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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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6811921 No.6811921 [Reply] [Original]

So now because real art is spiritual. Satanic or Godly.

What can someone draw so they're not involved with either of the above? I'm done my testimony, but it seems, when ever I sketch. Anything. My mind gets taken over by higher powers. Some good some evil.

It's really fucked actually.

>> No.6811922
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Quoted by: >>6811927 >>6811945


>> No.6811927

Anon, what is your drawing depicting?

>> No.6811945

Nvm. I've just wasted decades of my life drawing, aspiring. Ignorance was beautiful. Art is a silly hobbie. ai will save us.

>> No.6811964
Quoted by: >>6811974 >>6812010

This is what happens to gullible minds. They get indoctrinated into believeing nonsense.

I hope some day you manage to escape that faity tale you've been brainwashed into believing.

>> No.6811974

Yes. I got pulled into it young. Ruined beyond. Thank you Jesus, thank you Satan.

>> No.6811975

All hail the technocratics ovE OVE OVE

>> No.6812010

You know what got me the most. How they staged the age in the Bible. As if these people never had technology. It's written to believe they were a bunch of cave men. It's absolutely astounding the level of fuckery.

And what God would leave a legacy unsolved in parables and mystery. Lol.

If you want no one to perish. Just spill the beans bro

>> No.6812027
Quoted by: >>6812128

You have schizophrenia.

>> No.6812062

Well you're either schizo or you're so self-centered that a meditative act like drawing where you can get so wrapped up that creativity flows rather than being an act of pure conscious control seems Supernatural to you.

>> No.6812083
Quoted by: >>6812128

>this retarded schizo again

>> No.6812128

No. I study things. That should not be taught to cursed people.

But I'll settle for schizo for lack of your understanding.

>> No.6812243
File: 368 KB, 1187x872, snowglobe85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My experience with making this story was profoundly religious.

It started with a random drawing of a demon head, and finding myself thinking about how it could exist in the World,and 180+strips later,I have been as amazed at how the story played out. This scene was so Iconic to me,I spent 3 weeks drawing the I Forgive You panel full page with the castle looming in the background, and I call it my Pieta ,Michelangelo's statue of Mary cradling her dead Son. The story leading up to this moment would explain the magnitude of the emotions in play for these characters, and I felt compelled to capture the moment in monumental clarity. "She deserves what I am going to do to her."

Doing this story has been like being a spectator of my own work,the story bouncing around in my head as the pen struggles to catch up. And what I could call wisdom somehow pops out of the mouths of my characters because that is what they would say then and there. My wisdom,or,to be fair,theirs? Through them it came and only through them will more come. For the world needs wisdom.

Even the song that I consider J___'s theme is quasi-religious, at least I interpret it in J___'s case:


>> No.6812248
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