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File: 890 KB, 1378x1102, 17648714_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51727255 No.51727255 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report
>GameStop Investor, NFT, & Wallet Sites

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>51721339

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.51727260
File: 2.19 MB, 1764x2508, 95639732_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Ongoing hiring spree of specialists of e-commerce, UI, UX, blockchain and supply chain operations
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $0.9089 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory
>NFT marketplace beta launched

DRS & Computershare
>71.3 (17.825) million shares DRS'd by Jul. 30th 2022
>Previously 50.8 (12.7) mill shares by Apr. 30th, 35.6 (8.9) by Jan. 29th 2022
>and 20.8 (5.2) by Oct. 30th 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Thursday RRP: 2,371.763B (last ATH), 103P = 23.027B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 2,425.910B (ATH), 101P = 22.462B per (roughly)

>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan. 15th, 2021: 226.42%
>HF and broker class action lawsuit evidence
>SEC GME/meme stocks report
>GameStop Crypto Wallet up for download on Chrome
>Four-for-One Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend
>(Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. on 21st AH)
>22 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp will be issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>FY22 Q2 Earnings 8-K/10-Q
>FTX partnership

>100 page comparison DD

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

>> No.51727267

>dad just texted me
>he made $40k off a fucking mining stock
>GME has yet another crab day

this has to fucking moon soon I am so fucking tired of waging

>> No.51727289

checked for another Friday ending in red

>> No.51727298

Might as well call this the weekend edition, 320 posts by Sunday night calling it now

>> No.51727306
File: 77 KB, 600x600, 1661164766960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally tomorrow.

>> No.51727322
Quoted by: >>51727389

If there are any real shills out there plz hit me up I would like to paid to laugh at fucking retards and make fun of them

>> No.51727325
File: 244 KB, 350x589, 1yil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ken Griffin, you have 1 yil

>> No.51727334

kek weekend baggies

>> No.51727345
File: 293 KB, 960x1228, wagmi_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr Kenneth Cordial Griffin, I just want to say a big thanks!

I really want you to know how much you’re helping all my GME friends and me

I also think that it’s in the best interest for all if this thing blows sooner rather than later.

>> No.51727372
Quoted by: >>51727732

i'm so dead if RC doesn't tweet tonight

>> No.51727379
Quoted by: >>51727397

>blackcock needs a bailout
Good riddance. Larry’s BBC fetish is the only reason “get woke go broke” hasn’t been a guaranteed thing. I wish DEI offices everywhere good luck staying open next year if this trend keeps up

>> No.51727385
Quoted by: >>51727404

Ryan Cohen is going to be responsible for saving a certain race of people. There is a special place reserved in heaven for people like this. God loves his warriors. I love every single one of you. WAGMI to heaven

>> No.51727389

Are you that poor? You sound spiritually and physically poor at least. If is the case God bless your poor soul.

>> No.51727397
Quoted by: >>51727434

Bailout from another viewpoint is exit liquidity.

>> No.51727404

WAGMI fren

>> No.51727431
Quoted by: >>51727558

Just checked my CS account and realized I'm down 24k! So fucking bullish! I can't wait until monday so I can keep shoveling in money and lowering my CB! Keep the dips coming Kenny I'm not done SLURPING yet! COMFY!

>> No.51727434

They’ve lost like 20% of their $10T AUM over the last year alone and they refuse to elaborate on why. This might actually be a bailout

>> No.51727439

i hope i get a cool ID
also i hope raincoat does a heckin tweet

>> No.51727444
Quoted by: >>51727483

I hope I get a cool ID too

>> No.51727483
File: 34 KB, 680x608, toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51727487

rolling for cool ID.

>> No.51727497

I hope you anons have a blessed weekend. Is anyone going to play anything?

>> No.51727518 [DELETED] 

Might load up RIMWORLD or find the new quests in CYBERPUNK. DISCO ELYSIUM has been sitting on my desktop not played in a year and only maybe 1/4 of the way through it...

>> No.51727558


>> No.51727574
Quoted by: >>51727716

ryan pine cone motherfucking benchod shithead u better tweet!

>> No.51727595

the only way that ryan cohen can redeem himself is by tweeting tonight. even if GME bleeds cash and has to do another share offering. a simple tweet of an emoji or anything is all we're asking for.

>> No.51727607

>looks at today’s GME daily chart
>looks at GME’s 3M chart
>the fractal is self evident
Fractal chads... I kneel

>> No.51727643

Who gives a fuck? After compoochair no more tweets were necessary.

>> No.51727645

I'm not comfy
I'm not selling

>> No.51727646

people are going to snap. literally kill themselves. how long can you keep this charade up.

>> No.51727659

for as long as my will to live lasts, likely another month.

>> No.51727667

a fortnight

>> No.51727699
File: 450 KB, 622x689, 1629764338920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51727715

I can literally do this forever. I live within my means and only spend my extra money on GME.

>> No.51727705

Eat pizza and play games you faggot. I'm angsty and shit too. We all are. But you've waited 20 months, you can wait 5 fucking hours. Hell, maybe he's in Hawaii, and in that case you can wait 11 more hours. And if nothing happens you can wait 2 more weeks (when the market crashes most likely) like the rest of us.

>> No.51727713
File: 585 KB, 910x1260, 1662063439909671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only way that ryan cohen can redeem himself is by tweeting tonight.
Lmao no. Please take your time Ryan, adults know business moves at a snail's pace. Im not giving up my winning lottery tickets regardless.

>> No.51727715
Quoted by: >>51727844

That's what sane non brainlets do. You won't need all the shares you could possibly buy anyways. I don't get these posts about suicide, I think they are just shills trying to do some weak FUD.

>> No.51727716
File: 573 KB, 1000x1500, gme-ryans cones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ryan p. cone
captcha: KAKXK

>> No.51727732

He did tweet from his burner account. "Can you feel it?"

>> No.51727737

do you believe we will see a moass 2022 or 2023?

>> No.51727741
Quoted by: >>51728453

>you've waited 20 months
that's the thing, my life has been wasted with hardly anything to show for it. i could have cashed out at like $200-250k but i got rugged hard to like $50k.

>> No.51727746
Quoted by: >>51727763

Ffs catch up. He tweeted from his burner account. Are you new?

>> No.51727755
Quoted by: >>51727936


>> No.51727763

take your meds. whoever runs the gamestop nft account followed that account by accident.

>> No.51727766

Moass can only start one (real) Dunkie comes back.

>> No.51727801

Hahahahaha. Accident. Verification not required.

>> No.51727823

I'm literally focused on other shit. Not everything is GME related, the global markets are about to shit their pants and we all better be using this time to prepare. GME losses & shtf will likely coincide because it is inevitable and the elite want to blame the crisis on anyone but themselves.

>> No.51727844
File: 362 KB, 1200x675, Polish_20220830_220402209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51727923

Technically, I had all I "needed" after the first three shares. Every extra share is another generation of my descendants that will be set for life and another nail in the coffin of people I hate, so I keep buying for the betterment of my family.

>> No.51727855

Low volume is good because it means a large buy on the lit market will have exponentially more of an effect on price when it occurs. Also because it will be fun to see what happens at 0 volume.

Kek gaslighties

>> No.51727900


>> No.51727916
Quoted by: >>51727971

Holy shit it means nothing. Know how many faggots are blowing up his fucking inbox, mentions, and DMs right begging for a tweet. And then if it does happen
Self fulfilling prophecy and confirmation bias at its finest. Even better, if no tweet
>the tweet and 741 was never a thing, everyone knows we just need DRS
Uh huh. Because buying in small increments with constant holding while large players eat through the liquidity and it’s getting shorted to shit. MOASS with no catalyst means no MOASS.

>> No.51727921

I just closed my eyes and imagined Ryan Cohen tweeting so that’s good enough for me MOASS Monday

>> No.51727923
File: 22 KB, 720x483, E78C3FD7-0A5C-481E-BF0C-A9F1A0E715AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51727926

>Also because it will be fun to see what happens at 0 volume.
GME gets delisted long before that. NYSE has volume requirements. That’s your end game. Being unable to sell once again.

>> No.51727934

Good. Didn’t plan on selling anyway

>> No.51727936
Quoted by: >>51728111

I dont care if youre wrong, just glad to hear someone also believe we might finally end this. Tired of being broke

>> No.51727945
Quoted by: >>51728014

>GME switches exchanges
>This is a bad thing

>> No.51727963
File: 274 KB, 492x767, 1644063486323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51728282

It's tomorrow.

>> No.51727971

>Because buying in small increments with constant holding while large players eat through the liquidity and it’s getting shorted to shit. MOASS with no catalyst means no MOASS
And when 100% of the float gets locked?...

>> No.51727999
File: 1.63 MB, 498x269, based_department.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51729901

Did RC Cola stop them swapping BBBY for GME like they were doing with AMC?

>> No.51728014

>GME switches exchanges
>the Market Maker for GME closes up outstanding contracts against each other.
>no actual covering occurs as MMs gamma hedge
>you get your worthless GME shares with 0 buyers, and truely 0 open short positions all without the price ever being effected.
Probably dumb to bother explaining to you guys though, last I came in here you were all convinced you could have more buy volume than sell within settled trades.

>> No.51728076

We must secure the existence of GME shares and a future for GME share holders

>> No.51728087
File: 26 KB, 486x438, 1622562480071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So was the 741 theory a bust?

>> No.51728111
Quoted by: >>51728157

Good thing im telling the truth

>> No.51728157

Triple Checked

>> No.51728181
Quoted by: >>51728190

where are some safest place to keep your moass tendies when moass happens

>> No.51728190

The New Aryan Nations

>> No.51728282
Quoted by: >>51728750

how does this relate to gme in any way

>> No.51728295
File: 1.35 MB, 1440x1440, 8m3cb3mn81r91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51728464

Hopefully this will cause some fomo next week. I'll keep buying and DRSing regardless. WAGMI



I'm really liking those big names under Team Experience.

>> No.51728354

i hate all of you
why can i not stop coming here?

>> No.51728410

Cause the dick im giving too good

>> No.51728433


>> No.51728435
File: 1.28 MB, 152x152, 1654801695139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw MOASS

>> No.51728453
Quoted by: >>51728517

I fully believe it will happen this year.
We all have our sanity, hopes and dreams on the line for this, but for most of us it's our only way out. You bought in for ONE reason, and it wasn't for 250k. This is our hedge against inflation and our weapon against globalism. So either reevaluate your goals or don't. But I'm here for generational wealth.

>> No.51728464

>Players can earn tokens to acquire, purchase, or rent characters, skins, weapons, and more to enhance their gameplay and further their immersive experience in the KIRAVERSE.

This actually sounds pretty cool if the game is good. I don't play fortnite style games tho, too zoomie for me.

>> No.51728479
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>> No.51728517

>I fully believe it will happen this year.
I expected 2022 since the start and i believe in you.

>> No.51728519
File: 589 KB, 960x540, 1659046387924534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we underestimated their ability of onemoredaying.

>> No.51728529

They're fighting for survival, expect more fuckery

>> No.51728555

Peep GTII for a peek at what the GME chart could look like (soon)

>> No.51728557
File: 681 KB, 1080x1744, Screenshot_20220930-164548-138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overshorted OTC stock GTII has the same algo pattern as GME and just went from .50 to 5.31 on news of a stock warrant (issued to kill the short seller).
Also, it gained 74.1% in price today. Lol.

>> No.51728603
Quoted by: >>51728869

It's truly remarkable that we were able to witness this all first-hand. My head explodes when I think about how massive naked short selling allows people like KG to use a tiny bit of capital and then balloon for themselves MASSIVE $65TN portfolios out of thin air. Think about the absurd amount of wealth that was freely flowing into his pockets when he reinvested all of that stolen cash. You and I were slaving away for corporations who then gave some of the profits to this financial terrorist who didn't even use his own money to make his investments. It's not just hyper illegal, but the fact that someone could even do such as thing is so inherently broken that I think the enormity of these shenanigans are lost of most of us. This should never have been allowed to happen, and I am so fucking glad it blew up in all of their faces. They are in some serious fucking shit.

>> No.51728624

bank of england said it will continue to do QE for 2 weeks more - imo the markets will be lulled into a false sense of security, hedge funds will rake in profits from selling put options to doomers - then the question is - do brits continue to kill themselves at ever increasing pace with QE or will Powell pivot as well to deal with the dollar-demand crisis by printing more money? the can still can be kicked down the road, but the road ends in a dead end - and we are inching closer and closer to it

>> No.51728647
Quoted by: >>51728805

I've been saying tomorrow and next week for two years, if it's not in October then i will skydive straight into a cidadel window

>> No.51728709

cause you're a baggie

>> No.51728750


>> No.51728755

Kek crypto baggies

Their day of the rope is on Sunday night

>> No.51728785

why aren't the military officials who run the account of 'Ryan Cohen' tweeting?

>> No.51728803

it's tomorrow.

>> No.51728805

Based human pigeon.

>> No.51728833
Quoted by: >>51728858

Whatever happened with that WLDF stock that went up like 990000% the other day? Solar flare? Glitch? Or was this already memory holed

>> No.51728858

i dont know

>> No.51728869

At this point I'm not even mad at Kenny, all of this wouldn't happen without him after all. I'm not even mad anymore at the kike that came up with (((bona fide market making))). What's really fucked up is that SEC, DoJ, FBI and the rest of the alphabet are either fucking clueless or, what's more likely, fully complacent with the state of things. At best, they'll eventually throw us a bone and put some fall guy in prison to keep people's faith in the market and keep the charade going.

>> No.51728900
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>> No.51728974

Does that mean more shares borrowed than ever before? Or one person borrowed more shares than ever before? Does the borrowing mean it’s going to be epic shorted? Or is the borrowing to cover (not close) FTDs or something?
I’m tired idk why I’m even in the thread I don’t have the energy to think about this

>> No.51729020

It means someone agreed to pay that fee to borrow shares to short. So the alternative was worse.

>> No.51729040

Isn't next week Yom Kippur or some shit? The jewish day of repentance?
It's suppose to start on the evening of October 4th and end on the evening of October 5th.

>> No.51729091
Quoted by: >>51729136

>pay back 9 time the price
Imagine how much they are making shorting this stock.

>> No.51729105

My birthday is the 4th so i will believe you.

>> No.51729119
Quoted by: >>51729362

Incredible. Is this true? Kek, think of the desperation to agree to this rate. Wonder what the rebate was.

Just stop.

>> No.51729121
Quoted by: >>51729362

Double WAMI

>> No.51729133
Quoted by: >>51729362

But aren't they getting some rebate like -950% or some shit?

>> No.51729136
Quoted by: >>51729239

Not very much?? Because the borrow rate is extremely high??? Are you retarded?

>> No.51729142
File: 122 KB, 412x412, 84463027_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51729518

Stay comfy, comfy /GME/.

>> No.51729175

>I’m tired
Regardless of what moves are made, DRS will inevitably take us home. It's just a matter of time though I and most I know wish it were faster than it is.

>> No.51729206

>It's just a matter of time
>GME faggots inching closer, but slowing every time.
>GME has 2 quarters left till bankruptcy or dilution.
Time is not on your side baggie.

>> No.51729237

Lmfao theyre debt free and removing their credit line. Update your FUD Rehmjobbi

>> No.51729239

I don't know why people still think anyone makes money off of shorting gme. It's been crabbing at the 25$ range for four fucking weeks, with the extreme volatility it'll bounce upward at a complete random time. The only reason hedge funds do it is because they have no other choice.

>> No.51729262
Quoted by: >>51729322

>it was 3 quaterinos a week ago
>now it's suddenly two
Can you retards make up your mind?

>> No.51729263

Anon its FUD for low iq illiterates who never read the dd

>> No.51729276

nope, we literally have to rely on the collapse of the entire financial market. it was foretold in the DD a year ago. the bull run made it look like there would never be a downside. now we wait.

>> No.51729322

It was 3 with the numbers at their last earnings, which lag, in real terms its now closer to 2.
Being debt free during a period of record inflation was a stupid move. They can't turn a profit, aren't improving, and have jizzed most of your cash on a flashy c-suite with no ideas. There are only a few more quarters left unless Ryan gets more cash.

You can ignore this, but your DRS narrative has a huge gaping hole right now that either your progress is going to get erased by dilution (kek baggies voting for billion shares) or GameStop will carve itself up once the cash runs out and none of this will have mattered.
Time is definitely not on your side anymore.

>> No.51729352

they short it at 1.3m
they just borrowed 1.7m shares
prices goes down 8%
they literally just made $88,000,000,000 in 2 days
but nobody wants to talk about that because its not a cult approved or bullish

>> No.51729362
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>> No.51729370
File: 200 KB, 710x710, what? they're comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my lane
Not datefagging
Holding and flourishing
Verification not required
Simple as
Checked. tyfys and have a great weekend, Baker

>> No.51729376

>getting news from a knobhead
no thanks

>> No.51729384

Except for last time they reported the number exceeded the model.

They're still burning cash for operations because they're investing in growth and they aren't turning a profit. They have around a billion in cash still. It's much more than two quarters worth at the current rate, but it isn't infinite. That's why I'm an acceleration Chad.

>> No.51729393
File: 2.25 MB, 640x260, 1664575906162740.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51729434

Why do predditors keep saying this barclays thing will have Nything to do with moes ass?

>> No.51729394
File: 253 KB, 530x675, ken griffin show-special friends edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the Ken Griffin Show starring Ken Griffin formerly of Citadel Securities and most recently of The Federal Minimum-Security Camp in Otisville, NY. He's not allowed to work on Wall St. anymore, but he can still talk about it! Order YOUR 3-Box Set Today!

>> No.51729406

I have $43k out of pocket into this, close to 1300 shares. I’ll let it go to zero and will not sell. I am a believer. But I think the split fucked up my thinking. I don’t have the urge to buy as much. I figure 1300 share is WAGMI territory. Change my mind.

>> No.51729431
Quoted by: >>51729459

its called a board meeting.

>> No.51729434
File: 28 KB, 125x125, anon gets tricked twi(...).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51729530

They're very stupid.

>> No.51729442
File: 121 KB, 750x750, ABEDDAB5-213B-42D2-BAFA-CED115F56301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, have never DRSd a share

>> No.51729445

I only have 1/10th of what you have and i know iagmi

>> No.51729448
File: 1.80 MB, 800x1199, birthday moass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy early birthday, fren!

>> No.51729459
File: 176 KB, 933x535, chairman of the bored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like a bored meeting

>> No.51729464

ayy brother we have the same bday. i celebrate thinking of you.

>> No.51729469

I spent 43k and only got 800 shares...

>> No.51729481
Quoted by: >>51729646

No I’m actually tired it’s been a long day some of us work for a living
Someone agreed to pay almost 1000% whatever the normal fee is (idk what the 954% is a function of I don’t know the actual cost that is then multiplied) just to borrow gme shares? I would normally laugh but it’s just sad. Not in a depressing or melancholic way, but this and all of this is just sad in like a “the overworked waitress just dropped my plate of food I’ve been waiting too long for” kind of sad
>thank you for your patience in explaining this to me we all need help sometimes and today I am leaning on my brothers

>> No.51729487
File: 23 KB, 750x562, 1652956234987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bored waiting for ths stock to explode.

>> No.51729505
File: 3.25 MB, 546x640, you what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was also based on expenditure, which by your logic, and the fact that they have said the company is transitioning into an earnings phase, it's going to take a lot longer than three QUATERINOS to dilute.
>company spends money to make money
>88 billion dollars in 2 days
You fucking what mate??

>> No.51729518

Stay comfy, comfy blanket poster

>> No.51729530

subtle kek
>If it's got Carrot Top in it, you know what a good name for it would be? Box Office Poison!

>> No.51729559

>buys are almost never on lit exchange
>price miraculously goes up, gets knocked down just as fast with new short positions

there's no winning
trust me, i browse reddit

>> No.51729561

>They're still burning cash for operations because they're investing in growth and they aren't turning a profit
And what has that cash bought you? A marketplace that is close to double digits daily volume, that even GameStop have stopped mentioning in earnings reports.
The guy left GME this week said he’d worked on esports imitative, experience stores, all of which are now canned apparently because they’re focusing “back on stores”. What it sounds like, is GME raised a ton of money off shareholders, spent most of it, and is now back to normal having failed to innovate at all. Only now we’re in a recession, the new consoles have been out for years and aren’t selling, and Ryan’s dream team is a revolving door of huge signing and leaving bonuses. That’s where your billion went. How long do you think it’ll take him to spend what’s left on more ideas since apparently everything else he did failed so badly it’s been abandoned in favot of what GameStop has been doing for the last 10 years.
>exceeded the model
Did the Reddit model account for GameStop pumping the numbers up with 5 years of employee rewards getting added? Does it account for GameStop’s only option other than bankruptcy being diluting before your next shareholders vote? Which I think even if we ignore institutional holdings, you’ve never been close to a pace of getting DRSed before your percentage gets halved again.
So you’ll just DRS more and take another 6 years? Sure. But GameStop has proven themselves incapable of turning a profit without selling shares. How long till he dilutes again after that? Do you think you’ll ever outpace the company? Shares are their only source of funding.

>> No.51729579

WOW! thats a lot of words, faggot!

>> No.51729580

Shares short have to be bought back later and we dictate the price, the floor is literally 1.3 million right this moment if you pay attention. Doesnt matter what (((they))) make in the short term.

>> No.51729597

Because you're a loser in addition to being low iq shill.

>> No.51729641

I can’t really say how right or wrong you are retard all I can say is you are talking about GameStop as a fundamental buy and for me personally I have always invested in GME for the sole reason that I believe everything will crash and the powers that be are lying to me about GME shorts closing. I believe GameStop will short squeeze and think any institution that disagrees with me is lying.
Feel free to keep posting about your opinions and shit, but you and I aren’t talking about the same thing so I’m not gonna bother reading what you post

>> No.51729646
Quoted by: >>51729679

Borrow fees are calculated per annum. So a 954% fee works out to 954% ÷ ~250 trading days per year =~ 3.8% fee per trading day, times whatever the cost basis and share count were at time of borrow.

>> No.51729661
Quoted by: >>51729821

lotta reddit tourists in here tonight
i wish you all a go fuck yourself and a merry suicide

>> No.51729679

I still don’t understand which means I can’t be helped at this time :( I’ll just pretend to get it and freak out with everyone else about how crazy this is and it shows how desperate short institutions are to acquire GME even for a second

Please don’t tell the others I still don’t understand I don’t want them making fun of me

>> No.51729716
File: 134 KB, 974x998, 10d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51730012

>muh heckin smooth brain ape!

>> No.51729721 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1008x510, the little mermaid is box office poison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51729736
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>> No.51729795
Quoted by: >>51730012

look at this fucking jackass, he doesn't even understand borrow rates

>> No.51729802

>spent most of it

he doesnt read the stats of the company.

still debt free (other than france) to the tune if 1.2billion baby. your fud is shit when you dont know what you are talking about.

>> No.51729813
File: 113 KB, 794x1200, 1C007859-6E65-4320-A8E3-48CFE14D46CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51729935

I independently fact checked this and it’s just a glitch. Sorry sweaty, but it’s been debunked

>> No.51729821

you can't say that word

>> No.51729846

They could always get financing rather than dilution. God knows they're in a better spot than BBBY, who got credit for like a year's worth of revenue. I think another dilution would be the end of it, Cohen realizes that too I'm sure. As to your point about the model and employee shares, that's fair and I hadn't considered that because I didn't think it had been distributed yet. Anyway the amounts really weren't much. I'm not going to pretend to agree with all their decisions, but I still have faith in Cohen until I have reason not to.

I say again, DRS isn't going to do it, it will take too fucking long. Cohen has the means to deal them the killing blow. It will happen before they run out of money.

>> No.51729901

I am checking these digits

>> No.51729935

Thank you, Dave, you are my greatest ally.

>> No.51729938
Quoted by: >>51730035

>like ive been saying
>same posting style as >>51729322 &
Id hop back into your moms cunt you should be banned for spamming your shit FUD

>> No.51729955
Quoted by: >>51729981

I anticipate dilution but the timing will be telling. If under $50, I’m concerned. If under $35 I’m really worried. Still never selling any shares under 4 figures, or until government intervention, which I anticipate in the $3-10k range.

>> No.51729981

I anticipate that from a close source of mine your mom will dilute her pussy juice to a feral pack of joggers to only raise the rate of paying said joggers to fuck her by 800 only to then let it rise another 800 after second dilutions
Thanks me later

>> No.51730001

>muh moass

>> No.51730012
Quoted by: >>51730059

I was hauling heavy shit all day I’m fucking tired and didn’t go to Yale to suck off men and study finance like you all did sorry I’m fucking poor and illiterate I have a shitty GME stack that I am praying to Christ in heaven allows me to make just enough money I can buy a house and get a decent girlfriend. I feel like shit physically, emotionally, and financially, and I’m thankful for the people who take the time to post and try to explain things to people like me. I’m just not understanding the concept and I’ll go back and reread tomorrow after I’ve slept and eaten.
Fuck I want GME to fucking just go already fuck I’m so tired

>> No.51730030
File: 1.69 MB, 456x200, clous.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just realised something ......

>> No.51730035
Quoted by: >>51730092

This your first time to /gme/? You are aware we've had threads before this one?

>> No.51730041
File: 611 KB, 860x1299, ok faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did the Reddit model account for GameStop pumping the numbers up with 5 years of employee rewards getting added?
What the fuck are you even talking about?
>GameStop’s only option other than bankruptcy being diluting before your next shareholders vote?
Not even in your wet dreams faggot, company expenditure has ceded, which by last quarter means they've stopped spending money and are in an earnings phase. Dilution isn't happening anytime soon.
>you’ve never been close to a pace of getting DRSed
LMAO, 30% of the company has been DRS'd, that's NOT including retail ownership in lieu of broker shares. Even if you want to exclude broker retail shares, 30% of long term ownership is fucking huge in any company, this isn't including the fact retail has increased the pace of ownership every quarter
>Shares are their only source of funding.
And now you're just lying

>> No.51730059
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>> No.51730075

Kek kennies

>> No.51730077
File: 667 KB, 522x580, sonic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51730090

If it has Carrot Top in it, you know what it should be called? BOX OFFICE POISON!

>> No.51730092

You are aware you stink up the thread with curry and shit

>> No.51730101

shit I didn't see this before I posted it. I'm glad we all have good taste at least.

>> No.51730104
Quoted by: >>51730125

1 share = WAGMI was always destructive, either by accident or design. Accumulate as many shares as your risk tolerance allows.

>> No.51730125

your rabid faggotry is destructive

>> No.51730160

That's a lot of words that I'm not reading

>> No.51730173

Listen up shitheads, moass is happening in october. The dollar will only stay relevant for so long. It's high time we start discussing how to immediately keep our wealth before the collapse fully occurs.
I'm thinking LINK, XMR, land, firearms+ammunition, and metals.

>> No.51730185
Quoted by: >>51730284

I think BTC and land

>> No.51730186

Redpill me on XMR.

>> No.51730190

I have a [redacted] amount of those.

>> No.51730196

That's it really, for the most part.

>> No.51730199

It's high time we start discussing how you're going to choke on my balls and guzzle my cum after gme goes to $0

>> No.51730284

I concur

>> No.51730323
File: 132 KB, 850x1190, 1660004066774199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't load up on land, guns, ammo, metals, and XMR by last year
baka desu senpai

XMR is what normies think buttcoin is. Safe, anonymous, untraceable, distributed, mined by individuals, used heavily by the darknet and organized crime. The IRS has an unclaimed bounty for cracking it. Also the Monero-chan anime girl mascot is super cute.

>> No.51730346
File: 226 KB, 2048x1676, 1660354885353151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a little of everything besides land, fren. Only so much I can afford.

>> No.51730400
Quoted by: >>51730426

Sure are a lot of people in a thread for a security they don’t even own, after market hours on a weekend, trying to convince me I’ve made a bad investment.
Not only that but they are so fucking emotional about it now.
We are about to make it so fucking hard

>> No.51730422
File: 123 KB, 519x878, 1625629051722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many gme to get a girl like that? gimme

>> No.51730426
Quoted by: >>51730443

It just means holding this stock really does bully people. BASED

>> No.51730443
File: 590 KB, 523x640, 933(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51730459

>It just means holding this stock really does bully people
My investment thesis has never changed two years on.

>> No.51730458

its a cartoon

>> No.51730459

Based brother. Gabe Plotkin informed me of this wonderful play

>> No.51730487

Enough GME to buy [unknown amount] of XMR.

>> No.51730517
Quoted by: >>51730557

DRS has utility beyond initiating price discovery, baka!

>> No.51730545

You can generate similar girls using waifu diffusion. Or if you want something closer to real life, invest a couple shares for a vr waifu simulator.

>> No.51730557
Quoted by: >>51730634

1h 27m left for Cohen to tweet, baggies. Are you nervous it was all for nothing? ;)
(It was)

>> No.51730569

we're getting bullied on another thread again

>> No.51730572

fuck all of you, im down 50%, stuck in a shit job that gives me panic attacks at night and no girlfriend. you guys are the real fucking scammers. buying gme was my biggest fucking mistake.

>> No.51730617

Fix your mistake and sell, then fix your parents' and kill yourself. Simple as.

>> No.51730634
File: 144 KB, 640x640, 1620269069361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not nervous and I'm not even expecting him to tweet because I know Ryan is busy removing GameStop shares from the DTCC over to FTX and the announcement will be made in October.

>> No.51730639

Have you tried not being indian and buying gme?

>> No.51730651


>> No.51730672
Quoted by: >>51730737

It won’t happen. You’ll still be here in a year getting your diluted bags keked

>> No.51730737
Quoted by: >>51730778

Then why do you need to convince him if its not happening rehmjobbi?

>> No.51730778

Because I like to torment hopeless suicidal baggies, it’s fun

>> No.51730815
Quoted by: >>51730860

When does the torment happen sanjay?

>> No.51730823

kms? no you have it wrong....when i lose everything.....i have nothing to lose. remember that. The list is big but it can be done and i will have nothing but time on my hands. Russian oligarchs can't escape. you. cant. escape.

>> No.51730849

If you don't get on with it, holding GME will just be a good boomer play. "Time in the market beats timing the market", as all the old guys say. Eventually it just rolls around to long term gains at a modest profit. As long as it isn't tanking, you're not doing anything to GME holders.

>> No.51730860
Quoted by: >>51730896

Every second of every day, baggie. Don’t pretend you’re comfy womfy, because you aren’t. Face it, shorts closed.

>> No.51730870
File: 2.39 MB, 1400x964, 1663003303901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cohen will post exactly at midnight, signifying the connection of the "one" - the monthly closure on S&P has sealed the fate of the market, moass will happen.

>> No.51730872
Quoted by: >>51730934

>Because I like to torment hopeless suicidal baggies
We're not so different, you and I, except replace baggies with billionaires.

>> No.51730887

It’s literally friday night. I can’t believe what losers the shills are. I’m going to go party. See you niggers on Monday. WAGMI because clown world

>> No.51730896
File: 2.72 MB, 4128x3096, 20220930_125626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about fag im comfy af lmfao you are slave labor, and im on the beach

>> No.51730934

They’re laughing at you.
>im c-comfy bro!! trust me!
Your stock isn’t, dilution soon

>> No.51730950

Hey post hand with timestamp :)

>> No.51730958

raincoat you got 45 minutes nigga

>> No.51730978

>They’re laughing at you.
As they close their funds, yes, of course. My investment thesis is never wrong.

>> No.51730983
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>> No.51730994
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Guess ill buy more. Gamestop really is the best bank

>> No.51730998

holy crap... it's real.

>> No.51731030


>> No.51731044


>> No.51731084
File: 48 KB, 213x400, 1657841957019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't try and stop me.

>> No.51731107

Bring the rest of the village with you and jonestown yourselves

>> No.51731301
Quoted by: >>51731362

Damn it must bedtime in india

>> No.51731318
Quoted by: >>51731353

So is this true? I havent seen anything on leddit

>> No.51731341

FTX shares aren’t on the blockchain you fucking moron, they’re (held) by a (((Swiss))) company through EuroClear and the DTCC. That’s even worse than your average IOU.

>> No.51731353

After hours doesn’t mean shit. Plus, they can just print more.

>> No.51731362
File: 1.53 MB, 600x600, shuba duck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the weekend and a month changeover. Anons are probably out doing other things. I'm going on a road trip tomorrow just for fun.

>> No.51731364

Found it https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xsbnzg/what_the_hell_is_this_max_ctb/

>> No.51731381
Quoted by: >>51731449

This has gone on so long that even if it happens and we make it I'm still killing myself.

>> No.51731382
File: 389 KB, 600x362, Citrus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plot twist: Ryan Cohen is in Hawaii and he'll post right before midnight in Hawaii while everyone in the mainland thinks it's past! But in reality, that ol lovable chunk of coal Ryan Cohen (Radio Controlled Royal Cola, as his friends refer to him as) is really staying true to the 741! By God, the man can't be stopped! It doesn't matter how many spics in suits jump off of a skyscraper, THE MAD MAN CAN'T BE STOPPED. Hell I heard that RC is going to take a flight from Honolulu all the way to New York City, drive down to Crown Heights to chop the Eruv floss with a pair of shears he stole from a blood thirsty moyle! This man is on a roll!

>> No.51731399
Quoted by: >>51731416

Right on comfychad
sexy shoes too

>> No.51731407

reminder that he tweeted 5 times in august and this entire theory started as retarded cope

>> No.51731416

Thanks fellow comfy chad;stay sexy

>> No.51731428
Quoted by: >>51731437

He tweeted 4 times in August. You mean tot say he tweeted 8 times in July. Get your shit together Samir!

>> No.51731437

whatever, either way it was never what people were pretending it was

>> No.51731449

what the fuck? tesla's robot looks a bit shaky but still really cool. meanwhile RC can't be bothered to tweet to settle baggies concerns after they got scared shitless from the BBBY fiasco.


twitter replies don't count

yeah my hopes and dreams are basically all gone. the best i could hope for is a simple life without having to worry too much about money.

>> No.51731458
File: 14 KB, 605x226, de39662fb5026f48a41811ce81710414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my final copium is to count this as the monthly tweet

>> No.51731489

Bro hedgefunds are unironically begging for bailouts and collapsing while I sit on my ass holding a stock in a company that does not face bankruptcy anytime soon, unlike most Western nations at this fucking point. I hold this stock directly in my name; I am not subject to borrow fees, margin requirements, nor percolating liquidity issues. I can keep this up indefinitely, you clown, you buffoon. In fact, I'm more worried there won't be a USD or banking system left to pay ME.

>> No.51731526

Twitter fingers turn to trigger fingers

>> No.51731560

kek 741 nothingburger baggies

>> No.51731574
Quoted by: >>51731604

Ryan is lurking rn high Ryan I don’t need a tweet because GameStop confirmed traded for 1.36 million dollars this week and that’s now my floor

>> No.51731604


>> No.51731665

>the BBBY fiasco
No intelligent person here gives a shit about BBBY. Chobani is based for rugging the traitors

>> No.51731682
Quoted by: >>51731695

if ryans on the west coast he could still post before midnight right?

>> No.51731694
File: 377 KB, 576x827, kek baggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching Cramer drop all his pocket spaghetti when RC sold was what convinced me the hedgies are still deep underwater on shorts & swaps if GME goes parabolic.

>> No.51731695
Quoted by: >>51731785

He's in Florida.

>> No.51731703

GME rugged from 47 to 25 at the same time though

>> No.51731723

Yeah and I’m sure that was all BBBY and had nothing to do with the 600 million loan that kennoid took out

>> No.51731733
Quoted by: >>51731826

>sells BBBY
>GME plummets
>this somehow proves that shorts covered two years ago and the whole thesis is wrong

>> No.51731737
Quoted by: >>51731746

AC:odyssey is a gorgeous game

>> No.51731746
Quoted by: >>51731768

You're gorgeous.

>> No.51731756

On volume nowhere near the free float.

>> No.51731768

Thanks anon so are you

>> No.51731769
Quoted by: >>51731780

You guys are pretty stupid. Just admit you got fucked over by the powers that be and move on. You're holding relics.

>> No.51731772

How is ken girffins billion dollar property doing after that hurricane?

>> No.51731780
File: 559 KB, 1170x689, A4A2E076-524E-47D0-AF0A-A13363FD724A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still not selling rajeed

>> No.51731785
Quoted by: >>51731794

>He's in Florida.
Is Ryan alive?

>> No.51731794
Quoted by: >>51731838

He's lived there for years, he surely knows how to prepare for hurricane season.

>> No.51731826

Damn checked and you have a point I’m selling right now

>> No.51731833

I bet Ryan was planning on tweeting to confirm the 741 thing, but thought it'd be in bad taste if he did because of the hurricane.
I bet he goes silent here on out. He knows that we know to DRS until it's locked.

>> No.51731838

Ryan “known murderer” Cohen created the hurricane to satiate his bloodlust

>> No.51731881


>> No.51731951
Quoted by: >>51732037


>> No.51732037

Just sold thanks

>> No.51732047
Quoted by: >>51732084

Did Ryan Cohen fake his own death during Ian to escape baggies‘ wrath? Something to consider.

>> No.51732084

maybe he got spooked after the BBBY CFO's death. he has to realize that he's playing with people's lives. there's probably millions of shareholders in total that put their trust in him. it would be wise of him to keep a low profile especially if GME isn't going to achieve profitability so that that they'll have to dilute with another share offering. adam aron too, i wouldn't be be meeting shareholders at movie screenings if i were him.

>> No.51732115
File: 90 KB, 729x793, 1626043351665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two words I never thought I'd see next to each other. My retarded as buying some gamestore stock with pocket change played a part in destroying an entity so large it is considered the 4th branch of government and so corrupt it's probaby 40% of the reason the world is in it's current state. The amount of making it we're gonna do is gonna be biblical. I am so fucking hard right now

>> No.51732176

I don't even understand this shit. How does a fund that owns so much fucking real estate need bailing out? Can't they just sell their assets? Why would our tax dollars go towards keeping a private entity, one infamous for hoarding assets and keeping those same citizen-taxpayers from owning a home, afloat? And to what end? So they can keep owning more and more assets that they somehow also simultaneously can't afford to own? This whole saga makes me feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills.

>> No.51732184
Quoted by: >>51732243

Oh no baggie bros why didn't biryani chobani tweet? Is 741 no longer cult approved?

>> No.51732199
File: 356 KB, 850x1245, 1664523662150779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51732222

This is where the fourth branch meme comes in. They're hodling their real estate because the federal government sees depriving the peons of land as worth more than a bailout. It's about forcing people into the cities for Agenda 2030. Once those suburbs are emptied out they'll be rewilded or turned back into farmland.

>> No.51732222
Quoted by: >>51732323

Real estate is hard to just hit the sell button on so it wouldn’t work to meet margin requirements. And blackrock doesn’t want to sell their GME, and all their other stocks they know will crash with the market but selling those would cause the market to crash, so this was their next course of action
For fun go read the Book of James and see if any verses stand out to you. Christ is king GME MOASS Monday wagmi

>> No.51732243

Wtf are you talking about? 7-4-1 tweets was never a thing. It was only pushed by datefagging shills. Ryan Cohen tweeted eight times in July, not seven.

>> No.51732246
File: 130 KB, 683x1024, 42689898100_61ec6d4a23_b (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These shills are so cringe. I can't wait til most of you hedgie sympathizers are joining them as little red splats on the sidewalk. MOASS is inevitable.

>> No.51732249
File: 153 KB, 384x390, 1644876287155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's all made of IOUs. Every time they obtain an asset, they leverage it to borrow money in order to continue buying assets that they leverage for money to buy assets. Then they package the debt they just created as an asset and repeat the process. These trillion dollar finance companies use talmudic sorcery to build their portfolios, and the government claps like a child because the GDP goes up as they move money around on a computer. Everything falls apart once the money stops flowing in.

>> No.51732323
File: 257 KB, 1080x967, 20220903_142416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then Jesus said unto his disciples "Power to the players. Sneed hedgies. WAGMI"

>> No.51732383
File: 555 KB, 684x540, 1638169816240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51732413


>> No.51732413
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>> No.51732452
File: 84 KB, 885x730, 1650977256953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone did the math

>> No.51732465

What the fuck is this

>> No.51732473
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>> No.51732480
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>> No.51732487

Pretty nice math. Thanks for sharing, anon.

>> No.51732501
Quoted by: >>51732523

lol, they really don't understand anything about the market and how it works

>> No.51732523

post nose

>> No.51732534
Quoted by: >>51732553

I wonder what Gary's reaction would be if you could find the bastard and shove this in his face. Raw math utilizing only official numbers and assuming an absurd theoretical of every single buy ordering being exclusively the fault of hedge funds covering. Kinda hard to stammer out a reason you won't investigate that.

>> No.51732553
Quoted by: >>51732598

He'd probably say nothing while staring at you like "that's the point jackass" and shaking his head knowing you'd signed your own death warrant. No shit the math doesn't add up. That'd be like asking a sitting president what they had to do to get elected in a dark room, you just don't do it.

>> No.51732598
File: 90 KB, 727x394, GMEHolder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you just don't do it.
I do now. As a proud trans-billionaire I will soon be invinicible to the law. I'm also probably a quantum immortal. Not to mention I'll have a small armies worth of equally rich and spiteful anons ready to get a little anti-semitism going in the political and financial sectors. Blackrock is fucked, wallstreet is fucked, and I aim to use every bit of their money to purge the remaining institutions of rampant corruption after neutering their monetary might.