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File: 402 KB, 2400x1350, apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59192187 No.59192187 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, frens. This is the thread for all Apu related discussion.

Big Apu news, frens! We are officially live on Kraken!

>> No.59192283
File: 6 KB, 157x322, 1687367055688764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally gets le T1 listing that was supposed to "save" it
>Still dumping/crabbing

kek baggies

>> No.59192300

Wtf happened, where's 1b mcap? We were supposed to hit it after Kraken.

>> No.59192310
File: 3.66 MB, 800x483, FROTY rekting APU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tick tock tick tock...

>> No.59192318
Quoted by: >>59197251

Literally no one gives a shit about Kraken. Binance listed 2 solana shitcoins, they both mooned by 400%. Forgot to mention they are both 3 weeks old. Meanwhile Apu is out for almost a year and still is fucking nothing.

>> No.59192336
File: 1.41 MB, 4000x1633, IMG_20241107_090406_554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59193907

Cool that it's animated but the meme is ugly. I'd better buy Frenlandia instead, at least their art is decent.

>> No.59192485
Quoted by: >>59192509

Save it from what, fren?

>> No.59192509

From 300mil marketcap hell, baggie. You've already been surpassed by lots of other memecoins and whales just dump on you endlessly around this range. Thanks for playing.

>> No.59192559

Your fud has no power here, fren.

>> No.59192586

fren is just the politically correct word for baggie
change my mind.

>> No.59192633
Quoted by: >>59193015

Apu has been associated with the word ,fren for years.

>> No.59192712
Quoted by: >>59193015

turbofaggot is the objectively correct word for you

>> No.59192813
File: 238 KB, 646x680, 276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GM frens

>> No.59193015
File: 72 KB, 680x520, d75.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just simple game theory. You act nice to people so you can take advantage of their reciprocity.
Sellers will always be against buyers so it only makes sense.

>> No.59193112
Quoted by: >>59193138

Kraken ist not a t1 you retard
Chinance and coombase are also not t1 btw
Wake me up when this gets listed on Brokers like RobinHood, that's how you reach the normies you absolute retarded garbage people here

>> No.59193130

This coin is very clearly just being farmed for ETH by whales. Any time there's a slight upward movement it gets sniped by like 50 different whales. It's just a slow rug, sell now while you still can. A year from now your stack will be worth a few hundredths of a cent and no one will even remember Apu.

>> No.59193138
File: 348 KB, 566x700, ahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59193152

>Kraken ist not a t1 you retard

Maximum cope. It's rank 6 in volume by CEX. leling at baggies realizing too late they're being farmed.

>> No.59193152
Quoted by: >>59193240

Read my post to the end you nigger, also i am not involved and just a watcher

>> No.59193209
Quoted by: >>59193240

>Any time there's a slight upward movement it gets sniped by like 50 different whales.
But isn't that called MUH HECKIN MARKET MAKER!?!?!
Or some other maximum copium shit like that, right? idk.

>> No.59193215
File: 97 KB, 572x317, 6e1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this screeching and we hit a new ATH a couple days ago

>> No.59193240
File: 40 KB, 720x892, 1521280174133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59197251

>Kraken is not a T1 CEX because I say so
>Binance is also not a T1

Congrats for having the most retarded take all year. kek baggies, you're not fooling anyone.

Apufags will cope all the way to zero. They should look at Toad for an example of what their future holds.

>> No.59193248

i can't find it on kraken frens

>> No.59193249
File: 640 KB, 680x1069, 642d9629e83bb5898472436bf0b62a99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just fuddies that got rekt by swinging
now they are priced out and they are trying to bring the price down

>> No.59193257
Quoted by: >>59193280

not available in the US yet for some reason.

>> No.59193280
File: 108 KB, 900x818, watamelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59194315

You know why you can't buy it in the US? Someone who signed the contract to list on Kraken is on file (doxxed) in the US so they can't sell to the US market because those are the terms on the listing contract.

>> No.59193414
Quoted by: >>59193444

>24,249,871 APU was purchased today on Kraken worth $26,748.
lmao it's over

>> No.59193444
File: 377 KB, 576x827, kek baggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek that's fucking nothing. I still remember april when you could buy that amount for a couple hundred.
There's always a greater fool who will part with their money.

>> No.59193740

I wonder when we'll breakout where we don't keep dipping below May's ath

>> No.59193772

that's because I bought, as soon as I sell it's gonna be worth a cent a piece

>> No.59193826
File: 75 KB, 852x598, 1725059509800026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59225036

that's a huge L
the biggest economies are excluded to participate in trading. LMAO that's embarrassing and a huge SELL signal

>> No.59193881

>Friends are literally yelling at me for putting them on to APU and it's the only one not pumping while everything else is


>> No.59193907

It's not about the graphics. Some of the most retarded AI slop that anyone can make has still mooned like crazy.

>> No.59194315
Quoted by: >>59194756

Where can I buy it besides Kraken in the US?

>> No.59194736
Quoted by: >>59195155

stay comfy, 100k soon, then 150k, then 200k, wagmi

>> No.59194756

Uniswap of course.

>> No.59195155

Yeah, but market cap.

>> No.59195470

It's all so tiring bros.

>> No.59195596
Quoted by: >>59195613

OKX listing APU

>> No.59195613
Quoted by: >>59195640

where did you hear that?

>> No.59195640

1) some autist tracked apu community wallet funds and it added up with moving some to okx yesterday 10 mins later

2) today they tweet this

3) they were partnered with the apu nft launch

4) butt

>> No.59195674

Even if it's true it doesn't matter, this will just make it even easier for whales to dump on you (i.e. like they're already doing with Kraken).

>> No.59195724

holy shit you are a midwit, yeah the whales truly dumped on kraken with $20k USD volume you absolute fucking cretin

kraken has 0 volume on altcoins, it's more of a stamp of legitimacy

apu price is stuck because it's only t1 with volume is perps thats being manipulated

okx spot listing is obviously fucking huge

don't know why i even bother coming here to type it out to you fucking retards

>> No.59195744

I appreciate the reply man. I liked, RT'd and replied to that tweet you linked. Hopefully it happens soon and we blow past 1b by eoy

>> No.59195751

Sure bro. Enjoy the next 6 months of crabbing.

>> No.59195769

The truth is...Kraken listing should have done something.

>> No.59195831

that's because normies still haven't discovered this coin yet. just wait until it gets listed on coinbase.

>> No.59195833
Quoted by: >>59195912

name an altcoin that has more volume on kraken than on okx

name an altcoin that mooned from kraken listing

>> No.59195873
File: 351 KB, 1305x1504, IMG_3661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but whales will dump
This is such a poor person mentality. We are literally one week into a bull run where memes will be central already proven by the doge boom. Yes some whales will dump but why would I sell now for a couple million when even conservatively I could scale out for $10-20 million. I guarantee I’m in the majority of billion plus Apu holders with this logic. The whale dump on cex normie meme is bear market thinking, it makes no sense when we are this early.
Pic rel.

>> No.59195912

This. 0.33% of Pepe’s volume is in Kraken, it was never going to bring volume it’s about symbology. You get Kraken, then you get OKX and Bybit then you get Binance.

>> No.59196029

you seem like someone who knows what they're talking about. i haven't been following apu for a few months. anything interesting coming up? what happened to the coin creator who rugged? has he sold everything?

>> No.59196226

>it'll pump when it lists!!!
>sell the news
>why's it retracting after that month long pump???
>why didn't it pump when it listed???
>it'll pump with a bigger exchange!!
All I know is these posts are identical to the shit I read before shib went big 3 years ago.

>> No.59196855
File: 12 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59198389

>but muh low volume
GIGA barely has more and its mc is almost twice as high.

Like that other Anon said, the volume doesn't really matter. A listing on a T1 exchange legitimizes the brand and more exchanges will follow suit. It's also funny how the fuddies say whales are using Kraken to "dump" on you when the entire volume isn't even enough to be considered whale money.

Look at this pic. This is going to be you when Apu goes to 1B and beyond.

>> No.59197251
File: 340 KB, 1116x1511, APUpopcorn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its not about Kraken you absolute fkn faggots, it what comes after Kraken is what matters, were going to billions, watch from the sidelines

>> No.59197300
File: 53 KB, 1267x500, thanks for playing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59197312

>uh actually kraken doesn't matter anyway, it's what will happen in 2 more weeks, yeah that's it

Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.59197304
Quoted by: >>59197312

>Its not about Kraken
Wasnt the last 4-5 months about Kraken and being blueballed because 5G and the faggots in charge were teasing us with that forever?

>> No.59197312

Kraken is the start, the gateway.. do i have to spell it out for you faggots

>> No.59197325

Pump to oblivion when, I'm tired of waging

>> No.59197644

Idiot, its in freefall now with no news left.
> sidelines
Im holding this from the very beginning and I just need 1b mcap. Why cant this fucking reach it??? Fuck u all

>> No.59197666
File: 45 KB, 609x634, Screenshot 2024-11-13 060125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59198050

>no news left
be less emotional

>> No.59197725
File: 102 KB, 1069x806, 1724698469215086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apu kraken USA waiting room

>> No.59197791

>gets listed on kraken after nearly six months of non stop hype
>the anticipated day finally comes to fruition
>an actual literal unironic t1 listing
>can't even break previous aths and tanks
>ackthckually a REAL t1 has never been tried before!
>two more weeks! Blindly trust the plan! WAGMI
kill yourselves.

>> No.59197849

sell then, and hurry the fk up about it i want to slurp more

>> No.59197986
File: 61 KB, 655x509, 1721098496038344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59198111

We were the chosen ones...

>> No.59198006 [DELETED] 

saaars, pls my basterd where is da poomp?

>> No.59198050

$hoppy is the one being listed. Cope and Seethe APUbaggies

>> No.59198111
File: 40 KB, 605x605, 1682426685174710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59198350

Blame your faggot whales. They've been dumping on you for the last 6 months while other shitcoins have been sailing way past you in marketcap. That fucking Peanut coin is already worth more and it's only been out for like 2 weeks. In reality us fuddies barely do shit to the price. It's always the holders who, in spite of the maymays, don't believe in the project at all.

>> No.59198127
Quoted by: >>59198145

APU is an impeccable and perfect meme. APU.com is a perfect, rare 3-letter website.
Engagement on X is insane. Memes by the literal thousands. T1 listing, more soon. Multiple sporting event sponsorships secured. No issues with IP like Pepe so Coinbase, etc. will be no problem. The bull-run is JUST starting and retail will love the frog.

Faggots just can not into macro perspective posting muh past "two days" of charts.

Go finger your STD-spangled buttholes in your closet and leave the money-making to men who understand how to business.

>> No.59198145
Quoted by: >>59198166

Its so over. Just buy PEPE and get your 3x. Better than riding a dead project to zero. Or dont

>> No.59198153

>apu council constantly dumping on any news
>comfy apu pivoting to dog coins lily

>> No.59198166
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, 17882026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its so over.

>> No.59198350
Quoted by: >>59198917

peanut is going to zero retard, apu is the most used meme on the whole internet

>> No.59198389
Quoted by: >>59203215

>the volume doesn't really matter
It does matter because this is how a cex earns its money - with trading fees, and for that a high volume is lucrative
>A listing on a T1 exchange legitimizes the brand
Binance constantly lists 1 week old shitcoins nobody ever heard about

>> No.59198469

What's the point in fudding apu anymore? The coin is legit.

>> No.59198917
Quoted by: >>59199063

Its already 1b u idiot. Who cares if it will go to zero, its holders profited 3x better than we. Kicking myself now for not exchanging my Apu for Peanut.

>> No.59199063

Fren, don't get mad at a flash in the pan. Apu is playing the long game.

>> No.59199420
File: 91 KB, 834x1085, IMG_20241105_190941_178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope u are right about it, lets break that 400m milestone frens

>> No.59199422

PEPE is now listed on RobinHood, a real Tier 1 exchange where all the normies are. congrats to pepe.
this rubbish coin here will never achieve something like this

>> No.59199442
Quoted by: >>59199480

swingie are you ok? so swingie are you ok are you ok swingie? swingie are you ok so swingie are you ok? swingie are you ok? so swingie are you ok are you ok swingie? swingie are you ok so swingie are you ok? swingie are you ok? so swingie are you ok are you ok swingie? swingie are you ok so swingie are you ok?

>> No.59199480
File: 59 KB, 964x912, 1719916983906943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok guys I stop fudding now, you won and I kneel

>> No.59199490
File: 768 KB, 1127x1071, 1633605225065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59199630
File: 137 KB, 1080x650, Screenshot_20241113-154537_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59199637

Apu pumping nicely too on Pepe listing announcements. Frogs confirmed for the new meta this bull run, dogcoins are so 2021. Only a matter of time before Apu is listed on CB, Robinhood, and PayPal as well.

>> No.59199646

>100M MC pumped up over few hours
we just tasted a drip of GBR 2025
33B will be glorious frens

>> No.59199712
Quoted by: >>59199731

>up over few hours
Funny thing is it happened in less than an hour

>> No.59199731
Quoted by: >>59199777

nothing extraordinary for a low liquidity shit coin

>> No.59199777
File: 75 KB, 710x577, 1711946339708599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59205114


>he's STILL fudding Apu

Stay poor I guess.

>> No.59199779
Quoted by: >>59199838

>was a bit worried 2h ago
>up 30% since
>why do I check prices guys

>> No.59199802

Apu will be 4 billion marketcap EOY

>> No.59199838


If you don't hang out in the Telegram already just spend a few days there. I have no worries about this coin long term because of how fanatical and dedicated the community and team behind it are. It's why I've been diamond handing since before and especially after the Palladius rug.

>> No.59199960

You don’t play the long game with meme coins. The only meme that pumped more after it’s initial pump is doge.

>> No.59200016


>> No.59200063


For your typical pump and dump scam, sure. But Apu is trying to become a lasting memecoin and cultural icon. New team after the CTO isn't just looking to dump on new holders heads, make a quick buck, and then abandon the project.

>> No.59200077

look at the low EQ on this fella

>> No.59200079
File: 3.19 MB, 640x480, c11251a9cc771596975251d69091c20d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New ATH!

>> No.59200405

>My Apu is currently worth 47k usd.
I know it isn't make it money but still...maybe I can retire before I hit 40...

>> No.59200441

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa do you have any idea for how long i held! And i only sold few hours back. Fuck me, fuck fuck fuck duuuuuuucck

>> No.59200484
Quoted by: >>59200500

Fren...you could buy back in or look for another coin. Your call

>> No.59200500
Quoted by: >>59200521

Sell it for me please, for the old times sake. I just need the price like IT was 3h back.

>> No.59200512
File: 12 KB, 382x349, 1650022160603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You deserve it we are all holding here from when paladius rugged us to the last ath at 400m and then down to 50m and now back up until 33b. Trust the plan and stay diamond handed we are in this together and can only win if we hold our bags.

>> No.59200521

Sorry, fren. Should have had a stronger grip.

>> No.59200543
File: 306 KB, 847x729, 1624455090499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59200721

Is it too late to FOMO into this?

>> No.59200565

Stop with these 5fig buys you basterds!

>> No.59200713
File: 41 KB, 519x519, Need Some Sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59200850

I'm gonna thanks myself for having fate in APU, FUCK YOU FUDDER

>> No.59200721

i think so. There is still room for an easy 2x minimum.

>> No.59200756
Quoted by: >>59200862

Everybody point at this paperhand and laugh. My only regret is not buying more this morning

>> No.59200800

Any lmao my tax return money from last year is finally printing bros, just in time to beat inflation loss. 33billy!

>> No.59200831
File: 31 KB, 657x527, 1719805458136060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59200862


Damn fren that sucks, you should have kept blindly trusting the plan

>> No.59200843

I have 5M apu. What am I in for?

>> No.59200850
Quoted by: >>59201251

It'll be back down in the low .0009s by the end of the day.

>> No.59200862
Quoted by: >>59200885

Don't worry, i will go to sleep and wake up for it to be dumped back to the numbers i sold at. And i will be back.

>> No.59200885
Quoted by: >>59200946


Bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off for him.

>> No.59200946

Everyone knows it's going back down. The whales just can't help themselves.

>> No.59201012

Yes! I am buying back in! The loss? Zero!

>> No.59201060
File: 470 KB, 1076x1204, Screenshot_20241113-174552_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59201098

he was kidding lmao

(I am in the chat too)

>> No.59201141

>he was kidding lmao
im sure he was... if apu goes to 1bil mc that's the end of this cycle IMO.

>> No.59201144

Why does he even have 9,4 billion

>> No.59201180
Quoted by: >>59201221

Ok burdman 224

>> No.59201221

that me

>> No.59201251
File: 101 KB, 1170x1279, GcRjtzuaAAAqiT4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59201301

yeah yeah you can fud as much as you want, i'm already get used to it

>> No.59201268
File: 43 KB, 625x359, Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 17-03-44 Apu Apustaja price today APU to GBP live price marketcap and chart CoinMarketCap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly happened here?

>> No.59201287

what's the meaning behind all the apu carrot memes lol?
i missed the context on that one.

>> No.59201290

Probably just liquidating shorts (so another whale can set their own, kek).

>> No.59201301

Sure bro it's just fud, it's totally not what's been happening without fail every single time. Enjoy the big head&shoulders pattern.

>> No.59201311

PEPE got listed on Robinhood

>> No.59201323
File: 27 KB, 655x509, d8e247603b6ccfb6ec7775c925972b2b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pump to 0.0011 leading up to Kraken listing, natural decline back to 0.0009, followed by a surprise pump after PEPE got added to Coinbase, signaling APU will in fact go to 1B+.

I was a moron and sold 200m of my 300m around 0.00105, the Coinbase news came out right as I was about to buy back this morning. Lost 10% of my APUs buying back in. Even made a thread about it.

Feels dumb buying back higher, but I don't see anything else doing better than APU at this point.

>> No.59201350
Quoted by: >>59201408

sorry fren but also this is what happens when you let the fudmen get to you, and you jeet.

>> No.59201393
Quoted by: >>59201408

Just buy back in when it goes back to .0006 or .0005.

>> No.59201408
Quoted by: >>59201500

You're right fren, I've learned my lesson. I've had my APU since before the rug, can't let go so easily now.
I figure it's more likely to go to 0.005 before 0.0005 at this point.

>> No.59201500

>it's more likely to go to 0.005 before 0.0005 at this point

I admire your optimism.

>> No.59201964

I have APU but am going to go all in on the shitcoin casino.

>> No.59203215
Quoted by: >>59203354

>Volume is up 20x since yesterday
I wonder what the next fud will be.

>> No.59203271

> all today's pump annihilated
Wtf is the problem of this coin?? Why can't it just have a straight candle to 1b like PNUT and all other memecoins??

>> No.59203345

You retards still don't understand that an average person will just run away when he sees $60 gas fee. No one likes to pay gas.

>> No.59203354

Most of that volume is selling.

Extremely greedy whales always dump around the .001 range. Enabling perps early on made it even worse. You'll never, ever be rid of them either because they all just buy back in at lower levels. I held Apu all the way into October and sold all of it close to ATH because I realized this. It's had 6 months to do something other than crab and it's failed. Apu is basically the memecoin version of Link.

>> No.59203364

literally no chart goes directly to 1B without the occasional dump
look at the chart of the token you just mentioned
it's filled with red candles

>> No.59203401
File: 43 KB, 1305x508, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59203633

It doesn't really. Looks like more people believe in a random squirrel coin than the supposed "biggest meme ever".

>> No.59203429
Quoted by: >>59203443

U see, the problem with our red candles is that they're almost of the same size as the green ones.
And this is in full bull market, what happens once things start to cool off? I dunno it seems like it's now or never to reach a billie. I know that these "secret council" retards read this thread, why dont they just agree to stop selling every pump to sell later? Farming must be stopped for Apu to have a future.

>> No.59203443
File: 380 KB, 657x527, halloween.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59213519

Secret council retards were just dropping it so I can get back in after selling low. Thanks frens.

>> No.59203466

how much did that guy initially put into the coin?

>> No.59203484

>Extremely greedy whales always dump around the .001 range.
It's the threshold where 1B apus are equal to 1 miilion dollar. We have over 60 wallets with 1B+ apus. Ofc they want to secure their million dollars and reduce their risk, it's natural.
This will just become even worse when we go near the .01 threshold where over 450 wallets will be dollar millionaires who try to take profit
I have been posting this fact since April

>> No.59203624
Quoted by: >>59203734

t. swingie that got priced out
swingie are you okay
are you okay
are you okay swingie?

>> No.59203633

Yeah I wonder how long your dead squirrel meme will stay relevant.

>> No.59203637
Quoted by: >>59203691

fuck apu, buy HONK

>> No.59203691
Quoted by: >>59203705

>not having both

>> No.59203702

Awaiting the next bih galaxis listing for another 10x and best holiday season ever

>> No.59203705
File: 17 KB, 200x200, honk-pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll allow it...HONK

>> No.59203734
Quoted by: >>59204661

Currently swinging this looks like the most profitable strat.

>> No.59204661

Nah, way too risky.
I was thinking of swinging like 25% of my stack at 10 and I would've been BTFO

>> No.59205114

checked. 777m marketcap eom

>> No.59206019 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 1453x734, 979123412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question for APU holders, is Lily's coin a scam? is this coin tied to APU in any bullish way?

>> No.59206045
Quoted by: >>59206102

kind of but not necessarily. lily is backed by some huge apu whales, but it is not really affiliated with apu. they are separate

>> No.59206102

ok thanks, I was wondering if it was backed by the original APU devs or something

>> No.59206568

It's not a scam. Take into account that Lily is Experiencing the SAME FUD that APU experienced post Palladius Rug, Do not fade Lily.

>> No.59206916
File: 23 KB, 300x300, monkahmm-emote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I FOMO into Apu? Or is it too late now?

>> No.59207152

Buying Apu at 400m is like buying Pepe at 400m.
Do the math.

>> No.59207166 [DELETED] 

it's not on coinbase. it's over...

>> No.59207637

Yeah but Apu isn't known as much compared to Pepe right? I doubt normies even know the difference and think all frogs = Pepe

>> No.59207703

Apu is the far more widely used meme. Literally the majority of Pepe shilling posts are Apu’s retards think are Pepe.

>> No.59207887

I don't really know that it matters all that much. We tend to stress over this Pepe/Apu stuff way more than is probably justified. There's plenty of room for them both to do well just like with DOGE and SHIB. I'm not going to be one of those people convinced Apu will ever flip Pepe, but it's perfectly capable of following it on up to settle at a still considerable market cap.

>> No.59207927

As we jave seen yesterday, APU is strongly connected to PEPE's performance as well as shib is connected to doge.
It is important for APU that PEPE thrives. When PEPE is thriving so is APU.
SHIB is always around half the mc of doge, so I can imagine that apu takes the same route.
I don't think that it will flip it necause PEPE will always be the main name for this meme and all its subgroups" like apu

>> No.59207971
File: 18 KB, 739x415, Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just bought a bag
>dumps immediately

Every fucking time

>> No.59208098
File: 166 KB, 1080x500, Screenshot_20241114-125024_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59208145

Some entity is heavily accumulating

>> No.59208145
Quoted by: >>59208149

Something is happening in just 2 more weeks.
In all seriousness 2 weeks.

>> No.59208149

Cup and handle forming

>> No.59208168

If the chart is red for 24hrs, yes.
If the chart is green for 24hrs, no.
Throw $50 in and be strong enough to hold. Things should get crazy.

>> No.59208185

sorry, solded yesterday waiting for a pullback to buy back in

>> No.59208727

Starting to think that 400mil is the new floor, frena.

>> No.59209354
File: 30 KB, 1175x311, asking_chatgpt_if_it_would_buy_the_chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chart you're showing displays a classic candlestick pattern with some clear uptrends and recent upward momentum, especially from late October through mid-November. Here are some points that may help you decide if it's worth buying:

1. Uptrend and Breakout Potential: The asset has shown a strong uptrend since late September, indicating positive momentum. There was a breakout in early November, with a retest of previous highs in mid-November, suggesting a bullish continuation.

2. Volume: The green volume bars have increased on recent upswings, particularly at the recent high. This can be a positive sign of strength in the move up, as higher volume often supports the price action and suggests more commitment from buyers.

3. Key Levels: The chart seems to have resistance around 0.00115, as it's the current price level. If the price can break above this resistance with strong volume, it could indicate further upward movement.

4. Risk Management: Since this asset seems to have some volatility, it’s essential to consider setting a stop loss below recent lows to manage risk.

Whether or not to buy depends on your investment strategy, risk tolerance, and time horizon. If you’re looking for short-term gains, waiting for a breakout confirmation above 0.00115 with volume might be ideal. For longer-term holders, the general uptrend could be favorable, but always be mindful of potential reversals or changes in trend.

>> No.59210064

Based chatgpt

>> No.59211347
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>> No.59211348

sell signal

>> No.59211436


>> No.59211700 [DELETED] 

bhutanians are chinx or jeets?

>> No.59212606
File: 147 KB, 1125x2436, apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just bought apu at ATH with some spare eth. you guys can all dump on me now.

>> No.59212634
Quoted by: >>59212708

You are in good hands, fren.

>> No.59212708
Quoted by: >>59212744

i really wish it was on more exchanges. eth fees are retarded. i kinda want to swing trade this.

>> No.59212744
File: 3.10 MB, 1420x2239, 20241114_201136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this, perhaps? Second Apu flirt from OKX. Pretty good indicator something is incoming.

>> No.59212823
File: 116 KB, 1070x1063, IMG_1908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59212962

Burger frens can trade in Kraken Pro now!

>> No.59212962
File: 209 KB, 702x355, APUfrens3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LFG 1B mcap incoming

>> No.59213016
File: 25 KB, 500x395, 72ce178a89b2ecf2c3a397aeefd3eb64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Welcome fren.

>> No.59213519
File: 37 KB, 640x512, apu thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59214652

Thanks again frens, I have all of my 300m APUs back now. You can resume the pump to 1B.

>> No.59214652

Soon, fren

>> No.59215142
Quoted by: >>59215474

I just need a 10x. is $4B even possible at this point

>> No.59215474

half of pepe's marketcap is absolutely possible

>> No.59215911
Quoted by: >>59216063

How exactly do I purchase APU?

>> No.59216063

Everything you need to know is on apu.com

>> No.59217350

How we feeling with APU consolidating around 350-375 million now, bros? I feel pretty comfy desu.

If we get OKX in the 7-14 days we could be in the 500-600 million range for Thanksgiving.

>> No.59217359

Im frustrated that this still hasn't reach 1 B and every pump is retracing.

>> No.59217445
Quoted by: >>59218166

apu whales still using the coin as an infinite money glitch

>> No.59218166
Quoted by: >>59218194

>>>59217350 (You)
>Im frustrated that this still hasn't reach 1 B and every pump is retracing.

With every pump the sell pressure will be less- holder count is increasing steadily at this price range, and day 1 fags are exiting.

Until the $$ runs out

>> No.59218194

>day 1 fags are exiting.
Day 1 fag here and I ain’t fucking leaving.

>> No.59218627
Quoted by: >>59218651

my man.

>> No.59218651

It’s pretty simple my bag is about $2.5m sure I could jeet out but that isn’t retirement money. I just need to stay calm and hold another six months.

>> No.59218919

Frens...could we reach a new ATH this weekend?

>> No.59218936

>It’s pretty simple my bag is about $2.5m sure I could jeet out but that isn’t retirement money.
Lol. anon please take profits....
>hold another six months.
bull run is likely to be done by then.

>> No.59218942

Probably not lil bro. Maybe next weekend.

>> No.59218947


>not realizing Apu will be a multi-cycle memecoin

>> No.59219153

>Lol. anon please take profits....
I don’t think I will.
>hold another six months bull run is likely to be done by then.
My actual date is slightly shorter.

>> No.59219160

You realise we hit ATH at the time of you posting?

>> No.59219209
File: 36 KB, 750x750, IMG_3572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kill me. wish i owned this much. absolute ropefuel. what mc did u get in at anyway

>> No.59219227


>> No.59219240

tell me about it
i aped in in march at 20M MC with 5k USD only to capitulate it all in the 'jeetus rug at 500k MC. i eventually bought back in at 35M MC after CTO but my stack has decreased by 70%. it would have been worth 107k USD but here i am

>> No.59219309

i only have 300 million apu
kill meeeeeeeee

>> No.59219313
Quoted by: >>59219428

Thats nearly 10x what I have. Calm yourself.

>> No.59219428

Hope I can get a few btcs from it at least

>> No.59219690
Quoted by: >>59219742

Yeah we just did
Cup and handle delivers now. We will break out to new frontiers now
What bothers me is that the kraken volume with 144k$ is UTTER garbage. Probably because it is not buyable in the US and Germany, two of the most important markets. What a wasted listing lmao

>> No.59219742
Quoted by: >>59219764

>What bothers me is that the kraken volume with 144k$ is UTTER garbage.
All memes are garbage volume on kraken. Last 24hrs Pepe has done $9.4bn volume and only $39m (0.4%) on Kraken.
>What a wasted listing lmao
It’s about legitimacy. You do kraken, then OKX then Binance.

>> No.59219764

Too add to this uniswap added a heap of the volume today way up from usual which strongly suggests insiders front running OKX.

>> No.59221107
File: 299 KB, 1070x1264, GcWkIOBXMAAHZg5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59221119

Just smashed previous ATH lol. Probably going to hit $500m mc today. $1B in December, screenshot this.

>> No.59221119

I just need 15bil or so to make it.

>> No.59222811

mogs my stack. its over

>> No.59223430


Take at least 25% in profits so you aren't suicidal if it dumps.

>> No.59223469

it keeps trying to break ath but gets rejected every time :(

>> No.59223962 [DELETED] 

x69babe has still room to pump vs. Finnish Pepe

>> No.59224458
File: 28 KB, 1866x158, received_1755334178564093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based fellow day 1 whale who hasn't sold.

>> No.59224457
File: 20 KB, 647x889, antenna_radio_skyking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59225031

tier1 exchange listings literally imminent, check the chain frens, they sent out a whole bunch of tokens and USDT from the new community wallet

>> No.59224794

Breakout is cancled, back to the bart pattern

>> No.59224836
File: 49 KB, 563x674, 1712843940457775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe we will get 4-5 billion market cap in April.

>> No.59225031

Sent where

>> No.59225036

The SEC has already been told by the incoming administration that their overreach in crypto will be deleted on day 1.

>> No.59225046

This aged well

>> No.59225054

>got told by Linu niggers to not buy in during the crash cause this meme coin will go no where
Ironic that Linu fucking went no where and this thing pumped. I missed out on so much money. I swear to God, the moment Linu goes back to 8~15m if it ever does, I'm selling everything and probably moving it to Apu.

>> No.59225077
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Bro same

>> No.59225099
File: 54 KB, 658x674, buyApu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59225246

I have 300K Apus
What am I in for ?

>> No.59225246
Quoted by: >>59225439

How does 300,000 sound?

>> No.59225439
File: 1.50 MB, 1936x2048, SmugPepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good fren