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File: 1.37 MB, 1280x720, 1608294088639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29327321 No.29327321 [Reply] [Original]

just buy xrp
it's factually the only coin worth it

maybe ALGO
algorand is sick
so is chainlink
but xrp is where it's at

you can't buy it on exchanges cause the SEC is suing them
but during this time the cost of the price has GONE UP
why you say? cause it's just that good of a coin
you can buy it without exchanges, it's entire decentralized
the node operators could get ripple (the company who created the entire ripplenetwork and xrp) to burn their supply it's so democratically decentralized
it's the only one in which all the power is 100% decentralized

anyways the reason it's going UP WHILE BEING SOLD BY THE SEC is because the SEC case is filmsy as fuck, seriously just go read it yourself then read ripple's response
it's literally FREE money cause the coin is just that fucking good that it can go up while being delisted AND sued by the SEC

look it up, it's honestly an amazing system which is tied to forward progress only
it's the cure to the central banking slave parasite system sucking on us all
it's the power of it without the centralization or control

seriously just listen to this shit

the cryptography is INSANE
the blockchain is INSANE
it goes up when all other indications say it should go down

also the US government has already ruled xrp a currency and not a security so the SEC case is omega retarded
and google, tesla, and apple were all sued by the SEC, it's basically a mark of validation and a way to removed and black clouds over the company
it's a badge of honor

and we're gonna win and shoot UP UP UP

if xrp takes over global remittance (it's on paper the ONLY choice to be able to) it'll shoot to trillions of dollars marketcap instantly
that's over $2000 dollars a coin
they're on sale for .50c right now

you want pic related?
you now have the chance

do good things with your future friends
help others
it's your only chance

>> No.29327399
File: 13 KB, 1414x99, Screenshot 2021-02-21 140252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought 2,999 xrp. thanks

>> No.29327542

Biggest schizo scam known to man

>> No.29327573
File: 55 KB, 695x695, 1612946445423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets hear about it faggot

>> No.29327574
File: 30 KB, 545x409, 1606861060398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice job
the sec is gay AND retarded this is free money

>> No.29327640
File: 284 KB, 650x370, A8D33409-1EF4-474E-B0EB-126EB108DD14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple is nothing compared to ARK.

>> No.29327665

I have yet to hear a single XRP fudder address the Ripple ODL patent. How do you not see that being huge?

>> No.29327680

xrp is probably the best bet and will possibly give you the most gains also doge is still popular enough to stay above a nickle so really anything is possible

>> No.29327831

One thing I don't see anybody talking about with doge, is that it's going to get flare integration and instantly have a utility. Why are people ignoring this?

>> No.29327984

I love you baby

>> No.29327996

My issue isnt ripple, my issue is the fat balding fuck and the dumps, it has been shit since 2018 with no signs of growth so I dont care

>> No.29328089
Quoted by: >>29328336

>no growth
are you retarded

>> No.29328268

Shut your mouth i need to fatten my bags.

>> No.29328336

Are you?
Go dump your bags on someone else

>> No.29328462

>why you say? cause it's just that good of a coin
>you can buy it without exchanges
I am an on three seperate exchanges who never delisted xrp.

>> No.29328498

which ones are they still on

>> No.29328511


Thanks, just bought more XLM

>> No.29328595

people who own ripple are hopeless. you guys are total retards that fall for scams.

>> No.29328628
Quoted by: >>29328850

*This regular thread brought to you by a desperate schizo bagholder

>> No.29328630

Available through binance I believe?

>> No.29328658


>> No.29328678

There'll be a snap one day and you'll be priced out forever. And that's a good thing.

>> No.29328725

bros i want to buy xrp and turn full schizo but i only have coinbase

>> No.29328735

Quick!! SBI, DBS, American express, Moneygram, you guys are all being scammed dont you see!!!!!

>> No.29328744
File: 500 KB, 999x908, cheerss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fud never goes beyond
you kids are going to be so fucking furious when xrp prices you out

>> No.29328850
File: 25 KB, 360x247, 1594782734662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys the SEC case is literally flimsy and weak you can go look into it yourself
ignore all the stupid shit you've heard other posters say and just go look yourself

the SEC has no ground to stand on, the US government itself already ruled that xrp isn't a security
it has utility it can't be a security
other countries have already ruled it's not a security

it doesn't matter what the fuck you think anymore, go look into shit right now yourself
you'll see it plain as day, just take any amount of time to look


right now you stand to make more than you've ever made before in history ever all time
your only chance
all you have to do is take the time to do it yourself, on your own, with your own eyes and brain

google beat them, apple beat them
tesla beat them

the SEC is a fucking joke
everyone can see it


>> No.29328926

>only have coinbase

>> No.29328991

Based. XRP 2keoy.

>> No.29328998

Uphold still offering it

>> No.29329064
Quoted by: >>29329289

dead scamcoin

>> No.29329289

the ripplenetwork is flourishing
it's about to get the flarenetwork added on
which also has an ethereum virtual machine on the flare network already
which will automatically give some coins like doge real use case

you actually can NOT lose unless you let FUD break your brain into not getting a $2k coin for 50c

>> No.29329734

Be greedy when others are fearful.

>> No.29329932

if the case get's settled tomorrow I pledge not to masturbate for 365 days.

>> No.29330041
Quoted by: >>29330151


>> No.29330144
Quoted by: >>29330277

Spoon-feeding has been over for months anon. All of this was revealed in XSG and Mellon months ago. Don't help normans anymore.

>> No.29330151
File: 42 KB, 438x403, 1584866492970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys this is a tall order but if you guys do then I'll quit too

>> No.29330229

We only ejaculate inside of real girls @ $2k

>> No.29330271
File: 54 KB, 540x250, 1589763610246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf that's not my frog squintmoot what is that thing

>> No.29330277

Mellon is a live action role player created by the twitter user Cisq1 and his discord trannies. Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit.

>> No.29330337
File: 271 KB, 703x839, 1605950280387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29330401

Newfag detected.

Pic related is proof he's not a larp. Shut the fuck up you annoying newfag.

>> No.29330401

Nothing happened in that date, nothing happened after that date. Read
if you're still confused.

>> No.29330410
Quoted by: >>29330550

The price went up because Reddit Whales pumped it

>> No.29330499
Quoted by: >>29330745

For over 14 months XRP was crabbing at the same line, until Nov 20th when it pumped to .70 cents. He picked the exact day it would start pumping, just stfu dude.

>> No.29330520
Quoted by: >>29330745

the last big pump to 90 cents started on that date

>> No.29330550
Quoted by: >>29330615

>It went up because of X, that doesn't count!!!!!

>> No.29330556

actually that was when xrp shot to near $1 before coinbase fucked it all up then the SEC case came hammering down
which means once that sec case is over
the climb continues

all they could do was delay it

>> No.29330594

dead scamcoin

>> No.29330602
File: 117 KB, 1111x724, 1606999371190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29344190

The fud on XRP is so braindead. "Ss.s.sscam corn!@" or "ddD...d..ddead shitcom!!1" - research has been done for a LONG time. No point in engaging the future ropers. Would bet lots of fiat that they'll be buying XRP at 2-5 dollars. Does anyone else remember the november fomo? All the threads "fFFfuck Guys THE SCHIZOS WE'RE RIGHT!!@ FUCK" and they all bought the top at 70 cents. Then SEC news and it's back to "THAT FVUDNISDN SHITCOIN!!! SCAM!!" It's gonna happen all over again. Meanwhile chads bought sub 20c and this is all inconsequential to us.

>> No.29330615
Quoted by: >>29330846

Are you saying wsb and their recent XRP pump was predicted and possibly planned by the elites?

>> No.29330713

Well done, how does 4 million sound?

>> No.29330745

Yeah, while the SEC was roaming around in the background, even in preparation for the lawsuit, are you discord trannies that assblasted you get called out every time on your live action role playing that you have to samefag and call your other tranny friends? Let it go, everyone knows about the role play, everyone knows there is legitimate PUBLICALLY available information on how Ripple is doing networking with more than 100 banks, information that you don't need a live action role play to sustain. Legitimate information. It's over for your little epic troll and will be called out forever.

>> No.29330824
File: 178 KB, 550x527, FuckYouIwarnedYou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29330922


>> No.29330846
File: 438 KB, 1125x1500, 1611953132697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29330911

Is it going to pump again tonight?

>> No.29330916
File: 53 KB, 465x488, 1605688142571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29331062

your statement was wholly false, so you resort to name calling and tranny posting because you cant handle being wrong
poor guy

>> No.29330922

Toppest of kek, but if you're still confused

>> No.29330929

What's the suicide stack? Make it stack?

>> No.29330985

same rule as always, only invest what you can afford

>> No.29331027

based. dont worry brother, the other side is almost here

>> No.29331062
Quoted by: >>29331238

So I'm lying when I'm saying Ripple is doing networking with more than 100 banks which will make it The Standard (unironically)? Are you that mad that being called out blinds you from what you hold? Let your live action role play go, it's over. There is legitimate 100% information that confirms XRP being the top, and there's no need for more trolling in your Cisq1 little club.

>> No.29331133


>> No.29331176
File: 193 KB, 351x259, 1611950518882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suicide 3,000. Not sure what minimal make it stack is, but 50k is a solid amount to have. That's absolutely enough.

>> No.29331182
File: 46 KB, 250x250, 1420036611408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29331238
File: 454 KB, 600x404, schwartz_king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29331343

your original statement. The one mentioning the 20th.
Your statement about banks is correct. So what side are you trying to play? You are so aimlessly confused. Larp or not, i could care less. All I care about is my xrp

>> No.29331343
Quoted by: >>29331437

Then stop regurgitating bullshit you read here that creates false hope, every insider is a live action role player, there is no need for more trolling when the writing is right there in your face. That's my only angle. To call out false prophets.

>> No.29331383
Quoted by: >>29331638

>why you say? cause it's just that good of a coin

cause people can't dump it anymore maybe?

>> No.29331437
File: 63 KB, 158x189, 1596662936919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wasn't bullshit, you are wrong. the 20th was a real happening date. Is that so hard to accept? You brought up Mellon, not me.

>> No.29331536

then read
You've been called out and exposed, let it go.

>> No.29331592

I think this guy >>29331536
is literally retarded.

>> No.29331609
Quoted by: >>29331775

You're the one obviously obsessed with transexuals and discord. Did XRP pump on the 20th? Yes nor no? I know it's really embarrassing to be wrong, but sometimes you have to accept it and move on.

>> No.29331638

yes you can
quite easily actually

due to how well the network was created in the first place
it'll always work even without big exchanges (decentralized from outside control)

>> No.29331663
File: 173 KB, 428x392, 1613876481810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As one of those discord trannies we all joined at the end of september. Two months after /xsg/ started. You are just the retarded namefag who got booty blasted when no one gave a fuck about you. Deranged lunatic you are.

>> No.29331724


I could only get 100 right now. But plan on DCAing every month to accoooooomulate more.

I'm hoping my 100 will bring me some fortune, but I do know that it's small potatoes compared to the holders in XSG. Though, xrp priced at ETH levels would still be pretty fucking neato.

>> No.29331775

Yeah, and it pumped to .70 with the excuse of a "telegram group" which had nothing to do with it. Exactly how the date was used to pump it while everything was pointing out to it, it's that simple. Let your false prophets go, there is 100% legitimate information with no need to be carried by smarter anons that you. You of all people should know if you been holding XRP since the start. Let.It.Go.

>> No.29331797


>> No.29331820

did you just confuse the telegram group of feb 1 2021 with mellons nov 20th 2020 prediction...?

LMAO fucking brainlet

>> No.29331858
File: 170 KB, 1125x746, 1606862913788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29331998

im going to perpetuate mellon until the day i die, just to keep you seething

>> No.29331871
Quoted by: >>29331987

Again, for everyone that needs to be reminded on le epic troll in their little discord trannies group read
just doing God's work.

>> No.29331946
File: 175 KB, 512x768, 1613929581324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good to see that some people understand the potential of Flare.

>> No.29331987

>linking his own post
you're the real tranny here aren't you

>> No.29331998

No, I'm saying the same thing that happened on February, happened on November, do you really need to be carried by smarter anons? Say it ain't so.
No problem, and you will continue to be called out on it. I'm not the only anon that's into exposing frauds, you would know.

>> No.29331999

OP is severely retarded and jealous of the guy whose posts started /xsg/

>> No.29332070

Kek confirms OP is a faggot

>> No.29332075
Quoted by: >>29332261

but I'm OP and I've said nothing of the sort

>> No.29332083
File: 28 KB, 600x560, tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29332225

>I'm not the only anon that's into exposing frauds, you would know.

>> No.29332225

>anon mentions God
>replies with a Fedora
Top kek, you're not making a good case here.

>> No.29332261

Oh this guy likes to hop IDs I thought it was you

>> No.29332265

>the same thing that happened on February, happened on November

You are telling me hundreds of thousands of anons pumped XRP on the date a Christian poster on 4chan predicted it would happen, without a single leak about it happening.

You call yourself smart but in reality you're fucking delusional beyond comprehension.

>> No.29332273

i have no problem with god
did i quote his god statement? Are you blind? or just a samefag

>> No.29332313
Quoted by: >>29332391

Yo I wanna buy some right now, where the fuck do I get it with PayPal???

>> No.29332391

>Americans can still buy XRP on Uphold or Bitrue
>or directly on the XRPL https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
>or on XUMM wallet (with USD IOU's from Bitstamp)

>> No.29332423

A $10m whale moved XRP half a penny in october. Retail niggers can not move XRP price like this. The guy is definitely exceptionally delusional.

>> No.29332463
Quoted by: >>29332634

ID hoping as soon as their little secret group is mentioned, it's all obvious.
and then

>> No.29332532
Quoted by: >>29332634

Agreed, I honestly believe he is legally retarded. I'm amazed he can even write words.

>> No.29332587
Quoted by: >>29332748

yeah he's doing it in /xsg/ right now
he made a stupid statement that means nothing earlier in the thread about some twitter bots then switched IPs and came back and tried to be like
probably switching his IP again to do the "filling in" right now

>> No.29332634
Quoted by: >>29333662


>> No.29332748
Quoted by: >>29332943

Sounds like your projecting the same tactics that you use, really activated my almonds not going to lie. I'm glad this little discussion is opening up the reality of frauds.

>> No.29332943

listen buddy
twitter larpers are gay as fuck, mellon is less gay cause he's gone and isn't trying to just ride the attention
shit on larp baba or larp pool before mellon cause mellon just delivered all the information and then disappeared so it's not as cringe as the twitter faggots that you're rightfully mentioning as being discord tranny tier retardation

all larpers are gay but mellon is pretty cool cause the information was given then he dropped off and didn't ride it to gain twitter followers

>> No.29333045

I mean, I'm okay with everything you said. Just going to continue calling out frauds as you just stated, but thanks for the more eye opening post so others can see it. Melon as everyone else is a false prophet and a very gay larp.

>> No.29333079

jesus fuck why does ripple attract so many loonies

>> No.29333108
File: 68 KB, 562x600, 1596303564425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to switch ID's retard

>> No.29333171
File: 184 KB, 680x696, 1610938705900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29333763

strategy of the bankers to keep people out

the very following itself is a huge FUD to normies

>> No.29333268
File: 34 KB, 1080x895, 1590142097595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he actually did

>> No.29333311
Quoted by: >>29333360

kek, he's such a loser

>> No.29333360
File: 57 KB, 500x333, How to Make a Girl Laugh(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek

>> No.29333366
Quoted by: >>29333763

because "loonies" are people who see through the narratives spun by other men
when you are able to see through the people that use fear, uncertainty, or doubt in order to sway your opinion you can see the reality of what's actually happening much easier

>> No.29333662
File: 121 KB, 300x364, lacosta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29333730

where'd you go bro???? i thought you werent done exposing fraud

>> No.29333730

KEK he really shut the fuck up cuz he exposed himself, oh man. i fucking love biz

>> No.29333763
File: 38 KB, 600x600, af1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29333977

that meme amused me so I guess I'll drop a thou on this shit and start my descent into madness or ascend to CHIM like this motherfucker >>29333366

>> No.29333977
Quoted by: >>29334634

imagine if morrowind was soft disclosure and it's all real and possible
you can commune with the Godhead, he can use you to bring about his will, all through belief in it all alone

>> No.29334282

I jsut got $500 this week and today another $500 on the top of the $1000 bucks i already own

>> No.29334634
File: 25 KB, 365x512, e115ec3f48e49e29b6aa515d1788d0d2aa0f77fdv2_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a grand and intoxicating innocence

>> No.29335772

I'm >>29332225
replying to >>29332943
what's the confusion? There's not only one anon doing this, check the general thread lol

>> No.29335790

Gj sexi.

>> No.29336170
Quoted by: >>29341465

Funny how I keep getting attacked without zero substance, even as someone calling me another anon lol, zero answers and many laughs. The larp is over thank God. Long live God.

>> No.29336230

no thanks im not buying your PnD shitcoin so you can dump on me, fuck off scammer

>> No.29336304
Quoted by: >>29336685

retail investors don't impact the price
this is all just spreading information

>> No.29336685
Quoted by: >>29337011

go back to xsg with the rest of schizos you people will never understand how obnoxious your proselytizing can be

>> No.29337011
Quoted by: >>29337116

you sound incredibly out of touch with reality
are you going to be okay when this is all over?

>> No.29337057

>spoonfeeding pugs of wall street who chase pnds

>> No.29337116
Quoted by: >>29337800

yeah ill be great now fuck off with your evangelistic bullshit

>> No.29337800
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>> No.29339107
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>> No.29339985
File: 117 KB, 420x420, 472D3F32-AE37-401A-8D71-D3DD9A3EB2B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29340393

Brainlets don’t understand the ODL patent means XRP can’t be forked. They don’t understand all major banks are already integrated to RippleNet

>> No.29340393
File: 288 KB, 755x708, 1605433034279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29340934
File: 2 KB, 1440x66, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29341421

Bought for about ~.3 in November. Probably won't even sell it if it even hits $1. Yes I'm retarded, how did you know?

>> No.29341421

never selling
you won't need to as you'll just be paying in xrp for everything

>> No.29341465
Quoted by: >>29341558

Amazing indeed, while getting btfoed hard on the other thread. Guess I'm samefaggin every post there too right? Kek

>> No.29341558
Quoted by: >>29341748

you keep posting replies to your own post

>> No.29341748

I know, because I'm "samefagging". I'm aware of what I'm doing, just laughing at how suddenly there are no more arguments while the OP and the anon talking about projection disappeared.

>> No.29343205


>> No.29344190
File: 1.79 MB, 994x1250, D1819F90-D7A3-4A92-BFF4-FBCAEC4ACA5B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29344291

You are a brain dead plebian.
Stay poor faggot, stay poor.

>> No.29344599
File: 1.02 MB, 1424x1064, 1613184768674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29345624

Boys are you ready for SEC getting raped tomorrow

>> No.29345152

XRP is the fastest crypto that costs literally nothing to use. How even in this day that other shitcoins still can't emulate XRP's speed and low cost is fucking baffling to the mind.

>> No.29345158
File: 536 KB, 2500x886, xrp-thefullchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full XRP chart since mid 2013. I hope the "dead scamcoin" NPCs have a longer chart to show for the shit they're in or GTFO.

>> No.29345624
File: 926 KB, 720x720, XRP.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and ready.

>> No.29346321
File: 79 KB, 514x737, grandpa pepe in his youth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I think XRP and Lumen is going to be huge (I use it all the time to move my funds across exchanges), there are a couple severely undervalued tokens right now, with faster growth than them, and we are still a couple of years away from that happening. I think that the SEC is going to make Ripple pay some heavy sanctions before the end of this year, and they're going to be forced to dump their bags to pay them, forcing the price down. After that, I'm sinking a good chunk of my portfolio into it. Of course, they might settle any time now.