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File: 812 KB, 828x1643, AFF3E251-3D47-4535-BF65-D21938A489A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24934131 No.24934131 [Reply] [Original]

Betting sites are laughing at Trump supporters. Let’s laugh with them.


>> No.24934162

the right is more powerful than the left when/if the time comes we will wipe them out.

>> No.24934194
File: 247 KB, 1208x566, quote 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24934224

Non-mutt here. I can't wait for based armed Trumpians to go to war with emo SJW Twitter warriors.
This is what we should be betting on.

>> No.24934238

lmaooooooooooooo man it feels great, enjoy their money guys, do something nice for yourself

>> No.24934253

the left controls the media, and the education system. the right is within everyone who has common sense. the left is conditioned to a point that when they realize they have been conned by the media they will turn on each other faster than you can go to mcdonalds to buy some big macs.

>> No.24934258
File: 233 KB, 1176x848, quote 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24934301
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>> No.24934348
File: 32 KB, 1189x123, 1608143269638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu u retard
fox news is #2 most watch news channel
bbc is #1
pretty sure in muttland texas controls the education system
you are so brainwashed anyone that disagrees is the "left"

>> No.24934407

>s-soon, you'll see
classic cope

>> No.24934438

You mean the same "right" that lost every cultural and political battle against the left in the last couple of decades? You'll wipe out nothing you fucking MIGA cuck.

>> No.24934918


Just two more weeks

>> No.24934951

except that democrats in the u.s. are not "the left"

>> No.24935552

im smart enough to know democrats are evil but I'm also smart enough to see an idiot who thinks he is intelligent. This country needs a real third party so bad.

>> No.24935751


>> No.24935816
File: 157 KB, 855x1010, 1605316398890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24936135

>low IQ trump supporters
>how do we profit from it
that's exactly how

>> No.24936198
Quoted by: >>24937977

Hahahahah actually supporting trump and thinking he could win is the cringiest thing of the decade

>> No.24936239

reminder to cheat on bookmarkers as much as you could fuck these kikes

>> No.24936294
Quoted by: >>24937982

Did you read that in vice or buzznews?

>> No.24936345

Despite everything thrown at him Trump managed an incredible amount of votes, and without mass mail-in voting enabling ballot harvesting on a scale never seen before by Dems Biden would have been btfo, that's the simple truth

They had a mission to cling to the lead in Wisconsin/MI/PA by the skin of their teeth getting 90-100% "turnout" in many city districts by literally going door to door and having every living breathing soul turn in a Democrat ballot over the course of the ensuing 2 months

>> No.24936447

Imagine thinking that only the left hates Trump. I'm pretty conservative, hate the goddamn (hard) left, I can tolerate the moderate left, but I fucking hate Trump and his dumbass supporters. God, enough of this "rigged election" nonsense. Biden won, and Trump's just being a sore loser. Sick of it, man.

>> No.24936979

What happened to you? Do you know what event made you the mindless enemy of humanity you are?

>> No.24937018

>wipe them out.
why do faggots always talk about wiping and killing people. makes you look primitive

>> No.24937031
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 9C0680A3-F922-4FD6-A3BA-22C41467C676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the right is more powerful than the left when/if the time comes we will wipe them out.

>> No.24937057

>orange man widely unpopular with normies
>scamdemic absolutely tanks his term

Imagine betting on Trump top kek you fags were shitposting me for weeks saying it was free real estate. Did any of you not commit suicide yet? Should have stuck to BTC.

>> No.24937098

I mean, while the mutt left is full of retarded faggotry, the mutt right believe in (meme) magic, prayers and "alternative facts". Of course they're perfect marks due to their willingness to believe shit out of contrarian needs opposed to what others believe. You can literally tell them to their face that you're taking their money to settle private affairs, and they still think they're winning by giving you money.

>> No.24937111


Sounds like the Democrats worked harder than the republicans

>> No.24937161


>> No.24937194
Quoted by: >>24937287

Left and right can suck my dick faggot

>> No.24937287

Based, seeing these manchildren get so emotional is the best entertainment.

>> No.24937810

Democrats would be considered right wingers by any normal standards. The question is, what is the Republican party then? I think it's not even a real party, it resembles more of a conglomerate of collective enrichment.

>> No.24937872
File: 124 KB, 1160x770, 1599277780322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24937901
Quoted by: >>24947656

Damn I am in a screenshot, I said "At least you have $125k".

>> No.24937915


>> No.24937931
Quoted by: >>24938742

I bet on Trump in 16 but not this year.. Am I being laughed at?

>> No.24937977

selling LINK at $0.50 is more cringey.

>> No.24937982
Quoted by: >>24938729

Go get gay married, faggot. You conservatives suck. I respect actual conservative countries like Russia and Saudi Arabia not you larping fucks.

>> No.24938536

>White men

>unmarried women

Just to be clear, are there actually people here that are rooting for Democrats? You want any gains that you make on crypto or stocks to be taxed to pay for reparations? I don't get it.

>> No.24938729


Only Muslim countries like SA or Iran are conservative. Russia is pozzed. They just aren’t as vocal about it.

>> No.24938742

Yes, but only because you’re retarded

>> No.24938888
Quoted by: >>24954169

>one day it'll happen
literally ALL you can do is fantasize while the real world is slipping away from your hands everyday; you are losing the culture war. your echochamber of /pol/ is but a tiny, useless bubble that achieves nothing. its just a bunch of insecure whites and non-white LARPers that jerk off to hentai and fantasize about hanging all the niggers. good luck with that.

>> No.24938926

Based. They’re as cancerous as the antifa queers

>> No.24939090

These faggots forget that when he ran in 2016, everyone knew he would be a tard, but he was against a universally hated corrupt technocrat and largely won because of people directly voting against her.

Once he showed how awful of a leader he actually was, he pretty much lost all support that hadn't already drunk the Kool-Aid.

>> No.24939249
File: 75 KB, 976x850, 950A1902-18B8-4F29-8051-A0F15FACFD70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24939290

I got a 12% premium on PredictIt betting that Trump wouldn’t win Pennsylvania by over 15k votes...two weeks after the election. What the fuck is wrong with Trumptards? Are they living in the same reality the rest of us are?

>> No.24939290

>What the fuck is wrong with Trumptards? Are they living in the same reality the rest of us are?
not even close

>> No.24939604
File: 1.69 MB, 1277x949, ordinary_election.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's funny that a leftist mob was able to steal the American election in plain sight. The fact that no one got arrested for the 3 AM vote counting fiasco is proof that elections are a farce. Sadly the country is on an irreparable decline. The Chinese century is here.

>> No.24940091


Maybe stop bringing guns and threatening to kill poll workers and they wouldn’t have to take such precautionary measures. Just a thought.

>> No.24940242

>people are not allowed to look through windows because they might have guns
I know you don't really believe that. If any poll workers got death threats from the right there would be nonstop news coverage about it

>> No.24940285

they did in georgia

>> No.24940308

>muh poor poll workers
Yeah, those poor faggots with their big fat checks from Jews.
>Precautionary measures
Yeah, because those pieces of cardboard over the windows is really going to stop a bullet lol.
These people deserve the fucking rope. A very, very short one.

>> No.24940314
Quoted by: >>24947538


Where have you been? Right wing mobs showed up, threatened poll workers, had guns, the whole deal. All the stuff they accuse the liberals of doing.

>> No.24940319

This. Every minor or perceived transgression was blown up on MSM and given days or weeks of coverage.

>> No.24940340
File: 67 KB, 598x799, Man-wearing-Burger-King-crown-yells-N-word-on-JetBlue-flight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread is a nigger

>> No.24940352


Lmao pool workers do NOT make good money. Half the time they don’t even get paid. Showing your ignorance here kid.

>> No.24940416
File: 64 KB, 491x713, kuytfkyj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24940704
Quoted by: >>24954608

to set the record straight: in 2016, the odds were between 4:1 and 6:1 in favor of clinton. This was with every media outlet giving clinton an 80% chance of winning. in 2020, the media did not sway the odds beyond 2:1 in any direction. no one believes them anymore.

so in 2016, the salt was so so much better.

>> No.24940737
Quoted by: >>24946820

So you’re saying the Republicans would’ve won of every vote wasn’t counted.

>> No.24940773
Quoted by: >>24941536

Is this your first election? They work all night counting votes, and mail in ballots always get counted after the in person voting

>> No.24940840
Quoted by: >>24941256


I hate fox but it’s the only major conservative biased media source whereas the left has dozens or more left wing news companies, so it’s not surprising all the right wing viewers are concentrated in a single company. Media is still overwhelmingly leftist

>> No.24940861

we really aren't

>> No.24940900
File: 18 KB, 309x318, 1604434079476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24940929

You think Trump bet against himself?

>> No.24940929
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64D chess

>> No.24940987
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Quoted by: >>24941159

So.... what's going to happen when January passes and Trump is still in the White House?

>> No.24941091

good thing i didn't bet because i knew i didn't have an edge and that predicting the outcome was basically impossible.

>> No.24941159
Quoted by: >>24941538


>your brain on /pol/

>> No.24941187
File: 213 KB, 828x765, 9CED04BC-8709-49DB-ACD9-889753C15A4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am looking at banking $1500 betting against Trumbf and you know what the best part is? I place my bet in the week AFTER the election! LOLOLOLOLIK trumbflets

>> No.24941256
File: 57 KB, 545x458, 5018D33E-9F81-453F-8590-C1DD9F0B0658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fox sucks as much Hebrew cock as the rest of them, you can’t trust anyone unless they voice actual criticism of Jews. I’m dead fucking serious.

>> No.24941345
File: 298 KB, 1000x1000, 1541796982817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24942881

>have $1000 on Trump before election
>bet 7% of net worth on Trump after election, due to obvious fraud and R/R being way too good
>lose money
>oh well
>already made it back in crypto gains this week
you people who lost all your money are fucking retards, and even if we won the bet you would have lost it all a month later going all in on some pajeetcoin

>> No.24941536

They sent the republican poll workers home. The security cameras clearly show every person leaving the area. Then an hour later a smaller group of people come back and start counting votes again. It's amazing how many democrats try to convince themselves everything is normal, when if the parties were reversed they'd be screaming fraud.

>> No.24941538

hee hee hee heeeeee

>> No.24941588
Quoted by: >>24941613

900,000 White, non-college educated adults in Wisconsin DID NOT VOTE, and Sleepy Joe won Wisconsin by 20k votes. Trump did FUCK ALL to engage these people. He lost, and he DESERVED to lose.

>> No.24941613

You deserve to be raped by a pack of niggers.

>> No.24941643
Quoted by: >>24941674

Good thing Trump enacted prison reform, now all the rapiest niggers are walking the street looking for assholes to violate.

>> No.24941674

It's true he was too soft on them. But that was the lesser of two evils.

>> No.24941719

>two evils
Both parties serve the one (((evil))) my friend.

>> No.24941797


No one gave a fuck about trumps nigger loving bill until he let Kanye manipulate him into pushing it. It was all part of his “pander to niggers 24/7” strategy that worked out so well.

>> No.24941822
Quoted by: >>24941959


>you should vote for Zion don despite him doing nothing for whites, and actively flip flopping on his campaign pledges

>> No.24941832

Get the fuck back to your containment board, schizo

>> No.24941904
Quoted by: >>24942008

I think you’re on the wrong site. This isn’t Reddit. I don’t even support Trump but anyone that buys into that faggot BLM and Antifa shit can get their face bashed in on a sidewalk.

>> No.24941959

>Let’s vote for some asshole who gives more territory to Israel while Jews in this country advocate for immigration, plus killing our children and turning boys into girls while suicide and drug overdose rates rise and birth rates fall. MIGA!

>> No.24942008

Trump didn’t do shit to roll up Antifa or BLM when he had the authority to do so, and STILL doesn’t. Retarded orange faggot deserved to lose HARD

>> No.24942810
File: 51 KB, 1002x843, 1608003969129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not funny man i lost $30

>> No.24942881
Quoted by: >>24943493

you literally gave away 7% of your networth for free because you are a retard

>> No.24943493
Quoted by: >>24943747

If you never take bets like that, you are unironically ngmi

>> No.24943681

>rightoids say that evil never wins
>never win in the end

>> No.24943701
Quoted by: >>24943812

It’s amazing how you cucks believe your own lies but can never provide evidence in court

>> No.24943724
File: 103 KB, 479x715, 1604592518411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laugh at all the plebwits who lose betting on their favored candidate, and you instead:
>bet on the candidate you want to lose
>he loses: you paid for your favored candidate to win
>he wins: you make bank in compensation of your political loss

>> No.24943734

>has no argument
>projects sexual fantasies onto others

>> No.24943736

i can't believe i bet on trump after the election was already over. wtf was i thinking

>> No.24943747

if you think Trump was cheated out of an election, or lost to anything other than his own performance you are unironically ngmi

>> No.24943812


Keep listening to cnn, chicom.

>> No.24943819
File: 568 KB, 1278x758, dominion_counties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PDF explanation:

scientific proof of Dominion fraud.
TL;DW, Dominion and HART systems added 5% of the total vote to Biden in their counties. this does not line up with any demographics data and other voting systems did not have the same pattern.

Photo of this map: red counties are dominion. (all the suspicious counties that flipped millions of votes to Biden are dominion or HART)

>> No.24943885
Quoted by: >>24946820

>They had a mission to cling to the lead in Wisconsin/MI/PA by the skin of their teeth getting 90-100% "turnout" in many city districts
Only by counting turnout through completely different methods to how they're actually counted

>> No.24943923
File: 223 KB, 2064x1292, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the DuckDAO hunters game, does anyone participate it?

Looks like this crypto incubator can provide nice options for investments. Please, share your opinion about it

>> No.24943965

If you're cool with rug pulls, you're cool with how this election went town. Your axe wound will never be a pussy.

>> No.24944041
File: 50 KB, 1024x585, peperetardusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24944995

even canuckistan can run an honest election, get your shit together burgertown

>> No.24944969

>70% adjudication rate
>all went to Biden

Hey nothing to see here!

>> No.24944995

China doesn’t care about you. They’ve already taken Trudeau over and have ccp military in your land.

>> No.24945875

>Making a killing of gullible...
They also allow you to bet on Biden.
If the author knows 100% that Biden is getting inaugurated then he can sell his house and make a quick 10%, which given how confident (((he))) is he has totally done.
Because otherwise he's just a scared lefty trying to demoralise and it can't be that.

>> No.24945945
File: 73 KB, 349x361, 32423423423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24946473

even now some people still hold trump bets and refuse to sell. considering that even bitconnect had a small pump even after the exit scam its not that surprising

>> No.24945963

>That happened
I put all my life savings on Barron

>> No.24946085
File: 306 KB, 1485x530, revolutionists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24946688

Do you think leftoids will regret not only supporting those who hate them but even gloating about it?
It doesn't matter which sides wins the inevitable civil war, they're going to end up in mass graves.

>> No.24946473

>even now some people still hold trump bets and refuse to sell.
Are you all in Biden?
It's +200% annualized, no reason not to bet your house, take a loan and go all in, given your confidence.

>> No.24946502

+1300% my bad. Outperforming BTC's 2020 performance by a lot.

>> No.24946622

This article is retarded.
"Gullible Trump supporters", aka the entire market. If it actually made sense that Biden was going to win, those odds represent a shit ton of free money to collect by anyone who wasn't a "gullible Trump supporter". If "huge vote dumps overwhelmingly favoring Biden in several key states in the middle of the night" was a normal thing that an unbiased observer could reasonably expect, the odds would not have been so skewed towards Trump. But it's only subsequent media gaslighting that tells us this is perfectly normal and not anomalous behavior that warrant questioning. The market, meanwhile, doesn't lie.
Retard journalist doesn't understand this is a self-own for the establishment.

>> No.24946668
File: 700 KB, 960x735, C4vmLLPz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did the maths.
Betting on Biden now has better annualized returns than buying LINK at ICO. More than 20 times better returns.
LINK - 3+ years for less than 100x.
Biden - 17 days for x1.1.
Why aren't lefties betting their entire networth (leveraged) on Biden?

>> No.24946688


It's mildly amusing that the first people to get unpersoned will be the leftists.

>> No.24946711
Quoted by: >>24946742

I don't think you know how betting works. Betting on Biden now could get you at best 5% profit

>> No.24946723
Quoted by: >>24946742

>Just did the maths.

lmfao I'd suggest you do it again

>> No.24946742
Quoted by: >>24946786

It's 1.1x on augur
The math is correct.

>> No.24946786
Quoted by: >>24946909

>hold an appreciating asset 3 years for 100x
>bet on a one-time event for 1.1x


>> No.24946813


>> No.24946820

Yeah they wouldve won without the blatant fraud

>> No.24946909
File: 169 KB, 726x716, 1599840901193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24946963

Not the same. Betting on Biden is much better.
16 days for 1.1x is 20 times better than 3.3 years for 80x, provable mathematically.
Also the 80x was not guaranteed, whereas the 1.1 is, correct?

>> No.24946963
Quoted by: >>24947155


No -- but you stay happy with your 10%, and I'll be over here coping with my 10,000%.

In fact, Chainlink's up nearly 30% since election day, so once again the same money invested in Chainlink would still have been the more intelligent investment

>sure, you made a million dollars investing in X
>but today I found a wallet with fifty bucks in it!

>> No.24947155
Quoted by: >>24947390

>No -- but you stay happy with your 10%
Dude, you don't stop making money after 16 days. This is 3rd grade math in my country, why are niggers like you allowed on biz lol.
>In fact, Chainlink's up nearly 30% since election day
Which is literally worse returns than 10% for 15 days lol.
Face it, you're a nigger and you're only here because you yourself don't believe Biden will be inaugurated.

>> No.24947390
Quoted by: >>24947402


lmfao imagine being happy with 10% gains over 45 days

>> No.24947402
Quoted by: >>24947412

15 == 45 sounds like nigger math to me

>> No.24947412
Quoted by: >>24947454


lmao imagine being happy with 10% gains over 15 days

enjoy remaining poor forever

>> No.24947454
File: 34 KB, 546x658, 1601401914081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24947579

>lmao imagine being happy with 24x in a year. I am too smart to be happy with turning $10,000 into $634000000000000000 in 10 years.

>> No.24947538

cite you source

>> No.24947579
Quoted by: >>24947678

>lmao I found a wallet with fifty bucks in it!
>therefore my found-wallet earnings average out to $18,250 a year!

>> No.24947656

Yeah i was in this thread aswell, we are not that many BIZraelis
Its obvioulsy true tho that he would won if there was no fraud, im not even American but anyone can see this.

>> No.24947678
Quoted by: >>24947740

Literal 43 is analogy.
You don't choose whether you find a wallet or not.
You choose whether you get guaranteed 10% and you chose not to. 10% in 15 days is better than any coin's long term performance ever.
Did I explain it simple enough for a nigger?

>> No.24947740
Quoted by: >>24948146

>10% in 15 days is better than any coin's long term performance ever.

My negro, 5 of my shitcoins did better than 10% in the last 24 hours. If any of them do less than 10% in 3 days, I sell them

what exactly do you hold that makes you think 10% in 15 days is even slightly acceptable?

>> No.24947897
File: 117 KB, 751x448, coup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't even care if he was cheated.
he tried to dismantle the post office in order to disenfranchise mail-in votes.
that was the moment when he challenged america to a cheating contest.

>> No.24948003
File: 61 KB, 640x480, This photo was taken in 2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he tried to dismantle the post office in order to disenfranchise mail-in votes.

holy shit lmao

you fell for that?




>Getting the mail delivered during the annual holiday mail crush involves outside contractors and lots of overtime by full-time staff. Even if everyone voted by mail, it would not result in as much additional mail volume as a typical holiday season. If half of registered voters from 2018 chose to vote by mail, that would mean that the post office would have to process 153 million pieces of mail. This spring’s first-class mail volume was already down 1.2 billion pieces from the same period last year.

>Assuming the seasonal trends this year match those in the past, the additional mail-in ballots in the fall still wouldn’t push first-class mail volume anywhere near last year’s levels, unless they were all mailed the week before the election.

>> No.24948044
File: 134 KB, 2940x1831, 87634862438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24948133

Trump got cheated on his own turf. It's as pathetic as the dems crying about muh Russia when they had control in 2016.

I say this as a trumptard that actually made money on this election being bullish trump.

>> No.24948133


I myself got so rich during the Trump years that I don't really have to worry about what's about to happen, but we probably should be a little more concerned that the government can just print votes now. Politics marks spent 4 years screaming about fascism because of mean tweets, and now they're actually cheering that democracy is over.

I hope everyone made it.

>> No.24948146
Quoted by: >>24948217

>If any of them do less than 10% in 3 days, I sell them
So you're not happy with anything less than 92707x per year?
Lmao I'm sure you're getting that, wallstreet is wondering how they missed out on your nigger brain

>> No.24948217
Quoted by: >>24948251

>So you're not happy with anything less than 92707x per year?

Holy shit, you're bad at math -- I have to ask, how poor ARE you?

>> No.24948251
Quoted by: >>24948327

>Holy shit, you're bad at math
Nigger, you're embarrassing yourself.
Can't even Google 1.1^120
You're unironically black lmfao

>> No.24948327
Quoted by: >>24948460

>I found a quarter on the street today!
>over my lifetime, I've thus thound $6500!

Do you understand the difference? 10% return on $1000 for an election bet over 15 days equals $1100. 10,000x on $1000 over 3 years equals $100,000.

Which allows you to buy a BMW?

I mean, my $1000 fucking GRT buy is up more than 100% in 24 hours.

>> No.24948460
Quoted by: >>24948535

Literal 43 iq analogy.
You don't choose whether you find a wallet or not.
You choose whether you get guaranteed 10% or you chose not to. 10% in 15 days is better than any coin's long term performance ever.
Did I explain it simple enough for a nigger?

>> No.24948535


Woops, wrong IP!

How is it possible that you do not understand discrete events?

>ll-l-l-l-l-l--llong t-t-t-t-tt-t-t-erm

Election bets are not long-term investments, you fool. They have one-time payouts. Finding a wallet on the street is not a long-term strategy. Imagine if you found a wallet with $100 in it -- that's better than any coin's long term performance ever! $100 for $0 investment! Infinity percent returns!

Retard. I've taken heavy profit 3 times this week and I'm still up 15%. Now switch back to your original IP so I can laugh at you some more

>> No.24949570
File: 6 KB, 187x270, 1541001264087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24950275

i heard they litterally raised the dead

>> No.24950275

Dead lives matter

>> No.24950301
File: 152 KB, 1153x1153, maga tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the right is more powerful than the left when/if the time comes we will wipe them out.

>> No.24950426

>betting sites
>laughing at losers
They’d be laughing at Biden supporters if it had gone differently. These people laugh at everyone the profit from, they don’t have political opinions that they hold in higher regard than making cold hard cash from people with an addiction. It’s disgusting. I’m not laughing. People really lost their life savings etc on this dumb shit. They’ll be salty about it forever. Gambling is fun when it’s what you can afford to lose. Which is why I cringed hard in 2017 when people remortgaged their homes to go all in on BTC. I’m cringing watching you euphoric faggots do the same thing all over again.

>> No.24950667

Jesus ducking Christ and I thought the left was embarrassing

>> No.24951169

good job they had that cardboard to stop the bullets

>> No.24951243

Trump won in 2016.

That's within the last couple decades.

>> No.24951741


And then /biz/ will finally be fun again when all the redditor crossovers are dead.

>> No.24952730

I just put $20k down on him to be the one inaugurated. you boys need to read the constitution.

>> No.24953070
File: 62 KB, 855x656, 1606487613838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24953260

p r o j e c t I o n.
Pic related.

>> No.24953225

Trump won. You'll find out in January and i recommend everyone help us bankrupt the casinos for paying out too early.

>> No.24953260
Quoted by: >>24954974


Land doesn’t vote. People do.

>> No.24953786

Examine porky as he backs into a corner. Forced to concede that he cheers for subjugation, he now positions to excuse himself from doing so.
Historically the formulation of a casus belli, literally "cause for belligerence", has always been under the purview of the church. This isn't surprising, whoever owns morality owns the justification for when the rules ought not be followed, for when it is okay to do what one knows is incorrect and still refer to it as only just. It follows naturally from this that structural morality, Leftism today, will be tasked with granting the ruling class its moral prefaces. What underscores moral Leftism today will underscore the licenses the elite grant themselves in the effort to disenfranchise.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves Jewbro, Democracy is still the biggest scam going. I could bicker with the fruitloop up above till I'm dead and voting will still just be how we convince goyim that they've been dealt into the game.
Niggas out there unironically believe this shit will meaningfully impact the release date of their favourite human right or lower their tax burden. The value proposition of consolidating power and sanitizing this clusterfuck is mounting every day, at some point or another a structural equivalent to a king is going to turn up.

>> No.24953840
File: 1.24 MB, 720x720, 1549082007567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24955737

The rest of the world is laughing at all burgers because you're all equally retarded

>> No.24954169

thats nice, and I checked your quads, but you'll still never be a woman

>> No.24954608

??? What? Winston, don't you know the Democrats have always been winning?

>> No.24954774
Quoted by: >>24954927

>gop election officials contest
>it goes to house to vote
>pelosi is a witch and if tries to block
>then trump literally arrests pelosi for swallowswell
>house votes, gop majority = trump wins

Game over, faggots. Also Biden from covid before inauguration so it doesn’t matter.

>> No.24954873

i dont think its legal to bet on politics in the US

>> No.24954927

>pelosi arrested
>million trump supporters cheer


>> No.24954974

If you cannot prove those people exist, then for all intents and purposes they don't.

>> No.24955292

imagine the level of mental retardism it takes to not go allin on chainlink instead

>> No.24955737

why do his arms not look like they're part of his body