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File: 1005 KB, 1192x964, BAEDD664-DC6C-4A5E-87E7-CF377C8FF7C9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53057178 No.53057178 [Reply] [Original]

Even after staking 7,000 Chainlink tokens (the most I was allowed to stake) I still have a lot of Chainlink tokens left over.
I hope that simple, innocent fact doesn’t upset anybody.

>> No.53057220

Why would holding an asset down 90% upset anyone who doesn't hold it?

>> No.53057225

You tell me, bro, why does it get under your skin so bad? I’m just some random guy buying some silly little internet cubes. We’ll almost certainly never meet. Why would you let that affect your day?

>> No.53057238
Quoted by: >>53078601

I staked 10,000, 25% of my stack. You could have staked more than 7k with multiple wallets, anon.

>> No.53057241

i have no idea man but if you post thank you chainlinkgod based king it causes a massive amount of seeth

>> No.53057247
Quoted by: >>53057257

It doesn't bother me, but it does seem to bother you. Hence you making this thread.

>> No.53057256
Quoted by: >>53058791

Staked only 3k and swinging the rest of the stack. Going to buy back some at 10 cents in few years when the market turns bullish again.

>> No.53057257
Quoted by: >>53057269

You gonna keep dropping in here to tell me how much you don’t care about it? Hehehe.

>> No.53057269

Thank you Chainlinkgod based king?

>> No.53057275
File: 57 KB, 2000x1125, grindr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ai bot thread
when does chainlink integrate picrel API so I can prove OP is a fag on the blockchain

>> No.53057276

No idea what you’re talking about sorry my friend, I don’t really keep up with the newer memes.

>> No.53058038
Quoted by: >>53058804

You made the thread retard
Ps I sold my stinkies at $18 in 2020
Best decision I ever made
It will take you about 60 years to make that back in staking

>> No.53058066

can you stop making these fucking posts?
Seriously no one cares that you hold linkies, no I'm not mad just annoyed

>> No.53058459
File: 142 KB, 945x825, 1607450742885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53058611


>> No.53058566
Quoted by: >>53059782

Why do fudders always know so much about Link and its development? They know all about the crumbs, connections and everything about Link. Yet they always claim to never have owned this "unneeded scammy erc20 shitcoin" or that they bought at ATL and sold at ATH, and of course they never provide a single screenshot of their sell order.

And they keep making tons of threads everyday about some token they don't care about. Staying for hours to reply to everyone else. 90% of Link threads here are created by these fudders, yet they claim it's because "Chainlink Labs Ambassadors shitting up their board for half a decade"

>> No.53058611
Quoted by: >>53074019


>> No.53058633
Quoted by: >>53074019


>> No.53058752

he looks like a very blocky NPC

>> No.53058791

>he somehow knows link will be at 10 cents
>but locks his tokens up instead of swinging everything
Are you a special kind of retard?

>> No.53058804

Why didn’t you sell at $50 you retard lmao

>> No.53058846

Selling in 2020 for $18 was way better than holding until $50
I think chainlink at price in 2020 was actually top fucking 5 crypto in marketcap

So you sell at $18, switch all to eth which was $250 if I remember, hold it for a few months and boom, easy 10x on top of your 20-100x from chainlink
Or just use the eth for defi summer

>> No.53058882
Quoted by: >>53058959

But you didn’t do that so you’re still retarded.
>dude just swing the market perfectly
Why didn’t you buy eth and Btc at $1 you faggot?

>> No.53058959
Quoted by: >>53059002

>But you didn’t do that so you’re still retarded
I've never held chainlink
>dude just swing the market perfectly
When your useless erc20 shitcoin makes it to top 5, if thats not a signal to sell I don't know what is
>Why didn’t you buy eth and Btc at $1 you faggot?
Because I started investing in crypto only in summer 2019

>> No.53059002

>Because I started investing in crypto only in summer 2019
You should have typed this at the top of your post to save me from reading the rest of your post

>> No.53059061

I've been on /biz/ since late 2017 though. I waited until early 2019 to invest because right when I started to get interested the market crashed and we had the 2018 bear
My first purchase was quant on idex under $10. You're not better than me, in fact you're dumber than me if you still hold chainlink

>> No.53059782
File: 483 KB, 2448x3264, 1671512421880992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will retards like you drop this dumb fucking take? Do you think you sound smart? "Oh how COINCIDENTAL indeed!!!" Shut the fuck up. The fud is from brutalised holders who have soured on LINK and are venting or larping or coping. It's plain as day and has only intensified since the horrendous price action set in. If the tide ever does change back in LINK's favour it'll almost entirely melt away. This point is so beyond retarded.

>> No.53059803

That includes the larper itt by the way.

>> No.53059829

Was zeus capital a group of brutalized holders?

>> No.53059845
Quoted by: >>53059897

judging by the fud they used, yes

>> No.53059897
File: 473 KB, 2048x1432, 4DC726FC-8593-486C-9777-E8AF0DC92179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The material itself, probably, but the actual entity wasn’t a group of disgruntled link holders

>> No.53059900
Quoted by: >>53059950

I suppose you still think they're undertaking a neverending campaign. Idle commentary (larping) about selling at the perfect time =/= a detailed 2 year old hitpiece prepared and released at a completely different time in the market. Ask yourself when you think your gangstalking fantasy will subside. I'm waiting for one thing and one thing only and that is unarguable countermarket price action. Then nothing else matters.

>> No.53059923

I had laddered out everything by $40/token
So...no I'm not upset ;)

>> No.53059950
Quoted by: >>53060035

>I suppose you still think they’re undertaking a neverending campaign
I have no idea, they may have stopped entirely, it could be on and off, who knows. I’m not sure why you’re so adamant that it’s all disgruntled bagholders when entities have been shown to attack link here in the past

>> No.53059985
File: 93 KB, 426x324, 3576843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53060006

Beat Chainlink Labs employees, spit on Chainlink Labs employees, humiliate and slander Chainlink Labs employees, steal Chainlink Labs employees cars, throw Chainlink Labs employees into an active volcano, forcibly vaccinate Chainlink Labs employees, rob Chainlink Labs employees of their possessions, spread fake news about Chainlink Labs employees

>> No.53060006
Quoted by: >>53060044


>> No.53060035
File: 42 KB, 605x474, 5a730f7b091f3_fDkZ4fM__605_img_63551faeda803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK has an ingrained self-fud culture going back to ICO. It has performed like shit for 2 years and it has taken its toll on people coming to grips with being sidelined by their own faith. It's such a more obvious explanation than the bankrolled astroturfing Bulgarian illuminati bullshit. I feel the apologists are purposely ignoring the fact that shit performance stokes discontent, and that all only good PA is needed for sentiment to swing back.

>> No.53060044


>> No.53060075
Quoted by: >>53060092

I feel the apologists are purposely ignoring the fact that shit performance stokes discontent
this paired along with the fact that certain anons whom post frequently here are propagating the exact same arguments that certain twitter personalities use in their platform, has led many anons to believe that some sort of paid shilling is taking place here instead

>> No.53060092
File: 7 KB, 231x218, 798498432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53060105

you have to be a complete braindead retard to believe there is a coordinated Bulgarian transexual conspiracy to steal your LINK by raiding 4channel, but yeah...plenty of anons are retarded

>> No.53060105
File: 838 KB, 1464x1643, 4B2C202F-FC37-488C-B004-7E379E8B954C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was at one point, hence the bulgarian memes

>> No.53060148
File: 122 KB, 1162x252, 786432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53060197

Sergey dumped 140 million tokens why the fuck would I care about NEXO?

He made a fortune dumping on retail investors and dandling the carrot in front of us holders with CCIP

>> No.53060150

two very important questions
1) if there was ever definitive proof about this, why didn't nobody from chainlink initiate a legal action against them instead of allowing them to roam free and shit all over their project?
2) why the fuck is NEXO still standing after all this shit?

>> No.53060197

Nice deflection. I’m just showing the origin of the meme.
No idea. Wish i knew

>> No.53060226
File: 875 KB, 670x836, 54657853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a fuck about NEXO when Sergey made 600 billion dollars off us.

NEXO sounds just like an elaborate psyop to deflect from the team's responsabilities plus >>53060150 is right, Sergey probably knew about it and simply didn't care

>> No.53060240
Quoted by: >>53060258


>> No.53060247

Your explanation makes sense. I still think it’s possible paid groups fud link here. Possibly the same groups dumping btc on positive link news/developments


>> No.53060248

Chainshit baggies kek

>> No.53060258

wow you sure showed me with that archive!

90% of biz holds Link you dumb nigger, I hold 6k of this trash and the "FUD" comes from us salty bagholders

>> No.53060288
Quoted by: >>53060320

>more deflection
>posting the inflated hr salary meme pic
What is wrong with you

>> No.53060299


>> No.53060307

>No idea. Wish i knew
so you're beginning to understand how this>>53060035 makes more sense at this point, right?
NEXO still shorting and employing pajeets to fud LINK 24/7 even on fucking holidays simply makes 0 sense to me, they've been supposedly shorting up until at least for 3 years, there's no fucking way in hell they're not in profit at this point
remember muh "short squeeze against teh shorters!1" spam couple of months ago?
I do
my own personal theory is that LINK specifically is used constantly as a dump signal amongst market makers, that explains why there's a seemingly a breakout to the upside every time the market is about to fall off a cliff
market makers used to utilize WAVES and XMR in the 2018 bear to signal dumps as well

>> No.53060320
Quoted by: >>53060447

Imagine being this pathetic, literal Stockholm Syndrome irl.

We're here to make money not to suck Sergey's cock...I don't give a damn about CLL and their whores

>> No.53060447

The salaries are fake anon. HR workers make a fraction of that
I never disagreed that a subset of fud comes from holders. I just don’t think it’s a stretch to say that a portion could come from other paid entities. They’ve literally been caught doing it in the past.
>dump signal amongst market makers ever time the market is about to fall off a cliff
The market doesn’t fall off a cliff every time btc is dumped to prevent chainlink from breaking out

>> No.53060463

>btc is dumped to prevent chainlink from breaking out
frankly anon, after 5 years I don't buy into this shit

>> No.53060515
File: 559 KB, 736x548, 432879342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53060592

I don't care if the salaries are "over inflated", they are still hiring woke HR whores who know nothing about cryptography, smart contracts and oracles.

>> No.53060592
Quoted by: >>53060625

Why would their hr team need expertise in those areas? Shouldn’t they be focused on hiring hr workers with expertise in hr?

>> No.53060625
File: 54 KB, 600x600, 1667079482383742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking people what's their strength isn't an "expertise"....these people are completely useless and Sergey is paying them with the money we gave him

>> No.53060673

>a company that has scaled from a small team to hundreds of employees doesn’t need an hr team

>> No.53060787

you were once canned by a roastie anon tell me your story

>> No.53062166

>so rattled by fudders he had to preemptively make a thread saying they aren't getting to him
>seeks daily affirmation he made the right choice staking for the same gains he could've received on a bank account


>> No.53062326
Quoted by: >>53062349

How do you read the unicorn emoji at the start of her twitter bio? Is that "unicorn immigrant, disability advocate, etc..." Or more like "I'm unique like a unicorn: Immigrant, disability advocate, etc...".

>> No.53062340

Kill yourself fudding cockroach lmao

>> No.53062349

she's a uniswap immigrant.

>> No.53062882

I don't see any point in staking volatile coins in a bear market.
I'd rather stake stables on SpoolFi where I know that the yield will mean something

>> No.53062907

>I think that Chainlink SUCKS

>> No.53063208

You have a point because stables will retain its initial value, and since there is no lock up period on that platform its a good one to use

>> No.53063249
File: 181 KB, 3020x1196, 1641331731701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been going on non-stop for most of those five years.
Pic very related.

>> No.53063310
File: 204 KB, 1935x1663, 1667474678339492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure about that?

>> No.53063315

Anytime an individual proclaims an absolute with a product, exercise extreme caution.

>> No.53063365
File: 335 KB, 867x1280, head stone thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53063397

>go to swift.com
>read cbdc interoperability description pages
>ctrl+f "chainlink"
>zero results

>download detailed description PDF(fuck you for harvesting my personal info, swift)
>ctrl+f "chainlink"
>zero results

is the 'partnership' even real at this point?

>> No.53063397
File: 209 KB, 765x532, 516B4821-8B8F-4836-91B6-7FE3544A3753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53063579

All of us have eyes but only some of us can see

>> No.53063579

So where is chainlink mentioned specifically?

>> No.53063590
File: 122 KB, 1200x584, EE8M92YXYAAHdG3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53063668

It's very likely that the price of link is manipulated by institutions, as well as any discussion of link on boards like this. Many anons have commented on the inorganic nature of the fud here, how these people who 'claim' to have sold their link at $20 in 2018 still spend their time caring about the financial wellbeing of other anonymous users. These users cannot post screencaps of sell orders funnily enough.

Link was never meant for retail. The fud campaigns and the coincidental bitcoin dumps make that abundantly clear. Link was an industry token to be used as the backbone for the smartcontract industry i.e. for the 700 trillion dollar derivatives market. In financial contracts where enormous sums are at stake trust assurances and trust minimising technology is highly valuable. And it's LEGACY BANKS which need this, not the retail investor who in all likelihood will never interact with or even hear of derivatives in his life. The last thing banks or institutions want is retail buying up the tokens for themselves, increasing the price at which the banks can buy it. So of course they are gonna pay jeets to fud the token. They already manipulated public sentiment when it came to the occupy wall street movement by substituting it with CRT and lgbtq among the proles. The banks and corporations own the media, manipulating public sentiment is their bread and butter.

>> No.53063668

Trust the plan bros, trump has won

>> No.53063696
Quoted by: >>53063806

It’s not, and if that’s what you need then you can buy at the same time as all the other redditors.

>> No.53063743

ill let stink shady, a former chainlink shill, explain the current ecospheres for brick level iqs still bagholding

>moab partnership
sergey partners with a another known exitscam project rewteets on his personal and main chainlink page, he sells the absolute top and then gives the green light to dump it, moab exitscams, price dumps to zero autists enraged again, sergey scrubs tweets and acts like nothing happened
>celsius partnership
sergey partners with yet another scam project promising huge apy rewards for no effort, endorses the ceo, does interviews with said ceo, turns out the funds are being overviewed by jessica khater an actual girlsdoporn whore who had no idea what she was majoring in is responsible for over 400m. celsius exitscams, shitlinkers who have ponzilinks on there lose everything, price goes to zero, sergey cuts ties yet again
co founder cokehead mat beele exitscams his own project dumps on linkpoolers and flees to malta to avoid lawsuits, yet another scam project endorsed by king bigmac himself
>sergeys father
a picture captured by a random anon snags a picture of sergeys father in a cherry red lambo huracan cutting up the hills having a great time, yes these link dumps provided the liquidity for sergey to pick his father up a brand new lambo at the enspense of ponzimarine investors
sergey spills spaghetti and can't even properly explain the project at all, looks like an absolute conman being exposed, eric schmidt runs circles around him without even being involved in the project for a couple months, let alone invest a single cent of his billions in the project itself
>staking finally arrives after almost 6 years
locked for years with no withdrawals, shit apy

you cant even make this shit up kek!

>> No.53063768
File: 351 KB, 1170x1688, E2238E3A-8D8D-4C0F-AD15-212AB2C1C63E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53063811

How does this make YOU feel?

>> No.53063772
Quoted by: >>53063806

If 'smartcontracts' and 'interoperability' didn't ring any bells then you need to lurk moar or you just aren't smart enough to get it.

It's also pretty well known that chainlink and swift have been working together for years now.

>> No.53063801
Quoted by: >>53063968

That’s a lot of cope

>> No.53063806
Quoted by: >>53063845

>hidden partnership
yeah I'll wait

>> No.53063811

Sell and leave. Also imagine writing that wall of text and making a voice recording for a token you don't own kek.

>> No.53063830

So we're really at that stage now where everyone has deserted chainlink apart from schizos who think "everyone is seething at my investments!!" and see's paid indian shills in their sleep.
Yep, its gone the way of lunc/gme/bbby
Bagholders absolutely mindbroken

>> No.53063845
File: 2.94 MB, 3135x2327, 1669105807755078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah hiding in plain sight

>> No.53063852

So triggered kek

>> No.53063877
File: 11 KB, 280x180, edmvn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfeg get involved in some trashy project go get useful faggot as crypto payment is the future of crypto and web3payments services makes payments very easy with alot of cashback to make some pussy so wet anon

>> No.53063896

>take your meds schizo!
>you're crazy!
>is the bulgarian illuminati in the room with you right now?
>haha tinfoil hat wearer

These are the exact same tactics used by ((them)) during the scamdemic.

>> No.53063900

tfw you realize that retards like >>53063830 could easily filter LINK and move on, yet they have to come here repeatedly and reeeee about a token no one’s making them buy or sell

thanks for the laugh retard

>> No.53063968
File: 370 KB, 2048x1536, shatlink founders father in a red lambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, your 5 word response was cope everything I said was true
>doesn't even know who stink shady is
gtfo newfag all the oldfags who bought in at 11 cents sold at over $50 and then shorted all thats left are incompetent newfags like yourself that have no idea about og cultist lore. I bet you've never even seen pic related did you know your providing exit liquidity for a con mans expenditures? I would sell but I don't hold shatlink, I only short it, next stop, $1.00 by march

>> No.53063984

holy fuck stinknink token is at $5.55 and dumping.

>> No.53063987

You'd think with all the supposed LINK whales on this board that never sell that its price against wouldn't make me want to hang myself

>> No.53064030
Quoted by: >>53064069

Hang in there dude, Chainlink is revolutionizing the way farmers in Ghana transact chicken and agriculture futures with an oracle Blockchain using live satellite feeds.

>> No.53064054


>> No.53064069

The LINK whales constantly talk about this fucking shitcoin and how they're always buying and never selling as the fucking price dumps more than anything else. They're all lying scammers, the same way 100% of crypto "influencers" are. Crypto in general is just a fucking scam where sociopathic scumbags manipulate poor wagies to exit dump on them without a shred of remorse. OP is one such whale trying to instill confidence in investors so he can take a fat dump on them, don't buy it.

>> No.53064115
Quoted by: >>53064319

I admit I've never heard of 'stink shady'. But I was around to know that 'never selling' was not a meme. I also know that people like yourself who hold link fud the token to keep others out. It's the same tired old memes: HR roastie, should've sold at $50, two man team, Sergey dumps, etc etc.

I'm never selling, seethe harder.

>> No.53064133
File: 302 KB, 1600x1200, blacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schiff buddy where have you been?

>> No.53064153

it's your money innit

>> No.53064319

atleast you have the wherewithal to admit you're a newfag, sure people we're when shatlink was at the cent levels but now that it is down 90% no one cares anymore, no one is fudding to keep anyone out, no one even uses this board, who are shatlink holders even fudding out? No one. HR roastie isn't even a meme its true, so is sergey dumps kek. You could sell now or wait to until this dumps to pre ico levels at $0.08 by eoy
checked brother how are you doing? I'm still here just lurking mostly have been buying up properties in switzerland and dubai most recently. You see this? >>53060278 they are mad about buying glink kek

>> No.53064398
Quoted by: >>53069320

kek I'm reading it now, I posted that it was a trap. Some midwits fell for it, typical stinkers. Switzerland and Dubai huh?

>> No.53064439
File: 43 KB, 657x527, C11D34D7-334A-4513-82D4-7952AF0A98FA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi frens, if you happen to have some extra LINK tokens on Polygon, there's a Chainlink pool currently live on GoodGhosting. Every two weeks you'll put in 5 LINK (don't forget!) up to 15 LINK, and at the end of 8 weeks you'll be able to withdraw your LINK plus a little interest. Hopefully this helps a fren earn an extra linkie or two

>> No.53066275


You ARE salty but you aren't one of us.
Because if you were you would be well in the green as long as link is above $1 .
OGs are just bored, tired of waiting and annoyed at the weakest fud link has ever seen and the sorry state of this board

>> No.53066408

Lmao uncle gayfag is resorting to samefagging again with his alter ego. How many levels of mental illness are you on bro?

>> No.53068324

It may seem confusing to stake a volatile coin in current market conditions, but there are actually good reasons for doing so. Some people stake their coins not just for the rewards, but also as a way to avoid selling them. If everyone were holding stable coins instead, the market could look very different. It's important to consider all angles and make informed decisions about how to handle your investments.

>> No.53068345

this is why im not buying until we are under $1, u fags are still too smug

>> No.53069317
File: 43 KB, 411x418, 1611784597741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know what IDs are you dumb gorilla nigger? That was a different poster than me, I sold link at $18 becuase link was in the top 5 cryptos and ATH in sats abd every dumb normie faggot was talking about it
If you hadn't been dropped on your head as a child you'd know that alts are made for one thing, to pump and dump for more SATS
Keep steaking though fren wagmi 1k eoy lolol

>> No.53069320

I think Michael is the saddest of all these freaks, at least the bulgajeets get paid
I'll give you a couple of answers I've filtered over the years to be true, from the few times I've gotten a fudder in a rare moment of clarity:

1) Turbo autists who figured out the need for externally connected smart contracts very quickly, and who now seethe at the entire world for failing to understand it like they do. Chainlink is sort of like a metaphor for their general inability to integrate with society, where they are rational and right and it's the world's fault it's so irrational and dumb..
These people fud because in their mind the world should have figured out LINK in 2019 at the absolute latest, but failed to, and so they'll seethe and rage at everyone and everything as a way to express this frustration.

2) People who had LINK stacks but lost them swinging, or gambling, or in a CeFi collapse, or who simply got fudded out of LINK back in 2018 and have been furious ever since. They will never buy LINK because they can't buy it at $0.30 like they had the chance to back then, and then basically rage at people continuing to hold because "if I can't make it then neither can you"

3) People who try to profit off taking an oppositional position to LINK. Usually grifters like the CLCG/Honeycomb/API3 guys, or NEXO, who are charlatan fraudsters and basically parasitic animals to Chainlink just like there are many fraudster teams that are parasitic animals to ETH. They fud because muddying the waters about Chainlink lets them shill themselves, it doesn't go much deeper than that.

4) The seriously mentally ill, like Michael, who also fits in category 2) but has now made a large part of his online identity "being a link fudder" and can't really distance themselves from that because it's the only way they can consistently get attention online, which they crave

>> No.53069333
Quoted by: >>53077063

>Because if you were you would be well in the green as long as link is above $1 .
Its not easy being green

>> No.53070762

BTC unironically, hasnt quite hit the 10 000 000x mark but it will eventually

>> No.53070791

he's also siphoning off investor money into his private bank account, he's halfway to a billion dollars already. that's not something a founder does who believes in his project. they sell worthless junk to gillible people, that's their business. same as these "advice gurus" that sell you "knowledge", but with a crypto spin

>> No.53071070
Quoted by: >>53071080

So what does chainlink do? why are chainlink lokens valuable?

>> No.53071080
File: 680 KB, 3356x1134, 1660893058144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53071406

>So what does chainlink do?
see pic

>why are chainlink lokens valuable?
The tokens are needed for every single thing Chainlink mainnet does.

>> No.53071372

We going to 3.5$

>> No.53071406
Quoted by: >>53071438

>The tokens are needed for every single thing Chainlink mainnet does.
the tokens are mandated. it's the same with chips in a casino. are they needed for every game or could they be played just as well with regular dollars? same answer: they are mandated for the benefit of the issuer, not needed in the meaning of the word

>> No.53071438
Quoted by: >>53071475

Firstly, the tokens are need on a purely technical level, since they have a unique function called "transfer&call", which other ETH tokens do not have.

Secondly, the fact that the Link token is proprietary to the Chainlink product means it provides economic security, i.e. it helps with Sybil resistance. You need a certain amount of the token to cause harm, and you can't just buy the necessary tokens because price slippage will help prevent that.

Thirdly, the fact that the Link token is proprietary to the Chainlink product means it is relatively shielded from outside price influences.

>> No.53071475

>it is relatively shielded from outside price influences
like BTC or ETH crashing immediately leading to LINK crashing, to the point where bagholders spin tales of conspiracy because their prices are so obviously intertwined?
>You need a certain amount of the token to cause harm, and you can't just buy the necessary tokens because price slippage will help prevent that
judging by the token price, nobody is buying anyway

>> No.53071514
Quoted by: >>53071533

>like BTC or ETH crashing immediately leading to LINK crashing, to the point where bagholders spin tales of conspiracy because their prices are so obviously intertwined?
I did say relatively.
Link spent two years going up against the entire market, lots of cryptos have trends and pumps that are completely distinct from mainstream crypto.

>judging by the token price, nobody is buying anyway
Completely irrelevant to the point.

>> No.53071533
Quoted by: >>53071547

>Completely irrelevant to the point.
when people inquire about the functionality of the token, they do so because of potential price appreciation
you disingenuous prick

>> No.53071547

The fact that the price went down changes nothing about the sybil resistance point.
And the token can be fully functional and an absolute requirement, and still have negative speculative price action; as seen in Link.

>> No.53071559

so essentially the fundamentals have failed to make the token capture any value, hence tnn

>> No.53071564

The network is still in its infancy. Once it reaches full maturity nearly the entire circulating supply will be locked up as collateral for nodes. Just look at the market cap.

>> No.53071566
Quoted by: >>53071579

How does BTC "capture value"?

>hence tnn
Well no, because the token is literally needed.

>> No.53071574

Link bagholders had a fuck ton of opportunity cost bagholding link. Was the worst performing "bluechip" >>53058804
in '21.

>> No.53071579

the bullish thesis for link had always been positive price action due to adoption
the token has failed completely at this, not to mention that the token itself is not used in tradfi or legacy finance at all
how btc captures value is literally irrelevant to the topic at hand and I don't understand why you're deflecting

>> No.53071585

No, what it actually has is the biggest social media campaigns for Sergey's Big Mac liquidity. Painfully obvious he brutally dumps on stinkies. At least the tech is legit.

>> No.53071589
Quoted by: >>53071598

>the bullish thesis for link had always been positive price action due to adoption
And Chainlink adoption has been absolutely explosive.

>how btc captures value is literally irrelevant to the topic at hand
It's extremely relevant.
BTC's price is 99.999999* speculative.

>> No.53071590

Link has been the best performing crypto asset in the last 5 years, outperforming bitcoin.

The token's value increases when more and more dApps require oracle services, because you need link tokens to pay node operators. Now look at the amount of integrations chainlink has.

>> No.53071598


>> No.53071610

lololol imagine saying link has no institutional ties.
You literally had ehrenfeld sole representing swift at smartcon, not to mention dignitaries from dtcc.

>> No.53071621
Quoted by: >>53071645

>my own personal theory is that LINK specifically is used constantly as a dump signal amongst market makers,
Yea I noticed this in March 21 lmao. Very consistent. If we take the simplest assumptions, and we apply the Greater Fool Theory (which is not a theory, and just true) then the dumbest money consistently buys LINK lmao.

>> No.53071632
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>> No.53071645
Quoted by: >>53071690

Saying "they pump Link right before Bitcoin dumps, because they know Bitcoin is about to dump" is probably the absolute most braindead retarded thing I've ever read on 4channel.
And that's saying a whole lot.

>> No.53071648


>> No.53071662
File: 15 KB, 512x512, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53071675

Lmao i hold link but also allianceblock and quant. Diversity is key in crypto. And so is interoperability but linkies dont fucking understand that

>> No.53071675

>What is CCIP?

>> No.53071690
Quoted by: >>53073131

I bet you hold Link.

>> No.53071743
Quoted by: >>53077156

If chainlink is profitable, why the creator can't afford to buy a new shirt?

>> No.53073131

Link would bounce back anon. I have a decent stash stored in my ledger for the long run, alongside other alts like DOT, SYLO and ITHEUM

>> No.53073953


>> No.53074019
Quoted by: >>53074773

Kek I make Peter schiff APOLOGIZE posts a few times every month, sometimes every week and sometimes daily. That doesn’t make me a bot you fucking retard

>> No.53074515
File: 720 KB, 1125x1849, E96A6F68-AC74-4E07-8B9B-6993314B1F22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53074773

You bot. post again when you have an original thought.

>> No.53074906

Schiff and UncleFag in the same thread. Maybe I should buy link because those two start fudding when link is about to rip, but damn link is a scam. but scams pump the most

>> No.53076915

Topkek. Why not matic, uni, dot, hbar? These were shilled here and considered reasonable and had better runs.

>> No.53077063

It's actually funny because I'm replaying WC3 right now . I will try to finish roc and tft before tomorrow because Im gonna stay at my sister's for New years eve

>> No.53077156

I bet he bought the whole lucky brand company

>> No.53077418
Quoted by: >>53077428

I sitll believe in the tech desu.

>> No.53077428
Quoted by: >>53077443

I mean what alternative is there? It might take forever to go up or not go up at all but I don't see anything better rn.

>> No.53077443

Btc or eth

>> No.53077460

How will BTC ever be useful?

>> No.53077493
Quoted by: >>53077729

Lol LINK is down so bad that even Uncle has reappeared, how are those NEO and XRP bags doing? In 2025 we'll laugh at LINK bagholders in the same way that we laugh at Uncle now.

>> No.53077729
Quoted by: >>53077833

no-one is laughing at uncle. He may have been the only intelligent person on this board and more importantly the only one to actually make money.

>> No.53077775

Imagine losing 10k a day and being proud of it

>> No.53077833

Uncle fudded LINK the entire way up while bagholding NEO and XRP after 2017 and then claimed victory kek, LINK is just as shit as NEO or XRP of course but he doesn't get to claim victory because of that. ALL cryptocurrencies are scams, do not hold alts for longer than one market cycle.

>> No.53078601

That's another strategy anon, staking a based way to earn passive income and I am also doing that on other alts like Ride and Egld on Maiar Dex alongside Usdt on Yearn finance

>> No.53078620

Why not just cop both anon

>> No.53079187

It upsets me, I only have just 1200 and I staked them all.