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21885662 No.21885662 [Reply] [Original]

Where my euro STAbros at? Just how comfy are you feeling this morning?

>> No.21885720
File: 45 KB, 500x500, 1585506473738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21885779

comfy enough.
how do we make sure to pay as little tax as possible on this shit tho.

>> No.21885779

I'll probably just end up paying them desu. I want to retire in peace and not have to worry about my STA gains being taken away

>> No.21885842
File: 106 KB, 458x443, 1597787400401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire market is in the red so I'm not worried about it, comfy holding my sta, but my friend already declared rip because his stack is -20%, told him he needs iron hands on this one.

>> No.21885873
Quoted by: >>21885971

well how much is it for you?
30% here so want to know how to avoid.

>> No.21885877
File: 6 KB, 225x225, images.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feeling extra comfy today STA bros we gonna make it

>> No.21885971

30% for me as well. I live in Sweden and the tax agency here won't hesitate to fuck you raw in the ass if that's what it takes for them to get paid.

>> No.21885992
File: 62 KB, 680x757, 1587603033501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21886133

jävla tjyvarna borde fan hängas på sergels torg.

>> No.21886004
Quoted by: >>21886133

Finland here and I'll have to pay 30% from the first 30k€ and up from that 34%. Shit is a lot.

>> No.21886133
Quoted by: >>21887003

Jag vet. Tror inte att det finns något säkert sätt att undvika det tyvärr. Kanske om man är beredd att flytta till portugal och leva i skuggan i 10 år.
Fuck this gay earth

>> No.21886396
Quoted by: >>21886470

how many STA do we need to make it staggots?

>> No.21886470

50-100k is generally considered make it tier

>> No.21886508

Very comfy. Not worried about the current dip - whole market's red.

Watching the suspected Balancer refund address like a hawk: https://etherscan.io/address/0xcb3d284995e2ed50f8e9971718f2166a95ff83c2

>> No.21886655

Do you see STA going to 1$ seriously?

If so when?

>> No.21886668
Quoted by: >>21886697

it supposedly will be $2.5 eoy

>> No.21886697

Based on what, fren?

>> No.21886721

I think this

>> No.21886727

Comfy as fuck here stabro. The whole market is bleeding. We ain't seeing no fudders here now. Green by friday probably or saturday.

>> No.21886748

Just move to Portugal, 0 tax on crypto there

>> No.21886751
Quoted by: >>21886782

They got it very wrong for link when it was at 4 dollars. Forecast was 7 bucks for 1 year

>> No.21886782

yeah, it says that is iffy due to the limited history to work with

>> No.21886859

Decreasing supply, FUD campaign over now that biz has filled its bags, increased STAnos power in Phoenix after refund, positive press after refund complete, wider understanding of the token's true purpose (supercharging volume in liquidity pools for increased fee generation), upcoming top-25 CEX listing, potential OKEx listing based on proveable transactions, wrapped STA, etc etc.

Feeling very comfy.

>> No.21887003
Quoted by: >>21887117

är rätt säker på att du kan ta dig utomlands och slippa svenskeskatten där. kräver att du bor ett år utomlands och inte har någon väsentlig anknytning till Sverige under tiden, vilket innebär att du kan inte äga någon bostad, ha kvar närastående familj eller ha aktiebolag i Sverige och måste kunna bevisa det ifall det görs en undersökning. Pappa är revisor och stöter på många som undviker skatten på detta vis. Portugal fungerar bra i dagsläget.

>> No.21887117
Quoted by: >>21887453

vad menas med "väsentlig anknytning"? är det inte bara där så att skatteverket kan leka jude och ta alla dina pengar när dom vill?

>> No.21887340

Very, very easily.
Single digit dollars is FUD.

>> No.21887453

som sagt: ingen bostad, ingen familj, jobb eller aktiebolag i Sverige samtidigt som du är skatteregistererad i det landet du smitit till. Du får inte vistas mer än ett antal dagar per år i Sverige. Så givetvis måste du ge dina goda argument till varför din anknytning inte är "väsentlig". Pappa funderar själv på det då hans utdelning vid pension beskattas med 50%. Ta ett möte med en revisor så kan nog denne berätta exakt vad du behöver göra.

>> No.21887454

I think it is around 12% in my country, think I can live with that, we will see...

>> No.21888314
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>ingen familj
vad menas? jag har ju familj här och kan ju inte be dem att dra utomlands i ett år för att jag ska kunna smita skatter, eller läser jag detta fel?

>> No.21888475
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Quoted by: >>21888525

bumpar tråden för jag behöver svar för mitt hopium.

>> No.21888525
File: 37 KB, 617x720, 1536744359788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21888744


>> No.21888744

use google translate you monkey, this is a swedish board.

>> No.21888910

Shill me STA for the long hold euro anons. The fud has turned me off to it repeatedly.

>> No.21889245

If you need someone to hold your fucking thin paper hands in crypto, leave now and never come back

>> No.21889396
File: 8 KB, 225x224, 1597838589993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fud is bullish. Do you really think anyone on here would care about you buying a BAD investment? Fuck no, they'd shill you their own coins at most, but nobody here is an altruist. We're shilling you STA because our main goal is widespread adoption. Once that happens, a meteoric rise in value and utility is inevitable. The balancing function will generate volume, volume will generate burn, the burn will create more opportunities for arbitrage, which will create more volume, ad infinitum, with the existing token supply shrinking asymptotically towards zero.

Let me put it this way. I'm almost all in. I have a couple ETH here and there on prospective moon missions, but STA is my main hold. Because the fundamentals for this token are out of this fucking world. When we get widely adopted, we cannot fail. And adoption will come, as the Golden Bull is here. Even worthless shitcoins will have their 5 minutes going parabolic towards the moon, but we'll be going there to fucking stay. This has so much more potential, its fucking ridiculous. I'm watching all those other shitcoins moon and dump, and I'm comfy as fuck. Because I know patience will pay off massively in this case.

>> No.21889433

Unless you get rug pulled

>> No.21889591

Refund imminent

>> No.21889681
Quoted by: >>21889810

not possible friend, find the dev wallets and percentages.

>> No.21889810

What if they stop further development at some point?

>> No.21889869
File: 8 KB, 224x224, thanosama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21889985

Sigh, once more, with feeling.

The team wallet went from 4% to 0.5% total supply to cover the refund. The team cannot rugpull us. The whales are spread across a hundred or so holders, none of whom control enough STA to crash it permanently. We've already seen what happens when a whale dumps his entire stack on our heads. 3 million STA were dumped this weekend over the course of several hours, collapsing the price from 0.2 to 0.07. The moment the whale was confirmed to be empty, the dip was bought up so goddamned quickly I didn't even have time to fire up my rig and get in on the action, for which I'll be forever salty. All that action simply raised the sell floor, created some dolphins, possibly a whale or two.

The other whales will certainly take profits at one point or another, creating swinging and arbitrage opportunities, as well as intensifying burn. They will not rugpull us, because we cannot be rugpulled anymore. Face it, faggot. We cannot lose.

We are inevitable.

>> No.21889985
Quoted by: >>21890070

Fucking based posts. STA is a beast of a project, feels so good to be this early.

>> No.21890019
Quoted by: >>21890067

the project is done, there is no further development to be had.

>> No.21890039
File: 313 KB, 1127x685, 1536694418547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Development is done. The code cannot be changed. The team handling the marketing and adoption aren't even the same people who made the coin, they're just a bunch of multicultural faces who are doing an excellent job so far, mostly because they fit the zeitgeist so well. They're colourful and disgustingly diverse, ranging from a tranny faggot to a muslim Arab, they're pc, they're unapologetically sjw, and they're fucking perfect for the job of spreading this thing to the four corners of the Earth. Added bonus, the code is immutable, so they cannot fuck it up. The development was led by an autistic South African White male.

It's bloody genius, the more I think about it the harder I get.

>> No.21890067

he's trolling, ignore

>> No.21890070
File: 340 KB, 1296x972, 1510425373348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All three of the posts are mine btw, I'm on fucking mobile internet and it changes my ID on a whim. It's annoying as fuck brah.

>> No.21890385

umm those price prediction sites don't mean anything. you actually take them seriously?