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>> No.59282807

>I took all my profits and am sitting in VTIP like the coward scrub i am, cannot take the clown market anymore
the buffett indicator looks like shit right now.
the market can keep running for months and has no “reason” to crash, but it’s probably a good time to deleverage overall, which I’ve been doing as well

>> No.59282821
File: 2.94 MB, 426x426, shiina adventure in assland.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59295357

December peak, starts crashing in january. BELIEB IT.

>> No.59282823

what’s the deal with RCAT?
is it another crypto holding company, or is it doing anything legitimate to justify the pump over the past month?

>> No.59282845

What's the take on ARK / Cathie Wood over the next several years?

>> No.59282876
File: 167 KB, 828x1792, IMG_9161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not just do SOXL / TECL / TQQQ instead?
you can do QLD / SSO if those are too high volatility for your risk tolerance

like, what’s the point of pic related when you can literally go higher average returns with lower volatility?

>> No.59282978
Quoted by: >>59283024

Ok, sell me on one stock that in your opinion is the most likely to go up by at least 7% by the end of 2024.
There's one position that I'd like to close and cash out by the end of the year, but even if by chance I end up holding the bag for a while it won't be a huge problem, so I'm willing to fuck around and hopefully not find out.

>> No.59282991
Quoted by: >>59289529

she's pretty hot, I jerk off to her nip-slip video a lot

>> No.59283004


>> No.59283024
Quoted by: >>59285766

>sell me on one stock that in your opinion is the most likely to go up by at least 7% by the end of 2024
>most likely to go up
>at least 7%
>by the end of 2024
are you thinking in terms of max average gains, or least risk of not clearing 7%?
this is retarded, just buy QLD/SPXL or SPY depending on your answer

>> No.59283034
Quoted by: >>59283891

Whats everyones thoughts on NKE and BA, seems that they are at the bottom now

>> No.59283090

What are you yapping about. They make drones and just got awarded an US Army contract

>> No.59283358
Quoted by: >>59287817

where my SAVA shorts at? If Martin is in then I am in

>> No.59283891
Quoted by: >>59284067

>the bottom
the bottom is zero for dying companies

>> No.59284067

Is it really though? During veterans days the NIKE store was packed up the ass more than any other store. Im buying both

>> No.59284503

I am really liking PTON right now I think I might get April calls.
1) Partnership with Costco in time for Christmas might be selling crazy bikes
2) New commercials "gamifying" fitness where people try to beat their high scores might work
3) Still down 90% from top
4) Has a strong chart vibe comparable to Carvana's in 2022, if they beat earnings I think 40 a share is definitely possible by April
5) Everything a Republican does is somehow paid for and corporate and corrupted I would have no doubt RFK tells everyone to buy Pelotons to get healthy if it happens not shocked
6) Last quarter was the first for three years they didn't get worse than previous feels like a turnaround
7) Subscription model could be huge the company could get nearly Netflix types of free cash flow if everyone gets into this.

I wish I had better data this stuff I am saying is kind of obvious but I am getting FOMO especially if its >10 tomorrow I cannot miss out on Carvana 2.0.

>> No.59284621

If you’re going to dumpster dive you could do a lot better than Peloton.

>> No.59284724
Quoted by: >>59284737

Peloton were big news during covid, but the second that ended they tanked. They have offices in my area that laid off a lot of people.

I just don't see them coming back. They had perfect conditions to grow their userbase and it worked until those conditions went away and they still havent recovered.
More power to you if I'm wrong, obviously, it just seems like an arbitrary choice. They are likely to stay afloat a while yet, but they already peaked imho

>> No.59284737

I should add, there's nothing they really offer.
Their bikes are functionally identical to any at a chain gym, and they want your bike to be a service, too.

It'll do well in January, a bunch of well meaning people who buy themselves a year subscription and decide that they'll use it religiously, it'll be a clothes hanger by March and the 2nd hand market is flooded by summer

>> No.59284853

it was a 250m market cap company that got awarded a 500m contract. the market cap has increased accordingly. I made bank off it

>> No.59284899
Quoted by: >>59285003

Within 12 months the economy slows substantially, trump goes full retard with his threats to both enemys and allied countries, people flee the stock market for high treasury yields, federal reserve bank cuts rates even more, they cannot sell enough treasuries to service the debt and we enter a 10 year recession.

>> No.59284984

SAVA news tomorrow.

>> No.59284997

I'm a coward. There are so many plays to make, but I can't see them. Just sitting on 50% SP500 and 50% magnificent seven. Could seem myself getting 4-5x my profile in ten years but that's it. No mansion, no yacht, no eastern european harem.

>> No.59285003
File: 181 KB, 640x640, Office Monika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay with this. I plan to start picking up long-term stores of food.

>> No.59285197
File: 83 KB, 667x1000, 81BI5v5yBSL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New to trading. My little experience has been intra day trading tsmc. I only have a bit of money and I'm trying to take profit each day. Would it be wise to trying to do this with tesla instead? Should I just buy and hold tesla? Should I invest in other stock that are more volatile and risky? Any advice or book recommendations are appreciated.

>> No.59285260
File: 85 KB, 856x540, 7794B508-E333-4699-A658-05F521917FF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some advantages and disadvantages of the stock market over crypto? I’m new to all this.
Bought like 95 bucks worth of bitcoin last night.

>> No.59285289

Depends on how much time you have to watch the markets. Typically for wagecucks like myself, it is better to pick stocks and hodl because you have little time to try and day trade effectively. If you're a NEET, you can try shorting more volatile (but potentially more profitable) stocks.
Crypto is a casino outside of BTC in essence. The stock market has stats and real world interests behind it to encourage long term success instead of "Get rick quick" pump and dumps.

>> No.59285427
Quoted by: >>59290237

Just buy a safe ETF like VOO. You'll get lots of market exposure to the top companies, dividends, and it's a safe investment. Crypto is for retards. BTC is the only one worth buying (even though 3 years ago everyone was hyping ETH). But buying BTC at close to $100k is insane.

>> No.59285440

Time to get into Tesla was month or so ago. If you are going to hold, maybe look at US corporations who are into infra or energy. Those should make steady profit for the time beign.

>> No.59285621

>been looking at IV charts
>it's literally just buy (option) when it's low and sell high
>cyclical as fuck
is this the cheat code for printing money? it CANNOT be this fucking easy

>> No.59285766

I''ve put around extra 15k into AMZN in april near their seasonal top. Then the stock was either in red or giving me gains of around 1-2%. Then it shot up from 180s into 215 after Blumpf won the election (which was more than enough for me). Now, guess what - they're slowly but steadily coming back to 190s and in time maybe even 180s. To me the bull market is going to start to slowly decline in january, so now I'm FOMOing like crazy looking at all these ridiculous gains on so many stocks (mostly other, smaller cap tech).

>> No.59285803 [DELETED] 
File: 390 KB, 822x866, QmRhnDyjdbd3R9Gbm62U1toMNpPoNPZwAVi1JziwSRXvbG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple kek 3caFp8Fm92SbgW1cuuD65ztZ8omyXvxXhmRE1MHbpump

>> No.59285805
File: 814 KB, 750x755, 1561259646346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come on /biz/
>see people making 10x off calls
>see people making 100x off shitcoins
>look at portfolio
>12% gains from VOO

>> No.59285818

Once everything settles down and we know what trump is doing, you can sell all that and get into 2 or 3x leveraged sp500 etf. That's my plan at least.

>> No.59285862
File: 802 KB, 1536x2048, lt dhl 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59286458


>> No.59285886

When the market finally tops when should I be looking to buy SPY with size?
-20%? -25%? -30%?

>> No.59286006
Quoted by: >>59287512

>see people making 10x off calls
>see people making 100x off shitcoins
if it was really that easy, you’d see hedge funds doing it, and plenty of money managers for millionaires and billionaires doing it.
But you don’t. Because it doesn’t work. Retard.

>> No.59286013

>you can sell all that and get into 2 or 3x leveraged sp500 etf. That's my plan at least.
and that’s a good plan

>> No.59286023 [DELETED] 

lol you risk missing the dip completely with that
I think I prefer some kind of DCA strategy with 1/3 at 10%, 1/3 at 15%, 1/3 at 20%, and then continuously feed me paychecks and savings if it goes any lower

>> No.59286062

lol you risk missing the dip completely with that
I think I prefer some kind of DCA strategy with 1/3 at 10%, 1/3 at 15%, 1/3 at 20%, and then continuously feed my paychecks and savings if it goes any lower

>> No.59286458
File: 3.22 MB, 576x1024, 1732244411051068.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59286523

OP forgot to put smg in the title, this thread is stealth mode keeping out filter fags

bottom is in, only way is up from here
also, any ideas on how to profit on vatnigg terror attacks and bombings?

>> No.59286523


>> No.59287512

Dumbass, hedgefunds dont do that because thats not the point of hedgefunds. Literally what they do is eliminate market risk, so no matter if its a bull or bear market, their objective is to make steady market returns, thats the "hedge" part

>> No.59287692

>check my stocks
>wtf, its green, did my pharma recover?
>no, they're all still down
>its fucking Palantir shooting up overnight, carrying the whole team

Godspeed bro

>> No.59287759
File: 126 KB, 1628x741, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always believed in the pharma bro, thank you Martin

>> No.59287793

Hmm I think I'll buy Nvidia this week

>> No.59287817

I was long. What do I do now? Is there any hope it gets bought out and my shares aren't completely worthless?

>> No.59287845

Where will Uranium Energy go?i'm up 300%
Dec.10 are quartal earnings

>> No.59288050

Cassava bros... I don't feel so good...

>> No.59288128
File: 63 KB, 917x701, QMCO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell is going on with QMCO?

i fail to understand how it can rise 400% in 3 days, is this an institutional pump n dump? it keeps hitting the breaker and pausing trading

>> No.59288134

>atos shares fall to 16 cents each
>French government use them for military
>French government offer to buy their Advanced Computing for 600m
>they have until may 31st next year to accept

Up 100% since this morning, could make a few quid

>> No.59288194
Quoted by: >>59288292

>nvda tanks the second I buy in last week and never recovers

>> No.59288284

Same with AMSC or RGTI

>> No.59288292

So what you're saying is you can buy a little more now that its on sale

>> No.59288410

looks like concerted pump and dump based on the company name alone

>> No.59288557
File: 6 KB, 484x352, Frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My holding in MSCI Canada has outperformed the S&P 500 and appears to have better growth prospects. My FTSE holding has equally done extremely well this year and appears sustained.

What the fuck is going on?

>> No.59288616
File: 230 KB, 601x473, 1*H8TK1BK5H12X65M8OL0nUQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59289001

Where's that guy who said to buy AISP?

>> No.59288771

>up 20% in premarket
>now down 5% after it opens
Just another day.

>> No.59288886
Quoted by: >>59289338

I tried to get you all to buy ACHR. Why didn't you listen anon?

>> No.59288947

I would gtfo of FTSE before USA/EU trade war starts desu

>> No.59288971

Wow Shkreli was right, I won't doubt him again, Sava got raped.

>> No.59288994
Quoted by: >>59290228

AISP bros how we doing

Holy fuck. I didn’t think it was a good short because it hadn’t ran up big or anything. Good to be reminded the floor is literally $0.. Props to those that took the trade, I declined.

>> No.59289001
Quoted by: >>59289187

Me lol, it’s happening. I would hold until after contract is announced at minimum.. I think you got in earlier than me too. I waited until after Q3 earnings

>> No.59289009

I followed Buffet into DHI about the same time he did. I see more upside considering the obvious supply shortage in housing.

>> No.59289060
File: 138 KB, 715x900, s-l1200[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Followed an anons advice so I sold my NVDA took other profits then picked up AISP, PDYN, NEON, and SMCI.

>> No.59289082

100%+ on
maybe i shouldve put more into them

>> No.59289139
File: 622 KB, 720x576, 1714726276393147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59289201

Do you invest in Europe in any measure?

>> No.59289187
File: 57 KB, 2070x491, AISP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha nope, you were the one who posted your SS of your rh portfolio and then we discussed AISP's 50 mil contract and whether January was far enough out expiry.

I said I was gonna open a position Monday, and here I am. I bought some at .15 and some at .20, and premiums jumped during my second buy so it only got partially filled.

>> No.59289191

Sold off my Rheinmetall to jump into Brain Biotech

>> No.59289201

No I'm American, if I want to invest in Europe I'll invest in an American company that does business in Europe.
I am not Euro and I don't understand your legal, cultural or financial situation enough to risk my capital.

>> No.59289243
Quoted by: >>59290781

I'm interested in NEON, but how strong a case do they actually have? I took a glance at it and seems pretty flimsy, but I'm just a layman. Could the stock be expected to go up regardless or is this just gambling? It wasn't valued nearly as high as it is before the lawsuit.

>> No.59289262
Quoted by: >>59289291

Is the Vaneck Space Innovators ETF a meme?
Is it just SpaceX hype?

>> No.59289291
Quoted by: >>59289409

for that it would need to have spaceX ownership, which it doesnt. at least from its list of holdings when you google it.

>> No.59289331
Quoted by: >>59289607

SAVA tanked 85% today. Should I buy more or get rid of the shares that I have and move on to the next? Not big of a loss on my end, btw.

If so, what does /biz/ recommend?

>> No.59289338

How high do you think it will go?

>> No.59289409
Quoted by: >>59289458

Yeah spacex isn't publicly traded. But there are a bunch of companies riding their coattails, promising similar services. Maybe with questionable chances of success.

>> No.59289458


>> No.59289518

Will NVDA reach 150 by the EOTY?

>> No.59289529


>> No.59289594
Quoted by: >>59296002

Good job lol those were my picks

>> No.59289608
Quoted by: >>59289760

>haha nope
I’ve been posting about AISP for over a month now, it was probably me. I hadn’t ever heard of it before and asked about it here, me and another anon went over the 10Q/Ks together in a thread awhile back

>> No.59289607

I sold, lost 30k. Don't see how it could go back up since they cancelled the second trial.

>> No.59289653
Quoted by: >>59289760

nice job though

>> No.59289663
Quoted by: >>59289760

oops sorry I misunderstood. Can’t believe you got in just in time for the pump. I’m hoping this thing flies past $10 once the contract is announced. Looking at prior price action, $15-17 isn’t impossible.

>> No.59289680

This is the most based bake I've seen here in a long time. Are things healing?

>> No.59289703
Quoted by: >>59290781

any upside left on NEON?

>> No.59289731

Why are uranium and nvidia tanking so hard

>> No.59289760
File: 59 KB, 500x458, 1675524655427658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59290014

Thanks hope it runs, I bought in for another $1000 of contracts. I will wait to see if the price range continues to improve, and then I may re-enter.

Good luck boys

>> No.59289856
Quoted by: >>59290398

Thank you all who believe me and $SOUN, I got 13 more shares today bringing me upto 1300 shares. Not selling until atleast 15. Everyone who got in under $8 I hope you enjoy this multi bagger

>> No.59289945
File: 85 KB, 1200x675, PLTR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PLTR is going to $100/share next earnings report

>> No.59289957

PLTR is massively overvalued and has all the makings of a massive bubble ready to pop.

With that being said, you're probably right.

>> No.59289981

priced in

>> No.59290014

I’ve got about $15k in those calls so I hope it runs too. 837 of them, almost a nice round $1000 but my last buys haven’t filled and I was getting pretty overextended into this trade anyway. Hoping for at least $8 by EOY

>> No.59290123

Who here is in Chegg gang?

>> No.59290218

God I love Martin Shkreli,the guy is a fucking king. I don't have enough cash to short, but I'm doing well off Chegg and I sold my Cassava a few months ago.

>> No.59290228

You're a retard, all that mattered was whether or not the drug got approved and its not going to be approved now, hence all of the people that thought it was are selling, hence price go down. Again, you're literally a retard

>> No.59290237
File: 2.52 MB, 498x328, A54E1B93-F3FF-4D87-B715-25684E05A63C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59290271

>You'll get lots of market exposure to the top companies, dividends, and it's a safe investment.
What does all this mean?
>Crypto is for retards

>> No.59290238

Broken clock is right twice a day

>> No.59290271
Quoted by: >>59291431

It means you'll be able to make somewhat stable income without having a lot of risk from one company's ups and downs.

>> No.59290286

PLEASE TSLA DO 290 weekly
It would be so sweet :(

What an asshole Elon is. Why does he deserve to be The United States of Elon. I support Newsom. How dare he say he would buy MSNBC even as a joke? This dude has too much power as it is, he is turning us into a cyberpunk dystopia. Just make the cars, make the spaceships, do you even need AI and Mind Control you dumbfuck?

Thank God someone is finally standing up to him in a small way. Hopefully the rest of the blue states stand up to him next.

>> No.59290398

haha as a eurocuck getting that few wouldn't even be worth it because it costs 32€ to buy and sell. half of that for each transaction

>> No.59290452
Quoted by: >>59290470

I watched Martin talk about it for hours, I just didn’t expect the rugpull to be so massive. I’m still up 485% this month anyway so idc, don’t really like following peoples trades anyway

>> No.59290458
Quoted by: >>59290821

I got the gist of it to be clear, I just didn’t expect the floor to be so low. Was the entire company hinging on these results, like they had no other products or revenue?

>> No.59290470
Quoted by: >>59290528

Was this on his youtube?

>> No.59290528
Quoted by: >>59290533

Yeah, he even debated/interviewed SAVAs largest individual holder

>> No.59290533
Quoted by: >>59290630

I'm watching it now.

>> No.59290555

>could have scaled partially out of a losing position without loss to average down later this morning, but didn't
This always happens to me.

>> No.59290630

The level of research he’s able to put into this stuff is cool to watch. It’s actually part of why I didn’t take the trade. I wouldn’t be able to even verify half of what he said and I’m not going to take a trade just cuz a YT’er says so. It was just way over my level. And in principle I avoid shorting, at least for now.

Had I known the company was completely dependent on those results though and the trade was so asymmetric I probably would’ve taken it, though. Martin clearly had extreme conviction and that’s his domain.

>> No.59290781
Quoted by: >>59291196

$30 is expected upside if they win Samsung. $120+ if win apple

Read some articles on it, there’s also a good Reddit thread. I think the case is very strong and so do some very high end patent attorneys.

>> No.59290821

Of course they have no revenue or products, look at their earnings, balance sheet, and cash flow. They're a pre-revenue, development stage company. They also had a prior drug for pain that failed, back when their company was called "Pain Therapeutics". I mistakenly bought sava early on in trading, but sold probably about a year ago when I realized I didn't know enough and the following seemed too cultish. I'm not going to buy another pharma stock until I actually understand the industry sufficiently, which might be never, or unless something is a clear buy.

>> No.59290897
Quoted by: >>59292914

>I didn't buy the SMCI dip

>> No.59291133
Quoted by: >>59291332

Wolfspeed's finally doing something.

>> No.59291196

If you're talking about the redeye article, an estimated 7% chance of winning isn't really my idea of optimistic. And that was before it went to trial, which the same experts were dead certain it wouldn't. But I'll do more research.

>> No.59291332


>> No.59291391
Quoted by: >>59291409

Which broker?

>> No.59291409
Quoted by: >>59291454

isn't it 16 per transaction everywhere in eu?

>> No.59291415

25% tariff on Canada and Mexico on all goods announced why the fuck didn't I stay cash like I thought I should fuuuuuuuuuuuuck

>> No.59291431
File: 1 KB, 484x352, 64E3C540-31B4-4285-B0C0-AD6C4581B94A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59295133

Define stable income? $5 a day?

>> No.59291453

what the fuck

>> No.59291454
Quoted by: >>59291498

Definitely not. Get a better broker.

>> No.59291455

I was all cash this weekend? Why didn't I stay in, I am going to get fucking raped tomorrow holy shit. Fucking Trump you cunt.

>> No.59291483
Quoted by: >>59291656

Why are euro governments so bent on keeping their population perpetually poor?

>> No.59291498
Quoted by: >>59293349

like what? all i have seen so far have the 16 minimum transaction fee that makes small investments pointless. seems to be a thing for german stocks too

>> No.59291564
Quoted by: >>59292135

What effect will Trump’s tariffs have on the stock market?

>> No.59291645
Quoted by: >>59291982

Trumps first executive order is to turn me into a bagholder. Son of a bitch.

>> No.59291656

Cuz white ethnostates don’t think it be like it do

>> No.59291833

You could have saved me from this fate /biz/ ffs I've got nearly 25% in Canada.

>> No.59291982


>> No.59292135
Quoted by: >>59292156

go back 4 years and look what high prices did

>> No.59292156
File: 88 KB, 1062x695, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59292544

Tariffs were introduced Jan 2018, March 2018 and June 2018. They made the line go down. That's not good, lines are supposed to go up.

>> No.59292170

Lotta niggas eating good after that one...Joe springer blew his brains out

>> No.59292427
Quoted by: >>59292787

has Shkreli been correct about any others?

>> No.59292544

No you goofball, line going down means you get a discount on line before it goes back up.

>> No.59292552
Quoted by: >>59293258

how has no one mentioned t stamp in here?

>> No.59292767
File: 134 KB, 1200x801, 61e1c66e6a1ec.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their coffee tastes like stale cum. why is the stock doing so good?

>> No.59292787

Zoom, Hood, Chegg (so far), Workday, Meta, and like a hundred other ones, funnily enough most of his wins have been software stocks, but he finds pharma stocks interesting but has a less impressive, but still good, win rate, this SAVA short being a HUGE one.

>> No.59292790 [DELETED] 
File: 259 KB, 1897x2018, 1739683819390582725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what time it is /biz/

Trade for SOL on Jup(DOT)ag

Dexscreener updates and airdrop after bonding curve is met. Website in the works. Will save all wallets posted here to send at once through a program upon completion. This can easily break 10M is we all get together and hold.

t me/ GoldenBullrun2024

>> No.59292857

Where else can you get away with flirting with high schoolers while waiting on a 99% sugar drink?

>> No.59292912


>> No.59292914

this is true. I will now cover you with dirt, on shovel full at a time. im sorry things didn't work out how you thought they would

>> No.59292920
Quoted by: >>59292962

you didn't even have money to ((short)) poor, why so agro

>> No.59292927
Quoted by: >>59292962

I don't aGREE with chegg thesis. markets forward looking, and you buy cuz u think others will buy higher later.

even if you're buying $5 for $4 with chegg, I don't think investors want it. that 4 runs a risk of going to zero.

>> No.59292962

I'm up 50 percent on Chegg, ultimately the market will eventually reach the rational outcome. They are still currently trading at 1.5 times non-GAAP earnings (operating cashflow), they were trading at a fraction of book when I acquired my shares, and they are currently trading at tangible book, and they have a business that is profitable on a non-GAAP basis, millions of customers, and businesses which are unlikely to be imminently done away with by ai, and that is not even considering the fact that they are now offering ai related learning tool and they have the perfect foot in the door and brand recognition to be a leader in that area.

Bro, I'm fully invested and I am not accustomed to shorting.

>> No.59293172

whats your stock pick for this morning? i havent looked if i had to guess id say amd. help

>> No.59293196

Goddamn I heard a podcast that mentioned the shit ram coming for SAVA last week and considered selling calls, fuck me

>> No.59293210

I cant find atos?

>> No.59293258

I put a good bit of my money in this shit stuff recently, idk what to do. Noob here. I was wondering the same thing. Wash your laundry. Idk if I pull rn and put back at the floor. Panicked..3am..sticky buds, nose decay and liver grains got me all twisted rn about this shit lol

>> No.59293285

Jesus Fuck the P/E ratio on that shit.
I used to know someone who worked there and they said it was common knowledge that district managers would only hire attractive under 25 women, or attractive under 25 men if they couldn't find the former. They also offered dogshit hours so no one much older than that applied anyways.

>> No.59293338

>Jesus Fuck the P/E ratio on that shit.
>An 8 billion dollar market cap and nearly 1 billion in debt.
Fucking why would anyone buy this shit?

>> No.59293349

eToro and Degiro don't have fees on each transaction

>> No.59293386
Quoted by: >>59293395

>get away with flirting with high schoolers while waiting on a 99% sugar drink?
a regular ass bikini barista
sometimes they’ll even offer “extras”

>Jesus Fuck the P/E ratio on that shit
100% makes sense if it’s using a franchise model like mcdonald’s
>common knowledge that district managers would only hire attractive under 25 women
any incentives for flirting with customers like a bikini barista? e.g. $50 tips

>> No.59293395
Quoted by: >>59293447

>100% makes sense if it’s using a franchise model like mcdonald’s
Maccas is 26:1.

>> No.59293447
Quoted by: >>59293468

k, but there’s several hundred of those in each state and they’re international already, so they don’t have a convincing growth story

I’ve literally never heard of Dutch Bros before and literally had to look up whether there’s even one nearby me on google maps, which means it’s a pretty convincing growth story
particularly since coffee drive-thru isn’t exactly done a whole lot already

>> No.59293468
Quoted by: >>59293510

>so they don’t have a convincing growth story
A coffee chain from the 90's only in the US with 831 locations, of which 542 were company-operated has a convincing growth story?

>> No.59293510
Quoted by: >>59293517

mcdonald’s was founded in 1955
mcdonald’s has 15k locations in the US
starbucks also has 15k locations in just the US
that shows at least 15X room for growth
yeah, looks like a growth story to me.

furthermore, some quarters are unprofitable despite an $8B market cap, which indicates institutional investors think it’s a growth story as well

>> No.59293517

Then I hope you buy.

>> No.59293606

I remember back in 2022 after the tech crash I had Palantir on my to buy list when it was $6 and some dipshits on /smg/ talked me out of it.

>> No.59293936

what stocks look primising rn?
what sources do u use to research a company?

>> No.59294042
File: 2.09 MB, 212x270, 1729498861747554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up 40% since i posted this. Only into it for 1000 shares but feels pretty good mang.

>> No.59294121

wtf is this real

>> No.59294130

Is Atos the ticker? Can't seem to find this particular one.

>> No.59294486
File: 2.00 MB, 282x217, Perfect landing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about MCD, DE and GOOGL depending on what happens at open.

Top signal

>> No.59294526

Fuck, and HII of course. No fucking way US defence shipbuilding is as bleak as it looks - the US WILL keep shipyards running no matter the record on delivery time.

>> No.59294668

Company is Atos SE,
"ATO" on whatever ticker I'm getting from my bank's upvest integration

Its up 59% now since my post here last night
(Still 0.56 per share, I bought at 0.32- historically it was 50 euro)

>> No.59294707
Quoted by: >>59294755

wish I could find out about shit like this before the fact

>> No.59294755

To be fair, i thought i was getting in late. It was 18 cents at open yesterday morning, i thought i was late getting on at 32 cents.

I'll stay in and It'll probably come way back down again to zero, I just bought 1000 for fun while the rest of my money sits in glacial ETFs

>> No.59294840
File: 373 KB, 745x680, 1674843210497730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, AISP bros.... I was wondering why the stock fell this morning.

NEW YORK, Nov. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Pomerantz LLP is investigating claims on behalf of investors of Airship AI Holdings, Inc. ("Airship AI" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: AISP). Such investors are advised to contact Danielle Peyton at newaction@pomlaw.com or 646-581-9980, ext. 7980.

The investigation concerns whether Airship AI and certain of its officers and/or directors have engaged in securities fraud or other unlawful business practices.

On November 14, 2024, Airship AI issued a press release reporting its financial and operational results for the third quarter of 2024. Among other items, Airship AI reported revenue of $2.9 million, missing consensus estimates by $1.9 million. In the press release, President Paul Allen stated that the Company "saw several large opportunities pushed out to FY 2025 or drastically cut due to budget challenges across several federal agencies" and that "the completion of the capital raise late in the quarter caused delays in bringing in several opportunities as the funds were needed to cover the cost of goods sold for those opportunities."

On this news, Airship AI's stock price fell $0.845 per share, or 22.87%, to close at $2.85 per share on November 15, 2024."

Are we still holding?

>> No.59295022
File: 89 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25, net worth of just 12k, got out of BTC at 99k feels good, I want something more stable.
I know the market is hot but do you guys recommend me going in right now or wait for discounts? I feel like a correction is coming...also do you guys think its ok at my age and net worth to invest 50% portafolio in stocks? I'm looking for good but high risk-value returns over years..right now my money is chilling in NuBank at 12.25% anually

>> No.59295116

is your money in dollars? if not, 12.3% in brazilian schekels is not good, tariffs bout to make the dollar appreciate and everything else be worth less, that plus high brazilian inflation

if you can afford it, put what you can into stonks, thats usually the line - but it would be based to double down on crypto

>> No.59295133
Quoted by: >>59295153

div yield is the % of your holding you are expected to get on yearly basis in divs. I think divs are for oldfags and retards who can't invest in IT ETFs, but one thing is certain, winter is coming and having a portfolio beats going all in like a retard

>> No.59295153
Quoted by: >>59295175

for most stock dividends are the only thing actually connected to the companys performance. if they don't even do buybacks the stock then has the same concept as cryptos which is you hoping that someone comes in after you so you can sell to him at a higher price

>> No.59295175
Quoted by: >>59295205

>company gets 2x profit
>share price skyrockets

>> No.59295205

yeah but the stockholders did that, not the company

>> No.59295252
Quoted by: >>59295265

Just hit a $333k personal milestone boys. A third of the way to my first mil.

>> No.59295265
Quoted by: >>59295862

top signal

>> No.59295269

Is smci gonna get delisted?

>> No.59295314
File: 200 KB, 535x315, martinshort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your portfolio should always have one or two short positions.
What are you shorting today?

>> No.59295329


>> No.59295357 [DELETED] 
File: 330 KB, 800x800, GOLDENBULLRUN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59295585

AISP bros... not like this... I don't really get the lawsuit though, where's the fraud?

>> No.59295590

okay but how will drumpfs tariffs affect the stockmarket

>> No.59295633
Quoted by: >>59295769

its just a strat to buy in lower by fatcats, its not based on anything, top signal >$5 EOY

>> No.59295693

I'm not sure, the whole things seems very vague. I wonder if I should continue to hold through this nothingburger, or dump it. Way too much money tied up in this to let it tank.

Also, email verification really killed these generals. We used to do 3-4 at least in a trading day. Fucking jeets ruin everything.

>> No.59295769

On paper, it seems to be they are mad about where the latest "capital raise" went, and the President is saying that they needed the money due to federal agencies tying things up and budgeting constraints.

>> No.59295862

I already have moved ~40% to cash. I feel a correction soon

>> No.59295982
File: 359 KB, 220x220, patrick-bateman[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59296956

>President Paul Allen

Personally double downed on the stock. But that's a risk-move, not an informed one. Wish me luck

>> No.59296002
File: 63 KB, 894x668, PDYN ftw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Anon! PDYN today grew by 40%! Cashed out and diversified among my other my holdings.

>> No.59296129

Yaaaaay S&P 6000

>> No.59296245

Martin already looking at his next short for Alzheimers drug

>> No.59296297
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 28xp-pepefrog-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shorted MSTR

>> No.59296328

Based, i bought the top just for laffs like a fucking retard

>> No.59296808
File: 109 KB, 296x258, keppi 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59296881

Is it too late to get into RKLB?

>> No.59296881

too late to get into everything now

>> No.59296956

yeah that part is so dope. he's like an ex navy seal too lmao

>> No.59296982
File: 51 KB, 620x433, 778q3w20mvw41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59297947

>SOUN down to 7,60

>> No.59296993

>jeets ruin everything
it’s the jannies that ruined it, you dumb faggot

>> No.59297010

It didn't kill them
it moved them to /bant/

>> No.59297019

thread quality on /bant/ is...../bant/ quality. It's so fucking bad.

>> No.59297022
File: 47 KB, 1024x1024, pepe ree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shorted FSLR and SEDG which have backfired tremendously.

I have one short order but rest buy's so I got fucked today.

>> No.59297027
File: 88 KB, 881x755, NLR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threw about 10K into NLR.
Hoping the new US Administration looks favorably on developing nuke tech to offset petroleum long term.

>> No.59297056
File: 39 KB, 600x453, WHEREDOYOUTHINKWEARE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59297163

What's wrong with them other than the lack of getting b& for triggering...someone?

>> No.59297073

this is more accurate

what did you think the majority of content in those 3-4 threads per day was, you goofy ass newfag?
do you really think it used to be several hundred posts per day of these due diligence essays of nonsensical schizo shit getting cross-posted to r*ddit?
none of these goofballs posting a whole fucking essay actually have a six figure portfolio

>> No.59297099
Quoted by: >>59297163


>> No.59297124

imo its a long term play unless you think Trump will free up a couple billions for the sector akin to the CHIPs act, possibly redirect semi funds
how likely do u think that this will happen?
SMRs are years away from being viable at scale and alot of hope is already priced in

>> No.59297137

I get the impression uranium is just pumping because Biden said he's not going to take it from Russia from 2028 onward, and right now they provide 25% of the US needs, but i welcome more information.

I get the feeling whatever is being threatened now will just be undone. The biggest group for Uranium in the US has fuck all actual revenue to show for the past year.

>> No.59297162

Buy Israeli defense stock

>> No.59297163
Quoted by: >>59297175

he doesn’t like that we have more memes than /biz/.

that site looks more like seeking alpha or somebody that actually reads a 10-K or thinks for themself than r*ddit, but the upvote/downvote button is still a bad sign

>> No.59297175
Quoted by: >>59297692

It's the place where BURRY hung out and swapped FIN REPORT ANALYSIS with a bunch of STUFFY FAGS before he got FAMOOSE and got a MOOVIE n sheeeeeeit.

>> No.59297179

other than Baggie shitting things up they were better than /bant/

I also miss DING DING DING anon.

>> No.59297184

AKA US bonds

>> No.59297197

He literally died. Poem Anon handles the office now.

>> No.59297230
File: 176 KB, 452x546, 1655046648619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How did it go today?!?!

>> No.59297329
File: 41 KB, 628x603, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59298049

>Noped out of AISP to secure a measly 3% profit before it dropped
>Every stock red
>Slept on AMBA, minutes into the post-market it's up by 25%
I am clinically retarded and should not be doing this. Nonetheless, I will continue in the hope that I eventually learn from the pain.

>> No.59297621
File: 599 KB, 1440x1429, 20191018_201915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AISP calls didn't go through for whatever reason
>RKLB up again

Super comfy

>> No.59297689

What's the best way to start investing? ETFs or something else? I've only had experience with investing with in crypto like during previous bullrun in 2021, but I doubt that stocks have many similarities with crypto

>> No.59297692

idk if being stuffy bothers me so much as the upvote/downvote buttons

/bant/ is literally just what the old /biz/ looked like.
there was always SFW loli and 3DPD posting, and some dick that every so often wanted to post a weird fetish like the inflation posting dude.
/biz/ used to have substantially more 3DPD in the OP pics (which you can still sometimes see on other boards like /g/), but the new cohort of mods and jannies on /biz/ are trannies
you get b& over the most inane shit over here now, but you’re ignorant to it because you’re a casual, a tourist, a newfag, a tranny, or some combination of those

>> No.59297733

but I’m not a PLTRanny

>> No.59297751
Quoted by: >>59297770

Depends on you. Bigger risk bigger reward is options on individual stocks. Super safe is a S&P 500 ETF like VOO or similar. Medium is ETFs based on certain industries or countries as well as stocks you know well.

>> No.59297762

Can you name a single exercise equipment company that’s still around or relevant from 20 years ago? The reason is they’re all fads.
Peloton was the it thing for covid house wives. Now they’re going to in person yoga and spin classes.

>> No.59297770
Quoted by: >>59297865

Thanks, any specific way to actually research this stuff to know what I'm buying? Also, I've seen that the general marker is considered overvalued at the moment. Does it matter if I'm gonna start DCAing each month anyways?

>> No.59297860


And of course I only heard about it until the fucking 26th

>> No.59297865

>any specific way to actually research this stuff to know what I'm buying?
In regards to what, their income? Debt? Who's in charge of what when? I don't know what you're familiar with already. If you just mean general stuff typically broker sites will provide you plenty, but you can always consult the OP.
>Also, I've seen that the general marker is considered overvalued at the moment. Does it matter if I'm gonna start DCAing each month anyways?
It does and doesn't. At this point the market is so overinflated by many peoples standards that if it pops you're potentially looking at something worse than the great depression, so your money would be worthless anyway. If it doesn't, you're just living in fear for no reason. Obviously invest in practical things first like a car, land, etc, then the stock market.

>> No.59297868

I bought a ton of Intel stock today.

>> No.59297871
Quoted by: >>59297885



>> No.59297878

>Gets 8 million in funding
>Not 8.5 million
>Retard investors dump like that half million was the make or break
I was seething the whole day today over it.

>> No.59297885
Quoted by: >>59297946

Nah that'd be if I bought it yesterday and ate a 3% drop, bought it near the floor and figure it'll break $26 after some good news. On the other hand I might eat crow tomorrow when it drops another dollar.

>> No.59297946


We live in an $ARM world, $INTEL is not a good bet IMO, but I wish for good luck on your investment.

>> No.59297947
Quoted by: >>59299851

It's funny you're posting this when few days ago you acted like it was going to crash to 5, I like that it cooled off the RSI was getting too high. It's making a nice cup and handle

>> No.59297986

>idk if getting constantly b& for randoom shit outside of one FAG's narrow personal parameter of TRIGGERS while trying to act like SERIOUUUUUUS INVOOOOOSTEEEEERRRSSSsss ON FUCKIN FOOR CHUNZ boothers me so much as NO VOOTS PLS

U GNO, like coomparing something to something as an exampool.


Say, has anyone told you FAGS lately that USD by ProShares has had FAR greater returns than that GAY ASS SOXL garbage by Direxiooon? If they haven't then they should have.
>muh SOXL
>muh SOXL
>muh SOXL

USD moggs the shit out of it and BAKA and most everything else BTW.

FEW ARE THE FINANCIAL INSTROOMENTS that have provided stronger returns than ProShares ticker USD over the last frew years. But all you hear around these parts is


I think it's about OVER 4 SEMIS tho.

>> No.59297990

Forgot the GAY ASS shit. S M H the VanACK semis ETF.

>> No.59298000

My suggestion would be to put half your funds into stuff like the other anon suggested, a quarter into a few bluechip stocks you like/pay a good dividend, and use the other quarter for dicking around with small cap growth stocks.

Once you get your bearings and get some experience, do whatever you like.

>> No.59298007
File: 112 KB, 957x616, NIGGERSANDJEWS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59298091

I wonder if it's getting to a time for buying this DIPARINO?
Do semis have any last POOMPS in em or is shit about to start DRILLIN?

>> No.59298043
Quoted by: >>59298089

>getting constantly b& for randoom shit outside of one FAG's narrow personal parameter of TRIGGERS
well I just expect that kind of treatment whenever I’m on a different website than 4chan
yes, being stuffy and serious on 4chan is gay
yes, downvotes are gayer than stuffy language because then it’s beyond just word censorship because the downvote effectively becomes a censor for unpopular opinions, and everybody just posts completely inorganic bullshit for upvotes
are you fucking serious?
does it just get downvoted, or is it literally moderated out?

>Say, has anyone told you FAGS lately that USD by ProShares has had FAR greater returns than that GAY ASS SOXL garbage by Direxiooon?
I noticed that, but I just don’t want to feed anymore money into semiconductor plays
>I think it's about OVER 4 SEMIS tho.
it’s definitely not a great time to invest rn

>> No.59298049

Look back at your decision. What clues did you have that it would come roaring back besides your current knowledge of the future?
I tried it daytrading once too and it's impossible. Maybe do it with a couple grand to fuck around but it's no different from going to a casino.

>> No.59298089
Quoted by: >>59298125

Well at least if you get DOONVOOTED your POOST is still there and you can still make MOOR but when a TRANNY JANNY b&s you it gets deleted and you have to not POOST unless you want to EVADE.

INVOOSTERS CLUB doesn't have VOOTS in that sense. You have to submit elaborate an elaborate trade thesis to get in and then you just have to provide those over and over and they have to mostly turn out good. I think that's about the size of it and it all has to be VALUE STOOK type shit. They would never just say TRUST ME THIS SHIT IS GOING TO MOON SOON GET SOOM NOW or anything even close to close to close to close to that and if you ever said I'M GOING TO TRADE ME SOME LEVERAGED ETFs they would probably instantly permab& U and UR MOTHER even if she had a HOT MUFF which I have rubbed my cock all in and got her wet but then I just turned and walked away leaving her literally begging PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COME AND RAIL ME and I'm like I alreaedy told you I'm never coming back and I'm never paying child support.k8hpy

>> No.59298091
Quoted by: >>59298103

Just buy YANG if that's what you're interested in, especially with todays news. Much less of a gamble.

>> No.59298103
Quoted by: >>59298116

Probably not bad advice for at least some short trades and maybe swings. The MSN projection indicates downward pressures over time tho.

>> No.59298109

Martin Shkreli said AI is a bubble because companies are spending money but noone is making any money from consumers.

>> No.59298116
Quoted by: >>59298133

Doubt it. Trump wants to kick China's teeth in right now and they're not really in a position to do anything about it. They could pull their usual currency tricks but that'll only make it worse for them in the longer run. That shit surged nearly 20 points a week after the election and he hadn't even done anything to them yet.

>> No.59298125
Quoted by: >>59298136

>even if she had a HOT MUFF
what’s your type? you seem like a based loli kinda guy

>> No.59298133

Just because Trump "wants to" something doesn't mean he can do moar than just talk big talk and there's always the chance it will be utterly retarded and have unexpected CONSEQUENCES WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.

>> No.59298136

Well that was definitely back in UR MOM's earlier days son.

>> No.59298172

Suit yourself. Pretty sure Trump can do a lot more than just talk big saying as he has majority in every branch and since the chinks shat themselves the last time he was president even when he didn't, but who knows. At the very least I get to watch that schizo in the /bant/ thread seethe when I post gains later.

>> No.59298206
File: 794 KB, 828x891, IMG_9122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59298224


>> No.59298220
File: 297 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_0229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it over for the MSTR Ponzi scheme and Bitcoin hit an un breakable wall at 100k due to Jane street algos mega shorting it or is the trade back on?

>> No.59298222

thoughts on eSim technology? Anyone know any hot companies?

>> No.59298224

I've been saying that shit for years. ROYKER was drunk af one night and got all mad af when I said it to him because he didn't understand what it meant and thought I was saying something mean about him.
It doesn't matter that he has a full stack of getting shit passed if the shit he gets passed blows back in ways he was too retarded to see. Who knows what those jive hand shakes mean between the POOTSTER and the SAUD BOI and what all is brewing with the alliances between them and CHYNA and INDYA and BRAZIL and NORT KREEYA and all that shit. They might have shit you don't know shit about and will whip out big dicks when they think the time is right. I'm not saying that's the case, I'm saying I don't know and neither do you and I'm not going to just take everything at FOOCE VALOO.

>> No.59298305

Nah, its over. MSTR goes to 200, then to zero

>> No.59298346

A POTUS has quite a bit of leeway to impose tariffs without Congress.

>> No.59298384
Quoted by: >>59298571

>Jane street algos mega shorting it


>Strong selling was also seen in bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) on Monday, as the category had its third-largest day of outflows on record at $435.3 million, according to Farside Investors.

>This follows the large inflows that seen in these products since Election Day. (BlackRock's iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT) saw $267.8 million of inflows on Monday, despite the net outflows for the category as a whole.)

>Bitcoin ETFs hold bitcoin and they needed to purchase it as more investors poured money into these products. That's why spot bitcoin ETFs were partially responsible for the cryptocurrency's rise this year.


>> No.59298571
File: 124 KB, 1066x1098, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59298666

Director sold 9mil worth when it hit its peak...


>> No.59298666

man i thought i was late shorting at 360 but this dude is doompin

>> No.59299070
Quoted by: >>59299206

SPYU is 4x leveraged, I might do that one.

>> No.59299206
Quoted by: >>59301464

>SPYU is 4x leveraged

>> No.59299630
Quoted by: >>59299949

Shouldn't I keep holding it then? From the sound of it it'll keep going up.

>> No.59299851

Well I made money last friday. Waiting for it to hit low 7's and I'm in for another load.

>> No.59299949
File: 190 KB, 954x1060, 1727131867810912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59300724

Hard to say. At 2x I sold half to get back what i put in, going to let my remaining shares roll and see what happens.

In theory it could go up for a while yet, but Atos are still operating at a loss, and even with the big shake up they're doing this year, if everything goes right their hope, if everything goes right, is just to wipe off a lot of of the debt.

I reckon you could get a 2x in the coming day if you go in, but its pure speculation, so don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose entirely.

This is not a good company with a bright future, they're a bunch of retards whose biggest claim to fame is helping the UK Government get terminally ill people of benefits by assessing them as "fit for work".

>> No.59300047

>bought a lot of smci
What am I in for?

>> No.59300068
Quoted by: >>59300414

I have never traded options and want to try this guys setup for PLTR, it it a good idea.

I bought a decent amount of Palantir when it was under 20.


>> No.59300210

Go into leveraged btc etfs. 99k is not the too and probably nowhere near.

>> No.59300349
Quoted by: >>59302044

they go a bit far sometimes with the jannying but i kinda like how clean the biz smg is. im not interested in the weird coomershit so why should i look at it on a thread that has nothing to do with porn

>> No.59300414
Quoted by: >>59300444

hits 59, you have lost everything-

>> No.59300444

hey that's my buy trigger

>> No.59300724
File: 32 KB, 520x390, 1501719612918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, thanks anon for the analysis.

>> No.59301000

is there a TLDR version synopsis of Shkreli's stock recs we can read everyday or every week ?

>> No.59301166
File: 90 KB, 640x640, thinkingpep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how RDDT make $ ? is there money in being massive faggots?

>> No.59301170
File: 73 KB, 700x672, 1726086178826076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope at least one of you frens bought in with me at 30 cents, cause we're about to break 1 euro per share this evening.

>> No.59301237

No. The market, especially during a bull run, is based on emotions, not logic or facts. Reddit is at -$3.08 EPS, has negative book value, and has negative stockholder equity. It's a bubble that will pop.

>> No.59301345
File: 30 KB, 827x552, Screenshot_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59301467

What do you guys think about Dell?

I've already got shares, so I acquired some more with this dip, but I'm also ready in case it keeps dipping some more

>> No.59301408
File: 768 KB, 480x600, on the fence about it.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else watching BBAI? The military contract seems promising.

>> No.59301412

Hi when does the market topándola crash?
I would like to buy a house soon

>> No.59301460

/vcig/ bros ww@????????

>> No.59301464

it is not an ETF, it is an ETN

>> No.59301467
File: 40 KB, 540x605, Acceptance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to my own findings, Dell is likely going to continue dipping until we find up next year with Trump is going to go through with the tariffs on Mexico and Canada.

>> No.59301475
File: 102 KB, 680x680, 1731500197218797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When twittee clone Bluesky blew up in the last couple of weeks, a completely unrelated stock BTCWF (Bluesky Digital Assets Corp) pumped.

Totally unrelated company.

Its 100% emotion and speculation.

>> No.59301496

Possibility next year

>> No.59301554
Quoted by: >>59301581

If the market crashes we go to war and the ones who come back get their pick of cheap houses

>> No.59301581

I have bone spurs so I can’t go

>> No.59301627
File: 34 KB, 800x580, ebicglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59301667


>> No.59301667
Quoted by: >>59306809

Might be a good buy
California EV tax credit may exclude Tesla
That combined with Elon being full blown retarded on twitter and dark maga
Has probably created alot of distaste for the brand
So I can see people buying a rivian instead if they want a more techy EV over a Ford or something

>> No.59301719
File: 72 KB, 480x602, 1674787473311178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59304599

AISPsisters, I'm getting impatient.

>> No.59301992

bought some lotto NVDA 11/29s in the mid 130s at its low, think im gonna hold on to them and hope it runs up on friday. is market a half day friday?

also looks like the MSTR trade still had some juice left to it, pretty much reversed its dip yesterday. should have hopped in and grabbed a few MSTX yesterday fuark

>> No.59302044
File: 194 KB, 828x554, IMG_9252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59302144

>they go a bit far sometimes with the jannying but i kinda like
“oh yes, janny, please punish me harder! I love being punished!”
literally just go back to r*ddit, you filthy cućk

>> No.59302065

two more weeks

>> No.59302144
Quoted by: >>59302719

porn is bad for you sir

>> No.59302226
File: 21 KB, 632x493, die BTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC up 4k in 1 day again

fake and gay

>> No.59302301
Quoted by: >>59302787

What was the best way to put option SAVA if we go back in time to beginning of Nov 2024 and listened to Martin S?
We knew it was going to crash very soon but didn't know exactly when.
When was the best put option buy and sell to spend $1000 and ultimately cash in?

>> No.59302357
File: 429 KB, 772x455, Screen Shot at 27-11-2024, 20-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59305422

invest into nuclear stonks yes / no?

with all the FAGMEN buying their own reactors i reckon it might go up. but maybe it's just drops in the bucket on a global scale?

>> No.59302393
Quoted by: >>59302729

>up another 60% in the 3 hours since i posted this
What a wild ride.

>> No.59302719

I hate all of that shit too. I got an X account a few days ago and deleted it later that day because of the porn even after setting it to not show me adult coontent.

>> No.59302729
Quoted by: >>59302876

This is insane you legend, thanks a lot man, that's 500 bucks I didn't have yesterday, i hope it keeps going until the end of the week

If you have anymore tips like that please do share

>> No.59302787
Quoted by: >>59302943

I was pretty convinced he was right but didn't buy any puts, the premiums were just not worth it.

>> No.59302876
Quoted by: >>59305020

Fucking based.
Will do, though i was just in the right place, at the right time desu, glad somebody else got a little something out of it, feels good man.

>> No.59302943

What if we would have bought $50 worth of puts with (exp 2 weeks out) everyday starting Nov 1st?
Would we have generated any significant profits when it finally crashed Nov 23rd?

>> No.59302991
File: 612 KB, 1080x2340, bullish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the lows are getting higher. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/soundhoundai_soundhound-makes-itself-heard-on-wall-street-activity-7267625417073733633--ybY?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios

>> No.59303213

How about Netlist? Just won another patent lawsuit.


>> No.59303219

redpill me on sofi (I already have 1000 shares and its up 40% since then).

>> No.59303258
Quoted by: >>59304267

>student loans
>tanked like fuck when biden forgave loans
>trump gets elected
>people assume he'll undo loan forgiveness and start buying the dip
>recent news suggests thats exactly what he'll do
>pumping intensifies

No confirmation afaik, keep an eye on the news and proceed accordingly

>> No.59303754
File: 109 KB, 1200x840, margindebt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59304330

im thinking we go higher end of year santa rally intact

>> No.59303942
File: 537 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_0231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need 3 Green Days to get back to where it was last week now. Should have sold the 153 top

Why does it always dump for 2 weeks post earnings after blowout quarters

>> No.59304058

One of you retards suggested sofi a while ago. Put in $20k on a whim at $9.5 (pain). Tanked to $6.5. now look at it, boys. We up to $16 making MONEY.

>> No.59304245

>hold OPPFI
>not SOFI

will my day in the sun ever come?

>> No.59304267

This is actually pretty fucked up for the general populace if he’s only doing it to pump his stock damn

>> No.59304314

>redpill me on sofi
it’s fintech, which basically means it’s a “bank” but with much more predatory data collection somehow
they send me shitloads of personal loan offers in the mail

>> No.59304330
Quoted by: >>59304363

sure, but the buffett indicator still looks like shit

>> No.59304336




>> No.59304363
File: 209 KB, 1024x1024, 1709778819637243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59304405

>buffett indicator
what is that exactly?

>> No.59304405
Quoted by: >>59307685

it’s the market cap of the whole stock market divided by GDP
it’s some indicator that warren buffett likes, IIRC

the buffett indicator AND shiller index (CAPE) look like shit rn, so big chance of a correction soon

>> No.59304599
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x1024, 53445345354345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59305020

Same here, thanks a bunch!

>> No.59305422

You could make decent profit from the hype if you went in months ago. I think the hype has died down a bit until something concrete happens.

>> No.59306809
Quoted by: >>59308196

Thanks for the answer. Anyone else have opinions about Rivian?

>> No.59307685
File: 99 KB, 733x614, (((the studies show))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59307695

my (((sources))) have told me we are going higher. january will be interesting to say the least

>> No.59307695

Chris ciovacco, that you?

>> No.59308196

not as fugly as teslas, but still fugly.