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File: 751 KB, 1170x1247, 44C47866-F6D8-45E4-867E-4FDF4585B5B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52208288 No.52208288 [Reply] [Original]

The cool wine aunt will have more disposable income and higher standards of living than their male counterparts.

What the best way to invest in them as a customer base.

>> No.52208318
File: 304 KB, 1905x792, cyphersteak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiktok isn't a source

I never heard of the "cool aunt" as a widely used term

>> No.52208325
Quoted by: >>52208502

Babylon is about to fall and you want to invest in it? You know what they say about a fool and his money.

>> No.52208348

Antidepressants from a life devoid of meaning. Men can live alone and make their own purpose in the world, women need children.

>> No.52208411

Oh dont worry they will have Chads, Brads, or Tyrones kid (exactly one, from a male that has maximum appealing sexuality) and be a piece of shit single mom.

>> No.52208454

Giving up alcohol was the best thing I ever did

>> No.52208466

>roasties turning into wine aunts

>> No.52208502
File: 301 KB, 716x474, 1582179810240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52217431

says the precious metals investor who hasn't made a positive return for over a decade

>> No.52208694
Quoted by: >>52208785

Why does 4chan want me to think about or give a single fuck what random whores are doing?

>> No.52208705

Do these women really think they are going to be young and attractive forever?
I remember being 18-19 year old. I had a strong sense of justice back then and even though I felt invincible thanks to my infinite strength I still kept fully aware that this will run out eventually.
Maybe I just forgot what it's like to be young but I predict that these women will grow out of it once they hit their mid 20s. At least most of them will.

>> No.52208785

Because we're out for their money. Read the OP.
You could try selling or marketing "natural holistic" anything.

>> No.52208823

Given how often men kill themselves, that's a complete lie.

>> No.52208854
File: 89 KB, 791x727, Cool_Unkle_Alky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cool wine aunt
ENOUGH - I demand a male equivalent.
gotta be a better-sounding description than 'alky'

>> No.52208860

mostly the Men that feel for the marriage meme and got divorce raped.

>> No.52208866

>wine aunt
i hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.52208871
Quoted by: >>52209928

Kiked society would have us believe that women are the eugenicists of society, and it's just too bad that they're piss poor at it. This is why the jews should be gassed.

>> No.52208872
Quoted by: >>52217149

sorry but Creepy Uncle is the saying.

>> No.52208879
Quoted by: >>52211388

Seconded. I can't believe I wasted so many years thinking drinking was fun.

>> No.52208926

Isn't that a bit copium for not having their own kids?

>> No.52208963
Quoted by: >>52210188

Even "cool uncle" is just a euthamisum for aging alcoholic in massive debt

>> No.52208975
Quoted by: >>52218201

conspiracy uncle feels pretty standard

>> No.52208991

what a cohencidence

>> No.52209074

>owning 2 houses on 1 wage
>not aging over 20 as a womanx
>owning real estate in far off places with wonky rule of laws (on 1 wage)
i truly cant tell which is the most delusional as simply getting by on 1 wage is already going to be an accomplishment in the days ahead
we werent this out of touch with the world ever and we are antisocial autists

>> No.52209077

>celebrity dildo molds
>shitty travel luggage
>wine of the month subscription
>choose your own adventure VR erotica
>pet toys
>slutty halloween costumes

>> No.52209154
File: 42 KB, 640x449, gta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52211388

You made it fren.

>> No.52209167
Quoted by: >>52209951

Invest in becky stocks

>> No.52209914
Quoted by: >>52220999

I have two childless aunt's who have the biggest chip on their shoulder. They literally look for a fight with my dad constantly and make up bullshit abuse stories about my grandparents to justify their terrible life decisions.

>> No.52209928

women sexual selection being eugenic is a complete lie
their own choices are nearly universally detrimental to the advancement of civilization
women are retarded and deserve no power

>> No.52209948

Invest in travel tours for 30 something singles.

>> No.52209951

becky means coalburner
you mean Jane

>> No.52209967

no eggs

>> No.52210163
File: 1.93 MB, 300x388, 1619739972193.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52211388

Based. Just in case you started taking it for granted, remember to wake up this Saturday and wallow in how comfortable you are and how not hungover you are and how you have ALL day to do whatever you want, instead of nursing a hangover until 4pm and going out at 7 to drink (and spend ~$120) again.

>> No.52210188
File: 31 KB, 641x530, a0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52210236


>> No.52210236

thats a fine fucking word tbf.

>> No.52210255

the cool aunt works when you're a kid. then you grow up and realize she's mentally ill and living in a fantasy. all those "cool" stories she told you? lies. all those adventures she had? lies. all the money she made? lies. she works fast food and makes french fries and she's been fucked by a million men and women. lmao. these idiots made wrong choices all through their life. the ultimate wrong choice is trying to appeal to kids. then they die

>t had the "cool" aunt meme

>> No.52210281


The uncle when whose name is mention, the family looks down in silence

>> No.52210742
Quoted by: >>52210768

>The cool single rich aunt
>Who doesn't look a day over 20

>> No.52210768

seething incel

>> No.52210795
File: 112 KB, 832x1024, WOW1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never believe the stories, they are always embellished.
and tweaked to make the storyteller look like a Virtuous Hero.

But listen to the wisdom, sift though the shit to find that nugget of gold.
There are lessons to be learned.
Golbohomo Clown World does not want you to have any contact with Elders in your tribe
GoboClownWorld is always playing the same game.
That is why advertising & marketing have the age group breakdown.
When you get older you will understand why.
When I was 7 I though I knew it all
When I was 13 I though I knew it all
When I was 21 I though I knew it all, and had it figured out.
By the time I reach reached 30 - i realized that I didn't know a goddamn thing.

Wine aunts are your new generation of Cougars, use them accordingly.

>> No.52210842
Quoted by: >>52221995

How do females say this shit and not crying from embarrassment? This is the corniest and least cool thing

>> No.52210908
File: 604 KB, 1170x2532, 4A995BC1-1C8F-4F3F-BA8B-040D1651570B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is certainly a larger portion of millennials in this demographic than previous generations, but this group has existed since the boomers with beatniks then hippies

>> No.52210922

No they don’t. Everyone who doesn’t have children and remains single will wake up in the middle of the night with crushing loneliness over the next few years. This whole attitude is just cope.I know this because I’m already feeling the loneliness. People were meant to have relationships and children.

>> No.52210952

investing in a state operated anglophone media outlet

>> No.52210966

tfw never started but going to take up a 1 wine glass per night habit for the heart benefits

>> No.52210990
File: 10 KB, 251x242, laughing_pepe_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cool single rich aunt who doesn't look a day over 20
The delusion of roasties is truly boundless.

>> No.52211002

Nothing beats a nice wine buzz. It’s like a warm hug. Other drinks don’t really provide it. You have to be smart enough to stop though.

>> No.52211011
Quoted by: >>52211044

>Even pajeets are doing it now
I bet you her parents are chemical engineers or some shit

i dont know that just seems like our biological imperative. most married couples ive seen barely tolerate eachother and 35-50% of the time it ends in divorce

>> No.52211036

Handsy Uncle

>> No.52211044

Not sure how old you are, but the crushing loneliness and regret is truly awful. I’m only 30 and can’t even imagine how much worse the loneliness will get as I get older. I have to imagine that most of these people are just coping. Just go on /r/childfree sometime. These people are like MGTOWs. They claim to be happy and fulfilled, but deep down, they are screaming inside.

>> No.52211063
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>> No.52211068

Giving my heart and soul to Jesus Christ was the best thing I ever did. Now I can drink every so often in moderation through Him strength. I love Him so much I am so grateful to Him. Christ is king.

>> No.52211074
Quoted by: >>52215212

Meh I live alone now unemployed with no money, thought about suicide and decided to sell my guns while I get my shit together, women would absolutely kill their selves in my shoes so x to doubt.

>> No.52211077


>> No.52211096

They act like the victim but unlike men they had a million options to find a long term partner with. For this fact alone they get what they deserve, probably was a cock carousel riding whore that refused to settle for her smv match

>> No.52211097
Quoted by: >>52211173

No such thing
>God let me smoke this meth but bro in moderation.
Don't conflate god into your habits I smoke cigarettes doesn't mean god protects me from cancer., also fairly sure I got oral cancer and throat now at 35 gg.

>> No.52211173

Drinking a beer or two once or twice a week isn’t the same as smoking cigarettes. Nicotine is physically addicting for starters.

>> No.52211178

im sure a lot of single people live with regrets but im sure a lot of married people have regrets and what ifs too. My mom's sister doesn't like her husband because he is a barely literate construction worker and she had to take anti depressants after her first son got married. and this is despite the fact he paid for her schooling and grinded for the family. a lot of people love their kids but a lot of people wish they didn't have them. they abandon their kids or lash out on them for that reason. humans imho don't know what they want

>> No.52211218

>Charles Bukowski
>”””cool””” uncle

>> No.52211232

Not if the male counterpart is in crypto.

99% of crypto holders are male.

>> No.52211236
Quoted by: >>52211388

Dude alcohol is physically and mentally addictive it's much worse than nicotine actually, I can quit smoking it will suck and I'll be agitated you stop drinking entirely you'll get sick and possibly die, it's fine not saying my habits better than yours but don't bring god into it has nothing to do with anything.
Being a drunk pushing god and saying he allows you to drink is beyond retarded but whatever.

>> No.52211253

Women know they have to have children and nurture them. They do it, bingo, all existential problems solved. Meanwhile men, unless you are a two digits IQ consumer, live in a constant state of depression and nihilism, trying their best but unable to perform in a hyper competitive and overpopulated world who doesn't actually need them at all, knowing that all struggles and accomplishments are meaningless in the great scheme of things. Women have it really easy in life, pop a child and your a heroine in society's eyes which all that really matters; self-improvement is masturbation; having "hobbies" and "self-improvement" becomes really old by the time you hit your mid-thirties, and by your forties you'll understand you wasted the best years of your life coping thinking you were doing things your way but following everyone's formula of self improvement---you'll soon realize there is no escape except the rope

>> No.52211260

>Hillary Hoffower
is she jewish?

>> No.52211284

They always sell some shitty generic run of the mill wellness/beauty products (that are probably dropshipped) and somehow they are millionaires in their 30s. how???????

>> No.52211304

>The cool single rich aunt who doesn't look a day over 20 and has a 2nd house in Italy
She lives with her parents and the only house she'll ever own is the one she'll inherit. Penniless will be her middle name for the rest of her life and she'll look like 50 by the time she's 35. After realizing the outcome of the choices she made in her life she'll rope soon after. Probably gonna need a 2nd attempt since she's too weak to even do it on first try.

>> No.52211311

Sexual freedom and birth control ruined women "best judgment". In old days sex implied having a child, so no time for banging Tyrone until they were forty---whores were usually ostracized or lapidated, nowadays they compete among themselves to see who show more skin and who has more followers in instagram. Rules have changed dramatically

>> No.52211322

That's like a man saying "I didn't play by the rules, I did things my way, I never paid my bills, they repo'ed my shit, I broke the law, I beat my girl, I was in and out of jail, I only met my kid(s) once, I'll probably go back to jail, I'm kinda homeless, I live off the gubment, but at least I ain't a pussy."

>> No.52211388

What the fuck are you guys talking about? How is shit like beer ruining your lives? Is that an American thing? I can drink for 2 weeks straight on vacation, in bars, restaurants, every kind of alcohol, from only getting buzzed to getting black-out drunk and then go months without needing a single drop of alcohol. On birthdays i can go hard or chill but it's really only when a good opportunity arises and it makes sense for the general mood of everyone. Are you actual alcoholics talking about quitting or are you talking about quitting the casual wine at a restaurant and some beers at a friend's birthday party?

>> No.52211420

>live in a constant state of depression and nihilism

I'm sorry you have invested in LINK, anon.

>> No.52211432
Quoted by: >>52212719

dtg etsy shop with shirts and tumblers that say shit like 'it's wine o clock' or a fucking double insulated big gulp that says 'this is not enough wine'

some stupid dumb bitch bullshit

>> No.52211435
File: 79 KB, 826x890, 1655072408599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not everyone Rostie Toastie.

Breeders, are like Groomers
they want you to join in the misery.
And a lot of people who have children, have a God Complex

your shilling for children exposes you hand on how week you are, and that you are fem.
Some of the greatest accomplishments were by people with no children, they created something for socierty as opposed to making another useless eater meatbag shit monkey.

The blood of battle is thicker than the water of the womb.
Fuck you and fuck your retarded children - i mean cats.

Hi IQ, Have a (You)


>> No.52211459

im guessing ur European, its kind of a hardcore protestant thing iirc, Americans start drinking at a later age and aren't used to it. also you have to realize Americans have some of the worst impulse control in the first world, if you even still consider America "first world". but i also think a lot of Eurofags are alcoholics and probably don't realize it. when you live in a welfare state you don't have to worry as much about it

>> No.52211471

Close enough, I'm XRP schizo but you got a point there. All I know is pain

>> No.52211476


>> No.52211499
File: 7 KB, 198x250, 5824E0CA-784F-4F2B-8049-87A591D658ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek these retarded threads always hit the bump limit

>> No.52211505

Isn't the "Cool Aunt" a negative stereotype?
Why would anyone want to be the younger version of the crazy cat lady?

>> No.52211508

Okay to be fair I've started drinking at 15 as a German but "drinking" means saying yes to alcohol at parties, first time ultra drunk was at 15 with a few friends at a garden party and I watched the sunrise with my best friend and it was one of the most memorable and nicest experiences of my life until this day. maybe we kinda learn to deal with the effects and all early and get kinda rooted by family and school and so on, so we grow into it responsibly

>> No.52211515

T. Fag

>> No.52211517

Sexpat Uncle

>> No.52211521
Quoted by: >>52211546

youre not prone to addiction fuckwit, but dont think that makes you superior, you have your own flaws. you type as if everyone has the same problems. 95 IQ NGMI.

>> No.52211533
File: 883 KB, 500x268, Billy-Madison-5A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52211539

>What the best way to invest in them as a customer base.
companies already do, thats why theres stupid decor for wine and dog enjoyers

>> No.52211543
File: 739 KB, 1900x1378, Roastie Bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roastie Confirmed.

I said people , not men.

You should be kissing my taint for not having kids.
I'm doing my part to endure a bountiful future for you cats - i mean children.

>> No.52211546
Quoted by: >>52211729

It was a question, i simply want to know what people mean by quitting alcohol, 125 IQ btw (maybe lower now because of alcohol consumption)

>> No.52211548
Quoted by: >>52211918

>trying to control other peoples' lives
>says they have a god complex
umm, sweatie

>> No.52211562
File: 86 KB, 1179x1157, 1665858178430192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wine, cat foot, ice cream, anti-depressent/benzo, sex toys, a rope to hang themselves.

Beside, you could make a living doing basic home repair stuff like basic electric,plumbing and maintenance, things that women suck at

>> No.52211567

If you’re predisposed to alcoholism you can get really bad drow weak alcoholic
Also 12 beers (a day) will fuck with any man
Also, after liver damage, a single beer can send you into stupor since the alcohol doesn’t get broken down

>> No.52211596
Quoted by: >>52211918

He is not a MGTOW or a incel but I AM, and I have enough money to buy a entire bunker of weapons and bombs, and blow your house to pieces, kill your children and rape your dog, leaving a path of destruction and massacres as I drive towards your neighborhood shooting random roasties for pleasure. And when I'm arrested I just pay the cops, judges, etc. and will be free the next day. I GLOAT in being a INCEL.

>> No.52211600

So to answer OP's question, end of life care, at-home therapy, any service geared at retirees that charge a premium to visit them at home. Charge your hourly rate for travel to and from, etc.
I already see it as a financial planner, tons of people who are either childless/never married, childless/married, kids don't speak to them/married, kids don't speak to them/divorced, only one kid who lives 1000 miles away/divorced, etc.
Lots of people depend on just their spouse or have nobody because they separated themselves from family and/or never bothered to raise one.
Back to OP, it's the same fate for "cool wine aunt" who inevitably loses touch with the "kids" once they become adults with their own lives who feel an obligation to care for their parents but no obligation to mom's drunk sister who bought them a bunch of shit when they were 6 but went crazy and burned all of her bridges during menopause
As long as our political system keeps public support for people in that situation at a minimum and they have to drain their savings ("2nd home in Italy" long since sold) to pay for the support that is supposed to come from a tight-knit, intergenerational household, there will be more and more money in
>end of life care companies
>physical therapy companies
>medical industry and pharma
>elder law
>financial planning for people who are alone
>home therapy, massage
>assisted living
Entry level work at good wages available for neets who need quick $$$, best opportunities for those who start their own companies/firms in one of the above.
Strategy pairs well with 1) buying cheap rural property in an area where an aging population is underserved, and 2) convincing your wife to homeschool because the public schools are shit
>inb4 wine aunts live in cities
they return to nature when they stop getting picked up in bars

>> No.52211629

To add
People don’t become alcoholic because they drink.
They become alcoholic because their lives are shit and they can’t deal with or fix their problems
It’s not about drinking
It’s about becoming entoxicated

>> No.52211632
Quoted by: >>52211918

So the lesson here is "fuck trannies"? I've already done my part for the mgtow cause then. Several times

>> No.52211641
File: 220 KB, 1024x683, 5bc5b206-17ab-467f-a0e8-0ea3bd51663c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52211656

Invest in anti depressants

>> No.52211672

Is it weird I got an erection? This have the same format as the usual "futa caption" hentai I read

>> No.52211675

lmao if you’ve never heard the term cool aunt then you are so detached from society that id be surprised if you’ve ever touched a butt have sex incel

>> No.52211710

Chads actually end up worst than us. They end up marrying one of these whores, and they rape them financially as well. The chad become a beta, like in >>52211435 picture. And after she ends up with him, she finds a layer 2 chad, and after that one, a half-chad, until she arrives at you. It is your duty to refuse her.
We, however, don't have any of it, and can end up with more money than chad. If you invested wisely, you can just buy a asian 12-year old girl and marry her righy away. You tell people you adopted her as a daughter, but first time she bleeds you take her virginity and make babies on her. She will be brand new, not used goods roastie.

>> No.52211729

some people are disposed to getting addicted to stuff. Addiction doesnt mean dependent it means people will strongly crave alcohol on a night and struggle not to do it

If youre 18 or something then yo uneed to shutup. Addiction typically hits when youre like late 20s

>> No.52211758

The thing that helped me was getting a stable job. You are around people, everyone is roughly in the same boat, the innate laziness can't let you fizzle out the regular socializing since you have to be there and perform because others rely on you. It's not so heroic of of course, but it was a massive boost to my self worth and gave me a more positive outlook. Don't let the crab bucket of NEETdom keep you down. You can obviously start something yourself, but at least I discovered that I lack the discipline.

>> No.52211772
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>> No.52211911

220! Imagine how large her hole must be. DISGUSTING ROASTIES.

>> No.52211918
File: 132 KB, 950x1024, tb TV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trying to control, only reporting an observation.
Having a discussion.
Parents project on to the children.

Roastie Boogie #2 on radar.....

Settle down Bevis. Kek.
and Thank you, but please,
Seek unrustlement
everybody knows , picrel.

>> No.52212062

Plato's side describes my fascination with traps better than I could have.

>> No.52212124


>> No.52212128

Well it's really interesting. Thanks, chaim. I would not have known a fool and his money are parted easily without these TikToks
Being the cool aunt is code word for slacking off and being a faker fake whore. (Not to be confused with those real whores who party at 16.)

>> No.52212174

>The cool wine aunt
becomes the "Crazy cat lady" after hitting the wall in her 30s

>> No.52212203
File: 3.26 MB, 653x491, comfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boy have girlfreinds
>Men get married
>Legends have depression
I'm so fuckin Legend

>> No.52212338
Quoted by: >>52212563

>If you invested wisely, you can just buy a asian 12-year old girl and marry her righy away. You tell people you adopted her as a daughter, but first time she bleeds you take her virginity and make babies on her. She will be brand new, not used goods roastie.
people shit on this but generally that's worked for countless millennia
older man survives disease and war, grows a wealth to support him and others, and finds a younger bride to support her and the both of their children
really is goddamn simple

>> No.52212391
Quoted by: >>52213629

I side with Aristotle. Tomboys are much better. They are biological women, but have tastes of men.

>> No.52212408
Quoted by: >>52213536

It genuinely makes me happy to see other people realize this.

Alcohol is pure evil. Doesn't even taste good.

>> No.52212420

>1 wine glass per night habit for the heart benefits
Or you could just take CQ-10 and not be retarded There is nothing healthy about alcohol, and the wine shit was a meme perpetuated by american MSM because they didn't want to admit Italians lived long because of their socialized healthcare, not because they drink wine.

>> No.52212509
Quoted by: >>52212778


they eat differently tho. much more localized food chains, less processed shit, more veggies. italians eat better portions too, and dont drink soda or engage in a car dependent (anti walking, which is really good for the human body and brain) society

>> No.52212550

Don't know why but this made me kek so fucking hard and loud I damn near fell out of my computer chair. But yeah, the "cool wine aunt" thing has been a meme for years now. Only people like you've described have never heard of it or are aware of the female trope IRL. I know several of these women that ran in my circle of old friends prior to the pandemic. I don't talk to them anymore because I'm fucking 30 and I don't want to hang out with post wall roasties as they no longer bring me any value.

>> No.52212552

My sister told me to my face she hopes to be one

>> No.52212563
File: 340 KB, 2765x1813, jigaeforpay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52213536

would (PnD)
fuck off pedo. 12 is still too underdeveloped to be hot. no tits, no ass, and massively retarded/annoying.
Besides, azns are pretty into their 50s. hell, look at Maangchi (picrel) - she's in her 60s and still a total milf
>muh times of old
you wouldn't survive a day
enjoy your town and battlefield reeking of shit and rot while your child dies of an infection for the 5th time

>> No.52212605
Quoted by: >>52212757

>woman dated 220 men
>I've only ever dated 2 women in my life
what the fuck?

>> No.52212719

Thanks. You just gave me an idea for a new e-commerce venture.

>> No.52212757

"Dated" is a euphemism for "gotten pounded by". Women will do anything to be perceived as not a whore. Notice how utterly disgusting and high the number is to the point where 50 more logically don't make a difference anymore because she's already waaay past the "dirty fucking whore" threshold but even if that's so she tried to dress it up and reframe it in a more flattering way to make her look like less of a whore. The reality is that she's realistically been with closer to 500 men.

>> No.52212778

>they eat differently tho
It doesn't matter what the fucking eat you retard, Italians live longer than americans because of their socialized healthcare.
Not because of pasta.
Not because of wine.
Not because of olive oil.

>> No.52212787
Quoted by: >>52216179

good luck bagging sloots without booze

>> No.52212799

the creepy alcoholic uncle is what you're looking for

>> No.52212804

This. The one glass of alcohol for heart health has been shown to be a complete lie

>> No.52212869

As long as you don't move to outlaw my right to drink just because you were a piece of shit that couldn't make responsible choices

>> No.52212877

you almost had him pegged

>> No.52212927
File: 56 KB, 717x720, 1577939831894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and same, the only time I drink at all anymore is during holidays
Alcoholism is not a disease that is unique to America, retard

>> No.52213463
File: 98 KB, 1200x693, ssri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes seeing more women in my family on this shit makes me want to invest in ChickPharma. None of them have "real" problems. Shrinks are handing this dumb shit out like candy, because healthcare.

Its sad, but I may as well profit from it. I'm guessing my ill gotten gains from their existential collapse will rise in inverse proportion to female church attendance.

>> No.52213536
Quoted by: >>52213578

You need to buy early, else the product will spoil fast. An unhinged girl will already be old when it reaches 16. At 18 she would have already sit in 40 dicks. Your children will then have the characteristics of other men, due to telegony.

Just wait the first bleeding and you can already breed. Tits will grow naturally, the ass requires coffee. Remember, girls with periods are not children anymore, so is not pedo if you wait.

Whisky is good for trading, makes your mind sharp.

>> No.52213578
Quoted by: >>52213673

I don't know if this is based or creepy

>> No.52213629
File: 138 KB, 576x1024, 1666117630437419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that matters is trigger discipline.

incoming reply in

>> No.52213673
Quoted by: >>52214258

It's not based in any way, shape or form. That guy is cringe as fuck and has probably never held a female's hand.

>> No.52213735

In the end, even the dog lost its home.

>> No.52213872

same bro, very based.

>> No.52214236
File: 448 KB, 498x185, touched-the-butt-nemo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he touched the butt
>so kewl

>> No.52214258

I guess I'll go with creepy then

>> No.52214323
File: 477 KB, 700x795, 1619985897888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting /biz/ you're slacking....
pic unrel

>> No.52214363

ill be 1 year sober this thanksgiving...few weeks away
i just moved houses and wanted to drink to celebrate but didnt, thats the only real time ive been tempted

>> No.52214402
Quoted by: >>52215363

>He fell for the men suicide more than women meme
Women attempt suicide way more than men do, it's just that men usually get the job done


>> No.52214418
File: 49 KB, 728x618, peepee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

psychological warfare

>> No.52214532
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>more disposable income
these people's incomes are from job sectors that will rapidly be replaced by technology in the next 5 years (management, hr, artistry, handicraft, arbitrage, services)
Unironically, my prediction is for women's employment to be cut in half by 2027.
Very few of them have any actual marketable talent, fewer still can be considered sovereign individuals

>> No.52214637
Quoted by: >>52215648

This chart is both faggot tier and pathetic

>> No.52214641
File: 582 KB, 750x1091, DB681D02-0069-463D-9406-C9A781B3482F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do people reach this level of delusion?
Look at her living environment.

>> No.52214650
Quoted by: >>52217755

Wait until you discover what giving up sugar can do to you. It's like going spiritually Super-Saiyan.

>> No.52214659
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>> No.52214669

how low does one IQ have to be to not know about addiction? Even kids know about alcohol addiction now and days.

>> No.52214674

>What the best way to invest in them as a customer base.
Catfood, wine, anti-depressants. These have always been the things to go long on in the face of these types of individuals popping up. Sign of the spiritual season of society. Winter brings spring.

>> No.52214688
Quoted by: >>52219727

>Cool Aunt

Keyword for I want to fuck my nephews

>> No.52214867

>all those "cool" stories she told you? lies. all those adventures she had? lies. all the money she made? lies. she works fast food and makes french fries

>> No.52214920

theres no such thing as a cool aunt lmao

>> No.52215212

>x to doubt
Go back.

>> No.52215331

>be a hole
woman moment

>> No.52215363

women don't mean it. they tell 5 of their "besties" about if beforehand and pop some xanax so they can enjoy being rescued

>> No.52215375

>doesn’t look a day over 20

>> No.52215379
Quoted by: >>52221720

They're lightweights who get addicted. Good for them that they dont drink, but they're seen and treated as pussies by the real men at gatherings.

>> No.52215422

good job mate, you can be proud of yourself.

>> No.52215446

>if you even still consider America "first world"
Based pseud
Bro's just typing words

>> No.52215483


looks exactly like a roasty i know.

>> No.52215648
File: 106 KB, 1024x780, 1664222370832429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Roastie #3 for proving the accuracy of the chart.

>> No.52216179
File: 286 KB, 957x1205, D2D56233-8950-4F96-AB26-D7C3F7E144C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52216523

Good luck going to heaven without Christ.

>> No.52216502

Lmfao i love this place. God bless Chuck

>> No.52216523
File: 2.88 MB, 736x400, 1660992469163662.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck finding out there is no Heaven & Hell
and that the Universe's Bing Bang and Big Crunch
are nothing more than one single Heartbeat of the True Living God,
which we are all part of.
Thou Art God , my brother.
Do you Grok?

Jesus,Muhammad & The Budda are all brothers,
and we are, at best: Monke

>> No.52216560

I'm already the sketchy uncle who avoids meetlng strangers and non-immediate family.

>> No.52217028


>> No.52217149

cool wine aunt also isn't a thing, it's spinster crazy alcoholic aunt
this is said in early 20s and mid 20s but once their friends start getting hitched with kids, the mentality shifts towards procreation

>> No.52217321

I see it all the time. It's just a massive cope for young women with bipolar dissorder who can't keep a relationship going for longer than a year.

>> No.52217382

I don't know I think it's more gay to be thinking of the father of the dude whose fudge you're packing

>> No.52217405

This, its usually just "alcoholic lady"

>> No.52217431

Precious metals aren't an investment

>> No.52217755

Sugar is my next target, already cut caffeine.
>tfw binged on Halloween candy
The peer pressure around sugary sweets is 10x that of alcohol. How can I tell dear old dad I won't eat his christmas cookies. You know? It's weird to feel like you are letting people down by being healthy.

>> No.52217792

>women want to die alone and seethe about men dating younger/foreign women while they imagine it could have been them

>> No.52218201

>conspiracy uncle
Oh shit I just realized what life track I'm on

>> No.52218329
File: 102 KB, 960x720, stone cold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the most vile bitches on the whole planet.
seriously, they should be fucking destroyed at all costs.
they are self righteous cunts with no real skills, and no financial concious.

>> No.52218371

I never would have described any of my aunts as "cool"

>> No.52218492
Quoted by: >>52218568

>the cool tight pussy milf wine aunt that gets to fuck her sister's shota sons
>the uncool loose vagina shrek lookong mother whose shota sons fuck her hot sister

I thinlk the choice is obvious

>> No.52218568
Quoted by: >>52219150

The wine aunt looks haggard and miserable from years of smoking and. Drinking

The mother is a happy plump Milf

>> No.52219150

>t. loose vagina birthing female

>> No.52219458
Quoted by: >>52220826

>women need children
void gets filled with pets until they are too old for real kids.

>> No.52219491

Women are the niggers of gender.

>> No.52219509

Become a psychologist or a counsellor or a therapist, demand will be massive in a few years. these women are going to be all kinds of fucked up

>> No.52219727

Wish I had a cool aunt instead of a "cool uncle", during my childhood bro

>> No.52219768

These are just female MGTOWs. Whole thing is a cope to overcome loneliness and lack of desirability.

>> No.52220589

Open an expensive "glamour" purse brand that you sell at a 1000% profit, a winery, sell stupid small dog breeds that need constant maintenance and die in 5 years, jewelry and feminine watches, a stupid cosmetic brand, maybe also makeup too.
Literally, you can sell any Vanity bullshit product to women, and they will buy it. If you need a good example, just look at what your mom buys.

>> No.52220744

'Unbridled joy.'

>> No.52220826
File: 98 KB, 564x752, biz monpai Security.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a man I am guilty but I wank a monke
Give me one year and I will have it ready for Species World War I.

>> No.52220934

its what a 22 year old thinks of herself in the midwest because all of her other friends are already married.

>> No.52220949

alky-poo hits quite nicely.

>> No.52220968

It also doesn’t make sense in the eyes of natural law for them to be the selectors. Men are stronger we can just rape them and they can’t do anything about it, thus men are the true selectors.

>> No.52220999

Seconded. Both my aunts without children are bitter old maids.

>> No.52221021

Chad fucks all the hot girls and turns most into most into post wall roasties that most men have to settle with while when chad decided to settle can still settle with a 18 year old virgin

>> No.52221098

>doesn't look a day over 20
>drinks alcohol on the reg
LMFAO good luck with that, if she'd take care of herself and become a prime single cougar thats one thing, but knowing these tiktok roasties she's gonna hit the wall pretty hard with booze and smokes

>> No.52221224

Wildly based.
I'm cutting back, I did a few meetings but it didn't do anything but make me want to hit the bottle again.
Now I'm just forcing myself to wean off of it. Gone from 750 vodka a day to 150. Goal is to only drink when someone else is buying.

>> No.52221291

If you're doing it right, the kids will call you "the cool uncle." My nephew unironically refers to hawaiian shirts as "uncle anon shirts."
No matter what you do though, the adults will at best refer to you as "eccentric." If you're really killing it at life, family will introduce you to women at family functions and church happenings as "educated."

>> No.52221486

Wtf never realised so many biz posters drank so much. I often go months without drinking alcohol, just never really enjoyed it.

>> No.52221644
File: 121 KB, 1247x785, 16556072211112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was fake headline at first. Meme magic again.

>> No.52221720

>alcoholic europoors
>"real men"
Holy cope, there's nothing more shameful than some blackout drunk degenerate slurring his words and falling all over himself. Enjoy your chronic illnesses and liver damage tho, nothing is more alpha than that kek

>> No.52221732

Holy cope. Nobody writes shit like this unless they're in deep denial. I don't like using the term, but this is basically the female version of an incel. Yes she gets promiscuous sex, but being unable to secure a long term relationship for a woman is basically the equivalent of a guy being usable to get laid.

>> No.52221741

uh oh *males* seething at FACTS once again!

>> No.52221802
File: 288 KB, 574x561, Hey King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got elected Deacon of my small town Baptist church and there was a no-alcohol clause in the form I had to sign, haven't drank since and while I do get a craving here and there, I haven't drank since I was elected in April. Been good.

>> No.52221980
File: 12 KB, 280x373, DudeStop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your great contribution to society?

Children are a heritage from the Lord,
offspring a reward from him.
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man
whose quiver is full of them.
They will not be put to shame
when they contend with their opponents in court.

>> No.52221995

Some guys unironically believe the "sigma male" thing. This is the female equivalent.

>> No.52222043
Quoted by: >>52222397

are all you faggots serious and/or evangelical americucks?
How the fuck is occasionally drinking with friends and family a bad thing? Or am I just to European to understand?!

>> No.52222394

these are the same women who get mad at men their age sleeping with 18-22 year olds instead of women their age. clearly coming from jealously and fear of competition

>> No.52222397

>every weekend

Then most people also tack on
>thursday too
>and sunday
>and fuck it also wednesday

Anyway you don't have to have a "problem" to give it up. I just realized it was fucking up my sleep on the weekends and that I'd been getting drunk or stoned almost every weekend for over a decade.

>> No.52223302

This is brilliant..