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>> No.42891391 [View]
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As long as there's no WH autism involved, I don't mind them.

>> No.40955274 [View]
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but then porcs and orcs will be fighting over you

>> No.39173188 [View]
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What kind of orc do you like better?

>> No.37398175 [View]
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porc or orc?
I like both

>> No.37072366 [View]
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>t. pig

>> No.36186230 [View]
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do you prefer green orcs or pig orcs?

>> No.33603586 [View]
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Because JRPG

>> No.32284505 [View]
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Kobolds were doglike in a very early edition of D&D, which is what inspired JRPG designers, and in turn KC. Also >>32277267 while orcs were still closer to what you think of when you hear "orc" in early D&D, they were described as piglike in appearance, which is what early JRPG designers focused on, resulting in outright pigmen.

>> No.25764211 [View]
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Green in both cases, but I've grown to appreciate P'Orcs as well.

>> No.24681791 [View]
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Green iz best

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Fanart Galleries: https://pastebin.com/DFXhrXkc

>> No.23055339 [View]
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The fight rages on

>> No.22972759 [View]
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That all think you're tiny and cute.
I have nothing against P'orcs, but it would be nice to see greenskin orcs more often.

>> No.22536761 [View]
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"P'orc" refers specifically to Japanese style orcs which are pigmen, it's used to differentiate them from western style (Warhammer/Warcraft) orcs.

"Waaaagh" is a Warhammer reference, among other things it means a horde of orks going to war.

>> No.21828617 [SPOILER]  [View]
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Don't open.

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