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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 104 KB, 408x453, 2186EE9A-F978-4A0C-B55F-45591B345156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26644642 No.26644642 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guyz

>> No.26644646
File: 419 KB, 1848x2048, contest-img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright fags, we're doing this. Deadbeats sing "Excuse My Rudeness, But Could You Please RIP?"
Please upload your acapella versions of the track to vocaroo, or a similar audio hosting platform.
Email submissions to CalliopeMori@cumallover.me
Will mix it up on 10th of October, and submit it to Calli's contest before the cutoff.

Original song - https://youtu.be/5y3xh8gs24c
Instrumental - https://youtu.be/-sihZLgIO_k (Description, linked under remix materials)
Lyrics (with romaji for EOPs) - https://pastebin.com/zemTGw95

>> No.26644647
Quoted by: >>26644708


>> No.26644650
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1600441502932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26644651

>off topic image
anon you had one job

>> No.26644652
File: 570 KB, 1280x720, __fujiwara_chika_and_mori_calliope_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_nai_ladybug__861d0f9186f6845427a564a6e7d0bfa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow the Reaper

>> No.26644655

reminder to play ffxiv to get your own Ina gf
t. not square enix

>> No.26644658
Quoted by: >>26644707

shark sex

>> No.26644660
File: 606 KB, 2000x3000, 84498541_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scissor with Ina Ina Inaaaaa~

>> No.26644662

Next stream when?

>> No.26644664
File: 51 KB, 680x521, inanis pancakes lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26644665
File: 113 KB, 872x1242, 1600523281943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ina a cute!

>> No.26644666


>> No.26644667

Antichamber would probably be really fun to see her do since it's also pretty absurdist with it's puzzles / gameplay

>> No.26644670 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 202x174, 1600593858817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the way to 400k and nobody can stop me

>> No.26644672
File: 33 KB, 474x474, 4288f17ee25b909430fb7e707d961d0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26644749

>tfw you realize chicken could have been an Asuka

>> No.26644676
File: 101 KB, 1003x1148, 1600245849779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26644677
Quoted by: >>26644738

has anyone actually sent you one yet?

>> No.26644680

Just found out Ina's real name, it was KIM JONG HMM!!!

>> No.26644681
Quoted by: >>26646699

I'd post it if I was sure it wouldn't get me a ban. But it's great and makes me want to fuck the squid even more.

>> No.26644682
Quoted by: >>26646460


>> No.26644683
File: 219 KB, 354x692, 1600607760774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I belev et.... I belev Gura loves me!

>> No.26644684
File: 797 KB, 1000x1413, 0d3cbfc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Amelia /ourgirl/?

>> No.26644685

>still no naizuri Ina lewd
What are these japs doing

>> No.26644687
Quoted by: >>26644698

I did

>> No.26644688
File: 248 KB, 535x532, Smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26644689
File: 381 KB, 1920x1080, 1537036355263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26644989

I wish we would have a regular autist keeping a forever expending list like in Girls Last Tour thread

>> No.26644690

the chicken is the final result of the rabbits cruelty.

>> No.26644691
File: 468 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_2512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26644692

did people actually get that upset about the purity shark

>> No.26644695
File: 233 KB, 1600x1010, based coomer nip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to do your reps, anon!

>> No.26644696
File: 257 KB, 442x402, ina ame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the narrative schizo's are trying to spin into some kind of drama

>> No.26644698


>> No.26644699
File: 786 KB, 1084x999, 1600526985325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645462

don't forget your daily listen, anon

>> No.26644700
File: 871 KB, 1395x913, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok this is "ebin"

>> No.26644701

There's a shit ton of girls that play on it for sure, JP or NA.

>> No.26644704

>actually look at the upload date of some of Mori's roommates songs I've been jamming to this past week
>february, february, march 2020
Jesus fuck, bless this hardworking woman.

>> No.26644706

Next expansion will overhaul the Party Finder to be the Ina GF Finder! Pre-order as soon as possible and get a free Ina pet!

>> No.26644707

With me.

>> No.26644708


>> No.26644710

She has great taste in girls, absolute chad.

>> No.26644711

Mostly Gura rape.

>> No.26644714
File: 2.20 MB, 1497x2000, 84494933_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26644712
File: 576 KB, 802x800, 1581730629839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645348

'ate barracudas
'ate fisherman
'ate alligators
love my shark
love my squid
love my detective
simple as

>> No.26644715


English Only Haachama. A weapon to surpass metal ~~gura~~ gear!

>> No.26644716

How have they done this already

>> No.26644718
File: 913 KB, 1552x2048, 1572373669658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I despise human life? Something really I ain't thought of
But I die inside a little when we say "じゃあ、また"

>> No.26644719

Reminder that if you watch Ina you support North Korea by extension. Do not support Communism.

>> No.26644721 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 2.35 MB, 3327x3259, 1600621401087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26644722
Quoted by: >>26644760

I want her to play Halo ODST
>Investigation story
>Comfy jazzy OST
>Noir setting

>> No.26644727

Peach vtuber when?

>> No.26644729
Quoted by: >>26644903

Holo schedules




>> No.26644731


>> No.26644732
File: 118 KB, 294x388, it hurts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will never be able to hear Ina 'hmm hmm' while scissoring with her

>> No.26644733

Antichamber is probably the best streaming game around, I'm surprised more vtubers haven't pounced on it.

>> No.26644734

i was thinkin the same thing.

>> No.26644735
File: 147 KB, 386x450, 1575117111937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away Squeenix, before I make an edit of this

>> No.26644736
Quoted by: >>26644756


>> No.26644737
File: 889 KB, 554x1199, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26644759

Another submission


>> No.26644738

Unfortunately not. I'll give it another day or so of ritualposting, and if there's still 0 interest, I'll can it.

>> No.26644739

Kimoojisanchads...I kneel.

>> No.26644741


>> No.26644742

Korone, i kneel. HoloEN can’t compete

>> No.26644740

>Cosplay a character.
>Photoshop the shit out of yourself to the point that you might as well just look at a drawn picture.

>> No.26644743

imagine the smell..

>> No.26644744

>the cucksan comments

>> No.26644745


>> No.26644746
Quoted by: >>26644915

I want to marry this slut!

>> No.26644747
File: 72 KB, 463x453, peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645435


>> No.26644749

Don't you mean Nazuca?

>> No.26644750

Woah I'm thinking based

>> No.26644753

wtf why
that's so rude to ina

>> No.26644756


>> No.26644757
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 20200918_143203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is always discourse on the fact that you can't show your face if you want to be a Vtuber, but has everyone just brushed that aside since we know the faces of some of the EN ones now?

>> No.26644759

How long until we get some big name like Mowtendoo to make a contribution ? That'd be sick

>> No.26644760

I want her to actually finish half-life and not get filtered by the boat.

>> No.26644764
File: 163 KB, 1000x1386, aklg260xkbm51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there's nothing at all today right?

>> No.26644767
Quoted by: >>26644811

I take it back.
After rewatching Guras DD she indeed got much better in terms of game immersion.
Though i kinda fail the idea of the autotune stuff is she used it so rarely and feels like sometimes even forgot that was a gimmcik she set up.

>> No.26644769

>Ina - I love you all
I made the grossest laugh at this

>> No.26644773
File: 715 KB, 858x1200, 84432054_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kiara.

>> No.26644774
File: 1.03 MB, 2324x4096, 56643453543435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26644890

Give me an injection doctor!

>> No.26644777
Quoted by: >>26644810

Does this count as an abayo?

>> No.26644780
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1600079279003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So thats where she keeps them

>> No.26644781
Quoted by: >>26646023

Well SilvaGunner superchatted Kiara

>> No.26644782
Quoted by: >>26645468

She signs her name with that pretty often. It's a running gag.

>> No.26644785
File: 65 KB, 463x453, 1598904751035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645435

>Green Tea Neko

>> No.26644786
File: 71 KB, 650x310, support smalltime streamers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26644792
File: 1006 KB, 1200x1281, 1600549872198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26644793
Quoted by: >>26644847

Kanye's hard at work at his submission as we speak.

>> No.26644796

EN Gen 2 looks like THAT?

>> No.26644798
File: 27 KB, 128x128, EhynXv6UMAE3ijh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26644800


>> No.26644802
Quoted by: >>26644915

Who is this n...goofy-looking skelesis?

>> No.26644803


>> No.26644808

>5am EST

>> No.26644810
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x720, 1570348792292.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26644842

guess we found out

>> No.26644811
Quoted by: >>26644889

Most of the streams people have issues with are better upon rewatching them, its literally this threads autism warping your mind

>> No.26644813
File: 264 KB, 975x697, 88694866464168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26644854

>This is the face Ame gives you when she gets a real rare coupon.
I hope you guys are doing your counterfeiting reps.

>> No.26644820 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 960x720, AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINEjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*glass breaks* DUN-DUN DUN-DUN DUN-DUN

>> No.26644828
File: 305 KB, 1243x1754, EiDilfeWsAMM2Wr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that she liked this on twitter only like a day after her debut

>> No.26644829
File: 14 KB, 579x536, 1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26644831

For some reason they all took a break on a sunday of all days yeah

>> No.26644835

dangerous amounts of gura rape

>> No.26644836

Will we ever get En Holostars, and do I already know the reason why not?

>> No.26644840

She finds her own character super hot

>> No.26644841

The latter.

>> No.26644842
File: 298 KB, 365x472, 1600202204218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26644882

Don't worry, I did it myself.

>> No.26644847

>Kanye makes a shitposting contribution
>Elon Musk starts shitposting about Hololive on twitter
>Grimes put on a Gura profile picture on twitter
please, no

>> No.26644849


>> No.26644850
Quoted by: >>26645591

Newfag please you cant go on like this its not healthy

>> No.26644854
Quoted by: >>26647205

But there are no real rare coupons nowadays

>> No.26644856

Fuck lmao

>> No.26644859

If you were a vtuber, what games would you play and what would your schedule be like? Personally I would make 8h Factorio endurance streams a weekly occurrence.

>> No.26644861

why will they do it after the massive flop homostars has been so far?

>> No.26644865

yes, be sure to do your acting reps

>> No.26644866
Quoted by: >>26644898

It's true that there are a shitton of female players in XIV BUT.
I was in a Swedish fc for many years and I can honestly not recall a single woman that didn't join with her boyfriend besides one tranny.
Not that I would want to look for a partner in XIV anyway. I separate my personal life and gaming.

>> No.26644867

The problem is that with a lot of walking simulators is that they can get very boring quickly. Superliminal worked because there were lots of perspective changes and visual trickery that kept things interesting.

I mean, I like Talos Principle but I'm not sure how you'd turn it into an interesting stream.

>> No.26644870

the schedule... onegai...

>> No.26644871


>> No.26644872

Not that hard to sew some stuff on a blue hoodie and dye a wig, Gura's design is less than complex

>> No.26644875

The baba stream would unironically fit right in if you slapepd some 2d chick on top

>> No.26644878

but its HER

>> No.26644877

>angry gamer goblin pervert

>> No.26644880
Quoted by: >>26644998

Woah there deadbeat. I'll work on mine tomorrow, okay?
Hell, you could do it all on your own as a fuck you to us.
Also, keep in mind people's tendency to procrastinate. If submissions will start pouring in at any time, it'll be just before the cut-off date.

>> No.26644879
Quoted by: >>26644948

Hope you're ready for next year's Superbowl Halftime Show feat. Calliope Mori.

>> No.26644882
File: 303 KB, 1000x1000, inayaya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You crafty tentacult bro

>> No.26644887
File: 97 KB, 463x453, 1596307325308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645435

>Pekora scuba-diving in the background

>> No.26644889

I didn't have issue with that stream in particular.
I had issues with all of her previous ones except muse dash and supareading.

>> No.26644890
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, djvhkjdhkjhfkjah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right Watson should play Policenauts.

>> No.26644893

I don't actually like playing videogames, that's why I prefer watching cute anime avatars do it for me.

>> No.26644899

Wouldn't it be better to become an artist to get an Ina gf? To be someone that's good and communicates with other fellow artists, making contacts and meeting other qt girls like Ina? Then branching out into games together for mutual fun.

>> No.26644898
Quoted by: >>26645001

there's your problem, though I heard there's lots of single horny german girls

>> No.26644900


>> No.26644903

>No Civia bilibili
Who is the retard posting this?

>> No.26644906

Did they all really take a break on the same fucking day?

>> No.26644908

So when is niggerman gonna be considered official character lore for Ina?

>> No.26644907

where do I follow virtual ojii-sans

>> No.26644909

The EN auditions were for both Hololive and Homostarts.
Who knows if they found enough promising talent to go ahead with it though

>> No.26644910


>> No.26644912

>No Amelia of Amelia performing naizuri on Ina using a cucumber while Ina looks nervous.

>> No.26644915
Quoted by: >>26645042

Hell Knight Ingrid is for peeing in and impregnating.

>> No.26644922

Artia is

>> No.26644923


>> No.26644926

Have a break have a kitkat

>> No.26644928
File: 3.66 MB, 1500x1500, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will JP greet the EN girls when the time comes?

>> No.26644929

you dont want it, last time hlg tried singing it was hunterxhunter tier and this thread has even more low-level weebs with likely dogpile pronunciation
it isnt even cringe, just offputting

>> No.26644930

Perhaps it's not so much of a break as an extended meeting without coffee

>> No.26644931

so which holoEN will get the annoying chat moms once they start doing longer streams?

>> No.26644934

they are doing their church reps

>> No.26644936

Art trades are your foot in the door

>> No.26644942

Platformers mostly, maybe some roguelikes too for longer streams

>> No.26644941

These breaks are determined by their managers, anon.
Though yes, it's a little weird that they chose to have back to back breaks on a weekend when they'd have the most viewership.

>> No.26644943
Quoted by: >>26645008

God that must feel good.

>> No.26644945


>> No.26644946
File: 80 KB, 636x900, EiB3uu-U4AA4WAO.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645039


>> No.26644947
File: 69 KB, 495x478, 1600482043825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645010

>no streams today
This sucks...guess I'll do my workout reps early

>> No.26644948

I can't believe Gura is going to solve the North Korean crisis and receive the Nobel peace prize

>> No.26644949
Quoted by: >>26645008

This is great

>> No.26644951
Quoted by: >>26644998

I was gonna submit one, just waiting until I'm home alone so no one hears me

>> No.26644953

Gura design its very minimalist

>> No.26644952


>> No.26644958


>> No.26644961
Quoted by: >>26645040

I'd assume a lot of streamers get filtered by how abstract it is, although it looks like it'd be right up Amelia's alley regardless; also I doubt permissions would be a big issue since it's an indie.

>> No.26644962

God damn it, Ina, give me another drawing stream already.

>> No.26644963

>not a Grimes and Ina bloodborne collab

>> No.26644966

I'd bet on gura ez

>> No.26644967

Dear lord no the thought of this makes me want to die.

>> No.26644968

Who doesn't.

>> No.26644971

Some of them were going pretty hard with really no breaks since their debut streams.
It's normal they are tired and worn out, their stream/break times won't line up like that anymore a few weeks from now.

>> No.26644974

If Watson played Snatcher would the Gosling posts start up again?

>> No.26644975

Which HoloEN will be the first to come to Brazil?

>> No.26644977

1hr of skullgirls, i go online, i lose, i get pissed off, end stream

>> No.26644980
File: 110 KB, 640x799, IMG_1598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Gura creates world peace and marries me

>> No.26644985

there might be a random stream or two later but it seems like they're taking a break today.

>> No.26644989

You mean like that >>26644664 ?
But you should know Yuuanon is way too strong, weak ass vtuber love will never match his.

>> No.26644990
Quoted by: >>26645022

Hopefully the Reaper, she good really improve the place.

>> No.26644991


>> No.26644992

Portal/Portal 2 and regular playthroughs of Half Life 2 mods

>> No.26644994

Blessed post and new ritual

>> No.26644995

I admire your persistence Anonchama.

>> No.26644996
File: 196 KB, 1680x1050, 1600392064430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beyond any doubt

>> No.26644997

I feel like it would be way easier to just become a pair with your healer/tank since being an artist actually takes hard work and/or talent

>> No.26644998
Quoted by: >>26645231

Gotcha. Will keep it going then. I was looking for signs of interest, and it's clear now there is interest for it.

>> No.26644999
File: 9 KB, 415x144, kiara superchat reading comment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26645001

Well there were more single ones when I played WoW but I don't see why anyone would want someone that spends endless hours playing MMO's- oh...

>> No.26645003
Quoted by: >>26645121

Well not Gura, she hates monkeys.

>> No.26645004

I feel fortunate I only know two out of three you mentioned.

>> No.26645006
File: 414 KB, 1200x1281, 1600607482959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image the deep breathing and panting Ina would do while making love. All the times she would Hmm Hmm at you, when you pleasure her in just the right way, as she bites her lip and holds you with her slender hands.
For a second imagine her shaking as she climaxes and then going completely shy as she thanks you profusely like a complete dork, and then turning completely red when you giggle and ask her why she's thanking her partner for making her feel good.


>> No.26645008
Quoted by: >>26645046

w-what was it?

>> No.26645009

It made /hlgg/ KNEEL to her in less than 24 hours, so yes

>> No.26645010 [DELETED] 

Want to give Chima a listen? https://youtu.be/UFu3dw1Qcpg

>> No.26645011
Quoted by: >>26645033

I'm fine with JP and EN collbas so long as it's not with Coco or Haato

>> No.26645014
Quoted by: >>26645067

Which girl will be the first to play a from software game? I want to see chicken or amelia try them.

>> No.26645015

The way Mori say Teehee Bitch in her debut song. I am dying from her cuteness. Bros i cant take it ...

>> No.26645016

biweekly fighting game streams where i play until I ragequit or my wrists start hurting

>> No.26645017

Dank shoon.

>> No.26645018

how come they haven't fixed the eye distance for artia?

>> No.26645022
Quoted by: >>26645043

Reaper is actually there

>> No.26645023
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, 1600435990283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645024
File: 54 KB, 400x397, 1600127966611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man she's been making bangers for so long, I'm glad I get to discover them now she has blown up.

>> No.26645031

Yes, Amelia

>> No.26645032


>> No.26645033

That pretty much bars Amelia and Gura from JP collabs.

>> No.26645035

like 8 hours of monster hunter with viewers, as well as a bunch of jrpgs
capcom pls...

>> No.26645038
File: 19 KB, 574x226, mori kiara collab comment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26645039

I so badly want her to do something related to death grips

>> No.26645040
Quoted by: >>26645117

I imagine most of them haven't heard of it. I hope people keep suggesting it to her on twitter.

>> No.26645042

my wife's son!

>> No.26645043

She needs to get back to reaping already then

>> No.26645044

Why change perfection

>> No.26645046

Detailed fan art of Ina's butt having tentacles flying out of her anus and preparing to rape Gura with them.

>> No.26645049

Do Canadians really

>> No.26645051

I'll do my ass and leg reps and be her girlfriend

>> No.26645052

It fits her character. Its good.

>> No.26645053

The chicken has already been there

>> No.26645062
File: 9 KB, 354x128, amelia comment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26645064

Am I a cute girl or regular old me? If I was a cute 2d waifu I'd do tons of character action game stuff

>> No.26645066
File: 62 KB, 691x691, 1600299815542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645354


>> No.26645067
Quoted by: >>26645085

From the way they've talked about them, that Mori/Ina bloodborne collab will probably be their first.

>> No.26645069
Quoted by: >>26645106

It's not the same... Thanks for the suggestion though

>> No.26645071

Feeling dank!

>> No.26645076
File: 9 KB, 368x132, nenechan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26645077
File: 165 KB, 1000x1468, EiSXkrXU8AAkDiB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I need more Mommy Mori.

>> No.26645080
File: 602 KB, 2604x3646, 1594745250183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646509

Anybody doing their music reps for Morimori's contest? What DAW or tracker are you guys using?

>> No.26645081
Quoted by: >>26645220

Haato is a retard and Coco makes content exclusively for retards

>> No.26645082

3 times weekdays some semi-popular game full playthrough
weekends dumpster diving for weird games

>> No.26645083
File: 16 KB, 290x241, 1600443368674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you anons found your Sachi?
All I can find are trannies and LARPers...
same thing really

>> No.26645084

It does sound like her ngl but also I feel like this one's less conclusive since voices like that is less distinct than a lot of the other links like KSON and Coco.

>> No.26645085

I can’t wait for their stream in 2023 then

>> No.26645086
Quoted by: >>26645171

Where do they get all these stock images from? I just noticed literally everyone uses the same microphone.

>> No.26645087


>> No.26645091
File: 25 KB, 640x214, amelia debut comment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26645098

Do Holo's ever get model upgrades or redesigns with new clothes?

>> No.26645099
File: 145 KB, 300x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is milkbag?
>it is a bag of milk
>what is a bag of milk?
>it is a bag of milk
goddamn I love this goblin so much

>> No.26645100

Amelia is doing her reps, but you're right about Gura.

>> No.26645103
Quoted by: >>26645181

What did he mean by this?

>> No.26645105
Quoted by: >>26645131

Sorry Anon, you failed before, but even doing it right the joke is still kinda shitty

>> No.26645106

Understandable anon! Thanks for giving it a listen

>> No.26645107

I almost forgot that nene exist

>> No.26645109
Quoted by: >>26645181

What did they mean by this?

>> No.26645110

Everyone always asks how to get an Amelia gf, how to be Amelia...
But how do you DEFEAT Amelia?

>> No.26645115


>> No.26645117

I do hope that at least Amelia plays it, it seems like something she would have fun with / that it would be fun to watch her play.

>> No.26645119

post ina's fflogs

>> No.26645121

It's okay she'll just need some "convincing" beforehand.

>> No.26645124
File: 2.37 MB, 2654x1800, ninomae_ina_nis_hololive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to say this, but /r/hololive is better than /hlgg/. /r/hololive knows when girls are joking, they know Ina isn't actually pure, and they don't stir up fake drama.

/hlgg/ has spent the last 12 hours seething over a joke chart from the colab and started creating charts that don't match the girl's characters because /hlgg/ doesn't seem to pay attention to any of the girls' streams. They also for some reason think chicken was mad or upset during the colab stream when she clearly wasn't.

Seriously /hlgg/, why are you all so retarded?

>> No.26645125


>> No.26645126
File: 13 KB, 433x233, laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26645129

Hi Amelia

>> No.26645131

Oh well thank you for acknowledging my existence with a (you) at least

>> No.26645133
Quoted by: >>26645172


>> No.26645134

I wanna see Mori or Ina play Death Stranding

>> No.26645135

Just steal her main in Valorant. That alone will make her ragequit and kneel

>> No.26645138


>> No.26645140

I want Ina to flog me

>> No.26645141

Be Amelia ang get an Amelia gf.

Then you can DEFEAT Amelia since it'll be two agains one.

>> No.26645143
Quoted by: >>26645231

Doesn't hurt to have your post on this thread. I think you should have kept going until close to the deadline even if you weren't hearing any interest.

>> No.26645146
Quoted by: >>26645177

leaf confirmed

>> No.26645148

they are not alone

>> No.26645149

And Sora

>> No.26645152

It would be a Monday morning for Japan...actually emergency meeting to discuss wtf to do with the unexpected success

>> No.26645159

yes but here you get to say faggot, that means it's better, right

>> No.26645164

friendly reminder that the chicken will surpass nenechi soon

>> No.26645165
File: 49 KB, 472x423, 1600226984707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645168
Quoted by: >>26645766

miko is going to return with an updated model

>> No.26645169
File: 6 KB, 187x187, kokujinman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645239

>> No.26645170


>> No.26645171


>> No.26645172


>> No.26645175

They probably don't even let you post pictures of black cats there

>> No.26645176

Who are you quoting?

>> No.26645177

She leaked her own ip cause she's a retarded gremlin and it wasn't in leafland

>> No.26645179

Such a good drawing, ruined for me because I can't help but notice that it looks like Ina has move the "panties" to the side.

>> No.26645181

jp holos are dumb af

>> No.26645186

Gura stop retweeting art and update your schedule onegai...

>> No.26645189


>> No.26645193

Don't worry Ame, embrace it.

>> No.26645195

/hlgg/ is raw and honest because we have nothing to hide and not afraid to say anything.
R*ddit is a hugbox with rating system, fuck them.

>> No.26645197

But no one was talking about any drama. You're the one who came in here to try and start drama. Go back tourist

>> No.26645198

They do, it takes a while for it to actually happen though.

>> No.26645202

Reminds me of https://youtube.com/watch?v=9CogtMPQCeg

>> No.26645204

It's a test to see if they're really sucking viewership from Hololive JP

>> No.26645205

don't care i still want to be here and nowhere else

>> No.26645206

Based nips

>> No.26645209
File: 36 KB, 227x222, 1600492234634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645435


>> No.26645210


>> No.26645212
File: 428 KB, 3000x2500, 1599747420270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which song would fit each of the HoloEN members the best and would be something you'd listen to for inspiration to do something creative about them?

>> No.26645216

I will send one anon, but it will be later because I'm out of town and away from my mic for a bit

>> No.26645217
File: 71 KB, 354x385, 1600564322690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori playing would be a disaster but Ina playing would be max comfy, hell anything Ina plays would probably be max comfy...

>> No.26645219
Quoted by: >>26645628

Dammit, Boomhauer.

>> No.26645220
File: 1.52 MB, 1688x985, haato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Haato is joining HoloEN.

>> No.26645223

anonchama...your spacing reps...

>> No.26645225
File: 10 KB, 184x184, 1595265878754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645435

Based and double based if it becomes a ritual post

>> No.26645228

What are your predictions for the Surgeon Simulator stream? I hope Gura and Ame have some good banter.

>> No.26645231

refer to

>> No.26645235

but that's forbidden love!

>> No.26645237


>> No.26645239

kuronbojin is ideal for the full niggerman experience

>> No.26645241

gura has been horrible on all collabs so far

>> No.26645243
Quoted by: >>26645405

Death Stranding I think would be a decent introduction into Kojima games for her. It also seems accessible for a wide range of people.

>> No.26645245
File: 43 KB, 463x453, 1598904692304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I read all of it

>> No.26645248

gura doing her own thing in a corner while Ame tries to lewd Ina

>> No.26645255

Let's not forget they make dogshit memes too, even the shittiest of OCs here are at least funnier than the same 5 shitty jokes those retards spout

>> No.26645257
File: 165 KB, 482x432, 1597307958821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl "cries"
what the fuck is wrong with (You)?

>> No.26645258

cute goblin noises

>> No.26645262
Quoted by: >>26645365

It’s only 4 players so hopefully they exclude the chicken.

>> No.26645263
Quoted by: >>26645307

If english is your first language then you should be able to

>> No.26645264


>> No.26645266

Could she actually do that?

>> No.26645267

Ina and Gura are TERRIBLE at collabs, mainly Gura. Ame will have to work triple to salvage it

>> No.26645270

>Let's not forget they make dogshit memes too, even the shittiest of OCs here are at least funnier than the same 5 shitty jokes those retards spout

>> No.26645271

> raw and honest

Lol this is a middle school were everyone spams the same shit to not be bullied

>> No.26645272
File: 805 KB, 2553x4096, EiWP6TjUwAEE6Xi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645327

Gura rting some very very cute art

>> No.26645273

why does amelia hate mori so much

>> No.26645275

she might have more fun without the mentally ill bird and cringenigger

>> No.26645277

La creatura............. Civia, run..........

>> No.26645280

(Luna farting)

>> No.26645283

It is super hot.

>> No.26645289

absolutely rrrat

>> No.26645290
Quoted by: >>26645460

There's a lot more chances to talk in a 3 man group compared to a 5 man group, it's a totally different dynamic.

>> No.26645292
Quoted by: >>26645628


>> No.26645293
File: 1.01 MB, 332x332, tenor[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645294

kof98 reps every day, then some mmo so i could get carried by listeners.

>> No.26645296

Gaht dang it Boomhauer, ya can't replace real women with a... a cartoon! Not even a cartoon who knows the wonders of WD-40.
How do you plan to enjoy a nice medium-rare steak with a computer screen?

>> No.26645297


>> No.26645295
File: 106 KB, 500x281, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645299


>> No.26645298

>perfect energy for the game. Small talk, hmm hmms and making charming commentary about the characters and game's quirks.
>spaghettis during downtime
>gets bullied by money so hard she accidentally drops all her cargo and ruins the delivery, then rages at herself for it
Both sound appealing to me desu.

>> No.26645301

How can a corona goblin's cackle be so cute?

>> No.26645300

They've definitely been coasting with minimal effort for far too long now. I hesitate to use this word due to obvious reasons, but most JP streams nowadays feel soulless. You can see them clock in, be absent-minded and clock out after an hour or two for ez money

>> No.26645303

Haato isn't gonna join shit when she's failing high school lmao

>> No.26645305
File: 1.43 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20200916-200249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After checking all their streams, it's
Not bashing on kiara but I don't like sm64

>> No.26645307
File: 60 KB, 201x147, 1598904922934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645312

/hlgg/ is us?

>> No.26645311


>> No.26645313

and they still say japs need kanji

>> No.26645316

Who's the Amelia one?

>> No.26645317
File: 61 KB, 202x174, its_her_too_too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645410


>> No.26645318
Quoted by: >>26645865

>Falseflags after every stream
>Threads during streams are filled with spam
>/vg/ faggots everywhere
/hlgg/ is finished

>> No.26645321
File: 18 KB, 534x248, 1592781739036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646303


>> No.26645324
File: 355 KB, 640x480, prositKiarabros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645511


>> No.26645327

>Gura liking Niggerman drawing

>> No.26645329

Damn all chinks really do use the same bad pronunciation shortcuts.

>> No.26645330
File: 2.02 MB, 304x550, 1600593659414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would Ame's used panties smell like?

And would she sell them as a membership perk?

>> No.26645332

I think with 3 people they'll all get a chance to shine. Also these 3 are my favourite so I have very very high hopes.

>> No.26645335

Please don't try to start shit with the image of my wife.

>> No.26645336
Quoted by: >>26646128

That was Gura's best intro yet, this giant fucking shark on my face

>> No.26645340

I wouldn't put it past Kinzo.

>> No.26645341


>> No.26645347

This will filter the ESL

>> No.26645348
Quoted by: >>26645384

'ate monkeys too

>> No.26645352


>> No.26645354
File: 183 KB, 493x449, 1600140503730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my daughter

>> No.26645356

Based Chicken saving us from EN dead hours

>> No.26645359
Quoted by: >>26645382

When are they playing that

>> No.26645364


>> No.26645365

It's just Amelia, Gura and Ina, so yeah

>> No.26645373


>> No.26645376

I wish, I played FFXIV for years and never got an Ina gf out of it.

>> No.26645378


>> No.26645379
File: 41 KB, 463x453, 1596307325309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So am I.

>> No.26645380
Quoted by: >>26645621

You bought the album right?

>> No.26645381


>> No.26645382

Monday. They haven't decided on a time yet.

>> No.26645384
File: 664 KB, 619x619, 1596934101732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monkeys were subjugated at the end. the shark does not 'ate what he eats

>> No.26645387
File: 88 KB, 211x209, tasukete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645390
File: 34 KB, 225x217, 1575171397757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be an adult and close the thread when schizos take over. Check back every now and then to see if they've grown a few braincells.

>> No.26645391
File: 298 KB, 463x453, 1598904563890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645392
Quoted by: >>26645426

>more SC reading
Oh dear god, fuck this god damn Japanese bullshit.

>> No.26645394


this is some pretty fast growth and she's at like 380k right now when the video ends at 360k. Top 50 from all vtubers and top 20 hololive in a week is pretty insane.

>> No.26645397
File: 553 KB, 667x654, watson_used_goods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you DEFEAT Amelia?
Put yourself in Amelia's shoes.
You've been depressed for so long, delving into video game streaming as an escape. The stars align and your efforts lead you to this big break. Suddenly that thing you were doing as a hobby is now something you can do as a living. Not only that, but you have a much bigger platform now so you can bring more positivity to people, positivity you would have needed yourself at the darkest points of your life before this debut. All thanks to being a member of holoEN.
What could possibly hurt you the most in this situation?

There is only one way to defeat Amelia, but thinking about it just makes me sick.

>> No.26645399

What does Amelia’s tampons taste like

>> No.26645404


>> No.26645405

MGS1 is the best introduction to Kojima games.
DS is more of a mediation or therapy than a game. It really is Ina material.

>> No.26645406
File: 474 KB, 680x431, 1596425285764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645410

Oh, it's Gura. Sorry i didn't recognise you without the costume.

>> No.26645412
Quoted by: >>26645446

Oh? Did they announce that in the collab or something? Guess I missed it.

>> No.26645416

do you miss it?

>> No.26645421


>> No.26645425
Quoted by: >>26645507

She never did follow up on those bottled farts.

>> No.26645426

I don't remember the last time someone read SCs from a big collab, this is beyond retarded

>> No.26645430
File: 147 KB, 850x932, 1600304765457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want chicken to stream Hajimari no Kiseki with live translations not because I want to watch her play it but because I want to see the autistic shitflinging that will happen in here and /fg/

>> No.26645429
Quoted by: >>26645481

>No Mori

The narrative grows.

>> No.26645431

go back
only newfags think narrativeposters actually believe what they are saying

>> No.26645432
Quoted by: >>26645474

So all the money actually went to her?

>> No.26645434
File: 217 KB, 1370x2350, 1581362683735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is having a male audience the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a male audience. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are entertaining, responding to, educating and amusing a boy for at least 1.8 years solely so he can go and get ravaged by another chuuba. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little gachikoi- telling him your stories at bedtime, making him come to your sports practice, inspiring him to get /fit/,making sure he had a healthy diet, educating him, playing with him. All of it has one simple result: his body and mood is more enjoyable for the chuuba that will eventually get him to fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect viewer? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a holoEN who had nothing to do with the way he grew up, who marries him and gets him to stop supachaing and watching you. She gets him to fuck her tight pussy every night on her stream. She gets the benefits of his patient and sweet personality that came from the way you raised him.
As vtuber who has a mostly male audience you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 2.0 years of your life simply to raise a gachikoi for another woman to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

>> No.26645435 [SPOILER] 
File: 304 KB, 463x453, 1600622880998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I see... Another... FUCKING PEKORA... I SWEAR I'LL ogey

>> No.26645439

Good taste. I would slightly rearrange it but Kiara and Gura are in the right spots.

>> No.26645441
Quoted by: >>26645475

SC readings will be the death of EN expansion

>> No.26645446

Yea it was announced at the end of the colab stream.

>> No.26645448

Is that how a horny woman sounds like?

>> No.26645449

I would make Saturday "Adrenaline Saturday" and play Doom mods and other high-energy games. I would scream a lot.

>> No.26645450
Quoted by: >>26645516

what, call her a christmas cake?

>> No.26645452


>> No.26645454


>> No.26645457

I admire her dedication. Tenchou!

>> No.26645458

I'd rather watch nothing on monday.

>> No.26645460

Yeah this, there should be a lot less awkward interruptions, and also they'll actually be playing a fucking game.

>> No.26645462

Live Again is doing things to me I wasn't expecting. The song giving off some serious Nujabes vibes isn't helping either. I'm turning into a fucking gachikoi. Send help.

>> No.26645464
Quoted by: >>26645517

I don't like how Watson is a normal woman while everyone else is some type of creature or mystic being.

>> No.26645465
File: 281 KB, 463x453, 1600622807677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645467
File: 48 KB, 500x500, 043757038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill Bubba?
Laugh at her grandma's death?
Tell her she's boring and will die alone?
Steal her kitkats?

>> No.26645468

Look again, anon

>> No.26645470
Quoted by: >>26645533

>/hlgg/ is raw and honest
I agree with you but this is just wrong, no one here actually means what they say and even if they do no one will believe them.
Plebbit is still shit though because you literally can't go against the grain without either being banned or forcefully ignored by the rating system and thus it paints the wrong idea of how people are reacting to something altogether.

>> No.26645471

>SC reading

>> No.26645474
Quoted by: >>26645503

Well yes, it's her channel. It's why collabs rotate channels.

>> No.26645475

False, your mum will be the death of the EN expansion because she'll join HoloBR

>> No.26645476

We'll see come the Ame, Ina, Gura surgeon simulator collab.

>> No.26645481

Probably because the three of them are all in North America so the ping won't be too wild.

>> No.26645484

shit in her fart jars

>> No.26645487


>> No.26645488

Exactly like how you defeat all other wombmen
You break thier kneecaps so they have to rely on you

>> No.26645489

I'm so fucking bored I think I'm just gonna take a note from Mori till someone starts streaming again. Whiskey or beer?

>> No.26645495
Quoted by: >>26645530

Reminder that roommatefags are antis

>> No.26645502

would they still spam come to brazil on HoloBR

>> No.26645503
Quoted by: >>26645531

Must be awkward to see all the SC dedicated to the other girls

>> No.26645507
Quoted by: >>26645556

Would you buy them for $15 a jar?

>> No.26645508

>HoloBR stream

>> No.26645509


>> No.26645511

What's this SEAnig off-brand Dr. Oopsie?

>> No.26645516

You graduate her prematurely.

>> No.26645517

>Watson is a normal woman
It's the ones that appear the most normal that are the true monsters. You're getting played, son.

>> No.26645519

But it's terrible to navigate, plus they tend to be too nice and any form of criticism is more often than not met with an angry mob.
I don't know what's better, but the amount of absolute retards in those threads is indeed tiring.

>> No.26645523

Chotto a minute, did all EN girls take break today from streaming?

>> No.26645526

>SC reading from a fucking collab.
My sides, Not even JP talent does that.

>> No.26645527

I am /hlgg/
You are /hlgg/
Look around you, anon
The sun and the stars, the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea
Everything on God's green earth is /hlgg/

>> No.26645528

No one's gonna fuck you or me

>> No.26645529

Beer is trash

>> No.26645530

unless meidos allow dedicated anti threads like 5ch you will share this thread with them

>> No.26645531

From what I've seen most SCs were about Kiara

>> No.26645533

Yeah he probably never used /hlg/. Falseflagging is part of our culture.

>> No.26645534
File: 81 KB, 847x1200, EiRPiF3UYAAKlSI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both sides are fucking shitholes. the only good play to discuss anything hololive is fucking nowhere. Take your hobbies with you to the grave and enjoy them in loneliness

>> No.26645535

Gib Mori boing boing.

>> No.26645539
Quoted by: >>26646226

Makes sense, Calli and Kiara in Japan after all so it would probably be unplayable for them.

>> No.26645540

looks like chicken might be our only salvation, although personally I'd rather do nothing than watch her.
I'll give her a few more chances to win me over

>> No.26645542
File: 22 KB, 400x400, gH6xdlYB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645682

HololiveEN was a temporary experiment.

Did you rike it?

>> No.26645544

they would ALSO span stupid shit like "sopa de macaco" or whatever

>> No.26645545
Quoted by: >>26645618

I don't want to live anymore...

>> No.26645546
File: 126 KB, 1210x856, 344534534534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the absolute menhera Reddit adores.

>> No.26645548

Spacha stream? More Dankeschoens for the compilation!

>> No.26645549

Weeskee souah

>> No.26645550

>But how do you DEFEAT Amelia?
You pick Rem.

>> No.26645553


>> No.26645554

They were doing to good so JP had to slow them down

>> No.26645556


>> No.26645557

w-what do you mean by this?

>> No.26645559

That reminds me. Bubba is fucking great. Finally, not another cat. And his borks were a great addition to any Ame's stream.

>> No.26645560

Can someone post squid singing Teyute

>> No.26645563

gura on retweeting spree

>> No.26645564
File: 279 KB, 1344x2048, 1600545845643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you doing today, friends? What are you listening to to pass time?

>> No.26645565

Ina's collab with Mori was great, what are you talking about

>> No.26645567


>> No.26645571


>> No.26645574
Quoted by: >>26645682

If she does stream she said it’ll just be reading Supas so basically doesn’t even count.

>> No.26645579
Quoted by: >>26645682

shark almost surpassed coco and fubuki reddit stream

>> No.26645581

fucking lmao

>> No.26645582
File: 222 KB, 403x403, 19804292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomhauer you fool, vtubers were crafted by the Japanese government as a psyop tool to be used in subliminal warfare to make horny American men believe that they can replace real women with gooks hiding behind facial interpretation software. They're trying to make the white man go extinct by removing his biological need to breed, and you're falling right into their trap! Snap out of it, man, sire a son already like I did with Joseph so your lineage doesn't die out because you want to screw an anime girl!

>> No.26645584

Maybe you've just watched too much and grown out of them?

>> No.26645585
File: 536 KB, 864x720, 1546292885169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>superchat reading
Unnecessary nip garbage. I don't know if the girls are contractually obliged to read em, or do it out of fear of angering holo fans, but this shit has to stop. So many hour get wasted to stroke the egos of some retards that haven't understood the meaning of the word donation.

>> No.26645586
File: 69 KB, 250x250, 1580391662249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645682

Gura hurt her voice from screaming at monkeys yesterday. Please understand.

>> No.26645588

I notice korone has a few different outfits

>> No.26645589

Also time zones to keep a normal sleep schedule.

>> No.26645591

It's true though

>> No.26645592


>> No.26645596

Will we ever be free of Pekora posting?

>> No.26645598

Just get her to explode on you

>> No.26645599

>chicken announcing ANOTHER SC reading, from a collab no less
>reaper's schedule has another SC reading coming up
>more SC from Gura
This has to fucking stop. You're killing people's interest harder than if you didn't stream.

>> No.26645603
Quoted by: >>26645682

They had to nerf EN

>> No.26645604

I remember when we only had one thread for Vtubers and you fags would also keep going endlessly "reddit reddit reddit" but for Hololive in general.

Interesting how you never get tired of this kind of stuff.

>> No.26645607
Quoted by: >>26645723


>> No.26645608 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 305 KB, 750x1000, 1600623206180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26645612
Quoted by: >>26645682

Calli and Gura did, Kiara did too but she's streaming anyways, and no idea about Amelia and Ina.

>> No.26645614

I need to know

>> No.26645616
File: 161 KB, 463x453, 1583311080902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645638


>> No.26645618

>3 languages fluently
2 is pushing it, but 3...? That’s just a lie.

>> No.26645620


>> No.26645621

ye, it's gud

>> No.26645627


>> No.26645628


Based KoTH posters.

>> No.26645629 [SPOILER] 
File: 773 KB, 675x750, 1600623237694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye i'm not sure what it's a reference to either, i just found it in that image in the archives

>> No.26645635

Get a hold of this fucking retard, they're holoshit and the company requires them to read shitty dollarchat

>> No.26645637

Didn't management get mad at Amelia for speedreading her SCs? It seems like these readings are something they're forced to do.
Gotta keep your whales happy.

>> No.26645636

Christ even they're insecure

>> No.26645638


>> No.26645640
File: 12 KB, 304x304, 1598904829761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645657


>> No.26645644
File: 45 KB, 640x482, 1538009165616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delet this now

>> No.26645649
File: 292 KB, 1080x1055, 1600015765347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645650

Watching some Total Warhammer streams until the girls cone back.

>> No.26645651
File: 3.52 MB, 1936x1089, 1587091628239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26645654
Quoted by: >>26648851

fuck off kraut

>> No.26645657


>> No.26645659
File: 320 KB, 1000x1000, 1600568738139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may not like it, but this is objectively true.

>> No.26645661
File: 30 KB, 538x530, 1600038936491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FBK doesn't give a single fuck about superchat readings and I don't see her being forced to do them

>> No.26645662


>> No.26645666

These guys are treating Chicken like a fucking baby now

>> No.26645667
Quoted by: >>26645752

Damn, that's nice

>> No.26645670

I suddenly feel compelled to figure out how to use live 2d...
No promises though.

>> No.26645671
File: 305 KB, 443x558, 1599132627805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone streaming for 3 hours straight this shitty ass fucking game without giving up
Who are you watching anons to fill the HoloEN's gap?

>> No.26645673
File: 838 KB, 1417x2000, 20200919_141924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this will stop once memberships open. If they continue doing it after that they should probably limit it to superchats over a certain about. Maybe $20 or more.

>> No.26645674
Quoted by: >>26645808

>muh autistic shark is perfectly fine it's those other girls' fault
actual cope

>> No.26645677
Quoted by: >>26645762

>to stroke the egos of some retards
But it feels so good, Anon. Maybe you should try it?

>> No.26645679

Is this real? Did she died?

>> No.26645681

>wanting to be free of pekora posting

>> No.26645682

the chicken too things too far with the purity test, they all hate each other now.

>> No.26645685


>> No.26645688

Why would they? She did it again to btfo the cringe SC's even harder.

>> No.26645689

>not liking chicken because she can't stop talking about Pekora
>constantly post about Pekora
Guys, were we the chicken this entire time?

>> No.26645690
Quoted by: >>26645961

Realistic shooters, character action games, war thunder.

>> No.26645692

Perfectly balanced.

>> No.26645695
File: 243 KB, 1079x976, Screenshot_20200920-012020_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645756

It's only a matter of time

>> No.26645696
File: 13 KB, 384x90, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645697
File: 51 KB, 361x429, 1599944462863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>currently jamming to this radio station

>> No.26645699

What the fuck does fubushit have to do with HoloEN, go back to your own thread gooklicker.

>> No.26645701

I'm watching Beatmario

>> No.26645703
File: 613 KB, 1280x1000, 81582646_p10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645706
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being hugged by ina and all her tentacles

>> No.26645709

I'm doing my workout reps

>> No.26645711
File: 506 KB, 528x606, 1600568558247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645712

>Mori is true neutral

>> No.26645713

But it's not accurate?

>> No.26645715

shit happens when you are supposed to place 5 characters and there's no references to the chart

>> No.26645718

Literally, people admitted hating Chicken before because she acts too much like them, and it's like looking at a mirror

>> No.26645719

This is what happens when you skip your self-defense reps...

>> No.26645723

I can't blame you about your space key, my backspace key is broken too

>> No.26645724

i hope the first collab stream en does is with the unicorn
the unicorn's a myth too after all

>> No.26645727

anons hate chicken because she reminds them of themselves

>> No.26645728

Well she kinda is.

>> No.26645732

New branch, they might think that EN whales and superchatters are fickle and will stop pouring in the cash if they don't keep fluffing them up.

>> No.26645735

Tempted to reinstall Let it Die after hearing one anon link the OST a while ago when suggesting games for Mori.

>> No.26645736

Reminds me of being a kid and renting a shitty game for the weekend. No choice but to power though.

>> No.26645740


>> No.26645741
File: 155 KB, 261x339, 1600306341946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645820

It's probably just a decision made in consideration that if they had 4 players it would seem like they're intentionally leaving someone out. Having just 3 players simmers down that narrative.

They may be retards but they're not idiots.

>> No.26645743

now do this for the Japanese branch, we already know some of them are impure as hell and are completely open about it.

>> No.26645744

Well she sure acts like one...

>> No.26645745

Spin those hot narratives, faster!

>> No.26645750
Quoted by: >>26645784

Gura didn't even read hers

>> No.26645752

there's a 4k version at twitter. my new wallpaper

>> No.26645755
Quoted by: >>26647972

No she didn't. Only retards here think that.

>> No.26645756
Quoted by: >>26645821

That meme hasn't died yet?

>> No.26645757

No one because I just got done with my running reps and now I'm about to do my shower reps.

>> No.26645758

Such well articulated wisdom, as expected of a Sharkposter

>> No.26645762

I'll bury myself before I spend money on a woman I'm not fucking.

>> No.26645763

This post is extremely low quality.

>> No.26645766
Quoted by: >>26645794

As well as an updated actress

>> No.26645767

I've never seen someone so desperate to go mid since I stopped playing LoL

>> No.26645771

cool narrative bro, when are you releasing your book?

>> No.26645772

Ame..... stream onegai..........

>> No.26645773

i watch peko suck at mario

>> No.26645774

Fear the reaper

>> No.26645776


>> No.26645778


>> No.26645779

im feeling this one

>> No.26645783
File: 1.23 MB, 1725x915, 1589402045406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645852

>now do this for the Japanese branch
Be careful what you wish for

>> No.26645784

She has had a SC reading, where she got through like 40 names of the 3000 that have dono'd so far. It's where she started playing with auto-tune.

>> No.26645786
Quoted by: >>26645805

Towa is a whore

>> No.26645793

Anon, your falseflagging reps...

>> No.26645794
File: 133 KB, 990x722, 1596766941241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646458


>> No.26645797

Just read a handful of spachas every stream to keep the whales thinking if they just donate one more time they'll be the one that gets read, simple as

>> No.26645803
File: 253 KB, 330x436, 1593846500703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck does fubushit have to do with HoloEN, go back to your own thread gooklicker.

>> No.26645805

Shut up Ayame

>> No.26645807

I want to lick Ina...

>> No.26645808

I really feel as though Ina and Amelia really love Gura. And we're gonna see some hilarious chemistry between the three of them without the other two.

>> No.26645810

So only like 80 SC streams left!

>> No.26645811

This is the curse of getting monetization enabled so fast.

>> No.26645813
File: 205 KB, 1280x1380, 1600245151309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645860

Just embrace it. It isn't too bad being a Mori gachikoi....

>> No.26645814

Twai... your DSV...

>> No.26645816
Quoted by: >>26645875

some of you fags should start writing books, it might actually work out for you

>> No.26645819
File: 289 KB, 557x557, CalliWalkingGarbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No streams today except kusotori
I sleep...

>> No.26645820

Mori has talked about her garbage internet multiple times, it's purely logistical.

>> No.26645821

it actually got stronger

>> No.26645822
Quoted by: >>26645877

I want amelia gf not ina
i want some fooking meat

>> No.26645824

HoloEN needs a yab moment

>> No.26645826

Amelia hated everyone since 1st collab

>> No.26645828

when will Artia collab with one of the ENs?

>> No.26645829


>> No.26645830


>> No.26645834
File: 432 KB, 2125x707, 1600441579797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Dark Deception stream skipable, lads?

>> No.26645835

By the way, how did 5ch react to yesterday's collab shitshow ?

>> No.26645836
File: 651 KB, 1400x1844, EiUahU_VkAAfV2v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646021

God I still haven't heard of this one. Finding any songs from this game is hell when literally ALL of them are just caled Let it die.
~You shall die~ Is still my favorite track on that ost

>> No.26645837
Quoted by: >>26645874

I want to lick Ina's gook anus...

>> No.26645838

When you sleep, I work.

>> No.26645839

Prostitution isn't cheap, I'll give you that

>> No.26645841


>> No.26645842

it's actually the best stream so far

>> No.26645843
File: 95 KB, 850x1050, EiIMDkRVgAAk59S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645845
File: 588 KB, 691x691, 1577722051459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's one of her bests.

>> No.26645846
Quoted by: >>26645893

Already been done

>> No.26645848

cute retard

>> No.26645852

>coco sees the purity test on reddit
>decides to do one herself

>> No.26645854

She chokes multiple times at 1 shard and 2 lives left
It's great

>> No.26645855

I was listening to Chima

>> No.26645857
Quoted by: >>26645928

first thing we'll see after the collab ban, artia and amelia being their gremlin selves on twitch

>> No.26645858

Ok this is unironically great

>> No.26645859
File: 161 KB, 413x382, 1600573594852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645860

wow, you can actually see her face turn when she slaps herself lmao

>> No.26645861

Why do you do this to yourselves?

>> No.26645863
Quoted by: >>26645921

外人ってロリコン多いんだな 俺も外人になるわ

>> No.26645862

One post I remember is "i don't understand what they're saying, but even the second-hand embarrassment transcends that" about the start of the stream.

>> No.26645864

Embrace the cringe brother, autistic dorks are the best kind of girls

>> No.26645865

it really is

>> No.26645866

Avoid mirrors, friend.

>> No.26645867

Only if you dont like shark

>> No.26645868

>How are you doing today, friends?
i don't understand what's happened to me. thursday morning, i knew practically nothing about hololive aside from the azur lane botes which i have but don't use. by saturday, i was waiting all day for EN livestreams while watching Civia in the meantime, watched collab and Shark in their entirety including SC, then today got so desperate for more that i kept looking around for livestreams until i found myself on Pekora's channel.

i need to stop typing this and go back to watching. she just passed 8-2.

>> No.26645870


>> No.26645871
File: 267 KB, 2000x2000, E36BDBFD-B7D1-42D9-9E7C-4A4A6B09181D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no help. I've already accepted my fate, akasupas at the ready.

>> No.26645872

Nah, I could even feel some bits of her roommate leaking on the stream


>> No.26645874
Quoted by: >>26645905

Imagine the spiciness

>> No.26645875

Nobody read books in anno domini MMXX

>> No.26645876

Auto-Tuna screams

>> No.26645877
Quoted by: >>26645936

>amelia gf
go on twitch, all the slut female streamers are getting vtuber avatars nowadays

>> No.26645880

All of shark's streams are skippable.

>> No.26645881

It was good, she's growing out of her shyness.

>> No.26645883

>ame stream tonight
we've been saved lads

>> No.26645885

FPS stream with Watson would be absolute kino.

>> No.26645888

Amelia is going to stream too

>> No.26645889


>> No.26645890
File: 386 KB, 1580x2048, 1600607237966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Ina mean by this?


>> No.26645892

I hope Amelia doesn't get graduated. I've been watching vtubers since 2018 and she's been the only one that I can say that I love, not just "like". Losing Amelia will knock me back into depression.

>> No.26645893

They didn't use axis where one side was a negative trait.

>> No.26645894

My wife has saved us bros

>> No.26645895

>I don't know if the girls are contractually obliged to read em, or do it out of fear of angering holo fans
probably both

>> No.26645898

anyone that has Ina anywhere remotely close to pure obviously doesn't watch her
her impure moments are top gap moe

>> No.26645901

>Gura will be completely clueless and just pull out organs until others tell her to stop, speaks only using single words when directly talked to
>Ina will do surprisingly well, very slowly doing everything correctly, limits herself to humming at different frequencies to express herself
>Amelia will keep messing up then laughing nervously because she's more focused on keeping the conversation going than the game
>Mori will intentionally keep killing people because of her theme which stops being funny 15 minutes in and just annoys everyone else
I don't know what Kiara will do but odds are she'll be forced to "coordinate" them or something else to sideline her, which will only fuel her inferiority complex.

>> No.26645903 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.43 MB, 1495x2047, 1600623825821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing my archive reps
>notice how excited and hopeful people were for pic related
It's sad...

>> No.26645902

>I sleep...
So do I, literally, and fucking God for that. I've been nocturnal ever since HoloEN launched.

>> No.26645905

Oh no not I again I'm chumming

>> No.26645904

She's a /u/ M

>> No.26645906

I wanted to watch Luna watching Interstellar but it's members only. Guess I'll go watch the CalliKiara stream since I missed it.

>> No.26645908


>> No.26645910
Quoted by: >>26645929

You guys got any pics of Amelia with a gun?

>> No.26645912

Nah it was fun. It's especially fun if you read through the archives along with it so you can feel like you were there live.

>> No.26645915

Purest form of love, afterall.

>> No.26645916

Reminder to narrative bros that Watson's "tummy hurt" and that's the reason she seemed so out of it during the collab.

>> No.26645917

She said something along the lines of "if I were to get into Valorant I could get Watson to teach me", we can hope she would really like to and wasn't just namedropping her.

>> No.26645918


>> No.26645920
File: 115 KB, 1000x1000, 1600477564663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horny m in

>> No.26645921
Quoted by: >>26645967


>> No.26645925

Ah shit dudes, can we stop the Haachamachama from dominating our EN waifus?

>> No.26645928
File: 6 KB, 300x168, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"All Superchats are Kings!"

>> No.26645929
File: 372 KB, 483x602, Eh1GKtbU8AI9hvI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645930
File: 644 KB, 1300x959, 1530651354226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645931


>> No.26645932

My cute tako is a cute gay mess

>> No.26645934

Confirmed pregnant.

>> No.26645935

>i...might stream on monday anyway. kinda need to do a superchat reading for the collab stream today (;・∀・)
I think she burned herself out hard on the 4 hour reading

>> No.26645936

amelia isn't a slut streamer

>> No.26645938


>> No.26645940
File: 794 KB, 500x374, Clickity Clack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>click clack

>> No.26645942
Quoted by: >>26646204

I'm sorry...

>> No.26645943


>> No.26645946

Amelia here. You fuckers happy now?

>> No.26645951

Aloe love...

>> No.26645952

What streams are your priority?
Zatsudan, or Game stream, and why?

>> No.26645953
File: 323 KB, 484x484, 1600559686968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645954

I really love the 24 hours cinderella part

>> No.26645956
File: 48 KB, 680x453, 1600477176196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646127

based norfposters got the job done again.
say hi to watson, she's probably lurking

>> No.26645960


>> No.26645961

>war thunder
Cover has a great relationship with Wargaming.net and has done numerous sponsored streams and promotions. your kind aren't welcome here, get out and take the Love Live fags with you

>> No.26645963

liked Ina's tentacles, forgot they're poisonous

>> No.26645966
File: 70 KB, 1200x675, 1600583008237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara joins HoloEN pandering harder to the JOP crowd than the EOPs
>gets the shittiest mic possible for her debut because she knows simps will pay for a new one the second monetization goes up
>makes a 100k subs video to jerk her own ego despite Gura not doing one despite being twice as successful
>fake cries for 5 minutes at an inoffensive critique to wring maximum pity out of her unsuspecting audience, knowing clickbait tubers would use it to indirectly advertise her channel
>plans her bingbingwahoo stream (taking 3x as many hour slots as the other members took, btw) exactly 1 hour after Mori's first gameplay stream, knowing she'd lose track of time, knowing she'd overlap, and knowing she'd feel bad for stealing Kiara's spotlight and thus direct her viewers to Kiara's stream to boost her views yet again
>demands that the next collab be hosted on her channel to boost her views, despite her having almost nothing interesting planned
>the one interesting thing she DID have was a chart specifically created to shit on all the members more popular than her, tanking Amelia's idol rep by calling her the filthiest of whores, trying to drag Ina down the same fate, leeching off of Mori's fanbase again with her forced yurishit, and leaving Gura alone because she know Gura was the least likely to interrupt her plans
>the second the bottle points to her, and everyone down to her own artist says she be placed in the dumb slut corner just like she did to everyone else, she then turns into a spoiled brat, suddenly treating this "meme chart" extremely seriously, demanding that only she be treated as the one true perfect princess aidoru in the group

>> No.26645967

That's a quote from 5ch though.

>> No.26645970

waiting for shark

>> No.26645971

Its Bubba's.

>> No.26645972
File: 67 KB, 684x540, 1588987300337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26645973

Do it

>> No.26645974

Amelia would have posted before the announcement.

>> No.26645976

Monkey cum

>> No.26645977

Not until you tell your genmates to fucking cool it with the dogshit SC reading.

>> No.26645978

Nope. Everyone besides Gura should be bottom left and Gura should be out of frame on the bottom right, because she managed to trick them all into thinking she's not a massive slut despite the marks to prove it.

>> No.26645980
File: 1.41 MB, 800x659, 1600488694181.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are we the only ones that don't call her Calli?

>> No.26645981

And fuck you for even thinking of skipping that one
You can skip the sc at the end if you want

>> No.26645982

No, I'll never be happy.

>> No.26645984

I think it's a sign of making it if you get guro drawn of you.

>> No.26645985

Most pure EN btw. Sad to see none of them watch her streams...

>> No.26645988

>the gremlin is the only one who is honest
>she does it for the appeal
Life truly is suffering.

>> No.26645991

Aloe sex...

>> No.26645993

Yeah that's my bad, I won't go as hard on her next time

>> No.26645995


>> No.26645996
File: 108 KB, 1024x1024, 1600067869318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watson stream tonight

>> No.26645998

Any slightly upgraded serrated weapon plus a couple fire papers let you very swiftly R1 spam her to death. Aim for the limbs to stagger and then visceral.

>> No.26646001
File: 2.99 MB, 3003x1824, 48449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe... I'll never forgive the japanese

>> No.26646003

Working on my furi reps

>> No.26646004

>peeps think she's pure

>> No.26646006

you said you would be playing CSGO today
let's see if you were lying

>> No.26646009


>> No.26646012

get worked mark

>> No.26646013

Kiara joker arc when

>> No.26646018
File: 128 KB, 1017x1280, 1600392099414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot
>Amelia will keep messing up and coming up with outlandish excuses every time

>> No.26646019


>> No.26646020
File: 153 KB, 382x352, 1600462527152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646052

what the fuck is tonight?

>> No.26646021
File: 87 KB, 320x211, 1600464704708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brothers. Have a couple more on me, these are my favorites

>> No.26646023


>> No.26646024

completely forgot that she is named like that. also seems like I forgot to filter /Calli/i;jp

>> No.26646028


>> No.26646030

WoWS is a kusoge, WoT is just pure p2w nowadays.

>> No.26646031


>> No.26646034
File: 165 KB, 1536x1620, EiKSASCVkAIkvAn.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some faggots here that insist on it, but for the most part yeah

>> No.26646037

I hope you are right and she really is a criminal mastermind to surpass all but the reality is sadder than that...

>> No.26646039

I call her Calli

>> No.26646040
File: 466 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20200831-235456_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646112

I hope that one anon didn't actually kill himself over Aloe

>> No.26646042

Only if you stream without coat again

>> No.26646044

>her single personality trait initially was being a pekora simp
Kiarafags really are pathetic

>> No.26646047

calli reminds me of california
mori sounds way better

>> No.26646048
File: 1.31 MB, 2895x4092, 1600523323151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it's >>26639215

>> No.26646049

rewatching the collab is less cringy than watching it live

>> No.26646051


>> No.26646052

When the sun goes down.

>> No.26646053
File: 565 KB, 1920x1080, 1599945370871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 lives
>1 fucking shard

>forgot to actually buy the game

>> No.26646054

Ina is pure sex

>> No.26646056

Don't be sad, anon.
She'll be back next month!
And if she won't, then she's officially dead...

>> No.26646061
File: 742 KB, 1000x500, 1600597861845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646098


>> No.26646062

My cute M gay squid goddess is thirsty

>> No.26646064


>> No.26646068
Quoted by: >>26646101

You guys keep saying in a isn't pure but she acts like a virgin in her goofy lust comments.

>> No.26646069
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1600086725091s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Died when she had 1 shard left not once but twice.

>> No.26646071
File: 832 KB, 1075x645, f36gpxtgyti51[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26646073
File: 243 KB, 720x704, 1580650953262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My daughter sharkwife is absolutely retarded!

>> No.26646076

Dr. Oopsie isn't the only think she's thirsty for.

>> No.26646077

I was never sad....

>> No.26646078
File: 45 KB, 208x271, 1600323579010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26646079
File: 29 KB, 666x269, 1600474110719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm beginning to believe in the power of Norfposting

>> No.26646085
File: 105 KB, 463x453, 1599612833617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26646086
Quoted by: >>26648851

>/hlg/ posts about ENs scot free
>/hlgg/ posts about JPs scot free
sugoi split

>> No.26646087

based squid
we are two of soul

>> No.26646088

She said she was going to stream a single player game didn't she

>> No.26646092
File: 769 KB, 600x510, 1571684088206.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you frustrated?

>> No.26646093

Mori is way better

>> No.26646095


I'm clicking it and I'm not seeing the succubussy.

>> No.26646096

I try to remind myself to call her Calli.

>> No.26646098

cute and pure

>> No.26646099

she'll probably be doing it for a while unless she does something super retarded

>> No.26646101
Quoted by: >>26646141

You can be an impure virgin
That's 99% of this thread

>> No.26646102
File: 325 KB, 1301x1841, 158c4d3b8ad326627f8a2e4209f4841e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. It makes sense because nobody here watches any of the girls' streams so they don't realize everyone calls her Calli.

>> No.26646103


>> No.26646104

only if you don't do a SC reading

>> No.26646105 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 325x325, 1349737429747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find the site that lists all the nakanohito of almost every single notorious vtuber

Forbidden knowledge

>> No.26646111
File: 286 KB, 661x623, 1600222187345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought maybe she did on purpose the first time, but the second time she 100% just fucked up.

>> No.26646112
Quoted by: >>26646262

I hope he did a flip. (You) farming faggot.

>> No.26646114

When you add that all up, surprise surprise, she's the joke.

>> No.26646115
Quoted by: >>26646592

kiara is too dumb for that, Amelia's every action is calculated to get as much money as possible tho

>> No.26646116
Quoted by: >>26646204

It's only ina gura and Amelia

>> No.26646118


>> No.26646125

Not really since she already mentioned last week that she'd be streaming CSGO next week.
Also it would be funny if the post I replied to is Amelia trying to spoonfeed the not-so-schizo-now anons

>> No.26646127
File: 15 KB, 579x536, 1600468486894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norf posters truly are the most powerful

>> No.26646128


>> No.26646129

if it's either csgo or antichamber I'm going to cum

>> No.26646130


Let me be your girlfriend.

>> No.26646135

pls understando... shark brain...

>> No.26646136

No one's getting graduated unless something REALLY bad happens.

Only four people from Hololive have ever graduated. Three of them decided it on their own and one got into legal trouble.

>> No.26646141

Lustful virgins are pure though.

>> No.26646142

-There's more than a 100k sub gap between the EN #1 (Gura) and #2 (Mori)
-The gap also manifests itself with live viewers, the other 4 usually get in the range of 20k while Gura does 40k.
-Mori is so far the #1 in supachats with the help of her army of canadian akasupa.

>> No.26646144

She's our Mori

>> No.26646145

It's all golds on SCH.

>> No.26646146
File: 57 KB, 128x128, 1600551931607.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646781

>Everytime she sees the banana painting she has to say it
Can't help herself

>> No.26646147

I've watched almost every EN stream since debut but I still use Mori. It's just easier to say and remember.

>> No.26646150

Imagine if she had finished the game the first time and then had to end the stream at like 20 minutes because she didn't have the rest of the game.

>> No.26646151
File: 218 KB, 657x612, 1453034106153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646248


>> No.26646153
File: 76 KB, 301x330, 1600477877233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame, marry me. I can give you all the kitkats you want

>> No.26646155

Get filtered newnigger

>> No.26646157

>has dox information too
Why? Report that shit holy fuck.

>> No.26646160
File: 446 KB, 634x533, 1530651274169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26646161

I say Mori-sama

>> No.26646166

Her design was so great.
I hope she's coping well.

>> No.26646167
File: 1020 KB, 1920x1080, 1600457744041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one guy who akasupas 20000 forints still has more value than venezuelan money

>> No.26646170


>> No.26646171
Quoted by: >>26646229

She literally says "I'm your Mori"

>> No.26646173
File: 884 KB, 2133x4092, __ninomae_ina_nis_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_seicoh__4cac1f561eadba522f76591a515bd484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Ina ends up doing everyone's emotes and sub badges, I hope they at least pay her

>> No.26646176
Quoted by: >>26646207

do jp holos have a weekly schedules like Ame/Mori are doing?
I just watch whichever holo is online and never thought about it

>> No.26646180

I still haven't huffed your farts so no

>> No.26646181

I was fine before, but now I'm extra pumped.

>> No.26646182

Just feels wrong to me even though the girls all call her that.

>> No.26646184
File: 52 KB, 239x234, gwar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, who will you be your first membership?

>> No.26646185

not until you mindbreak the gosling posters with another nhk song

>> No.26646187
Quoted by: >>26646358

Yes, I fixed my mental issues years ago. Better question is, are YOU happy? Is this gig everything you hoped for?

>> No.26646188
File: 229 KB, 427x477, 1590261635313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646245

Guys, have some holo who sings 80's jpop music? Idol music, not plastic tree meme.

>> No.26646191

Aloe vera...

>> No.26646192
File: 56 KB, 585x543, 1598963746424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"huh? I have to pay money for this kusoge? Fuck this let's play Alien Isolation instead"
based Gura

>> No.26646193
Quoted by: >>26646334

Potentially too much backseat gaming

>> No.26646194
File: 144 KB, 365x365, 1600359428329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26646195
Quoted by: >>26646239

if this is really you then start the stream with the moustache on

>> No.26646196

based as fuck

>> No.26646199

in cucumbers?

>> No.26646201
Quoted by: >>26646250

I appreciate you speedrunning superchas but I hope you guys have a group decision on how to handle readings. I don't want Gura to be streaming SC readings for the next decade, It's shit content.

>> No.26646203


>> No.26646204

Cool, so basically it's either Amelia manages to strike up a conversation with Ina or it's awkward silence. Sounds horrible, I'll watch it.

>> No.26646207

They tend to stream around roughly the same time, really roughly though

>> No.26646212

>yfw a currency not changed since 1307 has more value than a spic currency

>> No.26646213

She probably gets commissioned by Cover to do the work for that. Why hire externally when you can do just pay internally.

>> No.26646214

Venezuela forgot to do its inflation reps

>> No.26646216
File: 236 KB, 849x1200, 53543543345135534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boobi too big.

>> No.26646215
File: 93 KB, 425x400, 1600442281660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26646219


>> No.26646220
File: 6 KB, 486x59, 1596044791969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646238

I like it that they gave proper copyright notice to cover for using their assets. that's a real class act

>> No.26646223
Quoted by: >>26646238

I just sent this to COVER. Unlike that literally who twitch streamer this is actually harmful.

>> No.26646226

also mori is a reaper so she wouldn't be trying to save someone from death.

>> No.26646227
File: 2.86 MB, 1200x1495, 1600329532271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shark

>> No.26646229
Quoted by: >>26646257

The other girls call her Calli though

>> No.26646230

Not until I see you buying p90 and making the enemies seethe

>> No.26646231
Quoted by: >>26649003


>> No.26646233

If you actually watched Hololive before a week ago, you'd know some of the most interesting bits come during supa readings.

>> No.26646234

Will Holo EN gen2 save us from these dead hours?

>> No.26646236

Fuck, that (You) was meant for Ame.

>> No.26646237
File: 473 KB, 734x503, 1600276518885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26646238

is it actually illegal to compile publicly available information like this?

>> No.26646239
Quoted by: >>26646277

Start the stream with the moustache upside down

>> No.26646241

Is she going to play alien? Might actually watch her then

>> No.26646243

keep in mind that she's also quite absorbed when playing game so

>> No.26646245
Quoted by: >>26646303

Yes, Kiara is a true idolfag in every sense of the world and her karaoke stream was pure idolfaggotry with some anime thrown in for the chat. That girl is thirsty for 5 girls in frilly skirts.

>> No.26646247

I never knew I needed a milf Watson in my life.

>> No.26646248

Please post an edit of nwf but with ghost rider and mori

>> No.26646250

If she couldn't find her way out of some underwater tunnels, she sure won't be able to escape the SC prison

>> No.26646255
File: 291 KB, 494x535, 1600349541486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, i love you, you silly gremlin

>> No.26646257

for the fans she's Mori and for her genmates she's Calli

>> No.26646261

They actually have good chemistry with each other.
Kiara just kept interrupting them

>> No.26646262
Quoted by: >>26646299

That's pretty mean anon you shouldn't want someone to die

>> No.26646263
Quoted by: >>26646292

LMAO, Holostars BTFO, how the fuck can they even recover.


>> No.26646265
File: 979 KB, 700x987, 1600548613197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26646268

>the reaper has bigger tits then the necromancer
is the size of ones boobs a measurement of power level?

>> No.26646272

It was a good collab, the fuck are you on?

>> No.26646274

Prove it.

>> No.26646277
Quoted by: >>26646331

Don't think the model allows it.

>> No.26646278

jk, Ina

>> No.26646279

Mori's the only one I'm seriously thinking about, and that's with me being completely jobless.

>> No.26646280

>we said her voice was annoying
>she toned it down ever since the debut
>we said she never likes mori fanarts
>she liked a ton of mori fanarts since yesterday
>we wonder when amelia is going to stream
>she's going to posts her schedule in a few minutes

And people still deny she isn't browsing here.

>> No.26646285
File: 313 KB, 820x983, 1600017084690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya boy.

>> No.26646286

She's the one. Hope this gets added on the wall of ina

>> No.26646287


>> No.26646288

She's my Mori after all.

>> No.26646292
File: 11 KB, 768x274, 1600566944971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.26646295

she said she wants to play Outlast next

>> No.26646296
Quoted by: >>26646353

It's reserved information mostly, it's not like a Coca-Cola employee make a mistake and makes public the Coca-Cola's formula and then suddenly you can just fucking use it or talk about it

>> No.26646297

considering that all three of them have the same type of socially awkward energy they might hit it off pretty well

>> No.26646299
Quoted by: >>26646660

My disdain for attention whores outweighs my sympathy for the suicidal.

>> No.26646302
Quoted by: >>26646360

I didn't want to see Mori's 3d roommate...

>> No.26646303

But i don't want anime song, and JP ones? >>26645321 made things with me

>> No.26646304
Quoted by: >>26646370

They were actually less retarded than us about it.

>> No.26646308 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.13 MB, 1675x2160, 1600624618384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memento Mori

>> No.26646309

She said she wanted to play more horror games, and mentioned Alien Isolation as one of the possibilities. She also wanted to do a Dead by Daylight colab stream.

>> No.26646314
Quoted by: >>26646384

Ina, I will watch her do quite literally anything but I'm hoping for drunk streams and ASMR

>> No.26646319

Shark better get those SOMA permissions
I wanna see her brain get fried

>> No.26646320

>most JP streams nowadays feel soulless
Name three.

>> No.26646323

This better be Ina

>> No.26646324

Mori was obviously meant to be first name. Calliope is such a handful and Mori sounds cuter. She probably thought the name is ordered by Japanese standard when it's the other way around.

>> No.26646329
Quoted by: >>26646354

don't forget
>specific old video her roommate posted on twitter is linked here
>that post (and only that post) deleted a few hours later

>> No.26646331

if she can put one of her eyes in the middle of her forehead, she can rotate a moustache 360 degrees

>> No.26646333
Quoted by: >>26647323

It’s slander. COVER already dmca’d a couple people for similar things.

>> No.26646334
Quoted by: >>26646887

she was able to avoid it by only really reading the chat when she needed help in superliminal, don't see why she couldn't do the same with antichamber.

>> No.26646336

It's more likely one of their managers browses here and gives them the feedback. Even Kiara seems to be aware of things that get said here and she doesn't seem the type to touch this place with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.26646337

huh, but that's still missing

>> No.26646338


>> No.26646339


>> No.26646342

Either Ina or Amelia. Will have to see.

>> No.26646343


>> No.26646345

I just got a job so I can dish out the extra income for 2 memberships. Prolly /yaboy/ Mori and based Ame

>> No.26646349
File: 484 KB, 1864x3263, 1502962930822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646397

My nigga Mori will be my third membership

>> No.26646348

With the chicken limiter gone everything will be daijoubu

>> No.26646351

I mean she probably browsed here since people were speculating if her character would have a british accent. That said I hope she keeps being a fucking gremlin

>> No.26646353
Quoted by: >>26646388

>and then suddenly you can just fucking use it
the fuck, why wouldn't you be able to use it if it leaked? the only thing that could protect that is a patent I thought

>> No.26646354
Quoted by: >>26646389

The moonmoon one? I don't think she removed that because of us.

>> No.26646357

All of the girls are ordered by Japanese standard, so I don't get your point.
Are you implying that she chose her own name?

>> No.26646358

I hope so.

>> No.26646360

She's alright desu

>> No.26646365

I think every single one of them browses this place from time to time.

Or their manager-sans.

>> No.26646366

thanks for streaming ame i love you

>> No.26646367

Why would anyone be surprised?

>> No.26646369

the "managers browse here" narrative SUCKS

>> No.26646370

>less retarded than /v/ about it
Makes sense. /hlgg/ pre stickies and post stickies are two separate entities at this point

>> No.26646372
File: 363 KB, 613x869, pos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saves day of nothing


>> No.26646373
File: 366 KB, 447x691, 1577467215129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to give it to Gura but it's pointless if she streams at bad timings for me.

>> No.26646374

our queen

>> No.26646376


>> No.26646380

actual /jp/ hates english but doesn't know enough jap to go on 5ch so it's not a big surprise

>> No.26646382

Chicken has already been there and probably sucked untold amounts of monkey cock.

>> No.26646383

Depends on what they offer, but Mori for sure, and maybe Ina and Amelia.

>> No.26646384

An anon of culture

>> No.26646386

didn't I also here something about amelia making a post here explaining her own thoughts her own debut?

>> No.26646388
Quoted by: >>26646438

If it leaked and you made your own coke, they couldn't do shit. But if you tried to sell your homebrew coke with that exact same recipe, they could pursue legal action.

>> No.26646389

nah, it was some random one about not watching streams in class

>> No.26646392
File: 2.89 MB, 784x1040, 1579393748163.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just think Mori sounds better and cuter so its more fitting

>> No.26646391

The real narrative is the only one that browses here is the bird, thats why she's such a mess all the time

>> No.26646397
File: 136 KB, 462x531, 1200[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*spills wine next to you*

>> No.26646398
File: 424 KB, 1275x1650, 1600531968999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for Guras 3D debut stream

>> No.26646400

show armpit to prove you're not just a roleplayer

>> No.26646402

Truly the unsung hero of Hololive, sad that most people will probably never realize this.

>> No.26646413
File: 1.42 MB, 2000x2000, 1600461503107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646451

/jp/ is trash. I just come here to watch /hlgg/ seethe.

>> No.26646415

I genuinely would've liked to listen to her sing. Damn shame she had to go instead of worthless jobbers like nene or lamy.

>> No.26646420
Quoted by: >>26646462

As if their manager would go here, I already have my hands full tard wrangling the dumb chicken

>> No.26646422

Sasuga, schizo /pol/poster

>> No.26646424

She's the only one who did the sexy/horny act without sounding slutty or letting it dominate her character.

Big props.

>> No.26646428

Heh, I miss maui and sons.

>> No.26646432

I wonder if her 3D model will have a pluggable tail.

>> No.26646438
Quoted by: >>26646499

On what basis? Unless the recipe was patented or you literally advertised it that the recipes is same as coca-cola they couldn't do shit

>> No.26646448

I can't tell if you're fat or thin

>> No.26646451

dangerously based

>> No.26646455
File: 416 KB, 445x544, 1600567381554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26646456
Quoted by: >>26646510

>just lumping everyone in but conveniently leaving out HoloEN because it doesn't match up with Ame's random guess
Kiara said female HoloJPs, not everyone outside of HoloEN.

>> No.26646458

coco gib tongue transplant to miko please. you have way more tongue than you could ever possibly need.

>> No.26646460
File: 190 KB, 1772x1654, EiVNa6zUYAItX44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need more of these gremlin laughs

>> No.26646461

Ina is the one who's always on here. Her powerlevel is too high for all these election and phoneposters to detect, but she let enough slip in her last stream.

>> No.26646462

well it is possible that mori showed her this thread of course if one of them goes here, it is possible they all do now.

>> No.26646468

>watch a timelapse of Ina's roommate drawing
>she constantly flips the image left and right
Well OK there goes any room I had left for denial.

>> No.26646475

Ina sucks lmao

>> No.26646476

Is LMAO to old for holoEN?

>> No.26646477


>> No.26646482

If you're here:
start the stream with a giant Bubba's detective icon thingy

>> No.26646485

So do we care that Moonmoon doxxed Amelia or is it not a big deal?

>> No.26646495
File: 38 KB, 1191x538, redemption.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forgetti

>> No.26646499
Quoted by: >>26646584

Corporate espionage is a thing. You think other cola companies are somehow unable to figure out coke's recipe? People have been jailed for trying to sell the recipe to companies as well. China gets away with this shit because their government protects them, but you try to pull that shit in NA and there are legal repercussions.

>> No.26646500
File: 1.02 MB, 628x900, Eci4OHGUYAAWjlz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina was the illustrator for some of Chihiro's official merch in the past

>> No.26646501
File: 290 KB, 800x800, EiAS8h_UwAA7ev3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646544

When does membership unlock? I want to be there on day one for my shork

>> No.26646503
Quoted by: >>26646532

If anything, Ina is posting on an ffxiv thread right now, or shitposting in /fgog/.

>> No.26646506


>> No.26646509

Will start working on it next week, I use Fruity Loops mostly. I hope multiple entries are allowed.

>> No.26646510

the holoENs aren't her senpai, they are her peers

>> No.26646512
File: 11 KB, 300x300, 1599851805456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calliopeposting doesnt roll off the tongue like moriposting does

>> No.26646513
File: 371 KB, 2000x2601, 20200919_094114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my drunk, hardworking Aunt, say something nice!

>> No.26646518
File: 17 KB, 100x100, 20200920_005827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26646525

>she referenced a picture all of them have liked on twitter so she's here guys

>> No.26646529

>>we said she never likes mori fanarts
>>she liked a ton of mori fanarts since yesterday
This was happening before people started posting about it so the initial claim was wrong.

>> No.26646531
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros what did she mean by this?

>> No.26646532

She's 100% in /fgog/ talking about how work is cutting into her grind time for the event. She wouldn't be in ff14 though, since she can actually parse and play.

>> No.26646533

Everyone here pretty much loves you! You sexy gremlin!

>> No.26646536

She's a dork, a DORK!

>> No.26646537

moonmoon's fanbase wont do anything, so its better to just let it die

>> No.26646540
File: 132 KB, 837x1181, 1600189758117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boing boing

>> No.26646543

her tentacles on my penis, yes

>> No.26646544

Took a month for gokisei.

>> No.26646547
File: 5 KB, 375x36, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26646549
Quoted by: >>26646578

We should just because moonmoon is a faggot regardless

>> No.26646551

I can hear this post in your voice wtf

>> No.26646556

>we said she never likes mori fanarts
>she liked a ton of mori fanarts since yesterday
that claim was proven to be wrong when it was posted

>> No.26646562
Quoted by: >>26646581


>> No.26646563


>> No.26646569

YAGOO is here bros

>> No.26646570

Was her twitch day considered a dark past?

>> No.26646571


>> No.26646572

Amelia is The Ancient Ones.

>> No.26646578


Shouldn't do anything you fucking retard.

>> No.26646580

It's easier to memento mori and she is an embodiment of death after all.

>> No.26646581

Eugine doesn't count.

>> No.26646584

>You think other cola companies are somehow unable to figure out coke's recipe?
Nah, I think it's more about there being industry oligarchies and needing specific ingredients

>> No.26646586
File: 777 KB, 1078x1525, Nkoyallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Amelia!!

>> No.26646589
Quoted by: >>26646753

Did he say her twitch name?

>> No.26646590
File: 205 KB, 1272x870, Dhgx8zRW4AAW2Vs.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646680


>> No.26646592
Quoted by: >>26646625

Really? Ame's decision to speed read her SC's names and to skip the messages made it so no one donated red ones to her anymore.

>> No.26646595
File: 139 KB, 565x446, 1600309746355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no webm of "monetization yaaaay!"
Shark is going to make korone look like a joke

>> No.26646597

>Kiara's roommate is super hot
Damn, nice.

>jack fucking shit on gura because she was just as anonymous under s*nzawa
Hahaha, based lass.

Anyways yeah, report this shit to cover immediately.

>> No.26646599

i have never felt a stronger personal connection to a complete stranger than when watching wame

>> No.26646601

Nah. Calliope is actually a first name taken from the muse of poetry. Mori still sounds better though.

>> No.26646608

amelia doesnt post here idiots

>> No.26646615 [SPOILER] 
File: 979 KB, 1308x1132, 1600625307516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26646622

But it was a fun reading so it's ok.

>> No.26646623
Quoted by: >>26646651

Who cares if she comes here on occasion? An anon is an anon, no matter who said anon may be.
More importantly, are we going to see Kiara celebrate 200k?

>> No.26646624

t. Calli

>> No.26646625

I thought screaming out the names and pulling the donate fast or I won't read your name was pretty smart

>> No.26646627

I am going to sleep for 5 hours now, so please dont start yet

>> No.26646628

idiot doesn't post here amelias

>> No.26646632

I hope you collab with all 51 of your senpais eventually. Should have been one of your goals.

>> No.26646634

any group coupons?

>> No.26646636
Quoted by: >>26646961


I don't really understand this, I don't recall anything witty that HoloEN has said. Is there anything that comes to mind? There have been cute and dorky moments, but not any scenes where I'm like "Wow, she came up with on the spot?"

If anything I'm pretty impressed on how HoloJPs interact with each other. They always seem to have their own rhythm and be able to play off each other. Even livers that don't really interact with each other can do this seamlessly, and I can't imagine our HoloEN being able to do this even with a month of experience later, but I'd love to be proven wrong.

>> No.26646640

Best to let it slide because nothing is going to come of it if we do. If we start shit we'll trigger the Streisand effect.

>> No.26646641

>Ina was in the vtuber black hole back in February of 2019
Damn she's an OG

>> No.26646644

>using counterfeit coupons

Speaking of...
Please don't drop the coupon shtick, it's great.

>> No.26646646

You are supposed to address her by her last name.

>> No.26646649
Quoted by: >>26646668

I just woke up? What did you do?

>> No.26646651
Quoted by: >>26646671

She is gonna celebrate it with some nice SC reading

>> No.26646655
Quoted by: >>26647228

Does anyone has the clib of Kiara singing Rick Roll?

>> No.26646660
Quoted by: >>26646856

wow bro you're a real badass

>> No.26646663

If I call her Calli, I think of her voice actress' name.

>> No.26646668


>> No.26646671

I like her voice, so this suits me just fine.

>> No.26646679

why are you gae

>> No.26646680

Of course

>> No.26646685

Doesn't even matter. Quality of the thread always skyrockets when this happens.

>> No.26646692
File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, 1590777598965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever heard of how coincidences work?
It's more likely than you think, specially for incredibly generic stuff like that.

If now I type: "Amelia, start the stream with an ARA-SIKE during loading screen" and she does it, than it's super likely that she browses here, because the chances of me simply getting it right are super low.
If now I type: "Amelia, do the stream without your jacket" and she does it, that's just a stupid coincidence. She has two outfits right now and she mostly removes her jacket randomly, it's literally a 50/50 of me getting it right.
Same for the post in your pic: the debut was bad, and she could tell it by herself without anyone else help, and she just acknowledged and telling everyone "Sorry, it didn't happen, I was tired, next stream will be better."
You can find similarities every where if you look very hard AND want to find them.
For example, my post will end with 2 like yours.

>> No.26646695

Extremely >>26646292

>> No.26646698

>ends her stream with "I'm Mori, please remember me!"
>we're supposed to call her Calli
people are retarded

>> No.26646699


roommate is my kind o gal

>> No.26646702
File: 277 KB, 756x739, 1600435229830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina because the membership horror movie streams are going to be super comfy.

>> No.26646706
File: 1.61 MB, 1872x1748, 1600504619466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife.

>> No.26646713

Please show counterfeit coupons in your stream onegaishimasu.

>> No.26646714

ogey schizo

>> No.26646717
Quoted by: >>26646737

*For example, my post will end with 2

>> No.26646719

I'm ogay.

>> No.26646723

You cheeky cunt.

>> No.26646724
File: 57 KB, 940x946, 1592772443292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646980

4channelers are mentally ill

>> No.26646725
Quoted by: >>26646828


>> No.26646728

>like yours
psychic-chama... your counting reps

>> No.26646736

Not at all?

>> No.26646737

Holy shit, Amelia posts here confirmed

>> No.26646742

if dubs I am amelia

>> No.26646743

I call her mommy...

>> No.26646745
File: 15 KB, 600x600, 1594782664283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my post will end with 2

>> No.26646749


>> No.26646753

He said Watson was the subscriber who posted "Wow he really got us there" on twitter when he joked all vtubers were ugly so he felt bad, so not completely but anyone who cares can find it.

>> No.26646755
File: 999 KB, 456x342, PFHb[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I call her Calli I dream of Calli-fornication.

>> No.26646761
Quoted by: >>26646997

ENs are coming back tomorrow, right bros? I'm running out of backlogged streams.

>> No.26646763

lmao you meant to say 'start with a 2', right?
Accidentally coincidental?

>> No.26646767

>saw Mori's Eazy Breezy cover with face cam on

>> No.26646772

You think a psycho narcissist wouldn't be lurking everywhere their name is mentioned?

>> No.26646776
File: 415 KB, 543x767, 1600577325981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know it's you

>> No.26646779

Ina let me be your girlfriend, I'll slap your butt

>> No.26646780
File: 1.34 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200920-111216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646821


Eventually even EN will get these numbers by Gen 4

>> No.26646781
Quoted by: >>26646974


>> No.26646785

>my post will end with 2


>> No.26646786
File: 458 KB, 1000x500, 1600221531704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26646788
File: 9 KB, 512x207, 1588162095566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26646789
File: 33 KB, 514x553, 1597079796705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting that close only for her to tell you your coupons are counterfeit so she gets dressed and leaves

>> No.26646797

Thank god we now have people with actual working brains

>> No.26646799

She also decided to read out the Norf FC superchat even though she was speedrunning them and she laughed

>> No.26646804

oh what the fuck

>> No.26646806

how the FUCK?!

>> No.26646809

That's my Amelia

>> No.26646812

Ok slow down squidman you're making me do my sanity reps

>> No.26646821

Luna is niche

>> No.26646823

Since this post ended in 2 it means that Amelia is the author of that other post

>> No.26646825
File: 19 KB, 231x395, 1587272196987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If 2 I'll be Ina's wife

>> No.26646828


>> No.26646829

I wonder if someone will accidentally call her Karen someday.

>> No.26646832

>check all of my favorite chuubas' pages
>barely anything
Based, goes to show that keeping your personal data private is easily doable as long as you're not a careless retard and/or an attention whore.

>> No.26646844

She should be called Calamari.

>> No.26646847

These threads had a lot more discussions about EN before the debut so I imagine most people wrote it as Mori because 'Calli' could be written several ways and wasn't an established nickname yet and Calliope is too long. Everyone called her Mori a week ago, there are only about two or three newfags who don't.
And they're probably ESL since I've seen Cali, Calli and Callie

>> No.26646848
File: 279 KB, 416x412, 1600272644862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26646851
Quoted by: >>26647482

if my post ends in 5 then i'm mori

>> No.26646853

>some tv executives kid is going to gush about “anime shark girls on youtube” and reboot street sharks.
Wtf is this timeline

>> No.26646855

One FREE Orgasm Denial

>> No.26646856

Hope you're not the kind of person who encourages these idiots.

>> No.26646858
Quoted by: >>26647120

>and she doesn't seem the type to touch this place with a 10 foot pole.
Dude, her roommate is the type that is so obviously 100% on /cgl/ it's not a stretch to think she started coming here after joining hololive.

Kiara if you read this, I love you, ignore the haters. There are things you can improve but don't bother with the people who just shit on you without offering any constructive criticism.

>> No.26646859

Very. Thanks for no-coat on stream today.

>> No.26646865

Ame, please, tell bird to double check everything she wants to do with her manager or you (all). This girl is a ticking bomb.

>> No.26646869

If I call her Calli I can't use Morimori or Moririn, or similar moe shit. It just doesn't sound that well. Mori is also easier to type.

>> No.26646872

That's something I've been afraid of since last night. Considering how much of a bird brain Kiara is, I think it's only a matter of time before she slips up and refers to one of the girls by their first name.

>> No.26646873

>All Ina has is her art and basically it's all just about how talented she is
I know

>> No.26646874

If 6 I'm Ina's lover.

>> No.26646876
File: 255 KB, 515x474, 1585171035354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you bullying luna? luna is a cute inoffensive baby. please shitpost with someone else

>> No.26646878

If 2, Ame x Ina kiss

>> No.26646882
File: 874 KB, 600x490, 1574779423589.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if she actually says ara-SIKE by pure coincedence, maybe because the time she said it in the end was well recieved and she just feels like doing it again, this thread would fucking implode because of you.

>> No.26646883

>I will now be reading superchat messages, mostly saying thank you to names because sometimes you guys write weird things

Sides obliterated

>> No.26646886
Quoted by: >>26646951

If this posts ends in a 2 play ffxiv with me Ina!!!

>> No.26646887

In Antichamber it's very easy to get lost, so she'll read chat more often (?)
+ rules are not explained explicitly which adds to confusion

>> No.26646889


>> No.26646890

If I got dubs I'm Chicken

>> No.26646892
File: 2.16 MB, 1445x1118, 1600563871502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26646941

As long as she doesn't try to speak to any managers she should be okay.

>> No.26646894


>> No.26646899

Gura, Ina, Watson and Mori doujins when?

>> No.26646900

Has HoloEN brought pedos into our community? I keep seeing stuff on twitter

>> No.26646901
Quoted by: >>26646926

Also please say finna in your stream for your fans over on /asp/

>> No.26646909

If 2 Ina tentacle sex all HoloEN girls

>> No.26646910

The JOPs call her Moririn

>> No.26646915
File: 421 KB, 376x288, 1600483893961.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26646918


>> No.26646922

I'd guess that the hololive girls are mainly introduced to each other through their hololive names specifically so that this doesn't happen.

>> No.26646925

Well, duh. It's still fun to imagine that Ame saw that I wanted her to join the collab coatless and without her hat and did it for the giggles.

>> No.26646927
Quoted by: >>26647015

Brittany Venti is just trying to retain subs, anon

>> No.26646926
Quoted by: >>26646946

Why would she say ding-dong diddly?

>> No.26646935

Utawaku and zatsudans.

>> No.26646936

If 2 I fix my life

>> No.26646937

jesus this is actually pretty impressive
almost makes me feel bad about reporting it

>> No.26646941


>> No.26646946
Quoted by: >>26647002

Why wouldn't she ya vertically challenged dweeb

>> No.26646947

good post

>> No.26646949
File: 130 KB, 1080x309, Screenshot_2020-09-21-02-19-11-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26646951

She should do an Alliance Raid stream with fans, or maybe a Bozja run once it's out since those instances can be pretty large.

>> No.26646952
Quoted by: >>26647038


>> No.26646954

>slips up

>> No.26646955
Quoted by: >>26646990

>implying they weren't already here
Lolicon culture is otaku culture, leave normie

>> No.26646961

You're not a native jap speaker, nor do you know their customs as much.

>> No.26646964
File: 199 KB, 719x687, 1600567618364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26646965
Quoted by: >>26647006

>>slurping noises

>> No.26646970


>> No.26646974

>Panicking mid sentence

>> No.26646975

fuck i actually remember that cartoon

>> No.26646980
Quoted by: >>26647028

>they hate redditors
But /hlg/ is reddit, the thread.

>> No.26646990

Can’t believe that she is right and that HoloEN is full of proud pedofiles absolutely disgusting

>> No.26646996
File: 250 KB, 540x401, I dont know how to jawperate a computer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be jawesome

>> No.26646997

Do your twitter reps, Amelia and Kiara are going to stream

>> No.26646998

It was absolute kino

>> No.26647000
Quoted by: >>26647051

I wanted to say it's a bad idea but her watchers seem chill enough that it could work

>> No.26647002
Quoted by: >>26647043

Lose weight

>> No.26647003
File: 1.42 MB, 1241x644, 1593164813730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26648888

>Has HoloEN brought pedos into our community?
the lolicons have been here the whole time

>> No.26647005
File: 59 KB, 445x779, howdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the Ame I know and love

>> No.26647006
File: 189 KB, 400x780, c5r67vxer7o51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647839

Calm down Ina

>> No.26647008


>> No.26647009

Kiara if you're reading this, you're doing a good job but trying to take things way too quickly. It was way too early to pull out the chart meme and your delivery on the jokes on the stream could have been better. I know you're trying to set yourself up as a kusatori like your senpai, but that takes time. Slow and steady.

>> No.26647015

Mostly this, so who cares.

>> No.26647017

>ina does an alliance raid stream
>viewers can join
>it's on crystal

>> No.26647025

Wow its almost as if Holo En destroyed our previous expectations and turned out to be good.

>> No.26647027

You know what they actually read?

Youtube comments, why not fucking show your support there?

>> No.26647028
Quoted by: >>26647086

you never read something as bad as
>Ina is 20% okayu power with 60% Bob Ross and a dash of Suciopath
there are a few autistic schizos but they get told to fuck off, they don't get 240 upvotes

>> No.26647033
File: 2.66 MB, 1024x680, 1600303714400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26647035


>> No.26647038


>> No.26647040
Quoted by: >>26647154

Kiara if you are reading this, play Gothic

>> No.26647043

huh wat u mean

>> No.26647045
File: 1.32 MB, 498x434, 1600468641910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every time she yelled 'RIGHT' but turned left.
Poor directionally challenged shark.

>> No.26647047


this but with Amelia

>> No.26647048
File: 241 KB, 2070x1428, 1600062316636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26647051

If the stream is timedelayed and she puts up a PF ahead of time without announcing it, it should be fine.

>> No.26647052

Its been a while

>> No.26647055

Kiara, if you’re reading this I just want you to know that I hate you and I can’t wait for your graduation!

>> No.26647058

Kiara if you're reading this. Continue doing whatever the comments are telling you since you apparently don't have a character of your own.

>> No.26647059
File: 359 KB, 900x561, 1599965467491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was under the impression that all hololive girls call each other their chuuba name, even offline? That kind of stuff is taken quite seriously

I've seen plenty of candid footage of jp chuubas who didn't even know they were on a steam calling each other by their virtual name

>> No.26647060
Quoted by: >>26647095

Problem is her character is deeply connected to her roommate (She's drawn her on numerous occasions), so she'd need to start an alt from square 1, which is the opposite of fun on XIV. Even buying a boost would take a while to catch up because of how severely gated content is in that game.

>> No.26647069

I wanna be a cowboy!

>> No.26647072
Quoted by: >>26647093

Which HoloEn should play Gex: Enter the Gecko?

>> No.26647078
File: 125 KB, 454x356, NANDE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647166

Today, I will remind them.

>> No.26647080
Quoted by: >>26647140

Don't mind them, they're just mad they wasted years of their life learning a useless soon-to-be extinct language in order to understand chuubas only to have English-speaking chuubas pop up and dab on their hobby with their favorite chuubas now in a mad scramble to pander to the English audience as hard as possible.

>> No.26647083


>> No.26647084


>> No.26647085
Quoted by: >>26647221

Why are so many of her songs comfy

>> No.26647086

But they watched and liked "le epic reddits may may by coco", still cringe.

>> No.26647090

Kiara if you’re reading this please do something about the pedos who are fans of Vtubers

>> No.26647093


But more seriously, probably Gura. She seems like she'd have the most fun with it.

>> No.26647095

I'm pretty sure she literally said she wanted to do a FFXIV stream where she starts from scratch

>> No.26647104

Is this final fantasy MMO actually any good? Should I get it?

>> No.26647105
File: 256 KB, 463x453, 1595630508326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read that Amelia can kill across the Internet, how does that w

>> No.26647109

Happens way more often than you'd think with vtubers. Women.

>> No.26647114
File: 448 KB, 542x608, 1600445329586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647135

I always wondered if this was the case, especially with the surprise calls you mentioned

>> No.26647115
Quoted by: >>26647281

They probably use their character's names on Discord and such, and only use their real names in public, but HoloEN is scattered all over the planet anyways so they probably never use their real names.

>> No.26647120

>ignore the haters

Her reactions lately, and the fact that she's responding to fucking Youtube comments, obviously betray the truth that she reads this place. There's a lot of constructive criticism, but also a lot of schizos. Kiara just ignore the schizos you silly menhera bird.

>> No.26647125

Been catching up on old mori streams I missed. She really acts like she has impostor syndrome. It's kinda cute but not good for your mental health at the same time. Hope she gets over it.

>> No.26647128

She's was consistent at least

>> No.26647134
File: 1.45 MB, 600x480, ezgif-4-4e23e97faf79.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds more boring than even CoC but I'll still probably watch since I'm fairly certain she could read car owner's manuals and still make it a comfy good time. Mhm mhm.

>> No.26647135

>that pic

>> No.26647136
File: 364 KB, 589x996, 1600468172748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647153


>> No.26647137

It's literally free to play for the base game and entire first expansion, you can play hundreds of hours before spending anything.

>> No.26647138

This is the most likely case. This is the only site where you can find negative feedback on the girls. Youtube chat, Twitter, and Reddit are all hugboxes so the manager comes here to find actual negative feedback to gives to the girls so that they can improve. It's that fucking simple.

>> No.26647140

Most people learned Japanese long before Vtubers were a thing why be so bitter because you couldn’t enjoy them until English ones came along?

>> No.26647142
File: 772 KB, 827x980, 1599766620402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey mori, do you know the name of single person in holo ID or CN?

>> No.26647143
File: 114 KB, 443x1228, 1600271576176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing the slowest most grindy mmorpg known to man

Fuck that, how do I get a Gura gf instead

>> No.26647147

It's the best MMO on the market. The story and leveling experience are great. Endgame is extreme Simon Says.

>> No.26647149

This is the work of the ancient ones

>> No.26647150

Shiark yo...

>> No.26647152

You can literally play to level 60 for free

>> No.26647153

Holy shit Ina is here!

>> No.26647154
Quoted by: >>26647181

She wouldn't even be able to wrap her birdbrain around that game's retarded melee attack system.
Play Anachronox instead.
Or the Suikoden series.

>> No.26647156
File: 44 KB, 746x334, 4eezfhxfkbo51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There. Maybe we can shut up about this soon.

>> No.26647158
Quoted by: >>26647201

"Based", get fucked tree-rat

>> No.26647159

The more people realize HOLOLive Vtubers are just characters, and not the people who voice them, they can stop being so fucking anal about it.

>> No.26647163
Quoted by: >>26647213

Kiara, if you're reading this, please donate all of your eggs until you're totally barren. You're a lost cause, but your children might be redeemable.

>> No.26647164


>> No.26647166

Is this legit

>> No.26647170
Quoted by: >>26647198

Candid footage of them "forgetting to turn of the camera" etc. is all staged anon.

>> No.26647180

sorry still not her

>> No.26647181

she's german, every german played gothic

>> No.26647182
Quoted by: >>26647215

You get a regular adult gf first and you make a gura gf with breeding

>> No.26647185

this finally proves it. i can't believe it, that it's really HER

>> No.26647189

Kiara is cute bros..

>> No.26647191

Anon's dream came true

>> No.26647193


I love my dumbass wine aunt.

>> No.26647195

She knew Artia though, when she answered the reddit mod question.

>> No.26647198
File: 38 KB, 443x582, 4bjekcdeaqm51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dang, two years of footage and not one slip up, hololive really is on another level!

>> No.26647201

She knew Artia was the subreddit's first mod

>> No.26647202


>> No.26647203
File: 1.43 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200920-112926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based

>> No.26647204

This is cute mod, admit it.

>> No.26647205
File: 83 KB, 939x487, 1585247396296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647445


>> No.26647209

Not her

>> No.26647210

Kiara, if you're reading this, pls be my irl gf you're so beautiful please

>> No.26647213

what compels someone to say such things?

>> No.26647215
Quoted by: >>26647258


>> No.26647218


>> No.26647219
Quoted by: >>26647260

C'mon Ame post your schedule

>> No.26647221


>> No.26647229

I would play more underrail than HoloJP played Ark.

>> No.26647228


>> No.26647231


>> No.26647237
File: 1.15 MB, 900x1200, 1600585078271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647275

>chicken tries to be kindergarten cringe
>JP tubers swearing and being a lewd alot now
It's English tubers let your inner devil out

>> No.26647239

Choose 3 holoENs to fill out your RPG party, who do you choose?

>> No.26647243

It could work apart from the MQ between expansions

>> No.26647245
File: 41 KB, 879x352, 1581273504587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26647247
File: 31 KB, 128x128, 1597333823527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw dug too deep and found I video I wasn't supposed to see on one of the old streams of one of the friends of a holoEN member
Will it look weird if I contact the person who did the stream to delete it? Or should I just contact Cover via e-mail with the link?

>> No.26647248

Fuck, I haven't listened to her EP today yet.

>> No.26647252
File: 106 KB, 336x188, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26647253

mori death knight
ina warlock
watson artificier

>> No.26647256


>> No.26647258

It's a joke anon.

>> No.26647260
Quoted by: >>26648101

Sorry, it'll be up in another 20 minutes.

>> No.26647265
File: 691 KB, 1157x1637, 1590191247633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... Touhou is real...

>> No.26647266

The only way I'll shut up is if my mouth gets buried in the muff of Kiara's roommate

>> No.26647267
Quoted by: >>26647316

post it here first

>> No.26647268
Quoted by: >>26647316

Reach out to Cover. They'll take care of it, and the person won't get in trouble unless they're a shit about it.

>> No.26647269

Ina as a healer/mage
Gura as a tank
Mori as a damage dealer

>> No.26647270
Quoted by: >>26647300


>> No.26647271
Quoted by: >>26647318

How will she afford maintenance at this rate..
cover wouldn't actually take a cut from this, right?

>> No.26647275
Quoted by: >>26647947

youtube-kun picks up on english fuckery more easily.
chicken does swear in german when she has her heated gamer moments, though.

>> No.26647279


>> No.26647281

It would be really hard to not mix up names and slip up. I listen to a podcast in which the casters use pseudonyms, and they slip and call each others by their first name at least once an episode.

>> No.26647285
File: 29 KB, 580x303, Troll-2-Oh-My-God[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26647289
Quoted by: >>26647316

Just contact the person instead, if they don't take it down then you can contact cover.

>> No.26647291

Starting from scratch sounds dumb though it's been 7 years since I actually did the ARR msq so maybe it would be fun to experience it again with Ina.

>> No.26647297

Howdy sugarcube

>> No.26647300

wait no, I meant one that was edited to the song

that some Anon posted in these threads before

tried to find in the archives but couldn't

>> No.26647301

they're all really OP apart from Ame, and she's got max luck anyway

>> No.26647303
Quoted by: >>26647390

waifu for cucks

>> No.26647311


>> No.26647312

They did recently revamp ARR to make it less cancer, but it's still not exactly what I'd call riveting stream content.

>> No.26647316
Quoted by: >>26647487

No. I'm not polish or a finn
Alright. I'll give it a few work days and go for Cover if there's no reply.

>> No.26647318

They have a salary by cover I would presume

>> No.26647320

Ina Ame Gura to cuddle with everynight

>> No.26647321 [DELETED] 

I would play more underrail than HoloJP played Ark.
Fuck tchortists.

>> No.26647323
File: 1.62 MB, 1175x1216, ameneedle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For it to be slander it would have to be false in the first place.
It's based on publicly available information you can find yourself.
It's totally legal.

>> No.26647328

lmao anon

>> No.26647329
Quoted by: >>26647390

Gangbang with anons!

>> No.26647338
File: 183 KB, 1920x1080, [Judas] Fairy Tail (2009) - 017.mkv_snapshot_00.35_[2020.09.09_20.57.47].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647386

I actually don't give a shit either way about Chicken. I'm just pretending to be a schizo about her because I think it's funny when this sub argues about dumb shit that no one else cares about.

>> No.26647341
Quoted by: >>26647375


>> No.26647343

Just report the entire thing to COVER, it would probably be better for you not not get involved at all.

>> No.26647348

I'd contact the person and if they don't respond in a day go to Cover.
After Aloe they thankfully finally started taking this kind of stuff a lot more seriously.

>> No.26647351

seeing what they changed in the revamp might be interesting too
either way I'd watch her stream ff14 regardless

>> No.26647355
File: 268 KB, 431x387, 1600218615893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pearl Harbor: Electric Boogaloo

>> No.26647357
Quoted by: >>26647400

This, its more of an inconvenience than a fucking crime.

>> No.26647358
Quoted by: >>26647427

Marine and Noel talked about how they I've went to a doujin event and were calling themselves by codenames

>> No.26647359

Ina as a warlock/mage
Mori as an edgy cleric/healer
Gura as a Sharkzerker

>> No.26647360

Mori hexblade (or immortal) warlock
Ina great old one warlock
Kiara champion fighter

>> No.26647362

narrative fags dont even watch the stream. just busy with autistically refreshing the thread

>> No.26647363

>when she clearly wasn't.
She clearly was.

>> No.26647368


>> No.26647369
File: 100 KB, 629x680, Ehve3-RWAAE4hX6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loves Souls games
>loves SOTN
>currently streaming shitty RPGMaker games
I didn't know girls even could be this based.

>> No.26647371


>> No.26647375

HoloEN will play terraria instead of minecraft, screencap this post

>> No.26647378

Ina Tank (approaching Darkness levels of masochism there)
Amelia as combat medic (I love this doctor)
Gura as Berserker DPS (but without GPS so may need direction)

>> No.26647386

Falseflagger-sama... I am sending a MOAB to your destination... Gomengomen...

>> No.26647387

you saw the blackface video?

>> No.26647390
Quoted by: >>26647422

Have sex reddit tourists

>> No.26647394

The based timeline.

>> No.26647397
File: 146 KB, 738x1085, 1600153418920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Detective hands wrote this post.

>> No.26647400


They're hired by Japanese company so I don't know how it works but... Japan cares about muh honor more than truth.

>> No.26647414
Quoted by: >>26647446

huh? lots of artists flip their images left and right

>> No.26647417

Kiara (WHM)
Mori (BLM)
Gura (Beserker)

>> No.26647418

Not being funny, but is there a single person here that unironically doesn't like Amelia?

>> No.26647422
Quoted by: >>26647443

That's what I'm going to do - with Ame!

>> No.26647426

I would watch a fucking chaotic colab with the five of them.

>> No.26647427
File: 276 KB, 2048x1454, Ehd0m-QU8AIax-i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes more sense, they're at a big weeb event where people could recognize them at that event, i remember them saying how nervous they were since Marines voice is apparently loud irl and pretty easy to spot in a crowd.

Guess the ENs don't have to worry about that since no more conventions thanks to the Rona...

>> No.26647431
File: 880 KB, 1757x850, amelie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26647433

Do you enjoy being a broken record

>> No.26647434

Tan lines + tummy is very nice combo.

>> No.26647437

what if she's 6 feet tall

>> No.26647438
Quoted by: >>26647481

That would actually be good

>> No.26647443

Nope. Leave.

>> No.26647445
Quoted by: >>26647500

May I have a naked apron coupon?

>> No.26647446
Quoted by: >>26647562

More like, it is required to flip it like that if you want to call yourself a decent artist.

>> No.26647447
Quoted by: >>26647496

Yes, I hate mary sue characters

>> No.26647450

what baggage does the chicken have on this man to force him to humiliate himself like this? why do we let her get away with this?

>> No.26647463


>> No.26647464


>> No.26647469

With open arms and closed fists.

>> No.26647473
Quoted by: >>26647562

But that's the basic of basic for digital drawing...

>> No.26647474

>Look into Aimer since Ina says she loves her work
>Find this


What did she mean by this?

>> No.26647477


>> No.26647482

>not four
Come on.

>> No.26647481

They would get stuck on hardmode though and Kiara would cry

>> No.26647484

It's not, but you can sue someone for any reason. If you doxx someone in the US, they could sue you for giving them unnecessary stress and win if they have good enough lawyers.
Cover will probably send cease & desist letters to people the more agressive with their doxxing, which might scare them, but it's almost impossible to fight against doxxing and harrassment on the internet.
If the doxx website is based outside of Japan, they basically can't do anything.

>> No.26647486

Mori is literally immortal and invulnerable so she's obviously the tank. (Dark Knight)
Kiara is also immortal so she's the next most obvious pick, she'll provide healing and buffs with her food. (Alchemist or Apothecary?)
Gura is the deadliest creature of the sea, the APEX Predator, she'll obviously be my DPS. Not sure what class she'd be though, Brawler?

>> No.26647487
Quoted by: >>26647659

Don't contact unrelated people first, you don't know how they'll respond or what they might do

>> No.26647491

Found a cute one that does lot of ASMR and plays lots of SHUMPS
She's pretty "based"

>> No.26647496
File: 921 KB, 1162x569, 1599962479022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mary Sue
>just got called the most impure member in the collab

Does not compute

>> No.26647498
File: 159 KB, 1000x1307, Eh4tsQ_VgAIKZpP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan doesn't give a shit, there are dozens of sites like this and it doesn't hurt anyone if you're a respectable person worth supporting.

>> No.26647500
File: 85 KB, 939x487, 1581030625119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way ahead of you

>> No.26647503

>she could read car owner's manuals and still make it a comfy good time.
So you're saying Cultist Simulator has a chance?
>Mhm mhm.

>> No.26647510


>> No.26647511

did you fags miss the cowboy in the top left corner of her debut stream thumbnail? THAT is the most obvious clue that its HER

>> No.26647512
Quoted by: >>26647546

WoT is HE spamming with polish heavy tanks.

>> No.26647516

what class am i and what are my stats?

>> No.26647524
Quoted by: >>26647565

How hard can it be to end with 2, right ancient one?

>> No.26647525

Sounds up my alley damnit!

>> No.26647528

>no more conventions thanks to the Rona
don't remind me...also I wonder if I might have crossed paths with a holoEN without realizing it before...

>> No.26647529

I'm unironically rooting for this alcoholic retard.

>> No.26647530
Quoted by: >>26647734

Girls are just people like us, anon.

>> No.26647533


>> No.26647535

why are you browsing plebbit, you retard?

>> No.26647538
File: 2.45 MB, 2000x3000, 2otskjyxbpn51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647611

Ina wants to be stepped on by all the girls in HoloEN

>> No.26647545
File: 403 KB, 987x1220, holoEN mix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The final boss of HololiveEN:

Takamori Amegura'nis!

>> No.26647546

>polish heavy tanks

>> No.26647549
File: 236 KB, 2048x2048, Eh1kUWUXsAEBLNa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no offline collabs
>no 3d
>probably no merch or a Keychain at best

ENs are suffering

>> No.26647550
File: 190 KB, 425x400, 1600572330286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shark has a +100k lead over the 2nd biggest EN
>will soon have 2x the subs chicken has
How the hell did she do it? Everyone else's growth kinda plateaued recently, but shark just keeps going.

>> No.26647553

I think all of the games she's into are really lame and something about her gimmick just doesn't 100% click with me.
Still glad she has a dedicated fanbase, i want all of EN to succeed.

>> No.26647556

>slowest most grindy mmorpg
Black Desert?

>> No.26647560

she looks jacked
not that I'm complaining mind you

>> No.26647562
Quoted by: >>26647600

Bullshit. You have to do it right the first time.

>> No.26647565

it was hard

>> No.26647567

Ina as elder god tier pink parsing healer
Amelia as ranged dps that blames her group
Mori as death knight tank with +X CON based on her bust size

>> No.26647569
File: 364 KB, 700x988, 1600324232142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647636

Not my glorious Haachama! Insanity desires an output and she's been working with feverish speed on her projects.

>> No.26647570

Fucking nice.

>> No.26647571


>> No.26647574
File: 1.04 MB, 1006x825, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened?

>> No.26647577

nice edit, moris eyes actually fit her pretty well

>> No.26647586

Based luck chad.

>> No.26647587

first cute and funny holo

>> No.26647590

>Mori's eyes

>> No.26647592

Lolis sell

>> No.26647599
Quoted by: >>26647773

Mori/Chicken offline collabs are possible but yeah, thats about it.

>> No.26647598

breasts need to be bigger and have more definition

>> No.26647600
Quoted by: >>26647642

Your arrogance will bring your downfall.

>> No.26647602

Meme tweets + reddit

>> No.26647605


>> No.26647607

what are thooooose?

>> No.26647611

Who doesnt

>> No.26647612

What would gura look like in watson's uniform?

>> No.26647620 [DELETED] 

There are plenty of broken females who turned to predominantly male hobbies and grew up without the typical whore mindset. They just all hide inside and you never see them.

>> No.26647625

Subscriber bots from desperate fans

>> No.26647628


It's her...

>> No.26647631
Quoted by: >>26647656

Did anything happen to Mori-sama? Say it ain't so...

>> No.26647632

Offline collabs would always be difficult because of the physical distance.
Kiara and Mori can definitely do 3D in studio since they're in Japan. Amelia already has her own 3D equipment. Ina could probably get it.

>> No.26647636
File: 277 KB, 1920x1280, EiRT9eWUMAAiV7z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama has been outclassed in every aspect.

>> No.26647640
Quoted by: >>26647722

>anywhere remotely close to most grindy mmorpg
literally every KMMO beats it in that regard

>> No.26647641

The cutest gay squid in the world.

>> No.26647642

I already fell long ago.

>> No.26647644

Mori's eyes actually fit Gura really well
Like a "blood in the water" Gura

>> No.26647645

Gura actually streams for more than a hour and more than twice a week

>> No.26647647

The hat stays on, nice.

>> No.26647649

this lazy bum

>> No.26647651
File: 261 KB, 1451x2048, 1583595019412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26647652

Didn't she used to have 1 million+ subs

>> No.26647656
File: 104 KB, 250x255, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During the collab she just froze up and had a thousand hard stare

>> No.26647659

Yeah I decided to just link it to Cover. It's not my job to deal with it. I'm sure they're way more capable than me and I don't want to somehow do something bad.

>> No.26647660

(Formulario ingles)

>> No.26647666

Of course she doesn't. If an IP leak happened like Note's it would be insane. The narrative is they lurk.

>> No.26647668
File: 199 KB, 600x700, comfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep tight sharky

>> No.26647669
Quoted by: >>26647692

...the program froze.

Holy shit anon.

>> No.26647673
Quoted by: >>26647890

Korone effect. Appealing design/voice whose streams are easily appreciated by people who don't understand English because cute noises are universally understood.

>> No.26647676

Must've been her internet demons again.

>> No.26647675

What's her powerlevel?

>> No.26647677

more and more people realize its HER

>> No.26647678
Quoted by: >>26647752


>> No.26647680

And people still post the "a" here unironically. Disgusting. This is worse than the goslingposting in Watson's stream

>> No.26647684

>thousand hard stare

>> No.26647685

She wants some cute Japanese girls to step on her and love her all over.

>> No.26647691

Keep it going, I'm still practicing my breath reps because holy fuck some of these verses

>> No.26647692
Quoted by: >>26647712

Everyone else was still able to move, it was just funny because she stopped talking as well.

>> No.26647696

Good night gura sleep well

>> No.26647698 [SPOILER] 
File: 178 KB, 1000x1000, 1600627499974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dare you look upon the truth?

>> No.26647713


3d would be easy honestly an older vr headset and full body tracking doesn't even cost a grand and setting it up from streaming is really easy because of some nice programs

>> No.26647712

Oh, I know it froze up like twice, my bad

>> No.26647716
File: 513 KB, 596x626, 1562167048994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant wait for the surgeon simulator collab my friends................

>> No.26647717

She attracts a lot more JOPs than the others

>> No.26647720

FPS streams are gay and I didn't watch superluminal cause I haven't played it. I'll see if I like her during the Surgeon Simulator collab.

>> No.26647722

This. You could literally make two or three dozen BiS characters in XIV before you ever get to a competitive gear level in BDO, korean MMOs are legit nightmares.

>> No.26647728

That's why you gotta lower your standards and find a nice NEET girlfriend. It might not be top tier pussy but you'll be happier in the long run. Just gotta teach her basic hygiene.

>> No.26647730

A thousand island stare

>> No.26647734
File: 33 KB, 372x386, 1570450550976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro....you're scaring me.
>tfw there could be a girl in the thread RIGHT NOW

>> No.26647735

If it was then kiwifarms wouldn't still exist.

>> No.26647738


>> No.26647739

>why am i being so cringe i gotta stop being so fucking cringe it's not even funny anymore god damn it

>> No.26647741
File: 146 KB, 2048x1093, IMG_20200920_134533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda want one of these images, but with the huge huke bloop

>> No.26647742

Memes going mainstream on reddit and her having 1 million subs beforehand. That's why she will only celebrate 1 million

>> No.26647743

gura confirmed weak

>> No.26647746

She finally realized that she made it.

>> No.26647749

Cali always seems to have thousand year stare going on

>> No.26647752
Quoted by: >>26647804

She's Kaiji?

>> No.26647757
File: 42 KB, 800x559, 1572290981832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26648384

>my friends

>> No.26647759

Same here. I have high expectations.

>> No.26647761

Clap clap
Next meme!

>> No.26647764
Quoted by: >>26647833

?? she said she won't be streaming yesterday

>> No.26647766


>> No.26647767

Ame as artificer battlemage who makes heavy use of items in combat
Ina as a wizard with high piety which can be used to call upon her gods once in a while
Gura as a mascot that makes squeaky sounds when hit

>> No.26647773

Are Watson and Sharkzawa in the same timezone?

>> No.26647779

it's her but it's not REALLY her if you catch my dic

>> No.26647780


Is because this thread is full of the same people that are paying on Reddit but they come here when they feel like shitposting.

4chan had been like this for years

>> No.26647784


>> No.26647782
File: 6 KB, 225x225, belieb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my friends

>> No.26647786

cute goblin!

>> No.26647788

Same, fellow tentamates.

>> No.26647789


>> No.26647792

>this becomes her intro for a full month
i like this narrative

>> No.26647797

Holy shi-

>> No.26647798
Quoted by: >>26647951

Yes, also in the same room AND bed AND shirt

>> No.26647803

s*n*z*w was the chosen one all along.

>> No.26647802
Quoted by: >>26647940

3 gimmicks from chicken
2 gimmicks from mori
2 gimmicks from ina
only 1 gimmick from watson?

>> No.26647804


>> No.26647805
Quoted by: >>26647899

This, i would love to have a NEET gf. Not even just for the obvious reasons like sharing interests and such, i just think i'd be able to connect better with someone like that.

>> No.26647810

Yeah, me too. Should be good old chaotic fun.

>> No.26647815

Yes, west coast. Ina is beyond EST.

>> No.26647817

Artia is better than all of the EN girls.
Try and prove me wrong.
pro tip: you can't

>> No.26647825
Quoted by: >>26647892

No one has found me so far..

>> No.26647831 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 827x1165, 1579592026874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that Mori supports LGBT? Based!

>> No.26647833

So did Kiara. You never knew.

>> No.26647836

That was just foreshadowing the banjo playing though

>> No.26647839

I'm an inafag so I appreciate this (you)

>> No.26647842

>revealing that you are a redditor yourself just to shit on a vtuber you don't like
What a lame falseflag, was getting caught part of your plan?

>> No.26647844
File: 898 KB, 2894x4093, 9hpdkk6mj3n51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26647843

Her accent is repulsive.

>> No.26647845

all the girls are extremely gay except for ame

>> No.26647848

powerful post

>> No.26647850
Quoted by: >>26647911

Even if they are that could still be entire states apart

>> No.26647853

that's what makes her so amazing

>> No.26647858
Quoted by: >>26647877

how, they are NEETs

>> No.26647865

Ina could fly a cheap trip to visit Ame and Gura tho.... After covid.

>> No.26647866

Yeah! Lettuce, Guac, Bacon and Tomato!

>> No.26647867
Quoted by: >>26647883


>> No.26647871
Quoted by: >>26647904

You're right on this, my sister never goes out of the fucking house

>> No.26647870 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26647961

That's not it, most of s*nzawas subs are random tik tok zoomers who learned about the ok boomer song, they have no clue about hololive.

>> No.26647875
Quoted by: >>26647929

All 5, likely. Whats a membership? $5 a month?

>> No.26647877
Quoted by: >>26647923

MMOs, conventions, other gatherings of recluses.

>> No.26647881

her accent is the best part

>> No.26647882

They're all straight except for maybe Ina.

>> No.26647883


>> No.26647885 [DELETED] 
File: 295 KB, 2009x2000, 1600402912235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true? Mori doesn't think that black lives matter?

>> No.26647889

I am currently dumpster diving right now

Wish me luck

>> No.26647890


>> No.26647892
Quoted by: >>26648875

We'll all get our chance anon.
Of course imma ask for the link

>> No.26647893

thanks for the reddit link, I'm not going to open it and I'll just call you a faggot instead


>> No.26647895
Quoted by: >>26647935

no lives matter to her

>> No.26647899

I just wonder if a relationship like that would work in the end, or it wouldn't backfire horribly. Sometimes opposites attract after all.

>> No.26647902

Female ESL accents are cute, I like her as much as I like Kiara.

>> No.26647904


>> No.26647911

Statistically speaking they both probably live in California.

>> No.26647915

Earlicking ASMR as her first membership only stream

>> No.26647918
Quoted by: >>26648030

NEET gfs are great, but you can enter a really bad loop of reinforcing each others bad behaviors and have your life spiral out of control even more. Nice if you both have money from somewhere. Otherwise you just end up playing video games all night and passing out together on the couch to the login screen sound of the shit mmo you both play for multiple years.

>> No.26647921

No lives matter, dude.

>> No.26647923

last time I went to an anime con fotm anime watching chads just picked up all the girls

>> No.26647927

mori thinks all deaths matter

>> No.26647928
Quoted by: >>26648006


>> No.26647929

less for arschads

>> No.26647932
Quoted by: >>26647945

You think COVER is making them take Japanese lessons right now

>> No.26647935

All lives are equal to DEATH's eyes.

>> No.26647936
File: 141 KB, 298x252, 1600486684381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save us from the dead hours

>> No.26647938 [DELETED] 

She cares about trans rights at the very least but who knows

>> No.26647940

i wanted to give her the monocle but it was too difficult

>> No.26647945


>> No.26647947

Doesn't she swear a lot in English in the Mario stream? More than anyone except maybe Mori

>> No.26647948 [DELETED] 
File: 496 KB, 1080x1080, 1582909338248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26647949

She's an autistic genius savant at creating viral memes, combined with a really cute loli design.

She will inevitably overtake EVERY OTHER HOLO in time. Even FBK has no chance.

>> No.26647950
Quoted by: >>26648089

These redditors are so fucking cringe oh my god, amiright fellow based 4channers?

>> No.26647951

What the fuck, are they siamese?

>> No.26647957

only ina and chicken have any gay vibes and the latter is likely bi. gawr and amelia are very much straight

>> No.26647959

Mori thinks those goblins outside her house in the underworld ghetto should just die already!

>> No.26647961
Quoted by: >>26648029

>thinking thats HER most popular video

>> No.26647963

Imagine typing this unironically

>> No.26647967

Pls dont bring the poltards here again

>> No.26647970

> cares about trans rights

Why because she sang a cover of a song about being a gay man living in Japan? That happened to include a line that roughly translates to "Gender isn't black or white"?

>> No.26647972

>Only retards here think that.
/hlg/-fag pls leave

>> No.26647976
File: 2.43 MB, 220x225, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26648199

Kiara Takanashit couldn't draw a dime even if you gave her a grey crayon color set and world class artists, she's a disgrace to the holo business, people only like her cause they pity her, and her skin is thinner than fucking paper.

>> No.26647978


>> No.26647981

Hers and the other four are the only lives that matters, far as I'm concerned.

>> No.26647984

They're all gay except for maybe Ina

>> No.26647985

That's why I'm a proud efilist.

>> No.26647989


>> No.26647990


>> No.26647993

amelia is only straight for bubba

>> No.26647997

Vancouver is still PST.

>> No.26648002
File: 111 KB, 876x206, pedobear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26648003
Quoted by: >>26648060

What's the og called

>> No.26648004

Well you just answered your own question there.

>> No.26648006

god she's so fucking precious

>> No.26648007


>> No.26648008

yes, they're both in my house right now

>> No.26648011

I hate Towa but i’d unironically put that on my car.

>> No.26648013
Quoted by: >>26648454

>3 languages
That's like half of europe. It won't make you smart.

>> No.26648015

You ever not know you need something until you actually have it?

>> No.26648016

Mori needs to do her biology reps

>> No.26648022


>> No.26648030

That sounds like heaven

>> No.26648029

Most normies don't know about the furry rap one.

>> No.26648035


>> No.26648038

I want to see Ame and Artia giggling like goblins together

>> No.26648039


>> No.26648041 [DELETED] 

Sounds fine to me, trannies are actually oppressed unlike the homo africanus.

>> No.26648042

The bird is bi.

Wouldnt be a surprise if Mori also is one size fits all

>> No.26648044

If it's you, manage to start the stream by passively mentioning bioshock and have the combination of the mustache, hat, and no coat for the beginning of the stream. Swap the mustache out if you feel like afterwards.

>> No.26648046

seems fishy.

>> No.26648050
File: 86 KB, 692x900, Gawr.Gura.full.3068198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy... can't wait for the next week of superchat readings...

Really got into the HoloEN community to hear them read names for hours and hours...

>> No.26648059

super chat ptsd

>> No.26648060

Villain. Search "villain vocaloid" on YT.

>> No.26648061
Quoted by: >>26648109

Insinuating that gender isn't a binary is enough to get a lot of people sperging.

>> No.26648068

now that's a fucking ancient meme

>> No.26648072

either terraria or modded minecraft would be fucking amazing, although they would need to develop better group chemistry to really do well.

>> No.26648077
File: 732 KB, 1048x484, 1600518598000.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26648117


>> No.26648078

I sometimes forget Spurdo is a derivation of Pedobear.

>> No.26648079

Shit taste

>> No.26648083
File: 385 KB, 2048x1302, 1600224345058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26648158

XIV girls are crazy man. They are ALL crazy.

>> No.26648084

...don't watch the streams that are explicitly reserved for superchat streams then?
It's not like they frequently interrupt their regular content to read them, i don't see the issue.

>> No.26648089

that "a" chains need to fucking stop

>> No.26648092

>he didnt donate
leaches like you are worth less than the dirt on the roadside

>> No.26648098
Quoted by: >>26648151

>Sounds fine to me, trannies are actually oppressed
Refusing to enable their delusions is not oppression.

>> No.26648101

Ame you lied to me

>> No.26648106 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 827x1165, 1576628591976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trans rights my dawg!

>> No.26648109

It's not even about literal gender but about the cultural taboos of doing effeminate things as a man in Japan.

>> No.26648117
Quoted by: >>26648200

when will the towa abuse end...

>> No.26648123

Meidos, onegai..
Newfags are getting uppity again..

>> No.26648134

the only doxxposters that really got attacked by cover were ones going out of their way to use it to cause trouble or hurt their talents, if it's just a summary of their past it isn't too harmful.

>> No.26648138 [DELETED] 
File: 299 KB, 1673x1700, 1600628246754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me, why are you guys always talking about roommates? They are completely irrelevant to the chuubas unless they get caught on a yabee moment

>> No.26648139
File: 90 KB, 772x696, gamer fuel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the themes for Gens 1, 2, and 4? Wiki doesn't seem to list them. Also, why is Gen 5 called "holofive" if there's only four of them?

>> No.26648143
File: 101 KB, 556x650, Dz5T6lCVYAAYliQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina drew Fubuki back in Feb 2019
Just how long has this girl been into hololive jesus christ

>> No.26648144

supacha streams should slow down as hype dies down and they dont get 100+ SCs per stream
just gotta bear it until then

>> No.26648145
File: 1.01 MB, 498x275, akirose glasses.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How new are you?

>> No.26648151


>> No.26648152
Quoted by: >>26648993

Never touched a Final Fantasy game and I'm sure as hell not touching an mmo one.

>> No.26648158
Quoted by: >>26648251

hot crazy or crazy crazy

>> No.26648163
File: 9 KB, 300x168, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>L = Freedom Lady

>> No.26648169


>> No.26648172

Did you see her in the quiz last night?

>> No.26648176

The fact that she's a goblin from the mainland and is repulsive af makes her so perfect

>> No.26648181


>> No.26648184

MikoP, stay strong!

>> No.26648185 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26648234

Because we are all 40 year old moms that want to know about aour favourite celebiries personal lives

>> No.26648188
Quoted by: >>26648207


>> No.26648196

I think that's super cool, knowing she's a hololive otaku makes her interest in vtubing seem really genuine.
Usually there's always the question of whether or not they just do it for the money, but with people like her you can tell she really enjoys doing this.

>> No.26648197

lady liberty

>> No.26648199
File: 2.43 MB, 200x150, STUNNER.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26648200

Towawa senpai was made to be bullied.

>> No.26648207


>> No.26648209
Quoted by: >>26648280

Has Miko been gone so long because she went to Freedom Land and got covid?

>> No.26648212 [DELETED] 

Completely unironically, learning about their roommates helped me to appreciate Mori, Kiara, and Amelia more. Having the context of their backgrounds brings into focus just how much they struggled to get where they are now.

>> No.26648214

I love emilia

>> No.26648215

that was weird even for them. how did they get Subaru to take part

>> No.26648218

You should all learn from Korone, never give up.

>> No.26648219
File: 41 KB, 563x539, 1515574074431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a song about a gay man. It's a song about a girl being conscious about dressing like a man and how society sees her as a deviant because of it. Fucking hell. "Gender isn't black or white" is about how girls can act boyish. I am literally seething at you brainlets.

>> No.26648221
File: 317 KB, 375x426, 1600407890066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EN will never have god tier narrative of JP roomates and roommate chemistry
Why live bros?

>> No.26648222 [DELETED] 

We need to know so that we can help them not do yabai moments.

>> No.26648226
File: 23 KB, 352x163, 1600212143684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering how hard the stomped on the trivia game you should know shes the only true hololive fan in the group, Amelia as a distant second

>> No.26648232

Kiara gay
Ina gay
Ame probably gay

That leaves Gura and Mori, what about em?

>> No.26648233
File: 53 KB, 927x718, allstars machina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26648234 [DELETED] 

that was probably her or her manager for real

>> No.26648239

The funny thing is that this isn't even all of it. She's such a complete dork.

>> No.26648241 [DELETED] 

Thats how its always been from the very beginning.

>> No.26648246
Quoted by: >>26648319

What about Kiara herself?

>> No.26648247

None. Fuck games.

>> No.26648251
Quoted by: >>26648277

crazy crazy

>> No.26648253 [DELETED] 

Isn't there an idiot in twitch who doxed amelia yesterday? Why have we not ended the dude?

>> No.26648256

mori a little gay for kiara
gura is a shark

>> No.26648259

What does getting a memebership get you? Just the chat flair and emotes? Or are there usually member's only streams/videos?
I might actually get them all, it's 50ARS each here, which is like 40 cents USD lmao

>> No.26648261 [DELETED] 

>being shocked a fucking woman has dumb politics.

>> No.26648265
Quoted by: >>26648356

sadly my wine aunt needs to do her holo reps

>> No.26648266

I love Korone, shes really persistent and plays obscure games.

>> No.26648269

Pekora: "I am Hololive EN member!"

What did she mean by this, bros?

>> No.26648272 [DELETED] 

he's actually very cool and one of the only two twitch streamers I like

>> No.26648273

Ame is probably a biCHAD
Kiara is whatever sexuality is advantageous to her at any given moment.
Gura is a shark.
Mori is mostly straight but a bit gay for certain people.

>> No.26648276 [DELETED] 

People have reported the event to Cover.

>> No.26648277


>> No.26648278 [DELETED] 


>> No.26648280

Yes, expect it wasn't covid, she jumped down from the top of the freedom lady and has been in the hospital ever since.

>> No.26648282

Ameribros, where is Mori's accent from? I love it.

>> No.26648284
Quoted by: >>26648305

did she really?

>> No.26648286

all that and probably member only streams

>> No.26648287
File: 13 KB, 263x308, Shark-Boy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stone Cold on hololive global
>Not Shark Boy
Give me a _______________

>> No.26648290
Quoted by: >>26648326

Mori said she wants to do Souls co-op with members, that's all i know.

>> No.26648293
Quoted by: >>26648442

save your meme money for supachats, argentine

>> No.26648300


>> No.26648301

Deeper voiced generic girl voice

>> No.26648304

member-only streams... maybe? I don't know if all holos do them

>> No.26648305

She just did. We're at around the 4 hour mark, if you want to look back later.

>> No.26648308 [DELETED] 

cause he's one of the most popular twitch streamers and normies love him

>> No.26648309

>enter gura's room for collab
>sound of 50 bottles clattering as they're sent flying across the floor

>> No.26648310

She fears the shark and doesn't want to get eaten.

>> No.26648311 [DELETED] 
File: 646 KB, 634x759, 1600619085676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have a strange definition of being straight or is it just some strong wishful thinking from desperate waifufags?

>> No.26648315
Quoted by: >>26648360

Depends on the tuber, but usually they have exclusive videos. I remember Haachama had member exclusive ASMR videos.

>> No.26648316
Quoted by: >>26648354

Ame if you're still here, can you tell us when your stream is? Trying to plan out my exercise time so I can watch you while I'm jogging.

>> No.26648317

wtf really?

>> No.26648319

>falls for the Canon shit in m64 the exact same way pekora got memed on by okayu

Seems suspect

>> No.26648322


>> No.26648325

Her accent is fucking amazing. I unironically love it.

>> No.26648326

Does souls co-op even work? Feel like there's a ton of hoops to jump through.

>> No.26648329


>> No.26648333

You have to live for Miko

>> No.26648338

Just some dumb whore fishing for views

>> No.26648339

How soft do you think the reapers cute feet are?

>> No.26648345
File: 305 KB, 478x480, 1593747823219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26648346

She was deliberately doing a Pekora act the whole time so I think she set that up.

>> No.26648348

Wait are these holos?

>> No.26648349
Quoted by: >>26648392

Streisand Effect and his leak wasnt really all that bad since only autists from here would go as far as to connect the crumbs he gave out.

>> No.26648353

It's pretty generic without any major lean, so probably from the Midwest or inland New England.

>> No.26648354

In exactly seven minutes.

>> No.26648356

Wine aunt spends 16 hours a day working her ass off to live. After that she produces music for all of us. How about we cut her some slack for not being able to follow all the senpais.

>> No.26648360
File: 28 KB, 1114x514, 1600272508451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ame asmr
worth every penny

>> No.26648361

rough and manly

>> No.26648363

probably full of corns and callouses from sweeping bathroom floors for 12 hours a night

>> No.26648364

Just report and move on.

>> No.26648367

Sounds like west coast to me but the average person doesn’t talk like her because she puts on this really formal tone.

>> No.26648368

/asp/ on /jp/ AH SHELL YEAH

>> No.26648371
Quoted by: >>26648536

She works for a living

>> No.26648376

Yeah idk how she'd make it members only since someone would immediately leak the password in chat.
Maybe she'd have to figure out a way to DM the password to just a few people at a time.

>> No.26648377
Quoted by: >>26648429

BB, 3 and Remastered have a password system that guarantees you'll see them. 2 has a ring that helps match others easier.

>> No.26648382

I don't have Twitter, what account did she do that on? Her character or her roommate?

>> No.26648384


>> No.26648391
Quoted by: >>26648462

No Ame's roommate liked this yesterday

>> No.26648392

Who was it?

>> No.26648393
File: 719 KB, 708x1000, 1600253794548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's extremely genuine in wanting to be a vtuber. Her quizzes are extremely spot on and it's clear she paid a lot of attention to hololive for a long time. Not only that, she is clearly well off, considering how she lives and other certain details.
I completely believe her when she says that the whole point why she became a vtuber was mostly to inspire people, bring them joy. Money being far down the list. The squid is a good girl and a sweet dork otaku.

>> No.26648395


>> No.26648399

To be fair, she’s dumb

>> No.26648406

>implying she doesnt just stare at pekora the entire time instead of the game

>> No.26648407

Straight women don't exist

>> No.26648411

Just a shame she barely fucking streams

>> No.26648417
Quoted by: >>26648445

damn if only she streamed more...

>> No.26648418
File: 41 KB, 112x122, a58rxmd0quc51.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26648424

Pekora does special streams where she and her nousagis watch movies, and she also shares special wallpapers and stuff. But other times they do nothing and you are paying only for some dumb emotes

>> No.26648419

They are all straight when faced with BBC (Big Bubba Cock)

>> No.26648421


>> No.26648424

why is this so funny?

>> No.26648429
Quoted by: >>26648523

My impression was that progression was only tied to the host? If you get summoned and clear new boss does it count as defeated on the phantoms side?

>> No.26648430

No it's artwork retard

>> No.26648433

Ina go stream instead of posting here

>> No.26648434

It's kinda wonky, you put down a summon sign and hope random instant allows the you want to summon you to see your sign, also it region based iirc

>> No.26648436

Can you stop? She has a life, you know.

>> No.26648437

>"How It's Made: Fart jars" membership stream
gratuitous sniffing noises

>> No.26648438
Quoted by: >>26648688

Ina, Amelia and Kiara are super gay so at very least bisexual with stronger preference towards girls, and with very high standards for guys if we don't want to see them as lez. Mori and Gura are the only ones with a small chance of being 100% straight, but you really never know with weeb girls.

>> No.26648442

There's no point, I have to pay a 64% tax on "foreign transactions" so it costs me almost double what I donate, and my money is worth shit to them anyway. At least with the membership I get something.

>> No.26648444 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 534x248, 1600628909771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26648571


>> No.26648445

The yearly event... The gacha grind...

>> No.26648448

they got that advantage of being able to do offline collab, EN girls needs some too. maybe later

>> No.26648454
Quoted by: >>26648594

Murrican's are impressed if you can even speak Murrican.

>> No.26648455
Quoted by: >>26648475

ok srry

>> No.26648460

No. Stream already, squid.

>> No.26648462

Oh thank god, it'd be a serious turn-off if the EN girls had #BLM shit on their profiles.
I'm sure some of them do, i bet Kiara is mega pozzed actually, but as long as i don't know it doesn't bother me.

>> No.26648464

Rape knows no sexual orientation.

>> No.26648467
File: 127 KB, 1254x811, 1600464889887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't think HoloEN has a future the fanbase keeps bickering with every political shitposter and bringing attention to their retarded causes you are going to be their downfall

>> No.26648474

No, fuck you.

>> No.26648475


>> No.26648476
Quoted by: >>26648917

As if these threads weren't bad enough already. Now the yuritranny brigade has arrived as well, may yagoo have mercy on us.

>> No.26648481

I would watch her gacha grind

>> No.26648482

Do they need permissions to watch a movie with us?

>> No.26648483

Come watch me in the meantime, I don't have a camera so you can't see that I'm actually not a human.

>> No.26648485

I didn't know /hlgg/ was "the fanbase"

>> No.26648486

I ok with her I guess. Not to the extent you faggots like her though. She has times where I find her annoying to watch, but she has moments I like her.

>> No.26648489

>ohhhhhh im so tired
why the fuck are they tired? is streaming for one hour a day really that tiring?

>> No.26648492 [DELETED] 

Chicken, you holo trivia reps...

>> No.26648493

>He thinks some spergs on a Mongolian bicycle refurbishing forum has any influence over the HoloEN fanbase as a whole.

>> No.26648494

Can give expectation but for the most part you're correct as long as they do their job. The problem is one particular one won't stop fucking up because of her roommate.

>> No.26648496
Quoted by: >>26648541


>> No.26648498

Don't worry, 4chan barely matters in reality.

>> No.26648501

Woah hold on there! That's a very private thing! You can't go around telling girls to show their gacha grind like that

>> No.26648502

She has her priorities straight, you've got to wait until the Christmas event in FGO to get as much farming done that you can do in these couple of weeks.

>> No.26648508

heh, women, am I right?

>> No.26648510
File: 180 KB, 783x243, 1600468385340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26648512

There are things to criticize about Artia, but her accent is not one of them.

>> No.26648513
File: 518 KB, 671x520, 1583347044398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26648552

she kinda lost me with that debut

>> No.26648514

No she doesn't, I know she's just playing gacha

>> No.26648515
File: 380 KB, 2000x2193, 8d0c9f8687afe45bd31d7705f9354f7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you hyped for the upcoming KSMR?

>> No.26648516

I don't see how some occasional funposting on an obscure imageboard would have any significant impact on them.
I think EN has a great future ahead of them actually, they're an incredible batch of talents, much better than gen 5 and 4 imo.

>> No.26648519

I'm stealing this and >>26643294 thank you

>> No.26648520

When did Cover start recruiting for HoloEN?

>> No.26648523

No. Basically, co-op is meant for getting help on a boss or area you're having trouble with, but you can still play the game through with others, you'll just have to do bosses on your own or have them help you.

>> No.26648524

Please understand, making a thumbnail and retweeting art takes time.

>> No.26648525

There is always people that don't like something. There is no avoiding it. That's why taste exists.

>> No.26648526

Mental tiredness greatly affects the whole body.

>> No.26648528

Ame loves cock

>> No.26648529
File: 62 KB, 850x661, laughing peko 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taken down because newfags couldn't keep it in their pants.
Don't let /hlg/ know that ya'll reported vtamainfo.

peace out

>> No.26648533

meidos....onegai your brainreps

>> No.26648536

>ywn massage Mori's tired feet after a hard day of work
Why must you remind me...

>> No.26648537
Quoted by: >>26648607

No, German is a disgusting language, and I am tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.26648538

Coverchama...the permissions onegai...

>> No.26648540
Quoted by: >>26648667

I think May ?

>> No.26648541


>> No.26648545

which board are you faggots from jesus christ the board culture mixing is actually pretty impressive

>> No.26648547

Why do you guys always post the best pictures with the most controversial messages
I wish there was a way for meidos to just remove the text and leave the image

>> No.26648549
Quoted by: >>26648600

No because they won't actually stream the movie, they'll just watch it and react to it and you can watch it together with them if you have it yourself.
That's usually how youtubers do this kinda thing.

>> No.26648552

But even she memory holed her debut I hope she tries singing again tho

>> No.26648555
Quoted by: >>26648565

she's a gacha/mmo addicted artist, she has no life already

>> No.26648557

You are supposed to sync watch them.

>> No.26648560

Can anyone draw a picture of Mori wageslaving with bags under her eyes?

>> No.26648562
File: 75 KB, 1095x778, 296A4C2C-805E-49D3-A8AF-7D106253172A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever been caught by your family members or friends watching ENs?
What was your pretext?
Or have you already recommended it to them?

>> No.26648565

Those things are her life.

>> No.26648567

Will amelia play cyberpunk?

>> No.26648570


>> No.26648571

>sleeve is of the hair colour
Waachama, your MS Paint reps...

>> No.26648572

So, who's going to be applying next time Holo(Live/Stars)EN auditions open?

Working on my singing reps in advance yo.

>> No.26648573

Design, her roomie subs remnants and how she's always tipsy

>> No.26648575

Still works

>> No.26648577

first I was /a/, then I was /tv/ and /sp/

>> No.26648578

There are people here from literally every board except /jp/

>> No.26648582
Quoted by: >>26648667

Late April - Early May

>> No.26648583

>having a life
>massive slut
What did incel-kun mean by this

>> No.26648589
File: 200 KB, 360x450, 50A4D4EC-B278-439F-B187-3B42EFF7C974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26648693

Bro, we need to set up our own VTuber channel! Hired nothing but doxx and narrativefags as managers, using our talents’ real names and just fight all the time, bro!

>> No.26648590
Quoted by: >>26648659

In this case, /hlgg/ is incredibly insignificant. Remember the "controversy" with the chart yesterday? Only our autists were having a conniption over it, every other Hololive place of interest did not give a scintilla of a shit.

>> No.26648592

Mixed feelings. Haven't seen enough of her, but she smells manipulative.

>> No.26648593

none of them, I used to browse gacha /vg/ threads tho

>> No.26648594 [DELETED] 

It's certainly interesting.


>> No.26648597
Quoted by: >>26648851

do you think guys have a decent shot, I'm still a newfag to hololive

>> No.26648598

its her hair, retard

>> No.26648599

I think my little sister has watched gura

>> No.26648600

why don't they just do that with video games so they dont need to request permissions all the time

>> No.26648604

they can't exactly reprimand me when I have a full time job and earn more than my family combined + I have my own apartment where I am king.
My dad is disappointed though.

>> No.26648607

deine mama is widerlich lmao

>> No.26648608
Quoted by: >>26648646

that's her hair
the thing in her hair is her monocle not her hand

>> No.26648609

I tell my bf I'm watching cute anime girls irl and to leave me alone

>> No.26648610

Cover doesn't take entry-level entertainers.

>> No.26648612
Quoted by: >>26648678


>> No.26648614

They thought I just watch cartoon so...

>> No.26648615

don't give a shit, I watch them on my tv on full view

>> No.26648617


>> No.26648618

I mean most recently? /a/

But I've been everywhere man

>> No.26648620

>but she smells manipulative.
Everyone except Ina and Gura smells like that

>> No.26648622

QUICK think of a male vtuber design that you think would catch on. I think one modeled after 9S would do numbers

>> No.26648628
Quoted by: >>26648755

And whomst the fuck might you be?

>> No.26648629

People only think Watson is smart because of her name, she's actually the embodiment of that brainlet wojak with a brain strapped to his head.

>> No.26648630

I watch holos together with my gf. But I'm close to one side of my family, so they've seen many streams and videos with me over the year.
My mom thinks Ina is very adorable and pleasant to listen to

>> No.26648632


>> No.26648635

Gf was not very happy when she caught me watching Luna
We talked about it, she still thinks it's weird but understands it's all in good fun

>> No.26648636

yes anon, I started a twitch channel just so I can send my application for holostars in a year

>> No.26648638

/a/ & /tg/ but i've been here since April.

>> No.26648640

I watch mori, My wife watches Kiara.
We watch peko together.

>> No.26648641
Quoted by: >>26648755


>> No.26648645


>> No.26648646

And here I thought she had both hands up dancing like a dork.

>> No.26648647

If you're a member long enough they personally come to your house and kiss you on the lips

>> No.26648648


>> No.26648650
Quoted by: >>26648704

/tg/ please don't laugh

>> No.26648651

Because people wanna see the gameplay? It works with movies because the experience will be the same for everyone, but that's not true for games.

>> No.26648654


>> No.26648655

Mori and Kiara both live in Japan. Do you think they know each other irl and hang out when not streaming? I'd love to think they're very close and help each other out with all sorts of things. A sleepover stream would be awesome.

>> No.26648656

You need at least three years of experience, start now.

>> No.26648659
Quoted by: >>26648697

/hlgg/ is basically an anonymous direct line to holoEN though

>> No.26648661


>> No.26648663

>but she smells manipulative
You mean like every woman ever?

>> No.26648665

their idea of relevance is completely the opposite to me, I personally just care about them to get an idea of how they might act when they get more comfortable.

>> No.26648667

Apparently their accounts were created mid-July, so the whole selection process only took 2 months? That's pretty fast

>> No.26648668
Quoted by: >>26648798

My little sister watches Korone and Gura. My older brother watches Pikamee.

>> No.26648675

Hopefully I can find a girlfriend that isn't a stupid bitch. Godspeed, anon.

>> No.26648677

im from /r/anime

>> No.26648678
Quoted by: >>26648731

Literally every thread I used to read there degenerated into discordposting vs anti-discordposting.

>> No.26648683

Accelerator but with a hoodie and big eyebags.
Do it, if you have a fitting personality i'll be your biggest fan.

>> No.26648684
Quoted by: >>26648741

I live on my own. How can people manage to be degenerate and have peace of mind living together with someone? I'm always half-naked, can fap without even closing my doors etc.
Living alone is the ultimate freedompill, take it faggots.

>> No.26648686

They've never seen the video feed and just the audio sounds like your average chinese cartoon

>> No.26648687
Quoted by: >>26648936

Not ENs, but my grandmother saw me watching Pekora once and said she looked lovely

>> No.26648688
Quoted by: >>26648880

Attractive bi weeb girls are like that, you can have a chance with them by being a legit super chad, but you need to be hotter than the girls they like and be a richfag too, from what I see around the richer a weeb girl is, the more lesbian she is.

Not to mention, legit chads have zero interest in autistic girls like this, that will have their annoying sides, so even thought girls that are 100% lesbian are supposed to be rare, weeb girls in lesbian relationships are common.

>> No.26648691

did the girls come up with their own characters?

>> No.26648693
Quoted by: >>26648861

Nijis exist anon

>> No.26648694

Mori sent her a mic so it’s possible.

>> No.26648697

ok, schizo.

>> No.26648698

I like this narrative

>> No.26648699

/a/ and /o/, recently a lot of /g/ and /fa/'s frag threads

>> No.26648700

A shota in general would have a niche.

>> No.26648703
Quoted by: >>26648751

Since they all have a relatively famous past life, they were probably scouted.

>> No.26648704

depends, what's your tribe. you better not be an EDHfag

>> No.26648705
Quoted by: >>26648829

Yes but mostly because I'm curious about what it's gonna be like.
Never watched any ASMRs.

>> No.26648709

From where is this 'Amelia is gay' narrative coming from?

>> No.26648715


>> No.26648718

I don't think gen 1 had a theme, gen 2 was themed after cosplay, I'm pretty sure gen 4 either never got a theme or their theme was also fantasy. Gen 5 is called holofive for being the 5th gen, although I know that last part is bait anyways.

>> No.26648721

the fuck am I supposed to watch? my own gameplay?

>> No.26648723

Mori gave Kiara her mic so they probably do

>> No.26648726


>> No.26648727

Mori said she's gonna give her current PC to Kiara soon so i think they must be living in at least the same area.
Doubt she'd wanna ship a whole ass computer.

>> No.26648728

Hol Horse cowboy streamer when

>> No.26648731

wait there are people who unironically defend discords?

>> No.26648734

No idea man, her dog is clearly male

>> No.26648735


>> No.26648736

People wanna see them YABEE

>> No.26648739

>color out of space

>> No.26648740

Video schedules are cute

>> No.26648741

>How can people manage to be degenerate and have peace of mind living together with someone?
By living with someone who's just as degenerate, obviously.

>> No.26648747

>Color out of Space watch along

>> No.26648748

more than a decade ago /b/, then /a/,/m/,/tg/, stopped for a bit, got into /pol/ a few years back, stopped, went here since reddit is basically monitored by cover and I know the channers have the info I need

Now I'm stuck in the chans again

>> No.26648749

Mori had to ship her mic to Kiara, and said it probably got damaged while shipping, so they don't see each others IRL

>> No.26648750

>two breaks already planned
so fucking lazy

>> No.26648751

I wouldn't doubt they all applied and the more renowned ones given priority.

>> No.26648752

Is there a single person here that unironically doesn't like Kiara?

>> No.26648755
Quoted by: >>26649122

I was actually joking because I'm not entertaining and this game is not the best http://www.twitch.tv/alicenasgard

>> No.26648757

>Needing to be a member for that to happen.
And this is why CiviaCHADS will always win.

>> No.26648758

>no wink
Meidos, this man is sharing counterfeits

>> No.26648759

Not really narrative, just that her roomate likes girls >>26648311 thic ones, and also lusts for her own character

>> No.26648760

I don't stay for long in any board but I mostly browse /a/ and sometimes /pol/ when something actually interesting happens.

>> No.26648762

They seem to live far enough apart that Mori couldn't just bring her Mic over to Kiara and instead had to ship it to her so I doubt they hang out irl much.

>> No.26648765


>> No.26648767

yeah me

>> No.26648770

>Arknights stream

>> No.26648772
Quoted by: >>26648948

Time to pirate Color out of space in advance

>> No.26648773

Mori is probably planning to move from her rural shithole to Tokyo as soon as she gets her first paycheck.

>> No.26648776

Shota boy easy.

>> No.26648782
Quoted by: >>26648886

/jp/ and I feel like I'm in a sea of strangers

>> No.26648783
Quoted by: >>26648827

Doesn't Mori have the potatoest of laptops?

>> No.26648786

>Twink body but the deepest, manliest voice.

I dont know how to feel about that.

>> No.26648787

what's Color Out of Space, also when's more CoC

>> No.26648789

Sharing a drink with Ina

>> No.26648790

>Color out of Space

>> No.26648791

The jannies got rid of most of /a/'s board culture so I take what I can get

>> No.26648792
Quoted by: >>26648877

>Color Out of Space

>> No.26648795


>> No.26648796


>> No.26648798 [DELETED] 

Almost every single one, been here for 6 years.
I never visited /jp/ that much but I've been in these threads since EN's debut.

>> No.26648799

Ina and Ame sharing a drink in the 2nd collab.

>> No.26648800

>break on monday
>tuesday is 2 colab streams

>> No.26648801

I really like her so far and i'm in love with her design, she has the best expressions i've seen in hololive yet.
But she's german so she probably has all the most pozzed opinions in the world and they will start seeping through her character eventually.

>> No.26648802

>Holomyth 3rd collab
No not another one please

>> No.26648804

Formerly /a/, almost entirely /vg/ now.

>> No.26648805

not too many applicants with the needed experience

>> No.26648806

>Color out of Space


>> No.26648809

Ame gives off a weird as fuck feel to me, she's probably bi

>> No.26648815


>> No.26648819

I'm like 90% /tg/ but my first time seeing a Hololive thread on 4chan was on /v/ (I'd been watching Holo clips for a while but didn't know 4chan was into them). Then people told them to fuck off to /jp/, so I did.

>> No.26648820
Quoted by: >>26648974

So is EN only going to play with 3 people in 4 player games so they don't leave one person out? Would have been an idea to just cycle someone out each time

>> No.26648822

>chatting stream at 2AM

>> No.26648825

You're going to get more spaghetti and you are going to like it

>> No.26648827

Yeah she does, i was confused why she'd wanna give that thing to Kiara. lol

>> No.26648828

dox, roomate likes girls

>> No.26648829

Listen to it with headphones, if it doesn't immediately click with you just close the video because it's gonna be uncomfortable.

>> No.26648835
Quoted by: >>26648895

>No SC reading

>> No.26648841

Almost every single one, been here for 6 years.
I never visited /jp/ that much but I've been in these threads since EN's debut.

>> No.26648844

/int/ /a/ and a little bit of /sp/

>> No.26648845

>collab with Kiara
What could Kiara and Ina possibly do in a collab?

>> No.26648846

I don't even know anymore. I was actually starting to rarely visit this hellhole site for the first time in like a decade until I got in this mess.

>> No.26648847

ughhh Ina

>> No.26648849

/a/ /g/ and /vg/ before going to here

>> No.26648851
Quoted by: >>26649014

Popular male vtubers are few and far between but if you think you have what it takes to revitalize the Holostars brand, be my guest.

Underrated response.

All that matters is that HoloEN discussion is contained until things settle down.

>> No.26648852

happy about times except the 10pm chatting cause thats 7am for me

>> No.26648854

all of the holos are gay or bisexual, have you not seen animes with large female casts before?

>> No.26648855

Hey niggas i wanted to watch this Cage movie, should i watch it before doing this watch along thingie? Is it like legit good where i actually want to watch it properly first.

>> No.26648857


>> No.26648859

Hm hm

>> No.26648861

I know, bro! I created them and I can make a new, better version of it without being held back by stanydards and practices! Just hire me, bro! What’s the worst that can happen?

>> No.26648865

the movie is cheap boring garbage tho

>> No.26648867

Hate hate hate

>> No.26648869

Nope, my family in general isn't accepting of vidya or anime. I've been thinking of maybe showing some to my nephew who's super into vidya, but he doesn't even speak English and might be too young.

>> No.26648870

>kusoge collab
Oh no..

>> No.26648872

They're both rpg gacha nerds so they probably have a bit in common.

>> No.26648875

I stream on a shared channel and I'm a dude and posting a link would have me banned. We were somewhat popular on /v/ like 9 years ago

>> No.26648877

Is that up on a streaming site or do I have to pirate it?

>> No.26648880
Quoted by: >>26648945

Really? Girls just seem to lean more toward the bi spectrum than men, and men are more likely to just be straight up gay. I know a few weeb girls, and they are straight. Kind of hard to have a relationship when both of you want a person to make more money than you.

>> No.26648883

>plays game on hard
>plays game on easy
>difficulty seems exactly the same
Why do games likes this even bother with difficulties.

>> No.26648886

Would it make you feel more at home if I described in detail my latest sex toy purchase and showed you my touhou porn collection that has been accumulating over the course of 14 years? I could also go over my suicidal thoughts and decaying neet lifestyle if you'd like

>> No.26648887


>> No.26648888

I still can't get over her saying she reads LO

>> No.26648891

Been here since moot made /jp/. You can suck my dick.

>> No.26648894


>> No.26648895
Quoted by: >>26648938

>chatting stream

>> No.26648896

>color out of space

>> No.26648898


>> No.26648900

>Color Out of Space
I'm glad I've postponed watching that movie until now

>> No.26648901

>color out of space

>> No.26648905

Yeah, it would actually.

>> No.26648907

a B movie

>> No.26648909

can some anon setup a cytube stream for the movie watchalong ?

>> No.26648911

Some of the times are actually perfect. Finally.

>> No.26648912

Remove the last one. It feels too short to be useful.

>> No.26648914

>comfy art
>Cage Kino
She can't stop winning.

>> No.26648917

Lesbian here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).

But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.

Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.

Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.

>> No.26648924

How does an Arknights stream even work? Do you just roll for units?

>> No.26648927


>> No.26648928

/sp/, /jp/, /a/

>> No.26648929

>Arknights with Kiara

>> No.26648930

thats it

>> No.26648932

>Meanwhile Mori's will have supacha and japanese only stream

>> No.26648936

How come grams are always so loving?

>> No.26648937
Quoted by: >>26649036

I was supposed to go see it at TIFF last year but had to cancel, I'm very happy I get to watch it for the first time with Ina.

>> No.26648938

Is Zetsudan.

>> No.26648939
Quoted by: >>26649018


>> No.26648942
Quoted by: >>26649018


>> No.26648945

>Girls just seem to lean more toward the bi spectrum than men
Hot take: i don't think this is true, slightly bi-leaning men are just more likely to ignore or repress those feelings because there's still a lot more stigma attached to it than with bi/gay girls.
Also, no matter what people like to say in public, it genuinely does devalue a man in a lot of women's eyes if he's bi, as sad as that is.

>> No.26648947

Unironically the touhou porn collection sounds based.

>> No.26648948

Someone should stream it for us to watch along

>> No.26648949

Oh. I remember this pasta, and when it used to make /a/ go fucking nuclear.

>> No.26648951
Quoted by: >>26649018


>> No.26648952

Please succeed i want humanity to end.

>> No.26648954

I loved it, has some fantastic weird moments and thick atmosphere. Kids are horrible actors, but Cage is an absolute treasure in this movie.

>> No.26648955
Quoted by: >>26649018


>> No.26648956

how do watchalongs work?
Do we have to buy the movie?

>> No.26648958

I love Mori as a person, but as a streamer...

>> No.26648959
Quoted by: >>26649018


>> No.26648964

Never seen Color out of Space. Should I watch it before the stream or do these watching together streams make for a good first viewing?

>> No.26648966
Quoted by: >>26649018


>> No.26648968

Based /beta/ larper.

>> No.26648969

>Mori gave Kiara her mic so they probably do
why'd she sabotage her like that

>> No.26648970

shut up Mori

>> No.26648971

>buying movies

>> No.26648972

>My girlfriend decided that she needed to talk about my interests
Either she feels threatened by a cartoon or she's one of those normalfags that has a pathological hatred of anime. In both cases, your best option is to split from her.

>> No.26648974

I think the bigger issue is Amelia and Gura appear to be PST, while Kiara and Mori are JST, so coordinating game collabs between those huge difference time zones probably just means Kiara and Mori are going to left out of a lot of these.

>> No.26648975

Fuck Nicholas cage and fuck squid for choosing one of his, he hasn't been slightly convincing in a single goddamn film.

>> No.26648979


>> No.26648980

it's a nick cage movie, you don't really need to focus

>> No.26648982


>> No.26648984


>> No.26648985


>> No.26648988
Quoted by: >>26649017

My sister caught me with the gura nipple sucking image the other day
She jokingly called me a gross pedophile
She knows I'm into walls because my family is full of tittymonsters

>> No.26648989
Quoted by: >>26649018


>> No.26648990


>> No.26648992

You can borrow it for free.

>> No.26648993

It's actually better than most ff that came out recently

>> No.26648995

That's the best part

>> No.26648996
Quoted by: >>26649018


>> No.26648997

>another collab

>> No.26648998

I'm so happy, holy fuck, this is going to be great

>> No.26649000

Nice bait.

>> No.26649002


>> No.26649003
Quoted by: >>26649088

Sorry for your investment. Maybe if she acts like a fucking bird for once and start singing again, your CockCoin will skyrocket.

I am a sharkfag btw.

>> No.26649006
Quoted by: >>26649242

Honestly the fact that they're doing jp only streams is kind of upsetting to me, hopefully it doesn't happen too often.

>> No.26649007

oh god should I sell my reapercoin??

>> No.26649008

> buy

>> No.26649010

its not good enough to deserve a second watch

>> No.26649011
Quoted by: >>26649042

Mori-sama is my Mori!

>> No.26649014

It's more just covers manegement of holostars. Nijisanji Bois pull in some big numbers

>> No.26649017


>> No.26649018
Quoted by: >>26649038


>> No.26649020
Quoted by: >>26649038


>> No.26649022

/a/, /vg/, /pol/, /g/, /sci/, /jp/

>> No.26649023

This pasta was shit 5 years ago and it's still shit now.

>> No.26649024
Quoted by: >>26649058

>Ina is doing the 3rd collab

>> No.26649025

The event is going on, they could try out those stages. FBK even did a story stream of Arknights once. Tower defense can be comfy to listen to in the background.

>> No.26649026

if they're trying to appeal to girls I don't think you can do much to innovate since basically every male vtuber is the same flavor of twink girls like. Maybe someone with a younger but rough look, Bakugou inspired? Haven't seen anyone like that.
if they're trying to appeal to straight guys (lol) they'd have to either go full Astolfo or full manly like Belmond Banderas I think.
I personally would like a barabait vtuber for once. You could have some cool design if homostars EN is also going with the mythical theme

>> No.26649030

It's honestly not a very good movie, but it will be perfect to watch with Ina. Don't watch it now.

>> No.26649032
Quoted by: >>26649098


>> No.26649033

Based and ogeypilled

>> No.26649035

Is Chicken a babyface or a heel?

>> No.26649036

Same. Good thing we both couldn't see it yet. I wonder how her commentary will be because I'm afraid I might fall asleep to the sweet sound of her hmms.

>> No.26649038


>> No.26649042
Quoted by: >>26649053

No she's mine, fxck outta here.

>> No.26649043


>> No.26649046
Quoted by: >>26649064

I wonder if any of the girls will try out rocket league when it goes free to play it would be a great collab game

>> No.26649048

I cant tell if Ina's "mm mm" is a vocal tick or a character thing

>> No.26649053

She's OUR Mori!

>> No.26649056
Quoted by: >>26649094

/a/ /jp/ /m/ /k/ /out/ /an/

>> No.26649058

Won't it look suspect if she's hosting the collab when she inevitably wins it again?

>> No.26649061
Quoted by: >>26649090

I hope she remembers us.

>> No.26649062

I just want her to play more of that shitty rpg maker game. That was fun, too bad chicken had to ruin it.

>> No.26649063
Quoted by: >>26649102

Ina didn't stream yesterday, won't stream today and won't stream tomorrow. Too bad. That puts her a little lower

>> No.26649064

please no

>> No.26649065
Quoted by: >>26649084

Possibly the former at first, but now that it's become a meme, the latter

>> No.26649066
Quoted by: >>26649110


>> No.26649069


>> No.26649068

She specifically said she's MY Mori.

>> No.26649071


>> No.26649076
Quoted by: >>26649097

please don't be members only
please don't be members only

>> No.26649079

This makes me wonder, are the holos popular with kids and the general youth? Until now I only really imagined hololive fans as zoomer weebs and imageboard otakus, but I think I can also see the young appeal for Gura and Pekora

>> No.26649082
Quoted by: >>26649119

Legally yes, I'm sure some one here will set up a cytube. you can do a free trial on
or just pray someone here will livestream it. and pray it doesn't leak to reddit

>> No.26649085

If she's hosting a quiz then she's not participating, and can't win

>> No.26649084

It's an asian thing

>> No.26649086

Chicken is a Roman Reigns face that everyone boos.

>> No.26649087

Fuck off nigger

>> No.26649088

I'm only investing in birb first because I'm austrian myself.

>> No.26649090

I think she's too autistic to not remember us. She'll be up at night the rest of her life remembering how she made us cringe and how much we loved her for it.

>> No.26649092


>> No.26649093

Probably character because I don't remember her doing in her previous life art streams

>> No.26649094
Quoted by: >>26649170

People actually use the redirect joke board?

>> No.26649096


>> No.26649097
Quoted by: >>26649182

They don't have memberships yet, anonchama

>> No.26649098
Quoted by: >>26649139

What spoilers? All H.P. stories end the same - madness.

>> No.26649099

I don't think the hosts can win. Chicken gave herself points without even realizing it because bird brain.

>> No.26649101

so how will the movie watch along work? she is not gonna play it on stream right? we just play the movie on side?

>> No.26649102

Fuck gacha

>> No.26649103

>20+ (You)s awarded to stale pasta
>Why does our thread have so many shitposters???
Stop posting like you're on /v/, retards

>> No.26649110
Quoted by: >>26649235

How's your contingency contract going anon

>> No.26649112

Yes, you figured it out.

>> No.26649113

Surely people don't still boo that guy. It's been years....

>> No.26649114

>arknights collab
What do you even do, its not coop

>> No.26649115
Quoted by: >>26649126


>> No.26649116

It's basically her peko peko. Starts as a character thing and ends up becoming an actual tick.

>> No.26649119

ah cool.

>> No.26649120

MILO said that lesbians aren't real

>> No.26649122
Quoted by: >>26649152


>> No.26649121

Hoping someone will stream it. It'll prep me for the 25 days of autism soon

>> No.26649124

huke is vince!?

last thread I was in had a survey and most people were in their late 20s (lots of 30s too myself included)

>> No.26649125


>> No.26649126


>> No.26649128

>Her quiz stumps everyone, resulting in a zero sum game
>She wins by default.

>> No.26649129

Like most commentaries, look how RLM handles it.

>> No.26649131

its auto chinkshit garbage

>> No.26649134

I wanna feel her 5 foot scythe inside me, bros.......

>> No.26649135

is this movie any good?

>> No.26649136

>all the replies are meme replies
no one took the pasta seriously calm down

>> No.26649138

once the gura hoodie merch comes out there's going to be so many girls wearing them

>> No.26649139

The protagonist of Color doesn't go mad though.

>> No.26649140
Quoted by: >>26649159


>> No.26649142
Quoted by: >>26649159


>> No.26649144

Ina will spoonfeed chicken how to beat chapter 6

>> No.26649145


>> No.26649147
Quoted by: >>26649159


>> No.26649148


>> No.26649149

>Cover putting out a shark hoodie


>> No.26649150


>> No.26649152


>> No.26649153

It's a Nic Cage movie. What do you think?

>> No.26649157


>> No.26649159


>> No.26649160

>can't understand shit because muh japanese only stream

>> No.26649161

if it's on Ina's channel, she'll be the host and probably have better ideas for the collab

>> No.26649162

>Two day break since she still hasn't announced anything for today
>No call of cthulhu
>Collab with Kiara

God this week so gonna be mostly shit

>> No.26649163
Quoted by: >>26649199

Randy Orton of hololive, a heel that fucks up other heels and is such an over the top bad guy that people cheer for him.

>> No.26649164

Talk about how much they want to bang character(s). Fubuki is all about SilverAsh for obvious reasons, it is unclear who Ina the lesbian goes for.

>> No.26649165
Quoted by: >>26649224

What kinda merch can we realistically expect?
I really want to buy something from Calli.

>> No.26649168

d-do you think they'll talk to me if I mention Gura to them?

>> No.26649167
Quoted by: >>26649211

checks out

>> No.26649170

the paranoid survivalism mixes really well with the schizoavoidant tendencies a lifetime of being a shut-in social reject weeaboo gave me, it's a cool board

>> No.26649172
Quoted by: >>26649211

Holy shit , there's retards here getting so mad at bait they fucking post it on twitter, you niggers.

>> No.26649175

>I can make every stream time

>> No.26649176

Pretty much, no picture or audio. Just the chuuba and a timer on screen

>> No.26649179

oh nice i will watch the movie night, i have had the downloaded for a bit now.

if any one here wants a some more homework watch
"Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley's Island of Dr. Moreau"

>> No.26649180

Mori your laptop...

>> No.26649182

I though Ame did.

>> No.26649186

>Ywn do FAT BONG RIPS with Mori
Fuck this jew earth

>> No.26649188


>> No.26649190

YAGOO... The hoodie...

>> No.26649191

Yes you watch along ALONE as she commentates while getting fucked by her boyfriend

>> No.26649197


>> No.26649199

I thought Gura was the Apex Predator.

>> No.26649204
Quoted by: >>26649283

Does Mori-sama smoke dank weed?

>> No.26649206
Quoted by: >>26649273

Ina probably likes Hoshiguma
Kiara likes Ambriel because she looks like Calli

>> No.26649211

but daily reminder that the mexican dude doesn't care

>> No.26649213
Quoted by: >>26649270

She's probably the least "gangster" out of all of them, but she's very chuuni in the strangest way.

>> No.26649215

I was going to buy a microphone next week so perhaps I can sing for you as a test, why not. My voice is shit though.

>> No.26649217
Quoted by: >>26649240

Cover's fault. The gen should have been Gura, Ina, and Amelia.

>> No.26649218

Sounds hot, I'm in

>> No.26649224
Quoted by: >>26649277

all the standard stuff, plastic stands, stickers, maybe like phone cases
we may get different things than usual vtubers because the western markets like different merch than japan, and holoEN is pretty experimental anyway. I doubt we'll get full custom clothing like a shark hoodie any time soon though, that's a really expensive process to go through

>> No.26649226
Quoted by: >>26649295

Why do I see PST and PDT used interchangeably?
Burgers explain.

>> No.26649229

You will notice that Ina takes breaks every Sunday and eventually realise that she is a Christian

>> No.26649234

How could I be alone if I'm having sex with her

>> No.26649235
Quoted by: >>26649299

Not him but I am ignoring it just to lurk and shitpost here. Fuck.

>> No.26649237
Quoted by: >>26649272

Color Out of Space(2019) is basically Nicholas Cage's The Thing. I wouldn't say it's good but it has some nice AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'M GOING INSAAAAAAAAAAAANE and also Nicholas Cage.
Watching it with Ina and /hlg/ would probably be fun.

>> No.26649240

Shut the fuck up, Mori-sama was a perfect addition.

>> No.26649241


>> No.26649242

I'd imagine they have analytics telling them where their watchers/subscribers/donors come from. If I had a youtube channel where a significant number of fans come from Japan, you damn well bet I'd throw them a bone every now and then, even if most of my fans speak english

>> No.26649243

Can you stop flooding the thread with this 'ogey' shit in response to every troll? Are you all underage?

>> No.26649245

She has a boyfriend and rams her daily.

>> No.26649247


>> No.26649252

>in japan
why do you think she drinks cheap wine like water? There's no good drugs in japan

>> No.26649253
Quoted by: >>26649303

Ina is almost assuredly a LappGOD.

>> No.26649254


>> No.26649256


>> No.26649257
Quoted by: >>26649281

I was kinda hoping for another CoC stream. I want to know what happens next to Mr Pierce.

>> No.26649259


>> No.26649261


>> No.26649264

>not Ina

>> No.26649266


>> No.26649267


>> No.26649269

Arguably the best Lovecraft's adaptation, but that doesn't say much, now does it.
Very well done though, and it has Nicholas Cage being himself, so we're in for one crazy ride.

>> No.26649270
Quoted by: >>26649301

She's from a good family and is college educated. Huge fucking nerd playing gangsta.

>> No.26649271


>> No.26649272

>and also Nicholas Cage.
These are the same thing

>> No.26649273

Ina likes Skadi or Lapland

>> No.26649274


>> No.26649277

Hopefully they'll put out a case for my S10 Lite, but i kinda doubt it desu.
Would definitely use that in public though, one of her songs is already my ringtone anyway.

>> No.26649280


>> No.26649281

He becomes a Doctor

>> No.26649282


>> No.26649283

Certainly not in Japan, that shit will get your ass deported as an immigrant.

>> No.26649286

I wonder how people will reply to this post

>> No.26649288


>> No.26649289


>> No.26649290

you knew exactly what kind of (you)s you were inviting with this post.

>> No.26649291

It helps get end the thread sooner who cares?

>> No.26649292

Killing the thread quicker I suppose

>> No.26649295

PDT is used during daylight savings time

>> No.26649298


>> No.26649300


>> No.26649299

based, same here anon

>> No.26649301

>She's from a good family
I wouldn't be surprised, but she doesn't seem to be that well off financially so are you sure about that?

>> No.26649303

Lapp seems more like Kiara though.
Poor Mori and Texas.
