[messages in brackets are Minecraft in-game chat messages]
>After letting Gen 5 know that they can connect the railroad from the Aquamarine ship to Gen 5's building if they want, Aqua begins to try recruiting Gen 5 to her company. Gen 5 has been joking around about Aqua's company being a black company right around here.
Botan: [Is it a cozy workplace?]
Lamy: Oh, that's the worst of all.
Botan: Yeah, it's bad if she replies it is. (laughing)
Polka: [is there any worth in doing the job?]
>Gen 5 continue joking about black companies and the typical terms used to sugarcoat working for one, before getting back to work on their building.
Aqua: [Of course. It's a comfortable place to work. Your superior will be Houshou-san who's served us for around 20 years]
Lamy: (laughs) She's worked for 20 years.
Polka: But well, if she's been there for 20 years, then...
Botan: I guess it's a stable enterprise if it's 20 years.
>Gen 5 decide to ask about Marine's position in the company, they're wondering about career advancement and how high they can climb.
Lamy: [What is Houshou-san's position?]
Botan: If after 20 years she's still only a section chief or a supervisor that's bad.
Polka: We need to take countermeasures against being in a black company.
Lamy: Yeah, we won't know if we don't ask.
Polka: Even if she's our senpai it's a bit...
Botan: It's a bit scary, yeah.
Aqua: [It is a worthwhile profession where your name will be left in posterity. You can be proud of it to your children saying "Papa built that railroad~"]
Polka: Ehhh this is bad, if this is the only thing we can be proud of...
Lamy: What do we do?
Polka: If there's worth in it then---
Aqua: [She's a janitor]
>Gen 5 collectively laughs out loud at Marine being a janitor for 20 years.
Botan: This is beyond what we imagined. (Laughs)
Lamy: It's dangerous, it's actually dangerous.
Polka: I'm glad we asked, thank god.
Botan: It'd suck if my own kid asked me "What do you do, papa" and I had to say "I clean, I'm a janitor".
Lamy: Yeah, it'd suck.
Polka: "You've been doing this job for 20 years, what do you do, papa? (kid voice)" "A janitor (quiet, ashamed voice)"
Botan: "Good luck with the cleaning"
Polka: It'd be at a level where the kid would try not to point it out...
Botan: Ah, I guess. Well, a janitor is a good profession.
Lamy: Yeah, that's right.
Botan: It's just that, having this position for 20 years...
Polka: What positions do janitors get promoted into anyway? Like in life simulation games, what would they rank up into I wonder? What's the rank above janitor?
Botan: In the first place janitors probably just remain as janitors, they don't go anywhere I guess?
Lamy: I see... I see. I guess it's a bit tough.
>Gen 5 proceeds to ask Aqua about bonuses and incentives for working for her black company.
Alright, tried my best with this for as much context as we can get. Hope I didn't get anything wrong, which I don't think I did, but please correct me if you guys find any mistranslations. I linked the start time for this section at the top of the post.