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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 98 KB, 1200x850, EVls1EBUYAAfPNg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25981731 No.25981731 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25981733
File: 315 KB, 1466x2048, 1574237723166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25981734
File: 270 KB, 1448x2048, EhC52WbUcAAF4UW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25981749

I love Haachama!

>> No.25981735
File: 88 KB, 488x637, myfriendshiinayuika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25981736
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982222

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.25981737

based pecor

>> No.25981738
File: 231 KB, 1018x1513, gebokawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou

>> No.25981739
File: 126 KB, 1256x885, 1593485055810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25981753


>> No.25981741 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.07 MB, 755x882, 1599231045107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25981790


>> No.25981742
Quoted by: >>25981836

>Maybe Cover doesn't want to delay Holo EN debut.
even then, the debut of holoen and 5th gen are way too close, not even a month from each other
plus it now looks like they're trying divert attention from the aloe drama with holoen

>> No.25981743
File: 3.82 MB, 1920x1080, firefox_PjTZyIP4Ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25981775


>> No.25981744
File: 208 KB, 1080x590, No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching my wife MOONA!

>> No.25981745
File: 230 KB, 463x453, 1591381625812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they just throw random ideas at the game to see what sticks?

>> No.25981746
File: 269 KB, 919x1300, 1594227473842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute dragon and her housewife.

>> No.25981747
File: 27 KB, 585x208, twitter sucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-3 minutes left

>> No.25981749
File: 400 KB, 504x749, 1591105616996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first desuwa then the english karaoke
Haachama's on a roll

>> No.25981750 [DELETED] 
File: 545 KB, 2508x3541, 1598204334338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25981760

So this is the power of a Diamond APEX player

>> No.25981751
File: 149 KB, 859x1153, Usada Chadren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25981752
File: 38 KB, 559x687, 1599019668851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame is a dirty cheap whore

>> No.25981753

luna giving oga a standing blowjob!

>> No.25981755
File: 3.17 MB, 2480x3508, tatu_toki 1292081181731614720_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Aqua! Hope she streams tomorrow...

>> No.25981756

>Polka fall guys
is this the only game she knows?

>> No.25981758
Quoted by: >>25981890

It's too late, she already said Apex.

>> No.25981760


>> No.25981761
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25981762

Game looks awful, but at the same time fun to watch.
I'm just not sure about how creative the usual squad can get with the constructions and shit.

>> No.25981763
File: 512 KB, 771x1710, 1582464885325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remove the jacket.

>> No.25981765
File: 1.34 MB, 1950x1300, EhEFs6uUcAAbYbE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.25981766

Does Matsuri even do bath twitcasts nowadays?

>> No.25981768
File: 77 KB, 1024x657, 1586647537061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25981767

RIP rabbit

>> No.25981769


>> No.25981770
File: 265 KB, 1364x2048, EhE_LHqUMAETLRt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25981771

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRWxp3zcIKg Roberu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jegeBjMRhe8 Noel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMWxxdEAOXY Korone
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPY4qspxs8Q Polka

>> No.25981773

This game looks quite shit.

>> No.25981775
Quoted by: >>25981832

It's never coming back, right?

>> No.25981774

>Bear molesting her corpse

>> No.25981776
File: 20 KB, 519x292, 1595742835735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly BEAR

>> No.25981777


>> No.25981778

my stupid rrat wife getting mauled by bears!

>> No.25981779
File: 472 KB, 850x892, 1596904563224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Pekora is fucking dead

>> No.25981780

Was Craftopia a hyped up game in Japan? This is the first time I've ever heard of this, and it just seems rough. Wonder how long Peko will play it for.

>> No.25981781
File: 279 KB, 458x452, 29-000625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25981877

So if stream is sponsored, how long does one need to play a game? I am allready tired of this shit ARK clone.

>> No.25981782

Craftopia? More like CRINGETOPIA

>> No.25981783

>bear follows her across the map just to murder her out of nowhere and corpsecamp her

>> No.25981784
File: 17 KB, 308x232, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see Korosan's chat is as wonderful as ever.

>> No.25981785

Polka hates games so she'll play the simple FOTM game to fill the quota.

>> No.25981786
Quoted by: >>25981794

Damn my wife looks like THAT?

>> No.25981787

We won APEX bros.

>> No.25981788
Quoted by: >>25981831

Going to be sad when Kanata cancels the 3D stream tomorrow.

>> No.25981789

Gotta admit, her voice on that cover is amazing.
Towa is a whore though.

>> No.25981790
File: 316 KB, 415x420, PekoCrown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25981810

Pekora doesn't fear that bear

>> No.25981791
File: 46 KB, 600x424, 1597664064829.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25981849

Me,personally? It's Botan!

>> No.25981792
File: 204 KB, 1280x720, 1598156386274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devilish tease.

>> No.25981794

Nah she has bigger breasts and no roots showing

>> No.25981795

I haven't been following Holos for a while, what caused the new girl to leave after like two videos?
Also I like Nene and Botan.

>> No.25981796

>Korone Apex
Time to watch Noel pee herself to a horror game instead

>> No.25981797

High IQ bunny

>> No.25981798
Quoted by: >>25981885

sexy nenechi

>> No.25981800

based elmar fudd

>> No.25981801

Guess she didn't care much for Fall Guys cause I would've taken that over either of these desu.

>> No.25981803

She sucks at gaming and her PC is so old you need to use radiocarbon dating just to find the manufacturing date. What do you expect?

>> No.25981804
Quoted by: >>25981967

>those noticeably fake ears
>real hair showing through the wig
>is that literally toilet paper stuck to her tail?
disgusting photo, Sensei deserves better

>> No.25981805


>> No.25981806

There's also Shadow Corridor. Didn't she say she's not a gamer though? She needs to start of nice and simple.

>> No.25981807
Quoted by: >>25982222

What's your favorite flavor of Pecola

>> No.25981808
Quoted by: >>25981818

She just had that video go viral, expect this for a while.

>> No.25981809

based Peko killing bully bears

>> No.25981810
File: 195 KB, 318x366, 1598002332780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rrat is strong and dangerous and smart and bunny and girl

>> No.25981811

Pecor built the pyramids...

>> No.25981812

What is this about western women wanting to punch Korone?

>> No.25981813

>that abysmal building placement
Holy shit that'd trigger my autism

>> No.25981814
File: 110 KB, 1134x752, 1597395670010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25981822

I want to put my finger into that hole in the blouse she has
imagine the screams

>> No.25981815
File: 432 KB, 1920x1080, 1598282392308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys use to balance sound so your neighbours don't think you're having a row with your Japanese wife?
Just the Windows one? Wear headphones?

>> No.25981817

at least those combat animations were nice and flashy
this game's already far more pleasant than ARK visually

>> No.25981818
Quoted by: >>25981829


>> No.25981819

>suddenly a fuckhuge pyramid
What is even going on.

>> No.25981821

Towa moans must be intoxicating with a voice like that. Not bad for a whore.

>> No.25981822

Imagine the deep sexy moans.

>> No.25981823
Quoted by: >>25981837

We had sex and people found out.

>> No.25981825

>filthy tacospeak
my sides

>> No.25981827

This is why Kanata's easily target by antis.

>> No.25981828
File: 238 KB, 810x1061, PekoraEARS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is fucking dead!

>> No.25981829

Eekum Fuck'um.

>> No.25981830

Coco bought a 620K yen Matress.

>> No.25981831

Watame asked if she's feeling better before putting up stream, but also said that she will postpone if Kanata feels bad.

>> No.25981832

Stream might possibly not, but can't they edit the video to blur/censor the red cross and upload it?

Oh right, indie company.

>> No.25981834

Because she's a cumpet?

>> No.25981835
File: 66 KB, 435x864, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25981836

Holocaust and 5nd gen debut happened already so i don't get this point at all, they have no issues with celebrating on the corpses of their own. Besides, HoloEN is a whole different branch, they should have their operation unaffected by anyhting else.

>> No.25981837

But Towa and Ayame are still here.

>> No.25981839

headphones if my ears bleed then 助かる

>> No.25981840
Quoted by: >>25981865

She looks like a fucking child without the jacket. And I'm horny looking at her without the jacket. I wish get to hold hands with Towa and pump my seeds into her pink, youthful pussy. I'm gonna make her pregnant and drink her breastmilk. I'm gonna build a happy family with Towa and our children. I wanna grow old with her.

>> No.25981841

You know what the worst thing on this image is? The retard spamming the chat the most is the one trying to police others. These kind of retards don't even realize that they're the ones shitting up the chat the most, so they'll keep on doing it all day long because they think they're making it 'better'.

>> No.25981842

Headphones are a must, especially if i’m watching Haachama or Matsuri.

>> No.25981844
File: 34 KB, 179x176, 1597738606509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Home theater system 100% volume blessing the neighbors with the cutest noises the world has to offer

>> No.25981847
File: 2.42 MB, 1280x720, 1599181660756.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25981868


>> No.25981848

Gotta spend her reddit blood money on something

>> No.25981849

for a moment I thought it was looking at someones bulge

>> No.25981850

I don't even have speakers.

>> No.25981851
File: 7 KB, 350x51, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25981887

>Retarded "translators" in Korone's chat getting it wrong and saying it's in 10 minutes rather than 10 past midnight
Sasuga N5 attentionwhores

>> No.25981852
File: 115 KB, 287x342, 1597066040258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the nerve of this EOP lmao

>> No.25981854

Foreigner bros Coco is calling us!

>> No.25981853

Earphones. I haven't used speakers in years.

>> No.25981855
File: 900 KB, 707x1000, 1598027748658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25981870

Aloe's armpit!

>> No.25981857

do we hate aloe now?

>> No.25981858

coco said some old guy put out his money on the train and went near her and touched her thighs, real life chikan

>> No.25981859

Risu having a ton of fun with Dorothy as expected.

>> No.25981861

Because she's a fucking retard?

>> No.25981862

my neighbours all know im a weeb from blasting symphogear through my subs all the time with my window open

>> No.25981863

when youre rolling in the dough like that why not

>> No.25981865
File: 648 KB, 2711x3403, EhBQXLQWAAIlMt_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25981888

I can't imagine anything cuter than a Towamama and kids.

>> No.25981866
Quoted by: >>25981993

They hated her because she told the truth.

>> No.25981867
File: 694 KB, 705x705, 1598206790074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its polka time

>> No.25981868

How the FUCK is Ayame's 3D model so good?

>> No.25981870

I will never get to smell it now...
Antis have denied me the sniff of a lifetime...

>> No.25981871
File: 2.61 MB, 388x408, 1597868164540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely damages a cow

>> No.25981872

That's disgusting

>> No.25981873


>> No.25981875
File: 59 KB, 364x457, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25981877
Quoted by: >>25981928

Watch Botan instead, its peak comfort atm.

>> No.25981878

no, we love her
even after reddit forgets aloe we wil still love her

>> No.25981879

I always did.

>> No.25981880

just like you are doing now

>> No.25981881
File: 588 KB, 972x500, 1C617984-6608-44D9-AB6D-361DA9C78180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And she’s gonna recover that and more in 30 minutes during her new matress stream

>> No.25981882

Oh no. Coco
>"reddit", "trap"

>> No.25981883

Speakers at full volume. Gotta show them who own this bitch.

>> No.25981884

She played Mario Kart with Ramey mama earlier

>> No.25981885
File: 115 KB, 1200x1200, Supernenechi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25981887
Quoted by: >>25981904

that's still 10 minutes so who the fuck cares

>> No.25981886
Quoted by: >>25981972

>He thinks HoloEN is ever going to debut
There's no fucking way they'll ever be able to wrangle a bunch of westerners together and get things to run smoothly. You'd have a massive irl politics yabee moment on day one and the plug being pulled within the week.

>> No.25981888
File: 86 KB, 630x900, 1593751832716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but with choco for me

>> No.25981890

I fucking hate Japs who voted for APEX

>> No.25981891

Wasn't that because she brought up her shitty bed during a stream and the chat started throwing money at her for a replacement?

>> No.25981893

Coco is explaining Reddit to the unicorns

>> No.25981895

Spot the non members

>> No.25981896

Narukami narrative has one thing that he didn't fully address: irl harassment
You know, Sio which I think mentally stronger than Aloe also has to stop after it spilled into her irl. Mel who can take it well enough off also needed months of inactivity to sort things out. How do you expect a super dumb 19yo to solve it in two weeks?

>> No.25981897

So glad that I never cared for the dog and never will

>> No.25981898


>> No.25981900
File: 573 KB, 2195x2727, 1301845909097967619_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*rin rin rin rin rin rin rin rin*
do re mi~
*tarzan yell*
brrr brrr brr brr brrrrrrrrr brr
warabi ii~
*page flip*
na ni fa~
*canon in d major*

>> No.25981902

This game Pekora's playing looks pretty fun.

>> No.25981903
File: 264 KB, 3507x2427, aloebros....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aloe bros...

>> No.25981904
Quoted by: >>25981918

My drunk autist ass

>> No.25981905


>> No.25981907
Quoted by: >>25982222

She sees your penis

>> No.25981908

holy fuck. I bought one that was about 4 times less expensive and that was still a stupidly comfy king size with two handmade wooden supports underneath.
I've been regretting it for years now because I have absolutely no need for a king size and even though I'm a fat fuck I barely take up 1/3rd of the space and it completely dominates the room.

>> No.25981911

>hit something with a sword
>it ragdolls like a giant smashing something in skyrim

>> No.25981912

>How do you expect a super dumb 19yo to solve it in two weeks?

>> No.25981913
Quoted by: >>25982180

This is not the holo's chat, you know. You can just suck my dick, you retarded faggot.

>> No.25981914
File: 63 KB, 268x292, 1599149443359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25981943


>> No.25981915
File: 669 KB, 2773x4096, EhDjWw4VkAA2tJ7.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25981924


>> No.25981917
File: 392 KB, 2200x1545, EbXpezrU4AEWe_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25981919

What's wrong with this op sword?
She'll destroy the whole island with it!

>> No.25981918

i completely understand

>> No.25981921
File: 266 KB, 1774x1424, EhFCPGaVgAACoPz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I love this game.

>> No.25981922

Let's guess is this an American Incel or a British Incel?

>> No.25981924
File: 287 KB, 480x562, korone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25981942

Korone 3D Pantsu!

>> No.25981926
Quoted by: >>25981940

Peeing into her butt while in the sea!

>> No.25981928
File: 889 KB, 1266x664, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this game?
Why can't they play good games...

>> No.25981927

If only every conflict can be solved by sex, we're not bonobo unfortunately.

>> No.25981930

Poor korone. But that's the consequences for pandering to the EOPs, SOPs and ESLs.

>> No.25981932

Love this fucking retard

>> No.25981933
File: 516 KB, 1575x2100, 1593487743781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well, I guess I'll fap and go watch her Limbo stream

>> No.25981936

I noticed that everyone is still following Aloe on Twitter, including Yagoo and Cover Corp. and her Youtube channel is still in everyone's recommended channels list, even the official Hololive channel. Meanwhile, Kaoru has been memory holed. Why is that?

>> No.25981937

Imagine Choco being your mommy and singing you a llullaby haha.

>> No.25981938

Forcefully fucking the antis would have been an ultimate power move.

>> No.25981939


>> No.25981940

I'd rather have Suisei pee on me if I'm honest.

>> No.25981941

Permissions kudasai

>> No.25981942

based senchou
we would never have this from korone

>> No.25981943

Literally everyone watches Coco not just Lunaitos

>> No.25981945
File: 261 KB, 1410x2000, EgmXM2tUwAAXhXl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miofa... I can't wait for tomorrow...

>> No.25981946
Quoted by: >>25982530

dont give me false hope, please don't...

>> No.25981947

Why did nobody tell me Okayu's playing kamige right now?

>> No.25981950
Quoted by: >>25982000

It's a fun game ,you play game for fun mate

>> No.25981951

This hurts

>> No.25981952

>Choco singing
I'd rather not haha

>> No.25981953

I wonder how Pekora's nationalism will help her overlook this early access game

>> No.25981954
Quoted by: >>25981980

I live on a main road, both front room upstairs windows open, full volume.
I miss Haato Minecraft.

>> No.25981955

Damn shotas get to eat THAT

>> No.25981957
File: 97 KB, 1100x750, A31BD3DB-6D1F-4640-A4A7-292BB1AADF0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good streams I missed?

>> No.25981958

It's pretty clear by now there's a possibility she might come back some time in the future.

>> No.25981959

maybe the bed will be the answer for her insomnia or sleeping pill addiction

>> No.25981960

But we've been talking about it all week...

>> No.25981961

I dont really care if Aloe had a relationship before, but did she really leave because of that shit?

>> No.25981962
File: 594 KB, 1640x1080, 1595965076638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and laying next to her while she does haha

>> No.25981963
File: 27 KB, 322x322, 1599061452936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aloe... holofive...

>> No.25981964
File: 2.64 MB, 1402x1647, mommy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any azur lane players here excited for the next collab?

>> No.25981965

Can you fucking read retard? The door is open for her to come back

>> No.25981967

>toilet paper
more like the bandages wrapped around her clothes

>> No.25981968
Quoted by: >>25981984

This game has to be a fucking asset flip or made out of purchased unity assets.

>> No.25981971
File: 122 KB, 850x1203, mio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982119

I feel like I've been waiting for years...

>> No.25981972

who are you quoting

>> No.25981973
File: 397 KB, 500x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive Production and Hoshimachi Suisei!

>> No.25981974

Cover building up the triumphant resurrection narrative of a lifetime. Aloe will return with symmetrical horns in 2021.

>> No.25981975

Ask Miko who the father is

>> No.25981976
Quoted by: >>25982023

What's the deal with the whole "ASMR tuber couldnt adapt" thing? Did cover tell them to stop doing ASMR?

>> No.25981977

I thought he was supposed to be reliable...

>> No.25981978
File: 145 KB, 1280x1280, 1598102289626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We could have gotten a kino Tetris 99 stream
>The elevens voted APEX

>> No.25981979

>Narukami is a retard.
Well, no shit? If you believe anything he says then you're a retard. Also off-topic, so kill yourself.

>> No.25981980
Quoted by: >>25982032


>> No.25981981


>> No.25981982

anon she was sleeping with multiple men and had orgy sessions with strangers she met on twitter

>> No.25981984
Quoted by: >>25982007

Like every JRPG ever

>> No.25981983
Quoted by: >>25982011

>Losing in the first round

>> No.25981985
File: 251 KB, 644x892, ookami_mio_hololive_drawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982186

Just one look at you
And I know it's gonna be
A lovely daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy

>> No.25981986
File: 139 KB, 565x600, 1584296274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25981987

I didn't even know he went after Noel, fuck this retard.

>> No.25981988

Aloe was undeservedly harassed and left out of her free will. Kaoru probably fucked YAGOO's personal sex pet without permission.

>> No.25981989

Okayu is always playing kamige.

>> No.25981991

why are old guys in japan so fucking retarded and disgusting?
Just pay for a prostitute and don't risk your entire life for some random girl on a train trip

>> No.25981992
File: 147 KB, 1169x1649, EgjEPbjU8AEFm6-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25981993
Quoted by: >>25982037

About what?

>> No.25981995
Quoted by: >>25982222

>choco will never be your succumom
>will never relieve your growing urges as you enter puberty
>will never give you hands on guidance on women

>> No.25981997
File: 2.33 MB, 1721x2435, 83600256_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is a 10/10 design. Is there any chance it will be reused in some way or can I give up on it?

>> No.25981996

Youtubers get paid 2 weeks after the month ends. So she hasn't been paid yet, therefore no money for a new computer

>> No.25981998

And this is a bad thing why? I wanted in on some of that.

>> No.25981999

She's going to do a Sasaki Saku move. I can feel it!

>> No.25982000
Quoted by: >>25982222

I'm not your mate, anonachama...

>> No.25982001

He's sucking Noel's cock for miss infoming about Noel and frozen.

>> No.25982003

It's not Suisei Tetris, it wouldn't be nearly as entertaining as you imagine it to be.

>> No.25982006
Quoted by: >>25982090

this game peko is playing use the same assets as nobeta lmao

>> No.25982005
File: 294 KB, 485x548, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982043

Collab soon onegai

>> No.25982007
Quoted by: >>25982019

In WHAT WAY does this look like a JRPG to you?
Unless you're not talking about Pekora's stream.

>> No.25982008

Bros my wife is cheating on me...

>> No.25982009
Quoted by: >>25982180

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.25982011

At least Lamy is rooting for her in the chat.

>> No.25982012

APEXchads, I kneel...

>> No.25982013
File: 189 KB, 1200x675, vanguard_zero_-1301846922441887746-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for this month's sponsored Vanguard shill where she inevitably dumps ungodly amounts of money to roll herself because she has shit luck.

>> No.25982014
Quoted by: >>25982054

Remember she's a 19 years old girl. She doesn't have that much experience with antis if at all.

>> No.25982015

>Korone plays Tetris 99
They know Susei would feel threatened

>> No.25982016
File: 495 KB, 2244x3541, EgeNIPaUwAEf3KQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25982017

At least he fesses up when he's wrong.

>> No.25982018
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, 11.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i see that oni one more time

>> No.25982019
Quoted by: >>25982222

Your reading comprehension is unsatisfactory.

>> No.25982020
File: 356 KB, 757x425, a picture of haachama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982036

>> No.25982021

She got doxx'd for her past activities on the internet. Mental breakdown. Evidence all points to her leaving Cover by her choice. New narrative came in few hours ago more in-line with this but its all "from insider".

>Also I like Nene and Botan.
Good choices they're def the best out of Gen5,

Nene can sing really well so don't miss those. She showed us today she can really draw really well(might be better than Marine).

Botan is a PC enthusiast and have really refined tastes for games. so far shes most interesting when not playing FPS.

>> No.25982022

>Have EA permissions
>No Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Titanfall, Way Out coop, Dead Space, Mirror's Edge, Need for Speed, Crysis, Command & Conquer, Jedi Fallen Order
You want games? Fuck you here's Apex.

>> No.25982023

Youtube demonetized them over it

>> No.25982024

Fall Guys is no longer fun...

>> No.25982025


>> No.25982026


>> No.25982027

>toe cleavage

>> No.25982028

Fu-tan's toe cleavage...

>> No.25982029

i voted apex and i dont even watch her

>> No.25982030

>haha, my source is not reliable after all.

Fucking faggot.

>> No.25982031
File: 78 KB, 681x836, burger666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but spics are cringe

>> No.25982032

I can't wait. I'll be connecting the bass and cranking it right up.
Surround screaming

>> No.25982036
Quoted by: >>25982062

Haachama is getting promoted into HR

>> No.25982037

The industry. Also sex.

>> No.25982038
File: 5 KB, 324x59, 15334535434345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982107

Easy money for Tamaki.

>> No.25982039
File: 1.44 MB, 354x386, sion yo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want all the cute skins last time I only got FBK's

>> No.25982042

NFS carbon only. I need to see a holo play that

>> No.25982043
File: 391 KB, 833x1102, basedaqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even month old gens care about homos

>> No.25982045
Quoted by: >>25982080

Asspained spic detected

>> No.25982047
Quoted by: >>25982071

Yeah I think she couldn't recover well enough when they asked her to return and she decided with her family to leave. They probably mutually decided to avoid rumors that will reflect badly on the company.

Though it still looks really bad on Cover's part since Aloe hasn't spoken for three weeks and Cover said jack to address anything other than give vague points about her condition

>> No.25982048
File: 137 KB, 1128x686, PekoraANGRY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally anything is more entertaining than Apex at this point I would rather watch Korone take an hour long shit than watch a single Apex stream.

>> No.25982049

I'm late. From 1 to 10 Goslings how good was Choco's 3D?

>> No.25982050

Check the archives retard

>> No.25982051

Will Nene be the new cumpet

>> No.25982052

Noel should've stream the game with Flare desu.

>> No.25982053

it'll never happen

>> No.25982054

Many of these vtubers are in relationships anyways and many people know this, nobody cares but aloe made a big deal out of it

>> No.25982056
Quoted by: >>25982842

>filthy white piggu games

>> No.25982057

10 goslings

>> No.25982060

Chinese parents
It's literally a chinese society simulator, how parents use children to not lose face over other people, how greedy teachers are, etc

>> No.25982062
File: 356 KB, 1460x1342, 1599217529663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should get her to write hologra too.

>> No.25982063

Reliable... sources...

>> No.25982064
Quoted by: >>25982087

it's ok when EOPs do it

>> No.25982065
Quoted by: >>25982114

Yeah I can't believe they aren't playing [western trash]

>> No.25982066

>dungeon in a survival game with no stories

>> No.25982067
Quoted by: >>25982102

give up
reusing designs with new girls is a big taboo in this industry

>> No.25982068
Quoted by: >>25982202

so this is the christmas miracle of 2017

>> No.25982070

The part where she straight up begged for supachas was extremely pathetic and awkward but the rest was cute and nice. 4 goslings.

>> No.25982071
Quoted by: >>25982125

>Though it still looks really bad on Cover's part since Aloe hasn't spoken for three weeks and Cover said jack to address anything other than give vague points about her condition
she is dead jim

>> No.25982074

This proves that Suisei could survive even if she leaves hololive

>> No.25982075
Quoted by: >>25982158

Polka... isn't that great at video games, huh?

>> No.25982076

10. She gave me a ring

>> No.25982077

Such is life on the third day at the job.

>> No.25982078

Hope that Botan will play Titanfall or Dead Space since she played Battlefield, because she seems like the only holo that seems interested in anything outside of Apex. I have no idea how the Japs latched onto that game as long as they have

>> No.25982079


>> No.25982080


>> No.25982081
File: 178 KB, 707x1000, sample-41d65106a379fcbe49eba08a9c0dc65d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982138

The game Pekora's streaming looks incredibly dull

>> No.25982082

From the wife RP to the wedding merch, it was Gosling all the way. I give it 11 Goslings

>> No.25982087

No it's not.

>> No.25982088

>but aloe made a big deal out of it
You know she was being harassed IRL right

>> No.25982089

After the Narukami video, what are the chances Aloe comes back eventually?

>> No.25982090

Like 80% of Steam's 3d indies seem to be asset flips

>> No.25982091

>pretending this is anywhere near as bad as what you post

>> No.25982092

Way Out collab would be great, especially if they play it to the end

>> No.25982093

>Polka starts streaming
>Lamy and Nene instantly commenting in chat
>Botan streaming for over an hour
>No comments from any of the others
uhh botanbros...?

>> No.25982094

The closest you'll ever get is an updated version if she returns.

>> No.25982095
Quoted by: >>25982177

remember that the only two girls 100% confirmed to have boyfriends are Aqua and Watame.
Everyone else is just guessing or has unconfirmed rumors.

>> No.25982096

Noise cancelling headphone is the way to go. If you use speaker once u blast it enough you won't give a fuck anymore.

>> No.25982097

Why doesn't she use her spells?

>> No.25982098

pkr vs unity asset golem

>> No.25982099

>knockoff guardian with a golem coat of paint

>> No.25982101

thats my wife and sexynenechi is ok to do what she wants with choco sensei

>> No.25982102

ah fuck. I liked Big Liz a lot!

>> No.25982104
Quoted by: >>25982180


>> No.25982107
File: 535 KB, 866x952, chK8c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they like this?

>> No.25982108
Quoted by: >>25982144

You won't see it again if she doesn't return.

>> No.25982109

Botan's busy being a parent.

>> No.25982111

Seeing this, I really want Peko Souls...

>> No.25982112
File: 94 KB, 171x234, 1597937710251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Korone really didn't plan for this so she quickly made a poll on what existing games to play. All because Pekora stole her planned game to play.

>> No.25982114
Quoted by: >>25982132

You really posted that while they play apex everyday...

Suck my cock you dumbfuck

>> No.25982116

Polka is the heart of Holofive

>> No.25982117
File: 173 KB, 560x346, 1595742868786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982119


I'm so happy bros

>> No.25982120

Why is Botan playing chinkjank....

>> No.25982121

they don't want to step into the chink parent minefield

>> No.25982122

Fuck APEX, fuck Ark, simple as.

>> No.25982123

For all we know all of it may be false

>> No.25982125

Oh if she's dead I think it will be a super big scandal to the point that Cover can't cover it.

>> No.25982126

Haha yeah...

>> No.25982127

>Spic pretends like this is as bad as what they do everyday
No ones buying it you stupid mfer.

>> No.25982128

no wonder they hate each other...

>> No.25982129

Damn Norio was reclining...

>> No.25982130

Polka is loved

>> No.25982131

The only decent thing on that list is Command & Conquer but
>japanese girls

>> No.25982132

Pull it out, /v/tard

>> No.25982133

The game looks rough, but the ost is honestly great, will Pecor keep going at this?

>> No.25982134

maybe she saw how shit it was and said fuck that

>> No.25982135

11 and made me rethink marriage.

>> No.25982136

aside from how trash all those are how many even have a JP localization

>> No.25982137
File: 653 KB, 2152x2448, EdSqslmVcAEHKVC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982195

This game is fucking terrible holy shit.

>> No.25982138

I want to become a mel paypiggy.

>> No.25982139

Yeah, this game is never getting out of early access.

>> No.25982140
Quoted by: >>25982258

The door seems kinda open? His narratives makes it seem Cover kinda dislikes her

>> No.25982142
Quoted by: >>25982530

Just fucking stop. I don't need false hope.

>> No.25982141
File: 65 KB, 463x453, ChinkKora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982143

Coco literally saving the gay dog.

>> No.25982144
File: 102 KB, 240x240, 1598434369899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well too bad she is dead or will be lynched if she ever returns

>> No.25982145

I can't believe it's basically happened twice now.

>> No.25982147

As I said before, Polkahime has good reflexes just lack game sense. If she keeps it up she can get crown eventually

>> No.25982148


Very much so, I had taken a break from playing for the last two months or so but have been back at it recently and enjoying the game again.

>> No.25982149

>Your oshi will never play NFS: Hot Pursuit 2
It hurts

>> No.25982150
Quoted by: >>25982176

I think it's a bad design, especially the colors. Pink and yellow hair, green eyes? Who thought that looked good? Talk about mismatch
What's with those stars on the front of her hair, and the 2 ribbons at her horn. What's the point of those?
The only good thing about her is her tail mic

>> No.25982152

>game music doesn't even loop well

>> No.25982153

Coco has real yakuza connections doesn't she?

>> No.25982154
File: 786 KB, 819x628, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking a bit thin there Anon. May want to eat a bit more

>> No.25982157

Botan is for slavs

>> No.25982158
File: 432 KB, 1265x1574, 1597599308751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982189

I think Polka would benefit from playing "comfy" games rather than competitive ones.

>> No.25982159

sorry bro she gave me a ring and a kiss we're practically married now

>> No.25982161


>> No.25982163

Remember, Coco has 0 gachikois

>> No.25982162

He was harassed too. Aloe being a good "friend" and super dumb she is, had to speak something about it.

>> No.25982165

korone getting tagteamed by pekomiko....with DOOM and Fallout

>> No.25982166
File: 31 KB, 518x288, 19EA5450-54D0-4461-8940-7AB1D5561E49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982290

>Collabs with nijis
>No supachas

>> No.25982167
Quoted by: >>25982187

This is the kind of jank I expect out of Eastern Europe. I guess it could be a decent game but fuck me are they doing a lot of things at the same time and this game seems to be very early access.

>> No.25982169
Quoted by: >>25982188

Wait what happened to her sword?

>> No.25982170

literally fake narrative
Why Aloe got fucked for "spreading rumors" to like 3 people but narukami can do it to thousands and nobody gives a fuck?
Literally making shit up live on stream lmao

>> No.25982171
Quoted by: >>25982217

it's never too late to become a fatefag and a lizfag

>> No.25982172
File: 56 KB, 960x714, 1599194073243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopechads can't stop winning...

>> No.25982174

This is awful.
If you want an actual good game that went into early access today give Ultrakill a try.

>> No.25982175

Korone is adorable and I love her streams

>> No.25982176
File: 145 KB, 260x272, grr grr grr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982177

>being insecure

>> No.25982178

Korone, who follows just 229 people, also follows Aloe.

>> No.25982179

She has 11 titanfall videos on her roommate's channel

>> No.25982180


>> No.25982183
Quoted by: >>25982222

>your oshi will never rice the fuck out of cars in underground

>> No.25982184

and whats wrong with that. I would also join. Are you some kind of retarded purist?

>> No.25982185
Quoted by: >>25982205

>Korone not showing profile pictures anymore
Did something happen?

>> No.25982186


Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day

lovely day

>> No.25982187
Quoted by: >>25982340

But it is Japanese game anon.

>> No.25982188
Quoted by: >>25982214


>> No.25982189

Like an RPG?

>> No.25982192

The fact that they openly and positively talk about her under cover's umbrella, points me to more options than a complete cut of connections

>> No.25982193

More than that, they latched on to a PC game, and an FPS at that. Looking at the archives PUBG really shook things up by popularizing battle pianos in Japan, and APEX just happens to be the best one of the bunch.

>> No.25982194
Quoted by: >>25982222

Imagine Choco being your mommy and she's going to the shop at midnight all the time haha

>> No.25982195

It's a kickstarter prototype dressed up as an early access game. It looks and runs like dogshit.

>> No.25982197

Prince Peasly! That was his name, right?

>> No.25982198

Tamaki did say she was gonna treat Coco and Kanata with the superchat money today at a later date.

>> No.25982199

This really feels like BotW.
This game is going everywhere.

>> No.25982200

Why is Pekora playing this shit game? Did Jun get paid to promote it or something?

>> No.25982201


>> No.25982202

Seeing this stream for the first time, she was so lively, bubbly and energetic.

I actually really like this Sora. This makes me want to watch more of Sora's recent content to see how it compares.

>> No.25982203

If I wanted to fight guardians I'd play BOTW

>> No.25982204
File: 4 KB, 376x48, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls watch Mel, she is reclining too much...
I am trapped here for 2 hours allready..

>> No.25982205

Marine ditched her after all her preparations for a fun stream tonight, not only that, Marine blamed Korone for all of this.

>> No.25982206
File: 95 KB, 800x688, PekoraFire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how fried Peko's brain is right now playing this trash

>> No.25982207
File: 179 KB, 899x1200, 10B3940C-9F6E-43D4-B8A9-80A1A0E11F25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Botan talked to me today because I’ve been practicing my kana, love this lion.

>> No.25982208

This lmao

>> No.25982210
File: 724 KB, 1361x1200, 1592087914588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982268

Guess who's still sleeping in a cheap futon in a room with no lights, furniture and sounproof?

>> No.25982211
Quoted by: >>25982275

What does it feel like to cum in Korone knowing you won't take responsibility and neither will she

>> No.25982212

Time to snipe this dog

>> No.25982214

Ah so the game has gear durability... fuck that shit.

>> No.25982216

It's baffling how they're not even trying them now that EA access is on steam too and it's plastered on the front page so trying all of them out would be very cheap.

>> No.25982217
File: 233 KB, 1302x1302, 83576180_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have a 10/10/10 Liz but the idea of big boob Liz makes me diamonds

>> No.25982218

Tamaki gets 70%!

>> No.25982219

Sorry I have to listen to shopping instead

>> No.25982220

Why does Tamaki collab with the hololives so much anyway?

>> No.25982221

ive been watching her with okayu this entire time

>> No.25982222
File: 486 KB, 2048x2048, 798123749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982223


>> No.25982224
File: 183 KB, 427x381, 1596776626084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the Axe not even hit the orb? I really hope Pekora is doing a sponsored stream and not hoping that this is the new ARK.

So there's still hope? Thats great, I hope she can get some of her fans on board to play that over Apex.

>> No.25982226
File: 188 KB, 450x512, sweating_listenersan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Botan chink parents
>Polka just started Fall Guys
>suddenly Korone APEX

>> No.25982227

Did you see the dislike ratio on Narukami videos, he probably received death threats as well. But most importantly, he is not an idol

>> No.25982228


>> No.25982229


>> No.25982231

Actual leech

>> No.25982230

super leech indie

>> No.25982232

They're even allowed to talk about her more.

>> No.25982234

>Need for Speed
I want them to play HP 2010 pls

>> No.25982235

I hope Suisei somehow manages to meet Asahi's VA in the backstage or something

>> No.25982236

Sorry but I need to be there for the exact moment danchou's piss involuntarily exits her bladder.

>> No.25982237
Quoted by: >>25982306

Because she's friends with most of them

>> No.25982238
Quoted by: >>25982319

Yes it would have

>> No.25982240


>> No.25982241


>> No.25982243

Will they understand me if I write english in katakana?

>> No.25982244

I fucking hope this doesn't become THE kusoge like ark

>> No.25982245

Imagine Choco being you're mommy and she's going to the shop at midnight all the time haha

>> No.25982246
Quoted by: >>25982274

>Level 1 Bronze 4

based doog

>> No.25982247

>bronze iv
>0/300 rp

>> No.25982249
File: 182 KB, 314x354, 1591893118081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982287

please stop
she's already dead...

>> No.25982251
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982279

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.25982250
Quoted by: >>25982271

A Way Out would be kino as fuck for a PekoMiko or MariKoro stream

>> No.25982254


>> No.25982255

1.5k viewers is alright desu

>> No.25982257

When will this fight END

>> No.25982258
Quoted by: >>25982323

I thing they'd let her come back though. Cover was pissed at Towa and Mio as well, but let them continue. I imagine that if they let her back though she'd be under serious scrutiny for a while to keep her from fucking up again, which would be for the best.

>> No.25982260

i enjoy this ritual post
nice quads

>> No.25982261

An actual leech

>> No.25982262


>> No.25982263

If that narrative is true then a japanese company publicly punished an employee with 2 weeks of suspension (suspension being the important word here, they called it that and not a break) BUT they did not want that employee to apologize. I'll believe that narrative if hell freezes over.

>> No.25982264

Peko Impact does shit all damage, pecor literally the weakest in gen 3, fucking carrot wielder

>> No.25982265


>> No.25982266

Its a kid raising sim but Botan is trying to turn her char into Esports player. The game is available in english on steam. Its really fun if u like simulation games.

>> No.25982267

New Season
Rank Reset

>> No.25982268

Meanwhile Kanata feeds Coco grapes on her solid gold bed. Painfully whipping the destitute angel if she makes eye contact with her.

>> No.25982270

I would honestly rather have Chilla's shit.

>> No.25982271

I'm pretty sure that game has no translation for Japanese though

>> No.25982273

Why must Moona eat on stream.. Doesn't she get enough between streams?

>> No.25982274

she was gold last season

>> No.25982275

me and korone going to our 17th abortion!

>> No.25982276


>> No.25982277 [SPOILER] 
File: 266 KB, 373x446, 1599232685767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing ranked
I can't snipe this dog. FUCK

>> No.25982279

I hope you feel better soon.

>> No.25982278


>> No.25982280


>> No.25982282

wtf why is haachama practicing for minecraft is she tryharding for ender dragon rta?

>> No.25982283

Anta ga baka ka?

>> No.25982284
File: 804 KB, 1080x1600, 84132523_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't screw me over, ppt! I want to see my oshi shine, tomorrow!

>> No.25982285

Did Pekora disable sound effects? or does the game not have any?

>> No.25982286


>> No.25982287
File: 611 KB, 900x820, 1598353269261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she just changed jobs

>> No.25982288
File: 73 KB, 640x905, 29oh3xhzsck51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Korone ever played Apex before?

>> No.25982289
Quoted by: >>25982530

Don't give me hope anon

>> No.25982290

dont worry they were obviously buying merch during the stream

>> No.25982291
File: 82 KB, 240x240, 1599093370292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982292
File: 97 KB, 1000x489, 1597852864073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982351

>3.25k signatures
It's twice as much as I expected it to get already

>> No.25982293

Very dedicated eating reps

>> No.25982294

>Watame trying to pronounce Massachusetts
My fucking sides

Reminded me of this

>> No.25982295

>Pekora avenged Smile
that's some deep lore right here

>> No.25982297
Quoted by: >>25982338

She would be nothing without others.

>> No.25982298

Why do they write it as Marine even though in katakana it's Marin?

>> No.25982299


>> No.25982300

And that only the mattress, the whole bed cost $9,000.

>> No.25982301

Cant wait.

>> No.25982305


>> No.25982306

I understand holos like Matsuri and Marine, even Aqua makes sense, but it's weird seeing holos like Luna, Pekora, and Kanata have collaborating with her.

>> No.25982307

I'm kind of sad that she has to share the spotlight to be honest

>> No.25982308
File: 117 KB, 287x313, 1597922280087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching Korone and Pekora both muted, listening but not watching Risu

>> No.25982309


>> No.25982310
Quoted by: >>25982364

Context? I'm intrigued.

False fucking narrative. It's in reference to this:
2:07:15 mark, switches to end card but forgets to read today's SCs. I still don't understand why that narrative is even a thing.

>> No.25982311

>every gen5 under 10k viewers
damn the RECLINING hit them hard

>> No.25982312

Yes, quite a bit, but you wouldn't guess it.

>> No.25982313
Quoted by: >>25982331


>> No.25982314
Quoted by: >>25982450

Suisei as a card? Is that what this means?

>> No.25982315


>> No.25982317

Mainly offline.

>> No.25982319

Man, that mic quality.

>> No.25982320

It’s really hard for them to say the chusetts part

>> No.25982321
Quoted by: >>25982356

Kaoru breached contract hence his erasure
Aloe was basically forced out of the industry so they're just leaving her up to preserve her memory. Also they probably don't want antis hijacking the channel name

>> No.25982322

Lamy was over 10k earlier I'm pretty sure.

>> No.25982323

>pissed at Mio

I don't think so, I mean at least Towa behaved like a good girl and did what they told her.

>> No.25982324

If Aloe ever comes back, I’ll become a paypig whose likes have never seen before. I’ll straight up drop $100 every stream.

>> No.25982325

Because she's a pirate at sea

>> No.25982328

I love this clown!

>> No.25982326
Quoted by: >>25982350

Okayu got the nut

>> No.25982329

She plays a lot off stream, she has streamed it a few times as well. She is not very good.

>> No.25982331
Quoted by: >>25982354


>> No.25982332

This game looks like asset flip...

>> No.25982334

A few times. She even taught Marine at one point.

>> No.25982335
File: 215 KB, 893x1147, Screenshot_20200904-085819__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Westerners making sure nobody gets into the Vtuber bubble lmao, talk about gatekeeping at these prices.
Once again, Japan wins.

>> No.25982336

thanks you moona

>> No.25982337
File: 2 KB, 125x106, 1598412929548s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982338

Tamaki is great host though, I really enjoy her streams with Ui guests.

>> No.25982339

Ex-african refugee. She couldnt stop eating especially when her mom told her to eat more and grow healthy before drawing her last breath. Moona then ran off to Indonesia to start a new life and got a job as a vtuber.

>> No.25982340

I know, I meant it in the way that I don't expect this out of non-Eastern eu devs. It is like they embraced the eurojank with this game.
It reminds me of Outward so much but even Outward was more polished than this

>> No.25982341

Man that triple overtime

>> No.25982342
Quoted by: >>25982371

Because Marine in Katakana wouldn't be pronounced Marin

>> No.25982343
File: 1.09 MB, 1200x848, 1597260358255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always support my wife and her friends

>> No.25982345
Quoted by: >>25982362

Fuck Korone, she's better than choco, she moves and aims like a gamer.

>> No.25982347

They confirmed a new collab? I didn't know!

>> No.25982348

>Ark without dinos

>> No.25982349

To make more friends

>> No.25982350
File: 1.19 MB, 2771x2594, Eg6TppsVoAEHyVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the one who nuts to that.

>> No.25982351

Gotta need to tell that thin-skinned women how much support she will recieve.

>> No.25982352

Complain about her eating like the Watame chips guy

>> No.25982353

She’s one of the most influential vtubers in the industry and loves helping other vtubers.
She endorsed Coco early on for example and helped her during her early days.
Of course this is the anti thread, collabs are leeching, collabs are bad, vtubers shiuld never collab with anyone, we all know individual streams are the only thing worth watching.

>> No.25982354


>> No.25982355

>know Aloe's name is pronounced ah-low-eh
>keep mentally pronouncing it as -ah-low
Sexbros, what do?

>> No.25982356
Quoted by: >>25982384

kaoru and suzaku's channel are still up who would want to take those two homos' name?

>> No.25982357
File: 199 KB, 1920x1080, 1587369051614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982359

unironic leech people meme on tenshi but this is the real thing

>> No.25982360
File: 860 KB, 1257x690, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Risu not streaming with her fake loli voice
Why are you not here?

>> No.25982361

Shouldn't try to compete with the PEKO

>> No.25982362
Quoted by: >>25982380

>better than choco
That's not an accomplishment.

>> No.25982363

Lmy was 16k when she was live.

>> No.25982364

>Context? I'm intrigued.
I was just shitposting. Lamy was ending her stream and she shouted out all the Holos that were about to come online but obviously she didn't mention him.

>> No.25982365
Quoted by: >>25982429

>that geniune gomen from okayu as she got mario burnt

>> No.25982366

Lagann Impactooo

>> No.25982367

Perpetual Parasite Tamaki

>> No.25982368


>> No.25982369

She had nice chemistry with Luna yesterday, they got really into when talking about manga.

>> No.25982370

Even English speakers struggle with Massachusetts
Everyone just says Massachusses

>> No.25982371

Yeah but Marine isn't pronounced Marin either

>> No.25982372
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x1000, 1598461805742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, 6.5k people watching the second episode of a raising sim is already a miracle.

>> No.25982375
File: 933 KB, 4096x2560, Rosalyn_-_Concept_Illustration_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to Rosalyn's cover of This Game! Admire her cute hat!

>> No.25982374

The Joe Rogan of vtubers.

>> No.25982378

Peko is as charming as always trying to make this game seem fun but I have to stop watching this crap, this feels like a waste of time.
Good luck nousagis.

>> No.25982379

Nah she's just leeching. Stop overthinking.

>> No.25982380

These are old clips
She did actually improve compared to... whatever this is

>> No.25982383

I have short attention span.

>> No.25982384

some bored shitposter probably would
better to squat on it

>> No.25982386
Quoted by: >>25982411

I hope he crashes her game like he did with vinny

>> No.25982387

Polka falling for the distraction

>> No.25982388

Why is everyone so convinced that it's a 2nd collab? It could be a re-run you know or maybe something less.

>> No.25982390
File: 1.14 MB, 1628x915, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982469


>> No.25982391

Nene was at 12k
You just dont stream at the same time as pekor

>> No.25982392

Pekor's legendary fist mining!

>> No.25982394

pekoras character has a big ass, this game might not suck if you could get her naked

>> No.25982395

Because she is a pirate and Marine means "of the sea".

>> No.25982396

how much do you think japanese artists charge for this shit? I bet hololive live2D avatars are much more expensive

>> No.25982398

im planning on playing it sometime in the near future so can't

>> No.25982399
Quoted by: >>25982456

Is it helpful when she gets people to spill sensitive information that could jeopardize their careers? Or when she presses her guests with awkward questions until they feel uncomfortable?

>> No.25982400

please stop this is the 5rd time ive seen this

>> No.25982401

Shes boring

>> No.25982402

EOPchama, do ESL and/or JSL reps

>> No.25982403
Quoted by: >>25982421

it's pronounced アロエ

>> No.25982404
Quoted by: >>25982452

I fucking hate silly hat

>> No.25982405

Who's the monster that told about the 3080 to Watame?

>> No.25982407


>> No.25982408

She's a mad idolfag. Why wouldn't she?
She also knows and gets along with a few of them.

>> No.25982409

But i guess they need to know english to be able to adapt it properly and not read it letter by letter.

>> No.25982410

I heard V0 promotional cards usually free, you just have to grind the point needed

>> No.25982411

Never saw his playthrough. The game crashed for me though when I was younger. I think it was when some big bean lady boss died to poison. Softlocked my shit.

>> No.25982413
Quoted by: >>25982742

Coco was already on her rocket with Asacoco before she got on Tamaki's channel.

>> No.25982415

Some one SC'd about RTX3000 series in Watame's.

>> No.25982417
Quoted by: >>25982514

>She endorsed Coco early on for example and helped her during her early days.
Ah, so it's tamaki's fault we have Coco. Now I dislike them even more

>> No.25982419

based minecart minigame

>> No.25982421
Quoted by: >>25982458

Katakana is easy, but dumb.

>> No.25982423
Quoted by: >>25982460

Poor Watame, but that EEEEH!? was too cute

>> No.25982424
File: 856 KB, 1200x1000, Ayunda_Risu_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I am

>> No.25982425

Based EOP, Tacos are the fucking worst

>> No.25982429

Her heart's too big. Glad she's playing a game that won't break it this time.

>> No.25982430

I can't tell if this game is actually good or if Pekora is just making it look really fun.

>> No.25982431

Stop shilling your own stream, Risu

>> No.25982433

You reminded me to check https://www.hololive.tv/member and... Wh... Why is Poland not there?

>> No.25982436

>This Game

>> No.25982435

Na, just normalization.
People that get over the hype of the moment disappear and you get their true fanbase remaining.

>> No.25982437
Quoted by: >>25982492

Has Polka ever won at fall guys?

>> No.25982438

Bothers me almost as much as 'sage' being pronounced 'sah-geh'

>> No.25982439

Korosan your Apex reps...

>> No.25982440

Korone scaring herself by firing while looting someones box
this is gold

>> No.25982442
Quoted by: >>25982470

Legitimately nothing has happened this entire stream what kind of kusoge did Noel dig up

>> No.25982441

Tamaki is just a prick anon, without him Hololive would still be where it is. It's him that's used others to climb, they've helped him, not the other way around

>> No.25982444
Quoted by: >>25982459

You might want to invest in Botancoins because she seems the most likely to at least pick up NfS, C&C.

Nene might be able to Jedi Fallen Order, shes a huge Star Wars nerd.

>> No.25982446

Yeah because two biggest holo are streaming right now

>> No.25982445

Polka choke...

>> No.25982447

Excluding of A Way Out, none of those games would be fun to watch imo.

>> No.25982449

Because real holos are streaming. Also, I still need to finish my playthrough.

>> No.25982450

yeah, see >>25982013

>> No.25982451

but I am Risu, how much do I have to SC?

>> No.25982452
File: 397 KB, 1008x922, 1594953361728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her hat is NOT silly!

>> No.25982455

this is officially my new favorite ritual post

>> No.25982454

Its shit peko just makes it watchable

>> No.25982456
Quoted by: >>25982487

Only holos with actual charisma and banter should collab with Tamaki, it’s not her fault if they can’t keep up.

>> No.25982458

>Katakana is easy, but dumb.
シツ ソン

>> No.25982459
Quoted by: >>25982484

>Nene will never play Republic Commando

>> No.25982460
Quoted by: >>25982491

At least she can just change the GPU next time. Maybe PSU if it's not enough.

>> No.25982461

>tfw no indo reps
What i pick?

>> No.25982462

pretty sure that's the average

>> No.25982463

>Wh... Why is Poland not there?

>> No.25982464


>> No.25982465

Watch Botan, the character is going to gaokao in a couple of minutes

>> No.25982466

I'll download the png of her card when someone uploads it

>> No.25982467

>not Azumanga clip
I'm disgusted.

>> No.25982468

half of them don't even have japanese support so they couldn't play them anyways

>> No.25982469
Quoted by: >>25982568

>1 hour
you know what they say about 1 hour vtubers..

>> No.25982470

It's the most beloved series in all of Hololive newfag.

>> No.25982472

Not gonna lie and call me anti all you fags want but vtubers that strongly favor individual streams because theyre socially autistic like Pekora, Aqua etc etc are superior to people like Tamaki who collab a lot and produce boring content

>> No.25982473

Botan C&C would make me cum instantly.

>> No.25982474

I fucking hate those.

>> No.25982477
Quoted by: >>25982560

Pekora can make most games entertaining

>> No.25982479

Could I have a link?

>> No.25982481
Quoted by: >>25982581


>> No.25982484

>holos will never play X-wing VS tie fighter

>> No.25982485

Those are only tricky for like the first week.

>> No.25982486
Quoted by: >>25982536

Rwyf am atgynhyrchu gyda'r llwynog syrcas

>> No.25982487
Quoted by: >>25982610

If you're a host, it's your job to adjust to your guest, you're supposed to strive for good synergy, help them shine, not throw them off and make them feel uncomfortable.

>> No.25982491

I don't think she will since it's extremely hard to sell the 2080ti now for a good price

>> No.25982492

No, but at least she is not choke tier.

>> No.25982493

Pekora could make just about anything seem fun, though this doesn't seem unplayable.
At least it looks nicer than ARK

>> No.25982494

But you promised to be here forever yesterday, didn't you?
Game's fucking trash though I agree, I just don't have anything better to do tonight.

>> No.25982496
Quoted by: >>25982515

Why is everyone streaming simultaneously? Who do I watch?

>> No.25982497


>> No.25982500

Polkacci your internet...

>> No.25982502
File: 18 KB, 594x210, sM4GNa7DUa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some random voting, she won't play it.

>> No.25982503

Aloe.. gone but not forgotten

>> No.25982505

"Hey, did you ever played FF?"

>> No.25982506
File: 698 KB, 497x488, 30-160312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982521

I have one question
>everything in english

>> No.25982512

Fuck vanguard zero gutted mechanics of the real game.
>will never see nightrose until they make it 2 years based on sets.

>> No.25982513

Why is Korone using her angry face playing APEX?

>> No.25982514

Please at least try to hide how much of a newfag you are, people like you make it harder to narrative Coco, keep posting stuff like that and nobody will take us seriously.

>> No.25982515


>> No.25982517

Choking son...

>> No.25982518

Holy shit Roberu... that choke...

>> No.25982519

>not streaming with her fake loli voice
you answered your question for me

>> No.25982520

Stop choking SON!

>> No.25982521
Quoted by: >>25982549

What's your question?

>> No.25982522


>> No.25982523
Quoted by: >>25982561

Can't she just put that in her loan PC. Maybe Botan can even help.

>> No.25982524
Quoted by: >>25982547

she has connections with the cover staff

>> No.25982527

I don't care about this trash game, i'm only here for her adorable reactions.

>> No.25982528

because playing ranked in any game is the fastest path to rage

>> No.25982529

>Holos will never play Freespace 2

>> No.25982530
Quoted by: >>25982592

There will always be hope Anon-san.

>> No.25982531


>> No.25982532


>> No.25982533
Quoted by: >>25982545

People who aren't talented artists or singers shouldn't become vtubers.

>> No.25982534

Aloe will return with a new voice actor

That money spent on assets and graphics has to be recouped

>> No.25982535
File: 432 KB, 2239x2893, 1568590949465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros i think i want to learn jap
how long does it take to understand holos?

>> No.25982536

go back to watame's channel, sheepshagger

>> No.25982537
Quoted by: >>25982623

>boring content
It's not for everyone.
Anyway, If Miko and Marine hadn't been in Hololive, Pekora would have graduated by now

>> No.25982538
Quoted by: >>25982571

Apex wasn't the plan for tonight.

>> No.25982539

>They play that new Starfighters game
>Everyone suffers from vertigo

>> No.25982540

She's in gamer mode.

>> No.25982541
File: 21 KB, 384x343, 1599233418958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all the EOP attention whores are membershiplets
sugoi, but I feel terrible for Korone

>> No.25982542
Quoted by: >>25982553

holy shit this 0 year old is STACKED

>> No.25982543
File: 125 KB, 1073x1428, g7gmj89hn4l51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never played Apex, but I know you usually fall outta the sky, so what is Korone playing rn a tutorial?

>> No.25982545

Risu... Moona... Iofi...

>> No.25982546

I miss asacoco...

>> No.25982547

she's in a relationship with Yagoo which is how she nets all these collabs

>> No.25982549

Why is Pekora best holo?

>> No.25982551
Quoted by: >>25982573

>Ayunda Risu says she's underaged

>> No.25982553

I want her princess milk...

>> No.25982554

2 Neet years.
4 wagecuck years.
In neither case you'll understand all they say. More like 60-70%

>> No.25982555

Nice game dev

>> No.25982556
Quoted by: >>25982569

Go play apex

>> No.25982558
File: 32 KB, 480x360, 013A32A5-D099-43B9-9DD9-B9B8B70124F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All ojisan in Japan look like this

>> No.25982559

Stop posting pictures drawn by mentally ill people and the process is faster

>> No.25982560
Quoted by: >>25982570


>> No.25982561

Wasn't she using a 1660ti computer/laptop?

>> No.25982562
Quoted by: >>25982593

She's a natural entertainer

>> No.25982566

Bear is the true final boss.

>> No.25982565

>pekor destroys her campfire, lights herself ablaze and gets mauled by a bear in 3 seconds

>> No.25982568

1 hour vtubers:

>> No.25982569
Quoted by: >>25982586

It won't run on my bricktop

>> No.25982570

Fallout 4 was garbage.

>> No.25982571

Then she should've played Tetris instead of asking what to play.

>> No.25982572

That shit is easy in text form. Seeing them in handwriting is AIDS though.

>> No.25982573

Like 4 of the holos are 17

>> No.25982575
File: 181 KB, 370x370, 1598210900918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Coco intentionally streamed herself playing a game that makes fun of the chinese to spite Botan for playing some game called Chinese Parents. She really hates the 5th gen, huh?

>> No.25982574

These bears seem obnoxiously powerful.

>> No.25982576

i like her and doris theyre cute

>> No.25982577

>indo reps
I seriously hope nobody starts learning Indonesian because of the IDs.

>> No.25982578

Where the fuck did you find this picture of me?

>> No.25982581


>> No.25982582

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu6xTHpcgXo Coco comfy bed

>> No.25982583

Stupid hat

>> No.25982587
File: 1.12 MB, 1438x1000, Usada.Pekora.full.2810561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a crazy idol usagi, and close to overtake Baqua too

>> No.25982586

play any mobile br then, its the same shit

>> No.25982588

she looks hot so it's ok

>> No.25982589

she's a smug little retard

>> No.25982591
Quoted by: >>25982613

It's part of the map. You get loot for killing NPCs

>> No.25982592

Ok Komaeda

>> No.25982593
File: 68 KB, 296x302, 22222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982597
File: 389 KB, 2000x2256, 1590981053232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982595
Quoted by: >>25982634

Is there anyone who can take Coco seriously when she's doing this kawaii act?

>> No.25982596

Not sure about the GPU but I'm sure it was a PC.

>> No.25982598
Quoted by: >>25982707

>Mel starts reading supachats
>takes her less than 10 minutes
felt a bit bad desu

>> No.25982599

Please don't doxx me

>> No.25982600

Everyone is mentally ill in some way.

>> No.25982601
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x723, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy Coco sleeping on her $9,000 bed.

>> No.25982603

Polka sounds tired today. I doubt she'd even get to final this time

>> No.25982605

Kaichou you spent 9k on a bed!? That shit better have a built in message option and controls to lift you up like in a hospital.

>> No.25982606
File: 83 KB, 958x539, 15161616161565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this bitch!

>> No.25982607

Thanks moona!

>> No.25982609
Quoted by: >>25982662

>Actually downed the Loba
What the fuck are bronze players

>> No.25982610
Quoted by: >>25982624

That's your view of what a host should be.
If you can't handle Tamaki, don't accept her invitation just to grow your channel, you know what you're getting into, as long as you're reasonably smart and don't spill spaghetti you'll do fine, see TamakiKanata and TamakiWatame.

>> No.25982613


>> No.25982615


>> No.25982616

>Koronoe not boing, boing
I feel like these are bots even though they're probably not. Almost remind me of the pornbots they use to have in the chat that learnt how to copy comments other viewers made.

>> No.25982618

Yes and it was PC, I think with 8700 and 1660ti.

>> No.25982617

>Right is clearly open
>Goes left

>> No.25982619

Just stop Risu, you will never get that Korone collab.

>> No.25982622


>> No.25982623

if Miko decided to quit that one time instead of continuing Pekora wouldn't even exist

>> No.25982624

>say no to a Tamaki collab
>get blackballed
Gee, what a great idea.

>> No.25982625
Quoted by: >>25982664

expect a long commitment theres a reason so many quit

>> No.25982626

.....crazy comedian.

>> No.25982627

Where did this "You're" meme come from?

>> No.25982628

What happened to all those? Youtube just figured out a good trick to ban them? They used to be pretty funny when they started cheering for the holos.

>> No.25982629

based American dragon

>> No.25982630


>> No.25982633

Where did they go?

>> No.25982634

Why would you take Coco seriously in the first place. The only time when she's serious is when she's in her mama bear mode over Kanata.

>> No.25982636

>$9000 bed
Jesus fuck I paid £800 for mine and I though that was expensive.

>> No.25982638


>> No.25982639


>> No.25982640
Quoted by: >>25982650

Polka heading for choking hazard tier

>> No.25982641

you probably won't make it in time to fully understand them but you will make it in time to fully understand the next thing you get into in a few years

>> No.25982643
Quoted by: >>25982653

that's not the magic pekora word

>> No.25982645

I don't even know how you get to 9000 without it being super handmade in a specialized factory for you

My set was like $1500 and it feels a bit extravagant

>> No.25982646

they need to put an emoji and then the comment to work, coco disabled the emojis

>> No.25982647

>that fucking chat

>> No.25982648

People stopped making them because you couldnt click to go to the channel anymore I guess

>> No.25982650

To choke you need to actually be in the position to actually win.

>> No.25982651
File: 15 KB, 443x455, 1596061521838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982652

so we can all agree that Pekora is the most overrated holo? even more than Marine

>> No.25982653


>> No.25982654

>western hentai 'art'

>> No.25982657
File: 30 KB, 424x481, 1597560899975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982661

What the fuck, even if I were rich I'd never pay that much.

>> No.25982662
Quoted by: >>25982717

I don't understand how she's panicking so much. I just don't understand this lobby. Even my Bronze I games weren't this bad. I did climb from the start of S6 though, so probably caught some gold players on the way up

>> No.25982663
File: 27 KB, 240x532, hooked up to tkg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant go deep on the Mikolore since her entire legacy is in limbo

>> No.25982664
Quoted by: >>25982677

Blackballed by fucking who? They work for cover they don't give a shit if no other vtuber outside of hololive doesn't collab with them>>25982625

>> No.25982666

Did someone recommend Watame stardew valley? Based if so.

>> No.25982667
Quoted by: >>25982711

But Marin and Choco collab a lot and their content is pretty superior in collabs
Marin being a cake herself makes for a lot of interesting stories

>> No.25982668

Pekora is the most dumb one that's for sure

Even aqua seems smarter

>> No.25982669
Quoted by: >>25982685

you should see the retard who's been supachatting okayu all night
>i simp for fawful

>> No.25982670


>> No.25982671

seems so

>> No.25982673
Quoted by: >>25982688

its no secret that coco hates the chinese
still no bilibili exclusive stream despite the monthly requirement

>> No.25982674

Better than korone chat

>> No.25982676

Yeah, she said it looks interesting

>> No.25982677

uh thanks for the you at the end i guess

>> No.25982680

Has she got one of those fuckhuge love hotel beds or something?

>> No.25982683

You're english is good anon!
Its moona trying to speak with watame in one of watame's stream

>> No.25982684

damn korone play apex? tetris bro....

>> No.25982685
File: 65 KB, 950x697, Eg6usC6UcAA8SlF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982706

>tfw been here all stream and didn't notice

I've really trained myself to never look at chat well.

>> No.25982686

It's a great choice for her, but fuck if those portraits don't ruin it...

>> No.25982687

sounds like a comfy time is she ever plays it. permissions onegai..

>> No.25982688

And what about Watame?

>> No.25982689

Joe Rogan wannabe

>> No.25982691

>EOP donated to Watame to recommend Stardew Valley and Story of Seasons
>didn't even bother to look Harvest Moon japanese name
>Didn't even bother to look that Harvest Moon is not Bokujou Monogatari anymore and the original JP games are now called Story of Seasons


>> No.25982692
File: 195 KB, 463x453, ogeyrrat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, the praise she gets is well deserved

>> No.25982694
File: 15 KB, 400x123, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982695

AHHHH stop Coco, I already suffered enough with Choco's proposal.

>> No.25982696

I thought Coco would sleep on a no-sheet mattress with no box spring and maybe a towel or her clothes she hasn't folded

She seems like that kind of fuckup

>> No.25982697

Youtube...swimsuit onegai...

>> No.25982698

quick rundown on that, please?

>> No.25982699

Gen 5 already reclining...Did they do anything to standout so far?

>> No.25982700


>> No.25982701
File: 20 KB, 168x360, 8x9nyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982702

Choco was performing on an empty stomach btw bros

>> No.25982703


>> No.25982705

>pkr getting destroyed by first area bears
>goes to a desert
if you say so, kusagi

>> No.25982704

Wonder if she can join the SMOK server Okayu runs. Or is it limited to 4 players?

>> No.25982706

i havent had the chat open, only noticed because of the discord stream chat, good thing is they're also starting to hate the EOPs

>> No.25982707

I hear her other channel is doing well so that's great, but it's always sad to see a holo "not doing so well"

>> No.25982708

Huh, Botan is actually shadowbanned.

>> No.25982709

Isn't Pekora a football fan? Someone recommend FIFA or some shit if she's gonna play some EA game, I mean, that would be more fun.

>> No.25982710
File: 550 KB, 1000x1000, 1596640375702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>world's no.1 superchatted girl
>no simp september
>sleeping on a $9000 bed
what is her problem?

>> No.25982711

But Choco is a cake too

>> No.25982712
File: 735 KB, 684x880, 30-223305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can all agree that you suck dicks, that's for sure

>> No.25982713

always get me

>> No.25982714

Watame is angry at kaigai nikis for not superchatting her as much as Towa.

>> No.25982716

>It's true
Wait, what the fuck

>> No.25982717

She wasn't this bad a few months ago https://youtu.be/erjdC6tLmM8?t=3032
I don't know what the fuck happened

>> No.25982718



>> No.25982720

just tune in to watame
so, are we getting that 3d collab tomorrow?

>> No.25982722
Quoted by: >>25982730

Isn’t she always?

>> No.25982723

Anon it's a superchat reading stream. Don't be daft.

>> No.25982725

That's the trick.

>> No.25982726 [DELETED] 

Not that シツソン are difficult but these do not all compare in being difficult.

>> No.25982727

Typical nouveau riche behaviour.

>> No.25982728

"Overrated" means that she doesn't deserve the popularity she has, which isn't true. The most overrated holo is definitely Rushia, she has no creativity but still manage to get great number of viewers and superchats

>> No.25982730
Quoted by: >>25982896

Yes but she didn't eat ANYTHING today

>> No.25982731

she's the regular american eceleb that flaunts her achievements, money and fame

>> No.25982732

>that fucking laugh
At least you had fun screwing around, you dumb clown.

>> No.25982733
File: 88 KB, 382x130, 1595680739963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post pics that make you laugh

>> No.25982736
Quoted by: >>25982749

>a literal supachat thanking only stream
>'only' getting 3.5k viewers
>made at least $100 USD in new supachats

>> No.25982738

The rabbit fears the dragon.

>> No.25982740

Depends on Kanata's state tomorrow. There's a chance that it could be cancelled.

>> No.25982741

Watame said Kanata feels better, but if something happens again she will postpone it.

>> No.25982742
Quoted by: >>25982826

Actually this. Iirc Coco mentioned in Asacoco that Tamaki "Noticed" her (Basically approached this shiny newbie) as "senpai" in vtubing. Asacoco was already gaining cult numbers that nobody expected (Niji had to somewhat imitate the news style in someway) so you can see she has this ulterior motives from the start

>> No.25982743

>calm tracking
>jumping around and still aware of where the enemy is at melee range
>scream upon seeing an enemy
>aim goes all over the place
It's like a different person playing, what the actual fuck

>> No.25982744

like someone said before shes edging her gachikoi for a big release later honestly pretty genius

>> No.25982746
Quoted by: >>25982824

Nah, she is good but pekofags are the worst, it's amazing how most of them are unironically retarded.

>> No.25982747
File: 950 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200904_114216_com.vanced.android.youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982748
Quoted by: >>25982781

I guess Youtube also hate the chinese.

>> No.25982749

You mean 1k

>> No.25982750

>looks at dragon
>"Do you see this? This is not ARK. Certainly not ARK."
Pecor knows what she's dealing with.

>> No.25982751
Quoted by: >>25982774

Why was Rushia laughing at her...

>> No.25982752
Quoted by: >>25982794

Remember how she tweeted she got her first Kill Leader a week ago? I feel like she could have gotten it even by accident much earlier than that. Remember that she forgets how to play a game if more than 24 hours pass though.

>> No.25982754
Quoted by: >>25982774

i dont get it

>> No.25982755


>> No.25982756


>> No.25982757
File: 131 KB, 216x283, 1598173837699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pekor makes a joke while looking at the dragon
>aggros everything on the island

>> No.25982758
Quoted by: >>25982807

bros what happened to the BIG NUMBER sheep? Was the big bad rabbit too powerful for her?

>> No.25982759
Quoted by: >>25982767

I can give her a hot protein injection if she likes

>> No.25982760

I can't believe Polka's clown gimmick is already out of steam. It's been less than a month.

There's a reason why clowns and comedians only perform a few times a month.

that or she's still upset about Aloe

>> No.25982761

Not that シツソン are difficult but these do not at all compare in being difficult.

>> No.25982764

You got 15 minutes Pekora before it's baby time lunaitos ww@

>> No.25982767

She is getting Gyudon at the moment so I don't think so

>> No.25982771
File: 11 KB, 595x153, AHAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982770

don't fuck with rathalos, peko

>> No.25982772
File: 988 KB, 1253x950, smok team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it returns

>> No.25982773

Can we start getting people to start playing Craftopia instead of ARK?

>> No.25982774

rushia pressed w to walk but she put it in chat instead and artia thought she was laughing

>> No.25982776

notice it doesn't say she's streaming when you search her? that's because she's shadow banned

>> No.25982777

ruthless american businesswoman analyzed the situation and has concluded that her paypigs like it when she flaunts the riches that she got because of them, like a daughter of a rich father showing off the new car he gave her.

>> No.25982779
File: 905 KB, 2080x1560, EZbKWuaUwAEGO_v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982846


>> No.25982781

Maybe it is the game she's playing. She's not blonde and isn't showing any skin, and she's never been shadowbanned before
That's really weird though

>> No.25982782

NO collabs and old PC. Polkahime is seriously nerfed. Please understand.

>> No.25982784

It's the metabolism

>> No.25982783

must be because she used the C word

>> No.25982786
File: 15 KB, 460x259, 190909042210-pierce-brosnan-0906-large-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982788

Making chat sub only would solve every single problem. Japs will start doing it around 2025

>> No.25982790
Quoted by: >>25982802

I can't fucking wait. Gimme L4D2, Fall Guys, Air Ride, DRG, I don't care. Hell, I'll take ARK.

>> No.25982794 [SPOILER] 
File: 389 KB, 900x835, 1599234363765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what they say, you can't teach an old dog new tricks

>> No.25982795
File: 714 KB, 2000x1600, 5CD5071D-0C31-476A-9828-984327FD39B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982796

Why she even need to sell her current GPU? Her PC is already overkill for what she stream.
She doesn't even know how take out the GPU off her motherboard

>> No.25982798

she realized her audience likes it best when she's screaming rather than actually playing well

>> No.25982801
File: 8 KB, 272x103, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982803
Quoted by: >>25982979

I wonder if its down to Polka having to replan everything since Aloe left, it seemed like Gen 5 was meant to do a ton of things together

>> No.25982804

>have to watch Coco to get at least something about Kanata
You win this time...

>> No.25982802
Quoted by: >>25982854

Aki showing up during the MioSubaKoro collab was fucking hilarious

>> No.25982805

Considering she's the more weathered one in terms of dealing with companies she probably has stronger feelings than the rest. Though looking at the roommate, it's not entirely doom and gloom

>> No.25982806

Does looping(right click loop) a video count as 1 view per loop? Or shoud I just setup a refresh extension?

>> No.25982807
File: 81 KB, 564x811, Car-rot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like Mukkun's sheep will ever beat our usagi...

>> No.25982808
Quoted by: >>25983163

I get the feeling that she's pretending, just like super Nenechi.

>> No.25982809

actually true what why tho?

>> No.25982810

the only shitty post is about simping, not sure what's your problem with the chat

>> No.25982811


>> No.25982813

Oh man I forgot about that guy

>> No.25982815

It will be like this if she doesn't play another game. Her lag on collab games isn't helping either

>> No.25982816
File: 313 KB, 835x243, 2020-09-04 11_42_40-Haato Channel 赤井はあと - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>translating previous stream titles

>> No.25982817
File: 3.29 MB, 1920x1080, 1596377635027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982900


>> No.25982818
File: 340 KB, 700x393, 1595458389169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982819

>Lets simp together broskis
>He isn't even a member
Why are this faggots allowed to comment?

>> No.25982821

fuckin based

>> No.25982822

YouTube hates chinese

>> No.25982823
File: 213 KB, 333x265, 【世界のアソビ大全51】常闇トワvs天音かなた【#かなトワ】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983133


>> No.25982824

>it's amazing how most of them are unironically retarded.
Soooo, just like Pekora?

>> No.25982825

Gee, I wonder why.

>> No.25982826

...or maybe, just maybe, she enjoyed AsaCoco and just wanted to send her a nice message?
How do you live being so cynical? Do you actually enjoy anything with an attitude like that?

>> No.25982829

I was trying to remember his name awhile ago. Big Daddy buy the ring...

>> No.25982828

Poor sheep, it was a bad time to buy a 2080ti but I guess there are no JOP techtubers

>> No.25982831

It's cheating but this clip never fails.

>> No.25982832
File: 38 KB, 680x405, E886B7BC-2F4E-469C-AE03-27D06623525A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco staining expensive high thread count sheets with her stinky no-shower sweat!

>> No.25982833

Haachama being smart, what is this?

>> No.25982834

It's not about being cynical it's about seeing Tamaki for what he is

>> No.25982835

It's the hot new craze of calling everything simping, hope you like it.

>> No.25982837
File: 724 KB, 1438x1000, 1585529795616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982838

Holy shit thanks for reminding me about this guy

>> No.25982839
Quoted by: >>25982864

Lamy reached 17k, Nene had 12k, Botan had 7k with Usagi streaming at the same time for 2 days straight. Botan have a lot of archive watchers from her stream yesterday its safe to assume Nousagis also watches Botan.

>> No.25982840

Hey, that's my future me.

>> No.25982841

its funny cause its true

>> No.25982842

>Getting Over It
Yeah, they sure hate them white piggu games.

>> No.25982843
File: 122 KB, 512x512, 79652437_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982844


>> No.25982845

Yogiri's eyes somehow remind me of Marine's sister...

>> No.25982846


>> No.25982847
File: 72 KB, 463x453, 1598667147492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982862

I'm probably the only person who chuckles when they see this

>> No.25982848

>literally fortnite

>> No.25982849


>> No.25982850
Quoted by: >>25983004


>> No.25982851

why do spics always make the ":V" all the time?

>> No.25982852


>> No.25982853
File: 156 KB, 661x623, 1596389054777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982892


>> No.25982854

Anytime Aki drops in on an Ark noob stream and styles on them is. "Enter Mukiroze" never gets old.

>> No.25982855

They think watching hololive is simping

>> No.25982856
Quoted by: >>25982891

So finally they get to interact with a AKB48

>> No.25982858

Peko fortnite??

>> No.25982857

i wonder if he ever came back after that, he ended up making that thread good

>> No.25982859

stairway to heaven

>> No.25982860
Quoted by: >>25983632

Don't speak of that evil

>> No.25982861
Quoted by: >>25982881

I have never seen anyone talking so much while playing Apex

>> No.25982862
File: 153 KB, 427x381, 1598921719623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983729

no I laugh at that too along with this

>> No.25982863

Actually enjoyed the Risu VA-11 Hall-A stream a lot more than I was expected given the attempted bowdlerisation. You could see her getting close to breaking in a good way when it came to some of Dorothy's lines, so there's hope yet that she'll lower her guard later on.

Glad that she enjoyed the game a lot too and hope we get a full playthrough out of it.

I'd unironically love to see Coco do a full playthrough most out of everyone as I think she'd really go all out for it and do it by far the most justice, but I know that's never going to happen as it'd alienate the Japanese crowd and it wouldn't be worth remotely enough money for her, so I know Risu being this invested in it is the best I could reasonably hope for.

>> No.25982864

Botan also currently shadowbanned

>> No.25982866
File: 190 KB, 2048x1990, 97AB7302-B142-4D39-B008-DCB9CA012134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BIBI is powerful!

>> No.25982867

Pekor fortniting her way to Laputa!

>> No.25982868

Spics are like twitchfags, can't talk properly without emotes
t. spic

>> No.25982869
Quoted by: >>25982914

I can't wait for tomorrow.

>> No.25982870

Where did all the comfy Mahjong streams go..

>> No.25982871


>> No.25982872
File: 189 KB, 1800x1125, 84f662e8bf70b6e2b5575cb446c513b40872238c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Kiryu Coco isn't flexing her earnings to simply gloat about it, but instead, she's playing hard into her role as a Dragon by collecting a massive treasure horde?

>> No.25982874

I'm not going to see her in a better light after actively taking down translation clips with the excuse of "demonetization" when it wasn't even true. Her being an "indie" isn't an excuse when Ui and Mea didn't really complain about clips

>> No.25982875

God Coco looks so fucking comfy.

>> No.25982876
File: 56 KB, 662x633, EbF-mcDXYAAchSi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982892


>> No.25982878

why does yoghurt wear those color band aids

>> No.25982879
File: 2.70 MB, 1920x1080, bullied suisei.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983028

I want to be the cameraman

>> No.25982880
File: 100 KB, 874x536, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982881

She might as well not be playing, this is a zatsudan about apex with random screams, the stream itself doesn't matter.

>> No.25982882
File: 303 KB, 500x476, 1598457972276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982883

Oh.... right... that is how dragons are. So she's actually just the most in character holo.

>> No.25982884
File: 681 KB, 1920x1080, 1543807655182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Luna's thumbnail
>check chat
>boing boing

>> No.25982887
File: 600 KB, 2560x1440, C137358C-5C5C-4FD0-A08C-4528CCCF954E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983120


>> No.25982888
Quoted by: >>25982904

I can't believe Miko is fucking dead.

>> No.25982890


>> No.25982891
Quoted by: >>25982923

I wonder if AKB will launch a virtual brand one day

>> No.25982892


>> No.25982893
Quoted by: >>25982910

>alienate the Japanese crowd
Isn't the game quite popular in Japan? There's even a collaboration with Girls Frontline.

>> No.25982894

Que? No habla english, spanish por favor bonjour onegai kudasai

>> No.25982896
Quoted by: >>25982901

Choco, why... Your eating reps... Someday she’s going to collapse on stream

>> No.25982897
File: 655 KB, 1522x3492, 1591252704037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982898
Quoted by: >>25982906

How the fuck did Korone get to gold before

>> No.25982899

room temperature IQ moon...

>> No.25982900
File: 297 KB, 627x591, 1596475212621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982901

She is doing her eating reps as we type

>> No.25982904

at least she has a nice tomb to rest in right next to her best friend

>> No.25982905


>> No.25982906

okayu carried her and it was the end of the season

>> No.25982907

Oh no she’s Smaug...

>> No.25982908

Facebook used to make the :v into a Pacman emote. Use of it was appropiated by "meme rings" and now it's used by every spic

>> No.25982909

Purple king with the platform is about this much

>> No.25982911

Holy fucking based Flips

>> No.25982912
File: 32 KB, 443x455, 1598867545101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982910

There wouldn't be much point to it for me if she played it in Japanese: any of them could do that.

>> No.25982913

She accomplishes both goals doing that. Don't forger about her acting really protective about her housewife. She's also hoarding viewers because heimins have no choice but to tune in knowing she is going to talk about Kanata.

>> No.25982914

Why would they make Watame and Kanata sing a love song?

>> No.25982916
Quoted by: >>25983004


>> No.25982917
File: 73 KB, 230x230, tumblr_39e2efb021f9e6b8567130f897ee37bf_49b6cfea_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people keep donating her just to hear her saying "fuck" or any slang

this will over once Summer ends...r-right?

>> No.25982919
File: 834 KB, 1594x704, ifuckinghadit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982920
Quoted by: >>25982937

I didn't know Rushia was THIS based

>> No.25982921
File: 555 KB, 737x677, 1589145892216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982959


>> No.25982922

These tamaki antis are just towafags who still pissed at the fact that tamaki collabed with all good gen 4

>> No.25982923
Quoted by: >>25982946

Why would they do that? It makes better sense to give them some avatars to mess around but ultimately they still perform as themselves live

>> No.25982925
Quoted by: >>25982944

>Carrying someone
Definitely not. Have you seen her play?

>> No.25982926
File: 718 KB, 1920x1080, 1596649280228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982927

Kanata loves Watame and Watame loves Kanata

>> No.25982928

Watame asked for it.

>> No.25982929

fuck. It's funny when you witnessed by yourself

>> No.25982930
File: 578 KB, 763x900, 1589849416119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with them expressing their feelings in song form.

>> No.25982931

Wasn't Okayu only Silver at the time Korone reached Gold? I remember Okayu saying Korone was better because of that, but Korone disagreed hard and said it was just because she put more time in. Okayu's better than Korone, but not good enough to carry.

>> No.25982933
File: 247 KB, 498x556, E7836B52-1422-44E7-BE49-C5CC4A48A7D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982934


>> No.25982935
File: 608 KB, 1088x655, Screenshot_20200904-085313~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maximum comfy

>> No.25982936
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, 1589963290020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a flip and I don't find a problem with flips no matter how they make me cringe, except. Except. When they reply to other flips about "muh embarassment" making a cingeworthy situation even more cringeworthy.

Overall I don't give a fuck

>> No.25982937

That photo is funny on its own. Then I saw your comment and went back to see that Rushia hearted all those comments and just died.

>> No.25982938
File: 443 KB, 2848x4172, E4DD85D1-AC3E-4A3F-A894-256F631C3712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs reply is what I supacha to Coco

>> No.25982939

Watame wants to prove who's the best gen 4 singer

>> No.25982940
File: 588 KB, 2048x1536, EcSCM8QU4AATEch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982941

Absolutely fucking deserved, that shit was vile

>> No.25982943

thats his birthdate right?

>> No.25982944
Quoted by: >>25982974

she's still better than me

>> No.25982945

I wish this was a skin for streams.... Pekora onegai...

>> No.25982947
File: 36 KB, 894x178, 2020-08-01 18_21_41-(0) _jp_ - Hololive - Otaku Culture - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking retarded but it actually made me laugh

>> No.25982946
Quoted by: >>25983000

I mean with new girls, like a vtuber agency but they are all seiso

>> No.25982948

I saw that pic when it was posted...didn't know the bastard got banned!

>> No.25982949
File: 296 KB, 400x415, 1599198646993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982950
File: 138 KB, 900x900, haato2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After hours of extensive and intensive watching of hololive videos, finally I reached the conclusion that
>There is only one pure and innocent girl in hololive and it is Haachama
>others are nothing but sluts on streets, if not socially withdrawal neets, with cgi skins.
It'd be a gritty reality to face, but you must have noticed it as well long before.
Ok, I'd say others are *professional idols, or comedian. And she's the only real angel.

>> No.25982952

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLV2hT8CYMQ Astel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEd27cK_j7A Luna

>> No.25982953

No one asked for your shitty blog monkey, go eat some pagpag

>> No.25982954
Quoted by: >>25983074

As much as I love New Vegas i dont think its a good streamer game

>> No.25982955

todd explicitly forbid them from playing it

>> No.25982958

I fucking hate this bitch.

>> No.25982959

why dont holos invent new lies? how tf is it possible to be hungry in a first world country? lmao

>> No.25982960


>> No.25982961
File: 121 KB, 1080x1620, 305FFF36-EDB7-40D3-933D-02D9B8F55DFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora... it’s been literally 2 months since you collabed with any other Holo...

>> No.25982962

when she joined hololive on christmas 2018, she got a lot of hate for being 3D from the begging and being in a lot of collabs
during one event, she got paired with Ayame but no one went to see her because of said reasons
a few days later she made a stream called "thoughts and true feelings" where she said how she thought about quitting because she wasn't good enough to be in hololive but other members convinced her to continue, specially Mio, Subaru, Ayame and Fubuki
after said stream she decided to be more open to her audience and find what makes her unique among the other girls

>> No.25982964
File: 136 KB, 428x475, EfMJHeIU8AIezlH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25982995

OoT... Skyrim...

>> No.25982965
File: 372 KB, 1021x1072, 1593258800606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982967

holy shit

>> No.25982968

It wouldnt alienate the japanese crowd at all i think, the game got omega popular in japan for some reason

>> No.25982969
File: 600 KB, 1216x450, my-image (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982970
File: 28 KB, 258x893, 1598726489865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Risu, very nice stream

>> No.25982971

He's going on a new game spree huh?

>> No.25982972
Quoted by: >>25983010

>Except. When they reply to other flips about "muh embarassment" making a cingeworthy situation even more cringeworthy.
But wait, isn't that what you're doing right now?

>> No.25982974
Quoted by: >>25982992

Let's do our best and reps anon. It's so satisfying to see yourself improve in this game.

>> No.25982975
File: 119 KB, 280x408, 1591116989348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982976

Did anyone actually sit through that entire thing? Did this really happen?

>> No.25982977

korone is all about autistically clearing games, I don't think an open world would play well with her

>> No.25982978

Show your armpits please

>> No.25982979
Quoted by: >>25983007

Yeah some strange ideas they have came from Aloe, like Lamy using voicechanger.

>> No.25982980

George Walker Bush

>> No.25982981

>it is Haachama
Not after Australia is done with her!

>> No.25982982
File: 871 KB, 1920x1080, 1599062388675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh

>> No.25982983
Quoted by: >>25983044

No, Subaru and Pekora are the most purest of women. Pekora in particular tries to act impure but is actually pure.

>> No.25982984
File: 19 KB, 126x83, 1589643979406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25982985

How long until Astel passes Pekora's progress?

>> No.25982986


>> No.25982987

I love you doragon

>> No.25982988

>it's another "I read the official wiki and made a tier list" post
watame is a kindergarden teacher simulator not a gf simulator ffs.

>> No.25982989

Fuck you Vinci

>> No.25982990
File: 203 KB, 1920x1080, 20200901_005937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki butt

>> No.25982991
File: 177 KB, 281x321, 1597329406602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might actually be right.

>> No.25982992

100 points off silver 2, i love the 301

>> No.25982993

Aki is hardcore girlfriend simulator

>> No.25982994

>Brainlet spic: 3 comments in just that image
>Brainlet policefag: 1 comment in just that image
I understand your point but most of the time the first spammer is worse than the retard trying to act as the police.

>> No.25982995


>> No.25982996

there's no joke, so im sure youll be on the next Coco meme review

>> No.25982999

Polka and marine truly make me wish I wasn't a EOP.

I should take classes, too much of a dumbass to self teach

>> No.25983000

You mean Gems company?

>> No.25983001

not at all

>> No.25983002

Fuck open games. It's not suited for Korone. She should have play TLOU already.

>> No.25983003

Vinci at it again

>> No.25983004
Quoted by: >>25983131

she's only 52 kg anon ...

>> No.25983005
File: 618 KB, 861x484, 2nd anniversary butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choco butt

>> No.25983006

why the fuck did hachama end up doing her last year of high school in australia in the first place?

>> No.25983007
Quoted by: >>25983060

When was this? Did Lamy mentioned it? I don't tune in to Lamy much and just sucker for anything Aloe related

>> No.25983008

What's the context behind this pic?

>> No.25983010

I just told you I don't give a fuck, though. I really don't. I wont make an essay about that shit like this on the superchat or whatever

>> No.25983011
Quoted by: >>25983188


>> No.25983012
File: 1.29 MB, 1275x718, 2020-08-20 08_58_18-究極のBAN RTA[Member only]※過激すぎてみせられないよ>< - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks at her own lewds on stream
>pure and innocent

>> No.25983013
File: 839 KB, 1037x988, robALOE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983014
Quoted by: >>25983070

Now this post is cringe.

>> No.25983015


>> No.25983016
File: 977 KB, 3250x2048, 1589384376608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't be farther from the truth

>> No.25983017
File: 827 KB, 1920x1080, aki-butt-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983032


į̸̳̰͍̝͙̹̬͚̤̜͇̞̯͉̔͂͊̐͠t̶̢̝̫͈͔̱̪̳̣͎̗̼̣̱̣͇́̇̉͗̈́̉͆́͐̿̀̕͠͝ ̶̨̡̢̮͙͓̖͖̼̘͈̳̠̫̌̇̄͋͌̍̀͑̈́̒͘͝ḩ̸̡̫͕͇̬̣͙͎̬͕̞͆̎̉̒̌̃u̵̩̟̟͉͇̬̫̝͈͕͓̠̠̳̬̝̾̄̄̎̿̍͒̐͘͝ͅṇ̶̨̹̹̻̜̗̹͉̬̈̀̔̔̃͒̄̎̇̎̌͌ǵ̸̥̫̥̪͙̻̮̥̳̽̕͜e̸̛͔͎̤͚̓̀̀́̉̌̎̚r̵̰̹̮̗̺̖̫̠̖̣̓͒̉́͑͗͑̀̚͝ś̴̤̻͖̩͈͍̮̈̋ͅ

>> No.25983018
Quoted by: >>25983070

shut the fuck up you namefagging monkey

>> No.25983019
File: 730 KB, 2732x2026, 1594308245837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is only one pure and innocent girl in hololive and it is Haachama

>> No.25983020


>> No.25983021
File: 65 KB, 881x1209, 1592896518707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983070

>that hoshikawa stream where she asks why the guy would take off his pants
>two Haaton streams now where someone put a dildo in their photo and she didn't say or do anything
>didn't get the tissues joke either
>didn't know what never gonna give you up was
Haachama is the purest of all Holos

>> No.25983023

I don't know what just happened on Watame's stream. Someone sent a Can you be my wife SC and she somehow started talking about Choco

>> No.25983024
Quoted by: >>25983038

>korone sinigng old mcdonald mixed with okayu in noises in general
i actually felt my heart stop for 2 seconds there

>> No.25983025

She just needs to make it through the collab restriction, and she'll be fine.

>> No.25983026

Japanese classes are a scam that extends lessons and classes for more tuition and self studying + using resources is much much better

>> No.25983027
Quoted by: >>25983070

holy cringoli

>> No.25983028
File: 563 KB, 600x336, Hardparty.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983055


>> No.25983029 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.28 MB, 1276x719, 1599235208024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983052

>screenshot OK
This one made me laugh.

>> No.25983030
Quoted by: >>25983070

And to the filter it goes, thanks for the name namefag.

>> No.25983031

piki piki piiman

>> No.25983032

Bless you

>> No.25983035

Oh, Craftopia is from a Japanese developer. No wonder Pekora's female character doesn't look like an ogre.

>> No.25983036
File: 137 KB, 2005x418, 1597851334722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983037
Quoted by: >>25983078

does anyone have that clip of risu saying 4chan loves moona?

>> No.25983038
Quoted by: >>25983056

That's a dangerous cocktail you're making there, anon.

>> No.25983039

I love my baby princess!

>> No.25983040
File: 919 KB, 840x980, 1598982727940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Luna

>> No.25983042


>> No.25983043
File: 40 KB, 417x300, 1581504253889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983065

>Mio not on GF simulator

>> No.25983044

>Subaru and Pekora
an amateur audience here

>> No.25983046
Quoted by: >>25983061

That's the face she made when Sio retired and she realized that tardwrangling Towa is now her duty

>> No.25983047
File: 567 KB, 700x788, kaichos-kaindness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983085


>> No.25983049


>> No.25983050


>> No.25983053

hey haachama can I get a sauce on that one?

>> No.25983052

what the fuck this stream is still up

>> No.25983055


>> No.25983056
Quoted by: >>25983059

well since luna is starting as well, im just gonna inject all three straight into my veins

>> No.25983059

Nice knowing you.

>> No.25983060

Around 10:00~

>> No.25983061

Sound a little good to be truth.

>> No.25983062


>> No.25983063
File: 367 KB, 600x600, 1594789525160.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983065
Quoted by: >>25983094

she's a mommy simulator

>> No.25983066

It's on pixiv.

>> No.25983067
File: 1.07 MB, 798x410, 1588695552141.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suisei vanguard and TIF announcement.
>Mio coming back.
>Marine is appearing on AL anniversary stream despite not being a ship fuelling the rumors of a part 2 Holo collab.
>Miko release from the hospital from Monday.
Today is a good day.

>> No.25983068
File: 72 KB, 797x389, 1595524888416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983329


>> No.25983069
Quoted by: >>25983096

Watame and Lamy are mommy simulators

>> No.25983070

Whatever, I was just sayin.
I dunno why you're so affected for some reason.

Thinking about it, Aussieland is pretty strict on porn right? How does she view lewd things?

>> No.25983071
Quoted by: >>25983104

Luna is playing our wedding song

>> No.25983072
Quoted by: >>25983103


>> No.25983074
Quoted by: >>25983269

It wouldn't hold up for long, but since she would stubbornly go straight north from goodsprings into the deathclaws and cazadors, so it would definitely be fun for about 20 minutes.

>> No.25983073

>post pic that make you laugh
>none of the pic make me laugh
So this is the place that shit on reddit memes...

>> No.25983075
File: 667 KB, 2000x2000, 1598241059367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983076

god lamy is so fucking creepy

>> No.25983077
File: 587 KB, 462x663, 118629625_4508057095878797_5431256612513423946_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983078


>> No.25983080
File: 318 KB, 400x447, 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shion turned 18 2 months before the incident while Marine is 28
>Marine said the two were talking about sex on discord before backtracking and saying it was just a joke
>This was roughly around the time Shion turned 18
>Shortly before the sleepover incident
>Marine called Shion while drunk and talked about sucking her nipples
>Shion was at first shocked and said:" Wait, you were serious"
>She then played along, pressured by the stream to maintain character
>After all she's been yuribaiting with several other holos in the past and it never went anywhere, it's just what idols do to attract attention
>Shion had just moved out of her parent house into her apartement and Marine wasted no time
>It's possible that Shion and Marine had been drinking, and that's the reason they overslept
>However, they can't admit that because the legal drinking age in Japan is 20
>If Shion had been drinking then Marine was the one who got her drunk, so drunk she has trouble remembering things
>Once they started their scheduled morning stream 4 hours late, Marine almost immediately brought up the topic of what happened last night in from of tens of thousand of people
>Shion insisted she doesn't say anything and that she doesn't remember
>Throughought the stream Marine again brought up the question, acussing Shion of playing dumb, Shion at first asked whether she did or said somehitng bad to her
>Despite Shion's wishes, Marine drew a manga detailing the event and made a stream to discuss it
>In her manga Marine is portrayed as a victim, Shion is the one making moves on her
>This again brought a crowd of tens of thousand of people
>Shion appeared in chat, then tweeted, and finally appeared on stream through a discord call to say that Marine is making things up
>During their talk Marine said Shion must have felt up Marine because of what she's been reading
>After a short pause Shion responds that she does remember briefly looking at something Marine recomended to her
>Because of Marine's statement that Shion was inspired by this, it's possible that Marine has been recommending or even brought over porn for Shion on top of getting her drunk
>After leaving Marine's stream Shion cancelled her scheduled Fall Guys stream and did a zatsudan instead
>She dedicated the early portion of it to talk about the incident
>She still insisted that she doesn't remember and talked about how she feels bad
>She asked her audience whether she should apologize and that she feels like she a villain no matter what she does
>Plenty of comments online oconcluded that Shion and Marine missed their shot, unaware of the circumstances

So to summarise.
Marine pursued Shion and used streaming as an excuse to talk her into sexual acts.
Went over to her place shortly after she turned 18 and moved out of her parents house
Possibly exposed her to porn and got her blackout drunk
Brought matters into public attention despite Shion's insistance not to do so
Portrayed herself as the victim and Shion as the perpetrator
Therefore making people sympatise with her putting pressure onto Shion
And ended up making the 18 year old feel guilty, possibly for not having sex with her groomer

>> No.25983081

i'm late to the party, does coco mention her reason for buying a $9000 bed of all things? and how's the bed could be that expensive

>> No.25983082
Quoted by: >>25983112

No, I'm pretty sure archive anon got it, but he's not going to share for sure because it was member only.

>> No.25983084
File: 334 KB, 1546x2048, 1588400934606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this

>> No.25983085 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x1080, 1599235445261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983141

did someone say the newest member of Gen 5?

>> No.25983086
File: 1.69 MB, 1230x915, 623EE894-E5A9-4FCC-8CEA-97C8C0C74AB4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983105


>> No.25983087

Why is APEX so lethal, it doesn't seem to fit the game at all, and why are the teams so small

>> No.25983088


>> No.25983090
Quoted by: >>25983144

>still no collab news from Sora
It’s almost anniversary... please get out of your dimension and incline with everyone...

>> No.25983091

why is this a tierlist?
is gaming better than variety?

>> No.25983092
Quoted by: >>25983112

Nope, it was members only and she made it private after a day or so

>> No.25983093
File: 521 KB, 839x963, 1594402814045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally my baby princess is on

>> No.25983094
File: 3.13 MB, 2564x1792, 1594256424453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983096

Watame is big sister simulator

>> No.25983098


>> No.25983100

I love Cococock

>> No.25983101 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 750x750, D08kta0U4AAG_4J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up early thinking I have class
>I don't have class
Name a better feeling.

>> No.25983103

thanks lad

>> No.25983104

come on, canon for a wedding? please think about the musicians

>> No.25983105
Quoted by: >>25983125

A shame Coco wouldn't understand this.

>> No.25983106

I don't about other Anons but I really like having this naratives reposted over and over.

>> No.25983107

Depends on who you watch, if you're serious u can understand most in 3 months.

Subaru, Nene, Marine might take you half a year though.

>> No.25983108

I fucking hate this shit. Why can't youtube give me the option of turning these off. I don't want to use youtube in Japanese!

>> No.25983109

Polka you fucking retard

>> No.25983110

you can put Artia under little sister simulator!

>> No.25983111


>> No.25983112

ah okay, I thought it was the other one then

>> No.25983114


>> No.25983115
File: 615 KB, 961x757, 1597511782776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka no...

>> No.25983116


>> No.25983117

wake up in time for ritual post with oshi going live shortly after

>> No.25983118 [DELETED] 

waking up without needing to shit immediately

>> No.25983119

Holy shit polka that choke

>> No.25983120

You have to put Miko in the grave!

>> No.25983121

>Flip giving his opinion
Yeah, don't do it again please.

>> No.25983122
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1596134565461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having all of them not in girlfriend simulator

>> No.25983123
File: 51 KB, 627x252, weeabotrashboii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983124

>Flip namefags
The absolute state of these threads

>> No.25983125

Literally any funny OC from here requires weeks of lurking.

>> No.25983126

Arigatou anonchama

>> No.25983127

Have you ever woken up 10 minutes before a members only guerilla of your oshi?
that's basically fate at that point

>> No.25983128
Quoted by: >>25983178

Do a lot of vtubers dislike shion?

>> No.25983130


>> No.25983131
Quoted by: >>25983258

Mine is Artia

>> No.25983132
Quoted by: >>25983155

why tf didnt you use a holo reaction image?

>> No.25983133

KanaTowa 3D...

>> No.25983134

>I don't have class
I know you don't you derpy mothefucker. Now stop blogposting and watch streams.

>> No.25983135

look a talking monkey

>> No.25983136

Hearing your Holo read your supacha

>> No.25983137

>yes lemme rub some of that /g/ weebs

>> No.25983138
File: 538 KB, 1042x642, Screenshot_20200904-085326~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983148

Waking up thinking you have a job but then realizing you were laid off and on NEETbux

>> No.25983140

waking up and not having to take a massive wizz

>> No.25983141


>> No.25983142


>> No.25983144

Sora will collab with Holos when they let people make private lobbies in Fall Guys.

>> No.25983146

Roberu 39k soon.

>> No.25983147

That's sure some fine narrative, bro

>> No.25983148

Imagine the smell of that bed in a month

>> No.25983149
File: 64 KB, 363x206, 1597397041393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983150

I still kek hard to this today

>> No.25983151
Quoted by: >>25983171

Can't stop winning, shame about the kuku collab though

>> No.25983152
Quoted by: >>25983175

>>I don't have class
Then stream

>> No.25983154

son your 3D..

>> No.25983155

This is my first time posting in these threads, actually. Sorry, I am new (to these threads, not to 4chan in general though)

>> No.25983156

fucking hell i spammed that game like mad during childhood.
would it still run on a windows 10?

>> No.25983158

Hachama or Haato?

>> No.25983159

Sorry for being a filthy flip, I will now kill myself after sucking my fathers wrinkly cock

>> No.25983160

>Tune into the rabbit
>She instantly sets herself on fire and dies


>> No.25983161
File: 185 KB, 415x342, 1594036299710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983163

She actually played like a human when she killed the Lifeline. I guess she really is pretending

>> No.25983164

obviously haachama not hachama

>> No.25983165

It's the same thing.

>> No.25983166

Go back

>> No.25983168

So was there anything about Holo EN? Did that anon lie to us?

>> No.25983169
File: 222 KB, 1812x2048, EhFNtBEUYAI-1iD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983170
File: 393 KB, 398x607, 1595704494322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking zoomers

>> No.25983171

something happened with kuku?

>> No.25983175

Chat teaching polka bad words

>> No.25983176

Heh, that was quite a day.

>> No.25983177


>> No.25983178

dont respond to copypasted bait
check the archives

>> No.25983179
Quoted by: >>25983203

lurk more monkey

>> No.25983180

Bottled gamer girl stench, 10000 JPY each

>> No.25983182
Quoted by: >>25983217

>Polka saying lmao on repeat

>> No.25983184


>> No.25983185


>> No.25983186

Haato. A million times Haato.

>> No.25983187

>ywn smell Coco's mattress

>> No.25983188
Quoted by: >>25983259


>> No.25983189

bros why tf is the baby actually cute?

>> No.25983190

luna is practicing different songs!

>> No.25983191
Quoted by: >>25983218

Server maintenance in the middle of their fall gays collab

>> No.25983192
File: 102 KB, 807x1200, holo_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983344

Ok, don't you know these days even school children are watching and enjoying videos of this stupid rabbit?
Because she's a *professional comedian who in reality way smarter than her audiences and outwitting them. She knows how to entertain her audiences and that's why children love her.
But, what would children do when they see a really pure, innocent, immaculate, guardless, and knowing nothing but her humanly love to the whole world?
>they bully her
Now it's proven. Dismiss.

>> No.25983193
Quoted by: >>25983218

the serves went down right when the collab started so they spent 30 minutes trying to connect to the server and randomly showing off other outfit conversations, basically doing a mini zatsudan instead.

>> No.25983195
File: 422 KB, 617x362, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25983196
File: 566 KB, 457x611, 1572358310012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waking up and knowing Mio is coming back and everything will be fine from now on

>> No.25983197
Quoted by: >>25983218

Fall Guys servers randomly broke during the collab so they couldn't play.

>> No.25983199
File: 69 KB, 763x763, EhFUP8KUwAAUzLk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respect the hige.

>> No.25983200


>> No.25983201

Moona without a doubt came here after this

>> No.25983202
File: 676 KB, 1534x529, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983215

Cheecky cunt

>> No.25983203
Quoted by: >>25983270

God, you people are rude.
I will, primarily because I am legitimately curious

>> No.25983204


>> No.25983205

And just like that, Nenechi became Choco’s cumpet

>> No.25983207

Unhappy set...

>> No.25983208
File: 457 KB, 774x503, rbc despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983209
Quoted by: >>25983234

more posts are straight copy pasted than anons would think

>> No.25983210

I wonder if she got new sheets too I wonder if she'd be willing to sell her old sheets...

>> No.25983211


>> No.25983212

red heart

>> No.25983213
Quoted by: >>25983255

haachama and haato fusion when?

>> No.25983214

Matuli...another break is not going to stop the reclining

>> No.25983215

this retard has been donating stupid shit all night

>> No.25983216
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x718, 1598983331998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983246


>> No.25983218

ah that sucks
aight, thanks anons

>> No.25983217

Polka is that kind of kid that will repeat any funny word.

>> No.25983221

I don't know why but seeing a giraffe walking around a desert is making me lose it, this fuckin kusoge

>> No.25983223
Quoted by: >>25983294

kanata aka PPT aka unwashed hikikomori

>> No.25983224
File: 1.24 MB, 1593x1616, 1595519665443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983225
File: 2.01 MB, 2000x1335, AYO_8917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had the entire week off and i spent 80% of that time here.

>> No.25983226
Quoted by: >>25983267

I'm a lawyer and I literally watch this shit in the office. Honestly I hope I get out of this rabbit hole soon

>> No.25983229

She jokes like this or is she being retarded?

>> No.25983231

I really want to have sex with Polka and have her be disappointed afterwards.

>> No.25983232

>Best friend is the biggest slut in the vtubing
I don't think so

>> No.25983233

They're the same fucking people you absolute fucking retards.

>> No.25983235
File: 750 KB, 2048x3376, 1596528713475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983284

Lmao. Pekora averages that per stream.

>> No.25983234

the ritual must be maintained

>> No.25983236

He really wants attention, huh? Well at least he's throwing money for it.

>> No.25983238

>Choco mindbreaking Nene
Damn it, I wish Choco could do ASMR's again. Nene is perfect bully bait

>> No.25983240

please do your recommended lurking reps before posting

>> No.25983241
Quoted by: >>25983262

Koone's cursing a lot today

>> No.25983242

I blame you and this stupid image for what happened to aloe. Pls stop it.

>> No.25983243

Well good i dont mind if other people pump money into my entertainers

>> No.25983244

My brother

>> No.25983246

but im supposed to hate babies...

>> No.25983245

>ywn dutch oven your balding deaf cumpet in your new $9000 dollar bed
how do we stop coco from winning?

>> No.25983247

nene is so cute

>> No.25983249


>> No.25983250

I like em both. You aren't a Haaton if you don't accept the two

>> No.25983251

Hasn’t she been taking a lot of breaks lately?

>> No.25983252

That guy is just pretending to be new

>> No.25983253
File: 10 KB, 632x152, 1598421803175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983255
Quoted by: >>25983283

Why would she fuse the characters and how?

>> No.25983256


>> No.25983258
Quoted by: >>25983310

i directly ask her
last time its 48 kg then she said she gotten 4 kg

>> No.25983257

those words are so fucking cursed anon never say them again please

>> No.25983259

pretty much a screenshot of this post

>> No.25983260

She did say that she wanted to try ARK.

>> No.25983261

>ywn die for Korone

>> No.25983262

child support was due

>> No.25983263


>> No.25983267


>> No.25983268

always has been

>> No.25983269

I just want those 20 minutes bros...

>> No.25983270

>expecting people in this thread to not be massively racist after displaying their racism


>> No.25983271


>> No.25983272


>> No.25983273
File: 165 KB, 463x1000, 1596678242105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

el haato (forma negro)

>> No.25983274
Quoted by: >>25983289


>> No.25983275


>> No.25983276

I... I don't get it...

>> No.25983277

Do you guys think Marine has ever itched her ditch to her own drawings?

>> No.25983278
File: 425 KB, 1149x713, 1594582274845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983280

What the fuck, that's just odd.

>> No.25983282

Seriously though why does youtube display it like that. membership implementation on youtube seems really half baked in a lot of aspects

>> No.25983283

why wouldnt she?

>> No.25983284

god, puffy vulvas are so beautiful

>> No.25983286


>> No.25983287
File: 87 KB, 248x238, pekoglance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.25983288

the doujins really do write themselves

>> No.25983289


>> No.25983290
Quoted by: >>25983320

fuck that's hot, did you have the rest of the edits?

>> No.25983294
File: 157 KB, 315x389, 225340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983295

why yes pagpag is my favorite dish, how could you tell?

>> No.25983296

Polka please..

>> No.25983300

Who did Nobuhime collab with in Hololive before reincarnation? Anyone?

>> No.25983301

Why do EOP retards keep saying this? Where did this dumbass narrative that she has 2 personalities come from? Every fucking video you see the same retarded shit being spammed again and again.

>> No.25983302
Quoted by: >>25983330

>Confirmed to go nopan
>Showers infrequently
Good lord

>> No.25983303

Matsuri, the meme review...

>> No.25983304
File: 37 KB, 1062x834, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983306
File: 48 KB, 384x512, 1591614660855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983308

but muh canon and wallaby

>> No.25983309

>the only team they did better than was Controller Stars

>> No.25983310

damn that's nice, did she send picks? or is she weighing herself on the moon?

>> No.25983311
Quoted by: >>25983317

Choco making new friends! I'm happy.

>> No.25983314

it took her 4 months lmao

>> No.25983315

Marine, Senchou or Houshou?

>> No.25983316
Quoted by: >>25983325

remember how we thought nene’s misspelled tweet pre debut was a PR stunt

>> No.25983317

lamy choco dbd collab doko..

>> No.25983318

they were losing to controller stars until that final round lol

>> No.25983319
File: 103 KB, 494x568, 1598896797013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25983320
File: 272 KB, 463x1000, hawaiian haachama transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983321


>> No.25983322
File: 74 KB, 1828x209, 20200904_091722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983323
Quoted by: >>25983362

that's how practicing music is

>> No.25983324
File: 209 KB, 850x1202, __omaru_polka_hololive_drawn_by_6mint__sample-04cc5d86724bd7b100d55eb808cd78bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the dust had settled, can we all agree that Polka is the best Holofive?

>> No.25983325

i always believed she was a humongous retard

>> No.25983326

Nanora, nanora, nanora

>> No.25983329

I wonder why the Suisei falseflaggers suddenly disappear

>> No.25983330
File: 1.31 MB, 1116x626, h6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smellchads just can't stop winning.

>> No.25983331

Oh no, nanora

>> No.25983332

>meido is a cometbro

>> No.25983333
File: 38 KB, 636x385, obama1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983335

Houshou X Marine X Senchou

>> No.25983336

Is Pecor going to be playing this all day and weekend?

>> No.25983337
File: 177 KB, 278x365, 1597500780549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck dude?

>> No.25983338
Quoted by: >>25983362

That's how you practice, Anon
By doing your reps

>> No.25983339
File: 41 KB, 463x453, 1591729553654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not ogey

>> No.25983340
File: 242 KB, 349x377, 1598382744876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983342
Quoted by: >>25983534

Give her lips a lighter tone please

>> No.25983343

Over the years I've seen a lot of artists say they can't fap to their own art, so maybe not.
There's plenty of other material for her to use either way.

>> No.25983344
Quoted by: >>25983360

>Ok, don't you know these days even school children are watching and enjoying videos of this stupid rabbit?

Judging by how her viewers drop by 6K after 10PM, a good fifth of her viewers are school children

>> No.25983346
File: 800 KB, 1080x1080, Choco3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this because he said Choco reminded him of his NTR fetish
Fucking schizo

>> No.25983348

So this is the story
sasuga rushia fag...

>> No.25983349
File: 6 KB, 320x300, apex kong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983381


>> No.25983350

If only they used rrats for the experiment...

>> No.25983352

So how's craftopia? Is it a better Ark?

>> No.25983353


>> No.25983354

Fucking losing it

>> No.25983356

they moved on to other targets and she barely does anything these days so they got bored

>> No.25983357

why do EOPs keep telling Ruberu to stop? He haven't even play 1.5 hours

>> No.25983360

truly the hero of the children

>> No.25983361
File: 1.18 MB, 468x440, 1592864304886.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983362

doing reps doesnt mean you have to repeat the same thing ad nauseam, she could have learned multiple songs at the same time

>> No.25983366
Quoted by: >>25983408


>> No.25983365

I killed them

>> No.25983367

It's "More fun with friends"

>> No.25983368

Her forced peko like laugh is annoying as fuck.

>> No.25983370
File: 3.18 MB, 1460x5637, 1598056845925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marine, Senchou or Houshou?

>> No.25983371
Quoted by: >>25983506

I can listen to Coco saying "Kanatan" forever

>> No.25983372

I've been in this rabbit hole too long

>> No.25983373
Quoted by: >>25983408

>Streamsnipers are fucking shit
It's the family all over again

>> No.25983374
File: 3.32 MB, 300x258, 1578738290640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly this is kinda hopeful, I love it when they talk about Aloe

>> No.25983378

I only have the upmost respect for rushiacuck. Truly one of the most intelligent posters this general has ever seen. He's probably writing the next great American novel as we speak.

>> No.25983379
Quoted by: >>25983414

>she could have learned multiple songs at the same time
Do your music reps and come back again

>> No.25983381

>apex chad
>song with sora
how can one gorilla be this based

>> No.25983385

I admit other girls entertain you, but it's only HAACHAMA that you feel love and happiness only by watching she is talking and laughing, being herself.

>> No.25983384
File: 39 KB, 463x453, 1599104889180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushiafags are either cucks because they like NTR, cucks because they watch a whore who strips on stream for money, or Chocofishes.

Holy cancer

>> No.25983386
File: 42 KB, 427x381, 1598910155503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983454

The absolute state of rushicucks

>> No.25983387

everyday i wake up and say "fuck that bitch towa" i really mean it

>> No.25983389

Maybe to the shitty yaoi she drew a decade ago but she probably not anymore. I wonder how that one Priconne pic came about.

>> No.25983392

Based marine

>> No.25983393

>or Chocofishes
What are those?

>> No.25983395
Quoted by: >>25983419

>sending essays as SCs

I hate this shit so much

>> No.25983396
Quoted by: >>25983464

I hope these stories are fake because it's a crime for a cute girl to be autistic.

>> No.25983398


>> No.25983399

why did this make me laugh

>> No.25983400
Quoted by: >>25983421

I actually can't stand her.

>> No.25983401
Quoted by: >>25983414

go ahead and give that a go anon let us know how it turns out

>> No.25983402
File: 58 KB, 331x80, star sweeper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983420


>> No.25983403

>wipes boogers on her shirt when she's not looking
>spits in her food
>screams in her right ear
>talks in a hushed whisper in her left ear
>slaps her hard then says she was trying to kill a bug
Coco's living the life...

>> No.25983404

Fuck this is sad

>> No.25983405

Akai Haato-sama...

>> No.25983406

i knew this was about NTR the second i read the first line and immediately closed that shit

>> No.25983408
File: 9 KB, 335x100, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they are members

>> No.25983409

pekora crashed for me?

>> No.25983410


>> No.25983411

Because I only love Luna

>> No.25983412

the self awareness is blinding, this man could have forgone the path of the cuck but he chose to accept it

>> No.25983413
Quoted by: >>25983429

Korone just died for me, the fuck?

>> No.25983414
Quoted by: >>25983439

i do this all the time and it works

>> No.25983415
Quoted by: >>25983574

Me also. Ain't coming back either.

>> No.25983416

That's cute, I wake up thinking about Towa too!

>> No.25983417

Youtube dead?

>> No.25983418

I'd want to fuck a still sleepy Towa first thing in the morning too anon

>> No.25983419
Quoted by: >>25983655

Wonder if they'll put a bottom limit for super chat readings. Argentine and Indian kings get their message read for pennies

>> No.25983420

The conspiracy...

>> No.25983421
Quoted by: >>25983428

stop doing internet

>> No.25983422

Me too. UK.

>> No.25983423

more like upset amirite haha...

>> No.25983424

Yeah all streams went down

>> No.25983425
Quoted by: >>25983447

Same with polka

>> No.25983426

i love luna simple as

>> No.25983427

Youtube just shit the bed

>> No.25983428
Quoted by: >>25983499

That's what I want to tell her, yes.

>> No.25983429
File: 1.98 MB, 1916x553, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983465

works on my PC

>> No.25983430

Did anyone elses Youtube just have a stroke?
I had 4 streams just die.

>> No.25983431
Quoted by: >>25983574

UK here, Korone dead for me too.

>> No.25983432
Quoted by: >>25984106

Astel's playthrough is looking better already than Peko's 2 hour stream...

>> No.25983433
File: 566 KB, 633x671, iseewhatyoudidtherepeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983483

Imagine having this mindset and not just killing yourself

>> No.25983434

Luna?? My pianoo!

>> No.25983435

someone ought to kill towa

>> No.25983437
Quoted by: >>25983564

>Choco needs to wake up early for tomorrow
>Wants to wake up at 8AM
>Going to the konbini for purin at fucking 1:30AM

>> No.25983438
Quoted by: >>25983574


>> No.25983439
Quoted by: >>25983536

Good for you genius musician, what the fuck are you doing here instead of swimming in money?

>> No.25983440

Everyone but Noel is down for me.

>> No.25983441

Polka choke incoming

>> No.25983443

Everything dead for me too

>> No.25983444
Quoted by: >>25983461

Korone Watame and Pekora all died at the same time(noel didn't). Fuck youtube...

>> No.25983446

I like girls who are bit dumb but not mentally retarded.

>> No.25983447


>> No.25983448

Hime is playing Tony Hawk again!

>> No.25983449
Quoted by: >>25983467

I'm still watching Okayu

>> No.25983451

nice visual tumor you posted there

>> No.25983452

Pekora is also a flat earther and was afraid for her life after exposing her doctrine, how does this all fit together?

>> No.25983453

Haachama is a forced act that is very hit or miss.

>> No.25983454
File: 23 KB, 477x481, peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remider that Pekofags are literally children

>> No.25983456
Quoted by: >>25983523

not again Luna... please...

>> No.25983457

Korone please i want to see more than the first 2 minutes of a game.

>> No.25983458

Wow Activision hired Luna again.

>> No.25983460

Aloe killed YouTube. The whore

>> No.25983461
Quoted by: >>25983489

must be your ISP or something, working fine for me

>> No.25983462

Only Luna works for me.

>> No.25983463

does my n700 self understand this right? luna getting a trick in her name for tony hawk?

>> No.25983464

>it's a crime for a cute girl to be autistic.
But that only makes it even better.

>> No.25983465
File: 69 KB, 224x256, 1598929962419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983497

Where's Luna?

>> No.25983466

That's the fourth time already

>> No.25983467
Quoted by: >>25983476

Just had a two second freeze with her, but it's all good now.

>> No.25983468


>> No.25983469


>> No.25983470

Started working again for me now idk about you bros. Pekora is ending now anyway.

>> No.25983471

Everything works for me.

>> No.25983472


>> No.25983473

Polka is so bad at this game...

>> No.25983474

skater princess returns

>> No.25983475

Polka what the fuck was that?

>> No.25983476

Yeah, happened to me too

>> No.25983477


>> No.25983478
Quoted by: >>25983507

Im a seanigger and everything is working. Maybe a western thing

>> No.25983480
File: 99 KB, 827x1488, 1596639015638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're watching her youtube debut tomorrow, right?

>> No.25983482

Polka is catastrophically bad at this game, maybe the worst in all of hololive.

>> No.25983483

There's nothing more based than knowing your place in the world.

>> No.25983484

Expect one from Nene sooon, dunno when

>> No.25983486
File: 130 KB, 781x989, 57ad55c52915d5fcf717f7ec555fb409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The calm before the storm so many good streams in the past couple days how will the weekend annoucment go

>> No.25983487
File: 880 KB, 789x772, 1598929897111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983569

No wonder she can't compete.
Do you have Korone's?

>> No.25983488

Holy shit Polka. What the fuck was that?

>> No.25983489

No lmao are you even reading the thread?
It's youtube

>> No.25983490
File: 235 KB, 447x503, civia!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course

>> No.25983491

My clown can't be this dumb...

>> No.25983492
File: 4 KB, 427x381, 1599236803114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people older than 40 watches Pekora

>> No.25983493

can her horn get erect?

>> No.25983494
File: 637 KB, 641x960, civia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already subbed and watching her twitter closely

>> No.25983495

of course you should probably shill her more places tho artia

>> No.25983496

I had a very strong feeling Polka was ultra fucked in that final round. Her team against the yellows in the previous match was pretty good.

>> No.25983497

im already watching okayu and korone, adding luna will make my heart explode i also forgot she started

>> No.25983498

polka is kind of dumb...

>> No.25983499
Quoted by: >>25983710

I don't wanna make this thread a battlefield.

>> No.25983500
File: 122 KB, 437x453, pek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least we are not know for cuckery. The masketta bvll is still waiting for you to prep him LMAO

>> No.25983502

Let's go WC!!!

>> No.25983503

Well that partially explains the quality of the threads.

>> No.25983505

>those sweet moon member icons
Soon Lunafags... soon...

>> No.25983506
Quoted by: >>25983682

Did Coco say anything about her? I'm a bit worried

>> No.25983507

It's works now just died for a sec

>> No.25983508
File: 190 KB, 1258x2048, IMG_20200709_015822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 37 Thread #1

I miss Mikochi...

>> No.25983511
Quoted by: >>25983519

Rushiacuck is a Rushia-anti peko poster

>> No.25983512

towa sucked thousands of dicks

>> No.25983513
Quoted by: >>25983545

What's this website

>> No.25983514

polka's losing it

>> No.25983516

It’s another episode of posting Korone’s pre-stream chat that Korone doesn’t moderate and JOPs don’t post in. These days the chat is mostly JOPs and even when Korone says “hey guys” it takes longer for EOPs to show up cause they aren’t chatting or paying attention to the stream.

>> No.25983517

Luna with the sponsored THPS1+2 noice

>> No.25983518

Oh fuck the Gosling poster did it.

>> No.25983520

I want Subaru to keep feeling like she has to make lewder and lewder thumbnails until she becomes a woman unfit for marriage.

>> No.25983519
Quoted by: >>25983533

Antis still count.

>> No.25983521

>people over 25 watch any vtuber
How pathetic

>> No.25983523
File: 81 KB, 476x664, 1598554756898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's fucking gooo!

>> No.25983524

Aqua's original song is on youtube officially now

>> No.25983525

>There are 65+ years old men watching Pekora

>> No.25983526
File: 346 KB, 457x611, NotDaijoubu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25983527
File: 173 KB, 700x700, averagepekoraposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>under 30% of peko viewers are minors
>only kids watch pekora!

>> No.25983528

her channel doesnt show up when i search for it

>> No.25983529

>that tiny horn
at least that means she won't laugh at my dick, r-right?

>> No.25983530
File: 132 KB, 1225x711, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did I tune into

>> No.25983531

Korosan, you hurt me.

>> No.25983532

I’m 73 and I watch Pekora.

>> No.25983533

So if Peko-antis are all gay homofags does that mean Nousagi are all gay homofags?

>> No.25983534
File: 349 KB, 463x1000, gyaruchama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983588


>> No.25983535

>spelling mistakes

>> No.25983536

Music is a terrible way to make money. Even if you are really good at it.

>> No.25983537
File: 350 KB, 476x480, 29-163952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983589

Imagine holo who old fugs watching, cause they can't find satisfaction in their life? Pathetic

>> No.25983538
File: 66 KB, 1000x880, 63253628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25983539

Did you do your drawing reps today? You will draw your chuuba to get those easy retweets, right?

>> No.25983540

That won't save you anymore peko!

>> No.25983542

korone's apex streams are amazing

>> No.25983544

Because my oshi exists. We both love Haachama too though.

>> No.25983545

it gives false info, dont bother

>> No.25983547

>This site again
Are you guys really falling for this

>> No.25983548
File: 771 KB, 1154x790, 1598107378168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think tony hawk himself watches luna?

>> No.25983549

Sounds pretty accurate to me

>> No.25983550

I know I was there in the crowd live when she sang it. Was surreal as fuck. Spent like 1000 bucks on my ticket to Tokyo + a lot for a front row ticket. Got to shake hands with Aqua after the show. Best experience ever. Definitely gonna go again when she does her 2nd Live.

>> No.25983551

It's sad that we'll never ever get another Roboco/Ayame collab again after that.

>> No.25983554

Hex a gone is the only final round game I haven't been able to win. I think it's impressive that aqua and okayu got their first wins on that one.

>> No.25983555
Quoted by: >>25983571

>can i sleep with your tale
SOPs are at it again.

>> No.25983556

Yeah, why not

>> No.25983558

Speaking of Polka, she just passed her past sub count

>> No.25983559
Quoted by: >>25983579


>> No.25983560

he's a pretty cool dude, I bet he'd collab

>> No.25983561

Nousagis are chads

>> No.25983563

But if I were gonna recommend one holo girl to my aged father, it'd be Haato.

>> No.25983564
File: 544 KB, 1000x1000, 62DCCD61-FAF2-4094-88A1-78DBE1CD0EE1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waking up at 8am

>> No.25983565

they call me pekokid

>> No.25983566

It baffles me why they chose Luna of all people to advertise THPS.

>> No.25983568

how can polka be this bad at fall guys?

>> No.25983569
File: 37 KB, 986x485, korococo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone shares the same audience with Pekora. Coco on the hand has a mature audience

>> No.25983570

I aspire to be like them one day

>> No.25983571
Quoted by: >>25983597

>typing english

>> No.25983572

a vtuber that doesn't play games anymore
please play metro

>> No.25983574

Still watching Pekora fine, but in the US. Maybe just some specific youtube servers died?

>> No.25983575

fucking Moona man. so adorable

>> No.25983576

She's a gaymer

>> No.25983578

I do not draw because I am not naturally talented at it. People who can draw well are lucky they were blessed with such a gift.

>> No.25983579

Control of chaos

>> No.25983580

It's the only one I've won...

>> No.25983581
File: 171 KB, 1157x1637, __natsuiro_matsuri_and_ebi_frion_hololive_drawn_by_kachou_san__2606b0ce66d8c2d786dfe371c2bf358e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983616

Is Matsuri washed up?

>> No.25983583

But Peko prides herself on being popular with kids

>> No.25983584
File: 74 KB, 977x534, nap time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty goofy.

>> No.25983585
File: 428 KB, 2015x1161, 44b31056c42a30681065aa8986079b7e80108aa93a3a00c4db4849351b80f228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Coco has had Kanata lying in her $10000 bed, laughing while she "pretends" to make a provocative pose.

>> No.25983586
File: 591 KB, 900x675, 1597548369315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Children watch Pekora
>NTR Chocofishes watch Rushia
>EOPs watch Korone
>/biz/ and lonely men ready to join a cult watch Watame
>Married couples who don't never had a kid watch Kanata as a daughter simulator
>Jaded salarymen oji-sans watch Coco
>Idolfags watch Suisei
>Twitterfags watch Miko
>Fags watch homostars

>> No.25983587

It's a miracle she can wake up at all.

>> No.25983588

Bimbofication hachama with slut belly mark

>> No.25983589
Quoted by: >>25983671

learn english

>> No.25983591

Don't spread your cringe. It's cringe.

>> No.25983592

A lot of it is out of your control isn't it? If you manage to survive on the top floor for ages but people clear out a gaping hole underneath you there's not much you can do about that.

>> No.25983593

You lazy fuck

>> No.25983594

I gave up on those already, and felt too down lately to do my music reps. For some reason I'm fine with my jap reps tho.

>> No.25983595

This is kinda cute.

>> No.25983596

polka is most suck at playing games in Hololive...

>> No.25983597


>> No.25983598

anon, i want whatever the fuck it is you took

>> No.25983599

>This shit again

>> No.25983600

This is tomorrow too

>> No.25983601
Quoted by: >>25983680

There were speculations that it was supposed to be L*l* but there was some miscommunication due to the names being similar.

>> No.25983602

I'm lazy as FUCK

>> No.25983603

if THPS is really a sponsored game then why did they chose luna of all people?

>> No.25983604
Quoted by: >>25983633

M8, mind sharing the site you used for this data?

>> No.25983607
File: 1.60 MB, 1524x1955, EY7zXsfU8AAdpR4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pekora has been going outside more and more lately
I'm glad she is improving herself but we are going to lose her at this rate and that makes me sad...

>> No.25983605

I did some Pekora drawing but I wasn't keen on it so won't finish. It was good practice at least.

>> No.25983610

coco bought a 9000 yen bed and refuses to leave it

>> No.25983611

>That female ratio
Now wonder why she's raked so much money.

>> No.25983613

>Coco on the hand has a mature audience

>> No.25983614

0 year old babies have a low center of gravity and can do sick tricks

>> No.25983615

Someone explain the Artist - Topic shit to me

>> No.25983616

Is she balding? If no she isn't

>> No.25983617
Quoted by: >>25983629

cuckolds watch towa

>> No.25983619
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, timeloop2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25983620

Imagine being head of Activision JP and going, "yeah this bitch is gonna play my game." and just making it happen

>> No.25983621
File: 188 KB, 336x306, 1598981853649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she is the best vtuber

>> No.25983622
File: 681 KB, 1754x2747, EfTBbO_UMAA2s5i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

point at this guy
point at this guy and laugh

>> No.25983623

tan-lines please

>> No.25983624

Marine did.

>> No.25983625
File: 475 KB, 1229x900, Eg53eFKUcAI3v0Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Superstar Saga tomorrow, same time. See ya there.

>> No.25983626
File: 88 KB, 1280x1000, okayu29.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'nother day
'nother comfy cat RPG

>> No.25983627

I think the offer was sent to Cover and Luna grabbed it herself since nobody else was going to do it.

>> No.25983629
Quoted by: >>25983641

sorry i meant absolute Chads

>> No.25983630
File: 113 KB, 600x800, 1592407243005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday until Elite return!
Live version:
VRMix.01 version:

>> No.25983632
File: 475 KB, 1440x1008, 1574912583931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983659


>> No.25983633

It may not be accurate but it explain why Coco makes so much money and Peko, Koro make so little

>> No.25983634

she's probably going to get a boyfriend and start streaming less

>> No.25983635
File: 62 KB, 1217x381, roberu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Patrician Choice

>> No.25983636

as long as they pay the candy kingdom properly all is well

>> No.25983637
File: 238 KB, 1000x1361, bokoboko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983674

Because Luna knows what it takes to entertain the masses.

>> No.25983638

we need more gaijins to bully her

>> No.25983639

It's part of the Youtube algorithm bullshit.

>> No.25983640

reddit memes aren't funny
same goes for hlg because you're all shitty redditor faggots anyway

>> No.25983641


>> No.25983642


>> No.25983644

towa has let thousands of penises enter her body and towafags just sit in their discord and clap

>> No.25983645

>Discordfags watch Towa
> watch Choco
>Yuritards watch Marine
>Milkmen watch Noel

>> No.25983646

>>Married couples who don't never had a kid watch *Okayu as a daughter simulato
>>Jaded salarymen oji-sans watch *Marin
>>*try-hard college kids watch Coco

>> No.25983647

Everyone stopped replying and suisei streamed a lot less so there's a lot less material to use

>> No.25983649

Pretty sure it's how youtube music uploads songs

>> No.25983650

hahahaha imagine if they did an akasupa right in this moment hahaha

>> No.25983651

You can do anything for a large enough stack of 円

>> No.25983652
File: 234 KB, 600x600, 12213a485dfa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Luna and Festival ever collab again?

>> No.25983655
File: 209 KB, 640x354, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's worse is that they don't even donate a fucking dollar because his local currency is so trash but then ask for like 4 mins of stream

>> No.25983656

Guys, I like Luna.

>> No.25983657

Super Nenechi is the new daughter simulator girl now.
Kanata is just Coco's cumpet.

>> No.25983658
File: 78 KB, 1191x407, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

far from it being "not accurate" it provides complete bs

>> No.25983659

Yup, they definitely did remind me of her
I won't thank you for making this edit, but congratulations on creating something truly wicked

>> No.25983660


>> No.25983663
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, [Ohys-Raws] Rebirth - 20 (BSNTV 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_02.02_[2020.08.29_09.01.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25983672

>> No.25983664

I recently started to get back into drawing again. I'm doing a sketch of Towa right this moment.

>> No.25983669

this fucking shitposter

>> No.25983668
Quoted by: >>25983819


>> No.25983670

>mama mia

>> No.25983671

Learn to suck Haachama's balls

>> No.25983672
Quoted by: >>25983722

Post it on /a/. See how long it lasts.

>> No.25983673

festival started talking about hoshikawa too much again, pretty sure Luna is starting to realize matsuri is a lost cause.

>> No.25983674
Quoted by: >>25983744

>builds special
>starts reading from the script
>falls and loses special
It wasn't the best stream but man I was laughing.

>> No.25983675

No, Luna is aiming for the big stage now, she doesn't have time to waste is whores

>> No.25983676

>wasting images on the fucking shitty youtube demographics charts again

>> No.25983677

>people who can draw didn't spent fucktons of time practicing and were just naturally talented
apologize to every drawfag in this thread and then start working harder

>> No.25983678

I really want to but at the same time don't know where to start and the abundance of different online courses and classes are only making me more confused
isn't there something like djt but for drawchads where I can find a convenient link that'll tell me what to do

>> No.25983680

That's retarded but I don't disbelieve it.

>> No.25983681

>Killed the kill leader

>> No.25983682

I wasn't listening too closely but I don't think she said anything about her health. Just that she loved Coco's new mattress and something about Kanata room's temperature.

>> No.25983683

Hopefully not. There are 32 main Holos. What the fuck are the chances my favorite and least favorite Holos got into some weird pseudosexual post-lesbiancore relationship?

>> No.25983684
Quoted by: >>25983710

>Try hard college kids

>> No.25983685

Sorry it's a product meant for oversee weeb market.
As for Korone, there is some domestic sales as well though.

>> No.25983687

Pekora....your voice....its too angelic...

>> No.25983688

it's not very accurate with small and new channels, but it's good enough with old and popular channels

>> No.25983690
Quoted by: >>25983708


>> No.25983693

pekora... your alphabet song reps...

>> No.25983694

If Miko decided to quit that time, Miko wouldn't have pressured and told Pekora into joining hololive. Pekora was Miko's recruit, one of many example of nepotism hire in hololive, not that it's a bad thing tbdesu.

>> No.25983695

Matsuri abandoned Luna in her darkest hour, they will collab again, but the baby will never look at festival the same way again.

>> No.25983697

There's your bone from pekora, EOPs.

>> No.25983698
Quoted by: >>25983739

shes been branching out, festival has been telling her to for quite a while anyways and its been really good for her i see more people appreciate our baby princess im happy for that

>> No.25983699

Polka is starting to freak me the FUCK out...

>> No.25983700

>Pekora mutes herself to blow her nose
>Japs all say "ミュート助からない"
Based Japs.

>> No.25983701

>oyasumi minna-sama!
>F-U-C-K M-E

>> No.25983703
Quoted by: >>25984105

>Polka actually knows the Shining
Someone get her in touch with Suisei.

>> No.25983704

Okayu sounds like a 50 year old nobody watches her as a daughter simulator

>> No.25983705

polkacci please...

>> No.25983706
Quoted by: >>25983718

>Skater Professor Legend Skate
Luna pls

>> No.25983707

>open Luna stream
>instant BRRRRRRU
Yep, about what I expected.

>> No.25983708

I heard Korone, Polka, and Miko

>> No.25983709
Quoted by: >>25984115

>easy retweets
Y-yeah, not like my holo's art is so good it's hard to get noticed at all unless you're a pro

>> No.25983710


>> No.25983711

polka is such a dork

>> No.25983712

>Towa overtook Mel

>> No.25983713

Marine, Sora and Miko

>> No.25983715

You missed when she placed the chat underneath the blankets along with her.

>> No.25983716

mogu mogu go fuck yourself

>> No.25983717

Patricians watch Luna and Towa.

>> No.25983718

Luna is absolutely the best.

>> No.25983719
Quoted by: >>25983735

>muh talent
yea buff people also just have superior genetics

>> No.25983720

most coco gachikoi work in the IT field so they make like 4-6 million yen on average

>> No.25983722

I made it, I give it a half hour at max. for some reason /a/ REALLY hates vtubers.

>> No.25983725
Quoted by: >>25983741

Korone's stream is lagging so much for me

>> No.25983724
Quoted by: >>25983773

>and Miko

>> No.25983727
Quoted by: >>25983736


>> No.25983728

Hey, I just met you

>> No.25983729

Glad you like my edit peko

>> No.25983730

you must have no kids nor younger siblings.

>> No.25983731

Okayu's a bro simulator, and you're a retard.

>> No.25983732

Pekora demonstrates again that she has the desire and ability to learn, which most other holos lack.

>> No.25983733

>baby snaps neck
>Matsuri won't shut up about idolshit
hopefully not

>> No.25983734

No Jeezy!

>> No.25983735
Quoted by: >>25983848


>> No.25983736

Hey at least she got 3 kills

>> No.25983737

need more moona edit

>> No.25983738
Quoted by: >>25983747

>This fucking site again
It is an estimate and not based on raw data.

>> No.25983739
Quoted by: >>25983754

I notice the same things had happened to Hatto and Shion. When they first join Hololive, they collab a lots with Matsuri but overtime they all left her in the end

>> No.25983740

Classes will be a huge waste of time you will almost learn nothing in your 1st year unless you have a very good teacher. Just memorize hiraganas and katakanas first and use your oshi as motivation to learn.

>> No.25983741

Yeah, it's on her side. She should move into Holohouse, where the connection is supposedly graet.

>> No.25983742

Korosan needs to do her aiming reps

>> No.25983743
Quoted by: >>25983758

mogu mogo fuck yourself would've sounded better
just putting in my two cents

>> No.25983744

I know what you mean. Had literally the same reaction. Here's hoping for more skating kino soon.

>> No.25983745

Miko, Marine, Korone.

>> No.25983746

Yo guys, [spoiler[Polka's got a pretty cute laugh.[/spoiler]

>> No.25983747

You're not supposed to ruin the joke like that.

>> No.25983748

how is craft topia? i havent been able to watch the stream

>> No.25983750
Quoted by: >>25983768

I wish Moona acknowledged us instead of that Treerat...

>> No.25983753


>> No.25983754

wasnt haato shy to invite other members on collabs or am i wrong?

>> No.25983755

clowns kicking the EOP hive

>> No.25983756

Stop anon, you are triggering the most annoying timeloop

>> No.25983758
Quoted by: >>25983781

both are 草

>> No.25983757
Quoted by: >>25983829

Uh bro what the fuck? You spoiled Polka's stream asshole.

>> No.25983759

>Distinctive surname from south of Italy. The meaning of this word in English is sheep

Wait, what????

>> No.25983760
Quoted by: >>25983833

Ark with better looking main character

>> No.25983761

And I don't think anyone knows that anime short for Bushi's latest card game even exists.

>> No.25983762

Pekora, you can't say that on stream...

>> No.25983764
Quoted by: >>25983773

that doesn't sound like Miko at all, that's a random girl some retards think it's Okayu

>> No.25983766


>> No.25983767


>> No.25983768

i mean just look at this

>> No.25983770
Quoted by: >>25983783

absolute kusoge, look forward to the next 3 months of nothing but it

>> No.25983771

Pekora doing her English reps and spanish reps.

>> No.25983772

>200 ARS
Fuck off

>> No.25983773

Sorry it's been so long I forgot what Miko sounded like

>> No.25983774

This WataKana 3D storyline writing is so good, they are keeping us on our toes till the last second. PPT resting and trying to recover in time to make it, and Watame saying she'll cancel it herself if Kanata is not healthy.

>> No.25983777

those fucking RRRRRRRRRRRs

>> No.25983779


>> No.25983780

/a/ hates everything

>> No.25983781

actually, true
I rescind my first comment

>> No.25983782
Quoted by: >>25983856

I find it really hard to watch Polka's stream, it just makes me want to find her roommate, bend her legs up over her head and fuck her violently

>> No.25983783

Buggy asset flip crafting sim / BotW / Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, basically >>25983770

>> No.25983784

I like Noel

>> No.25983785

Pekora's making fun of the Spanish language...

>> No.25983791

God why did Cover have to force this "angel" onto her

>> No.25983795

Korone what the fuck was that

>> No.25983797

because vtubers are replacing anime with how fucking trash past 3 seasons have been

>> No.25983798

What was the NG word in Watame's stream?

>> No.25983801
Quoted by: >>25983807

>Choco audience is mostly female

>> No.25983802

Tonari no Totony Hawks Pro Skater thanks Luna

>> No.25983803



>> No.25983807

Anon that sight is bullshit, she does have female viewers but come on

>> No.25983808

>open it from phone
>towa has 92% Japanese audiences
>open from pc
>suddenly become 87%
yeah, sure

>> No.25983809

My new narrative is that Tony Hawk is Luna's boyfriend

>> No.25983812

mashup of mmorpg co op game with survival elements, minecraft/fortnite building, jittery physics, dungeon/boss fights, BoTW graphics, a skill tree, crafting/loot system, npcs (and vendors), ARK/pokemon animal capture+taming, and Satisfactory-like elements of automation with conveyor belts and harvesting machines

oh and there are lots of vehicles in the game, ranging from planes to tanks to space shuttles, tho I only know those from the trailer+reading about the game (it's been in closed Alpha for a while), so idk how long it'll take to get there

>> No.25983814

It's about 115 minutes since we started the thread, should we end here?

>> No.25983816

And in the context of the song they'll release regardless it's a really good てぇてぇ generator as well.

>> No.25983817

after that embarassment? i'd be ashamed to continue as a suisei falseflagger if i was them

>> No.25983818

Fuck I'm tired

>> No.25983819

and with tanlines

>> No.25983820

sounds like shit

>> No.25983822

>Pekora responds to the foreign audience
>makes everyone sing her praises
I fucking love this rabbit.

>> No.25983823

He is way too old for her!

>> No.25983825

We have to somehow get Luna to yell DO A KICKFLIP at least once.

>> No.25983828

sir please you know how to write.

>> No.25983829
Quoted by: >>25983851

>Polka's stream asshole
I think she should go get that checked!

>> No.25983830

That's why I'm shocked. Also says Towa has no english audience. Fucking nonsense.

>> No.25983831

clown trying to pronounce erimimierimireremerimiremireremerenated

>> No.25983832

Pekora english time

>> No.25983833

>can't make absolute gigachad like Mukiroze

>> No.25983834
Quoted by: >>25983862

Papa connections probs

>> No.25983835

>The meaning of this word in English is sheep

>> No.25983837

I hope those buttons are for the website and Risu doesn't actually have a facebook or instagram...

>> No.25983838

Pekora teaching her eops tricks

>> No.25983839


>> No.25983840

I'm fine, it's up to you

>> No.25983841

tony seems like a humble gentleman he has what it takes to be a lunaito

>> No.25983842

Up to you, anon.

>> No.25983843

I think all of 4chan hate Vtuber
They think Vtuber fans are even more pathetic than twitch thot simps

>> No.25983844

Lol no, Risu's is at least big enough to get an accurate data by yt. That site is just plain bs

>> No.25983845

I don't wanna point out faults of other girls anymore. They are people as well so I don't wanna hurt their feelings.
Just promise me to love only Haachama and it'll make a deal. I know you are mature adults.

>> No.25983848

You right anon dont fight agaist your genes since you cant win anyway
now excuse me while i continue to loose weight

>> No.25983851

Do you think her ass goes HONK HONK when she braps?

>> No.25983852

have you superchatted into a wrong chat before?

>> No.25983853

>Tony Hawk
Is he famous?

>> No.25983856

based and wombpilled

>> No.25983857

I can't wait for the stupid ice cream gremlin to start complaining about being sweaty

>> No.25983858

wait how did you find my twitter wtf

>> No.25983860

So /hlg/, will Hololive EN be better or worse than Artia and Risu?

>> No.25983861

Now that Gen 5 crashed and burned, is Gen 4 the gold standard of impactful and awe inspiring Gen debuts?

>> No.25983862

i really love how involved her papa is seeing him in chat and on her twitter or retweeting all her things

>> No.25983863

There used to be a lot of Ai threads when it started, I still have a lot of images of her from early 2017.

>> No.25983864


>> No.25983867

>it's good enough with old and popular channels
imagine believing this

>> No.25983868
Quoted by: >>25983955

Mature who watch mainly teenagers don't exist unless there's some kind of mental issue going on.

>> No.25983869

wtf don't doxx me

>> No.25983870
Quoted by: >>25983917


>> No.25983871

Holy fuck this philipine guy is annoying and not even a member

>> No.25983872

Tony's Luna's neighbor.

>> No.25983874


>> No.25983875

Well yeah, it's considered an offtopic shit, especially if you brought up Hololive and /hlg/
Then there's also >>25983843

>> No.25983876
Quoted by: >>25983897

Is Fubuki the holo with the most crossovers? She's in like 5 games, has a good quality figurine, and probably more stuff that I can't think of right now.

>> No.25983877


>> No.25983878

He is a famous videogame character

>> No.25983880
Quoted by: >>25983920

i wonder who has the most memberships

>> No.25983881
Quoted by: >>25983986

Sorry, Haaton, but my heart belongs to another girl.

>> No.25983882

they're always like that spamming

>> No.25983883

>Polka talking about Harry Potter
Are there any Holos who haven't?

>> No.25983887

La puta Luna killing it

>> No.25983888
Quoted by: >>25983951

>tfw your SC reading still beats like 27/32 girls

>> No.25983889
Quoted by: >>25983910

I love Choco-sensei, but why can't she sing? She has a cute voice, but the moment she has to sing or act, her voice goes very monotone. It happens in the animations too.

>> No.25983890

Did you come here to make an announcement?

>> No.25983891

>Totoro doesn't exist

>> No.25983892

Gen5 can thrive on pitybucks. Aloe can comeback too for extra pity points

>> No.25983893

They combined everything what's popular?

>> No.25983895
Quoted by: >>25983928

r/hololive hates us, 5ch hates us, even 4chan hates us. this is some glorious success

>> No.25983896
Quoted by: >>25983944

They're ass mad that it's replacing anime. Anime has been utter dog shit for years. I may catch a new show every year or so, it's so bad.

>> No.25983897

She's the only one to have had an anime appearance so far.

>> No.25983899

It's pain and the version of "COME TO BRAZIL"

>> No.25983901

>discordchads are playing together with their oshi
And what have (You) achieved, /hlg/?

>> No.25983902

I fucking knew the pekofags and sheepfags were one and the same

>> No.25983903

none of them will be cute ESLs, so it's already going to be worse by default.

>> No.25983904


>> No.25983905

He's a main character of a video game series, like Sid Meyer or Tom Clancy.

>> No.25983908
Quoted by: >>25983970

You realize that they're doing an entire week of collabs sometime in September, right? They talked about this in the Choco stream. That's why they bought the matching pajamas.

>> No.25983910

for some reason it seems like having a good ASMR voice and a good singing voice are mutually exclusive
except Okayu for some reason

>> No.25983911

Watching Oga with Luna in the background feels like a dad trying to work with his baby being loud in the background

>> No.25983914
Quoted by: >>25983957

>I think all of 4chan hate Vtuber
you think wrong

>> No.25983917

how new?

>> No.25983916

Sounds like a mashed together shit without a proper direction

>> No.25983918
Quoted by: >>25983965

Artia is autistic but she's pretty much what I'd want from HoloEN.

>> No.25983919
Quoted by: >>25983953

this sounds so wrong in spanish

>> No.25983920
Quoted by: >>25984023


>> No.25983921

So if they succeed and the holo actually comes to Brazil, what is the person expecting to happen, are they expecting to see a cute anime girl walking around their city?

>> No.25983922

I coomed twice today and I'm still horny

>> No.25983925

I made Okayu laugh.

>> No.25983927


Some blessed nip made a compilation of Okayu saying "shupin!" and I stole it.

>> No.25983928

Risu, Moona, and Artia love us though

>> No.25983929

>Sniped by the same guys
>Lose even faster
Do your reps so you don't end up like them

>> No.25983931


>> No.25983932

>La puta
fight me right now you spic

>> No.25983933

HoloEN will be so FUN

>> No.25983934
Quoted by: >>25983956

my oshi fucking graduated

>> No.25983937

Scared of their future replacements

>> No.25983939

Yes. But 3rd gen is still the one with most long last appeal and wider reach

>> No.25983940

La... what?

>> No.25983941

It's gonna be a disaster but I'll watch.

>> No.25983943
Quoted by: >>25983968

wtf is going on in Watame's chat?

>> No.25983944

Even the new seasons of old anime are bad for some reason Dragonball especially jesus christ

>> No.25983946

They are planning to kidnap them, duh.

>> No.25983947


>> No.25983950

I dont consider Risu channel "small and new"

>> No.25983951

I can't even begin to imagine how miserable your life is.

>> No.25983953

*lenny face*

>> No.25983955
Quoted by: >>25983971

Not all adults viewers are patients in a psychiatric ward prescribed hololive therapy like you.
The majority of them are people with real jobs and social responsibility which is to love Akai Haato.

>> No.25983954

Did Pekora just thank Junky? Don't let Watame hear about this...

>> No.25983956

I'm sorry to hear that, 35P.

>> No.25983957
Quoted by: >>25983972

name one broad that doesn't hate vtuber

>> No.25983962
Quoted by: >>25984054

Nimu sounds like shit anyway. Dunno why she's even popular.
t. Spic

>> No.25983965

Artia has the just the right amount to pull off the cute/funny vibe. Risu and Moona? Fuck no. Send them back.

>> No.25983967

Nobody knows, you have to find out

>> No.25983968
Quoted by: >>25984052

A chink made her read something bad (no idea what) and now everyone is flipping their shit to stop morons like this.
Watame's fanbase is one of the best in Hololive. The opposite of what they are here.

>> No.25983969

You made me watch 15 seconds of Nimu and now I'm in a bad mood.

>> No.25983970

That's really cute, I hope they have fun.

>> No.25983971
Quoted by: >>25984007

I'll watch Haato when she actually makes good content. I've given her too many tries only to end up disappointed.

>> No.25983972
Quoted by: >>25984108

there have been vtuber threads on many boards, often hitting the bump limit until they get pruned
the problem is not that other boards hate vtuber, its that the threads are off topic

>> No.25983973

seems like they saw everything that was popular and tried to shove it all into one package with no real vision

>> No.25983974

when was the last time you went outside /hlg/

>> No.25983977
Quoted by: >>25983999

Sopa de Pekora, uma delicia!

>> No.25983981

kek fucking argentines

>> No.25983982

5 years

>> No.25983983

Coco's new bed has enough room for Kanata, right?

>> No.25983984

This weekend is going to be a rollercoaster for this thread. Can't wait.

>> No.25983985
Quoted by: >>25984122

Mont Blanc with Choco...

>> No.25983986

You're sick. Here is your red pill.

>> No.25983987

so its not even just beanerfaggots in chat, their streamers are cancer too

>> No.25983988

How do I control this urge to have sex with Nene

>> No.25983989

I don't remember

>> No.25983990

I'm outside your house right now.

>> No.25983991


>> No.25983992

About 5 years ago.

>> No.25983994
Quoted by: >>25984277_1

HoloEN is a myth

>> No.25983996

Yesterday to buy McDonalds...

>> No.25983997

>now most of the people welcoming others to membersheep are actually green
Huh. Neat.

>> No.25983998

>luna ring fit
hime your stamina..

>> No.25983999
Quoted by: >>25984008

I hadn't noticed there's no monkey holo. Aqua's not really a monkey.

>> No.25984001

Luna on Ringfit lmao 5 minute stream. That game will kill her

>> No.25984002
Quoted by: >>25984029

Luna will die tomorrow...

>> No.25984003

Luna sounded kinda lewd there...

>> No.25984004

Yesterday when I took my Korone for a walk

>> No.25984006
Quoted by: >>25984033

Going to have to stock up early and eat lunch before it begins. Mio's return stream should be the first in SaturdayBowl?

>> No.25984007

You'll make it.

>> No.25984008


>> No.25984009

Will polka ever win a crown?

>> No.25984011


>> No.25984012

Fuck these guys are embarassing. How many matches do I need to play on a new account to be able to rank?

>> No.25984013

havent went out ever since corona started

>> No.25984014

What the fuck is wrong with these people, why are we like this?

>> No.25984015

Went outside today, but I'm starting to hate it more and more.

>> No.25984017

Baby fitness

>> No.25984018

>Luna ring fit
Tomorrow can't possibly get more stacked.

>> No.25984020

Why contain it?

>> No.25984021
Quoted by: >>25984040

What does this have to do with Hololive?

>> No.25984022

yesterday to buy food
i had panik attack in the store and was dripping of sweat when i arrived home

>> No.25984023
Quoted by: >>25984030

Any website where you can see stats about memberships?

>> No.25984026


>> No.25984027

Last weekend

>> No.25984028

If it doesn't Kanata can always sleep on top of Coco

>> No.25984029

She REALLY wants to do it. God only knows why.

>> No.25984030


>> No.25984032

i dont even remember but i fap to futa porn all the time

>> No.25984035

Make Food4Dogs the first granny vtuber.

>> No.25984033

Cover usually makes announcements around noon their time, right? That said if they're looking at making sure the announcement is at the best time for a Western audience they might shift it, so Mio's stream could well be first.

>> No.25984034
Quoted by: >>25984053

Mio and what else? HoloEN is next week

>> No.25984036

7 years

>> No.25984037

Luna gonna do a ring fit stream. Hopefully she doesn't break her neck.

>> No.25984038

Yesterday. Had to move stuff out of my old place. Got to go back again today to return the keys and get some groceries.

>> No.25984039

Getting rt'd by my holo is pure RNG, sometimes she fails to notice the really greatly drawn ones then likes a really obscure drawing with just around 20 likes that isn't even tagged with her art tag that she noticed just because it mentioned her nickname that she always uses for egosa.

>> No.25984040

just a teaser of the times to come

>> No.25984041


>> No.25984042

If she stops reading chat and focus maybe.

>> No.25984044

She's weirdly not taking this stream that seriously for some reason. The final round ago seems to be out of luck

>> No.25984046

Polka shouting about fingers... Polka...

>> No.25984048


>> No.25984049


>> No.25984050

Is Luna's wrist/neck all better now then?

>> No.25984051

Has Polka broken?

>> No.25984052

Anon we just have a falseflagger. I wish Watame would cut that part though. How does that part work with bilibili?

>> No.25984053
Quoted by: >>25984063

HoloEN is almost certainly this weekend, as well as Civia's 'debut'.

>> No.25984054

Nimu has lots of hate in FB after her fans Aloe'd the small argie vtuber with her approval

>Dunno why she's even popular.
vtuber fever+facebook+memes

>> No.25984056

For 9K, it better have. King size bed that are probably big enough to fit Coco, PPT, Comet, and Anemachi are at least 2K.

>> No.25984057

Please post very very monke

>> No.25984058

>Luna got exhausted from being pouty

>> No.25984059
Quoted by: >>25984075

>out of breath just announcing ringfit
dont worry hime i'll stay with you even if you rest 99% of the stream

>> No.25984060

this nimu person seems like a massive cunt

>> No.25984061
Quoted by: >>25984078

I think you start at bronze rank. Good luck doing anything unless you get good ping to the Tokyo server.

>> No.25984062
Quoted by: >>25984074

Yes, or so she says

>> No.25984064
Quoted by: >>25984088

Anonchama... she doesn't even want to play video games...

>> No.25984063
Quoted by: >>25984084

Gonna kill myself if HoloEN sucks

>> No.25984065
Quoted by: >>25984145

She wants to proove that she is not in fact an old hag.

>> No.25984066

I was sick of Aloefags since the debut day but now I only want to wrap my fingers around their pencil necks and crush their windpipe.

>> No.25984069

Yagoo, your clown is broken

>> No.25984070

I go to the gym 5 days a week.

>> No.25984071

>Did you do your drawing reps today?
I just start digital recently and still confused by what brush to use...

>> No.25984073

She will absolutely die, I love this dumb baby but she should know how to pick her fights

>> No.25984074

That's good to hear

>> No.25984075

Oh that is gonna be a good stream

>> No.25984076

Wrap my mouth around your cock faggot.

>> No.25984077

that doesnt sound like a very healthy view on things anon

>> No.25984078

I live here so it can't be worse than these guys

>> No.25984079

Relaxed southern Coco voice again...

>> No.25984081

Low energy Polka is cute.

>> No.25984082

do it pussy

>> No.25984083

you good, anon?

>> No.25984084

i hope you've written your last will already

>> No.25984085

try me bitch

>> No.25984087

She's gonna fucking die live with RFA

>> No.25984088

A vtuber who doesnt play video games or sing or draw is garbage. Who even wants a vtuber like that?

>> No.25984090

shut up chigyu

>> No.25984092

>Luna pulling on the ring to test her strength

>> No.25984091

Her neck is okay now but her wrist still hurts, I have no idea why she thinks she’ll be okay doing RingFit

>> No.25984093


>> No.25984094
Quoted by: >>25984138

>Janky BotW rip off
Out of all the games to get a license for, why bother with this one?

>> No.25984095

Try me you wimpy little bitch.

>> No.25984096

Himesama... onegai... don't try it...

>> No.25984097
Quoted by: >>25984133

i think you need lvl 10

>> No.25984098
Quoted by: >>25984133

requires level 10 which i think takes a few hours.

>> No.25984099

Luna out of breath already

>> No.25984100

8 hours ago.

>> No.25984101

base- wait a minute

>> No.25984104

Luna is not even playing Ring Fit yet and she already sounds winded...

>> No.25984105
Quoted by: >>25984128

Suisei hasn't actually watched that film despite the fact she has a popular meme of it because its horror and she's a scaredy cat.

>> No.25984106

>Autistic gamer guy vs girl new to games
You watch peko for entertainment, astel for skills and autism and roneriness

>> No.25984107


>Employees paying for their equipment

lmao what the fuck, isnt this illegal

>> No.25984108

No, whenever Vtuber is bring up (on topic), they all say they despise it.
I mean they are not wrong though, this industry is extremely manipulated. The fact that Coco made double the amount of money Dr Disrespect made from Supercha is ridiculous.

>> No.25984110

>no no nat tayahd

>> No.25984111

>no no not tired
>out of breath anyways
hime sama..

>> No.25984113

It's not just the Spanish community, there's huge drama going on with a bunch of English Vtubers right now as well. It's honestly a nightmare and HoloEN is going to be the worst thing to happen to Hololive as a whole.

>> No.25984112
Quoted by: >>25984127

Your oshi doesn't love you.

>> No.25984114


>> No.25984115

Peko? If you can't draw like a pro draw like a 3 year old instead and you'll get noticed.

>> No.25984116

Polka literally still works a part time job.

>> No.25984117

I don't think there's a vtuber union, Anon...

>> No.25984120

Why are you faggots giving attention to an edgy underaged redditor?

>> No.25984119


>> No.25984121

it's all ch*s' fault

>> No.25984122
Quoted by: >>25984141

Late night konbini with Choco!

>> No.25984124

One slap from me would dislocate your faggot jaw instantly stupid pathetic cunt.

>> No.25984125

Micropenis having unicorn permavirgin.
No one will ever love you.

>> No.25984126

I don't know who Dr. Disrespect is, why does he deserve as much money as Coco?

>> No.25984127

Lies, Artia loves me

>> No.25984128

Yes, that's why I said she should get in touch with her. Suisei needs to be educated.

>> No.25984129

>there's huge drama going on with a bunch of English Vtubers right now as well
What's the drama, or where can I find out more about it? Haven't heard anything about it

>> No.25984132


>> No.25984133

Well shit. Guess I could give it a try

>> No.25984134

>noel fucked up one last time before ending the playthrough
dumb cute ponkotsu!

>> No.25984135


>> No.25984136

Newfags always take the bait

>> No.25984137

another EOP filtered

>> No.25984138

Dont' worry Noel will play the real BoTW tomorrow

>> No.25984139
Quoted by: >>25984153

The fuck did she do with all her Nobuhime money

>> No.25984140

>your holo
>daddy would you like some sausage?

>> No.25984141

Oversleeping with Choco and missing her appearance at Gariben!

>> No.25984143

One of the most popular twitch streamers ever who got banned for no reason

>> No.25984144

Do EOPs really?

>> No.25984145

Based off of roommate shit she isn't but she has the health/stamina of an old hag since she's a hikkomori.

>> No.25984146
Quoted by: >>25984168

I have micropenis and is a permavirgin, but fuck that guy.

>> No.25984148

its the new surveypost they gotta have those images

>> No.25984150

fucking based, fuck aloecucks

>> No.25984151

>Now 95% of recommendations and videos of Youtube opening page are hololive.
What a dumb AI.
They should recommend me videos of something idols talked about
>what it is like your house burned down
>how to hold a contract of renting a house with your roommates in Japan
>lesbian relationships between female coworkers
not their videos themselves.

>> No.25984152
Quoted by: >>25984181

God i fucking hate luna

>> No.25984153

Spent it on buying her original song as Polka

>> No.25984154

Luna member stream!

>> No.25984155

>devolver license
can someone please trick one of them into playing enter the gungeon
they could even do co-op...

>> No.25984158
Quoted by: >>25984187

The guy who had over 10mil contract with twitch and then got banned.

>> No.25984160

my fucking sides

>> No.25984162

God i fucking love luna

>> No.25984163


>> No.25984164

choco please do a collab with towa trampling nene

>> No.25984165

yeah dude, everyone hates it, thats why vtuber threads regularly hit bump limit unless meidos get rid of them

>> No.25984167

You still treat this retard like he's gospel? He can't even fact check his own shit.

>> No.25984168

Yeah this >>25984146
Don't associate us with these assholes

>> No.25984169

holy cope
my penis is bigger than average

>> No.25984170

They can't have the cake and eat it too. They either pay for their equipment and get a cut of the supachas or get the equipment for free from the company but receive a salary and see nothing of the supacha money

>> No.25984171

>tfw not good enough that you could challenge Hikosan nor bad enough that only Peko would be on the same league
wut do

>> No.25984172

doesn't he use streamlabs?
70k+ concurrent viewers

>> No.25984173
Quoted by: >>25984204

>who got banned for no reason
Bullshit. There's no way they'd cut loose a cash cow without reason

>> No.25984174

Coco is making me gosling really hard right now

>> No.25984175


>> No.25984177
Quoted by: >>25984199

If you don't like it, clear your watch history and search history and you'll stop getting those recommendations.

>> No.25984178

He has way way way more view than Coco. Coco only got that much money because she manipulated lonely people to give her money. Just like what you see in the last Choco 3D stream, their audience is not mentally healthy people. They are playing with fire

>> No.25984179


>> No.25984180
Quoted by: >>25984198

>members only cooking
Whaaa am I going to lose my membership virginity to watch this bokoboko princess make meat and potatoes

>> No.25984181

You don't have a soul if you hate out of shape baby

>> No.25984182

His live views are very good but they're all zoomers with no money so he gets ratio'd in supas

>> No.25984183
Quoted by: >>25984192

How dare Nene, or as I like to call her, Doxx Fiend, do a drawing stream after what her drawing, or as I like to call it, scribble, did to Aloe?

>> No.25984184

I had to make a second account to contain all the hololive stuff. If you're not careful it'll take over everything.

>> No.25984186

Choco's singing is worse than Noel's.

>> No.25984187

That doesn't explain anything. So what if he's a super popular Twitch streamer who got banned? Is there an actual reason he should get as much SCs as Coco?

>> No.25984189

No, it's Kanata
>draw like a 3 year old instead
Well it works for some but it's hard to be actually appealing with it like Pipe for example

>> No.25984190
Quoted by: >>25984259

Or Katana Zero

>> No.25984191

I got recommended a funny animal video and not long after I watched it like half my reccomendations are funny animal videos. Just watch a few of those.

>> No.25984192
Quoted by: >>25984203

Drawings don't doxx people.
People doxx people.

>> No.25984196

They get an iphone for the live2d tracking, and some budget to buy games, supposedly.

>> No.25984197
Quoted by: >>25984217

Towa Hotline Miami onegai

>> No.25984198

Welcome brother nanora

>> No.25984199

I LIKE THEM. of course.

>> No.25984200

people find him entertaining and he's good at his job

>> No.25984201

That's what you get if you have poorfag zoomer as your target audience.

>> No.25984202

He's keemstar.

>> No.25984203

Wow, deep.

>> No.25984204

So basically he cheated on his wife like a year ago after the cheating he signed a 10 million dollar contact with a twitch and then out of nowhere like a couple of months later he got banned without any warning. To this day nobbody knows what happened.

>> No.25984205

They literally get a free phone that costs more than their computer

>> No.25984206

how does a cooking stream work, do they just tell you what they'e doing with the dumb avatar or do they film the food with their phone and try not to doxx themselves?
I know the dumb homo showed his feet

>> No.25984207

I drew a picture and sent a short message to my oshi that was put and printed on a message board that was sent to her in real life.

>> No.25984209


>> No.25984210
Quoted by: >>25984222

polka is just terrible at fall guys...

>> No.25984212

Doc just started on YouTube last month, he’s a huge Twitch streamer who got banned. He streams 3 times a week and will pass Coco depending on how he plays. Lots of 100 USD drops when he wins.

>> No.25984213
Quoted by: >>25984226

Imagine Luna's sweat. Imagine the smell that fills the room when she raises her arms to do the overhead press

>> No.25984216

The best way to fact check is to just put something out there and have others yell at you

>> No.25984215

Lurk more before posting.

>> No.25984217

She would become very tilted.

>> No.25984218


>> No.25984219

>Is there an actual reason he should get as much SCs as Coco
no its just twitch zoomers crying about him

>> No.25984220


>> No.25984221

He has a rude and brash american type persona that onion boys love

>> No.25984222

Her spatial awareness is nonexistent.

>> No.25984223

No, it seems that he got streamlabs anyways.

>> No.25984224
Quoted by: >>25984243

Polka isn't really enjoying herself, is she...
I hope she'll find a game she can have fun with one day.

>> No.25984225

>tfw watching glorious pikmin streams and barely an English comment in sight
What are some other EOP filter games the holos should play?

>> No.25984226

Imagine Luna and Kanata in the same room haha

>> No.25984227
Quoted by: >>25984251

Lunaitos, make sure to have a medic kit ready for tomorrow.

>> No.25984228

God bless this baby

>> No.25984229

Oga really going for one of the harder ganon beasts first

>> No.25984230

You go to a store, buy something already cooked and then make noises in your kitchen for 30 minutes for the stream.

>> No.25984231

If it's like how Hachama does it it's just a super zoom in on the pot, showing barely anything.

>> No.25984232

If anything Coco gachis are the least toxic, she collabed with males and they didn't have a mental breakdown, meanwhile Watame retweets fanart with her, Coco and Kaoru and her gachis go insane.

>> No.25984233

anyone else feel like Polka's phoning it in nowadays? Seems like she's already burned out

>> No.25984235

I saw both Haachama and Haato today, which are you talking about.

>> No.25984236
Quoted by: >>25984275

here's your (You), edgy kid

>> No.25984238

Which holos have the most calming voices and why is it Okayu and Oga

>> No.25984239

theyve had different setups in the past but after various events its usually off screen with pictures after depends on whos doing it tho

>> No.25984240

Eekum Bokum

>> No.25984242

Haachama does it by actually showing the pot until it fried her phone from heat.

>> No.25984243

She's the type who would have way more fun playing with her friends than with randos. Too bad she can't really until her shitty internet gets fixed.

>> No.25984244

My baby princess...

>> No.25984246

You can't call it burnout if it has been under a month

>> No.25984248

Roboco when she isn't fucking screaming at Fall Guys.

>> No.25984249

>Fifth Wife

Talk about the X Games

>> No.25984250

Aqua and Rushia

>> No.25984251

Prepping my private helicopter to pick her up.

>> No.25984252


>> No.25984254


>> No.25984255


>> No.25984256


lamy and ayame are up there too

>> No.25984257

Number of viewers is a meaningless metric when it comes to SCs. Someone shitting in the street is free and would attract a lot more attention than a normal beggar, but you wouldn't say that shitting in the street is more worthy of your money.

Maybe they should give him more money if they find him that entertaining then.

>> No.25984258

what the fuck is luna doing, im actually getting worried someone's gonna call the cops thinking im watching baby porn

>> No.25984259

More like Kanata Zero.

>> No.25984260
Quoted by: >>25984269

what's up reddit

>> No.25984261

Polka just admit to not understanding the concept of timing like we all suspected

>> No.25984262

she's probably not used to streaming long hours

>> No.25984264

I mean, you answered your own question and got it right in one go.

>> No.25984265

She seems the same to me. Fall Guys may just be out of her element or something.

>> No.25984267

Nuclear Polka Arc...

>> No.25984269


>> No.25984270

Asanagi is truly a man of taste

>> No.25984272


>> No.25984273

Luna would die at child birth

>> No.25984274


>> No.25984275

>no u

>> No.25984276

Sunday. I don't feel like going outside my room at all since Monday.

>> No.25984277

>tired from getting angry about the though fo doing Ring Fit
This fucking baby.

>> No.25984277,1 [INTERNAL] 

