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59309238 No.59309238 [Reply] [Original]

I have memorized my 24 word seed phrase to my hardware wallet.

>> No.59309264
Quoted by: >>59312617

What if you forget?

>> No.59309784

Same had 2 wallets one 24 one 12 both memorized.
Then switched to a single 12 word wallet with multiple long as fuck passphrases.
No backups, I recite them in mybmind every morning, I'm not retarded enough to forget 12 words and 2 passphrases.
You're a lot less likely to forget than for someone to find your backup and you lose all your shit.

>> No.59310015

I have bought ROCKY :l
not saying it's bad, just saying

>> No.59311689

Cool. Now we can torture him for the keys without a treasure hunt!

>> No.59311702
File: 43 KB, 818x451, EdEzxlWWAAE2I_i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do know you talk in your sleep, anon?

>> No.59311703

>get into car wreck
>suffer mild brain damage
>welp there goes 90% of my net worth

>> No.59311721
Quoted by: >>59311800

You guys are tardos, you only need to remember 2 words. The rest you can safely write down, nobody's cracking your bit corn, 2 words give them too many variables to guess already. The kinds of thieves who steal keys IRL have no capacity to crack anything. They're just thugs

>> No.59311787

What are they?

>> No.59311791

Prove it

>> No.59311800

All my friends are software engineers / phd students, we all met in college, I trust them but not around my keys.
2 words are retardedly easy to crack wtf are you talking about, that's 2048^2 tries.
Anyways I could safely write the whole seed down if I wanted, because my passphrase got enough entropy to not brute forced itself.

>> No.59311815
Quoted by: >>59311841

You are one good bonk on the head away from losing it

>> No.59311841

you're also one good bonk away from forgetting where you put your seed.

>> No.59311946

Good. Now go buy BONK and sit back in profits.

>> No.59311980


This is mine. Easy to remember

>> No.59311986

Same. But its also written in hard copy form in a safe secure place my next of kin have instructions how to find in the event of my demise - as is my backup copy in the case of physical destruction.

>> No.59311995

Well done anon you did a good job remembering it all.

>> No.59312001

here is mine

>> No.59312036
File: 153 KB, 646x655, 1565457262304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not a valid seed! nigger!

>> No.59312125

Post it, anon, we will check it out so you will be sure you wouldn't mess it up later.

>> No.59312135

>Slip on stairs
>Hit head
>Become poor

Memory is only as good as last recall. Literally remember it wrong once and you might never remember it correctly again.

>> No.59312147
Quoted by: >>59312488

Bad move. It will soon be possible to read that information whenever you think it for anyone within ~8ft of you capable of concealing a device the size of an iPad.

>> No.59312488
Quoted by: >>59312568

nothing a little aluminum foil can't fix

>> No.59312568

Perhaps, but there's no guarantee that will hold true going forward, at least without more layers than would be practical.
I would highly recommend moving crypto to wallets you have NOT memorized anything for except the PROCESS, and the process should be an externally enforced one that verifies you. The more modes of authentication that must be combined the better, so that an adversary needs more than just your knowledge to access what you can.

>> No.59312580

You only needed 12 words. 24 isn't meaningfully more secure.

>> No.59312617

that's why i use the lyrics to thriller. i can just look it up if i forget.