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54569768 No.54569768 [Reply] [Original]

WAGMI edition

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Gold, Silver, Platinum group metals
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Copper, Iron ore, Nickel, Lithium, Cobalt, Zinc, Lead
Water, Agricultural, Salt

More information for each commodity
Calculators for DD
Steer Clear List
News Sources

>Youtube channels to follow
Palisade Gold Radio, Mining Stocks Education, Sprott Money, Goldsilver pros (Rob Kientz), Finding Value Finance, Gregory Mannarino, Peter Schiff, Macro Voices, Crux Investor
>Canadian junior press releases

>What is Austrian economics?
>Austrian economics books
What has government done to our money (Rothbard), The mystery of banking (Rothbard), and Profit & Loss (Mises)

Previous: >>54527760

>> No.54569854

Wow. That is a nice staircase. Please tell me the building and where it is.

>> No.54569912

don't know, sorry.

>> No.54569950
Quoted by: >>54573010


>> No.54570460
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Quoted by: >>54571092

I have the fear

>> No.54570491
File: 84 KB, 1087x605, PooMiningUnlimited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54597404

>> No.54570809

Spring melt is coming to the Pacific Northwest, that means drilling and field season is nearly here! I cant wait to see what explorcos find this season, we might have a few new winning projects too, providing funding is in order!

>> No.54571041

I have a 30+ oz of junk silver plus 2 1 oz. silver coins. Some land and cows and guns.

What should I get next? Keep stacking silver or get some gold?

>> No.54571092


>> No.54571102
Quoted by: >>54571187

An education

>> No.54571109
Quoted by: >>54571121

Bayhorse immediately.

>> No.54571121

Don't tell the newniggers about it or you'll drive the price up for the rest of us. I'm trying to DCA before it moons

>> No.54571151
File: 152 KB, 3048x1656, 1476FFEC-0oOIL-98DGF-xRP9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54571182

>before it moons
you only have two more weeks

>> No.54571182
File: 448 KB, 1364x1603, 1678037972717414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those weeks metric or standard?
It's difficult since this board has no flags

>> No.54571187

Gaycoins. Had 1800 in my portfolio and it fell to 300 and still holding the bag. If Shiba or chainlink moons I'm getting gold and silver. The best hope for your gaycoin is BRICS wealth buying it.
In what? Everything is collapsing. Thinking about law school though and/or masonry.

>> No.54571243
Quoted by: >>54571330

Nobody here wants to buy your bags or tell you what to buy since you'll only drive the price up as the rest of us are throwing down before the metals breakout takes these miners to life-changing gains

>> No.54571330
Quoted by: >>54571353

>trust the plan -ACK
I don't need the newest gizmo. I am quite content using my radio setup for music and reading a book after feeding the animals. I'd rather spent what commodities I have in ensuring a simple rest of my life than buying equipment just to use my electro dollars.
I also don't listen to others advice on coin buying. But you do realize the only way your coin investments will go up is if BRICS citizens decide to invest in it right? It's not going to be /biz/ EU cunts pumping your coins but some pajeet or ivan.

>> No.54571353

>I don't need the newest gizmo
Like digital currency?

>> No.54571445

What does it mean if a medium cap company ceases substantial holdings with macquarie group?

Just reading Form 605 of the Corporations Act 2001.

>> No.54571808

Turdswap is better faggot. Enjoy staying poor.

>> No.54572144
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Quoted by: >>54572248

Sorry friend but we mustn't gatekeep

>> No.54572242

For me it's Avino Gold & SIlver Mines.

>> No.54572248
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Quoted by: >>54572317

Bump for the newfrens

>> No.54572317

I'm convinced it's Bob trolling

>> No.54572419
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I just want newfrens to make it. Been a hard year for crypto they deserve a win

>> No.54572612
Quoted by: >>54572682

bayhorse was one of the most retarded scams on this shit board

>> No.54572682
File: 2.57 MB, 1264x893, 1622752109427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gatekeeper get ye gone
With silver price rising the /cmmg/ newbies deserve to know where the real gains are going to be made. Help them out instead of shilling bags of NFG or whatever other trash that has already pumped.

>> No.54572965
Quoted by: >>54573207

Another big acquisition. Third biggest since Glencore and Newmont offers. Bull market going strong

>> No.54573010


>> No.54573029
File: 52 KB, 720x443, 1611043080876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54573091

>It's clear that the economy is softening, consumers are cutting back on spending, and disinflation is beginning to take hold. Given that the market's number one worry at the end of 2022 was inflation, the recent trends in inflation readings and employment data are encouraging. This could give the Fed room to pause next month. However, I am still not expecting the Fed to cut rates until September at the earliest. In addition, if the Fed does begin cutting rates in September, it will likely only be due to an economic calamity that would not be a good thing for the stock market.
>It's important to remember that markets are forward-looking. Gold, in particular, is looking ahead to the end of 2023 and beginning to price in the beginning of an extended rate-cutting cycle from the Fed. If we use the 2-year US Treasury Yield as a guide for where the Fed Funds Rate is heading, then the Fed is going to cut at least 100 basis points over the next year.
>The main risk for precious metals bulls is one of too much optimism being priced in too far ahead of time. So far, I'm not seeing any major contrarian indicators out there. However, I will note that I am seeing a number of $4,000 and $5,000 price targets being thrown around (long-term targets). There has also been a rush to buy physical gold and silver online at bullion dealers like Apmex. In fact, Apmex went so far as to call the recent surge in bullion orders "unprecedented demand".
>I will conclude by noting that miners are seeing margins significantly expand in 2023 - falling energy costs and rising metals prices offer a healthy backdrop for gold and silver producers to deliver upside surprises (against favorable year/year comps) as they report quarterly earnings over the next month

>> No.54573091
Quoted by: >>54573134

Wtf is disinflation? Deflation?
If so then why use a different term? If not then wtf is the difference between them?

>> No.54573134
Quoted by: >>54573153

>While the two terms sound very similar, deflation and disinflation refer to two very different conditions with respect to the direction and change of general price levels in the U.S. economy. Deflation refers to falling prices; or in other words, the opposite of inflation (rising prices).
>Disinflation doesn’t refer to the direction of prices (as inflation and deflation do). It refers to the rate of change: It’s a slowdown in the rate of inflation. For example, deflation would be an inflation rate of -1 percent, while disinflation would be a change in the inflation rate from 3 percent one year to 2 percent in the next.

>> No.54573153

Thanks anon
I genuinely would not have bothered to look it up

>> No.54573207
File: 40 KB, 403x247, Moomin_kuva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More on M&A: https://www.mining.com/web/endeavour-mining-expects-more-gold-ma/

The news article also ties rather well into the last thread's discourse regarding Burkina Faso and Endeavour Mining:
>De Montessus said West Africa-focused Endeavour will be less exposed to conflict-hit Burkina Faso as a planned expansion at its Senegal mine and a project in Cote d’Ivoire enter production.
>Conflict has reduced gold production in Burkina and made it more difficult – and costly – for miners such as Endeavour to transport the staff and the supplies they need to keep mining.
>Endeavour’s three Burkina Faso mines Hounde, Boungou, and Wahgnion account for between 40% and 45% of its gold production, but that share is likely to fall to around a third by 2024, de Montessus said.
>Asked about allegations that Burkina Faso has hired mercenaries from Russian group Wagner, which Burkina’s military head of state has denied, de Montessus said: “For the current president of Burkina Faso, that is today not part of the plan."
Seems like EDV is not enthusiastic about increasing exposure to BF via acquisitions. For good measure I sent their IR some questions regarding that earlier today.

>> No.54573267
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Stunning and brave.

>> No.54573392

Pan Man, thoughts?
>Recently, a robotic collector vehicle on the sea floor in the CCZ pulled up about 3,500 tonnes of nodules up the airlift riser to the vessel.

>> No.54574159
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Buckle up miner frens

>> No.54574731
Quoted by: >>54575542

Wanna buy more calls with my PAAS calls profit but I should wait for 10 am smash huh

>> No.54574878
File: 52 KB, 680x680, 1618678017593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else here got REI? lots of stuff i've seen says they've got big price targets which have increased, good revenue, they have payed off debt aggressively and the CEO bought a lot of shares himself recently.

>> No.54575526
Quoted by: >>54578381

New 52 week low for Salt buffoons(me).

>> No.54575542

I bought AEM calls. Should do nicely when earnings report comes out

>> No.54576047

Broes.... Gold miners are going up from a huge long term reverse h&s... Soon breaking up no doubt. Juniors to follow.

>> No.54576565

Crazy to see the general so dead in an exciting time like this. Incredibly bullish.

>> No.54576793
Quoted by: >>54576853


Anyone else see this? Copper Mountain Mining had a bad year but i didnt think they were in that much trouble.

>> No.54576835

Sprott Snowline


>> No.54576853
Quoted by: >>54576868

Pan man did you ever take a look at Mayfair gold?

>> No.54576868
Quoted by: >>54577149

working on it, their in the Abitibi Gold Belt, which isnt an area i am not as well versed in but i ll have them checked out properly later today.

>> No.54577105

Skeena seems to be the only junior to actually catch wind in its sales from this gold price today. I'm happy to own it

>> No.54577149
Quoted by: >>54577408

When you look at an exploration property, what do you look for? Shallow ounces, no arsenic/lead? Like what is your focus?

>> No.54577164

All the weak hands have capitulated and kys'd and all the newfaggots have yet to flood in to chase.

>> No.54577182
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Quoted by: >>54577201

I have a hard time handling my boner, I need that 2090$ close

>> No.54577200


>> No.54577201
Quoted by: >>54577254

Easy there let's close above $2,050 first
Prime opportunity. Energy costs have also come down and it's earnings season

>> No.54577254
File: 32 KB, 828x304, Ftg-u3WXoAI1a2h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54577288

Despite being at 2050, people don't believe this leg. Only by breaking 2090 will we see our miner go (really) up. PF is still down around 10-20%.

I can wait and buy more miner every payday.

>> No.54577288

My strategy is to just hold majors and some odd call options, then rotate more into juniors after I've cashed in some gains. Working out preddy well so far as majors have begun making good moves

>> No.54577380
Quoted by: >>54577415

Copper mountain up 20% today

>> No.54577408

it depends on the area, usually i am focused on if what their describing on their site / news releases matches up with what the figures say, things like ease of access, how mining friendly the area is etc. Nearby existing infrastructure is one i really focus on, because building your own is extremely expensive and time consuming. The more work thats already done to a property the better.

Are there any other anons that want to expand on this? Juniors are such a pain to read to figure out if their utter garbage or only kind of garbage.

>> No.54577415

business combination. Basically they got saved by a bigger company

>> No.54577648
Quoted by: >>54585130

Say, what would happen to the pricing model of American style options if we had negative interest rates? All the models I see assume positive interest

>> No.54577665
Quoted by: >>54577704

... and I got UEC over Cameco. Fuck my live

>> No.54577678
Quoted by: >>54577690

Anybody do a deep dive into sports new ETFs? Energy transition metals, lithium, etc? I'm thinking about opening a starter on a few of them

>> No.54577690
File: 992 KB, 1269x1322, 1649058433264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54577940

Our boy did a review of sprott copper junior ETF I think and liked it

>> No.54577704

Best just load up on Cameco or Kazatomprom if you're holding long term. Kazatomprom even pays a big dividend on top of being literally the best in class

>> No.54577940

Nice, I want to go balls deep on these and hold them for like 5 years but it seems like it might be best to be a little patient so I'm just loading up a few grand here and there

>> No.54578308
File: 333 KB, 1358x654, ggggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck i dont know what to buy shill me something please i already have tons of gold and silver miners
this is an old sheet of my holdings but still correct
should i add into some or buy something new?

anything to sell on this list?

>> No.54578381

I'm a salt buffoon too.
I'm probably picking up shares next payday

>> No.54578382

Here’s a situation: I’m still holding AUCOY with fidelity still not offering any out for it. Technically I’m up on it but not by much. With the rest of the world doing everything they can do separate themselves from USD, and in turn doing fair business with Russia (like China and India are doing), is Fidelity actually doing anyone who got caught holding Russian stocks a huge favor? I’m really starting to think so. Even Schiff is pretty adamant about looking into buying foreign stocks, and especially if you can get your hands on foreign commodities.

>> No.54578449
File: 52 KB, 597x683, normie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beside bayhorse who's garbage, the rest will go up a lot once we break-out. If you have a long time horizon, Surge Copper and Pacific Ridge are very good copper play. If you want more silver, Hercules Silver and Southern Silver are an incredible buy too. On the gold part, Lion One and Cassiar Gold.

There is so much good shit to buy its hilarious that normie won't make money in the next 6 months.

>> No.54578491


>> No.54578571
File: 241 KB, 2026x1226, Screenshot 2023-04-13 195556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gregory Mannarino

Why is that clown recommended?

Anyway, Crescat Capital put out a great video presentation every Friday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8le5FpQDdc

>> No.54578635
File: 122 KB, 540x720, 99a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You boughted natgas right anon?

>> No.54578761

ok thanks i bought lion one
ill look into the rest

>> No.54578866

>anything to sell on this list?
Bayhorse, Blue Lagoon, Defiance, First Majestic, Kuya, Silver One, Serabi, Sibanye

>shill me something
Long on the best majors for now, and call options if you want more risk/reward. Barrick, Agnico, Endeavour Mining (not Endeavour Silver), Osisko Gold Royalties, B2Gold, WPM, Franco-Nevada etc.
On the junior side, Skeena is an absolute no brainer even when accounting for future dilution. There's also good old New Found Gold if you want an easy blue skies explorer to hold

>> No.54578924

>Bayhorse, Blue Lagoon
can understand

> Defiance, First Majestic, Kuya, Silver One, Serabi, Sibanye
why these, havent updated my knowledge and didnt care about my portfolio for the last 12 months until last week
maybe you can give me a qrd with a spoon

>> No.54578959
Quoted by: >>54579837

because they are all simply not good enough. If you want to have high beta to silver then go ahead and keep them but be wary of dilution. I prefer companies that I believe will do well even if commodities cool down a bit

>> No.54578969

Danish anon, is that you? Do you own physical gold and silver? If you are suffering from excess fiat, why not put it into gold and silver? Also, buy more uranium, sprott, cameco, some Natty gas?

>> No.54578993

Kazatomprom is better but Cameco is good too

>> No.54579255
File: 26 KB, 802x124, btfohorsefags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anti horse fags totally and utterly BTFO. how will they ever recover, horse bros?

>> No.54579330
File: 200 KB, 880x582, FrXdtGVXwAIW26F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54579522

Nein, ich spreche dänish, nicht Deutsch. Aber, ich kann ein bisschen Deutsch sprechen.

>> No.54579381
Quoted by: >>54579837

Surge Copper and Cassiar Gold are going to be very interesting this summer. One tiny junior that I would watch out for though is Teako Mines, I think their going to do a marketing blitz pretty quick. They have properties i am familiar with around the Skeena district, but made little progress on them, and are probably broke.

>> No.54579522
Quoted by: >>54580088

Din Deutsch ist gut.

>> No.54579664
Quoted by: >>54579671

We did it reddit.
Natural gas has a 1-handle.

>> No.54579671

Holy shit when do I buy

>> No.54579837

ok ty


>> No.54580063
Quoted by: >>54580460

Dont sell lagoon. People here are just retarded, there is no redflag and dillution was minimal. Thesis still intact.

>> No.54580088
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Arigato, India-chan

>> No.54580096
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Reading from dry bulk reports, here's some commodity stuff

>> No.54580102
File: 320 KB, 724x920, n1gg3r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54580295


>> No.54580295
Quoted by: >>54584889

India is really going at it. I recall reading that their prime minister said coal consumption would increase until 2050 along with other forms of energy consumption. They will likely see similar rise in GDP/capita as seen in China. Very bullish for energy and commodities in general. A great proportion of the world's populace still has intermittent electricity or no access at all to electricity.

>> No.54580420

Summa silver.

>> No.54580428

Kuya isn't terrible and silver one is a good project but the management are cunts.

>> No.54580460
Quoted by: >>54580732

They have yet to hit good drills.

>> No.54580732
Quoted by: >>54580889

They likely never will hit drills that the market perceives favourably as far as I'm aware. As QH stated, and as shown by drills, the underlying mineralization is comprised of many thin veins. So seemingly the best case is that they keep hitting high grade gold over the ~1 meter or whatever they're working with. Unless I'm mistaken, I'm only going off memory from Crescat videos and don't have a position in Lagoon.

>> No.54580789
Quoted by: >>54581354

I demand more than "not terrible" from companies I invest in, and I do not tolerate terrible mamagement

>> No.54580889

your correct, when you think of the Dome Mountain area, imagine several massive quartz fissure veins, that have infilled dozens of stockwork fissures along and below their edges. The "Dome" was likely formed partly by a massive intrusive body emigrating up from below the local host rock, making a big "zit" or plug at the surface that created fractures all along the effected area. Quartz then infilled each fissure zone, sometimes multiple times. The richer veins may be narrower, but they could be mineable with more traditional styles of mining, with the wider veins workable by modern conventional drifting with heavy equipment. Ore sorting could also be something to think about with Dome mountains ore, its very competent quartz, with a weak contact with its host rock. It would probably make a lot of sense to sort on Dome compared to the material seen at say Osisko's Bonanza Ledge.

>> No.54581354

You're talking to somebody that agrees with you. I don't hold silver one. I used to. Not anymore.

>> No.54581469
File: 28 KB, 598x381, gog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder, Golden Tag bros could see the 4 month+ halt lifted sometime in the next few weeks and probably a monster jump in share price.


>> No.54581658
File: 111 KB, 525x350, 2023-03-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54582946

Silver one could finally get interesting with them about to drill 40 holes in their Arizona property that had grab samples that were 400lb silver boulders.

>> No.54581718

slept on that plat futur when it went below 1000. looks like its going to moon this year

>> No.54582452
Quoted by: >>54582672

God I hope so. I have a small position in 3 platinum tickers and want a rhodium situation where it hits 25k an oz and I just immediately sell out once miners hit a good return. Fucking Africa.

>> No.54582672

I'd say to still just DCA in and not be too greedy. It seems with interest rates being paused, the bull market is back on. Following the asset bubble chart, I'd be extremely careful when the SPY ranges between 420-450; we might be heading into a double top on the long range chart. I think that when interest rates (10-2) goes back above 0, that's when we'll get the bloodbath recession, but whether that takes a month or two years, who knows.

>> No.54582946

Ominous lighting choice.

>> No.54583015

>Fertilizer down 70% YOY
I assume it's cyclical like other commodities, but that's pretty cheap. I mean, you need natgas and ammonia for fertilizer, and to grow crops you need oil for fuel, so ...

>> No.54583372
Quoted by: >>54585007

Silver bros...

>> No.54584117
Quoted by: >>54584311

wow its a slow day today, have a laugh on me for this link!

>> No.54584311
Quoted by: >>54584358

>Nearly 9,000 asteroids larger than 36 meters (150 feet) in diameter orbit near Earth. Geologists believe they are packed with iron ore
Oh wow, valuable iron ore in high concentrations! this is going to be a money maker.

>> No.54584358

i know right! I am honestly not sure which sector a company like that is targetting. Anyone who knows commodities or resources would laugh them out of a room.

>> No.54584407

The finance sector (hedge funds)

>> No.54584889

Elected officials and lobbying firms. The longer the bridge to nowhere the better.
>great proportion of the world's populace still has intermittent electricity or no access at all to electricity
Don't worry bro. The government will burn thru all the available hydrocarbons on earth to keep the planet safe from hydrocarbon pollution.

>> No.54585007

The ratio is going to close as they tamp down gold. This is a nice opportunity to make a play on physical

>> No.54585130
File: 167 KB, 1000x664, 1681374494151598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54585505

Explain. What are American style options?

>> No.54585505

European-style options cannot be exercised before expiration, which uses the Black-Scholes model for pricing. Eg, VIX or indexes like SPX
American-style allow for early exercise, and command a higher premium based on the risk of early exercise, and the Black-Scholes model does not account for this risk premium. Other models like Bjerksund-Stensland are used, instead.

But in any case, they are all predicated on the assumption that interest rates remain positive

>> No.54585697

>I'm convinced it's Bob trolling
If I was going to troll you I'd probably just mention taxes, inflation, and opportunity cost.

the usual stuff that I assume will eat up any gains you guys actually make.

Whether or not bayhorse booms up again I don't know. It'd be funny if it did, and it certainly could.

>> No.54585753

I think after a while you can just get a feel for a company or project. You get an idea of the regional risk and weight that up against the resource/reserve. Throw in management experience and do they have any current cashflow. Admittedly it's a lot harder on a very junior that's just put a few holes in the ground.

>> No.54585779
Quoted by: >>54585994

I think there's also the problem with publically traded companies that they get paid whether they actually succeed or fail. So there's a strong motivation to bring a lot of projects to market that MIGHT be viable if everything goes just right, but probably won't make it in reality.

but that's the gamble.

>> No.54585852

>Juniors are such a pain to read to figure out if their utter garbage or only kind of garbage.
I trust your instincts and knowledge more than anyone here Pan Man, and I still wouldn't put my money in any of the stocks researched here. Just too risky for my taste.

A few of them will undoubtedly go big. It happens every year and we both know it. But how to tell which one or two will go up 10 or 100x I have no idea. I know most of them will fail, and I make my money off their failure. It seems like a much surer bet to side with the government suing miners than the miners making it. Because the government is going to sue them whether they make it or not. But then companies like mine that short mining and long enviro aren't usually out there for people to invest in because we're busy making cash hand over fist and don't need or want to share.

>> No.54585977

so no one is talking about oil right now, which companies do you recommend when I already hold SU, SM, GTE, CPG, AMPY, CRGY

>> No.54585994
Quoted by: >>54586208

>the problem with publically traded companies that they get paid whether they actually succeed or fail
The company or the people it employs?
You are right to trust PM.
>I still wouldn't put my money in any of the stocks researched here. Just too risky for my taste.
PM contributes research, so you suddenly don't trust him?
This is peak confirmation bias, Bob. I'm telling you this so you can benefit from it.
I love you, I just don't like you very much.
Not gonna argue. Don't care.
But you can't be a hypocrite and expect me to sit idle. You know me better than that

>> No.54586006
File: 14 KB, 342x448, viola-mac-millan-1944-1964b6bdfed3737861ad9066ff000004e9e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after a while you can just get a feel for a company or project

>> No.54586119

you can read all you like about a project, but it does no good if stuff is going on in the background that isnt easy to find or supposed to go public. Case in point was Klondike Silver, and all the bullshit they pulled with the mines inspectors / Gold Commissioners office a few years back. I can snoop around a company for months and still miss stuff.

>> No.54586152
Quoted by: >>54586176

Payday is tomorrow so I’m probably going to just keep on with Barrick, maybe add some more BHLL since it’s gone down and a good enough time to DCA. Disappointing that their recent tear on some good news didn’t sustain but at least it proved it can hang for a longer period. I’m a little out of the loop on other potential gold miners to look into though, anyone have some thoughts on where extra fiat can go?

>> No.54586157

what really frustrates me is the number of seemingly solid projects that just tank or get demolished lately. That really pisses me off, seeing a perfectly functional project or company get screwed by outside forces. Case in point Copper Mountain, they had a horrible year, most of which was beyond their control.

FYI bud, what do you make of the sudden rise in private miners on Youtube? There are a few groups that suddenly popped up that look like pretty serious attempts at operating little mines. I know your interested in these sorts of setups, how many do you think will get EPAed into non existence?

>> No.54586176

read the thread
anons asked already

>> No.54586208

>The company or the people it employs?
>PM contributes research, so you suddenly don't trust him?
I trust PM implicitly
but neither of us is throwing money at these miners
>know your interested in these sorts of setups, how many do you think will get EPAed into non existence?
all of them

the question is how many will make millions before declaring bankruptcy and writing off 100% of the liability?

the end game doesn't affect the middle right? If I make 10 million mining gold and the EPA sues me and I declare bankruptcy, I probably still walk off with 9 million. What we see as failure isn't necessarily failure for the miner.

>> No.54586255

All my gains from my picks were eroded to losses by thread pics. The shows not over yet and I can afford to lose it. Better than spending it on bourbon and blow since those vices have a snowballs chance in hell of seeing any kind of return.
We're at what, our fourth year or more?
What have you brought to the table Bob?
Admittedly, I am a glass half full guy and I consider skepticism the hallmark of brilliance. You're not a skeptic tho since you side with the government. You rely on brute strength and ideology of the times. If Mao told you to kill birds you'd hurt yourself doing it.
Why don't you try to contribute something positive instead of the same old "government gonna get ya"? I do the exact same thing but without the aire of smugness because I'm not siding with them. You hope the government will and I fear the government will. These aren't the same thing.
Nobody here talked about sand, ever, and I'm up 98% in five months on just source energy services. Are you telling me you wouldn't wanna double your money in that time just because it was mentioned itt? And you have the gall to preach about confirmation bias?
Worry about the plank in your own eye before you worry about the splinter in someone else s finger Bob.
Don't tell me I'm wrong because you're rich.

>> No.54586322
Quoted by: >>54586345

>What have you brought to the table Bob?
>Why don't you try to contribute something positive instead of the same old "government gonna get ya"?
I am contributing. The premise of the thread is weak and if someone is going to toss money at it they better be like you... money to burn.
>Are you telling me you wouldn't wanna double your money in that time just because it was mentioned itt?
nope, I'm telling you you're aiming way too low. if you double your money and the IRS takes half every year you need to keep right on doubling every year for your lifetime to catch up with what a McDonalds fry cook is doing.

>> No.54586331

>perfectly functional project or company get screwed by outside forces
Put a paraplegic transvestite nigger from Ethiopia at the helm of an open pit mine at the headwaters on tribal burying grounds and you'll have a blank check from blackrock in your PO box before dawn

>> No.54586345
Quoted by: >>54586367

So we should abolish the IRS?
You've got my vote

>> No.54586354
Quoted by: >>54586460

>Don't tell me I'm wrong because you're rich.
you of all people should wonder about that. As far as I can see you're rich too, and not from mining stocks. We're both hypocrites. I just admit it.

>> No.54586367
Quoted by: >>54586460

nobody is gonna abolish the IRS. If they did, you and I would both do fine. But again, not from mining stocks.

>> No.54586460

Rich dad, poor dad
Nothing wrong with owning nice things as long as someone else pays for them- Robert kyosaki
I'm not rich. I don't even draw a paycheck. But yeah, I have an infinitude of luxuries that Hollywood millionaires pay for so I can be their house nigger until they fly in and need me as their field nigger.
Laughable. The IRS will be replaced by a flat tax because they can't administer the same system when they replace whites.
You've been so close to their campfire so long you can't see the smoke from a distant fire

>> No.54586487

>I'm not rich. I don't even draw a paycheck
you live like a millionaire. Whether you're actually a millionaire or not doesn't matter. I've met housekeepers in Hawaii and scuba guides in Roatan that are millionaires. The dollar doesn't figure. I am an actual millionaire and I promise you I have more masters and bosses than you do. We are both rich.
>You've been so close to their campfire so long you can't see the smoke from a distant fire
it's a simple calculation. I'll be dead before those raiders reach my camp, and if not I succeeded in my own camp well enough I can take them easily.

men like us do well under any circumstances. If we choose to.

>> No.54586515
Quoted by: >>54586714

>The IRS will be replaced by a flat tax
that would just make me wealthier, and you too. I pay far more taxes than normal. As will anyone that makes the big strike on miners.

>> No.54586641

>The IRS will be replaced by a flat tax
like what, 15%?

I paid half a million dollars in taxes this year and you want to drop that to $150k or $200k?

threaten me with a good time

>> No.54586653
Quoted by: >>54586692

>I'll be dead before
Apex boomer. I would never expect anything else.
But yes, you're right. People equate wealth with money, which is just cartoonishly absurd. The real cavate that erodes their very soul is that money=wealth=power. Uncle Ted illustrates this in what he called the power process. Thusly, without money/wealth they are powerless to change their lives.
Power is the ability or capacity to enact change. You can do this without money. I would argue that the poorest people are able to create the most change in their life, should they abandon this fallacy. People existed for eons before currency, so we are able to move thru the power process and take control of our lives, with or without it. A million bucks won't change your life much. Anons itt, very much otherwise. If I had a million bucks I couldn't change my life. That's what makes us truly wealthy Bob

>> No.54586660

flat taxes are something I unironically lobby for
It would save me millions in my life. Potentially billions.

>> No.54586692
Quoted by: >>54586725

>I would argue that the poorest people are able to create the most change in their life, should they abandon this fallacy.
The alternative to gaining power is violence, as we've discussed

you and I are perfectly capable of changing the balance of power without violence. You just got to win the game under their rules and then change the rules.

>> No.54586701
Quoted by: >>54586713

Franco-Nevada isn't risky.

>> No.54586703
Quoted by: >>54587031

gold mountain mining a sell or a buy?

>> No.54586713

anything nevada is pure gold

like literally just gold in the dirt

>> No.54586714
Quoted by: >>54586733

>Gibs will disappear. Everyone equal
Kek. You haven't been paying attention Bob. Sheboons will not be taxed and white males will carry the burden, as always. Flat tax means everyone pays the same for what they spend, but adjusted for their privilege. You wanna get taxed the same as saquesha? Better cut your dick off Bob.
In this manner your wealth will be stolen from your children. That's how equality works Bob. Forced equality. Reparations. Equality is whatever the state says Bob.

>> No.54586725
Quoted by: >>54586744

Violence is a monopoly enjoyed by the state Bob. And they have a monopoly on justice, equiped with a unique ability to tax

>> No.54586733
Quoted by: >>54586790

the problem of democracy

but the US isn't a democracy yet. And I'll likely be dead before it is, if it ever is. You fear your opponents so you don't make money now. You overestimate their power

>> No.54586744
Quoted by: >>54586882

>Violence is a monopoly enjoyed by the state Bob. And they have a monopoly on justice, equiped with a unique ability to tax

but you bet against them even though you know this is true now. You bet on the future, which you may not live to see. I bet on now. Which i will certainly live to see.

>> No.54586790
Quoted by: >>54586825

>overestimate their power
Their power lies in the publics presumption and projection of power. I'm a crayon eater, like you. Deep down I think you know this fundamental truth, but you are afraid to face it, because you've invested so much into it that you can't turn back now
Phoen posting hammered drunk so link sucks

>> No.54586825
Quoted by: >>54586896

>I think you know this fundamental truth, but you are afraid to face it, because you've invested so much into it that you can't turn back now
not at all

I will absolutely be dead before those pieces shift on the board, if they ever do.

that is all.

I think you'll be dead before those events happen too and you should probably deal with what's on board now instead of what will likely happen in the unlikely event that things go on as they have.

in reality we're minutes away from singularity and extinction buddy, and if you want to hunt gold or your lost pistol or whatever you should do it because none of this will matter soon. But kudos for you if you're in a timeline where AI doesn't kill us all or economies don't crash under the weight of chinese and indian biomass

>> No.54586882
Quoted by: >>54586928

I don't bet against them. I've chosen not to play the game. The state wants conflict, so they can justify their actions and further empower them.
The emperor wears no clothes. Pretend he does and calling him out are the same thing. Laughter is the ridicule that's intolerable. Point and laugh.
We're programmed to think education>job>home>wife>family>retirement
And maybe at the end of all that we can find enough leisure time to find ourselves and experience true fulfillment. What if we pursue fulfillment first and are therefore freed to give a go at the other things? I have fulfillment and nothing can take that from me, so I am free to win or lose, whatever because I won't identify with losing as a loser. Losing is a part of life. So is winning or anything else. Once we are fulfilled any experience is just that: part of the ride.
This is wealth money can't buy. Power that armies can't conquer

>> No.54586896
Quoted by: >>54586937

>I will absolutely be dead
Ok boomer. I hope you make all the money on earth Bob. Maybe that will save your children from the world you're leaving them

>> No.54586928
Quoted by: >>54587057

>This is wealth money can't buy. Power that armies can't conquer

enjoy it while it lasts. It is the only true wealth even if it's not true.

I get the feeling I'm just you 15 years ahead of you. You'll have to judge that in 15 years.

I dropped out of the Marines, as I assume you did too. Difference is I never saw the feds as the enemy. I saw them as something I could help improve.

>> No.54586931
Quoted by: >>54586954


>> No.54586937
Quoted by: >>54587057

>Maybe that will save your children from the world you're leaving them
I did fine in my world, they'll do fine in theirs

>> No.54586954
Quoted by: >>54587584

none of that matters

how you make money doesn't matter

just be good at it. even if that makes faggots on 4chan resent you.

>> No.54586979

>19 posts by this ID
>16 posts by this ID

>> No.54587020
Quoted by: >>54587041

>men like us do well under any circumstances. If we choose to.

Big believer in this.

"Life uhh. Finds a way"

>> No.54587025
Quoted by: >>54587910

lol I'm just off my most recent ban

4chan is more scared of free speech than the US government is by far.

>> No.54587031
Quoted by: >>54587051


>> No.54587041
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>> No.54587051
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>> No.54587057
Quoted by: >>54587073

I was shown the door because I was a 19 year old fighter jet mechanic asking how aluminum beer cans full of diesel fuel could take down 110 story steel buildings. At the time there were open investigations from NCIS, Jag, and the FBI (Florida not federal) and undoubtedly many other alphabet agencies. I'd be guffawed if you could name an agency I haven't been interrogated by along the 20 years after.
They're no longer the enemy. They need enemies Bob. Enemies and allies are cannon fodder.
JJ did tie buckle. Which of these mean the most to you?
>they'll do fine in theirs
Hope floats. So does shit. You're content with leaving them with both?

>> No.54587073
Quoted by: >>54587098

>Hope floats. So does shit. You're content with leaving them with both?
we both got millions of years of successful ancestors behind us. Mostly the same ancestors. They'll do fine.

>> No.54587098

I know this. But if you think money will replace the power process I've got a bridge to sell you
I need an answer Teufelshunde.
JJ did tie buckle. Which of these are the most important to you?

>> No.54587111
Quoted by: >>54587130

>But if you think money will replace the power process I've got a bridge to sell you
if you don't think money is the same as power you'd seem to be mistaken devil dog.
violence can replace money, but men fluent in money are also fluent in violence.

>> No.54587127
Quoted by: >>54587147

what's the dif between me buying 40 years of your life or me killing you 40 years early? one is legal.

>> No.54587130
Quoted by: >>54587135

JJ did tie buckle
Which one is most important, recruit?

>> No.54587135


I don't talk jarhead. I only talk power. And we both know where the power is.

>> No.54587147
Quoted by: >>54587151

I need an answer private!

>> No.54587151

marines don't learn power. They learn obedience.

you and I are above that

>> No.54587158
File: 6 KB, 275x183, images (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were a marine you would know the 14 leadership traits. Were you a first battalion cock teaser?

>> No.54587169

lol you know I'm a fed and feds don't accept people that lie. right?
if anyone knows my service records it's the fed

>> No.54587178

what are you retards even arguing about. get a room and sober up.

>> No.54587191

We're agreeing at a distance.

>> No.54587217
File: 8 KB, 300x168, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

justice, judgment, dependability, integrity, decisiveness, tact, initiative, endurance, bearing, unselfishness, courage, knowledge, loyalty, and enthusiasm
Fourteen things that should never leave your mind under any circumstances, for any reason!
If you manage to survive long enough to be a leader of jarheads under your watch, they will know to look for these traits in you, private! And if you fail them it's because you have failed yourself! Which ultimately means I have failed you! And I do not intend to fail you. You will know, love, appreciate, adore, admonish, respect, and idolize these traits so you can be a leader of men who would follow you into the jaws of certain death! And if you die serving my beloved corps there will be another to take your place and they will know these same traits I have instilled in you as deep as your love for the virgin mother!

>> No.54587231

I was a marine long before that bullshit. I was a marine before the crucible. I was a marine when your di would punch you in your stupid face and tell you your momma sucked enormous black cock.

I was a marine long before your stupid acronyms and fake trials to make up for not killing you on jacob's ladder. I'm a much older sort of marine than you're used to.

and I don't mind you doubting me And I don't mind making millions off gov contracts because I was a marine. I earned that

>> No.54587253

I watched marines die in training Something you never saw and never will. Like the great whaling ships and the explorations of Australia.

I was before your time, and your generation can only marvel.

>> No.54587292

R Lee Ermy saw men die

he's a actor and a athlete. but that jarhead saw men die.

>> No.54587294
Quoted by: >>54587304

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.54587297
File: 8 KB, 324x155, images (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk moar you ungrateful maggot! This fucking general isn't going to bump itself! How did you get here!?! Did you expect a cake walk or a rose bush? You are lower than snake piss running down a gopher hole! You're the kind of faggot that would fuck a man in the ass without the common fucking courtesy to give him a god damned reach around! You came to the wrong platoon private! Nobody here is gonna suck your dick as good as your mother does mine, so don't expect it!
I'm sure your other threads are full of permabull dick thumpers looking to stroke your ego so they can shit in your pillowcase at your expense. Not here!
I'll shit in your mouth for free you fucking sloped forehead cryptofurry. No amount of bobos, mumus, or pink wojaks will help you avoid the inevitable shit storm that I have in store for you!
You will know pain. It will be your constant companion and keep you warm at night. You will go hungry, sleepless, emotionally void without constant pain. Pain is weakness leaving the body! When your pain is gone, my job here is done!
Welcome to /cmmg/ faggot

>> No.54587304
Quoted by: >>54587376


irl i did marine corps basic training in 1989 and I saw people die. I see dead people. Somebody's teenage kid died while I was there.

I'm no badass. But people did die. I saw it.

>> No.54587328
Quoted by: >>54587351

Like a mark 19 misfire and a man open it only to explode and kill him or a man milking a grenade while poising to throw it resulting ina pink cloud that gently misted the entire platoon while we waited for our turn to toss? Or a man falling off a catwalk on cvn75s blue water qual cracking his head open and exposing the deep red almost purple brain matter just beneath the skull fragments?

>> No.54587351

MRP with a fucker that castrated himself on the slide for life.

hanged himself with a bedsheet on his rack while screaming in a pained contralto that can only come from losing your testicles.

yeah, people die on the range and in the field and in the swim tank and on the grenade line or SAM line but whatever. It all comes out the same, no?

>> No.54587376
File: 156 KB, 1000x1353, p16630coll2864-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you expect? Did you think war was safe? The way you practice is the way you're gonna play! We don't promise you a rose garden

>> No.54587381
Quoted by: >>54587417

nothing is safe

your mistake is thinking there's rules to making money or rules to making war

>> No.54587417
File: 5 KB, 307x164, images (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54587422

There is only one rule, private!
The winner writes the history books! Aren't you glad you joined the winning team? We win, not because it's our duty, but because we have a bloodlust and killing makes our dicks harder than Chinese arithmetic!

>> No.54587421


>> No.54587422
Quoted by: >>54587505

they win because they have momentum and mass on their side

a smart marine would see that instantly. Maybe even get rich off it

>> No.54587505
File: 9 KB, 300x168, images (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54587556

There are no smart marines, private! There are order followers and people that pass those orders along to you lowly bullet sponges. If you start thinking, I'll have them lobotomize you and strap you to a jdam with a tattoo on your face that reads "fragile, handle with care" and drop you from a c130 barely above the enemys missle threshold!
I bet you think you're clever by sneaking doughnuts from the chow hall so you can enjoy moments of solace and gluttony without shame or persecution for your selfish actions! Well, you're right!
You will eat the doughnuts and everyone here will watch you eat them while they do pushups! Don't eat too fast because I want this floor pushed down!
You eat the doughnut and think of all your joy you've gained from being so god damn clever!
The rest of you, well, start pushing! You're gonna lay for this doughnut private Bob has stolen from the chow hall! That doughnut is the future! He's going to enjoy it and you will pay the price!

>> No.54587556
Quoted by: >>54587648


irl private joker goes on to leave the corps and start a multimillion dollar contracting firm which the other privates work for making 10X what the corps pays.

>> No.54587584
File: 38 KB, 500x333, s-l500 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54587592

Like Jeff Epstein?

>> No.54587592
Quoted by: >>54587680

I'm not sure how epstein made his moneys. In his case it might have mattered.

but he died a pauper's death either way

>> No.54587648
Quoted by: >>54587673

Wasnt he the only one that survived?
Funny how that works. Send off your best and brightest by conscription so there's less competition.
To all the faggots that will seeth when they wake up: read the thread title. See where it says Macro? It's one of the M's in /cmmg/....yeah. This is a conversation on macroeconomics so pay attention. Economics is merely philosophy in action and philosophy is merely epistemology laid bare as a idea to use that epistemology as a ideological guide to make a social framework we call economics.

>> No.54587673
Quoted by: >>54587719

>To all the faggots that will seeth when they wake up: read the thread title. See where it says Macro? It's one of the M's in /cmmg/....yeah. This is a conversation on macroeconomics so pay attention. Economics is merely philosophy in action and philosophy is merely epistemology laid bare as a idea to use that epistemology as a ideological guide to make a social framework we call economics.
don't want me getting banned again or you?

mods sure as fuck can't ban me and I doubt they can ban you.

have a good evening bud, I'm off to sleep with the spin on.

>> No.54587680
Quoted by: >>54587684

So you do have a moral compass. I was starting to lose hope in you Bob. You know I love you or I wouldn't try this hard.
>he died

>> No.54587684

epstein was a donkey's ass.

rich or not. You don't hurt the innocent.

>> No.54587711
Quoted by: >>54587746

I'm making $800 a month selling smoked chicken to bartenders, bodybuilders, and bouncers at the club district I used to work at.

I collect $800 a month in disability.

Am I doing it right?

>> No.54587719

Good night Bob. I had fun as always. My makers mark is below the label and my nose is bleeding. Gotta be up in four hours to prep the pontoon boat. All this rain has the lakes up and the trout are biting on the lower pit river. I'll send pics of a German brown

>> No.54587746

You'll know you've made it when you don't have drops of blood on your sterling silver coke tray. I'm almost there RW
You missed a kekking good thread tonight tho

>> No.54587910
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>lol I'm just off my most recent ban
Shame on you bob actually letting a ban expire. Surely you know how to delete cookies? Permabans are a mild inconvenience at worst

>> No.54587946
Quoted by: >>54588044

if you watch /an/ like I suspect you do, you know I was posting a minute after I got banned.

>> No.54587995
Quoted by: >>54588085

Bob vs Lassen will be our final line of defence against the crypto zoomies

>> No.54588016
Quoted by: >>54588044

4chan is getting more sophisticated though. They banned my device on multiple connections

Of course I have numerous devices to go with my multiple connections, but just clearing cookies and resetting the connection no longer works.

>> No.54588044
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lol good to hear. That's where most of my bans are from too desu

Damn. I have a dynamic IP so maybe that helps, but then again I haven't been banned in a while now I think of it so I'll have to step my game up and find out if mine still works.

The boar vs pitbull webm normally does the trick. I'd try it now but I'm at work and I won't be able to reset it till the evening

>> No.54588072

I get banned when I start bragging about my dinosaur publications. Apparently that's off topic for /an/. Things seem to have quieted down since I stopped posting there.

>> No.54588085
Quoted by: >>54588114

They're not ready for the 'tism and nothing on this board can prepare them. I promise I'll be more poignant when we have enough traffic to keep us afloat. By then we won't be able to have junior prom parking lot slap fights while we're both casino indian drunk to hide from trauma induced insomnia.

>> No.54588114

>I'll be more poignant when we have enough traffic to keep us afloat.
I'll leave then.

You guys actually seem to care about geology and mining. When it's just faggots trying to ride your coattails to money I'll move on

I particularly like PM and Lassen's insights on mining history. To me that's cool shit.

>> No.54588125
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Quoted by: >>54588134

lmao I think I've seen that, dino threads are always a shitshow fun as they are. /an/ jannies are especially faggy, and dinofags are especially autistic so you've probably put a stick up one of their asses and they wait for an excuse to pounce

>> No.54588134

the paleoschizo there is a janny and an old frennemy of mine. I like the dude but we both get in trouble for our bants

>> No.54588140

When I need a break I have to force myself so I grab images to pony post in /pol/ or troll /k/ or /diy/ since those faggots are really sheltered. Never been to /an/. Is it unfished water ripe for trolling ?

>> No.54588149

>Is it unfished water ripe for trolling ?
hell no, I've been trolling it for over a decade much harder than I troll /biz/

and you know I troll /biz/

>> No.54588173
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Quoted by: >>54588210

>I'll leave then.
Sorry bob, not happening.

Not unfished by any stretch but full of autismos and the kind of sensitive faggots you expect most animal people to be, so a lot of low hanging fruit.

>> No.54588210
Quoted by: >>54588384

>Sorry bob, not happening.
I'm pretty old, I will retire from this one day also.

>> No.54588220

Nah. We need you. Now to keep us bumped and later to scare away the dick riders. Mining history is why I'm here. I know Jack shit about geology. So it's nice when we're discussing that. I'll try not to spiral into regulations (communism) and keep us productive, but honestly other than me, you and PM idk that anyone else gives a fuck about mining. If they didn't hope to profit from it, they would t have any incentive at all. But that's good

>> No.54588238

>other than me, you and PM idk that anyone else gives a fuck about mining.
red and the dane are good. And that britbro I don't know the name off

apologies to any other regulars I don't know. The thread has its foundations. I don't know if it's worth a shit, but it's good discussion. I told the wifu about the saloon piss trenches you brought up months ago. It's all good info

>> No.54588346
Quoted by: >>54588370

Yeah. They know how to read all that technical stuff. Front office. Charts. Books. I'm glad to have them so I can learn from their analysis. At the end of the day somebody has to get their hands dirty. Most of us would crumble inside of a couple of hours as a roughneck, including me. There's more to learn than time I'm given to learn it. I love you and this general because about half the regulars want to learn. We've come a long way.

>> No.54588351

I mean where else but 1850's california can a prospector belly up to the bar, order a shot of rotgut or redeye, unleash the lizard, and let go with a stream of steaming piss while knocking back a shot?

that's some cool info, and love you or hate you I gotta appreciate learning it. I'll probably make a buck or two off that nugget.

>> No.54588370

>We've come a long way.

but the oldfags here knew a lot of this stuff from the get go. All the fools got chased off with bayhorse I think. Or grew from it. Either way the ones that lasted were bright from day one.

>> No.54588384
File: 1.83 MB, 854x480, 1644087363673.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry bro if and when you do ever retire I'll be falseflagging as best as I can to keep people schizo as I'm sure will others.

>idk that anyone else gives a fuck about mining
I rarely have anything to contribute outside of some TA and shitposting but I do enjoy reading the back and forth for what it's worth. Profit got me interested but the stories keep me reading.

>And that britbro I don't know the name off
That's me brother. Since monke posting has started mooning I've got more camouflage but it makes me happy to see. I'm always here even if I sleep through the drunk time zones.

>> No.54588395
Quoted by: >>54588499

>That's me brother.
I figured.
Always a pleasure, and you help me and Lassen keep it bumped. Saves on the baking.

I appreciate you and have enjoyed our chats.

>> No.54588416
Quoted by: >>54588431

>apologies to any other regulars I don't know
You probably know me as do many other OGs. Been here since the /pmg/ days. I just prefer anonymity.

>> No.54588425
File: 332 KB, 339x385, macrone5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54588562

I only care about the money i'm going to make and the rat race i'm going to leave behind once we break 2090$/30$

>> No.54588431

yep. there's at least one of you, maybe more. Oldfags that deserve recognition but don't care about it.

>> No.54588462

>wake up
>silver barely moved and gold down
It's gonna be a red day, isn't it.

>> No.54588477

i think its a needed correction for gold

>> No.54588488
File: 46 KB, 990x919, FK2eE32XMAUGHkc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54588501

>> No.54588497
File: 100 KB, 1172x595, ddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54588499

Likewise, I appreciate that and the pleasure is mine

>> No.54588501
File: 698 KB, 500x377, 1540733244910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't even imagine what kind of money miners will make us beyond 3000$...

And we're most of us into junior...

>> No.54588540

>As Bob
Kino. I know you put work in and contribute plenty bluesmonke. I'm just saying that mining is such an enormous field with a very long and jaded history that unless you are born into it or you have an unreasonable amount of 'tism then it is seemingly unapproachable due to the myriad of facets involved that simply did not exist even 70-80 years ago. I don't expect anything from anyone due to this simple fact. We're lucky to have Bob and PM because they are actually miners. Without them we'd be in bad shape on the mining front. I'm not help unless you wanna know irrelevant history of ghost towns, discuss obsolete equipment thats held together by rust. Notice how some posters simply revel in the misery of others? Or want spoonfeeding? Do they have any intent to learn. Or teach others? They're not obligated but it shows their true colors

>> No.54588562

I hope you make every dollar in existence frog. When you own every dollar ever printed, we will use something else

>> No.54588593

>unless you wanna know irrelevant history of ghost towns, discuss obsolete equipment thats held together by rust.
that would be exactly me. That is bob's game, and I suspect PM has an interest too.

>> No.54588611
File: 69 KB, 650x626, Screenshot 2023-04-14 125014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54588648

It's over.

>> No.54588648

time to slurp

>> No.54588684
Quoted by: >>54588742

Ok. Anons are rolling in and I'm out of whiskey. Gonna rinse off my shame and try to sober up in case I have to run the down riggers. You fellas keep it in the green. I'll be on the lake

>> No.54588691

Will an official announcement of war in taiwan save us?

>> No.54588736

>We're lucky to have Bob and PM because they are actually miners. Without them we'd be in bad shape on the mining front
True that, theyre definitely taken for granted

>I'm not help unless you wanna know irrelevant history of ghost towns, discuss obsolete equipment thats held together by rust
Stories always keep me reading, as well as the economic redpill dumps
>Notice how some posters simply revel in the misery of others? Or want spoonfeeding?
The former get what comes around and the latter end up buying Bayhorse

>> No.54588742

Goodnight bro, enjoy

>> No.54588769

Hey French anon,
I looked at southern silver and they have an average silver grading of 106g/t
Their indicated ressources at cerro las minitas is 140Moz AgEq. Is that alot?

Compare this to Impact Silver they have better average grading but I can't see any info on indicated ressources
You seem enthusiastic about both so I assume Impact has similar ressource estimate
But Impact isn't making money right now

>> No.54588809

bratty precious metals moving up... needs correction

>> No.54588826
Quoted by: >>54588982

Impact has zero resources and reserves. They are mining blind and producing less every year.

>> No.54588944
File: 75 KB, 1239x596, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pullback is probably inbound but hopefully we don't get it before we test ATH, then it'll be an obvious and easy top to call along with the pullback to the 38/50% fib, but when is it ever that easy?
Even if we do test ATH it's probably safest to just hold. This is going to be way too volatile and way too easy to miss to be trying to start taking profits or swinging tops and bottoms.

I'm still firmly in Camp Gary saying to just fucking hold through the breakout phase. I might unleverage a little if we keep pumping to ATH in anticipation of the fib retracement but even that might be dumb. I'm definitely not taking any profits for now. I'll probably just hold and if/when we do retrace to 1950 I'll just convert all-in to crazy high leverage plays.

>> No.54588982
File: 861 KB, 1846x1344, IMG_20230414_143139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mining less each year
Pic related doesn't show a clear trend

>> No.54589007
Quoted by: >>54589147

Well nevermind...

>> No.54589028

bro its so exciting, i dont know to buy now with my spare cash or just pump it in now

>> No.54589147
File: 553 KB, 445x798, 1603035821772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fred focus economical region when spot shit the bed, that's why you see tonnes going down. Ounces produced don't go down. Cost efficient.

Yes, that's a lot. Southern and Kootenay are among the cheapest silver play you can find. Grade isn't the best, lot of ounces, extremely sensible to spot. I'm up almost double since I bought 2 weeks ago.



>> No.54589164
Quoted by: >>54589446

fuck second link


>> No.54589387

I'm 10% cash, personally. They've kicked this can for decades so I'm not popping the champagne until I'm settled into the house I'm going to buy with my earnings. This is the closest we've ever been. It feels like the end. But we've felt the end a few times before this. The Fed is between an inflationary rock and a depressionary hard place. I believe they will ultimately hyperinflate the dollar. But there's a very real possibility that they decide to crash the markets before they do so. In which case, juniors will take a massive hit. Devestating if you have nothing to buy the dip with. Buying opportunity if you do. Yet there's also the chance that we shoot to the moon before the crash, and our dollars just sit there. Wasted. Its up to you to decide how big you want your cash position to be. Before we had last year's low prices I was at 30%. Now I'm 10%.

>> No.54589446

Makes sense, thanks for the reply

>> No.54589508
Quoted by: >>54589518

>cost efficient
cost per ton was actually highest 2021 versus the prior three years according to >>54588982

>> No.54589518

And silver production per oz has gone down every year as well

>> No.54589718
File: 24 KB, 639x376, goodtrackrecord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic does.

>> No.54589773
File: 57 KB, 636x476, Screenshot 2023-04-14 144057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54589794

the dream is ending

>> No.54589794
Quoted by: >>54589830

It's just a false awakening. We're not waking up from this dream in a long while, even if the dream starts feeling like real life every now and then

>> No.54589830
Quoted by: >>54589882

>It's just a false awakening. We're not waking up from this dream in a long while, even if the dream starts feeling like real life every now and then

The year is 2030. Gold is $2,400 and GDX is $22. We know this is coming.

>> No.54589882

unf, my majors will be raking in dick-throbbing cash flows.

>> No.54590114
Quoted by: >>54590170

We're due a correction very soon, this could even be it. If you're already comfortably positioned I would personally just wait and slurp on the retracement, and if it just does just blow through ATH then chase with the remaining cash. Easy for me to say though as I'm long since all in lol

>> No.54590170

yea no matter its a buy, have around 10% in cash right now

>> No.54590180
Quoted by: >>54590321

I'm a chartlet but I see no reason to disagree. Holding now is key. But if the GSR changes rapidly in an effort to tamp down gold and prop up the dollar, there is an opportunity to make plays but it's not for timing just take what you can get.
Phone won't send pics I'm in a barn
But yeah anyway march maybe the GSR rockets up from 80ish to over 110 then gradually falls to settle at 65 one year later. If you have physical you should be ready to take advantage of the next event and at 110 exchange your gold for silver if you can because you could potentially double both ways if you're holding both metals. Idk how to use this on a trading app but I bet one of you do

>> No.54590321

March 2020****
GSR m20 85ish
One month or so later spike to 110+
One year later drops to 65?
Anyways they'll use this as leverage to keep gold from running away.

Frog bro this is your time to shine. Even if gold stays tamped down you'll see the GSR and know what's up. If you can find a way to make a play of the gsr that's not exchanging physical, everyone here could stand to gain on these moves. Idk why, but I trust you. You have a disdain government. It's in your blood. I was born on the fourth of July. I bet you were born on Bastille day.
Sorry I'm still kinda tipsy bad gas boat

>> No.54590389
Quoted by: >>54590720

Is over

>> No.54590394

Hope you held some cash too anons

>> No.54590448

I'm not being a Debbie downer on the bullishness. But before they let gold run away or the dollar wilt they have the GSR to use to close that gap, like they did before. I expect the more volatile the move, the less window of opportunity before it has it's natural correction and reverts to the mean. Maybe months, weeks, hell even days if you dare to time tops and bottoms. I was stupidly buying physical silver when the GSR was 100:1.

>> No.54590522

Smash is over

>> No.54590557
Quoted by: >>54590720


>> No.54590720
File: 70 KB, 1039x524, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was there some news today to cause this drop or is it just some large nosed guy leaning on the tamp button before he heads off to the synagogue?

>> No.54590740
Quoted by: >>54590808

Silver bros...

>> No.54590778

the latter. But I graciously accept this buying opportunity regardless.

>> No.54590808
File: 479 KB, 720x1600, IMG_20230414_080007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54590822

Just checked my safe. It's still there. You had me worried KOLD bro.
In other news I flattened a trailer tire but nobody else was sober either

>> No.54590822
Quoted by: >>54590849

kek this cope never gets old

>> No.54590846
Quoted by: >>54590982

Actually it's probably triggered by the retail sales release and subsequent USD pamp

>> No.54590849
Quoted by: >>54590897

Coping about literally bags of gold and silver? I wish everyone had the same problem

>> No.54590878
File: 31 KB, 617x587, 14943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54590982

wow stop the antisemitism anon

This is called price discovery

>> No.54590897
Quoted by: >>54590985

The relatively cheaper bags, yes. Price went down you see. This is a great thing, it means pink wojaks will panic and cash-endowed investors such as myself get to pick cheapies.

>> No.54590928

>a red candle at the top
i just turned my portfolio into cash

>> No.54590953

You merely adopted the red. I was born in it. Moulded by it.

>> No.54590982
File: 67 KB, 963x653, fed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, this guy (picrel) probably played a part in the drop too

>> No.54590985
Quoted by: >>54591008

Nice. I looked for more constitutional recently. California has a poorfag tax on physical so it's 1700+ to avoid taxes. Reno is as close but it's a shithole
Post em when they come in. With benis

>> No.54591008
Quoted by: >>54591168

>Post em when they come in
nice try feds

>> No.54591168
Quoted by: >>54591297

Are you practicing being retarded?
On me?

>> No.54591246
Quoted by: >>54591581

We’re gonna retest 1980

>> No.54591297

Yes. On a day like this, Comedy is a great ally.

>> No.54591310
File: 199 KB, 795x601, 1448196705649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54593093

>back to monday open
I guess it was a consolidation week, not bad.

>> No.54591384
Quoted by: >>54591959

I'm a geologist

>> No.54591581

yeah seems like it.

>> No.54591777
File: 37 KB, 780x584, 1429060982825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54592553

>natty gas anons be like

>> No.54591959
File: 467 KB, 512x512, 1665081524716623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it shows
You guys don't have much sense of humor. Geology rocks, but geology is where it's at

>> No.54591974

God damn joke is rekt now

>> No.54592553

Retarded question but how do you anticipate what natgas is going to do? It's so volatile. Best source of news I've found is https://www.naturalgasintel.com/

>> No.54592911
Quoted by: >>54592970

Idk anon, price low, monke buy.

>> No.54592970
File: 75 KB, 941x1080, 5b4022c77e071c1ad7a2119ece4e9c05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54593255

For me, it's the 1 minute natgas futures chart and a 2x leveraged ETF. Watch me get rekt

>> No.54593072

Gold to close above the contested $2k mark today? We'll see. If it does, bullish

>> No.54593093
File: 2.38 MB, 640x1138, 1680263002036828.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I don't mind 2000, good companies should be able to create a lot of value at this level.

>> No.54593135
Quoted by: >>54595650

Mad money w Jim Cramer. But do a 360 and walk away

>> No.54593255
File: 90 KB, 824x983, 776203AA-D803-495C-9667-7100B0E73AC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry what? Are you ok anon?

>> No.54594170
File: 36 KB, 464x330, bomba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54594549

Took position, 15 MC, GV announce it on Monday.

>> No.54594292

I have no sense of humor and it's been a character trait for years.

>> No.54594493
Quoted by: >>54594509

Gold closed above $2k for the second consecutuve week. Bullish.

>> No.54594509
File: 57 KB, 492x572, 2615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And up on the week, same for silver.

Thats good enough for me.

>> No.54594549

Which stock is this?

>> No.54595009
Quoted by: >>54595663

He isn't going to tell you with his omission in the first place.

>> No.54595012
Quoted by: >>54595663

Founder's metals.

>> No.54595650
File: 836 KB, 286x204, 3980834310.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean do a 180 anon and then walk away

>> No.54595663
File: 11 KB, 400x225, 110821macron1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54596068

If you have to ask, you don't deserve early shares

Indeed, I learned from based small caps anon mistakes, if you don't do your DD, you don't deserve spoonfeeding

you're too kind giving him a name. Careful, its an extremely tight stock, most available shares are at 60c. Those selling right now are from older shareholder. Hard to position without bumping price. A lot of things to say about this company but a thread will be made Monday so I won't bother. If you have cash, I'll strongly advise to buy.

Also, very good news : https://ceo.ca/@globenewswire/golden-tag-shares-to-resume-trading-and-provides-update
April 19. I dont intend to hold this stock very long, I'll sell it as soon as we hit 30$. Will keep cash as dry powder.

>> No.54596068
Quoted by: >>54596209

Fair enough. I try not to be someone who's just here to get spoonfed. (That's how you end up riding the horse.) But I was hoping to research a few companies this weekend.

>> No.54596209
File: 101 KB, 1249x612, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A must have imo. Do your DD.

>> No.54596308

i thought clean air metals was good but im down 50% bros

>> No.54596393
File: 152 KB, 720x1106, LiBroes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, noes, lithium broes!

>> No.54597362

weekend edition just dropped


>> No.54597404

450 or 4.5 x is about inflation at the moment gets you no where.