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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24535825 No.24535825 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most important points to look at when reading through white papers?

>> No.24535847

Look at this business man. Try checking for buzzwords and cool zoomer dabs

>> No.24535874

i came here for the chicken

>> No.24535954

Hey cluckers, can I get 2 fillet o' fishes, a medium fries, and a large diet coke.

>> No.24536043

>reading white papers

>> No.24536103
Quoted by: >>24536129

that you understand it otherwise you waste your time

>> No.24536129

you have two roads
>understand it and completely delusional about it
all in
>don't understand it at all and contrarian
all in

don't even bother investing in something that meets in the middle, obviously it's too boring and not good enough

>> No.24536216

White papers? Quality and quantity of memes is a much better indication of a project with high moon potential.

>> No.24536421

No pajeet in the team.

>> No.24536668
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>> No.24536721

Race of the authors

>> No.24536738
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The memes