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>> No.59851369 [View]
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-35k shorting JPYUSD at max leverage. I don't even give a fuck anymore

>> No.59619136 [View]
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My parents failed to get rich. They loved living in the moment and buying shit. They do have a home that appreciated in value. They talk a lot about how inheritance will be split, but luckily I'm at a point in my life where I won't need that money. It'll be nice to get, though I won't be worried if it never comes. Personally, I'd want them to just spend that money on themselves as they get older to sustain their lives. My only fear is that they will need to be subsidized when they are older. That'll make me bitter because of what I mentioned, they could have had more money and instead wasted it. To have to support them after that is going to piss me off, especially because they are always hounding about kids which would be risky if I have to support them later on significantly. I've been distancing myself from them lately because I don't want to be associated with the financial qualms of my parents and siblings. They've always fucked me over somehow whenever there was money involved between us, since then I've got a good thing going and I'm going to protect it.

>> No.59369095 [View]
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>> No.58850782 [View]
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yeah sure, my LINK got fucking obliterated but at least i got RWAs that are somehow resisting the incoming bear market and re.al to get rewards from holding
i'm not coping, you are coping

>> No.58423756 [View]
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I swear to God i'm gonna finish Blocklord's season pass first before seeing the AVI mainnet

>> No.58404534 [View]
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>You will live in ze pod and eats ze bugs, you have been a really bad goy, look at the global warming
Inflation is running rampant according to Truflation and the senile retard we got as president is sending more taxpayer money to Israel

>> No.58182290 [View]
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It's so over for 90% of biz who are wagies cleaning the McDonald's bathroom for a living
And with this inflation rate of 2.5% according to Truflation we are losing more of our saving

We are done, just get the rope already

>> No.58116978 [View]
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Software engineer

>> No.57412375 [View]
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Yes, they do still care about inflation data. That's why this stock market rally is happening, because companies are earning profits despite high rates and we're determining as an economy whether these high rates will be reduced.

You guys are retards, faggot retards, and Jews. You say the wrong thing on purpose just to troll but it just shows how much you hate yourselves and choose instead to writhe uncontrollably in shit and vomit while you post and post and hope someone else feels the same way.

We don't. Here's a rope. It's your escape. Do you choose not to? Then continue swigging the shit at the bottom of the bucket which you crabs are all attached to.

>> No.56082058 [View]
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How's the job search going anon?

>> No.55026433 [View]
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>Any hardware wallet has the same issue as Ledger
>I'm tempted to build a fully air gapped system with an old laptop
This is true. Only thing is a fully air gapped system is kind of a pain in the ass. Don't get me wrong, I set one up using one of my old Optiplexes due to all of this mess. But I'm only really going to use it for long term cold storage because I can't be assed to fuck around with using a usb flash drive to manually signing transactions between two computers.

In the mean time I've got unupdated firmware on my ledgers and trezor on the way for which I'll use for transacting.

>> No.54908703 [View]
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What is the most painless way to end myself? I just literally can't do this anymore

>> No.54897616 [View]
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Mushie bros. I've been pretty depressed and have been thinking of going on a trip (3.5g) to shake off the demoralization. The only thing I'm scared of a is a bad trip that leaves me worse than when I started. I don't mind the bad trip while tripping, but I worry about a bad trip that leaves me depersonalized and more depressed than when I started for more than 6 months. I've seen reports of this and its probably the exception, but regardless it leaves me a little spooked. I've don'e 150ug of acid and that was fine. I've heard that LSD is much more kind and Shrooms is less forgiving. I won't have a trip sitter since there's no one I trust enough to take on such a role. I would probably do this in my apartment which is a safe place.

My family has no history of schizophrenia. I do have pretty anxiety problems though. I've done an assortment of drugs in my day though larger doses of psychedelics is a bit new to me outside of the small dose of cid I took.

My intention is heal my demoralization, I wouldn't do it if there was no potential healing properties. I've been to therapy, so I've done all the work I can there. I think I need to go deeper though which is why I'm considering Shrooms.

Should I go for it?

>> No.53700959 [View]
File: 3.26 MB, 653x491, 1625272042702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or it could look like crossing the Rubicon you frickin doomers and it could be for not another 100 years.

What you're saying is we're on the precipice of a golden shining bullrun AI revolution? Count me in. Buying all AI stocks at open. Slaying all soi bois at close. Taking this country to beautiful heavenly oblivion by the end of the fiscal year

Go fuck yourself

>> No.53090666 [View]
File: 3.26 MB, 653x491, 1615345928796.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200k anon here. I'm so tired of being poor. If you one of you kind anons could give me the secret to getting rich that would be great
>get a better paying job
I can't because I don't have a degree and I'm ugly with no social skills

>> No.53040497 [View]
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My nigga is forklift certified and doesn't even drive his forklift to work

>> No.53006737 [View]
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You know I wasn't always such a loser. I used to bang chicks and was somewhat popular, but somewhere along the line I fell out of the loop and now I find myself on this board made up of a bunch of Brazilians, Europoors, and rural hicks from burgerland waiting for numbers to go up in hopes that I can someday relive my glory days after making it with crypto.

What went so wrong, /biz/?

>> No.52785833 [View]
File: 3.26 MB, 653x491, wojak-playing-vidya-rainy-night.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life will start when I have enough capital to retire on stock dividends.

Until then, I'll be huddled in my room listening to the same music, playing the same games and browsing the same dying websites in absolute solitary and saving my virginity and love spunk for a cute girl that I can financially provide for in the future.

>> No.52736635 [View]
File: 3.26 MB, 653x491, 1615345928796.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I invest my 200k in cash?

>> No.52657810 [View]
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%90 here
But I'm fucked up mentally.
You are correct though in your assumption.

>> No.52650886 [View]
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Check dfinity's forum. ICP integration apparently going live this week if all goes to plan. Id imagine its that.

>> No.52620217 [View]
File: 3.26 MB, 653x491, comfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based anon. god bless

>> No.52442968 [View]
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Oh boy. /biz/ is a shark tank tonight.
Should be more careful.

>> No.52415127 [View]
File: 3.26 MB, 653x491, ZoomerDoomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am doing plenty of my own reading and research but I also love to consult my frog frens. If you got a bonus of $25,000.00 and decided to spend it all on precious metals, how would you spend it? Assume that you have no stack beforehand.

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