>> | No.59472852 File: 343 KB, 645x931, findom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>59472611 Shit, you might actually be onto something here, this nearly 10 year old Forbes article lays it out
>Why Adults Fall In Love With (And Spend Big Money On) Cartoon Characters
>“If you enliven an anime character enough with personality characteristics, it doesn’t matter that it’s a cartoon,” she says. “ If a stick figure were animated and had personality and human-like characteristics, we could probably get a crush on a stick figure
>Robert Brown of Robert's Anime Corner says that attractive characters "absolutely inspire higher sales for merchandise." Brown, who is based in West Virginia but travels with his inventory to anime conventions all over the country, notes that one of his bestselling categories is "character goods," everything from apparel to Zippo lighters emblazoned with a particular character's face.
Makes absolutely zero sense to me but hey, if they're willing to pay I'm willing to collect. We're sitting on a potential goldmine here.