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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 556x570, STN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1688849 No.1688849 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>1689138 >>1689362

Day After Christmas Edition

-- Links --
Stickerbitch's calendar of memes and dreams:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Shitposting room:

Alternative memechat for poorfags:
-- Robinhood FAQs --
- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST DAMMIT!! - www.robinhood.com
> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade. It's also pretty basic shit.
> When is it coming to my country?
Never. They only have "plans" on an Australian beta.
> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, email their support. They are very good.
> Is this the place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform. -- (also learn difference between LIMIT and MARKET orders!!! and Jews are not white)
> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want a 2nd account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, or a non-pile-of-shit for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.
>How do I git gud?
Technical analysis-
Fundamental Analysis- Martin Shkreli finance lessons on Youtube
> Can I use Robinhood on my PC?
Yes, download an android emulator

Previous Thread: >>1683404

>> No.1688864
Quoted by: >>1688882

fuck all you below.
oh also buy UAA.

>> No.1688882
File: 97 KB, 800x532, 1466170347105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah!!! first to get *loved* by >>1688864

>> No.1688988

anyone have any big moves planned for tomorrow or just going to take it easy?
I have like 24 bucks unsettled so I'll probably just buy any PTN if it gets lower than my current average price.

>> No.1689119
File: 107 KB, 1175x1115, 1372568615585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1689189

Christmas is over guys.

Time to get back to work and making gains.

I need tomorrow's memes by 4 PM. not a minute late

>> No.1689125
Quoted by: >>1689137

new years haha! what book should ig et to study all year long to leanr how to stocktrade guys? i only want ones with graphs no psychologuy

>> No.1689137


Just lurk here for a week. You'll learn from some of the best.

>> No.1689138

NMM looks like it might be getting ready for another spike

>> No.1689143
Quoted by: >>1689164

actually yeah,
you can learn... what not to do
real shit.

>> No.1689164


You aren't giving this place enough credit.

>> No.1689189
Quoted by: >>1689364


$MSTX will be a meme moon stock in next 2 weeks. Even if you don't pick any up, throw it on your watchlist.

>> No.1689223
Quoted by: >>1689364 >>1689711



>> No.1689225

what was up with the split in SDOW?

>> No.1689232

been lurkking since summer hehe

>> No.1689247

The technical analysis link in the OP has been broken for a while. What is the article/page?

>> No.1689297
Quoted by: >>1689379 >>1689450

Bought 25k amrs and will buy 5k more tomorrow.
How much are you holding lads.

>> No.1689304
File: 71 KB, 546x896, 1480622761547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank me later.

>> No.1689309

Get ready for that January Effect!

>> No.1689340


>> No.1689353
Quoted by: >>1689364

"some of theb est" AHAHAHHAHHAH

>> No.1689354

Nice artwork

>> No.1689362
Quoted by: >>1689726

i am your financial advisor
i suggest investing in NVDA bcz gainz
and i also suggest BMY and SRPT

>> No.1689364
Quoted by: >>1689366


Thanks. I've added DRAM and MSTX to my watchlist


There are people here who are crushing the market, Anon.

>> No.1689366
Quoted by: >>1689472

no theyre just trustfund babies that can invest in anything and make a huge profit

>> No.1689379
Quoted by: >>1689385

Really dumb buy tee bee h senpai it's too late to buy it because pnd already happened

>> No.1689382
File: 25 KB, 561x314, DA MOON MAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're welcome

>> No.1689385
File: 67 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-10-23-14-37-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1689396 >>1689729

Yeah that's true, if you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Putting 25,000 dollars into amrs by tomorrow.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

It's at .70
Will be 1.20 by Feb
2.50 soon after.

Do your research.

>> No.1689391
Quoted by: >>1689396


>> No.1689396
Quoted by: >>1689398 >>1689401

merger, please do some DD before looking like an idiot, you are on the internet, you are partially there.

The 8k released december 23 doesn't seem to positive to me. Their debt payments are going to effect their financials.

>> No.1689398
Quoted by: >>1689412

Correct, we factored that in though.

>> No.1689401
Quoted by: >>1689412

thanks brah. what's your TP?

>> No.1689412
Quoted by: >>1689415

just watching volume when it spikes and volume dies ill start selling.

ill look more into it.. thanks

>> No.1689415

Look into the last few months of press releases on their website.
Keep in mind a debt restructuring is anticipated to he coming soon

>> No.1689418
File: 2.63 MB, 3000x2250, 1479743409946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1689470


Do your own DD. Thank me later.

>> No.1689419 [DELETED] 

So buy DRAM, MSTX.

Skeptical about amrs now after reading

>> No.1689423
Quoted by: >>1689455

1. NAK

>> No.1689450
Quoted by: >>1689674 >>1689828

Anyone holding onto AMD after New Years? I'm selling Friday to lock in my gains. Buying after New Years again during a dip.

Also trust these men. Buy AMRS and DRAM

>> No.1689455

check out AMPE aswell

>> No.1689462

A few months ago AMRS has a delisting notice..
For some reason, big money forced it from .80 to 1.12 in a day.

The company just has too much shit going for it, and big time big money support behind it.
.70 is a steal, I'd be Shocked if it isn't 1.20 by March.
Could literally be a week, shit moves out of Nowhere

>> No.1689470

Been buying in to make for a while now. I'm new to this game. When it blows up what prices do you think we are going to be looking at?

>> No.1689472


>People that invest in those anything companies crush it.'
>Only ones doing it are trustfund babies

Ever think that maybe you too should invest in what rich people are investing in instead of just playing victim complex because you invest in shit?

>> No.1689671

Anyone posting DRAM have an actual PT?

>> No.1689674

>Anyone holding onto AMD after New Years? I'm selling Friday to lock in my gains. Buying after New Years again during a dip.

Plan on doing the same.

It's going to rally this week.

>> No.1689711
Quoted by: >>1689792


here are my opinions from practicing voodoo using moving averages at 10, 20, 200, RSI, MACD, SAR, and stochastic indicators

sell (upward trend hinting at reversal, overbought, stop and reversal sell signal triggered on the 23rd, macd converging)
buy cautiously (strong upward trend and slightly increasing divergence but overbought. check news and buy with caution)
watch (RSI neutral, negative price trend, stochastic entering oversold territory but still negative trending. wait for trend stop and reversal)
watch (overbought but... is this new support or wait for dip? too mixed for me to make a buy)
watch (i like that this is oversold BUT - WATCH AND WAIT for reversal signals, ie. don't try to catch this knife - who knows if sears is dead)
watch (overbought, slowing momentum, touched SAR sell signal a couple days ago - don't know what to make of it given recent news - i wouldn't buy)

>> No.1689712
Quoted by: >>1689720

why aren't you guys talking about weed stocks?

>> No.1689716
Quoted by: >>1689721

i think this will test the 200 day moving average and fail... buuuutttt... some good news might make this esplode.

worth the risk. have a market buy for 5 shares set (just to force a commitment) and will watch for a better entry in the morning.

>> No.1689720

None on major indices. RH doesnt have OTC

>> No.1689721
Quoted by: >>1689797

i think it'll go further than that, the float is small and getting locked up.

>> No.1689726

SRPT looks interesting to watch for some confirmations (downward trend reversal indicated, price momentum increasing, in slightly oversold territory... no strong confirmed signals that i see yet)

why BMY?

>> No.1689729

hmmm... you looking at options?

>> No.1689792

I think buying nvda is fine. They dominate the gpu market and they keep going up

>> No.1689797

tfw been holding 600 shares since the last spike a month ago. hoping for a retest of its 52 week high when s4 is released

>> No.1689828

ive been slowly accumulating AMRS for the past 2 months.

>> No.1689829

So let's say robinhood goes bankrupt, closes, whatever. What happens to my stocks? My money?

>> No.1689831
Quoted by: >>1689837


it goes bye bye

>> No.1689834
Quoted by: >>1689866 >>1690142

Is buying shares of BRK.B a good idea?

>> No.1689837
Quoted by: >>1689868

hey, why do you think amd is going to rally?

>> No.1689866
Quoted by: >>1689881

I don't see this as a bad move. Financial services i.e. Insurance companies will benefit from the recent rate hikes. Share price has been on a solid trend though it currently at the top end of it 52 wk high.

>> No.1689868


It has a lot of momentum going into the last trading week of the year.

It also, was down 2.5% last session on a warrant execution yet still managed to almost finish in the green

>> No.1689875

SIPC saves you if your broker fucks themselves

>> No.1689881
Quoted by: >>1690142

I mean, when it dips it really doesn't dip much. Considering it averages 20% a year it would be the buy and hold part of my portfolio. I'm more worried about investing almost everything I currently have and then the market crashing and not having the money to buy more (not specific to this stock)

>> No.1690133
Quoted by: >>1690145

What's today's moon mission?

>> No.1690142

doesnt this stock pay dividends?

im guessing thats how those 20% yearly returns are achieved

>> No.1690145


Well $nugt/$jnug already got some action as gold jumped +15 points. so they saw a 7% increase premarket.

Glad I got in last week.

Only other one I'm watching is $MSTX as its been steadily rising and lots of talks about buyouts.

>> No.1690147

i think SIPC will reimburse you, like a total of 500k where 100k of that is cash

>> No.1690152
File: 132 KB, 1155x661, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UAA has some major potential to move up

>> No.1690158
Quoted by: >>1690162

How successful is this? Can I start with a few bucks?

>> No.1690162

Pretty much

>> No.1690237

Almost that time, lads.

>> No.1690241

looking at INVT due to the investment from FIG

>> No.1690256
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>> No.1690268
File: 130 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-12-27-08-39-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1690273

>> No.1690273

buy gold and sell that shit now bud. also what stocks?

>> No.1690281
File: 515 KB, 1289x1131, 1472219241234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jnug going red on profit taking and home sales numbers pumping the dollar

>> No.1690283
File: 1.74 MB, 349x248, 1476062047787.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1690285
Quoted by: >>1690288

I want to start stock trading with RH but I'm in Canada. Do I need to use a VPN and put money in with PayPal?

>> No.1690288

use questrade

>> No.1690296
File: 19 KB, 500x286, mx-lgflag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any mexifags here who trade? How do you trade the stock market in Mexico?

>> No.1690304
File: 59 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-12-27-06-07-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf happened to BAS? KEK

>> No.1690306

looks like a reverse split

>> No.1690311


Looks like on the 23rd they announced they got out of bankruptcy.

>> No.1690319

RNVA up 9% pre market

>> No.1690348

what are the memes today?

>> No.1690357


>> No.1690363

RGSE recovering!

>> No.1690373
File: 13 KB, 560x407, 1473657537359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are there so many bitcoin threads?

im starting to get sick of cunts shilling it all the time

>> No.1690375

Watch OVAS for the bounce.

>> No.1690378
Quoted by: >>1690387

DRAM down, moon mission imminent or bust?

>> No.1690387
Quoted by: >>1690390 >>1690397

tfw i bought when the market opened.


>> No.1690390
Quoted by: >>1690446

Hope you didn't sell, because apollo 18 has begun mission

>> No.1690397
Quoted by: >>1690446

its gonna slowly go up into next year bruh

>> No.1690403
Quoted by: >>1690406

Is BAS at a good price to jump into? Seems like there was a massive sell-off right after the reverse split.

>> No.1690406

At the moment it almost looks good to buy, not going into it personally though

>> No.1690416

Does robin hood work if you live in EU?

>> No.1690418

Who just hit the fucking lottery on BAS?

>> No.1690423
Quoted by: >>1690438

>wut is reverse split

>> No.1690426
File: 113 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161227-101600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1690427
Quoted by: >>1690435

Is NAK going to keep this up or will it burn out soon?

>> No.1690428

short sellers

>> No.1690429

VBIO about to moon

>> No.1690435

continued growth into 2017

>> No.1690438
Quoted by: >>1690440

You fucking moron

>> No.1690440
Quoted by: >>1690449

Is This guy retarded?

>> No.1690442

Buying DRYS?

>> No.1690443

Shorting SGYP?

>> No.1690444
Quoted by: >>1690658

>one share
you disgust me.

>> No.1690446
File: 25 KB, 500x381, 1353520954398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets go
also redpill me on why i should sell my PTN that ive been holding for the past month

>> No.1690448

DRAM is lifting off

>> No.1690449
Quoted by: >>1690452

Are you mad

>> No.1690452

No I feel bad for you because you think that a reverse split made you a huge profit

>> No.1690453
File: 226 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-12-27-09-25-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1690460 >>1690465

I hope no one panic sold.

>> No.1690457

Just bought some DRAM hope the /biz/ shills know what they're talking about

>> No.1690460
File: 149 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161227-102902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought the dip

>> No.1690464
File: 38 KB, 640x360, IMG_1691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1690477

BoughtDRAM at 1.75
I chased :3
Hold me

>> No.1690465

>panic selling because of a 2 cent drop

>> No.1690467
Quoted by: >>1690471 >>1690512

Should I just give up hope on AUPH? Got memed into it at 2.73

>> No.1690471
Quoted by: >>1690476

I got memes into it at 4.98
Down 500

>> No.1690476
File: 324 KB, 706x800, 1477207453557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-it'll definitely recover one day haha

>> No.1690477
Quoted by: >>1690479

you're fine bruh. just hold it til early next year and watch what happens

>> No.1690478
File: 72 KB, 500x600, 45t324524j234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1690484

>> No.1690479

Whats going on with DRAM?

>> No.1690483

Hold DRAM overnight? PT

>> No.1690484
File: 55 KB, 414x698, tumblr_nsh63dgtiV1uce6g7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1690486


>> No.1690486

Every day I look at AMD wishing I got on yesterday

>> No.1690487
Quoted by: >>1690524

why are people shilling DRAM again?

>> No.1690497

RFP blasting off

>> No.1690500
File: 70 KB, 640x640, IMG915317447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1690504
File: 101 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-12-27-10-51-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the everloving fuck
If I'd gone all-in on this I'd have well over a quarter of a million dollars.
Were there any warning signs?
Did any of the bagholders here profit from this expired meme?

>> No.1690507
Quoted by: >>1690533

actually you would have been down -66%

>> No.1690510

Does nobody know what a reverse split is?

>> No.1690512
Quoted by: >>1690517 >>1690528


I was the one who shilled AUPH last week. I didn't read the part where management said they would dilute for funding before Phase 3 would begin.

Down $5400 fuck me

>> No.1690514

Kek thats not how this works.

>> No.1690517

thanks for your service i got in for a nice 7% when you shilled.

>> No.1690518

This is 4chan. Of course we don't

>> No.1690520 [DELETED] 


>> No.1690522


>> No.1690524

maybe if you weren't a lazy fuck you would do your DD...

>> No.1690528

Shit like this is why I stopped fucking with biopharmaceuticals.

>> No.1690529
File: 48 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1690547


>> No.1690532
Quoted by: >>1690535 >>1690954

I got labeled as a PDT although I had PDT protection on, and I did not make any day trades. What should I do?

>> No.1690533

Oh it's just an RS
Why are Google, Yahoo, and RH all showing this as 8000% gains?
What the fuck

>> No.1690535

wait 90 days to daytrade again

>> No.1690540

thank you based anons for DRAM and NAK

>> No.1690546
Quoted by: >>1690553

I don't use robinhood. What are their rules on day trading?

>> No.1690547

Fuck it, got in at 0.32

>> No.1690553
Quoted by: >>1690556 >>1690559

Standard SEC rules, they just have an option to block you from making your 4th day trade. But it only really works for market orders

>> No.1690556
Quoted by: >>1690562

Can you buy with unsettled cash?

>> No.1690557


>> No.1690559
Quoted by: >>1690566

That's not true. It takes potential day trades into account.

>> No.1690560


>> No.1690562
Quoted by: >>1690569

Yeah, but deposits aren't instant though, you only get 1000 of whatever you transfer immediately iirc. The rest takes a day or 2

>> No.1690563

Why does the thread get so active two hours after the markets been open? Everybody is getting ready for lunch

>> No.1690564

RH neets get out of their beds

>> No.1690565
Quoted by: >>1690571 >>1690575

NEETs waking up

>> No.1690566

It'll warn you, but it won't stop you from potentials, won't it?

>> No.1690567

/questionarre music

>> No.1690568
Quoted by: >>1690571

This is when NEETs get up

>> No.1690569
Quoted by: >>1690571

I mean when you sell a stock can you buy with the money you got from the sale

>> No.1690571
Quoted by: >>1690573

NEET here, got up at 8:30, just lurked.

Yes, you can

>> No.1690573
Quoted by: >>1690574 >>1690578

Over 25k and robinhood lets me make all the daytrades I want right?

>> No.1690574


>> No.1690575



>> No.1690578

Well that's SEC rules, so yeah. Gotta maintain it over a 90 day average I think (someone correct me)

If day trading is what you want, ustocktrade is better imo

>> No.1690581
Quoted by: >>1690588

hey, can anyone confirm that AMD will be working for INTC since the original core developers on INTC are retiring?

I own both stock

>> No.1690587
File: 126 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1690590


>> No.1690588


as far as I know they are competitors

>> No.1690590
Quoted by: >>1690596


>> No.1690591
Quoted by: >>1690592


>> No.1690592
File: 31 KB, 720x644, 1480815321550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1690593

>Amyris Files For Shareholder to Sell Up to 10 Mln Shares
11:13 AM EST, 12/27/2016 (MT Newswires) -- Amyris (AMRS) shares were slightly lower on Tuesday as the company filed a registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission for shareholder Nenter & Co Inc. to sell up to 10 million shares at a maximum offer price of $0.69 each.
Nenter & Co acquired the shares upon exercise of a warrant to purchase common stock issued under a cooperation agreement reached in October.
The company won't receive any proceeds from the share sale.

What does this mean?

>> No.1690596

I know reverse split :( at least let me pretend

>> No.1690599
File: 45 KB, 640x427, 1482783615439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1690600
Quoted by: >>1690601 >>1690607

RGSE is about to go up, get in while you can!

>> No.1690601

dont do this if you want to keep your money

>> No.1690602
Quoted by: >>1690606

anyone riding VBIO right now?

>> No.1690606

Not on RH

>> No.1690607
File: 130 KB, 396x381, 1394377516514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1690613 >>1690615


>still shilling pimple memes from 4 months ago

>> No.1690609
File: 70 KB, 1000x800, IMG_0104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1690614

RVNA in 2 hours

>> No.1690611

NAK just needs to blow past this resistance and we're good.

>> No.1690613

It's going into a reversal, i just bought into it.

>> No.1690614
Quoted by: >>1690625


>> No.1690615
Quoted by: >>1690643

What happened to pimple? Did he ever post again? Is he anon now?

>> No.1690623
Quoted by: >>1690626


>> No.1690625


Either that or next week but there is the low hanging fruit. CC on Jan 5th.

>> No.1690626

Nah it's stopping there, wait for the next boom

>> No.1690631

>didn't set my 1.80 limit order higher
Well that's it for DRAM.

Any other memes?

>> No.1690641
Quoted by: >>1690644 >>1690666

So is this finally coming to europe or not

>> No.1690643
Quoted by: >>1690813


I'm sure he still lurks here, whether or not he's posting is anyones guess.

>> No.1690644

No. go be culturally enriched somewhere else.

>> No.1690658

What happens if you only have 1 share and a reverse split happens?

>> No.1690665
Quoted by: >>1690806

>GNC up 8% today
Looks like I'll hold GNC until its earnings date, expecting pretty nice run up until then

>> No.1690666
Quoted by: >>1690669


I think it's against shiria law

>> No.1690669

fucking kek

>> No.1690674
Quoted by: >>1690677

AMD is so close to saving my ass it's not funny!

>> No.1690677
File: 112 KB, 1648x587, AMD Saves ass..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1690687 >>1690689


>> No.1690680



>> No.1690684

ETRM is making me cry. Should I just take my loss before the split happens tomorrow bros

>> No.1690687
Quoted by: >>1690691




>> No.1690689
Quoted by: >>1690691

Go all in on AMD faggot

>> No.1690691
Quoted by: >>1690708


It was back in 2008.... back then it was the eternal meme,

>> No.1690695

CNAT blastoff

>> No.1690707
File: 35 KB, 552x504, 1480569866492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1690712

Guys, I can't hold all these rockets. I'm loosing track. What a fucking day.

>> No.1690708
File: 98 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20161227-093015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1690717

>not using all your robinhood gold on one trade
Muh dik

Its easy to say it in retrospect but AMD was looking so primed to bounce back last year in the 1.7-2.5 range, although you were down more than 50%. Why didn't you buy more?

>> No.1690712
File: 73 KB, 216x234, fgm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1690719 >>1690722


everything is green today.

Even fucking GEVO is green

>> No.1690717
Quoted by: >>1690719

Was in the mist of putting all my money I made into paying off student loans to get out of debt.

>> No.1690719
Quoted by: >>1690723

>tfw you made a few hundred bucks today.... but then you realize you're 100k in student debt

>> No.1690722
File: 51 KB, 582x600, happyride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is green today
>but not ptn

>> No.1690723
Quoted by: >>1690728

Not anymore!!! 2 years of grinding destroyed my loan in May

>> No.1690728
Quoted by: >>1690733 >>1690737

Congrats! I'm still a junior but hopefully It'll work out

>> No.1690733

I worked 80 hour weeks for the longest time, went to the brink of insanity but before I broke loans were paid off and I was up 10k

>> No.1690737
Quoted by: >>1690743


How the fuck do you get 100k in debt by junior year???

Are you borrowing to pay for EVERYTHING?

>> No.1690741


>> No.1690743

3 years of tuition including two summer sessions, and housing is about 100k

>> No.1690745

how log will NAK run?!

>> No.1690748
Quoted by: >>1690752

This is a trump personal project according to rumors, a long time maybe..

>> No.1690749

Personally saying when it'll be up 50% for the day. Usually I've seen runs go there and start dropping. But we could be in for a surprise.

>> No.1690751

i think it could run into the 3's. holding for now

>> No.1690752
Quoted by: >>1690762

Think it'll run until morning?

>> No.1690753
Quoted by: >>1690755

Can you pay for Robinhood Gold using google credit / wallet?

Also, can you end your subscription at any month?

>> No.1690755
Quoted by: >>1690774

You can end it during your free month yes.

>> No.1690762

hell yes, I'm holding for like a week or until the trend changes.

>> No.1690772

When those NAK gains blasting off

>> No.1690774

So I also have $10,000 waiting to be sent to Robinhood with $2000 already in the app. If I get robinhood gold, will it give me access to $2000 of the pending $10,000 immediately?

>> No.1690775
Quoted by: >>1690790 >>1690792

I hope you faggots got onto CNAT

>> No.1690777
Quoted by: >>1690781

What are some VR companies to invest in?

>> No.1690781

Look for Snapchat IPO

>> No.1690790
Quoted by: >>1690793

I wish I could've. Everything is tied up in other memes.

>> No.1690792
File: 37 KB, 369x332, 1456623494264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1690793

yeah, CNAT's as crazy as NAK right now. Glad I jumped on that train.

>> No.1690793
Quoted by: >>1690798

Settled cash is all gone. Currently holding with trailing stops

>> No.1690796
Quoted by: >>1690800


>> No.1690798
Quoted by: >>1690799

on this end

>> No.1690799
Quoted by: >>1690814

Nice, CNAT hit my stop :/
my screener didn't pick up FIT or NAK

>> No.1690800

No thanks.

>> No.1690802
Quoted by: >>1690805

Whats the latest on PTN I forgot why I'm holding this bleeding asshole.

>> No.1690803

Looking like dram is going to perk up before close today

>> No.1690804
File: 231 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161225-162143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1690805

The biopharma meme claims another.

>> No.1690806

it will def attract all the gamblers. best sell before earnings tho.

>> No.1690813
Quoted by: >>1690821

he doesn't.
i talk to him on a regular basis.

>> No.1690814
Quoted by: >>1690818

what parameters do you screen with?

>> No.1690816

RNVA is fucking stupid close to its 52 week low right now ran a couple weeks ago to .20 on no news. I'm buying this shit. Asset purchase is gonna pump up the volume. Im buying

>> No.1690818
Quoted by: >>1690827

Today I was using huge volume spikes on 1 minute bars

>> No.1690820


>> No.1690821

t.pimple insider

>> No.1690822
Quoted by: >>1690823 >>1690829

whats gunna be our power hour buy lads?

>> No.1690823
Quoted by: >>1690838


>> No.1690827
Quoted by: >>1690830

I see...right now I'm seeing ALQA,CPN, and INVT on my screener

What website do you use to screen?

>> No.1690829
Quoted by: >>1690858


>> No.1690830

Wealth Lab Pro. It lets you program screens and write algorithm trades

>> No.1690836

does AMD stand for Amassing More Dollars?

>> No.1690838
Quoted by: >>1690857

DRAM has become the unexpected winner of the day

>> No.1690857

A very choppy illiquid winner

>> No.1690858
Quoted by: >>1690860 >>1690867


>> No.1690860
Quoted by: >>1690864

lol alright buddy

>> No.1690864


>> No.1690865


>> No.1690867
File: 7 KB, 255x200, 1470262943663-adv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1690902

Wheres the dip?

>> No.1690869
File: 209 KB, 480x390, 1386026205879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CNAT at 30%

>> No.1690872
Quoted by: >>1690874 >>1690879

anyone holding DRAM or NAK through the night?

>> No.1690874

definitely NAK. DRAM possibly.

>> No.1690876

reverse split 1 to 570
then the price tanked from over $250 pre-market to the $36 you see now.

People have lost their ass.

I myself was holding 2500 at $-0.05 so fortunately I was in the black no matter what, but this stock should be trading over $250 and it's not. Crooks.

>> No.1690879


>> No.1690880

Big volume and rise in JNUG

>> No.1690889
Quoted by: >>1690894

>buys CNAT yesterday
>sells it in the morning when it started going down
>it's the meme stock of the day


>> No.1690890

What the fuck is going on with CNAT

>> No.1690892
Quoted by: >>1690898

Too late to buy CNAT?

>> No.1690894

Sold NAK last week. Kicking myself all day...

>> No.1690898


>> No.1690899

I think that CNAT will have a peak tomorrow morning, unless it continues on it's same path.

>> No.1690900
Quoted by: >>1690907

Bought rgse @.32, I'm hemorrhaging money. Should I hold or accept my losses?

>> No.1690902
File: 500 KB, 500x206, you're in one.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1690907
Quoted by: >>1690909

that thing goes up and down more than your mother on a friday night.

hold till next pop

>> No.1690909
Quoted by: >>1690920

RGSE's financial statements made my eyes bleed

>> No.1690911
File: 127 KB, 403x403, 1478673211421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CNAT close to 40%

>> No.1690913


>> No.1690916

Im so tempted to buy me some of that CNT.
Shit is still soaring, wondering when the peak might be.

>> No.1690917

God dammit I got out of CNAT with only 10% profit

>> No.1690920
Quoted by: >>1691019


oh most definitely. but the pumpers will return to the scene of the crime and it will rise........ and fall again

>> No.1690923
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, 1477662635647-x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CNAT is dipping

>> No.1690924
Quoted by: >>1690952 >>1690983

>bought amd at $7
>everyone called me a retard
>faggots selling left and right when it went back down to $6
lmao eat shit nigers

>> No.1690929
Quoted by: >>1690943

lol @CNAT dip this thing is a beast

>> No.1690932

Anyone watching either APVO TNXP or NM?

>> No.1690940

how did we miss IRG!!!

>> No.1690943

NVM sell that double top going on!

>> No.1690944
Quoted by: >>1690948 >>1690956

DRAM is giving me sweaty palms guys

>> No.1690948
Quoted by: >>1690956 >>1690958

You and me both. I'm kinda mad that I sold some NAK to get on some DRAM

>> No.1690952

Yeah, people used to talk so much shit about AMD. I think it was assblasted NVIDIAfags from /g/. Now the only thing that's said about AMD is regret for not buying earlier. I sold at 5.50 in like fucking may. It still hurts.

>> No.1690954

Contact Robinhood and ask them to forgive you this time

>> No.1690956
Quoted by: >>1690969 >>1690971

Do some DD. This was the warm-up.

>> No.1690958

yeah i put more money into DRAM than nak. kicking myself a bit

>> No.1690969
Quoted by: >>1690973

I did only saw news that was from 9 days ago and later nothing recent? Unless I'm missing something.

>> No.1690971
Quoted by: >>1690975 >>1690976

what does DD mean?

>> No.1690973
Quoted by: >>1690987

S4 proxy. No more spoon feeding.

>> No.1690975
Quoted by: >>1690977

due dilligence

>> No.1690976
File: 3 KB, 273x287, 1480606869734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1690977

>due dilligence

>> No.1690979

tfw DRAM up without the proxy even being announced. If that special dividend is good it's gonna be crazy. 1.41 average

>> No.1690983

AMD is essentially a blue chip stock now

>> No.1690987

NAK new high of the day

>> No.1690992
Quoted by: >>1690998

What the fuck happened with BAS?

>> No.1690998

People got fucked

>> No.1690999

Reverse split, only thing that would do that to a stock

>> No.1691005
File: 74 KB, 630x620, 1478909241369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GEVO popped 16% on the day

>> No.1691006

God damnit.

PTX has been nothing but disappointment after disappointment. Only reason I haven't sold is because I know it'll shoot back up after I sell.

>> No.1691012
File: 29 KB, 640x480, sadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1691018 >>1691035

>tfw ANY falls 16%
>tfw you baghold and wipe out two weeks of small daily gains
>tfw now you only want to baghold harder

>> No.1691013


>> No.1691014

Anyone holding PLUG?

>> No.1691018

this is me with VNR

>> No.1691019

I sold, took an 80$ hit today.

>> No.1691026
Quoted by: >>1691029

lmao still holding XGTI and SSH. Praying that something happens. I can't sell this low. FUCK.

>> No.1691029
Quoted by: >>1691033

I'm doing the same with ETRM. I had the chance to get out with minimal loses but I am a greedy idiot and stayed too long

>> No.1691033
Quoted by: >>1691038

Yep, my losses went from minimal to huge. Could have even made a profit at one point. Learning lessons slowly.

>> No.1691035

>bagheld DRAM for a month and averaged down after it dropped from 1.70 to a dollar over that time
>about to double my money at the very least

>> No.1691036
File: 2 KB, 112x125, 1362203686964s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1691042 >>1691046

big shoutout to the meme finders


i will die by a lot of your memes but the rides are worth it.

>> No.1691037
File: 28 KB, 633x191, WEW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1691054

Sold a bunch of stuff early but can't complain about today

>> No.1691038

An expensive lesson to be sure. In time we will make back what we lost

>> No.1691042

Yeah those memes were fucking dank

>> No.1691046

You forgot CNAT the dankest of them all.

>> No.1691051
Quoted by: >>1691057 >>1691078

Who is holding NAK O/N?

>> No.1691054

$500 a day keeps the day job away

>> No.1691057

i am

>> No.1691078
Quoted by: >>1691088

as I recommended DRAM and NAK earlier, keep buying them until the new year. Grab some of both this week.

>> No.1691088

I went long into NAK 20,000 shares right before market closed.

>> No.1691114
Quoted by: >>1691119 >>1691127

Do you guys actually know how big this NAK thing is? If trump pushes through this is a 50 badger by 2020. This is huge you guys, just understand that.

>> No.1691119


>> No.1691127


>> No.1691136
Quoted by: >>1691148 >>1691153

Who catching the ANTH knife tomorrow?

>> No.1691148

Rather happy I didn't end up gambling on their trials.

>> No.1691153

Tried that with OPHT after it dropped to $6, sold for a small loss soon after thankfully because it wasn't anywhere near the bottom yet

>> No.1691171
File: 73 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1691182

How do i unlock the green theme?

>> No.1691173
File: 62 KB, 1013x1141, Screenshot_2016-12-27-16-07-12_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the cleanest graph I've ever seen.

>> No.1691182


>> No.1691193
File: 151 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_6625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First positive day in ages
>gains are still unrealized so could still lose it all
>still down $200 overall

>> No.1691210





