>It's a convoluted mess that reads like it was written by a 12 year old. The Japanese fanbase refuses to so much as give Ryuukishi the time of the day nowadays for good reason.
Empty argument and statement.
>the amount of Umineko discussion is one of the reasons people who read untranslated eroge feel so disconnected from the broader western fanbase, and it's not hard to see how stifling this level of obsession can be if you take a step back.
This is not a fault of the work, and is an empty argument.
Over the years that I've argued and debated the meaning of Umineko, I've come to my own conclusions, closed the story in a satisfying way and moved on. I always feel that Umineko had a lot to say about life and I am better by reading it. To me, that's all that matters.