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File: 384 KB, 406x364, 1696343609357759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56289296 No.56289296 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>56290512


Last time on /GME/: >>56284786

>> No.56289304
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1511, fuckmeltdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this image posted on the same id as StNY
>posted just a month before by one of the first ids downplaying the logo noticer

Not schizo enough for you? Ok lets dig deeper.
The image used in the first tripcode bake just showed up again this week posted by zggedY5w. Funnily enough they were posting gems like:
>Splitting the thread last week was phase 1 of operations turbo shill. This is phase 2.
>Guys I found the general again. Pretty easy actually just as it has been for years. But I can definitely see how a new guys, or boomers might need a logo to help use the catalogue.
>Anti-GME Shills = PP Shills = NAFO Faggots.
Need more? >>56260472
/virKy0t with a whopping 26 posts showing their agenda on full display.

Tripfag I hope you are comfy with my cock up your ass because this ape isn't leaving.

>> No.56289307

Will this get pruned as well?

>> No.56289316
File: 23 KB, 600x439, 1623948936623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56289328


>> No.56289326

I tried baking one but everybody started bitching so fuck it, let the phosphorescent moors sort it out. Not shit left to say anyway.

>> No.56289328
Quoted by: >>56289336

Nah, I gotta take a shower and go to work now
The floor is yours boss

>> No.56289336
File: 37 KB, 456x679, old rc googly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56289341

RC is up to something and I can't wait to see how it unfolds. I like GameStop and I like RC

>> No.56289341

brilliantly said and nft saved

>> No.56289345

I don’t know what you’re trying to prove. That anon is completely right. As I’ve said before leave the schizophrenia to the pros.

>> No.56289354
File: 97 KB, 768x719, Aile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed thread. No troon brigade in sight

>> No.56289378

Digits is percent chance of moass today, we're all gonna wagmi so fucking hard it's unreal.

>> No.56289427

It cannot be overstated how powerful these market makers are when it comes to their ability to manipulate things. Without retail sniffing out MOASS, DRS, and GME injecting forced-leverage onto all open short positions, there was literally zero % chance that the government or regulators and market functions would have exposed this fraud. Even now the DTCC openly refused to let any shares leave the shores of the U.S. because they know damn well they are fucked. They have been able to cover up and hide for this long and that speaks VOLUMES to the level of corruption we are dealing with. None of us have a single fucking clue if any of our money managers even own a fraction of the shit they have sold us. We have no idea if this phenomenon is GME only. Maybe they all collude to be MASSIVELY SHORT everything when they get ready for a big market crash. Maybe they know GME is similar to a noose around their necks and they can't survive a market crash anymore. Ponzi schemes fail once you run out of money. But banks can conjure up infinite money so this particular ponzi scheme could potentially go on forever. Only the nature of counterfeiting a finite commodity such as GME shares exposes the fraud.
I say this every day, but everyone should be hedging GME with precious metals. We either WAGMI via MOASS or shit shit hits the fan. These same banksters are responsible for slaughtering millions of people in wars, 9/11, opioid epidemic, bankrupting the world. Don't underestimate their ability to gayop us

>> No.56289439 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 1290x549, 1696478743296374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all clean and smell like juniper and SAGE. If you're catching up, new ryan cohen tweets:



>> No.56289444

We are days away from moass, I dont think anyone has really understood this. They weren't going to do this months ago because that would've gave us plenty of time to get loud and throw a wrench in it. They have undoubtedly been planning this for well over a year. They did this last minute knowing they were going under in the very near future.

RC tweeted a 20/40 week old baby exactly 20 weeks ago, tomorrow is labor day...

In the Gmerica NFTs there are subtle hints at moass like a countdown timer showing T-00, rockets launching, and 3rd quarter moon phases

News about Arnal the Bobby CFO

Chinese economy is collapsing in literally days

Fed just started dumping MBSs Friday

10Y broke out of its 40 year down trend

Fed is telling people to buckle up, and there will be casulties

Bond market is collapsing

50% of GME is DRSed and growing rapidly

Sept 1st the ISDA Phase 6 went into affect

Shitadel has been borrowing money left and right, and their lifelines are running out

Kenny moved to Florida, then leveled 3 of his homes to build 1 mansion for his mother. He did this to protect his wealth. So he knows somethings coming for him

Shitadel's bonds were just downgraded to 1 category above junk bonds

Gamestop is doing something with Gmerica

Ryan Cohen is doing something with bobby stock, and/or buy buy baby

Gamestop has yet to officially release the marketplace

IMX has yet to bring their games to the marketplace

Plus many other things, somethings brewing and we're teetering on moass any day

>> No.56289491

I still can’t figure out why they turned this bot on.

>> No.56289492

Baker thinks he’s the protag, he isn’t

>> No.56289502

I can't see this dragging until November. Things are too flat as of late.
I'm optimistic Jiemi will run Late September/October
MSM will attribute this to Dumb Money release in September
I'm saying this is misdirection because how tf will JIEMI reach a gorillion dollars based on the movie alone
MY speculation is this is the result of the algo sperging out but MSM will have to point at something, anything to explain the run up, most likely throwing normie FOMO in the mix

>> No.56289517
Quoted by: >>56289536

Hello bot. What’s your take on the movie?

>> No.56289528

I also think the algorithm is incapable of getting us below $20.32, $18.79 is the absolute minimum for this flat channel. Also I'm trans btw.

>> No.56289530
File: 71 KB, 602x529, 1601655488607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My plan:

>invest $30,000 in GME
>GME goes to $20 minimum by November
>Take most gains, throw it in NAK
>NAK goes from 1-10ish.
>I know have around $600,000.
>Throw that money is brainlet recovery stocks and walk away for a year or two
>I know have $1,600,000
>Buy a huge movie theater and run nothing but schindler's list until I run out of money, free admission

What do you think?

>> No.56289536
Quoted by: >>56289546

Maybe MOASS can finally start so they can blame it on retail FOMO because of the movie and the SEC can just shrug and say they can't do shit because of the shutdown. The planets really seem to be aligning right now and this weekend could be the start of it all.

>> No.56289538

Hmm are they having some trouble finding the thread?

>> No.56289546

Know what?
I hope that the MOASS holds off until the week after the movie comes out.
I want a solid week of 'It's over guys, Gamestop is dead and everyone who bought it is le meme stoner funny man who got played by the brave, bold heroes of wallstreet to stop them stealing your pensions'
Only for it to then pop off.

I want the curtain to be lifted, Wizard of Oz style leaving even the most basic normie wondering 'Hm, funny they made such a shameless propaganda piece telling us not to buy into it and then it happened'

I mean, I'd also be fine with it happening tomorrow and getting the fuck outta dodge, but seeing normies have a big-thonk moment is always interesting.

>> No.56289555
File: 307 KB, 1920x1080, 20230930185729_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They may have hired people who can read even less English than the previous ones

>> No.56289564
File: 1.20 MB, 308x320, observingdigits.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I'll check that

>> No.56289565

Trips of truth.

>> No.56289572
Quoted by: >>56289652

>I can't see this dragging until November. Things are too flat as of late.
>I'm optimistic Jiemi will run Late September/October
>MSM will attribute this to Dumb Money release in September
>I'm saying this is misdirection because how tf will JIEMI reach a gorillion dollars based on the movie alone
>MY speculation is this is the result of the algo sperging out but MSM will have to point at something, anything to explain the run up, most likely throwing normie FOMO in the mix
Hello bot!

>> No.56289578
File: 383 KB, 785x757, i'm watching you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56289591

Just stopping in from the bbby thread to kek GME baggies

>> No.56289605
File: 475 KB, 785x847, apu jeans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My birthday is near the end of October so I would be really thrilled if Moe's Ass could happen before then

>> No.56289652

I really feel that the market crash is coming sometime this month. I feel like there might be some shake up when that swap expires on the 9th but I don't think that it will be the catalyst for the crash.

>> No.56289677

>biden restarting border wall construction


We are about to be so fucking rich

>> No.56289688
Quoted by: >>56290010

I thought that walls only work in Israel.

>> No.56289701

It’s joever

>> No.56289713
Quoted by: >>56289770

I have a question about moass coming from the legal side. When the shorts need to cover and the price skyrockets because noone is selling a lot of hedge funds would not be able to act. Because they don‘t have anywhere close to the liquidity to buy gme at the prices that are expected. So they would get sued for the money they owe, right?
But they wouldn‘t get sued by gme shareholders because those aren‘t the people they have a contract with. They would get sued by the people they owe the share to —> i.e. lenders. Lenders which don’t include apes because you guys went to computershare specifically so your stock couldn‘t be lend out to shortsellers.
So the lenders sue the shorties for specific performance or rather just for the money gme is worth at the time. So how do apes get paid in that scenario? The lenders are being paid, or rather the shorties declare bankruptcy and the lenders get the scraps.

>> No.56289770
Quoted by: >>56289797

>But they wouldn‘t get sued by gme shareholders because those aren‘t the people they have a contract with.
Third party beneficiary. Back to the drawing board with that one.

>> No.56289771
File: 112 KB, 882x731, 1657893037974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56289860

I wonder if hedgies pushed out that "this is financial advice" propaganda in order to try and bait normalfags into shorting the stock. Like how they try and bait people into buying a pump before the dump, it makes sense that they would do the opposite. They know the price of GME will have to go up so they want to create as many retail short bagholders as possible.

>> No.56289797
Quoted by: >>56289834

That only applies if the third party is the intended beneficiary. It doesn‘t apply to penitus extraneus or incidental beneficiaries

>> No.56289834
Quoted by: >>56289849

One can argue that shareholders are intended beneficiaries. Will it succeed? It depends on who's arguing.

>> No.56289849
Quoted by: >>56289874

But intended beneficiary is a well understood legal term. Random gme shareholders clearly don‘t fall under it because the parties to the lending of stock clearly were dealing for their own financial benefit

>> No.56289854
File: 295 KB, 500x500, 1683596463412053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched the Dan Olson video on GME. I haven't been on /biz/ in years but I just wanted to say that you're all beyond deranged and I hope you seek help immediately. I've never seen a group of bagholders this fucked out of their mind. The quicker you reconvene with reality, the better. For both you and your wallet. You'll probably call me a shill to which I say, god bless.

>> No.56289860

One thing I read on /bbbyq/ that somewhat makes sense is that propaganda documentary was made/pushed so the meltdownies that don’t have gme but follow the saga closely don’t buy when it becomes more obvious moass is about to happen

>> No.56289874
Quoted by: >>56289914

>But intended beneficiary is a well understood legal term
It is, but as you know, much of the work is in making terms apply to your position.
>how would it apply then
That would be $450/hr + tip. This post counts as .1 hours

>> No.56289898

How does that make any sense? How would watching the video make them ignore signs of liftoff?

>> No.56289901
File: 750 KB, 1439x2380, Screenshot_20231004_104611_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56289928

It's the Ukrainian IT army.

>> No.56289904
File: 1.02 MB, 2000x2000, FK3ATMrUcAAhcXe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its today

>> No.56289914
Quoted by: >>56289928

That is not a promising strategy. Why not just sue the hedgefunds right now, since the actual law doesn‘t matter?

>> No.56289928
Quoted by: >>56290038

>Ukie-flavored Wumao Army can't into English
No wonder they're losing the special 3 day operation.
>since the actual law doesn't matter
>do job 4 free
Sorry, I'm not a billionaire.

>> No.56289937
File: 1.26 MB, 2396x1350, Screenshot_20230912_110345_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to go back. We really don't need you slipping in retard bbbaggie reddit cope into our GME discussion.

>> No.56289939
File: 141 KB, 470x484, 1637527007297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am noticing things have been very weird as of late. I can only assume this means wé're there

>> No.56289945
File: 32 KB, 563x431, 77ee76f41f8d56481dcfac67e833a32d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.56289967

Current forecasts project GME under $10 by January of 2024. Congratulations.

The economy is slowing. Nobody has money for Pokémon t-shirts.

>> No.56289990

Threadly reminder that meltdown is most of the posts in these threads and they want you to believe
>”Ukrainian” shills have replaced “pajeet” shills
>It’s a glownigger plot to display the GameStop logo
>They don’t want broken (You)s
To see more of their agenda explore the links in my first post. The web of connected posters goes a lot deeper I mostly just linked what people can easily see from threads still alive in the archive

>> No.56290010

They don't even work in Israel. There's not one wall that hasn't been security theater and a massive economic boondoggle. Berlin was the closest to being effective, and people still regularly got through it.

>> No.56290011

You’re co-opting a schizo theory to conjure up your nonsense narrative. Please kys.

>> No.56290024

>confirms suspicion
>tries (and fails) to mislead with schizobabble (the bad kind)
Collagefag (keith) is that you?

>> No.56290038
Quoted by: >>56290060

You were the one arguing that an expensive enough lawyer can just change what intended beneficiary means

>> No.56290047
File: 1.37 MB, 1021x782, Not Keith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56290060

jesus christ its the

>everyone is keith schizo saga

All over again, does i get tired being wrong every time 45? Always got to control narrative while lying about everything.

>> No.56290051

How are people still mistaking Keith with 45?

>> No.56290059
File: 986 KB, 1300x1250, Warrior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56290095

They're about to hammer the price down, aren't they?

>> No.56290060

>can't differentiate between "changing the meaning of the law" to "showing that existing laws apply to your position"
>everyone I don't like is keith

>> No.56290094
Quoted by: >>56290106

Why Keith and not 45? The more problematic glownigger.

>> No.56290095
File: 305 KB, 538x307, C64DBC29-E5C5-4191-95DF-ACAF8B733B86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56290111

If so, have no fear. We’re in this together, anon. And that’s why we’re all gonna make it.

>> No.56290100
File: 314 KB, 680x345, IMG_0609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it sleeping giant time?

>> No.56290106

45 is Keith's alter ego.

>> No.56290111
File: 480 KB, 941x996, WAGMI Bunker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Never selling, sneed hedgies, and WAGMI

>> No.56290123
File: 5 KB, 168x300, IMG_7477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56290213

Your schizophrenia needs to hit the gym nigger.

>> No.56290130
File: 124 KB, 530x501, 1691349773670143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im here almost every day but i couldnt tell one retard from the other
pic rel

>> No.56290133

New thread?

>> No.56290134

what's behind 14.98 kenny

>> No.56290136
File: 125 KB, 355x280, 1677261378125038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56290231

I actually an't believe they haven't retired 45 by now

>> No.56290194
File: 1.71 MB, 1150x1533, 53fd20524cb4d41c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stfu Dan nobody cares about your opinion

>> No.56290213
Quoted by: >>56290246

My brand of schizo is organic and natty.

>> No.56290231
Quoted by: >>56290247

They literally can’t. The fact that I’ve clocked him engaging in multiple of the psyops is almost a hindrance to the glowniggers.
1.Government intervention
2. Infinity pool fud
3. Baker is cia
4. Llc psyop
And most recently his attempt to suggest that flat law is a psyop by glowniggers. That one he only attempted briefly.

>> No.56290241
File: 2.17 MB, 2752x2197, _P3I3541_Original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual 45pbtid here. Bbby put anon. Keith hater extraordinaire. Big fan of the company logo.
Looks like some other anons have picked up the football where I left it. It has been hilarious to watch shill team
Keith unravel and make mistake after mistake. Do you have any fucking idea how satisfying it is to watch them call every single anon who notices their radiance “45”. I literally touch myself thinking about how much I fucked with them.
Just chiming in to say there is ZERO logical reason to not have our logo proudly displayed, and the dumbfucks losing their minds over it are really showing their hands here. It’s like giving up 2 years of deep undercover work to get in an argument over nonsense. You have to realize how much they care that our company logo is at the top of the catalog. Keep up the great works anons. Keep the pressure on the liars. Keep finding more proof of how deep their little play is. Love you all. I like the company, I like its stock. WAGMI fuckers!
Imagine dropping your entire contrived mask over something as simple as the company logo…really makes ya think.

>> No.56290246
File: 164 KB, 999x769, IMG_7309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well my brand of schizophrenia disagrees with yours so you’re wrong.

>> No.56290247

There was also a period of time he pushed options, using multiple accounts talking to each other just before they did a massive rug pull on a Friday

>hops ID again when called out
>writes essay
It's just sad

>> No.56290248
File: 78 KB, 1170x1114, 1691293371324195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56290285

OP, that would mean like 70-80% of the posts here have been fake. Which may be true, but that's some dead internet shit.

>> No.56290249

Yeah I lurk here, I keep the thread open, read the research that you guys put out. I find it interesting, and enjoy reading the digging you guys do (I am more of a macro trader)

>> No.56290256

I would say PFE, HKD, and PACW are being used as a counterbalance against us today. Can you find any others?

>> No.56290269
File: 221 KB, 597x599, RC only the old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RC on X:
Only The Old.

>> No.56290272

Yeah I can find one.


>> No.56290282

Yes. 20 years from now. Yagmi

>> No.56290284

Also looks like AMC1.0 is still an important long for them

>> No.56290285
File: 2.61 MB, 640x640, if you know.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Also I’m not the op I just took 2nd post. I was hoping for a StNY thread

>> No.56290295

>swaps ids so that he can lend his first id validity and and take the heat off it for clearly being 45
The biggest sign you faggot threadsplitters are the glowniggers was that niggerfaggot and his bag kekkers sided with you all.

>> No.56290307

I'm picking up what you're putting down here at this point. I see what the bbby fags have done, I saw what they did before that, and before that too, and I see too many avatars willing to let them back into the circle acting like nothing ever happened.

>> No.56290327
File: 322 KB, 1920x1080, 20230924184744_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let them back into the circle
Only if that circle is a financial kill zone for them to be financially killed, financially speaking

>> No.56290331

The fact that you think it’s the bbby fags tells me you’re not actually picking up what he’s putting down.

>> No.56290338


>> No.56290357

don't you feel silly now

>> No.56290372
Quoted by: >>56290465

Isn't it? There were organized groups pushing us to buy it, they hang around here in perpetuity, they craft recognizable personas, they then simultaneously activate to boost discussions about a distraction stock and pied piper people away to their doom. That seems to be what I'm taking from this.

>> No.56290390
File: 199 KB, 1920x1080, 20231003171747_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56290493

>sugg bubbets
Yup, it's keith time. Why haven't you financially suck started your skeetgun yet?
>he bought at $5

>> No.56290394

Bbby was absolutely brought to you by the same team who needs a tripcode baker, no logo, and a bunch of “personalities” to manage consensus here. They are working very hard today to accuse everyone else of doing what they do (ID hop, spam).
If you want to know more about who is paying them to do this, read a little about Hudson Bay capital Mgmt (although there are prob others). it takes someone impossibly short a company to react so strongly to seeing its logo at the top of a popular image board. They need this to be about “market reform” and other “meme stocks” and chasing “short squeezes” so that you guys don’t remember it’s really just about a company. A real company, with real
employees, and a real balance sheet, that will be in business for many many years to come thanks to new leadership.
To all the liars in these threads trying to mislead GameStop investors, or worse, your days are numbered, and your panic and mistakes over #logogate really give away how weak your position is

>> No.56290426

You know if you guys actually bought and drs the stock instead of larping about it the price would actually go up and the float get locked?

>> No.56290434
Quoted by: >>56290457

If the law very clearly doesn‘t apply to your case (which it does) then reinterpreting the law is tantamount to changing it. Which requires a judge to renege on decades of precedent for the sole purpose of crashing the world economy. That seems highly unlikely and frankly you guys having no better argument than laywers will fix it (when the other side has many more many expensive lawyers) it seems like you guys are delusional

>> No.56290449
File: 70 KB, 657x527, apu glow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in retardation

>> No.56290457
Quoted by: >>56290982

>If the law very clearly doesn‘t apply to your case
Bold of you to assume that either of us know all existing facts to make such statements.

>> No.56290465
File: 36 KB, 500x500, IMG_7303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh vey.

>> No.56290477
Quoted by: >>56290500


>> No.56290493
File: 194 KB, 1161x402, IMG_7502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So wait you agree with Keith’s alter ego but you disagree with Keith?

>> No.56290494
File: 258 KB, 1024x1024, 1696507217345803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baggie bros what happened? $10 waiting room? Lol. Guess us shillchads were right you're going back to $40. Nice moass retards

>> No.56290500
Quoted by: >>56290600

2pbtid now.

>> No.56290512
File: 27 KB, 456x679, sk08itk1xdsb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenny you had 2 yil

>> No.56290528
File: 65 KB, 367x306, IMG_7433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the midst of all this seething and shilling I still don’t see any reason to sell.
>never going bankrupt
>full year profitability possible even this year
>no other action can create as much chaos and make all the right people seethe as plopping 5k on $GME

At these prices I might even buy more

>> No.56290541

>Keith a gun enthusiast and has split personality

This is why we are now allowed ar15s in bongland

>> No.56290557
Quoted by: >>56290578

The archegos longs that were posted yesterday

>> No.56290578


>> No.56290587
File: 637 KB, 2048x2048, 1663096887537662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same song and dance as it always was, until he forgets which ID he posts under

>> No.56290589

kek goes the weasel


>> No.56290594

Exactly. Don't financially shoot the messenger. He will do it to himself.

>> No.56290600
File: 1.42 MB, 2204x1578, _P3I3529_Original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56290760

This is one of them. Over using the same reaction images to “blend”. Claiming to be experts on the “lore” and “happenings”. They will ignore every point you make and tie you up in nonsense, and then 1pbtid flood in to back them up. You can recognize them by things like “1pbtid: “I haven’t been following this much, but this guy right above me seems right, and that other guy really seems to glow”. It’s been the same playbook the whole time and it’s fucking exhausting but at least now they blew up their own spot by shilling against showing the logo (purely illogical stance to take, it’s the company logo kek, and I still don’t think they realize how much they fucked up with this)
It’s the same team that brought you bbby and Icahn nonsense.
>”Merger Monday”
>“oh you must just not be a very brainy anon if you don’t see it”
>“Im not gonna spoonfeed you”
>“he didn’t buy at 5”
They have absolutely infested our general and it’s time to take it back and make it about the God damned company and it’s God damned stock. Simple as
Keep posting the logos and watch them fucking shriek and squirm

>> No.56290606
File: 1.06 MB, 500x375, carol741.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56290620

talk about pump and dump

>> No.56290615

niggerfaggot is unironically Keith, he raided our thread together with the bedbagger avatars (gosling and sonichu)

>> No.56290619
File: 1016 KB, 969x902, rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scam bankrun fraud rats out the rat

>> No.56290620
Quoted by: >>56290903

I bet Brett Harrison knows where are the bodies (shares) are buried. They sure scurried that guy out of the picture fast. Remember when he was doomposting on Twitter like he was about to off himself?

>> No.56290627
File: 48 KB, 853x354, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek crypto baggoidz

>> No.56290630

How can I make money with GME?

>> No.56290636
Quoted by: >>56290645

>niggerfaggot is unironically Keith
Different brand of autism. NF is high functioning.

>> No.56290638

45 was just Keith.

>> No.56290645
Quoted by: >>56290655

If they're together then they're together.

>> No.56290655

What they do intersect, but they have different goals

>> No.56290656

Don’t ever forget “keith” was the first one to name me “45” and to insist on using his own persona. I could give a single solitary fuck if someone calls me by a name here, but to them names and personalities matter very much as it’s the only way to “manage” an anon image board. Same reason baker has a name and was also baking bbby threads. It’s so fucking disgusting it’s hard to imagine humans so devoid of morality.

>> No.56290682
Quoted by: >>56290706

They really should be charging his parents too

>> No.56290698
Quoted by: >>56290785

>this song and dance again
doe sit hurt when you get burnt so easily you have to hop ID's this frequently?

>> No.56290706

Aren’t they very politically connected? He was basically running a money laundering scheme for the presidents family through Ukraine correct?
Wow looks like bottom falling out on spy

>> No.56290746
File: 115 KB, 1200x800, IMG_5022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like they are dumping collateral. Be interesting to see if we go green as they drop

>> No.56290755
File: 19 KB, 498x351, 1691238069643123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, I accept your concession

>> No.56290760
File: 1.05 MB, 3088x1440, Screenshot_20231003_120511_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56290848

If you are suggesting that you don't see how the low effort post, logo thread splitting, Bobby posting, PPsucks promotion, and th dip all coincide you are retarded or a liar

>> No.56290761
File: 233 KB, 1531x566, through the fire and flames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The prophecy is on its way to be fulfilled

>> No.56290785

How’s your BBBBags Keith?

>> No.56290800
Quoted by: >>56290828

Today's chart is a fractal again.

>> No.56290810
File: 35 KB, 720x664, 1693602549947556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over (for them). Our story is just beginning.

>> No.56290827
Quoted by: >>56290843

New securities fraud task force.
Guy had previously prosecuted people who prescribed opioids. He's a good guy as far as I kno

>> No.56290828
File: 3.99 MB, 284x320, banancat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56290832
File: 99 KB, 1015x1024, 1661346269810598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56290863

and we're green

>> No.56290833
Quoted by: >>56290889

Everyone who told me to sell was right. Everyone who told me to hold was wrong. I feel like such am idiot.

>> No.56290843
Quoted by: >>56290916

He also put away Michael Avenatti

On an unrelated note, I'm in a meeting at work and there is a tranny in a meeting :(

>> No.56290848
Quoted by: >>56290873

Are you trying to associate people who want the logo in the OP, are also bbby pushing Pp suckers?
If so that is fucking hilarious and you continue to suck badly at your job
We like the company. We like the stock. We like the logo and seeing it at the top of biz everyday. We sure as fuck never bought any bbby, and I am confident I am speaking for many here hence the “we”
Get fucked

>> No.56290852

These are my favorite days.

>> No.56290857
File: 292 KB, 474x457, a bit anxious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price wants to break through while the market goes down. I can sense GME's blue balls in the chart.

>> No.56290860

>face swap

He is aware of the $43 million GME swap that expires on Canadian Thanksgiving. Monday.

>> No.56290863

Fucking called it. As soon as their longs started dumping we moved up. They are playing a balancing act while standing on a worn tightrope. Someone is gonna snap. They should have just taken the L in ‘21

>> No.56290873

I hate the stock, the company, and its Jew chairman who baited me into buying
in and losing 2/3rds of my money.

>> No.56290876

Interesting double bottom for us and double top for Apple. I think this is the reversal.

>> No.56290887

Actually not bad schizoing. Could also just be a joke about this all aging him quickly. I can’t imagine the sea of bullshit they are making that guy wade through everyday. He is CEO of a “marked” company. There must be so many hits out on GameStop and threats if you try to do business with them. Tgsag4

>> No.56290889

>he can't into long-term capital gains

>> No.56290897
File: 66 KB, 640x640, 1649944936361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56290994

I subscribe to this

>> No.56290901

Spy absolutely shitting the bed. I think they have been using xrt to short is when this happens. Something to watch. Really seems their ability to hold us red is waning today as familiar tickers used against is start dropping

>> No.56290903

Yep. Around the time of the ftx collapse I remember Brett Harrison would block anyone on Twitter that would ask him about it

>> No.56290905
Quoted by: >>56290924

They aren't scared of the law, they're scared of themselves. They're organized, and they're mobbed up. They wanted money and they've broken every law out there repeatedly to get it. If they take the L they wind up in a barrel filled with concrete.

>> No.56290910
File: 522 KB, 1200x675, 1695693295566560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he'ss already 10% the thread
a true pseud who likes to hear the sound of his ow voice

>> No.56290916

Say something along the lines of "our strategies should be modular, these 'folding ideas' can help us react more efficiently". Lock eyes with the target when you say folding ideas for extra points

>> No.56290920

I don’t believe it’s autism and I won’t take my meds.

>> No.56290924

I think you’re right that a huge part of this is that it isn’t just about GameStop. I think the “L” on GameStop brings to public light their entire criminal racket and how they’ve turned our markets fiat illegally to siphon wealth out of the country. I also think there is a bit of the losers here deciding that if they go down, they are gonna flip the board with them. I think they intentionally spread their short position contagion across the entire market and treasuries so that they can threaten the establishment with “you let us burn we take you down with us”

>> No.56290925
Quoted by: >>56290952

I don't either.

>> No.56290931

Whoever you are you’re still a faggot for shitting up the threads with this personality nonsense. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. ABOUT. KEITH. AND. 45. Literally nobody knows what you’re babbling about

>> No.56290935
File: 1.75 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_4904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid me, forgot you are the only one allowed to run these threads

>> No.56290945
File: 68 KB, 720x702, 1643911249990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56290972

It's not, it's simply a tactic to drown out opposition of thought while doing his usual song and dance of "please believe me and only me!" act. It's nefarious, insidious, duplicitous and we've see it all before.

Remember when he gets caught

>HAHAHA it was just an experiment and you fell for it guise!!!!!

>> No.56290952
File: 618 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_5021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious samefag. Will “one” of you tell me how you feel in your own words about the Gamestop logo being prominently displayed in the OP image?

>> No.56290968
File: 189 KB, 500x378, Degenerate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cohen breaks his silence
>45 is rolled out

like clockwork

>> No.56290972

So tell me how you feel about BBBY? Did you buy at five? How do you feel about tripcode baker (what’s its name again?) how do you feel about the logo being shown in OP image? You won’t address any of this and will continue to try to make these generals about personalities and distractions instead of the stock and the company. Post your passport again retard

>> No.56290980
Quoted by: >>56291191

That wasn’t Keith. That was me.

>> No.56290982

I study law and stock lending contracts are pretty much standard in what the non money related terms are. And in case you don‘t realize it „intended“ is referring to the intent of the parties to the contract. As in: the court would need to find, that the hedgies specifically intended for apes to be the beneficiary of their trade.

>> No.56290983
File: 551 KB, 800x793, imnewhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56291022

fuckin lol

>> No.56290994


>> No.56291005

-23% this month
Zero resistance
$9 is your top

>> No.56291022
Quoted by: >>56291080

Ah yes that day Keith was “new guy” trying to shill bbby. It’s fills my heart with joy to know there are other anons here who see this shit for what it is. They just drown us noticers out with nonsense, name calling, and distractions. And they’ve let it all slip over the logo. The fucking company logo was their undoing. Poetry.
I think we are gonna see some fireworks soon. GameStop is at a very purchasable price right now, and I bet the buy counts are getting pretty scary for anyone synthetically short. Can’t keep it down here much longer

>> No.56291032

>baker has a name and was also baking bbby threads
That's our resident Canadian doing that

>> No.56291037

You haven’t figured out that when the 3 of them know for a fact they’re not just one person posting under 3 ids they start to notice your glow more?

>> No.56291052
File: 158 KB, 404x326, crab cycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure the giant red candles earlier in the week were to cover up the movie FOMO and RC being CEO. Volume is much lower now.

>> No.56291056

why hasn't reddit been able to take it back above 15? i thought everyone was so eager to slurp and lock the float at such discount prices!

>> No.56291057
File: 107 KB, 600x584, 1693411808884746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryan Cohen wants us to know that he's a time traveler. It was pretty obvious to most of us already, but he needed to tell the mouth breathers on Reddit more directly.

>> No.56291058

thank niggerfaggot for his service

>> No.56291073
File: 629 KB, 1162x953, _P3I3528_Original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far the thread managers have posted a British and American passport, and a photo with a Canadian flag. Wonder if our shill team is some 5 eyes abomination. We are just missing some Aussie shills.

>> No.56291080
Quoted by: >>56291191

I was here that day and that “new guys” post style didn’t match Keith at all and he never said a good thing about bbby. He did however call you out on your psyop attempt. You lost that day.

>> No.56291084

NZ is the 5th as well.

>> No.56291097

(That’s Jim crowns plane in the background behind griffens)

>> No.56291105
Quoted by: >>56291142

>everybody that disagrees with me is a glownigger
>believe me and only me
>im not a glownigger

>> No.56291119

They messed with GAMERS

>> No.56291138
Quoted by: >>56291174

Potential circumvention of US jurisdiction by having foreigners/foreign gov/foreign financial institutions doing it

>> No.56291142

Yes, but tell me why you don’t like the GameStop logo in the OP image? (In your own words)

>> No.56291174
Quoted by: >>56291189

I would imagine that this is how it would be handled once we got framed as a “national security risk”. the bbby debacle always seemed like a huge setup to me to frame us as “market manipulators chasing illegal short squeezes, even if the company is telling you its bankrupt”
Instead of investors “who just like this company turnaround”, and an OP of that magnitude would take the “pros”

>> No.56291177

Because you do. I’ve been here 3 years and it was never an issue. Some threads had the logo some didn’t. You and your team wanting it makes me not want it. Simple ass glownigger.

>> No.56291182
Quoted by: >>56291203

why don't you tell us that you know the pilot of ken griffin's plane and post more stock photos of it again

>> No.56291183
Quoted by: >>56291203

I gotta split with you on the logo, because honestly most of the bakes have looked like utter shit and the person who started the threadsplitting (this bake is marginally better) is very obviously rulebreaking/trolling. If they bothered to stylize the text it'd be fine but they've so far just slapped an unedited logo on the top like they did it in paint.

>> No.56291189

I still think the whole spergout regarding the logo is sus. Not having the logo is a form of gatekeeping and it's a good thing. At worst, the push for the logo is an attempt to paint GMEchads in the same light as >>56291174
>market manipulators chasing illegal short squeezes
Me, I just like video games. I can't buy Steam shares, so I buy GameStop shares. Simple as.

>> No.56291190
File: 120 KB, 641x551, your move.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56291279

No, in their greed they gave unmitigated trading access to the masses using electronic brokerages thinking they could squeeze even more money out of people while seriously underestimating the power of internet autism. Once autismos fixate on something, it becomes their obsession until they get the desired result. That is what Wall Street failed to account for and that is why hedgies will lose.

>> No.56291191
Quoted by: >>56291207

I’m not surprised that the guy who responded IMMEDIATELY to being 45pbtid was also “here that day”. None of us are shocked you are in every general anymore. We know why you are in every single one. Now we also know the company’s logo makes you squirm like a maggot

>> No.56291203

That’s a lot of words to say you don’t like the company “you’ve invested in’s” logo. What a strangely illogical thing to use your 1pbtid army to explain away.
The logo. The fucking company logo. There is no coming back from this fuckup. I thought blatantly pushing bbby would be the end of you
>he didn’t buy at 5
But apparently your back to continue to be horrible at your easy ass job

>> No.56291207
Quoted by: >>56291211

It’s over man. You already lost. You will never be able to control the narrative. You can’t just call 90% of the thread that isn’t you glowniggers and expect them to take you seriously.

>> No.56291209
File: 24 KB, 1272x882, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Noooooooo you can't make AI of the private central bank family

What did they mean by this?

>> No.56291211

>you’ve already lost
I hold GameStop in my own name. I literally cannot lose.

>> No.56291213
Quoted by: >>56291223

>That’s a lot of words to say you don’t like the company “you’ve invested in’s” logo
No, I don't like the logo of the company I'm invested in plastered in the OP picture. Shotgun mouthwash now.

>> No.56291217

There’s have been plenty of threads baked by people you called glowniggers in this very thread that had the the logo. You just don’t get it do you?

>> No.56291223

Nice logic you got there. I guess it’s easy to be illogical when you don’t actually hold the stock, and your paycheck depends on keeping the logo out of the catalog

>> No.56291231

>post at >>56291189 explains I like the gatekeeping
No, I don't want /biz/niggers getting in on GME.

>> No.56291238
Quoted by: >>56291246

The logo doesn't really matter. Original baker and logo faggot are on the same glowie team. The whole thing is a manufactured excuse to thread split and bicker over bullshit instead of real discussion.

>> No.56291241
File: 26 KB, 320x324, IMG_7423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I know it’s not autism.

>> No.56291246

I’m sorry I just can’t even comprehend being a shareholder in the best company on the NYSE and not wanting to see the logo. You all keep using so many words just to say you are compromised lowlife pieces of shit

>> No.56291247

I suppose one of the (probably intended) consequences of having actual subversive actors in a thread is that once the regular posters realize they're there they become understandably paranoid.

>> No.56291252

You forgot to call us all spooks. Kek.

>> No.56291256
File: 2.39 MB, 291x320, yoshiizoom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56291260

I mean we've put up with him for 2 years, he always gets exposed, then threads proceed to turn to shit.

Imagine not having pattern recog skills this late in life

>> No.56291264
Quoted by: >>56291276

They blocked "Jerome Powell" prompts but not either of those names individually.

>> No.56291275
File: 282 KB, 773x606, sure is bright in here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filter the word "logo" and stop taking the bait. This "arguing" is just to derail threads. When there is actual discussion about GameStop, it ends up being immediately slid.

>> No.56291276
File: 352 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56291291

It's funny because when someone jailbreaks it then their efforts are for naught

>> No.56291279
Quoted by: >>56291291

I haven't had this many people swearing at me online for grinding an achievement since the original days of Xbox Live voicechat. It's downright nostalgic.

That's also why they mix seemingly innocuous requests (logo in OP) with subversive meta shenanigans, so they can pretend to be retarded and claim you only hate them for the reasonable thing. It's classic psyops.

>> No.56291281
Quoted by: >>56291291

His persistence always gives him away though. He literally can be linked to multiple psyop attempts in the threads but he’s still at it.

>> No.56291286

You're a Redditor that will be broke 5 years after Moass. Even if you have drs-ed shares you'll never wgmi, but Im pretty sure that you're a shill. Either I don't care. Put the logo on or don't. You'll continue to shit this thread.

>> No.56291289

>When there is actual discussion about GameStop
Currently there are none, aside from chartautism yesterday.

>> No.56291291
Quoted by: >>56291295

the squeeze happened 3 years ago
you missed it
you're never getting your money back

>> No.56291295

Let's talk about the logo some more

>> No.56291300

>RC tweet
>DOJ taskforce
>SBF trial
>Collateral dumping
And yes, these are all related to GameStop

>> No.56291312
File: 385 KB, 1170x1633, IMG_0688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Doug fears incriminating himself. The Feds are coming. Michael Goldberg is near.

>> No.56291317
File: 1.71 MB, 1024x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost time

>> No.56291318

so proceed with the discussion. I'm primarily here to dunk on top men and BBBaggies.

>> No.56291323

>a stock that doesn't exist
Isn't he just kekking toweltards here?

>> No.56291327
Quoted by: >>56291336

Moon Soon

>> No.56291334
File: 480 KB, 736x1209, 1674168415070963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56291477

There are 1.2 million swaps expirng on the 9th I'm very excited to see what that does to volatility across the market. I also believe that we will have high volume that day. I don't think we will have much price increase but they will have to react to the swaps expiry in a visible way.

>> No.56291336
File: 2.11 MB, 1024x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56291396

very soon

>> No.56291357

Kek, Baggies

>> No.56291384

Holy based

>> No.56291390
File: 94 KB, 800x688, 1687286128087576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56291504

While I can see some Chinese angle to this, given that Bill Hwang was essentially siphoning money into Chinese companies and pumping up their valuations, most of the people involved on the short side are nominally US allies. Just take Archegos counterparties as a sample, they've got American brokers, banks, and hedgefunds; swiss banks, Japanese banks, an Australian financial group, a German bank, a Canadian Bank, a French Bank. Then you have the other weird shit like HKD and Loop Capital looking like a straight up CIA front.

>> No.56291396

Kek. Saved

>> No.56291403

He got real quiet.

>> No.56291405
File: 365 KB, 632x507, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kek'd

>> No.56291408

I hate scots

>> No.56291409

The moon from majora's mask dawning on wall street is pretty kino.

>> No.56291428
File: 106 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dawn of the last day

>> No.56291442
File: 208 KB, 1920x1172, 3DS_ZeldaMajora_s-Mask_1107_11.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, that's MOASS alright. Instead of three days it was three yil. Also as the bad end in Majora's Mask it implies LINK dies forever.

>> No.56291444

>you continue to shit this thread
Better than the street
I love you idiots trying to make this about meta drama and glowie bullshit. It’s about having the logo of the company whose stock the general is about prominently displayed. For me, seeing the logo of the company I’ve invested more than 300k into at the top of the /biz/ catalog. It sure seems that for you, seeing that logo there fills you with dread over the asschewing you are about to receive for failing at your one fucking job.

>> No.56291477

If I’ve learned anything through this, they are very good at obfuscating things, especially when GameStop investors are on to them. They will prob make some shady deal behind closed doors to kick the can long enough for a company catalyst to be their reasoning for massive volume and buying.

>> No.56291487
Quoted by: >>56291517

>It’s about having the logo of the company whose stock the general is about prominently displayed.
This week. Next week it’ll be about us all having to set up llc’s or how flat law is a psyop. You will never fit in.

>> No.56291503
File: 199 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. 45

>> No.56291504

Don’t forget the brazillionaires.
Hkd was such a startling example of how soulless they are. Article after article about “Reddit market manipulators” not one peep about hkd until it was over and then all of a sudden “WSB” was responsible.
It really seems like they are reacting more lately than they are executing plans. It seems like they are backed into a corner by ten lions and trying to fight them one at a time. Matter of time until one gets their Achilles or femoral

>> No.56291512

QRD on Doug? He appears to be the BBBaggies' new boogeyman

>> No.56291517
Quoted by: >>56291546

I’ll never fit in like you do?

>> No.56291530
Quoted by: >>56291553

Thank god the bbby nonsense is finally over. It’s honestly shocking how much time and energy they got us to spend on it in this general all for it to be complete and utter nonsense just like every “meme stock” they’ve thrown at our company

>> No.56291546

Once again. I don’t actually care to fit in. I’m not paid to be here. You very clearly are. Are you ever going to go back to your original mrUR9ky id?

>> No.56291553

yes praise allah, how does doug figure into GME?

>> No.56291567

Chart has quite the flag going. Wonder which way we break

>> No.56291568

It's a subtle way of attacking us by proxy. They parrot our talking points while attacking him, he in turn encourages it, and all of it discredits us by association. See Ken Griffin attacking AMC instead of saying the name Gamestop, when he clearly couldn't give a shit about AMC.

>> No.56291585
File: 179 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the last thing Wall Street see's before Cohen presses the button

>> No.56291595
File: 1.05 MB, 3812x768, IMG_0679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56291663

Bullying billionares is back on the menu, lads. Open season. Someone’s going to jail.

>> No.56291599

>and all of it discredits us by association.
But we're not associated with BBBaggies. We actually have shares of the company.

>> No.56291600
File: 53 KB, 640x640, 1678398377287381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56291733


Triple checked
You’re still a faggot.
This company is heavily shorted and those shorts have not been closed. This company has a billion in cash with no notable debt, except a very small loan from the french government with almost no interest. All the data points to this company being profitable for a full year after the next earnings release. This is the stock to buy, there is no other stock like this out there. This isn’t a meme stock its the real deal. It has no path to going bankrupt at all. This company is so solid and so targeted by the mainstream media that they have to run articles predicting bankruptcy in ten years and other nonsense. This company is called Gamestop and trades under the ticker GME
You are still a faggot and will be whether you wagmi or not.

>> No.56291602

To be fair in that particular saga the amccucks were not as controllable as they wanted them to be and started to hire planes to fly around with banners that said Ken was a liar. Kek. It’s directly responsible for that Twitter meltdown. Their psyop turned on them.

>> No.56291631

It’s really quite telling. They dare not speak the name. When they are forced to speak the name of the company they visibly recoil and grimace. They HATE us. But they also still fear us. So they dance around it. Create distractions which they claim are the same investors. Remember my little pony’s ceo getting air time talking about “short squeezes”?
And this is the heart of #logogate. They literally cannot stand to see the name of the company prominently displayed . They need people to forget it exists. They need to convince the public we aren’t all still here. Having the GameStop logo at the top of the biz catalog everyday makes them puke, and I am relishing in their continued arrogance thinking they can just make the company disappear. If they could actually do that this would have been over a long time ago. But they can’t. And it isn’t over. Remind them we are still here. The company is doing better. Have pride in the logo, for as much as it fills you with strength to see it, it fills them with dread

>> No.56291642

$58.88 lol what a waste of time.

>> No.56291655

>logonigger at it again
>it's a he thinks he's slick but he's actually pretty retarded episode
I hate reruns

>> No.56291663

>Bullying billionares is back on the menu, lads.
Always has been.
Who else is well-armed and DRS'd Book?

>> No.56291667


>> No.56291668

Checked and it’s the same episode every fucking day.

>> No.56291682

Please, in your own words, explain why predominantly and proudly displaying the company logo on these generals is somehow a bad thing. You’ve got to give me something. Anything. I’m begging. Throwing shit doesn’t count. An actual logical answer will suffice. Are we still doing the “because shills can find us easier” nonsense or have you guys crisis managed a new tack?

>> No.56291698

The company is
Ticker gme
You faggot

>> No.56291700
File: 364 KB, 452x624, 13492377538636984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56291722

>poo poo pee pee
That is you

>> No.56291718
Quoted by: >>56291771

This has been answered by multiple anon with fairly valid arguments. My personal favorite is that you a known glownigger want it so you will receive push back. To add to that you and your team initiated a planned and coordinated campaign to hijack the threads under the guise of this issue. Is that good enough for you?

>> No.56291722
Quoted by: >>56291750

Go back to your stupid discord and help Aile lick his wound

>> No.56291733
File: 1.20 MB, 640x402, 1692625514418113.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked logo anon is a faggot. The best company to invest in is GameStop and the ticker is gme.

>> No.56291750

I ran xhe through a gauntlet of tests two years ago. Xe passed (unironically)

>> No.56291758
Quoted by: >>56291819

The logo isn’t important one way or another, half of every thread being bickering over who bakes is horrendous though. Learn to share or shut the fuck up about it, who bakes has nothing to do with GameStop

>> No.56291771

>this has already been answered by brainy anons but I’m not gonna spoonfeed you
>your team
>planned and coordinated
Lot of projection there fuckface. You also make it very clear you are part of the team that brought us BBBY and prevented us from saying we didn’t want it discussed here. You use the exact same nonsense response when presented with logic you can’t refute.
Put simply there is not one logical argument for why shareholders of a company who believe the company has bright future, wouldn’t want the logo of their investment displayed everywhere. I want to see it on hoodies. I want to see it on bumper stickers. I want to see it on billboard in Times Square, and I sure as fuck want to see it at the top of a catalog of an image board about investing, because I firmly believe it’s the best stock to invest in on the NYSE, and new investors discovering it only helps my positions

>> No.56291781
File: 513 KB, 640x427, 749DA442-0FC5-47DA-94ED-F7ADBFCDACE5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56291818

Threadly reminder you are currently watching meltdown put on an autistic puppet show.

>> No.56291783
File: 629 KB, 724x1002, sneed arnold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56291784
Quoted by: >>56291798

in pp we trust

>> No.56291798
Quoted by: >>56291837

>in pp we trust
>he didn't buy the PPsocks

>> No.56291803

It started as bad actors wanting to implement rules/organization in a forum. It failed and devolved into framing a no logo rule as a proof of organization. Meh

>> No.56291805
File: 365 KB, 612x408, download (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56291827

BoBBY billions incoming.

>> No.56291806
File: 620 KB, 595x911, bosom buddies-gme edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the trans Indian post get jannied? lmfao

yep, got a 3-day vaca for it too. the shilling on GME sure makes for strange "bedfellows"

>> No.56291815

>Mentions ticker for a stock that is not GameStop trading under the ticker gme.
Shill fagot

GameStop will be profitable after the next earnings release. GameStop has a billion in cash.

>> No.56291818
Quoted by: >>56291839

>threadly reminder
I’m here to tell you what you should think and feel. Aren’t you sleepy? Don’t read other anon’s post, I can help you figure this out without any work of your own!
Anyone posting “threadly reminder” has a vested interested in controlling conversation and manufacturing consensus. And it’s the same exact fucks who turned this general into bbby general for fucking months.
Go back to the wet hole you crawled out of

>> No.56291819

>Learn to share
This would be so easy and would solve so much of the bickering

>> No.56291821

I don’t give a fuck about bbby you dumb nigger and I literally included an answer to your question in my post. You are a glownigger and nothing about what has transpired over the last few days that relates to the GameStop logo passes the smell test. I know you can’t just accept this answer because you’re paid to be here but just try to cope. I’m sure you’re not actually short the stock. You’re just paid to be here.

>> No.56291823
Quoted by: >>56291867

Nice try. By your "logic," couldn't the implementation of HAVE GAMESTOP LOGO IN THE OP also be framed as proof of organization?

>> No.56291827
File: 196 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56291848

The Teddy man cometh

>> No.56291837

>£30 for a tee

Im team Roaring Kitty again

>> No.56291839
Quoted by: >>56291917

Kek that’s your threadsplitting fren you’re replying to.

>> No.56291844
Quoted by: >>56291872

>the BBBaggies are back
>also posts AIslop
I'm inclined to believe it's the same person as ChatGPT spammer.

>> No.56291848
Quoted by: >>56291901

Okay, there it is. Holy shit why won't you bathniggers leave.

>> No.56291858
Quoted by: >>56291887

>no logo rule
Oh so you do have a rule? Fucking imbecile to let that slip. This is why you aren’t supposed to go off script. You do stupid shit like that
Top Men. Top men.

>> No.56291867

I think that’s his point that they failed in getting us all to agree on this and after being outted as glowniggers they’ve had to pivot to save face. They have to try and no u any anons that notice them. Otherwise their glow only increases.

>> No.56291872

Faggotnigger the French-Canadian is their ringleader, I'm not stepping away from that position. There is no such thing as 'ironically' baking their bbby threads for 6 months straight.

>> No.56291887
Quoted by: >>56291895

Interesting. So your also esl?

>> No.56291888

This company is heavily shorted and those shorts have not been closed. This company has a billion in cash with no notable debt, except a very small loan from the french government with almost no interest. All the data points to this company being profitable for a full year after the next earnings release. This is the stock to buy, there is no other stock like this out there. This isn’t a meme stock its the real deal. It has no path to going bankrupt at all. This company is so solid and so targeted by the mainstream media that they have to run articles predicting bankruptcy in ten years and other nonsense. This company is called Gamestop and trades under the ticker GME

>> No.56291895

>Faggotnigger the French-Canadian is their ringleader
No, that C*nadian is on our side, despite his appearances.
kek slippies

>> No.56291901

Because the only thing about to moon is a butterfly, lmao.

Only the young can become Butterfly's.

>> No.56291905

One thing for certain, the same people tasked with controlling this general and what is allowed to be discussed here (the ones who claim they “fit in”) are the same exact team running the bbby op. I would even go so far as to say the baker bot is part of that as well. The good news is they are more desperate than ever, and making mistakes everyday.
I cannot stress enough to you lurkers out there how much our company logo matters. It makes them RAGE when it’s at the top of the catalog. Ask yourself why it would ever bother an actual investor?

>> No.56291911

Happens to the best of us. Still my point stands.

>> No.56291917

It’s almost like k2Ia5IUh is trying to discredit logo enjoyers by association.

>> No.56291924
Quoted by: >>56291934

Wait are you guys now trying to burn each other to see which one survives? Kek.

>> No.56291934

Esau Gambit.

>> No.56291942
File: 261 KB, 1170x464, IMG_7448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56291958

Also nigger you can’t be serious. Wasn’t this you?

>> No.56291948
File: 27 KB, 998x241, oct 5 cohen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56291958

No. I’m the guy who was shitposting to slide StNY

>> No.56291962
Quoted by: >>56292013

Also implies that they themselves are esl, and your implies that there is a reason they are in such a shit job. They don’t have the intelligence to do anything else.
Once you’ve seen them and realize they are in every single thread it’s easy to spot them. They use the “the obvious pajeet posting” as concealment because once you get them off script you realize they are just as bad when pressured. I cannot stress enough how much #logogate has outed them all. They dropped the masks entirely over a simple little logo being proudly displayed at the top of the catalog. They literally cannot let that happen or it’s their asses

>> No.56291963
File: 108 KB, 600x407, the hills are alive with entertainment II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needs an RC edit
based RC appreciator

>> No.56291975

Honestly them starting this most recent glow op was the clearest sign we’ve crossed some unseen rubicon. RC breaking his silence was also a good clue.

>> No.56292007

Resist any call to action / new distraction ticker and you're golden. Their positions are untenable, they have to convince us to do something. Continuation of the current trajectory benefits us, not them. They're the ones on the clock racing towards bankruptcy, not us.

>> No.56292010

It’s clear that they are scared enough of logoposting that they are already trying to play both sides of the issue (baking threads with the logo but which also make us look bad/frame us as racist)
I need some more of you real investors to take this issue upon yourselves. Take our bake back . Anyone can bake. There is no reason for a tripfag baker. Come up with your own list of info about the company. Come up with clever photos proudly showing our company or its CEO and logo. Make this thread about the company and the stock because there is an entire team of soulless fucks here hellbent on making it about avatars and butterflies and memestocks and teddy bears, and for a long time they’ve had control here, and it’s time to take it back. We deserve a place to discuss the company and the stock without being managed by foreigners who sold out for three sheckles

>> No.56292013

Once again you fucking faggot glownigger. There have been plenty of threads baked by people you’re accusing of being paid actors that had the logo. No one ever threw a shit fit if it did or didn’t have one. It wasn’t until you faggots started this bullshit a week ago that it became a line in the sand. If you can’t figure out what side you’re on it’s either because you are being disingenuous or you’re a retard. I think former applies to you.

>> No.56292017
Quoted by: >>56292034

Keep my words out of your mouth faggot

>> No.56292031


>> No.56292033
Quoted by: >>56292044

In the absence of anyone doing it, I have baked in the past. Someone baking at 270 is impossible to compete against though, because if I tried to do that I would get warned or banned.

>> No.56292034
Quoted by: >>56292135

Oh look someone who thought they needed to post with a name on an anonymous image board. Now why the fuck would someone need to be recognizable here? I recognize this play. Keith 2.0

>> No.56292036
File: 178 KB, 1280x800, majora's mask review art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It comes...

>> No.56292037
File: 87 KB, 488x300, 1620781216616.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56292038

They are fucked. We've drs-ed enough gme that they can't leave. I'm still buying and drsing. Its getting worse and worse for hedgies.

>> No.56292039
Quoted by: >>56292082

>no is no other stock like this out there
There is no other brick and mortar store that is profitable but with no path of expansion?

>> No.56292044

I get the sense that some of the 4chan admins know trip baker is a bad actor and are willing to help us get him out if we so choose to.

>> No.56292063
File: 373 KB, 1080x610, IMG_7504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frame us as racist
Oy vey.

>> No.56292068
Quoted by: >>56292135


>> No.56292082

GameStop is a solid investment.

>> No.56292135

had to get my name prefilled for quicker posting.
Thanks for baking again StNY. Why are you afraid to use your tripcode now?

>> No.56292171
Quoted by: >>56292353

Logo shill can be damned.

This company is heavily shorted and those shorts have not been closed. This company has a billion in cash with no notable debt, except a very small loan from the french government with almost no interest. All the data points to this company being profitable for a full year after the next earnings release. This is the stock to buy, there is no other stock like this out there. This isn’t a meme stock its the real deal. It has no path to going bankrupt at all. This company is so solid and so targeted by the mainstream media that they have to run articles predicting bankruptcy in ten years and other nonsense. This company is called Gamestop and trades under the ticker GME.

>> No.56292353

Fucking based. I love investing in GME

>> No.56292743

I've never once cared or even noticed that the logo wasn't in the OP and it suddenly becoming a huge issue worth threadsplitting over, combined with you faggots still threadsplitting when you have the logo threads just tells me that it's a made up issue.

>> No.56292912
File: 29 KB, 326x326, mkgdgg5s3fsb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56292920

Heh, whatcha think fellas?

>> No.56292920

I'm getting excited.