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49492423 No.49492423 [Reply] [Original]

I am a 23 yo virgin. All my peers have 5-7 of relationships experience. All of them have developed matured personas, made experiences, know what they want, plan for the future

No girl about my age wants to teach some nobody how to lead a relationship.
The ship for me sailed long ago right? Can I catch up?

>> No.49492451

are you ugly and short? if so money might be the only way to save us

>> No.49492479

Go for single mums.

>> No.49492485

No all your friends are stupid ass kids who think they know more than they do. Women are whores and sex is overrated. You know what’s not overrated? The love of Lord Jesus Christ. All glory and honor belong to Him and his eternal kingdom. Give to Him your heart.

>> No.49492497
File: 87 KB, 745x449, hou_mus_stationfire_photo_by_dan_davidson_hori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 25 years old and I've never even kissed a girl

>> No.49492499
Quoted by: >>49494531

I'm 24 virgin and don't see this change anytime soon due to neetism and apathy toward normal instincts that govern all social interactions

I'm good looking

>> No.49492518
Quoted by: >>49494531

I’m 28 and have close to zero relationship experience, though I have fucked a few girls. I met an adorable korean girl about a month ago and now she’s my girlfriend, so there’s hope

>> No.49492529

6ft, decent looks I would say
I was just a NEET after high school for years, not leaving my house. Now I have a job, but it’s stressful and I don’t meet people my age. When I am home I am way to tired to do anything, and I don’t have a place where I could meet my friends if I had any

>> No.49492538
Quoted by: >>49497524

cougars till 35, then pivot to back to college roasties. the cougars will teach you and buy you stuff so you will be ready for the prime puss

>> No.49492545

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.49492546

Same here OP. This is mostly just a symptom of the way modern society is structured. The old system of parents setting their kids up together or planned marriages was very effective at catching those stragglers who otherwise don't have the looks or charisma/social aptitude to get a woman. Without this safety net we just fall through the cracks.

>> No.49492588

im 40 and never held hands with a girl or went on a date

>> No.49492608

25, banged 22 girls, had one 6 year relationship. Haven't had sex in 2 years, trust me anon, this is the way bitches ain't shit

>> No.49492893

I kneel

>> No.49492956

The real redpill is that no relationship is perfect and plenty are outright shitty (look at divorce rates). If you're not a cunt and date someone that's not a cunt and compatible you're already better off than many. Additionally, many people never learn from their mistakes so their past "experience" is likely much more worthless than you think.

>> No.49493471
Quoted by: >>49493574

>post ends in 23
na 23 is young as fuck. I was similarly blackpilled when I was 23 but looking back that was retarded. Losing your virginity at 23 doesn't make you less of a man than losing it at 19. Whats making you less of a man is your woe is me, "why cant good things come in my direction" attitude. As a man you have to be hard-assed and daring. Take risks. Be assertive. Identify your needs and go do your best to get them met. Have goals and ambitions. Acquire physical strength. If you do all these things women will take notice.

>> No.49493482

Yes you can catch up, but you need to start lifting.

>> No.49493574
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the number 23

>> No.49493581

>No girl about my age wants to teach some nobody how to lead a relationship
So go after someone not your age

>> No.49493603

It’s over. I have a friend like you who started banging hookers because he thought it would help some how. Now he’s just addicted to hookers and blow.

>> No.49493608

>be broke 36yr old kissless virgin manchild who still lives with his parents
>try fixing life now
>get a job, workout, drink more water less soda, etc
>go on tiktok and see all these 30+ women complaining that theyre still single
>"maybe i still have a chance at normie li..."
>think harder
>"these women are all better at you in everything. Its probably going to take you 15years just to be on their level"
>"and by then, you're only options would be old people or get called a pedo"
I'm just giving up on getting into a relationship unless it literally hits me in the face and drags me into a cave

>> No.49493766

Oh come on now

>> No.49493818

They are women on tiktok they are most certainly not better than you

>> No.49493828
File: 77 KB, 800x450, 1654478910943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49494531

28, balding, fat, broke, ugly, khv

>> No.49494475

didn't hook up until 28
realized "relationship experience" just means "experience at failing to maintain a relationship"
it's not an accomplishment

>> No.49494483
Quoted by: >>49494531

I'm 52 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.49494527

I'm about to turn 70 and never even seen a woman.

>> No.49494531

virginchads, I kneel

>> No.49494569

You meme, I am being 100% sincere and unironic when I say that I am 28 (twenty eight) years old and that I never even kissed a girl

>> No.49494617
Quoted by: >>49494950

31 here, only time I kissed a girl was when I paid her. Tried to have sex and I can’t even do it kek. I’m just mentally/metabolically/hormonally fucked I guess. At least I work for a crypto so I’ll be rich in ~2 years

>> No.49494950

which one

>> No.49495021

I'm a Level 32 Wizard. You still have time. If you reach ascension you can join the bros in the Spire. Bring your own orb.

>> No.49495369
File: 130 KB, 600x633, VGl7JJz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like bring ur own crystals

>> No.49495439

nofap + meditation + less time exposed to dumb shit.

Seriously, doesn't matter if you are ugly, find a way to be happy with where you are at right now, only then can you start to move to a better situation.

>> No.49495458

28 here, not even that ugly either and use to have an appearance of a chad before I started balding mid 20s. Virgin because ostracized by peers growing up and never got friends

>> No.49495464
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 9zs4vt2g9x9z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49495499

Im just like you but I post anime girls instead of frogs for reaction images

>> No.49495486
File: 1.59 MB, 1024x752, choosethesignsyoulikemost.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the mushroom or dmt pill (proverbial on the latter, though dried and blended the former can literally be a pill).

You shall find out about yourself and your path in this multiverse.

All the best.

>> No.49495499
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>> No.49495520

Even if you meet all criteria, if you have premature ejaculation its over. inb4 normie advice.

>> No.49495521
Quoted by: >>49495696

I also advocate for this. A massively mushroom trip changed me (for the better).

>> No.49495553
Quoted by: >>49495696

dont do that, i found out that im a demon from another dimension

>> No.49495561
Quoted by: >>49495693

What about the opposite problem? I have extremely delayed ejaculation and the few girls I’ve slept with hated it. They started feeling insecure about me not finishing even though I was still rock hard. They get so frustrated and end up basically begging me to finish and I can’t

>> No.49495591

50% divorce rate in the US is not a meme. I have a lot of coworkers who have been cucked by divorce.

Do not put your dick in crazy. Crazy is not good.

I lost my virginity to my wife. Dated some crazies before her and looking back I am glad I didn't put it in the others.

I think autistic or otherwise awkward men find themselves in relationships with parasitic cunts and it does not turn out well. it is a minefield out there.

>> No.49495648

hah never thought about it like that

>> No.49495677

premature ejaculation is hot tho. A lot of girls think so too. PE being a problem is a normie meme

>> No.49495693
Quoted by: >>49495717

stop jerking off

>> No.49495696
File: 593 KB, 1558x1012, 1652472676698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49497587

The glorious duality of man.
The context and mindset, as well as dosage, greatly influence the experience. I suggest 1-3g dried in a calm setting, perhaps evening at the ocean or in the mountains. Take it easy, bring water and find out about everything.

>> No.49495717

I’ve done 6 months nofap and no porn and nothing improved, even marginally.
I’ve always had this problem since I was a teen

>> No.49495806

exact same situation bro i'm 5'9 and decent looking so you're already ahead of me I don't meet anyone my age at my work either it's brutal man moneymaxing is my only goal rn and I don't even have 10k saved up

>> No.49496297
Quoted by: >>49499669

I tripped on salvia, and I woke up in county jail, they had to put me in a. Separate cell because I thought my cell mate was a religious figure blending into me, apparently I fucking lost my shit and went to bear hug him, he attacked me and I apperently started scratching and attacking him. That was 8 years ago, I never wanna try psychedelics ever again shrooms, salvia and acid fucked my life. I pretty much just recently got out of homelessness cause of how hard it was finding a job with a criminal record.

>> No.49496444
File: 479 KB, 570x1017, IMG_7464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21 year old virgin, haven't touched a girl in 5 years

>> No.49496579

You know, it's really not that hard. I was a virgin until I was 21,22. Like you I had low self esteem caused by a lack of experience. But then just a little bit of experience taught me how overrated pussy is and how many issues people really have in their relationships. The amount of miserable people I know that are simply afraid of being on their own is insane. Sometimes you don't know what you have until it's gone, you might jump into a relationship and wish you had cherished your time as a virgin more. Sounds like normie advice but it's really true.

>> No.49496649
Quoted by: >>49496777

I think the issue is that I don't have any irl friends due to moving around. Getting a gf is easier than getting friends at my age.

>> No.49496777

Unironically church/group thing around an idea.

>> No.49496871
Quoted by: >>49496933

Well I will just say that:

>sex is overrated
>woman are annoying
>sex usually do not compensate female stupidity
>most self esteem problems are because you are 24/7 comparing yourself to others
>the greatest regret of my life was ot starting investing 10 years ago (I'm 30 now)

Thats it. Time is the most precious thing you have, and it is always running. Money can set some breakes and nice landscapes in the way, but never can stop your march to certain death.

Woman, in that sense, are just highway gas stations you stop to eat some snacks and take some rests.

>> No.49496909

lol you're insecure because you haven't failed as much as your friends have, fucking hilarious

>> No.49496933

This. Life is quite shit and just a bitch in general. You don't care about women and sex that much, if you did you would have done it by now.

>> No.49496961

>overrated pussy
This is true, but what's not overrated is asshole. I got to impale a girl at 14 and it honestly stunted me developmentally because of how good that shit was.

The brutal part is everyone I know in a successful long term relationship met eachother in college, but this bitch with the ass like a turbo-pussy left me in college which turned me into a neet for several years.

>> No.49497086
Quoted by: >>49497248

I dont want just sex I want intimacy but Its like girls just want some emotional feelings bullshit and nothing actually meaningful. I can do all that hard fucking stuff no problem but I want to wait for sex like 1-2 months and make it meaningful but they dont care about that. Sex is the most intimate thing to do as a couple but they are all casual about it.

>> No.49497167

Lost my virginity at 25.
Spend the next 3 years hooking up with a few girls.
Now in my mid 30s and can have what I want.
You're just getting started.
Don't settle for a chick that's too old.
Wait a few years and snag one in her early 20s.

>> No.49497248

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but if your girlfriend is casual about sex, she’s definitely not into you OR she has a serious hormonal problem. Unless you’re a boomer age where low sex drives are part of the territory.

My girlfriend wants it 2 times a day minimum. She’s on birth control too so I can’t imagine how much more she would want it if she was off BC.

People talk about porn addictions desensitizing men a lot, but it’s true for women as well. Except what desensitizes them even more is their experiences. If your girlfriend has been double penetrated at a party with two massive chads, she won’t find her average husband exciting obviously. It’s not enough of a dopamine hit for her. Just like if you jerk off to skinny 18 year olds everyday, you might not find your fat wife attractive.

Women are extremely desensitized these days. More than any man will ever be. That’s why you date young girls only and be careful who you choose. Then you’ll live the fairytale.

>> No.49497282

Holy shit. Based beyond words. A girl I know was the type to go those cheesy kink swinger parties and she couldn’t get off unless she was watching rough porn with a dildo in her ass while I fucked as hard as I physically could. Some women are beyond saving.

>> No.49497387

I'm 78 and can't even spell the word wormun

>> No.49497524

this is not a bad idea. i was a 21 year old virgin until i lost it to a 27 year old. not sure if that counts as a milf but theres chicks who dig younger guys

>> No.49497576

>you might not find your fat wife attractive.

Difference being that some guys are into that. Women are much more archetypal in their attractions.

Like that meme that says "I like jocks/smart guys/rednecks etc" and its all just Chad in different outfits.

>> No.49497586

>If you reach ascension you can join the bros in the Spire. Bring your own orb.
sounds suspiciously gay

>> No.49497587
Quoted by: >>49498455

if im comfortable alone do you recommend doing it alone?

>> No.49497602

For he that hath, it shall be given
you're not hathing enough mentally anon

>> No.49497860

You misunderstand me, casual as in fucking when you first meet and doing it 2x a day because its not that much of a thing. Fair enough if you like it and your gf but my best fucks were when I waited a bit, no different to when I smoked weed or did ket or mdma, weed everyday was a waste of money unless I smoked loads..

>> No.49497964
Quoted by: >>49497976

Another thing: being 23 you are the perfect age for 18-20 year olds. You are old enough to be the coveted "mature" guy but not old enough to be creepy. I worked at a university research lab from ages 23-25 and I got way more nubile female attention in that time than I ever did in my entire life. The girls weren't tripping over themselves like that when I was in college

>> No.49497976
Quoted by: >>49499482

>I worked at a university research lab from ages 23-25
What kinda job is this?

>> No.49498013

>Can I catch up?
No you cannot. Do not even think about catching up, just think about improving your current situation. You will never catch up, success snowballs

>> No.49498455

I most certainly do. My most profound experiences are always alone. With other people the psychedelic journey can be glorious, though often it becomes too "vibey" in that you can just end up doing metacognition ad infinitum and generally not be "in the moment".
I wish you all the best.

>> No.49498470

it's over

>> No.49498981

24 been in one relationship for 6 years

7 sexual partners in my lifetime. Go outside.

>> No.49499179

this, those are the people who become "relationship experts" and eventually found something that stuck

>> No.49499196

im a 25 yo virgin and i havent left my mothers basement for months hahah
i read books and exercise everyday. i unironically love my life

>> No.49499232

>All of them have developed matured personas, made experiences, know what they want, plan for the future

nigger why do you need a woman or sex to do any of that? you're putting way too much emphasis on getting your dick wet or being in a relationship. It's a fun time, that's it. Relationships are just someone to be in the same room with most of the time. You haven't developed this shit because you haven't tried.

>> No.49499243

I guarantee you those 23 year olds do not have matured personas lol

>> No.49499313
Quoted by: >>49499516

youre 6feet tall. just lift 1 hour a day 4 days a week, stay skinny, get a professional haircut, shower everyday, dress in a suit, and put yourself out there. downtown will do. or if you are in uni then wear nice preppy stuff and alll the above. look up pickup lines and do it for every girl u see. love rejection and compliment when rejected. you can still go for 18yr old virgins and its not wierd or too late. when you turn 33 itll be over. dont listen to MonEy nah in making half a mill a year at fang at 30 plus side gig and some 18 year old girl was interested until she found out my age. I could pull her when I was 20 making fucking 5k a year. life gets worse as it goes on if your only goal is to fuck prime young women and not pay for it

>> No.49499482

Just some bullshit research assistant job where you do whatever they want you to do that quarter. Or it could be some specialized role any retard could do and no im not going to be specific

>> No.49499516

He doesnt have to do any of that shit just dress acceptably and be interesting. Im 27 and i cant imagine getting with an 18 year old she was right to be turned off by that. However there are definitely girls into that

>> No.49499527
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I'm ugly and short, and socially retarded, I completely gave up on thinking I could be normal, I try focusing on other things, it's hard because I'm still a human male who has a biological drive to have a family but whatever, plenty of men in history lived the monastic life, guess I'm not too different

>> No.49499575
File: 34 KB, 640x639, E4D68FB1-0A46-4822-A835-4128928DA823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a 30 yo with a wife and kids

I’m also a sperm donor

I also fucked two 16 year olds when I was in my late 20s

I also have a crippling gambling addiction and have lost 200k in the past month

>> No.49499633

Just get a 16yr old girl then, she’ll be bubbly and only have 3-5 dicks.

>> No.49499669

stopped reading
educate yourself criminal scum

>> No.49499691

(You) teach yourself. Sounds like you see all wahmen as your mother. Pretty regressive desu. You could always fuck her and get it over with.

>> No.49499695

for me it's the small talk, I can't handle this bullshit for more than 10 seconds, talking is for exchanging interesting information, so when someone talk to me about their last shitty gossip or what they did last summer on their vacation trip (aka the only thing that females are capable of) I have a sudden urge to kick them in the face

>> No.49499710
File: 45 KB, 512x468, 1644517352365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you future me?

>> No.49499731

>"these women are all better at you in everything. Its probably going to take you 15years just to be on their level"
Retard, women deteriorate after 18

>> No.49499740

anybody else taken the hookerpill? im considering having a regular that i see once every other week or something like that just out of convenience

>> No.49499824
File: 32 KB, 471x377, 20220525_022514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignore all comments anon

For you and all other anons, money is, the answer
simple as money

> 1st the money, 2nd power, 3rd women

Follow this and your life will have a meaning

>> No.49499964

where the fuck do you find 16 year olds? hay out at high schools like a molester

>> No.49499986

I’m 44 and never raped a girl , it’s over for me