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File: 62 KB, 715x947, IMG_4750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57975656 No.57975656 [Reply] [Original]

>>57965504 Previous

>avi holders after bridge release

>> No.57975667
Quoted by: >>57975804

>market maker hired and paid for
another easy win

>> No.57975677

do not post an apu apustaja image if it is not an /apu/ thread

>> No.57975690

how much are we holding? I've got half a mil

>> No.57975694
Quoted by: >>57975716

is it on eth?
it can launch on basechain with skybridge later if it wants

>> No.57975708
File: 25 KB, 400x400, IMG_4270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m smarter than all you losers. I just made $150 bucks!

>> No.57975716

I'll launch it for them. Literally anyone can deploy a project onto base with skybridge for 0.05 eth.

>> No.57975726

get your goggles, we're flying again!

>> No.57975732
Quoted by: >>57975752

the apu rivalry arc starts now

>> No.57975743

>Foxes and frogs are friends
>Trying to start a rivalry with apu

>> No.57975752
File: 129 KB, 608x736, 1710288971332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't we be frens?

>> No.57975761
Quoted by: >>57975797

Sitting so comfy avisisters. Bullish audit preliminary score coming this week.

>> No.57975797

Stixil said zero findings so far. Proceeding as planned.

>> No.57975799
File: 259 KB, 1024x1024, 848484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57975800
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is $40k possible?

>> No.57975804


>> No.57975821

I got me a 2 mil sui stack

>> No.57975851
Quoted by: >>57975876

Can i buy this shit without paying retarded eth fees??

>> No.57975865

I can get there soon if the price holds for a few weeks.

>> No.57975876

Not yet

>> No.57975906

750k, not a make it stack or anything but I’m content with it

>> No.57975912

MMs are required for CEXs - team only interested in T1 (Binance, Coinbase, etc). Do the math.

>> No.57975933
File: 548 KB, 677x782, IMG_4758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you on about

11milly here

>> No.57975934

market makers handle large amounts of an asset and act as a middleman to sell to buyers and buy from sellers.
this allows for people to always be able to buy or sell- they act as a major pool of liquidity.
this is a requirement for being on a tier 1 exchange- the devs hinted at this being a major reason for hiring professional market movers

>> No.57976146

bros i love how magic is like no nonsense and stixil will fluff things up. fuck that tranny host though, hope they pick someone better next time

>> No.57976157
File: 50 KB, 656x513, IMG_6987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up

>> No.57976180
Quoted by: >>57976256

I wish i had some good monry to throw at this..
$500 won't feed my villsge so it's over for me
i wish i had $10k to throw at this

>> No.57976182
File: 157 KB, 1283x1309, IMG_7245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 million

>> No.57976246

just shy of a milly. got it for $150 tho, in august last year.

>> No.57976256

$500 will buy many blu ray of RRR ser

>> No.57976262
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Good evening, gentlemen

>> No.57976312
File: 10 KB, 243x207, IMG_4503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fren

>> No.57976337
File: 213 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_7222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Kenis ally

>> No.57976356
Quoted by: >>57980163

Cigars are a wannabe rich guy cope. AVIchads are above that

>> No.57976382

Good evening anon

>> No.57976386


>> No.57976437

new ATH soon, how will the fudders cope?

>> No.57976466

fels gud desu

>> No.57976469

I wonder who some of these whale buyers are

>> No.57976484
File: 31 KB, 470x698, IMG_0198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a 150k baglet here

>> No.57976493

Is it still worth it to buy a $100 bag of AVI? I'm looking at that 40 mil market cap and thinking it's just too late. And with gas fees being as ridiculous as they are I'm wondering if I'm better off shoring up bag of LINU than starting a new bag of AVI

This is not me trying to stir up drama between what memecoin is better. I'm just trying to make a realistic decision here. Gas prices went from $10-$20 to $50-$70 in such a short amount of time. You basically can't invest beer money in these coins without paying the same cost in gas. It's fucking obnoxious.

>> No.57976507

throw in 1K.

>> No.57976574

I personally think the ceiling for AVI is much better and the floor is much higher as well than LINU. If you want to maximize your $100 you can do better than either if you go gem hunting on base directly. If that $100 is already on chain in ETH then sorry, but I'd just buy AVI if you're between the two strictly. if you have it on Coinbase send it to base directly and go gem hunting. There's a base general up now. My 2c.

>> No.57976599

Bro AVI will go way further than Linu and I am one of the OG Linu holders, it will MAYBE go to 1billy + but think about how many poltards and trolls infest their TG, idk dude I see triple digits for Linu maybe 1 bil if they’re super lucky but avi will undoubtedly go 1 billy and higher, at least comparing the two.

$100 from here will get you somewhere in the 4 figs. For Linu you’d be lucky to get $1000. My advice but if Linu proves me wrong and goes the distance awesome, I have a bag of that too, my entry is just stupid low for it so I’m keeping it regardless, I believe in biz but 4channers are typically bad for moons.

>> No.57976754
Quoted by: >>57976817

I might be partially retarded but if this really takes off, I believe it can go to $1

>> No.57976817
Quoted by: >>57976889

What would the market cap be at that price?

>> No.57976889
File: 64 KB, 894x763, ddfdf5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top 20

>> No.57976903
Quoted by: >>57976977

That’s assuming now though in full bull I think it’s possible.

But being a top 20? Idk man I’m euphoric on this but that seems high. Top 100 no doubt.

>> No.57976977
Quoted by: >>57977003

a little tall order to be sure but there are a few things under its sleeve to consider as well, assuming everything goes well.
top 100 would be breaking above 1 billy, that would be an avi crabbing at 0.2 ish I think

>> No.57976983

lol i'm priced out as fuck and still bought $500 worth

with such small ammount of money i'm not worried about it going to zero (it won't) also perhaps i'm not going to make 6figures but i'd comfy with $30k or $50k in the future...

this worth the gamble

>> No.57977003
Quoted by: >>57977185

I agree, I fucking HOPE it happens, I look at things a little glass half empty, but even then I can’t see this not hitting at least a billy.

>> No.57977021
File: 134 KB, 1080x439, Screenshot_20240312-191150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic Market Maker news is so bullish

>> No.57977033
Quoted by: >>57977185

In a bull run other projects also go up smart man

>> No.57977043

Magic is an incredibly bullish man. Armed to the teeth and hates the government

>> No.57977078

Think about this anon

Cuckbase is the golden standard for onboarding crypto normies and have already started to release support for embedded wallets and passkeys simplify crypto transactions.

Also, the integration of CB Wallet and Exchange eliminates the need for third-party bridges.

0 use-case for Skybridge when integration with CB apps offer a streamlined, cost-effective pathway to Base

Pricing is $4 via skybridge and $4 using CB wallet with Exchange.

CB has already decided Socket was the better bridge, which they use exclusively for CB wallet

Being stupid is easier and cheaper, which is why CB wallet over skybridge

>> No.57977096

yo retard, cb wallet only works for tokens both listed on coinbase and already deployed to base, so if your shitcoin doesn't meet that criteria: "fuck you we're coinbase"

>> No.57977108

Man, if I can get 500k I think I can really ride this into making it. Even if it reaches 1 dollar, it will be more money than anyone in my family has ever seen. I just hope to have the cash for it before then.

>> No.57977110
File: 1.08 MB, 1925x1088, jhkkjhk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, this is the game I'm working on. It's a casual game. You play as a beaver with a shovel protecting your dam from gators. The game ends when the gators eat all your beaver babies.

Points are based on how many gators you bashed with a shovel. It's inspired by whack-a-mole.

(yes I notice the gators are spawning on the grass, it's got a few bugs I only started working on it last week)

>> No.57977124
Quoted by: >>57977176


>> No.57977139


>> No.57977149
Quoted by: >>57977239

Am I the only anon working on a game for the arcade? Do they have an API yet for their website for score boards and AVI integration for the game?

>> No.57977160
File: 225 KB, 746x1280, 1709662954321173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57977236


Guess I need to post more based Magic pics. The bridge is so that ETH tokens can deploy to Base. It still will require a liquidity pool, so it's not some shit that you can do on your wallet.

>> No.57977176

I'm not much of a draw fag, I've tried using AI, but it's frustrating for making sprite sheets.

>> No.57977185
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1630046087024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Expect a 0.2$, enjoy a surprise 0.8$, as my grandmother always said.
Thank you. I hope this project goes up on a bull run too.

>> No.57977194
Quoted by: >>57983875


I'll play your game and earn you AVI bro. I have a few thousand AVI just for that

>> No.57977206

kek is the best response you have? Anon it's okay to say you don't know and have too much air between your ears.

Embedded wallets will reduce the need for bridges with multi chain support. Cross chain bridges and aggregators such as Socket, deBridge are sufficient

>> No.57977236


I answered you above you fucking idiot.


Unless you think people that wanna trade shiba on Base will always have enough liquidity to create a Uniswap pool

>> No.57977239

Im trying to convert an old roguelike over to webgl for it

>> No.57977272

what do you think those wallets plug into on the backend you absolute mongoloid?

>> No.57977274

only 100k
want to kick my ass that I didn't buy more
oh well, better than not buying at all, I guess

>> No.57977332
File: 13 KB, 500x313, 31UAp+L5o3L._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

locked in with half a mil also

>> No.57977535

20 million, let's go boys

>> No.57977554

Shytoshi is the Red Baron confirmed.

>> No.57978046

lol, anyone else remember that anon that bought $100k worth of ICP and got dumped on last bullrun?

>> No.57978154
Quoted by: >>57978213

I could potentially come out of this with 5+ million dollars. What should I do with this amount of money?

>> No.57978197

Why were there so many girls in the ama today? I dont want to be invested in a project that girls are invested in

>> No.57978213
File: 146 KB, 783x1280, IMG_4478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the stupid unlikely event that will never ever ever happen, I will use my money to buy some properties for passive income and I don’t know live off divedends, obviously gonna keep a lot in crypto and keep playing the game, would save up college funds for my kid, pay for trips for my mom and mother in law, donate some to the church.

>> No.57978293
Quoted by: >>57978456

What's the telegram

>> No.57978334
File: 195 KB, 693x844, IMG_3715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57978348
Quoted by: >>57978481

Only have 2 mil i want to kms

>> No.57978456


It's on the website. I could link it, but you should probably always refer to official sources since there are scam groups

>> No.57978481
Quoted by: >>57979015


I think 2m will probably be at least 6 digits. If you diamond hands it you might get to 7 figures but it'll be a hard road

>> No.57979015
Quoted by: >>57980242


>> No.57980163

I'm an AVIbro and a cigar smoker myself and I agree. Shame so many cringe fags smoke them. Healthiest way to smoke plus delicious, also bitches do love my yellow teeth

>> No.57980242


Lmao I have no source I don't know the future

>> No.57980873
Quoted by: >>57980905

Avi keeps going up!

>> No.57980905

*looks at chart * yep, maths checks out

>> No.57981339

1.6 mil

>> No.57981349

1 milly avi in the bag.

>> No.57981413

Fucking a you guys really about to make me fomo a 300k stack

>> No.57981429


Don't invest what you can't afford to lose. It is pretty hype they signed a market maker though because that's useless for Uniswap and only required for T1 listings. All this right as the audit is underway


>> No.57981442

No .007 when america sleeps…anons..? Where is .007?

>> No.57981481

This is a solid project bro, with deadlines, a solid team and a feasible endgame. It's the opposite of a shitcoin, AVI was designed to work within a project being developed by its own creators. Of course this is an early investment hence we could lose it all, but the potential is what made me ape in like a bitch.
I trust this shit with my money, first time I've dared to grab a bag too after years of researching the crypto market.
We all gonna make it

>> No.57981666

Gonna use my avi profits to farm ostriches

>> No.57981703

I mean it's better than FOMOing when it's 10 cents like most of /biz/ will.

>> No.57982082
File: 1.29 MB, 1080x1027, 1708374979458022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57982638

Can someone shill me a place where I can get AVI printed on a rug like this?

>> No.57982106
Quoted by: >>57982240

3 mill Just barely a make it stack I think
I will diamond hands it bros.

>> No.57982240
Quoted by: >>57982345

I can't wait to dump my bags on faggots like you

>> No.57982271

.007? Where ? Cryptoempress ama caused this crabbing ?

>> No.57982345

Either way I make money, sell and your bags will be slurped.

>> No.57982348

1.8 million stack. Death or glory. I will make it, or die trying.

>> No.57982423
Quoted by: >>57982428

Do you think we hit .01 before a CEX?

>> No.57982428


>> No.57982531

60kavi anon here. I have doubled my stack to 120kavi! Feels like im gonna make it

>> No.57982575
File: 55 KB, 1627x246, 10kavi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57982638

I’m sure somebody on Etsy can do it

>> No.57983138

How comes no one buying? I was told normies are buying in after the cryptoempress ama ? Why are we crabbing? Looks like I bought the top

>> No.57983366
Quoted by: >>57983440

bros now it is dumping what happened

>> No.57983375
Quoted by: >>57983413

>project spans over a year till completion, presently were not even over the audit phase
>nobody knows about Aviator yet and we're already 1600 holders because some based bizbro shilled it on here

>> No.57983402

lot's of peeps though they bought the top a month ago. You'll be fine starfoxbrother

>> No.57983413

1699 holders, we're going up babes

>> No.57983440
File: 73 KB, 1444x813, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Dumping"..... ok anon

>> No.57983446

>everybody hated Enzo for suppressing price
>he was just trying to give people more time to accumulate and make it

>> No.57983545

Nah, fuck enzo, he's just doing his thing, but I cant get behind the narrative that he's somehow doing us any favours

>> No.57983597

yeah, fuck him

>> No.57983599
Quoted by: >>57983654

Where did the name Enzo come from? Is he in the telegram group or something?

>> No.57983654

one of his wallet ens names - In truth this is the only reason biz has picked up on him and attempted to use his swing trades as fud, there have been others including myself moving larger amounts around without being noticed

>> No.57983705
File: 217 KB, 1080x1080, GH6sK-yWoAAVWuZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they having podcast featuring brown people

>> No.57983875

based dev

same, i plan on playing tons of games

>> No.57984176

Usually right after these days where the price gets stuck and no one is selling we fucking moon hard. I'm so tired but can't sleep because we keep mooning.

>> No.57984201

we're gonna keep flying!

>> No.57984222

price is going to crab until the first audit results come out

>> No.57984284
Quoted by: >>57984330

I said the same.... at .002

>> No.57984330

the pump was due to TG hinting that the CB listing would be coming soon and the marketing funds getting moved

>> No.57984334
Quoted by: >>57984414

what about kenis?

>> No.57984408
Quoted by: >>57984991

Predicting a retrace down to .0013, if you look at the charts

>> No.57984414
Quoted by: >>57984468

>team with no history or connections
>seemingly trying to replicate multiple much larger projects with less resources
haven't seen any real compelling reason to think it will moon

>> No.57984446

Hope audit comes first before nintendo lawsuit officially kicks in.

>> No.57984468

Pouya needs help unironically. He's got the brains but needs the business guy.

>> No.57984513
Quoted by: >>57984608

Managed to scrape a 500k stack, will double if we dip

>> No.57984608

I will halve that by dumping 20mil

>> No.57984703

well it was a good run anons, see ya for the next shitcoin
next time you get a real ama host. next time you fix the typo.

>> No.57984771

consume your medication

>> No.57984820
File: 262 KB, 1170x915, IMG_4754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57985110

>Americans wake up
>fuddies come out

I hate my country for allowing so many brown people in.

>> No.57984834

>he still thinks the typo wasn’t intentional

>> No.57984855
File: 49 KB, 835x743, avi chart sc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was a good run anons, see ya for the next shitcoin
I feel genuinely blessed that so much growth has happened before the products have even released. Before being listed on a CEX. Before major marketing has even started. Somehow, despite all the gains, we're still early

>> No.57984886
Quoted by: >>57984975

ok slit eye gook

>> No.57984951

anon if the marketing team decided cryptoempress was a good move, im doubting their ability for a real campaign

>> No.57984975
File: 1.98 MB, 2708x3648, IMG_3714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avi is the white mans coin

>> No.57984991

>get rugged by cumfartinu
>fud successful coin because have none
>can't afford crazy meds and express all 12 personalities on biz
NGMI unless you buy AVI. Stop falling for Indian scams and actually make an investment, and then you won't want to kill yourself every second of every day

>> No.57985099

>successful coin
anon i want you to remember this in 2 weeks time. im seeing things in the charts im seeing things around a lot of places, the truth is no one cares about this. normies know web3 gaming is over and they don’t care about bridging. lots of tech from aviator but no one will care.

>> No.57985110
File: 46 KB, 415x400, 1607463354254842158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then leave, faggot

>> No.57985145
Quoted by: >>57985173

I think this may crab and dip to 0.004. If so I'll slurp 500k

>> No.57985155
File: 191 KB, 719x720, 1602887780273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57985164

So you sold your 750k? >>57975906

Looking forward to another one of these, Hilm: >>57973551

>> No.57985164

please delete this

>> No.57985173

We are going to be .01 by then

It wont

>> No.57985175
File: 48 KB, 828x461, 1708904681052929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then you won't want to kill yourself every second of every day
fudfags know this is the truest shit ever
i know you feel like death holding whatever junk youre holding
avi, on the other hand- the price was shit from august-december and i slept like a baby the entire time because i knew it was right
now i finally have trouble sleeping solely because the amount of gains avi has given me makes me sick to my fucking stomach
dont be an emotional faggot and let your life be easy

many are saying this. they are, people

>> No.57985364
File: 58 KB, 367x501, avi magic comment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More bullish info from Magic

>> No.57985461

.01 by next week. Hopefully they do a tweet for the preliminary audit score coming this week.

>> No.57985462

we are going to be so fucking rich
every fucking shitcoins new utility is going to be a game on aviator

>> No.57985588

that's why he's hot daddy chocolate magic the accountant

>> No.57985595

does the team having any previous experience or relationships in the gaming industry? My only concern is the arcade being empty or filled with dogshit games on launch, does Coinbase have grants for Web3 game developers?

>> No.57985647

Lets say linu is bridged from eth to base, why? Cheap gas fees to sell and buy? But it needs a trading pair on lets say uniswap..so uniswap HAS to create pair else there is no point for the bridge??

>> No.57985661

The arcade has me questioning things aswell, why would people play it? People play cs2, cod and candy crush

>> No.57985664
Quoted by: >>57986805

look at all the other web3 gaming shit, it’s all shit. no reason to think this will be any better. that’s why they hardly talk about the arcade. think pong or tetris but this time you can have a cartoon penguin with balloon ass cheeks in it.

>> No.57985680

Exactly anon , house of cards is falling

>> No.57985743
File: 98 KB, 300x300, 1604527679962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well now I for sure know it's you Hilm >>57966679

What happened to you renouncing your fud? >>57975178

Now, is it that you own 750k? >>57975906

Or is it that you woke up from your schizophrenic episode and remembered you have hundreds of millions? >>57973838

Everyone point and laugh: >>57972104

>> No.57985754
File: 25 KB, 559x400, Hello-moron-resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uniswap does not create pairs holders or projects do. provide your own liquidity and rake in the fees idiot. retards with no desire to learn are what killed this board.

>> No.57985757
Quoted by: >>57985918

the barrier of entry is having the liquidity to make a trading pool
ideally, project owners will have extra paired linu/weth, or will just entirely migrate the liquidity if it isnt locked... but anyone can provide this liquidity if they want as well.
so long as that liquidity is there, it can be traded.
its not like someone is at uniswap manually creating listings for all the new tokens thatre made every minute before they can be traded

>> No.57985779

they need a "killer app" game that is addictive enough to get people to sign up and stick around. Something borderline gambling or some Farmville game that gets Boomers addicted

>> No.57985846

Can’t wait to see what stupid shit you post when avi is at a cent next week you retard. why don’t you just buy back in instead of doing this? it would probably benefit you mentally.

>> No.57985918

Thank you

>> No.57985985

>i put 3 times as much in circle than I did AVI or EARNFI

aaaaaaarrggghhh its impossible to feel like Ive ever truly won

>> No.57986030
Quoted by: >>57990101

Cheap trading is exactly it, at least in LINUs case. Projects with dapps will want to be on base so it doesn't cost full skelly tax to use their services. Ask yourself this, if you can trade at full skelly tax or L2 gas, why pay L1 gas? Liquidity is hardly an issue as people have pointed out.

>> No.57986039

>was getting funds transferred and procrastinated buying AVI right before 10x pump in early February
>also put a bunch in Circle that could have been in AVI
still got over a milli AVI, but could have 20x that stack, feels bad mane

>> No.57986048

Even if it’s a small AVI bag anon, you’ll be glad you have it soon.

>> No.57986114

3.9M, should get to 4M this week.

>> No.57986302
Quoted by: >>57986453

Wow it just keeps going down

>> No.57986313

line goes up
line goes down
line goes up

>> No.57986453

zoom out

>> No.57986500
Quoted by: >>57986525

zoom in

>> No.57986519

They need something that can blow up on tik tok, as sad as it is, that’s the way to get normies to do something nowadays. Maybe a game where you collect Stanley cups.

>> No.57986525
Quoted by: >>57986568

crab signal

>> No.57986554
Quoted by: >>57986574

the bones are saying that we will 10x by april

>> No.57986568

We're probably going into crab times. Maybe a tiny bump at MM announcement, dump at initial audit findings. Just waiting for skybridge + arcade. It's bag stuffing or just kick back and wait and see what happens time basically.

>> No.57986574
Quoted by: >>57987003

For sure, probably 1 cent by next week with the preliminary audit results

>> No.57986675
Quoted by: >>57986861

how much AVI did cryptoempress have? Maybe she’s the Red Baron

>> No.57986805

the way they make this sound, it sounds like a literal arcade where you unironically have to deposit money every time you want to play. i really hope thats not their actual plan because jesus christ that sounds like some boomer plan normies are not going to go through the hassle of buying a shitcoin that fluctuates in value just to play some shitty web games when they could just play on their mobile phones or gacha games on steam

>> No.57986861

Bearish desu
literally just read, players are rewarded with tokens for winning the games and high scores. Game devs are paid in the token. It's a self-sustaining loop. More players = better games, better games = more players

>> No.57986900

Token rewards + NFT rewards and physical rewards available for NFTs. There's also a charity ecosystem but that's just a nice thing. Also can pay in stables (converted to AVI, token still sneeded). They've mentioned more on ramps too. It's designed for the normies on base to see something they can actually do with their internet money that's easy to understand.

>> No.57986902

Any good web3 games out there?

>> No.57986909

is there a chance the AVI team is purposely trying to keep the project from blowing up too soon? I feel like once we see the audit they’ll truly start marketing this thing. Smart move if so.

>> No.57986965

I’d love to fucking see one. Cause all I’ve seen is shit, now find me an audience who will log into the arcade and spend money on these games. YOU CANT. High scores get paid? Okay what about the rest of the players? why are they going to play the fucking arcade when they can boot up their shitty phone and play their shitty games on there?

>> No.57986987
Quoted by: >>57987019

what kind of game would you need to be on crypto? probably mmo to keep track of where the items came from.

>> No.57986989
Quoted by: >>57987019

The pudgy penguins game

>> No.57986997

>It's designed for the normies on base to see something they can actually do with their internet money that's easy to understand.
Maybe they can develop a mobile app for the braindead zoomers
I don't know, I haven't played vidya in years. Might fuck around and build a pc soon though if AoC ever comes out I would like to try it

>> No.57987003
Quoted by: >>57987040

If you're so bearish, why do you think it'll hit a cent? >>57986574

>> No.57987014
Quoted by: >>57987065

it’s called exclusives you retard
honestly they just need a genshin impact tier micro transaction game and we’d all be set for life

>> No.57987019
Quoted by: >>57987247

>pudgy penguins

No reason to use crypto for this, just play any shitty mmo you can boot from steam where the rest of their games will be.

>> No.57987029

>now find me an audience who will log into the arcade and spend money on these games
Even the shittiest web3 games last cycle attracted tens of thousands of players
You're performing some sort of advanced coping routine

>> No.57987038
Quoted by: >>57987085

again, why should normies bother with "quick arcade games." this isnt the fucking 80s anymore, i just dont see this working. you can look at all the games released on their game jam, theyre just bad itch.io games. what exactly is going to set apart games on aviator from actual games on itch? and no, i dont consider earning coins for scores as an incentive, plus no one gives a fuck about leaderboards in games anymore with how rampant cheating is.

>> No.57987040

Because someone has to ask the hard questions. I want AVI to succeed. But these things need to be answered.

>> No.57987050

I have 20M avi and after I retire this year I’m going to spend the rest of my neet life playing the arcade

>> No.57987056

the web3 gaming fud is retarded
last bull run and the multiple web3 gaming projects currently in the billions is enough proof that theres clearly an audience for it, even if it doesnt appeal to you personally

>> No.57987065

the thing with Web3 is that I don't know of a game that has actually used it for more than a gimmick. Even if they had a genshin type game, there needs to be something compelling to justify the friction of playing compared to alternatives. In the short term their best option is any type of pseudo-gambling that doesn't violate regulations

>> No.57987080
Quoted by: >>57987148

list the games, or post a site/list where they can be found. im not trying to fud, i just think that arcade games in year of our lord 2024 is an oudated concept doomed to failure

>> No.57987085

Nigger normies play candy crush for thousands of hours to get a $10 gift card
You are fucking retarded

>> No.57987092

PvP battle games where the winner takes the pot would be epic.

>> No.57987103

And are these simple arcade games like pong? Because that’s what the arcade is probably gonna be. imo that’s not enough for a normie audience. There needs to be more.

>> No.57987104

This basically.

>> No.57987106

>there needs to be something compelling to justify the friction of playing compared to alternatives
I mean if they secured the right license or IP, there wouldn’t be any alternatives for people who are a fan of that franchise.

>> No.57987124

yes they can do that on their phone easily. Who in their fucking mind is going to go through the shit hassle of getting crypto and playing whatever half baked shit will be in that arcade?

>> No.57987142

>There needs to be more
My gf and her mom can entertain themselves for hours playing solitaire on facebook
Simple games are exactly the thing that will take off
You guys are so out of touch with reality it's insane

>> No.57987146

maybe they could have free games with crypto microtransactions?

>> No.57987148
File: 60 KB, 1074x949, 1690812198836506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57987200

>coinmarketcap gaming category
>google web3 games

there are already projects making actual games, and any already existing web-based game can be easily ported over for what is essentially free money and exposure

>> No.57987152

Nobody’s building pong clones with Unreal Engine 5 anon.

>> No.57987164

would your gf and mom go through the hassle of getting crypto to play those games? Normies will not care enough to do all this shit to play mobile games.

>> No.57987171
Quoted by: >>57987250

>Who in their fucking mind is going to go through the shit hassle of getting crypto
I imagine there will be some sort of streamlined funnel to get into the platform after they buy on COINBASE

>> No.57987181
Quoted by: >>57987235

>simple games
>but you have to deal with crypto first which is convoluted in order to play the game

>> No.57987187
File: 38 KB, 640x640, 1708021277442542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The consistent parallel is to newgrounds/miniclip. If it's streamlined enough to purchase AVI then that's really not much bigger of a barrier to entry than visiting said sites. Marketing it off nostalgia for early 2000s internet seems like a good option

>> No.57987193

see >>57987085

>> No.57987200
Quoted by: >>57987250

What projects? All I have seen from the discord are shitty flash games being made.

>> No.57987206

I mean I could definitely see it being a niche, hipster thing. People that know about crypto but not too much about it and think playing games on it makes them smarter than other people.

>> No.57987213

Not to mention billions of dollars worth of customers went through "the hassle" of things like GALA so I'm really not that concerned

>> No.57987223

sure but then this is not a 1-5billion mc project. I think people’s expectations are severely overblown

>> No.57987235
Quoted by: >>57987252

I think if people could figure out how to buy shiba they won't have a hard time buying avi
Then we're talking, two, maybe three button presses to get to the gaming platform. Idk maybe you're right, it's too complex

>> No.57987246
File: 17 KB, 558x614, 664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gala is literally a 1-6 billion mc project, numbskull

>> No.57987247

yeah but no blockchain to see if an admin or hacker just created items out of thin air

>> No.57987250

in the early days, i remember them briefly talking about already having plans ready for a method of directly buying in with paypal
they talk a lot about how crypto should be easy enough for a grandma to use, so im sure theyve considered this plenty

all the game jam stuff, i heard mentions of linu wanting to make a game, the in-house games, there was some pepe game posted in the discord yesterday
and again,
>any already existing web-based game can be easily ported over
also i just remembered your hilm, fuck off retard

>> No.57987252
Quoted by: >>57987347

It’s not so much that it’s complicated, it’s that normies will not care enough to do that when they can play similar if not superior games on platforms that are more convenient and have all their other games.

>> No.57987258
Quoted by: >>57987284

Your words are meaningless here looking at all your posts you need to take meds or you have a split personality lmfao

>> No.57987262
Quoted by: >>57987273

do you guys remember the ouya? If we can be even as half as successful as that, wagmi

>> No.57987268
File: 192 KB, 360x345, 1596208346501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying with paypal
There it is, super easy entry

>> No.57987270
File: 8 KB, 240x240, 1709259130726984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57987273


Anons it’s over

>> No.57987284
Quoted by: >>57987372

empty bottle until Friday anon so you can expect me in these threads until then

>> No.57987347

>normies will not care
Fucking hell I didn't consider that. Just sold 100 mil

>> No.57987367

>listens to one ama
>magic says free games will be subsidized with ad revenue
midwit thinks every game will be monetized and has no idea how anything of this magnitude can make money
>stixil says revenue model is not token go up - team sells to make money
retards on this board have so little business sense they should be going back to /pol/ where they can cry about capitalism

>> No.57987372

Alright you schizophrenic

>> No.57987380
File: 726 KB, 480x270, CFB37241-E301-4DDF-8824-D260E5B31029.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57987443

Damn reading these posts takes me back during bsc shitcoin casino days.
Lots of NFT focused coins with game projects that didn’t amount to anything. dealing with crypto just to play a goddamn game is just bad business model overall.

>> No.57987443
Quoted by: >>57987550

Yeah but I think these devs know that so maybe they have some kind of workaround, I think it’ll be ok even if it’s on galas level which it should be

>> No.57987550
Quoted by: >>57987631

Yeah at the end of the day
Everyone here is just in it for the money.
All they want is a billion dollar market cap so they can dump their bags,that’s why they keep mentioning GALA. all these game talk as a business is just copium. I have seen all this before during 2022 NFT/gaming crypto boom

>> No.57987561


fucking retards, think for once.

>> No.57987626


>> No.57987631
Quoted by: >>57987784

avi fud discussion always devolves into
>everyones just here for money anyways so everything is copium
welcome to every product and service that exists

>> No.57987651
Quoted by: >>57987691

Coinbase obviously wants Web3 to work and for Base to be more than a shitcoin casino. The question is how critical a part of their plan is Aviator? That's the bet and what will control if this is a 1B+ coin, if Coinbase Ventures announces an investment in Aviator like Aero then we will know for sure.

>> No.57987691

exactly, and I think casual gaming is a great way to get normies into this. Hopefully soon we’ll get to see some of the in house games they have been working on.

>> No.57987784

But the copium part is pretty much exclusive to crypto. I would respect this project more if they already have a billion dollar business model that can compete with steam before they enter the crypto space. Take an advice from an old fag like me anon. This project can go into billion marketcap but you will never see a product that will entice the normies due to the fact that it is tied to crypto.

>> No.57987936
Quoted by: >>57988112

using the crypto bull run to raise the funds needed to compete with Steam is actually genius. Especially if they do have Coinbase backing them, imagine them using grant money to fund a bunch of exclusive indie games

>> No.57987940
Quoted by: >>57988209

Why is this a stablecoin now?

>> No.57987950
Quoted by: >>57988071

>already have a billion dollar business model that can compete with steam before they enter the crypto space
take it from an oldfag like me
if a regular gaming company did that, people would fucking rip their assholes in half and bully them into submission in less than a week, kek
it has to be something that starts as a crypto project
i have extreme doubts about normies fully getting into crypto as well, dont get me wrong- but normie crypto interest DID start to go crazy last bullrun.
the normal will slowly creep moving towards normies liking crypto so long as crypto as a whole stays alive
avi is putting themselves in a great spot by trying to make things simple, and thats something that greatly benefits long-term crypto holders and potential newfags.
this is especially true for the rest of this year as we enter another bull run

>> No.57988055
File: 94 KB, 640x480, 08208E05-1850-4703-8AA5-B52D473A61A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57988083

>Marketing it off nostalgia for early 2000s internet seems like a good option

Speaking of which, there used to be this fucking sick ass LifeSavers mini golf flash game me and my dad would play for hours back in 2000-01. One of the devfags in here should look into reviving this or something similar for the AVI platform.

>> No.57988071
Quoted by: >>57988119

to clarify, i dont think avi will be some kind of shining savior that will completely change normie sentiment on crypto as a whole, but an easy-to-use, coinbase-linked token about fun games and a silly little fox thats active and popular during peak bull?
i cant imagine a better spot to be

>> No.57988083


>> No.57988112
Quoted by: >>57988142

Why does a company need to raise funds from cryptocurrency when they can just go to vc? I’m sure they’ll easily raise funds since they have a good business model. I don’t think it’s a great idea for a company to raise funds that is tied to the fluctuation of a market. So what will happen once the crypto bull run is over? Will their company default in bear market?

>> No.57988119
Quoted by: >>57988186

I agree anon, and comparing it to steam is weird I think because I don’t believe it’s trying to be a competitor to steam or even a “crypto steam” everytime someone brings steam up I think they try to steer it more towards something like newgrounds. and if that’s the case I think they will be very successful.

>> No.57988142
Quoted by: >>57988287

more about gaining an initial niche group, people willing to play Web3 games. Then you expand from there into other areas

>> No.57988186

>comparing it to steam is weird
>if that’s the case I think they will be very successful
completely agree
the newgrounds miniclip comparison makes way more sense and is more bullish imo- far more accessible
its also what allows the prize wall and high score mechanics to be viable, i dont think those would make as much sense for something like steam

>> No.57988201
Quoted by: >>57988394

Fudders will complain about the uncertainties of this newborn project while aping into random shitcoins hoping for a 1000x just because
Stay jelly of my 1.1M avi, bobos

>> No.57988209

>Up 141% in the last 7 days
>Up 209% in the last two weeks
>Up 706% in the last month
Hm yes very stable

>> No.57988287

And you will also lose those niche group and the billion dollar marketcap/funding once the bear market starts. So who will pay for the employee, server to run games, website and other cost once the market tumbles down? Are they willing to let their company bleed during 2-3 years of bear market?

>> No.57988385
Quoted by: >>57988478

our brothers in alliance aren't doing too hot
was thinking of buying a 1:1 stack of KNS as I did my $2500 in AVI last week. Or should I just put it more into AVI...not sure.

>> No.57988394

Because everybody knows even most of the people investing in this meme coin that the “product” is just a front to sell to gullible people who will buy your bag. At least the ones who are investing in pepe or other dog coins know they’re in it just for the memes, not for muh “product”.

>> No.57988478

I’m waiting for Lucky to get listed and boom as I swing shitcoins into my main coins, hoping to double my Kenis stack in that process. I have 11milly avi so I’m comfy. I bought both coins at the same time in December and avi is blowing it out of the water with its performance but I still believe in the Iranian.

>> No.57988511
Quoted by: >>57989016

I thought the small bridge fees will fund the arcade? Maybe I’m misremembering though

>> No.57988531
File: 262 KB, 586x1076, concern answering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57988969


>> No.57988588
Quoted by: >>57988665


* The team makes money in ETH via their business model and nothing in their business model depends on cannibalizing their token for revenue
* You can make free-to-play games or paid games to pay for the hosting
* You are acting like down markets in the stock market don't exist, and that a high volume business earning ETH cannot make money. L2s made record income in bridge fees during bear markets
* VCs dump the price of the token, and going to one also requires giving up ownership of your company
* The bridge (which you leave out) and token generate enough volume even in a crypto winter to keep the lights on

Sorry but you're not gonna get cheap AVI. The market maker will probably be announced today, so you may want to get in now because a lot of big money watches those announcements because they know market markets don't make sense with Uniswap and aren't required for all T2 exchanges

>> No.57988604

And what of those buyers of memecoins going to do at peak bull? Dump on normies. AVI has a use case.

Stay mad you sold early

>> No.57988665
Quoted by: >>57988684

What makes you say the MM is likely to be announced today? That'd be pretty awesome

>> No.57988684


Stixil mentioned it in the telegram. He said probably tonight

>> No.57988727
Quoted by: >>57988929

what are the chances this reaches a 1 bil market cap?

>> No.57988731

dont all these motherfuckers have dayjobs too, anyways? kek

>> No.57988911

Holy mother of copium

>> No.57988929

depends on
>if team executes and doesn't have issues with audit and launching arcade
>how long/crazy the bull run is
>how well Coinbase integrates their wallet for retail
>whether AVI gains some traction as a pure meme coin due to the logo
I'd say at this point you are guaranteed a 2-3x just from the CEX listing, so might as well put something in it

>> No.57988942

I couldn't be bothered to read the white paper
Are Avi tokens used in any way on the skybridge? If yes, I'm willing to drop a few eth in this

>> No.57988969

But the thing is bear market will affect the demand of the product. Here’s one thing I learned about these crypto games ever since I invested in one during 2021-2022 bull market, investors = players. You really can’t compare this meme coin’s “product” to public companies since the users of the product from those public companies arent investors, unlike with these crypto games where most of the time demand is coming from investors. As I said before crypto gaming is a bad business model.

>> No.57988986


Yes, they are used as liquidity to bypass the L2 -> L1 7 day wait on the Base/Optimism stack. Magic has a really good explanation of it in the TG in a voice recording.

>> No.57989012
Quoted by: >>57989100

Not a meme coin

>> No.57989016
Quoted by: >>57989363

aviator tokens are exempt from .3% liq fee and have instant xfer on launch, team is also setting up pool on base network, so instant arb opportunity. retards fading what is easily the best play of this bull.
if their bridge supports every token, they are getting bridge fees from every single shitcoin that uses their bridge, which is the only bridge they can use btw.

>> No.57989031
Quoted by: >>57989192


1. You conveniently ignore the bridge's revenue model
2. The demand of the bridge is dependent on how popular the games are, simple as. It allows anyone to host games on their platform to earn income and to advertise their game

Sorry but you are not gonna get a cheap entry.

>> No.57989032

The bear market affects the demand of every crypto currency. You haven't really made a point other than that it will eventually go down, which all things do as the market ebbs and flows. Other crypto gaming platforms exist, and held through the bear market, and they already explained the extra mechanisms by which they will too.

>> No.57989034
Quoted by: >>57989330

also, the eth fees skybridge generates will be used to pay for avi expenses (ie, providing cex liquidity) without having to dump avi for eth

>> No.57989100
Quoted by: >>57989136

But it is a meme coin anon
Trust me the sooner you realize that most altcoins are just a meme including this one the sooner you will unmarry your bag once everything crumbles. I really hope you sell at the top anon.

>> No.57989116

It has been, but npcs are increasingly aware of crypto and even buying. Someday it will become widespread to use crypto for payment and it will be much less convoluted to do so.
I can picture the average joe playing some casual game on the phone and using crypto as part of its mechanic.
I trust Aviator could fulfill that role long term, but even as a mid term investment this checks all the boxes to have its token moon. Avi is already performing great and has a very unusual chart for a small young currency. We are onto something special.

>> No.57989136
File: 46 KB, 615x705, 1614140194210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, you're just grasping at straws now

>> No.57989146

>utility coins are scummier than meme coins
yeah I don't give a fuck what happens in the bear market, I'm just here to sell the hype
Aviator can turn into a gay nigger porn vr sim for all I care

>> No.57989192

So why the hell would creators bother with your very niche platform when they can just release their game on other platforms such as newgrounds or steam which has millions of users already? it’s like you’re living in a world with no competition lmao.

>> No.57989213
Quoted by: >>57989309

are you retarded?

>> No.57989235
Quoted by: >>57989379


You continue to ignore the bridge. Also it depends on how popular and supported the platform is. They already get a bigger cut from the arcade, it's easy to make games for (unity/unreal + compile to web3), and if they have the support of a large community or a public company why wouldn't devs do it?

Again you are absolutely not going to get a cheap entry. You need to buy at these levels if you want AVI, but if you stop fudding stupid shit and join the club you might actually not miss the bull run.

>> No.57989242

Because the types of games you put on steam are not like the ones you put on sites like this, not to mention that you get a paltry amount of money on newgrounds where as here you get 1. get paid more 2. get paid in a deflationary token that has more projects in their roadmap even past the arcade.

>> No.57989248

This is genuinely one of the worst attempts at fud I have ever witnessed
Go get some fresh air or something anon

>> No.57989309

Money? On a very niche platform? With zero to none users? Are you retarded? You have steam, gog, epic games, probably hundreds more platforms to choose from that is much better than this memecoin’s “platform”.

>> No.57989330
Quoted by: >>57989354


So do the tokens in their Treasury get burned? Distributed to holders?
Do token holders benefit from this in any way or, just the team...

>> No.57989338


These are, currently, web gl games that you cannot host on those platforms you fucking idiot. Also, those platforms give you way less of a cut

>> No.57989354
Quoted by: >>57989385


All money in the Treasury needs a Dao vote. A tonne gets burned at different milestones

>> No.57989361
Quoted by: >>57989379

What type of games?Low quality easily forgettable kinds of games? Like the ones offered from those chinese bootleg consoles? Lmao
No sane game developer will ever use your memecoin’s “platform” when there are hundreds more better alternative

>> No.57989363

When you say they are getting bridge fees from every shitcoin, who is they? Avi holders? I'm trying to understand if besides using Avi for arcade, is there any other utility that pays to hold the token.
Ready to drop 3-4 eth and proof if it seems worthwhile.

>> No.57989372

>zero to none

>> No.57989379
File: 381 KB, 604x565, 1616629282993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We literally refuted this already

But of course you only want to reply to the one-word answer.

Huh, coulda sworn that goalpost was right here a second ago. You must've moved it. You've devolved into worse and worse fud. Homelander in disguise?

>> No.57989385

Was talking specifically about funds generated using the skybridge. I want to know if there is any revenue shared directly from the skybridge to Avi holders.
I understand that it'll help pay their bills but, they already have existing treasuries for that..

>> No.57989417
Quoted by: >>57989505

As far as I know, all the bridge stuff goes to the team
>they already have treasuries for that
That's actually the advantage. Because fees are paid in eth, the team can use them for funding without affecting AVI's price

>> No.57989496


There's gonna be something like staking without locking your token whose rewards are proportional to your holdings, but that comes in September.

>> No.57989505

So then what happens to the tokens that are in treasuries meant to be sold and spent? Is there no answer yet, it seems unclear at the moment?

>> No.57989524

>dumps uncontrollably
Whelp guys, it was a nice run.

>> No.57989561
Quoted by: >>57989594

Where can I read about that, have any links or anything? Don't mind risking 15k but I don't want to do it on your word

>> No.57989578


Sorry summer* not September

>> No.57989594
Quoted by: >>57989703

Stixil talked about it in the last AMA. Just ask him on TG and he'll explain what he can.

>> No.57989703

Don't have time for that. Good thing I we'd before buying... Maybe I'll wait for more literature on this before jumping in.

>> No.57989729

Ha rugged top signal was ne you morons started talking about utility get fucked scum

>> No.57989786
File: 22 KB, 460x397, 1707823766599800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did hilm just buy?

>> No.57989794


>> No.57989808

critical flaws found in bridge, requires complete rewrite and months of delays. Insiders are dumping

>> No.57989835

So this is the end?

>> No.57989848

Uhhhhh anons…….

>> No.57989849
Quoted by: >>57989905


>> No.57989890

So this is the power of a typo…

>> No.57989891

how the fuck do you think they are going to provide liquidity to base chain or to their bridge you absolutely braindead faggot

>> No.57989897
Quoted by: >>57989944

Anons it keeps going down I’m scared

>> No.57989905

On discord stixil said auditors found critical issue

>> No.57989926
Quoted by: >>57989968

Anon please don’t lie

>> No.57989942



>> No.57989944
Quoted by: >>57989974

Whale games right now. Prime slurping time.

>> No.57989946

slurp of the century inbound. Get it back down to 25 from 65

>> No.57989947

Isn't it a good thing that auditors found it and not an exploiter? Fucking people here.

>> No.57989949

I haven't bought but, I think this is fud
Still going to wait though

>> No.57989968

>41 posts
Reek of shill much. Months before we told about leaked critical code issue yet you moon boys still bought

>> No.57989973
Quoted by: >>57989976

Screen shot?

>> No.57989974

That's right, slurp up that whale shit.

>> No.57989976

this esl retard has been saying that every thread for months now
it didnt happen
a linu wallet just dumped all of their avi and triggered cascading mev bot sells

>> No.57989990

It’s fake, look up “critical bug” or “critical error” on warosu and you’ll see they’ve been saying it for months

>> No.57989992

They need to release the market maker name. Save the price NOW.

>> No.57989993

I thought you niggers wanted a dip
I haven't coomed yet today. Every time i bust a nut avi pumps. I've been blowing fat loads for two weeks now and we've made ath after ath
better be quick, im loading up

>> No.57990013

Is there any positive news coming up? I have faith, but the dump calls for investigation

>> No.57990021

The number of AVI holders is so small we have a dedicated schizo alternating between making up random FUD and being ultra bullish shitting up half the thread.

>> No.57990029

We need an emergency call hosted by cryptoempress can someone get in contact?

>> No.57990043


>> No.57990050

We need an emergency call hosted by cryptoempress can someone get in contact??

>> No.57990057
File: 16 KB, 1248x172, Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 22-53-05 Smart Contract Audit reports - Hacken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57990089


still In progress.

afaik, Aviator won't have a tax on their platform.

>Steam takes 30% for every sale and microtransactions (they won't publish blockchain/web3 shit anyway
>Epic Games takes 12%

>> No.57990071

Speculation is over negative audit results are out then questionable token utility. In everything token is not needed or users can pay with cash like why even have token at that point. Bearish chart patterns setting in bots seling whales derisking etc

>> No.57990072

>whale takes profits
It’s literally over

>> No.57990089
Quoted by: >>57990094

>0 market cap
Looks like they came to real valuation conclusion. I told you it was bad

>> No.57990093
Quoted by: >>57990123

>negative audit results
Anon that’s just not true, you’re making stuff up

>> No.57990094


>> No.57990101

What kind of liquidity needs to be provided for a coin that is like 5mm mcap? I guess the risk is that you buy it in base but then there is not enough liquidity to swap it back?

>> No.57990102
File: 81 KB, 724x1023, depositphotos_13247507-stock-illustration-caveman-with-club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why even have token at that point

>> No.57990113
Quoted by: >>57990164

AVI's javascript has been hacked and now all the nodes are being affected, meaning they will go offline one by one.

But here's the real trick; every node that goes offline first has to be validated by other nodes, Thus the first node won't go offline until EVERY SINGLE NODE has verified it actually has gone offline

AVI will be in an infinite javascript loop. Maybe if you're a programmer you will recognize FOR and WHILE loops. Well.. This is a FOR loop that NEVER ends.

The price will TANK to at least 50 satoshi. Maybe even lower when the nodes are actually verified being offline.

Stixel is now busy setting up extra nodes to undo this process. Called contra-hacking. He has injected some GO-language code, pseudo-offline code, into the AVI Skybridge network. This means nodes will appear the be online, while they are struggling to go offline, but in the meantime they cant because it isnt verified yet. Neat trick if you ask me, but it wont last long before the other nodes will know whats really going on.

>> No.57990123

Anon these just basic facts

>> No.57990143


>> No.57990154
File: 369 KB, 843x753, 1693948461393916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

avi cripto crunchy. i check code.
hacken say no good. code bad. very no good
critical bug. big bug. like cockroach
avi dump big like never see
it over.

>> No.57990158
Quoted by: >>57990208

Lost 30% in one day. Lets hope next leg down will end up in 40% down now that critical issue cat is out of bag

>> No.57990164

> the negative audit
>the Javascript was hacked

Not gonna lie, the chart was tearing my resolve, but this retarded FUD is giving me some strength

>> No.57990166
File: 1.91 MB, 640x640, he-sold-pamp-it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57990169
Quoted by: >>57990209

Whales must dump in order for shrimp to become dolphins. Hold steady bros.

>> No.57990178

>he didn't slurp

>> No.57990181

It's a copypasta from old link days

>> No.57990184

Kek so that was the dump? Sitting comfy.

>> No.57990188

thank you mr whale for the new entry

>> No.57990189

Yeah, I just bought more. Will see if it was worth it to swallow this whale shit.

>> No.57990208
Quoted by: >>57990310

Nothing critical has surfaced, it will be assumed that you're full of shit.

>> No.57990209
Quoted by: >>57990234

How much do I need to be a dolphin?

>> No.57990216
File: 226 KB, 1024x1024, 490385694376113.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moonniggers celebrate pumps
AVIchads celebrate dumps

this is how you know AVI is the /biz/ token

>> No.57990225


New breed

>> No.57990234

1 Mil is dolphin territory

>> No.57990277

Is 10m whale?

>> No.57990279

Oh, I already was a dolphin then. Seems kinda gay, but I'm OK with that.

>> No.57990310

yes you are very be assumed