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File: 157 KB, 1910x929, Screen Shot 2021-02-11 at 11.35.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28411916 No.28411916 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.28412118


For Anons curious about what price it will follow. We are at Filecoin last year in Feb.

>> No.28412253
Quoted by: >>28413860

thanks Anon

>> No.28412273
File: 127 KB, 288x360, bass'd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28413860



>> No.28412336

I can’t take it anymore it has to stop or I will retard. Starting at 4% of my portfolio and is now 33%. I could pay each and everyone of the fucks shilling me this golden piece of tech

>> No.28412779

Meh, sold at $1.5

>> No.28412982

Autist fomo will kick in tonight. We'll be well over 2 by tomorrow.

>> No.28413860

Definition of Parabolic: Goes up a little bit over time and then starts to go up a little more and then all of a sudden goes up alot.
>/noun/ - "pear" -- "uh" --- "ball" ----- "ick"
That is nOT what's happening with GRT. What you are seeing is fake numbers being provided by THE KREMLIN who owns Coinbase which if you haven't noticed is hte oNLY EXCHANGE THAT TRADES - EXCUSE ME - "TRADES" - GRT
It doesn't make any sense because if THE KREMLIN makes the price go up it just means it's scamming itself over Trump's debts and making them go away for free. I dont' know WHY they are doing this but it's very clear that they are in fact doing it.

*******************PROFESSIONALS BEWARE**********************

GRT cannot - will never - can't - impossible <--- - go over $2
no problem glad you got out
yeah ahhh... as in "ahhhh don't think so"
>golden piece of tech
GOD THAT RIGHT - gold is DOWN today and so is GRT in real terms

*****************CURRENCY UPDATE****************
The USD remains STRONG and is up a lot today like usual. It is up much much more than GRT (scam, stay away, Trump deserves his debts + big interest rate on them, will go parabolic unlike GRT) and THEREFORE GRT is actually DOWN IN REAL TERMS
***********************DO I HAVE TO SAY THIS?


*****************If you count the amount of NEVERs in the statement (factual) above you will see that I DID NOT use a double negative which is the number one accusation against me at this point. Henceforth --->declared: I will NEVER use a double negative.

>> No.28414147
Quoted by: >>28417160


>> No.28414625

Embarrassing.. you could have a somewhat interesting point but now you juste seem retarded

>> No.28414705

t. King

>> No.28416130


Hey FUDder I just have one question for you
How my dick taste?

>> No.28416271

schizo is here

>> No.28416493


>> No.28416562

We go above $2 now faglord

>> No.28416648

I’m at 99.96% of portfolio, up to $27k from a measly 4,300 invested. I love the graph.

>> No.28416698


>> No.28416777

We’re at 2 now my friend. >>28413860
Oh god you’re back. Shouldn’t you just rope yourself now?

>> No.28416877
Quoted by: >>28417063

GRTsux is actually a huge GRT whale who is shitposting for laughs

>> No.28416878
Quoted by: >>28418352

It'll go back up, relax. This is a long term hold and 2.17 is still nothing compared to what's coming.

>> No.28416964


>> No.28417016

man what did you expect

>> No.28417063

Probably anon

>> No.28417160

You've said to much, they are coming for you now

>> No.28417165
Quoted by: >>28418924

it's going back to .3

>> No.28417189

Hilarious. And you just know this poster has at least 10k GRT.

>> No.28418352

Holy shit anon, I got in so early and have so many tokens. This is gonna buy me a house I swear. What’s the EOY price looking like? $5-10? That would be enough for me

>> No.28418684

if fomo sets in $20

>> No.28418740
Quoted by: >>28419194

Same here. Thing is with the way it looked in the beginning of this month 10 eoy was very likely, but there's stuff going on behind the scenes where even Rothchilds are involved. It makes a real estimate incredibly hard to lock in.
Gotta think of what happens when delegation periods run out those 28 days what people will do. Will they keep going, or sell?

>> No.28418822

I sold half my stack at $2.05. down to 5k now. Got in at $.28 average price

>> No.28418924

god i hope so, i need to buy more

>> No.28418983

I kneel. Without you, I can't help but think this wouldn't be happening.

>> No.28419194
Quoted by: >>28419320

The 28 days lock starts once you undelegate not when you delegate.

>> No.28419245
File: 150 KB, 549x578, f7cb938876f0aabb073738b20f8cab4f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28422738

>GRT pumps like crazy
>"oh shit oh shit I have to sell now oh shit"
>Can't sell because my whole stack is delegating rn
>check in today
enforced iron hands are so bullish

>> No.28419292
File: 274 KB, 1500x1000, 400_lbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold a tiny amount at 2.17 to renew my 4chan pass. Thanks for getting rid of my captchas for another year.

>> No.28419320

Thanks for the correction.

>> No.28419439
Quoted by: >>28419665

Lol literally bought 22 of this at 82c. How high will it go?

>> No.28419497
File: 31 KB, 600x536, 4ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /ourtripfag/ the Moeposter of GRT?

>> No.28419565

you'll be fine. GRT will be above 2.5 come sunday

>> No.28419629
Quoted by: >>28420196

its gonna go to .20 when the 10 billion tokens unlock right guys? i was gonna buy at .35 but some people told me to wait until the dump when the tokens unlock

>> No.28419665

no one knows

>> No.28419687
File: 435 KB, 1125x2436, 60DD5A3E-586A-4CE6-B1A5-661F878BED26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28420059

>tfw $100 GRT in a few years is completely possible

>> No.28419766
File: 64 KB, 374x276, dumpit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought PRQ

>> No.28419882

I didn't think $2 was possible so soon
$10 might be possible EOY
$1 is also possible if/when bitcoin corrects

>> No.28419981
File: 213 KB, 640x548, 96E986CC-AA15-4A55-936F-43216A3D9276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28427965


>> No.28419983

this is fucking ridiculous. no reason to be pumping like this.

>> No.28420020

stop loss at 1.85

>> No.28420059
File: 262 KB, 948x774, 1613000402676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw $2 were EOY predictions 2 weeks ago
>$3 until last week

>> No.28420194

It's the google of blockchain, every reason to be pumping.

Surprised it took so long.

>> No.28420196
File: 160 KB, 1136x1019, 1612158308500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake news

>> No.28420230
Quoted by: >>28420979

i sold at 0.89 I think I fucked up

>> No.28420264
Quoted by: >>28420325

The rothchilds bought in, they doubled my little stack of 400 before i bought in more today. Now i had to buy at 1.99

>> No.28420325


>> No.28420439

rothschilds bought into a crypto holding company that owns the graph

so it's an indirect investment from them, still big

>> No.28420446
File: 88 KB, 748x586, queryfeesbruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28420572

gotta say this is some pretty crazy shit today anons congrats. looks like you might make it

>> No.28420619
File: 350 KB, 828x1403, 99016ADF-77E1-47F0-9E31-1507D325C968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else feeling particularily comfy for the future?

>> No.28420665
Quoted by: >>28420828

It’s altseason everything pumps for no reason

>> No.28420828

this kinda is though, forbes article, tweets and rothschilds.

>> No.28420916

>ctrl+F bollock
>no results
Did bollocks anon finally hang himself?

>> No.28420923

How do people look at this graph and not feel fearful

>> No.28420979
Quoted by: >>28421347

I'm 100% sure that you fucked up. 99% of the people in this thread can't even begin to understand what grt is capable of and what is going to happen in the next 4 months. Your next fuck up would be not buying it now and waiting for a dip

>> No.28421041

If you guys sell before 2025 you're fuckin retarded. Even then, depending on where GRT stands, you might still be fuckin retarded for selling.

>> No.28421057
Quoted by: >>28423597




>> No.28421105
Quoted by: >>28427321

bc warren buffet says to buy when others are fearful or something like that

>> No.28421136

Because PRQ fud has now been defeated.

>> No.28421152

>/noun/ - "pear" -- "uh" --- "ball" ----- "ick"
What fucking accent is that?

>> No.28421181
File: 19 KB, 220x260, 1610475708528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooo stop I'm still trying to accumulate stop it right nowwwww aaaaaaaa!

>> No.28421291

For what it's worth, I am in a high leverage long trade on GRT since 7 days ago, the trader I am learning from is VERY experienced, and GRT is currently at his predicted price point from 7 days ago, my stop loss is now at 1.9 and that's made me thousands of dollars but, don't expect much more, personally I'm keeping the trade open for now because I think it might climb a little higher, my go to guy doesn't however, just sell everything if it drops below 1.8 and buy again after the dip, personally I believe in the fundamentals of GRT so while normally I would take profits at this stage since I'm a swing trader, I have a lot faith in the coin itself. I actually hold a bunch of coins long term and this is one of them

>> No.28421333
File: 98 KB, 378x286, dualityofman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss SUPER AI IS GONNA TAKE OVER anon. Are you here ?

>> No.28421338
File: 73 KB, 500x667, 1374542377941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28421535

I literally just started investing with the GME thing recently; played with dogecoin as a joke during it and made a good chunk back of what losses i had

Looked around into other crypto as doge went nuts; i didn't know shit about it but have been reading up on it since then and bought a little GRT over a week ago; then when a paycheck hit i put more in

Even swung a little of it yesterday to make 25 more GRT
got 2k in BTC about 3 days ago that i also dumped into GRT early yesterday as well

am i gonna make it

>> No.28421347

This anon gets it. Hold tight, we're making it before more crypto regulation sets in.

>> No.28421394
Quoted by: >>28423657

Because I bought in at .50 with the intention of holding for YEARS
I expected pumps
I expected dumps

>> No.28421461
File: 150 KB, 780x433, 1582044028164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh cup and handle works

>> No.28421535
Quoted by: >>28421980

>2k in BTC
lol no

>> No.28421569

Bitcoin is taking off. BoA is supporting it, Uber taking it, twitter is talking about it, tesla broke the tension.

>> No.28421574


>Grayscale is owned by CoinDesk parent company Digital Currency Group


>> No.28421622

Is it still worth buying now lads?

>> No.28421759

Was avax worth buying at 2?
Yes. Buy

>> No.28421778

I bought at the "top" 10 hours ago. That's now the floor.

>> No.28421784

Fomo pill me graphchads

>> No.28421789
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>> No.28421848
File: 116 KB, 1232x575, ngmi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A moment of silence for our papers hands brethren

>> No.28421866

yes, fren.

>> No.28421898
Quoted by: >>28431458

It's going to be early for GRT for a longtime. This is a long hold. Its growing faster than we expected but if you buy now you'll be laughing when we hit $10.

>> No.28421906

This. Thought I fucked up.

>> No.28421980
Quoted by: >>28422153

Should he have had more in BTC? Should he have put more in GRT?

>> No.28422033

I base my trades around research, product functionality and branding. Thats why I'm fearless

>> No.28422152

Any idea of when we see this slowing down?

>> No.28422153

You're 12 years too late for BTC

>> No.28422345
File: 74 KB, 742x745, 6856754785678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$10 might be possible EOY

>> No.28422346

It's not. Sorry not to drop links on you, too lazy, but do some research. It might hit a slow crawl for a few weeks but it's not coming down

>> No.28422384

Pre-ordered the classic XJR Jag lads

>> No.28422437
File: 153 KB, 800x593, 1511339971969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$5 EOM
>$5 EOM
$5 EOM
>$5 EOM
$5 EOM
>$5 EOM
$5 EOM
>$5 EOM
$5 EOM
>$5 EOM

>> No.28422441
Quoted by: >>28422632

$5 EOM

>> No.28422490
Quoted by: >>28422642

Gonna slow down end of may. It's gonna dip in june and by this time next year we'll be drag racing our Lamborghinis on mars

>> No.28422610
Quoted by: >>28431017

My dad wanted to invest so he bought in at 1.43. Best choice of his life and all he had to do was listen to me.

>> No.28422632

$5 EOW actually

>> No.28422642

what price? ether levels?

>> No.28422656
Quoted by: >>28422727

Fuk it bought another 100 stack. Had to cashmout to cover my initial but this moon mission doesnt appear to be ending

>> No.28422684
Quoted by: >>28423246

Fucking christ
I'm starting to think we're gonna hit 10 eoy even after tokens unlock

>> No.28422727

have you looked at the chart? This shit is crabbing hard

>> No.28422738

mf exactly

>> No.28422814


>> No.28422968

Good time to buy. I swung into it while it was crabbing down a little.

>> No.28423057

Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.28423111
File: 44 KB, 593x601, 2ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.28423246
File: 26 KB, 713x611, 1514245688921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm starting to think we're gonna hit 10 eoy even after tokens unlock
Kek. $10 this summer. Biden's stimmy check is coming. Cap this.

>> No.28423249

almost certain this dude holds major grt bags at this point
i will never forget you grt fudster anon

>> No.28423354

This got me thinking, where can we see all of Grayscale's crypto holdings?

>> No.28423451

just sold

>> No.28423469

fuckin aye... lj;dc
(lost job; don't care)

>> No.28423486

Yeah but normies know fuck all about grt
If this shit gets screen time from some celebrity ill believe it

>> No.28423506

because I want it to tank so I can buy more
because right now I am making $800 a month if it keeps the same price, doing absolutely nothing but delegating.

>> No.28423597


>> No.28423655 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28423820

Thats barely enough to cover gas and car insurance but i guess it free right meh

>> No.28423657

Exactly. Were here for the long ride.

>> No.28423807
File: 105 KB, 512x512, 1511650198388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28424057

Normies don't need to understand shit about GRT. They only need to hear "the Google of Bitcoin" and they will rush and fucking eat the sell walls. All markets will pump once Biden's bux hit them.

>> No.28423806
Quoted by: >>28424057

is metamask safe for long term holding? i want to delegate but only have 1k

>> No.28423820

Stop driving inefficient over priced pieces of shit.

>> No.28423841
Quoted by: >>28424390

whats your stack Anon ?

>> No.28423869

where can I send my GRT from coinbase? I cant seem to find them on kraken nor binance

>> No.28423981

This isn't going to be cheap enough for the stimmies by the time they get it.

>> No.28424057

It doesnt matter if you're delegating. Its held by the grt network at that point.
>musk advertises bs like dogecoin
>rich retard does 0 research on crypto and completely ignores utility like grt
Its infuriating. Looking forward to the pump though

>> No.28424356

what do you mean anon? i wont have to worry about it gettting stolen then? super paranoid/ anxietty about online hacks and shit

>> No.28424390
Quoted by: >>28425094

Averaging .50-.60 GRT an hour delegating.
~400 free GRT a month.

I envy 50k-100k stackers. 100k would be something like 1300 grt a month. That could have been me.

>> No.28424606

>Hey Stacy look at this GRT shares
>What is it? Wow that is so cheap! Only $5 compared to Bitcoins which is already $50,000
>LOL I know right? We should just buy this one. My friend said GRT is the Google of Bitcoin. He's into anime and nerd stuff, so he understands things like these
>Right I just bought $100 of these shares. When this reaches $10 I will cash out and buy new H&M autumn boots and sweaters. Tee hee

>> No.28424726
File: 240 KB, 1068x1531, 1576553689973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28426931

>tfw only 1k stack
>everyone with 10k stacks will literally retire EOY
I wish I wasn't poor. I want a six figure portfolio by next year

>> No.28424855
File: 110 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When this reaches $10 I will cash out and buy new H&M autumn boots and sweaters

>> No.28424944

pls anon explain so i can be calm

>> No.28424958

tfw "crabbing hard" is less than 2 hours, wagmi

>> No.28425047
Quoted by: >>28425108

I mean you are leaving it up to the security of grt and its indexes. It won't be stored in your wallet until you undelegate it. GRT would have to fuck up BAD for it to be compromised on such a scale though

>> No.28425094

thanks Anon I will have to start delegating

>> No.28425108

i only have like 3k is that even enough?

>> No.28425155
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>> No.28425323
Quoted by: >>28425452

To what? Delegate? Yeah but some of your grt will be burned and you have to spend some eth. You gotta determine if its worth it man.
If you are holding long it probably is regardless how little you are delegating, because some day a little will be alot.

>> No.28425327

>People getting into GRT now not knowing it's supposed to be long term

>> No.28425335

It hurts to read this

>> No.28425382

lol true, but I was just thinking they're not going to research at all and dump into something sub $1

>> No.28425452
Quoted by: >>28425679

ill just try to accumulate more then do it, i was looking on the index page, how does one determine which one to delegate to? (im retarded)

>> No.28425460
Quoted by: >>28425639

It would take half a month to cover gas fees alone. If you plan to hold for a year or more and not buy any more, it might be worth it. Just know that when you delegate you can't dump your GRT for an entire month if it started tanking.

>> No.28425522
Quoted by: >>28425773

>bought at 2.08
Some men, mastah wayne, some men just want to watch the world burn

>> No.28425580

my favorite schizo. never stop posting bro

>> No.28425616
Quoted by: >>28425721


>> No.28425639

i plan on holding long term. i might just wait then until i buy up to 5-10k (soon for obvi reasons). Long term wise, if im not delegating, would metamask be safe to hold on? I tried ledger but i cant see it unless i go to etherscan and would rather use meta

>> No.28425679

Use the calculator i linked you to determine that. Check on your indexer every day to make sure hes not ripping you off

>> No.28425721
Quoted by: >>28425873

Negro it got a fucking 100% massive gain, let it rest. At least we now know $2 is the new floor when it was fucking 1.15 yesterday

$3 tomorrow is 90% possible

>> No.28425773

Same here, only 25$ luckily.

>> No.28425829
Quoted by: >>28426118

wait why is this pumping today of all days

>> No.28425849

am i a smoothbrain or is delegating way more of a process than it should be. wouldn't coinbase make a killing if they allowed this through their ui

>> No.28425873

>$2 is the new floor
it not even at 2 you fucking mong
we need pumps if you aren't for pumps get the fuck out

>> No.28426011
Quoted by: >>28426201

Does coinbase make you wait before you can shuffle GRT to metamask? I want to delegate Sunday night when gas prices are at their lowest.

>> No.28426056

They probably will allow some form of it eventually, like with ATOM.

>> No.28426118

When did you expect a pump?

>> No.28426139


>> No.28426201

when you buy from bank acct you can immediately move 10% to an external wallet like MM, the remaining is on a 6 day lock.

>> No.28426372

So when are we dipping back down to 50 cents

>> No.28426387
File: 50 KB, 680x549, 1604450818611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just converted half my ETH into this.

Almost did last night but told myself to sleep on it and see how I felt in the morning, kek

>> No.28426489
Quoted by: >>28426589

best place to buy GRT?

>> No.28426589
Quoted by: >>28427047


>> No.28426612
Quoted by: >>28426792

just hold on whatever place you bought it from and ensure you have all security measures in place
t. held six figures worth of crypto on pro coinbase for years

delegating is super easy and even retards can figure it out, the hardest part is picking an indexer and everyone just picks the same one anyways.

>> No.28426616
File: 3.13 MB, 480x360, 1613025640843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28426777


>> No.28426767
Quoted by: >>28426934

When you delegate do the coins you get go back into what you're delegating or do you have to put them back in manually?

>> No.28426777

>just a few days ago anons were waiting for a dip below one dollar

>> No.28426792
Quoted by: >>28426934

thanks captain hooker, bless you and may you make it thirty times over

>> No.28426829

I’ve learned my lesson

>> No.28426864
File: 118 KB, 531x800, 1453604510082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28426945

that's me haha
>1.21? I'll just wait for a dip!
>FOMO'd in at 2.01 when it was pumping
At least I secured 1k stacks total (510 @ .90 before)

>> No.28426885

normies aren't the only ones getting stimulus.

>> No.28426889


>> No.28426904
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sir, he bought at ATH.
Doomp it.

>> No.28426931

use this is your start and keep investing. hopefully the bull market lasts awhile.

>> No.28426934
Quoted by: >>28427149

don't go to shady porn sites now anon.

any rewards from delegating are automatically re-delegated, it's like compounding interest on crack.

>> No.28426945
File: 114 KB, 499x499, 671467a2195f53951e5f2f474df361aa4e925daa576d63376c46ad9c1dbdd347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've found our money ticket
...not sure how to deal with taxes though

>> No.28427005

W-what’s happening....

>> No.28427026


>> No.28427047

any place that doesn't report to IRS? Or is there some trick with binance

>> No.28427060

if I had a chance to change anything I would like to shoot this niggers who shilled there this trash
have already lost 1500$1700$ for their scam bot
who this idiot that made this fucking retarded bot
seems like it is better to wait for full-ecosystem launch for Bot Ocean and their solutions
my wallet is weeping

>> No.28427069


>> No.28427077

Witnessed brother. Diamond hands, HODL

>> No.28427081
Quoted by: >>28427131

>bought the top again

>> No.28427093

Hold it for 1+ year and pay long term capital gains tax which will only be 20% instead of fucking 37%
or do some dodgy shit

it's correcting as it should have, pumped way too hard

>> No.28427096
File: 212 KB, 838x630, 1608485569179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this dips below 1.80 I'll buy another 500 stacks

>> No.28427127
Quoted by: >>28427414

I want to ape 50 uni into this. Been waiting for a pull back for two days now

>> No.28427131

Today's top is tomorrow's low

>> No.28427144
File: 96 KB, 400x400, gentlemen-its-an-honor-to-be-sinking-with-you-now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we had a good run boys

>> No.28427149
File: 166 KB, 1079x1069, incelephant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big of a stack do you need in order to bother delegating
t. poorfag

>> No.28427156
Quoted by: >>28427319

dont parabolas go down after a while?

>> No.28427169

and the fall followed by the bag holding will be glorious

>> No.28427183

Holy shit what a dump, I want to buy but how low will it go?

>> No.28427195
Quoted by: >>28427257

Don't pay them, wait for them to come for you.
Then say ooops i didn't know, here's your money :)
if they never come for you, you never have to pay.

>> No.28427238

Buy in opportunity incoming

>> No.28427248

I-I don’t feel so good...

>> No.28427257

that's fair, i don't give a fuck about this new shitty corrupt government

>> No.28427298

I have more in my portfolio than my bank account.

>> No.28427319

draw one real quick and see for yourself

>> No.28427321
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>> No.28427322


>> No.28427323
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Sub 1.80 let's go, need to buy more

>> No.28427339

is it time to buy? trying to dca

>> No.28427342

I don't think it'll fall too hard honestly. Maybe like 1.8

>> No.28427359


>> No.28427371
Quoted by: >>28427438

how far is this dipping I wanna swing a bit

>> No.28427384
File: 96 KB, 689x768, 1594696169218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized I could have bought at 1.80 or even 1.70 since its dipping hard. Why did I FOMO at 2.01?

doesn't matter anyway since this is a long hold

>> No.28427386

I reckon most people will spend that money before they actually have it in their hands. We live in a debt society after all.

>> No.28427398

Thank fuck its going back to normal

>> No.28427399

buy high sell low

>> No.28427401

Absolute minimum 5k GRT. The gas fees are pretty high and you won't come out ahead otherwise.
If you don't want to fuck with that, buy ALGO. APY isn't as high but you just need to park it into an ALGO wallet and enjoy free money. Also by pulling ALGO from circulation you raise the price, and you aren't locked in for 28 days like GRT.

>> No.28427411

if youre DCA this is a good time

>> No.28427414
Quoted by: >>28427488

Get ready, it's correcting right now.

5k minimum 10k for it to be actually worth it, in my opinion. 5k is ~60 GRT a month. You burn something like 25 delegating, and you have to spend $40-60 on gas. So it takes a month to get back what you spent.

>> No.28427431
Quoted by: >>28427610

GRT is brrr with coin supply. Enjoy the dump back down to 10 cents.

>> No.28427438

It will dip to around $1.6.

>> No.28427455

Correction is inevitable

>> No.28427465

Same here anon, but what's a couple of cents when this shit hits $10

>> No.28427484
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Quoted by: >>28427633

Hope you're buying in on the way down boys

>> No.28427485

Thank you based schizo. There really is a 2 dollar teacup coming lads. Hold on and i'll see you on the other side.

>> No.28427488


>> No.28427501
Quoted by: >>28427616

$1K suicide stack at 1.9
hold me /biz/

>> No.28427530


>> No.28427532
Quoted by: >>28427580

Don't worry anons. This has happened over and over with this coin. With each dip the subsequent pump is higher and higher. 3 eod. Checkem

>> No.28427558

correction to $1.2

>> No.28427580

$3 EOM***

>> No.28427610

This is my main issue with the coin. However note that when people stake the coins are out of circulation for 28 days, which can help keep the price up.
Still ultimately prefer ALGO even though the pumps aren't as hard.

>> No.28427616

I bought 5k at $2.07, I’m already down $700 in less than an hour

>> No.28427625

I'm selling my entire stack if it falls below $1.75 and then buying back in late.r

>> No.28427633

I don’t get paid till tomorrow, fuck!
Well I’m sitting on a 9115 GRT stack but damn, I don’t know how long it will take me to get to 10k, this thing is going up fast

>> No.28427642

I did precisely the same thing as you. Except I saved some money and set up buy orders every 10¢ down from $2 so now my average is better and better.

>> No.28427678

Me too my mouthbreathing brethren

>> No.28427715

Hahaha it's ogre anon.

>> No.28427791

Grt and bnt is the thinking man's portfolio. Grt pumped fucking hard this morning, and during the dip bnt went up 30 cents. I seriously hope you anons are heavy into both of these.

>> No.28427804

Enjoy your correction. Maybe this time you'll buy the dip.

>> No.28427808
Quoted by: >>28428477

Dont forget to panic sell during the dip

>> No.28427822
Quoted by: >>28428011

500% return so I just called in sick to my casual wagie job igmi bros

>> No.28427840

Buy more and it will push the green bars up.
Stop being a pussy.

>> No.28427855
Quoted by: >>28427924

I bought at 1.5 last night and then it dipped immediately to 1.40. FREAKED TF OUT. Up today tho.

Patience my friend

>> No.28427883
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andddddddddd we're back

>> No.28427924
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This. Look at the chart based on weekly you idiots.

>> No.28427962
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sell the dip

>> No.28427965

this IS the dip while it's still under 2$

>> No.28427982

>already going back up

>> No.28428011

It’s getting hard to work, I haven’t done shit all day just day dreaming about this shit hitting 1k eoy
Haha but I’d be happy if it hits 20

>> No.28428055

Buy the dip faggots

>> No.28428059
File: 164 KB, 1542x539, grt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28428301

buy at 1.6 - 1.8

>> No.28428071

How much will it realistically go up by the end of the week?

>> No.28428118
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Same, but I'm a poorfag and bought only 50. Could be worse.

>> No.28428121
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Quoted by: >>28429122


>> No.28428136


>> No.28428145

It's too volatile to tell, anon. Shit went parabolic overnight.

>> No.28428184
Quoted by: >>28428326

I hope you guys bought 10 minutes ago.
She's going back up now.

>> No.28428273

next ether

>> No.28428301
Quoted by: >>28428380

This is meme magic and tokenomics. 1.8 is the floor now

>> No.28428326
Quoted by: >>28428567

Press X to doubt

>> No.28428380
Quoted by: >>28428606

Someone said $2 was the floor like an hour ago

>> No.28428417
Quoted by: >>28428484

if you missed GRT buy 0x year of the OX

>> No.28428463

Next stop 2.5 next 2 hours

>> No.28428477
Quoted by: >>28429070

I learned my mistake with LINK. Never ever doing that again.

>> No.28428484
Quoted by: >>28428845

ive had my eye on it

>> No.28428494

Damn GRT bros. I just woke up. Wtf is happening

>> No.28428510
File: 1.33 MB, 1200x800, GRT-the-last-wage-ender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more he FUDs the stronger we become. GRT-Chads unite.

>> No.28428544
Quoted by: >>28428715

price correction back to 1.2

>> No.28428547
Quoted by: >>28430495

Rothschild invested into GRT

>> No.28428567
Quoted by: >>28428832

It is .30c off todays high.
If that isn't a sign to buy I don't know what is.
It will only track higher.

>> No.28428570
File: 529 KB, 736x849, 1605059266294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was completely broke with $0 in December but I spent my stimulus check on The Graph at 30 cents and delegated it all

>> No.28428580

Wisdomchalice fiyah bun vampayas! Blood fire! Dj. Mc.Luhan top hits.

>> No.28428600


>> No.28428606

that wasnt me nigger

>> No.28428710

>bought at £1.18
>Peaked as I woke up from my nap at £1.60
>Dipping and it's at £1.41

How do I fight my urge to sell out here

>> No.28428715

floor is now 1.8 catch up

>> No.28428760

Bull trap alert.

get out now.

>> No.28428769
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>> No.28428771

Accumulate now before every normie gets in then dump a nice part of your stacks when it peaks.

>> No.28428817

This is when you should be BUYING! Not selling in a fucking panic.

>> No.28428819
File: 10 KB, 650x650, 7357EE53-0337-42D0-9C9C-29E95DF19F7C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best namefag of the new class

>> No.28428832

You think it can go up like this forever noob?

>> No.28428845

yeah. defi infrastructure is going to moon, very least catch up trade. 0x should be equal to GRT

>> No.28428875

Last time you'll ever see grt below $2

>> No.28428887

Look at the fucking weekly and mothly.

>> No.28428897

Just hold it man. Trust me. I bought at 30 cents and watched as it dipped below there for weeks. If you are worried about your hands then just delegate as soon as you see gas prices get low enough to justify it

>> No.28428909
Quoted by: >>28429012

Don't sell you idiots it's still a 4chan meme at least wait until it gets to normie territory by weekend.

Also: Chinese New Year 2morrow so expect BTC diaspora influx.

Shit hasn't even started yet.

>> No.28428964

Just remember what you don't know doesn't hurt you.
This has a lot of potential, you know it, thats the reason you bought it, so just close the app unless you are buying more and let it go.
I nearly sold last night when it got to $1.60 but figured I was only in a few thousand so worth the risk to just let it be.
Paid off.

>> No.28429012

GRT to 0.7 sell now idiots

>> No.28429070

Exactly please sell to me for a lower price sir. I learned my lesson with panic selling once and then realized that having to baghold for a few weeks is a reality in this space. However, in this kind of retarded bull market you almost literally cannot lose money. Seriously. Even if you bought doge at 0.075 during the initial pump you would be about even right now. If you had panic sold, you would have lost 40%. Buy and do not sell is a legitimate tactic.

>> No.28429107

it can and will

>> No.28429120
Quoted by: >>28429274

No but this won't fall back below $1.80 anytime soon and I think it has a chance to push $2.50 within the very near future.

>> No.28429122


>> No.28429211
Quoted by: >>28429504


>> No.28429274
Quoted by: >>28429397

1.3 EOW. Always bet on counter sentiment. When you all are screaming moon I know to sell.

>> No.28429385

Just hold

>> No.28429397

No one cares you swing trading paperhands poorfag, this is $10-50 EOY

>> No.28429408
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>> No.28429413
File: 1.19 MB, 3072x3072, 1612687300621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, you gotta go against all odds, you know?
Boss your life up
I had to run a check up, I had to boss my life up
Like, where I get these bands from?
Like, where I get that ice from?
I stayed down long enough, and then I came right up
What else you think a nigga used to stay up all night for?
What else you think a nigga used to stay out sellin' white for?
I'm in love with the guap, while lil momma think I like her

>> No.28429437
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i love you

>> No.28429504

its going down

>> No.28429569
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>> No.28429604
Quoted by: >>28429777

Lmao. Thank God I sold this pos. Made profit though.
1.82 and dropping.

>> No.28429621

GTFO with your WSB lingo redditfugee faggot

>> No.28429631


>> No.28429700

its a bargain right now

>> No.28429704
Quoted by: >>28429814

This fellow gets it.
If you believe in GRT you will hold.
If it drops you accumulate more while you can.
Who literally expects to make money buying and selling as it moves up and down .10c each way?

>> No.28429707

FOMO in at sub $1 if you need to FOMO. Otherwise comfy DCA until $10 is the best play.

>> No.28429721

No. Wait for $1.75.

>> No.28429729

we hitting $3 next

>> No.28429732
File: 21 KB, 640x619, DC5A8D3B-91C5-4DEC-B773-F7AF1C4D8FFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s OVER guys wtf! I’m financially ruined!

>> No.28429777
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say that to her face, incel

>> No.28429780

You're dedication to this is admirable.

>> No.28429800

It's a 25% off sale on its days high.
You wanted it when it was $2.20.
You should want it more at $1.82.

>> No.28429814
Quoted by: >>28429945

>Who literally expects to make money buying and selling as it moves up and down .10c each way?
people who will sell by the thousands?

>> No.28429846

I was $2000 up this morning when it peaked but I was asleep rip are we going back boys

>> No.28429879

ignore everyone in this thread just buy

>> No.28429916

seems it is correcting itself. worth keeping an eye on but looked like a bull trap to me

>> No.28429921
File: 42 KB, 424x410, sadfrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros... i'm already down $200...

>> No.28429945
Quoted by: >>28429994

>people who will sell by the thousands?
You know where you are right?

>> No.28429951
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>> No.28429970

I've been watching this closely. We are definitely going over $3 and probably sooner than anyone expects

>> No.28429994

everyone here is stuck in 6 figure hell

>> No.28430011

Buy more

>> No.28430021

Yeah prolly

>> No.28430052

Inverse moon sune.

>> No.28430089

Is this worth selling link for? It’s already mooned

>> No.28430105

it's called big numbers

>> No.28430110

>go outside for a jog
>lose 15% of my last buys

You fucking retards can't do anything right

>> No.28430127
File: 359 KB, 720x480, 8681E151-AEAA-4CCD-B85D-E31241AEEFBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28430194


>> No.28430160
Quoted by: >>28430789


>> No.28430194
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>> No.28430215
Quoted by: >>28430789

Time to panic sell.

>> No.28430225

Whats that?

>> No.28430242
Quoted by: >>28430317

Whats the floor i say 1.60, $3 mnimumum end of month

>> No.28430261

Anyone thinking it's going to crash does not understand the math dynamic of indexing/delegating. A large chunk of people buying are going to delegate no matter what. The price can basically never quickly dump after a pump. Every downtrend is only 20-40 percent of the previous pump, that's why we're going parabolic. This dynamic isn't going to suddenly change.

>> No.28430317


$3 by Saturday. This shit is happening on a weekday ffs

>> No.28430360

*ssshhhh* we want them all to panic sell so we can buy their bags for cheap.

>> No.28430364

1 min timeframe

>> No.28430385
Quoted by: >>28430967

I’m up $13,000

>> No.28430388

I... I love you

>> No.28430463


>> No.28430487
File: 123 KB, 749x750, 1612982215058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these swingies and newfags freaking out over day to day volatility. GRT is a long term hold. If you believe in project, buy what you can afford, delegate, and come back in a few years.

>> No.28430495


>> No.28430499



>> No.28430591

based 160iq delegationpilled anon. here, have these digits

>> No.28430605
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>> No.28430617


People are in here upset that it is sitting at $1.80 right now and I went to bed last night thinking "Man, $1.25 today! Probably going to be sorry in the morning!"

>> No.28430624
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My reproductive organ is stimulated by this price action brethren

>> No.28430713
File: 179 KB, 1858x1072, grt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last chance fancy pants

Get ready for lift-off

>> No.28430746

I am only up $13k since Friday... what a piece of shit coin

>> No.28430778

imagine wanting to sell this thing asap lmao faggots this is a long hold

>> No.28430789
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Quoted by: >>28430876

It will probably recover. Not the berg, but well enough.

>> No.28430876

it's gonna recover and then dip back to 1.2

>> No.28430967

Up about 11k

>> No.28430985

time to buy

>> No.28431017

Are you super bowl betting dad anon?

>> No.28431199
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>> No.28431407

Buy you nigger

>> No.28431415
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>> No.28431434
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Should I buy more at 1.75 or is it just gunna keep dumping

>> No.28431458

This debuted on coinbase back in december at 10 or 30 cents. Three months later we are over $2. Now think about how long it took link to grow.

>> No.28431460


>> No.28431473

now thats a perfect buying opportunity right there