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File: 64 KB, 500x507, 222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9778673 No.9778673 [Reply] [Original]

Volatility is good edition

Popular brokers for stock trading:

>commission free and no minimum to open

> How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

Interactive Brokers
>$1 commission per 100 shares. $10k minimum to open, $3k if 25 or under. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Movers:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

In-depth Rundown on Options:
https://www youtube.com/watch?v=TBAQtjyqNHw [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://www youtube.com/watch?v=SuTTzfa4ePE [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

/smg/'s Official Market Commentator:
https://www youtube.com/channel/UCyHBlT16Zd1arzSCwFoThNw

Previous thread: >>9773970

>> No.9778775

First for TLT pop

>> No.9778776
File: 952 KB, 1345x1550, 1482943952782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9779024

not him but heres a 2+ year old copypasta

>> No.9778788
File: 420 KB, 948x1488, Screenshot_20180606-174718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek

>> No.9778799

That’s what happens when 35% of the float is short

>> No.9778819
Quoted by: >>9778831


How do I find stocks with big dividends? Any pro strats?

>> No.9778823
File: 5 KB, 180x180, shopify.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9779190 >>9782357

Who bought shopify?

>> No.9778831


>> No.9778845



Don't mess with an autistic retard billionaire

>> No.9778848
Quoted by: >>9779190

Short commentators on Seeking Alpha are on suicide watch

>> No.9778884
File: 66 KB, 1024x576, 0___023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9779109 >>9787611

Weed sector will pump all day tomorrow and definitely Friday morning until maybe noon or so. Some investors will sell the news of successful senate legalization vote, however, depending on retail investor fomo and institutional investor entrance in to the space (because they legally would be able to at that point) it may not matter.

This could continue for a while.

>> No.9778905
File: 127 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180606-181820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9779078 >>9779190

Rate my options lineup ignore hpq and dks please.

>> No.9778973
Quoted by: >>9780785

i finally figured it out. its why the media is being so bipolar about TSLA and elon in general. he knows financially they are FUGGED bigtime and he cant let the stock dip as it would cascade in a terrible way (and has a LONG way to fall). the shareholders are his last hope.

so what happens? elon calls up his old bootycall at cnbc and tells her
>hey, make me look like im about to fucking kill myself
>ok elon shure
then elon plays the part, talks shit on twitter, or threatens to shoot an analyst into space next. everyone else in the media loves talking about him anyways so they pile on. then come the short sellers who sell on news. then the mongoloids who dont know how to check short float come in. elon dont care, he wants the volume. the crowded short makes for a tinderbox and BOOM... hes got some more cash to keep things afloat. sharehoders are happy and stay put, and the company can go back to the good ol days of losing tremendous amounts of money quarter after quarter and still going up regardless.

when it dips again? rinse repeat. i mean how many times has this happened just this year? its ridiculousy obvious

>> No.9778993
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Quoted by: >>9779190

pls spy pls no

>> No.9779024
Quoted by: >>9779268

i meant to grab more of these every once in a while till we have all of them, but ive been busy. i should do that right now.

got any ones in particular you think i should start on?

>> No.9779078
Quoted by: >>9779197

you should stay away from those deep OTM ones that are really cheap unless youre CONFIDENT of a huge move. also, if the volume and open interest or low, or none DONT TRADE IT. youll get fucked by spread and be trapped. also always choose more time. like 3-5x as much time as you think you need at least

>> No.9779109
Quoted by: >>9787611


In major sector news, Aphria announced $226 million bought deal financing with Clarus Securities. That is good and bad. Bad because it means dilution for current APH shareholders, good because that is a massive vote of confidence on future growth from institutional side.

>> No.9779190
Quoted by: >>9779259

My jimmies are still rustled

>Short Squeeze of the Century
Pssshhh... Nothin Personnel... Kid...

0 / 10
Wut the fuk dude.
Yes, those are going up, but they're value plays -- don't do call options on value plays.
God. I want to bleach my eyes.

This is why I don't short the market, even when I'm feeling bearish.
Instead, I hold SPXL when I'm feeling bullish and SPY when I'm feeling bearish.
I'm flipping my SPY reserves for SPXL on the next blood red day.

>> No.9779197

Thanks for the info.

>> No.9779202

Pretty positive article by The Guardian on Canadian weed legalization. Worth reading if you're interested in the sector.


>> No.9779209
File: 21 KB, 753x380, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9779263

I was thinking of quitting when I get -25%

>> No.9779212
File: 127 KB, 900x592, Betterment-screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pic related any good?
Im 22 and have 50k in savings.

>> No.9779259

Can I at least get a 1/10 for sympathy?

>> No.9779263
Quoted by: >>9779409

What did you do?

>> No.9779265
Quoted by: >>9779293

>Im 22 and have 50k in savings.

You're doing very well for your age. Keep it up!

>> No.9779268
File: 28 KB, 311x475, 233428[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9779328

I havnt read half of those books, but if youre looking for reading recommendations...

firstly, read the art of war (sun tzu), a bunch of those mainstream "business" books are just this but reworded (how to win friends and influence people especially)

The autobiography of ben franklin (by ben franklin) is truly a great read, with plenty of life lessons, and business advice in it
The prince by Machiavelli is good for strategic thinking/planning too

from that pic? a random walk down wall street and fooled by randomness are two of the most useful books there, possibly black swan too

Energy and Civilization: A History is fantastic, since all economic power eventually comes from access to energy (in some form or another)
Stuff Matters, Stress Test, and The Man Who Fed The World are all fantastic economical reads

I'd also recommend Meditations by Marcus Aurelius if you want some spiritual/every day advice

and pic related if you want to get an inside look at an antivirus creator/coke addicted/whore fucking mercenaries mindset

>> No.9779276
Quoted by: >>9782203

Right now Im sitting on 40 AMD should I sell at market open or hold on hype?

>> No.9779278
File: 46 KB, 460x397, 1499606288594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alrighty boys, im an ausfag that is looking for a broker which doesnt charge $20 a FUCKING TRADE and gives me access to all of the memestocks you lot play. is IB worth it?

>> No.9779293
Quoted by: >>9779341 >>9779381

Over half was from my mothers inheritance

>> No.9779295
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Quoted by: >>9781563

Will HMNY find a new low tomorrow, lads?

>> No.9779328
Quoted by: >>9779369 >>9779433

i havent read most either. thats why this is as much as for me as anyone else. the more i read this stuff, the better im getting. everyone who isnt an illiterate retard should have access to it too

anyways, i was mostly trying to keep things technical in nature, but this is a good idea too. especially sun tzu. though im partial to the tao te ching. ill cap this so i can look into them. thanks for the suggestions

>> No.9779341
Quoted by: >>9779447

good job anon
>50k in savings
b-but it says 100k there?

>Over half was from my mothers inheritance
I'm sorry for your loss ... you lucky bastard

>> No.9779369
File: 20 KB, 316x500, 413349XBSCL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9779433

pic related is a nice one to have around the house, just read it before bed or when on the shitter (its public domain, so free to download)

its interesting, useful (if you ever camp, or go outdoors), and it will probably help you stay alive far longer than 1000lbs of gold will if armageddon happens

I remember when biz had recommended reading threads, wish I saved more from them

and I used to have an address for google docs of a few investing books that was linked in a thread years ago, ill see if I can find the link
but im not sure if its even still available if i do find it

>> No.9779381

You should have killed her in 2009, friend

>> No.9779382
Quoted by: >>9779447

at 22 you can take a more risky stance assuming you're hodling long term
ie, more in stocks less in bonds. typical advice is age - 100 in bonds so 20% bonds, looks like you're at 33%.
you could probably move the risky to 'aggressive' if you wanted

>> No.9779409

are what got me out of the hole

>> No.9779429
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Quoted by: >>9779512


>> No.9779433
File: 612 KB, 980x634, e9e21f_aa44c2fb24c246fca417c5b115eb9a98~mv2_d_2880_1297_s_2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit i did find it


better not get banned for linking shit, also hope this works for everybody

I really need to go back and read some of this

>> No.9779447
Quoted by: >>9779494

Thats just the first result in google images. Dont have an account.

I know nothing about investing hence why k wanted to take the easy route with betterment. Also should mention i have a 401k with schwab through my new job.

>> No.9779494
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>uni bonds

>> No.9779512
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Stay comfy plz

>> No.9779595

>All of the shills trying to get us to let go of HMNY deathgrip

>> No.9779713
File: 90 KB, 921x735, 1487898910233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9779839

Odds short nat gas,
evens long nat gas

>> No.9779830
File: 56 KB, 640x678, tumblr_p9xbrklGAl1vnckjko1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

official /smg/ car

>> No.9779839
Quoted by: >>9779902

Isn't the summer the worst time to long nat gas?

>> No.9779860
File: 1.64 MB, 680x499, d65.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9779899 >>9779902

>Bought a Toyota
>Poor now

>> No.9779882
Quoted by: >>9779921


>> No.9779899

not just a toyota, a BRZ no less

>> No.9779902
File: 108 KB, 624x434, 1490060257376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea. I thought I did, but I've accepted am retarded
>not buying a used mid 2000s japanese car when you've made it

>> No.9779919
Quoted by: >>9780028 >>9780135

IB is great if you have 25k to dump in it, which most of us don't.

>> No.9779920
File: 62 KB, 567x800, Chloe_Grace_Moretz_Cannes_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9781696

aaand dow +1.4%


>> No.9779921

Try out CARVs trading program. Lots of penny stocks, free ETFs, no fees. You have to pay for options though. Basically robinhood but for more serious traders

>> No.9779938

literally an atm

>> No.9779959
File: 119 KB, 902x1300, happy-smiling-union-construction-worker-man-17545682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! I would like to post a guide because I like this thread a lot! So I have:
To all traders who are getting started and wonder how to get started in trading stocks -
1). Learn what a P/E ratio is, it's simple enough that you can look it up on investopedia and learn what it means.
2). Same as above, but with Market Capitalization (look at small cap, medium cap and large cap; as well as value versus dividend)

3). If you are starting to trade stocks, you may be tempted to buy at the 'dip', or 'catch a falling knife'. You may try this, and you will probably make money doing so. Understand that this is only a beginners way of understanding stocks, and that you may continue to bleed out for some time until the stock recovers, or worse, you'll be holding a bag. I can't exactly hold your hand on this, but look up overbought, oversold and ways to measure enter and exit points.
>>>A good trade can be where you make money, but a truly good trade is only if you knew from the start that you would make money. Research and methodology is something you *can* produce, and a plan that needs work is still better than no plan at all. I believe in you.

4). Look at intrinsic value and get a TDAmeritrade account. Learn how to use think or swim. I can't help you on this one, but TD really wants you to be a better trader so you can make them BoomerDollars™. You can even get free trades if you whine to their help desk to help you newbie-trade when you're starting out.
5). If a company isn't making money every quarter, and it's older than 3 years old then it's not a company worth a dime.

These are my 5 greatest tips. They may seem basic, but they are eternal law. Trust that other posters in these threads will post more advanced information to aid you down the line.
If you're looking to make trading stocks into a job, consider not doing that until you have a (comfy) 10k in your account.
I hope that I have helped somebody, and I truly believe in you /smg/. Never forget that.

>> No.9779967
Quoted by: >>9780008 >>9780300

>1). Learn what a P/E ratio is, it's simple enough that you can look it up on investopedia and learn what it means.
>2). Same as above, but with Market Capitalization (look at small cap, medium cap and large cap; as well as value versus dividend)

aargh :(

>> No.9780008
File: 34 KB, 408x450, Q5ptlCx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9780026 >>9780039

what is investopedia

>> No.9780022
File: 19 KB, 450x450, kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kidding good post :)

>> No.9780026
File: 3.39 MB, 312x290, 1387900219671_chloes-infectious-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is investopedia

>> No.9780028
Quoted by: >>9780114

Why do you need 25K for an IB account?

>> No.9780033
File: 760 KB, 720x960, received_1739202783060668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9780084

Did we win today?

>> No.9780039
File: 862 KB, 1651x1100, 1520219816838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sometimes forgot i live in another dimension than you _people_


>> No.9780082
Quoted by: >>9780227

>ACB $9.79
>LEAF $28.70
what am I missing???

According to the merger deal, LEAF should be worth $35. Why is LEAF not priced in at that price? Is there a high chance that the merger deal might be adjusted or not go through?

>> No.9780084
File: 11 KB, 725x397, Truly, it's been a roundabout path.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9780131 >>9780300

Everyday is a winning day.
Every single fucking day.

>> No.9780114
Quoted by: >>9780637

Because that's just the way it works.

>> No.9780131

The bogs are coming for you now, Anon.
Your pride will be your destruction

>> No.9780135
Quoted by: >>9780419

oh true, i thought it was only 10k

is this to circumvent reg T or whatever its called? do i still have to comply with these restrictions despite not being a US citizen? not sure how it works anymore, like if the broker is located in the US but a non citizen is using it

>> No.9780149
File: 109 KB, 209x193, 32d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered delivery to mys house and I fucking passed out before he arrived FUUUCK this ruins everyhting

>> No.9780177
File: 5 KB, 216x233, sBv1mGt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets suppose someone I know, definitely not me, has 22% of his portfolio in silver calls rn.
How good or bad is this?

>> No.9780206

I don't usually go in for tuner ricers but I like this.

>> No.9780213

what's the option date and strike?

>> No.9780227
File: 47 KB, 977x292, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9780315

pic related, tempted to just dump all my ACB and put it all into LEAF. 6 months since I bought this without a stop limit and im finally able to breath just holding like an idiot.

completely FOMO'd into it.

>> No.9780300
Quoted by: >>9780657 >>9780727

Yeah, those are pretty important to know.
I always glance at those 2 values and EPS (via Robinhood) before buying shares of a company.

That's a steady and rapid growth.
What the hell are you holding?

>> No.9780315

If the math works out in your favour then yeah, leaf is a better deal to eventually get back in to ACB. There isn't any sticking points on the buy out deal, LEAF has agreed to it and the takeover is not hostile. It will go through.

>> No.9780318
Quoted by: >>9780716

why is anyone buying anything other than shopify?

holding this is like buying amazon in 2002

>> No.9780359
File: 190 KB, 1419x731, 9UoPpCr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never mix alcohol and klonopin boys

>> No.9780419

It could be 10k but I'm a poorfag and don't really no for sure. I always figured it was because it's not worth their time to fuck with investments less than that.

>> No.9780450
File: 3 KB, 270x100, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9780656 >>9781695

first year of doing options after 2 years of learning
these are my gains for the last 2 months
feeling like I can do this full time

>> No.9780465

Got 600 euros still left on my account. What should I buy

>> No.9780637

That's not how it works. If you want to avoid the day trading rules you will need 25K, but that is true for all US brokers.

>> No.9780656

>feeling like I can do this full time
It couldn't possibly be sufficiently stable for me though.
And living off the gains would severely hurt.

>> No.9780657
Quoted by: >>9780674

guarantee there's some AMD in there somewhere

>> No.9780674

I actually typed "AMD?" but ended up deleting it from my post because I'm hoping it's not what I think it is and don't want to encourage it.
I was thinking AMD or some shitty chink tech stocks like IQ.

>> No.9780716

Because I sold it on Friday and don't want to buy back in until I see how this fed shit plays out on the 13th

>> No.9780727
File: 1.18 MB, 2400x1600, unedited-picture-of-CEO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oldest memory of the /smg/ threads was talking about my positions in MU and somebody telling me to have an ID so they could filter me, and yet I kept investing in tech stocks and buying these massive, random dips that would be coming out after quarterly earnings. The earnings were always solid, the companies were large cap growth but they'd fall 20-30 percent regardless. Obviously they'd come back slowly but surely over the course of 3-7 days, and I was making this my typical plan. And it was working brilliantly, given that I did research and spread my portfolio diversity between 5-12%.

My belief is that boomers are retiring, and the market is watching massive vacuums of wealth, too fearful to act on the gap and being told by analysts that there's something more to fear. At a certain point, I was just buying dips left and right. I get too fearful to go all-in on any one stock. I find it too risky for me to trade rationally.

>> No.9780761

AMD will continue it's run. Call me out on this.

$16.25+ by end of the week

>> No.9780785
Quoted by: >>9780919

It's pretty obvious, but it can't work forever. Sooner or later, the realities are going to catch up to the hype and all the delaying is only going to make the fall that much more sudden and precipitous. When this happens though, is unpredictable. Regardless, you have to love the irony; people with too greedy a short position are their own undoing.

>> No.9780799
Quoted by: >>9781103

Good job my man, I've been following a similar strategy myself, but with less gainz. Probably because I hold anything in my portfolio that appreciates more than 10% in the first month. Do you trade a lot, or is it mostly long holds after the dip.

I recently picked up NI after its 20% drop, wondering if you did the same.

>> No.9780859
File: 349 KB, 1166x1200, CashMoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PM Trudeau appointed two extra senators today. They're already on the job and will participate in the vote tomorrow. Little extra insurance the bill passes although, judging by the strong majorityin which second reading passed, he doesn't really need it. For those unfamiliar with Canadian flavour of senate, it's a shit show. Everyone knows it's a shit show. Senators are given the job by Prime Minister appointment. Electorate has no say. They're lazy and a drain on tax payers' money. Many politicians in Canada has lobbied for total overhaul of the system and/or abolishment of the senate entirely. Nevertheless, this is what we've got and this is what has to happen to get recreational weed legal.


USA Today article about the Canadian legalization from the US perspective.


>> No.9780882
Quoted by: >>9781317

comfy no...
metals are gonna go down because dollar will go up next week. look at the daily chart of UUP and SLV. UUP (dollar) looks like its curling up again. and theres a bunch of buying into close for a gap up. SLV on the other hand hit resistance at 15.75 and didnt move all day. SLV doesnt follow the dollar 1 to 1, but it definitely changes directions with it most of the major times. i hope you got the really longterm ones theyre still really cheap even out like 6-9 months. and definitely go ITM bcause SLV moves so slow

>> No.9780884

>I get too fearful to go all-in on any one stock. I find it too risky for me to trade rationally.

It's usually a poor strategy anyway enough if you can stomach the risk. Having at least two or three positions gives you a lot more leverage to cost average as the charts move.

>> No.9780919
Quoted by: >>9781226

ive heard of short seller big guys who were using TSLAs corporate bond coupons to finance put positions. seems pretty brutal how they keep getting squeezed like that, but i guess if youre just using bond yields to finance it, its not so bad

>> No.9780936

Tesla is a good company just overvalued. The brand is worth so much too. I would never buy it except to trade it. Was tempted at 280 knowing it will hit 350 again within 2 months.

You can't value it without taking into account consumer sentiment. People want tesla and the brand is a luxury brand ahead of anything else in cars right now.

>> No.9781103
File: 2.07 MB, 1224x1584, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I move my positions around a lot. After massive dips or rises (after good earnings beat) it's a safe bet that it'll recover after some time, but there've been cases where large stockholders will tank it some more, or that the stock will be day-traded by scalpers. Or it keeps going up and I miss out on more gains. Multi-day dips are fairly dependable to go up after a time, typically when buys and sells level out and invert.
The hardest part about trading on irrationality is that you can't completely predict it.

>> No.9781215

That's respectable.
I was worried you were just another meme chaser that went all in on SDRL or IQ

>> No.9781226

Short selling is a brutal game. I have no sympathy for those getting squeezed. I only really see two sane reasons to be short the stock.
> You are an investor that is hardcore on fundamentals. Quarterly Earnings and P/E mean everything, words mean nothing.
> You are an investor who has technical expertise/know people who do and you don't believe in the technology.
Both types aren't going to compromise their positions with short term greed. If I was a psuedo-intellectual science worshiping normie with a liberal arts education, I would hold a very bullish position. My electrical engineering PhD makes me believe the product just isn't there as there has been no big advancements in battery technology and none are on the horizon. The AI/selfdriving isnt there without a sensor suite that would add a few thousand to the model 3 price. Any other auto maker can make a product just as good/better and is much more well positioned to do so.

>> No.9781317
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Quoted by: >>9781354 >>9781365

Ishares silver will moon to $45 within the next 6 to 8 months. The memes are on my side

>> No.9781337
File: 215 KB, 1925x1068, lolsenate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9781520

Amendment defeated. These proposed amendments are 95% stupid fluff the senators are bringing up just so they can say in future elections that they tried. Conservatives still believe (wrongly according to polls) that the majority of their voter base is anti-legalization. These senators have been making utter fools of themselves on this bill for the past several months, up to and including making arguments taken straight out of Reefer Madness.

>> No.9781353


kekus maximus

>> No.9781354
Quoted by: >>9781392

no comfy its going down by then. THEN it goes up, remember?

>> No.9781365
File: 486 KB, 681x532, 1513190610801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9781392 >>9781436

>listening to those silver shilling commercials from Fox business channel

>> No.9781390
File: 12 KB, 244x206, aegean-marine-petroleum-network-inc-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone make any money on the ANW bounce?

>> No.9781392
File: 54 KB, 612x612, 1485920847398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9781432 >>9781436

No, I saw your TA and then made it better.
Right now it's going to go UP, then UP then REALLY UP.

>tfw I became the retarded boomer

>> No.9781432
Quoted by: >>9781510

why would it go up if the dollar goes up though? rates are gonna boost $ some more. compare historical silver prices with rising fed funds rate. its normally not bullish. it will still get some action no doubt, but its not gonna like double or anything. did you go ITM or OTM? what expiry

>> No.9781436

The original bitcoin. Everyone shills them to prop up the price.

>The government's money is gonna collapse
>post apoc you want gold
>look what's in my wallet you insecure senile boomer

The whole thing is just shilled to fuck like dumbass GE commercials with "Ge is a good company" message but no product.

>> No.9781474

>The whole thing is just shilled to fuck like dumbass GE commercials with "Ge is a good company" message but no product.
Kek. I know exactly what you're talking about, and I have no idea what it's intended to accomplish!
>Hey faggot, look at us! Look how progress we are! We make windmills!
How cute. Now why did you tell me this? Do you really think I'm going to buy a fucking windmill?

>> No.9781506
Quoted by: >>9781525

>The whole thing is just shilled to fuck like dumbass GE commercials with "Ge is a good company" message but no product.

lol, I did an internship with GE two years ago when they were selling off appliances and financial. All the execs where raving about their "cool" GE commercial at the superbowl.

GE is a big company with a wide reach, and they realize how slow and boring they are. Its basically Boomers the company, but fortunately the market is fucking them for it.

>> No.9781510
File: 47 KB, 225x225, 1486256304231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I have a rational investing strategy at this point
I just like silver

>> No.9781515

Thoughts on IQ? Thinking about dropping some more into it since it'll be worth $90 a share pretty soon here ya know

>> No.9781520
File: 166 KB, 1925x1068, lolsenate2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of my favorites from the bunch. Let's give 20% of the golden goose to the abos! Guys! Come on!

>> No.9781525
Quoted by: >>9781578

Anyone can see it

>what does your company do
If the answer isn't semi-reasonable it's a no go for me. With any system the worthlessness side of things builds up over time. With a very simple analysis I can tell it's shit. No direction, commercials with no product.

>> No.9781530

>it'll be worth $90 a share pretty soon here ya know


>> No.9781546
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friendly reminder that large specs are shorting the Vix again

>> No.9781549
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Quoted by: >>9781576

>up 59% in the last three months after it's IPO

>> No.9781560
File: 17 KB, 355x381, feel99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9781563

I hope cuz I'm holding 10% of my port in puts that I bought for .5 and .10

>> No.9781576

Are you telling me it won't keep going up?

>> No.9781578

GE actually does a lot, and some of their individual business are pretty succesful in their own rights. The problem is that GE is so bloated that basically every single division gets all of this overhead that they don't need.

If GE broke up into their individual divisions, those companies do quite well desu. They make pretty good jet engines and diesel locomotive, and at least those two divisions make good financial decisions.

>> No.9781601

i do to. the ITM with a little over a month left are great. you can find 16.50 puts for .86cents a pop right now (with a delta of 80. thats better than most ATM and OTM options in terms of lev). those are the ones you should be focusing on desu. tho last time SLV popped like this, it hung around for a few days, s you might be fine. just remember ITM or bust. SLVs too slow for OTM

>> No.9781606
Quoted by: >>9781746

I would love if you could give me a list of your best tech stocks

>> No.9781611
Quoted by: >>9781655


why do you think it's going to keep going up?

>> No.9781647

thanks, i learned stuffs

>> No.9781655
Quoted by: >>9781708

The Chinese stock market is very emotionally driven.
That shit could easily make it to $300, until the chinks simultaneously all decide that it's only worth $5.

>> No.9781695
Quoted by: >>9781746

how did you learn to trade options? do you have a list of guidelines that you follow before entering into a trade?

im interested in learning options but have no idea where to start

>> No.9781696
Quoted by: >>9781793

What is this gay music anon.

>> No.9781708
Quoted by: >>9781785


copy cat of Sunny Optical?

>> No.9781724
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the chad Nikkei

>> No.9781739
Quoted by: >>9781758

Weed and crypto. The two sectors that will demolish everything boomers stand for

>> No.9781746
Quoted by: >>9781796

Not him but I usually play tech stocks too.
3X ETFs:

There's a pair of good videos in the OP.
Look up what a covered call is, maybe try one, maybe buy a call or two

>> No.9781758

teen fags run this hood

>> No.9781785

God I hope so

>> No.9781793

i don't think he's watching it for the music...

>> No.9781796


>> No.9781805
Quoted by: >>9781819 >>9781923

Im with you but I buy physical bullion. At least 20% of my net worth is physical silver. Just bought a 100 oz bar today for $1695. For me it is a storer of value but there is a small chance it coukd overcome the price manipulation and either settle to its realistice range of 20 to 30:1 vs gold or it could explode. Considering silvers vast manufacturing uses and the price remaining right at cost of actually mining, i believe a time Will come in the next 4 years where it corrects.

And if im wrong i have a decent savings

>> No.9781819

>20% in worthless rocks

>> No.9781856
File: 122 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-06-06-22-27-55-371_com.robinhood.android.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9781976 >>9782027

IQ will be like NFLX in 5 years. The market is enormous and their subs grew 30% in the past year.

Pic related is IQ in a few years I.e beginning of the Chinese century

>> No.9781864
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Quoted by: >>9782105

Ignore all of what this man said. I will tell you the most important fucking thing there is to know about stocks.......... its all fucking rigged, the whole fucking market is rigged! the sooner you realize this and the sooner you play along the sooner you start making money.

>> No.9781923
Quoted by: >>9782077

Actually buying silver is gay Anon, you have to play options.

>> No.9781949
Quoted by: >>9781971

I dont understand the meme. Do people really believe silver is a bad call? I know not stock talk but im curious.

>> No.9781971

Anyone that buys metals should feel ashamed of themselves as investors
There are at least 100+ financial instruments that would fare you better

Metals are for literal commies

>> No.9781976


Why doesn't /smg/ catch these things early?

>> No.9781985
Quoted by: >>9782011

most gold bugs I know are more of the gloom and doom prepper type, not commies

>> No.9782010
Quoted by: >>9782629

My goal is to have monthly dividends to supplement my income for the future.

I love $DNP, and $SDIV, for their monthly dividends that are predictable. Are there any other stocks similar in price and dividends?

I find things like $YDIV, but the dividends for that are all over the place month to month.

>> No.9782011
Quoted by: >>9782042

Same thing in my eyes

>> No.9782027

Kek. This.

IQ will never expand beyond the border of China.
This is why the Chinese knock-offs are so absurd and hilarious -- they're knock-offs.

Why use Weibo when you can use Facebook?
Why use IQ when you can use Netflix?
Who the fuck would use Baidu when they can use Google?
Baidu only exists because Google is blocked in China and Baidu will let the Chinese government breath down its neck.

>> No.9782030

>took robinhood 4 months to greenlight your account
>all of the stocks you wanted to invest in, all of them, appreciated no less than 8% in this time
how do I get over the bitterness /smg/

>> No.9782042
Quoted by: >>9782069

then you are a moron, no offense

>> No.9782054


make money

>> No.9782061

quit being a pussy and find some gainz

>> No.9782069

Did I hurt your feelings commie? no offense

>> No.9782077
Quoted by: >>9782099

Fair enough but its not all or even most of my portfolio. The price of silver has been manipulated since the 50s and i believe the metal is a lot more valuable than its current spot price. Call it value investing. I admit i started with silver in the prepping vein but its no longer about that for me...and if the price rose with inflation or trended like growth stocks i probably wouldnt be interested but the way its been hovering around $17 for the last several years tells me something is fishy.

Anyway back to stocks: anyone think HMNY is going to bottom at a certain price or is that shit hitting 0? Id say itll hover at $0.25 for a while.

And has anyone done their own value for GE? Im intrigued by stocks that collapse like those 2. Ive read from 2 different sources that they value GE between $8-9...just curious what people think. Thanks

>> No.9782085

does anyone have the deets on FCX?

>> No.9782099
Quoted by: >>9782257

Metal is overvalued and you are lucky the banks propped up the price for you
Make a bond portfolio instead

>> No.9782102
Quoted by: >>9782302

i'm pretty sure this song is about first learning about the stock market and getting gains


>> No.9782105
Quoted by: >>9782165

Unironically this.
I'm looking forward to the feds dumping millions or billions of dollars in bonds next week.

Why the fuck do people unironically buy actual, physical gold?

Don't worry. Shit's gonna correct when the bond market is done tanking and the feds unleash a tsunami of cheap ass bonds onto the market next week.
The higher yields will then spread by sucking cash out of energy, utilities, and REITs, then propagate into the equities market as a whole, just like early February and March.

>> No.9782115
File: 330 KB, 1440x1975, IMG_2103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally sold out of WWR for a 6% profit and have entered GO MODE for strictly options trading. I have two $24 calls for NWL that are up about 19%. I'm planning on going in half on one month or less OTM options and the rest on ones more than six months out, wish me luck.

>> No.9782154
Quoted by: >>9782180


>> No.9782158
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Quoted by: >>9782204


>> No.9782165
Quoted by: >>9782333

so I should probably wait until next week to buy any more stock then?
If you don't mind me asking, where do you get your info on when the fed's gonna dump bonds and such?

>> No.9782172
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Quoted by: >>9782204


>> No.9782180
Quoted by: >>9782204


Harblong is alright.

>> No.9782203
Quoted by: >>9782245

It's going to be $20 by EOY

>> No.9782204
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Too kind my man. I think the only time I've really led anyone astray with truly shitball ideas was MBOT back in the beginning of the year.


NWL to $26 by the end of the month, heard it here foist

>> No.9782245
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If it isn't above $16 by the end of July, I'd get some 2019 $13 puts for AMD. People swore AMD would slam $20 by October of last year

>> No.9782248
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Tommrow Im going with MKC
They performed extremely well this past consumer bogging so its time to buy the mini dip

>> No.9782257
Quoted by: >>9782321 >>9782482

I heard Stansbury Research is working on a bond platform but I dont know how far away that is. Do you exclusively have a broker do this for you or is there another method of finding and buying bonds? I have done very little homework on bonds

Side note: im not sure I agree that metals are overpriced. I guess you could argue that gold is historically but i think its still pretty cheap compared to the massive dollar inflation caused by QE. I would argue that silver by comparison is extremely undervalued. Rather than the banks propping UP the price, i believe they have held the silver prices down. Goldman Sachs and Deutsch Bank admitted as much in their past. What leads you to say theyre propped up?

>> No.9782302
Quoted by: >>9782345 >>9782497

this is phase 2 of the experience:


>> No.9782321
Quoted by: >>9782406

gold and silver prices move because of producers hedging
In reality, investing in metals in gambling because the producers can push it down to 12 dollars for years from now. commodities are playthings, silver can break out any direction from here, there are no fundamentals for an infinite supply of metal that will increase rapidly in the future

If you want actual hedge against inflation + bonus income, you go with bonds

>> No.9782333

>have entered GO MODE for strictly options trading
>strictly options
>have two $24 calls for NWL
>I finally sold out of WWR for a 6% profit
What the fuck, dude
This is some literal casino shit.
You did options on a fucking value stock (NWL), and now you want to exclusively trade options.
Are you net positive right now?
How long have you been trading?
Is this just a troll post?

I'm not betting on a major correction. I doubt I can time it perfectly, and also I have no idea if it'll even be all that major. But I'll benefit heavily if there is one.
You could still buy, I guess.
What I'm doing is putting all of my leftover cash that isn't doing something strategic into SPY, and I'm going to flip it for SPXL, TQQQ, and cheap tech stocks if it happens sufficiently.
>Where did I get my info on the fed?
Look up "federal reserve meeting calendar" -- on June 13th at 2pm, they will confirm whether to do a rate hike, and they've been signalling for a few months that they will do a rate hike in June.
The info that a rate hike is expected and what they will do is just shit that I get from the news and Wikipedia.

>> No.9782345
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This is like Tiny Tim meets Benny Bell meets Tom Lehrer, thank you

>> No.9782352
Quoted by: >>9782421

>talking shit to Harblong Cassidy

>> No.9782356

>This is some literal casino shit.

That's Harblong for you. It's his MO and it works pretty well for him.

>> No.9782357

Spotify or Shopify pick one

>> No.9782386

I use Robinhood, mostly for trading crypto but been seeing good returns in stocks like SNES

>> No.9782405
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Quoted by: >>9782505


I've been cocking around in /smg/ and the late /rgt/ and /rhg/ for a while now. Those $24 calls are dated for Jan 2019. WWR was nothing new, down 15% one day before making my exit the next day for a profit. That's the kind of thing I do.

I invested about $9,650 in total in Robinhood, starting the last week of 2016 into the first three months of 2017. I made about 9800 last year with legitmate trading on just stock purchases (i.e. no random bullshit 50% gains or options shenanigans) and about 4500 so far this year, suffering two different periods where 50% of my gains got wiped out.

The only bad trade I ever made with RH was on Aviragen. I was down about four percent after a four day hold and opted to just sell. Next day, it dumped nearly forty percent.

My methods are chaotic, but they have worked well. Little shitball gains and losses you take ninety percent of the time, surprising out-of-nowhere windfalls, and staggering losses all compound to make for the experience.

>> No.9782406
Quoted by: >>9782431

Im guessing you mean corporate bonds vs govt bonds? Again where can you research available bonds?

>> No.9782421

I know where I am, but Harblong still did options on fucking NWL.
That's a fucking casino play. NWL is a Warren Buffett value stock.
If the expiration date was for no less than 3 months out, you'd be just as likely to make money by going to Vegas and playing blackjack.

>> No.9782431
Quoted by: >>9782567

corporate bond ETFs and foreign sovereign bond ETFS
Just use a screener and find a chart/yield you like
they are all bear market right now but still the yield outpays

>> No.9782453
Quoted by: >>9782567

try a pool cleaner vacuum while underwater, especially with a heated pool, it will give you the best orgasm of your entire life. the fans rapidly but gently smack the head of your dick while giving really strong suction. obviously stick your fingers in first to make sure it's safe, not every pool vacuum is the same. I've had blowjobs from 3 different women and 4 different men, I've used vacuums, cock-pumps, fleshlights, vibrators... and NOTHING compares to the pool cleaner. I'm not even fucking kidding right now, if you get the chance, try it. the only thing that is even remotely close to how good that pool vacuum felt was straight up vaginal sex with this fat chick who had a really warm snatch, it was like sticking my dick into a wet loaf of banana bread straight out of the oven, and yes this fucking pool cleaner vacuum was better than that. I don't own a pool or else I'd be doing it every day. unfortunately the owner of the pool caught me doing it so I'm not allowed to be within 1000 feet of his house anymore but it was so fucking worth it, I'm telling you that fucking pool vacuum is like heaven. honestly the only reason I even want to get rich is so I can afford my own house with a heated pool and of course a pool vacuum. I can't wait to buy a dozen different brands and styles of pool cleaners and fuck them all. I live for that day to come.

>> No.9782482
Quoted by: >>9782492 >>9782521

You are 100% correct on silver. Don’t listen to these faggots. JPM and others been mashing silver into the ground.

>> No.9782488
Quoted by: >>9782575

tips on tomo market for a noob normie

>> No.9782492
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fuck off commie
your garage rocks are going back to 12-15 range and staying there

>> No.9782497
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>> No.9782505
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Quoted by: >>9782521

>Those $24 calls are dated for Jan 2019.
Ok. That's fair then. I thought you were doing options dated for a week or two out on NWL like some of the earlier posts from this thread.
>WWR was nothing new, down 15% one day before making my exit the next day for a profit. That's the kind of thing I do.
I was mainly picking on WWR because the graph was shit and I saw no due diligence or mention of this stock anywhere before, which when combined with going all in on options made it seem like an absurd play.
>I've been cocking around in /smg/ and the late /rgt/ and /rhg/ for a while now.
>I invested about $9,650 in total in Robinhood, starting the last week of 2016 into the first three months of 2017. I made about 9800 last year with legitmate trading on just stock purchases (i.e. no random bullshit 50% gains or options shenanigans) and about 4500 so far this year, suffering two different periods where 50% of my gains got wiped out.
>My methods are chaotic, but they have worked well. Little shitball gains and losses you take ninety percent of the time, surprising out-of-nowhere windfalls, and staggering losses all compound to make for the experience.
Ok, I like you now. Sorry senpai

>> No.9782521
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Quoted by: >>9782550


If I was going to invest in metals, it would be silver without reservations whatsoever. My dad has old ingots, Balboas, and whatnot he got for $2 or $3 an ounce.


If you have options, try $14 AMD calls at least three months out. Sell at 20% profit or bail on 5% loss if it's down before next Wednesday. If stocks, put in $1.12 bids on LTBR. It's not in danger of falling apart at the moment.


No worries, my man. Just follow my formula: cut your winners, and let your losers run.

>> No.9782550
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Quoted by: >>9782575

Baka! i dont do options!

>> No.9782567
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Corporate bonds are pretty fucking good.
My dad uses those instead of government bonds for his retirement. Sick yields, not really a significant risk of default unless you go junk bonds. It's like utilities companies or REITs but with less risk.

Good read.
10 / 10
Will try a pool vacuum cleaner

>> No.9782575


Sorry, I'm laden with American, Belgian, and Ukrainian beers and booze right now, I meant:


Anyways, if I could give one piece of advice, don't trade just to trade. I have only followed this advice about twice in the last year and a half, and I think I'd have avoided more losses if I hadn't felt the inertia to keep trading.

>> No.9782600
Quoted by: >>9782653

You may be right...but WHY do you believe that?

>> No.9782629


>> No.9782632
Quoted by: >>9782653 >>9782682

i'm bullish on silver in the long run... like 3-5 years.. they use that shit in electronics

>> No.9782653
Quoted by: >>9782712


Too many small specs in silver right now, it is 100% going to 15 and below to wipe out their margin accounts

What about asteroid mining? and sucking from the earths core? This would cause a 50%+ drop

>> No.9782682
Quoted by: >>9782712 >>9784314

I haven't heard of silver being used much in electronics.
I've heard of gold being used in electronics though.
They had to use a bunch of gold for that fucking thing they sent to the moon.

>> No.9782712

>I haven't heard of silver being used much in electronics.
wat? really? wat?

>What about asteroid mining? and sucking from the earths core? This would cause a 50%+ drop
you think someone is going to drop money into that operation if silver isn't profitable?

>> No.9782764

>you think someone is going to drop money into that operation if silver isn't profitable?
I would think it would be government funded and not for profit
but it wouldnt happen because silver is already in infinite supply here on earth. A pathetic metal you can find in Road gravel

>> No.9782815
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I guess another way to loo9k at it is, you can risk Silver doubling in price as a gamble, or you can gain near the same gains reinvesting bonds

I think the answer is obvious for large specs

>> No.9782944

>I haven't heard of silver being used much in electronics.
>wat? really? wat?
Yeah, it's silicon, with phosphorus, which has 5 valence electrons, and some other shit that has 3 valence electrons.
Silver might be used in some obscure manufacturing process, but it's not something that they use a fuck ton of.
I think outside of jewelry, nothing gives significant value to precious metals unless it plays a crucial and essential role AND a lot of it has to be used.

For example, some drill-bits use a diamond tip... Does that really help support the market price of diamonds though?

This isn't a market niche that I'm super passionate about though. Wikipedia can probably do more to support a gold bug's confirmation bias than I can.

>> No.9782970
Quoted by: >>9783197

I wish I went 100% in Dominoes
its never a red day never

>> No.9783197
Quoted by: >>9783220

Interesting article for teh_profit:
Also posted in the 8ch thread if he's offline for the night.

I've held them for a few months at a time.
Then I remember -- it's a pizza company... why the fuck am I holding this.

>> No.9783220

>it's a pizza company... why the fuck am I holding this.

There will always be a market for cheap shitty pizza like Domino's. Not a bad investment at all. Probably a lot more recession resistant than a lot of other "safe" investments.

>> No.9783259
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Quoted by: >>9783306 >>9783354

Any good broker I can go for if I live in south america?

Robin hood won't accept it

>> No.9783306

Interactive Brokers?
Shit, son. Idk. Good luck.

>> No.9783354

i think maybe choice trade? i think i had to make an account with them awhile ago for a business transaction and they were located in a different country.. i think it was them..

>> No.9783434
Quoted by: >>9783539 >>9783546

AMD $25 by August. Over $40 by EOY.

Bulls win.

>> No.9783539

I'm starting to get annoyed by this.
This tech enthusiasm is substantially more than usual, right?
>shitty Chinese tech
I think these companies are getting shilled more than usual.
>Correction when?

>> No.9783546


The eternal meme

>> No.9783821
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Quoted by: >>9783908 >>9784234

futures going golden bull again

>> No.9783908
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"Stop right there, bulljizz slurper! Nobody defies the analytics on my watch! I'm confiscating your bonds. Now buy my bags or it's off to crypto."

>> No.9784234

whats the deal with the trade wars?
its been green all week despite fisticuffs with Trudeau.

>> No.9784314

As far as I know Silver has very, very few use cases in electronics except solder bumps for 3D integration, the bulk of metals used in microelectronics manufacturing are Cu, Al, Ti, W.
Gold and platinium are very widespread in MEMS, Ta, Hf for memories.

>> No.9784406
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>> No.9784418

CMC my dude

>> No.9784450
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Quoted by: >>9786847

Wew, today I'm opening at +10% of my initial investment (started trading 4 months ago).
I didn't screw it up so far, I feel happy.

>> No.9784761
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Quoted by: >>9785234 >>9785678

Buy DB

>> No.9784973
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Quoted by: >>9785223

Why the fuck didn't I go all in on my TLT puts?
I've been posting about this for almost 2 weeks, and it's still making me money.
It's so easy to play too.

>> No.9785168
File: 21 KB, 236x235, 8F0F1CDD-9E35-437A-85D3-5D92A3A7BBCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually thought ENCE was a meme and didn’t get in

>> No.9785223
Quoted by: >>9785635

careful lad. its crowded as fuck. and remember what "crowded" means when were talking longterm US treasuries. fucking billions of dollars worth of squeeze fuel. its definitely not something you do all the time. be patient and wait for a reversal to be confirmed. or if you see obvious action one way or another going into close for a gap up/down.

my own personal rule is to not have positions going INTO a FED day, but only take one up after its been confirmed one way or another. it IS the easiest money ever if done right, but two gaps against you in two days, and all of a sudden youre looking at 50+% loss of your position. and bonds are so slow it could be WEEKS/MONTHS before you see green again (this happened to me and baggy the first time we tried this).

>> No.9785234

>buy deustche bank
absolutely never

>> No.9785635

The fed has basically all but guaranteed a rate hike for June.
I looked at their balance sheets (SOMA), and it looks like for the past year, they've been buying bonds for under 20Y and SELLING bonds for over 20Y.
I'm pretty sure they're literally going to dump 20+ year treasuries.

After putting this together, it hit me what that $100m transaction from yesterday was:
A primary broker is expecting to receive $100m in bonds next week, so they bought puts yesterday for expiration a few days after the meeting to lock in their gains NOW before covering the puts with the treasuries that they received from the fed on Wednesday!
They see this downward momentum, and they know that as a primary broker they're going to RECEIVE treasuries that the fed is dumping on Wednesday.
We might want to get calls on 2Y-10Y treasuries and puts on 20Y+ treasuries based on the history on the SOMA balance sheet.

>> No.9785678

>Douche Bank
I think DB is basically getting left holding the bag in a bank industry game of hot potato.
The feds aren't playing nicely with them.

>> No.9785717
File: 2.43 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9785832 >>9785856

Good morning /smg/! How was your night? I slept well for once. Might get some calls on metals, going to watch UUP today. Also, these are fucking DELICIOUS and easy to make.

>> No.9785749

I guess we all tend to compartmentalize our knowledge. Silver is the most electrically conductive metal known to man. It is used more in electronics and manufacturing than jewelry and coinage/bullion combined. It is more abundant that gold but it's vast number of uses in industry make it only slightly less rare than gold. After calculating for industrial uses, silver in circulation is considered roughly 1.2:1 compared to gold.


If it werent for this I would agree that silver isnt a smart play. Just holding a rock or crypto currency with no intrinsic value is not very smart. And industry and electronics are ramping up so the uses for silver are going to increase. Combine that with silver's historically low value when compared to inflation or compared to gold, and i believe silver is a great investment. I believe in 2 to 4 years, possibly sooner, Silver is going to at least doible in value. 4x is a realistic valuation compared to gold and it coukd rise as musmch as 10%. There are people projecting $10,000 oz of gold but thats absurd. They are saying in a monetary collaps.....well ya if the Dollar pulls a Zimbabwe then a bag of chips could be worth $10k usd so that estimate is meaningless.

>> No.9785830
Quoted by: >>9785898 >>9786033

>The fed has basically all but guaranteed a rate hike for June
they literally said that we are hiking rates mid june by 25 basis points.
>I'm pretty sure they're literally going to dump 20+ year treasuries.
they (FED that is) absolutely have to as the yield curve is so flat. they need to normalize it. however, they could also hike rate, which will help a little as longer treasuries experience larger downside swings due to interest rate risk affecting them more severely. so this could imply that they will just let it ride until next week.

in which case, since treasuries have been very volatile lately and are now at a low price again, people may very well be looking to buy more. not only that but theres also intl bullshittery which sometimes leads to bonds getting bought up like crazy like we saw the other day with 2.67% in ONE fucking day. and that was ON a very clear and obvious trendline and was OBVIOUSLY gonna reverse back down (lol).

point is, bonds are NOT stocks. treasuries in particular. there are a lot of things that effect them that are much more complicated (and were trading derivatives on THAT kek), so wait for trend confirmations before acting. once they get going, they generally keep on going, and this is their advantage. but you will fuck yourself up hard just acting like this is you intraday trading tech memes. totally different type of security.

>We might want to get calls on 2Y-10Y treasuries and puts on 20Y+ treasuries based on the history on the SOMA balance sheet
this was what i was thinking when i was posting lines on the yield curve. notes up, bonds down. however short terms dont really trade at any sort of range. not to mention none of them are optionable (that ive found). definitely let me know if you find a way to do this though.

>> No.9785832
Quoted by: >>9786932

Me of nightmares SPY gap up to 280.8

>> No.9785843
File: 28 KB, 334x401, 1506043236727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9786011 >>9787119

Very, very solid post anon.
I'm clapping right now.
What ticker should I watchlist? SLV?

>> No.9785856
File: 245 KB, 1169x600, IMG_20180607_104405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9785914

i love these minute muffin things
How do i invest in them

>> No.9785898
File: 94 KB, 1046x550, yield curve shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9786186 >>9787346

silver is gonna go down in a rising rate environment and theres nothing you can do about it.
i like silver too, but its short time. nothin personnel kid

here was my prediction for bonds on monday

>> No.9785914


I wish I could

>> No.9785973
Quoted by: >>9786011 >>9787346

Careful now. Silver is not used a lot in electronics and its past uses in manufacturing were related to photography. It's a rare metal, and it's still useful in photovoltaic panels (silver paste is used as conduction material). In a modern chip, there's no silver except in SnAg solder bumps, on some rare technologies. It's a very small use case, don't be too bullish on it.

>> No.9786011
Quoted by: >>9786029 >>9786227

I thought we were on a Tuvaluan dos penis pleasuring imageboard
I am surprised by you guys' knowledge of physics

>> No.9786029
File: 691 KB, 2048x1152, 20180308_101144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it's what I'm paid for apparently.

>> No.9786033

I found 2 ETF
IEF : 7-10y treasuries
IEI : 3-7y treasuries

>> No.9786091
Quoted by: >>9786227

found an optionable ETF for 1-3yr notes.
im sure you can see why its not something id deem tradeable. generally very slow aside from random pumps.

i assume it would be pretty easy money if you were selling options but i cant. all youd have to do is wait for IV to get to 20 or so, then sell a position (spreads or ICs probably) and forget about it. if you do the really longterm ones, the vega would be nice. but i cant do short contracts so fuck me

exactly what i was looking for.

>> No.9786096
Quoted by: >>9786133

these options look like theyre radioactive though. dunno how to get rid of them

>> No.9786133
Quoted by: >>9786162

I have an euro broker
I only have access to IEF options

What you mean is that there is no volume on their options correct ?

>> No.9786162

the options market is ded. bummer too. id love to set up a humongous vega trap on these things, but i dont know who i would sell em to if the price got really high. the spread looks ok, but still, its not certain i would have a buyer.

thanks for the tip though. had no idea these existed

>> No.9786186
Quoted by: >>9786231

>here was my prediction for bonds on monday
Yeah, I remember.
Apparently it's exactly what they're doing.
I didn't even know they would do that -- sell one maturity range of bonds while buying a different maturity range.
I thought they just dumped or bought any of them en masse

>> No.9786227

I'm a software engineer. I had to take that shit in college.

SHY is another one.
And TIP, kind of.
I'll just type in "Treasury", find the right maturity and go for whatever has good volume.
Unfortunately, TLT is the only one with good liquidity for options.
Oh you beat me to it lol

>> No.9786231
Quoted by: >>9786528 >>9786830

no they try to keep the curve all curvaceous. and theyve done a bad job because its just a straight line right now. so they have to get personal. thats why i say, overlay CPI on your like 15min chart and zoom out. youll see the inflation spike because of how many treasuries are bought and sold in one pump or dump (not talking about TLT. talking about billions of dollars in actual bonds). pretty unfathomable. but thats how to money.

>> No.9786248
Quoted by: >>9786267 >>9786276

Morning all

>> No.9786267

hi friend

>> No.9786276


>> No.9786321
Quoted by: >>9786432

SG confirmed that M&A in the banking sector in the EU will happen, but not over national borders. DB will probably die alone in a frankfurter ditch.

>> No.9786347
File: 789 KB, 1400x2386, 20180607_071804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9786416 >>9786911

Plan 4 2 day
Me orderflow strategy only leaves room for short

We approaching key resistance of 280.2!
Unfortunately for me, we easily have enough juice for break it

>> No.9786367

Less bonds

>> No.9786416
Quoted by: >>9786560

They’re literally not letting it fill all the gaps.

>> No.9786432
Quoted by: >>9786439 >>9786492

imo plenty of euro banks are hiding gigantic shenanigans in their balance sheets
M&A is often a way for these banks to transfer and hide toxic assets (a la chink scam tech Tencent/BABA spinoffs)

>> No.9786439

this sounds like exactly whats happening desu

>> No.9786492

Most EU and US banks have fucked up balance sheets since 2008 desu. DB is the worst of them, they haven't even passed the meagre stress tests done by the ECB.
The thing is, the EU lacks a solid legal framework that would allow banks to merge on a continental scale (like a french bank merging with a german bank), and since DB is the largest german bank there is no way they can find another bank to soak up their fucked balance sheet.

>> No.9786528

>overlay CPI on your like 15min chart and zoom out.
>youll see the inflation spike because of how many treasuries are bought and sold in one pump or dump
Sheeeeiiiiiit. I recall you saying that before, but now that I'm trying out this bonds shit, oh fug.

>> No.9786560
File: 68 KB, 554x439, 1521596110399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9786611 >>9786640

Yes! Very strange
It not act like that past 3 months

If SPY was BTC, me assessment would be they are trying create many bag holders before dump back to 266

But kek new 2 stocks so not really know. This could be what organic growth look like, no clue

>> No.9786611
Quoted by: >>9786642

Someone keeps dumping at the open, and dark pools keep pumping.
We should have retested 273-273.5 already. I have no bias either direction, but all positions need to seriously be hedged right now.

>> No.9786640
Quoted by: >>9786904

277.5 seems where they want it propped above.

>> No.9786642
Quoted by: >>9786656

For example, if you are heavily long equities, do you buy a deep ITM put on SPY to hedge ?

>> No.9786656
Quoted by: >>9786962

I meant more that everything says buy SPY puts, but with this nonsense going on, buy calls too, and keep tight mental stops.

>> No.9786786
Quoted by: >>9786793 >>9786821

Nnnooooooo... Smuckers... Whyyyyyy???

>> No.9786793

Peanut butter costs.

>> No.9786820
File: 193 KB, 1127x700, DUfdQ4PU0AAWESp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FSLR, I think that's a hidden gem.
Too much loss in one week to be lasting, options are expensive due to positive outlook, implied reversal?

>> No.9786821
File: 1.24 MB, 993x765, grishka_bogdanoff_power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9786830
Quoted by: >>9787082

Wait, wtf are you using for your charts?
What's good for getting that 15 minute overlay of CPI?

>> No.9786844

Sure did meme the silver.

>> No.9786847


feels good man. my goal is to get to the point where a 90% great depression type crash would only take me back to even. 1/3 the way there.

>> No.9786890
Quoted by: >>9786909

upgrading my price target on AMD

This is going to be full crazy bull.

$40 EOY

>> No.9786904
File: 324 KB, 1323x1339, SmartSelect_20180607-081849_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9786912

Imo 282 their target, they aggressive pump because they not much time

DOW & NAS looking for huge fall
Here NAS

>> No.9786909

$16.25+ end of this week
$40 end of the year

AMD is going to moon. You've been warned.

>> No.9786911
Quoted by: >>9786931

I have seen a video tutorial you gave me
On your chart, the horizontal bars represent respectively the buy/sell volume for a given price, am I correct ?
Why do they have different colors ?

Also, what do the thinned horizontal red lines represent ? Different timeframes Fibonacci levels ?

>> No.9786912
File: 298 KB, 1354x1261, SmartSelect_20180607-065856_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9786931
Quoted by: >>9786979

You are correct, different colors represent low/ high volume & buys / sell

Thin red lines are called Points of Control
Basically the most volume area

>> No.9786932
Quoted by: >>9787154


do you even have any money left? literally what are you doing? why would you short America?

>> No.9786943
Quoted by: >>9787164 >>9787232



AMD entering the meme land of Machine Learning 2H 2018. It's a multiplier on stock value. $40 EOY is possible. This is not a high point. Potential in AMD stock is huge for a EOY exit at $40.

>> No.9786956
Quoted by: >>9786985

What's the opinions on oil prices ? I'm thinking about getting in a oil services provider like Vallourec or Technipfmc if prices keep going up.

>> No.9786962
Quoted by: >>9787057

My portfolio are mostly bioshit memes and ATVI (and AMRS pls no bully)
I think I makes more sens for me to buy QQQ put

I havel looked into QQQ 01/18/19 $185 put or QQQ 01/18/19 $190 put
Are they good if I want to hedge against my $26k bioshit-folio ? Just want your opinion, the choice and responsibility will be mine

>> No.9786963
File: 98 KB, 499x488, 1510545157879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna be a green one today

>> No.9786968
File: 133 KB, 672x434, 1ee1352e03714aa5e2a2fe80d7e8dcc4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gsk has a div/yield of 6.026

>> No.9786979
Quoted by: >>9787154

Ok thanks
Also, have you subscribed to a broker service to have access to all that ?
Because those are what is called Level 2 right ?

>> No.9786985

oil is risky. Everyone knows oil is fucked mid term so the push to keep it in the ground for future profits is diminished.

I like things with some value mid term and into the future so I wouldn't touch them but might be a good low IQ stock for a 5% gain or whatever monkeys with that low of IQ go for.

>> No.9787004
Quoted by: >>9787017

How do you guys handle trading on leverage in terms of profit taking? Im currently short USDCHF on 100x from a local high, up 140% right now. How do you guys recommend handling where to close positions, do I keep a relatively tight trailing stop loss and let it run, or have a profit taking around an important TA level and just take the profit and move on?

>> No.9787014
Quoted by: >>9787030

Did anyone else buy NTDOY yesterday?

>> No.9787015

Anyway if you want to understand oil in the mid term+. Autonomous drive electric vehicles will replace 20 cars for each one that enters a robo taxi fleet.

Meaning 50,000 electric vehicles can replace 1,000,000 internal combustion vehicles. You have to combine both aspects, autonomus drive/taxi/highusage replacement to understand that the electric switch will happen much more quickly than you might predict.

>> No.9787017
Quoted by: >>9787039

Might as well go to your local casino

>> No.9787022

I have roughly $150 whats a good meme to buy into

>> No.9787030

I was bearish on it. Have a feeling I'll be right again.

Meanwhile everyone will miss out on AMD because they think it's at too much of an all time high when it starts going g

>> No.9787039
Quoted by: >>9787054 >>9787069

Is it trivial to be patient and make a incredibly successful living at casinos? Thats what im doing now, forex up to 100x and equities up to 20x its just too damn easy to short medium term trade on leverage and make living changing gains

>> No.9787040

Oh fuck, is CRON going to make me a bagholder soon?

>> No.9787054
Quoted by: >>9787080

You realize they offer leverage like that, because they know you will lose it all, right?

>> No.9787057

I would never advise shorting big tech long term.
My concern right now is the banks inflating SPY.

>> No.9787069

Good luck. The whole point of stocks is to get an edge via growth. Works the same for real estate and other things that generally grow. The house odd is in your favor even if you just go index fund.

When you start shorting and gambling you lose that edge. Doesn't mean it doesn't work just that the inherent bonus that makes the market attractive over sports betting or craps disappears.

>> No.9787080

I am significantly smarter than the average person, as are some other people here

>> No.9787082

damn ugly open on aphria.
are the canadian congressmen all overblazed?

my charts on schwab have an option for overlaying other charts as line graphs. i watch CPI for little spikes and dips to see whats up. kind of lagging indicator, but you can see whats been happening over the last couple weeks that way

>> No.9787087
File: 14 KB, 80x77, smug259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9787129

oh well excuse me, carry on then

>> No.9787094
File: 86 KB, 800x445, mike_tyson_uvxy_ceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9787129 >>9787167

A friendly reminder from our idol, CEO Mike

>> No.9787096
File: 31 KB, 470x470, 1510679740702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9787129

>I am significantly smarter than the average person, as are some other people here

>> No.9787118

Friends, I've finally gone green since getting robinhood in feb. That said, any thoughts on holding or selling BAC and CSCO?

>> No.9787119

Gracias. Yes SLV. But also look into SPROTT. They have several tickers so make sure youre looking at silver vs another metal but they own stakes in various mines and distribution companies and I believe they are undervalued especially compared to the rest of the exaggerated market. I have heard good things about various individual mines but havent gone that far. Most silver is obtained as a biproduct of another metal so Im not sure if a straight silver mine or an "alloy mine" woukd be the best option

>> No.9787129

ty for the (you)s brehs

keep heading towards your own retirement keep grindin

>> No.9787150

Blood Alcohol Content is always a bad investment.

>> No.9787154
File: 242 KB, 434x600, c8680624b986881151a53b33dc075fce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>278 broke
Whelp another stupid bullrun day

Kek not like using options
Am still way above initially invest

Me strat worked perfectly until 1 week ago
Yes, well got for free
But am subbed TradingView

>> No.9787161
File: 114 KB, 427x294, wrangler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold half my BAC today to buy the MKC dip
I think 33+ end of year though

>> No.9787164
Quoted by: >>9787232

>Compared to GloFo's 14nm process, the density savings of (TSMC's) 7nm are significant
I'm actually curious about that, I haven't heard about any big advances at TSMC that allowed them to shrink contacts size. They have a 40nm contacts pitch since their 10nm node, which is still bigger than Samsung.

Also, AMD will be the first customer for TSMC's 7nm, wich means that yields will be proper shit at first.

>> No.9787167
File: 575 KB, 1782x1069, miketyson2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9787168
Quoted by: >>9787178 >>9787187

>buy 3 shares of jnj
>right before they're about to go on trial for possibly causing cancer
how do you sterilize yourself I shouldn't be allowed to breed

>> No.9787174
Quoted by: >>9787217 >>9787254

So when is AMD suppose to break that $20 mark? I've been sitting on it @9.98/share. I have 80 shares now should I just cash out or should I wait?

>> No.9787178

JNJ cant go down

>> No.9787187

Just hodl

>> No.9787197
Quoted by: >>9787291

>your so fucked for buying AMD puts anon
Well well well faggots

>> No.9787217
Quoted by: >>9787254

More likely to pull back than break for 20 short term.

If you can bear holding until EoY then 20 is on the table, maybe 25 even.

>> No.9787222
File: 138 KB, 412x526, Shampoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9787393

Ah, Its nothing but motherfucking green around here

>> No.9787232

Also, apparently GloFo (a major AMD supplier) is having large problems with their US and Euro fabs, they wanted to set their R&D joint in the US at first, it ended up as a disaster and now are scrambling to get their engineers to Europe where their high-tech fabs lie (Malta and Dresden). Apparently the management is totally disorganized and production tables could be affected. I get that rumor from a colleague, so take it with pincers.

>> No.9787254
Quoted by: >>9787406


$40 is the new target EOY
$16.25 end of week.

>> No.9787272
Quoted by: >>9787330

what real time stock tracker do you guys recommend for linux?

>> No.9787291
Quoted by: >>9787304

Pic related

Picked up EIX yesterday, thanks to the anon that pointed it out

>> No.9787293
File: 53 KB, 1080x1073, IMG_20180607_100204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9787321

is this what it feels like to win

>> No.9787304
File: 196 KB, 1084x611, 1517315416120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I should post a picture when I say pic related huh?

>> No.9787312

HODL CSCO. Good business that's expanding its markets. Also has a pretty nice dividend for a growth stock

>> No.9787321
Quoted by: >>9787342

Why do people feel the need to post their $1 losses?

>> No.9787330
Quoted by: >>9787394


>> No.9787334

Crude showing strength, goona look to buy in, any /futures/ bros here?

>> No.9787342
Quoted by: >>9787405

Because it's a nontrivial loss for a portfolio that small

>> No.9787346
Quoted by: >>9787447

How do you figure that?

It is not used as much in electronics, thats correct, but it is used in many facets of manufacturing. Also it is used in electronics to allor other more commonly used metals ie. Tungsten, nickel, copper, paladium. But the manufacturing is the key to silver. I dont usually focus on a single field but silver is a major component in solar power and batteries in general. India and China have both proposed large solar farms to begin by 2020. Thats will increase the need for silver just in that field.

Suffice it to say: silver has not risen with inflation, its uses are increasing exponentially, and fiat currency is on an inflation spiral on its own. Silver is going to spring to its market price and because of the manipulation it will probably spring past its intrinsic value into a new high. Not counting on it but its what I believe will happen

>> No.9787356
Quoted by: >>9787378 >>9787391

Is there a way to check when my dividends payout in Robinhood? Or do I just have to google each stock individually

>> No.9787378

Use the Nasdaq website.

>> No.9787391
File: 2.05 MB, 698x382, ezgif-3-6003f1da39.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

History tab?

>> No.9787393
File: 64 KB, 500x750, 1527598367842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9787408 >>9787499


>> No.9787394
Quoted by: >>9787452

no, I meant what software do you use to track the market on linux

>> No.9787402

>amd down 30 cents

>> No.9787405

-0.11% is trivial regardless of your portfolio size

>> No.9787406
Quoted by: >>9787614

Maybe for you. 7nm isn't exactly news and I still only see AMD hitting 25 based on earnings/revenue growth. Epyc is the main catalyst.

>> No.9787408
File: 91 KB, 380x261, soup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9787499

holy shit
I didnt even notice, I had sold
Going to rebuy

>> No.9787433
Quoted by: >>9787443 >>9787516

APH on sale this morning. Dump as expected due to dilution from there 226 milly bought deal announce yesterday. 7% down and i doubt that'll last long. Senate vote is later this afternoon/early evening.

>> No.9787439

Anybody know what's up with tech getting dumped today?
This might be the shit that I thought would happen where bonds dump so hard that the high yields attract people out of equities

>> No.9787443
Quoted by: >>9787516

Their! Damnit autocorrect.

>> No.9787447
File: 539 KB, 713x711, solder bump 3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only use for silver in microelectrinics I know of is the solder bumps (pic related, OC) in the far back-end of a chip. Silver mostly kills any semiconductor properties of your silicon and wrecks the dielectrics even at very low doses, and it diffuses significantly faster than gold. So it's not used a lot, except in micromechanics or as an integration component very far from the actual transistors.

>> No.9787452

seems robinhood finally implemented their online tracker so disregard

>> No.9787474
File: 58 KB, 499x499, 1523217929844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /all time highs/ here?

>> No.9787495
File: 122 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180607-102356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9787570 >>9787572


>> No.9787499

What a dip, I'll bite

>> No.9787515
File: 290 KB, 684x796, 20180528_070553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9787561

Not falling for this fake dip again b4 280 pump

>> No.9787516

so probably not during the market day?

>> No.9787541
File: 12 KB, 314x445, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9787553


>> No.9787553

do they research lambs?

>> No.9787561

she should clean that yogurt up

>> No.9787570
Quoted by: >>9787581

Did the rate hike get announced?

>> No.9787572
File: 127 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180607-103247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9787683


>> No.9787581
Quoted by: >>9787626

It's getting /priced in/.
It's 95% expected.
Bonds have been falling all fucking week, and it probably has further to go

>> No.9787588
File: 58 KB, 250x250, mickey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we still /green day/ on the DOW
Woof woof

>> No.9787608



>> No.9787611

Fucking wished I had sold more at 10 yesterday. What a piece of shit stock.

>> No.9787614

$40 EOY. It's very obvious why.

>> No.9787613

Based Kimberly Clark pumping on ex div

>> No.9787626
Quoted by: >>9787703

Good good. Will the rate hikes cause bond prices to go down further? Because now I’m worried about my TLT puts lol

>> No.9787683
File: 120 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180607-104141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9787703

Oh yeah.
No, this is a pullback.
There's more runway here. Good chance that I'll buy more puts.

>> No.9787853
Quoted by: >>9787917

Pretty big red day across most of my stocks, how about yours /biz/?

>> No.9787917


same all mine been outperforming the indices hard and now they're gonna give back over a percent probably. perhaps 2 depending on how the day goes

>> No.9787946
File: 121 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180607-110445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is going to keep diving.
I love how consumer Staples are green right now.
SPY has to get bloody too though.