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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 219 KB, 1540x2048, EjTrQ1kUYAAOTAf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27264637 No.27264637 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27264641
File: 100 KB, 600x451, 1600964830341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27264643
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.27264644
File: 1.24 MB, 2000x2964, ESCJwE_U0AAvure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

onore youtube...

>> No.27264649
File: 562 KB, 960x1280, LifeWithCoco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou
I will wait for you

>> No.27264650
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.27264652
File: 245 KB, 1920x1080, 01376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27264653
File: 112 KB, 1503x1081, かなたそ12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27264693

I love Kanatan!

>> No.27264654
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, 6CCC7A4B-EF33-4BBF-97D6-891C8CC0F9BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !

>> No.27264656
Quoted by: >>27264690

If you think that's deep just wait till you hear an american female talk

>> No.27264658


>> No.27264660
File: 336 KB, 1000x768, 1601809061530.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.27264661
File: 385 KB, 1920x1080, 20201001_215359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debut when

>> No.27264665
File: 138 KB, 1107x1657, 1589707011010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Festival like you wouldn't believe

>> No.27264667
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 1596103998885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27264670


>> No.27264674
File: 136 KB, 428x475, EfMJHeIU8AIezlH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OoT... Skyrim...

>> No.27264675

Next week, ID gen 2.

>> No.27264676
File: 40 KB, 540x540, 20201004_053534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27264696

Smug 3D Cat.

>> No.27264677
File: 204 KB, 1366x768, KOKOSUKI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]








>> No.27264678
Quoted by: >>27264721

I'm still waiting for Cover to send Polka to my house to sit on my face as an apology. I am an important janitor dammit.

>> No.27264680


>> No.27264682


>> No.27264684
File: 563 KB, 648x407, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

**I move away from the mic to breathe in

>> No.27264688


>> No.27264689
Quoted by: >>27264716

Stop fucking feeding Bibi so much!

>> No.27264690

>mori tries to talk like a guy
>still have cute girly accidental moans here and there

>> No.27264691

>Korone has the WORST sub to stream view ratio

Shes almost been streaming this for 24 hours, shes done pretty well to hold so many viewers

>> No.27264692
File: 124 KB, 800x800, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27264693
Quoted by: >>27264707

I wish she streamed today on her channel too but I was really happy to hear her nonetheless!

>> No.27264696

Your cat looks broken.

>> No.27264698
File: 1.67 MB, 2048x1536, 1580572656932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Judas of Hololive

>> No.27264700
File: 2.93 MB, 1184x662, hololive aqua marine otp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27264703
File: 3.90 MB, 2429x3520, ce28e4c7b1a9ec5c1aab6692fe8911e1fada49e06f4c51d7351c120efca83036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While many people may be concerned about their worsening list of fetishes when they begin to include things like "feet" or "armpits", I do wish to inform you that there is little to worry about. These two fetishes lead directly into seemingly-worse fetishes such as a sweat fetish or body odor fetish, but this is again merely a great misconception. For you see, when you have begun to dream of smelling or licking your oshi you are actually now at the closest point to forgoing any concerns about the superficial beauty of your oshi and are on the precipice of being attracted purely to her existence itself. Once you cross this threshold, you become immediately and completely immune to the base commotions of the masses such as anti-posting or roommate-posting and filled with a resolve that lets you wish everyone else can love their oshi as much as you do to your own.

So next time you imagine licking your oshi's sweaty armpits, or dunking your head in her laundry basket, or rubbing her feet on your face, or having your face replace her chair as the station of her rear: fear not. You are on your way to enlightenment and with it the joys of the purest oshi love.

2.5 hours straight of Kanatan, happiness.

>> No.27264705
File: 1.70 MB, 3460x1946, 1599002489274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27264741

>rest korone

>> No.27264704

Tiwa hours...

>> No.27264707
Quoted by: >>27264847

Doubt there will be a stream today since the NND stream is still ongoing

>> No.27264708

Why do 35P lie to themselves?

>> No.27264709
File: 635 KB, 720x900, Yukihana_Lamy_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Janitors are sub human.

>> No.27264710
File: 218 KB, 1000x1414, chaEhooL_yVkAATH67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia keep being exceptionally charming and cute!

>> No.27264713

samefagging is gay

>> No.27264714
File: 1.29 MB, 1390x784, nightfeverlive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the right

>> No.27264715
File: 126 KB, 1500x1500, Eja5eEgVgAI_kF_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27264754

aaaasaaashin wow wow wow

>> No.27264716

Towa can't help it
she feels bad everytime he asks for food

>> No.27264717

how many of the early posters are bots?

>> No.27264719

oh god what if it's a thunderstorm

>> No.27264720

Lamy... your meds...

>> No.27264721 [DELETED] 

Being an unpaid internet janitor on this shithole isn't really something to be proud of Anon..

>> No.27264722

I can't imagine how much I'd be bullying myself right now if I didn't archive the Choco Jurassic Park 2 watchalong anon
I'm sorry

>> No.27264723
File: 37 KB, 533x248, 1601042324246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27264747

Hello I would like to redeem this coupon.

>> No.27264724
File: 3.81 MB, 442x594, 1601666027866.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jijibutsuthing will be daijoufine.

>> No.27264727


>> No.27264728

Miko did jav, audio porn and is currently pregnant.
She's the biggest slut in hololive

>> No.27264730
File: 205 KB, 364x429, 1596235858673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27264733
File: 158 KB, 878x1054, 23f52c8af9aa2f85dd00687f5f96b8aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love please towa

>> No.27264734
File: 15 KB, 281x328, 1601467281738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for nijitards to clip literal jokes and get more people suspended

>> No.27264735
File: 1.83 MB, 2560x1440, botan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally love botan

>> No.27264737

6% Choco-sensei....

>> No.27264739

atleast 30

>> No.27264740

Me on upper right.

>> No.27264741

>janitor yes based

>> No.27264742
File: 670 KB, 720x742, 1597239891780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CEO hates job discrimination.

>> No.27264743

all of them

>> No.27264745
Quoted by: >>27264768

Me on the second to the right.

>> No.27264746
Quoted by: >>27264764

All of us are bots, except you. This is all a virtual experiment.
None of this is real.

>> No.27264747


>> No.27264748
Quoted by: >>27264760

People voting for invalids over Choco...
She was in the fucking track team and basketball clubs in school...

>> No.27264749

Ban the fucking word sleep already.

>> No.27264750
File: 117 KB, 569x204, ahogequa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Aqua and I hate jannies

>> No.27264751
File: 232 KB, 484x468, 160493891123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DUMB BITCH forgot to put her character voice on and was singing in her real grandma hag voice. Dogfags and their pregnant lactating whore exposed.

>> No.27264752
File: 22 KB, 276x293, 1601758181183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27264754


>> No.27264755
File: 341 KB, 732x372, 5B67E9B7-F247-4D1D-814A-2CBF11559521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27264773

Is this the chink horror game?

>> No.27264756


>> No.27264757


>> No.27264759
File: 1.27 MB, 3508x2480, IMG_20201004_202544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 66 Thread #7

Forever waiting for Mikochi! Mikochi will be back soon! I believe in Mikochi! I love you Mikochi! Aaaaaahhh!!!!!

>> No.27264760
Quoted by: >>27264767

Wait, what?

>> No.27264764
Quoted by: >>27264785

if none of this is real, guess ill impregnate you

>> No.27264765
File: 2.91 MB, 1066x600, 1586405856306.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27264766


>> No.27264769
Quoted by: >>27264823


>> No.27264767
Quoted by: >>27264838

What is the confusion?

>> No.27264768

Scratch that third on the right. Right next to Watame.

>> No.27264770
Quoted by: >>27264794

Why do you reply to 6 hour old bait? Are you gonna reply to someone from few weeks ago too?

>> No.27264771
Quoted by: >>27264882

one of these is true

>> No.27264772

>the last few posts in the last thread was just spamming towas name
>most of theses threads are lettered with such spam

Why is the least popular vtuuber spammed this much here? Is it just the case of autistic dedication by a couple of poopsockers?

>> No.27264773


>> No.27264775
File: 80 KB, 304x304, 1601774475520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me Peko funny face

>> No.27264777
File: 42 KB, 518x518, EjBiklaXgAI06Ez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27264778
File: 91 KB, 444x391, 1592782260663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27264779
File: 98 KB, 1384x778, 1596427600554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asmr collabs onegai...

>> No.27264781


>> No.27264782
File: 244 KB, 1748x1181, 1601732470646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my boomer grandma dog!

>> No.27264784
File: 973 KB, 1210x1720, 1601744965313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27264785
File: 347 KB, 489x436, womb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27264814


>> No.27264786


>> No.27264787


>> No.27264789


>> No.27264790 [SPOILER] 
File: 334 KB, 798x490, 1601818114715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27264831

God I want to drink this grandma's breast milk

>> No.27264791


>> No.27264794
Quoted by: >>27264855

That post was less than 10 mins ago what are you talking about

>> No.27264795


>> No.27264796


>> No.27264797

>korone practices the basics of fighting multiple opponents
>uma uma! umasugiru!

>> No.27264799
Quoted by: >>27264836

people typically wait for the new thread when there's only a few posts left so towa....is the standard filler to get the thread archived

>> No.27264801

Reminder that Ayame is a whore who’d rather cancel collabs at the last minute letting down her colleagues just to go have sex with her confirmed boyfriend.
Reminder that she is the whore of hololive, a fake slut who uses superchats and voice packs to buy condoms, by giving her money you’re helping her boyfriend get a new TV.
She’s now “””sick”””” again, the whore has no shame.

>> No.27264802
File: 58 KB, 440x448, 4ACD7F95-D134-4201-94C8-E6DBE57F1AA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27264812

I am not a bot... (;ω;)

>> No.27264804

whatever you say whore.

>> No.27264805
Quoted by: >>27264852

Jannies and garbagemen are literally the worst jobs in every country. Why the fuck do nips act outraged?

>> No.27264806


>> No.27264807

>Botan and Polka cancelled their night streams
What is mean?

>> No.27264808


>> No.27264809

> picks the castle stage
> suprised it's a castle stage
high iq play there friend

>> No.27264811


>> No.27264812

I wish you were a bot so I could have sex with you in front of Mel

>> No.27264813
File: 783 KB, 882x1026, 1600876139582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27264814

in either reality, all women are slaves tot he cock

>> No.27264816
File: 54 KB, 540x540, 20201004_053610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27264832

She's hanging in there.

>> No.27264819

Watame is still not in a great mental state.
I will never forgive fucking china for this...

>> No.27264821
File: 2 KB, 318x318, pk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27264822
File: 236 KB, 1920x1080, 83731504_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 34 days since Mano Aloe "graduated"
I'm glad that she's alive but she's definitely not doing ok. I hope everything gets better for her.


>> No.27264823

This hobby is very unhealthy. They are unironically helping you

>> No.27264824
File: 117 KB, 1920x1080, 1601814228640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27264941

Did any of the other Pekora archivist do a live recording of it? I'm hating myself for getting complacent and thinking something like a watch-along on a member paywall even, being safe.

>> No.27264826
File: 212 KB, 516x597, 1598621040988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27264827

Towa and Roro...
My souls at peace...

>> No.27264829


>> No.27264828

Is she still wearing the leotard?

>> No.27264830

Janitor here

>> No.27264831
File: 234 KB, 291x298, 1596997575973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27264872

i want to give this grandma my milk

>> No.27264832
Quoted by: >>27264999

I hate it.

>> No.27264833

Did Korone pre-recorded her stream or is this a real 24 hours stream of her playing AC? If it's real I'm amazed how she could still be this energetic.

>> No.27264834

>Jannies Idol

Also reminder that Artia is a rat snake.

>> No.27264835
File: 358 KB, 500x793, 1601659829026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27264880

What was Aqua's previous baito she said just now? I didn't catch it

>> No.27264836

I hate ayame now

>> No.27264837

Latest statement from Chinese antis

>> No.27264838
Quoted by: >>27264859


>> No.27264840
Quoted by: >>27264883


>> No.27264843

Bot ritualpost is soulless.

>> No.27264842

For free?

>> No.27264844
File: 889 KB, 1001x1323, 1596610057387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27264857

My friend is very cute today

>> No.27264845

god yes please nurse me korone

>> No.27264846

ロロ commented on Lamy's tweet telling her to get well soon.
I like ロロ

>> No.27264847
Quoted by: >>27264997

Kanatach locking her content as usual...

>> No.27264848

do you do it for free?

>> No.27264851

Did Cover send Polka to your house to sit on your face yet? I'm still waiting for them to send her to my house.

>> No.27264852
Quoted by: >>27265153

You shouldn't laugh at them

>> No.27264853


>> No.27264854
Quoted by: >>27264900

Oh you are back !! (*゚∀゚*)

>> No.27264855

I was talking about the post he reply to.

>> No.27264857

ahegao version when?

>> No.27264856
Quoted by: >>27264927

its pre recorded, you can leave now

>> No.27264858


>> No.27264859

questionnaire about who viewers thought were the fastest runners out of Choco, Kanata and Mio

And of course the only vote Choco gets a majority in is people calling her a psycho...

>> No.27264860
File: 304 KB, 463x453, 1600170606755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ogeys: 1411706
>rrats: 2357670

Who fucked up the ratio??????????????

>> No.27264861

>ogeys: 1411328
>rrats: 2357661
we are not ogey after all, ogeybros...

>> No.27264862

Subaru noooo

>> No.27264864


>> No.27264865

Tow truck...

>> No.27264866
File: 282 KB, 1110x1684, 5Dni8xUjJuNVTzNKYHX1X0BLXlt52de1IA2DI02NXTs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats it like being the filth you clean up?

>> No.27264869

>Choco-sensei voted as the most psychopath among the 3

>> No.27264870
File: 2.55 MB, 3000x4000, 1596207786812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant believe aqua slapped the cover office janitor's knees in front of yagoo

>> No.27264871
Quoted by: >>27264885

it was all... a dream?

>> No.27264872
File: 464 KB, 807x616, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too anon

>> No.27264873
Quoted by: >>27265909

blast from the past

>> No.27264875
Quoted by: >>27264886

????? WTF NND

>> No.27264876
File: 340 KB, 750x987, scroll of summon janitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it.

>> No.27264879

Maybe they're all going over to Lamy's place to see if she's okay. Might not be a good idea to leave her alone at this time.

>> No.27264880

A bakery

>> No.27264881

Lurk more.

>> No.27264882
File: 123 KB, 830x960, 1585801176670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265001

yeah she's pregnant with my kid

>> No.27264883


>> No.27264885

always has been

>> No.27264886
Quoted by: >>27264947

Just ending now

>> No.27264888

Going on dates with Lamy!
Having fun with Lamy at the amusement park!
Telling Lamy you're a janitor!
Waiting for Lamy while she goes to the bathroom!
Looking for Lamy!
Lamy ringing you and saying she had an emergency and had to go!
Lamy telling you she's busy with her streams and that you can't see each other for a while!
Lamy's number not in service!

>> No.27264889

aw man she won't laugh at mine

>> No.27264891
File: 375 KB, 602x1169, ETibMksUcBg1wCb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265827


>> No.27264892
File: 2.28 MB, 4096x2891, 1593378897697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want yonkisei to laugh at my dick

>> No.27264894
File: 140 KB, 800x1253, kariore 1309861978383372288_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265015

I love Aqua!

>> No.27264897

Korone sleep onegai

>> No.27264900
File: 190 KB, 902x1135, 1598621520693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27264977

I never left

I sometimes forget my ritual post, also working back at the office again so I cant be in every thread now

>> No.27264902
File: 153 KB, 220x220, Mumbo_Token%27s_Animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Kizuna AI irrelevant now when she had nendoroids and her tv show?

>> No.27264904

>There is a mop sticking out of her mailbox
>They realize they are too late

>> No.27264905

Lamy x Janitors Doujin

>> No.27264906

I wish...

>> No.27264907

Considering botan mentioned uploading a siege video tomorrow, it's not suspension but rather them supporting Lamy and maybe having a discord call/offline meetup with her to cheer her up

>> No.27264909

> tries to be an assassin
> game prevents her
sasuga ubisoft

>> No.27264910
Quoted by: >>27264943

My headcanon is that gen 5 is meeting up to hang out and take their minds off this retardarion.

>> No.27264911
Quoted by: >>27264979

help us j_god

>> No.27264912
Quoted by: >>27264951

>okayu will play shadow corridor again

>> No.27264914

i want yonkisei to collab... please you fucking autists

>> No.27264919
Quoted by: >>27264942

Dodging the heat probably. Botan is editing a R6S video to release tomorrow.

>> No.27264920
File: 14 KB, 299x250, 1587336508501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27264921


>> No.27264923
File: 1.67 MB, 1168x862, COMFYNESS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27264950


>> No.27264925

They tried separating the VA from the character

>> No.27264926

How long is Lamy's break going to be?

>> No.27264927

Thank you. I will.

>> No.27264929


>> No.27264931

go back

>> No.27264933
File: 134 KB, 1200x900, 1591489129757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265137

I felt incredibly lonely when the stream suddenly got cut... peko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.27264934

3 weeks.

>> No.27264935
File: 64 KB, 708x491, 1585822046164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Cocochi left!

>> No.27264937

This boss fight has nothing on X-potato.

>> No.27264939
Quoted by: >>27264975

God I really fucking miss Miko bros it hurts

>> No.27264938

This should be polka's picture though.

>> No.27264940
File: 669 KB, 2773x4096, 1591318361592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is assassins creed the game korosan gets so invested in that she returns to her old 24 hour stream ways

>> No.27264942

>Botan is editing a R6S video to release tomorrow.
Fucking finally, more RS6.

>> No.27264941
File: 734 KB, 1230x1200, EjaLDwrWkAIGu0N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265255

I unfortunately didn't throw it up in vlc, I wish I did now though
Been slacking on my archive reps

>> No.27264943

My headcanon is that Nene took the entire day off today because she decided to hang out with Lamy already. Anyway seeing as they're all still retweeting and replying on each other's posts their bond doesn't seem to have been strained by this incident. I hope.

>> No.27264944


>> No.27264945

they should have turned her into a vocaloid

>> No.27264947

I mean how the fuck nnd watchers are so bad

>> No.27264948

Until the Janitors strike is over with at Clover.

>> No.27264949

thanks for sharing, botan

>> No.27264950


>> No.27264951

She beat rat simulator, there's no way she was going to not beat this. Luckily I've been mentally bracing myself ever since her first stream of it.

>> No.27264955


>> No.27264958


>> No.27264959

4 weeks

>> No.27264960

Man, this artist really loves hololive.

>> No.27264961
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, 1598198169111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Korone also do the DLC or not?

>> No.27264962

I'm hoping a week at most.

>> No.27264963

me too, botan

>> No.27264965
File: 1.12 MB, 498x278, 1589346353195.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't believe she's gonna complete this in one sitting, crazy woman.

>> No.27264967

>be pekora
>keeps on OGEYing
>get RRATs in your membership

>> No.27264969


>> No.27264971


>> No.27264972
File: 544 KB, 3501x2710, aloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27264982

her ghost shall haunt these threads forever

>> No.27264975

>It seems the date of my return will be announced just before it happens, so it might take you by surprise.
Soon 35Pbro...

>> No.27264976
File: 675 KB, 1079x1054, Screenshot_20200807-212051_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suisei has been streaming less for a long time now
>Now Lamy is gonna take a break to recuperate and allow the mess to get cleaned up
I thought watching Hololive was meant to be tanoshii...

>> No.27264977
Quoted by: >>27265189

I thought you were a neet cause you are in like 90% of threads

>> No.27264978

>there's magic in assassins creed

>> No.27264979

Uhh, Tenma is singing and Izuru is about to sing azamurashi's songs in a few hours

>> No.27264981

This lucky hag.

>> No.27264982

or at least until you get bored a month or so from now

>> No.27264983

Temma is interested in doing a totsumachi but give up because he's afraid.
>If nobody call then I could use it as a joke but I'm afraid that only one or two person call, it's going to be so lonely. I never really interact with non-Holo so it's probably going to be a Holostars-only totsumachi and the busier one will probably won't call.

>> No.27264984
File: 598 KB, 784x510, 13431657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That'll teach you, you two-timing knife-ear!
>Touch Haachama one more time and I'll get the truck drivers on your ass!

>> No.27264987
File: 64 KB, 680x680, 1600980300562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been happy everyday ever since Mikochi died!

>> No.27264988

always has been

>> No.27264989

It's actually the opposite. In my experience women's public restrooms are the worse in terms of hygiene.

>> No.27264990

She's got plenty going on outside of YouTube.

>> No.27264991

Gura is on her way to trampling on Coco.

>> No.27264992

did she already sang "that" song?

>> No.27264994
Quoted by: >>27265026

>Botan is the one instigating the discrimination every time
I should've expected someone like Botan who crawled out of the literal ghetto into comfy upper-class financial comfort to look down on anyone without ambition to make something more of themselves.

>> No.27264995
Quoted by: >>27265013

Watame's ears are pointier than Lamy's

>> No.27264997

just get a wallet and a time machine and watch them, or wait until right now when she has run out of bonus events that she's been lucky enough to get involved with

>> No.27264998
Quoted by: >>27265030

Didn't ask, don't care.

>> No.27264999
File: 247 KB, 1920x1080, 20201004_063644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265024

I've warmed up to it. Wouldnt mind if she does it once a week or every couple of weeks. 3D can never beat 2D for me though.

>> No.27265001
File: 293 KB, 1800x1200, EhUZa3EUwAAQDyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265040

ok peko

>> No.27265002

It's been there since the first game.

>> No.27265004

There's magic from the very first AssCrees.

>> No.27265005

Now I understand misogyny but what

>> No.27265006
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1570684442735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know Suisei's the best singer in Hololive, but who's the worst one?

>> No.27265007

>Final sequence is just 2 protagonists tag team the villain with fist.
Wow Syndicate is really garbage

>> No.27265008


>> No.27265009

I'm sorry fellow star bros
but the knight's filtering me hard

>> No.27265011
File: 358 KB, 438x392, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265294

okayu is so beautiful...

>> No.27265013

That's her hair and ribbons, she has normal ears

>> No.27265014
File: 32 KB, 273x332, 1600916850476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Lamy graduates.

>> No.27265015
File: 398 KB, 2560x1440, Desktop 2020.09.26 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27265018
File: 430 KB, 776x461, Aloe panties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265050

I will never forget the owner of this panties!


>> No.27265019

some days
poor people overreacted

>> No.27265020
Quoted by: >>27265078

>I'll get the truck drivers on your ass!
you cant really make fun of truck drivers they make very respectable money given how heinous the job theyre forced to do is

>> No.27265021


>> No.27265023
File: 25 KB, 354x354, 1601086182129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't badmouth my wifu like that

>> No.27265024

they should get k**n's setup to move the whole body at least

>> No.27265025
Quoted by: >>27265092

I see the flipschizo with his bootleg korone is back

>> No.27265026

Botan is a vindictive (and cute) obaa-san!

>> No.27265027


>> No.27265028

It's true
women's bathrooms are fucking nasty
blood and piss on the wall

>> No.27265030


>> No.27265031

Women are fucking disgusting, whenever women have a bathroom to themselves it's always a fucking mess and I'm not just talking about public ones either

>> No.27265032

I get him, it would be embarrassing desu

>> No.27265033
Quoted by: >>27265098

Aqua made a joke about black companies recruiting you to the ground level and higher ups keeping you there.
Botan and Polka make jokes about the shame of being a career janitor.
Lamy gets treated like she slaughtered a non-burakumin janitor because she politely laughed.

Truly a black joke.

>> No.27265034

Why does love fade so easily?
After the chink drama I don't feel the same emotions anymore when watching Watame.
I didn't want it to end this way...

>> No.27265036

Don't all asscree end like it's like they are trying to remake snake vs ocelot bichslap fight

>> No.27265039


>> No.27265040
Quoted by: >>27265068

Dead ship

>> No.27265041
File: 20 KB, 843x361, graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27265044


>> No.27265045

Bros... Japanese Keemstar is shitting on Polka and Lamy...

>> No.27265047


>> No.27265048
File: 1.13 MB, 850x1133, 334234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265169


>> No.27265049


>> No.27265050

Why don't she have pubes?

>> No.27265051


>> No.27265052


>> No.27265054

Korosan got ntr'd...

>> No.27265055

this is the complete opposite of reality, going into the men's washrooms if they're unoccupied and you can get into a stall is always the better choice

>> No.27265056
Quoted by: >>27265080


>> No.27265058
Quoted by: >>27265136

It was never love, anon

>> No.27265059

dont care not hololive fuck off

>> No.27265060
Quoted by: >>27265081

>screeching at a kiss
Virgin dog.

>> No.27265062

Ok I'm reading the replies to Lamy latest tweet and I can't even find a single anti comment
Why is this place acting like it's the end of the world?

>> No.27265063

If you could make Korone play any game in a 24h+ endurance stream, what game would it be?

>> No.27265064


>> No.27265065

Don’t forget shit smears

>> No.27265067

Anon the yellow pointy things are her ears. The ribbon is just for design.

>> No.27265068

Alive ship

>> No.27265069

a bit oot
are you have a cheat days for your japanese reps? or are you doing it everyday?

>> No.27265070
Quoted by: >>27265349

She deserves to be happy.
I don't want to see her become a lonely cat lady in a decade...

>> No.27265071
Quoted by: >>27267944

He's right. Period blood coating the walls, sanitary pads clogging up the toilets, they squat on the toilet seats because they don't want to sit on it and end up spraying their pee everywhere.
Also a lot of girls have fucking filthy rooms by the way.

>> No.27265072

how fucking new?
It's her sheep ears she doesn't have human ones

>> No.27265073

Seems like a shitty game to me but the BGM is so good

>> No.27265074

nene chads keep winning while old hags and mentally disabled haatons get suspended

>> No.27265075
File: 55 KB, 720x900, chrischan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's back

>> No.27265077
File: 78 KB, 463x352, 1574042166665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27265079

Wow, Korone has a really harsh stance on miscegenation

>> No.27265078
File: 9 KB, 186x186, 1597238824351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cant really make fun of truck drivers
Try me!

>> No.27265080

You mean poo'd.

>> No.27265081
Quoted by: >>27265145

people haven't talked to girls in uni dorms and asked them about stuff before
...they should

what of it
that makes marriage wonderful for her

>> No.27265084

Always has been

>> No.27265086
Quoted by: >>27265118

why is mary nightingale knighting people

>> No.27265087


>> No.27265090
File: 1.04 MB, 1240x1754, 1591992269237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banjo tooie...

>> No.27265089

I don't understand ching chong so I just watch the translated clips after each stream.

>> No.27265091


>> No.27265092
Quoted by: >>27265266

Bootleg Korone is a cuter design

>> No.27265095
File: 78 KB, 850x664, 1591284434049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to sleep
>korone's streaming
>wake uo
>korone's streaming
>farm fatalis for half a day
>korone's still streaming

>> No.27265098

Needs something to smear the princess

>> No.27265099
File: 338 KB, 900x745, pekomiko compromised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get knocked up around November December last year
>find out you are pregnant
>try to push through and still do streams
>when it got too much to handle is when you make your announcement to take a break for a couple of months
>have your baby and learn to plan your schedule around it and come back when you are finally comfortable with it

>> No.27265100
File: 747 KB, 1269x715, japaneseKEEMSTAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this retard so obviously gets all his content from this thread

>> No.27265101

I love Aquas gasping for air laughing.

>> No.27265102

i remember this place said the chink thing was nothingburger too
and then we get 3 weeks suspension the next day

hlg is always wrong

>> No.27265103

My fucking god this 45 year dog is too cute

>> No.27265104

did korone want them to do wincest or something?

>> No.27265105

Deus Ex

>> No.27265107 [SPOILER] 
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, 1601818989277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is this place full of samefagging assholes trying to stir shit up?

>> No.27265108

Fuck off Artia

>> No.27265111

Imagine the smell of korone sofa right now

>> No.27265112


>> No.27265113


>> No.27265116
Quoted by: >>27265167

she cant even finish kazooie in 24 hours, she would need an entire week for tooie

>> No.27265118

Bro, that's Queen Victoria...

>> No.27265120


>> No.27265121
Quoted by: >>27265228

Name a more iconic duo, I'll wait.

>> No.27265123

that cunt supported the doxx of aloe.
he can suck a ton of dicks

>> No.27265125
Quoted by: >>27265202

every. single. day.

>> No.27265128

Only Aqua is dumb enough to air pre-recorded content during a 24h live.

>> No.27265131

Everything fades anon.
A lesson I am reminded everyday looking at my bald head in the mirror.

>> No.27265134
Quoted by: >>27265157

There's nothing about Polka or Lamy in the title though? It does say Fubuki shit on otaku I think?

>> No.27265137

Fuck I just remembered something from last night's dream. Something poetic. My ex-gf from highschool watching me flirt with pekora in the classroom.

>> No.27265136
Quoted by: >>27265160

What was it then?

>> No.27265138

Why did Izuru apologize for cursing in his Among Us stream? I wasn't able to catch his stream today.

>> No.27265139

It's just butthurt jannies in this thread due to their oshi calling them out.

>> No.27265140

They already debuted left is Botan right is Polka. They tweak models before the debut to fit personalities more.

>> No.27265142

Fucking hiroshimoot

>> No.27265143
File: 308 KB, 459x466, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27265145

>that makes marriage wonderful for her

>> No.27265146

Desperately want her to play some kusoshit rpg like crest of the stars or lucienne's quest

>> No.27265148
File: 542 KB, 683x700, 1601549823798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dried floor tampons and pads stuck to the stall walls. Boiled eggshells and and pizza crusts from their lunch on the shitter.

But still i do not give an iota of a fuck about the 5th gens bants.

>> No.27265147

Do your vtuber reps

>> No.27265149


>> No.27265150
Quoted by: >>27265281

>game permission
>CCP permission
>joke permission

>> No.27265153
Quoted by: >>27265193

If that were the case nobody should joke because there would always be someone being offended

>> No.27265154

What is HiroMoot doing there?

>> No.27265155


>> No.27265156
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, 3543C481-3EB4-465D-820A-E6904507FB1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Suisei

>> No.27265158
File: 13 KB, 480x360, KIRIYU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265382


>> No.27265157

>It does say Fubuki shit on otaku I think?
In other news water is wet

>> No.27265159

>that cunt supported the doxx of aloe
No he didn't, retard newfag

>> No.27265160


>> No.27265161

Tow new...?

>> No.27265164

at least include his name in your post so it gets filtered
fuck off you fucking /v/ermin tourist

>> No.27265165

What the fuck are those animations.

>> No.27265166
Quoted by: >>27265181

Oh are you the guy from the other day that works at the airport?

>> No.27265167
Quoted by: >>27265215

Tooie is ironically much easier game due to warps, egg cheats trivializing bosses and death being inconsequential

>> No.27265168
File: 336 KB, 850x1202, botan protecting her wife from the proletariat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27265169


>> No.27265171

>I'm fine
Is she?

>> No.27265174
Quoted by: >>27265293

She'd be there for weeks

>> No.27265175

Check her apology tweet, some of them were commenting there. Also some were mocking her for being mentally fragile in the hololivetv tweet too.

>> No.27265177


>> No.27265178

Lots of them are on Hiromoots twitter, from what I can tell.

>> No.27265181


>> No.27265183

Even Gen2 is getting together... Yonkisei... Collab onegai...

>> No.27265184

As much as i don't like the fag, he didn't.

>> No.27265186

Go to Polka's latest video.

>> No.27265188

>16k watching now
i didn't know he's this popular

>> No.27265189
File: 1.61 MB, 964x1007, 1599493241388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought you were a neet cause you are in like 90% of threads
I fucking wish. Was working from home but now thats done

>> No.27265190

lol what is this ending?

>> No.27265193

These jokes should not be told in public
There are other harmless jokes out there

>> No.27265195


>> No.27265196
Quoted by: >>27265316


>> No.27265200

Is it finally over? Did she win?

>> No.27265201

mikos baby needs a father
are you gonna man up?

>> No.27265202
Quoted by: >>27265404

i kneel
thanks based anon, feel motivated again now

>> No.27265203
Quoted by: >>27265223

friend made top 3!

>> No.27265204
Quoted by: >>27265245

i will never forgive ubisoft for fucking up the modern day so hard

>> No.27265205
Quoted by: >>27265237

There are a lot of dramafags in Japan.

>> No.27265207

unironic joke police here

>> No.27265208

What the fuck is even going on in the Assassin's Creed lore? I know it's all a simulation or something, but what the fuck?

>> No.27265210
Quoted by: >>27265271

Harmless jokes are not funny

>> No.27265211

It's always been about ancient aliums.

>> No.27265212

The usual Asscreed shitfest. They didn't even bother making one for the first game.

>> No.27265214


>> No.27265215

yea but grunty industries, terrydactland and cloudtop land exist

>> No.27265216

I'm a Chococoomer and I have to admit hers is the worst

>> No.27265219

Free time.

>> No.27265220
File: 114 KB, 270x327, 1596091695975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265247


>> No.27265223

She is getting better... I think.

>> No.27265224

>korone still streaming
is she going to die?

>> No.27265226


>> No.27265228

I look forward to more moments like this

>> No.27265230

the least interesting holos:

>> No.27265231

muh ayyliens
muh hoooomans
it's shit

>> No.27265232

Stfu SJW

>> No.27265233

but she wont be streaming for a while

>> No.27265237
Quoted by: >>27265305

can't blame them it's much more addicting than fiction

>> No.27265241

My god I remember how shit the story is outside of the animus stuff

>> No.27265242

a singular, 3 part gaming session

>> No.27265244

Yes. We're all going to die.

>> No.27265245

What happened in vikings?

>> No.27265246

WTF was that AC sci fi ending.

>> No.27265247

The end of the game.

>> No.27265249
Quoted by: >>27265668

So what is his opinion on the drama

>> No.27265252


>> No.27265253
File: 41 KB, 463x453, 1601653609197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265264


>> No.27265255
File: 110 KB, 1009x567, 1571589910627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265363

I thought;
>"Fuck, I have to renew my cookies, well it is a member watch-along, there is literally nothing on screen that could ban it so I'll pass"
Never again, it will never happen again. My autism is going to haunt me forever now that I know my archive has a hole in it.

>> No.27265256

Where can I watch it, anon?

>> No.27265258
Quoted by: >>27265306

goddamn people these days are so thin skinned

>> No.27265259

Korone you absolute menace

>> No.27265260
File: 202 KB, 275x401, 1601643709879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265279

Congrats on clearing the main story Dog God.

>> No.27265261

pacman world

>> No.27265264


>> No.27265266

take your meds schizo

>> No.27265267

Did Korone enjoy western game folded 2 and a half times?

>> No.27265268
Quoted by: >>27265300

Korone wouldn't continue streaming, right?

>> No.27265269
Quoted by: >>27265338

First time seeing AC story? It was always about ayys.

>> No.27265270

this but mori, kiara and amelia

>> No.27265271

Yet you prefer inoffensive Hololive streamers over american edgy streamers. Curious.

>> No.27265274

Don't bother caring. They let the original creator go.

>> No.27265276

Kill yourself but in live, so we can laugh at you faggot

>> No.27265275
File: 476 KB, 453x445, 1600944268861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265334

We live in a society where people are getting cancelled for reacting to a clown's joke.

>> No.27265277

God damn, that was smooth, Okayu.

>> No.27265278

the least interesting holos:
Your oshi

>> No.27265279

>still no decent hentai of her
One nuke was NOT enough. I repeat, one nuke was not enough!

>> No.27265281
Quoted by: >>27265332

>game permission
is this actually a thing?

>> No.27265282
Quoted by: >>27265301

>wanting to 100% + DLC this shit
I kneel

>> No.27265284

miyabi with the spooks
but I wanna go to bed...

>> No.27265285

Get back to licking my asshole janny, you missed a spot

>> No.27265286


>> No.27265288

AC is literally sci-fi, anon.

>> No.27265291

is this the sjw invasion?
That weeb dramafag that talks about vtubers was right?

>> No.27265293

Sekiro is a shit game, a half-assed Souls with most of the content missing.

>> No.27265294
File: 649 KB, 500x571, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265340

Please forgive me for this Catbro

>> No.27265295

Hmm... last December Miko had an offcollab with Pecor on christmas, and you know what they say about couple and christmas. This surely can't be a coincidence, Pekora baby confirmed?!

>> No.27265296
File: 34 KB, 227x222, 1600986712779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to die.

>> No.27265299
File: 24 KB, 345x438, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how she took the time to stab someone in the stomach right at the end, despite not needing to. I'm glad she had fun, I even got a little invested in the story.

>> No.27265300

She just said she was going to go do another line and start up the DLC.

>> No.27265301
Quoted by: >>27265353

Jack the Ripper DLC would be good

>> No.27265302

>the reason one 2 people spam towa is because she lurks here

Is that it? Just that?

>> No.27265303
Quoted by: >>27265386

The antis have quieted down quite a bit compared to yesterday. If you search ラミィ and search by newest you'll find them trying to fan the flames but yukimin are largely drowning them out. The situation is slightly worse on Polka's end.

>> No.27265305
Quoted by: >>27265343

I mean I don't even watch vtubers
But this thread is so fucking fun due to non-stop drama
So here I am

>> No.27265306

What happened anon?

>> No.27265309
File: 483 KB, 568x648, 1599641018931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the voice in my head said i'm never going to die

>> No.27265311

is miko's newborn cute?

>> No.27265313


>> No.27265314
File: 204 KB, 979x969, nv ranger av.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fallout: New Vegas.

>> No.27265315

korone really likes the twins huh

>> No.27265316

nah, just never give a fuck since either i didn't lurk when he stream or people just didn't link the stream directly here.
what's his usual number?

>> No.27265319

t. Towa

>> No.27265320


>> No.27265322


>> No.27265325

i wish they banned these people

>> No.27265327

Has Korone dropped below 20k viewers at all?

>> No.27265329
File: 2.12 MB, 1500x2121, towaloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27265330

I doubt she lurks here but if she does I hope all of my heartfelt posts about much how I love her makes her smile.

>> No.27265331

>trusting the voice in your head
Really anon?

>> No.27265332
Quoted by: >>27265366

Yes because Cover is a company, and the holos are employees of said company... so it's using other people's copyright in Japan.

And yes, newanon. It really does take forever to get permission. Japanese business moves at the pace of plate tectonics.

>> No.27265333

Yes I am cute

>> No.27265334
File: 629 KB, 1920x800, 1568409191062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one mans death is another mans bread anon, that's the world we live in

>> No.27265335


>> No.27265336

FFX 100%

>> No.27265337
Quoted by: >>27265367

She'd definitely enjoy it
I hope she enjoys it

>> No.27265338
Quoted by: >>27265391

I played up to Ezio's arc, I don't remember it being this heavy with these elements outside of the whole eden templar thing.

>> No.27265339

Always have been

>> No.27265340

Not even mad. It was a good smile.

>> No.27265341
Quoted by: >>27265432

It’s an ancient battle between two factions (Assassins vs Templars) over magic artefacts for control of the world

The simulation is the assassins “relieving” the memories of their ancestors to find clues to help them in the present day

>> No.27265342
File: 13 KB, 408x257, Tokitglasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27265343

I have never once enjoyed an anime yet here I am.

>> No.27265344
File: 91 KB, 488x405, 1601234636166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265412

>it's all a simulation

>> No.27265346

Yeah but it wasn't for long.

>> No.27265345

Looks like we've got a naughty anon who didn't take his medication.

>> No.27265347

Yeah, for a while after she started the second stream.

>> No.27265348

no so yubisoft sponsorship soon

>> No.27265349
File: 933 KB, 4096x2855, 1599742363847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27266531

Don't worry, when Pekora also becomes a cat lady in a decade they can just move in together and be cat ladies together.

>> No.27265350
Quoted by: >>27265364

Wish she tried black flag

>> No.27265353

There's Jack the Ripper DLC?

>> No.27265356

sleep chads are dabbing on our hella epic doggo

>> No.27265357

i wish i was dead for 10 years already

>> No.27265358 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.12 MB, 429x498, 1601819638593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.27265360

Kinda. but it's mostly been hovering at 23k ~ 24k for 24 hours.

>> No.27265362


>> No.27265363
File: 57 KB, 658x540, EYUTEL3VAAEFMdm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265454

It completely slipped my mind how anal american companies are about this shit since its been pretty smooth sailing on a lot of the other watchalongs
Never again is right.

>> No.27265364

the feeling of presence would be too much to handle anon.

>> No.27265365

Yeah, it's actually an interesting DLC

>> No.27265366
Quoted by: >>27265427

Not gonna lie, this shit makes my blood boil and needs to change.

>> No.27265367

She could have her precious chainsaw AND shotgun. Korone with chainsaw and riot shotgun, hyped up on psycho, med-x, and turbo.

>> No.27265368


>> No.27265370
Quoted by: >>27265489

The asscreed games have never made any sense. t. played the first like fucking four of them. What a waste of my life. The secret order vs. secret order stuff already stretched credulity, but there's alien magic shit all the way back in the first one. None of it ever gets paid off, so Ubisoft can keep cranking them out forever.

>> No.27265373

plenty on pixiv

>> No.27265375


>> No.27265376
Quoted by: >>27265497

I guarantee that it's directly related to the number of foriegn viewers.

>> No.27265377

Stop slandering my wifu.

>> No.27265378

anonchaama... your history reps....

>> No.27265379
Quoted by: >>27265433

Aqua is so cute, I want to punch her

>> No.27265380


>> No.27265381

I love this reddit dog

>> No.27265382

This shogun sheep is the cutest thing ever. I demand the entire thread acknowledge this.

>> No.27265383


>> No.27265385

It's one of the better DLC AssCreed tbqh.

>> No.27265386
Quoted by: >>27265458

Looks like some are resorting to the usual insults already, calling anyone defending hololive brainwashed paypigs. Glad to see both the East and the West are the same there.

>> No.27265387

Oh wait I forgot that PekoMiko were actually childhood friends, that is so sweet

>> No.27265391

The games, except for Odyssey, have been toning the fantasy shit down ever since. In Syndicate's case here it's pretty much just the ending and some easter eggs in a secret WW1 section.

>> No.27265393

It’s ¥6900 yen for one of the days, but I guess it’s worth it given you can also check the real life idol groups (7 stages in total)

>> No.27265401

she should play 3 or 4 first. new vegas is pretty complex for beginners

>> No.27265403
File: 179 KB, 512x512, 1598657218783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Missed Towa's karaoke and it's now privated

>> No.27265404
File: 1.10 MB, 997x1152, 1601052761697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265460

the only "cheat" that is acceptable is turning off new cards for a couple of days when the review cards pile up. as long as you dont do it often/make a habit out of it you should be fine

>> No.27265406
File: 1.22 MB, 498x373, MOU IKKAI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265456


>> No.27265409

recommend her Black Flag NOW!

>> No.27265410
File: 184 KB, 517x481, 1601811117734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did it!

>> No.27265412
Quoted by: >>27265440

just like in real life!

>> No.27265414
File: 151 KB, 653x680, mikochiBaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265525

Just like her mother

>> No.27265416

does Korone have that genetic anomaly that lets a person sleep for just a few hours a night and not feel tired?

>> No.27265419

>been watching korone so long I didnt realize watame was singing mou ikkai until she said the line
My bwain

>> No.27265420

>shoot stuff
>put point into skills
>shoot stuff with more HP
So complex.

>> No.27265422


>> No.27265423
Quoted by: >>27265470

I dunno, my favorite part of origins was wandering around in the dead pharaohs afterlives

>> No.27265427

What? You need permission to stream other people's games
It's their intellectual property

>> No.27265428
Quoted by: >>27265470

I mean, Origins had a DLC all about simulation gods too.

>> No.27265430


>> No.27265431
File: 474 KB, 1384x1162, 1599210950697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27265432
Quoted by: >>27265501

It USED to be this.
But then they trashed the whole story with the Aliens and the boring guy in present day and made it about a company trying to make the next hit video game based on assassin's memories, and no I'm not kidding when I say that. The video game company trashed most of the lore to focus on a video game company.

>> No.27265433
File: 1.11 MB, 2580x2009, left hates cute explained.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265489

>wanting to hurt things that you find cute

>> No.27265435
File: 44 KB, 720x404, watame stream.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27265436
Quoted by: >>27265486

3 is fucking weird
NV is perfect in every way
4 is a looter shooter

>> No.27265438
File: 641 KB, 591x548, 1594794588491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did she hate it so?

>> No.27265440

I know, that's why I'm disappointed.

>> No.27265441
Quoted by: >>27265481

Happy angel day.

>> No.27265442

She's actually physically fit so she can pull off something like this occasionally.

>> No.27265445
Quoted by: >>27265461

Wow korone liked it

certified kusoge then

>> No.27265446

What did she say about Doom Eternal? I didn't catch it

>> No.27265447

Didn't expect Korone to like AssCreed but I glad that she had fun. I know I did watching her. Would even watch more of those if she decides to stream some other ones.

>> No.27265448
File: 2.61 MB, 388x408, 1598362106570.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So given that akua reached out to pekora in mincra we can all be pretty sure that pekora is never going to login to mincra again, right?

>> No.27265449

No, that's Lulu.

>> No.27265450
Quoted by: >>27265657

How's the Coco/Haato situation? Has everything calmed down and we'll be back to normal once three weeks pass or is there still something going on?

>> No.27265451

She also works out, so it’s more on her being so addicted that she prepares for endurance streams

>> No.27265452
Quoted by: >>27265468


>> No.27265454
File: 193 KB, 1218x1667, 1580556657890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sucks even more is that, while I don't have any particular love for Marvel movies, this is probably going to push her away from doing a watch-along of them since a ban might be lurking, we were just lucky that she got banned at the very end.
Pretty much any movie is fun to watch with her since her reactions are so great, and superhero movies have a lot of "react-able" scenes if nothing else.

>> No.27265456
File: 3.86 MB, 320x339, 1599362591460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27265458

>brainwashed paypigs
That's true for Lamyfags though

>> No.27265460
Quoted by: >>27265557

What are you guys using to learn? Is the /djt/ provide sound learning material to start?

>> No.27265461

you're right

>> No.27265462

She's Japanese, she'll be fine. Or she'll make a truly awful character - it won't matter because even on the highest difficulty the 3D Fallouts are easy.

>> No.27265464

I like how odyssey just kinda goes

"Magic is kinda real"

>> No.27265463

Now play black flags kokone

>> No.27265468
Quoted by: >>27265816

also asstel spooke in 2horu


>> No.27265469
Quoted by: >>27266037

I missed most of it but I refreshed it fast enough after it finished so I'm watching it right now.

>> No.27265470

Well yeah, but that was DLC for that exact reason.

>> No.27265471
Quoted by: >>27265493

Too hard for her

>> No.27265473
File: 514 KB, 577x477, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that yaaaay

>> No.27265474
Quoted by: >>27265527


>> No.27265475
Quoted by: >>27265492

Do you get access to all previous members only streams when you join?

>> No.27265479

I guess disney movies have stricter measures? or was it just the title?

>> No.27265480

This makes me wonder.
Do you think EN branch managers notified the JP main branch about 4chan leads/feedback?

>> No.27265481

KanaTowa... 3D...

>> No.27265482

Crash 4

>> No.27265484

Japan's fucking gay and guess what you're gay and I am gay.

>> No.27265486

NV won the poll she did pretty easily too, i wonder if she forgot about it...

>> No.27265488

She usually disappears for a couple days after her endurance streams so I'm sure she does get proper sleep and time to fight for custody.

>> No.27265489

the story really doesn't matter in the ac series, people like it because it appeals to the crowd that like "muh sekrit assassins guild" combined with "sneaky sneaky stabby stabby" exploration stuff
look at the new lotr games, wasn't there one that was precisely the same formula? It's because it's popular

it's just sadism, deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on objects
same reason why antis attack vtubers: they like the feeling of pleasure they gain from inflicting pain on them

>> No.27265491

It will either be that or she will simply not acknowledge the gift or make some excuse about it or get conveniently distracted by something.

>> No.27265492

Unless they got privated or deleted.

>> No.27265493
Quoted by: >>27265728

Maybe Chex Quest is more her thing

>> No.27265495

2 weeks then graduate.

>> No.27265497

>like a dozen holos have said nigga, westerners don't give a shit and think it's funny
>but they can't even laugh at a joke without japanese antis screwing them up the ass

>> No.27265498 [DELETED] 


>> No.27265501
Quoted by: >>27265564

Really? I remember the first games, and even watched the movie (which was generic but followed the premise)

>> No.27265505

trans post

>> No.27265506
Quoted by: >>27265587

NV doesn't have JP translation

>> No.27265508

>go to sleep
>you must be tired
>Oyasumi, did I hear?

how do we stop them?

>> No.27265510

They desperately need money, anon. It's a small company

>> No.27265516

just woke up. was Korone streaming uninterrupted this entire time?

>> No.27265517

I do reps everyday but It get's to the point where I stop new words until the old one sticks. I really need to finish my reps in the morning so that I can cram later in the day.

>> No.27265518

She's really good at using the 3D's strengths.

>> No.27265520
File: 276 KB, 1748x2480, EjdPjehU8AEWu-i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene is in her free chat, say something nice to her!

>> No.27265521


>> No.27265522
Quoted by: >>27265647

Fallout 4 may be the worst one but it's the best one for streamers to play because it has stupid wacky shit for them to react to. Watching someone play New Vegas would be like watching paint dry. Especially since there's no Hololive streamer savvy enough to mod New Vegas to replace all the shit Absurdian had to remove to accommodate the DLC on console (yes they handicapped the PC version too). Maybe Botan might be savvy enough, but she likes multiplayer games.

>> No.27265523
File: 109 KB, 228x251, 1599773841993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265601

Our friend is about to win Mario 35!

>> No.27265524



>> No.27265525
File: 1.15 MB, 1543x2089, MikoOkaatan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265560

Is that Miko and her mom?

>> No.27265526

Check the Chinese

>> No.27265527

akua left a gift and a sign inviting pekora to join akuin construction at peko's house

>> No.27265531
File: 447 KB, 3000x3000, EifKF7mU0AIb_3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it doesn't really push it away that much, some of the other nousagi are recommending The avengers in the after stream summary tweets, but since she's been radio silent aside from the community post nobody really knows for sure, I'm sure if we do, we might not get it that soon.

>> No.27265532

the content just neveers topps

i watched koornoe play through this ascred and now miyabia dann astel are play spook ygame s

>> No.27265535
Quoted by: >>27265584

If Pekora put the movie name in her stream title that might be it.

>> No.27265537

She took a break something like every 6 hours.

>> No.27265538
File: 413 KB, 648x800, EjfVIBPVkAEpEeA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27265541
Quoted by: >>27265584

Subaru did Avengers watch along before, and I don't remember any problems happened (before the holocaust)

>> No.27265540

She's probably trying to strike a balance between playing games that appeal more to her Japanese fans, games that appeal more to her western ones, and games that are so bugshit that both sides are just staring in confusion or disbelief, like that god-awful game she played for 11 hours because the last stage was total fucking bullshit, then the game literally did not have an ending screen so you just kept timing out until you ran out of lives after setting off the victory state.

>> No.27265542

Holy shit how did Fubuku gets 100+ coins and 300+ seconds

>> No.27265543

Took 30 minute breaks in the middle of each stream

>> No.27265544
Quoted by: >>27265561

Go to sleep anon, your blain is blowken.

>> No.27265546

yeah because hiro isn't known in japan or something

>> No.27265547

funnily enough, intent matters

>> No.27265548
Quoted by: >>27265585

Spider-man 2018

>> No.27265550

I want to bully Nene!

>> No.27265555
Quoted by: >>27265582

I didn't see any interaction besides a greeting

>> No.27265556

Kanawa... Towata...

>> No.27265557
File: 123 KB, 1180x664, EfsvDumU0AEmSHb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day. It's not that hard, just an hour or so is all it takes to do your reps at least at the start.
Use the site in the OP, don't visit the thread itself. The site has everything you should need to start. The learning path is fairly straightforward, you won't get overwhelmed if you pace yourself.

>> No.27265559


>> No.27265560

If she pulls the ahoge off, will Miko die?

>> No.27265561

it's alrigh my chai s comfy
Ill just watsc til i slep

>> No.27265562

you type as if you're about to pass out

>> No.27265563

She took a 30min shower break, then her PS4 crashed later on. But she finished it now!

>> No.27265564
Quoted by: >>27265639

Yes, really. They (being the AC team at ubisoft) kind of fucked up their big overarching story plans by having Desmond straight-up murder their one plot hook in the modern day in front of all of his friends trying to fight the templars. The problem is that this threw the entire modern-day story into a tailspin, so they instead just looked away from him and started telling the story of a video game company trying to profit off of ancestral memory.
I'm pretty sure they did t hat because one of the biggest complaints from as far back as I can remember was that the modern day story wasn't very interesting.

>> No.27265567

Is watame going to be archived?

>> No.27265569


>> No.27265571


>> No.27265573

Nene's PC arrived

>> No.27265574

I think that it's still on her list.

>> No.27265575

Red Dead Redemption 2

>> No.27265577

>Odyssey 100%
isn't that like 200 hours or so?

>> No.27265578


>> No.27265579

>people in this thread acting virtuous against Japanese antis, when these threads are full of people propagating fake real life rumors and calling any vtuber they don't like a whore

>> No.27265580

you should always assume that it isn't

>> No.27265582

She left her gift chest.

>> No.27265584
Quoted by: >>27265683

I honestly have no clue what could have possibly set off the AI. There are numerous videos with Ironman in the title so it can't just have been that.
It has to have been that it was Ironman + Watch-along in the title which makes the AI think it is actually showing something? I have no idea.

It really feels like someone manually doing it but that would make even less sense. I guess the AI just freaked out like it usually does from time to time.

>> No.27265585

Should've play Web of Shadows first desu.

>> No.27265586

>12 mins

Get prepared Usagis.

>> No.27265588

Except it doesn't unless you're foreign.

>> No.27265587

it does on PS3

>> No.27265589


>> No.27265591


>> No.27265593


>> No.27265592


>> No.27265594


>> No.27265596

So there are ancient miracle christian artifacts that the order of templars and assasins fight over through history but there's also ancient aliens and simulations and other sci fi stuff?
Why would they do this?

>> No.27265598
File: 377 KB, 726x403, chrome_5RhI7sanLQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27266176


>> No.27265597

I'm pretty sure the English twitter fanbase would crucify Mori over it if any of them mattered.

>> No.27265601
File: 512 KB, 850x1386, sample_dd5832aae276022607cd55ea809f3f9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27265603

As expected, Towa is cute in literally any outfit.

>> No.27265605
File: 113 KB, 1334x750, 20200924_063634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, that Kagerou and 3D combination ended up being more enjoyable than I expected. I should know better than to think Okayu would let me down. No stream tomorrow, Okayu has to go and do fun errands since she just moved.

>> No.27265606
File: 416 KB, 2048x1148, 1597990095887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265629

Why are they called the Holofive when there is only 3 members?

>> No.27265607

The Holos said the soft N-word, not the hard N-word

>> No.27265608


>> No.27265609

Korosan is overwhelmed...

>> No.27265613
Quoted by: >>27265635

She ate, then a 20 minute break, then a 30 minute break then the PS4 crashed. Other than that she's been going to whole time.

>> No.27265617

>11k for Super Mario Bros
Is FBK inclining?

>> No.27265618
File: 71 KB, 921x766, 1595356244143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265976

Watame never makes non-archived streams because she wants maximum profits

>> No.27265620
Quoted by: >>27265664

Yeah, not to mention the leveling is out of whack if you're not buying the level boost pack.

>> No.27265621

Your post sure didn't age well.

>> No.27265622


>> No.27265623

Korone Odyssey arc, lasting two weeks.

>> No.27265626

Who has the biggest dick in Hololive?

>> No.27265625
File: 176 KB, 886x754, 1595775702860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugggh, why's everyone so upset about jannies? If it was me working for pennies, you'd scroll right past me! I stream for you everyday and you don't notice me, but those jannies, what because some antis went and cried about them on Twitter?

>> No.27265629


joke very very haddo

>> No.27265630


>> No.27265631

F-for you?

>> No.27265632

Korone got a fat ass. Wobbly jiggle bubblebutt.

>> No.27265635

God damn how is she still alive

>> No.27265634

Took a 10 minute break after the first 10 hours, then 30 minutes supposedly sometime in the second 12 hours, then her PS4 crashed in the last stretch here but she didn't break for that.

>> No.27265636

>people trying to get korone interested in the other ACs
>that idiot screaming SLEEEEEEEEP

>> No.27265638

fucking hilarious, free chat exploded

>> No.27265639

Well yeah. All of modern day origins takes place in a cave for a total of 15 minutes

>> No.27265640
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 1601125466205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27265641
File: 637 KB, 742x758, ge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit Kanata
Based as fuck

>> No.27265642


>> No.27265643

So Apex aside, is Fubuki the most talented Hololive gamer?

>> No.27265644
Quoted by: >>27265737

The difference is you fucking retard that they do it here instead of harassing vtubers in youtube comments, on twitter or dislike bombing videos.
And even then it's literally like 10 schizos instead of actual group of actual antis who cans steer up thousands of normies with their retarded lies

>> No.27265645

It would be extremely painful

>> No.27265646
File: 633 KB, 1155x699, 7f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just think of Korone played Black Flag instead.

Maybe she will

>> No.27265647
Quoted by: >>27265684

>Watching someone play New Vegas would be like watching paint dry.
Mike and Zach's videos are addictive.

>> No.27265650

Always. Watame always checks for permission before singing a new song.

>> No.27265652
File: 70 KB, 923x633, Ei2_UC_XYAIZI1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27265653
Quoted by: >>27265661

>shitposting on a Mongolian basketweaving forum is totally the same as taking your hate directly to the holo on youtube/twitter
Why can't redditchamas process this? "Antis" here a too lazy to even dislike a video most of the time.

>> No.27265654


>> No.27265655

>she's a thorchad

>> No.27265656
Quoted by: >>27265730

that's okayu

>> No.27265657

The chinks are spamming Coco's Twitter with full force right now.

>> No.27265658
File: 60 KB, 201x147, 1598904922934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please at least try pekora

>> No.27265659
Quoted by: >>27265677

please peko dont ignore aquas gift...

>> No.27265661

can confirm, i'm even too lazy to like a video

>> No.27265662
Quoted by: >>27265704


>> No.27265664

Eh, not really. You shouldn't have trouble progressing unless you completely ignore the side quests.
Played it a few months ago.

>> No.27265665
Quoted by: >>27265822

gorilla angel

>> No.27265668

He explained the context and mostly blamed the out-of-context clip, but said that the worst thing they said was the "ashamed son" part.

He defended Aloe by saying people was overreacting and since she is new they mustn't be so harsh on her.

>> No.27265670

Watame, stop being so cute and sing Encore already!

>> No.27265671

But Shuba already played BF...

>> No.27265672


>> No.27265674
File: 154 KB, 1028x1400, 1570946471607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265711

It would honestly be an amazing watch-along if she ever got up to Infinity War, I can only imagine her excitement.
But it will probably not happen any time soon.

>> No.27265676

>chat starts spamming AHOYYYYY

>> No.27265677

she already threw it in lava off stream

>> No.27265679
Quoted by: >>27265822

Coco, Moona, Ina and then Mio.

>> No.27265682

I wonder if the nips find the EN trying to speak Japanese as cute as we find the JP girls trying to speak English

>> No.27265681
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x644, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27265683
Quoted by: >>27265731

>I guarantee that it's directly related to the number of foriegn viewers.
>It really feels like someone manually doing it but that would make even less sense
I can anaswer that: The AI marks 'suspicious' videos and a human comes along and reviews it. The problem is that Youtube's humans only speak Poo. They don't speak Japanese or English except as a second or third language, so when they're trying to decipher what any of them are saying without understanding the languages, and also not knowing the context around the video. These are the people who decide if a video is acceptable or not.

>> No.27265684
Quoted by: >>27265765

Is that one where the army guy extensively talks about guns?

>> No.27265686
Quoted by: >>27265822


>> No.27265688

Who is this? Some character in a new shitty anime?

>> No.27265690
Quoted by: >>27265730

Okayu or Aqua

>> No.27265691

Should've watch the rest of phase 1 first before watching Avengers for a better experience (IM2 is skippable)

>> No.27265693

the divorces are actually true though

>> No.27265694
File: 196 KB, 1040x583, 2020-03-13 23_26_13-Window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I've learned Korone's favorite avenger is Thor I've decided I hate her. Shark is my oshi now.

>> No.27265696
File: 566 KB, 633x671, 1582595234639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265734

I still haven't taken a shower what the fuck peko I should've took it after the movie watch

>> No.27265698
File: 22 KB, 747x491, 1599655101954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikochi please come back. I ran out of meds i can't take it anymore

>> No.27265699
Quoted by: >>27265822


>> No.27265701

Probably yea.

>> No.27265702

Somebody translate this 0101010 message

>> No.27265704

Dude's a huge chad.

>> No.27265705

pls don't hate her
she is our special little westaboo

>> No.27265708

I dont get it

>> No.27265711

Imagine the amount of movies she needs to catch up with. I'll instantly membership if she does a weekly marvel movie watch till Endgame.

>> No.27265712
Quoted by: >>27265767

Sure am glad Cover's anti-harrasment division is hard at work.

>> No.27265713

Lurks? Probably not.
Checked it out? Maybe. She did join an EN fan discord.
Came back? Unlikely.

>> No.27265714

It was really cute how she had to decrease the size of the song listw.

>> No.27265717

Fubuki win quitting? Come back friend...

>> No.27265718

They do, we are mirror images of each other

>> No.27265720

Aqua. Her speedrun of Sekiro was amazing. Does any other hololiver even do speedruns?

>> No.27265721


>> No.27265722
File: 553 KB, 2480x2549, 1595564129347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265822


>> No.27265723

Did Vinci show up for Watame?

>> No.27265725
Quoted by: >>27265759

If someone told me she just got done streaming for 20 hours I wouldn't believe them. She doesn't seem any different than usual. Dog is unstoppable

>> No.27265726

What's wrong with Thor?

>> No.27265728

Oh god Chex Quest playthrough, mori

>> No.27265729

Oh no...

>> No.27265730
Quoted by: >>27265935

Anyone who needs savescumming in Super Mario isn't good at games

>> No.27265731
Quoted by: >>27265841

But shouldn't the poo see that nothing is going on, on-screen? Or can even talking be breaking the ToS these days?

>> No.27265732

>scared of lighting

>> No.27265733

>korone gonna go through all the assassin's creed games now

Holy fucking kek yubi yubi yubisoft

>> No.27265734

just bring your phone with you into the shower
thats what i do

>> No.27265736
File: 14 KB, 407x414, 1600334445314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265822

Coco's cocock...

>> No.27265735

I've seen Japanese react to it before with a great deal of mirth.

>> No.27265737

Yeah I'm sure the newfags from /v/ totally won't think this is normal behavior, even if you do it ironically. Just look at the hlgg drama if you want a case example of how "shit I say in my secret club won't effect anyone" turns out.

>> No.27265738


>> No.27265739

She said 「DOOM ETERNAL」もうやる.

>> No.27265741

RBC also singing, watch her!

>> No.27265743


>> No.27265744


>> No.27265745
File: 25 KB, 356x234, sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265838

i fucking hate these people

>> No.27265747
Quoted by: >>27265761


>> No.27265749
File: 859 KB, 1920x1080, 2020-07-04 03_44_57-Greenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just kidding. I could never hate Korone.

>> No.27265751
Quoted by: >>27265788

What the fuck, they never get tired?

>> No.27265753
File: 2.71 MB, 1920x1080, 1587904786632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27265754

I haven't seen him yet.

>> No.27265755

Me on the right

>> No.27265756

Newfagchama, we have a insider here.

>> No.27265757

FBK does minecraft speedruns, but they don't have permissions for games actually worth speedrunning

>> No.27265758

This is not good. She is going to go into the server angry from the movie being banned. Its going to be compounded with deciding to interact with Aqua or not.

>> No.27265759

It's now been a full day since she started the game. Nearly 23 hours of gameplay.

>> No.27265760

No, fuck that chink/TW/HK chink

>> No.27265761

Rorouni kenshin now!

>> No.27265764
Quoted by: >>27265776

Not yet, has anyone even seen Vinci in any stream after the Taiwan incident?

>> No.27265765

Right, Zach spergs out about guns and Mike pretends to know even less than he actually does to annoy him.

>> No.27265766



>> No.27265767
File: 34 KB, 597x978, 43124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27265769

they are aware she's not even reading it right?

>> No.27265772

They do it for free

>> No.27265774

too ero sugiru

>> No.27265776


>> No.27265778
Quoted by: >>27265796

For free

>> No.27265779

>donten hitsuji
yes please

>> No.27265780

wtf Okayu is a beast

>> No.27265784

>he does it for free
based twitter janny

>> No.27265785
File: 69 KB, 463x453, 1601723050312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265797


>> No.27265786
Quoted by: >>27265848

Watame crying for superchats RTA when

>> No.27265787

Ame knows 4channel culture since she knew about Goslingposting.

>> No.27265788

They must've been resting until now because the spam didn't seem that bad to me the past couple days.

>> No.27265791
File: 1.58 MB, 1723x1298, Fall Gays S1 Final Standing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Season 1 is ending, this should be the final standing. Let's hope none of the girls will play this shit when season 2 starts.
>Fubuki 5 Wins
>Okayu 3 Wins
>Aqua 2 Wins
>Watame 2 Wins
>Matsuri 1 Win
>Noel 1 Win
>Flare 1 Win
>Sora 1 Win
>Pekora 1 Win


>> No.27265795

Vinci retired...

>> No.27265796

Not him but i do it for free too.
And very proud of it.

>> No.27265797


>> No.27265800
Quoted by: >>27265831

did the dog dead yet

>> No.27265802

Thanks for working for free.

>> No.27265803

>Inb4 she likes the fat thor

>> No.27265808

Just woke up, did Korone really do 24+ hours of this kusoge?

>> No.27265812

Good BGM

>> No.27265813
File: 86 KB, 433x469, 1601783147896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tank u for ur servis twiter jany

>> No.27265815

Vinci is gone anon

>> No.27265816
File: 331 KB, 383x399, D5C393BC-246D-48A8-9CAD-FFEFCB4EBC5D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for cute scared Astel noises!
>tfw last time he played a horror game he got scared and called shinove&izuru for support but neither picked up

>> No.27265818


>> No.27265820
File: 3.98 MB, 2550x3523, 84076519_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black sheep

>> No.27265822

Wait, it's all girls?

>> No.27265824
Quoted by: >>27265880

Oh, so full force strike on Sunday. Makes.... dare I say it, sense? This whole situation is so weird to me.

>> No.27265825


>> No.27265827

My desuwa fix, please...

>> No.27265830

Her streams are getting shorter and shorter
She hates her job now

>> No.27265831
File: 156 KB, 326x388, 1593575488589.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265858


>> No.27265835

As expected, Towa's outfit literally doesn't need Towa.

>> No.27265836

IMO he's pretty boring and has one of the worst of the marvels in Thor 2, which to his credit even the actor has admitted. Then they tried to give him some semblance of personality by making him an appendage to the GotG and it is an improvement, but like... I just want my GotG how they were. Anyway I did really like the gag where he's a fat and depressed neet in the last movie.

>> No.27265837

well done anon

>> No.27265838

thats reddit and people joining cause of the eekom bookum for you. Just look in this thread

>> No.27265839

polka's stream intro is a work of art

>> No.27265840
File: 1.39 MB, 915x1080, 1594713118972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tenq janny

>> No.27265841

>But shouldn't the poo see that nothing is going on, on-screen?
He probably doesn't care enough to watch the whole video or maybe even watch the video at all.
This is the problem with ESLs and JSLs trying to govern Japanese and English content. Think of how many false positives the Youtube content bot generates every day, and these are the people assigned to double checking its work.

>> No.27265842

always has been haha funny meme

>> No.27265844

HoloEN is SHIT, only EOPs enjoy it
why would anyone watch Kiara instead of Pekora?
why would anyone watch Gura instead of Shion?
why would anyone watch Amelia instead of Haachama?
why would anyone watch Ina'nis instead of Senchou?
why would anyone watch Calliope instead of Watame?
I'll tell you why: because they are disgusting EOPs

>> No.27265848

In her next stream
She've been on a verge of tears for this whole fucking stream

>> No.27265849

Keep fighting the good fight.

>> No.27265850
File: 1.18 MB, 1879x1242, 1599139259959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27266236


>> No.27265851

now i respect twitter janny
thank you for your hardwork

>> No.27265852

Pretty much

>> No.27265857
Quoted by: >>27265874

they stream at dead hours

>> No.27265858


>> No.27265861
Quoted by: >>27266017

they are in the middle of their week long holiday

>> No.27265862

>why would anyone watch Kiara instead of Pekora?
I love my chicken and her underdog attitude makes her endearing.

>> No.27265863
Quoted by: >>27265899

I've never seen someone pull of speedrun strats while acting so happy and relaxed. My oshi is so based. Thanks for the clip anon.

>> No.27265864

You are preventing Hololive from hiring janitors!
Do you hate janitors that much?

>> No.27265865
Quoted by: >>27266183

You are an obnoxious faggot

>> No.27265866


>> No.27265868

>one nuke
anon-chaama, I...

>> No.27265869

At least he isn't Hawkeye
Seriously what the hell Subaru

>> No.27265874
Quoted by: >>27266186

Dead hours are sleep hours

>> No.27265875
File: 328 KB, 348x441, 1590095734351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is what I call based.

>> No.27265876
File: 394 KB, 862x385, kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27265905

QQQQQQQQQQ unpaid twirrer janitor
I kneel

>> No.27265879

Funny that people from here and Reddit are doing a better job at protecting Holos on social media than Cover themselves.

>> No.27265880
Quoted by: >>27265890

CCP will not rest until they prove coco is vegetarian

>> No.27265881

season 2 looks way better then season 1so I hope at least some of them keep playing it plus it gets good numbers

>> No.27265882

i wonder how many times did people say sleep during 24 hours

>> No.27265884
File: 17 KB, 598x252, 1579058598726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based peko

>> No.27265885
Quoted by: >>27265907


>> No.27265886

I hope Korone won't play Odyssey. Even by AC standards that game's writing is garbage and I don't want to watch her clear forts for 40 hours.

>> No.27265888

Reminder to thank Korone for ensuring there were no dead hours for a full day

>> No.27265889

anon ...
comeon ...

>> No.27265890

Not the lettuce...

>> No.27265892

24+ hours of this kinoge*

>> No.27265894
File: 376 KB, 2480x3508, 1600438418418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bun bun cha

>> No.27265896

(bun bun cha x N)

Everyone's long awaited, PEKO RAP!
Are the preparations done? HURRY UP!

Finally made the 3D appearance,
go ahead with the self introduction!

th' Name is Usada Pekora peko!
Feels lonely easily and ET CETERA.

A BUNNY GIRL whose a entertainer?
The spirit as an IDOL!

HIKAKIN's big brother is SEIKIN!
Its gonna get them angry!

Isn't it attractive? This BODY!
Isn't it cute? This FACE!

GIRLS & BOYS drooling all over!
Its not tasty! Pekora's thigh meat,

Please take care of even such a Pekora!
From now on as well let's carve Pekora STORY―!

(bun bun cha x N)

>> No.27265898
File: 90 KB, 648x567, 1601640767610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(phun phun cha x N)

Everyone's long awaited, PHOENIX RAP!
Are the preparations done? HURRY UP!

Finally made the 2Dlive appearance,
go ahead with the self introduction!

th' Name is Nagazaki Kiara kekkiriki!
Feels lonely easily and ET CETERA.

A PHOENIX GIRL whose a entertainer?
The spirit as an FAST FOOD CHEF!

KIARA's big sister is PEKORA!
I'm gonna get angry if anyone disagrees!

Isn't it attractive? This BODY!
Isn't it cute? This FACE!

GIRLS & BOYS bleed all over!
It was tasty! Pekora's thigh meat,

I will take care of even such a Pekora!
From now on as well let's carve Pekora!

(phun phun cha x N)

>> No.27265899

You should watch her first two. She doesn't freak out even when the 64 freezes during her BLJ. Composure of the gods.

>> No.27265900
Quoted by: >>27265940

>1.5 million views for Asscreed Syndicate of all things
I will never not find this funny.

>> No.27265901

(bun bun cha x N)

Everyone's long awaited, PEKO RAP!
Are the preparations done? HURRY UP!

Finally made the 3D appearance,
go ahead with the self introduction!

th' Name is Usada Pekora peko!
Feels lonely easily and ET CETERA.

A BUNNY GIRL whose a entertainer?
The spirit as an IDOL!

HIKAKIN's big brother is SEIKIN!
Its gonna get them angry!

Isn't it attractive? This BODY!
Isn't it cute? This FACE!

GIRLS & BOYS drooling all over!
Its not tasty! Pekora's thigh meat,

Please take care of even such a Pekora!
From now on as well let's carve Pekora STORY―!

(bun bun cha x N)

>> No.27265903

Doing god's work

>> No.27265905
Quoted by: >>27265957

will we ever return to these days

>> No.27265908
Quoted by: >>27266048

Did Lamy take a self-imposed suspension or something?

>> No.27265907
Quoted by: >>27265995

Why she was doing really good?

>> No.27265909

Have you listened to it recently though?

Pretty topical desu

Chocolate rain
Raised your neighborhood insurance rates
Chocolate rain
Makes us happy 'livin in a gate
Chocolate rain
Made me cross the street the other day
Chocolate rain
Made you turn your head the other way

>> No.27265910


>> No.27265911

Amazing how much better she looks without that collar

>> No.27265913

please delete this

>> No.27265914
File: 29 KB, 427x381, 1600986353218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27265915
Quoted by: >>27266077

Thor 3 flanderized him. His character arc was learning to live without his hammer only to get an OP axe in Infinity War.

>> No.27265917

>korone is taking a break
>that's why she did the marathon before going

>> No.27265918

I watched a streamer play it and it looked like an offline MMO complete with farming mods and zones gated by level. I thought the series had to be dead for sure after that one, but sadly gamers will just keep eating shit up.

>> No.27265919

Korone used to get unwarranted hate on NND but Pekora got hate because she used to torment streamers and talk behind their back on streams.
She would call for her fans to raid other channels and start rumors about other streamers.
There are videos out there about game tournaments and when Pekora's voice would be heard, chat would all spam 4444444444 (Die die die die) because they knew she was a bad person.

She used to have a really foul mouth as well (she still has one, but it was far worse). If you've ever heard Mea before, that's what Pekora was kind of like, not as brutish with the burping and stuff but she would swear constantly. Just non-stop swearing and vicious words. She was not a friendly person, you can still feel that in her streams. She's a violent girl, when she would play games and a male would talk to her, she would react violently and try to team kill that person.

Of course, Pekora has changed for the better, I think everyone has accepted that. She's one of the most beloved holos now. But don't get it twisted, Pekora was basically an internet delinquent.

>> No.27265922

Watame singing the black sheep song... wen will she sing together with Towa...

>> No.27265923

I'm sorry for joking about janitors, you are deserving of my respect. I kneel.

>> No.27265924

Pekocraft time

>> No.27265925


>> No.27265927
Quoted by: >>27265963

korone taking a small break because her mom is in the hospital (it's not that serious according to her)

>> No.27265929
File: 333 KB, 1425x2048, Ejeum7GVgAA6uqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27266238

I can't believe Subaru is actually the cutest.

>> No.27265930
File: 134 KB, 1468x415, memberships.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would anyone watch Calliope instead of Watame?
I watch both

>> No.27265931
Quoted by: >>27266206

You know she'll unironically like it

>> No.27265932

Has Aqua done her konpeko reps? Will we ever get AquaPeko collab?

>> No.27265933
File: 510 KB, 828x828, 1601016889173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks jannie

>> No.27265935

FBK savescummed in DK so she's not included in the running either.

>> No.27265937
Quoted by: >>27265951

Why is Pekora so sexy?

>> No.27265941
File: 3.80 MB, 2904x2724, 1599546778740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27266070

Another night without shion yo...

>> No.27265940
Quoted by: >>27266194

Yubisoft wins once again

>> No.27265946

>she gave us a week's worth of content to compensate
based dog

>> No.27265948
File: 1.52 MB, 2891x4096, 1585770950321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone's new BGM is the coolest shit, it's really really good.

>> No.27265949
File: 295 KB, 768x768, 1591941612322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for peko to see what rushia gave her

>> No.27265950
File: 3.89 MB, 3684x3922, 90018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for your service

>> No.27265951
File: 505 KB, 2254x4096, 1586522439423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just is

>> No.27265955
Quoted by: >>27266244

>why would anyone watch Amelia instead of Haachama?
Because now you can't watch Haachama
>why would anyone watch Ina'nis instead of Senchou?
Because she is a better artist
>why would anyone watch Calliope instead of Watame?
Why would anyone ever watch Calliope or Watame?

>> No.27265956

Why do you let them occupy your mind rent-free? Block the HoloENs, don't look at them, forget they exist. Just watch the JP Holos, forget everything else. Run the EOP destroyer script, close the chat. Leave this place and go to 5ch. There's no use making yourself suffer like this.

>> No.27265957
Quoted by: >>27266049

There are people in this thread right now who weren't there and didn't know about how that image came to be.

>> No.27265958

The rare angry Pecor is here!

>> No.27265959


>> No.27265962

Holy shit Peko is pissed

>> No.27265963

Makes sense. Hope it's not too long.

>> No.27265966

calm down peko...

>> No.27265974

Angry Peko

>> No.27265975

rare angry peko

>> No.27265976
Quoted by: >>27265998

Why is everyone and their mother singing today?

>> No.27265977



>> No.27265984

By the time Youtube processes this fucking shit, she'll be back.

>> No.27265986

The hero of children everyone!

>> No.27265987

Is 10Q really just a "Thank you" joke

>> No.27265988
File: 34 KB, 481x550, angry peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27265990
Quoted by: >>27266010



>> No.27265991

Kino beginning.

>> No.27265993

Imagine having to choose

>> No.27265994
Quoted by: >>27266031


Poor amnesiac cat.

>> No.27265995
Quoted by: >>27266086

I mean
she is doing good but not mentally
How she sounds, song choices etc
I thought she'll be better after basically 2 streams of crying but she's not

>> No.27265996
File: 264 KB, 500x500, Tsunomaki_Watame_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27266043

im hungry fuck

>> No.27265998

It's not that bad today.

>> No.27266001

Rushia, Pekora or Shion for rape?

>> No.27266002
File: 193 KB, 624x637, 1600445719942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I can manage after 24 hours of Korone. Thank you based dog

>> No.27266003
Quoted by: >>27266021

She is gonna unleash that anger at the Joestar race...

>> No.27266004

Man, temma's stream got emotional a bit. This made me realize how he rarely opened up with his audiences. He is suprisingly socially awkward than I thought. I'm glad that he will keep moving forward.

>> No.27266006


>> No.27266008
File: 148 KB, 731x381, 1601480496222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeesas Pekora... Don't scare me like that...

>> No.27266009
Quoted by: >>27266047

keep seething
soon nobody will care about JP anymore since EN is taking over

>> No.27266010
File: 299 KB, 440x540, 1601567761556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27266013

That's actually some pretty clean execution. Okayu is legit.

>> No.27266014

Watame Alter?

>> No.27266016

it's like gr8

>> No.27266017

and that's the only one they get.
imagine wasting your free time in a communist shithole in this

>> No.27266021

Not its going to be directed at Aqua again

>> No.27266024
File: 563 KB, 1301x502, 1601772050103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ball is in your court pekor

>> No.27266026

duolingo every day ofc ;)

>> No.27266028
Quoted by: >>27266072

Didn't ask, don't care.

>> No.27266031
Quoted by: >>27266058

that was comfy
ASMR in this style when?

>> No.27266034


Towa, Ina and a few others sound like they're saying 10Q when saying thank you.

>> No.27266035
File: 398 KB, 1008x403, 1574312024455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next meme!

>> No.27266036

Pekora's gonna need an outlet for all this anger.
Stay strong, denizens of Usadauschwitz...

>> No.27266037

I refreshed too and was watching it but it errored out a few minutes after she privated it. Hope she'll put it back up after she cuts out any problem songs, or somebody uploads a stream rip.

>> No.27266040


>> No.27266041
File: 556 KB, 3492x2893, 1601680403727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love sheep!

>> No.27266043

You'll be fine
I only eat every 36 hours

>> No.27266045

What does Kickricky mean anyways Kiara keeps saying it but I'm an EOP so I don't understand.

>> No.27266046
Quoted by: >>27266078

Why Pekora has such a fat armpit

>> No.27266047

just the shark is relevant. everyone else flopped already

>> No.27266048
Quoted by: >>27266091

More like she can't handle the pressure and decided to take a break for her health. Maybe her manager suggested it but it's the right thing to do tbdesu

>> No.27266049

It was just last month it wasn't that long ago

>> No.27266052
Quoted by: >>27266655

Didn't ask, but i care

>> No.27266054
File: 950 KB, 1659x1160, Dark Theme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27266149


>> No.27266055
Quoted by: >>27266131

Is that why they delayed her 3D solo

>> No.27266057

23 hours, and she's just hanging around for the credits to talk.

>> No.27266058

New place means we should have ASMR sometime soon, now that Temari can be in a different room.

>> No.27266064
File: 360 KB, 748x848, 1600610166079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep raging, unironic weebshitter

>> No.27266068

On the topic of Assassin's Creed, do you guys like the direction the series took or do you prefer the pre-Origins games?

>> No.27266070
File: 3.40 MB, 2173x3467, 1594362678028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hug Xion through the night.

>> No.27266069

I actually didn't know FFX2's opening theme had a Japanese version until Watame sung it

>> No.27266072

You know, for someone who doesn't care, you are always there, as the first reply.

>> No.27266074

wonder if pekora will take the bait

>> No.27266076

I only do vocab reps daily. I still haven't got the motivation to read books for grammar.

>> No.27266077
Quoted by: >>27266192

This trend of making everyone "humane" and sensible human bean is practically the worst that could happen to the motherfucking norse God of Thunder and Storms, the son of Odin
Atop of cutting the hair of the hero nicknamed goldilocks by his fellow colleagues just because the actor didnt like the wig

>> No.27266078

made for inserting penises

>> No.27266086

I think she is doing way better than compared to if she was her old self. Even though she still is really emotional, she seems to be more ready to face the hardships and challenges that are happening.

>> No.27266090
File: 293 KB, 1462x1918, 1597835137658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27266115

>why would anyone watch Gura instead of Shion?
I like your thought process, but I like both and pray for kusogaki collab eventually.

>> No.27266091

lmao what a weak bitch

>> No.27266095
Quoted by: >>27266271

holy shit what did I miss

>> No.27266097
File: 180 KB, 1358x758, 1598193514173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank god I could watch it
I can feel that everything will be even more fucked up from now on

>> No.27266098
Quoted by: >>27266655

Tell me, what happened?

>> No.27266102

Chocolate rain
The same crime has a higher price to pay
Chocolate rain
The judge and jury swear it's not the face
Chocolate rain
The bell curve blames the baby's DNA
Chocolate rain
But test scores are how much the parents make
Chocolate rain
'Cross the world and back it's all the same
Chocolate rain
Angels cry and shake their heads in shame

>> No.27266105
Quoted by: >>27266816

Are he and astel the most introverted stars?

>> No.27266115

Why does she like Gura anyway? Does she think she's a fellow kusogaki?

>> No.27266117

Good post.

>> No.27266118

He mentioned a few streams ago that he was feeling less nervous lately, hope its going better for him. His nervousness and social awkwardness tend to shine through unless hes really into what hes doing it seems.

>> No.27266119
Quoted by: >>27266655

what happened, I care

>> No.27266120

Another divorce I see

>> No.27266121
Quoted by: >>27266140

>everyone else flopped already
how deluded do you have to be to actually believe this?

>> No.27266126

Oh no... at this rate FBK or Gura really will get 1m subs before her..

>> No.27266128

I prefer pre-Origins, yes.

>> No.27266129

more like shes a shark and i bet shion likes sharks

>> No.27266131

I think her mom is sick. That's what I saw in chat after I got back to my computer

>> No.27266132
File: 1.40 MB, 1546x739, 1592378113138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone's birthday
>solo stream
>nobody called in
>not even Okayu

>> No.27266135

ayam goreng peko

>> No.27266140
Quoted by: >>27266240


>> No.27266142

No Assassin's Creed game was ever good, AC was always Walmart Prince of Persia.

>> No.27266143

I went out to eat some meal and missed it. Did she say how long is her break?

>> No.27266144

Kiara is masochist unlike pekora

>> No.27266149

is that a huawei phone?

>> No.27266150

Fuck the RPG system.

>> No.27266154

>sing a song movie
No idea what Watame is uploading.

>> No.27266155
Quoted by: >>27266477

Korone is taking a break because this week is the start of the custody hearing.

>> No.27266157
Quoted by: >>27266375


>> No.27266158
Quoted by: >>27266233

the term is Great Value

>> No.27266160
Quoted by: >>27266201

Fucking hell we could have time travel shennigans with Desmond going through historical period and becoming the ultimate assassin but apparently fuck that

>> No.27266162
File: 317 KB, 1240x1753, 1600219235279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27266202

You miss the last all oji-san meeting or something?
We all bonded, it was heartwarming.

>> No.27266164

Towa-sama's voice seriously heals me.

>> No.27266169
File: 227 KB, 1288x1543, 20200915_054950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHHHHHHHHH im getting nervous. since aqua is on the server they might actually have to interact

>> No.27266171

music video

>> No.27266172

Delusional. Even Chicken who have the "worst" performance of the Gen is doing better than a bunch os JPs

>> No.27266174
Quoted by: >>27266208

she didn't do a call stream probably because she's an autist

>> No.27266175
File: 205 KB, 700x942, 1591823365321_1_0_1_0_0_1_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four fox, five fox, six fox, Fubuki~

>> No.27266176

O didn't catch that

>> No.27266181

Imagine thinking you have to even choose since over half of holoen stream at a different time than the ones you're comparing them against.

I can watch shion then later in the day watch gura

>> No.27266183

no u

>> No.27266186
Quoted by: >>27266211

Sleep is for the weak mother fucker

>> No.27266187


>> No.27266190


>> No.27266191
File: 465 KB, 1634x1648, 1577822609390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait catch me back up with what happened with aqua and peko?

>> No.27266192

Thor was boring as shit in previous movies though, so I don't really blame them on trying to make him "humane" to spice things up.

>> No.27266194


>> No.27266197


>> No.27266198


>> No.27266201

The story really started to suck at 3

>> No.27266203
File: 1.13 MB, 3500x4000, 83510187_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm investing in war bonds!

>> No.27266202

wtf she's not allowed to have that much ass

>> No.27266204

Now this stream will be full of Iron Man jokes because she's actually making an Iron Golem farm lmao

>> No.27266206

She's queen of all kusoges after all

>> No.27266207

Do you flash card people use Anki? Which deck?

>> No.27266208
Quoted by: >>27266266

Who at Hololive isn't?

>> No.27266210

Getting into legit trouble can change a woman. Sometimes being in Hololive can be a good thing

>> No.27266211

I'd rather be weak than unable to carry on with my work

>> No.27266218

Aqua sent Peko a formal inviting to her company.

>> No.27266219
Quoted by: >>27266241

Aqua appeared in the chat...

>> No.27266220

akupeko soon...

>> No.27266221

Is it just me or has Aqua been ten times as cute lately in these Minecraft streams?

>> No.27266223

Peko is actually breeding slimes to duplicate TNT and bomb the ship!

>> No.27266225

>open aqua stream
>she dies

>> No.27266227

The RPG format is cool for first 5 hours then it's become such a pain in the ass to play

>> No.27266228
File: 149 KB, 680x504, EjakQpnUYAcGbbq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice nip already clipped a good Okayu moment from today.


As a bonus, have some 3D bloopers of Okayu from the distant past.


>> No.27266230

Roboco… This song...

>> No.27266232
Quoted by: >>27266259

>konpeko~! instead of konaqua~!

>> No.27266233

The proper term is Lidl if you want to get into semantics.

>> No.27266234
Quoted by: >>27266265

>agua greeting pekora

>> No.27266236

Thought this was a Botan fanart for a second.

>> No.27266237


>> No.27266238
Quoted by: >>27266408

Subaru looks like a boy dude

>> No.27266240 [DELETED] 

The fact is that every holoEN

>> No.27266242


>> No.27266243
Quoted by: >>27266283

>aqua: konpeko

>> No.27266244
Quoted by: >>27266314

But Senchou is a better person

>> No.27266241

I thought they hated each other since Korone slapped the little shit.

>> No.27266245

Aqua said konpeko hory shieet

>> No.27266248


>> No.27266249

Shes actually trying to interact with others and has been much happier

>> No.27266251

Aqua... I can't believe it..........

>> No.27266253
Quoted by: >>27266261


>> No.27266255

Wow Aqua is learning

>> No.27266256
File: 83 KB, 300x300, 80443193_p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to make an announcement. Minato Aqua is a bitch ass motherfucker. She blew up my fucking mob grinder. That's right, she used her dirty hands and blew up my fucking mob grinder.

>> No.27266257

this is very mean by marine, shes going to make both akutan and peko's brains overload by having to interact with their sworn enemy

>> No.27266259

She is really trying. It will only show just how deep this chasm is between each other

>> No.27266260
File: 462 KB, 516x517, unknown-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27266309

>Miko dead
>Haachama and coco in prison
>Lamy is taking a break
>Korone is taking a break too

>> No.27266261


>> No.27266265

They greet each other all the time

>> No.27266266
File: 193 KB, 971x1222, BAB08CB9-BFDD-4F31-990E-F913CE012B9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27266673

Subaru, Sora

AZKi until yesterday when she went full ART again and sang the same song 4 times in the idol festival

>> No.27266269
File: 391 KB, 833x1102, 1596899337234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based aqua blowing narrativefaggots the fuck out

>> No.27266271

Aqua gifted her some golden carrots because she wants the server to get on board with her AKUKIN construction idea

>> No.27266273

Korone is still streaming? She needs to rest.

>> No.27266276

it's the new outfit

>> No.27266281


>> No.27266282

The series peaked with 2 and it has been rolling downhill ever since.

>> No.27266283

akua has been making an effort lately, pekora just needs to return the favour...

>> No.27266285
Quoted by: >>27266331

Redditbros... she's finally going to sleep...

>> No.27266287


>> No.27266288


>> No.27266296
File: 339 KB, 719x496, 1600551252156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gift from rushia!

>> No.27266297


>> No.27266298
File: 118 KB, 823x211, 1584858467928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally pic related

>> No.27266301

You say that in her chat

>> No.27266302

we finally did it reddit escks deee

>> No.27266303


>> No.27266305

> go to bed
> okay
> keeps streaming

>> No.27266306

Aqua always responds with "konaqua (>w<)"

>> No.27266308
File: 1.46 MB, 1389x784, durhseep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something wrong with my sheep...

>> No.27266309

Hololive is holol-over thank god we have the new and improved EN branch

>> No.27266312
File: 75 KB, 1274x713, 1601800686497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Suisei so much bros

>> No.27266313


>> No.27266314
Quoted by: >>27266371

Based on what?

>> No.27266315

Aqua slapped pekora's knees in front of yagoo

>> No.27266316
File: 804 KB, 1080x1600, 1601288924463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do love her?

>> No.27266317

Yeah aqua planted her gift on her city house instead of the one in the suburbs

>> No.27266318

did what? i'm still trying to rape cocos gaping asshole

>> No.27266319
Quoted by: >>27266391

fuck I missed pecola being angry

>> No.27266321

What was doggo's completion percentage?

>> No.27266322

It was on purpose this time!

>> No.27266323

Cute angel and debil!

>> No.27266324

Some things never change

>> No.27266325


>> No.27266326

watame... not again...

>> No.27266329

>how about a sleeping now?

>> No.27266331
Quoted by: >>27266358

tranquilize yourself

>> No.27266332


>> No.27266333
Quoted by: >>27266352

Is Korone aware of the length of the credits in Ubisoft's games?

>> No.27266335

Ban all the bed posters korone.
You know it must be done.

>> No.27266334

Mark my words, in 3 months on Jan 25th there'll be a MASSIVE scandal when it comes out that Aqua and Pekora are in a real life lesbian relationship.

>> No.27266336

Apparently (if we are to trust chinkposter on reddit), some guys reported on NGA that a number of Taiwan shops have been cheering for Coco & Haachama on this issue, so they are "fighting back". Probably will get bored of it again after a few days, I guess.

>> No.27266337
Quoted by: >>27266474

Fucking credits is longer than the game itself.

>> No.27266339

There's some constants in life and one is Watame botching the ending movie for Night Fever

>> No.27266341

i love her when she aint crying, but shes fun. Damnit i missed her stream anyways but i wanted to see peko react to rushia's gift after her rage in minecraft

>> No.27266343


>> No.27266345

>going to sleep after only 16 hours of spamming
we fucking did it redditbros

>> No.27266348


>> No.27266347

Wonder how will pekora react to aqua's gift.

>> No.27266350


>> No.27266351

How does Watame do it every time? EVERY TIME.

>> No.27266352

The stream started only 4 hours ago. The night is still young.

>> No.27266357

Same, I love to piss in her butt so much...

>> No.27266358
File: 33 KB, 600x450, thatsthejoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27266362

Rushia is so kind and cute!

>> No.27266365
File: 105 KB, 518x915, suitachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Suisei having a dick and she's the one peeing in your butt instead of the other way around

>> No.27266367

I hate the scaling and the ship combat is so repetitive.

>> No.27266369

how long is the credit?
is it been 30 minutes yet?

>> No.27266370

Why did she name the snowman Olaf? She used the same name in her first MC streams back in 2018.

>> No.27266371

Watching their streams.

>> No.27266375
Quoted by: >>27266450

What was wrong with AC Syndicate?

>> No.27266377
Quoted by: >>27268343

>why would anyone watch Kiara instead of Pekora?
Pekora doesn't play Three Houses (yet)
>why would anyone watch Gura instead of Shion?
The shark isn't depressed I dunno I don't watch either of them
>why would anyone watch Amelia instead of Haachama?
Haachama doesn't stream right now. Also the two of them are nowhere similar to each other despite what Watson's debut may tell you otherwise.
>why would anyone watch Ina'nis instead of Senchou?
Ina's stream is more chill than Senchou's, also Ina is objectively a better artist whether you want to admit it or not.
>why would anyone watch Calliope instead of Watame?
Okay, I'll give you this.

>> No.27266378
File: 29 KB, 720x540, 1587453884421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27266590


>> No.27266381
File: 109 KB, 217x214, 1598901595255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be on purpose

>> No.27266384


>> No.27266385

How is this dog still going? Where does she get the energy?

>> No.27266387

How many hours will Korone sleep for?

>> No.27266388


>> No.27266389
Quoted by: >>27266437

Do what?

>> No.27266390


>> No.27266391

>Fuck Youtube, fuck jannies and fuck trannies, peko
Can't believe she said that.

>> No.27266392

Probably just really like Frozen.

>> No.27266393
File: 22 KB, 424x381, b04c6951e7370142126d65c46ebc16b686f0600a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine, telling a 35 years old woman to go to sleep.

>> No.27266395

Where did Aqua leave her chest?

>> No.27266398

Pekora's member only content is extremely lazy.
I can't decide whether this is a good thing or not. On the one hand, it indicates that she is lazy and I get nothing out of the membership. On the other hand, it indicates that she loves all her fans equally and doesn't want to paywall content

>> No.27266399

Oh I know now https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olaf_(Frozen)

>> No.27266400


>> No.27266406

in front of peko's house

>> No.27266407
File: 1.78 MB, 560x518, 1601753609174.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you okayubro

>> No.27266408
File: 136 KB, 1118x1800, Eh98sOrVkAASjlq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys don't look like this.

>> No.27266410


>> No.27266413

iirc near the peko's home

>> No.27266414

>Why did she name the snowman Olaf?
Are you joking

>> No.27266416
Quoted by: >>27266468

Somehow that Pekora tower looks really ominous

>> No.27266420
Quoted by: >>27266455

is this a midget?

>> No.27266422


>> No.27266423
File: 729 KB, 3508x2480, 1601584419282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant wait for her mom to die then, bitch is faker than Fubuki

>> No.27266425
File: 452 KB, 682x667, 84803440_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever had a sudden, inexplicable urge to say "Haachama chama" out loud?

>> No.27266427

As opposed to who? 20-something girls? If anything, we, old (over 30) people need sleep more than the kids do.

>> No.27266428

at least 3

>> No.27266429

In my reality yes, they look exactly like that

>> No.27266433
Quoted by: >>27266448

>tfw join memberships because I want to see my name in green

>> No.27266434


>> No.27266436

Disney joke, very very hard.

>> No.27266437

She always plays the intro when she meant to play the outtro.

>> No.27266439
Quoted by: >>27266557

In pekors other house, she will never go there. If she does she wont acknowledge it outside of your typical "ah thank you peko" or get distracted by something or make an excuse on not accepting her invitation

>> No.27266441

Because EN have their own charm, still would watch my oshi over them though

>> No.27266442

calm down bugman

>> No.27266443

#SMOK onegai
Banjo onegai
Konami onegai
Capcom onegai
Doom Eternal onegai

>> No.27266445

Oi mate do you have permission to post that joke?

>> No.27266448

imagine chatting

>> No.27266450
Quoted by: >>27266587

Missed oportunity of more Unity parkour
Unity had a lot of problems but the navigation is the best in the series and they just threw it away

>> No.27266453

She just did a 24h stream and is still lively, pretty sure an hour more is nothing to her at this point. I don't get this sudden concern.

>> No.27266454
Quoted by: >>27266633

>Okayu has early onset alzheimers

so sad...

>> No.27266455
File: 446 KB, 392x841, 1589752260664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27266507

No, Subaru is BIG

>> No.27266463

chatting in japanese, yes

>> No.27266465
Quoted by: >>27266504

>join membership
>literally nothing changes

>> No.27266467
File: 228 KB, 1600x1920, okayuhug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks clipbro

>> No.27266468

If she's still building an iron farm, then a villager is going to be trapped there.
And he's going to be near a zombie 24/7 so he's scared and makes the iron golems spawn for defense.

>> No.27266470
Quoted by: >>27266515

>4 divorces at 35


>> No.27266474
Quoted by: >>27266528

They're probably looping

>> No.27266475

>Banjo onegai
At this point I think she doesn't like the ekam bukam meme and she wants it to die

>> No.27266477

She's not sure but she thinks that about a week or less

>> No.27266478
Quoted by: >>27266506

>when she said "your mom is gay" it wasn't a joke she was really insulting the person

>> No.27266479
File: 189 KB, 850x1520, 1584245663942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what is peko's goal here?

>> No.27266481

She did a Konosuba watch along a while back right?
I almost want to join to see that.

>> No.27266484

Did Korone mention if she was going to play AC2 next?

>> No.27266491

She didn't even beat Mario 2 yet
Why won't she use savestates to cheat at the slot machine game, it's not like she's opposed to savescumming anyway

>> No.27266494

Yes. I wish they'd have used mythology, gods and religion more since Origins and Odyssey settings were great for it. You could also see a huge improvement in the new systems they went for between those two games

>> No.27266495

Nousagi Chads, Pekora's iron man stream got banned by YouTube?

>> No.27266497
Quoted by: >>27266541

This has been going ever since she hit the 10h mark

>> No.27266498

why are artiafags like this

>> No.27266500
Quoted by: >>27266569

she literally said it multiple times throughout this stream

>> No.27266501
Quoted by: >>27266546


>> No.27266503

He's a holo fanboy

>> No.27266502
Quoted by: >>27266520

She said she's done playing video games and from now on will only sing songs

>> No.27266504

their purse changes

>> No.27266506

What's wrong with sucking dick?

>> No.27266507


>> No.27266508


>> No.27266510

You know those 7 year old kids that watched Stampy and other similar youtubers playing Minecraft?
You are doing the same thing as them, except that you are an adult. Your family would be ashamed of you if they ever found out.

>> No.27266511
File: 223 KB, 512x512, 1586896486124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I sometimes say "Towa..." whenever I'm disappointed because something is over.

>> No.27266515
Quoted by: >>27266548

8 divorces and she's 40. Actually she's 29 and goes clubbing with Ayame.

>> No.27266518

Yes. Very much. I'm too deep in the hole fuck!

>> No.27266520

based dog

>> No.27266521
Quoted by: >>27266538

It's happening

>> No.27266522

either that or black flag

>> No.27266528

Nah. Ubisoft likes to list every fucking employee at every company they even commissioned one asset from.

>> No.27266529

There is a LOT of recent Minecraft streams again and they seem to be having lots of fun building this and that, why did they stop for a while? Even after they stopped playing Ark.

>> No.27266531

My heart

>> No.27266532

What happened, does one of them have a grudge? Have they ever interacted AT ALL outside of MC?

>> No.27266533

She got 900k+600k views in her banjo archive, she has no choice now

>> No.27266538
Quoted by: >>27266610

what's happening? im halfway into going into a cum coma and no idea what's happening in the streams

>> No.27266541

10 hours is literally nothing, fucking faggots.

>> No.27266543
Quoted by: >>27266586

bad blood from NND days

>> No.27266546

I demand her to do a new stream that doesn't get banned! I am outraged, I am a janitor and I was looking forward to come home and watch her member only stream, but it was removed...

>> No.27266548

Ojou, your streams...

>> No.27266551
Quoted by: >>27266588

I'm watching it right now. Shows on my suggestions as well.

>> No.27266553

I accidentally said "Share prices are up peko" at today's board meeting

>> No.27266557

>Even the whore Rushia know where to leave the chest for Pekora but Aqua doesn't
The narratives were true...

>> No.27266561

My mother watches Subaru play Minecraft.
My dad's more into Korone.

>> No.27266562

Meetings fuck up the schedules

>> No.27266565

Aqua's cat killed Pekora's pet rabbit

>> No.27266568
File: 100 KB, 1050x1000, 1593477999447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up, why the fuck is Towa's stream private?

>> No.27266569

You'd think at this point she would have already gotten a new RGB cable

>> No.27266570
File: 171 KB, 349x258, 1598815261516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her.

>> No.27266575


>> No.27266577


>> No.27266579

Otaku culture has always been a silly juvenile thing. It's only /v/ that forces deep and violent shows thinking they are above childish cartoons.

>> No.27266581

time for more peko deaths

>> No.27266584
Quoted by: >>27266617

Her eyes looked as if they were closing from wanting to sleep, but it could be something else.

>> No.27266586
Quoted by: >>27266631

wasn't that fucking years ago? Why can't they make up and move on jesus christ what is wrong with women

>> No.27266587

Yeah I feel you man. Unity did so many things right. It still has my favorite combat in the series.

>> No.27266588

How are you watching it? Tell me.

>> No.27266589

Aqua slapped Pekora's knees before YAGOO.

>> No.27266590

Electric showers hit different bro

>> No.27266591


>> No.27266592

Yes. Therefore she's going to commit mass mured of iron golems to sate her hunger for violence.

>> No.27266595

Akua is a proud and noble dwarf, therefore she holds many grudges that needs to be settled
Pekora is a filthy elf sympathizer

>> No.27266603
Quoted by: >>27266653

what did the homosharts do this time?

>> No.27266604

Jokes on you because I think Minecraft is boring as shit

>> No.27266608

She sang a forbidden song.
Her singing today was actually really fucking good holy shit like Towa is always amazing but she somehow still manages to blow me away every time she sings.

>> No.27266610

Nothing. It's not happening anymore

>> No.27266616
File: 1.59 MB, 960x960, 1601574118191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Night Fever
>Galaxy Sheep superchat reading

Today is a good day

>> No.27266617

If it weren't anything, it could be microsleep.

>> No.27266622

I prefer cute japanese woman as opposed to weird creepy old dudes

>> No.27266623

Song permissions?

>> No.27266625

I hear that kids breathe air as well, better stop doing that or I'll be seen as childish.

>> No.27266626
Quoted by: >>27266725

Anon, those kids are already old enough to post here, and they will also be the base of society in a few years.

>> No.27266629

Oh yeah also
FromSoft onegai

>> No.27266630

they got drunk at a meetup and ended up having a one night stand with each other and are now too awkward to interact

>> No.27266631

Given that akua is an autist and pekora is terminally shy it's not suprising that they haven't made up

>> No.27266632

Another yabee moment very tasteless. She's graduating for this one.

>> No.27266633


A commenter already solved it. If she doesn't walk, she won't forget anything. She's going to learn bukujutsu like Chiaotzu.

>> No.27266634

Did Pekora already see the sign?

>> No.27266635

more lightning

>> No.27266637
File: 148 KB, 2008x704, ouch!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27266642

renai circulation on Tuesday.

>> No.27266643

Towa called airport workers 'garbage pigs'

>> No.27266645

No motivation or reason to play,at least now they have the excuse to show off their stuff to newbies.

>> No.27266647

My family dosen't what a streamer is.

>> No.27266652
Quoted by: >>27266668

God fucking dammit I missed the stream. Towa-sama I have failed you...

>> No.27266653

They all showed up at Towa's house uninvited and started screaming things!

>> No.27266655
Quoted by: >>27266813

earlier anon has already said it about how he rarley broke out of holostar circle as a vtuber because of his anxienty (seems it is because he only surronded himself with his close group of male friends since 'Knight school era'). and lately he is doing stream back to back between his channel and his roommate's one so how he implied about if he tried hard enough is a bit sad in hidsight to me. Then, there was his heartfelt singing for his kishimen and promise to keep going forward. He didn't cry or anything but he has never been this emoi with his fans before. Temma seems to not graps how Vtuber work yet but it's good to see he is quite mentally strong and will keep trying.

>> No.27266656
File: 47 KB, 426x510, Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27266657

but doesn't the holoserver have a fuckton of skeleton horses? watame has a fuckton in her animal pen.

>> No.27266664


>> No.27266665
Quoted by: >>27266698

This is more like soap opera for men in their late 20s 30s

>> No.27266666

So proud of my sex changed bicentennial polyamorous neofascist conservative divorced dog

>> No.27266667
Quoted by: >>27266696

She's avoiding it on purpose, isn't she

>> No.27266668

Check that one chinese site

>> No.27266672
Quoted by: >>27266741


>> No.27266673

I thought something was wrong with my memory because I kept hearing the same song despite it being different, and then when it changed I felt relief at not being insane.
I suspect she wanted to remind us of Haruhi's second season...

>> No.27266674
Quoted by: >>27266690

She said the T-word

>> No.27266675
Quoted by: >>27266701

My yubis..... I have them.......

>> No.27266676
File: 759 KB, 1492x552, yoobee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27266719


>> No.27266678

Weird she said that her manager gave the ok.

>> No.27266679
File: 2.30 MB, 600x338, 1597938292056.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lightning strikes
The horsemen of the apocalypse appear
Pekora continues her human experiments
This unholy stream...

>> No.27266682

>missing an opportunity for your oshi to read and respond to your comments

>> No.27266683


>> No.27266684

Peko stop avoiding it...

>> No.27266688

>off by two
Well, at least you got it back.

>> No.27266690


>> No.27266692
File: 233 KB, 874x591, 1601195330291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit korosan my heart

>> No.27266696

What part of Aqua and Pekor forever hating each other do you not understand?

>> No.27266698
Quoted by: >>27266750

It's no less mature than watching wrestling.

>> No.27266700

Not for my sleep schedule though. And I have to get up for work tomorrow.

>> No.27266701

We gonna make it bros...

>> No.27266703
File: 282 KB, 850x601, sample_71b13be35cebb9232646965b4a185281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for the death stream korone!
enjoy you break

>> No.27266705

I'm not sure what or who you're talking about, so I'll leave the judgement of the topic to you, because you seem much more knowledgeable in it than I am.

>> No.27266708

She said she laughs in the face of any janitor she comes across

>> No.27266712
Quoted by: >>27266734

pekora has a better understanding of redstone than me

>> No.27266714

>each other
Only Pekora hates Aqua

>> No.27266715
Quoted by: >>27266907

>can only go to sleep when Korone stops streaming
>already 40 hours awake before she starts

>> No.27266718

I don't come from a family of janitors.

>> No.27266719

Looks like the transplant didn't work.

>> No.27266722

>yubis turned blue
Korone.... please.. the hospital

>> No.27266725

>base of society anywhere
do you think gen x was the base of society also?

>> No.27266728
File: 613 KB, 724x551, 1593739299411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why Korone is the best..

>> No.27266730

I can't believe Pekora was watching Aqua's stream...

>> No.27266733 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 495x495, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pekora being a slut (including her famous laugh):
Rushia being a slut:
Coco is kson, google her and you'll she videos of her acting like a slut and doing ahegao faces as well
Okayu: https://streamable.com/i6839
Kiara: https://files.catbox.moe/ikoxzy.png
Okayu, Korone and others: http://i0.wp.com/youtubesokuhou0.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/zKgRrhM.jpg?resize=768%2C597&ssl=1

Meanwhile Watame was never doxxed, she is a genuinely good girl who wants to buy a house for her mom, join her membersheep and help her.

>> No.27266734

Redstone is hilariously easy to learn bro, just apply yourself.

>> No.27266738

Fubuki and Korone are SCARED of an Aqua+Pekora collaboration.
As it is right now, the top 4 girls are all doing their own thing, barely interacting with each other.
A union between Aqua and Pekora would cause a spike in subscribers, viewers and superchats so big, that even the reddit dragon would kneel

>> No.27266741

Korone plays New Vegas and hears this:

>> No.27266748

Lmao whyare sheepniggers like this

>> No.27266749
File: 1.97 MB, 300x169, Hs6krVa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27266750

Who said anything about maturity. I'm here to have fun and look on some anime tiddies.

>> No.27266751
File: 302 KB, 524x664, sssa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a lot of people

>> No.27266752
File: 223 KB, 303x338, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we already know chang, fuck off back to west taiwan and free tibet

>> No.27266753

WTF? I love Hololive now!

>> No.27266755

Don't shitpost with watame, pekofag

>> No.27266756
File: 50 KB, 536x550, 1597750503375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile Watame was never doxxed
>Meanwhile Watame was never doxxed
>Meanwhile Watame was never doxxed
>Meanwhile Watame was never doxxed

>> No.27266758

Come back to me when you get a dox of Subaru

>> No.27266759
File: 778 KB, 744x817, 1588744462055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peko would bootyblast aqua

>> No.27266762
File: 60 KB, 595x673, 1601516086003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're still not going to beat HER, though

>> No.27266763

Not really, Aqua and Pekora have shit chemistry and it'd be an awkward half-baked collab.

>> No.27266764

Going by here 'Korone morning theater' video, like 12 hours.

>> No.27266771
File: 393 KB, 1163x655, 1578508918271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27266811


>> No.27266774

>Peko is pretending to ignore the sign.

>> No.27266786
Quoted by: >>27266802

What is pekora plan for today?

>> No.27266787 [SPOILER] 
File: 558 KB, 716x984, 1601823236378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27266804

right here bro

>> No.27266789


>> No.27266790

she is going to build a new house at this point...

>> No.27266791

>A union between Aqua and Pekora would cause a spike in subscribers, viewers and superchats so big, that even the reddit dragon would kneel
Aqua's doing it with Marine already.

>> No.27266793

The yonkou...

>> No.27266794
File: 709 KB, 694x618, happy dog.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27266799

Jeez, I hope not.

>> No.27266800 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 400x400, 1601823299780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27266802

I think she's putting together that iron golem trap

>> No.27266803
Quoted by: >>27266830

The aquamaringo looks fucking cool, a good addition to the server

>> No.27266804
Quoted by: >>27266864

no fucking way

>> No.27266805

>Sheepfags are newfags
not surprising desu

>> No.27266806

>just a "Thank you" joke
anonchama... read it out loud...

>> No.27266810
Quoted by: >>27266868

Tell them to go to sleep.

>> No.27266811

How can one dog have so much soul? That birthday, that cover, this stream, all the memes are her own and she has masterful control over them...

>> No.27266813

dont watch him as much as the others, but he's great judging from the few streams that i've seen so i hope he does well. hopefully the other stars take notice of this and try to help

>> No.27266815

She should prioritize her own happiness instead of her mother's who ignored her.
I want to help her get a therapy.
You forgot to post the IRL picture with your dox btw..

>> No.27266816

Probably so, now that you mentioned Astel. It made me remembered Temmaroommate's tweet not long ago
>temma tweeted about he was forbidden from washing his hair because of LESIK surgury so he has to pay for hairdresser to do it for him for a week
>that one reply:why don't you have your girlfriend does it for you lol? oh right...

>> No.27266817

Not sure zhang, global or /v/tard.

>> No.27266822
Quoted by: >>27266845

addictionquitterbros, how are you doing?
I haven't logged into granblue fantasy for the past week or something now, and I've been using the free time to read more stuff and to learn guitar, on top of watching and learning japanese through holos, and generally being able to pursue hobbies which I've put aside.
cutting down on porn has been great too, since I have more energy to do shit instead of falling asleep all the while. Still need to stop it altogether, though.
my next step is reducing my daily 4chan browsing time/frequencY
what skills have you tried to gain recently?
do you have a stable job that you want to work in for the rest of your career? I don't, not this factory job, which is why I know I need to learn skills now rather than putting off til later, hence the drive to quit the addictions that distract me from what I need to do

>> No.27266828
File: 42 KB, 295x321, 1594324302580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you enjoy Risu's stream, nutters?

>> No.27266827
File: 320 KB, 425x512, 1571335041100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to sleep, forever.

>> No.27266829


>> No.27266830
Quoted by: >>27266889

Who makes blueprints for them anyway?

>> No.27266832
Quoted by: >>27266969

Well when your viewer base consist of reddit goers and people who only browse youtube trending, you are going to get that.

>> No.27266833

Suisei's legs activates something inside me

>> No.27266834

Come take a nap in Brazil!

>> No.27266840 [SPOILER] 
File: 43 KB, 720x719, 1601823389005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed your cat bro

>> No.27266843

This is a falseflag baiting for Watamedox to post when the sheep starts crying again isn't it?

>> No.27266844

ogey, this is old news

>> No.27266845

>look i posted an image of with holos that means it's on-topic
someone post Luna16.jpg

>> No.27266846
Quoted by: >>27266971

when was the last korone-fbk collab now that you mention it

>> No.27266855


>> No.27266856
File: 108 KB, 505x438, 1601229662699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27266892

pretty fucking cringe not gonna lie, I like the loli parts though.

>> No.27266857

Rain World.

>> No.27266863
Quoted by: >>27266915


>> No.27266864


>> No.27266867

there was a risu stream?

>> No.27266868

spam the spammers
nice idea
it might work btw

>> No.27266873

She has mastered the hopper clock.
Just wait till she finds out about observer clocks.

>> No.27266874

What in the name of fuck is Pekora doing

>> No.27266876
File: 99 KB, 216x217, 10-180046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pata. Pata. Pata.

>> No.27266877
File: 2.57 MB, 2046x2066, 1572432654374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27266879

Newfag, that is common knowledge

>> No.27266881

Sometimes I legit think that she streams to evade herself from her life, so the "go to sleep" comments could be hurting her a lot actually

>> No.27266887
File: 195 KB, 463x453, 1601182322139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27266888

What is the purpose of that redstone?

>> No.27266889

This one came from a random Marine fan.

>> No.27266891

Time to play Skyrim and then go to sleep.

>> No.27266892
Quoted by: >>27267031

better or worse than the duck stream?

>> No.27266895

I like Rushia even more now. Also learn the definition of a slut anon.

>> No.27266898

but this is the easiest doxxes to find?

>> No.27266902

I like them in different ways but so far Valhalla looks p. boring

>> No.27266903
Quoted by: >>27266981

Why did Flare decide to get over it 50 times again?

>> No.27266904

i wish i could get in korones face and shout at her to sleep

>> No.27266907

What happened to that one anon that listen to this for 28 hours trying to sleep?

>> No.27266908


>> No.27266909

The stream download there seems glitched out for me, it's only 3 minutes. Does it actually work for you?

>> No.27266910


>> No.27266915

But she's okay, lole.

>> No.27266916


>> No.27266917
Quoted by: >>27266951

Should I play Trails of Coldsteel?

>> No.27266919

You're fucking right.

>> No.27266920


>> No.27266927
Quoted by: >>27266976

the only /u/ in hololive is the chicken

>> No.27266928
Quoted by: >>27267032

still can't tell if rushia is actually flat irl

>> No.27266929 [SPOILER] 
File: 318 KB, 500x609, 1601823659331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be peko in the future

>> No.27266930

I can't check at the moment because I'm downloading the last uruwashu stream on limited bandwidth. I can check later

>> No.27266931


>> No.27266934

Poor Peko, she probably doesn't realize Zombies avoid rails now.

>> No.27266941

I have no regerts in making that .gif
I fucking love it

>> No.27266942

>Sometimes I legit think that she streams to evade herself from her life

>> No.27266944
File: 27 KB, 880x234, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are my fellow Gomakings

>> No.27266950
File: 63 KB, 419x512, 1591416380017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267132


Who would've guessed Judas was Chinese.

>> No.27266951

Yeah it's a fun series. The first two games are great ways to get into the trails/kiseki series in general.

>> No.27266953
File: 110 KB, 276x284, watame da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267060

Still listening to Watame's lullaby!

>> No.27266958


>> No.27266961


>> No.27266966
File: 1.31 MB, 850x902, 3A206546-13E1-48DD-B093-E08B259F2764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for Astel!

>> No.27266967
Quoted by: >>27267033

Wait, if Civia didn't like the Cover apology then why did we lump her in with that snake Artia? Besides Civia's content being fucking terrible?

>> No.27266969

Heh, even in reddit people were against the sleep spammers

>> No.27266971

I think it was the OKAFAMS ARK stream.

>> No.27266972
File: 515 KB, 1254x1771, 1571204457100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267002

>Meanwhile Watame was never doxxed

>> No.27266976
File: 95 KB, 850x598, sample_3396ea67c493256f892d34cda13cb8fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only /u/ in hololive is the chicken

>> No.27266979
File: 1023 KB, 1060x573, 1589440802343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27266981

The pot gets progressively more golden until you clear the game 50 times
It's just an achievement kind of thing

>> No.27266983
Quoted by: >>27267081

still mad that this song got privated

>> No.27266985

better version
holy shit, when did it gain those additional 130k views

>> No.27266989
Quoted by: >>27267020

I'm too much of a newfag to know what that chinese site is but thanks anyways.

>> No.27266993

Korone said she loves me.

>> No.27266995

Oga did a member's only muscle training and talking ASMR stream

>> No.27266998

ojou... your stream...

>> No.27267002
File: 192 KB, 850x1133, 1598631094652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the more subtle ones.

>> No.27267009
File: 463 KB, 877x468, 1584482259581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267123


>> No.27267012

Hand over your virginity card you unvirgin

>> No.27267014
Quoted by: >>27267054

>43k viewers

>> No.27267020
Quoted by: >>27267093


>> No.27267026
Quoted by: >>27267037


>> No.27267027
Quoted by: >>27267050

Calisthenics I assume?

>> No.27267031

I prefer the duck stream just because Hololive was burning due to the china fiasco. and Risu starts streaming by squeaking ducks and being high as a kite.

>> No.27267032

Do you have eyes in your skull?

>> No.27267033
Quoted by: >>27267377

Twitch gremlin bad
Unicorn wife good

>> No.27267036

I want to work at Akukinkensetsu!

>> No.27267037


>> No.27267038

a Peko Aqua collab would get 80k viewers.
I'm not even joking.

>> No.27267041

Pekora the master entertainer at work.

>> No.27267042
File: 275 KB, 336x478, 8BDEF879-9F56-426B-A368-73E2B4A5D0E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many days Sora will rest this week?

>> No.27267044
Quoted by: >>27267084

>Finally get around to watching Luna's piano stream from last week
>I canceled my membership at the start of this month and will have it until next month
>Said she'll put a curse on anyone that leaves her.
Well...dammit. Guess I'll get the membership back...

>> No.27267048

peko you dumbass

>> No.27267050

If that's what planks and stuff are part of yeah, just looking at this timestamp comment

>> No.27267052
Quoted by: >>27267115

what the fuck is this cock and ball torture device pekora's trying to make

>> No.27267053

peko your slave was so close to being contained

>> No.27267054
File: 155 KB, 900x1200, 1570834060215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267072

Is she getting raided or something? She usually has a lot for Minecraft but this is rare.

>> No.27267056

Add Korone and you'd get 120,000 easy.

>> No.27267058

That's a bug right?

>> No.27267060

Watame will feel better if you go to sleep every once in a while but don't panic if you can't because Watame will be waiting for you when she streams.

>> No.27267063
Quoted by: >>27267141

This has to be scripted, she couldn't have possibly got this outcome naturally

>> No.27267064

Fuck...Oga straining noises are the best

>> No.27267065

It was her best one yet, fuck sake.

>> No.27267069

Not him but I have eyes inside my skull planted in my brains

>> No.27267070

Anyone else hard from Pekora suffering?

>> No.27267072
Quoted by: >>27267106

the algorithm must be feeding her 12 year olds

>> No.27267075
Quoted by: >>27267094

Pekora ought to be jailed for her inhumane experiments

>> No.27267074
File: 86 KB, 1000x1000, Hololive-Artia-Anime-Girl-Dakimakura-Hugging-Body-Pillow-Case-Cover.jpg_q50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267148


>> No.27267079
Quoted by: >>27267147

Has it ever occurred to you that, they might share a good amount of their viewerbase?

>> No.27267081

I'm mad that Subaru had no idea that it still is. And yet more than a week after she learned about that it STILL is privated.

>> No.27267083

Pekora could've just made the zombie follow her and fall on the hole instead of building all the rail bullshit

>> No.27267084

It's too late. You're already going to die.

>> No.27267085

I love her singing, damn!

>> No.27267089

KanaTowa song onegai.

>> No.27267090

It doesn't work for me either. Actually I downloaded the stream with youtube-dl but I forgot to start it immediately so the first 15 minutes are missing. Hopefully she will unprivate later after editing.

>> No.27267091


>> No.27267092

Did Izuru changed his EOP rule?

>> No.27267093

Much appreciated my man!

>> No.27267094

Zombies aren't humans, so it is all fine.

>> No.27267095

Then do your twitter reps you fucking bumknight..

>> No.27267096


>> No.27267099
Quoted by: >>27267108

it's me pekora

>> No.27267102
File: 672 KB, 1100x1200, 1587925289629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267223


>> No.27267104

Just for today

>> No.27267106

Might be getting a boost from all the recent Minecraft announcements.

>> No.27267107
Quoted by: >>27267232

wtf is pekora doing?

>> No.27267108

hello pecola!

>> No.27267109
File: 548 KB, 878x676, 1582773912945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is peko making a femur breaker now?

>> No.27267110

Add Gura and...

>> No.27267112

What rule? He tweeted something earlier which may or may not have been passive aggressive.

>> No.27267114

Why AquPeko when MariPeko collab already reach 80k awhile back?

>> No.27267115

she's making an iron farm
you need to get a hostile mob into a closed area and then place villagers around it so they start panicking and summon iron golems that you can kill in a trap for free iron

>> No.27267119
Quoted by: >>27267146

pekora is dumb

>> No.27267120

And when Kaoru did one he got like 90 people calling in no sweat... Tenma... Get out of your bubble

>> No.27267123

>Amazarashi only

>> No.27267124

Are villagers human?

>> No.27267132

god I wish we could trade her for Yogiri...

>> No.27267133
Quoted by: >>27267198

This fucking Hoshio arc holy shit

>> No.27267134

>pizza shaped nuke

>> No.27267136
File: 452 KB, 640x360, Lamy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zombies are janitors

>> No.27267140
File: 7 KB, 225x225, larry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267160

Radical Larry isn't far away...

>> No.27267141

Aqua is the one controlling zombie narrative?

>> No.27267144

Your menu for this week good sir

>> No.27267146

She's actually a super genius by rabbit standards.

>> No.27267147

It occurred to me but I decided that this isn't the case. Look at their viewers right now. Pekora is pulling 40,000 views and Aqua 32,000 but no self respecting nousagi would watch aqua

>> No.27267148

i didnt know they make Judas dakimakura

>> No.27267149
Quoted by: >>27267157

Is watame doing a superchat session?

>> No.27267151

its the last message for overseas

>> No.27267153

You are NEVER going to be able to play Resident Evil, Pekora

>> No.27267154

Strong-armed by Shinove to stream in English Among Us. It was a fun stream but he's back to being the champion of JOPs.

>> No.27267157


>> No.27267159

Where's the chest?

>> No.27267160

oh god oh fuck not him....

>> No.27267167

where's aqua's chest?
I'm sure it was right there by the entrance

>> No.27267168

Where's Aqua's gift?

>> No.27267172

Pekora removed it off-screen so she doesn't have to talk about it

>> No.27267177

doesn't answer the question man

>> No.27267178

Pekora: I trust you, chat.

>> No.27267180
File: 13 KB, 2048x2048, Ejfft-iVcAIDrry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame since this was her best one yet.

>> No.27267181

Obviously this bitch logged in the game removed the chest and then started streaming.

>> No.27267183

>pekora removed the chest off-stream

>> No.27267186


>> No.27267187
File: 1.17 MB, 1410x798, bUPkDFiroV.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have never seen a pekora aqua collab before
is there a narrative on this?

>> No.27267189

Exactly. This is why she is right to believe Nanjin was not a crime.

>> No.27267191

do your social reps dumb knight

>> No.27267190

Holy autism.

>> No.27267194

Where's the 3D announcement...

>> No.27267196

wait is there a gen2 collab tomorrow?

>> No.27267198

The human experiment arc, divided into sub-arcs about Joseph, Adam and Eve, and Hoshio. It's all so fun.

>> No.27267200

Pekora got rid of it off stream so she does not have to deal with it when she streams

>> No.27267203
File: 3.82 MB, 1920x1080, fire storm cotton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27267204
File: 28 KB, 337x252, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, he's going to make it

>> No.27267206
Quoted by: >>27267216

>averages 3-4 streams per day

>> No.27267208
Quoted by: >>27267234

Damn, Pekora really hates her

>> No.27267207
File: 644 KB, 1357x1920, 1573773160885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using horns as curlers
That is ultra-cute.

>> No.27267211

I don't think I've ever seen a retard be this much of a genius

>> No.27267214
Quoted by: >>27267231

>Watame will never sing happy birthday to you
Why live

>> No.27267216

He showed his hours on stream a few months ago and they were insane back then. I wonder what they're like now

>> No.27267219


>> No.27267221

>another week with no hint of 3d nor membership

>> No.27267222


>> No.27267223
File: 105 KB, 754x900, EVjff7YUcAEe7A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27267229

>sept 7
>only 1 stream

What does it mean?

>> No.27267230
Quoted by: >>27267270

This website is unironically posting dkxx nipponhashi*com, please report it to Cover.

>> No.27267231
Quoted by: >>27267284

Just superchat it on your birthday

>> No.27267232
Quoted by: >>27267360

Making an iron golem farm.
The tl;dr of it is you need a zombie and at (now) a villager of any or no profession. (I think it is one anyway, not sure if it was reversed back to minimum of 3 by the full release)
You trigger the villager(s) every 30+ seconds with the zombie by giving them line of sight and it will spawn a golem.

>> No.27267233
Quoted by: >>27267300

does anyone have a timestamp for when Aqua sets up the chest?

>> No.27267234
Quoted by: >>27267464

Did you think >>27265919 was fucking joking? This feud has been running deeper than any of us truly knows. Her hatred for Aqua knows no bounds

>> No.27267235

??????? What the fuck??

>> No.27267238

I'm actually really curious anon, I've seen clips and streams and don't really see them together and ignored it until now, so why really? did aqua do something to peko?

>> No.27267239


>> No.27267242


>> No.27267246

Get owned Aqua.

>> No.27267249
File: 433 KB, 1502x2048, 1588680634721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267522

There's only room for one construction company on this server, peko!

>> No.27267252
Quoted by: >>27267274

meant for

>> No.27267259

Fuck. Whos gonna graduate.

>> No.27267260

I guess I'll sub to Kiara

>> No.27267263

Wait, the Aqua vs. Pekora narrative is actually real? I thought it was our usual bullshit.

>> No.27267265

Holy fuck the narratives.

>> No.27267270

Hope you're prepared to also report the hundreds of nip sites that have been doing this for years.

>> No.27267272

I just want the next gen of hololive to consist solely of 30 something thicc sexually frustrated christmass cakes

>> No.27267271

the rendemption arc...... is over.....

>> No.27267273

how could you do this to us peko what the fug

>> No.27267274

September was last month

>> No.27267275

What if Aqua is the one that removed it?

>> No.27267277

Who's the Aru together with PIkamee and Monoe?

>> No.27267280
File: 3.12 MB, 498x455, 1588748450247.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27267282

YAGOO, 3d Roberu, onegai

>> No.27267283
File: 358 KB, 1500x2420, 1578642573070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267328

Thats the most foul cruel and bad tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!

>> No.27267284

Oink that's right.

>> No.27267287
File: 706 KB, 884x471, Screenshot 2020-10-04 at 16.16.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora actually got rid of the chest offstream what a bitch

>> No.27267288
Quoted by: >>27267345

Pekora litterally just lost 4k viewers
Akupeko is never going to happen...

>> No.27267290

>hiroshimoot actually reacted to the jannie bullshit

I can't believe the site admin is a fucking anti

>> No.27267293
File: 3.59 MB, 334x298, 1586295029312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267309

What chest?

>> No.27267296
Quoted by: >>27267445

I've seen NND clip of Pekora raiding Aqua's stream and making her unironically cry. I will never look at this piece of shit the same way after that.

>> No.27267297

Imagine how bad Aqua must feel. She was trying to get along with Pekora, but the ahosagi completely ignored her.

>> No.27267298

5ch reacting?

>> No.27267299
Quoted by: >>27267336


>> No.27267300

Around 1 hour 54 minutes in

>> No.27267302
Quoted by: >>27267336


>> No.27267306
File: 1.26 MB, 960x916, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you

>> No.27267308

Someone please give me a benign reason as to why the chest would be gone I beg of you.

>> No.27267309

This >>27267287

>> No.27267311

Aqua is such a fake bitch peko

>> No.27267313


>> No.27267322
File: 22 KB, 463x453, 1580104807926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267372


>> No.27267323
File: 111 KB, 1920x1080, EjeS3gFVoAA3B6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>​[en]:I said I slept on the floor (on twitter), but actually there is a carpet there. I ate something and then I felt sleepy so I slept, to wake up to eat today again (lol

>> No.27267326

Aqua removed it herself because autism

>> No.27267327

Why is she like this?

>> No.27267328
Quoted by: >>27267361

I'm gonna slap that pathetic bunny butt!

>> No.27267330
Quoted by: >>27267372

Pekora is actually a bitch holy shit

>> No.27267334
Quoted by: >>27267441

>Oga telling people that they're allowed to clip his stream for "self-use" but not to upload it to twitter

>> No.27267335

What most people don't know: Aqua slept with Pekora's boyfriend

>> No.27267336

oh right, now I feel dumb

>> No.27267340

Lmao maybe she just decided to get rid of it after looting

>> No.27267344
Quoted by: >>27267396

>Set up a gift for Peko in front of her house
>Make sure everyone knows about it
>Remove it off stream
>Now everyone will think Peko is an asshole that removed it to avoid talking about it

>> No.27267345

Yeah I turned her stream off too lol

>> No.27267350

Pekora is the one who had her fans raid Aqua's channel.

>> No.27267351

I'm thinking Pekora is pretty based now.

>> No.27267353

Pekora's bunny house is the cutest thing.

>> No.27267354

>just found out that Lamy is sick
Is she really sick or actually suspended?

>> No.27267356

Ya'll shits pointing fingers at Pekora when it can also be Aqua that removed the chest.

Fuck you guys.

>> No.27267357

Get the fuck out.
Aqua is a sweet girl who's actually better than this, trying to make friends and move forward, letting the past go.

>> No.27267359
Quoted by: >>27267473

I'd rather believe the other narrative as this is too much painfully autistic even if it's Baqua.

>> No.27267360

oh i see thanks

>> No.27267361


>> No.27267363

Think about it. You just saw Pekora get Rushias gift at the start of the stream and not Aquas

>> No.27267365

use your brain.

>> No.27267366

This is karma for what you did, Pekora. Now Hoshio's gonna fucking die.

>> No.27267368

Are orange hair a sign of uncouth? Maybe Coco and Gibara just happen to share that too.

>> No.27267372

kek what did I miss?

>> No.27267375

The chest, just like the cake, was a lie.

>> No.27267376

Go back

>> No.27267377

>Unicorn wife good
Not content-wise, Civia's fucking terrible at retaining interest. All she has is clingy waifu, you'd have to be desperate to not find clingy girls annoying.

>> No.27267378

>Peko 42k
>Akumarin 31k
Leave some for the others...

>> No.27267379
File: 773 KB, 800x1000, senchou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27267381

Hoshio you motherfucker

>> No.27267385

Got sick because her janny didn't clean the air filter.

>> No.27267387

Neither, she's just depressed and doesn't want to stream right now

>> No.27267392
Quoted by: >>27267457

Uhm no, it's not pekora..she's not w bitch. It's uhm nijisanji's fault! They're behind this, they must have logged into the holo server and removed the chest! Luna used to be nijisanji, she probably did it...

>> No.27267394

It hurts that that's actually kind of believable.

>> No.27267396

I'm telling you, this isn't just a one sided affair. No one knows how deep this goes between them

>> No.27267404

All the stress is getting to her so she felt ill. You should SC her to make her feel better when she returns.

>> No.27267407
File: 97 KB, 520x600, 1580143262152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267417

>concernfags in Watame's chat

Is there anything more cringe than these fucking Nice Guys?

>> No.27267411

AquaPeko arc isn't happening. ;_;

>> No.27267412

It's weird to me that ouyside of werewolf game this knight is awkward around people.

>> No.27267414

Get in fucking cart hoshio!!

>> No.27267416

>Aqua removed it!
Nousogi cope

>> No.27267417


>> No.27267419

He wasn't really a boyfriend to any of them. What happened was that NND streamers tend to have sex party meetups offline with other streamers and their fans, it's called off-pako. Both Aqua and Pekora were aiming for the same guy during one of these meet-ups and Pekora's grudge started from there.

>> No.27267421


>> No.27267425
Quoted by: >>27267469

She removed it because she just wants to play Minecraft and build shit and not talk to anyone since her Ironman stream was banned.

>> No.27267429

5chbros will not like this one bit...

>> No.27267432

sick. PLEASE stop fucking feeding the garbage retards here

>> No.27267441

Don't managers tell these people clips are literally gold

Clips catapulted Korone, Fubuki, Marine etc

Shit, they're catapulting Roberu and Shark right the fuck now

>> No.27267442

Please tell me 5ch is imploding.

>> No.27267445
Quoted by: >>27267506

any source for this?

>> No.27267446

I feel ashamed of spending all my time in front of my computer, when she spent time to prepare for new live events these 2 last weeks and probably does some physical training too...

I can't even imagine how much time it takes to prepare a choreography for each song and to remember it.
But then I discovered AZKI had a parallel life where she might even be more active and she became a member of 2 new idol units in the last months.
How do they find time to do everything?
They are almost as efficient as machines and have to reduce their sleeping time when these event happen.

>> No.27267447
Quoted by: >>27267603

I don't remember this stream
When did this happen?

>> No.27267451

Pekora's narrative is a joke, right?

>> No.27267457
File: 1001 KB, 2220x3834, yande.re 567616 ange_katrina coneco nijisanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267878

Yes Ange had chest envy and stole it.

>> No.27267459
File: 356 KB, 432x444, 04-202700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would i dare say, based?

>> No.27267460

Sick. Minecraft is also going to give her PTSD after this since every time she logs in she'll remember the time she almost got her and her friends cancelled. I bet Lamy will never play minecraft much again from now on.

>> No.27267461
Quoted by: >>27267507

Which manga or ln is this? If not, you're hired.
>t. Yamakan

>> No.27267463

Has Marine fallen in Aqua's trap?, I tuned in way too late.

>> No.27267464

after reading that I'm getting more of Pekora feeling guilty towards what she did to Aqua in the past so she couldn't really face her directly, even more especially when Aqua is her senpai now
also didn't Pekora got flamed at the beginning of her career by the people who knew about her as well

>> No.27267469
Quoted by: >>27267499

And yet she took Rushias gift just fine. Did you miss the time she was messing around with 5th gen and with Subaru?

>> No.27267473

>Aqua sees Rushias did basically the same thing
>Oh no, now I can't do that too or it'll be lame
>Removes chest
Seems plausible to me

>> No.27267474
Quoted by: >>27267692

It's a member's only stream anon, but it's the way he said "self-use" that was so funny to me because it's him groaning while struggling to plank

>> No.27267479

Yeah, i'm not watching this piece of shit ever again.

>> No.27267480

He's talking about a member-only stream.

>> No.27267483
Quoted by: >>27267498

I think Pekora and Aqua should collab offline and beat the shit out of each other.

>> No.27267485
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x1162, 1597338160250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello, I would like to hire a janitor to 'clean up' a mess
>Yes, don't worry about the price. Just make sure that the place is clean afterwards

>> No.27267488


>> No.27267489

Pekora has no reason to feel guilty. Aqua deserved it.

>> No.27267490

witch doctor...

>> No.27267492

How will Aqua keep her fanbase if she removes her chest?

>> No.27267495


>> No.27267498

I think they should have rough sex

>> No.27267499

Rushia isn't currently playing Minecraft

>> No.27267501
Quoted by: >>27267549

where's the sauce? I don't think that's a lie considering how the streamers are

>> No.27267502
Quoted by: >>27267568

Aqua was streaming the whole time you mong
Pekora is just a bitch

>> No.27267506
Quoted by: >>27267622

I will get banned for posting it

>> No.27267507
Quoted by: >>27267766

Not even joking dude, any NNDfag can tell you that 110 was known for doing off-pako a lot back in NND days.

>> No.27267509
Quoted by: >>27267675

Can someone tell me what is Pekora doing? I've seen golem farms and they didn't need all that redstone and piston stuff

>> No.27267512

Wait, what narrative did I miss? I was having something to eat and now somehow Pekora is a bitch?

>> No.27267516

Probably is sick from the stress of the situation. If it was a suspension then Polka would have been punished as well.

>> No.27267521

What was even the reason for setting up the chest?

>> No.27267522
Quoted by: >>27267579

When does she build the TNT cannon aimed at aquamarine's ship?

>> No.27267523

Pekora is a WHORE

>> No.27267529

She literally stripped for strangers on a live stream, how isn't that being a slut

>> No.27267530

Oga's Vegeta voice... I kneel...

>> No.27267531

Pekora was also the only holo to stream during aquas sololive and it was a retarded super chat reading she could have done any other time. She's a fucking bitch, aqua is an angel that just wants to have fun

>> No.27267535

Pekor is a good girl
aqua is just a fake bitch

>> No.27267536

If she was 'feeling guilty' she would have taken the opportunity that Aqua extended and made up with her
But instead she just removed Aqua's present offstream

>> No.27267540
Quoted by: >>27267612


>> No.27267542
Quoted by: >>27267569

Aqua put a chest in front of Pekora's house
Now it's gone
Not sure who removed it

>> No.27267547

Always has been

>> No.27267550
File: 226 KB, 1920x1281, 10054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're listening to Izuru, right?

>> No.27267549
Quoted by: >>27267570

NND orgies are defintely a thing.

>> No.27267551


>> No.27267562
Quoted by: >>27267589

aquafags eternally blown the fuck out
YEETED her gift then DABBED and FLOSSED on her corpse

>> No.27267563

>Pekora was also the only holo to stream during aquas sololive

>> No.27267564

Why does he streams so much

>> No.27267568

Aqua started streaming 3 hours ago. She could have seen Rushias last stream and done it prior to streaming today.

>> No.27267569

Probably got creeper'd or something

>> No.27267572
Quoted by: >>27267598

I'm sad about Lamy...

>> No.27267570
Quoted by: >>27267852

Sounds fake as fuck.

>> No.27267575

Maybe Coco removed the chest?

>> No.27267579

She's going to build a bigger, flying ship with all the slime and honey and carpet bomb it instead

>> No.27267580
Quoted by: >>27267632

Aqua set up a sign and chest with presents(bribes) for Pekora, to get her to join the Akukin Constructions, in front of Pekora's house.
Come today, the chest (and the sign) isn't there.

>> No.27267581

I honest to god nousagis, you're probably falseflagging as aquafags just to make the things more confusing

>> No.27267583

To be a true fan you have to acknowledge at just how belligerent Pekora is and still like her. You have to face the bad parts of your oshi and accept her flaws. Just like with any holo here.

>> No.27267585
Quoted by: >>27267632

She was giving gifts to everyone who logged yesterday + an invitation to Akukin

>> No.27267586

fuck off Zhang

>> No.27267588
Quoted by: >>27267626

What if Lamy removed the chest to bring some of the heat off her?

>> No.27267589
Quoted by: >>27267610

>This user is underage.

>> No.27267591
File: 1.68 MB, 2048x2048, PEKORRAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267728

Stop shit talking my cute rabbit or you will meet the rage of 100 MIL PEKOS!

>> No.27267594


>> No.27267598

She'll get through this and so will we

>> No.27267600
Quoted by: >>27267770

to be fair it was 700k celebration but yeah it was weird af
I don't think she mentioned aqua solo live ever

>> No.27267602

i hate this fucking bitch

>> No.27267603

This apex stream with Fubuki and Festival
Not as bad as Astel probably but you can tell by how he was quiet 50% of the stream.

>> No.27267604
File: 143 KB, 242x311, 1601488068752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this sheep so much!

>> No.27267605
File: 19 KB, 338x338, 1598411068528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artia is a traitor~~~~

>> No.27267606
Quoted by: >>27267725

Can anyone update me on the narratives? What's this chest everyone is talking about? Why is Pekora a bitch?

>> No.27267607

Peko never collabs with Aqua dodge her in minecraft and streams during Aqua's special streams. There is beef clearly.

>> No.27267609
Quoted by: >>27267686

Sorry narrativebros but Peko found it on stream yesterday xd

>> No.27267610

I'm actually 63 years old. My grandson just taught me those words

>> No.27267612

Its not about the chest itself retard. It is further confirming years long suspicions

>> No.27267618

Once a bully, always a bully.
Burn in hell.

>> No.27267621

Aquafags one sidedly blaming Pekora unironically makes me hope they never make up.

>> No.27267622

post it, onegai

>> No.27267624
Quoted by: >>27267650

just woke up
did korone die?

>> No.27267626

Seems plausible, she even skipped the NND stream to make it in time

>> No.27267631
File: 1.50 MB, 500x209, whats-in-the-box-gif-13.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267652


>> No.27267632

So what's wrong with removing a competitor's advertisement in front of your office?

>> No.27267634
File: 298 KB, 1200x849, 1587953863855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone uploaded all of TIF
Idolfags are my fucking heroes

>> No.27267635

Nene was the one who removed it

>> No.27267636
File: 443 KB, 1486x2048, 1581687010128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all need jesus

>> No.27267638
File: 2.78 MB, 4000x3914, OGEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never gave a fuck about Aqua. She seems like the type of person who would amass fans that would go stabbing people in the streets, and eventually her if they found out Aqua had a boyfriend. There's been talks about how she's just this cute autistic midget or whatever the fuck, but her autism isn't endearing like it is for the other Hololive girls.

Basically, a real boring, safe idol. Nothing wrong with that, but holy fuck she's dull.

>> No.27267639
Quoted by: >>27267678

>a whodunnit mystery
>it happened on NND trust me
>X is a fake bitch
So this is the power of narrative hours.

>> No.27267640

Peko also did a loli stream during a big special Aqua totsumachi and never called.

>> No.27267641


>> No.27267645

Mental age counts too

>> No.27267647
Quoted by: >>27267669

Roboco no... not like this

>> No.27267649
Quoted by: >>27267693

You can't just say that and not link it

>> No.27267650

No but I am

>> No.27267651

holy shit yagoo removed the chest so we can have more drama

>> No.27267652

Golden carrots.

>> No.27267654
Quoted by: >>27267706


>> No.27267656

It was moona, she's a hungry bitch

>> No.27267660

You should leave him out of your will.

>> No.27267662

>You will never be a fly on the wall of Hololive HQ
>You will never watch Pekora toss Aqua into a wall, and pull her hair
>You will never see the fear in everyone's eyes as Pekora forces Aqua to lick her boot
Tsk, ogay...

>> No.27267668


>> No.27267669

roboco is going to brazil...

>> No.27267670


>> No.27267675

I think it's solution for people who can't put zombies to cauldron

>> No.27267676
Quoted by: >>27267685

When did you realize that watamates are the best hololive fanbase, /jp/?

>> No.27267677
Quoted by: >>27267709

>can post images

>> No.27267678
Quoted by: >>27267742

No one is going to spoonfeed you, faggot.
Go lurk 1000 years.

>> No.27267679
File: 279 KB, 1275x720, 1599488499842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267695

Kanata's chest was stolen too.
Something sinister is lurking very close...

>> No.27267680

Just wait for 5ch autistis to bite this one, then autistically watch all minecraft streams since then to find someone that walked by pekora's house, to find around the time/day the chest was removed.

>> No.27267683

Guys, pekora is just baiting her viewers.

At the end of the stream, she will say Sikes I tricked you! and reveal that she saw the chest and will do a collab stream with Aqua.

>> No.27267685


>> No.27267686

she didn't

>> No.27267691

hitomi chris never really left

>> No.27267692

Goddamnit. I feel the urge to member rising

>> No.27267693
Quoted by: >>27267754

It's up on aidoru-online. Also I say all of TIF, but only Day 1 is up right now, the rest will go up later.

>> No.27267695
Quoted by: >>27267790

Kanata's wasn't stolen, it was caught in a creeper explosion

>> No.27267697

What if yagoo removed the chest to distract everyone from the T*iwan issue?

>> No.27267698

Who removed the chest?

Make your cases

>> No.27267706
Quoted by: >>27267870

é nóis porra

>> No.27267708
File: 1.64 MB, 1000x1482, 1594872550602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267753

I'm really late, but congrats to Flare!

>> No.27267709

how old?

>> No.27267710
File: 92 KB, 234x208, 1601145478501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27267854

I wonder who could possibly benefit from a feud between two construction companies, certainly not a certain third party CEO.

>> No.27267713

Pekora did it on purpose to bait antis off of gen 5. What a kind senpai.

>> No.27267714

I have been trying to save the streams, but the stream for the virtual event on the 1st day is somehow missing the audio on half of the second part after they cut out the part with technical problems...
This may save me from having to go pure autism with OBS.

>> No.27267718


>> No.27267720

holy shit bossuchama ressurected and destroyed the chest

>> No.27267725

scroll up

>> No.27267728

This is some junji ito shit.

>> No.27267729
Quoted by: >>27267748

Pekora isn't redditor and why would she say it in english?

>> No.27267731

Nene removed the chest but was logged into Lamy's account to get Lamy more heat so she'll be suspended.

>> No.27267739


>> No.27267741

It's more believable than one of them removing it off stream, everyone knew about that chest so why remove it?

>> No.27267742
Quoted by: >>27267771

Hold on, you're not unironically pushing the gangbang thing are you?

>> No.27267743

>Gets bullied by a piece of shit usagi
>Years later tries to look past it, forgive the bully, make up and move forward
>Bully is still a piece of shit
Why is Aqua so based.

>> No.27267746

It's going to be Aquas autism. In some way or another, mark my words.

>> No.27267748

She’s training to be the best English JP

>> No.27267753

Did she finally find a caring and loving orc husband?

>> No.27267754

Based idolfags

>> No.27267755


>> No.27267760
Quoted by: >>27267796

imagine being in your 30s and caring about a chest in Minecraft

>> No.27267761
Quoted by: >>27267827

Minecraft janitor

>> No.27267766

You telling us to believe in the people who willfully use NND?

>> No.27267764

Moona removed the chest, because of the WARNIG incident

>> No.27267767

Cute CUTE!!!

>> No.27267770
Quoted by: >>27267830

she did

>> No.27267771

No, sorry, i was just being a rude retard.
Actually, sorry.

>> No.27267773

Hey, can any of you teach me how to stab people through the internet?
The cunts in Pekora's chat are pissing me off.

>> No.27267772

Read the thread you retard

>> No.27267777

I laughed

>> No.27267778

Please be Aqua's autism. No more drama

>> No.27267779

As someone who is fanning the flames of this Peko and Aqua hating each other. I am really curious to see what actually happened to the chest. This felt way too deliberate. Maybe Aqua was self conscious enough to remove it after seeing Rushia do the same but I have no idea the exact time frame this would go down.

>> No.27267781


>> No.27267782
Quoted by: >>27268070

Here https://youtu.be/qelypSy-9wQ?t=6616

>> No.27267786
Quoted by: >>27267826

I might drop an akasup to ask about the chest.

>> No.27267788

>There are videos out there about game tournaments and when Pekora's voice would be heard, chat would all spam 4444444444 (Die die die die) because they knew she was a bad person.

I actually remember this shit happening a couple of times, I believe it was in 2016-2017. I think I have one PUBG stream saved on a SD where Pekora's roommate was there but maybe there are some NND or YT clips still alive?

Honestly I can't tell if she really changed or just pretending to be a decent person for her career's sake

>> No.27267789

you're being played by a calculating retard

>> No.27267790

Yes, a "creeper explosion". (thank you Sora, you saved a potential depressing reminder on what was a great day)

>> No.27267794

What the hell is going on, can someone tell me please? Why I'm switching faster than the channels on TV

>> No.27267795

What if Peko is racist against inakas?

>> No.27267796

How the fuck do you know my age

>> No.27267802
Quoted by: >>27267886

>Caring about chat.
Found your problem.

>> No.27267808

Since Aqua's joke caused that whole dumbfuckery yesterday, maybe she removed it to not get caught in it.

>> No.27267812

This was about 50k views since the start of the month. Why is this suddenly inclining? Did the fanbox did this?

>> No.27267813
Quoted by: >>27267845

>Pekora is justice lady

>> No.27267816
Quoted by: >>27267886


>> No.27267817


>> No.27267819

It was me

>> No.27267820

Now she is dancing around singing "Pekora is justice!"

>> No.27267823

Women’s restrooms are way more likely to have blood smears for obvious reasons.

>> No.27267824


>> No.27267825


>> No.27267826


>> No.27267827
Quoted by: >>27267851

But from which company?

>> No.27267830

huh ok then

>> No.27267832

yes, i love amazarashi

>> No.27267835

You bastards stole that from LUNA!!

>> No.27267836

Yeah as an Aquafag a mixture of autism and that seems plausible.

>> No.27267838

I love my best friend/mommy fox! Let's continue to support Fubuki anons!

>> No.27267840


>> No.27267841

YT recommendations. I just got recommended that same video a few hours ago

>> No.27267845


>> No.27267847

Pekora removed the chest in order to teach Aqua a lesson since she got off scot-free after entrapping her kouhais.

>> No.27267848


>> No.27267849

Aquas roommate got breast implants and Pekora HATES them!

>> No.27267850

it's really her? it sounds so different

>> No.27267851

You know which

>> No.27267852
Quoted by: >>27267930

It happens: https://dic.pixiv.net/a/オフパコ
Some bigshot utaite even got arrested for fucking his underage fan at one of these meetups.

>> No.27267854

>none will suspect

>> No.27267855


>> No.27267858
Quoted by: >>27267881

I autistically did this with Kanata's incident but couldn't find the culprit, I knew when it disappeared though but since it was done offline, it's impossible to know who did it

>> No.27267861

rushia stole the golden carrots from the chest and deleted the evidence

>> No.27267870

Tanta Holo pra conseguirmos e é a Robococo

>> No.27267878

What's the appeal of this bitch? I legit don't get it

>> No.27267881
Quoted by: >>27267914

weren't some people theorising that it was A-Chan who blew up Kanata's chest?

>> No.27267886

Sorry anonchama, I just can't help it.
Pekora, plz, ban gaijin faggots. I'll take the hit too.
If I see another twelve year old asking for English subs, I don't know what I'm liable to do...

>> No.27267889

It's easy by starting to where the holos logged in.
If they did it off-stream, high unlikely (for brainlets like them), to log out in the same place they logged back in - that is, where they logged out the stream before.

>> No.27267890

yeah I have a NND video saved where Pekora shows up and everyone starts spamming 6666666666 calling her the devil and she ends up leaving

>> No.27267891

Oh fuck it was Watame all along

Haachama isn’t around right now... it’s war

>> No.27267902

Pekora always logs in off-stream to prepare. She just took the loot and shot her a message on discord or whatever, no need to make it a show

>> No.27267903

When is peko going to gas the npcs?

>> No.27267907
Quoted by: >>27267973

Why are people surprised? Pekora only interacts with other holos when she needs something from them.

>> No.27267908

Just look at her doujins on exhentai.

>> No.27267910

This is the only correct reason.
A reminder of the silly job jokes would bring the antis to both her and Pekora.

>> No.27267911

this one ?

>> No.27267913

>Kiara's roommate is hated because she's a slut with bad personality.

Fans really mirror their chuubas, huh.

>> No.27267914
Quoted by: >>27268079

First time I've heard of that

>> No.27267915

Removing the chest offscreen is a little autistic. It's better to acknowledge that the chest is there... Aqua even made it easy for Pekora: Marine is there too, Pekora doesn't have to talk much with Aqua.

>> No.27267916
Quoted by: >>27267971

>Pekora removed the chest
>tomorrow she releases a pre-recorded video where she acts as the representative of Usada Construction
>she presents her recording of finding the chest which is an obvious attempt of bribery by Akukin Construction to undermine her success
>but being the honest company president she is, she refuses the bribe and calls out Aqua for a public confrontation in front of the law (random members on the server)
>Aqua accepts the challenge and they do a stream together, battling each other for the title of the superior construction company president, breaking 100k viewers
It's all just a ploy to farm more viewers, I tell you.

>> No.27267917
Quoted by: >>27267981

I hope aqua removed it herself out of sheer anxiety of her former bully. I had hoped pekora had changed but I guess not. Reminder that aqua was having a fucking panic attack when she accidentally broke pekoras exp farm, derailed an entire aquamaringo building stream just to fix her mistake while also improving the amateur design of pekora, and even DM'd pekora personally about her mistake in pure fear.

>> No.27267925


>> No.27267926

Mood swings from the pregnancy

>> No.27267927

Good voice, endearing autism, hilariously socially awkward, and addictive laughter. She doesn't belong in this thread though..

>> No.27267930

Wait is that artist related to that? Fuck if that is the case, I liked his touhou art quite a bit. And he hasn't uploaded anything on pixiv in quite a while now that I think of it...

>> No.27267941
Quoted by: >>27267977

People who could have removed the chest
>Nene in Lamy' account
>a homostar
>Chris in Yagoo's account

>> No.27267944

How do you know this? hmm!? explain yourselves

>> No.27267946
Quoted by: >>27267989

kek even 5ch seems upset about being blueballed from aqupeko

>> No.27267948

>it's true
Holy fuck. Pekora is a bitch.

>> No.27267949

what is usadolf peckler doing today, my fellow countrymen?

>> No.27267950
Quoted by: >>27268003

>a few people spamming 4444444 is proof Pekora was really hated
damn narrative fags really are braindead

>> No.27267967

Pekora isn't going to be happy when one of those villagers wakes up on her dirt block.

>> No.27267968

I remember this one but I think the one I saved was different

>> No.27267970

>the janitor narrative is finished (not really but it is finished for now)
>a new narrative begins
You fucks can't be normal for a minute or what

>> No.27267971

I hope this is what actually will happen

>> No.27267973

Because she opened Rushia's chest but Aqua's vanished

>> No.27267975

WTF is pepsicola making?

>> No.27267977

No it definitely was Polka

>> No.27267979

Aqua even brought Marine because she knows how shy Pekora is, and how much she relies on Marine.

>> No.27267980

Get new material birdkun please.

>> No.27267981

This makes me sick.

>> No.27267987
Quoted by: >>27268047

concentration camps

>> No.27267988


>> No.27267989

Tell them it was because of the janitorfags being mad.

>> No.27267990

no wonder pekofalseflaggers are a thing in here
part of the fanbase mirroring their oshi is true after all

>> No.27267997
Quoted by: >>27268018

Aqua is always using that dumb emoticon when Pekora is involved. Thoughts?

>> No.27267999

Once at highschool I was about to shit myself and the boys bathroom was being cleaned so I just went to the girls and it was fucking horrible, women don't think about the person who will use the bathroom next, only themselves.

>> No.27267998

This is the first time anyone cared for Pekoras chest.

>> No.27268000

I hope Pekora removed it and Aqua has a severe panic attack

>> No.27268003

bruh... they spam the shit out of it the very moment her voice can be heard on stream. How do you explain that?

>> No.27268004

soon hopefully.
i'm grinding my teeth to nubs over here...

>> No.27268005

Used to moonlight janitor work at a shopping mall. Also dated actual menheras for a while.

>> No.27268006

Cockhungry kissless virgin

>> No.27268007

a shower

>> No.27268008

Why do that when you can use them in your labor camp making automatons?

>> No.27268009

I worked maintenance at a pool for a year, and was basically a glorified janitor.

>> No.27268010

yes coco and haato are playing with the baby right now

>> No.27268016
Quoted by: >>27268109

How does Peko come up with this shit.

>> No.27268018

Which?(^)o(^)? She uses that all the time

>> No.27268019

See >>27267808

>> No.27268026

A chinese family.

>> No.27268028

Yes, do you think we would watch streams and have nice time in this thread?

>> No.27268032

looks like any reference to the joke company aqua did (including aqua's gift to pekora) was asked to be removed

>> No.27268036

Did you see how few there actually were? It was like 5-6 people spamming it.

>> No.27268042
Quoted by: >>27268093

What the fuck is Pekora doing

>> No.27268043

It is fun though, and also, kinda hot.

>> No.27268047

dangerously based

>> No.27268055


>> No.27268056

I used to be a janitor but was forced into hiding after I tried exposing the amount of political influence that Custodian unions have in the American government

>> No.27268058


>> No.27268059


>> No.27268060


>> No.27268061


>> No.27268062

RIP joseph

>> No.27268064


>> No.27268065


>> No.27268066

he died

>> No.27268068

And korone's gf too.

>> No.27268070

this video was on october 2nd but that was two days

>> No.27268071


>> No.27268069

Fucking kek, that scream.

>> No.27268072

RIP Joseph

>> No.27268073


>> No.27268074

Aqua and Marine were literally talking about Akukin Construction throughout their entire stream.

>> No.27268075


>> No.27268076

Pekora just murdered a man in cold blood.

>> No.27268078


>> No.27268079

iirc, the theory was that unless they have unnamed staff mods who keep an eye on the server, then A-Chan would be the likely culprit behind blowing it up, since Kanata herself had no idea who did it.

The reasoning behind said theory, from what I remember reading in the threads at the time it happened, was that if it had been an accident, whoever was involved would have likely let her know over Discord or something (unless there's some narrative I'm not aware of about any of the girls hating/having beef with Kanata), which ties into the above reason for A-Chan being the likely suspect.

Again, that's just what I can remember reading in those threads at the time.

>> No.27268080


>> No.27268081



>> No.27268082


>> No.27268083


>> No.27268086

These viewer numbers are seriously impressive. It is big twitch variety streamer range. Who would have thought that tweened anime avatars were the way for youtube to get their big streaming personalities.

>> No.27268087

That fucking scream. Jesus pekora

>> No.27268088


>> No.27268089


>> No.27268090


>> No.27268092


>> No.27268093

genetic experiments

>> No.27268096

So Lamy bankrupted Aqua's company?

>> No.27268099
Quoted by: >>27268225

She's still continuing the company joke this whole stream with Marine so she doesn't care about that.

>> No.27268100


>> No.27268103

She should just name the next villager Aqua.

>> No.27268106

go back thanks

>> No.27268109

There are tons of guides for different Minecraft farms.

>> No.27268111
Quoted by: >>27268136

Anon, you're replying to a child. Just let it go. This is why nobody likes pekofags.

>> No.27268113


>> No.27268115
Quoted by: >>27268219

Mikochi get back soon and save Pekora again please. She's coming back to her old self without you Mikochi...

>> No.27268116


>> No.27268117


>> No.27268120

>entry level holos
Coco, Pekora, Korone, Miko, Fubuki, HoloEN except Ina'nis
"funny memes lmao"
"streams? no, I just watch funny clips"
>mid level holos
Rushia, Aqua, Ina'nis, Suisei, Haachama, Matsuri, Okayu, Subaru, Kanata, Towa
"oh, I like this game, I guess I'll watch this stream"
"nice, Ina is drawing Gura this time."
>high level holos
Roboco. Shion, Ayame, Marine, Luna
"After a long day of hard research and mentoring my PhD students, Luna's piano stream is an excellent way to stimulate my positive emotions and reinvigorate my interest in the beautiful world around me."
>ascended level holos
"I realize that Watame is perfect, she has the looks, she has the charisma, she has the social skills, she has the upbringing. I would watch anything she ever posted and I enjoy Night Fever more than real concerts."
>who gives a fuck level
5th gen, Holostars, HoloCH, HoloID, Sora, Mel, Akirose, Azki, Choco, Mio, Flare, Noel
"I'll pretend I care about Roberu getting 60k subs to look cool on /jp/"

>> No.27268122

Who said this?

>> No.27268127

wait, why did joseph die all of a sudden? do villagers not regenerate hp or something?

>> No.27268128

Powerful Dog

>> No.27268131

It was Polka, she has been bullying Aqua lately

>> No.27268135


>> No.27268136

doubt you can even read the comments in that video. EOP

>> No.27268137

Sheepniggers once again proving themselves to be the most cancerous fanbase on /hlg/.

>> No.27268139
Quoted by: >>27268265

Enter: Houshou Marine

>> No.27268142
Quoted by: >>27268265

Go back

>> No.27268149
Quoted by: >>27268265

Suffocated in the dirt block.

>> No.27268158
Quoted by: >>27268265

Numbers don't matter, there are twitch streamers that only pull live 400 viewers per stream but still make a 100,000 dollars a year.

>> No.27268161
Quoted by: >>27268263

>not mid level

>> No.27268163

lol Korone's roommate at the end

>> No.27268162

What do you mean? That's a completely objective list anyone could've made.

>> No.27268169


>> No.27268170
Quoted by: >>27268265

I'm not joining your cult

>> No.27268171
Quoted by: >>27268192

>Narrativefag that's been pushing the same narrative for the past week got newfags to bite his bait

>> No.27268172

I remember there was full video of that stream uploaded to youtube but can't find it now, most likely got removed.

>> No.27268175

No, they need to be healed with potions

>> No.27268176
Quoted by: >>27268199

>sheep and wabbit fags
What's with the fluffy white herbivores that attracts rabid braindead people?

>> No.27268179
Quoted by: >>27268199

Sheepniggers and Rabitfags need to be gas chambered.

>> No.27268181

again marine

>> No.27268192

well, all the NND evidence is still there, you can fact check

>> No.27268194

I love how the first two made it ok through the dirt block which made her get cocky, at least Joseph V is free now...

>> No.27268195

Here is my holo progression

Korone -> Matsuri -> Pekora -> Luna -> Artia

>> No.27268196

Shouldve saved this for the next thread and add a watame avatar

>> No.27268198

ironman farm

>> No.27268199

how new are you that you seriously reply to falseflag posts?

>> No.27268200

Just because your oshi wasn't ranked high on some tierlist shitpost it desn't mean you have to cry

>> No.27268202
Quoted by: >>27268296

Go back

>> No.27268212

Oh I don't remember reading something like that here. I only know that I accidentally spread a false narrative that implies it was Moona which made it all the way to 5ch, not sure if it made it here.

>> No.27268216

Only on profession level-up

>> No.27268219

Yeah without Miko to keep her in check it is slowly getting worse.

This would actually put a lot of this to rest. Do you have source on who said it?

>> No.27268221

I wouldn't call that progression

>> No.27268222
Quoted by: >>27268288

Don't give me a (you) again
"if they have money they can't be depressed" Schizoanon

>> No.27268225

The other option is that Pekora removed it to not be connected to the incident in any way

>> No.27268229

She forgot to have him regenerate (by eating)

>> No.27268233
Quoted by: >>27268265

Amusing of you to assume those were serious replies, newrfriend.

>> No.27268236
Quoted by: >>27268265

You are replying to the falseflagger retard

>> No.27268238

I remember reading about it here.

>> No.27268239

Sheepfags are pretty chill tho, you're looking at a falseflagger

>> No.27268240

EOP made this post

>> No.27268243

>it was Moona

>> No.27268245
Quoted by: >>27268292

>Lamy gachikoi did rainbow SC in her free chat
She's gonna make bank on her return stream

>> No.27268254
Quoted by: >>27268331

You should of stopped at Luna.

>> No.27268263
Quoted by: >>27268335

Marine is entry level

>> No.27268265

all mine

>> No.27268269

Sasuga final solution rabbit

>> No.27268277

Algorithm, probably. It's really good, and it causes pain. So it's an interesting video.

>> No.27268278

>haha wow NND is such an autist,making big moles out of nothing like janitor joke

>> No.27268280

Even jails in my country better than what pekora make right now.

>> No.27268281


>> No.27268283

your holo did NOT have any scandals/yabees, do they?

>> No.27268284

EOPs enjoying English only streamers

>> No.27268286

can't she just make a wall with glass?

>> No.27268288

Why would you be depressed if you have money?

>> No.27268292

>everytime Hololive gets into a controversy they grow stronger
How does Yagoo get away with it all the time?

>> No.27268295

Fucking bullshit. Come up with something better next time fag.

>> No.27268296

found the nigger

>> No.27268299

Who is going to be the first holo to fuck with the AquaMarine Go?

>> No.27268300

The aquamaringo is finished

>> No.27268302

Mating press Pekora while Aqua watches

>> No.27268304

Given the kind of climate hololive and clover is in right now. It is not entirely implausible that some staff came on or told Aqua to get rid of that sign post along with the chest saying this could be yabai.

>> No.27268315


>> No.27268319

She only causes them to happen to others.

>> No.27268320
Quoted by: >>27268398

>autists talking about a current stream
>mentally ill janitors harrassing and threatening a virtual youtuber over a joke she didn't even make

>> No.27268325
Quoted by: >>27268386

>Watame 60 minutes into superchat reading stream
>Oh, I should probably start reading superchats soon...

>> No.27268328

Lightning will fall and burn it down.

>> No.27268329
Quoted by: >>27268368


>> No.27268331
Quoted by: >>27268410

>should of
I smell a retard.

>> No.27268334
Quoted by: >>27268400

>Pekora is literally making a prison that works by using fear-inducing system in order to spawn an expendable soldier infinitely

>> No.27268335

That's what I thought at first too, but she doesn't really have the same normie popularity of Coco, Pekora and Korone so I guess mid level fits better

>> No.27268337
Quoted by: >>27268353

Nice boat.

>> No.27268343

made me reply

>> No.27268349

because of the position of the chest in the world, it feels likely someone just alt-tabbed near it and then got boomed;
someone intending to modify the chest because it contained 5 instead of 4 could just remove a set

however, one thing that comes to mind for me is:
is a creeper explosion and a TNT explosion the same tile size? it seems someone with intent to get rid of it the entire chest might think "ill just use a TNT, it'll look like a creeper exploded anyways".

>> No.27268352

Do people honestly believe Lamy is sick and not just very stressed from being the target of antis? She's probably getting reminded of how Aloe's antis were even worse.

>> No.27268353

No sails?

>> No.27268354
Quoted by: >>27268373

Is Pekora shadow banned?

>> No.27268355

marine... stop calling aqua senpai it's fucking with my brain

>> No.27268356
Quoted by: >>27268385

Enjoy your vacation

>> No.27268357

Since the Aquafags like to point fingers at Pekora, why not just spam SC asking what happened to it?

>> No.27268368


>> No.27268369

Aloe sounds like THAT. I fucking hate that we never got an Aloe utawaku.

>> No.27268372

You can actually see the boat from Pekora's stream

>> No.27268373


>> No.27268374

We're shit posting for fun you spaz. We're not making videos taking stuff out of context, making it look worst and then advertising the damn thing.

Fuck you and hang yourself off this (you)

>> No.27268376
Quoted by: >>27268401

>it's PANIK

>> No.27268377

If only we had a chad rich N1 anon to superchat both girls asking what happened.

>> No.27268380
Quoted by: >>27268403

>why not just give money to my retarded bully oshi
Wow you're so smart anon

>> No.27268382

This shitty PANIK meme is still going?

>> No.27268385

I will, you fags are barely tolerable.

>> No.27268386

Everybody is there to listen to her stories

>> No.27268389

It's possible to get sick by being overly stressed. That said the reason she isn't streaming doesn't need to be stated.

>> No.27268392

Pekora's MC will definitely pick taht up, she's close to them

>> No.27268398

Imagine if Lamy said that University is a scam and you're going to slave away your whole life making less than 100k while she is getting filthy rich right now by being an anime streamer.
Then 20 year old shizo zoomers would be getting mad instead

>> No.27268399

>falling for the superchat baiting narrative the managers sprinkled into this thread

>> No.27268400

And they live in tiny little rooms where they can never sleep, and feel fear for eternity.
All in order to harvest the beings that should be their saviors, to fuel iron into industry and war.

>> No.27268401

It's so bad it's good, stop being such tryhards, nobody cares.

>> No.27268402

God I want to see aqua force the issue

>> No.27268403

aquafags confirmed as janitors and too poor to donate

>> No.27268409

i thought that everyone's played minecraft before, why are people pretending that pekora's an evil genius for building an iron farm

>> No.27268410
Quoted by: >>27268482

>Wasting posts for this
Are you stupid?

>> No.27268411
Quoted by: >>27268461

The difference is Aloe did nothing nothing wrong. Lamy insulted a very hard working and honorable profession and must be punished.

>> No.27268415


>> No.27268418

Always has been.

>> No.27268420
Quoted by: >>27268444

It's a reddit meme it's never gonna go away

>> No.27268424

nice boat

>> No.27268427

Pretty sure even her gachikois know it's the antis getting to her, but there's no use kicking up a fuss in her tweet replies, that's just gonna cause her even more stress.

>> No.27268428

Aquamarine are so cute!

>> No.27268429
Quoted by: >>27268440


>> No.27268431

I would have said Pekora, then I remembered Marine is her girlfirend

>> No.27268434

I've never played minecraft

>> No.27268436

A well done job from AKUKIN construction how did they afford the fireworks?

>> No.27268437

>can't hear the fireworks from pekora's stream

guess she's far enough

>> No.27268438

Korone Deprivation Syndrome. It happens to her sometimes.

>> No.27268440

Oy vey it's another kristallnacht...

>> No.27268439

Pekora should blow up that shitty boat

>> No.27268441

Finally finished!

>> No.27268442

Watch astel play horror gamu!

>> No.27268443

>not linking all the fireworks

>> No.27268444

You can thank coco for that

>> No.27268445

I haven't no, not in a decade.

>> No.27268448

Baqua... Senchou... Remove the tachibas onegai...

>> No.27268449

Pekora has to graduate after this right?

>> No.27268452

What was Flare's fastest clear today?

>> No.27268454

I doubt many people think she's ill, even the ones saying I hope you get well soon and so on.

Although, maybe she actually got sick with worry. It's not like a such thing is rare for girls.

>> No.27268457

So uh... Do you think they'll ask Pekora if she wants to take a look at the ship?

>> No.27268461

I agree. Aloe was a paragon of justice for standing up to the hard working and honorable profession of enjos.

>> No.27268462

I've never seen an Iron farm like hers

>> No.27268465

>flare and noel
Someone sounds entry level and filtered
Go back to watching clips

>> No.27268467

It is only acceptable to have played Minecraft if you played it back in 2010, only kids play Minecraft now.

>> No.27268470

Amelia....the gamer words....

>> No.27268472

He sounds so scared. Cute

>> No.27268475

Occasionally, for some weird reason some villagers are born with random damage, literally 1 bit of damage can kill them. This bug has been around since 1.15.
Shit happens all the time in my village where there's random villagers that show up fine, but the instant they take damage insta-dead.
In this case, suffocation.

>> No.27268474

Wait, that Captain's Room... isn't it the trap room Aqua made?

>> No.27268476

>Give money to crazies
Good idea, anon.

>> No.27268478

Because 95% of hololive girls are retarded

>> No.27268481


>> No.27268482

>retard calling the kettle black
Learn to speak properly, then you can complain.

>> No.27268484


>> No.27268486


>> No.27268487

Senchou's in the brig

>> No.27268494


>> No.27268495


>> No.27268497

Cute Astel sounds and Miyabi sounds at the same time!
