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7271499 No.7271499 [Reply] [Original]

It's happening, the stock markets are crashing and there will be a new crisis.

>> No.7271551
Quoted by: >>7273197

How do I watch?

>> No.7271633
File: 1.46 MB, 4256x2832, the-dark-knight-rises-tom-hardy-bane-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stock market crashing
>Crypto Bull market rising

>> No.7271662
Quoted by: >>7272112

>crypto market rising

>> No.7271690
File: 342 KB, 691x388, Screen Shot 2018-02-03 at 19.12.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7272112

>Crypto Bull market rising

There's no money you can steal here.

>> No.7271765

How do you know?

>> No.7271831
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Quoted by: >>7271868

I hope you're right. Nothing more satisfying than seeing boomers getting JUSTed.

>> No.7271868
Quoted by: >>7273046


This. Even if it brings us all down with them, it's worth it for boomerfucks to hang.

>> No.7271881
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Quoted by: >>7272040

what is a good ticker to watch for this boomer shit

>> No.7272040


>> No.7272112

Until then the market got my permission to DIE

>> No.7272256
Quoted by: >>7277310

buy silver now

>> No.7272416

>tfw nu-/pol/ is all ZOGnald memes and I have to go to /biz/ to get a taste of old /pol/

>> No.7272601
File: 31 KB, 680x680, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7273041

>People start investing in crypto
>Boomers have no more suckers to sustain their ponzi
>Everything starts crashing because boomers freaking out

>> No.7272622

The Virgin stock market
-takes 10 years to complete bubble growth cycle
-3 years to return to mean
-2 years to start new market cycle

The Chad Crypto Market
-New bubble cycle every year
-1 month to return to mean
-1 month to start new bubble cycle

>> No.7272656
Quoted by: >>7272717

just another correction... we'll be to the 8-year raging bull market in a week or two.

>> No.7272708

Econ expert with degree, I can explain exactly why the stock market is crashing, AMA

>> No.7272717

Lmfao zoom out retard. The stock market has gone parabolic.

>> No.7272737
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Quoted by: >>7272869

Let's hear it.

>> No.7272757

Fed rate and end of QE. Do I get a degree?

>> No.7272783
Quoted by: >>7272869 >>7277310

I'll bite. Why? QE and stupid low interest rates?

>> No.7272796
Quoted by: >>7272869 >>7277310

Other than the "Strengthening dollar" which I used to buy a spot deal on some silver Friday, what are the macro reasons. Bond yields? Interest rates?

>> No.7272869
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There are three main things that are gonna make the 2018 crash make 2008 look like a correction

1)The Federal Reserve is printing dollars off the books to buy US stocks and bonds to artificially prop them up. This is why the stock market has risen up so muhc

2)China just released a Yuan-Gold-Oil contract, which essentially means the Yuan is a de facto gold backed now. As a result, all the major central banks are letting their US bonds mature, and are using the money to buy RMB

3)As a result of QE to infinity mentioned in 1), the bond yield rate is approaching zero. For you brainlets out there, a bond has a yield, which is what the government pays you back for letting them borrow money from you. The problem is, if the inflation rate exceeds the rate you get from a bond, there's zero reason to buy and hold a bond, since you would have a financial loss for holding the bond. If no one buys the bonds, THE GOVERNMENT CANNOT BORROW MONEY, which is very bad

>> No.7272881
File: 1.46 MB, 1440x2020, Screenshot_20170304-013246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guise i has a degree
Spit it out! Are we watching another crash or not?!
Get as technical as you want, I'm listening.

>> No.7272889
Quoted by: >>7273018

>The Federal Reserve is printing dollars off the books to buy US stocks and bonds to artificially prop them up

prove it

>> No.7272906

what does this mean for my memecoins?

>> No.7272918
Quoted by: >>7273018

Aside from boomers and bankers who is actually buying bonds anyways?

>> No.7272962

They'll probably be worth more than USD next year kek

>> No.7272966

What are the reasons?

>> No.7272979


This is the answer I need. I only care about my crypto.

>> No.7272998

In terms of investor psychology, if the world economy is crashing down, would they put more money into crypto or would they take it out of crypto. Also, what investment options are suitable in a downturn/bear market?

>> No.7273006
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7273559

Federal Reserve >Where did you learn to print money and prop up Bitcoin! Tell me!

Bitfinex >I learned it by watching you!

>> No.7273010


Buy the gold dip or buy ethereum.

>> No.7273018
Quoted by: >>7273075

They use other central banks as proxies to buy the stocks. For example, they'll send money through SWIFT to the Central Bank of Japan, The CTJ then buys US stocks, as they are not barred from doing so. The CTJ's balance sheet is mostly comprised of US stocks and ETFs

Crypto is uncharted territory, anybody saying its tulips or the dotcom bubble is making assumptions. It's hard to tell what will happen to cryptos not backed by precious metals

95% the federal reserve
4% other central banks
1% boomers buying bonds to diversify their portfolio is buying 1 20 year bond for a newborn (weird U.S tradition)

We don't know yet, and it could go either way. Its possible people exit crypto for PMs or that people treat cryptos like PMs, we just don't know until the crash happens

>> No.7273041

>the economy crashes
>crypto crashes because the dollar is useless

can crypto fags please learn basic economics, im not good with boomers but the system they made i.e the stock market is hard tied to the dollar, if the dow dies our dollar and economy fucking crash into the abyss. Remember 09 cunts, inflation right after the stock market crashed, thats whats going to happen again, but this time it will take the crypto market with it.

>> No.7273046
Quoted by: >>7273274 >>7278017

They're all practically on their deathbed, retard. They have already fucked us and you're the only one happy about it.

>> No.7273062
Quoted by: >>7273069

Cool story bro. I agree with you. Fucking irrelevant that you have a degree though faggot

>> No.7273069


>> No.7273070
File: 400 KB, 592x442, 120317krugman1-tmagArticle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7273105

>It's happening, the stock markets are crashing and there will be a new crisis.

Realistically where does the price of bitcoin go if the stock market takes a normal correction of ~25% ?

>> No.7273075

Wait what? The government buys its own bonds? What's the sense in that?

>> No.7273096
Quoted by: >>7275352

Great I hope you all die and AI destroys what is left.

>> No.7273100

Who do we blame for this? Obama, Trump or Sergay?

>> No.7273105
Quoted by: >>7273149 >>7273182

There have been plenty of attempts to classify Bitcoin as a commodity, and though it acts like one it's not widely seen as a legitimate commodity.

Luxury good. Crash

>> No.7273108

>1), the bond yield rate is approaching zero. For you brainlets out there, a bond has a yield, which is what the government pays you back for letting them borrow money from you. The problem is, if the inflation rate exceeds the rate you get from a bond, there's zero reason to buy and hold a bond, since you would have a financial loss for holding the bond. If no one buys the bonds, THE GOVERNMENT CANNOT BORROW MONEY, which is very bad
Mother fucker, rates are going up, not down. Kill yourself, uneducated retard.

>> No.7273112
Quoted by: >>7273170

Yep, corrupt as hell isn't it?

>whats the sense
It's free money in their eyes

>> No.7273138
Quoted by: >>7273174

>the bond yield rate is approaching zero


>> No.7273143
File: 708 KB, 640x640, think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The government buys its own bonds? What's the sense in that?
one reason why i never planning on "cashing out"

>> No.7273149
Quoted by: >>7273241

>There have been plenty of attempts to classify Bitcoin as a commodity, and though it acts like one it's not widely seen as a legitimate commodity.
>Luxury good. Crash

I hate to break it to you but even if that is true, people who own bitcoin as well as stocks are going to be the least likely to dump bitcoin just because stocks dump.

>> No.7273170

The real explanation beyond what this idiot can articulate is that the Fed is a separate entity from the government. Federal Reserve prints money, which the US gov't then buys. The government can not print money.

>> No.7273174
Quoted by: >>7273235

You brainlets are posting the federal reserve rate, not the bond return rate

>> No.7273182
File: 108 KB, 601x601, 1517509476389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, I'll be buying Rothschild-style the day it does

>> No.7273196
Quoted by: >>7273249 >>7273270

as interest rates and inflation goes up, bond yields will lag behind and bonds will lose value

>> No.7273197

Look outside your fucking window.. It is Happening !!

>> No.7273198
Quoted by: >>7273236

Oil is priced in dollars. US goes to war over this shit. There is no need for the FED to buy stocks, the inflation they support by printing dollars to pay US budget deficit make money worthless. Bond yields are low, so Banks and people that want to beat inflation buy stocks. Rates are going up on bonds, and Fed has stopped buying the debt. China is in a trade war with us and is a huge holder of us debt. They can try to leverage our debt to gain political influence. Stocks aren't just pieces of paper. They rep ownership of companies. Companies can do business internationally. If you don't like US economy, buy company collecting foreign cash. Alternatively: you don't like government debt buy corporate debt.

>> No.7273229

FED is not the government. Jesus.

>> No.7273235

>10-year treasury bond rate yield chart
>"no no no you're posting the fed funds rate"

You're a fucking moron.

>> No.7273236
Quoted by: >>7273309 >>7273330

The united states has lost the ability to invade anyone who doesn't obey the petro dollar system, for example Qatar and Pakistan are already using the Yuan-Oil-Gold contract system now.

>> No.7273241

They would be insane to not buy the basement.

If stocks dump as hard as (((projected))) there would of course be less confidence in an emerging market.

You're right about hodlers hodling in any case.

>> No.7273249
Quoted by: >>7273366 >>7283361

dont forget the chinese are sending back billions of dollars worth of bonds, along with some european countries doing the same. I think its slowly over for us We should have never been war mongers spending hundreds and billions on war shit, we should have made technology better and be in space or some shit.

>> No.7273270
Quoted by: >>7273394

>yields will lag
>bonds will lose value

Do you know how treasuries even work? Have you read a single WSJ article, faggot? They pepper in the phrase "as prices fall, yields rise" in every single article specifically to educate idiots like you.

>> No.7273274

We're all on our deathbeds. Open your eyes.

>> No.7273281

most likely if the stock market/world economy crashed everyone would pull out of crypto. Normies go into preservation mode during times like that, holding physical assets/real estate/cash/precious metals

>> No.7273309
Quoted by: >>7273345 >>7283398

if we collapse you can almost guarantee the militaristic psychos, and big cats will make china light the fuck up. Its literally any day now war with china because supposed missile hit a us state or some shit.

>> No.7273315

VEN has Chinese tobac. I open my shed and live like the King of US of the American

>> No.7273326
Quoted by: >>7273342 >>7280838

I hope this whole system collapses and we have to fight against each other with knives just as it should be.

>> No.7273330
Quoted by: >>7283424

Pakistan has nukes so yeah, we won't do shit. India will. Qatar is in opec. Opec prices in dollars, Qatar posturing so princes can stay slightly more popular than US is not a threat.

>> No.7273342
Quoted by: >>7273361 >>7273363

lol we wont be fighting, the national guard will rail anyone who tries abiding the common law.

>> No.7273345
Quoted by: >>7273367

we won't have the money to wage war if we literally CANNOT BORROW MONEY

>> No.7273361

>Blue hats

>> No.7273363

No there will be total chaos. Death and destruction. And satan will rise and take everything over just as it should be. Bring the hell on earth, faster!

>> No.7273366

Yknow, if the USA got its shit together and built a launch loop (no new technology required) we'd be a new superpower... But nah, we built Facebook instead...
Fuck this gay country

>> No.7273367

>implying we give a shit
it will be flaming balls of revenge even if we cant do it.

>> No.7273389


In the meantime, take a hedge position with a triple bear S&P 500 or Russell 2000 etf.

I made 5.5% Friday while the market melted.

>> No.7273390
Quoted by: >>7273433

This absolute retard thinks if the dollar crashes that crypto crashes too.

>heh, bro, learn some basic economics

>> No.7273394

new bonds will have higher yields, but existing ones will lose value, hence "lag"

>> No.7273400

I'm not so sure about a stock dump.

The stock market is insignificant against the bond and property markets.

The potential that AI is running the fed to pick best possible scenarios and keep the plates spinning.

The whole architecture is built on the post-war institutions. If these fail its a power vacume and we will get another war.

Out there stuff, but if you put it together, there is an incentive for top 'illuminati', that is, a network of those in influence to work together to keep the system afloat.

Lets say something dumps, and leads to chaos causing everything else to dump. BTC will dump a long with everything else that isn't PMs. If BTC rallys fast it will signal the biggest moon mission of our lifetimes.

>> No.7273425
Quoted by: >>7273688

I HOPE THIS WILL HAPPEN! Please satan make it come true!

>> No.7273433
Quoted by: >>7273959

ok tard if the dollar is useless where will you buy your crypto, european shit wont let you in the dollar is useless you cant buy crypto with a dollar if it aint worth shit.

>> No.7273444

Either way this next week will be very interesting.

>> No.7273455

Oh god what have I done

>> No.7273458
Quoted by: >>7281616

literally tomorrow will be fucking interesting, super bowl might be in flames or some shit.

>> No.7273520
Quoted by: >>7273563


>> No.7273523

>3)As a result of QE to infinity mentioned in 1), the bond yield rate is approaching zero. For you brainlets out there, a bond has a yield, which is what the government pays you back for letting them borrow money from you. The problem is, if the inflation rate exceeds the rate you get from a bond, there's zero reason to buy and hold a bond, since you would have a financial loss for holding the bond. If no one buys the bonds, THE GOVERNMENT CANNOT BORROW MONEY, which is very bad

Treasury bond yields are going up, anon, not down. That's one of the reasons the US markets had a big sell off last week.

>> No.7273542
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>> No.7273559
File: 82 KB, 500x310, 1517188392607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol and Check'd

>> No.7273563
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Quoted by: >>7274364

haha which one? they all scare me a little when I'm unarmed.

>> No.7273572

You done what?!? Oh god.

>> No.7273583
Quoted by: >>7273628 >>7273639

How much do you guys think it's going to drop? And if it does, what should I get into?

I've got a bit in an S&P 500 ETF and I'm still up like 12% in the last 6 months, but if something big's starting it might be worth getting out and putting it into something tracking the Shanghai exchange maybe.

>> No.7273600
File: 35 KB, 480x480, 1517243708343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is proabalby the most retarded thread

>> No.7273628
Quoted by: >>7273693

jump into the dow or some shit, if it falls hard it might come up in years, check apple and amazon aswell. Dow goes down big corps do aswell.

>> No.7273639
Quoted by: >>7283123

Get it all out anon

Id suggest putting it into silver, there's chatter that some scientists figured out some kind've "innovation" that will turn silver into a strategic resource like uranium

>> No.7273653
Quoted by: >>7278938

>learn basic economics
Why do posters always think this phrase means "agree with my unsubstantiated opinions?"

>> No.7273688

>NEET fantasizing about post-apocalyptic society being like hollywood and vidya gaymes
The moment you're forced to leave your nest to scamper for food and water a street hardened nigger will rape your ass.

>> No.7273689
Quoted by: >>7274151

USA GDP will come in at 5% next quarter, highest reading in a decade

If anything you should worry about China, complete black box over indebted shithole just waiting to blow up

>> No.7273693
Quoted by: >>7273866

>Get out of S&P and into Dow
Why do you think one would drop and not the other?

>> No.7273866

It's happened before.

>> No.7273959
Quoted by: >>7274007

>ok tard if the dollar is useless where will you buy your crypto

What does this even mean you absolute mong? So the dollar has to exist for crypto to exist?

>> No.7274007

yes the fuck are you going to base crypto off, this is awful bait. Are you going to get euros magically and buy them or some shit. Crypto markets work differently in each country.

>> No.7274079

I have no image to illustrate how flawed your argument is.

>> No.7274096
File: 36 KB, 629x504, 1516981463316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh murrica matters da most
>if da dollar crashes crypto will be useless
>if da dolla is worfless crypto will be muh main concern fur shure!

>> No.7274137

You fucking Burger cunts are so god damn stupid. You all deserve Trump.

>> No.7274151
Quoted by: >>7283023

Where is this bullshit rumor coming from?

>> No.7274154

Imagine being an oldfag with big money in an archaic asset system

RIP boomers

>> No.7274186
File: 132 KB, 858x502, 9B4862CD-93A0-4066-A9C0-75271A7886C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7274278 >>7274344

4 D A Y S

>> No.7274278

Only 1180 more days to new high.


>> No.7274344
Quoted by: >>7274398 >>7274464

I'm still waiting for what I think to be the bottom before putting more USD in. It's not there yet, isn't it?
Or did I miss the dip like a retard?

>> No.7274364


Cheetah, Atlas and Bigdog will shoot us to death!

>> No.7274390

Amazing I want this!!!

>> No.7274398
Quoted by: >>7274441

We will test 8k once more, then we will either have a breakout upwards or downwards. Buy or short on the breakouts.

>> No.7274423
Quoted by: >>7274509



>> No.7274441

Gotcha. But you think this is a better time to put USD into BTC or ETH?
I keep thinking ETH because cheaper transactions, but I remember GDAX doesn't charge for withdrawals.

>> No.7274442
Quoted by: >>7274509


>> No.7274464

Waiting for the bottom is a surefire way to miss it, as if waiting for the top.

The difference of making or losing a few thousand in buying at the right time is immaterial compared to the potential for gains. But by all means start gathering your pink wojaks.

>> No.7274481
Quoted by: >>7274509

What number should I call to get raped by the nigger? I actually want to get gangraped and then killed. Thank you!

>> No.7274509

Ez just go to a St. Louis Black Ghetto pantless, bend over and one of them niggas will stick it up your pooper. Be sure to be dressed like a feminine girl

>> No.7274528

>1)The Federal Reserve is printing dollars off the books to buy US stocks and bonds to artificially prop them up. This is why the stock market has risen up so muhc
usa sin't doing that. europe and japan are doing that. the usa fed is winding down it's holdings.

>> No.7274537
Quoted by: >>7274714

But I don't to be dressed like a feminine girl. I am macho hetero man. I lift. But I want to get raped by pack of niggers.

>> No.7274539

>the stock markets are crashing and there will be a new crisis.
ahahhaa ok

>> No.7274613
File: 1009 KB, 1500x796, 1516542581398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7276002 >>7278883

Alright brainlets, here's the go;
>Gold/silver will moon this year, and so will cryptos
Hopefully welfare states go broke via inflation and lack of interest in national currencies. Then we can deport all immigrants from the west because Keynesian economics will no longer work.

It's glorious. Crash you fucker!

>> No.7274714

I believe in you anon. With the power of positive thinking, as explained in "The Secret," you can live this dream.

>> No.7274840

Crypto would go parabolic. See Greece

>> No.7274942

>Crypto markets work differently in each country
No they don't you fucking dipshit. Taxing the gains do, but not the system per se.
You do know binance isn't based in the US or tied to our stupid rules, right?

>> No.7275215

Any niggers here? Please rape me! And if no niggers can at least some pajeet rape me. I can show my man bobs.

>> No.7275236

I am getting desperate. Noone wants to rape me.
Worst day ever.

>> No.7275352
Quoted by: >>7275412

>le trois brackets

>> No.7275412

Artificial Intelligence will rape you in the ass!

>> No.7275438
Quoted by: >>7275503

Please can someone rape me. Please help! My heart is bleeding of pain and sadness. And I had to eat cookies and this is not good for my muscles.

>> No.7275503
File: 1.80 MB, 320x320, 1517672356027.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7275831

yea come here little anon

>> No.7275831
Quoted by: >>7276168

Thanks for raping me, rape me next week again pls! Thank you.

>> No.7275860

St Louis anon here. I can be a tour guide

>> No.7275875


>> No.7276002


>> No.7276168
File: 100 KB, 750x708, 1507529897954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7276492

At least it ain't quads.

>> No.7276637

Someone pls make this

>> No.7277248

north korea during the games

>> No.7277310

>buy silver now

underrated post
t. Already stocked
>I'll bite. Why? QE and stupid low interest rates?

Its where it is becaue of cheap money there is a crisis in bonds and raising rates is inevitable no more cheap money, government debt crisis, collapse in corps modelled on cheap debt and the stock market. strap in

>Bond yields? Interest rates?


greenspan called this via bonds

>> No.7277375


>> No.7277547

inb4 burgers unironically dump it when they wake up

>> No.7278017


As long as I'd get to see some of their suffering, it'd be worth it.

>> No.7278419

Gtfo pleb

>> No.7278441
Quoted by: >>7278622

Initially I thought a stock market crash would lead to people cashing out of crypto for liquidity, but I've got some friends and family in investment banking who are convinced that we'd see the opposite effect.

Here's how they think it'd go:
>Indication of stock market crash
>First reaction of crypto holders is to assume ripple effect will hit crypto markets
>Leads to immediate sell-off in crypto
>Meanwhile ordinary investors are cashing out of stocks and transferring fiat to obtain crypto as a hedge
>3-4 days after first initial sell-off in crypto, a flood of new money enters

>> No.7278622

Kek, I've got 2 brothers working in finance, and they said the same thing when we were talking about crypto vs stock market crash during christmas.

I guess dumb money will sell to get liquidity to pay for their mortgage and credit cards, while smart money sees it as a safe haven.

>> No.7278647

>stock makret crashing
>stock market isnt even open
>literally a normal 1-3% correction after a strong bullrun

Why are cryptogoblins so fucking stupid?

>> No.7278725
File: 610 KB, 683x1024, doompaul15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7278807

not yet but soon!
interest rates need to go up properly first not just the stock market (not as significant as it once was)

>> No.7278835

crashes usually happen in Q3-4

>> No.7278870
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>> No.7278883


>> No.7278933

People getting antsy about higher interest rates

>> No.7278938

Source of literally any kind on this

>> No.7278947

I still believe in 2025 there will be a new currency type to exist replacing our current money trend in hamburgernomics.

that would place us.... at the ending point of the next presidency.

Which would also vote for a female head at that point.

>> No.7278953

do you have a source for the yuan oil contract

>> No.7279019

for free? I've been looking on craigslist, but they all want me to pay for this

>> No.7279047

>1 day of minor recovery
>bull market
Sorry to burst the already bursted bubble, but we’re still crashing bub

>> No.7279823
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>> No.7280297
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Quoted by: >>7280329

Can anyone tell me why they wouldn't just pump more dollars into the system to buy the indexes back up? FED has been doing this for years now, is the interest rates the key here?

>> No.7280329
Quoted by: >>7280366


The ponzi is beyond fucked, time for colapse

>> No.7280366
File: 35 KB, 600x579, 342453456445672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7280406


Why? They managed it so far so what triggers this crashing event now? If they feel threatened they should just pump more artificial money into the system.

>> No.7280406
Quoted by: >>7280737


It was rising interest rates that ultimately pricked that bubble. But why did rates rise? Because the budget deficits were going up and the trade deficits were going up. That's exactly what is happening now! Except they are bigger budget deficits and bigger trade deficits. And this is happening at a time when the United States is broke.massive debt is far greater than the one in 1987.

>> No.7280737
File: 45 KB, 552x806, 1b71f920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7284380


How big of a dip are we talking about here? Dow back to 25k or lower?

>> No.7280838
Quoted by: >>7281176

I bought an air pistol already. Come at me and I'll shoot a few pellets in your face followed by stabbety stab

>> No.7281176
Quoted by: >>7281242 >>7281284

The old double tap. Your gonna make it anon

>> No.7281242


>> No.7281284

How much water are stocking up on btw anon?

>> No.7281616

>The end of the Negro Felon League

>> No.7281679
Quoted by: >>7282661

Remember the times when the term 'feminine' in such a context was obsolete?

>> No.7281734

The markets are going to crash (Bond, Stock and Houses) but its not happening now, it will happen when the fed raises rates or realises it can't raise rates, I expect this will be some point between March and October this year. Buy Gold!

>> No.7281752


>> No.7281759
Quoted by: >>7282902

>Buy Gold!
Check id lads

>> No.7282472
File: 105 KB, 1060x750, 15615648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7282661

you mean non-existant

>> No.7282799 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 224x216, 1516402072307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, tripfag.

>> No.7282810
File: 94 KB, 224x216, 1516402072307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, tripfag.

>> No.7282863
File: 70 KB, 743x728, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain like i'm from /b/ why it would be crashing
-2% doesn't seem like a big drop to me

>> No.7282881

If people don't buy enough bonds to fund the government, the federal reserve is required to buy whatever is needed. Stop LARPing on the internet, this is just a normal market correction.

>> No.7282902

Nice try Schiff

>> No.7283023

>I trust the Chinese Communist government not to lie

the only bullshit here is you.

>> No.7283109

The government doesn't print bonds nor does it print money. If the state could just print money to pay off it's debt you wouldn't trust the state enough to loan money to it. So we get a separate entity that handles monetary policy independently from the state and the government.

>> No.7283123

This is where you’re full of shit. A financial “expert” with degree and no physics or chem knowledge claiming silver is magic, and telling everyone to sell everything for silver. You aren’t an expert. And you can’t reference a single thing you’ve claimed regarding the current or future state US economy and bonds.

>> No.7283131

stocks is just a bigger ponzi than crypto
prove me wrong faggot

>> No.7283139

literally the opposite of that is happening

>> No.7283348
File: 9 KB, 645x773, 70.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7283361

no such thing as space

>> No.7283398

yes, if the stockmarket falls government will be too preoccupied with that to regulate crypto. When the U.S. economy drops, they go to war to reset.

>> No.7283424

no such thing as nukes

>> No.7284380

It will crash by 90+ percent