>> | No.56292056 File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1511, fuckmeltdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>56226409 >this image posted on the same id as StNY >> /biz/image/P2ERfYgCtzenI1+rj4GLwQ >posted just a month before by one of the first ids downplaying the logo noticer >> /biz/thread/55950345#p55954379
Not schizo enough for you? Ok lets dig deeper. >> /biz/image/PSR5WjgQQKYMe3D7DHBc0w >>56258330 The image used in the first tripcode bake just showed up again this week posted by zggedY5w. Funnily enough they were posting gems like: >Splitting the thread last week was phase 1 of operations turbo shill. This is phase 2. >Guys I found the general again. Pretty easy actually just as it has been for years. But I can definitely see how a new guys, or boomers might need a logo to help use the catalogue. >Anti-GME Shills = PP Shills = NAFO Faggots. Need more? >>56260472 >> /biz/image/YxgRq25zcD1zDN9ViYzLSQ /virKy0t with a whopping 26 posts showing their agenda on full display.
Tripfag I hope you are comfy with my cock up your ass because this ape isn't leaving.