I Don't Want To Stop The Selling Edition>Educational sites: https://www.investopedia.com/https://www.khanacademy.org/economics-finance-domain>Financial TV Streams: https://watchnewslive.tv/watch-cnbc-live-stream-free-24-7/http://www.livenewson.com/american/bloomberg-television-business.htmlhttps://watchnewslive.tv/watch-fox-business-network-fbn-free-24-7/>Charts: https://www.tradingview.comhttps://www.finscreener.comhttps://www.koyfin.com/https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com>Screeners: https://finviz.com/https://www.tradingview.com/screenerhttps://etfdb.com/>Options https://www.optionsplaybook.com/options-introduction/https://www.optionsprofitcalculator.comhttps://optionstrat.com/https://www.optionistics.com/quotes/option-prices>Pre-Market and Live data: https://www.investing.com/indices/indices-futureshttps://finance.yahoo.com/>Calendars https://www.marketwatch.com/economy-politics/calendarhttps://www.earningswhispers.com/calendarhttps://www.cmegroup.com/trading/interest-rates/countdown-to-fomc.html>Boomer Investing 101: https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Getting_started>Misc: https://tradingeconomics.com/https://finance.yahoo.com/trending-tickershttps://market24hclock.com/https://wallmine.com/https://fintel.io/https://www.dividendchannel.com/drip-returns-calculatorhttps://brokerchooser.com/https://www.chathamfinancial.com/technology/us-market-ratesPREVIOUS: >>55866239
So what's the over/under for the next low. I'm thinkin 3200.
THREAD THEMEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bluUxKIB4pA
>Look at the heckin bond market!!!Fuckoff, Maverick. Nobody watches your shitty youtube channel, you're a permabear loser. NVDA to $800 EOY.
coinbase bros…
>>55868800Can you believe we're back to spring 2021 and people are unironically freaking out about muh bond yields? How ridiculous. Also everyone shorting NVDA must be feeling awfully nervous after that AMAT report....
>>55868793NOTHREAD THEMEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1xqSZy9_4I
God I wish I had an Alpha Chad colon and could produce big 2ft shits everyday that clog the toilet
>>55868816They are going to be in disbelief when it not only gaps up 25% again after earnings, but it also carries the entire tech market back up with it. QQQ could unironically be at 400 by mid September.
short PLTR
>>55868792Wow that's a huge drop for the Nasdaq, you really think it can drop -75%?
>>55868777CHECKEDHECKEDITISFUCKIN'OVERVERitis fuckin'dangover
>>55868777>>55868866Oh no
>>55868824don't forget my boy Marv>"hello please connect me to jerome">"i'm asking about the soft landing">"well i do consider myself a pilot">"yes i heard jerome is not a bird">"no i will not hold">"thank you i will wait"
My portfolio still hasn't recovered from buying puts on NVDA when it pumped 20% AHNow that everyone is anticipating a price correction I don't know how to feel. I'll feel like I'm revenge trading if I short again which I don't want to get in the habit of doing. I'll probably just do nothing now.
>>55868850I mean, I meant the S&P the only statistically relevant index.With that said,>all those AI memestocksmaybe
>>55868850Probably for spx silly, a daq fall that far wouldn't happen...
SIGA sissies report inWe saw the 52 week low todayWhat gives That recent contract is worth half SIGA's market cap
>>55868838short *everyfuckin'thang*
>>55868827Kek I took a shat at my workplace once that clogged it up. Flushed and watched as it overflowed. The floor drain was fucked to so the water and shat just kinda pooled on the floor.
Bears are shitting and pissing themselves so I go check futures.-0.15%Lol. Lmao even.
Why isn't /es and /nq responding to the evergrande thing?
>>55868890>>55868891I know what he meant, it was a joke hence the staring neutral frog face
>>55868881Lmao FUCK YOU>>55868910Keep zooming out>>55868930They're really pathetic aren't they?>>55868935U fkn srs?
>>55868800You short youtubers too? I been sellin this thing since it came out
>>55868930Enjoy losing even more money tomorrow. :^)
>>55868962How does it feel to know that you're just playing right into Big Money's hands by buying their puts?
>>55868930It gapped back up now it’s -0.044% kek
>>55868916One good thing about VZ, it will never clog and pool, it will just keep on flushing and flushing.
>>55868951What the fuck is that
>>55868890Lazy eye
>>55868930Check the price of Bitcoin. It’s all correlated now. Tomorrow is a gap down followed by waterfalls lower. Selling exhaustion isn’t even close yet.
>>55868975>>55868978Gamma negative, NIGGER. Get dumped on.
>>55868947Yeah kiddo, they've been pumping billions into their own market. #2 world economy's 2nd largest property developer?
>>55869020*glass* eye
>>55869047I’m 84% cash faggot kill yourself. I only stand to gain from a dump
>>OPBy scott ladies and gentleman, maybe we have a crisis!
>>55869045It's already coming back up a little though from the musk dump or whatever it was
What pumped today that I can still short tomorrow at market open? >captcha Gains 4 weeks
>>55869045That was due to information being revealed that Musk's spaceX BTC holdings have been sold, a bunch of retards instantly slammed the sell button when they heard the news.
>>55869072It's gathering downward momentum while stairstepping. This is how the covid crash started.
>>55869063I am 97% cash and 3% Carvana $20 puts expiring in October
>>55869004its an etf by a big youtube grifter just a matter of time until it goes to zero
>>55869083AMC is up almost 10%
>>55869093>. . .Everyone, le retard
>>55868827its not all its cracked up to bemy shits are like 10 minute event and im sweaty afterwardsi dont know why i take such massive shits but it do
>>55869092Wouldn't it be funny if tomorrow was blood green though?
market will be bullish. it's gonna bounce because it can't go straight down
>>55869083nvda nflx coin mstr >IWM
im more interested in if theres going to be a second barrel to that massive crypto dump tonighti havent been this excited in a while
>>55869133Better then a sweaty 10min event and all you get is a hard little ball
My current wagie experience feels like being part of the three stooges. Me and my two close colleagues Vishnu and Prajeet just bumbling our way through zany office scenarios that always end up in slapstick disaster. Fucking kill me
>>55869175milk of magnesia should do it
Tomorrow he will return. He will collect your 0dte premiums. You’ve been warned.
>>55869179View you life from an outsiders perspective and you might find humor in it
The feds have arrived to try to damage control the crash again. You can't stop it. You created this.
>>55868904Still holding SIGA?? LMAOO
>>55869205Im hoping for slow slightly bullish crab for tomorrow myself
>>55869092I can't believe anyone would be serious about this lol
>>55868904Market is forward looking
>>55868826K I N O
Don't bully me but can someone explain why are people even investing in stocks while shit like this evergrande/commercial real estate/war/bank runs are happening every 3 months. They just raised interest rates like crazy, why isnt the smart way to just load up like crazy with BONDS (corporate or state) yielding a comfy 4-5% instead of casino betting on the stonk market ?
>>55868816>>55868947>>55868975>>55869288>I can't believe anyone would be serious about this lol
>>55869333> yielding a comfy 4-5%returns are too small, you'll get more annualy if you just invest in shit like SCHD or VYM, kek
>>55869333Because not everyone is 14, and anyone who pays attention knows that - Whatever China says is almost 100% a complete lie, to purposefully manipulate markets or politics- Interest rates have been on a downtrend to 0% real rates since at least the late 1700s
real option bros, i have an "am" spx contract, when does that stop trading? i have time in the cash open correct?
>>55869333checked and likely correctsmartest portfolio now is short-term bonds (in case crash) hedged by boomer rocks (in case hyperfinlation)i guess keep your 401k in stocks in you're youngmost retards in here have literally never seen a real bear market in their adult life
>>55869333I am not leaving the casino until I am forced to realize catastrophic losses.Bonds are gay
>>55869470Is this OC?
>>55868800Oh you had the balls to finally appear. You’ll disappear like the coward you are when SPY is back to 400 next month
Now that China is falling apart, can they invade Taiwan already?
>>55869424>i have time in the cash open correct?
>>55869470Hey grandpa what happened to "this is a bear market now!!!!" all of last year?>>55869517So what will you do when Nvidia beats earnings?
>>55869540>send soxs through the fucking stratosphereGet china on the phone, tell them its a go.
>>55869517You boboids will be the ones who disappear when NVDA gaps up 25%.
>>55869581That's neither humble or honest. HEY EVERYBODY THIS GUY'S A BIG PHONY!!!
Sorry but these nvda earnings cultists are starting to sound like GME baggies kek
Bros I don't feel so good
>>55869581NVDA ain’t saving you. Be smart and sell tomorrow. I know you’ll still be bitterly shitposting without your handle when we’re back to 400 next month and you lose your job
>>55869608which one rallied this year?
>>55869605>>55869617lol see you in a week when it's 100% true. Fucking retards.
>>55869581only thing gappin is your butthole bro
Will we get the big one tomorrow?
So basically the market is gonna take another huge dump tomorrow?I kinda wanna have 1 or 2 green days to stock up on shorts though
>>55869686We're dumping for AT LEAST the next 12 months.
i wear tie dye despite my otherwise clean cut appearance. i think it gives off a fun, approachable vibe.
>>55869686I just want to know where the fuck you're reading something that would even remotely indicate that
>>55869697Don't worry about it.
>>55869387>>55869560>>55869644>>55869697What a pathetic fucking glownigger.
>>55868890>would Burry shitpost about himself on /biz/ after making 50 Million USD in one day?probably, yes
>>55869697>established downtrend>markrt has been going "i can't pump" for the whole week>huge flush today>evergrande news dumping china even lower>increasing volatility making people think twice before holding anything through the weekendAny potential microdick early pump is gonna be engulfed by sour hours sell-off.Why do YOU think we're going anywhere but down?
>>55869694Months? Try the next 12 YEARS. These libtards have NO IDEA what's about to come down the shit pipe. Everything is all peaches and cream when your brain doesn't work. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
There are is a concerning level of pink wojaks in the catalog.
>Get paid at end of the month>Already dropped my load>Can never slurp the delicious bottomGay trading?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCsmW-i20uA
what is the current bobo schizo babble? >fitch downgrade>yield inversion>china melt>bury short (still sorry?)>p/e
>>55869754Just wailing from the cryptopits, pay no mind and lock the door.
>>55869754considering adding to them now that oil is back below $80 again
>>55869764Same as always, they are watching the turds MaverickofWallstreet shits out on youtube and parroting everything that permabear Russia shill says.
Kek bring on A.I. The sooner they merge it and the Holodeck the happier I'll be. Also the bandwith sucking increase along with it.
>>55869764>oil>dxy>jackson's hole
red digits make me feel bad though i dont hold any stocks (yet)
>>55869823>I CAN'T BELIEVE ANYONE IS UNIRONNICALLY TALKING ABOUT EVERGRANDEReality can only be ignored for so long.
>>55869764>>55869790>>55869823This market is crashing to zero. That's Bidenomics, fellas!
>>55869764The Anon here among us whom told us *on* July 27th that July 27th *was the fuckin' top* and to sell everything while we had the chance because the USD had just reversed course that morning around 8am. He was ignored that day. I myself was concerned with a BOIL dipparino that had me spooked but buying, but I still would have been too ignorant to understand/appreciate regardless. After some time had passed I posted that July 27th at 1pm was the top according to the chart, and he stepped in and linked back to his original post to correct it, which I found to be stunning. He made the call of /smg/ calls that day and was...*right on the fuckin' money*, but it was pissin' in the wind, pearls before swine.
I can feel it, bros. My patience is finally paying off.
>>55869851I saw him too. I shorted. Then sold before I made any money. Now I am suicidal
>>55869871Never forget that there is far more to your life/potential than any of this, and you can recover from essentially *anything*. I say this as someone who lost his business during Great Recession which led to divorce and sleeping over 1500 nights on the ground. Psalm 23.
>smg is doomingTime to buy soon I guess
>>55869375are you real ?
oil bro. are we OK ? i m scare to check
>>55869926people like him are why the crashening will be savage and butt wreckingly brutalpeople need to be forcibly put into bonds
>>55869921DOUBLE. TOP.
>>OPrumor is tomorrow will be bloody friday, get the sell button ready lads
>>55869943/cl 79.61
>>55869921Can you believe that this is how they're acting after such a retarded dump? It's like we're back in 2022 except there's unironically no information worth this much red coming out
What's next for tesla? There's literally no support whatsoever below 217. Just how low will the china macro stuff dump it?
I am going to buy cheapies
Should I have sold these before the bell? 363 QQQ puts 08/21.I hope they don't max pain me with a giant green dildo tomorrow
>>5586994380 is turning into a fight. It is a little uncomfortable.
>>55869964Was that police officer charged?
>>55869973Look at the long term charts. Right at the threshold for oversold RSI on the 1yr, neutral RSI on the 5yr after a sharp decline, and MACD is neutral with very strong positive momentum. Maybe it'll crab until it hits the 200dma and then take another leg up.
>>55870001I am sure running over the retard shooting at you is a legit part of their education. And even if not, fuck that dude.
>>55869982set a stop win now scaredy cat.>>55870001charged with a promotion.
>>55870011Sure. Maybe you are right
People screaming: We're crashing! Bail bail bail!. Meanwhile the "others" are merely buying the dippy and waiting for the U or the V whichever not giving a flying fuck about nothing. Look at 2008,2020. Shat went down. But look afterward. It shot sky high again. Got time to kill you don't panic. You buy instead. The time to panic is if your at retirement's door and then shat like 2008 happens. If your 90 when it happens, WTF do you care? Your almost dead anyway. P.S; Buffet pulls 400 million a year in alone from the KO divvy. Think about that.
>>55870016>nigger babyCuck
>>55870024>400 million a year in alone from the KO divvy.man wtf
>>55869764>unsustainable debt levels, auto, student, credit, personal, mortgage>extreme housing bubble, all time high 30%+ income on housing>consumer is broke, no savings by October>inflation is spiking higher, no more base effects>interest rates higher for longer; more zombie company failures, lower growth, more bank failures if 10yr approaches 4.5%>complete collapse in global trade, each month countries report doing 10% less exports from the previous month>China recession>EU recession>dollar rising>earnings collapse for 3 consecutive quarters>1.73 standard deviations wilshire 5k ratio; 50% more bubble than dotcom peak>**20x forward multiple** on S&P500 earnings (this is very expensive, going into a recession)>earnings margin collapse, profit margin collapse market wide>only in nominal terms are things "rosy">spiking delinquencies / defaults on all forms of credit>new housing construction falling during summer months, in spite of strong demand>more corporate bankruptcies by this time of year>yield curve inversion + uninversion in future>130% debt to GDP>$1 trillion in debt service>other nations dropping dollars for trade, petrodollar is kill>PMI / ISM collapse>new orders / backlog of orders collapse>commodity prices rising sharply (inflationary)>consumer is kill, and will be even more kill in the Autumn>crowding out effect from Janet Yellen issuance backlog>Japan ending / lifting YCC, carry trade unwind>ECB more dovish due to recession = dollar rise>yields rising>all time high paycheck to paycheck before student loan repayment resumes>underwater autoloans>collapsing commercial real estate value 60%+ value haircuts>deposit outflows, commercial real estate collapse, inverted yield curve crushing banks - solvency banking crisis looms>EU PMI collapse>Fed liquidity vs S&P500 divergence>US credit downgrade>smart money vs dumb money divergence>US regional bank downgrades>inflation +0.79% MoM
>>55870030it's the ashkenazi genes
>>55870024Recessions are great when you keep your job. They're pretty awful when you lose your job, house, family, and ultimately ruin your life forever. Watching all your liquidity get destroyed in the stock market can make or break you if you lose all of the above
Bidenbros, did we get too cocky?
>>55870044Literally none of that matters when the US dollar is the global reserve currency, every other major country is in on the game, and central banks rewrite the rules overnight to keep everything going like they always have
Is there panic yet? This doesn't feel like there is enough panic. I want FEAR SELLING.
Yeah, I'm thinking Margin Call deserves a rewatch
>>55869982bro.......... youre doing it all wrongno matter what that position loses money tomorrow morning in all circumstances other than the market gapping down overnightyou are STUPID
>>55870001it is URGENT that we fully defund the cops. driving over a future doctor... sad.
WTF is this shit about the evergrande bankruptcy?I thought they already went bankrupt a whole year ago or some shit
>>55870112They defaulted last year. Hence why this is old news and /smg/ are retarded. Everyone knew Evergrande was collapsing last year.
>>55870112Black Friday here we come.
>>55870112This has been going on since at least 2021. Last time it was a "debt restructuring". Lmao what a fucking absolutely ridiculous to sell US stocks in 2023.
>>55870149Dude stop.
>>55870165Post your shorts so we can all screenshot them and laugh at you next week
>>55870001No, the department has insurance on the vehicles that covered any damages to it. It probably only had some minor denting and needed a little paint touch up. Oh, you mean for his celebration meal? I'm sure someone picked up the tab.
>>55870173Why don't you use your ID, swedecuck?
>>55870123Not every company failure has to be Lehman Brothers anon
>>55869964holy shit, they literally ran the dude overearned it, but I’m still expecting a chimp out
>>55868827Metamucil. Take it every day.
>>55870062I feel like you’re right. Imagine losing 90% and getting fired the next day. Holy shit.
i install trading app frens what do for green arrow?
I missed out on the gains from the first half of this year and now I want mumus liquidated cause I'm petty and spiteful.
Here comes the Chinese
>>55870232Occasionally you will see a genuine business getting shit on for legitimate reasons that you know will bounce back eventually (for also legitimate reasons). You should try to knife catch these. It is unironically where I have gotten the majority of my investing profits.
>China collapses before AmericaHow long until the KMT is boots on the ground in the mainland?
If I told you the market going down correlated almost perfectly with me getting healthy and losing weight... would /smg/ make me get fat again?
lmaoThe commenters on WBA's yahoo board want to say nigger so bad.
>>55869964I like how they have to highlight the gun like>SEE SEE HE WASN'T A DINDO, HES A DO
>>55870303It’s burger time big boi
>>55870341ill say itN I G G E RIGGER
i signed up for the newsletter can whoever is in charge of it make sure they send me the alert when soxs hits 40 again this time? thanks- Anon
When does /smg/ take profit from shorts? I will close them next Friday.
>>55869893God bless you anon.
It's over for me bros. I'm not gonna make it. I lost everything.
>>55870348fuck i just ate a salad
we didn't listen and got too cocky
>>55870528but muh soft landing
>>55869964When and where was this?
>>55870112green tomorrow
>>55870363if only I could read...-anon
Can someone post Olmec, I have a question for him
>>55870087We need more kino like that.
Buttcorn is sinking again.
It's literally going to be just fine tomorrow isn't it broshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2V9yqfXIf4
Dudes there is literally nothing remarkable about this downturn. This is freaking out over nothing. Get the fuck back out there and buy.
>>55870756>forgot the imageOh fuck, we're all gonna die.
>>55870760That dog is literally me.
>>55870762Nah my internet's being shit so I'm on phone wifi. 4chan won't let me post images from this connection. =(
Am I the only Surplus Energy Economics chad in here who realizes we are in for a decade or more of pain unless the market kikes pull some talmudic magic?
>>55870812I only understand that we are going to pretend that we are not.
>>55870303I've been gaining confidence around women for some odd reason this past year myself. Anon we're going to crash the market if we keep doing this.
>>55870778That's obviously a kangaroo
>>55870833Oh shitI haven't had that happen yet. All I've done is lose 20 lbs. Based on my own personal history, I need to lose another 10-15 lbs until I get confident with women. Luckily, my weightloss has plateaued, so the markets will probably crab for a while
>>55870866When you stop giving a fuck its very powerful.
>>55870760But bro muh >>55870044>>55870812When have they not pulled talmudic magic?? Seriously over the last 100 years tell me when they've ceased to be jewish as fuck
>>55870348Burry is going to make sure he stays on a diet
Why do people ignore engulfing candles at extremes?
Shall we sell now that the mania is over?
>>55870883Didn’t have to pull much magic when energy was cheap.
>>55870899same reason you ignored all the other times on your same graph it happened but still went up after. dumbass
>>55870908kek baggie
>>55870871Yeah, I know. I can't do that.>lose $28k in 1/2 a month"Meh">smile at a girl and she doesn't smile back"My life is 100% worthless and it's over for me"
>>55870921Didnt touch my account for a year except for minor LEAPS purchases and am up 60% i really dont care about small moves
>>55870935I dunno people on fit is 100% convinced, mostly because its people who don't actually go to the gym now, that if they speak to a girl at the gym they will end up on a 7 million view tiktok for being a creep so they shrink their cock with finnastride so they can looksmax instead of actually losing weight
>futures are greenIt's all just going to nuke again tomorrow isn't it
>>55870935go to south america or asia and enjoy your white privilege. thank me later
>>55870972No I'm buying 0dte calls at open. Going to make back everything I lost this month in like four hours
Buttcorn is going have another leg down before open.
>>55870972voting for move in one direction all day and then correct in the opposite direction when the brokers start stealing peoples options away from them prior to expiry 30 minutes before close.
Where's rocker? Why is there a poster of a man on your wall, next to your fake exercise bike????You said you weren't gay.Explain yourself.
>>55871007I read today that a lot of it is reactive to the announcement that TSLA sold all of their BTC. This makes zero sense to me because it's already happened. Something else that doesn't make sense to me is the lack of money moving out of stocks and into BTC. While I am aware that wouldn't be an incredible portion of investors, I *would* assume there to be enough with that kind of thinking to make a nooticable boost to the standard crab rather than a huge dive, but I also do not know a lot about the crypto shit at all.
SO did anyone ever find/figure out what expiration & strike Burry did
>>55871059Thought it was because of the UK restrictions just put in place
>>55871080no and they did notional value (max gain) so he's just hedging anyway
>>55870972No survivors
>>55870899I hate linefags so fucking much bros. >LOOK AT MY CAPTAIN HIDNSIGHT PLAYS BROS!!!! ISNT IT SO OBVIOUS AFTER TWO WEEKS PAST???Kys.
>>OPWhat would you do with the 200k this nigger probably lost
>>55871152>implying it was his money
>>55871132Two weeks?
>>55871084I looked back into it a little and pretty much every article is saying it was due to actually SpaceX. The selloff happened right after the WSJ published that they had sold off their holdings. I guess the reaction is that if Musk is selling all of his shit then he must "know something" or whatever, but my thinking would be that that he just needed liquidity where he could get it due to his Twitter spergspend.>>55871111CHECKED QUADS OF GAAN!
Not gonna lie, I'm a bit spookedI'll probably just save my money or get in short term bonds
there was a big fat Paige Steele lookalike making eyes at me today.. I dunno guys, would you think less of me?
Friendly reminder that SPY 185 is the bottom.
>>55871152Buy a Miata and use the rest for SPY.
>>55871024>says he's not gay>suddenly there's a problem with a womans armpitsYou need to redact your slander.NTR and MOS looks like it's at a good point to enter. Fert prices are at/near the bottom.The only unknown factor is The Fed raising rates.
>>55871193>Friendly reminder that SPY 185 is the bottom.What's the best plan of action, in the event this happens?IEF? TLT? Cash?
>>55871220I can only speak for myself, but my plan is ride inverse LETFs on the way down, then convert to PSLV at the bottom, before finally claiming physical delivery.
>>55871244>then convert to PSLV at the bottomcheckedBased and /pmg/ chilled. I'm bullish on platinum. I currently have ~3 physical ounces, and some PPLT.What makes you think Sprott is telling the truth about actually having your physical silver?
The cool thing about investing in Japan is that I can lose money on currency weakness and stocks declining at the same time.
>>55871244>before finally claiming physical delivery.basedtried not to get murdered by glowies
>>55871261I'm not sure they do, which is why I'm only going to hold PSLV long enough to claim delivery.
>>55868880>"no i will not hold">"thank you i will wait"Kek
>>55870112damn imagine if Japan were to fuck up and push the big red button on the entire market too with their bonds shitting down.
>>55870232buy TQQQ at closesell TQQQ at open
>>55869943>>55869964>>55869989>>55870044We are doing pretty well, OILCHADs, also OOTT says china data is misleading, on one had all this FUD about economy crashing, on the other hand they are buying russian/OPEC/iranian oil with a funnel in their chink asshole mouths. The amount of stimmies they are gulping will only push oil higher, CL goes to 90 by oct at least!just remember 2008, whole market rallied, then right when the crash was happening, oil rocketed to 140.
It's weird finally seeing this crisis start to play out after anticipating it for a year and a half. It's like I'm living a work of fiction.
>>55871417Just a natural pull back mate, nothing to get all worked up about
>>55871417Lmfao it IS a work of fiction you fucking alarmist faggot>crisisYou must be 18 to post here
>>55871206>The only unknown factor is The Fed raising rates.oh we got a fucking genius over here. that's a pretty big factor
>>55871425>>55871426Look at the bond market, faggots. It's already started and you can't put the genie back in the bottle.
>>55871433Jesus fucking christ are you TRYING to cosplay as a retail bear from spring 2021?
>>55871433Personally I just put in an order for some 30 year TIPS today. Noncompetitive bid for next week's auction.
>>55871438Shut the fuck up, putsRnotDaWae. Nobody asked the retard to speak.
>>55869540I wonder if that will be China's excuse for finally growing a pair and invading Taiwan. Anyway I will buy a beastly gaming PC with a 4090 in case shit hits the fan and the USA still doesn't have the chips factories up and running.
>>55871433Ya, it's honestly not looking good, the short term bond yeilds appear to be peaking and will begin dropping soon, uninverting the curve
>>55871143just use a cash account nigger
>>55871431https://youtu.be/hX0aI5Jz8i8shutup faggot loser
So stock prices are determined by earnings, P/E ratios, Fed policy, interest rates, recession fears, macro economics, micro economics, Maui wildfires, what's happening in China, and the current "feelings" of a hand full of large trading trading firms and hedge funds. Doesn't seem like a good investment.
>>55870044>china and euirrelevant, only america matters. japan was the #2 economy, but the lost decade only fucked with them and the rest of asia.
>>55871456based Asimov enjoyer
Should I all in on AMSC? Seems like free money
>>55871417I'll only start believing at 410. They've done the V shaped recovery on the chart too much this year for me to expect otherwise
>>55871488thank you for your input mr. post #1488 very cool.
Put to call ratio above 1.00Thats all Bobos got, sorry but it's Mumus turn now
>>55871488Yes anon. It's all a bunch of bullshit. The way to win is to understand how the bullshit works and try to get in on the current direction of the bullshit.
/trv/ bros will cruise stocks ever recover?
>>55871456>>55871493Here's a hint for putsRnotDaWae's doxxing attempts: my previous job unironically was predicting the future. You would be surprised who the people on /smg/ are in real life. ;^)
>>55871488Market has the duality of making perfect sense & making no fucking sense.
>>55871515Dude were you a weatherman?
>>55871520more like it makes perfect sense when you're out of it as an observer and yet as soon as you open a position it suddenly becomes a whirlwind of bullshit
>>55871084>>55871059This is what's making me uncertain about the crypto dump being over. There's no FUD which means nobody wants to slurp cheapies and the current "FUD" is in response to the price action rather than the other way around.
>>55871515You are SO bad at it lmfao take your fucking meds brah
Just woke up.1. Fuck off for killing the indices when I went to bed.2. Fuck off for repumping and redumping while asleep3. Japan's inflation doesn't move, will these retards eventually wake up?
>>55871550I'm good at it. Look at DAX. Days a little off, but who can tell you EXACTLY how it will go. But essentially it's that.
>>55871540You should be afraid, because CRYPTO has NO value. It's purely speculative. No real use, but already needing more energy than whole fuckin countries. Just a money laundering and money making machine. And now that everybody knows of it, the game has changed. It's a worse ponzi than stocks, since they at least many, pay dividends. And worse than commodities since they are actually USED in RL.
august has been a complete dumpster fire, and its going to get worse, most technical analysis say we're going to be hurting til late 2023 or Q1-Q2whatthe fuckp.s. just started investing
if you buy crypto you should leave this thread and post in /gme/
>>55871622Just sell and wait next year.
>>55871622Ignore the green peak, I don't really believe in it anymore, but who knows, they might start a small retard rallye in advance to FOMC.
>>55871152Dudes like this make 200k selling subscriptions to actual financial illiterates.Their own mediocre investing ability is of no relevance to their long-term wealth potential. The grift is all that matters.It's important to understand that most professionals in this industry generate their actual personal income from selling subscriptions or managing other people's money. In either case when dealing with outside customers, expanding reach is of primary concern. It is regarded above all else. In some cases, that goal of expansion aligns with posting solid actionable trade ideas. Providing real alpha typically an effective way to attract capital.However, gambling on high beta momentum is also a great method that works really well 80% of the time, and that's often good enough to get a name out there. As is spreading fear, or comfort.Because in the end, most of those subscribers or LPs are just content to get any positive return above the 0% they were getting on their capital. They don't know what else is possible. They have no confidence in themselves, or trust in some invisible hand that will provide passive returns on indexed holdings.And a fund that returns 5% with 20 bil AUM makes more profit for the manager than a 50 mil fund that doubles in value. A subscription with 500 people paying $100 bucks on a whim makes more than 20 people paying $2k to receive serious data.
>>55871639MACD looks bullish, RSI has room to run
The MACD "looks" bullish, but if you look, it was bullish pre covid too.Also, on the DAX there is a golden cross weekly. And that happened 1-2 weeks ago and look what happened. MACD/Crosses aren't that great. I prefer the top indicator KDJ, which is stochastic + green line. Can also give false signals, but MACD.. cmon, look at the bullrun and where MACD was in october 2022.
>>55871674Yeah it was bullish pre-covid and then we got a ~2 year bull run. Seriously, the MACD on your left chart is showing the largest upswing in positive momentum in over 15 years and the lines are just crossing over
>>55871697>It was bullish and then suddenly crashed. You intentionally not seeing it, doesn't change it.I actually want this day to be green. I want to reshort. So please, buy.
>>55871697Also, you don't seem to understand WHY there was a bullrun and that now the situation isn't the same. It's also not 2008 levels MEGACRASH, but it's not 2021 0% interest money printing, stimulus, supply bottleneck bullshit.
Come on guys let's finish this one off
>>55871713>>55871723Yeah see, your bearish bias is making you ignore one of the most completely obvious momentum reversals on the charts YOU posted. Big Money is buying, and while they're buying they're also selling people like you puts just to scrape a little extra premium. Then they'll buy their own dip and leave you wondering why this happened for the 1000th time.
>>55871713>I actually want this day to be green. I want to reshort. So please, buy.My brother from different parentsLet the stubborn mumus become our entry liquidity
>>55871746Yeah, if MACD wasn't that lagging. I just said, the reversal was when the MACD was very far from crossing upwards.I'm not buying any puts and what, I don't trade US options. I have CFD and other EU stuff.
I wish I was a Spanish princess
>>55871763Yeah, I need this to be green. I closed my DAX shorts too early yesterday. US dropped in EU evening and didn't keep shorts open, was tired, cause I woke up too early as today, so I went to bed and missed the drop. So please, pull up DAX to 15700-800 as with yesterday's ULTRA FAKE pump. I beg any Mumu, buy Siemens, buy Bayer, BASF.
>>55871745Indeed. I'm not used to this kind of bear market. It's so orderly and controlled. Like a bullish trend but downwards. The market is resigned to the sell off but it's not panicky and there aren't a lot of spikes going on in futures or during intraday market hours. Tonight's futures are just a collective shrug from everyone involved.
>>55871780As long as no one rushes for the door we will all live.
>>55871780This week was pretty rushed. Last week it seemed to hold, doing retard bounces, but this week caught me offguard with these slides.I myself can't tell the importance of that fact, but people seem to underestimate the meaning of that downgrade of the US for the stock market. I think it won't recover to 4600, max to 4500 for a last relief rallye. But not beyond, as long as this rating persists. And more may follow if the US doesn't change their fiscal policy. Banks are also on the ratings list and when banks get downgraded this fuckin market also instantly dumps.
>>55871790>>55871780>If you're first out the door, that's not called panicking.
>>55871780Isn't this because everyone in the media and the 'experts' are saying>just a pullback bro just a 10% drop bro it's a healthy market thing bro it'll be back up next week broWhile the institutions quietly dump their bags on whoever is dumb enough to slurp them?Once the big boys are done dumping their stocks there'll be a sudden moment where the pullback narrative collapses and we'll see biblical levels of red as soon as the slurpers realize their "slurps" have bled 20%+
>>55871059It wasn't tsla it was SpaceX that dumped 300 million in BTC was what I read set it off
>>55871488Heil Hitler
>>55871780I was talking about finishing off this thread, but sure whatever
>>55871841Nvda better report 11.1 billion in revenue so we can pump again to 6 trillion mcap
>>55871841Essentially just don't fuckin trust the big boys/experts. You are their liquidity. They play the game too and benefit off of you.>>55871488>the current "feelings" of a hand full of large trading trading firms and hedge fundsOnly this
guys why is the market on dumping literally no news lol guise line goes up, no i will not zoom out, no i have not read any of the fed minutes over the last yeardid you guys hear about how heckin awesome AI is? nvda to the moon its oversold on the heckin 2 week 1 year lines bros
>>55871877okay but i want the freak out red waterfall. i feel unfulfilled here.
I told you guys yesterday before market open that PLTR would crash, and it did -10%. Want to know a secret? (Its about to do it again today. Close around 12.)
>>55871905If you are lumposter, I'd actually prefer LUMposting to this.
And action
>>55871929I am not lumposter
>>55871917the market closes at 5 like every day retar
>Japan's core consumer inflation slowed in July but stayed above the Bank of Japan's (BOJ) price target for the 16th straight month, with cost-push inflation likely to keep the central bank from rushing to phase out monetary easing anytime soon.>The 3.1% rise in the core consumer price index (CPI), which includes oil products but excludes volatile fresh food prices, matched a median market forecast, following a 3.3% increase in the previous month.>The so-called core-core inflation index, which excludes fresh food and energy prices and is closely watched by the BOJ as a better gauge of trend inflation, rose 4.3% year-on-year in July, accelerating from the previous month.
>>55871917Whats your secret other than ceo is a loon and I regret not shorting sooner when I saw all the glowie posts about it.
Last week's swings were tiring, but now I want them back, stop the crash.
>>55872033>SPY down 4% from the highsYou call this a crash?
>>55871496LK-99 was a dud. No, you really shouldn’t.
>>55872066>Listening to the Swedecuck shill
>>55872072You are not better
>>55872039No that is what will happen tomorrow. Or technically it’s happening right now. The gap down is going to be so brutal people are going to be stricken blind from it and just hear a ringing sound like a bomb went off near them.