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File: 3.60 MB, 4025x3016, xrp_ripple_official_team_india.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53276068 No.53276068 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>53257958

Buy XRP on Uphold/CoinMetro/Bitrue/Kucoin[NY]
[for Bitrue send USDT or XLM and use XLM/XRP]
or on the XRP ledger https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
or on XUMM app (with USD IOUs from Bitstamp)

>Why Do I Hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:
>XRP $2,000+ EOY:
>SEC Lawsuit Latest:

>Flare Networks (FLR) Overview:
>Bitrue vs Poloniex FLR:
>Flare vs Ethereum:
>Flare Finance (YFLR) Intro:
>Flare Finance FAQ:
>Flare Finance Wiki:

>XRP Ledger:
>XRP Charts:
>XSG Frenlist:




>The Myth of Market Cap:


>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM, Exodus or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd
DO NOT use Droplet wallet, it's a scam! and will steal your XRP

>> No.53276075
Quoted by: >>53301693


>> No.53276107
File: 1.31 MB, 1500x812, 1630630735593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more weeks

>> No.53276117
Quoted by: >>53276193


>> No.53276148

XRP TO ₹3048206

>> No.53276160
Quoted by: >>53284817

God and the devil are playing a game on earth and they set their pawns differently than we can imagine, they are not bound by any of our kind of power, e.g. time, they fight for eons and set their souls like that that it is not visible to us mortal creatures, look at the past and see where the souls have been and then you see the big picture and maybe you are part of the eternal battle yourself, good versus evil, you may don't give up, because you already know how the end will be, so I'm telling you everything, whatever you pray and ask, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours in Jesus' name, Amen

>> No.53276193

>fell of the train on purpose


>> No.53276209

getting real demoralized lads

>> No.53276254

What I always do is just watch some youtubers who talk bullish about XRP. This video I found pretty nice and got me wanting to invest more into XRP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHr6BTGmTnA

>> No.53276336
Quoted by: >>53276354

wtf I'm a bitcoin maxi now

>> No.53276354

>7tx per second

>> No.53276369
Quoted by: >>53276379

What did we do to deserve this lawsuit

>> No.53276379


>Google was sued by the SEC, had a trial they won and then they become an industry monopoly.
>Microsoft was sued by the SEC, had a trial they won and then they become an industry monopoly.
>Tesla was sued by the SEC, had a trial they won and then they become an industry monopoly.
>Apple was sued by the SEC, had a trial they won and then they become an industry monopoly.
>Amazon was sued by the SEC, had a trial they won and then they become an industry monopoly.
>Ripple/XRP was sued by the SEC, had a trial......

Because we are the chosen ones

>> No.53276410

It's amazing how people still not see how bullish being sued by the SEC actually is.

If there is only 1 buy signal you need....

>> No.53276736


>> No.53277037
File: 776 KB, 979x975, 1656196114223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53301239

I'm in it for the tech.

The world's first AI community moderator bot. Defeating jeets and spammers with the power of OpenAI.

>> No.53277163

Is that the team of ripple? Just sold my stack fuck this shitcoin

>> No.53277266


How much are you guys delegating?

>> No.53277507

Gave me a chance to buy in cheap so I can't complain. Hope LINK gets sued next so I can increase my stack.

>> No.53277649

I don't trust metamask
I don't want to move my flare to bifrost
is there any other way to direct connect ledger to flare network? is this waiting on ledger or flare?
also I hope you all are smart enough to vote no and not let greed lead you to a cop out
'more' is not always better

>> No.53277821
Quoted by: >>53278161

Why vote yes so people that aren’t vested in it can still dump?

>> No.53278116
File: 382 KB, 710x444, herd of zerps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many total zerps do you think XSG holds?

>> No.53278161

i really don't care if people want to dump their drops
why shouldn't they be allowed to?

>> No.53278318
Quoted by: >>53278457

two humdread cagillionaire

>> No.53278457
File: 56 KB, 1089x972, inquiring again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53278476

1, maybe 2 thousand. We got a lot of high rollers here.

>> No.53278518

so much engineers

>> No.53278642


>> No.53278686

I gave my dad 100 XRP for his birthday lads (plus 10 for the wallet reserve)

>> No.53279869
Quoted by: >>53279882

David voting Yes on FLR proposal because he's a good jew. As in actually good, like Mises and Rothbard.

He also says that in the XLM drop way back and giveaway that almost ALL the tokens ended up in 3 accounts that he believes is the same person.
I've always wondered why it's shilled so hard.
Deep state shit coin XLM attempting to subvert XRP.

>> No.53279882
File: 282 KB, 389x600, David the Barbarian Better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53284839

Oops. Here's the interview.

>> No.53279891
Quoted by: >>53282429

If you using a ledger hardware wallet you coins are not on metamask. Its just being used as a middleman to interact with your flare.
Your private keys does not ever go into metamask.

>> No.53280138

just sell everything and buy BITCOIN

>> No.53280507
File: 12 KB, 98x138, IMG_20221229_215600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow! The proof is...what guys? In. The. Pudding. It's all right in front of our faces, not financial advice. Now for the fun part in crypto news: babacucks tweeted, "2 more weeks" and in gematria that equals 311. Reversed is 113 guys, like my mind is totally blown right now. Possible moon date this January 13th. Summer, 589, Winter. At this point in time, guys, anything can happen. But David Schwartz tweeted out, "yes I'm Jewish, here is a picture of my dradel." Is he saying the case is spiraling to an end? And as we know, the entire economy is collapsing, which has to happen, so the Phoenix can rise out of the ashes. It's all about the timeline guys! CryptoSlut tweeted out, "XRP good, SEC bad" and as we know, the powers that be, they want you out, and that's gonna happen when? Exactly. During the financial collapse. So get your crypto off the exchanges. Not. Financial. Advice. ButAnywaysGuysIHopeYouEnjoyedToday'sVideo, haveAnAmazingDay- see ya

>> No.53280665

>whites to the back of the bus

>> No.53281467
File: 315 KB, 1540x2048, DW8m8uWXUAA2q-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53281549
Quoted by: >>53281562

Based Schwartz hover handing that roastie. He could sense Tiff was bad news unlike that simp Nik

>> No.53281562
File: 181 KB, 901x1200, 003F9E1A-C044-4C18-BC5D-14E79548B668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its funny how bad she fuds xrp now

>> No.53281594
Quoted by: >>53281637

Funny. I have been here since 2019.
I won’t post it, however I have the xrp commemorative coin meme with gollum on it.

This piece of shit has never gone up.
Not even in the bull runs.

>> No.53281637

Where’ve your been? It was confirmed a scam last year

>> No.53281905

YEARS of bullishness.

>> No.53282184
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x3024, liminal space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53282237

Can't fucking take this anymore

>> No.53282248
Quoted by: >>53282677

why no trust metamask?

>> No.53282384

You aren't wrapped and delegated yourself, so you're not voting for shit.

>> No.53282394
File: 184 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230115-000909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brose what's sui and make it stack for flare? Is what I have enough? Also which ones are the best delegation providers?

>> No.53282421

This site is useful

>> No.53282429
Quoted by: >>53282642

Then how do people keep getting ripped off

>> No.53282642
Quoted by: >>53282672

Because they are not using a hardware wallet.
They are generating their keys through metamask and keeping their coins in a metamask hot wallet.

>> No.53282666
File: 1.16 MB, 4032x3024, xrp_ripple_official_team_india2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53282667

Hard to tell who baked this thread.
ALBT is going off its tits at the moment.

>> No.53282672
Quoted by: >>53282710

Some of them look like they were swindled through weird metamask contracts

>> No.53282677

look at how many times metamask has been hacked. If your PC is setup right it could be ok.

>> No.53282678
Quoted by: >>53282686


>> No.53282686

Isn't that quite interesting?


>> No.53282699



>> No.53282710

Does not matter, the only reason those contracts even matter to them is because they were using metamask as their wallet. Which you are not.

>> No.53282745
File: 168 KB, 1488x1635, xrpextravodbingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.53282923

Guys bros... what if there is actually gonna be an XRP buyback for $37k

but it will be when we get Venusuela kind of inflation and the wind is blowing hundred dollar bills through the streets? Or garbage bags full of useless paper money?

What would be the best course of action be?

Immidiately buy hard assets like homes, physical gold, classic cars?

>> No.53283086

>Immidiately buy hard assets like homes, physical gold, classic cars?

Yes, and soon. This idea that they will just raise the debt limit is starting to run out of time because that shit eventually catches up to you.

>> No.53283144
File: 40 KB, 510x680, DdSL005U0AAnx6m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53305311

good morning satan

>> No.53283784


>> No.53283817


>> No.53283891

good bloody team sir

>> No.53283979
File: 229 KB, 1600x1184, 167281900204442665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GM faggots

>> No.53284005

I kek'd

>> No.53284801

Based ai

>> No.53284817
File: 340 KB, 1180x1340, cropped-writing-love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a cool "channeled" book on this topic if any schizos are interested
much better than the Michelle Obama book with the same name

yeah it's a rough patch for me too ngl i'm feeling pretty worn down

>> No.53284839

thanks for this link

>> No.53284859

why is xrp collaborating with governments to enslave humanity?
you guys are scum

>> No.53284864

they look cool, what's your issue? that they're all brown?

>> No.53284879

if it moons on 3/22-23/2023 then i'll win a bet, that would be sweet

>> No.53285368

Enslaved is humanity's natural and best state of being. They're happier that way. All we're doing is helping. Don't be jelly.

>> No.53285409

300k will equal 2 million 36 months from now. Add on top of that delegation rewards - about 2 to 3x. Even if the price doesn't move from here you make close to 10x. The only way you lose if if FLR fails completely. Whatever those odds are is your risk.

>> No.53285427
Quoted by: >>53285650

If we sell our xrp will it stop the enslavement of humanity?
If not we might as well take advantage.

>> No.53285443

The buyback narrative is the same as planes didn't hit the WTC/Pentagon; Moon landings faked. If you think like that then wait for the buyback at $37k which will be greater than the entire money supply. Not to mention that it's grammatically incorrect: An entity can't buy 'back' what it never owned. This fucking retardation makes me worry about being invested in XRP to begin with.

>> No.53285523

Just delegating a few thousand flares for now. I have no idea what I'm even doing... oh well

>> No.53285650
File: 237 KB, 853x1000, 1638046466536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53285997


>> No.53285868
Quoted by: >>53286560

I need your advice anons, should I work @ Ripple Singapore? It would definitely help my career out but it's a big leap if I do decide to go there in the future. I just don't know, it's a scary jump for me since crypto hasn't been regulated.

>> No.53285950

Xrp is a shitcoin. You will miss the next bullrun if you hodl it

>> No.53285997
File: 358 KB, 1080x1458, Screenshot_20230116-021711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53286004

Then there is a tunnel in that bathroom

>> No.53286026 [DELETED] 

It's not the only coin I hold. I'm in the school that it has a 50/50 chance of being the only coin with clarity by 2026. I'm okay if it goes to zero. And I'm wealthy beyond what I can reasonably spend if it does. What's the problem?

>> No.53286048

It's not the only coin I hold. I'm in the school that it has a 50/50 chance of being the only coin with clarity by 2026. I'm okay if it goes to zero. And I'm wealthy beyond what I can reasonably spend if it gets clarity. What's the problem?

>> No.53286522
File: 393 KB, 2048x2048, xrp eoy price.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ogs understand that these price targets include hyperinflation.
An XRP is a worth a billion zimbabwe dollars currently.
XRP = fixed supply
USD = not a fixed supply
Ham Sandwiches = deflationary asset (once enhanced swine flu is released)

See the price of eggs? That's because they've killed 100 million chickens because of swine flu.
Things don't happen in a bubble and most of XSG is stuck at a very surface level understanding of what is happening.
I blame new fags, but just for being here, maybe we shouldn't have stopped spoon feeding?
Maybe then this place wouldn't be overrun with retards with no understanding at all of what is going on.

>> No.53286560 [DELETED] 

your call. Worked for Ripple, but fully remote. Wasn't great desu, but I was working as "Data Engineer" which is a boring job in it of itself.

>> No.53286624
Quoted by: >>53286701

>Ogs understand that these price targets include hyperinflation.
No. This is the newest cope when you idiots get called out on this ridiculous number.

>> No.53286701
File: 138 KB, 405x607, dining alone in 2027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53286812

I've never proclaimed that number.
But I have been ham posting about ham sandwiches being $2,000 eoy since well before #300, probably around 200.
You haven't been here long or you'd remember them.
These number always included hyperinflation and a new economic system after a collapse.
What makes it collapse?
You are literally watching it play out and still just knee jerk against it.

This is also why 1 xrp = 1 xrp. Because dollars will not be the measure that matters.

$37,500 didn't even come along til after #1000 I'm sure. Cope with me being here the entire time and you just showing up.

>> No.53286812
Quoted by: >>53286885

I've been here since the start of 2021 and I can remember thinking "why the fuck does that guy post hand and cheese sandwiches"

>> No.53286885
File: 285 KB, 768x1058, economist article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The huge numbers are fud to some people and the more inflation we have the higher the numbers have to be for it to be "unimaginable" and still be fud.

We aren't moving to a new financial system because the USD is a reliable store of value.
We are moving because people will be exiting it as fast as they can at some point.
Tptb will have their ducks in a row by then though and they still seem to be arranging things.

The Phoenix rises from the ashes. It doesn't rise from the slightly too warm for comfort bungalow where egg prices are a little high.

>> No.53286943
Quoted by: >>53287032

Oh yeah I understand all that, I was slow to connect the two when I first started to visit XSG.

>> No.53287032
File: 989 KB, 1200x800, the second he sold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a upper 30s boomer. "For the price of a ham sandwich" was still kind of a saying where I grew up so that's probably the derangement behind the meme.

>> No.53287228

I didn't have that saying where I grew up. Probably explains a lot.

>> No.53287297
Quoted by: >>53287313

You weren’t born in the baby boomer generation you stupid nigger.

>> No.53287313

Is this bait?

>> No.53287350

2 more weeks

>> No.53287363

Arg will go to stage 2 soon. Larps will only intensify. Nwo pushes their larp, counter larp forms.
Xsg threads are IV dripped spoonfeeds.

>> No.53287637

years posters were right all along, i kneel

>> No.53287986
Quoted by: >>53288842

>Registered for Flare drop on Exodus wallet
>It's been literal years since I touched it and don't know how to find my keys to move them to Metamask
Any anons in a helpful mood?

>> No.53288155
Quoted by: >>53288207

>30 years from 1988
>its now 2023
>5 years later
>nothing happened


>> No.53288207
Quoted by: >>53288289

No one said the people running the world were perfect. I think they've encountered a lot more resistance than they thought they would.
Hubris being the biggest weakness of pretty much all rulers and despots.
Read the full page, I know that's hard for zoomers that grew up with cell phones.

>> No.53288289
Quoted by: >>53288675

>switch finally flipped
>phoenix rises from ashes
>its an xrp fork
>schizos left with useless bags


>> No.53288646

Which one of you fags was this? >>53287886

Stop spilling the beans guys spoonfeeding season is over

>> No.53288675
File: 994 KB, 1200x800, ham banks have own coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so new I had a meme pre created waiting for you in 2021

>> No.53288842

They might already be in your metamask, once (maybe) you add the flare network option onto metamask

Click xrp and on the right you should see something about spark or flr

Flare community’s yt channel helped me eventually move everythjng to bifrost wallet

>> No.53289273
Quoted by: >>53289335

Is there a way to redelegate flare without missing out on any epoch rewards? I delegated before knowing about the 2.75% voting power thing.

>> No.53289335

We don't even start earning rewards until the 19th, so you can switch as much as you want before then. After that I think you can switch as long as it's more than an hour and 45 minutes before the next epoch starts, but don't quote me on that.

>> No.53289533

where is my run of golden bulls benchods

>> No.53290094
File: 341 KB, 1080x1978, 1673817514995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I mess up something or the wflare delegation rewards are not coming on the same day as the songbird delegation rewards?
Could somebody spoonfeed me please? I've been living under a rock since the flare snapshot has happened.

>> No.53290154

How much of this is true?

>> No.53290169

No rewards the first 3 epochs.

>> No.53290190
File: 235 KB, 1080x1424, Screenshot_20230115-152516_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this

>> No.53290246

then will be claimable and compoundable on mon and thur

>> No.53290279

Cats are a popular pet.

>> No.53290336

I know im wondering if this will be a bart before true bottom

>> No.53290338
File: 1.97 MB, 270x480, 1673736858755830.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53308004

God bless these lil feline niggers hearts.

>> No.53290542

flr price is stuck at 4 cents is it bonked?

>> No.53290759

Whats a fuck you flare stack in 2026?

>> No.53290849

Suicide stack in 2026 will be about 20 million, so you need to spend $50k on 1.2 million now.

>> No.53290858
File: 219 KB, 819x1200, photo_2023-01-14_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53301818


>> No.53290961
File: 3.23 MB, 300x532, magikarp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53291118
Quoted by: >>53291543

David has been shown to use gematria
"Mum can hug Sam" does yield a result of "xrp moons"
And he earlier posted an Amazon screenshot for February 16.
Perhaps this is a new meme date

Two pretty random things he tweeted not obviously related to things he is experiencing in his real life

But then again he does this shit all the time

>> No.53291543

I’ve been on the generic gematria website posted here and I typed out “niggers in my anus” and half of the results were XRP related. You can type out anything and it’s always something about Phoenix rising, XRP, ship has sailed, switch flip, 2 more weeks etc.
You fags really need to stop using that shit, remember XRP lion was big on it and he made a whole entire video legitimately blessing everyone and instructing them on creating LLCs and non profits to secure their wealth and then you can only guess what happened next.

>> No.53291677

That's funny
When I type your phrase into gematria.org I dont see any results related to XRP, and I went 5 pages deep in both Jewish and simple gematria.

Whilst I understand your point, David is a cryptographic computer scientist. He loves codes, and there is generally a reason he tweets this ultra random shit. Perhaps it's gematria, perhaps something else.

>> No.53291904

I just sold, they have enough money and technology to see if the service functions under stress

Nothing is free, the token is not for retail

We are waiting for nothing

>> No.53292199

Thanks for your sacrifice.

>> No.53292788

I got a legit lol from this post.
Please more.

>> No.53294241

gematrix is definitely a setup

mein bruder i urge you to think through your decision carefully and use your God-given spiritual discernment

>> No.53294261

This is the best FUD I've ever seen.

>> No.53294265

lol @ "are you a cop"

btw it looks like the world economy will be collapsing in 2 weeks or less
last week they bought $78 billion in bonds and it didn't work, now there's blood in the water

also let's see if russia launches the offensive it's been teasing, and if more vaxx stories come out, and if a new variant arrives with lunar new year (this upcoming friday)

>> No.53294294
Quoted by: >>53294304

Ummm so I have a Spark claim of FLR 7,575 but I just finally logged in to my Metamask and I have fucking 2.5 FLR, what is going on? I know we only get a percentage for now but that is a riduculously low amount, where is my FLR?

>> No.53294304

Oh nevermind, weird, it took a minute but now it's showing as 1136 FLR

>> No.53294386

sauce walka a real one fsho on gang, he walk with God and speak the Light of Truth

>> No.53294882
Quoted by: >>53295131


>> No.53295131

what are you oooooooing about?

>> No.53295170

That is for literal retards and it's wrong. It betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of these markets.

>> No.53295360
File: 1.05 MB, 768x784, Screenshot 2023-01-16 at 08.32.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53295603


>> No.53295653

XRPbros wtftw

>> No.53295676



>> No.53295684



>> No.53295688
File: 1.74 MB, 4080x3072, 5cf966a1-0fc2-46ab-ad6f-172603a931c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I convert some of my EGG holdings over to XRP? It's a quite favorable ratio currently and my chickens shit out 6-8 every day. However, then I would have fewer EGG.

>> No.53295713
File: 30 KB, 537x525, 73BEC1DB-0F6D-4C82-9F47-0F907BD343ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53295739

I now own 10,000 xrp. What am I in for?

>> No.53295725


>> No.53295739
Quoted by: >>53295801

why so many? Its going to $37k you cant possibly spend all that money

>> No.53295801
File: 63 KB, 1100x1007, F8C9F929-D50D-4EEA-AA5A-7CF121597D43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don’t really believe that do you anon?

$10 is the best anyone can ever hope for with this

>> No.53295838
Quoted by: >>53295845

He is the one that spans threads, you should just ignore him.

>> No.53295845
File: 95 KB, 464x446, polturdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is the one that spans threads, you should just ignore him.

>> No.53295854

Yes banks are going to buy it back from us in about a week or two. Trust the plan.

>> No.53295910
Quoted by: >>53296398

It can't be cheap.

>> No.53295944
Quoted by: >>53296027

lmao does anyone remember that fat manlet babakucks who tried to larp as an insider
I heard he sold all his xrp is this true

>> No.53296027
Quoted by: >>53296039

is this general dead
what happened

>> No.53296039

Well yes it died because of some discord tranny op to spam and ruin bakes/threads
but no one replied to you because it was a boring post about boobacux

>> No.53296056

It's lichurally retarded to invest in XRPee if you don't think it's going big
go home

>> No.53296061
File: 99 KB, 696x933, 1610344637750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53296125

>> No.53296125
File: 665 KB, 904x960, xrpfud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53306183


>> No.53296198
File: 1.22 MB, 1098x772, stripe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53296343

>> No.53296214
File: 193 KB, 600x600, rejected_his_message.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53296343

>> No.53296226
File: 159 KB, 1256x992, 1611552465443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53296247
File: 1.12 MB, 3840x1844, Cabin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53296333
File: 111 KB, 658x573, 2a38bb85dcd5a24fb33c5f2cf68e9ab2a0902940c8f0b9318b18edaa9bf2626a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53296343

>> No.53296343


>> No.53296398
Quoted by: >>53296467


Sure, but given ripples existing and growing partnerships with banks if xrp HAD to hold significant value then it wouldn’t be viable now where it’s being used in Asia. So it CAN be cheap and still function. Maybe it can’t be cheap if it’s going to replace swift or be used for US transactions but both scent are a very long way away

>> No.53296416
Quoted by: >>53296425

this picture reminds me of simpler times, xsg 1-500

>> No.53296425

yeah those were the days

now a days everyone fucking negative

i guess they get tired of holding the bag for so long

>> No.53296467
Quoted by: >>53297030

Every Transaction burns 10 Drops.
XRP can't afford to be cheap or it would run out of all XRP.

>> No.53296489
File: 25 KB, 720x720, d1af55905e4a7e7f8db9153387d15d24a4bb7fa4eb52c25a32feea1abb0f21f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53296496


>> No.53296496

I love everyone here but get alot of hate everytime >.<

>> No.53296526
File: 271 KB, 1077x720, Britto_ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you fuck off? Let's examine the reasons:
You are bag holding
You are bag holding for so long.
So sleepy. So tired. It hurts. It hurts.

>> No.53296546
File: 355 KB, 1632x2048, 1608603283470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53298847


>> No.53296634
File: 621 KB, 1012x1634, XRP fud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53296755

I walk with Christ and God always wins.

>> No.53296814
File: 888 KB, 2550x1650, 7986ec9efa86e2fcbd76a265c0538e4420b6102458e325c9e47563161076f69a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53296832

XRP price: -90%

>> No.53296935

which one of you mongoloid retards made this thread? It literally can't be today as it's a fucking holiday. I hate larpers so much it's unreal.

>> No.53296944

explain this to me like I'm one of your schizo girls

>> No.53296970

not me

>> No.53297019

Rainbow Currency

>> No.53297030
Quoted by: >>53297040


So how many transactions to get to $100 per xrp?

>> No.53297040

1 XRP is made up of 1 million Drops.


>> No.53297250

why did you include the same CPI inflation rate 4 times on the top, and what do those numbers have to do with metals?

>> No.53297380

i love our jew boys

>> No.53297443
Quoted by: >>53297447

It's the same nigger backing these threads on daily basis, he is using same image every time.

>> No.53297447
Quoted by: >>53298185

that one wasnt me but it could have been yes

>> No.53298185

You're the suspect for any XRP antifud comments or thread.

>> No.53298192

Do any of you retards actually know what you are investing in?

Xrp is simply the on-ramp for all of the worlds money that will exist as usdr on a blockchain.

It’s apart of the great reset.
Yes, xrp will be worth an insane amount of money one day. But money won’t be worth anything.

>> No.53298772

2 weeks
(minus 1?)

>> No.53298847
Quoted by: >>53300664

Is that guy about to do an insurrection?

>> No.53298880

>>53297220 get your thinking caps on lads.

>> No.53299584
Quoted by: >>53299959

how is Heizo connected to XRP? OP said the mcap was currently 9 figs for whatever coin they're talking about

>> No.53299694
File: 773 KB, 854x480, me biting her.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is 1000x XRP current price? Please, I'm bad with number and shiet. haha'

>> No.53299781

>2 years later
>morbidly obese

>> No.53299806
Quoted by: >>53300290

it's 300, and it's not enough for me to make it. Im poor.

>> No.53299831
File: 146 KB, 640x882, 5E73F0B8-A1F7-4AE4-AE3F-CF4CC761A8F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53299939

alot is two words.

>> No.53299959
Quoted by: >>53300222

Just an exit liquidity for jasmy.
I'm bored at work so I thought I would share Incase it's a banking coin that we had.

>> No.53299974

"What's up guys?" first thing, closed window.

>> No.53300121
Quoted by: >>53300222


>> No.53300222
File: 30 KB, 300x301, EP7oxB2UYAAI7wZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just a larp right g-guys haha I totally shouldn't throw $50 into jasmy haha
also any clue what this guy meant?

>> No.53300290

Dollars? I'm finna make it so much, bros...

>> No.53300358

If you have a spare $50 why not. I wouldn't be expecting much from it though.

>> No.53300664

You need to unplug your mind from the TV little amigo.

>> No.53301239
File: 430 KB, 966x1274, Screenshot 2023-01-16 at 10.29.14 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53301660


We have this bot on our channel.

Finally, jeets are at bay.

>> No.53301247
Quoted by: >>53301253

I've lost interest in making it with XRP
If millions of boomers, niggers, single moms, homeless people are going to make it too then I don't want it

>> No.53301253
Quoted by: >>53301283

Good, sell it today

>> No.53301283
Quoted by: >>53301302

already did
have fun with your army of curry eating street shitting bastards

>> No.53301302


>> No.53301337
Quoted by: >>53301390

I'm really sorry asking for the spoonfeeding but is there a list of things I should be doing as a FLR claimer? I just got my FLR, but are there other airdrops I can participate in now or anything? Thank you.

>> No.53301390
Quoted by: >>53301477

No, just wrap and delegate your flr to earn rewards.

>> No.53301477

Ok thank you friend

>> No.53301603
Quoted by: >>53301693

i threw $200 dollers into myself cuz why not.
Worse case I Iose $200,

>> No.53301660
Quoted by: >>53301693

Jeet Killer 9000 is the best

>> No.53301673
Quoted by: >>53301693

It looks like we are earning delegate rewards now, and so far based on the first 12 hours of the epoch, it’s looking like 18% APY. I know that number will go down as network participation increases, but that’s not a bad start.

>> No.53301693
File: 132 KB, 972x467, 1654236215231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thread HERE

>> No.53301818

where’s this perfect rectangular prism of ice located? is this some /x/ shit?

>> No.53301840
File: 407 KB, 957x1697, 1668097779578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53301902
Quoted by: >>53304614

Old news and I don’t see how ripple burning tokens is good for us.

>> No.53301935

if true how is that bad?

>> No.53301943
File: 37 KB, 410x598, CBBF93FB-66FF-45FA-A9BF-7B9D98F1E4C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn’t a 40% supply burn increase scarcity and therefore also increase the price? i can’t help but think i’m missing something super fundamental here… what are the major pros and cons for such an event?

>> No.53302078

girl... let's you and me make like the Fool and the World and turn the end into a new beginning

>> No.53302127
Quoted by: >>53304681


Published: 21.03.2022
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In a note published earlier, Zoltan Pozsar, Global Head of Short-Term Interest Rate Strategy at Credit Suisse, wrote this crisis is not like anything we have seen since President Nixon took the U.S. dollar off gold in 1971 – the end of the era of commodity-based money. When this crisis is over, the U.S. dollar should be much weaker. He believes the global monetary system will never be the same post the crisis.
“We are witnessing the birth of Bretton Woods III – a new world (monetary) order centered around commodity-based currencies in the East that will likely weaken the Eurodollar system and also contribute to inflationary forces in the West.” – Zoltan Pozsar, Former Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury Department official, and now Credit Suisse Global Head of Short-Term Interest Rate Strategy based in New York.

>> No.53302153
Quoted by: >>53314728

burning 40 billion XRP would obviously be good for the price but it won't happen because that XRP is already held by the IMF and central banks they just can't say it yet

>> No.53302355

For Flare, when's the right time to switch delegators? Just before the next epoch or?

>> No.53302587

I think there is a random element to it. Mine locked in 29 and a half hours before the epoch started, so my last bag didn’t make it in time.

>> No.53303554
Quoted by: >>53314728

Stellar burnt half of their XLM supply
It briefly increased price but long term it returned to typical prices

>> No.53304180

excuse me sirs but i am inside and I have good news sirs sec bitch bloody bastards settle and burn tokens sirs we will find ganesh on the moon trust plan we will make it sirs bobs and vagene

>> No.53304614

We NEED a major corporation shilling our bags.
It's really our only advantage of DOGE and SHIB.

>> No.53304681
File: 30 KB, 547x608, gold holdings private.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53305686

USA always wins.
Per capita and per private holding companies US holds more gold and silver than anyone.
Indians have a lot of gold total, but way too many people.
>inb4 anything
We have the most bullets too.
It's an Anglo American establishment and will be for awhile yet.
But of course they'll use that power to fuck everyone over with a paper scam. That goes without saying.
>has the most gold and commodities
>has been depleting other countries stores for 80 years while barely touching their own

>> No.53304895

XRP/BTC chart looks disgusting wtf

>> No.53305024

Snapshot is taken randomly after 50% of the blocks to the next epoch have been passed. So within 1 and a half day after the epoch and it's good

>> No.53305161
Quoted by: >>53314728

That XRP isn’t circulating
It’ll cause a hype run but then dump and won’t do shit until utility adoption occurs
On the other hand, the 1b a month dump from escrow would never happen again but it just doesn’t seem plausible since it highly highly doubt banking and financially institutions would buy from exchanges

>> No.53305311

me in the back

>> No.53305444
File: 246 KB, 705x527, 1673443070768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53305990

is this true?

>> No.53305686
Quoted by: >>53306411

>Unaudited ETFs


>> No.53305978

I just bought a couple bucks of SGB.
What am I in for?
Nah, I kid. It might be worth having a couple more if all this shit actually pans out with s-assets/f-assets and etc.

>> No.53305990
Quoted by: >>53306227

fake and gay
no xrp will be burnt.
The Validators, not the Qtards and #XRPARMY faggots, are who would vote on something like this.

>> No.53306183

"Ah fuck internet schizos out businessed collapsing society"

>> No.53306227

what does this even mean
the validators already went around ripple and the SEC to prove it can't be a security

>> No.53306411

The amount of silver boomers in the USA have is unaudited too.
"Boomer rocks" isn't a meme because they don't hold it.

The USA spent 80 years using up everyone else's oil.
Basically the entire eastern 1/3 of the US is made of coal.
A paper scam followed by a commodity boom that benefits the USA more than anyone.

It's very easy to see coming.
We are already serving Europe it's natural gas.

>> No.53306420

Brad openly hinted at ripples being dissolved. If ripple goes away, then xrpl still exists. This is all over the escrow of the new monetary system.
Nwo wants web3 monopoly, so they've been stalling our innovation while promoting theirs while perpetrating/covering up war crimes/crimes against humanity. The financial sector of nwo/globohomo deals with key "governmental employees" who leverage their systems over ours. They allow super crimes to go unpunished and actively hold back humanity, and more and more are catching onto narrative we have been fed.

I personally think xrp should be distributed to long-term holders, and then we flip the switch to $ 1 trillion dollars per xrp overnight for the lulz
Buy-back larp is nonsense. We are the banks now. They would have price behind the scenes already at that, then try to give us whatever we think is a lot in their worthless fiat so they can steal as much of our precious zerps.

>> No.53306596
File: 8 KB, 498x125, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flr rewards have begun accruing, I kinda fucked up my delegation I was supposed to swap out NORTSO for OracleSwap because they have a better reward rate but now its locked in. Oh well, there's always next epoch.

>> No.53306636
File: 22 KB, 480x528, 1672203513203074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53307600

Going through my Saturn return. What do, bros?

>> No.53306730
Quoted by: >>53306792

No it’s not, that’s in 2 days and 17 hours.

>> No.53306792
Quoted by: >>53306979

No it’s not what?

>> No.53306979

Oh shit you’re right, I looked at the wrong part
Fuck I have no cash to buy it’s over for me, go on without me flare bros

>> No.53306998
Quoted by: >>53307403

I'm holding flare and not wrapping/delegating
don't tell me what to do

>> No.53307279

All we need is an Executive Order and your XRP is ours under the guise of National Security.

>> No.53307403
Quoted by: >>53307472

I won't - but don't you forfeit the rest of your airdrops of future FLR because you didn't wrap? Like we got 15% and you'll get 3% or something every month after. Wasn't that the deal or am I wrong?

>> No.53307463 [DELETED] 

>>5330740 yeah but let him miss out, more for us and he loses. It’s okay to be a loser sometimes especially if it’s for a greater good

>> No.53307472

yeah but let him miss out, more for us and he loses. It’s okay to be a loser sometimes especially if it’s for a greater good

>> No.53307600

work your shadow

>> No.53307759
Quoted by: >>53307817

Think the price will drop again? I barely got any from the snapshot and bought some last week.
10k feels like barely any.

>> No.53307791
File: 294 KB, 1946x1184, 13879019658724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53307817
File: 186 KB, 610x748, 1673918553674037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53307870

I fear that claimed rewards are gonna apply some sell pressure over time, but we have a bright roadmap ahead with FIP01 proposal being passed and eventually state connectors are gonna be extremely bullish for FLR. 10k really doesn't seem like much at the moment, but I would just focus on compounding your rewards and looking at the bigger picture.

>> No.53307870
Quoted by: >>53307910

I will see what fiat I can spare and throw a bit more into it.
I only got about 20k xrp so might aim for the same in flr and then get more xrp if we are still waiting feb/mar.

>> No.53307910
File: 29 KB, 400x400, kzAfyPhd_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got plenty of time to accumulate both, lawsuit will conclude around the end of March. No need to distract yourself with shitcoin pumps going on everywhere, keep your I on the prize as my favorite cartoon bear would say.

>> No.53308004


>> No.53308144

6 gorillion >>53278116

>> No.53308360

Is Brad going to be at the forum in Davos this time?

>> No.53308637

Still the same thread -.-

>> No.53308658
File: 126 KB, 655x562, CF48EDC5-00CD-43C8-9B15-1BDA812B282E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53311023


>> No.53308972
File: 84 KB, 1170x663, FmoIU3xXkAMXTMh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53308978
File: 73 KB, 1258x725, Dxd9LAIUcAUUov7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53311023


>> No.53309317
Quoted by: >>53309684



>> No.53309329
Quoted by: >>53309684



>> No.53309684


>> No.53311023


>> No.53311132

Is flare going to amount to anything? Is it worth holding? I waited 2 years for this shit to drop and only got 15% and now there is a vote to let people who bought now to earn free flare through wrapping?

>> No.53311197
Quoted by: >>53311247

As somebody who missed the airdrop by a month I have been pissed off for the last 2 years. But after the drop I'm not that disappointed, I still have no idea what it does though.

>> No.53311247

this lmao

>> No.53311985

I think a lot of the delays were from wanting to release when the case ends or around the same time, sooner in this situation. I think it might have potential, but I’m not going to rave about it like chainlink holders for years. It might be good in the future when it is actually being used. For now? I just want to throw in a few more hundreds of fiatbucks, wrap and forget it.

>> No.53312098

Is the start of a run or is this just sbf screwing us over again?

>> No.53312230
File: 88 KB, 717x719, terry pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53312382

we're in a bulltrap, dont get fooled

>> No.53312382
Quoted by: >>53312813

I was thinking that, I was about to double my cspr stack but prices went up. I didn't want to shoot myself in the foot.

>> No.53312727
Quoted by: >>53312802

>tech provider for NY Fed's digital dollar project is SETL
do you SEE?


the real question is, will Julia be there, and will there be an open bar, and will their eyes meet from across the room...

>> No.53312802

You don’t have to keep spoonfeeding.

>> No.53312813

never hurts to DCA into assets you believe have utility and are undervalued, CSPR is a great example of one that looks like it has a future.
darren moore was talking about this one called XCN/Chain Network that is partnered with Visa and Mastercard on his last video, currently a penny, that's a good example of one that seems good to me
then again, it's all a crap shoot and powerful partners doesn't guarantee a return on investment

>> No.53313013

I'll look into XCN when I finish work, Ill just pull the trigger and get the CSPR, it's for my SMSF account (Aussie 401k) so a fraction of cent won't be too bad in the long run.

>> No.53313742

Good morning.
Fuck the SEC.

>> No.53313835
Quoted by: >>53313976

BCB said we’re going up like 20% more then dumping down to around 18k BTC again before we go back up
This will take around 3 months to complete, hopefully I can put in 20lbs of muscle by then

>> No.53313976
Quoted by: >>53313989

I should work out more too. Just tired after work and short periods off only.
Been putting it off until I can quit, until xrp moons but that’s taking too long.

>> No.53313989
Quoted by: >>53314325

Why dont you just give them your two weeks notice?

>> No.53314325

Still need the money, why else wage? It at least gives me more fiat to work with, add to my bags, etc.

>> No.53314465

schizo posters... gimme some schizo rabbit holes to watch to unwind from wagecucking

>> No.53314610


>> No.53314728

i’m curious to see how this all unfolds
thanks for your input anons. makes sense

>> No.53315536
Quoted by: >>53316013

I’ll never own any XRP solely based on this image lol

>> No.53315620

Don't forget the classic piece of predictive programming here:

>> No.53315858
File: 668 KB, 672x1038, 1667295533211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WARNING: very schizo

>> No.53316013


>> No.53316034
Quoted by: >>53316046

when's the breakout lads

>> No.53316046

in about two weeks

>> No.53316059

is this the new thread? it's already been up

or is there that gay threadwar shit from discord trannies heavily invested in eth still going on

>> No.53316111

You are right thats the new thread, this one has almost 300 posts so it will 404 soon

>> No.53316195
Quoted by: >>53316314

There is still a lot of early bakes and inane posting from an individual.
You’ll recognize him soon enough.

>> No.53316314
Quoted by: >>53316543

definately be careful though. There's people that want you out. So they come up with all sorts of crazy fud to make you sell your XRP. You can easily recognize them by seeing which are acting like negative nancy's who have lots of sand in their vaginas

>> No.53316543
Quoted by: >>53317203

$37500 in two weeks am I right?

>> No.53316600
File: 7 KB, 225x225, greenwojaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53317123

solobros we're winning

>> No.53317161

nah its a pretend one.

>> No.53317203


$2,000 per XRP end of (Thread) 2020

>> No.53317773

Hello fellow schizo friends.
I am retarded boomer 99 years old. How do I store XRP's instead of exchanges and hardware usb sticks flash drives? Can I do it like Bitcoin or Monero?

>> No.53317928

mines on a ledger nano.

>> No.53318234
Quoted by: >>53318644

Download an app on your smartphone (if you have one) called Xumm
Make a wallet and send your XRP there

>> No.53318644
Quoted by: >>53320602

should I withdraw my xrp from trust wallet?

t. 25k XRP holder

>> No.53319155

Literally buy anything with an X in the ticker.
>captcha has two xs

>> No.53320602

paper wallet