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File: 1.49 MB, 3319x1200, wo class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12345316 No.12345316 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>12336292

Operation MI edition

English Wiki: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Kancolle_Wiki
Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

Please read (before asking newbie questions)
FAQ: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ
Tutorial: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_How_to_Play
Guides: http://imgur.com/a/7HZO7/all

Japanese Wikis:

Air Superiority Calculator: https://googledrive.com/host/0B97S3y_L0wtXbW1TaDh5WG9XTjA/index2.html
Detailed Battle Mechanics: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
Voice Clips, Room Deco Pv, Game Sprites: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev/
Kancolle Viewer: https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
Kancolle Viewer (Translated): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer
Sanaechan Logbook: https://github.com/silfumus/logbook-EN/releases

Anime website: http://kancolle-anime.jp/
New Anime PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABZN292gvRo

Reminder that Midway will last from 8 to 28 Aug. Wikia link with info about the event:

>> No.12345324

More stream for more fun needed

>> No.12345328

Midway event rewards are the biggest blunder of 2014

>> No.12345334

Ooyodo figure when?

>> No.12345339


>> No.12345357

Post E2 setups that have killed the boss please

>> No.12345360
Quoted by: >>12345367

Is he down to his last kill now?

>> No.12345367

Well shit. I guess he is now.

>> No.12345372

Any /jp/ TTK streaming right now?

>> No.12345373
File: 539 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-08304025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12345394

E-2 here I go!

>> No.12345376

That casual Urakaze scrap. I'm sure there are tears now.

>> No.12345378

The event doesn't look that bad

>> No.12345379

>de boats

>> No.12345381
Quoted by: >>12345383

I have 7 carriers, should i just use one on E2? These wo are fucking me up hard.

>> No.12345383

No, only use CVLs there.

>> No.12345384
File: 104 KB, 800x480, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12345386

Dropped from E2 S rank.

>> No.12345386
Quoted by: >>12345392

What's your fleet comp?

>> No.12345389
File: 23 KB, 639x416, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12345443

Any advice about what I should add/drop? Ships highlighted will be my support fleet.

>> No.12345392
File: 53 KB, 672x292, comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to throw that Type 2 Recon in there or it wouldn't get me to boss.
Also support fleet helps a lot.

>> No.12345394
Quoted by: >>12345401

At least you passed E-1. I'm stuck, since either the night node or the preboss node knocks someone to red.

>> No.12345395
File: 862 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-01370984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's like Atago's little sis.

>> No.12345396
Quoted by: >>12345405

Both boss/normal node support?

>> No.12345399

All those kitakami misses
Poor guy

>> No.12345401
Quoted by: >>12345409


>> No.12345405

Only boss support, the non boss nodes aren't too hard.

>> No.12345409

If I had any, I'd use them. It's my own fault that I grinded up the ships I wanted to grind up and hoarded resources rather than use them efficiently.

>> No.12345410
Quoted by: >>12345435

How's the C node? I think there's a Ta there, yes? Normally that would give me pause with such a light fleet but this Wo is fucking me up something fierce.

>> No.12345425

CLTs are useless they said

>> No.12345426

KTKM is our savior.

>> No.12345427
Quoted by: >>12345435

What are you using to get this much LOS? I'm at 330 and using Inazuma/Arashio instead of Z1/Z3, Mikuma and Haguro k2 instead of Kumano and Suzuya.

>> No.12345429


>> No.12345431
Quoted by: >>12345433

Unryuu is the E-5 reward? Who's left for E-6?

>> No.12345432

>Skips most intros
>Listens to the whole Amatsukaze intro and stares at her

I like this guy

>> No.12345433


>> No.12345434
File: 56 KB, 379x176, message.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this say?

>> No.12345435

It's only an elite Ta/Ru so she misses half the time on me at least, the real trouble on that node is the flagship Nu that likes to randomly crit every now and then. You just have to hope your ships evade it really.

33 radar on DDs, Seirans on the CAVs and Tomonaga/Egusa squadrons plus the Saiuns/type2.

>> No.12345436

It says "Read the wiki."

>> No.12345437

Unryuus starting equips are a huge fucking joke.

>> No.12345440

Time to say goodbye to my DDs.

>> No.12345442

Almost. Would have been fun if he fed Akashi to Uryuu

>> No.12345443


>> No.12345447
Quoted by: >>12345453

Either you have a ship that's locked to AL, your equipment full, or your ship space full.

>> No.12345451

Amatsukaze drops at E-5 boss node.

>> No.12345450

Was that intentional?

>> No.12345453



>> No.12345458

Anyone catch how much of his resources he used for E3-E5 completion? I only remember vaguely like 100~ buckets and 22k fuel or so as I wasn't paying attention to the others.

>> No.12345461

Bringing out the top dogs, I see.

>> No.12345462
Quoted by: >>12345475

E-6 confirmed for not allowing MI/AL ships.

>> No.12345465

I wouldn't really consider his resource count to be accurate for most TTK, since he's rolling with almost a 50% married MI fleet.

Most of us are lucky to even have two or three married ships, let alone six.

>> No.12345475

Shit. For real? I just got back and missed his clear.

>> No.12345479

I finally managed to reach the boss of E-1 and knock down some health. At least I'm past halfway now.

>> No.12345481

What about his damecon count? Is that normal or have I just been playing this game wrong the whole time?

>> No.12345490
Quoted by: >>12345512

He's got WAY more repair goddesses, since he seems willing to drop money. Regular damecon stock looks about right for someone who's been playing a while, but I'm pretty sure he's been equipping goddesses as a cover-all.

It all really depends on how much you're willing to push your girls I suppose.

>> No.12345499

I think his E-3 starting was ~110k fuel, 160?k ammo, ? steel, and 80k-85k? bauxite.

but 1/2 his fleet is married so normal TTK fuel/ammo costs will be considerably higher.

i only saw 2 or 3 repair goddesses actually used when they saved ships, but he had enough for every ship + 10 or more spares.

and he must have used 50+ Mamiyas at least, he was using one or two every couple runs.

>> No.12345506
Quoted by: >>12345512

wow that torpedo

>> No.12345512


etc. etc.

If you arre gonna flood the thread with comments about a streamm, at least do it after it reaches the bump limit.

It's nt tat difficlt to make a channel at Rizon

>> No.12345513

Is his entire fleet sparkled? Christ, how long did he prepare for this? Did everyone in that Skype group go this hardcore?

Elevens truly are on a whole other level.

>> No.12345515


>> No.12345516
File: 71 KB, 600x456, 2341231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm not gonna wait for all you faggots to clean the maps before risking my fleets.

>> No.12345517
Quoted by: >>12345527

He muted his BGM, this is his music

>> No.12345518

>what is sage
fuck off.

>> No.12345519

It's Brave Phoenix. The dude mentioned being a Nana fan before, he's playing his own music now.

>> No.12345527

Just realized few seconds ago he showed mute BGM setting, fuck I'm retarded.

>> No.12345528

Oh no, wrong Nanoha insert song. It's Pray. Fuck, I'm retarded.

>> No.12345529

Hahaha what the fuck

>> No.12345534

>MI-3 boss as the preboss node for the EX map
Oh god

>> No.12345536

Whoa, that loli is angry.

>> No.12345544

Holy shit, all the Saiuns in the world. E6 is going to be interesting.

>> No.12345549

Goddamn, Loli-hime's "oiteke" creeps me the fuck out

>> No.12345580
Quoted by: >>12345688

Is he stupid or what? Damn

>> No.12345581

damn that flagship cvl in node I in e-1

>> No.12345583

its over, abandon all hope of finishing this event.

>> No.12345589

>The reward for that bullshit EX map is Isokaze
Why even bother?

She might be the best looking DD out from the rewards but this is too much suffering for someone who will be just one more -kaze to the collection.

>> No.12345590
File: 358 KB, 619x394, Screenshot_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345599

Because it's there.

>> No.12345606

That actually looks easier than Spring E-5's boss node.

>> No.12345607

I'm more rekt because of the whole e6 lockout mechanic.

Devs didn't mention that all in their tweets. Seems like a really dick move on their part.

>> No.12345608

Faggots said the same about Sakawa. You clear it so you clear the fucking event.

>> No.12345613

So none of the maps can be subcheesed because of the los req?

>> No.12345617

This whole event is a huge dick move on their part.
Bullshit lockout mechanics and you only get DDs, a CV with horrible stats and the quest girl.

>> No.12345618
Quoted by: >>12345622

They didn't mention it, but Oyodo did, if you were paying attention.

>> No.12345622
Quoted by: >>12345632

When? After you clear AL?

>> No.12345632

When you start AL she tells you that you can't use the ships in "other operation(s)" but doesn't just say "in Operation MI." It's ambiguous because Japanese doesn't distinguish between plural and singular, but it's obvious what she means when you know.

Though I doubt anybody complaining about it has even started yet, and they're just being fucking crybabies because they didn't love all of their girls equally.

>> No.12345636

Flying white balls of death

>> No.12345643
Quoted by: >>12345651

Fuck loving all girls equally, I'll love who I want to love.
If the others dont like it then they should earn my love then.

>> No.12345647

She never says that MI ships are locked out of e6 though.

>> No.12345648
Quoted by: >>12345667

I dont like how veteran TTK is getting fucked by LoS requirement.
I am getting owned by a trollsub and Battleshit at the night battle here.
Even after I get past both nodes I still need to face 3elites CVL

>> No.12345651

How can they earn your love if you never give them a chance?
You ignored them, and Midway is your punishment.

>> No.12345659
Quoted by: >>12345664


>> No.12345660
Quoted by: >>12345664

Kitakami is actually a god

>> No.12345661
Quoted by: >>12345664

Dear lord this KTKM.

>> No.12345663
Quoted by: >>12345664

based kitakami

>> No.12345664


>> No.12345665
Quoted by: >>12345672

Did the E-6 health meter even go down when KTKM killed her?

It looks like we'll have to clear it like 20 times or something, in which case, fuck.

>> No.12345667
Quoted by: >>12345729

Wait, do you mean if you meet LoS block you won't meet trollsub & BB? Because I'm facing both barriers.

>> No.12345671
File: 174 KB, 795x444, ss+(2014-08-09+at+09.44.39).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12345677

I think I was too hard on her when I first saw her, she's cute enough for the effort involved.

Her voice is also very endearing.

>> No.12345672
Quoted by: >>12345684

Yes, the small amount that a complete kill seemed to deplete the bar is concerning. Doolittle is going to run wild on us mere mortals.

>> No.12345677
Quoted by: >>12345682

I haven't had much time with her but she's earned a spot in my PvP lineup for the next couple weeks. What is that she's carrying, anyway?

>> No.12345682
Quoted by: >>12345687

I don't know much about actual naval equipment, but maybe it's a depth charge?

>> No.12345684

And it's all for a DD. Not even a DD with ass fantastic stats, though she is rather cute.

>> No.12345687

I was gonna say it looks like a pressure cooker.

>> No.12345688
Quoted by: >>12345693

It looks like BB Hime needs 8 or so kills, and good fucking luck if you don't have both hotels.

>> No.12345690

That dd better have a blowjob option to be worth the resources

>> No.12345693

He had 5 ships on RED and still went to night battle.

>> No.12345696

Did moosashi just got oneshot?

>> No.12345703

KCV keeps crashing after I press Start Game. Am I fugged until it keeps updating for new patch?

>> No.12345705

Well it looks like you have to take on the E-3 Hime on your way, so it isn't all that surprising.

>> No.12345711

Yup, not even the hotels are safe.

Better start praying KTKM-sama.

>> No.12345713
Quoted by: >>12346623

It's fucked for me too, dunno if it's an issue with Yuubari's branch or in general.

>> No.12345714
Quoted by: >>12345720

I've never touched this game, but what is the Wo Class girl meant to be? A giant squid? I like her design, reminds me of Soul Calibur.

>> No.12345715

I'll pad my resources while the nips do their clearing

Preparing a good team composition should be essential to clearing this

>> No.12345718
Quoted by: >>12346623

I've had that problem as well, just avoid the newest version for now

>> No.12345720
Quoted by: >>12345737

Go ask in /a/.

>> No.12345726
Quoted by: >>12345750

I hear you. Normally, I'd be charging in, but with this two tier ship locking, I don't want to fuck up my chances at E-6.

>> No.12345729

I would have went north with 2DD if I could meet the LoS.

>> No.12345737
Quoted by: >>12345755

I'm not a crossie

>> No.12345739
Quoted by: >>12345757

>two tier
*three tier

>> No.12345740

Are Chitose and Chiyoda both lvl 50 full stats enough for the event?

>> No.12345748
Quoted by: >>12345756

JP and eng wiki say Amatsukaze drops at E-2

Well time to grind

>> No.12345750

There's only 7 real CV's, 8 real BB's so I'm not running even if it takes a week before knowing all the compass rules

All 5 maps look hilariously easy honestly. I'm mostly concerned with skipping damaged-princess on E6 mostly since it's hilariously strong

>> No.12345755
Quoted by: >>12345760

no one really knows m8
shes an aircraft carrier who was sunk into the abyss and consumed by darkness and reborn by it, something like that

i guess squid would work because maybe she collected it in the ocean

>> No.12345756

What setup are you using for E-2?

>> No.12345757

I think of it as two tiers of ship blocking, since MI blocks you out from using AL ships and E-6 blocks you from using AL or MI ships.

You could call it three tier too though depending on how you think of it.

>> No.12345760

Sounds edgy, thanks

>> No.12345761
Quoted by: >>12345770

What fleet comp are you using for E2? I just finished E1.

>> No.12345770
Quoted by: >>12345786

what were you using for E-1, I keep getting sent to red on the first node

>> No.12345785

This RTA guy seems like he really hates this event.
I get the impression he just wants to finish it and forget about it quickly.

>> No.12345786

1CL, 1BBV, 2CAV, 2CVL. Equipped CL with a sonar, 2 recon seaplanes per BBV/CAV and 1 yellow plane per CVL. I went double line at the first node to get the sub to at least orange and echelon at the night node. My HQ level is 98.

>> No.12345787
File: 60 KB, 1366x768, KantaiPV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12345790

I never noticed, but the Abyss white ball fighters appeared in the PV.

>> No.12345790
Quoted by: >>12345802

They are old as fuck anyway.

>> No.12345796

It seems like he was completely caught off-guard by the AL/MI lock, so I can't exactly blame him as he's clearly slightly uncomfortable with his current fleet.

Also seems like he might have pulled close to an all-nighter, and he's said he's hungry a few times, so that could be contributing to his overall grumpiness as well.

>> No.12345797

Can you blame him though?
They hyped midway for so long and this is what we get.

>> No.12345801
Quoted by: >>12345812

How do I know what my LoS requirement is?

>> No.12345802

Yeah, I know that most of the event bosses have them, I just only recently noticed that they bothered showing one in the PV.

>> No.12345805
Quoted by: >>12345815

>>I get the impression he just wants to finish it and forget about it quickly.
Pretty much spot on. He was excited when he learned that he was the only admiral on nico still attempting to clear E-6, but now that he found a viable route he just wants to go to sleep. "My job here is done."

>> No.12345810

What's the worse that could happen if I keep grinding 3-2 even with red ships?
I need to get a few levels on my Chiyoda.

>> No.12345812

Count up your LOS.
If you make it to the boss, then note the number, and reduce your LOS.
If you don't, increase your LOS.
Repeat until you figure it out.

>> No.12345815

Well all that's left for him now is running it over and over again, I can see why he's losing motivation.

>> No.12345834
Quoted by: >>12345938

>E-2 pre-boss sub node
What the fuck

>> No.12345840
Quoted by: >>12345859

I'm moving into E-2 and haven't used support expeditions before. We need support shelling on the boss right? Which of the expeditions is for boss assistance?

>> No.12345846
Quoted by: >>12345853

God damn it, E-1. If I don't get a red at night, it's at the preboss node. If I don't get a red on the troll sub, I get a red at night.

Man, this is already wearing me down.

>> No.12345853

I have almost wasted 100 buckets already thanks to trollsub and random crits at yasen.

>> No.12345859
Quoted by: >>12345875

It's always the last one of the event expeditions

>> No.12345861

All these CAV formations.
How are low level TTKs supposed to deal? I only have access to Mogami.

>> No.12345863

CAV is not a neccessity

>> No.12345865
Quoted by: >>12345871

Low TTK can use DD
I wish I was low lvl, all my cute DDs being reduce to cheerleader

>> No.12345866

Just put some recon planes on a CA.

>> No.12345871

Don't worry, you'll use DDs in MI E3.

>> No.12345874
Quoted by: >>12345880

Streamer uses bad equipment setups, poor support fleet composition

Please take note and learn from his mistakes

>> No.12345875


>> No.12345880

And too often misclick during formation selection.

>> No.12345888
File: 351 KB, 1489x879, ss+(2014-08-09+at+11.36.04).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These buggers just hit fusou to red in two attacks.

And its only the first battle (NW) node of E-2...

>> No.12345938

That surprised the shit out of my too. My first trip there was the five ship Ru formation, but the second time it was five subs. I was half watching the RTA stream so I don't if I missed the usual submarine node indicator or what, but fuck that nonsense.

>> No.12345948

Is there any info on the E6 out yet? Does it require CV's or no?

>> No.12345952

Yet another crit to red on the preboss node of E-1...fuck it, I'm gonna take a break now. It's too much for me to try and break through the boss right now.

>> No.12345960

There's an angry nip guy working on it right now.
Search for the ustream link.

>> No.12345962
Quoted by: >>12345975

Yes and no. I would prioritise CVs for MI and use whatevers left over for E6.

>> No.12345969

Some nips is doing E-6 with 1CA 2Hotel 1CLT 2CVL

>> No.12345970
File: 645 KB, 800x480, 57cceb5a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which boatgirl is this?

>> No.12345971

Hey friend, welcome to my world, I've been here for 4 hours already, hope you enjoy your stay.

>> No.12345974

Isokaze confirmed for E-6.

>> No.12345975
Quoted by: >>12345989

As sad as it sounds, I have a total of 4 CVs, if I'll be using all of them in MI and E6 is going to require them, I'm boned. Hopefully just saving every single strongest BB in the game will be enough.

>> No.12345976


>> No.12345978

Kantah Banananka

>> No.12345989

No CVLs? RTA was running CVLs on E6. As far as my own fleet goes, if everything goes as planned I'll only have an underlevelled Chitose Carrier and RJ Kai left.

>> No.12345999

Does anyone here have the new BGMs of the event?

Can I have it, I will appreciate it with much grace.

>> No.12346000
Quoted by: >>12346082

Do you even know what's an RTA? Serious question.

>> No.12346001

おはようございます! 「艦これ」次回の新規着任サーバ開放は、【8/11(月曜日)】に再開させて頂く予定です。

>> No.12346005
Quoted by: >>12346015

What's the best E2 fleet comp?

>> No.12346006

That sigh...

>> No.12346009

I have a level 90 Chitose that I'm not planing on using anywhere but other than that, nothing, my other two CVL's are going to be running E1/E2.

>> No.12346015

2 CA 2 DD 2 CVL

>> No.12346022
Quoted by: >>12346023

How do I 改造?

>> No.12346023

By reading the wiki

>> No.12346039

Mind sharing what your plan is?

From my own observations so far, I'm thinking something like this:

AL - 2BBV 2CA(V) 2CVL (maybe some DDs for E2)
MI - 4CV 2BB(fast) / 3DD 3CL / 2DD 2BB 2CVL
E6 - 3BB 2CVL (and whatever DD/CL(T)/CA(V) leftover)

It would be nice if I had some CVs or CVLs left for a boss support fleet for E6, but I only recently got one of the crane sisters.

>> No.12346052
Quoted by: >>12346061

Oh wait. Support fleets don't get locked, so I could actually use my MI support fleet for E6, right?

>> No.12346061
Quoted by: >>12346067


Sadly I think E-6 changes support fleet. The Ustream guy changed his anyway.

>> No.12346067
Quoted by: >>12346308

I think he was just swapping his out for the sparkled ships. I don't think there were any flags that prevented the support fleet from E6 though.

>> No.12346077

Skipped damaged-princess with 3bb 1clt 2cv for yasen node

Time for flares

>> No.12346082
Quoted by: >>12346134

Not particularly, something about radars?

My current (and failing) attempts at AL are CL 3CA 2CVL, but I've locked my Hiyou by mistake. I can spare a BBV or two if I have to.

MI - 4CV 2BB + 3DD CLT 2CAV / 2CVL 2BB 2DD for support (not locked)

If I get to E6, I'll throw Hotel, Nagamon, my aforementioned CVLs and maybe a CA? I don't have much hope for E6.

>> No.12346096
Quoted by: >>12346101

Is there a branching rule after the second south node in E2? I have 2DD 2CAV 2 CVL.

>> No.12346098

How's RTA doing btw?
I had to turn it off cause his suffering just felt too overwhelming.

>> No.12346101
Quoted by: >>12346106

LOS requirement to go NW.

>> No.12346106

I meant the node before than one. Got sent east instead of northeast to the preboss node.

>> No.12346111

LOS requirement to go NW.

>> No.12346112

There are 2 LOS checks

>> No.12346113
Quoted by: >>12346121

Managed to shave off some health, but every other attempt has ended in failure.

>> No.12346114
Quoted by: >>12346121

Got another boss kill a few minutes ago, but there's still a good 2/3rds of a gauge left.

>> No.12346117
Quoted by: >>12346128

Huge amount of LOS, if you don't have enough LOS for the preboss node, you are far off the boss node requirement.

>> No.12346118
Quoted by: >>12346125

RTA is not a name

>> No.12346121

Poor guy. Let us know when he gets close. I wouldn't blame him if he just decided to take a break and finish it later.

>> No.12346125

What was his handle? 73fan or something?

>> No.12346128
Quoted by: >>12346144

About how much LoS do you need for the boss node?

>> No.12346134


>> No.12346135

Nana Mi(zuki)fan, yes.

From the looks of it, you'd probably have to kill E6 at least 20 times to clear it. Brutal.

>> No.12346136

You can call him a fucking retard that line aheads in night-nodes, that's what

>> No.12346142

>MI easier than AL

>> No.12346144
Quoted by: >>12346184

I'm running with 353 now, tried 34X before, and failed after the pre boss node.

>> No.12346147

Whodathunk it?

>> No.12346154

Fucking Alaska and the cold Bering Sea, man.

>> No.12346158

Why are this events rewards so bullshit? The only thing worth is the planes on Unryuu's kai

>> No.12346160
Quoted by: >>12346168

That Wo node in E2 is brutal but I seem to be completely incapable of even getting out of the preboss node along the 2DD route. I don't even know if I have enough LOS with this setup. I could very well finally get through after who knows how many tries and get dead ended. I at least made it the boss once after slugging it out with the hellcats.

>> No.12346168

Is there a certain formation for the north route?

>> No.12346169

All that preparation and planning, and you get crap out of it.

Just like the actual Aleutian Islands / Midway operation.

>> No.12346178

Is it even possible to get past Wo node in E2

>> No.12346180

I think any BB(V) or CV will send you NW from the start. I was initially just recycling my fleet from E1 (BBV CL 2CAV 2CVL) to save on necessarily locking out ships but swapped in 2DDs because of that fucking Wo and it's not really helping me here.

>> No.12346182

I tried BB DD 2xCA 2xCVL and went north (Wo) then night battle before pre-boss, but got crit in the night battle and retreated. I assume if you clear night battle after the Wo node you hit the pre-boss, but I've never been that far, I just went back to 2xCA 2xDD 2xCVL because fuck Wo and night battles

>> No.12346184

I just got to the boss node with 312 LoS.

>> No.12346197

E2 was going well until the loli powered up for the last kill, now it's bullshit.

>> No.12346199

Is she the first carrier to come with no planes? When I saw her starting loadout I lost my sides.

>> No.12346213
Quoted by: >>12346222

Yes, it's fucking stupid. I kind of want to blow the 130k resources I saved up doing LSC instead of this event.

>> No.12346219

Guess I'll wait like a week to try again when everything is known. I'm so shit at this.

>> No.12346222
Quoted by: >>12346227

No starting planes isn't really that big of a deal. All the other carriers come with shit starter planes anyway.

>> No.12346227
Quoted by: >>12346253

But Taihou comes with Reppuu

>> No.12346230
Quoted by: >>12346258

Is anybody using BBVs for MI? Not sure if I should save her for MI or just use her on AL

>> No.12346253

That's true, but the other CVs still come with shit.

>> No.12346258
Quoted by: >>12346277

I haven't heard of anyone using BBVs for MI.
MI sounds like it's just CVs BBs DDs and CLs from what I've seen.

>> No.12346271
File: 219 KB, 800x480, E6(temp).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the compass allows it, levelling and sparkling these for E6

I called it weeks ago, 4bb2cv's is always

MI is a joke with the avoidance battles, just have to slave through AL with smaller ships.

>> No.12346272
File: 322 KB, 565x800, 1404778773330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12346279

huh, 3 kuma in a row from E-1.

>> No.12346275

Did everyone forget that equipment LoS and effective LoS exist?
I hardly see anyone mentioning them in this thread besides total LoS.

>> No.12346277

Alright, cool.

>> No.12346279
File: 272 KB, 600x4000, kuma bokujo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're trying to tell you something.

>> No.12346282

Apparently. I'm guessing there's a lot of brand new TTK in this thread.

>> No.12346285

There were posts earlier, either this thread or last, saying HQ and equipment loadouts needed to be posted as well. No one's coordinating anything here so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.12346303

TTKs who have cleared E1, list your HQ lvl, fleet composition, and equipment loadouts.

On the off chance that we have some that have cleared E2, list the same.

>> No.12346307

It's a bunch of crossboard kids whining about their first event. A few posts up I read "let us know thanks, guys!' and I just lost it a little

On-topic, I have enough t-32's for months and I firmly believe they are the best equipment in the game because accuracy(lol), and now LOS is a necessary stat, so yeah.

>> No.12346308
Quoted by: >>12346385

So support doesn't get flagged? Absolutely sure about this?

>> No.12346312

i know shit about kancolle but anyway

i watched the pv for the anime not have any of the super slutty ones i see posted around from this thing like the flat slut with the thong or tenryuu? will they not be in it?

>> No.12346314


>> No.12346319


>> No.12346321

Go ask /a/.

>> No.12346327

Link to the official anime site is in the description of the youtube video.

>> No.12346343

Echelon subs in preboss of E2 red crit a full hp dd. Just wow.

>> No.12346347

CVL critting Mutsu from green to red, thanks green T.

>> No.12346351

most of the thread has already moved on.

TTK Level 101
Haguro Lvl. 74, 2x 20cm 1x standard plane, 1x Sendai Night Rape Plane
Ise Lvl. 49, 1x 41cm 1x35.6cm 2x zuiun
Hyuuga Lvl. 49, 1x 41cm 1x35.6cm 2x zuiun
Maya Lvl. 67, 2x 20cm, 2x standard plane
Chiyoda Lvl. 60, 1x Stuka (for ASW), 1x Reppu, 1x Saiun, 1x Ryuusei Kai
RJ Lvl. 94, 1x Stuka (for ASW), 1x Reppu, 1x Saiun, 1x Ryuusei Kai

>> No.12346353


>> No.12346356

All they ever do is miss me.

>> No.12346372

>most of the thread has already moved on.
Most of the thread is just sitting around waiting to get confirmation on MI compositions so they can start AL without worrying about lockouts

>> No.12346382

Same here, they must have done something to subs.

>> No.12346383
Quoted by: >>12346392

Is the northern or southern route easier on E1?

>> No.12346385

Not 100%. I haven't gotten to MI or E6 to confirm it myself, but I think others said there wasn't any flagging for support fleets.

>> No.12346392

Southern. Echelon and abreast on pre-boss, easy mode.

>> No.12346405

Low level admiral here. Stuck on E-1. Every time I go south, I always go away from the boss.

What should I do?

>> No.12346409

More LOS

>> No.12346410

Planes on fucking everything.

>> No.12346416

For E2 I used

Jintsu K2 (15.5, 15.5, floatplane)
Tone/Chikuma (20.3, 20.3, floatplane, radar)
Hiei w/ Sanshikidan and 41cm/HarunaK2 38cm/floatplane
Mikuma w/ Sanshikidan and 20.3/20.3/floatplane
Zuiho with Type62/Reppu/Type 21 (Hiryu/Soryu)/Saiun
Chitose with Reppu/Ju87C/Reppu/Type 62

Ran double vertical the whole time, basically pray you dont get taihad and you'll get a boss kill pretty easily. Won't get compassed as long as you have a CL I believe.

E3 is pretty straightforward so far, the annoying thing is fatigue.

>> No.12346417

2 Recon planes on your CAs.

>> No.12346419

Planes, really. If you're using CA or BB, opt for the CAV and BBV since they have better seaplanes. Even a Zuiun is 2 extra LOS.

>> No.12346425
Quoted by: >>12346452

What comp. did you use for e-3?

>> No.12346426

I hate the flagship CVL so goddamn much.

>> No.12346428


You're welcome.

>> No.12346432

I wonder how did people use the 2DD, 2CA, 2CVL? The LOS requirement seems to be pretty high.

>> No.12346437

Low level people dont get fuck by LoS.

>> No.12346439


I'm using that, my total LOS is 354 and efective LOS is 125. My HQ level is 105 and anything below that sends me to a dead end.

>> No.12346442

Hm, this is pretty close to my E-1 fleet except I used a BBV instead. Guess I'll try it later.

>> No.12346443
Quoted by: >>12346456

2CAV? I don't wish to deploy another CAV though.

>> No.12346444
Quoted by: >>12346449

Some guy I watched on nnd for a bit ran this. The secret is T33 and Saiun as always.

>> No.12346445

Agano keeps dropping at E-1 boss.

>> No.12346447

I'm thinking of going the centre route for AL E1 seeing that it's the only 3 fight route.

Is anyone using the centre route?

>> No.12346449

God damn, only T22 for me.

>> No.12346452

I'm currently using historical fleet

Akagi (Reppuu/Reppuu/RSK/Saiun)
Hiryu K2 (Reppuu/Hiryu Tenzan/Suisei 12/Saiun)
Soryu K2 (Reppuu/Soryu Suisei/RSK/Saiun)
Kaga (Reppuu/Reppuu/Reppuu Kai/Type 62)
Haruna K2 (46/46/Floatplane/Radar)
Kongou K2 (46/46/Floatplane/Radar)

Escort fleet doesnt seem to matter as much but...

Haguro K2

DDs are 10cm/10cm/Radar, Nagara is 15.2/15.2/floatplane, the two heavies are 20.3/20.3/floatplane/radar.

You need a high detection level to avoid getting compassed. Just run the 3rd formation, for air battle, this formation will get air superiority on both the Midway midboss and the boss. About 700 baux a run and usually 1-2 buckets worth of repairs, 3/3 boss kill so far.

>> No.12346455
Quoted by: >>12346468

I should also add use the 4th formation on the boss always.

>> No.12346456
Quoted by: >>12346461


Yes, I tried with 2 CA but I needed radars, so I had to pick between a plane or sanshiki for them.

>> No.12346460

Anyone have any luck getting through E-2 with BBVs? Or is it a fast felet map?

>> No.12346461
Quoted by: >>12346471

Oh well. Based on >>12346452, I guess I could send my Mogami over to AL.

Please don't tell me those are T33 radar.

>> No.12346466
Quoted by: >>12346481

>the two heavies are 20.3/20.3/floatplane/radar.
Escort fleet is only used for the night battle right?
If that's the case, wouldn't 20.3/15.5/15.5/radar be a more effective setup?

>> No.12346467

You guys sure echelon works in the E-1 yasen node? My ships' gotten red'd twice now.

>> No.12346468

Any more details on the four combined fleet formations yet?

3rd formation is good for air superiority and 4th for offense, I take it?

>> No.12346471

Poi and ZKMS are using T33, PTSD using T13, the BBs using T14 and the two heavies using T22/T21.

>> No.12346472

Try line abreast.

>> No.12346473


There's your problem.

>> No.12346477

Tell them to stop being a bunch of kusos.

>> No.12346480

>E-1 Yasen
Not much you can do but try to tank it, and Line Ahead helps your ships kill the enemy ships faster. About 50% of the time Haguro manages to kill the enemy BB before she fires, and the others don't cut-in or double attack AFAIK, and I'm 100+ TTK level.

>> No.12346481

3rd formation is literally just two rounds of opening air strikes, no cannon or torpedo phase. 4th is both fleets get to attack (and the enemy fleet as well).

Escort fleet does engage during day if you use the 4th formation. I had Poi and Haguro pick off the Elite Ta and a Flagship Wo at one point or the other.

>> No.12346482

It is pure luck buddy.
Success rate to get to boss is like 1out of 4

>> No.12346497
File: 589 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-12595421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step it up RJ or I won't praise you anymore.

>> No.12346503
File: 61 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-12590320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally. Took me 10 runs to finish this.

>> No.12346507

Same happened to me, red RJ like 4 times in a row, equip her damecon and then Hiyou gets red while RJ is untouched.

Ended switching RJ for Shouhou.

>> No.12346510

She's not even k2.
I think you're the one that needs to step it up, man.

>> No.12346533

Event still last for around 19 days, so please keep calm and don't rush things.

>> No.12346541

>only 19 more days

>> No.12346543

Nah, everyone rush things and get some ships sunk.

It's about the only way I'm going to enjoy this god awful event.

>> No.12346549
Quoted by: >>12346555

I didn't know you could get subs on E2 pre-boss node, fuck this.

>> No.12346555

Welcome to the club.

>> No.12346559
File: 134 KB, 800x600, 1405816049191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what the LoS is for Level 70-80 but I think I just lost this event because I got sent to a dead end 3 times now. 236 LOS isn't enough

>> No.12346568
File: 44 KB, 675x214, comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12346569

>total LOS
Use effective LOS, god damn it.

>> No.12346570
Quoted by: >>12346651

Recon planes, just keep loading them on.

>> No.12346579


>> No.12346580

0/10 for nickname bullshit
Come back with a list we can read.

>> No.12346594
File: 560 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-13202638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the magic formula without going to Wo node.

>> No.12346595
Quoted by: >>12346630

Like, subscribe and donate first you freeloading little shit

>> No.12346596

Bare minimum for 300
Roughly 80 effective give or take

>> No.12346599

>Effective LOS
So it's (plane LOS x 2) + radar LOS + sqrt(total LOS). Right?

>> No.12346605
Quoted by: >>12346627

This. One or two is fine, but that list was just awful.

>> No.12346611
Quoted by: >>12346619

2 CAV 2 DD?

>> No.12346612

Fuck off. You don't want anyone to read it anyway.

>> No.12346614

2 x (recon plane LOS) + radar LOS + sqrt (total LOS - recon plane LOS - radar LOS).

Recon planes only refer to seaplanes (both vanilla + seaplane bombers) and yellow CV(L) planes.

>> No.12346619
Quoted by: >>12346633

CGEK route

>> No.12346623

Working fine on Windows 7 so far. Have you tried clearing the cache?

>> No.12346624
Quoted by: >>12346635

I was doing fine with that but she has 550 HP now and it's impossible to sink her.

>> No.12346625
Quoted by: >>12346638

Much appreciated.

>> No.12346626
Quoted by: >>12346631

i tried buying 10 more ship slots but i'm just getting stuck after i click buy, anyone having same problem?

>> No.12346627
Quoted by: >>12346640

It's that try-hard, look at me at me I'm so clever attention seeking shit I hate.

>> No.12346630
Quoted by: >>12346644

Fuck off. Don't ask for other people's thoughts and then call them the freeloader when you're the one being too retardedly autistic to make a legible list.

>> No.12346631
Quoted by: >>12346660

Do it in browser.

>> No.12346633
Quoted by: >>12346649

What are the equipments that you used?

>> No.12346635
File: 570 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-04590739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need a setup like this

>> No.12346638

Spread the gospel. Stop this useless total LoS BS.

>> No.12346640

Best to just ignore them, not like they listen to reason anyway. Can't help it sometimes though.

>> No.12346644

3/10 too many syllables work on not sounding like a shitskin

>> No.12346648
File: 622 KB, 854x514, fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell this is going to be great fun

>> No.12346649


>> No.12346651
File: 26 KB, 854x480, 1399692648189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have 2 Air Radars, 12 Recon seaplanes and one Recon Aircraft. I don't think it would be enough, I'd have to trade Fire Power for LoS.

300? Man, I'm doomed.

>> No.12346654

So all fast fleet huh.

>> No.12346657
Quoted by: >>12346726

Go farm Isuzu for more radars
What comp are you using?

>> No.12346660

oh right, thanks

>> No.12346661

>I'd have to trade Fire Power for LoS
That's what it'll cost you if you want to pass the LoS toll.

Alternatively, you can field ships with higher LoS stats, but you're probably still going to have to load up on LoS equip.

>> No.12346662
File: 77 KB, 658x490, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be fucking kidding me.

>> No.12346667

Should have screened the result, that was funny.

>> No.12346670

Are you serious?

>> No.12346671

4 Saiuns alone would get you 72 effective LOS. Add that on top of those seaplanes... your total LOS would probably not even need to reach 200.

Bottom line is, total LOS is total BS.

>> No.12346672

That shit looks impossible goddamn

>> No.12346674
Quoted by: >>12346714

>300? Man, I'm doomed.
Listen to this >>12346599 . Equipment can save or break your ass.

>> No.12346676
Quoted by: >>12346705

This is a dream right? I'll wake up soon right? RIGHT? ;_;

>> No.12346677
Quoted by: >>12346691

Cockblock is cockblocking herself

The new level of cockblocks

>> No.12346680

KTKM cut-in failing was funny as hell though.

>> No.12346681

Pls share.

>> No.12346683

KTKM-sama disappointed him at the crucial moment. Then again, there's no way it would have been a kill either way, he would have just ended up screeching and yelling instead of being resigned to another half-kill.

>> No.12346687

Shinano would have been good for this fight

>> No.12346688

He's losing it.

>> No.12346691

It's cockblockception.

>> No.12346692

He must put his faith into KTKM-sama and pray for the final blow

>> No.12346693

Didn't he get chip damage by sinking one of them?

>> No.12346698

He needs last kill.

>> No.12346699

please wake me up, I'm seeing a nightmare here..

>> No.12346700

I can't believe my internet went down just as I killed the loli.

>> No.12346701

Nah the twin didn't count.

>> No.12346705

You can't escape her love anon,she is always there for you ever since her defeat in Ironbottom.

>> No.12346706

he really should put an observer plane on Kirishima, she is only single attacking durring the day because he went 2x radar.

>> No.12346710
Quoted by: >>12346720

If it went down as you killed her the kill would register anyway.

>> No.12346712
Quoted by: >>12346720

How are you posting?

>> No.12346714

Fuck, wrong formula. Refer to >>12346614

>> No.12346720

Yeah, thankfully.
Just came back.

>> No.12346725
Quoted by: >>12346735

Watching this stream is better than playing it.

>> No.12346726



>> No.12346735

It's kind of demoralizing, considering how many duplicates and shit this guy has compared to your average TTK.

It's like, if this guy is having this much trouble, what the fuck am I going to do?

>> No.12346739
Quoted by: >>12346760

Not do E-6. Too bad the cutest DD ever is there. FUCK.

>> No.12346740

I know man, poor dude's taking 13 hours to clear a 20 day event. How will you cope?

>> No.12346742

So not only my CVL are Reppu mule, they are Saiun mule as well? God damn it.

>> No.12346748

Underneath all that planes they're a cum bucket mule.

>> No.12346753

Spring E-5's boss has 50 more HP than the hime but 10 less armor. She didn't hit as hard but she also opened with 360 planes which could bring a BB to red. The node also spawned three Ru-class.

Basically, if you could beat Spring E-5, you can beat this. Assuming you have the proper ships available at least.

This guy is doing a lot of things sub-optimally partially because he has no information and partially because he's retarded. He's about as close as you can get to brute forcing the event. Within a week you'll have a much better idea of how to tackle every map so if you're patient it won't be as bad.

>> No.12346756
Quoted by: >>12346766

This is dumb. 45% autofail if hankousen. I just don't see 2x400 hp going down without a good green-t + supportshell.

>> No.12346760

To be fair, this guy didn't know about the locking rules for E-6, so he threw his best into the MI fleet.

If he'd prepared correctly, he would probably have breezed through quite a bit faster.

That's the price you pay for being part of the vanguard, I suppose.

>> No.12346761

You do realize that it would take more than 20 days to be as ready as the streamer

>> No.12346766
Quoted by: >>12346778

Wait, you have to kill both? Because if so disregard >>12346753 I am a faggot.

That's awful.

>> No.12346767
Quoted by: >>12346830

You could sanshiki her.

Nothing works against BBA dammit.

>> No.12346768

>That's the price you pay for being part of the vanguard, I suppose.

>> No.12346769
Quoted by: >>12346793

That doesn't change the fact that he's got two yamato getting wrecked.

>> No.12346770

That's the most annoying thing about this event. It was the golden opportunity to have carriers become the offensive monsters they were historically, and now we have carriers going into battle without any attack planes equipped.

>> No.12346778
Quoted by: >>12346786

>Wait, you have to kill both?
Wait, fuck. What?

>> No.12346786

No, only flag.

>> No.12346788
Quoted by: >>12346807

Doushio ~

>> No.12346793

With the amount of depth his fleet has, if he'd done things right, those Yamatos would have been part of his support fleets.

Besides, Spring E-5 had its share of TTK bitching about Yamatos getting critted to red anyway.

>> No.12346795
Quoted by: >>12346806

He's hating money now.

>> No.12346803

any other MI streams /jp/ is following now?

>> No.12346806

He's already hated plenty. Those goddesses weren't free.

>> No.12346807
Quoted by: >>12347262

He's not using yasen plane, and he's doing yasen-nodes without flares.

I believe flares and yasen-plane will be the key to blasting the boss down with crits.


Aug 5-5 35-minute speedrun with yasen-planes and triple slow-bb

Yasen-plane increases night-crit quite tremendously.

>> No.12346809
File: 24 KB, 480x360, Patrick trumpet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mind translating your list to something more legible?

>> No.12346810

Has anyone been taking note of his compositions and formations?

>> No.12346814

No, because he has literally no idea what he's doing.

>> No.12346816

He's been taking notes himself/sharing it with the rest of his RTA's Skype group. I'm sure they'll probably release their findings soon.

>> No.12346827

What are the chances that they will round up LOS? Mine's 104.733200531 for E2.

>> No.12346830
Quoted by: >>12346835

Time to bring back CLTs and their double attacks?

>> No.12346832

The nightmare never ends.

>> No.12346835
Quoted by: >>12347746

Pretty much this. CLT is back but their preemptive torp is nerfed.

>> No.12346840
Quoted by: >>12346848

Is 105 the magic cutoff or something?

>> No.12346848
Quoted by: >>12346854

According to >>12346439 , yes. But I'm not sure how precise is it.

>> No.12346849

845 crit, shit.

>> No.12346851
File: 830 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-14024465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We fucking in there

If you're in the level 70s the required LoS is 250 by KCV's data

>> No.12346852

That fucking overkill.

>> No.12346853
File: 4 KB, 226x38, repair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12346861

What is this for?

>> No.12346854

Oh shit. I read it wrong, it's 125. But that's for 2DD, 2CA, 2CVL setup.

>> No.12346855

There's only one Wo in the boss node and I haven't really noticed a "stack reppuu or die" formation so I'm not sure why he forgoes airstrike and carrier shelling. Afraid of losing bauxite? Maybe something special with the combined formation? Or maybe there's no room with all the damecons he loads his CVLs with.

>> No.12346860

0. Decimals will be truncated.

>> No.12346861


>> No.12346864

Please tell me that's your total LOS and not effective LOS.

>> No.12346870

The era of carriers is over,its the era of aviation battleships.

>> No.12346872

You must be new to these events.

Carriers are air-superiority slaves, everything is decided by BB night-attacks.

>> No.12346873
Quoted by: >>12346941

Judging by KCV's window, total LoS

>> No.12346874

>Effective LoS at 250
Stop being retarded

>> No.12346877

Ahaha, Kitakami is trolling hard.

>> No.12346878
Quoted by: >>12346890

Too bad the boss probably packs 2 Super Wo worth of planes

>> No.12346882
Quoted by: >>12346898

I'm sorry, I've never paid much attention to LOS other than 'when in doubt, stack dem planes up'.

>> No.12346883

Welp, time to load 3 carriers with 4 Saiuns apiece.

>> No.12346888
Quoted by: >>12346892

Are BBs meant to not double attack during day when they have a radar?

>> No.12346890

There's no planes coming from the Himes.
Well yeah, but the biggest problem is killing all the small fry so your BBs don't nuke them. Aren't carriers perfect for that?

>> No.12346891

Effective LOS matters the most. My total LOS was 339 and I never reached the boss.

>> No.12346892
Quoted by: >>12346897

2x cannon, radar, plane is double attack.

>> No.12346895
Quoted by: >>12346933

Given that they attack after the BBs, no, not really.

>> No.12346897
Quoted by: >>12346899

I have that but they don't seem to do double attack with it.

>> No.12346898
Quoted by: >>12346905

I gave Kirishima & Furutaka 1 Recon Seaplane and 1 Radar, Yamashiro has 2 Recon Seaplanes while RJ and Hiyou have one Saiun

>> No.12346899
Quoted by: >>12346902

It's random.

>> No.12346900
Quoted by: >>12346933

You would want to gain some form of air dominance so that the enemy wouldn't be the one doing daytime cut-ins. 2 Reppu is probably enough but you can never be sure.

>> No.12346902

No I'm pretty sure they never double attack when they have a radar. I stick a 15.5 on them and they double attack right away.

>> No.12346905
Quoted by: >>12346908

Eh, no 2DD?

>> No.12346907

What about random do you not understand?

>> No.12346908
Quoted by: >>12346914

I have one DD in my fleet. I wanted to converse my DDs for MI's Escort fleet

>> No.12346914

conserve, damn.

>> No.12346916

Just go read the wiki, I didn't want to redirect you there but you leave me no choice.

>> No.12346917
Quoted by: >>12346933

If I replace the repairs with eguchi/tomonaga yeah it could work. Maybe flares would help surviving the previous 2 nodes too.

It's still luck-based however. CV's simply do not do enough damage to be considered boss-killers. Even high-luck DD's can be boss-killers in this game, not CV's sadly.

>> No.12346921

Main fleet
Soryuu, Taihou, Kaga, Akagi, 2 Kongou class
carriers all had at least 2 reppuu each, and there where at minimum 4 saiuns spread between them, BBs had 2x 46, observ plane and radar

Escorting fleet:
Yukikaze, Shigure, Ayanami, Yahagi, Tone, Chikuma
double attack for MI-3 on all, torp cut-in or ASW for MI-4 and MI-5, cruisers kept double attack/sanshiki/recon for entire time.

for E-5 he swapped out Chikuma for KTKM with double torps

formations he used where bottom right on every node except for bosses or subs. subs use top left, and for boss he used top right.

and damn he is getting low on fuel.

>> No.12346930
Quoted by: >>12346947

Take it easy.
Don't try E-6.

>> No.12346933

The carriers aren't for boss-killing, they're for wiping out the small fry so your BBs only have 1 target during yasen. I'll admit I don't know if CVs are capable of killing the small fry at the boss, though.

For Re, with that bullshit 120 planes, yeah, you need your CVs full reppuu, it just doesn't seem necessary against one flagship Wo. Maybe the Himes are carrying planes and I don't realize it, I don't know.

>> No.12346936

My god, I logged in directly after the maintenance, and still - as of now - can't get past the 3 nodes before E-1 Boss. They just plainly fucking red 1-2 of my ships. HQ 90+, ships lvl >70

Double line, echelon, and double line.

>> No.12346941

>total LOS

>> No.12346942
Quoted by: >>12346986

RNG, man. RNG. Took me 28 tries.

>> No.12346945

I have to ask, are you wearing pants?

>> No.12346946
File: 819 KB, 706x1000, 41709579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12346957

Don't give in Admirals, keep up the fight!

>> No.12346947
Quoted by: >>12347031

I just have to ask myself if a Kagerou is worth 50k+ when I still don't have Yamato, Musashi, or Bismarck.

I didn't hold back for Sakawa and I mildly regret it.

>> No.12346949

Try Line Abreast, Line Ahead and Line Ahead. Night battle node is all about killing the other guy before he kills you. Pussyfooting with a defensive formation won't help.

>> No.12346950

Oh shit. Is this it?

>> No.12346952
Quoted by: >>12346986

Try going line abreast in yasen node, at first I was going echelon but the BB was blowing my ships to hell, switched to line abreast and was somewhat better. Took me like 40 times anyway to clear E1.

Good luck

>> No.12346957

Tell that to my Zuihou who doesn't seem to know how to dodge.

>> No.12346960

Went in with ahead-echelon-ahead

>> No.12346962

You killed the wrong one, Musashi, KTKM

>> No.12346964

At least they killed the doppleganger.

>> No.12346971
Quoted by: >>12346973

He's going to run out soon.

>> No.12346972
Quoted by: >>12346994

Any cheap tricks for E-1? Because CVLs are just so fragile and I was wondering if there was an easier way of going about this map. Like going to the B node or something.

>> No.12346973
Quoted by: >>12346981

Of what? Resources or his sanity?

>> No.12346974
File: 77 KB, 657x529, KTKM Fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12346985

Oh the despair...

>> No.12346981


>> No.12346983


>> No.12346985
Quoted by: >>12346989

Fuck. Is this his final kill?

>> No.12346986

28 tries ?
40 tries ?

Glad events exist.
I was actually starting again to trust humanity.

oh boy, my target will shift to E-3 max, just for the fucking CV equipment.

>> No.12346989

He's been on his final kill for a while now.

>> No.12346994
Quoted by: >>12347002

Ironclad faith, and listening to Baba Yetu while playing.

>> No.12346997

Oh god my sides. Red KTKM and Yamato on preboss node.

>> No.12346999

If you can get E-3, you might as well clear through E-5.

>> No.12347001

Has he run out of repair goddesses? Normally he'd steam ahead hoping they'd proc.

>> No.12347002

>Baba Yetu

>> No.12347004

I think he lost faith in his ships.

>> No.12347005

Yamato doesn't have a 5th slot yet genius

>> No.12347006
File: 1.31 MB, 1600x1200, 1393778150415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 days is a long time, have hope ttk.

>> No.12347008

It's really funny to see the cheap low level fleets people in my pvp list have thrown together for AL.

>> No.12347009

It's karma for their lousy aiming.

>> No.12347013
Quoted by: >>12347017

Fuck off, I assumed he had put damecon/goddesses on all of his fleet after Musashi kept being a crit magnet.

>> No.12347017

The answer to that would still be >>12347005

>> No.12347019
File: 1017 KB, 848x900, 1357247179282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for the poor guy, he sounds so tired and annoyed

>> No.12347020

Are the rewards good for new players? Or are they mostly trophy ships?

>> No.12347026

Well, he's been playing since around 1amish or something and still haven't slept. It's already 2:39.

>> No.12347027
Quoted by: >>12347034

None of them hold a candle Yamato or Taihou.

>> No.12347028

Literally all trophy ships. Not a single one is relevant.

>> No.12347029
Quoted by: >>12347034

Mostly trophy shit.
Unryuu has nice tits, though, as a new player, she's probably out of your league.

>> No.12347030
Quoted by: >>12347039

He's been at it pretty much the whole day, can't really blame him.

Hope he winds down by watching a concert or something, he deserves it.

>> No.12347031

Don't kid yourself, you wouldn't be able to do E-6.

>> No.12347034
Quoted by: >>12347042

Alright. Then I guess I'll skip some of the event. E-3 and higher was too hard for me anyways.

>> No.12347037
Quoted by: >>12347056

He's not even talking anymore. I-is he dead?

>> No.12347039
Quoted by: >>12347056

He'll probably have a celebratory fap to Abyss rape doujins.
That's my plan at least.

>> No.12347040

E2 effective LOS: 105. Managed to land a kill on the boss.

1 Type 0 Seaplane, 1 Seiran, 2 x T13 radar, 3 Saiuns.

Ships with their equipment
Shiranui: 35
Bep: 39
Myoukou Kai2: 53
Mikuma: 54
Chitose: 79
Chiyoda: 86

sqrt(35 + 39 + 53 + 54 + 86 + 79 - 10 - 6 - 6 - 27) + 2 * (6 + 6+ 27) + 10 = 105.23368794

Did I calculate it right? I hope this helps.

>> No.12347042

You should at least try E3 just so you get a taste of what it's like to be TTK scrub.

That bitter taste will drive you to get better and by the time Shinano comes around in the Fall event, you'll be ready for her.

>> No.12347046


>> No.12347047

Is it happening?

>> No.12347048

My ears hurt bad.

>> No.12347049

>Musashi oneshots the wrong one

>> No.12347052

oh god.

musashi 2shot the wrong one...

>> No.12347053

Hahahaha. Fucking musashi. All that キタ went for nothing.

>> No.12347054

That sad, sad guy.

>> No.12347055

Top fucking lel

>> No.12347056

I feel bad, but at this point I'm getting more enjoyment out of him despairing than anything good happening.

>> No.12347057

KTKM, you had one job.

>> No.12347058

Hime-cut Yuugumo is no trophy girl for me. She's the target of the whole fucking event.

>> No.12347061
Quoted by: >>12347069

Man, that went so perfectly, and then KTKM-sama trolls him.

>> No.12347062
Quoted by: >>12347066

TTK level?

>> No.12347066

Oh right, HQ level: 101.

>> No.12347068
File: 571 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-00433627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why i cant send them?

>> No.12347069

Musashi is the real troll though. Dishing out that damage on the wrong one.

>> No.12347070
Quoted by: >>12347079

Pretty sure KTKM's not to blame for that one.

>> No.12347071

How'd you guys clear E-1? I'm using CL/CA/CA/BBV/CVL/CVL but I keep getting rekt by the pre boss nodes. Is the north route better?

>> No.12347075
Quoted by: >>12347099

Don't you need 2 DD for those expeditions?

>> No.12347077
Quoted by: >>12347090

Same fleet as yours, just keep at it.

>> No.12347079

The whole reason KTKM's in there is to oneshot the boss with a night cut-in.

>> No.12347083

Use support fleet.

>> No.12347090

haven't reached the boss in 10 tries. formations 5/5/3

>> No.12347093

I feel so bad watching our Japanese Vanguards plunging in despair.

You gonna carry on that weight admiral. ;_;7

>> No.12347094


>> No.12347096
Quoted by: >>12347110


>> No.12347097

Her planes are literally her only redeeming factor.

>> No.12347098

Holy shit, PTSD fuel. These lock outs are such a dick move.

>> No.12347099

Thank you man, that helped me

>> No.12347103
File: 115 KB, 618x360, 8hours ago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was him about 8 hours ago with his resources and I lost count how many repair goddesses he used.

>> No.12347104
Quoted by: >>12347128

2BBV/2CA/2CVL. Got my first kill on the first try. I didn't bother killing the submarine, most of my ships can survive the attacks at first node anyway unless the sub lolcrits. I think you should swap that CL out for better survivability on the next nodes.

>> No.12347107

She's my target.

>> No.12347109
Quoted by: >>12347128

Stop trying to go defensive

>> No.12347110

She's got boobs and some nice planes.
And I guess it's always nice to have an extra CV.
And there'll be the inevitable Unryuu class composition and sortie quest, I guess.

>> No.12347113
Quoted by: >>12347131

Got it backwards?

>> No.12347116

Fuck. At least he still have 19 days or so to get back on his feet. Chances are, there would be an extension for this event.

>> No.12347117


>> No.12347119
Quoted by: >>12347128

I used double line for first 2 nodes then line ahead for preboss

>> No.12347120

How do you guys stay focused during the grind? Energy drinks are out of the question for me, so I do music.

>> No.12347122

Try double line in first node, pray for the sub to don't blow up any of your girls, then in yasen go line abreast and in pre-boss try double line, or even diamond, it worked for me. Just keep trying and you will able to clear it.

>> No.12347126
Quoted by: >>12347148

Music works for me too.
What do you listen to?

>> No.12347127

Japanese man on sudoku watch

>> No.12347128
Quoted by: >>12347143

It is actually my CVL that are the problem, they are lvl 60 and maxed armour but a normal hit from a DD in the yasen node hits them to red, what.
okay thanks, will try.

>> No.12347129


>> No.12347130
Quoted by: >>12347148

Sheer will and a punching bag with the occasional walk in the park.

>> No.12347131

Yeah my bad. I meant this is his current resource count and the one to the left was 8 hours ago.

>> No.12347132

I pray to RNG-sama.

music works

>> No.12347135

Well, that explains that. Instead of being Reppuu mules they're Recon mules.

>> No.12347136

Poor guy was using music earlier, but I think people complained so he turned it off.

>> No.12347138

And they said this would be a bauxite intensive event.

>> No.12347139
Quoted by: >>12347165

One of my ships keeps getting to red on the yasen node. I hate that BB.

>> No.12347141

Level 102 TTK, CAV/BBV/CA/CVL/BB/CVL, LoS around 350, formation aboob/diagonal/aheadx2. Also, fucking sparkles.

>> No.12347143

I went echelon on yasen. Only night equip I had was the night seaplane. Even the Ru did scratch damage on her double attack but I had a nagging suspicion I just got lucky on my first try. Oh well, just pray for RNG-sama not to fuck you up.

>> No.12347148
Quoted by: >>12347162

I listen to jazz and some j-rock!

Some movement actually sounds like a good idea.

>> No.12347152
Quoted by: >>12347163


>> No.12347161

Man I pity this guy. He's not even talking anymore.

>> No.12347162
Quoted by: >>12347203

>jazz and j-rock
I like both, but I usually listen to catchy anime shit when I KanColle.
Keeps my energy levels up.

>> No.12347163
Quoted by: >>12347275

I like it. Energy drinks were the first stimulants that came to mind, but I guess a little coffee can't hurt.

>> No.12347164

I sincerely stand by my decision to get flares for this night-battle-fest

Levelling those 2 ships were totally worth it

>> No.12347165
Quoted by: >>12347208

Same happened to me in like 10-20 tries, always was a CVL that dropped to 3-10HP, or even sometimes a DD would get a crit on my BB out of nowhere, I also tried echelon but also got crit'd to death, try also other formations that the anons post, maybe I was doing it the hard way.

>> No.12347166
Quoted by: >>12347182

He's going to cry

>> No.12347174

He's just running on autopilot now.

>> No.12347176

He had not slept at all. Frankly, I think he should just sleep and carry on after he wakes up. I'm not watching the stream but he's probably going to do something drastic soon.

>> No.12347177
Quoted by: >>12347191

KTKM chokes.

>> No.12347180


>> No.12347181

Cut-in fail!

>> No.12347182

I really feel bad for the guy
I was watching it for the information but now I just want him to clear this

>> No.12347183

Cockblocked by the DD.

>> No.12347185


>> No.12347188

Two flares are better than one?

>> No.12347191

more like musashi chokes again, 2 hits for 30ish when she is at 8/10 ammo?

>> No.12347195
File: 226 KB, 633x324, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12347301


>> No.12347198

I think the effect stacks a bit.

>> No.12347200

Higher chance of activation

>> No.12347201
Quoted by: >>12347218

All I see is a broken man. Is this what Yamamoto felt after midway?

>> No.12347202

Only to get more accuracy for your ships which will be spent on destroyers; their CA and BB are equipped for double attacks. However, I understand you, I used flares as well for that because I don't know what else to equip.

>> No.12347203
Quoted by: >>12347238

Thanks for the tip. Do you have a link to a playlist you can share or is it in a private library?

>> No.12347205
Quoted by: >>12347210

What are you doing Musashi? Kitakami cuts in and leaves BB hime at 97hp. AND WHAT WERE YOU DOING?

>> No.12347208

I tried both echelon and line abreast. Doesn't help at all.

>> No.12347210

1 shotted the other BB.

>> No.12347215


E-6 Reward confirmed: 41cm triple + Isokaze.

>> No.12347218

At least his carrier group is still alive. If anything, this felt like Fall E5 all over again.

>> No.12347222
File: 713 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140621-20591246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12347223

Aaand compass fucked him.

>> No.12347225

I have to clear E-6? Dang.

>> No.12347229

118 gensui

Woah back the fuck up kiddies. Let this champ handle it.

>> No.12347232
Quoted by: >>12347245

4.8k fuel left. Is he going to hate money?

>> No.12347238
Quoted by: >>12347256

It's just my private collection. It's literally a collection of songs from every show I've seen.

Instead of collecting tons of physical goods, collecting soundtracks is a better memento for me. I usually just put it on random and enjoy the nostalgia.

There was a thread on /jp/ a few days ago where some anon was asking for j-rock tunes to work out to. I submitted some of my favorites there.

>> No.12347241
File: 113 KB, 300x300, 43509913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>41cm triple + Isokaze
How is this justified?

>> No.12347245
Quoted by: >>12347250

His wallet is as big as his heart apparently.

>> No.12347248
Quoted by: >>12347277

Is this worse than fall yet?

>> No.12347250


>> No.12347255
Quoted by: >>12347265

Both Yamato and Musashi aimed for the BB hime. Fucking lucky.

>> No.12347256

You're great help. Thanks, anon.

>> No.12347260

The punchline would be event getting extended for 7 days and Shinano would be added as an E-6 drop, S rank only.

>> No.12347262

Same fucking guy



>> No.12347263

Man, at least last event CV's could attack using T62, but now they have everything filled with Saiun. Poor things, I guess DMM really wants to push the fact that WW2 scouting was shit and we need to make up for that.

>> No.12347265

Wouldn't "lucky" be a proper kill?

>> No.12347267

Don't give them ideas.

>> No.12347275
Quoted by: >>12347291

I find it effective if I drink it without adding anything like milk or sugar. I find it even more effective if I just eat the coffee beans straight (usually ground beforehand), but

I don't usually listen to other music while playing because I actually like listening to the BGM and stuff, and when I do, it's whatever I feel like listening to at the time, and nothing to do with staying awake or keeping my spirits up.

>> No.12347277

Depends on how you see it. If your fleet is extensive and you're cautious, this is just like any other event except you don't get to sortie your strongest fleet all the time. LOS requirement is a bit tricky for this as well. The only comfort you have is no regen and the rewards are not exactly overpowered.

>> No.12347278
Quoted by: >>12347299

He's gone mute. Poor guy.

>> No.12347283

That 3044 fuel.

>> No.12347289

I hope his last push makes it.

>> No.12347290


>> No.12347291

Hey, that's nice. I take my coffee in the mornings black as well. I haven't tried straight up ground beans, but I usually make coffee myself using a burr grinder and a french press anyways, so I could try right now.

>> No.12347292
Quoted by: >>12347326

Extension is probably guaranteed considering how the login servers were fucked but Shinano? Nah, maybe it's Shioi which will be introduced into LSC soon.

>> No.12347293

Poor guy isnt even using the yasen plane. Its over you could of stopped it. He isnt going to make it.

>> No.12347294
Quoted by: >>12347308

The only appropriate song

>> No.12347299

I think he off his mic and is crying.

>> No.12347300
Quoted by: >>12347311

>french press
I prefer a mocha percolator myself.

>> No.12347301
File: 508 KB, 600x670, 1404150958754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12347302
File: 1.14 MB, 957x1262, 1407560467517[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like some kind of pre-corruption Wo or a 2hu.

>> No.12347307


>> No.12347308

I was expecting obligatory UC Gundam.

>> No.12347309

Will we see 3 of them next event?

>> No.12347311

Nice. I've used one on the
Appalachian trail hiking. I should try one out!

>> No.12347313

He's dead. ;_;7

>> No.12347314

This reminds me, /jp/. There isn't any Re right? Should we take comfort in that?

>> No.12347316

I just hope this means one of the other Unryuu class comes in a china dress.

You know the kind with the deep hip slit.

>> No.12347320

what kind of escort fleet do people use for MI?

>> No.12347321

Kasen fuckbuddy confirmed.

>> No.12347323
File: 70 KB, 563x548, 7ryuan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, she is named after a mythical dragon after all.

>> No.12347326
Quoted by: >>12347362

More likely to be Amagi than Shinano I think.

If Shinano is to be added they'll have to add an extra map or two as well

Trust me, if you weren't awake before having a spoonful of ground coffee beans, you WILL be after having it. Guaranteed.

Might want to have a container of it right beside you while you try clearing the map.

>> No.12347327

Looks so alphes it hurts

>> No.12347329

Just wait for the last minute E7 extension.

>> No.12347330
File: 5 KB, 172x45, Screenshot_336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking grunt, now he's at same cockblocking score as that troll BB

>> No.12347332

Fuel is really critical now. Probably his last sortie.

>> No.12347334

Most definitely, each one of Re's attack could possibly knock a Yamato class' hp down to red. BB Hime deals huge damage regardless of formation though.

>> No.12347339

You know in doujins when the girl complains at first, but then she's so broken and doesn't even fight anymore, yeah.

The price for trying to RTA an RNG game on day 1 I guess.

>> No.12347340

We have reached triple digit fuel

>> No.12347342

>Below 1k fuel
All is lost
RIP 73fan, you gave it your all for us

>> No.12347343

He's playing songs now. Must be his last push.

>> No.12347344

654 fuel www

>> No.12347345

Last run, gotta Pray.

>> No.12347347

The last sortie is always the best sortie. Watch him get it this time.

>> No.12347350

Is this an event, or nips are just testing the idiocy and pride of humans ?

The brain enslavement must be though if nobody went and raped that DMM site, or put kadokawa to the fire.

>> No.12347353

/jp/ would celebrate with him if he does it with this sortie.

>> No.12347354

>Mizuki Nana - Pray

This streamer

>> No.12347355
File: 189 KB, 599x516, 1398828094739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That last chance music. I pray his last push is the one!

>> No.12347359

DMM's servers being shit is just an excuse for Kancolle devs to throw in a curveball later on.

>> No.12347362

Yeah I just had some. It's a bit gritty, but I will wait for the effects to kick in.

>> No.12347363

These fucking ads show up at the worst time.

>> No.12347365

RTA means Real Time Attack; a speedrun basically. He probably intends to spend money to get resources, too.

>> No.12347367

Time for Mic check.

>> No.12347372
Quoted by: >>12347379


>> No.12347376

>DDs are basically out

Aw shiiiit

>> No.12347379

Is this the new YOOOOOSH

>> No.12347380


>> No.12347383


>> No.12347385

Well, she hit the right target this time.

>> No.12347386

Dat KTKM cut in. I thought that was it. Damn. ;_;

>> No.12347387

Fucking really? 156 with a cut-in? Fucking really?

>> No.12347388

>156 cut-in damage
Good job KTKM

>> No.12347390

Musashi and KTKM-sama, everytime.

>> No.12347391

that choke

>> No.12347392

I can't believe that didn't do it.

>> No.12347395

E-1 is ridiculous. The Yasen node will get one of my CVLs red no matter what.

>> No.12347396

She gets a cut-in chance boost while chuuha but it still cuts her damage greatly.

>> No.12347397
File: 313 KB, 800x480, 1407560035028[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12347410

A gold DD.

>> No.12347398

He can't even repair Yamato now.

>> No.12347399
File: 240 KB, 610x358, game over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12347413


>> No.12347400

He should go to sleep. He's done his best.

>> No.12347401

This fucker's not finished.
He's making this happen with his wallet.

>> No.12347402
Quoted by: >>12347408

From the looks of the posts, angry nip failed?

>> No.12347403

I swear to god, this man is broken in half!

>> No.12347404

We're back to over 5k fuel
His heart is as big as his wallet

>> No.12347405


>> No.12347407

Wow, he still wants to go.

>> No.12347408

He's hating money hard.

>> No.12347410
Quoted by: >>12347415

I need it, where?

>> No.12347412

100k fuel in 2 weeks

He should just stop

>> No.12347413

God damn it.

>> No.12347414
File: 98 KB, 892x476, 1407560078967[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12347415

E4, right?

>> No.12347417

Damn. The support fleet targetted the DDs and he got his fighting spirit up. KTKM just had to fail him in the last moment.

>> No.12347419

someone tell him in the stream chat to equip the night plane on kirishima

>> No.12347420

Link to the stream, please? There's like 4 links in the thread.

>> No.12347422
Quoted by: >>12347447

Who is this?

>> No.12347424
Quoted by: >>12347447

it's ogre

>> No.12347426

2nd post.

>> No.12347427

The one on top.

>> No.12347429
Quoted by: >>12347443

Preferably in Japanese.

>> No.12347432

Also tell him that we're rooting for him.

>> No.12347435

God damn E6 is terrifying. How many repair goddesses has he used?

>> No.12347436
Quoted by: >>12347439

He should stop or he's going to be in the news

Primetime news

>> No.12347437

A small wallet's worth.

>> No.12347438

Any source for this?

>> No.12347439

Atleast he's eating something.

>> No.12347441
Quoted by: >>12347442

He's gonna sparkle his girls. I think he'll get it if he goes in with 10 sparkles.

>> No.12347442
Quoted by: >>12347450

Sparkling is placebo.

>> No.12347443

The only way you'd get to him is if you have Nico Premium, since his Ustream is just for poorfags who get kicked out of his Nico stream.

live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv189057903 for anyone actually able to reach him. (tell him another Nana fan was helping him cheer with UO, needs to put on Etabure instead if he truly wants Nana-sama to aid him)

>> No.12347444
Quoted by: >>12347454

12+ easily.

>> No.12347447

Were you responding to this >>12347422 ?

>> No.12347448
Quoted by: >>12347455

>Musashi missing at 1-1

>> No.12347450

well look where he is now. eve if its 1 shot he evades it could save him

>> No.12347454

more like 25+, he had nearly 2 pages of them at the end of MI-5 and he purchased more since then.

>> No.12347455

If I were him that'd be it, show's over. Going to bed.

>> No.12347459

Someone said on futaba that he got Yahagi from E-3 S boss node.

>> No.12347461


>> No.12347464
Quoted by: >>12347482

Effective damage would be way higher in day+night if a CLT could be swapped out for another BB.

We'll only know in due time if the compass doesn't buttblast 4bb2cv.

>> No.12347466
Quoted by: >>12347467

So why not give something like a fighter/bomber to the CVs instead of using them as slaves that dont even get to participate?

>> No.12347467

Because they don't have 5 slots.

>> No.12347468
File: 3 KB, 100x100, 1407563981882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepare your anus.

>> No.12347472

Is 2 CA, 2 BBV, and 2 CVL a good composition for E-1?

>> No.12347473

I kind of want to go sleep, but I don't want to miss it if this guy finally gets this.

>> No.12347474

Akitsumaru from E-4 and Akashi from E-5 are way bigger drops.

>> No.12347475
File: 75 KB, 797x473, E1_cleared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12347480

There is no need to panic.
Take it easy. There is like 19days left.
Time to attempt E2 with scrub ships.

>> No.12347479

I've seen people say it works for them.

>> No.12347480
Quoted by: >>12347492

I seriously hope you're not implying those are scrub ships.

>> No.12347481

Fuck off, it's not an issue of composition.
There's people that had 40 runs to clear the fucking E-1 just out of RNG.

This is just madness. Totally not worth it

>> No.12347482

Thats not much the issue as him equiping a zero recon instead of the night recon.

>> No.12347484
File: 45 KB, 355x632, 1407565537505[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wo was right all along.

>> No.12347486

>E-6 クリア
0 0 0 0

>> No.12347489

Are we counting E-4 as event cleared now?

>> No.12347490

I can't into math. How much did he lose per map and total?

>> No.12347492

None of them are in the 90s except for Maya.
RJ isn't fully modernize and Chiyoda is at lvl50.

>> No.12347493

キタ―――(゚∀゚)―――― !!

>> No.12347495

Man it hurts

I'll go to sleep before him

>> No.12347497

oh KTKM... Cut-in the DD.

>> No.12347498

That trollscrub DD

>> No.12347499
File: 733 KB, 1000x1000, 1404074976110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12347504

He's so close, this is really depressing.

I'm nowhere near E6 but I like to feel like I understand his pain.

>> No.12347501

Can't i reach the boss from E-1 without two CVL? I'm new as fuck and i just have Ryuujou leveled.

>> No.12347503

Try it. See what happens.

>> No.12347504
Quoted by: >>12347509

It was funny at first. Now it's just depressing.

>> No.12347505
File: 485 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-15494542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12347510

Yamashiro getting all the boss Kills in E1. If only she wasn't Fusou Sexual, I'd marry her right now

>> No.12347506
Quoted by: >>12347643

you can with one CVL and 3 reppuu.
Now go fuck yourself and enjoy the shit event

>> No.12347508
Quoted by: >>12347512

No music
No resources
No kills
Just a broken man

>> No.12347509

I've been watching ever since he hit E-4, it just won't stop.

All this for a DD.

>> No.12347510
Quoted by: >>12347534

>Fusou Sexual
Stop posting.

>> No.12347511

For a DD whose stare makes your dick explode.
Well worth it.

>> No.12347512

Its all because he doesnt equip a night recon.
Think about that.

>> No.12347513
Quoted by: >>12347516

It's not like we have a shortage of cute DDs.

>> No.12347515
File: 396 KB, 704x416, fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky ship my fucking ass. 9 sorties, most of which failed because of this fucking beaver

>> No.12347516

Not cute. Super erotic. I need her in my life.

>> No.12347517

I've been watching since E-3. It's funny then because saiun on Kaga's biggest slot and no cut-in on Yukikaze and Shigure. It's like he's gimping himself.

>> No.12347518

she's taiwanese

>> No.12347519
Quoted by: >>12347526

Music rip when?

>> No.12347520


>> No.12347521
File: 72 KB, 800x480, yaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12347527

Just got one from E3 as well.

>> No.12347522

I doubt it's just for that. He's been preparing for a while with all those sparkled duplicates.

>> No.12347523


>> No.12347524
Quoted by: >>12347532

So he's a case of having a big sword but doesn't know how to swing it?

>> No.12347525
Quoted by: >>12347537

>S rank 5-5 with Maruyu flagship
And I thought I'd seen it all.


>> No.12347526

Fuel status: back to 3 digits.

>> No.12347527

I want to believe, but something about that image makes me think it's shopped.

>> No.12347529

He's not the smartest man

He's doing night-battle route without flares and searchlight to gimp himself, doesn't use night recon

If you're not using flares against 2 nodes of RI's there's something wrong with his brain, and not his luck. At least go for the CVL sub>princess>boss route.

>> No.12347530

meds. You can easily buy caffeine-benzoate and whatever nootropic shit is legal in your country. This cocktail is dirt cheap(a pack of smokes costs nearly twice a much here) and effective.

>> No.12347531
Quoted by: >>12347545

She can be martian for all I'm concerned, I'm still tempted to advance on red the next time she pulls this shit.

>> No.12347532


>> No.12347533

I've adblocker on that idiot's stream, just to be sure he won't receive any money from his idiocy

>> No.12347534
File: 183 KB, 1600x896, sorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12347535


>> No.12347536

How is E-2 so hard with 2DD2CAV2CVL? Even in ring formation the BB always manages to hit someone to orange or red.

>> No.12347537

Holy shit, that was incredible luck.

>> No.12347539

Taking bets now. How many more runs till he gets this?

>> No.12347540

her name is Yukikaze

>> No.12347541


>> No.12347543
Quoted by: >>12347656

I share your pain, why is it always Yukikaze that got hit I'm not sure.

>> No.12347544
Quoted by: >>12347546

Last one.

>> No.12347545

>I'm still tempted to advance on red the next time she pulls this shit.
When you do that, move your head away from the mouse and take a deep breath. There's always a next time.

>> No.12347546

So much for that.

>> No.12347547
Quoted by: >>12347551

the guy is just fucking paralized

>> No.12347549

Now imagine if there was regen.

>> No.12347550
Quoted by: >>12347563

He's going to cry.

>> No.12347551
Quoted by: >>12347560

He really should just go to sleep. He's been up for how many hours straight now?

>> No.12347552

Ok, how many of you are going to do E6?

>> No.12347553

Any nico premiums here, text-spam him to nightplane

>> No.12347555

I might as well quit the game and joined the abyss.

>> No.12347557

If there was regen the HP bar probably would have been half as long.

>> No.12347558

Since there's chip damage and he's been consistently doing damage to the flagship hime, i don't think regen would have mattered.

>> No.12347560

I don't understand why he's still doing it, it's totally not worth it.
This event is just a fucking mess.

You can't bend to this idiotic things.

>> No.12347561
File: 93 KB, 426x646, 1404478540443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now imagine if there was regen.

Not I.
I'm giving up after I clear E2. Fuck MI.

>> No.12347562

I'm working out my strategy as I watch this guy suffer.

>> No.12347563

I think he already is. When his KTKM's cut-in failed and he said "it's not working",it's voice sounded a little hoarse.

>> No.12347564

Exactly, there is no regen, no need to rush.
19days is like 300k resources.

>> No.12347568
File: 234 KB, 886x532, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it easy.

>> No.12347569 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>12347584

you can clear E-2 ?? O_O
my god please pray for us.

>> No.12347570

I hear a blade.

>> No.12347571

I'll try my best.

>> No.12347572
File: 109 KB, 521x630, 1407553957003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck do you think I am

Leave no girls behind

>> No.12347573
Quoted by: >>12347582

I thought I was the only one.

>> No.12347574

RIP in pieces

>> No.12347575

I will (and report back) once I get past the "throw light ships at BBs until you pass" part.

>> No.12347580
File: 25 KB, 394x153, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12347601

To tell you the truth, MI is a lot easier than AL. You get two phases of air attacks and that's it. Just scratch damage all the way to the boss.

>> No.12347581
File: 171 KB, 277x595, 1339195219074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to give him a hug and tell him it'll be okay

>> No.12347582

He was just taking off his headphones. Relax, he has things to live for outside of shipgirls.

Still needs to live long enough to buy that new Nana concert Bluray.

>> No.12347584



>> No.12347586

Air superiority calculator is still not updated. Damn.

>> No.12347587
File: 77 KB, 526x672, 10606303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12347596

I hope he rests easy.

>> No.12347591

>he didn't make it

>> No.12347592

He's got 19 days to finish it. He's in good shape, although his wallet is probably hurting now.

>> No.12347594

I've never rooted for another teitoku that bad before. Damn this sucks.

>> No.12347596
Quoted by: >>12347603

He's gonna get nightmares.

>> No.12347598
Quoted by: >>12347602

I'm excited for pokehamu's stab at this event.
Anyone keeping tabs on him?

>> No.12347601
Quoted by: >>12347613

A lot of his hard(ship)s could be mitigated by proper planning.

MI is a breeze from all the streams I've watched simultaneously, literally avoiding battles just by getting air supremacy.

1. Night-battle with Ri's can and should be prepared for
2. CV-Hime can possibly be avoided by going diamond, and packing enough AA. Hime-node is diamond so non-CV's hit like pansies, it's the 5-4 pre-boss all over again.

I'm obviously not braindead, and will equip yasenplane at all costs due to how powerful it is. The 118 biscuit speedruns pretty much showed how amazing it is. Screw the kids who didn't level yasen-ninja

>> No.12347602

Has he not attempted anything yet?

>> No.12347603

He's not going to get nightmares from that. It's E-6.

>> No.12347604

So... how the fuck are people who don't want to waste $500 on repair goddesses and Mamiya's foods ever going to beat E6?

>> No.12347606
Quoted by: >>12347610

By not trying to do it all in one day.

>> No.12347607
Quoted by: >>12347610


>> No.12347609
Quoted by: >>12347612

Save your best ships for E6 and use scrubs at AL and MI.

>> No.12347610

There will be two himes waiting even if you try to do it later.

Tons of it, it seems.

>> No.12347612

This. I'm trying to put together a list of the bare minimum of ships I need to pass AL and MI so I can ass blast E6 to kingdom fucking come.

>> No.12347613

>proper planning

He's part of the reason why we're able to even talk about what formations we should run. The only thing we can even try faulting him with is that he didn't bother to pause to update his own knowledge on what others were figuring out as well, he just kept butting his head stubbornly against E-6, the same way it had worked for him from E-1 to E-5.

>> No.12347619
Quoted by: >>12347627

Can't blame him when he's running on anger after a whole night of not-sleep.

>> No.12347626

It's simply being on tilt

He's lucky it's just some cute little online game. If it was pachinko and similar he'd be selling organs fairly soon

It could also be the pressure of being on stream, but whatever. He entertained, at least.

>> No.12347627

That's my point, can't really accuse him of anything for a myriad of reasons, the primary one being that he was part of the vanguard that sacrificed his wallet, resources, fleet, and mental well-being for the sake of all the other TTK who would follow in his footsteps.

>> No.12347628

More than 100 buckets already on E1 and I've only seen the boss ONCE.
I can't believe E1 was enough to break me.

>> No.12347631

What formation are you guys running at E2?
I am doing double double double. Almost made it on my first try but the red BB rekt my CVL on his last turn.

>> No.12347632
Quoted by: >>12347651

What are you using?

>> No.12347636

Read the thread, apparently he's doing it suboptimally. It's like watching a madman playing the game.

>> No.12347642


>> No.12347643

I'm not that bad but i'm suffering the lacks of CVLs.
Not that anon, but is this true?

>> No.12347644

Which formation for E3 boss?

>> No.12347647

Double all the way, My fleet is weak with 2DD and 2CVL running about.

>> No.12347651
File: 25 KB, 543x293, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me I'm stupid and that there's something terribly wrong with this.
There must be a reason, somewhere...

>> No.12347652
Quoted by: >>12347679

Is anyone even trying the middle route for E1?

>> No.12347653
Quoted by: >>12347669

4 Saiun and like 6 seaplanes but perma dead ends in E-2, I hate life.

>> No.12347655

Not him, but E-1 is just a crappy map.

MI is easier, hang in it.

>> No.12347656
File: 78 KB, 798x473, german ships.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should stop using that chink ship.
Should have used superior german girls instead

>> No.12347659

Naw, more like its your rng luck.

>> No.12347662

Use 2 flare. Sometimes it doesnt trigger.
I think Mikuma can drop 1seaplane and you would still go to the boss.

>> No.12347663

Drop the CL and add another CAV with 2x Zuiun or better. You can whittle down the trollsub with line abreast you'll have better survivability in the yasen node.

>> No.12347666

Is Agano holding you back? If so, switch her out or put her as the flagship. If you're always hitting the dead ends, consider substituting the sonar with planes. Fuck the sub node, just be on the defense and go.

>> No.12347668

5 ship slot and 20 equipment slot needed

>> No.12347669

Effective LOS was calculated. ~104.

>> No.12347671

Switch Agano with a Yuubari on flagship position. Double attack and depth charge sonar setup.

>> No.12347672

Has anyone guessed out what do the combined fleet formations do?

>> No.12347673
Quoted by: >>12347678

remind me how effective LOS worked again, (plane LOS)^2 + something?

>> No.12347678
Quoted by: >>12347723

Refer to >>12346614 . For E2 >>12347040

>> No.12347679
Quoted by: >>12347699

it goes to an even harder Night battle.
And you need DDs and no BB to get direclty that route

>> No.12347680

Line ahead on all nodes, 2DD CA CAV 2CVL.

Looks good enough, i clear E1 with similar setup to yours.
Make sure you have 90++ effective LOS if you're level 100++

T-level 102, effective LoS 114; Still went to E2 dead ends.

>> No.12347684

>T-level 102, effective LoS 114; Still went to E2 dead ends.
Wait, I'm >>12347040 and my TTK level is only 101. What's your composition?

>> No.12347686
File: 550 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-16254360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleared E-2 easily. I've been wide awake since yesterday, so I'll just give E-3 a try tomorrow.

>> No.12347690

I've seen people with far less LoS equipment make it to the boss, but I keep getting tossed to the dead end.

>> No.12347691

Sorry, disregard that, you're running the same composition as me.

>> No.12347692

I didnt count but
2xScout plane with +6Los will get you to the boss.
2 out of 2 so far.

>> No.12347694
Quoted by: >>12347708

Sanshiki works best, right? And is CAV a must?

>> No.12347697

Why aren't you saving your elite DDs for MI?

>> No.12347699

>harder Night battle
I don't know about you, but I find enemy cut-ins easier to deal with using night battle equipment than double attacks. And I find that enemy flagship BBs with double attacks are even more dangerous than when they had cut-ins.

As for the ship requirement, I'm fine with it.

>> No.12347700

Are CVLs needed for MI and E-6? I only have 1 that is combat ready and am leveling another right now.

>> No.12347702
Quoted by: >>12347709

He probably have Shigure, Ayanami and Beaver somewhere.

>> No.12347704
Quoted by: >>12347712

Keep Nagato, 2hotels, KTKM and Taihou/Kaga for E6.

>> No.12347705
File: 568 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-00145103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished E2, I hated both E1 and E2. E2 was as frustrating as last event's E4.

>> No.12347708
Quoted by: >>12347713

I used CAVs instead of CAs for more LoS placebo, and I equipped them sanshiki to avoid getting crit by that fucking opening torp.

I still have Yukikaze, Shigure, and Bep.

>> No.12347709

You need 4 DDs though.

>> No.12347712

I have no hotels. I guess I can't do E-6.

>> No.12347713
Quoted by: >>12347715

What about DD requirement for MI 2nd fleet and support, plus E-6 support?

>> No.12347714
Quoted by: >>12347742

What equipment did you put on your girls for the final sink?

>> No.12347715

Support ships aren't locked.

>> No.12347716

To clarify, 'Still went to E2 dead ends' meant the fleet sometimes fails LoS check and still possible to go to the boss nodes through E-F-D route.
I'll try again with 125 effective LoS.

>> No.12347717

And they said this event would be hard on bauxite.

>> No.12347723
Quoted by: >>12347727

Thank you (turns out I had 105 so just safe)

Do you happen to know what the how much FP is needed for E-2? wikiwiki lists 150-something but I've heard it's higher.

>> No.12347724

>spring E4

>> No.12347726
Quoted by: >>12347734

This event doesnt even give Shitnano.
Turn out having a page of lvl99 doesnt mean much, you actually need like 3pages of use ships.

>> No.12347727

Not sure. I'm running on 3 Reppu but I couldn't secure any air dominance/superiority on the boss.

>> No.12347729

The only thing I'm pissed about is shinano

What kind of stupid event will drop a yamato-level ship if not midway, seriously?

>> No.12347730

The event is hard on my mental sanity

>> No.12347733


>> No.12347734

Not the point. The point is that I would have run a lot more exp 5 instead of 6.

>> No.12347735

Leyte Gulf?

>> No.12347740
Quoted by: >>12347744

So which Abyss monster must I kill to get fluffy carrier?

>> No.12347742
File: 39 KB, 511x144, equips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as all the other runs

Having to pray that 4DDs wouldn't get crit was frustrating to me.

>> No.12347743
Quoted by: >>12347762

It was if you were farming there.

>> No.12347744


>> No.12347746

Wait, can't we just go 2 torps + midget sub?

>> No.12347748
Quoted by: >>12347751

Where's your repair goddess?

>> No.12347750
Quoted by: >>12347766

But you can use damekon
You cant here without losing LoS.
Thank god E2 give you a bonus RNG sub node to boss.

>> No.12347751
Quoted by: >>12347756

Can't I flagship her?

>> No.12347752
Quoted by: >>12347843

Sure, but make sure the cut-ins work when you need to. Star shells only increases the chances but does not guarantee them.

>> No.12347753
Quoted by: >>12347768

They also said there'd be VT fuzes. Everyone focused on their carriers when the truth was you needed your whole fleet to be ready. A dick move to only give vague hints about that a couple days in advance.

>> No.12347756
Quoted by: >>12347843

That's so ironbottom that it could work.

I'll try it out next week.

>> No.12347762
Quoted by: >>12347767

Not if I equipped damecon. I was able to clear E4 without using a single damecon.

One look at the drop list and I decided that E4 wasn't worth farming.

>> No.12347763
File: 42 KB, 686x344, 1407567419434[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12347769

1 medal.

>> No.12347766

That's true, but I like saving items I'll never use. I got that sub node like 1 out of every 5 times or so.

>> No.12347767
Quoted by: >>12347786

So you got Tani on your clearing runs? good for you.

>> No.12347768

I don't think they mention exactly when will it be implemented.
But yeah, fuck the Producer-san.

>> No.12347769

Seriously, 1 medal for that? That gotta be one super special medal.

>> No.12347771

I have 130 effective LoS but get sent to the dead ends anyway. I hate E-2.

>> No.12347773

I'm only looking to finish AL, and maybe get into E-3, E-4. It looks like everyone says yasen equipment will help a lot. I have plenty of time, should I go grind for Sendai K2?

Also, if I were to powerlevel her, 1-5 or 4-3 sub hunt?

>> No.12347784

Your equipment and total LOS?

>> No.12347786

No one stopping you from using damecon to farm E4 (which is the most efficient way to farm there, from what I've deduced), but I thought that E3 was a better place to farm her for those who didn't want to use damecon.

>> No.12347787
Quoted by: >>12347812

Powerleveling in 1-5? What?

>> No.12347788

355. 2 Zuiun 634, 2 Seiran, 4 Saiun.

>> No.12347789
Quoted by: >>12347812

>4-3 sub hunt
Pretty expensive but really worth it.

>> No.12347790

Now I'm feeling glad that I grinded rankings and snagged some of those new radars.

>> No.12347792

I've been send to dead-end with the same setup that made it to the boss before.

>> No.12347795
Quoted by: >>12347805

If it was after the preboss node with the CVL flagship, your planes that give LoS probably got shot down. It happened to me after reaching the boss the run before.

>> No.12347796
Quoted by: >>12347812

1-5 powerleveling only works under HQ80

>> No.12347797
Quoted by: >>12347811

Did you use support?

>> No.12347799

The rewards aren't worth it, I quit. Good luck, you guys.

>> No.12347804
Quoted by: >>12347813

A>B>F dead end? It really fucking sucls that I have to bucket people and resupply them when they just went to a single god damn node.

>> No.12347805


>>12347792 here
None of the recons was lost

>> No.12347809

What's your TTK level?

>> No.12347810

Its random.
Sometimes shit happened and you get diverted.
Everytime you fail just add 1more rader to your DD>

>> No.12347811
Quoted by: >>12347821


>> No.12347812

I'm just an idiot who overfarmed 1-5. My ships are not on par with my HQ level. So I will do 4-3. I guess if I continue expeditions, it will be fine.

>> No.12347813

It was A-B-D-E-F

>> No.12347815

does 2BBV 2CA 2 CVL work on E-1?

>> No.12347818

A nip cleared E-6 with 2 CVLs

>> No.12347819
Quoted by: >>12347832

Mine's CGEK, perhaps different LOS requirement?

>> No.12347821

This means I still have some sort of a chance while not wasting extra resources on the support.

>> No.12347822
Quoted by: >>12347832

Fuck. Fleet? I wonder if there's ship requirement.

>> No.12347824
Quoted by: >>12347840

Yes. I use double line on first node, passed sub 13/16 times, reached the boss 4 times.

>> No.12347826
Quoted by: >>12347856

Welp, got a Tanikaze first run after regretting not finding her last event because I was too busy (failing) with Sakawa.

I'm feeling pretty dandy. She looks like a nice girl not made for rape jokes.

>> No.12347827

yeah, there's a lucky guy that in 40+ run was spared by RNG and cleared E-1

Fuck off. Can't you fucking read that this event is RNG and forced shit more than ever ??

>> No.12347828

I'm thinking, is putting Saiun counterproductive for AL maps?

>> No.12347831

I just noticed, I should have put zuiuns on my CAVs. I left it with type 0 to ignore the troll sub in E1 first node.

>> No.12347832
Quoted by: >>12347837

Even the preboss composition was the same, and still it worked one time and not the other.
There is some random element in there.


>> No.12347833
Quoted by: >>12347846

No. It actually gives quite an amount of LOS.

>> No.12347835

This event is actually bucket limiting.
Resources isnt actually a problem.

>> No.12347837

I give up, I have no idea what it is aside from it being slow fleet. But even then there are people who cleared it just fine with a slow fleet, god dammit.

>> No.12347838
Quoted by: >>12347846

Depends if you like your heavy ships tickling subs. I had to replace all of my aviation ships with regular spy planes.

>> No.12347840
File: 592 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-17071896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon >>12347824, mind you shit like this can happen.

>> No.12347841
Quoted by: >>12347852

It could be LOS. Check if you have the same equipment set up as him.

>> No.12347843
Quoted by: >>12347857

I hope it does. Failing that, double attacks should be good enough.

Watching old Ironbottom sorties, it seems like KitaOoi had no problems killing BB himes at night with just double attack, so you could do with that.

Come to think of it, none of the nips I've seen have a CLT in flagship spot. I'm probably missing someone though.

>> No.12347844
Quoted by: >>12347852

It hasn't even been 20 hours and you're panicking.

3 more weeks to go, take it easy. Run your subs, do your expeditions.

>> No.12347845
Quoted by: >>12347852

You have enough enemy detection, son? You won't get there without it.

>> No.12347846
Quoted by: >>12347860

But you can get LOS from seaplanes. IMO since there are so many troll hitters, it's best to avoid green T as damage control. If you need killing hit for boss, there's always yasen
I put Seiran on one of my BBV, putting that sub to orange is good enough for me.

>> No.12347848
File: 26 KB, 774x319, ss+(2014-08-09+at+05.08.36).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is still working on AL2, this fleet setup goes to the boss along the northern route.

>> No.12347851
Quoted by: >>12347858

>Taihou for AL

Tell me you have a fucking spare

>> No.12347852
Quoted by: >>12347863

I have 130 effective LoS. I've run it with less than 105 and more than 105, but still get sent to F.
I wanted to figure out how to get to the boss before relaxing. Clearing E-1 today was my goal and that was done with a small amount of pain.
I have 130 effective LoS.

>> No.12347854
Quoted by: >>12347858

Nigga what are you doing.

>> No.12347855
Quoted by: >>12347858


>> No.12347856

She's like a cheeky Zuihou. The same VA also does Urakaze, right?

>> No.12347857
Quoted by: >>12347879

>CLT in flagship spot
I think most of them put them in the last slot so the others could finish off the stragglers, leaving only the boss. However, with the 2 BB Hime, I'm not too sure whether it would work.

>> No.12347858

I'm not going to attempt MI, replace Taihou with any other CV and it should probably work too.

>> No.12347859

I hope you have the dragon kai nis and a high level kaga

>> No.12347860
Quoted by: >>12347902

A Saiun gives more LOS than a seaplane.
Also, you might want Sanshiki for E-2 boss, which limits the amount of Seaplanes you can use. I run with 3 Saiuns on my CVLs

>> No.12347861

You're crazy to not do MI.

It's ridiculously easy.

>> No.12347862

Even when MI is so much easier than AL?

>> No.12347863
File: 107 KB, 764x632, 43871590_p19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to add more.

>> No.12347864

I was taking more issue with the fact that the English KCV still calls her a CVB.

>> No.12347867

Just finished E-1. Are there any CVLs/CVs on any of the E-2 nodes? Trying to see how many reppus i need

>> No.12347870

Can I have any advice for e-3 composition?

>> No.12347871

You can't need something that doesn't exist.

>> No.12347872

I dont believe this stuff about MI being easier than AL with the whole two fleets + support exp stuff and the streaming guy not being able to sink boss with two fleets and support fleet.

>> No.12347873
File: 35 KB, 260x260, 108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is item 108 any useful ?
It gives long Range to CV, allowing 'em to attack first. Allright.

But on the other hand it steals a plane slot.
Does it mean, that equipping 3 Reppuu and that item, a CV can still attack effectively even without red or blue planes ?

Or does it replenish plane slots ?

>> No.12347874
Quoted by: >>12347927

Yes, but it's not worth getting superiority. 1 reppuu kai and 1 reppuu on highest slots should be good enough.

>> No.12347875
Quoted by: >>12347888

Compositions are on the wiki.

>> No.12347876

AL2 is ridiculously much easier than AL1.
Only thing to worry about is node3 when you get CVL/BB spawn instead of subs.

>> No.12347877

When they say easy i think they meant only if you have the resources for it. AL is just an RNG fest while MI isn't as bad.

>> No.12347878

Can you not read?

The stuff in MI I really could care less about, and I'm not going through what "RTA" did to get an unremarkable DD.

The most I'll go for is beating MI-1, and I have a leveled Shoukaku and Souryuu waiting in the wings for that.

>> No.12347879

>I think most of them put them in the last slot so the others could finish off the stragglers, leaving only the boss.
That method only really works if the enemy is using ring formation. E6 himes are in double line formation, so putting your hardest hitters at the bottom won't be as effective.

Besides, taking out the wrong hime will still give you one less hime to deal with. And if Kitakami doesn't take out either hime you might as well try again either way.

>> No.12347880
Quoted by: >>12347883

2 Reppu + Multirole + that crew thingy

>> No.12347881


He's gimping himself, along with no attacking planes on Hiryuu. There's also his formation.

>> No.12347882

I worry a lot about the 2DD setup though. They are prone to eating random crits from nowhere.

>> No.12347883

so it can't attack on its own, nor replenish planes ?

>> No.12347884

How would a CV attack without attack-planes?
Besides, long range is only useful for grinding anyway.

>> No.12347885
File: 55 KB, 500x432, inigo montoya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could care less

>> No.12347886
Quoted by: >>12347896

how do you run it? DD route or BB route?

>> No.12347887

> ?
Stop that.

>> No.12347888
Quoted by: >>12347892

I don't see enemy compositions under the event page.

>> No.12347889



>> No.12347890

It gives nice boost to firepower, but yeah.

>> No.12347892
Quoted by: >>12347897

You're looking at the wrong wiki then

Then don't use 2 DD

>> No.12347893
Quoted by: >>12347897

DD is good.
It is the CVL. My RJ and Chiyoda love eating BB shot. As long as you have a CA up at boss during night, it is an easy cleared.

>> No.12347894
Quoted by: >>12347898

I'm not doing MI just because I don't have the resources for it.

>> No.12347896

I run with these >>12347656
Never even try to use BB, I like to avoid them like the plague.

>> No.12347897

>Then don't use 2 DD
No can't do. I'm not locking anymore ships out. I've already locked 2DD out when I did my blind run. So far 3 kills, it's pretty good but risky sometimes.

Same here. My Chiyoda is the weakest in terms of level and the Abyss really like to bully her.

>> No.12347898
Quoted by: >>12347915

You can get 100k resources in 20 days with natural regen you know.

>> No.12347899
File: 744 KB, 1999x2430, 1400926234449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am kinda new and stuck at 2-1. The damn compass girls always sends me on the first denture.
Is there some prerequisite that I am missing?

>inb4 read the wiki
Yes I have, it doesn't say shit about it.

>> No.12347901
Quoted by: >>12347920

No, it's just some RNG bullshit.

And what the fuck is with the image.

>> No.12347902

I know about the difference and LoS formula, but is it really impossible to fulfill the requirement by just seaplanes?

>> No.12347904
Quoted by: >>12347913

>is it really impossible to fulfill the requirement by just seaplanes
Who is killing the boss?
You need double attack + sanshiki

>> No.12347905
Quoted by: >>12347920

It's random. Get used to it.

>> No.12347908

Okay, fuck the top route in E-2.

>> No.12347909
File: 270 KB, 500x500, 1407100345889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck wanted to post this

>> No.12347910

Unless you stock maybe 3 ships with 12 seaplanes or something, I doubt it.

>> No.12347911

Ok, that's interesting but I'm seriously confused.

How do you get 250+ AS with those CVLs?
How the hell does that get past the double BB node?

>> No.12347913

Oh, I see your point. Cheers.

>> No.12347914 [DELETED] 

Never mind, 10 seaplanes is enough.

>> No.12347915

I guess I'll lower my meager 50k to natural regen now but I'm still worried about my buckets.

>> No.12347917
Quoted by: >>12347922

He's not getting AS+, most likely. Not like it's required

>> No.12347918

Well, if you stack your CVL with the oither recon plane it might be possible to avoid Saiuns.

>> No.12347920
File: 1.17 MB, 622x935, 1400907414734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, thx anons.

Here, have gift.

>> No.12347922
Quoted by: >>12347927

isn't 250~260 just for AS?

>> No.12347924

If the wiki doesn't say shit about it it is a good sign that there is nothing to tell you. Unless it's a new map, if a composition is needed it will tell you that.

>> No.12347926

>double BB node?
There is no double BB node.
First node, pray the BB miss
Second node is easy node.
3rd node sub = win
If you get CVL+BB, just pray.

>> No.12347927
Quoted by: >>12347928

Read your post wrong.
He's not getting AS, most likely. Not like it's required.

>> No.12347928
Quoted by: >>12347936

wait, doesn't that composition go C > D > E > boss?

Ehh killing the boss without artillery spotting sounds annoying.

>> No.12347929
Quoted by: >>12347935

Has anyone had a whale drop for them on the event maps yet?

>> No.12347932

Winter event

Final boss: 3 BB himes

Hire me kadokawa

>> No.12347935


>> No.12347936
Quoted by: >>12347940

Not him but CGEK. My fleet is the same as his except with different ships.

>> No.12347939

That's Fall. Winter would 4BB Hime and 2 CV Hime. And that would just be the escort fleet.

>> No.12347940

Oh, that sounds definitely worth trying then, thank you.

>> No.12347943
Quoted by: >>12347951

Just make sure you have some left for MI and E6.

>> No.12347944
Quoted by: >>12347989


Interesting composition

Another 120 gensui that has transcended humanity. Currently watching for his equipment loadout.

>> No.12347945

Use your shitter ships.
Level doesnt really matter.

>> No.12347948

Winter event will be a copy of Midway with gauge regeneration and a suicide hotline popup after every return to base.

>> No.12347951
Quoted by: >>12347953

Some of what? It's not like I'm running out of DDs, and I can just reuse E-1's ships for the rest.

>> No.12347953

I was under the impression that you're going to lock new ships. Apologies.

>> No.12347956

Don't forget all the midway sisters being your fangirl in extra operation.

>> No.12347961
File: 552 KB, 980x1130, e-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My E-2 fleet, superiority on all nodes aside from boss.

>> No.12347963
Quoted by: >>12347967

finally got my first kill on E-1 boss' healthbar.
feels great to be a noob

>> No.12347967

It's not about being a noob. It's about getting the goddess's kiss.

>> No.12347968
Quoted by: >>12347971

How much effective LoS is that? 105?

>> No.12347969

I can't even beat E1. My CVLs get critical hits all over the place. And they aren't some low-level CVL but RJ kai ni and a lvl 85 Chiyoda.

>> No.12347971

I lost the calculations, but it's from 110 to 115. Chikuma has the same setup as Kumano and I'm swapping Kumano out once the former finished bathing.

>> No.12347974
File: 83 KB, 796x470, is this possible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12347976

Anyone get sent to east yet?

>> No.12347976

Just southeast.

>> No.12347977

Does any of the requirements involve drums?

>> No.12347979

same here anon.
They crit my BBV too.

>> No.12347980
File: 161 KB, 893x538, 234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean.

>> No.12347981

Just keep on pushing. Eventually your girls will be blessed by RNGoddess.

>> No.12347987

Instead of wasting money on damecons, why don't we all fund some hacker to break the game and give us the fucking Unryuu and Isokaze ?

Even that other stream is showing that the event is impossible.

>> No.12347988

Sparkle your girls. Got to boss thrice in a row.
Then once both Hyuuga and melon did scratch cut-in to the boss but that's a different story...

>> No.12347989
Quoted by: >>12347992

How much resources he has been spending until now?

>> No.12347990
Quoted by: >>12347995

>grey DD one-shotting Nagato to 1(one) HP from full
Now I've seen everything. That was a spare Nagato from support expedition fleet, not my married one so she's only Lv.54, but that's hilarious. Things like this are what makes events so fun. I think I'm enjoying this one far more then spring event.

>> No.12347992
Quoted by: >>12348023

He's buying Damecons like crazy

He bailed after his CA got sunk, dameconed, and then hit to red again in the same night node

>> No.12347995

Looking at AL1 and AL2, these are the 2first map and it is already harder than everything from spring except for E5.

>> No.12347997

They are not that hard though, you can do it with low-level support fodder just fine.

>> No.12347998

God damn it DD, you're not supposed to attack harbour for fuck's sake.

>> No.12348000

And people said AL will be a cakewalk compare to MI.
This fucking event is completely off the chart with the balance scale.

>> No.12348001
Quoted by: >>12348004

The devs clearly never playtest their shit.

>> No.12348002

You got to hand it to them though, mindfucking us from the get go.

>> No.12348003

>tfw got 2 yamashiros off E-1 boss node using Yamashiro and Fusou

>> No.12348004
Quoted by: >>12348011

Surely they playtested E6

"Did you finish it?"
"Nope, you?"
"Nah, let's just ship it"

>> No.12348006
Quoted by: >>12348009

AL isn't hard at all.
AL using ships you never raised it hard.

(also MI is a cakewalk so...)

>> No.12348009

change pusher.
or stop being that much NEET

>> No.12348010
Quoted by: >>12348014

Do i need CVL in MI? Or can I use my best ones on E-1 and E-3?

>> No.12348011

"Did you guys beat it?"
"Yeah, but it took like 100 buckets w"
"Alright, double the numbers, ship it."

>> No.12348012

Should I keep my fast BBs for AL or MI?

>> No.12348013

> This fucking event is completely off the chart with the balance scale.
They are aiming for 5% completion rate. They made AL difficult all right, and E6 is like a delicious topping. I like this event, very much so.

>> No.12348014

That being E-1 and E-2, obviously.

>> No.12348015
Quoted by: >>12348021

>Double the himes

>> No.12348021

Double the fun

>> No.12348023

I mean like how much fuels or ammos has he been spending?

>> No.12348024
File: 190 KB, 819x400, ss+(2014-08-09+at+04.41.39).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone still need some reference, fleet that went through E-1:


2 saiun
1 sonar
quite a few recon planes and radar

Formations: line abreast, echellon, double line, line ahead
Buckets: 15-18~
Resources: 2k fuel 2k ammo 2k steel almost nothing baux, like less than 500
HQ lvl: 49, got to 50 in the last 3 kills, preboss node changed from 2CVL 2CL 2DD to 2CVL 1CL 1BB 2DD, not sure if it was a pattern already because I didnt face it before and I reached 50 right after second southern node.

now to fucking hate this game over e-2

>> No.12348025
File: 77 KB, 883x527, I cannot think of a name for this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel nothing.

>> No.12348026

"and then we doubled it."

>> No.12348027

I thought it was 15%?

>> No.12348028

you neets always repeat this shit every fucking time.
It stopped being interesting long time ago.

1 month before Spring event: "devs are aiming for a 5%completion, deal with it noob".
That's your sorry excuse just to try and give pain and laugh at those few intelligent enough to understand, that this shit isn't worth the time.

Keep your reasoning for those omega slave minded that have bent to straws and sucking cocks.

>> No.12348034
File: 725 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-16213077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, got a decent E2 boss run using your setup.
I hope it'll continue.

>> No.12348036

> that this shit isn't worth the time.
Living in general is not worth it. If you're pussy who can't do shit properly just once who are you tell others what is and what isn't worth the time?

>> No.12348037

I'm going to try to run through the Aleutians campaign with Ryuujou 94, Junyou 95, Hiyou 52 (次はどこ? アリューシャン方面?), Akebono 97, Hibiki 90, Ikazuchi 67, Hatsuharu 59, Nachi 47. None of my other Aleutian cruisers are up to speed. Is there any chance of being able to roll through E1/E2 with this? I have time for another ten or fifteen levels on the weaker ships and can spare up to 200 buckets.

>this shit isn't worth the time
You don't need to clear E-6. You don't even need to play this game at all. If you had anything better to do with it you wouldn't be playing a shitty browser game and posting on 4chan about it.

>> No.12348038

Cry more.

>> No.12348041
Quoted by: >>12348047

4DD? I'm not too keen on that idea. LOS requirement seem to be pretty high for E2. Train up some CV or CAV.

>> No.12348044
Quoted by: >>12348111

So, anyone tried North route E2? How is it?

>> No.12348047

I can throw floatplanes on Nachi, but... if I need to, I can just throw three CVLs into E-2 and accept a reduced rate of boss reach, right?

All six CAVs went to Midway so I'm not going to bring them to AL (and only one of those is seaworthy right now anyway).

>> No.12348051
Quoted by: >>12348052

I wonder if there's someone out there who literally cried from Kancolle event PTSD.

>> No.12348052
Quoted by: >>12348062

I think you could hear Nishimura E5 guy basically implode on stream after he ran out of time last event.

>> No.12348055

Did this guy clear E5 yet?

>> No.12348058
File: 12 KB, 600x350, Operation-AL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need at least 2 CA or CAV. And consider adding BBV/CL to your E1 clearing fleet.
2 DD is for E2.

Here's mine for Operation AL.

>> No.12348060

He's stuck in E6 if I remember correctly. Final kill.

>> No.12348062
Quoted by: >>12348086

Why do they subject themselves to this?

He got held up at the final kill of E-6 and basically spent tonnes of resources, goddesses, damecons and sanity points.

>> No.12348064

I'll need a little advice here.

I see that CAs are a must on AL. I also see that MI is fairly easy compared to AL and that the secondary fleet doesn't matter much in it.

My CA levels go 95-92-14-11-1. Should I use my high-level CAs on AL and throw freshly remodeled level 30 CAVs to MI? Or is MI hard enough to warrant the use of level 90 CAs?

I also have something on the order of 12 high level BBs. I see some 2BBV/2CA/2CVL fleets here, did anyone try something like 2BBV/2CL/2CVL?

>> No.12348071
Quoted by: >>12348077

> the secondary fleet doesn't matter much in it.
They are the one who would take the task to finish off the bosses in night battle, and all the yasen nodes in MI.
They are way more important than the 1st fleet in a sense.

>> No.12348074
File: 630 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-18380027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12348076

Levels don't matter.

>> No.12348076


>> No.12348077
Quoted by: >>12348083

They're the night battle fleet, then? That is good to hear, thank you. Levels are much less important in night battles, so I can safely use fresh CAs/CAVs in there.

>> No.12348078
Quoted by: >>12348088


>> No.12348083
Quoted by: >>12348099

They also join the main fleet for day battle, but whenever there is a night battle, the main fleet will retreat and you are left with only the 2nd fleet.

>> No.12348084

AL is pure RNG
Level doesnt matter

>> No.12348086

>Why do they subject themselves to this?
He had faith.

And faith kills.

>> No.12348088
Quoted by: >>12348092

One of its meanings is "well said", apparently.

>> No.12348089
File: 1.53 MB, 800x5000, 45232488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Error-ko, no!

>> No.12348092

You learn something new every day.

>> No.12348096

Holy shit is this the 90's? Did we trip and fall into a time fault?

>> No.12348098
File: 475 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-17490432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yasen node a shit

>> No.12348099

I see, it might be better to save the high-level CAs for MI then.

I'll try a 1CAV/1CL/2BBV/2CVL fleet and see how it goes. I hope there doesn't end up being a secret BBV route in MI or E6.

>> No.12348100

What's the current verdict on overall difficulty?

>> No.12348102

Dante Must Die

>> No.12348103

Too much
If you have adblock, tune in:
The guy is buying damecons like crazy

>> No.12348105

AL - Malebolge
MI - Dis
Doolittle - Cocytus

>> No.12348106

Tough if you do not have enough ships to distribute around. LOS requirement seem to be a pain in the neck for me thus far.

>> No.12348107

>no hotels
How's he doing?

>> No.12348108


>> No.12348109
File: 186 KB, 1372x1039, ss (2013-01-17 at 07.08.57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is all fucked up. No matter what I've tried, whenever I can finally get past the battle nodes, I always get sent to the dead end nodes at either F or H. I have not once made it to the real third node ;_;

>> No.12348111

It's a horror.

>> No.12348113

I want Iona and friends to come back with more comrade enough to make 2 fleet.

>> No.12348114
File: 73 KB, 872x521, No fucking way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second time already and it was such a fucking smooth run. RNG, seriously?

>> No.12348115

No easy map.
In all previous events, E1 and E2 are babby mode.
The current two AL maps are hard. Both are 5-3 difficulty tier.
I got AL2 down half, but I have already lost 100+ buckets.

>> No.12348116
Quoted by: >>12348125


>> No.12348118
Quoted by: >>12348125

Use support?

>> No.12348119
Quoted by: >>12348125

Keep at it, the third time's a charm.

>> No.12348120
Quoted by: >>12348128

That just happened to me.
My two DDs failed to cut-in so the boss stayed at 53 hp

>> No.12348121
Quoted by: >>12348124

Does the AL/MI lock bar you from using them in support fleets? I know sending an unlocked ship doesn't lock at all.

>> No.12348124
Quoted by: >>12348127

Yes it does.

>> No.12348125

I was so hyped when Myokou started her double attack just to miss her second salvo. RNG is sure mysterious when it comes to Karma.

Maybe I will but I have a gut feeling my next sortie will fail.

>> No.12348127

Ah thought so. Need to be really careful with how I use my Kongous then.

>> No.12348128

Double attacks would have dealt that much damage

>> No.12348129
Quoted by: >>12348131

Looks like E6's last kill is going to be such a bitch, I don't want to think about it.

>> No.12348130

Should I bring Kaga to AL, MI or stay defending base?

>> No.12348131

What's the most popular E6 fleet? 4BB2CV?

>> No.12348133

Don't waste a CV on AL.

>> No.12348135

2 CV, Hotels, KTKM

>> No.12348137

Either MI or base defense. Don't use her in AL.

>> No.12348138
Quoted by: >>12348142

One or two CLT and hope they cut in the right hime.

>> No.12348142

>cut in
Won't double attack be enough?

>> No.12348143
Quoted by: >>12348162

Not necessarily. We're talking about cockblock princess here.

>> No.12348144
Quoted by: >>12348162

For a BB hime? Nope

>> No.12348146
Quoted by: >>12348162

They have too much armour that cut-in is more reliable

>> No.12348149

so what is pokehamu doing now? is he still playng this shit?

>> No.12348153
Quoted by: >>12348158

Is there a sub node on E-2? Will you reach it if you go CA, CAV, 2 DD and 2 CVL?

>> No.12348158
Quoted by: >>12348175

Check the compositions on the wikiwiki

>> No.12348162

Welp, I saw wrongly. That Ooi only did 75 + 231 damage against the hime last November.


>> No.12348167

Better feed some Maruyus to KTKM in the future.

>> No.12348174

There is a new quest for 雲龍
What is excuse for not completing it?

>> No.12348175
Quoted by: >>12348192

Will that fleet meets node E then? Ladder formation gives me phobia. I get hit more times in it than line ahead.

>> No.12348177

KTKM cut-ins the DD of course.

>> No.12348179

Please Wo, go after my CVL more.

>> No.12348187
Quoted by: >>12348191

Is 2CA 2DD 2CVL the best E-2 composition?

>> No.12348189
Quoted by: >>12348284

Copying and pasting wikiwiki's entry on the combined fleet formation and combat on MI ops:


対潜陣形 通常時対応陣形は単横の模様
前方陣形 対応陣形は単縦or複縦の模様
輪形陣形 対応陣形は輪形陣と思われる
戦闘陣形 対応陣形は不明(単縦or複縦?)

From what I learned from google translate:
Starting from the top left, equvalent of line abreast, equvalent of line ahead or double line, equvalent of ring formation, equvalent of line ahead or double line as well (?). They are still speculating on this. Can someone verify that I read it correctly?

>> No.12348191

According to wikiwiki it may be hard to kill boss so you'll need a support expedition at boss.

>> No.12348192

Yeah, fuck the subs, one torpedo and Haguro is from full to red. On abreast.

>> No.12348193
File: 340 KB, 800x480, gfwfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12348201

I don't even..

>> No.12348195
File: 50 KB, 700x700, 1407455307795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you not entertained?

>> No.12348196

Will the LOS from seaplanes count even if I equip them on slots with 0 planes? Like for Tenryuu-class or Yuubari?

Can't find the info on the wiki page.

>> No.12348198
Quoted by: >>12348199

Since the LOS drops when your planes got shot down I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.12348199
Quoted by: >>12348206

>Since the LOS drops when your planes got shot down
Wait, what?

>> No.12348201
Quoted by: >>12348220

Are you using double line? Have you sparkled all the ships?

>> No.12348203

Already spent the same amount of resources on E-2 without seeing the boss once as on entire E-1.

>> No.12348206
Quoted by: >>12348214

I can't think of another reason why my fleet rarelycan't reach boss node when it could reach it before and after.

>> No.12348214

My fleet didn't reach the boss once with the same setup that reached it before and no recons were lost at all. It's just RNG.

>> No.12348217

Oh and here's what I found on wikiwiki. At least the part I think pertains to what I'm asking for, but I'm not sure since I can't read moon.


>> No.12348220
Quoted by: >>12348224

It's the first time the sub made my ships red, usually it's the yasen route, or the third node, and I never reached the boss.

And my mistake, I use line ahead and not sparkled all my ships.

>> No.12348224
Quoted by: >>12348229

I actually had Hiyou get hit to red just now because of the sub evne though I did both those things so there's still a chance.

>> No.12348229

>there's still a chance
Kancolle in a nutshell

>> No.12348244
File: 1.08 MB, 800x960, KanColle-140809-19545249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-1 is easy if you keep your cool. Fairly cheap too, and no good ships needed. How hard is MI on resource consumption? People were talking that sortieing combined fleet even without support expeditions destroys fuel and ammo stockpiles.

>> No.12348250
Quoted by: >>12348283

I hate E-2 so fucking much.

>> No.12348251
Quoted by: >>12348256

Remember /jp/, ゆっくりしていってね!

>> No.12348253
File: 143 KB, 690x343, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup I just beat E-1 with a very similar fleet to yours. At first I felt hopeless but once I got that first kill I just kept going.

>> No.12348254

The preboss node at E2 turns to SS and sometimes a CVL-BB fleet?

>> No.12348256

Yes, I will keep yukkuring.

>> No.12348257

It's all luck there.

>> No.12348260
Quoted by: >>12348294

I wonder what destroyers are you gonna use at E2, if you're going to continue with that theme.

>> No.12348267
File: 20 KB, 158x148, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my E1.

>> No.12348273
Quoted by: >>12348294

What's your equipment set up?

>> No.12348283
Quoted by: >>12348307

Yes. And it doesn't tell you which one it is when you get to pick a formation

Aye. The second node is supposed to be the easy one but that fucking gold CA keeps managing to get someone to red or two to orange so the third node just sends me back.

>> No.12348284
File: 55 KB, 468x714, 1943NovemberASWScreensDiagram3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12348408

Yes, and they've given the names ASW, forward, ring, and combat, respectively.

Some observations: ring is self-explanatory, ASW has it's escorts in an ASW screen (see image); combat's escorts are in a ready position to intercept enemy ships and is similar to the Pearl Harbor strike force http://www.tamiya.com/english/products/89737pearlharbor_escort/..

>> No.12348294
Quoted by: >>12348299

Haven't decided yet. Murasame and Yuudachi most likely.
Fuso, Yamashiro: 46cm x2, assorted quest/ranking/remodel Zuiuns.
Atago/Takao: assorted remodel/ranking 20.3 x2, Type-32 radar, star shell/night recon
Junyou: 3xRyusei Kai, Reppu Kai
Hiyou: 2xRyuusei Kai, Reppu Kai, Sauin.

>> No.12348299
Quoted by: >>12348304

> Hiyou: 2xRyuusei Kai, Reppu, Sauin.
Fixed. Sorry for retarded error.

>> No.12348304

You left 2 more retarded errors.

>> No.12348306

Do E-2 requires CAV? I don't want to use Tone/Chikuma combo here.

I want to use two CA only.

>> No.12348307

Same here, I have trouble getting to the boss and them not doing enough to S rank her is pissing me off.

>> No.12348308
File: 323 KB, 1441x838, ss+(2014-08-09+at+09.30.55).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


FINALLY OUT OF THIS HELLHOLE THANKS TO THIS FLEET COMP (although I switched some things around because I didn't have the obvious ranking rewards there)

Total cost E1 - E2
20k fuel
15k ammo
20k steel
2k bauxite
95 buckets

>> No.12348312
Quoted by: >>12348315

You say finally after spending so little?

>> No.12348314
Quoted by: >>12348362

What were your formations?

>> No.12348315
Quoted by: >>12348318


I've been stuck here for 8hrs.

I was pretty close to giving up on the entire event and just LSCing my entire stockpile away.

>> No.12348317
Quoted by: >>12348362

did you put boiler/turbine on your DD as well?

>> No.12348318
Quoted by: >>12348327

I've been on E-2 for 6 hours and I haven't seen the boss yet.

>> No.12348321
Quoted by: >>12348362

Equipment please?

>> No.12348327
Quoted by: >>12348329

Trolled by LOS requirement or pre-boss Nodes?

Using >>12347961 setup with ring formation works well in avoiding damage before the boss node.

>> No.12348329


>> No.12348348
Quoted by: >>12348356

Did that guy give up? I missed it.

>> No.12348356

He took a break or something.
He was running out of resources and his KTKM kept cut in the wrong ship.

>> No.12348362


Ahead, Ahead, Double, Ahead


Only for the first few clears. Then switched to Cutin setup for both.


Both DDs

2x 10cm Gun, 1x Turbine OR 1x Oxygen Torpedo (+10)

Both CAVs

2x 20.3cm(no.3) 1x Prototype Seiran or best floatplane (I recommend it participate in aerial bombing, sometimes its enough to push you over the line to make flagship CVLs not do some really stupid damage to you)


1x Reppu (reppu kai works too) 1x Super Tenzan or Ryuusei Kai and 2x Saiun

Always use the boss support expedition especially for final kill and hope to god the elite TA on first node and elite Ru on preboss (providing you don't get the free ticket sub node) and its an relatively smooth kill.

>> No.12348366

Don't you just love to see 6x miss from your sparkled support?

>> No.12348377

What's a good AL/MI combo? Should I use the RTA setup with 3 BB/3CV for MI and 2 CAV and 4 DD/CLT for AL?

>> No.12348389
File: 176 KB, 895x539, 234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it.

>> No.12348390

I have 340 LoS for E-2 and I still don't go to the fucking boss.

I am level 102.

>> No.12348392
Quoted by: >>12348395

Oh boy that lone red sub in E-1's first node is wrecking my fleet left and right. When I go line abreast and the first hit sunk it my ships did scratch damage to anything else.

>> No.12348393
Quoted by: >>12348398

Total LoS doesn't mean shit.

>> No.12348395

Go double line.

How many times do we have to say total los doesn't mean jack shit.

>> No.12348396

Reminder that sparkle benefits are not placebo.

>> No.12348397
Quoted by: >>12348402

Then the red sub won't die and my fleet wastes everything on it.

>> No.12348398
Quoted by: >>12348402

So there's no definite LoS requirements or fleet composition? Sorry for being an ignorant retard.

>> No.12348401
Quoted by: >>12348533

Does anyone know if any of the /jp/sie streamers are going to stream today? Are any of them on MI?
I'm watching this guy at the moment, he's a 120 gensui with a full married fleet, he'll be on E6 soon and he isnt retarded like RTA.


>> No.12348402
Quoted by: >>12348405

Do you have any ASW equipped?

There is but it's not based on total LoS. Different sources of LoS give different effective LoS.

>> No.12348403
File: 19 KB, 659x72, ss (2014-08-09 at 08.16.56).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12348460

New quest? Something to do with Unryuu? I don't moon but I can read the unryuu. Why nobody talk about this quest?

>> No.12348404
Quoted by: >>12348406

So whats the consensus for E3 onwards? 4 CVs and 2 BBs?

>> No.12348405
Quoted by: >>12348417

Isuzu with 2x T3. I don't have any SONAR.

>> No.12348406
Quoted by: >>12348464

It's what http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv189100709 is using, RTA used 3BB though.

>> No.12348408
Quoted by: >>12348450

What's the difference between forward and combat though? Is forward the equivalence of double line and combat the equivalence of line ahead?

>> No.12348412
Quoted by: >>12348416

Are DDs still needed in E6?
Or just like with RTA-AngryNip-kun. Brute force it with BB and a drunk KTKM?

>> No.12348416
Quoted by: >>12348422

Do you think DDs can do anything in that map?

>> No.12348417
Quoted by: >>12348455

Just craft some sonar, it's cheap. Having one of each gives a huge boost.

I used Isuzu flagship with one Sonar, one Depth Charge and radar and it worked fine.

>> No.12348419
Quoted by: >>12348424

Good 2 consecutive runs of E-1 and suddenly crittted again. I really need a break.

>> No.12348422

They can sink?

>> No.12348423
Quoted by: >>12348428

Where's the faggot who said third node in E2 is free? FUCK YOU

>> No.12348424

>2 consecutive runs
yeah that's nothing

>> No.12348428
Quoted by: >>12348429

Only if you meet the subs, which is dependent on luck.

>> No.12348429
Quoted by: >>12348436

Still FUCK YOU, got crit twice already.

>> No.12348436

Tough luck, suck it and keep trying.

>> No.12348437

I just can't look at the battles anymore.
Everytime i do, someone is going to get critted.

>> No.12348440

Remember there is no regen.
Think back to fall E4 where every node you will get critted and the boss HP slowly regenerate for each failed run you did.

>> No.12348442

Same here, it's like they gave the enemy a huge critical rate boost.

>> No.12348443


>> No.12348444
Quoted by: >>12348453

I don't even send support fleets anymore, since I never get to the boss anyway.

>> No.12348445

You weak piece of shit admiral.

Man the fuck up and join your ship girls in the front.

Or just die in a gutter, cowering in fear!

>> No.12348447

I thought midway was still months away.

>> No.12348449
Quoted by: >>12348459

It seems I've lost my passion for the game. I thought the event will fuel my return to the game, and E-1 shut me out from the front door.

>> No.12348450
Quoted by: >>12348456

That'd be my guess. Forward is the only one which offers a rigid screen against surface ships. Combat on the other hand is entirely offensive.

>> No.12348452

Don't remind me, i had invested a cumulative of 48 hours just to kill Fall E4 boss.
By the time the final kill came, i was just there playing with muscle memory.

That's not counting the weeks-long expedition run needed to replenish resources.

>> No.12348453
Quoted by: >>12348457


Why not send both support?
Maybe you will make it to the boss node more often if you have support fire on all nodes.

>> No.12348454
Quoted by: >>12348458

Just E-1 and it's already a tough shit and I have shitty luck to begin with.
Why the fuck does they always try to hit the boss last during night battle and shit could get over soon.

>> No.12348455
Quoted by: >>12348461

Any good recipes for sonar?

>> No.12348456

Hmm, I guess the only way is to wing it. Much appreciated. Now I'll just fap to some abyss rape porn or something while I wait for my second fleet to return.

>> No.12348457

Tried running both for 5 runs, got fucked up on third node every time.

>> No.12348458

5 of my AL1 boss kills happened during day battle, git gud.

>> No.12348459

I was pretty hyped and playing every day before the event, now with all these shit rewards, retarded lock mechanics and broken difficulty on AL I am pretty much depressed and unwilling to ever play again.

>> No.12348460

They have something more important thing to do to get Unryuu before talking about the quest

>> No.12348461


>> No.12348464

It's offline now damn.
How about the escort ships?

>> No.12348465

That's what I said, my luck is shitty and they don't fucking aim at the fucking boss day or night and fucking CVL are fucking dead-weight must be one of them getting fucking red crit each and every fucking time..

>> No.12348467

What was the formula for effective LoS again? (ship_los)^0,5+equipment_los*2 or something?

>> No.12348471
Quoted by: >>12348476

E-1 is giving me its worst RNG.

Have night plane, flares, 2 BB for more defense, support fleet, and go abreast, double, circle to avoid sub, crits and planes, and it still ends with red crits every time.

I think this map is probably harder than everything else.

>> No.12348473

Didn't we have a calculator for that? or maybe I'm just drunk

>> No.12348474
Quoted by: >>12348478

(sum(total intrinsic LOS))^0.5 + (recon LOS)*2 + (non-recon LOS)

>> No.12348476

E1 has harder pre boss route but the boss node is a freebie.

E2 is not a guarantee sink even if you reach boss.

>> No.12348477
Quoted by: >>12348483

Did you bring BB? pretty much looks so.

>> No.12348478


>> No.12348479

No, E! is not fucking harder pre boss route.

>> No.12348481

E1 was not a freeebie when I got there with half fleet orange. But it beats being red.

>> No.12348483
File: 109 KB, 682x337, Screenshot_338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12348486


>> No.12348486

I'm surprised they weren't all day kills.
I had a lot of day kills and I had

>> No.12348487

On another note: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev/kcplayer.php?c=278v29
I'm almost tempted to sortie 5thCarDiv along with 1stCarDiv for MI.

>> No.12348492
Quoted by: >>12348494

The only night battle kill happened when I didn't fully sparkle my fleet.

>> No.12348494
Quoted by: >>12348495

Sparkling is bullshit.

>> No.12348495

My 10+ failed runs say otherwise.

>> No.12348499
Quoted by: >>12348505

Oh my god. I just shot down every single plane on pre-boss node of E-1 so I didn't get attacked once by the 3 carriers. Wish this happened every time.

>> No.12348501
Quoted by: >>12348510

1stCarDiv Kai 2 when?

>> No.12348505
Quoted by: >>12348541

how were your carriers loaded?

>> No.12348509
Quoted by: >>12348511

Which BB?

>> No.12348510

Calmly waiting for 60 slot Kaga

>> No.12348511
Quoted by: >>12348514


>> No.12348514
Quoted by: >>12348520

Maybe I should switch from 2CAV 2CA 2CVL, 3-3 boss kill but its very hard to reach them.

>> No.12348516

What should I do if I don't have any night battle equips?

>> No.12348520
Quoted by: >>12348532

Double line, echelon, abreast. Fucking simple.
NOT LIKE E2. 14 fucking attempts without seeing the boss. I don't even know if I have enough LOS because I get crit every time.

>> No.12348523

dodge and pray

>> No.12348524
Quoted by: >>12348570

At least you can pass yasen with luck. Tell me what to do when I have only one saiun for E2. That's just sad.

>> No.12348532

Thanks for the advice but saying it like that is much fucking simpler than getting the fucking RNG fucking things up.
I've been using such formation for god know how many runs and I still get crit red either by that fucking subs or that pre-boss node.

>> No.12348533

I'll stream after I get some food on ttv/flimsyconroy I'm about to start E-3.

>> No.12348534

E3 is easy. See you there.

>> No.12348536

>06▼【連合艦隊】随伴護衛艦隊(第2艦隊)編成条件 随伴護衛艦隊(第2艦隊)の基本的に軽巡1隻及び多数の駆逐艦で構成される水雷戦隊で構成されます。火力支援や索敵の眼として、重巡洋艦や航空巡洋艦を最大2隻まで組み込むことも可能です。
So, I can sortie 1CL, 3DD 2CV/CAV?

>> No.12348541

That is the thing. I haven't changed them even though all previous pre-nodes got me wrecked.

Chitose has Reppu, Type 21 Fighter skilled, Type 99 dive bomber.
Yunjou has Shiden kai 2, Type 52 zero fighter, Type 97 torpedo bomber skilled.

I think I just rolled a good AA on my ships. Added a shanshiki now to see if I can reproduce this result.

>> No.12348542

Does anyone sparkle ships at 1-5?

DD/CL flagship + BBV + CVL + DD/Isuzu Kai 2. I use line ahead/double line/line abreast/line abreast for DD sparkling and double line/line abreast/line abreast/line abreast for CL sparkling.

>> No.12348544
Quoted by: >>12348548

How do I access your stream?

>> No.12348546

Wait, who's that?

>> No.12348547
Quoted by: >>12348551

Yihou's sister.

>> No.12348548


>> No.12348551

That makes even less sense.

>> No.12348552

Go home Yunjou, you're drunk.

>> No.12348553
Quoted by: >>12348563


142 plane count incoming.

>> No.12348560

Did just the Abyss Destroyers mutated or evolved? They look more horrid now.

>> No.12348563

Kaga too OP pls nerf

>> No.12348564

Weird yellow not Saiun plane on Shouhou
2 SS holo zuiun on Yamashiro
2 planes on Mutsu
2 planes on Haguro
2 planes on Takao (one of them Yamato plane)
Saiun and weird yellow plane on RJ

Now tell me how the fuck do I not pass the northern LOS check.

>> No.12348565

If by horrid you mean cuter, yes

>> No.12348568
Quoted by: >>12348573

>weird yellow plane
Type 2 Recon

Where are you anyway? E1?

>> No.12348570
Quoted by: >>12348588

I only had one Saiun myself and decided to go on a crafting spree. Ended up picking up 2 more Saiuns and the other yellow plane, along with a few Ryuusei/Kais out of some 20-30 crafts. Got to Loli Airfield on my second attempt with the new equipment and got a sink too. If I can do it, so can you, Anon. You just gotta believe.

>> No.12348573


>> No.12348574

Is that for E2? You're going in without sanshiki?

Come to think of it, the devs have a fetish for sanshiki. They should make the AP shell useful sometimes.

>> No.12348576
Quoted by: >>12348598

Sanshiki put me too low on scouting so I didn't get to boss. So annoying when the slots are never enough to equip stuff.

>> No.12348577
File: 62 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-22193849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 smooth runs but I can't kill this fucking boss.

>> No.12348579

I would love to put on a sanshiki, but I'm telling you that I can't get to the boss even without it.

>> No.12348580

And I thought with the devs allowing fast BBs to equip sanshiki, they'd make them useful in this event.

Oh well.

>> No.12348582


>> No.12348583

AP ammo*
Fuck. Need sleep.

>> No.12348584

Is that how easy mode looks like? It's incredible.

>> No.12348586

I had to resort to support mission to clear away her escorts for the final kill.

>> No.12348587

I know everyone is busy doing the event but I really need to ask, is anyone lagging during PvP? During a normal sortie my KCV is fine but after doing PvP it lags, a lot.

>> No.12348588
Quoted by: >>12348592

> . You just gotta believe.
I've already wasted 130 devmats and got only one Type-2, using Taiho as flagship and 50/60/10/130 recipe. I have more fucking RKais and Reppus then I'll ever need now. Hope is no more.

>> No.12348590

I haven't gotten that far yet but I'd like to know why there are only 4 opponents.

>> No.12348591

The only thing that stood out from the usual designs were the new abyssal planes.

>> No.12348592
Quoted by: >>12348609


>> No.12348594

That looks fucking easy.

>> No.12348596

HQ level?

>> No.12348597

I'm assuming it's because he's a low leveled TTK.

>> No.12348598

I don't know what the fuck is going on with the scouting thing. I've had fleets that reached the boss with no problem, but then get sent home consecutively even though I never changed the fleet members/equipments.

>> No.12348599

Because that is for the newbs.

>> No.12348600
Quoted by: >>12348605

They shot down your saiun

>> No.12348601
Quoted by: >>12348603

What's the AL/MI-specific expeditions are for?

>> No.12348603
Quoted by: >>12348605

They give you 100 all resources.

>> No.12348605

Re pls

>> No.12348608

So easy.
Noobs have it easy.

>> No.12348609

It's not like it matters who is your flagship. Devs weren't joking when they said that you'll need a lot of bauxite this event after all.

>> No.12348610

anyone know if A-B-E-K is possible for E-1?

>> No.12348613
Quoted by: >>12348620

I said this already.
LOS nodes have a 5% chance for dead end even if you meet the threshold.

>> No.12348617
Quoted by: >>12348634

6 Zuiun + 2 Saiun and I'm still getting sent home on NE node (E2)... Just how much LOS do you need?

>> No.12348618
Quoted by: >>12348619

It's known that 1 CL 4 DD 1 CAV can go to B, but nothing outside of that is known.

>> No.12348619

Well, 1 CL 5 DD works too, and some other 1 CL 4 DD one other ship configurations.

>> No.12348620
Quoted by: >>12348624

5% 6 times in a row? Boy this must be my lucky day.

>> No.12348621

Is 200 LOS enough for E-1 south route LOS check?

>> No.12348622
Quoted by: >>12348632

AHAHA, such a great run and then the fucking pre-boss CVL with 4 hp over chuuha crits to red. E2 is just epic. 16 runs without boss. I feel like killing myself.

>> No.12348624

then you most likely have too few active LOS

(or are using scout-bombers)

>> No.12348625

What's the best way to do E-1 now? HQ 105.

>> No.12348626

Yes, now set sail admiral!

>> No.12348627


>> No.12348629
Quoted by: >>12348648

Is there any way to use anything else than the DD/CA/CA(V)/CVL/CVL for E2 ? I'm at my 10th try and I can't do shit. I wonder if this is because I'm over 100, but this is a real pain.

>> No.12348628
Quoted by: >>12348631

Did anyone get whale from the event maps?

>> No.12348631

E3 drops her.

>> No.12348632

I'm still in E-1 and I can feel my stomach cramping up due to all this rage and lol crit before reaching boss node. I feel like jumping out of the building right now to get rid of the pain..

>> No.12348633

Green T and sub node.
Wow, good job RNG god.

>> No.12348634

105 (effective).

around 90 (effective).

>> No.12348635

Things like this honestly make me want to punch devs until they spit their teeth out.

>> No.12348637

Did they just hired Gen Urobuchi to write the event? This is too much for me.

>> No.12348638
Quoted by: >>12348642

I miss spring E5.

>> No.12348640

Well, I'm certainly not enjoying this event.

If they wanted ship locking they could at least have disabled fatigue. Spending half the time waiting is so boring. Or they could have not made the enemy fleets cheat with instant red crit subs for destroyers in line abreast.

>> No.12348641

I'm chucking a ton of seaplane bombers at tone and chikuma and I'm still getting sent home.

Kill me.

>> No.12348642
Quoted by: >>12348644

You doing E6 or what?

>> No.12348644
Quoted by: >>12348647


>> No.12348645
Quoted by: >>12348653

It may seem impossible, but you have two weeks, TTK.


>> No.12348646
File: 341 KB, 750x2880, 1418938336133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop hating fun.

>> No.12348647
Quoted by: >>12348651

E-2 is frustrating but a million times cheaper.

>> No.12348648

I tried it with a BB once and it sent me north to Wo, then to night battle just before the pre-boss. It's a pretty shit route, still need LOS and 4 battles before you need the boss.

>> No.12348651

I'm going to run out of buckets without getting below 100k at this rate. 70 with no boss.

>> No.12348653

I don't even sure if I will still be alive after this.

>> No.12348657

I wonder if they ever test play this.

I can hear one saying to another, "this is impossible."

>> No.12348658

Diversionary campaign, they said. Send you B team, they said. The Aleutians are where hope and dreams and buckets go to die.

>> No.12348661

I don't even want to fap, this killed my spirit.

>> No.12348663

I'm going to fucking kill my isp. 10th fucking time my connection drops on boss node and this shit started yesterday.

>> No.12348664
Quoted by: >>12348669

Any chances this game already make some people doing suicide over it?

>> No.12348666

Holy shit, E3 is fucking fun. But my bauxite reserve is crying.

>> No.12348667
Quoted by: >>12348677

Finally finished E-1.
I feel like I lost something more important than 140 buckets.

>> No.12348669

Wallet homicide is probably running rampant in nihonland.

>> No.12348670

My fleet had consumed 200 buckets just for AL.
Can't wait to get out of this E2 hell hole.

>> No.12348671
Quoted by: >>12348682

Why are the branching rules so confusing?

I got to the boss, changed one thing and got sent south. Undid the change, and got sent south. Starting to wonder if 2 BB on E-1 is random pre-boss direction.

>> No.12348672

Does anybody know how the Fleet Command Facility works? I believe that the tweet said it was something like it lets you send a red ship home, but I don't know if it was only the ship it's equipped on or what.

It sounds useful, I don't know if maybe I should take the time to grind Ooyodo up to get it before I keep going.

>> No.12348675

So I just need to try again and again. well, this is kancolle alright.
Well, might as well ask if I'm doing this right :

Z1 (10cm, 10cm, Type 13)
Z3 (same)
Myoukou K2 (20.3, 20.3, sanshiki, Type 0)
Suzuya (20.3, 20.3, sanshiki, zuiun)
Chitose (Reppu kai, Reppu, Tomonaga, Saiun)
Jun'you (Reppu, Reppu, Egusa, Saiun)

>> No.12348677
Quoted by: >>12348691

MI is fun, but AL is plain bullshit.
Try to reach MI TTK.

>> No.12348680

Fuck the sub in the first E-1 node. All my girls just keep shooting it and ignoring the rest.

>> No.12348682
Quoted by: >>12348693

E1 and E2 are relatively straightforward if you are using the proper composition and have the LoS requirement fulfilled.
A-H-I-K for E1 and C-G-E-K for E2.

>> No.12348683

Man, I think I am going all out on support.
This shit is taking too long to chip her down.
My ships like to target her during the day battle and then target the rest during the night battle.
It is like the game is mocking me.

>> No.12348684

I never had to laugh this hard today by reading your post, despite of the E-2 bullshit.

Maybe I lost it.

>> No.12348685

It's 3 battles

>> No.12348688

Anyone know if 94 LoS after the calculation is enough to get to the E2 boss with HQ level 90-99?

>> No.12348691
Quoted by: >>12348696

It's nerve wrecking when you're not sure what you're doing and wing it along, but holy shit 4CV launching their planes feel so fucking good.

>> No.12348693
Quoted by: >>12348695

I still think there are some hidden troll parts. Like I'd be willing to bet if all your scout ships happen to be shot down, the bonus won't count for the LoS check and you may be sent somewhere else seemingly randomly.

>> No.12348695

You get a message when recons don't return

>> No.12348696

Is 4CV obligatory on MI, or can you wing it with 3?

I think I'd want a CA or something with daytime double attacks in there, just in case.

>> No.12348697

Some Nico playthrough shows 3CV.

>> No.12348698

Twitter updates said 2-4CV.

>> No.12348699
Quoted by: >>12348903

So this is how Nagumo felt during his moments at Midway.

I think, I can't go on anymore.

>> No.12348700

With MI. There will be two air bombings. Having 4 CV is great there. Fleet one BBs won't attack til boss node.

>> No.12348701

How does one enjoy events?

>> No.12348702

I'm still looking for the anon who didn't believe me when I said they'd be making sending 4 CVs viable.


>> No.12348707


>> No.12348708

Just cut your dick off

It's literally the same feeling

>> No.12348709

By having a streak of masochism and a love for gambling.

>> No.12348711
Quoted by: >>12348732

That might have been me.

>> No.12348712

Alright, gonna put my Yamato into my escort fleet. What could possibly go wrong right?

>> No.12348713
Quoted by: >>12348732

That would be me, I think. That's why I'm asking whether 3CV runs are feasible.

And yes, I'm eating these words and they aren't tasty.

>> No.12348714
File: 22 KB, 800x804, 1400247995148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12348719

What the fuck this E-2 composition shit, I always get to the dead end and if not gets critted to oblivion!

Fuck this shit!!!!!

>> No.12348715
Quoted by: >>12348717

How are you doing E6 without her?

>> No.12348716

Hope you have a spare.

>> No.12348717

If you believe in sparkling, sparkle your escort fleet only. They will be the one bearing the brunt of the assault and probably the one pulling the weight.

With Nagato and Kirishima. Provided I even got to E6.

>> No.12348719
File: 79 KB, 799x477, support miss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Saiun turbonerd.
Ok did those devs implement the overweight thingy?
My support fleet with 4x46cm has been performing quite badly.

>> No.12348720
Quoted by: >>12348745

That was because the nips could riot after seeing kongou use them in the PV

>> No.12348722
Quoted by: >>12348725

What formation do you use for E2 non-boss nodes? I keep getting hit to red on the first one.

>> No.12348723

By having fun. I'm having fun with E4 right now. Combined fleet is THE shit.

>> No.12348724
File: 20 KB, 721x489, jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent about 20 runs last night loving my girls and watching over them on E1. Sent back at yasen or pre-boss every time.

Slept 5 hours, told them this morning they're all a bunch of kusos that should get scrapped and browsed internet while running E1.

They did it. Am I suppose to treat my girls like shit for events?

>> No.12348725

What ones were used in this thread?

>> No.12348726

Should I just sent in my Tonne's for E2? Even with a fleet that met the LoS requirement it only seems to let me pass the check when it feels like it (which thus far is about 10% of the time).

>> No.12348729

No, but it'll make no difference either way because they can't hear your voice or your thoughts.

>> No.12348731


>> No.12348732

Welp, more than one guy.

Looks like nothing's beyond the devs, now.

>I'm asking whether 3CV runs are feasible.
Most likely, but seems like most here do 4 because of that streaming guy.

>> No.12348733

I'm putting together my first combined fleet right now. You'd better be telling the truth. I feel a tightness in my chest of nervousness and anticipation.

>> No.12348734

I cheered on my Samidare when she kept on doing 64 crits per turn. After that, she raped the boss with a 170 attack on the boss.

>> No.12348737
File: 2.81 MB, 512x307, e2clear.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kagerou went red 14 times and ate 3 damecons. Why is she so suicidal?

>> No.12348738
Quoted by: >>12348778

I am sparkling my fleet for the final kill at E2.
This sparkling shit better not be a placebo.

>> No.12348739

All things considered, this is the best event to date. Enough unknown mechanics to figure out, you can fuck your progress up irreversibly if you make the wrong decisions, MI maps and the final operation are fun, aerial spotting and cockblock hime are back for round 2. It has the best parts of Fall and Spring events, with an added sprinkling of sheer unbridled sadism. The rewards are great, though neither Ibuki nor Shinano are around, so they probably couldn't finish that slide remodel mechanic they've been talking about.

I had to sortie on a non-event map for the first time in some eight months to train my CVs and CAVs. Maybe this event will even make me clear 3-2.

>> No.12348740

I guarantee you it's fun. I'm not him. You'll get to watch your girls decimating the enemy. 4 CVs are the shit.

>> No.12348741

I'm still on the E-2 wall

>> No.12348742

Oh god your map icon turns into a carrier. This is great.

>> No.12348745

They already had reason to riot from day one because Kongous actually equipped AP ammo. I think they didn't riot because they accepted it as game balance, so I don't think the anime's PV would make them riot.


>> No.12348746

Is there a graphical glitch regarding E3? My guage is not decreasing but it is corrected when I fight the boss.

>> No.12348748
Quoted by: >>12348749

The first sortie you gonna do DOUBLE air strike attacks will make you feel ultra fucking awesome.

>> No.12348749
Quoted by: >>12348765

And bauxite drain makes me cry though.

>> No.12348751

Is it wrong that I'm considering running both support expeditions for fucking E2? Fuck this noise.

>> No.12348752

>You'll get to watch your girls decimating the enemy.
So, they'll kill off every tenth enemy, like in the stream?

>> No.12348753
File: 1.61 MB, 1100x1109, summer-e2-setup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This setup still failed to get air superiority on the loli's final form, but Kisaragi did surprisingly well with only one gun.

>> No.12348754
Quoted by: >>12348762

I actually finished it when I ran the preboss node support.

>> No.12348755
Quoted by: >>12348768

I fucking hate the RNG.

Same composition, 1 time boss, 3 times dead end. Am I just supposed to assume the current one is "50% chance" preboss?


>> No.12348757

Nice to use girls like Aoba, Maya or Tama again who were part of my fleet of the beginning but were replaced by girls with better stats.

>> No.12348758

I don't know man. Mine were doing good for their 3 kills and I praised them for that (mentally) then the next runs they started goofing off, getting lolcritted by a that Ru where on the previous runs, they were dodging her like mad. What the hell.

>> No.12348762
Quoted by: >>12348766

That's the one I think I need the most. I've only made it to the boss twice and didn't get a clean kill either time, but if I could get there less fucked up (and more often) maybe that would change.

>> No.12348764
File: 40 KB, 451x600, BumMJZxCUAA_Gwx.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12348771

And there were people who claimed that the age of Kitakami and Ooi was over.

>> No.12348765
Quoted by: >>12348771

I'm more worried about my fuel and ammo honestly, since I'm using support fleets just in case. This shit is magical and rad, nothing like AL.

>> No.12348766

Try it. When I did it, Nagato and Mutsu wrecked the pre-boss node enemies. Killing off 2-4 of em.

>> No.12348768

More like 30%.

>> No.12348769
File: 653 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-10365388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if I'm lucky or not, but E-1 seems pretty easy to me. Got two consecutive boss kills without any hiccups. No subtrolling at the first node, no BB cut-in at the night battle node, no CVL getting shot to red at pre-boss node. I'm also using a relatively weak fleet for my TTK level (102).

>> No.12348771

I remembered telling /jp/ that CLT has their uses and they laughed at me!

E3 needs no support. If anything, I have a feeling it's like a tutorial map for players to get used to the new mechanics. But the bauxite drain for me was a shock, 1000+ down per sortie. Then again, I wasn't making a Reppu mule out of my CVs.

>> No.12348772

Ru is geared for double attack in night battle, not cut-ins.

>> No.12348775
Quoted by: >>12348780

That's not weak...

>> No.12348776

I'm on E4 right now. It's doable without supports, I'm sending them just to be extra fucking sure.

>> No.12348777

Ships for support fleet are usable for both AL/MI/EX right?

>> No.12348778
File: 75 KB, 795x471, sparkling actually worked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>12348738 here

Holy shit, sparkling actually worked.
Better opening air strike
More double attack during day time.
Better evasion.
I wont doubt sparkling again.

>> No.12348779

Don't worry, I'm covering the bad luck players. 50 buckets used, for 1 scratch damage boss fight and 1 kill.

>> No.12348780
Quoted by: >>12348937

> kuso, kuso mark II, 2 second-worst CAs, 2 CVLs
That's fucking weak in my book.

>> No.12348781
Quoted by: >>12348875

People who laugh at CLTs are people who never had to do Fall E5 without one of them. I still have nightmares about that.

I wonder if there were any no-CLT Fall E5 clears.

>> No.12348782
File: 278 KB, 1500x1500, 1393814967257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told you.

>> No.12348786

Sparkling will fail occasionally though. I have sparkled fleets returning after the first node because of random crits so don't take it too lightly.

>> No.12348790

Should I send support fleets for E1? From what I've heard, it sounds fucking tough.

>> No.12348793
Quoted by: >>12348810

If you haven't even tried, don't.

>> No.12348795
Quoted by: >>12348821

Angry jap guy's stream is back up

>> No.12348796
Quoted by: >>12348811

The worst part about sparkle is that it wears off after 3 sorties.

How do you sparkle in 1-5 anyway?

>> No.12348799

Support fleets won't be able to do any shit against the troll sub and the yasen node.
The boss node isn't hard, getting there with your ships in good shape is hard.

>> No.12348801

Anyone else irritated that E-1 is world 5 difficulty but give exp as if we were doing 1-3, and ships as well?

I'd like at least to get some exp out of all this trolling.

>> No.12348803

E1 is tough because of the submarine on the first node, which is unaffected by support, and the night battle node, which is unaffected by support.

But feel free to send a cheap route support to drop some chumps.

>> No.12348807
Quoted by: >>12348812

Oh shit.
How do I do E3 with CLT.
I thought we needed to save them for E6.

>> No.12348809
Quoted by: >>12348813

How do you get past the first E2 node? This is worse than the sub node from E1. Tried ring formation and it didn't do anything.

>> No.12348810

I should test the waters first before being a retard, huh?

Alright, got it. I'll use the DD comp first and see how they fare.

>> No.12348811

Give the girl you want full ASW. Give everyone else shit. Obviously does not work for CAs and regular BBs.

>> No.12348812

1 CLT for escort.

>> No.12348813
Quoted by: >>12348817


Double or ring doesnt do shit, if they want to hit you to red they will do it regardless. Kill them first.

>> No.12348814

139~ effective LOS and can't do northern route.

>> No.12348815

I agree, killed the boss in day battle 3 times when I actually survived to the boss node.
And the third node sometimes fuck me up.

>> No.12348817
Quoted by: >>12348826

Yeah, kill them with DD in day battle. Fucking brilliant, mate.

>> No.12348819

Is anyone else having trouble getting a final kill for loli-hime? Even with yasen plane+flare+searchlight combo, cut ins aren't cutting in, and double attacks dont seem to do more than 100 damage.

>> No.12348821
Quoted by: >>12348824

Post it here please, we need to support him.

>> No.12348822

Did you try using a support fleet?

>> No.12348824

First post.

>> No.12348825

Type-3 should deal a lot of damage. She's an island after all.

>> No.12348826
Quoted by: >>12348829

Why dont you try it first instead of brushing it off.
If you are doing E2 with 6DD, you are doing it wrong.

>> No.12348827
Quoted by: >>12348843

How critical are CA/CAVs in MI/beyond?
I've been saving my Tonnes/Myoukous, but I'm starting to approach the kill and I don't think just one CAV with Sanshiki is enough to burn through 500HP.

>> No.12348829

Nigger, I tried every single formation there is on every pre-boss node there is without getting to the boss.

>> No.12348831


>> No.12348832

Give sanshiki to your CA/CAV.
If they are in good shape, they can take out the hime with their double attacks in night battle.

>> No.12348835

Holy shit I fucked yup so fucking bad holy shit someone help fuck im going to kill myself oghy my god. I was about to start E3, my escort fleet had one AL ship, i got a text error, so I assumed all ships needed to be AL, so I sent them to AL and refreshed, all AL tagged, now I just realised they NEED TO not be AL.

Well event is finished for me holy fucking shit, i hate life i hate this game stupid fucking lock mechanic oh my god

>> No.12348839

You're funny.

>> No.12348840
Quoted by: >>12348852

Get the fuck back to the wiki.

>> No.12348841

>escort ships
Lets laugh at this scrubs. Should have kept more destroyers nerd.

>> No.12348842

Anonymous liked this

>> No.12348843
Quoted by: >>12348851

You don't have Suyuza and Kumano or something?
And you only need 1-2 CAV/CA for the MI escort fleet anyway.

>> No.12348844

/jp/ is such a good board.

>> No.12348846

Get some sleep or something.

>> No.12348847
Quoted by: >>12348852

>i hate this game stupid fucking lock mechanic oh my god
Hate yourself for being too stupid and your parents for not giving you a proper education.

>> No.12348851
Quoted by: >>12348854

I've been using Suzuya and Kumano, but I can only fit Sanshiki on one of them because if I have it on both it seems I get redirected, even though I've stacked nothing but veteran planes (that I stole from the 5th fleet girls) on my CVLs and radars on my DDs.

>> No.12348852

I've been on the jay longer than you crossie

>tweets say al ships will be reused as escorts
>Cant read moon

epic, i guess i should blame myself for not being born Japanese and leaning kanji thanks for the informative solution assburger

>> No.12348854
Quoted by: >>12348862

Put 2saiun on your CVL.
That should guarantee it.

>> No.12348855

Why in the name of fuck there's a submarines in the pre-boss node of E-2.


>> No.12348856
Quoted by: >>12348937


>> No.12348857

Is it me or does artillery spotting not work for escort fleet?

>> No.12348858
Quoted by: >>12348861

What formation are you using for the first two nodes? I can't even get to the preboss.

>> No.12348859

Jesus christ, sub node in E2 is a god send compared to the BB + CVL node. Just play defensive and pray.

>> No.12348860


>> No.12348861

Ahead because I don't use any formations for pussy.

>> No.12348862
Quoted by: >>12348868

I have (forgotten to mention it), and I've arrived at the boss 3 times so I'd assume I met the LoS. But the moment I took one Zuiun off Suzuya I got redirected 4 times (once to the east, 3 to NW after the BB/sub node).

>> No.12348866

Those troll subs in this event are the result of all the grudge your 2-3 sub slaves harbour throughout your career.
They are here just to ruin your day.

>> No.12348868

Recon planes and scout shit is shit.
Saiun is +9
Those shitty recon plane is what? +6 if I remembered correctly?

>> No.12348870

Anybody know anything about branching on E-3? I'd love to see what center or south routes are like.

>> No.12348874
File: 764 KB, 1546x1649, 1407595425617[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12348883


>> No.12348875
Quoted by: >>12348909

I think there were noobs who subcheesed it.

>> No.12348876

I'm getting so tired of RNG trolling. I've had to retreat so many times with entire fleet in green, except the one ship EVERY enemy attacked.

>> No.12348883

I wonder if those grey DDs are supposed to be suicide fodder ala E4.

>> No.12348884

Finally completed E-1, didn't had good drops from it, just Fusou and Takao class mostly.

What's your good drop from this event so far TTK?

>> No.12348887


>> No.12348888

Literally nothing. Even the trophy ships are just shitty DD/CLs.

>> No.12348889


>> No.12348890

A Mutsu from E3 and Urakaze from E1/2. I'm never good with event drops.

>> No.12348892

Tanikaze, which I missed out from last event.

Good thing I didn't try too hard to farm for her the last time.

>> No.12348894

Agano E-1 boss node
Still half bar in beating E1

>> No.12348896

Wait, 3rd node can be subs? I never got one, only CVL + BB.

>> No.12348900

I-8. She won't drop at 1-5 and I didn't attempt to craft her so it's fine.

>> No.12348901

Hacchan from E1 boss.

>> No.12348903

No. It wasn't this hard at Midway.

>> No.12348904
Quoted by: >>12349171

Kiyoshimo and Yahagi

>> No.12348906

A bunch of destroyers. Tanikaze has been performing well as a sparkling run escort.

>> No.12348909

You can subcheese to chip, but you'll need some uncanny luck to get the final kill with subs.

>> No.12348914

Just Agano.

>> No.12348916

Agano and Akigumo.

>> No.12348918
Quoted by: >>12348927

How many free slots do you need to sortie for MI E3?

>> No.12348920

Urakaze from E-2, that gun is delicious.

>> No.12348927

Fuck, didnt know you need to drag them together.

>> No.12348934
Quoted by: >>12348943

Is it common to reach boss with a certain setup and then have it not reach the boss on the next try? E-2.

>> No.12348937

And it's working great so far! Four consecutive boss kills, two to go.

Fusou/Ise: 46/46/Zuiun/Seiran
Ashigara: 20.3(no.3)/20.3(no.3)/Type 22 Radar/Star Shell
Nachi: 20.3(no.3)/20.3(no.3)/Type 22 Radar/Type 0 (Yamato)
Chitose: Reppu Kai/Ryuusei Kai/Ryuusei Kai/Damecon
Chiyoda: Reppu/Ryuusei Kai/Saiun/Damecon

Damecon pretty much unneeded though.

>> No.12348938
Quoted by: >>12348941

Will AL ships be able to go on support expeditions for MI sorties? Just wanted to make sure.

>> No.12348941

No they won't

>> No.12348942

Finally met the E2 boss. There are tears of happiness in my eyes.

>> No.12348943

I haven't reached E2 boss in the last 4 hours for the final kill.

>> No.12348944

Apparently Kuuro Kuro is afraid he can't get the ship he himself drew

>> No.12348945
Quoted by: >>12348952

Resources is power, that's not weak at all.

>> No.12348946
Quoted by: >>12348952


>> No.12348952

Guess so. At least the strong equipment allows me to keep using my weaker ships for AL.

>> No.12348954

This guy needs two more E6 clears for isokaze, come cheer him on!


>> No.12348960

Did he have like, 2 Akashis? is she already available for crafting?

>> No.12348961

Urakaze and Tanikaze has dropped a bunch of times so far. I really wish I can give them away.

>> No.12348962

It's a drop, like Amatsukaze

>> No.12348963

E-5 Boss drop.

>> No.12348966
File: 495 KB, 1052x744, Shiranui (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After this event I will scrap all my CVLs. Useless wannabe carriers!

>> No.12348967
File: 80 KB, 796x473, MI E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these poor TTKs stuck behind the AL brickwall.
MI is fun as fuck with your big ships blowing shit up

It is also super easy.

>> No.12348969

I just got air superiority against a fleet with 4CVL with my fleet which had no planes. Is that even possible?

>> No.12348972
Quoted by: >>12348974

What a coincidence. I got another Kuroshio right after angry nip guy got one

>> No.12348974

RNG works in mysterious ways.

>> No.12348976
File: 687 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-22433410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

キタ―――(゚∀゚)―――― !!

E2 clear took 10 hours.
Spent 238 buckets to complete the whole AL operation.

>> No.12348979

I stuck at E-1 since yesterday , it like 2 kill / 30 run.
Is that spark placebo work ?

>> No.12348980

Well, FUCK today.

5 hours playing, 50 buckets, and 1 boss kill on E-1. Spent half the day waiting on fatigue.

>> No.12348981
Quoted by: >>12349066

I can't reach boss anymore now that I started using support for the last kill.

>> No.12348982

hotel blew it

>> No.12348983
File: 754 KB, 823x497, 2014-08-10 00_18_58-艦隊これくしょん~艦これ~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this shit map, it took me less to clear Fall E-1 when I was like level forty.

Absolutely bullshit.

At least MI should be fun, right?

>> No.12348984

All those married ships..

>> No.12348985

17K fuel, 20k steel, 3k baux 170 buckets just to clear E-1

It's a hell I don't ever want to go back to

>> No.12348986

Congrats, though you must be doing something wrong. I cleared E2 in about 2 hours and ~70 buckets.

>> No.12348987
Quoted by: >>12348992

Low level ttk's, any luck clearing E1/E2?

>> No.12348988

That's a lot of buckets.
Also fuck blot captchas

>> No.12348989
Quoted by: >>12348997

>At least MI should be fun, right?
Pretty fun. A resource drain though considering you're resupplying two fleet of which one of them is CV heavy.

>> No.12348990
Quoted by: >>12348997

MI will surely be fun, but I have bad news for you...

>> No.12348991
File: 24 KB, 510x121, kancolle summer resources.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AL difficulty is right up there with 5-3 and Fall E4.
Sure wo is right that 50k is enough but this shit is time consuming. If it had regen, I expect the clear rate to be 1%.

>> No.12348992

The cunts have it super easy. Barely noticable LOS requirement and no adds at boss.

>> No.12348993
Quoted by: >>12349002

Is 1CL 2BBV 1 CA 2CVL a valid comp for clearing E-1? I want to sink that fucking sub.

>> No.12348995

>That's a lot of buckets.
inb4 half of them were for the last kill.

>> No.12348996

Is it worth sacrificing RJ nad Chiyoda's offensive ability for more Reppuu? Currently I'm running 2x Saiun, 1x Ryuusei Kai and 1x Reppu/Reppu Kai, but I'm not getting superiority.

>> No.12348997

I don't give a shit about resources, unless they make me use the Yamato sisters.


>> No.12348998

What LOS do I need as a 99 Teitoku? I've failed to reach the boss 10 times now using the south route with around ~380 LOS. Do I need to stack radars on yuubari or something...

>> No.12348999

She single-handed carried my fleet pass AL-1 by shrugging off all the attacks from the Ru bitches like a champ. They purposely targeted her all the time in that fucking yasen node but never be able to deal more than scratch damage to her.

>> No.12349001

I'm not getting it either. I might try using 62s on the next run.

>> No.12349002



>> No.12349003
Quoted by: >>12349011

You won't clear E-2 in time.

>> No.12349004

Forgot to mention for E1

>> No.12349005

What the fuck?

>> No.12349006
Quoted by: >>12349011

From your screenshot it seems you've cleared E1.
There is E2 before MI.
That's all...

>> No.12349007

I cleared E2 without getting air superiority once.
I had Egusa and Tomonaga spec op planes on Chitose and Chiyoda though.

>> No.12349010

Are you trying to get me rekt by the preboss node?

>> No.12349011

I have more than seven hundred buckets, no DD rape map can need even a third of that.


>> No.12349013

It is up to you. You can beat the boss without air superiority provided your support fleet does it job.
I went with 3saiun and brought 3reppu.

>> No.12349014

I want to answer yes. But will all the RNG fucking that I saw today, I can't.

>> No.12349018

700 is more than enough.
I did it with scrubs fleet and the whole of AL only cost me 150buckets. Might cost you the whole weekend though.

>> No.12349019

Is killing the pre-boss on E3 a requirement to get sent to the boss node? I've been dead-ended twice now. Or is it an LOS req?

>> No.12349020
Quoted by: >>12349024

It's LOS, add more saiuns.

>> No.12349021
Quoted by: >>12349024

You require more Saiun.

>> No.12349023
Quoted by: >>12349076

Ahaha, he's looking at 4chan.

>> No.12349024


>> No.12349028
Quoted by: >>12349037

Y-yeah... E2 has a boss with 500 fucking HP, that is if you get past all dem golden CVL and the 50% all-subs troll node.
Oh and yes better use those DD or you'll get nuked into oblivion at north.

>> No.12349031

Looking at the log, E2 alone took ~170 buckets which 70 of them were spent on the last kill.
So yeah, i might've messed up somewhere.

see >>12348634
But that's for Lvl 100++ so it *might* be lower.

>> No.12349033

Where's the best place to level CAs? I need them for E1.

>> No.12349036

>Not having a balanced fleet
You deserve it. Grind PVP and 5-4.

>> No.12349037

And after getting nuked, I don't fucking know how much effective LOS you need to advance, but it's more than 140.

>> No.12349038

5-4 if you have it unlocked.
3-2 if you don't.

>> No.12349039

Listen to Wo.
Levels don't matter.

>> No.12349041

Did the devs rework Suisei Egusa? I don't see the animation in opening phase now and hitting an enemy.

>> No.12349045

For those encountering problems with E2 due to LOS requirements, I just chucked a bunch of radars onto DDs and used Tone and Chikuma for it. Then E2 became easy kill.
Don't forget that the Egusa and Tomonaga planes provide LOS as well.

"You used Tone and Chikuma? But what about MI?" Well you can't fucking fight MI if you don't clear this so no point holding back.

>> No.12349047
Quoted by: >>12349051

Just go south with 2DD, it's cheaper and slightly less annoying, from my experience.
2-3 saiun on your CVLs will do the trick.

>> No.12349049

I'm feeling deja vu Fall event

>> No.12349050
Quoted by: >>12349053

Don't tell me you went to the north route.
The south route only needs ~105 as long as your recon plane didn't get shot down.

I don't think torp and dive bomber counts towards the calculation.

>> No.12349051

Oh, it's just as annoying. I should know, I've been on E-2 for 13 hours and I just got my first kill. Felt good.

>> No.12349052

I stopped using defensive formations and my success rate has shot up. Now only one ship will get crit to red as opposed to multiple.

>> No.12349053
Quoted by: >>12349060

I just tried the north route a couple of times to see if I could get easier boss kill. I might go for it for final kill. Trading 2DD for 2BB makes a big difference, after all.

>> No.12349058
File: 88 KB, 795x476, E3 wwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far I didnt use any CAV or CA for MI.
With all these CV and Saiun, you dont need to bring them for LoS.

>> No.12349060
Quoted by: >>12349070

What's the best setup for North Route? Or is it simply exchanging DD for BB(V)?

>> No.12349066
File: 441 KB, 801x476, AL2 done .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks /jp/ magic. That preboss node was a dick.

>> No.12349070
Quoted by: >>12349073

I really tried it only like 7 times and passed the node twice. But 2BB, 2CA, 2CVL seems fine.
But you seriously need a shitload of planes to pass the check. 4 saiun, 2 scouts on every non carrier ship, so no sanshiki.

>> No.12349073
Quoted by: >>12349097

What's waiting on the North preboss node, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.12349074
Quoted by: >>12349080

Is there a separate lock for E6?
Or is it just a lock for AL and MI.

>> No.12349075
File: 108 KB, 800x367, thankyousuzukazechan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happened at the first node after the support fleet turn.

>> No.12349076
Quoted by: >>12349083


>> No.12349080
Quoted by: >>12349089


>> No.12349081
File: 200 KB, 795x479, clip+(2014-08-10+at+01.21.36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taigei actually drops from this event.

E3 boss node S rank.

>> No.12349082
Quoted by: >>12349103

Same thing happend with me.

>> No.12349083
Quoted by: >>12349095

Angry nip guy. He's not doing that anymore though. He's looking at his trophy ships.

>> No.12349085
Quoted by: >>12349103

Yeah, I started using general support too and they're sinking the BBs. Right now I'm sparkling everything -- sortie and support fleets -- so I can hopefully get through this without spending another 100 buckets.

>> No.12349086
Quoted by: >>12349100

I got a dupe Yahagi too.
Seems like E3 is the place where all the good stuff drop and it is an easy map to farm.

>> No.12349089

Which is great because you'll probably be sleepy enough to send your guys to E1 at least once.

>> No.12349092 [DELETED] 

well, at least something good is coming out of these E-2 rushes

>> No.12349093

What's the loli in E2 saying? I just hear "zero... zero..."

>> No.12349094
File: 79 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-22360746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12349098

I even have the same fleet as yours.

>> No.12349095

So he has finished the event? Nice.

>> No.12349097


>> No.12349098

Guess I can give up Kumano or Suzuya for AL now.

>> No.12349100

Easy map to farm but god damn, it can be expensive.

>> No.12349101
File: 664 KB, 704x421, thweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12349119

At least something good is coming out of these E-2 rushes

>> No.12349103

And in the 3rd node they got the elite Ru. Truly a goddess, Suzukaze-chan.

>> No.12349104
Quoted by: >>12349109

Doolittle is stupid and wasting my resources. Is there any negative effect of just letting him hit my boats while I'm away, aside from eventually having to repair them all?

>> No.12349106
File: 63 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140810-01223164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was fucking easy.

>> No.12349108
Quoted by: >>12349118

Yes, and he finished his Unryuu quest. No new planes though.

>> No.12349109

Are there any side effects at all in the first place?

>> No.12349112

He didn't do E-6 as far as I know. He still needs the last kill.

>> No.12349113
File: 124 KB, 798x478, why cant i hold all these yuugumos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I am running out of space

>> No.12349116
Quoted by: >>12349129

So no ISOs for him yet?
Is he taking a mental break or something before he tries to rush it again?

>> No.12349117
File: 10 KB, 277x32, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it. You know you want to.

>> No.12349118

He has Unryuu though. Didn't you need to clear E-6 for her?

>> No.12349119
Quoted by: >>12349125

I hope she drops in MI. I don't want to go back to E-2.

>> No.12349122

Scrap your uglies.
Keep your cuties.

>> No.12349123
Quoted by: >>12349134

That's Isokaze.

>> No.12349124

I am scrapping all these useless subs.
They have been useless since xmas.

>> No.12349125

Is Agano really that are for you? I could toss the bare minimum into LSC and get her half the time.

>> No.12349127

So you need two DD for E-2, right?

>> No.12349128

Are CVLs only used in AL? I cleared E1 with Hiyou and Ryujou but im stuck at E2 so just wondering if switching to Chiyoda sisters will help.

>> No.12349129
Quoted by: >>12349134

Nope, that's E5.
Isokaze is E6.
He farmed a bit in 2-3 last I saw. I guess he doesn't want to hate money that badly, but he has really low fuel.

>> No.12349130

I'm very jelly.

>> No.12349131


>> No.12349132

Getting the particular agano you want is a little difficult after you have 2 of the 3.

>> No.12349133

You do know that the Doolittle raid happened before Midway and it was one of the reasons the japanese wanted to take Midway?

>> No.12349134

E-6 for a DD? What are the devs doing?

>> No.12349136

Have you seen her? Have you seen her damaged sprite?

>> No.12349137

Sakawa 2.0.

>> No.12349138

Just like E5 for a squeaky CL.

>> No.12349139

Shitnano probably failed the aesthetic test and got delayed.

>> No.12349141
Quoted by: >>12349149

If you're looking for historical accuracy, you're playing the wrong game

>> No.12349144

Yes, but spending tons of resources as well as sanity points for that? I would rather wait for another event where she would drop in the middle maps.

Unless someone finds a way.

>> No.12349145

I hope they get a new good artist, damnit.

>> No.12349146
Quoted by: >>12349161

The design we saw was better than Unryuu at least.

>> No.12349147
Quoted by: >>12349158

He's looking at videos of his failures on nico now. Hilarious.

>> No.12349149

I don't know what you're implying man.

I'm pretty sure historical ship warfare always used RNG to decide their targets, used figures of cute girls to plan their strategies, and decided their bearing by spinning a compass.

>> No.12349150

The devs realized E-6 was so fucking bullshit so they put the main prize as E-5 reward and just throw a DD as E-6 reward.

>> No.12349153

You do know that these boats weren't actually little girls? We're not submitting this to an academic journal, you don't need to point out all the historical inaccuracies.

>> No.12349157

>not knowing that the war was fought by little girls.
You know why Japan lost the war?
Declining birth rate. They can't produce little girls that fast.

>> No.12349158

He's losing sanity points fast.

>> No.12349161

Not really. Though they're both pretty bad.

>> No.12349165

She's the best looking CV.

>> No.12349167
Quoted by: >>12349173

Why did the devs swap the difficulty between AL and MI?
This is the first time they actually put the hard maps for the first half.

>> No.12349168

To those who are doing or have done E-4, I assume it's more or less the same to that of E-3?

>> No.12349171
Quoted by: >>12349176

What node was Yahagi? E3 boss node?

>> No.12349172

>not liking Koei CV

>> No.12349173
Quoted by: >>12349182

They obviously didn't test their shitty level scaling mechanic.
High level TTKs got their balls kicked in while the newbies just breeze through it.

>> No.12349175
Quoted by: >>12349192

She has horrible legs.

>> No.12349176

Yes, S rank.

>> No.12349181
Quoted by: >>12349207

What was that "Makuro wa makuro" he was laughing about earlier?

>> No.12349182

It'd be fine if they scaled enemy difficulty or LOS requirement with level. But they scaled both, so you're always forced to either trade off firepower for LOS or vice versa.

>> No.12349185
Quoted by: >>12349190

200 buckets later and I'm no closer to clearing E-1.

The sub either crits my CVL right off the bat, or the Night battle fucks it up so the next node will knock it to red.

>> No.12349189

These LoS requirements are getting annoying. One time I could get to the boss the other time I didn't with the exact same setup. They should make it apparent because this is quite retarded and it's very frustrating to keep stacking more and more LoS requirement. I have to start using hybrid planes just to be able to attack now.

>> No.12349190

Expect no different with E-2, except replace CVL with DD, or more specifically a certain DD whose name starts with Y and ends with ukikaze.

>> No.12349192

I think you mean feet. Her toes are like a pickaxe.

>> No.12349195

If you got BBV/2CA(V)/CL/2CVL
The CL will blow the sub up so you will almost get 100% clear rate for the first node.
2nd node is just flare, plane and flashlight.

E3 drop list is pretty good.
Seen yahagi, kiyoshimo and nagato already.

>> No.12349201
Quoted by: >>12349217

Haguro refused to double attack and left the boss at 27 HP. Thank you RNG.

>> No.12349203

What's the optimal set-up for the 2nd in MI? I'm worried that I've sent Shimakaze and Poi to AL and I only have Shigure as my only elite DD left. Do I have to train up my Yuugumos and Kagerous?

>> No.12349207

During his run, he was mumbling about how he should resort to scripting. Now that he's watching the edited VOD, he's probably laughing at how low his sanity points were.

>> No.12349213
Quoted by: >>12349346

what HQ level are you?

>> No.12349217

It's a sister thing, my Myokou double attacked Dutch-tan but missed her second shot. >>12348114

>> No.12349220

She's the Sun Wukong CV.

Once Amagi and Katsuragi are added to the game, they will have a quest to journey to the west and unlock the first British ships.

>> No.12349225

She looks unique.

I like it.

>> No.12349228
Quoted by: >>12349241

>Once Amagi and Katsuragi are added to the game, they will have a quest to journey to the west and unlock the first British ships.
Fucking brilliant. Make it happen, devs.

>> No.12349230

I like most of the new designs.

Tokitsukaze and Harusame are the letdowns.

>> No.12349240

Who's going to be the fat pig monster?

>> No.12349241
Quoted by: >>12349247

We still need someone to represent Xuanzang.

>> No.12349243
Quoted by: >>12349250

But Harusame is a cutie.

>> No.12349244

I just wish they weren't more DD's. At least the devs should implement maps where they can be good or make them viable in some measure.

>> No.12349246

Too bad they fucking locked the best one behind the Double Cockblock hime brick wall.

>> No.12349247

Can't the admiral represent him?

>> No.12349248

Tell that to CLs. Apart from CLTs, even DDs have more maps geared particularly to them

>> No.12349250
File: 495 KB, 1280x960, 1402387254977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12349263

Generic as fuck.

Doesn't help that her voice work is pretty annoying.

>> No.12349251
File: 467 KB, 1668x999, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that wasn't too bad. Only about 40 buckets spent and maybe ~7000 resources.

>> No.12349253
Quoted by: >>12349933

DD and CL are godly in the new mechanic.

>> No.12349256

This actually seems somewhat plausible.
What if they just bring back some curry instead? Is there an Indian navy?

>> No.12349258
Quoted by: >>12349267

I have extremely limited ship availability (Kai ni'd/level70+ and fully modernized. 5 CVs, 2 CVLs, 3 CLTs, 5-6 DDs, 4-5 CLs, 1 aviation cruiser, 2BBVs with one ready to convert, 4 fast battleships.

What would be a recommended formation to use in E-1/E-2 with the intent to clear E3-E5 and take a crack at E6?. I'm currently trying to train up a 6th CV, and two CAs. Will probably train up two aviations and another CVL as well.

>> No.12349263

I miss the daily Ichiso bash threads on 2chan.

>> No.12349267
Quoted by: >>12349395

It's AIRCRAFT cruiser.

Anyway, work backwards. 3 BB 1 CLT 2 CV for E6. Then MI needs 4 CV 2 BB + whatever's needed for escort fleet. What's left will be for MI.

>> No.12349269
File: 74 KB, 800x480, E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E4 was even easier than E3, only had to retreat once on sub node and you don't even need support.
Hatsukaze dropped for me twice if anyone still needs her, probably the best map to farm her.

>> No.12349270

>Is there an Indian navy?
News to me. Finally, someone who could cook actual curry.

>> No.12349271

That HP tho.

>> No.12349272

I love this incredible ability Jun'you has, "get shot to red by the first fucking shell but still grab MVP".

>> No.12349279


>> No.12349281

In WW2 times? Nothing worth mentioning.

>> No.12349284
File: 152 KB, 800x1103, 23b6171b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12349292

Treat her to some sake.

>> No.12349290
File: 124 KB, 621x318, KanColle-140810-01523310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12349317

T-minus 15 minutes until I invade Midway. Can't wait to see how it goes, and I've decided not to bring 5thCarDiv for E-6.

Did you bring ASW gears with you in E-4?

>> No.12349292

I wish I could.

>> No.12349296

Speaking about drunkurd straight from Yu-Gi-Oh, her pixiv power level is increasing rapidly.

>> No.12349297
Quoted by: >>12349307

What's the best escort fleet setup for MI?
I've seen everyone use some variation of 3DD and CL(T)s/CA(V)s/CLs.

Are the branching rules even affected by the escort fleet composition?

>> No.12349300
Quoted by: >>12349317

I keep getting sent east after sub node ;~;

>> No.12349301

The combine fleet mechanic is pretty cool.
Hoping it would make a return for world 6 or those new EOs.

>> No.12349305
File: 314 KB, 796x915, E6clear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, after 4 hours struggling with the south route, I took 2CVLs for northern route, cleared on first try. Now time to rest and farm E3....

>> No.12349307

Bring your best night fighters.
They will be the fleet you use for all the night battles.

>> No.12349310
Quoted by: >>12349323

No way that's yours.

>> No.12349316

Holy shit.
Muh Taihou isnt going to see any action isnt it???

>> No.12349317
File: 103 KB, 800x480, haya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't bother, second formation seems effective enough for evading them and they miss almost always, unless green T shows up, which only happened one time.
Happened to me once too, no idea why.

>> No.12349320

If that's really yours, take a screenshot of all your new ships in the same fleet with Musashi as your flagship.

>> No.12349321

I'm still stuck in E1 because I have shit levels and shit equips.

>> No.12349323
File: 112 KB, 692x398, sure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure whatever

>> No.12349324

Nice, congratulations.

>> No.12349329
Quoted by: >>12349369

4 time straight right now, did you notice any LOS animation after the sub node? I wanst paying attention

>> No.12349336
Quoted by: >>12349349

Setup used for your Nagato?

>> No.12349339

Yeah, because CV takes you south to the night battle nodes, really nasty. CVLs take you to CV-Hime but I find her OK.

>> No.12349340

Are CVs necessary for E6, or is it more convenient with CVLs even on non-sinking runs? I'm fatigue farming all my CVs in a desperate bid to tackle MI without Kaga and Taiho, and I'd really rather not bother with that if I don't have to.

>> No.12349342
Quoted by: >>12349350

Noobs get easy mode

Just compare >>12349106 with >>12348778

>> No.12349344
Quoted by: >>12349377

Grats! Do tell the equips used.
I'm also thinking of using CVLs instead of CVs to avoid the yasen nodes.

>> No.12349345
Quoted by: >>12349362

Maybe for E3-5. CVLs on E-6 dodge the night battle node. Now I really regret not having more than 2 CVLs. Gonna spend the next week grinding Chitose/Chiyoda

>> No.12349346
Quoted by: >>12349442

I have the same thing and I'm level 98.

>> No.12349349
Quoted by: >>12349352

Normal double attack setup with 2 X 46cm, type 98 night scout and a star shell.

>> No.12349350
Quoted by: >>12349374

HQ level 81 though.

>> No.12349351

My brother. I managed to get to TTK102 on the backs of 3 main ships, and now that I'm forced to not use them it's hell. Not only do I have to use underleveled and underequipped ships, I have to do it on "ur lvl is gud so the enemies r harder" mode

>> No.12349352

Thanks, going to grind 5 more levels on Sendai.

>> No.12349356
File: 428 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140810-02135725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dang, bingo is tough.

>> No.12349359

You can share equipment, you know?

>> No.12349362

I am using the midway4 on E3-E5.
Was saving for Taihou and Zuikaku for the last mission. Guess they arent going to see any action.
Thank god I kept Zuihou from AL.

>> No.12349364
Quoted by: >>12349392

It's the top right formation, isn't it?
Damn, if that's the case then I'd have to grind CVLs into decent level. Congrats, by the way.

>> No.12349369
Quoted by: >>12349378

Ok I found out something.
I swapped Kirishima's 2x 46cm for 1x 46cm and 1x 41cm and got sent east, so there might be a firepower or AA thing that decides it?

>> No.12349373
File: 480 KB, 706x423, fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12349376

I am not angry

>> No.12349374

You are fucked if hq81 get the same stuff with hq100+

>> No.12349376

Yayoi pls

>> No.12349377

Kitakami standard CI gear of 2 quint torps and minisub
Nagato 2x 46cm, 1x type98, 1x star shell
Yamato/Musashi 2x 46cm, scout, 32 radar
RJ reppu, reppu kai, saiunX2
Chiyoda reppu,saiun X2, dam con.

>> No.12349378
Quoted by: >>12349392

Doubt that, i have 4x 46cm, and 3 susei inc. egusa sqd.

>> No.12349386
File: 571 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140810-01304871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I got Urakaze and Hatsukaze from this shit hole.
Will never come back again.

>> No.12349387
File: 593 KB, 799x478, fuck you e1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12349537

250 buckets later....

E-1 done.

>> No.12349392
Quoted by: >>12349397

I'm running 4 Saiun, 8 Reppu, 2 RSK and Egusa/Tomonaga squadrons.
It doesn't show LOS animation so I don't think it's that either.

>> No.12349393

>3 main ships
What do you even do in this game? Are those 3 ships lvl 150?

>> No.12349395

Under the assumption that BBVs can fill in for the bb roles, that would leave me about 2-3 DDs, two CVLs and CLTs/CLs? Should I try to compensate my lack of heavy cruisers with BBVs or just wait till i get some trained up?

I'm uncertain if BBVs are necessary, or able to replace BB in terms of the firepower needed for midway/E-6 Can anyone verify this?

>> No.12349397

Yeah, just made it now without any changes to fleet, complete RNG. Ridiculous.

>> No.12349400
Quoted by: >>12349524

Just use BBVs, BBs will be better for E3-6

>> No.12349401

Formations for E-2? My DD keep getting hit to red on first node.

>> No.12349403
Quoted by: >>12349524

Don't think BBVs will be of much use in E6, so use them in E1 and E2 if you like. Not sure if you need CAs as well though.

And sorry, E6 needs 2 CVLs not 2 CVs.

>> No.12349409
File: 69 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140810-01334734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It went better than I thought it would be. Only ZKMS and Suzuya survived for yasen.

>> No.12349417

I went double line x3 then line ahead.
That only worked once, though.

>> No.12349419
Quoted by: >>12349433

Have there been any information on what bonuses does the new formations give? I've been skimming through wikiwiki event page but couldn't find any related information.

>> No.12349423

God, I hate AL with passion. Level scaling fucked 100! TTKs over nicely

>> No.12349427
Quoted by: >>12349436

Line ahead, line ahead, ring, line ahead.
Cleared it with this set up, around 12 tries.

>> No.12349432


>> No.12349433
Quoted by: >>12349493

1.line abreast
2.double line
4.line ahead

>> No.12349434

What's the usual LOS and Air Superiority required for E-3 to E-5?

>> No.12349436

Did you stack two saiun on each CVL?

>> No.12349438
Quoted by: >>12349442

Is there further scaling over 100? I was told that 80 was the final threshold.

>> No.12349440

Not him, but 3 saiun and a type 2 was enough for me. 113 effective LOS

>> No.12349442
Quoted by: >>12349457

look at >>12349346

>> No.12349448

Yes, pretty much the same set up as this guy >>12347961, I just replaced the ranking reward plane with the Egusa Suisei.

>> No.12349457

Oh dammit all. I didn't stockpile all these months just to be handed souped-down event maps with 4 DDs as boss escorts.

I hope that's just misinformation and the difficulty tiers end at 80.

>> No.12349464

Every fucking time when the little shit DD knocks off 1 hp, just to put someone to red, I want to kill something

>> No.12349465

E3, E4, and E5 don't have any composition requirements? Just LOS?

>> No.12349469
Quoted by: >>12349481

There already is a journey to the west quest.

>> No.12349470
File: 1.38 MB, 1895x1415, 1398988018481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Double attack
god dammmit.

>> No.12349471
Quoted by: >>12349495

Well, looks like I'm fucked since I'll be using two CVL on AL and my only CVLs are high level Zuihou and Chiyoda, low level Junyou, and unremodeled Houshou and Shouhou that I only use for expeditions.

Well, this is why I waited to touch any of the event maps; I had assumed that sending Zuihou and Chiyoda to AL was 100% safe since MI was supposedly all about CV, I was more worried about CA(V) distribution. Now I might have to remodel Shouhou and try using her and Junyou for AL.

>> No.12349472
File: 755 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140810-02465709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirming here that Tanikaze drops at E-1 boss node.

>> No.12349477
Quoted by: >>12349502

The lack of a real Son Goku anime is strange.

>> No.12349481

For German ships, yes.

So it only makes sense if you do it again for the British ships.

>> No.12349491
Quoted by: >>12349523

That would pretty much be the same journey.

>> No.12349493

2 is line ahead.

>> No.12349494

Give me more German submarines instead of useless British cunts.

>> No.12349495

By all means use Jun'you, she got super popular this event for some bizzare reason, maybe popular enough to warrant K2 in the future.

>> No.12349501

Bizarre? She was one of the 2 carriers sent to AL historically.

>> No.12349502

I was pretty sure there's a couple of these.
There's that one that's a modern take on it and then a much older one that's a proper period piece.

>> No.12349504
Quoted by: >>12349509

She didn't get popular. People are just using whatever ships they can spare in AL.

>> No.12349505

What is to be expected of A and B nodes E2 with BBV, 2 CA, 1 DD, and 2 CV?

>> No.12349509

> She didn't get popular.
Pixiv sure says otherwise.

>> No.12349513

> she got super popular this event for some bizzare reason
She and RJ were the 2 CVL that took part in the AL campaign.

>> No.12349516
File: 712 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140810-03025914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh, I got this cutie on my 2nd boss run. Easy as fuck so far.

>> No.12349523
Quoted by: >>12349527

So we have to do it once for each country's navy?

>> No.12349524
Quoted by: >>12349581

That was good to know, I have to shift around my leveling table and crank out another two CVLs asap. Can you sub CVs for CVLs in E1-E2? I seem to have surplus CVs then.

The biggest problem is one of my BBV is in the 20s, Hyuuga is in the 70s but is currently serving as the only slow BB in my posession.

So then it would seem that I have a shortage of BBs and CVLs and need to find work arounds?

>> No.12349525
Quoted by: >>12349538

>Jun'you is put to red by Ta's first shot
>Jun'you nevertheless gets MVP
>Jun'you drops
Stop pesting me, I'm not going to marry you any time soon.

>> No.12349527

US is in the east, and Russia is pretty much next door.

>> No.12349529

Wasn't thinking of Russia's. Was thinking of France's and Italy's.

>> No.12349532

> Russia
Soviets. And they didn't have navy worth even mentioning besides subs, and Kriegsmarine had the best subs anyway.

>> No.12349537
Quoted by: >>12349545

How did it take you 250 buckets?

>> No.12349538
File: 863 KB, 1416x786, 7241a540dc3cc6ca8380eb8cd6d4c112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jun'you just wants some love

>> No.12349544

Jesus Christ one run of E-3 takes 900 bauxite out of my pocket, does it get anymore worse than this?

>> No.12349545

Not everyone is below HQlv80.

>> No.12349552
Quoted by: >>12349563

Not enough reppus?
The guy who was streaming only spent 10k bauxite in E1-E6.
Bauxite intensive event they said

>> No.12349556
Quoted by: >>12349559

Does the AL/MI tag stay on if a ship gets upgraded from base to kai or kai to kai ni? Has anyone found out?

>> No.12349558

northern hime is a dangerously cute loli hnnnnnnnnnngh.

>> No.12349559


>> No.12349562
Quoted by: >>12349571

Do flags stay until the end of the event or will they get cleared when you finish E-6? I don't see any reason why would they limit past-completion farming

>> No.12349563

Took the south route, equipped one less Reppuu, went Supremacy -> Superiority -> Parity.

>> No.12349565
Quoted by: >>12349579

I'm >>12348244 sure as hell not below TTK Lv.80 and it still took me few times less buckets.

>> No.12349570

Pretty much, stack Reppu on your CV.

>> No.12349571

I see one reason; to fuck players as usual.

>> No.12349577

Is it worth using CVs on AL if I have 6 leveled CVs?
Could spare sending Soryuu and Zuikaku for AL and send Kaga/Hiryuu/Akagi/Shoukaku to MI

>> No.12349579
Quoted by: >>12349602

It's just RNG at work. Some are just unluckier than others.

>> No.12349581
Quoted by: >>12349685

Well you only need 1 BBV for E-1, 2 is just a little easier, at the cost of extra consumption. Also considering that E-1 is a 5 star map, you could probably do it with a lvl 20 if your other ships can compensate.

>> No.12349584

Given up on E6?

>> No.12349585

Wiki has the AS targets for all relevant E-3 nodes, you know.

>> No.12349587

Are you planning to do the CVL route for E6? Or are you planning to skip it at all?

>> No.12349589

Isokaze is the cutest DD from this event but there's no way i'll sacrifice my resources, buckets and mental health for her at E6.

I'll just wait for her to be craftable.

>> No.12349594

Prepare to wait forever, then.

>> No.12349596

If that's the case, by all means send your CV to AL then.

>> No.12349595
File: 160 KB, 811x487, summer e-2 cleared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accidentally killed her, was shocked when her final form showed up, Chikuma killed her before Tone could do her stuff.

Used route support, that shit really helps since it clears away those goddamned BBs.

>> No.12349601
Quoted by: >>12349604

Devs might make E6 easier after a few days, r-right?

>> No.12349602
Quoted by: >>12349624

250 buckets is still a ton for E-1. I used 40 @ HQ 107.

If I was getting near 100 used I would have changed my composition or at least some ships or something.

>> No.12349603
Quoted by: >>12349612

>route support killing BBs


>> No.12349604

And make MI harder? No thanks.

>> No.12349605
File: 15 KB, 259x184, Screenshot 2014-08-09 20.30.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many CV do you need for E-6? I'm pretty confident in my lineup so I'm considering bringing at least 1 to AL.

>> No.12349607

Is admiral level 63 considered high or low for the event scaling? I just want to get to E-2 for Amatsukaze.

>> No.12349612
Quoted by: >>12349623

Mutsu Nagato with 4x 46cm, Akagi Kaga fully loaded with Suisei 12A. I got lucky I guess, but the support got me to the boss every time.

>> No.12349611

Anything less than 100 is low.

>> No.12349614

0. Bring 2 CVLs instead.

Very low.

>> No.12349615

Its funny how a reward from a past event is better than the rewards of this event

>> No.12349618
Quoted by: >>12349626

What is your HQ level? I'm dying for confirmation that levels below 100 don't get the wimpling maps.

>> No.12349621
Quoted by: >>12349639

Should I bring Ise to AL or BBVs won't make it any easier?

Already did the mistake of bringing the Cranes to AL because I didn't think E-6 would lock MI ships out of it back then.

>> No.12349622
File: 13 KB, 443x103, Screenshot 2014-08-09 20.33.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12349642

Fuck that yasen node

>> No.12349623

>Mutsu Nagato with 4x 46cm
No overload for these 2 BBs?

>> No.12349624
Quoted by: >>12349689

I don't know about him but I tend to dump my buckets indiscriminately. If a ship has taken 10% of damage, I will be bucketing her.

Based on the stream, 2CV. Anyway, the max you could bring for MI is 4CV anyway and with 2 Cockblock Hime, you wouldn't want to bring more than 2CV for E6.

>> No.12349626


>> No.12349628

Not sure if that applies to support, but I just rolled with it anyway. Many hours of not getting to the boss does things to you.

>> No.12349631

Anyone have a full rewards list for the event?

The wiki is slow and only has info about E1

>> No.12349635
Quoted by: >>12349640

There isn't a cap for support fleet, it just uses your total firepower.

I used a 2 BB 2 CV(L) 2 DD support fleet for last event and it would sometimes hit the flagship Rus at E-5 boss node to orange or red.

>> No.12349636
Quoted by: >>12349666

Use the JP wiki, which is complete, accurate, and not full of whining South Americans.

>> No.12349637

Does E3 has a LOS requirement for both fleets or just for the main one? If so then I can switch the radars on my CAVs for sanshiki?

>> No.12349639

2BBV on E1 seems to be the easiest comp I've seen so far. Don't know about E2 though.

It looks like you don't even need CVs for E6, so you're probably still okay there.

>> No.12349640

I mean overload as in reducing accuracy because too many 46cms.

>> No.12349642
Quoted by: >>12349644

Trying to get a Naganami?

>> No.12349644

No, column is for the boss node drop

>> No.12349648

It has info up to E3, what are you talking about? The wiki also has all the ship rewards for E4 to E6, just not the item rewards.

E4 also has repair goddess, E5 has some number of medals, and E6 has 41cm prototype + 1 medal.

>> No.12349656
Quoted by: >>12349666

Sorry, no ship reward for E6 on the wiki yet but everyone knows it's Isokaze anyway.

>> No.12349663

How do you go south at e-4?

>> No.12349666


Where do you get this then?
Its listed there as a new item but its not anywhere in the rewards

>> No.12349673
Quoted by: >>12349682

Ooyodo remodel equipment

>> No.12349678

Okay, quick question. Around how many times did you get sent to home from the yasen node on E-1?

>> No.12349682

I don't see you questioning about the new planes either.

It's not on wikiwiki either; it's >>12349673.

>> No.12349684
File: 618 KB, 1840x1967, E1 Fleet Aria Company after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12349697

Finally cleared E1, is this just the beginning of the nightmare?

>> No.12349685
Quoted by: >>12349859

i'm worried since i'm at HQ 97 (I was a kusoteitoku and grinded 2-3 super ineffciently in my first month and that inflated the shit out of my HQ).

My current outlook for E1-E2 is 1 BBV, 2CVL, 1 DD, 1 CLT(can swap for CL), and 1 CA or (cl depending on if i load a CLT).

I'm trying to get haguro and her sister to kai ni status, elsewise the only other CAs I have are fully modernized kai maya and choukai in their 40s.

What should I be looking at gearwise? Emphasis on double attacks, and LOS? On the remaining slots of CVLs should I be focusing on AA, dive bombers or torps?

>> No.12349686

About 1/4th of the times I reached it.

>> No.12349688

It sounds like for E1, 2BBV 2CA 2CVL is the way to go.
And for E2, switch the BBV for DDs and viola, AL is done, right?

>> No.12349687
Quoted by: >>12349693

Pathetic question, I know but which is the gundam track that should be played to help our last kills?

>> No.12349689

I was bucketing nearly all damage. It took me 10 total runs, 4 ended at the night battle so I used less on those runs.

>> No.12349693
Quoted by: >>12349702


>> No.12349697
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1293328030773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahi. Save that line for E-2.

>> No.12349698

Twice out of around 10+ tries. Right now it's the fucking sub that's giving me headaches.

>> No.12349699
Quoted by: >>12349705

Are they fucking kidding me?

It's like I can't even beat B1 with a lvl 70-90 fleet.

One of my ships will get shoot to read by one of the two BBs.
Fuck that game.

>> No.12349700

E3 is piss easy.

>> No.12349703

Which of the combine fleet formations should I be using for the boss fights? The "combat" one would seem the obvious choice but it seems like the screening fleet always misses and the main fleet does scratch 90% of the time.

>> No.12349702

Thank you, sir

>> No.12349704
File: 174 KB, 1024x1820, BuNc24CCAAE1u2u.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official event snacks!

>> No.12349705
Quoted by: >>12349724

>Fuck that game.
Proofread your shit before you post.

>> No.12349707

So whats the easiest route for E1 if I want to use CVs and gave up on E6?

All I see are CVL comps everywhere.

>> No.12349709
Quoted by: >>12349723

So, who's just gonna sit around in E1 until concrete requirements are posted for E3-5? I want to bring in more powerful ships to the first two maps, but I don't want to make the rest harder.

>> No.12349710

Which formation is this so-called "combat" one?
I'm assuming you're talking about formation 4 (bottom right) which is what you should be using. It's pretty much line ahead for combined fleets.

>> No.12349711

Those doing the northern route on E1, do you know the requirements to go from E to K, avoiding G?

I plan to go into uncharted territory (A-B-E-K) and knowing requirements like LOS would be most useful.

>> No.12349712

Will try tomorrow, there's still 17 days left unless they extend it.

>> No.12349715
Quoted by: >>12349717

I always meant to ask this but what the hell is up with Naganami's hair?

>> No.12349716

I'd eat them if they gave me some sort of good luck.
8 redirects on E-4, 1 boss kill.

>> No.12349717


>> No.12349719
File: 19 KB, 929x322, Stream guy set-up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screencapped instead of linking for future use.

>> No.12349720
File: 137 KB, 801x480, Fuck this bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow RNG really is dick. The bucket i spend on this bullshit map more than E-5 spring

>> No.12349722
Quoted by: >>12349735

Does E-6 have any compass reqs? I know the one streamer was using a CA, 2 hotels, 2 CVLs, and Kitakami, but wasn't it just because he didn't know about the EX lockout and had already blown all of his other best ships elsewhere?

>> No.12349723

So far it looks like E3-5 just require 4CV 2BB for your main fleet, and whatever night battle ships you want for your escort. Compass doesn't seem be based on fleet composition, just LoS.

>> No.12349724


>> No.12349725
Quoted by: >>12349752

Is there any example of clearing E6 without a CLT so far?

>> No.12349727
Quoted by: >>12349734

Think. Where else would you find new equipment not given as an event reward? There are only three other ways and one of them is where you'll find out.

>> No.12349731

After learning about needing CVL for E-6, I was about to bring CVs for AL, but looking at the jp wiki route information, CV on E-2 sends you north through the shittier first node then the two BB yasen node. So scratch that idea, it's got to be CVL.

Looks like I'd better remodel and start working on modernizing Shouhou. I'm starting to think again about trying center route on E-1 just to avoid having to use my underleveled CVLs more than necessary.

>> No.12349734

>stock equip
I count 4.

>> No.12349735

Some anon who cleared E6 said something about how CVs will give you night battles, whereas CVLs avoid it.

>> No.12349736
Quoted by: >>12349740

Whats the easiest route then?
Or easiest comp.

Its hard to find anything when the thread is moving this fast

>> No.12349740

Cut-in CLT, 3BB 2 CVL seems to be most popular.

>> No.12349744

I was thinking of using the center route for E1 myself. The JP wiki seems to indicate that the night battle ships in that node are only cruisers configured for cutins and don't have a BB with double attack. There is also the benefit that the same composition that brings you along that route also is apparently the same comp most people have been using for E-2.

>> No.12349752
File: 269 KB, 1500x1500, ktkm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12349755

It says 軽巡1駆4+(巡洋艦or駆)1隻でB?
Do people really clear E-2 with that setup?

>> No.12349758

Wait, which nodes does the route you're talking about travel through?

>> No.12349760
File: 509 KB, 732x438, thweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12349797

Marry me Suzuya

>> No.12349762
Quoted by: >>12349799

Not him, but I'm thinking of trying A-B-E-K route too.

>> No.12349767
Quoted by: >>12349799

E1, A-B-E-K?

>> No.12349768

Are there flags or locks for support fleets?

I'm getting the impression that there isn't, which means I can use the same 6 ships for support expeditions for AL, MI, and EO right?

>> No.12349772
Quoted by: >>12349775

Do you mean E6?

>> No.12349774
Quoted by: >>12349924

So I should do both E1 and E2 with 2DD2CAV2CVL?

>> No.12349775
Quoted by: >>12349783


>> No.12349782

Have been using the same support fleet for AL and MI, so yes.

>> No.12349783

Welp, you're the first guy here to refer to it as such, then.

>> No.12349785

People on e-4/cleared e-4, what was the composition of fleet #2?

>> No.12349787
Quoted by: >>12349798

The AC(B/D?)EK route is the one that uses the same composition as E-2, and that's not really worth it compared to south route. ABEK requires the DD-heavy fleet but you only have to fight the two battles before boss node. (The one extra ship should obviously be a CAV for air superiority).

The problem is the amount of LoS you can get on that fleet is extremely limited, it's possible you could end up having to play the RNG at the final compass spin no matter what you do. Plus it seems like a more bucket- and time-intensive route (while obviously saving resources, which is my least concern now).

>> No.12349797

>remodling her

>> No.12349798
Quoted by: >>12349847

What is the LOS requirement if you go the northern or middle route? Same as southern?

>> No.12349799
Quoted by: >>12349809

Ah. I was thinking of the one you get with 2 DD, 2CA(V), and 2 CVL. I was thinking of trying that composition for both E1 and E2.

>> No.12349809

Node C is damn heavy on wo-chan

>> No.12349812
Quoted by: >>12349818

I want off Ms. Rulette's wild ride

>> No.12349818
File: 27 KB, 394x342, the ride never ends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can't.

>> No.12349820
Quoted by: >>12349830

Does sending ships as a AL/MI support lock them out from the maps?

>> No.12349830
Quoted by: >>12349851

You could always try, you know, mocking up a shitty support fleet of girls you don't plan on using and sending them out. But that would make sense.

>> No.12349847
Quoted by: >>12349880

No one really knows. I was reading the wikiwiki comments and unfortunately most people are running the south route and there's only a few mentions of ABEK route. Not to mention the nips have the same issue as us with being unclear what LoS values they're using; some seem to be stating just their total equipment LoS and others the full calculation of effective LoS.

Basically the best you could get without gimping yourself is two planes on your CAV, one on your CL, and T33 radar on each DD which adds up to 64 from equipment; anything more would require giving up double attack at night. Rendering just 1 destroyer nearly useless could get you an extra 14 though.

>> No.12349851

Fair enough, didn't think of that myself

>> No.12349854
Quoted by: >>12349863

My RNG isn't even RNG anymore. Each sortie is a duplicate of the previous one until I change something.

The question is what fleet setup will fool the game to let me get to the boss every single run instead of getting blown up.

>> No.12349859
Quoted by: >>12349878

Double attack, you won't have the slots for cut ins. I had to put a star shell on my yukikaze. Seaplanes on whoever can hold them and 2 green planes, 2 blue planes, 2 red planes, and 2 saiuns should be enough LOS. For E-2 you'll need 4 Saiuns so you'll have to sacrifice dive bombers

>> No.12349863
Quoted by: >>12349894

Just keep going unless you're doing something wrong.

>> No.12349865
File: 370 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140810-04331872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sub alone is going to kill this event run for me. Only have 14 buckets left

>> No.12349872
Quoted by: >>12349885

How much would it be in $ if I want to buy more ship slots?

>> No.12349874

Chitose sunk, that's what you get when you and you alone prevent me from going to boss node 10 times in a row.

>> No.12349878
Quoted by: >>12349887

Are there any alternatives to saiuns? I've only got two along with the scout plane from soryuuu kai ni.

>> No.12349880

And there are some who claim that you can reach the boss if you fulfill either total LOS or effective LOS requirements.

Yeah, I know what I need to maximise my LOS without gimping myself too much.

Still not sure if equipping seaplanes on, say, Yuubari, will add to effective LOS though (it's not on the wikia and I can't read moon) so will have to verify before I start on this.

>> No.12349883

Should have given a repair team.

>> No.12349884

Good job, kuso teitoku.

>> No.12349885

$10 per set of 10

>> No.12349887
Quoted by: >>12349900

Nope. Just craft more.

>> No.12349890

Kuso TTK awardee.

>> No.12349894
Quoted by: >>12349905

The problem is my buckets. I've already used almost 70 buckets on E-1 to fight the boss ONCE.

And almost all my retreats consist of 5 full health ships and one red with 2-3 HP left. Because RNG makes sure to always attack one ship over and over and over until it breaks.

>> No.12349895


Take a sip every time:
>What is the LOS requirement?
>reppuu mule
>shit rewards
>babby mode
>no CAV

Finish your drink every time:
>total LOS
>Does sending ships as support lock them out?
>yasen scratch damage
>wrong BBHime

Finish the bottle when:

>> No.12349896


>> No.12349897

Does sending ships as support lock them out?

>> No.12349900
Quoted by: >>12349917

lovely, was avoiding the saiun recipie because i was desperate for the 0 reppus in my possession, now I have to go back for saiuns.

>> No.12349901

You forgot to add E1 Sub RNG

>> No.12349904

>Finish your drink every time:
>>total LOS

dude my alcohol reserve is already almost empty, don't make things worse.

>> No.12349905
Quoted by: >>12349908

I just love when the BB hits someone to orange, I start feeling relieved, then the last fucker DD hits that ship to red.

>> No.12349908

Wait, orange is safe?

>> No.12349912
File: 78 KB, 300x300, 43794360_p24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12349917
File: 7 KB, 484x299, taihou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12349921

Just use Taihou

>> No.12349918
Quoted by: >>12349926

Yes, they fixed this long ago.

>> No.12349919

Not even sparkling cane save Ryuuhou getting blasted in E-2. Must all that extra blubber she's hauling around. But the blubber is one of the reasons I love her so much in the first place so it's okay. We'll get through this, fatty.

>> No.12349921
Quoted by: >>12349930


>> No.12349922
File: 68 KB, 1110x617, 1407613311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English-translated KCV has been updated to version 3.1.0 to include a new feature from upstream, refer to the screenshot for an illustration.

>> No.12349924


>> No.12349925
File: 533 KB, 775x916, 45228223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12350045

Holy fuck Unryuu is hot. I'm really cursing my lack of time to play this game now.

>> No.12349926
File: 183 KB, 600x800, 1399919297561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12349928
Quoted by: >>12349943

Challenge accepted. I have 27 liters of cider left, hope that's gonna be enough.

>> No.12349930
Quoted by: >>12349953

Blame KCV.

>> No.12349932

Neat, thanks

>> No.12349933
Quoted by: >>12349960

New mechanics? I thought the only new mechanics in this event is the 12 ships and the new map nodes? Is there something I miss? care to explain?

>> No.12349934
Quoted by: >>12350055

Looks great, thanks.
Any updates on KCV for laptops?

>> No.12349937
File: 149 KB, 344x278, Screenshot 2014-08-09 21.51.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet they buffed those fucking DDs

>> No.12349938

Did anyone rip the new boss theme? I love it.

>> No.12349939
Quoted by: >>12349979

Fix fucking Formation Five. It sucks navigating menus just to refresh the damn thing.

>> No.12349942
Quoted by: >>12349952

You forgot:
>no regen
>E1 A-B-E-K route
>effective LOS
>AL is too hard
>MI is easy
>devs are trolls
>devs are shit
>levels don't matter
>does XXX drop in this event/map?

Haven't heard of UNICORN though.

>> No.12349943
Quoted by: >>12349957

What brand? I love cider.

>> No.12349945

Those 35-health ones one-shot my Nagato to 1(one) HP from full. Viva yasen!

>> No.12349947

How much LoS and air superiority do you need for E3?

>> No.12349949
File: 331 KB, 1600x951, 1387576558129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12349956

I feel bad for you all.
Lvl 58 here so that specific sub doesn't show Elite for me, si my BBV just blow it up each time. It must be hell to have it snipe you every time.

>> No.12349951
Quoted by: >>12349982

Compile it please

>> No.12349952
Quoted by: >>12349961

UC Gundam theme, mang.

>> No.12349953
Quoted by: >>12349970

KCV needs a few fixes on errors like this. The Japanese KCV still calls Kongous + Bismarck battlecruisers.

Good thing there aren't any corvettes otherwise KCV will call them CT or something instead of FS.

>> No.12349955

Aren't those new enemies?

>> No.12349956
Quoted by: >>12349965

I just reached level 61. Pain.

>> No.12349957
Quoted by: >>12350059

Aspall. Stole 2 20-liter kegs from my last work place, saved them up to sail event smoothly.

>> No.12349958

What is the LOS requirement for reaching E-2 boss node? I have 308 total LOS and it doesn't seem to be enough. I'm running the north route with both CVL as Reppuu mule to lessen the damage from Wo. Yasen node always deal scratch damage to me, but I get sent off the boss node every time. I don't have CAVs to be running the south route either. I'm considering going south route with my underleveled CAs paired with support fleets, does sending out ships as support lock them out from MI and E-6? If so, maybe I should turn on the UNICORN BGM every time I sortie.
Already sunk my Yukikaze in E-1 because of that shitty troll sub that doesn't appear in shitty babby mode. Not sure if the shit rewards are worth the trouble.

>> No.12349959
File: 846 KB, 2149x3035, 1398991169309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about making a FAQ? It would solve all this.

>> No.12349960
Quoted by: >>12349972

Your escort fleet, which should be consisted of DD/CL/CA will be the one fights the night battles in MI maps.
In short, they are tasked to kill the bosses and whatever left from the day battles after both the main fleet and escort fleet finished their shelling phases.
And you know what those CL and DD are good at.

>> No.12349961

Oh, no wonder then, I don't follow Gundam.

>> No.12349962


>> No.12349963
File: 506 KB, 809x481, Screenshot 2014-08-09 21.57.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12350044

I'm not even angry anymore

>> No.12349965
File: 54 KB, 560x722, 1399032915797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, is lvl 61 the difficulty step?

>> No.12349966

maybe put it in the next OP

>> No.12349967

kinda amazing that you managed to combine so many drinking game cues

>> No.12349969

Maybe we could make a wiki.

>> No.12349970
File: 9 KB, 153x153, kj0dzxL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12349998

I don't have this battlecruiser business going on.

>> No.12349971

The english wiki is shit

>> No.12349972
Quoted by: >>12350000

Does the escot comp matter? Like the number of each class of ships used.

>> No.12349979

You lost me.

>> No.12349981

He meant F5 refresh, it's a stupid joke from few threads ago

>> No.12349982
Quoted by: >>12349996

It's already up on GitHub, I only post release announcements when stuff is ready.

>> No.12349983
Quoted by: >>12350004

F5 doesn't reload the game. Dummy.

>> No.12349985

If you are referring about the existing wiki, it's shit when it comes to stuff like that.

>> No.12349986

How does one finish off E2 500hp loli ?

>> No.12349990
File: 73 KB, 600x600, 1399603433894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By reducing its health to zero.

>> No.12349991

I wish I knew

>> No.12349992

With luck, or BBs.

>> No.12349993

Had someone tried 1CVL, 4CA, 1BB in E-1? I read it in a nip web but i have yet to go through night battle without getting crit'd to test it.

>> No.12349994

You give her the D.

>> No.12349995
File: 251 KB, 1040x780, 42925446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go!

>> No.12349996
File: 37 KB, 691x193, Screenshot 2014-08-09 22.04.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12350012

Am I missing something?

>> No.12349998
File: 61 KB, 952x716, battlecruisers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newer version? Mine's 2.6; I didn't update to the next version because apparently it's had some problems during this event.

>> No.12350000
Quoted by: >>12350007

No more than 2 CA/CAVs for the escort fleet.
Most common composition so far are 3 DDs, 2 CAV/CA and 1 drunk KTKM.

>> No.12350004

It does for me; you might have been using a really old r1 build.

If you update to 3.1.0 it will definitely work. Unless I broke it again.

Just checked, it works fine. I also added a loading indicator (mouse cursor) but sadly the browser overrides it so it only really works 100% in the tab menu area.

>> No.12350005

Give her the sanshiki.

Why the fuck did they make such a cute enemy? My heart aches every time I hit her.

>> No.12350007
Quoted by: >>12350020

>1 drunk KTKM
Should be one Ooi. KTKM is for E6.

>> No.12350012

Whoops, GitHub went bonkers on me “we do not support this type of file” ???


>> No.12350014

Anyone tried 4CAV 2CVL for AL 1?

I was thinking that it might be decent since you get 4 possible double attacks and you should come close to meeting the LoS reqs with the usual equipment of the CAVs.

>> No.12350018
Quoted by: >>12350024

I ran with 2CAV 2 CA 2 CVL and it worked fine, I doubt 4CAV would be any different. Ultimately BBV are much more reliable if you can spare them, though.

>> No.12350020
Quoted by: >>12350027

Well, there are few people with extra KTKMs anyway.

>> No.12350021
Quoted by: >>12350056

You could, but why you would lock out your CAVs from MI is beyond me.

>> No.12350024
Quoted by: >>12350033

Whats the BBV formation?
I only have Hyuuga for BBV

>> No.12350025

I'm using that. My question is, is there a way to go without 2CVL?

>> No.12350027
Quoted by: >>12350039

Don't see how KTKM is that much better for MI than Ooi though.

>> No.12350031
File: 443 KB, 728x1032, 1398592321902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12350036

Man, I want to buy all those admirals who leave their first fleet with only one/two ships a beer. And hug them.

>> No.12350033

I used Lvl 49 Hyuuga and Ise, with 2x Zuiun, 1x 41cm and 1x 35.6cm without any problmes. I'm lvl 100+ TTK, so it should work fine. You can probably fit just Hyuuga and a CAV.

>> No.12350036
Quoted by: >>12350052

I usually just leave a full sub fleet as my afk fleet.
They're all above 80+ and subs are easy to take out in PVP so people must be getting a lot of exp from me.

>> No.12350037

Does LOS of the escort fleet matter on E3-5?

>> No.12350039
Quoted by: >>12350111

30 luck for cut in set up.
Though if you don't have extra KTKM then you should save her for the Cockblock Hime.

>> No.12350040

I'm fed up with being smart and getting raped by RNG. Time to make crazy fleet combinations and see how RNG gets caught off guard.

>> No.12350041

Is there a way to change the font size in KCV ? The fonts are too large since 3.0.1.

>> No.12350043
Quoted by: >>12350054

What formation did you use and how many tries did it take?

>> No.12350044

I noticed that this fucking sub hit the 5th or 6th ship of my fleet 22 out of 28 runs.

>> No.12350045

She looks the sort of girl who'd let you use her tits as a pillow while you sleep together.

She's also Son Goku, so she might be able to transform her hair into clones and have a one-person orgy with you.

>> No.12350046

Do you actually not have enough 41cm cannons or are you deliberately gimping yourself for historical accuracy?

>> No.12350051
File: 590 KB, 1154x1200, 45026464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12350065

Should I use the 1st Division AND the 2nd Division girls for MI?
I used the cranes for AL, so if I use the dragons for MI that means I'm only left with Taihou & a handful of CVLs for E6.

>> No.12350052

I understand that exp earned only takes into account the lvl of the first two ships. I usually leave my Shigure as secretary and Kongou cause lvl. I don't know.

>> No.12350054

Line Abreast and then Line Ahead for everything else. It took me 11 tries and 29 buckets total.

I have enough 41cms, but i threw them on my Kongous and couldn't be arsed to switch them.

>> No.12350055
Quoted by: >>12350069

I'm sorry but that's not on my priority list for now. These new features from Grabacr07 spawn merge conflicts and require localisation, which takes time.

I'm also trying to get through the event, you know…

>> No.12350056

Using 4CAVs is assuming that you have Mogami, Mikuma, Suzuya, and Kumano. You would use them for AL and save Tone and Chikuma for MI.

That said, I'm not sure why you would bring Tone and Chikuma for MI over Myoukou and Haguro K2.

>> No.12350059
Quoted by: >>12350082

You're a criminal, i hope retribution is brought down upon you during this event.

>> No.12350062

So, when can we expect the E1 E2 nerf?

>> No.12350063
Quoted by: >>12350071

This >>12350046, Why not 46cm?

>> No.12350065

The anon who cleared E-6 said using CVLs will avoid the night battle node.
So it's up to you.

>> No.12350069

>I'm also trying to get through the event, you know…
Please, please finish the event.
We dont want another Zharay that was too busy with KCV to finish spring event and ragequits because of it.

I want to be able to use KCV after the event too.

>> No.12350071
Quoted by: >>12350083

see above. I spent most of my development building up my planes and never really got to building 46cm. I have enough 41cm, but those are triple-stacked on the Kongous and Nagato, and I couldn't be arsed to move them to the Ise.

>> No.12350079
File: 54 KB, 472x370, unryuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice equipment. T-thank you devs.

>> No.12350080

August 32nd I think.

>> No.12350082
Quoted by: >>12350108

I did a lot of worse shit. Being dirt-poor and being thrown out of home by your very own parents kinda forces you to do such stuff if you want to have a fun life.

>> No.12350083
Quoted by: >>12350117

wouldn't it be smarter to change it now with the overweight mechanic?

>> No.12350085

It looks like she has big nipples

>> No.12350089
Quoted by: >>12350114

100 buckets for half of E1's total health. My ships are all above 80 with max stats. I haven't seen the boss since yesterday.

>> No.12350090

Doujinshi when?

>> No.12350106

You need to love her more first

>> No.12350107

Never, but look forward to the E6 nerf.

>> No.12350108

How does it get worse than stealing from your employer? Are you a rapist or murderer?

>> No.12350110
Quoted by: >>12350113

I'd have to clear E1 first.

>> No.12350111

I don't think CLT cut-in is anywhere as important for MI maps as it is for E6. Unlike E6, you have an entire escort fleet available for night battle, and there's no troll BB hime either.

>> No.12350113

That's too bad.

>> No.12350114
Quoted by: >>12350121

I'm changing to northern route with pre-boss support since it's three day battles.

I'd rather take my chances with three Wo at this point instead of Rulette.

>> No.12350115

By nerf you mean an added third hime?

>> No.12350116
Quoted by: >>12350125

>They will remove 1 Cockblock Hime and replace her with Re Kai instead.
Would you take it?

>> No.12350117
Quoted by: >>12350148

Is there any actual info for how this new mechanic works?

>> No.12350118

Paizuri doujins when.

>> No.12350119
Quoted by: >>12350123

Let's just say that this is nor the place neither the time to discuss this, alright?

>> No.12350121
Quoted by: >>12350126

What's the composition for that?

>> No.12350123


>> No.12350125

Only if she becomes the flagship and has less defense than hime.

>> No.12350126


>> No.12350131
Quoted by: >>12350151

Do I need to use CVL for midway? If so, I'm prob fucked since I need 2 CVL for e-6?

>> No.12350136

employers are part of a parasitic class that exists solely to take profits from capital-rent and exploit the surplus labor of the proletariat

he has struck a blow for freedom

>> No.12350140
Quoted by: >>12350143

Kai her for nicer equipment.

>> No.12350142

Is there a way to do it with standard carriers?

>> No.12350143
Quoted by: >>12350216

Worse than dragon sisters that I can find in world 2.

>> No.12350144

So CAV + BBV + 2 CA + 2 CVL?

>> No.12350148

This is the only thing we have so far.

>> No.12350151
Quoted by: >>12350159

The CVL route in E-6 is not necessarily easier than the night battle node, the BIG E in pre boss node can rekt you hard.

>> No.12350158

In light of what all of you have said so far, I have tried to come up with a somewhat optimized deployment chart for this event based on the ships I have. Feedback welcomed.

E-1 (south): Suzuya, Kumano, Ise, Hyuuga, Hiyou, Junyou

E-1 (north): Suzuya, Kumano, Yukikaze, Shimakaze, Hiyou, Junyou

E-2: Suzuya, Kumano, Yukikaze, Shimakaze, Hiyou, Junyou

E-3 -> E-5: Yuudachi, Ayanami, Shigure, Jintsuu, Haguro + Myoukou OR Tone + Chikuma
Kaga, Souryuu, Hiryuu, Taihou, Kirishima, Kongou

E-6: Mutsu, Bismarck, Kitakami, Ooi, Chitose, Ryuujou

Support fleet: Shouhou, Zuihou, Haruna, Hiei, Verniy, Z3

Do not have: Nagato, Hotels

>> No.12350159

But I heard it's still easier than using CVs? I'm really afraid since I already use both of my highest level CVL for AL, if I need to use my reserve CVL for MI too, I think I'm going to cry in the corner somewhere.

>> No.12350168
Quoted by: >>12350175

I'm assuming for E1 and E2, your ships are all level 70+?

>> No.12350169

That route still has a night battle node. Though well, it's cheaper and it just got me a kill, so it might be worth a shot if you don't have spare BBs.

>> No.12350172

I wish I could make it past the Ru. I only need three more kills, but the desire to continue is pretty much gone.

>> No.12350175
Quoted by: >>12350185

Suzuya and Kumano are 50ish, Ise and Hyuuga are ~75, and Hiyou and Junyou are 55.

Yukikaze and Shimakaze are 65.

As far as equipment goes, I can put the best of everything on any of them apart from ranking rewards.

>> No.12350176
File: 56 KB, 500x375, 1399031484059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does my double attacks keep doing little to no damage? The mechanics feels fucked up.

>> No.12350181

20 tries, 2 boss kill on E-1.
Seriously? This is fucking bullshit for a first map.

>> No.12350183

Doesn't node D on the north route have a flag battleship in day battle?

>> No.12350185

I'm trying to figure out the bare minimum B team I can use for AL.

Since I don't have Taihou, Hotels or Bismarck, I'm thinking I actually need to plan this out.

2CAV,2DD,2CVL seems like the way to go for both E2 and E1?

Is north route better for E1?

>> No.12350190

Night battle node is center route. I'm talking far north which goes through triple Wo and a Ta-class.

>> No.12350195

Everyone loves Suzuya

>> No.12350198

Just finished E-1. After four consecutive victories, RNG-sama caught up with me and it took me close to 20 more runs to get the final two. Resource-wise it wasn't so bad. My net loss was 5k fuel, 1.5k ammo, 4.3k steel, and bauxite was actually a net increase since I was running exp 6 the whole time and my CVLs didn't use too much. Net bucket loss was only 41, much lower than I expected.

How's E-2 in comparison? TTK lvl 102 btw

>> No.12350199
File: 37 KB, 282x335, jb,b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First node — god damned perfect S. Second node — only one DD scratched. LoS check — pass. Third node — subs which missed everything. That's too good to be true, I thought, there is no way I can pass LoS check now. Support fleet will not show up, I thought, it showed up to clear 3/5 trash and bash loli hime for 90something. She missed two times too, and I brought her to 37 HP in fucking day battle.
Please don't tell me I spent all my luck on this.

>> No.12350202

You need 2 BBs for last E2 kill unless you want a really bad time

>> No.12350205

No troll sub in line ahead.
This alone should make it easier than E-1.

>> No.12350206
File: 566 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-22510070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E2 clean, sparkle help a lot.

>> No.12350209

2CA/CAV with sanshiki can do the job just fine.

>> No.12350210

Same amount of buckets, less steel, same amount of bauxite and fuel, far more ammo due to boss support.
2 CA(V)s with sanshiki each is enough. Just make sure to run boss support.

>> No.12350212
Quoted by: >>12351438

So where is the cutoff for level scaling?

Do people above 100 get different maps from people below 100?

>> No.12350216

The type 52 (601 Air Group) she's carrying is gonna be upgraded into Reppuu (601 Air Group). I just know it.

>> No.12350217

The problem with RE is that she attacks 5 times in one day battle. The cockblock hime does only 2.

>> No.12350225

>Is north route better for E1?

From my perspective, 3 Wos is less threatening than a Ru with guaranteed double attack. You can get superiority against the Wos with Hiyou and Junyou while still allowing them to attack if you go with 1 Reppu Kai, 3 Reppus, 2 Type 62s, and 2 Saiuns.

>> No.12350226
Quoted by: >>12350233

So, do support fleets get AL/MI locked as well? Or can I just use them freely for both?

>> No.12350233

It sounds like you can use the same support fleet for AL/MI/E6, if that's what you're asking.

>> No.12350238

This bottle of rum is emptying faster than I thought.

>> No.12350243
Quoted by: >>12350254

What does the Fleet Command Facility on Ooyodo do?

>> No.12350245

Isn't the requirement for it 2CA/2DD/2CVL?

I used these and got sent to the center node. Is there a LoS check between C and D?

>> No.12350246

Why can't I combine my fleets? I have 2BB 4CV in the first and 2CAV 2DD 2CLT in the second. None were used in AL.

>> No.12350248
Quoted by: >>12352048

CLT don't count.

>> No.12350252
Quoted by: >>12352048


You need 1 CL.

>> No.12350254

Whenever your ship in main fleet get red damaged, you can spare a destroyer from escort fleet and send they home together, while the rest can keep on going

>> No.12350255

Not sure. The wiki says that your composition takes the northern route to the boss, but it doesn't say whether it passes through the center node. Guess it does.

>> No.12350256
Quoted by: >>12350261

So send a ship in red back and continue without them?

>> No.12350261

Right, equip it on your escort CL and it will work like that.

>> No.12350262

Might be useful in the future.
Definitely worth getting.

>> No.12350263
Quoted by: >>12350273

Is it reusable?

>> No.12350273

Not sure. But it should be reusable since it's not a cash item.

>> No.12350276

Problem is after that you still have to fight a flagship Ta in day battle, or flagship Ri yasen node

Recent route update on wikiwiki suggests using a CL will send you to D instead of B. Not definite though.

I'm torn on whether to run south with 2 BBV, 2 CA, 1 CL, 1 CVL or go center with CAV, CL, 4 DD. Thing is I'll have to use boss support if I want to go center since I'll only have 1 shelling phase and my last two DDs will be loaded with radars and yasen equipment and thus nearly useless.

At least a recent update to the wiki says there's also a 2 He-class formation at the Ri yasen node instead of just the 2 Chi one initially listed. He- and Ho-class are total shit in night battle, neither double attack or cut-in.

>> No.12350277

Can you equip it in anything that takes seaplanes?
Like a BB(V) for example

>> No.12350278
File: 67 KB, 800x480, turbines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped from my first E6 S rank.

>> No.12350280

Which formation do I use for MI maps?

>> No.12350282
Quoted by: >>12350286

Same initial equipment as event reward?

>> No.12350283
Quoted by: >>12350292

scrap her

>> No.12350285

Should I K2 my Sendai and have her stats drop (since I'm low on modernization fodder) or keep her K1 until i get past AL where I'm using her?

>> No.12350286
File: 69 KB, 672x367, amatsukaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12350288

Looks like it.

>> No.12350288

It's time for boiler farming.
Just got to clear E1-5 now...

>> No.12350292
Quoted by: >>12350298

What has that little ship done to you?

>> No.12350297
Quoted by: >>12350301

Will E6 require DDs, or am I okay with throwing the rest of my high-levelled DDs into E3?

>> No.12350298

She doesn't wear a skirt or pants.

>> No.12350301

Only for the support fleet.
Or if someone discovers some kind of weird branching rule, but that doesn't appear to be the case.

>> No.12350306
File: 591 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140810-06244532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in abreast formation, despair

>> No.12350310

Line aboob only helps if the sub is not in ahead/DL

>> No.12350311

Go double line for that node and pray for the sub to not nuke any of your girls.

>> No.12350315

Holy shit you guys weren't lying when you said that combined fleet gonna be fun.

>> No.12350318

help me once I get to MI, if I can. slow play BTW, Ill be waiting for my girls to recover

http://www.twitch dot tv/oskarvanbruce

>> No.12350321
File: 570 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-14300571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel kind of bad for killing her. I really want to hug her.

>> No.12350323
Quoted by: >>12350329

I'd rather ignore 1 sub than 5 other ships.

>> No.12350324
Quoted by: >>12350330

I know right. She's just so damn cute. I want my very own loli airfield so I can pet her head all day long.

>> No.12350327

What HQ level is that?

>> No.12350329

I would too but that damn sub sniped my fleet 80% of the time to Orange or Red when the battle ends, I almost had to quit the event from running out of buckets.

>> No.12350330
Quoted by: >>12350334

Liking her means betraying your ships

>> No.12350331

Not the same anon, but I got that comp with 98.

>> No.12350333

Is 296 enough LoS for a lvl 66 TTK to reach E-1 boss? Please respond.

>> No.12350334

the entire point of this campaign was to capture the airfield, not kill it

they should really work on that

>> No.12350335

I can already see it, E6 will only have two BB himes if you are level 100+


>> No.12350336
Quoted by: >>12350348

So for those who E-2 boss support fleet what ships did you use? 2DD 2 CVL 2BB?

>> No.12350337

Don't tell me the cut-off level is 100.

>> No.12350341
Quoted by: >>12350768

Where do you get KCV 3.0.2? KCV keeps telling me to update but it's not on the Github.

>> No.12350346

So for E-3 should I put my flares and night scout plane on the escort fleet ships?

>> No.12350348

That's what I used

>> No.12350350

I'm 97.

>> No.12350354
Quoted by: >>12350357

I am relieved, there isn't much of a difference between the 80+ and 100+ compositions. I expected this event to be a monstrosity on the same level as the Fall event, and I'm going to be very cross if I get a watered down version of it.

Now I can only hope that the double BBs in the final kill of E6 remain intact for 80+ HQ level.

>> No.12350355

Would it be advisable to bring 2 DDs to E-2, or can I use a fleet of 1 CL, 1 CA, 1CAV, 1BBV, and 2 CVLs?

>> No.12350357

Are you a masochist?

>> No.12350362

Aren't we all?

>> No.12350365
File: 82 KB, 877x385, e2n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chitose and Ryuujou keep getting one shot to red on the first northern node in E2. HQ 43 and I can't even reach the boss, locked in all my higher level ships in AL too ;_; suffering

>> No.12350364
Quoted by: >>12350437

How much is your effective los?

>> No.12350366
Quoted by: >>12350437

Read about effective LOS.

>> No.12350382

What is your plane setup for E3-5?

>> No.12350383
File: 66 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-14472523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this shit?

>> No.12350386


>> No.12350389

Im so glad im under HQ level 100

>> No.12350393


Ha, your HQ level is above 100 it seems.

Use 2 BBV, 1 CLT, 1 CAV or CA, 2 CVL.

>> No.12350399

Just go with 2BB, I spent 3 hours stuck at the last kill with 2DD.

>> No.12350401

Are the ships used for AL and MI locked from E6? What is the best fleet combination for E6?

>> No.12350404
Quoted by: >>12350427


Comment from wikiwiki; he apparently tried both center and south routes for E-1 and says center took way more attempts (and buckets) to reach boss while south took way more resources (as expected). He used CLT, 3 CA, and 2 CVL though for south, no BBVs. And he says fuck no to going north and getting critted by the flagship Ta, especially with having to bring DDs. Unfortunately says nothing about LoS equipment for center route.

Looks like I'll go south route after all then, resources are the least of my concerns and time is the greatest.

>> No.12350405
Quoted by: >>12350413

Fifty-seven sorties to E1. HQ99. Only four kills.

>> No.12350407
Quoted by: >>12350435

No, but I enjoy going all-out in events. Besides, do-or-die situations are the times when you start to truly cherish your ships. I'll never forget Kako's submarine tactics, Sendai and Kitakami's uncanny night battle performance against the BB princess and Kirishima's fervent hate for one particular floating platform during the Fall event. Likewise, I ended up using something on the order of 100k+ fuel and steel during the Spring event, but it was more than worth it to see Fuso endure a hundred sorties' worth of punishment and then up and destroy that island bitch by herself, the first time she met her after a week-long break (she targeted her in all three of her attacks in that battle, so clearly she was as pissed with her as I was).

In contrast, I haven't the slightest clue who did what in the crossover event, since it was over in a flash. It just isn't fun if you aren't pushed to the breaking point.

>> No.12350408
Quoted by: >>12350426

>Tokitisukaze's line for being put in a fleet is literally "Okay! Yukikaze, I'm going on ahead!"


>> No.12350409

Is there any way to just go the middle path in E1? It seems terribly tempting with just 2 nodes to ruin your day after having the 3 node path ruin your day constantly.

>> No.12350413
Quoted by: >>12350420

1 more level and it gets even shittier

>> No.12350415

No more reports of girls sinking with screenshot included? It's weird, I haven't seen a lot this event.

>> No.12350419

It's only been a day.

>> No.12350420

I know.

>> No.12350422

Either everyone finally learned their lesson, or a lot of people are waiting for things to become more mapped out before going in deep.

>> No.12350423

How many kills are needed for E-2?

>> No.12350426
Quoted by: >>12350432

Yukikaze, Amatsukaze, and Tokitsukaze seem pretty close.

Hatsukaze is a strong independent destroyer who don't need no team.

>> No.12350427

Just looked through more comments and one guy apparently was able to go center route with Fusou, Yuubari, and 4 DDs. If BBV can actually go center route instead of having to use CAV then that looks way more appealing than I thought since you'll get two shelling phases at boss.

>> No.12350432
Quoted by: >>12350461

>Hatsukaze is a strong independent destroyer

>> No.12350433

Anyone want to test this route and see if it works?

>> No.12350435

I want to see your face when you reach MI. It's hilariously easy and smooth ride. No breaking point at all. 4 sorties, 4 boss kills during DAY at E3 and not a single ship was put to fucking orange so far. The only problem is morale, you can't regenerate is via buckets since bucketing 3-4 damage feels like a waste.

>> No.12350436

Hm. I see something weird. I had the sink 3 enemy carrier quest and it shows no progress after 2 bosskills on E-1, which includes at least 2 CVL on preboss node. What gives?

>> No.12350437
Quoted by: >>12350443

Not really know much about this thing, but i have 6 reacon planes and 2 radars in the fleet.

>> No.12350439
Quoted by: >>12350472

What fleet did you use for AL and what are you using for MI?

>> No.12350443

Plane los * 2 + radar los + sqrt(total-plane-ship)

>> No.12350460

What do you fight during the middle node? And is there LoS crap at the other end too?

>> No.12350461
Quoted by: >>12350474

DesDiv 16 is Hatsukaze, Yukikaze, Amatsukaze, and Tokitsukaze. But those three talk to each other (well, Yukikaze doesn't, but it's not her fault since none of them existed when she got her lines) and none of them talk to Hatsukaze.

>> No.12350462
File: 367 KB, 974x689, 45243971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that they hate you.

>> No.12350466
File: 872 KB, 1183x1119, E1 Summary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battle report: E1 clear, 18 total sorties.

Main takaway: wasted Haruna by jumping in too early, BBV would have been plenty. Equipping Haguro with star shell made huge difference in night battle when triggered, highly recommended. Never calculated LOS (TTK 99), but had saiun on both CVL, never turned away.

I took it easy between yesterday and today, resource/bucket impact was minimal. Going to rest up, then give Haguro her well earned Kai 2, then it's E2 time. Plan on using the DD/CA/CVL comp for that.

>> No.12350467

The fucking gundam music really works

>> No.12350471

E6 is where I'm putting my hopes on.

It's not like I expected, say, Fall E1-3 to be particularly difficult. But the final map of an event should be a nightmare (and is certainly a nightmare at the 100+ bracket) and I want in on that.

>> No.12350472

Team "DAT ASS"
Used boss support on last kill

Team "I have enough reppus to ensure air supremacy on everything but boss node but I still lose 600 bauxite per run"

Saving up Kaga, Taiho, hotels and Ooi/KTKM for E6.

>> No.12350474
File: 386 KB, 600x600, BqVlRcMCMAEjUNf.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12350529

Doesn't justify calling Hatsukaze strong and independent.

>> No.12350475
Quoted by: >>12350497

Middle node has a flag heavy cruiser set up for cutins. Assuming you can actually bring enough night battle equipment and still reach the boss, it might be very worthwhile to go through the middle node.

>> No.12350477

>18 attempts

Fuck level scaling to hell.

>> No.12350478
Quoted by: >>12350493

>Team "I have enough reppus to ensure air supremacy on everything but boss node but I still lose 600 bauxite per run"

And how many buckets did you spend in E1?

>> No.12350479

Who's still stuck on E1 and of an HQ level above 80?

>> No.12350482
Quoted by: >>12350512

Can BBVs take the middle route?
I want to use the middle route for E1 but all the comps listed are either North or South.

>> No.12350483
Quoted by: >>12350512

So you just stuffed you carriers with reppuu/TYPE62?

>> No.12350484
Quoted by: >>12350494

Northern route or southern for AL2?

>> No.12350486

Oh god I should have listened to you about E-2 deadends.

>> No.12350488
Quoted by: >>12350496

How do I avoid my ships doing between 1 to 3 of damage when doing a double attack?

>> No.12350492
Quoted by: >>12350501

Me. Level 101.

I hope some crazy nip actually tries to murder the devs so they think twice about pulling this shit again

>> No.12350493

> Damn.
Devs told to stockpile bauxite months ago.
> And how many buckets did you spend in E1?
It's somewhere up in the thread. AL combined took something about 80-90, divided evenly on each map.

>> No.12350494
Quoted by: >>12350506


>> No.12350496

It's especially funny when BBs do that against DDs

>> No.12350497

My big concern really is how to stack enough LoS while also bringing yasen equipment. I'm preparing to test it right now, I got stuck deciding what DDs to bring. Two will obviously be the same I use on E-2, I'll probably grab Amatsukaze and Bep or the German boys as equipment mules.

>> No.12350498

Lvl 104.
I'm getting fucked by a plethora of dicks

>> No.12350500
Quoted by: >>12350531

I should have documented my runs like you did. But it would have been very depressing to read.

>> No.12350501

HQ100. I'm out over a hundred buckets and still need two kills.

>> No.12350504
File: 215 KB, 1030x1000, 1382830584620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12350511

"You know, I totally hit it, twice, but I kinda didn't".
There is even an explanation for that? Failed to penetrate my balls.

>> No.12350506
Quoted by: >>12350508

South means 2DD 2CA 2CVL, right?

>> No.12350508


>> No.12350509

Is a type 2 recon worth using for E3? It's going in a 6 count slot.

>> No.12350511

Fuck you. I read your post and it happened to me.
2x 46cm, double attack, 3 damage to a DD.

>> No.12350512
Quoted by: >>12350516

Never went there even once. 2BB2CA2CVL worked just fine for me with south route.
E1 Hiyou(Junyou) — reppu(reppu kai)/ryuusei kai/ryuusei kai/ryuusei kai(saiun)
E2 — reppu(reppu kai)/zero fighter-bomber/saiun/saiun

>> No.12350513

E-1 Northern route is slightly less of a gamble to reach the boss but killing the boss is impossible without boss support unless you're extremely lucky. I still haven't been sent to the center night battle node so I have no idea about that.

Either way I'm going back south.

>> No.12350515
Quoted by: >>12350531

How did you do the planes on your carriers?

I was thinking of doing Reppu, Ryuusei Kai, Type 62, Saiun on my Hiyou and Junyou.

>> No.12350516
Quoted by: >>12350519

I meant for MI.

>> No.12350519
Quoted by: >>12350520

2 reppu in biggest slots, 1 ryuusei kai, 1 saiun on everyone.

>> No.12350520

Thanks for sharing.

>> No.12350524
File: 457 KB, 900x1200, 1389195132111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12350532

I'm gonna need more buckets.
Also CV, BBV, 2xCA, CVL, fast BB trows you southern path.

>> No.12350525

Ahahah, fuck this shit. Hyuuga DAs a DD for a total of 5 damage. Then the DD oneshots her to red.

>> No.12350529

It's true, I forgot she had someone else.

Mostly because I still don't have a Hatsukaze.

Life is suffering.

>> No.12350530

Can ooyodo shut the fuck up

>> No.12350531

Keep it up, eventually RNG will allow you your victory.

Also just realized I have H and I node backwards on my chart.

Hiyou: Ju 87, Reppuu Kai, 97 Tomonaga, Saiun
Junyou: Reppuu, Ju 87, 99 Egusa, Saiun

87's were for killing trollsub, which they did regularly, or prevented ending salvo.

>> No.12350532

Stupid sexy shioi

>> No.12350535

Does taking a single SS to E1 throw you out of the southern path?

>> No.12350537

Let's do our best this week as well!

>> No.12350538
File: 41 KB, 512x317, Screenshot 2014-08-10 00.29.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12350541

CVLs seem to be the weak spot

>> No.12350540

She won''t.

>> No.12350541

Well yeah, they're the worst class of this game.

>> No.12350545
File: 111 KB, 800x480, kancolle (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maya delivered the finishing blow. I'm proud of my girls!

>> No.12350550

E-1 look like a fusion of E-2 and E-3 of Spring event if I remember correctly, with a night battle node from E-2 and a sub that could make your ship damaged and forced back to HQ from E-3.

>> No.12350559
File: 142 KB, 670x502, 1382628365018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12350578

Silly question but, E1, north or south path?

>> No.12350564
Quoted by: >>12350596

Well, I'm off to a glorious start with my first attempt at E-1 trying to test center route. Trollsub whiffed, but Ri and Ho each critted a DD with finishing torpedo attack, one to red. That's a great sign of things to come.

>> No.12350568

Urakaze is a crit magnet.

>> No.12350572
File: 202 KB, 802x1017, 1405430489103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's a -kaze thing

>> No.12350577

Well, the last four months of saving resources have been for nothing, because I can't even clear E1. Command level is 99. Anyone else thinking of dropping out?

>> No.12350578
Quoted by: >>12350603


south, but prepare for lots of crits

>> No.12350579

You have three weeks. The event is ship-intensive rather than resource-intensive.

If you have a lot of resources but no proper ships, you have plenty of time to train them.

>> No.12350581

No. Stop trying to bring others down with you.

>> No.12350584

It's pretty fucking intensive on my buckets

>> No.12350585


TTKs with HQ level above 100 have formations slightly worse, so stop complaining, you had a lot of time to level up your ships.

>> No.12350587

Why do I get sent to dead end on E-3 when I killed the boss 2 times prior? Did i lose too many planes?

>> No.12350590

Type 2 Recons might take part in the air superiority phase, so if they aren't escorted by reppuus and are in a small slot it's possible they were all show odwn.

>> No.12350591

Yes, this was happening to me until I put in more reppuus.

>> No.12350593
Quoted by: >>12350607

What route are you using? D F H ?
I fucking love having to fight only 2 nodes on the way to boss.

>> No.12350595
File: 277 KB, 800x965, 1407614759062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's how that HQ fairy works.

>> No.12350596

Fuck this, I can't even get past the first node with a 4 DD formation to test if BBV works; even if I dodge the trollsub I always get rekt by Ri, now I'm forced to stop for fatigue.

>> No.12350599

Nip wiki says there's only a single difficulty spike in E1 at HQ 100.

>> No.12350600
File: 204 KB, 800x1000, 1388881723433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12350603
File: 51 KB, 600x745, 1389151779291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I don't like crits.

>> No.12350604

As the other guy said. If RNG does not get a clue soon, all 450 buckets will get eaten by E-1 and then I'll just LSC because there is no chance in hell I beat a ship locked event without buckets.

My plan is that when 100 buckets have been eaten, I'll just say screw MI and bring my A-team to AL.

>> No.12350606

Damn, it happens even when I put her as flagship.

>> No.12350607
Quoted by: >>12350618

The time I went to dead end was C-E-H.
But I went to, and killed the boss, going to both B-E-H, and D-F-H

>> No.12350612
File: 288 KB, 1200x1091, 1407617509849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12350613

Which route should I go for for E-2?

Also, fleet/equipment recommendations?

>> No.12350617

Don't try to get others to play for you.

>> No.12350618
Quoted by: >>12350628

Weird. Do you sortie 3BB3CV? I've never been sent away from D F H with 4CV2BB fleet.

>> No.12350620

If you're below level 100 and have the Saiuns to do it, 2x BBV 2x CA(V) 2x CVL is more reliable. 2x DD 2x CA(V) 2xCVL is a little cheaper, but is prone to red.

If you're above level 100 you may as well just stick to 2x DD 2x CA(V) 2xCVL

>> No.12350621
Quoted by: >>12350625

Do people even read the thread? What's up with these wikia-tier questions?

>> No.12350622
Quoted by: >>12350661

So Uzuki replaced Murasame now?

>> No.12350624
Quoted by: >>12350631

How much green planes do you need for air supremacy in E3-5?

>> No.12350625
Quoted by: >>12350629

Its pretty hard to find something in a thread with 2120 replies.

People should just build a pastebin FAQ or put all this info in the wikia

>> No.12350628

I use 2BB/4CV, I swapped out a suisei12A for a shinden kai ni. Gonna try again now with 457 LOS/419AS

>> No.12350629

What is ctrl+f?

>> No.12350631

Wiki has the target numbers. Calculate amount of reppus yourself.

>> No.12350632

>Flag CVL oneshotting Musashi
Why is this allowed

>> No.12350634
Quoted by: >>12350661

Is there one of these for E1?

>> No.12350641

I can't seem to sortie for E-3. Is there something I'm supposed to do? There's no AL fleet in it and I seem to have enough ship/equipment slots available?

>> No.12350644
Quoted by: >>12350657

Combined fleet.

>> No.12350645
File: 712 KB, 1587x877, E311111111111111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I went from F-I. What the fuck?

>> No.12350646
Quoted by: >>12350657

Just to be extra sure: you combined your 1nd and 2nd fleets, right? Though I doubt person beating E2 can be this retarded.

>> No.12350654

Okay, I made it past E-1 first node with BBV + CL + 4DD when it finally gave me double line enemy fleet.

I can confirm that compass sends you straight to B node (flag Ri yasen) even with BBV. Unfortunately even with three planes between my BBV and CL (6 LoS varieties), six T33 radars on my DDs, and a searchlight, I still got sent to deadend node (no LoS popup, so it was a random spin). That means either a third DD has to lose double attack, or if lucky just replacing the flare/searchlight with a radar would be enough.

Between the lack of killing power if I actually reached boss node, and the bullshit at first node with a light fleet (and there's still that yasen Ri and possibly Chis to worry about), I say fuck center route unless you're low on resources.

>> No.12350656

Will the E-1 night battle BB eventually fail a shot or will it crit me forever until the event's end? Should i use human ship shields to get sink in order to overcome this shit?

>> No.12350657

I most likely am being retarded, but I don't seem to be able to see the combine fleet button.

>> No.12350659
Quoted by: >>12350667

Just quit before you burn over 200 buckets not clearing it.

>> No.12350660
Quoted by: >>12350698

There is no button. Go to your second fleet.

>> No.12350661
Quoted by: >>12350665

Apparently 6 maps are too much, should share the burden
Suddenly my internet connection is troubled, can't upload this shit

>> No.12350663
Quoted by: >>12350698

Drag "2" letter over "1" letter in fleet composition screen.

>> No.12350665
Quoted by: >>12350666

Thats the same E2 one

>> No.12350666

Oh shit

>> No.12350667

I'm not a hardcore player so i only use buckets on events, i've always cleared first map at least in previous events, this one is just extremely pure luck based, way worse than previous ones.

>> No.12350668
Quoted by: >>12350679

Sounds really nice, but I don't usually feel comfortable with continuing on a difficult map with the remaining two-thirds of a task force.

>> No.12350670

About how much effective LoS is necessary for south route E1?

I can achieve 144 without having to stack stupid numbers of recon only planes, but I wanted to see if I could fit 2 star shells and a searchlight on my ships.

>> No.12350673
Quoted by: >>12350685


Shit son, just take 2 CVLs with a Saiun each + 2 slots of recon planes (not Zuiuns) in the BBV and you shoud always have enough LOS.

If you don't have Saiuns, craft then.

We've been talking about LOS and how to get it in this thread all the time, so stop being a retard and at least read.

>> No.12350674

144 is way too much. E2 only needs ~105.

>> No.12350675

105 is enough.

>> No.12350677

Understood. Thanks for the heads up, gentlemen.

>> No.12350678

Alright now I know why everyone's upset with E1. Held off to try and formulate a strategy to minimize ship use for AL but it's irrelevant since CVL's just suck and can't stop getting crit. Pretty tempted to put a damecon on them and just push through to MI.

>> No.12350679

It'll be quite helpful at pre-boss node, but not sure how this feature works with repair fairy. The repair fairy should be prioritized, but there's no proof afaik

>> No.12350680
Quoted by: >>12350691


equip a searchlight on your toughest ship. otherwise, keep trying.

>> No.12350683

There are no safe nodes in AL.

>> No.12350684
Quoted by: >>12350693

Take subs with 2 damecon to the south route. If she survives the first node, you're guaranteed a shot at the boss.

>> No.12350685
Quoted by: >>12350696

Maybe you should learn to read. I clearly stated I was testing the center route, which has specific formation requirements.

Unless you can tell me how you satisfy the CL + 4DD requirement for center route while bringing 2 CVL?

>> No.12350688
Quoted by: >>12350693


bring decent CVLs like ChitoChiyo, Ryuujou Kai Ni or even Juun'you and they should dodge the shots.

>> No.12350690
File: 8 KB, 457x38, Screenshot 2014-08-10 01.16.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, back to back. Am I dreaming?

>> No.12350691

I doubt searchlight can be effective, that yasen node is filled with double-shot setup, and searchlight means more chance of your ship getting heavy damage. Though starshell and night recon are must-have.

>> No.12350693
Quoted by: >>12350701

It's funny because it's Chiyoda that keeps getting crit over my lvl 50 RJ. Probably need to grind out some levels or swap something.

Sounds like a bold move I might try since it doesn't look like I need subs anywhere else.

>> No.12350695
File: 776 KB, 672x936, 1cvl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I did it with one CVL. This fleet also prevents the second sub salvo.

>> No.12350696


How the hell could I know you were testing it when you didn't link a previous post about that?

>> No.12350697
Quoted by: >>12350704

Whats the difference between one CVL and two?

>> No.12350698

Thanks, was spending 5 minutes looking for a non-existant button left of the "combine" button. Do I have to worry about the 2nd fleet sinking if they get sent to red?

>> No.12350701

Hold on, I just realized that the I node might have a Ru class in it, so you're not necessarily guaranteed an attempt. You might just be out a damecon, instead.

>> No.12350702
Quoted by: >>12350719

What other boss support fleet is good for E6? I'm out of carriers and light carriers.

>> No.12350703

the enemy fleet seems to always target your 5th ship first on E1 so thats where i kept my beefiest CA (in my case takao)

>> No.12350704

You're twice as likely to fail.

>> No.12350709

Something feels really wrong in E-4. How can I go to South East node from the start? If I go to NE I'll get sent to dead end right away.

>> No.12350710

I like that fleet idea more than what I'm doing. I got 2 CA, 1 CAV, 1 BBV and 2 CVL and smooth sailing til yasen and crit on a cvl. Think I'll put Isuzu in for a CVL.

>> No.12350719

You must construct additional carriers.
Seriously, just get a second drop of one and remodel/modernize it quickly.

>> No.12350728

My Yukikaze just bugged and let me put something in her non existent fourth slot. Sadly it went error cat and fourth slot got empited so I couldn't get a pic.

>> No.12350738
Quoted by: >>12350742

At which % does a ship go to red?

>> No.12350742

<1/4 I believe

>> No.12350768

FML I forgot to push the proper XML.

Though if you went to the release list you'd see it there.

>> No.12350771

How far are you in the event?

>> No.12350777

My Shouhou tanks her like a boss. Double attack for 5+6 damage, 3 times in a row. Just keep trying, it's a RNG thing. I'm using yasen gear but I'm not sure if it really helps or it's just a placebo.

>> No.12350784

So after those miserable failures at center route, I switched to a fleet of Jintsuu, Ise, Yamashiro, Maya, Choukai, Junyou and beat it on the first try, no one hit past yellow until boss node. One CVL is plenty, Reppuu Kai + Reppuu + Hiryuu Tenzans + Saiun, along with Zuiun (+Seiran, but they have no FP anyway) on each BBV was still good for superiority against the 3 CVL fleet.

Yamashiro is only 41 and Junyou 37 though, so I'm not counting on my luck holding up.

>> No.12350787

Please, I went into E-1 with Fusou lv32, Yamashiro lv27, Zuikaku lv42, Hiyou lv35 and two Kai Ni Myoukous, I cleared it spending less than 8K fuel. HQ level 101, by the way.

>> No.12350795
File: 4 KB, 816x44, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12350822

Is this fixed in the new version? Text alignment is fucked up in 3.0.1 for the overview tab

>> No.12350803
Quoted by: >>12350819

Welp, E-2 seems easy after E-1.
TTK lvl 104

>> No.12350806 [DELETED] 

TTK lvl 101 here, opposite for me. E-1 was a cakewalk, E-2 was horrifying.

>> No.12350808

There are no cut-ins so night battle gear doesn't work on full potential, but they're still helpful for small things like not whiffing double attacks on DDs.

>> No.12350812
Quoted by: >>12350825

>kai2 ships

>> No.12350813
Quoted by: >>12350836

Can you take CVs instead of CVLs and still go southern route?

CVLs suck and I dont want to use them

>> No.12350819
Quoted by: >>12350827

If only.

>> No.12350822

Fixed in the English fork.

>> No.12350824

I'm using a flare but not searchlight, I don't want a ship getting hit only to orange by Ru, then getting focus-fired by the DDs and hit to red.

>> No.12350825

Switching between a variety of low-level ships is the name of the game for this event.

Wo was right all along.

>> No.12350827
Quoted by: >>12350841

CGEK route is babby mode compared to the trollsub + yesen + FS CVL randomcrits of E-1

>> No.12350828

What's with all the varied reactions to E1? Some 100+ TTKs saying it's easy, others saying it's hard as balls.

I've finally got some time to try it myself, but I'm not sure if it's going to be easy or a nightmare. 2BBV 2CA(V) 2CVL is the way to go it sounds like.

>> No.12350834

Is it worth it to send out 2DD 2BBV boss support for E-2? I don't want to bond any additional ships to AL so no CV(L)

>> No.12350836

I don't have any spare CVs. Zuikaku is my 5th standard carrier and I'll need 1st and 2nd CarDiv in E-3..E-5. So I can't even try really.

(Captcha is “Distancing ctships”. I see; I should distance myself from the ships for the night.)

>> No.12350837
Quoted by: >>12350857

Support fleets aren't "bonded".

>> No.12350839

There's an element to this game called luck.

One could say it's all that truly matters.

>> No.12350841
Quoted by: >>12350851

No. I get crit by Ta/Ru in first node then by torpedo in the second and sub formation doesn't seem to exist for me in E node so I get critted again.
It's clearly harder, only reached boss twice.

>> No.12350848
Quoted by: >>12350857

Support fleet doesn't flag anything.

It couldn't really work like that anyway since there's just one general pair of support expeditions and you send them before you choose what sortie you're actually doing.

>> No.12350851

I reached it 3 out of 3 times. Never had the subs preboss. Well, I never managed to sink loli, but always damaged her to red.
Also, I don't sparkle.

>> No.12350857

Well fuck, time to sleep. For some reason, I suddenly confused support and escort. And only the latter causes the lock.

>> No.12350861

E1's problem is that there are so many things that can go wrong that you just can't run through the pre-boss gauntlet without something going to the red. You'll need luck to pass through, and some people don't have that luck.

It also pisses people off something fierce because it's the first map of the event and it has no damn right to be this difficult, especially since MI operations are substantially less infuriating (though heavy on resources because of the ships involved).

>> No.12350862
File: 71 KB, 834x486, !Inbox 3693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12350866
File: 66 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-16575565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12350876

Finally beat this shit after putting Haguro in and deciding to go balls deep with line ahead on every node.

>> No.12350868
File: 70 KB, 570x461, !Inbox 3694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12350870

Oh come on.

>> No.12350876
Quoted by: >>12350884

Did you use support?

>> No.12350881

So she even has a cane with her.
Pre-wo class

>> No.12350883

Excellent, finally a ship I like enough to use my medals on.

>> No.12350884
Quoted by: >>12350890

No, I did use a night scout and two sanshiki as well as two guns on both DDs.

>> No.12350890

Jesus fucking christ, I forgot about sanshiki. Cat explains the shit-tier damage I did to her.

>> No.12350899

Free Saiun, yay!

>> No.12350901

Is the south route easy as <80 TTK does anyone know? I'm level 76 and have been trying the north route, but Wo and her two sisters keep smacking my Hiyou around. Would much rather just brute force it with a spare CLT and fast BB if I can.

>> No.12350907

Is non boss support supposed to activate all the time?

>> No.12350908
Quoted by: >>12350913


Talking about E-1.*

Sorry forgot to add the map.

>> No.12350909
Quoted by: >>12350921

How much effective los is needed for E-" for lvl100+? I can't believe even wikiwiki is quoting the total.

>> No.12350913
Quoted by: >>12350957

Just take the south route like everyone else

>> No.12350921
Quoted by: >>12350927

I mean E-2

>> No.12350927
Quoted by: >>12351061

Just bring as many as you can. There's no secret.

>> No.12350933
Quoted by: >>12350957

South is resource-intensive but easier on your buckets and much less painful. Don't bother with north and center.

>> No.12350937
File: 43 KB, 269x269, 1406748300724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can help you out there.

South Route has a Night battle with a BB, a CA threat in the fleet. Pray you can take one of them out first.

South Pre-Boss node I've either fought a fleet of 3 carriers and DDs or 2 carriers and a BB with DDs. You're also going to need 250 Total LoS to reach the boss node.

I pray that you can get by E1's Sub, the Night battle BB/CA and the Pre boss BB

>> No.12350945

More like it's a threat to everything it doesn't miss

>> No.12350955

So whats the optimal E1/E2 formation for someone in the 80~99 bracket?

There's 15 formations in the wiki and everyone seems to be going south all with different comps ships.

Havent seen a lot about E2 except people saying how its a lot easier than E1

>> No.12350957


Thanks guys.

I'm trying to save some ships for a shot at MI later on in the event, will CLT/BB/CA/CAV/2CVL reach the boss on south E-1? I have plenty of LoS equipment including Saiun, recon and Zuiun/Seiran. Only my radars are shit tier.

>> No.12350961

From what I've been reading E3/4 are easier than E2. I'm HQ 43 so I don't have many mid level ships, would it be wise to use the best I have now to clear E2 and spend time grinding up others for 3/4 towards the end of the event? I'm kind of just aiming for Tokitsukaze.

>> No.12350969

Can't help ya there, I'm in the 70~79 Bracket. Haven't even pass E1 yet because I decided to ignore the sub and BBs/CAs ruining my runs with the occasional DD troll.

I'm probably going to throw money at my daughters for more buckets since I refuse to lose to this event.

>> No.12350970

How realistic is the scenario when you go into pvp night battle with 1 enemy BB at 3 hp and all 6 off your ships will miss it?

>> No.12350979
Quoted by: >>12350987

Does line ahead reduce your defence against subs?

>> No.12350984

I'm averaging one sink every 7 attempts in E-1 and the last one was thanks to a miracle support shelling.

This is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.12350987
Quoted by: >>12350991

It reduces your ability to dodge torpedos and your damage against subs. I'm pretty sure it reduces defense, but I can't say for sure.

>> No.12350989

man japan being slower than i expected i'd expected 34 of unryuu by now.

>> No.12350991

>reduces your ability to dodge torpedos
Yeah, that's what I wanted to know.

>> No.12350995

This sometimes-a-submarine preboss node is fucking maddening. It should at least give the usual sub node indicator when it's the sub formation. I hate having to go double line just guard against this bullshit.

>> No.12350997
Quoted by: >>12351002

Can yellow planes get shot down? I'm not reaching the E-3 boss node like 25% of the time.

>> No.12351002
Quoted by: >>12351016

Diamond is a good all-around defensive option for that node.

Same. I don't have any Type 2s equipped, so either they get shot down in air superiority, or there's a certain zone of LOS where you have a certain probability of getting through.

>> No.12351006

Wait, it doesn't? I never got the subs but I always went line ahead because I assumed it would show the marker.

>> No.12351007
File: 65 KB, 638x66, Screenshot_40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12351009

Can any moon readers translate this for me please?

>> No.12351009
Quoted by: >>12351015

Have a fleet with Unryu Kai and beat 5-2.

>> No.12351015

Appreciate it, thanks.

>> No.12351016
Quoted by: >>12351023

Why would you go diamond and lower your evasion?

>> No.12351017


Level 99 TTK here:

BBV (41, recon, recon, 41) NOT ZUIUN
BBV(41, recon, recon, 41)
CA (20,3 night recon, star shell, 20,3) or CA (20,3, recon, sanshiki, 20,3)
CLT (Ko-Hyoteki, sonar, depth charge)
CVL (include at least a Saiun)
CVL (arrange it as you like)

you need 120 AP for Air superiority in any case.

First Node: Diamond (balance Firepower and ASW)
Second Node: Echelon (placebo(?) less possibiity of getting critted to red)
Third Node: Line ahead
Boss: Line Ahead

Expect lots of crits in any case. God luck.

>> No.12351020
Quoted by: >>12351024


BTW: this is optimal E-1. E-2 is differrent.

>> No.12351023
Quoted by: >>12351025

Diamond gives reasonably good protection and damage against torpedos (subs), as well as helping to clear out the gold CVL.

Line Abreast provides no protection from air attacks, and double line provides average protection from air attacks and average protection from subs.

>> No.12351024

Can you take a CV to the map and still get the south route?
And a Fast BB/Slow BB, I dont have a second BBV so I need something to replace it

Whats the E2 one then?

>> No.12351025
Quoted by: >>12351033

Yeah but it's just asking for the BB to wreck you if you get it.

>> No.12351030
Quoted by: >>12351035

I'm pretty sure you can use CV on E-1 just fine, but the problem is you'll need 2 CVL on E-2 anyway, so you're locking out an extra ship.

>> No.12351033
Quoted by: >>12351038

It improves evasion better than either Double Line or Line Abreast, though, and honestly if it's against your DD or CVL no formation is going to save you from a hit.

>> No.12351035

I dont mind locking out a extra ship, im not doing E6 anyway.

>> No.12351038
Quoted by: >>12351053

Unless things have changed, diamond always gave an evasion penalty.

>> No.12351043
Quoted by: >>12351057


Level 76 TTK here. I have all the equipment you specified, but I have neglected BBV more than any other class and only have a 27 Yamashiro (she is fully modernized though).

Can I just use a fast BB? My Haruna Kai2 won't be used in MI and I will not even be attempting E-6, providing I even beat E-5.

>> No.12351050


Put another Saiun in your other CVL. I dunno if a CV will work, test it yourself.

Once again, LVL 99 TTK here. for E-2:

CAV (20,3, Zuiun, Sanshiki, 20,3)
CAV (20,3, Zuiun, Sanshiki, 20,3)
DD (10cm, 10cm, type 22 radar or better)
DD (10cm, 10cm, Type 22 radar or better)
CVL (at least a 2 Saiun)
CVL (at least a Saiun)

you need 100 AP for air supremacy on all nodes except the boss thouh it is not crucial to get it there.

>> No.12351053
Quoted by: >>12351060

>Unless things have changed, diamond always gave an evasion penalty.
What's the source on that? According to the nip wiki, wheel has better evasion in all fields than double line or abreast.

>> No.12351056
File: 192 KB, 1068x449, T_T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How far can a hobo-TTK (lvl 66) like me get in this event with those girls?

My equipment sucks, I can't even reach 330 LOS and don't have Saiun.

>> No.12351057


LOS is becoming more and more important for map routes so pay attention to your CAVs and BBVs.

Try the same setup on BBs, but maybe you'll get enough planes shot down on peboss node for not fullfilling LOS so I dunno if it will work.

>> No.12351058

Which of these 4 formations should I be using on E-3?

>> No.12351060

The formation guide in the imgur, which is taken from one of the wikis.

>> No.12351061

I'm asking because I want to take 1 more reppu to secure superiority on boss node.

>> No.12351073


You may be able to clear AL with that. Anyway, craft some Saiuns.

>> No.12351076

Is anyone here working in MI maps? I'm gonna start E-4 later.

>> No.12351081

We're one day into the event. How should we know.

>> No.12351086
Quoted by: >>12351124

You suck it up, craft some saiun and finish AL.

>> No.12351096
Quoted by: >>12351112

Everyone keeps saying no Zuiun, but I'm using Zuiun + Seiran on my BBVs and it works just fine. Yes, my BBVs end up attacking the sub in first shelling phase, but their planes can sometimes kill a DD and I don't need any ASW equipment on my CL, using double attack + recon instead. Also I'm only using 1 CVL and the Zuiuns give me enough AP for superiority even with 3 CVL preboss.

>> No.12351098

Planning to use this formation from the wiki for E1
BB, Fast BB, CA, DD, CV, CVL takes southern route to boss

(Hyuuga or one of the BBs below)
(CA or CAV)
(CA or CAV)

For E2 I think i'll go

(Same two CAs used above)
(Same two CAs used above)

No idea if I should take CAs for AL and leave the CAVs for midway or the other way around and no idea what to replace the BBV part with since I only have one and thats Hyuuga.
Any suggestions?

>> No.12351104
Quoted by: >>12351129

Can I substitute Type 2 Recon for Saiun? It's only a 2 stat difference per plane, right?

>> No.12351105
File: 57 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-15032236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh.

>> No.12351108

I had the best luck clearing with aboob, then ahead for the rest of the way. TTK 99. If you're going south for E1 and get to yasen, nothing will stop Re from taking you out.
It's all about taking them out first. Ahead at the CVL's helps take them out and they don't keep trying to hit your CVL's (which should be in the 5-6 spots). Jsut sparkle and pray to RNG. Your girls should do better damage and deny later attacks that defensive formations won't.

>> No.12351109
Quoted by: >>12351131

Don't lock your BBs and CVs.

>> No.12351112


K, you are doing fine, congrats. Lots of people are getting trolled hard by the first fleet so thi formation is more secure since it denies the final torpedo phase.

>> No.12351119
Quoted by: >>12351131

If you use BB/CV on AL and not BBV or only CA you're retarded and will regret it.

Unless you don't want to do MI, or have doubles of BB//CV.

>> No.12351120
File: 584 KB, 650x952, f78994ea8ad0d09765a13ca254d9a111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm out of buckets. Last run before I retire from chasing the dream.

>> No.12351122


I suggested that comp. if you have spare CAVs. If you don't, then reserve then for MI and use CAs.

>> No.12351124

I wish I knew most efficient recipe for it. I try crafting it almost every daily quest, but end up getting dirt-tier planes all the time.

>> No.12351129


Probably. Try it.

>> No.12351131

Saving Haruna and Kongou and midway. Also Hiryuu kai2/Akagi/Kaga/Shoukaku.

I dont mind sparing one or two BBs/CVs for AL since I have 6 BBs and 6 CVs ready to sortie.

The problem is that I dont know if that fleet will really go to the boss and if it will be good for all 3 MI maps

>> No.12351133


>> No.12351134
Quoted by: >>12351149

Easy as hell.

>> No.12351135

Forgot the repair teammmmm

>> No.12351136
Quoted by: >>12351142

What about E6?

>> No.12351142

Fuck E6

>> No.12351144

Alright, so I just finished e6 and here's my consensus of the event after spending 800 buckets and ~200k/200k/100/100 res.

Lock system is bullshit, only for one specific reason, and that is that they clearly plan to do more combined operation events (see oyoda's kai equipment) yet even though DD was both the main focus in the escort fleet and in the rewards, they're all terrible. Every single destroyer is literally not worth using.

Not only that but MI/AL locks support fleets, so why didn't they give us a BB or two? Very stupid in my opinion. also why is the one CV they gave us absolutely terrible? Where's Shinano?I'll be levelling duplicate existing ships for some time from now until the next event.

C/O operations are fun as hell, though and I do look forward to partaking in more.

Really wish Tokitsukaze had high luck and torpedo stats, she's really fantastic and has a great personality, just wait until you hear some of her quotes.

>> No.12351145

As long as you have above 100 Bauxite in the plane formula, you'll start getting yellow planes.

I panic-crafted one the day of the event after four attempts, they're not that rare.

>> No.12351149
Quoted by: >>12351158

Read his message. The fleet has nothing to do with it

>> No.12351151
Quoted by: >>12351163

E1/2, right? Above level 80?

>> No.12351154

>Not only that but MI/AL locks support fleets
They don't.

>> No.12351156
Quoted by: >>12351161

Where can I subscribe for more?

>> No.12351158

It's a bunch of random crossboard kids. You know something is up when people start thinking a streamer's name is "RTA"

>> No.12351160
Quoted by: >>12351179

How was that spending distributed between maps? Just roughly.

>> No.12351161

You're giving me le epic blog meme when 1000/2000 posts in this thread are "waaah why cant i get past this troll sub :((("?

>> No.12351162

He means you can't use a locked ship in a support fleet.

>> No.12351163
File: 242 KB, 800x1200, 5a5b27064b620af4292315f5aecfce99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E1 Level 72. I'd have to kill the boss 2 more times to breakthrough E1

>> No.12351165

Maybe he meant you can't use ship tagged as MI/AL in any event support expedition.

>> No.12351166
Quoted by: >>12351169


>> No.12351167
Quoted by: >>12351188

You still have two weeks you know...

>> No.12351169
Quoted by: >>12351173

They can't read moon

They expect us to translate it for them, that's why they're here

>> No.12351170

As >>12350466, you don't need to waste the BB. BBV (if decent lvl, maybe ~50) is good enough. You need them for the double shelling and maybe some planes, not so much for damage on E1.

But your call. I'd wish I'd saved Haruna for E6, dunno if I'll be able to do it with a low level Nagato, one Kongou K2, BBV and CVL's (No cranes/tailhou/hotel)

>> No.12351172
Quoted by: >>12351206

What are support expeditions 125 and 126 for? Where do they kick in?

>> No.12351173

Oh, that's what you meant.

>> No.12351174
Quoted by: >>12351184

The worst fucking shit on E-1 is when you make it past the yasen Ru safely and then the preboss Ru hits someone to red. And of course if someone's at orange that's the one she'll make sure to target.

>> No.12351179

About 20-30/20-30/10-20/10-30 for AL
About ~50/~80/50/50 for MI
About ~100/100/30~50/30 for E6

Poor choice of wording on my part, my bad. I still have yet to sleep.
If you use a ship in MI you can't have them help you out at E6, I.E player with 6 BB including BBV uses 2 BBV for AL and 2 BB for MI, he only has 2 BB for his main fleet at e6 remaining.

>> No.12351182

Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.12351184

I don't mind ta-chan critting me home

She's conditioned me into her loyal slave from all the 4-3 levelling

Ru-chan critting me home makes me somewhat tense, still

>> No.12351187
Quoted by: >>12351214

What's the term for E2 boss? She's been critting my heart since the moment we met.

>> No.12351188
Quoted by: >>12351201

That's not enough time!

>> No.12351192

Everyone else always seems to hate on Ta more than Ru for some reason. But Ru is the one who traumatized me from all those 3-4 attempts before we knew that it was safe to advance on orange.

>two flagship Ru, two elite Ru preboss node
The horror

>> No.12351193

Any profit from subs in event?

>> No.12351198
Quoted by: >>12351211

What's a good support fire for E6? Never used them even once.
2 BB 2 CVL 2 DD?
4 BB 2 DD?
4 CV 2DD?

Wiki says something about AAs affecting the aerial bombardment.
I also wasn't able to watch the guy stream his E-6 so I'm not sure what to do.

>> No.12351201

Should be to clear at the very least E-1.

If you're only out of buckets then it's plenty of time. Repair and run E-1 while doing expeditions to keep your resources up. Remember to do dailies for a few free buckets and some resources.

>> No.12351206
Quoted by: >>12351215

Both are support expeditions.

125 helps randomly in any node.
126 helps you in the boss.

>> No.12351207

For support, was it only the flag that needs to be sparkled?

>> No.12351211

CVLs (or CVs) are just a bargain substitution for BBs using the carrier shelling damage calculation to give comparable damage. Never use more than 2 of them, you don't want it to turn into aerial support.

>> No.12351214
File: 243 KB, 973x936, 45246230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a bad girl

>> No.12351215
Quoted by: >>12351252

In any event map or?
What shall i send in?

>> No.12351222

What's wrong with referring to a stream by the title of it?

>> No.12351227
File: 40 KB, 600x450, BugMKHfCQAAEtHn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's 2 BB 2 CV(L) 2 DD?
Thanks a lot!

>> No.12351234

Got it on first try with that recipe. Allah-chan, is that you?

>> No.12351240

His dad works for Kadokawa

>> No.12351242

Did something change in the game mechanics such that only about a third of the ships on both sides of the E-3 boss actually manage to hit something?

>> No.12351245

Anybody streaming their runs right now?

>> No.12351252

In wiki map

>> No.12351339

What was your comp for E-6?

>> No.12351350
Quoted by: >>12351361

This is probably wishful thinking, but I hope Fatalpulse somehow manages to do at least one or two illustrations of the new Abyss girls for his Abyss rape gangbang book that's coming out this Comiket.

>> No.12351361

It's like a week away. I'm pretty sure that's not happening no matter how much we wish for it.

>> No.12351383
File: 278 KB, 700x979, 3cc9567317376837c91f5bef6d67b80c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Sakazaki-sama

>> No.12351393
File: 578 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140810-11342322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12351396


That last run is so strong. Turns out it was one more kill. I'm out of E1 now guys

>> No.12351396

I finished a few hours ago myself. Took me 14000/11000/20000/0/159.

>> No.12351409

Is it worth it to potentially put one of the CVLs in flagship position to reduce chances of an early retreat to base or is the position swap disadvantageous for the kill? This is for E1 / E2 obviously.

>> No.12351438
Quoted by: >>12351469

I'm level 99 and got the stupid 4 DD boss fleet. I feel guilty for getting the easy map even though I'm literally 1 week away from level 100.

>> No.12351439

Can I do E-2 with 2BBV 2 CA 2CVL? I don't own an Type-3 Shellls but I had 4 Saiuns at least.

>> No.12351457

If you're TTK Level 100+ 4 saiuns isn't enough. I ran that setup with 4 Saiun and 2 Zuiun on every BBV and CAV, still not enough.

>> No.12351459

Do you need sanshikis for E3-E5?
E3 is Aircraft Carrier Princess, not Airfield. Not sure about Midway Princess. Not sure if I should use Sanshikis or AP ammos. From the videos I saw some used sanshikis, some AP.
Getting confused here.

>> No.12351460
Quoted by: >>12351465

RADAR dude.

>> No.12351461
Quoted by: >>12351465

I'm level 68. My BBV are level 80 and my highest leveled ships my CA and CVL hang around level 50.

>> No.12351462

No, you need to replace a CA with a CL(T).

>> No.12351465
Quoted by: >>12351476

Zuiun and Seaplanes are worth more than Radar in terms of LOS calculations.

try it. My BBV were level 50 and my CA 60, though my CVL were 60 and 92.

>> No.12351468
Quoted by: >>12351584


I'm on E4, so far they have been useful.

>> No.12351469

100+ isn't that bad for E1. I'm right at 100 and it's proving doable with the right setup.

>> No.12351471
File: 141 KB, 798x473, lucky ship cutin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12351584

I use cut-in.

>> No.12351476
Quoted by: >>12351480

Should I be using that fleet1/2 combine thing?

>> No.12351477
Quoted by: >>12351584

You need Sanshiki for everything brah.

>> No.12351480

Is that even possible for E-2? I didn't bother with it, but if you can do it I don't see why not.

>> No.12351487
Quoted by: >>12351496

No it's not possible, I think he got the idea wrong or he quoted the wrong person

>> No.12351496
Quoted by: >>12351500

yeah I misunderstood, what about the support expeditions?

>> No.12351500
Quoted by: >>12351545

If the BBV option works out for you, you probably won't need support expeditions. I had to do 2DD 2 CAV 2 CVL, though, and the support expeditions were invaluable.

>> No.12351520

Should I save my CAVs and KTKM-sama/Ooi for E-6 if I ever wanted to take a crack at it? Is E-3 to E-5 impossible without them?

>> No.12351525

Searching around wikiwiki, it seems that to avoid the sub node for E4, you need Akitsu Maru?

>> No.12351529
Quoted by: >>12351551

If you are very confident in taking down Midway-tan during day battle, you can avoid fielding CAV for MI. You would probably need the Type-3 since she's an island.

>> No.12351533

I have no idea why I'm going to the H node on E4, is 518 total LOS and 190 efective LOS not enough? Do I need more AS? I manage to sink the boss regardless of that, but I suddenly started going there it bothers me.

>> No.12351536
Quoted by: >>12351542

In E-1 my fleet killed everything in last node, but didn't shoot boss at all. WTF

>> No.12351540
Quoted by: >>12351551

Up to you man.
Torpedo phase is very strong. They usually take two out right off the bat.

>> No.12351542
Quoted by: >>12351559

Go back to the wiki, you're unwanted here.

>> No.12351545

Ok I sortied twice and it sent me straight to node F dead end, but I don't know why.

>> No.12351549

Not enough LOS. Settle on South Route.

>> No.12351551
Quoted by: >>12351577

Thanks, I only have a very limited pool left and I won't be able to take on E-6 anyways. Might as well go all out for MI.

>> No.12351559
File: 455 KB, 1914x794, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go back to the wiki

>> No.12351560

What the fuck. I'm doing fatigue runs on 3-2 and sometimes one of my CVs go from 0 to 49 fatigue out of nowhere.

>> No.12351564
File: 825 KB, 789x480, 32522242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12351571

and it keeps happening, it's because i am too noob for this shit ?
HQ lvl 23

>> No.12351569
Quoted by: >>12351573

F means you need a CL(T).

>> No.12351571

You fail LOS check. Equip more seaplanes.

>> No.12351573

I don't have a CL(T) :^)

>> No.12351574
File: 1.87 MB, 1958x858, E1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12351578

To everyone still having trouble with E-1, here is my fleet comp. Half half between day and night S clear at boss node. For pre-boss nodes, go double line, echelon, and line abreast. Boss node is line ahead.

I am HQ Level 81, and have been using some underleveled ships. Over 286 LoS and 108 fighter power (air superiority).

Note I didn't use night battle equipment. It should be a way for you guys without yasen ninja equipment to clear E-1.

>> No.12351577
Quoted by: >>12351591

You need 2CVL+CLT+3BB for E6
You can go all out on the rest.

>> No.12351578
Quoted by: >>12351620

Can you use a CLT instead of CL for E1?

>> No.12351584

Thanks guys. Going to try E3 in a bit. Getting mentally prepared first.
I'm still getting the shivers from clearing E1 and E2 miserably because I went North route half of the time instead of East in E2. I learned my lesson.

>> No.12351589

If you have enough reppuu, E3 is cakewalk.

>> No.12351591

Shit. I don't have any BBs left for for E-6 then. I only have 3 Kongous left and Yamashiro. Should I use 4CVs/1BBV and one CA for MI main fleet?

>> No.12351593
Quoted by: >>12351600

Which formation is the one for bosses in the MI maps?

>> No.12351594

Don't worry, E3 will bring your confidence back. It has not cured me of my LOS paranoia though.

>> No.12351598

Is the Oyodo Kai equipment needed for MI?

>> No.12351599
Quoted by: >>12351638


E3 and E4 so far have been easier, the only hard part, for me at least, was figuring out how much LOS I needed.

Like right now, I have 180 efective LOS and got a dead en on E4, this is embarrasing to stream.

>> No.12351600


>> No.12351607
Quoted by: >>12351648

If you're scraping by for BBs for MI, you probably don't stand a chance at E6.

What's your BB levels and your HQ level?

>> No.12351615
File: 756 KB, 1000x2549, 1407628730025[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12351629

Here's someone's E-3 fleet. No mention of formations.

>> No.12351616
Quoted by: >>12351648

Where is your Nagato or hotel?
Should have went for LSC instead of saving resources.
This event doesnt even use much resources.

>> No.12351617
Quoted by: >>12351633

I have 1 Reppuu Kai and 8 Reppuus.
Going to use:
Kirishima Hiei : 46 x2, sanshiki, type 0
Akagi: Reppuu, Ryuusei Kai, Reppuu, Saiun
Souryuu: Saiun, Reppuu, Suisei (Ekusa), Saiun
Hiryuu: Reppuu, Reppuu, Ryuusei Kai, Saiun
Kaga: Reppu, Tenzan (Tomonaga), Reppu Kai, Saiun

I hope this LoS is enough. HQ lv105.

Escort Fleet will be
Yuudachi, Sendai, Shigure, Yukikaze, Myouko, Haguro. Night battle setup with Sanshikis

>> No.12351620
Quoted by: >>12351709

No. Save your CLTs for MI where you need it the most. In addition, I believe that CLT does not meet branching rules to go to boss node on E-1

>> No.12351623
File: 120 KB, 800x480, 1407631129404[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18 vs 6, nips are having fun.

>> No.12351627

This is probably Yamamoto's wet dream.

>> No.12351629


Why radars on the CAV? You need sanshiki.

>> No.12351632
File: 587 KB, 793x472, c4c9e1a9a5b8c4085dd8a807a16fc15e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-1 time. Troll submarine oneshots Chitose.
My life can't be this miserable.

>> No.12351631

Gangrape the abysall ships! 18 vs 6!

>> No.12351633

Need to add that I only have 1 Type 32, Type 22 Kai and Type 14. So fitting everyone with a Type 32 is kind of impossible. Already crafted around 102 times.

>> No.12351636
Quoted by: >>12351643

E3 boss is Yorktown, she's not an island.

>> No.12351638

Fucking LoS is trolling me
I think it is random instead of LoS.

>> No.12351639
File: 63 KB, 800x480, 1407632941593[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12351643
Quoted by: >>12351651


I'm on my last kill on E4, sanshiki does more damage.

>> No.12351645

You only need them for Midway princess

>> No.12351646

It looks like you didn't bring her to her Kai Ni. It's only 15 levels at max, and after that, fully modernize her, especially her armor stat. The extra plane slots help tremendously as well.

>> No.12351647
File: 53 KB, 355x632, 1407633471456[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12351676

Resource levels for reference.

>> No.12351648

I'm afraid that's likely the case. HQ level 97. BBs left on the pool is Haruna K2(95) Kongou K2(76) Kirishima K2(75) Yamashiro Kai(28) I still have a Haguro Kai Ni if she can stand in as a little BB.

I know. No nagato/hotel club here. I am so fucked.

>> No.12351649
Quoted by: >>12351749

She's not even k2. Treat your girls right and they'll dodge that shit.

>> No.12351651
Quoted by: >>12351660

What's your route?

Composition was for E3. E4 is Midway so yeah, , sanshiki will do more damage.

>> No.12351653
Quoted by: >>12351656

You're going to S rank for that 3 experience anyway, right? Just to let him know you saw his accomplish.

>> No.12351656

Free sparkle, man.

>> No.12351659
Quoted by: >>12351702


It depends, I switched the tenzan tomonaga squadron for a suisei 12A, got 180 efective LoS and got sent to a dead end, I switched back now with 190 and I'm reaching he boss again.

>> No.12351660
Quoted by: >>12351736

Went top east after the sub note.
Dropping 1 of my CLT and going 2CAV with seiran.
Going to try 1CL, 2DD 1CLT 2CAV and see if I can make it.
If it doesnt work I am stacking saiun and forgoing air strike. Bringing 4saiun now.

>> No.12351662

It's either random or scales with T Level (this is separate from enemy fleets scaling that has certain breakpoints.) It gets very frustrating because I'm following other people comments and found myself having to use 2-3 floatplane more.

>> No.12351671
File: 142 KB, 602x648, 1407635601957[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12351717

Poor mini-Airfield getting laughed at because 4 isn't enough to make that formation.

>> No.12351672
Quoted by: >>12351684

I doubt it. I can reach the boss easily for the first time and suddenly I can't. It's inconsistent.

>> No.12351676
Quoted by: >>12351683

Glad to know someone else is spending much more buckets that i am in E2.

>> No.12351683
Quoted by: >>12351695

Yeah, that makes me feel a lot better about my E-2 expenditures too. Fucking this map, I just want to get in on that hot combined fleet action.

>> No.12351684

I assume there are two LOS requirements, one where you are guaranteed to go to the boss. Anything less than that will give you a percentage depending on how close you are to the hard requirement. If you go too low, it will be impossible to reach the boss.

>> No.12351688

Loli airfield thinks it's funny to knock both sanshiki holders to red in the opening air strike for the final kill. This sucks.

>> No.12351690
File: 87 KB, 800x480, E4 route.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works now after I brought in another CAV+Seiran

>> No.12351692
File: 164 KB, 853x513, turkey collection complete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-1 keeps beating my ass, but atleast something good happened today.

>> No.12351695

That pre-boss node from the west is killing me. I hit that with one girl in yellow and end the fight with 3 in the red.

>> No.12351702


Haha, 190 efective LoS is not enough, time for more sauin!

>> No.12351703

Sparkling ships for the entire combined fleet takes too long. Took long enough already to do it for a single fleet.

>> No.12351704

How many buckets after not getting my first E-1 kill is it acceptable to quit.

>> No.12351709

CLTs are fine in E-1 actually. I'm planning to split all 3 for each portion of the event though.

>> No.12351714
File: 79 KB, 797x476, amatsukaze getto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look on the bright side, at least all your noobs who started after spring can get her. She is better than all the current event reward.

>> No.12351717

That's actually kinda cute!

>> No.12351718

What map/node?

>> No.12351721
Quoted by: >>12351728

How do CLTs perform in MI escort fleets? I don't care for the E6 reward, so I'm thinking of getting the free snipes.

>> No.12351722

Not him, but I got her E-2 boss node S rank

>> No.12351724

E4 boss S Rank

>> No.12351728

If you can make up for the LOS elsewhere.

>> No.12351729

It's a chance to farm the heck out of those new turbines. Her kai gives another one of those and a Type 3 Sonar too.

>> No.12351730


E3 boss node S rank,

>> No.12351736

or there are also fleet composition requirements to give near guarenteed boss, all the Japanese streams i saw of MI had at least 3 DD and 1 CL

>> No.12351742

Wikiwiki comments have people reporting 4DD to go to the B node. Sub node is risky for me because of their chance of random crits.

>> No.12351748
Quoted by: >>12351765

What are your formations for your E-3 nodes?

>> No.12351749
File: 596 KB, 784x458, d0cf8e5ec58720a74a87f0adbf8d4ca5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chiyoda has almost same stats, but she takes way less damage. As you may notice KTKM isn't kai ni too.

>> No.12351751

From wikiwiki, C and D node is speculated to be random.
F->J is the one where you need LoS.

>> No.12351757
Quoted by: >>12351789

They can't control how often they're RNG crit shot at.
You can however control how much you level them.

>> No.12351765

Going clockwise from the top left, 2nd formation all the way until the boss node. 4th formation for the boss. You may want to try the 3rd formation to boost your AA on the pre-boss nodes.

>> No.12351768

Often the girl in the 6th slot gets shot at the most. I had a Junyou there and she tanked it like a boss, since she had Kai and enough armor.

>> No.12351771

For those who cleared E-5, did you avoid the yasen node? If so how?

>> No.12351774
Quoted by: >>12351776

Thanks a lot.

>> No.12351776

I'm playing defensive though. 2nd formation is double line, 4th formation is line ahead while 3rd formation is the ring formation. I

>> No.12351779
File: 40 KB, 157x142, KanColle-140808-074520541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before and after for E1-3.

>> No.12351783

Someone said you should use the top right formation for boss.
Now I'm unsure.

>> No.12351785
Quoted by: >>12351805

What comp did you use to clear E-2?
I feel like I'm missing something

>> No.12351786
Quoted by: >>12351798

And here we have someone blessed by the RNG gods.

>> No.12351789
Quoted by: >>12351808

Somehow my TTK level grows faster than girls levels, so I end up against shithard enemies after a bit of powerleveling.

>> No.12351790
File: 533 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140809-20150972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12351800

Samidare in charge of support fire.

I tried letting Fubuki take the lead but then she only killed a single DD. Now she's fired from that position.

>> No.12351791

Bottom right for bosses.

>> No.12351793

Nevermind I found this
Top left is an ASW formation
Top right (Alert) appears to increase evasion and shelling power of the second fleet.
Bottom left (Diamond) increases Anti-Air defense.
Bottom right greatly increases the evasion and torpedo accuracy of your second fleet while preserving the shelling accuracy of the first fleet. Recommended for bosses.

>> No.12351798

Not even. Most of those resources and buckets were on E-3 alone. I got dead ended like 12 times and failed to kill the boss 6 times (two times when it was at 0 meter)

>> No.12351799
Quoted by: >>12353723

208 effective LoS was enough for my last E4 kill, I don't want to know how much I'll need for E5.

>> No.12351800
Quoted by: >>12351852

How do you get to boss in such good shape?

>> No.12351802

I saw a report on wikiwiki that stated 2BBV 2CA 2CVL is able to get to go to boss on E-2.
But is it possible to only use one CVL and no DDs on E-2?

>> No.12351805

3 Saiuns, 1 Type 2, 1 night scout plane, 1 star shell, 2 seaplanes,2 sanshikis
I don't remember the rest.

>> No.12351807

I dont know about you.
I always go top right.
I have never miss a boss kill with it. You actually need night battle to kill the boss.

>> No.12351808

That's bound to happen, but around level 100, you should be able to get most of your useful fleet in the 70-90s range pretty easily.

>> No.12351810

You've spent far less for 3 maps than other people who haven't even gotten past E-1.

>> No.12351817

Shall I even try further with my miserable 100 buckets left?

>> No.12351821
Quoted by: >>12351827

Spam exp2.

>> No.12351825

It is like the event will end in 24hours.

>> No.12351826

I've spent over 200 buckets on E-1 , and I still haven't finished it.

>> No.12351827

This, you can easily pick up several hundred more buckets over the course of the event.

>> No.12351830
File: 146 KB, 858x518, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12351844

Moments like this, you just know something is going to go terribly wrong on the third node.

>> No.12351833

What's the effective LoS needed for the northern route of E-2?

>> No.12351844
Quoted by: >>12351864

If you're going to liveblog your event, why not just stream it?

>> No.12351849

1st try of e1, cvl on red already, oh boy, this is goin to be fun

>> No.12351852

Sparkles, double line > line ahead > diamond >line ahead. Also luck. I had to RTB early in my previous two sorties even with full sparkles.

>> No.12351855
Quoted by: >>12351858

E-6 doesn't require escort fleet, right?

>> No.12351858

Combined fleet mechanic is limited to just MI (E3-5).

>> No.12351861

Exp2 and dailies can easily get you 15+ day, depending on how long to play for

>> No.12351864
Quoted by: >>12351868

Fuck you, I posted one picture in the last 24 hours.

>> No.12351868
Quoted by: >>12351882

I was being serious. I just want to watch some streams while I wait on expeditions.

>> No.12351870

I feel kinda bad. I'm nowhere near down with E-1, yet a lot of people seem to be on E-4 or higher.

>> No.12351873

My maximum was about 40 buckets per day, doing exp2 and 4.

>> No.12351874
File: 457 KB, 742x444, fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One fucking job Nagara

>> No.12351876
Quoted by: >>12351945

18 days left.

>> No.12351879
Quoted by: >>12351945

No rush

>> No.12351882


Not him, but I could link mine, but I'm taking it easy and waiting for morale to recover, sometimes doing 2-3 runs in the meantime.

>> No.12351885

So are ships sent on AL expeditions locked to AL or not?

>> No.12351886

C'mon, what's up with C and D node in E-4? Last two runs sent me to south route, but then this time it sent me to sub node again and dead node. This is getting retarded.

>> No.12351889
Quoted by: >>12351903

Has 37fan finished E-6 yet?

>> No.12351890
Quoted by: >>12351915

Can you post a link when you're ready to jump back in the event?

Would greatly appreciate it. How far are you?

>> No.12351891

No. Support expeditions won't lock them. But locked ships can't go into support expeditions.

>> No.12351894
Quoted by: >>12351915

Not fapping? Lies!

>> No.12351898

Using support expedition will not lock your fleet.
Using escort fleet *will* lock your fleet.

>> No.12351900

Watching this stream, I think he's doing e2, i had my netbook with the twtch dude too, but it run out of battery

>> No.12351903

Yeah, he finished a while ago.

>> No.12351904
File: 616 KB, 800x480, Summer 2014 E2 CLEAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally done ravaging that loli harbor

>> No.12351909

Damn Maya, that's bullying.

>> No.12351912
File: 72 KB, 900x600, 13454564563561942051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasted 50 in 4 hours for a 8 hp scratch on E-1 boss.
Feels like Kado took RNG seed for my account from Wargaming office.

>> No.12351915
Quoted by: >>12351919

I just got my first kill on E5. Waiting for morale to recover up.

I'm too tired.

Anyways, it's on twitch tv/lier92

>> No.12351917
Quoted by: >>12351945

How "down" are you?
I just started about an hour ago. I'm 3/6 kills/attempts.

>> No.12351919
Quoted by: >>12351973

>first kill on E5
Nice. Let us know when you jump back in and I'll start watching.

>> No.12351925

Can anyone suggest me with most 'favorite' saiun recipe..
inb4 wiki, no.. I need that placebo feeling please.

>> No.12351933


The standar catch-all in the guides linked in the OP.

>> No.12351934
Quoted by: >>12351938


>> No.12351938
Quoted by: >>12351942

I just used this one today and got 1 in about 25 attempts.

>> No.12351942

Use this one. Got 2 in 2 tries.

>> No.12351945

RNG kinda shits all over me before the boss node and I accidentally sent out most of my best ships to E-1, unaware about the AL tag thing. And if E-1 is giving me this much trouble, the next 5 maps are going to really suck.

3/6 too. I don't have stockpiled resources since I'm a low-leveled admiral, so I can't use buckets indiscriminately.

>> No.12351948

Thanks, I'll try this instead.

>> No.12351955

MI is easy mode.

>> No.12351966

Level scaling is cancer. Enjoy it while you can.

>> No.12351968
Quoted by: >>12351982

What's the boss gauge at? I heard that they supposedly have more health for lower-leveled TTK, but that sounded like bullshit to me.

>> No.12351970

Alrighty!! Thanks for this, The placebo is strong in this recipe and 5-5 tries is Saiun for me.

>> No.12351973
Quoted by: >>12352041


It'll take a while, I got crit'd to red in the first sub node.

>> No.12351978
Quoted by: >>12352026

Is this with support?

>> No.12351979
Quoted by: >>12352001

How many resources did this guy start with?
He's sitting on a ton of buckets but the rest of resources look pretty awful for only being at E2.

>> No.12351982
File: 30 KB, 635x167, e-1 progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks about half-way.

>> No.12351987
Quoted by: >>12352007

It's only 5 stars? Interesting.

>> No.12351996

Yeah, thats where I'm at too. HQ lvl 100 and whatever you're at look like its both 6 clean kills then.

>> No.12352001

I just started watching him like 1h ago or so, but he's goin back to base quite a few times, but his suport fleets are doing some great work, i wish mine could even do half of that

>> No.12352003

Sanshiki recipe?

>> No.12352007

Is it different for you or have you not started yet?

>> No.12352009


>> No.12352012

What composition are you guys using to clear E-1?

Mine doesn't work (has yet to scratch the boss), but for reference:
Yamato (46x2, 15.5 sub, zero recon)
Isuzu Kai2 (20.3, T3, T3)
Yayoi Kai (12.7, T3, Searchlight)
Atago Kai (20.3, quad oxy, 15.2, obv. plane)
Zuihou Kai (Reppu kai, Ju87C kai x2, type2 recon)
RJ Kai (Ryuusei Kai, Shinden Kai2, Saiun, Suisei)

>> No.12352018
Quoted by: >>12352029

I take it this is your extra Yamato, right?

>> No.12352019
Quoted by: >>12352029

Dude what? why are you using Yamato for E-1?

>> No.12352021

Can I use CVL if I don't have enough CV for MI?


Got 2 in 7 tries.

>> No.12352025
Quoted by: >>12352029


>> No.12352026
Quoted by: >>12352033

Yep. Luckily my support killed three of the fuckers and the fleet just killed the two fishballs back to the abyss. Some minor day damage to boss until it got half-HP'd, then yasen.

>> No.12352028

Really? I've been using that recipe and have gotten 0 Tpye-3s and a bunch of trash and penguins after like 20 tries. Why can't RNGoddess bless me.

>> No.12352029

She's level 17 (just got her yesterday). I figured she's too weak for MI.The other reliable BB I have are two monkeys + Mutsu.

>> No.12352033

Nice, I just got out of E-1 myself after crying myself to bed cursing the last kill. I really wish this wont be much pain to reach boss.

>> No.12352036
Quoted by: >>12352039

You could always level her, You got 2 weeks and BBs level fast

>> No.12352038

> Can I use CVL if I don't have enough CV for MI?
Yes. I've been using 1CVL since I'm a kuso who only has 3 carriers at all. RJ works perfectly as Saiun mule

>> No.12352039
Quoted by: >>12352043

Too late for that now. She's stuck in Alaska now.

>> No.12352040

DAMN 77hp, poor dude, must be the norm these days

>> No.12352041
Quoted by: >>12352061

That's cool. Thanks for running a stream in the first place.

>> No.12352043
Quoted by: >>12352049

Not if you LSC for another one (or Musashi)

>> No.12352045

Pray that RNG doesn't fuck your fleet up. I wasted 250 buckets on E2 alone

>> No.12352046

So, anyone expecting Akagi and Kaga to receive their Kai2 next maintenance during the event?

>> No.12352048

What's the prerequisite for combining fleets, again?

>> No.12352049

Perfect advice for that poor, low-leveled TTK.

>> No.12352051
Quoted by: >>12352153

You just linked to posts that list them. Why are you asking?

>> No.12352056

1CL and 2CA / CAV maximum in escort fleet. Maximum of 4 carriers and 2 BB for main fleet.

>> No.12352061


No problem, but after this one I'm going to sleep, I spendt most of the day on E3 and E4.

>> No.12352075
File: 90 KB, 800x480, maruyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12352091

Looks like A rank is good enough for Maruyu.

>> No.12352077
File: 506 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140810-14204741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12352102

Kuma-chan is fucking hardcore, killing untouched E3 final boss in one double attack. She's been the star player of all my runs so far. I can't bear to watch what she'll pull next.

>> No.12352078
Quoted by: >>12352083

What's the new item in the shop on the very far bottom right? Next to the Key/5/5/5

>> No.12352083


>> No.12352091
Quoted by: >>12352096

Which map?

>> No.12352096

E6 boss.

>> No.12352098
Quoted by: >>12352195

>shinden kai ni

>> No.12352102
Quoted by: >>12352111

I bet you thought that was clebear.

>> No.12352109

>aerial support
Speaking of which, did the devs buff aerial support for this event? Anyone tested it out?

>> No.12352111

Bear puns are unbearievably cute.

>> No.12352114


>> No.12352119

Fucking Saiun stop giving me green T already.

>> No.12352122
File: 33 KB, 796x536, 1405843539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12352123

>no Isokaze

>> No.12352130
File: 86 KB, 798x475, E4 lifebar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or is E4 lifebar fucking long.
I have been at it for half a day and it isnt even half.

>> No.12352134
Quoted by: >>12352220


>> No.12352135

I will never make fun of Fusou ever again.

She's been pulling her weight in E-1 and she's only level 26 while my HQ level is 101.

>> No.12352144
Quoted by: >>12352150

9 full kills. How many saiuns have you equipped?

>> No.12352150

I like the sub route, it has a high chance to avoid the preboss node before boss.

>> No.12352152

I don't know about you but I have 4 clean kills and one not clean hit, 3 hours and counting.

>> No.12352153

I meant the full prerequisites.

I see. Any DD requirements? And you can't bring 3 BB in the main fleet? Thanks.

>> No.12352154
File: 530 KB, 742x445, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck. How did Mogami, Mikuma and Inazuma all fucking miss? Nevermind Poi shooting the wrong target (and missing anyway) as well.

>> No.12352161
Quoted by: >>12352169

Not that I know of.

>> No.12352163

4 DD 2 BBV incoming.

>> No.12352164
Quoted by: >>12352169

> And you can't bring 3 BB in the main fleet?
Well, you can, but even Houshou is better then BB at MI maps.

>> No.12352167

BGM rip when?

>> No.12352169

Alright, thanks anyway.

>Houshou is better then BB at MI maps.

>> No.12352173

>not even Kai
Looks like you found your reason.

Captcha: ascumit fag

>> No.12352175
Quoted by: >>12352188

Not exactly. They are very good at finishing off stragglers but chances are it's your escort fleet that will deliver the finishing blow.

>> No.12352180
Quoted by: >>12352188

> Welp
Enjoy the age of naval aviation. I'd switch to 6CV any day if I could do that.

>> No.12352181
Quoted by: >>12352189

Shigure and Poi were not the ones fucking up double attacks.

>> No.12352183

Not him, but I'm pretty sure all of them are Kai'd. Nagara's and Mogami's silver, Mikuma is gold and the rest are blue before their remodels.

>> No.12352185

I wish people would learn that no one cares about their captcha

>> No.12352186
Quoted by: >>12352194


Join him.

>> No.12352188

Alright, thanks. Will start on it once I finish today's dailies.

>> No.12352189
Quoted by: >>12352194

If you brought them to K2, they would destroy everything in sight. Especially the dog.

>> No.12352194
Quoted by: >>12352201

>Arpeggio opening

Which dog? He listed both.

>> No.12352195
Quoted by: >>12352206

Yes. I favored my 130k bauxite over crafting for more reppus. I'm on e-4 now.

>> No.12352201

The bloodhound.

>> No.12352205

What are the requirements for the escort fleet? Or am I allowed to bring anything I want?

>> No.12352206
Quoted by: >>12352228

That plane doesn't exist yet.

>> No.12352210

The requirements are reading the thread.

>> No.12352212


>> No.12352213

Torpedo and night battle specialist.
Accuracy is shit during the day battle shelling phase.

>> No.12352215

What's a good recipe to craft sanshiki?
No luck with 10/90/90/30

>> No.12352218
Quoted by: >>12352225


>> No.12352220
Quoted by: >>12352225


>> No.12352225


Oh shit, thanks.
I need to get some sleep.

>> No.12352228

Akagi pls

>> No.12352229
File: 1.29 MB, 1165x1470, Recipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting this shit again.

>> No.12352230

What the fuck. You can equip Ooyodo with sonars/depth charges but she can't attack subs. God damn it.

>> No.12352231
Quoted by: >>12352244

Damn it all, I managed to get the E-2 boss to zero health, but killing it is the hard part at this point...

>> No.12352236

Really? She's a CL, why would the devs do that?

>> No.12352237

>but she can't attack subs
Huh? That got to be a bug.

>> No.12352240

Translate it first, there are some people here who can't read moon.

>> No.12352241

maybe if it wasn't in moonrunes people would use it

>> No.12352243

I don't read moon.

>> No.12352244
Quoted by: >>12352249

You use support
A clean kill when she becomes super loli is pretty much impossible when you have no support.

>> No.12352247
Quoted by: >>12352254

No way, I level my ooyodo in PVP fight, she can attack subs just like any other DD and CL.

>> No.12352249
Quoted by: >>12352255

I am using support, dunno if I should switch it now. So far, I've been using aerial bombardment.

>> No.12352253

blood hell used about 5k boolits 3k iron and a bunch of bauxite and got a whoppping 1 Type-3 shell. Thanks RNG.

>> No.12352254

Mine didn't attack any subs, just tried on PVP.

>> No.12352255

Use shelling, also spakle your support fleet's flag for maximum placebo.

>> No.12352256
Quoted by: >>12352266

how much is enough? ten?

>> No.12352257

Oh hey, SONARs everyhwere today. I guess I don't need to worry about subs in this event.

>> No.12352260


The fucking game is in Japanese and the only runes here are runes you see when you play the game.

The event brings all sorts of people to these threads don't they.

>> No.12352266

8 is good enough for me. I'm fielding 4CV.

>> No.12352269
Quoted by: >>12352284

yeah maybe if everyone could speak in runes they wouldn't be on the english general would they

>> No.12352272
File: 18 KB, 140x239, 1399822412119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12352324


>> No.12352281
Quoted by: >>12352285

I always love how the enemy always pick the best target to kick your ass back home.

>> No.12352284
Quoted by: >>12352324

If you can't moon, then you're even worse than chinks and SEAfags. It means you're only here for the moeshit drawing and/or wannabe sterilized facism.

>> No.12352285
Quoted by: >>12352297

Well, that's what they should be doing. Now if only my shipgirls knew how to do the same.

>> No.12352297

I wish I could at least call priority targets for my fleets.

>> No.12352298

Game would be too easy.

>> No.12352305
Quoted by: >>12352316

E-2. Zuihou and Verniy won't stop hitting red before pre-boss node.

Really starting to think having high luck or even just higher than average luck just makes you a bigger target.

>> No.12352309

It'd be neat if they brought over to normal combat some of the mechanics of the combined fleet. A revamp of greenT mechanics where how you deploy your fleets compared to the enemy fleet actually changes the course of battle.

>> No.12352312

I spent 7421 fuel, 3532 ammo, 8284 steel, 1504 bauxite, and 519 buckets on E-1 alone.

Did I fucked up?

>> No.12352315
Quoted by: >>12352340

>519 buckets

>> No.12352316

oh you'll be fine mate I'm using hibiki kai and ayanami kai and I'm fine.

>> No.12352319

My E1 spending: 7380 / 2903 / 5216 / 1250. So not really.

>> No.12352322

>518 buckets
Oh shit anon what have you done?

>> No.12352323
File: 22 KB, 296x266, 1369464477066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>519 Buckets

>> No.12352324

>the only runes here are runes you see when you play the game.
Bullshit, I know enough moon to tell that that's not true. I'm just saying that there are people here who can't read moon.


>> No.12352325

I'm somehow relieved somebody used more bucks than me.

>> No.12352326

Hahahahaha oh fucking wow
Better scrip ex2 non stop for the next 2week

>> No.12352328
Quoted by: >>12352340

Tell us your HQ level first then we decide.

>> No.12352329

>tfw you sparkle your fleet for the placebo and you have to pull out after the first node

>> No.12352331

Did you bucket green scratch damage? don't see how you can spend that many buckets

>> No.12352332

It's 519.

>> No.12352334
Quoted by: >>12352349

I wonder what the san in sanshiki means. Could it be 3? What is three in moon? 三
I wonder how many things that start with 三 are in the table. Retards.

>> No.12352336

>519 buckets
Yes you fucked up.

>> No.12352338
Quoted by: >>12352349

Aside from the resources, the names of the guns and the classes of ships, what else do you need to recognise to be able to use the table? Those things are all from the game.

It's a table. It's not prose.

>> No.12352340

Chiyoda keep getting crit on the first node because of the fucking sub and then the enemy torpedo phase ruin the rest of my girls. I've been throwing buckets on the six of them for every sortie.

>> No.12352345
Quoted by: >>12352351

Then nope, you're not.
It's your girls fault.

>> No.12352347
Quoted by: >>12352363

Were you going line ahead the whole time?

>> No.12352348

>fucking sub and then the enemy torpedo phase ruin the rest of my girls
Should have use a CL and BBV.
Totally your fault.

>> No.12352349

Right. So does that recipe include or exclude sanshiki?

>I wonder how many things that start with 三 are in the table.
Depth charge, sonar.

Whether they are included in the recipe or excluded from it.

>> No.12352350
Quoted by: >>12352373

tell me you are using line aboob for that node, otherwise its 100% your fault

>> No.12352351

>It's your girls fault.
Anon, pls. It's RNG. The girls are trying their best.

>> No.12352353
Quoted by: >>12352365

I didn't use a BBV and I was just fine. A CL is more than enough if her name is Yuubari and doesn't tank a hit to her face.

>> No.12352355

>Myouko and Haguro always targets and kills Ta first in E-2 C node


>> No.12352357
File: 16 KB, 715x31, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12352402

You are a special kind of retard. One that doesn't want to admit to himself that he is one.

>> No.12352358
Quoted by: >>12352402

>Right. So does that recipe include or exclude sanshiki?
I don't read moon but I recognise the character on my sanshiki. Look closer, it's right below the AP ammo entry.

>> No.12352361
Quoted by: >>12352402

>Whether they are included in the recipe or excluded from it
Just stop. You're making it worse.

>> No.12352363
Quoted by: >>12352374

I have to, I could never kill the sub using any other formation, even anti-sub formation.
My fleet is level 80 Isuzu, 81 Ise, 80 Hyuuga, 59 Mogami, 92 Chiyoda, 80 Chitose. I've put three sonar on Isuzu but she keep missing the enemy in almost every battle.

>> No.12352365

With a BBV+CL using double line the first node is totally harmless.
Almost 100% pass rate.

>> No.12352369
Quoted by: >>12352391

Should I bring my BB and go northern route in E-2? That pantsu loli is so hard to kill

>> No.12352372

Same thing with just Yuubari. Idk, I had terrible luck in E-1 but I guess there are those who have it worse.

>> No.12352373

I got through AL using neither of those

And I didn't use line aboob either.

>> No.12352374
Quoted by: >>12352406

You're not suppose to kill the sub, You're suppose to tank it, what are you doing man.

>> No.12352375

Stop using line ahead on everything, this is event map not normal one. My level 60 fleet can tank that sub in both opening and ending torpedo phase with double line.

>> No.12352376
Quoted by: >>12352393

My PVP list is so hardcore.
There are people actually juggling 2-3 subs run and event.

>> No.12352384
Quoted by: >>12352387

It doesn't matter where I put the kusou sisters one of them always gets lol-crit there, I just go with the standard 2CA2CAV2CVL and get it done in 13 runs. 7 of them is BBVs fault.

>> No.12352387

>kusou sisters
I found your problem.
Next time, use the superior Ise class.

>> No.12352390
Quoted by: >>12352394

It sucks having shit equips and shit ship levels at HQ rank 80+

>> No.12352391
Quoted by: >>12352418

Just bring support and use the usual south route fleet.

>> No.12352393

Considering that the expeditions are crippled either because of support or Combined Fleet, it's no wonder people are sub-slaving.

>> No.12352394
Quoted by: >>12352443

It scales up at 100

>> No.12352395

Finally got a decent drop from E-2 boss node S-rank... Urakaze.

But damn Maya is carrying me through this AL hell.

>> No.12352401

What are the odds of the subs in E-2 oneshotting something? Because it just happened to me...

>> No.12352402
Quoted by: >>12352408

I can read enough moon to tell, just saying from the point of view of those who can't.

So what if someone wants AP ammo and sees 徹甲弾 in the remarks and assumes 10/90/60/30 also gives it.

>> No.12352406

If I don't kill the sub all my girls will keep attacking it, then one of the enemy torpedo will reduce one of them to orange, then the pre-boss node will hit that girl to red and I'll be force to retreat.

This happen every fucking time.

>> No.12352408
Quoted by: >>12352431

I translated one way back and had another anon type set it. Laziness kepty anyone from keeping those translations on newer versions.

>> No.12352418

That's what I'm doing, but damn having two ships only to be main hitter for that loli is frightening, one small wrong thing and it'll be a failure.

>> No.12352427
Quoted by: >>12352440

>but damn having two ships only to be main hitter for that loli is frightening,
There is no BB on boss node, so it's alright if you ask me. Just believe in your DD to clear the stragglers in night battle.

>> No.12352430

Don't put ASW equips on your girls then.

>> No.12352431

And while we're at it, we ought to modify and streamline the recipe lists to suit our uses.

>> No.12352434
Quoted by: >>12352441

What was the requirement for the attached support fleet on 3-5? Just night battle capability and LOS?

>> No.12352435

see >>12352122

>> No.12352439
Quoted by: >>12352449

>ASW equips
Ships capable of attacking subs will attack subs regardless of equipment.

>> No.12352440
Quoted by: >>12352457

But they're carrying radar for fleet LoS. Should I drop one to put night battle setup?

>> No.12352441

Uh, E3.

>> No.12352442
Quoted by: >>12352464

I have a hard time believing that after 100 buckets spent, you didn't think twice about what your strategy was.

I understand shitty luck and bad runs, and it's not your actual resource use was that bad, but anything more than 200 buckets on E1 alone is just awful.

That first node should have been line abreast or double line. There's no excuse for running line ahead that many times for that many buckets.

>> No.12352443

There's an intermediate difficulty at 80-100.

>> No.12352446
File: 149 KB, 591x509, 1407567496806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Line Ahead Sub

>> No.12352448 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>12352485

Translate it to Spanish first, there are some people here who can't read English.

>> No.12352449

His BBVs and Mogami wouldn't have.

>> No.12352453

I can't even clear E1 because I don't have any good CAs or good night battle equips.

>> No.12352454
Quoted by: >>12352485

I think the format is fine as it is. I wanted to know exactly what all those notes said which is the reason why I even translated it in the first place, with god awful cleaning and typesetting. I wonder if anyone here still has that old thing, or the prettied up version.

>> No.12352455
Quoted by: >>12352476

Use 1BBV 2CA(V) 1CL
Equip CL with 1sonar.
Double line with 2turn will put the sub to orange to disable the torp.
Your BBV and CAV are using normal recon plane, no zuiun shit so they wont fire at sub.

>> No.12352457
Quoted by: >>12352472

Double attack works for me and I'm using Shiranui and Bep. They will occasionally attack loli Dutch but that's a trade-off of using easy route.

>> No.12352464

I only put ASW equip on Isuzu, the rest just keep sending their sea planes to attack the sub.
I've stuck with double line in the first forty or so sortie but my girl just keep getting crit.

The only solution I was found was to kill the sub as soon as possible and then kill the rest before the enemy torpedo phase can fuck me up.

>> No.12352468
Quoted by: >>12352496

I cleared E1 without any night battle equips

>> No.12352470

You can go without night battle placebos for E-1, but CAs might be a problem, I personally used CAVs

>> No.12352472
Quoted by: >>12352482

The point is, if I'm putting night battle setup, the LOS will drop and it'll be compass hijink all over again.

>> No.12352476
Quoted by: >>12352493

Yuubari with both T3 is enough to cripple the sub. If she gets hit by anything and goes down to orange and is unable to knock the sub down in her single hit, then you probably will have to retreat anyway.

>> No.12352478

With 500+ buckets spent, there are probably better solutions.

>> No.12352479

Does sending out two support expeditions allow both to be used during a sortie or not?

>> No.12352482
Quoted by: >>12352495

Hmm, I use 2 main guns + 1 radar. Do you stack two radars on each DD?

>> No.12352485

This one is more like it.

But lately I prefer the 300 ammo version of the 46cm recipe.

And the radar recipes could do with some cleaning up like for the plane recipes.

Did you know that 20/20/250/250 also gives Yamato planes?

Finally, 10/50/10/51 has fallen out of favour for crafting type 3 depth charges/sonars.

Now this is going too far, anon. They have no business to be here.

Fair enough.

>> No.12352486

Nothing like having level 1 escorts 1 shot the first DD in 1-1 with a lucky crit...

>> No.12352487
Quoted by: >>12352530

Did you not get the memo to not equip zuin on your BBVs and CAVs?

>> No.12352488

Why did you use seaplanes? Use recons for LOS and double attacks. Did you use seaplanes while in double line too?

>> No.12352493
Quoted by: >>12352510

It is not about CL
With BBV you get 2turn.
I was running 4CA(V) at first until I realize how I fucking hate the torpedo phase.
I switched it up to BBV CL 2CA(V) and I never retreated again.

>> No.12352495
Quoted by: >>12352523

Yes. How many Saiun do you put in CVL? I might need more, currently I'm putting just two.

>> No.12352496

Echelon or line ahead?

>> No.12352501

Has anybody figured out the compass requirement for E4. It seems very random beyond the first node (except the LOS requirement)

>> No.12352507

Line abreast on night nodes works for me.
I've never had any luck with echelon for night nodes for some reason.

>> No.12352509
Quoted by: >>12352527

I'm a level 7 HQ
I can't seem to reach E-1 BOss
I get reds on the last node

>> No.12352510

I beat it with 3CA and CL with limited problems. And said problems wouldn't have made a difference since it was my CVL's getting shot to red by the opener. I guess it just depends on how shitty your luck is.

>> No.12352514

Not him, but also did E-1 with no night equipment.
I went with double line, and it worked better than Echelon for some reason.

>> No.12352515

The night node? Used Echelon in the end, but ahead can work as well.

>> No.12352523
Quoted by: >>12352539

3 Saiuns, if I remember correctly.

>> No.12352527
Quoted by: >>12352545

Keep trying and good luck.
Devs said AL should be doable for even the newest of TTKs.

>> No.12352528

Does MI need a CL? I would prefer not to use my only CL on AI if I can avoid it.

>> No.12352530

I did not get that. I thought it was the right way since I've always been sent to the boss node with that setup.
Recon? That's the yellow planes, right?

>> No.12352533


>> No.12352534
Quoted by: >>12352540

Read the thread. Support fleet requirements are already here.

>> No.12352539

Oh great, so I have to make one more. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.12352540

No thanks.

>> No.12352541
Quoted by: >>12352558

The recons are seaplanes, too

>> No.12352543
Quoted by: >>12352570

He means the recon seaplanes as opposed to the seaplane bombers.

In other words, Type 0s instead of Zuins.

If nothing else, consider this an extremely expensive lesson learned.

>> No.12352545

Mu ships did fine, even in the night battles. The only thing that keeps me away is how the enemy always sends one ship to red from full HP.

>> No.12352546
Quoted by: >>12352557

Does anyone have a nice guide for setting up l2tp in ubuntu? The examples I've found have been a real pain in the bum.

>> No.12352553

ctrl + f, retard

>> No.12352554

Get used to it. Worlds 3, 4, and 5 will do that to you often.

>> No.12352555

what is ctrl-f

>> No.12352556

What are you guys using on your CVLs on E-2? I can't seem to clear those irritating cannon fodders.

>> No.12352557

You don't, just use cookie method.

>> No.12352558
Quoted by: >>12352570

No, the type 0 planes, recon and observation.

Yeah my bad, guess I'll go to sleep now.

>> No.12352561

Green/yellow slaves.

>> No.12352562
Quoted by: >>12352572

Oh wow E3 is bloody easy. What the hell was I so scared of E3 for half a day for?

>> No.12352564

I'm a level 68 shitter but I'm using shidenkai2, 62-fighterbombers and 2xsaiuns on each,

>> No.12352569
Quoted by: >>12352585

You can't. AS and LOS requirements are so high you have no room for attack planes besides for the final kill since you can't even get AS on the boss then anyway.

>> No.12352570
Quoted by: >>12352584

Fuck my life, thank you both.

>> No.12352571

Welcome to KanColle. Just keep leveling, remodeling, and modernizing as much as you can.

Try to get your other fleets unlocked as well if you can.

>> No.12352572

E4 is even easier. Boss node has only orbs which are killed in opening air strike, both your fleets pound Mi-Hime alone all day long. Easier nodes on the the way to the boss too.

>> No.12352582
Quoted by: >>12352602

Even for admirals >100lvl?

E1 and E2 are pretty annoying in this regard.

>> No.12352583
File: 570 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140810-15013879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E1 cleared in 1.5 hours, timed with expe5

Maya 2x20.3 Nightplane Flare
Myoko 2x20.3 Floatplane Searchlight
Haguro 2x20.3 Floatplane T32
RJ Reppu Reppukai Tomonaga Saiun
Ise 2x46 Floatplane Flare
Zuihou 2xReppu Eguchi Saiun

Double-line, Echelon, Double-line before all-in on boss-node. Night-battles are a joke. 6/13 attempts, 3 was trollsub, 2 were nightbattle, 2 was Ru-chan buttblasting me home.

3k fuel, 3k ammo, 30 buckets and negligible baux

>> No.12352584

Good luck on the rest of the event. You've already been well fucked over, so maybe your karma will work out for the better from this point on.

Also, if you find yourself in a really shitty situation and you're bleeding buckets or some other resource with terrible results, consider taking a break and seeing what others are doing and reading more details on the mechanics about whatever it is that's giving you problems.

As I'm sure this experience has taught you, you'll save yourself a lot of trouble in the long run.

>> No.12352585
Quoted by: >>12352594

So you just pray your CA(V)s get a hit off on loli hime in night battle? Also, can you still get AS before the final form?

>> No.12352586
Quoted by: >>12352602

What comp did you use?

>> No.12352589
Quoted by: >>12352601

HQ lvl?

>> No.12352591 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 782x834, itsfeedingtime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Akagi.

>> No.12352592
Quoted by: >>12352602

Lies. Did you know that the sub node are able to hit your CL from full to red? e-3 does not have that kind of BS

>> No.12352594

I also needed boss support for the final kill due to no artillery spotting. And yes, before the final form AS is possible and I'd recommend it.
I took 5 fighters, but that was probably more than enough.

All info for 100+.

>> No.12352596 [DELETED] 

wow i love that meme

>> No.12352597 [DELETED] 

My Akagi is a well behaved lady who knows how to control her portions.

>> No.12352598 [DELETED] 

Please don't do this stupidity.

>> No.12352599 [DELETED] 


>> No.12352601
Quoted by: >>12352623


>> No.12352602
Quoted by: >>12352610

I'm TTK Lv.117
4CV/2BB, duh. My married K1 Kongou double-attacked her during day for 150something damage alone.
Git good.

>> No.12352603

I'm sorry if it's a very dumb question, but I can't find how to form the combined fleet at all. Both my first (BB/BB/CV/CV/CV/CV) and second fleet (CL/DD/DD/DD/CAV/CAV) seems to meet the requirements, and I have free space and shit.

There's that moving "combine" line, but I don't know how to do it.

>> No.12352604 [DELETED] 

Thank you Akagi

>> No.12352605
Quoted by: >>12352613

Drag and drop.

>> No.12352607

Drag "2" letter over "1" letter in fleet composition screen. Retard. Idiot. Dummy.

>> No.12352609

Drag the "2" over the "1".

>> No.12352610
Quoted by: >>12352619

Did you get send to dead node after the sub node?

>> No.12352613

many many thanks, off to kick some abyss delicous asses.

>> No.12352618
Quoted by: >>12352650

Not him, but does that fleet composition work for all the maps in MI or just E-3?

>> No.12352619

Not yet. 2 sorties, 2 boss kills. No ASW gear on 2nd fleet at all.

>> No.12352620

"Heavy ships" for the first fleet I assume counts CA(V) as well?

>> No.12352623
Quoted by: >>12352670

Nice work. I'm on my last kill and I think it's about my 13th attempt as well.

I've used about the same number of resources as you although I've been working at a slower pace.

My fleet setup is about the same as well, although I'm saving Haguro and Myouko for MI just in case. I used the junior Mogamis instead.

>> No.12352632
File: 468 KB, 749x447, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god bless you, Apples Bear, you've redeemed yourself in my eyes.

>> No.12352641
File: 13 KB, 147x67, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck E-2.

>> No.12352645

I'm too scared to try E2 because E1 made me cry like a girl.
I should have prepared more.

>> No.12352646

Sorry to hear, m8. I'd trade you resources for buckets if I could.

>> No.12352650
Quoted by: >>12352656

Well so far it's working very well in E3 so I'll be able to give you feedback on how good it is for E4 pretty soon.

>> No.12352653

No. That kind of special butterfly retardation is why the wikia has two Development pages.

Speaking of which, go back to the wikia, pleb.

>> No.12352654
Quoted by: >>12352660

Is it normal to be sent to the north node in E-4?
Also, that sub node is kind of annoying, tried 1st and 2nd formation and still went orange. Then again, it doesn't pose much of a threat.
Just did E-4 twice by the way.

>> No.12352656

It also works for E4 and E5.

>> No.12352657
File: 213 KB, 801x479, E-1 clear1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleared E-1 a little while ago with this setup. It cost me 7k fuel, 8k steel, ~1k bauxite, and 68 buckets.

My first 8 attempts were all failures that didn't reach the boss node; this run of bad luck turned around once I started using double line on the night battle node for some reason. All-in-all, it probably took less than 25 attempts total.

>> No.12352659

I hate the sub/BB node on E-2. I get more BBs than subs.

>> No.12352660

No idea
I was doing fine until about 20% HO left
Just got sent to north end node 3times in a row now.
I dont know if it is RNG screwing around or some compass requirement just kick in. Going to switch it up now.

>> No.12352663
File: 2 KB, 510x21, fef5f1c83b80f6fcf8f62708ee0d3c5a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12352669

They didn't kill E-1 boss in 10 attempts. Now they gonna TRAIN at 3-2-A until tomorrow without having a single minute of rest.


>> No.12352664
File: 36 KB, 451x332, ss+(2014-08-10+at+04.36.24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this?

>> No.12352666

How do you E-2? Line aboob all the way till you meet loli hime?

>> No.12352667

880 is like 420

>> No.12352668


>> No.12352669


>> No.12352670
Quoted by: >>12352674

I have my teamcomp ready for MI, and it's CAV-loaded

In retrospect I could have done a little more by swapping Ise for Hiei and letting her take the searchlight. Was forced to let the 2nd toughest ship(Myoko) pick up the searchlight as Ise couldn't

1-5 has taught me to put the BB onto the 2nd-bottom slot, since that's where the trollsub aims usually

I flagged Maya for her great voice because I am a pathetic, pathetic man.

>> No.12352672
Quoted by: >>12352679

Line ahead all the way.

>> No.12352673

You should buy it and find out for us non-moon speaking ttks

>> No.12352674
Quoted by: >>12352686


>> No.12352676
Quoted by: >>12352696

Is there a way to get to the boss in E-3 when you only have 3 CV?

>> No.12352677
Quoted by: >>12352679

Fuck no. Line Ahead, Line Ahead, Line Abreast/Double Line/Ring, whatever strikes your fancy.

>> No.12352679

Which route is this?

>> No.12352682
Quoted by: >>12352688

The non-suicidal one.

>> No.12352683

Useless junk, ignore.

>> No.12352684
Quoted by: >>12352688


>> No.12352686
Quoted by: >>12352689

You are now on my favorite list of posters here along with german-assassin-chan

>> No.12352688

This one? >>12352684

Also thanks.

>> No.12352689


>> No.12352690

Is kuugen here right now?

>> No.12352693

Oh man, E-3 is fun. It's been a long time since I had fun in this game.

>> No.12352694
File: 155 KB, 861x516, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12352706

What a fucking bitch. Of course the only thing she did was go after the CAs

>> No.12352696
File: 460 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140810-16431416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes there is.

>> No.12352697

What's the best place for me to train my ships (HQlvl40)?
I'm a bit lacking on ships for the event so I wanted to train a few more before doing it.

>> No.12352702


>> No.12352703

Fuck off

>> No.12352705

Wait you mean you can't do 3CV 3BB for E-3? Well fuck.

>> No.12352706
Quoted by: >>12352715

You should switch to the 2BB 2CA(V) 2CVL composition with sanshiki for the last kill if you can.

>> No.12352707
Quoted by: >>12352717

You can.

>> No.12352709

Thanks a lot, I accidentally locked out 2 BB 4 CV when I clicked on AL2.

>> No.12352713
Quoted by: >>12352717

You can. Meeting LoS requirements AND still having enough reppus is close to impossible though.

>> No.12352715

I'm on it. I can see Wo fucking me up already.

>> No.12352716
Quoted by: >>12352742

>the wikia has two Development pages
So does wikiwiki, last I checked.

>> No.12352717
Quoted by: >>12352744

Oh, I see. I'm fucked either way then.

>> No.12352719

I always get sent to the dead end node in E4 is there a certain requirement?

>> No.12352727
Quoted by: >>12352735

Yes, read the wiki.

>> No.12352728
Quoted by: >>12352735

Random and luck

>> No.12352731
Quoted by: >>12352735

after the sub node? as far as I knew, it's all RNG

>> No.12352732
Quoted by: >>12352735


>> No.12352735

Yeah, no.

I see, thanks.


>> No.12352736
Quoted by: >>12352738

Did anyone use support fleet in E-5?

>> No.12352738
Quoted by: >>12352743

Only for last kill, but it wasn't needed.

>> No.12352740

Snail kai 2 when

>> No.12352741

Retard TTK reporting in:
I almost never leveled CA(V)s, so they're in pretty miserable state, ones with Kai are only Maya and Mogami. Who else shall I level into shape for this event?

>> No.12352742

>>12352716 again, forgot to add something.
>That kind of special butterfly retardation is why the wikia has two Development pages.
They have 2 pages BECAUSE they didn't streamline things.

>> No.12352743

I see.

>> No.12352744
Quoted by: >>12352753

Why? You still have 3 CVs I assume? 1 CVL will work perfectly as recon carrier.

>> No.12352745

Is it possible to cheese E1/E2 with the LoS shit?
I saw someone going in with 3CL/3CA on my PVP list. His last two spot is lvl3 ships.

>> No.12352751
File: 148 KB, 692x120, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12352755

I used shitty CAs for E1. I still haven't tried E2 though so I have no idea how hard that is.
HQ level 81

>> No.12352753

I have 3 CVs, but I only have 1 reppu kai, 3 reppus and 3 shiden kais.

>> No.12352754
Quoted by: >>12352766

Yes, that's pretty retarded. The devs purposefully tried to get everyone to raise some good CA and CAV like Tone and Myoukou, but this still happens.

>> No.12352755

You are doing good.
Level doesnt matter.
I did it with shit ships and I was doing the >lvl100 hard more map.

>> No.12352757
Quoted by: >>12352760

Then craft some, idiot.

>> No.12352758

I've looked through the expedition pages on the wiki but couldn't find more info about it. Is it worth it to sparke for expedition 5 and do I need to sparkle every ship in the fleet for the increased great success chance?

>> No.12352760

I'm on it, along with leveling more CVLs. I kinda meant in the current state of my fleet.

>> No.12352761

Try sparkling them a few times. You will see just how fucking boring it is.

>> No.12352762

For 5, yes, you need to sparkle 6 ships for 99%. Any less and it's lower.

>> No.12352763

Craft them then, you need 8 good fighters, 9 to be extra safe. Shidens are fine. You have 18 more days, don't miss the fun that is MI.

>> No.12352766

They shoulda made them good at something at least.

>> No.12352768

Do drums for 50/50 daisekou

>> No.12352771


>> No.12352772

Drums don't increase GS. It's only a 50/50 is drums are required in the first place.

>> No.12352775
Quoted by: >>12352791

If you have time and patient, yes. Try making 2 teams for it so you can rotate them.

>> No.12352778
Quoted by: >>12352783

Fuck lvl scaling.

>> No.12352780

What formation should I go with E-2 C-G-E-K?
I'm running 2 DD, 2 CAV, 2CVL.

>> No.12352781

How many runs did you guys need to get the last kill for loli hime? Currently at 6 visiting times, 4 more and I'll get free T-shirt.

>> No.12352783


>> No.12352784

>good at something at least.
Have you been living under a rock? CA and CAV get a bonus during yasen.
They're also able to carry Sanshiki. In maps where having BBs work against you, who you gonna call?

>> No.12352785
Quoted by: >>12352787

Got a Yamashiro drop. Even when their flagship got a critical in Night Node, didn't push Mogami Kai to yellow.

>> No.12352786

I liked using double line > line ahead > line abreast > line ahead

>> No.12352787
Quoted by: >>12352796

First BB? Treasure her.

>> No.12352788

I'm at 2 now. I said 'fuck it' and used support exp and I haven't reached the boss node since.

>> No.12352789

Nah at the 10th she'll shout at you.

>> No.12352790

I did double line, line ahead, ring, line ahead

>> No.12352791

Wouldn't all that fuel and ammo consumption from the sparkle runs make the gain from great success minimal? We are talking about the id 5 expedition here. 200 fuel and ammo gain.

>> No.12352792

How much AS did you guys use for E-3? I have enough Reppu, just wondering if I should go for superiority at boss or parity is enough.

>> No.12352793

Ahead, ahead, double, ahead

>> No.12352794

I got the sink on my first attempt with 2BB, CA, CAV, 2CV.

>> No.12352795

Tone and Chikuma beats the shit out of everyone at LOS. We've seen them pull LOS shenanigans a few times now, you have to be completely ignorant to not realize their value.

>> No.12352796
Quoted by: >>12352806

Third, but the first I can use outside of AL.

>> No.12352798

>CA and CAV get a bonus during yasen.
I use CL for it.
>In maps where having BBs work against you, who you gonna call?
More BBs!

>> No.12352801

One. I used this bgm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4wHJqqud3U

>> No.12352802

1st attempt with support
What can I say, they love me.

>> No.12352803

You get 100 extra resources, and ideally the ships you send to escort the ship that needs to be sparkled are throwaway ones you don't repair/resupply.

>> No.12352804

No, they don't get a bonus. It's just that the usual night battle mechanic favors ships that don't have 0 in their torp-stats.

>> No.12352805
Quoted by: >>12352818

You need LoS more than Reppu. Figure it out.

>> No.12352806

You're an idiot for using 2BB in AL.

>> No.12352808
Quoted by: >>12352811

Why the hell is the enemy aiming the ship in orange. Every enemy for two nodes.

>> No.12352810

I needed like 10 or so more runs, with support. I was using the south route.

>> No.12352811

They smell the blood.

>> No.12352812

No, because a 1-1 run generally gives 11-13 stamina, which is good for 4 expedition runs on that individual ship, so 100*4 = 400 extra fuel/ammo > cost to sparkle.

>> No.12352815

I just started picking random ships until I read that you can't use the same fleet if they've been to AL.

I'll just pray for good drops to redeem my terrible playing.

>> No.12352816

Around 450 was enough for 2 nodes+boss superiority. I was F5'ing every time I went 3 node route. Parity at boss node takes extra 200 bauxite from your pocket, and that's too much for me.

>> No.12352817

Right haven't thought about that, using dismantle fodder sounds like a good idea.

Sounds good, I'll give it a try. Thanks.

>> No.12352818

I should have enough LoS, I have 1 Saiun on 4CV as well as the special planes that give LoS. At about 320 AS now with 1 Reppu Kai and 4 Reppu, just need to know if I should trade the remaining attack planes for Reppu (i.e. is AS or airstrike power more important)

>> No.12352819
Quoted by: >>12352828

Is support fleet in E-3 essential?

>> No.12352820
File: 168 KB, 858x513, 234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12352823
Quoted by: >>12352827

Don't you need 6 sparkled ships to have a next to guaranteed great success rate?

>> No.12352825

Has there been anyone who had a night battle last long enough to see if the first fleet takes a turn?

>> No.12352826
Quoted by: >>12352833

They don't sink, they still keep coming back like Senkan Hime.

>> No.12352827

Yes, so 400 bonus fuel/ammo > cost to sparkle a fleet of 6 DD/CL once.

>> No.12352828

MI maps are easy as fuck.
It is like 12ships against 1. Poor abyss.

>> No.12352829
File: 337 KB, 429x348, get.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal to get her as a quest reward or have I been lucky for my first time as admiral?

>> No.12352830
Quoted by: >>12352841

The first fleet does not take a turn in night battles.

>> No.12352832

>2844 / 250
wait what

>> No.12352833
Quoted by: >>12352842

I was more touching on the fact that we're the aggressors here.

>> No.12352835

She's an early quest reward, yes.

>> No.12352836

> first fleet takes a turn?
No it wouldn't take a turn no matter what.

>> No.12352837

Fuck off.

>> No.12352838
Quoted by: >>12352845

The fighter power needed for AS is on the wiki

Quest rewards are not random

>> No.12352841

Ah, kinda makes sense since most of the fleet is CV anyway.

>> No.12352842
Quoted by: >>12352846

Just like the previous events?

>> No.12352843

After you break her mind gauge she becomes your friend. You play with her when you visit her, she's fine.

>> No.12352844
Quoted by: >>12352853

>CVL keeps getting rekt by Elite BB/CVL in the first node of E-2

Why is this so fustrating holy shit.

>> No.12352845 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>12352852

T32 radars everywhere

You should have them if you've been around long enough

>> No.12352846

In the whole game. Abyss did nothing wrong.

>> No.12352848
Quoted by: >>12352862

Eh...there's nothing wrong with using two BBs for AL. I'm using another two in accordance with combined fleet requirements for MI and yet still have 3 usable BBs for E6. Stop being such a pleb and get more ships

>> No.12352849

T32 radars everywhere

You should have them if you've been around long enough

>> No.12352852
Quoted by: >>12352869

>T32 radars
Fuck this, haven't managed to craft a single one at all.

>> No.12352853
Quoted by: >>12352857

Go south route rather than north.

>> No.12352854
Quoted by: >>12352863

God dammit, where did I hear Harusame's voice before?

>> No.12352857


I am going south.

>> No.12352858
File: 13 KB, 634x65, Screenshot 2014-08-10 10.27.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-1 spending lvl 104

>> No.12352862

I have plenty of ships. It is still retarded to use 2BB on maps that don't need them.

>> No.12352863
Quoted by: >>12352874

I'm 99% sure it's Hisako Kanemoto

>> No.12352869

Bingecraft them with reppu/radar recipe, no shame in that.

I blew 100k+ and 400 devkits in spring to load my girls with best possible equipment. Actual event took only 30-40k

They are honestly some of the best investments you can make in the game, other than LSC

>> No.12352874

Right, the exact same voice range as the one she used in Akuma no Riddle. Thanks a lot, anon.

>> No.12352878

Orange or red on first node of E-2. Goddamn everything.

>> No.12352879
Quoted by: >>12352894

Just got sent west on the preboss node in E-4

What the hell? This has NEVER happened before

>> No.12352880

Wait, Ooyodo can't attack subs? That's kinda weird.

>> No.12352884
Quoted by: >>12352891

Saw another anon say this.
It must be a bug. I have no idea why the devs would purposely make her like that.

>> No.12352885
Quoted by: >>12352893

I thought Tokitsukaze would be as cute as Amatsukaze.

>> No.12352886
Quoted by: >>12352891

A bug I think.

>> No.12352888
Quoted by: >>12352891

Her ASW is shit anyway.

>> No.12352890 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 600x73, Buop0mwCUAA8o0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12352895

How fucking mission it is!

>> No.12352891
Quoted by: >>12352898

I hope it's a bug. Really weird. I need to finish the sub weekly and took her along, but had to go back since I lost an attack. I understand why she starts with no torp stat at least.
Base ASW doesn't mean shit anyway.

>> No.12352893

You thought wrong

>> No.12352894

I got that once too, pretty rare though.

>> No.12352895
Quoted by: >>12352914

>Scrap 2 Reppuu
Well shit.

>> No.12352898

It does if you are min-maxing.

>> No.12352900
Quoted by: >>12352904

Maikaze! Third time, first node.

>> No.12352901

Is it recommended to bring CVs in E-6?

>> No.12352902
File: 7 KB, 600x73, Buop0mwCUAA8o0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucking the mission is!
It gives me ONLY ONE 烈風601!
But I lost TWO 烈風!!

>> No.12352904
File: 37 KB, 349x287, MAIKAZEEEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget pic.

>> No.12352906

Plane stats?

>> No.12352909


>> No.12352910

I think it gives this one http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Zero_Fighter_Type_52_Type_C_%28601_Air_Group%29

>> No.12352911

When you have an excess of Reppuu, it's worth it.

>> No.12352914

Reppu is quite common though.
Whats the matter? Kaga 48slot need something better than reppu kai.

>> No.12352915
Quoted by: >>12352922


>> No.12352917

Seems like an awful trade.

>> No.12352918


>> No.12352919
Quoted by: >>12352925


>> No.12352921
Quoted by: >>12352924

Oh I didn't know it was on the wiki already. I'm not sure how I feel about scrapping 2 Reppuu for that.

>> No.12352922
Quoted by: >>12352934

Read the image, even if you don't know shit about moon there's an obvious 52 in it.

>> No.12352923

>Reppu is quite common though.
I have 20 of them but not everyone has an excess of them.

>better than reppu kai

>> No.12352924

It's not really hard to get by reppuu unless you're completely out of resources. I'd say it's worth it. Especially if you don't have reppu kai.

>> No.12352925
File: 57 KB, 800x348, air_j7w_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12352932

More like Reppoo amirite?
Things would be difference around here if this ready in time for WW2.

>> No.12352926

Nothing like Shinden kai giving over 100AS.

>> No.12352930
File: 125 KB, 800x480, 1407658506295[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigger.

>> No.12352932

Isn't this that funny looking plane from The Wind Rises?

>> No.12352934

That's quest description, retard. Not the reward.
Stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.12352935
Quoted by: >>12352958

>Akitsu Maru
My sides.

>> No.12352936
File: 581 KB, 799x494, summer14-e2-gauge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me that's only one kill left.

>> No.12352937
Quoted by: >>12352958

Glad that Akitsumaru has a use for once.

>> No.12352938

It's fucking Shinden aka +15AA plane

>> No.12352943

Obviously 2 kills left.

>> No.12352944

Read more wiki son~

>> No.12352952

But ace Reppu is worse than Reppu Kai.

>> No.12352956

Man I want to play this game but it's really a lot of work just to play a game from another country isn't it?

>> No.12352958

Somehow someone found out that it's a compass requirement for E-4 and just rolled with it.

>> No.12352959

Read the wiki.

>> No.12352960

By that logic, you only play games made by your country? Are you retarded?

>> No.12352961

Stop being so lazy.

There's a lot in life that's way harder than figuring out how to play this game. If you're not a total fuckup, you've probably already done more amazing things then figure out how to play this.

Just give a shot and stop talking about how you want to give it a shot.

>> No.12352962

You obviously don't have enough love for kanmusus.

>> No.12352964

>it's a compass requirement for E-4

>> No.12352969
Quoted by: >>12352979

Ooyodo has such a cute laugh.

>> No.12352970

Yeah, somehow.

>> No.12352971

Maybe the person got it confused with E4 drops akitsumaru

>> No.12352972

Well, it would make sense

>> No.12352979
Quoted by: >>12352980

The laugh of someone who can request you to scrap two shipgirls daily without care.

>> No.12352980

What happens if you scrap her for that quest?
Does the quest page disappear?

>> No.12352982
Quoted by: >>12352988

Dude, that is one of Japan national treasure.
It is the Yamato of plane.
Miyafuji striker is based on that.

>> No.12352986

Yeah unless it's a pixel to the right of the line then it should be the last kill.

>> No.12352988
Quoted by: >>12353008

I thought the Zero would be as iconic as the Yamato, well at least in Western point of view.

>> No.12352989
Quoted by: >>12352993

Don't tempt me to try anon.

>> No.12352992

They're clones.

>> No.12352993

But we have to know and I don't have an Ooyodo yet.

>> No.12352999
File: 64 KB, 800x480, 1 (03).mp4_snapshot_02.03_[2014.08.10_18.10.21].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've finally cleared E-4. Such a shame I couldn't get Hayashimo along the way.

>> No.12353002

Is it normal to get red on the first node when you send out your boss support fleet? This isn't the first time.

>> No.12353008
Quoted by: >>12353023

It's the same deal as with Schwabe. "Weapon that could change the tide of war" that wasn't completed in time.
Speaking about it, I pity those guys at BMW, if only Fuhrer Directives weren't in place and they got actual funding Schwabe would be mass-produced by late '43 at worst.

>> No.12353016

I just got Perfect S at the boss node of E-4 for my last kill.

Is this the easiest event map ever made?
Even E1 of past event map isnt that easy.

>> No.12353020

I want Carrier Demon to step on me and keep insulting. Best boss appearance wise this event.

>> No.12353023

It really wouldn't have made much difference anyway. The Allies will find a quick way to counter any technological advancement by the enemy. Same goes for Japan's Shinden. Had it entered service, then the US would've brought the F8Fs, F7Fs or even the P-80 as soon as it was possible.
Speaking of which, I found on the English wiki USN aircraft being used by the Abyss as their equipments. So has it been all confirmed that the Abyss is the USN after all or some bullshit pulled off by the guys at the wiki?

>> No.12353024


I'm still stuck on E-1. Doesn't help that the ships you use get locked out of MI so you can't mix and match as much. I'm seriously hoping the later maps get as easy as everyone makes them out to be.

>> No.12353025

I don't know, if germans finished the atomic bomb earlier, who knows what would have happened. This way they just helped the americunts get it.

>> No.12353034

>反航戦 in the boss node
>Nobody can hit shit

Fuck me.

>> No.12353035
Quoted by: >>12353040

People freaked out when they first saw her stats.
Until they saw her escort ships and the fact that our ships outnumber hers 2:1.

>> No.12353040

If you throw in a support fleet it becomes 3:1!

I feel schadenfreude knowing that I'm mashing the abyssal ships into the ground.

I still feel sorry for the loli in E2 though.

>> No.12353049
File: 14 KB, 583x95, Screenshot 2014-08-10 11.40.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-2 is hard yo

>> No.12353050

Fuck it!! I can't even pass the preboss node and always get crit on E2. how the shit can I change my shitty luck?

>> No.12353055
Quoted by: >>12353062

Fleet and equipment?

>> No.12353058
Quoted by: >>12353062

HQ level too

>> No.12353061

>Getting Kiyoshimo
I have to farm for her you lucky fuck. At least E3 is easy to farm.

>> No.12353062
File: 45 KB, 687x274, Screenshot 2014-08-10 11.43.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lvl 104

>> No.12353063
File: 589 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140810-16404829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 hours and only half of the gauge and my san points is still dropping. Thanks to lolcrit on paper DDs/CVLs and preboss node spawning BB most of the time.

>> No.12353067
Quoted by: >>12353068

What plane is that?

>> No.12353068

2 type 0 observation, 4 saiun, reppu kai, shiden kai, Tomonaga, Egusa

>> No.12353070

So much dedication for full sparkling.

>> No.12353072

> It really wouldn't have made much difference anyway.
I don't like what-IF stories. I like laughing at retarded high command the most.
> The Allies will find a quick way to counter any technological advancement by the enemy.
They never found a way to counter Schrage Music, and that's but a single example of many things Allies never managed to "counter".

You see, Allies won WWII mostly because their combined production capability was close to 6 times more then Axis, not because they had the hottest shit ever. In some areas(like auto production, for example) they had 40 to 50(forty to fifty) times more. That Axis managed to last this long is a miracle.

>> No.12353074

>full sparkling

>> No.12353077
File: 1.38 MB, 1178x1422, OperationALfinalfleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beat E-2. Having failed to sink the Northern Hime twice before, I was surprised by how her 500 HP buff worked against her and let me get the win. I think I used at least 3k resources and ~100 buckets. Pictured is the fleet I used and what they had.

MI is just 2-4CV 2BB all the way, right? From E-3 to E-5?

>> No.12353078

Even if sparkling gave you 10% extra chance at success, I wouldn't do it. It's just too fucking boring, kills all the fun and even costs resources. I'd much rather do some extra runs instead.

>> No.12353081

Anybody noticed after doing PVP the KCV seems lagging?

>> No.12353087
File: 47 KB, 475x380, 1407663814387[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12353091

So you get another one.

>> No.12353088
Quoted by: >>12353107

Reppu kai in a 18 slot and Reppu in a 24?

>> No.12353090

Nice, going to consider this.

>shiden kai

>> No.12353091

Perfect for the dragons!

>> No.12353094
File: 90 KB, 1000x603, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her.

>> No.12353098

Taking into account the 2 CVLs requirement for E6, which CVLs should I use for AL?

I have 1 of each CVL except for Ryuuhou.

>> No.12353103

Abyss Kaga.

>> No.12353107

Didn't have a complete understanding of how plane strength worked, so I thought I could make up for it with the Skilled T21 Zeroes.

>> No.12353108

Get in line.

>> No.12353110
Quoted by: >>12353115

What is wrong with her chest, her breasts look like they want to jump into her own mouth

>> No.12353112
Quoted by: >>12353163

Your lowest level/stat CVLs.

>> No.12353113

Fuck, the boss fight in E3 is so much fun.

>> No.12353114
Quoted by: >>12353131

What's you formation on route?

>> No.12353115
Quoted by: >>12353120


>> No.12353119
Quoted by: >>12353163

>another pair of CVL

Game over for me. I had only two lvled light carriers.

>> No.12353120
Quoted by: >>12353135

Abyss Kaga is not retarded.
Stop with the bullying.

>> No.12353121
Quoted by: >>12353163

RJ of course.
It is her turn to shine.

>> No.12353126
Quoted by: >>12353163

Take the drunk and her sister.
Plenty of planes and since they're slow, you might as well use them where speed's not a big issue.

>> No.12353131
Quoted by: >>12353138

Line ahead, Line ahead, Line abreast.

>> No.12353132

There are no things that carpet bombing and mass tank rush can't counter.

>> No.12353135

Whatever, she'll only look good throttled with all my bakugeki arrows anyways

>> No.12353138

Thanks, hope this will really help me.

>> No.12353147

I'm about to clear E1 and it would be rather nice if E2 went as smoothly for me as that.

What formations did you use?

>> No.12353158

Counter to Schräge Musik?
Schräge Musik was supposed to counter allied bombing raids, and that didn't work well enough to stop them.
You don't need to counter an ineffective counter.

>> No.12353159

So how do you create support fire with the new mechanic? still with the 4 red gun?

>> No.12353163

Any reason for that?

My lowest is Houshou at 25 and my next 4 are Hiyous and Shouhous, all at 35. Those with Kai 2s are all Kai 2.

That's not even counting support fleet. Good luck mate.

That's one...

I see. Shouhou and Zuihou will be doing support duty then.

>> No.12353172

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I've sifted through the wiki without finding an answer. What's the point of secondary guns, is it different from slapping another main gun on the girl?

>> No.12353173

Read the combat details page. Aside from what's there, there isn't really much different.

>> No.12353175

It's in the wiki, just look more closely at the FAQ

>> No.12353176

Look at their stats/

>> No.12353178

Go back reading the wiki again.

>> No.12353181


>> No.12353182

Google sends me here, so tell me formula of effective LOS.

>> No.12353185
Quoted by: >>12353237


>> No.12353186

Ctrl+F the thread.

>> No.12353191
File: 26 KB, 826x179, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried E2 with shitty DDs? I don't want to send my eliteDDs in AL since you need them for MI.
>pic related

>> No.12353192

Read the wiki, imbecile.

>> No.12353195
Quoted by: >>12353200

Don't call them shit anon.

>> No.12353199

The DDs I used in AL were in the 50s. My MI DDs are in the 70s. Also, treat all of your DDs with love.

>> No.12353200

Fine, my 'expedition sluts' then.

>> No.12353205

Not him, but the last I checked it's not there.

>> No.12353207

Just use Shimakaze and Amatsukaze.
For MI you are better using the lucky trio.

>> No.12353208

God, I'm just so fucked by Operation AL. It's not that I can't do it. I have level 98+ BBVs and CVLs. The problem is that those ships actually form the core of the navy that I was planning to bring to Midway, so if I send them to the Aleutians I'm just completely fucked for the rest of the event.

And I don't have enough CAVs to split between AL and MI, either.

Train proper fleets, kids. Don't end up like me.

>> No.12353211

This isn't your hugbox, faggot.

>> No.12353212

This thread is a 3000 post combination blog and hugbox.

>> No.12353213
Quoted by: >>12353221

Use CA for AL.
CVL don't go to MI, CV do.
No need to use BBV in AL either. One is enough for E1.
Conslusion is that you're a fucking retard.

>> No.12353214

E-3 is so fucking fun! Until it comes to fuel and bauxite consumption.

>> No.12353216

That's not your twitter.

>> No.12353217
Quoted by: >>12353258

You don't have BBs or CVs?

>> No.12353218

Send your trash/newly remodeled BBV and CVL to AL.

>> No.12353219
Quoted by: >>12353230

Just use whoever but keep Yuubari for MI.
Nothing like a 4slotted CL to lead your cute destroyers into battle.

>> No.12353221
Quoted by: >>12353233

I have only one fast BB and two standard carriers above level 80, and I'm level 100.

I won't dispute that I'm a retard.

>> No.12353223

Yeah, 700 baux with 8 reppuu is brutal.

>> No.12353224
Quoted by: >>12353231

Ammo get raped harder than fuel though.

>> No.12353225
Quoted by: >>12353232

As long as it doesn't consume buckets, it's fine for me.

>> No.12353230
Quoted by: >>12353235

>keep Yuubari for MI.
For which map?

>> No.12353231

Not when your BBs and CVs eat up 400 - 500 fuel, not including repairs.

>> No.12353232
Quoted by: >>12353271

It costs a shitload of buckets. There's scratch damage all over the place.

>> No.12353233

I don't see how your ships can be so underleveled as a level 100 TTK.

>> No.12353234

Fuck Isokaze. Give me Unryuu and I'm happy with the event.

>> No.12353235
Quoted by: >>12353241

You need CLs as well as DDs to combine your second fleet to your first.

>> No.12353237

I don't get it. Using that formula I get 100 effective LOS while having 260 total LOS. Aren't effective LOS supposed to be higher!?
Providing the link takes same amount of action as typing shit like you did. Why do you spread entropy, fucker?

>> No.12353238
Quoted by: >>12353240

So what's Re-chan doing during this event? Still guarding 5-5 for no reason at all?

>> No.12353240

Grinding level for her Kai remodel.

>> No.12353241

You need sonar, double attack and night batol gears.

>> No.12353242
Quoted by: >>12353257

No, total LOS is an overbuffed number. Effective LOS is actually much lower than total LOS.

>> No.12353243

>Aren't effective LOS supposed to be higher!?
And where did you get that impression?

>Providing the link takes same amount of action as typing shit like you did. Why do you spread entropy, fucker?
So as not to reward your failure.

>> No.12353244
Quoted by: >>12353257

How can it be higher when you square root total LOS minus plane LOS and radar LOS?

>> No.12353245
File: 133 KB, 755x361, 234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really hates Hotel. The only damage that was dealt to my fleet was to her.

>> No.12353249 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>12353260

I put all the levels and sorties into ships with bad classes using the nice logic that "good ships will be good no matter what level they are, but bad ships need to be level 99 to do anything." Now all I have is overleveled bad ships and I can't do shit, and my TTK level is so high that I'm just crushed.

I do have some sweet level 97+ DDs and CVLs.

>> No.12353250

Anyone else getting sent off to NE after troll sub in E-4 half of the time?

>> No.12353251

So E-4 needs to have only 3 CV and one CAV on the main fleet?

>> No.12353254
File: 76 KB, 798x473, e5 night batol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E5 night batol is easier than E1
Nice balance.
Nice game.

>> No.12353257

Aren't that stat supposed to be like 300ish?

>> No.12353258
Quoted by: >>12353261

I put all the levels and sorties into ships with bad classes using the nice logic that "good ships will be good no matter what level they are, but bad ships need to be level 99 to do anything." Now all I have is overleveled bad ships and I can't do shit, and my TTK level is so high that I'm just crushed.

I do have some sweet level 97+ DDs and CVLs.

I have them, they're just around thirty levels down from where they should be.

>> No.12353259

Should I train my Sendai to 60 for that plane? She's only 21.

>> No.12353260
Quoted by: >>12353263

Your so-called bad ships are exactly the ones you use in AL. Stop posting.

>> No.12353261

Levels don't matter, just go.

>> No.12353263

I can easily crush AL if I want. The problem is that I will have nothing left for Midway if I put my best ships intl AL. Right now I'm trying to clear it with trash.

>> No.12353268
Quoted by: >>12353275

I told you to fuck off, if you didn't get that. You keep saying things without reading the replies to them.

>> No.12353269
Quoted by: >>12353275

People cleared it with trash as well.

>> No.12353271
Quoted by: >>12353293

Halfway the gauge and E3 only costs ~10 buckets according to the log.
Considering that E2 needs 170 buckets, I'd say E3 bucket cost is pretty cheap.

>> No.12353272

Anyone here know another recipe for Saiuns? 30/20/10/130 gave me 1 star planes and penguins.

>> No.12353274
Quoted by: >>12353287

>I can easily crush
Keep on dreaming. Why not try it now?

>> No.12353275

Which post do you insist on having a reply to?

I'm doing that right now. It's just slow and takes a lot of time / bucket.

>> No.12353277

20/20/10/110, keep trying.

>> No.12353278
Quoted by: >>12353289


>> No.12353280
Quoted by: >>12353289

It's recipe from our lord savior.

>> No.12353284

see >>12352122

>> No.12353287

Because I don't want to use all my high-level ships in Operational AL?

>> No.12353289

Thank you.

>> No.12353291

It's 20/10/10/110.

>> No.12353293
Quoted by: >>12353325

You don't get scratch damage on 6-10 ships every sortie? I'm paranoid so I either have to bucket or wait until the few hp recover.

>> No.12353294

So you're not only mentally handicapped imbecile, you're also incapable of doing simple math operations. Not that I'm surprised.

>> No.12353300
File: 38 KB, 600x349, GpZgUvy0Pu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worst carrier
>requires blueprint

>> No.12353302

More like best carrier. Check that staff.

>> No.12353307

Nothing is worse than the cranes.

They turned into the worst carrier division.

>> No.12353310

Kaga pls

>> No.12353311
File: 95 KB, 1218x406, E2 First five sorties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will never be enough resources for this. This is the nightmare.

>> No.12353312
Quoted by: >>12353323


E5 is pure random?
Anyone found a way to fix it to the middle route?

>> No.12353315
Quoted by: >>12353321

B-but in my opinion Zuikaku is the cutest so she isn't worse than the others if you factor that in.

>> No.12353317

Do we need a slow fleet for E6?

>> No.12353321

>Zuikaku is the cutest
Did you make a mistake?

>> No.12353322

How is it possible to hate the carrier with the fluffy hair.

>> No.12353323

Yes, it's pure RNG. At least the boss is easy for me.

>> No.12353325

I do, but my policy is not to bucket until 60 percent HP or chuuha.

>> No.12353326
Quoted by: >>12353338

Well, aren't you special? I sortied 18 times before I got to the boss.

>> No.12353327
Quoted by: >>12353333

Damn, the >3000 posts thread rapes Chrome here.

>> No.12353333
File: 117 KB, 284x812, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.

>> No.12353338

We don't know that yet. How's your progress Anon?

My first four failed sorties was caused by Shimakaze getting to red all the time even in flagship. At least the order swap pulled through.

>> No.12353344

Wow, is ZKMS cursed? She get hit to red tons of time during my run.

>> No.12353347
Quoted by: >>12353350

Killed her about 2 hours ago. Think it took about 50 sorties in total, not that bad, honestly. Got a lot better after I started listening to some relaxing music every time I got to 3rd node.

>> No.12353350

Music name please.

>> No.12353352

How do I into some other route than north in E3?

>> No.12353356

What DDs do you plan on using for MI? I want to save my Yukikaze and Shimakaze and use other DDs for AL since I have very few elite DDs.

>> No.12353365


>> No.12353366

Thunderbolt and Lightning = NanoDeath to the Abyss!!

>> No.12353367

Tough question, my DDs are not levelled enough. I have RaiDen at 60 and everybody else is at 30~40. Gonna count on my girls to make miracles happen.

>> No.12353369

MI DDs are for night battle, so it doesn't matter much whom you use. Even Mutsukis wreck face in nayt batol.

>> No.12353370

Save high-luck DD for MI.

>> No.12353371

Spica by stylips

>> No.12353373

You don't have Yuudachi?

>> No.12353381
Quoted by: >>12353386

So this is the first kancolle thread I've been to since arpeggio, and S ephermal is still blog/brag posting, my fucking sides.

>> No.12353382

Would be a cool feature such as asking you what ship to focus next, but they should allow enemy vessels to do the same.

>> No.12353384

They already do. Focus changes depending on how your ships are damaged.

>> No.12353386

This is an event, you're supposed to do that.

At least it's not resource bragging.

>> No.12353396

Anyone got Hiryuu from event maps?
I only got Akaga from E3.

>> No.12353400

Option to point the next victim would be too op, i'd go for making focusing rules (like "hit carriers first, battleships second, everything else last") for fleets. Like adjusting party AI in NWN.

>> No.12353406
File: 819 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140810-20184847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akitsumaru drop on E4, not sure if reported.

>> No.12353412

I got both Souryuu and Hiryuu from E3.

>> No.12353414
File: 343 KB, 1440x831, ss+(2014-08-10+at+07.12.32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I threw akitsumaru into my fleet just to see whats happening, apart from taking a superior route (less planes shot down)

she somehow managed to do this on the boss node. Part of the Main Fleet.

>> No.12353416

What the fuck is up with the submarine node in E4? It always crits one or two of my girls to red even when they are using echelon or line abreast.

>> No.12353417
Quoted by: >>12353420

Seems like that's the easier path and that map for designed with her in mind. Was it hard to balance the LoS?

>> No.12353420

one 22 radar and two turbines on her because i was scared she'd get hit to red by something easy.

went B-C-F-J-K, B only has 1 Wo, so less planes shot down as a result, and lighter on bauxite usage.

>> No.12353429

Interesting, thanks. I'm going to try heading south all the way, it seems like an easier route.

>> No.12353437

The hell?
lvl90+ with 105 effective LOS DD fleet, after reaching and killing E-2 boss, next run it sends me off map?

>> No.12353443
Quoted by: >>12353450

Recon planes was shot down.

>> No.12353444

Welcome to RNG

>> No.12353450

good lord, then i need to craft another saiun.
20/60/10/120 still gives it 1:3?

>> No.12353456

I just crafted 3 out of 70 crafts.

>> No.12353460
Quoted by: >>12353475

Did you get at least B on the pre-boss node?

>> No.12353463
File: 23 KB, 621x148, Screenshot 2014-08-10 13.41.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RNG is on my site this time

>> No.12353466

No Shioi drops. It's like the devs are racists.

>> No.12353468
Quoted by: >>12353478

We're on page 10. This thread is consuming 90% of my ram. I'll see you ttks when it dies.

>> No.12353469
Quoted by: >>12353476

What fleet are you using and equips?

>> No.12353473

You don't really need turbines. I started MI with Lv.30 RJ as flagship since I only had 3 carriers, I'm on my last E4 boss kill and I've never seen her getting orange, let alone red.

>> No.12353474

I'm glad I didn't throw away the 10 or so Saiuns the game gave me.

I still have to craft 3 more Reppus, though. You need 7 of them for MI, right?

>> No.12353475

it sent me G-H instead of G-E as previously
C was S rank, G an A rank

>> No.12353476
Quoted by: >>12353497


>> No.12353478
Quoted by: >>12353488

>90% of RAM
What a shit computer you have.

>> No.12353486
File: 494 KB, 1662x998, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, you're right. I barely finished the first shelling phase and already only the boss is left. Level 105 here.

>> No.12353488
Quoted by: >>12353493

I think it's 4chan x's fault for preloading images for image hover or something, I have 8gb of RAM.

>> No.12353493
Quoted by: >>12353499

Huh, you're right. I have 16GB and 7.6 is taken.

>> No.12353494
Quoted by: >>12353500

Do you sparkle everyone every attempt? Damn. give us some of your luck. I noticed that when I sparkle, things go worse than 49 fatigue.

>> No.12353497
Quoted by: >>12353500

No support fleet?

>> No.12353499

I want 16gb but the ram I'm using at the moment isnt sold anywhere and tech savvy people say not to mix ram brands ;__;

>> No.12353500

I don't sparkle at all. What you see on the is the MVP result.
No. I experimented with trash support but it doesn't worth it.

>> No.12353503
Quoted by: >>12353556

It top-right really for boss? Secondary fleet misses all their attacks and the main does scratch damage mostly. Can't kill the boss even with support.

>> No.12353504

Seriously, what the fucking FUCK, 100% of the times I hit the sub node in E4 and 100% of the times one or more get shot to red even when they are in line abreast, fuck this motherfucking bullshit.

>> No.12353506
Quoted by: >>12353512

I would tell you my tricks, but I want you to suffer more.

>> No.12353507

If you don't complete defending of the base (E6), 10 of your girls that are not flagged AL or MI are sunk.

>> No.12353512

Well, fuck you too.

>> No.12353516

Got a Hiryuu from E4

>> No.12353517
Quoted by: >>12353533

Reading from the comment, apparently for E5 you will get sent to B if you have a high value LoS.
Anyone test it out yet?
Dont know if these nips is trolling or not.

>> No.12353521
File: 1.09 MB, 1600x480, KanColle-140810-13502494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12353650


>> No.12353526
Quoted by: >>12353534

>Going the sub route
Hahaha look at this guy.

>> No.12353533

It's random, but everything is easier when I get sent to B node.

>> No.12353534

And I will keep doing the same thing.

>> No.12353535

So it seems that there is no LoS check from F to J when running her.

>> No.12353537
File: 318 KB, 800x1427, e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 S ranks in 7 boss encounters from 12 runs
S rank drops: 4 ktkm 1 shimakaze 1 something so shit i cant remember

>> No.12353545

If you're limited to one slot should you use dive bomber or torpedo?

>> No.12353546
File: 330 KB, 800x480, basedzunship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Akitsumaru for E-4 is pretty good.

>> No.12353547
File: 462 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140810-21004751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuma-chan without sanshiki outdid CAs with sanshiki. That's hardcore.

>> No.12353549
Quoted by: >>12353558


>> No.12353550
Quoted by: >>12353558

Torpedo if it's CVL bomber if CV

>> No.12353552
Quoted by: >>12353558

Slot size?

>> No.12353556
Quoted by: >>12353561

If you're talking about MI, it's bottom right. Some anon talk about it in this thread.

>> No.12353558
Quoted by: >>12353566

Alright, thanks.


>> No.12353559
Quoted by: >>12353570

Torpedo if it's Ryusei-kai. Anything else, dive bomber.

>> No.12353561

Fuck, no wonder.

>> No.12353566

Blue is better.

>> No.12353567

God damn muscle memory, don't send my first fleet to 1-1!

>> No.12353569
File: 571 KB, 799x482, Summer 2014 E3 Clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12353577

That was surprisingly easy. Prepping now for E4.

>> No.12353570


>> No.12353571

Or you could send all your girls to first node AL and tag them all.

>> No.12353577

Should have committed 4 destroyers instead, if you can't sail an Akitsumaru. E4 is massively easier when you have 4 destroyers in the escort fleet.

>> No.12353581

They're not attacking the naval base I think.

>> No.12353582

For some reason, Samidare yelling やった every single pre-boss node, even though she does literally nothing is funny to me.

>> No.12353584

Rape her

>> No.12353587

What? It wouldn't let me combine them with 4DD 2CAV.

>> No.12353589

It's a little depressing (and funny) how there's still a massive lot of people stuck on E1 and E2.

I feel sorry for them. E3 onwards is a raiding party.

>> No.12353591
Quoted by: >>12353595

In my case she wrecked them.

>> No.12353593

You need at least one light cruiser and two destroyers to make an escort fleet bro.

>> No.12353595

Wrecked how? It's 2 phases of air combat and nothing else.

>> No.12353596

You need a CL.

>> No.12353598
Quoted by: >>12353600


>> No.12353600
Quoted by: >>12353603

Well, I'm talking about E3. E2 was anything but funny.

>> No.12353602
Quoted by: >>12353606

You haven't upgraded your Samidare to an aviation destroyer?

>> No.12353603

It's funny once your done with it.

>> No.12353606

Only Shimakaze can be aviation destroyer. Stop spreading lies.

>> No.12353613

The compass trolling in E4 is irritating as hell. Wikiwiki speculated that a fast CVL in first fleet guarantees B->D . Can anybody confirmed?

>> No.12353618

Why not confirm it yourself, retard.

>> No.12353620
Quoted by: >>12353632

I just tried that and still got sent to subs.

>> No.12353624

I've never went B route with CVL in the first place, and sortieing Zunship will make my autism cry due to wasted EXP.

>> No.12353627
Quoted by: >>12353632

Even if you go D, you will still need to go through H. I'm not sure what triggers normal battle instead of air phase only, but when I've reached node H through the other side it automatically went into shelling phase after air phase.

>> No.12353632

Much appreciated. I don't think adding Akitsu Maru will change anything either, might as well just suck it up and brute force it.

You need 4DD in escort fleet in order to reach B. I want to avoid the sub node.

Those with arrows are the ones with air phase, those without it are normal battles. Going defensive helps a lot as the escort fleet only have one turn to fight.

>> No.12353639

No XP is wasted unless she's level 150. You need to get every ship to max.

>> No.12353648
File: 498 KB, 1254x453, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this be enough to clear E2?

>> No.12353650

Well done, prepare to be disappointed when you discover E5 is so easy.

>> No.12353651
Quoted by: >>12353653

Are you sure you don't want your CVL to attack?

>> No.12353652
File: 216 KB, 766x388, combinedsluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12353691

So your combined fleet LoS = 1st fleet + 2nd fleet? Or is it just the 1st fleet?

>> No.12353653
Quoted by: >>12353656

They're not Reppuu Kai. Is 2 Reppuus enough?

>> No.12353654

What's the point of sonars.

>> No.12353655
Quoted by: >>12353660

Yeah I just did my first attempt at E-3 and it was perfect S ranks all the way to the boss.

Problem is I'm running out of buckets.

>> No.12353656

1 Reppuu kai and 1 reppuu is not enough, so no.

>> No.12353657

I dont like E5 compass trolling.

>> No.12353659

>massively easier
You still have to deal with a flagship Ru.

>> No.12353660
Quoted by: >>12353700

Anyone dropped Yukikaze? What map? I need to level up spare high luck DD for future combined operation events, they really couldve given us one or two of these fucking reward destroyers with good stats, fuck you DMM.

That's not good, stop attempting to sortie and farm as many as possible. I used 100-200 on every MI map.

>> No.12353662

Do anyone of you has the Boss BGM of MI?

Sounds godtier.

>> No.12353664
Quoted by: >>12353670

AL maps are such cockblock, they prevent the possible fun and new UI that MI is

>> No.12353670

git gud

>> No.12353676

Wow okay, did not think of this. thank you based Japan.
He has junk ships in escort fleet, they are the only ones who take damage, he has ships he wants to level in main fleet.

Basically this guy is farming ships at no expense or waiting times other than fatigue and resupplying.

>> No.12353677

There won't be any lottery today, right?

>> No.12353678
Quoted by: >>12353683

no fuck off

>> No.12353682

Abyss Kaga is pretty strong.
Those flying ball hit pretty damm hard. I always end up with a heavily damaged fleet after raping her.

>> No.12353683

Alright, good night.

>> No.12353684
File: 120 KB, 800x480, Screenshot_340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP in pieces, best abyss ;_;

>> No.12353686

>Waste time sparkling my support fleet
>Main fleet keeps getting damaged to red at the first south node of E-2
>Now I have to resparkle my support fleet again.

I should just do LSC and get Musashi, that would be far less infuriating.

>> No.12353690
Quoted by: >>12353692

>best abyss
You guys would eat anything as long as it's a loli.

>> No.12353691
Quoted by: >>12353698

It'll start again at 8/11.

The former.
208 effective LoS is just too much for a single fleet.

>> No.12353692

Yes, I want to eat a loli.

>> No.12353698

>It'll start again at 8/11.

>> No.12353699

Her sinking line hurts my heart.;_;

>> No.12353700
Quoted by: >>12353706

Well I'm not really taking any damage from E-3. Akagi got crit down to orange in the pre boss node once but other than that it's just scratch damage. And I can rotate destroyers and CLs.

>> No.12353703

For admirals over level 100, what's the effective LOS you had for maps E3 to E6?

>> No.12353706

Yeah, orange is a joke, E-4 is complete hell however, literal compass trolling without reason.

>> No.12353707

No LoS.
It is pure luck.

>> No.12353709
Quoted by: >>12353713

Has anyone dropped yukikaze?

>> No.12353711

Not pure luck, You have to win the pre-boss node in E3 to get to the boss.

>> No.12353713
Quoted by: >>12353716

Will you please fuck off?

>> No.12353716
Quoted by: >>12353720

Has anyone dropped yukikaze?

>> No.12353717

There are LOS requirement though, else we wouldn't see the seaplane animation

Strap a Saiun on each CV first and test the water as you go along. The rest, just wing it.

>> No.12353720
Quoted by: >>12353721

Do you have Ayanami/Shigure? Grind her to level 70.

>> No.12353721
Quoted by: >>12353725

I have one of both, looking to get 2 of everyone for the next event, want to start with yukikaze because she's a bitch to obtain outside events.

>> No.12353723
Quoted by: >>12353734

E3: 4 Saiun and 4 floatplanes (2 on BB and 2 on CA(V)) should do the job if i'm not mistaken.
E4: see >>12351799, i don't know whether if it could be lower or not.

>> No.12353724
File: 560 KB, 694x957, 45256142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12353725

Using duplicate ships is tasteless.

>> No.12353728 [DELETED] 

>There are LOS requirement though, else we wouldn't see the seaplane animation
You could get the animation for spring E1 even if you completely neglected LOS.

Welp, guess I have not much of a choice then.

>> No.12353729
File: 158 KB, 789x477, E5 route.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In E5.
There is only 1route with seaplane animation.
Rest is random. It is up to luck once you go north.
Compass will rarely send you south.

>> No.12353731
Quoted by: >>12353742

Thanks, stick to your shitty tastes in AL meanwhile thanks to duplicate ships I'm finished the event.

>> No.12353734

Welp, guess I have not much of a choice then.

>There are LOS requirement though, else we wouldn't see the seaplane animation
You could get the animation for spring E1 even if you completely neglected LOS.

Seems legit.

>> No.12353736

My destroyers are shit.

>> No.12353742
Quoted by: >>12353748

Good for you. Still shit taste.

>> No.12353743
Quoted by: >>12353747

Don't you have high level ones in your usual expedition fleets?

>> No.12353745

You are shit.
The AL event is shit.
surely not your DDs

>> No.12353747

Yeah, but they're still shit.
Level ~40 with only their FP and Armor max modernized.

>> No.12353748

Can you repeat that? Can't hear you over Isokaze's idle line.

>> No.12353753

I hope you enjoyed the event. You're going to feel empty for doing a 20 days long event in 2 days.
What are you going to do now?

>> No.12353754

1stCarDiv and 2ndCarDiv drops in MI. I think the devs are doing what they did in Ironbottom again.

>> No.12353755

>Node E is sometimes a sub node.
How often is it as a sub node?

>> No.12353756

2 threads from pruning. New thread? I'd make one but I don't have confidence in my taste of OP images.

Make a "total LOS a shit" edition or something and have the formula in OP post.

>> No.12353757
Quoted by: >>12353769

Go away.

>> No.12353758
Quoted by: >>12353769

Please stop the edition.

>> No.12353760

Drop the edition naming but I agree with the effective LOS equation. Put this >>12351793 as well just in case.

>> No.12353763

He's going to keep trying to do the event because he hasn't really done it.

>> No.12353766

Thanks to duplicate ships I can send 2 Yuudachi/Ayanami support expedition DD pairs, have no shortage of fast BBs, and can send Shigure/Bep/Shimakaze/Yukikaze to both AL and MI.

>> No.12353767

The guy who attacked E-6 but gave up finally.

>> No.12353768
Quoted by: >>12353770

It bearly appears for me.

>> No.12353769
Quoted by: >>12353785

No one complained about this thread, so why should they complain about the next?

>> No.12353770
Quoted by: >>12353776

Okay. I guess I was just unlucky that I got a sub node on my first try.

>> No.12353771
Quoted by: >>12353781

I got the CVL/Ru/Ri fleet more than the 4 subs, so I'm guessing it's not that common.

>> No.12353772

E4 Boss drop Hamakaze, i think i could complete my Kagerou Collection.

>>12351793 can be mentioned in 2nd and 3rd post.

>> No.12353773

I think I had 6 sorties to E-2 as of now and it has only appeared once. The other times are worse though because it's a damned battleship and CVL.

>> No.12353776
Quoted by: >>12353786

Unlucky? Count yourself lucky you don't get the bullshit BB and CVL. They're the ones who hit hard. Harder than the subs can.

>> No.12353781

Is that the preboss node? How would you deal with it by the way? Go double line and hope for the best?

>> No.12353784

>Put this >>12351793 as well just in case.
Which one is better for non-boss nodes?

>> No.12353785
Quoted by: >>12353787

Because that one was not "funny" one.

>> No.12353786
Quoted by: >>12353803

But at least they can be killed by support fleet. My Samidare often pounds them back to the ocean floor.

>> No.12353787
Quoted by: >>12353794

Wait, what'd you mean by "funny"?

>> No.12353790
Quoted by: >>12353798

I choose second formation for maximum placebo.

>> No.12353791
Quoted by: >>12353798

Diamond, for non-SS nodes.

>> No.12353792

Yeah, pre-boss.

I'd go line abreast and hope for the best, just in case I got the subs.

>> No.12353793

I want to cry.

>> No.12353794
Quoted by: >>12353804

Don't you see a difference between "total LOS a shit" and "Operation MI"?

>> No.12353798
Quoted by: >>12353814

ASW should be self-explanatory but not sure about the other three.

I see.

Any differences in which fleets attack when in these different formations? I remembered there was a difference but I forgot the details.

>> No.12353799

I'm going to go farm duplicates, that's what we were discussing for 10minutes.

>> No.12353803
Quoted by: >>12353820

You only need boss support fleet. Normal support fleet feels like a way of resources because it's chance of appearing is lower than the boss's support.

>> No.12353804
Quoted by: >>12353818

To be honest, no.

Though if it's really "funny" to you, nothing stopping you from changing it to something less "funny".

>> No.12353805

New thread

>> No.12353814
Quoted by: >>12353846

Are you asking MI formation in general or the differences amongst the formations? If the latter, no difference, I think. If the former, escort fleet attack first (one turn only unless you add a BB(?)) -> torpedo phase -> Main fleet. Main fleet has no torpedo phase, if I correctly remember.

>> No.12353816

Sorry for this stupupid question, but I basically haven't played since the last event, and the English wiki doesn't have a page dedicated to them so I want to ask, how do medals work? I know that certain ships require ?4? for a kai ni, but don't 1-5 and 5-5 drop different medal types? What medal types are events dropping and what ships can use 1-5 medals?

>> No.12353818
Quoted by: >>12353831

One looks retarded, the other not.

>> No.12353820

Normal support fleet is very helpful. Sparkle the flagship, and your fleet will punch through those pesky ships.

>> No.12353830
Quoted by: >>12353841

1-5, 2-5 and 5-5 drops medal once a month. Medals can be turned in for resources or you can turn in four and get a blueprint used for certain remodels.

>> No.12353831

What I gave was an example. You could phrase it in a non-retarded way if you wanted.

>> No.12353841

All medals are the same. 1-5, 2-5, and 5-5 just refresh with a new medal at the start of the month. So far only Tone, Chikuma, Bismarck, Taigei, and Unryuu use medals. The last three aren't totally worth it, so you don't have to worry about getting as much as possible.

The resource amount is pitiful though, so it's best to save them.

>> No.12353846

>If the former, escort fleet attack first (one turn only unless you add a BB(?)) -> torpedo phase -> Main fleet. Main fleet has no torpedo phase, if I correctly remember.
The streaming guy used either top right or bottom right and this happened as a result. AA had 2 aerial phases or something, and that was it? How many times did second fleet attack during ASW? Don't think first fleet attacked at all for ASW formation but I'm not sure.

>> No.12353858
Quoted by: >>12353862

There are two different nodes in MI maps. Those with arrows only have air phases and those without are just normal nodes. In the case of ASW, all ASW-capable ship will attack. If you have a seaplane-equipped CAV in the main fleet, she will attack as well, right after the torpedo phase.

>> No.12353862

Nice, thanks.

>> No.12353864
Quoted by: >>12353868

>How many times did second fleet attack during ASW?
Once for me. I do not know whether adding a BB to the escort will grant a second turn.

>> No.12353868
Quoted by: >>12353875

>adding a BB to the escort
Did anyone even try that?

>> No.12353869
Quoted by: >>12353874

The subs are in echelon, so they shouldn't hit you, and even if they hit it shouldn't deal more than 3-5 damage.

That will not stop them from targeting that one CVL with 12/45HP and getting her to red with their 10% hitrate torpedoes.

>> No.12353874
Quoted by: >>12353886

>The subs are in echelon, so they shouldn't hit you, and even if they hit it shouldn't deal more than 3-5 damage.
anon pls
It hit two of my CAs from green to red.

>> No.12353875
Quoted by: >>12353879

I was the faggot that added Yamato to it. However, I don't remember whether they granted a second turn, my guess is that it doesn't. I remember regretting it because my DD was raping Yorktown with no tomorrow but was grateful when all they had to tank was one round during the boss node.

>> No.12353879

Oh, right. There was one.

Thanks for the info, anon.

>> No.12353886

Misfortune happens.
Subs in line ahead are significantly more dangerous.

>> No.12353898

Which fancy formation helps to avoid damage from the subs at E5?

>> No.12353906

I used the second one.

>> No.12353911

Why do you refuse to use the new thread?

>> No.12353913
Quoted by: >>12353920

Because he's not a faggot who makes new threads while there are perfectly fine existing ones.

>> No.12353919

Top left since it's an ASW formation.

>> No.12353920

>perfectly fine existing ones.
Imagine if someone creates a new thread right after the question.

>> No.12353922

Discussions still active on this old thread stay here until it gets pruned.

>> No.12353938

Anyone know the effective LOS value needed for E5?

>> No.12353944

You can reach E-5 but you're still asking for spoonfeed?

>> No.12353946
Quoted by: >>12353962

Ok, time to resume my E5 journey, wish me luck fellow TTKs!


From my experience, it seems like every certain number of kills the LOS requirement increases. So far on my 2 kills 170 was enough, but on E4 it increased from 170 at first to 200 at the end, which is higher than what I needed previously, so the only advice I can give you is: stack more sauin.

>> No.12353962

Thanks, i'll try from 220 LOS.

>> No.12353996
File: 64 KB, 729x418, Screenshot 2014-08-10 16.22.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12353998

So who is the creater of this goddam event?
I will remember his/her name.

>> No.12354001
Quoted by: >>12354009

Did you use boss support on every run or for the final kill only?

>> No.12354003


The event is fine, the aren't.

>> No.12354009
File: 39 KB, 730x257, Screenshot 2014-08-10 16.25.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12354015

Final kill only

>> No.12354015
Quoted by: >>12354020

So you chipped away her hp or you still managed a clean kill without support?

>> No.12354020

It's in the result column. Attempt 11 is screwed though as I copied that from line 1. During that, both sanshiki carrier got redded.

>> No.12354024

>forgot sanshiki twice

>> No.12354029
Quoted by: >>12354055

Retarded question but is E-6 combined fleet as well? I even watched the fucking stream but apparently my memory is a bit foggy.

>> No.12354030

Oh, missed it sorry for that. Thanks by the way.

>> No.12354038

How is such a thing even possible?

>> No.12354041
Quoted by: >>12354102

Oh, by the way. Did you aim for air superiority at the boss node? I've read somewhere that not to bother. What was your plane loadout too?

>> No.12354055

No, it's not. Just send a strong fleet.

>> No.12354082
File: 63 KB, 800x531, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12354108


Good work. Took me 16 runs for that but it felt so fucking long.

>> No.12354102
Quoted by: >>12354127

No superiority on boss. 4 saiun, Egusa, Tomonaga, reppu kai shiden kai

>> No.12354108

>don't play Kancolle on tablets

>> No.12354113
Quoted by: >>12354121

Windows Tablet.

>> No.12354114
Quoted by: >>12354121

That's Microsoft tablet.

>> No.12354121
Quoted by: >>12354189

I know it's a surface but they never told as the rule doesn't apply for those. Well, the pro is technically a crappy laptop, but still.

>> No.12354127

Thanks a bunch. Will give it a try.

>> No.12354133

Guys, what do you stack on support CVs?

Reds or blues?

>> No.12354139


>> No.12354141

Come on anon, you know it depends.

>> No.12354144
Quoted by: >>12354157

It's support CV, so I guess he's asking about support expedition. In this case, I think stacking reds will work.

>> No.12354150
Quoted by: >>12354169

So for E-6 CVLs are more recommended than CVs right?

>> No.12354157
Quoted by: >>12354163


I'm referring support expeditions.

E-2 is about to put me on suicide watch.


4 slots worth of reds?

>> No.12354159

Blues + greens for air supremacy so you don't lose too many planes? Haven't done aerial support for a long while.

>> No.12354163
Quoted by: >>12354176

Check the expedition under wiki, I don't use support expedition much but I remember stack nothing but suisei and it works marginally well. I was using artillery shelling though.

>> No.12354169

Subs node in event map costs no ammo, you can face boss without the ammo penalty(third battle). So I think CVL route should be better.

>> No.12354176

*the wiki (under expedition)
I need to sleep.

>> No.12354183 [DELETED] 

Weird, with Akitsumaru in E-4 I went B-C-E to a dead end but I ended up with B-D-H and straight to the boss node.

>> No.12354189

You can't expect them to go too technical.

Besides, look at the possible consequences:
- "Why does X is allowed, while Y isn't".
- "Since Y isn't, you should support it as well"
- "Since Y finally got support, why not Z as well"
...and so on.

>> No.12354190
Quoted by: >>12354204

Weird, with Akitsumaru in E-4 I went B-C-E to a dead end but I ended up with B-D-H and straight to the boss node on the following run.

>> No.12354198
File: 6 KB, 264x43, Screenshot 2014-08-10 17.08.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12354210

I feel stronk. In before E-3 crushes this cozy feeling.

>> No.12354204
Quoted by: >>12354223

No changes in equips or whatsoever?
It might be a LOS thing. A recon plane could've been shot down in the battle.

>> No.12354210
File: 642 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140810-21081093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay. E-3 is not even a fight.

>> No.12354214
Quoted by: >>12354240

I know this has been asked quite a few times but what combination should I save for E-6? I'm looking at wikiwiki but it's not too helpful.

>> No.12354223
Quoted by: >>12354247

I have no idea how it works, 3rd run and I went B-C-F-J, boss node.

>> No.12354240
Quoted by: >>12354277


>> No.12354247
Quoted by: >>12354256

Try putting tons of recon, or radars. I think it's a LOS thing. With planes getting rekt.

>> No.12354256

I'm guessing the same as well. Works out for me since both routes are equally viable.

>> No.12354261

What are your equipments for akitsumaru?

>> No.12354271

Reppu 8
Reppu 8
Type 33 Radar

>> No.12354272
Quoted by: >>12354276

I hate E-2 so fucking much. That northern pre-boss node, the one time I choose line abrest it turn into a BB node instead of a sub-node.

>> No.12354276
File: 659 KB, 228x271, 1387952126650.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12354277

That's exactly what I did but it's varied. Some people say CVL is the way to go to dodge night battol, other say CV is not harder.

>> No.12354279

Prepare some of both, then.

>> No.12354285

We don't know details about compass rules yet. I'm saving my best BBs and the crane sisters for E-6. If it requires CVLs then I have to level them since I only have Chitose and Junyou left.

>> No.12354297

>Chitose and Junyou
Forgot to mention that they're only 5x.

>> No.12354303
File: 119 KB, 800x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't have any CVL left, here is a plan B.

>> No.12354319
Quoted by: >>12354408

4 DD 1 CL 1 CLT went to BDHK. One try, will test after this sortie.

>> No.12354322
Quoted by: >>12354330

Damn, I only have 1 CA left. Rolling with one carrier seem to be a good idea since you don't need much AS anyway.

I hope that map is just straight forward like Fall E5 with no compass fuckery so I can feel free to throw my everything at it.

>> No.12354330

Try replacing the CAVs with BBVs.

>> No.12354337

No, I think you do need fast so that 1 CV routing works.

>> No.12354341

Fast huh. CLTs? Change CAVs to CLTs.

>> No.12354343

I mean fast fleet.

>> No.12354350

How often do you guys take red ships into night battle? This E2 shit is killing me with always one DD getting red during day battle on boss.

>> No.12354361

Night battle doesn't sink red ships.

>> No.12354365

Available ships after MI (speculating):
Crane sisters.

It'll be alright, r-right?

>> No.12354366

Are you kidding?

>> No.12354378

>critical keeps Mogami Kai at green.
>regular hit brings her to orange.


>> No.12354382


>> No.12354393
Quoted by: >>12354445

Alright, my Ooyodo just attacked some subs. I believe you need to equip her with a main gun, so no full sonar/depth charge setup.

>> No.12354408
Quoted by: >>12354436

2nd try. B-C-F-J-K

>> No.12354413
Quoted by: >>12354444

Which route does it take?

>> No.12354415

E4 boss drops Akigumo, Mikuma.

>> No.12354436
Quoted by: >>12354476

Removed one DD. It went to A again.
I think 4 DD would make you go to B.

>> No.12354444

same question here. I really need a working plan B since I only have about 90k fuel/ammo left.

>> No.12354445

>I believe you need to equip her with a main gun
So her main gun shoots out depth charge? Nice one devs, this is exactly like Urakaze's gun shotting subs.

>> No.12354453
Quoted by: >>12354461

Haha what the everliving fuck. 228 effective los is not enough for E-3?

>> No.12354461
Quoted by: >>12354465

>228 effective los
That's enough even for E4, clearly something is wrong.

>> No.12354465
Quoted by: >>12354481

I went H-G 3 times without ever hitting the boss node

>> No.12354476

Brought back 4 DDs again. Went to B again.

>> No.12354481
Quoted by: >>12354506

Mind posting your fleet setup?
I've gone through ABEHJ and ADFHJ relatively without problems.

>> No.12354506
File: 203 KB, 375x310, Screenshot 2014-08-10 18.21.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 saiun on all CVs (2*4*9 = 72)
1 type 0 observation (2*1*6 = 12)
4 type 0 recon (2*4*5 = 40)
1 Egusa (4)
1 Tomonaga (5)
1 night scout (3)
2 prototype seiran (2*2*6 = 24)
1 +10 radar
3 +5 radars (15)
That's 185 from equip alone.
Total los is 498 + 297

>> No.12354523
Quoted by: >>12354577

It happened to a RTA streamer, not consinstetly but it happened.
The answer they gave themselves is:
"you recon has been shot".

Add mfw as you please.

>> No.12354554
Quoted by: >>12354557

Do you see air superiority indicator with combined fleet? I doubt 444 superiority is just parity on E-3 on every node, even for lvl100+

>> No.12354557
Quoted by: >>12354560

Yep. 6 reppu.

>> No.12354560
Quoted by: >>12354563

I roll with 7. Well, 6 normal and a kai.

>> No.12354563
Quoted by: >>12354570

5 reppu 1 reppu kai*

>> No.12354570
Quoted by: >>12354743

So I have more than that yet I don't get the superiority indicator.

>> No.12354577
Quoted by: >>12354588

Nothing wrong with your calculation except for including egusa and tomonaga.

I think my fleet went like this:
2xType 0 Recon
1xType 98 Night Recon
1xZuiun (634)

If >>12354523 are correct then you need more superiority.
I think my value was around ~416 to clear E3.

>> No.12354588
Quoted by: >>12354596

>except for including egusa and tomonaga

I shouldn't? Why?

>> No.12354596

Not recon planes.
The same holds true for searchlight (for now).

>> No.12354743

Only for the first air strike, no message for the second

>> No.12354793
Quoted by: >>12354819

Just to confirm, can ships used for support expedition for AL/MI be brought to E-6?

>> No.12354811

Anyone 100+ unluckier than me in E-1? 32 runs and counting, the majority with preboss support.

>> No.12354819

Support expedition ships don't get any sort of badge.

>> No.12354821
Quoted by: >>12354826

So for E-3, do you guys use bottom right or bottom left? I think diamond should be better for such fighter heavy maps.

>> No.12354823

Finished with 37, no support.

>> No.12354826
Quoted by: >>12354836

Bottom left til pre boss.

>> No.12354836
Quoted by: >>12354843

What else do you use on preboss? Midway princess is a harder airstrike rape than the others.

>> No.12354843
Quoted by: >>12354854

Bottom right and Upper left.

>> No.12354844

Read through this thread. There's a guy with 40+

>> No.12354854

I didn't get to experiment on it much because I just breezed through it. Currently at E5 now.

>> No.12354994
Quoted by: >>12354997

What formations did you use?
Also, did you run into the E sub node a lot?

>> No.12354997
Quoted by: >>12355003

Surprisingly, line ahead helped a lot on the first 2 nodes. I felt that my DDs/CVLs dodge much more. Also, I had the subs like 3 times. For the rest, it was flag RU

>> No.12355003
Quoted by: >>12355025

I see. What formation on E? Line abreast, I take it?

>> No.12355009
Quoted by: >>12355018

I'm starting to lose hope. One of my ships always reaches critical or I get an error and I'm just wasting resources and morale at this point. The crap EXP and dupe shipgirl drops only make it worse.

I don't know how anyone can deal with all this.

>> No.12355014
File: 355 KB, 804x953, gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, that was a close one.

>> No.12355018

Older TTKs are sitting on a giant surplus of resources plus much higher leveled girls, so keep that in mind.

As a low TTK, all you can do is what you're doing. Consider it a really slow grind and experience for your next event.

>> No.12355025

I was randomly switching between DA and diamond

>> No.12355030
Quoted by: >>12355065

Man, I just hope Mutsu can pull it off once I get there since I only have one of the hotels.

>> No.12355029
Quoted by: >>12355049


>> No.12355036
Quoted by: >>12355065

Resource bill?

>> No.12355038
Quoted by: >>12355095

Is it just me or does the voice of CV-hime from E5 changed to Kaga at the end as she sinks?

Someone also uploaded that snippet to nick:

>> No.12355049

Thanks. E2 feels kind of scary, but seeing you pull it off so cleanly makes me feel like I might have a chance at stumbling through it.

>> No.12355065

I decide to use cut-in setup on my Nagato, so Mutsu is sitting back in the support fleet. If you are using double attack, she is like same as Nagato.

Less than 20k bauxite and 90k fuel/ammo/steel for the entire event, little bit less than 50k for E-6.
Something interesting, I spent little bit more than 500 buckets for the event, somehow E-1 costs like 200 of them.

>> No.12355075
Quoted by: >>12355082

That is most reassuring, thank you.

I might still have to train up Musashi, but now I'm fairly sure I can tackle the entire event. Let's see if the final confrontation with two BB princesses is retained below level 100.

>> No.12355082
Quoted by: >>12355100

Has anyone with easy modo hit E6 yet?

>> No.12355095

They never published the VAs for those Abyss bosses did they?
This only works if she shares the same VA as Kaga.

>> No.12355100

Just wait a little bit more, I have 2 more E5 runs to do. TTK Lv.98. I doubt that's going to be easy modo though.
I'm kinda worried about buckets, I'll have roughly 200 and that might be not enough to finish it in one go.

>> No.12355105

Do you sparkle your fleet?

I only chipped about 20% of E-6 but I already spent 17k fuel. Don't know if 76k gonna be enough.
