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File: 44 KB, 480x640, 1230369-evabeatrice1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15414164 No.15414164 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread:
>Greentext is still the only text color choice
Moot has accomplished nothing.

>> No.15414176


>> No.15414184
File: 99 KB, 1920x1080, molestering the furniture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15414190

She's shit

>> No.15414331

Literally who?

>> No.15414450

Furudo Erika

>> No.15414513
Quoted by: >>15414933

for suspect in rokkenjima;
break when magic==True

>> No.15414548

My favorite culprita are Eva or Yasu and I loved the motive for Takano. The ending where the military men step on her papers like her grandfather's research really hurt. Which is amazing that Ryukishi wrote such a character I could feel pain and empathized with, even though she did awful things. Good stuff.

>> No.15414692
File: 338 KB, 483x536, evatrice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this face trying to convey?

>> No.15414785

Your's is "stop liking what I don't like!"
OP's is convinced that your penis cannot accomplish anything.

>> No.15414818

Getting punched in the stomach.

>> No.15414933

>iterating over a finite list with an unsatisfiable break condition

you are just going to leave the loop after you iterate over all the suspects

>> No.15414959

I have a theory that Erika is the lovechild of me and Bernkastel. She took the looks from her mom and everything else from me.
>mfw I used to autisticly sperg about how amazing forks are

>> No.15414962
Quoted by: >>15417487

So nobody could solve that riddle from one of the previous threads? Will the answer be revealed?

>> No.15415024
File: 103 KB, 540x262, 1449279930930.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting deja vu!

>> No.15415537
File: 887 KB, 1653x1500, 1465862147598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15415567
File: 265 KB, 1200x797, 1466230067951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15416421
File: 238 KB, 624x472, moe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gohda is moe as fuck.

>> No.15416435
File: 287 KB, 637x479, lesbos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any information on this? I would pay good money to see a Russian Umineko bootleg of K-on

>> No.15417369

muh dick everytime

>> No.15417487

The answer was Erika.

You could try and solve it from that, but I won't give away how the riddle can be solved, I already gave plenty of clues.

>> No.15418101


>> No.15418178
Quoted by: >>15421846

My two favorite VN writers talking to each other. This is just fantastic!

Here anons, Uchikoshi (Infinity Series) talking with R07:



>> No.15418946

Any drawfags up for an extremely autistic request involving Bernkastel?

>> No.15418981
Quoted by: >>15419146

If its the pissing stupid idea you can fuck off please.

>> No.15419146

No, it's a self insert request.

>> No.15419612
File: 40 KB, 202x398, ! !.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, i've been playing Umineko with the ps3patch, do I have to put the bgm on 100% everytime a new one pops up? It keeps turning it back to a low volume.

>> No.15420590
Quoted by: >>15422433

I fucking love you nerds.

>> No.15421599
Quoted by: >>15422433

I love fucking you nerds.

>> No.15421745
File: 39 KB, 520x300, Hanyu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So was she an alien or not?

>> No.15421750
Quoted by: >>15422433

Fucking nerds, I love you.

>> No.15421840
Quoted by: >>15422433

I love you, fucking nerds.

>> No.15421846

What are they talking about?

>> No.15421848
File: 89 KB, 700x507, 1398369210404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15423903

>Tells Rika that not honoring her parents was a grave sin in Rei
>Also tells Rika not to eat dairy and meat together
>Has horns

Is Hanyu a Hebrew?

>> No.15421849
File: 676 KB, 640x480, UFO theory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aliens? Rena, that's silly. There are no aliens! Why would you think that?

>> No.15421861
File: 530 KB, 500x688, painting hanyuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

>> No.15421929

oh god this ost amazing

>> No.15421934


>> No.15421945

I wonder how good the music in TRIanthology will end up being.

>> No.15421957
File: 108 KB, 378x600, gen_a11_def1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i read Umineko + Hane and I dont think I saw the picture about the asbestos lotion, what gives guys?

>> No.15422429
File: 5 KB, 407x65, truu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15422504

Maybe. What is it?

>> No.15422433
File: 199 KB, 869x664, 1465031505325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you, too!!

>> No.15422504
Quoted by: >>15422686

Me and Bernkastel together
I must be on her left (right from your prospective) because of my obsession with everything that is 'left' (except with politics) and as any other self-insert I have to appear to lack eyes. My appearance is as follows:
-Crazy black hair that throws itself in all directions spontaneously although it's not much longer than Batorah's
-An open black jacket (it's always open)
-A plain gray shirt of emptiness underneath the jacket
-Plain black pants
-A multicolored plastic fedora with a floral pattern on my head
-Tall as fuck (a little too tall even)
-Skin that isn't white enough for me to be white but not dark enough to make me qualify as anything else (it represents how I'm always 'stuck between boundaries')
I also have to be mimicking Bern perfectly so that if she's acting expressionless or with a look of agitation on her face I act or look the same. If she's talking to me than she refers to me as Anonymous.

by the way I'm >>15414959

>> No.15422686
Quoted by: >>15423345

>plastic floral fedora
I like the cut of your jib. I can draw something up tomorrow.

>> No.15423247

*bullies Ange*

>> No.15423259

Ah~ I want to bully a nopan girl.

>> No.15423345
Quoted by: >>15441307

I can't wait, Drawfriend-san.

>> No.15423411
File: 226 KB, 900x901, Bullying Ange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15423825


>> No.15423825
Quoted by: >>15423834


>> No.15423834
Quoted by: >>15424102

>implying you don't want to pull all of them out one at a time while everyone watches her scream

>> No.15423891
File: 35 KB, 480x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Father's Day :)

>> No.15423903

So it WAS da joos.

>> No.15424102
Quoted by: >>15424340

Bullying in private>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bullying in public

>> No.15424340
Quoted by: >>15424417

>not doing both
Bullying in public for increases the shame. Bullying in private reinforces the helplessness of the situation. Duality requires both for perfection.

>> No.15424417
Quoted by: >>15424498

I don't like being in public though.

>> No.15424498
File: 1.94 MB, 1820x1820, bullying really is fun+.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like being in public though.
That's the exact reason why bullying in public is more effective. And that's honestly your problem.
Which is more degrading of these two options
>Forcefully undressing in public while revealing a terrible secret
>forcefully undressing in someone's room while being forced to repeat several times your secret

>> No.15424797

I finally got UmiTweak because I fancied a re-read. God I forgot how boring EP1 is. EP2 isn't much better.
Should I just skip ahead to EP3? My autism is preventing me from not reading all episodes back to back but I just want to get into the meat of the story.

>> No.15424823
Quoted by: >>15424835

How can you find all the foreshadowing at the beginning boring?

>> No.15424835
Quoted by: >>15424851

Well I've read the series over five times now. I'd just like to experience it all with full voice acting and updated graphics.

>> No.15424851

Why aren't you waiting for the Steam version then?

It will have an heavily improved translation.

>> No.15424866

Shit, this sounds good. I'll definitely check it out. When's this releasing?

>> No.15424869

Next month I think.

>> No.15424881

Episode 1-4 will be released on July 8th

>> No.15425144

I wonder if someone can make a naked sprite of Satoko for the Higurashi steam. I feel it should be closer to the original story and include a naked sprite.

>> No.15425205
File: 109 KB, 318x300, 1413746576875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15425255

> I feel it should be closer to the original story

>> No.15425255
File: 854 KB, 924x924, smug under moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I obviously don't have any ulterior motives.

>> No.15426865
File: 131 KB, 237x600, sa_to_mu_a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15428049

I might try making an edit of this one if I feel like it. No promises though.

>> No.15428049
File: 121 KB, 640x480, slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15428083


>> No.15428083 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 343x440, ber_ikaria2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15428121


>> No.15428121
Quoted by: >>15428638

Satoko stopped being human once she threw away her towel.

>> No.15428638

That sounds weird but cool at the same time

>> No.15429244
File: 109 KB, 441x480, ama_akuwaraia1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15441313

Objectively the coolest Seacat

>> No.15429267
File: 55 KB, 600x684, nopan Evatrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15436853

Why is Evatrice so sexy?

>> No.15429379

Choose one and only one.
Okay, I guess the build up is a little boring, but as soon as the second day begins its a fucking roller coaster ride.

I agree with Episode 2 though. Its the same thing in Higurashi, you really love it the first time around but it becomes your least favorite once you finish the series.

>> No.15430003
File: 92 KB, 591x413, img000024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder when (and if) the supernatural elements will kick in.

>> No.15431431
Quoted by: >>15433002

I liked her with black hair. I wonder why she changed her hair?

>> No.15431464
Quoted by: >>15431836

What's that?

>> No.15431836

A delinquent.

>> No.15432126
File: 106 KB, 800x413, callbern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15432497

would fuck

>> No.15433002

New look for new life.

That was her plan but things are changing (for the better).

>> No.15433033
Quoted by: >>15433036

So meta Virgilia was just created by Beatrice, right?

>> No.15433036
Quoted by: >>15433083

she's Kumagawa

>> No.15433083
Quoted by: >>15433201

I know. But I was asking from a meta perspective. I figure that the story of Virgilia being Beatrice's teacher is false, so I just assume that Beatrice created Virgilia.

>> No.15433201

You're correct

>> No.15433776 [SPOILER] 
File: 181 KB, 750x750, 1466527340020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got an image of the room of that one anon who had every painting?

>> No.15433879
Quoted by: >>15435923

Seacat version of this image NOW

>> No.15433888

That's sysadmin you scrub

>> No.15433893
File: 1.82 MB, 5000x4596, apprentice sysadmin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got this one but its a few years out of date, I wonder if he still posts on /g/.

>> No.15435923

It's difficult to get an artist to take a request on here.

>> No.15436853

Evatrice is underrated waifu. Eva without being an old cow.

>> No.15436883


>> No.15437463 [DELETED] 
File: 688 KB, 800x1280, GapBeatsGaap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15437464

Yukari is now the new Game Master. Is she competent enough to put up a good show?

>> No.15437464

me on the left

>> No.15437466
File: 688 KB, 800x1280, GapBeatsGaap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari is now the Golden Witch. How do you feel?

>> No.15437479

me on the left

>> No.15437502
Quoted by: >>15438622

She's an underrated troll too. Easily the best not accounting for Bernkastel and Lambdadelta.

>> No.15437933
Quoted by: >>15437969


>> No.15437969
File: 106 KB, 500x674, 1461807124066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut THE fuck up

>> No.15438264

I want to be your husband, Bern.

>> No.15438377

I want to eat your asshole, Bern.

>> No.15438395

I want to make babies with Bernkastel

>> No.15438490
Quoted by: >>15438592

I want to tear Erikas clothes off, pin her to the ground with brute force and ***********

>> No.15438592

Wouldn't it be better to intellectually corner her, force her to tear her own clothes off and subject herself to all sorts of self humiliation.

>> No.15438622

She genuinely trolled harder than Beatrice did. I feel if Evatrice stuck around longer, and had more screen time, people would recognizer her as one of the best trolls in the series.

>> No.15438940
File: 972 KB, 900x1280, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seacats, I need help!
I'm looking for Legend of the Golden Witch manga's raw scans. Can't find the first book in good quality.

>> No.15439027
Quoted by: >>15444074

Buy it.

>> No.15439104
Quoted by: >>15439276


>> No.15439276
File: 67 KB, 178x194, Beato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you want?

>> No.15439280


>> No.15439282


>> No.15439482

I'd tell her that wiches don't exist to her face.

>> No.15439652
File: 325 KB, 600x740, B00B5QZ5MQ.01.S007.LXXXXXXX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if there are high quality scans of Episode 1. Even the English scanlation looks pretty bad

The official digital manga looks pretty good, but you would have to buy it

>> No.15440258

I have a weird request if anyone wants to do it.

The request is about Lambda and Bern as the Androids from Dragon Ball (but not using the android clothing). The idea came up with from how the Androids kept destroying the world because they were bored, something the two Witches could relate to.

If anyone is interested I can give more details like the pose I have in mind.

>> No.15440292

Does someone here have a link to a place where I can download all of the original sprites?

>> No.15440746

Who out of Bernkastel and Lambdadelta has bigger breasts? This is very important.

>> No.15440820

The Lambda.

>> No.15441102
File: 38 KB, 112x251, Captura de pantalla_2016-06-07_18-39-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15441109

Bernkastel has no tits.

>> No.15441109
File: 99 KB, 505x480, 1270285725259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she does.

>> No.15441114
Quoted by: >>15441249

bra padding.

>> No.15441247
File: 68 KB, 599x406, 0968574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15441388

I wonder if they will ever do a umineko drama version.

>> No.15441249
Quoted by: >>15441262

Bern would NOT stoop so low

>> No.15441262
Quoted by: >>15441285

Lambda would.

>> No.15441285
Quoted by: >>15441292

But why would Lambda do something like that in the first place?

>> No.15441290
File: 60 KB, 500x500, a928f35b924ec67fedaa769d35a08a83.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fap to Bernkastel
>say "I'm so fucked up" when I finished
What does this mean?

>> No.15441292
Quoted by: >>15441297

For more popularity.

>> No.15441297
Quoted by: >>15441303

Then why not use magic?

>> No.15441303

Because she's Lambda.

>> No.15441306
File: 399 KB, 628x477, same1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15441403

She says it triumphantly, but the life of a detective is rather sad and paranoid, huh?

>> No.15441307
File: 169 KB, 750x750, 1464042790725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15441318

I'm sorry, I havent gotten around to it. I'll get a start soon, though.

>> No.15441313

I like his interactions with Ange. And he's classically handsome and cool.
He didn't do shit in the story, though. What was the point of him beside being Elf Man's lackey?
(Sorry, I forget his name. Mion beat his ass in Higurashi.)

>> No.15441318

Patience is one of my strong points, Drawfriend-san.

>> No.15441339
Quoted by: >>15441415

Call me beep me if you wanna reach me!

>> No.15441388

Umineko would make a great 80's soap opera. I mean look at Natsuhi's hair!

>> No.15441403

But it's true. A lot of the things said in plain white are just blatant lies and/or yasus interpretation of the event's.
Speaking of yasu, why didn't she just writething like "I like Battler, Jessica and Shannon squeeeeeeee " instead of some messed up game where she's trying to prevent Bartlett from winning yet steering him towards victory.
What the fuck Beatrice

>> No.15441415
File: 65 KB, 405x405, bern possible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15441427
File: 94 KB, 600x600, umineko-beabatteaparty-16118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stories in the message bottles are one thing, but the games created by Beatrice are another.
Beatrice was created from the catbox of the entire mystery surroundings the Rokkenjima incident and the possibilities contained therein. She was born after Yasu and Battler drowned and when Battler lost his memories, creating the closed off cat box, which was when is piqued Lamda's interest and she created Beato.
So, Beato knows what she was created from and the truth about Yasu being super gay, but she is a separate entity. She empathizes and is cause pain by Yasu's pain and Battler's "sin", but she is not the same as Yasu.

>> No.15441634
File: 1.12 MB, 968x1339, FErika262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15441643

You'd have to be high to come up with this shit.

>> No.15441643
File: 145 KB, 640x480, and then battler knew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15442030
Quoted by: >>15442062

Because she was seriously, actually depressed due to having a lonely and arguably abusive childhood?

>> No.15442062

Love x = kill x and c's family

>> No.15442071
File: 267 KB, 565x667, 7b649541a6d64b3caff6f556245cb862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bern with big titties a best.

>> No.15442111

They're filled with the unreachable miracles that mankind will never obtain.

>> No.15442127
File: 2.88 MB, 3295x2550, commission__lets_see_if_my_rival_can_handle_this_by_princeofhalcyon-d9gkpxa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to tickle a disembodied Lambda!

>> No.15442466
Quoted by: >>15442562

I want to eat Bern's pussy.

>> No.15442562

Careful, it's full of broken glass and sharp metal objects.

>> No.15442819

Procreation with Bernkastel!

>> No.15442860

Killing Bernkastel over and over!

>> No.15442923
Quoted by: >>15446398

is tickling the purest, cutest fetish out there or what?

>> No.15443221
Quoted by: >>15443264

Didn't this actually happen or am I just imagining things?

>> No.15443264

>did the ending of Umineko happen?
No, it didn't.

>> No.15443312

Can witches have babies?

>> No.15443547


>> No.15443658
Quoted by: >>15443842

So does that mean that Battler falling in love with Beatrice mean that he fell in love with the incident involving Rokkenjima, and not with Yasu? His golden witch, the witch of Rokkenjima, is the mystery and the incident involving his own family itself?

>> No.15443842
File: 98 KB, 500x339, beatrice is a duck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battler fell in love with meta Beatrice, who, like Bernkastel tells us, is the collective of all Beatrice in the story and represents the rules of the gameboard.

>> No.15444074

This, Yen Press' translations are fucking better than the scanlations.

>> No.15444092
Quoted by: >>15446060

I just wish it had colored text. I understand that it's expensive to print, but they have no excuse to not have it in the digital edition

>> No.15444134

>Yen Press
He was asking for raws, so that won't help much. If anything, he should buy the Japanese volumes

>> No.15444509
File: 3.97 MB, 1000x3080, Lambdadelta and Bernkastel's breast comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree, this topic is important. Really it comes down to which character design you prefer. I took it upon myself to gather enough official data to make a decent assessment. I've meticulously monitored the many modifications to the mass of the 2 magical maiden's meager mammaries over multiple mediums, from miniscule mounds to moderate melons.

It's generally accepted that Lambdadelta's breasts are somewhere within the range of small to moderately sized. However, the size of Bernkastel's breasts is often called into question. The original vn sprites depict BOTH Bern and Lambda as having medium sized breasts of roughly the same size. However, once the anime started DEEN decided for whatever reason to make Bern completely flat-chested while leaving Lambda only marginally better off. This "loli Bernkastel" design also seems to have carried over into the ps3 release, though it's hard to be sure.

Lambda's clothing, while not revealing, still hugs her curves somewhat. That, combined with her front-facing posture, gives the reader a clearly defined view of her breasts. On the other hand, Bernkastel's dress and angled posture do much more to conceal her breasts, and to make matters worse her hair is constantly covering part of her chest. This makes it very hard to tell whether she's still flat or not in the PS3 version. This issue also shows up with Erika, but at least her wedding dress proves that she has actual breasts.

The manga is pretty inconsistent when it comes to Bern, with each artist deciding on their own bust sizes. Special mention goes to Episode 8, in which Bernkastel suddenly sprouts some perky C-cups. Erika was also given a rather nice pair. In fact, it makes Lambda look like the flat one, as opposed to the other way around.

This also happened in Ougon Musou Kyoku Cross, where Bernkastel's breasts were given a substantial upgrade so that they rivaled Lambdadelta's in size, maybe even bigger. However, now that the newest character designs from the pachinko game are coming out, Bern's possible "lead" seems to have come to an end. While Bern seems to have kept most of her boosted bust, several other female characters are given similar upgrades Including Lambdadelta, who even seems to be bigger than EVA-Beatrice now.

For now it seems like Bernkastel is slowly getting past the whole flat-chested thing, with recent designs opting to give her at least smallish breasts instead. But in the end, Lambdadelta's chest is still the bigger of the two in most designs.

>> No.15444515
File: 157 KB, 640x480, 1466741064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15444545

>> No.15444545

is this Brexit related?

>> No.15444766
File: 622 KB, 900x1324, 1456113050362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15444888

I applaud your thorough investigation!

>> No.15444888
Quoted by: >>15444896

Thanks. I think I got a bit carried away though.

>> No.15444896
Quoted by: >>15444900

No such thing. Passion is a thing to be admired.

>> No.15444900

Thanks. Maybe I'll do another one sometime soon.

>> No.15444949
Quoted by: >>15445009

I always loved how the Ryukishi sprites dress had Bern looking curvy as fuck.

>> No.15445009
File: 66 KB, 299x451, bern2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's too bad they tried to turn her into a loli. Curvy Bern is great.

>> No.15446060

I just color the text myself with a red/blue pen.

>> No.15446084
Quoted by: >>15446461

No you don't.

>> No.15446144
Quoted by: >>15446191

>Heavily improved translation

Besides not giving western people a chance of solving the epitaph for obvious impossible reasons for non-japanese people even try to, the Witch Hnt translation was nearly perfect (with 4-5 weirdly spelled phrases here and there in each episode, which were after all following the ambiguity of Ryukishi's prose).

The only "improvement" we got so far were they adding more "fucks" to the script, including Lambdadelta apparently, as some anon from te older threads pointed out.

>> No.15446191

Did you read this? It explains pretty clearly what was wrong with the old translation

>> No.15446206

I don't care about your shitty website.

>> No.15446238

Guy from above, here.
Damn, I didn't knew about that (so we DID missed some easter eggs), I guess I just didn't payed enough attention at all to the translation then, sorry for the jerkass comment.

(I guess this was just my love for Lambda going full attack mode because of some changes in her dialogue)

>> No.15446242

It's not my website, it's an announcement by one of the people who translated the VN. I think they would know how good the translation is better than any of us, consdering they were the ones who made it in the first place. If they say it was bad, then it's probably bad

>> No.15446262

It wasn't bad at all desu
It was one of the better translations (if not the best) we have ever got for a visual novel so far (fan-translated or not), especially considering just how complex the whole thing is.

>> No.15446328

I don't think anyone implied that Witch Hunt's original translation is bad, just that it's not perfect and needs some fixing. It's an amazing translation that had a lot of work put into it and I'm incredibly thankful to them for that, but it's not flawless, and it irks me how some people seem to think that MG is going to somehow "ruin" the translation. This is more of a generalization, but I wish people would stop being so pessimistic about it.

>> No.15446355

in fact, I shouldn't be judging it before the release at all. I wholeheartly apologize for the words above (kinda being a douche even with the people I was praising in first place, it was kinda hypocritical of me).

>> No.15446372

I think one of the biggest problems with the old translation (especially Episode 1-4) is that it was made before all the answers had been revealed. It's probably easier to make the translation accurate, and keep all the foreshadowing and hints, now that they know how everything ties together

>> No.15446398

Yes, if you want it to be. But then you have to answer to footfag, their next-door neighbor.

>> No.15446461
Quoted by: >>15446485

Yes, I do.
I don't do it with the gold truth because they're already in color.

>> No.15446467

You have to understand that ep 1-4 iirc was translated by someone else and the WH team used it, patched it up, and released it fast. That's why ep 7-8 took a long time to release, especially ep 8. This is also why Rose Guns Days took a long time to release.

>> No.15446485
File: 176 KB, 1600x1148, Gold truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15446503

>I don't do it with the gold truth because they're already in color.

>> No.15446503
Quoted by: >>15446522

I'm pretty sure I saw this in color.

>> No.15446522

Not in the English volumes. It's colored in the original magazine publication and in the Japanese digital scans, but the printed volumes and the English digitals are black and white

>> No.15446631

Are Tarable Translations going to translate the rest of Hotarubi? I thought they were going to, but it's been so long now

>> No.15447291

Seems like the live action series will adapt Kai as well. Not really too surprising though, ending it at Tatarigoroshi would be pretty stupid

It starts in November, and will cover Meakashi and Tsumihoroboshi with 4 episodes

>> No.15447853

Speaking of the Gold Truth am I retarded if I don't 100% get what it means, it's used so little throughout the series and I feel bad for not getting it entirely. Does anyone have a quick explanation?

>> No.15447889
File: 1.54 MB, 2000x1430, img000025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They never really explain what it is, only that it can have the same strength as the Red Truth depending on the situation

The ending of Episode 5 makes it sound like only the Game Master can use it, but that doesn't seem to be the case, since both Beatrice and Ange uses it later

>> No.15447921

>Interviewer: In EP5, we were told that Battler's use of the gold truth was proof that he understood the rules, including Beatrice.

>Ryuukishi: That's right. The gold text is something that anyone can use if they understand the rules of the game, so ultimately, even 'pieces' in the game can use it. That's probably why Beatrice the Elder could use it too. It's like a hidden finishing move in a fighting game that anyone can use if they know the right commands (laughs).

>> No.15448108

Was witches's existance ever confirmed?

>> No.15448181
Quoted by: >>15460488

The gold truth is simply the collective agreement of people together on a particular topic.
For example, a body with six toes on the island is likely Kinzo. A detective can't use the red truth to know it for sure. However, if everyone agrees that it's Kinzo's body because of that evidence, it becomes a gold truth.

This is why gold truths can be weaker but also stronger than red truth. For example, in ep 6, Beatrice and chick Beatrice play that magic trick with the cup hiding a piece of candy. Both agree that it was magic, and it's said in the gold truth that magic was used to make it happen.

The gold truth is essentially the scientific model. The closest approximation of truth we have to understanding facts in the universe. Everything we know about the universe is inherently inaccurate. In 100 years, our understanding of a certain truth will changed into a more comprehensive view.

The Red truth is absolute correct truth that cannot exist in the human world. A Gold Truth is the closest approximation of that truth. Ryukishi07 talks about who can use the gold truth but he never elaborates on what it is.

Also >>15447889 is a call back to the gold truth in ep 6. Ange accepted that it was a magic trick.

>> No.15448592

This was posted by me, the same person who calls every post in a Touhou thread a ZUN shill!

>> No.15448607
Quoted by: >>15448647

That's cute, Anon

>> No.15448610

It's all up to you. Your truth and 'happiness' is what you make of it. It's different for each person. Ange realized this about Maria's magic in the first half.

>> No.15448639
Quoted by: >>15448647

I thought about doing that with mine. Worth it?

>> No.15448647
File: 17 KB, 410x281, nipaahh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15449416

I wonder if they will ever do a Umineko live-action (hopefully way better than the anime and actually coherent, even if it sucks).

>> No.15450515
File: 414 KB, 1434x1111, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15451609

Don't be silly anon, witches aren't real

>> No.15451609
File: 71 KB, 918x259, 013 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15452791

What about this one?

>> No.15452791

She's referring to her status as a Christmas Cake.

>> No.15452992
Quoted by: >>15453025


>> No.15453025
File: 45 KB, 219x315, Petting Bern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.15453026
Quoted by: >>15453049

No, I want to stroke my hand through her blue hair.

>> No.15453049
File: 63 KB, 175x186, Bern pat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15453051

I tried

>> No.15453051
Quoted by: >>15453057


>> No.15453057

No problem.

>> No.15453423

>Those news about an improved translation
As someone that doesn't speak japanese and at best can read hiragana, this is probably the greatest news I could ever heart.

>> No.15453561

I love ep 5

>> No.15453564
Quoted by: >>15453918

How do you think with ryukishi 07 ?

>> No.15453832

I'll always love you, Seacats...and without love it cannot be seen

>> No.15453918

You put your head together with his

>> No.15454195

Cats are the best.

>> No.15454225
Quoted by: >>15454430

Is it bad to masturbate to Bern? Will I get a lot of bad luck?

>> No.15454430
Quoted by: >>15456976

There's been an ongoing rumor on /jp/ that if you dream of Rika, Bernkastel will appear in your dreams and give you nightmares. It's even worse apparently if you dream lewdly about Rika. It's happened to a few people over the years.

>> No.15455736

Which witch is the prettiest?

>> No.15455784


>> No.15455919


>> No.15455955

I use a blue highlighter for the blue truth and a red crayon for the red truth.

>> No.15455978
Quoted by: >>15456078

Witches exist, the metaworld exists. However, the actual gameboards are only cold hard reality.

>> No.15456078

>Witches exist, the metaworld exists
Is that ever actually confirmed though?

>> No.15456166
Quoted by: >>15456437


Source: I am the Witch of Truth.

>> No.15456437
File: 56 KB, 640x464, Battler finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it!

>> No.15456551
File: 460 KB, 1423x951, pickawitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15456731
File: 189 KB, 586x653, 1459241231108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15456976
Quoted by: >>15456985

I guess it's fine then because I've already met an evil witch in my dreams before.

>> No.15456985

I've met her in my dreams many times none of them were nightmares.
Neither lewd at all.

>> No.15457350


>> No.15457362

is a man

>> No.15457532
File: 250 KB, 625x630, 199289f4609f1f80b8d61ce97f8ae26ccd4b562a2543d525fc2ebcfa79f8a13e_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15457560
File: 775 KB, 956x744, b6d95eab52d29f48398fe3e8274c87dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time.
Fucking ugly sprites.

>> No.15457582
File: 192 KB, 356x479, krauss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15457596
File: 121 KB, 352x480, but_nakua1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15458879

>Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke
>have a Gardevoir named Beatrice
>final battle with Cyrus in the Distortion World
>I lose Beatrice
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6yxzjpZ5wU starts playing in my head
>Swords Dance 3x with Ronald (Lucario)
>wreak his entire team by spamming Close Combat
>destroy Giratina instead of catching it out of sheer rage

>> No.15457715

meh, Pachinko sprites aren't all that bad, Krauss, Lion, Hideyoshi and Rosa being the worst offenders; I can see they tried to go for something between Natsumi Kei and PS3 sprites, which led to poor decisions

Check them out yourself in full: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzdNfLGacG1rbHZGVjdVc0VfNXc

>> No.15457739
Quoted by: >>15457748

Honestly, the Pachinko sprites have kinda grown on me. My main issue with the steam release is the removal of things like voice acting and CGs.

>> No.15457746
File: 1.18 MB, 900x1269, Umineko.no.Naku.Koro.ni.full.756348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn't nail enough well Natsumi Kei's art.

I'm especially mad they didn't keep the colored eyelashes, Beatrice's gave me constant boners.

>> No.15457748
Quoted by: >>15458114

It's not really a removal when it wasn't there in the first place.

It's an improvement over 7th Expansion's original release.

>> No.15458114
Quoted by: >>15458252

True, but that doesn't change the fact that in the end the official release still has fewer features than the fan-patched version of the game, and that's kinda sad. It's like the manga all over again.

>> No.15458252
Quoted by: >>15458277

They can't do much about it when the ones having the rights for it, Alchemist, were refusing to give them, and what's more met bankruptcy.

Thinking about it, did Alchemist seriously refuse to give them one year from bankruptcy? Now it's totally dead, or what happens to the rights in that kind of cases?

>> No.15458277

>Alchemist, were refusing to give them
Why do you think this is the case?

>what happens to the rights in that kind of cases?
They're probably still owned by Alchemist until someone else buys them

>> No.15458279
Quoted by: >>15458282

> Why do you think this is the case?
Because MG said it?

>> No.15458282

Did they? Do you have a source for that?

>> No.15458879
File: 402 KB, 631x475, an attempt was made.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hurts. I feel your pain, Anon.
That's why you don't let yourself get attached.

>> No.15458887

Thanks for the link!
I never noticed that Willard looks like a pirate

>> No.15459013

Did you read the manga. Its pretty clear.

>> No.15459597

So is Kyrie the true culprit every time? I love her as the villain. Her dismissing Ange as a tool is one of my favourite villain lines.

>> No.15459613

No, Yasu is the culprit in all the games. Rudolf and Kyrie killed them in real life, but that doesn't count as a game board

>> No.15459642

So Yasu is the culprit in the games that take place in Umineko.
Rudolf and Kyrie are the actual culprits of the Rokkenjima massacre on october 4th and 5th 1986.

So all the games we've been shown are woven tales, but the actual truth of it all is that Kyrie and Rudolf saw an opportunity and tried to murder the entire family to get the 1 billion yen card.

>> No.15460474
Quoted by: >>15460542

So, about Hotarubi no Tomoru Koro ni, does anyone have any scans of it?

In Higurashi Hou, probably yes.

>> No.15460488

So, it is the "truth" that can turn lies into "truths".

>> No.15460542

There's a free preview of the first chapter on the publishers website

Aside from that, I found up to chapter 2 in Korean, but I can't find chapter 3 and 4 anywhere

>> No.15460590
Quoted by: >>15460624

Thanks. But if even our korean overlords are having trouble getting the scans, our future is looking bleak.

>> No.15460624

The volumes will probably get digital editions whenever they're released, so we'll get scans eventually. It might take a while though

>> No.15460735
File: 273 KB, 428x600, athiesm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are different culprits/accomplices for every game. Will explains that when he duels Claire in the chapel.

>> No.15460744
File: 639 KB, 2000x1445, 1456596693602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you murder your family for that much money?

My family is arguing about inheritance of land and the money involved with it while my grandma is dying and it's exciting in a strange way. I feel like an Umineko

>> No.15460831
Quoted by: >>15460907

The culprit is always the same. The accomplices are different each time

>> No.15460877

Most of these are right, but some of them are a bit off. The manga shows what all the answers are

>> No.15460907
File: 229 KB, 500x289, athiesm2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking dumb, nevermind.
Can't believe I missed that.

>> No.15461368

Alchemist is stupid, why would they keep this stuff when they were going bankrupt anyway, Miotsukushi alone translated into English would be a cash cow, just like a voice patch

>> No.15461415
Quoted by: >>15461798

Doesn't Eva take over from Yasu in ep 3? If so, it would be more correct to say that "Beatrice" is the culprit in all games.

>> No.15461798

No, Eva is an accomplice in Episode 3, the culprit is still Yasu

>> No.15461853
Quoted by: >>15461892

I don't think Alchemist owns the Higurashi ports anymore

Alchemist made the PS2 and DS ports, but Sui was made by Kaga Create. Alchemist aren't credited for Sui at all, so I assume Kaga Create bought the rights at some point before 2015

>> No.15461892

>Alchemist aren't credited for Sui at all
Nevermind, it's copyrighted under both Alchemist and Kaga Create, so I guess both of them own it

>> No.15462028
Quoted by: >>15462145

I don't really understand what exactly it is that Alchemist owns the rights to. Is it he sprites? The voices? The CGs? All of it? I get that MG had to use different sprites for the steam release since Alchemist owns the other ones. But does that mean that if MG wanted to have voice acting, they would have to get the voice actors to redo the entire game? Or are they not even allowed to have the same voice actors? Either way, it just sounds incredibly wasteful when the assets already exist.

>> No.15462145
Quoted by: >>15462438

>All of it?
Yes. They own everything they made for the PS3 port, so pretty much everything except for the text and the music. It's also owned by 07th Expansion

>But does that mean that if MG wanted to have voice acting, they would have to get the voice actors to redo the entire game?
Yeah. They could use the same voice actors, but they would have to re-record everything, and there's no way they could afford that. The pachinko game has some voice acting which they could probably use if they wanted, but there isn't nearly enough for the whole VN

>> No.15462438

>Re-recording the exact same lines for a 100+ hour game just because 2 companies can't figure out a way to share.

God I hate copyright law.

>> No.15462859
Quoted by: >>15462960

I figured the lack of voice acting is more due to the VA's agents making it so they still own the voice tracks themselves. Wasnt that why some steam VNs have a more expensive voiced verison?

>> No.15462864
Quoted by: >>15470771

The Trianthology website will be updated this weekend

>> No.15462960

I'm not sure, but it's possible. That's what happened with Kara no Shoujo; MangaGamer couldn't get the voices in their first release, and then they released a voiced version 2 years later

It's possible that MangaGamer can't afford the voice acting in Umineko and Higurashi. Almost all of the characters are voiced by top class seiyuu, which is supposedly very expensive from what I've heard

But even if this is the case, that doesn't have anything to do with them not using the updated art

>> No.15463296

If you could write your own Episode of Umineko, how would you go about it?
Who would be the culprit? And with what motivation?
Who would be the accomplices if there are any?
Who would die in which twilight?
Would there be any cool battles between characters, and how would they go?

I think we all have some ideas about what would make a good gameboard. Let's let our imagination go wild here.

>> No.15463366

I'd like to see a full blown Black Battler gameboard without any magicks.

>> No.15463374

Hideyoshi Godha and Nanjo action scene would be mandatory

>> No.15463407

I don't remember what it was called but Ryu-chan did one of those extra stories right before the game where Battler would be gamemaster. It had all these characters come up to him asking him if they could have some cool scenes. One that stood out to me was Gohda asking Battler if he could have a battle scene in the kitchen. The culprit would come up to him with the intention to kill, but Gohda would pick up a frying pan and shout: "I CAN'T LOSE IN THE KITCHEN!" and an epic fight would ensue. I would definitely want to see that.

>> No.15463435
Quoted by: >>15463656

I would just make Gohda the culprit. Apparently he was supposed to have an affair with Natsuhi but Ryukishi scrapped that idea, but I'd use that as a motive somehow.
First twilight would be everyone who would stand in his way to be with Natsuhi, so Krauss, Jessica, and a couple of servants who wouldn't approve. Then he'd start making advances on Natsuhi but everyone would put him in his place as a mere servant and his rage would build. He'd grab his trusty jar of tiny food bombs and fuck everyone up during meal time, leaving just him and Natsuhi. They would flee in a boat with the bank card and a couple of ingots but Natsuhi would be too afraid of this murderous gohda chef and grab an ingot and drown herself.

>> No.15463448
Quoted by: >>15463500

Just use multiple times "without love it cannot be seen" and it should be golden

>> No.15463500

What if Gohda thwarts the culprit by winning the fight in the kitchen and he cultivates a taste for killing and just becomes the next culprit? He could call everyone into the kitchen one by one and fuck them up in various macabre ways using kitchen utensils and ovens and shit. Like Genji walks in and he says: "Gohda-san? You called for me? Where are you?"
And Gohda's sneaking out of a cupboard or something like: "Without love...I cannot be SEEN!" as he hits Genji over the head with a pan and pushes his face into a deep fryer.

>> No.15463578

Fuck, I would love a Nanjo action scene. Just him alone in a room, back facing the door. Door opens and the culprit walks in with a Winchester. Nanjo doesn't even look around, he just says:
"I knew you would come for me eventually."
Killer: "Turn around, I want to atleast look you in the face as I drain the life out of those droopy eyes."
Nanjo: "Hmm.....you seem to be under the impression that I will simply allow you to kill me here. You might have knocked off the others without restraint or regret, but I can tell you I won't be such an easy target. Ten years of medical school, I've done. I've worked hard to get where I am. I am not about to let you end this without a fight. You thought I would be an easy target because of my age?"
Killer: "Enough of this, Nanjo. Face me and we'll see where the roulette will land this night."
Nanjo: "Still so young...so full of life. I remember youth very well.
It will be a shame to end a life after having saved so many."
Nanjo finally turns to face the culprit, four syringes held in each hand between the fingers.
"Did you know it only takes one injection of an air bubble to terminate a life? Who do you think will be faster? One shot from your gun or one of these 8 lethal syringes I hold in my hands? How about we find that out? I am usually a very calm man, but you see, burning Kinzo's body was a mistake on your part. I respected that man, even loved him I could say. He was my friend through various ordeals and I respect him very much. I can never forgive the person who would burn the corpse of the man who I thought of as my best friend in life. So draw your pistol. Let us see who will win this game of chess."

>> No.15463648 [SPOILER] 
File: 127 KB, 581x485, 1467153219920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15463675

>I respected that man, even loved him I could say

I finally understand Umineko

>> No.15463656

History repeats itself!

>> No.15463659

I absolutely want this to happen. You have a gift sir. Damn, so many characters who deserved an action scene and never got it

>> No.15463675

I would watch a sitcom with Nanjo and Kinzo as an old gay couple. Kinzo being the loud and annoyed one and Nanjo being the nice and diffusing one.

>> No.15463831

Post them BGMs


>> No.15463888

Hope and all its variations will always be my favourites. So simple yet so poignant, I really love them.

>> No.15464405
File: 1.53 MB, 5000x4710, umineko man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Featherine is Ryu-chan's self insert
>Featherine as Hachijou states that no one really understands her works and she looks down upon her audience
>D-Does Ryu-chan really think we're sheeple/goats?
Not that self insert = same exact person.
I think I'm reading too far into things.

>> No.15464408


>> No.15464444

>Featherine is Ryu-chan's self insert
Has this ever been confirmed? I hear this a lot but it seems more like a theory that people started taking seriously. He doesn't seem to be the kind of person Featherine/Hachijou is going by interviews.

>> No.15465083
Quoted by: >>15465156

Alchemist went bankrupt because Umineko was probably the most expensive PS3 port ever made.

Let them have their proud for that at least. And wait until someone buy the rights after they close.

>> No.15465111
File: 1.89 MB, 1472x1920, God.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15465894

It's completely bullshit. At least to me. Ryukishi07 is endlessly humble and always gives off positive optimistic vibes. He's sadistic and cynical but wants people to be positive. In an interview, he said that the characters that most resemble him are K1 and Beatrice. Their goofy playful nature probably resemble him, with a touch of sadism from Beatrice.

However, people think that Featherine is Ryukishi07 because she is the author. It's a logical assumption but it's somewhat incorrect. I think Featherine represent mystery authors in general. Particularly Agatha Christie. Much like Featherine, Agatha would send mystery stories under fake names and tempted people to figure out which one were hers. Ryukishi07, as far as I know, never did that.

There is actually another author in the story which is more representative of him, which is Ange. She's humble, only wants people to read her work and to become better through her writing. Not to mention that, like Ryukishi07, she was obscure until she became popular.

Ryukishi07, being a mystery author, has some traces of Featherine in him, but he's more like Ange than Featherine.

>> No.15465114
Quoted by: >>15465120

She is a representation of the author (like an alter ego). She is Philo Vance for his Van Dine.
Kinda obvious, but not exactly him himself (he is much difference, personality-wise, a very modest and friendly man).

Ryukishi wouldn't be nearly as loved as a creator if he was actually like his alter ego character (anyone who met him personally, including myself can confirm you that).

>D-Does Ryu-chan really think we're sheeple/goats?

The goats are actually our theories and interpretations in the collective unconcious (meta world), not ourselves.

Though I remember 4chan being tumblr level of triggered when episode 8 came up with that.

>> No.15465120


Damn the auto correct and damn my OCD...

>> No.15465156

I think another reason for the bankruptcy was the fact that the last game they pulished was in 2013. They went 2 years without doing anything, so I assume they just gave up

I also wonder if the Umineko port sold less than expected. According to Jap Wikipedia, Rondo sold 32,729 copies, but Nocturne only sold 12,615. I wonder why it dropped so much.

The PSP port was supposed to have 4 parts, but they only released 2. Part 1 sold 8,705 copies and part 2 sold 6,642, so I guess they just scrapped the rest

>> No.15465184

>the last game they pulished was in 2013
Oh wait, they published Gal*Gun: Double Peace in 2015. I guess that was their last breath. They didn't make that one though, they were just the publisher

>> No.15465201

Some anon 2 weeks ago provided us with some number, and apparently, Nocturne got over 25k copies sold (12k would be the number of the limited edition iirc)

Not that much of a huge drop, it's just the usual for a visual novel sequel (most are much worse in that regard, unless the second game is better than the first one, like Super Danganronpa 2), even though in Umineko's case is a part 2 instead of an actual sequel (too big to be in one single game).

>> No.15465237
Quoted by: >>15465251

Higurashi Sui sold about 7k copies (for PS3) in total as well (5k in the first week), and that's the last thing Alchemist did before declaring itself bankrupt (I'm not sure about the Vita sales however).

One could argue their millionaire ports from 07th Expansion games are what caused this (I'm sure they were expecting Sui to save them, and not to contribute to the opposite).

In short, Higanbana remaster never ;__;

>> No.15465251
Quoted by: >>15465284

Alchemist didn't make Higurashi Sui, Kaga Create did. Kaga Create is dissolved now though, it probably had something to do with the low sales

>> No.15465284
Quoted by: >>15465345

Well, didn't knew about that, my bad.

In any case, still no Higanbana remaster nor voiced Rose Guns Days. Ryukishi should really consider transforming his doujin circle into an actual company.

Even though he already said he just want people to read and enjoy his stories all around the world, he should consider becoming a little bigger anytime soon (I mean, more profit is always a bonus that more helps than cause problems, right? Not that I know very well how that stuff works in Japan but still).

>> No.15465345

>voiced Rose Guns Days
Rose Guns Days is getting a stage play in September, so at least that's kind of voiced. I hope it gets recorded and released, I would love to see it

>> No.15465372
Quoted by: >>15465451

Wow, I really hope someone record this. Rose Guns Days is my second favorite work from 07th Expansion after Umineko.

>> No.15465451
Quoted by: >>15465497

>Rose Guns Days is my second favorite work from 07th Expansion after Umineko.
Really? More than Higurashi?

I mean, Rose Guns Days was fun and all, with great villain, but its lack of an ending really puts it on par with Higanbana imo.
Although the amount of keikaku throughout the entire was pretty impressive.

>> No.15465497

More than that, the socio-political commentary was pretty sharp and unbiased, I love this kind of story and didn't expected something like that at all from Ryukishi (social commentary on bullying in Japan in Higanbana was also quite a piece to read as well, but Rose Guns Days was pretty much "The Third Man: Japanese Version").

Truly a nice surprise. while, in other hand. each time I re-read Higurashi I find some little inconsistencies or doubtfully elaborated plot devices, so I lost just a little bit of my love for it with the time... and I'm still trying to understand the human form of Hanyuu being placed in the story and such).

Funny enough, it's the exact opposite with Umineko (everytime I re-read, I found yet another piece of pure fridge brilliance-- actually not one, but many).

>> No.15465511

Talking about Hanyuu, a friend of mine said this literally means "chinese language" in Chinese.

Hanyuu is a chinese goddess confirmed?

>> No.15465549
File: 738 KB, 640x479, Jesus fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15465577

I somewhat agree with you. Umineko is full of brilliance and I do feel it's his greatest story. Higurashi has a very special place in my heart due to how many insane twist kept being pilled on one after another, but it doesn't make for a good reread as much as Umineko.

Rose Guns Days actually made me think a lot about a lot of weird anti-nationalism/feminism theme that I never thought about. What really surprised me was how much it was anti-japanese despite the paradox of the japanese being the underdogs and having you root for them. And also how the Chinese were somehow actually not the evil asshole backstabbing shits anime/manga always portrays them as. You really got a deep understanding of both cultures when those two characters talk about how China and Japan will never understand each other QED.
It was nice that you could feel that the Chinese, Americans and Japanese all felt different from each other yet still were humane. I still find it funny how the Americans were assholes and yet never got caught for any of their bullshit.

And by god does Ryukishi07 know how to make villains. You barely get one villain that great in a single story and he just adds four that are all interesting and great.

My only real problem with RGD is how the narration purposefully lied twice and it pissed me off. The first is when Lee Meijiu walked out the door, with the narration saying that it's the last time his sister never saw him again, in that anime dramatic shining pose. And the other about how the journalist was TOTALLY not going to run the Rose mafia and yet that's exactly what happened.
And I think Ryukishi07's optimism got the better of him. Like Amanda and Caleb should have died but they didn't because Ryukishi07 probably wanted to keep them for the final fight. The final fight would have been a lot harder had they not been there.

Also, a lot of the characters are not really well fleshed out and often get forgotten completely. Like, you don't even care about Cyrus until Last Season. And Meryl was completely worthless almost the entire story after S1.

RGD had great sociopolitical commentary and villains, but lacked good character interactions that made Higurashi great.
The SoL moments made all the characters great and each got their own arc to flesh out their character, except maybe Mion because she didn't get her own arc. RGD needed something like that.

>> No.15465577

>RGD had great sociopolitical commentary and villains, but lacked good character interactions that made Higurashi great.

>The SoL moments made all the characters great and each got their own arc to flesh out their character, except maybe Mion because she didn't get her own arc. RGD needed something like that.

Precisely this!

Completely agree with you on that matter, I also think this is one of the flaws RGD has overall.

>> No.15465620

How do you feel about Moogy-denka's sentiments about Umineko?


>Hi, I read the entirety of Umineko as it came out and I feel like I'm being generous when I give it a 4/10. It's a convoluted mess that reads like it was written by a 12 year old. The Japanese fanbase refuses to so much as give Ryuukishi the time of the day nowadays for good reason.


>I don't know how the western fanbase continues to put up with Ryuukishi, and I honestly feel that it's damaging to the community as a whole to continue to obsess this much over a single work so long after the fact. The amount of Umineko discussion is one of the reasons people who read untranslated eroge feel so disconnected from the broader western fanbase, and it's not hard to see how stifling this level of obsession can be if you take a step back. This applies to other games as well (Fate and Majikoi, for example) and I suppose to a degree it comes part and parcel with the reality that you guys are exposed to such a tiny slice of what's out there, but when the game in question is something as obviously and majorly flawed as Umineko, I can't help but feel a sense of unease, I guess you could say.


>Honestly, I shouldn't have even posted in here. The way I approach the medium as a whole and what I look for out of eroge/VNs are simply too far removed from the western fanbase's to have any sort of meaningful discourse with people using translations, and I accept that. But at the same time, as someone who helped build the community as it is today, I guess I'm unable to fully suppress my irritation at the way it hasn't developed into the ideal I imagined for it over the years.

>> No.15465642

Moogy is one of the people who never understood Umineko and never even tried to. Just PM him on vndb and his disinterest will be clear enough.

He rather read Chuuniibyou text he claims to be deep and well written like Dies Irae (as if Ryukishi's prose wasn't 10x more well written than that in its own genre besides also having its own otaku pandering moments).

Btw, I'm not saying Dies Irae is bad, it's one hell of a good VN. But it's just undeniable that it's a "fortissimo" mixed with "Hellsing", and that he praising it as a masterpiece for the over-complicated prose is pretty similar to the way we all praise Gurren Laggan for the mindless epicness (tl;dr it's just well-written chuunii madness with random german here and there).

Not that moogy is some voice of the reason of anything, he is just a popular user that published about VNs he considers Kamige and other stuff about untranslated titles.

>> No.15465647
Quoted by: >>15467376

>It's a convoluted mess that reads like it was written by a 12 year old. The Japanese fanbase refuses to so much as give Ryuukishi the time of the day nowadays for good reason.
Empty argument and statement.

>the amount of Umineko discussion is one of the reasons people who read untranslated eroge feel so disconnected from the broader western fanbase, and it's not hard to see how stifling this level of obsession can be if you take a step back.
This is not a fault of the work, and is an empty argument.

Over the years that I've argued and debated the meaning of Umineko, I've come to my own conclusions, closed the story in a satisfying way and moved on. I always feel that Umineko had a lot to say about life and I am better by reading it. To me, that's all that matters.

>> No.15465654
Quoted by: >>15465669

His pretension and narcissism is hilarious. While he is correct that Umiunko sucks, his apparently unironic belief that there are power point porn books out there that hold a candle to any kind of serious literature would be sad if it wasn't so utterly laughable.

>> No.15465669

God, your bait is as clear as water.

Umineko is pretty much the closest thing a visual novel will ever get to a legit piece of true literature (in fact, anything Ryukishi write is like a book).

I'm at the point of saying Visual Novels are actually literally that, virtual books, because of his works (otherwhise I would rather just generalize them as garuge and call them all "consolation software for lonely people".

As an user said in a recent discussion on vndb about Umineko (I think it is the same guy who published a lot of theories about Umineko in there, Gabe-something):

"Umineko prose is pretty much a mix of early european mystery literature and edogawa ranpo, especially in the descriptive aspect", or something on these lines.

>> No.15465673

>EOP shitters that never ever read anything in Japanese defend Umineko

>> No.15465680
Quoted by: >>15465695

>"Umineko prose is pretty much a mix of early european mystery literature and edogawa ranpo, especially in the descriptive aspect"

I would add Murakami to the list as well, just saying, especially when we are talking about episode 7.

>anything Ryukishi write is like a book

Didn't every single VN he wrote become a book later on (Higurashi and Seacats at Kodansha Box)? That proves enough your point imo

Except I it was one of the first VNs I have ever read in japanese, and I'm on the defending side

And that anon talking about Dies Irae prob knows the good nihongo as well

>> No.15465682
Quoted by: >>15465692

>VNs are the epitome of literature

>> No.15465692
Quoted by: >>15465698

Never implied as such.

>> No.15465695
Quoted by: >>15465702

>And that anon talking about Dies Irae prob knows the good nihongo as well

Are you sure? Maybe his machine TL isn't enough for him to interpret DI. Or maybe he's just too stupid to see it.


>> No.15465698

You don't have to read moonrune VNs to defend Umineko for being good. That only applies when you say Umineko's the best VN ever.

>> No.15465702

Your point being? This is literally what he said, anon.

>> No.15465894
Quoted by: >>15466142

>Agatha would send mystery stories under fake names and tempted people to figure out which one were hers.
Is there a place where i can read more about this?

>> No.15465997

He is butthurt that the shitty eroge he likes aren't as popular as umineko.

>> No.15466011
Quoted by: >>15466417

All the praise for Umineko, I agree with most of it, but I still hate the ending. And no matter how much Ryuukishi likes dumb shounen scenes, they feel really out of place sometimes. Yeah, suddenly everyone and their mom could fight in the ending, that was ridiculous. If you want to make the good guys win, make it a more believable way, please.

>> No.15466142
Quoted by: >>15467110

I'm pretty sure it's not true, I can't find any info about it. Maybe I'm wrong, but I hope someone can provide a source in that case

>> No.15466417
Quoted by: >>15466566

You do understand that it's the same shonen ending for Higurashi but in a meta setting, ending purposefully in a draw, right?

>> No.15466566

Yes and I hated the shounen fights in Higurashi as well.

>> No.15466611

YES! Everyone got a moment to shine except these three.

>> No.15466618

>It will be a shame to end a life after having saved so many."
I actually got chills.

>> No.15466654
Quoted by: >>15466995

You seem to hate fun.

>> No.15466955

>Umineko is pretty much the closest thing a visual novel will ever get to a legit piece of true literature (in fact, anything Ryukishi write is like a book).

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought this. I don't have enough visual novels in my belt to claim that Umineko is the closest VNs can get towards being literature, but it definitely read like a book at times. I mean, Umineko made a ton of references to The Divine Comedy and made those references actually fit the themes and narrative.

I've actually been getting into reading recently, and it's interesting since I feel Umineko shares a lot of elements from some postmodern fiction I've been reading. It's also interesting to me that a lot of these postmodern books are ALSO quite polarizing in the same way Umineko is: you either love it, or you hate it.

>> No.15466995

No, I just hate bad fighting scenes that try to be "epic", but are actually just bad writting.

>> No.15467110

I know that one writer did it once, which inspired J.K. Rowling to do the same some years ago.

Not sure if it was Christie though.

>> No.15467121
Quoted by: >>15467392

In Umineko's case, not only it's a call back, but it is also purely metaphoric (reminder that this was happening as Tohya and Ikkuko were discussing in the Rokkenjima Prime layer about revealing or not the truth in Eva's diary to the public.

As there were two gamemasters (a.k.a. writers, a.k.a. Battler and Ikkuko), you can assume it is jsut a representation of their fiery battle about their views on the matter (those who protect th golden land, and those who want to expose it).

There's something pretty silly and completely out of place about Higurashi's final act, I admit, but Umineko's is just on point with the messages, foreshadowings and symbolisms in my opinion.

>> No.15467222
Quoted by: >>15467491

Agreed, great line. I could definitely see this scene happen in an Umineko ep

>> No.15467376
File: 67 KB, 325x260, chiester_sisters_gif_by_zeroshadowproject-d49m9sf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15467392

Makes even more sense when you consider that Higurashi is a book Battler read in Umineko.

>> No.15467431

Everyone looking forward to the updated translation that's coming?
Is there anyone that isn't?

>> No.15467445

But of course, they pretty much are now making a perfect translation (to make justice to the amazingly cryptic storytelling from Ryukishi, they needed to rewrite 75% of the whole thing). I can only imagine the greateness that awaits us.

>> No.15467480
Quoted by: >>15467524

I'm not that convinced? Will it really be all that different? And how much of an impact will it have on the actual experience of the story?
Also I've grown quite fond of the new sprites and especially the voice acting.

I might buy it just to support Ryu-chan in the hope that one day he'll blow us away with another WTC.

>> No.15467491

Thank you! That is the greatest compliment an aspiring writer can get.

I tried to write it in Ryukishi07's style, glad you liked it.

>> No.15467524

I'm feeling in the middle. I don't want to have my expectations too high, but I would love if it would spark more discussion again, even if Umineko has already been discussed to death twice over.

>> No.15467546

I look forward to it, yeah. Hopefully someone makes a patch for the PS3 art and voice acting fast

>> No.15467699
Quoted by: >>15467705

My money is ready. Buying this and Zero Time Dilemma as soon as they arrive on Steam.

>> No.15467705
Quoted by: >>15467715

ZTD is already out seafam

>> No.15467715
Quoted by: >>15470654

Well, I guess it is time to buy the first of the two then. Have fun with the thread, time for some Uchikoshi goodness.

>> No.15470654
Quoted by: >>15470762

So... how is Zero Time Dilemma?

Is it as good as VLR?

>> No.15470762

Everything but the ending is great

>> No.15470771

More specifically, it will be updated on Saturday

>> No.15470863
Quoted by: >>15471015

Wait, Rose Guns Days is popular enough to get a stage play? Anime when?

>> No.15471015
Quoted by: >>15471027

B-but I need Higanbana to get an anime too!

>> No.15471027
Quoted by: >>15471035

>If people want to see a Higanbana or Umineko Chiru anime, they need to make a fuss about it so that the anime producers will know that that’s what people want to see.
Send an e-mail to DEEN about it

>> No.15471035
Quoted by: >>15471056

I rather not have Umineko ruined any further, but I'm sure as hell Deen is capable of adapting Higanbana well.

I mean, holy shit, they are doing wonders with some of their latest adaptations, specially Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu.

>> No.15471056
Quoted by: >>15471079

I think Higanbana would be easier to adapt than Umineko, since it's so short in comparison. They could probably fit it in just 12 episodes

>> No.15471079
Quoted by: >>15471121

I would say both nights in Higanbana should be adapted well in 24-26 episodes (20-22 hours, with everything combined). Adapting everything in 12-13 would give us something like Danganronpa all over again, in my opinion.

>> No.15471121

While we're on the topic, how many episodes do you think would be needed to adapt Umineko and Chiru well? I don't know exactly how long the VN is, but the manga has 53 volumes, which is a ton

>> No.15471287
Quoted by: >>15471327

Hotarubi not yet?

>> No.15471327
Quoted by: >>15471642

There are 4 chapters out, but it doesn't seem like anyone are translating them

>> No.15471642
Quoted by: >>15471665

Do you know where I can read the four chapters online? Or are they just on nyaa?

>> No.15471665
Quoted by: >>15471673


>> No.15471673

Thanks, anon. I'll figure out how to use the site later.

>> No.15472351
Quoted by: >>15472363

So who killed Nanjo and how in EP3?

>> No.15472363

Yasu shot him in the head

>> No.15472406
Quoted by: >>15472419

Was the knocking sound in I think Episode 5 ever explained?
Or was that purely fucking with Erika?

>> No.15472411
Quoted by: >>15472423

But then that adds 1 more person. Since Kannon and Shannon were both dead

>> No.15472419
File: 393 KB, 900x1314, 20_33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15472444

>Or was that purely fucking with Erika?

>> No.15472423

No, Yasu, Kanon and Shannon all count as the same person. It's a single person using multiple names

>> No.15472428
Quoted by: >>15472448

So when the red truth states that Shannon and Kanon are dead, this refers to those personas Yasu takes on. Therefore Yasu could still be the culprit?

>> No.15472444
File: 322 KB, 349x513, NO BULLY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figures. Thanks for the confirmation.

>> No.15472448

Yes, as the manga explains, Yasu has different names and she can switch between them. She stopped being Shannon and Kanon, and went back to being Yasu. This is also the explanation for the logic error in Episode 6

>> No.15472459

I should really read the manga one of these days.

>> No.15472482

So how did that work again? Shannon and Kanon are locked in two separate closed rooms with the other survivors.
Yet they are the same person, count as the same person. What actually happened there then? Did neither actually go into the closed rooms before they were sealed? This whole logic error thing is still hard for me.

>> No.15472550

Erika never saw Kanon before locking them in the room, since he was escorted there by Krauss and Rudolf. In reality, Kanon wasn't there at all, they just lied about it. It's kind of similar to the case with Kinzo, where he was dead all along and people just pretended to see him

This is why Battler says "everyone else are in the cousins' room" in red after listing the people in Erika's room, instead of actually naming the people in there. He couldn't have named Kanon, since he wasn't there

Afterwards, when Erika went outside, Shannon jumped out of the window and changed her persona to Kanon. Kanon switched places with Battler, changed his persona to Yasu, and because of that, "Kanon is not in the closet" can be stated in red by Beatrice, even though she also states in red that "only Kanon entered the room"

>> No.15472632

Oh, I forgot something very important regarding the seals. It's only stated in red that the window seals on the cousins' room were unbroken, they never say anything about the window seals on the room Shannon was in

>> No.15472862


>> No.15473556

seems more a oni for me

>> No.15473558


>> No.15473580

sucker merry barrels
