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File: 542 KB, 877x1240, Cross-Over.full.633496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15688377 No.15688377 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>15688388

07th Expansion thread becuase last one is dead.

Also best girls of their respective series.

>> No.15688388
File: 139 KB, 700x636, __asmodeus_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_misumi_kouji__5fd1941b856678e050ae3d59ab58f45e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mammon best butt girl.

>> No.15688391

Okay, here we go.

Link to EP1-EP6 Explanation
link to the Sprite Batch
link to the Original/PS3/Steam sprite comparison images
link to the main wiki (beware that although the wiki is correct on a big sum of topics, it's not an omnipotent information source, so do not trust every word without comparing it to your own experiences and those of other anons)

link for Ougon Musou Kyoku/CROSS (In order to unlock Lambdadelta and Bern, you need to install in order OMK->OMK Patch->OMK-CROSS->CROSS Patch in the same folder. The Installer might take a bit to load, but be patient enough and it'll be just fine. This torrent includes all four parts mentioned above.)

Alternatively, you can download the pre-installed version of CROSS from here.

>> No.15688402 [DELETED] 

I doesn't look too bad though. Sorry. I just wanted to spend some time.

>> No.15688427 [DELETED] 

Deleting post in 1, 2, Boom!!

>> No.15688465 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15688648

Tried to add Kinzo's cape onto Ange.
It didn't work, fuck Ange's side long hair. Only short hair people can wear the cape.

>> No.15688472 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15688480

Am I too harsh?

>> No.15688474 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15688489

Does anyone have an image of Battler wearing Kinzo's cape with the pachinko sprite?

>> No.15688479
File: 426 KB, 1305x1121, Ange head comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15688487

To the anon who asked last thread about scaling Ange's head, here's a comparison between 100%, 95%, and 90% the original size. For this one I think 95% is actually best choice. At 90% her proportions start looking weird, with her head being roughly the same size as one of her breasts.

>> No.15688480 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15688491

Not really, I only respect people who are harsh.

>> No.15688487 [DELETED] 

Holy shit that baby head hahahaha.

>> No.15688489
File: 3.75 MB, 1687x2416, 004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15688519

Chiru sprites aren't available yet, but here's the picture from the artbook.

>> No.15688491 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15688524

But it feels terrible later.

>> No.15688519 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15688523

Then I guess we'll have to wait to be able to add a Kinzo cape to Ange.

>> No.15688523 [DELETED] 

How many character has been ruined by you now? I forgot.

>> No.15688524 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15688532

Not really, most people aren't harsh enough or poorly argue.

>> No.15688528

C'mon, man, he's just making shitty nude edits.

>> No.15688532 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15688629

What are you trying to say?

>> No.15688565

i have some questions about ep2, can someone here answer ?

>> No.15688571

Magic is real
Beatrice killed everyone using magic

>> No.15688575 [DELETED] 
File: 400 KB, 908x1078, Nanjo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15688621

Nanjo was the culprit all along. He was hiding the bomb inside his belly.

>> No.15688600
Quoted by: >>15688613

That depends on what you mean by ruined.

>> No.15688613 [DELETED] 

>twenty minutes later
I don't care now. Don't talk to me.

>> No.15688621
Quoted by: >>15688631

That reminds me, wasn't Nanjo part of the conspiracy with Genji and Kumasawa who knew about Yasu?

>> No.15688629 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15688643

Arguing is fun but people are boring.

>> No.15688631 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15688640

Yes. Everything is starting to make sense now.

>> No.15688637
Quoted by: >>15688650

please respond

>> No.15688640

Do you think it's relevant to what really happened?

How canon is the manga anyway? Everything swears on their mum that what was described in it was totally 100% true, but it's Ryukishi we're talking about.

>> No.15688643 [DELETED] 

I'm boring?

>> No.15688648
File: 355 KB, 536x1121, Ange cape 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried

>> No.15688650 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15688689

moshi moshi

>> No.15688668 [DELETED] 
File: 300 KB, 536x1121, ange cape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good try.
How about mine?

I'd finish it but my grandparents want to see me, so off to eat I go.

>> No.15688681 [DELETED] 

it looks horrible. I wish you both a painful death.

>> No.15688689 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15688698

Natsuhi desu?

Nani nani? Desu desu~

>> No.15688698 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 500x564, burning hate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15688705


>> No.15688705 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15688752


>> No.15688706
Quoted by: >>15688720

Any suggestions on how to improve them?

>> No.15688712

1. why is beatrice tormenting shannon/kanon when they techncially are the same people

2. how does breaking the mirror and awakening beatrice change her "inescapable fate".

3. what exactly is the butterfly brooch beatrice gave to shannon? how can't she love without it?

>> No.15688717 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15688726

Has anyone ever noticed that the cape Battler wears looks absolutely nothing like Kinzo's cape?

>> No.15688720 [DELETED] 

Why don't you smash your molars with a piece of iron instead?

>> No.15688724 [DELETED] 

How would that improve the art?

>> No.15688726
File: 61 KB, 1023x709, 1470755356141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly never noticed.
I'm too focused on Bernkasstel's butt.

>> No.15688730

calm down it's just bad art

>> No.15688736

1. inner turmoil
2. inner turmoil
3. inner turmoil

remember just because something was shown doesn't mean it literally happened, doubly so for all magic/shkannon scenes

>> No.15688745
Quoted by: >>15688754

>1. why is beatrice tormenting shannon/kanon when they techncially are the same people
you've never had conflicting feelings in your entire life?
>2. how does breaking the mirror and awakening beatrice change her "inescapable fate".
it was her testing the explosives and setting forth the whole plan for the roulette
>3. what exactly is the butterfly brooch beatrice gave to shannon? how can't she love without it?
probably a metaphor for yasu letting herself fall in love

>> No.15688752 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 500x281, ZZZ...zzz...Zzz....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15688939

>treating me like a baby
Ironically I feel good now.

>> No.15688754

i have had conflicting feelings, but shannon /kanon literally have polar opposite attitudes compared with beatrice, which made it confusing for me.

>> No.15688761

Don't quote me on this, but when someone has different personalities, they often don't get along well.

>> No.15688804

Well from what I can tell, Kanon takes on all of Shannon's daily frustrations, meaning that he's the one who gets angry while Shannon remains calm.

>> No.15688872

Looks pretty good. I think I should finish the shading before I continue with outfits, otherwise the pieces will just look flat.

>> No.15688876 [DELETED] 

I think I'm going to take some time away from /jp/.

>> No.15688939 [DELETED] 

You're like a little cat. If you poke it a bit, it tends to bite you. But if you find being bitten hilarious you keep poking the cat while pushing down on its jaws until it can no longer bits, and runs away.

>> No.15688950 [DELETED] 

Maybe a month or two. Grumpy anon is going to be very happy. Just spreading the good news, to be honest I can't even stand myself these days.

>> No.15689223

What is the point of episode 3? It just seems like it is pushing Eva being the culprit the whole time.

>> No.15689236
Quoted by: >>15689238

I think that ending gave me trust issues.

>> No.15689238
Quoted by: >>15689262

That ending gave me a boner

>> No.15689262

That ending gave me a boner with trust issues.

>> No.15689296

So what's going on with this thread anyway? A Seacats nude titty mod general or something? I've glossed past this thread like the last three incarnations and you guys seem to be working on something involving badly edited sprites, but for what purpose?

>> No.15689304
Quoted by: >>15689507

Not everyone. I talk about the games and about how much I want to spank Bernkastel and the stakes.
I just ignore the nude guy because it won't do any good to call him out.

>> No.15689326
Quoted by: >>15689445

I don't think they have a specific purpose, they're just making them for fun

>> No.15689341
Quoted by: >>15689496

The thread is for everything related to 07th Expansion. It's just that we ran out of things to insult each others about.

>> No.15689414

Do you have a problem with people having fun?

>> No.15689438
Quoted by: >>15689471

tri when

>> No.15689445
Quoted by: >>15689511

I personally want to make an edit outfit for most of the cast. Reading it will be hilarious.

>> No.15689471
Quoted by: >>15689612

In 16 days. And then we have to wait forever for the translation

>> No.15689492
Quoted by: >>15689508

So there's Higurashi, Umineko, and what else?

>> No.15689496

>It's just that we ran out of things to insult each others about.
Isn't that when it's time to stop making threads?

Wasn't there something called Rose Gun Days, and some other thing about a bullied loli(or was that another VN group?) Why did that fade into obscurity so quickly?

>> No.15689501


>> No.15689507
File: 133 KB, 395x541, Magical Gohda Chef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about that. I didn't realize it was bothering anyone. There's no real reason I'm doing it. It's just something fun to do. Plus if I keep doing it hopefully I'll start to improve. And it's not just nude edits.

You don't need to be so considerate. If I'm bothering you then just let me know and I'll try to tone it down a bit.

>> No.15689508
Quoted by: >>15689520

Higanbana and Rose Guns Days.
Ryuukishi has also worked on other projects but I'm not sure if those are discussed here

>> No.15689511
Quoted by: >>15689718

>most of the cast
Even the male characters?

>> No.15689520

So Higanbana is the emo story about Japanese Carrie being bullied and Rose Gun Days is the other with the Gary Tsu?

>> No.15689538

I don't think they're that obscure. Higanbana was released for the 3DS a few weeks ago, and Rose Guns Days is getting a new release and a stage play soon

>> No.15689559
Quoted by: >>15689591

Anyone here Game Master? Please explain

>> No.15689588
File: 192 KB, 800x1156, umineko-no-naku-koro-ni-chiru-episode-8-twilight-of-the-golden-witch-6093631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess if you look at it from a meta perspective, the manga even elaborates on this, the reason it pushes Eva as the culprit is because Tohya originally thought that Eva was the culprit.

>> No.15689591
File: 558 KB, 1000x1445, img000033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the first forgery written by battler/Ikuko back when they thought that Eva really was the culprit.

>> No.15689595


>> No.15689596
Quoted by: >>15689643

Yes I understand that but i don't see how it really is relevant to episodes 1-2.. unless im missing something

>> No.15689598


>> No.15689612
Quoted by: >>15689614

How much time it took for umineko to be completely translated when came out?

>> No.15689614

It was translated piece after piece, so it's difficult to answer.

>> No.15689643
Quoted by: >>15689727

What do you mean by relevant? If you go by a magic perspective, then it's just another of the games Beatrice is challenging Battler with, and shkanon is the culprit before Eva finds the gold, then Eva becomes the new Beatrice after she finds the gold.

If you go for a "real world" perspective, then it's the first forgery from Battler, and the reason Eva is the culprit is because it was the most logical view based on what he remembered.

>> No.15689718
Quoted by: >>15689857

Lol no.
That would be gay.

>> No.15689727

I don't see how episode 3 goes with episode 1 or 2.. they seem way different to me. the story was coherent in the first two episodes.. everything changed in ep3, so i guess i can't see the "heart" connecting them for one solution

>> No.15689734
Quoted by: >>15689743

>pushes Eva culprit while also including hints for Yasu and the whole shkannontrice

I call bull. R07 came up with this near the very end to make sense of the forgery story.

>> No.15689743

It pushes Shkanontrice because while Tohya thought Eva was the culprit, Ikuko was the one that knew the secret and probably edited the episode to make things fit.

>> No.15689757

So what was up with the lack of rule X in episode 8 of Higurashi? It doesn't make much sense as to why they would set up the three rules in the previous episode only to have the most important one be violated in the following episode.

>> No.15689758

Why does Ange's breasts look HUGE in the new sprite?

>> No.15689849 [DELETED] 
File: 348 KB, 1082x960, kir_defa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15689857
Quoted by: >>15689911

I guess you're not up to the challenge then, not good enough. It's fine. You can't come here expecting high quality.
Because some men think that the chest of a girl has to be like the same size as the testicles of a blue whale.

>> No.15689911 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15689936

>I guess you're not up to the challenge then, not good enough.
Too bad. If you want something changed, do it yourself. I'm doing this out of fun and self interest at the moment. It doesn't mean that it won't be done, but the likelihood is that these exotic lewd sprite are made out for the intent of fun and eroticism. If your sexuality or opinion is different, simply convince us or make some by yourself, it's that simple.
Expectation is worthless.

>> No.15689936 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15689965

I don't know how, and I was just teasing you, idiot. Also, I'm not really here. I'm an illusion.

>> No.15689965 [DELETED] 

Illusion to illusion.
A disappearing act cannot happen when the audience is not fooled.

>> No.15690508

So... what about discussing the best tracks of Higanbana's OST (which is also very good)?

Post your favorite tracks


>> No.15690516

Oh, it would be this one for sure:

>> No.15690520

I think I've found a playlist, if anyone's interested


Not sure if it's complete or not.

>> No.15690526

>not posting "そこには誰もいないはず" suspensefulness


>> No.15690540

This thread needs God Sakutaro's theme

>> No.15690645

For me, by far:

Based dai

>> No.15690651

Izanami's theme is also suberb (The Great Detective Knows vibes)


>> No.15691514
File: 305 KB, 700x1121, Ange nude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. This should do it for Ange's nude edit. I tried a new shading method this time and I think it turned out pretty well. Let me know what you think.

>> No.15691526
File: 414 KB, 700x1121, Ange summer outfit shade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the outfit from last time with the final version.

>> No.15691532
File: 315 KB, 536x1121, Ange Eagle Dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15691670

And finally, here's the one-winged eagle dress.

>> No.15691670 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15691755

Oooh, I love it
You need to fix Ange's leg though, there's a weird line sticking out next to her stocking on the right.

>> No.15691691 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15691755

Although I really enjoy Ange's new outfit and lady wear, it doesn't look naked enough, at least compared to the rest of the other lewd outfits we've made.

>> No.15691755
File: 412 KB, 700x1121, Ange summer outfit shade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15691773

Yeah, I' noticed right after posting it

Yeah, you're right. They're more like gap pieces rather than full on lewds. Any ideas? Should we try tweaking one of the current outfits or just make a third one?

>> No.15691757 [DELETED] 

Also can you make her skirt see through? It adds to the lewd.

>> No.15691773 [DELETED] 
File: 215 KB, 409x1024, naked ange lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really have any ideas. I liked this dress but it's a bit too barren.

>> No.15691955

So I thought about something.
Even if Yasu decided to come clean to the Ushiromiyas instead of starting his roulette game, everything would've turned out the exact same, the Ushiromiyas parents wouldn't have accepted him, even if Nanjo and Genji were to back him up, and the cousins would be too horrified to learn about him.
From the moment Natushi threw him down a cliff, everyone was fucked.

>> No.15692034 [DELETED] 
File: 418 KB, 960x960, naked ange 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, he's Ange with a see through skirt.

>> No.15692063

Rule x usually happens after watanagashi

>> No.15692080 [DELETED] 
File: 395 KB, 411x887, naked ange 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed a few annoying lines that annoyed me.
Honestly, while it might not be as lewd as the rest of the other lewd we've made, this is still a really good outfit.

Rule X and Y only applied when they happen. If you break the cycle before rule X happens, you're good.
The point of ep 8 was that the only way to prevent tragedy, you had to act before it happened, before Rule X took effect.
You'll notice that every time the Watanagashi happens and Rule X happens, shit goes down, without fail, so the obvious is just to stop Tanako before she 'dies'.
Just as Rika noticed in ep 7 that Oiishi really isn't that much of an asshole before the Watanagashi festival. It's only when he's in his police investigation to uncover who killed his father figure that he goes completely apathetic and cruel.

>> No.15692095

I'm working on a lewder alternate version right now. Almost done.

>> No.15692096 [DELETED] 

Though I personally believe that Ryukishi just wanted to end his story on the day of the Watanagashi festival with everyone having fun because fun things are fun.

>> No.15692251
File: 596 KB, 2336x1121, Ange lewd possibilities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I got a bit carried away and made several changes. I couldn't decide so I made a few different combinations.

>> No.15692337 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15692367

Ehhh, I dunno, I don't really like the mini skirt with the panties.
Can you do a mini skirt see through but where you can't entirely see the slit? Like >>15692080 ?

I think the 2nd one is best but the panties feel too weird. Showing more of her torso makes it less like an outfit and more like something lewd. This might be the solution.

>> No.15692349 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15692367

Also, one of Ange's fingers has paint on it.

>> No.15692360 [DELETED] 

Gimme a sec to try something I have an idea.

>> No.15692367
File: 303 KB, 700x1121, Ange topless 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, those were meant to be lewds. But I'll see what I can do

>> No.15692446 [DELETED] 
File: 373 KB, 457x1011, naked ange 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15692496

The thing is that I don't feel Ange should have panties at all, due to the whole Ange always showing her bare ass all the time. And having a see through skirt (or mini skirt) is the perfect thing to cover her slit.

>> No.15692464 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15692496

Arghh I can't seem to get the right amount of see through that covers her slit but shows the rest of her hips. It has to be just enough for you to make out the outline of her slit but not enough for you to see it at first glance.

>> No.15692496
File: 384 KB, 700x1121, Ange skirt transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15692504

The best thing about Ange not wearing panties is all the potential ass shots. But without any rear-view sprites we can't appreciate that anyway, and instead we just miss out on all the potential pieces involving panties.

Alright, How's this? I tried to make it so that you could just barely make out her crotch if you look closely.

>> No.15692504 [DELETED] 

Perfect, that's exactly what I had in mind but couldn't get right. I think it looks finished.

>> No.15692514 [DELETED] 

Oh one, more thing, give me a second to add something.

>> No.15692542 [DELETED] 
File: 385 KB, 700x1121, naked ange 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15692572

There we go. I made an outline of Ange's skirt. It's so that the material itself is made to see through rather than make the skirt itself look see through.
It's a small touch but I think it adds a lot.

>> No.15692564
File: 229 KB, 1280x957, tmp_5051-IMG_20160816_003157-2014826807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15692575

Saw this in Kyoto today. New pachinko / slot machine.

>> No.15692569 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15692610

Oups, small mistake.
I think Ange looks finished.

>> No.15692572
File: 3.11 MB, 2952x960, lewd lineup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it looks better that way. Alright then, that's another one down. I guess all that's left is to add her nipples and slit, both of which would be left partially exposed in this outfit I think. Or maybe I'll just skip that for now and move on to the next one? After all, I still haven't even done Eva's yet. Also, Who should be next? I probably want to do at least on more human first before taking another shot at the fantasy side.

>> No.15692575 [DELETED] 

>everyone looking happy
>Mion has the crazy eyes for no reason
The hell?

>> No.15692593 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15692617

Oh one more thing could you add some shadows under Ange's skirt like >>15691526

>> No.15692610 [DELETED] 
File: 385 KB, 700x1121, naked ange 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image.

>Or maybe I'll just skip that for now and move on to the next one?
Nah, I say we skip to the next one. Just like Maria also needs outskirt of her nipples showing, we can add that later.

>> No.15692617

Right. Oh, come to think of it, I never put shadows under her breasts either.

>> No.15692622 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15692629

>Who should be next?
How about Jessica?

>> No.15692629

Sounds good. Rounds out the female cousins.

>> No.15692685 [DELETED] 
File: 329 KB, 960x960, jes_aisowaraia1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15692758

This is going to be fun.

>> No.15692711

Anyone know if there's a Vietnamese translation for the VN? Want to introduce the series to a relative.

>> No.15692758
File: 2.36 MB, 960x932, output_YedMZR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15692771
Quoted by: >>15692830

I don't think so. The only versions are know are English or Japanese.

>> No.15692830

It's in some other languages as well. There's a list of all the versions here

There is no Vietnamese version though

>> No.15692839 [DELETED] 

>there's a French version
Oh putain, je suis excité.

>> No.15693063

Damn, you think a Viet translation of the manga would suffice then? Even though it doesn't include everything from the VN.

>> No.15693076 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15693085

Pourquoi? Tu ne savais pas que Umineko était traduit?

>> No.15693085
Quoted by: >>15693193

I hope they removed all the Japanese honorifics. French is rich enough to have equivalents.

>> No.15693193 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15693267

Ah bon. Hmmm, je n'ai aussi jamais lu Umineko en francais. Pense tu que c'est aussi bien traduit que la version francaise de Higurashi?

>> No.15693245
Quoted by: >>15693267

It's only Episode 1 though

>> No.15693267
Quoted by: >>15693288

I dont know, mate.
I wanted to help translate Umineko back then, but compared to Saffran, I'm just a scrub.

Better than nothing at all.

>> No.15693288 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15693312

Yeah, same. Higurashi's translation was rather good overall. I'd have to reread it again to check how well it compares to the new MG translation.
Umineko is also insanely long and I don't think I would be able to do justice. Plus I'm half lazy, so I would probably give up halfway.

>> No.15693312
Quoted by: >>15693329

Higurashi is the only French translation that was okay, and that's only because the translator managed to make the kid sounds like kids without it sounding forced.

>> No.15693329 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15693352

Personally, I didn't feel that the kids sounded like kids at all except for maybe Satoko.

>> No.15693352
Quoted by: >>15693428

I dunno, they used slang and expressions that were pretty childish. Some of them I never heard before. Like Keiichi saying to the girls "J'vais vous mettre une pile!"
Never heard it before.

>> No.15693428 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15693434

I dunno, maybe it's just my personal annoyance that French sounds too sophisticated and less coarse. It's more than just slang but the feel of it.
At the time though, it was still the best Higurashi translation, but it's been so long and I don't know.

>> No.15693434

>it was still the best Higurashi translation
More like the only.
It did a fine job at localizing rather than just translating.

>> No.15693624
File: 118 KB, 800x600, 1427542433070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15693913

>> No.15693764

has anyone here fully solved umineko? i need help solving it. i can't figure it out

>> No.15693791 [DELETED] 

I'd rather talk about how Jessica doesn't deserve to be considered human and should be naked at all times.

The more I think about it, the more I keep coming to the realization that we should just make a nude model for Jessica and leave it at that.

>> No.15693804
File: 512 KB, 1000x1464, img000001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15693840

Just read Episode 8 of the manga

>> No.15693840
Quoted by: >>15693908

i have read everything, im just still having trouble understanding a few points

>> No.15693908
Quoted by: >>15693940

R07 probably does as well

>> No.15693913
Quoted by: >>15693917


>> No.15693917


>> No.15693940

i just want to solve it. im sure some people here understand it more than i do.

>> No.15693965

If you've read the manga, what is there left to be confused about?

>> No.15694043

i have alot of questions but basically these :

1. how was everything supposed to remind battler of his promise

2. how did battler revive beato by the rules

3. why was battler so sorry when he learned the truth? if she really just mass murdered everyone that reaction is strange.

4. how were bernkastel and lambdadelta manipulating beatrice.

>> No.15694057

also one more, in episode 6 beato revives truly to save battler from a locked room.. does that apply before that episode at all?

>> No.15694061

The only thing you really need to know is that the "episodes" and Ange's misadventures take place in two different planes of existence.
Ange's adventures are definitely real, the other stuff with Lambdadelta, Buttkasstel and Beatrice is magic.

1. Because Yasu and Battler talked about murder mysteries.
2. He didn't, it's a different Beatrice.
3. Because he was late.
4. Literally "magic".

>> No.15694089
Quoted by: >>15694108

>how was everything supposed to remind battler of his promise
The games left clues for Battler to find about the truth.

>how did battler revive beato by the rules
The rules of the game is what makes up Beatrice.

>why was battler so sorry when he learned the truth? if she really just mass murdered everyone that reaction is strange.
Because if Battler knew the truth sooner and remembered his promise to Shannon, he would have stopped her before she murdered everyone and blew up the island, as well as apologize to her for forgetting her.

>how were bernkastel and lambdadelta manipulating beatrice.
Lambdadelta was using Beatrice to lock Bernkastel into an endless loop where she would never win. Bernkastel is supporting Battler to win against Beatrice.

>also one more, in episode 6 beato revives truly to save battler from a locked room.. does that apply before that episode at all?
I don't understand the meaning of this question. If you're asking if the way Beatrice saved Battler would apply to any other scenario before the episode would apply, then yes. Since she is also Kanon and Shannon.

>> No.15694108
Quoted by: >>15694435

i meant maybe the locked room applies before it was shown in ep6, which is why beatrice is so fluent in closed rooms. maybe to actually help battler? im not sure about this its just something i thought of

>> No.15694167

Battler and Yasu killed everyone.

>> No.15694243
Quoted by: >>15694377

I had a dream last night where I met Ryukishi07 and tried to talk to him, however it was kind of awkward since I can't speak Japanese, and I just ended up not understanding him.

>> No.15694377 [DELETED] 

Ryukishi is fluent in english, he just likes to make everyone believe he's not.

>> No.15694435
Quoted by: >>15698909

Shannon read many mystery novels with Battler so she was knowledgeable about many kinds of closed rooms. Beatrice used that knowledge to create all the closed room murders and frustrate Battler in the previous games, and used her true nature (Shkanontrice) to help him out in Ep 6. But if you're asking if this specific closed room scenario happened before Ep 6, then no.

>> No.15695405
File: 478 KB, 1356x3048, Kodaka pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, I know Ryukishi, Kodaka and Uchikoshi know each other, and that they talk about their mystery works and stuff. But isn't this a bit too much of a direct reference to Umineko in the Danganronpa 3 anime?

>> No.15695423
Quoted by: >>15695444

Wait, is this scene for real?
Like, seriously?

>> No.15695444

I just watched it too (quite a nice episode I might add). These screenshots are from the latest episode that was released today some hours ago (the Mirai-hen part, in this case).

Damn DR3 being aired as two separated series in the same season... though it was quite a smart idea imo.

>> No.15695479
Quoted by: >>15695528

I think this is too vague to be a reference, unless I'm forgetting something.

>> No.15695528

I think he is refering to:
1- EP5-6, Erika's quote, which is pretty similar
2- Which is also additional foreshadowing to Battler, as being the "detective", is also the indirect cause of the murders occurring
3- "Without love it cannot be seen"

>> No.15695540

Isn't that a common saying? I definitely feel like I've heard it before I read Umineko

>> No.15695576

Common saying, you say?

I only remember having hearing it, in this particular context (all the 4 phrases being spelled consecutively), in Umineko, to be honest.

It could be just a coincidence, but the "Don't think just logically and try to use your heart while employing a detective technique" part just sounds pretty fishy putting it together with the phrase just before.

>> No.15695587

Isn't this line from one of Edogawa Ranpo's novels, the major influence in Ryukishi's descriptive narrative? iirc, at least

Though it does sounds a little too much in the same context imo

>> No.15695754


>> No.15695760



>> No.15695826

I second middle one

>> No.15695859
Quoted by: >>15698688

Seacats lewdinganon could you lewd beato if you get some spare lewding time?

>> No.15696462

This thread is so dead right now it's depressing.

I hope things gets better as soon as TRT hit the market.

>> No.15696777 [SPOILER] 
File: 103 KB, 750x1192, 1471333392570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Higurashi and I'm looking into playing Umineko, should I buy the steam version or get one with the ps3 sprites?

>> No.15696856
Quoted by: >>15697121

Buying the Steam version supports the series, but the ps3 version is better.

>> No.15697027
File: 495 KB, 567x2267, 1271101371958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15697121

there is a project to port PS3 sprites and voices to the Steam release, but iirc they'll go with it after they finish tatarigoroshi and they can't do it because the sprites guy fell of the face of the earth

>> No.15697121
File: 58 KB, 345x439, rena6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How is the steam translation? Is there any difference between the ps3 version OST and the one on steam?

>> No.15697138

It's Mangagamer.

>> No.15697206
Quoted by: >>15697228

They apparently improved the translation for the Steam release, but it's not like the original translation was bad.

>> No.15697228

>How is the steam translation?
Honestly good.

>the ps3 version OST and the one on steam?
Not that I can tell. At the time, MG did not have the rights to use Higurashi's original score because it was music clips from free music on the internet. To compensate, they had to add their own music which was just annoying at times. However, this new translation uses the music from Hou, which is the same in the ps3 ost, so it's all good.
The original translation was pretty bad. The one you've read was not the original translation, that was after MG released their translation and people bitched that it was shit. The end product was still not really well translated overall, especially if you compare it to the french translation.

>> No.15697242
Quoted by: >>15697245

I read witch hunt's translation back when it first came out. It was fine.

>> No.15697245

We're talking about Higurashi, not Umineko.

>> No.15697284
File: 98 KB, 500x600, Rena-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15700074

You know, one of the inconsistencies that really annoys me is how Rena wears her neck collar and wrist protector but only in her everyday outfit.
Rena should be wearing one every day in every outfit including her school outfit.

In MG's sprites, Rena doesn't even wear the wrist cover in her everyday outfit. In the original sprites and ps3, she only wears them in her every day outfit.

Does anyone else get annoyed by that?

>> No.15697295
File: 160 KB, 640x480, rena_si_na_a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15697417
Quoted by: >>15697427

>this new translation uses the music from Hou, which is the same in the ps3 ost
That isn't true at all. The Steam translation uses the music from the original game, which isn't the same as the music in Sui. Hou and Sui doesn't have the same music to begin with either

>> No.15697427

>Hou and Sui doesn't have the same music to begin with either
No? I was sure it had the same music. Ah well.

>> No.15698688
Quoted by: >>15698767

I'm working on Jessica now, but I'll see what I can do. It wouldn't be the first time I do 2 at once.

>> No.15698767
Quoted by: >>15698816

Once you're done with Beatrice's naked base, do you think you would be able to add a collar around her neck?

>> No.15698816
Quoted by: >>15698836

Sure, I can make a collared version.

>> No.15698836

Sweet. I have a cute idea of making Beatrice and Shannon wear collars. For hilarity reasons.

>> No.15698909

have another question
in episode 6 it says beatrice is supposed to love/ serve battler, but in the games shes tormenting him.. is that love visible in the first 4 games?

>> No.15698915

Without love it cannot be seen.

>> No.15698975
Quoted by: >>15698993

Part of the reason why Beatrice was tormenting him in the first place was to get him motivated to actually try and discover the truth.

What ep 6 is referring to is about Beatrice being Battler's ideal woman.

>> No.15698993
Quoted by: >>15699116

it said she was instilled with the goal to love battler and make him acknowledge her. theres also the whole thing about wanting to create a universe/ share magic with battler..but i don't see how since shes torturing him the whole time. at the end of episode 4 she was completely dissapointed in battler

>> No.15699018
Quoted by: >>15699039

I don't remember reading, but does Erika have a lot of trouble to put a ring on Battler's finger?

>> No.15699039
Quoted by: >>15699063

Yeah, the finger was rather small and the ring didn't fit in.

>> No.15699063
Quoted by: >>15699274

Ha, okay. I remember Erika sucking Battler's finger and I could figure if it happened or if I remembered it wrong.

>> No.15699116

It wasn't torture, it was actually a game. Like two children playing with each other. Battler often remembers in ep5 and ep6 that how much fun they had together, playing this game, even though he had to watch his relatives get killed over and over again, he can't deny that he enjoyed the battle of wits they had.

>> No.15699136


So anti-fantasy or anti-mystery? Which side do you guys take?

>> No.15699274
File: 2.00 MB, 723x2858, it's his dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15699286

Here's a helpful visual representation.

>> No.15699286

Please stop. I already have a unhealthy lust for Bernkastel's and the Stakes' asses, I don't want to have an Erika Dominatrix fetish to add to the list.

>> No.15699325 [DELETED] 
File: 3.60 MB, 728x5648, it's his dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15699332

Domination is fun.

>> No.15699332

>blushing Erika
She's clearly enjoying it.

>> No.15699336
File: 2.95 MB, 728x4572, it's his dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Domination is fun.

>> No.15699343
File: 2.93 MB, 719x4572, it's his dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15699350

Jesus, why do I keep fucking up?

>> No.15699350
Quoted by: >>15699361

I want to spank Erika and take a good look at her blushing, sweating and crying face.

>> No.15699361
Quoted by: >>15699389

I want to chain Erika in collar around her end section limb of her body and pierce her nipples to put in nipple rings.

>> No.15699389
Quoted by: >>15699417

>pierce her nipples
Yeah, no. Mutilation is a no-no.

>> No.15699393

Am I the only one who thinks the only good part of Umineko is episode 1 + episode 7 tea party? Why are the rest so shit?

>> No.15699400
Quoted by: >>15699427

Because you were expecting a sequel to Higurashi.

>> No.15699408
Quoted by: >>15699427

Because you're taste is shit.

>> No.15699417

You know nothing of domination. Nipple piecing is the absolute form of submission. It is the equivalent of a ring of marriage but of the soul. Not only that but it serve a duel purpose as it is hidden under the clothes and it is only when the submissive partner is entirely naked does she give herself to you. But even when she is closed, she still, essentially, belong to you.
There is no greater submissive position other than being naked on the floor, begging to be broken and taken.

>> No.15699427
Quoted by: >>15699447

But I didn't, I just wanted to have an actually good story.
But now that I think about it, maybe it really would have been better if it was more like Higurashi.

>tfw furniture
>tfw teenager love problems
>tfw pointless fantasy scenes

Yeah, sure. It really is R07's greatest work, for sure!

>> No.15699447
File: 114 KB, 640x480, 1470784483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15699466

Sorry, but it is.
You liked Episode 1 because it reminded you of Higurashi's mystery, and the fact that you hated Yasu's self-esteem issues and the whole fantasy issues means you wanted a real mystery instead of the "okay I murdered you're mom in a closed room, tell me how I did it or I win".

>> No.15699466

But why make episode 1 like this when the rest of the series is totally different? Cheap bait, Ryukishi. Cheap bait. It took a totally different turn at ep2.
He should have just made the first episode already with the meta and fantasy elements instead of fooling me into thinking that this will be a good series.

Well at least most of the human characters were entertaining and the music was good.

>> No.15699474
Quoted by: >>15699503

shit taste.

>> No.15699476
Quoted by: >>15699503

Well, it can actually be defended as it being the pawn's point of view, but yeah, Ryukishi is a bit cheap.
>advertise Umineko as mystery
>the actuals mysteries aren't the murder but the whole meta bullshit

>> No.15699493

>But why make episode 1 like this when the rest of the series is totally different? Cheap bait, Ryukishi. Cheap bait. It took a totally different turn at ep2.
Really? Come on, It comes full circle by the end.
>starts off with no magic
>ends with so much meta that it goes back into the real world

>> No.15699503
Quoted by: >>15699522

Sorry but I don't like reading walls of text upon walls of text about teenager love issues and fairy tale scenes.

Yeah, that is what I am talking about.
He should have just started with meta Battler and meta Beatrice already present. It was completely unnecessary to write ep1 the way it was written if the rest of the story goes into a whole different direction and have a whole different atmosphere to it.

>> No.15699504
Quoted by: >>15699545

You lost the argument.

>> No.15699518
Quoted by: >>15699545

I wanted things to stay the same because episode 1 was actually legit good. The rest I didn't enjoy. They lacked suspense and atmosphere, felt like a mess to me.

>> No.15699522
Quoted by: >>15699558

It would have been a little too complicated, I think. He did a fine job of introducing each level with the Tea Party and the ?????, introducing everything from the very beginning would've made everyone even more confused.

But Umineko is a trainwreck anyway. Apparently the guy who helped Ryukishi to not fuck up died.

>> No.15699545
Quoted by: >>15699598

It's called reformulating, not strawmanning. For it to have been a strawman, I would have to purposefully make it bad to tear it down. All I've done is hyperbole your original claim into an exaggeration so that it becomes self evident that it's stupid.

The bottom portion answers your original question of why making ep 1 a certain way while making the rest different. Because it comes back full circle.

>ep 1
>barely any magic
>Kinzo is created by illusion, not magic
>ep 2
>a bit of magic, but barely any
>ep 3
>lots of magic
>barely any parts with the detective
>ep 4
>only magic
>the detective only shows up at the end
>ep 5
>the meta has now taken over
>the detective is even part of the meta itself
>ep 6
>the detective is no longer existing
>it's all about the meta
>ep 7
>meta within meta about the meta with the meta
>ep 8
>everyone's happy in the meta
>merging the meta and the real world
>the meta becomes so pervasive that the real world sinks in until all there is is the real world

Enjoy whatever you want, I personally don't care what you like or don't like. Being vague by saying ''it's a mess'' without explaining yourself doesn't keep me confident.

>> No.15699558
Quoted by: >>15699566

You could say it was easier this way to write an introduction but it wouldn't be that much harder to write an episode 1 where the meta is already present.
It was a deliberate, cheap trick. Baiting people into reading and buying episode 2.

>But Umineko is a trainwreck anyway
Pretty much. This is what happens when you aim too high and fall flat.

>> No.15699566
Quoted by: >>15699614

And when you're too much of a quack to write things properly.

>> No.15699575
File: 342 KB, 700x1121, Ange 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to interrupt this legitimate discussion about why my favorite series is shit. I did a few final touch-ups on Ange.

>> No.15699580
File: 322 KB, 700x1121, Ange 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15699589
File: 315 KB, 700x1121, Ange 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15699594
Quoted by: >>15699792

>shadow under the breast and skirt

>> No.15699598

But that list is wrong.

Episode 2 had tons of magic already.

>Being vague by saying ''it's a mess'' without explaining yourself doesn't keep me confident.
I already said what I didn't like.
I hated the lack of suspense and tension.
I hated the randomly thrown-in magic scenes which were pointless.
I hated that it became a full-blown love story.
I hated that it started to focus only on Beatrice and Battler, Jessica/Kanon and George/Shannon most of the time.
I hated the meta itself. Arguing with a witch about whether witches exist or not? How retarded is that when you think about it?

>> No.15699609
File: 625 KB, 1280x1875, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15699640

See-through skirts never fail to be perfect.

>> No.15699614
Quoted by: >>15699623

And I actually want you to argue instead of just shit-posting.

>> No.15699623

>strawmanning retard want people to take him seriously
Nah. Show some respect first, because so far you only proved yourself to be just a deluded fanboy.

>> No.15699628

>Episode 2 had tons of magic already.
I meant within the game itself, not the story.

>> No.15699640
Quoted by: >>15699652

I'm glad someone agrees.

>> No.15699652

Of course you'd agree with yourself.

>> No.15699659

Of course! If everyone agrees with me, why would I also agree with myself?

>> No.15699674

Just when I had thought I wasn't the only person on 4chan

>> No.15699687
Quoted by: >>15699951

>I hated the randomly thrown-in magic scenes which were pointless.
Except for the fact that none of the magic scenes were pointless. Each of the magic scenes often had a very specific point to them. It is through the magic scenes that the motives of the characters and relationships were shown, and oftentimes it hints at the true motive and identity of the culprit.

I think your complaints are just from the fact that you didn't enjoy the nature of the story, and I can understand that, but I don't think that means the story itself is a mess.

>> No.15699729
Quoted by: >>15699769

I honestly prefer this outfit over the lewd one but because this seems like more of an alternate outfit more than a lewd wear, ah well.

If we ever end up making alternate secondary outfits after finishing the lewd ones, we'll add it along with Maria's gap moe dress.

>> No.15699769

Yeah, That's what I was thinking; it's not quite as lewd, but seems more realistic.

>> No.15699792

I also darkened the shading all over, tried to improve her cleavage, plus about a half-dozen other small fixes here and there.

>> No.15699820
Quoted by: >>15699847

Yeah I noticed, really good work there.
The lining of the skirt is greatly improved. The see through is better, the shadow on the beast is great, the arms look more tan and alive rather than looking like weird sticks.
A lot of great little improvements. I was particularly glad to see the shadow under the breast and under the skirt that you said you were working on.

>> No.15699833
Quoted by: >>15699847

Not to mention you connected the collar that hides her breast to the rest of her shirt. The original looked weird since it just was standing on top of her breast with nothing really holding it.
Seriously, that's some great work. Both the lewd and alternative outfit is possible the best work yet.

>> No.15699847

Thanks, it's nice seeing how the quality improves with each piece. Now, onto Jessica! And possibly Beato.

>> No.15699913

beato is too pure for a nude edit

>> No.15699937
File: 79 KB, 670x480, beato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15699951
File: 78 KB, 640x480, umineko-ep1-hideyoshi-part-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15699974

Maybe I wanted a more orthodox mystery story. Whatever. If you enjoyed it I am glad. I am not the type of guy who wants to ruin other people's fun.

It's just ep1 was misleading. It was horror and mystery mixed together and it was exactly what I like the best.
I liked the whole thing about the adults' mind-games they played with each other and how they fucked with each other, I was really disappointed they became only minor characters as the story went on.

>> No.15699953

Someone requested it. and I'd still have to do it eventually. And being pure has never stopped me before. Hell, I already did that one Dlanor edit.

>> No.15699972

C-Can I make request too? I would like to see Kyrie's nude edit if possible.

>> No.15699974
File: 492 KB, 640x480, george is the archetype of all readers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe I wanted a more orthodox mystery story.

>> No.15699980
Quoted by: >>15700001

>I would like to see Kyrie's nude edit if possible.
One at a time, we don't want to overload him.

>> No.15699983

Sure, I'll see what I can do. Three at once may be a stretch, but I've go a ton of free time this week.

>> No.15700000

Also, if you're going to do Kyrie, could you reduce the size of her breast. Those torpedoes are pretty insane.

>> No.15700001
File: 36 KB, 600x1020, kyrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15700019

Oh, it's not that urgent.
Just wanted to reserve a place in queue.

>> No.15700019

It's fine. I'm the one who picked the last 5 characters to be lewd.

>> No.15700027

Kyrie isn't Kyrie without torpedos.

>> No.15700040
File: 369 KB, 1082x960, kirie fix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made one beforehand. How's this? I didn't really decrease the size much, just made them a little less pointy.

>> No.15700053

Looks like a nice start to me. Keep up the good work, man.

>> No.15700061
File: 139 KB, 317x491, Kir_a27_futeki1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15700081

What do you call these?

>> No.15700064

I wonder what Umineko would have been like if George was the detective.

>> No.15700067
Quoted by: >>15700092

They still look like torpedoes. Do you think you could reduce the size of her breast a bit?

>> No.15700074
Quoted by: >>15700121

Now that you mention it, that is a strange inconsistency.

>> No.15700081
Quoted by: >>15700456

I call them flat chest.

One of the reasons I don't like the ps3 sprites.
Kyrie's breasts should never be nerfed. She has always been the busty and hot "step-mom".

>> No.15700092
File: 34 KB, 338x479, Rudolph-Kyrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15700121

Why don't you like big breasts? What's wrong with you?

>> No.15700121
File: 166 KB, 850x1262, Rena+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15700197

I honestly don't understand why the inconsistency exist. The reason Rena wears the arm band and neck collar is to cover up her old suicidal cut marks. The VN doesn't really mention or show it, but the manga makes it clear that Rena was so fucked and angry at her mother that the only way she sought to get back at her was to destroy herself. Which, in turn, would make her mother look bad somehow. The manga even shows Rena cutting her neck with a utility knife. And I'm pretty sure the anime shows Rena in the bathrub, looking at her wrists full of cuts. Yet for some weird reason, Rena doesn't wear arm bands or a neck collar in her school outfit. It makes no sense. Her friends would obviously see the scars. And it makes even less sense if she wears them when she dresses casually since she doesn't wear them while going to school.
So what the hell?

Adding the touch of Rena having a wrist band and neck collar in all her outfits would add a more subtle weight to her past without it being mentioned. But this is present in NONE of the art variation. From the manga to the anime to all the different types of sprites.

I just don't understand. And I feel like I'm the only one who's noticed this strange inconsistency.

I like big breast. Not torpedo breasts. As Jin says, it's not the size of the breasts that matters, it's the shape. The ps3's shape is superior to the torpedo tits.

>> No.15700158
File: 474 KB, 2206x960, Kyrie breast edits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15700177
Quoted by: >>15700424

Try to make a DFC Kyrie.

>> No.15700197
Quoted by: >>15700202

>I like big breast
>t's not the size of the breasts that matters


>The ps3's shape is superior to the torpedo tits.
The ps3 sprite doesn't even have a shape, it is literally small breast.

The second one is perfect.

>> No.15700202
Quoted by: >>15700216

Did you not read the rest?
It's not the size that matters but the shape itself. You can have G-H size breasts that are disgusting to look at but it's the shape that matters.

>small breasts
>don't have a shape
So long as it's not a DFC, it has a shape. Don't be dense with me.

>> No.15700216

I read it all but you can't call yourself a lover of big breasts if you prefer shape over size.

>You can have G-H size breasts that are disgusting to look at
Let's agree to disagree

>So long as it's not a DFC, it has a shape. Don't be dense with me.
Ps3 Kyrie looks like a fucking man.

>> No.15700236
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, flat chest = justice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's agree to disagree

>> No.15700266
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, big breast best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's agree to disagree

>> No.15700271
File: 2.77 MB, 297x222, explaing fetishes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If 4chan has taught me anything, it's that you cannot argue fetishes, you can only agree to how idealized it can be.

>> No.15700298
File: 36 KB, 600x480, sisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15700351
Quoted by: >>15700383


I seem to be the only one who absolutely loves this piano piece.

>> No.15700383
Quoted by: >>15700418


I am pretty sure that is considered a fan favorite.

>> No.15700418
File: 470 KB, 1082x960, kyrie breast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with Kyrie's breast is that they seem like implant. I don't want to get into a ramble about natural breast and implants, when anime idealizes and confuses the two, but Kyrie's breast look horrible. The nipples are obviously pointing in two separate directions. One of easy way to tell if breasts are implants is if they point in separate directions. This is caused by the plastic doctors place dislocates the natural fat weight. Another is when breasts, together, look like an ass shot. I'm not saying that natural breast don't make an ass shot when squitched together or when supported with a bra, but if breasts without a bra makes an ass shot, they're implants.
And implants imo are never as good looking as natural breasts.

>I am pretty sure that is considered a fan favorite.
I'm always the only one posting it whenever ''post your favorite umineko ost'' question comes along.
I mean, it's not underrated, but no one seems to love it. It's only used once and I would argue that it's one of the best moments in the entire VN.

>> No.15700424
File: 318 KB, 535x960, kyrie flat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I've got so far. I'm tired, I'll see you anons tomorrow.

>> No.15700442
Quoted by: >>15700490

I'm fine with implant Kyrie. After all, who knows what she went through just to keep up with Asumu and get Rudolf to herself alone.

>It's only used once
I remember at least two occasions.
First in ep2, then in ep4 I think. And maybe in Chiru too? I don't really remember but I am sure it isn't just one time.

>> No.15700447
Quoted by: >>15700461

>It's only used once
Answer is used more than once. I can't remember when, but it's in Chiru's sound files, and there are also two versions of it in Episode 1-4's files, so it has to be in at least 3 scenes

>> No.15700456
File: 458 KB, 601x1133, kas_a11_焦る1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15700466

Poor Kasumi

>> No.15700461
Quoted by: >>15700481

It is definitely used in ep 2 when Battler and Beatrice start the game, then in ep4 when George becomes a badass and turns down Gaap's offer. I am not so sure about the 3rd time but I think it's in ep6 when George confronts Eva before fighting Eva Beatrice. Correct me if I am wrong.

>> No.15700466

Kyrie stole everything from her.

>> No.15700481

Yeah, you're right

>> No.15700484

Talking about underrated music


>> No.15700487
Quoted by: >>15700536

Cage is great. Peaceful song, but instills a slight sense of sadness.


This one is really nice.

>> No.15700490
Quoted by: >>15700536

>I'm fine with implant Kyrie.
Disgusting. If anything, Kyrie is fake big breast, she's actually a DFC betrayer.

>> No.15700536

I also liked how Cage played in ep8 during Nanjo's puzzle.

>Mystic Forest
Now when does this play? I absolutely forgot about this one.


Ep 7 has really good music.

>DFC betrayer
Understandable, since anything is better than that. I want to suck on Kyrie's gigantic fake breasts and suck and lick all day.

>> No.15700577
Quoted by: >>15700624

This got me thinking. Maybe Kyrie is actually a man who made himself a woman just for Rudolf's sake. Just like Yasu with Battler. Hmm....it all makes sense.

>> No.15700624

Maybe everyone's a man!

>> No.15700754
File: 126 KB, 1263x715, ominous-kinzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15700767

Yeah makes sense, since it is Umineko we are talking about!

Kinzo met the original Beatrice, who was a lustful cross-dresser who was chased away by the fascists/nazis. They had a passionate relationship but Beato died of AIDS. Kinzo adopted a young boy from the Fukuin House and made him cross-dress just like the original Beato...this was the Kuwadorian Beato. By the power of magic, Beato II gave birth to Yasu.

Natsuhi was a poor boy forced to cross-dress as a woman and marry into the infamously gay Ushiromiya family. Jessica is actually Natsuhi's younger brother but he was raised as the daughter of Krauss and Natsuhi.

Eva was actually born as female but she had operations and changed herself into a man because of the inferiority complex she had when she was young. Now he still dresses like a woman to keep up appearances but he can rest easy knowing he has a penis just like Krauss and Kinzo. George was adopted.

Kyrie was explained already.

Rosa being the youngest of the four siblings, had to endure constant buttfucking from the others, he was the fuckboy of the family. He fucked a whore and Maria appeared - whose real name is Mario and is a boy of course.

Rudolf - to hide the fact that he is gay just like his family - played the role of a playboy but he couldn't suppress the lustful feelings he inherited from his Grandfather.

Kumasawa is man too, he was usually gangbanged by Kinzo, Genji and Nanjo on lonely nights.

Battler and Ange were both adopted and Ange - real name Angelo - developed an unhealthy obsession with his brother's dick.


>> No.15700767

>Ange - real name Angelo

>> No.15700832
Quoted by: >>15702469


Almost forgot how good of soundtrack End of the Golden Witch has.

>> No.15701557

Maybe everyone's in on it- oh wait

>> No.15702469

>not posting the best song
Let me help you : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_ylNrVEvzY

>> No.15703007 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 640x480, 1471429459540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15703052

Would you have enjoyed Umineko more if you knew beforehand what the real mystery was?

>> No.15703052

It is boring to play a long ass VN like this when you already know the mystery beforehand.

I would have enjoyed Umineko more if
>the adults got more screen time
>less Shannon and Kanon
>more gore/more creative kills would have been in it, like the first twilight in EP1 and EP2
>no meta/ no magic, only the perspective of the detective

>> No.15703066
File: 335 KB, 640x480, 1470395723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misunderstood, or I badly explained.
My main beef with Umineko is that you're told is a mystery novel, and then it tries to bait you with the closed rooms murders when the real mystery is to determine who wrote the episodes and why.
I personally hated it the first time I read it because I thought everything was about the murders and that by finding the culprit, it would end the game. Except that you're not supposed to focus on the culprit, you're supposed to find Beatrice's true identity, figure out who wrote the varios episode, and not spank Bernkastel's loli ass.

>> No.15703087
Quoted by: >>15703184

I could get behind the first three, but that last change would make it an entirely different series. It's like you're saying "I dislike Umineko for being Umineko."

>> No.15703184

Well yeah, Umineko is more like a romance-mystery if you think about it. It was never about the truth of Rokkenjima, it was about Battler and Beato's relationship.

I really enjoyed Legend of the Golden Witch because it was different from the rest of the series.

>> No.15703224

> I really enjoyed Legend of the Golden Witch because it was different from the rest of the series.

I get that, and that's totally fine. But saying that you wish that the rest of the series had stayed that way when it didn't is like reading a book and then saying "I liked the prologue, but I really wish that the author had written a different book." In the end Legend was only a small part of Umineko, and saying that it was the only good part is basically the same as denouncing the whole series.

>> No.15703400

The problem is that, as said earlier, the first episode is totally different. So you get the rest of the game expected a real mystery, and you get witches doing magic stuff.

>> No.15703577

>My main beef with Umineko is that you're told is a mystery novel, and then it tries to bait you with the closed rooms murders when the real mystery is to determine who wrote the episodes and why.
See >>15699974

>> No.15703846

anon... do you spank your cats? do we need to call animal control on your cat-molesting ass?

>> No.15703884
File: 129 KB, 1229x718, CqB9yevVYAE0JUW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15703970

>> No.15703970
Quoted by: >>15704029

Who's the cutie on the left?

>> No.15704029

Rose. She gets raped like three times.

>> No.15704044
Quoted by: >>15704261

>not spanked
All interest dropped.

>> No.15704066
Quoted by: >>15704157

Tortured, NOT raped

>> No.15704157
Quoted by: >>15704176

Raped by three nihilist.

>> No.15704176
Quoted by: >>15704254

Gay man didn't rape her.

Spike sex was consensual.

3rd time?

>> No.15704254
File: 589 KB, 1140x1600, Worse than rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gay man didn't rape her.
He still destroyed her.

>3rd time?
Well, it's more attempted rape but close enough.

>Spike sex was consensual.
>pushing a woman down and forcing her into sex through blackmail is consensual

>> No.15704261 [DELETED] 

Fuck off

>> No.15704277
Quoted by: >>15704319

>the novel suggested all the abuse the prostitutes went through
>manga decides to shove it in your face
I know manga readers have a bad reputation, but thinking so little of them is really insulting.

>> No.15704319
Quoted by: >>15704344

Being implicit is more fun.

>> No.15704344
Quoted by: >>15704384

Suggesting is more artistic. I'm not surprised shitters are forced to go into details.

>> No.15704384
Quoted by: >>15704403

There are some things that can be done through vagueness and suggestion in literary form but not in an artistic way.
I find that both are fine but a slight preference to vagueness.

>> No.15704403

Maybe it's because I have a lot of imagination, but I always found it even worse when the violence was suggested rather than detailled.

The two exceptions that come to mind are the descriptions of the tortures in Higurashi (both the nail thingy with Shion and the Rika's death by gut-ripping) and in Eisenhorn's book when a heretic is flayed alive.

>> No.15704420

To be fair, when I raped the VN I thought she got raped in that scene. To me surprise that wasn't the case

>> No.15704423
Quoted by: >>15704478

>when I raped the VN
What the fuck.

>> No.15704478
Quoted by: >>15704534

He probably meant *read*.
When you think of rape, you can only think of rape.

>> No.15704513
Quoted by: >>15704567

>I thought she got raped in that scene
The thing that people don't understand is that rape is not a good substitution for evilness unless done right.

>> No.15704534

Sorrry, I meant read

>> No.15704567

Because Ryukishi is a quack who think that people are nice unless they torture, kill or rape.
He doesn't know that there are other ways to be an asshole.

>> No.15704576
Quoted by: >>15704580

>hasnt read umineko
>hasn't read about the characters Eva Krauss, George

>> No.15704580
Quoted by: >>15706204

Who's Eva Krauss?

>> No.15704590
File: 123 KB, 219x349, wang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15704594

Without love it cannot be seen. Even Miguel is somewhat nice when he's not being insane or misogynistic.
Wang is still the best
>randomly asking a woman into his bed like a stud, not giving a shit about who she is and just wanting to fuck Zel because she was pretty.

>> No.15704594
Quoted by: >>15704604

He's our hero to all.

>> No.15704604
Quoted by: >>15704648

His back and forth banter between seriousness and childishness was the best. It throws you off guard and if you understand his wavelength, he's fucking hilarious.

>> No.15704619
Quoted by: >>15704648

I honestly couldn't stop laughing whenever Wang was on screen. The guy was a pure madman.

>> No.15704648
Quoted by: >>15704689

I love clocks, know 4 languages and by the way OUR CHINA MEN ARE BURNING DOWN YOUR FACTORIES!

>> No.15704689

Okay, now say Thhaaankkk yooooouu for letting you buy radioactive canned food made for one cent cheaper on something we wouldn't dare fucking eat ourselves. Hahaha, fucking Japanese dogs eating literal shit just because it's cheaper.
>y-you don't understand Rose, it might taste like shit, not at all like the real stuff, it costs less! We business man have to follow the free market!
God I love Season 3.

>> No.15705188

Ifff you have one person who is neither male or female what is that person?

>> No.15705213


>> No.15705415

I spend too much time reading shitty SJW viewpoints.

>> No.15705452

Does that mean that person would be attracted to bread? Hue!

>> No.15705469
Quoted by: >>15705489

I think pansexual means that someone is attracted to everyone or everything. It doesn't have anything to do with the gender of a person

>> No.15705489

No, that's omnisexual.

>> No.15705516

Is there a difference? Both pan and omni mean "all"

>> No.15705524

Only Jack Harkness is omnisexual.

>> No.15705531

If you're everything, then you're nothing.

>> No.15705622

I think that's called either agender or asexual. I'm not really sure what the difference between them is

>> No.15705659

The technical terms are probably intersex, a biological description for people who have mixed reproductive traits, and third gender, for a distinct gender identity that is neither male nor female.

>> No.15705691

Let's talk about Higurashi!

>> No.15705719
Quoted by: >>15705725

Let's talk about the absurd brain parasites

>> No.15705720
Quoted by: >>15705725

What was the whole point of that battle with George and Jessica in Ep 4?

>> No.15705725
Quoted by: >>15705735

They existed but only further the paranoid, they didn't create it.

That they're both worthless humans?

>> No.15705735

Nah, the author was obviously trying to convey something in that scene. Maybe because of how determined they were.

>> No.15705761

The meta never happened. Both George and Jessica are worthless people. Jessica can open her legs and George can read wikipedia articles and be a small accountant for his father.
Their determination and fight never happened.

>> No.15705786

>small accountant
Hey fuck you.
Being an accountant takes experience

>> No.15705812
File: 487 KB, 800x1000, Maebara.Keiichi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any important difference between Higurashi Sui PS3 and Vita?

>> No.15705828
Quoted by: >>15705845

Ok, Goat-san

>> No.15705845
Quoted by: >>15705861

I still find it funny that people still give me a positive trait of Jessica without mentioning her body.
And, as Kinzo said, George lacks all qualities that makes a man.

>> No.15705848

They're the same, as far as I know

>> No.15705854
Quoted by: >>15705863

No, I don't think it had any deep meaning in particular. Neither any of the fantasy scenes for that matter.
If anything, it is a foreshadowing of episode 7 tea party where Rudolf and Kyrie lure them out with the same "Grandpa wants to test you :-D" excuse and kill them.

>> No.15705861

>as Kinzo said
Kinzo is the biggest faggot out of all of them, he had no right to say anything bad about his family, he himself is the most pathetic piece of shit in the entire family.

>> No.15705863
Quoted by: >>15705874

I doubt ryukishi would write all that with no intention, especially considering determination is a major part of the story.

>> No.15705874

>no intention
It looked cool. That is literally the only purpose of magic/fantasy scenes.

>> No.15705881
Quoted by: >>15705886

I disagree with you. The magic scenes have a purpose/ truth inside of them. Without love it can't be seen.

>> No.15705886

Love is an illusion.

>> No.15705912

EP3 > EP1 > EP 6 > EP5 > EP2 > EP7 > EP4 > EP8

>> No.15705937

Does anyone know if the PS3 ports of Higurashi and Umineko are available from PSN? I want to buy them, but shipping games from Japan is so expensive

>> No.15705946
Quoted by: >>15705949

Ep 6 > Ep 1 > Ep 5 => Ep 3 >= Ep 2 = Ep 8 => Ep 7> Ep 4.

>> No.15705949
Quoted by: >>15705978

Ep 1 >>>>>>>>>> all the rest of the trash.

>> No.15705978
Quoted by: >>15705987

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
The genius of Higurashi is its structure beginning from ep 1 to ep 6.

>> No.15705987

I still prefer Onikakushi.
That feeling of paranoia. That bitterness when you know what actually happened and how hard the girls tried...

>> No.15705998

At first Onikakushi was also my favorite.
But now that I think about, I liked Tatarigoroshi better. It is just fucking crazy.

>> No.15706007
Quoted by: >>15706014

The one with Shion? Dunno, I'm not fond of the whole torture thing.

>> No.15706012
Quoted by: >>15706022

t. goat

>> No.15706014
Quoted by: >>15706033

No, ep3. The one where Keiichi kills Satoko's uncle.

>> No.15706022

t. shitposter

>> No.15706033

Ha, that one. Pretty cool, yeah, through I never really understood why Keiichi suddenly cared so much about Satoko.

>> No.15706053

You don't understand ep 1-6 itself is genius. But I agree with >>15705998 that ep 6 was perfect.

>> No.15706057
Quoted by: >>15706061

It's just the difference in kakeras.
Onikakushi is the "route" of Rena.
Watanagashi is the "route" of Mion/Shion.
Tatarigoroshi is the "route" of Satoko.

Keiichi gets close to different girls in different worlds. I guess it makes that there is one where he gets interested in Satoko.

>> No.15706061
Quoted by: >>15706087

Because I judge them individually. And I really loved Keiichi's descent into madness in Onikakushi.

Yeah, but the reason seems weak. In all the others routes, it makes sense for him to get close to the girls, but he's mostly depicted as a rival to Satoko.

>> No.15706062
Quoted by: >>15706093

Tatarigoroshi is ep3.

>> No.15706077
Quoted by: >>15706104

Because she's cute.

>> No.15706087
File: 68 KB, 600x600, satoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as a rival to Satoko
Same case with Mion though, the only one he is already buddies with at the start of each story is Rena.

But both in Satoko's and Mion's case it can already be sensed in episode 1 that they care about each other in their own way. Satoko only insults K1 because she wants to play around with him, they really are like brother and little sister.

>> No.15706093

Names are complicated yo~

>> No.15706104
File: 131 KB, 700x729, 1407521526957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15706117

Pretty weird there's some much art of her.

>> No.15706117
File: 112 KB, 801x600, satoko2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15706172

Understandable, she is best girl after all.

>> No.15706172

She's not even the best loli.
Or the best blonde.
Or the best blonde loli.
Or even the best sister.

>> No.15706190

>Because Ryukishi is a quack who think that people are nice unless they torture, kill or rape.
>He doesn't know that there are other ways to be an asshole.
Have you even read anything other than Higurashi or do you just have alzheimers?

>> No.15706204
File: 611 KB, 938x1158, EvaKrauss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven't heard of best character
I mean, I knew you had shit taste, but damn.

>> No.15706218


>> No.15706219
Quoted by: >>15706228

Took you six hours to make that Photoshop?

>> No.15706228
Quoted by: >>15706232

Literally 2 years in MS Paint.

>> No.15706232
Quoted by: >>15706238

I'm happy you finally got to use that picture.

>> No.15706238

I actually just made it right before I posted it, took me less than 10 seconds.

>> No.15706422
File: 338 KB, 960x960, Eva Krauss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15706474


>> No.15706473
File: 153 KB, 1200x853, promisedmiracle1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what dord beatrice mean by absolute promised miracle? this part always confused me.

>> No.15706474


>> No.15706480
Quoted by: >>15706484


>> No.15706484


>> No.15706494

Are you just looking for anything in this series to ask a question about in these threads?

>> No.15706498

i am just trying to discuss the series, it seems you rather troll or shit post

>> No.15706501

Anything to keep these threads alive, I guess.

>> No.15706504

i'll keep asking questions until i figure it out anyways. if you don't want me to post questions how about you help me solve the series.

>> No.15706511

the promised miracle is the miracle in which Battler discovers the truth and stops her

>> No.15706767

>bump limit reached
We're no longer limited to game discussion.
So, without further delay : which Umineko has the best butt?

>> No.15706821
File: 246 KB, 900x1280, Umineko Manga 4-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tough choice. I'd probably go with Ange.

>> No.15706855
File: 551 KB, 1718x1200, img000024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely one of the moms, probably Natsuhi.

>> No.15707033

I just got to the part in Season 3 of RGD. You know, THE part.
Jesus Christ, fuck me. What the fuuuuucccckkkk.
That had to have been one of the most satisfying deaths I've ever seen when Keith blows the snipers head to fucking smithereens.

On another note, I think RGD is one of the only one of Ryukishi's stories that would translate really well into an anime, and I'd kill to see it happen.

>> No.15707181

I stopped reading it when Caleb leaves Japan with the transvestite and the traitor.
It continues after that?

>> No.15707301

I've been wondering, do all the Higurashi arc names end with -shi because shi means death? Or is there a different reason for it?

>> No.15707535

Absolute certainty is Lambdadelta, miracles are Bernkastel. At the end of episode 4 both say together that Beatrice can not win. So the promised absolute miracle is that Beatrice will always lose no matter what.

>> No.15708288
File: 420 KB, 640x480, if only she knew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do someone remember the argument that Rosatrice crazy guy used to explain Episode 6 in any kind of way? Because I find pretty impossible to solve that without Yasu (that episode was kinda 100% trying to show us the damn thing as explicit-implicit Ryukishi could possibly go (not counting EP7, of course).

Eternal reminder he actually used this as an argument many years ago in one of these threads.

>> No.15708544

You could solve it if Kanon is an alternate personality of Kumasawa. That line of logic gets really really weird once you carry it outside that single particular situation of "how was Kanon able to switch with Battler" though.

>> No.15708573

Oh you poor child. You don't know what's coming to you. Do you hear it? It's faint but if you listen closely, you might hear it. It's the sound of a madman laugh maniacally in the shadows.

>> No.15708577

Something about Erika not being able to seal both doors and the window at the same time instantaneously, since that would be a paranormal feat

>> No.15708602
Quoted by: >>15708641

The Rosatrice theory claims that Kanon jumped out the window before Erika sealed the rooms. At first she started with the door, then the other door, before sealing the windows.
Then before, when Erika was investigating Battler's room, she shot the closet. Kanon switched places with Battler and hid in the closet. So when Erika checks everywhere and uses the red, she finds that there's no one in the room because Kanon is dead, and the dead don't count as people.

The Rosatrice guy thought that the gun scene is the meta of the meta gameboard, explaining that it's how which type of story is told. One where Beatrice kills everyone or a secondary killer. But in that, he was wrong. The whole meta scene gun standoff is really just to decided whom between Shannon and Kanon would go to save Battler and die.

Personally, I find that the Rosatrice theory on this part holds a bit more validity and weight because before Kanon dies, he's reminded of his promise and debt to Beatrice being fulfilled while thinking of everyone before dying. Before Erika's gunshot kills him.
With Shkanon, Kanon just goes in that room, doesn't care about his dead, ''dies'', and Shannon takes his place.
One is anti-fantasy, the other is anti mystery.

>> No.15708641
Quoted by: >>15708657

I think the biggest question that raises is when and where did Erika get a gun. Since she did the previous 5 murders by cutting heads off.

>> No.15708657
Quoted by: >>15708666

Well the hatchets are found in the boiling room and the guns are likely stored in Kinzo's room.

>> No.15708666
Quoted by: >>15708668

When and where did she get the key to Kinzo's room?

>> No.15708668
Quoted by: >>15708690

She broke down the door with the hatchet.

>> No.15708690
Quoted by: >>15708694

I guess they never explicitly said doors, besides the ones related to the crimes and the two in the guest house, couldn't be messed with so that's possible. So that works.

>> No.15708694
Quoted by: >>15708704

She might have also used small bombs to break the down open.

>> No.15708704
Quoted by: >>15708707

I always liked how tricking people into eating small bombs was the one thing Lambdadelta didn't find fault with from Battler's reasoning for the first four episodes.

>> No.15708707
Quoted by: >>15708715

That's because it's the truth.

>> No.15708715

Yeah, it makes sense. There was literally enough explosives to blow up half the island just lying around so it's not like they didn't have the materials to pull it off.

>> No.15709471

>Because I find pretty impossible to solve that without Yasu
I'm wondering, is it possible to solve ep 1-4 without Yasu? I have read Umineko a long time ago and I am lazy to look up the reds. And when I say solve, I mean that there is only one or two culprits, not everyone killing everyone for no reason.

>> No.15709496
Quoted by: >>15709792


>> No.15709528
Quoted by: >>15709792

It depends. The Rosatrice guy made a somewhat believable theory based on the red truths in the VN, but if you include the additional red truths in the manga it's probably impossible

>> No.15709536
Quoted by: >>15709792

The Rosatrice theory is probably the best alternative as far as not violating reds goes.

>> No.15709764
Quoted by: >>15709819

Assuming the same main culprit for all 4 then it's probably just Yasu and Rosa. Different main culprits and almost every character is viable for at least one of the episodes. Maybe that's the true terrible truth that Ange refused to face, everyone was Beatrice and the real reason Battler's presence caused the incident is that all his relatives killed each other trying to get in his pants.

>> No.15709792

Let's focus on the original material.

I know there is some long ass video on Youtube about it but could you tell me some details. What is the motive in that theory? Who are the accomplices - if there are any?

>Rosatrice theory is probably the best alternative as far as not violating reds goes
Hmm, I wonder if it is possible to come up with something other? I mean, most of red can interpreted in lots of ways/are really vague statements.


I fucking love Eva Beatrice and her theme in all forms.

>> No.15709819
File: 11 KB, 432x242, batora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15710130

>Assuming the same main culprit for all 4
That is not necessary.

>Different main culprits and almost every character is viable for at least one of the episodes.
Can you elaborate?

I may talk BS right now since I have played seacats a long time ago, but is it possible
>to explain ep1 with Natsuhi or Kyrie + Rudolf?
>to explain ep2 with any of the adults other than Rosa?
>to explain ep3 with anyone other than Eva and Hideyoshi?
>to explain ep4 with Kyrie and Rudolf?

Again, sorry if I ask stupid questions but I really have vague memories about the whole thing.

> Maybe that's the true terrible truth that Ange refused to face, everyone was Beatrice and the real reason Battler's presence caused the incident is that all his relatives killed each other trying to get in his pants.
Nobody can resist Battler-chan.

>> No.15709834

The Rosatrice theory attempts to solve all the games using Rosa and George as the culprits, with Nanjo as an accomplice (as in he helps them but doesn't kill anyone himself). George's motive is to get rid of his family so that he can be together with Shannon, and is usually under the impression that Shannon's death is being faked. Nanjo is being bribed by Rosa into helping, needing money to pay for his sick grandchild's medical bills. I can't really remember Rosa's motive that well, But the theory claims that she took Shannon's love for Battler and discovered the gold.

>> No.15709890

Rosa felt guilty for accidentally killing Kuwadorian Beatrice, and she thinks that following the epitaph will revive her because Kinzo said so

And then there's also something about Shannon transfering her love for Battler to Rosa, or something like that, but I can't really remember how that was supposed to work

>> No.15709902

>she thinks that following the epitaph will revive her because Kinzo said so

>And then there's also something about Shannon transfering her love for Battler to Rosa

That's honestly weaker than Sayo's past causing her motive. Do people really think this is a "better" answer or did they delude themselves just because it's anything but Shkannon?

>> No.15709909 [SPOILER] 
File: 249 KB, 640x480, 1471545363213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ Ryukishi.
Holy shit.
What the fuck man.
Jesus christ.
What the fuck.

I think RGD is actually the most fucking brutal story he's written so far. I'm shuddering thinking what's going to happen in Trianthology.

I can't wait for Gabriel to get fucking erased from the face of the earth.

>> No.15709923
Quoted by: >>15709931

I think all my interest for RGD just died.

>> No.15709931
Quoted by: >>15709954

It is the opposite for me.
Now I think I will go back and endure episode 1 somehow.

This Gabriel lad sounds like a person I will love.

>> No.15709941

>I can't really remember Rosa's motive that well
Her motive is to revive Beatrice. Rosa already solved the epitaph before the events on the island, and seen in game in ep 3 when she's the only other person shown to be able to solve the epitaph. Because she solved the epitaph in its symbolic way, she thinks that doing the epitaph in its literal way will revive Beatrice, the woman she killed, and make everything right.
Rosa also took upon herself Shannon's love for Battler to try and lessen her burden somehow. I always found it funny that

How is it weaker?
It's one of the things that keeps being repeated throughout every game. It even shows up in ep 7.

>> No.15709945
Quoted by: >>15710338

Do you hear it? Do you hear the laughter of the madman in the shadows?


>> No.15709954
Quoted by: >>15709996

If you're a edgy teenager, sure.

>> No.15709959

>Rosa also took upon herself Shannon's love for Battler to try and lessen her burden somehow
How exactly does that work? How do you take someone else's love?

>> No.15709962

>Rosa and George
What a strange pair.

>George's motive is to get rid of his family so that he can be together with Shannon, and is usually under the impression that Shannon's death is being faked.
Okay, makes sense.

>Nanjo is being bribed by Rosa into helping, needing money to pay for his sick grandchild's medical bills
Also makes sense.

>I can't really remember Rosa's motive that well, But the theory claims that she took Shannon's love for Battler and discovered the gold.
>she took Shannon's love for Battler
What the actual fuck?

>Rosa felt guilty for accidentally killing Kuwadorian Beatrice, and she thinks that following the epitaph will revive her because Kinzo said so
This is a good motive actually,

>And then there's also something about Shannon transfering her love for Battler to Rosa, or something like that, but I can't really remember how that was supposed to work
Again, what the actual fuck?

The first part is good, in my opinion. After all, Rosa is the most mentally/emotionally unstable of the four siblings.
The problem is the Battler/Rosa thing.

>That's honestly weaker than Sayo's past causing her motive. Do people really think this is a "better" answer or did they delude themselves just because it's anything but Shkannon?
Anything is better than Shkannon/Yasu.

>> No.15709963

>How is it weaker?

Because she believes that recreating the epitaph will literally bring someone back from the dead. How is that stronger than Sayo's injuries, past, and having to live with this shitty family driving her to kill? At least Sayo's insanity actually makes sense.

>> No.15709977

>Because she believes that recreating the epitaph will literally bring someone back from the dead.
And that's less believable than a person who wants to kill everyone just to be caught?

I'll use the words of a subpar detective.
''Any mystery where the culprit has to confess is a 3rd rate mystery''.
Rosa doesn't explain her insanity.
Shannon has most of ep 7 and a decent portion of ep 8's manga explaining her insanity.

>> No.15709982

Rosa is mentally unstable, it is obvious from the anger fits she gets. She has a shitton of repressed frustrations and anger since she was the punching bag for all of her siblings.

>> No.15709996
Quoted by: >>15710026

>not appreciating fun characters
I bet you disliked Eva Beatrice, Bern, Kyrie and Rosa too.

>> No.15710008

>And that's less believable than a person who wants to kill everyone just to be caught?

Yes, because she is dead inside and has no will to live other than to be noticed by the person she loved.

>''Any mystery where the culprit has to confess is a 3rd rate mystery''.

>Shannon has most of ep 7 and a decent portion of ep 8's manga explaining her insanity.

This again just sounds to me like someone not liking the truth and forcing a different explanation and mindset into the author so they don't have to believe it.

>> No.15710021
File: 264 KB, 640x480, rosa and promises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15710045

>because she is dead inside and has no will to live other than to be noticed by the person she loved.
Just because she's insane and nihilistic doesn't mean it's more believable than another insane person with a lot of repressed anger mixed with the guilt from killing Beatrice.
One of the things I always found weird is how Beatrice always talks about promises yet I don't seem to remember Shannon having a strong stance on promises, while Rosa is shown to be always delivering on her promises.

>> No.15710026
Quoted by: >>15710078

I don't like Ryukishi's style when he tries to make you cry, that's all.
It's always very poorly written.
>"Okay, Takano is the culprit, but that orphanage she ended up in was hell on earth"
>"Oh yeah and Ange is kind of a bitch because that school she went to was even worser!!!"
>"Gabriel is a bad guy, lemme subtly show you with even worser stuff"

He go such into details that he ends up being forced to write worse each time to the point it's not longer believable.
The next villain he'll introduce will have his genitals burned by Hitler's cigarette while his puppies were eaten.

>> No.15710029

>because she is dead inside and has no will to live
>implying Rosa is any different

>This again just sounds to me like someone not liking the truth and forcing a different explanation and mindset into the author so they don't have to believe it.
And you sound like someone who doesn't want to think and dismisses everything that doesn't fit into "canon".
See, two can play this game.

>> No.15710045
Quoted by: >>15710078


And also, it's pretty farfetched to believe that the multitude of meta scenes and hints toward Shkanontrice, along with the entirety of EP7 was utterly pointless except to trick people. It's just people who wanted this story to be a golden age mystery trying to delude themselves into thinking it really is one while ignoring over half of the story.

Find me more of these scenes. Shannon has one just like this in EP1 where they talk about Battler's "promise" offhand. With this logic we can take several quotes from several characters and apply them to a motive.

>> No.15710078
File: 621 KB, 640x597, Rosa cares about promises and rules.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15710103

I don't think you understood Takano and why she's such a great villain conceptually. The structure itself is genius and shows how forward Ryukishi is with his structure on how he wants his readers to feel.
When you get the reveal of Takano it goes somewhere along the lines of this
>Takano is the culprit? Holy shit!
>she just killed everyone in a horrible and brutal way, jesus fuck her! I fucking hate her
>oh, she had a horrible childhood at the orphanage, well I guess I can understand where she's coming from
>Holy shit, she thinks that parasites control everything, that Buddha and Jesus controlled people with parasites and she wants to kill people to prove this retarded theory? Fuck Takano I hate her

The point of Takano is that you're made to feel sorry for her but in the process of her going insane and killing people, she does it for all the wrong reasons and it cannot be justified. So in the end, you entirely dismiss her shitty childhood.

Ange's attitude is justified though since she doesn't do anything wrong like murder.
And Gabriel went insane for literally no reason. At least not a valid one.
>my sister got killed by mafia
>guess I'll just rise up the ranks and destroy this mafia group in another country because the mafia are all the same, right?

I feel like you haven't understood his writing or structure.

>Find me more of these scenes.
>Shannon mentions offhand promises
>Rosa mentions rules and promises with people saying how promises is the core of her personality
Also Battler's promise his is original promise of the white horse iirc. It says nothing about Shannon sticking to promises the same way Beatrice does.

>> No.15710084
File: 357 KB, 900x1311, img000016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it funny how this part in the manga seems to target Rosatrice specifically. I guess Ryukishi knew that it is the most popular alternative theory

Or maybe it's just because this is the only possible explanation for the chain-rooms, aside from Yasu. I'm not sure

>> No.15710103
Quoted by: >>15710151

>man, I hate how Ryukishi constantly exagerrate everything just to keep his stories grim and dark
>"wow dood your just an moron who didnt understood nuffin takano was a great villain"

>> No.15710130
Quoted by: >>15710232

For episode 1 I think Natsuhi and the first twilight victims are all possible, as long as they have Kanon's help to fake the Eva/Hideyoshi closed room and Nanjo to fake deaths in the case of first twilight victims. Eva and/or Hideyoshi are also possible I think, as long as they are killed by Kanon before the bomb goes off. Of course that all hinges on the red truth about the corpses identities being as vague in Japanese as English, since the English only confirms identities not whether they were actually dead. Natsuhi as the culprit gets weird since that requires Kanon to commit the final 4 murders, including killing the man who just helped him fake his death.

Episode 2 is Rosa and Shannon/Yasu. The two working together is the only way that the episode actually works properly since Rosa is needed to fake the first closed room in the chapel and Shannon committing suicide is needed to fake the closed room with George and Gohda. This is the episode that narrows it down to Yasu or Rosatrice in terms of one constant main culprit.

Episode 3 is pretty much fixed, a servant killed the first twilight victims and Nanjo who helped them fake their deaths, Eva/Hideyoshi killed the rest.

Pretty much anyone except Kanon could have done episode 4. The entirety of the episode is a lie. His death as the 9th victim is the only confirmed death, and the other 3 members of Kyries group were never confirmed in red so the entire order of deaths could have been fabricated.

>> No.15710151
Quoted by: >>15710157

>I can't read

>> No.15710157
Quoted by: >>15710170

And more name-calling.
Trying to talk with you was a waste of time.

>> No.15710170

I don't think you know what namecalling is

>> No.15710188
File: 172 KB, 810x874, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15710200
File: 202 KB, 960x1218, Jessica progress update 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15710227

Alright, here's what I've got so far on Jessica's nude edit. I'm also working on Beato and Kyrie's edits at the same time, and I'm hoping to get at least one of them this far later tonight.

As always, please let me know if there are any problems with the anatomy at this stage so I can fix them before moving on to shading.

>> No.15710227
Quoted by: >>15710279

Is it just me or does Jessica's head seem too small?

>> No.15710232

Thanks for the answer.

Thinking back on episode 1, the most suspicious ones to me are Rudolf+Kyrie.
Because the first twilight victims seem like they were killed at random but among the victims they were the only ones with close relation to each other so it really seems like they wanted to eliminate even the shadow of a doubt about themselves being the culprits. Not to mention both of their faces were "completely crushed" so it's even easier to fake that death than Krauss who had half of his face remaining.

>Natsuhi as the culprit gets weird since that requires Kanon to commit the final 4 murders, including killing the man who just helped him fake his death.
You got a point.

>Pretty much anyone except Kanon could have done episode 4.
I think this one played out pretty much like ep7 tea party.

Damn, I really need to re-read Umineko. I have forgotten so much info.

>> No.15710233

I'll put forward the least believable but still possible Umineko theory. I call it Runontrice. Runon used the extra time she had from skimping on her actual duties to find the gold before anyone else, she then retires and used money obtained from a small amount of gold she smuggled out while still working at the mansion to influence events on the island through bribery without ever setting foot on it herself for the two days. She then arrives on the third day by motor boat at the sub pen, finds Battler, is overcome by guilt, and then kills herself. Her plan was to kill the entire family in the explosion and then be able to come and slowly dig up the gold buried as a result of the explosion later since no one would be living on the island.

>> No.15710255
Quoted by: >>15710308

Note that none of the bodies were fakes in chapter one. All those bodies are the actual people and would just be pretending to be dead. It'd probably actually be harder, but still possible, for Rudolf and Kyrie to pull off faking their injuries.

>> No.15710279
Quoted by: >>15710289

Hm, possibly. It definitely wouldn't be the first time the head-to-body proportion was off. I tried increasing the size of her head to 105%. Does that fix the issue? If not, it's also possible that her shoulders are making her head look weird by comparison.

>> No.15710289
File: 338 KB, 960x1218, Jessica head test 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.15710308

>All those bodies are the actual people and would just be pretending to be dead.
Yeah I remember that. But still, it is a lot easier to pretend to be dead when your whole face is covered than when you have one side uncovered.
Though this argument doesn't say much, since Rosa and Gohda could have also done it.

Also, Shannon's body only being described by Hideyoshi seemed to like an obvious red herring even back when I first read ep1.

>> No.15710330

Oh and while I said Kanon killing Nanjo is a bit weird it's not completely out there since something similar has to happen in episode 3 since only the first twilight victims could kill Nanjo, and were also killed by Nanjo at the same time now that I think about it, since whomever did it had to die before Eva killed Battler.

Also all 4 episodes are bullshit since Eva, Battler and whomever is Beatrice all have to survive to day 3, which never happened in any of those episodes. Heck Beatrice surviving even in the supposed truth in episode 7 is reliant on Kyrie being the worst shot imaginable.

>> No.15710338

That song fits ridiculously well with the scenes its in, I get chills every time.

>> No.15710343

You sound like you haven't read Umineko in a while, or just weren't paying attention at all, which is the case with most Rosatricefags. Both Kyrie and Rudolf end up with the two defective guns.

>> No.15710364
Quoted by: >>15710384

Kyrie shot Rosa, so her gun can at least fire, which should be enough to kill Beatrice who was neither moving or putting up any resistance.

>> No.15710381
Quoted by: >>15710393

I have a theory that all 4 games contain some truth to what really happened.

Kyrie shot Rosa, Hideyoshi and Gohda. With the same gun. Even if the gun wasn't reliable, what is the chance of missing BOTH Eva and Beatrice? One after the other?

>> No.15710384

But it didn't. There's nothing to even fucking argue about here, Yasu wasn't killed.

>> No.15710389

>I can't argue so there is nothing to argue about here!!!44
Sure is summer here.

>> No.15710392
Quoted by: >>15710406

Not him but he's right, Yasu and Battler survive the events.

>> No.15710393

>I have a theory that all 4 games contain some truth to what really happened.
Yeah, and its that Yasu was the culprit, the servants were accomplices and a seperate adult was the accomplice every time.

What the fuck do you even mean? There's nothing to argue about, because its the one truth.

You're literally acting like Ange did when she learned the truth by denying reality.

>> No.15710395
Quoted by: >>15710412

Yes and the explanation for why Yasu didn't die is Kyrie can't shoot for shit, even with a faulty gun Rudolph could at least kill George, Kyrie couldn't even take out a stationary target who was letting her kill them.

>> No.15710398
Quoted by: >>15710410

Yasu wasn't killed by Kyrie, Eva wasn't killed by Kyrie.

You can't argue against an absolute truth.

>> No.15710401

>You're literally acting like Ange did when she learned the truth by denying reality.
Minus the whole "jumping to her dead" thingy.

>> No.15710406

>trusting the magic ending

>What the fuck do you even mean? There's nothing to argue about, because its the one truth.
Oh yey, a manga retard. "Argument" fucking disregarded,

>> No.15710410

No one is arguing that Yasu died, retard. We're arguing the reason Yasu didn't die is that Kyrie sucks at shooting people beyond what even a crappy gun would account for.

>> No.15710412

>Kyrie couldn't shoot for shit

>rudolf managed to kill George
Yeah, after missing his head and shooting too low three times. He only managed to kill him when he had the gun pressed right up against his head

>author says the manga is canon
>nah, I'm going to ignore it, my head canon is canon
Off yourself.

>> No.15710416

Oh yay, a "manga isn't canon" retard. "Argument" fucking disregarded.

>> No.15710420
File: 93 KB, 1047x687, later queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15710445

>author says X is the truth

>> No.15710423
Quoted by: >>15710443

>Ryukishi made the manga as a big joke guys!
>Totally, the whole manga's all just a big prank bro, hahahahaha
>I'm so smart

>> No.15710424

Kyrie couldn't even hit Jessica when she had her gun pressed to her head so Rudolph still beats her there.

>> No.15710428

>Both Kyrie and Rudolf end up with the two defective guns.
Rudolf as well? I only remember the manga saying that Kyrie's gun had blanks in it. Although that's also a bit strange, since she shot Rosa and Hideyoshi. The only explanation I can think of is that it had both blanks and real ammo in it for some reason

>> No.15710429

>wah wah the author who likes to fool his readers said so this is the truth
>not even in the original medium
>literally a manga made to calm down the autistic goats
>b-but believe it!!

Very funny.

>> No.15710430
File: 260 KB, 500x375, a trusting relationship is required.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15710443


>> No.15710433
Quoted by: >>15710436

I'm glad to see that everything is going just as always around here. So friendly and charming.

>> No.15710436

Yeah, that thread becomes shit quickly when we're not talking about how to spank Bernkastel.

>> No.15710438
Quoted by: >>15710469

When has Ryukishi fooled his readers by fabricating over half of an entire story for no reason? But keep deluding yourself. Maybe in 6 more years Ryukishi will appease you by confirming your conspiracy theory.

>> No.15710440
Quoted by: >>15710450

Heh, I agree about that.

>> No.15710443

The manga was made to "fix" something that didn't need any fixing. It was made to please the autistic fanbase who wanted "the one truth".

Trust always leads to trickery.

>> No.15710444

Rudolph's gun fired too low every single time he fired it, he's the one with an actual confirmed malfunctioning gun. I always just assumed Kyrie was personally useless and had a regular gun. Blanks don't really explain Eva getting grazed by a bullet.

>> No.15710445
Quoted by: >>15710469

The mental gymnastics here are amazing.
Shion always was the culprit, just because some people thought it was Mion doesn't change that fact.

I guess Rena and Mion really did try to stick a needle in Keiichi at the end of EP1? And they put a needle in the ohagi too! They were both part of the conspiracy, and Irie, "the director" was the mastermind!

It all makes sense now.

I'm not talking about the manga exclusively, the VN makes it VERY clear that both guns are defective. Rudolph mentions that his gun shoots low about twenty times.

>he hired an artist and spent a year making something all for a big prank even though he's never going to come back to it
Where did your tard wrangler wander off to? I think he needs to get you to lay off on the meds.

>> No.15710447

Wait, no. I read that wrong. Fuck off.

>> No.15710450
Quoted by: >>15710459

Aaaww, thank you. I'm glad someone else agree that Bernkastel deserves a spanking.

>> No.15710459
Quoted by: >>15710464

No!! It was a mistake. I thought you were talking about how these threads improve when that anon is not always talking about butts. A mistake!

>> No.15710464
Quoted by: >>15710480

Don't be tsun-tsun, I know you too crave for Bernkasstel's butt.

>> No.15710466

So is this "the manga isn't real" fag actually retarded or a troll?
How often does he show up? I haven't been to these threads in a while and I hope he doesn't shit the thread up everytime.

>> No.15710469

>The mental gymnastics here are amazing.
It was written by R07 himself.

>he hired an artist and spent a year making something all for a big prank even though he's never going to come back to it
Cash grabbing is the right word, not prank.

Look up him saying things like "I like to hide the truth under a layer of what appears to be the truth" .

>Maybe in 6 more years Ryukishi will appease you by confirming your conspiracy theory.
Unlike you faggot who is thirsty for approval, I am confident in my theory so I don't R07 coming out and praising me. Umineko was always meant to be a story which doesn't spoon feed you anything, it was made to make you think. That is what mangaretards fail to understand. Back to jerking to that "canon" of yours you autist.

>> No.15710480
Quoted by: >>15710495

Fuck you. I'm not gay.

>> No.15710482
File: 49 KB, 320x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your theory then, oh wise anon.
>inb4 I-I can't tell it to a goat like you

>> No.15710484
Quoted by: >>15710509

I think some people disregard the manga because it disproved their fanfic theories. At least that's how it seems

>> No.15710488

>I haven't been to these threads in a while and I hope he doesn't shit the thread up everytime.

I only make the discussion more high quality. Otherwise idiots here would talk about who they want to spank the most or other retarded shit all the time.

>> No.15710492

Considering he appeared out of nowhere the second the argument over whether episode 7 relies on Kyrie being incompetent or not started I'm guessing he's a troll. An actual retard would probably have been posting that kind of stuff before that point.

>> No.15710495
Quoted by: >>15710498

So you're a girl?

Dammit her smug smile piss me off.


>> No.15710497
Quoted by: >>15710533

So you're a troll then.
It's somewhat comforting to know that you really aren't that retarded, just a little autistic.

>> No.15710498
File: 76 KB, 1024x576, Fifty Fifty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't know. Fifty-fifty. Probably both.
Yes, who cares?

>> No.15710506

I can't tell it to a goat like you. You wouldn't understand, too complex.

>> No.15710508
Quoted by: >>15710533

But what you are doing is dismissing large parts of the story as just Ryukishi fucking with the audience, he's not trying to write some austitic puzzle that only the truly smart people like you can get, he's writing a story, and Umineko fails as a story if Ryukishi wrote scenes with no other point but to mislead the audience and hide some sort of "truth beyond the truth".

>> No.15710509
Quoted by: >>15710543

That's exactly what it is. They're like Erika at the end of episode 5 where battler absolutely trashes her and she's still in denial saying her theory can't be wrong.

>> No.15710518

I wonder if people would have complained like this if Ryukishi had revealed everything in the VN, instead of saving it for the manga. I mean, I've never seen anyone complain that Higurashi Kai revealed all the answers

>> No.15710529

Hey Runontrice isn't retarded. Runon secretly setting everything that happens on the island up beforehand using bribes and manipulating Yasu into setting off the bomb while not going to the island herself until after the explosion is at least more viable than Rosatrice.

>> No.15710531
Quoted by: >>15710543

The thing is, the manga only goes more explicitly into things that were already established, and adds new scenes that improve on the story without changing anything. Everything was already hidden there in the VN.

>> No.15710533

Easy. Battler is the culprit. The other cousins are accomplices.

>everyone who doesn't stop thinking is a troll

>he's not trying to write some austitic puzzle that only the truly smart people like you can get
See, you are wrong on this one. Writing "some autistic" puzzle and telling a story is both possible at once..

>> No.15710541
Quoted by: >>15710573

Of course they would. Anything that isn't Shkanontrice. They deluded themselves into thinking the story was more complex than it is and force thoughts into Ryukishi's head.

>> No.15710543
Quoted by: >>15710564

>Everything was already hidden there in the VN
You can literally say that about any theory.

And you mangatards are like you are from episode 1 tea party. Why did you stop thinking?

>> No.15710551

Can we stop fucking talking about this now?

>> No.15710554

I'll allow it.

>> No.15710557
Quoted by: >>15710563

Would you rather talk Buttkastel or other retarded memes? What is wrong with you? Why do you want to hide from the truth?

>> No.15710563

>Would you rather talk Buttkastel
Yeah, let's

>> No.15710564
Quoted by: >>15710593

Okay, anon, why don't you post some proof in the VN for your theory?

>> No.15710573
Quoted by: >>15710596

Ironic that you say that while it is the exact opposite. R07 didn't want to give "one single truth". He only did so because you faggots went full autistic after ep8 came out and wanted a definite answer. Then, R07 went ahead and painted Shkannon and Rudolf/Kyrie culprit theory as the truth because it was the hot topic among fans.

>> No.15710593

Battler solved the riddle of the epitaph and became Beatrice. Jessica, George and Maria were his accomplices. Go back and read the VN throughly.

>> No.15710596

>R07 went ahead and painted Shkannon and Rudolf/Kyrie culprit theory as the truth because it was the hot topic among fans.

Like I said, deluding yourself and forcing your own thoughts into Ryukishi's mind.

>Read it yourself, it's there, I promise!

That's not proof.

>> No.15710602
Quoted by: >>15710609

The detective can't be the culprit.

>> No.15710603
Quoted by: >>15710617

>forcing your own thoughts into Ryukishi's mind.
How does that work?

>> No.15710607
Quoted by: >>15710617

>Like I said, deluding yourself and forcing your own thoughts into Ryukishi's mind.

And like I said, you forced your thoughts onto R07. R07 can't help being a cuck and so he went along with you goats' faggotry.

>Read it yourself, it's there, I promise!
Funny you used the same argument yourself earlier, when saying the manga truth was already in the VN but hidden.

>> No.15710609
Quoted by: >>15710626

Ushiromiya Battler isn't the detective. The detective in Umineko is the reader himself.

>> No.15710617
Quoted by: >>15710633

By deluding yourself that your own thoughts actually came from the author. Case in point, the people who think 70% of the story was a lie.

>you forced your thoughts onto R07

No, Ryukishi actually wrote the truth in his works, while you've deluded yourself into thinking that it's all a trick.

>Funny you used the same argument yourself earlier

There is more than one person is in this thread.

And you're still not elaborating on the hints for your theory and that the entire novel is a farce. Since you've been doing this the last few threads, I'll assume you're a troll.

>> No.15710622
Quoted by: >>15710634

Welp, sorry seacats but its time for me to leave these threads for good.
It was fun making and sharing memes and shit with each other, but this autist is too much for me.
<See you again>

>> No.15710626
File: 27 KB, 215x203, 1467393247145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was confirmed to be the detective with red.

>Up to the end of the fourth game, you were the detective...
>Battler up until that point was the detective, he therefore could not become culprit or accomplice.

Eat shit, goat-kun.

>> No.15710633
Quoted by: >>15710660

>No, Ryukishi actually wrote the truth in his works, while you've deluded yourself into thinking that it's all a trick.

You say some big things there, boy. How about YOU give me some proof?

>And you're still not elaborating on the hints for your theory and that the entire novel is a farce. Since you've been doing this the last few threads, I'll assume you're a troll.
>everybody is a troll who disagrees with me
Yet again, you put your head into the sand and refuse to hear anything.

>> No.15710634

See you in a week.

>> No.15710635
Quoted by: >>15710669

Red can be ignored depending on the circumstances.

>> No.15710639
Quoted by: >>15710658

I feel the need to point out that the only thing confirming the red is more red. So literally all the red statements could be lies. Therefore my theory that Battler is blind and his entire family is dead before the game starts and the entirety of Umineko is Gohda doing voices to trick him into thinking his family is still alive in order to get him to sign off on his paycheck is perfectly valid.

>> No.15710641

Notice how the word used wasn't murderer, goat-kun.

>> No.15710644
Quoted by: >>15710669

Beato's games can be ignored. They were GAMES after all, not the the one single truth.

>> No.15710658

Gohda got close in the third attempt, but unfortunately Battler mistook a random passing seagull as his sister calling for him and wandered off without signing.

>> No.15710660
Quoted by: >>15710671

Re-read Episode 2, buddy, Ryukishi pretty much screams the truth in your face. Especially in the fantasy scenes regarding Jessica/Kanon and George/Shannon.

>> No.15710669
File: 806 KB, 968x1041, 1452187589245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it cannot. Even when irrelevant truth is being said to mislead the reader it is still the penultimate truth. The truth of Battler being the detective is extremely direct, there's no room to misinterpret it. If you want to participate in mental gymnastics for a different interpretation, go ahead, but get ready to be disregarded if it's impossible to prove.

Ignoring the red means you will literally never get anywhere in solving Umineko. That kind of approach creates arguments that can't be proved or disproved. No debate would be possible because neither side would be able to prove anything. That's why the author put it there in the first place. Anything said without the backing of the red is just fantasy and shouldn't be taken seriously.

>The definition of the culprit is 'one who murdered'.
That's red. You should try reading the VN sometime, retard.

>> No.15710671
Quoted by: >>15710698

Jessica was an accomplice. She faked her own death. Same with George. That is all there is to it.

>> No.15710685
Quoted by: >>15710695

>Even when irrelevant truth is being said to mislead the reader it is still the penultimate truth.
That is why I said ep1-4 can be ignored.

>Ignoring the red means you will literally never get anywhere in solving Umineko.
The red unnecessarily limits one from reaching the truth.

>That's red. You should try reading the VN sometime, retard,
Where did that definition come up first? Bern's puzzle in ep8. Nah, fuck off.

>> No.15710695
File: 36 KB, 221x212, 1470646682660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where did that definition come up first? Bern's puzzle in ep8. Nah, fuck off.

>Twilight of the Golden Witch
>No, it is possible. A 'culprit' is defined as 'one who murders'. It never says that they have to murder someone who appears in the story. ......In other words. If George committed murder outside the island, sometime before this crime, he could be a 'culprit' without killing anyone on the island, and it would be possible for him to lie.
>A 'culprit' is defined as 'one who murders'.

Said in red, therefore that's the definition. Everything else in your post is just fantasy, I'm not replying to that.

>> No.15710698
File: 328 KB, 640x419, beatrice being mad at battler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15710720

That doesn't mean the fantasy scenes are irrelevant. There's a clear subtext going on beneath them that shows the truth behind some of the character's personalities. The reason why I chose those scenes in particular was because on a re-read that was where the subtext was the most clear.

>> No.15710700
Quoted by: >>15710706

Why is Buttkasstel always stuffing her face?

>> No.15710703
File: 187 KB, 1600x1067, goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erika talks about Bern's Puzzle. And Bern's Puzzle isn't the truth.

>> No.15710704
Quoted by: >>15710737

I can think of a way Battler could not be the detective. It is so beyond retarded though that I don't think anyone would ever seriously suggest it.

>> No.15710706
Quoted by: >>15710771

Stop spamming this stupid shit

>> No.15710717

In red:
>Battler-kun didn't kill anyone.

>> No.15710720
Quoted by: >>15710800


All fantasy scenes are irrelevant. They are tools The Deceiver uses to fool us.

>> No.15710737

It hinges on how directly the Japanese addresses Battler as the detective. If it just says Ushiromiya Battler then Asumu's stillborn baby can be the detective.

>> No.15710767
Quoted by: >>15710789

Will the truth ever be revealed?

>> No.15710769
Quoted by: >>15710776

Was Asumu's stillborn baby actually named Battler? I don't think I can disprove that unless it's said somewhere that he wasn't.

>> No.15710771

You're not answering my question about Asskastel.

>> No.15710776

It was stated in red that it was actually. "It was from Ushiromiya Asumu that Ushiromiya Battler was born." is the actual statement.

>> No.15710787
File: 566 KB, 2000x1519, 1450513066322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking insane but what proof is there to the contrary?

>> No.15710788
File: 253 KB, 819x480, Black_Battler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is possible after all.

>> No.15710789
Quoted by: >>15710802

Someday we'll get a manga series about what that dead baby saw from whatever landfill Kyrie chucked it into.

>> No.15710791

Wouldn't the detective have to be alive?

>> No.15710800
Quoted by: >>15710817

You're saying all these things are irrelevant, but if they are, then why is Ryukishi showing it? Why would an author show us irrelevant information?

>> No.15710802
Quoted by: >>15710834

Show us red that says he is actually dead.

>implying he is dead

>> No.15710804

Nope. Knox made too many assumptions about writers not being retarded to even consider making it a rule that detectives have to actually be alive at the time of the story.

>> No.15710817

Confusing the enemy is the most certain way to victory.

>> No.15710822
File: 367 KB, 900x1314, img000018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about the VN, but this page of the manga specifically refers to "you" (Battler) as the detective for game 1-4. Not sure what the Japanese says though

>> No.15710834

Yeah, all assumptions of other Battler being dead rely on Rudolph not acting like a crazy person which is a bit much to expect from a member of the Ushiromiya family. There's still only one Battler on the island due to the amount of people being confirmed, unless it turns out Nanjo was just Genji in a fat suit all along.

>> No.15710860
Quoted by: >>15710888

>it turns out there is one more person playing two different characters
First Shannon and Kanon. I wonder who it will be this time ~??

>> No.15710864

Yeah it's a similar wording in the VN, but I doubt anyone would have a reason to not translate a more indirect "Ushiromiya Battler" as "You" in that context so it could be more vague in Japanese. There's no way it'd be intentional though, cause the detective being the other Battler is literally the dumbest loophole imaginable.

>> No.15710883
File: 278 KB, 732x540, You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's also this. She definitely says "you" and not just "Ushiromiya Battler."

>> No.15710884

>cause the detective being the other Battler is literally the dumbest loophole imaginable

Never say dumbest. Never.

>> No.15710888
Quoted by: >>15710906

Natsuhi can't have kids, so Jessica is literally Kumasawa pretending to be a teenager in order to keep her from going even crazier.

>> No.15710906

She is talking to the other Battler.
Btw, the original japanese text should be the one that decides this matter.

Nice, but how about George/Jessica being the same person? George felt pity for Natsuhi and felt guilty because he was born while Natsuhi didn't have any children.

>> No.15710915
Quoted by: >>15710927

holy fuck the whole point of Black Battler is to highlight how fucking stupid Battler being the culprit is.

>> No.15710920
Quoted by: >>15710932

I'm kind of assuming it'd have to be someone who actually stays on the island, George kinda has to go live with his actual family.

>> No.15710927

Black Battler is no where near as stupid as dead baby detective. So dead baby detective is much more effective at highlighting how dumb Battler being the culprit is.

>> No.15710932
Quoted by: >>15710942

It is only during times of the family conference. Kind of like how Maria plays with "Beato" during family conferences.

>> No.15710942

I think Natsuhi would notice that her daughter only exists one day a year. She's not quite that oblivious.

>> No.15710948
Quoted by: >>15710969

is there actually somebody here that seriously believes in that though?

>> No.15710953
Quoted by: >>15710960

Black Battler is what happens when the other, "dead baby" Battler returns to Rokkenjima.

>> No.15710955

>She is talking to the other Battler.
Why on earth would she do that?

>the original japanese text should be the one that decides this matter.

I just listened to the scene. The voice actor clearly doesn't say "anata" and not "Ushiromiya Battler". Unless you mean to imply that Ryuukishi had the voice actor read different lines just to fool the western audience.

>> No.15710960
Quoted by: >>15710969

So Black Battler is Asumu's son?

>> No.15710962

Guess other Battler will never get to be detective then.

>> No.15710969
File: 174 KB, 500x458, Black_Batller2_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15710979

I want to believe.

>> No.15710979
Quoted by: >>15711015

But why? He's not a particularly interesting character. He's just the result of lazy thinking and cliches.

>> No.15710984

Just wait before a retard comes and claims the voiced version of Umineko doesn't count just like the manga, only the original release.

>> No.15711006

Or better yet, that even the original release isn't canon, since Ryukishi originally planned the series differently before scrapping land of the golden witch.

>> No.15711010
File: 108 KB, 636x472, You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, it clearly says "あなた" in the second line

>> No.15711015
Quoted by: >>15711107

I like this cliche, personally.
Also, I like him because of how absurd his entire existence is. Battler ending up as the killer? It must be a very interesting fragment, indeed.

>> No.15711025
Quoted by: >>15711035

>The voice actor clearly doesn't say "anata"
But she does, right here

>> No.15711035

Sorry that was a typo on my part. I meant to say she says anata.

>> No.15711069
Quoted by: >>15711081

>land of the golden witch never gets released

>> No.15711081
Quoted by: >>15711091

What are you talking about?

>> No.15711086
Quoted by: >>15711121

I wonder if he'll ever release Land of the Golden Witch, like he did with Hinamizawa Bus Stop. I'm curious to see what it was actually about

>> No.15711091
Quoted by: >>15711106

Land of the Golden Witch was the original version of Episode 3, which he scrapped and made Banquet instead, because people complained that Episode 2 was too hard

>> No.15711106
Quoted by: >>15711159

How was it supposed to be?

>> No.15711107
File: 609 KB, 533x800, 3d5ffab6f7870d20d6398c4186f6d7f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kinda weird how OMK's B.Battler seems to hate his own existence more than anyone.

It's like yeah, he IS the killer, but he's more like a normal Battler forced into that role.

>> No.15711121
Quoted by: >>15711127

He mentions in Answer to the Golden Witch that he probably won't release it
> I don’t think I would be able to make you enjoy Land, now that all of you have learned about the truth. If the answer is already out, it’s laughable to try and hide it with difficult riddles. At best it would be funny. Maybe you’d think “Hey, that makes up for some of it”. Well that might happen, but almost all of the tricks planned for Land have been divided up and mixed into what became EP4~6. I really hear you asking for a release of Land, but I’m afraid I’m just not able to do that anymore.

>> No.15711127
Quoted by: >>15711139

That's a weird excuse. I think he just doesn't want to show it because he thinks it's shit.

>> No.15711139

>but almost all of the tricks planned for Land have been divided up and mixed into what became EP4~6

I think that's a pretty good reason

>> No.15711159
File: 25 KB, 500x375, Virgilius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15711238

There isn't really much info about it, except that Erika was supposed to be a guy named Virgilius. When it got scrapped, his name and role was given to Virgilia, and his personality was given to Erika

>> No.15711162
File: 283 KB, 960x960, Genji Nanjo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless it turns out Nanjo was just Genji in a fat suit all along.

They must never know...

>> No.15711238

Looks shota as fuck.

>> No.15712320
File: 229 KB, 960x960, Beato progress update 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15712327

Edit anon here. so I've finally managed to get Beato's nude edit past the outline phase and to the point where it's almost ready to start shading. It ended up giving me more trouble than expected, particularly her arms. every time I made an outline based on the original sprite they came out looking weirdly elongated. I finally had to settle on just staying as close to the original proportions as possible while fixing the anatomy.

For her bottom half I decided to use her human sprite as reference for the proportions of her hips and legs. I had originally planned to just outline the human sprite's legs and use them, but it turns out that the posture of two sprites don't actually overlap.

Finally, the shape of her breasts was a bit of any issue. While they look perfectly fine in her dress, in a nude sprite they seem somewhat angular. So I decided once again to make some limited adjustments, rounding them out a bit while trying to stay true to their original size.

Let me know what you think. If there are any problems please tell me and I'll do my best to fix them.

As I mentioned before, I've also started on Kyrie's nude edit. However, it's proving a bit too much of a hassle to work on all three simultaneously, so I think I'll wait until Jessica and Beato are finished before continuing with her. Sorry to the anon who requested her.

>> No.15712327
Quoted by: >>15712342

her whole body is fucked.

>> No.15712342
Quoted by: >>15712592

Any suggestions?

>> No.15712592
Quoted by: >>15712600

i suggest you unfuck it.

>> No.15712600
Quoted by: >>15713794

What specifically is wrong with the anatomy?

>> No.15713086
File: 222 KB, 583x800, __furude_rika_higurashi_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_gaou__789155d0da46e1b642395cfd3c4090e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15713767

I want to give Bernkastel a spanking.

>> No.15713271

I remember reading in the past that Kinzo's name actually means something like "The owner of the gold"
Was it true?

>> No.15713288

Goldsmith? That's his wizard name.

>> No.15713368

It's something dumb like "gold warehouse". Pretty sure Battler comments on it at some point.

>> No.15713767
Quoted by: >>15713778

But why do you post a picture of Rika then???

>> No.15713778
File: 284 KB, 800x571, __frederica_bernkastel_and_lambdadelta_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_misumi_kouji__1cc90186149bab1222252eb5df1b8367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15713786

Because I'm out of safe Bernkastel pictures, plus Rika and Bernkastel are pretty close.

>> No.15713786
Quoted by: >>15713798

Don't slander Rika by mentioning that cunt resembling her.

>> No.15713794
Quoted by: >>15714081

The right arm near the shoulder looks wrong. Remove a bit the line at the top of her armpit.

>> No.15713798
Quoted by: >>15713822

But Rika is Bernkastel's mother, in a way. She gave birth to the witch.

If Rika's life wasn't already pretty shitty, that would deserve a punishment.
A shame Takano already gutted her alive.

>> No.15713822
Quoted by: >>15713840

Go fucking kill yourself. You don't look down on Rika and have pity that she already suffered a torturous death as an excuse for masking your desires for your sick perversions.

>> No.15713840
Quoted by: >>15713850

You sound jealous, Lambda.

>> No.15713850
Quoted by: >>15713862

Rika is mine mine mine mine. And I won't you let her touch her physically or mentally. Now go away. Go repeatedly talk about Bernkastel's ass or some boring shit.

>> No.15713862
Quoted by: >>15713880

Even if I wanted to spank little Rika's butt, spanking her after what Tanako or Shion had done to her would feel like tickling for her.

Or she would get off to it.

>> No.15713880
File: 1.69 MB, 1680x2576, mortal stampede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15713887

The point is simply that you're getting boring about spanking.

>> No.15713887
Quoted by: >>15714150

The point is that we're talking about a little girl who had her belly sliced open, her guts pulled out while she was watching, and she probably died of fright.
Rika isn't for spanking, you monster.

>> No.15714081
File: 228 KB, 960x960, Beato progress update 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15714429

How's this?

>> No.15714150
Quoted by: >>15714184

And you're talking about an adult who had her belly sliced open, her guts pulled out while she was watching, and she probably died of fright when she was a little girl.

>> No.15714157

They're the same. If you buy both supposedly there's cloud save sync between ps3 and vita.

Though I'm not sure who would buy both though.

>> No.15714184

Bernkastel is worse than Rika.

>> No.15714292
Quoted by: >>15714323

Yes, but she used to be Rika.

>> No.15714323

But she grew up to be worse.
Rika can be redeemed. Bernkastel cannot, she proved it in Umineko.

>> No.15714336
File: 6 KB, 300x168, yawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15714429
Quoted by: >>15714468

A little better but it doesn't seem right.

>> No.15714468

I'm going to keep working on the arms. Is there anything wrong with the rest of her body, like her hips or breasts?

>> No.15714487

No the rest seems fine, it's just that arm that looks bad.

>> No.15714491

I think you made her too hourglass. As in, she's shaped like a literal hourglass.

>> No.15714494
Quoted by: >>15714506

Hartman hips.

>> No.15714497
Quoted by: >>15714505

You mean a more fun version of Rika, yeah?

>> No.15714500
Quoted by: >>15715244

The breasts are done as if she's still wearing the dress, which she's not. The right breast (our right) shouldn't be so bunched up beside the other.

>> No.15714505
Quoted by: >>15714509

I'll punch you and give a spanking to your waifu.

>> No.15714506

Hartman shoulders.

>> No.15714509
Quoted by: >>15714516

I'm not the guy who wants to spank Buttkastel but I think anyone can see that Bern is a more awesome version of Rika.

>> No.15714512

also do the pachinko sprites seriously have those fucking talons

>> No.15714516
Quoted by: >>15714522

I'll punch you and give a spanking to your waifu nonetheless.

>> No.15714522

I want to see a hot threesome involving Erika x Buttkastel x Rika.

>> No.15714534

What about Bus Stop Rika?

>> No.15714553
File: 2.06 MB, 320x181, 1444558265792.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like fun.

>> No.15714607
File: 779 KB, 1200x1704, __admiral_ikazuchi_kongou_and_yuudachi_jurassic_park_jurassic_world_and_kantai_collection_drawn_by_minipat_sketch_wall__68f39b4da57f9367b8146dfe8f7e8dbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15714614

Cockblocking Rika.

>> No.15714614
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x2145, Rena gets it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15714616

Rika gives zero fucks.

>> No.15714616
File: 352 KB, 767x800, __furude_rika_higurashi_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_gaou__ad4ff05b7f3dfe44e262e3a7e6328006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15714625

Lewd Rika.

>> No.15714625
Quoted by: >>15714639

Rika's the type of girl who would walk around town naked without caring, with everyone falling to the ground praying at the mere sight.

>> No.15714639
File: 389 KB, 748x800, Rika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15714796

And people say I'm the pervert.

>> No.15714796

Immortality makes you immoral.

>> No.15714922
Quoted by: >>15715261

Hmm, although it does explain why people who do not care about their own mortality can commit immoral acts.

>> No.15715244
File: 225 KB, 960x960, Beato progress update 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, these arms were a real bitch to get down, but I think I'm finally getting somewhere. I also made a few changes based on you're other suggestions. How does this look.

Well, based on her Human sprite, Beato definitely has quite the hourglass figure, but maybe I overdid it. I've tried to tone it down a bit.

Hm, you think so? I already changed them a bit to make them look less confined. Then again, all I really changed was the shape, so maybe I should spread them out a bit. How's this look?

>> No.15715261

They don't care about their legacy nor jail.

>> No.15715303
Quoted by: >>15715346

Looks good.

>> No.15715311
Quoted by: >>15715346

What's Buffalo Bill doing there?

>> No.15715346
File: 222 KB, 960x1218, Jessica head 105%.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15715568

That's a relief. Thanks. What about Jessica's edit? Any issue's that need fixing? If not I'l go ahead and start on the shading.

Sorry, I don't follow.

>> No.15715568

I hate Jessica's arm on the right. It feels insanely long. Could you curve it so that it's hidden behind her torso? Or maybe reduce the length?

>> No.15715578


>> No.15715597
File: 84 KB, 405x401, 1446321110789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15715614

Literally retarded

>> No.15715614
Quoted by: >>15715635

no u
a website or something

>> No.15715624
File: 2.25 MB, 2955x960, lewd lineup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'll see what I can do.

This is the source. I'm making them myself and posting them for the first time here. Unless you're referring to the original pachinko sprites, in which case they're here.


>> No.15715635
Quoted by: >>15715650

Have you ever heard of a website called 4chan.org?

>> No.15715650
Quoted by: >>15716000

are you brain damaged?

>> No.15715687
Quoted by: >>15716005

Just finished RGD, damn what a fucking wild ride. I can't believe its over.

They need to hurry up and fucking translate the manga.

So glad Maurice and Gabriel got fucked.
Really sucks that Alan died.

>> No.15715696
File: 325 KB, 606x383, hig chp 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey https://twitter.com/MangaGamer/status/766706863371067392

>> No.15715700
Quoted by: >>15715716

I only know Higurashi and Higurashi Kai. Which one is that?

>> No.15715705
Quoted by: >>15716005

Meh, who cares about worse chapter. Call me when they get to Kai or Hou.

>> No.15715716

Hou is all of Higurashi and also Hinamizawa bus stop, Outbreak and its second part.

Speaking of outbreak, why did Irie shoot himself in the OVA? He doesn't do that in the VN...

>> No.15715726
Quoted by: >>15715819

I don't know about Bus Stop or Outbreak.
I know the former is some kind of theater à la "Waiting for Godot", and Outbreak sounds like a zombie scenario.

>> No.15715759
Quoted by: >>15715819

Is Rose Gun Days Last season the full name of the VN or is it just the last part?
I don't want to download the wrong thing

>> No.15715760

Can someone check my answers for the series? I just finished reading and i want to know if i'm correct.. My understanding of Beatrice motive is that it basically was a "test" to battler to see if he really loved her, and that she believed he would stop her and realize everything, is this right?

>> No.15715769
File: 244 KB, 848x480, rika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15715776

I don't remember Irie doing anything significant in the second part of Outbreak, so they probably didn't see any harm in changing it to him killing himself.

Probably to also illustrate how indifferent Rika is to the whole situation.

>> No.15715776
File: 121 KB, 340x460, __furude_rika_and_maebara_keiichi_higurashi_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_kurogarasu__42996eaaf4c1bb7e3223ba4578c78739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15715880

She musta seen some shit.

>> No.15715778

no. yes, sort of.

>> No.15715785
File: 399 KB, 960x1218, Jessica arms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15715876

How's this?

>> No.15715819

>outbreak sounds like a zombie scenario
That's exactly what it is, the worst possible world where the virus goes bonkers across the whole world. Then the second half came along and sort of ruined it. It should have just been one of the many fragments instead of some weird thing that doesn't fit into the canon.

Yeah it has all four seasons.

Her motive was to commit suicide with her entire family. She wanted battler to find out who the culprit was and stop her.

>> No.15715831
Quoted by: >>15715856

That actually sounds like fun. A shame about that second part.

>> No.15715836

Thanks for the help anon

>> No.15715856
Quoted by: >>15715869

I'd actually suggest checking out the OVA called Higurashi Kaku, which covers the first half of outbreak. If you just watch that it fits in nicely as one of the many fragments.

And although I enjoyed the second half, it should have just ended when blue haired bitch wiped out the entire human race. It should have just been THE worst possible fragment

>> No.15715869

>spoilered text
Another excuse for me to want to spank Bernkastel?

>> No.15715876
Quoted by: >>15715973

Much better.

>> No.15715880
File: 434 KB, 848x480, like I give a fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15715973
Quoted by: >>15716010

Great! I guess I'll start on the shading then.

>> No.15716000

Are you?

>> No.15716005


>worse chapter
While it's not on the same level as the rest of the chapter, it's a bonus chapter and serves well to create the paranoia.
>akasaka being told to GO BACK TO TOKYO in a cryptic way
>the fact that Rika, as a child, knew the day of her birth, implying that the murders were somehow planned in advanced
>the elders were planning the murder years in advance for some kind of ritual magic plan
Ep 4 of Higurashi adds a lot to the story.

>> No.15716010
Quoted by: >>15716089

I'm also working on a suit for Beatrice, the bottom part is a bit meh but I think it's a good idea.

>> No.15716089
Quoted by: >>15716281

Nice, I look forward to seeing it. By the way, who do you think I should shade first?

>> No.15716106

Well don't get me wrong I loved that chapter the first time around. its just the one I'm least enthusiastic about rereading whenever I rereading Higurashi.

>> No.15716121

Did anyone read the Beyond Midnight chapter of Higurashi?
I honestly think it should be part of the main story, either as something between the first four episodes and Kai or placed right before EP6.

>> No.15716217

>day of her birth
the day of her death, along with every other death*

>> No.15716281
File: 375 KB, 960x960, lewd beato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15716324

Alright, how does this look?

Whichever you'd like.

>> No.15716305
File: 376 KB, 960x960, lewd beato 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15716324

I think it's better to just leave the beast cleavage as the outline rather than let the dress do that.

>> No.15716324
File: 681 KB, 974x840, You&#039;re next.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15716338

Oh, nice. I think I can work with that. Though I'll probably want to make multiple outfits for Beato.

Yeah, I think it looks better like this. It'll emphasize her cleavage more, especially once it's shaded.

I think I'll shade Jessica first. That'll give us some time to come up with more outfits for Beato, plus it'll finish up the cousins.

>> No.15716338
File: 376 KB, 960x960, lewd beato 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15716352

Hmm, the arm on the left looked a bit weird. It doesn't seem to align with the anconeus.

HAHAHAHAHA that image holy shit.


>> No.15716352
Quoted by: >>15716358

>Hmm, the arm on the left looked a bit weird. It doesn't seem to align with the anconeus.
Yeah. Sadly, in order to make Beato look presentable I had to mess around with the outline a lot, and now several parts just don't line up with the original.

>> No.15716358
File: 376 KB, 960x960, lewd beato 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No clue why I didn't remove that black spot.

It's fine I fixed it.

>> No.15716379 [DELETED] 
File: 371 KB, 960x960, lewd beato 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15716392

There we go, a little better.
The top is pretty good but the bottom probably needs work or something else.

>> No.15716391
File: 370 KB, 960x960, lewd beato 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15716402

There we go, a little better.
The top is pretty good but the bottom probably needs work or something else.

I hate spotting new mistakes right after I think I'm done.

>> No.15716392

Yeah, I'll probably take a stab at it and try a few things.

>> No.15716402

It's just a natural part of editing. I'll think I'm done with a piece, but then spend another hour fixing small mistakes.

>> No.15716595
File: 284 KB, 960x960, Beato skirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a quick idea. I tried turning one of Beato's sleeves into a miniskirt. I think it turned out pretty well.

>> No.15716703

Post your favorite songs from non-WTC 07thexpansion stuff:

>> No.15716713
Quoted by: >>15716733

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-nxCR0cSQk&list=PL1uoOu3sWHcPATwR178KBkl59jjvtVzd7&index=3 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OwS5vwRY_Y&list=PL1uoOu3sWHcPATwR178KBkl59jjvtVzd7&index=11 are pretty good.

>> No.15716733
Quoted by: >>15716740

Jazz and boogie, heh? I kinda like them.

>> No.15716740

Correction, the second is named boogie, but it isn't actual boogie.

>> No.15716807


Loving the lewded beatos. Thank you lewdinganon.

>> No.15716876

Mine has to be RGD's two openings, Gabriel's theme, Higanbana's OP and that really intense Higanbana song with the bells.

>> No.15716915
Quoted by: >>15717160


>> No.15717160

I absolutely love how this song uses the leitmotif from "Shall we Dance?"

>> No.15717270
File: 394 KB, 960x960, lewd beato 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I added too much.

>> No.15717309
File: 340 KB, 602x879, lewd beato idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your idea and I think I have a good way to intergrate it into a new idea.
Do you see the extended connected orange string on the left? There's should be a similar one on the right too, but it's hidden behind the cloth on her arm. Do you think you could add a similar on the right side and make it symmetrical?

>> No.15717410
File: 338 KB, 602x879, lewd beato 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few tweaks later, and I really like this idea.

>> No.15717421


>> No.15717432


>> No.15717438
File: 323 KB, 960x960, lewd beato 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm, yeah, seems you absolutely need the strings. It looks extremely weird without them.

>> No.15717487
File: 375 KB, 1250x879, with or without.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15717575

Does Beatrice look better with or without the black fill? I think she looks better without but what do you think?

>> No.15717575
Quoted by: >>15717613


Black fill looks more like a really lewded Beato outfit and strings look more like something you would see on a stripper at Luke Skyywalker's nightclub.

I like fill better.

>> No.15717613
File: 342 KB, 650x900, blushing Beatrice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15717675

I see. Have a lewd blushing Beatrice.

>> No.15717656
File: 342 KB, 650x900, mind broken Beatrice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm, although I much prefer the mind broken Beatrice who no longer cares if she's being dressed lewdly.

>> No.15717675
Quoted by: >>15717683


Hawt. I am going to wait till archive to save all these.

>> No.15717683
File: 338 KB, 650x900, are you fucking serious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15717711

Have a Beatrice who can't believe you made her wear this ridiculous lewd outfit.

>> No.15717706 [DELETED] 
File: 335 KB, 650x900, this isn&#039;t hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-tsk, wearing an outfit like this so hard for a great witch

>> No.15717711


Fucking nice.

>> No.15717714
File: 335 KB, 650x900, this isn&#039;t hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-tsk, wearing an outfit like this isn't so hard for a great witch
