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File: 321 KB, 1080x1080, TM-LEDGER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27436122 No.27436122 [Reply] [Original]

why not just have paper wallets in a fireproof safe? or even a software wallet with your bip39 seed phrase backed up in steel?
general security tips and tricks thread.

>> No.27436229
Quoted by: >>27438696

cause it's easy to interact with while keeping your keys safe

>> No.27436288

my crypto sits partially on metamask and the other part on binance. not really worried

>> No.27436364
Quoted by: >>27436903

because i cant whip those out to impress girls with at parties

>> No.27436903
File: 207 KB, 1280x960, stacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27438473

>he doesn't make it rain with 100 sat paper wallets at the strip club

>> No.27437765
Quoted by: >>27437879

Your private keys never leave the hardware wallet. Stops you getting fucked by keyloggers and the like.

>> No.27437792

because every time you want to send crypto or verify your public address you need to expose the keys to the internet. Hardware wallets keep your keys secret while allowing you to interact with the blockchain.

>> No.27437879

but real big brains do both, have a hardware wallet, and secure their keys to that wallet on steel in a safe

>> No.27438068

Hardware wallets can stop functioning though.

Imagine 10 years down the line your paranoid ass who took your 1 whole bitcoin off your exchange into your hardware wallet, and now your 1 bitcoin is worth $2 million, you excitedly take your hardware wallet out of the safe, and then you realise it no longer working, and your BTC is not forever stuck on it and lost forever.

Hardware wallets, not even once.
(most lost bitcoin is on offline hardware wallets)

>> No.27438132

Do you know how many fucking crypto exchanges have closed down?

>> No.27438143
Quoted by: >>27438681


>> No.27438144

what? you just save your seed phrase retard

>> No.27438184
Quoted by: >>27438681

You can get a new hardware wallet and recover it with seed phrase? Are you a nigger?

>> No.27438219
Quoted by: >>27438681

you realize seed backups are a thing right? Jesus...

>> No.27438222
Quoted by: >>27438681


>> No.27438367
Quoted by: >>27438681

that's why you keep your seed buried in your yard (and other multiple copies at different safe locations), with the letters stamped on 316 stainless steel plate which is strong and corrosion proof

>> No.27438437

You just put the seed phrase from metamask in a hardware wallet you fucking idiot

>> No.27438473
Quoted by: >>27439533

Any recommendations on tracking those wallets with an app?

>> No.27438499
File: 648 KB, 963x862, BCBCA7BF-AD48-445F-8363-CAF3E265D169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing
>absolute negative IQ, completely fucking clueless post
I hate this website

>> No.27438642

here is a process i came up with to store my seed on the cloud safely:

how to store see on cloud
>get words from paper seed:
act, add, addict
>find bip39 values:
(act=20), (add=26), (addict=27)
>come up with stupidly easy to remember password the same length as your seed and convert to numeric values:
c21 = (3), (2), (1)
>add (or subtract if you want) from numeric see phrase in sequence:
(20+3), (26+2), (27+1)
>take new seed phrase and find their word value:
(23=actress), (28=address), (28=address)
>input into text file and store on the cloud:
actress, address, address > something.txt > porn.rar > cloud storage
>bonus use ascii instead of numeric values if you want a password with case and special chars
c21 = (99), (50), (49)

>> No.27438681


Guys im sorry to say but there is no 100% perfect safe method.

We're at a stage where keeping crypto on your exchange is safer than holding it yourself.

>> No.27438696


>> No.27438992
Quoted by: >>27440863

Wtf are you autistic. How long as this security nonsense been a meme? No one does this

>> No.27439033
Quoted by: >>27439218

I’ve had 800 eth sitting on bittrex since 2016. Never been hacked. Hardware wallets are a meme.

>> No.27439218
Quoted by: >>27440803

This is the thing.

The way exchanges are set-up, if done properly, it has to be an inside job for their holdings to get "hacked".

You know what, I bet all of the so called "hacked" exchanges, were all inside jobs. So instead of using random 2nd/3rd world foreign exchanges, use a local exchange in your country, that is recognized by the government and has licenses and actually tells you how they maintain security and protect themselves from any potential threats.

>> No.27439261

Use your brain

Is it really that hard for people to recall a 12 word phrase?

>> No.27439446

your a retard if you think that, seed phrase engraved in metal, keep it in a safe place, never expose it to anything other than other hardware wallets. Anyone who cant figure that out isnt smart enough to be putting their money into crypto.
Or just dont store them on the cloud.

>> No.27439533

that's what the seed phrase you for you absolute mongoloid. the ledger is a tool to interface safely with crypto software, not the key itself. you should have that backed up in steel.
i'm not sure that's a good idea. the point is that the secret key only exists on that one sheet of paper, nowhere else. that said, when SHTF we'll be trading paper wallets and using an app to manage them.
>give an arms dealer a paper wallet for a gun
>he imports it on his comp, verifies the amount is correct
>he then needs to move the funds from the paper wallet to his own, otherwise i could go home and send the funds back to myself
and to your question, any old wallet app will work. try ATOMIC wallet.

>> No.27439587

also most lost bitcoin is not on hardware wallets, its on hard drives tossed in the landfill or was on wallet files deleted long before the news ever mentioned bitcoin. Your an actual drooling retard.

>> No.27439722

please do actual research on crypto before coming on here and spouting actual shit

>> No.27439798

>20 years later
>your BTC is worth 40 million dollars
>open autistic_wallet_seed.txt
>wtf am i looking at
>forget your retarded method you came up with
>rope yourself

>> No.27439867
File: 37 KB, 466x490, 1607283021559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seed phrase

>> No.27439970
Quoted by: >>27442983

i can't help but laugh at the image of this in my head

>> No.27440803

why take the risk at all? what happens in economic collapse and, just like the banks in previous crises, they don't have the money to give everyone their crypto back. on the exchange, your crypto isn't in a special wallet just for you. just like at the bank, it's simply a number in their system that means "anon has this much" and when you cash out they send you that amount. it keeps things more automated and liquid on their end.
keeping a steel plate with your seed is very simple and idiot-proof.

>> No.27440863
File: 74 KB, 399x435, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont understand why using a computer is a bad idea if you know what you are doing. just install and boot linux from a USB drive and run a software wallet

any haxxor that manages to access your data is most likely going to look for ways to profit from financially ruining you and its safe to say if they will probably comb your files for bip 39 phrases. let them find my encoded seed, pretty much useless unless you know the exact passphrase and method used to cipher it. guess you could do a lazy cipher and just loop a shorter passphrase or just add the same value to each of your seeds values.

no fuck you, not using the cloud for what its good for (keeping data safe from your physical house getting demolished or raided) is just primitive, bogus seed phrase master race.

faggot, having my encoded seed on the cloud doesnt mean im ditching my steel plate with the actual seed.

>> No.27441005

just back up your wallet on a few remote servers,make an offiline copy or 2, and use a passphrase with > 300 bits entropy

>> No.27441083
Quoted by: >>27443907

it's a usb flash drive, tard. those spontaneously die after several years because flash memory is worthless for storing any data long-term

>> No.27441107

10-20 years down the line? yes.
remember your HS admin password you had memorized and typed in every day for years? me neither. it's been 7 years.

>> No.27441128
File: 42 KB, 2523x1096, Argent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best wallet around.

>> No.27441684

Go kys

>> No.27441725

it's the only way you can keep your private key from being exposed to another machine, unless you want to sign offline transactions on a dedicated airgapped PC

>> No.27441816

(you) farming.

>> No.27441870

is Ledger still a good choice, what with that massive data breach they had? I know it didn't affect wallets, but still

>> No.27441975

Should of been a millionaire here whos BTC went in a house fire .

>> No.27441994
Quoted by: >>27442290

>got hacked
>is a good choice

>> No.27442290

people's emails and home addresses were leaked because shopify buyer info was hacked. ledger doesn't have your seed phrase because it's generated when you first setup your ledger and never leaves the device. it's impossible to hack because the ledger company literally doesn't have that info.
your money is safe. no one can touch it because it doesn't exist online. the most dangerous aspect of the hack is that now people know who bought a ledger during a certain window of time, and they may be targeted when SHTF.

>> No.27442378
File: 1.76 MB, 854x480, Dzhanibekov_Effect2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27442818

It's a double edge sword, you get the security of signing transactions offline, but you never know if the hardware has a 0 day exploit concerning key generation.

>> No.27442414
Quoted by: >>27442660

How does a physical cold storage wallet get hacked? Do you need use their software or can't you just use it offline?

>> No.27442509

hundreds of thousands of people have ledgers, seems like a really ass backwards method to try to find wealthy people.

>> No.27442660

just print it out and OCR it if needed. acid-free paper has a proven 500+ year lifetime unlike an array of NAND gates

>> No.27442661
Quoted by: >>27445244

Thats why you save a file next to it with instructions on how to decode

>> No.27442688

could you potentially avoid this by buying from their official store on amazon? or are they still going to take my info from amazon somehow and store it on their side (I don't see why they need my info). I trust Amazon's security a lot more than ledger and their partners

>> No.27442818
Quoted by: >>27444526

What are the added odds of your exposure leading to your funds getting hacked, say through having a simple Exodus wallet, versus using offline hardware wallets?

How are your private keys on an Exodus for example exposed to anyone?

>> No.27442875

All wallets are a meme. Just write shit down on paper or better yet, memorize it like you're not a brainlet.

>> No.27442983
Quoted by: >>27444244


like this guy?


>> No.27443047

Literally just use 7zip to encrypt it with 256 AES encryption and a strong password you moron. Then you can keep it locally or on the cloud

>> No.27443714

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.27443907


>> No.27444014
Quoted by: >>27450760

This guy has no idea how crypto works, he's in a crypto thread on biz mass replying and doesn't even have the vaguest sense of how digital currency even works.

Fuck me. When will GME crash so reddit can leave

>> No.27444244
Quoted by: >>27451429

if they ship via amazon you are vulnerable to supplychain attacks which have happend before. (i think mostly repackaged new oney)
if you trace his story this dude still has tons of money. so 200m loss hurts but he wont rope any time soon.

>> No.27444526
Quoted by: >>27444794

just go away kike
if not your keys they are not your coins. it is that simple. it is up to every keyholder how he wants to hold on to his key. storing anything >10k$ on an exchange for a longer period seem not very bright. on smaller amouts fees might deter from moving it around to much but most coins do not have migh fees so ...

>> No.27444794

Yes. But what’s the advantage of a offline hardwallet compared to an easy to use Exodus wallet that autogenerates your keys on creation using that BIP shit

>> No.27444814

yes because it was shopify that was hacked. so you're fine, i wouldn't worry about it. like another anon said, hundreds of thousands of people have ledgers. and probably millions as crypto becomes more mainstream. it would be the equivalent of a leaked list of everyone that has an iphone. big deal, doesn't tell you anything about that person.

>> No.27444907

>your money is safe. no one can touch it because it doesn't exist online.

another gorilla nigger from reddit

>> No.27445019
File: 1.33 MB, 1395x805, 1609877303917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27453573

Crypto noob here. Do you guys mostly use hardware wallets? They sound very important, but it sounds like a good portion of people think they're terrible (even if they get shot down immediately for being a dumbass). Is it something that basically everyone uses?

Also I assume if you're using things like DeFi then you just can't use a hardware wallet for that. If you are using DeFi then what would be the safest option?

>> No.27445025

He means the seed data and private keys weren't and can't be hacked.

>> No.27445117

How the fuck do you get a steel plate stamped without revealing your seed

>> No.27445214
Quoted by: >>27445708

you don't seem to have any idea how a hardware wallet works

>> No.27445244
File: 258 KB, 1121x1800, the JUST pattern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good bait.
>he thinks the seed phrase is stored in the magic "cloud" somewhere

>> No.27445334

blockplate gives you a blank letter grid and a punch tool and you stamp it yourself. billfodl comes with laser engraved letters that you arrange yourself. no one stamps your seed for you.

>> No.27445465

wasnt ledger hacked a bit a go? and all loc addresses of clients leaked/sold on dweb?

>> No.27445586
File: 105 KB, 1372x606, DMGlinkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If USDT : Put it into DMM (the ecosystem DMG runs on) ... mTokens are no meme.

if some random shitcoins : see also DMG.

>> No.27445708
Quoted by: >>27447077

Explain the security advantages of a typical software wallet like Exodus on a phone versus a hardwallet.

>> No.27446166

Is GEMINI a good wallet

>> No.27446336

>get in accident
>jamal breaks in, puts gun to your head
>sleeptalk around hookers
theres a lot of reasons why it can go bad

>> No.27446379
Quoted by: >>27446843

i for one am grateful for this thread and hope we can keep having like one a week for noobs

>> No.27446430

I can tell you I tried to order a Ledger once and not only did it never arrive but they leaked my full name, email, phone number, and address twice

>> No.27446514
File: 66 KB, 550x412, 1516037796710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446826

Do people keep their crypto holdings on several different wallets to avoid centralizing their stuff or is that retarded?

>> No.27446826
Quoted by: >>27447006

how's that saying go with the basket and eggs you know the thing

>> No.27446843

hey, no problem. i make this thread every once in a while challenging what the point of a hardware wallet is to bait out high quality replies. i've owned one for a year and am a huge advocate of them.

>> No.27447006
File: 157 KB, 638x359, apu_retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't count your crypto before they hatch

>> No.27447026

fudding really is the best source of knowledge

>> No.27447057
Quoted by: >>27449077

I am still concerned about the data breaches literally forgetting the password

If I obfuscate through some kind of cypher, chances that I remember 20-30 years in the future is nil

>> No.27447071

Newish to crypto, have an Uphold account with some BTC. What wallet should I use?

>> No.27447077
Quoted by: >>27447732

with a hardware wallet your keys are never exposed to the internet, and you verify all transactions on the device so you cannot be tricked by software exploits

>> No.27447263
Quoted by: >>27448229

>keeping crypto on exchange
are you a retard???

>> No.27447264

can an autistic nigger help me out? I saw a pretty nifty cold-storage solution a week or two ago. It was like a stainless steel tube with characters for your seed phrase that could be stored in said tube. Looked a bit just like a pen...

Kinda gimicky, but kinda cool

>> No.27447732
Quoted by: >>27449762

I use GNU/Linux so that's not a problem.

>> No.27447951

If you want to remember your seed phrase just create a mnemonic using the words

>> No.27448024
Quoted by: >>27449184

i thought ledger advertised something like that so you could stick it up your anus but i cant find it

>> No.27448117

Just write your seed phrase in a Minecraft book retard

>> No.27448229


>> No.27448251

Honestly just go fucking jump off a cliff you retarded newfag.

>> No.27448718

That’s the Cryptosteel capsule from ledger. Kinda pricey though

>> No.27448840
Quoted by: >>27449113


There are trust issues around offline hardware wallets.

It is not infallible.

How the fuck do you know if you haven't all been sold hacked wallets where the manufacture is going to pull the rug from under everyone who bought one from them in 10-15 years when crypto is insanely valuable??? imagine all those years, you having a pre-hacked device that you thought was safe, your paranoia of wanting the most optimal device ends up being your downfall.


Generating your own paper wallet offline makes more sense than that, at least youre the one doing the "manufacturing" process.

>> No.27449077
File: 340 KB, 1200x1009, blockplate_new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27451391

don't obfuscate, save your words in steel and throw it in a safe. this image might look like a confusing cypher but it's just the first 4 letters of each word in your seed. you only need the first 4 letters to fully restore your wallet because each word in the BIP39 protocol has a unique first 4 letters. if jamal breaks into your house and finds this, he wouldn't know what the fuck he was looking at. even your wife wouldn't if you didn't tell her. and nothing about it screams this is my life savings
this is a blockplate btw, there's many brands out there

>> No.27449113
Quoted by: >>27450799

What's a foolproof method of generating a paper wallet?
I tried running tails and cloning a github generator, I gave up after a while
I also read that some paper generators are fucked and mass produce the same keys

>> No.27449184

>unscrew capsule
>butterfingers, word plates spill off the stick into a go fish arrangement onto the floor
>seed phrase lost forever

>> No.27449762

retard have you audited the code yourself? yes it is much safer than windows. but that does not mean your wallet is safe from fake updates or other attacks. brainlet.

>> No.27450760

Always find it fucking hilarious when normies tell me about how shit crypto is when they don't even have the slightest idea how it works. Can't wait for /wsb/ to finally fuck off from here.

>> No.27450799

i mean you could generate normally in a software wallet and then write down the receive address/private key. a paper wallet generator does the same thing but just makes it look fancy and cool

>> No.27450989

Fucking low IQ brainlet, hardware wallets are not for storage. They are for interacting with a potentially infected system.
It's so bad it hurts

>> No.27451097
Quoted by: >>27451556

how is it bad?

>> No.27451131

What kind of shill is this?

>> No.27451391
Quoted by: >>27451556

>even your wife wouldn't if you didn't tell her
you mean even if you did tell her, any man who would rely on their wife to understand/remember how to work that deserves to lose his crypto

>> No.27451429

>if they ship via amazon you are vulnerable to supplychain attacks which have happend before. (i think mostly repackaged new oney)

there are ways to validate them though, right? like with an application?

>> No.27451441

Not even just that layer of safety, the Nano X has bluetooth for working with mobile devices like your phone/tablet through the Ledger app.

>> No.27451556
File: 555 KB, 714x710, Screen Shot 2021-02-02 at 1.05.23 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still ITT defending the cipher method he made up
anon, i...
yeah i meant more like if you think there's a chance she might disappear with your fortune one day

>> No.27451733

ITT everyone calls me retard without actually explaining advantages specifically.

Nobody has yet to explain how for example, me using software wallet like Exodus, and writing down my keys on a piece of paper or steel plate is any different to hardware wallet like trezor and writing the keys down?

If my (hardware) Trezor wallet dies, I have my backup, ok.

But my (software) Exodus wallet wont die, and I have my backup, ok.

So whats the advantage of a hardware wallet like Trezor (with the risk it could die) over a software wallet like Exodus, which wont die.

This is for long-term storage, why would I believe a USB/Flash drive wallet like Trezor will be fine and not randomly cease up on me? So I have my backup on a plate, then what? I have to buy another Trezor hardware again?

Seems aids.... is it really that big of a deal to just have a simple Exodus wallet over dealing with this shit?

Is generating the keys offline REALLY that much of a big deal compared to the keys being generated ONLINE through your PHONE on Exodus? Like what odds of HACKING are we talking here? I dont want to be OVER Paranoid and spend HUNDREDS over and over buying new hardware wallets like Trezors

>> No.27451791

I used a dremel to hand engrave my plate

>> No.27451842

My friend lost 3800 Bitcoin on Mt. Gox back in 2014, I'd get your shit off those exchanges if I was you.

>> No.27451896

>hardware wallets are not for storage
wait where do you store them then

>> No.27451938
File: 92 KB, 541x516, shieldfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got one of these. its made out of ROCKS so its tear and water resistant. throw that baby in a safe and your gold.

>> No.27452061
Quoted by: >>27452159

>will be fine and not randomly cease up on me? So I have my backup on a plate, then what? I have to buy another Trezor hardware again?
>Is generating the keys offline REALLY that much of a big deal compared to the keys being generated ONLINE
So whats the advantage of a hardware wallet like Trezor (with the risk it could die) over a software wallet like Exodus, which wont die.
highly secure offline storage and confirmation.
>and spend HUNDREDS
spend hundreds to make millions.

>> No.27452159
Quoted by: >>27452289


But do I really need a Trezor for generating offline keys?

Why can't I do it another cheaper way offline without having to consoom a product

>> No.27452195
Quoted by: >>27452689

How many phones have you gone through for whatever reason, vs how many USB's have you genuinely seen die/cease functioning with no real misuse.
I say this myself as a dumb nigger who paid for his nano s in ETH

>> No.27452270
Quoted by: >>27452445

What's the best hardware wallet for a budget ~ $200?

>> No.27452289
Quoted by: >>27452689

Because they interac with your computer which interacts with the internet whenever you confirm a transaction in your software wallet.

with the ledger/trezor it never interacts with your computer and therefore the internet. your computer doesnt touch your keys ever
its not consoom product if it's a utility.

>> No.27452383
Quoted by: >>27452689

the hardware wallet is just a physical device that keeps your private key from ever touching your comp. that's it. that's the whole point.

>> No.27452389
Quoted by: >>27452689

Do gameboys still work? I use a cobo vault that can use AAs if the charger one dies.

>> No.27452445
Quoted by: >>27453139

ledger nano x and trezor are both excellent. just make sure you pair it with a blockplate or something similar, that's arguably the more important part.

>> No.27452689


But wont I have to eventually expose the keys to a computer / internet if I want to be able to sell it later down the line on an exchange?

>> No.27452721


>> No.27452896
Quoted by: >>27453765

no. the whole point of the hardware wallet is the funds unlock in the device. it doesn't share the key. when i send btc to coinbase to sell i select my recipient address/amount in ledger live on my computer, then literally plug in the ledger and press the buttons on them to send it. it won't send unless you physically press the buttons and that's why it's hack-proof.

>> No.27453004
Quoted by: >>27453765

No. even when your hardware is plugged into the computer it is never putting your keys in contact with your computer. I can trade shitcoins into/thru metamask hooked up to my ledger all day and my keys are never ever on my computer.

>> No.27453139

Trezor Model T has a 12 word seed phrase

Ledger Nano X has a 24 word seed phrase

blockplate is out of stock of their 24 word plates

Is there an inherent advantage to either of these that should skew my decision? Does the number of words in the seed phrase make a huge difference?

>> No.27453573

I have one but haven't set it up yet. I know a guy who does very well for himself off of crypto and says that at a certain point it becomes at necessity.

>> No.27453640

not really. for all intents and purposes, both are impossible to crack. personally i would wait until the 24 word plate is back in stock but that's just what soothes my 'tism.
but mathematically speaking it's totally safe. BIP39 uses a 2048 wordlist. for 12 words that's 2048^12 possible combinations. brute forcing it would be a fools errand and would cost a stupid amount of money. you're talking state-level actors firing up several warehouses of GPUs running 24/7 and not even coming close to cracking it in several lifetimes. even the "qUanTum ComPutErs wILl bReAK cryPto!!1!" thing is a total meme. the number is simply too big.

>> No.27453751
Quoted by: >>27454004

number of words isnt a big deal but the nano x has lots of storage space for different types of wallet (eth, ada, btc, etc.)
also WAY cheaper to buy plain metal plates and an engraver its what i did. it was like $35 total

>> No.27453765

Ok, so lets say in 2029 bitcoin is 1.75M USD/coin and I want to sell.

Turns out my Trezor hardware wallet died, now I still have my backup keys written down, fine. But now I want to get them, what happens if I can find a new Trezor hardware wallet to buy? Do I just buy any other kind of hardware wallet at the time and I can use my old keys?

>> No.27453830
Quoted by: >>27453988

>what happens if I CANT* find a new Trezor hardware wallet to buy? Do I just buy any other kind of hardware wallet at the time and I can use my old keys?

cant* not can

>> No.27453988
Quoted by: >>27454339

any wallet that uses BIP32/39/44 (all of them) will be able to restore all your crypto. if your trezor died/broke/was stolen by tyrone, you just download atomic wallet or one of the other hundred crypto wallets out there and restore it with your seed.

>> No.27454004
File: 155 KB, 800x1149, 1c291603c635c675039835a48652ecc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you based anons for spoonfeeding me

just starting out, need a little bit more time to get my sea legs.

>> No.27454038


>> No.27454069

you can recover using your seed to any hardware wallet, or if you cant get a hardware wallet you can recover to software.

>> No.27454339

But once I do that.....if I have to....isn't my shit going to be exposed unless. Im obviously missing something key here.

Greentext what I have wrong here

>2021 have Trezor offline wallet
>2021 generate keys on Trezor wallet offline
>2021 plug my Trezor into computer and open in wallet on computer
>2021 move Crypto from exchange to my wallet
>2021 Crypto is now secured in my wallet, that is protected with keys that have not been exposed to the internet
>2031 BTC is now 10,000,000/coin
>SCENARIO 1: 2031 PLUG Trezor wallet to PC and open wallet software, keys being protected by the Trezor, send BTC to exchange, sell
>SCENARIO 2: 2031 PLUG Trezor wallet to PC, it doesn't work.

What next?

>> No.27454366

>24 word plate is back in stock
i'll be designing on and getting it made at a local lasercutter

>> No.27454610
Quoted by: >>27454949

if it trezor doesnt work AND you cant get another trezor, then yes your keys will be 'exposed' as you restore to software for scenario 2.

still infinitely less exsposure than the from 2021-2031 if you used software the whole time.

>> No.27454751
Quoted by: >>27455170

you would then restore on a software wallet and send to the exchange. you're way over-autistizing it. hardware wallets are already overkill security as it is. what would it matter if you "exposed" your seed (you didn't) if you're immediately sending the funds out anyway?
"exposed" in this case doesn't mean you just typed in your seed and it gets sent to the internet. you should only be worried about typing it in if you suspect someone is recording your screen/logging your keystrokes. keeping it on your trezor long term is just to be extra extra extra safe.

>> No.27454949
Quoted by: >>27455170

You can also setup your softwarewallet on tails OS and perform any transactions at that point. mitigating any compromised software/keyloggers on your PC

>> No.27455084

What good is that if you coins are in someone else's wallet ? Are you dumb ?

>> No.27455164
Quoted by: >>27455382

Do you know how many fundus are safu

>> No.27455170

Ok. Now Im understanding what you guys mean.

>> No.27455382
File: 77 KB, 1024x922, 1603416155820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27455597

you know that people thought mt gox was safe too, rigt cryptozoomer?

>> No.27455544
Quoted by: >>27455721

>We're at a stage where keeping crypto on your exchange is safer than holding it yourself.

Said the people with crypto in Mt. Gox 2014
Said the people with crypto in Cryptsy in 2015
Said the people with crypto in Bitstamp in 2015
Said the people with crypto in Bitfinex in 2015
Said the people with crypto in Nicehash in 2017
Said the people with crypto in Bithumb in 2017
Said the people with crypto in Cryptopia in 2019

>> No.27455546
File: 10 KB, 170x160, 170px-Juif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dropped this

>> No.27455597
Quoted by: >>27455775

yeah yeah obviously hardware wallets are the way to go. binance is definitely the most trustworthy exchange though in terms of their fundus being safu

>> No.27455721
Quoted by: >>27456327

bitgrail livecoin quadriga etc etc

>> No.27455775
Quoted by: >>27456500

the thing about binance is they have so much money they can actually reimburse people if the losses are not too large

>> No.27456327

Yeah here is a list of them It is ALOT of exchanges.

>> No.27456500

That's EXACTLY what people said about Mt.Gox
They lost 850,000 BTC
That's $28,900,000,000 Today

>> No.27456795

What's wrong with a paper wallet for my erc-20 tokens?