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>> No.51558108

Hopefully never. Deflation is bad.

>> No.51558124

We turn into Brazil and democracy dies

>> No.51558129
Quoted by: >>51559675

>buys shitty overpriced food
>some is absolutely junk
>bitches about the price when its junk

>> No.51558138
Quoted by: >>51565631

I spend $50 on fine dining every day.

>> No.51558141

You don't have to guess. You'll live to see the results.

The bacon is probably like 1/3 of that or more. The rest is mostly junk too.

>> No.51558142

democracy is already dead. and it was never effective to begin with.

>> No.51558172

Democracy caused this.

>> No.51558175

>spakling water
>ice cream
>"otter pops"


>> No.51558185
Quoted by: >>51568545

80%of that image could only be considered food under the loosest of terms

>> No.51558265

that amount will buy you like six peaches, a single-serving pot pie and two small boxes of cereal (no milk) where i live

>> No.51558279

That's a ton of goyslop, holy shit. Is this how reddit actually eats?

>> No.51558287


>> No.51558299

is that supposed to be bad? that's plenty of food for $40. the bottom is in

>> No.51558312
Quoted by: >>51558994

You are correct that it was democracy that inadvertently led to the spending, but there were laws preventing the existence of fiat currency AND a system like the Federal Reserve Banking System.
If the United States returned to the constitution's true framework, prosperity would return WITHIN our generation.

Obviously guys, we're more likely going towards some kind of command/authoritarian system, but I really believe it will lean towards a libertarian economic model, in order to bring the prosperity it needs to fuck shit up in other ways.
Just look at Vlad in Russia at the moment. He is a pretty shit tactician, but, he is Tsar... thus many die in excess of what a true meritocracy in military doctrine would bring in the same situation.

>> No.51558327
Quoted by: >>51560886

once again amerifats, this shit aint food.
Fucking moron lardasses.

>> No.51558339

They're obviously not hustling enough.
Though I see they bought discounted meat or something.

>> No.51558358

>Democracy caused this.
I didn't vote for politicians that decided to just stop taxing Jews&Friends for 20 years and instead kept bailing them out time and time gain with my and my parents' and my grandparents' tax dollars. Corruption and the endless ignorance and arrogance of the American people caused this, not democracy.

>> No.51558373

Societal collapse

>> No.51558463
File: 1.09 MB, 720x762, 1663020463199732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inflation is getting ridiculous. How am I supposed to feed my family if groceries cost this much?

>> No.51558479
File: 1.45 MB, 800x450, 1581750163856.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Family sized sugar cereal
>Jar of Peanutbutter
>Ice cream
>More cookies
>Vanilla milk

>> No.51558492
Quoted by: >>51559193

i dont see any food in this picture

>> No.51558531

i literally don't see the problem. Seems like a pretty good value for 40 bucks. I could live off that bag of cereal for like a week. Shit my Bruegger's Bagels lunch every day costs me $17 and that's for one meal. This bitch is cheap as hell if she thinks this is expensive. also

>Fucking OATMILK?
gtfo of here you yuppie liberal kike.

>> No.51558541

>only buy junks
>muuuuh inflation
stay poor fags

>> No.51558564

>it's 90% sweets and processed shit
Do Americans REALLY?

>> No.51558567

All that processed junk if people stuck to natural foods they’d save money Kek

>> No.51558592

Why can't these Reddit faggots buy regular food instead of sweets?

>> No.51558621

bacon by the foot.

>> No.51558626
Quoted by: >>51567727

>can skip the chips
>can skip the pops
there thats at least $30 saved you fat as fatass fucks.

>> No.51558627

Wtf even is "oatmilk"?

>> No.51558659

Unless those were on sale for half off, those four or five cases of soda are $25 alone, similar with the chips at around $24.

>> No.51558676

Even ignoring the sugar content that is like a weeks worth of food for $40. Not sure what the complaint is. Goyslop has been least effected by inflation. Meats and dairies are what have gone way up.

>> No.51558717

>Mom life
>absolutely no ingredients to cook with just prepackaged junk food and syrup
Women were a mistake.

>> No.51558761

I've been lucky and have found most of my meat at least half off. I bought 1.33lbs of 80% lean patties for $2.90.
I'm surprised some brands of tortillas have stayed the same while bread and buns are up 10% or more.

>> No.51558851
Quoted by: >>51559066

I buy $32 ribeye steaks and $70 giant filets of top quality salmon / halibut.

I like getting chunky and stout (chubby) by eating huge portions of only the finest meat and seafood

>> No.51558942

probably has two brown mutt kids who require a steady diet of high fructose corn syrup goyslop

>> No.51558965
File: 600 KB, 1300x1600, 1970-06-25 Ad Jack and Jill Food Center.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51559167


>> No.51558994
File: 259 KB, 1200x800, russia god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thus many die
Take your ookranian posting to reddit

Russia is the holy Roman empire

>> No.51559030

It will get much worse. Plebs aren't supposed to afford meat.

>> No.51559066

Does it really taste better?
I've found the slightly cheaper petite sirloin to taste better NY strip.

>> No.51559137

>buys high margin food
>literally lives to enrich corporations

>> No.51559155
Quoted by: >>51564735

Trump won

>> No.51559167
Quoted by: >>51560078


boomer rocks will save us, r-right?

>> No.51559181

jesus christ half of this isn't even real food

>> No.51559193

I guess there is some meat in the middle? I can't tell because of all the plastic.

>> No.51559240

Thats a lot or about right considering its all processed junk.

Is that the joke?

>> No.51559251

Shutting down the whole economy was a bad idea in hindsight, but there wasnt any other option

>> No.51559272
File: 63 KB, 872x500, 1617923347940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51559765

1_It wont stop
2_The last 51 years of deflation importing from china and inflation exporting are an anomaly not the standard
3_Countries need to have a social framework to deal with wage adjustments hence the social conflicts with fascism and communism the decades before bretton woods .
4_2023 Is the year of wage spirals

>> No.51559511

this is 90% carbs.

>> No.51559534
Quoted by: >>51567877

Please save us, benevolent dictator!

>> No.51559579

for beef its pretty subjective and varies by cut or if you prefer fatty or lean. Seafood top dollar stuff always mogs the cheap stuff

>> No.51559591
File: 57 KB, 640x480, D6675F8A-5FFF-43B1-B890-309A4AA38510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51559675

I just spent $20 on a bag of romaine hearts, a box of spring greens, a box of tomatoes, and 6 kiwis. It shouldn't cost more than like $12-$15. We're fucked.

>> No.51559715
File: 480 KB, 512x512, 20220921235614_1254525230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51562077

This is what $50 gets you in Fllnjsrahp

>> No.51559754
File: 36 KB, 791x1024, 1663708439845647m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon i fill my car with ethanol mix gas. Doing my part to make corn syrup more expensive. I must make the land whales die of corn syrup shortage at all costs.

>> No.51559765
Quoted by: >>51559803

I'm leaving the country once I make it because I don't think we're getting out of this without localized pockets of minority genocide. The names of random-ass Midwest towns and Southwest towns will live in infamy in the textPDFs of 2090s babies.

>> No.51559789
Quoted by: >>51559954

>bacon wrapped filet

>> No.51559798
File: 478 KB, 512x512, 20220922000052_1203592374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't eat too much beef or your head will look like this!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.51559803

and go where? Everywhere else is gonna be equally if not more fucked

>> No.51559819

in a closed system entropy can only increase, the world is now a closed system.

>> No.51559873

>t german

as long it hurts putin, r-r?

>> No.51559954

All of it is goyslop.
A family should be eating nothing but beef tallow, farmer market bacon and farmer's eggs for breakfast.
There are farmer markets in Nevada.

>> No.51559990

>he thinks inflation stops
anon I...

>> No.51559999
File: 164 KB, 1025x883, kiked shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice """church""" you've got there.
Hope Ukraine gets ATACMS and turns shit into rubble.

>> No.51560012
Quoted by: >>51561040

It's not that anywhere is always safe, it's that some places will be safer than others at certain times. You also have to think about a region's history and core ethos. There are places in America where your work ethic doesn't matter, your skills don't matter, your willingness to go without doesn't matter; all that matters is your skin color and your religion and your sexuality. Minorities are going to die there. There are other countries where shit will hit the fan but where there's not a memetic strain that tolerates genocide along those axes, and which the US won't want to/have the power to subjugate.Probably something with coastline on the Pacific.

>> No.51560048

why the fuck are they buying candy and overpriced luxuries, where is the rice, beans and potatoes

>> No.51560068
File: 380 KB, 512x512, goyslop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can never eat goyslop again :'(

>> No.51560078
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>> No.51560107
Quoted by: >>51560558

>Russia is the holy Roman empire
we wuz romans n shiet

>> No.51560108

You goyim aren’t gonna do shit about it You will pay the higher prices and you will be happy and ready to consumer more like the good submissive little betas you are.

>> No.51560155
File: 155 KB, 1053x500, 1658961844670061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51560558

This is most of Europe. All of Europe, really.
What's funny is that West Africans have as much a claim to ancient Egypt as most Europeans do to Greece. And with the clusterfuck of imperial dynasties in West Africa, you really are more likely to be related to a """king""" than some Europoor.

>> No.51560631

i steal things i cant afford

>> No.51560856

Vegas has always had the most expensive food prices in the country, water is more important than fiat

>> No.51560886
File: 254 KB, 1162x850, 1596731448825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we got another europoor who's jealous of our yummy-yummies!!! [...and I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free...]

>> No.51560888
Quoted by: >>51561044


>> No.51561015

only in the sense that there's about to be large chunks taken out of its territory

>> No.51561040
Quoted by: >>51561767

id say overall the usa is still the most tolerable to this stuff compared to other regions in the world
asia is going to go full polpot all round, africa is africa, india already has regular purges, europes recent age of peace is an historical aberration
so maybe its less of a problem in south american, but there regular crime gangs will target you so thats still bad
but tell us anon where would you go, or where would you recommend anons to go

>> No.51561044

very original and thought provoking, thank you

>> No.51561126

Just bought $25 worth of groceries today.
>fresh cilantro
>two red onions
>corn tortillas
>Three Roma tomato
>value pack 2lb ground beef

Can feed me all week. What the fuck is wrong with people?

>> No.51561395
Quoted by: >>51561683

No one wants to eat 2 tacos and a cup of milk a day?

>> No.51561468



>> No.51561496

this and anyone who says otherwise is a anti-semitic and probably a woman-hating trump supporter too

>> No.51561557

>2lb of beef for the week
Uh, is your weight in the 2 digits?

>> No.51561595

More like dumbocrazy lmao

>> No.51561619
File: 298 KB, 737x926, biden fraud victory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51561825


>> No.51561683


>> No.51561767

Africa is hard to call, it's too diverse. Asia too, likely you'll be fine if you can stay outside of China or Russia's sphere and know how to live in harsh territory.

>> No.51561825

You need a chart to tell you this earth is a scam?

>> No.51561902

Imagine thinking they won't juke the system so GME never moons

>> No.51562005
File: 17 KB, 325x284, 1474221209200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51562134

>Democracy is bad! it's just tyranny of the majority! I don't want to be told what to do by the 51%!

Then what are the alternatives?.

I'm sorry but you have to be a total retard to want to give up your tiny portion of voting power in exchange for an unelected, appointed, master with zero accountability, who can act at any time against anybody with total impunity.

unfortunately other people in society will vote for stuff you don't like, and you're deluding yourself into thinking that if you destroy democracy to erect a king or emperor or some other equally retarded leader, he's going to have YOUR best interest in mind, laughable.

>> No.51562009

This is what colon cancer looks like in Las Vegas Nevada. Seriously that shopping list is just refined sugar and red meat

>> No.51562077
Quoted by: >>51562150

God damn that’s a beautiful pussy pepper

>> No.51562094


i dont understand the deflation worries i hear some people parroting. do they honestly think its a signifigant risk
while we are currently in double digit inflation? are they retarded? am i retarded?

>> No.51562100
File: 26 KB, 159x171, FOHDb-lUcAA_QWi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51562150


>> No.51562122
Quoted by: >>51562150

$2.40 average price for each item (17 items total)
>Why are my 60 thousand calories of goyslop so expensive!

>> No.51562134

Ah to be that young and naive again... Enjoy your youth anon

>> No.51562149
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, IMG-1342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51582816

knowledge of nutritions is such a vital piece to make it, holy shit

>> No.51562150 [DELETED] 


>> No.51562169
File: 871 KB, 2218x2574, IMG-1324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got you bud,
so dollar is getting stronger against everything including stock market, real estate, btc and even to every other currencies on the planet
but PM retards keep saying that inflation is 9%, how do we resolve this paradox?
the 9% inflation is called consumer inflation that track consumer prices only, it doesn't include asset prices, so while asset prices are crashing against the dollar the consumer price stays high
now if i hypothetically have 1 million dollar (just for simplicity, i actually have more) and the dollar is getting stronger, my 1 million dollar is deflating and getting stronger and i can buy more assets with the same 1 million dollar, what's getting weaker is my $100 weekly food budget, with 9% inflation now it's $109, but it doesn't affect me since i have one fucking million dollar
now, why is every PM retards insist that dollar value is diminishing through inflation?
it's because they're so poor their money is 100% allocated for consumer products such as food and gas
that's it, that's the paradox, they're fucking poor, fucking kek

>> No.51562542

yes, but you live in colombia...

>> No.51562621

Not the heckin our democracy!

>> No.51562645
File: 11 KB, 553x554, 1662706464402694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51568499

>oat milk
>plastic wrapped bacon
>sugar cereal
>hot sauce
>water with added goypoison

>> No.51562667

How do you eat 800 calories per day and not die?

>> No.51562909

leave peanut butter out of this

>> No.51562929

>beef is 1600 calories total
>gallon of milk is 2300 calories total
>7 days worth of food

[x] to doubt

>> No.51563699

>otter pops
>ice cream
>frosted flakes
>fig bars
>seltzer water
>oat "milk"

These are not groceries. They are junk food.

Stupid people deserve to be fat and poor.

>> No.51564436

man, i think i can't cook and then i see shit like this

>> No.51564474

carrots onions and eggs seem immune to inflation in canada. must be the onion lobby subsidies. other produce i've seen go up. meat. probably fruit.

this inflation slaying is nonsense because the price floor is sticky. seems it won't go down after the rise, it'll only go up more slowly.

>> No.51564526
File: 823 KB, 3264x2448, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why am I so fat???

>> No.51564735
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>> No.51564766
File: 5 KB, 104x104, 1658182009016796.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We force it to stop :y



>> No.51564808

>Corruption and the endless ignorance and arrogance of the American people
that is democracy

>> No.51564834
Quoted by: >>51565581

those 1.99 filet mignons must be some kind of meat scraps formed into mignon shape

>> No.51564842

>Processed sugar + carbs
>Ice cream
>Carcinogenic meat

>> No.51565527

>peanut butter
Kroger "Roasted Peanut Spread" cannot be called "peanut butter" bcoz of Federal food regulations.

>> No.51565581

there are youtube channels that review shit like this. These meat "pucks" are glued together and have insane water/salt content.

agreed, peanut butter is one of the most versatile foods- put that shit on bagels, toast, french toast, etc. Peanuts are the most based legume.

god if were a lard ass I'd totally run to in-n-out before they close and get a 4x4 and a neopolitan shake.

Word of advice to everyone here- Eat "goyslop" right before you go grocery shopping for the week. Make sure to really stuff yourself. You'll be so full that you won't make any impulsive dumb purchases like OP's pic and stick to logical mealplanning. Wife and I do this and we don't keep any soda stocked in the house nor do we have any snacks save for a pack of cliff bars lmao

>> No.51565604
File: 294 KB, 602x492, main-qimg-e063c377f8494734f8a00704458072e1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51565610
Quoted by: >>51566792

you fucking normies still dont get it. inflation is a permanent tax b/c of the debasing of the money supply or increasing in fixed costs. buy litecoin. /thread

>> No.51565631
Quoted by: >>51566102

Fine dining. Ok pajeet

>> No.51565711

Americans will have a diet like this and think bacon is the problem

>> No.51566102

Sorry you live in europoor

>> No.51566416
File: 5 KB, 208x243, 1512437170934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51566456

Where are the groceries?

>> No.51566458

>mostly high fructose corn syrup
being priced out of groceries is a good thing for americucks like this guy

>> No.51566779
Quoted by: >>51566882

It means crypto has come to stay, and we move accordingly. Glad companies likeTravala are already partnering with crypto payment platforms like Xpress. We can begin to transact with only crypto

>> No.51566792
Quoted by: >>51566864

I'd say invest in payment projects. Everyone is going to move towards them soon enough.

>> No.51566853

Have you ever encountered one? Stay in poverty or start amassing crypto. Projects like FTM, COTI, and XPRESS could help you forget about the current state of inflation.

>> No.51566864
Quoted by: >>51566926

That's not an end in itself is visible only if they have working products

>> No.51566882
File: 9 KB, 250x237, 1661016869826804s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51566944

How has this partnership impacted you as an an investor? Stop spewing nonsense, Anon

>> No.51566916

Crypto is the real copium, I have been able to make a shit ton of money just by making smart investment decisions. It's almost like I'm shielded from the real world problems.

>> No.51566926
Quoted by: >>51567197

Bullshit, simple economics would tell you that an increased demand would cause a spike in price/value. Read jeet, read!

>> No.51566944
Quoted by: >>51567208

Typical wagie fag anon. Now I can book my travels and do other stuff with crypto. Is that enough for you?

>> No.51566950
File: 66 KB, 352x264, 1dae43cc9467bebb741d1ea512f03369db45c3991374b4a302301aa4df28a3bd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inflation never stops
>people will be able to sustain devaluation of their own currency forever
>this will have no effect on companies producing stuff

>> No.51567090
Quoted by: >>51567097

inflation is not going to get low anytime soon, they been giving free money and you have to pay them back.

I made some back from eth and would be investing in some in the upcoming gamestarplus as well.

>> No.51567097

when is their public sale going to happen ?

>> No.51567181

I've actually not made alot from crypto, but with cryptoxpress APP that supports fiat transactions, i think I'll soon arrive too

>> No.51567197

Wtf anon, this has nothing to do with fucking theory. I only invest in projects with working products ok

>> No.51567208

Fuck, I can also book flight and do other stuff on my own. So what's special about this

>> No.51567450

at some points retards will have to stop buying shit like snacks that have no purpose other than to kill you faster

>> No.51567521
Quoted by: >>51567914

>am i retarded?
yes you are unfortunately, but at least you ask for an explanation
one part of the problem is what the other anon told you, poors having to allocate more budget to food is a political problem barely a market problem

but the much, much bigger issue is indeed deflation how: due to right offs of shit going to zero in derivatives
i'll assume you know the basics that billions in real world value are gambled into trillions of paper contracts of derivatives with no hope of paying out
right now there are 3 major sources of deflation in the world: chinese real estate bubble, usa real estate overvaluation and european industry
real estate is pretty straight forward, china is as fucked as ever, in the usa rising rates are going to depress re values but the biggest issue is in europe where the gas shortage will ensure total industrial failure/closure this winter and billions of real world assets to be written off to zero which in turn will cascade into trillions of derivatives going to zero
for instance deutsche bank alone has about twice the eu gdp in outstanding shit

so the little bit of inflation that food bills generate is nothing compared to these stratospheric numbers of value that are going to be margin called to zero
its just like 2008 only much worse
still doesnt mean your food bill is going down, quite the opposite but for the financial markets the fed will have to firehouse it all down again to prevent total bank failure, just like 2008

>> No.51567613

We never had one, it's always aristocracy/capitalist neoaristcracy/judeo "aristocracy" that made decisions.

>> No.51567702

>sugary ice pops x2
>sugary ice cream
>bag of sugary cereal
>box of sugary cereal
>cases of sugary cookies x2
Guaranteed that was half of the cost. All junk, all sugar and corn syrup. Nothing of value. People who exist like this should not have the right to complain about grocery prices. Think of how much produce or even meat like chicken you could have gotten for the amount they paid for that garbage.

>> No.51567727

That's way more than $30 today. At today's prices, that's literally about $50.
>t. Grocery store tard

>> No.51567784

Why do the people who post this shit never have vegetables?

>> No.51567877

Ja ok gut

>> No.51567914
Quoted by: >>51568059

So, hyperinflation?

>> No.51567918

It will never stop, no government is even fighting for inflation to stop, just get it down to a more "manageable" level of 2%. In other words, prices will never be cheaper again.

>> No.51568050

>sugar sugar sugar
Even the water is sweetened, the state of mutts

>> No.51568059
Quoted by: >>51568204

no the opposite
smoothbrains will call the fed printing hyperinflationary, but it absolutely isnt
their print will only try to stop the massive write offs of the deflation to try to maintain a net zero
thats what will happen for the financial system at large trying to remain the status quo
in very specific areas yes large moves will happen: inflation for the average joe in the street will go up and yes hard money asset will also moon so crypto up
but now this is not weimar this is not the end this can will be kicked down the road for quite a while
if you live in europe tho, it be hard times coming

>> No.51568115

It's not designed to stop, paper currency is not backed by hard assets and as a citizen, you have no voting powers over printing amount output.

>> No.51568197

The system utilizes a series of payments that harness the power of exponents. They have to make more loans to cover the existing ones, and if that stops for any reason then a catastrophic slowdown/bankruptcies/unemployment/unapyed rents etc will sweep through the economy. Banks need their loans to perform, because as highly leveraged entities, even small losses can wipe them out. So they print as much as they need. But the system can't last forever. It was always going to come to this.

>> No.51568204
File: 2.86 MB, 1651x2350, esteri_rasanen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51568683

>if you live in europe tho, it be hard times coming


t. yuropoor

>> No.51568499
File: 245 KB, 1500x1465, 1656279829547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, that is Tabasco, not hot sauce. Please do not soil the good name of hot sauce like that. Tabasco is basically what you would receive if you tasked a mentally disabled person with no culinary background with recreating hot sauce from memory and limited, low-quality ingredients. Not even gatekeeping, just aging what everyone else is too afraid to.

>> No.51568545
Quoted by: >>51572981

Only food in op pic is banana and bacon

>> No.51568683
Quoted by: >>51570424

heating your home this winter is a luxury beyond the finances of most people
whatever your bill for utilities was last year, make it a 20x minimum for the next year
add to that that every company that makes things using gas or electricity is going bankrupt this winter, extrapolate from there

>> No.51569000

dollar is deflating less than consumer prices are appreciating

>> No.51569045

>I didn't vote
>2 other idiots voted against me
>b-b--bb-ut it's not democracy though! it's the idiots fault

>> No.51569243

>everyone going it's not true democracy in the replies
It's actually over

>> No.51569390

Nice counter retarded faggot. He btfo the shit out of you

>> No.51569878

How the fuck does he get so many groceries for $50? $50 is how much I spend for lunch here.

Is inflation really different in different states?

>> No.51570424

Governments won't let those companies go bankrupt.

>> No.51570456

Even the "honey" peanut butter has added sugar for fucks sake

>> No.51570535
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 9741A70D-E517-4903-9688-0A98FEBD9146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seltzer water
>oat milk
>probably seafood in the brown wrapper at the bottom
Hm, I wonder why this anons grocery bill is high

>> No.51570793

incoherent word salad

>> No.51571688
Quoted by: >>51571763

Isn't cryptoXpress working with MilestoneBased for more transparency when it comes to roadmaps or some shit like that

>> No.51571763

If this is that newfag "powered by DAO blockchain" nonsense then yes,kek

>> No.51572703
File: 92 KB, 900x900, A19ADF15-75B9-4ADE-B6F6-8522DBEE1979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banditry, Highwaymen, Pirates and Flash Mobs become the norm. Society collapses and I open my first Thunderdome. FYI: now taking applications for a Blaster.

>> No.51572981

And even this doesnt count as it will end up in a milkshake

>> No.51575688
File: 135 KB, 639x957, 1663223329354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51580688


>> No.51576399

3x3, grilled onions, extra toasted bun, extra slice of cold cheese

Fries well done

Strawberry Chocolate shake

My go to

>> No.51578199

I regularly go to the supermarket, purchase enough food for 1(!) meal, am horrified by the £50 price total, then remember I bought 3 bottles of wine.

>> No.51578514

I imagine this is all again due to supply line issues

>> No.51580508
Quoted by: >>51580725

I have never seen one of these images with actual food.

>> No.51580534

i gotta be honest this seems about right regardless of the way you slice it. i also wouldnt consider most of this "food"

>> No.51580688

fucking YUM

>> No.51580725

Americans don't eat food.

>> No.51582290
File: 27 KB, 240x373, Deflation and Liberty Hulsmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deflation is bad.

death to all central and fractional reserve bankers.

>> No.51582701

This looks like school lunch when I was growing up. The AI is rapidly catching up and WILL become sentient

>> No.51582750
File: 958 KB, 2590x1938, 1463264961565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51583088

Is any of that considered food?
Why is it all packaged?

>> No.51582816

Watches are the stupidest fucking type of investment. The only reason for why they went up in price over the last 2-3 years is due to inflation in conjuction with every other asset class having been absolutely squeezed dry of any value to the point where people started investing in fucking trading cards and children's video games from 30 years ago thinking they were the next Warren Buffett. When the people who actually collect watches as an investment (usually people who have money or are of a particular social class) lose their shit they are going to be pawning off any discretionary items and the first thing to go is their luxury goods. Imagine thinking that non-producing assets (fuck you precious metal tards) are a good investment let alone in a recessionary environment like the one we're currently in? Why do I say this? Because my grandparents owned a pawn shop in Corral Gables, Florida during the 2008 great recession and every person of means was parting ways with anything and everything for quick cash and the first things to go were watches, women's jewelry, hand bags and paintings. If your time pieces retain their value over the next 3-5 years I'll eat my hat but I know they won't so I'll laugh knowing you were left holding the back or broke even at best.

>> No.51583024
Quoted by: >>51583435

that shit looks like what a cheap trailer park trash fat girl would buy lmao

>> No.51583088
File: 424 KB, 526x439, 1643933463547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deli meats
>rotten milk products
are you a 70 year old lady or a faggot? you must drink wine too

>> No.51583435

That's the type to post on reddit

>> No.51583454
File: 195 KB, 820x822, fatjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otter pops are based I'll fucking kick your ass

>> No.51583750
File: 30 KB, 1024x768, Inflation Max Level.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon, inflation has a hard ceiling and this is what happens when that limit is reached.

>> No.51583758

It won't ever stopped, the centralized control of the world economy doesn't allow it to recover.

>> No.51583771

hopefully WW3 and all the pampered, spoiled, entitled women in the West who think they are so oppressed and mistreated get to actually experience what oppression and hardship really is

>> No.51583774

Where the fuck is the protein? There’s a pack of chicken or pork there or something but what the fuck
We gave up women who know how to cook for declining standards of living

>> No.51583778

Beans and rice. Take your multivitamins. Kiss your meat goodbye

>> No.51583844

So much this. The small sirloin cuts are almost as good as Filet Mignon; just a little bit more chewy.
Sirloin is the hidden gem of steaks; it’s cheaper than strip and ribeye and it’s a much better cut than strip and if you prefer lean steaks it’s better than ribeye.

>> No.51583874
File: 183 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51583885

>> No.51583885

I'm convinced this genre of youtuber is all completely AI generated.