, 467x374, 1598844401230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god, I don't think I really wanted to hear her read superchats like this.

>> No.27290118

lol it works

>> No.27290121
File: 20 KB, 1000x400, 1584823080264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27290122

I'm actually surprised how little intensive live2d is. It still moves pretty good on toasters even while playing games.

>> No.27290123
File: 16 KB, 248x248, Crippling_Anguish_(large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290124
File: 717 KB, 1920x1080, Suffering-is-the-KFP-way!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27290167


>> No.27290125

she had noise complaints? And why did she have to borrow a new pc?

>> No.27290127

Why are people buying Crya act? Isn't this just a huge act to gain more SC.

Screen cap this: Kiara will have technical difficulties every stream to milk her viewers.

>> No.27290128

Mori comfort your wife please

>> No.27290129
File: 40 KB, 200x192, 1591294686232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27290188

Absolute kino, humanity is nothing without suffering

>> No.27290130

redemption arc will be glorious/10

>> No.27290131
File: 29 KB, 605x452, 149980092151680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290134

chicken...has a hard life...

>> No.27290136
Quoted by: >>27290220

for the neets who don't have any real context around this moving is actually immensely stressful

>> No.27290139
File: 448 KB, 658x537, PUNISHED KIARA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27290140

>everyone expects suffering
>it's TOO MUCH suffering

>> No.27290142

Cover is a fucking tech company that lucked out with their Live2D mapping and become an overnight idol corp. The last fucking thing anyone in that company should have are potato PCs, jesus christ.

>> No.27290144

Rushia has to be one of the most fake, stupid and worse Holos of them all, what a fucking bitch I hate her and her fans will all die lonely like the dogs they are for liking a stupid bitch cocksucker fake crying bitch with no emotions who fucks her manager for subs bots and money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCJK!!!

>> No.27290146

im very happy
listening to her cry inbetween it cutting out is literally giving me a boner

>> No.27290147

she's moved twice in one weekend and can't get internet and she hasn't been paid and cover is a black company that is useless for anything other than talent scouting. welcome to /hlgg/, don't forget to read the rules

>> No.27290148

Cover needs to set its talent up with appropriate equipment, the hell is the point of them otherwise?

>> No.27290149
Quoted by: >>27290332

Which makes the manager's PC look even worse since you can't even blame the Live2D for slowing it down.

>> No.27290150


>> No.27290151

Probably takes priority over other stuff, although I've seen it lag before a game sometimes.

>> No.27290152
File: 4 KB, 128x128, 1601593025326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rumao rumao

>> No.27290153

It keeps happening.

>> No.27290155


>> No.27290156

wonder what the manager is thinking watching this

>> No.27290154
Quoted by: >>27290553

Should I watch or read NHK?

>> No.27290157


>> No.27290159
File: 356 KB, 1080x1072, 1592755761675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27290251

>Even her computer dies during the SC reading

>> No.27290161 [DELETED] 

1660S, gonna get a 3070 or 3080

>> No.27290163

somebody give this poor chicken a hug

>> No.27290164

I'm going to go make rice for one person so I can eat my leftover curry

>> No.27290165

the karaoke sums up her position pretty well with the playlist. She's still a gremlin but she knows how to play to her crowd. There's nothing like reeling everyone in with romance songs only to rickroll them and sing about one sided love with artificial intelligences.

>> No.27290167


>> No.27290168 [DELETED] 

GTX 1070M

>> No.27290169

break to cut herself

>> No.27290172 [DELETED] 

i5-6600K 4.0 GHz
GTX 1070
32GB RAM @ 3200 MHz

>> No.27290174

not enough

>> No.27290175

fuck off

>> No.27290176

laughing all the way to the bank

>> No.27290178

You've never watched JP Holos if you believe this is bad. At least from a technical difficulties perspective.

>> No.27290179

>I can't bear this anymore

>> No.27290180
File: 17 KB, 220x220, 1600311226194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the video is lagging while she's crying just to rub it in

>> No.27290181

Chicken.... please....

>> No.27290182 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 463x268, specs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kill me

>> No.27290184
File: 517 KB, 2480x3611, kiara!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on kiara, it will get better soon.

>> No.27290188
File: 260 KB, 827x1300, live.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this the harder you suffer the more glorious it will when you make it

>> No.27290187
Quoted by: >>27291526

She's in Japan
Pretty sure it's different over there.

>> No.27290189

I was not expecting this. It fucking hurts.

>> No.27290190

Zoomers aren't religious so it's fine.

>> No.27290191
Quoted by: >>27290308

When "bad site" is practically your home you move on and learn from your mistake then double down and dab on "bad site" in style

>> No.27290192
File: 350 KB, 443x337, cheerleading dogeza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

auf wiedersehen...

>> No.27290193

turns out her manager was the biggest chicken anti of them all

>> No.27290194

Fake tears

>> No.27290195


>> No.27290196
File: 74 KB, 591x791, 1583761428405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27290259

Don't worry, bros. This is the ultimate idol experience. Punished Kiara will overcome all her troubles and become the top vtuber that ever walked the internet.

>> No.27290199

Maybe living with Mori would be a good idea. Kiara needs a lot of help.

>> No.27290200

holy shit. what a cursed existence.
Is pain all she can hope for?

>> No.27290202
Quoted by: >>27290254

They hated him because he told the truth

>> No.27290203
File: 1.13 MB, 2159x1894, EjirpQQXgAAQWia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27290205

how do you chickenbros bring yourself to watch Kiara when shit like this happens almost every time? i feel depressed just watching this shit but you guys do it every stream?

>> No.27290207 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 469x433, pc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is my PC guys is it any good? I get a whole 15 fps in minecraft

>> No.27290206
File: 27 KB, 463x453, 1601529563730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end it peko

>> No.27290208

It was supposed to be funny suffering over seeing her bumble in minecraft...
Not suffering like this... never this....

>> No.27290210
File: 72 KB, 972x489, 1600474060607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290211

The specs seem better, at least the CPU and GPU. The manager's PC probably has a shit RAM configuration or some software problem killing performance.

>> No.27290216

You should be thanking the antis for making her rich. Shes second highest superchat for a reason. Antis made kiara. Without antis she woulda been graduated a while ago.

>> No.27290217

Cover is a legit black company. Some of their sins for newfags
>Mel's manager was harassing and stalking her. SHE TOLD COVER ABOUT THIS. Which took great courage to do, docile Japanese woman, Japanese company tenancy to pretend everything is fine, etc. She fucking told them and they did nothing, until Mel lawyered up.
>Cover does absolutely nothing to help their talent, in terms of technical (streams, PC setups etc) or more importantly legal
>The legal side manifests in several ways. One is the permissions arc, which is constantly ongoing. Since the girls are employees of Cover, and Cover is a company, they can't just stream whatever they want because they are actively making money from it. So they need to get permission from the creators/producers/license holders of every game they stream. Cover is slow as fuck on this, which is why you often see girls playing the same few shitty games over and over.
>The Holocaust was when one of Mio's old videos, like months old, got copyright striked by Capcom if I remember correctly. This resulted in a mass purge/privatization of pretty much every video of every Holo. At one point, channels were missing 95% of their videos, some had single digit videos. Subaru's manager deleted her streams entirely so that content is lost forever, except in archives of dedicated fans.
>In response to this, they suspended Mio for a few weeks and had every Holo tweet a public apology. Not Cover themselves, not their legal team which should have been ontop of this, not Mio's manager who gave her the OK to stream all that shit months ago, no these cowards hid behind the girls because they know we won't take shit out on them.
>Cover does not teach their girls basic corporate OPSEC. Companies that aren't fucking talent agencies, that don't rely on the livelihood of their employees to be the public face and their main product, teach their goddamn employees basic corporate OPSEC. For a Vtuber agency to not is unforgiveable. Nonetheless this resulted in the doxxing of Mano Aloe and a horde of Antis came after her. Cover kneeled and suspended her for 2 weeks in the hopes that shit would die down. It did not, because when you appease Antis, you give them an inch and they'll take a mile. Out for blood, they made threats to Aloe and the people that knew her and she eventually graduated.
>Learning nothing from Aloe, the most recent incident with Haachama and Coco is again Cover kneeling to Antis and in this case the Chinese Government.

Also on a minor note, I'm a Suisei fag and they hung her out to dry for several months in INNK music when she first joined. Months went by without a single song and Suisei had little contact with her so called "manager" who I'm pretty sure just blew her off and pretended she didn't exist.

>> No.27290219 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 629x168, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290220

Send that in an akasupa next time you faggot

>> No.27290221

Auf wiedersehen Kiara...

>> No.27290222

holy fuck even the transitions are at 3 fps

>> No.27290223

>chicken literally crying into her pillow and cutting herself for two hours
not like this....

>> No.27290224
File: 144 KB, 807x323, 1601125977310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290225

Oh fuck off.

>> No.27290228

A phoenix has to die to be reborn.

>> No.27290227

her manager is some dumb oba-san
probably thinks she did nothing wrong

>> No.27290230

>>>/g/fwt get Windows 7 Enterprise bro

>> No.27290232
File: 424 KB, 465x583, her smile and optimism gone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290231

kiara no... i can't bear to go back to dead hours...

>> No.27290233

Mein Gott.

>> No.27290234
File: 904 KB, 794x768, 1599918864715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27290415


>> No.27290235 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 825x563, specs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290236
Quoted by: >>27290318

neighbors complained about her when she streamed
ISP was a shit and fucked up on setting up her new internet
manager said they had a good pc for streaming and this is the result

>> No.27290237
Quoted by: >>27290365

Hey remember that guy who was asking if there were any long term ramifications for Cover not supporting their talents? Would Kiara killing herself on stream be one?

>> No.27290238

>streaming and running the live2d also adds an extra strain
Yeah true. I think modern Ryzen with good RAM would handle it fine though. If the staff knew what they were doing they could dedicate cores to stream encoding and keeping the live 2D moving while leaving most cores free to run the games they play. Do they have any technical staff outside of managing the live 2D and 3D stuff?

>> No.27290240

Rate the stream, I guess?

>> No.27290242

holy shit, please stop wasting the incredibly tiny image cap posting screenshots of your fucking shitbox specs

>> No.27290244
Quoted by: >>27290377

I don't know a single person who says auf wiedersehen irl

>> No.27290245
File: 76 KB, 221x200, 1601790819627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27290302

Anyone else get thrown into her sm64 video called "pain" after it ended

>> No.27290246

Can't even enjoy these foot pics right now

>> No.27290247

People exaggerate the gf thing. I'll give you the karaoke, but the ASMR is just snack eating and her last Q&A where she picked the questions was just goofy gremlin stuff, it's her manager's fault for picking the life advice stuff in the previous ones. We'll see what arcade date means, that could go plenty of ways.

>> No.27290250


>> No.27290249
Quoted by: >>27290287

>1-2 hour break so she can have violent sex with her manager until she calms down

>> No.27290251

When Pekora does it, it’s funny. I think the chicken’s streams aren’t for me.

>> No.27290252

This is retarded, tea is already brewed and cold enough to not burn her.

>> No.27290254


>> No.27290255

Just tuned in to the end there. Why is she fake crying again?

>> No.27290256

This is the prime new idol experience

>> No.27290259

>Kiara will rise from the ashes of her shitty pc and become the idol she always wanted to be
She truly is a phoenix

>> No.27290260

10/10 sufferingkino

>> No.27290262

I have nothing agaisnt Kiara but I legit think she'll end up graduating in less than 6 months. She's really unstable and not really cut for streaming. When things go wrong for Amelia, she just turns the stream into a great zatsudan and keep all of her viewers entertained, while chicken only appeals to white knights and sadists with all the whining and crying.

>> No.27290263

I don't even think she wants money that much or she'll be pandering to the pay pigs and red superchats a hell of a lot more. She just seems to enjoy fucking with people.

>> No.27290264

kiara doesn't deserve this/10

>> No.27290266


>> No.27290265

not like this/10 I wanted fun suffering in the game not cause the pc broke

>> No.27290267

Manager told her that their PC was "A GOOD PC" turns out it was worse than the rental Chicken was using.

>> No.27290269 [DELETED] 

I wasn't an anti until I got sold down the river for goddamned motherfucking Belle Delphine alumni which hold nothing but contempt for me.

>> No.27290268

I have no idea how people keep falling for it. It's either:

1. An act


2. She's legit mentally unstable

>> No.27290270

Sufferkino without the kino

>> No.27290271


>> No.27290272

if she just rolled with it, it'd be fine but she hits suffering mode too quickly...

>> No.27290275


>> No.27290276

<span class="sjis"> S u f f e r i n g[/spoiler]

>> No.27290277

You know the suffering has gone too far when even Huke tells her to cheer up

>> No.27290278

I'd prefer it if she just dropped all pretense and went to her usual self but I guess if it helps her pay the bills I'm fine with it. Im just not gonna fall in love again

>> No.27290281
Quoted by: >>27290357

I am now a proud chicken fan. That sufferingkino I just witnessed was a work of art and I can't believe I've been missing out such gold.

>> No.27290283

Shoemaker's children and all that. It's not unusual in tech companies.

>> No.27290284
File: 102 KB, 1170x688, [worried laughter].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was almost as painful to watch as a Noel breakdown. Almost.

>> No.27290285

Imagine being so unlucky, then ACTUALLY making it into HoloEN and still being this unlucky.

>> No.27290286

>Hur Dur Murica fag
She lives in japan faggot, go kill yourself

>> No.27290288
File: 486 KB, 1731x1457, inacucumber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she hate them?

>> No.27290289

Thought that was blood for a moment

>> No.27290287
File: 276 KB, 864x665, e8tg33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Ame's thing Kiara will just full on beta sob into her pillow

>> No.27290290


>> No.27290292
File: 63 KB, 1400x700, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of her highest viewer counts recently
>really good start
>excited when talking about the Subaru collab
all of this negated by manager's shitty pc, truly this was nothing but suffering

>> No.27290293
Quoted by: >>27290353

How do you make it. Life just feels like 50 shades of shit

>> No.27290294
File: 119 KB, 686x814, 0E547324-48F9-4445-BAAB-980146FFF278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb chicken, bad stream!

>> No.27290295


>> No.27290296
File: 421 KB, 960x554, 3ta84174s7o51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290297


>> No.27290299

I am thoroughly entertained, I don't even know whether to laugh or cry anymore.

>> No.27290300

That's fucking awful.
Why is there so much Yagoo jerking when shit is like this with Cover?

>> No.27290301

It's usually not this bad, it's fun when Kiara gets bullied by her own actions, not by tech

>> No.27290302

Yep kek.

>> No.27290303

probably worth a pretty penny to antique collectors

>> No.27290305

i came

>> No.27290306
File: 30 KB, 553x597, 1601047082769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secondhand depression/10

>> No.27290307

suffering is a pretty classic idol arc

>> No.27290309
Quoted by: >>27290816

First move: apartment was small, neighbors complained about streamer noises, far away from stores and shit, new place is a proper house, with lots of space, close to stuff and cheaper to boot.
An objectively good decision.

Second move: ISP fucks her over wrt payment, gets it sorted out but loses the date, won't get internet installed until a whole week later. Pocket internet can't handle streaming+live2d and she doesn't want to be a cardboard png for a whole week and can't just not stream. Moves to manager's as an emergency measure.

>> No.27290308

Fuckin lucky, I'd do the same tbdesu

>> No.27290311

>home premium
ultimate or enterprise anon
as someone who made do with a core2duo and 9500GT until just earlier this year, I hope you use efficient software and are tech literate

>> No.27290312

This is what /cgl/ and the idol threads are trying to warn us about. She's always been blaming everyone and everything around her whenever anything doesn't go great for her. I'm sick of her playing the victim. Even worse is that she'll eventually guilt trip and cling on to the other girls, and I know our boy doesn't deserve this kind of baggage

>> No.27290313
Quoted by: >>27291120

aaand dead hours.

>> No.27290314
File: 309 KB, 999x999, 1600900434542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290315
File: 64 KB, 356x407, 1601490932703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290318

>manager said they had a good pc for streaming
lel yeah streaming fucking netflix

>> No.27290319


>> No.27290320

She keeps me under her spell

>> No.27290322
File: 248 KB, 463x453, 1600659406666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27290489

I tune into Chicken's streams to be entertained and happy, and end up coming out of them depressed and stressed out. Pain peko

>> No.27290323

>I'll see you, hopefully, in the next stream.
>When you will, hopefully, give me another one of the... 500 chances that I've received until now.

>> No.27290324
File: 32 KB, 576x576, jkjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people wasting image slots on their fucking specs like this is some /v/ thread

>> No.27290327

Because newfags don't know any better. They just see all the memes and idolize him immediately.

>> No.27290331
Quoted by: >>27290657

Apparently cucumbers can taste bitter to some people, sort of how cilantro tastes like soap to some or asparagus makes your pee smell

>> No.27290330

because cute anime girls

>> No.27290332

She didn't have that many issues with the Ryzen 3200G system before, and the 1400 isn't really worse. There's something fucked with it.

>> No.27290333


>> No.27290334
Quoted by: >>27290521

What the fuck happened

>> No.27290335
File: 73 KB, 260x260, JPEG_20200111_135144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27290383

nether RTA complete i guess. feels like hell

>> No.27290337

>Punished Kiara
>A Phoenix denied a working stream

>> No.27290339

10/10 suffering kino
everything going wrong for the bird makes me want to see her succeed for once

>> No.27290341

Why doesn't Kiara just stream from the office? Surely they have a spare desk there.

>> No.27290343

swear to god these ame pics are going to end up giving me a fucking foot fetish

>> No.27290344
File: 457 KB, 597x588, 1600051944086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290345
Quoted by: >>27290411

Kiara's suffering gives me hope in my own life, now I know why you chickenfags love her

>> No.27290346

It's never been this bad before
the suffering is usually comedic but this is just painful

>> No.27290347

AMD Ryzen 2400G
Sapphire RX590 Nitro+ 8GB
GSKILL Trident Z DDR4 16GB

>> No.27290349

It wasn't even the haha suffering that's funny to watch. This was legitimately painful.

>> No.27290352

This doesn't look good. Kiara hits a minor speedbump and collapses into a crying mess. The other HoloENs have had tech issues too but none of them react like this.

>> No.27290353

you get used to it and one extra thing it all crashed after she delivered the good news!

>> No.27290354

Requesting punished Kiara edits

>> No.27290355
File: 35 KB, 620x413, tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tears/10 stream

>> No.27290356

I'll give you as many chances as you need Kiara... I believe in you...

>> No.27290357

That was not sufferingkino, just suffering.

>> No.27290358

2 hours of suffering out of 6 hours RTA

>> No.27290359

rev up those punished kiara edits

>> No.27290360

How can you even roll with this one though?
I'd give you the Three Houses one, she should have kept going, but this shit was unsalvageable.
Couldn't even just zatsudan with the lag.

>> No.27290363

Are all vtuber streams this entertaining? I might like this shit

>> No.27290365

It's Japan workers rights don't exist

>> No.27290367 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27290478

I appreciate it because it's good medicine for the "she's not your gf" schizos. I feel bad for her gachikoi though lole

>> No.27290370

Fake technical difficulty
Fake tears
Fake reaction
Fake retarded brain
Fake suffering

>> No.27290371
Quoted by: >>27290516

Chicken really has the worst luck I've ever seen.
None of this is her fault either. Fucking manager thought this PC would be good enough to stream. What the fuck kind of people do they have working at Hololive? Fuck.

>> No.27290373

She inherited Subaru's luck

>> No.27290375


>> No.27290377

well it would certainly be odd for spics to use a german phrase

>> No.27290378

Please tell me this is bait...

>> No.27290379

what does that board have to do with Kiara?

>> No.27290381

Well, at least, she confirmed the first HoloEN-HoloJP collab

>> No.27290382

I wanted Kiara to suffer because of her hitting a zombie pig not because her computer dies

>> No.27290383

mission accomplished.

>> No.27290386

I just wanted to see her getting blow up by a creeper...

>> No.27290388

Literally straw that broke that camel's back.

>> No.27290392

>chicken always streams at the end of the day for me
>go to sleep depressed
thanks for the sufferkino

>> No.27290394

I fucking despise Cover. Few companies have more undeserved success than they do.

>> No.27290398


>> No.27290397

Good post.

>> No.27290400 [DELETED] 

i3-4160 3.60GHz
4 GB of RAM (3.81 usable)
Intel HD 4400

>> No.27290402

It doesn't help that she has the absolute worst luck. Which makes it even worse
Everyone else when going through a rough time can spin it around. See: Mori's DOOM, Ame's surprise zatsudans, Gura's chat convo's, Ina's humu humu
I feel like Kiara has no self esteem. And combine that with her Imposter Syndrome she constantly sees the negative in everything and shuts down.

>> No.27290403

lets be real they're all gremlins

>> No.27290407

The phone might be doing some amount of the work beyond capture.

>> No.27290406


>> No.27290408

Id feel bad for her if she wasn't still getting 18k viewers and thousands in superchats

>> No.27290409

raging because of a game has actual entertainment value, crying does not.

>> No.27290411

Personally I have no dreams so Vtubers let me see dreams and see them get crushed, both equally give me joy

>> No.27290410

Very fun, no meme

>> No.27290412
File: 2.73 MB, 1524x720, kickyricky.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27290458

Did you guys notice this was one of Kiara's highest viewer streams too?

The fucking timing...

>> No.27290414
Quoted by: >>27290522

>playing at 30fps on a borrowed PC and multiple crashes in one hour
unless i missed some stream this was the worst tech problem we had this gen

>> No.27290415

So is Kiara an outlet to Johnnies everywhere trying to feel again through pain?

>> No.27290416
File: 528 KB, 920x495, Screenshot 2020-09-30 090250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27290494

Kiara will get better
when the moving is finally over her streams will have little to no tech issues
When the collab ban is lifted all the JPs will have fun with her
Kiara will gain subs and grow with the rest of EN
just hold on chickbros.

>> No.27290417
Quoted by: >>27290548

>our boy

>> No.27290418

Ame is a natural voice actor it shows
Most thing you see from her has some form of acting, but her joy from performing is genuine

>> No.27290420

She does it every stream

>> No.27290421
File: 118 KB, 294x388, 1600437451870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that was fucking depressing. Is this what chickenbros are into?

>> No.27290423

This is how she became the second highest superchat. Of course shes gonna keep doing this shes been positively reinforced to breakdown for akasupas after every roadblock.

>> No.27290425

I can't believe I missed Amamya's English stream for this chickenshit.

>> No.27290428

Well, atleast I finished Cruel lab and at Kitava before the 2fps stuttering finale.

>> No.27290429

Sick of hearing her whine (although she at least sounds hot doing it) but fun otherwise/10

>> No.27290434
File: 115 KB, 425x400, 1593188004877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, the stream was so fun and she was so chill

>> No.27290435

Ame is basically tanking all the trolls and doxxers for the rest of hololive EN gen 1. She knows how to handle them. All the old shit people dug up on her was bait. She has yet to reveal her full power.

>> No.27290436
Quoted by: >>27290590

>Learning nothing from Aloe, the most recent incident with Haachama and Coco is again Cover kneeling to Antis and in this case the Chinese Government.
The one silver lining to this is Yagoo getting his fucking salary docked and humiliated in the formal public apology.
Maybe they'll be more fucking circumspect in the future.

>> No.27290441

Fake stream
Fake internet
Fake image board
Fake existence

>> No.27290443

Usually she's able to overcome it, this stream was definitely the most suffering of them all so far. I'm mostly here with the hope that a year from now she's very successful, because that would be a fun experience to witness along the way. She has severe self-esteem issues and wants to deliver for her audience, but she has no internet at her place and dogshit PCs, so it must be pretty frustrating since you need those two things in particular to do this job.

>> No.27290445

>/v/niggers still replying to deleted spec posts

>> No.27290444

Can I get a "1 free pain" coupon?

>> No.27290446
File: 26 KB, 224x320, 1585936251225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290448 [DELETED] 

gtx 680 4gb
32 GB ram
256 GB SSD
Haven't been able to justify upgrading for almost 8 years

>> No.27290450

Doesn't it just get you going? I'm rock hard right now.

>> No.27290457
File: 477 KB, 1124x572, KFPC 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27290458
Quoted by: >>27290513

What shit luck, she'll be back to like 9k - 10k again never stream...

>> No.27290461

>he hasn't seen the legitimately concerning level of destructive menhera rage that noel has displayed on stream

>> No.27290462


>> No.27290463
File: 291 KB, 450x381, unknown (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara will graduate for not being able to handle the pain.

>> No.27290466

>This doesn't look good. Kiara hits a minor speedbump and collapses into a crying mess. The other HoloENs have had tech issues too but none of them react like this.
Well it happens almost every stream and this chikin also quite emotional to boot...
(not to mention her moving process is hell)

>> No.27290464

Truthful and Based

>> No.27290468
Quoted by: >>27290501

Damn tonight was my first time watching Kiara. That stream was just pure suffering. I'm sorry chickenbros...

>> No.27290471 [DELETED] 

She's pretty well-known there, probably because the gulls are savages when it comes to drama and she was in the cosplay and lolita community.

>> No.27290474
File: 1.51 MB, 2048x1586, 1600888687864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon who wanted to try the Nether RTA alongside chicken here... I finished at 1:19:11.76...
The lava lake was a pain to find...

This victory feels hollow.........

>> No.27290475 [DELETED] 

Ryzen 1600
1060 6GB
Minecraft works just fine on it :^)

>> No.27290476
File: 2.07 MB, 1920x1080, kia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pain peko

>> No.27290477

Subaru's luck with Pekora's timing.

>> No.27290478

but he has used that before 2017...

>> No.27290479
Quoted by: >>27290610

It's a ton of little things that are just adding up. She broke down after saying that she keeps getting chances, and that's indicative of how the past is still haunting her. I don't blame her for getting so upset when her ability to stream keeps coming up with issues so often.

>> No.27290483

This wasnt the kind of suffering I wanted. I wanted some light hearted minecraft not a pc that crashes when trying to load youtube chat

>> No.27290489

This sums up chicken streams for me. Some anons get off on suffering"kino" but this shit is just painful.

>> No.27290488

No. This was a bit too much for me.

>> No.27290490

I think Kiara might be too sensitive. Like yeah shit sucks but she spirals pretty quickly. If you take a look at Subaru's life for example, now that's some real sufferkino. Kiara is just having a bumpy transition to being a Holo. It'll work out as long as she isn't so down on herself.

>> No.27290492
File: 990 KB, 929x700, 1588575409646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27290560

New narrative time
>Kiara starts to get viewers

>> No.27290491

all of her last four or five streams i've watched (which go back to just before she got the new mic) have been like this. i don't think it was her fault at first, but now i am not so sure.

>> No.27290493 [DELETED] 
File: 1.31 MB, 1241x1457, Tokoyami.Towa.full.2817819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Expecting get a lot of akasupa from fake cry
>Didn't get any akasupa

>> No.27290494

I think she'll make it, she's just going to have a rough path getting there. She has the potential for sure but she's her own worse enemy with her lack of confidence.

>> No.27290498
Quoted by: >>27290528

>started the stream laughing at Kiara's difficulties
>ended the stream feeling depressed and legitimately sad for her

>> No.27290500
Quoted by: >>27290531

The chuubas have convinced me to try minecraft

>> No.27290501

<span class="sjis"> Same[/spoiler]

>> No.27290502
File: 84 KB, 232x202, 1595487031246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290504

As long as they're entertaining. I'm more into her gremlin rage.

>> No.27290508
File: 248 KB, 1896x1175, blind_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara was made for bullying.

>> No.27290512
Quoted by: >>27290547

Am I the only one that likes both? It's the gap between her toxic gamer side and the supportive caring side that makes it appealing.

>> No.27290513

Nah her numbers will come back when the collab arc starts. She can get a lot of good collabs cuz she speaks japanese. That's gonna be the edge she needs to rise again.

>> No.27290515

i still wish i was that keyboard

>> No.27290516

>What the fuck kind of people do they have working at Hololive?
Incompetent, cowardly, pathetic buffoons as >>27290217 said. All they have is some truly spectacular talent scouting and brand recognition, everything else is built on the backs of the girls.

>> No.27290517
Quoted by: >>27290595

Great image but poor timing anon...

>> No.27290518

Every stream?
You don't even watch her, you anti piece of shit.

>> No.27290521

Manager-sans computer is fucking shit and everything started tumbling down which broke Kiara and she ended the stream. She couldn't even read the superchats it got to her so bad.

>> No.27290522

If she's having so much trouble she needs to take a week off and get hserself set up properly. Move into a new place, get the internet set up, get a new PC and then restart. She's stressing herself out because she's trying to keep her schedule because she's a numberfag who is already upset about being behind the other ENs, but she needs to suck it up at this point cause that stream was not entertaining it was painful

>> No.27290524

I didn't think it was possible to have a negative Luck stat, but chicken has proven me wrong.

>> No.27290526

Based ryonachad.

>> No.27290527

I understand Kiara's pain moving is hell and she had to do so twice in like 3 days add on moving pain to tech issues when you aren't good with tech it's just more straws for the camel

>> No.27290528

This is the idolchad experience, welcome.

>> No.27290529

But muh narratives

>> No.27290530

Yagoo lets his employees make fun off him in public so they can let off the stress he puts them through.

>> No.27290531
File: 839 KB, 1200x1200, 1589387775281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a /hlgg/ minecraft server would be pretty fun i think

>> No.27290533


>> No.27290540
Quoted by: >>27290552

Seeing cute girls suffer is extremely entertaining.

>> No.27290543
Quoted by: >>27290697

The idol industry in general is rotten to the core, it's no surprise even an offshoot like vtuber idols is tainted and works against its talent.

>> No.27290546

Noel doesn't break out crying. Also her normal soft spoken nature is contrasted by her super spergouts.

>> No.27290547

You're not alone. I enjoy both sides and am actually tempted to become a member just to see what the arcade date is like.

>> No.27290548
File: 127 KB, 218x245, 1601179950669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290549

>newfags think this is bad and have never watched a noel freakout
I never watch her outside of collabs so I've only seen the Pekora getting over it one, are there any other good clips of her freaking out?

>> No.27290550

Kiara is reading this thread right now
say something nice to her

>> No.27290551

that's the thing it sucks in the moment it happens but she just gotta keep going. hard to not get emotional in the spur of the moment tho

>> No.27290552

Based sadism fetishist

>> No.27290553

Read, but it's a good watch too

>> No.27290555

Manager-san needs to graduate over this. Fucked her over with that literal toaster

>> No.27290556

but she would hate to disappoint her fans by not streaming for a week

>> No.27290557

What? There's a shitton of them in the post-stream chat.

>> No.27290559

It's fucking insane how much bad luck chicken has

>> No.27290560

now this a narrative i can get behind
>hire trilingal cry baby then punish her every stream so sick fucks with money and concern fags with money donate

>> No.27290561

She got quite a few though, even a JP one

>> No.27290564

I just have one question, what do I do if an enderman spawns in front of my house on night 1

>> No.27290569

She is well known in /cgl

>> No.27290570

it will get better soon

>> No.27290573
File: 69 KB, 463x453, ogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cover's management is so incompetent that their personal computers are WORSE than rental PCs when they're supposed to be a talent agency based on tech

>> No.27290575

What does being a number fag have to do with this stream? Maybe you don't give a fuck about watching her miss a week but her fans do. This is something cover should obviously be handling not their talent.

>> No.27290576

Do you feel like giving your IP to everyone in the thread?

>> No.27290577
Quoted by: >>27290675

where the fuck was wame to help the bird with her tech fuckery

>> No.27290578

That is suffering and stoicism, sufferkino is different. Sufferkino is where you can delight in her suffering, because it's not too extreme or debilitating, it's just in her nature to react wildly to small inconveniences.

>> No.27290579 [DELETED] 

You'll notice that nothing the Chicken does seems to go right. Misfortune strikes at every corner, but you have to realize this is all her fault. She does not prepare her streams properly, she timed her debut to happen almost as soon as she was going to move, she didn't check the specs necessary to stream Minecraft, the list goes on. In summary, Kiara puts very little effort into both her channel and her streaming career.

Compare this to Amelia Watson, who has an enormous amount of experience as a Twitch streamer. Amelia always has a backup plan for the rare occasions where she runs into technical difficulties, and can entertain her audience with unschedule and unplanned zatsudans. Furthermore, Amelia's voice is on point, and I am specially adept at giving viewers the 'pretend girlfriend' experience that many crave to unwind after a long day of work. Whether you like it or not, Kiara is an inferior choice, and quite possibly the worst choice overall, among all HololiveENs.

>> No.27290585

For a tech startup, they fucking suck at tech huh

>> No.27290589

>Blind girl
How did she even get there and why would she be there if she can't even watch the stars? I call bullshit, she's just a creep

>> No.27290590

Don't be fooled. Cover is doing that to get people to sympathize with them, not to actually try and fix anything.

>> No.27290592

She will rise from the Ashes, she is a beautiful Phoenix after all!

>> No.27290593

I still like you, chicken. Just, please, take a week off to sort yourself out and buy a decent PC.

>> No.27290594

>good clips of her freaking out?
Do your archive reps Anon-chama

>> No.27290595

I didn't realize she'd actually have to end the stream...
poor chimkin...

>> No.27290596

ogey rrat

>> No.27290597 [DELETED] 

fuck off watson

>> No.27290599
Quoted by: >>27290718

give source so i can protect this poor blind girl

>> No.27290600

Stop crying dumb chicken

>> No.27290603
Quoted by: >>27290704

Good shit anon, did you draw that?

>> No.27290604

how do I find her in the cgl archive

>> No.27290606

>every stream

>> No.27290608 [DELETED] 

Now this is a schizo post. Take your meds, nigger.

>> No.27290609
File: 20 KB, 715x574, 1601590359410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the actual reason why everyone had to buy their own equipment is because Cover's is so shit it's not even worth sending to them
holy fucking shit

>> No.27290610

Her streaming problems aren't that big really, but them being continuous does suck. Her having 0 tech knowledge probably makes them seem like massive problems though.

>> No.27290612

I hope you enjoy taking advantage of people with your fake crying.

>> No.27290617
File: 1.40 MB, 1435x807, Shishiro Botan Tech Talk - Botan&#039;s Opinion on a few things【HOLOLIVE】【ENG SUB】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PC build stream when?

>> No.27290619
File: 1.02 MB, 915x827, 1601249070173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst part is, none of this was even Kiara's fault, her manager literally lied to her about having a good PC and it caught on fire playing fucking minimum setting Minecraft.

>> No.27290622 [DELETED] 

>and I am


>> No.27290620

Aki didn't even have a PC during her first month. She did everything from her phone. Things will get better.

>> No.27290623

It was managers fault

>> No.27290624

It might sound good on paper but it'll be dead in a week like /hlg/craft

>> No.27290625 [DELETED] 


>> No.27290626 [DELETED] 

every single one of watson's hosted collabs has had tech problems

>> No.27290632

I looked in the /cgl/ archives and there were posts mentioning her as far back as 2012. I guess she really was popular in those circles before hololive

>> No.27290636 [DELETED] 

>and I am

>> No.27290637

Hang yourself

>> No.27290639

Cover really does feel like a shady scummy business.
The kind that hires you and conveniently forgets to tell you that YOU need to pay for your work clothes and equipment or some shit.

>> No.27290640


You can actually pinpoint the exact moment where her heart breaks in half

>> No.27290644

Graduate soon please.

>> No.27290645

It was obvious that this is whats going on but she's got too many white knights to bother arguing about it right now.

>> No.27290646

because this is a shitty copypasta that is maxes fact and falsehood and anyone who isn't a newfag would know that there's far more context and nuance to basically every point here

Cover fucked up hard here but they've been trying to redeem themselves and are actively going after antis (or at least they're claiming to do so). Keep in mind that Mel still stuck it out with the company. Also, see Fubuki's "as long as I'm here you can believe in Cover".

>Does nothing to help tech
Yeah, they need to actually get their streamers setups beforehand, but tbf Cover was doing vtubers as a side business for their actual software VR-tracking company and thought they could just sign people and build a brand name and not have to deal with politics and funding youtubers to start them up. They probably thought they could just recruit people who were already streamers and then give em a bit of 3D-stuff and some original productions.

Cover fucked up here, it really seems like they need to hire more people but Japan blah blah I guess

>Mio suspension
I'm pretty sure they just had Mio not stream for a bit so she wouldn't get triple-copystriked by Youtube and get permabanned just in case

Aloe resigned on her own because the antis were starting to go after her family and calling their house. The best (worst?) part about this situation is that you'll have people complaining about the Aloe situation ("Cover is a black company!") when Cover obviously is not (they don't enforce deletion of past lives or prohibit streaming), but this also leads to Aloe-type situations. In any case, idol culture is garbage and Cover suspended Aloe to try to let things cool down but Aloe decided it was in her best interests to quit.

People literally have not read anything Cover put out and instead just bash on Cover after skimming their statements. In the most recent statement, Cover nearly outright stated that they consulted people and they said they needed to issue some kind of punishment or their talents in China would be in actual life-threatening danger. If Coco was actually mad about it I have no doubt she'd bail, and she's also Cover's top-earning talent, so it's not like it's in anyone's best interest to issue a suspension. In this case, I'm inclined to believe Cover legitimately thought people's lives were at risk.

>Permissions in general
I don't know what the fuck is up with this, it's clear the EN girls are getting permissions quickly so I can only assume either JP girls don't wanna try random indie stuff or something else is going on.

Memes aside, Cover is legitimately a growing company that needs to get better, fast, but isn't the incompetent mess that you'd be justified in blindly hating upon.

>> No.27290647
Quoted by: >>27290703

Cover is still using punched cards.

>> No.27290648 [DELETED] 

Fucking Teacuck

>> No.27290650

No one would actually act like this.
This is why people need to stop being lost in their heads.
People in the real world are kind and open, even to awkward people.

>> No.27290652

Stay strong

>> No.27290653

I agree with your post but comparing Antis and the Chinese government seems giving the antis too much credits.
Though Cover is treating the antis like the Chinese Government lol

>> No.27290656

Exactly because it is over the top that it is entertaining. Chicken literally only cries

>> No.27290657

tf do they not taste bitter for some people???

>> No.27290658

>kiara antis are jealous /cgl/bitches
It all makes sense now.

>> No.27290659

It wasn't her fault at all, but with the string of bad luck she's been having and the stress of moving, she's going to take it as a personal failing. I'm not even a chickenbro but I hope she overcomes this bad patch.

>> No.27290662


>> No.27290663 [DELETED] 

watson has hosted every collab and has fucked up something each and every time

>> No.27290665 [DELETED] 

t. Amelia

>> No.27290666

Wish I Could Give Her A Hug/10

>> No.27290668

Graduate already

>> No.27290669 [DELETED] 

Don't you a irl boyfriend to be with atm? Fuck off Rrat

>> No.27290670
File: 829 KB, 1067x1433, 1598454159245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27290720

This isn't funny anymore. I feel genuinely bad for Kiara.

God please let things work out for her.

>> No.27290671 [DELETED] 

watson, take your meds

>> No.27290672
Quoted by: >>27290738

Why do we watch?
Just to suffer?

>> No.27290673

>I feel like Kiara has no self esteem. And combine that with her Imposter Syndrome she constantly sees the negative in everything and shuts down.
This. She had 18k viewership today which is fantastic, her sub count has been growing at a quick and steady rate that will let her slide past Towa any day now, she's made a shitload of SCs, and overall she's definitely one of the most popular and engaged with members of hololive currently. But because she's the least popular HoloEN that completely destroys her own sense of credibility and worth.

Something is seriously fucked with her brain chemistry.

>> No.27290674 [DELETED] 


>> No.27290675

asleep probably, the last time she was there it was during the time where her sleep schedule was more fucked than now

>> No.27290676
File: 95 KB, 399x115, unknown (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 gigs of mem allocated for minecraft
no way that wont crash

>> No.27290677

Manager-san deserves the rope for this incompetence. Support your fucking talent, Cover.

>> No.27290680

No I like seeing the chicken happy, being annoyed at the video game is fine but her getting to her boil over point is not a good time to watch

>> No.27290681 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 815x724, Pekora Judging you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290683

Leave the thread for now, too many retards.

>> No.27290684

Man I didn't even realize she was blind until you guys pointed it out. Now I'm sadder.

>> No.27290685

They taste fresh to me

>> No.27290686

don't worry chicken, while I do get off on your suffering, I only want a light amount of inconsequential suffering, and right now you're being hurt way too much. Things will get better even if it takes a week or two, and then you'll have months and years of fun lighthearted streams to look forward to

>> No.27290688

that computer was probably good enough to play most mainstream games, just not gaming and streaming and live2d at the same time

>> No.27290689

not really "well known"

>> No.27290692

1 Day without scandal...

>> No.27290694 [DELETED] 

Yeah but simps love a damsel in distress

>> No.27290696 [DELETED] 

Except where she insisted her Switch was fine until he chat gave her enough money to buy an entire Best-Buys stock of the fucking things because she milked it crashing so fucking hard.

>> No.27290697

That's what I thought it's VERY awkward that's what makes it emotional cocaine.

>> No.27290700

Fuck that hurt.

>> No.27290703

someone must have given kiara a whole stack of lace cards, then.

>> No.27290704

It's just a quick paintover yea

>> No.27290705 [DELETED] 

amusing shitpost anon

>> No.27290707 [DELETED] 

I was with you in the first part but then you turned into a raging tribalfag so fuck off

>> No.27290708
Quoted by: >>27290780

instant boner
>defending cover
are you with their PR team? lmao

>> No.27290711 [DELETED] 

>and I am
based watson

>> No.27290712

Use your superchats to get a beast rig ASAP

>> No.27290713


>> No.27290714

I won't link it but when YouTube demonetized her on stream she had a legit temper tantrum like a small child would have (with audible flailing of limbs and everything).

>> No.27290715 [DELETED] 

This, /hlgg/, is your average Teacuck.

>> No.27290717

Them and that one discord tranny that harassed her on twitter.
Literal schizos.

>> No.27290718
File: 318 KB, 1968x1372, 1589506117511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290720

Anon, make sure to do your prayer reps for Kiara

>> No.27290723

Probably why she gets the most gossip. Bitches are fucking evil with that shit.

>> No.27290724

2gb is the default, you have to manually edit the arguments line to change it.

>> No.27290726


>> No.27290727
File: 108 KB, 400x400, 1581350811886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are really improving, the mood was really good and the stream was entertaining, too bad about the technical dificulites but those aren't your fault

>> No.27290729 [DELETED] 

Ame please, you're supposed to be taking it easy.

>> No.27290731 [DELETED] 

I'm going to pretend this really is wame because it's the only thing that'll take the edge off of the melancholy from chicken's stream

>> No.27290732

Holy shit you guys are legitimately autistic if you can't tell that post is bait. But I suppose this is chickenfags we're talking about.

>> No.27290733

Hope you cry like a little bitch while masturbating to thoughts of Mori

>> No.27290736

She's probably been under a lot of stress because of all the things happening in her life. I don't fault her for being emotionally unstable.

>> No.27290738

<span class="sjis"> First time I stayed awake late to enjoy her stream and now I'm feel sad, it's not her fault...[/spoiler]

>> No.27290745

Both sides of the spectrum exist in the real world anon. You seem like you don't have enough life experience yet to have come across some truly vile people.

>> No.27290746 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 1000x350, 20200925_064644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I am
good one Ame

>> No.27290747
File: 46 KB, 500x281, Artia explaining PepeHands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290749

It seems like that would be the easiest thing to handle on their end. Who cares if they risk that they run with a higher end laptop, when being a Holo makes both the talent and the company way more.

>> No.27290751

Manager-san needs to do an apology stream, followed by ritual suicide.

>> No.27290753
File: 41 KB, 374x374, D8CRtMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was fucking depressing
What can I watch cheer myself up /hlgg/?

>> No.27290754
Quoted by: >>27290852

What the fuck happened now

>> No.27290755 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 386x577, 1601617775928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I am specially adept at giving viewers the 'pretend girlfriend' experience

>> No.27290757
Quoted by: >>27290780

ok chang cover agent nice try we know your just trying to cover your own ass

>> No.27290758
Quoted by: >>27290769

more likely they are paid so little they can only afford 4 year old PCs

>> No.27290762

Goddamn that fucking hot.

>> No.27290765
Quoted by: >>27290803


>> No.27290769

>4 year old
more like 40 year old

>> No.27290774 [DELETED] 

>And I am

>> No.27290780
Quoted by: >>27290998

>are you with their PR team? lmao
Did you even read my post? Cover has a lot of fuckups but trying to get everyone to hate on them isn't going to help, and they've shown signs of trying to improve. They need to do it faster, but unless someone has magical insight toward their internal day-to-day operations then all the hate is just useless repetitive literal copypasta.

new narrative? China and Cover working together? nice

>> No.27290781 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x960, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fklsnfs.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290784

Hello everyone,
I just wanted to dedicate this n-word for my favourite holoEN, Amelia Watson.
<span class="sjis">NIGGER[/spoiler]

>> No.27290793

It'll work out in the end. Ganbatte

>> No.27290800


>> No.27290801 [DELETED] 

the amelia i know and love doesn't believe in capitalization! you're nothing but a big phony!

>> No.27290802
Quoted by: >>27290822

I completely forgot I had that sound extension installed and this surprised me.

>> No.27290803
File: 26 KB, 512x512, 1571433720820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27290834

I dreamed this fucking webm last night. Satanic Artia telling me to stop believing a girl who told me she likes me

>> No.27290804
Quoted by: >>27290849

I'm seeing enough "Cover fucked up" here to understand that Cover are fuck ups.

>> No.27290806 [DELETED] 

Yeah I'm thinking based

>> No.27290808

I didn't need to watch this again

>> No.27290811

Kiara really needs to bone up on her Hololive history reps. Plenty of Holos have had it as bad or worse than her and they made it out okay. Off the top of my head.
>Mel's manager stalked and harassed her, she took several months off and missed the Hololive popularity boom. YouTube also kept shadowbanning her because of her design
>Akirose was hospitalized for weeks shortly after her debut, missed out on a lot of growth
>Most Holos pre gen 3 were grinding for almost nothing for years
>Haachama has been trapped in Australia for a year making content out of thin air
>Coco has been suspended and banned so many times at this point I've lost count
>Towa lost half her fucking subs after the Yabee
>Most of Subaru's archive was deleted, not privated, in the Holocaust
>Choco sensei debuted with 2 selling points, her lewd design and her ASMR. ASMR was then banned by YouTube and like Mel, her design kept getting her shadowbannes
Kiara needs to look big picture and also stop reading negative shit on the internet. She should do things on Reddit, theres a hugbox that will make her feel better. She could use some confidence.

>> No.27290812

People who thinks this isn't an act should observe her roomate.
>less to no tech diff
>good quality audio
>every stream gets tech diff
>bad audio

Whatever you say. Kiara is the equivalent of rushia. Fake asf

>> No.27290813

they're like crispy water

>> No.27290814 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 704x750, 1601305984346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I am

>> No.27290816

>Pocket internet can't handle streaming+live2d and she doesn't want to be a cardboard png for a whole week and can't just not stream.
She could just stream in a lower resolution. Half of viewers are watching on a fucking cellphone or something anyways.

>> No.27290822

Eh, it's incomplete anyway.

>> No.27290825

ryzen 1400 and 580 came out in 2017....

>> No.27290826
File: 184 KB, 496x379, Ei6ZhE2WoAAASaz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290827
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>> No.27290830
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>> No.27290831

>I feel like Kiara has no self esteem. And combine that with her Imposter Syndrome she constantly sees the negative in everything and shuts down.
Yes, this is true. She consistently focuses on the negatives. She'll pass over 100 positive tweets gushing over her and get emotional over one person being mildly critical. She needs to start developing tougher skin. The problem is that she has a fanbase that has a fetish for being that kind of emotional support and they'll stick with her no matter what but Chicken is her worst own enemy and even with a legion of simps making fan websites and throwing her cash she'll probably just implode because she can only ever focus on negative aspects of her life and never any positive.

>> No.27290834
File: 98 KB, 574x567, 1601089166347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doth thy really believe...

>> No.27290835

the true source of the schizotrannies hating on kiara is finally revealed

>> No.27290839
Quoted by: >>27291069

This isn't sufferkino, this is just suffering and I don't like it. I don't like hearing vtubers cry.

>> No.27290840


>> No.27290842

Yeah but that's the whole arc were in the middle of the suffering still

>> No.27290844

sure you do

>> No.27290845

it's clear the EN girls are getting permissions quickly
EN manager stronk.
Joking aside, I don't get it either and would be really interested in hearing (but am not expecting) a more nuanced explanation.

>> No.27290847

nice damage control, amelia

>> No.27290849

that's fine, I just wanted to give at least a slightly more nuanced description of the situation because that other copypasta is being spammed hard

>> No.27290850

It's all a work brother.

>> No.27290851

tbf, all of em are. Maybe except voms and re:act

>> No.27290852

Kiara has moved twice in 3 days, has no internet and no computer. Manager-san told her they had a good computer Kiara could use to stream. Manager-san lied, and the computer all but caught on fire during Kiara's highest viewer stream yet. She tried to just read superchats but had to leave to cry. Says she'll be back in a couple of hours, maybe go and get a different computer.

>> No.27290854 [DELETED] 

>I wouldn’t have auditioned at all. I wouldn’t have become an idol in the first place. I am very thankful for the experience, I think it made me much stronger and a better person in some ways, but I sadly have to say that it damaged my mental health and my self confidence quite a lot. I wouldn’t say I regret it, but I would have chosen a different way for my life, I think.
I hope Kiara won't think this about HoloEN she's already a bit broken

>> No.27290858
File: 325 KB, 1538x2048, 1601865082238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too Ame...

>> No.27290859
File: 368 KB, 679x373, sad possum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290860 [DELETED] 
File: 599 KB, 1080x1694, Kiarabitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara niggers getting played. Genius kiara gonna keep winning with akasupas

>> No.27290861

I only wish for a Kiara a 3900x GTX3080 32GB beastly rig so never has to encounter problems ever again.

In reality she'd likely buy a shitty pre-built.

>> No.27290862

Why must you lie Amelia

>> No.27290863 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 385x324, keemstar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this dumb nigger already has a video out. he is just the japanese keemstar.

>> No.27290864

Okay ame

>> No.27290865

based ame

>> No.27290866
File: 278 KB, 863x257, strem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... what are you all watching now? I didn't expect her to end the stream so soon.

>> No.27290870

Also she's ahead of Nenechi who's objectively more talented and entertaining, and that girl is managing to stay positive at all times

>> No.27290871

What exactly happened at the end of Kiara's stream? Just technical hiccups that made her upset or something more? I'd watch to find out, but I'm weak against suffering.

>> No.27290872

Why are we still here, just to suffer? Every night I can feel my mic... my pc... even my internet connection. The streams I've lost... the subs I've lost... won't stop hurting. It's like they're all still there. You feel it too, don't you?

I'm gonna make them give back my smile.

>> No.27290873

Every fucking time

>> No.27290877
Quoted by: >>27291262

Why didn't you help her with tech support...

>> No.27290878

>Has bad experience being an idol because she can't handle the pressure
>Decides to become a virtual idol

>> No.27290881

I don't really believe it

>> No.27290883 [DELETED] 

>and I am
Shouldn't you be helping your chicken friend out?

>> No.27290884

And we love all of you Ame

>> No.27290885
Quoted by: >>27290954

the idol industry is a horrible place and I feel bad for Kiara

>> No.27290886

Why are teafags like this?

>> No.27290887

go back

>> No.27290888

>>Towa lost half her fucking subs after the Yabee
How about you do you own reps first, Towa didn't lose subs when that happened, in fact she still grew during her break

>> No.27290892 [DELETED] 

>>Akirose was hospitalized for weeks shortly after her debut, missed out on a lot of growth


>> No.27290893 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27290970

What mission?

>> No.27290894

You now remember she's a failed idol and this is supposed to be her redemption arc.

>> No.27290896
Quoted by: >>27290955

Will Ame's members streams be archived? She said osu won't be archived for obvious reasons, but what about other streams?

>> No.27290895

Fucking hell she's been through a lot. I hope things work out for her.

>> No.27290897
File: 103 KB, 940x500, watson gamerword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa! Did you have a pass for that? Quick take this one.

>> No.27290898

Go back and stay back

>> No.27290899

You don't have to lie when you're here Ame

>> No.27290900

Teacucks get fucking backed up, thanks ame

>> No.27290901

>chickenshits are all redditors
Wow who could have guessed

>> No.27290903 [DELETED] 

Fuck that nobody

>> No.27290904 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 600x705, IMG_20201005_020009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to leave the thread for a few hours I guess.
Cool it down with the shitposting, /hlgg/.
To anyone with a functioning brain: remember to do your reps ~

>> No.27290905 [DELETED] 

jesus fucking chirst what a leech

>> No.27290906


>> No.27290909

She was supposed to be the happy ones bros... her debut was so energetic and sweet

>> No.27290911 [SPOILER] 
File: 618 KB, 1920x1080, 1601878515569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon... https://files.catbox.moe/3c893x.mp4

>> No.27290912
Quoted by: >>27291002

>Polka now only down to 300 dislikes
I guess the janny revolution died down a bit.

>> No.27290914 [DELETED] 


>> No.27290915

It's the lower part of the arc so were still good

>> No.27290916

This has nothing to do with her fans, it's all her. Her fans aren't the cause of her sensitivity, nor will they be the fix. People will always focus on the negative, that's just how things are. The only difference is how you react to it, some are more sensitive and have to work at it. You are way wrong on what the actual cause is.

>> No.27290917

It was more than technical hiccups. Her managers PC was completely useless, and was making the game unplayable for her.

>> No.27290919

Hololive is for second chances also I realized that post was too close to roommate posting so I deleted it I apologize

>> No.27290920

Fuck off.

>> No.27290923
File: 12 KB, 190x269, 1601516623665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must we suffer? This is supposed to be an escape from my shit life.

>> No.27290924

It's only gonna get worse, the simps will fall over themselves to protect their princess though.

>> No.27290925

What a pathetic faggot lmao

>> No.27290926
Quoted by: >>27290997



>> No.27290927

I guess we might as well watch the scourge of jannies herself

>> No.27290928

polka superchat reading is always weirdly fun

>> No.27290930



>> No.27290931

Subaru will start that

>> No.27290932

Based. Nene struggles with sub count but every time I tune in she's insanely upbeat and it makes the whole stream so good even though I only understand like 20%.

>> No.27290934
Quoted by: >>27291074


>> No.27290940

What if she doesn't.come back?

>> No.27290941

After she gives up on playing Minecraft, she decides to just read supas. Right when she's about to start the computer and the stream start stuttering terribly. Pretty sure her chat froze, lost thousands of viewer despite it being her most populated stream and by then she's just over it.

>> No.27290942
File: 326 KB, 750x750, 1600877516827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290946

Good advice anon. I think it's time for me to leave.

>> No.27290948
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1601685471723s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27290950

The tears haven't even dried and he's already trying to profit off of this.

>> No.27290951

Java by default only allocates 2GB of memory to its applications, you can increase it with googlefu commandlines, but vanilla MC runs fine on 2GB.

>> No.27290953

>kiara was using a commodore 64 all along

>> No.27290955

They'll be archived.

>> No.27290954
Quoted by: >>27290988

The contrast between her and Mori is pretty stark. Mori has taken a while to get used to her popularity but seems overall grateful for her lucky break and is looking to take full advantage of it, even though she has a bit of imposter syndrome. Kiara also has imposter syndrome but it feels like her fanbase can't really ever manage to cheer her up and make her feel comfortable so she keeps snapping when things go wrong.

>> No.27290957

People in the real world are kind and open when they are decent people (I'd agree that most people are decent people or at least socialized to the extent where they can at least put on an act) and when they also have at least a little more reason to be on "your side" than to be opposing you. If you enter an environment where your person has aspects that contradict or are in conflict with those of the person you're interacting with, conversations will grow more guarded or worse. I really don't think you can make a blanket statement like that about all people, and if you do think that's true, it's likely that you've simply been blinded by the polite behavior that society ingrains in everyone.

>> No.27290962 [DELETED] 
File: 256 KB, 480x473, bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am

>> No.27290963

Stop shilling your shit videos for free clout

>> No.27290964

Guess I'll do my fapping reps.

>> No.27290966

"other people had it worse, therefore she cannot be upset"

>> No.27290968

>browsing reddit
Go to /cgl/ you harpy since you like gossip.

>> No.27290970

I dunno i don't give this leech views

>> No.27290971

She was in a car accident.

>> No.27290972

Is Kiara going to out-menhera Matsuri?

>> No.27290975

Gotta get them clicks, be the most eager remora fish and proactively hunt for those scraps.

>> No.27290976


>> No.27290977
File: 98 KB, 640x191, 9B8A0107-0DBC-4B82-8B57-63264F1E6525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27291019

>leeches already jumping on the bandwagon

>> No.27290978
File: 90 KB, 798x1128, 1601607072578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27291041

You are now remembering the faces gura makes whenever people are brutally killed in front of her

>> No.27290979

She's had to buy all new shit, constantly dealing with tech issues, moving around, dealing with past trauma and the least popular

can you not wait until she get's comfortable before you shit on her?

>> No.27290980
Quoted by: >>27291071

Nene compares herself with HoloJP, Kiara compares herself with HoloEN. Even though she really shouldn't because all of her streams have been at JP hours.

>> No.27290981

Just play more Mario please. You can move on to Sunshine if you want. And during the collab with Duck, don't forget to translate for the EOPs when you have the chance.

>> No.27290983

Truck tried to isekai her but she lived.

>> No.27290984 [DELETED] 

Damn this is kino, when are we squashing the bugmen Coco?

>> No.27290986

Come on guys don't be too harsh on her, girl couldn't do anything about her pc it will get better

>> No.27290988

Maybe that's why she likes Mori so much

>> No.27290990


>> No.27290992

there's a lot of things that make being a 3d idol shitty than just pressure you know

>> No.27290994
Quoted by: >>27291059

Anon all of those were terrible as well but you can't pretend that they all made it through it without faltering.

>> No.27290997
Quoted by: >>27291092

I can't say I listen to rap but her entire life story is basically told in her songs. It's like the ultimate self doxx.

>> No.27290998

They deserve to be relentlessly mocked until they prove they arent a complete joke

>> No.27290999
File: 1.34 MB, 1426x800, matuli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27291102

Literally impossible, holoEN is fucking small time compared to her

ens are SO fucking tame compared to her

>> No.27291000

You have no idea of the depths of Matsuri. Bitch was reading Quizlax doujins in the hospital while the nurse was in the room.

>> No.27291001

She started minecraft because her capture card was fucking up.

>> No.27291003
Quoted by: >>27291044

She can be upset, but it's important that she realize that she's nowhere near an unsalvageable state. If she gets some perspective and realizes that other holos have come back from much rockier starts, maybe it'll take some of the pressure off.

>> No.27291002

It was over 1K earlier. Guess Youtube finally banned all those bots.

>> No.27291004

I wouldn't go THAT far

>> No.27291005

because she's fuckin' stronk.

>> No.27291007

Why do you retards think that she was faking it? She wants to be an idol. That's her dream. We know this from her roommate's posts and her history. Hololive is her chance to finally live it out. And yet despite that, she's had nothing but technical issues from day 1. A fucked up mic that does some goofy shit like echoes. As soon as she fixes her mic, her capture card breaks right as she began 2 series on Switch. She moves on and starts her most popular series yet on PC. But now her next door neighbor starts complaining about noise, so she needs to move so she can actually stream for longer than an hour or two. But now she gets fucked by the internet taking forever to get up and running. Then, when she thinks she found something she can make do with for a week, the fucking PC that she was told is better than hers shits the bed in the middle of the stream she was planning on going for 6 hours for to the point it's no longer viable to stream.

She just had a member stream not even like 4 days ago where she mentioned she has the lowest numbers and the gap is going to widen because of her move and how sad it makes her. Is it really so hard to believe that this shit is killing her inside?

>> No.27291009

Anon... her capture card is broken...

>> No.27291011


>> No.27291017

I hate Chicken but I wouldn't go that far

>> No.27291018
File: 11 KB, 310x287, 1573473327159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27291019

First thing I did was tell YouTube to not recommend that channel at all.

>> No.27291020

When Kiara's stream goes to shit, do you think she thinks about all the mean comments that might be here and she starts feeling bad?

>> No.27291021

Those fat femnazi bitches are salty as fuck.

>> No.27291025
Quoted by: >>27291283

Holy shit the bootlicking. The Mel incident alone is indictment enough. They are supposed to protect these girls not make excuses for their harassers.

>> No.27291029
File: 105 KB, 336x485, 1572330187403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're all watching Sister Claire like good Christians

>> No.27291031

Use this for the music next time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9OSLXT6emU

>> No.27291034

the borrowed managers PC was basically incapable of streaming, probably because either shit/low ram, or it hasnt been cleaned in years and its overheating.
It was mostly OK for about an hour after she reloaded the game to get sound working, then Minecraft crashed and it was downhill as the PC started outright freezing with increasing frequency. By the time she gave up on the game the stream had gone down at least twice.
Then she tried to read superchats, but the PC kept freezing and the stream was stuttering like crazy to the point she gave up even reading superchats.

>> No.27291036

>an rx 580 and a ryzen 5 1400
It's fine for Minecraft, but needs more CPU threads for streaming, never mind Live2D streaming.

Her mobo should probably be compatible with a 2600 or 2600X if its BIOS is up to date? They're like $150 now. She probably could use a boost in memory as well, given the crashes she was seeing, but assuming she has some baseline 16GB or the like, another 16GB at similar speeds to her (I assume) current middling speeds is only another $60-70 likely.

Spending $220 isn't nothing, but if its an investment in what she does for a living, it's very justifiable.

>> No.27291037


>> No.27291038

>bullied in middle school
>grow up to become a cosplay slut
>finally catch your big break and make it as a vtuber for a popular company
>look at fellow gemmates aka competition
>one of them is a pro artis that has done work for the Fate series
>one of them is a successful youtube music artist who can also animate and draw
>one of theme is some bitch named s*chi that can stream well
>the last one is a fucking internet meme queen with hundreds of thousand subs on youtube
>and you
>you know how to look cute in anime clothing
>debut stream time
>what could possibly go wrong? I still have hope!
>complaints about mic quality
>complaints about speaking too much Japanese
>complaints about accent
>complaints about gushing over favourite senpai
>say I don't want to speak german
>they want me to speak german
>all of this in the first fucking stream
>post debut status report, dead last as expected
>2 weeks later
>Shark loli has fucking exploded
>Watson is playing girlfriend simulator with her fanbase and getting doxed
>Ina is barely streaming but still has more subs than you
>mori has multiple songs reach over a million views
>meanwhile you
>still begging for collabs
>get shit on for doing literally anything
>vent about being dead last for this gen
>get hated for not thinking about the senpais that have it worse
>vent about being the least liked
>get hated for being the second most donated one
>cant even say anything without being misinterpreted
>at least I'm having fun playing Minecraft...
>this shit happens
you cant not feel bad for her

>> No.27291040

If she actually looked at the thread, she'd see 99% of them are generally supportive/empathetic to her.

>> No.27291041 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27291100

I can only imagine the faces she makes getting railed in the club bathroom just before doing another collab with Belle

>> No.27291043

You have to go back

>> No.27291044

Yes, other people have come back from worse. No, the situation isn't unsalvageable. Do you think Kiara's thinking about that right this second, or is it more likely that she's thinking about how she fucked up the stream and everything is her fault? The problem is that you're trying to rationalize feeling like shit when everything goes wrong repeatedly.

>> No.27291045
Quoted by: >>27291060

Lol really? Those are pretty heavy

>> No.27291047
Quoted by: >>27291089

Kiara should just do a 2 hour stream of whining and crying while drunk.

>> No.27291050

It may not look it but this is the face of a vicious rapist

>> No.27291052

no fucking way

>> No.27291055

You're right... About me, I mean.
I knew something was... off.
After the Holocaust, I thought I could walk off Hololive and back to a normal life.
But here I am, surrounded by antis, arguing philosophy with barracudas.
I told myself this was about streaming. About getting superchats.
But I was wrong.
I learned young that meeting your idols felt good. Really good.
In Austria, my friends... My family...
They helped me forget the phoenix inside.
But who am I kidding?
I was born to simp!
The bit about my channel? That "stream of justice" stuff?
I guess I needed something to keep the nousagi in check when I was knee-deep in shitposts.
But you, all this, is a wakeup call to what I really believe.
What I really am.
Pain... This is why I stream.
This is my normal. My nature.
Who's next?
>I misjudged you, you are like us after all.
Now you're just being nasty. Hahahaha.
That nickname you love so much... Wanna know how I got it?
Actually, why don't I give you a demonstration?
I think it's time for ogey... to let'er rrat!

>> No.27291059
Quoted by: >>27291099

Kiara's being petty though. That's if she's serious and not doing this for the spachas

>> No.27291060
Quoted by: >>27291238

Her favourite is Geiger Counter, bitch is fucking crazy.

>> No.27291063

hey she wasn't just a cosplay slut she was a real idol sure it might have gave her mental illness but she managed that dream

>> No.27291064

That's what she gets for being a numberfag. Chasing after fame instead of cultivating an actual skill or personality will always lead to failure. Just look at chicken as a warning to what happens to fame whores.

>> No.27291066

cover never expected this thing to blow up now they are terrified. everyone blames them for not having enough staff but if they spent money on that everyone would accuse them of overspending and that youtube just needs a camera and avatar.

>> No.27291067

hope so

>> No.27291069

me either. it just hurts to watch something like this.

>> No.27291071

She said so herself that she's comparing herself with gen 5? I said "struggles" based on my own observation with gen 5 sub counts.

>> No.27291073

Anon you've gotta realize that we're in a thread with mentally retarded and paranoid people. Remember this

>> No.27291074

him, me, and kiara

>> No.27291076
File: 19 KB, 590x350, MAKE IT STOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Gosling so hard right now but not in a good way bros...

>> No.27291078

>had to dip about 40 minutes in
>come back to stream
>stream over
So uh, did she make it to the nether...?

>> No.27291079

samegaki collab onegai

>> No.27291080

>she has the lowest numbers and the gap is going to widen because of her move and how sad it makes her
She's made more money in the last month than most people make in half a year anon. Forgive me if I can't sympathise with her numberfagging woes when the world is her oyster already

>> No.27291085
Quoted by: >>27291232

She did karaoke?

>> No.27291087
Quoted by: >>27291142

ok anon we get it you want a broken girl who you can fix and hug

>> No.27291089

I feel like drunk Kiara would be really surly and sad while she rants about all the shit that's gone wrong in her life

>> No.27291090


>> No.27291092
Quoted by: >>27291299

It's deeply interesting in my opinion, I hope she can make it too.

>> No.27291097

I still blame Nene for Aloe though. Yeah it would have happened eventually but if it had happened later when they were more established and loved, Aloe may have been able to take the hit. Nene just doxxed everyone right off the bat.

>> No.27291099

I would actually be impressed if she managed to fake minecraft crashing and the stream freezes

>> No.27291100 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27291168

That one really gets you steamed huh. That's what, the fifth thread you've posted it now?

>> No.27291102
File: 173 KB, 522x300, chee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys say lewd too much!
>ASMR is kind of weird, I don't know

>Talks about loli rape doujin in the middle of a fucking collab
>full hand claw grips noel's massive tits the first day she meets her
>goes on a fucking twitcast rant any time a woman doesn't immediately want to fuck her

You guys need to apparently watch some JPs, ENs are making you guys into little sissy bitches

>> No.27291103 [DELETED] 
File: 242 KB, 349x377, 1601182870150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how people have just turned their brain off and decided every girl with the Hololive stamp can do no wrong. If Kiara had debuted on her own she would never have made it, she is so brand carried it makes me want to vomit. It's disrespectful to streamers struggling to get an audience who have actually put in the work to deserve the support this stupid girl gets for free.

>> No.27291104

The fact that she moved wasn't even supposed to be a problem.
She went through this in her membership zatsudan stream.

The internet provider completely fucked her over in a way that you could NOT have prepared for. It was a whole weird mess, where she almost got scammed, and was told really late that she wouldn't have internet for a week in her new house.

>> No.27291105
Quoted by: >>27291277

She deserved it for being fake ass bitch manipulator

>> No.27291107

There is nothing more ugly in this world than an incompetent woman

>> No.27291108
Quoted by: >>27291309

Yagoo get back to work and do your fucking job

>> No.27291110
Quoted by: >>27291211


>> No.27291111
Quoted by: >>27291206

This, there's way too much shit going on with her to think it's all just fake. She's a complete numberfag, she probably wants the fame more than just the money and would rather be a decent Holo and not have as much money instead of just get a bunch of pity bucks. For someone with a fragile mental state knowing you're being buoyed up by pure fucking pity doesn't fucking help at all, she's not dumb.

Whether it's fake or not if Kiara really is having a tough time I hope things turn around for her soon.

>> No.27291113

chicken does not deserve this

>> No.27291115

oh you poor bastard

>> No.27291118

Nobody would accuse them of overspending. Not a single anon would complain about that.

>> No.27291119

She better not try to pump and dump the shark like she did Marine.

>> No.27291120

Amelia's roommate holds hands with a robot and when their streams both end they eat junk food together on the bed.

>> No.27291125


>> No.27291126

She realized real life is the true nether

>> No.27291127

so like that lets player DingDong, who gets hundreds on positive messages but literally only focuses on the few negatives.

>> No.27291128

this is quality bait, bravo.

>> No.27291130

Dare I say "based".

>> No.27291131

Their investors would.

>> No.27291129

No. She went much deeper than that...

>> No.27291132

what the fuck are you doing in the hololive thread then?

>> No.27291133
Quoted by: >>27291158

and that's just like 60% of it all. You haven even mentioned the coco money bed situation, the complaints about her /u/ baiting and shit like that

>> No.27291134

She didn't need to. Looks like the real ghast was in Kiara all along.

>> No.27291137

>he says while posting the biggest name in hololive who literally had to get bailed out of her debut into a pseudo collab because she was about to melt down into a panic attack

It's funny how a simple image can reveal how little you know

>> No.27291141
Quoted by: >>27291226

Is it so hard to believe that she wants to be at least equal to her peers over making money?

>> No.27291142

don't we fucking all?

>> No.27291145
File: 685 KB, 1014x1198, 84742027_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vacation finally over

>> No.27291146

>Implying Kiara is actually suffering when she's raking in the simp bux.
There are NEETs watching her that have had no income for decades that have it worse than her.

>> No.27291149
File: 158 KB, 640x640, a5b9c89b3c7a22b2f335d71913611ec8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think Ame will do the pop rocks thing again in her ASMR?
What kind of snack do you guys want?

I think rice crackers and pocky make a good sound.

>> No.27291151

Chicken should be grateful that her hololive career is on easy mode.
Suisei was turned down once by hololive and was a sub 100 viewers for a year.
Same case for Miko
Imagine that

>> No.27291150

It's better off if you don't find out...

>> No.27291156

how long until Matsuri decides to re-create geigar counter?

>> No.27291157

>korone reaction image


>> No.27291158

please explain

>> No.27291161

If she was in it solely for the money, you'd have a point. She wants to be an idol. She cares about audience size. She's talked about shit like getting up on stage in front of everyone and singing. That's not something you care about if you just want dough. Maybe the money is a nice consolation, but it's not her drive. And even if it was, do you retards really think the 10 minutes at the end of her stream generated more than another 4 hours would have?

>> No.27291163

you ever just... want to be bubba?

>> No.27291164

anon, your cultural differences reps

>> No.27291165 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 224x256, 1578584384180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Teamates were the antis all along

>> No.27291166
Quoted by: >>27292353

Im glad i found Comic Lo thanks to her, but I regret reading the doujins she talked about

>> No.27291167

Yes, she made it to the nether in her soul.

>> No.27291168 [DELETED] 

I can accept Coco being Coco, but Shaak pretends to be wholesome when she's just another roasty. It's fucking disgusting. I didn't like her before and I don't like her now.

>> No.27291171

Calling Mori successful is a big stretch. I love her but she was not a successful music artist. She was working 3 jobs.

>> No.27291172

>dead hours again
why are we still here?
just to suffer?

>> No.27291173
File: 345 KB, 1466x764, unknown (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polka pc vs kiara
so is it just the cpu n ram thats the problem?
is the live 2d + streaming combo thats causing the problem? a 580 is the equivalent of a 1060 and minecraft could prob run on a toaster

>> No.27291175
File: 80 KB, 599x800, 20200930_192402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man that sucks

>> No.27291176
Quoted by: >>27291281

those poprocks during the collab lead me down a degenerate path to find more of those kinds of videos dammit watson

>> No.27291177

Made it to some kind of hell.

>> No.27291181

reddit dog

>> No.27291183

Fuck you guys it not her fault her pc fucking sucks

>> No.27291184

She doesn't deserve a brand. She doesn't even work hard on it. She just goes table flipping and rage quit.

>> No.27291182

You do know Korone had the fucking worst debut in Holo history right, literally couldn't even finish it? Also had antis chasing her everywhere for months relentlessly talking shit and was considered lame and boring as fuck for her early Holo career? And look were she fucking is now.

Kiara will have plenty of time to develop.

>> No.27291185

This has to be bait. Here, take your (you)

>> No.27291187

>full hand claw grips noel's massive tits the first day she meets her
I would too

>> No.27291191

I feel bad, but I still feel like she's just too negative. She's too childish and easily falls apart when things go wrong. Not to mentio those fucking tweets, they are pure secondhand embarrassment. The main problem with that is her audience will consist of white knights and sadistic people, because the rest fucked off long ago, and this will limit her growing potential.

>> No.27291195 [DELETED] 

problems: you have them
seek help

>> No.27291196
File: 84 KB, 300x318, 1582754482757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't give up chicken it's not sufferingkino if you give up....

>> No.27291197

The fucking irony

>> No.27291203

It's aloe's fault for not being strong enough to charge headfirst into danger no matter what, like CEO can

>> No.27291204


>> No.27291205


>> No.27291206

There's a worrying number of people here who think you can save these people from themselves if you just shower them with enough attention, money and validation. Kiaras fanbase is licking her feet 24/7 on the daily and it's not helping her at all. The fags in here who think if a few more people were more positive about her that she'd be better off are deluded. More than anything she needs a reality check, not yes men who can't do anything but stoke the fire of her own insecurities

>> No.27291207

>posting lying whore dog

>> No.27291209
Quoted by: >>27291250

And no one is surprised

>> No.27291211

People really dunno what menhara actually is. This is how Noel handled youtube lagging as she made a jump, for example.

>> No.27291212

Why are ISPs everywhere so fucking incompetent. Had the same thing happen in the workplace, except it was a recording studio and we didn't have connection for a month after moving.

>> No.27291213
Quoted by: >>27291848

She's in the top 1% of vtubers in the world, she'll be fine don't fall for her fake tears.

>> No.27291216


>> No.27291218
Quoted by: >>27291280

Having money alone doesn't make you happy faggot. She wants to be a legit Holo more than farm the money.

>> No.27291221

She will make it I believe in my silly chicken!

>> No.27291222

>you cant not feel bad for her
Try me, faggot.

>> No.27291224

She knows the idol and entertainer world. People abandon and flock to new idols and entertainers on a dime. She wants to do everything she can to cement herself and Hololive new gen money/ boost isn't stable enough to rely on. Maybe.

>> No.27291226

Yeah and I want a solid gold Lamborghini. Can't have everything in life anon. She'll just have to settle for being in the top 1% of vtubers and being wildly monetarily successful, what a shame.

>> No.27291227

Even their investors would be glad Cover bought a couple of somewhat decent computers/mics for the girls. It wouldn't be a big investment, it's a bare minimum that would prevent 99% of technical issues they've experienced so far.

>> No.27291228
File: 287 KB, 498x498, Takanashi_Kiara_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiara is lurking the thread rn say something nice to her

>> No.27291230
Quoted by: >>27291398

I was actually looking for that one but it was hard to find the link

>> No.27291232

Yes, but it wasn't archived. You can find the individual songs on youtube, just type "Amelia Watson karaoke".

>> No.27291233

>not her fault her pc fucking sucks
>her pc


>> No.27291234
Quoted by: >>27291332

>There are actual people in this thread that thinks she's doing this for the money despite her idol background.

Seek help, all of you.

>> No.27291235

>her pc
Not even her PC, her manager's PC which was supposed to be very good.

>> No.27291237

true but fuck it

>> No.27291238

she's definitely the most menhera in hololive, and that's not an easy crown to earn

>> No.27291239 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27291629

ogey rrat

>> No.27291241

The CPU seemed like a reasonable one, but 4 cores might hold you back when streaming. She might've needed 8 and a slightly higher clock speed among other things. The PC she was using I'm guessing only had like 8 or 16 gigs of RAM and that also probably isn't a good thing. I don't know jack shit about streaming but I'd bet on that RAM being a large hindrance

>> No.27291242


>> No.27291246

anon someone just did that like 30 posts above you

>> No.27291250

if you believe that then your a retard sorry antis are just piranhas the smell blood and feeding frenzy

>> No.27291252

I like her hats.

>> No.27291255

I like your papa.

>> No.27291256
Quoted by: >>27291311

Anon you gotta let go... The schizos doxxed everyone because of Nene's drawing, but it's not Nene's fault.

>> No.27291257
File: 295 KB, 501x443, 1601281057535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dread the day when I become so jaded and incapable of sympathy that I instinctively go for the "SHE'S FAKING IT" card.

>> No.27291258


>> No.27291259
Quoted by: >>27291303

Leve now thread is full of samefaging antis

>> No.27291261
Quoted by: >>27291293

I've already mentioned this, but people shitting on her will not help either. She's insecure and if she wants that to change, she has to be the one. You are right in that people being more positive will help, but the reverse won't either. It's all her and you're a full to think otherwise.

>> No.27291262

She killed explorer.exe
The only fix is a clean install

>> No.27291263

Manager-san, please stop fucking over your talent

>> No.27291264 [DELETED] 
File: 719 KB, 768x856, 1597107557752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27291265

>he wrote this
>while posting Korone

>> No.27291266

This. She is a numberfag in that she wantsa big audience. That's why she speaks japanese, because she "wants to be friends with everyone.

All these cunts whining about her getting supas have not watched her supareads and zatsudans, where she always turns off the superchat really early. And she stops them immediately when people start throwing meme supas at her.

>> No.27291268

go away for the love of god you don't deserve to see any of that autism

>> No.27291269

tbf she did manage to become an idol slut for a bit not just a cosplay/gravure slut.

>> No.27291273

Minecraft is also a really unoptimized game so even with a good pc it can run like shit so even with the managers okay pc it was a bad combo

>> No.27291272

So the day you become like half of the people here?

>> No.27291274


>> No.27291276

I love how kiara's simp goes technical difficulties are unavoidable. Yeah they do. But bird made it a habit now.

>> No.27291277

JR is that you

>> No.27291280

>Having money alone doesn't make you happy faggot
Is that some cuckold excuse or something? I'm sure not even fucking Notch would think that and he's practically living like a NEET in his billionaire party mansion.

>> No.27291281


>> No.27291282

She's gonna make it guys, come on. In the future this will be a fun memory.

>> No.27291283

So...what's the plan? Cover already took responsibility and said they'd do a better job in the future. What, do you want Cover to shut down or something? You know that'd ruin at least half the girls in Hololive who wouldn't be able to make it on their own. The sense I'm getting from you is that you're too focused on jerking yourself off with your self-righteous indignation on the behalf of people who seem to have already resolved the situation with Cover themselves. All that's left is you, the narratives in your head, and what basically amounts to antiposting.

>> No.27291284


>> No.27291285

Didn't she even refund some akasupas?

>> No.27291287

I'm actually fucking scared of the Subaru collab now.

>> No.27291292
File: 444 KB, 2678x990, 33790607-69FE-4BD5-AC03-37EB5E4F00D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27291336

The Phoenix is here say something to cheer her up.

>> No.27291293
Quoted by: >>27291373

Yeah man she needs a good heart to heart with her genmates and breathe

>> No.27291295


>> No.27291294

Investors aren't people.

>> No.27291297

I love hearing you suffer

>> No.27291298
Quoted by: >>27291415

>the abysmal powergap
holy shit

>> No.27291299
Quoted by: >>27291357

I'm guessing she is going to go full workaholic mode for streaming once she drops her main job.

>> No.27291300

>Kiara posts in the EN group chat about her problems and no one responds

>> No.27291301 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27291470

Meds, anon. All she did was sing a stupid song.

>> No.27291303

I'm fucking illiterate

>> No.27291307

>using luna to falseflag
you deserve death

>> No.27291305

I like her SC readings because of how personal she makes them where she reads them all I like my Danke Schons

>> No.27291309

No. You guys cut my salary.

>> No.27291310

I don't think you're actually able to do that. She did turn them off though

>> No.27291311
Quoted by: >>27291375

>Anon you gotta let go... The schizos doxxed everyone because of Nene's drawing
That is the definition of it being her fault.

>> No.27291312
Quoted by: >>27291322

Ganbatte, chicken. You can do it. Also, throw Manager-san's computer out a window.

>> No.27291315

Yea, she said ISP would have it installed by the end of the week, but we all know how ISPs work. She's gonna be fucked out of her own gen collab, Subaru collab and streaming in general.

>> No.27291316
Quoted by: >>27291383

I just wanted to like Ame's streams, man, I didn't ask for fags to watch my favorite ENs streams

>> No.27291317
Quoted by: >>27291342

She needs actual guidance. Someone that will help her build up her confidence. I know it's just an arm chair thing but with the anxiety spirals and sporratic focus I garuntee she has ADD.

>> No.27291320

They already massively overspend on "management" and related non-talent staff like every Japanese kusocompany and don't want to draw attention to it else they'd have to cut HQ by 99%.

>> No.27291322

>Also, throw Manager-san out a window.

>> No.27291324

The 960 should have nvenc which could cut cpu use by 20% or so, I don't know if there are amd gpu encoding options but if there are she definitely wasn't using them

>> No.27291327

Cover really doesn't deserve its success as a company, a shame the girls are held hostage through copyright on their avatars.I should've just become a nijifag instead, goddammit.

>> No.27291328


>> No.27291329

So you think her current situation is something for her to be depressed over? You think she has a genuine reason to be complaining? There are Holos who have far worse histories than Kiara and some of them are currently less successful than her even though they've been streaming way longer and they don't go on with this shit. Think back to before EN debuted. Do you think it would've been reasonable for Kiara to expect to be where she is now? Of course not, nobody did, everyone thought EN would be ID tier or slightly above. Mori straight up said that she never expected it to be this big so Kiara has no reason to be anything other than absolutely overjoyed with how things have turned out. If she isn't that's simply mental illness.

>> No.27291330
Quoted by: >>27291349

Might be news to you but people have aspirations beyond survival sometimes

>> No.27291331

More like Ina makes a dad-tier pun about it and moves

>> No.27291332

meanwhile despite wanting someone 'real' they won't go and watch the twitch vtubers who've been streaming for a year with 60 average viewers with busker-level money, if lucky

>> No.27291333
Quoted by: >>27291401

Yes it is almost certainly an issue borne of needing more CPU threads and RAM.
Also in terms of those two CPUs, some programs are able to leverage the Intel CPU's iGPU when not in use for purposes such as streaming. I do not know the specifics, but for the purposes of gaming AND streaming AND a Live2D there may be an advantage to Intel not revealed by the numbers in your screenshot.

>> No.27291334
Quoted by: >>27291445

niji have their own share of suffering. you cannot escape the pain

>> No.27291336

do your best or I'll bully you!

>> No.27291338
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, sasakids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara will graduate soon, but remember that wouldn't stop a true phoenix from returning. But is Kiara a real phoenix or just some chickenshit? Pic rel is the real shit.

>> No.27291340

>Mori's at work
>Gura and Ame are shlicking while verbally abusing Ina

>> No.27291342
Quoted by: >>27291395


I'm glad Kiara has Mori the two of them can help support each other

>> No.27291349

Those people are dead.

>> No.27291350
Quoted by: >>27291424

Thank you, I'll say goodbye soon
Though its the end of the world, don't blame yourself, no
And if its true, I will surround you and give life to a world
That's our own

Thank you, I'll say goodbye now
Though its the end of the world, don't blame yourself
And if its true, I will surround you and give life to a world
That's our own

>> No.27291351

Hearing you rage while killing those zombies made my dick hard

>> No.27291353
File: 175 KB, 449x365, 1582268160907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Kiara, I'm back! I got you some Ramune!

How did my pc work with your stream?

>> No.27291354

She said she would but then was like "I don't actually see a button to refund".
Then she just shut the superchats off.

>> No.27291355 [DELETED] 

Teamates deserve the reputation after all the goslinging and l*serb*lt + other freakouts.

>> No.27291357
Quoted by: >>27291419

I'm not so sure, she strikes me as someone with deep and serious issues, and while she's thankful for the success she won't stop questioning if she really deserves it considering she tried without big brand PR power behind her and failed.

>> No.27291359

If that collab doesn't go smoothly I genuinely fear for Chicken's sanity

>> No.27291365

Botan and Polka were too big to not get recognized right away. Polka did the same thing Nene did to get them all doxxed (not sure if Botan did). At best it would have delayed it by 1-3 days.

>> No.27291366
Quoted by: >>27291405

She's not faking it, but being a whiny negative brat is just as bad as faking. Chicken needs to get her shit together, like why would you not test the game before the stream and reschedule if necessary? How unprepared and dumb can you be?

>> No.27291367


>> No.27291368
Quoted by: >>27291398

Noel's too cute

>> No.27291370

>antis shitting on Ame with every excuse they can find
>this is somehow teamates fault
Neck yourself.

>> No.27291371
Quoted by: >>27291413

Never forgive her for bullying Luna.

>> No.27291372

>implying she's not broken already

>> No.27291373
Quoted by: >>27291435

Yeah basically. It's impossible to not get some negativity, so she to adjust to it some how. Some are just more sensitive to it, and she is one of them. I hope she can just handle it, and move forward. I'd like to think she'll end up feeling and doing fine in the end. I can't say for sure of course, because I obviously don't know her deeply.

>> No.27291374

>if she isn't thats simply mental illness
Yes anon, we've established that Kiara has mental health issues. She's admitted so herself. These were mainly caused by things outside of her control earlier in her life and we should help her to succeed instead of taking any opportunity to shit on her.

>> No.27291375

??? Are you literally victim blaming who did nothing wrong because of the schizos?

>> No.27291377

>everyone would accuse them of overspending
No they would fucking not, Cover doesn't even provide basic tech support while gladly raking in at least 35%(50% of the remaining 70%) of their talent's superchat income.

>> No.27291381

Eating ASMR is low grade. The triggers are just happening incidentally.
It's ear-linking stuff is pretty much the same.
The true high-grade tingles are just random mouth sounds.
But that making those noises is so autismo that blowjob roleplay is actually LESS embarrassing.

>> No.27291383

I bet that Ame's own fans are the ones sabotaging her with doxxing.

>> No.27291384

I genuinely hope she catches the train over and plays that game with her IRL.

>> No.27291387

AMD has them but they're really bad in quality and probably turned off by default in OBS.

>> No.27291389
File: 40 KB, 199x114, 1601064171017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27291514

I like chicken but holy shit can she be a downer. Just soldier through and meme about it, make light of the situation.

>> No.27291390

I'm not entirely convinced this is a girl.

>> No.27291391

it's because
>japanese is a retarded language that requires you to master THREE different alphabets with one alphabet consisting of thousands of words that are spelt in one way and can only be used for one specific instance
>this means that japanese are still learning their language even in high school when every other country on the planet is actually learning actual things
>their english teaching methods and education hasnt changed from 1960s and consists of reading and repeating the same words nonstop. Many english professors have told the japanese to change their shit but they refused to do anything because that's how they've always done things

This basically gives unecessary stress to japanese kids since they're still too busy learning japanese AND they're still using the old method of learning english through rote memorization which meant that their english will never improve. This is why asian countries outside of korea, china and japan have fantastic english because they arent stuck learning their old ass languages.

>> No.27291394

So many chickenfags really are too coddling. She does need support and reminders that we enjoy her stuff, but when shit happens and you see "KEEP SHOWERING HER WITH LOVE" in the live chat, it's so disgusting. Knowing you're only getting pity support can be worse than the actual shit you're going through.

>> No.27291395

Yea I think that's part of what makes hololive work in spite of all the stress and hurdles the girls face. They each have their group to fall back on for support.

>> No.27291396

I don't know how serious Kiara is for her /u/bating but I hope Mori can help talk some sense into her those two girls need each other for support

>> No.27291397
Quoted by: >>27291520

>Cover still doesn't just provide their talent with a recommended setup
>could probably get sponsorships for everything
nice company desu

>> No.27291398

Have my whole list (2 of them are repeats, can't be fucked to find out which)


>> No.27291399
Quoted by: >>27291468

I know there's probably some tension between the two of them, but based on how considerate Gura was in the Ina collab, helping her learn the game and all, I think a GuraKiara collab could be really good for Kiara's confidence if she would let it happen.

>> No.27291400

And I'd bet you're right considering the obsessive nature of some of these people.

>> No.27291401
Quoted by: >>27291633

>some programs are able to leverage the Intel CPU's iGPU when not in use for purposes such as streaming
This works with Nvidia and AMD as well, via NVENC and VCE/VCN, respectively

>> No.27291402

You got to get fucked over by life more

>> No.27291403

>own fans
Would they be really called fans at that point?

>> No.27291404
Quoted by: >>27291666

Don't worry guys Mori will help calm bird down with her very, very, very hard, very rigid and very long "scythe" once she's back from work

>> No.27291405
Quoted by: >>27291431

>like why would you not test the game before the stream and reschedule if necessary?
Because her manager said their PC is better and why would their manager lie about something that would reflect poorly on both of them? Turns out that Manager-san is a fucking retard.

>> No.27291408

She doesn't deserve this shit, it's all so unfortunate. Let us pray that this is the bottom of the valley of her unbelievably bad luck, and that it's nothing but upward once she gets a place where she can stream at-will on a good PC. The fact she tried to wing a long, long stream even in the midst of a completely fucked up move is admirable, and it is partially the manager's fault for not anticipating how taxing it is to stream + run Live 2D on top of Minecraft on her setup.

Not entirely so though, I mean you have to consider what a bro favor it is to be like "fuck it just come to my place and use my PC" instead of go "well oops too bad, guess you're off this week," it was a kind gesture but didn't pan out.

>> No.27291409
Quoted by: >>27291444

Kiara's arc is setting up to be like one of my failed idol doujins...

>> No.27291410
File: 359 KB, 900x561, 1599965467491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teamates deserve to suffer because of Amelia antis


By your logic Chicken fans should be hated too which makes no sense

>> No.27291412
Quoted by: >>27291432

Please do. Please stop watching Hololive and spend your time in the Nijisanji thread instead.

>> No.27291413
Quoted by: >>27291455

What did she say about Luna?

>> No.27291415

Not unexpected though, Teamates really stand out compared to all the others except the cumbuddies. Honestly they should be larger of a secondary share, but the order is pretty much spot on.

>> No.27291416
Quoted by: >>27291556

Ame antis are legitimately schizos, they spend every thread whining about and doxxing her and then complain Ame fans are making issues.

>> No.27291417

They're schizos who like the drama more than the streams themselves, or maybe idolfags

>> No.27291419

>big brand PR power behind her and failed
I hope she realizes that doing that is next to impossible. I also question if she truly wanted to go big, like her music is the doujin rap scene. That scene is just not that big to begin with. Whatever the case is I hope once she is done with her scythe swinging job she will settle down into a vtuber lifestyle.

>> No.27291422

Anyone who bullies Luna deserves bad karma.

>> No.27291421
Quoted by: >>27291442

Have you ever seen a Nousagi?

>> No.27291423
Quoted by: >>27291556

Now this is schizo tribalism.

>> No.27291424

this song is fucking great

>> No.27291425
Quoted by: >>27291449

As sharkzawa would say: awww, not the chicken one

>> No.27291427

Niji is worse than hololive by a country Mile
Is manager regretting letting a talent stay over at her house and use her computer as a last resort Right about now?
At this point it's
>Catch shit for not giving your Holo a place to stream
>Catch shit for having a shit personal computer

>> No.27291431
Quoted by: >>27291498

How bad is Manager-kuns PC that it struggles to run Minecraft?

>> No.27291432
Quoted by: >>27291600

I'll stay here, just for (You), faggot.

>> No.27291433
File: 205 KB, 1377x824, Good PC coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I know what went wrong with Kiara's stream

>> No.27291435

yeah best any fan can do is wait and hope i genuinely want to see them succeed anyway shit's bummed me out i'm gonna sleep

>> No.27291439

Take your meds.

>> No.27291440
Quoted by: >>27291517

>outside of korea, china and japan have fantastic english
I have spent time in all three, and in my experience the average Korean below 30 has far better English than the equivalent age Chinese or Japanese. I don't know how to account for that, but it was very evident.

>> No.27291442

doxxing isnt teasing retard

>> No.27291441

If collab with Duck fails like this stream, I swear I wouldn't be surprised if she graduates right after, our Chicken's mental health and tech are unstable

>> No.27291444

What do you mean setting up? This is the after story of the failed idol doujin.

>> No.27291445 [SPOILER] 
File: 149 KB, 795x1280, 1601879976503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27291646

Chicken + Cat collab when?

>> No.27291447

Kiara could use a good talking to with her senpais
>Subaru could help her overcome hardship
>Watame could talk to her about numberfagging and crying
>Coco van talk to her anout Antis like she did with Aqua and Kanata amd who knows how many other girls
>Speaking of Kanata, Kanata can talk to her about being seen as a leech
>Aki, Mel, Choco, could talk to her about rough starts
>Mio could talk to her about accepting herself and being content with what she has, sort of like numberfagging but Mio was a numberfag in the same way Watame was
>Finally, her beloved Pekora could talk to her about misfortune, being bullied, and having people haye your character at the beginning
She could learn a lot from people who have literally been in her exact situation.

>> No.27291449

bok bok

>> No.27291451


>> No.27291453

>NIji is worse than hololive by a country mile

Proof? I've been slacking on niji reps bro.

>> No.27291455
Quoted by: >>27291586

That her farts smell

>> No.27291456

It's the first time I've actually seen a manager do something to help the talent even if it didn't work out so props for that I guess

>> No.27291458
Quoted by: >>27291499

I'm just here for the coupons man. fuck you fags, unironically watch lars and the real girl

>> No.27291462

I agree. She needs support, not coddling.
t. Chickenfag

>> No.27291466
Quoted by: >>27292277

They should support her, it just won't fix the problem. Stop focusing on the chat like an absolute retard, when it's her. I know you got a hate boner for white knights, but stop that from misplacing blame.

>> No.27291467
File: 192 KB, 720x853, rp9q7lrcrej51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27291488

>Pic related gives Kiara a pep talk about soldiering through bad times
>Kiara's a huge holofag so she knows her life story already
>Kiara completely turns around

YOU WILL save this post, as the blessing was just invoked.

>> No.27291468

i love gura, but let's not underestimate how much of that was just her excitedly sperging out about something she enjoys, and not just trying to be helpful and considerate.

>> No.27291470 [DELETED] 

No, fucker, if you watch her other vids, you can clearly hear Delphine doing background vocals. If it were just one song I'd laugh with you; but she parties with Belle Delphine.

>> No.27291471

or she could talk to Aloe and graduate already lmao

>> No.27291472

qrd on niji?

>> No.27291473
File: 19 KB, 534x248, meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27291475

>You think she has a genuine reason to be complaining?
im not here to watch a streamer who is perfect right from the start, all these negatives you list about here are things she can easily work on, and seeing that improvement is satisfying in itself. i can also emphatize with her, because moving and tech problems are fucking annoying and combining that, with feeling the pressure of having to entertain and audience and thinking they will start leaving after all these problems can weigh you down.

>> No.27291476 [DELETED] 

That was clearly antis trying to rile up goslingfags, the real complaint about teamates is they coo and preen over Amelia like 14 year old girls. I'd rather take Gura's people talking about wanting to fuck a little girl in a shark costume than that gay shit.

>> No.27291477

Not how you use that, lurk
The latter or both at the same time is my wager

>> No.27291482


>> No.27291483

Yes, all of hololive should drop what they're doing to be her therapist and solve all her problems for her.

>> No.27291485

the only way people are going to get good at a language is if they're interested in it, you can make it compulsory education but when they go in thinking "i'm never going to need this in my life" they'll only ever know enough to pass the next written exam and forget it afterwards

i took 2 years of french in school and the only thing i remember how to say is je ne parle pas français

>> No.27291486
File: 140 KB, 504x350, 1595770560510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true Holo menhera

>> No.27291487

Post your dream collab that will literally never happen
>Amelia and Amemori Sayo

>> No.27291488
Quoted by: >>27291512

We can only hope Duck collab will be a turning point for her

>> No.27291496

I wish chicken the best but I am also grabbing my popcorn.

>> No.27291497

should just talk to aloe and fuck off lmao

>> No.27291498

you forgot about the face tracking, live2d, capture, encoding, and whatever weird shit manager-san has on there for work.

>> No.27291499

Hey, I'm an Ame fan too, she's great. I don't blame her for fostering a community of schizos, paypigs work well, Rushia is proof of that.

>> No.27291502
File: 63 KB, 211x219, Artia....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27291504

You're a schizo who thinks it's the fan of a holo who's doxxing and shitting on them, telling you to take your meds is exactly how it's used.

>> No.27291508

thanks i didn't have those catbox ones

>> No.27291510

>Kiara and a functioning piece of technology
Joking about it takes away some of the pain.

>> No.27291511
File: 114 KB, 281x328, 1601343880048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27291577

I really can't feel that bad for Kiara because despite having shit go against her, it's her mindset that sets her up for defeat in reality. She just moved, manager gave her a shitty PC, she should know not to expect to some grand peak of her career stream tonight or something. That's just life, you gotta deal with shit going wrong all the time. I really wonder what happened to make her like this.

>> No.27291512
File: 109 KB, 502x248, is_it_safe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if her PC crashes out of the collab?

>> No.27291514
Quoted by: >>27291557

She needs to follow Ame's example. Ame runs into tech problems pretty regularly (Limbo breaking, overheating switch, Odyssey framedrops) and just finds something else to do, even just a zatsudan.

>> No.27291517
Quoted by: >>27291568

because Korea took time to simplify their language and designed hangul to be stupidly easily to learn after the war instead of copying China. It's like if Japan sat down and forced Hiragana as the main alphabet for japanese and nothing else.

Also Korea is very america centric and they have lots of western media there, not to mention how young koreans understand that you need to learn english if you wanna leave Korea.

>> No.27291518


>> No.27291520

The thing is, FBK AND WATAME HAVE BOTH SHILLED ASUS LAPTOPS AND HARDWARE BECAUSE THEY WERE SPONSORED so I dont know what the fuck Cover is soing. Maybe we can ask the Cover shill in this thread.

>> No.27291523
File: 474 KB, 663x409, 1601880084981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken onegai

>> No.27291526

No, it really isn't. Not shitposting like the other guy that said Wal-Mart but there's plenty of electronic stores around that sell PCs

>> No.27291528

>am I fitting in yet

>> No.27291533
Quoted by: >>27291610

Honestly it could work out even with technical difficulties. Subaru is like the sun, of all the hours of watching her I don't think I've ever heard her really dejected on stream, there would be plenty of bullshit youtube clip moments of Subaru cheering Kiara up through all the issues, which would boost both of their names.

>> No.27291536 [DELETED] 

they don't even live on the same continent

>> No.27291539

>cover jews sabotage the nazi chicken

>> No.27291541

Mori and Sseth

>> No.27291547




>> No.27291549
Quoted by: >>27291629

We're all better off not to feed the schizos (you)s, give 'em a take your meds or ogey at most

>> No.27291551

I'm honestly only learning Japanese to watch her Dark Souls playthrough.

>> No.27291555

Anon have you ever seen an obsessive idolfag before? They are technically fans but they take it way too far. That's the point I'm making in my replies. I'm not saying every single doxpost was made by the obsessive fans, but I am saying there's definitely been a couple made by them. Probably.

>> No.27291556 [DELETED] 

Antis are schizos. Who are the ones going absolutely batshit insane during HoloEN streams? The girl with the most narratives, the girl people always hope "SHE MUST BROWSE HERE ON /jp/!!!!"? The absolutely deluded retards who think have an actual chance with their oshi? Who always complains when other people defend their oshis, saying "HURR BUT WHEN YOU INSULT MINE IT'S OK"? In short, who are the most schizo fans?
That's right, that's Teammates. Sorry to delude you but most people who have Ame as their oshi are so fucking schizo they'd actually doxx her just to know if she's a virgin or not. Without counting that they're still deluded on the "they broke up!!" thing.
I hope meidos can somehow find them and permaban them because they're the reason of why these threads are dogshit and the source of all doxxposting.

>> No.27291557

difference is Ame actually knows technology so when that has issues you can understand the underlying cause whereas for chicken this shit is magic and when it breaks her brain has no clue I see this all the time with old people when I fix their PC

>> No.27291559
File: 90 KB, 131x629, 1601880197223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27291611

Good thread.

>> No.27291561
Quoted by: >>27291629


>> No.27291562

Damn she broke her switch

>> No.27291566

Kiara is going to die and will refuse to resurrect

>> No.27291568
Quoted by: >>27291730

>It's like if Japan sat down and forced Hiragana as the main alphabet for japanese and nothing else.
Christ Japanese is already such a low information per word language I can't imagine how fucking bad it'd be with just hiragana bloat.

>> No.27291570
File: 43 KB, 533x248, 1601795384355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27291629


>> No.27291571 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27291652

Holy shit, you're actually insane.

>> No.27291572
Quoted by: >>27291590

Kiara and a benevolent God.

>> No.27291573

poor chicken

>> No.27291575

Gura and my cock

>> No.27291577

>I really wonder what happened to make her like this.
I don't delve into roommates but from what little I know hers is used to failing at life.

>> No.27291579

Is this true?

>> No.27291578

You're 100% schizo and you don't seem like much of an Ame fan so there goes that narrative.

>> No.27291583 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27291613


>> No.27291586

I can confirm that's a lie

>> No.27291587
Quoted by: >>27291627

This, chicken's previous streams on her 1050ti were probably also using NVENC, so even with a 4 core 3200G it was smoother. The 3200G is also just plain better than the first gen 1400.

AMD is also shit at OpenGL on Windows. She needs to get back her old laptop, new PC is a direct downgrade.

>> No.27291588


>> No.27291590
Quoted by: >>27291641

I'm starting to think a god exist just because of how much she gets fucked over. It can't be bad luck alone, right?

>> No.27291596

>it's only about the money

Some of you need to take a break from this place. You fuckers can be too cynical.

>> No.27291597 [DELETED] 

>Parties with someone who lives a couple thousand miles and an ocean away?

>> No.27291600

People always talk big about jumping over to Nijisanji, but they never do, even with 106 vtubers to choose from in the JP division alone.

>> No.27291606

maybe she should learn technology then?

>> No.27291608

ogey rrat

>> No.27291610

>of all the hours of watching her I don't think I've ever heard her really dejected on stream
during the holocaust arc, it was surreal to me how she had the most amount of videos deleted yet she proceeded to stream afterwards all nonchalant about it like nothing happened

>> No.27291611

holy reddit

>> No.27291612
File: 169 KB, 544x509, 1601394035209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27291654


>> No.27291613

shes not the highest earner in HoloEN

>> No.27291614

So about that Minecraft collab with Mori this week

>> No.27291617

So what happens when chicken fixes her technical problems and learns how to play minecraft? Those seem to be the only 2 reasons anyone here is watching

>> No.27291618
Quoted by: >>27291674

yeah that's a pretty big thing.

Ame at least has some idea when her stuff is broken. The dilemma Kiara faces is that she almost certainly doesn't know the difference between something being broken and her missing something dumb/obvious.

>> No.27291620

She will get a decent pc and she will make it, you'll see

>> No.27291621

shes my favorite because i think shes the most entertaining, but i dont feel bad for her. it would feel unfair to all of the people, men and women, who actually do the necessary preparation, tech themselves the necessary things, do all the dumb google searches, spend a little money, etc. to have adequate working tech and be prepared to have good livestreams. plenty of unremarkable people can achieve this. kiara has certainly known about this debut for months in advance, and had time to be ready, and she is clearly not ready, and i really cant make up an excuse. this is such a big undertaking, and it really requires not that much to be ready and prepared.

>> No.27291623
Quoted by: >>27291657

>I hope meidos can somehow find them and permaban them because they're the reason of why these threads are dogshit and the source of all doxxposting.
But it's actually you seanigger. Everytime you retards get banned all of the doxxing and cuckposting and tribalism goes away for a few hours.

>> No.27291624
Quoted by: >>27291748

>>one of them is a pro artis that has done work for the Fate series
>>one of them is a successful youtube music artist who can also animate and draw
>>one of theme is some bitch named s*chi that can stream well
>>the last one is a fucking internet meme queen with hundreds of thousand subs on youtube
Wait what

>> No.27291627

chicken also played fucking arknights I doubt that is resource intensive

>> No.27291629 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27291683


>> No.27291630

Nijisanji is the definition of quantity over quality.

>> No.27291632

i think she will

>> No.27291633

>This works with Nvidia and AMD as well, via NVENC and VCE/VCN, respectively
Yes, but the difference is that in Kiara's case she would be double-dipping on her GPU to run Minecraft and encode, whereas Polka able to make use of otherwise-dark silicon (on the iGPU) and have the GPU itself be concerned only with rendering to a display.

A point against my claim here would depend on whether their specific GPU cores/stream processors allow for flexible execution between normal FP and fixed-function workloads for encoding, or whether not utilizing those encoding features means that the GPU is being under-utilized. I'm probably doing a shit job of describing this but you seem like you know enough to understand what I'm getting at.

>> No.27291634

Anon your reading comprehension reps.....

>> No.27291639

I don't think Kiara will ever get like this but it would be very cute. Noel's freakouts are moe.

>> No.27291640 [DELETED] 


>> No.27291641
Quoted by: >>27291671

If you look at roommate shit she really has known nothing but getting shat on for her entire life. It's no wonder she has mental health issues. I hope things work out for her eventually.

>> No.27291642

>It's not only about the money.
If you were in Notch's position you would have caved for that billion dollar payout too.

>> No.27291644
File: 765 KB, 700x884, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, chickenbros, better days will come. Soon Kiara will have her PC and good internet back and will rise from the ashes.

>> No.27291645

A lot of these girls aren't kids or even teenagers. It's not even a matter of being fluent, they can't even into basic communication with it, it's astounding.

>> No.27291646

Okayu would bully Kiara to suicide

>> No.27291647
File: 160 KB, 850x1202, __watson_amelia_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_yatsucchie__sample-c749c35e8fd775ef7503e670c556f92a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27291963

I don't take coffee, I take tea, my dear
I like my toast done on one side
And you can hear it in my accent when I talk
I'm an Englishman in New York

>> No.27291648

i will support any fellow potato pc owner

>> No.27291649
File: 450 KB, 471x493, dfh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27291731

why does she suffer?

>> No.27291651

Best case scenario: graduation
Worse case scenario: graduation and suicide

>> No.27291652 [DELETED] 

Bet it's the same guy going on for threads yesterday about how Gura sucks

>> No.27291653

You can still get technical issues even with a decent pc. She needs to do her reps.

>> No.27291654
Quoted by: >>27291842

I actually have those headphones what the fuck

>> No.27291657

>Everytime you retards get banned all of the doxxing and cuckposting and tribalism goes away for a few hours.
Not to defend him but every single collab thread has tribalism

>> No.27291659

anon, your english reps...

>> No.27291660
File: 1.45 MB, 600x617, 1518933883344.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27291719

Fuck, I hope Kiara feels like even playing it still after all this shit.

Redemption will be at hand soon though, the moment she steps onto the JP server and sees all that history right at her fingertips. There'd probably be almost nothing else on Earth that would make her happy than to walk through Pekora's house.

>> No.27291663
Quoted by: >>27291691

She was the only one with videos deleted. Between that and whatever delayed her anniversary 3D, her manager should be fired.

>> No.27291664

>actual chance with their oshi?
She's a cartoon character, you lunatic. No one has a chance to actually fuck her.

>> No.27291666

Damn I hope she leabes her alone. Imagine doing her real job all day just to come home and listen to Kiara whine on discord for hours.

>> No.27291667

will manager-san get fired?

>> No.27291669

Ame probably has tons of experience with streams and life going wrong and has learned to just go with the flow.

>> No.27291670

This is when we rise from the ashes.

>> No.27291671

Yeah, I've done those reps. Hope shit just works out for her, man.

>> No.27291674

yeah her lack of computer knowledge is giving her selfdoubt the moment her computer has an issue, to use hyperbole it's like being forced to do surgery when not a doctor you have no clue how to fix the issue and get stressed

>> No.27291675

not a chance, cover never harms their own, only the talent

>> No.27291677
File: 316 KB, 1080x1186, Screenshot_20201005_084857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're watching this right?

>> No.27291678
Quoted by: >>27291723

I mean yeah. I'm more surprised at how mad people are at someone having a bad time.

>> No.27291683


>> No.27291685
File: 514 KB, 2000x2743, 1597658244014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who knows, so much has happened in these few weeks, we're going to get another year atleast, i don't understand why people get so riled up about a few streams that go wrong, it'll be fun to look back on them.

>> No.27291684
Quoted by: >>27291805

And look where that got him, he seems more miserable than ever.

>> No.27291686

>Don't worry, chickenbros, better days will come.
You don't know that. Today was supposed to be a better day but now I just feel worse for her than I did before.

>> No.27291687
Quoted by: >>27291722

>The ban spree Meido went on was 3 days ago
>Thread is filled with Anti and Schizo posting
Welcome back SEAniggers. Kindly kill yourselves.

>> No.27291688
File: 134 KB, 226x276, thonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27291689
Quoted by: >>27291773

The author should be Huke

>> No.27291690
File: 282 KB, 393x385, 1601745381099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27291691

didn't Choco's LiS get deleted? might be misremembering though

>> No.27291694

Japanese education stops after highschool and nothing about their society incentivises learning even basic English beyond the meme shit used for marketing Japanese products.

>> No.27291696
File: 561 KB, 1920x1795, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love our meme queen

>> No.27291698 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27291775

>has to have more subscribers than her friends or she's a failure
You need an indefinite break from female streamers, your brain is broken.

>> No.27291699

Hope she gets her lucky break soon. Lord knows she deserves it.

>> No.27291702
Quoted by: >>27291789

Didn't she say that she'll try to bring her pc to
her manager's place?

>> No.27291706

who are the people talking shit besides us lol

>> No.27291708

Yes for violation of company policy and tried to help thier talent
She should have just let the chicken stay in her house with the portable WiFi and never bothered helping her

>> No.27291710

Kiara's feeling better...!

>> No.27291715

check the jobs section on the hololive site, they legit got a whole dev team.
they might need to hook her up with assistant devops engineer kun

>> No.27291716

I'm catching up on my twitter reds, am I seeing this right, did Ame really like a fanart of Gura showing her cunny?

>> No.27291717

Chicken is that you

>> No.27291718

You have to understand that "people" here are flat broke so for them, money is the only source of happiness they can comprehend. If you have money, you should be happy, because they believe they'd be happy if they had money.

>> No.27291719
Quoted by: >>27291778

>She accidentally blows up the Joseph iron farm or TTT.

>> No.27291720

>Every bad thing that happens to Ame is blamed on her fans.
You can blame the fuckers for spamming goslings but jesus fuck chill. Fans aren't the ones doing this. But you know this don't you.

>> No.27291722
Quoted by: >>27291915

That explains why it feels like a bunch of people just showed up without any context of the last few days

>> No.27291723

They've known nothing but suffering so obviously others need to suffer as well in their eyes.

>> No.27291724

Basierter Deutschposter

>> No.27291725

What happened, missed chicken stream

>> No.27291728

The money isn't what she's after faggot. She just wants to legitimately make it, and not just ride a wave of pity failing fucking yet again at everything but this time in front of a big audience. She doesn't want to keep failing, just once, just once she wants something to work out.

>> No.27291730

> I can't imagine how fucking bad it'd be with just hiragana bloat
But Anonymous, that's what they're getting anyway by replacing their proud-by-messy history of kanji-based homophones with a bunch of rōnwādo. FWIW I agree. It is bad already, but with a purely syllabic language I don't know how you begin fix that. Period.

>> No.27291731

I don't like seeing the girls sad, it's upsetting as they're trying their best to entertain us and personally I appreciate them drawing attention away from these rubbish times. If there was a way all of us K-Simps could dump a good PC on her doorstep we would.

>> No.27291733

Notch really isn't the best one to bring up he bought a worthless party mansion filled it with candy and let the candy rot because he no one to invite

>> No.27291734

Imagine being so fucking naive that you think anyone cares more about Youtube subs than cold hard cash.

>> No.27291735
File: 1.41 MB, 1293x845, boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sang the song to Marine isn't it?

>> No.27291736

>Goes to look at fanart to cheer herself up


>> No.27291739
File: 2.10 MB, 1447x2047, 1589599977367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27291792


>> No.27291740

technically no, there's a bar censor over it

>> No.27291748


>> No.27291749

people need to stop thinking that females who have outbursts and crying tantrums in response to any difficulty are menhera. its like you've never interacted with women in your life. these sort of women are absolutely everywhere. they're actually some of the most stable people overall because they get to have a genuine outlet for their emotions, even if it's not considered mature or even courteous to the people around them.

>> No.27291752

>Ina Matrix watchalong

>> No.27291754

She's definitely still crying but trying not to let it show. Hope things work out for her.

>> No.27291755


>> No.27291757

Ina just posted her schedule for this week.

>> No.27291758

Yes, she's a confirmed cunnyseur

>> No.27291763
Quoted by: >>27292227

NVENC is a lot better because of dedicated hardware like you said. AMD's approach, at least with the 580, uses the general GPU cores so it's shit. OBS also implemented better NVENC code a couple of versions ago that improved it even more.

>> No.27291764
File: 2.55 MB, 2894x4093, EjfvXRIVgAErTXz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27291994

Wish she'd post a schedule

>> No.27291766

Technical problems and fake crying

>> No.27291767

noel is saying what i am feeling all day long and i am an IT consultant

>> No.27291772
File: 5 KB, 306x35, 1581394823565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kein abo für die kapitänin
brudi bitte

>> No.27291773

Fuck, I really missed that

>> No.27291774



>> No.27291775
Quoted by: >>27291825

That's not what I was getting at. Who cares about money or numbers if you streams are a dumpster fire? Some people have genuine desire to entertain others beyond compensation.

>> No.27291778

thankfully theres no unknown.jpg attached to this

>> No.27291781
File: 168 KB, 400x400, 1592917941924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27291783

get fucked, faggot

>> No.27291784

Only L*l* is worth watching.

>> No.27291785

Both Pekora-senpai-sama and Subaru have expressed interest in collabing with her. She'll be OK

>> No.27291787

>A lot of these girls aren't kids or even teenagers.
And? I'm almost 30 and I haven't spent more than a second trying to learn Italian since elementary school. English being lingua franca doesn't mean shit when your entire world is basically Japanese.

>> No.27291788
Quoted by: >>27291841

If you can't be happy with money then you're a retard who doesn't deserve success at all. Money can buy happiness and anyone who thinks it can't doesn't have any imagination. Of all the places that would believe in the dumb "money doesn't make you happy" platitudes I didn't think I'd see it here

>> No.27291789

Yes, she said she's going over to her old place to pick up her PC and then coming back. Who knows how long that'll take.

>> No.27291790


>> No.27291792

Thank you meidos.

>> No.27291793


>> No.27291794
File: 2.24 MB, 232x232, 1601516114849.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27291795

I know I'm late but why is Kiara staying at her managers house? Even if her manager is another women, is that something common in Japan?

>> No.27291796

holy shit ina's saturday is stacked

>> No.27291798

Well fuck, this will be the first time I'll pay for entertainment

>> No.27291800

was supposed to be 6 hour of suffering spread out with sprinkles of kino
turned out to be two hours of concentrated pure suffering

>> No.27291801
File: 874 KB, 1920x1080, Eji_CXaUcAAVCgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros why is Ina looking at us like that...

>> No.27291803
Quoted by: >>27292694

MahJong and Matrix

>> No.27291805
Quoted by: >>27291847

And it's better to be rich and miserable than to be poor and miserable.

>> No.27291807

Fellow IT consultant here can confirm

>> No.27291809

>member only Matrix watch along stream
time to sub

>> No.27291810

mods = gods?
looks based

>> No.27291811


>> No.27291816

Ina, your sleep reps...

>> No.27291817

Suck a dick fag

>> No.27291818

Is it me or is EN extremely awkward, especially in group streams?
For example, I was watching a Gura and Ina stream together and the whole time I felt like there was an awkward aura. Not much talking, weak casual conversations, like they're not enjoying themselves and they're not even friends. Maybe JP just sets a high bar.

>> No.27291820
Quoted by: >>27291880

The internet provider fucked her at her new house and didn't give her internet for a week.

>> No.27291822


>whispering in her own home

she didn't want to wake up her boyfriend, huh

>> No.27291825
Quoted by: >>27292105

Imagine being such a sucker you think your favorite vtuber really cares about entertaining you and not draining your wallet. Stay away from camwhores anon, you're a sap and will get sucked dry

>> No.27291826
File: 578 KB, 826x772, 1601523638977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina forcing me to take the redpill

>> No.27291829

Think for a minute about just how naive and childish the stunted mentality of the average nip is. See how they absolutely flip the fuck out from just meeting and English speaking foreigner let alone an "exotic" European language speaker. They're an incredibly sheltered and insular group of people.

>> No.27291830

Nice, zero overlap between Ame and Ina unless Ame's snack ASMR goes over an hour.

>> No.27291832

I'll stream it dont worry, dont break your streak just yet

>> No.27291833
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 1601530195092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is difficult sometimes, if I could just pick my oshi solely through logic and reasoning Gura or Ina would be my #1.
Hopefully things will be better tomorrow.

>> No.27291834
Quoted by: >>27291900

>hear how she fucking broke down and cried
>check the stream out
>she just got upset and ended the stream normally
>/hlgg/ lies to me again
Fuck you faggots, why do you have to blow everything out of proportion

>> No.27291837

For the first time I feel like ehr design actually works in this Fanart

>> No.27291841

t. broke and miserable

>> No.27291842

SHP9500 are popular headphones

>> No.27291846
File: 277 KB, 756x739, kokujinaman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27291847

alright but those arent the only two options that's a false dichotomy

>> No.27291848
Quoted by: >>27292053

Just curious, Is hololive powerhouses like coco, Pecor or rushia have more income than actual seiyuus like Hana or Sugita nowadays?

>> No.27291854

just....just assume she did

>> No.27291855
File: 165 KB, 961x1400, 1591403305146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a JPfag but people who watch their streams say that HoloJPs sound weird and awkward too.
Speaking of HoloEN, they improved a lot, compare the first collab stream they did with the most recent one and you'll see for yourself.

>> No.27291858

Her live2D is so good, I love all the expressions.

>> No.27291859

>I read this in Watame's voice

>> No.27291860

>public ban for literally nothing
Seriously mods? You're really going to turn this place into reddit?

>> No.27291861

>The Matrix
Can't wait

>> No.27291862

My membership is paying for itself already

>> No.27291863

She lives with her mom and sister, dumbfuck.

>> No.27291865
Quoted by: >>27291897

Give me all of your fucking money if you can't find a way to be happy with it then, you fucking cuck.

>> No.27291868

EN has been out for a month give them time

>> No.27291871
File: 96 KB, 765x1080, 1601871641141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She lives with her huge titty older sister and her mom who smokes her in mario kart anon

>> No.27291872

God I love her pinponpanpon
All the girls should do something like this

>> No.27291873

Maybe I should learn the basics of mahjong so i can follow along

>> No.27291875

well if you could cry and scream and people would think its cute and want to soothe you, you would do it

>> No.27291880

what a chad

>> No.27291881

>The Matrix

>> No.27291887

what are you talking about? They had a fucking casual conversation about popcorn being considered a real meal or not. It seemed friendly enough.

>> No.27291893

It's cause she doesn't wanna wake up her family, dumbass.

>> No.27291894

>mods banning antis and fags
sounds good to me

>> No.27291895

>mahjong souls

>> No.27291897

I wouldn't give any of you faggots water in the desert.

>> No.27291898

Mahjong takes a lot of effort to learn, but its fun.

>> No.27291899
File: 1.92 MB, 427x381, 1592877778831.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This desu, if I was put in Kiara's position I would probably just put the blankets expression and go for "Well, it seems like we have lots of problems today! I'll try streaming again later." in a monotone-cheerful voice. Then I would calmly close OBS and send a message to manager, something like "Ah hello manager-san, it seems like your computer had some difficulty running the game. We can talk about it later."
Then I would stand up go drink a glass of water, and if I was lucky enough to have my gun, I would shoot myself in the head.
Letting your feelings out is good for you.

>> No.27291900

For fun

>> No.27291902

>No chicken collab

>> No.27291905

kiara... on manager-san's computer let's just play minesweeper...

>> No.27291906

She's going to be shit at mahjong and just make constant bad plays like all the other cute anime girls who do it isn't she?

>> No.27291909

Very few holos set a high bar for collabs, and the only ones who have come right out of the gate with really good chemistry are Gen 5. The rest have invariably started out just as awkward or even more so.

>> No.27291915

fuck, i was just wondering what was up. meido-chama pls do it again

>> No.27291916

okay but the bit where she's just talking, slips up, snaps a keyboard, and goes right back into talking like nothing went wrong is definitely noel menhera

>> No.27291917
File: 864 KB, 498x498, 1588371808423.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the appeal? It's the shittiest version of chess of them all. Why isn't there a shogi mobage?

>> No.27291919

Get out

>> No.27291918

>Buying the matrix

>> No.27291923
Quoted by: >>27291952

That would actually be kino.

>> No.27291928
File: 2.88 MB, 858x1078, dancu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go watch Coco's first collabs

Even her closest friends now, Kanata and Watame, were EXTREMELY awkward around her at first

>> No.27291929

Doesn't take a lot to learn, takes a lot of mental effort to get good at.

>> No.27291932

>somehow still crashes

>> No.27291933

Isn't her manager a man?

>> No.27291934
Quoted by: >>27291960

anonchama what the fuck

>> No.27291937

10/10 post
made me feel something

>> No.27291938

i enjoyed her mario kart stream

>> No.27291939

This guy made like 10 other posts in this thread all shitposting hard gathering lots of (you)s, pure pure anti vitriol. He deserved it and that post was simply the last fucking straw.

It doesn't happen for just no reason unless it's a joke ban, which is just going to be a warn that gets lifted in 2 seconds.

>> No.27291940


>> No.27291943


>> No.27291945
Quoted by: >>27291979

You shouldn't let cynicism rot your brain to this point. anon. Even if she cares more about making money than making a good stream, do you really believe she won more SCs by crying for 10 minutes than she would have won with a 6 hour stream as she intended?

>> No.27291946

How is Mahjong even remotely similar to chess you weirdo

>> No.27291949
File: 64 KB, 900x900, 1586724586473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get this faggots videos off my youtube recs

>> No.27291950

>version of chess

>> No.27291951
Quoted by: >>27292002

She said she was new to it so yeah.

>> No.27291952
File: 162 KB, 1280x720, 3d pinball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292027

About to turn this potato stream into a kino stream.

>> No.27291953
File: 14 KB, 244x192, 1555283822503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going to miss the karaoke and the watchalong because of work
Holy fuck I miss being a NEET

>> No.27291956

Damn, this would be my go to as well.

>> No.27291957

>shittiest version of chess is mahjong
>not shogi
What the fuck mate?

>> No.27291959

i thought it wasn't awkward and the live threads during that time weren't complaining as much too (although ame's karaoke definitely had something to do with that). ina's quietness at times is just a result of focusing on the game since she was still learning how to play

>> No.27291960

What's the closest board game to Mahjong then?
>there's none, it's an unique game
Then it's shit.

>> No.27291961


>> No.27291963
Quoted by: >>27292360

She needs to do a soft near-ASMR version of this, it could be another lethal weapon

>> No.27291967

Not even a fan of chicken but I understand how it feels when your work equipment doesn't function properly, I'd give her my pc for a few streams if I could, fuck

>> No.27291966


>> No.27291969
File: 55 KB, 516x608, 1577110315083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Matrix watchalong
Ok I kneel

>> No.27291970

Post your Mahjong Soul ranks.
>Expert 2

>> No.27291972


>> No.27291973

Kiara playing pinball on vista would be kino

>> No.27291974
File: 26 KB, 579x536, 1601791864964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw had Ina membership since the beginning
Ina's fucking based with mahjong, karaoke and matrix

>> No.27291975
Quoted by: >>27292093

I don't watch Mori, was it mentioned who's on the Overcooked collab this week? I thought I read something here about rotating members, but so far Mori and Ame are already confirmed again and Ina's not in it.

>> No.27291978

well taking screenshots of him is not gonna help when microsoft sends your ad-information off to youtube retard

>> No.27291979

No her brain is busted everyone knows that, but if I could make the money she does by doing a shitty job I'd be very happy.

>> No.27291981
File: 186 KB, 501x443, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and if I was lucky enough to have my gun, I would shoot myself in the head.
Did not expect that

>> No.27291983

click the 3 dots and select "Don't Recommend Channel"

>> No.27291984
File: 10 KB, 251x246, 1599324641214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292034


>> No.27291985

I think he confused it with shogi?

>> No.27291986

The "don't recommend channel" button

>> No.27291987
Quoted by: >>27292045

Wait until the ban is lifted and we start getting international collabs, boyo.


>> No.27291988
Quoted by: >>27292141

That being said, did any of the JPs play multiplayer chess or shogi when Asobi Taizen was the FOTM?

>> No.27291992

>board game


>> No.27291993

It's more like a card game.

>> No.27291994

last time it came out monday at about noon EST, prob same thing this week

>> No.27291995

maybe i'll finally be able to get into a mahjong room

>> No.27291997

Post your schedule you lazy ass shark

>> No.27291998

thats what I'd do as well, in all honesty

>> No.27291999
File: 561 KB, 1080x1331, gigacraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry anon, i was sleeping
didnt know my cute daughter was recording

>> No.27292000
File: 420 KB, 1535x2048, Eji5EHDUYAIVbfQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you be there or be oblong?

>> No.27292001
Quoted by: >>27292069

Shogi is what you're thinking of

>> No.27292002

That's a shame, I find it very hard to keep my autism in check when watching new players. Hopefully she at least learns from mistakes, might be able to stomach that.

>> No.27292005

I'm thinking turn-based strategy is one of her stronger points so it should be ok

>> No.27292003
Quoted by: >>27292056

>The Matrix
I'm really looking forward to it but it's October, no spooky movie?

>> No.27292006


>> No.27292011

Thank you.

>> No.27292012

By clicking “i’m not interested in this channel” when one of his videos gets recommended.

>> No.27292014

Bout time they took care of the literal schizos.

>> No.27292015

>they had a casual conversation
I literally just said that you retard.

>> No.27292016
File: 42 KB, 915x455, 1601534753541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly mouth noises don't really do anything for me at all. I mostly get the tingles from barbershop noises like this

>> No.27292017

>"if the game is unique then it's shit"
anonchama what the fuck

>> No.27292019
File: 60 KB, 595x673, 1601074302115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her huge titty older sister

>> No.27292020

>huge titty older sister
I am now interested in her sister's roommate

>> No.27292021


>> No.27292025
Quoted by: >>27292069

Mahjong isn't a board game Anon

>> No.27292026
Quoted by: >>27292069

It's riichi is turbopoker.

>> No.27292027

Now that would be levels of kino never before thought possible

>> No.27292028
Quoted by: >>27292069

Its just poker with bigger hands.

>> No.27292030

>shark was the only one I wanted to member but don't know if it's worth it yet
>meanwhile Ina membership looking more and more like gold every week

>> No.27292031

I'm always there for my boy's streams.

>> No.27292034

I'm not getting that option

>> No.27292035

kek'd out loud

>> No.27292040

You JP cocksuckers are just completely delusional, I swear. Not sure if you're brainwashed by only watching clip videos or what.

>> No.27292042

popcorn is a real meal I had it for dinner yesterday

>> No.27292045

Taka was fucking awful when he collabed with Pikamee and Hana.

I hope someone from here won so we can get our girl to give us a personal message.

>> No.27292052

Shark will probably do 1 member-only stream a month, or 1 every 2 weeks. Which is fine, I just want to support her.

>> No.27292053

No, top Japanese VA earn about $500K per year

>> No.27292055

Yeah seriously Matrix watchalong actually sounds fun.

>> No.27292056

reality is spooky anonchama...

>> No.27292061
File: 155 KB, 370x329, 1589441204157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh come on
it's not that bad

>> No.27292062

I mean, I love Ina too but Matrix is normalfag taste

>> No.27292063
Quoted by: >>27292106

That money doesn't really mean shit if has no self-esteem and feels like a fuck up, now does it?

>> No.27292064

>Why don't burgers learn mandarin anon it's spoken by the most people in the world they can't even basic communication in it.
that's how dumb you sound
If they wheren't streaming, and happen to be interested in their english viewers, they would never have to speak it in their lives.

>> No.27292065

Hope I'll make it, I definitely want to see it

>> No.27292069
File: 465 KB, 566x548, 1576774838881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I actually googled Mahjong and now I feel like a retard. I legit thought it was shogi.

>> No.27292070

>korone's getting a big sub spike and will probably hit 1 mil before gura

>> No.27292071


>> No.27292073

>It's the shittiest version of chess of them all.
Anon, your tabletop game reps.

>> No.27292074

uhhh bros, snack asmr and matrix rewatch overlap. what the fuck do I do. WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?!

>> No.27292077


>> No.27292079

she pulled a knife on her mother, man.

>> No.27292082


>> No.27292084

Korone is overrated

>> No.27292085

fucking kek, good shit anon

>> No.27292088

Dumb pekoposter

>> No.27292093

Just that. Rotating members. It's going to be gura again because bird can't play it.

>> No.27292094

Finally unleashing her lesbian powers I see

>> No.27292098

Are you gonna watch?

>> No.27292100

Go learn the basics, it's a lot of fun.

>> No.27292102
File: 425 KB, 3000x3000, 1601235830660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27292104
Quoted by: >>27292154

I know. If only Ina would watch something more suited to my hipster preferences....

>> No.27292105

Yeah, they're totally in it for nothing but the money, that's why they auditioned for a unit that everyone believed would only pull marginally more viewers than HoloID.

>> No.27292106
Quoted by: >>27292146

Yeah even if it's a lot, knowing it's all just from pity from your failures is not really going to do much for someone with low self-esteem.

Kiara just wants to be good at something and not have the world shit on her but she clearly was cursed by some evil god or something.

>> No.27292108

have we ever heard Ina sing?

>> No.27292110


>> No.27292111

Kiara Superchat in four hours

>> No.27292113

But he was kino when he collab with the cat.

>> No.27292114

It's ok we all make mistakes sometimes peko

>> No.27292116

fucking made me kek from your character arc, don't forget your research reps in the future anon

>> No.27292117

hey, gura and ina were getting along great. they're just kind of quiet and introverted when they're not streaming solo. that DBD stream was cute and you won't change my mind.

>> No.27292119

Always will

>> No.27292121

fuck yes

>> No.27292122


>> No.27292125

Yes, I always support our chicken.

>> No.27292126

Only if snack asmr goes over an hour, hopefully Ame isn't eating that much.

>> No.27292128

Only if snack ASMR is longer than an hour, which I doubt.

>> No.27292129
File: 1.09 MB, 710x1200, 1573358226292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whens horror night with Gura?

>> No.27292136

It's a good film, it being popular doesn't change that.

>> No.27292140

I don't know if it's "tragic" as FBK/Gura/Korone will all get there eventually, and it's possible Shark will pass all of those to eventually be #1.

If anything Gura doesn't seem to like the ridiculous amount of attention she's getting and would prefer to not stick out so-so far ahead of everyone.

>> No.27292141

Roberu and Izuru played a game of chess without even knowing how the pieces moved.
I don't normally watch the guys but I thought that one was really funny.

>> No.27292143

retardchama is cute!
we all make dumb mistakes sometimes

>> No.27292144

pick your favorite girl and watch hers, anon.

>> No.27292146

Kiara's entire life story is proof that a benevolent God does not exist.

>> No.27292147

Ok, I disagree with banning him but they know better I guess. I just think that if the thread is filled with idiots who would fall for every bait, then let the idiots be idiots. You can't babysit this place all the time, these retards need to learn on their own.

>> No.27292148

>gura tweeted once in the past 2 days
She’s the least active compared to the other girls, I wonder why that is?

>> No.27292150

>4 hours from now
>jp is super dead and nothing to watch until then
don't cry chicken but I'm going to sleep

>> No.27292152

This was a humourous filler arc

>> No.27292151

Maybe we'll know if she ever posts a schedule lol

>> No.27292153


>> No.27292154
Quoted by: >>27292172

it doesnt even need to be hipster shit. Just watch something that everybody and their mother hasnt watched already. Might as well watch pulp fiction or shrek on stream next time

>> No.27292162

Fuck no I'm going to bed, I'm not staying up another 4 hours for superchat reading.

>> No.27292161

Debut and a little bit on her SC reading stream before her internet cut out
It was good

>> No.27292165

>I hope someone from here won so we can get our girl to give us a personal message.
>implying if I won I wouldn't make it something personalized and keep it to myself

>> No.27292167
File: 177 KB, 503x559, 1601841831395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292190

I love Ina so much. Her schedule updates are perfect, her streaming is always of the highest quality, no real cursing, well behaved, good spirited, uplifting. Even membership is already worth it with the content.

>> No.27292166

>Shaak's birthday is same date Jaws was released
We gonna get Jaws marathon for her birthday.

>> No.27292169


>> No.27292170

no lmao

>> No.27292171

The real tragedy is FBK being ahead for so long and then throwing at the last second.

Gura shooting to 1M first would've just been awkward as fuck.

>> No.27292172

rewatching an old favorite with a friend is fun though

>> No.27292174

>horror night
The thought never crossed my mind actually. Holy shit, I'm kind of excited. I hope she's not autistic enough to not consider it...

>> No.27292177

>Starts in 4 hours
Sorry chicken, I gotta working in the morning

>> No.27292178
Quoted by: >>27292244

Was she active on her old account? Maybe she's just not a social media person.

>> No.27292180



>> No.27292183

that's just how she is.

>> No.27292184

crushing anxiety from all the expectations placed on her because of numbers

>> No.27292186

barely has enough calories to move her thumbs, currently lying on the kitchen floor to conserve energy

>> No.27292187
Quoted by: >>27292208

Kson strong

>> No.27292188
File: 2.84 MB, 2015x4096, hmmhmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27292189

I have set 5 alarms and will be hopefully waking up for it time for a nap

>> No.27292190

Ina and Mori have literally changed my life for the better

>> No.27292191

I hope she does another one of these

>> No.27292192

I'll watch the archive but I'm not staying up to 7 AM for a superchat reading.

>> No.27292194

vodka has lots of calories though

>> No.27292196
Quoted by: >>27292341

gura, if you hadn't lost your loaf of bread you wouldn't be in this situation

>> No.27292198

Thank you for fixing it, I like it now.

>> No.27292200

Would love to, but burgerhours are hell. Will keep it in the background while I sleep.

>> No.27292202

All because she is crying on streams and begging people for pity. Surely best quality stream out there...

>> No.27292201

This is absolute schizo but the kind of based

>> No.27292204
Quoted by: >>27292263

The difference in thread quality since the threads have been being babysat is astonishing

>> No.27292206

Much better thanks

>> No.27292207


>> No.27292208

Dammit you made me check if she was streaming

>> No.27292209
Quoted by: >>27292255

>Kiara nd Mori move close to each other
>Kiara asks Mori to let her stream Minecraft on her new pc a few times till she upgrades
>Mori is hesitant at first but ultimately let's bird use her rig
>stream starts
>after 30min Kiaras 2LUCK kicks in
>she fries Mori's brand new beast of a PC
>"I was just playing Minecraft...."

>> No.27292210

cant believe I'm fucking jealous of this fag

>> No.27292213

Just woke us, how was Kiara's stream? Did we get some sweet sweet suffering?

>> No.27292215

This is how you know it's HER

>> No.27292216

>can whistle
Already a better idol than Suisei.

>> No.27292218

should put a frying pan on top of the pc

>> No.27292219


>> No.27292220
Quoted by: >>27292256

Will Ina sing FFXIV themes?

>> No.27292221
Quoted by: >>27292236

Does Gura eat at bed?

>> No.27292222
File: 3.73 MB, 2612x2080, Schedule so far.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming in with this before the image cap since this comes up so often.

>> No.27292224

I like when ina drinks coffee and her model freezes for a few seconds before snapping to another angle and her saying "ahhhh"

>> No.27292225

You know, I was far more lenient with these threads the first couple weeks and look what fucking happened on October 1. Now, I'm not stuck in here with you, you're stuck in here with me.

I feel guilty as fuck not stepping up sooner, it's eating me up inside. /hlg/ had never gotten quite-that bad ever and I didn't realize it could all turn around so fast after that kumbaya moment with the karaoke. Makes me truly had roommate posters/doxfags with every single cell in my body.

>> No.27292227
Quoted by: >>27292271

Looks like both run on an ASIC, but I don't know much about OBS' implementation, I know that their NVENC one at least used to hammer on memory bandwidth a little bit, due to an inefficient buffering process.

>> No.27292228
Quoted by: >>27292346

Go back to sleep anon...

>> No.27292231

I bet he doesn't even have a membership.

>> No.27292234

anon go back to sleep

>> No.27292236

she sits on the kitchen floor or eats at her desk.

>> No.27292239
Quoted by: >>27292258

Anonchama you might want to check that again...

>> No.27292242

she can only do so much from rehab, leave HER alone

>> No.27292243


>> No.27292244

No, she wasn't very active. Only 80 hours of streams over two years, one video per month, a tweet every few days.

Most likely does everything in a separate set of accounts like an internet personality with good OPSEC, which is why we know nothing about HER.

>> No.27292251
Quoted by: >>27292441

This is the third(prob more) time that stupid Amelia Twitter thing had been posted

>> No.27292252

>gura tweeted once in the past 2 days
And that tweet was about her losing a loaf of bread.

>> No.27292250

Amelia's boyfriend looks like THAT?

>> No.27292253
Quoted by: >>27292311

>Ina posted a snippet of her song list to members

>> No.27292255

I dont think Mori hates Kiara yet but that would probably do the job haha...

>> No.27292256

No archive. She's going to sing simple and clean

>> No.27292257


it's hate.

>> No.27292258
Quoted by: >>27292310

fuck a duck

>> No.27292259

Anon, I...

>> No.27292261

Matsuri would have been blackballed by any company that actually gave a shit about its employees a long time ago.

>> No.27292263
Quoted by: >>27292318

This. People in the threads during the Meidocaust after the Ame incident saw that the threads immediately improved in quality after they had actual moderation. We don't need to be a hug or like reddit, but a bit of quality control is necessary.

>> No.27292265
File: 522 KB, 1400x868, 1601850754384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Matrix watchalong with the high priestess
I for one cannot wait for the memes

>> No.27292266

Anon I think you used an old Amelia image...

>> No.27292268
File: 107 KB, 400x400, 84355868_p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll definitely listen while I'm working 10 hours from now but I'm not gonna sleep for 4 hours only to fall back asleep.

>> No.27292270

Where'd you find my visual diary!?!?

>> No.27292271

general rule of thumb is that OBS's implementation of AMD hardware encoding is pretty shit and the best options are either NVENC or x264 on the cpu of a second pc

>> No.27292277

Of course it won't fix the problem, nobody said it will. Saying such fan "support" make things worse.
Keep up, ya?

>> No.27292279
Quoted by: >>27292346

It wasn't sufferingkino, just pure suffering. Go back to sleep anon.

>> No.27292280

its...hard to explain

>> No.27292281

>members arcade date
True colors out in the open.

>> No.27292282
File: 368 KB, 600x623, 1600984849037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>members only

no memes here lad at least not like the purple ones

>> No.27292288
Quoted by: >>27292309

It's not hard to be a dox fag

>> No.27292289


>> No.27292291
Quoted by: >>27292368

>Ina posted a few songs she’ll be singing in a member post
I’m already hyped

>> No.27292293
File: 3.44 MB, 2612x2080, Schedule so far.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to delete your fuck ups

>> No.27292294
Quoted by: >>27292324

>I didn't realize it could all turn around so fast after that kumbaya moment with the karaoke
That just makes the whole situation so much worse. Thanks to literal mentally insane people, we lost that good feeling

>> No.27292295

>Bitch was reading Quizlax doujins in the hospital while the nurse was in the room.

>> No.27292298


>> No.27292299
Quoted by: >>27292316

Did Gura pick a shark because she's Swedish and IKEA has a shark as a mascot?

>> No.27292300
Quoted by: >>27292346

initially it was all fun and games, then it started to get depressing. By the end, it was just emotional torture porn

>> No.27292302

Nice digits, but your Ame schedule reps...

>> No.27292303
Quoted by: >>27292321

>almost no euro-friendly streams

>> No.27292304

how i get gura gf

>> No.27292306

Thank you meido. We appreciate you.

>> No.27292309

It should be if these people did any fucking OPSEC whatsoever. Just because Cover doesn't force them to doesn't mean they shouldn't fucking do it. Now hopefully they all follow suit to be Gura-style.

>> No.27292310
File: 729 KB, 905x1519, 302729fd92f967b00d8b3018748d7764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292359

I want to

>> No.27292311
Quoted by: >>27292371


>> No.27292314
File: 2.81 MB, 1563x2198, 1601694498922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the random drama bursts that always end up as nothingburgers
>going from silencing the goslings to taking us out on a date

Can anyone accurately get a read on this mystery woman?

>> No.27292315

Keep up the good work meido.

>> No.27292316

She picked it because her favorite anime character likes sharks.

>> No.27292317

She likes the size of our PP

>> No.27292318
Quoted by: >>27292352

god it must suck being the meido having to dedicate all their time to babysitting one thread.
Meido, if youre seeing this, we appreciate your hard work and sorry for people people clowns.

>> No.27292319

Everyone's already seen the movie and it's not very thematically tied to Ina so there won't be many. I'm already revving up some armpit images for when Agent Smith says "IT'S THE SMELL" though.

>> No.27292320

EU bros, hold me...

>> No.27292321
File: 69 KB, 1024x749, inapain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292354

>gets hyped for matrix watchalong
>it's at 6am

>> No.27292323
File: 225 KB, 500x500, 1582861089103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for making this anon

>> No.27292324

The insane people are the doxfags. There's nothing wrong with enjoying Ame's content.

>> No.27292333

I'll watch the archive, no way I can stay up that late.

>> No.27292338

Anon.. please do your double check

>> No.27292341
File: 676 KB, 708x868, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_youmicitrustea__bd212d68803f43d85a5bf27603db5c1d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292466

Bloop's in trouble

>> No.27292342
Quoted by: >>27292376

>I feel guilty as fuck not stepping up sooner, it's eating me up inside.
I know how you feel, meido.

>> No.27292343

Thanks anon but now the Ame section is for ants.

>> No.27292344
File: 61 KB, 1024x621, heart-attack-symptoms-for-women-no-chest-pain-1024x621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina watchalong stream
>Papanis, Mamanis, Anenis watch along together with Ina too

>> No.27292345
Quoted by: >>27292417

>that song list for Ina on the members tab
Yeah, this will be a good karaoke. I cant fucking wait.

>> No.27292346
Quoted by: >>27292425

Well shit. I hope she takes it well.

>> No.27292347
Quoted by: >>27292418

The best narrative is that literally everything so far has happened exactly as she planned.
>Ame is in control

>> No.27292348
File: 671 KB, 805x558, 1601523854993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute god

>> No.27292350

Yeah. I was just getting a little shut eye. She's so considerate

>> No.27292351
Quoted by: >>27292377

Bird is doing her stream an hour earlier to allow for FBKs birthday stream.

>> No.27292352

As long as he keep posting the Polka Duck gif i will always be grateful

>> No.27292353

>Im glad i found Comic Lo thanks to her
I hope you're just new to H-manga and doujinshi, if not then jesus

>> No.27292354

I don't mind waking up early, but I can't watch her draw at 1am, I won't wake up for work.

>> No.27292356

I got a deserved ban not for ame posting but for Kiara it was something funny but involved retards from here so I see exactly what I did wrong still that 3 day ban showed me the error of my ways so I am grateful for the punishment. So yeah the toughness is working I won't ever post anything like that again
Thank you anon that is very helpful

>> No.27292357
Quoted by: >>27292431

Hey holoEN managers who no doubt troll this thread.
can you please make a public google calendar with all the girls scheduled streams so I can subscribe to it and not have to burn out my smoothbrain converting times.

>> No.27292358
File: 72 KB, 463x453, 1594561253589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arcade date
I remember you faggots yelling at me when I said amelia was going for the e-girlfriend audience, you all called me schizo and told me to take my meds
well look who's laughing now peko

>> No.27292359

Fine taste

>> No.27292360

If she'll be taking requests for a future karaoke stream I might suggest it

>> No.27292363
File: 3.34 MB, 2480x3508, 1588362138494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wonder what the place she rented out is like, and what the setup will be.
Will she be mostly just singing to premade tracks, or will she be playing instruments alongside the singing?
Will KokoroBeats come in person to play along which should be possible with collabs now open, or is that too yabee for cover allowing a male in the same room as her on stream.
Pretty excited

>> No.27292366


There are some girls Matsuri won't go near

>> No.27292367


>> No.27292368

I hope she has a lot of fun with the second one.

>> No.27292369

open the full image you tard

>> No.27292370

are you the same guy that publicly warned and banned the brapfag?

>> No.27292371
File: 98 KB, 485x317, boutta get it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292515

Nigga did I just catch you leaking members-only content

>> No.27292376
Quoted by: >>27292422

Realistically what could meido have done to prevent it? Once it was posted, it was posted.

>> No.27292377

That's sweet.

>> No.27292378

Keikaku doori

>> No.27292379

Thank you based meido. I enjoy the threads a lot more when doxx/roommate posters aren't here.

>> No.27292381
File: 614 KB, 648x678, 1574209166231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that ending

>> No.27292385

This might be the first time since Holofest where I'm actually excited for vtubing content.

>> No.27292387


Could be something as simple as her wanting to connect with her audience, but there's a wire-crossing in her brain. She wants to grow a community like perhaps something closer to uh... her roommates old days, with the same "feel", but at the same time she has to play her role as a Holo. So there may be some mixed signals where she's jokingly saying or doing something but it comes off as "girlfriend experience"-ish due to her duality.

Humans can get fucked in the head, anon. We're not always in control even when we think we are.

>> No.27292388


>> No.27292390

pekoposters are alright sometimes

>> No.27292394

That's what happens when people still post jpg in current year

>> No.27292405
File: 404 KB, 1000x740, hololive_v1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292430

reminder to play Fear & Hunger for Halloween

>> No.27292408

I'm super fucking hyped for Mahjong and the Matrix

>> No.27292410

I hope you find some solace in knowing that some part of that was always going to be inevitable. It only takes one schizo to start it.

>> No.27292411

ah yes ballsperg

>> No.27292412
Quoted by: >>27292560

She mentioned collabing with KokoroBeats for the show but only that she hoped it would be allowed (and that he'd say yes, since she hadn't actually asked him yet).

>> No.27292413

At the top of my head there's Sugar Song to Bitter Step, and K.K. House from animal crossing if that counts as one kek

>> No.27292417

>That third song
A bit outside her range, surely? I mean all power to her, though.

>> No.27292418

i'm a little scared of Ame now and it's kinda hot

>> No.27292419
Quoted by: >>27292429

what's the gurame collab gonna be? are they gonna have rhythm game competitions?

>> No.27292422

Yeah, but doesn't make it feel any better.

>> No.27292423

this is legitimately some of the lowest quality content I've ever been recommended.

>> No.27292424
File: 69 KB, 495x478, EiPMfm2WkAQ3E53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbqh i never watch the matrix

>> No.27292425

she was mumbling something about a "veer-tuss rake"

>> No.27292426
Quoted by: >>27292445

Looks like Kiara moved her stream an hour up

>> No.27292428
File: 7 KB, 347x41, kiara sweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27292429

Maybe some horror FPS to combine their two favorite genres.

>> No.27292430

I've actually got this on my wishlist, hoping it goes on sale whenever the next sale is while I clean up my backlog in the meantime.

>> No.27292431

that isn't a bad idea at all

>> No.27292432
Quoted by: >>27292514

Who do you think the sharkmeido is? This thread keeps her busy.

>> No.27292435

Thread quality has improved significantly since the purge
Thank you for your service

>> No.27292436

It's a cult classic. I saw it when it came out and I was fucking 6 then. Ofc didn't understand a shit and had to rewatch it later but whatever

>> No.27292437
Quoted by: >>27292572

stop pitybaiting whore

>> No.27292440

Good background.

>> No.27292441

remember what mods said about seanig?

>> No.27292442

Why does God hate her?

>> No.27292443

did the bird suffer in minecraft?

>> No.27292444

do the watchalong, you'll find it fascinating to see the origin of so much internet culture.

>> No.27292445

>i moved it 1 hour earlier so i dont overlap too much with fubuki senpai, just in case!!

>> No.27292446
File: 1.25 MB, 200x163, 1569989285364.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292519

>Mincecraft on the 9th with chicken
No please I can't take anymore suffering

>> No.27292447


>> No.27292448

I honestly don't think people who care if Mr. K showed up. Mori doesn't really attract that type of fan base.

>> No.27292451
Quoted by: >>27292467

I only watch Anime and some super hero movie

>> No.27292453
Quoted by: >>27292572

>More pitybaiting
Is it actually possible for her to stop this?

>> No.27292456
Quoted by: >>27292572

fuck off shit bird

>> No.27292458
Quoted by: >>27292492

Maybe we were reading too much into it. Maybe she did want to be your parasocial gf all along.

>> No.27292459

I wish her streams would just go right for her.

>> No.27292463

A cult classic? You couldn't escape pop culture references to bullet time shit in the early 2000s.

>> No.27292464
File: 1.20 MB, 999x3000, 1424611409917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina playing Mahjong
I guess she really wants to drink Gura's pee

>> No.27292465

No she suffered irl and so did we.

>> No.27292466


>> No.27292467
File: 244 KB, 500x501, 1588470595733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand you somewhat, I stopped watching movies because it's lonely to watch them alone...

>> No.27292468
Quoted by: >>27292499

I came here expecting to develop a parasocial relationship with the holos, not the meidos

>> No.27292469
File: 138 KB, 850x816, sc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292506

I still haven't watched Ina's first movie watchalong because I feel like it isn't as fun without the live thread

>> No.27292473
Quoted by: >>27292539

Do you people actually not know who K's is? It would be like Marine being in studio with BeatMario.

>> No.27292481

yes, but it wasn't the fun sexy kind of suffering unless you're a hardcore sadist

>> No.27292483

It's really good desu. Unfortunately the remasters fuck up the movie by generously applying garish color filters. Either way, do enjoy watching it with Ina.

>> No.27292486
Quoted by: >>27292572

I mean, if I was a cute girl with a nice voice I'd say shit like this too, so I wont give her any shit for it. But damn is she up there with Amelia for being a manipulative cunt. At least Amelia owns it

>> No.27292488


>> No.27292489
File: 172 KB, 1157x1414, 1601670587199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ame is in control

>> No.27292490

Eh, seems like she was about to hit it big anyway after those Fake Type videos exploded.

>> No.27292492
File: 49 KB, 472x423, 1600313183965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute ride this woman takes this general on is the best part.

>> No.27292496

Maybe she's HERE

>> No.27292499

Sharkmeido for HomoStar when?
>Avatar is Doomguy

>> No.27292500
File: 73 KB, 948x1168, 1581757155199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27292505
File: 611 KB, 1284x592, 2020-10-05 00_26_34-My Drive - Google Drive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292557

Now preparing, please wait warmly.

>> No.27292506
File: 518 KB, 1920x949, 1595391724377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live thread

>> No.27292508

Can you ban for 1 day instead sometimes, 3 day bans are fucking annoying

>> No.27292510

I agree, it's one of the main reasons I love her. I never want to get off Amelia's Wild Ride.

>> No.27292514

Oh God I hope not

>> No.27292515
File: 80 KB, 223x187, inainaina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292559

What will you do if I say yes?

>> No.27292519
Quoted by: >>27292541

I think Kiara will be much more relaxed because Calli is with her. Those two have good synergy.

>> No.27292520

That seems so fucking based ngl

>> No.27292522

If Mahjong threads on /a/ and /vg/ have taught me anything, it's that simply playing it makes you need to pee.

>> No.27292523

It hurt
It hurt

>> No.27292527
File: 109 KB, 472x444, 1599498907403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For whoever was in that room, thank you, it was fun.

>> No.27292530

I changed my mind during the karaoke stream. GFEanon, I kneel

>> No.27292532
File: 400 KB, 900x873, 1601742167533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was moving for the past couple days
>internet company dicked her over by not installing a line in her home, says they'll take a week to get it hooked up, has to use crappy wifi
>manager-san says "come to my place I have great PC and good internet you can use! :))))))"
>manager-san's PC can barely run minecraft on minimum settings, but stream evens out for an hour
>it then starts dying, cutting off the stream multiple times and forcibly crashes minecraft, which sends Kiara down an emotional spiral
>Kiara, already stressed, can't even read the comments since the entire PC is frozen but still running, eventually starts chugging along again
>she summons her courage and gets going along to a nice beat in Minecraft before the PC starts to royally fuck up once more and that was the final straw
>gets too emotional and starts blaming herself for nothing ever going right and signs off

>> No.27292533
Quoted by: >>27292543

You're supposed to ENJOY the vacation

>> No.27292534
File: 1003 KB, 404x347, ゴズリング.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292588

>Not a single EU-friendly stream

>> No.27292535
Quoted by: >>27292571

>This is a winning hand. The new West wind completes a set. The four 8's count as one set because they were kan'd and moved off to the side. The yaku is toi toi: all 4 sets are triples or kans of the same tiles. A tsumo button will appear, and you can click it to win.

what the fuck am i reading

>> No.27292539

I had no clue who he was till Mori, she's thrust me into some music rabbit hole.
All I really know is that they seem to be friends for probably at least a year and have streamed together before, and he's a pretty cool guy with some talent.

>> No.27292541

Until the PC catches fire again.

>> No.27292543

No, I want to post peko faces

>> No.27292544
File: 104 KB, 766x974, 1601348020377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filtered by that stupid filtermonkey shit


>> No.27292547
File: 337 KB, 1700x2132, 1601664646898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292576

It honestly makes me laugh when I see all the gosling posters come out whenever Ame streams. But hearing Amelia be happy makes me smile super hard.

>> No.27292548
File: 162 KB, 1782x1962, EiuPKGHUMAAIr3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27292574

Please archive Ina's karaoke stream bros...

>> No.27292549
Quoted by: >>27292568

[Spoiler] not the mod but uhhh the best way to do things is prob just not do things that could get you banned [\spoiler]

>> No.27292554

Was this not obvious from the beginning? No one else would care as much as they do.

>> No.27292555
Quoted by: >>27292652

oh shit that reminds me I need to contact the website owner to allow hlgg more than 100 users

>> No.27292557
Quoted by: >>27292652

You that synctube guy? Did you find out how to raise the cap from 100 users?

>> No.27292559
Quoted by: >>27292578

Put a hex on you
Don't come crying to me in a week or so

>> No.27292560
Quoted by: >>27292579

Wasn't the collab with K about having him on the remix award stream, rather than on the live show? It would probably an online collab

>> No.27292565

Taka kept making weird, cringy references to things like the Jimmy Neutron cartoon. It was surreal seeing Pikamee try to react to that.

>> No.27292566

Don't be too hard on yourself, meido. You should know already that there was no fucking way it wasn't going to get spammed to hell and back until it caused enough damage. That's how it always is with the deranged ones.
Only way to maybe prevent it would've been stopping the threads, but then /hlg/ would've been their target. Then /jp/ itself. Rinse and repeat until they get tired of it.
All in all, the damage could have been much worse if you weren't here constantly banning the retards. Made the best you could do.

>> No.27292567

I don't know, it feels like she didn't initially want her audience to become the way it is now (with all the lewd/toxic spammers and goslings), but something about her real personality just keeps poking through at the right times and setting everything off. It's a curse like Diarmuid's love spot.

>> No.27292568
Quoted by: >>27292606


>> No.27292571

this is "the narwhal bacons at midnight" tier

>> No.27292572

Don't reply to me cunts

>> No.27292574

Europoors have it rough

>> No.27292576

I actually find goslingposts hilarious (if done during a stream) and feel like this general got way too fucking angry about them, yeah it got out of hand when 500 of them spammed her Q&A but its been fine since

>> No.27292578
Quoted by: >>27292599

N-no wait please I apologize for my behavior

>> No.27292579

I think it was both but I can't say that with any certainty without rewatching the announcement stream.

>> No.27292584

just watch one of the vods later.

>> No.27292586






>> No.27292588
Quoted by: >>27292606

Ina's Sunday stream will be EU-friendly

>> No.27292589

Probably gets mentally exhausted quickly, give her time anon

>> No.27292590

love the meidos interacting. honestly didn't think holoEN would be allowed to stay on this board for long after the split.

>> No.27292591

Isnt it against the rules to impersonate meidos?
But if you actually are one im glad that at least one of you is, you know, actually doing their job. Thread quality is noticeably better with moderation, who would have thought. I dont envy your position, but good luck.

>> No.27292595

Please understand she's desensitized to pain..

>> No.27292598
Quoted by: >>27292631

imagine thinking mahjong is a hard game to learn how to play

>> No.27292597


>> No.27292599

Alright but don't let me see that shit again

>> No.27292600
Quoted by: >>27292645

I really hope she backpedal this decision at some point.
Trying to keep the e-girlfriend persona will only come back to bite her in the tits and create more drama like before.
Now that I think about it, trinity pretty much is going to the e-girlfriend route with how they act (chill, natural and comfy (yes, incluiding Ame toxic fps rounds)) compared to Mori and Kiara who they already have a canon ship meanwhile trinity

>> No.27292603

gspotman posting was kino though

>> No.27292606
Quoted by: >>27292640

you gotta add the script to your monkey
dont use capital s and your slash was backwards
Ina's been good times all around

>> No.27292607

>members only arcade date
Amekeks, what the fuck even is this?

>> No.27292611

Fapped to Sister Claire. Also, go back nijitard.

>> No.27292613

Would make it feel like I have a loving family too. That worth a membership.

>> No.27292616

the "gf" stuff might make more sense if she herself is feeling a lack of fulfillment, maybe due to some recent happening
So she gets into otome games and holostars for some cope

>> No.27292619
Quoted by: >>27292673

I can tolerate roughly 1% of the thread being gosling posters. After that it gets spammy as fuck.

>> No.27292621

today I will remind them

>> No.27292622
Quoted by: >>27292696

Let me get this straight. Use the iGPU for the monitor that handles OBS and everything, and your dedicated GPU for the actual gaming, yes?

How do you activate the iGPU alongside the card?

>> No.27292627
Quoted by: >>27292682

That was fun. I wonder when we'll have another movie watch along with a holo and /hlgg/, Ina's next watch along is members-only so, yeah.

>> No.27292628


>> No.27292631

i-i don't understand it...

>> No.27292639

I just woke up, what are you faggots up to now?

>> No.27292640

thanks Anon

>> No.27292641

Make this poll again in Burger hours and I bet Ame would either be equal or surpass Gura, there's no fucking way there are so few teammates

>> No.27292643
Quoted by: >>27292655

Anon... Papanis is dead

>> No.27292645

>create more drama
Honestly what happened was about as bad as it could get, and it was ultimately a nothingburger

>> No.27292650

She pretends to play against you in a bunch of vintage arcade games and beats you every time, then makes fun of your small dick.

>> No.27292651

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I have no idea how to ASCII, did it work peko?[/spoiler]

>> No.27292652

see the post above you >>27292555

I just found their contact info and will ask them shortly.

>> No.27292655


>> No.27292657
Quoted by: >>27292681

I hope she subverts the "date" thing. If she leans into it unironically shit might get bad later on. It's a tempting entertainment lead but it's a dead end, Amelia.

>> No.27292662

the true gf experience

>> No.27292665

Skill is determined over thousands of games, even a complete novice could beat a top JPML player over the course of one game. That's what's inherently appealing about it, the unpredictable nature.

>> No.27292666


>> No.27292667

Why would I want to watch a virtual girl who's more covered up than MS Paint Moona during Ramadan.

>> No.27292668

so close anon so close

>> No.27292672

You had the roles backwards all along, Teamates are the chads.

>> No.27292671


>> No.27292673
Quoted by: >>27292715

I legitimately do not understand the people who sperg out at goslingposting. It's like they have straight up brain damage.

>> No.27292674

based, good luck

>> No.27292677

Just DL the movie or watch it online.
I watched it online and, bar certain moments when my Internet fucked me over, I was able to enjoy it with the room.

>> No.27292679

Where the fuck is Pekora on the poll?

>> No.27292678
Quoted by: >>27292697

How will you handle it being members only?

>> No.27292680


>> No.27292681

Amelia is a big girl, dont tell what to do

>> No.27292682

I'm still gonna host the movie but no clue how to deal with the member only part. Someone else might have to stream their member stream to another cytube channel, and then have both open.

>> No.27292686
Quoted by: >>27292728

I'm a Unitychad (yes, the U is capitalized), so I always watch all of ENs.

>> No.27292689
Quoted by: >>27292722

when she actually streams better games her numbers will double

>> No.27292694

Fuck yes

>> No.27292696

here's a wholeass guide from like 5 years ago if you're really interested, but I'm pretty sure nowadays it's recommended you just go with NVENC or 2 pc

>> No.27292697

see >>27292682
no clue yet.

>> No.27292700

>not scored as a double yakuman
Kuso mobage.

>> No.27292708
Quoted by: >>27292722

I've stopped watching all of her streams cause she plays shit games, I have a membership to her but meh

>> No.27292709

download the extension then download the script for the extension to run it's how I play Kung Pow every time I get told to stream it

>> No.27292715

They need an excuse to get mad at Ame and most her streams are inoffensive besides her shit game taste so this is what they clung on to.

>> No.27292717

The composition of the thread varies through out the day based on what time they usually stream.

>> No.27292719

If you do stream just the movie, I'll still watch. But only because the previous watch along with /hlgg/ was fun. I'll think hard on getting a one-month Ina membership before the movie watch along. I do hope it doesn't come to someone streaming the member stream, would feel bad for conscience.

>> No.27292722

The threads explode when she's streaming

>> No.27292725

luck is also a skill

>> No.27292727

>only 12 other Deadbeats awake right now
Together, strong.

>> No.27292728

You won't be able to be a Unitychad when Gen 2 releases unless you forego your sleep reps.
