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58915901 No.58915901 [Reply] [Original]

just a coincidence haha
whoa that's crazy haha

>chainlink ticker link powers future of finance in hong kong
>price is dumping

>> No.58915930

When will you faggots finally understand that Sergey has engineered this in such a way that the token price is completely irrelevant to anything to do with the network - he’s engineered this to have absolutely no demand at all intrinsically but massive sale pressures instead as its purely used to pay nodes from a massive uncirculated supply then dumped, or dumped directly to pay CLL operation costs which are massive and the largest of any blockchain project by orders of magnitude(thats just payroll alone).

Speculators have left, so there is no means for the token to actually pump anymore. It doesn’t matter what kind of jews or breadcrumbs or “usage” is implied or whatever: the token is completely decoupled from the network.
Look at it this way: you have CLL, the token, and the network. These are three independent entities. You’d be forgive for treating them as one thing. Sergey has engineered this to be the case.
The network doesn’t have any intrinsic demand or need for the token, as Sergey has not engineered any(you can pay in anything and they’ll keep profit and then pay nodes from non-circulating link).
You then have the token itself, which serves as nothing but a means of funding CLL and paying nodes who sell it after receiving it from a massive supply which never need to be purchased first(no buy pressure baked in).

Finally, you have Chainlink labs, a LTD for profit corporation with sole control over the network and all developments. They use the network to create profits, opting for not baking in and building intrinsic demands for it. This would easily be done if they wanted but they dont want to.

The network could be very decentralised by now. Anyone could launch a contract, set up dons, and have uncirculated supply distributed to nodes at a low rate set by CLL to perhaps match gas costs for anyone, but also requires anyone to but link to pay the link fee part. There could be hundreds of such contracts by now and god knows how many dons.

>> No.58915933
Quoted by: >>58917081

this correlates with the coordinated whale shorts opened on avax and link a few weeks back

I can understand HSBC trying to accumulate cheap before dumping on Hong Kong retail. but are these guys connected to Cornell? I knew avax was popular in Asia, but I never heard about chainlink having Asian connections.

>> No.58915938

nice collage anon. Unfortunately there is no new money flowing into alt coins currently. If the market was less unsophisticated, news like this would get priced in much more. unfortunately our peers are retards. Thankfully that will slowly change as smarter money enters.

>> No.58915940

The bad performing ones dont get used much and CLL could serves as a means to give out reputation early on while the non-corculated supply is being doled out to prevent abuse.

However instead we have a fat fuck who got greedy, turned the non-circulated supply into his piggybank, decided to play big shot CEO and employee 700 people on large uncompetitive salaries, deliberately not engineer any demand for the token as it makes draining it for himself easier.
CLL wouldn’t need anywhere close to this number of employees and the operating costs would he dramatically lower if they operated it in such a way. 7 fucking years and not even a hint they are going towards decentralising it and using the funds to bootstrap properly. Not even a hint. Dumping a billion worth a year to not have it even close.

Sergey has molested the original vision and what could be as he’s greedy. Hes a fat shit who ha got even fatter, and is basically a liar. He’s turned the “boot strapping” funds into a personal account so he can play mr bug ceo with 700 employees. He is not interested in actually making it decentralised and giving the token demand because he doesn’t need to with all the funds available to him, and it would be too much work and less lucrative for him if it didn’t go perfectly or took a decade. Easier to have hundreds of millions of tokens at your disposal as long as they are worth more than $3 each or so.

So none of this matters, it wont pump it, it cant pump it and your an idiot for not realising this

>> No.58915941
File: 239 KB, 308x320, Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 11.05.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58916912

While I understand your request, it's important to clarify that Chainlink, launched in 2017, does not have a 100-year historical performance to analyze comprehensively. However, significant events like the 2020 DeFi boom, where Chainlink's role as a decentralized oracle network became prominent, influenced its price positively. Despite this, its volatility has been stark, with price fluctuations ranging from less than $0.20 to over $50 within short time frames, reflecting a high-risk profile. When compared to established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, or even some stable returns from traditional assets like stocks or bonds, Chainlink has shown less consistent growth, particularly when assessed over a multi-year horizon. Factors contributing to a negative investment outlook include a crowded oracle market with growing competition, reliance on the broader Ethereum ecosystem, and regulatory uncertainties that challenge the adoption of blockchain technologies. Investors should weigh these risks carefully against potential rewards.

>> No.58915946

did not read lmao

>> No.58915951

Sergey is much more interested in flying around meeting bankers, low level government employees, forcing POCs so he can associate with people he deems high status. He wants to feel like a real CEO or some large tech company.

If he treated the network as i mentioned already, his role would be much smaller, more like w foundation nurture the growth of its network and if it succeeded organically these corporations would use it and do POCs without him forcing them or ever getting involved. However he’d be more like Vitalik or BTc devs. Not mixing with the status he wants. Wouldn’t get to play mr ceo of 700 people. Would not be flying around meeting the people he wants to play with and feel high status.

He’s absolutely not interested and probably never was: he just never expected to get so much cash from the token so early to realise what he really wanted and is doing now

>> No.58915952

yup. sergey craves status. he's like a school girl who wants the "cool kids" to like her

>> No.58915961
File: 301 KB, 1733x2048, 1724901251683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58915986

The token is only needed for the transferandcall function and there is no lower bound on the amount of tokens required to use transferandcall. Since the token has 18 decimals, contract users could "pay" a DON 0.000000000000000001 LINK times the number of nodes in the DON to deliver the data payload of each call, while paying them outside the purview of the on chain oracle contract.
What's more, the network has so far proven that you don't need to stake LINK in order to assure individual nodes (and therefore DONs) faithfully transmit data, but if ever they needed to put up collateral, they could easily use other tokens.

>> No.58916005
Quoted by: >>58916009

whoa thats really crazy haha
so crazy how this only applies to link but not other tokens haha

>> No.58916009

it's basically XRP 2.0
haha crazy, I know

>> No.58916015


>> No.58916027

Me neither, I did just buy one (1) Link token though.

>> No.58916030

Yeah, this is true, there are various ways to look at it. However my point is simply that all this is a by-product of how Sergey hs engineered the network. It could be completely different, have hard required LINK payments, all the things i mentioned.

As it stands, dons only care about getting their subsidy from sergey. They just do whatever he requires them to do, and unfortunately his requirement is the end result of engineering the network as it is and no demand for the token, no real decentralised network.

The things you stated are true due to that but wouldn’t have to be if Sergey actually gave a fuck. Building a decentralised oracle network is hard, even if you boot-strap it properly more like block reward than hand picked gibs list as is. Chainlink could have only a role in dishing out reputation, which although would be centralised it’d be far more decentralised than their current role. Once the pre-mine bootstrapping funds had all been dished out as rewards to dons and contracts anyone could set up, the reputation would become autonomous with no need for them to set it anymore as the network would be mature and there wouldn’t be pre-mine funds to get from gaming it wt that point.

As it is now, you dont need them to stake link to get them to behave exactly because they just do what sergey wants and get the gibs or dont and wont get them. Thats the shitty way hes engineered it becomes its easier for him, he can drag it along for over a decade and drain the pre-mine this way.

Point is all these issues which are correct are simply by-product of the fatfuck not even trying to make this a real decentralised oracle network. I cant believe how many retards tht been here from dayone have had the wool pulled over their eyes on this. Sergeys constant pivoting and betrayal is obvious but they suck his shit up. Staking in its current form is USELESS and only inflates supply and was done only to keep baggies selling. It serves absolutely no purpose.

>> No.58916044
File: 103 KB, 1170x1467, IMG_3631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there fudster. Just to show you how pointless your job is. Here’s the proof that I just bought one (1) Link (ticker: LINK) token.

>> No.58916048
Quoted by: >>58916504

Link token does not equal an investment in the company chainlink labs. The token is only for build airdrops

>> No.58916232

>the token price is completely irrelevant to anything to do with the network
Same with any crypto.
Bitcoin and Ethereum worked absolutely fine when the price was just a few cents.

>> No.58916504

And for securing decentralized oracle nodes, which is the prime purpose of LINK as a protocol, with all nodes being paid in LINK or fees being required to be converted to LINK and then paid to stakers for putting up their own LINK as collateral. The more valuable the token, the easier this gets and the less LINK you need. This will be important in ten years when 99% of world trade and derivatives are tokenized and secured by LINK. 1 Joule will = $1 at some point.

>> No.58916581

Do I buy AVAX? I haven't bought into the settlement meme for years because I've been a link maxi, but it always seems like AVAX is sneaking in to these institutional adoption signals with almost no fanfare, and the price is still fairly low.
Do I diversify out into a bit of Emin coin?

>> No.58916596
File: 341 KB, 1339x2048, a5ba4dab9c5d56d581341ef4d1838fa0fac76e00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have 3 months to accumulate before link price explodes
>still will barely be worth anything because poorshit
It's so over

>> No.58916643


>> No.58916815
File: 116 KB, 521x535, Screenshot_20240829-073547_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy the news
When will stinktards realize that they were supposed to buy in 2019 and sell in 2021 during the wild speculation phase? Link news today in current year isn't going to move the price. Also, this chink looks like Ari.

>> No.58916818

Chainlink does nothing that ICP can't

>> No.58916872

Better have MBM if you want easy profit anon. be a richfag right now.


>> No.58916912

the more of these walls of text that fudders dedicate all their time to composing, the less likely anyone is to sell. no fucking way i'd sell with this much co-ordinated fudding going on. pretty damn obvious Link is the one.
buying more this weekend. stakemaxxed already.

>> No.58917034
Quoted by: >>58917038

good, no one really cares though, so keep mass-quoting the fudders until someone acknowledges you

>> No.58917038
Quoted by: >>58917082

>no one really cares though
was my point

>> No.58917081
Quoted by: >>58917090

> but I never heard about chainlink having Asian connections.
then you arent paying attention.
their stock market has been experimenting with tokenization (via LINK for years)

holy shit you write so much to say nothing

>> No.58917082
Quoted by: >>58917122

so you had no point

>> No.58917090
Quoted by: >>58918149

I'm afraid you haven't been paying attention, because all of Chainlink's experimentations always end up as nothinburgers
>lalalala I'm not reading all that holy shit durr derp it's nothing!
what was the point of you mass-quoting effortposts and simply dismissing them with one liners? if you're going to do that, why not ignore them entirely? do you actually think anyone's getting convinced by this?

>> No.58917116

look at this nigger type out his whole head canon like it means anything at all. seriously, if you spend this much time fudding your own bags, you have much bigger problems to worry about. and if you believe anything you spent the time to type, you're just retarded. i started to respond point-by-point, but said fuck this once i realized i'd rather you stay retarded.

literal mouth-breather take. why would NOPs and DONs undermine their own interests? why wouldn't they want the token to be more expensive? the higher the price, the more contracts they can collateralize. that would be like a company only accepting BTC for services and someone saying "but they could always accept one sat for the service and get paid in fiat under the table!" why the fuck would a business that expressly advertises acceptance of only one form of payment then undermine that very form of payment?

>> No.58917122
Quoted by: >>58917132

no one cares for the fud. makes zero difference. pool closed, no one sells, no one cares. we all know what we hold. capeesh?
jeez they're not sending their best today lol

>> No.58917132

>you're a nigger you're a retard
>I-I would respond point-by-point, but fuck you you're a retard lol
>no one cares
but you do care, a lot

>> No.58917134

>why the fuck would a business that expressly advertises acceptance of only one form of payment then undermine that very form of payment?
because he says so and if we don't believe him we're stupid. if we're really clever and bright we'll market sell all our Link right away. i think that's his answer

>> No.58917143
Quoted by: >>58917152

i care a lot for Link. no one cares for your fud.
did you lose most of your stack on Bancor, Celsius and Linkpool?
Bet you did and if so... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you retard serves you right for being a mean, greedy little man (which you are)

>> No.58917152
Quoted by: >>58917170

but you do care for the fud, that's why you always mass-quote fudders and keep engaging with their threads
no, but a lot of people did, thanks to Chainlink promoting and working with them
what was your point again here?
>you're a retard you're greedy blahblah reeee
holy fuck you people are genuinely psychotic and you probably don't even realize it

>> No.58917170
Quoted by: >>58917180

You see, the reason you lost it was because you're mean and greedy and so gambled. God knows you're that sort and does not approve, so he lay that temptation in your path, and you fell for it hook, line and sinker. Look at you now, you're like Gollum or something, lost in your own misery, trying to do to others what happened to you because you're still mean and greedy and haven't learned a thing. That's how karma works. You deserve it and no one is selling. you lost. you'll never get it back. how does it feel?

>> No.58917180

>you see, the reason you lost it
stopped reading right there, I'm not your target audience pal
whatever you're saying right now doesn't even get through me, I would suggest changing your attack angle
>no one is selling
but somebody is selling, a lot. how else do you explain the 4 year downtrend against the broader market?

>> No.58917181
Quoted by: >>58917205

>you're a retard if you don't put in the effort to make me less retarded!
see, if you or your ilk were acting in good faith, i would.

>> No.58917187
Quoted by: >>58917205

>stopped reading right there
oh, i know you read it. we all know you read it
>somebody is selling
it's no one from here, i guarantee you that.
what made you like this? was it something in your childhood? did your mother not love you?

>> No.58917192

>how else do you explain the 4 year downtrend against the broader market
i would explain it as "the market" consisting of people like you while the LINK network is still in its infancy. i would tell you that the token is still completely within the territory of speculation, as the supply hasn't been completely diluted yet and network usage has not ramped up to allow supply/demand dynamics to create actual price discovery. but no, go put your money in memecoins.

>> No.58917205

if anyone's acting in bad faith, it is your ilk
your ilk was literally flat out telling to anons that swapping their LINK for BTC was "evil", about six months ago
frankly you're boring
>market participants are retarded like you (me)
>we're still early
cool, in investing, being extremely early also means being wrong

>> No.58917225
Quoted by: >>58917228

>your ilk was literally flat out telling to anons that swapping their LINK for BTC was "evil", about six months ago
Imagine getting triggered this hard by shitcoin shills on fucking /biz/

>> No.58917228
Quoted by: >>58917229

imagine getting triggered this hard by shitcoin fudsters on fucking /biz/
do you people even listen to yourself?

>> No.58917229
Quoted by: >>58917232

calm down

>> No.58917232

I am serene, anon, take your own advice and stop getting triggered, it's only fud!

>> No.58917292
Quoted by: >>58917408

>frankly you're boring
i don't find you interesting, either. you're like an annoying fly. and you never answeredso i'll ask again. what made you like this? was it something in your childhood? did your mother not love you?

>> No.58917407
Quoted by: >>58917413

fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

>> No.58917408
Quoted by: >>58917415

stop engaging himmrm00

>> No.58917413

hate stink hate stink hate stink hate stink hate stink hate stink hate stink hate stink hate stink hate stink hate stink hate stink hate stink hate stink hate stink hate stink hate stink hate stink

>> No.58917415
Quoted by: >>58917508

no. i like speaking the truth. no one behaves like these people unless they have an issue and often it'll stem from childhood. combined with his probably losing a lot of his stack, it's a recipe for the behaviour he exploits. he seems to have gone quiet. coincidence, maybe?

>> No.58917508
Quoted by: >>58917532

But when you feed him attention he sticks around. Sure he’ll eventually kill himself, but that takes too long. And meanwhile I have to waste 5 seconds of my valuable life to filter him.

>> No.58917532

>when you feed him attention he sticks around
where is he, then? i strongly suspect you're him but it matters not. i want him back so i can mock him further

>> No.58917590

>why wouldn't they want the token to be more expensive? the higher the price, the more contracts they can collateralize.

>he thinks they're ever going to implement slashing

>> No.58917606

Emin and Sergey have been tight since before avax even launched. They're both part of the Cornell mafia after all. I hold both but far more link than avax.

>> No.58917885

>give me (You)s
no, and your projection is boring and pathetic
I never touched Bancor and I never lost any stacks
your desperate attempts to mask your massive insecurity are completely transparent, otherwise you wouldn't obsessively seek fudders just to "mock them"
you constantly need validation about your heavy, heavy bags from anonymous strangers, and when you find the opposite of what you seek, you immediately lash out in anger
seriously, what made you like this? kek

>> No.58917945
Quoted by: >>58918163

It's that faggot fishy doing paid damage control since the chainshit scam is unravelling in real time and they're realising they ran out of retards to dump on after stringing bagholders along for 7 years
people woke up to the scam

>> No.58918138

That's cool and all.. token not needed

>> No.58918149
Quoted by: >>58918858

Pools closed

>> No.58918163
Quoted by: >>58918181

Awh you guys get a lil upset? Don’t worry because everything you do is absolutely pointless anyway. I will NEVER sell my stinkies.

>> No.58918181

kek baggie

>> No.58918761




>> No.58918778

i'm not saying that sergey purposefully set this entire operation up to sell worthless tokens to retail, but if he did, he could not have done a better job

>> No.58918858
Quoted by: >>58919412

>my sewage pool is closed u can't swim in it neener neener neener

>> No.58919351

The real answer. If he wanted to pump to, he could just burn CLL's supply and use link for transactions. Link is a scam, but it'll pump just like XRP did last time. Fuck sergey and his army of liars.
He's going to jail in a few years screencap this.

>> No.58919399
Quoted by: >>58919939

Funny how it was able to create price discovery under the same conditions in 2018-2020?

Fucking retard. People woke up you absolutely nigger and nobody is interested anymore. Sergey will deploy a nee contract once he full dilutes. He’s made no effort to use the funds well, decentralise the network with them in 7 years, he wont in 7 more. He’s so secretive about all finances we dont even know how much he pays himself from the dumps.
Either he’ll make more tokens, or sell equity in CLL. Just watch

>> No.58919409
File: 117 KB, 1080x1080, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58920970

it's fucking over for this stupid shitcoin fags

>> No.58919412

Thats right NIGÁIR. I just called you a nigger in french.

>> No.58919663
Quoted by: >>58920970

You can’t deny a single thing he said, all you can do is screech about muh heckin’ fudders. Pathetic.

>> No.58919939
Quoted by: >>58920970

They ran out of greater fools, nobody is buying this old busted shitcoin anymore

>> No.58920927

Reeem your Chainlink, buy Supra and make fuck

>> No.58920970
Quoted by: >>58921135

hey stop seething for a moment and check this out:


There, how do you feel after reading that?

>> No.58921135
File: 812 KB, 640x640, 1678144025972306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58922424

>sewer pool is closed
yeah, traditionally that is what we do with sewage. we close it off so the stink doesn't spread

meanwhile, I'm making more money with my savings account. sure beats dealing with a sketchy token and its sketchy smart contract

>> No.58922424
Quoted by: >>58922428

>the grapes are sour anyway!
kek the literal NUCLEAR COPE of this post

>> No.58922428
Quoted by: >>58922430

yeah except my grapes are plumper, juicier, and make better wine, stinky. (i literally make more money with my savings account than you do staking)

>> No.58922430
Quoted by: >>58922433

>see, THOSE grapes are sour, mine are better

>> No.58922433
Quoted by: >>58922436

>ignoring facts
whatever makes you feel better, stinky mcgee

>> No.58922436

>i'm not seething, i'm just putting out FACTS
here, ready?


>> No.58922846
File: 44 KB, 1280x659, memechart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel bad for the midwits still getting psyop'd

chainlink will never make an ath. most, if not all, bull posters are paid. memes will continue to outperform every sector for the foreseeable.

buy cult memecoins that experienced at least 2-4 months of sideways price action and havent died. you're welcome

>> No.58922848

foreseeable future*

>> No.58923064
File: 15 KB, 882x758, 400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so frustrated with the job hunt post layoff. I have been laid off four times now. No one wants to hear my experience, it’s just depressing and awkward. So I try to you internet strangers. I just want to scream and throw things I am so frustrated with the constant rejection or silence from job postings. My mental health is suffering so much, I am shame spiraling, and I worried about things I never thought of before. Ageism, offshoring, re-skilling, changing careers, can I go into the trades post 40? All I want is job stability. A job I can contribute to and earns a comfortable living. What I have is too much time and the knowledge that I should be providing for my family. Unemployment ended two months ago, savings is all I have to live on. Lord help me if I get sick or have a major catastrophe. In the last six months we have had a sick child spend 9 days in the hospital including a surgery, had the AC go out in my car, had to replace a hot water heater, home ac broke and toilet broke on the same day. I am only wanting to get these off my chest.