my liver...
fuck chinks
I love my oshi!!
Elementary, my dear
>I've seen her walking around full nakedOk I'm joining you Coco haters now, I fucking hate this bitch.
How did the PPT gorilla meme start?
>Noel>doing dishes
Coco's seen Kanatan full naked...
RBC remembers the Gorilla
>>26931782>gorillaRBC... don't look... suppress the bad memories
I guess doing this with 30% stuff wasn't that smart in hindsight...
Roboco, don't look!
>>OP>Zero Roboco memesRBC...
Early Kaichou
Pretend I posted my ritualpost here
>Kanata walks around naked in the hololive house in front of other membersNARRATIVE BROS??YURI CHADS???
>Suddenly Roboco remembers the HPS match
>>26931939God I wish that was me
>kanatan confirmed for laying around holonouse stark naked
I might pass out
I'm glad RBCanon isn't here to see this
Say something nice about my CEO
>I don't think these guys have ever seen hololiveBASED COCO dabbing on the redditor clipfags
>>26931935Gorilla grip
I kneel ritualfags! back from ban
oh god, hide the pain RBC, just HIDE THE PAIN
I guess there's a reason why roboco is the least popular hololiver
>>26931934Welcome to the Family!
/pol/ here, we love Chinks
>>26931935strong grip
Next meme already Jesus Christ save us!
Oh hey, its that rushia joke again.
mfw it's half-way through the stream and my bottle of wine is almost gone
The real reason everyone in /hlg/ hates Coco is because she gets to see Kanata walking around naked all the time and they never will
>milk=big boobswhy does this meme still exist?
Towa is a whore
this and the jets football game are trying to make me pass out
I can't believe it took me until coco explained the Rushia part to realize that
I need to spy on holohouse.
I eat with bare hands, Roboco. What will you do about that?
>Hey thanks for the shoutout Coco
>>26931955HPS ...
>>26931935She compressed that ring fit thing stronger than the other girls
>>26931931Ina art is cute
RBC getting gorilla PSTD
>I've seen Kanata walking in my room fully nakedN-nani?
Day 59 Thread #5 Forever waiting for Mikochi!
Have you been doing your APEX reps, anon?
Coco and her meme reviews are funny, and I'm tired of pretending that they aren't.
>Coco has seen Kanata nakedCoco can't control herself around tenshi.
>>26931939>can't show this on a christian imageboard
OH A PETTAN JOKE.. [autistic Tidus laughing]
How come reddit never makes Holostar memes?
>>26931979back to >>>/pol/
The onion wishes she could order ubber eats.
>>26931955Leave HPS to me
>>26931954Pretend I give a witty reply
>>26931980>>26931935imagine PPT giving you a handjob
even coco is having trouble figuring out the logic behind these placements
>>26931963She cute
How much do you have to watch to find these meme reviews fun?
Why does she read these godawful tierlists?
>>26931985yea but Coco made it
>>26931955Congratulations on becoming a Hololive idol. Now teach them how to move and aim at the same time.
>naked KanataCoco is lucky to have such a great wife
>>26931936>in a relationship with noel>despite her ohysically and mentally abusing you she makes you the home cleaner while she worksShe probably makes you cook too
>because introvertsthey're all introverts though...
Have you faggots not been watching Coco? She's said this about Kanata multiple times
>>26931955>>26931995>>26931997>>26932007I... I kneel
Why do these fags keep making shit up just to be able to make some retarded tier list?
Coco saving Aqua's reputation. Cute!
I fear we may have just lost all the anons playing the drinking game, this is an extremely dangerous entry.
Just move on to the next one already jesus christ this is fucking painful.
>>26931967a lot of them haven't seen anything before whichever clips came out over the last 2 months.
I love this Festival like you wouldn't believe
>China thought they could cancel CocoHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
reddit spreading falsehoods about my hime
>>26932008they're like sisters so it's okaycoco would never smash clams with kanata I'm sure
>Noel>doing dishesevery time with this shit
>>26932049she likes them
I thought that was a shooie
What the fuck haachama
I need this gaki to do this on my dick.
>>26932046My joy comes from watching /hlg/'s reaction.
Coco's Peko impression made me smile.Haachama's tier actually got me.
When will the dragon stop winning, bros? I just want my chuubas to be popular...
Lads, I laughed, should I kys myself?
>>26932039Imagine holding her head while she is blowing you and you're left with a stack of hair in your hand after you raise your hand.
This is shoes?Ahhhhh RBC-san is so cute!
>>26932070Wait I syill function!
>>26932027this is unironically the only english-speaking place that cares about the homos.
>Aussie meme
I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!
>>26932084Because they are long so she can spend time on explaining them.
leave permissions to me
>>26931988Massaging boobs and drinking milk to make them boing boing was an old excuse to boys fondle the girls and makes them drink semen.
dislikes have stopped, it's just 1k chinks who are mad, statistically irrelevant.
you can feel rbc cringing
Most of the memes are just praising herself what a cunt
>razoku kanatanIt's over......my dick has killed itself from the intense erection...
>>26932098kek same
>>26932064they make them anywaysbut Coco picks them probably to pad time because she has other shit to do and reddit fags will love it anywaysand I guess we watch it too
>>26931963She is a warrior that will raze forests for resources, bomb mountains for fun and skip game cutscenes.
>>26932104Nah that shit was funny, RBC's "Uwaah..." reaction was top tier
>>26932013This is why Aloe deserved why she got
>>26931927I love Aki too!
Where are the memes of my friend?
>>26932125I can't even imagine a girl like Roboco doing that.
Glad she is showing the two best ENs
>>26932070>There's still 25 min left and I feel drunk alreadyPANIK
>Get horny>Go to pornhub and look for a cute japanese girl AV>Put Luna's RFA last video in the backgroundHoly mother of god the best placebo ever
I love my wife Choco!
>>26932104I laughed at the thought of Haachama eating food out of a shoe but not at the build upso I'm just kinda killing myself
>>26932075I want to hold matsuri's hand.
Today I'm just gonna eat HAACHAMA meme for dinner.
You now realize that the HoloEN girls will probably be featured at some point
>>26932010yeah. but the Taiwan ranked servers are either a dumbass or a cheater
this stream in general
>Stupid incest chinese still madThey need to get over it. The dragon is unbreakable.
>>26932112Wanna bet?
>>26932125Cringe is universal
Can't believe that PekoMiko gets blacked by gorira
>>26932147nice asterisk ring, faggot
>>26932120Honestly before pegasus fucked with him the way he did i could hinestly see keith being an actual competent manager
>>26932154No she's my wife.
>>26932076Based numberCHAD
Did I miss something in the last two threads? I'm lazy to check the archive.
>>26932123the only effective way is getting impregnated
I love this slutty dragon
>>26932027someone posted a holostar meme on reddit, it got like 4 comments, 1 of them asking what male vtuber has to do with hololive and 2 explaining holostars is allowed on the subreddit.
>saw PPT walking around fully nakedThis lucky dragon
>>26932046Honestly that Roboco english was so sexy it's made the rest of the suffering worth it.
>Haachama unironically did a better meme review than CocoHow did this happen, /hlg/?
I keep muting the meme reviewContinue without me bros...
>>26932125Impossible to cringe at something that you can't really understand.
>naked Kanata in Coco's houseI seriously hope we get some good art from that.
>>26932125Nah she's just trying to figure out what to say since she only half understands.
>>26932182COME TO BRAZIL
>they dont know about the golden yagoothey don't fucking watch EN, thanks god
>>26932165It's not about the content, it's about hearing rbc laugh.
>Coco doesn't watch the EN girlsbased?
It's been 27 days since Mano Aloe "graduated"I'm glad that she's alive and that she's doing okALOE LOVE
>>26932124this ratio aint good for a normal youtuber, but she doesnt earn off monetization anyways so this literally does nothing to her
>>26932076>live in a chinese colony>laugh at Chinaokay Stanley Zhang?
>>26932182hlg finally got what it wanted. members only chat.
>>26932153Based, gotta try it myself now
I actually found Coco's bottom text funny.A-Am I becoming reddit senpais?
>>26932058She did say it in English before?
>>26932053I would cook for Noel if she lets me suck on her tits to stimulate her pituitary gland to release more prolactin.Eventually she will start to produce milk, delicious noel's milk.
>>26932191Shit I was in the toilet what did she say exactly? now I'm horny!
>>26932198Haachama always has been better than Coco.
>>26932198Australian asian > american asian
43k viewers... now image if the memes were good
Haha, imagine having a job...
How did they make her SO SEXY?
>>26932192>Honestly that Roboco english was so sexy it's made the rest of the suffering worth it.This is how I think about it right now.
>>26932201Coco is explaining. That adds more to cringe.
Is it just me or does Roboco seem like she has no idea what the fuck is going on?
>>26932213what is the golden yagoo?
>>26932191I don't understand, girls only do this when they are asking for it, why would Kanata do this?
>>26932198Haachama copied meme review from pewdiepie, Coco copied meme review from Haachama. Coco always steal content from haachama
I made a tier list
I can't feel my fingertips anymore... I'm coming to you Mori-sama...
>>26932237Rewind the stream
Ok, this one is actually alright.
I'm sorry RBC bros
>>26932198Because haachama not full of herself than Cocunt
>>26932221ALOE LOVE
>>26932198Haachama posted funniCoco panders to flips
i would bottom for kira
>>26932190why are we stuck with these wierdos who like male vtubers
Is Roboco quiet because she's shy or because she's cringing internally?
RBC is clearly not enjoying this...
Only one holo could save meme reviews
>>26932198Because she’s more creative and still cares about putting in the work unlike Coco whose ego grew so big after becoming rich and moving into the holohouse. Meanwhile Haachama grows stronger in her basement.
>>26932198Shut up schizo and start posting your weak gore already
>>26932235How much have you had to drink so far this stream?
>>26932256She wanted the cocock, duh.
Of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: "Kanata's mom was right again."
How much longer until the Dragon finally snaps and beats Roboco to death for saying next meme out of sync?
I mean you don't walk around naked with your bros?
>>26932198Haachama is a trailblazer and a certified genius.
>>26932056Where's the news?
>>26932124I hope the new cover is reporting them to chink government
>>26932255prize for winning the game they play in they weekly collab
>>26932274The latter
>>26932253Roboco is a pure maiden who hasn't been tainted with the cancer of memery.
>>26932255it is a price they are giving to the winner of HoloEn collab streams.
>>26932221ALOE LOVE!
>>OPMiko is my wifu!
>>26932253i thought that was clear from before the stream started
>>26932257And Pewdiepie stole it from Anthony Fantano who was originally from /mu/ which is a board on 4chan just like /jp/ which is where /hlg/ is, so officially meme review is from /hlg/
>>26932253Why would the average jap girl ever know or care about western leddit memes?
>>26932291They tried to ruin her zatsudan and she made 30k. Seethe more, Winnie the Pooh. Good luck not getting thrown into Xi's internment camps, noodle faggot.
>>26932244Rurudo is a master of the craft.
>>26932290It's funny how she says nekusuto meme.
>>26932259Best one i've seen so far.
>>26932224Most of her videos are already non-ads anyway. She mentioned it the other week.
20 more minutes rbc....hang in there.....the sub gain will be worth it....
>i wanna make Aqua have her first sexual experience>i will kiss her. softly at first. looking into her eyes and telling her how cute she is.>slowly, we'll begin to passionately embrace each other, reveling in our retarded lust.>as we consummate our lust, our bodies sweating, my thrusts matching hers, her drool falling into my stomach as she rides me >not entirely sure why it feels so pleasurable for her but unable to hold back ever if she tried to.>her moans would become chewbacca-like roars or glorious, uncontained climax before she fell on top of me>i would erupt furiously inside her, impregnating her mongol eggs with my seed creating the antichrist
>>26932238>tfw cleaned girls houses before so this actually would be flattering in noel forced me into this
here put me on meme revieew
>>26932253What would you do if you were presented with this shitty material? You want her to laugh?
>>26932256Probably a habit she formed from streaming in that small sauna
now even coco seems like shes fake laughing
>Why is Roboco quiet??Is this your first time watching Roboco?
>>26932315circle of life
>>269321983 years of breathing Australian air stimulates her shitposting senses.
>>26932263It's too late. I fucking hate this bitch and all of her fans now.Please leave my Robotto alone.
This is fucking garbage.
Last two memes have been ok
>turnablesAre we sure Coco isn't ESL?
>>26932198How new? Always has been
Oh boy.
>Coco doesn't even watch EN>includes EN memes
So far the only tolerable 'memes' have been 2 comics that were just reposted on Reddit
I don't think Coco understood the turntables turntabled thing.Idioms are hard.
>>26932259I don't get it.
>kawaiiWhat did RBC mean by this
We really should start pushing out shit to leddit.
cmon roboco, do something and grab some attention, you got 43k people here and probably 99% of them never watch you
donating my life savings to coco, someone match me!
>>26932259submit it, you're a shoe in for next week
>>26932354Always have been get out newfag
>>26932344yes, and if this is her default state, i've clearly been making the right decision
I'm so dead and drunk, I shouldn't have used tequila
>>26932326Oh she will be hanging soon
>turntable>turnableCoco... your eigo reps...
>>26932315We are truly in timeloop.
how the fuck is coco going to explain this one
>She transliterated turntablesCoco you're worse than those SEAmonkeys in your chat
>>26932354Masturbating to festival!
Yeah, I don't see a point to watching this live. This is much more tolerable at 3x speed.
>>26932315>Anthony Fantanohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMKUlsJpov8
>>26932244Such a good design wasted...
>>26932221ALOE LOVEAre you guys still holding out hope that she will return?
>>26932354You need to drink more
Haachama’s initial meme reviews were funnier because she didn’t understand the memes and would end up saying shit like incest.
based chinks
This sucks
>>26932276I want her to mock and belittle every one...
>>26932385I was talking about that thing next to Coco.
>>26932357No they haven't
>retarded republican meme making fun of BernieHow the fuck is this allowed?
>>26932373Worse it's an idiom + The Office joke. This requires advanced american knowledge
>Coco telling us to keep translating for free
its ok robo ill upgrade to your tier 2 membership just hang in there for 20 more minutes...
That's a lie Coco
I honestly hate anytime they use that stupid Reddit mascot thing.
rbc will get a boost from this... surely...
>>26932380she doesn't care about that.
its funnier when you are shitfaced
>forced teetee
>>26932354Matsuri? I agree, she is trash
>>26932411Literally funnier than plebbit
>>26932425calm down chud
Timestamp to naked kanata story?
>HololiveESOH NO NO NO NO>>26932276that's not Artia
Holy shit i really hate her now bros
>>26932256She is a shut in so she not just wears the same clothes for days she also must take them off sometimes.
>>26932368It's not like she has a choice. Ever since their debut **ddit has been full of EN memes.
>>26932240Somewhere in my strange life, I gained a thing for non-white women who speak perfect English in accent other than American. A Japanese woman speaking with a perfect Australian accent is top-tier moe.
>>26932411How are chinks accessing sites like twitter and YouTube with that big firewall they got.?
>>26932221ALOE LOVE>>26932399I will wait and hope forever.
>>26932425orange woman good
roboco's butt plug hahahahahaahahhahaah
>>26932411Coco's mom is dead?
>hololive españolYou know it's coming and /hlg/ will seethe.
>HoloEspanolDid I just hear Coco right?! Yabee
My friend doesn't want to get more subs, where is Korone when you need her?https://twitter.com/shirakamifubuki/status/1310061497247178757
>>26932375She just liked the reddit logo.
Coco you just activated the Spics you retard
LOL this is a good RBC meme
fuck the homos for getting among us collab firsti want mio to organize one for the girls asap
I'm starting to get worried about hololive es actually happening
Do the nips even like these videos?
I feel like leddit is exaggerating bout how many japs watch EN.
>>26932472it's just a saying
hahahahaaa ascacooco tail....
>>26932425Even bernie bros made memes if that ad, it fine.
>>26932465Literal CIDF
Roboco confirmed for having a usb slot in her butt.
>>26932454When she gets to the gorilla photo in the tier list.
>>26932425Bernouts are still alive? I thought you all killed yourselves when Bernie sold out for the 2nd time.
>>26932411>Can report them all on twitter because they're all the same retarded IQ
Imagine plugging that into RBC and she does her *coofs* *mmmn*
>>26932474Shut up Pedro, go pick some beans or something
>>26932484>Not even managing to make the bottom left text correctly
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7-AL-ESLHc>Still 32 hours away
>>26932442Isn't everything?
>hololive españolcoco recruiting the spics to fight against the chinks
>>26932411>based chinkslook at that profile pic... what a chinese chad. He must be drowning in chinese pussy.
>>26932454She only mentioned it in passing. No extra story.
>>26932328>i wanna make Aqua have her first sexual experienceToo late, I already consummated our marriage.
>a usb meme about Coco is the closest will get to a Roboco memeroboco...
>It's 3.0 guys!! Coco, your /g/ reps..
>>26932467>>26932469>>26932474>>26932476cierren la boca, retrasados
>>26932517I want a Luna/Nene collab so bad
>>26932494according to twitter they do, they post things like " I love reddit"
>>26932490COME TO JAPAN
the fuck is this ESL garbage
Okay the USB asacoco for RBC's meme review is kinda funnyAt least one reddior isn't a shitter
>>26932494Now that the chat is only members. I can see a ton of Japanese, so yeah. Most of SC is American $ though.
>>26932465The firewall is a waste of money. VPN services are easy as fuck to sign up for.
>>26932425no refunds
>>26932509Come to BRAZIL
>>26932465China is also the biggest market for VPNs.
>>26932411I don't understand these insults. Like they're using insults that only other chinks would find offensive. I could be a better anti than this.
>>26932442That's why the drinking game started, it's for the best
>>26932465The better question is why the fuck do they support their government if they have to jump through hoops to enjoy these things.
R*ddit memes are fucking unfunny>panik>yagoo best girl amirite haha>japanglish joke for the Xth time>le rabbit holeRepeat ad nauseam.
Is this rape?
>RBC lewd noisesWEW LADS
Roboco cumming live on stream! yes!
>>26932479No worries, they're too poor to buy membership anyway
What if the hipman gets in HoloES
>>26932454https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycy7Lh4N-Vkhere's from her zatsudan
>>26932439she's at 357K now, now to see how much this changes
>>26932495really not many, honestly I've honestly seen more Japanese comments in Civia's weekly stream than I have in the EN streams I've actually watched...
Honestly, the Spanish-speaking Vtuber enviroment is ripe for domination. If they do it, they'll sweep the "COME TO MY SHIT COUNTRY" market.
>>26932558you forgot charts
>>26932537Se dice tarados imbecil
>corrupted RobocoNice
Roboco, I'm so sorry...
>>26932010I tried really hard to like it, especially because it's made by Respawn, but I just can't get into it. It's too complicated and weird for my boomer brain.
This fucking chart again, why
Hey it's that chart about Watame. I remember seeing that here, but I guess that means it was reposted from that site.
>>26932588Like clockwork
>>26932495Chicken got like 8k on her japan only stream. If we assume half of those were still lost EOPs, 4000 nips is still more viewers than Roboco gets
Views are increasing, time to show the graphs!
>>26932558What about TIERLISTS?
>>26932451>>26932411Why does Taiwan trigger them so much?
>>26932540I want Luna and Towa collab again.
coco mistaking charts for honest meme attempts is my favorite part of this stupid awful show
why this graph again tho?
>>26932474Es hora hermanosSplit the threadsHololive - Hololive Global - Hololive Español
>Coco posting a non meme again like she did with FBKwtf is wrong with Coco
>>26932476>>26932474>>26932469 The only thing worse than HololiveES would be a HololiveBR.
>>26932558you forgot>tier list made by people that have never watched 90% of the girls
>>26932558Just llike the memes here such as womb ,etc
>kanata is the least live tl'dguess i know who i'm watching now
>repeat memehow much do I drink for this
Strongest fanbase
Sheepchads can't stop winning!Thanks Harry Lin 1 & 2
>This graphWhat the fuck? What? Where's the joke?
Fuck its gonna take the rest of the stream to explain this for the 2nd time.
Izuru, don't look...
Wasn't this from the last week?
Why is she showing this again? How is an outdated chart a meme?
I imagine Coco walks into meetings at work where they're showing off sales charts and then points and laughs at the charts and claps NEXT MEME while a bunch of suits just stare at her confused.
>>26932558That's normal for forced memes. Good memes can only come spontaneously.
>>26932558It'll get worse as Hololive become even bigger and more maintstream, anonit was fun while it lasted
I honestly want the EN girls to surpass Coco in subs and superchat just to see how much she seethes
>another chart meme to show Robocoo she is unpopularCoco...stop...leave the poor 0 gen failure be
>>26932411imagine being a chink
>>26932586>marketwhy do you think they have any money
She's going to show this chart every week isn't she?
>>26932465The chinks have been using VPNs long before they were shilling the things on youtube. It was the only way i could get JAV porn while i was living in Shanghai in 2009.
The cult brothers
watame's translator has like 3 accounts because he gets shadowbanned by youtube for translating so much lmao
>>26932411Nuke China already.Not because they're shitting on Coco, they've deserved it for awhile now.
>>26932604What's dead center? ALOE LOVE?
Does >[EN] Ahreally count as a translation
>>26932558this is their best meme
>>26932602based Harry Lin
>RBC doesn't even know she has real time translationsTranslators...
>>26932613>again.literally when did they collab?
>>26932411Are there any more chinese insults other than your mother died?
>another chart about translations
coco... you showed this last week...
>>26932604BIG KUSA!
>>26932630Yeah you can watch all the streams she did this week!
>>26932328I also read that copypasta
Roboco isn't as low as I was expecting
>Watame on top by that far>Fubuki that highWho the fuck translates Fubuki clips??
>>26932622Why? You would have SOPs and BRs contained there.
>>26932586what will the Brazilians say if the vtuber is already in Brazil?
>>26932584I saw lots of JOP names just typing "cute" in the shark streams I did watch.
>>26932612It reminds them of their failure.
>>26932630there's nothing to watch
Where's the meme here?
Is Coco calling this a reddit shitpost?
>coco numberfagging againLmfao
Really not feeling this meme review. Obviously memes are meant to be recycled and driven into the ground, but this set of memes is just super unfunny. There's not really much interesting banter going on either.
Chicken does it for free
this isn't a meme, joke, or shitpost, it's just a fucking graph
why is this thread full of people trying to start a race war
>>26932555You whiteys don't even know what nationalism means.
Why FBK and Luna?
>>26932647She's has twice translations then coco has though. Wonder why i never see them
>>26932630you know it's only because she's barely streamed right?
>Roboco doesn't know about her translatorsSTEVEN DON'T LOOK
>>26932665but she knows and retweets boxi and steven though.
>>26932630This doesn't make sense to me. She does have someone who translates, but I guess it's not as high as Watame?
>>26932706that's because she does it for them anon
>>26932706does her own
>>26932660Roboco's proportion is all fucked up.
>>26932411>no longer need to come up with clever insults to ORANGE WOMAN BAD posters and can simply just call them chinks because of the incident.I kneel to the Cocock.
>>26932551I'm struggling to find offense in these insults, but then, I don't get why SJW find everything offensive either.
I'm genuinely surprised Korone is that low.
>>26932680It's probably all the clips of her saying "not waifu, friend"
big kusa, chicken beaten in translations by baby
Damn it a laughed.
I don't understand the FBK joke
Best part of meme review are these threads
I laughed.
>>26932663I dunno, the Choke meme from the Matsuri review was way up there.
>>26932551>Like they're using insults that only other chinks would find offensive.It's almost like they come from a separate culture, know only surface-level details about American culture, and aren't able to learn culturally-accurate insults in the few minutes before they decide to post in anger.
I think this is supposed to be a "joke" on their English only streams.
>>26932604*clap clap*NEXT MEME
>>26932425Why is angry Towa the only cute Towa
>>26932705English only streams.
so there are japs who need to see translations for nanora?
el pollo...
Luna on the chart on a chuckle out of me. Sorry bros...
>>26932682COME TO [STATE]
you know measuring translations really means nothing because you can't even guarantee that are watching. This really just says how many people in chat waste their time.
>>26932551That's because you're a 4chan shitposter and are presumable a veteran. Social credit limits they're ability to safely practice the art.
>>26932706kiara literally told them to fuck off because she'd do it herself in her debut.
>>26932680Watame sometimes has 3-4 people translating at the same time. Her main translator got shadowbanned by youtube on some streams, so he made the same account with number 2 after it.
Not even the JOPs understand Luna
>PanikI drink once again.
>>26932695I mean robutt is just there to be cute and that's all we can hope for.
>panik meme aaagain
>>26932682>S A O P A U L O
>>26932666Plenty before yab happened.
>more PANIK
Fuck not again.
>They can't actually understand her perfect Japanese
>>26932630genius, anon, genius. can't see any EOPs if you don't watch any streams.
She just likes saying the word panik
Why is Roboco so off on her timing with Coco, but PPT could do next meme perfectly in tune with Coco?
Fuck this, I'm just going to down the bottle.
this is so shit and unfunny that it should be illegal
RBC is so fucking done, not even trying to hide it anymore.
>PanikPlease, redditdragon, I've drank enough
>>26932604So this is accurate enough that my drunken ass laughed at it.Good job, Anonymous.
no astronaut meme yet even though coco has a weird obsession of it
>>26932625>the memes hereDon’t tell me you came here looking for le funny meymeys, go back faggot
>>26932781Bitch, I mean one on one, not Gen 4 collabs.
>>26932630Holy shit, good luck. Kanata is a hard filter for me. I can't keep up.
reddit can't be this bad right, surely its the dragons fault right?
>every time rbc says humu humuI like this a lot.
>>26932796Latency, PPT was sitting next to her.
>>26932730This is live translations and it's an outdated one of a week. Korone gets the most clip translations, but chat moves too fast for there to be many live translators.
Coco....I can't drink anymore, I'm about to puke....
I fucking hate this bitch
based Coco picking the one so she can say SUPACHATTO TIME to trigger it
>>26932813Coco has a big obsession with the panik meme.
How come Luna is always the one that save these streams?
>>26932695The banter is what makes most of it considering the memes that get picked. Roboco's really passive, and I understand that's her in general, but she doesn't really do well in collabs like this.
>>26932737I just realized FBK and Luna are in there, kek.
>>26932796Because PPT was literally next to Coco dumbass.
Why do I even bother watching her shitmeme reviews?
>>26932454She's talked about it in yesterday's zatsudan but faggots here will just link you to today's one
>>26932747>going to meme review and reddit in a desperate bid to gain publicity instead of the other way aroundhaha no
its literally the same three jokes one by one
>>26932801and to think she willingly signed up for site a few weeks ago
Coco is just flexing at this point.
>Graphic design is my passion
>>26932810based lunaito
RIP my bottle of wine, you served me well.
either broken robot or RBC is doing this over online.
>>26932796ppt walks around the apartment butt ass nakedthey're super comfortable and in sync with each other
>>26932825It's not her fault when 90% of the content right now there are HoloEN memes. She has to dig through the hundreds of dirt.
>made by: @vtubermemes btw
lol RBC
>>26932709If you want to be technical, Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are all mongoloids.
>>26932759Lin's a fucking turncoat faggot. He used to translate Miko over a year ago but abandoned her.
>she made her say itFuck you, Coco. Stop corrupting my holos.
My 30% bottle is half empty... I don't feel too good...
i don't think RBC understands this one
>>26932856Because you like torturing yourself.
>making RBC say these terrible wordsCoco... unforgivable.
>>26932825She needs to not do this once a week, actually search for the good ones with upvotes, instead she probably phones it in and grabs them at random
>>26932465they are part of the 50 cent army. They are literally paid to seeth
>>26932864Where have you been the past 15 years? That's just reddit.
Coco you could have at least shopped in a "haroooboooo" you fucking bitch.
At least RBK is cute.
>Coco shows the same few shitty memes>Redditors only care about attention rather than actually being funny>Redditors copy the same shitty memes because it gives them the best chance to make it on the show>Coco shows their shitty memesRinse repeat. Coco needs to fuck off.
she made her say motherfucker.fuck it, i'm chugging down whole bottle and going to sleep, its 8am already. good night /hlg/
>>26932866straight up brought RBC here to flex superchat time at her
>yfw RBC starts referencing reddit during her streamsrbc.......
so...did RBC laugh at least more than two times?It seems to me that she's not enjoying this at all
>watermarked meme
I feel so bad for roboco, she has to force herself to laugh and think of comments when all she wants is to play apex or minecraft right about now.
what a shitty meme>includes fucking the character SAYING the phrase>you can hear it in your headfucking moron
>>26932796Kanata lives with herKanata was in the same roomCoco pinched Kanata's ass to signal her every time she was about to do it
These faggots don't even put HAACHAMA CHAMA.
This orange background is eye cancer
no harobo...
Why the fuck do you guys still watch the dumb dragon's shitty leddit meme review if it make you seeth so fucking much? Just open the stream, leave a dislike and close it for fuck's sake.
I laughed more at faggots here shitfaced themselves more than the stream itself
What Japanese level is Luna?
This PANIK shit gotta be the worst and most boring meme to ever be created.
>>26932682Either COME TO SAO PAULO or COME TO RIO
>>26932825If Coco reacts to it and the JOPs react to it hard enough it just encourages more pandering. It's reddit's fault for being unfunny but they're mostly unfunny because they're pandering to an audience that finds unfunny things funny.
>>26932595I forgot about the weird inverted chaps for a sec and thought she had a massive robush
>>26932551in china those are probably some harsh insults, but when you just translate directly it falls flat, like translating you asshole into kono oshiriona would mean jackshit to a jap
>m-muh pure RobocoHoly shit, you dumbass RBCfags, you faggots don't even know what she did in her past life.
>>26932885and arabs are caucasoid, there's more than three races
>>26932913No RBC memes...
At this point I have no doubt R*ddit just pedals the same tired jokes that will most likely get them featured by Coco. Meme review was a mistake.
>The ultimate EOP guide to what they hear during streams
What did Watame write in the chat?
that's a pretty bad peko laugh
Pekora absolutely destroyed by the coco
Just grit your teeth and bear it, RBC. Almost done
It's Shions neeee.......coco..
>>26932926Kanata was also naked.
>>26932862Yeah I was planning to get drunk, but not turbo-smashed, doing this.I am throwing in the towel. No amount of booze can make this funny.
>>26932869>Putting brown on orangeWho the fuck made this and said "Yeah, that looks good."
>>26932958just "warukunai yo ne"
>>26932933It's a drinking game and a social experience in this thread
>>26932949Yeah, that German scat porn was a little extreme for my tastes honestly
>>26932825She's showing shit that doesn't even appear on the frontpage. It's as if she's putting effort to literally dig for shit to show.
>>26932933being angry is fun.
>>26932933Drinking tastes better if you have reason to drink.
>>26932958Her catchphrase
>>26932933>leave a dislikeNo can do, I don't associate with yellow subhumans
9 more minutes rbc....then you can play all the apex and minecraft you want
did we get a single meme that wasnt on the bingo card??
She skipped Big Kusa... Towa...
>44kEsto es el fin el grande chino...
if you keep drinking you will die of Panik anon
Imagine not being able to understand Nanolish.
>another fucking meme on shitty translations
Shionyo I'm sorry....
>those Coco moansHoly shit
10 mins left, RBC.
What the fuck
>>26932933something something enjoying angerthese people are beyond help
>>26932933Alcohol is a heluva drug
Roboco... stop moaning, I want to be angry.
>>26932926>Coco pinched Kanata's ass to signal her every time she was about to do it
Is Robocco alright?
>>26932949I wonder what fat ass could be behind this post.
my dick twitched I kneel
>>26932933I unironically find it enjoyable.
>>26932947I know Chinese and my entire family is made up of chinks and I feel nothing from those. The only reason I'm even remotely upset is that they're polluting Coco's twitter.
>RBC moaning ASMRNice.
I'm going to finish watching this because there's 10 minutes left, but its kind of awkward. I really get the impression that high spec robot isn't interested/doesn't want to be there.
>those moansR-Robocoyo...
Coco could have at least used a few fucking dumb captcha memes about robocoo, reddit had plentyShe's just using the meme review to repeat the exact same unfunny shit every month, and 80% of these meme reviews are "memes" about her, talk about self absorbed
This flipped cursor is really fucking with me
>>26932933It's funny to see faggots reaction here so fuck that
did coco just say robocco was blacked?
>stop using shitty japanese>panik>stop using shitty japanese>panikRepeat, how are they still using the same jokes this far along?
>>26932933/hlg/ is just tsundere.
>>26932198Even if Haachama doesn't think so herself, she's high spec girl.
>>26932933I really like alcohol
>Using this guy's shitty translations
>>26933044>They are already on the bargain stageHAHAHAHAHAHA
>>26933044it's always funny seeing chinks thinking their monopoly money is usable anywhere else in the world
>putting text on the blinking man memeThe people using these templates don't even know how to use the templates they're using
>>26933066HUGE INCLINE
>>26933066Ok I laughed, you win this time YAGOO.
You guys gonna buy a ticker for next week righr?
>retarded blink memefuck that meme that fucking retard in /hoc/ ruined that one for me
>>26933066>yagoo is watchingHoly shit wtf
>>26933066Unironically funnier than the entire meme review.
>>26932933>leave a dislikeHaha. No, I don't think I will, Chang.
>>26932950Nations are not necessarily representations of race.
>>26933066Milestone stream onegai.
>>26933066What a fucking chad
>>26933057Based. I hope its featured next week.
>>26933066I wish this was real.
I unironically enjoy meme review
>>26933066I KNEEL.
>>26933066ok, I laughed
>>26933066Holy shit, I've actually laughed during a memestream
Well, at least that's one RBC meme.
>2nd explicitly RBC centric meme is the exact same joke as the first one
An actual RBC meme... its shit
>>26932848As a Lunatio, I'm as surprised as you are
There were no Roboco memes so Coco had to go back and reuse an old one for her...
Watamates I don't feel so good... Drinking this much in under an hour can't be healthy
>one (1) roboco meme
>>26932486nah it's good that the homos do it first. especially if they're worried about security issues. less viewers, less danger and a good testing ground for that sort of stuff really. i'm looking forward to the girls as long as haachama and nene are in there.
>>26933057Those are just references to previous /hlgg/ threads, at least nobody posted it on reddit yet
Roboco... is kind of boring...
Roboco haven't broken the 357K subs ever since this started...there's 44K people watching this...
>>26932933it's an excuse to drink every sunday.
>>26933066fuck i wish this was real
>>26933066This meme is fucking good, cheers
>>26932920she already did that a couple of times before joining reddit. I actually remember like 2 streams about her saying that she was interested on reddit
>>26932221ALOE LOVE>>26932399Yes.
Yagoo does have a Roboco figure on top of his shelf full of Hololive stuff, so she might be one of his favorites, despite not bringing much money home.
>>26932933Did you know there are also people who purposely watch shitty movies to make fun of them together? I bet that blows your tiny mind.
>The only jokes they do are "haha she is a robot"
It's a very old meme about RBC.
Not sure if it's Stockholm sinking in but this week wasn't as awful and went fast.
>>26933066You made me look.草
>>26932933I haven't laughed since Clinton was in office.
>>26933066*clap* *clap* next meme!
every roboco meme was the same
>>26933066grand numberCHAD powering up
>>26933158Can't post Niggerman memes on reddit.
>>26933169Miss this guy like you wouldn't believe
ha ha ha ha jokeberry berry hardo
>>26933169im shocked there are hoc fags here that arent you know, mei need to learn how to make better edits
Just end it already Coco
>>26933141Holy shit another one thats the same fucking joke
>>26933182>tfw roboco is so unknown to them that they only know that she's a robotAt least that means we're the only ones who really support Roboco.
>>26932933>Leave a dislikeKill yourself chang
Roboco memes are all captcha memes..
>>26933066Post it for the next meme review, I heard that Yagoo will be a guest.
>>26933109There’s plenty of reasons to hate Coco even before the China shit. Aside from “she made China seethe LOLLL” why the fuck do you guys like her. This is shit.
>bikecuck meme>not even putting RBC face on it
>>26932933it's one anti shitposting anon. ignore them like the kanata/watame shitposter.
>>26933066Absolute lad.
>>26932221KAORU LOVE
poor roboco had to sit through that shit. These memes get worse and worse
>>26933102Explain how it ruined it for you I don't browse /sp/
>>26933066Best girl
>>26933161your boring
...At least RBC is cute.
roboco memes saved for the endat least this last one is cute
>>26933066Thanks for the free karma
>>26933221Ok Zhang.
>>26933191Roboco has been a good guest
Is this the shit on Haato episode?
This was probably the worst one yet... but the drinking game saved it
So there was like three RBC memes?At least coco saved a quality one for last.
>>26933182what did you expect when no one watches heractually for all 2 RBCfags in this thread is there even anything remotely memeable about her besides the dumb robot thing?
>>26933201>>26933216Bros, is Bulju inclining?
>>26933191Coco deserves my view for you know what
>the only akasupa is the ARS oneUmmmmmm explain this cocofags?
Anonchama... your liver...
Ok fuckers, make some Roboco memes that don't involve her being a robot or ones involving Sio
>>26933253>but the drinking game saved itAlways has been
>>26933149Sheepbro don't go any further! Only pain awaitsLet's get ourselves a rest from out self inflicted punishment before being blessed by our sheep
>>26933066holy grass
>>26933253there was one near the beginning before she started doing collabs where not even she laughed at any of them and like 90% were templates
coco's english really is deteriorating
aki next!
Aki... no... not again.
>>26933234It's just like browsing this thread
the chinks gave up at 1.5k dislikeslol they are so sad
>>26933175There are a few girls in Hololive that are obviously just around because Yagoo still enjoys them and couldn't bring himself to cut them loose.
>AkiLiterally who?
>Aki next weekEasy skip.
>Aki is nextAkibros...
You know I've held back on making any judgements on the newcomers but I think I am ready to admit that Coco just isn't funny.
Aki's ass...
Can't wait for NYOOOOOOOOMs
>>26933233because some dumb weed man posts the blink man by posting like this>>26933234>>26933234>>26933234yeah man mememreview>i can smell bush burningyou like jazz?>>26933234>>26933234>>26933234>>26933234 to fucking anyone and he thinks hes a based oldfag. shit like that made me hate the blink meme
>akishe better bring her alcohol for this
>>26933273It's fine the ambulance is coming with the stomach pump, they know to show up around this time by now
>>26933257They were all the same dumb joke.
>>26933263Forever stuck in the Finnish league.
I hope Aki will be joining in on the drinking game
Reddit's favorite on the reddit review.
Aki bros... I'm sorry. It's going to get even worse before it gets better, hang in there
I should have made some memes for Roboco...
Aki will be joining the drinking game with us!
>>26932933Try harder chink.
>RBC>next Akiwho's gonna be the next desperate girl to join in? Mel or Choco?
Ok akifags, explain the hair portals. I don't understand.
>>26933221I genuinely enjoy her zatsudans. Same for Marine.I don't watch the Coco Reddit streams, I just skim this thread during them, while doing something else with my life.
reddit actually watches aki a decent amount based on her chat so maybe these wont suck
>>26933263inclining with some pizza
>>26933276Roboco's long donkey ears.
>>26933175Roboco’s model has been around for ages before the debutIt was a case of finding the person after the character
The r*ddit queen will review memes next weekHappy for Aki
Post your face when>Aki
>AkiNoooooo not another irrelevant indie vtuber Coco onegai
>no minecraft arc memesShitty review
God that was terribleHow much money did Coco make from it?
>>26933293Someone save her
>tfw my one true oshi is coming next weekYou motherfuckers (reddit) better make GOOD memes
>Aki next weekI can't wait for every Aki meme to be an "Ara ara" meme or a meme about how Reddit "saved" her
>>26933317>Aki plays the drinking game with usThis is all I want
It's finally over, good night.
>>26933328I thought it was finally over. It's even been a month.
>>26933335SHE ALREADY GOT ONE YOU STUPID DRAGON BRING TOWA AND LUNA YOU NEED TO BOND WITH YOUR GEN MATES! !that and this fucking Taiwan incident you gotta stop fucking up
Is aki gonna recline on bilibili now because of this lol
>>26932505Nah, he literally said he will do that if he lost many times. Nobody cares.
How drunk are you, /hlg/?
Are they gonna use Meme review to boost Holos in need to reach a milestone or with low viewewr count now?
If Coco didn't do these awful meme reviews nobody would watch her channel
>Aki Should be good,I wonder when towa will come on
>>26933370If you love her so much why don't you make a quality one and post it there?
Aki next week, are you leady for a comatose alcoholic state?
>Aki nextFUCK nooooooo I hate this shit dragon
Help, I can't feel my teeth
Coco is literally ruining hololive by bringing in more retarded EOPs, ESLs, and SOPs
>>26933335Someone needs to send the drinking game rules to Aki
Aki actually have a great charisma doe, my expectations are that she will surpass the Matsuri one.
>>26932558The problem is that Coco can't include any memes that have copyrighted content in them. And that's 98% of all memes.
Aki will get drunk with Coco right? That would be hot
How would you rate it?
>>26933389I'm full of water, there's that.
>>26933276Roboco's most popular meme doesn't involve either of those!zehi,,,
>>26933393NENE NOOO
>>26933175Yagoo personally approached kuropapa to bring roboco into hololive, she told this story.
I hope Coco continues dragging the other girls to these shits. They'll hate her for sure and she'll find no one to collab with soon enough
>>26933430awful/10would get shitfaced again
>>2693343010/10 china seething.
we gotta get the meme review drinking game in there some how next week, end the cycle
My meme didn't get featured despite making it to the front page.Might be because it didn't pedal the same tired jokes.
>>26933420Are you sure you want to say such a thing on an English-only imageboard?
Jesus Coco, just get Haachama because she's the only one who can save your shitshow review.
>>26933388I can only see haato
>>26933389i gots a pleasant little buzz goin on
>>269334301/10, so better than normal.
>>26933249I’m white as fuck but nice try
>>26933389Very, I've been switching between rye whiskey and sake for the last four hours.
DAMAGE REPORT, BOYS3 glasses of whiskey here, can confirm that I am feeling it
>>26933430Cute RBK noices/10.
>>26933430honestly like a 3
>>26933430was watching a botan archive/10
https://twitter.com/shirakamifubuki/status/1310061497247178757Please watch Fubuki's 900k celebration!
>>269334302/10, not even funny bad, just boringsasuga roboco
>>269334302/10shit memes, barely any Roboco representations in said meme, MEMBERS ONLY CHAT
>>269334300/10RBC did absolutely nothing and the only time I laughed was with the "haha Rushia is gargling semen" post
>>26933430That was her best move to get easy memberships and supachas
>>26933441I'll be coco anti for real if she makes nene say motherfucker.
>>26933430Roboco Viewers/Pekora Viewers
>>26933430I'm drunk/10But the memes were really, really shitty this time
>Retards are surprised Aki is nextShe's reddit mod, you fucking dumbasses.
>>26933430Not great/10 Reddit once again fails to deliver any good memes and Roboco doesn't have the charisma or chemistry with Coco to save it
>>26933429>It's an offcollab>They get shitfaced>They storm into Kanata's room and have sweaty lesbian sex for hours on PPTs sheetless bed
>>26933370There are better roboco memes, and better memes in general, but they need to chose one or two with supaa chatto time for the donations,
>>26933430Cute Roboco sounds / 10
Must be a fucking masochist, I didn't enjoy that at all and now I’m tuning in for the EN girl collab... maybe I like the cringe.
>>26933430Alright, Matsuri episode was the peak so far.
>>26933389I'm pretty sure someone fucking died during this stream
>>26933276HPS... Twappi... Shrek trio...
>>26933389I killed an entire bottle of white wine.
>>26933221ching chang chong mother fucker
>>26933489She know that korone will beat her to the 1m sub, poor fubuki...
>>26933454Please make one to redeem RBC about how she's a robot, but actually is a great FPS player, singer, and even does ASMR.
>>26933398>if vtuber didn't do these things that didmake her stand out no one would be watching her channel true
coco should have someone with a sense of humor curate which memes make it in for her.
I wish Subaru didn't give up on Half-Life 2
>>26933454For some reason the shit she shows don't even get on the front page
>>26933486haachama is a geneus
>>269334303/10 Reddit memes are trash as usual.
>>26933430She will never top the original one with Haato with the incest joke
>>26933430i lauaghed at a few of them 7/10 (thats pretty much the best score id give to any sort of meme shit lol)
>>26933430The memes were better than usual but RBC... I say Matsuri > Watame > FBK > Kanata > RBC
Moona is the only guest that should come on the meme review, the awkwardness between them would make the stream even funnier and Moona's autism would make her have funny comebacks to every shitty meme.
downtime... I guess i watch the squid and roberu
>>26933175Would be awkward if Roboco is gone, she's the first girl on the fukkireta video
>>26933401Knowing towa she has probably been lurking Reddit for weeks learning how memes work and doing her reps in preparation but before she gets the chance to actually ask Coco to go on she stops doing them
>>26933458No retard, I'm talking about the whole community. Imagine a chat full of those niggers, and JOPs are becoming rarer the more she does this stupid meme review.
>>26933481I had a nice port, but I put it away and switched to my cheapest bourbon.This stream didn't deserve the port, I'll have it tomorrow with something actually good.
>>26933430membership/10It still got 44k viewers despite being a members chat only.
>>26933517Why not watch Roberu?
>>26933550One thingIt's all she's got
>>26933511imagone being PPT.....wew..
>>26933437I don't watch RBK. What's this zehi?
>>26933430Nice way to enable my alcoholism/10
>>26933430Too few RBC memes/10Roboco...
Based Yagoo
>>26933489Friend Fox to 1 million!
God damn, that one was hard to watch. I liked the video to balance out the chinese retards, but I'm taking that like away because that was just painful.
>>26933430it will recline due the membership only shit, chinks really did it.
>>26933511That's hot
>>26933472>I’m white as fucklmao whites don't even say this Chang.
>>26933543She endorses it! Let's continue to support our favorite fox.
>>26933576English is the easiest language in the world. JOPs have no excuse.
>>26933598what is this pose a reference tooit's soo familiarrockman?
>>26933620theres just too many shit memes
>>26932890Can't help it. Miko is like an entry level holo. People would find their oshi eventually.Pretty sure one of biggest aquafag and translator, Shiroemon started as a 35p too.
>>26933566The cringe caused by that would surely break several human rights laws
>>26933500RBC doesn't and has never cared about either of those things.
>>26933511I would enjoy this.
>>26933646NEXT MEME
>>26933430hope management pick better meme for Coco next week
>>269334300/10 No Jordan memes brosMatsuri>Watame>Kanata>FBK>RBC
>>26933207You also need to root for a better team lol
have jp holos played gang beasts? I think I saw pikamee play it with someone but it seems like a fun party game
>>26933430Probably the worst of the bunch. RIP RBC now everyone is going to think she's boring.
>>26933566Moona meme review would be great but Coco is scared of her.
>>26933506not only that, Aki has watched every single meme review and sometimes post in chat. She love this trash
>>26933430RBC was cute. Good enough for me
Hope you guys are looking forward to a boatload of "good boy" memes for aki next week
>>26933714>implying everyone didn't already think she was
Which holos will not appear on meme review?
>>26933566Anon please, I know you want to relive the magic of level 19, but that was lightning on a bottle, not something you can force to happen...
>>269333671000 ARS
>>26933711my team made da conference finals bitchand im not a coco fag i 've become a lunaito full time...i just use her because muh shit mascot is a dragon
Holo en full collab or roberu xenoblade.
>>26933486Haachama is truly cultured.
>>26933566Coco fears the moon
>>26933712Matsuri played with the Stars, or at least a similar looking game.
I chose the wrong night to drink. I'm gonna listen to Okayu's duet with Aqua, and her utawaku with all I've got. And then I'll do my best for these next 5 days without her.
>>26933717That one would be entertaining
>>26933566>moon's on meme review>all the meme is just bullying her because she cant understand japanesei mean sure
>>26933678Still glad that BoR is still loyal to Miko.
>>26933566coco would end it in 6 minutes
>>26933757Probably haachama
>>26933538Would unironically watch either, only they could save these review streams
>>26933788Winning son.
>>26933430I took a shit in the middle of it and stopped caring/10.
>>26933757the holostars never will, neither will the IDs or CNs. Every jp girl will eventually be on there at least once.
>>269334305/10 Last week was better.
How come some of the holos communicate in romanji? I thought Pekora did it just to be a shitter but Lamy does it too.
>>26933757Suisei, Haachama
This is the 3rd collab ive been watching of the en girls they still feel really awkward but they are playing gang beasts so hopefully itll pick up
When's she coming back...
its actually pretty nice of coco to bring on the lower subbed channels for the reddit review, even if they're cringe to watch.
>>26933791That painting has been a meme for ages.
Coco should invite Mori to the meme review so that we can see her die inside for 1 hour
>>26933851>Lamy uses romaji>Noel uses kanaMakes you think.
>>26933779>lunaito Based.>islels >long island>sparky the dragonUnbased.
Kind of sad that there were hardly any roboco memes when she was the guest. ze,,,zehi,,
>>26933723She's your cute aunt that laughs at facebook memes that you also pretend to enjoy every time she shows you one to make her happy.
>>26933879she died while giving birth and was replaced. she's not coming back.
man I want to like mori but that voice/inflection filters me hard
I hate how Mori always speaks like a fucking tryhard.
>>26933788I'm watching EN because I find Mori's autism to be endearing.
>Miko returns>Coco immediately has her come on her meme reviewyou already know this is going to happen
>>26933757I really hope Choco doesn't. I don't think she gives a fuck about memes or reddit
>>26933879Later today in member only video, but it's obviously pre-recorded.
>>26933497I didn't even realize the chat was members only as I was too focused on shitposting in her chat.
Man, these minecraft streams have been amazing, especially witnessing it all from different angles.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caLRRLpgVLo
>>26933928sporky is shit and why the fuck do we have that as a mascot? who knows. but long island and the isles are based. luna stream with subaru will be fun. fuck yeah
>>26933430Boring, but I already expected when RBC was involved.
>gura isn't positioned next to calicollab ruined
>>26933947I HATE IT
>>26933851how do you think keyboards work?
>>26933870I kinda feel they are split into Mori+Kiara and the 3 others outside Japan.
Bring civia on meme review so she can put retarded memers in their place
>>26933851it's romaji, not romanji
>>26933757The stars, but just imagine poor Astel or Izuru.
>>26933974What DOES Choco give a fuck about
>>26933788As much as I like Roberu I can't watch Xenoblade anymore
>>26933972I know it and I hate it!
>>26933947But you didn't post it yesterday.
>>26933904Yeah, maybe Coco will have enough time to order Mori a golden toilet for the review
>>26933972STFU Miko loves Coco
reddit just makes the same dumb jokes over and over christogey
>>26933972Mikochi might save it though. Remember their translator videos.
>>26933851people who type in romaji are the real gamers
>>26933851Not every Japanese person is actually literate, that's how fucked the language is that even a native speaker will use romaji instead of kanji. Don't you wonder why almost everything in Japan has an illustration?
>>26934011Anon, I don't think Civia wants to be anywhere near Coco right now
>>26933791Why did he have to die, bros? Rurikovich...
>>26933695Fifteen dollar ASMR membership..
>>26933952Whoa slow down with the narratives birdkun
>>26933974more like she has an unfunny personality
>>26933430the drinking game has turned meme reviews from something I dread to something i look forward tois this the slipper slope to alcoholism
>>26933851Minecraft sometimes locks up for a while if you type in kanas.
>>26933998Mori needs either Kiara or Gura next to her
>>26933261HPS, live pussy cam, high luck stat, often late, sleepy, friends with everyone.dunno how much coco would find funny, but a live pussy cam joke would probably be something she'd like.
>>26933788no more xenoblade onegai
>>26934032Her spinos of course
>>26934001He hates it!
>>26933972It sounds like a good intentioned welcome party
>>26933993hell yeah brother. long island sucks though, i grew up there but i'm a >rags fan
>>26934011That would be putting gasoline on the fire with the chink war
>>26933678>Miko>entry levellmao
>>26934022all that spaghetti
The ENs are so awkward around each other... you hear a long pause every time someone says something because nobody knows how to respond to each other or has anything to say.
>>26934058>still hit 44k with RBCWhy...
>>26934073Never mind, I'm retarded
>>26934143its because they all hate Gura
>>26934066Good narrative.
did shion see pekora or did she hit her luckily? on the minecraft stream
The problem with Coco doing a HoloEN meme stream is they'd understand the memes better than her and there's a risk they'd tell her "Actually, you're wrong and the meme means this"She'd never risk being humiliated like that, better to have a JOP Vtuber who doesn't understand a single word of the meme.
>>26933970Watson only showed 0,1% of her level of autism so far. I expect she getting more unhinged by the time.we will get the beatsaber stream done with feet. if they get 3D
>>26933972Mikochi loves coco, but leddit doesn't care about Miko
>>26934143go back to globalalso it might be because they havent met each other in real life + two live in Japan so latency
>>26934183cocos meme review is aimed to japanese audience, please understand
>>26934143HoloEN is such an awkward gen, for as high spec as they are they lack almost all basic social skills. Maybe it'll get better in time, or maybe it'll suck until Gen 2, who knows.
>>26934195alright kanye
>>26934191Well good thing she's the only other one I like then.
>>26934172Who doesn't?
>>26934143They need some Roberu lessons on how to have a convo
>Coco: *presents shitty meme*>Miko: wat da fak is dus? FAQ reddit!
>>26934177Enchanted sword. It burned Pekora and made her invisibitily useless
>>26934172Shut up Shark will devour every HoloJP just wait
>>26931986are you Rushia
>>26933511>Kanata refuses at first but after Aki massages her breasts and bites her nipples while Coco’s long tongue circles around her waist and then her clit she gives up and just enjoys being the center of attention of 2 drunk dykes who haven’t had sex in 4 years, all that pent up sexual frustration unleashed on her all at once.
just fyi Roboco's latest stream got a total of 4 new dislikes during the meme review. looks like she dodged it
>>26934125i aint even from LI Im part of the shitty, but who cares. LI is just suburbs but i like them more than the >rags. i aint even salty you got the first pick lmao that shit was trash but better than shittsbrugh or edmonton winning iti need more minecraft streams by nanora. peko and shions streams made me laugh hard when they started to fight.>>26934143theyre also still two weeks young, so the chemistry isnt there.
>>26934143>you hear a long pause every time someone says something because nobody knows how to respond to each other or has anything to say.Agree, anon. It's not due the delay at all
>>26934183Seriously when has someone ever pointed out Coco was wrong? Was it only Haachaam?
>>26934257LOL XD
>>26934183Senpai why are the memes so shit? You handpicked these?
This was just a joke, r-right?
>>26934257I miss her FAQ...
>>26934231That's how I know you don't watch EN, they're doing well and the girls always pop up in each other's chats. Even gen 3 was like this when they first started.
>>26933848Towa appeared like twice bro.
>>26934322and we all know what happened to her after.
>>26934356fuck off meido
>>26934143It's because none of the HoloEn have any acting experience at all. Not even high school drama class level.
>>26934125>rags How can you live with yourself?
EN collab already passed reddit dragon's try not to die of alcohol poisoning challenge. this bitch is over.
I must confess that I find KiaraMori to be absolutely adorable, and I unironically like Kiara
>>26934373ryona is no fuck to ryona fags if they're enjoying it
>Rushia and Haachama ASMR which one do I fap to
When is Mori going to drop her cringe act and talk like a normal person
My liver can't handle more reddit meme reviews.... What can i do bros???
>>26934406Because you touch yourself at night.
>>26934312Gen 4 and 5 hit it off almost immediately. What's more, I thought holos have time to get acquainted several months before their debut
>>26934401Agree, it's a pretty good pairing all things considered
>>26934316>someone makes joke about their arm>10 seconds of silence later: uhhh if you d-don't want it, I'll t-take it, haha.>20 seconds later: haha...totally the delay...
>>26934347That would be hot if Polka didn't sound like two cats fighting in a blender when speaking.
>>26934436Seek help, drinking to fit in with internet strangers isn't healthy.
>>26934451meidos this guy shit talked shark
By the way did Miko spend a few weeks in a hospital?What kind of operation did she get to spend so much time there?
>Mori being gay without realizing itkek
kiara's getting real weird with it
>>26934303Don't rape PPT please!
>>26934415One in each ear
>>26934404shut up or I'm punching that cute stomach of yours anon
>>26934436Get a new liver.NEXT MEME
>>26934432Hopefully never
>>26934347Is that why she bought that stupid router?
>>26934415esl joi
>>26934493baby delivery
>>26934451my clownwife...
>>26934461No, EN literally only met each other a week before the debut. Much different circumstances.
Where's the purposefully stupid Holo? I don't mean like the ones who mess up on purpose like that fraud Nene but the ones who actually say stupid shit in the most clever way that makes you roll your eyes and ask how someone can be so stupid
>Shark will never take you to pound townwhy even live
>>26934183i'd love to see her meme review get trashed by one of the ENs
>>26934461the fuck how do you not interact months beforehand?
>>26934451this is terrible, she had better have done something unforgivable to deserve this
>>26934519Kiara is /hlg/'s cumdump
>>26934459Thanks.That was a fun stream.
>>26934493No, she's already been discharged weeks ago.
>>26934347Made for forced
Where are all the Homoposters now?
>>26934312hopefully subaru and luna can do some minecraft streams together.
>>26934347Of course not, pol wants to be raped by me
>>26934552It's ok, you can say Aqua
>Kiara just afking ingame and winning due to it
>>26934461Gen 5 had 4 months or so before their debut
>>26934519Lamy please stop letting Ricardo out of his cell
>>26934493a c-section
>>26934621I'm watching Roberu
Do you get refunded the $5 to join membership after you've already joined and then left?
>>26934538Fuck off birdkun
>the pregnancy schizo is replying to himself againgood night gamers
>>26934621I'm playing xenoblade on my own so I'm not watching Roberu's streams
>>26934538Could it really be a heart problem?
>EN fags yet again posting in the wrong thread pardun?
>>26934640>>26934644Literally give an example.
>>26934621watching Roberu's Xenoblade finale stream
>you guys should kill yourselvesone of us
>>26934347>Ryona PolkaGod that's so fucking hot I want to bully her now.Polka was made for harapan.
>>26934621only SEAniggers watch Holostars
Subaru please be faster...
>>26934552Aqua, I fucking hate the cunt for it
i like mel
>>26934080it's 10 and she also started doing non-member asmr on top of that.
The girls in the EN collab sound pretty bored, guess the game's not that fun.
>>26933566>>26933820>moona guestYou want more of this?
>>26934689>writes Shainy Smaily Story even though she has just searched up the lyrics a minute before writing the title
>>26934679i wish i was mikochi's newborn baby...
stop stalling you coward chicken
Korone would fucking love this game.
>>26934674you don't have to pay another $5, rejoining just means you're turning recurring payment back on
>>26934454no I dont
>>26934762Moona understands Japanese... she just can't speak it...
>>26934687t. chang
>>26934762this always makes me laugh
>shitbird no fun alloweding in a party game
>>26934761based on observation I feel like this game needs a larger group of people to be fun
>>26934761they arent really trying to do much one round they were running in circles
when is the next muslim holiday so moona can make an ass of herself again and make everybody stop posting about her?
>>26932575I'm gonna fap
>>26934828Korone only likes shitty retro games
>>26934761I played this with friends once. Game is dogshit
>>26934871If only. I want to go back.
>>26934552>calling Nene a fraudTake that bake bitch!
>>26934871how new
>>26934754It's double the price of Danchou's ASMR and half the quality.
holy based
>>269348657 months to go.
>>26934761Gang Beasts has a small learning curve. You need to know how to throw people for games to not be stalled like this Kiara BS.
>>26934775>>26934851>chicken does something>everyone hates ithow does she do it?
This collab could feel better if they had a BGM or something.
>>26934838I was thinking the chinks all had a way to get refunded or something.
Watson is the most clever
>>26934761its a fun game, they don't seem like they're enjoying it though
Someone please stream ;_;
>>26934493This is why you really shouldn't have trusted amateur "translators" and google translate. She's already been discharged from the hospital since September 9, but still have to do routine check ups for a couple of weeks after that. And since she said she'll be back in October with 3DLive, her doctor and Cover already gave her a OK to return, it's just a matter of scheduling.
>>26934689Well, there was that one time that Pekora Okayu collab, where she said that Polka was a phoenix, mistaking for fennec. But looking back, it might have been because Polka having a past life or maybe a HoloEN leak.
>>26935017>chicken does somethingShe was doing the exact opposite actually which is the annoyance retard
>>26935017by being a bitch
>>26934882The blacks never actually did anything wrong though
>>26935017>HoloEN does something>/hlg/ hates itHow do they do it?
>>26935055https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yquNvFEy54 Subaru wind waker in half an hour
https://twitter.com/minatoaqua/status/1310071243467452417?s=19Um dogbros...
>>26935061But what could be wrong with her that sidlined her for so long
>>26935095Subaru please save this thread...
>>26935087by having big numbers
>>26935091And read the fucking thread faggot.
roboco humming/lullaby asmr stream when
>chicken is so set on winning even it can make the gaming experience less entertainingFuck Kiara
>>26935091means it is fucking garbage.rbc will never delivery good ASMRs like Choco or Noel
>>26935098Okayu is marrying Shion tomorrow though. Aqua once again getting excited over nothing.
>>26935098Do aquafags ever get tired of pretending to be retarded?
>>26935098Korone fears Aqua because deep down she knows Aqua is just a better and younger version of her.
>https://youtu.be/tCR7Y67hClYKenzoku... that part at 1:54...
>>26934762Might as well invite the whole HoloID then
bun bun cha?
>>26935150What big numbers?
>Rushia/Haato ASMR are early in the morning so I can't just sleep to themTimezones suck.
>>26935173what did she do?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqwZk3A3-0s&feature=emb_titlewow, roboco is going to transition her meme review appearance into the extremely popular and fun to watch game Apex Legends! She's sure to get huge numbers! What a genius!
can't beat the cock
>>26935098Is this song good, never listened to it before
>>26935192is orange the color of hate?
>>26935178I don't watch or care about them, I like roboco's voice therefore I want to listen to her asmr, not someone elses.
>>26934905>Forced to ask for a collab once a week for meme review>Forced to send other yonkisei a script and ask them to send a video for AsaCoco CMs>Expecting her to also ask others for an among us collabPlease stop pushing my introverted and autistic dragon wife into more collabs.Maybe Kanata can organize it after the 27th, she's the one who collabed with Korone twice and just did a cover with AZki.
>>26935307Fubuki stop... She's already dead...
>win without fighting Is chicken actually Sun Tzu?
>>26935307Fubuki... I thought Roboco was your friend...
>>26935330It's the color of retards
>>26935307that isn't very friendly of you fubuki
>>26935261The other 4 are having fun playing the game and fighting each other while she's just hiding in a corner
>>26935224Suisei should do singing collab with Towa already
>orange with a burger headFuck Mori
>>26935261she sits back and camps and tryhards
Winning isn't everything.It's just the only thing.
>>26935310way to throw all the exposure....47k viewers to shit them in the face with apex
mogu mogu....
>>26935115She had short tongue surgery. Ankyloglossia is a chronic illness.
>>26935412They secretly hate each other.
>>26935307New narrativeSio is our friend
>>26935246I'm going to bed early with headphones in so it'll feel like Rushia is waking me up. Or I'll end up sleeping through it and get lewd Rushia dreams. Either situation sounds nice.
>>26933511>they start beating up Kanata ass like a drum again>she gets horny and on a whim kisses Coco>orgy ensues
>>26935310Damn, she REALLY hated that meme review
>>26935471I want to be friends with Sio.
>>26935448Dont you dare leave me...
>>26935366rbc voice can't even compare to noel/choco voicefucking clean the cerumen out of your ears nasty pig
>>26935456That would explain her stupid voice
>>26935310i hope she's having fun at least
>>26935456Poor Miko, being born a lesbian with a short tongue is like being born a man and getting a micropenis
Giving your oshi a black eye! She has to tell her viewers she fell down the stairs!
>>26935471always has been
>>26934098adding fart ASMR to the list
Kiara is based, faggots.
Sora... I hope you recover quickly https://twitter.com/tokino_sora/status/1310067511543517184
Kiara with the yuri bait again...
>>26935310You got me anon, I laughed at this
Kiara... Dying for your lover...
>>26935456I hope not, I love her stupid voice and don't want anything to change about it
>>26935518I don't give a fuck about your opinion. Roboco has the better voice to me.
Please stop sexualizing Kanata she’s not for lewdposting only hugs and head patting.
>>26935588black sus
>>26935383>Forced to ask for a collab once a week for meme reviewNo one forced her to do shitty meme review. She did it herself because it's easy money with the least effort.>Forced to send other yonkisei a script and ask them to send a video for AsaCoco CMsMaybe she wouldn't have to rely on the CM and others if the content of AsaCoco itself is not so fucking shitty?>Expecting her to also ask others for an among us collabShe promised an Among Us stream!
>>26935565Go back.
>gura and ame always 1v1 at the start of every roundkek
>>26934621O RE WA NOROBERU
Every new stream Kiara finds a way to make me hate her even more.
Is there such a thing as "trying too hard"?
>>26935565She doesn't know EnglishShe's a wannabe NipShe's an ex-patShe's a leechShe's has no special talentShe's an idol rejectShe's a prostituteWhat is based about any of this?
>>26935310What's the point of playing something you don't want to play? Where's the fun in that? Ayame played ARK once and then decided it was garbage, and ignored it even when it was the popular game. That's how it should be.
>>26935310as long as it makes her happy, I guess
>>26935565Yeah I agree, her redemption arc has been good
Ina...your OBS reps...
>>26935026No. You pay for the month and even if you "cancel" your membership the next day you still get the full month of access to membership features. It just doesn't renew the next month.
>>26935456just checked what that looks like and it weird as hell. how do you know that's what she had?
>>26935456wtf it's actually true, short tongue is a chronic. i thought you're joking kek
>>26935565based on what?
>>26935642>She promised an Among Us stream!she cancelled it because everyone was shitting themselves on twitter, reddit and the stream waiting room because OMG IT LEAKS YOUR IP STOP COCO DON'T DO IT because some retarded ass twitchnigger decided to open network settings while on stream
>>26935634you clearly have shit taste and you clearly care cause you keep replyingseethe motherfuckerburn in anger and have your day ruined
I have no idea what's going on in the EN collab anymore, they don't even seem to be playing the game now?
>Talking about EN outside of Global
>>26935793didn't ask.
>>26935565chicken strong
>>26935699Yes, (you)
Almost 10k
>>26935642Please stop being so mean meme review was an idea from holoEN she already told us that.I also like non CMs asacoco, people act like 1.0 was all CMs when it's simply not true.
Niggerman please help us...
>>26935471Sio is an honorary /jp/
>>26935470Twap can't stop losing her shit all over Suisei's songs though
>>26935799Chicken is stalling time with technical difficulties so that she wins
every big en collab has been plagued with technical issues
>>26935711Ayame is a smart girl after all ARK is fucking trash.
>>26935799Internet issues
>>26935799Kiara's Live2D keeps vanishing and they're trying to fix it.
>>26935711*ayame's boyfriend played it and thought it was garbage
>>26935456Wait, does that mean Mikochi would lose her usual voice?
>>26935799Ina your OBS reps...Hololive managers are so fucking useless
>>26935825But aren't you supposed to put in effort? How can you put in too much effort?
>>26935307lmao based Fox telling it how it is
>>26935830>people act like 1.0 was all CMs when it's simply not trueThe CMs where the good part of the original Asacoco. Coco's segments were the weakest parts by far
>>26935564Towa mogged her so hard it's no surprise suisei doesn't want to collab
>>26935808HoloEN is Hololive.
>>26935699yes matsuri... stop trying to pander to EOPs with your shit clips
>>26935310RBC.. your craftopia island is much more impressive than this... but then again I also enjoy your apex stream, because of you...
It's Sunday, why the fuck isn't anybody streaming?
>>26935564Aren't you wondering why Suisei, Ayame and Watame no longer collab with Towa after this one? They hated her smelly cigarette breath
>>26935918Well that's your opinion, i always found the script great.
Towa please do a Guerrilla Utawaku I need your angelic voice blessing my ears right now I can only listen to Error so many times in a row.
>>26935754She admitted that she has short tongue and that's the cause of her speech impediment. Look at the end here: https://youtu.be/je94xBYiC1k
>>26935960Ayame and Watame are literally about to collab.
>>26935943HoloEN has a full gen collab! Also Roberu Xenoblade
>>26935456My friend had this and it only took 2 weeks to recover, either she had complications or her body just sucks at healing
>>26935943It's way too fucking early to stream.
>>26935942>instead of showing your real emotion, you can just click a button to change your expression this is dishonest as fuck
I’m gonna watch Roboco play Apex and there’s nothing you can do about it Minecraft fanatics
>>26935699Just listen to mori talk and you have your answer
>>26935943There's Shuba in 20 minhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yquNvFEy54
Sorry I'm too busy trying to fuck Marine to sort out HoloEN's technical issues.
>>26935942ina stanced up
>>26936049are you stupid?
>>26933678It's interesting how time just changes the landscape of vtubing. I would've considered Miko entry level before if you asked me this time last year. She's really similar to Fubuki. At the same time, I think it might partially be due to a perceived change in personality. I see a lot of regulars in other Holo's chats who were regulars in Miko's streams back then. Miko just was a lot more soft-spoken and, in her own words, less confident. She was more restrained back then with her own personality in my opinion. She's not radically different but it's hard to feel that aspect from her now. The Miko now is the same one that Coco was scared of before they properly talked. I find it interesting that it evolved into Coco watching Miko's ARK streams from time to time and commenting in chat.
>>26935383Honestly, Among us Collab once a week can boost their subs like a crazy
>>26935943Roberu is about to* finish Xenoblade, what do you mean?* Still got a shitton of boss battles and the shittiest dungeon in the game to go
>>26936013You might want to sit down for this anon...
Big oof cock
>>26936013Anon I have bad news
>>26935942I can't believe they use the same tech as JP, what the fuck?!
>>26935942Purity is determined by the angle of their legs.
>>26936049Prease understand, technology can't show emotion.
Coco said poggers
>Gura is doing the shark fin thingCUTE
>>26935087>few schizos tribalfagging>hlg
>>26936082I guess I can't blame you
>>26935470suisei gave permission for towa to sing tenkyuu in her 3D stream, AND keeps asking her to do a singing collab. watch hololive.
>>26935942Ina is Danganronpa posing.
>>26936127That's rude she's a priestess!
>>26936078Shuba Shuba Shuba Shuba Shuba!I love this DUCK! I want to give her a FUCK!I'm going to feed her head, my baguette bread!
>>26936049Yeah bro, I can't believe they aren't real anime characters either
>Two armpit connoisseurs and TowaThis 3D collab will be interesting
You guys unironically enjoy HoloEN? I'm watching their collab right now and it just isn't fun...
>>26936100As a Cocofag i hope Kanata hosts them when she's out of meetings hell, she could use the growth after these 2 hard months.
>>26934140>original anime girl saying nigga>not entry levellamo
>>26936049you're gonna fucking lose it when you find out that women do this in real life too
god can we trade someone to holoEN in exchange for getting Ina to holoJP?
>>26936194They have no chemistry and its usually too low energy for me
>>26935830>meme review was an idea from holoEN she already told us that.HoloEN wasn’t even announced when she started the Meme reviews...
>>26936194They're better alone honestly or just the english trio / jap duo
>>26935526She's compensating with her fingers...
If the Japanese have the highest average lifespan in the world why the fuck are they getting sick all the time
>>26936194This is probably the best collab out of the 3 they've done so far.
>>26936194I unironically enjoy the squid's drawing streams, and 3H's music in the chicken's streams.
>>26936013Ayame got date with her boyfriend today.
>>26936219Wasn't that Gibara ?
>>26936126weta's alita: battle angel exist
>>26936194It's the same thing in JP collabs you EOP. Stop being an anti.
>>26936194Its okay for nowthey're just two weeks old and are westerners LARPing as anime girls
What's the most awkward collab in the history of hololive?
>>26936197tfw kanata is our only hope for yonkisei collabs...
>>26936194I blame Kiara and Mori. They suck. Gura/Watson/Ina is perfect.
>>26936197No she doesn't, once she goes back to stream, her numbers will go back to the usual.
>>26936194Their collabs are their worst content by far.
>>26936194The only EN stream I'm planning to watch are Ina's collabs with JP and Iofi.
>>26936194no and we used to have a container thread for ENfags but I guess that's fucking over
Nene is very very very good English.
>>26936194They should do some team building gamesovercooked, payday 2, sea of thieves, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
>>26936311Miko ID collab
>>26936262She said holoEN management pitched her the idea, not even a narrative she literally said it in one of the meme reviews, it was going to be a 1 time thing but since it blew up she kept making them.
>>26936267whenever they have the big collabs it feels like the latency is an issue for them toodoesn't bode well for ina/ame/gura collabs in the future
I wanted to watch the holoboys play among us, but I wasn't really interested because they didn't turn off mics between discussions. I hope that changes if anyone in holo plays it in the future
>>2693631166 minutes
>>26936311Coco MoonaNoel Luna and Mel
>>26936197It's doesn't matter who is the host of the collab, I just want Among Us holo
>>26936194They need a better 5+ player games like M&B multiplayer coop maps.
>>26936327I like Mori/Kiara interaction the most
>Civia is still afraid to stream on youtube during the controversy>Artia did a twitch stream one day after and didn't give a fuckWhy the difference?
>>26936293>expecting anyone here to know anything about vtubing outside of Hololive besides Kizuna AI
>>26936336This thread was never banned from EN discussions.
>>26936373it's the 3 womanlet and the 2 onesaan group
>>2693631166 MinutesHPSLuna/Noel/Mel ClubhouseRisu/Iofi/Roboco/Miko UnoTake your pick.
>>26936293Both actually
Dumb cock
>>26936379Civia has to keep up her appearance with the paypigs while the gremlin has never cared
>>26936311People will say Moona/Coco but honestly it's the Shion interview in the Sugita Mafia radio show.
>>26936311Risu Moona x Miko Roboco, worse than 66 minutes.
>>26936379Civia is a good girl!
>>26936379Civia is a smart princess!Artia is a dumb gremlin
How does Towa have such a rich, deep voice? It's deeper than mine, bros.
>>26936399>Risu/IofiRisu/Moona, rather.
>>26936349Not possible, HoloEN was formed only a week before their debut.
>>26936336something can't be over that was never there to begin with.
>>26936311That Miko holoID collab was rough, poor holoIDs couldn't keep up with her.
>>26936327>Gura/Watson/InaI couldn't stand the surgeon simulator collab. I don't actively dislike anyone from holoEN but I'm not a huge fan of Gura or Watson.
>>26936311You should have said to exclude ID because every ID collab is cringe
>>26936274shitawful nutrition, also a lot of families hide the deaths of their oldest so that they can keep collecting pensions, because that's the only form of social welfare that japan has.
>>26936436Why did they even used Shion for that?
>>26936296>multi-million dollar blockbuster movie with an actor covered in full mocap>comparable to some girl sitting in her room trying to do a casual stream out of her own pocket because Cover provides no equipment
>>26936436Why did Shion go to the radio show of guys who spout ancient references all the time?
>>2693645640 years of smoking and sucking dick from an entire band (sans bassist)
>>26936436How is that the worse?
The more i watch kiara the more she gives off actual menhera vibes and its not an act; like festival, rushia, etc.
>>26936436>he wanted Pekor>he got a kusogaki instead
>>26936379The average twitchfag is brainless
>>26936349it wasnt HoloEN management its the Hololive Reddit mods EN wasnt even a thing
>>26936468all of their youtube and twitter accounts have existed since july
>>26936049I smile everyday at work, but i'm dead inside. Because the job demands it.Is that dishonest as fuck?
>>26936329I'm not denying that but she used to grow at 55-60k subs per month and she's at 38k now due to all the stuff she had to deal with including her friend stealing from her, i'm just saying a boost by hosting the collab in her channel would be great.
>>26936389your face should be banned>>26936478die
>>26936533Increasing her ojisan fanbase.
>>26936504Moona+Iofi with Watame+Subaru was fine
>>26936353They only did that in the beginning to test it out. The next games they had their mics off during the rounds.
>>26936353They turn it off eventually but theres other issues, was still pretty fun. Astel and Temma did solo play afterwards and both of those were good. Hope they do it again.
>>26936542I wish I was lucky enough to be her boyfriend, honestly.
>>26936351They'd be better off playing that 51 games switch thing together, latency isn't really an issue with a lot of those.
>>26936548That's the best part
>>26936049You must be a retard
I've been there, Okayu.
>>26936349She only said that the management introduced her to subreddit.
>>26936383only ones worth knowing
>>26936548She has the same multilingual autism problem as Coco, doesn't know how to read the mood and room atmosphere. Both are too prideful and forceful
Subaru has a new dadhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Za0t8KQ9AE4
>>26936468Yes anon they hired holoEN managers the day of the debut.
I can't be the only one that get really second hand cringe and embarrassment from Mori, she is the most cringe english vtuber by far.>cringe wigga girl>deviant art tier donut steel character and background>cringe voice and pronunciation>big weaboo that doesn't know japanese>legit autism and can't interact with other people without being rude either because she mean it and doesn't have a social filter or she doesn't get the social cues>4channer with /v/ taste in videogames>Boomer trapped in old as fuck memes
>>26936379>DO U RLY BEREB?Artia is fun goblin or wtv the fuck she is.Civia doesn't want backlash that could hurt her bilibili channel.
>>26936379dumb gremlin doesnt give a shitwanted to brag about winning a wedding dress for herself and her wife
I can't believe Shion actually wants a fanbase of perverted old men who jerk off to her. And you guys shit on Haachama.
>>26936579In fact, this is the one that introduce how autist Moona is
>>26936525eyyy what's an iphone x to ya, chopped liver?
>>26936436Alright I'm gonna watch this and it better be as bad as you say it is.
>>26936595Imagine the tantric sex where she goes KIKEKIKEEEEEEE and starts calawimg your back each time you thrust her. I have a feeling she may actually be the most dangerous menhera
>>26936660>And you guys shit on Haachama.Ex cuse me?
>>26936636Mori is based, her being cringe is part of her character
>>26936585>Among UsReally? I guess I'll watch the archive then
>>26936601What happened?
>>26936575you need to be 18 to post on 4chan.
>>26936349Link and timestamp or fuck off.
>>26936049those override your current facial animation.
>>26936636Isn't she also an alcoholic?
Towa just reminds of the girl from nana for some reasonshe just gives me that vibe
>>26936636>big weaboo that doesn't know japaneseDid you do your holoen reps anon?
Are the Chinese Holos getting any of the antis from this latest Taiwan shit?
>>26936738She tweeted that she droppped her phone on her face while looking at it in bed earlier today.
>>26936636That's what you get when you make a english teacher living in japan a vtuber. Fact, english teachers are well known shitposters in 5ch.
>>26936379Civia cries when people are mean to her.
>>26936726That's like saying it's based to pretend to be retarded.
>>26936636thats the charm
Why are Austrians so salty???
>>26936525Cover did lend them iPhone X for tracking, anonchama
>>26936775yeah, their families got sent to reeducation campsCivia is crying again
>>26936636>>4channer with /v/ taste in videogamesThere is nothing wrong with that, atleast she doesnt like gachashit and zoomershit. Also shes based for liking doom
>>26936660Ojisans are respectful, haachama attracts schizophrenic memeshitters
>>26936714Need doujins NAO
>>26936765Thats her only redeeming factor
>>26936790Everybody can relate
>>26936383My first Vtuber was Kaguya Luna does that count.
>>26936775they lost 100-200 subs each compared to the holos losing thousands of subs on bilibili. Yogiri has her alternate outfit and first anniversary stream today too...
>>26936775Everyone except FBK, Aki and HoloEN did lose subscriber in Bilibili, including CN
>everyone elses avatars are moving and they're emoting, having an all around good time>kiaea's just there frozen and giving a penance stare
>>26936873Reminder that this land whale went bra-less to school once.
Okayu's going through Tenipuri withdrawal! Somebody do something!
>>26936814Couldn't stop Anschluss.
>>26936194loved the first 2 collabs this one is a bit weak. also, I remember the good thing about this game was the absolute ragdoll bullshit you could pull off. it seems they have "fixed" the game
>>26936885shes judging us all
>>26936791She's not an Eigo teacher, she's said she works at a Konbini.
>>26936636i can't watch any of her solo or kiara collab streams because of how stupid her voice and speech are.
>>26936873Mogu Mogu?
>>26936636nah i'm the same. i can listen to her music and it's alright, but when she's on stream it's an awful experience. it's really only how she speaks and acts. i don't have an issue with her character or taste in things.
>>26936897she was skinny in high school
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zX2lL47WceAHas any other holo made one of these "understand in 10 minutes" videos before? I've seen some for indies and niji but not for hololive.
>>26936905That was their doing though
Imagine if mori actually devolves into a non-functioning alcoholic through out her time at hololive and had to actually get sent to rehab
>>26936691>>26936818Everyone has an Iphone X, it's not that expensive you poorfagWow, an entire Iphone X. That's not even worth 1/10th of a single camera used on the set of Alita.
>>26936956Okayu has an old 3-minute one. But it's like a year old.
>>26936910Mori was fired from teaching after coming to work drunk
>>26936636>/v/ taste in video gamesWhat does that even mean
>Kiara 0, and acting clingyCock...
>>26936775they did lose a few subs, but Yogiri is still receiving fan stuff for her anniversary today like some of her fans did a cover of "Connecting" for her and stuff.
>>26936948How can she look better in high school than current one
>>26936948No she wasn't dumbo, that's her friend.
>>26937025She likes things that anon doesn't like.
>>26936996>and had to actually get sent to rehabMore like get sent to aunt Aki's
has Roberu or astel done any watch alongs before?
why did we let /hlgg/ newfags steal ogey rrat from us?
>>26936833haatons are the most powerful fanbase
>>26936959>>26936897festival looks like that?fuck, I wanna be a loli now
>>26936636>all those cons are pros
>>26937045seems like she went a little too far with her weight lost
>>26936873still would, don't @ me
>>26937096because you keep using it on newfags?
>>26936910I always thought that reaping/scythe lessons meant art/animation.
>>26937093Roberu did.
>>26936956Suisei has multiple.
>>26937093Roberu did a discovery channel watch along
>>26937096Anything Pekora/Gosling related is garbage anyway. Let them keep it.
>>26937139She should make a new one to understand Haachama.
>>26937167t. EOP
>>26937093Roberu does watch alongs of Discovery Channel shows, he even had Izuru on for one, and he did watch alongs of a few idolmaster live events.
>Kiara finally gets a new micYES PLEASE
>>26937107bobo mo
>>26937175No it was her part time job
>low subcount>high viewcount>high superchats countHow does Flare do it?
>>26937007I don't have an ifag because I'm not an ifaggot like you bitxh
>>26937167Preaching to the choir
Post fat cats.
>>26937218I'm actually a EFL
>>26936959Severe menherea alert then
>>26936762I'm not gonna sit through 4 meme reviews to find it so just don't believe me.
I thought the EN collab was fun, I think you guys just like to be mad.
>>26937243She run a religion
>>26937243>subs matters
>>26937243Playing tall rather than wide
Wow I can't believe what Pekora said about Aqua's new model.
>>26937282tits too big
>>26937310FUCK OFF
>>26937243Pity, she is the runt of the gen so her fans feel bad and try to "save" her
>>26937241*ahem*AHOGE LOVE
>Roboco has a chance to use her appearance on coco's meme review to boost her viewership>plays APEXCOME ON ROBOCO WHAT ARE YOU DOING
>>26937283Iofi that u?
>>26937315Yeah, it doesn't, btw be sure to send superchat for your oshi subs milestone!
>>26937310Yea it was ok even with the latency / live2d issues, wish chicken didn't try to sandbag so hard though.
>>26937272Keep being mad. The fact of the matter is that an Iphone X is like $600, that's nothing. It's a dirt cheap phone.
>>26937356AHOGE LOVE
>>26937354That's not Towa anonTorre...
how have the Subaru windwaker streams been? is it worth checking out on the archive
Subaru? Are you ok?
>go to /hlgg/ for the first time>get 50 (You)'s in 3 postsso easy
>it's been 61 minutesoof
>>26937310Minus the technical difficulties it was alright.
>>26937096They kill jokes, we got pardun now
I hope you've saved up for it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-j0J7TfFEU
>>26937282How will I survive without my fat cat?
>>26937397>latencyIt's Gang Beasts dude not Counter Strike
>>26937370I'm not surprised.
>>26937441stay there
>>26937423They are literally the same thing. Just one is a JOP pity party and the other EOP
>>26937282What's the appeal of Okayu? Is she Korone's horny counterpart?
>>26937370washing down a bad day
Subaru, is that you?
>>26937477How can a retard be so erotic?
>>26937243The view count is related to the holo happening, most of the top 10, got their videos deleted from youtube so their lose a lot of views, and flare can't fight against rushia SEA niggers.
>>26937498hell no that place is a shithole
>>26936636She reminds me of myself more than Matsuri and that's why she's more cringe for me. I'll muster enough willpower to watch a full stream one day Morifags.
>>26937441With doxxposting? thats too cheap
>>26937356I hope she's enjoying the rice and water...
>>26937400keep being retarded with your money ifag
>>26937356>>26937409I think we creeped her out, all the rice has been taken off the amazon wishlist.
That collab was so low energy I had to go rewatch Polka's concert to wake myself up.
>>26937495>Disliking /ourgal/ RBC-san,,,z-zehi...
based subaru saving us from being kanata
>>26937550I posted a single narrative I made up on the spot and got like 30 (You)'s lmao
>>26937566She probably took it off because she's gotten a month's supply of fucking rice lmao
omg roberu is so bad......
>>26937504She's your cute, relaxing gamer-bro with a nice voice. Yin to Korone's yang and all that. Also Korone's grooming project.
>>26937310It was okay, but nothing great about it. The tech problems are something common in their collabs but I expected them to solve them by now, something they haven't done.Next collab should be in either Calli or Gura's channel so lets see how they fare as MC.
I would still love Tortellini even if she had like 500k subs.Obviously she wouldn't love me as much anymore but I'd accept that for her popularity.
>>26937356AHOGE stream onegai
>>26937400600$ cheap...haha...
>>26937566>all the rice has been taken off the amazon wishlist.Why would she need any more if she has 80 servings you dumb fuck
>>26937477>haachama englishIs it even possible to fap to this?
>>26937566She took off Taiko too
How has Roberu not died from Lorithia yet
>>26937601she got like 12kg of the shit or something. rice for days
>>26937309and it's a good one
>>26937243people like earnest oneesan
https://youtu.be/0OtNQEpSeIALess than 4 hours.
she needs 150 people to watch 10, 1 hour streams to unlock monetization btwyou probably won't care though, you probably already forgotten who she is
>fanta grapegood taste
>>26937255>followed by quzilaxxxI-is it really her??
>>26937675Will be there in a bit, after this song.
>>26937668Because someone here bought it for herhttps://twitter.com/aooooooi_san/status/1309730316550991872?s=19
>>26937560I don't get it, any half decent Android phone is at least $600. To buy an even remotely good Android phone is $800-1000. What point are you trying to make?>>26937629Yes.
>>26937732If you really cared, you'd go spam her on reddit. They have more people there and it'd be easy.
>>26937668someone got it for her>>26937732guess what I'm doing right now
>>26937601>>26937645The poor architects that wont be able to force feed her rice anymore.
>>26937611>okayu>nice voice
>>26937495>profile picture>search boxsio...
>>26937732link then fag
>>26937748Jesus how fucking new can you be.
>>26937769not your fucking reps that's for sure
>>26937759>buying a 60 dollars game for some literal who when you could have supa'd your Holo oshi
>>26937584As a whole, they don't seem to click well. Ina/Shark/Watson seem to do well as a trio though.
>>26936775a little bit. I think the sadder thing is that Kiara got caught in the crossfire too while the other ENs didn't....
>>26937781I'll lend you this (you), but only because I feel like we've had this conversation before, and I'm starting to like it.
https://youtu.be/F5HtEXSzENQHave any holo cover L'Arc~en~Ciel??
OHNONONO brother zhang one of your chink friend is spamming subaru's chat
>>26937823the orange bad meme is real
>>26937748unironically tell me when you first started posting here
>>26937823bilibili numbers are irrelevant tho
>>26937773Can't believe he actually got it first try.
>>26937732When’s her next stream?
>>26937495>buenas noches caballeros
>>26937656It'll be Seiso Haato and it'll be so fucking hot I'll probably cum without even touching myself.
>>26937848Kiryu Coco
>>26937732I turn on her channel notification
>>26937848Coco's japanese karaoke is full of it because she loves the band very much
>>26937762that you're a dumbfuck consoomer. you can get a good midrange android for $400 or even less, or flagship tier if you're willing to root a xaiomi or just deal with the data harvesting. my nokia 9 pureview cost $350. learn how to spend wisely on depreciating assets, dumbfuck
>>26937831That's a weird thing to like
>>26937519Aren't girls cuter when they're slightly retarded?
>>26937804I unironically blow my money more on vidya than anything else, especially more than my oshi
>>26937804>paying 60 dollars for your oshi to get 20 dollars when you can just buy a bunch of their voice packsYou're wasting shit too
>>26937255Holy shit she’s still fat?
There are some holosThat I don't like I thought youshould know this fact ogey
>>26937823>The chinese believed Kiara was japanese because of her japanese only streamI really hope that's the case, as makes it funnier.
>>26937910I mean, it's cute, really.
>>26937823Its more like there are slightly more people unsubbing to kiara than subbing while the rest of the EN girls have higher sub rates.
When is mikochi coming back?
>>26937823>holos losing subs on bilibili>meanwhile nijis are gainingbased orange
>>26937876how does that even work
>>26937888M202...Cover please buy another model for a rocket launcher
>>26937902Poorfag cope, the post.>My Nokia 9 PureviewlolI bet you member in ARS.
>go to Coco's twitter>pull up any random tweet from the past 48 hours>scroll all the way downholy shit they're still at it. these people are really something else.
>>26937990She's almost finished with her voice training, so soon she'll be able to pick up where the old Miko left off.
>>26937950What the fuck? Coco really likes them. Towa is in there too.
>>26937902Apple products like iphines are objectively better because they make sure shit works jnstead of android where you have to test like 20 different variants of one android version
>>26937804>spend $60 to have someone read your name>spend $60 to buy someone a game they can streamIf the Holos weren't already well-off I'd rather buy them games to stream.
>>26937732why is anyone supposed to care about her out of the hundreds of other independents?
>>26937941You've already shown you have no sense of cuteness when you called Okayu cute.
>>26938032Don't post shit like this please.https://files.catbox.moe/swgydn.mp4
>>26938031it'll be around a month before they tire out/realize nobody gives a fuck. Even then there will be 2 or 3 every tweet for like a year.
>>26937992yousa is proof that not all chinese are bad
>>26938069Whatever you say, cutie.
>>26938031I don't understand why they're so upset about a tiny little island that is also the real China. It's not like it affects them personally.
>mikos hospitalization was due to tongue surgery>her voice comes back a little different>paul is dead memes never go away
>>26937923nohow new are you motherfuckers? go back to lurking
>>26938066/hlg/newbabb's first time seeing a bottom feeding vtuber
rbc....your stream.....
Which Holos are you following on Twitter?
>>26938114not a haiku
>>26938076I can't believe they kept this face for her new model...
I want to listen to Onion SLUUUUUURP Onion soup on stream.
Roberu is even more underleveled than Pekora when she reached this stageI thought Roberu was smarter than this?
>>26938132changing her face is as bad as changing matsuri's face
https://lp.vark.co.jp/futaride_miru_hololive/index.htmlthis is soonI really want to watch in VR, but it says Quest and PSVR onlyis anyone doing this?
>>26938114>tongue surgeryCan you actually do that? Real question.
>>26938123chad pickles deletes all her recent tweets
>>26938123I don't have a twirrer
>>26938120It's really fucking embarrassing. Please tell me she's at least posted in /vyt/ currently too. Don't tell me we're the first stop.
Towa is a retired idol, right?
>>26937566Don't think so, she got a shitton of food and probably won't need to buy it for a while since she most likely lives by herself, she did leave the snacks and the drinks so I doubt she was creeped out
>>26938150How much was she when she got to prison island? You get a decent chunk of exp from the bosses and enemies. He just leveled up one.
>>26938142You joke but she really did eat onion soup on stream. I think it was for her Jump King one.
>>26938123I don't see choco in this list bro
>>26938150God no, he put all points into charisma.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0iYVmuuwWkThis is hilarious. I can't believe I missed it last night.
>>26938183retired prostitutebut the classy kind not just a street whore
>>26937624There's a mega for her no-archive celebratory karaoke stream in the virtual youtubers thread if you missed it.
>>26938031How long did it take pekora's thing to blow over?
rbc has 3k viewers what happend?
>>26938183No? In fact she's the most idol-like of basically the entire group minus the having 2 boyfriends part
>>26938163I completely forgot about this. Probably because it cost money.
"and this is where i watch my luna streams"
>>26938183yeah all of gen 4 will be graduating soon, watame will join gamers, luna will join gen 0
>>26937255Festival so cute.collab with kson when
>>26938183Real answer, she was in a band so not an idol. She's still a whore though.
>>26938183Towa is my dad!
>>26938164Yeah, doctors had to remove my tongue when I was a kid.
>>26937356Time to thumbs-down and report her streams? If you say so...
>>26938123you're a creep and you should feel bad
>>26938183Towa already said she wasn't able to become an idol until now and is thankful for that chance due to her personality.
>Subaru's streaming>doxxpost instead
>>26938275COME TO BRAZIL
>>26938186Pekora was at 75-76 at this stage of her run
>>26937255>posting old menhera menheraposts>when there are new menhera menherapostshttps://twitter.com/masimasi0/status/1309709534076653568
>>26938188>jokeYes yes, very hard. Post it.
>>26938015I'd post my stock portfolio but you wouldn't believe it. I bought $10k of apple in 1998, thanks for making me a millionaire, retard :)>>26938054which is why every release of ios is a cluster fuck that bricks devices, causes cpu throttling, and is a buggy mess. right.
I'm watching Luna's latest cooking stream and it's comfy as fuck. Luna shuffling around in her slippers is somehow cute.
>>26938163I’m watching what may be my oshi’s last 3D performance on the phone app.
>>26937804im the guy who bought the literal who pikmin 3 and im akasupa'ing my oshi at her next milestone stream
>>26938301door stuck
>>26938293>due to her personality.whats wrong with her personality?
>>26938301im watching, shes being a dumb duck as usual
Bossu is going to celebrate 30k during the Escape Room 3D...
>Chinese spammer in Roberu's chat nowjokes on you VPNkid, the holostars channel isn't simulcasting Roberu
>>26938263>>26938293She has the voice of a Goddess so I figured it would only make sense if she was an idol at some point.
>>26937218>5th gen, the zatsudan gen>for EOPsAre you high?
>>26938225Cheers anon
>>26938301>sWatson, enhance!
>>26922384Wait, do people actually find Noel's personality sexy?, she's genuinely a retard and weird as fuck, not even her roommate can pretend to be convincingly seductive and always comes off as awkwardHer menhera isn't even hot since it comes from insecurity and self hate
>>26938324What are you doing here, old man? Don't you get tired of talking to kids that are young enough to be your kids?
>>26938229Next meme
>>26938356Not your typical idol, I guess. Towa said that herself.
Lets say you found out a roommates birthday, would it be poor form to send a akasupa on that day? From an alt account of course
>>26938353I wish Polka would have screamed "DOOR STUCK!" when Botan locked her out in L4D2, but I guess it's an English meme and not a Japanese one.
>>26938379You're assuming people here are emotionally smart/experienced enough to understand that.
>>26937356>>26937409Aww how sweet, she added the english spelling of her name to her channel
>>26937819Their chemistry has gotten worse if anything. The bird seems like she has zero confidence I guess those weirdos got to her.>>26938114Do you think she'll have to use her real voice or the surgery makes her Miko voice permanent?
>>26938363I saw that guy i dont even think roberu noticed
>>26932119sStay strong 35p! Every thread is a thread closer to her elite comeback!
how many boyfriends does towa have?
little does this china spammer know, Roberu doesn't read any comments that mention the girls
Now I need to see HoloJP, which are much better streamers, playing GangBeast as well.If they havent already.Maybe with Korone, Pekora, Miko, and someone else.
>>26938325I thought the stream died and she couldn't get it to work again so I missed it. Not getting any notification for the continuation stream didn't help either
>>26938363why roberu...
>>26938429She likes the pizza dick
This thread is worse than /hlgg/ what the fuck happened?
>>26938418She's already planning to pleasure English oji-sans for their rice.
why does this tomboy make cute cough sounds
>>26938379I like weird and retarded people
>>26938429278,000 all me
>>26936013Anon please tell me you don't know....
>>26938418I know an anon mentioned that she should add an english spelling for her channel for better YouTube SEO. Glad she did it.
>>26938470Close enough to dead hours. The only good people here are the duckbros right now.
>>26938379big nippon milkies
>>26937823>chinks finally give kiara what she wants, to be holoJP>aqua is for chinks more than chinks are for chinks
https://youtu.be/SRs9tr_OSfA?t=2880For my fellow luna members. Enjoy the response.
>>26938418Stop posting it here fag, don't attract more unwanted attention.
>yesterday meido went nuclear >nowhere to be seen today
>>26938402I mean, if it comes from a place of genuine appreciation, just send them a normal akasupa on their holo account, no added context, or maybe a congratulations (that mostly depends on how public their roommate's birthday is, you don't want to creep them out)and if they have a roommate with a way to donate to them, sure, it doesn't even have to be from an alt account, most of them genuinely don't care if their fans are blunt about it
>>26938379I just like watching her have fun
>>26938252Gen 5 is already considering adopting her tho
>>26938301Stop saving thumbnails you poser
>>26938470I would say that is the same, /hlgg/ is fighting about the chicken
>>26932816it is one on one, boitch
>>26937992haha its menherachan
>>26938379The video where she pretends to jerk off two guys by using two mics was really awkward, she does makes them nearly unfappable.
>>26938418Delete this post anon. You don't want to trigger any more schizos
>>26938531>tfw not a lunaitofucking end me
how do I get a retarded japanese gf
What was the name of that artist that festival retweeted porn of again? I m combing through her twitter and cant find it
>>26937370I legit wonder why she stopped playing other games. I dont even think that losing more viewers would make her stop. At this point its like watching a junkie.Same for Ayame, but at least Ayame plays Mario Kart sometimes.
>>26938418>>26938511She was at around 800 subs before the musedash stream wasn't she? Our girl is inclining hard
>>26938596A B A Y O
So now that Q4 is approaching, what are we going to get before the end of the year? I suspect we'll get outfits for gen 4, gen 5 3D, a small new gen for JP like Gamers, and ID gen 2.
>>26938418anons better not drop her after giving her hope
>>26938418TOO LATETime make this bitch cryThanks for feeding me fresh meat to destroyretards
>>26938531>members onlyTime to join i guess.
>>26938614You will have to be a bit more specific than that, she's done it a lot
>>26938630>ID gen 2they wont do another one on a failed market
If Mio had a shrine dedicated toward her, what exactly would you pray for?
>>26938607just type in her chat in all caps to come to you
>>26938669they literally did auditions and hired people already.
>>26938313When she got to Prison Island she was 73, and was at 75 when she got to dickson
https://youtu.be/woDZZB8cZKM?t=501Our daughter is so talented!
>>26938624I saw someone say it was around 750 when the Musedash stream was going on. We've definitely helped put her out there and there's others finding her now.
>>26938379I'm here just for the milkers
>>26938630Maybe they'll finally get around to doing Subaru's 2nd Anniversary 3D stream
>>26938669Unfortunately they will
>>26938619At least Ayame has her god-tier laugh.
>>26938436Subaru, Mio and 2 others to bully Subaru while Mio giggles.
>>26937823I'm surprised Kiara has any Bilibili subs at all considering her roommate had posted about HK before
you're all making a big mistake
>>26938630They've already said that they aren't going to do any new gens for a while after ID gen 2.
>>26938653But anon, what about the implicit respect for others as defined by the social contact?
tits yo
>>26938663It was either ealier this week or last week, it was three pics of her having a dick underneath her crotch while wearing shorts and sucking a dude off
>>26938669You're retarded.
>>26938630A hololive album. Towa doing recording can only be one thing.
>>26938531Member of both so this isn't exactly news but it's still good to hear from Luna's end.What an inappropriate use of an akasupa though. Bad Lunaito.
>>26938742I never consented
I had a dream where I was dating Lamy but she was actually a vampire who wanted to rip my throat out and now when I see her I feel uneasy
>>26938669>3 100k subs>failed market
>>26938702You just gave her more unwanted attention from this thread fag, just go to /vyt/.
>>26937243She donates to herself.
>>26938702Glad I was viewing this in real time
Is doxxposting ok now or why is this thread full of it?
>>26938436>Korone and Peko ever being in the same stream for more than five minutesGood joke
>>26938774at least im not an INdog lmao
>>26938733The chinks aren't very good at doxxing, they think exposing Coco's roommate is some sort of massive revelation
>>26938550And once again I miss all the good shit. A quick rundown?
>>26938775Please make this happen. Even better when they invite lot more holos
>>26938676Headpats and warm smiles
>>26938800Good on ya. I'll go help in a bit.
https://files.catbox.moe/ye1i88.mp4How many holos/homos has Yagoo molested?
>>26937823>KiaraBitch deserves it, she still hasn't made in improvements while the others have got their shit together
>>26938816Some anons got a 30 day ban for talking about an indie chuuba here
>>26938226I think peko ended up apologizing and linking the original bili vids. You know Cover will end up apologizing at some point even if Coco doesn't herself doesn't.
american hour?why is the thread so toxic
>>26938702I really like her model
>>26938436Peko, Miko, Nene and Polka, maximum violence
>>26938487genki and she's cute
>>26938702Told you, fucking faggot, too many schizos here.
>>26938669Retardchama, they already did an audition and hired new people
>>26938799Back to the cuckshed, dumb seibah
>>26938103This is the thing. I don't think it matters for them if it doesn't affect them personally. I've seen exactly two comments that tried to make a real argument. One was that you would care too if California or something tried to suceed independence. But no, I as an American don't give a single fuck because it doesn't got shit to do with me. The other was that the majority of them are just upset because of the rest of the Holos being banned off BB for a month. The first one is a cultural thing, and it's just one that you and I will never understand if you're American. We were raised to value our individual selves, they were probably raised to value the nation. The second makes a lot more sense, I get where they're coming from. But making Coco the target of all the shit don't make no sense. Especially after the Asacoco in question was already censored.
>>26938702Did my part
>>26937243People meme about Watame or Towa ruining a cult, but Flare genuinely runs one, she has without a doubt the most loyal fanbase, and honestly i can see that, her one zatsudan where she just opened up nearly made me fall in love, she's quite literally prefect
>>26938779A bad superchat but she handled it well. I just thought it was funny how it sounded like she took a picture of it.
>>26938367Only EOPs can imagine that gen 5 are somehow more entertaining than EN in their mind because they don't understand Japanese.
I've come to make an announcment. Minato Aqua is a bitch ass motherfucker. She blew up my fucking mob grinder. That's right, she used her dirty hands and blew up my fucking mob grinder, and she said the creeper was "this big", and I said that's disgusting peko.
>>26938819YAGOO onegai
>>26938379The fact that she's retarded makes me feel like a scummy sexual predator exploiting her. It makes me incredibly hard. Also oppai.
https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1310086090036932608?s=19I wonder if this is related to the Taiwan shitshow
>>26938702Stop being a retard and don't drag more schizos to this thread
>nobody in JP can even read Chinese>spam their chats with Chinese messages telling them to apologize to China
>>26938748Is that her entire appeal
I don't understand. I just don't understand. We've got holos streaming right now, yet people would rather talk about indies? For someone you wouldn't even know or care about if the thread didn't decide to make a big deal about simply out of boredom? Why do you people even come to these thread?
Is posting my cute indie a recipe for disaster that will lead to her being raided by EOPs and BRs?
>>26938856>Rikka was watchingHe got molested too
>>26938856True neutral...
>>26938920yeah, she hates chinks who knew
I wish 109 made more 110 fanart.
>>26938892>her one zatsudan where she just opened up nearly made me fall in love, she's quite literally prefectwhat did she say
>>26936636>being filtered by her boomer reaper personalmao
>>26938856yagoo what did you do...
>>26938934Not you too faggot, and you're not complaining about irlfaggotry. Just tie that rope aready.
>>26938933yeah and she has a soft voice. she was a comfy watch when watching her minecraft stream
>>26938379I want her to beat me up
>>26938928They can at least the kanji...r-right?
>>26938920>i was planning on it, but unfortunately no more.kek based chicken
>>26938596What a rebel!
>>26938903That doesn't make sense tard.
>>26938863It's almost burger time here in America, we are taking early naps at this time typically.
>>26938856Yagoo what the fuck did you do, I thought you had a wife
mommy says i need to go night night bye guys
>>26938862she also did a Bilibili stream. I'm surprised HololiveCN management hasn't issued a statement yet, they've issued their own ones before similar to that one time ID management decided to tell everyone that lewds are haraam
>>26937243She has the best legs in hololive.
>>26938980Don't forget top tier bullying material for horror games.
>>26938920I kneel Kiara-chanspit on the fucking chinks
>>26938963Mori reminds me of a venture brothers character
>>26938164Yes they can, they'll snip the tissue/frenulum that's causing the short tongue problem. And will take weeks to heal and she still needs to train her voice and tongue movement exercises again carefully, because if she's not careful the scarring will open up and will cause bleeding.
>>26938669https://www.hololive.tv/indonesiaIf niji keeps on pumping out chuubas that are still in the 10k range. Hololive has no problem pumping it out new ones
>>26938928It's like when retards try to backseat them in English and flood their chats with "help" when most of them can't understand it at all.
>47 image slots left???????
>went to watch Mio streams for the first time ever>all her old streams are still lost to the voidWell that sucks.
>>26938856How his voice broke down a bit at the end really sells it
>>26939060THANK YOU
>>26939066Do you know Pekora?
>>26939012Is the issue worse than we thought? I don't think Coco deserves to get punished for a silly accident
>>26939085My autism princess
>>26938892To this day I still wonder how did she achieve that. No GF experience like Rushia. No long ass streams like Watame. No reason to defend her like Towa etc etc. Is this really power of comfy zatsudans and chill personality?
>>26938856>hello my talents, it's time to play some table tennis>I'm the table
Anyone here happen to know the nationality of Gawr Gura?Cause the monkies over in the global thread keep giving non-answers.
I would go to Towa-sama's live concert.
>>26938960Don't worry, there will be more 110 fanart once (((they))) are kicked out of America.
>>26939124it's her
>>26939130I bet it was in her fucking food drawer, half-eaten.
>>26939085>Flare beat DK2 almost 2 hours quicker than FubukiI wonder if Flare did it to make Fubuki feel even worse.
>>26939124She's from Atlantis
>>26939066Time to post images you fucks
>>26939120Flare has a nice personality
ANNOUCEMENTwatch Subaru onegaiThat is all.
>>26939115it's not just Coco that did it, Haachama did the exact same thing two days ago --- while simulcasting on Youtube and Bilibili
>>26939124you can hear her accent here https://youtu.be/-yquNvFEy54
>>26939151burgers go to sleep QQQQQQQQQQ
>>26938947Yes. Now post her already fucko.
aquas long lost gun cousin!
>>26939125who doesn't?
>>26939124its HER
>>26938999nipworshipping EOPs who don't understand the language make up a scenario in their head that JP are more fun when EN streams are exactly what JP are except in English.
>>26939195isnt this better
I cant wait for tonight
I hope someone uses Pekora's slimeball farm to make a sticky piston/slime block trap that kills Pekora.
was it just me or did aqua sound more autistic than usual yesterday
forgot to post thisanyone else got the final numbers? this was a bunch of minutes before the end of the stream
>>26938920Fuck, we could have had the holos play Genshin Impact. Fuck. I believe in FBK. She'll play. It's a gacha. She'll definitely play.
>>26939196DamnI'm now a chumbud
>>26938676Her womb and Marine's
>>26939124Yes, it's herhttps://files.catbox.moe/zk248r.mp3
>>26939155>>26939210it's not her
>Shien coming into Roberu's chat telling him to play Smash Bros with him>Roberu says he wants to do Blazblue instead
>>26939249what. the. fuck.
>>26939249It was over 5k.
>>26939194Coco seems to catch all the heat here. If it's ever revealed that she did it on purpose to take heat off of Haachama, I'm dropping an akasupa.
>>26939234i want to cuck suisei with anemachi
Cocochin... i criedhttps://files.catbox.moe/g5kq02.mp4
>>26939253why the fuck would you subject your oshi to that shitshow
>>26939221I want Coco to sit on my face and give me the sweet release of death from asphyxiation by butt
>>26939206who's this cutie
>>26939195You joke but I would unironically love for Choco to do this to me.
I love this retarded baby
>>26939201[Spoiler]https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi1A7ffg3pcx4ro64dv_IYAShe's like a less autistic Towa
>>26939125Towa Solo Live in person concert... Budoukan please.
>>26939120>No GF experience like Rushia.it might not be straight up GF experiments, but she really does sell the chill oneesan role, her streams are the one that feel the most like hanging out with a friend >No long ass streams like Watame.She does have the most streaming hours out of her gen >Is this really power of comfy zatsudans and chill personality?Yes, she's just a really likable person as a whole, it might not be instant like with other holos, but if you watch her for a prolonged amount of time it's imposible not to get incredibly endeared to her, specially when she's so receptive to chat
>>26938780fair enough
>>26939206What does that make Thunder then?
>>26939281oki doki boomer
I don't understand the hate Towa gotshe only sucked dickwhat's wrong with sucking dick
>>26938920Probably permissions
>>26939249And Festival appeared at the end of the birthday stream
>>26938863>toxicwhere do you people come from?
I love 35chi.
>>26939310>LGBT no thanks not even worth downvoting
>>26939249these are the playboard numbers for the whole day if you really want to see
>>26939249Stop embarrassing yourself, ghoufaggot got 3M during his birthday celebration.
>>26939350from niconico
>>26939334nice, thank you anon
roberu down
Obligatory image
>>26939277She's adorable
>>26939322I find it ironic that her and Aruran are the most chillest personalities in Hololive.
>>26939218Lamy caters to my mommy and drugging fetishMori is funny because shes pretty much a egem boomerBotan the same but she plays fps and is chillIna is nice and comfy as well as srtGawr is literally fucking borningAmelia is mehKiara literslly filters me with her design more than anytning else
The Coco situation is actually way worse because the chinks cant watch live restreams of events like Aqua's new costume or Gen 3 home 3D yesterday. All of the Hololive chinese fanbase is blaming Coco for this which is retarded, but its funny that Coco made new antis out of thin air with just one moment of numberfagging. Taiwan isnt even important to the discussion anymore they just want Coco to KNEEL for fucking up but the bitch is really innocent this time since its google showing the stats and bilibili being retarded. Heck, the real fault lies with the Coco team on bilibili for live restreaming an asacoco episode, but the chinks have low IQ to think of that.
>>26939285that's been the theory about it, sort of like Fubuki's "boyfriend" announcement after Towa's incident was meant to redirect anger onto her. I don't think we'll know for sure but the timing can't be a coincidence
>>26939310What the fuck with some fags that can't even spoilers these days?
>>26939249Is there a roberu punching kuzuha edit yet?
When's the miko memba only vid why no date yet
>>26939334>>26939367>more than Marine and NoelBased, he fucking earned every bit of it too, instead of just coasting off being a girl.
>>26939371hey hey heywe don't have to talk about that
>>26939276Towa-sama I kneel.
>both Shuba and Roberu are buffering for JP viewersNooooo
https://youtu.be/alBFy5brftwBOOM POW
>>26939288>>26939234>old office lady past her expiration dateacquire taste
>>26939410Based coco finally purging the chink menace
>>26936379Streaming on Twitch can do fuck all to hurt Artia. You can't spam dislikes and it's not against the TOS to mention Taiwan. Her numbers didn't budge and she got loads of subs. Why not stream?
>>26938630>Q4The days get shorter and my joints get creekier.
>>26939155>>26939168>>26939196>>26939210>>26939277ok but really
My oshi will finally achieve her biggest goal for this year soon. I'm very glad for her.
Hope the new place is everything she wants. She deserves only the best.
>>26939437I'm getting the hamster wheel too
>>26939341I really wanted her to be in the 3D escape room stream...
>>26939437also roboco
>>26939350Hugbox at /hlgg/
>>26939428And you can stop numberfagging about Roberu, faggot.
Our daughter added romanji to her channel name
>>26939249Unless the niji had a birthday celebration as well it means literally nothingYou numberfags who don't get context are retarded
anyone got the videos of this channel archived?https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCONWtQyRZCTSUQfZ31UY-xw
>>26938961It was fucking lot. it's over 4 hours long, some highlights were >How she did programming and web design as a hobby>Jump manga>What she likes in people >Schoolife and how hardworking people have different expectations places on them >Lolis >Her insecurities and how hololive is slowly helping her get over them >How much Noel and FBK mean to her It was all around stellar and just a good showing what makes Flare so likeable, also a very out of place to an extend given how little she talks about herself
Is youtube fucking up or my net is just shitty as usual?
>>26939410Yeah why wont the REAL CN FANS blame coco's bilibili team for this?
>>26939462Begone dream demon
>everything is just loading
>>26939462I want to hold hands with Sora
>japs making Subaru think the stream is laggingIt didnt lag a single time for me, so I dont get why it would lag for them with much better internet speed.
>>26939491that was just that doxxfag loser channel wasn't it?
Please sub to ねね
>>26939475hey hey heyI'm definitely not stopping
>>26939310>been at it for almost a year>170 subs well that's fucking depressing also you need to wait for a live stream and post that if you actually wanna shill
>>26938676Love and comfort, also fluffy mommy gf
>>26939479kys faggot, someone already posted that. Here's (You). Now fuck off and stop bringing more schizos during slow hours.
>>26939496>>26939507Youtube is fucked for me too.
>>26939455Yeah but will she have a stream for it?
>Subaru taking a break because yt fucked up
>>26939491Who's that?
I sincerely hope you all die, you shitposting cunts.