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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.59740898 [View]
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yeah but theres only like 5 of them and they get arrested all the time

>> No.59725721 [View]
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what are the margins on the infamous indoor chicken farm

>> No.55890689 [View]
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Im considering buying in, because Litecoin cycling from below 70 to above 100 and back again seems to be the only constant thing in the whole damn market

>> No.55682603 [View]
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I'm tired of this shit. It's why I'd rather invest in autistic tech coins like POND. They're slow as fuck with their updates but I guess they've been taking the initiative as of lately since their Twitter acc has been more active lately.

>> No.53141212 [View]
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>tfw egg liquidity is low

>> No.49940475 [View]
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Why is there still discussion about crypto in this board considering it died and no more discussion should be possible? Like, let it go, gramps. It’s over.

>> No.49438061 [View]
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stepn is probably the closest thing to an nft game that is actually functional

>> No.28896449 [View]
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But there is no god?

>> No.24535825 [View]
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What are the most important points to look at when reading through white papers?

>> No.23581923 [View]
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So when exactly is the golden bull run?

>> No.20441673 [View]
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we went from jan 2019 markets to july 2017 markets in, like, a week
if we mooned, i'd honestly be stunned; 2021 is gonna be absolutely fucking mad

>> No.18020479 [View]
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Because typical protectionism is fucking retarded. If you have huge tax burdens, environmental legal jeapoardy, cumbersume regulations, forced minority hirings etc then a few tariffs on foreign competitors will do fuck all to "protect" your businesses.

The only REAL way to do protectionism properly is the old fashioned pre 1913 version, where there are NO other taxes other than tariffs. No regulation, no gay ass employment forced benefits, none of that bullshit, that fucking works. In fact it worked so well that America was the majority of the worlds industrial output, until Roosevelt, WW2 and all the other dumfuckery forced income tax, payroll tax etc on the previously free American people.

>> No.17849058 [View]
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dubs of unfortunate truth

>> No.17666244 [DELETED]  [View]
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>buy high sell low

>> No.17456124 [View]
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I want off the ride /biz/
Down to like 10% stoinks, must of which are hedged etfs or precious metal etfs, and 90% cash

>> No.17208207 [View]
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Time to get puts on SPCE yet?
this shit is insane, how much further up could it possibly go?

>> No.16697062 [View]
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30% stocks
70% cash

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