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24433127 No.24433127 [Reply] [Original]

Lets get some positive eRSDL vibes going and watch all these people who were ngmi sell now instead of accumulating for the huge boost

>> No.24433169
Quoted by: >>24433550

fuck you.

>> No.24433338
Quoted by: >>24433424

We drop .003 of a cent and everyone sells lol. Pathetic losers. This shit is going to the moon.

>> No.24433383
Quoted by: >>24433420

it's OVER

>> No.24433420
Quoted by: >>24443304

The coordinated fud campaign is very bullish

>> No.24433424

Lunar landet standing by

>> No.24433550
File: 167 KB, 222x297, 1606383572239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's people like you who will miss out on what is literally the next Link.
We are going to moon so hard the Pope will have a portrait of Howie painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

>> No.24433574
Quoted by: >>24433689

if it goes to 0.011 I'm all in holy shit

>> No.24433650

I'll admit the fud got to me and I sold a bit of my stack. Bought back in after I realized I was being retarded, size is nearly the same, just got fucked on gas fees. Lesson learned.

>> No.24433653


>> No.24433662

Why is the floor so brown? Was it shawarma night?

>> No.24433676

It’s over brother. Scam confirmed...

>> No.24433689
File: 7 KB, 191x250, images.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually hoping it does too, even at that price I've still made a good profit and ill be able to acoooomulate much more for a comfy stack

>> No.24433782
File: 8 KB, 255x176, 1605060296436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought at 0.20

>> No.24433858

Holy shit why is it dumping this hard?

>> No.24434111

There's very little action in the top 20 wallets. Biz coins tend to have a lot of emotional traders attached. Give it time.

>> No.24434137

Im sorry if you bought the top, we have a whale group orchestrating this dump and we are targeting a slow dump to 1c

>> No.24434259

You gonna buy back at the bottom or what?

>> No.24434434

Nice LARP, price is already recovering. That was the bottom

>> No.24434510
File: 6 KB, 236x240, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its going back up

>> No.24434631

juicy coordinated fud dip. so many rekt kiddos crying about their 5k stacks dwindling. I might just hit 2 million after all.

>> No.24434721
Quoted by: >>24434770

>coordinated manipulation is a good thing

>> No.24434746

i picked up anther 50k

>> No.24434770
Quoted by: >>24434833

nothing wrong with shaking out smaller fish. i feel for howie and hope he doesn’t disengage with the communication channels, but it had to happen

>> No.24434824
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Quoted by: >>24434936

Poorfag here
Thx for letting me accumulate 250k you paperhand dipshit faggots

>> No.24434833
Quoted by: >>24435082

>greed index: 95

>> No.24434936

>being poor
>gambling 4k

>> No.24435082
File: 2.78 MB, 1280x1811, 7EE5E956-1284-43E0-910C-52601EA21F86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24435098

should I buy now??

>> No.24435143
Quoted by: >>24435411

All you low-limit sad piker cunts. Have 7.6mm ERSDL - keep tea bagging me broken cunts.

>> No.24435273

No its gonna dump below 0.01

>> No.24435411
Quoted by: >>24437249

>keep tea bagging me
uhh u wot m8

>> No.24435432

thats not even bad dude. average more in.

>> No.24435758

This is long hold. Got a 500k stack and still feelin comfy

>> No.24436029
File: 26 KB, 640x640, Thenazibanman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24437089

Sorry Bro serious shit only we're serious investors here

>> No.24436271
Quoted by: >>24436488

can't decide if i want to buy this dip or a bag of bonded

>> No.24436488

I looked into bonded, aside from the FUD. I don't really understand it. If bonded seems like a good project, you could just invest in both.

>> No.24436619
Quoted by: >>24439620

coordinated fud in a trading room. they think it's hilarious. hold strong friend.

>> No.24436652

now looks like great value

>> No.24436749

It pumped due to initial excitement for the project, it doesn't yet have an intrinsic value. In about a year, it should be more stable.

>> No.24436813
Quoted by: >>24436852

this is a shitcoin, right?
i was looking for shitcoins to gamble on earlier.
this one has no product and is run by a mediocre team, right?
correct me if i'm wrong.
might be thinking of iexec

>> No.24436852

I don;t know which you are thinking about but what your are describing isnt eRSDL or iexec

>> No.24436916
File: 67 KB, 689x795, 1563377433070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24437009

>tfw I bought at .03

>> No.24437009

will hit 4c soon anon

>> No.24437089


>> No.24437104

are you high? Easily 10c

>> No.24437143

wtf did you guys just say 50c eoy
holy fuck I'm gonna make it!!!

>> No.24437166
Quoted by: >>24437225

I made a typo in my previous reply, EASILY $10 END OF DAY

>> No.24437191

Wait.. what? 1usd by february???? WTF? I'M FINANCIALLY LIBERATED

>> No.24437209


>> No.24437225
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Quoted by: >>24437261


>> No.24437249

The whole sentence nearly broke my brain

>> No.24437261
File: 238 KB, 1024x768, 1606699349693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now hear me out...
1 Million usd Q4 2021

>> No.24437286
File: 6 KB, 214x236, 1592002795070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24437335


>> No.24437335
File: 152 KB, 864x1280, 1606499576362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Krieger we trust

>> No.24437336
Quoted by: >>24437351

1eRSDL=1eRSDL by 2025
Are we the new jewish bankers?

>> No.24437351
File: 87 KB, 1024x1024, 1606490231243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, we will control the money!

>> No.24437372
File: 219 KB, 672x787, 1606512441719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24437399

They just locked the price channel, this is just sad at this point

>> No.24437399
Quoted by: >>24437402

wait what?

>> No.24437402

They actually just deleted the channel lmao

>> No.24437412
Quoted by: >>24437507

kek no way. whats going on? are pajeets spamming?

>> No.24437441

what channel? Was there more than 1 official ersdl telegram ?
Can any other anons confirm this?

>> No.24437492


>> No.24437507

Two guys sperging out and shitting up the official chat in front of Howard and Ryan.
Those fucking retards are crying in front of nearly 2k users in the official one to call people out for some FUD or something that they tried to organize on the unofficial TG

>> No.24437551
Quoted by: >>24443362

I bought slightly below ATH. I'm such a fucking idiot.

>> No.24437716

Yes, there was an unofficial channel. They coordinated all the FUD earlier today. Basically all the FUD posts on here came from them trying to buy in lower.

>> No.24437797

Did you say 5$ by June??

>> No.24437886


>> No.24438120


>> No.24438165
Quoted by: >>24438196

alright boys do I all in now or are we going down further

>> No.24438196

I bought at .017
Pretty sure this is the bottom.

>> No.24438290
Quoted by: >>24438336

Realised the DuckDAO hunters game, does anyone participate it?

Looks like this crypto incubator can provide good options for investments. Please, share your opinion about it

>> No.24438336
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>> No.24439316
File: 39 KB, 472x472, 1606213738929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no stop fudding my 10k stack

>> No.24439342

join the new unofficial TG boys, we can say nigger in it


>> No.24439620

tfw the grandma memes were coordinated fud.. holy shit brainlets

>> No.24439654
Quoted by: >>24440185

are you the mod that deleted the trading channel?

>> No.24440185

No, just an observer.

>> No.24441078
File: 5 KB, 182x277, HOWIE WOWIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellas, thanks for that dip. Topped up my stack to ~500k finally, and I am farming 5k more tokens every day. I expect to be quite wealthy a year from now. Howie said they aim to capture around 50B in j2j lending volume a day out of an estimated 2T total daily volume. Sounds like a moon mission coin to me!

>> No.24441303
Quoted by: >>24441681

>it’s bouncing back up to 2c
Anyone who sold below that is unironically a moron and isn’t gonna make it. How do you buy into this token knowing the history of tactical fud that surrounds it and STILL fall for their plays?

>> No.24441590

Thought there had been a rug pull when I woke up and the tg was gone lmao

>> No.24441609

bro thats a good price. Just hold.

>> No.24441665

Unofficial Discord 6BFd3ThP

>> No.24441681
Quoted by: >>24442165

I agree but to be fair, im considering going into eth to ride this potential ATH mission before buying back and even bigger stack

>> No.24441939

and we did just that. you can rest easy now, time to move up again.

>> No.24442165

I know exactly what you mean, although I sold a lot of my ETH to buy the eRSDL dip last week and now I really wish I hadn’t. Don’t know if I should just bite the bullet and buy in over $600

>> No.24443031

Hi guys FANG here Howard hasn't even filled his bucket up or swept the floors yet this is a scam

>> No.24443231

What was that?!

>> No.24443262
File: 113 KB, 620x562, 1606774316016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait so last nights fud wasnt true?

>> No.24443304

blessed digits

All in now what the fuck

>> No.24443317

I mean the no product part is true, its still a WIP

>> No.24443357

When has eRSDL fud ever been true? I mean, apart from Howard actually being a janitor, that one is real. But that’s just wholesome, not fud worthy. Hes the good will hunting of the cryptoverse

>> No.24443362

just hold for a few weeks anon, it always comes back up

>> No.24443372

I lost over $50 right now fuck this bitch fuck coin

>> No.24443413

Are you a weak bitch or what

ersdsl is bitcoin 2 fag

>> No.24443453
Quoted by: >>24443605

Chump change. If you’re not comfortable with volatility, then don’t buy into low mcaps, dumbass. IF the amount of effort that goes into the eRSDL fud campaigns isn’t a bullish signal to you then I don’t know what is

>> No.24443605

my village is starve now FUCK

>> No.24443702
Quoted by: >>24443893

I lost $20 and now I can't buy food someone please pump it fast

>> No.24443893

Water fasting and patience will make you a millionaire.