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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 523 KB, 1920x1080, DJT .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19540419 No.19540419 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese language learning thread designed by and for those interested in traditional otaku media such as anime, manga, light novels, and Japanese video games.
If you have no interest in otaku media or want to request a translation, this is not the thread for you.

Read the guide before asking stupid questions.

Old guide site below.

Last thread:
#1974 - >>19532650
#1973 - >>19522694
#1972 - >>19513446
#1971 - >>19503423
#1970 - >>19485548
#1969 - >>19474409
#1968 - >>19467088

>> No.19540428


>> No.19540463

second for based rtk forcers

>> No.19540468
File: 51 KB, 599x435, bb0f2a48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19540496
Quoted by: >>19541391

How do you decide between Again/Good? I know it all just means how frequently you see a card, but I've been giving myself "again" if I can recall the card's English definition and example sentence but not how to say it in kana.

>> No.19540529
File: 3.42 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20180730_153756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i nip yet ?

>> No.19540539

Now vocaroo it.

>> No.19540543
File: 7 KB, 71x60, apply yourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19541117


>> No.19540544


>> No.19540550
Quoted by: >>19540564



>> No.19540559
File: 72 KB, 903x1280, IMG_20180730_094207_912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19541396

This is my Katakana deck. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.19540564
File: 116 KB, 1152x1160, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19540582


>> No.19540582
Quoted by: >>19540597


>> No.19540591

read clock up eroge for epic nihongo win

>> No.19540597


>> No.19540656
File: 23 KB, 523x295, B5thNagCMAALyHa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>数日 - few days
>数日後 - several days later

>> No.19540692
File: 6 KB, 403x122, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing good for a beginner?

>> No.19540700

>clock up
1 2 3

>> No.19540705
Quoted by: >>19540711

no, uninstall anki and read more

>> No.19540711

Shouldn't I start reading once I have a more solid grasp of Kanji first? Am I just doing it all wrong?

>> No.19540724

anki is supplementary at best, language acquisition comes from reading and listening. Read Krashen

>> No.19540746
Quoted by: >>19540812

We always put a link to the previous threads in the OP, but why don't we ever put a link to the next thread?

>> No.19540802
File: 17 KB, 535x259, c6789b9dd45de9bda7389d915bd490b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes sense

>> No.19540805

Don't listen to him, download RTK and grind kanji until you've reached at least 1000 before you even attempt reading.

>> No.19540812

because ya'll lazy af and only make the thread after the last one gets archived

>> No.19540861
Quoted by: >>19547144

Listening to an audio drama thing, I'm enjoying this but no amount of googling is helping me figure this out. What is the guy exclaiming at 10:36? I've tried every imaginable combination of searches but no dice, and I'm fucking tired of searching. I've heard it a bunch before but never seen it written, so I have no real reference for how to find it, but now I need to know.


>> No.19540872
File: 362 KB, 1048x758, Screenshot 2018-07-30 at 04.17.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not "doing good" as a beginner until you're able to read NHK EASY comfortably without extensive dictionary use.


>> No.19540892

I've never heard these before.

>> No.19540957
Quoted by: >>19541168

払う - Do you pronounce the う here? The card audio sounds like a 'w' sound.

>> No.19540980

I missed you guys

>> No.19540987

立て from your grave muppets and 踊れ

>> No.19541038

Based OP

>> No.19541117

shit looks like his dumb ass as a little sperm waddling towards the egg with the bent retard arm and retard limp

>> No.19541168
Quoted by: >>19541333

its just the same as 笑う dude

>> No.19541180
Quoted by: >>19541242

I actually learned some japanese while the site was fucked, hope it never happens again what an awful experience.

>> No.19541216

whatd you learn

>> No.19541242
File: 75 KB, 324x295, 1531882404719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, I read porn

>> No.19541317

Anki isn't reading

>> No.19541333

Thanks man, it's sometimes confusing when the kana doesn't match the card pronunciation audio.
I encountered this today too: 次, the kana reads つぎ, but the pronunciation is definitely saying つに.

>> No.19541363
Quoted by: >>19543589

its soft g sound

dont worry about it for right now because hard g is functionally the same thing and its a thing even japanese people dont give a shit about

so just think of it as making the g sound with a congested nose or something but ぎ is ぎ no matter how someone says it

>> No.19541377

Sound like an excellent deck. You should definitely keep studying with it.

>> No.19541391

You should not be attempting to recall the example sentence, just the meaning and reading. Likewise, you should not be attempting to recall what the meaning literally says in English text, but rather what it means.

>> No.19541396

>What am I doing wrong?
Using Anki to learn a fucking syllabary.

>> No.19541402

数日 means "a few days" or "some number of days", not "a small number of days"

>> No.19541448
File: 326 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2018-07-30-22-28-40-688_com.tangorin.app.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chink variants
How do I fix this?

>> No.19541476
Quoted by: >>19541537


>> No.19541483

Is Fate/Stay Night easier to read in Japanese than Dies Irae?

>> No.19541493
Quoted by: >>19541547

You need to know German to read Dies Irae.

>> No.19541498

theyre about the same

>> No.19541517

They're about the same.

>> No.19541521

Weeb faggot

>> No.19541526

How much Japanese until I can read KKK?

>> No.19541527

weeb fagot

>> No.19541537

I don't think that's how you change the default CJK font system-wise on an android phone, anon.

>> No.19541539
Quoted by: >>19541552

I'm almost finished core6k and still watch anime with subs, is this retarded? I read in Japanese though.

>> No.19541547
Quoted by: >>19541556

Jap can't even learn English

>> No.19541552
Quoted by: >>19541578

yea if you already read why are you watching anime just to read more. turn off those subtitles and get some listening practice.

be warned though that your listening ability is probably already permanently fucked since you didn't do active listening every day after reading.

>> No.19541556


>> No.19541578
Quoted by: >>19541602

I didn't do any kind of regular active listening ever and it didn't fuck me up. But for some reason my listening comprehension never had much trouble catching up to my reading just from listening to music and watching some new random five minute youtube video once a week.

>> No.19541592
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, tyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19543053

look at this shit

>> No.19541602
Quoted by: >>19541612

you can understand what they're saying because you have an approximation of what they're saying based on vocab acquired through reading. that approximation is subvocalization, but you're not hearing the subtle nuances of the speech, particularly the pitch accent.

it would take you a FUCK ton of work to be able to acquire a decent accent because of this. you fucked yourself. but if you don't care about pitch accent then it's not really a problem.

>> No.19541612
Quoted by: >>19541625

That's not what your post was about.

>> No.19541625
Quoted by: >>19541628

yes it is. you made an assumption because of a connotation.

>> No.19541628
Quoted by: >>19541647

No, I didn't. Your post was about listening ability, not accent production. Fuck off, dumb mattdrone.

>> No.19541647

accent acquisition is dependent on listening ability. you made a dumb assumption. but it's not a big deal. now you know what i mean and we can move on.

>> No.19541648
Quoted by: >>19541659


>> No.19541651
Quoted by: >>19541671

>I'm almost finished core6k and still watch anime with subs, is this retarded? I read in Japanese though.
>be warned though that your listening ability is probably already permanently fucked since you didn't do active listening every day after reading.
>I didn't do any kind of regular active listening ever and it didn't fuck me up.
Hmm I wonder what your first post could have been about. Maybe it was about listening ability like it said? Nooo, no way, it was about something completely unrelated that you didn't even hint at at all. Fuck off, dumb mattdrone.

>> No.19541659
File: 31 KB, 1166x142, steve kaufman RTK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19541662

you're the one making dumb assumptions here, please stop posting, you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.19541671
Quoted by: >>19541678

>Maybe it was about listening ability like it said?
yes it was. your listening ability is permanently fucked and now it will be extremely difficult to acquire a good accent. what's the confusion?

>> No.19541678
Quoted by: >>19541697

You're making assumptions that are not valid, just because someone told you so. You're also a beginner. Dumb mattdrone.

>> No.19541684
File: 943 KB, 796x593, z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking give up. Half of this VN is written in chinese.

>> No.19541691

it is true that correctly generating pitch accent is dependent on having good enough understanding of spoken japanese prosody that you happen to be able to identify pitch accent errors

but being able to identify pitch accent errors is not a skill that you need good listening comprehension to acquire, nor is it something that you can get permanently fucked over by doing the wrong thing at first (unless you force output above your level for a long time, but that's an issue for another day)

>> No.19541697

dang now you finally changed the topic after realizing your error. was that so hard? no reason to fight over something so trivial, especially after i clarified. right?

and i respect your opinion but less so than matt's.

>> No.19541706
Quoted by: >>19541713

Are you that dumbass that keeps announcing that he wins arguments after everyone in the thread laughs at him because he's so stupid and stubborn? Because that would explain everything.

>> No.19541709

he didn't
fuck off dumb mattdrone

>> No.19541713
Quoted by: >>19541718

no. i'm new here.

>> No.19541718
Quoted by: >>19541726

That, also, explains everything.

Lurk more before posting. Especially before getting into arguments.

>> No.19541726

it's fine to start arguments when you're new if someone does something really stupid.

>> No.19541732

You're the one being stupid here.

>> No.19541736
Quoted by: >>19541756

it is literally never fine to start arguments
and it's is the opposite of fine to start arguments if you're new
in anon's words: fuck off dumb mattdrone

>> No.19541756

well technically i was just answering his dumb question and then he argued with me.

>> No.19541759

hey anki drones what does it say on the socks of the guy in the red shirt in this vid


>> No.19541771
Quoted by: >>19541772

it wasn't even the same person

someone who struggles to watch anime would not turn around in the next post and claim that they don't have problems with listening comprehension

this is part of why you must not start arguments when you're new


>> No.19541772
Quoted by: >>19541779

oh then it's the other person who started the argument.

>> No.19541773

Did you seriously think I was the person who asked the question?

Dumb mattdrone.

>> No.19541774
Quoted by: >>19541806

i think anyone is allowed to come and just tear shit up personally

start a fight

>> No.19541779

no their post wasn't actually argumentative at all

>> No.19541784
Quoted by: >>19541788

go watch heavy object without subs

>> No.19541788

Already did.

>> No.19541795

sorry i only watch good anime

>> No.19541806
Quoted by: >>19541813

yea but i didn't even really do much except give some great advice. now people are mad and getting down in the weeds.

>> No.19541813
Quoted by: >>19541825

beginners are forbidden from giving advice, in part because when experienced people elaborate on their advice the beginner gets pissed and thinks they're getting argued with

>> No.19541825
Quoted by: >>19541832

arguments are welcome since it's important to challenge perspectives. however i agree with you in that beginners should think twice before commenting on something they don't understand.

>> No.19541829

its a dog eat dog world out there dude those ty kim technical institute grads gotta jock for position in the djt namean werd

>> No.19541832
Quoted by: >>19541845

arguments among learned people are fine
arguments that involve people who don't know what they're talking about are always bad

>> No.19541834
Quoted by: >>19543030


Have you practiced your writing today?

>> No.19541845


>> No.19541950



>> No.19541962


Is this true?

>> No.19542026

Take a wild guess.

>> No.19542251

i aint reading shit that long written by some nobody on reddit

bottom line if you wanna learn nihongo you gotta do everything with it

>> No.19542339

what's the difference/nuance between 真似る and 真似する

if you start pasting a link to weblio or something preemptively delete your own post, it didn't help

>> No.19542361

ま・ねる [0] 【真似る】 (動ナ下一)[文]ナ下二 ま・ぬ

まね [0] 【真似】 (名)スル

>> No.19542370


>> No.19542378
File: 9 KB, 250x239, 1531223840658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A question for fellow ESL, are you guys learning with resources in your native language or are you using english resources? I'm honestly on the fence on what to use, on one hand there isn't a lot of stuff to study japanese in my native language, but I feel like I don't know english enough to study something like another language.

>> No.19542394
Quoted by: >>19542429

RTK worked much better after translating the keywords to my native language

>> No.19542395
Quoted by: >>19542429

you dont need a lot of stuff you just need the right stuff

so if i were a betting man id say your native language is the way to go

>> No.19542429

Oh, that might just work.
True, but I don't know if the stuff that it's in my native language is the right stuff. Still, digging around might be worth it.
Thank you for the advice anons.

>> No.19542477

Focus on shit that actually matters and not minute differences between synonyms you have no hope of using properly anyway

>> No.19542507

I used English resources, but I know English. I also switched to monolingual resources as soon as I could.

>> No.19542521
Quoted by: >>19542559

epic post bro

>> No.19542540

but all i know is flashcards so all i can do is point out the differences in things i find on them

>> No.19542559
Quoted by: >>19542584

Are you able to communicate with anything other than stale memes?

>> No.19542584
Quoted by: >>19542609

for what its worth this post sucks and is useless to everyone >>19542477

>> No.19542609

That post is the truth that beginners who waste time trying to learn the nuance of words from a dictionary or 4chan need to hear.

>> No.19542617

its the truth but it doesnt help them identify what matters so you might as well have not posted

>> No.19542627

>hey i'm curious about this little thing
>sorry kid it won't make you fluent tough luck

>> No.19542726
Quoted by: >>19543579

How and when did you learn English?

>> No.19542875
Quoted by: >>19542951

You should learn once you're more comfortable with english than your first language since there's lots of english loanwords japs use. Will make your life a lot easier.

>> No.19542951
Quoted by: >>19542961

Sounds like a waste of time, considering they use most of the loanwords incorrectly anyway.

>> No.19542961
Quoted by: >>19542992

maybe its the westerners that dont use them right

>> No.19542978
Quoted by: >>19543009

Look, DJT! I found a really nice looking kanji: 鬮
It means raffle.

>> No.19542983

thats nice *throws it in the bin with all the other kanji while looking disinterested*

>> No.19542992
Quoted by: >>19543007

they can't steal our words and then say we use them wrong. that's just not how it works.

>> No.19542993
Quoted by: >>19543021

>memorize Hiragana
>now I have to memorize all the exact same noises with different symbols

>> No.19543007
Quoted by: >>19543027

shouldnt have gotten cucked outta your language idiot

>> No.19543009
File: 9 KB, 202x196, 153243254632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which kanji reminds you of yourself? For me its this one

>> No.19543021
Quoted by: >>19543088


>> No.19543027
Quoted by: >>19543056

i bet your one of those thievin nips ain't ya

>> No.19543030


shit meme

>> No.19543031

vast majority of our uppercase letters look very similar to if not identical to the lowercase letters so get the fuck out of here retard.

>> No.19543038

thats why i dont use redundant things like uppercase

>> No.19543053

i would love to just stick my face in between those and *brrrrrrrrrr*

>> No.19543056

i fly by night wearing my shinobi gi and kyahan

>> No.19543071
Quoted by: >>19543093

No they dont

>> No.19543081
File: 258 KB, 1200x801, 1408633565570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19543083
File: 357 KB, 2069x969, hentai chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19543088

no need to yell

>> No.19543093
Quoted by: >>19543496

they sure as fuck do shit for brains. the ones that look completely different like G and g are a minority

>> No.19543094
File: 51 KB, 500x500, 1518689553583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't they just do everyone a favour and get rid of kanji entirely?
It's nothing but a giant waste of everyone's time and effort. Even natives can't remember how to write that shit half the time.

>> No.19543095

you know what they say about guys with big letters

>> No.19543103
Quoted by: >>19543134

i would seppuku if they did that

>> No.19543110

a native 10 year old is going to be able to write more kanji and just generally know more nihongo than you always and forever

>> No.19543111

If you keep your language so complicated even the natives have difficulty, it keeps the dumb people and those that don't have a respect for your culture from destroying it.

>> No.19543116

but thats the thing japanese isnt complicated

thats why it doesnt even matter if you know how to read all the kanji

>> No.19543130

>chinese characters
>japanese culture

>> No.19543134
Quoted by: >>19543148

Same. Memorizing all of the kanji is my only achievement in life.

>> No.19543148
Quoted by: >>19543261

when you die and get judged jesus is gonna look you in the eye and go achievement unlocked: your gay and then drop you into hades

>> No.19543152
Quoted by: >>19543183

To deceive your enemies, you must first deceive yourself. Japanese are just island Chinese people anyway.

>> No.19543157
Quoted by: >>19543269

Laughing behind somebody's back?

>> No.19543162

that's the only extant chinese culture there is

>> No.19543174


>> No.19543183 [SPOILER] 
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, 1532980580387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinese japanese dirty knees

look at these

>> No.19543203
File: 345 KB, 975x970, よつばと!_5_103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanji is what prevents shittons of the most cancerous, highly fucking toxic normalfags from learning Japanese. We must not let them know how simple basic nip actually is.
Shut up and learn the damn chink runes.

>> No.19543209
File: 1.28 MB, 2400x3200, minogaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly Japan wasn't much to write home about before the Middle Kingdom's culture reached their shores.

>> No.19543225

i have serious doubt that dude is lookin at her face

>> No.19543239

Feel free to devise a better writing system.

>> No.19543246

i want to suck his toes

>> No.19543250
Quoted by: >>19543259

Hiragana with spaces.

>> No.19543254

Inb4 retards disagree with this blatant fact as if some smart chink couldn't figure out a way around homophones.

Readability is a non-issue since they can add spaces and use more punctuation as necessary.

>> No.19543257

hentaigana with spaces and kanji exclusively reserved for chinese loanwords

>> No.19543258


this guy doesnt know all the kanji and he doesnt give a fuck about it

>> No.19543259

Show us:

>> No.19543261

False. God would never send a person to hell.

>> No.19543265

>can't remember how to write
is 21st century no need write warupro master here

>> No.19543267

hiragana with spaces sux because i actually have to read

>> No.19543269
File: 57 KB, 659x749, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19543286

pshh even I could get that one. allow me to explain

知 - used in 知る or "to know"
or smart

無 - used in 無い or "not existing"
倫理 - ethics/morals
non-existing morals

邪 - this one was odd to me, but jisho shows one of its "english meanings" as wicked
笑 - used in 笑う so something funny
so wicked funny

basically, that kanji is smart, has no morals, and is wicked funny.

>> No.19543276
Quoted by: >>19543293


>> No.19543286

so youre saying its intelligent nihilistic and has a wicked sense of humor just like me

>> No.19543293
Quoted by: >>19543316

no because of this >>19543111

>> No.19543295

66% isnt a passing grade lil noob

>> No.19543300

sono warm monori ga neck ka ra wide gaate ikuyou na emotion contact to same time ni, pointed i comfort pain mi ga run ri, yokuri myself no in no heat ga rob wareteiita.

>> No.19543302
Quoted by: >>19543316

Japanese should all just be romanju

>> No.19543316


>> No.19543322
Quoted by: >>19543341


>> No.19543326

その ぬくもり が くび から ひろがって いく ような かんしょく と どうじ に、 するどい いたみ が はしり、 ゆっくり と おれ の なか の ねつ が うばわれて いった。
At least as fast to read as with the kanji. Would be even easier if they made the font a bit more compact to make the spaces clearer.

>> No.19543329

but wait if you use hiragana with spaces then how can you tell the difference between words that are spelled the same and differ only in their kanji???? checkmate anti-kanji-fags

>> No.19543331
Quoted by: >>19543345

it absolutely isnt because i actually have to read it instead of just look at it and recognize everything

>> No.19543341


>> No.19543345
File: 978 KB, 576x362, dd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a retard if you actually read English text by analysing every letter, instead of just recognising the words at a glance

>> No.19543358
Quoted by: >>19543381


>> No.19543365
Quoted by: >>19543390

english is different because you normally do that and it normally has spaces

but the fact of the matter is if you used all hiragana yes youd get used to it someday but your eyes objectively have to cover more real estate to take in the same amount of information

now run along on your little bike with training wheels that you think is better because you dont have to use balance to ride it

>> No.19543366
Quoted by: >>19543390

False equivalence, sentences in English are always written with the same letters but >>19543259 is what people who know/study Japanese are used to, not >>19543326. There's no reason non-natives should be able to glide through the latter as quickly as the former.

>> No.19543367

if you suppress your mental voice your reading comprension plummets. do not listen to this gif
you want to train your inner voice to read faster and faster, not to not use your inner voice at all
you will naturally plateau at the speed at which you lose the least comprehension

>> No.19543381
Quoted by: >>19543402

there are situations where even context is not enough
you would know this if you were actually studying nihongo

>> No.19543383

hurr durr how japanese tell difference between homophones???

>> No.19543390

It's like the easiest thing in the world, you mongoloid.
There's no good reason to think that they'd be any slower at it if that had been what they had learned to do from the start. Or spent a few hours reading hiragana only text.

>> No.19543402
Quoted by: >>19543416

In that case spoken language would be incomprehensible too.

>> No.19543408
File: 221 KB, 1280x1024, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19543839


>> No.19543416

Sure but there's no need to. Also my point is that your post about English was completely irrelevant. Besides, you can encode more information into kanji than kana. There's really not much reason to change it. Only lazy learners really care.

There's a big difference between flowery literature and the average conversation.

>> No.19543432

whys that noob gotta make everything retarded

nihongos easy you just gotta get in it

so get outta here and get in the nihongo

>> No.19543440

>that moment when you realize it's impossible to understand what someone means when they talk

>> No.19543447

>waaah mommy this is how we've always done it and doing anything different is IMPOSSIBLE
The spirit of Nippon sure is strong here.

>> No.19543453
Quoted by: >>19543470

how about adding spaces and replacing kana with romaji

>> No.19543464


>> No.19543470

but if they completely replace kanji and kana how will i feel special for memorizing dozens if not thousand of pointlessly unique and complex symbols?

>> No.19543471
File: 9 KB, 400x311, 1490049556735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19543478

I said nothing about kanji

>> No.19543482
Quoted by: >>19543503

A there a word with more than 3 times of the same syllable in a row? What's the highest count one you know? Mine is 電気機器

>> No.19543491

>Besanī Hiruzu to Takamori Akira wa Tōkyō ni sundeimasu.
Romaji just feels right.

>> No.19543496
Quoted by: >>19543517

aA dD eE gG hH lL nN qQ rR
Also our fonts all can look VERY different, with jap it's only a few that look a little different.
Look, it's only going to get worse from here, since learning kanji is 10 times worse than learning kana and there's at the very least 400 unique ones you need to know.
If you're already crying you should really just stop now.

>> No.19543501


>> No.19543503
File: 835 KB, 1024x683, 1507364468018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19543509
File: 121 KB, 568x899, bbb9fd4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19543517

thanks for proving my point. they are a minority. most look similar if not identical.
>Also our fonts all can look VERY different
almost never an issue. you seldom encounter them
>since learning kanji
no i can do it. it's just annoying and inefficient.

>> No.19543552
Quoted by: >>19543562

>almost never an issue. you seldom encounter them
Handwriting isn't exactly something you "seldom" encounter you fucking faggot. There are almost no fonts that look like the handwriting you get taught in school, yet everyone can read that shit.
Anyway, once again, if you're feeling like this shit is annoying and inefficient before you get to kanji, then you're fucking fucked. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, neither did I or most other people when starting. If you can't be happy with learning kana, then you'll never be happy learning kanji, and if you can't be happy learning kanji, then you can't learn them at all.

>> No.19543562

>then you're fucking fucked
nah i'll be fine. it's just annoying and inefficient.

>> No.19543566

Is there a way to scan kanji from pictures? I'm reading the manga available in the guide, but it's hard to browse them when I don't know the radicals.

>> No.19543576
Quoted by: >>19544502

So yesterday, i started with the first Genki Integrated Elementary book and am on the greetings section. I already know hirigana and katakana, with knowledge of aboutt 10 kanji. So, I am at a standstill, how do I know when I am ready to move on to the next section of the book (next chapter). I know it sounds really stupid, but any help is appreciated.

>> No.19543579

Using the internet, mostly. So I started around 12 years ago and I'm still learning everyday

>> No.19543589
Quoted by: >>19543601

soft g means the sound a j can make in english
what you are talking about is called a velar nasal
you can describe it more casually but soft g is wrong

>> No.19543601

yea i used the wrong term there

>> No.19543610

i challenge jamal to a duel

>> No.19543618

just kill me

>> No.19543623
File: 254 KB, 700x975, 1528429513150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19546911

>> No.19543636

well at least its not by feet

>> No.19543641

>I'm reading the manga available in the guide
Maybe you should read the guide as well?
What you're looking for is something called "OCR", though even if you didn't know that abbreviation, you would've still easily found what you're looking for if you'd read the 9 titles of the "Useful Learning Tools" section.

>> No.19543647

the positions you put the spaces in are telling of your abilities
also why did you put spaces after commas and why did you insist on half-width spaces

>> No.19543663

missed opportunity to flip the name order

>> No.19543666
Quoted by: >>19543743


>> No.19543678

he woulda did it right if he wasnt so stubborn and just played pokeman on kana mode

>> No.19543684

over half of the kana are extremely similar between katakana and hiragana or at least were derived from the same kanji

>> No.19543703
File: 18 KB, 936x36, 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, where do you see a problem? Particles should obviously written separately.

>> No.19543708

I want to "rape" the intelligent, sensitive, misunderstod person who drew that picture

>> No.19543711
Quoted by: >>19543723

No, they should be appended to what they modify. You don't know Japanese.

>> No.19543713

the spirit of early 2000s fansubbing is alive and well

>> No.19543723

Nope. There's no good reason to think that.

>> No.19543734

so whats the good reason not to think that lol

>> No.19543737
Quoted by: >>19544264

Why is machine translation so shit with nipponese? You'd think there were some nerds at google who had a special interest in getting their program to work well with this particular language

>> No.19543739

It's how they work syntactically. Almost all Japanese particles are clitics.

>> No.19543743
Quoted by: >>19543751

this dude's wearing rollerskates

>> No.19543751

rollerblades actually

>> No.19543763

yeah that makes more sense

>> No.19543768

do you really think a fat dude would wanna walk when he can just roll?

>> No.19543784

Applefags, what Jap keyboard do you use on iPhone? Asking for a friend.

>> No.19543787

but why roll when you can do something like sit or lay down?

>> No.19543794

fat boys got ambition too and mobility is key

>> No.19543809

your choice of where to place spaces is self-inconsistent, ような and どうじ に are both practically their own word
why do you break compound verbs
have you ever even heard spoken japanese

>> No.19543819

why dance around it the guy fuckin blows and its pretty standard in djt

theres nothing to talk about with the kid who pedals his bike with training wheels with feet encased in velcro shoes

>> No.19543829

i mean the first step to learning nihongo is to admit you dont know nihongo but like this is djt

>> No.19543834

there's nothing wrong with not knowing nihongo if you want to learn nihongo
the problem is when you want to argue about how to learn nihongo, or worse, how nihongo could be improved

>> No.19543839

the guys "trolling" and i think its that one guy who used to tell people to get a job thats why i posted this at him >>19543408

>> No.19543890

this could be the easiest place to troll on 4chan.

>> No.19543900

i mean it starts from the op

imagine a 2000 long thread series trolling noobs 24.7 for years

>> No.19543917

zettai nihongo wakaru ranai

>> No.19543925

>talking about thread derails
why don't we just talk about "literary" english like yesterday folks?


>> No.19543939

the derail starts at the op and ends at the last post

>> No.19543957


>> No.19543958
File: 51 KB, 499x500, fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literary english

>> No.19543967

cant believe that br is still that ass blasted that his posts look like antónio wrote them

>> No.19543974

Does anybody know links to any Yomichan compatible Japanese to Japanese EPWING dictionaries? The ones in the cornucopia of resources were rejected by Yomichan because they had no index.

A Yomichan alternative that solves this more easily would also be helpful, as long as it has anki integration

>> No.19543983
File: 17 KB, 244x222, press 2 make ur yumes come true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried this

>> No.19544017

Yomichan is bad for learning Japanese. You should always try to write the word out by yourself if you're not sure how it is read. That way you actually learn something.

>> No.19544035
Quoted by: >>19544044

you're a beginner

>> No.19544042
Quoted by: >>19544044

what the fuck are you on about

>> No.19544044
Quoted by: >>19544057

You literally don't know Japanese.

>> No.19544047

theyre all trolling guys dont listen to anyone except me

>> No.19544048
Quoted by: >>19544069

>Is there a way to scan kanji from pictures
Yeah just finish rtk and you will have that installed in your brain

>> No.19544050

I hope you all learn Japanese.

>> No.19544058
Quoted by: >>19544136

the yomichan import tool literally lists the dictionaries it is compatible with
did you actually convert the dictionaries with the import tool before trying to import because yomichan doesn't actually work with epwings, it just has a tool that can convert certain epwings to a format it does support
just use daijirin

>> No.19544057
Quoted by: >>19544084

you don't know japanese and you're a beginner

>> No.19544060
Quoted by: >>19544067

3 weeks until I finish RTK1 and start learning Japanese. Love you guys.

>> No.19544063
File: 109 KB, 1326x702, feel the epic win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19544064

Nevermind, reading the Yomichan FAQ the guy made a converter which makes dictionaries Yomichan compatible

>> No.19544067
Quoted by: >>19544101

are you telling me you're too lazy to do rtk3? not gonna make it

>> No.19544069
Quoted by: >>19544078

Didn't know rtk covers all 50k+ kanji.

>> No.19544078
Quoted by: >>19544110

don't shitpost to a shitpost it makes you look dumb

>> No.19544083

if only they made kanji shaped cereal for all you fuckin speds

>> No.19544084
Quoted by: >>19544086

You can read word usually in many different ways. You should always try all the possible ways to input it your IME. If you get it right then you've learned it actually instead of just given the answer right away. But you're clearly not at a level at which you can do intelligent guesses on readings.

>> No.19544086

this is not sustainable and also you're a beginner who doesn't know any japanese

>> No.19544095

someone link that fuckin sick like 3 minute webm of the anime girl just fuckin goin off and its subbed with all the usual djt laced in

>> No.19544098
Quoted by: >>19544104


>> No.19544101

I was planning on celebrating finishing RTK1 and then telling you guys I'm still not gonna learn Japanese and instead do RTK3.

>> No.19544104

10000 hours of it before you even think about doing rtk

>> No.19544110

He's probably not trolling.

>> No.19544127
Quoted by: >>19544137


>> No.19544129

ok i did it my fucken self


>> No.19544136

Thanks for this. I should have read the FAQ more closely before asking, but this was a very helpful answer and I appreciate you for making it

>> No.19544137

we will also accept this

>> No.19544148


>> No.19544160


>> No.19544168

that was certainly the low point in addition to the yami

but i liked everything else so kudos to that guy its better than the dragonballz 1

>> No.19544192
Quoted by: >>19544207

i might watch that soon sounds like a wholesome yelling anime
that was probably not the best introduction to it since it sounds like a dramatic moment that i now know is coming

>> No.19544207

yeah i even wanted to see how a chuni ln trash ani with a scene that dope was gonna pan out

but i know better

>> No.19544236

You can use the picture mode on the google translate app, then put the kanji/word into an actual dictionary

>> No.19544264

Because it is difficult to translate Japanese into English most times, you can’t expect a machine to be able to correctly translate nuances that words have into another language.

>> No.19544277
Quoted by: >>19544303

A machine translation might be correct, but that doesn't mean it's right.

>> No.19544278

that's why translation will always be limited, but the shittiness of existing machine translation goes far beyond that problem

>> No.19544303

It's not wrong it's just an asshole.

>> No.19544315
Quoted by: >>19544329

nuance is a meaningless buzzword

>> No.19544329

what word would you prefer, or is your argument that perfect translation is always possible

>> No.19544375

i love me 10000 hours of perfectly translated anime

>> No.19544419

Jesus Christ what happened to these threads?

>> No.19544421


>> No.19544425

theyre all slackin on they nihongo homework

help em out

>> No.19544444

It legitimately all spirals from Jamal. One or two other posts followed his example and started lowercase posting and they constantly feed into shitposting.

>> No.19544465

i am the alpha and omega and whatever other shit but really i just want yall to learn nihongo

so fuckin get to it

>> No.19544466

Memes aside, even if you hate RTK.. if there's a particular kanji you're struggling to remember, ctrl+Fing it in the RTK PDF may actually help you a lot. I couldn't remember 歌 but now I'll never forget it due to the gay ass story.

>> No.19544471

or you could just write it down

>> No.19544477
Quoted by: >>19544501

Modern SONGtresses LACK talent - they just promote whoever has the two biggest CANS.

>> No.19544497

most rtk stories suck and at least half of the kanji don't even have a story
but mnemonics are okay if you aren't wasting time trying to create a mnemonic for every single fucking jouyou kanji without learning japanese

>> No.19544499

thats a nice story but you dont even need it

i see that kanji everyday and you should too

>> No.19544501

It said something about can-can singers and I'm like oh, ok, I won't forget that now.

>> No.19544502

Been there, done that. After learning 'kana, nothing can really guide you imho. You're on your own.

>> No.19544564

Just watched laowhy86's latest video and apparently Asians don't have body odor. My fantasy about smelling Japanese girls feet and armpits is now ruined.

>> No.19544579
Quoted by: >>19548409

They can still smell unclean, they just don't have "BO". It's controlled by the same gene as hard earwax, but the way. So if you see a character that needs to get their ears cleaned and also has bad BO, that's incorrect writing!

>> No.19544586

well if youre hairy that shit sucks a lot of stink out

so actually girls when they stink they really smell like shit

>> No.19544603

i also had a girlfriend who had ibs and when shed go a few days without being able to shit her farts would smell like fuckin death

>> No.19544615
File: 43 KB, 640x426, 23827860_2025731631_202large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have such problems.

>> No.19544669

Does conjugations (especially verb related) get easier over time, or did you guys have to study that a lot specifically? Remembering those rules has been a big bottleneck for me.

>> No.19544676
Quoted by: >>19544734

you can't get good at them through memorization, only exposure (reading/listening)

>> No.19544689
Quoted by: >>19544734

its better if you dont think about them and just let them be

>> No.19544702

>70% of my language learning time is spent listening
-Steve Kaufman
DJT is so close to understanding language acquisition but it's not quite there.

>> No.19544713
Quoted by: >>19544783

He's referring to listening to audiobooks while going about his daily life.

>> No.19544714

It's because he's too old to see the text in his エロゲー and glasses aren't helping anymore

>> No.19544719

you dont need to understand language acquisition to acquire language

>> No.19544734

Not him but do you mean you just kinda remember/recognize "this is negative past tense" but you never bother trying to explicitly remember the little differences between the different kinds of conjugations you apply to different verbs and adjectives? Because it would only really matter if you were trying to output early?

>> No.19544745

The entire conjugation becomes stored in your head even if it's like 15 kana long.

>> No.19544749

if you watch 10000 hours of anime youll see what i mean

>> No.19544783
Quoted by: >>19544788


>> No.19544788
Quoted by: >>19544801

What does that video have to do with what I just posted?

>> No.19544801

It has to do with what I posted and I'm asking what your point was. Was someone under the impression his listening primarily consisted of watching translated films on his iPad?

>> No.19545039

Memes aside, how many hours do I have to listen until I'm able to follow the majority of some sentences? I got there in reading pretty quickly, but in listening I still only catch set phrases and a word here and there. My ability to learn from reading seemed to go way up when I'm more focused on looking up a couple of words than dissecting an entire sentence. It's hard to be patient about getting to that point in listening.

>> No.19545090

1万時間de los animes

>> No.19545120
Quoted by: >>19545195

>how many hours do I have to listen until I'm able to follow the majority of some sentences
1427 hours.
Seriously what kind of question is that? It's based on your brain and there's no way for any of us to tell you that.

>> No.19545132

You need to listen until you're able to follow the majority of sentences. How long that is is entirely up to your ability to learn.

>> No.19545133

ichi MAN

>> No.19545138

i can't wait to learn japanese so i can give approximations for people asking those questions instead of saying worthless garbage like "we're all different! averages don't exist! teehee!" smug fucking pricks.

>> No.19545142

like what he says in this video


ichi MAN

>> No.19545155
Quoted by: >>19545198

>averages don't exist
They don't. There is no data on the subject you are asking about.

>> No.19545162
Quoted by: >>19545177

the average is ichi man

>> No.19545166
Quoted by: >>19545195

Honestly, I can understand most sentences, but I still can't get an approximation because it's not a skill that you develop in isolation. It's heavily based on your vocab and grammar knowledge, so it's nearly impossible to judge on it's own.

>> No.19545177

Fuck off with that meme shit. 100k hours is ~11.4 years of constant listening.

>> No.19545183


>> No.19545190

btw 100k is pretty reasonable for like approaching fluent mastery

but im talkin about ichi MAN

>> No.19545195

An answer of 100 hours vs 1000 hours is valuable. Also that's not what Krashen says.
That's reasonable.

>> No.19545198

you can use the best proxies for cognitive ability we have and then extrapolate. the majority of variance in acquisition is probably explained by learning method although the learning method you use is probably related to your cognitive ability, i.e. dipshit redditors think reading is too hard so they don't even try before getting through genki 1 and 2 and then wanikani for a year and then core6k. super smart DJTers just dive right into yotsuba

>> No.19545199

underwater squad

>> No.19545206
File: 18 KB, 575x265, 2018-07-30 18_47_43-(= ^ᆺ^)ノ - kana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19545215

Are there different fonts for katakana? Should I do these before or after katakana?

>> No.19545215
Quoted by: >>19545224

just learn the kanakana and read

>> No.19545217

you should watch this video immediately to learn japanese


>> No.19545224

What if I read and can't recognize the font used in the manga?

>> No.19545233

It doesn't really vary all that much. Just learn one font and keep going.

>> No.19545237

Just feel it bro.

>> No.19545240

try harder prolly
you could put an hour into learning stroke order of kana that aren't incredibly obvious and it might help you with connected strokes and general sloppiness, but you shouldn't waste too much time on it

>> No.19545259

Just to give you an idea of how much time you should expect to spend, I wouldn't spend more then a week at 30 minutes a day learning hiragana or katakana. Even if you don't have it fully mastered, you should move on, because you will be exposed to hiragana and katakana so much in every other aspect of Japanese study that it will naturally reinforce.

>> No.19545266

why arent you guys just telling him to write each 1 50 times in the fuckin notebook like you used to

>> No.19545269

because i have never done that and no one should

>> No.19545276

for kana? that shits fine and great because then its possible to waste time beyond how long it takes to do that on it

>> No.19545282

Because that won't work. What he needs is spaced repetition. He needs anki in his life!

>> No.19545284

I barely even physically write in English anymore.

>> No.19545286

i mean impossible to waste time beyond that

>> No.19545296

I've been learning Hiragana for the past 4-5 days writing each one hundreds of times every day. I'm at the point where I wake up and immediately write them all in my brain, so I think I'm ready to move on.

>> No.19545307

great now start workin on your ichi man hours of anime

>> No.19545323

deki ninjas go rambo

rambo rambo

>> No.19545325
Quoted by: >>19545615

Honestly, the test is to just make a chart and fill it in yourself. If you can do that, move on.

>> No.19545334

Manga isn't reading though

>> No.19545338

Do RtK. Learn all the kanji. Then you'll just know them all.

>> No.19545355

follow the newest and latest japanese guide 100% guaranteed to make you fluent


>> No.19545365
Quoted by: >>19545384

I had watched around 6500 hours of anime at the point when I had learnt enough Japanese to understand raw anime and natives speaking. Since you say you understand written Japanese it should be a lot faster for you to get good at listening

Just pulling numbers out of my ass but 1000 hours sounds reasonable

>> No.19545366
Quoted by: >>19545375

Actually, you will just realize that there's no way to answer such questions because it varies based in an innumerable different factors that can't possibly all be accounted for, even just averaging. All you could do is tell them exactly how long it took you, which is meaningless to anyone besides you.

>> No.19545375
Quoted by: >>19545382

>which is meaningless to anyone besides you.
lol complete bullshit.

>> No.19545382
Quoted by: >>19545396

Its true, unless you assume he did exactly what you did to get there.

>> No.19545384
Quoted by: >>19545439

you forgot a zero its ichi man

6500 though prolly feels like you can see the light at the end of the tunnel tho

>> No.19545396
Quoted by: >>19545406

"i read every day for 2 hours and it took me a year to understand 90% of written materials. i transitioned from X material to Y material at roughly the 6 month mark."

yea, it's impossible to get any sort of idea of how fast progression will come for you. we're all so drastically different. einsteins vs ants in this thread. retard.

>> No.19545406
Quoted by: >>19545422

Its not so simple, as you will learn when you get there.

>> No.19545418


>> No.19545422

yea it is. "give or take a few months. also i did X on the side which may have helped me so try that too." wow so difficult to give people reference points.

>> No.19545433

Not all human brains are equal. You can't learn Japanese.

>> No.19545436
Quoted by: >>19545456

You can simply it like that, go ahead, but it is meaningless to anyone else.

>> No.19545439
Quoted by: >>19545450

I'm already over 13000 hours now so I think I know better than some shitposter

>> No.19545450

you are ready to start learning japanese if so

>> No.19545456

i think you have to be trolling to suggest you've never gotten an idea of how long it takes to accomplish a task by asking random people how long it took them with a few details on their methods to contrast/compare. it's such an incredibly stupid proposition that you have to be trolling.

>> No.19545469

if you dont understand 100% of this dont post here unless you have a question that is/isnt retarded


>> No.19545474

Has it seriously never occurred to you that language learning might be a stochastic process?

>> No.19545486
Quoted by: >>19545504

no because a cognitive task like this couldn't possibly be "random". but i understand why you believe what you believe now so i'm satisfied.

>> No.19545504

>stochastic = random
Retard detected. Go pick up a dictionary.

>> No.19545505
Quoted by: >>19545511

And you have to be trolling to think that anyone else's learning ability is even comparable to yours.

>> No.19545511
Quoted by: >>19545537

thanks for the complement but im not trolling >_<

>> No.19545537

You assume I meant that in a good way. You could be a sub 110 IQ retard and take three times longer to learn basic Japanese than your peers. Of what use is that to anyone else?

It'd be the same as saying "If you're exactly like me, it will take you X amount of hours to learn Japanese." Yeah, fucking thanks, that helps a lot.

>> No.19545539

Honestly it varies drastically how you study. I have a friend who nearly aced the N1 exam after a year and half of intense study. But he's a really smart guy. I also have friends who have been studying for 4+ years and can't pass N3.

What matters is how efficiently you study, how much you study, and how consistently you study. Based on those factors, the length of time can vary drastically.

>> No.19545566

i just picked all random answers and passed n1

banzai bow to my epic iq quotient lmao

>> No.19545590

I've read more in the past fourteen (14) minutes than the last 40 posters combined have all year.

>> No.19545598
Quoted by: >>19545613

I read for over an hour today, get rekt

>> No.19545600

I'll get around to reading after RTK. Don't criticize.

>> No.19545603
Quoted by: >>19545609

what did you read about

>> No.19545608

I read 15 pages of a the light novel of Slayers earlier today. Still have time to argue here.

>> No.19545609

Nothing special, just all of the last 40 posts.

>> No.19545613
Quoted by: >>19545637

should you be telling people to get rekt when that hour was spent trying to decipher 1 chapter of yotuba

>> No.19545615

waiting until you can write all kana from memory before moving on is the stupidest fucking thing you can do
just fucking read dude

>> No.19545622

I have an eroge open in one desktop and this thread up in another. Get good.

>> No.19545625
File: 21 KB, 480x387, 2018-03-23 17.59.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing my reps and arguing with these fuckers.

>> No.19545628

ichi man

ichi ban

hei kan

>> No.19545636

what did he mean by this

>> No.19545637
Quoted by: >>19545648

You keep thinking you are better than everyone else, I'm gonna watch some gaki no tsukai

>> No.19545639
Quoted by: >>19545645

looking into a mirrorですか


>> No.19545645
Quoted by: >>19545660


>> No.19545648

good on you mate

>> No.19545650
Quoted by: >>19545658

that's not reading
you're probably even doing rtk

>> No.19545658

Hahahaha. Bitch please. I finished RtK yesterday.
I'm doing the 6k deck right now.

>> No.19545660



>> No.19545687

Why do some smug anons think that posting here means you don't study?

>> No.19545694

Because most people here are mount stupid.

>> No.19545705

Because a lot of people who post here don't study.

>> No.19545706
File: 91 KB, 447x597, 1529949669438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless you build some kind of rocket craft theres no getting off mount stupid

>> No.19545714

If you haven't seen this yet, this is magnificent.

>> No.19545717
File: 7 KB, 220x305, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't study

>> No.19545724
Quoted by: >>19545763

Nobody cares MALfag.

>> No.19545737

I care.

>> No.19545744

because this is the thread for dekinais. try the other djt or the other japanese thread on /int/ instead

>> No.19545763
Quoted by: >>19545792

Since you seem to like MAL here's a year old snapshot of my anidb account on MAL https://myanimelist.net/profile/Zoi

>> No.19545792
Quoted by: >>19545806

Again, nobody cares MALfag.

>> No.19545806

You care

>> No.19545811
Quoted by: >>19545839

when are you going to hit 2^15 and when you do will you retire or will you go for the big 2^16

>> No.19545839
Quoted by: >>19548864

Why would I retire from watching anime?
I'm currently watching around 30 shows per season so they would really have to fuck it up on all fronts to make me stop watching anime

>> No.19545860

I get that you need to use different particles for transitive vs intransitive verbs, but did they really need to make the verb pronunciation and spelling different also? Why not just have the particle difference?

>> No.19545873

then how would they know when 彼が食べる "he ate" or when it means "ate him"?

>> No.19545880

wait that made no fucking sense.

>> No.19545883

彼が食べる = he eats
彼を食べた = ate him

>> No.19545888

I don't know what the fuck any of that shit means. I just feel it.

>> No.19545892
Quoted by: >>19545899


good luck noobs

>> No.19545897
Quoted by: >>19545903

I mean like 電気がついた vs 電気を消す. Why kieru and kesu? Why not use kesu for both cases and only change the particle? Where is the logic in also changing kesu to kieru in addition to the particle change?

>> No.19545899
Quoted by: >>19545905

Isn't that "dick eats you?"

>> No.19545903
Quoted by: >>19545943

Fuck, I meant 電気が消える vs 電気を消す

>> No.19545905

Or "me" rather.

>> No.19545921

i know what you meant

it eats everything it lays its one eye on

>> No.19545940

I think they assume that because I never study and whip you guys into a frenzy over irrelevant shit that the people who respond to me don't study either.

>> No.19545943
Quoted by: >>19545953

電気が私を消す maybe could then mean the light turns me off
電気が消す could also be the light turns x off or the light turns off
if you didn't have two verbs. maybe

>> No.19545953
Quoted by: >>19545967

I guess I don't know enough for that to be a problem, yet.

>> No.19545967

regardless, the language could function without the distinction, things exist in languages because the language evolved that way

>> No.19545981

what a shocking *snorts* turn of events

>> No.19546022

Would playing a video game in japanese for learning ruin the experience of the game? (JRPG)

>> No.19546044
Quoted by: >>19546158

to me it makes it better. it's different though, since it's a lot slower. but once you get used to that its a lot of fun.

>> No.19546081

How many NEW anki cards can you do a day?

>> No.19546082

Do 1 of the following:
Pick a game that you kinda wanted to play but don't care a lot about.
Pick a game you really like but have already played through once before.

>> No.19546089
Quoted by: >>19546158

depends on the game i guess but for the most part playing video games owns!! especially ones where you get to play the game in between deal with lots of text!

>> No.19546094

As many as you want. But we can only handle so much new information to properly retain long term. So just because you can force 1000 new cards a day doesn't mean you should.

Realistically, unless you have cancer and only have 6 months to live, you really shouldn't be doing more than 20, maybe 30 new cards per day (per deck).

>> No.19546104
Quoted by: >>19546126

iti man

>> No.19546115

In general, you should do about 10% of the number of reviews you want to do a day. During the summer, I add about 100 cards a day because I have time to do 1000 reviews, but during the semester I only add about 25 cards a day.

>> No.19546121
Quoted by: >>19546158

Gotta start somewhere.

>> No.19546122
Quoted by: >>19546126

think about it if you do iti man flashcards a day youll be done with all of nihongo in less than a month and you can come here and really stick it to the efficiency posters

>> No.19546126
Quoted by: >>19546132

Boy, you only have one joke, and it's not even funny.

>> No.19546130
Quoted by: >>19546158

I've been playing Rune Factory 4 and it's been pretty good. It does slow you down a lot compared to English and RF4 doesn't feel like it has an awful lot of text to read

I'd say it depends on your reading speed and how difficult the material is to you. The slower you read the more annoying it will get when a bunch of text stops you from playing the game

>> No.19546132
Quoted by: >>19546137

its not a joke its serious

djt is not a place to be joking around

>> No.19546137 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19546141

post feet

>> No.19546141 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19546241

only if you post your tittys

>> No.19546158
File: 39 KB, 720x644, 26b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19546180

aight thanks frens. ima play it in japanese and see what happens.

>> No.19546180

Just remember, the first part of anything is always the hardest. It will be hard until you get the vocab that is used often down, and then it'll get easier quick. 頑張ってよ!

>> No.19546182

hes gonna get stick of not knowing japanese like immediately and just start mashing buttons lmao

>> No.19546241 [DELETED] 

You don't want to see my titties, anon.

>> No.19546255 [DELETED] 

fuckin post yo man tittays

>> No.19546262
Quoted by: >>19546290

jrpgs tend to be harder (and also full of downtime in terms of reading) but do what motivates you, you shouldn't worry about ruining shit or you're going to avoid practicing japanese
>Pick a game that you kinda wanted to play but don't care a lot about.
i don't agree with this because it's easy to lose motivation in that case
better than picking something you know you wont like though

>> No.19546275

just play final fantasy 8 (the good 1)

>> No.19546290
Quoted by: >>19546386

>i don't agree with this because it's easy to lose motivation in that case
I'm thinking more as a gamer, you don't want to ruin a game you really want to play by slogging through it slowly trying to understand new kanji. Sure that might be decent for learning but you're also ruining a good game.

>> No.19546304


>> No.19546307

>he doesn't find joy in discovering new kanji
Not going to make it.

>> No.19546308

youre a gamer huh

i love gamers

>> No.19546317

I take joy in finding new kanji, but I'd rather it be in a game I want to play than a game I've been waiting years to play.

>> No.19546372

>yakuza 0 coming out on PC in a little over a day
>it has Japanese text
I hope the port isn't trash

>> No.19546380

japanese game on the computer?

bad news for ya lol

>> No.19546381
Quoted by: >>19546390

Y'no, I used to hate kanji, but after doing RtK, I've started getting really excited whenever I find a new kanji. Like, I just ran into 饅 just now which is used in steamed buns and basically nothing else.

>> No.19546386

if you're really hyped for it you should probably just play it where you'll understand it and get through it as a normal pace, but if it's just something you think you might enjoy, you shouldn't be worried about enjoying it a bit less. besides, you can replay it with better understanding in the future.
this applies more to dialogue-heavy games or vns, since they're a great resource.

>> No.19546390
Quoted by: >>19546401

and the mnemonics make it really easy to remember new kanji too. food+mandala/manga.

>> No.19546395

>he needed RtK to appreciate the beauty of 漢字
Not going to make it.

>> No.19546401

Yeah, my issue has always been that I don't really understand what a mandala is. I think I might need to rename it.

>> No.19546422

In 部屋を出た, why is the intransitive verb 出た being used with the particle を? Isn't that against the rules? Should it not be 部屋を出した? Tae Kim teaches me one thing and then does the opposite.

>> No.19546430

intransitive verbs of motion, locations, etc

>> No.19546437

fucking hell, why even

>> No.19546449
Quoted by: >>19546467

next time
check a real grammar guide

>> No.19546458
Quoted by: >>19546476

How do I say the n word in Japanese

>> No.19546467
Quoted by: >>19546474

Actually this leaves me even more confused. Since the sentence is "I left the room", with I being implied, why is an intransitive verb being used at all? Since I am the actor, wouldn't it be 出す over 出る?

>> No.19546474

出す is for when something causes something else to go out of something
出る is for when something merely goes out of something

>> No.19546476


>> No.19546478

by the way this is true of almost all pairs of intransitive-transitive verb where the stem is the same but one is a す verb and the other is an ichidan verb

>> No.19546494

So it's not simply one has an actor and one doesn't, then.. I see

>> No.19546499
Quoted by: >>19546532

in one the actor is causing something to go out, in the other the actor is the thing going out

>> No.19546505
Quoted by: >>19546532

Right. It's the difference between saying that I dropped the eraser and the eraser dropped. In Japanese, they use intransitive phrases like this a lot more then we do in English, so it's worth spending some time on and practicing.

>> No.19546522
Quoted by: >>19546532

yes. with transitive, the actor causes the direct object to move, with intransitive, the actor is what moves

>> No.19546532

It's hard to conceptualize the differences without thinking about it for a bit, hopefully it just comes naturally later on.

>> No.19546540

So I've finished RtK1 and am considering whether it's worth continuing on with RtK3.

Alternatively, I've been considering adding kanji to my RtK deck as I run into them, and just using the same name and numbering as in RtK.


>> No.19546547

#2 if you don't dump rtk entirely

>> No.19546572

anyone ever make money with English to Japanese translation online?

I used to hear about gengo, but it says they aren't looking for anymore Japanese to English translators

>> No.19546582

english to japanese requires knowing japanese

japanese to english doesnt

>> No.19546585
Quoted by: >>19546605

In general, you translate into your native language, not the other way. So if you're a native english speaker, you could get a job doing J->E but not J->E

>> No.19546587

Japanese want to learn English more than Americans want to learn Japanese. Therefor, find a Japanese who is willing to pay you for tutoring. The catch is that you have to be fluent enough to explain things to him and give feedback.

>> No.19546598

10. I've tried 20 but I can't handle the reviews in the long run.

>> No.19546605
Quoted by: >>19546621

Bill Trinen would like a word with you.

>> No.19546621
Quoted by: >>19546623

>Bill Trinen
From what I can find of him, he's the lead of Nintendo's translation division and does primarily J->E, unless I'm missing something.

Also, I did say in general, not always.

>> No.19546623

Nah he always hangs with bigwig nips at Nintendo and translates English for them.

>> No.19546627
Quoted by: >>19546643

if you think youre hot shit and can translate e>j just pick any reasonably popular mainstream song and translate the lyrics

then go look up a japanese persons translation and maybe i guess learn a little bit

>> No.19546637

>trying to E->J
snap, yup

>> No.19546643

If you know both of the languages you can literally do either way, jesus.

>> No.19546650

When I become fluent in Japanese, I am going to find old famous Japanese books that are public domain, translate them, self publish and sell them on Amazon. Then I will no longer be a NEET.

>> No.19546656

hurdur if youre bilingual you can literally translate both ways

>> No.19546661
Quoted by: >>19546686

Japan doesn't have public domain.

>> No.19546662

50. Sometimes I'll do 100.

>> No.19546666
Quoted by: >>19546686

I mean, if you are a talented writer in English, this is totally viable, but you would also need to find works that have not been translated that could be commercially successful, which is becoming a smaller pool every year. Furthermore, if you're talking old books, then you don't just need to know Japanese, but also classical Japanese which is quite difficult.

>> No.19546665


>> No.19546686
Quoted by: >>19546705

I'll have to research it. I thought Aozora Bunko were public domain. I'm not releasing it in Japan, so maybe that doesn't even matter.

I might be a good writer. I've never written anything, so I don't know yet. It is mostly a dream, since I don't think I'll ever get that good at Japanese anyway.

>> No.19546687
Quoted by: >>19546715

Why is ズボン in katakana?

>> No.19546704
Quoted by: >>19546721

I also just finished it tonight and I’m going with option 2. Will you be doing sentence cards? I’m not sure about it yet. I’ve done like 100 i+1 cards on the side during RTK but I have 95% retention on them so I’m not sure if it’s worth it. Maybe I would remember them anyway.

>> No.19546705

I would suggest practicing then, because being a good writer is a skill that you have to train, not just some inborn gift.

From having talked to a friend who is a professional translator, your ability to write in your native language well matters as much as your ability to translate, because literal translations sound pretty terrible.

>> No.19546715
Quoted by: >>19546729

>From French jupon (“petticoat, underskirt”), from French jupe (“skirt”), from old Italian jupa, from Arabic جُوبَّة (jūbba, “long garment”).

>Note that the meaning has changed from “underskirt” to “trousers/pants”, and the second consonant has changed from /p/ to /b/, possibly influenced by native Japanese onomatopoeia ずぼん (zubon), describing the action of something sliding, as when one puts on or takes off trousers.

>> No.19546716

is it difficult to find J->E work online?

it doesn't have to pay a lot for me to be satisfied. I do transcription work for one quarter of minimum wage right now, so as long as it's better than 2 dollars an hour then that's amazing for me.

>> No.19546721
Quoted by: >>19546727

Do you mean i+1 cards using the new kanji? That seems like a good idea honestly, just to solidify the reading in addition to the meaning.

Right now, I've been doing i+1 cards, but it's not anyway related to RtK, it's just whatever words I run into.

And yeah, I think I'm just going to download RtK3 and every time I find a new kanji, add a new card using his name and number.

>> No.19546727

I just meant normal sentence cards after. I'm not sure how much better they are than an extra hour of reading.

>> No.19546729

So they just fucked up, that's what I thought.

>> No.19546740

it's relatively easy to find J-E work at one cent per character (which happens to be the lowest you should ever accept J-E translation work for) if you're not picky about what you're translating

>> No.19546773

>2 dollars an hour
literally you could make more from picking up plastic bottles outside

>> No.19546787
Quoted by: >>19546878

Does anyone know if there's something like this but for J > J rather than E > E? That would be so cool and useful.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dhm1Gfz3Xkk skip to like 2 mins

>> No.19546878
Quoted by: >>19546881


Romaji though

>> No.19546881
Quoted by: >>19546926

Unfortunately romaji is not helpful.

>> No.19546892

>get off work tired as fuck
>need to decompress
>could play vidya or fap or watch TV
>instead decide to study Japanese

I've realized that studying this language has gone from difficult and stressful to fun and a nice way to decompress. Only took 6 months of RTK and mining Pokemon to get here.

>> No.19546897
Quoted by: >>19546904

Why is there a new site? What's wrong with the old one?

>> No.19546901
Quoted by: >>19548902

why not vidya/fap/tv in japanese

>> No.19546904

The djtguide.neocities.org site is permanently unmaintained and cannot be transferred to a new owner.

>> No.19546911

god i wish that were me

>> No.19546926

It is still kind of fun.

>> No.19546957
Quoted by: >>19546975


>> No.19546975




>> No.19547116
Quoted by: >>19547127

Do you guys add sentence cards for names?

>> No.19547127


>> No.19547144

Dunno if you're still curious about this, but I believe it's てやんでい.

>> No.19547172

Who is your にんべん?

>> No.19547187
File: 534 KB, 428x241, 15325342532.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same. it used to be a chore, but now its something to look forward too.

>> No.19547192




>> No.19547212

>fee logic
>plains vegetable
>logic department

>feelings report
>report revelation
>matter feelings

Thanks Heisig.

>> No.19547219

>fee logic

>> No.19547262
File: 49 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Study and stress about pitch accent your whole life
>Make one unscripted video and your pitch accent is all over the place

>> No.19547271

>pitch accent

>> No.19547341
File: 48 KB, 477x345, 095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think reusing for subsections is a bad idea. I didn't check the unmodified guide to see if it does it too, but basically because the resource list uses for recommended resources it's weird.
Would you mind pointing out the specific examples you are referring to. Bit of a brain fart but I'm not entirely sure what you mean.

>Too tired to compare the changes in detail tonight, but I'll post my thoughts in tomorrow's thread.
Looking forward to your potential input. I'll check this thread later and the next thread for response. You're also welcome to use the feedback page linked on the site in question, if you'd rather.

>> No.19547345

Comfy looking beanie.

>> No.19547391

Namasensei lived in Japan for 7 years and only knows 400 kanji. Why does anyone take that clown seriously?

>> No.19547429

First time I've heard this. What video and is it that bad?

>> No.19547471

I don't think he takes himself seriously in the first place. Has he even put out anything new in the last 10 years?

>> No.19547493

because lol funny guy say bitch and do the drink

>> No.19547516
Quoted by: >>19547612

Are there any kanji that you guys can just never fucking remember, no matter how many times you seem to review / encounter them?

I swear my brain makes a mental block sometimes.

>> No.19547612

No because I did RTK

>> No.19547615
Quoted by: >>19547633


>> No.19547633
File: 865 KB, 1365x840, 1509837473262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19547644

You can only choose 1

>> No.19547644

I choose (君)

>> No.19547655
File: 2.07 MB, 1456x848, Summer Pockets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting Flyable Heart flashbacks. I don't think I can survive another water gun fight...

>> No.19547667
File: 2 KB, 169x51, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk me out of it please

>> No.19547671
Quoted by: >>19547696


>> No.19547680
Quoted by: >>19547696

If that's the last straw for you to finally give up then go for it. I actually care about you and giving up will be for the best.

>> No.19547688
Quoted by: >>19547696

Anything below 100 and you might as well not even bother. Hope this helped.

>> No.19547696

I- I don't think you guys understood the intention behind my post..

>> No.19547719
Quoted by: >>19547740

I did 50 new days a day for RTK.

>> No.19547721



>> No.19547724

How to not fluke reviews?

>> No.19547726

Is yomichan better than rikaichan? Why is rikaichan a lot more popular?

>> No.19547728
Quoted by: >>19547740


>> No.19547740

I said talk me out of it, not into it 馬鹿アノン

>> No.19547742
File: 19 KB, 720x480, Anki Stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19547751

Don't do it. You will regret it.

>> No.19547751


>> No.19547796
File: 198 KB, 1024x640, nhk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19547859

What model do you guys use for yomi-chan cards? I'm trying to set anki integration up.

>> No.19547870

What can I do to avoid reading

>> No.19547889

Literally anything else.

>> No.19547934

You could go on DJT.

>> No.19548015
File: 302 KB, 697x595, Screenshot 2018-07-31 at 04.22.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smug IRL faces

>> No.19548134
File: 623 KB, 725x800, sdfdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add cute images to all your cards

>> No.19548261
File: 196 KB, 1082x713, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19548277

RTK didn't prepare me for reading this fucked up low-res 船

>> No.19548277

what else could it have been

>> No.19548327
Quoted by: >>19548378







>> No.19548368


フランスFranceマルキドサドMarquis de Sade



>> No.19548378

can anybody actually read this
maybe im too tired

>> No.19548379





>> No.19548381

ESL here but i'm not shit at English so i use English resources.

>> No.19548409
Quoted by: >>19548418

But I'm a whito piggu with hard earwax and I'm pretty sure I get body odour.

>> No.19548418

if hard earwax just means earwax buildup same here

>> No.19548434

why don't you 耳かき it

>> No.19548439
File: 151 KB, 882x864, you_should_be_able_to_solve_this__by_controversialhumour-d6b31nk_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19548443

who said i don't

>> No.19548444
File: 149 KB, 879x856, you_should_be_able_to_solve_this__by_controversialhumour-d6b31nk_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19548450

さんすう 2もん目

>> No.19548449

>implying I could solve it in english to begin with

>> No.19548450

yes hello pls translate this math-kun i am good at math and bad at japanese

>> No.19548453


>> No.19548456
File: 142 KB, 878x905, you_should_be_able_to_solve_this__by_controversialhumour-d6b31nk_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

さんすう 3もん目

>> No.19548464

just save them and use them as motivation to learn japanese
that's number four

>> No.19548467
Quoted by: >>19548471

You should be able to decipher this

>> No.19548471
Quoted by: >>19548475

don't be elitist not everyone has finished rtk and started learning japanese

>> No.19548475
Quoted by: >>19548481

joke's on you i haven't even started rtk

>> No.19548481

you don't know japanese
good one right

>> No.19548488

yea well i know it's true so it doesn't hurt as much as it would for an rtk memer

>> No.19548509
Quoted by: >>19548553

these basic math posts have made me realize how impossible it would be to do any sort of advanced math or science in a second language

>> No.19548515

you don't know how uguu kawaii his hamatto damchee is so you can't say that you baka

>> No.19548540

Plant the apple seeds and feed everyone in the world.

>> No.19548553
Quoted by: >>19548570

quite the contrary
there is a very limited (albeit challenging) vocabulary, once you know that you can do almost any mathematics in another language because the symbols are international

>> No.19548570

I guess it depends on what exactly you're doing. If there are no words involved then sure, but if there are instructions that you can barely understand it just makes the rest nearly impossible since it was already hard to begin with.

>> No.19548575
File: 8 KB, 689x241, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna make it? Is this score good?

>> No.19548604

maji kuso

>> No.19548606
Quoted by: >>19548618

It equates roughly to N3-N2 so not really

>> No.19548618

I've only studied for less than half a year so I'm okay with N3 even I guess.

>> No.19548664

What is a good thing to listen to to build listening skills? I know about 500 words but my listening skills are day 1 tier bad.

>> No.19548668

listening is not reading

>> No.19548686
Quoted by: >>19548699

read more

>> No.19548699

I know you're memeing but it's hard for me to keep up with vocabulary I know when its spoken. Something about not having the luxury of hearing at your own pace vs reading however slow you need to. Listening is much harder. I'll ask again, anyone have some useful resources they used to build listening skills? I know I can google it but I'd like to hear from some anons' experiences.

>> No.19548715
File: 25 KB, 619x208, Screenshot 2018-07-26 at 14.11.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19548724


>> No.19548728
Quoted by: >>19548736

i do language exchange with japanese students from my local university, both my speaking and listening has improved considerably

>> No.19548736

I've already graduated and the Japanese program at my Uni was unfortunately not that great. Took 2 classes before deciding it wasn't worth my time. Also we had a lot of asians but no japanese, they were all korean.

I tried this video but there are a lot of words I didn't know, some people in the comments were saying this was above beginner level despite being labeled as beginner. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEcye1K-MOA

>> No.19548741

isn't speaking for normalfags

>> No.19548751

even matt kun called out a commenter for calling dogen's accent perfect, by referencing dogen's accent in the unscripted video

>> No.19548756

i graduated years ago, didn't stop me putting posters up at my old uni in japanese looking for language exchange partners

>> No.19548761

here they come to study short-term english courses and sometimes subjects like nursing, so target those areas

>> No.19548774

Just listen a lot and grit your teeth at the fact you can't understand most of it.

>> No.19548779

The problem is there will quickly be a word I don't know, then I get caught up on figuring it out and by then I'm completely lost. Sucks ass really, I feel slow compared to most others at my level when it comes to listening comprehension.

>> No.19548793


>> No.19548810
Quoted by: >>19548830

read more and all that fixes lol
you can listen more if thats more fun

>> No.19548830

>read more and all that fixes lol
That's just wrong. Listening comprehension is far removed from reading ability. The 2 are nowhere near interchangeable as cognitive abilities. You can be extremely efficient at one and terrible at the other. My problem is I've been reading too much and not listening enough (anime doesn't count as listening, either.)

>> No.19548839

Most of listening is ignoring half the shit that doesn't mean anything while getting the stuff that's hard to notice.

Was playing Pokeman stadium the other day and could not for some reason make out the 運び in "一方的な試合運びとなっています" until I literally found a webpage where people compiled the announcer commentary. Even now, there are still lines I can't figure out, but nobody has posted them anywhere because apparently Japanese aren't as into nostalgic childhood shit as we are.


The simplest lines like one heard at about 12:54 are the hardest. バトルのステージって is what I think he's saying but I'm probably gonna come back to this game in 12 months and listen again and realize he was saying something entirely different due to new word knowledge.

Japanese really relies hard on you "just knowing" the words, as for the most part it can be near impossible to figure out things even if you know lots of roots/other things.

>> No.19548842

>anime doesn't count as listening
Slice of life anime without subs is definitely listening m8

>> No.19548861

no it's not and you'll learn this when you're not a beginner anymore

>> No.19548864

but there is only two shows worth trying out (not even completing) every season

>> No.19548867

recently i watched a jdrama called 僕のいた時間, it was good listening practice. some medical terminology which you can ignore otherwise i found it quite comprehensible without subtitles

>> No.19548875

listen more to understand more audio
read more to understand more text
how is that complicated.
>i feel so dumb
compared to who? the kids telling you to read more probably have shit listening so you have the wrong impression.

>> No.19548878
File: 488 KB, 879x493, Screenshot 2018-06-15 at 09.46.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19548887

Hourly reminder

>> No.19548887

Reminder of what? That IGN has a shitty Japanese channel?

>> No.19548889
Quoted by: >>19548899

What's the easiest SOL you can think of? I don't watch much SOL. Keep in mind I am at the level where I only just learned the word for "doctor's office" today.

>> No.19548897

I'd consider myself a beginner and the first 15 minutes were easy at least, can't be bothered to do the rest.

>> No.19548899
Quoted by: >>19548904

Citrus was pretty easy if you like that sort of stuff

>> No.19548902


>> No.19548904

I'm open to any anime that would help me listen, but I know the stuff I usually watch (mecha, psychological, seinen) would be impossible to start with.

>> No.19548912


>> No.19548915

>practice listening to real humans
pick one

>> No.19548925
File: 8 KB, 636x291, KGRD9nl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to start watching anime I guess...

>> No.19548929

>test is end
english is kill

>> No.19548940
Quoted by: >>19548951

Hey, you did as well as NukeMarine in hopefully less time. How long have you been at it?

>> No.19548951

Roughly 10 months.

>> No.19548992
File: 635 KB, 585x922, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19549053

>> No.19549004

Is it possible for a brainlet to learn japanese, given they are autistic enough to put in the time needed?

>> No.19549013


>> No.19549016

You just described about half of all Japanese learners.

>> No.19549017
Quoted by: >>19549218

what's this app

>> No.19549018


>> No.19549053





>> No.19549169

Supposed to mean what time will you finish your part-time job. But what is おわ(います?) I can't find anything for that term.

>> No.19549183


Just gonna guess it's a slangy version of 終わる

>> No.19549189
Quoted by: >>19549276


>> No.19549190
Quoted by: >>19549230

Any mahou shoujo anime or cute girls SoL is likely to be very easy. If you just can't stomach moe, try something more comedy oriented like Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou.

You have to follow that other anon's advice though. Just grit your teeth and face the fact that at first you'll be struggling to understand only a small fraction of what's being said. It should improve quickly if you just keep practicing.

>> No.19549210

I just fucking learned that word too. God I'm stupid sometimes. I even memorized it too because it contains winter which is the end of the year. Oh well.

>> No.19549218


>> No.19549230
Quoted by: >>19549238

>mahou shoujo anime
How easy is that little witch academia anime? I've been wanting to watch that anyway.

>> No.19549238
Quoted by: >>19549267

Didn't watch it, and that's not a very typical mahou shoujo, if you could even call it one, so I wouldn't know.

>> No.19549267

My limited knowledge of the genre is basically just girls with magic, so who knows. However, I feel like I don't know enough to get much out of 99% of anime and would be best to just learn more vocab for now. Maybe I'll give Citrus a shot like the other anon suggested.

>> No.19549274

you "just learn more vocab" by listening you absolute fucking cretin

>> No.19549276

this is improper use of the laughing baby video dude whats ur issue

>> No.19549280

Reading is infinitely more efficient for "just learning more vocab" you cocksucking brainlet.

>> No.19549282

>hear a new vocab
>make anki card
>read a new vocab
>generate anki card
Literally what is the difference?

>> No.19549289


>> No.19549315

>read (not manga)
>listen (not anime)

This is all you had to post

>> No.19549336
Quoted by: >>19549353

On the topic of listening, how do you cope with Japanese speaking so fast that they omit half the fucking sounds? It becomes a real time fill-in-the-blank at mach speed.

>> No.19549342

whats your excuse for not understanding 100% of this then


>> No.19549345

Here's an experiment. Spend an hour listening and an hour reading materials of approximately the same vocabulary difficulty, always mining every new word you find, then compare the amount of words you got from each hour. Go ahead, I'll be waiting for you to report the results.

>> No.19549353
Quoted by: >>19549612

>how do you cope with Japanese speaking so fast that they omit half the fucking sounds
I don't because that literally doesn't happen.

>> No.19549569

reading is more efficient for getting vocab but your listening skills will be complete ass if you rely on reading for vocab.

>> No.19549612

Except it does. They speak fast enough that their words get slurred together and its literally impossible to hear some of the sounds because they just aren't enunciated. This happens in every language. But for Japanese, some of those sounds are very important and you can't make sense of what they are saying unless you're really good at context and have decent fluency, both of which I lack.

>> No.19549621


>> No.19549625

so let me get this straight

you dont know what words someones using because theres a billion words that sound the same but use different kanji AND now you dont know what words someone is saying because they just dont say half of every word??

thats it ive had it this language stupid and japans bullshit

>> No.19549639

if it's too bad to be true it's too bad to be true (except in politics and corporate politics)

>> No.19549668

no thats fuckin it


>> No.19549687
Quoted by: >>19549712

that's just a bad recording
you can barely tell what anyone here is saying either except shit like "the fuck you doin'"

>> No.19549702

no i wasnt makin an argument that was me bein pissed that japanese is BULL SHIT

i wasnt even thinking about whether or not it was hard to understand...... was it?

>> No.19549706

call da pohlees

>> No.19549712

actually thats a accurate representation of me in djt

>> No.19549814
File: 171 KB, 850x1078, __aioi_yuuko_nichijou_drawn_by_shoumaru_gadget_box__sample-8c859fd843c8a456d88b95ac00f86b2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya'll dumbasses arguing about vocab or listening or whatever and here i'm just grinding RTK

>> No.19549822

Tomorrow I get to learn the first kanji in 漢字 in RTK so I'm pretty excited.

>> No.19549824
File: 7 KB, 336x268, rawr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19549842
Quoted by: >>19549864

It means chinese.

>> No.19549844

go get 'em anon, proud of you

>> No.19549864

yea he calls it sino- in the book and says it means chinese

>> No.19549867

just hit my 900th kanji on my rtk-by-frequency-groups, so just one month to go until I can write the top 1000 most common kanji

>> No.19549871

Finished RTK. Now what?

>> No.19549873
Quoted by: >>19549895

RTK 3.

>> No.19549876
Quoted by: >>19549893

>3 kanji a day
err what?

>> No.19549878

10000 hours of anime

>> No.19549886

what more could there be?

>> No.19549889


youre ready for the real shit

>> No.19549893
Quoted by: >>19549908

it's 10 per day
by the time I can write the top 1000 I'll have also learned about 200 less-frequent kanji which are included as components in that 1000

>> No.19549895

wtf bro i just did 2200 i dont wanna kanji anymore

>> No.19549903

he was joking. rtk3 is probably not worth your time, you should direct your efforts toward reading and writing now

>> No.19549908
File: 41 KB, 374x374, 1527361305728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19549930

but if the deck is by frequency shouldn't you be able to do the top 1000 most frequent kanji in 100 kanji since you're at 900 now?

>> No.19549919
Quoted by: >>19549951

don't listen to this >>19549903 looser, reading is for shmucks kanji is the real shit

>> No.19549924
Quoted by: >>19549951

I wasn't joking. I plan on doing RTK 3.

>> No.19549928
Quoted by: >>19549936

reminder if you dont do ichi man kanji cards a day youll never learn japanese in a timely manner

>> No.19549930

I'm at about 700 + 200 now. There's not many new component kanji between now and 1000.

>> No.19549936
Quoted by: >>19549945

who's this ichi man, i'd like to know more so i can learn japanese in a timely manner

>> No.19549945



>> No.19549951

I just flipped through RTK3 and it looks like it's composed of entirely old primitves except the first 33 characters. That seems really easy. I could do 50 per day and be done really soon...

>> No.19549954

go get 'em champ

>> No.19549970
Quoted by: >>19549988


>> No.19549975
File: 1.53 MB, 951x1074, 1504011219319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that not even living in Japan will be enough to save you useless fucks.

>> No.19549977

You should do JIS level 2 while you're at it. RTK3 selection kanji is not very good and when you get into reading it's not enough.

>> No.19549980
Quoted by: >>19549995

i literally seeked right to the part of the video that invalidates you completely almost as if it was magic like i have some kind of innate bull shit detector


>> No.19549987
File: 15 KB, 765x589, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any way to get yomichan generated cards to stop doing this shit? (this is actually really tame, sometimes it spits out 20 repeating definitions). Just the first 1-3 definitions will do.

>> No.19549988
Quoted by: >>19549994


>> No.19549992

oh shit lads heisig-sama suddenly throwing new radicals at me without explaining them yo wtf

>> No.19549995

As if you'd be man enough to ever leave the house.

>> No.19549994

i like the end of your url

>> No.19550003


>> No.19550016

Clicking that link I hoped that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in688K_vdQ0 would load.

>> No.19550023

was davido kun the once living proof (rip) that evangelion was the worst thing to happen to anime ever

>> No.19550038

I'd like to see proof that he an heroed.

>> No.19550076


>> No.19550078

take that shit back to your shitty redditor discord

we g ma in here

>> No.19550088


>> No.19550158
File: 77 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180731-131907_AnkiDroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to fix ankidroid showing Chinese characters. Example

>> No.19550174

Dude whatever it's just a radical.

>> No.19550176

Switch your device to nippongo.

>> No.19550195

add lang="ja" to the element html tag attributes when it contains japanese
e.g. if you have
<span class="blah" style="...">{{Kanji}}</span>
then change it to
<span class="blah" style="..." lang="ja">{{Kanji}}</span>

>> No.19550223

youre gonna have to do that for each of your ichi man cards youre mandated to do each day

good luck cunt

>> No.19550235

>i don't know how anki works, the post
it's a card template. you only have to change it once

>> No.19550246

every single card

>> No.19550251
File: 265 KB, 1915x929, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the way i wanna know how anki works but i get this error every time i even try to install it from the trusted download from cnet

>> No.19550284

Hey guys, long time lurker first time poster here.

What's the difference between は (ha) and が (ga)?


>> No.19550295

they're drawn differently
they're written differently
they're pronounced differently
they mean a different thing
they look different
and most importantly they are all inferior to the superior あ

>> No.19550325

Imagine being this noob

>> No.19550330

imagine this being a sincere post

>> No.19550348
Quoted by: >>19550371

imagine being this ゲイ

*points to わたし*

>> No.19550355


>> No.19550361
Quoted by: >>19550368

I'll be honest I've been on this ride for over a year and I still fuck up が and か

>> No.19550368

Typo'd. I meant は and が, obviously.

>> No.19550371
Quoted by: >>19550382

what does it say lads? i don't know katakana

>> No.19550377

do your guys suggest Heisig-sama's remembering the kana?

>> No.19550382

here ill use it in a sentence for you


>> No.19550391

a quick crucifixion is my friendly suggestion to you

>> No.19550396

yes. specifically げ, the mnemonic being you're fucking げ

>> No.19550404

well i did rtk after completing genki 1 and 2 and tobira and japanese from zero 1-5 or whatever and im not one to brag but lets just say i can play dragon quest with ease now

>> No.19550418


>> No.19550432


>> No.19550450

It is what I used to learn kana and I thought it worked well. I've recommended it many times.

>> No.19550453

Wait is there actually a remember the kana? I was shitposting..

>> No.19550466

dumb ass

>> No.19550480
File: 19 KB, 44x341, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19550632

Do I get the sentence right?
little context: the queen tells 5 men to bring her some artifacts

>These are just/only (ばかり) things that no-one has ever seen.

>> No.19550504
Quoted by: >>19550508

I've gone through 300 kanjis, however 後 is making me suffer. Why the fuck can't I remember it?

>> No.19550508
Quoted by: >>19550535

are you using RTK?

>> No.19550535
Quoted by: >>19550619

Nope. Just have some kanjis coupled up in an anki deck and practice them with the help of jisho

>> No.19550615

you're not me you're a FAKE

>> No.19550619
Quoted by: >>19550651

change to RTK while you still can

>> No.19550632

there are only things here that no one has seen

>> No.19550651

Don't have the money to get that. Thanks either way

>> No.19550658

It's a free download in the OP you dipshit retard moron. Get out of this thread.

>> No.19550660

read the fucking sticky dude
theres a pdf right there if you look for it

>> No.19550662
File: 61 KB, 960x902, 1532823130841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't have the money to get that.

>> No.19550768


>> No.19550777
File: 16 KB, 263x141, 0bbf44d6e16311fcb4c54d059a73afa107e6ea6b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s been exactly a year since I started learning Japanese so I thought it would be worth trying to do this test for the first time.

I spent almost the entire listening part of the test facepalming hoping it would end. With the exception of one question (How many people are in your family) I understood very little and had to guess.

I felt confident with vocabulary with Kanji in particular but I struggled with the non-kanji words and Katakana.

Grammar I struggle with a lot but I felt more confident then the listening part even though I did worse.

Reading I answered a few questions and then skipped though every other questions.

If the quiz wasn’t multiple choice I probably would have scored no more than 10-15 points. At times I feel like I’m really making progress with the language but these type of tests really show how far there is to go. I think I’ll avoid taking these tests until my grammar and listening skills have improved.

Also, I was reading some of the test instructions as literal questions like ‘Fill in the _____’ and I was confused thinking why none of the answered (A,B,C,D) correlate to the questions, it took me a while to figure out it wasn’t part of the question…

>> No.19550796

mosikasite reddito

>> No.19550801
Quoted by: >>19550814

This isn't the greek thread.

>> No.19550814
File: 124 KB, 600x534, 1439158774244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19550815
Quoted by: >>19550939

>I spent almost the entire listening part of the test facepalming hoping it would end. With the exception of one question (How many people are in your family) I understood very little and had to guess.
The "read more" advice strikes again. It should be "read and listen more".

>> No.19550828

iie reditokarano pasta jyaarimasen

kokolono hontono koe des

>> No.19550939

read more. listen when you can

>> No.19550949

i think nukemarine was very good

why is he making guides for how to learn japanese?

>> No.19551019
File: 150 KB, 447x600, wani2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice wanikani forums copypasta

>> No.19551031

wani kani girl is cuter than djt meme girl
